IRC log for #asterisk on 20100322

00:02.55*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
00:06.16jayteehi beek
00:10.46*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
00:17.02*** join/#asterisk niekvlessert_ (
00:17.34niekvlessert_hello! i have a aastra phone behind a nat trying to connect to an asterisk with an external IP
00:17.39niekvlessert_zoiper works fine
00:17.48niekvlessert_the aastra phone does register, but no rtp
00:17.53aceiocan anyone point to a link on how too configure Digium Wildcard B410P BRI ISDN Card
00:18.14niekvlessert_aceio: i recommend bristuff
00:19.28aceio<<niekvlessert_>okay i will check that out
00:21.14VoIP-Penguinaceio: Still quoting people with things they aren't saying, I see...
00:21.52*** join/#asterisk Miroesq (~Sam@
00:22.27Miroesqhi, i am having an issue with DTMF not being recognized by DISA through the PSTN lines on my asterisk setup. can anyone help me with this.
00:22.32aceiosorry i don't understand
00:23.03Miroesqi am running asterisk 1.4 with a digium TDM-400 card
00:23.08VoIP-Penguinaceio: When you want to talk to a person, just type a few letters of his nick and press the tab key to complete it.
00:24.04aceioi see
00:24.46VoIP-Penguin<aceio> i see     <--- this is me quoting you, not me talking to you.
00:24.53VoIP-Penguinaceio: This is me talking to you.
00:25.35Miroesqcan anyone please help me with DISA DTMF tone recognition?
00:26.24VoIP-Penguinmiroesq: You waited THREE WHOLE MINUTES so far.
00:26.29aceioVoIP-Penguin: i understand now
00:26.48VoIP-Penguinaceio: Thanks!  It will be much easier to understand things now.
00:27.21aceioVoIP-Penguin: i agree
00:27.54MiroesqVoIP-Penguin: I just saw a whole lot of people in the room, but not a whole lot of activity so was just curious if anyone is available.
00:32.54devoidOkay, that Asterisk book references a "zaptel.conf". Should that be a dahdi.conf instead?
00:35.03devoidNevermind. I was looking for it in the /etc/asterisk directory instead of the /etc directory.
00:37.57*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
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00:58.39*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
00:58.43jmcdowellello all
00:58.54jmcdowellanyone have a good read on sip to sip url dialing?
01:09.38*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (
01:10.20aceioany good application for create dialplans
01:13.38hardwirenano works well for me
01:15.49*** join/#asterisk pawz (
01:16.14aceiono  i mean a dialplan genrator
01:16.57*** join/#asterisk mortsmel (~andrew@
01:17.20mortsmelAnyone know of any RT (RequestTracker) + Asterisk plugins
01:18.46*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
01:20.40Miroesqi need help with DISA recognizing DTMF tones
01:21.34*** join/#asterisk igorg (
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01:22.56*** part/#asterisk ecrist (ecrist@pdpc/supporter/professional/ecrist)
01:30.53ChannelZjmcdowell: how so?
01:31.31ChannelZMiroesq: does your setup recognize DTMF otherwise?  Like in IVRs
01:31.52MiroesqChannelZ: yes, it is recognized through the voip lines
01:39.32MiroesqChannelZ: any ideas about the DTMF problem?
01:40.42*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
01:41.51ChannelZNot really.  I just set it up here and it sort of works, although it seems to echo back the DTMF so badly it's no wonder it doesn't for you
01:42.36MiroesqChannelZ: it works like 5% of the time, which obviously is a non-starter. thanks for the help :)
01:43.13ChannelZYou can pretty much write your own dialplan which does the same thing
02:00.13*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
02:06.55Kattypeeks in
02:09.50Kattylooks around
02:10.53KattySIP TRUNK
02:18.49*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
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02:51.38*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
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03:03.11*** join/#asterisk Jhirley_ (
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03:23.04Katty12 minutes until the reconcilation bill is done being voted on
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03:24.48jayteeda da da daaaa
03:25.02*** join/#asterisk mog (
03:25.08jmcdowellare you talking about the heath care bill/joke ?
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03:27.10Kattyyes i'm talking about the health care bill which is being voted on right now
03:27.51Kattywell the financing bit
03:28.06Kattythe healthcare bill was passed already.
03:28.09jmcdowellThat bill is an ABSOLUTE joke
03:28.48jmcdowellIf I didn't have children, I would cancel my health insurance in protest
03:29.00jmcdowellWe can all see how well mandate car insurance has worked out.
03:29.23Corydon76-digThis is offtopic in this channel.  Please take it elsewhere
03:29.29jmcdowellI don't want to hijack the channel on this, if you want to debate more, pm me
03:29.50Kattyi'm not really interested in debating.
03:30.19jmcdowellIt's amazing how little some ops have to say about things like says "Asterisk"..
03:31.42Corydon76-digI could spend more time on here at the cost of working on Asterisk issues.  Which do you think is more important?
03:34.57TJNIIthinks we need a #asterisk-chat, just like how Gentoo has #gentoo-chat. Not sure if we're big enough for it, though.
03:35.45*** join/#asterisk authorized (
03:36.08Corydon76-digTJNII: I believe #asterisk is the largest channel on Freenode
03:36.13jayteetalking about politics is soooo boring, now talking about Asterisk or programming, that's HOT!!
03:36.21Corydon76-digOr most active or something like that.
03:36.46jayteealthough I don't mind the occasional squirrel or ferret reference :-)
03:36.46TJNIIProbably most active, since I'm also in #gentoo which has 700+ users.
03:37.09authorizedpuppet has 269
03:37.11TJNIIThough even then that channel can move pretty quick.
03:38.33mortsmelAnyone know of any RT (RequestTracker) + Asterisk plugins ... there was once a app rt_ticket.agi ... can't find a single trace of it ...
03:38.41*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
03:39.07ChannelZhas no idea what that even is
03:50.41*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
03:50.49jmcdowellYou could always ask an op
03:50.59jmcdowellha ha
03:51.22*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
03:51.45TJNIIMake fun of the ops, that's a great idea.
03:51.55TJNIILet's see how long it is before you get banned.
03:51.57jmcdowellDoesn't bother me
03:52.03jmcdowellit's the IRC dood
03:52.11jmcdowellnot the end of the world for me
03:52.13TJNIIOh, and iirc Corydon76-dig is a dev.
03:52.21jmcdowellAgain, don't care
03:52.33jmcdowellWe should all be critisized
03:53.03jmcdowellI am all the time, I don't typically go off the deep end on those that do.  Tends to make me think,.
03:56.13Kattyk, bed time for real.
03:56.25TJNIINight Katty
03:58.00Miroesqcan someone please help me with DTMF tones to DISA?
03:59.12jmcdowellWhat's your Q ?
04:00.22Miroesqi'm running asterisk 1.4 with a digium tdm400 card attached. when i call into the pstn line using my cell phone, the dtmf tones are not recognized.
04:00.53hardwirecan you pastebin your dahdi/zapata config?
04:01.21TJNIIAre they not recognised only in DISA, or in everything?
04:01.30*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
04:02.07hardwireweird.. letters are blending together.. time to go offline
04:02.09Miroesqwell, DISA is the only way that i can get into my box from the pstn. when i get into the box using the VoIP, there is absolutely no problems with the DTMF
04:02.22hardwireDISA isn't specific to PSTN
04:02.31hardwireare you running DISA() in your dialplan?
04:02.45Miroesqjmcdowell: do you mean paste my zapata config file into this chat room?
04:02.55*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
04:02.58hardwireMiroesq: do that only if you wish for the sweet release of death
04:03.00jmcdowellhave you read this ?
04:03.09Miroesqi have nothing specific for DISA in my dialplan
04:03.32Miroesqi have done a lot of research, but i will check it out now.
04:03.33jmcdowellA quick google search reveals that you may not be the only one that has had this problem.
04:04.05Miroesqyes, a lot of people are having this issue, but i don't know how to overcome it, i went to asterisk 1.6, but still the same
04:04.24jmcdowellthat read I just pasted appers to have work for others.
04:04.35Miroesqhardwire: canm u please tell me more about this running of DISA in the dial plan
04:04.37jmcdowellI am ALL digital, is there any reason you can't do the same?
04:05.11Miroesqjmcdowell, yes, i need to access my box from the outside so i can make internationla calls through my voip
04:05.33jmcdowellYou mean you need to be able to dial in?
04:05.44jmcdowellBecause you could still do that using all digital.
04:06.20Miroesqyes, how do i dial in if i  don't do it through the pstn? note, i am not in the US where i have my voip account.
04:06.39VoIP-PenguinSounds like you need a DID.
04:06.51infoboti heard did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
04:06.54jmcdowellYou get a did
04:06.56jmcdowelljust as he said
04:07.07Miroesqthey don't have DIDs in Egypt
04:07.13jmcdowellSOOOO much easier than what you are going through
04:07.24hardwireMiroesq: I sent you a PM if you want I can help you work on it.
04:07.30Miroesqjmcdowell: read your link, i have already tried the Rx levels and nothing
04:07.44VoIP-PenguinWhy can't you get a phone number from the telco?
04:07.45Miroesqhardwire: thank u so much!!! i will check it out now
04:08.08jmcdowellI will take your word for it, but would love to know why this is an issue for you.
04:08.09MiroesqVoIP-Penguin: I am unaware that they have DIDs in Egypt.
04:08.18hardwireMiroesq: the PM shows up in a different tab in your IRC program, not sure how familiar you are with IRC
04:08.20jmcdowellthe did situation that is.
04:08.45VoIP-Penguinmiroesq: I'm sure the phone company has phone numbers for you.
04:10.21jmcdowellgive me an Egypt number
04:10.23jmcdowellany number
04:10.29MiroesqVoIP-Penguin: I will check it out, but they are anti-voip in this country
04:10.48Miroesqjmcdoweel: +20(2)2203-4444
04:10.49VoIP-Penguinmiroesq: I'm talking about the telco; no VoIP involved.
04:11.08Miroesqi don't get it.
04:11.29VoIP-PenguinTelephone companies provide telephone numbers.
04:12.15Miroesqi have a local number in egypt. this number is connected to my asterisk via a digium tdm-400 card. when i call that number it is automatically passed to my DISA. when i hear the DISA dial tone and press the number i want to call, it is not recognized, but rather just disconnects me
04:12.37VoIP-PenguinWhy are you even using DISA at all?
04:12.55jmcdowellYeah, I would just us "7" to get out to my international carrier.
04:14.04*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
04:14.13Miroesqi'm using DISA, because i'm outside the house when i want to make a call. like driving in the car
04:14.31VoIP-PenguinI haven't been here for most of your discussion, but I thought you were having trouble getting calls into your Asterisk system.
04:15.04Miroesqno, not at all. i am having problems calling in on the pstn line then getting an outside voip line so i can dial internationally
04:16.21VoIP-PenguinHave you pasted your dialplan into a pastebin yet?
04:16.28infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
04:16.48*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
04:18.16jmcdowellI don't really have any experience with fxo cards and such
04:18.23jmcdowellso I am going to have to sit this one out.
04:18.54VoIP-PenguinSo the call reaches * and then what happens next?
04:24.36Miroesqthen 95% of the time the call is dropped after i dial the number that i want to call.
04:24.44Miroesqrarely would the call go through.
04:25.48Nugget  <-- VoIP-Penguin
04:25.53hardwirehmmphm.. my listing for a TE410P+echocan expired.
04:28.05VoIP-Penguinnugget: You think they still have any copies left?
04:28.25Nuggetsure, but I doubt you'll get your free caculator wristwatch if you order a set.
04:28.55VoIP-PenguinI've never had a calculator watch before...
04:29.10VoIP-PenguinBut I have had a TV remote controller watch!
04:30.19Nugget  <-- ha ha  "10 new..."
04:30.25TJNIII had a USB watch.  512M, which wasn't that bad 6 years ago.
04:31.02TJNIII had to carry a cord to use it though, which kind of defeated the purpose.
04:31.02VoIP-PenguinHmm, I got that in the mid-to-late '90s... I wonder if I still have it stored away somewhere.
04:31.35VoIP-PenguinI bet it won't work with a lot of today's IR devices.
04:34.11hardwireTJNII: leet
04:34.21VoIP-PenguinI did have some friends that had the calculator watches probably in the '80s when I had a Casio "time zone" watch.  That watch lasted me a long time!
04:38.00*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
04:54.34*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
05:00.17*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
05:03.26*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
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05:16.45*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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05:44.09ChannelZhmm..Breaking Bad premire was kind of weak
05:49.01*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
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06:12.01jmcdowellhas anyone here ever used a USB sound card with asterisk ?
06:18.30ChannelZsort of
06:19.03ChannelZI played with my Fast Track Ultra for feeding live MOH once
06:21.15b14cksup everyone
06:21.40hardwireI'm gonna go to sleeeeep
06:21.48hardwirejmcdowell: if it's alsa.. does it matter?
06:25.51*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
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06:26.43redaxgood morning,
06:27.33redaxwhat kernel shall I build for 2x quadBRI isdn card asterisk installation? should I choose the Preemptible Kernel ?
06:31.09jmcdowellhardwire : I hear ya, but I have just never done it.
06:31.24jmcdowellI am ordering an audigy usb rather than the low end brand.
06:44.32*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (
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07:28.11aceiohi all which is the best to use sccp or sip
07:29.00aceioi know sip is default , how much work will i need to run sccp
07:29.58*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
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08:11.42*** part/#asterisk aceio (~c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/x-ohosuhnirkaiztro)
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09:12.19*** join/#asterisk Toommi (
09:14.10Toommican somebody tell me where this comes from : snom360 if somebody calls e.g. extension 12 you see on the phone 15 that 12 is being called?
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09:41.26TommyBottenToommi: Could you please rephrase?
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09:48.04ToommiTommyBotton: example: you got 3 extension a ist calling b and you see on the display of c that b is ringing, but i didn't change thing and i dont know what feature this is
09:50.14*** join/#asterisk hakr (
09:50.27Toommii have installed asterisk 1.6.2 with addons phones are snom360 an firmware 7.3.30
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09:53.35TommyBottenAh... that is probably Hints
09:54.11TommyBotten and
09:54.21TommyBottenThere isn't really any good documentation on this :(
09:55.47Toommioh god
09:55.48Toommii love
09:56.14*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
10:07.10*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-fkjzgnkpekvbohgv)
10:12.34*** join/#asterisk cuco (
10:13.23cucoi am trying to debug some dialplan. i am using "noop" but they are not beeing displayed in the logs, and I have verbosity set to 3. What else should I look into?
10:13.44*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
10:14.46tzafrircuco, logger show channels ?
10:15.01*** join/#asterisk dwarken (
10:15.37cucotzafrir: sorry, lost you there
10:17.40TommyBottencuco: That is a CLI command.
10:17.49dwarkenNeed help getting Maximum channels work on a Siptrunk for incomming calls,   i'm using asterisk 1.4  and i have tried the latest svn also...
10:19.28TommyBottendwarken: Maximum channels? ... Are you asking about scaling?
10:21.12dwarkenTommyBotten:  i need to restrict the number of incomming calls   and if they are exceeded they are going to be redirected to another number :)
10:22.11cucoTommyBotten: i know that, but you don't know is that i am tyring to hack around DEVICE_STATE(), and I did not see my "noop" commands...
10:23.07Godfather_dwarken, restric the number of calls into a phone?
10:23.09TommyBottencuco: You could try using verbose() instead?
10:23.31TommyBottencuco: If the other statements are executed
10:24.21dwarkenGodfather_:  i have 4 phones   and i need to restrict the number of simultaneous calls to about 3,
10:24.44Godfather_dwarken, 4 phones with the same extension no?
10:25.27dwarkenGodfather_: nope,   every phone got their own ext number..
10:26.07cucoTommyBotten: verbose is 1.6?
10:26.09Godfather_dwarken, well, i'm not pretty sure what you'are trying to do, but a global var should work for you
10:26.13kaldemardwarken: use GROUP functions
10:27.20TommyBottencuco: Not really sure. It works in 1.6.0.x
10:27.20dwarkenkaldemar:  i have read about it but i really dont get it.. :)   i have build and installed asterisk with the newsest groupcount that should fix it but i dosent.. :)
10:28.39kaldemardwarken: you need to use the functions in your dialplan and tell asterisk what to do. if you already have something you've done, pastebin it and someone will surely tell you what you're missing.
10:28.44cucoTommyBotten: you might guess what i am going to tell you now :)
10:29.08TommyBottencuco: You are running 1.0? :D ... Or 1.4 doesn't have it?
10:29.20redaxis dahdi wcb4xxp works for Junghanns QuadBRI ? (formely qozap)
10:29.52cucoTommyBotten: don't remind m the good old days of 1.0.11 ... nope, 1.4.29 does not have it
10:40.45*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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10:43.31TommyBottenIs there a way to preserve a channel variable from context,s,n to context,h,n ? I'm using Asterisk and the built in lua interpreter.
10:44.53kaldemara context change is irrelevant, what matters is the channel.
10:46.18TommyBottenok. Well, the context is the same. And the channel is hung up as 'h' is initiated.
10:46.51TommyBottenWill all variables be empty once 'h' is called?
10:47.11TommyBottenSorry.. bad explanation
10:47.29TommyBottenI can get to default variables. But the ones i create myself, are empty.
10:59.39*** join/#asterisk cm_ (
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11:29.43adnchello, i've a voicemailbox set up. when someone calls and reaches the voicemail the voicemail answers with the internal number announcing "3322 is not available etc..." is it possible to have the voicemail answer announce my external number?
11:30.44*** join/#asterisk dennisG (~dennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:213:2ff:fe56:e380)
11:31.03redaxhm. in testing or squeeze why the heaven I cant specify bigger Start value than 19
11:31.14redaxsorry wrong place
11:45.24Toommihey i got an other question i use Set(DEVICE_STATE(device)=ONHOLD); to show something with the leds on snom 360 but if the dev state ist onhold i can't use the key anymore :/ any ideas?
11:51.46*** join/#asterisk otavio (~otavio@debian/developer/otavio)
11:53.12dwarkeni need help on making a dialplan for limiting incomming calls,   there is some info on what i'm trying to do...  hope someone can help..   I'm using SIP/VOIP
11:53.29dwarkenusing asterisk 1.4 BTW
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12:01.55TommyBottendwarken: Is it just the one extension, or is it several?
12:02.58kaldemardwarken: you're setting group to ${CALLERID(num)} but checking a group called ${EXTEN}. those don't match.
12:03.29dwarkenTommyBotten:  i have extension  600  that is a ringgroup of the phones in this house..  if more than 3 calling  then they have to be redirected to extension number 900  ringgroup of another company..
12:03.47dwarkenkaldemar: i couldnt find much info on how to make it.. :)
12:05.57*** join/#asterisk dwarken (
12:10.42TommyBottenIsn't it possible to use queues for this instead?
12:11.09dwarkenTommyBotten:   i wish i knew how..     :)  The extension number 900  is a local telephone number in my country...
12:11.31dwarken900  dials another number...
12:12.39TommyBottenIf you create a queue with three agents, ringall strategy, and a maximum amount of callers in the queue to three. and then just pass the rest on to the 900-number
12:12.45*** part/#asterisk hackt0r (
12:12.52TommyBottenThat should fix it, as far as I have understood your issue
12:13.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:17.07sarthorHi, I am very much now to asterisk, but know 2 out of 10 about linux. i want to install/configure asterisk server just for learning in my home, I have 4 MB DSL line and Modem, i have 4 computers, I have computer installed with Ubuntu server 9.10, and i can install any OS for learning asterisk installation, i have an extra pc with 160GB hard, 2 GB ram p4 mother board.. what more i will need ..
12:17.31sarthorHi, I am very much new to asterisk, but know 2 out of 10 about linux. i want to install/configure asterisk server just for learning in my home, I have 4 MB DSL line and Modem, i have 4 computers, I have computer installed with Ubuntu server 9.10, and i can install any OS for learning asterisk installation, i have an extra pc with 160GB hard, 2 GB ram p4 mother board.. what more i will need ..
12:21.46dwarkenTommyBotten:   i'll try that...   :) Thx
12:22.00TommyBottenYou don't really need anything else. If you have two computers with a recent ubuntu server, you can just do 'apt-get install asterisk', and you will have a plain installation.
12:22.31TommyBottensarthor: From there on, you should probably start linking two servers together and route telephone calls through them.
12:22.51[TK]D-Fendersarthor: Your modem is useless with Asterisk.  You'll need other equipment if you want to connec to physical lines.  Other than that... * is juse software
12:23.57sarthorWill i need to purchase some service too?
12:24.22[TK]D-Fendersarthor: Only if yuo want a service that costs
12:25.02[TK]D-Fendersarthor: You certainly don't need one to learn *
12:25.52sarthorI actually want to the people call my number, and they connect to some automatic server, and after pressing desired button the call get redirect to any desired extention.
12:28.03TommyBottenIn that case you need a SIP vendor or a hw card and ISDN/analog/... line
12:28.16TommyBottenSIP provider is usually the simplest and cheapest
12:28.57dwarkenTommyBotten:  i dont think it works with a queue  i think i need to give some more info....  i need to limit so that i can only talk to 3 ppl that is calling at the same time... if more ppl calling while the 3 lines a busy then it has to be redirected.. :)
12:30.36[TK]D-Fendersarthor: And how does your "number" arrive at your server?
12:31.42sarthor[TK]D-Fender,  my number is a normal landline number, i dont need any special number, like 111 111 111. just a test.
12:32.24[TK]D-Fendersarthor: I asked how it ARRIVES at your server
12:33.28dwarkenkaldemar:   is this better??
12:33.36sarthor[TK]D-Fender, i am not able to get your question, Sorry bro.
12:34.40[TK]D-Fendersarthor: .... what phsycial line, or internet service, etc physically carries this call to your server?  Do you already already have this "number"?
12:34.46TommyBottenAs of now it doesn't
12:34.54TommyBottenehm.. sorry, wrong window :>
12:37.17*** join/#asterisk rossand (
12:38.42redaxtrying to install a Junghanns quad BRI card using dahdi/wcb4xxp
12:39.06redaxthe driver recognises the cards, just no L1 link and so on.
12:39.23redaxdo you have any idea what did I missconfigured?
13:20.05*** join/#asterisk infobot (
13:20.05*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
13:20.06redaxnow I tried the trunk dahdi, it detects the cards, but no L1 Link on the interfaces
13:21.13mchouIs there a free online tool to help me understand where the bottleneck is coming from?  I've got terrible latency
13:21.45TommyBottenmchou: 'the' bottleneck?
13:21.53mchouTommyBotten: heh
13:22.02mchouTommyBotten: you're right of course
13:22.13mchoucould be plenty of places
13:22.28*** join/#asterisk sjb_gt (~sachajber@
13:22.45mchouTommyBotten: but something very very wrong here as they say :)
13:23.46TommyBottenDid you explain your issue? ... I can't find any in the chat logs... what is the problem?
13:25.46mchouTommyBotten: What's there to explain? I've got rtp latencies that exceed 350ms on echo test to remote * server.  Need a tool to help me diagnose and solve the bottleneck.
13:26.27mchouTommyBotten: basic qualify the network stuff
13:28.15Guggeand the network is fine?
13:28.35TommyBottenmchou: how about the SIP-messages?.. same latency?
13:28.37*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
13:28.43mchouGugge: umm, I trying to figure out if the network is fine
13:29.04mchouTommyBotten: I dont care if sip messages have latency
13:29.26TommyBottenof course you do. It is an indicator of network issues.
13:29.29mchouthat's nowhere as important as minimizing rtp latency
13:29.31Guggemchou: maybe the latency on the sip messages can tell you something to help you fix the rtp latency, so _care_
13:29.34Toommican i use sendtext to send a text to an extension ?^^
13:29.36*** part/#asterisk manxpower (~ewieling@
13:30.49mchouGugge: maybe?
13:31.22Guggemchou: depending on what the latency is, it could help you
13:31.34mchouGugge: let's just say I have SIP latency.  how exactly does that tell me how to fix my rtp latency?
13:31.35Guggeso when someone trying to help you ask about it, dont say you dont care
13:31.42Guggefind out, and answer
13:31.52TommyBottenUsing a simple 'sip show peers' should give you the SIP latency in the right column (status)
13:32.16mchouyou guys are rich
13:32.16beekhugs Katty
13:32.22Kattyhugs beek
13:32.24dennisGmchou just try wireshark/tshark for the packet stuff and traceroute for the pings between hops ;)
13:32.40TommyBottenYou know what... with that attitude, screw you...
13:32.46Guggemchou: if everything is lagging, i would say its the network, or the machine running asterisk thats lagging
13:32.50mchoudennisG: yeah, exactly :)
13:33.16Guggemchou: if only rtp is lagging, then the network is probably fine
13:33.34Guggemchou: but i can only guess, as i dont have access to your network :)
13:34.11*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
13:34.25mchouGugge: please, I don't think I need your help
13:34.42dennisG:/ he mate, he's trying to help you :S
13:35.10Guggemchou: fine, but if you want it im here.
13:35.31Guggemchou: but there is no tool that can tell you where your problem is just by running it
13:35.45mchouGugge: I didn't ask for that
13:35.48dennisGyeah gugge tell him :P
13:36.05Gugge"<mchou> Is there a free online tool to help me understand where the bottleneck is coming from?  I've got terrible latency" <- okay
13:36.19*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
13:36.53TommyBottenmaybe you can find it as software as a service somewhere :D
13:37.03dennisGhaha :P
13:37.05mchouyeah, a free tool for simulateling an rtp stream, jitter, whatever
13:37.16mchouit aint rocket science
13:37.45Guggeyou allready have the perfect tool, a sip device and asterisk :)
13:37.57dennisGmchou, just call from extension to extension and keep the line open :P
13:38.12dennisGplay some music on hold or something like that
13:38.15mchouyou guys make my look like I'm the idiot but you guys obviously have no idea about voip network qualification
13:38.28dennisGopen wireshark and just sit back and enjoy the thousands RTP packets !
13:38.43Guggemchou: how would an online tool running on the public internet tell you about _your_ network qiality ?
13:38.54dennisGmchou, if you think that :P
13:39.27mchoumy network quality?  I have no latency on my LAN :)
13:39.44TommyBottendennisG is perfectly right. Establish a call, use wireshark/similar and watch those packets.
13:39.48mchouwho's on first?
13:40.33Guggemchou: by "your network" i mean the path between your equipment
13:40.41mchouoh lord
13:40.51Guggebut you did not tell is anything about where your asterisk is, so im just guessing
13:41.00mchouGugge: Like I said b4, I dont need your help
13:41.03*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
13:41.09Guggethen shut up :)
13:41.24dennisGhaha :P
13:41.24TommyBottenGugge: Give it up. this guys cup is already full.
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13:42.28dennisGyeah :) he doesn't need our help
13:42.44dennisGhe knows how to fix it
13:42.44dennisGi guess...
13:43.43mchoulet's forget "free"
13:43.55mchouwhat are commercial tools that do this?
13:44.00mchoucause they exist
13:44.16Guggeim still not sure what you want to do :)
13:44.24mchouIf you really know your shit
13:44.47dennisGjust shut up mchou, or try to listen and be nice!
13:44.50Guggei really want to help you, but you have to tell us what you need :)
13:44.55TommyBottenYeah, you can get them off wallmarts. Along with the rest of the tools that fixes vague and non-defined problems
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13:45.37Guggemchou: there _is_ one online tool that can help you with most problems though
13:45.42Kattyhi leifmadsen
13:45.42dennisGyou really need some packet sniffing tools, network analyze tools and some local system tools ;)
13:45.45Guggecan you guess what tool im referring to? :)
13:45.47mchouthe problem is well defined.  on calls betw. voip provider and myself there are latencies exceeding 350ms
13:45.55mchoui.e. echo test
13:46.09mchouhow is this not a well defined problem?
13:46.10Guggemchou, super, and what about icmp ping packets, do they have latency too?
13:46.19Guggeand sip messages
13:46.19Kattyleifmadsen: are you also cranky this morning?
13:46.25Guggeor is it only rtp packets
13:46.30Kattyleifmadsen: thank goodness.
13:46.37leifmadsenjust need some coffee :)
13:46.38TommyBottenleifmadsen: In that case, let us not ruin your morning
13:46.57Kattyleifmadsen: i went and got some tea this morning, but i've not touched it yet
13:46.57Guggeleifmadsen: may i recommend that you log off before mchou ruins your day then :P
13:47.06leifmadsenI worked on some asterisk documentation, and now I'm just catching up on news and email
13:47.08Kattywhy don't you guys just simmer down.
13:47.18Guggeill be nice now :)
13:47.19Kattybefore i send you to seperate corners.
13:47.40Kattyleifmadsen: do you reddit
13:47.57leifmadsenI can easily ignore an IRC room if it starts to bother me. I have better ways of helping people out than getting into a bitchfest in here :)
13:48.23leifmadsenKatty: no, I just look at
13:48.29Kattyleifmadsen: ahh
13:48.33leifmadsenand watch CBC news, CP24, etc...
13:59.45dwarkenleifmadsen   dk?
14:01.26Kattywonders if mister limbaugh will now be leaving cape girardeau and heading to costa rica
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14:06.14leifmadsendwarken: CA
14:06.21*** part/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
14:06.39dwarkenleifmadsen: ok...   :)
14:15.45Toommican i use sendtext to send a text to an extension ? :>
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14:21.01KattyToommi: yes, if the 'channel' connecting you to the other end supports it.
14:21.06KattyToommi: that's a bit rare.
14:21.50*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:22.26KattyToommi: i don't think it's going to be what you're really expecting, but feel free to give a shot.
14:25.22*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (~shinao1@
14:25.27shinao1hi guys, i wonder, after editing dundi.conf, extensions_custom.conf and {iax_additional|iax_custom}.conf, and creating a dundi trunk, what else do i need to get the servers to talk to each other ok? I have my servers able to lookup extensions and query each other fine, but i cant get them to talk. What am i  missing?
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14:29.46Toommithanks katty i'll give it a try ;)
14:32.47Kattydoes anyone buy tea commercial, by the gallon
14:32.51patrbshinao1: If you can do dundi lookups, they are talking.
14:32.52*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
14:33.17shinao1sorry patrb i meant i cant terminate calls between the servers
14:33.44patrbshinao1: Thats what I thought, I use a macro to check if an extension is local, if not it gets passed to the appropriate box
14:33.49shinao1i get errors everytime i try to call
14:33.59patrbshinao1: pastebin the errors
14:34.00[TK]D-Fender~areyouadog ?
14:34.01infobotBark! Bark!
14:34.10Kattyinfobot: areyouacat
14:34.11[TK]D-Fenderinfobot: Good boy!
14:34.11infobot[TK]D-Fender: :)
14:34.19infobot[TK]D-Fender: :)
14:34.27*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
14:34.32Kattyhi Maliuta
14:35.14shinao1i get an 'all-circuits-are-busy' or 'number-cannot-be-dialled' errors
14:35.41*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
14:36.17patrbshinao1: have you looked at this: ?
14:36.48[TK]D-Fendershinao1: Got a pastebin of the complete call that failed?
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14:37.46shinao1i wish i could pastebin :-( sorry
14:38.09shinao1i did go through that howto
14:38.09[TK]D-Fendershinao1: And why can't you?
14:38.41shinao1i dont have access to the servers right now, im away from site
14:39.03patrbshinao1: ssh is brilliant
14:39.04[TK]D-Fendershinao1: Then ask again when you're in a position to do something about it.
14:40.31patrbshinao1: I suggest you study that pdf until you're on site's extremely helpful
14:40.53shinao1the pdf was one of the source materials i used to setup my deployment
14:40.55*** part/#asterisk Uazz_Z (~sebastian@
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14:41.25shinao1im just curious.. do i need to setup any routes or trunks beyond the dundi and iax2 trunks?
14:42.03*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
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14:42.45Maliutagreeting Katty
14:42.54Kattytinkers with the new linksys spa 941 she got in
14:46.12AvenSomebody uses SFA for
14:47.00Kattythe dtmf is also garbled
14:47.06Kattyso this definately isn't a polycom only issue
14:47.40*** join/#asterisk davix (~abutbul@
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14:52.28patrbshinao1: you'll need to create a new context which holds all of the extensions that can be looked up by the other server
14:52.37Kattynow to see what Sangoma says
14:54.24davixhow do I enable g722 on my asterisk (elastix +asterisk 1.6
14:54.40davixAsterisk 1.4.29
14:54.45patrbshinao1: it sounds like you havent finished configuring your dialplan if its getting busy...but its hard to say until we can see a pastebin of your error
14:55.05*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:55.27shinao1ok patrb ill check and ill ask again later. thanks
14:56.41rttreyKatty, Is that a new birdhouse I see on the Critter Cam?
14:57.14*** join/#asterisk TommyBotten (tommy@
14:58.14[TK]D-Fenderdavix: * 1.4 only supports G.722 in passthrough mode
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14:58.33[TK]D-Fenderdavix: and its a codec youw allow/disallow just like any other
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15:00.51coppiceits wideband. its a codec you allow/disallow like no other
15:01.44[TK]D-Fendercoppice: itz speshul
15:02.17Kattyrttrey: well. that's a rerun, but yes.
15:02.20Kattyrttrey: sort of.
15:02.34Kattyrttrey: i had it on the pole for awhile, and moved it in hopes of keeping the squirrels off it. sadly, it's a lost cause.
15:02.53Kattyrttrey: i'm going to take it down later this week, when it's empty
15:04.07*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:04.33Kattyrttrey: i did mix corn, peanuts, and sunflower seeds in all the feeders.
15:04.58Kattyrttrey: but the sunflower 'shells' were all over the place and i got tired of sweeping the porch every other day to keep it clean and from getting tracked in all over the house
15:05.16Kattyrttrey: so i just did corn and peanuts for the squirrels...and decided to put just sunflowers in the feeder on the pole.
15:05.34Kattyrttrey: but the squirrels really love the sunflower seeds, so now they climb onto the pole to get at them, and scare the birds off in the process
15:06.03Kattyrttrey: thusly, i'm going to 'give up' and put sunflower hearts back in the shell (=
15:07.25*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
15:07.42Kattyhi Naikrovek
15:07.45Naikrovekgot a quote from a polycom reseller in India today.
15:07.47NaikrovekHi Katty.
15:07.52Naikrovekthey charge MORE than MSRP per phone
15:07.54Kattyis it through the roof?
15:08.02Kattymust be supply and demand
15:08.11Naikroveki doubt it
15:08.16Naikrovekwell maybe
15:08.17Naikrovekbut i doubt it
15:08.38Naikrovekthey charge more than 2x what i can get those phones for in the US
15:08.57rttreyKatty: Ahh ok so that was the one on the pole. Well thanks for clarifying =)
15:14.06coppiceNaikrovek: there are pretty high import duties in india, so that explains a part of the difference
15:14.19*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
15:14.33Naikroveki can buy here and ship there and pay duty and still be $50 per phone less than them at least
15:14.42bmoraca_workgoddamn datacenter is going to be the death of me.
15:14.54Kattyconsiders what to mix together next time around for the critters.
15:15.04Kattybmoraca_work: take a very deep breath
15:15.11Kattybmoraca_work: then scream until your lungs hurt
15:15.14Kattybmoraca_work: you will feel better
15:16.05vader--bmoraca why is that?
15:16.10bmoraca_workkeep killing power to our cabinet at night...then when they bring it back up it either blows the power supplies in our equipment or friday it blew the circuit breaker in the cabinet.  worst of all is that they never TELL us that they're doing it, so we don't hear about it until our customers complain
15:16.24*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
15:16.35vader--why are they killing the power?
15:16.50bmoraca_workgood fucking question.  and I intend to ask them.  pointedly
15:17.00Kattywoah woah now
15:17.02vader--might want to invest in some UPSs
15:17.16Kattyi know you're quite upset, but there's no need for that
15:17.43bmoraca_workvader--: i'm paying $300/mo for supposedly clean power on a UPS with a deisel generator...i shouldn't need UPSes
15:18.11davix[TK]D-Fender: thanks, got it working
15:19.14Kattybmoraca_work: :<
15:19.21Kattybmoraca_work: would you like a hug?
15:20.11filehugs Katty randomly
15:20.37Kattyhugs file, not so randomly.
15:21.40Kattyfile: you're an apple person--do you have an ipod nano?
15:21.54fileI do not
15:22.04chazzamwait, you're an apple person?
15:22.07fileI have an iPod Touch for day to day/trips and an iPod Shuffle for the gym
15:22.39Kattyfile: fyi, i think that nike plus thing will work with ipod touch
15:23.00Kattyfile: i paid 30US for it
15:23.13Kattyfile: keeps track of your walking/running/time/calories/distance
15:23.14fileKatty: I think it doesn't work with the 1st gen, which is what I have
15:23.20Kattyfile: kay
15:23.27chazzampoor file
15:23.46chazzamfile, I have a nano, I'd consider swapping, for you
15:23.49Kattyfile: this is my first Apple product.
15:23.54fileeep! no :P
15:24.09Kattyfile: it's...okay. i was somehow expecting it to do more tho
15:24.10Qwellyou want to swap an iPod nano for file?
15:24.14Qwellthat's a good deal..
15:24.26Kattyhi Qwell
15:24.34Kattyfile: it needs built in wireless connectivity, and a browser.
15:24.39Qwellwaits 36 hours to respond to Katty
15:24.53KattyQwell: how is your toe doing anyway? you all healed up yet
15:25.04QwellKatty: yeah, it was fine
15:25.18Kattyexcellent. i am happy to hear you are not perminently damaged.
15:25.18Qwellwasn't broken - just hurt like hell
15:25.20fileQwell: Mr. Oh it's broken!
15:25.25fileQwell: :P
15:25.26Qwellfile: It felt broken!
15:25.40Qwellbesides, I've moved on to a different thing to think I have wrong with me.
15:25.40KattyQwell: did they do xrays and whatnot
15:25.51QwellKatty: yes.  they even gave me drugs.
15:26.16KattyQwell: i think drugs is a common procedure when in pain tho, yes?
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15:26.26QwellKatty: in AL it is, apparently
15:26.34KattyQwell: here too.
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15:27.17KattyQwell: here they also like to stick you on SSRIs for so much as a scowl.
15:27.18Kattyhi Deeewayne
15:27.33DeeewayneKatty, hey!
15:28.11Kattyfile: i don't like how they put a special connector on this thing
15:28.15Kattyfile: should've been usb
15:28.47Kattyfile: or at least an additional miniusb port
15:29.38Kattyfile: i also don't like that it can only sync with one machine
15:29.41fileKatty: using a standard connector? pfft
15:29.43filecrazy talk
15:29.55Kattyyes, i know....
15:30.04Kattyheaven forbid anything be standardized :<
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15:32.49Kattyoh here we go. if i put it in manual mode i can sync with multiple machines
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15:36.24Kattyfile: and why do they have to be 4 letters?
15:36.36Kattyfile:  i don't understand the purpose of renaming all your audio files to 4 letters
15:36.52fileKatty: to keep them sekret!
15:37.14Kattyfile: that's not very secrety
15:37.20Kattyfile: it's just odd.
15:37.30Kattyfile: oh well.
15:37.39Kattyfile: not like it's going to be the end of the world
15:37.45Kattyfile: YET
15:38.40thecardsmithi'm looking to set up a cost-effective PSTN-to-Asterisk proof-of-concept, in the day... I'd used and i think that's kind of old school, could anyone offer me a suggestion how I could have a call to a POTS number translate to a sip call to my asterisk box?
15:39.23Kattythecardsmith: well the way i would do it is port the number over to a sip providor
15:39.38Kattythecardsmith: and then the sip providor would then assign them as DID numbers for my account
15:39.56[TK]D-Fenderthecardsmith: Your dialplan does whatever you tell it to
15:40.26[TK]D-Fenderthecardsmith: Make an exten to matcht he number or pattern you want to treat differently than otehr numbers/patterns and do whatever you want.
15:41.31Guggethecardsmith, either get some pstn-hardware in your asterisk box, or port the number to a sip providor.
15:44.44thecardsmithKatty: good call, maybe i'll see if i can get a local telco to do this for me. Gugge -- hopefully in the future I'll have a DS3 into my cabinet, for cheapness, might spring money for a SIP provider while I prove out an idea!
15:44.46thecardsmiththank you guys :)
15:45.49*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (~Adium@
15:45.56Kattythecardsmith: just fyi, asterisk can handle pots lines
15:46.15Kattythecardsmith: it's not the /ideal/ way of doing things....i mean analog is kinda...
15:46.17thecardsmithright on -- like if I have a PRI into a digium card?
15:46.31thecardsmithyeeeeah, kinda older school :)
15:46.36Kattywell it's not a pri card. it's made specifically for pots lines
15:46.43thecardsmithno kidding -- RJ11??
15:46.52thecardsmithcopper, daymnnn
15:46.58Kattyand i've actually had better luck with Sangoma in the echo canceling department
15:47.11Kattybut what you might do is give one of the sales folk at a call
15:47.14thecardsmithwrites that down
15:47.38Kattythey will direct you to the appropriate card, and configuration, to support the medium you need to support
15:48.15Kattyand by configuration i mean what 'daughter cards' go onto the main board.
15:48.22Kattythey're obviously not going to tell you how to configure your server.
15:48.31Kattydigium and sangoma are the two big players tho
15:48.44thecardsmithright on... they'll have the know-how on what hardware i'll need, clutch!
15:49.27*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
15:53.06*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
15:53.23DelphiWorldhi all
15:53.37DelphiWorldanyone have a gizmo5 account? a voipuser account or callcentric account?
15:53.48DelphiWorldhi Katty;)
15:53.59DelphiWorlddevoid: ;)
15:54.02Kattyi have a gizmo account
15:54.06Kattybut gave up on it long long long ago
15:54.31DelphiWorldKatty: registered to asterisk or to a softphone? a hardware ip phone or what?
15:54.48KattyDelphiWorld: i attempted to put it on my blackberry
15:55.07DelphiWorldKatty: you still have tyour user/pass?
15:55.15KattyDelphiWorld: hrmm
15:55.21KattyDelphiWorld: probably not. this was several years ago.
15:55.26DelphiWorlddon't want to request auth info from Katty
15:55.52DelphiWorldKatty: is just to test something with me;)
15:57.20DelphiWorldKatty: if you got your user/pass ping me.
15:57.45DelphiWorldKatty: register asterisk to it and ping me or your phone or ...
15:58.37KattyDelphiWorld: you not wanting to request authorization info from me doesn't change the fact that it's been several years ago and i don't have it anymore.
15:59.54DelphiWorldKatty: ok np
16:01.12DelphiWorldif anyone please call this INUM number for testing it with me, is my own inum interconnection with VOXBONE
16:01.41leifmadsenthat's quite the number :)
16:03.20DelphiWorldleifmadsen: hahaha
16:04.13Kattyfile: i don't like you can't sync from ipod -> itunes, just itunes -> ipod. not that it's a big deal and i can copy the mp3s from the ipod directly to the itunes library...
16:04.21Kattyfile: but still.
16:06.56*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
16:09.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
16:09.40ManxPower-workHas anyone seen this before:
16:09.41ManxPower-work[Mar 22 12:09:02] WARNING[31610]: chan_sip.c:3752 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 0x100 (g729)(256) read/write = 0x100 (g729)(256)/0x100 (g729)(256)
16:10.01ManxPower-workwe have g729 licenses, but it should not be trying to transcode anyway
16:10.22seanbrightteliax is jacked today
16:10.56Kattyhi seanbright
16:11.32pigpenIs anyone using a good, reliable, free webdav client on windows xp?  I figure that maybe one or two users here would be using windows.  (poor bastards)
16:12.10pigpenyeah, blows half the time.
16:12.17Qwellpigpen: how is that related to Asterisk in any way?
16:12.18seanbrightnever had a problem with it
16:12.38KattyQwell: about as much as my asking for recipes does.
16:12.39pigpenI have gotten it to work once...but never again on several systems.
16:12.44KattyQwell: probably, more relevant...
16:12.46KattyQwell: somehow
16:12.56KattyQwell: do you have any new recipes for me?
16:13.27pigpenQwell, well, it isn't.  Just I know there are many, very talented and well versed people in here.
16:14.24*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (~Adium@
16:14.43*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:15.13shinao1[TK]D-Fender:  patrb: ? i've been able to do some sort of remoteing and i have some output of a call:
16:15.39*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
16:17.03*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
16:17.44ChannelZwhere did the list of channel variables go in the docs?
16:18.59shinao1hi guys, i wonder, after editing dundi.conf, extensions_custom.conf and {iax_additional|iax_custom}.conf, and creating a dundi trunk, what else do i need to get the servers to talk to each other ok? I have my servers able to lookup extensions and query each other fine, but i cant get them to talk. What am i  missing? This is some anatomy of an attempted call, and my setup:
16:19.28Qwellshinao1: #freepbx
16:20.24kaldemarChannelZ: doc/tex/channelvariables.tex
16:20.34shinao1yes Qwell ive been there
16:20.51ChannelZtex?  really?   ....
16:21.04*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
16:21.05QwellChannelZ: or use the PDF in every release
16:21.24*** join/#asterisk beers218 (~45c6b055@gateway/web/freenode/x-gcymbemcnhridkpr)
16:21.54beers218i know the question probably gets asked a lot, but how well does fax to email over a SIP trunk perform?
16:22.59kaldemarshinao1: looks like you need to edit your dialplan some more. your output has nothing to do with your dundi setup.
16:23.01ChannelZQwell: ahh I see, thanks
16:23.26shinao1could you help me with some pointers, kaldemar ?
16:24.31kaldemarshinao1: based on what you showed, no. fix your dialplan, that's it.
16:24.37[TK]D-Fendershinao1: This is FreePBX junk and is not supoprted here....
16:24.40[TK]D-Fendershinao1: Move along...
16:24.47Qwell(too subtle?)
16:24.55Qwellfile would get it, I think.
16:25.21shinao1wow. thanks for the shove.
16:25.50Qwellshinao1: we *can't* help you.  they add way too much stuff to the config that makes it extremely difficult.
16:25.55VoIP-Penguinbeers218: It often works, but don't expect reliability.
16:27.46beers218im about to give up on it... especially cause my provider doesnt have T.38 compatibility
16:27.55shinao1thanks anyway
16:27.57Qwellbeers218: fax over voice over IP is silly, at best
16:28.18VoIP-Penguinbeers218: Mine doesn't have t.38 either, and I still receive faxes just fine.
16:29.02beers218right.. ive tried a ton of different methods, but i cant get any of the dialplan apps to work with an incoming fax
16:29.25VoIP-PenguinI use the free Fax for Asterisk.
16:29.28beers218same with hylafax. its like the fax tones dont come through
16:29.43Qwellbeers218: try to find a decent provider that does T.38, or use a dedicated analog line
16:30.07VoIP-PenguinI did try iaxmodem and hylafax, but something was seriously wrong.
16:30.09beers218i got one analog line for faxing... but the boss wants fax to email set up
16:30.17VoIP-PenguinI got FFA, and no more problems.
16:30.21pigpenI have been using Hylafax for years (3+), and it has worked great.  However, I do have several PRI's feeding it.
16:30.53pigpenAfter wasting days upon days trying to get Fax to work over VOIP, I vowed never to do it again....
16:31.00beers218VoIP-Penguin: whos your provider?
16:31.16*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
16:31.16VoIP-Penguinbeers218: I'm using sipgate for my fax over SIP.
16:32.01VoIP-Penguinbeers218: If you have an analog phone line for faxing, why are you asking about SIP service providers?
16:32.09vader--hmm any of you guys good with dhcpd?
16:32.18VoIP-Penguinvader--: Just ask your question.
16:32.24vader--im trying to set it up and it won't give any leases
16:32.33vader--im getting no free leases
16:33.00VoIP-Penguinvader--: Paste you conf into the pastebin.
16:33.24beers218VoIP-Penguin: thats our master fax machine. we need to have specific DID's go to different email addresses for fax-to-email
16:34.34*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
16:34.37VoIP-Penguinvader--: Is that supposed to be for a LAN?
16:34.50vader--ya it's just a test lan i have setup
16:35.18VoIP-Penguinvader--: So you realize that you aren't using RFC 1918 addresses, I guess.
16:35.38VoIP-PenguinJust making sure.
16:35.44vader--i knows ;-)
16:38.15*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
16:38.39vader--see anything wrong with the conf?
16:38.41*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
16:38.52Kattyso lunch was interesting. tortillini + creamed corn
16:39.19smooth_penguinhey Katty :>
16:40.29carrarOr it never happen!
16:41.10smooth_penguinI doubt she'd have any pics of it :<
16:41.23DelphiWorldany tester please 883510001289101
16:41.26*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
16:41.56VoIP-Penguinvader--:  Try it like this to see if you get any leases.
16:44.01carrarExcellent use of a /16
16:44.11Kattycarrar: no. no photos.
16:44.17Kattycarrar: also, it is now in my tummy.
16:44.17VoIP-Penguinfor a few phones?
16:44.32Kattycarrar: photos would not be very pleasant
16:44.54carrarVoIP, yes :)
16:45.22Kattysmooth_penguin: let's hug
16:45.42smooth_penguinhuggles Katty
16:45.46Kattyhugs smooth_penguin
16:46.05Kattysmooth_penguin: you have any fish recipes to share with me
16:46.19*** join/#asterisk DennisG (~DennisG@
16:46.20coppiceKatty: just eat it raw
16:46.21Kattysmooth_penguin: no curry. ryan doesn't like curry
16:46.31Kattycoppice: eeek, keep the sushimi over there
16:46.36Deeewayneagrees w/ coppice
16:47.01smooth_penguinhrm, well fried then - theres a few but I can remember them myself ill link you to em, hold on
16:47.12Qwellmmm, sushi
16:47.33Kattysmooth_penguin: as long as it's not deep fried.
16:47.56vader--pengium that worked
16:48.24VoIP-Penguinvader--: Okay, now go back and uncomment your classes and add them back into the subnet definition.
16:48.41KattyVoIP-Penguin: so why did you change your /nick?
16:48.44vader--without the pool?
16:49.24KattyQwell: do you know how to make sushi?
16:49.33QwellI know how to eat sushi
16:49.36smooth_penguinKatty, we make these quite often -
16:49.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: I do
16:49.43smooth_penguinleave out the first two
16:49.51QwellI also know how to order sushi.  Which is kinda like making it.
16:49.54VoIP-Penguinvader--: Don't use "pool" if you can make it work without it.
16:50.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: It's just about the only food I acn be bothered to prepare
16:50.07smooth_penguinKatty, you would have a tough time finding the spices though :s
16:50.07VoIP-Penguinkatty: I thought it would be a fun thing to do.
16:50.09coppiceI have a rice cooker
16:50.12*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
16:50.30Kattysmooth_penguin: goodness. which one? there's like a billion on there.
16:50.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Is she cute?
16:50.39Kattysmooth_penguin: finding the spices won't be a problem.
16:50.47vader--whats the purpose of pool?
16:51.01Kattyto win
16:51.05carrarvader, why are you splitting old and new phones off to different tftp servers?
16:51.07Kattyand to practice your geometry
16:51.27KattyVoIP-Penguin: how's it workin out for ya in the fun department?
16:51.28smooth_penguinKatty, Malvani Fish Fry, Bangda Fry (Fried Mackerels),
16:51.45VoIP-Penguinkatty: So far... meh.
16:51.46smooth_penguinKatty, my fav - Sukat Bombil Chatni (Dried Bombay Duck Fry)
16:52.02*** join/#asterisk citywok (
16:52.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: Remember... lean down nice & low, take smooth steady strokes with the shaft, and the key isn't the speed of your shot, but rather how you position your balls ;)
16:52.06Kattysmooth_penguin: yeah i can find all those spices
16:52.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: i uhh
16:52.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah.
16:52.22*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:52.28citywokaccording to top * says it's using 120% cpu, but it's a 4 core server and it says it has 90% CPU free.  any way to see what it thinks it is doing?
16:52.28Kobazwhose balls?
16:52.28KattyKobaz: he's talking about pool
16:52.32KattyKobaz: billiards
16:52.53[TK]D-Fendercitywok: My server's also give 120%
16:52.59Kobazspeaking of smooth steady strokes
16:53.09Kobazi went kayaking this weekend, the rivers are up like 4-5 feet
16:53.10smooth_penguinKatty, if you google for East Indian fish recipes - youll find the best
16:53.12Kattysmooth_penguin: this looks perfect. thanks (=
16:53.19citywokhmm, this is new to my server so i'm wondering it it is related to the crashes i was having last week
16:53.31citywok(which may have been related to a bad version of the softphone from Zoiper)
16:53.51Kattya softphone crashed asterisk?
16:54.03Kattyfirst time i've heard that. crazy stuff...
16:54.08citywoki installed the newest version of zoiper last tuesday, had asterisk hard lock my entire server 5 times last week
16:54.17citywoki unisntalled the newest version of zoiper from everywhere, and havne't had a crash since
16:54.30Kobazyour zoiper crashes asterisk?
16:54.50citywoki'm not 100% that was the problem, but I had restored everything * related to a week before until i reverted the zoiper build
16:55.13citywoki talked to the developers and they made 2 changes they say are reltaed to sip handling and may be the culprit
16:55.38citywok"We haven't changed the SIP handler a lot, only 2 changes that might influence the other end have been done. SDP version increment (changes the packets for sure) and RTP port collision handling (this might change the source port but only if it was already in use, i doubt it could cause the deadlock)."
16:55.55Qwellcitywok: What version of Asterisk?
16:56.01citywok1.6.1.12 & .18
16:56.42citywoki am verbosel ogging with verbose 10 and sip debug on right now, so if it happens again i may be able to see what happened right before the crash
16:56.51citywokof course it's cranked out a 1gb file in the last 4 hours
16:57.18citywok(i also compiled with dont optimize, and started with -g to try and get a backtrace if possible) -- but when it blwos up, the entire server hardlocks
16:57.23*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:57.38citywokwell, softlock i suppose not hardlock
17:01.21Kobazwe're all going to get fined for not having health insurance
17:01.31carrarisn't that great
17:01.39Kobazi wonder if the fine is cheaper than paying for insurance
17:01.43Kobazmight as well just pay the fine
17:02.08*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
17:02.12ChannelZit is for employers
17:02.41pigpenyeah, for companies that have more than 50 employees right?
17:02.45Kattythey also get tax breaks too tho
17:02.48carrarYou get to pay for other peoples abortions too!!
17:02.54carrarhow exciting is that
17:03.01Kattythat doesn't bother me
17:03.06citywokcarrar: i'd rather pay for the abortion then the welfare. it's cheaper
17:03.15Kattyi'm okay for paying on 1 abortion vs 90 years of healthcare
17:03.29Kattycitywok: hey now.
17:03.37Kattycitywok: let's not make any assumptions about people getting abortions
17:03.43Kattycitywok: that's not very polite
17:04.05Kattycarrar: that's kind of what irritates me about the republicans
17:04.23Kattycarrar: they're all about the first nine months, but couldn't care less about your next 90 years of health services
17:04.26ChannelZThe Census just sent out millions of letters telling people they were going to send them the census.  Yet people believe Nancy and Barack when they said 'this bill will pay for its self by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse!'
17:04.52Kattycarrar: just my opinion tho.
17:04.56citywokChannelZ: i got a kick out of that myself, what a waste
17:05.11Kattyi found the census very racist.
17:05.18Kattyand very sexist.
17:05.26*** join/#asterisk slashtom (
17:05.30ChannelZI haven't even opened mine yet
17:05.41Kattyit's very short.
17:05.43ChannelZbut thank god I got the letter letting me know it was coming or I might have thrown it away!
17:05.44citywoki just got home, haven't checked the mail in 5 days
17:06.22Kattyi don't understand why they need to know everyones 'breed'
17:06.50Kattydoes it really make all that much difference?
17:07.12citywokQwell: any suggestions?
17:07.25coppicebreed? that sounds archaic
17:07.34Kattycoppice: well that's what it is, isn't it
17:07.41ChannelZLets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
17:07.53[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: In HD?
17:07.57Kattycoppice: we have asians, african americans, hispanic..
17:08.01slashtomi don't suppose anyone knows where i can get an RPM for centos5.2 of Asterisk-1.4.30?
17:08.10ChannelZYeah and blurry boxes over the naughty bits
17:08.23Kattycoppice: it's like they're trying to organize cattle
17:08.29VoIP-Penguinslashtom: Just build your own using checkinstall.
17:08.34VoIP-Penguinslashtom: It's pretty easy.
17:08.47coppiceKatty: do they have a "none of the above" box?
17:08.53Kattycoppice: not that i saw.
17:08.58*** join/#asterisk cusco (~trilili@
17:09.06coppiceKatty: I've bred with an Asian
17:09.22Kattycoppice: i hope it was enjoyable.
17:09.35Kattycusco: hello
17:09.39cuscohi Katty
17:09.45VoIP-Penguinslashtom: When you build something from source, specify the correct prefix and then use checkinstall instead of make install.  It makes an rpm for you.
17:10.06Kattycoppice: i don't know why they have a race box.
17:10.11Kattycoppice: i should have just written in Human
17:10.30cuscotwo asterisks in a iax trunk, both using does one assume the other's UNIQUEID ??
17:10.46slashtomah, thanks VoIP-Penguin
17:10.56VoIP-Penguinslashtom: Like with asterisk, I would use ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc ; make ; checkinstall
17:11.26coppiceTo quote a comedian "I have mixed race parents. My father likes the 100m, and my mother is Pakistani"
17:12.11VoIP-Penguinslashtom: You might want to make menuselect before actually compiling, though.  I'm sure you can figure it out.
17:12.26slashtomyep, i've been working through that stage
17:12.44slashtomwhat i'm needing is a compiled version i can roll out to the servers
17:13.04slashtomso if checkinstall does what it says, i'm sorted - thanks :)
17:13.07VoIP-Penguinslashtom: Be sure to specify the correct prefix and sysconfdir before making the rpm, otherwise you'll end up with an rpm that puts files into the wrong place.
17:13.16cuscorpm... arhgh
17:13.36slashtomi know...
17:13.48VoIP-Penguincusco: Not a SysAdmin, I take it?
17:13.57cuscoI am
17:14.03coppiceKatty: I don't know what they can read into any of the data they gather. so many people seem to fill this stuff in for a laugh, or because they fear giving the right answer
17:14.24VoIP-Penguincusco: Then you should know the importance of rpms when using rpm-based distros.
17:14.46cuscoVoIP-Penguin: I preffer not to use rpm-based distros
17:14.54Kattycoppice: dunno
17:15.26slashtomcusco: i'm likewise, but i'm paid to do this!
17:15.33cuscoand then again checkinstall doesn't seem the propper way to create a package
17:15.44VoIP-PenguinWhy not?
17:15.46cuscoshould read the package maintainer guide lines
17:15.54cuscocheck how they create rpm's etc
17:16.05VoIP-PenguinIt's a lot quicker than writing your own spec files all the time.
17:16.12cuscobut im just talking rubish so don't mind me... sorry
17:16.38*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
17:17.02Kattyhi Skeeter-
17:17.28VoIP-PenguinI trust that the author of checkinstall knows how to create an rpm, then I use checkinstall to install my files; this should create a suitable rpm containing my files.
17:17.50slashtomusing a tool does seem to make life a lot easier
17:17.51cuscothere :-)
17:18.37Kattywonders why apple even bothers trying to keep you from copying songs from ipod to itunes, when the audio files are sitting right there in mass storage.
17:18.43slashtomQwell: cheers!
17:18.57Skeeter-Katty good afternoon
17:19.14Qwellslashtom: install the asterisknow-version package, and get yum goodness
17:19.18ChannelZKatty: The irony is it actually makes more sense now that there's no DRM
17:19.26KattyChannelZ: DRM?
17:19.28ChannelZbut iTunes in general is a POS
17:19.34ChannelZDigital Rights Management
17:19.58Kattyitunes makes it easy for folks who don't really know how to manage their stuff i guess
17:20.16vader--carrar im splitting them to two different tftp servers so that my new cisco phones that come in can be reimaged to sip
17:20.29vader--one tftp server has the upgrade code and the other one has the config files
17:20.33KattyChannelZ: it's very easy to buy a phone and get it on the ipod
17:20.38KattyChannelZ: err buy a song i mean
17:21.16vader--once the phone is converted from the cisco firmware to the sip firmware it then changes over to the other tftp server
17:21.26KattyChannelZ: but it's very inconvienent otherwise
17:21.39KattyChannelZ: no doubt on purpose.
17:21.40*** join/#asterisk jameswf (~james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
17:21.43KattyChannelZ: like this insane connector.
17:21.50KattyChannelZ: why it's not a mini usb, i'll never understand
17:22.59coppiceKatty: it predates the mini USB, and it carries things like audio and remote control signals to various peripherals
17:23.06*** join/#asterisk Neo31 (~Neo31@unaffiliated/neo31)
17:24.09Kattyahh, i see.
17:24.33Kattydear apple, please add an additional mini usb port to your device for convienence purposes
17:24.42Kattythx, Katty
17:25.25coppicecommendably, it has been common to all the ipod, itouch and iphone products for years, and they have always had a normal 3.5mm jack for headphones
17:26.33Kattyyeah but all the walkmans back in the day...
17:26.35Kattyand cd players
17:26.41Kattyand now mp3 flash drivers players...
17:26.47Kattythey all use 3.5mm too right?
17:27.21coppicea lot of smartphones and some flash players didn't until recently
17:27.34Kattyahhh. guess i just got lucky with mine then
17:27.57coppiceeven the first android phone, which is pretty recent, has a stupid headphone connector
17:28.51Qwellcoppice: that's just HTC though
17:29.33coppiceHTC, Nokia, Sharp, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG have all made smart phones with funky headphone connectors
17:30.16Kattysee there's no need for that
17:30.44cuscotwo asterisks in a iax trunk, both using does one assume the other's UNIQUEID ??
17:31.27Kattycusco: dunno.
17:31.59ChannelZKatty: Steve's way or the highway
17:32.34KattyChannelZ: statement does not parse.
17:32.35coppiceChannelZ: that's what I tell my children
17:32.36KattyChannelZ: indexes missing
17:33.07*** join/#asterisk ruchir (~ruchir@
17:33.17ChannelZSteve Jobs
17:33.42Kattystatement now parses.
17:33.46Kattyi agree.
17:34.11*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
17:34.21KattyChannelZ: he has done very well to make products easy for the Typical Person to use
17:34.26*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
17:34.55Slugs_anybod watch the vicous elbow from jones to vera?
17:35.02ruchiri'm getting these errors time to time in odbc vm
17:35.13Kattyhi Slugs_
17:35.22*** join/#asterisk yahh (~root@
17:35.26Slugs_hey Katty ;0
17:36.07ruchirwhy it gets disconnected every time
17:36.12coppiceKatty: no. he has just made piles of cash. the very smart people he brought over from NeXT did what you said
17:36.15ruchiri have to keep restarting mysql and asteirsk
17:36.21yahhi have AEX410P on my system
17:36.31yahhi dont know how to configure it with dahdi
17:36.39yahhi run dahdi_genconf
17:36.43Kattycoppice: i don't know a lot about apple products....
17:36.47yahhbut it is not configuring that
17:37.03Kattycoppice: this ipod is my first experience
17:38.07Kattycoppice: this little device seems to be designed very well to work with itunes, and buying music and whatnot
17:38.23tzafriryahh, what's the output of:  dahdi_hardware; lsdahdi
17:38.56coppiceKatty: ipods are great. iphones are great. best in class, without a doubt. I just hate the idea of buying anything from apple for my own use
17:39.32Kattycoppice: i can certainly agree with that
17:39.44*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
17:40.55tzafriryahh, what happens if you run: dahdi_cfg  #? any error?
17:41.01Kattycoppice: but that's what dirpy is for, right? (=
17:41.18yahhtzafrir: no error
17:41.32tzafrirgood. What's the output of lsdahdi now?
17:41.59yahhit is generating system.conf file but there is no configuration for AEX410P
17:42.14yahhlsdahdi output is also in above given link
17:42.34tzafriryahh, I just wonder if the output has changed
17:42.54*** join/#asterisk moy (~chatzilla@
17:43.41ruchirwhy odbc vm connection keeps dropping
17:44.17Kattymaybe your cookie sacrafice was not good enough
17:44.35yahhtzafrir: not getting you
17:45.28tzafriryahh, the output of lsdahdi may change due to running dahdi_cfg
17:45.39yahhohh sorry
17:45.43yahhlet me get it
17:47.15*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
17:47.33yahhit is got changed
17:47.39yahhhere it is
17:48.54*** join/#asterisk MrOddwire (
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17:50.04yahhtzafrir: here is the system.conf generated by dahdi_genconf
17:50.49tzafriryahh, ok. now it has signalling. looks like that config is ok
17:51.07tzafrirThe standard dahdi init.d script should also run dahdi_cfg for you
17:51.37cuscoso.. would anybody know... shouldn't both asterisks in a IAX trunk share the UNIQUEID?
17:51.44*** join/#asterisk jerris[1] (~jerris@
17:51.48tzafrirdahdi_genconf also generate /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf which you should #include or merge into chan_dahdi.conf
17:52.19yahhtzafrir: but how to configure a channel for that signaling
17:52.44tzafriryahh, configure where? In asterisk?
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17:57.04s34nI have a Polycom Sounpoint IP 430 that seems to dhcp fine and picks up config files from the server, but it never tries to register.
17:57.20tzafriryahh, have you looked at the file I pointed you to?
17:58.31s34nI have specified reg.x.address, reg.x.type, reg.x.auth.userId, reg.x.auth.password, reg.x.server.1.address, reg.x.outboundProxy.address, reg.x.lineKeys, etc.
17:59.56yahhthere is no configuration for Span 7: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard AEX410 Board 1
18:01.43s34nbut when I sniff the connection, I see know SIP traffic at all
18:01.50leifmadsendahdi-channels.conf? I thought it was chan_dahdi.conf
18:02.06leifmadsenunless perhaps you're using a GUI of some sort
18:02.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
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18:05.55infobotmethinks answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
18:06.05ruchirodbc vm anyone?
18:06.27yahhtzafrir: there is no configuration for Span 7: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard AEX410 Board 1
18:07.07yahhin dahdi-channels.conf
18:08.32grEvenXruchir: what about it?
18:08.50ManxPower-workNo thank you, I prefer pizza.
18:08.53tzafriryahh, hmm... it identifies it as "no module"? That's odd. What version of dahdi-linux and of dahdi-tools?
18:09.41yahhtzafrir: dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.1+2.2.1
18:10.12*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
18:10.33ruchirgrEvenX: time to time asterisk odbc vm disconneccts and i see warnings like below \
18:10.54yahhtzafrir: it is latest
18:11.46yahhtzafrir: asterisk version is asterisk-1.4.29
18:11.56tzafriryahh, hmm... the ugly code to check for the type of module in each socket of that card is in the perl module Dahdi::Cahn
18:12.03tzafrirWhat linux distro is it?
18:12.41yahhit is centos 5.4
18:12.46grEvenXruchir: too me it looks more like an MySQL issue, sure the problem isn't there?
18:12.57Naikroveks34n: do you have the file that tells it how to register and where to register to?
18:13.11ruchirgrEvenX: whatt could be wrong with mysql
18:13.19yahhtzafrir: and kernel 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP
18:13.32tzafrirwell, I guess it would be simpler to debug it by running  ./xpp/dahdi_genconf    from the tools/ source directory
18:13.52yahhlet me try
18:13.56tzafrirthen the perl module is at xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/
18:14.12grEvenXruchir: don't know, check your mysql logs
18:14.13s34nNaikrovek: I have given it the registration server, auth id, and password
18:14.23Naikroveks34n: okay
18:14.39Naikroveks34n: is the phone uploading logs to the server?
18:14.50s34nNaikrovek: no
18:15.09Naikroveks34n: hm.
18:15.25s34nNaikrovek: I haven't set up a syslog server for it
18:15.32tzafrirthat's odd. lsdahdi identified the types properly
18:15.51Naikroveks34n: in the config file, tell it to upload logs to the (t)ftp server it gets config files from
18:16.04Naikroveks34n: then you'll get to see what the error is
18:16.37grEvenXruchir: I'm 90% certain that the message "Access denied for user 'root'@'..." comes from MySQL...
18:16.59tzafriryahh, can you try running 'dahdi_genconf' again and see if it generates proper config for that span now?
18:17.36yahhbut it is the same
18:19.55ruchiri see
18:20.13*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
18:20.24Kattyyou know, josh turner kinda looks like gerard butler
18:20.54Kattyjust sayin
18:22.10s34nNaikrovek: how?
18:22.35s34nNaikrovek: how do I tell it to tftp logs?
18:22.49*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
18:23.40Naikroveks34n: in the 0004f2abcdef.cfg file, put some lines in there to tell it where to upload the logs, then in ... let's take it to private messages
18:24.16*** join/#asterisk Alric (
18:24.52yahhtzafrir: anything which i should do which configure this
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19:00.45yahhcan someone give me good link to configure AEX410P (dahdi system.conf)
19:00.49vader--hmm any of you guys good with dhcpd, I have DHCPD running on CentOS 5.4, i am getting no free leases errors, if i remove the pool line then it doesn't give me any errors and it gives the phone an ip address but it doesn't set the proper options. HEre is my conf file
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19:07.36ChannelZvader--: try moving the 'range' below the 'allow' lines, it might matter
19:08.24vader--tried that
19:08.45VoIP-Penguinvader--: Why did you incorrectly configure it after I fixed it for you?
19:08.50VoIP-Penguinoption domain-name "salesianum.local";
19:08.52VoIP-Penguinoption domain-name-servers;
19:08.59VoIP-PenguinThose belong INSIDE the subnet.
19:09.05vader--voip-penguin you had me take out the pool setting
19:09.10VoIP-PenguinYou didn't need it.
19:09.22vader--when i remove the pool setting the classes don't work
19:09.25VoIP-PenguinYou gave me a conf which was set up wrong, so of course I changed it.
19:09.48*** join/#asterisk stope (
19:09.56VoIP-PenguinPut it back the way I had it, and then change/configure what you need.
19:10.21VoIP-PenguinYou don't even know what the pool option is for.
19:10.28VoIP-PenguinSo you definitely don't need it.
19:19.38*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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19:24.16pabelangeranybody working with asterisk on a powerpc?  Trying to setup a development platform using qemu and having a rough time
19:26.21Naikrovekpabelanger: why powerpc
19:26.25Naikrovekjust curious
19:27.09*** join/#asterisk freddyk (
19:27.18ChainsawNaikrovek: I'm guessing some embedded system.
19:27.25ChainsawNaikrovek: PowerPC desktops are fairly rare these days.
19:27.34pabelangeryup, an embedded board.
19:27.41Naikrovekwe compile a lot to powerpc here, in fact only to powerpc
19:27.41freddykhello chainsaw
19:27.43ChainsawHello Katty :)
19:27.48Naikrovekbut i doubt it's for the same reason you guys are :)
19:27.51ChainsawHi there freddyk.
19:28.00Kattywhat's happenin
19:28.18ChainsawOn a train, waiting to leave the station.
19:28.21freddykthere is an atx board with powerpc onboard
19:28.25KattyChainsaw: amtrak?
19:28.27freddykfrom an italian company
19:28.29pabelangerNaikrovek: are your host boxes PowerPC or are you cross-compiling?
19:28.34freddyk(an amiga style powerpc)
19:28.38ChainsawKatty: East Coast.
19:28.46Naikrovekcrosscompiling with some pay-for software i'm not sure we need
19:29.05Naikroveki don't see why they couldn't use GCC to compile for 5XX and 5XXX (i think those are right)
19:29.09ChainsawKatty: One of those :)
19:29.11KattyChainsaw: sounds like you might have time for a nap here shortly (=
19:29.13*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
19:29.32ChainsawKatty: And miss out on the steak sandwich? Never :>
19:30.01darkdrgn2khi i have setup an extension with the dial as local/18885555555@outbound setup But it seems that the DFMT tones are not passed through. Is there somethign more i need to do or do i have to dive into the dialplan to figure this out?
19:30.29[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Dialplan has nothing to do with DTMF reception
19:30.58pabelangerAgree.  I'm trying to setup qemu for powerpc, so we can start rebuilding ubuntu packages for the embedded box, but can't get qemu to play nice emulating PowerPC
19:31.35*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
19:31.37Naikrovekpabelanger: is there a #qemu channel in here?  /me checks.
19:31.47Naikrovekpabelanger: indeed there is
19:31.51Naikrovekthey may be able to help you
19:31.59Naikroveki've not even used qemu
19:32.20pabelangerwell look at that! ;)  poping in there to see what I can find
19:33.21jerris[1]I'm looking for good references that talk about how the voicemail works. Specifically, I'm running into an issue where it takes up to 30 minutes for the voicemail notification to appear on our Polycom phones after the message has been left.
19:33.57jerris[1]I've checked app_voicemail.c and the compiled code tells it to check every 30 seconds.
19:34.20jerris[1]But I'm not sure if that's the only system that dictates the process.
19:34.41jerris[1]Is there a way to see when that check is taking place?
19:35.08Naikrovekjerris[1]: it's probably more of an issue in deliverying the "you have a voicemail" message to the phone
19:35.30*** join/#asterisk Micc__ (
19:35.31jerris[1]Would that be a sip.conf issue? Or something more phone specific?
19:35.47ChainsawKatty: The buffet bar is closed for safety reasons. I am not pleased :(
19:36.49Naikrovekjerris[1]: if you have another make of phone you can try with that to see how it goes, if not, or in the meantime, provide us a sip debug of that phone's IP and let it go from when you place a call to it and leave a voicemail until the indicator on the phone ilghts up.  pastebin it.
19:37.25jerris[1]ok. It might take me a little while to figure out how to do that. brb.
19:38.13*** join/#asterisk tech|1 (
19:38.16Naikrovekjerris[1]: it's not like we can't help here.  :)  at the asterisk console, "sip debug ip on" i think.  IP being the IP of a phone you can reproduce this on
19:38.27tech|1i need help
19:38.31Naikrovekask the question
19:38.47tech|1what port does astreak run to connect to the GUI>
19:38.58tech|1and how can i find the ip address of it?
19:39.05Naikrovekwhat gui
19:39.27VoIP-PenguinYou've configured your system, but don't know its IP address?
19:39.47Naikrovekyou're assuming he configured it
19:39.52VoIP-PenguinYou're right.
19:39.58tech|1can you help
19:40.01tech|1i need it done
19:40.04VoIP-PenguinSince he's asking to connect to a gui, it must be configured.
19:40.05tech|1for my phone
19:40.19NaikrovekVoIP-Penguin: no i mean you're assuming HE configured it
19:40.26Naikroveki'm thinking someone else did
19:40.33VoIP-PenguinI can tell this isn't the right place for him, either way.
19:40.34tech|1ive only installed it
19:40.34Naikrovektech|1: hang on
19:40.59[TK]D-Fendertech|1: Installed WHAT?
19:41.04Naikrovektech|1:  asterisk is not something that is just for any new user to start tooling around with.  it requires some basic Unix knowledge
19:41.13VoIP-Penguin[tk]d-fender: it
19:41.17tech|1i mean
19:41.26tech|1like connecting by a web browser
19:41.29[TK]D-FenderVoIP-Penguin: CLEARLY
19:41.30Naikrovekyeah we got that
19:41.31tech|1what port does it run?
19:41.39Naikrovekbut we don't do GUIs in here
19:41.41tech|1wait just a sec
19:42.15VoIP-PenguinI think he's only about a year away from being ready to start with Asterisk.
19:42.35Naikrovekdepends on whether or not his boss is forcing him to do this
19:42.50tech|1how can i find out the public ip adress?
19:43.05[TK]D-Fendertech|1: How do you not know it already?
19:43.05tech|1not the
19:43.11tech|1i dont
19:43.19Naikrovektech|1: you may want to head over to #linux
19:43.20[TK]D-FenderetchIts YOUR internet connection.
19:43.26Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: you're assuming it's his
19:43.31[TK]D-Fendertech|1: Its YOUR internet connection.
19:43.31Naikrovekmaybe it's his brothers' or something
19:43.34vader--oh well i figured out the dhcp problem
19:43.43jerris[1]The command "sip debug" should be available from the CLI, right?
19:43.47[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I really don't care for stories either way
19:43.55Naikrovekjerris[1]: maybe it's core sip debug ip on
19:43.56jerris[1]Is there something I need to do to enable the command?
19:44.04jerris[1]I'll check that.
19:44.27tech|1its not 80
19:44.36tech|1ive just found that out
19:44.49Naikrovektech|1: i get the feeling this is over your head a bit
19:44.59Naikrovekand i don't say that to insult you or to belittle you
19:45.22Naikrovekbut we don't really know how to support people without some unix skillset of some sort
19:45.45[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Most of his questions probably ahve nothing to do with *NIX in any way
19:46.01[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Like know his public address, knowing what the hell he even installed
19:46.05Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: well i think he could get his questions answered by a unix book pretty quit
19:46.15Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender:  he may not have installed it.
19:46.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You mean a UNIX book will tell him how to manage his router and find his WAN IP?
19:46.37VoIP-Penguinvader--: Figured out it was configured wrongly and fixed it?
19:46.48vader--nope it was configured correctly
19:46.56VoIP-PenguinI don't agree.
19:46.57Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: it'll give his compass a bearing so he knows where to look and what to search for.
19:47.00vader--just like it's configured on my production system
19:47.00jerris[1]Found it: sip set debug on
19:47.09[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: What with this "may" BS trip you're on?  Just ASK him already, not that it buys him anything...
19:47.12vader--ya know those ^@ characters in the class identifier
19:47.16vader--those are null characters
19:47.29Qwellnull characters?
19:47.30vader--when i copied the config over from my production system i copied and pasted it
19:47.35Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: i don't want to belittle people or be derisive that's all.  i don't see the point
19:47.37vader--it wasn't identifying the phone
19:47.45vader--thuse not giving an address
19:47.46vader--all works now
19:47.59VoIP-PenguinSo the classes weren't catching the devices.
19:48.10vader--to get a null character in VI, CTRL-V,CTRL-@ gives you that
19:48.13[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You seem rather comfortable inventing and supported a worthless scenario without asking any useful questions about his actual setup
19:48.16vader--not is it
19:48.18vader--not it is
19:48.27Qwellthat's not a "null" character.  That would be a control character.
19:48.30Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: trying to redirect him to another channel
19:49.14cuscoIm still trying to find out if two asterisks in a iax trunk can share UNIQUEIDs...
19:49.18Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: and i'm not sure what about his system (s)he'll be able to tell me
19:49.35Naikrovektech|1: yeah
19:49.43vader--ok i need to figure out what my next step is going to be with setting up this test box
19:49.48Kattywow. isymphony's new client is 20mb
19:49.50Naikrovektech|1: what can you tell me about your system and your situtaion
19:50.00vader--i guess i should move my SIP.conf from my 1.2 box over to the 1.6.2 box?
19:50.12jerris[1]Hmm... The delay is just as long for the voicemail notification icon to go away after deleting the voicemail too.
19:50.18Kattyokay, so is the old one. false alarm.
19:50.35[TK]D-Fender[15:49]<Naikrovek>[TK]D-Fender: and i'm not sure what about his system (s)he'll be able to tell me <- so why ask huh?  That's like a doctor willing to hand out prescriptions without even asking the patient what symptoms they have
19:51.01Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: so you ask then.  i'm done
19:51.04Kattyleifmadsen: :<
19:51.24Qwell[TK]D-Fender: that's my kind of doctor
19:51.39*** join/#asterisk astrutt (
19:51.42Katty^- hypochondriac
19:51.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: Until you realize he only hands our Cyanide
19:51.51QwellKatty: quiet you.
19:51.51jerris[1]That doctor taking patients?
19:51.56QwellKatty: I haven't even told you the latest one :P
19:52.06KattyQwell: it's okay. i am too
19:52.24*** join/#asterisk mog (
19:52.28jerris[1]waiting for the icon to go away......
19:52.34jerris[1]nap time.
19:52.36eppigyhangin out at the laundry mat
19:52.41KattyQwell: my current one is perminent hearing damage from 3 pills of prozac.
19:52.45eppigywhere all the raunchy white tarshy blondes be at
19:52.53KattyQwell: what's yours
19:53.00Kattyeppigy: yeah but you don't know where they've been
19:53.03QwellKatty: we'll see soon
19:53.09KattyQwell: ->
19:53.13Qwelltoday, if they ever call me.
19:53.16eppigydressed like a sailor standin by a pale of garbage
19:53.30eppigyits been 4 hours and im still tryna nail a trailor park b&**h
19:54.34jerris[1]Olive Oil?
19:54.54Naikrovekyou're trying to nail a lady of the evening?  dude they come to you
19:55.02Naikrovekyou must be lookin a bit sophisticated
19:57.00jdoehow can I determine from the AMI if a queue member didn't pick up?
19:57.06jdoethere's nothing special about the hangup event that I can see.
19:58.06jerris[1]and the icon went away.
19:58.27Naikrovekjerris[1]: pastebin the sip debug and paste the link in here
19:58.29infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:00.08NuggetIt's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time.  It's tricky.
20:00.40KattyWHY OUTTA JUST
20:00.42KattyHUG YOU
20:00.44Kattyhugs Nugget
20:00.46*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:01.18jerris[1]Hope you guys know what you're looking for cause it's over 30,000 lines of debug code.
20:01.53*** join/#asterisk fink (
20:02.59Naikrovekjerris[1]: 30,000 really
20:03.04Naikrovekwhatever, paste it
20:03.09Naikroveki need practice at this
20:03.18*** join/#asterisk bbsf1 (
20:03.56jerris[1]go figure. PasteBin is crapping itself trying to copy that much text.
20:04.05Naikrovekemail it to me
20:04.10Naikroveki'll pm you my email
20:05.28ChainsawKatty: Actually it's all good. Apparently just standard class is affected :)
20:05.28Chainsawsips on his tea
20:05.28KattyChainsaw: what?
20:05.28KattyChainsaw: why is only standard class affected?
20:06.11ChainsawKatty: I think the kitchen is fine, basically. Turns out there's a leak near the bar, so they won't be selling drinks in standard. But in first you get at seat service anyway.
20:06.44*** join/#asterisk MrOddwire (
20:07.16jerris[1]I'm thinking I don't know how to debug in Asterisk.
20:07.20VoIP-PenguinWhat is the effective difference between using Goto and using Dial on a local channel in the dialplan?
20:08.02KattyChainsaw: ah, right.
20:08.19KattyChainsaw: with amtrak, i don't think they have a 'standard class'
20:08.19VoIP-Penguinexten => 2000,1,Goto(misc,test,1)
20:08.19VoIP-Penguinexten => 2000,1,Dial(Local/test@misc)
20:08.29*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
20:08.32VoIP-PenguinAny effective difference there?
20:08.33KattyChainsaw: they always have attendants walking back and forth checking on folks
20:08.49ChainsawKatty: Neat. And proper seat pitch everywhere?
20:09.01KattyChainsaw: all the seats are adjustable on amtrak
20:09.08KattyChainsaw: and they have pillows and blankets if you need one
20:09.17MrOddwireHey guys, quick question. Is it possible to setup asterisk to route skypeIn calls to skypeOut numbers without having to purchase a hardware interface. So basically purely route calls via the internet?
20:09.18KattyChainsaw: two bathrooms on every car
20:09.22[TK]D-FenderVoIP-Penguin: Yes, extra CDR's, more active channels and overhead, etc
20:09.28ChainsawKatty: It must take ages to get anywhere on Amtrak then.
20:09.29KattyChainsaw: one at the front and one at the back
20:09.36*** join/#asterisk marienz (marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
20:09.40KattyChainsaw: from St. Louis to KC is about 8hrs
20:09.43ChainsawKatty: These trains take 5 to 7 hours max (if they go to the tip of Scotland)
20:09.45VoIP-Penguin[tk]d-fender: So Goto() would be preferred to reduce overhead?
20:10.02KattyChainsaw: yes it takes us awhile
20:10.03jerris[1]Imagine going to Europe from China on a train...
20:10.03ChainsawKatty: But my trip from London to Peterborough is only 50 minutes :)
20:10.13KattyChainsaw: how many miles/km is that?
20:10.22KattyChainsaw: or what is your average travel speed?
20:10.25ChainsawKatty: About 75 miles I think.
20:10.30ChainsawKatty: Maybe a little more.
20:10.33KattyChainsaw: yeah that's a lot faster than amtrak
20:10.48KobazVoIP-Penguin: you only need local channels when you need dialplan to behave like a device
20:10.53VoIP-PenguinAmTrak should run about 65 MPH, I think.
20:10.54jerris[1]3 days.
20:11.15KattyChainsaw: i think the limit for amtrak is 150mph, but when they're going through cities they can't do that
20:11.17jerris[1]I can't imagine spending 3 days on a train.
20:11.17ChainsawAh, yes.
20:11.20ChainsawThese top out at 225kph. The signalling limits it to 200kph though.
20:11.28KattyChainsaw: i believe city speed is about 40
20:11.34ChainsawKatty: Oh yuck :(
20:11.40ChainsawKatty: That reminds me of Irish trains.
20:11.44*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
20:11.51ChainsawKatty: Diesel-powered and slow.
20:11.52KobazChainsaw: you want high speed... move to china... they are building lines that do 350mph
20:11.54[TK]D-FenderVoIP-Penguin: Yes
20:12.00KattyChainsaw: there's not been a lot of improvements to our railways
20:12.06ChainsawKobaz: But I wouldn't want to live there. It's so crowded :(
20:12.14KattyChainsaw: which is very sad...they are a very economical way to travel
20:12.29ChainsawKatty: *nod* I'm quite pleased with how they arrange tickets here.
20:12.39KattyChainsaw: supposedly we're getting a bullet train along the west cost, but i'm not sure of the timeline on it
20:12.42ChainsawKatty: If you pre-book and commit to a time the tickets are very affordable.
20:12.47KattyChainsaw: same with amtrak
20:12.58KattyChainsaw: we can buy tickets at the station, but they're twice the price generally
20:13.08KattyChainsaw: i can do round trip to chicago and back from southern missouri, for about 40 bucks
20:13.09VoIP-PenguinAccording to Amtrak, they don't go over 105 MPH.
20:13.09ChainsawKatty: Yes. Somehow my colleagues always do that though.
20:13.15marienznewbie question: does it make any sense to try to use asterisk as a headless softphone, using some usb handset with buttons?
20:13.30Kattyi read that as headless horseman
20:13.44Kobazasterisk can fill all your headless horsemen requirements
20:13.50Chainsawmarienz: It's a very flexible toolkit. I believe you can make that work, yes.
20:13.58Kattymarienz: personally, i wouldn't do that
20:14.15marienzKatty: which part(s) of what I'm trying to do wouldn't you do?
20:14.17Kattymarienz: i would stick with a hardware phone, or get a softphone and a wireless headset
20:14.30Kattymarienz: something like a logitech gaming headset
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20:14.46Kattythey're designed to be worn for a good long while, and the range is pretty decent
20:14.51marienzKatty: why, though? because this is too much hassle to set up, or won't work reliably, or what?
20:15.04marienzI'm not going to use this much, it'd be my home phone
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20:15.22Kattywell i've never done usb stuff before. never priced it.
20:15.41marienzI already have a usb handset that I'm hoping will work (someone wasn't using it)
20:15.41Kattybut if you used a software phone and a headset, you wouldn't really be dumping money into something you'd only use when the phone rang
20:15.51Kattyah, well in that case feel free
20:15.58Kattymight as well try to get it to work if you've already got it. i would.
20:16.07Chainsawmarienz: But I see Katty's point, you might be better off with an IAX/SIP soft phone.
20:16.07Chainsawmarienz: There will be less configuration involved with that :)
20:16.10VoIP-PenguinThe federally established speed limit for passenger trains there is 79 MPH, as of three months ago.
20:16.32KattyVoIP-Penguin: k
20:16.40marienzI'm considering getting fancy and also running a more fully-featured softphone on my desktop system
20:16.41ChainsawAh, approaching my stop. Back later.
20:16.54Kattymarienz: i've never ran anything fancier than zoiper
20:16.59Kattymarienz: but i really didn't have a need to
20:17.04Kobazi like twinkle
20:17.04Kattymarienz: calling my mom doesn't take much
20:17.13marienzasterisk is a little overwhelming if you've never done anything with sip before
20:17.27Kattymarienz: yes there are a lot of options and features to tinker with
20:17.41Kattymarienz: but it's designed to play with the best
20:17.50Kattymarienz: so it's gonna be a bit complicated
20:18.00marienzalso, I kind of need linux and the handset to get along first before I move on to asterisk. I think that part's a little unhappy still and that's why asterisk won't go
20:18.23vader--have any of you guys converted a Asterisk 1.2 box to 1.6?
20:18.51marienzthe handset shows up as an alsa soundcard, so that's good. What I'm a little worried about is the buttons: the handset isn't generating tones when they're pressed, it shows up as a usb hid device
20:19.14marienzgetting asterisk to respond to that may take some doing, iiuc.
20:19.15vader--just looking for steps you used
20:20.20Kobazvader--: compile 1.6, read the UPGRADE* docs.. test your system on a TEST system... make sure everything still works... put it into production... pray
20:20.47Kattyvader--: personally, i wouldn't
20:20.57Kattyvader--: i would just setup a test server, and get it working, then move it into production
20:20.58KobazKatty: you're against everything
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20:21.11Kattyvader--: that way you can run them side by side until your satisified with the results
20:21.18KattyKobaz: i so am.
20:21.22VoIP-PenguinI would install the new version, then copy my device definitions from the old system, upgrading their options as needed.
20:21.23KattyKobaz: except healthcare reform.
20:21.33Kobazwhat about fines for people without health care
20:21.41Kobazi think that's completely retartded
20:21.57VoIP-Penguinretart dead
20:21.57Kattywell i think they need to carry it
20:22.07Kobazthere you go
20:22.10jblackOk. the arduino is too cool by half.
20:22.23Kattybut i'm not sure /how/ you're going to get people to carry it, unless there are consequences
20:22.23KobazKatty: carry what, who?
20:22.29jblackkatty: I'm -sure- you could use one of these to automate recording on your critter cam.
20:23.00KattyKobaz: carrying insurance
20:23.13KattyKobaz: in a few years, people won't think twice about it
20:23.16KobazKatty: people who can afford to pay for their own health costs should not be penalized by fining and pumping yet even more money into a corrupt system
20:23.35KattyKobaz: i think that japan's thing is probably a bit better. but everyone is still required to carry insurance there--whether public or private
20:23.38jblackKobaz: Would you make the same argument about car insurance?
20:23.49Kattynot everyone has car insurance tho
20:23.56Kattythose who don't drive don't carry it
20:23.56Kobazjblack: car insurance is something different entirely
20:24.01Kattyand they're not penalized if they don't have it
20:24.06Kattyso it really doesn't apply
20:24.09Kobazjblack: car insurance is about protecting other people... not yourself
20:24.25cuscoother people... from yourself
20:24.27Kattybut i think making everyone carry health insurance is a good idea.
20:24.35KobazKatty: if the government pays for it
20:24.36cuscome too
20:24.38jerris[1]jblack: Have you looked at a Parallax Propeller chip? Or a chameleon?
20:24.43Kattyi don't know what is in place for those who can't really afford it
20:24.44cuscoKobaz: yes
20:24.52Kobazhealth care for everyone!  but wait... pay us... or.... pay us
20:24.55Kattythey would probably qualify for something
20:25.08Kattymy mother will have to deal with the situation soon enough
20:25.13Kattybut i think it's trivial.
20:25.14jblackI hate that idea. I think there' speople that have trouble buying basic necessities, and now you're forcing them to spend it on something else.
20:25.23jblackjerris[1]: No, I haven't.
20:25.24Kattyespeically when my father is going to have to start taking insulin shots, at 500 bucks a month
20:25.42Kobaz500 bucks a month is still cheaper than paying 1400 a month for full coverage
20:25.47cuscojblack: I consider health a basic necessitie
20:25.58cuscoelse, if you break a leg, how do you go and treat it?
20:26.00KattyKobaz: it won't cost 1400 a month
20:26.08KattyKobaz: price freezing starts at 2011
20:26.13bbsf1anyone willing to try to help me get some DAHDI channels working?
20:26.23KattyKobaz: rates are then lowered until it's comparible to medicare/medicade
20:26.24cuscobbsf1: what is wrong?
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20:26.27jerris[1]This guy puts an Arduino together with a Propeller chip to give it easy multimedia capabilities.
20:26.32bbsf1cusco: no dialtone
20:26.40Kobazi haven't had health coverage for like 3 years
20:26.41KattyKobaz: when 2014 comes along, there should be plenty of players in the market
20:26.48KattyKobaz: and i really think it'll be like japan by then with a public option
20:27.05adncthe disposition field is filled with numbers, i can not find any refering table that matches to the numbers, where can i find one that describes these values for asterisk 1.4?
20:27.09KattyKobaz: but regardless, the prices will be dropping drastically
20:27.09jblackjerris[1]: Same chip, but more expensive.
20:27.20Kobazi had some medical procedures done... upper gi scope, stuff like that... it was no more than $3500
20:27.26KattyKobaz: health insurance rates have risen 700% in the last few years
20:27.30KobazKatty: yeah i know
20:27.31jblackAcutally, huh
20:27.49Kobazpaing 3500 out of pocket was WAY cheaper than having been paying 6000+ a year for coverage
20:27.52Naikrovekjblack: no forcing happens until 2014, and if there's a price problem i'm sure lots of people will jump at the chance to remove the "pay for insurance or pay a fine" requirement
20:28.02KattyKobaz: i dont' think you'll be forced to pay an unreasonable ammount of money for it. plus it'll probably be in a sliding price scale by 2014 if your incoming isn't Top Notch
20:28.11Naikrovektime will tell
20:28.15Kattyyes, time will tell
20:28.19Naikrovekarduino mega is the awesome
20:28.25jblackMaybe instead of worrying about health insurance, we should be getting control of the industry and making health care affordable.
20:28.33Naikrovekone of the little sprinkles on life's salad bar that everyone needs to sample
20:28.35Kattybut we can't have people dying because they can't afford to stay healthy
20:28.44jblackThere's no reason 20 minute office visits should cost $400.
20:28.50Naikrovekjblack: agreed
20:28.54Kattyjapan pays 15 bucks for an mri
20:28.58Kobazjblack: exactly.... there's no reason a 5 minute doctors visit should be billed at $250 to insurance companies
20:29.04Kattythere's no reason we can't have that
20:29.17Kobazjblack: hah 400, where do they charge that much?
20:29.23Naikrovekwhen i lived in Australia I got a CAT scan for $250 and I got to keep the hard copy of the scans
20:29.33NaikrovekKobaz: specialists charge like that
20:29.46Kattychina has one of the largest, close living, populations int he world.
20:29.53jblackKobaz: That's what my insurance is charged every time I see a civilian doctor. My primary charges something like $325 a visit and my endocrinologist well over 450.
20:29.57VoIP-Penguina CT scan for $250 sounds cheap.
20:29.57Kattyyet they are one of the healthiest populations, with the best preventative care
20:30.04Kobazit's like around 250 here
20:30.16Kattyjblack: do you go to the VA?
20:30.27jblackThe  shot I take costs over $3,000 each, and I take 2 a month.
20:30.31NaikrovekVoIP-Penguin: it was cheap, and it was good
20:30.41Kattyjblack: yeah there's just no reason for that
20:30.41Kobazstuff like that, you need insurance
20:30.46jblackKatty: For routine stuff. Any time any sort of thought is required, I get a civilian doctor.
20:30.59VoIP-PenguinMaybe we should all go to Australia when we need some health care.
20:31.02jblacki.e. I have real doctors tell the VA doctors what to do.
20:31.03Kobazor canada
20:31.05Kattyi'd prefer to go to china
20:31.10Kattyi like their setup
20:31.31Kattyyou go to any doctor you want, there's never much waiting. usually you can see them the same day
20:31.32jblackwhat? 3000 year old tech that doesn't work?
20:31.38Kattyprices are all fixed, and set every year
20:31.43Kattyso i can see whoever i want.
20:31.44jblackOh. So they do have modern medicine?
20:31.45Kattyfor 1 price
20:31.53jblackI think most countries are like that, no?
20:31.54Kattyand they all compete in quality for the population's business
20:32.02Kattyi'm not sure if cananda settles on price fixing for a year
20:32.09jblackthe US is the only industrialized country that doesn't fix prices, right?
20:32.11Kattyi dont' think they do tho
20:32.34Kattylet's ask a canadian
20:32.36jblackWow, this chameleon thing looks cool
20:33.12Kattyleifmadsen: does your country settle on a price for medical items each year? an MRI will cost x ammount of money, no matter where you go or who you see?
20:34.01NaikrovekKatty: medicare does that
20:34.05Naikrovekexcept it hasn't changed for a few years
20:34.55jblackjerris[1]: Am I understanding this chameleon right?
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20:35.18jblackFor about the same price, I can have -vga-?
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20:36.09KattyNaikrovek: canada has medicare? or you're talking about here in the usa
20:36.19Naikrovekhere in the US
20:36.24jblackhell, a ps/2 port. just.. wow
20:36.35KattyNaikrovek: can you walk into any doctor's office with medicare/medicade?
20:36.41jerris[1]They've got a lot of source for it too.
20:36.49jblackand from the way I read this, -everything- on the arduino's I've been reading up on is here.
20:36.52jerris[1]Basically, the Propeller stuff is preprogrammed.
20:36.57adncis it possible to pass dispositionstring=yes to sqlite cdr?
20:37.06KattyNaikrovek: or do you have to go to an office which takes medicare
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20:37.18NaikrovekKatty:  you have to qualify for medicare
20:37.25KattyNaikrovek: i understand that
20:37.31KattyNaikrovek: but can you go anywhere you want if you qualify for it?
20:37.34russellbguys, seriously, health care in #asterisk?
20:37.59Naikrovekrussellb: true, but everyone has an opinion on this and i was sick once
20:38.08NaikrovekKatty: think so yes
20:38.09KattyNaikrovek: i bet the children's healthcare thing is the same way...
20:38.12jblackWell, asterisk is phone systems, 911 uses phone systems, you call 911 when you need emergency health care.
20:38.14NaikrovekKatty: not positive
20:38.14jerris[1]I know I'm going to look like a complete n00b, but what do you type to send a message to someone in the public room so everyone can see?
20:38.15KattyNaikrovek: well that's really cool.
20:38.20jblackSo completely related, russelb! =)
20:38.22vader--have any of you worked with an Adtran 900 series voip gateway?
20:38.35jerris[1]IE, "jblack: message"
20:38.42jblackjerris[1]: I don't know what the propeller stuff is yet
20:38.46NaikrovekKatty: my child has state-funded health care.  she can go anywhere we've ever tried to take her
20:38.54KattyNaikrovek: how old is she?
20:39.08Naikrovektypo, i didn't forget
20:39.18KattyNaikrovek: what's the age range for the children's healthcare hting
20:39.34jblackcreams his pants
20:39.44Kattyhands jblack the shop towels.
20:40.10jerris[1]jblack: The propeller has its own language called "spin". It's a cross between basic, c, and a few other languages.
20:40.14Naikrovekhowcome you creamed yer pantses
20:40.29Naikrovekarduino is nice because that language is very C/Java like
20:40.30jblackNaikrovek: that propeller chip is 8 processors on one chip.
20:40.40Naikrovekjblack: oooOOOoohh
20:40.57jblackFor 8 bucks
20:40.59Kattyi'll take two.
20:41.01Naikrovekno kiddin
20:41.02jerris[1]only 80 mHz a piece. But still pretty hardcore.
20:41.11jerris[1]You guys never seen this chip, eh?
20:41.12Naikrovekarduino is 16mhz
20:41.13Naikrovekor maybe 20
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20:41.22Naikrovekjerris[1]: heard of it, but dorky name, so ignored
20:41.27Naikrovekperhaps will take another look
20:41.47jerris[1]So, this guy takes the arduino or a pic and puts a propeller chip on the same board to act as a media co-processor.
20:42.04jerris[1]Instant Multi-media capabilities.
20:42.20jblackonly 32k of ram for the 8 processors? That seems kinda. slim
20:42.44jerris[1]They're looking to boost it in the next round of design.
20:43.07jerris[1]It's still a pretty ingeneous design.
20:43.14jblackplust whatever "Cog RAM: 512 x 32 bits each" means
20:43.27jblackYeah. That's frigging incredible.
20:43.33jerris[1]Each processor has it's own individual RAM.
20:43.45VoIP-Penguinits own
20:43.49jerris[1]Then the shared RAM is 32k.
20:44.14jerris[1]That's enough to process whatever you want then store the rest on an SD card.
20:44.29jerris[1]Instant pocket sized mini-computer.
20:44.45jblackI figured that aspect out, but I don't know what "512 x 32 bits" means. I suppose that's 512*(32/8) bytes per processor, or 2K of ram
20:44.53Naikrovek32k is incredibly huge for a microprocessor like that
20:45.05jblackNaikrovek: With 8 processors?
20:45.26Naikrovekthink so
20:45.31Naikrovekis not a microcontroller expert
20:45.41jblack20mhz * 8 = 160mhz of processor power. What do you do with 32k of ram with that sort of power...
20:45.45jerris[1]Well, you don't really see many devices like this with 8 processors. lol
20:45.51jblackman I bet thing gets warm
20:46.04jerris[1]Naw, not too bad.
20:46.14Naikrovekthe way microprocessors do things doesn't require a lot of ram, because rom is also very fast
20:46.33Naikrovekyou dont' need to load a program into memory to make it perform, you just read it from rom
20:47.14jerris[1]At any rate, I love my Chameleon
20:47.21jblack32 io pins.. that's easily enough for a few flash devices.
20:47.21jerris[1]I got the PIC-16 version.
20:48.01jblackNaikrovek: Lets put this simpler.. this thing has less shared ram than a commodore 64, and 120 times the processing power.\
20:48.34Naikrovekjblack: it's enough for most things, i'm sure of it
20:48.37jerris[1]Yes, but could you buy a commodore 64 for 8 bucks? :)
20:48.45jerris[1]Well, maybe now you can.
20:48.53jerris[1]Haven't checked ebay lately.
20:49.37patrbI've been using arduino..just got a prop board recently to try out
20:49.51patrbarduino has been great to learn on
20:49.56Naikroveki seem to remember a microcontroller that spoke java bytecodes natively
20:49.57jblacknothing says you need to use all 8 80mhz processors (so actually 640mhz combined)
20:50.43jerris[1]Anybody got any suggestions on resources for circuit design?
20:51.02jerris[1]Besides bitme? :)
20:51.10patrbjoin a local hacker club if your area has one
20:51.34patrbthats the best resource
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20:51.50jerris[1]I looked around for a good Electrical Engineering group, but couldn't find anything.
20:52.00patrbwhat city are you in?
20:52.09jerris[1]Salt Lake.
20:52.12[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:52.29Naikrovekjerris[1]: i work with about 80Ees
20:52.44Naikrovekvery interesting conversations
20:52.46jerris[1]Well, that helps. :)
20:53.12jerris[1]Don't really have those resources. Considering I'm the sys admin, network admin, and apparently now the phone guy too.
20:53.24Naikrovekyeah i'm all three of those as well
20:53.42jerris[1]Well, hell. I just need to talk our company to pick up a few EEs then. ;)
20:54.09jerris[1]Considering we're a software company, don't know how that'll go over.
20:54.32Naikrovekwe're a software company too, but we write software for electronic control modules for diesel engines
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20:55.00Naikrovekso we gotta know the CAN network, how to wire into it and stuff.  we design hardware to go into CAN networks, etc
20:55.04Naikrovekcrazy stuff
20:55.19jerris[1]fun fun.
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20:58.03jblackhugs jerris[1]
20:58.38jerris[1]like it, eh?
20:59.14*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
21:00.51Naikroveki didn't peg jblack as the hugging type
21:01.00Naikroveki guess i caught you on a bad day that time
21:01.26Naikrovekthat was more of a stab-you-in-the-throat day for you i think
21:01.51patrblol, i think there a few personalities in this channel that have a lot of those days
21:01.59jblackjerris[1]: Yeah. The propellor manual even shows how to hook up a 256K eeprom
21:02.12citywokin a blind transfer i get all of the channel variables passed through from the original call.  in an attended transfer i do not, and i do not get a seperate CDR entry for the second leg of the call. is there a way to solve this?
21:02.41citywokthe original call leg actually gets credit for the full length of the call, even after they've connected lines 1 & 2 together and backed out of it
21:02.46jblackNaikrovek: Sometimes I hug. Sometimes I stab in the throat. Sometimes I hug someone after stabbing them in the throat. Other times, I stab people in the throat for hugging me.
21:02.57Naikrovekjblack: i'm gathering that
21:03.20Naikrovekdiversity is good
21:03.32jblackI'm very predictible though, if you know the local temperature, humdidity, my blood glucose level, recent sleep pattens, bank balance and sunspot activity
21:03.36citywokhere is what the channel looks like after trasnferring it.
21:04.07jblackMan. I gotta make soemthing with this shit.
21:05.10jblackOne thing about that propellor. I somehow doubt g++ has that architecture as a target.
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21:06.02doctorrayanyone around who might be able to field a simple polycom question?
21:06.11jdoenot if you don't ask it, no.
21:06.19Naikrovekdoctorray: yes.  ask
21:06.25doctorrayI've got the administrator guide printed in a 3 ring binder in front of me, and I've read through most of it,
21:06.51Naikrovekabout to leave
21:06.51doctorrayI'm typing... one sec :)
21:07.28doctorrayI'm looking to map the extra line keys to other features, such as BLF or Call Park..  I think I've got the underlying programming down, but can't seem to find anything about actually making it show up on the phone's line key
21:07.43Naikrovekon the line key?
21:07.46Naikrovekor soft key
21:08.04doctorrayline key.  it's in a bunch of screenshots of the phone in the admin guide
21:08.15doctorraythough I will fall back to soft key if that's only available with Polycom's server software license
21:08.23jblackjerris[1]: Oh man, the propellor dev tools are not only not on linux, but aren't even free software?
21:08.37Naikrovekpolycom has a doc on using the phoens with asterisk, in it they show how to do things like create a soft key to park.  never tried it with a line key though i guess it's possible
21:08.48doctorrayalso, the technical bulletin that talks about enhanced feature keys reference a "EFK-softkey1.cfg" that I can't seem to find online anywhere
21:08.51jerris[1]jblack: yeah, sorry 'bout that.
21:08.57Naikrovekdoctorray: yeah i can't find that file either
21:09.04jerris[1]jblack: they may open source it at some point.
21:09.07Naikrovekdoctorray: looked for quite some time a couple weeks back
21:09.15jblackLet me know if they ever open up?
21:09.21doctorrayNaikrovek: I also want to program a sidecar expansion on a 650 to be BLF/speed dial, so I suppose if I found instructions on that somewhere I could figure the rest out
21:09.31Naikrovekdoctorray: that part is easy
21:09.44Naikrovekdoctorray: eeeeasy
21:09.48doctorrayis it in the admin guide and I'm blind?
21:10.08Naikrovekit's so simple it doesn't need to be in the admin guide.  it might be in the user guide though
21:10.12jblackI'm guessing that chameleon is no good to me either. :(
21:10.26jerris[1]In what way?
21:10.36Naikrovekdoctorray: create a contact.  modify the contact, turn "buddy watch" on.  observe it show up on the sidecar
21:10.37jerris[1]All it's schematics are there.
21:10.53doctorrayNaikrovek: best done through phone interface, or can it be done through provisioning server files?
21:11.09jblackwell, it's got a propellor chip in it
21:11.14jerris[1]You're just limited on some of the propeller stuff. The rest of it is standard PIC or arduino.
21:11.17jblackSo I'm thinking I can't make code for it.
21:11.21Naikrovekdoctorray: oh, you have to give it a speed dial to make it work, but you can do it via the phone or via the contact file for the phone
21:11.28jerris[1]Oh, sure you can.
21:11.42jerris[1]Only the dev tools aren't open.
21:11.56jerris[1]But they're free to download.
21:12.22Naikrovekdoctorray: if you want the BLF and speeddial to work only on the sidecar, make sure the other line keys on the phone are used for other things
21:12.26Naikrovekelse those will get used
21:12.30Naikrovekeasy peasy
21:12.39Naikrovekeasy as a bread sandwich
21:12.47Katty^- yum.
21:12.49jblackjerris[1]: huh? the arduino works with g++, so shouldn't the chameleon?
21:12.55jerris[1]Use WINE and you're good to go.
21:13.28jerris[1]It will for the arduino portion. Then you use the SPI to talk to the propeller.
21:13.44jerris[1]onboard SPI link.
21:14.28*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
21:14.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:16.33*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
21:17.03Kattyhi fender
21:17.03a1fahello.. i have two DID one one SIP account
21:17.24a1fai'd like to move each call to a different section, based on destination DID
21:17.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: \o/
21:19.45VoIP-Penguina1fa: That's what extensions.conf is for.
21:19.45a1faah hell
21:19.59a1faVoIP-Penguin : broadvoice does not destinguish between dids
21:20.10a1fathey all come in as primary DID
21:20.14[TK]D-Fendera1fa: it does.  Look closer
21:20.14VoIP-PenguinTime to get a better provider.
21:20.33VoIP-Penguina1fa: The provider should send the phone number along with the call, then you just match extensions and do things with each.
21:21.14a1fait sends the primary number only
21:21.26VoIP-PenguinAsk them to fix it.
21:21.35a1faits like asking a deadhorse to get up
21:22.01Slugs_you can still beat it though
21:22.07VoIP-PenguinMaybe, but they have the ability to fix their incorrect configuration, where the dead horse probably can't get up.
21:23.19a1fa[TK]D-Fender : what am I looking for?
21:23.20[TK]D-FenderVoIP-Penguin: Broadvoice is fine
21:23.26[TK]D-Fendera1fa: SIP DEBUG
21:23.30a1faoh i did
21:23.35VoIP-Penguin[tk]d-fender: Oh, so it's a1fa.  Got it.
21:23.43a1fa-- Executing [501XXXXXX@from-broadvoice:1]
21:23.57a1faeven after i dialed 1-866 DID
21:24.06a1fai got from broadvoice
21:24.07VoIP-PenguinThat looks more like core verbose output than sip debug.
21:24.38[TK]D-Fendera1fa: SIP DEBUG
21:25.01jerris[1]I'm bailing... (not hay)
21:25.18marienzaww, looks like this softphone idea of mine isn't going to work because of some usb-level issue with the system I wanted to use for this
21:25.44*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:27.15a1fa[TK]D-Fender : same thing
21:27.44[TK]D-Fendera1fa: SIP DEBUG
21:28.04infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:28.24a1fa[TK]D-Fender : no.. i am looking at debug captures
21:28.54a1fai never see the destination DID, except the primary number associated with broadvoice
21:29.11[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Know what I see so far?
21:29.40infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
21:30.26[TK]D-FenderQwell: Parse fail on that one....
21:30.48a1faD-Fender.. its a lot of crap to paste.. i've tried to search within the debug, and its not there
21:31.36[TK]D-Fendera1fa: You know... if you knew what you were doing... it'd be working already.  Clearly your eyes aren't cutting it at this point.
21:31.46a1faIt always show the original and primary number for broadvoice
21:31.53[TK]D-Fendera1fa: And "a lot of crap" really doesn't ge you any further along
21:32.39a1faok.. i am looking at SIP INVITE
21:32.58Kobaza1fa: here's the usual progression: 1) help i have a problem   2) but i don't need to paste, all i see is XXX   3) three hours go by   4) person finally pastes the logs   5)  someone in #asterisk fixes the problem
21:33.17Kobaza1fa: lets skip step 3... and just paste your damn log
21:33.39infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:34.10[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Say.... who helped you get started with * all those years ago?
21:34.52[TK]D-Fendera1fa: You should listen to that guy!
21:35.03a1faI do.. and I have looked at debug logs, and its not there
21:35.29Kobaza1fa: we're not asking for logs to be annoying... hardly ever is it the case that logs are not helpful... usually within minutes of someone looking, they can spot the problem
21:35.35VoIP-Penguinkobaz: The hours are still progressing.  You did make an honest attempt, though.
21:35.42KobazVoIP-Penguin: heh
21:35.56[TK]D-Fendera1fa: I'm gonna get... terse ... in a sec if you don't liven up boy...
21:36.03[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
21:36.07KobazVoIP-Penguin: seriously... there was a guy in here last week who refused to paste his logs
21:36.27Slugs_prob me
21:36.29[TK]D-FenderKobaz: There's multple guys in here EVERY week with that approach
21:36.36KobazVoIP-Penguin: he was here all day long... starting around 10am.... he pasted his logs at like 3pm, and i helped him fix his problem within minutes
21:36.45VoIP-Penguinkobaz: I don't doubt it one bit.  The end user with the problem ALWAYS knows better than anyone else!
21:36.46KobazSlugs_: :P
21:38.18KobazVoIP-Penguin: sometimes the end user does know better though... ie: time warner tech support
21:38.30Qwell[TK]D-Fender: What Would (you) Do?
21:38.30VoIP-PenguinGood point.
21:38.49a1fatoo much sensitive crap in the log to be posting on the internet, D-Fender, do you mind if I change some stuff?
21:38.53Kobazno, i'm not using windows.... yes, i'm getting a dhcp address.... no the modem is not on fire... no, rebooting will not fix the problem... yes, your router is down.... no, i don't use windows
21:39.09VoIP-PenguinBut it's not just Time Warner... it's a LOT of companies' tech support teams.
21:39.23[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Yes.  See PM
21:39.26Kobaza1fa: take out passwords and phone numbers you dont want people to see... but make them still look like passwords and phone numbers... don't replace a phone number with foobarbaz
21:40.06VoIP-PenguinPreferably, just hide passwords... since the phone number IS pertinent.
21:40.41Kobaz5551231234 isn't much different than 2125551231234
21:40.44Kobazas long as everything matches
21:41.13VoIP-PenguinIf they consistently change the phone number in every possible instance, sure... but that is often a problem.
21:41.16Kobazit depends what the issue is really, whether the phone number is important
21:41.25VoIP-PenguinIt's usually important.
21:44.01Kobazwe should make april 1st to be national bug free day
21:44.16VoIP-PenguinWe could, but it would be a big joke!
21:44.28Kobazwhere from january to that date, everyone works 80 hours a week ot make sure their programs have no bugs by april
21:44.40QwellKobaz: it's already March 22nd.
21:44.43Kobazi know :(
21:44.47QwellSO...  time to start working non-stop
21:45.00QwellKobaz: congratulations, you're now an Asterisk bug marshal. ;)
21:45.04Kobazuh oh
21:45.16Qwellbackfired :p
21:47.36Kobazi've been slacking in finding new bugs lately
21:47.44Kobazalthough i did find one in 0.26
21:49.35*** join/#asterisk wart___ (
21:50.13wart___hi folks.  this probably is super-naive but i've spent a few hours working through the documentation.  i have a simple asterisk server on my gentoo box and an account via so i can make pc-to-phone calls.
21:50.47wart___so i have linphonec and pjsua clients (and ekiga and others like that); andd i have asterisk configured, so how do i actually make the phone caall?
21:51.04wart___linphonec and pjsua both complaint that the relevant port is in use when i have asterisk running
21:51.13wart___is there a commandline switch to get asterisk to send the call?
21:51.15Qwellwart___: tell them to not use port 5060
21:51.29wart___i dont own any other machine, so i'll need to call from the same machine which has astterisk running
21:51.36wart___Qwell: ok i'll give that a try
21:51.45Qwell(them = the softphones)
21:52.16wart___and have them point to the then?
21:53.24wart___ok now they launch, now i need to configure the softphones i take it to talk to my asterisk server?
21:53.39wart___or isn't there a way to just tell asterisk to make the outbound call itself?
21:53.43wart___and bypass these softpones?
21:54.16*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
21:56.55VoIP-PenguinYes, that will do it.
21:57.08VoIP-PenguinAs long as you form the command correctly, obviously.
21:57.15[TK]D-Fenderwart___: Why would * call out all by itself?  To what end?
21:58.03wart___hmm originate isn't part of the asterisk ebuild.
21:58.04carrarIt's Alive!
21:58.39VoIP-Penguinoriginate SIP/itsp-peer/13149691077 application playback activated
21:58.53wart___[TK]D-Fender: Well, i want to connect to via the IAX protocal (eventually) and I also want to be able to make outgoing calls without using a gui softphone.
21:59.29wart___the extant CLI softphones (linphonec and pjsua) are pretty buggy.
21:59.44wart___Please do correct me if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
22:00.08[TK]D-Fenderwart___: So far this is NOT Asterisk calling out all by itself.  Youa re still placing a call with a client to * and THEN * calls out.
22:00.09wart___I figured cutting maintaining an asterisk server would be accomplish what I want.
22:00.51wart___woah, infobot is great.
22:01.20VoIP-PenguinNow just brush up on your expressions, and you'll be good to go.
22:01.24infobotsomebody said infobot was The coolest, or a decepticon
22:01.41a1fad-fender, thanks
22:02.03a1fathievs over at bv require new accounts for new dids
22:02.14infoboti heard infobot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
22:02.41[TK]D-FenderMAH BITCH!
22:02.49infobotit has been said that whut is the matrix  You a redneck, son?
22:03.14a1fa[TK]D-Fender : did i tell you i had a breach on my *?
22:03.38[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Yeah... some numbskull move like not setting PW's
22:03.49a1fai was doing 3g+SIP and had a debug user with no password.. some crackhead managed to dial out 100+ numbers
22:03.57a1faand got some lady to punch her cc into the IVR
22:04.41a1fa$6 worth of damages to me
22:04.58Slugs_how much for her?
22:05.01a1fadont know
22:05.03VoIP-PenguinDamn, VoIP is so expensive!
22:05.03a1fadidnt ask
22:05.32a1faanyway, * needs to say unknown extension even when password is bad
22:05.36*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
22:05.47a1faor you need to have such flexibility to enable that
22:06.04VoIP-PenguinWhy would it say "unknown extension" if a password is bad?
22:06.14VoIP-PenguinWouldn't it say unknown device or something similar?
22:06.45VoIP-PenguinAnd it can do that if you configure it.
22:07.11VoIP-Penguinalwaysauthreject = yes
22:07.13a1faeven if password is pad
22:07.20Micc__When I do sip show channelstats I see a lot of channels that have lost recv packets. Is that normal?
22:07.46VoIP-PenguinThis option does exactly what you're asking about.
22:07.55a1faPenguin, thanks
22:07.58a1fajust what i ened
22:08.34Micc__I'm running, channelstats seem off to me.
22:09.28Micc__It only seems off for sip trunks though. regular peers seem fine.
22:10.04hardwiresigh.. I'm totally not understanding some dialplan stuffs
22:10.10Micc__Maybe its counting lost packets against other channels on same ip.
22:10.23hardwireexten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(mbx)="${ext}"$["${cntx}"?"@${cntx}"::""]) turns into "LOCAL(mbx)="0055""""
22:11.00a1fa[TK]D-Fender : thanks, as awlays..
22:11.08a1faVoIP-Penguin : thanks for the tip, as well
22:11.20citywoki've got a call with 25% loss according to channelstats and the user says no call quality issues have been noticed
22:11.40Micc__citywok, yeah I haven't heard any complaints either.
22:11.46citywokand the sip peer is what shows that loss
22:11.56[TK]D-Fendera1fa: You're welcome.  Next time... just provide the debug and background the FIRST time, ok?
22:11.57citywokbut only for one aastra desk phone out of all of my current calls (30)
22:12.11a1fa[TK]D-Fender : ditto ;P
22:12.26*** join/#asterisk arpu (
22:15.07Slugs_hardwire, what is it supposed to turn into
22:15.17ChannelZhardwire: what are you trying to make it do?  the :: near the end seems wrong
22:15.19*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
22:15.20hardwiresomething with less '"'s
22:15.37hardwireChannelZ: thats from the default dialplan distributed with asterisk 1.6
22:16.09hardwireit's supposed to add a voicemail context to the end of the mbx variable if the variable cntx exists
22:16.45hardwireapparently the interpereter is being really literal.. because if I statically say Set(CDR(accountcode)="woot") it doesn't strip the '"'s
22:17.17Kobazhardwire: the mbx tks the cntx frm th ast nd ds th dl
22:17.29hardwireKobaz: figures
22:17.38ChannelZquotes are quotes now it seems
22:18.01citywoki'm having issues with CDR's and call trasnfers
22:18.07citywokis this just a suicide mission?
22:18.16*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:18.23Kobazit's really difficult to link cdr data together
22:18.25citywoki need it to not be a suicide mission. lol
22:18.44Kobazi have bunches of custom code to do my own cdrs, so that it's sane
22:18.46citywoki need a CDR entry to be created for each leg of a call when a call is transferred from one agent to another
22:19.21citywokright now there is just one CDR, which has dstchannel as the first agent that answered
22:19.25Kobazfor anything other than straight call delivery, i find cdrs useless
22:19.36citywokif i do a blind xfer from my deks phone then it works great
22:19.37Kobazcitywok: you can use forkcdr() or something like that
22:19.53citywokif i do a redirect from AMI it is one CDR which has dstchannel as the second agent that answered
22:20.04ChannelZhuh... I guess :: is the right syntax, all this time I've been using one
22:20.06citywokKobaz, how so?  use forkcdr() at the beginning of the dial command on the context?
22:20.13Kobaznot sure, i haven't used it
22:20.18Kobazbut it might be of use
22:20.48Kobazthe thing is, i haven't found out if theres a way to tell if a new dial is the result of an attempted transfer or not
22:20.59Kobazyou don't know if the call is a transfer until it's actually transfered, which makes sense
22:21.06hardwirereplaces with execif
22:21.06citywokyea, exactly
22:21.18citywokbut whats the damage of doing forkcdr on a call initiated with no existing CDR?
22:21.28citywokyou may end up with a blank dumb CDR, but oh well
22:21.35Kobazthat might work
22:22.13citywokand for me, everything that i parse CDR's with uses informatino that gets passed in to * manually via the actual dial command. the only time an agent ever dials their phone is for a tranfer, or an internal call
22:22.39citywokso forkcdr() would only run on an intenral call or a call transfer (again, internal only)
22:22.55citywokto transfer to an outside line they have to use their interface which uses the AMI to originate the call for them
22:23.24citywoki'll have to investigate this
22:28.34hardwirecitywok: call ResetCDR(e) first?
22:28.55hardwireor check the code for forkcdr and see if it does the same thing
22:29.14citywokwhere do you see E as an option?
22:29.30hardwirecore show application ResetCDR
22:32.45citywokokay so forkcdr() does cause the CDR to stop the first portion but it doesn't keep any of the channel variables
22:32.49citywokso i need to find that trick now
22:33.24citywokmaybe i need resetcdr(v)
22:37.19hardwireforkcdr has a "keep variables" option
22:38.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
22:44.34citywoki tried (v) and it didnt keep the cdr variables. gotta see if it keeps the other non-cdr variables
22:47.46Slugs_originate <tech/data> application <appname> appdata
22:48.10Slugs_afer application, can i use a function, like SayNumber()
22:48.37citywokhardwire: the channel variables dont stick, i think because the fork() is happening before the channels are bound together.
22:49.04*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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22:49.06citywoki think i could do this with a little bit of ASTDB trickery though
22:49.42hardwirewtf.  why isn't the stock stdexten macro working anywhere near as well as it should
22:50.02hardwire_stdexten-. isn't matching stdexten-CHANUNAVAIL
22:51.06*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
22:53.45VoIP-PenguinWill x and n match 0-9 and 2-9, so you'll end up with stde[0-9]te[2-9]-morestuff?
22:54.18Qwellthe lowercase shouldn't be matching
22:54.35[TK]D-FenderQwell: should....
22:54.36QwellBUT!  if it is, you can try _stde[x]te[n]-.
22:54.42Qwellwhich would be silly
23:03.04*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
23:06.16*** join/#asterisk aceio (~c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/x-jpkhpegbchyqjcgj)
23:06.33*** join/#asterisk freezey (
23:07.08freezeyhey i am getting all circuits are busy now when trying to make a call through dahdi... when i run dahdi show status the card comes up and the 2 ports being used show OK but when i run dahdi show channels nothing appears
23:07.27*** join/#asterisk pyite (~dschreibe@unaffiliated/pyite)
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23:15.18*** join/#asterisk sbrath (~sbrath@unaffiliated/sbrath)
23:18.05sbrathSo I just had a wierd crash of 1.6.2   All the phones started flashing, and lost their connection to asterisk all at the same time, but I could still call into voicemail, MeetMe or Queues but when I call a # that dials a SIP/XXXX extension, the Channel gets dropped and I get a phone company message .... ??  I restarted asterisk and rebooted the phones, and now is all fine.
23:18.21sbrathAsterisk had been running for 2-3 weeks without a restart....
23:20.44Kobazsbrath: get a backtrace from the core file and post a bug report
23:21.01VoIP-Penguinsbrath: SIP/XXXX is not an extension; it is a channel tech and a device name.
23:21.54Kobazsbrath: so you were still able to call in but got an error?  if asterisk was still running that's not a crash
23:21.59Kobazsounds like your network went down
23:22.13*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
23:23.38sbrathYou're right it's a TECH and device.... I was able to http into the phones, reboot them, and sip show peers showed everything as OK.
23:24.44freezeywhat could be the cause of dahdi show channels not returning any info?
23:25.00Kobazdahdi isn't loaded
23:25.04sbrathIf I called in, I saw my call progress thru caller id, and when id got to the Dial/4115:    chan_dahdi.c:     -- Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup, cause 102
23:25.11Kobazwell, not fully loaded (ie: not configured)
23:25.20freezeyKobaz: lsmod shows that it is loaded
23:25.25sbrathThe call came in on T1 over a dahdi card.
23:25.31Kobazfreezey: not configured
23:25.46freezeyKobaz: dahdi show status shows the 2 lines that are connected as OK
23:25.56sbrathcan just one part of asterisk freak out? and the rest work?
23:25.58freezeyKobaz: i am getting all circuits are busy
23:26.01Kobazsbrath: sure
23:26.25Kobazfreezey: then it's not configured properly... you can paste your configs
23:27.04Kobazsbrath: you can paste your full log
23:28.24Kobazand what's dahdi_cfg -vv say
23:30.23sbrathKobaz: The full log is quite un-eventful, it looks just like a normal call but when it tried to hand the call to SIP/4115 I got this: -- Called 4115
23:30.34sbrathand then: -- Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup, cause 102
23:30.42Kobazand now do: module unload
23:30.48Kobazand then module load
23:30.48sbraththen:  Hungup 'DAHDI/25-1'
23:30.50Kobazand paste the output
23:30.52*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
23:31.16Kobazsbrath: paste it anyway, there might be something useful
23:31.25freezeyKobaz: ok
23:31.28*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
23:31.38freezeyKobaz: ahh sick
23:31.46freezeythey show up now
23:31.57freezeystill get all circuits are busy but the channels show up now
23:31.58Kobazdid you change your config since initially loading asterisk?
23:32.09Kobazor did you not run dahdi_cfg before running asterisk?
23:32.19Kobazdahdi_cfg must be run on every boot or dahdi module load
23:32.35freezeyyeah usually i load all modules then load asterisk
23:32.37Kobazpri show spans
23:32.47freezeyPRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Up, Active
23:32.47freezeyPRI span 2/0: Provisioned, Up, Active
23:32.56Kobazeverything is good on your end then
23:33.00Kobazno errors? about cpe/net etc?
23:33.25Kobazpri intensive debug span 1
23:33.28freezeyi dont see any errors would you like to see the call log when it fails?
23:33.31Kobazmake a call, and paste that too
23:35.03*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
23:37.48Kobazoh, maybe it's not so good on your end
23:37.59Kobaznothing is going out the pri when you're dialing
23:38.19freezeymy trunk dial rules are 1+NXXNXXXXXX
23:38.21voxterI wonder if 888 voip store realizes that most voip companies wont be able to dial their phone number?
23:38.22Kobazthat's very weird
23:38.28Kobazfreezey: dialing rules aren't used
23:38.38freezeyso what could be stopping this?
23:38.44Kobazit's failing at the dahdi level
23:38.52Kobazyour dialign rules are already processed by then
23:39.08freezeywhere do you see it fail at the dahdi level?
23:39.32freezeythought that was it yeah
23:39.33Kobazthere is no pri debugging surrounding that
23:39.33freezeysaw that
23:39.50Kobazwhat's your /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
23:40.08freezeyfull => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
23:40.19Kobazjust for sanity
23:40.32Kobazadd: console  => notice,warning,error,verbose,debug
23:40.48Kobazlogger reload
23:40.50Kobazand make a call again
23:40.56Kobazwhat asterisk version?
23:41.10Kobazsomething is horribly horribly wrong if you're not seeing anything on the pri when you do a dial
23:41.26Kobazokay so you're not using something silly like trunk
23:41.40*** join/#asterisk tankbusta (
23:41.51tankbustaHow long can a snapshot take?
23:42.13leifmadsenof what?
23:42.18Kobaztankbusta: as long as you hold down the shutter button
23:42.19tankbustaShoulda said what
23:42.23tankbustaDruid OSE
23:42.27leifmadsenno idea
23:42.31leifmadsenthis isn't #druid :)
23:42.54tankbusta:) hah
23:43.01tankbustaI've been here with druid questions
23:43.03tankbustaOh well
23:43.09Kobazwhat's a druid
23:43.18Kobazother than those little pagan guys with hooded robes
23:43.25jayteethat worship trees
23:43.31freezeyi hate druid man dam
23:43.34leifmadsen"A druid was a member of the priestly and learned class active in Gaul, and perhaps in Celtic culture more generally, during the final centuries BCE."
23:43.34freezeythats what i am moving off of
23:44.01freezeyKobaz: i see the dial plans work with no problem and verify then i just see it die with unkown
23:44.05freezeypastebin is up there
23:44.26freezeycould it be the trunkoutcid?
23:44.30freezeythat is causing the problem
23:44.36tankbustaI wish I had the choice of not using Druid -_-
23:44.37freezeybut that is just a mask tho
23:45.03Kobazfreezey: and that's with pri debugging?
23:45.09Kobazyou didn't turn it off, did you
23:45.12freezeymeh yeah
23:45.13freezey1 sec hahaha
23:46.21Kobazi'm an idiot
23:46.31*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
23:46.36Kobazchange your dial string to use DAHDI/g63
23:46.40Kobazor change your group to 0
23:46.57freezeyand then reload dahdi again?
23:47.11vader--anyone in here happen to work with adtran units?
23:47.14freezeythe module way or service way?
23:47.24Kobazprobably would be easier to just change your dahdi.cfg group to 0
23:47.26Kobazfor 1-23
23:47.31freezeyyeah just did
23:47.45Kobazmodule reload  will reload the groups
23:47.49Kobazthere are several things you can'
23:47.56Kobazcan't change with a reload, but groups will change
23:48.12Kobazthis isn't freepbx or asterisknow is it
23:48.25*** join/#asterisk DrGeek (
23:48.26DrGeekg'day all
23:48.29freezeymuch appreciated
23:48.31Kobazlike i said... something was horribly wrong
23:48.45Kobazokay you can kill all the debugging
23:48.58DrGeekhas anyone used the nethdlc DAHDI links for bonding multiple T1's?
23:50.49freezeyKobaz: now i remember using dundi.conf to do lookups towards a pbx sitting on another subnet and pass the extensions over that can still be used right? or is their another conf file for that now
23:51.10Kobazi'm not familiar with dundi
23:51.26freezeyKobaz: now jsut the calls coming in says numbers not in service haha
23:51.48Kobazit looks like some sort of gui setup
23:51.56Kobazyour setup
23:52.06Kobazunless you've built it up yourself
23:52.23freezeyyeah i had to remove the regular asterisk version and put a GUI on top so other people can create extensions... so ididnt have to show them how
23:52.30freezeyeasier for them
23:52.38freezeyfreepbx i think it is
23:52.49Kobazno idea how to fix your routing problem
23:52.57freezeyyeah that i have to figure out
23:53.05Kobazfreepbx shoves thousands of lines of custom stuff on top of asterisk
23:53.15freezeyits freaking messy
23:54.29*** join/#asterisk bobisa (
23:54.55*** part/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
23:57.06bobisai have a questio about asterisk, there i web application for configuring asterisk or its all done by vi
23:57.40Slugs_web gui for asterisk
23:57.55infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
23:57.56bobisait can configure everything with that ?
23:57.59sbraththe hard core people use vi, use asterisknow/elastix/ etc for a freepbx gui
23:58.12Kobazvi is for wimps
23:58.21Kobazthe real hard core use dd and cat
23:58.31sbrathall I use is edlin
23:58.32Slugs_bobisa, its not as flexable
23:58.54Slugs_bobisa, depends on what your doing i guess
23:59.10Kobazand vi is eh... jed is a much better lightweight editor
23:59.43Slugs_slaps Kobaz with vi bits
23:59.54Kobazemacs ftw

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