IRC log for #asterisk on 20100316

00:01.21freezeyany real reason in particular that asterisk has to be started before the dahdi module is loaded?
00:03.04*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
00:04.04*** join/#asterisk bobisa (
00:04.53bobisahi, i need to have some help about asterisk
00:05.08bobisasomeone speak french ?
00:06.18bobisaok, im new in ipbx, i want to change my exsting pbx, and i want to know if asterisk is the best solution for me
00:07.18bobisawhat do yo mean by maybe?
00:07.54*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
00:08.12Shazaumbobisa: Asterisk is a great solution, but it depends on its structure
00:09.57*** join/#asterisk ZeXr0 (~ZeXr0@
00:10.39bobisaok if i tell you my structure an you help me a little?
00:11.48bobisai have about 15 phone, 6 phone line, and i want to integrate skype alse
00:11.51bobisasrry also
00:14.59Shazaumbobisa: wow
00:15.17Shazaumyes, asterisk is the best solution for you
00:16.07bobisaso that the answer i wanted to ear :)
00:16.38bobisaso where do i start, i have download a book about asterisk,but i am a little confusing.
00:17.08bobisai have read that i need card to plug my phone line into my server, which one i choose?
00:18.25Shazaumline analog?
00:19.28Shazaumhow many lines?
00:21.52*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
00:25.34bobisait is easy to configure everything?
00:27.15*** join/#asterisk aceio (~c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/x-kljjsibuuaiywuud)
00:27.49aceiohi all
00:27.58bobisahi aceio
00:28.10aceioiam new too asterisk
00:28.31aceioi am look to install debian on 1650 dell server
00:28.32bobisame two
00:29.03bobisanot so cool, idont know where to start :)
00:30.01aceiowell maybe i can help
00:30.44aceiowhat do you have problem understanding
00:34.23NightMonkeybobisa: Perhaps try PBX-in-a-Flash?
00:35.16bobisai like that Installation Tips for Everyman... and Woman hahahaha
00:39.07ZeXr0:/ where is the sip.conf file ?
00:40.47*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
00:45.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:53.50ZeXr0Is it normal if I installed AsteriskNow that within asterisk -r , I don't have the sip command ?
00:55.20ZeXr0I'd like to try and connect via callcentric
01:08.10*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
01:15.26*** join/#asterisk pawz (
01:18.28*** join/#asterisk Jhirley_ (
01:19.56*** join/#asterisk timeshell (~timeshell@
01:25.59NightMonkeyOh, the one change from 1.2 to 1.6... [flag]EXTEN@CONTXT no workie no more. Now it's EXTEN@CONTXT[,[flag]].
01:26.09NightMonkeyThat's got my greetings back. Whew.
01:26.52*** join/#asterisk freezey (
01:27.23NightMonkeyFound the answer here: . Love that :)
01:33.11p3nguinnightmonkey: Just so you know, the greet subdirectory that you mentioned isn't for an extension, but rather for each mailbox.
01:39.41NightMonkeyp3nguin: Thanks. What I lack in knowledge of Asterisk's internal config organization, I make up for in boldness. ;)
01:40.15NightMonkeyp3nguin: But is it just a semaphore, or are there supposed to be files within greet?
01:43.56*** join/#asterisk RobH (
01:44.00p3nguinExtensions, devices/phones, mailboxes... all _can_ be numbered or lettered correspondingly, but the terms should never be used interchangeably when that happens to be the case.
01:44.37p3nguinI have nothing in greet, currently.
01:47.13*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
01:47.36NightMonkeyp3nguin: Good advice.
01:47.38*** join/#asterisk pawz (
01:48.04*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:48.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:53.35*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (kvirc@
01:57.30*** join/#asterisk manxpower (~ewieling@
01:59.22*** join/#asterisk pawz (
02:20.27*** join/#asterisk githogori (
02:28.45*** join/#asterisk QbY (
02:30.22QbYi'm going to upgrade the os and asterisk on a box that hasn't been touched in 5 years..  only thing that i'm worried about is the zaptel card inside..  are there different versions of zaptel devices?
02:32.16*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
02:38.01*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
02:42.06manxpowerIf you upgrade Asterisk you want to read the UPGRADE*.txt files that come with the new version of Asterisk
02:55.15ChannelZreading manuals is for sissies
03:09.54*** join/#asterisk thereminbr (~theremin@
03:11.59thereminbrHello, I have to build an asterisk pbx which will do certain things and I wonder if anyone could point me on where to look at. I have experience with Trixbox, but as I need a customized solution I decided to setup asterisk from scratch.
03:14.31NightMonkeyQbY: What version of Asterisk is on the box?
03:14.48thereminbrBasically I need two things: when an incoming call comes with callerID, I must hangup the call and store the number somewhere. If no callerID available I play an IVR which will ask for the user phone number, store somewhere and hangup.
03:15.05NightMonkeyQbY: Funny, I just did that upgrade today, from 1.2 to 1.6. However, I have a relatively simple home-office PBX setup.
03:15.26QbYNightMonkey: the only thing i'm concerned about is the wildcard interface; never used one before..  I'm completely blowing out the dialplan--its a disaster
03:15.46NightMonkeyQbY: I got bit by this, but it was a minor irratant:
03:16.30infobotwell, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
03:16.35manxpowerQbY: read The Book
03:16.48QbYi'm reading now
03:16.58QbYjust didn't know if there were any "gotchas"
03:16.58NightMonkeyAnyone know of a method to "speak" (with festival) the CallerID during mailbox message retrieval?
03:17.23QbYfor example, it appears that in 1.2 there was zaptel modules, now there's DAHDI
03:17.35manxpowerNightMonkey: 1.6 has MiniVM, which lets you build your own VM in the dialplan
03:17.52manxpowerUsing the stock Asterisk Voicemail, no you can't unless you modify the source code.
03:18.31NightMonkeymanxpower: Jeez. Enough with the freedom and flexibility, Asterisk! :)
03:18.49NightMonkeymanxpower: Thanks, I'll look into that.
03:21.07NightMonkeymanxpower: Wow, not a lot of docs on for MiniVM. Do you have suggested guides to seek?
03:21.54[TK]D-FenderNightMonkey: there is already a VM option for "Envelope" that reads back the callerid
03:22.15NightMonkey[TK]D-Fender: Ah, thanks, I'll look into that.
03:23.54NightMonkey[TK]D-Fender: Hrm. Will this "speak" alphanumeric text, or just the phone number?
03:24.31[TK]D-FenderNightMonkey: just the number AFAIK.  Go check... it may offer more
03:25.04NightMonkey[TK]D-Fender: What I'm looking to have is something that reads "...first message, sent <date> at <time>, from ACME INC"
03:25.33[TK]D-FenderNightMonkey: Looks like you'll bel looking to make your own VM then
03:25.59NightMonkey[TK]D-Fender: Signs point to "no". Just date, and number.
03:26.21NightMonkeySo, is the source code the best docs for MiniVM ATM?
03:27.04manxpowerNightMonkey: I imagine other places would be best.
03:27.10*** part/#asterisk thereminbr (~theremin@
03:27.13manxpowerlike "core show applications like voice"
03:28.01NightMonkeyAh, there is an extensions_minivm.conf example file in 1.6, whee.
03:47.15*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
03:54.29LemensTSI had a 1.4 asterisk server that quit letting calls go in/out. I tried to open xlite when i noticed this, and it would not register. I could log on the cli and view sip peers and channels, but had to restart now to resolve. My question is, in this instance is thier a way I could know about this? I can write bash scripts that run on cron to do asterisk cmds at the cli, but im unsure asterisk cmd would be best
03:56.35*** join/#asterisk Terminus (~justin@
03:56.44*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
04:02.46*** join/#asterisk iam8up (
04:03.43iam8upcan anyone suggest a good place to read about the cisco 7900 headset port?  i want to use this port for basic analog use but it seems by simply bringing up the headset on i get no audio with a regular phone, but i do a headset - is there any kind of oddball wiring maybe?
04:03.53*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
04:04.39manxpoweriam8up: perhaps
04:05.55*** join/#asterisk joobie (
04:06.41[TK]D-FenderIamit is nothing like an analog phon
04:06.45joobiehey guys.. i have a script that im using to monitor if a sip peer is available.. currently i do 'sip show peer <peername>' and look at the status... problem is, ive seen the status say OK but when a call is made it then returns FORBIDDEN.. is there a better way i can check for sip peer status? short of making a test call???
04:07.19[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: What defines a peer as "available"?  They can reject you at any time
04:07.48[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: if they registered to you then you can go by there being an IP assigned
04:07.59[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: If you have qualify enabled, you can go on that.
04:08.09[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: but at any time they can refuse calls
04:08.40iam8upmanxpower, nothing useful/relevant to my application (at least from my searching
04:08.41joobieif i have qualify enabled, would that have presumably changed the status on next register?
04:08.52joobieim just trying to see if calls can route through a sip peer
04:09.05joobiethat one instance, i was in asterisk seeing them drop.. our monitoring said htey could route cos of the status
04:09.13joobiehad to reload the sip module to force re-register which fixed it
04:09.19joobieonly caught that one by chance
04:09.26joobieneed a good way to check calls can definitely route
04:09.35[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: How can you tell when they are going to start refusing calls?
04:09.47manxpowerjoobie: Qualify sends a SIP OPTIONS packet to the peer and if it doesn't respond or takes too long to respond Asterisk will consider the peer down.
04:09.50[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: you'd have to flag things at the end of call attempts
04:09.59iam8up[TK]D-Fender, any idea where to get more details on this?
04:10.34[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: What are you actually trying to accomplish?
04:10.46manxpowerHowever, I don't use qualify unless it's for a peer with a crappy internet connection
04:11.07manxpower[TK]D-Fender: he's plugging a handset into the headset port.  Dawg knows why.
04:11.25iam8up[TK]D-Fender, the radio station wants to use the cisco ip phones for their callers, and the easiest way to connect them to the sound board is an analog input (as they normally do this with a PSTN line)
04:11.54[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: NO
04:12.20[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: Cisco's aren't analog phones.  that is not a place to plug a LINE into.
04:12.36iam8upno i'm not plugging the PSTN line into the headset
04:12.40iam8upi'm plugging the headset into the soundboard
04:12.41[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: Do you pour gas in your windshield washer tank?
04:12.48p3nguinThe headset is an analog device, though.
04:12.56iam8upp3nguin, exactly why i'm confused
04:13.04[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: very different spc.
04:13.16p3nguinYou just need a pin-out of the jack and/or the headset/cable.
04:13.24iam8upp3nguin, yes!
04:13.29p3nguinI'm not willing to do it right now, though.
04:13.29iam8up[TK]D-Fender, spc?
04:13.43iam8upso it isn't analog out?
04:14.06p3nguinI'm sure there's voltage on it which is not square wave.
04:14.11iam8upthe reason i thought it was is the cheap plantronic headsets work just fine, and are nothing (to my eye) then a speaker and mic wired into the 4p4c connector
04:14.16[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: 4-wire <-
04:14.37iam8upyes so?
04:14.41[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: not a phone.
04:14.43iam8upinside pair and outside pair
04:14.54p3nguinI suspect two wires are for the mic and two for the speaker, but I never bothered to try to figure it out.
04:16.18iam8upexactly what i was after
04:16.37p3nguinI don't see a pin-out on that page.
04:16.53p3nguinOh, it's in the link.
04:17.58p3nguinThat's actually a pretty nice adapter.
04:18.32*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
04:18.40dlynesman...supporting voip is way too much stress
04:18.41p3nguinI'd rather just use my Plantronics, though.
04:19.21iam8upp3nguin, connecting to a radio station soundboard...not a plantronics headset
04:24.56joobie[TK]D-Fender, thanks
04:26.36*** part/#asterisk QbY (
04:27.52manxpowerMy Anti-Drug Is Alcohol:
04:33.18manxpowerThis one was on my TiVo when I got home tonight.  Totally hilarious:
04:49.02*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
04:51.19*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-yujnowwafhcggvge)
04:58.18vandebofeel free to point me to a more appropriate channel -  Any recommendations for a per minute outbound provider (usa)?  I was using voicepulse, but they've instituted a monthly minimum.
04:59.00[TK]D-Fendervandebo: has a decent rep so far
04:59.53p3nguinI use, but I have some friends using flowroute without complaints. offers termination to USA numbers as low at 1.05 cents per minute, and Flowroute as low as 0.98 cents per minute.
05:01.36vandebohmm, the .ms domain seems a bit sketchy
05:02.17p3nguinI don't even know what that's all about, really.
05:03.29vandebothough they have a pop in my city so lower latency
05:04.29p3nguinI'm glad I chose, actually.
05:04.51p3nguinIt is certainly better than a lot of the alternatives.
05:05.00vandeboany particular reason, or just a good experience so far?
05:06.21p3nguinI haven't had any problems other than at least two of their proxies think I want to run comfort noise, which throws a notice on my console.
05:06.28infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
05:07.27vandebomanxpower: thanks
05:07.55*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
05:08.10vandeboanyone know why voicepulse went a monthly minimum? just trying to stay profitable?
05:19.53*** join/#asterisk roe (
05:24.54manxpowerI use Vitelity at the moment.
05:26.35*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
05:28.29*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein) uses Vitelity, too.
05:54.49tkrnwhen a voip provider offers "additional incomming channels" that basically means i can have 2 calls come in instead of 1 basically
05:57.26*** join/#asterisk benngard (
06:03.31p3nguintkrn: They usually give you at least 2 incoming channels already, so "additional" would be 3 or more.
06:04.28*** join/#asterisk keith4__ (~keith@unaffiliated/keith4)
06:05.07tkrnthats what i thought, thanks for the heads up
06:05.32tkrnthis damn iaxmodem wont register!
06:06.37p3nguinWhat seems to be the problem?
06:07.01keith4__i have a strange problem. using realtime SIP friends, the CLI gets spammed with qualify notifications from chan_sip at 10 lines/second
06:07.14keith4__like "[Mar 16 02:02:17] NOTICE[24970] chan_sip.c: Peer '606' is now Reachable. (34ms / 400ms)"
06:09.47ChannelZThe same one over and over?
06:10.05keith4__all of them
06:10.08tkrnwell i am working with Elastix, and the iaxmodem registration times out registering... ports are right, iax extension is there
06:10.23keith4__ChannelZ: i turned off all phones except 1, right now
06:10.43ChannelZkeith4_: but the same one (606) is spewing?
06:10.53keith4__ChannelZ: all of them do it
06:11.09ChannelZok so don't answer the question
06:11.31ChannelZyour device is fucked, there's your answer
06:12.15keith4__ChannelZ: if I stop and start asterisk... it's quiet until it loads the sip user from the DB. like, 'sip notify polycom-check-conf 606' causes the NOTICE messages to start
06:13.26ChannelZI'll ask one more time.  Any 1 single peer is spewing registrations at "10 lines/second"?
06:14.25keith4__I'll answer one more time, then: yes. each and every peer does it. if I turn on 3 phones, 3 different peers are interspersed, spewing at 10 to 15 lines/second
06:16.02ChannelZWhat I was trying to clarify is if all of them together were making ~10lps total or if every single one each was doing ~10lps individually
06:16.58ChannelZDo you get corresponding 'peer XXX is unreachable'?
06:18.06p3nguinIs your qualify time set to 400?
06:18.07ChannelZCan you turn qualify off for the peers?
06:18.33keith4__p3nguin: yes
06:18.36keith4__ChannelZ: sure
06:18.58ChannelZAnd do they stop?
06:19.03keith4__let me try
06:19.05p3nguinIf you turn it off, no OPTIONS should be sent, so ther won't be anything to respond to.
06:19.33keith4__can I do that globally? or do I have to do each one individually?
06:19.52p3nguinDid you enable it for every one individually??
06:19.54ChannelZWhat I'm wondering is whether or not it's * sending shitloads of qualifies for some reason, or if the device is registering over and over
06:20.54ChannelZalthough I guess you'd see additional register messages.. hmm
06:21.44*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
06:23.22keith4__turned off qualify
06:23.29keith4__let's see how this goes
06:25.54keith4__what would cause asterisk to send qualifies over and over?
06:26.15ChannelZ?? The timeouts are set in seconds.  Is the clock on your * server going ape-shit crazy?
06:26.16p3nguinqualify being set to anything other than no.
06:26.30keith4__qualify is ms
06:26.51ChannelZwell their responses are but I think in sip.conf it's all seconds
06:27.05keith4__Channelz: clock's fine. using ntp, too
06:27.06p3nguinIf qualify is set to a number or yes, it sends OPTIONS to the devices.
06:27.44vandeboChannelZ: ms
06:28.06p3nguinYes, qualify is in ms.
06:28.27tkrnany ideas on the iaxmodem, Registration Timed Out?
06:28.46p3nguinReconfigure it correctly.  ?
06:29.11keith4__okay. I just booted 20 phones, and they all registered correctly.
06:29.15ChannelZvandebo: but that's the duration to consider whether it's considered down or not
06:29.25keith4__no qualify spamming. yay!
06:29.39keith4__what are the implications of not using 'qualify'?
06:29.51p3nguinNo NAT keepalives.
06:29.56ChannelZ* won't know if a peer is truly available until it tries to send a call to it
06:30.01p3nguinOther than that, nothing.
06:30.09keith4__okay, I can live with that
06:30.37p3nguinIf the phones are not behind NAT, you probably don't need to qualify them anyway.
06:30.51ChannelZsomething is whack with your system though.  What version are you running and on what?
06:30.52tkrnyup tried a bunch of configs.. just reg is timing out... :-/
06:31.11keith4__ChannelZ: 1.4.21 on debian
06:40.06*** join/#asterisk ecolitan (
06:40.49ChannelZkeith4__: are you using hints perchance?
06:41.02*** join/#asterisk gardo (~gardo@
06:41.18keith4__ChannelZ: nope, not yet
06:41.41keith4__but good find. this seems to be my issue
06:42.12ChannelZwell that one I pasted implied some incorrect network setup causing some issues
06:42.32ChannelZbut not quite the same because yours seems to be sending packets to the right place and getting a response
06:43.28keith4__ah, right
06:44.14ChannelZbut I found another relating to dialplan hints
06:44.22*** join/#asterisk soman (
06:44.34ChannelZwith some other possible interactions.. but around your version.
06:44.56ChannelZPerhaps you are just running into something else bizarre, who knowz
06:44.58ChannelZerr knows
06:46.51*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
06:48.21keith4__ChannelZ: interesting. thanks for your help
06:48.24keith4__p3nguin, too
06:58.29vandeboFYI,'s TOS are pretty sketchy
06:59.08vandebodefinitely not written by a lawyer
06:59.29ChannelZwe call that "wiggle room"
07:02.23*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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07:11.52*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
07:13.27ChannelZwhoa holy crap how did it get to be 1am
07:14.05*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
07:14.09*** part/#asterisk keith4__ (~keith@unaffiliated/keith4)
07:16.25*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
07:16.33sawgoodJust a question ... but does anyone run Asterisk 1.6 with no FreePBX or other GUI type front end?
07:16.54*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:17.13sawgoodI was thinking of trying this tomorrow on a LAB box
07:18.04sawgoodI was trying to 'put together' in my mind what is that FreePBX does for Asterisk which cannot be done through various scripts, etc.
07:19.07kaldemarsawgood: most people who run asterisk, do.
07:19.38kaldemarfreepbx limits asterisk's features.
07:19.42sawgoodkaldemar: I figured so ... but I wanted to learn both sides of things ... on two different systems (one with a GUI and one with out)
07:20.02ChannelZsawgood: I do
07:20.06sawgoodkaldemar: I've never heard that before .. amazing ...
07:20.34sawgoodChannelZ: everything you do is from the command line or maybe X forwarding ?
07:21.04ChannelZcommand line.  FreePBX is a web app GUI anyways
07:21.04kaldemarsawgood: you can only do certain pre-defined things with GUIs, but config file editing gives you much more.
07:21.07ChannelZso no X needed
07:22.12sawgoodSo, if one was going to start with a hard drive of say only CentOS 5.4 .... what would be the min. RPM or yum packages I would have to add on top of this to have an Asterisk only box?
07:22.31sawgoodI don't feel like working from src just yet ... rpm is fine for me
07:22.38*** join/#asterisk ktwilight[m] (
07:22.43sawgoodI like the thought of having updates take care of themselves
07:23.39ChannelZthen put on the * rpm and it will select any other crap it needs
07:24.18sawgoodoh ... really ... cool .. just add say aserisk16 and asterisk16-core to my CentOS build ... and all depend. will come through?
07:24.28sawgoodsorry to ask so basic of questions
07:24.35ChannelZThat's the idea anyway
07:24.45ChannelZI build from source so I can't tell you definitively it all works
07:25.01kaldemaryou can use that repository to get more up-to-date packages.
07:25.15sawgoodChannelZ: nice work doing it all from src ... do you worry about manual udating?
07:25.56*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
07:26.09sawgoodkaldemar: thank you for the URL ... explained everything!
07:26.19ChannelZnot for asterisk, I keep on top of any security patches but my asterisk box is 1. behind a firewall machine and 2. not accepting SIP/IAX from the outside world so it's fairly safe
07:26.48sawgoodcool ...
07:27.05sawgoodI was thinking of trying this out on a $200 dollar Atom 330 PC ...
07:27.17sawgoodwhat do you think ... it does have 2GB of RAM
07:30.16ChannelZAs a test box with not much traffic it's probably fine
07:30.48sawgoodcool ... thanks!
07:33.12ChannelZsure good luck
07:34.08sawgoodChannelZ: do you use CentOS?
07:35.37ChannelZno, Ubuntu mostly
07:38.17*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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07:55.17sawgoodusually ... what is the 'time' it takes for Digium to make yum updates work to upgrade Asterisk 1.6.0 to Asterisk 1.6.1, etc.
08:15.24*** part/#asterisk sawgood (
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08:48.05*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-cvfqibzryygjqnss)
09:03.06Terminushello. question, is there a reference anywhere on what a database table should look like when using realtime configuration? the most i can find are column names in the docs, nothing about the data types that should be used.
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09:13.50pisghi, i set up redirection, and when someone call to number astersik redirect to my GSM number, but in my GSM phone i see numer asterisk, not numer caller
09:16.56kaldemarpisg: your telco decides what numbers you can use as caller id, and in this case it looks like they don't allow anything but what is associated with your line.
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09:21.31pisgsomeone have numer 123 and call to my asterisk numer 666, asterisk redirect to my GSM, and in my gsm i see 666 (asterisk number), can i see number who calls etc 123
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09:22.16Hereticlo all
09:22.43kaldemarpisg: no
09:23.12TommyBottenpisg: That really depends on your provider. I have that "feature", allowing me to spoof callerids
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09:26.59pisgok thx
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10:25.08Karlitoohi all
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11:02.02spenguin[work]is there a skype for asterisk free trial
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11:13.05ik_5i'm having problems setting callerid on a dialplan it constantly forcing the original callerid rather accepting my settings
11:14.05TommyBottenAre you using some kind of framework/GUI on top of asterisk?
11:15.06ik_5I'm using freepbx
11:15.12ik_5but my own dialplan
11:16.32tzafririk_5, that's an oxymoron
11:16.48ik_5tzafrir, what do you mean ?
11:16.57*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
11:17.06tzafrir"FreePBX but my own dialplan"
11:17.22TommyBottenFreePBX contains the dialplan, and would overwrite your changes.
11:17.33tzafrirand yeah, there's a :-) there somewhere
11:17.52tzafrirTommyBotten, ik_5 knows FreePBX well enough
11:18.06ik_5i'm adding it to my extensions_custom.conf
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11:20.42ik_5and another wierd issue is that logger.conf is set to give me on all outputs notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf but it does not provide me any debug information, only notice, warnings, errors and 'simple" output
11:20.56ik_5on all outputs (full, debug, messages and console)
11:21.17ik_5asterisk 1.4.30
11:23.01TommyBottenIs the variable set in the FreePBX agi's ? ...
11:23.14TommyBottenMight be asking stupid questions here, as I haven't used freepbx in a very long time
11:24.46ik_5TommyBotten, no, it's set on my dialplan
11:25.09TommyBottenwell, yeah... but does the AGI set it as well?
11:25.21TommyBottenMeaning, it overwrites
11:26.48ik_5TommyBotten, no, my code works after the freepbx's agi finish working and calling me
11:27.45kaldemarik_5: you're setting it wrong
11:28.05ik_5kaldemar how should i set it ?
11:28.16kaldemarSet(${CALLERID(all)}=1234567) won't work. Set(CALLERID(all)=1234567) will.
11:30.26ik_5kaldemar, testing it, thanks
11:32.58ik_5kaldemar, thanks, you are right
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11:39.47ik_5now i need to figure out why the logger does not provide full information
11:43.50kaldemarik_5: what does "logger show channels" say?
11:46.19ik_5but it does not provide me any information about function that executed beside normal dialplan display
11:47.13kaldemarbe more specific. what is missing?
11:47.56ik_5for example if i'm executing a function then to see what it returns and what actually set (for CALLERID for example)
11:48.18ik_5it's a debug information as far as i know
11:48.38leifmadsenik_5: define "full information"
11:48.48kaldemarik_5: executing how?
11:49.09leifmadsenif you want to see what is set (for CALLERID() for example) output with Verbose()
11:49.10ik_5a sec i'll give an example of a different machine with what i'm looking for
11:49.14kaldemarfunctions are not executed by themselves.
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11:49.27leifmadsenVerbose(2,Value of CALLERID(num) is -- ${CALLERID(num)})
11:52.04ik_5on the not working machine, i see only "verbose" but no "debug"
11:54.14leifmadsenik_5: core set debug 5
11:54.26leifmadsenik_5: you need to enable it from the CLI
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11:54.40niekvlesserti want to call pickup a ringing extension
11:54.51niekvlessertbut this extension is not connected to a phone
11:54.57niekvlesserthow would i do this?
11:55.16ik_5leifmadsen, it does not apper also on full and debug logs
11:55.17niekvlessertor how would i search this on google? :)
11:55.25leifmadsenik_5: then you have something incorrectly configured
11:55.38leifmadsenniekvlessert: what do you mean "not connected to a phone" ?
11:55.51leifmadsenI doubt asterisk cares about that -- call pickup a ringing extension should work the same regardless
11:56.02leifmadsenand that is my time... rebooting into documentation mode
11:57.36ik_5my logger.conf settings are:
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12:04.25pisghow i can stop flood in CLI this : [Mar 16 12:58:19] NOTICE[1949]: chan_sip.c:18223 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '402' is now Reachable. (81ms / 2000ms) ?
12:04.48LemensTSpisg: /etc/asterisk/logger.con
12:04.55LemensTSturn off notice in console in that file
12:05.12pisgthis is only options ?
12:06.31LemensTSpisg: 402 is apparently having network problems or the server is.
12:07.19TommyBottenOr there are two clients with the same credentials registering
12:07.25pisg402 is in local network
12:07.54LemensTSpisg: is 402 the only one doing that? I was assuming you had lots of phones doing it
12:08.07pisgall phones doing that
12:08.18pisgand i have next flood : [Mar 16 13:03:05] WARNING[1949]: chan_sip.c:23861 build_peer: Invalid peer port configuration at line 0 : 0,
12:08.28pisghmm i have peers in realtime
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12:20.02J4zenHi guys, i'm looking for a proper VoIP DECT phone other than the SNOM M3/M9 systems. Any suggestions?
12:20.20ChainsawJ4zen: Siemens has a whole range of them.
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12:20.43J4zenyou're refering to the Gigaset range?
12:20.58ChainsawJ4zen: To phones like the C460 IP, yes.
12:21.25J4zenHave you tried any?
12:21.43ChainsawJ4zen: Yes, we use them for staff. (Working from home, etc)
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12:22.48J4zenHow is the docking station for those phones, is it stable? My client is complaining that the M3/M9 docking stations are quite unstable.
12:22.57andrebarbosaAnyone has the problem with attendend transfer using BRIA pro softphone?
12:23.02ChainsawJ4zen: Electrically stable? Mechanically stable? Please be specific.
12:23.55J4zenChainsaw: Sorry, i was refering to the actual stability of the phone when placed in the docking station. ; Will it fall over when you bump into the desk?
12:24.27ChainsawJ4zen: It seems okay here.
12:24.30J4zenChainsaw: I don't know if you've tried the M3/M9's from SNOM, but they tend to fall over very easely if you bump it a little.
12:24.44ChainsawJ4zen: We have them on metal shelves that the engineers move to place their laptop on.
12:24.49ChainsawJ4zen: That action does not make the phone fall off.
12:25.02Chainsaw(It's a sliding shelf)
12:25.10J4zenChainsaw: Alright, i'll order a sample and try it out. Thank you Chainsaw.
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12:37.40Gurizimbom dia
12:39.38Gurizimalguem sabe como configurar uma operadora automatico no freepbx?
12:40.17infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
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12:54.19arossouwhi, how can i configure asterisk, to only pickup inbound calls, currently it also picks up outbound calls
12:56.04ManxPower-workarossouw, Asterisk does not pick up any calls unless you configure it to do so.
12:56.31arossouwi configured it to pick up calls, with *8
12:56.33ManxPower-workarossouw, you are not using a GUI like FreePBX, are you?
12:56.40arossouwnope, file based asterisk
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12:57.01ManxPower-workarossouw, Hopefully you configured *8 and the callgroup= and pickupgroup= items as well
12:57.05arossouwenabled *8 in /etc/asterisk/features.conf
12:57.13arossouwManxPower-work: yes in sip.conf
12:57.27arossouwand zapata.conf
12:57.47ManxPower-workremove it from zapata.conf
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12:58.11arossouwah, that easy, ok
12:58.19kazaa_litehi all
12:58.35kazaa_litehas anyone used Grandstream GXP1200 IP Phone? any feedback about it would be appriciated?
12:58.45infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
12:59.18arossouwgranstream is useless, trust me if you wanna go cheap rather by digital to analog converter
13:00.40kazaa_litewhat are the recommened phones?
13:01.34TommyBottenI like Aastra a lot. Snom and polycom also come highly recommended.
13:01.38arossouwtheir rather expensive
13:01.51arossouwpersonally dont like snom, they keep losing their passwords
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13:02.13TommyBottenI haven't had that issue at all
13:02.32arossouwive had with snom 6.5.13 -> 6.5.18 snom 300 phones
13:02.41arossouwmaybe cause you use power of ethernet
13:03.38arossouwTommyBotten: i regularly have to log into the pabx and reset the passwords for extensions
13:03.44ManxPower-workLinksys seems to be known as a low end phone that works
13:04.55[TK]D-Fenderarossouw: Given where you are Linksys is probably a decent choice
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13:05.31arossouw[TK]D-Fender: same price range as Snom ?
13:06.08[TK]D-Fenderarossouw: Don't know for sure in your area.  Go look
13:06.18arossouw[TK]D-Fender: saving costs is very important for company i work for, so far ITA adapters is the cheapest choice
13:06.37ManxPower-workarossouw, Then Asterisk may not be the correct solution for you.
13:07.02*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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13:07.20Kattydrags in
13:08.10arossouwManxPower-work: i agree, if you want to go asterisk you need to at least by decent equipment
13:08.20Kattyit's johnny gray's birthday!
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13:08.44adeelbetween polycom/aastra/snom, which boasts a better featureset/bang-for-the-buck? i've been using polycom phones for the last few years and was wondering how they compare
13:08.50ManxPower-workarossouw, Asterisk may save you money in the long term, but it does not always do so in the short term.
13:09.02infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
13:09.13bochhello, is it possible to play DTMF to calling party like D() option to Dial() app does?
13:09.25adeelManxPower-work, thanks
13:09.38ManxPower-workboch, yes.  SendDTMF before the Dial
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13:09.57arossouwdont like Wildcard TDM Analog cards
13:10.04ManxPower-worknightrid3r, next time use instead of flooding the channel
13:10.48Kattyi don't like none of dem dere wildcard tdm cards
13:10.55Katty^- arossouw
13:11.17ManxPower-work* nightrid3r has quit (Excess Flood)
13:11.17shadermy office currently has an old pbx system that loses caller id information/incoming phone number when the caller uses the name directory. Can asterisk preserve that information?
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13:11.42ManxPower-workshader, that is really a phone thing, not an Asterisk thing
13:11.45bochManxPower-work, but i want the channels to be linked immediately after DTMF, like D() option does. If I use SendDTMF i am not sure if call will succeed
13:11.55nightrid3ri always have that when i connect 1st time, then it reconnects and all goes well, dunno why
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13:12.08[TK]D-Fendershader: Preserve what?  INformation on another PBX?
13:12.25shader[TK]D-Fender: caller id information
13:12.34[TK]D-Fendershader: Why would * LOSE information?
13:12.48shaderI don't know, but our current system does
13:13.07shaderthough ManxPower-work says it might be because of the phones we're using
13:13.11Kattyshader: that is most unfortunate.
13:13.11arossouwdont like troubleshooting voip issues
13:13.27Kattyshader: you should bring your company up to date in the real world.
13:13.34[TK]D-Fendershader: Its the system.
13:13.38ManxPower-workshader, oh, I don't know if it's a phone issue on your random, undisclosed PBX brand/model
13:13.38shaderKatty: that's what I'm working on
13:13.45Kattyshader: excellent
13:13.49shaderManxPower-work: lol
13:13.55ManxPower-workBut if you were using Asterisk, then it's a phone issue
13:14.00shaderit's a Siemens
13:14.07shaderof unknown age
13:14.16ManxPower-workJust remember Asterisk isn't really a PBX.
13:14.46ManxPower-workAsterisk is a TOOLKIT that helps you build a PBX from scratch, much like libraries help you build an application from scratch.
13:14.47Kattyyeah it's really a coffee machine
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13:16.00[TK]D-FenderNo, it's a JUKEBOX
13:16.04[TK]D-Fenderspins up the hits
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13:26.40shaderdo you have to restart asterisk when you update conf files?
13:27.08[TK]D-Fendershader: Depends which
13:27.27smooth_p[work]hey Katty :>
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13:32.36arossouwshader: normally asterisk -rx "reload" works
13:32.58arossouwshader: if you change zapata and modules , i think you need to restart then
13:33.29shaderwhat about errors in conf files?
13:34.00Kattyhi penguin :>
13:34.56arossouwi think thats what /var/log/asterisk/messages are for
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13:38.38kazaa_litepolycom does not mention some decent range of codecs its phones support
13:38.57tzafrirarossouw, 'dahdi restart' also works, if it exists (asterisk >= 1.4.22)
13:38.59[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: Polycom lists EXACTLY what they support
13:39.13Kattychugs some caffeine
13:39.22arossouwtzafrir: noted :-)
13:39.25kazaa_litethen snom phones seem to be much better interms of features
13:39.49arossouwis it possible to monitor isdn lines, like if there is an answer on the line?
13:40.01Kattyyou can Monitor() whatever you want
13:40.05arossouwthinking of using nagios
13:40.12Kattyor mixmonitor() if that's your thing
13:40.35Kattyand you can do anything you want with it afterwards with bash
13:41.35arossouwcool, but not allowed to record stuff, legal reasons
13:41.54[TK]D-Fender[09:39]<kazaa_lite>then snom phones seem to be much better interms of features <- like?
13:42.02arossouwthinkin of a tool that can call the isdn numbers and see whether is a response
13:42.14*** join/#asterisk benngard (
13:42.20[TK]D-Fenderarossouw: Considered trying Asterisk?
13:42.22Kattyhi benngard
13:42.39benngardhi katty
13:42.41kazaa_litei was just going to through their websites and seem snom mentions a lot of things supported
13:42.44asteriskATmarmuDarossouw: we got such a tool working with the AVM fritz card and CAPI
13:42.54Kattywhat's a nice catchy oldish song i can listen to
13:42.56kazaa_liteattractive thing was support of codecs........
13:43.02[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: Sorry, could you be a little more vague?
13:43.22Kattyi'm thinking 60s
13:43.27kazaa_litesnom has larger number of audio formats supported than polycom
13:43.33[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: And which codec that they support do you actually care about?
13:43.49Kattyooh here we go: only the lonely
13:43.49benngardas long as i have g711 i am satisfied
13:43.55kazaa_litenothing special... but more number of codecs
13:44.18Kattyi have a snom at home upstairs in the bedroom
13:44.22Kattyand a polycom downstairs in the basement
13:44.33kazaa_lite[TK]D-Fender: are you doing some survey on customer feedback?:P
13:44.33arossouwlol [TK]D-Fender vague answer
13:44.46Kattyi know what my preference is
13:45.01Kattybut that obviously isn't going to the be same for everyone
13:45.21arossouw[TK]D-Fender: you should see these ppl i work for, vague is understatement
13:45.24kazaa_lite[TK]D-Fender: ??
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13:45.40Kattyhi leif
13:45.41[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: No, just keeping things in perspective
13:46.01kazaa_lite[TK]D-Fender: cool
13:46.07[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: Adding a mitllion things you'll never use doesn't necessarily add "valuie"
13:46.40ManxPower-workTo everyone that thinks running a hybrid Asterisk/Existing PBX type of setuo: "The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps." --Benjamin Disraeli
13:46.43Kattyohhh my darling!!!
13:46.44kazaa_lite[TK]D-Fender: but i might like to try things... and then if my purchase is limited.... then i made a bad choice
13:47.19kazaa_lite[TK]D-Fender: so better i buy something which has good feedback and more things in it....
13:47.22Kattyi have a whole herd in my front yard
13:47.29Chainsawleifmadsen: Could you update the topic with the new versions please?
13:47.37leifmadsenChainsaw: for you? never
13:47.49Kattywould you do it for a scooby snack?
13:47.49Chainsawleifmadsen: I'd do it myself, but it's mode +t.
13:48.10[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: Polycom wins on quality pretty much hands-down.  They are also rather strong on features, but are beat in certain areas by different makes & models.  The problem is the trade-off is rarely worth it
13:48.23*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
13:48.29Kattykazaa_lite: get one of each. try them out
13:48.49Chainsawleifmadsen: Excellent, thanks :)
13:49.02leifmadsenChainsaw: thanks for the reminder -- it's normally part of the release process
13:49.08dddhshould I use kall8?
13:49.14kazaa_liteKatty: dont have enough money to buy a phone just to compare the difference:P may be sometime later when i am rich i could do that:P
13:49.24Chainsawleifmadsen: Yeah, I always look at the topic here to see whether I'm up to date. So now I was late :)
13:49.31Kattykazaa_lite: that's no excuse
13:49.37Kattykazaa_lite: return the one you don't like for a full refund
13:49.52kazaa_liteKatty: that seems bad:P
13:50.00Kattyno, that's why they made return policies is probably the best place to check for the latest versions and release announcement
13:50.15Kattyin other mews.
13:50.25Kattysargent general has to decided to take up residence INSIDE the feeder.
13:50.44Kattyrather than sitting on the little stand and poping the lid up, he's just decided to crawl inside the feeder and park it
13:51.37Kattyi've seen that :>>
13:51.44aurshave anyone here tried the webenabled = yes / http.conf trick with the manager api? I'm using it, but the xml isn't always correct.. missing a few lines etc. anyone else seen that?
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13:54.43Kattyhmmm, visiting female downy woodpecker (=
13:55.52KattyKobaz: that molded in area that i has grass growing in it right now. if i spray the area with roundup, how long should i wait before planting the blueberry bush?
13:56.06Kattys/has/have has/
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13:58.52aurssometimes, all I get from the SIPPeers command is this: <response type="object" id="unknown"><generic event="PeerlistComplete" listitems="2625"/></response>
13:59.01aursso no PeerEntry lines
13:59.19aursor I might get some PeerEntry lines, but not all of them
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14:04.51ddickensonHello all, I have quite a bit of asterisk installs at work all of which are using dahdi connections to the pstn.  I would like, however, at home for my side business to have some sort of either sip/iax2 trunk coming in that will give me one DID and a couple of incoming connections for as cheap as possible.  There will not be much traffic on this circuit but would like at least 2-3 concurrent calls
14:05.16ddickensonanyone have any favorite vendors?
14:05.21*** join/#asterisk magronez (~eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
14:05.33niekvlessertquestion: i would like to have a fake sip phone ringing
14:05.45niekvlessertseems very simple, but i have no idea how to do it
14:06.04*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
14:06.23niekvlesserti want a blf from a number which is answered and can be pickedup by a blf key on other phones
14:06.44*** join/#asterisk beek_ (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
14:06.58shaderdoes anyone know the pricing for Skyp-for-Asterisk>
14:07.37Jhirley0/ Peeps
14:07.44Kattyhi beek
14:07.46[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: BLF != "pickup"
14:07.56beek_morning Katty
14:08.08[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: And there is no "fake SIP".  You can dial a LOCAL CHANNEL that won't actually get answered if you like
14:08.12niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: i know, blf is working fine, pickup is the problem
14:08.27*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
14:08.43niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: ah! how would it do that? dial(local/<which number>,20)?
14:08.57niekvlessertbut that local is no phone
14:08.59[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: Local channels = call into dialplan
14:09.01niekvlessertthat's no problem?
14:09.19niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: ok
14:09.24[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: Local/exten@context
14:09.26JhirleyKatty: its almost easter, you know what that mean,  its time to bit the heads off of little yelllow chickens !
14:09.42[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: so make an exten that will wait around and not answer
14:10.08niekvlessertok i believe i'm getting it 50%, lemme try something
14:10.09*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
14:10.12niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender:  thanks already
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14:13.50KattyJhirley: i do not like crunchy chick
14:14.39Jhirleyyou gotta get them fresh, so they are soft ?
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14:24.12niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: how do we call pickup a local channel? it won't work with local/999@loggedin & 999/loggedin
14:24.47[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: How are you picking up calls currently?
14:24.49niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: local show channels shows the channel fine like this
14:26.02*** join/#asterisk cusco (~trilili@2001:0:53aa:64c:3c09:49ec:2ac0:762d)
14:26.30niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: exten => _**.,n,Pickup(${EXTEN:2}@loggedin)
14:26.42niekvlessert**999 is send just fine
14:27.09ManxPower-workmaybe Local/(${EXTEN:2}@loggedin) ?
14:27.18[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: pastebin a complete sample with configs
14:27.19*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
14:27.24niekvlessertok hold on
14:27.28a1fagrr... my sexterix is not doing any csv logging
14:27.45a1fait is enabled in cdr.conf, and the module is loaded
14:27.50a1faanything else that needs to happen?
14:30.02*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
14:31.07cuscowith realtime configuration, a queue has strategy random
14:31.17cuscobut the call seems to go always to the same operator...
14:33.09Kattyonlyyyy youuuu
14:33.16Kattycan make all this world seem rightttttt
14:33.31Kattysmooth_p[work]: only youu can make the darkness brightttttt
14:33.42shaderwhat sip trunk service do y'all use?
14:33.58Kattyinfobot: itsp-list?
14:33.59infobot[itsp-list] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
14:34.05infobotsiptrunk is, like, something that doesn't exist -- there is no concept of a SIP trunk in Asterisk. You may be searching for iaxtrunk
14:34.09smooth_p[work]HEY Katty
14:34.14smooth_p[work]oops caps
14:34.14Kattysmooth_p[work]: herroes.
14:34.41smooth_p[work]shines some light in the channel
14:34.53Kattysmooth_p[work]: have you seen crittercam this morning?
14:35.02Kattysmooth_p[work]: there are some great antics goin on
14:35.35smooth_p[work]or wait its still on?
14:35.40Kattywell i put up a new bird feeder, and the squirrels keep inching out on this ITTY BITTY branch to try and get to it
14:35.46Kattyor climb up the pole to reach it, and slide back down
14:35.50Kattyyep it's still on
14:36.21shaderManxPower-work: is that impleying that you can't get sip trunks to work with * ?
14:36.45Kattysmooth_p[work]: i also have one very hungry downy woodpecker
14:36.56smooth_p[work]oooh nice
14:37.10Kattyyou know the feeders on the tree?
14:37.18Kattyit's a little box with a lid the squirrels push up
14:37.26smooth_p[work]ah yeah
14:37.27Kattywell one of them was sitting /inside/ the feeder eating this morning
14:37.37Kattyactually, he's still in there
14:37.39Kattyon the left tree
14:38.09Kattyrather than sitting on the platform thing and pushing the lid up
14:38.40rttreyI assume the new bird feeder is the one in the middle there. i see the squirrels tryin to climb up the pole and slide back down
14:38.57Kattyrttrey: yeah they also inch out on that little branch above it
14:39.03Kattyrttrey: suprisingly they're making it up there
14:39.17Kattyrttrey: not that i mind or anything
14:39.18beekloads up the URL to the crittercam
14:39.51rttreyKatty: cool setup you have. looks like a squirrel managed to stay up
14:40.04Kattyrttrey: they're smart little critters.
14:40.09Kattyrttrey: and very persistent
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14:43.14Kattyhad 7 in the yard saturday morning
14:43.52smooth_p[work]they need to learn some tricks
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14:44.13Kattyyou kiddin me?
14:44.18Kattythey're entertaining as it is
14:44.35Kattyi had one little guy on the feeder saturday who was sittin there eatin, and another one droped down from the branch.
14:44.40Kattythey both got spooked and went flyin
14:45.32a1fainfobot csv?
14:45.33infobotmethinks csv is comma separated values
14:46.00a1fano shit sherlock
14:46.07a1fahas anyone have problems with * not logging ?
14:46.37Kattywell there was that one time i forgot to enable in cdrconf
14:46.46Kattybut that wasn't an asterisk problem, that was a me forgetting problem
14:47.15*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
14:47.19a1faits should be enabled by default
14:47.29a1fastrangely, i removed the file, and restarted * and its working now
14:47.35a1fai wonder how it got disabled in the first place
14:48.52mhilmiOur asterisk box is connected to the POTS via a punchbox. Does anyone know of or seen any device that would allow you to switch between connections on the punchbox easily? IE when asterisk goes down, flick a switch and old PBX gets reconnected.
14:49.10mhilmier punchbox = punch block
14:51.57*** part/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
14:53.52ManxPower-workshader, no, it means that saying "sip trunk" makes as much sense as saying "sip easter bunny".  Stop using the term.
14:54.06ManxPower-workThey are "peers"
14:56.37shaderManxPower-work: ah
14:57.04shaderwell, it's hard to stop using the term, given that most businesses seem to sell sip peerage under the name "sip trunk"
14:57.18shaderis there a better search term I could use?
14:57.21Kattyit's the sales & marketing folk who invited the term
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14:57.41Kattyi think it's the only way they could wrap their brain around the concept
14:58.08shaderyep, especially since the standard sales model seems to be paying for number of simultaneous connections
14:58.11shaderi.e. "trunks"
14:58.28shaderso, since they're using sip, they must be sip trunks, right?
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14:59.07Kattyi wonder what kind of stuff i say about my car that is just absolutely riddiculus
14:59.16ManxPower-workshader, no.  a trunk is a dedicated circuit.  SIP does not have dedicated circuits.  Marketing can call it anything they want, that does not make it true.  They are SIP peers.
14:59.18mazpeanyone knows of a guide or suggestion to create a vlan and QoS for VoIP?
14:59.20Kattyandi don't even know it ;)
14:59.49ManxPower-workmazpe, do you know how to do QoS and VLAN for non-VoIP?
15:00.15ManxPower-workLearn that first. 8-|
15:00.21shaderKatty: probably not that much, given that car companies aren't trying to sell you very many pieces individually
15:00.35shaderand they don't have to come up with odd service pricing plans
15:01.21[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: "core show application pickup"
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15:03.01Kattywhat is the secret of your powerrrrrr
15:03.56*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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15:19.13niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
15:19.32niekvlessertgroup problem?
15:19.49niekvlessert999 is a member of loggedin
15:20.09niekvlessertnot a member... part of
15:20.17niekvlesserthow do we get local in a group??
15:20.44*** join/#asterisk Geminizer (
15:20.52niekvlessertlocal is not a user...
15:21.09[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: PickupExten <-
15:22.39niekvlessertthat's not an application
15:22.55rubberneckI am running Asterisk, how can I determine if I can use the MixMonitor application to record in MP3 format?
15:23.03*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@
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15:23.31Kattyhugs wcselby
15:24.16GeminizerHello all.  In a dialplan context in which the user is prompted to enter a number between 1 and 100, it would be preferable to not have the user enter 3 digits for any possible number entered (e.g. 001, 010, 100)... is there way to construct a dialplan such that entering 1, 10, or 100 is acceptable ?
15:24.39wcselbydigit timeout
15:25.06wcselbyor, perhaps the proper way
15:25.09Geminizerperhaps follow the number entered with a # sign to indicate that number entry is over, but what pattern would that be?
15:25.20wcselbyGeminizer - Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=2)
15:25.36niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: that's not an application
15:25.51wcselbygives the person 2 seconds to enter digits, then goes on
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15:26.51Geminizerwcselby:  so have extensions matches _X, _XX, _XXX, etc ?
15:27.59wcselbyGeminizer - that may work, depending on how you do things.
15:28.10wcselbyare you planning on having a 100 option IVR or something?
15:28.57kaldemarGeminizer: core show application Read
15:29.00*** join/#asterisk mog (
15:29.30Geminizerwell, more so a number to accept how many seconds they want for making a call, where the number can be anything from 100 down to 1
15:30.28niekvlessert[TK]D-Fender: plz help, willing to pay :)
15:30.40wcselbyGeminizer - look at Read()
15:30.43wcselbycore show application Read
15:30.52wcselbywould probably be better for what you're wanting to do
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15:31.33Geminizerok, I will look into that... thanks guys
15:32.07wcselbyniekvlessert - what are you trying to do?
15:32.42LemensTSAnyone know of where i can find scripts if phones cant callout/in or register?
15:33.13*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
15:33.44NuggetOK, what the flip is a Digium T10i?
15:34.12*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
15:36.02Kobazit's one step up from the T9i
15:37.46Kattyi was looking for you earlier
15:38.12Kattyhoping to get some more advice from the planty expert
15:38.25Kattyhugs Nugget
15:38.29Kattyputs Nugget back under his rock
15:38.48smooth_p[work]the nugget will rott there
15:39.05Kattydon't under estimate the power of the Nugget
15:39.19niekvlessertwcselby: i want to make it possible to pickup a blinking blf by pressing that button, but that extension ringing is not an actual phone, it can be everything, but blf & call pickup have to possible
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15:41.43wcselbyniekvlessert - I think that really depends on the model phone you have
15:41.59wcselbyniekvlessert - what did [TK]D-Fender suggest you lookup?
15:42.47*** join/#asterisk aceio (~c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/x-lluyyycrnagpbuhw)
15:43.59niekvlessertuse local channel
15:44.09niekvlessertbut we can't do call pickup on a local channel up to now
15:44.22niekvlessertpickupexten he said, but that's not a function
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15:46.52[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: Your pastebin is very incomplete.  We don't see the rest of the pertinent dialplan, nor the status dump and dialplan execution prior to the pickup attempt
15:47.40niekvlessertok, last try
15:47.56niekvlessertif this won't work we put a phone in the closet with ringtone off ;)
15:53.40wcselbyniekvlessert - what type of phones do you have?
15:54.05niekvlessertaastra + snom
15:54.11niekvlessertbut we want only 1 line on a phone
15:54.27wcselbywhat version of asterisk are you using?
15:55.24wcselbyniekvlessert - did you look at "core show application pickup" ?
15:55.39niekvlessertsure we did, what do you want to
15:55.50niekvlessertcallgroup=group and stuff
15:56.19*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
15:56.39vader--my demo adtran total access 924e came in today
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15:57.22bmoraca_worki like them, they're fun
15:58.39vader--i don't like the rack ears they sent
15:58.41vader--they are dumb
15:58.57bmoraca_workthey don't have rack ears normally
15:59.02bmoraca_workthey're meant for wall-mounting
15:59.08bmoraca_workyou can buy rack ears separate ly
16:00.56vader--yucky, wall mounting hehe
16:01.11vader--im trying to decide if i want to play around with FreePBX or SipX
16:01.14bmoraca_worki agree...i'd prefer regular 19" rack ears...but, meh
16:01.15vader--sipx looks cool
16:02.59niekvlessertwcselby: what about application pickup?
16:04.09*** join/#asterisk QbY (
16:05.33wcselbyniekvlessert - i was curious if you had looked at it as a solution to your needs...?
16:05.46QbYi'm making a bit of a unique realtime/database deployment.  Is it possible to tell asterisk to register based on credentials that come from somehwere other than sip_buddies
16:06.59niekvlessertwcselby: i know we can pickup but we cannot pickup a local channel or a zap channel, we can't get it done
16:07.05niekvlessertpickup works fine between sip
16:07.22niekvlessertbut there's no sip channel going on
16:08.58wcselbyniekvlessert - okay, well, try providing [TK]D-Fender with the information he requested and someone here maybe able to help you more
16:11.41niekvlessertwcselby: i will soon, but i'm working a bunch of things now. :) it's evening soon overhere, so I will have time then
16:20.16Naikroveki think we've gotten big enough that freepbx can no longer serve us
16:20.28Naikrovekfinally i can justify time to get vanilla *
16:20.34*** join/#asterisk BreezBl0k (
16:20.50Naikrovekand learn what all you people have been talking about
16:21.32BreezBl0kHi I have an extension which i can ring other extensions with no problems but when they try and call me it goes straight to VM
16:21.50BreezBl0kThe phone is connect through NAT to asterisk
16:22.02Naikrovekyour phone is connected through nat?
16:22.27*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
16:22.35Naikroveksounds like * can't reach your phone system so it goes straight to voicemail
16:22.39infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:23.18BreezBl0kthe funny thing is i can ring another phone which is also behind NAT and it works no one way audio issues its perfect
16:26.20Naikrovekthat's NAT for ya
16:26.26Naikrovekit's weird on occaision
16:26.42Akiraahow often is the sip/nat question asked per day?
16:26.50Naikrovekat least 10
16:27.00Naikrovekbut i don't mind answering it
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16:31.55BreezBl0khmmm ive re registered it and its working
16:32.32BreezBl0kbring on IPv6 :)
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16:41.03Naikrovekthe problem is that the NAT hole is being forgotten by your router
16:41.20Naikrovekso once that happens, calls will no longer be able to reach you
16:41.26Naikrovekeven though you'll be able to call out just fine
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17:01.34hmmhesayslooks like a crappy clone of the other thousands of hosted pbx platforms out there
17:01.53smooth_p[work]links to "crappy clone of the other thousands of hosted pbx platforms"
17:01.57smooth_p[work]pls k thx
17:02.08*** join/#asterisk ghenry (~ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
17:02.20smooth_p[work]200 mins a month for free is pretty good Id think
17:02.27ghenryhi, when you leave a voicemail, pressing * prompts you for the voicemail password
17:02.35ghenryis that an inbuilt feature?
17:03.04smooth_p[work]oh well its just inbound calls
17:03.25[TK]D-Fenderghenry: No.
17:04.02ghenry[TK]D-Fender: OK, must be a FreePBX thing
17:04.11*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@2620:0:860:2:21e:c2ff:fe03:2465)
17:06.31AkiraaI suppose there is no good hosted pbx solution out there
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17:10.26Kattyhas anyone ever experienced having to reboot their polycom phone due to call volume? 200 incoming calls per day, and about 4 reboots. symptoms being the person calling cannot hear the person answering the incoming call, but the person answering can hear the caller.
17:10.56Naikrovekhaven't ever had that kind of volume.  check the memory on the device before you reboot to see where it's at, i'd say
17:11.25smooth_p[work]does anyone know if theres a free trial for the Skype for Asterisk?
17:12.05Chainsawsmooth_p[work]: They're in it for the money, sorry.
17:12.22KattyNaikrovek: well.
17:12.29KattyNaikrovek: i've swapped around a few phones.
17:12.37KattyNaikrovek: doesn't seem to fix the issue. :/
17:12.43Naikrovekdifferent models?
17:12.45KattyNaikrovek: which leads me to believe that it's not actually the phone
17:12.54KattyNaikrovek: hmmm, perhaps not different models.
17:12.58smooth_p[work]Chainsaw: hrm
17:13.31KattyNaikrovek: they've all be 5xx somethings
17:13.33Chainsawsmooth_p[work]: Then again, making a purchase puts an obligation to deliver service on Digium. I'm sure you could terminate the contract if it fails to operate.
17:13.52NaikrovekKatty: ah.  i don't know the details of those models.  call polycom?
17:14.03KattyNaikrovek: yes i was going to do that here this afternoon
17:14.19ChainsawKatty: I've had that, it was the RJ11 from the handset.
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17:14.26[TK]D-Fender[13:11]<smooth_p[work]>does anyone know if theres a free trial for the Skype for Asterisk? <- no
17:14.28Kattyoh really?
17:14.38ChainsawKatty: Yeah, on a 670. After trying an incompatible headset.
17:14.44KattyChainsaw: oh
17:14.51KattyChainsaw: hrmm, no headsets with these
17:14.53ChainsawKatty: Physically unplugging & replugging the handset connector fixed it up. No amount of powercycling did.
17:14.54KattyChainsaw: which rules that out
17:15.02NaikrovekKatty: he said "handset" the first time
17:15.03ChainsawKatty: Perhaps worth a go.
17:15.04Naikrovekthen "headset"
17:15.11Kattyyes perhaps
17:15.17Kattywon't hurt anything, that's for sure
17:15.35ChainsawKatty: I unplugged, replugged with the power on, then did a soft reboot.
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17:22.59sawgoodI have a series of related questions ... If I have a fresh build of CentOS 5.4, and I then want to add Asterisk on top of this (with no FreePBX) ... are there existing RPM packages for 1.6.1 and/or 1.6.2, or are the only RPM versions available now still 1.6.0 builds?
17:23.10Qwellsawgood: Only 1.6.0 for now
17:23.22sawgoodqwell: thank you ... so
17:23.24Qwell1.6.2 will be packaged Real Soon Now
17:23.39sawgoodknowing this ... lets say I do that ... CentOS 5.4 with Asterisk 1.6.0 ... right
17:23.50sawgoodthen, Digium releases a RPM for 1.6.1 ...
17:24.12sawgoodwould I be able to upgrade from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 (since these are two different versions)?
17:24.19QwellThat's the plan
17:24.35sawgoodwhat about 1.6.0 to 1.6.2.x
17:24.44Qwellit would skip 1.6.1
17:25.02sawgoodeverything in 1.6.1 is in 1.6.2 I heard?
17:25.12Qwellin theory
17:25.19Kobazexcept depricated stuff that was removed
17:25.51sawgoodSo, if I have 1.6.0 now ... from an AsteriskNOW 1.5 build ... does that mean I have the Asterisk addons, or is that an additional RPM I can install?
17:25.53Kobazand bugs of course too... all the bugs in 1.6.1 are also in 1.6.2, for your convenience
17:26.11Qwellsawgood: -addons is also packaged
17:26.16*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
17:26.20Qwellsawgood: i386 or x86_64?
17:26.52Qwellrpm -i
17:26.59Qwellyum install asterisk16 asterisk16-addons
17:27.04sawgoodSo, how long as the official RPM for 1.6.0 been out?
17:27.06leifmadsenin theory, nothing that is deprecated should be removed
17:27.12Qwellleifmadsen: in theory
17:27.14leifmadsenthat is a policay change :)
17:27.23Kobazleifmadsen: some stuff does get removed
17:27.25leifmadsenQwell: unless of course something is so severely broken that it makes no sense to use :)
17:27.36leifmadsenKobaz: hence "in theory"
17:27.43sawgoodI meant ... how long in time has the 1.6.0 official RPM been out to the public?
17:27.49Kobazlike show channels no longer works in 1.6.2
17:27.51Kobazyou need core show channels
17:27.53Qwellsawgood: a while
17:28.03sawgoodmore than 1 year?
17:28.03QwellNov or so?
17:28.18QwellNov 08
17:28.24Kobazactually... all of 'show' was removed in/before 1.6.2
17:28.28sawgood1.5 years
17:28.30leifmadsenKobaz: that was something that started in 1.4 but was never finished -- an in fact "show channels" DOES work if you enable CLI aliases. We even created the templates for backwards compatibility for your convenience
17:28.35*** join/#asterisk dynamicpulse (
17:28.39Kobazleifmadsen: interesting
17:29.07Kobazi need to make a new alias
17:29.09leifmadsenKobaz: yes, junky, mvanbaak and myself spent 3 days getting CLI updated (based on the work started by file)
17:29.10Kobazcore fix bugs
17:29.11sawgoodso, 1.6.0 RPM has been out for 1.5 years ... and nobody has made a 'updated' RPM for 1.6.1.x or 1.6.2.x
17:29.14leifmadsenKobaz: :)
17:29.21Qwellsawgood: correct
17:29.29Kattyi really hate dealing with bank of america
17:29.35leifmadsensawgood: that's because the recommended way to install is via source
17:29.36sawgoodQwell: how can this be the case ... seems like a very long time?
17:29.55leifmadsensawgood: lack of interest from the community when other methods are readily available and more highly supported
17:30.17leifmadsensawgood: installing from RPM is not useful if you end up with crash and want to report a back, because your backtrace will not be useful (as an example)
17:31.02leifmadsenin addition, resources have been better spent on resolving bugs and testing new features, rather than the time spent supporting RPMs
17:31.07sawgoodleifmadsen: sounds cool to me ... but the 'junior market' ... the people who 'want' Asterisk but have no clue .. are semi-limited if they do not know how to use src code
17:31.28Qwellsawgood: those same people probably don't want/need/use all the newest features
17:31.41*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (~slinksh0t@
17:31.44[TK]D-Fendersawgood: If you can't handle compiling * then you sure as hell can't handle CONFIGURING it.
17:31.46leifmadsenwell, Asterisk isn't simple to begin with, so those who are most successful with it are capable of compiling it. The market you speak of is better suiting using something like PBX in a Flash or trixbox
17:32.02Qwellglares at leifmadsen
17:32.03dddhshould be upgraded to
17:32.16leifmadsendddh: if your in house testing passes, then sure
17:32.24Kobazi found that once i became familiar with the c source code, i became much better at using asterisk
17:32.32Chainsawdddh: Some useful fixes in there. I think it's worth your time.
17:32.38dddhleifmadsen: ok
17:32.39leifmadseneyes Qwell in a laser beam manner
17:32.46Chainsawdddh: My downstream patchset is finally shrinking :)
17:32.58dddhChainsaw: I am afraid g729 may not work when version will change ;)
17:33.00Kobazmy downstream patchset is growing nicely
17:33.18sawgoodfrom a 'sales' point of view ... (meaning the power of the software) ... what does 1.6.1 or 1.6.2 offer the public which would justify using more than 1.6.0?
17:33.41sawgoodpoint being here is value add ... 1.6.0 like the pack ... or 1.6.2 as a value add
17:33.46Chainsawsawgood: Much better T38 support.
17:34.01Chainsawsawgood: If you care about faxing at all, you probably want 1.6.2
17:34.15sawgoodnice nick Chainsaw
17:35.20*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (~Jim@
17:35.47sawgoodOk ... one more side question ... if I spent a long time setting up CentOS 5.4 with Asterisk 1.6.2 from src ... and all is working 'cool' ... would imaging the hard drive with a product like Aronics be an effective way to maange the inital install?
17:36.11QwellYou're outside the scope of this channel now
17:36.15drfreezeI've got a strange situation
17:36.41drfreezeI have a client that goes thru and automated system at an insurance company
17:36.53drfreezeAt one point they ask for a representative.
17:37.11infobotrumour has it, asterisk-versions is
17:37.14leifmadsensawgood: see above
17:37.21drfreezeWhen they do, they are connected to an inbound call back to their office
17:38.08drfreezeThe dial command being used to call the number is a plain dial command, no options, so I don't think there is any callee controlling of the phone system going on
17:38.45drfreezeWhen the transfer happens, the AGI script ends (which should hang up the call) and the inbound call starts
17:39.39*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (~tech_trav@
17:39.57drfreezeAnyone have some suggestions as to what is going on?
17:41.04sawgoodok ... sub-variable ... is Asterisk 1.6.2.x 'meant' to be setup from src on a system with no Asterisk already, or can you have Asterisk 1.6.0 (from RPM) and then 'build' from scr to 1.6.2?
17:41.33ChannelZI wouldn't
17:41.54leifmadsenyou can once you remove the RPM :)
17:42.05[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Doesn't matter.  Wipe the modules folder and upgrade right over whatever you had prior
17:42.07leifmadsenI can just see problems caused by overwriting the RPM
17:42.08sawgoodyou guys are hard core!
17:42.14leifmadsennot really... :)
17:42.31ChannelZwell yeah remote the rpm first
17:42.35leifmadsensvn co && cd && ./configure && make install
17:42.52ChannelZElse some time down the road it might decide to upgrade its self and stomp on top of _you_
17:43.53sawgoodSo, if someone 'says' they are running Asterisk 1.6.2 ... is it 'assumed' they are using FreePBX, not using FreePBX, or it is never assumed?
17:44.00leifmadsen1.6.2 means nothing
17:44.03ChannelZnot assumed
17:44.07leifmadsenit is ambiguous
17:44.11ChannelZI don't even assume they're running 1.6.2
17:44.13leifmadsen1.6.2.6 is a version
17:44.19[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Nothing is assumed
17:44.30Qwellsawgood: If somebody says they're driving a Ford, what color should be assumed?
17:44.41[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Except maybe that they are running Asterisk 1.6.2.X
17:44.41leifmadsenQwell: black
17:44.47shaderOr what brand even?
17:45.07sawgoodSo, "officially" is FreePBX the GUI for Asterisk (are they partenered in some way)?
17:45.13[TK]D-Fendersawgood: No
17:45.26QwellFreePBX is a GUI for Asterisk
17:45.29[TK]D-Fendersawgood: 3rd party product
17:45.29shaderthough AsteriskNOW uses it I think
17:45.42sawgood3rd party ... got it!
17:45.52ChannelZcall it bundled
17:46.07sawgoodthis cat is driving me CRAZY! ... he has learned how to beg for treats by scratching on the desk real fast!
17:46.29leifmadsenok, that's my cue to do something else :)
17:46.30ChannelZTwo words: airsoft gun
17:46.46*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:46.46[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Then every time it does, grab a spray bottle full of water and spritz the cat.  It will soon learn something quite different
17:47.01Kobazheh, my cousin uses the spray bottle on her dog
17:47.03sawgoodits the girlfriends cat ... so gotta be nice!
17:47.05ChannelZ[TK]D-Fender: to love water? :)
17:47.15[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: OR ELSE
17:47.46sawgoodI'm the main one who gives him treats, so he keeps coming to me (he has learned) ... maybe he can do the src of Asterisk for me ...
17:48.32ChannelZThis one has a drinking problem
17:48.49drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: Did you see my post above?
17:49.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
17:49.47[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: that pastebin shows nothing useful
17:49.53sawgoodthat cat video was funny
17:50.29*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
17:51.01drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: Neither does the Master.log. The inbound call (from the transfer) is not recorded
17:51.33sawgoodIf I have Asterisk 1.6.x build from src .... will 'everything' related to the dialplan go into extensions.conf, or are there many subfiles like extensions_custom.conf when using FreePBX?
17:51.46Chainsawsawgood: I have everything in a single file.
17:51.47drfreezeI'm trying to determine where the call comes from. If it is really the callee calling back into the callers office, or something else.
17:52.53sawgoodChainsaw: very nice ... same thing for the extensions in sip.conf?
17:52.53Chainsawsawgood: I have sip.conf seperated out. I use includes there.
17:52.54drfreezeSince it is the inbound dialplan, I think that would mean the call must be originating from outside
17:52.54sawgoodI understand the need for having more than one file ... many reasons ... but good God FreePBX has really gone overboard
17:52.59[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Its your dialplan, do whatever you want with it.
17:53.26[TK]D-Fendersawgood: No, you don't NEED them.  And I disagree on their going "overboard"
17:54.51sawgood[TK]D-Fender: to me, if one is using FreePBX ... you have to find the right file which is not over-written by FreePBX, so your changes are not lost ... I am having a hard time trying to figure out which file is the 'last stop' on the food chain, to where I can know 100% for sure my edits will work
17:55.27ChannelZThe point of the GUI is so you don't have to
17:55.36sawgoodI guess once I complete my 'master list' of filenames for FreePBX, this will become a piece of cake
17:55.36ChannelZSo if you WANT to, that probably means the GUI is not serving you well, so why use it?
17:55.53[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Yuo have failed to understand the point of FreePBX.  You aren't supposed to have to #&$^ with the config files manually!
17:56.10*** join/#asterisk jlpicard1701e (
17:56.19jlpicard1701euh.... hi?
17:56.23[TK]D-Fendersawgood: You seem to think that FreePBX is some sort of valid starting point to learning *.  It is NOT.  It is a starting point to STOPPING from learning *
17:56.36sawgoodWell, sometimes a 'customer' will have a fucntioning system which only needs a tweak or two (and outside of FreePBX is easier than inside of it)
17:56.54ChannelZuntil they untweak it
17:56.54sawgood[TK]D-Fender: you are 100% correct ... thank you ...
17:57.00[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Well if you're the integrator, then you should already know better.
17:57.13shaderhow would you set up voicemail transcription?
17:57.17jlpicard1701eI'm a french user and I'd like to configure the keyboard in french plz..... how could i do it?
17:57.34[TK]D-Fenderjlpicard1701e: What "keybaord"?  This isn't a distro support channel
17:57.39sawgoodI deal with many IP PBX boxes .... most do not have an Asterisk front end ... I come in after the inital install
17:57.42bmoraca_workshader: get a really good speech-to-text program and use externnotify
17:57.46ChannelZscrape off the lettering on the keys and get a sharpie
17:58.47jlpicard1701e[TK]D-Fender> I just installed asterisk on a Vbox in order to test it.... and I'd like configure the keyboard...
17:58.53sawgoodI'm pretty sure you can buy a French keyboard ... I've seen many non English keyboards before (Chinese ones are always a trip to use)
17:59.15[TK]D-Fenderjlpicard1701e: Distro's aren't supported here, only * itself.  Go to #centos and ask there
17:59.26[TK]D-Fenderjlpicard1701e: That is what AsteriskNOW is based on
17:59.39jlpicard1701e[TK]D-Fender> thanks!
18:01.01sawgoodHave you ever known someone who has to look at their keys to type?  I had a co-worker like that ... when he would take breaks, other co-workers would swap the keys around on his keyboard to piss him off
18:02.30rttreylol yah we do that to the new guys that come in to my job
18:04.48hardwireif anybody is looking for a te410p + echocan can you contact me in privmsg.  I'm selling some new and used equipment.
18:05.58coppicesawgood: Chinese keyboards are fine for English speakers
18:06.21anonymouz666what about Chinese ATAs?
18:11.27Katty3 weeks to see a specialist
18:11.59coppicewell it wouldn't be special if you could do it every day, would it?
18:12.07sawgoodmy question is how did Katty ... sigh (what keyboard syntax produced that output) I've forgotten how to do that
18:12.11Kattythat's enough out of you smarty pants
18:12.25*** part/#asterisk jlpicard1701e (
18:12.37coppiceI'm not wearing any pants
18:12.38sawgoodlike this
18:12.43Kattycoppice: k
18:12.44sawgoodah! ty!
18:13.07Kattymy tinnitus from those 3 or 4 days of prozac has continued for 5 months
18:13.20Kattynearly 6 months now.
18:13.42sawgoodyou were on Prozac for only 3 or 4 days?
18:13.50sawgoodit takes a lot longer than that to kick in
18:14.09Kattyprozac is an ototoxic drug
18:14.23Kattyand it does not take 3 or 4 days for adverse side effects to kick in
18:14.45sawgoodoh ... you meant the 'bad' stuff ... I was talking about the 'good' stuff
18:14.55Kattya normal Ringing of the Ears reaction should have been gone by now, i would think
18:15.01Kattyunless it i has done perminent hearing damage
18:15.08sawgoodto stop hearing voices is at least a 6-8 week process ... ha ha ha
18:15.21Kattyfunny how it can cause both perminent hear damage, and temporary tinnitus both
18:15.27coppiceKatty: nothing biological is permanent
18:15.27Kattytho i'm not sure how temporary 6 months really is
18:15.35Kattycoppice: well of course it isn't
18:15.43Kattycoppice: self awareness is just a skiwshy meat side effect
18:15.45aceiohi all
18:16.21Kattycoppice: but, regardless, they wanna put me through a hearing test.
18:16.34aceiojust finished compling asterisk
18:16.36Kattycoppice: to see if my hearing has been severely impacted--which i don't think it can
18:16.50Kattycoppice: erm, i don't think it has. just due to the fact that everyone still sounds as annoying as ever ;)
18:18.09*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:18.22aceiowill this work  ?
18:20.01Kattycoppice: the test will give them some clue as to where the 'ringing' is coming from..
18:20.37Kattycoppice: if no significant hearing damage has been done, and the ringing is from the inner ear...i just have plain ole tinnitus
18:20.57*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
18:22.26coppiceI'd like to know where my ringing is coming from. I had ringing, and it turned out I had massive amounts of earwax. during the clearing out of the earwax the whistling went away several times, but when all the wax was gone I ended with a stable state of (thankfully very gentle) whistling
18:25.43wcselbyNaikrovek - you about?
18:26.04wcselbydid you say you had a script for generating large -directory.xml files for polycom phones?
18:26.49ecraneever do that ear candle thing? At the end you can see lots of stuff come out.. or maybe the wax came from the candle.. hard to tell...
18:27.21Kattycoppice: i don't think mine is caused by ear wax.
18:27.42Kattycoppice: after i stopped taking prozac (after the 4th pill) i waited about a month for the tinnitus to go away. when it didn't i went to see an ENT
18:27.55Kattycoppice: she poked about my ears and looked for anything abnormal without much luck...
18:28.03Kattycoppice: if it was waxy...i'm guessing she would have found it
18:28.25bmoraca_workhas anyone else noticed that puts the color codes in the log files?  is there anyway to turn that off or is it fixed in a later version?
18:28.51beekWTF?  Is this #asterwax?
18:29.04coppicewell, I'm pretty sure mine is related in some way, as I had short periods of totall silence during the several sessions it took to clean all the crap out
18:29.26coppicebeek: this is a listening related issue. its highly relevamt
18:29.46beekAre you getting any jitter on the ringing?
18:29.54beekAny dropped ringing packets?
18:30.02beekOne-way ringing audio?
18:30.29LemensTSbmoraca_work: wouldnt that have to do with your editors configuration
18:30.43Kattycoppice: eek :<
18:30.48Kattycoppice: that's scary
18:31.00bmoraca_workLemensTS: it's plain text.  it puts the color codes ([0m, for instance) in the log files.
18:31.05Kattycoppice: did you panic when everything went silent?
18:31.41coppiceI don't mean the whole world went silent. just the whistling stopped
18:32.16LemensTSbmoraca_work: ah gotchya
18:32.33bmoraca_workit seems to be a "feature"...albeit not one that's very useful or disablable
18:32.52bmoraca_workdoesn't want to have to patch logger.c
18:33.22*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
18:34.26bmoraca_work1.6.2.6 fixes it...from 3 days ago
18:35.37bmoraca_workoh, no, wait...looks like i lied
18:36.00bmoraca_workguess i need to add it to my log archiving daily cron job
18:40.26hardwirebmoraca_work: what happened?
18:40.48hardwirethat rules
18:40.49bmoraca_worknothing...someone decided it'd be a good idea to log the console color codes to the log files
18:40.52hardwireI've never seen that before
18:40.53Kattyso i can still hear up to the 16Khz area
18:41.00hardwireI'm using
18:41.15hardwireI also turn off color tho
18:41.19hardwirenow I'm afraid to turn it on
18:41.34Kattybut i can't hear much below 90Hz
18:42.58Kattyor perhaps these speakers can't produce audio below 90Hz
18:43.01Kattythat's also a possibility
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18:51.33*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
18:52.01adnchello, is it possible to find out which pattern did match to the active calls?
18:53.09LemensTSadnc: do a verbose line before the priority of the dial cmd
18:53.25adncwell the call is already active
18:53.48LemensTSCant make another call?
18:54.09adnci just would like to check if the proper route has been taken
18:56.54adnccore show channels shows everything
18:57.58*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
18:59.49*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
19:00.15QwellWhat's invalid about it?
19:00.38ManxPower-workQwell, someone said an SDP with no codec is invalid.
19:00.39adncisn't it a regular INVITE?
19:00.47*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t_ (~slinksh0t@
19:01.02QwellManxPower-work: There is a "codec"
19:01.03ManxPower-workThe polycom sends back SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here
19:01.20ManxPower-workQwell, only rfc2833, right?
19:01.27Qwellyeah :p
19:01.45QwellI don't know if that's valid or not.
19:01.51ManxPower-workWhy is asterisk not including the other codecs in the invite (this is a transfer, the peer has codecs set)
19:01.55*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:02.37ManxPower-workMaybe we should just roll back to
19:02.38wcselbywhy when I reboot my polycom 601, it won't upload it's contact directory into a MAC-directory.xml file?
19:02.47Kattyin this line: WMMDDYY:HHMM what does the W stand for?
19:02.48ManxPower-workwcselby, because you screwed something up.
19:03.16wcselbyManxPower-work - that's entirely possible.  but what?
19:03.28tzafrirday of the week?
19:03.28Kattyoh, nevermind. it's weekday
19:03.30wcselbyi also don't have any -boot or -app files for this particular phone
19:03.31ManxPower-workwcselby, could be dozens of things.
19:03.44anonymouz666ManxPower-work: port 0 on m= attribute is also very strange. I'd say that 18 is rtpmap for g729
19:04.04ManxPower-workusually it's a permissions problem because the user PlcmSpIp does not have permission to write to the directory
19:04.35wcselbyworks with all the other phones....all should have the same settings.  i'll go recheck.
19:04.57ManxPower-workanonymouz666, we have g729 licenses, g729 codec is 256, not 18
19:05.04wcselbywell yeah it's the same username in the ftp logs as the other phones
19:06.12ManxPower-workwcselby, then your phone config is messed up.
19:06.21ManxPower-workcheck the MAC.cfg file
19:09.24wcselbyeverything is setup exactly the same way as the others
19:09.32wcselbyi think maybe we'll look at swappign out the phone
19:09.33ManxPower-workwcselby, if it was, then it would be working
19:10.13anonymouz666ManxPower-work: 256?
19:10.26ManxPower-workanonymouz666, "core show codecs"
19:10.27anonymouz666is that the output from show codecs?
19:11.16*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
19:11.42ManxPower-workI have about 3 hours to fix before we roll back to
19:15.21*** join/#asterisk korihor (~korihor@
19:15.39anonymouz666you won't see 256 as a static payload type, but I think it is missing the a= attribute to describe the g729... something like a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
19:16.00ManxPower-workanonymouz666, so it looks like abug?
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19:17.47ManxPower-workanonymouz666, only happens on an attended transfers
19:19.21*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
19:21.56wcselbyManxPower-work - what version of * are you running?
19:22.12ManxPower-workwcselby, 1.4.30
19:33.44wcselbyfuckin' a
19:33.55wcselbyit was a permissions issue...
19:39.21wcselbythat.....and you don't need to reboot a phone to upload the MAC-directory.xml can just edit a contact.
19:40.00NetgeeksAnyone here familiar with/has used ConfBridge app?
19:40.08*** join/#asterisk citrus (
19:41.53citrusneed some help with a new setup not working with inbound call,   asterisk shows Asterisk1*CLI>
19:41.59citrusbut thats it. never dumps it into any context or anything
19:42.09*** join/#asterisk e-jones (~jkastner@
19:42.22ManxPower-workwcselby, It usually is
19:42.35ManxPower-workcitrus, "sip set debug on"
19:44.01citrusi got an output
19:44.44infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
19:46.00bmoraca_workis that all?
19:46.02[TK]D-Fendercitrus: under [nexvortex] set "insecure=port,invite"
19:46.09bmoraca_workif so, your peer is incorrectly configured
19:46.46bmoraca_worki gotta do some reading up on SER...i'm not familiar enough with it...
19:47.16ManxPower-workIs the correct command to check out the latest non-released Asterisk 1.4? "svn checkout asterisk-1.4-SVN"
19:48.45LemensTSi think i use co instead of checkout not sure if it matters
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19:50.22outtoluncmanx, that should pull it.. i see stuff last update like 63 minutes ago
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19:51.46bmoraca_worki thought the ./branches directory had all of the different source branches (,, etc) and not just the latest...
19:52.17Kattyscreams, rips hair out, shreds curtains, etc
19:52.27ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, I've not had to try SVN is *years*
19:52.33ManxPower-workstupid bug
19:53.02bmoraca_workwhy do you need to now?
19:53.21ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, because I suspect a bug in chan_sip.c.
19:53.31*** join/#asterisk Gestahlt (
19:54.07*** join/#asterisk geneticx_wrk (
19:54.14GestahltI have troubles getting chan_lcr to work
19:54.25Gestahlteither i set up something wrong or the dialstring is wrong
19:54.55bmoraca_workManxPower-work: what's wrong with it?
19:55.07Gestahlti use this syntax: LCR/Ext/$OUTNUM$
19:55.19*** join/#asterisk stix (
19:55.23ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, I've been told that it is an invalid packet.  The phone rejects it.
19:55.52*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
19:55.56ManxPower-workGestahlt, Asterisk variables are ${VARNAME} not $VARNAME$
19:56.23bmoraca_workManxPower-work: his syntax is a custom trunk in freepbx
19:56.32GestahltAh sorry. I use Freepbx as GUI. There i have to enter for my B1 (Which works great) CAPI/ISDN1/$OUTNUM$
19:56.43Gestahlt:) exactly bmoraca
19:56.45ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, Ah.  I wonder why he is wasting his time here.
19:56.48infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
19:56.57GestahltYeah that is ok
19:57.04ManxPower-workGestahlt, no, it's not.
19:57.05bmoraca_workManxPower-work: i don't know enough about SIP to know why that would be an invalid packet...but to my untrained eye, it looks normal
19:57.07GestahltI made a custom config for LCR
19:57.18ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, notice the lack of codec stuff
19:57.41GestahltSo i have to deal with the regular asterisk dialplan
19:57.43ManxPower-workI don't know enough about SIP to really know if it's not valid or not, but the polycoms think it's invalid.
19:57.51ManxPower-workGestahlt, if you want help here, yes.
19:57.53*** join/#asterisk sun28 (
19:57.59bmoraca_workManxPower-work: this isn't the first SIP header in the call, though.  that might have been handled in the initial invite...although i didn't think that phones did any sort of authentication
19:58.06ManxPower-workOr you can go to the proper place for FreePBX support.
19:58.24Gestahltim in both places. I consider my chan_lcr issue moer asterisk related
19:58.30ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, We only have the problem when a specific sequence of events happen during a transfer.
19:58.38ManxPower-workGestahlt, is chan_lcr included in Asterisk?
19:58.46*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
19:58.47ManxPower-workMust be 1.6
19:58.48Gestahltit shows even active
19:58.57Gestahlti compiled chan_lcr from the sources
19:58.59Gestahltit worked before
19:59.07QwellManxPower-work: No it is not.
19:59.08Gestahltbut then i had a mess with my sql
19:59.12bmoraca_workahh, during transfer...that'd explain the higher call sequence number
19:59.19Gestahltah included
19:59.22Gestahltsorry read to fast
19:59.30Gestahltand my dialplan went poof
19:59.35Gestahltso i had to redo everything
19:59.43Gestahlteverything works now except for the chan_lcr
19:59.45ruben23hi, if i re-compile again asterisk and upgrade to higher version, used dahdi instead of zaptel, what should i do- do i need to remove zaptel..?
19:59.53ManxPower-workbmoraca_work, only during an attended answer where the dialed number is answered before the transfer completes.
20:00.09ManxPower-workruben23, You should read UPGRADE*.txt.  Didn't I tell you this before?
20:00.10Gestahltah wait.. focus
20:01.03*** join/#asterisk voxter (
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20:01.27ruben23ManxPower-work: not yet..where i can find this txt..?
20:01.46ManxPower-workruben23, the Asterisk source tarball, where all the official docs live.
20:01.54GestahltOk. I compiled and installed asterisk 1.6.2. I also compiled and installed chan_lcr (1.5/1.6? Latest). I had it running before. When i dial out it, the asterisk tells me Chan unavial = trunk failure or something like that
20:02.10Gestahltwhen i dial in i dont get any output from the cli
20:02.11ManxPower-workGestahlt, I wish you the BEST of luck.
20:02.22Gestahlti need skill
20:02.24Gestahltnot luck
20:02.43ManxPower-workno, you need luck.  I suspect not a single person here will help you with chan_lcr
20:03.01Gestahltis it broken?
20:03.20Gestahltor just because it isnt integrated into asterisk?
20:03.28Gestahltor both?
20:03.36ManxPower-workGestahlt, I have no idea.  I just know I've been using Asterisk for 10 years and only heard of people using chan_lcr a couple of times.
20:04.10ManxPower-workSo, I wish you the BEST of luck.
20:04.16ManxPower-workredax, UPGRADE*.txt
20:04.17GestahltYeah Manx.. i notice that while researching. All information you get is a mixture between obsolete and completly wrong
20:04.18bmoraca_workGestahlt: most people who use LCR have developed their own lookups for it.
20:04.52redaxManxPower-work: hm?
20:05.12bmoraca_workwith FUNC_ODBC and stored procedures, it would be trivial to create a very fast lookup strictly in dialplan
20:05.23ManxPower-workredax, seems most questions people are asking recently is "what do I have to know when I upgrade Asterisk".  The answer is UPGRADE*.txt
20:05.38redaxheh :D thanks.
20:05.39ruben23ManxPower-work:ill be getting the upgrade text of the old version or the new verison i plan to run..?
20:05.48Gestahltbtw: Any good module for using mobile phones for GSM trunks?
20:05.51ManxPower-workruben23, read them all
20:07.36redaxactually I wanted to ask a little bit different thing, like is there a guideline, what is the recommended linux kernel configuration for asterisk ?
20:08.41shaderhas anyone here used's service?
20:09.18*** part/#asterisk sawgood (
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20:10.58ManxPower-workredax, whatever comes with your distro
20:12.14Gestahltredax: depends what you need.. if you have fritz card PCI hardware.. you run out of luck with newer distros
20:12.58redaxactually I have ISDN cards, but mISDN driven
20:14.10redaxespecially I'd like to know the timer frequency settings... default is 250Hz.... but elastix which using CentOS 5.3, uses 1000Hz Timer..
20:14.41Gestahltredax: Please tell me you use chan_lcr
20:15.01Gestahltits driving me nuts
20:15.34redaxhm. haven't known we have chan_lcr. is that related to least cost routing?
20:17.21redaxManxPower-work: so, any generic kernel config should work well, even for faxing? :-o
20:17.36*** join/#asterisk creativx (
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20:17.48ManxPower-workwhat makes you think you can do anything in the kernel setup that would impact faxing?
20:19.19redaxnever though, until today evening... I've installed an * for our office, and faxes from our 100km far away office doesn't comes at all. *(sip trunk via the offices)
20:19.51redaxmeanwhile an elastix box (ALIX 3D3 -- so not a craftwerk box) takes all the faxes
20:20.41redaxthe strange thing, it hangs up when the modem training voices started... t38 enabled both end, allowed only g711a codec.
20:20.57redaxboth using SPA-2102 as ATA
20:22.31*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (~xpot@
20:22.36redaxany idea? :-o
20:22.39Gestahltredax: No, chan_lcr is the replacement for chan_misdn
20:22.48Gestahltredax: in mISDN2
20:23.14redaxhm. cool. does it working at least better than mISDN ?
20:23.41redaxI had millions of problem with mISDN in the last few years.
20:24.50Gestahltredax: I got it working once but then i messed up my asterisk box..
20:24.56Gestahltredax: while it worked, it worked fine
20:25.13Gestahltredax: and now i try to get it working again.. which is why i am here
20:25.48adncis there a documentationdatabase for asteriskmodules?
20:26.16ManxPower-workadnc, "core show applications" "core show functions"
20:26.21Gestahltredax: but i just found a good howto which seems like my working configuration
20:26.45adncManxPower-work, for example
20:26.48*** join/#asterisk boch (~fran@
20:27.00ManxPower-workGestahlt, I STRONGLY doubt mISDN and LCR are related.
20:27.08ManxPower-workadnc, vague questions get vague answers.
20:27.25ManxPower-workI don't have a on my version of Asterisk
20:27.26Gestahltmanx: not LCR (least cost routing) chan_lcr (linux call router)
20:27.35Gestahltmanx: pls check it out on the mISDN homepage
20:27.45ManxPower-workGestahlt, Golly, beave!  Could have told us that earlier
20:27.50adncManxPower-work, soso
20:27.59Gestahltmanx: chan_lcr is mISDN2.. its the replacement for chan_misdn
20:28.19ManxPower-workadnc, you don't mean, do you?
20:28.24redaxjust in time...
20:28.29adncManxPower-work, no,
20:28.37adncand some others which debian loads by default
20:28.41Gestahltredax: just fyi DO NOT USE THE GIT Source
20:28.46redaxbut if the module framework is named as `misdn' what's wrong with the name chan_misdn
20:28.47GestahltIts broken
20:28.49ManxPower-workadnc, we don't support packages here, you knopw that.
20:28.53adnci wanted to take off those i don't need
20:28.56Gestahltdownload the tarball and compile it from there
20:29.08adncManxPower-work, i didn't ask support for packages
20:29.09redaxheh, mISDN git sources is like russian roulette
20:29.18Gestahltredax: no clue.. i think because there was added a lot of functionality
20:29.19*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:30.56adncsimply where documentation about modules can be found. and this question is pure asterisk
20:31.40*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
20:33.30redaxGestahlt: I'm fear of the name mISDN :D
20:34.06redaxbut will give a chance
20:34.32Gestahltredax: mISDN added the word "fear" to my vocabulary
20:34.59Gestahltredax: im so frigging happy with the AVM Fritz B1
20:35.06Gestahltredax: almost no effort to configure
20:35.39*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
20:36.52Gestahltredax: But beware of mISDN2 howtos.. they might mislead you
20:37.21shaderanyone here use asterisk with google voice?
20:37.34redaxGestahlt: but must say, I'm using Billion Tiny USB TA in a few places, which is working without problems...
20:37.47redaxI had serious problems with WC B410P
20:37.54shadercan you set your caller id information with asterisk, or does that have to be done by google?
20:40.53idespinneranyone here ever seen a TDMoE(redfone) channel on asterisk go "yellow alarm" before?
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20:42.14pabelangeranybody know the CPU of the AA55?
20:45.52idespinnerpabelanger, /proc/cpuinfo on an AA60 reports: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 220 @ 1.20GHz
20:46.03idespinnererr sorry
20:46.08idespinnermisread you
20:46.34idespinneron the AA50 its a blackfin
20:46.55idespinnerbut it also has a dedicated DSP
20:48.51beekGang... I'm sure that I remember reading this in one of the config files, but I'll be damned if I can find it.
20:48.59pabelangeridespinner: Thanks for the output
20:49.15beekIsn't there a way to have Asterisk run a system command after it starts?
20:50.21*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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21:09.17shaderbeek: edit the init script?
21:09.29shader(I don't know, never tried)
21:10.00beekshader: That's the brute force way, but possible.
21:11.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
21:14.10shaderis there anything in asteriskNOW that can't be installed via yum on CentOS?
21:14.22*** join/#asterisk RobH (
21:14.24shaderor is it just preconfigured better?
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21:15.57kazaa_litehi all... how can i set calls per second for asterisk?
21:18.13idespinnerrunning into a minor issue with color on the asterisk console
21:18.18b14ckwhat do you mean set calls per second?
21:18.18idespinner...No entry for terminal type "xterm"
21:18.44idespinnerand theres no color, any ideas? ive tried setting $term  to xterm-color
21:19.40idespinnerkazaa_lite, us the -M argument for the asterisk executable
21:19.54idespinner"asterisk -M <value>"  Limit the maximum number of calls to the specified value
21:20.28kazaa_litecool and how can i test it from CLI?
21:20.40kazaa_litelike for freeswitch i have fsctl cps
21:20.44*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
21:21.31citrushow do i dump asterisk console output to a file?
21:21.36Cresl1nredax: you there still?
21:21.52b14ckcitrus, asterisk -r > file
21:22.06idespinnercitrus,  or alternatively check out logger.conf
21:22.20idespinnerin /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
21:26.24sawgoodI have a box with on it ... from the Asterisk CLI ... I can see my *65 feature code parsing .... but I cannot hear any audio (if I call my SIP trunk number) ... the line rings, but I get no audio in either direction
21:26.48sawgoodI know this points to RTP 10000-20000, but the admin of network says the ports are open and forwarded
21:26.56citrusi am having an issue with voice,   when a call comes in i pick up on the sip client but we can't talk to eachother at all,  i think its an RTP problem but i am unsure,
21:28.29sawgoodhow can I see 'which' port the RTP traffic is coming in/out on?
21:28.37sawgoodcan I do this from the Asterisk CLI?
21:29.07*** join/#asterisk dennisG (~dennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:213:2ff:fe56:e380)
21:29.14Kattymy asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls
21:30.54dennisGkatty, do you get an error ?
21:31.16dennisGand do you see any proces thingy of asterisk?
21:31.24Kattythat's funny
21:31.45dennisGhaha why katty?
21:32.16dennisGbecause your asterisk work like a charm? :P
21:32.19sawgoodany way to determine which UDP port traffic is flowing on ... outside of having to do a tcpdump?
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21:32.54dennisGsawgood, just use tshark / wireshark ?
21:33.05dennisGit's live data..
21:33.24dennisGor check your firewall/router/layer 3 switch :)
21:33.42idespinnersawgood, dont see any useful data in core show channel or sip show channel
21:33.48idespinneryou may have to use tcpdump
21:34.17*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:34.26KattydennisG: there is no error.
21:34.32idespinneror enable RTP debugging
21:34.58Kattyor you could just check your firewall logs for policy violations
21:35.10Kattythat'd be too easy tho
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21:38.01KattydennisG: please stop sending me notices.
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21:39.07p3nguinnotices katty
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21:40.08Kattyp3nguin: i had to go work on an icky samsung 7100 box this afternoon
21:41.09p3nguinWere you at least successful in your works?
21:41.22Kattyof course.
21:42.46outtoluncshe bought a vowel <G>
21:42.49Kattyp3nguin: they have a known issue of not being able to hold time.
21:43.16Kattyp3nguin: they lose about 1.5 minutes per month. no fix...something about the time chip they use
21:43.52sawgoodI did a tcpdump 'capture' of the *65 feature code attempt, and it shows the UDP port being used around 14600 (which is cool) ... but the destination IP address is a 192.x.x.x (which is my PC out the WAN)
21:44.04sawgoodSo, is my concern of no audio a NAT problem maybe?
21:44.27Kattytwo words.
21:44.27p3nguinNo way to replace the part that's junk?
21:44.29Kattyfirewall. logs.
21:44.48Kattyp3nguin: this is a an appliance we're talkin about
21:44.56citrusdo have to specify my internal and external IP  in asterisk 1.6.2
21:44.57sawgoodI see other non RTP packets coming to my PC on its WAN correct public IP (ssh traffic) ... but RTP traffic is using the 192.x.x.x address
21:45.13p3nguinI would crack open the case and see about changing the part if it's faulty.
21:45.14Kattyp3nguin: i ain't gonna rip it open and rip out a chip and all that jazz
21:45.20p3nguinAh, I would.
21:45.25Kattyyou'r ealso not a samsung partner
21:45.39idespinnersawgood, sounds like a nat problem for sure
21:45.54idespinnersawgood,  do a sip show channel xxxxxxx
21:46.09idespinnerand check out the recievedaddress and theoretical address
21:46.16Kattyp3nguin: besides, i might get /gasp/ dirt under my nails.
21:48.24*** join/#asterisk rossand (
21:48.48sawgoodidespinner one sec
21:50.57sawgoodWhat is the syntax for xxxxxx
21:51.12vader--any of you guys use SIPx?
21:51.16Kattysyntax error near 'for'
21:51.31idespinnerits [tab]
21:52.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
21:52.59sawgoodidespinner: I did a sip show channels command
21:53.00sawgoodI see nothing with my WAN IP in the output
21:53.00sawgoodshould I do this with a call in progress?
21:53.08Kattygoes home
21:53.54sawgoodI started a call, and I see my 192.x.x.x address in the SIP show channels window
21:53.55idespinnersawgood, yes, call in progress
21:54.13sawgoodI see my 192 address not my public IP
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21:57.02p3nguinsawgood: Describe your setup from the networking point-of-view.
22:00.32sawgoodidespinner: working now ... I needed a sip_nat.conf file
22:00.37hmmhesaysKatty, you never call, you never write
22:01.10idespinnersip_nat.conf? ive never heard of that
22:01.20idespinnerbut whatever works you know...
22:01.30idespinnerare you running freepbx or something?
22:01.57sawgoodidespinner: yes
22:02.57*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
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22:05.00QbYin Dial(SIP/xxxx) -- how do i specify the username and password
22:06.20[TK]D-FenderQbY: Dial(SIP/user:pass@host/extentodial)
22:06.21idespinnerQbY, by the peer definition in SIP.conf
22:06.25korihorhow set dev_state on realtime SIP?
22:06.42[TK]D-FenderQbY: which you shouldn't do in Dial, but rather using a peer entry
22:07.07QbYis it not possible to pass the credentials in the dial string?
22:07.12korihorthis is always 'Not in use' for realtime SIP
22:08.00QbYi'm feeding the dial cmd with values from a db..
22:08.01[TK]D-FenderQbY: I just gave you the format...
22:08.15QbYok, awesome.. didn't see it
22:09.42adnci can not find any documentation about could someone please point me to one if there is a documentation to it?
22:13.18*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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22:17.52mythicalboxjust to confirm, ss7 over e1 doesn't exist right, the signaling would be something like esf,b8zs, etc
22:19.39tzafrirmythicalbox, why would you say that?
22:22.43*** part/#asterisk slinksh0t (~slinksh0t@
22:23.13mythicalboxasked a client what protocol will be provided for the e1 they are having provisioned, and they replied "ss7"
22:23.57[TK]D-Fenderadnc: What is there to document?
22:24.09vader--hmm been trying to find people who use or have used sipx
22:24.27vader--looks interesting
22:24.55adnc[TK]D-Fender, i do get a warning saying that the ogg file can not be used for streaming, i wonder if there is something to configure
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22:27.49[TK]D-Fenderadnc: No... there is no streaming, just like it says.  fixed file only
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22:34.40joakoI want to record calls in asterisk and use some web-based GUI to review them. Is there such a thing?
22:35.33[TK]D-Fenderjoako: #freepbx <-
22:36.10Kobaz994M    /var/log/asterisk/full
22:36.14Kobaztime to log rotate i guess
22:37.48joako[TK]D-Fender, Isn't freepbx to manage all of asterisk? I was hoping there is something only to manage the recordings.
22:39.18[TK]D-Fenderjoako: its a bunch of files.. no mapping into anything else necessarily.  You could just point Apache at it an be done with it.
22:39.36[TK]D-Fenderjoako: there is no assumed file naming structure... or way to tie to anythingt else
22:42.37*** join/#asterisk Daviey (~Daviey@ubuntu/member/
22:43.59joakoI found something it  I guess you name the recording ${UNIQUEID} and it looks up the CDR info..
22:44.46Kobazyou can name the recording whatever you want, but yes uniqueid is quite useful
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22:49.55`paulhow do i include a file in extensions.ael ?
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22:54.34fiferI'm still working on an issue I have with Aastra 6731i phones and dtmf
22:55.08fiferI'm now in * but had the issue in 1.4.30
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22:55.55fiferI have tried all the settings for DTMF on the phone, I have other phones, including Aastras that work fine, it is just these 6731i's of which I'm testing on 3, all doing the same thing
22:56.18fiferI have dtmf debugging turned on in the log and while I can see the dtmf from the other phones, nothing from these.
22:56.46fiferI'm just trying to see if anyone has seen this issue.
22:57.09fiferI have found a single bug report on * but it is unclear to me if it is the same issue and what the status is.
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23:44.23QbYwe have a TE405P connected to an Adit 600.  With lines going to subscriber premises, not Telco.  We can't get the Adit to output dialtone--what's the first place you'd look?
23:45.26paulcin the manual?
23:45.34paulcsorry - I'm in a pissy mood and work's doing my head in
23:46.03QbYsame here
23:46.05idespinnerQbY, What kinda lines, analog? fxo/fxs? I would plug a butt-set to the lines to check for dialtone
23:46.10paulcare you seeing anything on the console when a subscriber goes off hook?
23:47.13*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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23:48.46sawgoodso, I have a Asterisk box with FreePBX which has Polycom end points ... when you hit the speakerphone you get dial tone (I have a route for 7 + 11 digits on outbound dialing) ... the phone 'cuts' off after getting to the last two remaining needed digits
23:49.03idespinnersawgood, digitmap on polycom phones....
23:49.10sawgoodit automatically stops accepting input and starts a system prompt, "all circuits are busy"
23:49.28sawgoodidespinner: Is this an easy fix?
23:49.48sawgoodlog into the GUI of the phone to change the digitmap?
23:49.59idespinnerhow are you provisioning?
23:50.16sawgoodI'm not really sure ... I'm just helping someone out with this case ...
23:50.36idespinnerif the phones are manually configured, yes, log into each phone
23:51.19idespinnerits under sip -> local settings -> digitmap
23:51.21sawgoodIs digitmap a 'number' or syntax I put in the GUI
23:52.03sawgoodthank you
23:52.09QbYidespinner: they are fxo to the customer--have plugged in a buttset and it worked..
23:52.23QbYwe upgraded from 1.2 to 1.6--everything owrked fine under 1.2
23:52.32QbYbut with dahdi, they don't see to wanna agree
23:52.46idespinnerdahdi config files changed abit between dahdi and zaptel
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23:53.20QbYyeah, comparing the two now
23:53.48idespinneri know, some people probably think i'm evil for quoting voip info so much
23:54.11idespinneryea yea go ahead and say it
23:54.14Corydon76-digpoints at idespinner
23:54.16idespinneryou know your thinking it
23:54.50Corydon76-digEVIL MINDREADER!!!
23:57.35fiferI'm still working on an issue I have with Aastra 67xxi phones and dtmf
23:57.37fiferI'm now in * but had the issue in 1.4.30
23:58.01fiferI have tried all the settings for DTMF on the phone, I have other phones, including Aastras that work fine, it is just these 6731i's of which I'm testing on 3, and a 6755i, all doing the same thing
23:59.47idespinnermaybe factory default the phones?

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