IRC log for #asterisk on 20100304

00:01.52*** join/#asterisk pawz (
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00:34.30ryduh*pong pong
00:34.54ryduhshould I be able to ringall in a queue for 3 local members?
00:35.32dlynesryduh, one would think
00:36.48dlynesIs there a reason why I would get an extraordinarily high UDP 'packets to unknown port received' on an asterisk host?
00:37.14dlynesIt's approximately 4% of all UDP packets received
00:38.02dlynesOn other machines, it's as low as 0.01%
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00:49.17LemensTSIf you have your DID's at a provider, and the provider goes down all incoming calls will stop for the customers. How do you guys deal with this, I dont know of a way to do a failover
00:50.38bmoraca_workget a provider with enough redundancy to not go down
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00:51.05bmoraca_workor use SS7 with multiple peers
00:51.35bmoraca_workthe former is usually a lot simpler and less expensive than the latter
00:52.30bmoraca_workor, call your provider and tell them to forward your calls to a cell phone or something.  they can usually do that even if they can't give you calls
00:52.44LemensTSYea true. That SS7 looks complicated, but what isn't until you learn it. Ill read up on it.
00:53.07bmoraca_workLemensTS: how many concurrent calls and DIDs are you dealing with?
00:53.37LemensTSYea I have them on Teleasip now, gonna switch them. Been using voipinnovations, i like them, but doubt the redundancy is that great.
00:53.46bmoraca_workthe reason i ask is because SS7 probably isn't the right answer.
00:53.54LemensTSOh like 30-35 DID's currently
00:53.59bmoraca_workLemensTS: voipinnovations is run by Globalpops
00:54.04bmoraca_workthey're a very solid company
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00:54.19bmoraca_workwith great prices on toll-free origination
00:54.45LemensTSYea i havent had any problems with them on outbound
00:55.09LemensTSI got faillover on my end on outbound so its not a big deal like inboud
00:55.13bmoraca_worktheir prices are decent on outbound, but more expensive than my current provider.  my only need for them currently is toll-free origination
00:55.20dzup_does anyone knows voip provider for mexico and central america with very low rates?
00:55.40bmoraca_workdzup_: "mexico" and "low rates" do not belong in the same sentence together
00:55.50bmoraca_work60/60 billing is a ripoff
00:56.03LemensTSbmoraca: i wrote a program the checks the rates to the destinations so I just load up different providers anyways
00:56.09dzup_i know thats why am asking heh
00:56.17LemensTSseems 6/6 is standard now
00:56.34bmoraca_workLemensTS: not to mexico...unless it changed in the last couple months
00:57.03LemensTSbmoraca: nah i was just talking in general. i hadn't looked at mexico in like a year
00:57.09bmoraca_workLemensTS: i thought about doing some LCR, but i get such great prices from my main provider that it just doesn't make sense
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00:57.41dzup_i use flowroute now and am very happy with them.
00:58.00bmoraca_workmy average rate throughout the US is less than $0.006/min.  i can't really complain too much about it.
00:58.20LemensTSbmoraca: yea thats how it used to be ran, but i wanted to know how much each customer was actualy using a month in case they were costing me I ended up just writing LCR
00:58.36dzup_bmoraca_work: whos your provider?
00:59.00bmoraca_workdzup_: pacwest.  i've been colocating with them for almost 10 years
00:59.54bmoraca_workLemensTS: i bill $40/mo for unlimited local/long distance. customers would have to talk A LOT for me to lose money on them, hehe
01:00.12bmoraca_workmost of my customers don't even cost me $5/mo
01:00.13*** part/#asterisk cjdaniel (~chris@
01:00.33LemensTSbmoraca: yea its cool when you see a customers not even make a call
01:00.33bmoraca_workone of my customers costs me about $60/mo, but they pay over $900/mo, so I'm not worried
01:00.46dzup_what about unternational rates?
01:00.57LemensTSbmoraca: are you doing hosted pbx?
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01:04.06bmoraca_workLemensTS: yes, i do.  but i also do pure trunking, though i have many more hosted PBX customers than trunking customers
01:04.54LemensTSIt seems hosted pbx makes more money and is easier to sell then residential
01:04.59bmoraca_workso, yes, that monthly take does include equipment, but the equipment costs are pretty low...$80/phone
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01:05.43bmoraca_workLemensTS: most definitely.  residential is too competitive.  i'm considering expanding to it just to fill off-hours with traffic because i'm paying for the capacity regardless of whether i use it...but right now, it would be more trouble than it's worth
01:06.14*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
01:06.31m4ck_Can anyone please help with a transfer problem?
01:18.38*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:18.38*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/25), (2010/02/18), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
01:18.39KattyALSO, playpen can be taken outside in the grass
01:18.41Kattyfor romping
01:18.48dlynesYummy!  Let me sink my nice, razor sharp teeth into that succulent puppy
01:19.22dlynesthe ferret i had would love a puppy in his cage :)
01:19.32dlynesThe bugger loved the rabbits in the cage next to it :(
01:19.58dlynessucked every last ounce of blood out of the rabbits
01:20.27dlyneswow...three of them
01:20.46dlynesi guess you feed them cat food?
01:20.56Kattyand raw chicken
01:20.58dlynesI used to feed mine fish heads
01:21.10dlynesthey loved the fish heads, and I'd get them for free
01:21.28dlynesPicked up a whole garbage bag full every two weeks
01:21.32Kattycarrar: herroes
01:22.04m4ck_dlynes: thanks for the explanation.  But I actually tried to add a one-digit extension, just to see if it would transfer to it.  It still didn't.
01:22.26m4ck_dlynes: I created an extension '3', tried to transfer to 3 and got "invalid" as usual.
01:22.28dlynesm4ck_, did you try using includes to make sure that single digit extension got included first?
01:22.45Katty <- toys.
01:22.56dlynesm4ck_, i.e. include => digit_3_context
01:22.56*** join/#asterisk ghento (
01:22.59ghentoj p/ython
01:27.35*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:27.35*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/25), (2010/02/18), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
01:36.13*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:36.13*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/25), (2010/02/18), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
01:36.24coppicedlynes: that name rings a vague bell, but I can't think what it is
01:36.58jdoeit looks like a generic asterisk web interface.
01:37.02jdoe... like freepbx or whatever.
01:37.07dlynescoppice, something to do with asterisk and telephony
01:37.21dlynescoppice, Asterisk::config perl module is a subproject of it
01:37.28dlynescoppice, seems to be based in Taiwan
01:37.41dlynescoppice, that's why I thought you might know something about it
01:37.55dlynestankbusta, not a problem
01:38.15Corydon76-digis banging his head against the wall that is sipp
01:38.20coppicedlynes: well googling only seems to throw up stuff in simplified
01:39.36dlynescoppice, is that simplified?  I thought it was traditional....guess not....
01:39.42coppiceFreeiris是一台PBX, Freeiris是一台网关, Freeiris是呼叫中心, Freeiris什么都可以
01:39.44coppiceSounds like the marketing dept :-)
01:40.02dlynescoppice, yeah...they have commercial support
01:40.56coppiceYou mean like "Freeiris爱好者QQ群"
01:41.47coppiceQQ is big in China
01:41.58dlynescoppice, nah...more like
01:42.05dlynescoppice,'s like the Chinese msn
01:42.15dlynescoppice, and tons of viruses on it, too
01:43.03coppicewell, it sounds like the kind of thing QQ might be interested in supporting
01:43.44*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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01:45.52Kattytinkers with Sony Vegas Pro 9
01:47.23coppicedlynes: well, that site just taught me a new expression - 回音消除 - now I've seen it, its obvious what it means :-)
01:56.17m4ck_dlynes: ok, I narrowed it to a simple configuration and still getting the same problem.  Here are the config files:
01:56.39m4ck_dlynes: so where did I go wrong?  :)
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02:07.39dlynesm4ck_, log?
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02:09.35m4ck_dlynes: what logging should I enable?  Currently it doesn't output anything interesting.
02:10.05dlynesm4ck_, it must output something, or you wouldn't have known you had a problem
02:10.47dlynesm4ck_, i.e. the ten lines or so where it says the call starts, you got an invalid extension, and the call ends
02:10.49m4ck_dlynes: I know I have a problem because I can't transfer from the extension.  As soon as I enter the first digit, it says "I'm sorry..."
02:11.08m4ck_dlynes: the call doesn't end.
02:11.17m4ck_dlynes: it just resumes after failing to transfer.
02:11.20*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
02:11.20dlynesm4ck_, ok, well...whatever happens
02:11.42dlynesm4ck_, from call  to your phone, to when you try to transfer
02:12.27m4ck_dlynes: I call from an outside line and answer on the ata186.  As soon as the call is established, I press '#' on the ata186 extension.
02:12.37dlynescoppice, wife just says it means 'echo clear', whatever that means
02:12.49m4ck_dlynes: the call is paused and asterisk asks for the extension number.
02:13.11dlynesm4ck_, in which context is it asking?
02:13.15m4ck_dlynes: I try to enter 600 (the test extension).  As soon as I enter '6', it says "I'm sorry, that's not a valid extension" and resumes.
02:13.43coppicedlynes: cancel is a better translation than clear
02:13.46m4ck_dlynes: How do I know which context?  I assumed it's the same context as the extension.
02:14.22dlynescoppice, well, my wife's not a telecom person :0
02:15.14coppiceI think generally 消除 translates better to cancel. Its what you'll see on the typical cancel button of a GUI
02:15.31dlynesm4ck_, i see nothing in your sip configuration telling me what context your sip phone uses
02:15.44dlynesm4ck_, what have you defined for 'context=' in your general section?
02:16.01dlynescoppice, she's saying clear it out, not clear :)
02:16.27dlynescoppice, i.e. get rid of it
02:16.31m4ck_dlynes: actually, in my sip.conf, in the ata186 entry, there's context=out
02:16.43dlynesm4ck_, oh...missed that...sorry
02:16.51m4ck_dlynes: so I'd assume that the context is 'out', which has a 600 extension
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02:18.03dlynesm4ck_, and your features.conf file?
02:18.24m4ck_dlynes: sec, I'll upload it too.
02:18.28dlynesm4ck_, you didn't mention you were hitting '#' previously
02:18.39coppicedlynes: tell her Steve says "cancel" :-)
02:18.55dlynesm4ck_, and so it doesn't go to your looks at your features.conf file instead
02:19.41coppicedlynes: A point to the gweilo :-)
02:20.33m4ck_dlynes: uploaded features.conf
02:20.45dlynescoppice, yang gui zi :)
02:20.56m4ck_dlynes: in fact, I'm sure something is wrong in my features.conf.  I also never managed to get call parking working with it, etc.
02:21.44coppicecoppice: ngoh m sik teng pu tong hua faat yam
02:22.41dlynescoppice, quite the mouthful...hehehe
02:23.00dlynescoppice, yang gui zi/lou wei
02:23.15dlynescoppice, yang gui zi means white ghost, lou wei means foreigner
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02:24.37dlynesm4ck_, have you tried hitting '##', and then dialing the extension?
02:24.56dlynesm4ck_, haven't turned on ',t' or ',T' options to dial when calling ata186
02:25.33m4ck_dlynes: ## doesn't matter.  For some reason a single '#' immediately triggers the announcement "transfer?"
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02:25.50m4ck_and re t and T in the dial command, you're right, but I tried to add that and it didn't matter.
02:26.40dlynesm4ck_, have you tried '##', or are you just assuming it doesn't matter?
02:27.00m4ck_dlynes: of course I tried.
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02:27.20dlynesI don't assume you tried, so of course not
02:27.35coppicedlynes: I'm so used to people saying gweilo, I loose track of the non-offensive terms for us. I'm used to seeing wei guo ren for foreigner at places like immigration counters
02:27.48keith4_does the Polycom 320/321 have a voicemail button?
02:28.08dlynescoppice, white country person?
02:28.15m4ck_dlynes: by the way, why does it say "transfer" after one # whereas it should've been ## ?
02:28.48dlynesm4ck_, the default is '#' for blind transfer, but you've overridden it with '##'.  I'm guessing it'll use your override and the default
02:29.16dlynesm4ck_, i've never actually overridden it with '##', so I don't know...
02:29.21coppicedlynes: literally outside country person
02:29.48dlynescoppice, oh yeah...not thinking...gui/gwei mean white
02:30.21coppicedlynes: bai means white. gui means ghost or devil
02:31.05m4ck_dlynes: normally it's a single # ?
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02:31.15dlynesm4ck_, yes...that's the default
02:31.35m4ck_dlynes: and any idea why the *9 I put there for call parking is ignored even though I added k and K to the dial cmd?
02:38.12dlynesm4ck_, no idea....can you provide a sip debug of the call?
02:38.44m4ck_dlynes: trying to see sip debug.
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02:43.17m4ck_btw, how do I put a call on hold?
02:46.21dlynesm4ck_, flash button?
02:46.36dlynesm4ck_, or just hang up for 1/2 second
02:46.49*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:46.49m4ck_dlynes: I meant as a dtmf sequence if possible.
02:47.12dlynesm4ck_, no idea...I've never confined myself to trying to do that stuff with analog phones
02:47.20dlynesm4ck_, I've always used a good old sip phone
02:47.37m4ck_dlynes: yeah, I guess I'm messing with weird stuff :)
02:47.52dlynesm4ck_, nah...lots of people on here do it, I believe
02:47.55dlynesm4ck_, just not me
02:48.26dlynesm4ck_, if my customers are too cheap to spring for a sip phone, i tell them to talk to someone else
02:48.49dlynesm4ck_, and my residential care home customers don't want all the snazzy features
02:49.02dlynesm4ck_, so they're on analog with all that garbage disabled :)
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02:49.35dlynesm4ck_, a lot of them don't even have the patience to learn how to use voicemail, much less call waiting or call transfer
02:51.20m4ck_dlynes: makes perfect sense.  I also wouldn't use that thing for production.  I only use it to play with asterisk and figure it out.  A learning system per se.
02:52.36*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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03:03.02dlynesm4ck_, do you have a sip debug log yet?
03:07.35m4ck_dlynes: no, I messed something up.  Trying to get things working again.  Sorry - I'm a newbie in this setup.  I feel more at home in the kernel :)
03:08.26m4ck_dlynes: I should've kept everything in some revision control system (svn or something)
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03:14.02m4ck_dlynes: got it working with another sip phone (not analog).  Same configuration.
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03:14.41m4ck_wastes time on that analog thing...
03:15.06m4ck_is sorry for wasting other people's time on the analog system as well.
03:23.55m4ck_Now I can transfer the incoming call to another extension, but the receiving extension is unable to transfer again.
03:24.24m4ck_It's symmetric.  Each extension can transfer calls it receives, but not calls that were transferred to it.
03:24.32m4ck_Transfer is not transitive?  :)
03:25.32*** part/#asterisk mrtelnet (
03:25.33*** part/#asterisk CareBear\ (
03:28.25*** join/#asterisk voxter (~voxter@
03:40.22doneirhrm, are globals vars the only way around random variables being destroyed when 'h' extension is called?
03:40.38doneirasterisk 1.6.17
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03:43.55Kattyfirst video is nearly up!
03:44.14LemensTSdoneir: what variables are you talking about
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03:47.27doneiri set a variable in my main extension, when it goes to 'h' the variable no longer has a value, some do, but some don't. I read that "Use with great care: Apparently some channel variables get destroyed when the call is hung up, and those variables aren't available anymore (or have inconsistent values) when the h extension is being called."
03:47.58doneirthat from , though i don't know how up to date it is
03:48.23Miccanyone know where I can get a coupon code for fax for asterisk when purchased from digium?
03:48.27doneiri've jumped from 'h' to another extension to check if the variable exists outside of 'h', and it no longer does
03:49.43Kattyruben23: ohai
03:50.05ruben23hi Micc.
03:50.16LemensTSdoneir: what variable is it
03:50.21MiccHey ruben23, hows it going?
03:50.25doneira custom one, called 'CONT'
03:50.30ruben23Micc: i have install and registered my gtalk integration already...
03:50.55Miccruben23, nice. is it working just like you wanted?
03:51.40KattyLemensTS: ohai to you too
03:51.58ruben23i was not able yet to used it for my purpose..ive waited for you...:-D
03:51.59Miccruben23, lookup JabberSend on
03:53.07ruben23Micc: i have see this----->> any idea..? have you used this..?
03:53.45Miccruben23, not seen that, but I used this page to help me.
03:53.56ruben23ive look, hmmm there are script im not familliar how to used it..
03:53.59Miccruben23, should be examples of dialplan in there.
03:54.37doneirok, worked it out. Seems due to me doing a Read(CONT,,1) at the same time as a hangup, the Read() must reset the value before it accepts anything from the suer (not wait for suer input, once input found then change value asi assumed)
03:54.43KattyYA"LL ARE SNOBBY
03:54.54doneirchanging this around works fine and the variable is viewable in the 'h' extension
03:55.05Miccruben23, this is the simplest,
03:55.34Miccruben23, does jabber show stats work?
03:56.14ruben23Micc: ok so i just add this up on my existing inbound dial plan..
03:56.35Miccruben23, I mean do jabber show buddies
03:56.50ruben23what you mean stats work..? i can see its registered...and i have added buddies..
03:57.34Miccruben23, ok, then just add jabbersend in your dialplan
03:57.51Miccand use the account you have registered(logged in as client)
03:58.02Miccjust follow the syntax in
03:58.18ruben23ok i will try, but how about with the number or caller ID of the incoming call..
03:59.07ruben23to display when the gatlk message a buddy about the incoming call with its number also display..
04:01.46LemensTSkatty: ohai heh
04:02.11LemensTSdonier: good job
04:05.10Katty^- teh boys and their new playpen
04:07.29jayteewho's speaking in a thick accent?
04:07.57jayteeabout 1:22 to 1:28
04:08.41Kattythat's Creed Assasin 2 on xbox 360
04:08.55jayteewhat's the white ferret's name?
04:09.16Kattythat's Merry
04:09.35KattyBB is the super dark one
04:09.45KattyREF: 2:26
04:10.54Kattyat least he listens ;)
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04:34.30spenguin[work]hey Katty
04:39.15doneirwould a callback be invalid if say, i made a callback to a user after they hungup? So in 'h' extension, i dial the number they called on (with Dial()), then jumped extension to another context to followup? It seemed to fail on me (and also old the original line the user called on from being free)
04:39.31doneiri take it I should be using .call files?
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04:53.59doneirbasically, the output i get is . The user hangs up, it goes to the extension 'h', it Dial()s and then hangs up straight away - no ring tone comes through on the other phone as it's such a fast hangup
04:54.07doneiri take it you can't do callbacks this way?
05:00.06doneirseems not :)
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05:34.19ghentoHi all.  I notice that some of the .call files in my outgoing spool never seem to go through, and just build up a long list of lines containing "DelayedRetry".  What could cause this to occur?
05:47.06ChannelZbusy number, bad dial, who knows
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06:01.37*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (~I@
06:01.41Kernel_Corehi all
06:01.48Kernel_Coreanybody familiar with wctdm ?
06:02.33Kernel_CoreI have a problem in my wctdm.c ( TDM400P card), it detects the incomming RING after 2-3 rings... hence I never receive CALLERID !
06:08.45kaldemarfor many people it works correctly. how have you configured it?
06:16.49Kernel_Corekaldemar: just default , no special config
06:17.25Kernel_Corekaldemar: if wctdm detects the second and 3rd ring , so it should be able to detect the first ring
06:17.58kaldemarthere pretty much is no default.
06:19.03Kernel_Corekaldemar: I mean I configured like the samples for FXO lines.
06:20.16Kernel_Corekaldemar: when I debug it , (modprobe wctdm debug=1 ) I see in my debugging that WCTDM detectcs the ringing after 2-3 rings...
06:24.34kaldemarwhere are you located?
06:24.52Kernel_Corekaldemar: Iran
06:25.30kaldemarcheck that you have usecallerid=yes and callerid=asreceived above the channel lines in your config.
06:25.35Kernel_Corekaldemar: I used different opermode when I want to  wctdm  .
06:25.46Kernel_Corekaldemar: it is already set
06:26.11kaldemarthen there's cidsignalling parameter, i have no idea what the correct one is for iranian lines.
06:26.25Kernel_Corekaldemar: I have A800P Card ( openvox card ) , with opvxa1200.c driver , it is similar to wctdm.c
06:27.13Kernel_Corein past I had the similar issue with this card... ring was detected after 2-3 rings
06:27.52Kernel_Corebut after I used "fwringdetect=1" everything became Okey ! and the card can detect the first ring and hence callerID works okey
06:28.14Kernel_Corebut in my TDM400P card , the story is different
06:28.47Kernel_Coreif I use or not use  fwringdetect=1 it detects the ring after 2-3 rings...
06:30.13kaldemarthere is no fwringdetect parameter for dahdi.
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06:31.22Kernel_Corekaldemar: yea , but when you want to load wctdm driver , there is .
06:34.56Kernel_Corekaldemar: if you read wctdm.c source file you will see this option there . but it doesn't help
06:35.16kaldemaryes, i just checed.
06:37.03Kernel_Corekaldemar: my problem is this : why dahdi ( wctdm driver) detects the ring late ? after 2-3 rings ?
06:43.15Kernel_Corekaldemar: any news ?
06:44.03kaldemarnot really, if the problem really is on the wctdm side and not the asterisk channel driver.
06:49.15Kernel_Corekaldemar: it is on wctdm side , because wctdm provides RING state
06:53.53*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
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07:19.18*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/25), (2010/02/18), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
07:19.53Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: yea I am sure
07:20.25Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: I used OPVXA1200 ( A800P ) Openvox card , the driver is similar to wctdm.c
07:21.32Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: in past I had the same issue with opvxa1200 driver , but after I used fwringdetect=1 in module parameter , the card detects the incomming first ring and callerid works
07:22.11Kernel_Corebut for wctdm it doesn't work
07:23.07Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: how wctdm detects the incoming ring event ?
07:24.04*** join/#asterisk Mezevenf (
07:24.19Mezevenfhello o/
07:26.35*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (~I@
07:26.43Kernel_Corejust got DC
07:26.51Kernel_Core<Kernel_Core> tzafrir_laptop: in past I had the same issue with opvxa1200 driver , but after I used fwringdetect=1 in module parameter , the card detects the incomming first ring and callerid works
07:26.51Kernel_Core<Kernel_Core> but for wctdm it doesn't work
07:26.51Kernel_Core<Kernel_Core> tzafrir_laptop: how wctdm detects the incoming ring event ?
07:27.30tzafrir_laptopKernel_Core, can you enable debug logging, to see all the events sent by the driver?
07:27.40Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: yea I can
07:27.42Kernel_Corewait ...
07:28.03tzafrir_laptop(ringing is detected as a change of line voltage, basically)
07:28.36Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: so why my driver detects it after 2-3 rings ?
07:29.18Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: my 15$ cheap chinies made phone works perfectly ( for both callerID and ring) but wctdm driver doesn't detect it ?!
07:30.02*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
07:31.04Mezevenfif anyone has a spare moment, I'm trying to setup distinctive rings using GXP2000's and tribox with no luck
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07:34.08gidasis there anyway to set pridialplan variable with asterisk-java api?
07:34.44Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: here is my debug , I have 2FXO and 2FXS module installed in my tdm400p card
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07:47.55Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop:any idea?
07:49.02tzafrir_laptopKernel_Core, so the 'ring begin' event was too late?
07:49.11Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: exactly
07:49.45tzafrir_laptopany chance that this is the beginning of the second ring? (and the first one was missed)
07:51.24Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: first and most of the time the second one missed too
07:53.58creativxi wish we had some red led indicators that could automagically light up on extension hint status
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08:18.15Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: any idea ?
08:19.09tzafrir_laptopKernel_Core, 2.2.1 ?
08:20.00Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: yea , but older version have the same behavour
08:20.37tzafrir_laptopwe can't really fix those...
08:20.48tzafrir_laptopwas it fixed in later versions?
08:20.55Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: no
08:21.19Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop:what can be wrong ?
08:23.04tzafrir_laptopKernel_Core, is there any open bug for that?
08:23.19Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: no ...
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08:25.13Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: any suggestion ?
08:26.36Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: when I set opermode=AUSTRALIA ( which sets boostringer=1  and fwringdetector ) it detects the ring on second ring
08:26.42Kernel_Corenot on the 3rd ring.
08:27.21tzafrir_laptopKernel_Core, I'm not familiar enough with that specific driver. Looks like a bug
08:28.12Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: who is familiar with this driver here ?
08:28.49Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: I've seen your patches about wctdm.c and it was the reason I asked you , I thought you are familiar with driver
08:30.27*** join/#asterisk joobie (
08:30.47joobiehey guys.. im gona write a script that checks the status of 2 peers to see if they are reachable and their response time
08:30.54joobieis there a quick n easy way to get this from the cli?
08:30.59joobieso i can get the script to poll this
08:31.23Kernel_Coretzafrir_laptop: anyway
08:31.23kaldemarjoobie: asterisk -rx 'sip show peers'
08:31.28Kernel_Corethank you for your help .
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08:51.37Polysicson a simple Dial extension, is having Answer before and Hangup after required?
08:52.19Polysicsso fa i have exten => 10001,1,Dial(SIP/10001,,r)
08:52.32Polysicsand the same for 10002, etc
08:53.07Polysicsi am asking because of some clients "locking" after a call, becoming unavailable
08:54.15ChannelZIt's not required no, but it may or may not be what you want
08:54.44asteriskuserhi, has everyone asterisk combine with dialogic cards?
08:55.56PolysicsChannelZ, so far I just need people to call each other
08:56.05Polysicswhat would Anser and Hangup add?
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08:56.36ChannelZwell Answer makes * 'pick up' the channel, even though you're turning around and dialing another device.
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08:57.08ChannelZBut from the calling device's point of view, the call is connected at that instant even though both sides aren't yet connected
08:58.24ChannelZAs for Hangup, it's not really necessary unless autofallthrough is turned off, however once the person physically hangs up the call should be torn down anyway.
09:00.00Polysicsso,in a troubleshooting/learning phase, it's better to have em?
09:01.01ChannelZwell Hangup sure, Answer again not necessarily
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09:10.10joobieguys the ms that reports when you do 'sip show peers' - what is that? because if i ping it never reflects anything near to what that ms value in asterisk reports
09:12.00kaldemarjoobie: it's calculated from a SIP options message, not ping.
09:12.10Tim_Toadyits the network rrt plus the time it takes for the peer to reply to the sip notify
09:12.46ChannelZit's the number of pesos you owe me every time you look
09:14.14joobieso it's like a heartbeat type query
09:14.16joobiesending via sip?
09:14.21joobiemeasuring the rtt of that?
09:14.39joobie.. the thing is, pennytel for example at times i get 1500ms back from them.. but when i ping, i get aorund 50ms
09:14.42joobieand the calls are fine
09:14.51joobieso it's like that check goes way overboard with its rtt that's not real
09:15.01ChannelZre: it's the time it takes * to send out a message and for the device to reply
09:15.28ChannelZit's higher level than a 'ping' so they will never match
09:15.41joobiebut 1500ms
09:15.42joobiethat's huge
09:15.53joobieif that were actually the case i'm guessing calls will be poor quality
09:15.54joobiebut calls are fine
09:15.57ChannelZPerhaps it's low priority to the device.
09:15.57kaldemarjoobie: it's real for SIP
09:16.17joobiemy point is - if 1500ms were acurate why am i not seeing poor call quality?
09:16.22ChannelZthe packets going back and forth are 10X larger than a ping too
09:16.42joobieChannelZ, ping aside - purely looking at the ms reporting in asteirsk and the call quality
09:16.53joobie1500ms being reported with no side-effect to call quality
09:17.01joobieleads me to believe it's not a useful figure to look at
09:17.02kaldemarjoobie: and SIP only carries signaling, not audio
09:17.02ChannelZyou should stop worrying because you're trying to make a conclusion from a bad assumption
09:18.01joobieso really that ms is a measure of the channelling speed
09:18.33joobieChannelZ, im not worried bro,.. just working on some scripts to automate monitoring of my asterisk box
09:18.47joobiei get the sip status .. was wondering if the ms response is worthwhile but it aint really
09:18.58ChannelZit's a measure of how long it took a SIP options request to reach the device and for the device to reply.
09:19.01joobieis there a factor i can grab from asterisk to monitor the "call quality" of a sip call?
09:19.10joobiei understand now
09:19.18joobie<kaldemar> joobie: and SIP only carries signaling, not audio
09:19.43joobiei think that is key - it makes sense why i can get a 1500ms response but have good call quality.. the signaling channel is lagging but not the audio
09:19.55joobiecan asterisk somehow report on the audio quality of a sip call?
09:22.04*** join/#asterisk nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
09:22.38nextimehello all. Is something changed in how asterisk 1.6.2 manage time based inclusion of context in extension.conf?
09:22.40ChannelZI don't remember if 'core show channel' shows you any jitter info on a sip call
09:23.38nextimei have something like include => unixmediaopen|09:00-12:59|mon-fri|*|*
09:23.43nextimein one context
09:23.58nextimeand some rules in [unixmediaopen] context using s extension
09:24.41nextimewhen i Goto() to the first context that include unixmediaopen, the s extension is never matched even if the include statement should include the unixmediaopen context
09:24.54nextimeit was working before the upgrade to ast 1.6.2
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09:25.18Tim_Toadyjoobie check ${RTPAUDIOQOS}
09:27.55joobiethanks Tim_Toady
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10:46.34kruemelteehello all together :-)
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10:49.26Systemt`some one can help me please?
10:50.55milouxdepends on your question
10:52.31Systemt`i have audio problem on my astrisk
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11:05.52AkiraaIs there a guide on how to configure port forwarding for multiple SIP devices sitting on the same LAN (behind NAT)?
11:07.23Systemt`i have the same problem
11:07.26Systemt`no audion :
11:08.35Systemt`what router do u have
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11:10.07AkiraaSystemt`: a 4 port home router behind an ADSL modem (behind NAT)
11:10.35Systemt`what model ?
11:10.41Systemt`mabe i can help u ?
11:11.54Systemt`u need to connect the router and open ports
11:12.03Systemt`but what model is your rauter ?
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11:12.56arossouwhi is there a way to monitor call quality, when making calls via a sip peer?
11:13.16AkiraaSystemt`: the IPPBX uses ports 5060 for SIP messages and ports 10000-10100 for RTP
11:13.34Akiraanow, I can forward these ports from each individual machine
11:13.45Akiraabut not sure how to have 2 phones or more on the same LAN
11:14.20Akiraasay, forward 5060 and 10000-10100 to
11:14.22Systemt`u can open for boute computers
11:14.36Systemt`or open NAT
11:14.41kaldemarAkiraa: just make them register to asterisk and configure them as qualify=yes in sip.conf.
11:15.15kaldemarAkiraa: they will use different ports on the NAT and asterisk will send packets to keep the connection alive.
11:15.22infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
11:15.27Systemt`kaldemar: i have the same problem just my problem is NO audio
11:15.51Systemt`\i have
11:15.56Systemt`IAX2 and SIP
11:16.13Systemt`IAX2 is working good
11:16.17Systemt`but SIP is no audio
11:16.26AkiraaSystemt`: definitely a NAT problem
11:16.44Systemt`but i open DMZ
11:16.47Systemt`to my server
11:17.26kaldemarSystemt`: look at the same tutorial
11:17.50kaldemarforwarding ports it not enough. you have to make asterisk aware of the network setup.
11:20.20Systemt`where can i find it ?
11:20.44kaldemarthe link 15 lines up
11:20.48Systemt`my asterisk is otking on dhcp
11:23.54Akiraakaldemar: So with qualify=yes, there is no need for port forwarding on the phone's LAN, right?
11:24.19kaldemarAkiraa: shouldn't be.
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11:37.14Tiraelhi guys
11:38.16TiraelAnybody have connectivity Nortel CS2000 with * ver. 1.6 ?
11:38.36kaldemarSystemt`: pastebin your configuration and a sip debug of a failed call
11:38.41infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
11:39.37*** join/#asterisk Diffen2 (
11:41.50TiraelSometimes I can't hear other side, this problem occurs with 50% chance
11:42.14TiraelOccurs only with Nortel CS2000
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11:58.53hellophowdy boys
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12:00.25hellopAnyone wanna buy some Polycom 501s and a 802.11 wireless sip phone?
12:01.57Systemt`what price?
12:03.29hellopcheaper than the $160 I paid.
12:04.37hellopwoah the price has really come down for these
12:05.01hellop$70 each I suppose.
12:06.25Systemt`what about shipping ?
12:16.05*** join/#asterisk pacmanfan (
12:16.21hellopHave 2 501s and one 500
12:16.32hellopI'll keep my budgetone. ;)
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12:41.57adncsometimes my extensions.conf file is busy and i can not open it with my editor. has someone got an idea why this could be the case?
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12:49.04leifmadsenI don't understand the question
12:49.15leifmadsenwhat editor
12:49.47leifmadsenAsterisk wouldn't lock the file, so it'd either be an external script trying to write to the file, or if you're using vim and didn't exit correctly, there could be a .extensions.conf.tmp file (or whatever vim calls it)
12:49.58leifmadsenadditional information required; however, Asterisk wouldn't lock the file
12:50.33beekadnc:  when that happens, try:   /usr/sbin/lsof  | grep extensions.conf  to see what has that held open.
12:50.37beekmornin' leifmadsen
12:50.41leifmadsenbeek: zup yo?
12:51.13leifmadsenwelp, it's time for me to reboot for my morning documentation writing session with Jim
12:52.53adncbeek, ohh, i did look with that but the file does not seem to be open
12:53.11adncbeek i found out that if i look with my regular vim than it works, but vi doesnt. i'm on a debian
12:53.23ttwhyHi, can someone tell me how to active 16khz speex? I just get the 8 khz version running (using ekiga as softphone)
12:55.12beekadnc: If you use vi in one session to edit the file, then open another session and try to edit it, vi will have it locked in session 1.  Perhaps that's what you're experiencing.
13:00.59adncbeek, that wasnt the case, than vi would add a .file.swp
13:01.04adncstrange, well...
13:02.10jayteemornin beek
13:02.20beekadnc: What is the *exact* error message that you receive?
13:03.14beekmornin' jaytee
13:03.27beekjaytee: How fare the animals?
13:03.46jayteegood I guess, I'm no longer employed there
13:04.22beekReally?  When did this change occur?
13:05.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Whose choice?
13:05.41jayteenot mine
13:05.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Sorry to hear...
13:06.02jayteethanks, both of ya
13:06.41jayteeI should be starting a new job probably next monday or the week after
13:06.48beekThat's good news.
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13:09.59dlynesadnc, could be whatever version of vi you're using is using a different lock file than .extensions.conf.swp
13:10.16dlynesadnc, that's what vim uses, but not necessarily every vi implementation
13:10.29dlynesadnc, There's also nvi, elvis, ...
13:11.21[TK]D-Fendercodes with BUTTERFLIES
13:11.23dlynesadnc, also, is vim opening it in read-only mode, or regular mode?
13:13.16jaytee[TK]D-Fender, does that mean that if you hit a key in BUTTERFLIES it causes a typhoon half way across the world?
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13:14.42jayteehehe, yeah I remember that one
13:15.02beekI love that one.
13:15.39jayteethis one is my all time favorite:
13:15.42dlynesjust another reason to dislike emacs :)
13:16.07beekdlynes: I don't need another reason!
13:17.23jayteeit was a bug in one of the early versions of GNU Emacs that let Robert Morris's worm cripple the internet back in 1988
13:17.42adncdlynes, i use a debian derivate called voyage, where i have my asterisk on it. it comes with a vi clone (i suppose) also i installed vim (the tiny version) unfortunately the installation of vim did not change the binary executable-link from vi to vim
13:18.23adncahh, i see that it is elvis-tiny that is causing this problem. unfortunately there is no lockfile .extensins.conf.swp
13:18.56adncbut the installation of vim-common and vim-tiny should repoint to the newly installed vim binary. strange
13:19.40adncthat is the problem vi -> /bin/elvis-tiny
13:19.49adncvim -> /usr/bin/vim.tiny
13:20.02dlynesadnc, why do you automatically assume that installation of vim should create a symbolic link from vi to vim?
13:20.27dlynesadnc, perhaps that is not voyage's intent
13:20.38adncdlynes, i thought that would be the case, since vim is a vi clone and installation of vim should replace it. but obviously you are right and it doesnt
13:21.07dlynesadnc, where is your vi symbolic link?  is it in /usr/bin or /bin?
13:21.19adncin /etc/laternatives
13:22.06dlynesadnc, eh?  how does /etc/alternatives get into your path?
13:22.27ManxPower-workI use the "joe" editor, the one true editor
13:22.40dlynesadnc, or is there a symbolic link /usr/bin/vi that points to /etc/alternatives/vi?
13:22.52adncdlynes, it is not in my path, it must be somehow differently managed
13:22.58dlynesadnc, or /bin/vi or that matter?
13:23.06tzafrir_laptopadnc, just install 'vim'
13:23.14tzafrir_laptopvim-common is a helper package
13:23.16adncyes, /usr/bin/vi is pointint to /etc/alternatives/vi
13:23.34dlynesadnc, anyways... rm -f /etc/alternatives/vi && ln -s /usr/bin/vim-tiny /etc/alternatives/vi
13:23.44adnctzafrir_laptop, i know, but that packages asks for 25mb of space, and i'm on a cf card where i do not really want to wast that area
13:23.46dlynesadnc, that'll fix your symbolic link for you
13:24.10dlynesadnc, you're trying to run asterisk on cf?
13:24.19adncdlynes, it is running on cf
13:24.38adncfor the last two weeks
13:24.44dlynesadnc, i'm guessing you're not overly concerned about call quality?  or flash memory on cf has gotten a lot faster?
13:25.03tzafrir_laptopadnc, so just use 'update-alternative --config'
13:25.15tzafrir_laptopuses busybox vi on such systems :-)
13:25.28adncdlynes, i did not understand.
13:25.31dlynestzafrir_laptop, busybox has vi as a built-in?
13:25.44tzafrir_laptopA rather minimal one, but yes
13:25.51adnctzafrir_laptop, thats it! thanks
13:26.09dlynesadnc, I remember a few years ago I was using cf, and it was damned slow...has it gotten considerably faster?  I don't know if it was a memory speed limitation, or the cf interface...
13:26.16adncdlynes, i can not get the relation between call quality and flash memory on cf?
13:26.30adncdlynes, it really works great
13:26.46dlynesadnc, how many simultaneous calls are you handling?
13:27.07dlynesadnc, and do you have full logging enabled?
13:27.13adncdlynes, it is for my home usage and maximum two simultaneous calls
13:27.22adncdlynes, no, not full logging
13:27.27dlynesadnc, ah...ok...thought you were using it in a production system
13:27.44adncdlynes, production for my home ;)
13:27.57adnci think for large installations this would be not a really good solution
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14:30.36Diffen2Hello. Are there any tools that get information from asterisk. i mean how many extensions, how many queues and so on?
14:31.28ManxPower-workDiffen2, you can always do a "dialplan show" to get most of that information
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14:32.16Diffen2ManxPower thank you
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14:32.55ManxPower-workDiffen2, You should read the Asterisk Book
14:32.59infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:33.14*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:34.12ManxPower-workWe need the bot to do an on join message "Using a GUI?  GTFO!"
14:35.39Diffen2ManxPower do you know if its possible to export the dialplan show to a file?
14:38.55ManxPower-workDiffen2, Why?  It's all there in extensions.conf
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14:39.28ManxPower-workif you really must, then this should work: asterisk -rx "dialplan show" > dialplan.txt
14:39.58Diffen2thanks man
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15:05.36nickfennellAnyone familiar with RTP stream policy when a call is placed on hold ?
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15:19.57aureliheinbHello, does SIP MESSAGE(rfc3261) could path trough Asterisk server ???because it doesnot work for me :-(
15:20.31ManxPower-workaureliheinb, That is expected.  Only a SIP Proxy would pass all the headers, Asterisk is not a SIP proxy
15:21.32aureliheinbI don't get it ? SIp MESSAGE are standard messages, they are not headers right ?
15:22.21Naikrovekasterisk doesn't forward packets, it's not a proxy
15:22.32Naikrovekasterisk is a source and destination, not a proxy
15:22.40Naikrovekif i'm understanding your question properly
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15:23.00aureliheinbOK I see what you mean but why Asterisk do not support MESSAGE ?
15:23.02[TK]D-Fenderaureliheinb: * is not a PROXY and * does not do messaging <-
15:23.30aureliheinbActually I am using MESSAGE to give some configurations to endpoints . . .
15:23.39[TK]D-Fenderaureliheinb: Doesn't matter.  * does not do this
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15:25.00aureliheinbdo you have any advice to be able to send parameters during an audio/video communication ?
15:26.01jpcansahow can i restrict sip connections to IPs from my country only??
15:27.38[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Run a proxy in front that can check because * can't.  Or get ready to manually put in a TON of ranges you consider "valid"
15:28.01jpcansai see
15:33.03aureliheinbso no advice to send parameters by * ??? a header that could contain parameters ???
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15:33.42[TK]D-Fenderaureliheinb: No generic heard while in a call.
15:33.52[TK]D-Fenderaureliheinb: An additional header when PLACING a call?  Sure
15:35.03aureliheinbadd a header cannot make * work in a wierd way ?
15:37.56[TK]D-Fenderaureliheinb: ?
15:39.23smooth_penguinjpcansa, iptables has a geoip module
15:41.20jpcansasmooth_penguin, how that works??
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15:47.11ManxPower-workaureliheinb, Take a look at the SendText application.  I do not remember how it sends messages to SIP phones.  I've never personally ever gotten it to do anything other than crash my phone.
15:48.11ManxPower-workyou can also look at the "sipsak" program (NOT part of Asterisk) that lets you send SIP packets to a phone
15:48.38mort_gibManxPower-work: I got it to work with Snoms
15:48.48jpcansawhat i really need is to secure my * box, someone not auth is connecting via sip and makin calls. the source on the CDR shows this: SIP/
15:48.54mort_gibAnnoying, and useless but works all the same
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15:50.04[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: And who is the call authing as?
15:51.22jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: SIP/ is shown as the channel
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15:51.40[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Sometimes the call can match a peer and still look like that.
15:51.44[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: go CONFIRM
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15:52.10[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: and if that is an actually un-authed call, then you'd better look at why you're even allowing it
15:53.22jpcansai´ll check my contexts
15:53.40[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: go look at your SIP DEBUG
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15:58.58Skeeter-ManxPower-work, the coding for the Microbroswing thing is pretty nasty, there is no logic, and the coding is old
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15:59.19Skeeter-u gotta try until it work, and when is does, it almost doesnt make any sense
15:59.19ManxPower-workSkeeter-, welcome to my world
15:59.44Skeeter-deveolping a webpage isnt the hard part
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16:02.04Skeeter-making polycoms to read it is another thing, BUT the potential is there for sure
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16:02.38Skeeter-just getting the wheater from google to work is pretty hard, ivent got it to work yet
16:03.38adncwhen i use Goto does it go back to where it was called after finishing the extension it was asked to go?
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16:04.53cweagansis there a way that I can set up one of my SIP extensions to dial out to another number? For example:  208-123-4567 ex.201 == 206-987-6543
16:05.10wcselbycweagans - sure
16:05.38wcselbycweagans - just set the dialplan for ext 201 to Dial(${TECHNOLOGY}/2069876543)
16:05.39Skeeter-ManxPower-work, what kinda thing did u accomplish
16:05.44Diffen2Im thinking about do some stress test on my asterisk server. are there any application you can recommend?
16:06.02wcselbywhere ${TECHNOLOGY} is the call tech used, ie. SIP, or DAHDI/g1, etc
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16:06.25ManxPower-workDiffen2, leave your server unsecured, then just wait.  You'll get some very good stress testing.
16:06.30wcselbyadnc - I think you want gosub
16:06.41cweaganswcselby: well...I'm not sure what to set there then. We have our SIP trunks with Speakeasy. So would that just be SIP/2089876543?
16:07.00Diffen2manxpower hehe thats the thing i want to avoid
16:07.01cweagans<-- noob.
16:07.15adnci would like to set some variables like Set(CALLFILENAME=${EXTEN}) on all extensions do i need to write this for all extensions or can i set this somewhere globaly. since Goto does not get back, i need a different way
16:07.19wcselbycweagans - it would be SIP/(speakeasy_peer)/208...
16:07.38ManxPower-workadnc, you want Gosub
16:07.53wcselbycweagans - you do it like any normal outbound call, just with a predefined phone number instead of using a variable.
16:08.21cweaganswell that's easier than I thought it was going to be :)
16:08.22aureliheinbthank you ManxPower-work I am looking at it
16:08.23adncManxPower-work, thank you
16:08.29cweaganswcselby: thanks!
16:10.07adnccore show function Gosub doesnt show anything, strange.
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16:10.19wcselbycore show application gosub
16:10.37wcselbyadnc - core show application gosub
16:10.53adncthanks, but why is gosub an application?
16:10.57bmoraca_workcurious...i just noticed something about 1.6.2...the log files have illegible characters where the color changes in the CLI would be...anyone know how to turn that off or is it fixed in a later version?
16:11.12wcselbyadnc - because it's an application....usable from the dialplan
16:11.21[TK]D-Fenderadnc: same reason GOT is an application
16:11.22bmoraca_workadnc: because gosub is itself a dialplan application, not a function usable from within another application
16:11.34adnci see
16:12.22[TK]D-Fenderadnc: Gosub does not return a value.  It is not the structured programming equivalent to a "function call"
16:13.52ManxPower-workYour best bet is to set a variable in your subroutine and access it from your main code.
16:13.55adnc[TK]D-Fender, i need to jump somewhere, set a variable and get back again
16:14.27ManxPower-workadnc, that is one of the most basic things in Asterisk.  Why don't you look for examples on the Wiki.
16:14.37ManxPower-workOr even in the extensions.conf.sample
16:14.40[TK]D-Fenderadnc: then do it
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16:14.48[TK]D-Fenderadnc: Variables have no scope in the dialplan <-
16:14.51ManxPower-workor, I suspect the Asterisk Book
16:15.26wcselby[TK]D-Fender - if he's incrementing a global variable or something, he could do it...alhtough why he'd need a gosub to increment a global variable...
16:15.30adncManxPower-work, i was suggested using gosub, since goto doesnt come back
16:15.41[TK]D-Fenderadnc: So do it
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16:17.47ttwhyHi, does someone know why a G722 codec could stop every ~30seconds for a short time? cpu usage is totaly low and i cant see any process which should corrupt the call
16:17.54bmoraca_workgosub comes back and can return a value
16:18.41bmoraca_worki take that back
16:19.28bmoraca_workthat's kind of obtuse
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16:25.59wcselbybmoraca_work - i thought gosub_retval was just a 0 or -1...?
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16:26.32wcselbyahhh, 1.6 returns an actual value
16:26.40wcselbywish this headache would go away
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16:33.47timeshellbans all headaches with a large troug
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16:36.53ChannelZis that a blunt instrument?
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16:50.19wcselbyis there a way to setup custom hostmasks with freenode?
16:51.16dinesh___how to detect when a call was unanswered? it seems that either $["${DIALSTATUS}" = "CHANUNAVAIL"] or $["${DIALSTATUS}" = "CONGESTION"] is true in that case
16:51.19dinesh___which i did not except
16:51.31adnci use exten => 88,1,VoiceMailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM}) but still it asks for mailboxnumber, also i tried exten => 88,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}|s)
16:51.53wcselbyadnc - use Voicemail(), not VoicemailMain()
16:52.21wcselbyalso, adnc, not sure you want to use ${CALLERIDNUM}....unless you've specifically set that variable
16:52.40wcselby${CALLERID(num)} is the proper way to do it, unless you're using an older version of asterisk
16:53.06wcselbyI tend to use Voicemail(${EXTEN},u), because then it goes to the voicemail box that was called, not the voicemail box of the caller...
16:53.52wcselbywell, Voicemail(${EXTEN}@default,u)
16:54.37ManxPower-workdinesh___, NOANSWER
16:55.06ManxPower-workthat happens when the call is not answered within timeout.  CANCEL means caller hung up while the call was still ringing
16:55.29dinesh___well, there must be some error in my dialplan then
16:55.33leifmadsenexten => voicemail,1,Voicemail(${requestedExtension}@${GLOBAL(voicemail_context)},${IF($[${DIALSTATUS} = BUSY]?b:u)})
16:56.24paulcThat's dialplan ninja action - right there! :-)
16:57.53dinesh___ any idea why it it reaches line 11 when the call is simply unanswered?
16:58.12dinesh___oh, it's BUSY and not "BUSY" ?
16:58.40wcselbyor you could use leifmadsen - that's awesome, how long have you been able to use the ${IF()} function like that?
16:59.06wcselbyignore the "or you could use" part of my last
16:59.08leifmadsenwcselby: since it was created
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16:59.23leifmadsenwcselby: it works just like all other dialplan functions that can be used inside of applications
16:59.32leifmadsenwcselby: I just have a clever usage of IF() that other people haven't thought of
16:59.34idespinneris there a clear explanation of using conditionals and variables and when one should use $[], ${} or $()?
16:59.39dinesh___"since I created it" would sound even better :)
16:59.48*** join/#asterisk waa (
17:00.48leifmadsenidespinner: $[  ]  <-- expressions for comparing things.   ${  }  <--- used when you want to read the value of something.   $(  )    <--- never used
17:01.09wcselbyleifmadsen - lol, neato
17:01.45idespinnerthank you, that $() was a trick to make sure you werent BSing me
17:01.58idespinnerjots this down
17:02.03leifmadsenI never BS (except when I do)
17:02.25leifmadsen$[  ]  used in things like GotoIf(), ExecIf(), etc...
17:02.50idespinnerso... Gotoif(${a}=${b}) is bad...
17:03.10idespinnerbut GotoIf($[${a}=${b}]) is good?
17:03.37idespinnerso all the conditionals require a boolean which $[] creates
17:03.45leifmadsenput something like double quotes around your variables if your ${a} or ${b} could potentially be empty
17:03.58leifmadsenyes, $[  ]  will return math or booleans
17:04.04dinesh___oh cool that was it, "BUSY" is wrong, but BUSY works just fine ;)
17:04.09leifmadsenSet(RESULT=$[${RESULT} + 1])
17:04.28leifmadsendinesh___: "BUSY" is fine as long as your variable was also wrapped with "  "
17:04.33idespinnererr ok wait, so if ${result} was null, that wouldnt work without quotes?
17:05.04leifmadsenthe "  " is not like in programming languages, the double quotes are literal in the string, so you have to have them on both sides because you want to see if the strings are both the same
17:05.18leifmadsenidespinner: well, not quite, let me show you
17:05.28leifmadsenSet(RESULT=$[   + 1])
17:05.38leifmadsenthat's what Asterisk sees if ${RESULT} was not set previously
17:05.41leifmadsenso you could fix that with
17:05.49leifmadsenSet(RESULT=$[0${RESULT} + 1])
17:05.57leifmadsenbecause then with ${RESULT} is null, you get
17:06.03leifmadsenSet(RESULT=$[0 + 1])
17:06.16leifmadsenif you're comparing strings vs. doing math, then the quotes work like this
17:06.37leifmadsenGotoIf($["${RESULT}" = "B"]?...)
17:06.38idespinnerah that makes sense
17:06.44leifmadsenif ${RESULT} is null, Asterisk sees
17:06.54leifmadsenGotoIf($["" = "B"]?...)
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17:07.08leifmadsenyou need the quotes on both sides, because if ${RESULT} was B and you didn't have quotes on both sides
17:07.16leifmadsenGotoIf($[B = "B"]?...)
17:07.23leifmadsenthat would return "not equal"
17:07.26ManxPower-workand B is NEVER equal to "B"
17:07.33idespinnerwhat would $[ =B] result in?
17:07.37leifmadsenidespinner: error
17:07.48leifmadsenyou can't have a missing value on either side of the operator
17:07.57leifmadsenyou'll get a WARNING message on the console
17:08.26idespinneri have to be honest, it make sense but seems a little cludgey
17:08.32leifmadsennot really
17:09.04leifmadsenyou could just as easily do:
17:09.14leifmadsenGotoIf($[X${RESULT} = XB]?...)
17:09.20leifmadsenI just find double quotes easier
17:09.31leifmadsenbut you must ALWAYS have information on both sides of the operator
17:09.40leifmadsenthats the rule
17:10.40idespinnermaybe i'm just hesitant because I feel like the general format of extensions.conf is like a half programming language...
17:10.59leifmadsenits not a programming language, its a scripting language
17:11.16leifmadsenregardless, it's how it is, and has been working and evolving for years
17:12.32dinesh___hmmm ${DIALSTATUS} returns CONGESTION in case of a unanswered call here
17:12.45dinesh___perhaps I need to force a timeout on Dial() shorter than the one of my provider
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17:12.58dinesh___so that asterisk will generate the unanswered
17:13.23ManxPower-worklook at HANGUPCAUSE instead of DIALSTATUS
17:13.30angryusercan someone confirm me that Cause codes (any) for ISDN lines are sent by the provider equipment ?
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17:14.41angryuserManxPower-work, yes i know the list, but it is sent by provider right ?
17:14.50ManxPower-workangryuser, your sense makes no question
17:15.19ManxPower-workThose are the standard Q.931 cause codes.
17:16.27carrarTatoo them on your ARM!
17:16.38leifmadsenwhat a neat idea for a tatoo!
17:16.50angryuserManxPower-work, i have one client with really simple problem, but his provider do not admit it, sometimes got cause code 21 (rejected)
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17:17.08angryuserlike 3 times a day for 2-3 min
17:17.49angryuserSome tech came, checked lines, found no logs about call i indicated
17:18.45angryuserRejected call shoil be logged 'as he says'
17:20.20carrarcapture a trace
17:20.23carrarsend it to the provider
17:22.36ManxPower-workangryuser, that is VERY common.
17:22.41angryusercarrar, done it, thats why tech came, nothing found, next ?
17:22.46ManxPower-workI always write at least one retry into my dialing scripts.
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17:23.26angryuserManxPower-work, not common for me, i did around 50+ installs, and have first time this issue.
17:23.45ManxPower-workMy internal scripts pretty much retry any call that did not end normally
17:24.01ManxPower-workangryuser, all PRI installs?
17:24.17angryuserManxPower-work, pri / bri, this one is bri
17:25.15ManxPower-workAs I said, it happens on most all PRI carriers I use.  Many times it's the far end that is doing something weird.  Easy enough to have your dialing script retry the call.
17:25.21angryuseri have less problems with pri, bri has more issues
17:25.56ManxPower-workOut of about 1,000 calls per day we get 2 - 6 calls that fail strangely
17:26.22angryuseracceptable rate
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17:26.32dinesh___do you manage an office voip installation?
17:26.41ManxPower-workangryuser, if you look at your logs I suspect your other systems also have this issue, but nobody reported it.
17:26.42dinesh___to have 1000 calls/day
17:26.53ManxPower-workdinesh___, I work for a carrier.
17:27.06wcselbyi have a client that probably has close to 1000 calls / day
17:27.10ManxPower-workmost of those calls are from our cold calls sales people
17:27.26wcselbywhen you combine inbound / outbound calls
17:27.35wcselbyand faxes, etc
17:27.44angryuserthis one is weird, its not the same, its like we got "rejected" for 2 min 3 times a day whatever installation, the immediate retry will fail i think
17:28.01wcselby150-ish person financial company, several departmental call centers, etc
17:28.44ManxPower-workangryuser, I've been using Asterisk with PRIs since 2002
17:28.47wcselbyangryuser - play a message to the caller on the reject code received that says "all circuits are busy now, please try again in a few minutes"
17:29.02wcselbyor something along those lines
17:29.13ManxPower-workwcselby, that's what I do if the 2nd try fails
17:29.19wcselbyor just say "your carrier sucks, please try again in a few mintues"
17:29.24wcselbyor something nicer
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17:30.54angryuserwcselby, i am doing that now
17:31.41ManxPower-work(most of my calls that fail with odd cause code work on the 2nd try.  I do a .5 second wait between dials.
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17:32.58Cyberaxhi all
17:33.00angryuserManxPower-work, i think i will press the provider again, 5 6 calls a day is fine, not 6 min of T0 down / day its a small client, but whatever
17:33.36Cyberaxplease help me connect Linksys SPA400 to asterisk 1.6
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17:35.38Cyberaxi get message:
17:35.43Cyberax[Mar  4 20:35:17] WARNING[7951]: chan_sip.c:12673 check_auth: username mismatch, have <Port1>, digest has <>
17:35.43Cyberax[Mar  4 20:35:17] NOTICE[7951]: chan_sip.c:19961 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device 0079157490007 - Port1<sip:0079157490007@>;tag=9864a8c0-13c4-4b8fef55-dd0d46-3b5e7e96
17:36.20Cyberaxi cannot resolve this problem
17:36.32angryuserCyberax, set fromusername Port1 on SPA400
17:36.54Cyberaxhow do it?
17:36.59angryuserits like 'use usernam' = yes
17:37.27angryuserand set the fiel username = Port1
17:38.13Cyberaxi have field Port ID 1  = Port1
17:38.32Cyberaxi cannot find username field
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17:42.42Cyberaxanyone have spa400 + asterisk
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17:42.51Cyberaxplease respond
17:43.25wcselbyCyberax - i don't
17:43.33wcselbyi have a pap2t-na, and some spa8000's
17:43.37wcselbynothing in the spa400 line
17:44.40paulcCyberax can you send a screenshot of your admin/advanced page for the port - then we can tell you exactly which fields to fill in
17:45.04Cyberaxhow to insert screnn in irc?
17:45.11*** join/#asterisk diatonic (
17:45.34ManxPower-workyou don't
17:45.36infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:46.20*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
17:46.29Cyberaxok i do it
17:49.50paulcWhere do you configure the password for those users though?
17:50.26Cyberaxhere not user and password only FXO pstn line
17:50.31*** join/#asterisk rickross (~rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
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17:52.19Cyberaxother pages for voice mail  and line config
17:52.31rickrosswe're trying to get * working with a "click to call" interface from a CRM called vTiger. We believe the manager.conf is set to allow an account "vtiger" to access, but it repeatedly fails to authenticate when vtiger tries to initiate a call. The message is like: [Mar  4 12:47:57] NOTICE[7732] manager.c: failed to authenticate as 'vtiger'
17:52.46rickrossanyone have any experience getting vtiger to work with * ?
17:53.09idespinnerrickross, the authentication will be in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
17:53.21idespinnermake sure the vtiger user is there
17:53.58idespinnerand also make sure you have reloaded asterisk
17:53.59rickrossidespinner: we believe we have that configured for the account 'vtiger' - double-checking
17:54.43idespinnerfrom the asterisk CLI you can do "manager show user vtiger"
17:55.03*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
17:55.54rickrossok, it is in a manager_additional.conf that is included by manager.conf
17:56.04rickrosschecking from the * CLI
17:56.18ManxPower-workrickross, welcome to FreePBX
17:56.32ManxPower-worknothing will be where you expect it to be
17:56.33Cyberaxif i delete register then i'm get all calls in one extension
17:56.42rickrossrs1*CLI> manager show user vtiger
17:56.47rickrossit is there
17:57.00idespinnerrickross, is   "secret: <Set>"?
17:57.07pyiteanyone know of a good PoE switch (16 ports or 8 ports) that actually has PoE on ALL ports?
17:57.11rickrossidespinner: yes, exactly
17:57.20*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
17:57.37idespinnerpyite,  3com office connect is good, full gig, layer 3 and poe for around $300
17:57.47pyiteidespinner:  but is PoE on ALL ports? that's been the tough part
17:57.49idespinnerrickross, I would double check the password...
17:57.52*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@
17:57.54idespinnerpyite, yes
17:57.58rickrossidespinner, is it possible to get asterisk to display what it thinks the secret is set to?
17:58.03pyitereally?!? woop. lemme go look again
17:58.12ManxPower-workthe password is sent in cleartext, so you should be able to tcpdump it.
17:58.29idespinneryes, rickross do tcpdump -A
17:58.34nickfennellIs it possible to make asterisk supply whitenoise when a call is placed on hold rather than pausing the RTP stream ?
17:58.48nickfennellor even just to feed silence to the UA
17:58.50idespinnerand look for login: vtiger secret:MYPASS
17:58.53rickrossManxPower -work: good idea - I need to get more comfortable with those tcpdump ops
17:58.59idespinnerand compare to manager.conf entry
17:59.13pyiteidespinner:  thanks! that looks perfect actually
17:59.30idespinnertcpdump -A port 5038
17:59.42ManxPower-workrickross, from memory: tcpdump -X -s 4096 -i INTERFACE port WHATEVERTHEMANAGERPORTIS
17:59.43rickrossidespinner: trying now
17:59.54idespinnerManxPower-work, that works too!
18:00.01rickrossManxPower-work: thx
18:00.34*** join/#asterisk RobH_ (~robh@
18:01.17Corydon76-digManxPower-work: 5038
18:02.44idespinnernickfennell, i thought thats what Music on hold was
18:02.52idespinnerjust play back some whitenoise MOH
18:03.50nickfennellhmm that's what I'm thinking
18:03.56ManxPower-workasterisk comes with several silence files"
18:04.08nickfennellI didn't know if there was a better way of doing it than that
18:04.12nickfennella little "less hacky"
18:06.28idespinnerMOH should be built in as a standard feature
18:07.55rickrosswell, I don't think I know how to read this -
18:08.17rickrossI may need to write the tcpdump output to a file or something
18:09.07*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
18:09.32idespinnerrickross, no login attempt there that I saw
18:09.35idespinnershould be in plain text
18:09.48rickrossline 15
18:10.27rickrossstrangely, it seems to have cut off the username to "vtige"
18:12.27idespinnerah yea, i see it now
18:12.31idespinnershouldve searched
18:12.41idespinnertry ManxPower's line
18:12.51idespinnertcpdum -X -s ...
18:13.01rickrossok, trying again - one sec
18:15.37rickrosslines 25-26 show the secret
18:16.00rickrosswhich, duh, we'll now change after this is debugged :)
18:17.39rickrosssecret is correct - I wonder if ther's a line endings issue with the 0x0A 0x0D from the script issuer?
18:17.46*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:18.15idespinnerrickross, you can doublecheck the secret yourself via telnet
18:18.16Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:18.34idespinnertelnet localhost 5038
18:18.35rickrossidespinner: we're just about to try that
18:20.42rickrossfailed - ugh
18:20.46raden_workhow can i tell what codecs a channel using
18:21.29[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: sip show channel [thechannel]
18:22.16raden_work[TK]D-Fender, thanks
18:22.44idespinneryou may want to pastebin your manager.conf...
18:23.15raden_work[Mar  4 12:22:59] WARNING[5050]: chan_sip.c:4339 sip_call: No audio format found to offer
18:24.47*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (~tech_trav@
18:25.05Skeeter-anyone knows how to parse a php file into a html file>
18:25.07rickrossok, the same sequence for another account allowed authentication
18:26.20[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Who says PHP inherently has anything to do with HTML?
18:26.43Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i have a php output that i wanna parse into html
18:27.08raden_workto use g729 does it have to be allow in general as well as my outbound context  ?
18:27.12*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:27.26[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: whats to parse?  All PHP does is process the stuff in the middle that is a script.  Anything outside is just left as dumb text
18:27.33[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: there is no "parse".
18:27.53[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: it has to be allowed by the time your acll hits whatever section it hits
18:28.21dinesh___would it be difficult to implement a version of Dial() that would work without implicitly answering the call first ?
18:28.37dinesh___(to call for free, even if it's limited to just 30 seconds, I'd like to see if it's possible)
18:28.44[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: Dial DOESN'T implicitly answer the call first
18:28.44dinesh___or perhaps it's even already available
18:28.45Qwelldinesh___: Dial doesn't implicitly answer
18:28.58[TK]D-Fender(c) BKW
18:29.20rickrossidespinner: thanks, man - we had an error in manager.conf - DOH!
18:29.24dinesh___oh okay, so when the other end answers, that answer gets forwarded
18:29.36dinesh___so I would need to drop that answer packet
18:30.12*** join/#asterisk jelly-bean (
18:30.19[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: huh?
18:30.23jelly-beanwhere are asterisk call IDs usually stored?
18:30.30jelly-beanin the database? log files?
18:30.38idespinnerrickross, glad to hear, your problem sounded easy enough!
18:30.52Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i have a nice php webpage that iw ould like to view using my polycom that can see html
18:31.01idespinnerjelly-bean, do you mean the master.csv which has all the cdr hsitory of all calls?
18:31.09jelly-beanidespinner: yes
18:31.13dinesh___well I have an incoming extension 1,1,Dial(SIP/home) ; it's possible to have 1,1,Playback(sound, noanswer) that will play "sound" without answering first
18:31.20[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: ... html is test that gets passed through....
18:31.26dinesh___so i'm thinking that it should be possible to get voice as well, without answering
18:31.32KattyQwell: how is your foot
18:31.32jelly-beani have an asterisk call_id and i want to use it to find the number the person dialed
18:31.33[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: and Polycom's don't use HTML
18:31.38QwellKatty: not broked
18:31.44KattyQwell: yes you told me that
18:31.46KattyQwell: but how is it
18:31.52QwellKatty: not purple and big
18:31.56KattyQwell: :>
18:32.04KattyQwell: so improvement then, yes? :>
18:32.06Qwelland I gave my drugs away
18:32.09*** join/#asterisk arpu (
18:32.09Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, what are they using?
18:32.15Kattydances with Qwell
18:32.25*** part/#asterisk morex (
18:32.38Kattyinfobot: seen seanmh
18:32.42infobotseanmh <n=johndoe@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 142d 23h 11m 1s ago, saying: 'Katty: how's the 1.6 testing going?'.
18:34.42[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: VERY FINE MANUALS
18:35.03Kattycalls symantec again. /sigh
18:37.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: what app?
18:40.18raden_workis there a way if I exceed my g729 license count It will use ulaw ?
18:42.26[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: No
18:42.56*** join/#asterisk pacmanfan (
18:42.58raden_workthat so not cool
18:43.00*** part/#asterisk jelly-bean (
18:43.39[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Lift your skirt, grab your balls, and MAN UP.
18:44.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: endpoint protection
18:45.15raden_work[TK]D-Fender, illl just use 729 on outbound calls then
18:45.16Skeeter-raden_work, u can allow=g729,ulaw i think
18:45.40raden_workSkeeter-, I was told that will always default to ulaw then
18:46.00Skeeter-2 seperate lines there
18:46.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: SEP : Shouldn't Expect Productivity
18:46.13[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: complete waste <-
18:46.21Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, aight ur call
18:46.29raden_workSkeeter-, that is what I thought, but was told it will default to ulaw everytime
18:46.31[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: it will ALWAYS negotiate the same order and always produce the same reult to an ITSP
18:46.39[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: because THEIR offer will never change.
18:46.54[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: So the net negotiation will always yeild the same outcome
18:47.06[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Specifying multiple codecs = pointless in that case
18:47.14dinesh___ManxPower-work: RetryDial() looks cool :)
18:47.44raden_work[TK]D-Fender, will it work for outbound if i run out ? specifying a order that is ?
18:47.54[TK]D-Fender[13:31]<dinesh___>so i'm thinking that it should be possible to get voice as well, without answering <- no
18:48.17Kattyon a positive note, i'm starting to understand their accent a bit better
18:48.18dddhdo people use tls connections for sip?
18:48.19dinesh___hm :/ but it's possible to get music though :/
18:48.27dinesh___at least 1 way
18:48.43*** join/#asterisk korihor (~korihor@
18:49.17dinesh___so the provider of the caller would block any voice from the caller to the callee until the callee answered?
18:49.24dinesh___that would be a good strategy
18:50.13*** join/#asterisk DMeloUK (~DominicMe@
18:50.16[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: You're talking about early media.  That is send-only from the answerer side.
18:51.52*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
18:52.55dinesh___ok thanks
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18:56.59Kattyso what's you guys' favorite app for mounting a virtual cdrom for iso
18:57.05QwellKatty: mount.
18:57.17Kattyfor windows.
18:57.22QwellDebian install CD.
18:57.37dinesh___alcohol 52% is great
18:57.56KattyQwell: :P
18:57.59Kattydinesh___: shanks.
18:58.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: Daemon toold
19:04.27carrarDidn't MSFT go out of biz already?
19:06.36idespinnerKatty, use wincdemu
19:06.56*** join/#asterisk xuser (~xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
19:07.14idespinneralchohol 52 is more 'free' version of paid product type thing...
19:07.24idespinnerdameon tools is 'adware'
19:07.39idespinnerwincdemu <- opensource
19:08.08Kattywow. my symantec rep isn't from india :>
19:08.32QwellKatty: just because his name is "John", doesn't mean he isn't
19:10.56*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (~lesouvage@
19:16.44KattyQwell: he's from texas.
19:17.40wcselbyKatty - that makes him awesome, by default
19:17.44wcselbyjust sayin;....
19:19.22lesouvageWhat  4  ports isdn bri card do you advice?
19:19.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: What the Texas, North Punjab?
19:19.47Kobazlesouvage: sangoma
19:20.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: SHUUSH!
19:20.38Qwelllesouvage: Digium b410p.  I'm not biased at all.
19:21.39[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Indeed... Digium blocks his ability to even consciously acknowledge products by other makers ;)
19:22.12[TK]D-Fendersends Qwell the "kill" command
19:22.27Qwellother what now?
19:25.33lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I expect that the card works and that it is easy to configure. Is Digium the proper choice or should I go for Sangoma or Jungmans. I prefer Digium because they start the Asterisk project years ago.
19:25.47Kobazany card will work
19:26.00Kobazwell, any card from one of the reputable names will work
19:26.25Kobazlesouvage: personal preference really... i like the sangoma cards because they give you a lot of tools for debugging problems
19:27.39Kobazand what's a jungman? i never heard of them
19:27.49lesouvageKobaz: but if you pick a card without problems you don't need the debug tools. I want to avoid debugging, it is hard to budget and it is boring and stressfull.
19:28.43Kobazlesouvage: no... the cards don't have any problems... it's for debugging your environment (ie: cabling, voltages, alarms, isdn counters)
19:28.56Kobazlesouvage: you always need debugging tools
19:29.55outtolunci think someone should have updated the digium store with the new lunenvox lic pricing, before the email blast
19:32.32lesouvageKobaz: it is Junghanns see
19:33.54Kobazlesouvage: no idea... the three major vendors are sangoma, digium, and rhino
19:34.01Kobazbut don't use rhino, they suck
19:36.37*** join/#asterisk miamiseb (~a@
19:37.54idespinnerwhats wrong with rhino?
19:37.55*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
19:38.07idespinner(no experience with anything but digium cards...)
19:38.09Kobazidespinner: i've had some serious problems with their dsps and firmware
19:38.28Kobazthey are more of a hack slash shop (from the last i dealt with them)
19:38.33Kobazthey may have improved
19:38.44Kobazi was using rhino t1 cards for a while since they were so cheap
19:38.51idespinnerthats too bad, they always touted "american made"
19:39.04Kobazand then i got my first dual span from them and had nothing but problems... d channel would randomly go away, calls drop, audio problems
19:39.17Kobaz4 and a half months of "here try this firmware"
19:40.55ManxPower-workI prefer Sangoma
19:41.07Kobazi popped in my first sangoma card and it worked like a charm
19:41.23Kobazand... every time i thought a sangoma card was bad... it wasn't
19:41.36Kobazit was wither a bad cable, or irq conflict, or something stupid
19:41.58Kobazwe actually fried several digium cards doing a standard installation
19:42.06Kobazthis was like 2 years ago though
19:46.24*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
20:02.57raden_workis there a way to allow g729 passthrough without it taking licensed channels ?
20:03.13raden_workmy phones are g729 ready when i dial out I dont see why id need a license
20:04.11[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You don't.  You only need it any time * has to transcode anything..
20:04.40leifmadsenor write to disk
20:04.43leifmadsen(i.e. voicemail)
20:04.55*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
20:05.02[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: That shouldn't inherently need to transcode...
20:05.25leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: but writing to disk requires a license because you're not just blindly passing information across the wire
20:05.33leifmadsenyou're not transcoding though
20:05.43[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: You should if you set your recording codecs accordingly, no?
20:05.52leifmadsenno idea for sure
20:05.56[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Figured it was +/- a direct frame dump
20:05.59leifmadsenjust pretty sure you need a license to write to disk
20:06.06fiferI'm on *1.4 working to get an openvox a1200p up and most of the install seemed to go fine though I can not verify that zaptel is working
20:06.07leifmadsencould be, I'm going to shutup now
20:06.27fiferthe card was detected but the module does not seem to be working, nor is dahdi now.
20:06.48fiferI'm new to the whole dahdi thing so I may have messed something up
20:07.24[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Neither of us is 100% on it :)
20:07.32[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I am high 90's though ;)
20:09.50tzafrir_laptopfifer, what's the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
20:10.10tzafrir_laptopWhat's the output of: asterisk -rx 'zap show channels'
20:10.19leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: you should try it out and let me know
20:11.41*** join/#asterisk italorossi (
20:11.43fifershows all 12 chanels, shows the 4 fxo ports, lists 1,3,4 as red
20:11.59tzafrir_laptop'zap show channels'?
20:13.34idespinnerfifer, were you installing DAHDI or ZAPTEL?
20:13.34fifernothing, just the headings
20:13.59fiferI did a fresh ZAPTEL install
20:14.22fiferMy understanding that the card is still very new to DAHDI and maybe not ready for prod there
20:14.45idespinnerso we can safely ignore "<fifer> I'm new to the whole dahdi thing so I may have messed something up" right? just double checking...
20:15.02[TK]D-Fenderfifer: DAHDI = Zaptel.  .
20:15.11raden_workbut i can dial from my cellphone just fine
20:15.15tzafrir_laptopOr rather: dahdi is the latest version of Zaptel
20:15.23fiferBut now the DAHDI app does not work in cli
20:15.40tzafrir_laptopfifer, and anyway, your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is misconfigured
20:15.46[TK]D-Fenderfifer: You haven't shown us anything ov value in debugging this
20:15.55fiferdahdi show status "no DAHDI interface found"
20:16.30idespinnerwell i dont think dahdi==zaptel, you either have one or the other, but not both
20:16.35[TK]D-Fenderfifer: What ver of *?  Did you compile * ASFTER installing DAHDI?
20:16.45idespinnerand depending on which asterisk version, you have to have one or the other
20:16.47bmoraca_workyou really screwed the pooch, then, cause even with just dahdi dummy, i get something, heh
20:16.52sbrathI have a Queue that people can't seem to transfer calls out of, I have Asterisk 1.6.2 and Queue(c-service,twhr,,,30)   , but when they do a transfer it never completes.
20:16.58*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
20:16.59idespinnersome * versions only can do zap, some can only do dahdi
20:17.10Kobazsbrath: pastebin your logs and console output
20:18.21fiferI installed zaptel- yesterday
20:18.29fiferI installed zaptel- yesterday
20:18.52idespinneryea, thats probably a nogo... i think the latest 1.4.29.x required dahdi...
20:19.35fiferHm.....a recent post from openvox indicated that the card was working with dahdi but not to use it for production yet.
20:19.38ManxPower-workidespinner, that is INCORRECT!
20:20.05idespinnerManxPower-work, clarificatoin is always welcome :)
20:20.35ManxPower-workAt some point in the 1.4 release cycle was renamed, however, if you have zaptel installed then te CLI zap commands are available, if DAHDI is available then the CLI dahdi commands are available.
20:20.54ManxPower-workthe only time you would notice the is if you looked for it.
20:21.51idespinnerManxPower-work, can you clarify "if you looked for it."?
20:22.05ManxPower-workidespinner, ls /var/lib/asterisk/modules or "core show modules"
20:22.09fiferin cli, zap show chanels gives me the result headings, no errror, but "help zap" says no such command
20:23.15raden_workthere a way i can make a phone use ulaw when checking VM and stuff where asterisk would need to encode, and use g729 only when dialing outbound so it passes through ?
20:23.18ManxPower-workfifer, What specific problem are you trying to solve?
20:23.29ManxPower-workraden_work, no.
20:23.37fiferjust trying to get this new a1200p installed and working
20:23.40ManxPower-workraden_work, As I said, G729 pass-thru is pretty useless for most things.
20:23.51fiferhas 4 fxo modules and two lines connected
20:24.05ManxPower-workfifer, you'll get better help with better questions.
20:24.20fiferzaptel seems happy but not working with *, may have messed up zap/dahdi in my *, not sure
20:24.34ManxPower-workdoes "zap show channels" show all your configured channels?
20:24.45raden_workManxPower-work, so if i use g729 i always have to use it ?
20:24.58ManxPower-workraden_work, if you want pass-thru you do.
20:24.59fiferzap show channels just shows the colum headers, no channels
20:25.12raden_workManxPower-work, well i guess that works
20:25.13ManxPower-workfifer, then you have no channels configured
20:25.36ManxPower-workraden_work, otherwise stop being a cheapskate and spend the money on a couple of G729 licenses.
20:26.01*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (~icebrkr@
20:26.03idespinnerraden_work, you may be able to
20:26.08fiferduring the zaptel installation I was able to generate both config files
20:26.12ManxPower-workfifer, make sure you don't have any chan_dahdi*.conf files in /etc/asterisk.  pastebin your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
20:26.13idespinnerraden_work, set allow=ulaw,g729
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20:26.17idespinneron your phone
20:26.27ManxPower-workfifer, the generated configs files != installed config files.
20:26.29*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (~icebrkr@
20:26.35idespinnerand set allow=g729, disallow all on your trunk
20:26.43ManxPower-workfifer, then pastebin your zapata.conf
20:26.54fiferand zapta-channels.conf
20:26.56ManxPower-workidespinner, that will always use ulaw then
20:27.03idespinnernot out the trunk
20:27.08ManxPower-workfifer, zapta-channels.conf IS NOT zapata.conf!
20:27.19idespinnerthe trunk is allow g729a only
20:27.45ManxPower-workidespinner, The call will still come into asterisk as ulaw, then fail when it tries to transcode to g729 with no licenses
20:28.21ManxPower-workfifer, is that file named zaptel.conf
20:28.31idespinnerif the call isnt answered, there is no rtp stream yet so no codec negotiation has been done yet
20:28.37raden_workManxPower-work, I got 4 just the way the boss is using the phone he needs about 8
20:28.51ManxPower-workfifer, then do a module reload
20:28.55fiferboth are named properly, not sample or anything
20:29.00idespinneror so i think...
20:29.06fiferManxPower-work: thanks! Sure,
20:29.08ManxPower-work"both"?  There is only one zapata.conf
20:29.12*** join/#asterisk frantik (
20:29.37frantiki'm not at all experienced with asterisk (i manage our linux servers but not all specifics)
20:29.40fiferok, said it is reloading, no error
20:29.41ManxPower-workraden_work, in Asterisk 1.6 things may have changed somewhat.
20:29.49frantikand i'm having no clue with the beast crash
20:29.50ManxPower-workfifer, check your channels with "zap show channels"
20:30.08frantikat the boot
20:30.13frantiki have a loop of "asterisk died with code 1"
20:30.17fiferstill just the headers
20:30.17ManxPower-workfifer, you may have to unload / load, since you are adding channels.
20:30.29ManxPower-workfrantik, start asterisk as "asterisk -cvvv" to see where it is failing
20:30.36frantikdid that
20:30.42ManxPower-workfifer, "just the headers" means "config file not found"
20:30.48ManxPower-workfrantik, well now you see your error message.
20:31.12frantiknow thats the problem
20:31.47fiferManxPower-work: Unloaded then reloaded, now change for zap show channels
20:31.48ManxPower-workfifer, Actually, "just the headers" means config file found, nothing found to configure in the file.
20:31.55ManxPower-workfifer, now your zap is configured
20:32.12ManxPower-workdid you really mean "now" or did you mean "no"
20:32.34fiferzaptel.conf is in /etc, zapata-channels.conf is in /etc/asterisk
20:33.02fifermy bad, no change
20:33.03ManxPower-workfifer, Asterisk does not use zapata-channels.conf
20:33.26ManxPower-workzapata-channels.conf is the automatically generated file that yo are stupposed to rename or import into your config files.
20:33.44fiferok, missed that step
20:33.56frantikManxPower-work, i dont see no error message :/
20:34.07ManxPower-workfifer, delete /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf since you just showed me it is pretty much a duplicated of zapata.conf, right?
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20:34.23ManxPower-workfrantik, copy what is output to
20:34.35fiferI showed you zaptel.conf, I will show the other now....
20:35.03ManxPower-workfifer, You still don't get it do you.  I'm sorry, I told you your answer.  I cannot help you firther.
20:35.09frantikretrieving the output
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20:36.02fiferManxPower-work: I greatly appreciate your help  but what answer? What should this file be named? OR what file should an include statement be added to include it?
20:36.03ManxPower-workfifer, so I asked for zapata.conf and you showed me zaptel.conf???  Are you deliberatly thing to screw up people helping you?
20:36.27fiferI understood you wanted the zaptel.conf
20:36.50tzafrir_laptopfifer, one common way to use zapata-channels.conf is the line #include zapata-channels.conf in zapata.conf
20:36.56ManxPower-work<ManxPower-work> fifer, make sure you don't have any chan_dahdi*.conf files in /etc/asterisk.  pastebin your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
20:37.03tzafrir_laptopthat said, why not just pastebin the file?
20:37.24fiferManxPower-work: relax, I have spent over 15 years on your end of irc help in the tech world, I'm no newbe to this process, just missing some details and trying to get this figured out
20:37.37fiferI greatly appreciate the help and I'm not trying to be dificult
20:37.37ManxPower-workfifer, nothing I have said since you showed me the wrong file applies.,
20:37.43fiferJust a sec and I will show you the right file
20:37.56ManxPower-workshow it to tzafrir_laptop
20:38.10fiferI showd you the file I understood you wanted
20:38.13fiferMy bad
20:38.15fiferfixing now
20:38.30sbrathmy Queue transfer inability problem pastebin:
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20:38.38ManxPower-workmaybe so, but I've already run out of time to help you on this (should be simple) problem.
20:38.52ManxPower-workIt should have taken 2 mins to solve your issue if I had seen the right config files to start with.
20:39.22tzafrir_laptopfifer, what about /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf  ?
20:39.27asteriskmonkeyanyone know of any incompatibilites that might cause no audio between an asterisk 1.4.x box and an asterisk 1.6.2 box?
20:39.46[TK]D-Fenderfifer: where is your zapata.conf?
20:39.56fiferI dont have a zapata.conf
20:40.07ManxPower-workfifer, then asterisk will not load zaptel support.
20:40.08fiferIs that what the zapata-channels.conf needs to be renamed to?
20:40.08tzafrir_laptopasteriskmonkey, those two systems are connected via? SIP? IAX?
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20:40.38asteriskmonkeytzafrir_laptop: connected via sip, both public ip, both no fwalls
20:40.40tzafrir_laptopfifer, use configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample
20:40.48tzafrir_laptoprename it to zapata.conf
20:40.52fiferwill do, thanks!!
20:41.00Kobazsbrath: redo your past without console colors
20:41.00mbrevdaanyone know what would cause this? app_voicemail_imapstorage.c: IMAP Error: Connection failed to,993: Connection timed out
20:41.02[TK]D-Fenderfifer: <-- lines 30/31 = wake up and read the BIG PRINT
20:41.03frantikthe log leaves me totally clueless and as i specified i'm an asterisk newb
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20:41.10ManxPower-workfrantik, that only looks like the first part of the file.
20:41.13sbrathHow do I turn off the console colors in the logs?
20:41.23[TK]D-Fenderfifer: and NO, renaming it will NOT do.
20:41.25frantikthats all i got generated by the thing
20:41.33Kobazasterisk -n
20:41.52frantikdid the asterisk -cccc thing > full.log
20:42.03sbrathThat's taken from /var/log/asterisk/full   .. How do I change the log to not have colors... or is that -n overall
20:42.22ManxPower-workfrantik, how about trying "asterisk -cvvv" instead of -ccc
20:42.26frantikManxPower-work, is that thing saved anywhere ?
20:42.29Kobazi'm pretty sure that disables colors for the log too
20:42.33tzafrir_laptopfifer, and add in the end the line:    #include zapata-channels.conf
20:42.40sbrathcan I change it without restarting?
20:42.48ManxPower-workfrantik, sure, but when you are crashing on startup it's pretty pointless.
20:42.56Kobaztry asterisk -rvvvn &> /tmp/log
20:42.59frantikManxPower-work, i said "thing" because i no longer had the command in buffer but it's what i typed
20:43.05ManxPower-workfrantik, try "asterisk -cvvv > mylog.lod 2>&1"
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20:43.26ManxPower-workotherwise the ERROR message may not be sent to the log
20:43.40KobazManxPower-work: &> does the same thing
20:43.44frantikgetting that file
20:43.46ManxPower-worktzafrir_laptop, is this not documented anywere?
20:43.48frantikin raw mode
20:43.53frantikhod on...
20:44.34tzafrir_laptopManxPower-work, not sure
20:45.05ManxPower-workdidn't you write the genzap stuff?
20:45.50sbrathIf I changed the colsole-colors = no in asterisk.conf is their a non re-start way to reload that setting?
20:46.19ManxPower-worksbrath, I thought you were asking about colors in logs, not the console
20:46.40Kobazsbrath: would help if it was spelled right
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20:47.11sbrathactually it's nocolor=yes .. (tough audience)
20:47.39sbrathManxPower-work: I was asking about in logs, but I don't want to restart to turn it off.
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20:48.34Skeeter-ariel_, Can you change the language of the Spectralinks?
20:48.54fiferI now have a zapata.conf ending with an include to zapata-channels.conf, both here in:
20:49.00frantikManxPower-work, raw log scped trough various vpn
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20:49.05ariel_Skeeter-: I do not know, I have not had to do that
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20:49.26Skeeter-ariel_, thats ok, but i dont think that it is possible
20:49.36frantikresult of the command you given
20:49.40Skeeter-ariel_, was simply asking, i know you have a lot of backgroun with those
20:49.43fiferI restarted * just to cover bases and did a zap show channels with still now channels listed
20:49.54[TK]D-Fenderfifer: I see no zapata.conf in there
20:50.31frantikmaybe its that extension directory that is the issue ? o_0
20:51.05fiferline 01 indicates the file name, lines 03-40 are the zapata.conf
20:51.13dddhstill cannot make everything work
20:51.14raden_workhow can i limit my IVR to only repeat / loop 3 times ?
20:51.22ariel_Skeeter-: they have manuals for there phones in English, Francais, Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano  maybe they are able too switch
20:51.25fiferit changed the number, my bad
20:51.46Skeeter-ariel_, i raed it
20:52.09Skeeter-ariel_, they simply explain in french how to use an english phone if u get what i mean
20:52.22Skeeter-ariel_, terms are stil the same
20:52.24[TK]D-Fenderfifer: And the attempts to verify if the configs are OK, and the card is responsive are where?
20:53.24fifercat /proc/zaptel/* shows the card and the fxo ports, three of the fxo say RED
20:53.38[TK]D-Fenderfifer: PASTEBIn your backup
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20:55.05fiferwhat can I gleen from zttool?
20:55.24fiferI have been away from zaptel for almost 2 years, very rusty
20:55.32sbrathOK try this:
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20:57.41ManxPower-workfrantik, looks like it is actually crashing when loading
20:58.01ManxPower-workfifer, start by reading the ZAPTEL README
20:58.17fiferheaded there now
20:58.25ManxPower-workfifer, should have been the first thing
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20:58.31leifmadsenraden_work: yes you can! :)
20:58.38leifmadsenraden_work: just use a counter
20:58.47leifmadsenraden_work: show me your existing dialplan for your IVR
20:59.02ManxPower-workSo many people giving away fish today.
20:59.02frantikManxPower-work, how do i disable loading that ?
20:59.23miamisebrather than teaching to fish?
20:59.26fiferone thing we were talking about at the biginning was wether I messed things up by installing the version of zaptel I did, could I have messed up dahdi in the process?
20:59.31fiferstill headed to the readme
20:59.33leifmadsenManxPower-work: well I want to see what it looks like so I can make sure when I teach him how to fish that I'm doing it in a constructive manner
20:59.35ManxPower-workfrantik, in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf noload =>
21:00.01ManxPower-workfrantik, and you NEED to read the Asterisk Book.
21:00.04infobotwell, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
21:00.08frantikteaching to fish is fine, but when you only need to learn how to cut the fish, there is a need for that too.
21:00.26frantikManxPower-work, can't, got 1hour to manage that or revert to backup
21:00.38leifmadsenraden_work: you'll probably want to use a counter along with a GotoIf()
21:00.41ManxPower-workfrantik, Huh?
21:00.51frantiki don't have all day to manage it
21:00.51miamisebhe can't take the time to read the book
21:00.55frantikgot other tasks awaiting me
21:01.06ManxPower-workoh, then we should toss his sorry ass to the sharks
21:01.10leifmadsensounds like a problem for a consultant than
21:01.11fiferthe main README was what I used to install zaptel yesterday, made sense and it went well
21:01.13frantikthe project dev is learning and i am the general sysadmin
21:01.18miamisebNo time for spoon feeding ManxPower-work?
21:01.20frantikso i'm trying
21:01.25fiferdoes not talk about the utilities, will look for other readme's
21:01.27frantikbut if in the end it takes too long
21:01.31frantikit get reseted
21:01.38ManxPower-workfrantik, lack of time is not an excuse for not learning stuff.
21:01.39frantiki'm pragmatic
21:01.54frantikManxPower-work, when you got work to do, it is
21:02.00ManxPower-workfrantik, don't worry, I won't be wasting my time with you again
21:02.03frantikvoip not being my particular field of intereset :)
21:02.11leifmadsenLack of planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine..... comes to mind.
21:02.16frantikManxPower-work, oh thanks already for the help
21:02.26frantiknot saying the help wasnt appreciated
21:02.27ManxPower-workYou are looking for free help from the volunteers in this channel because you can't learn what you need to learn.
21:02.33leifmadsennot that it necessarily applies here, I just like that saying
21:02.35frantiki'm saying that if it works its cool
21:02.40ManxPower-workIn the real work you hire a consultant, not come here.
21:02.43frantikif not, then i'll apply another solution
21:02.45fiferboth zttool and cat/proc/zaptel/* show the card
21:02.51dinesh___well there are user friendly tools available such as sipbroker, freepbx and this kind of stuff
21:02.57leifmadsenok, we're significantly off topic now
21:03.01dinesh___i think they have a much smaller learning curve
21:03.03frantikManxPower-work, in the real world i have a job to do and a list of tasks
21:03.04dinesh___but i didn't try those
21:03.06frantikand a boss
21:03.08miamisebfrantik: either way, I'm pretty sure they anwser the question, did you get that noload?
21:03.14ManxPower-workfrantik, so do all of use in this channel.
21:03.18leifmadsenwe can either help, or we can not help -- but berating someone for asking questions is not a solution
21:03.21frantikand its the same thing for every sysadmin can understand
21:03.37ManxPower-workfrantik, but you are not a PBX admin.
21:03.56frantikManxPower-work, general sysadmin
21:03.59leifmadsenManxPower-work: ok we get it, move on
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21:04.10leifmadsenKatty: yes, they are with my fiancee at work
21:04.12frantiki manage the server software, appliances, backups, some configs, but not that one
21:04.16ariel_Katty: yes
21:04.23frantikits the experimental project of one of our dudes
21:04.28miamisebKatty: out to lunch?
21:04.57fiferI have * and I installed zaptel- yesterday, would that have messed things up? before this card, I had not setup anything other than SIP trunking and phones on this box
21:05.28ariel_fifer: why zaptel and not dahdi?
21:05.47fiferOpenVox says not to use dahdi with this card in production yet
21:05.53frantikanyway thanks i'll take a closer look to modules
21:06.35miamisebI plan on using 711u, any reason for me to choose info for DTMF tones vs inband?
21:06.57idespinnermiamiseb, most people do rfc2833 or whatever
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21:07.02idespinnerthats the typical one
21:07.08ManxPower-workmiamiseb, no, but there is a reason to use RFC2833 instead of inband.
21:07.09miamisebthe other side is ignoring that
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21:08.12idespinnermiamiseb, are you setting this up for a sip trunk or a endpoint(phone)?
21:08.21miamisebsip trunk
21:08.46idespinnermiamiseb, you probably want to double check with your sip trunk provider to make sure you use the same DTMF method as them
21:08.48miamisebthe phone is a cisco phone connected to callmanager via another trunk
21:08.53drmessanoAnyone had Gizmo5 "block" their registration due to having qualify set or frequent registration attempts?
21:09.10miamisebyeah, their IVR uses dtmf tones for navigation and I didn't feel like using the cell
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21:09.39dinesh___mwerf, gizmo was bought by google
21:09.42miamisebso in order to find out, I have to fix it, or I could be more lazy and just use the cell.
21:09.54ariel_As far as I know all the Cisco's CM I have use RFC2833
21:10.00fiferIs there a problem with using the a new version of zaptel with the latest * 1.4?
21:10.27fiferOne person said dahdi was required another said no, just trying to make sure
21:10.34miamisebright, it'll work fine for that leg, if I send it out of a different trunk they get passed, but the termination leg of the call isn't getting em
21:10.43russellbzaptel is supposed to work with any version of 1.4
21:10.57russellbhowever, i strongly recommend using DAHDI, as zaptel has not been maintained for a very long time now
21:11.56drmessanowishes SFA could be used with Skype subscriptions #skypeforasterisk #skype #skypein #skypeout
21:12.29fiferI will switch to dahdi as soon as OpenVox says their new compatilbility with it is ready for production
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21:12.50fiferunless anyone here has personal experience with an a1200p or a800p and dahdi?
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21:14.12Skeeter-whats is the fastest way to restore a complete linux system with a RAID1
21:14.13bjhaidI am really new to asterisk a complete newbie, just completed installation of asterisk, and I have x-lite on my ubuntu 9.10 machine, I do not know what the next steps should be?
21:14.31miamisebumm, disconnect the one dead drive?
21:14.43drmessanoSkeeter-  remove the dead.. damnit
21:14.47ariel_fifer: have you ever heard of setting up your own little lab for testing before going into production...?
21:14.59Skeeter-let me rephrase my question
21:15.01miamisebbjhaid: probably setting up an extension, and then maybe a trunk for external access
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21:15.12Skeeter-restore on 2 other drives
21:15.32ariel_remove dead drive put new drive then use mdadm to resync
21:15.33drmessanoImage with any number of imaging apps?
21:15.50miamisebyou have several options I'd say, either dd, or tar the filesystem then move it over and reload the bootloader (grub or lilo), assuming its the same hardware
21:16.17fiferariel_: when the manufacture just announces that they have dahdi compat and says you should NOT use it in prod, I'm not going to argue. I know from personel experience how hard it is to do real world testing in a lab setting and I'm a one man show here.
21:16.18miamisebor sure there's that, we use acronis, but it really only works for data, imaging the whole drive has been flaky
21:16.20bjhaidmiamiseb how do I get that done, and moreover I dont have my xlite running yet
21:16.50Skeeter-miamiseb, yeah those are the method i already use( not the acronis one, watever it is)
21:17.09miamisebis it software or hardware raid 1?
21:17.15drmessanoI've had about 90% success with Acronis.. it's gotten better
21:17.25Kattyplays some zelda while symantec has her on hold
21:17.33drmessanoBut that's still 90%
21:17.36Naikrovekanyone know an indian in hyderabad who is smart, talented, sysadmin hotshot guy who is looking for work?
21:17.37Skeeter-Katty, which one?
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21:17.45jayteei've used Acronis to image a full disk system with LVM on RHEL 5.2 and it works fine. I've even tested the full restore several times.
21:17.47NaikrovekSkeeter-: they're all good
21:17.55miamisebSkeeter-: and whats the problem you had with the restore?
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21:18.05KattySkeeter-: the original zelda, for nes
21:18.09Skeeter-Naikrovek, i asked which one, nothing i metioned on quality
21:18.10ariel_fifer: I as well am my own one man shop, and have many test system in my lab and don't deploy to any of my customer anything that has not been tested and run through my lab. I even have E1's, and a thrunder Bird test unit.
21:18.16miamisebI've got it on debian, and even building the kernel module had problems.
21:18.31jayteegotta run, be back later
21:18.32NaikrovekSkeeter-: true
21:18.49Skeeter-miamiseb, i takes about 15 minutes to restore a base debian with all good partion and untar the backup, restore grub
21:18.58Skeeter-miamiseb, wanted sth faster thats it
21:19.26dinesh___wow gizmo is so expensive now , it used to be much much cheaper
21:19.32dinesh___and it cannot even call to vietnam anymore
21:19.49fiferariel_: I'm not currently working as or in an * shop. I am the entire IT department for for a small company. I have set up 8 * systems in the past but I have been out of * for about 1.5 or more years.
21:19.50Skeeter-Katty, can u throw ur sword yet?
21:19.51ariel_miamiseb: I use lenny here and acronics
21:20.07KattySkeeter-: erm
21:20.14KattySkeeter-: as long as you're full health you can throw your sword
21:20.27Skeeter-Katty, u gotta earn that
21:20.32ariel_fifer: you are a end user then, call OpenVox and get them to help you out then.
21:20.35Skeeter-Katty, its not a out of the box skill
21:20.36Naikroveknot in the first zelda you don't
21:20.38fiferI am testing things, but I have little time and need to head in the best direction based on the info I have
21:20.40drmessanoErm nope
21:20.42miamisebonly thing faster than 15 minutes (which btw, for a time to recovery from total loss is freaking beautiful) I can imagine would be real-time backup and I'm not experienced with that on linux. In windows, we use double take.
21:21.35KattySkeeter-: yes.
21:21.37Naikrovekoriginal NES Zelda you don't need to earn the throwing sword thing.  Just have full health
21:21.44Naikrovekyou're thinking boomerang or something
21:21.51Kattyboomerang is in lvl 1
21:21.52fiferariel_: You can call me what you wish, and choose to not help me, but I'm not goign to call OpenVox and get nowhere
21:21.58wcselbyor snes zelda
21:21.59drmessanoI was up to 8 successive Zelda finishes and then the red flash of doom nuked my saved game
21:22.01ariel_miamiseb: drbd with hart beat, Xorcom Asterbank with twinstar, failover on our server within 1 minute.
21:22.10miamisebAlso, use zelda as your name and you start on the second quest, always fun.
21:22.20Naikrovekdrmessano: emulation!
21:22.21Skeeter-miamiseb, most of our client server have vmware, if a server physicaly crash, and theres another one, it takes about .75 to 1.5 minu to restore
21:22.32fiferI have spent time in the past helping others in this irc channel and I'm not new to *, just new to dahdi and this card
21:22.40ariel_fifer: I am not calling you anything, but I do know dahdi works on just about every board I have used it on
21:22.40drmessanoNaikrovek: 1988-1991 :)
21:22.46miamisebthere you go drbd seems to be real time backup for linux
21:23.19Naikrovekwhen does stargate universe start back up
21:23.26ariel_I hope soon got lots on info on shows
21:23.58Skeeter-then check or to get the latest release
21:23.59miamisebSkeeter-: but using vmotion is cheating. =)
21:24.07Skeeter-miamiseb, why?
21:24.09Kattyand btw, NESCafe works with WMC
21:24.17miamisebcause its licensed, and I'm cheap
21:24.18Kattyand therefore xbox 360 with the WMC plugin
21:24.27sbrathSo what else could be preventing me from transfering a call in the queue? Could it be in the wrong context?
21:24.40Skeeter-miamiseb, it works pretty nasty good tho
21:24.46Skeeter-miamiseb, support is amazing
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21:25.32miamisebYeah, I know, but our own stuff we just have a hot spare running and its way cheaper. The number of servers we have (even though we are an ISP) is rather small
21:25.37sbrathA call directly to a phone can be transfered, the same call by the same phone but delivered via Queue() trys to transfer but the caller just gets MoH and eventually dropped. I don't see anything in the log as to what it's trying to do with it.
21:25.57miamisebsbrath: pastebin the logs
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21:31.10*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~herbayjha@
21:31.27[TK]D-Fendersbrath: And the reason we're not seeing the SIP DEBUG for SIP/4120 is why exactly?
21:32.48mbrevdaanyone using imap vm and gmail?
21:34.41Corydon76-digUh, why exactly are you depending upon a remote IMAP server for voicemail?
21:34.45NuggetI had to stop using imap vm because it was too crashy
21:35.36Corydon76-digNugget: I think the bigger problem is that IMAP support is very leaky.
21:36.35Kattylikes symantecs on hold musics
21:36.38*** part/#asterisk frantik (
21:36.48NuggetFlightAware's hold music is awesome
21:37.55Naikroveki know, right
21:38.01leifmadsenNugget: haha nice
21:38.02Naikrovekit's like expected at this point
21:38.04Naikrovekand it fails us
21:38.23leifmadsenyour mom fails us
21:38.32leifmadsenlooks at Katty :)
21:38.32Naikrovekyeah she failed me too :(
21:38.36Kattyyour mom's face fails us.
21:38.48miamisebYeah Naikrovek's mom failed me too!
21:39.33Kattywhere's lvl 2
21:39.38Naikrovekdungeon 2
21:39.43Kattywhere is it
21:39.44Naikrovekintarweb knows
21:39.48Kattyi'm too lazy
21:40.00Naikrovekit's easier than hunting all over hte map in-game
21:40.03wcselbykatty, it's over there --->
21:40.14KattyNaikrovek: yeah i looked up a map
21:40.43bmoraca_workNugget: what would be even cooler is if that voice overlay was a live feed
21:40.57*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
21:41.09Nuggetthought about that, but it's just not practical.  we take calls 24 hours a day, even when traffic is light and there's lots of dead air.
21:41.18NuggetI had to trim out a lot of empty when I made the clip
21:42.18bmoraca_workit still would have been cool
21:42.42sbrath[TK]D-Fender : I wasn't doing Sip debug, let me try to get.....
21:43.41*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
21:43.52Kattyyays, lvl 2
21:44.45*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
21:45.38NaikrovekKatty: by jove that's suitable for my wide-format printer i dont have
21:45.45sbrath[TK]D-Fender : OK, I think I know why the transfer isn't working. I'm changing the CallerID to something longer, that our Phones are OK with, but when the CallerID is set to the "CUST# 12345 6085551222" the transfer dosen't complete.
21:46.02*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:46.06KattyNaikrovek: it would make a lovely poster
21:46.22Naikrovekkatty and i could hang
21:46.25Naikrovekvideo games
21:46.29*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (~cstewart@nat/digium/x-leqhqnriwojqkkwz)
21:47.35Naikrovekmy mom sucks
21:47.42Kattymine's awesome.
21:47.42Naikrovekterrible person
21:47.53Corydon76-digfish-bulb: Good afternoon
21:48.42fish-bulbCorydon76-dig: howdy
21:49.59*** join/#asterisk rubberneck (
21:51.10sbrathOK, If I change the CALLERID(num) before I deliver it to a phone, and then that phone attempts a transfer, the transfer fails.
21:51.42*** join/#asterisk cweagans (~432aa645@gateway/web/freenode/x-fvelrjstiwlpsutw)
21:52.06cweagansdoes anybody use speakeasy sip trunks on their asterisk box?
21:52.14cweagans(er, anybody that's here, that is)
21:52.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:52.51leifmadsenanyone have a recommendation for a small PoE switch that can power Polycom phones?
21:53.01TheDavidFactordoes anyone know what's required to make userfield=1 in cdr_mysql.conf take affect on a running system? Asterisk 1.4.0 and it didn't seem to take just by changing it and reloading the module
21:54.19[TK]D-FenderLeHow small?
21:54.30rubberneckI am using Asterisk with DAHDI Version: 2.2.1 in an all SIP environment.  I am having an issue with the meetme application. when users call into a conference, all is well and sounds excellent. The probelm is that when the callers hang up the channels never drop and remain in the conference indefinitely. Anyone seen this or have any suggestions?
21:55.21[TK]D-Fenderrublook at the SIP debug.  this has nothing to do with MeetMe
21:57.01rubberneck[TK]D-Fender: i will have to look, wanted to throw it out here because this server is handling many other calls that are not meetme related, but only the meetme calls have this symptom.
21:57.50cweagansSpeakeasy sent me SIP credentials this morning and I can't get them to work (mostly because I'm an asterisk noob). I called them (since they say they support asterisk) and apparently, they only support asterisk via FreePBX or similar.
21:59.30wcselbythe freepbx credentials should be the same as asterisk credentials
21:59.43wcselbysince freepbx is just a gui front-end for asterisk...
22:00.14Naikrovekfolks in here can translate for you
22:00.33Kattyanother heart, hunk of triforce, and my blue boomerang
22:02.10[TK]D-Fenderrubberneck: I'd immediately recommend upgrading before looking at anything else
22:02.15cweaganswcselby: well, yes. But I'm not sure where to put them (or how to set up my dialplan for dialing out or recieving calls using the trunk)
22:03.01[TK]D-Fendercweagans: Dial(SIP/peeryoumadeinsip.con/thenumberyouwanttodial)
22:03.14Naikrovekleifmadsen: overwhelming options huh
22:03.17wcselbycweagans - get their configs, pastebin them, then ask for some help in here
22:03.30LemensTSKatty: lol u playing nes roms?
22:03.43cweaganswcselby: the configs? sip.conf and extensions.conf?
22:04.17[TK]D-Fendercweagans: I gave you the kind fo formatting you'll need for your dialplan... 1 TSP isn't terribly different from the next
22:04.41*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@
22:05.10rubberneck[TK]D-Fender: upgrading? man I just compiled this a little while ago, what version are we at now? let me look.
22:05.19cweagans[TK]D-Fender : I know the Dial() part of it. I'm not sure how to write the first part of it (exten => ... ) Speakeasy requires some weird things that I'm not sure how to do.
22:08.39miamisebcweagans: but you have been able to get your trunk to them setup with the supplied credentials?
22:08.54cweagansI don't know.
22:09.02miamisebsip show peers from console please
22:09.04cweaganshow can I find out?
22:09.10*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
22:09.44[TK]D-Fendercweagans: No, they don't
22:10.14cweagans[TK]D-Fender: the email from them says they do..
22:10.30[TK]D-Fendercweagans: and the part before is the dialplan pattern.  This has nothing to do with them.  what matters is the # you pass them and the auth and networking setup
22:10.34cweagansmiamiseb: yes, the speakeasy trunk is in there
22:10.40[TK]D-Fendercweagans: And I'm telling you "no".
22:10.57[TK]D-Fendercweagans: Do show us your actual attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled <-
22:11.02miamisebis it qualified? or does it show unmonitored?
22:11.14sbrathSo my lesson learned is that Over-riding the CALLERID(num) with something that dosen't look like a telephone number makes Transfer mad.
22:11.34cweagansmiamiseb: however, the peer details they sent me specify qualify=no
22:11.38cweagansif that matters?
22:12.24miamisebthat means its correct
22:12.29miamisebwhats the trunk called?
22:14.03cweagansmiamiseb: do you want sip.conf and extensions.conf to look at? or?
22:14.18miamisebno, and be careful sending out your sip.conf without munging the user and secret
22:14.24cweagansI know :)
22:14.35cweagansthanks though :)
22:15.15miamisebgo ahead and pastebin your extensions.conf
22:15.23miamisebI'm assuming you have an extension (phone) registered?
22:15.34cweagans5 of them, actually :)
22:17.07cweagansalso, I like the new look on! Doesn't look so junky =P
22:18.49miamiseband what happens when you dial a 10 digit string from one of the phones?
22:19.02miamisebbtw, im almost sure its a notoriously bad idea to leave that under your default
22:19.23[TK]D-FenderWhere's the FAILED CALL with SIP DEBUG?
22:19.26miamisebunless your using a firewall to block sip requests from unknown sources, they'd be able to use your speakeasy trunks to dial out to the world
22:19.51cweagansheh, alright. Where should that go then?
22:20.17miamisebin a context that authenticated users would be put into, likely, internal-calls, or something other context you include from there
22:20.36LemensTSWouldn't it be nice to allow people on here with a click of a button acccess to your ssh screen session?
22:20.43KattyNEW SWORD!
22:21.18leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I was thinking like 4-5 ports. Just for my home phones so I can save on wall warts
22:21.40LemensTSExperts could save frustation and time. Users could get help easier.
22:21.44leifmadsenrubberneck: that problem sounds like something I saw in the bug tracker -- I'd search for meetme issues (look at both open and closed issues) -- it may already be resolved
22:21.54[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I use The 8-port Netgear RP-108 (IIRC) at the office in a few places.  4 PoE, 4 regular ~140$
22:22.05[TK]D-FenderFP maybe
22:22.14leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: ah yes, I remember that one now. That sounds like it should be just right up my alley
22:22.20leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: have polycom phones running off of it?
22:22.38fiferThanks to all for your help today!!!
22:22.40[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Full load of 4
22:22.50fiferI switched to dahdi and everything seems to be fine now
22:23.33fiferJust need to work out some dial plan things, but it is working at least partialy both outgoing and incomming
22:23.40Kattyhuzzah! lvl 3
22:25.57Naikrovekyou go, girl
22:26.00Naikrovekstill on hold?
22:26.15Naikroveki seem to recall you saying you were going to play while you were on hold
22:26.59cweagansalso, is this post still accurate?
22:27.18cweagans(more specifically, is that where the nat=yes and all that needs to go?)
22:27.30cweagansports are forwarded, but not sure where to stick that config stuff.
22:28.29cweagans(confused because sip_nat.conf doesn't seem to exist. will it be used if I just create it?)
22:28.34adnci see that an asterisk distribution called gemeinschaft has a page with call volume statistics. has someone got any ideas where i could extract this information directly out of asterisk?
22:29.15hardwirehugs IAXVAR
22:31.01cweagansnvm, found it
22:32.57*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
22:33.53Kattyi sure wish symantec would hurry up
22:33.55Kattyi gots to pee
22:39.27[TK]D-Fendercweagans: Rad --->
22:39.30infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:41.31cweagans[TK]D-Fender: thanks :)
22:41.59cweagansalso, how can I specify a global caller ID to use when calling out? Speakeasy won't let it go out unless it's the DID they assigned us.
22:42.04*** join/#asterisk rossand (
22:42.50[TK]D-Fendercweagans: Set it before you dial <-
22:43.20cweagansin my extensions.conf?
22:43.59[TK]D-Fendercweagans: Thats where teh Dial is, isn't it?
22:44.13cweagansthanks :)
22:44.13cweaganslol, okay
22:45.17ruben23hi i have an existing dial plan for my inbound calls, how do i add up to detect caller ID ---->
22:45.33miamisebwow, thatd be annoying, not being able to spoof caller id
22:45.39ruben23i mean to have the number of the caller.
22:45.45miamisebhow are you going to be able to check other peoples voicemail?
22:46.11cweagansmiamiseb: I know, right?
22:46.13cweagansSO annoying =P
22:47.04*** join/#asterisk doctorray (
22:47.35doctorrayI choose CPE when I am a client to the telephone company, and NET when I am the telephone company, right?  Or is it the other way around?
22:48.46*** part/#asterisk mbrevda (~mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
22:48.49miamisebfrom my recollection, net is when you get timing FROM another source, and cpe is when you generate timing
22:49.27miamisebgenerally, the side acting as the ITSP will be CPE and the client side will recieve it via NET
22:50.08doctorrayok, so I had it backwards
22:50.09[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: Correct
22:50.17doctorrayor,, not?
22:50.22[TK]D-Fender[17:47]<doctorray>I choose CPE when I am a client to the telephone company, and NET when I am the telephone company, right? Or is it the other way around? <--- correct
22:50.58miamisebtwo questions there
22:50.59miamisebwhich ?
22:51.01[TK]D-Fenderruben23: "core show function CALLERID"
22:51.11[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: Former
22:51.13doctorrayso putting a new sangoma a101 card in, configuring wanpipe, with a PRI ordered from the telco, I will choose PRI CPE mode.
22:51.17*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~herbayjha@
22:51.20[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: yes
22:51.47doctorray[TK]D-Fender: How is it that you know everything?  I remember you answering questions I posed like, two years ago in here.
22:51.56doctorray[TK]D-Fender: and, thank you.
22:52.01carrar[TK]D-Fender is a BOT
22:52.34*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~philip@
22:52.54[TK]D-Fenderis the bastard child of ED-209 and M5
22:53.19carrarnot five alive?
22:53.35[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Not Johnny 5
22:53.40[TK]D-Fendercarrar: TOS <-
22:54.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
22:55.06*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@
23:01.09jaskew[TK]D-Fender:  that would be the M5 Multitronic unit, would it not?  built by Daystrom IIRC.
23:01.32jaskewIt's sad, but I pulled that from memory, with no help from Google
23:02.36[TK]D-Fenderjaskew: :D
23:02.45[TK]D-Fenderjaskew: Yes, you are correct.
23:02.49miamiseb[TK]D-Fender: stop showing emotion you bot!
23:02.54[TK]D-Fenderjaskew: You are indeed quite sad :p
23:03.01*** join/#asterisk eharris (
23:03.09jaskewFunny - it looked a lot like the Beta-5
23:04.23carrarNever went into production
23:04.29carrarwas fatally flawed
23:04.51jaskewwhich one?  Beta-five worked fine
23:05.04MuffinMan[closed] [Asterisk] Core/General 0000005: SIP re-invites failing with certain proxies reported by jtodd
23:05.20carrarI violated Man and God!!
23:05.35jaskewglad u fixed that
23:07.04*** join/#asterisk Systemt` (
23:11.14miamisebbah humbug
23:11.21*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
23:11.39Systemt`some one can help me please ?
23:12.10miamisebI see the dtmf begin and dtmf end, but its not being sent to the remote site, rfc2833 and inband aren't working, moving on to SIP info
23:12.24miamisebSystemt`: ask your question
23:13.27Systemt`i have audio problem ...
23:13.58miamisebDebugging on new channels is disabled
23:14.05miamisebtoo bad that doesn't stop existing channels
23:14.34Systemt`i dont undestand ..
23:14.43miamisebSystemt`: it was speaking about my own problem, what is the audio problem you have.
23:14.50miamisebPulling teeth anyone?
23:15.16Systemt`when i call \ some1 calls me ther is no
23:15.23Systemt`from both sidw..
23:16.01miamisebis NAT involved?
23:16.32Systemt`i was making port forwarding...
23:17.01miamisebthats a yes
23:17.37miamisebyou probabably won't know the RTP ports that your call will trying to establish
23:17.50Systemt`nope :
23:17.58Systemt`im newbie
23:18.36miamisebright, im not saying because of your knowledge level, I'm saying because its not particular ports, they are negotiated during call setup
23:18.43miamisebLikely, you'd want to read
23:19.44Systemt`this ;) ?
23:19.57miamisebits not reasonable to forward all those ports
23:20.11miamisebI guess you could, but itd be really wierd, and at that point, why not just 1 to 1 nat.
23:20.31miamisebalso, it would limit your phones to one
23:21.03Systemt`how can i do that ;\
23:21.16miamisebyou only want one phone to work behind your router?
23:21.39Systemt`from Xlite
23:21.46Systemt`i have 5 extintions
23:21.50dddhmaybe I should buy some hardware?
23:22.01miamisebright, thats a softphone, but still a phone
23:22.06miamisebthat would be a problem
23:22.15Systemt`whay ?
23:22.17miamisebthe crux of the matter is explained thusly: Conventional VoIP protocols only deal with the signalling of a telephone connection. The audio traffic is handled by another protocol and to make matters worse, the port on which the audio traffic is sent is random. The NAT router may be able to handle the signalling traffic, but it has no way of knowing that the audio traffic is related to the signalling and should hence be passed to the same device the signalling t
23:23.07Systemt`i was change my router ...
23:23.21Systemt`from Tplink to D-Link
23:23.32*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
23:23.33Systemt`and then all the problems starts
23:23.41[TK]D-FenderD-Link are known NAT offenders
23:23.55[TK]D-FenderYour router is very possibly to blame
23:23.57Systemt`i have Dlink Dir-400
23:24.24Systemt`yea i know
23:24.31Systemt`but how can i figger this problem ?
23:24.36miamisebif it was working before, it probably because your phones were extensions were using stun or some other workaround
23:24.37*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~rare1980@
23:25.02rare1980_i have one issue going on
23:25.05Systemt`but with the IAX
23:25.11Systemt`evry thing good
23:25.14Systemt`but on the SIP
23:25.18Systemt`i have problems
23:25.19miamisebchanging your router or setting up a local sip proxy would be my personal choices, but [TK]D-Fender might know more
23:25.33rare1980_i have virtual machine installed on ubuntu host. i want access host and virtual machine over pptpd vpn .. i can get connected but after i get connected i can only ping host machine but i can't pinf virtual machine.. plz any help
23:25.42[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: Well I also don't see your configs or SIP DEBUG from failed attempts
23:25.49[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: PASTEBIN is your friend
23:25.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
23:26.58miamisebrare1980_: are the host and virtual ips on the same subnet? does your vpn connection setup a proper route to reach the virtual machines IPs? If not, can it reach those IPs naturally through its default gateway?
23:27.47Systemt`[TK]D-Fender: can i pm u ?
23:27.51rare1980_miamiseb: they are all on same subnet. over the vpn i can access host system.
23:28.13rare1980_but i can't access virtual machine. and this system as also on same subnet
23:28.39miamisebvirtual machine also ubuntu? iptables -L?
23:28.54rare1980_all is empty
23:29.02miamisebip_forwarding enabled?
23:29.10rare1980_how can i check that
23:29.34miamisebcat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
23:30.02*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (~xpot@
23:31.23rare1980_it is 0
23:31.25rare1980_means off
23:31.34miamisebdeath should follow
23:31.46miamisebthat means, pastebin it, and then paste the link
23:31.52miamisebrare1980_ echo 0
23:31.55miamisebor more properly
23:32.03miamisebecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
23:32.05miamisebecho 1
23:32.06beekmy eyes are bleeding
23:32.17miamisebnods to beek and chastises Systemt`
23:33.17rare1980_miamiseb: still same
23:33.23[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: show a FAILED CALL with SIP DEBUG enabled
23:34.23rare1980_ops kol
23:34.33rare1980_man it is working now :D
23:34.36*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
23:34.39miamiseb=) glad it worked
23:34.39rare1980_thanks miamiseb
23:34.52miamisebnp, linux is easier than * for me
23:35.43miamisebSystemt` if you are nat'd you might want to set nat=yes and let it try to determine your externalip
23:36.12*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
23:36.37*** join/#asterisk Dibri (~gavit@
23:36.55miamisebyou said it was working before though, so before you start messing about, probably a good idea to make a backup of the conf
23:41.17rare1980_miamised: i have install elastix on virtual machine.. now with ip forwarding i can ping them but still i can't access them through web browser
23:41.40Systemt`open port 443
23:41.48ruben23hi my asterisk crashed twice on my opeartion, how do isolate and check possible cause of it..where should i start..?
23:43.43rare1980_system: shall i open this port?
23:44.14[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: next time, try getting the ENTIRE call
23:44.36[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: that is only part of it
23:44.37Systemt`i can bring u access to my box...
23:44.48rare1980_how can i allow all port access? i don't wana block any port
23:45.02Systemt`port forwarding...
23:50.01[TK]D-FenderSystemt`: Contact: <sip:0737000331@> <--- you have NOT set your system up properly to work from behind NAT
23:50.04infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:50.06*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
23:50.35miamisebSystemt`: specifically, you have nat=no
23:50.48Systemt`sec please
23:50.52miamisebalso, your qualify isn't working, as that method isn't allowed, but I think thats not really important
23:51.17rare1980_systemt: wht is the command to port forwarding in ubunut??
23:54.18*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
23:54.35miamisebiptables -J forward
23:54.55rare1980_miamiseb: thanks let me try
23:55.11rare1980_soo iptables -J forward will forward all ports?
23:55.23miamiseb for examples
23:55.41rare1980_and i have to give this command on host system correct? not on virtual machine?
23:55.51miamisebwhichever one is doing that nat'ing
23:57.08rare1980_but no is dong nating
23:57.19miamisebthen why do you need port forwarding?
23:58.41rare1980_coz i have installed elastix on virtual machine.. i can ping virtual machine IP over the pptp vpn.
23:58.51rare1980_but i can access it via browser
23:59.32miamisebI would setup netcat to listen on some other port on the virtual and test via telnet
23:59.50miamisebif icmp can get through, no reason tcp shouldn't, outside of firewall issues

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