IRC log for #asterisk on 20100315

00:03.00*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:03.07*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
00:03.10*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
00:14.51Jhirleywhat would cause an IP 601 to stay in DND mode ?  Besides the button on the phone ?
00:24.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:31.53*** join/#asterisk matt_d (~matt@
00:35.14KobazJhirley: the phones xml config
00:35.21Kobazyou might have divert configured
00:36.16Jhirleyty, let me look
00:38.59*** part/#asterisk Anomizer (
00:55.05antiwireWhere would I go about enabling *86 to allow any user to connect to voicemail and be prompted to enter their mbox number and password?
01:01.31iamthelostboyim running asterisk, call-limit is definitely working, setting it to 1 means only 1 call is possible, though setting busylevel=1 in sip.conf alters the information when i do a sip show peer XXX, the phone will still recieve calls
01:02.56TJNIIantiwire: exten => *86,1,VoiceMailMain()
01:04.32antiwirethanks TJNII
01:04.46antiwireFor some reason, it keeps telling me that my login is incorrect
01:05.10antiwireI'm entering my MB #, hitting pound, entering my password which is just 1234 right now and hitting poind
01:05.22TJNIIDoes it not seem to react, and then say that as if it is timing out?
01:05.48antiwireNope, I can see my digits in asterisk CLI but it says login incorrect
01:05.59antiwireIt seems to know that I am entering digits and the pound
01:06.24antiwiremy client is ekiga
01:08.44*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
01:13.23*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
01:21.29antiwireI'm set to RFC2833 and I can navigate my mail box if I set a specific dial plan code to just send me to mail box but if I use exten => *86,1,VoiceMailMain() and enter my mb # and password as defined in voicemail.conf it says login incorrect still
01:24.22antiwirefor example, using this exten => 999,1,VoiceMailMain(102@mbox) accepts my password
01:24.23*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:24.42TJNIICheck the default voicemal context.
01:25.43antiwireCan I specify the VM context inside of VoiceMailMain() ?
01:26.08antiwirein my voicemail.conf, I have only [mbox] and two mailbox entries under that
01:26.35TJNIINot sure, never tried.  Check the docs.
01:28.19*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
01:28.30antiwireTJNII: Thanks! fixed it
01:28.35antiwireIt was the context problem
01:29.18antiwireI've been working with Shoretel and Zultys systems and I decided I wanted to see how it's done using asterisk. This is awesome stuff
01:42.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:05.00*** join/#asterisk Jhirley_ (
02:12.36*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:15.17*** join/#asterisk caim (~user@unaffiliated/caim)
02:41.54ChannelZYou seriously need a girlfriend
02:43.54jayteegrammar nazis have way too much free time on their hands
02:44.23ChannelZOh, his hands are busy
02:52.25*** join/#asterisk random_mike (
02:53.17random_mikeHey all, can anyone advise if it is possible to execute a command line entry, to return the number of active sip channels on an asterisk server?
02:53.44random_mikeI thought perhaps "asterisk -rx sip show channels" would work, but I get an error :(
02:54.41ChannelZdo    asterisk -rx "sip show channels"
02:55.10random_mikeoh bash requires quotes
02:55.16random_mikethanks :)
02:55.23ChannelZwell it's many things that are really one argument
02:56.08random_mikeworks awesomely :)
02:56.30random_mikeasterisk -rx "sip show channels" | grep "active SIP channels" | awk {' print $1 '}
02:56.43random_mikereturns how many calls in process on my asterisk server using SIP :)
02:58.17*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
03:03.39*** join/#asterisk nbash (
03:10.08TJNII"There is no such thing as a PNP FET." Why are ignorant people so vocal?
03:14.57*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
03:21.29*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
03:25.25Jhirleyguys, I have a Polycom 601 that is set in DND Mode no matter what I try ?  I have blown away the phone , downloaded firmware 3.1.6 from polycom but still no luck ?Anyone have any ideas or input ?
03:29.29*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:32.19nbashI'm seeing astrisk eat 100% cpu...anyone have any tips? or suggestions
03:39.04dlynesnbash, what're you running it on?
03:41.23nbashlooking at a scrpt to fix the issue atm
03:41.33nbashguess its something to do with running -c
03:41.50dlynesnbash, i meant what processor are you running it on?
03:41.51doneiri doubt it, i'm running asterisk -cvvvvgd and it's fine (debian)
03:42.11doneirthis is with a digium card though
03:42.12nbashreading here
03:42.38nbashI'm on a vps
03:44.20dlynesnbash, which version of asterisk?
03:45.28nbashjust did a build on a fresh system with it
03:46.09*** join/#asterisk Jhirley_ (
03:46.42dlynes1.6.2.6?  The latest is only
03:47.33dlynesnvm....somebody hasn't updated the topic yet
03:48.16nbashyeah I just DL and built it....just telling ya what the sorce said
03:48.39nbashI removed the -c from 1 line and doing a reboot to test
03:49.20dlynesnbash, startup script doesn't have a '-c' switch
03:49.50dlynesnbash, I'm running asterisk
03:50.03dlyneson Debian Lenny, if it makes a difference
03:50.51nbashfixed "asterisk" in /etc/init.d had this line "start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --background --exec $DAEMON -- $ASTARGS -c"  I removed the -c and rebooted
03:51.35nbashdont know if its a new bug but from that link above it looks  to have been around awhile
03:51.47dlynesnbash, weird....I've just got this:   71     start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --exec $DAEMON -- $ASTARGS
03:51.51nbashjust did a "top" command and its empty
03:52.01nbashmeaning its idle
03:52.04dlynessee how I don't have the --background, either?
03:52.19nbashdid you do apt-get to install?
03:52.23dlyneshell, no
03:52.24nbashor build yourself
03:52.29dlynesbuilt it myself
03:52.38nbashdont know then
03:52.39dlynesI'd never install asterisk from binary
03:52.57p3nguinSomeone had to compile it.
03:54.43dlyneswhat's the 'c' wart mean beside a package name in aptitude again?
03:57.26nbashon Lenny myself
03:59.40ManxPower-workyou want to do a "make install" to install the asterisk boot scripts
04:00.27p3nguinI thought it was make config.
04:01.52nbashit is make config
04:02.20*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
04:07.18ManxPower-workSorry, correct.  "make config"
04:32.01ChannelZand then do "make mybed"
04:32.16TJNIImake asandwich
04:36.15hhkahyahow can we making to work a2billing:P anyone now the a2billing working mechanism ?
04:39.07*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
04:39.46*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
04:39.49*** join/#asterisk joobie (
04:39.51jmcdowellHello all
04:40.48jmcdowellhas anyone ever experienced the following message.. "Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid"
04:41.11jmcdowellI think it's related to the polycom side of things.
04:42.00antiwirewhat happens if you force a CID in the dial plan?
04:42.24jmcdowellI didn't know you could..
04:42.33jmcdowellYou mean from the phone it's self? Or within asterisk ?
04:43.06jmcdowellIt should be noted, those messages appear even when the phone system is 100% idle.
04:45.03jmcdowellI will look at it..
04:45.12jmcdowellI will have to rtfm on what you stated.
04:46.25*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
04:47.48*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-safcdhlmigisumhn)
05:02.15jmcdowellI should only see 1 asterisk instance running..
05:02.19jmcdowellRight ?
05:02.59*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
05:05.17jmcdowellI have 27 "asterisk -f -vvvg -c" processes listed..
05:05.29jmcdowellThose of course appear to be part of a tree, but still.
05:06.32*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
05:13.22*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
05:17.23*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:17.43sawgoodAre the "Asterisk add ons" part of the AsteriskNOW 1.5 ISO, and/or are they added if you update after installing AsteriskNOW?
05:25.59*** part/#asterisk sawgood (
05:27.40*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
05:42.13*** join/#asterisk benngard (
06:11.34*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
06:17.47*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
06:33.47*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (
06:43.02*** join/#asterisk vandebo (
06:44.23*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:45.15vandebofeel free to point me to a more appropriate channel -  Any recommendations for a per minute outbound provider (usa)?  I was using voicepulse, but they've instituted a monthly minimum.
06:58.01*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
06:58.02*** join/#asterisk soman (
06:59.24*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
07:01.40*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
07:04.29*** join/#asterisk ktwilight[m] (
07:10.18*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
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07:11.17*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~AlHafoudh@
07:12.13*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
07:20.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:30.01*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
07:53.33*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (
08:12.57*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:19.26*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
08:22.39*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
08:37.09*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:40.54*** join/#asterisk contrabanda (~contr@
08:41.36contrabandahi, i need help with G729 codec. Where can i get good one?
08:42.18kaldemarcontrabanda: from digium
08:42.38*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
08:50.36*** join/#asterisk sulex (
08:54.40*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-qrffawrxwyucmdkb)
08:56.54*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-scffxmxsjzbpbxis)
09:02.09*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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09:11.07*** join/#asterisk ik_5 (
09:11.32*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:12.13*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:14.49*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
09:22.37*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:22.50*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xwgxrpefvtipwsrq)
09:23.14*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-ocdmsnmatisowpde)
09:25.16*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
09:25.57*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akira@
09:29.31*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
09:31.32*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
09:32.07*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
09:39.19AkiraaaWhat would/do you use to give users the ability to send/receive SMS with a VoIP network? The setup is small: 4 mobile phone lines via GSM-IP gateways.
09:50.39*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
10:02.34*** join/#asterisk pawz (
10:04.28*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
10:07.33*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
10:08.36*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
10:10.38*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
10:12.03J4zenHi guys, i've been looking all over for a proper VoIP (asterisk compatible) DECT phone. I've tried and deployed a lot of SNOM M3's and have tried some M9's (unfortunatly they have faulty firmware and have been recalled). Anyone have good expierences with another DECT phone for desk/office usage?
10:14.09*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
10:15.41*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~omorika@
10:26.12*** join/#asterisk pisg (
10:27.18pisghi, i have problem when i`m using X-lite i can call, when i`m using SIP phones and set login and pass X-lite i can call and have :   -- Executing [06681406XX@outline:1] Dial("SIP/konradnowak-00000000", "DAHDI/g0/06681406XX") in new stack == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
10:27.38pisgwhat i must change in SIP phone if i can calling
10:29.53kaldemarpisg: DAHDI/g0/06681406XX is most likely your problem
10:30.36kaldemarpastebin your extension
10:33.56kaldemarif those are real you're dialing 06681406XX with your phone. dial a number.
10:34.21OlafsenMim originating calls through AMI, but i dont get any CDR records
10:34.43tuxx-Is there a way i can let a phone reload its sip subscriptions? I have an aastra 57i with extensionpad atm. And somehow if someone logs out of their phone (got hotdesking) it loses its sip subscription for that BLF led.
10:34.46pisgwhen i`m use X-lite i can dialing, when i`m use user/pass in SIP phone i see this
10:34.49OlafsenMin fact, i do have records in cdr-csv
10:34.59OlafsenMbut i dont get any CDR manager events
10:35.06pisgkaldemar: Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
10:36.05kaldemarpisg: show the whole cli output for a call
10:37.18pisgkaldemar: only console i can see this
10:37.37pisgin asterisk -rvvv
10:38.36pisgbut when i`m use X-lite i can calling
10:38.41pisgin SIP phone not ;/
10:38.43kaldemaryou should see more. "core set verbose 10" in cli and try again.
10:40.56pisgkaldemar: hmm CLi see me this same
10:41.33kaldemarthere's no way that's ALL the output for a call.
10:44.51pisgi change core set verbose to 10 and see this same not more options
10:45.47pisgsoory more i can see this :  > Saved useragent "SIP201 (lp201sip.101b)" for peer konradnowak
10:47.53tuxx-Is there a way i can let a phone reload its sip subscriptions? I have an aastra 57i with extensionpad atm. And somehow if someone logs out of their phone (got hotdesking) it loses its sip subscription for that BLF led. \
10:48.31kaldemarpisg: well, don't dial literal X's with your phone.
10:54.58pisgkaldemar: so i must change this in extensions.conf ?
10:55.29*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:58.52*** join/#asterisk Icheb (
10:59.32kaldemarpisg: no, unless your configs are fake.
11:00.12pisgconfig in hardware SIP phone ?
11:00.22pisgor config asterisk
11:00.33IchebWould anyone here perhaps know when a new version of the 1.6.2 (or 1.6.3) branch is planned as bugfix release? - I'm desperately searching for a new version with issue 16729 fixed ;)
11:01.16*** join/#asterisk pif (
11:06.03kaldemarpisg: you're not showing me what happens when you make a call so i don't know.
11:08.16tzafrir_laptopIamnacho, there won't be a branch 1.6.3 . Next release beanch will be 1.8
11:08.30pisgkaldemar: this is my SIP phone setting and when i call i console i see :
11:08.32tzafrir_laptopIn branch 1.6.2, was recently released
11:09.08tzafrir_laptopIcheb, why not grab latest release and apply the patch yourself?
11:10.13Chainsaw1.6.2.6 isn't in the topic though.
11:10.23ChainsawIs that a security release or a proper release?
11:10.56J4zenpisg: enable sip debugging, set verbosity to 20, place a call and pb all output
11:13.17Ichebtzafrir_laptop, I don't like running non official versions on production systems
11:14.06tzafrir_laptopChainsaw, somebody forgot to update the topic, then
11:15.02IchebAnd due to the fact no svn rev is mentioned, nor any files are mention, it would  probably mean having to run the trunk version, don't know if that's stable enough
11:16.25Ichebokay, that's a diff for the other one, might try that on my dev environment, but still, I believe this to be quite important for a lot of people, so that's why I'm curious for a roadmap to this being included
11:23.15*** join/#asterisk waa (
11:28.05*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
11:31.17*** join/#asterisk Quasar-1922 (
11:33.25J4zenpisg: It states your problem right in the debug: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 58 - Bearer capability not available)
11:33.31J4zenprobably due to : No translator path exists for channel type DAHDI (native 0x4c) to 0x100
11:34.15J4zensounds like a codec issue of some sorts, im not sure.
11:34.40pisgJ4zen: i have this problem when unisg Pentragram lp-201 Sip phone, but when use X-lite all ist fine
11:34.49kaldemarthe phone is trying to use G.729 codec, but asterisk doesn't have one.
11:34.56kaldemarpisg: ^^
11:35.12kaldemarchange the codec in the phone configuration.
11:35.25J4zenthere you go :)
11:39.53*** join/#asterisk af_ (
11:47.21pisgkaldemar J4zen, now working, thx, big VODKA when you come to poland
11:53.35J4zenpisg: your welcome
11:53.44atis_workpisg: vodka?? no zubrowka?
11:55.25*** join/#asterisk creativx (
11:57.34*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
11:58.32*** join/#asterisk michael-i (~michael-i@
12:01.29*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~omorika@
12:02.12pisgatis_work: i dont like zubrowka
12:07.55*** join/#asterisk arpu (
12:15.28*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
12:19.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:42.54*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (~andrebarb@
12:43.28*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
12:44.58*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
12:59.44Quasar-1922Hey all... Does anyone here have experience with the redfone fonebridge2 boxes?
13:02.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:09.16*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
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13:12.38*** join/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
13:13.57rttreyGood morning.
13:14.59rttreyHave a quick question. The daylight savings time change didnt carry over to my phones. The time on the server is correct using the 'date' command. Any ideas real quick?
13:15.31Kattypolycoms don't use your server
13:15.41Kattythey use whatever snmp ip address you feed them
13:16.15Kattythey also have settings on when to make the switch over.
13:16.27[TK]D-Fenderrttrey: Devices need to know what their time zone is.
13:16.30Kattyyou can read all about it with the guide that comes with them
13:16.44[TK]D-Fenderrttrey: and North America's rules changed 2 years ago
13:17.24rttreyYes they are polycoms... thank you
13:18.41*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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13:29.09*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
13:32.38asteriskATmarmuDusing vicidial i get the following message when an angent logs into the GUI: "no channel type registered for 'Zap'"
13:34.06asteriskATmarmuDI want to use DAHDI, vicidial people told me DAHDI and Zap are used synonymously in the backend
13:34.38*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
13:39.10*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
13:40.17[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: There is a flag that lets you use the ZAP channel name type with DAHDI, but you have to configure it to do so.  Go read the samples to find the precise name for it
13:42.43*** join/#asterisk csiadmin (~csiadmin@
13:47.30*** join/#asterisk moy (~chatzilla@
13:49.17*** join/#asterisk Pitel (
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13:54.05Kattywooooooo what a morning
13:54.13asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: thx a lot... any hint on where to find that flag? I've been searching the internet for days now...
13:56.19*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:56.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
13:58.00*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:00.54[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: In the SAMPLE CONFIGS like I told you
14:01.18Quasar-1922Hey I've setup a IAX trunk between two boxes and if I call from one to another I get:
14:01.18Quasar-1922[14:27:32] WARNING[5084]: channel.c:700 ast_best_codec: Don't know any of 0xe000 formats
14:01.18Quasar-1922[14:27:32] ERROR[5084]: chan_iax2.c:7678 socket_process: No best format in 0xe000???
14:01.18Quasar-1922[14:27:32] NOTICE[5084]: chan_iax2.c:7685 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability
14:01.36*** join/#asterisk shader (
14:01.51Kattyi keep beeping
14:02.47kaldemarQuasar-1922: you need to allow some codecs.
14:03.06Quasar-1922I did...
14:03.11Quasar-1922I allowed ulaw
14:03.15shaderis this an acceptable channel to ask questions regarding hardware accessories to an asterisk based phone system? or is there some other channel I should visit?
14:03.21Quasar-1922alaw,ulaw,g729 in that order
14:03.47kaldemarQuasar-1922: show it
14:03.57Quasar-1922and then it uses g729 but i find the quality not good enough so if I leave out g729 to use Alaw i get an error. the one i pasted above
14:05.12csiadminhi everyone, I'm using monitor to record incoming calls but they're being saved as in/out files.  I've sox installed, set with MONITOR_EXEC, monitor flagged with 'm' to mix - any other suggestions for what else I could check?
14:05.12*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (~rgsteele@
14:05.15Quasar-1922iax.conf: allow=alaw,ulaw,g729
14:05.16Quasar-1922sip.conf: allow=alaw,ulaw,g729
14:05.40kaldemarQuasar-1922: show all the configuration for the peers
14:05.45infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
14:06.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (
14:06.32leifmadsenKatty: beep beep
14:06.52KattyWHY I OUTTA JUST
14:06.54KattyHUG YOU!
14:06.57Kattyhugs leifmadsen
14:07.33*** join/#asterisk Dibri (
14:07.34Kattysquirrely on my new feeder.
14:07.48*** join/#asterisk dmz (
14:07.56Kattyamazing how they can climb a sheer 5ft pole
14:08.23Kobazit's not exactly sheer though
14:08.42Kattyfine. vertical.
14:08.43Kobazthere's fine indentations and ridges in the wood that they can grab
14:08.48ManxPower-workDon't you hate it when you basically (nicely) tell someone they are an idiot, and they are so clueless they actually thank you?
14:08.54KattyKobaz: the pole isn't wood.
14:08.59KattyKobaz: but it could be textured.
14:09.10ManxPower-workPole Dancing?
14:09.35*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
14:09.53Kattyinfobot: crittercam
14:09.54infobotcrittercam is probably Katty's live broadcast of The Nut House @ and The Fuzzy Ferret Flat @
14:09.57*** join/#asterisk creativx (
14:10.05kaldemarQuasar-1922: you have two boxes, so there are two relevant configurations
14:10.27Kattynow he's eating the woodpecker suet :<
14:10.27shadercan anyone recommend a usb handset for a linux softphone?
14:10.38Kattyshader: handset?
14:10.53shaderdesk phone
14:10.59Quasar-1922i know but both are the same
14:11.00Kobazyeah it's a phone without the phone part, and it's usb
14:11.14Quasar-1922just the other way round ;-)
14:11.15Kattyi didn't know they made one
14:11.20Kobazshader: just get a polycom
14:11.25Kattywhich would be very interesting
14:11.31Kattybecause then i could use network vpn stuffs
14:11.45shaderKobaz: any particular model?
14:11.53Kattypolycoms aren't usb.
14:11.56Kattyso it's not what he wants.
14:12.18Kobazshader: 331's are nice... they have two ethernet ports
14:12.44kaldemarQuasar-1922: what codec are you using on the phone?
14:12.54Kobazshader: good luck getting any usb phone working in linux
14:13.11Quasar-1922uhm, alaw since that has preference... it's a polycom 430
14:13.17*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
14:13.42Quasar-1922it's both asterisk btw
14:14.39ManxPower-workthe problem with the 3xx Polycoms is that the screen is so small (2-lines) that all the REALLY cool stuff (microbrowser, etc) just won't work well.
14:14.43asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: ok, thx. found something useful in asterisk.conf "dahdichanname=no" ... now my analog phones are useless again... wish me luck... bye
14:14.59*** join/#asterisk Squeeb (
14:15.01KattyManxPower-work: it's good for a basic phone without the frilly stuffs.
14:15.12KattyManxPower-work: but i do agree it's difficult to have multiple calls waiting for you.
14:15.20ManxPower-workKatty, so are many of the Linksys phones
14:15.27KattyManxPower-work: so a terrible receiptionist phone, or for anyone who deals with more than call at a time
14:15.40SqueebHi, I'm looking for some decent documentation about queues.conf, detailed information regarding the options you can use in both the global section and per-queue sections
14:16.03kaldemarQuasar-1922: use disallow=all before the allow lines and don't allow codecs you don't have (=g729). if this doesn't help, enable iax debug and pastebin the cli output for a failed call.
14:16.15ManxPower-workSqueeb, the info in UPGRADE*.txt and the stuff on doc/ (i'm sure there's a queues document in there)
14:16.42SqueebWhy isn't this stuff on the documentation / support sections of the digium / asterisk website though?
14:16.55ManxPower-workUPGRADE*.txt for you would mostly so you know what older Asterisk commands map to which newer commands for when you are reading out of date docs.
14:17.13Quasar-1922Kaldemar.. ok.. I do have g729 .. This works.. Just when I leave out g729 it goes wrong.. I'll fetch the iax debug one moment
14:17.18ManxPower-workSqueeb, um, because the official place for official asterisk docs is the source directory?
14:17.19*** join/#asterisk FirstSgt (
14:17.32KattySqueeb: why don't you call them and bitch about it.
14:17.34ManxPower-workQuasar-1922, how many G729 licenses do you have?
14:17.38KattySqueeb: i'm sure they would LOVE hearing from you.
14:17.39FirstSgtAnyone kknow of a good linux softphone (SIP Phone)?
14:17.46SqueebKatty: everybody loves hearing from me
14:17.47ManxPower-workAll softphones suck
14:18.17FirstSgtManxPower-work: ok, then lemme rephraze
14:18.26KattyFirstSgt: i like zoiper.
14:18.38FirstSgti'll look
14:18.43FirstSgttwinkle wouldn't compile for me
14:18.49ManxPower-workNo matter how you phrase it, they still suck.
14:19.01Kattygives ManxPower-work coffee
14:19.23Kattyno more talking until you've finished 1 cup of coffee.
14:19.30FirstSgtManxPower-work: I wasn't asking about their level of suckage, so I believe you missunderstood my question.  which why I was rephrasing it.
14:19.48[TK]D-FenderFirstSgt: Ekiga
14:19.57FirstSgtManxPower-work: Does anyone know the top 3 linux softphones?
14:19.58infobot[~ekiga] Ekiga is an OSS SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux (Requires GTK+ which is included with the binary releases) that can be found at
14:20.02FirstSgt[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:20.11FirstSgtKatty: Thank you too... I will try both
14:20.35FirstSgtI think I have GKT+ libs
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14:24.27Quasar-1922hey kaldemar... i've tried but the weird thing is.. from one box to another works fine all the time but the other way round works in maybe 10% of all cases
14:24.34Quasar-1922i''ve pasted the iax2 debug
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14:29.41kaldemarQuasar-1922: you're getting cause 17, which should mean busy. show also the verbose cli output with the iax debug.
14:30.13*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
14:31.19Quasar-1922kaldemar.. that's a little hard since we have 200 phones connected to it making calls right now ;-)
14:31.31Quasar-1922unless there's a way to show only my sip extension?
14:32.09kaldemarno. that's a parsing job then.
14:35.02*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
14:36.00[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: This is an IAX2 call.  What does it have to do with SIP? <----
14:40.00*** join/#asterisk undertuga (
14:40.06undertugaHi there!
14:40.36Kattydid you bring me breakfast
14:41.37andrebarbosaanyway knows what bug this note is talking about:
14:42.29undertugaJust started messing with asterisk (using asteriskNow distro), and i'm having some trouble while trying to connect some SIP clients to it! I had already created some extensions, but the client gives me 408 timeout while trying to connect. I heard about setting up bindport to 5060, since asterisk is not bindng itself to it. Can someone help me out on here do i change that property? Thanks in advance!
14:42.54*** join/#asterisk joesuffceren (
14:43.03Kattyinfobot: asterisknow
14:43.04infobotasterisknow is probably based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
14:43.21undertugaroger that!
14:44.54KavanSto switch from zaptel to dahdi I need to replace "Zap" with what in the config file?
14:45.32Kattychecks KavanS's caffeine levels
14:46.06*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
14:46.17[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Any play that would use it
14:46.29[TK]D-FenderKavanS: And my guess would be... DAHDI <-
14:46.41Katty^- me, but not me.
14:46.57joesuffcerenhaving some trouble with a te122. I'm running asterisk, dahdi 2.2.1, libpri I'm getting random reboots and hangs, and lots of errors in my server's event log related to the te122 and the pci-e slot it's in. I do notice that it seems to be sharing an interrupt with the USB controller which I know is a bad thing. Running dahdi_test for 5 minutes, though, produced no results...
14:46.59joesuffceren...worse than 99.993%, which I think indicates that's not a problem. Any other thoughts?
14:48.48Kattywhat is a te122
14:49.02Naikrovekte121 +1
14:49.13Kattyand what's that
14:49.31Quasar-1922<[TK]D-Fender> -> since my phones use sip....
14:50.03joesuffcerensorry. typo. it's a te121
14:50.05[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: You are showing us an IAX2 error.  that has precisely nothing to do with SIP
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14:50.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh
14:50.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: i must show you my latest photo
14:50.32[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: Next you'll associate the cupholder in your car to your transmission problems...
14:50.32spenguin[work]pokes Katty --E
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14:50.52Quasar-1922it does if codecs for iax2 and sip are different which causes asterisk to transcode the conversation
14:50.59Kattyspenguin[work]: at first, i thought that was a flag.
14:51.11Kattyspenguin[work]: and thought i needed to consult my readme file for additional flag information
14:52.51spenguin[work]trident, damn
14:52.52[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: We'd see that in the SIP debug....
14:52.56spenguin[work]Ive been thinking :p
14:53.03spenguin[work]I knew the hindi word
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14:54.25Quasar-1922<[TK]D-Fender> hmm. yeah.. but you're right, it doen't seem to be sip related i guess since alaw works fine on both boxes..
14:54.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: and
14:54.52[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: .... You have not shown a reasonably complete sample to date.
14:55.14[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: And introduce unvalidate elements as you go
14:55.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: nice...
14:56.16joesuffcerenkatty: te121 is a digium T1/PRI card
14:56.22Kattyjoesuffceren: ah. k
14:56.31Kattyjoesuffceren: i mostly work with sangoma stuff (=
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14:56.52Quasar-1922does anyone here have experience with redfone fonebridge2 boxes by the way?
14:57.45Quasar-1922i was looking for an alternative for our sangoma's here since we have 2 pbx-es with a104d's and we need backup boxes for both.. get's a little too expensive and complicated i guess putting in two backup sangoma's for just backup box..
14:58.59[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: Avoid.  Hear little but trouble about them in here
14:59.49*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~alhafoudh@
14:59.57AlHafoudhhi all
15:00.17Kattyanyone good with landscaping
15:00.36Kobazscapes some land
15:00.42coppiceyeah. Capability Brown
15:00.58Kattyi think landscaping was a poor choice of words.
15:01.08Kattyis anyone familiar with planting blueberry bushes
15:01.08Quasar-1922<[TK]D-Fender> hmm, ok thanks. do you have another good suggestion for external hardware able to do failover?
15:01.14NaikrovekKatty: pubic topiary?
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15:01.23KattyNaikrovek: that statement does not parse.
15:01.26KattyNaikrovek: please try again.
15:01.41Kattyi will draw a pretty picture.
15:01.43Kobazsyntax error near 'public'
15:01.45Kattymaybe that will help.
15:01.58[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: AudioCodes Mediant series
15:01.59Kobaztopiary - Of or pertaining to ornamental gardening; produced by cutting, trimming, etc.; topiarian.
15:02.37Quasar-1922Fender, I'll have a look, thanks.
15:03.01KobazKatty: i think you kind of dig a hole and push the bush in... make sure it gets plenty of water... and replace the topsoil from the hole with good stuff from a nursury
15:03.53spenguin[work]has a planted fish tank
15:04.02KobazKatty: you'll need to soak it thoroughly after planting, and keep it well watered for the first week or two
15:04.02spenguin[work]Im still learning scaping it
15:04.22KattyKobaz: how about sun requirements?
15:04.32KobazKatty: they don't like shade
15:05.01KattyKobaz: and how well do you think it would do in a huge planter, rather than in the ground
15:05.02coppiceKatty: if you are planting you need plenty of manure. the marketing dept should be able to provide you with some
15:05.14KobazKatty: unless you love watering... not very well
15:05.19spenguin[work]not plenty
15:05.27spenguin[work]you could burn the plant out and kill it
15:05.46AlHafoudhby default, SIP sends password in clear text or is it secure?
15:06.08KobazAlHafoudh: generally it's an md5 challenge based auth
15:06.21KattyKobaz: wouldn't it retain more water by being in a planter?
15:06.25KobazKatty: no
15:06.35KattyKobaz: the planter doesn't have holes.
15:06.35KobazKatty: it will dry out much faster
15:06.39KattyKobaz: i'm not following your logic
15:06.40KobazKatty: that's even worse
15:06.50Kobazthen the plant will drown and die
15:06.54asteriskmonkeyAlHafoudh: clear
15:07.21Kattyuploads photo
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15:07.29leo66Hello all... I'm trying to use chan_mobile to call from asterisk to outside phones, but i cant get audio working. I can dial from my extension to outside using bluetooth but i dont hear any sound when the call is answered.. can someone help me?
15:07.54Kobazit's going to get more airflow in a planter since it's higher off the ground. and now it no longer has access to the moisture from the ground, so it's now solely dependend on consistant rain and/or watering
15:08.35KobazKatty: and if you have no holes in the bottom, and you dump a gallon of water into it... then the opposite will happen... it's going to take forever to dry out, the roots will rot, and it'll croak
15:09.12[TK]D-FenderLeDoes it work both ways jsut within *?
15:09.14KobazKatty: all non-marsh plants need a cycle of wet/dry for proper balance
15:09.29KattyKobaz: black is the house, grey the decks, and the brown is the mulch area
15:09.43KattyKobaz: blue is obviously the proposed area for the blueberry bush, to accomodate for proper sunlight.
15:09.53Kobazlooks good
15:09.57Kobazhow much sun does that spot yet?
15:10.05Quasar-1922here's some more info:
15:10.06KattyKobaz: i'm also guessing that putting a blueberry bush in the ground, with potting soil, and covering it mulch is probablyh a bad idea
15:10.06Kobazand what direction is the sun coming from
15:10.15KattyKobaz: sun comes from 'behind' the house.
15:10.24[TK]D-Fenderleo66: Does it work both ways jsut within *?
15:10.27Kobazas in the top?
15:10.38KattyKobaz: the bush's view of the sun will be obstructed till probably 9 or 10 in the morning, but full sun after that
15:10.43KattyKobaz: yes the 'top' of the photo
15:10.55Kobazwhat sort of siding do you have? is it reflective/white ?
15:11.02Kattyit's white.
15:11.04Kattygets a photo
15:11.15spenguin[work]Katty: you just bought the plant?
15:11.29spenguin[work]Id normally keep it in the pot, untill it gets a lil bigger
15:11.42Kobazthat's going to bounce extra heat/light against the bush... if there is high sun intensity, it will make it higher... and you may get leaf burn
15:11.54[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: allow=alaw,ulaw <-- split this
15:11.58Kobazdepends how much sun you get
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15:12.28KattyKobaz: that photo was taken late in the evening
15:12.41Kobazoh okay, partial shade
15:12.43Kobazyou should be fine
15:12.45KattyKobaz: the corner of the house you're looking at is the corner i'd plant the bush on
15:13.03Kobazso the back of the house is south-facing
15:13.04Kattyspenguin[work]: i haven't bought the bush yet, but it's not in a's wrapped in plastic
15:13.13KattyKobaz: not quite south
15:13.19KattyKobaz: more like south east
15:13.31Kobazyeah that's fine
15:13.34KattyKobaz: close enough
15:13.43KattyKobaz: where would you suggest i put the strawberry planter?
15:13.58Kobazat my parents house there's a sun room in the back, the house is completely south facing... and we tried tomato plants behind the house, they got cooked
15:14.08Kobazthe sunroom reflects so much heat it's insane
15:14.18spenguin[work]too much sun is bad for these plants
15:14.23*** join/#asterisk babbio (
15:14.24[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: I also don't see matching peer names oin there which make it look un-authed which leaves you with [general] for your matching
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15:14.38KobazKatty: stawberry is a vine... where would you like a vine?
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15:15.30babbiohi guys i'm new on asterisk....i'm trying to use trixbox but after installing....when i try to make a call i have an error "trixbox kernel: FXO PCI Master Abort" what should i do?
15:15.33Kobazmost people don't have ample space to properly grow strawberries
15:15.37*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:15.44infobottrixbox is probably SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed source distro. STAY AWAY!
15:17.00babbioplease i would like to learn using asterisk....i tried trixbox for the beginning because i read it is more easy but i'm having this error...please help me
15:17.19Qwellbabbio: We can't help you with that here.
15:17.23QwellGo ask them
15:17.27[TK]D-Fenderbabbio: You have a PCI issue with their distro.  Go take it up ther.  THis isn't an ASTERISK problem
15:17.30Kobazbabbio: it's going to be very difficult to help you, since trixbox puts 39284792387423 lines of code on top of asterisk
15:17.41QwellKobaz: actually they don't
15:17.50Kobazthey have their gooey
15:18.08Kobazit's probably not that many lines, but it's not vanilla
15:18.11leo66[TK]D-Fender yes
15:18.36[TK]D-Fenderleo66: then your problem is the other leg of the call to * and has nothing to do with the first
15:19.01KobazKatty: bonsai is much easier... i like my cacti
15:19.25babbioyou think i could use asterisknow or is it too hard for the beginning?
15:20.09KobazKatty: lemme see i have a picture of the bonsai
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15:20.44bmoraca_workbonsai kitty?
15:21.28Kobazno like bonsai bonsai
15:21.32Kobazlittle trees
15:21.39leo66[TK]D-Fender voip, sip, pstn calls are ok. Do you think the problem is bluetooth configuration?
15:21.51bmoraca_worki know, i was making a joke:
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15:22.16bmoraca_workthis is a better picture:
15:23.47petern_that's not a bottle
15:23.58seanbrightdetails details
15:24.03bmoraca_worki know, but i didn't name the do you want?
15:24.35spenguin[work]Kobaz: bonsai takes aaaages
15:24.42Kobazit does
15:24.46spenguin[work]Id want a bonsai mango plant
15:25.06spenguin[work]can it be tried on quicker growing plants like say the papaya?
15:25.27Kobazbonsai works the best with trees/shrubs that have small leaves
15:25.47Kobazficus works really well, and you can get them to do some cool stuff, like air roots
15:26.09spenguin[work]a banyan bonsai would be cool too
15:26.39moos3can anyone tell me why my context listen4extn only gets one digit ?
15:26.41leo66[TK]D-Fender: everything is well configurated. I have bluetooth working on * 1.4, but i cant get audio in/out on my new * 1.6 install.
15:27.04Kobazi would get my bonsai trees from my parents house if i had a good spot inside to grow them
15:27.17Kobazi only have like one window that gets direct sun for like 2 hours out of the day
15:28.43*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
15:29.04[TK]D-Fenderleo66: You just confirmed that BT to/from * is bidirectional.  Therefor the problem is the other leg of the call
15:29.08Corydon76-laplike totally?
15:29.18Kobazhah yeah
15:29.20Kobazsorry :P
15:29.31Kobazi have a ficus kinda like this one
15:30.25spenguin[work]man they look mad
15:31.36Kobaznot a very good picture.. but
15:31.58Kobazthe bushy one in the orange pot third from the left
15:32.20spenguin[work]all those are yours Kobaz ?
15:32.34Kobazis one of my dads plectranthus
15:32.36bmoraca_worka banyan bonsai would be way cool
15:32.42KattyKobaz: that looks kinda like a ...
15:32.46coppicevertically challenged trees
15:32.48spenguin[work]hrm I think I want to do either a orange bonsai
15:32.48KattyKobaz: well, not what i expected
15:32.54spenguin[work]or banyan bonsai
15:32.57KattyKobaz: i always think of miniture cedar trees.
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15:33.16KattyKobaz: i'd rather have flowering plants, or plants that produce fruit tho
15:33.18spenguin[work]Kobaz: how old is the oldest tree?
15:33.29Kobazspenguin[work]: 25 years is the oldest one we have
15:33.42KattyKobaz: i also have a 'pocket' planter for the strawberry plants
15:34.15spenguin[work]older than me :s
15:34.25Kobazthe plectranthus in the orange pot is about 20ish years old i think
15:34.27KattyKobaz: <- looks kinda like that
15:34.40KattyKobaz: there are several tiers to it, with openings for the plants to grow through
15:34.58KattyKobaz: i'm just not sure where to place the planter
15:35.08KattyKobaz: they require lots of sun, right?
15:35.36Kobazdon't use one of those
15:35.50Kobazunless you get a really big one
15:36.24Kobazthey don't hold water very well, and there's really not much space for the fruits to poke out
15:36.27spenguin[work]Kobaz: I could grow a bonsai outdoors?
15:36.32Kobazyou'll get maybe like 10 strawberries from one of those
15:36.45Kobazspenguin[work]: most people do actually... that's the 'real' way to do bonsai
15:37.03Kobazbut it's much easier and comfortable to do inside
15:37.07spenguin[work]ill sneak it in on occasions
15:37.22Kobazit's bad to change it's environment frequently
15:37.38Quasar-1922<[TK]D-Fender> i've split the allow strings but still same problem.. also what do you mean by mathcing peer names? i have this in my dialplan for calling the other box: exten => _4XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/nl-ale-pbx01@nl-ams-pbx01/${EXTEN}@office)
15:37.42Kobazthe people who do outdoor bonsai, leave them outside all season, and then bring them in for the late fall through spring
15:37.54KattyKobaz: so i'd do better to build a raised bed for them to grow in?
15:38.00KobazKatty: sure
15:38.01spenguin[work]hrm, here I just have - monsoons - summer - winter
15:38.25Kobazso you get the wet season, and then monsoon season?
15:38.42KattyKobaz: i'm starting to think that mulching over the whole area is a bad idea
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15:38.53joesuffcerenspenguin[work]: you in phoenix?
15:39.13joesuffcerenweather sounds similar at least
15:39.57KattyKobaz: let's say i wanted to divide that brown area up into segments
15:40.19moos3can anyone help me with my ivr issue
15:40.24KattyKobaz: it already has a border around would you divide it up into segments without making it look odd?
15:40.36KobazKatty: i dunno, i'm not much of a designer
15:40.43Kobazi just know how to not kill the plants
15:40.45spenguin[work]joesuffceren: nah far off - India
15:41.07ManxPower-workNot mulch of a designer? 8-)
15:41.13babbioI've installed asterisknow, i have already the freepbx installed but when i select the "administrator page" on the freepbx page it ask me for a username and password....what should i insert?
15:41.13joesuffcerenspenguin[work]: haha. not even close.
15:41.13KattyKobaz: putting in flowers, plants, and bushes in there, and putting mulch in there be bad for the plants?
15:41.16KobazKatty: you can use the plastic outdoor edge molding
15:41.27KattyKobaz: i have edge molding around the entire area now
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15:41.42KobazKatty: mulch helps keep weeds out, they help keep moisture so you don't have to water as often
15:41.43KattyKobaz: i just think that putting landscaping rocks or what not inside the molded flower bed would just look stupid
15:41.49spenguin[work]joesuffceren: summers are pretty damn hot - we are heading for one atm :S
15:41.53Kobazwhich may or may not be good for what your planting
15:41.59KattyKobaz: so mulching on top of a freshly planted blueberry bush would be okay?
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15:42.26Kobazshould be fine... if the area gets good sun and airflow, the mulch wont stay soggy from watering
15:42.38shaderdo any of you use a sip trunk service that you're happy with?
15:42.50KattyKobaz: what would you recommend planting in that shady area in front of the house?
15:43.00KattyKobaz: i would prefer plants that come back each year
15:43.01Kobazsip trunk? is that like a tree branch that's laying in the lake?
15:43.34Kobazthere's all kinds of stuff that does well in the shade
15:43.45*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (~dwayne@
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15:43.52Kobazflowering? non-flowering?
15:44.02Kobazmums are really easy
15:44.07joesuffcerenshader: a lot of it depends on scale and requirements. I've been pretty happy with Teliax for small scale deployments
15:44.11Quasar-1922[TK]D-Fender-> do the audiocodes mediant units have hardware echo cancel?
15:44.16Kattyi have some mums
15:44.20[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: yes
15:44.20Kattythey were very easy
15:44.23Kobazand they come in like 23947982374 different varities
15:44.38Kattywhat about non flowering?
15:44.42Kattysomething about 12 inches high
15:45.09Kobazyou could do something evergreen
15:45.16Kobazand trim it back every year
15:45.29Kobazany non-flower is going to need trimming to keep it small
15:45.38spenguin[work]try mango Katty
15:45.39Kobazwe have some juniper in the front
15:46.11spenguin[work]mango or lemons
15:46.13Kobazthere's a nice list
15:46.14shaderjoesuffceren: have you tried faxing with Teliax?
15:46.35*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
15:46.51joesuffcerenshader: DIE FAXING DIE... no, I haven't, sorry
15:46.54Kobazrhododendrons are cool
15:47.04Kobazwe have one on the other side of the front
15:47.18Kobazit's kinda grown like a bonsai
15:47.23Kobazrather than a bushy lump
15:47.47joesuffcerenshader: I do know that they support it to some level and they also have a fax>email service
15:47.58shaderjoesuffceren: interesting
15:48.29moos3[TK]D-Fender: can you help me figure out my menu issue?
15:48.39shaderhas anyone else had some success with faxing over sip trunks?
15:48.40*** join/#asterisk ralonso (
15:48.50KobazEuonymus is a pretty cool little shrub
15:48.53Quasar-1922<[TK]D-Fender> ok, sounds good.. how do you connect them to asterisk, using SIP??
15:49.20Kobazi like plants with variegated leaves
15:49.35[TK]D-Fendermoos3: ... youdon't even HAVE an enten in there to match!
15:49.40*** join/#asterisk dandre (
15:49.51[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Evereything = invalid.  SO the second you hit something it = "i"
15:50.03ManxPower-workThe n00bs, oh gawd the n00bs!
15:50.08*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (
15:50.16KobazEuonymus japonicus has variegated leaves
15:50.26moos3so i'll missing is the _XXXX,s part?
15:50.47[TK]D-Fendermoos3: or "whatever".  You have nothing to dial in there period
15:51.50Qwellsquirrel cam isn't breakfast!
15:51.56KobazKatty: go to a nursery and ask what grows well in your area... and just window shop all the stuff that looks cool, and get something
15:52.16KattyKobaz: that requires people skills :<
15:52.27KattyKobaz: i got the animal skills, but not the people skills
15:52.55moos3[TK]D-Fender,  have the following on the out side of the menu, exten => _XXXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN},70)  ;Catch all extensions not defined above  do i need to move that into the menu context?
15:53.27infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:53.29Kobazmoos3: it might be helpful to paste the *rest* of your dialplan... random snippits dont help much
15:53.47[TK]D-Fendermoos3: I think you need to understand that your context has no extens and that you have to put some in there or INCLUDE other contexts that already contain things you want them to be able to dila
15:54.28Kobazmoos3: and yes... please read the book, it'll answer many many questions
15:54.45Kobazgoes back to writing unit tests
15:55.10*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:55.40ralonsoanyone know a "web" sip softphone?
15:55.53p3nguinzoiper has one.
15:56.01moos3Kobaz: thanks
15:56.37p3nguin*sigh*  I need to take a gateway offline, but the phones depend on it... and I don't want to wait until night to do the work.  Bother.
15:56.45*** join/#asterisk ParanoyaM (~kvirc@
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15:57.16ParanoyaMHi, can anybody help me with call limits? i tried to limit a concurent calls and it is not working for me
15:57.20moos3heres another question, our current dailplan says to enter you extension at the begining, but its only getting part of the extension ideas?
15:57.55ParanoyaMsip show peer mypear gives me : Call limit: 10
15:58.08p3nguinparanoyam: In sip.conf, in a peer definition, call-limit=2 will limit the device to two calls.
15:58.43ParanoyaMp3nguin: i have 3 options:
15:58.45ParanoyaMAsterisk sip call-limit=10
15:58.49ParanoyaMnot one works for me
15:59.06p3nguinIt seems to be working like you have configured it to work.
15:59.15ParanoyaMin general in sip.conf i tried to enable limitonpeers
15:59.17p3nguinYou configured it for 10, you said it was limited to 10.
15:59.28ParanoyaMyes, but i see 13 calls in up state
15:59.32Kattywhat do i want for lunch
15:59.58ParanoyaMp3nguin: here it is:
16:00.00ParanoyaM26 active channels
16:00.00ParanoyaM13 active calls
16:00.04Kattywhat do i want for lunch, that i can make here, with minimal effort
16:00.14Katty30 minutes, max
16:00.43ParanoyaMp3nguin: i have only one peer.
16:00.50*** join/#asterisk jelly-bean (
16:01.11jelly-beandoes anyone have the command to convert the asterisk ulaw .wav files into a .mp3 file
16:01.23*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@
16:01.29ParanoyaMp3nguin: any idea?
16:01.37p3nguinjelly-bean: see "file convert" on your Asterisk CLI.
16:01.51Kobazfile convert does mp3s now?
16:01.56p3nguinI don't know.
16:02.00Kobazi don't think so
16:02.06p3nguinWell then that's too bad.
16:02.27[TK]D-FenderIt doesn't
16:02.42[TK]D-Fenderjelly-bean: LAME <-
16:03.13Kobazjelly-bean: first you need to convert from ulaw to pcm signed: sox -v 3 src.wav -e signed-integer dest.wav
16:03.31QwellWhy would you want to use mp3?
16:03.35ralonsoanyone know another sip softphone web like zoiper?
16:03.40Kobazjelly-bean: and then you make your mp3: lame -b <bitrate> -m m dst.wav dst.mp3
16:03.42QwellThat's an unnecessary conversion..
16:03.44p3nguinralonso: One isn't enough?
16:04.03KobazQwell: lame won't encode properly if you don't pre-convert
16:04.20QwellKobaz: you're missing the point
16:04.22atis_work/opt/sox/bin/sox -M -t raw -r 8000 -s -w /mnt/gluster/voip/monitor/2010/03/08/call-R1-1268063614.2-1-in.sln -t raw -r 8000 -s -w /mnt/gluster/voip/monitor/2010/03/08/call-R1-1268063614.2-1-out.sln -t mp3 /mnt/gluster/voip/monitor/2010/03/08/call-R1-1268063614.2-1.mp3s8
16:04.28atis_workworking on it :)
16:04.34ralonsois to compare
16:04.35Kobazwell yeah, mp3 is silly, since it tends to be bigger than the original wav
16:04.53atis_workKobaz: it depends on sample rate
16:05.05Kobazqwell: but... if you say, want to stream call recordings over the web with a flash player... well then you need mp3
16:05.12ParanoyaMp3nguin: here is sip show peer   and sip.conf :
16:05.25ParanoyaMso any ideas why call limitation is not working?
16:05.29atis_workKobaz: and you need MP3 11KHz
16:05.36atis_worknot 8 as from asterisk
16:05.51atis_workanyone wants to try streaming ogg directly?
16:06.11atis_workFlash has known compatibility problems with 8khz mp3
16:06.12*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
16:06.16p3nguinparanoyam: line 018 is invalid.
16:06.26ParanoyaMp3nguin: which file?
16:06.27p3nguinparanoyam: in sip.conf, that is.
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16:07.22ParanoyaMp3nguin: it is not an issue i can remove it but still it is not working, i will try now
16:07.45[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: limitonpeers=yes ......... type=friend  .................ISN'T A FRIGGEN PEER
16:08.09[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: type=peer ,_
16:08.28ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: can you explain as for user pleas
16:08.48ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: i am not expert in asterisk
16:09.26babbioguys....i have a question...i have installed asterisknow but i think it comes with centos server because i have no giu my problem is that i would like to use visual dialplan so i need the could i do?
16:09.27ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: you mean this type=friend
16:09.47ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: i tried both peer and friend, doesn't work for me
16:10.11ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: but changed back to peer
16:10.18joesuffcerenbabbio: don't run X on your pbx. it's running a webserver which will let you access the Freepbx GUI. Access the IP address of your PBX from another computer's browser
16:10.34*** join/#asterisk Anomizer (
16:11.00babbioyes i already done it
16:11.16babbiobut i need to execute visual dialplan on the pbx server
16:11.25AnomizerHello, I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation as to the best Asterisk book (Regardless of Price)
16:11.28babbioso i need X on the pbx server machine
16:11.34infobot[~buybook] You can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
16:12.04jelly-beanKobaz: i had been using sox and lame before with diff settings. just tried yours. that works too. except in both cases, LAME is adding blips and squeaks to the audio. u can still make out what is said but it has added all this random noise
16:12.14AnomizerNice, thanks guys!!!
16:13.13leifmadsenw00t :)
16:13.31leifmadsenplaces another nickle in his jar
16:13.42jelly-beanatis_work: sox FAIL formats: no handler for given file type `mp3'
16:13.51Kobazjelly-bean: in my commandline there are some gain settings to bump up the volume ... take out the -v3
16:13.52ParanoyaMhere is new sip show peer: and sip.conf:
16:14.10ParanoyaMright now
16:14.12ParanoyaM26 active channels
16:14.12ParanoyaM13 active calls
16:14.14jelly-beanKobaz: did so. i usually also see errosr while playing like: mpg123: Can't rewind stream by 5 bits!6%
16:14.39ParanoyaMmaybe you know where my mistake?
16:14.42Kobazjelly-bean: a different mp3 player?
16:15.02jelly-beanalso while encoding with sox i get:     sox wav: Length in output .wav header will be wrong since can't seek to fix it
16:15.14Kobazjelly-bean: oh that sounds bad
16:15.23Kobazwhat sox version?
16:16.15fiferI have a * 1.4.29 system and I'm setting up a new Aastra phone. I have a 480i that is working fine wiht my * setup but the 6731i I'm setting up is not getting dtmf to * during the call.
16:16.40fiferThey are setup almost identically with their dial plans and dtmf settings the same.
16:17.23jelly-beanKobaz: sox: SoX v14.0.0
16:17.23fiferWhen calling VM the * does not get anything from the 6721i when I try to enter a pw nor when entering an extensions on a foreign phone system.
16:17.29*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
16:17.33fiferWorks fine with the 480i
16:17.47*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
16:18.00pabelangeryo: Anybody using 'Skype for Asterisk' with 1.6.2?
16:18.07jelly-beanKobaz: what player do u use with the mp3?
16:18.11ChannelZI'm running it on 1.6.1
16:18.29Kobazjelly-bean: mplayer
16:18.33[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: I'm not seeing updated configs, nor sample failed calls, channel dumps, etc
16:18.38jelly-beanKobaz: yep thats what im using
16:18.54Kobazi thought you said mpg123
16:19.00ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: here is sip show inuse and core show channels :
16:19.01joesuffcerenpabelanger: not supported on 1.6.2:
16:19.09jelly-beanKobaz: that error comes from mplayer tho
16:19.26ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: and here is new sip show peer: and sip.conf:
16:19.36Kobazumm.. hmm... you're outputting ulaw... you know, i think i'm converting from gsm
16:19.51Kobazi do Monitor(foo.WAV)
16:19.52Qwelljoesuffceren, pabelanger: That is out of date.  It does indeed work with 1.6.2
16:19.57Kobazwell MixMonitor rather
16:20.03jelly-beanmy original file is: ulaw.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, ITU G.711 mu-law, mono 8000 Hz
16:20.19jelly-beani got my file from Oreka btw.
16:20.20joesuffcerenQwell: thanks. sorry, pabelanger
16:20.32jelly-beanits supposed to be encoded with ulaw
16:20.43Kobaz/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/1268120828.397058.WAV: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, GSM 6.10, mono 8000 Hz
16:20.54Kobazthat's my source recordings
16:20.55*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
16:21.11Kobazjelly-bean: did you try without the sox conversion? and convert from wav to mp3?
16:21.18jelly-beanKobaz: do you run your asterisk recordings on the same box as the rest of the pbx? or separate?
16:21.37pabelangerQwell: Thanks for the confirmation.  Will have to wait for digium support then to help get it up and running.
16:21.46jelly-beanKobaz: yes Oreka has option to save in pcm instead of ulaw so i tried that and lame will convert it but its still got the same squeeks after. so its definitely during the lame conversion
16:21.50Slugs_What ports could sip listen on, that 'probably' would not be blocked by the firewall if 5060 is being blocked?
16:21.55jelly-beanKobaz: the original wav sounds great
16:21.56Kobazjelly-bean: everything used to be all done on one box... now we have an A/B setup for failover, with a db server that rsyncs the recordings and cdr's and encodes them
16:22.25Kobazjelly-bean: but the biggest issue was using Monitor() rather than MixMonitor()
16:22.45leifmadsenpabelanger: ya, I'm using it on 1.6.2 latest branch right now
16:22.47KobazMonitor() has a serious design flaw that affects audio bridging when you have high disk io
16:22.50jelly-beanKobaz: we saw the load of the box drop dramatically once we moved recording, mixing, compressing, and archiving processes to their own box
16:23.11Kobazonce we switched to MixMonitor, all load issues dissapeared
16:23.11[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: appears to be incoming anyway, not outgoung.  Use GROUP()
16:23.40ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: i can't use group. it will mix up all my routing
16:23.49Kobazjelly-bean: Monitor() does audio recording and audio bridging in the same thread... so if you have high disk io, you will drop audio in the call itself
16:23.52[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: how so?
16:24.20ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: i am using macro that distribute calls between gateways, and operates with hangupcases
16:24.27KobazMixMonitor has a seperate thread that saves the audio, and mixes it at the same time
16:24.35Kobaz*much* less post processing, no post-mixing needed
16:24.53atis_worki prefer post-processing into stereo :)
16:25.10atis_workat night time when there are no calls
16:25.11[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: So?  Everywhere you'd dial out that peer, just use a group count check
16:25.19leifmadsenpabelanger: huh, actually, just updating to the LATEST 1.6.2 branch (since a few days ago) seems to have broken it :)
16:25.47jelly-beanKobaz: how does your rsync run? do you have it in a bash script or are there rsync options to watch continuously for new files, copy them over, and delete from source?
16:25.55ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: honestly say i am unable to make this, i was helped to write the macro
16:25.57Kobazjelly-bean: it runs every 5 minutes
16:26.23Kobazjelly-bean: it would be cool it rsync had inotify support to do hotcopy from the source upon file update/create
16:27.01leifmadsenKobaz: does unison help with that?
16:27.19leifmadsenoh probably not -- I think I understand what you just said now :)
16:27.37Slugs_What ports could sip listen on, that 'probably' would not be blocked by the firewall if 5060 is being blocked?
16:27.44infobotit has been said that unison is a nice tool to syncronise files between two systems, it uses the rsync transferprotocol and can be used over ssh or over socket, apt-get install unison, or at
16:27.49leifmadsennice :)
16:27.58Kobazleifmadsen: rewriting Monitor() has been on my todo list though
16:28.08leifmadsenKobaz: w00t! :)
16:28.13leifmadsenthat code is pretty old I suspect
16:28.21Kobazand a lot of people still use Monitor
16:28.25Kobazand it's written crappily
16:28.38leifmadsenagreed on the 2nd point :)
16:28.40Kobazleifmadsen: it took me 6 months to find the problem
16:28.46[TK]D-FenderParanoyaM: Guess you'd better learn the dialplan.  It is 95% of * you know...
16:28.56leifmadsenKobaz: then I suspect many people would be happy with any fixes :)
16:29.14Kobazleifmadsen: random audio was droping from calls... and it's like wtf... no t1 slips, no bit errors no nothing,... asterisk was just losing random audio frames
16:30.16leifmadsenKobaz: o.O  ouch
16:30.42Kobazso... if you do not explicily need individual leg recording... MixMonitor is highly recomended
16:30.50SqueebHmmm, I'm trying to get announce-frequency to work, however I can't understand why it only seems to work when the timeout has expired in queues.conf
16:31.02KobazSqueeb: because of the way dialplan works
16:31.05jelly-beanUnison-hackers inotify:
16:31.16KobazSqueeb: you can only do one thing at a time... you can ring a phone, or you can play a track... not both
16:31.22*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
16:31.22SqueebI see.
16:31.39SqueebSo what's the announce-frequency for if it can't announce during playback of musiconhold ?
16:31.50KobazSqueeb: because of that... the only way you'll play a track/announcement, is if you're not ringing a phone... and the only way to not ring a phone, is to hit the timeout
16:31.51*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:32.00SqueebI see..
16:32.06KobazSqueeb: it's pretty useless for me... i had to write my own call queue module from scratch
16:32.40Kobaz~2000 lines of perl... it works great
16:32.43SqueebDoesn't sound fun at all
16:32.54Kobazalthough i'm still writing tests for it
16:32.57Kobazthree weeks later
16:32.58Quasar-1922<[TK]D-Fender> those audiocodes mediants are quite expensive ;-)
16:33.09Squeebi see
16:33.21Squeebif I didn't have music on hold?
16:33.23Squeeband had ringing instead
16:33.26Kobazsame problem
16:33.27Squeebwould that help?
16:33.42Kobazthe best you can do... is open up an audio editor... load up some music... and paste in your announcements
16:33.59Kobazevery 30 seconds, paste in your 'thank you for calling'
16:34.08Squeebyea, we're trying to announce queue position
16:34.13Squeebso erm .. can't really do that :P
16:34.30Kobazokay so... you'll have to write a seperate script/daemon that uses chanspy whisper
16:34.42SqueebI see
16:34.47ParanoyaM[TK]D-Fender: thank you
16:34.52Kobazyou need third party call control, is what you need
16:34.58Kobazand the call queue module does not give you that
16:35.04Squeebsod it, I'll just wang the timeout to 5 :P
16:35.33Kobazit was just the most annoying thing in the world that phones would stop ringing when you play tracks
16:35.42Kobazbut there's nothing you can do about that without a huge rewrite effort
16:35.44Squeebit is a bit of fail
16:36.30spenguin[work]hey what are these called exactly - 'COMPLETEAGENT', 'COMPLETECALLER','TRANSFER' , 'EXITWITHTIMEOUT'
16:36.43spenguin[work]they are in the queue_logs
16:36.46Kobazspenguin[work]: return codes, or reason codes
16:36.53*** join/#asterisk Warp4 (
16:40.20*** part/#asterisk babbio (
16:42.59fiferI'm having issues with dtmf comming from one of my sip phones. I have a 480i that is working fine with my * setup but the 6731i I'm setting up is not getting dtmf to * during the call.
16:43.27fiferThey are configured almost identically with dtmf and dial plan the same.
16:44.29jelly-beanis there a way to convert this wav files to smaller wavs? i mean when i did wav to mp3 conversion on 8,000+ files it went from 9gb to 1gb. but then i got squeaks added to the mp3 by lame. is there a way to compress a wav, so i can avoid lame?
16:44.58fiferThey are both set at RTP for DTMF method and Force RFC2833 Out-of-Band
16:45.28fiferThis is * 1.4.29
16:46.56fiferI saw something about a "dtmf debug" cli command but it is either depricated or in a newer version of * as I do not have it.
16:49.04*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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16:50.57theharHas anyone ever interopped with Verlocity Networks?
16:51.11*** join/#asterisk Brack10 (~tbrackett@
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16:57.25leifmadsenfifer: that command doesnt' exist
16:57.37leifmadsenfifer: never has -- enable DTMF debugging via logger.conf
17:02.41*** join/#asterisk timeshell (~timeshell@
17:03.01[TK]D-Fenderjelly-bean: audacity is scriptable.
17:07.55*** join/#asterisk hfb (
17:09.10fifer@leifmadsen: Thanks!
17:09.56*** join/#asterisk xLP (
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17:12.40Kobazrussellb: okay i got something for you
17:13.30*** part/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
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17:14.20*** join/#asterisk DennisG (DennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:4d26:dc05:7f65:70fb)
17:26.20fiferI have confirmed with dtmf debugging in the log enabled that my new Aastra 6731i's are not getting dtmf to *
17:26.53fiferI now have 3 6731i's setup so I'm fairly sure it is not a hardware issue wiht a particular phone. they all have the latest firmware
17:29.46DennisGdo you use the rfc2833 dtmf mode ?
17:35.45*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
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17:36.29fiferDennisG: Yes, on both Aastra models
17:36.41fiferWorking on the 480i not on the 6731i
17:37.41mrtelnetI have an issue where on an attended transfer of caller a from b to c, asterisk does not appear to be forwarding rtp from c to a.  Canreinvite is no and ther is no natting or firewalls enabled.  I have a pcap if anyone can look.
17:39.25Brack10Is there a list of phones tested with asterisk?
17:39.34*** join/#asterisk Bokhuval (
17:39.43QwellBrack10: if it's SIP, it'll probably work
17:41.32*** part/#asterisk lftsy (
17:41.34BokhuvalI have some questions about system requirements, but first wanted to ask would a small office (1 incoming number, about 10 extensions) need standalone/physical hardware or could asterisk be satisfied running on a VM?
17:41.35fiferAlso just about any analog phone will work with an ATA box
17:42.12fiferBokhuval: due to the nature of how Asterisk runs, it is best to always use dedicated hardware
17:42.25[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet: If canreinvite=no ... RTP isn't SUPPOSED to go between A * C
17:42.25Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:42.29fiferThat said, for your situation, you might have some OLD hardware that woudl work just fine
17:42.37*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (~aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
17:42.42DagMollertzafrir_laptop, hi
17:42.51fiferA P-4 with 1GB ram and a 40GB HD would do nicely
17:42.54tzafrir_laptopDagMoller, hi
17:43.04mrtelnet[TK]D-Fender: no, it's not, but it should be relayed by asterisk to the original caller.  That does not apppear to be happening.
17:43.14DagMollertzafrir_laptop, good news: monast now can handle multiple servers status
17:43.23Bokhuvalfifer: I think I can scrounge that kindof hardware up.
17:43.49[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet: pastebin your configs and the failed call
17:43.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:44.13fiferBokhuval: The only issue with HD size is the ammount of VM space though 40GB is still probably plenty
17:45.11Kattycheese stuffed digorno pizza
17:45.26Bokhuvalfifer: it's a small private practice office and voicemail gets checked/cleared every day. What about bandwidth? They have a 10mb/1mb cable connection. I would guess it to be plenty but how many concurrent calls do you think that could handle?
17:45.29p3nguinbokhuval: I can't imagine you would have only 10 extensions... I have over 200 extensions, and I only have less than a dozen phones.
17:45.35fiferKatty: Try the new Flatbread versions!!
17:45.41Kattyi don't care for them.
17:45.47Kattyi like the cheese stuffed.
17:45.53Bokhuvalp3nguin: it's a doctor's office. 1 doctor, a couple staff.
17:46.02p3nguinNo IVRs?
17:46.08p3nguinNo Voicemails?
17:46.11[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: You could fit a few simultaneous calls through that
17:46.57Bokhuvalp3nguin: there will be voicemail, yes. IVR I don't know - I'm just getting started on this whole project :]
17:46.59fiferBokhuval: You only need to worry about the bandwidth if you are using SIP trunk(s) or connecting 1 or more phones from outside the office, if you are just using an existing ptns line and all the phones are in the office, it is not an issue
17:47.08p3nguinIf you use g.729 and an IAX2 trunk, you might get more than just a few calls.
17:47.42fiferEven if you are doing a bit of both, you are still probably fine, but having some ability to do QoS will make a diference
17:47.53Brack10Qwell: do all the features work on Cisco 7000 series phones with a SIP image?
17:48.40BokhuvalI will look into tweaking the iptables set on the firewall machine, but yes it's definitely doable.
17:48.59Kattythat's what she said
17:49.01Bokhuvalas for connecting to the outside world, was looking at broadvoice
17:49.41Brack10Bokhuval: I had them at home.  Terrible terrible terrible
17:49.58Bokhuvalany recommendations instead then?
17:50.13Brack10I had vonage a while back, they're a lot better
17:50.30p3nguinI'm satisfied with
17:50.32BokhuvalWill they accept connections from a personally maintained BPX setup?
17:50.36Bokhuvalpbx, rather
17:50.44Brack10Last time I checked, yeah
17:50.45Kattyinfobot: itsp-us
17:51.52Kattyinfobot: itsp
17:51.53infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
17:51.53Kattyinfobot: are you broken
17:51.55Kattyokay who broke infobot
17:51.55Kattyblames Qwell
17:51.55fiferSomeone fed him cheese?
17:51.55dddhDennisG: ~itsp
17:51.56fiferOr stuffed crust pizza?? ;-)
17:51.56BokhuvalI've used vonage for years for my home phone and had good experiences. will have to check them out for this too.
17:52.01*** join/#asterisk theHub (~theHub@
17:52.07Kattyinfobot: itsplist0-us
17:52.09*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
17:52.11Kattyinfobot: itsplist-us
17:52.12infobotfrom memory, itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,, or ,
17:52.20Kattyapparentl i just fail today.
17:53.05KattyKobaz: they have blueberry bushes at the nursery
17:53.10KattyKobaz: several varieties
17:53.21fiferthis is weird, I can't find any hint what might  be wrong with my Aastra 6731i setup. DTMF is NOT getting to * during call
17:53.44Kattytest with a sip phone
17:53.52Kattyand tell us if that works
17:53.56fiferI can't find anything of consiquence that is diference between the their sip config and my 480i, which works fine
17:54.02[TK]D-Fenderfifer: When would it get to * OUTSIDE of a call?
17:54.14fiferOK, got me there ;-)
17:55.35xLPAnyone saw "Nobody picked up in 2000 ms" before? How can I tweak that? I find several things about it on Google, but nothing useful.
17:55.46Kattychange the timeout
17:56.28xLPin Dial() ?
17:57.17KattyxLP: take the asterisk book and put it on your head.
17:57.25KattyxLP: sit like that for 4 hours...maybe something will seep in
17:58.09infobot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
17:58.55[TK]D-FenderxLP: Would also help if you showed us WHERE this was happening..
17:59.03[TK]D-FenderxLP: PASTEBIN a sample call that does this
17:59.06infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:59.16Kattyhmm. cake. hmmmmmm.
17:59.27*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
17:59.29Kattythink i'm too full for cake :<
17:59.35Kattywhich is a shame
17:59.50xLPsorry for thinking my problems are so common
18:00.03xLPor obvious... however, if Katty meant the timeout in Dial(), she was right
18:00.12xLPthx Katty
18:00.37Kattyi meant timeout.
18:00.57Kattybut whatever.
18:01.08Kattyit's not worth frowning over again.
18:01.23*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
18:03.01BokhuvalIs there a difference between functionality of asterisk (downloading/compiling/installing) and AsteriskNOW iso kickstart?
18:04.03Kattyno idea, never used asterisknow
18:04.20Naikrovekasterisknow is a whole linux distro, with a lot of things tacked on to asterisk.  asterisk is just asterisk
18:05.15Naikrovekasterisknow is a digium product and it's fully open meaning you can fiddle with any part of it (linux, freepbx, asterisk, fop, etc) but tweaking any breaks the others
18:05.33Naikrovekbut this is not the channel for asterisknow
18:05.42Naikrovekyou will want #asterisknow if you need help with it
18:05.42BokhuvalYes, the iso build is based on CentOS. Let me rephrase the question - will I miss out on any features of getting/building it myself as a standard package?
18:05.46Kattyi don't want that crap.
18:06.01Kattyi'd guess stability for one
18:06.19NaikrovekBokhuval: asterisknow and its kin all shield you from the dialplan.  freepbx is powerful, but not as powerful as having your own access to the dialplan
18:06.31p3nguinIf you use FreePBX at all, you lose out on all the fine-grained tuning ability you get without it.
18:06.34NaikrovekBokhuval: if you want to install/maintain an asterisk install of any size, you will not want asterisknow
18:07.09infobot[asterisknow] based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
18:07.10Naikrovekby "of any size" i mean "of any size larger than a few endpoints"
18:07.53Naikrovekif you wind up liking asterisk, which i'm sure you will, you'll want to do some more complicated things with it, and freepbx (asterisknow) will limit you in a lot of ways
18:08.01BokhuvalI don't mind a longer build if it means better functionality and control :] there wasn't much info about it, just 'download and start!' so figured I'd ask.
18:08.02p3nguinIt might be okay for your small doctor's office, though.
18:08.15p3nguinIt really depends on what you need and what you might need later.
18:08.23Kattyi would not want any unstable platform in a doctor's office.
18:08.29Kattythat'd make me wibble
18:08.30theharwhat other SBCs besides ACME would anyone recommend?
18:08.39BokhuvalI'd be willing to bet we'll need it. 2 more doctors coming on this year and all the extra overhead.
18:08.39Kattywhat if they have an emergency and have to call the hospital?
18:08.42p3nguinThat's why AsteriskNOW would be good for an office... it's not unstable at all.
18:08.49NaikrovekKatty: it's stable, reliably stable, as long as you don't fiddle with it
18:08.54seanbrightKatty: have you ever used asterisknow?
18:09.01Kattyseanbright: i've used freepbx.
18:09.08Kattyseanbright: and from what Naikrovek says that's on asterisknow
18:09.08seanbrighthow about asterisknow?
18:09.11Naikrovekstart fiddlin' and you're in unsupported-land right away
18:09.24Kattymy experience with freepbx is awful, at best.
18:09.34Naikrovekit is certainly good at what it does
18:09.34Kattyanything with the world freepbx now turns on RED WARNING LIGHTS
18:09.50Kattyif ya'll think it's stable then that's fine
18:09.52Naikrovekit just doesn't do everything that the more discerning phone system admin would require
18:09.55Kattybut i wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole
18:09.56seanbrightwell anecdotal stories aside
18:10.20p3nguinIf y'all think it's unstable, you'd be mistaken.
18:10.20Kattyanecdotal stories aside, i have not used asterisknow
18:10.33Kattyseanbright wins arguement.
18:10.41KattyKatty 0 ~ sean 1
18:10.41Bokhuvalis gonna go rummage around and do some builds, thanks for the info everyone!
18:11.12Kattyi hope he doesn't use freepbx at a doctor's office :<
18:11.20Kattywhat if it breaks :<
18:11.24*** join/#asterisk stix_ (~stix@
18:11.27Kattyhe won't know how to fix it :<<<
18:11.33Kattymeanwhile someone's appendix is rupturing!!!
18:11.33Naikrovekno doctor's office is going to have its own IT guy
18:11.41*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
18:11.42seanbrightwhenever i see "never used it" and "unstable" in the same breath, it turns on RED FUD LIGHTS
18:12.23p3nguinIf he chooses to not use FreePBX in a doctor's office and the system breaks, he's still in the exact same position.
18:12.26Kattyif i were setting up a doctor's office i think i'd use a completely hosted solution
18:12.36NaikrovekKatty: my point exactly
18:12.47NaikrovekKatty: you don't see IT closets in doctor offices
18:12.50Kattyi don't think you get it
18:12.57mrtelnet[TK]D-Fender: (dropping audio after transfer)
18:13.04KobazNaikrovek: we set up it closets for the doctors we've set up
18:13.06Kattyi mean like put the phone in their office and have it point to some server farm in chicago
18:13.10p3nguinI've installed many a server for doctors' offices.
18:13.12NaikrovekKobaz: really...
18:13.16KobazKatty: and when the internet goes out?
18:13.18Kattytheir server goes down, atlanta takes over
18:13.22seanbrightbecause the network connection never goes down
18:13.28seanbrightthis is a doctor's office after all
18:13.30seanbrightthey are high tech
18:13.32KobazKatty: heh
18:13.36KattyI AM SKEERED
18:13.44NaikrovekKobaz: i guess the doctors here are more associated with hospitals here, all the IT rooms here are in the hospitals, and they have dedicated IT staff for those giant places
18:13.48KobazKatty: what about incoming calls?
18:13.51seanbrightmy doctor's office still has the carbon paper credit card processing system
18:13.57Kattyerrr cellphones
18:14.06Kattyyeah well credit card's a bit different
18:14.14Kattyit's not quite as bad as rupturing appendix
18:14.17seanbrightbut behind the scenes, they must have redundant high speed internet connectivity
18:14.20[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet: canreinvite=no <- should be under [general] as should "nat=yes"
18:14.21KobazKatty: so they'll have to get online to set up call forwareding from their now not-working internet connection?
18:14.29seanbrighti just know it
18:14.34*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
18:14.38KattyKobaz: erm surely the providor can forward their calls to another number
18:14.42seanbrighti haven't seen their internet connections... but i would guess they are unstable
18:14.44KattyKobaz: if this is a hosted solution
18:14.51KobazKatty: or they could have a local phone system, and not have to worry about that stuff at all
18:15.04[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet: Also, what do you have forwarded to your *?
18:15.08Kobazunless the power went out, which your kinda screwed anyway
18:15.20Kattywe just need telepathy
18:15.25seanbrightKobaz: all doctor's offices have redundant power supplies and backup generators
18:15.32Kattysend brain waves towards the hospital when the appendix starts to rupture
18:15.33seanbrighteveryone knows that
18:15.35Kobazseanbright: not the ones around here
18:15.49p3nguinWhat does all that have to do with Asterisk, anyway?
18:15.54Kobazthe only customer we have that has a backup generator is an answering service
18:16.02Kattysince when do we talk about asterisk in here
18:16.10Kattydon't be redonkulus
18:16.23KattyKobaz: that's most unfortunate
18:16.33KattyKobaz: medical offices should be required to have backup generators
18:16.43p3nguinHere, nursing homes and clinics have generators, but Dr. Joe's office doesn't.
18:16.47seanbrightthis conversation has jumped the shark
18:16.47Kobazactually we just did set up a small call center in a hospital... they have generators actually
18:16.54Kattythat's good :>
18:16.59*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:17.03Naikrovekhospitals should
18:17.11Kattycause if you have someone on life support
18:17.17Kattyand the hospital has no generator
18:17.33Katty^- exactly
18:17.58Katty^- lawsuit
18:18.31Naikrovekhowcome UNPLUGGING someone is playing god?  isn't plugging them in playing God?
18:18.48Kattylet's not drag god into it
18:18.53seanbrighthow about that asterisk open source telephony platform?
18:19.03seanbrightlet me ask a question... asterisk:
18:19.04Naikrovekseanbright: god made asterisk
18:19.04Kattyit's you know....okay i guess
18:19.07seanbrighthave you used it?
18:19.13Naikrovekseanbright: yes
18:19.13seanbrightand if not, is it unstable?
18:19.16Kattyi'm just here for the stimulating conversation
18:19.24Kattywith seanbright
18:19.40Kattyit is the hilight of my afternoon
18:20.45p3nguinIf St. Louis is the gateway to the west, what about the people that are already in the west?  Wouldn't it be the gateway to the east for those people?
18:21.11*** part/#asterisk DagMoller (~aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
18:21.40Naikrovekp3nguin: if that were the only way from west to east
18:21.50Naikrovekst. louis is a little nutty with their gateway thing
18:21.59p3nguinBut it's not really the only way from the east to the west.
18:22.03Naikrovekyou can't even drive under the arch
18:22.13p3nguinYou can if you have a Hoverround.
18:22.14Naikrovekwas there a few days ago
18:22.27Kattythe arch is overrated
18:22.34Kattymuch better things to do in stl
18:22.50p3nguinLike have bread and/or spaghetti?
18:22.58Naikrovekthe sexateria for one
18:23.03Kattylike feeding the fish at the botanical gardens
18:23.10Kattylost a ring in there once :<
18:23.13Kattyfell right off my hand.
18:23.15seanbrightor going to starbucks
18:23.23seanbrightjust... awe inspiring
18:23.34Kattyjapanese festival at botanical gardens is lots of fun.
18:23.42Kattycomplete with sumo wrestlers n everything
18:23.49seanbrightjapanese guy at starbucks is wonderful as well
18:23.58seanbrightgo now, thank me later.
18:24.09*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
18:24.28Kattyi also liked feeding the pgymy goats at grants' farm, but i think they're closed now
18:24.39seanbrightthey've move them all over to the starbucks
18:24.43seanbrightcrazy i know
18:24.53Kattyso THAT"S what happened.
18:25.14Naikrovekuse them for milk
18:25.43*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
18:25.52Naikroveki heard them and smelled maneur.  then i noticed goat poop.  get it?  coffee = maneur
18:26.11Naikrovekwell i thought it was funny
18:26.23Naikrovekbecause coffee = nasty?  ah nevermind
18:26.48seanbrightcoffee isn't nasty
18:26.54Naikroveki disagree
18:27.08seanbrightwell you're entitled to your opinion
18:27.13seanbrightas wrong as it is
18:27.15infobotextra, extra, read all about it, broadvoice is Follow the config instructions at but also beware:
18:27.28Kattythey see seanbright trollin
18:27.29Kattythey hatin
18:27.39Kattydoes a lil dance
18:27.40Naikroveki never understood why people dump scalding hot liquid down their mouths
18:27.44mrtelnet[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the reccomendation, it appears that if any member puts the call on hold and takes it off, the issue goes away? Does this mean anything to you?
18:27.45hardwireanybody have a cached copy of the links above?
18:27.47Naikrovekdown their throats, rather
18:27.53KattyNaikrovek: idk
18:28.02seanbrightNaikrovek: you can let it cool off first
18:28.03KattyNaikrovek: sometimes i do that with hot cocoa ftw
18:28.22Naikrovekseanbright: it still stinks and tastes like poo when cold
18:28.28seanbrightfair enough
18:28.37seanbrighti personally have never tasted poo
18:28.41seanbrightbut i will take your word for it
18:28.49Naikroveki've tasted it involuntarily
18:28.52Kattyi'm gonna start callin you trollface
18:28.55Naikroveknot pleasant
18:29.10[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet: First I'd undo your templating attempts and split this normally.  NExt I'd want  a sample callw ith SIP debug and the cleaned configs
18:29.11seanbrightgood times.
18:30.28hardwirebroadvoice is saying I'm registering too early to their 60 second expirey
18:30.39hardwirethey didn't define their boundary
18:30.55hardwirejust that they don't have 20 million users calling them so it's my problem
18:30.59Kattywould a hug make it better?
18:32.21hardwiremake that 30 seconds
18:32.52*** join/#asterisk mpe (
18:34.45p3nguinIsn't it fairly simple to NOT register so often?
18:35.03Kattythat doesn't mean you can't complain about it
18:35.27hardwirep3nguin: the force the expiration
18:35.27p3nguinI would fix it, but I would continue complaining only if it was a huge bother.
18:35.48hardwireapparently the result that I get from them.. even though it's a 200 OK.. isn't enough to stop asterisk from reregistering several seconds later
18:36.20p3nguinDon't they have other people using Asterisk successfully?
18:36.32hardwirethey claim to
18:36.46hardwireI'm sure they do.  We switched from asterisk 1.2 to 1.6 and crap hit the fan
18:36.57hardwirebut even beofre that we had similar issues
18:37.00Naikrovekquite a jump
18:37.27hardwireNaikrovek: I just wish they had appropriate documentation for Asterisk users.
18:37.46hardwireif they are aware of fixups to help interoperate with their platform.. We'd like to know
18:38.12p3nguinLots of providers offer some asterisk configurations, but I haven't seen a single one that is 100% accurate.
18:38.26Kattyat least it's somethin (=
18:39.01Naikrovekhardwire: well, once you get it working well you can give them the documentation and they can publish it to help others
18:39.16p3nguinI bet they won't, though.
18:39.26Naikroveki bet they won't too
18:39.30*** join/#asterisk DennisG (~DennisG@
18:39.36Kattywell he can blog it, so it's searchable from google
18:39.38p3nguinBecause most people seem to not give a shit about service.
18:39.43NaikrovekKatty: even better
18:39.54*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
18:40.43hardwireI should try registering from openser to see if I really can isolate it to asterisk
18:41.00p3nguinor use a soft phone.
18:41.09hardwireI'd rather not since those are all business calls
18:41.12hardwirevery busy lines
18:41.20hardwireI can assuredly route it using a proxy
18:43.23hardwirethat's what I may be up against
18:43.28hardwirelol @ the 3rd comment
18:51.49*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
18:52.10Brack10Hey is it possible to trunk video calls over an IAX2 trunk?
18:52.36DennisGBrack10, not that i know
18:52.56DennisGso far as i know, video support is a SIP feature. but don't blame me if i'm wrong
18:53.26Brack10so with that said, best way to integrate dialplan between multiple * boxes is with dundi then?
18:53.29*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
18:53.39Brack10with sip trunks
18:53.39DennisGooh i'm wrong haha
18:55.14DennisGbut i have only tried it with SIP
18:55.46DennisGand that works great but you get a lot more traffic over your (fiber)lines
18:56.08Brack10Yeah.  I'm planning on a pretty limited video deployment
18:56.16DennisGnice :)
18:56.17*** join/#asterisk benngard (
18:56.29Brack10just a few important peeps and some conference rooms
18:56.32[TK]D-FenderBrack10: Passing a call is passing a call.  No need for DUNDi
18:56.33DennisGi have only used it in a MAN environment
18:57.07DennisGD-Fender, he want to use multiple boxes ;)
18:57.48[TK]D-FenderDennisG: So?
18:58.18Brack10[TK]D-Fender: I thought dundi is for sharing dialplans between servers
18:58.20hardwireI found a/the problem
18:58.26hardwirebroadvoice isn't asking me to authenticate at all
18:58.43hardwireif I've registered in the past it only wants a ping from me.. so I never get back "unauthorized - please do something about that"
18:58.49[TK]D-FenderBrack10: For the bits that he probably needs there is no need for dundi.
18:59.10hardwireso asterisk counteracts with "cmoooooooooon let me send you my fancy auth bits."
18:59.13hardwirea lot
18:59.20[TK]D-FenderDennisG: make a peer,  pass a call.  uses dialplan.  big deal.  When do you not know the pattern you want to reach teh otehr side as?
19:00.06Kattyteh otehr
19:00.07Brack10[TK]D-Fender: Oh I get it.  I think I was misreading its purpose
19:00.32Brack10[TK]D-Fender: As long as I know the dialplan on the other side it's not necessary?
19:00.33[TK]D-FenderDennisG: stop using the channel-notice msg.  Just say it in channel
19:00.52[TK]D-FenderDennisG: DUNDi is NOT "load-balancing"
19:01.00[TK]D-FenderDennisG: It is a search order, nothing more.
19:01.20[TK]D-FenderDennisG: And you STILL need to AUTH calls you pass via it
19:01.28DennisGYeah oke but you can use/misuse that feature :)
19:01.39DennisGyes that true d-fender :)
19:01.51DennisGand better know without the notice? :P
19:02.03shaderanyone use skype-for-asterisk?
19:02.25DennisGno sorry shader, i only use hardphones and x-lite as softphone
19:02.53shaderwell, I was thinking of the servie provision side, but thanks
19:02.55*** part/#asterisk jelly-bean (
19:03.07shaderDennisG: what hardphones do you use?
19:06.33[TK]D-Fendershader: There is a cost/channel, and you can't use unlimite accounts with it
19:06.49*** join/#asterisk Bokhuval (
19:09.49mrtelnetCan anyone reccomend paid support?
19:10.20mrtelnet*Can anyone reccomend (a good company that offers) paid support?
19:10.20hardwireI recommend paying somebody.. sure.
19:10.21*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
19:10.27BokhuvalI've installed asterisk debian packages, connected via asterisk -r, and 'http show status' says it should be there. but can't connect to 8080 and netstat on the system shows that nothing is listening there. ideas?
19:10.28hardwiredigium offers paid support.
19:11.16shader[TK]D-Fender: is it a monthly fee per channel? I can't find pricing info online
19:11.22hardwireshould registration attemps always be followed up with a 401 and then a 200?
19:11.35Qwellshader: SFA is a one-time license, per channel
19:12.18*** join/#asterisk benngard (
19:12.58joesuffcerenshader: in case you don't know, SFA is per minute use only. You can't use any of the "plans
19:13.07joesuffcerenthat Skype offers
19:13.59seanbrightbuys a L4 3 year support contract
19:14.06seanbrightQwell: should i just make the check out to you?
19:14.08bmoraca_workinteresting...adtran gives an automatic 10% hit to the "quality rating" of a phone call simply by using g729
19:14.16Qwellseanbright: C.A.S.H., please
19:14.33shaderjoesuffceren: I'm aware
19:14.37Qwellthat stands for "per-Case Asterisk Support Hotline"
19:14.53shaderI was hoping to use it for international calls, and use an unlimited sip trunk for domestic
19:15.08shaderjust looking at options really
19:16.39*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
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19:18.28shadercan anyone recommend a sip trunk provider with support for T.38, international calls, and DIDs?
19:19.20DennisGwhat is your SIP traffic per month ?
19:19.35DennisGlike 10 calls per month or more like 10K calls per month ?
19:19.37*** join/#asterisk authorized (
19:19.58BokhuvalI haven't been able to find any useful messages (errors, 'file/directory does not exist', anything) in any logfiles either. Wondering how asterisk can think it's got an open http port when it obviously doesn't.
19:20.09[TK]D-Fender[15:19]<shader>low <- is that metric, or imperial?
19:20.17*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
19:20.36DennisGhaha :P
19:21.11DennisGtry voipbuster? or try a lot of different voip providers with a postpaid account of 5 dollars and see which is the best?
19:21.19*** join/#asterisk githogori (
19:21.25shaderit's probably 10-15 calls a day
19:21.37shadermaybe more
19:21.37p3nguinbokhuval: Why are you even bothering with the asterisk gui?
19:21.37DennisGooh oke
19:21.57shader11 people, but low traffic
19:22.06shaderso probably 2-3 trunks
19:22.16shaderplus 2 fax machines
19:22.54*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
19:23.10Bokhuvalp3nguin: because it's there and that's what the setup instructions said to do? :P
19:23.19p3nguinI can believe that.
19:23.40p3nguinMy advice to you is to forget about it for now, then go back and shut it down later.
19:24.11*** join/#asterisk X-TaZ (~X-TaZ@
19:26.12BokhuvalI can't shutdown what isn't actually open, but whatever. I've got asterisk installed because I would like to learn a bit about it before actually getting a paid trunk service. Apparently getting into the GUI to glance around at things is out, so are there any suggestions on what I should look at/poke through next?
19:26.28infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:26.33[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: What GUI?  Installed how?
19:27.09*** join/#asterisk niekvlessert (
19:27.15*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
19:27.19Bokhuval[TK]D-Fender: 'apt-get install asterisk'  /etc/asterisk/http.conf - enabled=yes port=8080, asterisk -r 'http show status' says it's running.
19:27.30Bokhuvalbut it's not :P
19:28.02[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: Well so far... you don't HAVE a GUI.
19:28.39[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: The GUI that Digium made using that framework isn't part of that package you installed
19:28.55[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: It is completely separate add-on, and isn't even being maintained
19:29.23[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: If you are looking to evaluate * for your use... this is not the means by which you should be doing so
19:29.41Bokhuvaloy. *shakes head* not even going to ask why. So, repeat of last question - sans-gui, what should I look through next?
19:29.52infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:29.52p3nguinTHE BOOK
19:30.00[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: It
19:30.06[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: Its be said coutnless time
19:30.12[TK]D-FenderBokhuval: Its be said countless tiems
19:30.27p3nguinI'll fix it:  It's been said countless times.
19:30.41Bokhuvalchuckles and passes a cookie "It's been a long day and it's barely past lunch."
19:30.56BokhuvalLooks like I'll be heading down to B&N then..
19:31.16p3nguinIs something wrong with your browser?
19:31.25Qwellmany people prefer actual books..
19:31.37p3nguinSuit yourself.
19:31.54BokhuvalNo, but I love this marvelous piece of technology called a book - it's delightfully intuitive :]
19:32.14Qwellp3nguin: besides, leifmadsen gets to put nickels in his jar every time
19:32.14p3nguinI read the book online so I didn't have to go to B&N.
19:32.46p3nguinI've read it in PDF and HTML.
19:32.52BokhuvalI telecommute, getting to leave the house during the day for some fresh air would be nice.
19:33.24leifmadsenBokhuval: thanks for sponsoring my nickle jar. Perhaps some day I'll save up enough nickles to update the book and release it for free again.
19:33.41Naikroveki want an e-reader for the asterisk book but i don't know of any current ereaders that support pdf well enough to display it properly
19:34.18BokhuvalI'll likely get a digital copy at some point too, but for now I like having something in my hands.
19:34.34Qwellleifmadsen: sign my pdf!
19:34.45[TK]D-Fenderrevokes Qwell's DRM
19:35.54leifmadsenQwell: gpg --armor --output tfotv2.pdf.sig --detact-sig tfotv2.pdf
19:36.23Qwellsells it on eBay
19:38.08hardwirehmm.. 6 minutes of registration attempts always resolving to a 200
19:38.11hardwireno auth
19:38.15hardwireno 401
19:38.17hardwirethis is annoying
19:41.55hardwireanybody experienced a problem where the VoIP registrar returns an answer too quickly?
19:42.12hardwireI'm seeing a 200 back nearly immediately.. but asterisk is logging a timeout and a retry attempt
19:42.17hardwirethe tags line up
19:42.37*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
19:44.21hardwireinteresting.. the call sequence number keeps getting reused.
19:44.27hardwirearghs a little
19:49.26bmoraca_workyou know, customers who are morons and can't seem to do simple things are bad enough...but when it's a colleague who is also a tech, it just pisses me off like crazy!
19:49.28*** join/#asterisk benngard (
19:49.41niekvlesserthello! Can I do a call pickup from a call in a queue with no agents?
19:50.29seanbrightniekvlessert: #asterisk-dev
19:50.32seanbright(just kidding)
19:50.40benngardofc i do it everey day
19:50.58bmoraca_workniekvlessert: probably.  my experience with call pickup is that it wants to pick the call up based on the original extension and context, not necissarily where it's currently ringing
19:53.36niekvlessertbenngard & bmoraca_work: thanks
19:53.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:54.17niekvlessertanother one: can I do barge in with Asterisk? Like the real barge in, so the secretary can talk to the boss and that the client isn't hearing it
19:54.35*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:55.06[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: ""sore show application chanspy
19:55.13[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: core show application chanspy
19:55.38bmoraca_workyes, however it will likely take some outside influence (AGI or AMI) to do well, and you're not going to find a canned solution...depending, of course, on the exact details you want
19:56.04seanbrightchanspy with whisper mode
19:56.23niekvlessertah! very useful
19:56.38niekvlessertwas looking into meetme and stuff
19:56.52leifmadsenreading through the application documentation is VERY useful
19:57.00leifmadsenyou can find all sorts of cool features
19:57.46niekvlesserti know i know, but somehow google didn't show me this one
19:58.07niekvlessertand i seem to remember it wasn't possible, it's in the dcap exam, but I think that is with meetme
19:59.19niekvlesserti did read the 1.8 coming up stuff though :) at least a quick read
19:59.23benngardand reading the source code could be vere usefull to ;)
20:00.05*** join/#asterisk sleazye (
20:00.27benngardis not a programmer but have learnt alot from it
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20:00.47niekvlessertbenngard: I've been trying to adapt patches, then you learn, true
20:01.46benngardniekvlessert: guess so, i am a better tester then programmer
20:02.26niekvlessertanother quick question which I couldn't find the answer for; is it true that using AMI to originate calls CDR information is missing?
20:02.28niekvlessertin 1.4
20:02.52niekvlessertbenngard: me neither, I'm more like a software engineer without the patience for coding ;)
20:04.54benngardniekvlessert: about cdr info from originate a call from ami, think it is even in trunk, let me check, sec
20:05.12benngardit is even not in
20:05.24benngardspells like shit
20:06.33benngardniekvlessert no cdr when u originate a call from AMI, at least not in trunk
20:06.54niekvlessertbenngard: thanks! we have a switchboard that does that, so that's bad
20:07.02Kattydialplan reload includes extensions.conf, right?
20:07.15Kattyit would seem silly not to
20:07.27niekvlessertcould I simulate a way in the dialplan maybe...
20:07.40bmoraca_workdialplan reload IS extensions.conf
20:08.27bmoraca_workhey Katty, do you like shrimp scampi?  i found a really good recipe for it yesterday.  interested?
20:08.38Kattyare you kiddin me
20:08.41Kattycourse i'm interested
20:08.44Kattysend it to me ->
20:08.58hardwiresweet.. apparently I'm blacklisted now from broadvoice..
20:09.05hardwireat least one particular registration server
20:09.18bmoraca_workKatty: ....wuper simple and easy.
20:09.41*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (~xpot@
20:09.41bmoraca_workKatty: i dropped the shrimp to 1lb and mixed it with some cooked was great
20:09.52niekvlessertbenngard: what about transfer and things like that, will it update stuff?
20:10.32Kattyi'm guessing vermouth is a kind of wine?
20:10.43bmoraca_worknext time i make it, though, i'm going to double or triple the butter, vermouth, garlic, and lemon juice so that i have more of the pan sauce...mixed with 1/2 lb of linguini, it ended up being a bit dry
20:10.54bmoraca_workyep, it's fortified, spiced white wine
20:11.01benngardniekvlessert: u mean if u transfer the call with AMI?
20:11.04Kattyis it in the wine aisle?
20:11.10Kattyor the vinegar aisle
20:11.10niekvlessertbenngard: ye
20:11.15bmoraca_workusually in the booze aisle
20:11.19benngardlet me check
20:11.23bmoraca_workyou'll find it by the gin, i think
20:11.23Kattytakes notes
20:11.30benngardjust need asnother phone
20:11.37Kattydid you use unsalted butter?
20:11.44bmoraca_worki used salted butter
20:11.53Kattydid you take the tails off?
20:12.00bmoraca_workjust adjust how much salt you put on the shrimp if you don't have unsalted handy
20:12.03bmoraca_workyes, tails came off
20:12.07MiccI set notifyringing=no in sip.conf in general and in individual sip accounts, but it still changes the state to ringing.
20:12.09X-TaZHi. I'm having trouble with trunking 2 asterisk servers with IAX2.
20:12.15X-TaZI got this error : [Mar 15 21:11:32] WARNING[3307]: chan_iax2.c:7820 socket_process: Call rejected by No authority found
20:12.17MiccIs notifyringing broken?
20:12.19Kattybmoraca_work: i have a habit of using already cooked shrimp
20:12.30X-TaZMy iax's files are at
20:12.30bmoraca_workKatty: don't in this won't taste right
20:12.46X-TaZAnd my extensionsconf aare at
20:12.52Kattybmoraca_work: i'm not sure how to cook shrimp is why
20:12.53bmoraca_workeven if you have to buy frozen, get raw shrimp.  cooking in the butter and garlic is what gives the dish its flavor
20:13.05Kattybmoraca_work: my parents never liked shrimp... so i never really learned that one
20:13.06*** join/#asterisk korihor (~korihor@
20:13.30bmoraca_workKatty: just follow the instructions in the recipe.  it's way easy.  once they're orange, they're done.  they go quick, too, like 4 minutes total
20:13.33X-TaZi spent hours searching for it, now i ask there
20:13.52bmoraca_workKatty: if you use pre-cooked, they'll get OVERcooked and will be mushy.  use raw and they'll be nice and crisp
20:14.42bmoraca_worki also used dried parsley cause i didn't have any fresh
20:14.55niekvlessertX-Taz, I see something
20:15.01X-TaZReally ?
20:15.17Micchow can I get blf lights not to flash for ringing phones? I think people only want to know if someone is on the phone, not to see all the phones in the office ringing at once.
20:15.20niekvlessertwhen you first do exten => _XXX,1, this is the first action
20:15.30hardwirehrm.. sipsak can register and forward right?
20:15.43niekvlessertbut only exten => _XXX,2, is the second action concerning this
20:15.58niekvlessertexten => _2XX has to start with a ,1 all over
20:16.26Kattybmoraca_work: i'm having a hard time following this wording. pat shrimp dry, place in pan cook until not foamy?
20:16.32Kattybmoraca_work: then flip and cook other side for 1 minute?
20:16.36niekvlessertright asterisk guys??? I don't do a lot of dialplan hacking :)
20:17.04benngardniekvlessert seems not to be working either
20:17.37bmoraca_workKatty: you know how when you melt butter in a pan it gets a bit of a white foam?  once it's up to temperature, the butter will be mostly clear.  that's when you add your shrimp.  as far as patting it...they just want to make sure you're not adding excess water to your hot, melted butter (causes splatter)
20:17.42benngardbut as i said I am running trunk (with posgres) so i  could be wrong
20:17.47niekvlessertbenngard: lol, it's 9 PM overhere, just enjoying my evening with a little hobby-ing :)
20:17.48*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
20:18.01Kattybmoraca_work: yeah i know about butter doing's call clarifying...
20:18.05benngardsame here
20:18.07X-TaZI'm still having [Mar 15 21:17:34] WARNING[3297]: chan_iax2.c:7820 socket_process: Call rejected by No authority found
20:18.25[TK]D-FenderMicc: mod the source.
20:18.30Kattybmoraca_work: i thought maybe the shrimp was supposed to do something
20:18.32*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
20:18.53niekvlessertX-TaZ: iax2 show peers?
20:18.59bmoraca_workKatty: nope...just sits there in butter and garlic until it's orange (flipped halfway through to get both sides).
20:19.08niekvlessertbenngard: where u from?
20:19.20benngardsweden, gothenburg
20:19.22X-TaZ200/Maurice   (D)  4570          Unmonitored
20:19.22X-TaZserver1   (D)  4569          OK (6 ms)
20:19.23MiccTKD-Fender, I thought thats what notifyringing was for. Can I just mod the source for notifyringing or is that for something else?
20:19.46bmoraca_workKatty: like I said, though...if you want to mix it with pasta, I'd double or triple the butter, garlic, vermouth, and lemon juice.  if you want to eat the shrimp plain, then the amounts are fine
20:20.31bmoraca_worki used 31ct would be probably better with 25ct or even less.  i wouldn't use jumbo prawns though.
20:20.35Kattydid you put any vegetables in there?
20:20.35*** join/#asterisk sulex (
20:20.58niekvlessertX-TaZ: where's your outgoing stuff?
20:20.59bmoraca_workKatty: nope.  i had salad on the side.  scampi shouldn't have veggies mixed in, though it does go well with steamed veggies
20:21.08niekvlesserttry dialing voicemailmain at the other server first
20:21.29niekvlessertbenngard: nice, NL, Utrecht overhere
20:21.38X-TaZniekvlessert ? i just want my  iax2 ring and can call I dont need voicemails
20:21.51niekvlessertbenngard: finally, 6 degrees celcius
20:21.55X-TaZmy outgoing stuff ? in extensionsconf ?
20:22.00niekvlessertX-TaZ: yes
20:22.32X-TaZ[fromiax] is this thing, no ?
20:22.36Kattybmoraca_work: hrmmmmk
20:22.45Kattybmoraca_work: salad doesn't go over well here.
20:22.50Kattybmoraca_work: it's a chore to get him to eat his veggies
20:24.01bmoraca_workunderstandable.  steamed broccoli would go well, i think...with baby carrots, i think.  but you can be creative and try different things.
20:24.23niekvlessertwe should start a channel asterisk_food........
20:24.33niekvlessertwill be a big succes
20:24.46X-TaZThis url is not found :x
20:24.58bmoraca_workanyway, i've got to go fix a colleague's back later.
20:25.01niekvlessertsry htmL it is :)
20:25.13X-TaZThanks :p
20:25.51Kattyniekvlessert: mmmyeah. you haven't been around long have you
20:26.13[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:26.31niekvlessertKatty: well, I'm hanging around in places where I need stuff for, asterisk-dev, xen, netfilter, stuff like that
20:27.06joesuffcerenMy TE121 issue was a bad piece of hardware. The hardware rev. I had was recalled, but my supplier didn't follow the recall. :-/
20:27.37Kattythey never do
20:28.25Kattyyou think toyota's gonna call every person in with the posibility of a sticking gas pedal?
20:29.24*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (kvirc@
20:33.59Corydon76-lapKatty: now it looks like Toyota has a fault in their little black boxes, too
20:34.25*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
20:34.51Corydon76-lapsince they clearly did not record all of the events leading up to an unplanned acceleration event
20:34.53darkdrgn2kok im tryiing to use ASterisk Call Manager to do a "click to call"
20:34.57darkdrgn2ki managed to get to this poin
20:35.09darkdrgn2kright now it alles the extension FIRST then the client
20:35.11KattyCorydon76-lap: also very unfortunate
20:35.13darkdrgn2kis there any way we can do it backwards
20:35.19darkdrgn2k(ie call the client FIRST then the extension)
20:37.49*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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20:39.06niekvlessertIs toyata running windows?
20:39.20darkdrgn2kniekvlessert: windows me i beleave
20:39.38Kobazi thought it was a combination of ce, me, and nt
20:39.49Kobazit was like code named windows CeMeNt
20:40.03darkdrgn2kKobaz: nice
20:40.35Kobazperfect for all those odd do it yourself jobs
20:40.39niekvlessertclever, to combine the best windows editions
20:41.02Kobazyeah i always thought windows cement was a great idea
20:41.08darkdrgn2kKobaz: i hear they are gonna cut a hole in the bottom of the drivers side.. for flinstone like breaking
20:41.11Kobazeverything just sticks together so nicely
20:41.32niekvlessertit's like windows foundation, but a little different
20:50.41*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
20:52.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:54.44*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
20:56.00darkdrgn2kok figured that out
20:56.16darkdrgn2khow can i identify the status of the call that is made from the asterisk manager?
20:56.58Kobazone of my t1 links just died
20:57.41Kobazoh, there's it's back
20:59.41ChainsawKobaz: Some miles away, a telco engineer tugged on the wrong plug.
20:59.42a1fahas anyone had their sip uplink account breached?
21:00.49KobazChainsaw: actually this is a t1 run that's between a pbx and a sangoma card, and it's 20 feet from me in the lab
21:01.29*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (
21:01.34freezeyany good doc to get dahdi to work with t1 digium carD?
21:02.02a1faanyone had a recent breach on their uplink sip?
21:02.14a1fai am trying to see if this is a isolated case
21:02.28[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Its a channel like any other
21:02.44*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
21:07.32Tim_Toadyi want a fax setup that will allow the faxes to be received on the fax machine but at the same time keep a copy (tiff) for every arriving fax on the asterisk server the fax machine is connected to, any hints?
21:08.50[TK]D-FenderTim_Toady: receive in *, then call your own fax machine and send to it
21:09.33Tim_Toadythat was my idea too, but i thought it was a bit lame :D
21:10.26Kobazso i added my dahdi checks for not indicating when already answered
21:13.09*** join/#asterisk stix_ (~stix@
21:13.25a1fai figured it out
21:13.32a1faone of my extensions did not have a password
21:15.33a1fanot really
21:15.57a1fai wonder why did they mass dial
21:16.08a1fa1-509 area code
21:20.29a1fathey called people asking for credit card numbers
21:20.58Naikrovekthat is how they roll
21:21.25Naikrovekgotta strengthen those passwords
21:21.27*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
21:21.36Naikrovekmine are all 16 chars of gibberish
21:21.43Naikrovekrandomly generated
21:21.55Naikrovekno two extensions ahve the same passwd, etc.
21:22.07*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:23.14a1famine are the same way
21:23.20a1fait was a debug account i used
21:23.35a1faand forgot to disable that one day
21:23.44a1fathe scammers came from Korea
21:23.48Naikroveki think there's a way to tell asterisk to lock a sip account out if there are multiple badd password attempts on it
21:24.00a1faanyway to tell asterisk to reply "no peer found"
21:24.03Naikrovekbut that wont' work if you don't have a password, those are the first attempts i think
21:24.05a1faon any
21:24.18Naikrovekyou can tell asterisk that that extension can only connect from a particular IP i think
21:24.31Naikrovek'host=dynamic' is the way around it
21:24.35Naikrovekand is the default i believe
21:24.52Naikrovek'host=' would be more ideal if the ip is indeed static
21:25.19Naikrovekor you can toss a firewall on the machine and only allow connections from wherever is authorized if you know the netblocks
21:26.09Naikroveki do that also heh
21:26.30a1faasterisk -r
21:26.32a1fasip show peers
21:29.25*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
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21:32.19bmoraca_workdoes anyone know how to check the time on a Cisco 7940 from the telnet interface?
21:33.45*** join/#asterisk kotp (~vgoff@
21:38.09mnick86hey, is there a way if a SIP client registers to asterisk, that a extension is beeing executed in the dialplan ?
21:39.36Kobazmnick86: not that i know of... in order to run dialplan code you need an audio path... and registration is a control message, not a call
21:39.40Kobazmnick86: what are you trying to do?
21:41.30mnick86I am trying to check if a SIP client is registered or not
21:42.42[TK]D-Fendermnick86: You just asked 2 completely different things
21:42.58Kattyi have a hypothetical question.
21:43.15mnick86when a client registers to asterisk and a extension gets executed I could set a variable
21:43.28[TK]D-Fendermnick86: 1) Execute an extension if a SIP device registers. and 2) Just check if a device already has registered
21:43.35[TK]D-Fendermnick86: Which is it?
21:44.09Kattyyou call an IVR. intermittently on this IVR when you put in any 4 digit extension, it occasionally goes dead silent. Upon enabling said debug you find that the dtmf doesn't really show up right. After finding this information out you dial the IVR again and put in 4 digit extensions until it goofs sit at the dead silence, then put in the last two digits of the 4 digit extension and BAM it dials. hypothetically, is that a dtmf problem or more
21:44.57*** join/#asterisk gardo (~gardo@
21:46.01mnick86<[TK]D-Fender>: either one would work for me
21:46.57Katty <- some debug log.
21:47.36Kattyafter line 10 silence.
21:47.47Kattyafter putting in 44 again at lines 11-14, RINGGGGGGGGG
21:48.22freezeyany reason asterisk will start using safe_asterisk but not using the init.d script to start asterisk? cant find anywhere it is choking on either
21:48.25*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (~cosmicwom@
21:48.44Kattyfreezey: can you manually kick off asterisk with the script
21:49.13freezeyyeah i just run safe_asterisk
21:49.14freezeyand it starts up
21:50.07doneircheck /var/log/messages or the asterisk /var/log/asterisk/messages file for info on startup, perhaps running 'asterisk -cvvvvgd' may also help
21:50.55Kattyfreezey: i'm not sure if that answers the question that i asked.
21:51.54Kattyfreezey: when you run the script manually, what happens
21:51.54freezeyif i run safe_asterisk it starts up no problem... but if i run /etc/init.d/asterisk start  it fails on exit code 1
21:53.19*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
21:53.22asteriskmonkeyfreezy: type asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
21:53.23[TK]D-Fendermnick86: "sip show peer [theperr]"
21:53.27asteriskmonkeysee what it kicks you out on
21:53.34X-TaZniekvlessert : after tried to adapt the confs, i finally copied the whole configs on
21:53.47niekvlessertany luck then?
21:53.49asteriskmonkeyfreezey: might also be a scrupts/user permssion
21:53.56freezeyasteriskmonkey: i am root
21:54.00X-TaZNow i get a [Mar 15 22:52:16] NOTICE[3299]: chan_iax2.c:7642 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, request '2001@phones' does not exist
21:54.06freezeyasteriskmonkey: yeah that starts it fine
21:54.35asteriskmonkeyfreezy : go to the /usr/src directory and go into your asterisk src folder and type make config to rebuilt the init file
21:54.41Kattyfreezey: and what does the log show after the exit?
21:55.18Kattyfreezey: it would be hilarious if it exited because asterisk was already running
21:55.22X-TaZbut i still have OK(6ms ) in the iax2 show peers
21:55.44niekvlessertcan you give me ssh access? now i want to know... we can use screen
21:55.58niekvlessertso you can see what i'm doing
21:56.21asteriskmonkeyfreezey : try asterisk -r if you think its already running
21:56.29freezeyi can execute the script directory from src and it works
21:56.32freezeyjust the init.d script doesnt
21:56.35freezeywhich isnt that big of a deal to me
21:56.36*** part/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
21:56.39Kattyfreezey: k, then get rid of it
21:56.40*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
21:56.44freezeyyeah thast the plan
21:56.45freezeyscrew it
21:56.50Kattyfreezey: and symlink the working one into the appropriate rc.level
21:56.54a1faanyway to tell asterisk to reply to all failed attempts as peer not found
21:56.55Kattyfreezey: or whatever
21:56.59niekvlessertbtw, try 1001 on the phone you tried 2001 on
21:57.15Kattyfreezey: you can also 'make config' during the asterisk compile
21:57.42Kattyfreezey: well it's the last thing you do generally on a compile, so you can probably stop asterisk make config, and then reboot
21:58.28freezeyk thanks
21:58.30freezeyfair enough
21:58.31X-TaZniekvlessert i'd like, but my vmware networking mode cant support it :x
21:58.47X-TaZi'm using a special compat mode to be able to use wireshark
21:58.53niekvlessertssh -R ?
21:59.06*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~philip@
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21:59.15X-TaZi mean, i dont have any web access from my 2 vm's
21:59.55Kattywonders what web access is for
21:59.56X-TaZi can post again my config files if it can be usefull
22:00.14X-TaZinternet connectivity if you prefer
22:01.20Kattyalso, anyone ever had this thing where one ear starts to ring pretty loud and everything /else/ in that ear fades out in the background and gets quieter? ringing lasts for just a few seconds then goes away...
22:02.01NaikrovekKatty: yes
22:02.04Naikrovekit's called tinnitis
22:02.12Kattyno, tinnitus is a constant ringing of the ears.
22:02.14Kattywhich i also have
22:02.20Kattythanks to 3 days of prozac *sigh*
22:02.49KattyNaikrovek: what i'm talking about lasts only a few brief seconds, and dims the audio around it
22:03.00Naikrovekwell the intermittent variety is tinnitis, too.  so says my doctor
22:03.11Naikrovekbut he's not always right, i'm learning
22:03.17Kattyhow often do you get it?
22:03.19Naikrovekcan't trust anyone to have proper information anymore
22:03.27NaikrovekKatty: couple times a week, couple minutes at a time
22:03.52Kattyi'm getting it at least once a day, but only 3 or 4 seconds tops
22:04.18Naikrovekit is like there's a mixer in my head.  slowly ups the audio on the "eeeeeeeeeee" noise and everything else fades
22:04.29Naikrovekthen anywhere from 30s to 3m later it reverses
22:05.00Kattyyeah but you don't get it multiple times every single day
22:05.09Naikroveknow that i think about it, i used to
22:05.13Naikrovekbut not anymore
22:05.20Kattyi used to get it like...maybe once a month /maybe/
22:05.22Naikrovekrelatively rare for me these days
22:05.47Naikrovekall i can say is that it's normal for me
22:05.50Naikrovekso maybe normal for you?
22:07.56Kattyi will call an audiologist and ask
22:08.07Kattytho they will probably want mme to come in and have a visit
22:08.58*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
22:10.30*** join/#asterisk Shazaum (~Shazaum@
22:10.54ChannelZKatty: I have that but not often.. like once or twice a year if I had to guess
22:11.27mnick86Someone tries to call SIP/test ... how can I check if SIP/test is registered or not ?
22:11.35ChannelZsip show peers
22:11.43mnick86from the dialplan
22:11.49*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
22:12.51ChannelZtry the function SIPPEER
22:13.13*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
22:13.21ChannelZ${SIPPEER(SIP/text,status)} perhaps
22:13.37ChannelZerr SIP/test even
22:14.55*** part/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
22:15.44*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
22:16.22*** join/#asterisk Whtsup (~sssi@
22:17.04WhtsupGot SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from
22:17.13Whtsupi m getting this error
22:17.31infobotIf you want help on a topic, you HAVE to say more than "it doesn't work, help!" or else you'll get no help whatsoever.  Give as many details as you can or else no one can give any suggestions.
22:17.42Whtsupwhen i call to my gsm gateway
22:17.50Kobazmore details
22:18.01Kobazconsole log, sip config
22:18.40lanningom nom nom nom
22:18.50Whtsupmy sip confif
22:19.06lanninglearn pastebin...
22:19.18infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
22:19.53ShazaumKobaz: good bot
22:20.12Kobazwhose a bot
22:20.47ChannelZmnick86: Actually I lied, it's just ${SIPPEER(test,status)}  (no SIP/ on the front, just the peer name)
22:24.10Whtsuphere is my pastebin
22:26.19*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
22:26.30freezeytried to make it easier for people to manage the asterisk system by putting trixbox gui in front but its just horrible thing is useless
22:29.02ChannelZmmmm gooey
22:29.20freezeyjust wanted to make it easy for people lol but its just not going to happen these gui's are just crap
22:29.32*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
22:30.27ChannelZyes... yes they are.
22:30.59freezeymy patience went to 0
22:31.16freezeynow i am just going to have to reinstall system and teach people howto add conf rooms and extensions
22:32.04Brack10Is it possible to transfer a call that's on a trunk to an extension on another Asterisk server via IAX2 trunk?
22:32.25Brack10like an incoming call from a PRI
22:33.46X-TaZNo i'm absolutely sure : dont works on asterisk 1.4
22:34.21*** part/#asterisk shader (
22:35.16*** join/#asterisk seba (
22:36.20X-TaZnow i'm getting [Mar 15 23:35:37] WARNING[5767]: chan_iax2.c:3038 create_addr: No such host: 2001
22:36.20X-TaZ[Mar 15 23:35:37] WARNING[5767]: app_dial.c:1202 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
22:36.34*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
22:36.46Brack10X-TaZ: was that directed at me?
22:38.48*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
22:39.07*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
22:41.42*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:42.04sebai want to connect with multiple softphones from my computers to my asterisk per sip. do i have to set up an extra sip account for every phone or can i use the same for all? i think with many accounts my dialplan could get realy complicated
22:42.25X-TaZBrack10 no
22:42.43X-TaZi'm working a a IAX2 trunk too
22:43.32Brack10X-TaZ: thanks for the sweet document.  Any idea of that's possible?
22:45.47ChannelZBrack10: Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the question, but of course
22:48.01Brack10ChannelZ: like someone calls in on the PRI, an attendant picks up the call, and they transfer it to an extension on another asterisk install via an iax2 trunk
22:48.15ChannelZseba: only one device can be registered at a time
22:48.27ChannelZBrack10: yeah
22:49.24sebahm.. okay, extra accounts it is.. thx
22:49.35ChannelZBrack10: extension 555 does a Dial(IAX2/somedude) - you transfer a call to 555...
22:52.24*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (~xpot@
22:53.42*** join/#asterisk Dibri (
22:57.09*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
22:57.43Kobazpasting pasting
23:00.10Jhirleywhats that website where you can paste errors ?
23:05.13Jhirleythank you
23:17.00*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
23:19.07*** join/#asterisk miknix (~miknix@gentoo/developer/miknix)
23:19.27miknixhello all
23:21.55miknixI'm thinking as asterisk as a potential solution to interface some SIP clients to a analog phone at my parents house. I'm really new to this matter and concepts (specially about modems and phone lines). I would appreciate some directions about this matter
23:23.25miknixI have a computer to put asterisk on. it has internet connection and a 56k modem
23:25.56miknixmy doubt is if 1) I can use asterisk for this setup 2) if I connect the computer modem to the home's landline, how would I call the other phones connected to the same line? (it has only a phone number)
23:26.01NightMonkeyHowdy. Is there a command to syntax check asterisk config files without starting a new instance?
23:26.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:26.49NightMonkeyI want to validate a config before restarting the daemon.
23:27.26ChannelZhmm not that I know of
23:27.42filevalidate in what way?
23:28.18NightMonkeyfile: Sanity check. I'm upgrading from asterisk 1.2 (yeah, I know) to 1.6, and want to make sure I haven't snuffed up anything.
23:28.33filenope, no way really
23:29.05NightMonkeySweet. Well, thanks for validating the lack of validation. ;)
23:29.31NightMonkeyApache has it, so I thought * might have it by now.
23:29.57filevalidating it is rather difficult
23:30.32fileyou can certainly check the basic syntax, but otherwise you'd have to know what applications are present and their arguments plus limits on arguments
23:30.35QwellApache configs are all startup-time.  Asterisk doesn't have that luxury.
23:30.50fileit's just fun
23:30.51NightMonkeyfile: Well, perhaps validation is too specific a term. A syntax check would rock. Not a check that what you're configuring makes any sense in the real world.
23:31.21QwellNightMonkey: well, basic syntax hasn't changed any.  a 1.2 syntax will work in 1.6
23:31.36Qwellagain - basic syntax only.  it's up to apps to say if the actual args are correct
23:32.11NightMonkeyQwell: Thanks, yeah, I'm trying to be too lazy. :)
23:33.00NightMonkeyholds nose before diving in
23:36.13Brack10When I dial an incorrect extension on my softphone, is that Asterisk telling me the call cannot be completed as dialed or my softphone?
23:36.28Brack10the speaker indicator moves up and down as if it was actually receiving audio
23:36.47NightMonkeyWow, it Just Started(tm). Amazing.
23:36.51QwellDid you setup Asterisk to play that message?
23:37.08Brack10I installed asterisknow
23:37.34Qwellfreepbx is doing that
23:37.36infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
23:38.12*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
23:38.17Brack10I'm just testing asterisk with this for now
23:38.20NightMonkeyI guess the "Comedian Mail" VoiceModel just upped her speaking speed a bit and raised her pitch a half octave? Funny.
23:38.34NightMonkeyknows this is very old news
23:43.17fiferanyone have any experience with out-of-band dtmf issues on * with 6731i's
23:43.25QwellNightMonkey: You would probably be the first to notice that
23:43.33Qwellor, rather, the first to say something about it, anyways
23:45.02QwellNightMonkey: what happened, was all the prompts were re-recorded in higher quality.  I never imagined the prompts would be any different, though with that specific prompt, I can see it
23:46.08NightMonkeyQwell: Well, I'm not complaining. They do sound nicer, for sure.
23:46.22Qwellwasn't taking it as a complaint :p
23:46.33NightMonkeyI can't believe that the upgrade was soo easy. Amazing.
23:46.42Qwellthat is indeed curious though
23:46.49NightMonkeywaits for the other shoe to drop.
23:47.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:48.21NightMonkeyHrm. Seem to have lost some mailbox custom configs, like recorded prompts.
23:48.38ChannelZsound files go in a different place now
23:48.44ChannelZusing the language structure
23:49.01ChannelZmake sure anything you recorded is in the right place
23:49.27ChannelZ/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/..... more than likely
23:49.37NightMonkeyChannelZ: Ah, thanks, I'll check.
23:50.22ChannelZif it's people's mailbox greetings and things, then thats something different..
23:50.28*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:51.14ShazaumTech_Travis ti
23:52.03Tech_TravisShazaum: ti?
23:52.25Shazaumthis full win
23:53.31NightMonkeyHrm. greet files are still in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/...
23:54.05NightMonkeyOh, wait, there's a "greet" subdirectory for each extension... perhaps that moved?
23:54.18mrtelnetI have one way audio after a attended transfer only after upgrading from to, any ideas?
23:54.59ChannelZNightMonkey: Hmm no I still have 'greet.wav' and such in the root directory, not inside the 'greet' directory
23:55.29ChannelZoh but you said you were coming from 1.2 - not sure how it was setup.
23:55.47ChannelZI upgraded from 1.4 to 1.6 but didn't have to move any of my voicemail junk
23:56.04NightMonkeyChannelZ: Hrm. Let me check the loaded modules...
23:57.04ChannelZNightMonkey:  there's a listing of one of my mailboxes if it helps figure it out
23:59.37NightMonkeyChannelZ: Thanks!

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