IRC log for #asterisk on 20100320

00:00.17Kattymaxime1986: bmoraca_work is leaving, not me
00:00.37maxime1986it's not a big problem since iax can easily be filter by port
00:01.02*** part/#asterisk cguerrero (~cuauhtemo@
00:01.29maxime1986Katty: oups .. working .. configuring asterisk .. follow the chat .. maybe to much things in parallel .. sorry
00:02.24Kattymaxime1986: no big (=
00:03.05*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
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00:10.12ryanlincan anyone assit me on getting the asterisk autoattendent to work with cme?
00:10.27ryanlini configured the dial peer on the cme
00:11.09ryanlinmade a phone call..the call goes throughn to the asterisk, asterisk does not accept the calls
00:15.46ryanlinManxPower-work: ah i see...well..we are actually using sip..but it didn't work
00:16.59*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
00:17.27*** join/#asterisk ltd (
00:23.47*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
00:28.30*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
00:33.03*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
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00:37.01*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:37.50*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
00:42.46*** part/#asterisk maxime1986 (
00:45.22*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
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00:52.34*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
00:54.10*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
01:03.19*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (~john@
01:03.51seanjohnwhich version of asterisk is the latest and most stable? 1.6.0?
01:05.44*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
01:11.04ruben23hi, dahdi is compatible with asterisk 1.4.22
01:20.20*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
01:29.47*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
01:32.22*** join/#asterisk Flametail (
01:33.21FlametailI was hoping to use asterisk as kind of a private phone service.... where all my friends can communicate with each other
01:33.48Flametailsimply by enter ip and port number of the server... and th eextension they want to call
01:34.33Flametailaka for the ip 8650 for the port and call extension 5786 for Robert.... is this possible with the asterisk server?
01:37.37*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
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01:41.29*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (~john@
01:42.28jayteeFlametail, yes but * uses the SIP protocol which normally uses port 5060. You can learn more how to setup what you want by reading the book
01:42.32infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:43.17TJNIIFlametail: You'll want to set up accuonts for your users and have them log in.  It is the easiest way and, if done properly, secure.
01:43.57TJNIIPortscanning bots will try and exploit your install if you put it on the web, you don't want unauthenticated access.
01:44.06Flametailis new to sip and asterisk... perhaps more specific please... also note Flametail uses Asterisk fr windows
01:44.27ManxPower-workFlametail, "asterisk for windows" is not supported in any shape or form
01:44.30jayteeAsterisk for Windows is a joke. dump it
01:44.45Flametailwell I havent a clue how to use linux
01:44.51ManxPower-workjaytee, I believe it *actually* was released on April 1st.
01:44.59jayteeit originally started as an April fools joke
01:45.08ManxPower-workFlametail, Ah!  Sorry, I just recognized you for the Troll you are.
01:45.12jayteeanother flaming turd that refuses to be extinguished
01:47.12Flametailima just have to find another server.....
01:47.14*** part/#asterisk Flametail (
01:47.52seanjohnwebenabled = yes is this legal in manager.conf for each user?
01:48.45seanjohnflame, linux uses itself
01:49.05seanjohnthe basic commands aren't much different from windows command shell
01:49.29seanjohninstead of \ linux uses the correct /
01:49.44TJNIIseanjohn: He left
01:49.50seanjohnwebenabled = yes : is this legal in manager.conf for each user?
01:50.18seanjohnlike can i enable web for specific people?
01:51.32seanjohni do know that using linux as my router is a lot better than windows using a regular router
01:51.44seanjohnvery low latency with iptables
01:51.45*** join/#asterisk simcop2387-lap (~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387)
01:51.59simcop2387-laphow do i reduce the verbosity of the asterisk console? (its at 3 right now i want it at 0)
01:52.31Godfather_core set verbosity 0
01:52.32*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
01:53.08simcop2387-lapso much was going by i couldn't see anything in tab compeltion
01:53.21seanjohnno one knows about webenabled?
01:53.27seanjohni'm using 1.6.2
01:54.24simcop2387-lapi'm on 1.6.1 here
01:58.42*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
02:01.21jayteeI'm on 1.6.arglebargle.whoosh
02:06.45*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
02:07.38jayteehi Katty
02:08.13Kattyhugs jaytee
02:08.21jayteehugs Katty
02:08.36Kattyhey slugs
02:09.05Slugs_how long have you guys been using asterisk?
02:09.28Kattybout 5 years
02:10.31Slugs_how long did it take for you to get a 'decent' handle on things?
02:10.43Kattyprobably a year
02:11.21Slugs_were you a complete newb like me in the beg?
02:11.27Kattyprobably worse
02:11.32Kattyi didn't know anything about linux
02:11.59Slugs_that's uplifting ;)
02:12.51Slugs_i get so frustrated, because i know im asking ignorant questoins and feel bad because im sure people are thinking 'wtf is he talking about' ;/
02:14.29jayteeSlugs_, you've been in here often enough that you should know that reading the book will make you 1) less ignorant and 2) enable you to ask better questions.
02:14.37Slugs_i think in the past 2 weeks ive learned so much, and the deeper i get into it the more i realize i don't knoe but the more i love it
02:14.52Kattyput the asterisk book in the bathroom
02:15.21Slugs_oh jaytee, absolutly, thank god for astrisk docs
02:15.26Kattyand tinker a lot (=
02:15.48Slugs_im so happy i started doing this
02:16.12jayteebuild it, then deliberately break it to see what happens, gives you a good handle on cause and effect for troubleshooting.
02:16.39Slugs_jaytee, how long have you been doing this?
02:16.45Kattyi still break stuff all the time
02:16.53jayteesince 2006
02:17.41Slugs_non of you guys use freepbx?
02:17.49Kattyi tried it once.
02:17.59Kattyi had a difficult time understanding how it worked.
02:18.11Slugs_it seems like you have less control
02:18.14jayteeit tends to restrict the flexibility and it's a very complex system
02:18.15Slugs_i got rid of it
02:18.18Kattythen i realized it made its own config files...and the macros were such a...nightmare to sift through
02:18.39Kattyi ended up taking a few key items from it, and then dumped it
02:18.43Kattyasterisk-stat was one of them
02:19.08KattyFoP was also on trixbox
02:19.10*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:19.13Kattybut i twas broken.
02:19.19VoIP-PenguinYou get lots less control using a GUI.
02:19.26Kattyluckily i'd setup FoP before, so i dug through it and figured out what was broken...
02:19.46Kattyoverall, i didn't much care for it
02:19.51*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
02:19.55jayteeI'm designing a management interface that runs on Windows and uses SSH to Asterisk, still uses the standard config files and still lets the admin have full control over the config files
02:20.06Kattyit has certain advantages for an office who wants to manage their own system...and not really know a clue about it
02:20.10Kattyrather than managed services.
02:20.35Slugs_that's pretty cool
02:20.37*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
02:22.57Slugs_im getting closer to connecting avaya to asterisk via h323, so im getting more excited
02:24.35*** join/#asterisk elvisthedj (~kris@
02:24.58Kattyi have a sleepy sammy ferret
02:25.31elvisthedjanyone here running gentoo?  this might not be distro specific, but i can't figure out what rtc kernel option to enable to make dahdi happy
02:25.45simcop2387-lapi am
02:26.08simcop2387-laplemme go look at what i've got (though i think i've got every one of them compiled as modules)
02:26.23elvisthedjsimcop2387-lap: thanks! :)
02:27.24simcop2387-lapyea everything as modules
02:27.30simcop2387-lapthough let me check something
02:28.14simcop2387-lapthe only depends line that i get is depends:        crc-ccitt
02:28.18simcop2387-lapfrom modinfo
02:29.13elvisthedjsimcop2387-lap: thanks! lemme take a look over here
02:31.30elvisthedjsimcop2387-lap: i have crc-ccitt compiled in ..  trying to emerge dahdi says i don't have rtc support ..  driving me crazy
02:33.09elvisthedjsimcop2387-lap: if you have a moment, maybe you can see if you see anything obvious .. i'm pretty close to going the non-portage route on this one
02:34.26simcop2387-lapyea let me look
02:35.17simcop2387-lapwhat kernel version? out of curiosity
02:35.49simcop2387-lapoh its at the bottom of the paste heh
02:39.08simcop2387-lapthe only differences i'm seeing is i've got RTC_DEBUG on (shouldn't matter) and all the drivers as modules, except the test driver (o'
02:39.17simcop2387-lapi've got the test driver built in
02:39.31simcop2387-lapyou've got cmos built in
02:39.39simcop2387-lapoh and the test
02:40.13simcop2387-lapoh doh i'm backwards
02:40.46simcop2387-lapi've got everything BUT the test driver installed as modules
02:40.50elvisthedjwell.. i guess i'm just going to make my own ebuild for it.  maybe it will either work or give me a better idea as to why it is not
02:40.51simcop2387-lapgive that a shot
02:40.59elvisthedjoh okay
02:42.26simcop2387-lapi've only got rtc-cmos loaded though
02:45.33*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:47.14simcop2387-lapi just wish google would fix gizmo, its gone way down hill since the take over, i used to have google voice+gizmo working great to let me make free outgoing (and incoming) calls
02:49.39elvisthedji just started playing with google voice a couple weeks ago.. haven't tried to integrate it (but free in/out sounds nice ;)
02:50.14elvisthedji got dahdi to build :D  .. now dahdi tools is screwing up ..  more googling
02:50.34*** join/#asterisk pentanol (
02:51.01*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
02:51.04ManxPower-workelvisthedj, did you read the dahdi README?
02:53.00elvisthedjManxPower-work: I haven't.  I'll take that as a suggestion :)
02:53.16ManxPower-workshould have been the first thing done
02:53.34ManxPower-workchances are it will list what software is required to build it
02:56.38xpotanyone know how to solve voicemail issues where extension digits are repeated and password digits are repeated?  IE: extension 104, shows entered in cli as 110044, and pass 23456 shows up as 2233445566?  I asume jitter any suggestions?
02:56.58elvisthedjManxPower-work: I was able to build/install dahdi.  I always look at the readme when i'm downloading src, but you kinda hope that the deps have been addressed in the ebuilds
02:57.25ManxPower-workelvisthedj, Generally Packaged versions of Asterisk suck and are not supported here.
02:57.25*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
03:00.20*** join/#asterisk siera04 (~chatzilla@
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03:04.27siera04I made the outbound call with Zaptel FXS phone, but the destination plays ivr and requires something(like language, password) before answer.
03:04.29*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
03:04.46siera04I can't input password on Zaptel FXS phone because the destination didn't answer to me.
03:04.48siera04How can i input password?
03:04.54siera04SIP phone has no problems to input the password.
03:05.09ManxPower-worksiera04, How are you connecting to the PSTN?
03:05.30siera04using zaptel FXO.
03:06.10ManxPower-worksiera04, All FXO ports are considered ANSWERED as soon as dialing is finished.
03:06.46ManxPower-workThe only exception to this is if you are using the (rather problematic) busydetect=yes or (and only insane people use this option) callprogress=yes
03:07.30*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
03:07.33ManxPower-worksiera04, What specific CARD do you have?
03:07.54siera044FXS4FXO digium card
03:09.38siera04NOW in zaptel.con busydetect=yes,and callprogress=no
03:14.32ManxPower-worksiera04, great1  set them both to no
03:17.50siera04i set "callprogress=yes" and test it just now.
03:18.12siera04it looks like no problems now...
03:19.47ManxPower-workyou should set them both to no or you'll have calls randomly disconnect as the systems incorrectly detects a BUSY condition.
03:20.12ChannelZYeah when you get that sound effects guy from Police Academy on the phone, it's a nightmare
03:21.05ManxPower-workChannelZ, usually people with "loud" voices or women with higher pitched voices
03:21.27siera04ManxPower-work: as you said, if "callprogress=yes", the FXO has answered
03:21.45siera04and after a few minutes, call is hangup automatically.
03:21.47ChannelZBusy detect I get buy what is the call progress actually looking for?
03:21.52ManxPower-workEnglish is not your native language?
03:22.02siera04me is poor enblish.
03:22.22ManxPower-workChannelZ, a pathetic attempt at trying to determine busy, answer, etc on FXO ports.
03:22.42ManxPower-worksiera04, use whatever option works for you.
03:23.11ManxPower-workI wish they would either change callprogress=yes to randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes (it's much more truthful) or remove the feature all togather.
03:24.28siera04yes, as you said. call is hanged up randomly...
03:25.33siera04but i saw "--Called g2/17***    -- Zap/35-1 answered Zap/37-1", if i use "callprogress=yes".
03:25.54siera04i saw only "--Called g2/17*** ", if i use "callprogress=no".
03:28.16siera04any other help?? i saw only "--Called g2/17*** ", if i use "busydetect = no"
03:29.18ManxPower-worksiera04, set it to whatever works for you.
03:30.37siera04i can't see "-- Zap/35-1 answered Zap/37-1" log.
03:30.49siera04so i can't input the password after ivr menu.
03:36.32*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
03:42.15*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
03:43.34jhirleyanyone know the default mysql root password for the AsteriskNow distro ?
03:44.08*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
03:44.29*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
03:44.30jhirleyanyone know the default mysql root password for the AsteriskNow distro ?
03:47.13TJNIINo, but I bet #asterisknow does.
03:48.05*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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03:55.19*** join/#asterisk Brack10 (~travis@
03:55.58Brack10Does Asterisk support SIMPLE messaging and presence
04:00.20beekinfobot: seen jaytee
04:00.23infobotjaytee is currently on #asterisk (3h 23m 23s). Has said a total of 12 messages. Is idling for 1h 40m 28s, last said: 'I'm designing a management interface that runs on Windows and uses SSH to Asterisk, still uses the standard config files and still lets the admin have full control over the config files'.
04:03.24*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
04:03.53*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
04:09.25ManxPower-workphpagi is crap compared to asterisk-perl
04:10.03ManxPower-workBrack10, No.  It does not, unless it's new to 1.6, in which case it should be mentioned in the UPGRADE*.txt files that come with the Asterisk source code.
04:10.20Brack10well damnit
04:10.48ManxPower-workIt supposed SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY based presence.
04:10.55ManxPower-worksupports, that is.
04:10.56Brack10there's no good way to integrate xmpp since presence on xmpp enabled clients wouldn't be visible to hard phones and visa versa
04:11.24ManxPower-workthat was not your question.
04:12.05ManxPower-workif the xmpp (jabber?) channel driver supports presence, then it should be integrated into the Asterisk DEVSTATE stuff, which works via SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY.
04:12.57ManxPower-workSo, yes, there's a good chance you can get presence working between an xmpp channel driver and SIP phones.  No, you woud not be using SIMPLE.
04:13.24hlueseai have take like that notice and i can't see callers cid chan_sip.c:18044 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension 'XXXXXXXXX' rejected because extension not found
04:13.42ManxPower-workhluesea, then you are not receiving that information.
04:14.02VoIP-Penguinto extension 'XXXXXXXXX' rejected because extension not found
04:14.03hlueseasaid that not found extension but this coming calls come default scobe and
04:14.21ManxPower-workhluesea, but that wasn not your question.  Your question was about callerid.
04:14.32*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
04:14.51ManxPower-workhluesea, do you have allowguest=no in your sip.conf [general]?
04:15.02hlueseaok my question is system was working properly yesterday and i can see the callerid etc. and system accept the callers
04:15.06hlueseai am looking in
04:15.29ManxPower-workhluesea, I suspect the call is not matching the peer you think it's matching
04:15.33hlueseait is unselected
04:15.34VoIP-PenguinAnother case of magical changes.
04:15.38hlueseaactually commented
04:16.11ManxPower-workhluesea, Add allowguest=no to the [general] section of sip.conf and do a "sip reload" in the CLI.
04:16.28ManxPower-workthen try your call again.  You should get a better error message on the CLI now.
04:18.48hlueseaok i am trying
04:19.51*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
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04:22.45hlueseai guess it is a2billing issue
04:23.46*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (~cosmicwom@
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04:36.08*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
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04:44.36siera04ManxPower-work: I resolved that problem. i changed "answeronpolarityswitch=yes" to "answeronpolarityswitch=no"
04:45.10siera04thank your for your help.
05:03.00*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
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06:54.22essienehi all
06:55.08essienewhat's the preferred way of doing SS7 in asterisk? libss7 or chan_ss7?
06:55.22essienethat is if any is preferred... or are they both mature and it doesn't matter which i use?
07:02.16*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
07:09.34ChannelZsimcop2387-lap: hey I tried your system again last night and still got no audio.  Is your * partially behind a firewall?
07:24.55*** join/#asterisk gardo (~gardo@
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08:05.07simcop2387-lapChannelZ: yea it is, it is set to always believe its natted though
08:06.03ChannelZMy only guess was that the RTP range my side is using is being stopped on yours (outbound)
08:07.03*** join/#asterisk simcop2387 (~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387)
08:07.57*** join/#asterisk Znuff (~ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:c97:55aa:a6d0:dcfd)
08:08.18ZnuffAnyone knows of a softphone that can open an unlimited lines?
08:08.25ZnuffSomething like Zoiper
08:08.40ZnuffFor Windows
08:09.42ChannelZnot really since it's pretty hard to have an unlimited number of people using a single app
08:10.44Znuffwell, Zoiper can open up unlimited lines
08:10.53*** join/#asterisk Gary_B (~gary@
08:10.59Znuffbut I'm faced with a weird issue, the call timeouts after ~30 seconds
08:19.11Gary_Bdo you hear anything during the 30 secs?
08:23.48ZnuffGary_B, absolutely nothing
08:25.02Znuffonly the initial ring
08:25.20Gary_Bhas it ever worked? Do calls to other exyensions work - ie is it just calls going via sip/iax provider that dont work?
08:26.47Znuffdialing to another extension to my computer, same thing...
08:28.05ZnuffBut unfortunatelly I'm not the asterisk's admin :-/
08:28.23ZnuffI would have hoped it's something I could fix client-side
08:30.10ChannelZI guess I'm missing the part where a client with unlimited lines is significant
08:30.32Gary_Bso you are trying to use a softphone on your pc and you can not dial out at all, in this case id check your firewall settings on that computer first
08:31.31ZnuffChannelZ, that was just a bonus
08:31.40ZnuffGary_B, I can do calls using other sip accounts just fine
08:31.43ZnuffIt's just this one that fails
08:32.12Gary_Bare the other sip accounts outside your loacal LAN while the offending one is inside by any chance?
08:32.39Znuffnope, all external
08:34.31Gary_Bhave you looked into codecs at all, is your softphone setup to use a codec with the other accounts that perhaps this one doesnt support?
08:35.00Znuffthis is trying u-law by default
08:35.11Znuffpretty sure I've heard u-law sounds coming out of these speakers
08:35.27Gary_Bbtw - has it ever worked?
08:35.50ZnuffOn this sip account, nope
08:37.19Gary_Band the other sip accounts, you have confirmed that at least 2 completely different accounts worked recently, in this case, i think you need to contact the asterisk admin
08:37.40ZnuffTought so =)
08:37.45Znuffjust my luck, I guess
08:39.39ZnuffNow, another thing that it's worth mentioning
08:40.06Znuffif I open enough lines, fast enough, the calls drop after 40-50-60 even 70 seconds
08:40.48Gary_Bbut you still only hear one ring yea?
08:41.46Znufferm, keep forgetting that the client crashes if I do this too fast :P
09:03.15*** part/#asterisk Gary_B (~gary@
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11:16.26*** part/#asterisk Gary_B (~gary@
11:17.08*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
11:17.35whtsuphow can i install speex into asterisk
11:37.21*** join/#asterisk Zambezi (Zulu@unaffiliated/zambezi)
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11:44.39*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
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11:52.20Ad-Hochi ppl
11:56.13whtsuphow to install speex in asterisk
11:56.20whtsupneed help plz
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12:16.33*** join/#asterisk Aven (~avenger@
12:49.49*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
12:50.16whtsupWARNING[28981]: loader.c:381 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
12:50.27whtsuperror comming when i m loading speex module
12:52.11gladiera) has it been compiled and b) does it exist in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
12:54.04whtsupis exist
12:55.26whtsupwhen i try to load this file this error is comming
12:55.34whtsupi had install speex
12:55.40whtsupand recompile asterisk
12:56.03*** join/#asterisk rossand (
12:57.40gladieryep ... because your shared library isn't located anywhere that asterisk knows to look
12:58.08gladierdo a 'updatedb && locate' and tell me where the file is
12:58.09whtsupso wht shud i do now
12:59.48whtsupupdatedb command not found
13:00.34gladiersigh ... lets do this the old way then ... find / -name -print
13:00.48russellbthe error is from the dynamic linker.  normally the library would be in /usr/lib
13:01.08jayteewaves at russellb
13:01.14russellbwaves back to jaytee
13:01.40jayteerussellb, how've ya been? you've been travelling alot lately
13:02.16russellbdoing well!
13:02.26russellbbut for now ... i need to go back to sleep, i got up crazy early
13:03.04gladierok is /usr/local/lib/ in /etc/ ?
13:03.08jayteerest well, russellb
13:03.17gladierif it isn't - add it then run a ldconfig
13:03.42gladieryay for distros that dont expect you to compile anything locally
13:03.57whtsupok cheking
13:04.19jayteegladier, what distro do you use?
13:04.41gladierdepends what im doing - for asterisk i generally use centos
13:04.45whtsupno there is nothing in /etc/
13:04.53jayteegladier, same here
13:05.04jayteefor desktop I use Ubuntu
13:05.20gladierecho "/usr/local/lib/" >> /etc/
13:05.22gladierthen ldconfig
13:05.27jayteeloves RHEL 5 64 bit
13:05.58gladierdesktop i have a mac :P - firewalls i normally build a base gentoo box with iptables
13:06.04gladierwhtsup: try and load the module again
13:06.46whtsupthanks alot dude
13:06.57whtsupcore show translation
13:07.01whtsupnow it is showing
13:07.02gladierwhat distro out of interest?
13:07.44gladierstrange... i've never had that issue
13:08.01gladierand i have funky modules like chan-sccp_b
13:08.15gladiergoes back to studying for his win7 exam
13:08.30whtsuptake care gladier n have a nice time
13:08.35whtsupn thanks again
13:17.38*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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13:41.31*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
13:41.35DelphiWorldanyone using fring?
13:45.33DelphiWorldlooking for adding sip account to fring after adding sip
13:46.11DelphiWorldlooking for adding sip account to fring after adding skype...
13:51.18*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
13:58.41zambadoesn't fring suck?
13:58.47zambathe sip support, i mean
13:59.00zambathere's no native sip support.. everything is routed over their own servers
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14:32.24jkroontzafrir, did you ever manage to sort out ?
14:33.04tzafrirjkroon, basically by manually removing that tag
14:33.27jkroonok.  how do i do that?
14:33.27tzafrirhmm.. not tag. ref
14:34.24tzafrirthe line in .git/info/refs , IIRC
14:35.42tzafrirbut maybe also removing the file under .git/logs/refs/remotes/tags
14:35.53jkroonthe only reference to autotag in .git for me is in .git/configs (ignore-paths)
14:38.02jkroonfind locates the name in .git/svn/refs/remotes/tags, rm -rf'ing it there doesn't solve it for me.
14:38.27jkroonit just recreates it :(
14:39.36jkroongoing to try #git perhaps ...
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15:15.49tzafrirjkroon, .git/info/refs is a single file
15:16.26jkroonyes, but it's not in there.  i'm doing a clean git svn clone, it's getting stuck at that ref, not going past it and not recording it to remove it either.
15:17.02jkroondoing weird svn list things it actually looks like someone removed that actual path using git dump/load without also removing the commit referencing the path.
15:19.08*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (~ReDNeQ@
15:21.58tzafrirjkroon, but is there any actual problem? e.g.: does 'git gc' work?
15:24.00jkroonre problem, yes, there is.  the svn repo is broken from the looks of it.  however, my concern is more that git won't check it out (even though it is broken).  git svn clone -s --ignore-paths='.*autotag_for.*' asterisk fails at svn revision 47394.
15:24.28jkroongit gc works fine even though the repo is only checked out to revision 47393 ... can't get past that revision.
15:24.55*** join/#asterisk r0fl (~r0fl@unaffiliated/r0fl)
15:25.12jkroonand digium can't go back and edit the svn history as it'll cause major re-numbering and major other crap (everybody will probably have to re-checkout their repos type of crap)
15:28.27dlynesasterisk is switching to git?
15:29.08jkroonno.  i'm just using git to checkout the svn repo because it's simpler to keep my own repo on top of what's happening upstream with it.
15:29.37jkroonmy other (non-ideal) option is to explicitly checkout just trunk/ and not have the tags available at all.
15:30.04dlynesherro katty
15:30.27Kattyis it time for breakfast
15:30.34dlyneslong since past
15:30.38dlynesit's almost noon
15:30.58Kattytime for lunch? :>
15:35.32*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (~cosmicwom@
15:40.37VoIP-PenguinLunch, and 10:30?
15:42.02*** join/#asterisk Whtsup (~sssi@
15:42.33Whtsupif i recompile asterisk can i use my old config or it will be change
15:45.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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15:51.14VoIP-PenguinDepends if you clean out your old config or change it before you compile again.
15:54.43Whtsupi want to use my old config
15:54.55Whtsupsoo wht shud i do in recompile
15:55.03Whtsup./configure make make install right ?
15:56.04VoIP-PenguinWhat is your reason to recompile?
15:56.18Whtsupinstalling speex
15:56.28*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
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15:58.36dlynesWhtsup, it also depends on what you're upgrading to, and what you're upgrading from, whether you'll need to change your config, or not
15:58.38*** join/#asterisk simcop2387-lap (~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387)
16:03.10VoIP-PenguinOn that note, Linux has an "oldconfig" make target to incorporate an old config with a new version that has new/more options... does asterisk have such a thing?
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17:02.38otavioCan someone help me to identify why my asterisk doesn't load?
17:02.45otavioHow I can identify it?
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17:05.16russellbotavio: run it from the console... # asterisk -vvvvvvvvgc
17:05.22russellband see what the last error is
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17:09.00AvenSomebody uses SFA?
17:09.29russellbYes, somebody does :-)
17:10.31dlynesAven, lots of strange people do
17:10.49AvenI can not understand then, but after the taken place conversation there are errors
17:10.51dlynesAven, apparently it's one of digium's best selling products for whatever reason
17:11.32dlynesAven, ah...I guess you're one of them :)
17:11.35Avenflood in console ^(
17:11.42Aven[Mar 20 20:09:50] WARNING[9045]: tcptls.c:254 ast_tcptls_server_root: Accept failed: Bad file descriptor
17:12.27dlynesAven, Just a quick question...has one end of the call already hung up?
17:12.43russellbwell, make sure you're using the latest version
17:12.49AvenAsterisk, skypeforasterisk-
17:12.59russellbaside from that, contact
17:13.52*** join/#asterisk Shazaum (~Shazaum@
17:14.24AvenSimple call. Skype the client calls on my account, I do not lift a tube. Skype the client ceases to call, but at me are sonorous continue to go. If to lift a tube and to put, all dies...
17:15.23AvenSimilar it has begun after updating till
17:15.31dlynesAven, sonorous?
17:16.00ManxPower-workAven, very few people on this channel use SFA.  I think that's why russellb pointed you to the Digium Support Center
17:16.25Avendlynes, ipphone continues to call
17:16.26russellbwell even if people use it, it's a commercial product, and our support team will be able to help the best
17:16.52Avenok, thx)
17:18.45Avenexcuse for my English, Russian I know much better :)
17:19.21russellbit's fine.  your English is _much_ better than my Russian.
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17:39.32jkroontzafrir, the trick is to use git svn fetch -r ${bad_rev}+1:HEAD
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17:46.49doolittleworkhi there people anyone active?
17:47.22Dovidwhats up /
17:47.47doolittleworknothing mush i need someone to help me understand some code, can i paste it?
17:48.14infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:48.16Doviduse pastebin
17:48.59Shazaumcombo break
17:57.01*** join/#asterisk dddh (~dddh@pdpc/supporter/active/dddh)
17:57.03[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: You're going to point out the line in question... RIGHT?
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17:58.04patrbIf I make asterisk run as user 'root' and group 'apache', will that write my voicemail files with that user and group?  (im trying to change my voicemail files to be owned by group apache)
17:58.40patrblooking at the following init script:
18:00.23doolittleworkok here goes the fist line of the mainout contaxt points to recording-check context
18:01.35doolittlework_[*0-9].,1,Gosub(recording-check,${EXTEN},1(${recordoutbound})) what does the 1(${recordoutbound}) do?
18:02.35*** join/#asterisk SeriousMatters (
18:03.16SeriousMattersAny recommendation on how to partition for an Asterisk-Thirdlane box?
18:04.16[TK]D-FenderSeriousMatters: Very carefully
18:04.38[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: how should we know?  It isn't in the pastebin
18:05.08ManxPower-workdoolittlework, what is the value of the ${recordoutbound} variable.
18:05.21doolittlework[TK]D-Fender: its on the first line
18:05.43[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: whatever sets it.  Perhaps its set against a PEER
18:05.51[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: Considered looking at the peer?
18:06.08jblackhas anyone fiddled with xtreemfs?
18:06.39SeriousMattersIs everything in one ext3 partition acceptable?
18:06.43doolittleworki take it points to context recording-check is the ${recordoutbound} variable $[ARG1} when passed on with the Gosub command?
18:06.49jblackSeriousMatters: yes
18:07.00ManxPower-workSeriousMatters, Whatever your DISTRO recommends.
18:07.21[TK]D-FenderSeriousMatters: If you feel like it
18:08.11ManxPower-workdoolittlework, no.  ARG1 would be the ehe VALUE of  ${recordoutbound}.  There's a big difference, which I would have explained if you had answered my question.
18:08.45doolittleworkManxPower-work: whwere do i find this
18:09.18[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: Either somewhere else in the dialplan being executed, or in a peer entry that sets it
18:09.22ManxPower-workIt would show on the CLI.  But I would have hoped you would know.
18:09.40ManxPower-workdoolittlework, Didn't you write the dialplan?
18:10.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Don't recognize it? :)
18:10.26ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, the name looks GUIish, but no it doesn't
18:10.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Smells familiar...
18:10.42ManxPower-workMaybe I really should stop coming here.  All we seem to get these days is GUI questions.
18:10.58patrbi had a good questions
18:11.02patrbIf I make asterisk run as user 'root' and group 'apache', will that write my voicemail files with that user and group?  (im trying to change my voicemail files to be owned by group apache)
18:11.18ManxPower-workpatrb, I don't know.  It is trivial to try and see.
18:11.35*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
18:11.47patrbdont have a test box at the moment..only production, trying to research so I can test later
18:11.51ManxPower-workYou should also check the sip.conf.sample to see if there are any obvious options to try.
18:12.22ManxPower-workwhy don't you just run Astrisk as user and group apache?
18:12.30jblackmy lord, please don't do that.
18:12.42patrbbad plan
18:12.48ManxPower-workAsterisk will do the rootish stuff, then change it's userid to apache.
18:12.58jblackThere's got to be something better than running two daemons under teh same uid.
18:12.59*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (~john@
18:13.13ManxPower-workjblack, when dealing with things like web servers, I've never found one.
18:13.14seanjohnwhere is the sql file to setup the database for asteriskcdrdb?
18:13.37jblackFor the _very_ least, he can look at suexec.
18:13.39[TK]D-FenderseanLook in your tarball
18:13.40seanjohni can't find it in asterisk-addons source
18:13.41ManxPower-workseanjohn, I hope it would be included with Asterisk.
18:13.48jblackand for one virtual host, have the webserver become asterisk.
18:14.09ManxPower-workjblack, that works as well.
18:14.24ManxPower-workI think that is how most guis do it.
18:14.26jblackhell, apache2 makes it easy with assignuserid
18:14.39seanjohncan someone point me to it?
18:15.21ManxPower-worklooks like the FreePBX/Trixbox and their ilk run the web server as "asterisk"
18:15.50jblackIt kinda makes sense on single-purpose boses.
18:15.54jblackboxes, that is,
18:16.38jblackbut on a multipurposed server.. do you really want * running as the same uid as the unrelated drupal installation 2 dirs over? Just.. ewww.
18:16.59ManxPower-workjblack, of course not.  But your asterisk box should never be a multipurposed server
18:17.44jblackThat's the difference between ideals and the reality of funding.
18:18.09ManxPower-workjblack, It's the difference between being smart and being stupid.
18:18.22jblackYou should never have two discrete tasks on the same server, but that's cost prohibitive.
18:18.34doolittleworkManxPower-work: found it in sip.conf the variale for ${recordoutbound}  setvar=recordoutbound=yes
18:18.45seanjohn[TK]D-Fender: i have the source, im looking through all the directories for the sql file
18:18.49ManxPower-workjblack, then use a VM or spend the massive extra time and effort to make it work all on one server.
18:19.05jblackWhoah, backup partner. You're conflating poor with intelligence, and I know you insulted several people here that are not stupid.
18:19.21ManxPower-workThe amount of time to make the same web server handle GUIs and management for multiple applications would be just staggering.
18:20.15seanjohni found it; its in the freepbx source
18:20.28[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: It isn't in a ".sql" file.  Try looking for one with an obvious name
18:21.10[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Then go ask in their channel.  Their requirements are probabably more than the minimum.
18:23.36*** join/#asterisk caim (~user@unaffiliated/caim)
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19:11.07redaxhow to debug AGI scripts? 'agi set debug on' wont help
19:11.38Shazaumagi set debug?
19:12.03redaxif I start the script manually It returns SET VARIABLE TOCALL "335"
19:12.25redaxShazaum: agi set debug on does nothing
19:12.43Shazaum'agi set debug'
19:13.02Qwelldoes nothing or gives an error?  very big difference
19:13.28redaxShazaum: 'agi set debug' gives usage.
19:14.02VoIP-PenguinThen agi set debug probably turns it on.
19:14.05redaxQwell: after 'agi set debug on' I call the given extension and  I don't see any debug at all
19:14.13VoIP-PenguinAnd it will be waiting for agi to debug.
19:14.21Qwelldo you have debug messages going to console?
19:14.28redaxnot at all
19:14.35redaxjust the dialplan
19:14.36Qwellcheck logger.conf
19:14.53redaxnah. so the dialplan messages.
19:14.59redaxbut nothing from the agi debugging
19:15.11Qwelldialplan isn't debug
19:16.19redaxso it should be there... if I turn on sip debug, I see the sip debug messages in the console, so if I turn on agi debug messages it should be there too_
19:17.08redaxasterisk version is bw
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19:23.00redaxgot it :) pbx.c: The application delimiter is now the comma, not the pipe.  Did you forget to convert your dial
19:23.02redaxplan?  (AGI(autocallerid.pike|06706236818)
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21:30.58LemensTSanyone got a link on how to setup checking of voicemail remotely by hitting * during the voicemail message?
21:33.05ChannelZI don't understand the question
21:33.57LemensTSif you call a sip phone and get their voicemail, you can hit * to reach VoiceMailMain to check the voicemail remotely.
21:34.00LemensTSOn freepbx
21:36.56ChannelZhmm.. I just create an extension to call VoiceMailMain with no mailbox so they get asked
21:37.51ChannelZbut I imagine they are using 'exitcontext' in voicemail.conf to send it to a context that does a VoiceMailMain
21:38.01LemensTShuh lol -->
21:38.29LemensTSsee they have an 'a' on that last line. I had * there, when i switch it to 'a' it works. What does 'a' mean?
21:38.53ChannelZasterisk perhaps
21:39.08LemensTSwell long as it works i dont care then ha. thanks
21:40.35LemensTSChannelZ: ahh cool well i learned something new, never kinew about that before :)
21:41.49ChannelZalthough you can use * in extension names so 'a' is somewhat special for this task it seems
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22:10.30ruben23hi can i used zaptel instead of dahdi for asterisk ver. 1.4.27 - 28...?
22:15.16voipmonkread the changelog
22:15.44voipmonkwhy not use dahdi?
22:16.47ruben23voipmonk:its just there are strange happening when i install asterisk 1.4.27-----asterisl CLI is not displaying colors for Notice, error, Agi.
22:16.59ruben23i want ot isolte if dahdi is causing it.
22:17.55*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
22:28.12voipmonkwhat happened to the person who was supposed to come in and help you with that?
22:30.59ruben23voipmonk: he is still put on hold..higher management problem..
22:36.10voipmonkmeanwhile the world is passing him by
22:38.36voipmonkWAIT A MINUTE
22:38.39voipmonkwrong window
22:40.01*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
22:50.58Kattyi bought an ipod nano
22:51.06ChannelZruben23: 1.4.27 isn't the cause of no colors in the console
22:51.21ChannelZerr dahdi I mean
22:51.40Kattywhat does cause the colors, anyway
22:52.17ChannelZWell it looks to see if the console supports colors and uses them if it does
22:52.23Kattyoh :<
22:52.48Kattyanyone here have an ipod nano
22:52.55ChannelZThe problem is if you launch Asterisk at startup it's under a terminal that doesn't support colors
22:53.19ruben23ChannelZ: extraputty..?
22:53.32ChannelZso when you asterisk -r you don't get any because you're really just getting a dump of what the main asterisk process is outputting.. even though YOU are in a color-capable terminal when you asterisk -r
22:54.02ruben23ChannelZ: what are the corrections for this..
22:54.53ChannelZwell one way which may or may not be ideal for you is to run safe_asterisk instead of asterisk
22:55.27ChannelZsafe_asterisk doesn't launch asterisk in detach mode
22:55.58ChannelZso it maintains the terminal from safe_asterisk and the colors should continue to work
22:56.38ruben23ChannelZ:ow ok i have tried asterisk 1.4.21 ---colors are ok, just exprience it with 1.4.27 - 28
22:56.57ChannelZare you building from source or using packages?
22:57.14ruben23buidling source
22:57.24ChannelZare you running 'make config'?
22:57.32ChannelZthat's probably why
22:57.42ChannelZthe init scripts changed at one point or another to run asterisk instead of safe_asterisk
22:58.29ruben23ow ok, so i shouldnt run it..? but how do i start my asterisk automatically on startup..?
22:59.23ChannelZNo I just mean that when you run 'make config' it installs init scripts to start up asterisk.. so the reason you see a change is probably because the old version init script was running safe_asterisk but newer versions run the main asterisk process
22:59.51ruben23ok got it.
23:00.05ChannelZyou can just contiue to use the init script from an old version and not 'make config' which overwrites it
23:00.59ruben23old versiosn init script, with new version os asterisk right..
23:03.04*** part/#asterisk SeriousMatters (
23:04.34ChannelZyeah or just hack the 'new' init script to run safe_asterisk instead
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23:21.10Slugs_slaps hardwire around a bit with a large trout
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23:51.16*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
23:56.09*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
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