IRC log for #asterisk on 20100301

00:00.07florzno, that depends on the number of possible recipients that share the zip code
00:00.42*** join/#asterisk jpvoip (~bd55b6c4@gateway/web/freenode/x-mqwfzwytujursfwp)
00:00.55p3nguin_You didn't say registration was "not just about ip addresses."  You said "registration is not about ip addresses."
00:01.05p3nguin_not about
00:01.20p3nguin_excluding ip addresses from what it is about.
00:01.33*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
00:02.09florzwhich is exactly true
00:02.21p3nguin_And the circle continues.
00:02.27florzip addresses can appear in the registered URI, but that's not necessarily the case
00:02.54p3nguin_If you have excluded it, then you've declared that it's not even possible.
00:03.01p3nguin_And you did exclude it.
00:03.06*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:03.17p3nguin_But now you're trying to say it is possible.
00:04.11florzso, apple juice is about electromagnetic fields, for they do occur in apple juice, right?
00:04.51florzit's simply the wrong layer of abstraction
00:04.54p3nguin_If you've stated that apple juice is not about electromagnetic fields, then they must not occur within applie juice.
00:07.04florzwell, maybe it's just my understanding of the English language that's lacking there ... but that really sounds like a strange way to view things ;-)
00:09.05p3nguin_So registration is about IP addresses, but not ONLY about IP addresses.  Does that seem like a fair statement?
00:09.25florznot even necessarily
00:09.48Kobazp3nguin_'s statement is correct
00:09.50florzregistration can still delegate ip address resolution to the DNS
00:10.02*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
00:10.17Z_Godcan anyone explain me how to use the resample codec in asterisk?
00:10.48p3nguin_eh, "the resample codec" is what, now?
00:10.58Kobaz'explain to me'  would be the proper phrasing
00:11.25Z_Godsorry, I mean codec_resample
00:11.55Z_GodI would like to resample so that I can interoperate with phones which only support wideband
00:11.58p3nguin_It isn't something I have, so I didn't know that was really a codec name.
00:12.42Z_Godyeah, it must seem confusing indeed
00:12.53Z_GodI'd expect it to be used in combination with speex for example
00:13.03Z_Godbut I can't seem to find any docs on it
00:13.14Kobazthere's always the source code
00:13.25florz(and BTW, in the original context, Manxpower's statement was essentially that registration was pointless because the IP address was constant - which really only would make sense if registration was about ip addresses only, and in that context, I would argue that it was pretty clear what I was trying to say)
00:13.27filethere aren't any docs because you don't use it, the translation core internally will use it as necessary
00:13.50Z_Godfile: that seems good, but it doesn't work yet
00:13.59Z_Goddo I need to enable it somewhere?
00:14.01Z_Godor allow it?
00:14.17Z_Godframe.c:1410 speex_samples: Not enough bits remaining after wide band for speex samples.
00:14.25Z_Godthis is the error I get now & stuttering audio
00:15.40filecodec_speex doesn't support wideband afaik
00:15.59*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
00:16.19Z_Godfile: ok then it's clear, thanks :)
00:19.27*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
00:20.42coppiceZ_God: what phone only supports wideband?
00:21.16Kattyi have snickerdoodle cookies in the oven.
00:21.17Z_GodI'm already hacking it to let it support narrowband too, so I'll just continue down that path for now
00:22.46TJNIIOoh.  Snickerdoodles.
00:25.50*** join/#asterisk dddh (~dddh@pdpc/supporter/active/dddh)
00:28.22p3nguin_Hmm, I use Psi, but I didn't know it supported voice.
00:28.56Z_Godp3nguin_: since version 0.13
00:29.06Z_GodI've got it working with asterisk here
00:29.11Z_Godbut with hacks on both sides ;)
00:29.34coppiceZ_God: the web site isn't exactly advertising that ability
00:30.20Z_Godcoppice: true :)
00:30.41Z_Godseems it's only in the changelog
00:31.12Z_Godthe problem on the asterisk side is that it doesn't answer a stun request properly btw
00:31.50Z_GodI hacked psi now to ignore that, but I guess this should be fixed in asterisk
00:32.17Z_GodI have also had mail contact with the jingle maintainer, but it seems he hasn't been able to find it either yet
00:33.23*** join/#asterisk pawz (
00:34.43roeI may be missing them, but I am surprised there aren't thunderbird plugins to enable C-2-D through the managers interface
00:35.06roeI remember there used to be a snapanumber plugin, but now that site just redirects to the forums
00:41.52*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:44.00*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
00:44.13KingDavidNYChello everybody
00:47.37KingDavidNYCAttention Madam
00:47.45Kattythat is all.
00:48.19ChannelZI made brownies
00:48.35Kattydid you follow a recipe?
00:48.41KingDavidNYCeveryone please gather in the kitchen to pickup your cookies
00:48.41ChannelZYeah the one on the box
00:49.12Kattythere's a local chain pizza place here called Cici's
00:49.19Kattytheir pizza sucks majorly, but their brownies are wonderful.
00:49.49ChannelZI've seen commercials but never been there
00:50.04Kattyit's a place where you'll find screaming, bratty children
00:50.10Kattydemanding more quarters for the arcade machines
00:50.37Kattyand cheaply made pizza with minimal toppings on their buffet
00:52.25ChannelZSounds like Chuck-E-Cheese
00:52.58infobotrumour has it, peer is the most elusive script kiddie this side of Jupiter
00:53.05infobotman, /usr/doc/<package>/*, what else, or the apache error log
00:53.23KattyChannelZ: never been there
00:53.30*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
00:53.35ChannelZThey have robots!
00:54.48Kattyis their pizza awful?
00:54.55Katty90% bread.
00:55.16ChannelZironically I just had pizza
00:55.33*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
00:55.54KattyMmmmm pizza
00:56.14KattyDear Universe, thank you for pizza
00:56.29Kattyany xbox 360 players in here
00:57.22ChannelZis a PS3 man
00:58.45Kattywell i don't have a ps3.
00:58.55Kattydo ps3s have internet related things.
00:59.02Kattylike xbox 'live'
00:59.26ChannelZYes-ish, I'm not sure what all Live does
00:59.45ChannelZBut some games are multiplayer over the net, you can have 'friends' and chat with people, etc.
01:00.05ChannelZThere is a 'Playstation Home' which is like a virtual world you can run around in and talk to people
01:00.09ChannelZAnd pay real money for virtual crap
01:02.51Kattysounds like xbox live, but i'm not sure if they have any sort of 'xbox home' thing
01:03.48Kattyit does have a media center externder
01:04.08*** part/#asterisk kotp (~vgoff@
01:07.29ChannelZyeah the PS3 can play a bunch of media files, I also use a little app on my computer that makes stuff on my computer show up as a network media server
01:08.00ChannelZSo it'll for instance play h264 .mkv files over the network
01:17.30Kattyhow about an nes/snes emulator?
01:20.50ChannelZDunno.  There might be one you can buy
01:20.52*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (
01:21.09Kattyi have an emulator for xp
01:21.13ChannelZThere's an playstation store that sells all kinds of add-ons and full games, and even movies and tv shows
01:21.19Kattyand there's nescafe which is an emulator for the windows media center.
01:21.40Kattyi can play nes games on the xbox using the windows media center extender thingy
01:21.59Kattybut i think i'd rather have a nice wireless game thingy
01:22.01ChannelZthat's cool
01:23.01Kattyyeah i just need to find one i guess
01:23.45Kattynewegg probably has one
01:24.06Kattyand i already have a windows media center workstation connected to the tv
01:26.47Kattychecks newegg
01:29.52ChannelZI think I'm confused at this point about what you're looking for :)
01:30.21jpvoipHello guys.. im searching for documents that talks about Asterisk + XMPP, XMPP vs SIMPLE, and other Unified Communications topics relationed to Asterisk.... anyone has any suggestion?
01:34.10*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
01:36.34ChannelZoh.. a controller for the PC, I get it now
01:36.55Kattythe highest rated seems to be a usb xbox controller
01:36.58Kattybut i want wireless
01:37.53Kattyso that logitech is the next best
01:38.48ChannelZlooks like the ps3 controller :)
01:38.58Kattydoes it?
01:39.22Kattyi googled NEScafe for the emulator
01:39.23ChannelZYah. Though they all kinda look alike
01:39.27Kattyand it gave me nescafe
01:39.35Kattyisntant coffee
01:40.18ChannelZGoogle no case sensitive
01:40.29Kattyit's okay
01:40.31Kattyi just found it funny
01:48.21*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
01:53.22*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
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02:13.00LemensTStransfers and parked calls suck
02:13.43*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
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02:18.43*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
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03:26.03*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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04:17.28pawzHey I'm getting 400 Bad Request back from my provider
04:17.37pawzcan anyone tell why, from this trace:
04:39.30*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (~8none1]
04:43.00ChannelZWhat are all these periods at the end of the lines?
04:47.27TJNIIGrammar is important and should not be overlooked, even when debugging.
04:49.10pawzperiods ?
04:50.21pawzhrmm they are in the trace
04:50.29pawzi don't know why
04:52.29pawzbasically it seems my asterisk box is sending an OPTIONS packet..
04:52.37pawzand the server responds with 400 Bad Request
04:53.32ChannelZwell I'm not enough of an expert with SIP to know why, but it's odd to be putting your LAN address in all the headers (I think)
05:02.49idespinnerpawz, do you have qualify=yes in your peer definition or sip.conf?
05:03.26idespinneri think the qualify statement causes asterisk to send out SIP Options packets...
05:03.30idespinneri could be wrong
05:04.15pawzoh my god
05:04.18idespinnerlooks like im right
05:04.34idespinner"By sending the OPTIONS request, the UDP port binding in the NAT (on the outside address of the NAT/firewall device) is maintained by sending traffic through it"
05:04.44pawzi deleted it all and added it again and this time added a register string
05:04.44*** join/#asterisk xmitter (
05:04.50pawzand it seems to have worked
05:05.03pawzi don't know if it will KEEP working, but it's stopped getting 400 Bad Request
05:05.33pawzI don't know what I was doing to cause that, but I deleted and re-added the trunk at least 20 times with the same settings
05:06.19pawzyup, she's good as gold now
05:06.37pawzthat's so frustrating when you do the same thing over and over and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't
05:06.52*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:07.10p3nguin_Obviously it wasn't "the same thing" if you end up with different results.
05:07.32pawzyeah. i guess so. but whatever the difference was, i wasn't aware of it
05:07.32ChannelZif you weren't registering with them it was probably because you weren't auth'd on their side
05:09.41*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
05:16.58idespinnerfor the future you can see what the 'current' settings are with sip show registry and sip show peer [peername]
05:17.40pawzyeah i know those two
05:26.20hipitihopmy /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv shows GMT times wha tis the correct way to set * timezone
05:27.59hipitihopor is there another facility I should use to check call logs ? I'm assuming there is no http interface or reporting facility
05:30.27utahsainthipitihop: do you have your time on the asterisk box set correctly?
05:31.32utahsaintalso it might be a good idea to get the box to sync up with an ntp server
05:31.35hipitihoputahsaint, I believe so... it is also a mythtv box and all seems fine... evem if in cli I do 'sip show registry' then the last registraiton time reported is using my tz
05:31.53*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
05:32.15hipitihopso it seems the csv log is at fault as opposed to my box or other parts of *
05:32.35utahsaintso if you type 'date' from the cli do you get the correct date/time?
05:33.43ManxPower-workyou want your logs in GMT
05:34.41hipitihopdate is not recongnised.
05:35.28utahsaintlinux CLI not Asterisk CLI
05:35.53hipitihopManxPower-work, probably right in terms of aactual storage but would be nice to easily see report cast in my timezezone, hence looking at what hhtp if might offer
05:36.22ManxPower-workhipitihop, It is the reporting tool's job to convert into local timezone.
05:36.50hipitihopManxPower-work, indeed that makes sense... does such a tool exist ?
05:37.13ManxPower-workI'm pretty sure there are thousands of tools you can use to generate reports from CSV files.
05:37.21ManxPower-workI don't bill for calls so it's not an issue.
05:37.50*** join/#asterisk Tulga (~chatzilla@
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05:37.59hipitihoputahsaint, yes date/time reported in linux cli is correct details but actually says EST, whereas it should be whatever the equivalent of GTM+10:00
05:38.11Tulgahow to configure asterisk as startup on ubuntu 9.04?
05:38.34ManxPower-workTulga, "make config"
05:38.37utahsaintwho hipitihop
05:38.49utahsainthipitihop: EST would be GMT -5:00,
05:38.51ManxPower-workthen whatever you do on your distro 8-)
05:39.02*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
05:39.30hipitihopTulga, typical is an entry is in /etc/init.d/ however ubuntu now uses upstart so I would look that up.
05:41.26hipitihopTulga, my build from source automatically added a /etc/init.d/asterisk
05:41.43*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
05:41.45TulgaI installed it from source. not apt-get
05:41.52Tulgabut I think I resolved problem
05:41.57Tulganow restarting server
05:42.56hipitihoputahsaint, I see ... looks like it may be not quite right then .. looks like I may have never set the timezone but set the time to my local time
05:48.40*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
05:52.35hipitihoputahsaint, hmm, just checked my distro via 'dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' and all is as expected, yet the local time is reported as EST so looks like all well appart from confusing me with EST possibly it means Pacific which is correct
05:54.08Tulgahipitihop: how to enter CLI?
05:54.22TulgaI tried asterisk -vvvc, but another asterisk already running background
05:55.16hipitihopTulga you need to -r to recconect to the running instance
05:56.29Tulgaasterisk.ctl not exists on /var/run/asterisk
05:58.33hipitihoptulga not sure about that, but general guide here
06:00.32hipitihopis the http server avaible in 1.6.x ? or only in the 1.4 series ?
06:01.34kaldemarhipitihop: it is in 1.6.x too.
06:02.45*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
06:03.18hipitihopkaldemar, is there a handy guide as to what it provides  out of the box ?
06:07.50*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:08.39kaldemarhipitihop: doc/tex/asterisk/node205.html
06:09.40kaldemardon't know about the handy part.
06:10.57hipitihopI've seen some references similar but so far failed to find the location of doc/  ... I guess I have to review where asterisk keeps stuff.
06:14.39kaldemarit's a directory in the source package.
06:19.24hipitihopindeed, thanks again.
06:36.47hipitihopwith 'core set debug 3' I should be seeing calls coming and going ?
06:39.09*** join/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
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06:44.13k5tuxHi. Anyone here familiar with setting up SIPstation SIP trunks using Asterisk?
06:45.17jmcdowellnot i
06:46.00kaldemarhipitihop: core set verbose
06:48.59k5tuxOr what chan_sip.c "Forbidden" errors are?
07:00.57*** join/#asterisk godsyn (
07:03.53godsynThrow me a bone, and I'll go google-ing. I want to play audio, IE: mp3, to both parties on a call. IE: user presses #, and a predefined message plays.. after the call is connected (not an IVR). All I can think of is creating a convoluted mess with MEETME.. please tell me there is a better way.
07:12.14*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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07:42.29godsynThrow me a bone, and I'll go google-ing. I want to play audio, IE: mp3, to both parties on a call. IE: user presses #, and a predefined message plays.. after the call is connected (not an IVR). All I can think of is creating a convoluted mess with MEETME.. please tell me there is a better way. I'm wanting to insert audio into an active call.
07:54.33creativxgodsyn: could you repeat that
07:58.47godsyncreativx: Eh? Im sorry if i'm unclear. I've been teaching myself and don't know the proper terms. I'm looking for a means to inject audio (recordings) into an active call.
08:01.21godsynIf it were an IVR, it would be as simple as "play" or "background", but I can't think of a means to do so to a bridged call.
08:01.57*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
08:06.05godsynie: s,1,wait(23) s,n,play(filename) s,n,wait(34) s,n,play(filename2)
08:07.31godsynI suppose I could make it an extension, and 3way call them, but I've yet to find out how to create a 3 way call.
08:17.16*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:18.00DelphiWorldhi all
08:18.01DelphiWorldany gizmo5 user here?
08:26.25*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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08:44.18angryuserhello, i have    incoming call >> asterisk1 Forward >> Asterisk 2.     The calls come in g729. Do i need the licenses for the asterisk 1 ?
08:44.45angryuser(i think not but dont remember exactly)
08:48.16*** join/#asterisk Rajmohan (~raj@
08:50.24Rajmohanhi, do any one know cheap voip provider for us number that i can configure to linksys pap2, and make calls to usa and canada, thanks in advance
08:56.13*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
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09:22.50Rajmohanhi, do anyone know us viop number provider for linksys pap2, both incoming and outgoing
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10:02.36hipitihopRajmohan, still there ?
10:02.59hipitihopRajmohan, never mind, srry just reread your question, pls ignore
10:04.40hipitihopanyone here using the http server ? I'm trying to setup for first time following the docs but seems something still not right, no access on port 8088
10:05.45*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
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10:14.30gelpghi, is there any option to pick up a certain exten when it's ringing? If I use the *8, it picks up the last call
10:15.34hipitihopis it possible for an outside caller to dial an extension directly without the need for an interactive menu ? if so can someone point me ot a sample dialplan
10:17.39*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
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10:20.59kruemelteehello :-)
10:21.58Rajmohanhipitihop: iam here pls
10:22.27Rajmohancan you give me some voip service providers for US numbers.
10:22.34Rajmohanthat i can configure to linksys pap2
10:22.59*** part/#asterisk manveru (
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10:33.55infobotsomebody said providers was
10:48.57*** join/#asterisk dinesh___ (
10:50.28dinesh___hi folks. is there a good tutorial that explains how to set up an SIP server on asterisk? Right now I configured it to be a SIP client for 1 incoming number, and SIP client for several outgoing ones
10:50.54*** join/#asterisk danj1980 (~dan@
10:51.06danj1980Hi all.
10:51.23danj1980Has anyone had a problem with Polycom phones rebooting during a call?
10:55.41tzafrirhipitihop, is the httpd running?  http show status
10:55.51tzafrirhipitihop, and: hi :-)
11:25.44DovidRajmohan: You can try and both friends of mine
11:27.30*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
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11:41.59dinesh___how do I forward a call from an incoming SIP number to a client registered to the local asterisk server ?
11:42.22Dovidlearn how to work asterisk ;)
11:42.27infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:43.57dinesh___heh I was more looking for a command to use in the extensions ;)
11:44.12dinesh___I'll download it and do some search thanks
11:49.47*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
11:52.02*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
11:54.07redaxhm. I trying to call a fax using SPA-8000, over a SIP trunk, and when the remote party start the fax handshaking voice, the call hangs up immediatly.
11:54.18redaxwhat should be the problem here?
11:55.26*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (~victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
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11:56.47jayteedo you have t38udptl set in your sip.conf?
11:57.56redaxjaytee: actuall t38pt_udptl = no, but tried with yes lately
11:57.58redaxsame effect
11:58.19redaxt38pt_rtp = no, t38pt_tcp = no
11:59.36*** join/#asterisk aandrade (
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12:01.01jayteewhat about the line settings on the port on the SPA8000 you're using?
12:07.30dinesh___hm how to use Transfer() ? I'm trying: xten => 1000,1,Transfer(SIP/@home) as first rule for incoming calls, but it says it requires an extension, I don't know what to put there
12:07.35dinesh___there's only a single user on "home"
12:08.26florzyou essentially should put there the localpart of the SIP URI you are trying to call
12:10.15dinesh___so I need to define a callerid for my user, and put that callerid as lcoalpart ?
12:11.57redaxjaytee: :/ t38 disabled.
12:12.06redaxI'll try t38 enabled
12:12.13jayteeit should be enabled on the SPA8000
12:13.16florzdinesh___: I don't understand what you mean by that - probably you are mixing up concepts ...
12:13.18redaxwhich Fax Passthrough method should one use? ReINVITE or NSE?
12:13.22jayteeI've been using t38 passthrough on asterisk 1.4.x for a couple years now with fax machines on SPA2102s and SPA8000s.
12:13.46jayteeI left that at the default which I believe IIRC is NSE
12:14.21*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
12:17.07redaxthanks, jaytee now it works.
12:17.22jayteeyour welcome, glad to be of assistance
12:18.10redaxmy collegue claims that SPA8K worked for him withouth t38 enabled a few months earlier :D
12:18.39redaxbut if the ATA supports t38 what normal reason should be to turn off
12:19.06hipitihoptzafrir, sorry back now ...
12:19.47hipitihoptzafrir, is 'http show status' is that a * cli command ?
12:19.50redaxthe ReINVITE vs NSE question is easy, if canreinvite=yes for the xtension, you can use both, if canreinvite=no, then only NSE.
12:21.12jayteeah, didn't know that
12:21.31hipitihoptzafrir, ok tried and get response "Server Enabled and Bound to"
12:21.48jayteetime for work, gotta run.
12:22.16redaxjaytee: tried, both working here... but canreinvite=yes for the given extension.
12:22.47dinesh___probably florz, basically I'm trying to transfer each incoming call on a SIP number i'm registered to, to locally registered SIP user (x-lite connected to my asterisk server), without Answering the call first (otherwise I'd just do an Answer() + Dial())
12:23.28hipitihopis there a chance that I have a conflict with two http servers running ? I also have mythtv running on this box and it has a http serve on the standard port 80
12:24.03dinesh___the thing is that it might happen that when an incoming calls comes, the x-lite client is not registered, in that case the caller should hear a proper error message (bla bla is temporary unavailable)
12:24.40tzafrirhipitihop, so it's listening on the loopback interface only (you can't connect to it from any other machine)
12:27.46florzdinesh___: oh, in that case you should simply drop the @
12:27.50*** join/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
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12:32.01ralonsohi, is posible to attach one file (no vm file) when voicemail send the email
12:32.04hipitihoptzafrir, makes sense however I can't seem to bring it up when I run a browser via a local network ssh session either .. I must be doing something stupid as the otheer hhtp server on the box which does allow other machines and is the default url also does not fire when I do http://localhost
12:33.19hipitihoptzafir, I would have thought there is no conflict between the two since one is on standard port 80 while * is on 8088
12:34.17tzafrirhipitihop, what address do you look at, exactly? What is the exact error you get?
12:35.41hipitihoptzafrir, if I try http://localhost:8088/httpstatus I get "can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8088"
12:36.16*** join/#asterisk harryv (~harry@
12:36.25harryvI'm definitely stupid, but how do I originate a call from the cli w/ 1.6?
12:36.36harryv… I'm using skype for asterisk, so it should go over that.
12:36.46tzafriroriginate . just like in 1.4
12:36.56harryvgives me No such command
12:37.36harryvoh wait. 2s
12:38.48hipitihoptzafrir, the cli show status shows /httpstatus /phoneprov /manager /rawman as enabled uri's
12:39.38harryvstill getting No such command.
12:40.40hipitihoptzafrir, I'm going to change the bindaddr in http.conf to actual internal server ip e.g. and restart asterisk
12:44.13hipitihoptzafrir, ok, changed bindaddr to restarted and now I can get in... sorry for the noise
12:46.07ralonsoanyone know if is posible attach a file (no vm mensage) when voicemail send the notification email¿?
12:46.45*** join/#asterisk HenrikJott (
12:48.24HenrikJotthi! i´m createing call-files for asterisk and i set the WaitTime to 20s, but i seems asterisk only calls for about 15 secs, is WaitTime calculated from when the file was created end does in include the time asterisk needs to connect the call and get ring tones?
12:51.25*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
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13:17.48supercis it common that a phpagi script is terminated when there is a returncode -1 from an EXEC command?
13:18.17benngarddid setup a sip trunk to tele2 in sweden, outgoing calls works as a clock but i can get incomming connections from different ip, for both and, "" works for outgoing and i i am lucky and the incoming call comes from that box, it works, do i need to create 2 peers? or do u know a better way to do it?
13:18.20*** join/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
13:19.43supercwhere is the problem? that are in fact 2 different peers?
13:19.52*** join/#asterisk [psy] (
13:20.22benngardno, it is 1 peer but that peer are having multiple servers on different ip
13:20.24Pegasus_RPGhello. Ever since updating asterisk to (the latest version offered in Debian Testing) I can't receive inbound calls from Broadvoice anymore. The Broadvoice server tells the caller that I'm busy
13:20.28[psy]is it possible to use asterisk-functions directly from the cli, for testing/debugging purposes?
13:21.42Pegasus_RPGand I periodically see  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  about once a minute, though I can place calls just fine and if I turn off Asterisk and tell the SIP phone to register with BV directly, inbound calls work fine. Any idea what the problem might be?
13:28.14*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
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13:29.04thazzaHey All.
13:29.07adnchello, I'm using several sip provider. one of them sends a simple number as caller-id, so people can not call me back. is there a way settings this callerid via asterisk?
13:30.08supercif your carrier is sending a callerid for you you'll most likely not be able to set another one
13:30.33supercthere are some carriers without proper callerid handling
13:30.47*** join/#asterisk StuZZZs (
13:30.53thazzaI am looking for an up to date version of the realtime iax and sip table structure.. does anyone know where i can find this?
13:30.58adncsuperc, is there a documentation how asterisk can be set up. at least i could try this
13:31.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:31.50supercyes, google for asterisk callerid
13:33.21adnci had this page, but there is no indication how to do this
13:36.35Thazza-LaptopAnyone know much about asterisk and realtime?
13:36.42*** join/#asterisk Thazza (
13:38.29tzafrirPegasus_RPG, what exact version of Asterisk do you have installed right now?
13:38.40tzafrirAre you connected to Asterisk via SIP?
13:38.56Pegasus_RPGI am
13:39.04Pegasus_RPGAnd this used to work (tm) :)
13:39.12[TK]D-Fenderadnc: "core show function CALLERID"
13:39.52adnc[TK]D-Fender, ahh, thank you
13:40.15*** join/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
13:40.28Pegasus_RPGtzafrir: I only see   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5  == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5  on the * console with -vvvv when there's an incoming call
13:42.39somanHi, I am using asterisk 1.6.1 with realtime configuration. It use to work quite good. But suddenly the server gets hung when there are calls from any user. and the system needs to be rebooted.   I am using mysql for realtime data and using asterisk-addons  Can anyone help me regarding why the server is getting hanged?
13:43.38*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
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13:45.07[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: "sip set debug on" <------------
13:47.11Pegasus_RPGwhen it's just sitting idle, I see this every 30s
13:48.05ManxPower-workContact: <sip:111@>
13:48.11ManxPower-workLooks like you did not set up your NAT correctly.
13:49.13somanI can see an error in asterisk log "res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Ping failed (2006).  Trying an explicit reconnect"  after which the server has been rebooted automatically... can any one help what could be the problem
13:49.27ManxPower-worksoman, not many people here use Realtime
13:49.55Thazza-Laptophas notice this recently as well ManxPower-work
13:50.45*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
13:52.07infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:57.13Pegasus_RPGthanks...I added externhost and the contact field looks good (my public address) but it's still not receiving calls
13:57.56Pegasus_RPGand it's still doing the retransmitting thing
13:58.09Pegasus_RPGreads the first link
13:58.33*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
13:59.46ManxPower-workyou need externip or externhost (you can't use an ip in externhost), localnet
14:00.01ManxPower-workAs well as the canreinvite option listed in the Asterisk NAT info pages
14:00.46Pegasus_RPGyeah, I have externhost, localnet, and canreinvite=no under the [] section
14:00.56ManxPower-workThis is not rocket scuence, but uou do have to follow the directions
14:01.02ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, then you put it in the wrong place/
14:01.18Pegasus_RPGsorry, asterisk config is quite intimidating
14:01.25ManxPower-workexternhost and localnet need to be in [general] JUST LIKE THE EXAMPLES SHOW YOU
14:03.07ManxPower-workAlso you really should not name your sip peers after their host names -- it will confuse you.
14:03.14*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:04.13*** join/#asterisk doubletoker (
14:04.46doubletokerI was working with someone last night, and his machine
14:05.01doubletokerdoesn't have the dialplan reload command
14:05.25ManxPower-workdoubletoker, what version of Asterisk
14:05.27doubletokerso we uninstalled asterisk, and reinstalled
14:05.41doubletokerand we had dialplan reload again
14:05.49ManxPower-workthat usually means you screwed up the first line of extensions.conf
14:05.49doubletokerthen we stopped the service
14:06.26doubletokerour first line is [general]
14:06.29ManxPower-workyup.  Could be a different basic messed up config.
14:06.54ManxPower-workdoubletoker, but if your first like was, for example " [general]" that would fail, since the first char is a space
14:07.31doubletokerwould it matter if the first line was "[general] "
14:07.39ManxPower-workAsterisk requires [general] to be the first "context", then [globals] then everything else.
14:07.47ManxPower-workdoubletoker, it might.  Asterisk cares about spaces
14:08.15ManxPower-workAll the editors I use remove trailing spaces from lines when you save the file.
14:08.56doubletokeryea, he was inside a wm and using gedit I believe
14:09.16*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:11.01doubletokerhe's asleep now figured I would try to find out, what it was, but like if we reinstalled, it would work, till reboot, so I reinstalled and just stop it and restart and it's missing, but thanks for you help, we'll try that
14:11.14doubletokerto see if it fixes it, I hope so
14:11.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:11.33Kobazso many bugs
14:11.45Kobazit's gonna take a week just to submit them all
14:11.57ManxPower-workKobaz, and the rest of your life to defend the bugs.
14:13.10Kobazi was at the office till 12 last night, trying to figure out the various differences between and
14:13.29Kobazsometimes i'm depending on bugs that were fixed, and other times there's just new bugs
14:14.30Kobazthe key is though... applications should be able to work the same from minor version to minor version
14:14.33Kobazbut that's never the case
14:16.53*** part/#asterisk Thazza-Laptop (
14:21.20ManxPower-workEventually you'll learn to stop upgrading. 8-|
14:21.48Kattyinfobot: hi
14:21.49infobothello, katty
14:21.50Kattyinfobot: thebook
14:21.51infobotfrom memory, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
14:21.55Kattyinfobot: thankyoudear.
14:21.55infobotpas de quoi, Katty
14:22.00Kobazthe problem is... various bugs that are killing me, tend to get fixed in new versions
14:22.16Kobazso i try a new version, run my test suites, do lots of experiments, and uncover 283974892374982734 new bugs
14:24.16beekhugs Katty
14:24.59*** join/#asterisk devmod (
14:25.00Pegasus_RPGSheez, I have all the items specified in the examples and have fixed my outside IP, but it still keeps trying to reregister:
14:25.14coppicerelax. once the bugs have killed you, you'll have no more worries
14:25.22*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
14:27.49Kattyhugs benngard
14:27.53Kattyhugs beek, too
14:28.55ManxPower-workYay!  Olympics are over!  Television can get back to normal
14:30.07leifmadsenI'm kinda sad the Olympics are over. I was having a great time watching them.
14:30.54coppiceI guess the snow was waiting for the olympics to end
14:31.33ManxPower-workI didn't watch even a single min of them.
14:31.51leifmadsenManxPower-work: good for you, we're all impressed
14:32.01ManxPower-workhugs his TiVo
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14:34.22Pegasus_RPGgives up for now and shuts down Asterisk
14:35.28beekManxPower-work: TiVo rocks!
14:35.46*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (~d@
14:36.12doolittleworkjoin #mysql
14:36.38Pegasus_RPGI don't get SIP phone's contact field has the private IP address
14:36.44Pegasus_RPGis a port number required?
14:36.56ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, put a copy of your sip.conf on masking ONLY passwords
14:40.09*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
14:40.39[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: .... you hve to have EVERYTHING under [general] BEFORE your REGISTER directives <-----
14:40.47[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: Everything below is discarded <-
14:40.59Pegasus_RPG[TK]D-Fender: ok. I did try it that way before with no improvement
14:41.43[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: What do you have forwarded to your server precisely?
14:42.36Pegasus_RPG69 UDP, 5060-5063 UDP, 10000-20000 UDP
14:42.39ManxPower-workstop addindg extra crap to your config
14:42.47ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, what is 69/UDP for?
14:43.02Pegasus_RPGI dunno I saw it in a forum post
14:43.10ManxPower-workNow we know why it's not working for you.
14:43.18ManxPower-workUNDERSTAND the options you add.
14:43.32ManxPower-worksee if the modified sip.conf I just gave you solves the issue.
14:43.33Pegasus_RPGthe stuff under register is because this server is also an OpenVPN for remote clients to connect
14:43.36Pegasus_RPGand use SIP
14:43.45ManxPower-work"under register" means nothing.
14:43.46Pegasus_RPGand it works (or did the last time someone tried it)
14:44.52*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
14:45.02Kattyokay folks
14:45.04Pegasus_RPGk, testing
14:45.07Kattydo i want this:
14:45.15Kattyor do i want this:
14:45.40Katty^- note: for mother.
14:46.45doolittleworkKatty she wants this
14:47.25Kattyshe wants a camera.
14:47.53doubletokerwhich tts is better with asterisk?
14:48.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: What is she going to do with it?
14:48.17[TK]D-Fenderdoubletoker: Cepstral
14:48.24doolittleworki have one of these Katty: must say i love it
14:48.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: you know...go to the zoo
14:48.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: family occasions
14:48.48doolittleworkabit bulky but gets the job done
14:48.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: possibly photograph the bunnies in the back yard, and deer on the side of the road.
14:49.09*** join/#asterisk moy (~chatzilla@
14:49.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: forget both and get her a 10x+ P&S model
14:49.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: usual mom things.
14:49.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: link?
14:50.07doolittleworkKatty: for the deer i recomment this for a perfect shot
14:50.17Pegasus_RPGManxPower-work: that file doesn't work either.
14:50.35ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, pastebin a new sip debug
14:50.43Pegasus_RPGyep in progress
14:50.50Kattydoolittlework: you make me sad.
14:51.38doolittleworkjust kidding canon powershot good all round cammera
14:51.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: "powershot"?
14:52.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Forget useless modelnames like that..
14:52.17Pegasus_RPGuri="sip:broadvoice"   is that a problem?
14:52.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Virtually all near-spec models from any reputable manufacturer are about 1% different from each other
14:52.35ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, set srvlookup=no in [general] BEFORE the register.
14:53.25ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, try upgrading too.
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14:54.15ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, at this point you may have a firewall issue.
14:54.44Pegasus_RPGugh, then its my ISP since I was using the same firewall before I moved
14:54.47*** join/#asterisk high-freq (~hfreq@
14:55.14[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: pastebi yoru new configs
14:55.17Pegasus_RPGbut the question remains: how can my SIP phone work fine?
14:55.54ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, Registration only notifies the remote server what your IP address is.  It has nothing with being able to PLACE calls via your service provider
14:55.55[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: From where?
14:56.18*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
14:57.06Pegasus_RPGfrom the same subnet
14:57.25Pegasus_RPGAnd I can _place_ calls just fine. I can't _receive_ them into *
14:57.29*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
14:57.48Pegasus_RPG(or message waiting indicator for that matter)
14:58.37ManxPower-work1) Pegasus_RPG, what happens if you turn off your firewall 2) did you mention this before?
14:58.46Pegasus_RPGI did mention this
14:59.14Pegasus_RPGTurning off the firewall (the SPI section) didn't make a diff either but I'll test again
14:59.41ManxPower-workturning off just the "SPI section" is not "turning off the firewall"
14:59.59ManxPower-workwhich firewall do you have?
15:00.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: hmm.
15:00.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: does that sx20 allow for lense attachment by chance?
15:00.49Pegasus_RPGI just put the * into the DMX
15:00.53ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, on the asterisk server type "service iptables stop"
15:01.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: generally no.
15:01.04ManxPower-workputting Asterisk in the DMZ does very little to help anything.
15:01.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: bummer. not that she really needs lenses
15:01.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i am spoiled.
15:01.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: also, i need to show you a new photo i took (=
15:01.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: But this is your mother you're talking about... Zoo pictures.  from a non-techie who won't want to drab a dedicated camera bag or spend a fortune
15:01.34Pegasus_RPGManxPower-work: "iptables: unrecognized service"
15:01.48[TK]D-Fender[10:01]<Katty>[TK]D-Fender: bummer. not that she really needs lenses <- O RLY?  Why?
15:02.08Kattyshe won't use lenses
15:02.09ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, try "iptables -L -v"
15:02.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: Moms = P&S users
15:02.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sorry, read that backwards..
15:03.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: <-
15:03.20Pegasus_RPGManxPower-work: all blank tables
15:03.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: So get her the big zoom model of some sort so she won't comlpain about not getting a good shot of that tiger 50 yards away
15:03.20dmzManxPower-work check out, much easier than manual editing rules
15:03.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: that off the 50mm macro?
15:03.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: no
15:04.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's just straight of the camera
15:04.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: well friends camera.
15:04.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: she came by and i could help but tinker with it
15:04.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: What distance/
15:04.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: 5.9mm focal length
15:04.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: there's no EXIF on that
15:04.47ManxPower-workdmz, Never found a "gui" that made setting up a firewall "easier".  Well, easier in "I have no ide what I'm doing, I hope the computer does"
15:05.02*** join/#asterisk emyrddin (~54fda312@gateway/web/freenode/x-vdnjqxjyewtnnpwh)
15:05.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: 5.9?  no chance I'll buy that as the effective
15:05.24Pegasus_RPGI could try using dd-wrt
15:05.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: You'd have some nasty FOV distortion if you were that low scaled back
15:05.47ManxPower-workPegasus_RPG, Um, of you can't make simples calls into and out of Asteisk then you do not have a firewall/NAT issue.
15:05.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: dunno. the camera was a finepix f480, if that helps
15:06.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: auto exposure
15:06.45emyrddinhi folks, anyone here with asterisk+grandstream 2010?
15:06.48ManxPower-workHeh!  Today's Word of the Day is "Asterisk"
15:07.26*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
15:09.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think the camera did a great job consider it's cheap
15:09.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: f=4.6mm - 18.4mm, Equivalent to 28-112mm on a 35mm camera
15:09.13*** join/#asterisk hehol (
15:09.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: 28mm =~ 18mm on digital, which is fairly wide...
15:10.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Is your mom likely to be doing a decent amount of low-light shooting?
15:10.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: think long and hard on that...
15:11.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: thats where DSLR starts paying off.
15:11.22beekKatty: Just get a Nikon D3 and be done with it.
15:11.25emyrddincould i compose numbers with my computer using the gxp phone?
15:11.26dmzManxPower-work, heh
15:11.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: i don't want to get something too confusing for her tho
15:12.20ManxPower-workemyrddin, you are not making any sense.
15:12.31Kattybeek: i want to get her a camera, not a keychain :P
15:12.36*** join/#asterisk ellisdee (
15:13.26Kattymeh, i'll just get her this sx20
15:13.39Kattyand a tripod
15:13.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: I've got a 70-210 F4 for that which I haven't really used.... I use an 18-250mm F3.5-6.3.  lets jsut say you end up in the 5's by around 120mm easily... and to be sharp you'll up it a stop.  Its a GREAT daytime walk-around lens, but for fast motion in less than broad daylight.... might be hit/miss even with IS
15:13.41Kattyshe shakes.
15:14.06*** part/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
15:14.19beekKatty: What's the price range you're looking at?   I got a kick-around point-and-shoot Panasonic DMC-ZS3 that works a treat.
15:14.46Katty400 or 500
15:14.52*** join/#asterisk curious101 (~curious10@
15:15.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Katty tripod is good.  Here's another great & easy idea : Get a nut & bolt (with an eye) with the same thread count as your camera mount, and a strong piece of string.  Measure of just enough string to go between her foot standing on the nut and the bolt in the camera.
15:15.46*** part/#asterisk doolittlework (~d@
15:16.34Pegasus_RPGI don't have any more time right now. Thank you very much ManxPower-work and [TK]D-Fender for all your help though!!
15:16.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: when pulled tight it will seriously reduce shaking.
15:16.48beekKatty: The ZS3 is in that range, has good low-light capability, can do HD video.  Sweet little camera.  I bought it for my trip to Phoenix and Astricon last year (didn't want to carry the DSLRs).
15:16.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: and fits in your hand as you walk around
15:17.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'll also vouch for the Panasonic Lumix series.... good stuff
15:18.33*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
15:20.11Kattylow opitcal zoom
15:20.16Kattycompared to that sx20
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15:20.56beekLeica glass... great stuff.
15:21.12Kattythis is my mother we're tlaking about
15:21.21[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Absudly expensive... and not really worth it :0
15:21.32[TK]D-Fender(for the dedicated stuff that is)
15:21.43[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Panasonic's OEM is another matter :)
15:21.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Panasonic has super zoooms to match
15:22.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: shop around
15:22.26Kattythe image sensor is a bit bigger.
15:23.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: you have a tripod recommendation?
15:23.31*** part/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
15:23.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: Generally any will do.... Manfrotto if you're feel fancy
15:24.05Kattyi have a dolica one
15:24.10Kattybut it can support 20lbs
15:24.32Kattywell probably more like 15
15:24.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: .... a P&S won't weith 5
15:25.33Kattywell yeah
15:25.41Kattybut i have lenses on mine
15:25.48*** join/#asterisk WinZ (~winz@
15:25.52Kattywhich is why i opted for a heavier load
15:27.30sun28moin \o/
15:29.32WinZguys, is it possible to have Phone and Fax on the same line (parallel) --> ATA with T.38 --> Asterisk 1.6.2 and _receive_ faxes coming to Asterisk via SIP?
15:29.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: wonder if yours weight like my 70-210 F4 :)  All metal & glass...
15:30.52*** join/#asterisk radcliff (
15:33.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: never weighed it, but it's quite an armful
15:33.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: I was looking at a 70-210 F2.8 thatou would be.... well... harsh :0
15:35.20radcliffHi all, I have a problem I have been struggling with for a while, incoming calls does not work well, it works maybe 20% of time, the rest of the time asterisk console just tells me: " chan_sip.c:19961 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device XXXXXXX <sip:XXXXXX@Y.Y.Y.Y;user=phone>", where XXXXXX is the external callerid and Y.Y.Y.Y is the ip of my SIP-provider, I am using insecure=invite and asterisk
15:35.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: ha!
15:36.17Kattywell i got her a cheap tripod
15:36.20Kattyit's got hollow legs
15:36.28Kattybut hopefully she won't be standing in wind
15:36.48Kattyit's a shame they don't have snakeskin camera bags on newegg :<
15:37.48WinZradcliff, try insecure=port,invite
15:40.03radcliffI have tried that aswell, no difference Iäm afraid...
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15:43.23smooth_penguinhey Katty :>
15:44.32Kattyhello smoooooooooooth operator
15:44.43giesenAnyone done streaming music on hold with asterisk? Every solution I've tried, I run up against the "buffer" problem
15:44.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: any other accessories you think my mom might like?
15:45.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: i found a camcorder baggy that will fix that sx20, but i don't think she'll like it. i'll go find her something Pretty(tm) at target.
15:45.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thats why I'd look at a 10-12X compact super-zoom.. so it can fit in her purse
15:46.01*** part/#asterisk [psy] (
15:46.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: so the bolt & nut stabilizer for the purse, tripod for when she cares,a nd a camera she can just carry around all the time
15:47.28radcliffDoes anyone know if there can be a problem with PostgreSQL realtime static and using a comma in "port,invite" for insecure in sip.conf??? I am running out of ideas :)
15:50.01[TK]D-Fenderradcliff: does it work when using flat files?
15:51.07radcliff[TK]D-Fender: Havn't tried flat files in a couple of years... I was hoping I could find an answer to save me the trouble :)
15:51.31[TK]D-FenderradWell you just made a guess which i would like to have thought you would have tested.
15:51.44[TK]D-Fenderradtill then you haven't shown us anything
15:53.17ManxPower-worknot all that many people use realtime here.
15:54.43leifmadsenradcliff: I have a feeling multiple options to the same column name needs to be separated with a semi-colon
15:55.05radcliffleifmadsen: hmm, I'll try that! thanks!
15:57.58radcliffhmm, didn't work, still the same error... :(
15:58.45radcliffI'll try flat files and get back to you, thanks a lot!
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16:01.52Kattyhey ariel
16:02.06ariel_hugs Katty
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16:08.19ManxPower-workradcliff, what verison of Asterisk?
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16:25.29Kattyjust spent another 200 bucks on ferret Toys and Accessories.
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16:28.44beekKatty:  Those little critters can become expensive, can't they?
16:29.19Kattybeek: they certainly are the highest maintenance pet i've ever had.
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16:30.06Kattyhi wcselby :>
16:30.29beekKatty: Those photos you posted are darned cute though...
16:30.33wcselbyalthough with this headache, i feel more like - "howdy, damnit"
16:32.22*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
16:34.54Kattybeek: yesh.
16:34.57Kattybeek: i luvs them to bits.
16:38.20Naikrovekmoiseur turtle bits?
16:38.33Naikrovekgratz canada on hockey gold, btw
16:39.16*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
16:39.59WinZguys, when I'm trying to send a fax, my SIP provider keeps sending me "T.38 UDP: UDPTLPacket Seq=00000  t30ind: v21-preamble", but my Asterisk keeps answering "RTP PT=ITU-T G.711 PCMU" -- where can I dig?
16:40.16wcselbydo you have Fax for Asterisk installed?
16:40.29wcselbythen how do you plan on sending t38?
16:40.41wcselbyyou need FFA to send t38, or at least some sort of fax app
16:40.50wcselbynot sure, does spandsp send t38?
16:41.38WinZI send a fax from Zoiper, T.38. Have t38pt_udptl=yes in sip.conf in general and peers sections
16:41.44wcselbyi guess the appropriate question to ask is, what fax utility are you using to achieve t.38?  either FFA, or SpanDSP, or something....
16:42.07*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
16:42.17WinZjust the default build of Asterisk. SpanDSP I guess
16:42.42WinZit said that Asterisk supports t.38 out of the box
16:43.05wcselbyt.38 passthrough
16:43.12wcselbywhat's "it"
16:43.19wcselby"it" said....
16:43.47wcselbyokay....start over
16:43.48beekKatty: You want high maintenance?  Get a parrot.   Dewey takes more room in my home than I do.
16:43.57wcselby(sorry, have a headache, things are difficult to concentrate on)
16:44.22wcselbyWinZ - what are you sip.conf settings for your zoiper client, and also your itsp, and maybe you're general settings
16:44.33Naikrovek"dewey" great name
16:44.42giesenIs there any way to have asterisk spawn a new process for moh for each caller
16:44.46giesenrather than share a process?
16:45.03beekNaikrovek: Ever watch the sci-fi movie "Silent Running?"
16:45.15Naikrovekbeek: no
16:45.25Naikroveki'm not really into pokemon
16:45.32*** join/#asterisk rickross (~rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
16:45.51beekThere were three robots named 'Hewey, Dewey and Lewey".    The parrot walks just like they did, so he got "Dewey".
16:45.53WinZwcselby, ok, I need some time to dig it myself. I thought there was a quick answer, maybe some option in sip.conf. I'll come back if no luck. Thank you
16:46.10beekNaikrovek: What does "Silent Running" have to do with pokemon?
16:46.13Naikrovekbeek: you ever see those old disney cartoons with huey, dewey, and louie?
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16:46.33Naikrovekbeek: nothing, i just say that sometimes when i don't know what someone is talking about
16:47.27Naikrovekbruce dern
16:47.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
16:49.22rickrosshi all, I have 10 Polycom phones in an office in NC that need to connect to an asterisk server in TX - until now we have used NAT from the NC router, and it has worked. We've just set up a VPN tunnel from NC to TX, though, and would like to force the phones to use that tunnel while leaving other computers and devices in NC on their normal NAT connections. Is this a reasonable thing to do?
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16:52.23Naikrovekrickross: yes
16:52.31Naikrovekrickross: i do this to my phones in india (some of them)
16:52.36Naikrovekrickross: i'm in illinois
16:52.42rickrossthanks, Naikrovek
16:52.57Naikrovekall you get from it is encrypted voice traffic, and slightly easier administration
16:53.00rickrossdo we need to make any specific config changes to the asterisk server in TX?
16:53.18rickrossor do we just tell our phones in NC to use the tunnel as their gateway address?
16:53.53Naikrovekrickross: depends on your firewall, if the phones in NC can contact the * box it should work fine
16:54.05Naikrovekrickross: will just need to reconfigure the phone
16:54.27rickrosswell, the * box is bound to its public IP address
16:54.48rickrosscan * bind to multiple addresses? (or is this a non-issue)
16:55.50*** join/#asterisk rossand (
16:56.14rickrossI don't think * will be automatically listening for SIP on the tunnel IP address
16:56.20Naikrovekrickross: can the phones in NC contact the * server over the vpn?
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16:56.52Naikrovekyou can give the * box an internal IP address and it'll be fine
16:57.05rickrosswe don't know yet - we have just managed to get the VPN tunnel up, and local computers in NC can ping the remote side of the tunnel (on the * box)
16:57.18Naikrovekthe * server is the other side of the VPN?
16:59.10rickrossNaikrovek, we have other users who must connect from their own locations - it must remain accessible on its public IP
16:59.17rickrossyes, * is on the other side
16:59.30Naikrovekit can be on a public IP and a private IP
16:59.52rickrossahh, so * can bind on multiple IPs?
17:00.00Naikroveki know asterisk is ON the other side, is asterisk box THE OTHER VPN ENDPOINT
17:00.05Naikrovekrickross: of course
17:00.20Naikrovekit can listen on (all interfaces) or just one or whatever
17:00.35rickrosswe cannot let it listen on
17:00.47Naikroveki'm just sayign it can
17:00.51Naikroveki'm not telling you to
17:00.54rickrossand I thought I remembered reading that you can only specify one listen address
17:01.06Naikrovekwell mine listens on two
17:01.13Naikrovekone public, one private
17:01.21rickrossnice - could you paste your sip.cfg line for that?
17:01.43Naikroveki could put the whole thing on a single private interface and use my ASA to route incoming SIP packets to it, even
17:02.25rickrossinteresting thought
17:02.42Naikrovekrickross: i use trixbox (because I inhereted it) and it would not be wise for me to post any configs from it, because they woudl mean nothing to anyone, not even another trixbox user
17:02.43rickrossbut we have no ASA in this location, just a dedicated server at theplanet
17:04.29Naikrovekputting it behind my ASA is something i'm going to do, i do not like dual homing servers like that
17:04.32Naikrovekprevious admin loved it
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17:06.36wcselbysomehow I just made it into my client's commercial
17:08.04rickrosshmm, well I just set a phone into the address space of the tunnel, and I told it to use the tunnel's far end as its gateway
17:08.13rickrossit did not register on *
17:08.24rickrossand it could not contact the boot server
17:08.28JTwhat type of vpn are we talking about here?
17:08.49rickrossit is OpenVPN (I believe it is version 2.1.x)
17:09.30rickrossthe OpenVPN server is on the same box as *, and the NC client is trying to access via a tunnel from a local dd-wrt router
17:10.32rickrosscomputers on the NC side can ping the far end of the tunnel, but we are not sure whether the server end of the tunnel will rote to further destinations
17:11.06wcselbyrickross - is your * server only listening on the public IP?
17:11.42wcselbyrickross - either that or
17:11.57rickrosswcselby, it is on the public IP
17:12.09wcselbythat's why you can't register to the openVPN ip
17:12.30wcselbyrickross - you need to add udpbindaddr=vpn.ip.add.ress to the sip.conf file
17:12.52rickrossok, and it will allow more than one such line?
17:13.14geneticx_wrkhi. is the wildcard TDM400P a good option for an asterisk box?
17:13.42Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: Yes, if you want between 1 and 4 analog lines and have a PCI slot. (Note you also need a molex power connector)
17:14.07wcselbyrickross - i've never tried, but I think it should work
17:14.18wcselbyrickross - best way to find out is to just test it :)
17:14.28rickrossI will do so now and let you know
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17:14.49rickrossI thought I remembered Russell saying it cannot have more than one, but I hope I am wrong
17:15.00geneticx_wrkChainsaw: awesome. Have you ever used this card before?
17:15.24Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: Yes, I am using one in our fax server at the moment.
17:15.38Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: (With one FXO module and the other 3 module slots unpopulated)
17:16.42*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
17:16.58leifmadsenrickross: you can either listen to all, or one address
17:17.09wcselbywell there you go
17:17.13*** join/#asterisk xmitter (
17:17.30geneticx_wrkChainsaw: cool. do you have a hardware echo cancellation module installed ? or you haven't had any issues with echo
17:17.53Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: I only use it for faxing so I have no need for echo cancellation.
17:18.24geneticx_wrkChainsaw: I see. Ok, thanks for your help
17:18.30wcselbyyou could always listen to all, but then block traffic on port 5060 to the IP's you don't want it to use using IPTABLES or something
17:18.39rickrossleifmadsen, so it is all of them or only one of them, but not two of them?
17:18.50coppicethere isn't much point in hardware EC for just 4 channels
17:19.01rickrosswe'll put it on all then, to test the VPN thing
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17:19.25Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: You're welcome. Are you in the UK by chance?
17:19.36leifmadsenrickross: correct, you can't just pick 2 of 3 interfaces to listen on for example
17:20.13geneticx_wrkChainsaw: nope. Florida here =D
17:20.23rocksfrowif anybody can PLEASE Help me, i have a live customer service system's a PRI and it was working perfectly...i previously did plenty of restarts and everything came back on fine..i just unplugged in the box and plugged it back i'm getting congestion errors
17:20.27Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: Ah, good. Then there's no bugs to worry about :)
17:20.31rocksfrowi've tried resetting everything multiple times...
17:20.46paulcrocksfrow: Are the calls hitting your box? congestion inbound or outbound?
17:20.47rocksfrowis there something that i can clear or something??
17:20.52rocksfrowcongestino outbound
17:20.53Kobazrocksfrow: call your provider
17:20.57rocksfrowinbound calls aren't hitting
17:21.02rocksfrowatleast i can't see from asterisk -rvvvvv
17:21.10ManxPower-workrocksfrow, My guess is that you upgraded the kernel and did not recompile the zaptel/dahdi kernel modules
17:21.17rocksfrowManxPower-work, no.
17:21.20ManxPower-workrocksfrow, are you using Zaptel or DAHDI?
17:21.24rocksfrowi'musing dahdi
17:21.26rocksfrowi didnt make any upgrades
17:21.32rocksfroweverything was working perfectly
17:21.36rocksfrowuntil repoewring
17:21.37geneticx_wrkChainsaw: bugs on the card or drivers for UK users?
17:21.41ManxPower-workrocksfrow, what does "dahdi_cfg -vvv" give you.  (pastebin the output)
17:21.43rocksfrowall channels look great
17:21.48Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: Buggy channel driver in the Asterisk core.
17:21.51rocksfrowManxPower-work, no errors.
17:21.58Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: But it gets triggered by that card daily.
17:21.59rocksfrowManxPower-work, dahdi  show channels has te same output as before the restart
17:22.06Kobazlike i said.. call your provider if you are absolutly certain nothing changed and you are sure that the box itself is okay
17:22.21ManxPower-workrocksfrow, pastebin the output of "cat /proc/dahdi/1"
17:22.25rocksfrowKobaz, thanks.
17:22.32Kobazrocksfrow: either they'll tell you 'whoops, your line is down'... or they'll tell you... fix your server
17:22.35rocksfrowManxPower-work,  dont have time to waste time bro...
17:22.38rocksfrowcalling the provider
17:22.49rocksfrowif they give heads up
17:22.51geneticx_wrkChainsaw: and why does it only affect UK users?
17:23.00rocksfrowill start debugging other things..but everything checks uout and looks IDENTICAL to before the restart
17:23.02rocksfrowno alarms
17:23.04rocksfrowal is good on my side
17:23.07ManxPower-workrocksfrow, I wish you the BEST of luck.  Good thing you didn't run that cat command or I could have given you something specific to tell them.
17:23.20rocksfrowManxPower-work,  ill run it..sorry
17:23.21rocksfrowlet me run it
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17:23.48rocksfrowManxPower-work, whooaaa
17:23.49rocksfrowthey all show in use
17:23.53rocksfrowis thats what you were looking for?
17:24.00Kobazno, that's normal
17:24.09ManxPower-workrocksfrow, that means "connected to Asterisk" not "active calls"
17:24.17rocksfrowoh okay
17:24.18rocksfrowthen looks good
17:24.23rocksfrowwas there anything elseu  were looking for?
17:24.25rocksfrowtiming slips:
17:24.29Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: Because British Telecom runs automated line tests.
17:24.31ManxPower-workrocksfrow, paste us the line that has the B8ZS on it
17:24.45Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: A sequence of events occurs that is apparently unique to the UK market.
17:24.45rocksfrowSpan 1: TE2/0/1 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" (MASTER) B8ZS/ESF
17:24.45rocksfrowTiming slips: 2
17:24.49ManxPower-workrocksfrow, next go into the asterisk cli and type "pri debug span 1"
17:25.11rocksfrowokay debug enabled
17:25.11ManxPower-workrocksfrow, a timing slip would just cause a glitch in audio.
17:25.12rocksfrownow what?
17:25.19rocksfrowtry calling out?
17:25.29ManxPower-workrocksfrow, try to make some calls, put the cli output on
17:25.41rocksfrowoutput looks identical
17:25.44rocksfrowcongestion error from channel
17:25.52Kattytime to go to sam's club
17:25.54ManxPower-workrocksfrow, start pastebining or stop asking
17:25.56geneticx_wrkChainsaw: humm..interesting.
17:26.04Kattysomeone come with me to carry stuff
17:26.11rocksfrowman..i have to call cavalier
17:26.14rocksfrowshit is DOWN right now
17:26.19Kobazstop panicing
17:26.20ManxPower-workrocksfrow, that is not a pri debug of span 1
17:26.22Kobazand start pasting
17:26.59ManxPower-workrocksfrow, you are going to be down for a couple of hours if this is a provider problem.  Lets confirm it is a provider problem before you have them start screwing up your lines.
17:27.37rocksfrowi dont see how its provider..i mean it was literally working before i restarted the damned computer
17:27.45rocksfrowbut damn..
17:27.57ManxPower-workrocksfrow, call your provider.  Say "I have no traffic on my D-channel.  Fix it."
17:28.00rocksfrowi restarted the server a few times the other night to verify all is well after a repoweruping up
17:28.05ManxPower-workChances are they will reset your port and all will be well.
17:28.05rocksfrowManxPower-work, really?
17:28.15rocksfrowlet me call
17:28.19ManxPower-workrocksfrow, a call should generate at least a page of debug stuff.
17:29.08[TK]D-FenderWhere are the configs to match?
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17:30.37rickrosswell, I set the sip bind address to and see it listening when I do "netstat -l" on the server
17:30.43geneticx_wrkChainsaw: you have PRI lines for your day-to-day voice calls?
17:30.50rickrossbut after a reboot, the NC phone, still doesn't connect to *
17:31.18rickrossI may have something borked on the server end of the VPN (maybe it needs some briding or routing config)
17:31.19[TK]D-Fenderrickross: And I see no SIP DEBUG from your attempts nor any configs
17:31.45Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: BRI, but I don't use Digium hardware in production anymore.
17:32.29Chainsawgeneticx_wrk: A bundle of three terminating on a Patton 4634.
17:32.58KobazChainsaw: sangoma ftw
17:33.37ChainsawKobaz: I'm rather pleased with the separation now, I'll just have everything talking SIP to Asterisk.
17:33.56Kobazthat works too
17:34.25Kobazi think we'll wind up moving to pure hardware tdm gateways quite soon, even though it's more expensive
17:35.08ChainsawKobaz: Yes, it's nicer to have failover configured on there so you can work around a downed Asterisk instance.
17:35.24Kobazi have that going nicely, using two asterisk boxes
17:35.48Kobazand one t1 card in each machine
17:36.12ChainsawAh, okay. That would do it.
17:36.30*** join/#asterisk tkrn (~tkrn@
17:36.46tkrnneed some help fellas, any body know where to get a SIP FAX Client Windows DriveR?
17:36.56Kobaz#voip ?
17:37.28rocksfrowManxPower-work, with debug mode on..calls still are completed right?
17:37.40Kobazrocksfrow: why wouldn't they be?
17:37.44ManxPower-workrocksfrow, yes.
17:37.46rocksfrowi reset all the hardware and now i'm getting different output
17:37.48rocksfrownot the same as i pasted
17:37.52rocksfrowbut calls still not completing
17:37.56Kobazkeep pasting
17:38.40ManxPower-workrocksfrow, you should be seeing stuff like this with pri debug:
17:40.57geneticx_wrkChainsaw: nice. Does the Patton 4634 come with it's own drivers for asterisk?
17:41.36Kobazgeneticx_wrk: why would you need drivers? it's sip
17:41.43rocksfrowManxPower-work, has more output
17:42.02rocksfrowits like its calling..butnot
17:42.07rocksfrowbc..i wont get any message
17:42.14rocksfrowit'll just sit quietly
17:42.20geneticx_wrkKobaz: true.
17:42.26rocksfrowtelco is gonna call me back in 15mins, they're testing the circuit
17:42.36rocksfrowManxPower-work, Kobaz does that log say anything to you?
17:42.56rocksfrowthere is some random at the end from something checking their vm
17:43.04ManxPower-workrocksfrow, notice how all that debug is SENT data, not received data.
17:43.27rocksfrowManxPower-work, yes..thats interesting
17:43.30ManxPower-workrocksfrow, Ah.  Then stop screwing with Asterisk or the telco may claim the problem is your equipment.
17:43.37*** join/#asterisk titter (
17:43.44Kobazrocksfrow: either the line is fscked, or your card fried
17:44.06rocksfrowcard fried?! oh no
17:44.11ManxPower-workdid you tell them your D-channel is down?  If not, chances are the wrong people are testng the line.
17:44.12rocksfrowwouldnt it be giving some sort of alarm?
17:44.28Kobazrocksfrow: depends
17:44.44bmoraca_workis there anyway to disable the "!" command in the asterisk console?
17:44.53rocksfrowthe card appears to be configures fine..and channels build out fine
17:45.06rocksfrowbut..shit i do have a second card in the old server i could probably pop in
17:45.13rocksfrowthat card is brand new though
17:45.52ManxPower-workrocksfrow, do nothing until the telco is calls you back
17:46.03rocksfrowManxPower-work, right
17:46.04Kobazrocksfrow: like it said... it all depends
17:46.10rocksfrowManxPower-work, what's interesting is..
17:46.11Kobazrocksfrow: i've seen some weird failures
17:46.14rocksfrowbefore resetting the PRI that last time
17:46.18Kobazrocksfrow: but most likly it's your provider
17:46.19rocksfrowi was just getting the congetsion error
17:46.27rocksfrowthen after resetting the most recent time
17:46.31rocksfrowim getting this different output
17:46.34rocksfrowwhats up with that? lol
17:46.35rocksfrowget me?
17:46.41rocksfrowdoes that confirm even more that its the telco?
17:46.54Kobazit confirms that something is wrong somewhere
17:47.06Kobazi'm serious
17:47.10Kobazyou wont know until the telco checks
17:47.28geneticx_wrkChainsaw: you know of any VoIP Gateways like the 4630 but for PRI/?
17:47.47Kobazif they say "everything looks fine here", then it's probably your box
17:48.11Kobazbut if you have a good provider... generally they call you when it's down
17:49.07bmoraca_workgeneticx_wrk: check out the Adtran TA900
17:49.09dddhhm, 729 is supported?
17:49.21rocksfrowKobaz, ta900 is what i have i think
17:49.32rocksfrowKobaz, there is an fxo port in the back of the adtran
17:49.36rocksfrowis that for testing??
17:49.58bmoraca_workrocksfrow: it's for failover or general use as an FXO port
17:50.36rocksfrowbmoraca_work, do you have a ta900?
17:50.44bmoraca_workrocksfrow: i have several
17:50.47rocksfrowbmoraca_work, ever have any issues after powering off and back on? lol
17:51.19bmoraca_workrocksfrow: only if someone forgot to commit the changes
17:51.46idespinnerIve had good luck with audiocodes pri gateways
17:51.58idespinnerhave about 15 in production, never an issue
17:52.24idespinnerbut there is a steep learning curve on configuring
17:52.24bmoraca_workrocksfrow: who set it up?  telco or you?
17:52.37bmoraca_workidespinner: they're also more expensive than the Adtrans and less featureful
17:52.46Kobazidespinner: haha, tell me about it... audiocodes have configuration insanity
17:52.50rocksfrowbmoraca_work, the asterisk box?
17:53.01bmoraca_workrocksfrow: no, the TA900 and what are you using it for?
17:53.08geneticx_wrkChainsaw: thanks
17:53.10rocksfrownah the telco set it up
17:53.15*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
17:53.22rocksfrowbut..i meant after powering down the asterisk box
17:53.24Kobazare you still on hold?
17:53.28geneticx_wrkbmoraca_work: ok, I will thanks.
17:53.29rocksfrowKobaz, hes calling me back
17:53.34rocksfrowhe said 15m
17:54.00bmoraca_workrocksfrow: oh.  unlikely to cause a problem, but if the TA900 also went down, it could be because they forgot to commit their changes
17:54.29rocksfrowbmoraca_work, that would suck...the ta900 did not go down originally though
17:54.43*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
17:55.14rocksfrowso frusrated, i reset this thing multiple times on friday to confirm everything would be cool after repowering
17:55.36bmoraca_workrocksfrow: is your PRI just not coming up on the asterisk box?
17:55.47rocksfrowbmoraca_work, no traffic from d channel
17:55.55rocksfrowcard configures channels show..
17:56.06rocksfroweverything looks identical to how it was before i restarted
17:56.13rocksfrowsome sort of communication error..
17:56.18bmoraca_workrocksfrow: is it giving you an alarm or is there just nothing on your d channel?
17:56.30rocksfrowthe card isnt showing an alarm atleast
17:56.38rocksfrowall status lights on the telco hardware look normal
17:57.46rocksfrowinbound calls give busy signal
17:58.04bmoraca_workand "pri intense debug span 1" shows absolutely nothing?
17:58.27bmoraca_workshows no traffic what so ever?
17:58.36rocksfrowManxPower-work already looked over the log
17:58.48rocksfrowsaid no traffic on d-channel
17:58.57rocksfrowi swear i think its the t1 box
17:59.05rocksfrowthe line comes into the t1 box i guess, then into the pri box
17:59.13*** join/#asterisk jilbert (~eXtra_Ric@
17:59.15rocksfrowi think that initial box is buggy
17:59.21rocksfrowi had a simliar issue previously and it just came back up
17:59.47*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
17:59.51rocksfrowwhat does timeout looking for release mean?
18:00.06Kobazit's not getting data back
18:00.07ManxPower-workrocksfrow, it means "telco ignored us"
18:00.31rocksfrowokay, figured
18:00.32rocksfrowdamn man
18:00.35rocksfrowisnt this some shit
18:00.47*** part/#asterisk xmitter (
18:00.55bmoraca_workcould be a bad or misconfigured adtran
18:01.02ManxPower-workrocksfrow, you must be new to telecom
18:01.37TheDavidFactorI've got a dual-homed * server (eth0 public ip, eth1 private ip) and when I try to call * from an internal phone * replies to all internal SIP messages on the external interface from the external ip, what am I missing?
18:01.56ManxPower-workstuff randomly breaks all the time.  I swear sometimes it seems like the ILEC just randomly screws up lines.
18:02.12bmoraca_workTheDavidFactor: the common sense not to expose your PBX on a public interface
18:02.14ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor, remove bindip/bindaddr
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18:03.31jaskewbmoraca_work: That's just mean.  Correct, but still mean ;)
18:03.57TheDavidFactorManxPower-work: that did it, thanks!
18:04.34TheDavidFactorbmoraca_work: we've got stupid firewalls that don't like SIP or RTP so we have to expose our * servers until we replace our firewalls
18:04.50TheDavidFactorwhich is high on our priority list
18:05.02ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor, or you could turn off the sip ALG/nat on your firewalls
18:05.02bmoraca_workwhat kind of "stupid firewalls"?
18:05.16ManxPower-workyou'll have to turn it off on most any firewall
18:05.17rocksfrowManxPower-work, question..
18:05.26TheDavidFactorsome flavor of sonicwall
18:05.28bmoraca_workManxPower-work: i've never had luck doing that on sonicwalls...but, yes, it works on most others
18:05.31rocksfrowso..i did 'amportal restart', and i get the same congestion error
18:05.36rocksfrowany clue why?
18:05.45ManxPower-workrocksfrow, I don't do GUIs
18:05.54hardwireCorydon76-lap: re my voicemail bug (whardier) it appears as though the arch word size is not being taken into effect in the code for the thread stack size.  It seems to be set at 8, statically.  and I appear to be a near duplicate of bug #14932
18:06.32bmoraca_workrocksfrow: congestion typically means the other side rejected your call, i believe.  so it's consistent with what you're seeing.
18:06.46hardwireCorydon76-lap: oh nm.. seanbright replaced WORDSIZE with sizeof(void *)
18:07.17rocksfrowbmoraca_work, when i turn insense debugging on..cli constantly outputs the same message as idle
18:07.22rocksfrowunnumbered frame?
18:07.24rocksfrowis that normal
18:07.49rocksfrowlike constantly outputting that same message
18:07.51*** part/#asterisk k5tux (
18:10.09rocksfrowi wish i could reset the first box the telco line hits
18:10.19rocksfrowi guess the thing gets power through the telco line
18:11.09*** join/#asterisk HorizonXP (
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18:11.31HorizonXPhey, i'm having trouble getting my asterisk server to  use my new DID
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18:11.35rocksfrowhey guys, can you check out:
18:11.44rocksfrowthat message is outputting at asterisk cli over and over
18:11.57HorizonXPi had it set up before with another DID which was working before
18:12.25TheDavidFactorManxPower-work: I'm sorry I spoke too quickly earlier, it's still sending it out the wrong interface. Do you need to see my sip.conf?
18:13.20ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor, can you do a quitck "service iptables stop" (or whatever is used to turn that off on your Asterisk box.  If that solves the problem, then your firewall is NATing the response packets for your internal clients.
18:13.33ManxPower-work(the firewall on the ASTERISK box, of course)
18:14.48HorizonXPit seems to be spawning calls from that DID on its own accord; it doesn't do it when i dial the number, but seems to do it repeatedly on its own
18:16.09p3nguin_"it seems to" ???  What is spawning calls, and how do you spawn calls FROM a DID?
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18:17.09TheDavidFactorManxPower-work: I don't think that's the problem, because iptables -t nat -L lists no rules; and I'm a little hesitant to mess with the firewall rules because I'm working on a remote server.
18:17.16rocksfrowcan anybody explain what this message is?
18:18.18TheDavidFactorit might have helped to have mentioned this earlier, but I'm running * 1.6.2 trunk
18:18.34leifmadsenTheDavidFactor: you mean asterisk 1.6.2 branch
18:18.42leifmadsenTheDavidFactor: trunk is trunk
18:18.51TheDavidFactoryes, sorry there is only one trunk :-)
18:19.19rocksfrowbmoraca_work, ManxPower-work ...any clue what this is? <leifmadsen> TheDavidFactor: you mean asterisk 1.6.2 branch
18:19.23TheDavidFactorI'm doing my best to sow FUD every where I go
18:19.36leifmadsenTheDavidFactor: well then good hustle :)
18:19.55TheDavidFactorbtw, congrats dude!
18:20.10bmoraca_workrocksfrow: it's probably a keep-alive message your box is sending over the PRI.
18:20.39rocksfrowokay so unumbered isnt a bad thing
18:20.57*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
18:21.26bmoraca_workprobably not...though my internal q.931 parser is on the fritz, so that may not be correct
18:21.40*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
18:21.54paanyone has experience with linux nf_conntrack_sip and nf_nat_sip modules?
18:22.06Qwellpa: Don't use them
18:22.08rocksfrowalright the telco was supposed to call me back in 15min..not 40
18:22.08pai am not sure what options i have to use
18:22.26paQwell, but without i cant connect to my asterisk server from behind a nat
18:22.26ManxPower-workpa: use Asterisk's NAT support, not any other NAT support for SIP.
18:22.32HorizonXPp3nguin_: well, i can make outgoing calls from my SIP softphone that's connected to the asterisk server. spontaneously, it will receive calls. it's not doing it right now though.
18:22.38infobotanswers is probably Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
18:22.38QwellWith it, things will be very broken.
18:22.46ManxPower-workpa:read the NAT stuff CAREFULLY
18:22.49HorizonXPso let's ignore that. when I try to call my DID, i don't see it on the asterisk console, nor the SIP softphone
18:22.50Qwellpa: You just need to learn to setup NAT config in Asterisk
18:23.02paManxPower-work, i tried to put nat=yes in my sip.conf, and now i can login into my sip server,but i cant hear anything
18:23.20ManxPower-workpa: stop being an idiot and read the docs we sent you to.
18:23.30p3nguin_horizonxp: Did you register to the ITSP correctly?  Did you run a SIP debug to see if the call is hitting Asterisk at all?
18:23.35palet me see
18:23.36HorizonXPp3nguin_: oh wait, correction: i can see it on the console now
18:23.44ManxPower-worknat=yes is for REMOTE CLIENTS behind NAT.
18:23.54pathats my case
18:24.04ManxPower-workpa:I thought your ASTERISK server was behind NAT.
18:24.19pano, my asterisk is on public ip
18:24.23paclient is behind a nat
18:24.39p3nguin_You don't need to configure NAT stuff on the client network.
18:24.55ManxPower-workpa: then it should work just fine as long as you do not enable SIP NAT on the NAT router and do not enable SIP NAT on the phones.
18:25.00HorizonXPp3nguin_: yeah, sip debug shows it. ok, so my exntesions.conf is right, just need to forward it to my sip phone
18:25.17ManxPower-workpa: do you have a firewall on the Asterisk server?
18:25.21p3nguin_horizonxp: Just because sip debug shows it does not mean your extensions are right.
18:25.24pawell, i use x-lite as client, and did not configure anything
18:25.37paManxPower-work, yes, i do
18:25.41paand i opened the 5060
18:25.52ManxPower-workpa: what about the audio ports?
18:25.55p3nguin_pa: And the RTP range, too?
18:26.06pammh.. not sure.
18:26.09bmoraca_workpsssh...i don't need no stinkin RTP ports
18:26.20Corydon76-lap"What's RTP for?"
18:26.24ManxPower-workthe RTP ports are listed in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf.  You have to open those up to.
18:26.27pai mean, it was working just fine with clients not behind a nat
18:26.35HorizonXPp3nguin_: no, you're right it doesn't. but the fact that i was now able to forward it to my SIP phone to have it answered, does. :-)
18:26.36paok, i check
18:26.57p3nguin_horizonxp: This means you have completed the project?
18:29.00pacan i narrow the RTP range? or should i keep it so broad?
18:29.28jameswfQwell, any reason a clean install of *NOW with yum update + *1.6 conversion would not have dahdi_tool installed?
18:29.35p3nguin_pa: You need 2 ports per call.
18:29.46paoh ok
18:29.52paand these are udp ports, right?
18:29.57partp i mean
18:29.58p3nguin_pa: So if you aren't doing 5000 calls at the same time, you can narrow it.
18:30.08p3nguin_Yes, they are UDP.
18:30.26rocksfrowManxPower-work, still around?
18:30.28Corydon76-lapYou need 4 ports per call, if you're doing video
18:31.00Qwelljameswf: mmm, nope
18:31.16p3nguin_corydon76-lap: one each way for audio, one each way for video?  or two each way for video itself?
18:31.23jameswf:( i have no dahdi_tool I find it mildly annoying...
18:31.57pahowever was it normal that everything was working without RDP ports open, when my client wasnt behind a nat?
18:32.44p3nguin_pa: Client networks do not need any ports forwarded.  If your server has a firewall hiding the ports, they have to be uncovered.
18:33.34pap3nguin_, yes, i mean, my firewall blocked those ports on the server, but everything worked fine when the client was not behind a nat
18:33.45panow my client is behind a nat, and i cant hear anything anymore
18:33.46Corydon76-lapone each way for video
18:34.04*** join/#asterisk blaines (~blaines@
18:34.15Corydon76-lapOne port each way for each separate data stream
18:34.15p3nguin_pa: Seems strange to be able to cover the ports and connections would still be possible.
18:34.31ManxPower-workpa: That is so unlikely I doubt anyone here believes you.
18:34.34panow it works fine
18:34.43Corydon76-lapYou could have audio, video, and text, and that would require 6 ports per call
18:34.50panow i opened the rdp range, and it works fine
18:34.56ManxPower-worklike maybe you modified your firewall at one point.
18:35.01rocksfrowManxPower-work, do you think it would be worth trying to use the second span on the card instead of the first?
18:35.05pawell i did it now
18:35.12ManxPower-workor maybe the firewall sofware was updated at one pooint.
18:35.21ManxPower-workrocksfrow, I gave you my diagnosis.  Take it or leave it.
18:35.36p3nguin_Is there any chance that it could have been allowing the reciprocating port as a RELATED connection?
18:35.41rocksfrowManxPower-work, your diagnosis was to call the telco, i did..he just returned my call saying everything looks fine on their side!
18:35.47HorizonXPp3nguin_: this means I've solved my problem, yes :)
18:35.52*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (~lesouvage@
18:35.53ManxPower-workrocksfrow, it sucks to be you.
18:35.53rocksfrowhes looking into something else and calling me back in 5 he said..
18:35.59rocksfrowManxPower-work, damn man are you serious?
18:36.01p3nguin_horizonxp: Wonderful!
18:36.12*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
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18:36.22pamaybe it's xlite who does something strange?
18:36.32ManxPower-workrocksfrow, say "I need a tech with a T-Byrd dispatched".  Make sure the tech can make and receive calls using the T-Byrd.
18:36.43paor my version of asterisk which is bit-something?
18:36.50rocksfrowManxPower-work, okay.
18:36.52pa(for zapata)
18:37.18pai am 200% sure that those ports were closed, and that of course i could call
18:37.25jameswfQwell, may be a bug I just did rpm -qpl dahdi-tools-2.2.1-1_centos5.i386.rpm dahdi_tool is not there
18:37.40Qwellnot in the RPM?
18:37.56Qwelllets see
18:38.43rickrossok, we now have 10 local phones on the client side of the VPN, each talking to the * sip server on the other end, and we definitely had more than twice as many conversations working simultaneously as we had been able to conduct before the VPN
18:39.23Qwelljameswf: It's possible that package was built without newt-dev installed
18:39.46Qwellah hah
18:40.26pawell, however thanks : )
18:40.30Qwelljameswf: okay, give me a bit.  I think I see what's wrong
18:41.02jameswfQwell, np not in a hurry if I was I would just build it :)
18:42.41*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:45.41rickrossWe can now do 10 simultaneous calls across the VPN, but we began to degrade with only 3 simultaneous calls before the VPN - does this imply that Time-Warner cable (or someone else in the middle) is capping voip traffic?
18:46.19p3nguin_It certainly seems illogical.
18:46.27p3nguin_the scenario, that is.
18:46.31rickrosswhy illogical?
18:47.07p3nguin_It seems like bandwidth is bandwidth, so cramming calls over a VPN would actually use more of it than calls not going across a VPN.
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18:47.21Kattyhas anyone been asking about connecting asterisk to a toshiba system
18:47.25*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
18:47.36rickrosswe had observed that we could use almost our full 2 mbps upstream for non-voip traffic, but we started to degrade around 300 kbps of voip traffic
18:47.37Qwellthrows a box of sudafed at Katty
18:47.59Kattyputs it in the Emerency Supply Stash
18:48.10rickrosswe started to suspect that maybe some kind of bandwidth limiting or traffic shaping was in effect
18:48.13Qwellwonders if he closed his lens yesterday
18:48.17KattyQwell: are you feeling better todays?
18:48.21QwellKatty: nope
18:48.21*** join/#asterisk yamahataxx (
18:48.25KattyQwell: bummer :<
18:48.28rickrossso we set up a vpn and routed all our voip traffic to the * server across the vpn
18:48.29yamahataxxthere is any sip client for asterisk that can make calls to a specific list of phones, in order to play some audio file and to hangup the line?
18:48.30KattyQwell: i will send BB to give you kisses.
18:48.50p3nguin_rickross: That's crazy.  Try usign iperf in udp mode on voip ports, then again on non-voip ports.
18:48.55KattyQwell: ferret kisses make everything better.
18:49.28rickrossnow we seem to be able to use all of our upstream bandwidth for voip calls with nearly no degradation until we start peaking near the max
18:49.32ariel_yamahataxx: none needed you can setup your own call files
18:49.51Naikrovekrickross: that's how it's supposed to be - no degredation until you reach max
18:49.52rickrossp3nguin_: I am unfamiliar with iperf
18:50.09p3nguin_rickross: It's easy to figure out.  I trust that you can do it.
18:50.23p3nguin_rickross: If you can set up VoIP over VPN, you can surely use iperf.
18:50.25Kattyyou can doooo eeet
18:50.28rickrossNaikrovek: we always thought so, but apparently someone between us and our * server was capping or shaping
18:50.41Naikrovekrickross: some ISPs don't like voip
18:50.47Naikrovekeven some that don't sell phone service
18:50.55rickrossp3nguin_: I will need to read about iperf
18:51.07Naikrovekit could also be a QoS thing; their links may be busy with other stuff, and voip may be low on priority list
18:51.10p3nguin_naikrovek: That sounds like DoS to me.  And that's against the law.
18:51.12rickrossI would love to have a clear, straightforward demonstration that this is occurring
18:51.23yamahataxxariel_> where can i read about this?
18:51.31Naikrovekp3nguin_: he should call his ISP and find out what's up
18:51.42rickrossNaikrovek, we will
18:51.48Naikroveklet us know what they say
18:51.58*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
18:52.03Naikrovekthere are tools out there you can use to determine if your voip is being throttled
18:52.10rickrossour understanding is that Time-Warner claims NOT to be doing anything like DPI or traffic shaping
18:52.11Naikrovekat least i think there are
18:52.15Naikrovekthere should be if there isn't
18:52.31Naikrovekrickross: perhaps the place where your server is colocated is doing the shaping
18:52.36rickrossbut the apparent evidence suggests that someone is!
18:52.51rickrossNaikrovek - good point
18:53.05rickrosswe don't know where in the middle it happens, but we are certain that it does
18:53.19p3nguin_VPN traffic could be high in priority?
18:53.23rickrossI doubt does any shaping
18:53.28p3nguin_But VoIP is lower?
18:53.34Naikrovekp3nguin_: good point
18:53.35rickrossthey have lots of people running voip servers
18:53.54p3nguin_Voice and video should always be higher than anything else, right?
18:53.58Naikrovekp3nguin_: now he's doing voip over vpn so it should all appear to be vpn to any ISP
18:54.42Naikrovekthat may be it
18:54.51Naikrovekthey've simply prioritized vpn over voip
18:54.53rickrossNaikrovek: that is our understanding. Unless there's some way to infer from 20 ms rtp packet timing, they shouldn't be able to identify what we are sending across the vpn.
18:54.55p3nguin_I would think voice/video should be high, and interactive traffic should be slightly lower.  Bulk traffic would be lower than everything else.
18:55.44rickrossNaikrovek: ftp also moves at full speed on the upstream channel. The only capping we have observed is our SIP calling
18:56.01rocksfrowManxPower-work, got a minute?
18:56.04Naikrovekrickross: what voice codec are you using
18:56.12rocksfrowtelco called me back..he said he can see the PRI status going up, then down..up - down
18:56.14rocksfrowover and over...
18:56.21rickrossin this case we are using G.722 to our *
18:56.39rickrossI believe it uses about 90 kbps per call
18:56.46Naikrovekrickross: g722 okay.  i /think/ that uses less bw than g711 right?
18:56.47TheDavidFactorManxPower-work: ok, I feel stupid :-) I didn't have the routes configured correctly. should have tried ping a lot sooner :-S
18:57.17rickrossI don't know the g711 overhead, but I think g722 is slightly higher
18:57.38rickrossbut we were crapping out at a small fraction of our actual available upstream bandwidth
18:57.47ManxPower-workrocksfrow, you may have to try rebuilding dahdi, libpri, and Asterisk.
18:57.55rickrossdegradation started at around 300 kbps of voip upstream
18:58.05rocksfrowManxPower-work, rebuilding!?
18:58.10rocksfrowie reinstalling??
18:58.20ManxPower-workrocksfrow, yes.  Should take you all of 15 mins.
18:58.26rickrossp3nguin_: thx
18:58.36Naikrovekrickross: you'll just have to find some sip testing tools and measure what's going on
18:58.40Kattycan i borrow someone to test a pop3/smtp account
18:58.41ManxPower-workrickross, I have seen version mismatches causing similar problems.
18:58.43rocksfrowManxPower-work, do you think i should try using the second span on my card?
18:58.45rocksfrowworth a shot, or no?
18:58.57rickross87.2 kbps per call qualifies as "approximately 90 kbps" to me
18:59.03ManxPower-workrocksfrow, I have no opinion on the matter or I would have responded.
18:59.10rocksfrowManxPower-work, right..
18:59.14rocksfrowdamn man this is fucking rough
19:00.30rickrossManxPower-work: I don't know what versions you mean? These are the same phones talking to the same * server. The difference is whether or not we route over the vpn tunnel.
19:01.04rickrossManxPower: is ther something else you think could be in play in this context?
19:01.18Kattyany volunteers to help me test this pop3/smtp account
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19:01.36NaikrovekKatty: busy or i'd be happy to
19:01.43Naikrovekworking on three laptops atm
19:01.50p3nguin_katty: I guess I will.
19:01.53Kattyyou don't have to
19:01.59Kattydave might be able to help
19:02.07rickrossI'd love to know how to use wireshark or some traffic generator to simulate this. It would allow us to eliminate a lot of variables and focus on what the ISP is doing.
19:02.10p3nguin_Either way.
19:02.23Kattyp3nguin_: ->
19:02.24p3nguin_rickross: iperf
19:02.41rickrossp3nguin_: I will read about it after lunch - thx
19:03.39Naikrovekrickross: sipp to create sip connections and calls, really
19:03.40*** join/#asterisk maszlo (~reckenrod@
19:03.40rickrossNaikrovek: I will look into that one, too
19:04.19rickrossthx, guys - bbiaw
19:04.22*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:06.18maszloI have recently have been smacked with everyones phone getting the reorder tone when trying to make a call.  checking the logs I got app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice or dtmf can anyone point me in the direction of where to start?
19:06.29maszlothe system was functional for over a year
19:06.51seanbrighthardwire: you there?
19:06.59Naikrovekmaszlo: what changed recently
19:07.24Naikrovekmaszlo: firewall?  recent reboot?
19:07.53wcselbyKatty - need help with that email still?
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19:08.07maszlonothing, phone calls functions up until about an hour ago
19:08.27Kattywcselby: sure
19:08.29Kattywcselby: ->
19:08.41maszloI did attempt a reboot after not seeing anything off from dmesg
19:09.05maszloam wondering if should call the provider or where to look here
19:09.10wcselbymaszlo - what's your setup?
19:10.42rocksfrowis there anywhere I can configure the PRI as n1-2?
19:11.05rocksfrowi dont understand what he meant by that
19:11.17rocksfrowbut the telco told me to confirm i'm configured as N1-2
19:11.51hardwireseanbright: indeed
19:11.51maszlowe are using a rhino pri into the system, verizon service
19:12.08seanbrighthardwire: uploaded a patch to your issue
19:12.23mazpedoes it make a difference in performance or anything to use exten => _1NXXNXXXX, 1, .... exten => _1NXXNXXXX, 2, .... vs exten => _1NXXNXXXX, 1, ..... exten => _1NXXNXXXX, n, .....
19:12.46mazpei other words using 'n' vs actually numerating each extension
19:13.30*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
19:13.35[TK]D-Fendermazpe: No.  its gets parsed out on load
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19:14.09mazpen just takes it in the order listed i assume.
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19:19.00rocksfrowthe telco called me back and told me he can see the d-channel going up and down over and over...
19:19.04rocksfrowhe says thats my fault
19:19.11rocksfrowwhy can't i see this happening within my logs then?
19:19.24rocksfrowis there something i'm missing here?
19:19.39p3nguin_You should have retorted with, "No you!"
19:19.41rocksfrowtechs supposed to be coming out..just afraid hes giong to get here and say everything is OK
19:19.48rocksfrowp3nguin_, lol
19:20.17rocksfrowwhat could possibly be causing the d-channel to keep dropping like that?
19:20.29rocksfrowcould a bad t1 card do that?..wouldn't there be some sort of log?
19:21.43rocksfrowi'm so lost...
19:21.54wcselbyrocksfrow - i know this may not help you, but I recently had a client that had a bad cable plugged between their t1 demarc and their t1 card in their asterisk server
19:22.06wcselbyif you touched it slightly, it would go into an alarm state
19:22.17wcselbyswapped out with a new cable, and it's been peachy ever since
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19:22.26rocksfrowwell, i'm not showing any alarms
19:22.33rocksfrowgreen status on both the pri, and my card
19:23.43outtoluncrocksfrow: sounds like the tech that told one of my clients his new pbx/t1 card was the issue and wanted to charge them $400 to do a site visit.  I jumped on and seen the issue, and 'magically' they were able to find/and fix the issue.
19:24.47ecranerocksfrow: Despite the reliability of telco equipment, sometimes a good 'old reboot can fix a problem. That includes the telco side... if it's ok to take the circuit down ask them to do a 'remove and restore'. Or see if you can loop on the circuit from your end and have them do testing....
19:25.12ecranerocksfrow: They probably have test sets that are way more expensive then yours. (No offense...)
19:25.26rocksfrowecrane, he remotely ran a test
19:25.31ecranerocksfrow: remove/restore would be on the d-channel stuff.
19:25.39ecraneran a test on the circuit?
19:25.48rocksfrowi guess
19:25.51rocksfrowokay so remove/restore?
19:26.04rocksfrowsounds like this telco guy is just as much of an idiot as i am
19:26.17rocksfrowhe said he was running a test yes
19:26.24rocksfrowand he said he can connect to the adtran fine
19:26.33rocksfrowand..can see the pri state going up and back down
19:26.34rocksfrowover and over
19:26.37ecranecouldn't hurt.. as long as taking down the traffic is ok. if he did LOOP it  on your side and test then yeah, like wcselby said, could be a patch cable from the adtran.
19:26.54rocksfrowwouldn't a bad patch cable give an alarm
19:27.00rocksfrowim getting all green status lights
19:27.03*** part/#asterisk pfn (
19:27.05ecrane" I can connect to the adtran " is not the same as loop and running bit pattern tests (eg. BERT tests)
19:27.09rocksfrowthe lights will go from green to red when i unlpug, but then back to green
19:27.18rocksfrowecrane, right..
19:28.22rocksfrowouttolunc, ecrane just frustrating bc this is after physically moving the server
19:28.30rocksfrowwish i never touched the fucking thing lol
19:28.40rocksfroweverything looks identical as before the reboot..
19:28.41ecraneI'm just saying, from a telco perspective, they are often hesitant to type in commands to disable then re-enable the d-channel on their switch, but I have seen that clear problems on occasion. No guarantee ;<.
19:29.20rocksfrowouttolunc, the signalling?
19:29.29*** join/#asterisk rubberneck (
19:29.45rocksfrowouttolunc, this all was working perfectly before unlpugging it and plugging it back in...doesnt that confirm that configuration is fine?
19:29.52rubberneckAnyone have skill with polycom phones?
19:29.52rocksfrowif nothing was changed after it working for 3 days straight?
19:30.45rubberneckWhen i get calls on my polycom phones the caller ID shows in this format "sip:<extension>@Ipaddress" is there a way to change this in the xml file somewhere?
19:31.16rocksfrowecrane, when the tech gets out here...he shouldn't be able to make calls out right..
19:31.22outtoluncrocksfrow: if you are saying the server moved, nothing else changed (same site, same server, same card, same software, same circuit...) then did the 'distance' between the server and the niu change (increase over 100')
19:31.28rocksfrowi'm just afraid he's going to be able to call out yet there still be an issue on their side?
19:31.44rocksfrowouttolunc, nope, like 2 feet further away lol
19:32.00rocksfrowliterally nothing has changed...
19:32.01Naikrovekrubberneck: are you using asterisk or just phone-to-phone calls
19:32.11rubberneckNaikrovek: asterisk
19:32.18outtoluncrocksfrow: then i agree, change the cable
19:32.19Naikrovekthen there is a configuration issue within asterisk
19:32.23Naikrovekbut i dunno what it is
19:32.32rocksfrowhrm..i can try making my own
19:32.39rocksfrowthe cable is special
19:32.56rocksfrowouttolunc, so you think its possible that the cable is causing the issues but..still displaying a green status?
19:33.03rocksfrowi'm open for anything..let me go get the peices
19:33.50outtoluncit is possible, i add an issue once where the cable was causing the NIU which had an issue where it would do a local loop on cpe signal loss
19:34.07ruben23hi, any problem, all my asterisk CLI display only white text, no color purple or blue, on agi scripts, i cant identify..
19:34.11outtoluncso yeah, a cable 'can' cause the d channel to bounce
19:34.26outtoluncwithout causing an error on the card
19:35.29outtolunciirc, it is only the RX side that shows continuity on the card
19:35.53rocksfrowokay im going to try to duplicate this cable
19:36.38rocksfrowhey question
19:36.39rocksfrowwith this cable
19:36.43rocksfrowdoes it matter which end is  plugged in?
19:36.49rocksfrowsince they are crossed i mean
19:37.01rocksfrowdont think so..right?
19:37.17outtoluncas long as 'both' ends are wired the same as original
19:37.53outtoluncand that 'that' is the original working one.. and someone didn't go 'oh lookie.. a new cable.. lets use this one'
19:39.54ManxPower-workRemember a crossover T-1 cable is NOT the same as a crossover Ethernet.
19:42.11rocksfrowno, using identical cable
19:42.18*** part/#asterisk maszlo (~reckenrod@
19:42.20rocksfrowi really doubt the cables bad..but i want to rule everything out
19:42.25rocksfrowwould be a great suprise
19:42.30ruben23hi, any problem, all my asterisk CLI display only white text, no color purple or blue, on agi scripts, i cant identify..
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19:44.00bmoraca_workruben23: it's have to throw it away now
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19:45.44wcselbyrubberneck - i think there's a sitting in the sip.cfg file that controls that
19:45.49wcselbya setting*
19:47.08bmoraca_workimperial measurements are so funny...  1.5 L = 1 qt, 1 pt and 2.7 fl oz
19:48.09idespinnerhow do you control terminal colors?
19:48.22*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
19:48.28idespinnerive got an AA50 that never resizes when using VI. its pretty annoying
19:48.36wcselbyruben23 - how are you accessing the cli?
19:48.47wcselbyruben23 - as in, what command to open your cli?
19:49.20[TK]D-Fenderrubberneck: It happens where a call comes in from a registration that was against 1 IP, but the call oroginates from another (typical of multiple-subnet environments"
19:49.43[TK]D-Fenderrubberneck: Try to ensure that both hosts will be the same if the server has IP's on both subnets.
19:50.08ruben23asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
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19:53.03knctrnlis there anyway to execute an additional script when say dialplan reload is executed?
19:57.10wcselbyruben23 - what version of asterisk are you running?
19:57.37rubberneck[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
20:00.27ruben23asterisk - 1.4.27
20:01.08leifmadsenknctrnl: #exec
20:01.11ruben23my asterisk works, its just the CLI is all white text..
20:01.31leifmadsenruben23: start asterisk with -n  (no color)
20:01.31rocksfrowso i made a new cable
20:01.37rocksfrowno changes. :(
20:02.15ruben23leifmadsen: asterisk -n..?
20:02.23bmoraca_workrocksfrow: if the problem was the cable, your T1 would not say it was up
20:02.31leifmadsenruben23: yes... -n ...
20:02.45leifmadsenruben23: won't work with -r -- needs to be done when you start the asterisk process I believe
20:02.59rocksfrowbmoraca_work, thats what i figured..but others suggested so it was worth a shot
20:03.00leifmadsen(i.e. modify your init script, or add it when you run "asterisk"
20:03.08rocksfrowbmoraca_work, telco is saying shit is fine
20:03.21rocksfrowmy customer service has been down for 4 hours now
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20:03.43bmoraca_workrocksfrow: tell them to do a trace from their end while you place a call to see if they actually see the call come across the PRI
20:03.58rocksfrowbmoraca_work, the telco says they can see the pri state going up and back down
20:04.01rocksfrowover and over and over
20:04.04knctrnlleifmadsen: so #exec without any extension.   I want it to do it on dialplan reload. not when an particular extension is dialed
20:04.12rocksfrowand i see a message with debug intense on
20:04.14rocksfrowover and over and over
20:04.17rocksfrowwhile he says he sees that
20:04.22leifmadsenknctrnl: check the documentation to see what #exec does
20:04.22rocksfrowoutputing 'unumbered frame'
20:04.32leifmadsenknctrnl: sounds like you don't understand how it works
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20:05.01bmoraca_workrocksfrow: do they see the call come across?
20:05.19Naikrovekbmoraca_work: it's probably flapping faster than that.
20:05.21p3nguin_knctrnl: #exec, not Exec().
20:05.25Naikrovekrocksfrow: is it a T1 or .. you said PRI
20:05.36leifmadsenp3nguin_: thanks :)
20:05.46rocksfrowNaikrovek, pri..
20:06.03Naikrovekrocksfrow: have you asked in #cisco?
20:06.06bmoraca_workrocksfrow: what model PRI card do you have?
20:06.09Naikrovekor #networking
20:06.15rocksfrowi have the digium te220
20:06.26rocksfrowlet me remind you guys this was all working
20:06.40rocksfrowuntil i unplugged in the server, moved it..plugged it back in
20:06.42bmoraca_workhave you tried to replace the card and see if that makes a difference?
20:06.52rocksfrowthe t1 card?
20:07.03rocksfrowno, i have no tried that yet..bc the other card does nto have EC on it
20:07.05bmoraca_workalso, how far away from the Adtran is the PBX?
20:07.16rocksfrowlike 3 feet
20:07.24bmoraca_workrocksfrow: EC is irrelevant in attempting to debug whether or not the card even WORKS
20:08.10bmoraca_workalso, an EC card is not needed when tying to a TA900, as the TA900 has EC in it that is superior to any digium card
20:08.17rocksfrowbmoraca_work, right..the card isnt identical
20:08.19rocksfrowits a te205
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20:08.29rocksfrow(the one i have to test with)
20:08.54bmoraca_workrocksfrow: so install it and modprobe it.  it's close enough that it shouldn't matter.  in fact, i think it probably uses the same dahdi module
20:09.24bmoraca_workyep, it does shut it down
20:09.35rocksfrowswap this card
20:09.35bmoraca_workte205 and te220 use the same dahdi module
20:09.35rocksfrowthen reboot?
20:09.49rocksfrowbb in 2 mins
20:09.52knctrnlso i can do EXEC System(php script.php) ?
20:12.01leifmadsenknctrnl: no....
20:12.11leifmadsenknctrnl: #exec /path/to/myfile.php
20:12.30leifmadsenknctrnl: anything passed back to STDOUT from the script will be loaded into the dialplan
20:13.01knctrnlwhat if i dont want it loaded into the dialplan?
20:13.08knctrnli just want to execute the script
20:13.11leifmadsenknctrnl: then don't pass it to STDOUT
20:13.26leifmadsenknctrnl: just avoid passing anything to STDOUT... seems pretty trival
20:13.40leifmadsenlike I said, anything passed back to STDOUT, including "nothing"
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20:16.48hardwireHas anybody seen asterisk suddenly hit a high load and become unusable after one or many attempts to dial a DND SIP device through local channels and a direct SIP dial (no options)
20:17.10Kobazso, if a sangoma says short circuit detected when you plug in a t1... and then keeps cycleing between short detected, not detected when you unplug it.... would it be safe to assume the card is bad?
20:17.14*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
20:17.34giesenKobaz: either that or a wiring issue on your pri
20:17.38bmoraca_workKobaz: or your cabling is bad
20:17.40hardwireDial(Local/0012@dundi-priv-local) -> Goto(sip-dial,0012,1) -> Dial(SIP/0012)
20:17.49Kobazwell the cabling is fine
20:17.59Kobazthe card also complains about going out of sync with the pci bus
20:18.04bmoraca_workKobaz: you certified it?  it works with other hardware?
20:18.39KobazMar  1 15:07:43 demo3 kernel: wanec1: The H100 slave has lost its framing on the bus!
20:18.41bmoraca_workhardwire: perchance one of the local channels isn't being properly hungup?  what model of phone?
20:18.42KobazMar  1 15:07:43 demo3 kernel: wanec1: The CT_C8_A clock behavior does not conform to the H.100 spec!
20:18.57Kobazbmoraca_work: yeah the cabling works with other hardware
20:19.57Kobazi've had problems with this board before when hooked up to a different system
20:20.06Kobazit would only take this one cable
20:20.18Kobazany other cable (correct cables), it would complain of a short
20:20.31Kobazi don't know what i did with the one cable that worked
20:21.28rocksfrowbmoraca_work, so..the other card is one is pci x
20:21.35rocksfrowi tried moving the card down one slot
20:21.39rocksfrowfor the hell of it, since i had it open\
20:21.55bmoraca_workrocksfrow: shouldn't matter, unless your system doesn't have any PCI slots
20:22.17rocksfrowbmoraca_work, doesnt
20:22.27bmoraca_workwell that's a problem
20:22.38bmoraca_workyou don't have another asterisk box around you could try?
20:23.16rocksfrowwell i have the old box..but its not confiured correctly for the PRI..
20:23.21rocksfrowi guess i could try to reconfigure that one
20:23.41bmoraca_workit would probably be a good idea to test as much as possible
20:24.10rocksfrowyeah..hopefully that tech makes it out
20:24.23rocksfrowim just going to hit my head on a wall if he gets out here and makes outbound calls fine
20:24.29*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (~chodorenk@
20:24.33rocksfrowso lost
20:24.43ChodorenkoHello All
20:25.05rocksfrowits working bmoraca_work
20:25.14wcselbyafter moving it down one slot?
20:25.27wcselbycard needed to be reseated maybe?
20:25.41rocksfrowall working
20:25.41Naikrovekwelcome to hardware
20:25.43bmoraca_workrocksfrow: what kind of system is it?  could be 100 things that caused the problem
20:25.43rocksfrowWTF! lol
20:25.49wcselbywhen you moved the box, maybe the card got messed up a bit
20:25.52rocksfrowim happy but so pissed right now, haha
20:25.53Naikrovekthe reboot could have done it
20:25.58rocksfrowwcselby, i was thinking that...
20:25.58Naikrovekit could have come unseated a bit
20:26.01wcselbyNaikrovek - he rebooted a few times
20:26.05Naikrovekoh i missed that
20:26.07rocksfrowi rebooted plenty
20:26.08Naikrovekreseat then
20:26.13rocksfrowdamn bro wtf
20:26.16rocksfrowthats def possible i mean
20:26.17rocksfrowpci x1
20:26.17Naikrovekit happens
20:26.21rocksfrowis such a small plug you know?
20:26.31wcselbyif it comes out just slight
20:26.36Naikroveki ALWAYS reset my cards after i move a box, just in case
20:26.42Naikroveklessons just like this one in my past
20:27.03wcselbyi don't have that kind of dedication
20:27.10rocksfrowi mean..
20:27.13rocksfrowshould i try putting it back
20:27.14rocksfrowin the old slot?
20:27.17wcselbyi'll bring it back up and do that stuff if something isn't working right
20:27.18bmoraca_workrocksfrow: i would try putting it back, yes
20:27.23rocksfrowlet me go do that
20:27.30rocksfrowfirst let me cancel the tech coming out X0
20:27.50bmoraca_workrocksfrow: if it doesn't work, you may need to get some warranty support on that did buy a teir 1 server with warranty, right?
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20:30.28radcliffI have a SIP-provider who sends calls into my asterisk box from two different IP-addresses, random each time, how can I add two "host" parameters in sip.conf for this provider?
20:31.32kaldemaryou can't. either make two peers with different ip addresses or match by some other means.
20:31.51radcliffhow do I match by "other means" ?
20:31.59Chodorenkorecently discovered in the release of asterisk a strange error, it for no reason at  interrupts the connection for 20 seconds
20:32.18Chodorenkoafter 20 -25 seconds
20:34.20p3nguin_radcliff: It's probably easiest to just use two peer definitions.  That's how I do it for an ITSP which sends calls from two IP addresses.
20:34.46radcliffp3nguin_: ok, I'll do that then, thanks!
20:36.12rocksfrowokay now is the real test..if this shit continues to work, lol
20:36.21rocksfrowbmoraca_work, yes..brand new server...brand new warranty
20:36.32rocksfrowthe more i think about it
20:36.39rocksfrowi did have some trouble getting the cable out when i moved
20:36.53rocksfrowmaybe i just popped it a little bit..but that just blows my mind of how why the card would appear to be working though
20:37.05rocksfrowreal test is if it works when the server comes up now (back in the original slot)
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20:39.30aces1upi know this isn't an asterisk questions but anyone here familiar with merlin magix systems or have worked with them in the past?
20:39.31rocksfrowbmoraca_work, the same pci slot
20:39.40rocksfrowhow the HELL is this possible?
20:39.53rocksfrowwhat a day..
20:40.07rocksfrowthank you ALL for your help, its very very much appreciated
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20:43.42nnyquick q, under voicemail.conf delete=yes/no or delete=0/1 I assume 0 = no and 1 yes?
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20:44.11nnyk thanks
20:44.26nnymade sense just checking, brain fart
20:45.09superbeefI'm tracking down DTMF errors.. any idea what DTMF Exception on 12 could possibly imply?  []
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20:53.42rocksfrowso is there somewhere to control/prevent my welcome message from being a half second into it when i call it? or is that my phone?
20:54.00rocksfrowsometimes when i call, the initial recording will alrady be playing partially..get me?
20:54.01giesenrocksfrow: add a half second of silence to it
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20:54.20eppigyi am dave
20:54.56wcselbyrocksfrow - add a Wait(2) to wait 2 seconds, before you start playing your recording
20:55.06giesenor that =)
20:55.23[TK]D-FenderNo, you want Silence/2
20:55.23wcselbyor a Wait(1) for 1 second, etc etc
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20:55.59[TK]D-FenderPlayback(silence/2) will give you 2 seconds o have the rtp come up... you need the audio path established.  A Wait() won't do that
20:56.09leifmadsenwcselby: Wait(1) won't really do anything because it doesn't play audio (and thus doesn't answer the channel)
20:56.14leifmadsenpoints at [TK]D-Fender
20:56.23jblackI've often seen answer and then a wait 1.
20:56.25leifmadsenbecause I don't want to meet your mom! I just want ...
20:56.27wcselbywell, he needs to Answer() the channel first :P
20:56.37leifmadsenwcselby: well yes, but you didn't say that :)
20:56.44leifmadsenyou must be pedantic my son
20:57.10wcselbyleifmadsen - I'm sorry, I didn't want to give him everything.... ;)
20:58.05leifmadsenthat's what she said
20:58.24rocksfrowgiesen, yeah i was thinking about juts rerecording them and pausing a little at the beginning
20:58.44rocksfrowdoes anybody else use grandstream phones?
20:59.06rocksfrowwhen making outbound calls theres always like a 2 second delay before it connects..and before i see it in asterisk CLI
20:59.15rocksfrowis that the phone? or just the server taking some time to  handle it
20:59.21rocksfrowi'm figuring its the phones..
20:59.45idespinnerrocksfrow, sounds like the digitmap on the phones
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21:04.32rocksfrowidespinner, digitmap, hrm
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21:16.00dinesh___hi all, I've got a fairly simple problem described here , could someone please give me some hints?
21:16.05nnyanyone willing to throw me a hint or two, setting up queues.conf, want it to do a sequential ring, skipping anyone who is on the phone
21:16.11dinesh___I didn't find anything really useful in hours :/
21:17.25[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: That already looks fine.  Show us where it FAILS
21:17.46dinesh___well when I call my number it says the number is invalid
21:18.22[TK]D-FenderdineWhere do i see this?
21:18.27dinesh___but if I put some more basic rules such as Answer() , MP3Player('test.mp3') and Hangup() it works perfectly
21:19.29nnyi assume strategy=linear for the sequential part, any advice on setting up queues to skip people on the phone?
21:19.44wcselbynny - strategy=rrmemory ?
21:20.14nnywcselby: thinking if they call out too though
21:20.25nnywcselby: so if they have an active channel, skip them, etc
21:20.39dinesh___ok I added some -vvvvv
21:20.49dinesh___[Mar  1 21:26:50] WARNING[7813]: app_dial.c:1099 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination) == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
21:20.50[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: SIP DEBUG <---------
21:20.53nnywcselby: but yeah rmmemory is better than linear it seems
21:21.03[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: Ok, that failed to answer the call...
21:21.10[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: So how is that "bad"?
21:21.25[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: if they don't answer... what then?
21:21.26dinesh___so that might be because no one is registered to "home" ?
21:21.32[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: correct
21:21.58wcselbynny - set call-limit to 1 on each phone in the queue?
21:22.01kfifeAre any efforts underway to to incorporate a sligtly more sophisticated database functions like say, a 'simple table in to Asterisk without having to add the additional cost and complexity of ODBC and an external DB?
21:22.06nnyi am thinking I have to set penalties in my dialplan when a call hits the extension or they dial out, is this over thinking the process?
21:22.17dinesh___okay, and you know why my mobile phone provider returns "number invalid" when I try to call it (as a consequence of this)
21:22.19wcselbykfife - you mean like AstDB>?
21:22.20nnywcselby: well I don't want to cripple the phones for other uses
21:22.23dinesh___when obviously the number is valid
21:22.33[TK]D-Fenderkfife: MySQL()
21:22.45nnywcselby: there are reasons why the phone would have 2 lines open, just not for the queue part
21:22.53kfifeeven that's a bit 'fat'.
21:22.54[TK]D-Fenderkfife: there is also AstDB, or SQLIte, etc
21:23.15[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: where do I see the failed call?
21:23.29kfifeSQLlite is more my speed--I'm just trying to avoid needing to store many tuples just so I can look things up in reverse.
21:23.37dinesh___well that's what i get on my mobile phone when i try to call the number provided by ""
21:23.39[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: maybe you should do MORe than just kill the call failing the dial.
21:23.52[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: like doing Busy() afterwards
21:23.58kfifebut correct me if I'm wrong, I have to use SQLite with FUNC_ODBC
21:24.01dinesh___ah, okay thanks a lot
21:24.29[TK]D-Fenderkfife: No, it has its own res_ module
21:24.33kfifeWasn't there an 'fork' early on in ast devel by some zealots who wanted SQLite
21:24.36nnywcselby: i was thinking penalties in the dialplan added when they call out or recieve a call directly of some kind
21:24.43kfifeWhy can't I see that.
21:24.58kfifeIs that an add-on
21:25.07[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Because maybe you're missing the libs that would have allowed ti to be built in the first place?
21:25.19[TK]D-Fenderkfife: and IIRC it is in addons.
21:25.23dinesh___yeah thanks so much it's working [TK]D-Fender :)
21:25.32[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: you're welcome
21:25.49kfife[TK]D-Fender: fair enough, but normally I would see it along with a remark about missing dependencies.
21:26.43wcselbynny - I think leifmadsen was working on a method to detect device state, and not call queuemembers who's device state was not available
21:26.48[TK]D-Fenderkfifok, checkout time, bbiab
21:26.50wcselbyfrom a while back
21:27.55kfifeI though that was for real-time asterisk for storing the dialplan?  Am I mistaken ?>
21:28.51nnywcselby: IIRC he mentioned it, I'll have to see what's going on with it
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21:43.52Kobazgetting overruns on a t1 interface... what would that cause?
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21:45.44wcselbynny - what version of asterisk are you running?
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21:47.21rocksfrowgrandstream indeed has a setting, 'no key entry timeout'
21:47.36rocksfrowdefault is 4 seconds, which i think is hihg
21:48.35[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: And as soon as you shorten it... you'll think it's low
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21:48.50[TK]D-FenderGS doesn't HAVE a "dialplan"
21:48.55rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, lol...i made it 2 seconds
21:49.04infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
21:49.22rocksfrowfortunately, i didn't buy the shit...previous sysadmin did
21:49.42rocksfrowinteresting to see that straight from asterisk though
21:49.44rocksfrownever knew...
21:49.49rocksfrowpolycom the way to go?
21:50.00Naikroveki love polycom myself
21:50.06rocksfrowi almost ordered one of the ip 6000's for our conf. room
21:50.08rocksfrowthing is badass, lol.
21:50.19Naikrovekif you're new to them the setup can be confusing, but after you get them setup they're a dream
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21:50.33Naikrovekand i'm always willing to help with configuration for anyone who needs it
21:50.53rocksfrowi'm assuming they have a simliar web interface?
21:51.02Naikrovektheir web interface sucks and you don't want to use it
21:51.11Naikrovekit's good for seeing how they're configured but not for configuration
21:51.16rocksfrowreally? do you telnet into them or something?
21:51.16Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:51.29Naikrovekeven for a single phone i would recommend setting up an FTP server and pointing the phone to it
21:51.30rocksfrowthat's gotta be a bot
21:51.41Naikrovekhe's not a bot, but he's got an autoresponder for telnet
21:51.47rocksfrowhaha, nice
21:52.03rocksfrowdoes anybody make any sweet software for managing an office full of them?
21:52.13Naikroveki have some scripts i can send you
21:52.32Naikroveki add a small line to a text file then run a perl script to generate the configs
21:52.49Naikrovekthen turn the phone(s) on and the phones get the FTP information from DHCP, contact the FTP server, and provision themselves
21:53.07Naikrovektakes 10 seconds for me, and about 15 for the end user (but only due to firmware upgrade time)
21:53.15Naikrovek15 minutes, i mean
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21:54.15rocksfrowi haven't had any issues with my GS's at all though..
21:54.18rocksfrowother than feature limits
21:54.22rocksfrowbut as far as funtionality
21:54.55nnywcselby: 1.6.2
21:55.06nnywcselby: sorry was afk for a sec
21:55.13Naikrovekrocksfrow: i had some grandstreams and they wouldn't hang up the call when you put the receiver down, they woudlnt' ring half the time
21:55.20Naikrovekone of them died about 3 weeks after i got it
21:55.25Naikroveknever again yo
21:55.29infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
21:55.42Naikroveki am
21:55.44nnyok i give up, damn you bot!
21:55.52nnythat was one of my favorite ones
21:55.53infobotA polycommunist is someone who believes Polycom phones can do no wrong.. that Polycom's are so over and above anything else, that what you are using is surely crap, and the mere fact you mention another brand name is of great insult to the channel, the community, and the world.  They may also be getting a 10% kickback.
21:56.05Naikrovekooh i should get a kickback
21:56.13nny<3 infobot
21:56.17Naikroveki preach polycom all the time
21:56.45Naikroveki love our polycom phones
21:56.52rocksfrowmy phone actually has frozen up on me a couple times
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21:56.57rocksfrowi thought that was bc of the PoE though
21:57.29rocksfrowNaikrovek, does polycom have something similar to the gs handytones?
21:57.36rocksfrowi absolutely love those handytones, lol
21:57.40Naikroveki dunno what a handy tone is
21:57.52Naikrovekwireless portable sip phone?  yes they do
21:57.53rocksfrowyeah ip to fxs
21:58.06Naikrovekthey don't have ATAs
21:58.07rocksfrowoh really?
21:58.20rocksfrowthings are sweet
21:58.37rocksfrowi use em for fax
21:59.33Naikroveklinksys has some ATAs that people talk about all the time in here, Polycom has no FXS adapters
21:59.46rocksfrowso ATA = ??
21:59.53rocksfrowata is the same thing as an fxs adapter?
21:59.57rocksfrowwhat's ATA mean
21:59.57Naikrovekanalog telephone adapter
22:00.00rocksfrowah ok
22:00.03nnyactually the gs atas are reasonable afaik
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22:00.10nnyjust the phones aren't so hot
22:00.29rocksfroware you guys running your alarms through the pbx?
22:00.33rocksfrowor have a dedicated line for an alarm?
22:00.35infoboti heard ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
22:00.36rocksfrowanalog line
22:00.41nnyanalog lines here
22:00.46nnytry to avoid crossing em
22:01.00rocksfrownny, yeah..the old sysadmin has our alarm on a handytone
22:01.03rocksfrowand..honestly thats wack
22:01.09GeminizerHello guys.. does WaitExten(10) mean "fall through 10 seconds after not receiving any input", or "fall through 10 seconds from receiving the lass digit entry"
22:01.30rocksfrowi've actually read that you can run into insurance problems if you were to get say..robbed while your phone server was down, leaving the alarm disabled
22:02.08rocksfrownny, we have a dsl line..i was thinking i could probably use that line for the alarm as well?
22:02.14Geminizere.g.  if I am entering a 16 digit number, does WaitExten(10) mean I have 10 seconds to enter all 16 digits, or does it mean the pause between digit presses cannot be equal to or greater than 10 seconds ?
22:02.23rocksfrowi guess i should call the telco to confirm that..but i would think if i put the alarm on a filter it should be cool to do that
22:02.30p3nguin_geminizer: After a BackGround(), WaitExten() waits the specified amount of time for input.  If no input has been received after the time, it exits and the dialplan continues.
22:02.52Naikrovekif your alarm is so important, get a dedicated system (phone line) for it
22:03.07p3nguin_rocksfrow: I suppose you have ATM machines, PIN numbers, and PCB boards, too.
22:04.28rocksfrowp3nguin_, huh?
22:04.43p3nguin_"we have a dsl line"
22:04.50p3nguin_The L in DSL means Line.
22:04.57rocksfrowohhhhh hahaah
22:05.29p3nguin_Just sayin'
22:05.32rocksfrowNaikrovek, of course the alarm is important :-p
22:05.47rocksfrowbut i think sharing the DSL is normal?
22:05.52Qwellp3nguin_: I connected my NIC card in my ATM machine to my DSL line, but it isn't accepting my PIN number.  Maybe we need to replace the PCB board?
22:05.55rocksfrowjust gotta put one of those filters on it
22:06.10rocksfrowi guess i should call my telco and verify that's cool
22:06.30p3nguin_qwell: My sentiments, exactly.
22:06.36rocksfrowQwell, suck it
22:07.05nnyquick q, whats the best way to have asterisk only try a queue once and then jump to the next item in my context?
22:07.22rocksfrowtimeout destination?
22:07.35rocksfrowand skip if full?
22:07.36wcselbynny - set a timeout
22:07.54nnyi thought i did ha one sec
22:07.56wcselbyQueue(queue_name,,,,120) will ring the queue for 120 seconds, then go to the next step in your dialplan
22:08.17wcselbyalright, I think it's time for me to head out
22:08.20wcselbyhave fun
22:09.47Geminizerp3nguin_, so you are saying if no extension match occurs within x seconds (as specified by WaitExten(x)), then it will fall through ?
22:10.03Geminizerregardless if digits are entered or not
22:10.27[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: incomplete match = INVALID extension
22:10.29p3nguin_geminizer: If you enter digits which are invalid extensions, you've still entered digits.
22:10.49p3nguin_It's just waiting for input.
22:10.56nnyhmm i tried timeout=seconds and Queue(something,r,,7) and it keeps trying the first queue over and over after 7 seconds?
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22:11.15Geminizerok, got it... thanks
22:11.46nnymy dialplan has the queue(something,r,,7) queue(something2,r,,7)
22:11.54nnybut it sticks on something and doesn't jump to something2
22:12.15p3nguin_You could always use the 'n' option for Queue().
22:12.38[TK]D-Fendernny: count your parameters.. that app's has changed over the versions
22:13.49nny[TK]D-Fender: roger was one , short heh
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22:16.51nny[TK]D-Fender: hmm odd, still stays in the first queue after 7000 ms, let me PB my stuff, probably pebkac as usual
22:17.24[TK]D-Fendernny: queue timeout onl;y gets checked after agents have stopped ringing.
22:17.44[TK]D-Fendernny: its a "lowest common denominator" issue
22:18.01nnyyeah it says nobody picked up, but then just starts over instead of jumping to next in context
22:19.12nnyignore any oddness, just testing right now, both after hours and normal do the same thing
22:19.54nnysorry included queues.conf
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22:21.26[TK]D-Fendernny: set the timeout to 10 in queues.conf
22:21.32[TK]D-Fendernny: and the retry=5
22:21.52danj1980Hi, has anyone had problems with Polycom phones randomly rebooting during a call?
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22:22.32[TK]D-Fendernny: and from what I can see you should be doing a nested dial w/ local channels to time-delay some memebers instead of using queues
22:25.22nny[TK]D-Fender: yeah was considering that as wel (if you mean Dial(SIP/100&SIP/101&SIP/102) etc
22:25.33nny[TK]D-Fender: was just trying ot make it.. cleaner with queues.conf
22:26.56idespinnerdanj1980, try upgrading the polycom firmware. Ive heard of it with older firmware
22:27.53danj1980idespinner: Its using the latest firmware, but still reboots. Polycom want a wireshark taken from the phone, but the phone is on my client's network which I cant control.
22:28.31idespinnerdanj1980,  unless someone is manually rebooting it... your probably gonna need a packet capture to see whats causing it to reboot
22:30.47danj1980idespinner, can it be a packet capture from our asterisk server? even though its not on the same network?
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22:32.51ManxPower-workdanj1980, What specific firmware version?
22:33.46ManxPower-workThe only reason I know of for 3.1.x or 3.2.x to cause phones to reboot is if you screwed up the config files
22:34.04ManxPower-workOh, there is one bug having to do with LLDP support that could cause reboots.
22:34.11ManxPower-work(that's only in 3.1, I think) in 3.2
22:35.21ChainsawAnd selecting https in DHCP option 66 causes the SIP application to reboot in the latest firmware on a Polycom 670.
22:35.40ChainsawBut that's immediate, with a 0x4020 error. Not during a call.
22:35.51danj1980Im not using DHCP to autoconfig. I manually entered the provisioning server.
22:35.58ManxPower-workyup, you either have the LLDP bug or you messed up your config files or the messed up the provisioning server address
22:36.01idespinnerdanj1980, A pcap on the asterisk side may or may not help. its hit or miss. A pcap of the polycom is gonna be a hit for sure...
22:36.31idespinnerif danj1980 has a ticket open with polycom, i'm guessing they already reviewed his config...
22:36.35idespinnermay be some new bug
22:36.40ManxPower-workdanj1980, what do the phone logs say for the phone that is rebooting?
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22:36.58danj1980ManxPower-work: 1sec. i'll open them up.
22:37.20lesouvageIs there a max in the number of peers that can be created automatically with autocreatepeer=yes in the [general] part of sip.conf?
22:38.05danj1980ManxPower-work, 0225121757|app1 |*|00|Not recognized argument.
22:38.36ManxPower-workthere you go
22:39.09danj1980Yep. already sent over to polycom.
22:39.25danj1980But they need a wireshark before they can progress the issue.
22:39.40danj1980The client wont give me access to their server or network.
22:41.18danj1980Actually, theres quite a lot logged of info logged at the same time index
22:42.18nny[TK]D-Fender: not clear ont he diff between retry and timeout...
22:42.50dinesh___is there a way to give set the timeout for the "qualify" parameter of sip.conf ?
22:42.58dinesh___i believe it's like the ping/pong mechanism used on irc
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22:44.13danj1980ManxPower-work, can the wireshark be logged from any computer on the network?
22:44.46danj1980How would I do a wireshark "at the polycom phone"?
22:45.40Chainsawdanj1980: You stick a switch between the phone and the rest of the network.
22:45.53Chainsawdanj1980: Configure a switch port for mirroring, stick a PC/laptop with wireshark on it.
22:46.05ManxPower-workyou need to either do the packet capture on the provisioning server, set up your switch to "port mirror" or remove the switch and replace it with a hub.
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22:48.15[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: Qualify IS a timeout value
22:48.19k5tuxIs it normal for ztdummy to cause the clock on an Asterisk VM to go to hell in a handbasket?
22:48.27danj1980ManxPower-work, the provisioning server was not being contacted at the time of the reboot. the phone was in a call at the time.
22:49.03ManxPower-workdanj1980, then you need replace "provisioning server" in my statement with "asterisk server"
22:49.21danj1980ok, thanks.
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22:55.05lesouvageYesterday I asked about autogenerating sip entries for an OpenBTS based solution based on log data of failed registration attempts. autocreatepeer=yes is doing the trick. It is working great but I have no idea for how many to register sim cards.
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22:59.22ManxPower-workLOL!  "Connected to Asterisk UNKNOWN__and_probably_unsupported currently running on pbx (pid = 12620)"
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23:00.34lesouvageI didn't expect that something out of the box would be available, nice surprise.
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23:08.11jayteehas anyone ever used Vonage as an ITSP with Asterisk?
23:08.37ManxPower-workjaytee, you just need a special account with Vonage
23:08.52jayteethey sell plain SIP termination?
23:09.21jayteeor do you have to kludge their adapters?
23:09.32p3nguin_Why not sniff the normal traffic and apply the credentials to your Asterisk configuration?
23:09.56ManxPower-workMy info *is* quite old, things could have changed.  As I understand it their unlimited offer is limited to only their locked adapters.  You can add a "softphone account", which will work with Asterisk but does NOT have unlimited calling.
23:10.06p3nguin_I'm pretty sure they use regular SIP on their adaptors.
23:10.21ManxPower-workI imagine google will know more current info.
23:10.54jayteeManxPower-work and p3nguin_ thanks!
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23:20.29adnchello, what role is res_odbc.c playing and would i need it if i only wanted cdr with sqlite database recording?
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23:24.53dweryhello. does asterisk support native ISDN (PRI/BRI) call deflection?
23:29.05leifmadsenwow, adnc waited a whole 7 minutes
23:29.24p3nguin_Ping timeout
23:29.43p3nguin_I assume he left without his own consent.
23:29.56leifmadsenI didn't notice that part :)  maybe his network doesn't permit idling :)
23:31.36ManxPower-workdwery, in 1.4 BRI w/BRI-Stuff patches.  PRI in 1.4, 2BCT is supported on one specific switch (DMS?), in 1.6 I thnk 2BCT is supposed to be supported on national 2, but I'm not sure.
23:32.27phixleifmadsen: amazing
23:33.46dweryManxPower-work: ty. it seems DAHDISendCallreroutinfFacility is what I'd nee
23:37.04dinesh___hm, I'm playing an mp3 from my asterisk server to an x-lite client
23:37.07dinesh___the quality is pretty bad
23:37.24dinesh___should I disallow some codecs, or is it automatically going to pick up the best one ?
23:37.42dinesh___right now i allowed them all
23:38.05leifmadsendinesh___: it picks the least cost based on what is allowed
23:38.25leifmadseni.e. if no transcoding is required, then it will pick that first
23:38.28dinesh___cost in terms of bandwidth , or cpu ?
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23:38.30leifmadsenorder does matter in sip.conf
23:38.33leifmadsendinesh___: CPU
23:38.53dinesh___hm, okay, and isn't there some kind of codec agreement between the client and the server ?
23:39.18dinesh___like browsers support several encryption methods and go for the strongest one
23:40.05dzup_if i encrypt all sip comunications the load on bandwidth get heavier right?
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23:41.57dlynesIs there a way to do math in the dialplan?
23:42.19doneiri've been trying to find out about reserving DAHDI channels. For example, asterisk setup has 2 lines, Asterisk is setup to dial a specific number at a specified time (via .call file), when the user picks up, the user tells asterisk to dial another number and connect for a conference. However, if the second line is taken up during this process by an incoming call, this conference will fail
23:42.27dlynesi.e. if I want to create a macro that takes the number of rings, instead of seconds, multiply that number by 5, and then pass it on to the dial app?
23:42.49doneirso i'm looking to reserve/block a channel from incoming calls until specified by the dial plan
23:42.54tzafrirdoneir, can you use dialing by a group?
23:42.59tzafrire.g. DAHDI/g1
23:43.34doneiryep, that's what i'm currently doing, it's actually 10 lines, and we need to have all open for various activities, so i can't split up incomign and outgoing into groups
23:43.50p3nguin_leifmadsen: If the codec with the least cost is picked, how does order matter?
23:43.51doneirthere could be 7 incoming and in use, and 2 outgoing in conferences
23:44.07doneiri've looked at DEVICE_STATE, but this can not be set on DAHDI channels
23:44.30doneiris there a way to set an 'off hook' mode on a channel?
23:44.43p3nguin_leifmadsen: or vice versa -- if the order of the listed codecs matter, how is the codec with least cost chosen?
23:45.04*** join/#asterisk QbY (
23:45.12*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
23:45.15QbYDoes anyone know how LD works in Japan?
23:45.18doneirthe only other way i could possibly do it, is by creating an external call handling app (using a DB or such)
23:45.30doneirbut if there's a simple way i'm currently missing, that would be preferred :)
23:45.38dinesh___well if they have all the same cost, then the order matters p3nguin_, i'd suppose
23:45.58p3nguin_G.729 and G.711u, for example.
23:46.03p3nguin_Same cost?
23:46.42p3nguin_If the originating channel is G.729, isn't the least expensive codec for the other leg going to be G.729 as well?
23:47.33p3nguin_But I just tested that theory, listing g729 first and ulaw second... and it chose ulaw.
23:47.40phixp3nguin_: G.729a has a licence fee too as well a CPU overhead compared with G.711u
23:48.24phixp3nguin_: of course G.711u uses more bandwidth
23:49.15p3nguin_If the call comes in using g729, and g729 is an allowed codec on the phone where the call is going, no transcoding needs to be done, making it a lesser cost.
23:50.36p3nguin_Order does not seem to make a lick of difference in my test scenario.
23:52.10leifmadsendlynes: MATH() function?
23:52.48leifmadsendlynes: expressions can also do simple math:   Set(RESULT=$[5 + 7])
23:52.58p3nguin_If I do not allow=ulaw at all, then (as expected) g729 is chosen... but only under that circumstance.
23:53.55leifmadsenp3nguin_: imagine both ends say "I can support ulaw, alaw, and g729" then the order should matter in that case with the first listed the preferred
23:54.26leifmadsenp3nguin_: if one end supports g729 and the other ulaw and g729, then g729 should be the ideal since there would be no transcoding involved
23:54.53p3nguin_leifmadsen: In this test case, the order does not matter at all -- if ulaw is allowed, ulaw is being chosen, regardless of order.
23:54.59leifmadsenp3nguin_: it's been forever since I've tested, so version might matter too. I'd have to look at the SDP and all that for various clients
23:55.08p3nguin_Using 1.4.29.
23:55.10dinesh___anyway looks pretty much like x-lite only supports ulaw and perhaps alaw
23:55.28leifmadsenit won't support g.729 for sure
23:58.15dinesh___the usual order would be G.729, G.726, ulaw, alaw, and exclude G.723 ?
23:58.52dinesh___that's all the codecs supported by the linksys SPA2102
23:58.56p3nguin_I would kind of like to make that work right... I prefer to use g729 from my provider and if I only allow g729 on the peers, then no transcoding needs to be done.  However, I would like to use ulaw between peers on the local network, so I want to also allow ulaw for those peers.
23:59.04leifmadsenp3nguin_: using 1.6.2 branch order matters for me
23:59.24leifmadsenallow=ulaw first causes ulaw to be used, and allow=g729 first causes .g729 prompts to be used
23:59.31leifmadsenp3nguin_: you have both sound files installed right?

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