IRC log for #asterisk on 20100305

00:00.22rare1980_can jump into vnc with same pass and check plz just for 1 min ?
00:03.04*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:04.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:05.33leifmadsenAsterisk 1.4.30-rc3,,, and are now available! See the release announcement for more information:
00:07.07rare1980_do u think this port forwarding will help me?
00:07.24leifmadsenruben23: just ask the question and if I have time and know the answer I'll respond - maybe someone else will as well :)
00:07.26ruben23i already installed im just now with the dial plan
00:07.29leifmadsenI've done VERY LITTLE with gtalk
00:09.10ruben23i have an existing dial plan for incoming and want to do gtalk to send IM message for incoming calls displaying it number dial plan is this--->
00:15.55*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
00:17.12Systemt`[TK]D-Fender ?
00:19.29miamisebTime to go home
00:19.30miamisebnight all
00:21.40idespinnerif one has an issue listed in the bug tracker that was labeled as resolved, how does one know what version of asterisk it is fixed in?
00:22.08*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
00:29.35*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
00:35.06*** join/#asterisk netpro25_ (
00:36.46[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: Contact: <sip:0737000331@> <--- STILL wrong.
00:37.36Systemt`what i need to do ?
00:37.41*** join/#asterisk stevex (
00:37.59stevexcould someone hel me?  I have an asterisk server that has just started causing me problems today.
00:38.06stevexI am not sure if I am dealing with network issues or server issues
00:39.06dlynesstevex, could you perhaps .... elaborate??
00:39.07stevexWhen the server starts up all the peers register but when I dial one of the peers I do not hear ringing on my end but the phone I dial rings
00:39.20stevexHowever, when the other phone is answered there is no audio
00:39.30stevexevery few minutes the peers become unreachable
00:39.34infobothmm... nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
00:39.36stevexI am also getting this error
00:39.37stevex[Mar  4 17:37:34] WARNING[3852]: chan_sip.c:1976 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission e6d518fb-243e720@ for seqno 110 (Non-critical Request) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
00:39.41stevex[Mar  4 17:37:59] WARNING[3852]: chan_sip.c:1976 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 81ec58da-b6f8e6ec@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
00:39.46stevex[Mar  4 17:37:59] WARNING[3852]: chan_sip.c:1976 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission e08f19d2-58ef6b16@ for seqno 106 (Non-critical Request) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
00:39.58dlynesstevex, see the part where it says 'WARNING'?  That says it's not an error
00:40.27dlynesstevex, anyways...suffice it to say, you've got issues with your nat
00:41.26stevexWhat might have caused my existing settings to suddenly stop working?  This set-up has been working without fail for nearly the last year.
00:41.35dlynesstevex, have you tried looking up the comments in your /etc/asterisk/sip.conf file for externip, localnet, localmask, canreinvite, and nat?
00:41.37stevexI have nat=yes on all sip accounts.
00:41.50dlynesstevex, are you using a low end router?
00:42.05stevexJuniper SSG-140
00:42.10stevexThis is in an office
00:42.38dlynesstevex, so these sip peers and asterisk server are all on the local network, and none of them are on a vpn?
00:42.59*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:43.18dlynesstevex, and there's absolutely nothing in between your sip peers/sip users and your asterisk box?
00:43.45dlynesstevex, and the sip peers/sip users are on the same subnet as your asterisk box?
00:43.52stevexthat is correct
00:44.16dlynesstevex, then none of the issues you've got probably even exist
00:44.51dlynesstevex, those problems are only problems i've seen occur when nat is involved
00:45.07dlynesstevex, you're not running iptables on the asterisk box, either?
00:45.18dlynesstevex, /sbin/iptables -nL to verify
00:45.19stevexIPtables and selinux are turned off
00:45.47dlynesstevex, iptables is turned off?  what exactly does that mean?
00:45.56stevexYou are right, this is a problem I have seen before with NAT on a different asterisk server that I use for remote users.  This is the first time I have seen something like this in the office enviroment.
00:46.09dlynesstevex, you mean default policy on input, output and forward is accept?  And there are no other rules?
00:46.49stevexI mean I turned off iptables when I suspected that might be causing issues.
00:47.05dlynesstevex, what does turning off iptables entail?
00:47.33dlynesstevex, to me, you're either filtering traffic, or you're not...there's no on/off switch
00:47.54stevexservice iptables stop
00:48.22dlynesstevex, I have no idea what that does, and I don't have a redhatish box to test, either
00:48.34stevexwell it stops filtering traffic
00:48.34dlynesstevex, does it mean that all policies are accept, and there's no additional rules?
00:49.00dlynesstevex, when i issue a shorewall stop, it's not the same thing as shorewall clear
00:49.17dlynesstevex, when i do shorewall stop, it's not the same as all policies to accept and no additional rules
00:49.35dlynesstevex, that's why i'm asking you to do an iptables -nL, to verify
00:50.17stevex[root@crasterisk ~]# iptables -nL
00:50.17stevexChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
00:50.17stevextarget     prot opt source               destination
00:50.17stevexChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
00:50.17stevextarget     prot opt source               destination
00:50.19stevexChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
00:50.22stevextarget     prot opt source               destination
00:50.23dlynesOk, good
00:50.24stevexChain L (0 references)
00:50.25dlynesthank you
00:50.27stevextarget     prot opt source               destination
00:50.41dlynesYou could have done a pastebin, however
00:50.59stevexI am not familiar with pastebin
00:51.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
00:52.23*** join/#asterisk spartan07 (
00:52.35stevexahh nifty
00:52.41dlynesstevex, can you pastebin the following?:  /sbin/ifconfig xxx, ethtool -S xxx, and netstat -s, where 'xxx' is your ethernet device that's accepting traffic from the sip peers/users
00:53.35dlynesstevex, fyi, you might not currently have ethtool installed
00:54.03spartan07Can I run an asterisk server for 20 lines (users) on a P4 or is that low balling too much?
00:57.37dlynesstevex, put in 'ethtool -S eth1, and netstat -s', literally
00:57.46stevexjust now caught what I did
00:57.50stevexsilly copy and paste
01:00.12Systemt`[TK]D-Fender: are u still ther?
01:00.31dlynesstevex, Now, did you read any of what you pastebinned?
01:01.16dlynesstevex, take a look at netstat -s, specifically
01:01.46dlynesstevex, also, the 'rx_filtered_packets' in ethtool -S concerns me...I'm not sure if that's something to do with iptables, or not
01:01.58*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
01:02.02stevex"68 dropped because of missing route"?
01:02.13dlynesstevex, that's one concern, yes
01:02.44stevex"1582 packets to unknown port received. 40629 packet receive errors
01:02.53dlynesstevex, that tells you that you were trying to send packets to a machine that is not on your local subnet, and there's no longer a route to that machine
01:03.24dlynesstevex, the 1582 packets to unknown port received' is not really a concern, because the number is so'll always get some of those
01:04.10dlynesstevex, the 40629 packet receive errors is a huge concern though, considering you've only received 7589 udp packets
01:05.18stevexso now if I only knew what might be causing that
01:06.47dlynesstevex, also, you're getting considerably more tcp traffic, than udp traffic
01:07.24stevexI am sshed into it so that may not be surprise
01:07.37dlynesstevex, try checking your asterisk logs, to see if anything looks amiss
01:07.55dlynesstevex, if you're still not seeing anything odd, turn on sip debug
01:08.49dlynesstevex, but based on what I see in those dumps, I'd say that you probably don't know your network topology quite as well as you think you do
01:09.38dlynesstevex, can you try pastebinning a 'sip show peers' dump?
01:10.39dlynesspartan07, it's all going to depend on what call quality you're expecting, and what codecs you're going to use
01:12.19spartan07I would like decent call quality and I would use whatever codecs that would work best with counterpath softphones
01:12.22infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
01:12.22dlynesstevex, and sip show peer 116-1?
01:12.35dlynesspartan07, ulaw/alaw
01:13.02dlynesSystemt`, his system's acting like it's on nat, but it appears it's not a nat's just weird
01:13.40*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
01:14.02*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
01:14.02dlynesstevex, also, 'Excel' is on a different subnet
01:14.03spartan07ulaw I believe
01:14.10stevexExcel is yes
01:14.20stevexthat is our connection to the world.
01:14.42stevexExcel telecom
01:14.45*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
01:14.51dlynesstevex, ok, now are you getting those one sided conversations when you've got one sip peer talking to another on a local call, and not on an outside call?
01:15.18stevexHappens on local calls
01:15.39dlynesstevex, so happens on say 101-1 talking to 116-1?
01:16.00dlynesstevex, also, is there a reason why you've got six sip peers defined per phone?
01:16.17dlynesstevex, does each peer represent a completely different DID?
01:16.56dlynesstevex, i.e. do you have six different phone numbers?
01:17.13stevexYes taht is so we can use different DIDs to the phones
01:17.17stevexthese are six line business phones
01:17.36stevexeach person as their private line and several business lines
01:17.41dlynesstevex, ok...just asking in case you didn't know that you can assign multiple lines to a single sip peer name
01:18.30dlynesstevex, i.e. if they have one private line, and five appearances for the same business phone number, you could assign one sip peer name to the first five appearances, and a second sip peer name to the sixth appearance
01:18.48dlynesstevex, that would cut down on the cpu usage of your phone, which might be causing your phone to flake out
01:19.08stevexGood advice
01:19.17stevexNo I wasn't aware I could do that
01:19.17dlynesstevex, especially if you're using phones tend to flake out very well with blf
01:19.30stevexand we are using cheap linksys phones with blf
01:19.53dlynesstevex, test it with one phone first though, in case the linksys 942 or whatever it was is not capable of applying one sip peer name to multiple appearances
01:19.55adncwhat is
01:20.47dlynesstevex, linksys phones are actually more expensive than aastra 9143i's, aren't they?
01:21.24dlynesadnc, core show application morsecode
01:21.26Systemt`night bbl
01:21.41stevexhave sip debug set for 116-1
01:21.44stevexdoes this tell you anything?
01:21.49dlynesstevex, anyways...if i was a betting man, I'd say your issue is completely related to the quality of the phones
01:22.29*** part/#asterisk pacmanfan (
01:22.41dlynesstevex, yeah...seems like your blf is flaking everything out
01:23.56dlynesstevex, try disabling blf, to see if your problem magically clears up
01:25.20dlynesstevex, I had the same issue with Aastra 9133i's, when they were overdosing on blf's, and 57i's as well
01:25.50dlynesstevex, Upgrading the 9133's to 9143's solved the problem (same cpu and memory as the 57i, but less blf programmability)
01:26.15dlynesstevex, the 57i's even had weird shit happening with them like random lock ups when too many blf's got activated all at once
01:27.26stevexstupid question but I set this up a year ago and first time I ever set-up blf.  What is the quickest way to disable it?
01:27.50*** part/#asterisk DMeloUK (~DominicMe@
01:32.11stevexso it has to be turned off on every phone?
01:33.57spartan07dlynes, if Im expecting to do no more than 10 at the most concurrent calls would a P4 >1G ram be alright?
01:34.30spartan07most if not all phones would be softphones and ip phones
01:44.32stevexI had them unplug the phone at the reception desk that has the sidecar
01:44.34stevexI rebooted the server
01:44.37stevexand all was well
01:44.50stevexthe blf on the side car bust have been the issue
01:44.55stevexnow have to figure it out tomorrow
01:44.58stevexthank you dlynes for your help
01:45.03stevexand good night
01:45.18*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:51.29*** join/#asterisk caim (~user@unaffiliated/caim)
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01:56.58*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
02:00.19*** join/#asterisk WinZ (~winz@
02:02.19WinZhello guys
02:03.43WinZif an incoming fax call always goes to the fax extension when 'faxdetect=yes' in sip.conf, does it mean, that my SIP provider support T.38?
02:05.32*** join/#asterisk Majost (
02:05.33WinZI mean, if the provider didn't support T.38, faxdetect wouldn't work, would it?
02:06.14coppicefaxdetect is not related to T.38
02:06.47WinZ"If 'faxdetect=yes' in sip.conf, switch to a 'fax' extension after T38 is negotiated."
02:06.55WinZwritten in sip.conf
02:07.23coppiceexactly. faxdetect is something done before T.38 is even negotiated
02:08.48WinZoh, that's where my problem is
02:08.54*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:08.55SaiSomaahh .c rap .. .sorry, wrong channel
02:09.16WinZcoppice, so, faxdetect just listens for fax tones?
02:09.45WinZthank you!
02:15.50*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
02:21.38*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~herbayjha@
02:25.57MajostI am having some weird issues getting my simple setup working properly. I have two SIP phones, one internal and one connecting from the outside, and one text extension (700). They both register, but only the external phone seems to be working.
02:27.09MajostWhen I try to dial either the external (200) or the test extention (700) from the internal sip phone, it just gives me a fast bust and the console says: [Mar  4 18:26:56] NOTICE[3303]: chan_sip.c:19546 handle_request_invite: Call from '100' to extension '200' rejected because extension not found.
02:29.20Majostactually, there is a bit more preceeding that notice message --
02:31.03Majostanyway, I am not sure whats causing it, and I haven't found any information on how to fix it
02:31.24*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
02:42.11Majostplacing them both on the internal network doesn't seem to change the behavior either
02:47.29*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
02:52.53*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@unaffiliated/iq)
02:54.59*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
03:24.46*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:35.12Kattyi have discovered a new Favorite Toy of Merry's
03:35.16Kattyanti-static baggies.
03:35.24Kattylike network cards and video cards come in
03:38.45*** join/#asterisk thansen (
03:39.15TJNIIHeh.  We have dozens upon dozens in the lab.  Merry would have a blast.
03:39.33Kattycan i come bring him for the afternoon?
03:39.38Kattyi promise he will stash them all for you
03:39.45TJNIIworks at HP, which is well known for overpackaging. Even screws come in anti-static bags.
03:39.59TJNIIAs long as he's not a cord chewer.
03:40.03KattyTJNII: if i give you my mailing address, will you send me some? :P
03:40.20TJNIII can smuggle some out.
03:40.32*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
03:40.32Kattyk, lemme know
03:40.41Kattyi will make a paypal donation if it will help
03:41.05TJNIISize preference?
03:41.18Kattywell the one he just stashed a video card came in
03:41.35TJNIII can't get too many of the big ones (3' square), but I can get a couple.
03:41.38ChannelZCan you get me a discount on a Z800?  :P
03:41.41Kattya 4870 card
03:41.55Katty3ft is too big
03:41.58Kattymerry could fit in it
03:42.05Kattyprobably like 6" by uhh
03:42.09Katty3 or 4"
03:42.10TJNIII'm a contractor.  No discount.  It sucks.
03:42.35ChannelZhehe bummer
03:42.48Katty^- static bag that came in
03:43.04Kattythe bag was about as big as merry.
03:43.19Kattyryan keeps ammo to one of his guns in a ziplock bag, in the bedroom closet.
03:43.25KattyMerry likes to stash that bag too
03:43.38Kattyi think mostly cause it makes noise tho
03:43.46TJNIIWith the ammo?  THat doesn't sound good.
03:44.06Kattyhe doesn't much care for regular ziplock bags. tho... i don't think i've tried putting those little ringy cat balls in a ziplock bag for him yet. that might do the trick
03:44.13Kattywell that's where ryan keeps it
03:44.19Kattyand it usually ends up under the bed.
03:45.02Kattythe gun is loaded...
03:45.06Kattybut you have to uhh.
03:45.10Kattyi forget what it's called.
03:46.57TJNIIChannelZ: Besides, this is closer to what I work on. :P
03:47.14sbrathWill Hangup work in the dialplan if it dosen't have the () ?
03:48.08TJNIIHello Kitty chainsaw is still my favorite.
03:49.13ChannelZsbrath: as far as I know yes
03:51.33sbrathI'm trying to figure out why the a short extension plan that sets a DB paramater, and then does Hangup dosen't actually Hangup...
03:51.46Kattywhy can't i find a cute little pink camera case to put my controller into? :<
03:52.52sbrathTheir must be one on Ebay :)
03:53.08Kattyyeah but i can't make sure my controller fits if it's on ebay.
03:53.39Katty <- why can't they sell this at target?! )=
03:53.50Kattyi think my controller would fit nicely into that one!
03:56.49Kattymaybe what i need is a miniture tardis
03:56.51Majostdoes anyone use sipdroid with their asterisk box?
03:56.56Kattythat way i can carry a tripod too
03:58.35*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-jnfzpuobrrivvjsr)
04:01.07thansenis 'wav' no longer supported as voicemail format?
04:01.41*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:05.02*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
04:09.31thansenI clearly have 'wav' in my voicemail.conf but I'm getting this..
04:09.32thansen[Mar  4 21:08:27] WARNING[6269]: file.c:1160 ast_writefile: No such format 'wa'
04:09.32thansen[Mar  4 21:08:27] WARNING[6269]: app.c:868 __ast_play_and_record: Error creating writestream '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/100/tmp/IBn9zD', format 'wa'
04:12.02TJNIIHave you reloaded the config?
04:20.07MajostSo what would cause a phone to be able to hear a person talking, but not be able to speak?
04:21.29*** join/#asterisk sip7 (~sip83@
04:22.35sip7Hi, I just have a quick question about Asterisk I am trying "stop now" but the command does not work. Is it deprecated?
04:24.33*** join/#asterisk thansen (
04:25.12thansenTJNII: yes, I've restarted the whole server trying different things
04:25.53TJNIIgrep "wa" /etc/asterisk/* | grep -v "wav"
04:26.00sip7Is anybody here using
04:26.02TJNIIMy best suggestion.
04:27.26TJNIIMajost: Is NAT involved at all?
04:27.40MajostTJNII, yes.
04:27.50TJNIIMajost: In what way?
04:28.28MajostThe phone which is not able to send audio is outside the nat, the asterisk server is inside
04:28.38infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
04:33.37*** join/#asterisk skymeyer (~skymeyer@
04:33.41LemensTSsip7: type 'help' at the cli
04:33.45LemensTSit will show u commands
04:35.30MajostTJNII. yay! Thanks!
04:54.51*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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05:29.05sip7LemensTS: I found "core stop now" and "core stop gracefully" in the list. I used "core stop now"; when I restarted asterisk (, those commands disappeared...
05:29.34*** join/#asterisk jermudgeon (
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05:45.28sip7Is stable enough for a production environment?
05:56.00*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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07:24.11cvnethi all
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08:13.25*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:16.11hipitihophow does one transfer a call from one phone to another
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08:20.19*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
08:21.02ChannelZdepends on your phone
08:21.53hipitihoptuxx-, thanks, seems I have standard features.conf  so parkext => 700 etc.
08:27.59*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:39.39*** join/#asterisk mangala (
08:43.06*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
08:43.47*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
08:44.12Polysicscan i set up * so that if someone is not logged in on SIP, they get called on their cellphone?
08:44.25Polysicsi already have a VOIP account set up and can dial directly
08:46.37*** join/#asterisk soman (
08:50.15kaldemarsure. as always, many ways to do it. either try to dial the peer and catch the failure, or test the availability first e.g. with func DEVICE_STATE.
08:52.06hipitihopChannelZ, can you be more explicit ? I have an siemens Gigaset E495 base with matching cordless E49H handset .. looks like I better read its manual
08:54.02*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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09:00.45*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:03.08Polysicshmm, i configured a SIP peer for incoming calls on a VOIP provider
09:03.23Polysicsbut i keep getting a "User not available" message from the provider
09:03.28Polysicswhat do I need to check?
09:03.52*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
09:04.06kaldemarPolysics: sip debug for the call
09:04.35Polysicsthere is totally no output :-/
09:04.47Polysicsas if something is REALLY wrong :-)
09:05.06kaldemarare you registering to the provider to let them know where you are?
09:08.37*** join/#asterisk asteriskuser (~asterisku@
09:09.02Polysicswell, i can do VOIP to cellphone calls on the same account, so I suppose so
09:10.16asteriskusereverybody here?
09:11.08Polysicsnot much in the debug
09:11.45c0rnoTaasteriskuser: Hi! Your nickname as like login for connecting my asterisk to CDR database ^)
09:11.46kaldemarPolysics: they don't know how to authenticate to you. are they supposed to?
09:12.14Polysicsi would say no
09:12.15*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
09:12.40kaldemarPolysics: if not, add insecure=port,invite for the peer
09:13.05Polysicssip show peers shows the peer as registered
09:13.09kaldemarport may not be needed, try with invite only first.         N      5061     OK (34 ms)
09:13.37kaldemarthey still may have some perverted setup that cannot authenticate invites.
09:13.53kaldemarregistering is a separate animal from actual calls.
09:14.16Polysicsi have no invite option under my sip.conf entry. what is the syntax, please?
09:14.34*** join/#asterisk pengo (
09:15.09kaldemarPolysics: insecure=invite
09:15.21Polysicsoh, i have "very" at the moment there
09:15.31Polysicskaldemar, is the sip.conf entry
09:15.51kaldemarwhat version are you using?
09:18.09kaldemarthere is no "very" in 1.6.1. take a look at the sample config. it's either port, invite or both (or no).
09:18.33Polysicsso i will stick invite in
09:19.31*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
09:21.14Polysicsok, something is moving... now i get a bunch of incompatible audio format errors :-)
09:21.25Polysicsway better than before
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09:26.59asteriskuseri have a problem with my asterisk, many threads of asterisk use 100% of cpu power
09:30.35asteriskuserhas everybody an idea?
09:31.04kaldemarasteriskuser: are you starting asterisk with option -c?
09:31.20Polysicshow do i get a "fallback" option for my simple IVR?
09:31.59Polysicseg. press 1 for X, press 2 for Y, or wait to be connected
09:32.41kaldemarcore show function TIMEOUT
09:33.08kaldemaror use waitexten after background and put a goto after waitexten
09:37.45Polysicsand in the case i would like to have a "clean" context for incoming calls, do i use GOTO?
09:38.00Polysicsi can't find how to set a different context for the incoming peer
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09:46.32c0rnoTaasteriskuser - looks like deadlocks. Which version do you use?
09:48.18Polysicsi am trying to get my IVR menu to work under a different context, but Goto doesn't work :-/
09:49.31kaldemarPolysics: show how it doesn't work
09:49.33Polysicsactually, it is the Goto with an "s" extension that does not work
09:49.52Polysicsif i use a numeric extension in my destination context it works - if i use s it doesn't
09:50.03Polysicsi still don't get what "s" extension is, probably :-)
09:51.13Polysicswouldn't Goto(emenu,s,1) activate the S extension?
09:51.31kaldemarit is used when there is no information on the called extension.
09:51.49kaldemaryes, it would go to s in emenu.
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09:52.54Polysicsi get "extension not found"
09:53.07Polysicswhile if i set the extension to any number, it does work
09:54.33kaldemarshow it
09:54.59Polysicsmy extensions.conf:
09:55.24Polysicsignore the few test extensions in incoming
09:55.32Polysicsthe first couple are what matters
09:57.12Polysicsok, sorted
09:57.19Polysicstypo in the file, my bad
09:58.01Polysicsis the "Goto" the correct way to handle a menu?
09:58.06Polysicslooks like it will work well
09:59.03kaldemarit depends on how the ivr is structured. is is one way and it works.
09:59.48*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
10:00.22Polysicswhere can i find a complete, simple IVR example? i feel like i am missing a few key pieces
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10:01.04Polysicsworking would be 1 for a SIP, 2 for another, wait to be connected, optionally wrong extension
10:09.58Polysicsupdated extensions.conf, with menu NOT working:
10:10.05Polysicsi press numbers and nothing happens
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10:13.15kaldemarshow a cli output too.
10:13.45kaldemarwith core debug so that possible DTMF shows on the screen
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10:17.16Polysicskaldemar, i would say i would blame the client
10:17.21Polysicsthat is, Zoiper Web
10:17.29Polysicsbecause from a cellphone the menu works properly
10:17.42kaldemarprobably a dtmf mode issue
10:19.17Polysicsi am using "media inband" mode
10:19.24Polysicswill cehck what is wrong
10:19.54*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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10:22.58kaldemarPolysics: then put dtmfmode=inband for the peer in sip.conf or change the mode. if possible, use either rfc2833 or sip info. rfc2833 is the default on asterisk side.
10:23.48PolysicsZoiper calls rfc2833 "media_outband", i'll use that
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10:26.55angryusercan someone tell me "Eastern time" = gmt ?
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10:31.23abcmobWhat is the "data port" on panasonic kx 580 phones?
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10:42.58rare1980_iptables -t nat -A prerouting -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to --destination
10:43.07rare1980_i am tyring to allow port 80 on ubuntu
10:43.14rare1980_but when as i enter this command i get msg that... iptables v1.3.8 bad ip address
10:43.18rare1980_any idea?
10:44.44kaldemardnat params are invalid
10:47.02rare1980_plz can you correct it?
10:50.39rare1980_kaldemar: please can write down complete synatax ?
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11:04.23rare1980_kaldemar: i have one host computer on ubutnu and i have installed virutalbox on it and i am using elastix .. and i want to access host machine and virtual machine over the vpn .. i can ping host system and virtual system but i can't access virtual system web interface
11:05.08rare1980_i enterd NAT on iptables but still it is not working :(
11:10.09defsworkanyone got a nokia n900 working with asterisk ?  I'm only getting one way audio
11:10.58Chainsawdefswork: Sounds like a NAT issue.
11:11.04defsworkno nat involved
11:11.14defsworkip -> ip via vpn
11:11.19defsworkand direct when at home
11:11.20Chainsawdefswork: There usually is with unidirectional audio problems.
11:11.30Chainsawdefswork: NAT or firewalling.
11:12.20kaldemarrare1980_: check the ip address. unless you configured the nat interface dhcp settings by hand, you're setting a wrong ip address for the guest system.
11:12.36defsworkI've got a routed subnet - theres no NAT
11:12.38kaldemarrare1980_: by default they are
11:13.01rare1980_if possible can you jump on my vnc and plz check it for me...
11:13.04defsworki was thinking it might be a codec issue
11:13.07kaldemarrare1980_: .1 is the host system address, not the guest.
11:13.18kaldemarrare1980_: i'd rather not.
11:13.49rare1980_kaldemar: can you come to my vnc? plz
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11:40.58hackeronhey, I'm trying to get dahdi working, and I see this when I ring the pbx number from my mobile: -- but I don't hear the welcome recording, I just keep hearing the ringing tones on my mobile - any ideas?
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11:57.40adnchello, in a context i do have several dialing rules which all have there own priority with 1. is it possible to have an expression (like Set() ) to be used for all in context or do i need to make it for every single dialingrule?
11:59.33*** join/#asterisk Ender3 (
12:02.24kaldemaradnc: with patterns it is. make a pattern extension that matches all the others with priority 1 and does the Set. then set all other extensions as priority n or 2.
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12:04.23adnckaldemar, thanks, but i did not get that really, could you give me a simple example?
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12:10.28adnckaldemar, could i do this outside of a context? or does it need to be in a context (the pattern that matches all)
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12:15.23kaldemaradnc: all extensions are in a context. you can do it in another context and goto to the one with the actual extensions.
12:17.16*** join/#asterisk Systemt` (
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12:40.39adncis it possible to switch off the .ael way of configuring, it looks for a extensions.ael which i do not have. which module is doing this?
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12:42.25kaldemaradnc: put noload => into asterisk's modules.conf
12:42.30adncahh thanks
12:43.00adncres_odbc.c: Adding ENV var: INFORMIXSERVER=my_special_database
12:43.15adnci have this kind of entries in my messages, although i do not use an informixserver
12:43.28adncis the module called
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13:06.24Systemt`some one can help me with my sip ?
13:06.29Systemt`i have audio problem...
13:06.36Systemt`NO audion
13:06.38Systemt`NO audio
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13:34.52elred_Systemt`, check the SDP to see if ip match same subnet and if rtp port are reachable
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13:35.39Systemt`how can i check that ?
13:35.46Systemt`i have port forwarding ..
13:36.13kaldemarSystemt`: did you configure your asterisk to work with NAT?
13:36.18infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:36.29*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
13:36.42kaldemarshow how. pastebin your sip.conf and a sip debug of a call.
13:36.45infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
13:37.46kaldemarif a provider connection is involved, mask passwords in sip.conf
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13:43.11Systemt`my sip is invite
13:43.15Systemt`with out password
13:52.50PolysicsZoiper does not send proper DTMF toens :-/
13:53.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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13:54.35CoolCat2012hi all!
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13:56.07CoolCat2012does anyone here use skype for asterisk?
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14:10.04Polysicsanyone uses Adhearsion here? the channel isn't very lively
14:10.17CoolCat2012i wonder if skype for asterik allow place call to skype users, and how.
14:11.36adnc here i have the same behaviour for different pattern, is there a way to simplify this?
14:14.12[TK]D-Fenderadnc: "core show application goto"
14:14.39[TK]D-Fenderadnc: "core show application macro"
14:14.43[TK]D-Fenderadnc: "core show application gosub"
14:14.46adnci see
14:14.47[TK]D-Fenderadnc: take your pick
14:16.46[TK]D-Fenderadnc: I'd use a macro, and apss it the sound file to play as well to abstract it for multiple uses
14:17.49adnc[TK]D-Fender, i understand, if i would use goto, using goto is no problem but the playback how would i adress it exten => tobeexecuted,1,Playback(privacy-incorrect)
14:18.18[TK]D-Fenderadnc: Just jump to the exten that does all the stuff you want to do
14:18.37adncwith which number
14:18.47[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal: MAKE ONE
14:18.51[TK]D-Fenderadnc: rather
14:19.06adncexten => 000000,1,Playback(...)
14:19.52adncif it matches at exten => _0900.,1,Goto(jumppoint) how does the jumppoint look like?
14:20.05adncthere is no extension i can write
14:20.10[TK]D-Fenderadnc: There is
14:20.20[TK]D-FenderadcTry treading the app's instructions
14:21.21adncKatty, hi
14:21.35Kattywhat is happenings
14:21.48Kattyon this gorgeous FRIDAY morning
14:21.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: U CAN HAZ GRAMMER?!
14:22.16Kattygrammar would defeat the cuteness
14:22.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: .... Mew :)
14:22.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
14:23.35*** part/#asterisk CoolCat2012 (~IceChat7@
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14:28.49sip7Is stable enough for a production environment?
14:29.09NaikrovekKatty: nice hello kitty controller you got there
14:29.26Naikroveklikes going through X-Chat's URL grabber in the morning.
14:29.28KattyNaikrovek: that's not mine.
14:29.33KattyNaikrovek: but i thought it was cute
14:29.34NaikrovekKatty: uh huh
14:29.45[TK]D-Fender[09:28]<Naikrovek>grammAr <- meme FAIL
14:29.55Naikrovekthat's a meme?
14:30.00Kattyyour mom's a meme
14:30.03Naikrovekwill have to look that up
14:30.07*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
14:30.25adncKatty, ;)
14:30.55[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: .... Dear God my yogurt has more culture than you this morning...even if it's only BACTERIAL :p
14:31.07Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: that's probably accurate.
14:31.37coppice[TK]D-Fender: if you want culture what are you doing on the internet?
14:32.46Polysicswow, i don't look at the window for 15 minutes and everything goes ape in here :-)
14:40.19hackeronhey, I'm trying to get dahdi working, and I see this when I ring the pbx number from my mobile: and the call never goes to my dial plan :( - any ideas?
14:43.02Kattydances with file
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14:43.16filefalls over
14:43.33Naikrovekwhy would you fall over
14:43.48leifmadsendoes anyone know if Asterisk will try to take dtmf from a phone (such as via rfc2833) and convert it to inband on an outgoing channel if the peer is setup for dtmfmode=inband?
14:44.03Naikrovekleifmadsen: one would think so, but i've not tested
14:44.07fileI'm a cardboard cutout
14:44.31Naikrovekfile: you're like a lot of people i work with.  look at it face on, they appear to have all the skill and personality of a real person
14:44.40Naikrovekfile: but when you ask them to do something, they fall flat on their face
14:44.49Naikrovekand are as thin as a playing card
14:45.10Naikroveklike a baloon painted like a rock or something
14:45.12leifmadsenNaikrovek: ya, I'm testing with someone, and I don't think I'm seeing that. Having DTMF issues where a phone can't handle inband (because they want to use g729) but the provider only supports inband
14:45.25Naikrovekyou think you have something with substance, but when you need it, it floats away or pops or whatever
14:45.58Naikrovekprovider only supports inband?  the heck?
14:46.19leifmadsenNaikrovek: ya don't ask -- not my box :)
14:46.34leifmadsenand not my choice of provider
14:46.43Naikrovekwell i would think taht asterisk would do that.  if i have a dahdi card, and analog lines, but voip phones, it does the conversion to inband then
14:46.54sip7Does G.722 support inband?
14:46.54leifmadsenNaikrovek: ya that would make sense eh
14:47.15Naikroveksip7: they all "support" it, whether or not it actually works is another matter
14:47.22Naikroveksip7: but g722 probably would be just fine
14:47.26Naikroveksince it's a wideband codec
14:49.49hackeronanyone? - I'm trying to get dahdi working, and I see this when I ring the pbx number from my mobile: and the call never goes to my dial plan :( - any ideas?
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14:51.41Naikrovekhackeron: someone will step up if they know the answer.  don't leave or anything.
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15:08.18GeminizerHello all.  I have a dialplan context which makes use of Dial().  This is meant to access an extension I have created using asterisk.  If that extension is not available, and VM is enabled for that extension, should the caller be automatically taken to that extension's VM ?
15:09.38Geminizerif the extension doesn't answer, that is
15:13.53*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
15:15.34leifmadsenGeminizer: if there is no answer due to a rejection or timeout, then execution of the dialplan continues to the next line
15:15.49leifmadsenGeminizer: at which point, it could do anything, such as utilize the Voicemail() application
15:16.12leifmadsenif the call is answered, execution of the dialplan stops at call completion, and the call is hung up
15:18.50Geminizerok... so it's not a feature of the extension properties which dictates whether to go to that extensions voicemail, but rather the dialplan
15:20.06leifmadsenthe dialplan is the end-all-be-all of call handling
15:20.58[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Every action * takes for a call = diallpan
15:21.25[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: An extension is a number you dial.  What it does is your job
15:21.44Kobazleifmadsen: well... hehe... there's always AMI
15:21.51[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: And never call a "phone" an "extension".  A phone is a device that can place a call, or be called
15:21.59leifmadsenKobaz: lets not confuse the poor lad :)
15:23.14Kattyyay, i beat dungeon 4!
15:23.31GeminizerI don't think I ever I established that equivalency
15:24.06Kattyi don't recall where number 5 is
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15:27.20Kattydid they make more than 1 zelda for NES?
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15:41.09smooth_penguinKatty, !!
15:42.15Kattysmooth_penguin: :>
15:42.21KattyNaikrovek: i got my blue ring!
15:42.24KattyNaikrovek: :>>>
15:42.27Kattyhugs smooth_penguin
15:44.03hackeronI get error: [Mar  5 15:43:19] ERROR[2755]: ais/clm.c:141 ast_ais_clm_load_module: Could not initialize cluster membership service: Try Again -- what is causing this?
15:44.14smooth_penguinhey Katty, whats cooking
15:44.34Kattyjust sitting on hold with symantec and playin zelda
15:44.37smooth_penguinbtw my weekend has started :P :P
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15:44.47Kattyi guess mine started this morning
15:44.50Kattybut i gots to work some
15:45.04Kattyif they will answer the phone
15:45.46smooth_penguinKatty, hows the critters
15:46.42Kattyexcellent :> their playpen came in
15:48.14hackeronAnyone has an analog interface card and can help me? -- I set chan_dahdi.conf with context.default, default context in extensions.conf is set to answer the call and play a message, dahdi show status and dahdi show channels seems to show everything correctly (but I see a red alarm for some reason on asterisk start) - I see cid errors when I ring the PBX number but the call never makes it to the dial plan -- anyone at all???
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15:55.24raden_workmorning Katty
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15:57.59hackeronI'm getting a red alarm on my analog interface card (wctdm24xxp+  d161:8006 Wildcard AEX410P) when I start asterisk, any ideas why? -- chan_dahdi.c:5691 handle_alarms: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
15:58.03*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:59.17Naikrovekblue ring, nice
16:01.08Kattyhi raden_work (=
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16:08.39wcselbyquestion - how does one setup g729 passthrough, and also t38 fax passthrough?  I've setup g729 and t38, but never in passthrough mode.
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16:09.41ChannelZany codec will pass through so long as Asterisk doesn't need to be in the media stream and convert it
16:09.48wcselbyalways set it up with asterisk being inside the call loop with g729 (i.e not passthrough), and I've setup FFA with asterisk as the t38 endpoint
16:09.58*** part/#asterisk lupine_85 (~lupine_85@unaffiliated/lupine-85/x-7392152)
16:10.05wcselbyhmmm, so there's no special config?
16:10.06ChannelZIE both ends of the call are g729, you aren't using MeetMe, any prompts * might play are g729..
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16:11.31Kattygets bored of zelda
16:11.38Kattyso who can recommend me a new NES game
16:12.05AkiraaIt turns out modem-over-IP is no joke as I thought...
16:12.48wcselbyKatty - castelvania?
16:13.12leifmadsenKatty: RadRacer!
16:13.25leifmadsenKatty: even has a 3D version :)
16:13.34Kattyk, i'll try out both of those
16:13.56Kattywcselby: number 1, 2, or 3?
16:14.34wcselbyKatty - i've always enjoyed the original, but to be honest it's been a long time, so I don't remember the difference.
16:15.01Kattylooks like that kung foo game
16:15.08coppiceAkiraa: No? look at the date on that article, and look at the deployment level 8 years later
16:15.15leifmadsenKatty: Contra!
16:15.18wcselbyanyone know where I can get a sidecar for a polycom 601 in Houston, Tx - today?
16:15.31Kattyi gots contra
16:15.36Kattywcselby: hrmm
16:15.45Kattywcselby: not /today/ no
16:15.47Naikrovekman contra wasted many an afternoon in my childhood
16:16.08Naikrovekmy father could beat contra and super mario both straight through without dying once
16:16.43*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
16:16.47Naikrovekno konami code, no warp pipes
16:16.50Naikrovekperfect games all
16:17.02Naikrovek"when you and your brohers can do this, i'll buy you a new game."
16:19.06*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
16:19.35Kattyi don't get how to get through a wall :/
16:19.54NaikrovekKatty: shoot the glowy red things all over it
16:20.44Kattyall i got is this..whip..thing
16:20.49hackeronwhat module is causing this error? < "ais/clm.c:141 ast_ais_clm_load_module: Could not initialize cluster membership service: Try Again"
16:21.27Naikrovekoh i thought you were playing contra
16:21.29Naikrovekwhat game?  zelda?
16:21.56wcselbyyou use the whip to kill things, and swing I think?
16:22.00Naikrovekwhy can't there be more great 2d games
16:22.01wcselbycan you catch a lamp or something katty?
16:22.06Naikrovekyes you can swing with it
16:22.16Naikrovekbionic commando was also one of my faves
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16:25.11wcselbyhackeron - are you trying to run some kind of clustering?
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16:33.51hackeronwcselby: no
16:34.40hackeronwcselby: just a default asterisk configuration, I changed chan_dahdi.conf and extensions.conf -- dahdi show channels shows everything correctly but I'm not able to get incoming calls :( -- only error I can see is that
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16:38.19hackeronAnyone? - I'm having trouble accepting incoming calls, when I call the PBX, this is what I see:
16:38.27hackeron[Mar  5 16:37:32] NOTICE[1549]: chan_dahdi.c:8422 ss_thread: Got event 17 (Polarity Reversal)...
16:38.31hackeron[Mar  5 16:37:34] WARNING[1549]: chan_dahdi.c:8480 ss_thread: CID timed out waiting for ring. Exiting simple switch
16:38.39hackeronand it just keeps showing this over and over while I hear a ringing sound on my phone :(
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16:38.58hackeronKobaz: it's 4 lines...
16:39.05infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:39.13KattyHELLO THAR
16:39.39Systemt`Katty we spoke yesterday right ?
16:40.07p3nguin_How can I get VoiceMail() to play the person's name but NOT play busy or unavailable messages.  If I use ,u it says "Jan Sanders is unavailable. Please leave a message..." and ,b says "Jan Sanders is on the phone. Please leave..."  I just want it to say "Jan Sanders.  Please leave your message after..."  Possible?
16:40.11Kobazhackeron: turn off callerid, and retry
16:40.13wcselbysorry hackeron i was looking but I'm also doing some work
16:40.32hackeronKobaz: I did, nothing :(
16:40.34wcselbyp3nguin_, try the s switch?
16:40.51Kobazp3nguin_: there's an option to turn off the auto built-in messages
16:40.52hackeronKobaz: the warning disappears, but the call is still not answered
16:40.59Kobazhackeron: what card
16:41.09KattySystemt`: i don't really remember.
16:41.12KattySystemt`: we may have tho
16:41.13hackeronKobaz: pci:0000:04:08.0     wctdm24xxp+  d161:8006 Wildcard AEX410P
16:41.15p3nguin_wcselby: Yeah, it just plays the beep with no instructions at all.
16:41.19KattyHAI PENGUIN
16:41.30p3nguin_Hello, Katty.
16:41.37Kattywell don't get all excited or anything
16:41.43Kobazp3nguin_: write a macro that does a playback of the name stored in the mailbox
16:42.11Systemt`hey i have problem with audio when the person is answer the call ther is no audio
16:42.17Kobazhackeron: pastebin your dahdi configs
16:42.25KattySystemt`: i am sorry to hear that.
16:42.38Systemt`what cani do ?
16:42.46KobazSystemt`: rest, ice, and ibuprofin... you'll be tip top in the morning
16:42.47wcselbySystemt` - check your nat
16:42.50Systemt`i was making port forwarfind
16:42.56KattySystemt`: well, firstly...
16:43.01KattySystemt`: i would start by having lunch.
16:43.12KattySystemt`: and then i would google my issue and see what there is to see out there
16:43.26wcselbySystemt` - it's a nat issue
16:43.27KattySystemt`: then, if googling failed me, i would pastebin all relevant information for the channel.
16:43.30infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:43.41hackeronKobaz: one sec
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16:43.43Systemt`yea but i making port forwarding to this ports
16:43.48KattySystemt`: then ask very specific questions.
16:43.53wcselbySystemt` - it's a nat issue
16:44.08wcselbySystemt` - read the links I just provided
16:44.16wcselbyyou're forwarding udp, right?
16:44.24Kattywcselby: let him read. it wlil do him good.
16:44.26wcselbyit's a nat issue, check the links
16:44.33Systemt`i was reding that
16:45.29hackeronKobaz: thanks for looking at this :) - much appreciated
16:45.35wcselbySystemt` - read it some more
16:45.57Kattyso i was thinking Mexican for lunch
16:46.00wcselbymy headache is making me all bitchy
16:46.03Kattymaybe some vegetarian nachos
16:46.09Kattywcselby: take midol.
16:46.15Kattywcselby: it works wonders for the crankies.
16:46.17wcselbyi've taken it before
16:46.23Kattywcselby: pain killer, muscle relaxant, caffeine
16:46.34wcselbyhad someone give it to me at an old job, I was like, wtf is this?
16:46.44Kattyit's awesome
16:46.46Kattythat's what it is
16:46.50Kattythey shouldn't just market it to women.
16:46.55wcselbylaughed a bit, took it, didn't help one bit
16:46.57Kobazhackeron: and what did you change when you tried without callerid
16:47.06Kattywcselby: ^_-
16:47.16Kattywcselby: i don't know what to say about that
16:47.20Kattywcselby: works wonders for me
16:47.24hackeronKobaz: set usecallerid = no and commented out cidsignalling and cidstart
16:47.41Kobazand paste your console with callerid disabled
16:47.50Systemt`wcselby --> pm plz
16:48.08KattySystemt`: i think you two should talk here
16:48.16KattySystemt`: that way the whole channel can benefit from it
16:48.41wcselbySystemt` - I can check your box, but that's not free.
16:48.44hackeronKobaz: LeoPBX2*CLI>
16:48.49hackeronKobaz: that's it, nothing appears when I call the line
16:48.54Systemt`how much u want?
16:49.17hackeronKobaz: I only see the callerid warning and notice when callerid is enabled, otherwise, nothing :(
16:49.21wcselbyokay, i'll chat in the pm, one sec
16:50.08Kobazhackeron: add answeronpolarityswitch=yes  and keep callerid disabled... see what you get
16:51.45hackeronKobaz: no change :(
16:52.50Kobazhackeron: are you sure fxsks is the proper signalling for your line?
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16:53.11hackeronKobaz: not at all - but it's a standard BT line and that's what I used in the past
16:53.31hackeronKobaz: will it make a difference to try loop start?
16:53.31Kobazhackeron: have you tried a different card?
16:53.40hackeronKobaz: nope, I don't have a different card :(
16:53.47Kobazhackeron: give it a shot... you might have a different type of line then you've used before
16:53.57Kobazand there's also ground start
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16:55.00hackeronKobaz: it says in the documentation that it's only used by some rare PBXs and not to worry about it generally?
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16:56.21hackeronKobaz: and dahdi_monitor 2 -v shows RX spikes btw, so something's coming trhough
16:56.31hackeronKobaz: no change with loop start - trying ground start
16:58.17Systemt`  <-- My Sip.conf
16:59.23hackeronKobaz: hmm, I put fxsgs = 1-4 in /etc/dahdi/system.conf and signalling = fxs_gs -- but asterisk is saying: [Mar  5 16:59:13] ERROR[1475]: chan_dahdi.c:10050 mkintf: Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXS Groundstart but line is in FXS Kewlstart signalling
16:59.24Katty^- just watch it.
16:59.59*** join/#asterisk HorizonXP (
17:00.05wcselbySystemt` - you're running freepbx
17:00.14wcselbythere's a support channel for that - #freepbx
17:00.22Systemt`this is my sip configuration
17:00.43hackeronKobaz: any ideas?
17:00.46Kobazhackeron: chan_dahdi and system/dahdi need to match
17:00.54Systemt`but i dont have freepbx problems
17:00.59Systemt`i have sip roblems
17:01.16hackeronKobaz: Changing signalling on channel 1 from FXS Kewlstart to FXS Groundstart
17:01.17hackeronDAHDI_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
17:01.17hackeronDid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
17:01.40hackeronKobaz: so dahdi refuses to set it to groundstart - loopstart and kewlstart work though
17:01.42Kobazokay.. so your card doesn't support it
17:02.01Kobazi would call up digium hardware support
17:02.16hackeronKobaz: ok, I'll try that, thanks
17:02.29infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
17:02.33wcselbySystemt` ^^^^
17:02.45hackeronKobaz: I'm not next to the PBX at the moment though - so I can't give them the serial number - will they reduce to speak to me without it do you think?
17:03.15hackeronwill they refuse I mean*
17:03.19Kobazhackeron: i've never dealt with digium support, but it's their hardware, they should support it no matter when/where/who you bought it from
17:03.31hackeronKobaz: ok, thanks, I'll try
17:03.31Kobazif i call up sangoma, they just say... give us your logs
17:03.32Systemt`wcselby: i dont use him ...
17:04.25hackeronKobaz: oh and last thing, so any ideas what's causing this? < ERROR[1528]: ais/clm.c:141 ast_ais_clm_load_module: Could not initialize cluster membership service: Try Again
17:04.36Kobazhackeron: that looks bad... no idea
17:04.59hackeronKobaz: it's a vanilla asterisk compiled manually with make samples :(
17:05.32Kobazyou could go and disable modules you're not using
17:05.40Kobazdelete out config files for stuff you dont need
17:05.47wcselbySystemt` - the point is, freepbx uses a whole lot of special files that are different from a standard asterisk install.  there's sip.conf, and sip_custom.conf, and sip_general.conf, and sip_general_custom.conf, and sip.............etc.  There's a whole lot of files, and their organized a special way by freepbx.  you should find someone that does a lot of freepbx support to help you with your nat issues.
17:06.23hackeronKobaz: yeah, that's my question, what module do I disable for that to go away? -- also, how do I get a list of loaded modules?
17:06.29Kobazbasically all you need for a base system is asterisk.conf, dahdi, sip/iax, cdr, and logging, indications, features.conf manager.conf modules.conf, voicemail.conf and that's about it
17:06.47Kobazmodule show will show you everything
17:08.08Kobazand musiconhold if you wan that too
17:11.04hackeronKobaz: thanks
17:11.46Kobazyou can look at your initial console output for seeing what modules are loaded
17:12.15p3nguin_How the hell am I supposed to troubleshoot a T1 channel bank?  Doesn't it either WORK or NOT WORK?  If in condition of NOT WORK, you hire someone to repair it?
17:12.28Kobazp3nguin_: you might have signalling wrong
17:12.53Kobazand if it doesn't work... that's probably what it is
17:12.57p3nguin_I'm going to make the assumption that it has been working and now does not work.
17:13.14Kobazare you sure *nothing* has changed
17:13.33p3nguin_Nope.  I didn't touch it... that's the only guarantee I can make.
17:13.40Kobazwhat if someone else did
17:13.56p3nguin_It's possible.  Maybe there is a loose cable or something.
17:14.27*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@
17:14.46Kobazorder of operations... reboot... check hardware (cabling/power/internal modules), configuration, reboot some more... call support.... rma
17:14.52p3nguin_Here's the message I got:  Network is currently down.  T-1 splits into two networks in a channel bank, one channel bank is down.  Go on site to trouble shoot.
17:15.24*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
17:16.01Kobazat least it wasn't
17:16.07Kobaz"office down, pls fix... tks"
17:18.08p3nguin_Might as well have been that general.
17:18.43wcselbyat least you didn't get "hey dude, the website's down, can you reboot it?"
17:18.59wcselbyala webdude vs. salesguy
17:19.30p3nguin_I would have replied with the "reboot your computer three times" instruction.
17:20.49wcselby"dude I already did that, three times like you always say to"
17:21.45Kobazi remember reading an it horror story... some dept head was like... reboot the webserver, i cant log in
17:21.59Kobazand the guy was like, the daemon was crashed out, i restarted it... it works now
17:22.16Kobazand the dept head was still saying, reboot the server... but there were other services on the server... and active connections
17:22.41Kobazand he kept getitng pestered and pestered... so he's like okay... i rebooted it... and then the dept head was like... my email is down!!!!
17:22.54wcselbyKobaz -
17:23.20p3nguin_People are funny.
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17:28.14Kobazthe one at the bottom os great
17:29.25Kobazoh wait no... i'm watching the second one..
17:30.39*** join/#asterisk Sidnicious (~Sidney@pdpc/supporter/professional/sidney)
17:30.41p3nguin_Here's another funny story.  "Go to building X and install this router."  "How far away is the demarc?"  "Not sure, better get some cable."  So I call someone for a box of bulk cable.  $70 for the cable, $127 to overnight it to me so I'll have it on time.
17:31.01p3nguin_NO THANKS!
17:33.54SidniciousSo, my company's moving into a space with an old intercom system. Push to talk, push to listen, push to open door. A tone comes in when our button is pressed downstairs. Is anyone familiar with a way to adapt that to our phone system?
17:36.32SidniciousI'm envisioning some piece of hardware that generates a call when it sees voltage on the line, uses VOX to switch between talk and listen, and closes the door switch for a few seconds when a key is hit
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17:37.31KobazSidnicious: there are sip activated door plates
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17:38.53ariel_Hello folks
17:39.05SidniciousKobaz: That'd be nice, but we only control what's inside our space.
17:40.41SidniciousOK, failing the existence of this thing, are there any barebones, hackable sip boxes that I could use as a starting point to build one?
17:40.54Kobazbuy a cheap sip phone and just wire it up to the intercom system
17:40.59Kobazthat's what we did
17:41.14Kobazwe took apart a polycom, set it to autoanswer, soldered on the paging system leads to the speakerphone leads
17:43.02SidniciousDo the push-to-talk and push-to-listen buttons not actually control anything in the rest of the intercom system?
17:43.09SidniciousThat's pretty awesome.
17:43.52Kobazwell the intercom stuff is only used over the ip system now
17:44.03Sidniciousi.e. does it work properly without them?
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17:53.18paulcDefinition of pain: co workers on a conference call, over the cubicle wall, speakerphone LOUD, trying to understand what a 404 is.. "uh, guys - they ARE hitting our server, but the path is wrong/not found" ARRGGGHHHH
17:53.28paulcdreams of a job doing Asterisk all day
17:54.26Naikrovekyes polycoms can intercom without them
17:54.37Naikroveki have a 3 digit extension that pages (full duplex) all phones in the facility
17:54.44Naikrovekso i can hear people respond
17:54.56*** part/#asterisk mykhyggz (
17:55.02Naikrovekand polycom or asterisk is smart enough to mute phones where people aren't talking
17:55.25Naikrovekas soon as someone talks though i hear them, and them only
17:55.40Sidniciouscool, cool
17:56.12Naikrovekbut kobaz is doing something kinda cool there
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17:56.19Naikrovekhe's using a phone as the interface to his paging system
17:56.22Naikrovekwhich is neat
17:56.53Naikroveki woudln't have thought that would have worked by just straight soldering the speaker leads to the paging system input
17:58.33wcselbyoh dear lord
17:58.34Naikrovekthese layer3 hp gigabit poe switches are interesting
17:58.39Naikroveksoooo much cheaper than a cisco
17:58.49wcselbyi rickrolled someone using asterisk, and now they're doing it to everyone on our helpdesk
17:58.56Naikrovekoh man
17:59.18wcselbyusing this link -
17:59.21wcselbydialing the phone number
17:59.31wcselbythen turning on call forward on my phone
18:00.10Naikrovekfinally watched district 9 last night
18:00.53[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: It was kinda touching... nothing amazing, just a good story that feels like it matters at least a little
18:01.15Naikrovekwell it was highly reflective for the south african folks i know
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18:02.28Kattyuggggg. too much nachos
18:02.51*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:03.26Naikroveki've been watching calorie intake starting this week
18:03.30Naikroveknot going over 1200/day
18:03.35Naikrovekit's been remarkably rewarding
18:03.47Naikroveka bit hungry all the time but nothing a glass of water doesn't fix
18:03.54paulcWow.. isn't that a bit low?
18:04.03Naikrovekif you're trying to lose 100lbs it's probably fine
18:04.07Naikrovekdoctor says it's fine
18:04.08Kattythat's not low
18:04.11Kattythat's about what i eat
18:04.11Naikrovekas long as i get nutrition
18:04.28Katty300-400 per meal, and 100-150 for snacks, twice a day
18:05.35ariel_hummm but what about my once or twice a week 1200 cal Ice Cream from ColdStone????
18:05.39lanningI need to get that control...
18:06.00Kattyariel_: you can still have it, just eat less of it
18:06.57ariel_I bbl I just ate lunch and need to walk.  (I promised my wife I would walk at least 30 minutes after lunch).....
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18:08.57Naikroveklanning: as soon as you start, self control is not a problem
18:09.27lanningI need to loose about 200... :(
18:09.28Naikroveklanning: that was my concern as well; but once i did it one time i gained self control, just like i lost self control every time i ate something i knew i shouldn't
18:10.07Naikrovekevery time you make a decision taht you know is good for yourself, even though you want to do what's bad for you, you get a little piece of your soul back
18:10.14Naikrovekand that extra piece makes it easier next time
18:10.21Naikrovekit spirals, but it spirals up
18:10.26Kattyso what was better on n64, zelda majora's mask or zelda ocarina of time
18:10.27Naikrovekinstead of down
18:10.40NaikrovekKatty: i like OoT but many love MM
18:10.58NaikrovekOoT is widely regarded (by some) as the best game ever
18:11.05lanningKatty: I was addicted to Mario Cart! :P
18:11.13Kattylanning: i'm more of an RPG person
18:11.27Kattytho mario RPG legend of the seven starts on snes was awesome.
18:11.38Kattyreally super awesome.
18:11.41lanningRocket Propelled Grenade? :P
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18:11.54Kattydon't remember anything about a rocket propelled grenade
18:11.55NaikrovekKatty: the Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for NDS is 10/10 in my book
18:12.07Kattymakes note to download NDS emulator
18:12.17Kattydo they make emulators for that?
18:12.26Kattyseems like they're still selling Nintendo DS at the store
18:12.57Naikrovekyes there are emulators
18:13.03Naikrovekbut i don't think piracy talk is condoned in here
18:13.15Naikroveknot judging though
18:13.17Naikrovekjust saying
18:13.20Kattywell i would never do anything illegal.
18:13.53Naikrovekyou know
18:14.11Naikrovekmy daughter (5yo) is absoutely in love with LittleBigPlanet on PS3
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18:14.27Kattyi've been considering getting a ps3
18:14.30NaikrovekI've never heard her laugh so hard as when she lays down some cloth, tacks a rocket on it, then grabs it
18:14.40Kattybut it seems that the majority of games released for xbox, ps3, etc are first person shooters.
18:14.43Naikrovekrocket takes off with her attached and spirals out of control
18:14.49Naikrovekher laughing hysterically for 10 minutes
18:15.06Naikrovekfinal fantasy XIII comes out tuesday, for ps3 and x360
18:15.13Naikrovekand ffxiii is why i bought my ps3
18:15.17Kattyi haven't played any of the ff games
18:15.22Naikrovekoh they are awesome
18:15.30Kattywhat did Final Fantasy I come out on?
18:15.37NaikrovekNES I think
18:16.12Naikrovekfinal fantasy 12 was pretty close to 10/10 for me
18:16.18Naikrovekff 13 is HD
18:16.47Naikrovekone can pick up a ps2 from craigslist for $40 often, and ff 12 used from gamestop for $12
18:16.52wcselbyhow can I disconnect a dahdi channel in progress?
18:16.54wcselbyfrom the cli
18:16.59wcselbyusing asterisk 1.4.x
18:17.32Kattywonders how to map her controller to n64
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18:18.11Naikrovekwcselby: that may be an AMI only kind of operation, disconnecting
18:18.14Naikroveki'm not sure though
18:18.17Naikrovekdigging through CLI now
18:19.33wcselbydahdi destroy channel xx-x
18:19.37wcselbygot it
18:22.49[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: that will KILL the entire channel, nt jsut a call
18:23.13[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And then you'll start failing things like group dials, etc
18:23.21Naikrovekit wasn't me asking
18:23.24Naikrovekbut thank you
18:23.32Naikrovekwcselby: read what [TK]D-Fender said
18:25.13wcselby[TK]D-Fender - i did dahdi destroy call 74-4
18:25.28wcselbydahdi destroy channel 74-4
18:25.49wcselbyi see what you're saying
18:25.54wcselbyso now I'm short one channel
18:26.06Kattythe fate of the world DEPENDS ON THEE
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18:33.52ruben23are there any chance on asterisk i can capture the inbound number coming to my asterisk.
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18:34.29trentcreekHow are we suppose to identify the new scam from the Ma Bells, and block asterisk from calling one of those "Pay-per-Call" numbers?
18:38.35bmoraca_workruben23: if you have digital trunking or DID lines from the telco, they will send DNIS information
18:40.22*** join/#asterisk TheNoOne (~thenoone@
18:40.58TheNoOnehi .. i'm trying to get a beronet BN8S0 running under dahdi
18:41.14TheNoOneso far everthing loaded
18:41.21TheNoOnebut all ports come up as TE
18:41.30ruben23bmoraca_work:im having voip trunk
18:41.43TheNoOnesome are jumpered as NT
18:41.56TheNoOneis there a module parameter
18:42.10TheNoOneto tell wcb4xxp which ports are NT
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18:46.10TheNoOnemy beronet is rev.1 .. so there are only 4 TE NT jumpers not 5
18:47.43TheNoOnethe card is like a octoBRI rev.1
18:48.00*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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19:08.21RobHruben23: are you not getting the callerid info from your termination/origination provider?
19:09.24RobHruben23: in your dialplan, if you are not sure, you can toss in something like:  exten => s,n,NoOp(THE CALLERID FOR THIS CALL IS: ${CALLERID(all)})
19:09.35RobHand it will output it to the CLI when folks call.
19:10.44RobHall incoming calls to asterisk will store to the callerid variable if its passed on by the provider.  (even if its not, then its just a blank variable afaik, but i always get UNKNOWN from my provider when its blocked or not available.
19:11.58*** join/#asterisk korihor (~korihor@
19:12.45TheNoOnewhere can i find a list of wcb4xxp module parameters?
19:15.57TheNoOneok found it in base.c
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19:16.37TheNoOnehm ... doesnt seem to be support for manually setting NT modes
19:16.46TheNoOnethis is bad :(
19:17.56*** join/#asterisk Talirk81 (
19:19.12Talirk81I added a  "friend" into my sip.conf  , but  when i try to dial out it fails. Registering works fine, how can i trouble shoot why its failing to dial out.   Dial() from my agi scripts works fine from inbound did contexts.
19:19.21Talirk81btw running 1.4
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19:23.17ruben23i got the message to my gtalk is calling you NOW but the callerID is not been send.
19:23.17trentcreekTalirk81: That is not enough, you should always pastebin your config in so people can see what you are doing
19:23.44Talirk81well i dont know what part of the many files you need , ive not tried to use a softphoen before
19:24.29*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
19:25.07trentcreekTalirk81: You just wrote: " I added a  "friend" into my sip.conf "
19:25.25Talirk81right and that registers fine but it cant dial out
19:25.37Talirk81so i dont know if you need   excepts from extensions or  other sip files
19:25.49*** join/#asterisk correcaminos (~luis.agui@
19:25.51trentcreekhow about everything you did to make it
19:25.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:27.05Talirk81how about this then, what is required to allow  a softphone to dial  out, once its registered, do you need to  do something to point that trunk to dial out to another trunk from your sipprovider.
19:27.29RobHahh, i have not messed with gtalk on asterisk sorr =[
19:28.44*** join/#asterisk friartuck (~pmccary@
19:28.50trentcreekTalirk81: A proper setup in extensions.conf
19:30.13RobHTalirk81: you need to have some pattern match in the dialplan, with the dial application being called.
19:30.56RobHhrmm, the book has excellent section walking you through that
19:30.58infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:31.00*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
19:31.02RobHthere we go
19:31.08Talirk81RobH, wouldnt this be the same pattern that  my  normal Dial() commands from AGI use forexampe   Dial(SIP/trunkname/number)
19:31.27Talirk81because those work perfectly but the softphone fails to dial
19:31.28RobHyou need to have your sip phone having access to the context
19:31.53RobHmakesure whatever context your sip phone is in either directly hits that context, or hits it with include => dial_context_name
19:31.56trentcreekThus why we need to see how oyu set it up.. Show us or read the book
19:32.12RobHTalirk81: we need to see your sip.conf and your extentensions.conf
19:32.20RobHbut wipe the secret data before pastebinning it.
19:32.21Kattyi got bored with ocanara of time
19:32.43Talirk81trentcreek: showing you my sip.conf wouldnt have helped you as you said, olny my extensions.conf would have which is exactly why i asked would you would need.
19:33.10trentcreekTalirk81: Then go read gthe book, see now e got more people wanting to see what you go in thtem
19:33.33RobHyour sip conf shows the context of your sip phone
19:33.36RobHso we really need both.
19:33.43friartuckslightly off topic but may I ask for input on hosted conference call service? Anyone have good luck with one? We use Intercall and they drop our calls a lot.
19:33.50RobHplus just wipe the secret= line and its safe to show.
19:33.57RobHwipe any registration => lines too.
19:34.03RobHor just clear out the password data.
19:34.16*** join/#asterisk ruchir (~ruchir@
19:34.21ruchirhi all
19:34.32RobHfriartuck: I used both teliax and vitality, and disliked both enough to just use t1s and pots.
19:34.34ruchiris it possible to add prefix to voicemail files
19:34.40trentcreekfriartuck: That is WAY off topic. Why not set your own up on asterisk?
19:34.45RobHteliax is super cheap though
19:34.53RobHbut i wouldnt ever use it for a corporate phone service again
19:34.58RobHbut i use it for my personal development use.
19:35.14friartucktrentcreek because we host large conferences and don't have the lines
19:35.21ruchiri need to sync 2 voicemails on 2 asterisk servers running as load balancers so need to make sure files are not overwritten
19:35.35trentcreekfriartuck: you dont need "lines" using VOIP
19:36.11russellbruchir: why not use a database to store voicemail, instead?
19:36.36friartuckRobh thx. We are considering just that
19:37.19ruchirrussellb: to avoid overhead and complexity
19:37.39ruchiras db will be shared and it'll introduce unnecessary network overhead
19:37.44trentcreekfriartuck: Setup a number people can call and have all the callers you want
19:38.13russellbas you wish, but that's the solution for sharing voicemail between servers like that.
19:38.24russellbunless you want to use NFS or something
19:39.00trentcreekHow are we suppose to identify the new scam from the Ma Bells, and block asterisk from calling one of those "Pay-per-Call" numbers?
19:39.04RobHi would do the database.
19:39.07RobHits better supported.
19:39.10RobHfor voicemail storage.
19:40.38friartucktrentcreek sorry, I'm not following. How can I have all the callers I want with one phone number? Given that people will from mobiles, home, and different places? Seems like we need a bunch of lines/PRI/channels...what am I missing?
19:41.23RobHif you are using an online origination/termination
19:41.33RobHany new calls simply will generate another channel to teliax in this example.
19:41.52RobH(unless it restricts you to a # of concurrent channels, which depends on your provider and your plan with the provider)
19:42.00trentcreekfriartuck: Buy one DID with as many channels as you need
19:42.04RobHthats the nice part about third party origination/termination.
19:42.26RobHlook specifically at the pay as you go plan with teliax.
19:42.39*** join/#asterisk IBC_JKENNEY (
19:42.55RobH(as an example, i cannot endorse teliax in any way or form, as they annoyed my business to the pont that I installed plain old telephone lines)
19:42.55IBC_JKENNEYI know this is not the hylafax channel but nobody is ever in there
19:43.05*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
19:43.06trentcreekfriartuck: Or everyone use ATA devices, VOIP phones, or Softphones and have them log into the conference directrly
19:43.12IBC_JKENNEYdoes anyone here have experience with doing fax blasting
19:43.23friartuckRobH of course. thx again. Just looking for direction.
19:43.30RobHglad to give it =]
19:44.32friartucktrentcreek that's the issue. I can't require everyone to be on VOIP/softphones
19:45.01trentcreekfriartuck: then get a DID with as many channels as you need.
19:46.05Kattythere's a game called Barbie Super Model for snes.
19:46.10friartucktrentcreek that is an option we are considering. I think with that we would simply have less head-aches, but maybe some more expenses. They may swing for it though. We've had a lot of issues with conference providers
19:46.50Talirk81RobH: I also added  "outbound-allroutes" to  my include for test but  that didnt help at all since the pasebin of
19:47.10RobHsorry, staff meeting resuming, i rather be tinkering in asterisk and in here =P
19:47.25RobHasterisk = fun, meetings = the opposite of fun.
19:48.05*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (~lesouvage@
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19:56.45paulcagrees with RobH - I'm in the same boat mate
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20:05.45Z_Godis anyone here using asterisk with chan_jingle?
20:08.00Z_Godwith chan_gtalk I was able to differential calls to different addresses, but now I am having trouble with this, everything is coming in on the same context with s
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20:20.03KattyLamp draws near!!!
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20:27.57keith4is Polycom's "HD Voice" worth the price bump?
20:28.08Naikroveki've heard it is
20:29.43keith4any magic needed to make it work with asterisk?
20:29.57Guggeif you only use it to call the PSTN network, its not :)
20:30.19keith4well, yah. obviously
20:30.23Kobazyes, some voodoo is required
20:31.26Kobazvoodoo, some black magic, and some pagan rituals
20:31.32Kobazthree chickens, and nine goats
20:31.32[TK]D-FenderAnd the HD phones have been reported to sound better even at G.711 than their non HD counterparts
20:31.55keith4[TK]D-Fender: really now. interesting
20:32.14keith4ah, it wants G.722 for "HD voice"?
20:32.24[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Clearly
20:35.56Qwellkeith4: It's recommended that you use 1.6 for G.722 transcoding support, but 1.4 can do it in passthrough.
20:36.24Qwellbut, it should "Just Work" (you may need to fiddle with codecs settings, depending, but that's trivial)
20:36.56Qwelland yes, even in G.711, they sound amazing.  *Far* higher quality speakers/mic
20:37.19Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: I support that notion actually. I have mine on G.711 and the difference with say... a Cisco 7960 is amazing.
20:38.10[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Another to the "yeah, we mean it" category
20:38.29keith4oh, hmm. might stick with G.711 then
20:38.43QwellWhy? O.o
20:39.11Chainsaw99% of our calls go to Patton gateways which don't do better than G.711
20:39.23ChainsawSo I have no plans to roll out the "HD" codec itself.
20:39.25carrarHoly Cow I love this web site
20:39.35keith4Qwell: system in question is 1.4
20:39.55Qwellupgrade :p
20:39.57keith4for now, anyway. hopefully upgrading in the summer? not sure
20:39.59keith4not my call
20:40.04carrarDoes that not want to make you use asterisk or what
20:40.26Chainsawis on
20:42.56QwellNo, it would definitely be func_bacon, with audiohooks
20:43.10netpro25_Anyone successfully using g726 with a pap2 or spa9xx?
20:43.35QwellThe_Boy_Wonder: there's an idea for your next func_funkeffects.  SIZZLE()
20:43.36netpro25_I am getting beeps and poor audio quality
20:44.05*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
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20:49.38trentcreekdear god, * just started rejecting ALL calls. "chan_sip.c: Sending fake auth rejection for user "
20:50.02trentcreekwell ones coming from Google Voice
20:51.14*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
20:53.00trentcreekSo how can that be changed?
20:53.14*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:53.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
20:55.39[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: maybe you should look for a blatant setting in sip.conf <-
20:57.28netpro25_[TK]D-Fender, do you know of any issues with g726 and linksys devices? In 1.6.2 I am getting static when I call an extension using the g726 codec.
20:58.24*** join/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
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20:59.34upbhi. can anyone advise about the asterisk build system? Where should i add libraries to be linked and include paths for a res module?
20:59.54[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: Chich codecs DON'T give you "static"?
21:00.43netpro25_well it sounds like static, but its just really poor quality, and then there are what sound like beeps every few seconds
21:01.51*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
21:03.06trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: Could that be something like "call-limit"?
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21:08.03[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: No.
21:08.37trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: I don't see anything else that could be stopping calls in SIP.CONF
21:09.19*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
21:09.33[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: Neither do I
21:09.54trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: Then it must be elsewhere in *
21:10.06[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: I never said that
21:10.51*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
21:11.31trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: Well I don't see how this setup that has been used for a year, all of a sudden, starts rejecting Google Voice
21:11.40[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: and I see virtually nothing
21:11.51Qwelltrentcreek: maybe Google changed something?
21:11.58[TK]D-FenderQwell: nope
21:12.08Qwellthen what did you change?
21:14.06trentcreekI changed nothing. Actually I send the Google Voice calls to a DID, , but for some reason the CID number goes back to google,   i.e. 2125551234@
21:14.55trentcreekbut that is IPKALL
21:15.38trentcreekOh..I see why now...
21:15.45trentcreekI did make a change
21:16.00[TK]D-Fender"authreject" sure sounds like a "suspect"
21:16.07*** join/#asterisk bakermd (~bakermd@
21:16.27trentcreekI hade my server offline for a month, and thought I switched my IPKALL number to another because they are suppose to cut you off after 30 days of non use
21:17.27bakermdI need a dialplan entry to post some data to a URL - what is the best option for this? I can only see a method of shelling out to the OS and executing commands there, and I want to keep everything contained within the dialplan. Thanks
21:17.52Qwellbakermd: func_curl
21:18.00trentcreekYeah that was it, I thought I switched service
21:18.05bakermdQwell: aah.. I was looking at applications
21:18.45*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
21:22.05trentcreekThanks for the enlightenment
21:24.14*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
21:24.37*** join/#asterisk Katty (
21:24.59Kattyso. i bought a A101D, and an A101.
21:25.07Kattybut the A101 box has a A102 in it ^_-
21:30.15russellbKatty: that makes me sad
21:32.20Kattyrussellb: am i sorries.
21:32.23Kattyrussellb: would you like a hug?
21:32.48russellbpouts some more
21:32.55Kattyalso! can i swap a a101d around with this a102 without many issues?
21:32.57Kattyor recompiling
21:32.57netpro25_Should RTP packet size on linksys devices still be set to .02, or has this been resolved. I am seeing a lot of old posts about it
21:33.01Kattyor other ....assorted...things
21:34.58Kattyi bet sangoma would know!
21:38.46Kattythey did know :>
21:38.48Katty<3 sangoma
21:40.51KobazKatty: basically run wancfg_dahdi... and you're good to go
21:41.08Kattyyes'r, that's what mister sangoma guy said too
21:41.49Kattyand i'm sure the nice folks at sangoma will help me if i get my pantines in a wad over it.
21:42.12Kobazpanteen prov
21:45.21Kattythat stuff sucks
21:45.27Kattyi'd recommend giovanni
21:46.36Kattythe smooth as silk one is paritcularly nice
21:47.02Kattyunfortunately the smooth as silk conditioner by giovanni is a bunch of crap.
21:48.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:48.53ellisdeenever a dull moment in here.
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21:53.26Kattywell we wouldn't want that
21:53.30Kattysomeone might fall asleep
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22:02.24sahafeezdumb question
22:02.30sahafeezwhy does it say not in uses
22:02.32sahafeezLocal/5029@from-internal/n with penalty 15 (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
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22:04.48russellbthat's the device state
22:05.00russellbif it was on a call, it would say something else
22:05.02russellblike ... In Use
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22:05.42sahafeezah, got it. thanks
22:05.58*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
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22:11.25sahafeezwhen i add wait to a queue
22:11.34sahafeezthe ext,xx
22:16.06*** part/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
22:19.37hardwireok.. anybody know if you can pass ENV to AGI?  I seem to have lost the ability or forgotten how
22:19.52hardwireI'm using Set(ENV(variable)=data) before calling AGI(...)
22:22.58*** join/#asterisk capitan (
22:23.08capitanhellloooo :)
22:24.13capitanhmmm... i
22:24.25[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: why would you need to?
22:24.38capitanhmmm... i'm running and my voicemails are getting written out with really messed up permissions, and so i can't listen to them:
22:24.52capitan-------rw- 1 asterisk asterisk    280 2010-03-05 13:38 msg0000.txt
22:25.00upbwrong umask ?
22:25.49[TK]D-Fendercapitan: Upgrade.  You're already 6 behind
22:26.01[TK]D-Fendercapitan: and verify your voicemail.conf settings for permissions
22:26.07*** join/#asterisk mnick86 (
22:26.10capitanupb: oddly enough, the wav files are correct
22:26.12capitan-rwx------ 1 asterisk asterisk 131884 2010-03-05 14:02 msg0000.wav
22:26.46upbi really know 0 about asterisk but i would strace the process which writes them :)
22:26.59capitan[TK]D-Fender, i'd like to verify that it's not a local setup issue before trying that...
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22:28.30idespinnera long shot but... any shoretel guys in here?
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22:33.37capitan[TK]D-Fender, plus, i don't see any bug reports related to this... so i'm suspecting my local install :(
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22:35.51hardwire[TK]D-Fender: nevermind.. I found the problem with the agi file... apparently there was a mispelling.
22:35.56capitanhmmm... i see someone reporting the same thing in #asterisk logs...
22:39.08capitandamn... the guy did a workaround :( adding a externnotify script to fix up the permissions
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22:45.11Qwellcapitan: upgrade..
22:45.22Kattyi was thinking BLTs for dinner
22:45.28QwellKatty: BLF for dinner
22:45.31Kattywho wants to come over to my house for dinner and some drinks.
22:45.45KattyQwell: i'm afeared that went over my head, perhaps
22:45.54infobotextra, extra, read all about it, blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
22:47.19Kattyyeah i think that BLTs sound better.
22:47.35raden_workheya Katty :)
22:47.39Kattyhi raden
22:50.45Kattyshould get a pair of Genets
22:57.37Kattyk,time to go home
22:57.40Kattylater gators!
23:00.13hardwiredoes anybody ever see funky jitter wheny ou leave a pri to the telco and come straight back in another?
23:00.21hardwireit's the strangest thing to me.
23:01.22hardwireI have two boxes.. each has a PRI to the local telco on the same telco switch in a "group" so that one fails over to the other.
23:01.26hardwirefor inbound
23:01.49hardwireanyways.. I can eliminate this as a problem, just thought it was strange
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23:03.48capitanQwell and [TK]D-Fender, would it be safe to just install from source over my old version, since it's just a few minor revisions? or do i have to uninstall first?
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23:10.03hardwirejitter due to low disk space.
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23:51.44hipitihopdo I assume correctly that the skype client cannot be used as a general sofphone on asterisk without purchasing licensed add-on ?
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23:57.24hipitihopis there a way to query my voip provider to see which codecs they support

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