IRC log for #asterisk on 20100318

00:03.04*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
00:04.00manxpowerruben23: Jitter is the DIFFERENCE in packet transit time
00:04.28manxpoweridespinner: try it and see.  other than your invalid Dial syntax.
00:14.24jayteehi Katty
00:14.31Kattyhugs jaytee
00:14.39jayteehugs Katty
00:15.11wdblhow many simulataneous calls (just talking) can I reasonably expect on a modern quad core xeon box with 8GB of RAM?
00:16.41*** join/#asterisk Jhirley_ (
00:16.57Kattywhile i don't have any definitive answer for you, it would probably depend on how you plan on getting the calls out to the world.
00:17.15wdblan SIP VOIP provider
00:20.35*** part/#asterisk kbr (
00:25.27p3nguinYeah, the bandwidth will likely be your limiting factor.
00:27.06*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
00:28.36*** join/#asterisk Gestahlt (
00:28.50GestahltI dont get chan_lcr running with asterisk
00:29.01GestahltThe module is loaded
00:29.14Gestahltbut i cant see anything in the CLI
00:33.16*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
00:33.25*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
00:35.25Slugs_I've installed a fresh centos 5.4, latest asterisk, and when i try to start asterisk i get get caught in an endless loop of shutting down / restarting
00:37.09p3nguinslugs_: Which version?
00:37.27p3nguin"latest" is not very specific, given all the branches.
00:39.13*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
00:40.53idespinnermanxpower, tried it before
00:40.58idespinnerit was a no go
00:41.29idespinnerthis was a call created by an AMI originate command with extra variables passed....
00:43.48p3nguinYay, first day of spring is this Saturday.
00:44.51antiwireThat means mating season is coming up.
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00:56.25shazaumsomeone works with h323?
00:57.51shazaumrtp.c:2760 ast_rtp_raw_write: RTP
00:57.51shazaumTransmission error of packet 21286 to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:6064: Invalid argument
00:58.19shazaumsomeone saw something?
00:58.43*** join/#asterisk Gestahlt (
00:59.16manxpowerSlugs_: did you do a "make config" to install the new startup files?
00:59.50manxpowerrunning "asterisk -cvvv" should give you a good idea what is making it blow up if it's not an init script issue.
01:02.43Slugs_manxpower, would it be 'r' if im sshed?
01:07.39*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (~nighty@
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01:25.53*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
01:35.45*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:37.04Slugs_where is indications.conf suppoed to be located?
01:49.48*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
01:50.34Deeewaynesalts Slugs_
01:51.40*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (
01:52.00Deeewaynethat was the most interesting 2 minutes of my day
01:52.20Slugs_sad day huh?
01:53.22Deeewayneyes, but tomorrow will be better
01:54.41Slugs_y's that
01:55.03DeeewayneI'm traveling for work and will be home tomorrow
01:55.12thehargo find a hooker
01:55.15theharthat will be more exciting
01:56.07*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
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01:59.33Slugs_im travling too
01:59.49Slugs_gots to love it
02:01.21*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (~slinksh0t@
02:05.27*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:05.32joako_I think I am missing a sound file for the queue applicaiton but the call just drops, there is no message in the CLI. How do I resolve this?
02:09.00*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
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02:20.01*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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02:28.34*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
02:34.01dlynesIs there any way to see how many g729 channels you're using?
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02:34.12dlynesi.e. from the licensed codec?
02:34.37dlynesIt used to be g729 show, but that's an invalid command needs an argument now
02:37.47*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
02:40.22idespinnercoreg729 show?
02:40.33idespinnercore g729 show***
02:40.37idespinnerjust a guess
02:40.43idespinneralot of stuff has moved under core
02:45.23ChannelZg729 show licenses should show you
02:45.33ChannelZlike "0/0 encoders/decoders of 1 licensed channels are currently in use"
02:47.21*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
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02:52.17dlynesChannelZ, yeah...that was probably in 1.4
02:52.31ChannelZit's in 1.6
02:52.47ChannelZ1.6.1 anyhoos
02:53.15dlynesChannelZ, now i get File:  G729-xxxxxxx.lic -- Key: G729-xxxxxx -- Host ID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -- Channels: 30 (OK)
02:53.22dlynesChannelZ, that's in
02:53.44dlynesChannelZ, I don't show any encoders/decoders
02:53.58ChannelZit's the first thing it says, above "Licenses Found:" and what you pasted
02:54.13dlynesOh...shit....competely missed it
02:54.21ChannelZyeah it's butted up against the prompt :/
02:54.25dlynes2/1 encoders/decoders of 30 licensed channels are currently in use
02:54.59dlynesMaybe it was like that before, too, but it was just more noticable before
03:02.10*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
03:05.27*** part/#asterisk QbY (
03:05.56*** join/#asterisk snowboarder04 (
03:07.25snowboarder04I'm using AsteriskNOW - I have my SIP trunk and extensions configured - I've configured an inbound route to divert all inbound calls to a ringgroup - however calls are only going to one extension (#100)
03:07.34snowboarder04am I missing a confi step?
03:08.23*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
03:09.37xpot-mobileanyone know what I am missing if .gsm files will play, but .wav will not?
03:09.59*** join/#asterisk xuser (~xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
03:10.06b14ckI'm trying to store the exit status of a System() command. Any idea how I can do that? The docs say that the result will be stored in SYSTEMSTATUS channel variable, but it doesn't store the exit code, it stores an *interpretation* of the exit code. eg: APPERROR instead of 179.
03:13.02infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
03:13.05[TK]D-Fendersnowboarder04: ^^^
03:13.13*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
03:13.18snowboarder04[TK]D-Fender: cheers
03:13.52dlynesAnyone come across some magic pill to make voip sound good on ADSL or cable? *winces in pain*
03:14.12*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
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03:14.17[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Medium isn't relevent, and it sounds just fine over each in my experience
03:14.18p3nguinNo problems with those here.
03:16.03p3nguinEven on really slow aDSL, VoIP still works just fine... just don't try lots of calls at once.
03:34.03*** join/#asterisk OrNix ( problem is it sounds fine until some random time of the day
03:37.56dlynesAnd it's never reproducable when we're on site
03:38.23dlynesAnd I'm getting way too many gray hairs...
03:43.05b14ckSo, anyone know a way to get an exit code with Asterisk?
03:43.15b14ckI can't really think of a good way to do what I need without this.
03:43.40*** join/#asterisk githogori (
03:45.46[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: make an AGI to do your call and have the return the value
03:46.53b14ckThat's not a bad idea, I was kinda hoping to avoid AGI though.
03:47.00b14ckBut I guess that is the best way
03:47.27hardwireagi is the bomb
03:47.37[TK]D-Fendertake off every zig
03:47.52hardwiredoing verizon interop testing today
03:48.00hardwireI made it 1/3 of the way through all their test cases
03:48.14b14ckWhat happened to the other 2/3 of tests? :x
03:48.28hardwireI did 34 of their test cases today.. the rest of the 2/3 tomorrow
03:48.47hardwire34 pcaps.. lots of monotony.
03:48.55hardwireI just hope they don't sue us
03:49.05hardwirethey are prone to stuff like that
03:49.18b14ck'you failed test #21, you owe us 75,00$!'
03:49.37hardwiremore like "Are you actually making money?" suesuesuesuesue
03:50.42b14ckWhat business are you in? oO
03:50.59hardwireWholesale/prepaid/CC at the moment
03:53.05hardwiremost sources don't know that ak has more than one lata
03:54.42hardwireanybody know where I can get rate center/lata information for the rest of the world?
03:56.52hardwireI registered a long time ago (unrelated to the gnu dialer project) so I could start making a community supported numbering plan database
03:56.57hardwireI need to start in on that
03:57.06b14ckDo you do any web design?
03:57.12b14ckor web development
03:57.23b14ckwhat language / framework?
03:57.23hardwireI sort of have to do everything at the moment
03:57.29*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
03:57.35b14ckI hear that.
03:57.40b14ckI'm in the same position =p
03:57.43hardwirepython/php and I've been using django and plone mostly over the last year or so
03:57.49b14ckAre you me?
03:58.08b14ckis your name chris?
03:58.49b14ckaim me =p
03:58.50hardwirevot comrade vot?!
03:59.06hardwirei will not aim me.
03:59.17b14ckdoesnt show you online :x
03:59.52b14ckOk, maybe there is some confusion.
04:00.28b14ckmy aim: comradeb14ck
04:00.34b14cksend me a ping and i'll add you
04:02.38hardwireerm.. that's my address
04:06.26*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
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04:54.40*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
04:55.12lmsteffan_Where can I get the zaphfc driver that I seem to need in order to use my ISDN card ?
05:08.09*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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05:20.50sawgoodIf someone has an Asterisk 1.6.x only box with CentOS 5.4 ... and they needed Asterisk to do 'something' other than what it normally does (they hire a 'programmer') to 'code' this into Asterisk ... In general terms, what type of 'programmer' would this be?
05:20.51*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
05:20.51hardwiresawgood: me
05:21.08sawgoodhardwire: excellent ...
05:21.08hardwire"We need a 'hardwire'"
05:21.08sawgoodso, what type of 'coding' do you do for Asterisk ...
05:21.09sawgoodbecause I am looking for my on hardwire
05:21.09hardwireI code the hell out of the Asterisk.
05:21.28sawgoodhardwire: So I can talk to my staff about this ... what is the definition of 'code'
05:21.30hardwireErm.. I do dialplan development and custom modules using AGI
05:21.51hardwirethe only code is that it is somewhat cryptic to anybody that doesn't understand "dialplan logic"
05:22.03sawgoodhardwire: So, I take it AGI is command line driven?
05:22.11hardwireyou would sometimes refer to these people as a telephony integrator
05:22.33hardwireAGi is a scripted interface to the Asterisk dialplan through a myriad of scripting languages like Python and PHP
05:22.43hardwireIt is driven by events
05:22.46hardwirelike a call
05:22.49sawgoodexcellent answer ...
05:22.57hardwireAGI not AGi
05:23.09sawgoodSo, you are skilled Python and PHP?
05:23.16hardwireLike a ninja
05:23.21sawgoodwhere are you located at?
05:23.27hardwireAlaska :)
05:23.36hardwirebuy your own travel tickets.
05:23.37sawgoodMy sister lived in Alaska for a long time
05:23.52hardwireI'm sorry to hear that.. Polar bears?
05:24.10sawgoodHer ex-husband was in the US Army at the time ... stationed there
05:24.16sawgoodback in the 1990's
05:24.20hardwireah.. that's much simpler.
05:25.15sawgoodSo, other than Phyton and/or PHP ... what other 'languages' does it require to be a good telephony intregator?
05:25.52hardwireSimply having a good concept of how scripting languages operate will be a good start.  Python and PHP are very popular.. lets not forget Perl.
05:26.32hardwireThey aren't requisite to being somebody who programs an Asterisk dialplan to do things that Asterisk natively provides.. but having "logic" is useful :)
06:12.28ChannelZheh :)
07:00.45sawgoodIf I have one CentOS box with a 'file' in a directory (which when I do file (filename) ... it tells me the type of file is a  ELF 32-bit LSB executable
07:00.57sawgoodIf I move this file to another CentOS box ... and run it ... 'could it work' on the 2nd box?
07:01.06sawgoodHow do I 'learn' what scripts or other files this  ELF 32-bit LSB executable uses?
07:04.45ChannelZyeah it could work
07:05.28sawgoodChannelZ: basically the file is a PBX in a Flash process in the /usr/local/sbin directory
07:05.53sawgoodI know it has to 'pull information' from other text files .... (it is a status screen in text) when you first log into the box
07:06.06sawgoodshows me the Asterisk version, the kernal, and other misc. information in a text box
07:06.09sawgoodkind of neat I think
07:06.14ChannelZYou can see an executable requires shared libraries with ldd
07:06.28sawgoodldd (filename)?
07:06.35ChannelZyeah =>  (0x0052f000)
07:07.14sawgoodwhat do you think this means?
07:07.46ChannelZIt means it's using two shared libraries, linux-gate and libc (which is pretty common)
07:08.15sawgoodok ... I'll try to scp the file from one box to another to see if it works
07:08.40ChannelZthey're kind of virtual libraries
07:09.06ChannelZ(linux-gate is anyway.. libc is actually 'real')
07:09.28ChannelZSo long as the other machine has a compatible version of libc it should generally work
07:15.09*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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07:16.53sawgoodthe program 'ran' on the 2nd machine ... only to say it was a PIAF script not intented to be used on a non PIAF build of CentOS ...
07:16.56sawgoodoh well
07:17.02*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
07:23.41ChannelZwhat is it you were trying to actually do?
07:24.02sawgoodThe ELF (is that the right term for the file)?
07:24.16sawgoodThe ELF is called 'status' ... and it is part of .bash_profile
07:24.18*** join/#asterisk e-jones (~jkastner@nat/redhat/x-bqvpthjzepfaausr)
07:24.59sawgoodwhen you log in ... on the console ... an ASCII text box appears with various build information on Asterisk, FreePBX, the Linux kernel, etc.
07:25.15sawgoodjust sort of neat ASCII information ... I got use to it, but I'm not using PIAF right now
07:29.35*** join/#asterisk kotp (~vgoff@
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09:11.52khussein78i installed linksys PAP2 ATA but when i press talk on the phone it take around 5 seconds to get line
09:12.34khussein78what option should i change to immediately get dial tone
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10:01.25benngardkhussein78: on "Regional" tab look for "Interdigit Long Timer:"
10:01.52benngardchange that to 1
10:02.13benngardit works at least on spa2102 guess it will do the trick for u to
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10:09.58hlueseahow can i do that ?
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10:13.50hlueseaanyone here :)
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10:17.12c0rnoTaare you want to interrupt asterisk flow?
10:20.19pisghi, i have problem, this is my extensions.conf and CLI, problem is i can not call, when i use X-lite and call to my GSM number nothing happen
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10:21.12hlueseac0rnoTa> i actually call a php script via system or like another way, and this php script take some results from other webpages etc. and its waiting the active call
10:21.56hlueseathis script does not turned back me any value so i want to execute or work it once and i want to go on the flow
10:22.03hlueseahow can i do that ?
10:24.41Dovidpsig: the cli shows that its ringing. ur sending the calls to asterisk via h323 ?
10:25.09c0rnoTahluesea: use AGI
10:25.24c0rnoTahluesea: write result into variable
10:25.49Dovidlook on for info on php+agi
10:25.55hlueseaok i am on it
10:25.57Dovidi have been using it for years
10:26.15hlueseathank you if i have trouble you are here :d
10:26.42khussein78benngard, i changed it to 3 sec
10:26.45c0rnoTahluesea: there was no problem :)
10:26.56khussein78but this affect the time after i dial the number
10:27.12pisgDovid: i use X-lite, and codec G711 aLaw and G711 ulaw
10:28.00c0rnoTahluesea: "fputs(STDOUT, "SET VARIABLE 1C_EXTEN $local_ext\n");"
10:28.30khussein78but when i open the phone it give 5 fast rings then open dialtone to dial the number
10:28.30pisgDovid: i use realtime sip_buddies and user set context outline1 = exten => _X.,1,Dial(WOOMERA/g0/${EXTEN})
10:28.54hluesea<c0rnoTa> 1C_EXTEN ? or these command is working
10:29.19hlueseai need a quick solution so i have a php script and it is working smoothly
10:29.44hluesea<c0rnoTa>this input solve the problem ?
10:30.40c0rnoTa1C_EXTEN - asterisk variable
10:30.56c0rnoTa$local_ext - php variable
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10:37.11pisgDovid: ?
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10:43.23thereminbrHi, Im failing to route a call based on the CID
10:43.31thereminbrexten => user/05184021342,1,Playback(hello-world)
10:43.32thereminbrregister => user:pass@troncodovono:5060/user
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10:44.19thereminbrI get Call from 'user' to extension 'user' rejected because extension not found.
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10:58.42pisgi use realtime sip_buddies and user set context outline1 = exten => _X.,1,Dial(WOOMERA/g0/${EXTEN}) when i try ring i see this in CLI and my GSM number not calling
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11:36.28asteriskATmarmuDhi guys
11:36.56asteriskATmarmuDafter 2 meetme() calls no dial() is ever executed... will post CLI in a sec
11:36.59asteriskATmarmuDany hints
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11:38.42pisgi use realtime sip_buddies and user set context outline1 = exten => _X.,1,Dial(WOOMERA/g0/${EXTEN}) when i try ring i see this in CLI and my GSM number not calling
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11:52.10moos3I have a question about ring groups
11:54.15waaI have installed asterisk on ubuntu box and make samples created a system startup /etc/init.d/asterisk when  I start using this script asterisk use 100% off my CPU but when I run asterisk manually it not occur, why?
11:54.22*** part/#asterisk thereminbr (~theremin@
11:54.59pisgwaa: /etc/init.d/asterisk using -c
11:55.33waapisg, yes
11:55.59waapisg, start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --background --exec $DAEMON -- $ASTARGS -c
11:58.39tzafrir_laptopwaa, huh?
11:58.49tzafrir_laptopthat's plain wrong
11:58.55tzafrir_laptopchop off that -c
11:59.24waabut if I use -c manually it don't use all CPU
11:59.45tzafrir_laptopwaa, more interestingly, consider using the upstart script instead
12:00.06*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
12:00.06tzafrir_laptopthe problem is that asterisk expects to have a console, but doesn't really
12:00.09tzafrir_laptopand shouldn't
12:00.33tzafrir_laptopupstart should give you a real monitoring script
12:00.56tzafrir_laptop(though I must admit that service dependecies there are not fully debugged, and testers are welcomed)
12:01.34tzafrir_laptopwaa, basically, grab the init.d script from the asterisk package . This one should work well
12:01.50pisgi use realtime sip_buddies and user set context outline1 = exten => _X.,1,Dial(WOOMERA/g0/${EXTEN}) when i try ring i see this in CLI and my GSM number not calling
12:04.45waatzafrir_laptop, I chop off -c form init script and is running well
12:05.42waaI will get init.d from ubuntu asterisk package
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12:23.01infobotit has been said that answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
12:25.22redaxhi, what can I do if my SIP provider uses 2 sip servers, and he balancing the calls. so you're never know which ip will the provider use for the next inbound call
12:26.33redaxand resolves the first one. but sometimes it cames from the other ip.
12:30.40[TK]D-Fenderredax: try setting up a "user" with host=dynamic
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12:33.55pisgManxPower-work: i use realtime sip_buddies and user set context outline1 = exten => _X.,1,Dial(WOOMERA/g0/${EXTEN}) when i try ring i see this in CLI and my GSM number not calling
12:34.02redaxD-Fender; or shall I create 2 user with host=first_ip / host=second_ip ?
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12:35.21[TK]D-Fenderredax: You could try that as well
12:39.08ManxPower-workpisg, I can't help you with Realtime
12:41.12*** part/#asterisk moos3 (~rgenthner@
12:44.45pisgManxPower-work: why ?
12:45.10ManxPower-workpisg, because I have never used, and will likely never use it.
12:47.12pisgbut problme is in ringing, and woodera look at this
12:47.20pisgin realtime i only have SIP users
12:47.26ManxPower-workAnd I have, and chances are never will, use WOOMERA
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12:47.43ManxPower-workI have never used WOOMERA and chances I never will use WOOMERA
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12:50.24shaderwhy do all service providers (at least in the US) charge per "sip trunk"? i.e. simultaneous call?
12:50.44ManxPower-workshader, they don't
12:50.57shaderI've been looking for one that doesn't
12:51.00ManxPower-workVirtually all providers have per min plans.
12:51.03shaderhaving a hard time
12:51.29shaderManxPower-work: do you have an example?
12:51.32ManxPower-workvitelity, teliax
12:51.54infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
12:52.07infobotrumour has it, itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,, or ,
12:54.19shadervoicepulse and teliax come with four "channels", and you have to pay more/mo for more simultaneous calls
12:54.32ManxPower-workshader, no, that is only for the UNLIMITED plans.
12:54.59shader2500 minutes, 4 channels
12:55.45ManxPower-workyour plan 3 is an "unlimited" plan.
12:56.02ManxPower-workyou're never going to get unlimited channels on an "unlimited" plan.
12:57.50shaderI would have thought that unlimited meant no limit, not 2500 minutes ;)
12:58.53ManxPower-workthere is no such thing as "unlimited".
12:59.12ManxPower-workIt's just that some providers actually tell you what the limit is.
12:59.23beekshader: My Verizon Droid data plan is unlimited... as long as I don't go over 5Gb
12:59.40ManxPower-workbeek, My Verizon EVDO service is the same
12:59.59ManxPower-workThe first 5GB is $60/month, each additional 5GB is $250.
13:00.24ManxPower-work(based on what I remember from their "over 5GB" overage rates.
13:01.18ManxPower-workshader, "unlimited" is a marketing term, nothing else.
13:01.23shaderwhat are the pros and cons of IAX2 vs SIP?
13:01.44slidesingershader: I Do get unlimited voice and SMS, but not data.
13:01.51ManxPower-workI use SIP because IAX2 caused me problems.
13:02.08ManxPower-workAnyone that tells you "IAX" is better for NAT, is an idiot or is not telling you the whole story.
13:02.08[TK]D-Fenderslidesinger: You can trunk IAX2 to save on bandwidth for multiple simultaneous calls to a single host.
13:02.22[TK]D-Fenderslidesinger: And IAX2 is more NAT friendly
13:02.32[TK]D-Fenderslidesinger: However I advise using it only if NEEDED
13:02.58ManxPower-workIAX2 is more NAT friendly under *some* setups.
13:03.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Friendly in general... but rarely needed.
13:03.36ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, Exactly.
13:04.39ManxPower-workslidesinger, start using 10,000 mins/month and see how long that "unlimited" lasts.
13:04.43petern_hmm, i used an IAX2 trunk because... it seemed natural
13:04.57infoboti guess trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
13:05.13ManxPower-workpetern_, you needed multiple calls in the same UDP packets?
13:05.27ManxPower-work'cause that's what IAX2 trunking does, as compared to non-trunked IAX
13:05.35petern_nope, i wanted to hook up two asterisk boxes
13:06.32ManxPower-workthen you did not need to set it up as a trunk, an regular IAX2 connection would have been just fine.  In fact, if you enable IAX2 trunking you actually use MORE bandwidth when you have less than 3 calls going between those same 2 hosts.
13:06.52ManxPower-workpetern_, maybe you are mistaken and only set up an IAX2 connection, not an IAX2 trunk.
13:06.59petern_you are right, i probably did :)
13:07.19ManxPower-workpetern_, then stop confusing everyone and calling it "trunk".  It is not a trunk.
13:07.49*** join/#asterisk moos3 (~rgenthner@
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13:08.09moos3in a directory can i do just this extension,name ?
13:08.49ManxPower-workmoos3, your question makes no sense.
13:09.17redaxif I do Set(CALLERID(num)="123456" before dialout trunk
13:09.27moos3ManxPower-work, I want to be able to search by my products name and then send you to the correct extension
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13:10.02redaxwhy does my CDR not contains the changed callerid ?
13:10.02ManxPower-workmoos3, That is what the Directory application does.
13:10.35ManxPower-workredax, chances are your FreePBX is messing that up.
13:10.49[TK]D-FenderReDdo NOT put quotes on that
13:10.53[TK]D-Fenderredax: do NOT put quotes on that
13:10.58moos3ManxPower-work, yeah I get that it uses voicemail.conf for it and is format is extension => password, name,email,,tz= can i just do extension,name
13:10.59*** part/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
13:11.14[TK]D-Fendermoos3: yes
13:11.19moos3[TK]D-Fender, thanks
13:11.24[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Actually.. you have to leave the space for the PW
13:11.40moos3so extension => , name?
13:11.40redaxManxPower-work: although fpbx is installed, but I use my own contexts,
13:11.46ManxPower-workalso if you want it to speak the name, you must record the name for each mailbox
13:12.16ManxPower-workredax, that does not matter.
13:12.42ManxPower-workthe fact you said "trunk dialout" means you are in the FreePBX mindset.
13:13.14ManxPower-workOnce you follow [TK]D-Fender 's advice it might work, however.
13:13.22redaxsimpley I want to bypass calls from sip to mISDN
13:13.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:13.37ManxPower-worksee what I mean.  "bypass" makes no sense.
13:14.00redaxI have to send last 3 digits to the isdn, meanwhhile I have to add the prefix
13:14.30ManxPower-workredax, does it work after you did what [TK]D-Fender told you to do?
13:14.39redaxtesting. 1min
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13:17.42slidesingerIf there is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk," what is the correct term to describe direct IP lines from outfits like Vitelity?
13:17.52*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
13:18.02ManxPower-workslidesinger, We call the "peers"
13:18.20ManxPower-workslidesinger, and you never have "direct IP lines"  There is no such thing.
13:18.51ManxPower-workWhen you make a call a connection is set up.  When you end the call the connection is torn down.
13:19.00kombianyone using chan-sccp? just compiled the thing. phone is recognized but refuses to make calls...
13:19.02ManxPower-workThere is no "direct" or "dedicated" or anything like that.
13:19.56redaxMaxPower,D-Fender still the 3 digit callerid stored in CDR,
13:20.09ManxPower-workredax, I wish you the BEST of luck.
13:20.41redaxnot the rewritten by Set(CALLERID(num)=123456${CALLERID(num)})
13:20.54slidesingerThank you, I am still learning the terminology, not having a telecom background, but a networking one.  So essentially it is a logical data connection that serves VOIP packets?
13:21.04[TK]D-Fenderredax: CDR records who started the call.. not what it ended up with
13:21.33[TK]D-Fenderredax: You want to store alternative data?  thats what UserField is for.
13:21.44kombihmm, chan-sccp loaded, phone recognized, cli even shows "phone off hook" and such (hurray!) How can I debbug on the lowest possible level?
13:22.07[TK]D-Fenderkombi: netcat
13:22.33kombifender: that might be a little much low...
13:23.23ManxPower-workkombi, almost nobody uses SCCP/Skinny with Asterisk.  Only the idiots and the people with no other choice.
13:23.23slidesingerStrike that, it should read a logical data connection that is dedicated for the purpose of carrying VOIP packets.  I think.
13:24.14ManxPower-workslidesinger, What is this "logical data connection....dedicated to VoIP" you are talking about.  There is no dedicated anything.
13:24.15*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
13:24.29[TK]D-Fenderkombi: "How can I debbug on the lowest possible level?" <- maybe you shuold think about your questions a bit more
13:24.34kombiManxPower-work: thank you so much..;) I converted all other cisco phones to sip, but now there is this chan-sccp that actually claims to work so I thought I give it a shot
13:24.39ManxPower-workWhen you make a call the connection is created, when you end a call the connection is terminated.  This is not rocket science, this is like a frickin web site.
13:25.27ManxPower-workDo you have trunks to or  No.  The connection is created and torn down as needed, just like a SIP calls.
13:25.38[TK]D-Fenderslidesinger: And on the theory of "connection" ..... typically SIP and RTP are all UDP hence stateless.  There isn't even a "connected" state techniaclly.
13:26.30petern_kombi, you could try on the mailing list?
13:26.31slidesingerManxPower-work: I see a registration of the two Vitelity peers and am trying to describe their function.
13:27.03ManxPower-workslidesinger, Correct.  The registration says "this IP is associated with this user/pass".  It means nothing else.
13:27.18petern_kombi, i use chan_sccp successfully, out of choice because the phones behave "more nicely"
13:28.14petern_kombi, there is, of course, "sccp debug" in the cli
13:28.54kombipetern_: I like to hear that! I think I just need to get the config right.. sccp_debug! <- that's my clue! thanks petern_, I'll delve into it
13:29.16slidesingerManxPower-work: Rather than me continuing to go about this the hard way, are there docs that describe this part of the process?  The peers provided by a VoIP carrier, that is.
13:29.44ManxPower-workThe SIP RFC describes SIP.
13:29.51ManxPower-workI can look up the RFC number if you want.
13:30.05fileslidesinger: let's see if this works... a VoIP carrier provides you with authentication credentials which are used in the authentication part of SIP, to authenticate the session that a SIP endpoint sets up
13:30.09ManxPower-workAlso define "this part of the process"
13:30.41fileslidesinger: a 'peer' in Asterisk is a configuration entry used to store that information and is used to know what host/username/password to use when establishing the session
13:30.50kombipetern_: Just so I got it right: In sccp.conf I define the device and refer to that name in extensions.conf, right?
13:31.03slidesingerI can look up the RFC's, thank you.
13:31.05ManxPower-workhands file not 1, not 2, but 3 glorious muffins
13:31.33fileslidesinger: SIP is the protocol, usually used over UDP, to communicate with the VoIP carrier - the packets created as a result of this are no more special then my packets being sent for this IRC message right now
13:32.18ManxPower-workbut...but...I thought SIP was SPECIAL!
13:32.46fileslidesinger: if you really want to know SIP then I would suggest finding an overview of it
13:32.52ManxPower-workNext thing you'll be telling us is that God exists and that the Easter Bunny does not!
13:32.59fileslidesinger: reading the relevant RFCs is just... not suggested
13:33.57fileDisclaimer: the 'no more special' part assumes that QoS is not in use, if QoS is in use then they can be treated special to ensure they are delivered promptly
13:35.00pisgfile: i have problem, extenions.conf is  outline1 = exten => _X.,1,Dial(WOOMERA/g0/${EXTEN}) when i try ring i see this in CLI and my GSM number not calling
13:35.13fileI don't know chan_woomera.
13:35.54petern_kombi, pretty much
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13:36.26filemalcolmd: hack the planet!!!
13:36.49moos3[TK]D-Fender, question about using directories and searching for is Hosting in hosting services or serivces in it
13:37.09slidesingerIn a traditional, PSTN connection, when the phone goes off hook, there is dialtone.  Also, I have been told by the telecom guys I work with that there is always voltage.  While it is a simplistic view, we can state that the line is either hot, if it works, or dead, if it does not.
13:37.11slidesingerIn VoIP the mechanism is different, but the end result is the same.  I had no need to learn how PSTN lines work, I do need to understand the VoIP equivalent.
13:37.44fileslidesinger: in traditional PSTN there is an actual physical dedicated connection for each 'line'
13:38.00kombipetern_: would you maybe let me take look at the relevant parts of your config?
13:38.05fileslidesinger: totally not true in VoIP
13:38.12fileslidesinger: it's just data.
13:38.32fileslidesinger: and on a SIP device when you go off hook the device itself is generating the dialtone locally
13:39.00patrbfile: does that include softphones?
13:39.06filepatrb: yes.
13:39.33*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
13:39.37ManxPower-workDialtone on IP phones is just there to make you feel better, it does not actually DO anything.
13:39.40fileit's possible to have the SIP device immediately dial some sort of extension on a remote SIP server which then provides dialtone though, but that rarely happens
13:39.56saftsackhey, if i do a blindxfer and the destination is busy, then the call is dead. is there any possible thing to avoid this?
13:40.05slidesingerfile: That's all I knew when I got into this conversation.  So what I am looking for is an overview of everything that happens when you go off hook?
13:40.10ManxPower-worksaftsack, yes.  Fix your broken dialplan.
13:40.25fileslidesinger: the device provides dialtone locally, no communication to the remote SIP server
13:40.37saftsackManxPower-work: whats the reason for such a behaviour?
13:40.44ManxPower-workslidesinger, NOTHING happens when you go off hook.  Stuff happens when you are done dialing.  The phone collects all the digits then sends them to the server as a data packet.
13:40.56ManxPower-worksaftsack, chances are you are running one of those PoS GUIs.
13:41.15ManxPower-worksaftsack, you wrote your dialplan, you should know what it does.
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13:41.31saftsackManxPower-work: no it is a manually designed dialplan. maybe i forgot to add a parking extension?
13:42.22slidesingerSo the device that generates dialtone is the telephone instrument itself, whether a soft phone or a physical IP phone.
13:42.25saftsackfurthermore i can not imagine what happens if the destination is busy. is the transfer-originator then called again or what?
13:42.47saftsackManxPower-work: i have to say, that i don't use #1. i use the snom integrateds blind x-fer button
13:43.03ManxPower-worksaftsack, if the destination is BUSY then the dialplan goes to the next priority in the dialplan
13:43.12kombigreat stuff! what's with the SEP though?
13:43.22petern_kombi, mac address of phone
13:43.28[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: You transferred the call.  It is GONE.  Its up to your dialpla to decide what to do.
13:43.40petern_kombi, well, default hostname, i guess
13:44.01[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Go read the CHANNELVARIABLES doc for a bit
13:44.14ManxPower-worksaftsack, and "core show application dial"
13:44.19saftsackManxPower-work, [TK]D-Fender where is this call? just after the Dial line of the original call?
13:44.29saftsackbecause then i could use DIALSTATUS :)
13:44.42ManxPower-worksaftsack, the DIALED extension
13:44.47[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: You transfered the call.  it is executing whatever extension you transferred it to
13:44.54saftsackaaah ... sounds logically ;)
13:45.44ManxPower-worksaftsack, chances your transfer is completing just fine, it's that the call falls off the dialplan and hangs up because you don't handle a BUSY
13:46.26petern_kombi, oh... that's a v2 config, not v3
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13:49.06saftsackis there a chance to decide whether it is a transferred call, or if it is a normal internal call?
13:50.12[TK]D-Fender[09:44]<[TK]D-Fender>saftsack: Go read the CHANNELVARIABLES doc for a bit
13:51.17patrbDoes dialplan logic remind anyone else of gw basic?
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13:52.22kombipetern_: must look at it later, thanks so far!
13:52.29saftsack[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks :)
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13:57.15spenguin[work]if I wanted to make sure the dial status was BUSY or NOANSWER, then send to voicemail
13:57.18spenguin[work]can it be done
13:57.35spenguin[work]liek how
13:58.28[TK]D-Fenderspenguin[work]: "core show application gotoif"
13:59.14spenguin[work]ah well I know that :p
14:00.08patrbspenguin[work]: we use a standard macro that checks dial status and sends to different voicemail based on busy/noanswer
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14:00.35[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: Never said anything about needing to "standardize" anything....
14:00.49[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: Not that it isn't usually the way to go..
14:01.03patrb[TK]D-Fender: Thats fine, was simply stating how i did it
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14:02.34redax[TK]D-Fender: I don't want to store the 3digit src in CDR but the real src which is <somemoredigit><3digit what I get>. that's what I want to store in CDR. is there a way to change the CDR src or callerid at all?
14:03.09[TK]D-Fenderredax: Typically CDR is read-only, except for userfield.
14:03.28[TK]D-Fenderredax: Go make some other log that you can chain to it by uniqueid, etc
14:04.47redaxthis is not the real callerid src. it's just the last3 digit.
14:06.06[TK]D-Fenderredax: What isn't "real"?
14:06.06patrbredax: is something in your dial plan truncating the src?
14:06.09*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
14:07.31redaxpatrb, D-Fender; there's a panasonic pbx connected to the asterisk via ISDN. the panasonic wants/will send only the last 3 digits. that's what I have to transform to the real phonenumber, and do the call via SIP
14:08.15[TK]D-FenderReDYour inbound call has that CID.  It is STUCK with it.  Your OUTBOUND call is separate
14:08.26redaxpatrb: nothing truncates, just I have to add a few digits like: Set(CALLERID(num)=36123456${CALLERID(num)})
14:08.58patrbredax, so you can still identify the incoming 3-digit number by the last 3 digits?
14:09.09redaxyes :D
14:09.48patrbredax: looking at my dial plan, I thought Id changed CDR fields before
14:10.17redaxbut I though I can rewrite the cdr.src field :/
14:10.21*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
14:11.42patrbredax: I'm using this in one of my dialplans: Set(CDR(dst)=${EXTEN})
14:11.53patrbredax: I imagine you could do something similar to change the src
14:12.13redax[TK]D-Fender: ok. thanks. I have 2records for 1 bypassed call. You're absolutly right
14:12.58[TK]D-Fender----- All of the CDR field names are read-only, except for 'accountcode', 'userfield', and 'amaflags'.
14:13.03*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:13.33patrb[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for clearing that up :)
14:13.44[TK]D-Fenderredax: ... and its not friggen BYPASSED.  Its a simple stupid call.  Call in.  Call out.  There is no "routing", "bypassing", "redirecting", etc
14:14.34*** join/#asterisk aceio (
14:14.48aceiohi all
14:15.31aceiotry to get cisco ip communicator to register
14:15.47aceioi am  having no luck
14:16.20aceioany help will be wonderfull
14:16.59[TK]D-Fenderaceio: Show us the actual problem and maybe we can
14:17.03patrbaceio: I think you'll need to provide some more information to get help..
14:17.04[TK]D-Fenderaceio: PASETBIN is your friend
14:17.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
14:17.48patrbaceio: does the asterisk CLI give any output when the soft phone attempts to register?
14:17.50aceiookay sure
14:18.43patrbaceio: its most likely a networking issue then, not an asterisk configuration issue
14:19.27aceiohold on
14:20.11aceioi am getting messages on CLI  now
14:20.25redaxand may I change ${EXTEN}  ? :D
14:20.42aceioi  need to paste
14:20.59*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
14:21.12patrbredax: you should be able change ${EXTEN} like any other channel variable
14:21.32[TK]D-Fenderredax: No
14:21.55patrb[TK]D-Fender: really? Well i'll be damned
14:23.01*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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14:25.29patrbaceio: It looks like an issue with chan_skinny which I've never used
14:25.35*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (~0ca6b485@gateway/web/freenode/x-doqfwijsxzowcjmc)
14:26.15ManxPower-workYou change EXTEN by using Goto
14:26.58aceio<patrb> i am trying to get the ip communicator to work with SIP
14:28.40patrbaceio: looking at the documentation of Cisco IP Communicator:   Cisco IP Communicator version 2.1 supports Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as well as the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP).
14:28.40*** join/#asterisk kbr (
14:28.59patrbaceio: it sounds like you need to change the settings on your local machine IP communicator to use SIP instead of SCCP
14:29.26shaderhow would you make a simple test setup for asterisk?
14:29.54[TK]D-Fendershader: Very simply
14:31.16shader[TK]D-Fender: that's great. Now if only you can convey the instructions so simply ;)
14:31.37shaderi.e, do I need to asterisk installations?
14:31.41shaderor is there something simpler
14:31.56patrbshader: it depends on what parts of asterisk you want to test
14:32.09aceio<patrb> yes iam running version 7-0-3-0  Cisco IP Communicator
14:32.14patrbshader: the most basic test you could do, is one asterisk box, two soft phones
14:32.36shadercan both softphones be running on the same computer?
14:32.59patrbaceio: go into the IP communicator settings and look for an option for SIP or SCCP and ensure that SIP is checked or enabled rather than SCCP
14:33.53patrbshader: I *think* both softphones can run on the same machine, but i've never tested that
14:33.59ManxPower-workshader, you do NOT want to run multiple SIP applications on the same machine.
14:34.28[TK]D-Fendershader: Who says you need 2 softphones?  And no, you don't do that.. they'll fight over soundcard ersources, etc
14:35.19patrb[TK]D-Fender: he asked for a simple test, I told him a simple test would be 1 asterisk box and 2 softphones
14:35.25[TK]D-Fendershader: Calls should be on separate devices
14:35.40[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: My simple test only requires 1
14:35.48patrb[TK]D-Fender: congrats
14:36.10[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: My simple test is 33% simpler than yours \o/
14:36.40shadercan anyone come up with a test that involves *no* softphones?
14:36.48patrbshader: yes
14:37.01patrbshader: a simple rick roll script could do that
14:37.03[TK]D-Fendershader: Install *.  The end.  Who says has to talk to anything at all?
14:37.17shader[TK]D-Fender: lol
14:37.18infobotfrom memory, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
14:37.27ManxPower-workThis also applies to trying to test a PBX without any phones.
14:38.09[TK]D-Fendershader: You could set up * with an ITSP that only takes messages.  There.  You have no phones.  Its just a VM box.
14:38.14benngardphone - asterisk with meetme?
14:38.17[TK]D-Fendershader: * is what you make it to be.
14:38.24[TK]D-Fendershader: For me, Asterisk is a JUKEBOX
14:38.35[TK]D-Fendershader: And a coffee machine timer
14:38.55patrb[TK]D-Fender: you use a micro controller w/ that coffee timer?
14:38.58Kobazis there a way to turn on dnd on a polycom 320/330
14:39.02Kobazfrom the phone itself
14:39.03[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: X-10
14:39.13[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Of course
14:39.16gr0mitdoes anyone here use AgileBill for voip billing etc?
14:39.24Kobazthis was really weird... i got a call this morning saying that a phone kept returning busy... and i had them reboot it, and now it works
14:39.25[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Try pushing some buttons on it...
14:39.31Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: where in the menu is it... i can't find it... heh
14:39.40[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Keep lookin' blind boy!
14:39.57patrb[TK]D-Fender: I setup an arduino to turn an LED on and off when i get a call to my extension in asterisk...was a fun project :)
14:40.08Kobazbasic... (since they don' have a admin password)
14:40.33Kobazthere's no options anywhere in basic for dnd
14:40.37[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: Via X-10 I can blink my desk lamps, or whatever else I felt like doing...
14:40.44Kobazgets the manual
14:40.50[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Yes, there is
14:40.57shader[TK]D-Fender: how did you interface X-10 with asterisk?
14:41.06[TK]D-Fendershader: heyu2
14:41.10Kobazit's under features
14:41.28*** join/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
14:41.35Kobazi found it :P
14:41.48[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Imagine that... a call feature buried in a non-descript menu named "features"
14:41.59Kobazi thought it would be under settings
14:42.07shader[TK]D-Fender: so what purpose does * serve in that setup?
14:42.36[TK]D-Fendershader: phone home and coffe is ready when I walk in the door
14:43.48*** part/#asterisk moos3 (~rgenthner@
14:43.53aceio<patrb> look like i don't have that options
14:45.19aceio<patrb>i may have to downgrade  from 7-0-3-0
14:46.51shader[TK]D-Fender: so what was that one-phone test of yours?
14:47.44[TK]D-Fendershader: Use softphone to test IVR's voicemail, etc.  Connect out to ITSP's, and so forth
14:47.55[TK]D-Fendershader: everything depends what you expect * to do for you
14:48.36*** join/#asterisk dennisG (~root@
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14:49.05shadertrue enough
14:49.09Kattyi expect it to make my lunch.
14:49.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: Doable...
14:49.45Kattythat's what she said.
14:49.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: There is also that pizza-ordering bash script out there... easily adaptable
14:50.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: Huzzah
14:50.20Kattymy sister is having a laminectomy done :<
14:50.48creativxdoes that mean she is being laminated?
14:51.01Kattybits of her spine are being removed
14:51.13*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
14:51.23Kattyapparently they have been putting extreme pressure on the spinal cord.
14:51.32Kattyand causing severe pain
14:52.13Kobazokay so
14:52.16Kobazmore polycrum
14:52.42Kobazi'm using the idlebrowser thing to load up a microbrowser page to show some status info
14:53.00Kobazso now... someone turns on dnd... the server doesn't know it's on dnd... and since i'm using idlebrowser, you cant see the phone status
14:53.16Kobazso is there a way to like rpc query the polycom (or have the polycom post it's status)
14:53.20[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Tell them to F-ing stop turning on DND
14:53.27Kobazi can disable it
14:53.32[TK]D-FenderKobaz: indeed
14:53.41[TK]D-FenderKobaz: but I'd rather fix the user
14:53.44Kobazrpc querying the polycom would be sweet
14:54.07Kobazi've always wanted to get line status info... see what call is on line 1
14:54.38Kobazyou can check for calls in * but you wont know what line it's on, on the phone
14:55.17Kattyi think the idea of a phone having lines is kind of archaic
14:55.42Kattynot to change the subject or anything
14:55.53*** join/#asterisk torrancew (
14:55.56Kobazsure... show the 63 digit sip call id instead
14:56.01Kobaz64 rather
14:56.29torrancewhow might I change the reported CID for callers that don't broadcast CID info?
14:56.46torrancewsay, have it show up as "Caller Unknown", or similar
14:56.58*** join/#asterisk kbr (
14:57.01*** part/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
14:57.02Kattyif callerid = foo do something
14:57.03Kobaztorrancew: Set(CALLERID(name)=...)
14:57.13Kobazand then there's (num) as well
14:57.14Katty^- do something like that.
14:57.40Kattyyou could even run a bash script
14:57.44torrancewok, so if both name and number come in as empty, i could do Set(CALLERID("")="...")?
14:57.50Kattyand execute fender's pizza script
14:57.57Kobazi just old you
14:58.00Kobaz(name) or (num)
14:58.19KobazSet(CALLERID(name)=...)  Set(CALLERID(num)=...)
14:58.22Kattybut you could check the number
14:58.34Kattywhich is obviously what everyone uses
14:58.37Kattyfor the most part
14:58.45Kattyi block Kobaz's calls by name
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14:59.08Kattyputnopvut: ohaider
14:59.15ManxPower-work1) Name is not accepted by the telcos.
14:59.20putnopvutKatty: HOWDY
14:59.22*** join/#asterisk s4msung (
14:59.23KobazGotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)" = ""]...)
14:59.57Kobazor if you're using ael... it's much simpler to do: if ("${CALLERID(num)" == "") {Set callerid 0}
15:00.03Kattyhow does digium do their support?
15:00.11Kattydo they have certified partners who just... call in?
15:00.15ManxPower-workKatty, with money 8-)
15:00.16Kattyor is it all Paid Cases
15:00.40KattyManxPower-work: so there's no certified partner thing
15:00.51ManxPower-workKatty, you would have to call Digium.
15:01.01KattyManxPower-work: i thought you knew EVERYTHING
15:01.04KattyManxPower-work: way to let me down
15:01.06KobazYou attacked Keira the Dread Knight hitting them for an Earth Shattering amount of Damage[2214]
15:01.26fish-bulbKatty: there are different support options, like subscriptions, reseller perks, stuff like that. talk to Digium Sales for information
15:01.32KattyLAMP DRAWS NEAR
15:01.46Kattyfish-bulb: i don't want to talk to digium
15:01.49Kattyfish-bulb: i want to talk to manx.
15:02.55KattyKobaz: let's break out the minis and play some tabletop
15:04.31Kattywonders why there is a semi parked in front of her house
15:05.40KattyKobaz: actually i've been playing fable 2 for xbox, ever heard of it?
15:06.10redaxok. seems like, if anyone sets CALLERID(num) or CALLERID(name) it will not overwrite the cdr.src and cdr.callerid, BUT if you Set(CALLERID(all)=SomeName <1234>) then the CDR _WILL_ contain the modified callerid
15:06.48Slugs_n somebody help me connect my asterisk to avaya pbx via h323 using freepbx?
15:06.49Kattyi overwrite the callerid name on one incoming channel.
15:07.01Kattyand just the name.
15:07.27Kattyinfobot: freepbx
15:07.28infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:07.33Katty^- Slugs_
15:07.40KobazKatty: nope
15:07.46redaxif I modified _JUST_ the `num' then the old `num' was stored in CDR
15:07.53KattyKobaz: bummer. it's a cute game.
15:08.01KobazKatty: speaking of board games... my ex girlfriend loved playing all the rails games... like eurorails and etc
15:08.02redaxif I change the `all' then the modified will be Stored in CDR
15:08.17KattyKobaz: hrmm. never heard of rails before
15:08.27KattyKobaz: but i'm not into board games really
15:08.33Kobazit's the boardgame version of railroad tycoon
15:08.37patrbredax: very interesting, is that going to work for what you wanted then/
15:08.43patrbredax: *?
15:08.59redaxyep. this is perfect
15:09.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:09.01KattyKobaz: haven't played that either
15:09.06Kattyhi Defraz
15:09.09ManxPower-workredax, You are either 1) Wrong or 2) have discovered a bug
15:09.11*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
15:09.24redaxjust didn't known that, differs if you set separately the num/name and if you set all
15:09.26Kattymaybe he should pastebin a lil somethin somethin
15:09.28Kattyand also the callerid
15:09.32ManxPower-workredax, it's not supposed to.
15:09.44ManxPower-workTherefore  You are either 1) Wrong or 2) have discovered a bug
15:09.58redaxManxPower-work: if it's a bug, please don't fixit :D
15:10.08patrbredax: post hte bug and then never ever update your system :)
15:10.12ManxPower-workchances are you are using extra quotes and that's screwing it up.
15:10.13patrbredax: j/k
15:10.24ManxPower-workredax, IF it's not working as documented, it's a bug
15:11.05redaxyou're right some double quote stuff messed up the cdr.
15:11.07*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
15:11.17redax"","3657558079","06706236818","alkozpontrol","""3657558079"" <3657558079>","SIP/079-090a2810"
15:12.06redaxthis is what changes the callerid: exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=${CALLERID(num)} <${CALLERID(num)}>)
15:12.07MACscrI need help debunking a myth. Ever heard of someone with a dynamic ip address through their isp having the ip change during the middle of a call and dropping the call?
15:12.41ManxPower-workYup!  You are using extra quotes
15:12.59redaxno I don' use any quotes :D
15:13.16patrbMACscr: Sounds possible.  The ISP can change your IP whenever they feel like it if you're dynamic
15:13.26patrbMACscr: however, most don't
15:13.28ManxPower-workredax, Um, your paste shows extra quotes
15:13.37shaderMACscr: depends on the ISP I suppose
15:13.47ManxPower-workredax, so you are setting the callerid name to to be the same as the callerid num.
15:13.52redaxManxPower-work: yes, but check the Set(CALLERID... line
15:13.57shaderIn theory your ip address can change whenever you lease is up
15:13.58MACscrpatrb: I understand that technically its possible, but I have never ever heard of it
15:14.08ManxPower-workredax, what you pasted does not match
15:14.21ManxPower-worknow, pastebin the CLI output
15:14.25patrbMACscr: neither have I, sorry I cant help more :)
15:15.06redaxgeez. I have to turn off sip debugging, and call again
15:15.31shaderMACscr: in my experience, my isp only seems to change my ip address very infrequently
15:15.37ManxPower-workredax, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your work on something not related to your problem.
15:15.45*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
15:15.54ManxPower-workshader, that depends on the ISP and the technologu
15:16.02redaxit's absolutly related to my problem :) and thank you for your help
15:16.30*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
15:16.30Kattyhi kartik
15:16.32Kattyhi bmoraca_work
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15:17.09kartikhello Katty
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15:19.39redaxoh. ManxPower gone?
15:19.50Kattyhe probably had work to do
15:20.02Kattynot everyone can flutter about an irc channel all day like i do (=
15:20.07*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
15:20.15Kattyhi Jhirley
15:20.35redaxno problem. just ready what he asked.
15:20.37Jhirleyo/ Hello My Dear !!
15:20.45shaderso are you the official greeter of #asterisk, Katty?
15:20.47Kattyredax: we're volunteers--not paid to be here and help people with their issues.
15:21.00Kattyhugs Jhirley
15:21.02Kattyshader: no
15:21.15Kattyshader: however i've been here for the better part of 4 or 5 years, so i know several of the regulars.
15:21.19redaxKatty: I know. sorry, I don't wated bugging anybody
15:22.32JhirleyIn this day and age i will take a little kindness from any source.   Cheers to all .
15:22.44spenguin[work]hallo Katty
15:23.01Kattyherroes mister penguin
15:23.22p3nguinkatty used to be the little old lady at Walmart before coming here.
15:23.46Kattybefore i went on a kill spree and burned the building to the floor ;)
15:24.01JhirleyIn that case , I want my happy face sticker !
15:24.36Kattyare you under the age of 5?
15:24.56shaderwhat would you do if he said yes?
15:25.02Kattygive him a sticker.
15:25.06Jhirleyemotionally .
15:25.14Kattyi think that's good enough.
15:25.19Kattygives Jhirley a smiley sticker.
15:25.35Jhirleyno all the 5 year olds are over in the MCSE channels.
15:26.02huey23i just installed the vmail.cgi, on the $context=""; line, what is it asking for here?  i have tried many different ways to login but I believe this holds the key
15:26.02Kattyi am an mcse
15:26.34Kattymicrosoft certified systems engineer
15:26.35Jhirleylook up, youngest mcse.
15:27.06patrb10 year old
15:27.07*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:28.50JhirleyThere was a 9 year old a few years back.
15:28.59huey23yea, now she's 10
15:29.07Kattypoor kid.
15:29.12shadertime passes quickly
15:29.34*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
15:29.41shaderhe's back!
15:29.44JhirleyMind you I am saying that the MCSE is with our merrit, just that kids can accomplish almost anything.
15:30.29JhirleyJust like the space program with enought time and money you can do anything.  Well they have time on their side.  Where as I ahve a "Honey do list"
15:30.56Kattyyou should put Change Katty's Oil on the list
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15:33.33coppiceKatty: you mean you aren't well oiled?
15:35.45aceio<patrb> i got the ipc to work SIP now
15:36.30[TK]D-Fender[11:26]<shader>mcse? <- Must Consult Someone Else
15:36.58aceio<patrb> status message is now  TFTP error: SEP002100D1EC17.cnf.xml
15:38.12*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:38.43patrbaceio: you probably dont need to tftp boot your softphone
15:39.11patrbaceio: Ive never used that software though
15:39.55*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNoob (
15:40.05AsteriskNoobHello... Total noob here.
15:40.28aceio<patrb> i see
15:40.46AsteriskNoobI have a few Asterisk problems and would love some help...
15:40.49petern_the cnf.xml file containers useful things like where the CM host is
15:40.50p3nguinaceio: Why do you keep quoting patrb with things that patrb didn't actually say?
15:41.17p3nguin<AsteriskNoob> Hello... Total noob here.     <--- quoting asterisknoob
15:41.32p3nguinasterisknoob: Hello.   <--- talking TO asterisknoob
15:41.49JhirleyDude Just ask your questions or they will keep messing with you.
15:41.54AsteriskNoobOh, OK..
15:42.18AsteriskNoobI just set up an AsteriskNow session and I cannot get call xfers to work.
15:42.30AsteriskNoobFreePBX is just about useless.
15:42.32infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:42.32shaderJhirley: but messing with people is half the point of irc...
15:43.02infobotfrom memory, asterisknow is based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
15:43.06JhirleyNoob: you may want to join asteriskNow and #freepbx also
15:43.10AsteriskNoobI just need to know how to get * features to work.
15:43.26AsteriskNoobJhirley: Thank you... I'll go there too.
15:43.29patrbAsteriskNoob: enable it in features.conf :)
15:43.31p3nguinWith that being said, are you trying to transfer on the phone or from the GUI?
15:43.34ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, Um. you realize that Asterisk is not really a PBX, right?
15:43.54patrberr * features can go in extensions.conf
15:44.00ManxPower-workAsterisk is a TOOLKIT that lets YOU build a PBX, much like a library helps a programmer write applications.
15:44.08p3nguinpatrb: hmm?  Features in extensions.conf?
15:44.32p3nguinmanxpower-work: But he's using AsteriskNOW, so someone already built it for him.  :/
15:44.35AsteriskNoobManxPower-work: I thought it was actually a full PBX. What am I missing?
15:44.35patrbp3nguin: if he means like dial *97 for voicemail
15:44.46JhirleyWhat I always thought the main reason for this channel was to mess with [TK]D-Fender ?
15:44.54ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, So if you want, for example Call Forwarding, then you write the dialplan to create that feature.
15:44.58p3nguinpatrb: Okay, that's just an extension.
15:45.21ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, you are missing all the configuration files that you would need to write and configure to build a PBX.
15:45.47AsteriskNoobManxPower-work: Yes, I understand the scripting, but I can't seem to find a proper script. I have a simple dialplan for incoming calls ready to deploy, but the call transferring is crucial.
15:45.50ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, People call Asterisk a PBX, but it's not a PBX in the traditional sense.
15:46.11AsteriskNoobManxPower-work: Gotcha... It's much more flexible..
15:46.23JhirleyAsteriskNoob:  The #freepbx channel may be a better place for you to for now, but this channel will help you later on .
15:46.23ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, since each PBX is unique to the needs of the users, asterisk does not come with working config files.  The config files are SAMPLES trying to show as much as possible.
15:46.47p3nguinAsteriskNOW, on the other hand, is ready to go... and what's what he's using!
15:47.04AsteriskNoobHehe.. I WISH it was ready to go..
15:47.05huey23i just installed the vmail.cgi, on the $context=""; line, what is it asking for here?  i have tried many different ways to login but I believe this holds the key | i am using asterisk 1.4.28
15:47.13JhirleyThink of Asterisk as the engine, and free pbx is the steering wheel and blinkers and stuff.
15:47.17p3nguinasterisknoob: It is.  I've used it.
15:47.32ManxPower-workA simple dialplan for incoming calls would be exten => s-or-did-or-exten-or-whatever-calls-come-in-as,1,Playback(we-hate-customers.gsm)
15:48.01ManxPower-workhuey23, I expect it would be the VOICEMAIL CONTEXT
15:48.08AsteriskNoobI guess if I used FreePBX to configure it things would be smoother, but I'm a bit stubborn.. I want to understand the scripting so I can play a bit more with it.
15:48.23p3nguinasterisknoob: Then stop using AsteriskNOW.
15:48.25AsteriskNoobManxPower-work: Hahaha
15:48.27ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, you do not want to mix FreePBX and hand built stuff.
15:48.47*** join/#asterisk saftsack (~oliver@
15:48.50patrbAsteriskNoob: if you really want to learn asterisk, ditch the gui
15:48.56AsteriskNoobYeah. I figured that out the hard way.. But, having said that, I don't use FreePBX..
15:48.58ManxPower-workpick one.  FreePBX = get up and running quickly, but complicated, limited, and unsupported on #asterisk.
15:49.28ManxPower-workAsterisk = HUGE learning curve, not as complicated as it seems once you get a few years of experience with it, and people on #asterisk can help you.
15:49.32JhirleyAsteriskNoob:  The #freepbx channel may be a better place for you to for now, but this channel will help you later on .
15:49.58AsteriskNoobHow do I get the features responding? It says that they are available, but when I press ## nothing happens..
15:50.10infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:50.23huey23ManxPower-work:  i understand that but does that mean that it is "default" context says context=default
15:50.23ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, To use, all GUIs look the same.  Regardless of it is FreePBX, AsteriskNOW, AsteriskGUI, or Bob's Asterisk GUIfication
15:50.40ManxPower-workhuey23, do you have a [default] section of voicemail.conf?
15:51.20AsteriskNoobBuiltin Feature           Default Current
15:51.21AsteriskNoob---------------           ------- -------
15:51.21AsteriskNoobPickup                    *8      *8
15:51.21AsteriskNoobBlind Transfer            #       ##
15:51.22AsteriskNoobAttended Transfer                 *2
15:51.22AsteriskNoobOne Touch Monitor                 *1
15:51.22AsteriskNoobDisconnect Call           *       **
15:51.23AsteriskNoobPark Call
15:51.23AsteriskNoobDynamic Feature           Default Current
15:51.24AsteriskNoob---------------           ------- -------
15:51.24AsteriskNoobCall parking
15:51.25AsteriskNoobParking extension   :700
15:51.26AsteriskNoobParking context     :parkedcalls
15:51.26AsteriskNoobParked call extensions:701-750
15:51.32ManxPower-worksome kick him
15:51.34VoIP-PenguinDon't do that.
15:51.36AsteriskNoobSorry.. Hopefully this helps a bit.
15:51.41infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:51.41huey23ManxPower-work:  unfortunately it is a "real-time" voicemail.conf...there is nothing in the voicemail.conf file
15:51.41*** join/#asterisk benngard (
15:51.49ManxPower-workhuey23, It sucks to be you.
15:51.52VoIP-PenguinPASTEBIN ^^^^^^
15:52.07huey23ManxPower-work:  it's not that bad...i've lived with myself all my life
15:52.07ManxPower-workI suspect vmail.cgi may not even work with Realtime, but who knows.
15:52.10*** join/#asterisk ShaunR (
15:52.24ManxPower-workaceio, contact Cisco.
15:52.39ShaunRwhats a good, simple, robust SIP device that will allow a analog phone to plug into it.
15:52.50VoIP-Penguinshaunr: PAP2T
15:52.58ShaunRi had a iaxy unit but it died, also it was a pain in the ass to configure..
15:53.02aceioyes cheers for that answer
15:53.14huey23ManxPower-work:  i am able to get to the web interface, i am just trying to figure out how to login
15:53.40*** join/#asterisk RobH (
15:53.45ShaunRVoIP-Penguin: this?
15:53.54ManxPower-workaceio, it's not like anyone here would know what the problem is.
15:54.08AsteriskNoobCan anyone send me a small script for activating call transfer?
15:54.18AsteriskNoobI simply can't seem to find one that makes sense.
15:54.19VoIP-Penguinshaunr: That's a PAP2T.
15:54.22ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, there are none.
15:54.36ManxPower-workPersonally, I just press the fsckin' TRANSFER button on my phone.
15:54.40VoIP-Penguinshaunr: You should be able to find one on ebay for about $30 less.
15:54.44ShaunRVoIP-Penguin: ok i just saw the extra -na so i wanted to make sure..
15:54.58VoIP-Penguinshaunr: -NA = North America
15:54.58AsteriskNoobSo if it's active, ##EXT should transfer the call..
15:55.14*** join/#asterisk goofy03 (
15:55.28VoIP-Penguinasterisknoob: That's a DTMF transfer... and it's TOTALLY not the same as a SIP device's transfer.
15:55.29ManxPower-workAsteriskNoob, no, if it's active, WHATEVER YOU CONFIGURED will transfer the call.  Of course you also need the T and/or t options to Dial,
15:55.29AsteriskNoobOh. I'm using free softphones. Phone coming tomorrow.
15:55.49*** join/#asterisk hubbaba (~hubbaba@
15:56.24AsteriskNoobAhh.. So if I add t to the Dial() app it should do it then...
15:56.32AsteriskNoobI'll give that a try.
15:56.44goofy03i try to compile asterisk-1.6.1 from svn but i have many errors with app_nv_backgrounddetect-1.0.6_1-foras1.4.23.1.o is this module is always require too autodetect fax and forward it to hylafax ?
15:56.49patrbAsteriskNoob: yes, that allows the callee? permission to transfer
15:56.51VoIP-Penguinwatches asterisknoob break his configs
15:57.15AsteriskNoobHehehe VoIP-Penguin .. Likely. Thankj goodness it's not live yet..
15:57.29ManxPower-workVoIP-Penguin, I already put him on /ignore
15:57.58AsteriskNoobDidn't mean to upset you ManxPower-work ....
15:58.07infobotextra, extra, read all about it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
15:58.20hubbabawhen using fxsgs over a T1, we're getting roughly a 4 second delay before the call is answered.  We see Got event 18 (Ring Begin)... and Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...  The, 4 seconds later, we get Got event 18 (Ring Begin)... and our start extension executes.
15:58.29ManxPower-workAny n00b should be reading the Asterisk book
15:58.44hubbabai have usecallerid=no in chan_dahdi and faxdetect is not being used
15:58.50hubbabaany ideas why it would take so long?
15:59.13ManxPower-workhubbaba, why are you using Ground Start instead of the common Loop Start?
15:59.39hubbababecause that is what our customer is requiring
15:59.55ManxPower-workpastebin the relevant configs as well as the cli output of a problem call
16:00.19AsteriskNoobManxPower-work: The Asterisk book has been helpful and confusing at the same time.. Some good examples, others not so good, and certainly not written for a total noob. I've had a crash course in Ast over the last few days, but I'll crack it.
16:00.38hubbababelieve me, I'm be using PRI or e&m if I could.  We're working a very old CTI based system.
16:00.46VoIP-PenguinOnce you are no longer using FreePBX, we can help you.
16:00.47AsteriskNoobManxPower-work: Thanks for the bit about the T option.. That's what I was missing.
16:01.05Kattyformats her phone
16:01.13Kattywhen you format a phone...
16:01.16VoIP-PenguinUse XFS or JFS!
16:01.17patrbAsteriskNoob: there is a difference between the T option and the t option
16:01.18Kattywhat happens with the firmware
16:01.26Kattydoes it use the last firmware it recieved from ftp
16:01.27patrbAsteriskNoob: make sure you know the idfference
16:01.33Kattyor whatever firmware came with the phone when it was shipped
16:01.41VoIP-Penguincore show application Dial
16:01.45AsteriskNoobpatrb: Thanks. I'll make sure to use the right options.
16:01.51AsteriskNoobThanks everyone..
16:03.23spenguin[work]Katty: what phone
16:03.31Kattyspenguin[work]: polcyom
16:03.42Kattyspenguin[work]: it'll be back up in a minute
16:03.51Kattyspenguin[work]: i can check the firmware version against my ftp bootrom
16:04.37spenguin[work]kk, is it the one which keeps dying after a while?
16:04.51Kattyi have nothing dying over here
16:05.00Kattyi do however have quirky dtmf problems
16:05.24Kattydebug shows it only recieves a portion of digits, even tho i know i put all the digits in from my phone
16:05.27Kattyzoiper is fine
16:05.46Kattyit's also sporatic, and not consitently failing
16:06.13*** join/#asterisk Citrus2 (
16:07.06goofy03i try to compile asterisk-1.6.1 from svn but i have many errors with app_nv_backgrounddetect-1.0.6_1-foras1.4.23.1.o is this module is always require too autodetect fax and forward it to hylafax ?
16:07.22goofy03i'am on debian stable
16:08.23AsteriskNoobThank you everyone. That t option was the missing piece. Works perfectly...
16:08.32AsteriskNoobAnd I'm off.
16:09.15Kattythat's kinda like showing up, eating, and leaving
16:10.02ManxPower-workgoofy03, Looks that file is not part of Asterisk
16:11.10goofy03ManxPower-work: ok and it is the only solution to autodetect faxs ?
16:12.03*** join/#asterisk diatonic (
16:12.11Chainsawgoofy03: There is internal fax detection in Asterisk, at least as of 1.6.2 and probably earlier.
16:13.09goofy03Chainsaw: and can i use it to redirect fax call too hylafax ?
16:13.26Chainsawgoofy03: Quite likely, it behaves the same. It jumps to the fax priority.
16:14.00spenguin[work]Katty: ah well you mentioned of some polycom phone which was acting funny - after 200 calls
16:14.09goofy03ok then i must compile 1.6.2 in place of 1.6.1 ?
16:14.26ManxPower-workSome of our sales reps need this shirt:
16:16.03Kattyspenguin[work]: yeah dtmf.
16:16.23Kattyspenguin[work]: turns out it's not 200 calls.... it's more like 25% of them
16:16.48Kattyspenguin[work]: but i never noticed, and most of us didn't, because when we dial extensions we put in 1 number.
16:16.52Kattyspenguin[work]: not 4 digits.
16:17.15Kattyspenguin[work]: i'm thinking perhaps digitmapping or some other ftp setting i have somewhere is messing it up--hence the back to factory default setting
16:17.29spenguin[work]hrm, Ive seen some dtmf issues, but those were cause the extensions were like 2222 or numbers like that
16:17.37spenguin[work]they were being punched in too quick
16:17.41Kattythis particular one is 7744
16:18.08Kattyand i've been dialing it at a reasonable speed
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16:18.51Chainsawgoofy03: As long as it's recent, 1.6.1 might work.
16:18.55VoIP-PenguinIf your line is "up" (when you're in a call), then the digitmap won't be applied, will it?
16:19.08Kattyno idea
16:19.15VoIP-PenguinIt's not supposed to be.
16:19.26Kattyi don't care
16:19.33VoIP-PenguinThe digitmap is only for placing a call.
16:19.35ChainsawIt defaults to not doing it, but you can change that setting.
16:19.46ChainsawSo it might be applying a digit map even in that situation.
16:20.05VoIP-PenguinEww, a setting for applying digitmap during a call?
16:20.23Kattyi'm sure it has a reason for being there
16:20.26ChainsawVoIP-Penguin: Yes, I believe if you were suitably evil, you can even have it apply the digit map to calls from the main screen (without hitting a line key at all).
16:20.30VoIP-PenguinSomeone needs to be dismantled over that "feature."
16:20.31Kattyso just because you don't get it doesn't mean you get to eww about it
16:21.10norrecso i'm running asterisk and i have devices that support T.38 however not all my trunks support t.38 but i dont want to have to use different configs on my devices, is there a way for asterisk to convert from T.38 to, for lack of a better discription, inband (T.30 i believe it is) faxing based on the outbound trunk it uses?
16:21.12*** join/#asterisk MoreAllLess (
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16:22.22ManxPower-workThe Polycom digit maps work great if you have a well designed dialplan.
16:23.43*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
16:25.43spenguin[work]what defines if an agent is supposed to login to the realtime queue or not
16:26.15VoIP-Penguinmanagement, probably.
16:26.24spenguin[work]I know its possible to have a user in queue but still recv calls
16:27.24spenguin[work]like in the queue_member_table, Ive got Agent/<EXT>
16:27.35spenguin[work]or SIP/<EXT>
16:29.00*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
16:29.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o Cresl1n] by ChanServ
16:30.13ChainsawIt seems the digit maps can't do secondary dialtone twice, which is a shame. (I was hoping to respond appropriately to several international dialling codes)
16:30.41ChainsawSo *dialtone* 9 *dialtone* 0031 *dialtone*
16:30.58ChainsawWait for 9 numbers then send.
16:31.32ManxPower-work|9,0031| and exten => 0031,1,Playtones(dialtone) exten => 0031,n,WaitExten
16:33.43*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (~xpot@
16:34.00VoIP-PenguinI would rather use DISA because the dialtone won't cancel when you enter only part of the exten.
16:34.14VoIP-PenguinUse DISA so it will cancel, I mean.
16:34.34VoIP-PenguinIt's annoying to hear a dialtone the whole time you're dialing numbers.
16:37.38spenguin[work]SO if a queue member is added like SIP/<EXT>, the user at that ext doesnt have to login to the queue
16:37.46spenguin[work]ready or not the calls would arrive
16:37.57spenguin[work]but if its AGENT/<EXT>
16:38.02spenguin[work]he needs to login
16:38.19*** join/#asterisk QbY (
16:38.34QbYany dahdi experts available who want to consult..
16:38.55*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
16:39.47VoIP-PenguinWell, neither Agent channels nor SIP channels have extensions...
16:40.51Kattysits and waits for bootrom to update
16:40.56Kattytwiddles fingers
16:41.33VoIP-PenguinThe users login from their devices (usually phones).  If the queue member is a SIP device, then the phone device is an agent in the queue.
16:42.14VoIP-PenguinIf the queue member is an agent channel and device, then the agent must be logged in to receive a call from the queue.
16:45.46*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
16:46.02Katty <- pure awesome.
16:47.20*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
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16:51.13Kattymister monk
16:51.27voipmonkhello there
16:52.20Kattywoo! finally. phones back up (=
16:53.10Kattywaits for httpd to come up
16:53.14VoIP-Penguinpictures phones driving in reverse
16:54.19Kattyanddddddddddd rebooting again >.<
16:55.13Kattylooks like i was working on a slight older revision
16:55.20Kattyor..still am. actually, just not this particular phone
16:55.35Kattyfor testing porposes
16:56.11Kattytests dtmf
16:56.46*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
16:56.49*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:57.10Kattyso far so good
16:57.32*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:58.04*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
16:58.14Kattyhi Naikrovek
16:58.36Naikrovekanyone know of any polycom resellers in india
16:58.53iam8updid you check alibaba?
16:58.57Kattyso it's still doing it.
16:59.04Kattybut it's like the phone is..lagging
16:59.20Kattycause the dtmf on debug will show 77, and then the next one will be like 774477
16:59.28Kattyor whatever i left out will get picked up
16:59.30Kattyat the end
16:59.32iam8uppolycom in india
16:59.49KattyQwell: ping
17:02.15*** join/#asterisk kbr (
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17:03.47Kattywhat kind of timeout
17:04.01spenguin[work]dunno, i r dumb birdbrain
17:04.38Kattywell this is what happens, i put in 7744. server recieves 77. then i put in 7744 again....then it shows 744744 or 744474
17:06.29spenguin[work]is the server local or remote?
17:06.55Kattyzoiper on same local network, seems fine with transmitting dtmf information
17:07.23spenguin[work]hrm, wash polycom phone in warm water, scrub gently
17:08.43*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
17:12.40spenguin[work]why does this not work
17:12.44*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:12.47spenguin[work]exten => _[1-3],n,Queue...
17:12.56spenguin[work]exten => s,n,Voicemail ...
17:13.13spenguin[work]should it be exten => _[1-3],n,Voicemail.. ?
17:13.46Naikrovekiam8up: thanks
17:13.47keith4anyone have an opinion on the Xorcom Astribank products?
17:14.08iam8upNaikrovek, that's $32.50
17:14.19Naikroveksends busy signal
17:14.23Naikrovekno comprende
17:14.47spenguin[work]$32 is cheap
17:14.55spenguin[work]liek real cheap
17:15.01Naikrovekfor what
17:15.01VoIP-PenguinWell that's friggin' annoying... I was going to check dtmf in my log during the usual verizon voicemail failure... and it ACCEPTED MY PASSWORD for once.
17:15.07spenguin[work]for a polycom phone?
17:15.07iam8upfor my help
17:15.34iam8upVoIP-Penguin, isn't dtmf awesome?
17:15.38spenguin[work]VoIP-Penguin: IT tends to be annoying like that
17:15.43iam8upDTMF + sip = hell
17:15.59Naikrovekinband DTMF yes
17:15.59VoIP-PenguinI think it's like the second time ever that it accepted the numbers.
17:16.03Naikrovekinband just works mostly
17:16.15Naikrovekout of band just works mostly
17:16.53*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
17:16.58VoIP-PenguinBut checking the log, it didn't even register all the numbers I typed.
17:17.17QbYWhat needs to be loaded to eliminate this: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
17:17.35VoIP-PenguinDon't call devices on dahdi channels.
17:17.52VoIP-Penguinor put devices on dahdi channels before calling them.
17:24.08[TK]D-FenderQbY: is not loaded
17:24.10Kattyhttp://pastebin.comm/uSc5cYEW <- if anyone has any thoughts on this DTMF issue, lemme know
17:24.25QbY[TK]D-Fender: ..  i have it loaded now
17:24.32QbYi stopped everyhting, b rought up dahdi first
17:24.41QbYnow at least calls are flowing
17:25.11idespinnerrelaxdtmf on zap?
17:25.18Kattyit's set to yes.
17:25.26Kattyi guess i should pastebin that stuff too tho
17:25.44*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
17:26.26VoIP-PenguinFor some reason, I was under the impression that the dtmf problem was on sip rather than zap.
17:26.27*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
17:27.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: does it double direcft to * only?
17:27.40Kattysyntax error near 'double'
17:27.45*** join/#asterisk ruchir (
17:28.02ruchirdoes anyone know how to convert odbc voicemail to wav file?
17:28.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: phone -> *.  Does it double within that leg alone?
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17:28.42VoIP-PenguinIsn't the phone a SIP phone?
17:28.54VoIP-PenguinWhy is chan_zap involved?
17:28.57Kattyit goes through networking equipment
17:29.06Kattybut i suppose i could put it on the same switch
17:29.10Kattyotherwise, the answer is yes
17:29.31Kattytho zoiper seems to be fine.
17:29.42Kattywhich is on my workstation, on the same switch
17:30.29VoIP-PenguinWhere is ZAPTEL coming into this problem?
17:31.32Kattythe problem occurs before sending it out the pri, VoIP-Penguin
17:31.40ruchirodbc vm anyone
17:32.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: does Read and SayDigits use dtmf?
17:32.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: or does it use something else?
17:32.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: Clearly yes
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17:33.16Kattyi dont' think the cli shows information about dtmf, just the debug log
17:33.34Kattyi think
17:33.58ruchirsaydigits use playback
17:34.10ruchirsenddtmf use dtmf
17:34.46VoIP-Penguinruchir: The question was about "Read and SayDigits" in combination.
17:35.46Kattyyeah it shows the numbers
17:36.14VoIP-Penguinread() obviously has to read the dtmf tones in order to store them in the variable in order for SayDigits() to playback the sound files of the numbers it recognizes.
17:37.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: i misunderstood your question
17:37.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Verify the SIP>* leg first.
17:37.49Kattyyeah i'm testing that now
17:37.56Katty10 in a row, no issue
17:38.17VoIP-PenguinMy DTMF problem never seems to occur between the phone and Asterisk, but does happen on a bridged call between the phone-asterisk-verizon.
17:38.19Kattyi was under the assumption that the debug just showed what it recieved directly FROM the polycom
17:38.26Kattywhich isn't the case
17:38.42Kattyi'm having no issue doing a read and playback
17:38.46Kattyerr saydigits
17:39.09*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
17:42.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: so if from phone to * is good, but asterisk -> telco is snickerdoodled...
17:42.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: and debug shows the dtmf stuff quirky
17:42.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's the next step? sangoma card? telco?
17:42.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: check for echo/gain issues
17:43.26huey23has anyone had any luck successfully using a real-time voicemail solution and the vmail.cgi gui?
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17:47.03ruchirhuey23: we use either of them havent tried both
17:47.25ruchiru mean realtime vm users not odbc vm storage, right?
17:47.56*** join/#asterisk stix (
17:48.18huey23the vm is still stored in the same dir structure as before, but the vm users are in the db
17:50.48ruchiri dont remember how vm.cgi used to check auth
17:50.49huey23Fender would be proud, we finally upgraded from 1.0 to 1.4 but in doing so, someone thought that it would be easier to change things and add users
17:50.59ruchirbut any case it shouldnt be difficult to modify just in case
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17:51.20huey23the gui is working...i am just having trouble logging in
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17:51.59huey23i imagine i have to make some changes in vmail.cgi to look at the db to get credentials from but i was wondering if it would even work before i wrapped my brain around it
17:54.21ruchiris looking for way to convert odbc vm to wav file
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17:57.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: will a debug show echo/gain issues?
17:58.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: the zoiper out to the telco seems to send dtmf fine
17:58.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: if it's echo/gain issues relating specifically to the polycoms, i'm not sure how to troubleshoot that
17:58.32ManxPower-workI see it, but I wonder if anyone else sees the problem with this number: 011 39 091 8689XXX
17:58.59*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:59.51bmoraca_workit's way long
18:00.27*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:00.48ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, 91 would be a city code and you don't put leading 0 on city codes when calling from outside that country
18:01.16*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
18:01.23VoIP-PenguinWhat's the effective difference between playback(silence/1) and wait(1) if you are only trying to pause dialplan progression for 1 second (have 1 second of silence on the line)?
18:01.28ManxPower-worknobody in sales or tech support caught that
18:01.36KattyManxPower-work: i doubt i would have
18:01.40ManxPower-workVoIP-Penguin, nothing
18:01.40bmoraca_worki don't do international dialing a lot...not a big thing for dental offices
18:01.44DocAwesomeVoIP-Penguin: one of them sends audio
18:01.49micolshow does "call waiting" look in asterisk log (/var/log/asterisk/full) ?
18:01.51ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, me neither
18:02.04ManxPower-workmicols, depends on the technology used
18:02.12micolsisdn30 card
18:02.17*** join/#asterisk babbio (
18:02.24ManxPower-workyou can't do call waiting on ISDN with Asterisk
18:02.51VoIP-PenguinFrom a functional standpoint, should one method be preferred over the other?
18:03.00micolssorry, the stream is SIP..
18:03.02coppicebmoraca_work: you haven't outsourced your basic flossing and polishing work to China? :-)
18:03.06bmoraca_workISDN is "always available" waiting is redundant
18:03.21bmoraca_workcoppice: i'm THIS close: |-|
18:03.27Slugs_Can somebody help me connect my asterisk to avaya pbx via h323?  Ive set it up on avaya fine, im just working on the asterisk end.  any help would be greatly appreciated
18:03.31babbiohi guys i'm having a problem with X100P board and dahdi module....i can't make asterisk works....please this is my first time with asterisk......somebody coud help? i will appreciate
18:03.40ManxPower-workmicols, it would look just like another call.  There is no such thing as call waiting in SIP.  It's up to the phone on how it does a 2nd call.
18:03.44infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:03.55[TK]D-FenderSlugs_: FreePBX is NOT supported in here
18:04.01*** join/#asterisk moos3 (~rgenthner@
18:04.16bmoraca_workmicols: if the phone is allowed to take two calls, the second call will go through...if the phone is not, you'll get a "busy here" or a message about call-limit being reached
18:04.20Slugs_im not using frr pbx
18:04.23moos3how can I make the Directory search both first and last name
18:04.25beek[TK]D-Fender: Damn, you're good.   He hasn't even mentioned that yet!
18:04.26*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
18:04.32ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, do you think we should just ban Slugs_?
18:04.41Slugs_im using an installatoin w/ no free pb now
18:04.47ManxPower-workmoos3, the same way you do anything in asterisk "core show application directory"
18:04.57[TK]D-FenderSlugs_: Then show us a failed attempt to process a call
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18:06.12ManxPower-workbeek, he's been coming into the channel with FreePBX questions for WEEKS.
18:06.29ManxPower-workmoos3, if it's not documented there, then it can't be done.
18:06.32moos3ManxPower-work, heres what I have exten => s,1,Directory(sales,ef) but if I enter HOS for hosting solutions, I'm getting horizon and then insight
18:06.51ManxPower-workmoos3, I'm happy for you.  Are you using Asterisk 1.4.x?
18:06.51moos3the other too are directory options tho
18:06.57moos3no 1.6.x
18:07.16ManxPower-workThen I doubt me looking at "core show application directory" on my system is going to help you much.
18:07.53moos3ManxPower-work, I'm call directory correctly?
18:07.55micolsbmoraca_work: of course, but can you see if the phone supports call waiting in this log and if it is forwarded?
18:08.05peterhupI am new to Asterisk, can anybody recommend a learning path for an experienced developer?
18:08.08ManxPower-workmoos3, Oh, and you are not using 1.6.x  1.6.x does not exist.  1.6.1.x and 1.6.2.x, etc
18:08.16infoboti heard answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
18:08.42ManxPower-workmicols, Asterisk DOES NOT know if the phone support call waiting or not.
18:08.47ManxPower-workAsterisk just SENDS THE CALL.
18:08.50*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
18:08.54Kobazbabbio: what problems are you having
18:08.55[TK]D-FenderSlugs_: that isn't an entire call and has no background about what is what
18:09.05moos3ManxPower-work, sorry 1.6.0.x
18:09.09[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Did you get PM'd too?
18:09.17bmoraca_workmicols: you don't CALL a PHONE in that snippet of log
18:09.25Kobaz14:07 <babbio> hi kobaz do u remember of me?? i'm still having my problem with asterisk can u help me?
18:09.28ManxPower-workmoos3, does "core show application directory" show you any options for searching both first and last names?
18:09.34Kobazno, i don't remember everyone who asked a question
18:09.45moos3yeah f
18:11.14ManxPower-workbabbio*@* added to ignore list.
18:11.34babbioi'mtrying to build a simple aswering machine, this is my extensions.conf
18:12.01[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: exten => s,n,Playback(/home/paramore_ignorance.mp3) <-- NEVER put the extension of the file in Playback()
18:12.24Nuggetyeah, that's like crossing the streams
18:12.43ManxPower-workin the snow!
18:12.46[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't want ever atom in his body to explode at the speed of light
18:13.12Kattyhrmm. full log says nothing about echo/gain anything
18:13.13vader--any of you guys use SIPXecs?
18:13.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: where and how do i go about looking for echo and gain issues
18:13.45bmoraca_workvader--: how's your TA924e going?
18:14.00ManxPower-workKatty, Echo must be removed where the call is coverted from PSTN to VoIP.
18:14.48KattyManxPower-work: how i take echo off my call from Polycom -> asterisk -> pri -> telco?
18:14.56KattyManxPower-work: at which stage, and how
18:15.01ruchircan someone point me in proper direction to convert odbc stored vm to wav file for playback on webpage?
18:15.05*** part/#asterisk peterhup (
18:15.09ManxPower-workKatty, remove it at the Asterisk/PRI point.
18:15.13bmoraca_workKatty: echo cancelling PRI card in asterisk...really the only place
18:15.19Kattyah okay
18:15.34bmoraca_workor use an Adtran TA900 and convert it to SIP great and they have great echo cancellers
18:15.45babbio[TK]D-Fender: ok but the problem is another one....dahdi tell me that i have no active channel, and this the the output of dahdi show channel and dahdi show status
18:15.46ManxPower-workruchir, use the wav49 format for voicemail messages
18:15.51Kattywell i have echocancel=yes and echocancelwhenbridged=yes
18:15.58ManxPower-workKatty, do you have hardware EC?
18:16.04babbiowhy i have no channel in the dahdi show channels if i have a channel in the dahdi show status?
18:16.16KattyManxPower-work: i'm pretty sure the card does have onboard echo cancelation yes
18:16.23ManxPower-workKatty, Digium or Sangoma?
18:16.25KattyManxPower-work: i would have to go check tho
18:16.27KattyManxPower-work: sangoma
18:16.38KattyManxPower-work: i don't honestly remember which type of card is sitting in that one
18:17.16bmoraca_worki honestly have started prefering to use the external PRI->SIP gateways...they have better quality from what I've seen.
18:17.24ruchirManxPower-Work: how does it create wav file from mysql db record?
18:17.30ManxPower-workKatty, 1) I've never had echo with Sangoma and 2) I've never been able to totally remove echo using software EC 3) I've never solved an echo issue when using a Digium EC card.
18:17.40*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (~tech_trav@
18:17.55ManxPower-workruchir, I have no idea, but if you want something to play in a web page, quickly then you'll use the wav49 voicemail format.
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18:18.21ruchirplayback is not major issue
18:18.28Kattywell the card has a102 stamped on it, but it's not a dual t1 card
18:18.30ruchirissue is to convert db record to file
18:18.38ruchirso ew can use it for playback
18:18.39Kobazmusic on answering machines is ghetto
18:18.43bmoraca_workruchir: it just stores the file in a BLOB field.  the file is identical to if it were stored on the filesystem itself.  the point of using MySQL for voicemail is to centralize it and make it easily available to other applications that may or maynot reside on the server
18:19.11[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: ; This is not intended to be a complete chan_dahdi.conf. Rather, it is intended ; to be #include-d by /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf that will include the global settings <-----------------
18:19.27ruchirbmoraca_Work: that means if i read the record and store in file as is and name it wav
18:19.29[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: I guess you didn't read the giant notice.  Where is your chan_dahdi.conf?
18:19.30ruchircan i play it?
18:19.33Kattywell let's assume this isn't an echo issue
18:19.45Kattyhow would i go about testing a gain issue
18:19.54ManxPower-workKatty, do you have echo?
18:20.15ManxPower-workKatty, Didn't I tell you weeks ago to use the toneduration setting?
18:20.17Kattyi have absolutely ZIP echo problems
18:20.23Kattymhmm you sure did
18:20.41ManxPower-workAre you using it?
18:20.41Kattytoo bad it didn't help (=
18:21.18babbio[TK]D-Fender: i dont have a chan_dahdi.conf but only a chan_dahdi_template.conf
18:21.25*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
18:21.28ManxPower-workKatty, Sangoma's support is very good.
18:21.34KattyManxPower-work: yep, i've already contacted them
18:21.36babbiohow should i set up the chan_dahdi.conf?
18:21.38[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: There is your problem.  You don't have the IMPORTANT one.
18:21.42KattyManxPower-work: they're refusing logs and whatnot
18:21.55[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: Go look at the sample config and realize you'll have to INCLUDE that other file
18:22.09*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
18:22.25vader--bmoraca_work i haven't had a chance to even play with it
18:22.30vader--im trying to figure out where to start with ti
18:22.42vader--im not sure if i want to do a regular asterisk setup
18:22.47vader--or freepbx
18:22.51vader--or i was looking at sipx
18:22.56*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks-laptop (
18:23.08ManxPower-workvader--, Will you want help from people on #asterisk?
18:23.13bmoraca_workruchir: yes, you should be able to do that
18:23.40ruchirso just writing record blob data to file
18:23.48vader--haha i guess your asking that becuase if i go with freepbx or sipx #asterisk people won't help :-)
18:24.09babbio[TK]D-Fender:could u suggest to me some docs on configuring and using chan_dahdi.conf?
18:24.13ManxPower-workExactly.  It's an important aspect of your decision
18:24.25[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: They're included in the tarball
18:24.42bmoraca_worki just got pwned by my idiot inventory clerk.  ordered the wrong f-ing routers.
18:24.48vader--well one of my main issues i have now with my current asterisk system is the fact that im the only one who can work on it
18:24.53vader--becuase it's all conf files
18:25.09vader--if it were web based i could give some of the simple tasks to my coworkers
18:25.11[TK]D-Fendervader--: I don't think my local Toyota dealership appreciated when I expected them to fix my Malibu....
18:25.11vader--to handle
18:25.35vader--ya but freepbx is just a gui for asterisk
18:25.40vader--asterisk is still running underneith
18:25.44bmoraca_workvader--: you could also give them some simple tasks to fix within the config files as well...they're not that difficult to understand
18:25.44ManxPower-workvader--, It's not THAT hard to write some GUI pages for specific tasks
18:25.45[TK]D-Fendervader--: Then install a GUI on it, or train other admins
18:25.59*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
18:26.45moos3ManxPower-work, directory(contextname,options) but why doesn't ef work?
18:28.33ManxPower-workmoos3, pastebin the output of "core show application directory" so I can look it up.
18:28.43*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks-laptop (~chris@
18:28.50vader--i wonder how compatible my dial plans will be from my current 1.2.x box if i goto 1.6.x
18:29.06leifmadsenvader--: depends how you wrote them I suppose :)
18:29.09[TK]D-Fendervader--: Go read the changelogs.
18:29.20leifmadsenvader--: if you're using pipes as a separator, that's one thing to fix
18:29.53ManxPower-workvader--, Good thing there are those UPGRADE*.txt files to tell you that information
18:30.00Chainsawvader--: I did the 1.2 to 1.6 jump. Expect to spend about a week. Deploy a second box for testing.
18:30.21[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: wow... thats a rather vague comparison..
18:30.42[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: So far about the only thing we see in common... is the VERSION FAMILY
18:30.59ManxPower-workmoos3, looks to me like it doesn't support searching BOTH first and last name.
18:31.06Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Yes, and since you are refusing to answer with details, my answer will probably be rated more helpful.
18:31.10[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Especially as 1.6 isn't even a specific branch
18:31.13moos3yeah thats why i'm doing just first name
18:31.28vader--Chainsaw i play on deploying this new setup in a virtual enviroment and i have this Adtran box i can use while my production system is running
18:31.32vader--i can do testing at night
18:31.39vader--switch the PRI and FXS ports over
18:31.42Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: For most of the migration paths, the 1.6 branch is irrelevant.
18:31.52moos3ManxPower-work, what i dont get it doesn't seem to accept the f
18:32.00[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: .... 1.6 isn't a specific branch <-  You seem to forget this.
18:32.18*** join/#asterisk s519 (
18:32.20Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: No, you're just hung up on the wrong things here. But that's okay.
18:32.33ManxPower-workChainsaw, no, you're just ignoring important things
18:32.46vader--are there any good guides out there to follow for setting up asterisk?
18:32.50VoIP-PenguinI think he means the brach of 1.6 versions is not important here.
18:32.53vader--it's been 4 years since i setup my box
18:33.02ManxPower-workVoIP-Penguin, I know.  And he's wrong.
18:33.23ManxPower-workHey, I'm having problems with CONNECTEDLINE in my Asterisk
18:33.40ManxPower-workSince CONNECTEDLINE was added to 1.6.2, and not any earlier versions.....
18:33.58VoIP-PenguinI can see how that is a problem.
18:34.07ChainsawWhich won't be in an existing 1.2 dial plan. But, nice try.
18:34.09ManxPower-workThe version is IMPORTANT
18:34.28ManxPower-workChainsaw, no, but it will exist on the Wiki, etc.
18:34.34[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: 1.6.0 is a branch, 1.6.1 is a branch, 1.6.2 is a branch.  1.6 by itself isn't specific enough and there are feature differences between the actual branches.  My comparison has a compatability bottom-line difference in includes an important number of extra changelogs he'd have to read through
18:34.43*** join/#asterisk benngard (
18:35.06Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Yes, and one day you'll learn to express your desire for further information in a polite way. So many more people will like you.
18:35.13*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:35.45vader--im surprised though i can't find anyone using SIPX, it looks like a really good system
18:36.14[TK]D-Fendervader--: Of course it does... you can't find any users to contradict you :)
18:36.14ManxPower-workChainsaw, you are welcome to /ignore anyone you want.
18:36.18Chainsawvader--: There are a few gotchas. The jumping behaviour that your dial plan may rely on is now optional.
18:36.58Chainsawvader--: (Where it jumps based on success or failure of a command, I found I had to emulate it with a GotoIf in some cases)
18:37.00ManxPower-workmoos3, irectory(vm-context[,dial-context[,options]])
18:37.00[TK]D-Fenderwaits to see how many people effectively read the contents of various UPGRADE.TXT's to him line by line...
18:37.23ManxPower-workmake sure you have the context or an extra ,
18:37.37ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, I re-read them about once a month.
18:38.34moos3so this exten => s,1,Directory(sales,ef) should be exten => s,1,Directory(sales,,ef)
18:38.35*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
18:39.08[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Count your parameters <-
18:39.14leifmadsenheh, parameter fail
18:39.35[TK]D-FenderVERY FINE MANUALS!
18:39.41ManxPower-workmoos3, you see how important it is to look carefully
18:39.51*** join/#asterisk Researcher (~shani@unaffiliated/unafilliate)
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18:40.37vader--it's a shame they don't have a config checker that will check for things that are old and outdated
18:42.45vader--hmm my current asterisk system is running on debian, most of my new linux boxes are centos 5
18:43.38ManxPower-workvader--, Yes, that silly README with all the required versions in it is just SO 1995
18:44.25ManxPower-workvader--, the standard CentOS 5 RPMs will work just fine.
18:44.55vader--Manx power do you have freepbx installed anywhere?
18:45.17ManxPower-workvader--, If I told you that I'd have to kill you.
18:45.50*** join/#asterisk soman (
18:47.12benngardg729 is about 8 k or am i totally wrong?
18:47.55ManxPower-workbenngard, Plus packet overhead
18:48.05benngardManxPower-work: yes ofc
18:48.18*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (~slinksh0t@
18:48.41*** part/#asterisk babbio (
18:49.13benngardhave to read the license for g729, the shit is working but need it for 1 single day
18:50.02patrbWho was asking about vmail.cgi and asterisk real time voicemail?  I think I found a work around
18:50.29benngardand i dont wanna run something thats need a fee, even if it is for a single day
18:51.13VoIP-PenguinIf you intend to transcode, you'll need the codec.  And in order to use the codec, you should pay the licensing fee.
18:51.22huey23patrb: i was
18:51.22benngardguees so
18:52.02patrbhuey23: Even though you're using realtime config, you can keep a voicemail.conf file with legitimate information for the vmail.cgi script to use
18:52.17*** join/#asterisk ecrane (
18:52.22benngardi guess i need i codec like that on monday, we gonna run some extensions over gprs
18:52.29patrbhuey23: I made a script to dump the voicemailusers table into could do that nightly
18:52.30huey23i guess all i would need would be the user, context, and pass?
18:52.45VoIP-Penguinbenngard: You mean run some devices over gprs?
18:52.46huey23do you mind if i use that script?
18:52.59patrbhuey23: nah, let me put it on pastebin for you
18:53.06benngardVoIP-Penguin: yes, and some other stuff
18:53.06huey23ty ty
18:53.10VoIP-Penguinbenngard: 'cause you said extensions, but extensions don't care about the tech.
18:53.54benngardno but i dont have much bandwith over for voip, some damn sql app will take the most of it
18:54.38benngardnormally i always run alaw, but i dont think i will have that "space" on my gprs line
18:54.42VoIP-PenguinSQL uses TCP, so configure QoS appropriately for use with VoIP.
18:55.04VoIP-Penguinalaw is big, so you'll want something else.
18:55.15benngardg729 ;)
18:55.26VoIP-Penguinor go low-quality gsm.
18:55.30patrbhuey23: its ugly..make sure to change the database users and passwords to suit your needs:
18:56.20benngardi pay for a license, if i pay some days late, they have to live with it. i will order tomorrow, and pay as fast as i can
18:56.26patrbhuey23: if you can script at all..that should get you started
18:57.10benngardbut u can actually hear the difference between, alaw and g729
18:57.11patrbhuey23: oh for loop is setup to only count to 151 (the total users)'ll need to change that to suit your needs
18:57.23huey23patrb:  i cannot...but i can read that and tweak it a little...i'll give it a shot
18:57.41huey23i have a lot less users that that
18:58.07patrbhuey23: you could easily write a function to check the number of users in the table
18:58.17patrbhuey23: then pass that as a variable to the for loop
18:58.20VoIP-Penguinbenngard: You can hear the difference, but it's not THAT much of a difference to be worried about it.  Compare alaw to gsm... there's a LOT of difference on those.
18:58.25huey23i do have a voicemail.conf already, can i just add the [general] searchcontexts=yes to to top of that one?
18:58.50patrbhuey23: yes
18:59.09patrbhuey23: err my searchcontexts=yes is under [general]
18:59.45huey23under that just have the users?
18:59.52patrbhuey23: you'll want to dump the users under [default]
19:00.02patrbhuey23: assuming you're using the default context
19:00.06patrbhuey23: in your real time config
19:00.41benngardVoIP-Penguin: did some test calls, g729 asterisk alaw, was about as a cell phone, will work
19:00.51leifmadsenwho was looking for the ISDN info in a BYE?
19:02.01MuffinMan[confirmed] [Asterisk] Channels/chan_sip/NewFeature 0015800: [patch] Fetching SIP headers from BYE sent by callee reported by sergee
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19:06.16vader--do you guys run asterisk on 32bit or 64bit os?
19:06.54vader--it was a choice
19:07.03vader--i guess i should reword it
19:07.13vader--do you guys recommend a 32-bit or 64-bit OS
19:07.31benngardVoIP-Penguin: did some more test switching from alaw to g729 and back, dialing to pstn and listen, the difference is pretty big
19:13.02Naikrovekvader--: there are some modules that don't run on 64-bit machines i think
19:13.15Naikrovekas i recall digium has some things that don't run on 64-bit
19:13.19Naikrovekthey do
19:13.22*** join/#asterisk kbr (
19:13.25Naikrovekbut not with 64-bit asterisk
19:13.54Naikrovekwait for confirmation on that before you believe me
19:14.52VoIP-PenguinAny idea which modules aren't available (or don't work) with 64-bit asterisk?
19:15.03*** join/#asterisk s14ck (~s14ck@
19:15.05QwellNaikrovek: It was only Fax For Asterisk, and that has been fixed.
19:15.12Naikrovekah there you go
19:15.15Naikrovekthank you qwell
19:15.25Naikrovek64-bit ahoy!
19:15.29VoIP-PenguinI was just looking over my stuff and didn't see anything not working.
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19:20.46brunneris it possible to get Caller ID w/ name on a PRI?
19:23.43carrarheck yes
19:23.45carrarif you ask for it and put a short delay before answering
19:23.46beekbrunner:  wait(1)
19:23.46brunnergot it, so one second should cover it?

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