IRC log for #asterisk on 20100225

00:00.30*** join/#asterisk friartuck (~pmccary@
00:01.31*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:03.23*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:09.53doubletokertyvm for all your help
00:10.30doubletokerone problem I had was with the new config, if I have allowguest=no then it fails to authenicate the incoming calls
00:11.11doubletokerbut it's working now, thanks
00:13.18p3nguin_allowguest=no should just force unauthenticated peers to land their calls in the default context.
00:21.29*** join/#asterisk niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
00:29.03doubletokerwhile I'm here, is there a free version of g729 that doesn't require a license?
00:29.23p3nguin_There's an old open source project.
00:29.46p3nguin_I've never heard anything good about it, though.
00:31.59bmoraca_workmy 800 wholesale provider is originating in Alaska for $0.019/min...supposed to be like $0.30
00:32.06bmoraca_worki'm not going to complain!
00:32.36*** join/#asterisk Jhirley (
00:33.31paulcIt's all good until they realise the mistake.. (but will they come after you or just fix it going forward?)
00:34.22Elvis__hey guys, just wanted to thank you for all your help today -- got everything worked out. You guys rock.
00:35.30*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:40.09bmoraca_workno idea, and it doesn't really matter.
00:43.25[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin_: the ocde may be an open implementation, but the algorythm itself is still patented.
00:43.39[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin_: thus not legal unless you've paid for the rights to use it
00:46.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:48.36*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:54.03norrec_zzzit only requires a licence if your converting it from one format to another I believe
00:54.12doubletokerthank you everyone I'm out pz
00:58.28*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
01:01.45p3nguin_norrec: Don't you mean "if you're converting" it?
01:03.32norrecYou're really big on semantics arnt you p3nguin_?
01:03.51p3nguin_norrec: It's not semantics, it's called language.
01:04.47*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (~xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
01:05.00p3nguin_"your converting" means converting which belongs to you.  Totally the wrong word there.
01:06.58coppicep3nguin_: yeah, its really pathetic that you actually *care* what people mean :-)
01:07.51p3nguin_It would effectively become a gerund instead of a verb, but since it is followed by a pronoun, things just don't work out.  Therefore, the sentence is a failure.
01:08.56coppiceof all the oddball put downs, common on the internet, complaining that someone actually cares about the meaning of things has got to be one of the wackiest
01:08.56p3nguin_coppice: No, what is pathetic is people that make lame remarks about my caring.
01:09.33p3nguin_It's no put down.  That's the difference between your intention and mine.
01:09.55p3nguin_You are trying to insult me, but I'm trying to educate people so they can learn to use language correctly.
01:10.05coppicei believe it was intended as such
01:11.07p3nguin_That's your opinion, which, in this particular scenerio, doesn't carry all that much weight with me.
01:12.17p3nguin_If I wanted to insult him, I would have said something such as, "You ignorant piece of crap, learn English -- the word is YOU'RE!"
01:12.19*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
01:12.23p3nguin_But I didn't do that, now did I?
01:12.42coppiceyou seem to be loosing the thread here
01:14.45p3nguin_norrec: And by the way, I don't think you're an ignorant piece of crap; I just think you chose the wrong word, and so I informed you about it.
01:17.32*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat@
01:17.33*** part/#asterisk Xetrov` (~xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
01:18.02*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
01:28.31*** join/#asterisk dparker_ (
01:31.42norrecp3nguin_: i know, idc that much, i was just giving u a hard time lol
01:32.02norrecp3nguin_: if i bugged me i would have just told u to stfu last night haha
01:33.27Kattywanders in
01:33.58eppigyHELLO KATTY
01:34.01Kattyhi dave.
01:34.02*** join/#asterisk GGD (
01:35.29eppigyoh I am well
01:37.25p3nguin_This is unusual.  I just came across an OEM computer that has nvidia onboard dual vga.
01:37.49*** join/#asterisk xmitter (
01:39.22Kattyhot dog.
01:40.53p3nguin_I've seen nvidia onboard before, but never duals.
01:41.28carrarHot dogs?
01:43.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:44.46[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin_: I've had a few boards with it.  6100 / 6150 chipsets...
01:44.51[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin_: like what I'm running now
01:45.12p3nguin_VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)
01:45.31p3nguin_nForce2 chipset on the mainboard
01:46.24p3nguin_I'm going to use it as a gateway, so the video card is going to go to waste.
01:46.27[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin_: I've seen that one on laptops..
01:46.50[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin_: Still good to have something in that freak chance you'll use X on it
01:47.32p3nguin_I could also run across another machine more well-suited for a gateway, and then I can repurpose that one back into a workstation again.
01:53.02*** join/#asterisk mayfield (~mayfaild@
02:15.22*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
02:28.47Kattyhmm. dinner. hmm. hot dogs. hmm
02:28.56*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
02:30.26TJNIIwants a meatball sub from the local Italian restaurant, but doesn't want to pay for it.
02:30.46Kattyi'm just too lazy to go out and get something
02:30.55Kattyi already had my shower, and i doubt anyone would wanting me showing up in pjs
02:32.41TJNIII'll probably settle for burritos again, though I am concerned about scenting the lab tomorrow.
02:33.00Kattysounds like a plan stan.
02:38.24Kattyreturns with chili
02:43.00*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:48.50*** join/#asterisk V4mpire (~gary@
02:49.59jaskewhi Katty
02:51.01*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
02:53.04BlackthornI am fairly new to working with diffent types of *nix and i have a working ubuntu and asterisk server. However, i'm setting up a centos and will proiblby move my asterisk over to it later. But one of the things it has by default is iptables.
02:53.27Blackthorni somewhat remember that asterisk and iptables don't get along very well is that correct? and I should just disable it?
02:54.42Kattyjaskew: hello.
02:54.42p3nguin_blackthorn: No, that is not correct at all.
02:54.42TJNIIBlackthorn: You don't have to disable it, but you will probably have to poke holes in it.
02:54.49p3nguin_blackthorn: What doesn't get along is a misconfigured iptables and asterisk.
02:55.33p3nguin_blackthorn: The admin controls it, so either learn how to make it work or ask for help after you get the OS installed and Asterisk installed/configured.
02:55.44*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:55.58*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
02:57.18jaskewKatty:  How's the chili?
02:57.28Kattyjaskew: gone (=
02:58.03jaskewheh - all the food talk here has got me looking for new & interesting things to eat.
02:58.18p3nguin_blackthorn: iptables is very easy to handle, so you won't be left alone when it comes time to make changes.
02:59.56*** join/#asterisk lordmortis (
03:00.12jaskewI tried a little chinese place near my office the other day - turns out it's a vegan joint.  Food wasn't bad though - very flavorful
03:00.41jaskewThe people in there were kinda pasty tho.
03:03.02mayfieldblackthorn, the initial creation of rulesets can be a task itself ;)
03:03.18*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
03:03.56TJNIIcheats and uses shorewall wrappers.
03:07.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:10.39Blackthornok thanks for thehelp
03:11.44Blackthornwell i'll add some things onto this server such as dns/web/dhcp and poke holes in it learn how to run it before setting up another server just for *. it's all on a xen virtual machine anyway
03:13.45p3nguin_blackthorn: Remember to disable SElinux on CentOS.
03:19.18*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (
03:22.52*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@unaffiliated/iq)
03:23.40Blackthornwhats selinux?
03:24.06Blackthornwell guess i could go google it :P
03:27.06Blackthornso asterisk is incompatiable with the securty that selinux provideS?
03:33.01*** join/#asterisk rossand (
03:37.14*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
03:37.23*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
03:40.43*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
03:51.45*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
03:51.46jaskewBlackthorn: Everything is incompatible with the security that SELinux provides.
03:52.21voipmonkbed time
03:53.26jaskewBlackthorn:  IIRC, after you install, open up /etc/selinux/config and set a line SELINUX=disabled
03:53.33jaskewI guess he missed that...
03:55.34*** part/#asterisk jaskew (
03:57.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
04:06.16*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:06.22p3nguin_He'll probably be back eventually.
04:09.08*** join/#asterisk Neo31 (~Neo31@unaffiliated/neo31)
04:11.17*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
04:22.16doneirhrm, i'm trying to get realtime meetme working. I'm using, setup odbc, setup extconfig.conf, res_odbc (all the files), when i try to execute the MeetMe(confnum) it just exists as non-zero - no more output to decypher what is wrong
04:55.54*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
04:56.05*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:59.58doneirblarg, example conf files were messing things up
05:00.01doneirgetting more output now
05:05.48norrecp3nguin_: hey can you take a look at this for me and tell me if u see anything wrong
05:06.22norrecits supposed to send a call notification via email, and it worked on my 1.4 asterisk server, but it doesnt seem to be getting to sendmail on 1.6 =/
05:08.06p3nguin_line 6 seems to be missing a )
05:08.40p3nguin_It's also missing a comma, but that's not a functional issue.
05:09.24p3nguin_Oh, 6 is missing more than that.
05:09.39p3nguin_You shouldn't use pico/nano for configs unless you use the -w option.
05:10.44norrechm. yeah that apperently cut it off lol
05:10.48norrechold on
05:11.14p3nguin_alias nano='nano -w'
05:12.28norrecwell pastebin would have cut the line anyways
05:12.45p3nguin_eh, why?
05:12.51norreccause it goes off the page
05:13.01p3nguin_uh no
05:13.07norrecline 6?
05:13.35norrecoh wait
05:13.36p3nguin_If you use -w in nano, nano will wrap words.  If you copy wrapped text and then paste it, it will paste what you copied.
05:13.50norreci got it sorry, looking at something else
05:13.51doneirugh, found out wtf is going on, it's doing DB calls with the start time being the end time as well, so the meeting is ony available for one minute
05:13.58norrecbeen another long day lol
05:14.06norrecanyways so where am i missing a )?
05:14.23p3nguin_Disregard that... you were missing much more, since you cut off the line.
05:14.26norrecah, end of line 6
05:15.06p3nguin_hence the -w recommendation if you use nano/pico on configs.
05:15.35p3nguin_Of forget those altogether and use vim.
05:16.28doneirah, basically you can't leave endtime blank for conferences, even though the schema for the db says it can be null
05:17.52norreclook at that
05:19.05p3nguin_${DIALED_PUBLIC_NUMBER}  Where does this get its value?
05:22.26norrecwell, its the inbound number
05:24.05norrecoh yeah
05:24.19norreci set it as part of my inbound dialing rules
05:24.40*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
05:29.15kaldemarnorrec: does the file get created?
05:29.33kaldemaryou might lack path for echo in the command.
05:29.48norreci didnt really think about that lol
05:29.50norreclet me check
05:30.37p3nguin_I tried in on the command line, and it works fine, so it's a problem within asterisk.
05:33.28kaldemarremove the -e
05:33.50p3nguin_What's the problem with the -e?
05:34.18kaldemarit gets echoed in the file instead of being handled as a parameter
05:34.44kaldemarso it screws up the from-header
05:34.45p3nguin_Is that a bug in System()?
05:36.00kaldemarshouldn't be. parameters work with other commands.
05:37.04p3nguin_If it is putting the -e into the file, but bash doesn't... sounds like a bug of some sort.
05:37.06norrecwell, after i made the file
05:37.12norreci started getting this "SAC1 sendmail[8776]: o1P5aTSc008776: from=root, size=0, class=0, nrcpts=0, msgid=<201002250536.o1P5aTSc008776@SAC1>, relay=root@localhost"
05:37.16norrecin the mail log
05:37.19norrecbut still no email =/
05:37.38norreci also removed the -e
05:37.42kaldemarinteresting. when you put path to the command, it handles -e as a parameter.
05:37.45norrecbut that didnt seem to make a diff
05:38.02kaldemarwhat does the file look like?
05:38.14norrecwhat do you mean?
05:38.17norreclike the permissions?
05:38.48kaldemarthe contents of the file. is it what it's supposed to be?
05:39.27norrecit looks like asterisk isnt setting the contents
05:39.32norrecbut its just the msg
05:39.59*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xfkzqclarqtfnprs)
05:40.51norrecthats what it should look like
05:41.02norrecthe "to:" was blank i didnt remove that
05:41.15p3nguin_Don't feel bad, I can't get System(/bin/echo "Please see attachment"|/usr/bin/mutt ...) to work.
05:42.47norrechmm, so u think its a problem with 1.6 then?
05:42.58p3nguin_No idea, since I use 1.4.
05:43.12norrecwell it worked on 1.4 =/
05:43.52kaldemarmy 1.6.2 writes to a file just fine.
05:44.10Nuggetwrites muffins to a file
05:44.48norrecwell i filled out the file myself and still no email
05:44.58norrecso it doesnt seem to be running the command properly
05:45.22kaldemarpath to sendmail...
05:52.15norreccan i get asterisk to run the command manually from the cli so i can see the output?
05:53.45p3nguin_You can try.
05:54.33norrechow would i do it from the cli?
05:55.45p3nguin_I just ran it from my dialplan and I received the email.
05:55.47norrecwell i got it to run by just calling the phone so it ran the macro and i got my email, so it means its a problem with the echo comman
05:56.28p3nguin_You can run shell commands in CLI by putting a ! on the front of them.
05:56.52p3nguin_Like  !uname -a
05:58.19Nuggetwhat happens if I run !asterisk -r from the console.  :)
05:58.50p3nguin_I used  System(/bin/echo -e ...)  and  System(/usr/sbin/sendmail ...)  in dialplan, and I got the email.
05:59.57norreci used !/bin/echo "test" > /tmp/asterisk-notify.txt and it worked
06:00.03norrecbut it wont do it in the dial plan =/
06:00.25norreccause it's not writing the information to the file
06:00.31Nuggetjust write an agi.
06:00.35norrecbut it is calling sendmail
06:02.54kaldemarno reason whatsoever to use an agi for that. i'd even prefer writing a shell script that makes the file and takes to and subject as an argument.
06:04.17*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~aruntomar@
06:04.45p3nguin_Works fine for me right in the dialplan, so I wouldn't bother writing anything else.
06:04.50aruntomarwht's the best possible tool we could use to convert wav file recordings to ogg format
06:05.21ChannelZIn batch?  sox?
06:06.58norrecp3nguin_ i agree, but it doesnt seem to be calling echo or not writing it to a file =/
06:07.08norrecbut if i do it in the cli with ! it works
06:07.13norrecin the dialplan it doesnt
06:07.26norrecbut it does call sendmail
06:07.52p3nguin_Why would it work here but not on yours?
06:08.09kaldemarnorrec: are you calling echo with a path? is the path right? does echoing something else to another file work?
06:08.42norrecyes, yes, and no
06:08.50norrecbut if i do it from the asterisk cli it does work
06:09.14norrecso !echo "test" >/tmp/asterisk-notify.txt works
06:09.50aruntomarChannelZ: i want to write a script that will take all the wav files and convert it to ogg format
06:09.59kaldemarwhat exactly was a no? use pastebin.
06:10.45p3nguin_And did you ever copy what I used exactly, changing only your email address, and try it?
06:10.49norreci'm calling echo by its path (/bin/echo) and the path is right, and changing the file doesnt make a diff
06:12.24kaldemararuntomar: for in in *.wav ; do sox $i ${i%.*}.ogg ; done
06:12.58aruntomarkaldemar: thanx
06:13.31p3nguin_you used "for in in *.wav" but then used $i
06:13.32kaldemaryep. an extra n in there.
06:13.46kaldemararuntomar: ^
06:15.44norrecp3nguin_: hmm well that worked just fine
06:17.45p3nguin_Okay, so what was the problem, again?  ;)
06:18.24*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
06:18.40norrecwell its not writing it to the file
06:19.02p3nguin_How did my command work if it didn't write to the file?
06:19.10norrecyours did write it
06:19.12norrecidk mine doesnt
06:19.40kaldemarpastebin what you have after changes.
06:20.18*** join/#asterisk eharris (
06:20.23norrecheres the cli output when its run
06:21.21p3nguin_That doesn't jive.
06:21.55hardwiremany things don't jive.
06:22.19norrecthats what i have in the macro
06:22.24norreceverything gets filled in just fine
06:22.29norrecbut its not putting it into the file
06:23.03*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
06:23.44aruntomarsox is working fine, there are some more choices, is there a diff in using speex, or oggenc from ogg vorbis site, etc etc
06:26.13*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
06:37.18*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
06:43.05*** part/#asterisk Elvis__ (
06:48.17*** join/#asterisk s14ck (~s14ck@
06:49.07s14cksup b14ck
06:50.08vader--any of you guys using sipxecs?
06:50.27s14ckvader--, not yer
06:50.35s14ckvader--, what do you need?
06:50.50vader--just wondering it looks pretty cool
06:57.29*** join/#asterisk soman (
06:58.12s14cksup soman
07:01.21somans14ck: gm
07:02.40*** join/#asterisk thinko (
07:02.43*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
07:05.28s14ckflorz, I like you IP =D
07:06.19*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
07:10.25aruntomarwe've a redfone appliance and pri line and asterisk server, the link on redfone is red, in dahdi_tool it shows as alarm red , now how do i find whether it's the problem of pri or a connectivity issue between asterisk box and redfone
07:11.54*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
07:16.34*** join/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
07:20.41norrechey p3nguin_ or kaldemar, are either of u still around?
07:20.56kaldemarnorrec: yes
07:22.43norrecthere seems to be something wrong with the syntax but i dont see it =/
07:23.54kaldemar<> needs to be escaped
07:24.43kaldemar<xxxxxxxxxx> to \<xxxxxxxxxx\>
07:24.48norrecoh ok
07:28.15norreckaldemar, ok sweet, that took care of the error, now i just have to figure out how to get that into the variable and i'll be good =D
07:31.34*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
07:44.11*** join/#asterisk LnxBil (
07:44.42LnxBilHello everybody. I'd like to ask if voicemail over ldap is currently supported
07:46.27*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
07:59.46norreckaldemar: hey thanks for the help, i got it working =)
08:01.06*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
08:02.01kaldemarnorrec: great
08:06.43*** join/#asterisk TheTosh (~Lynx@unaffiliated/thetosh)
08:06.53TheToshHey all
08:13.59*** join/#asterisk fiddur (~fiddur@
08:15.27fiddurI think I read that asterisks support for SRV lookups is limited, so that is just uses one of the servers found in the lookup... is that correct or is there any setting I can change?    My sip trunk had a problem with one of the servers now, and my asterisk didn't try the other one even if both are in the srv... :(
08:21.01*** join/#asterisk ltd (
08:21.43*** join/#asterisk bobnormal (
08:21.55*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat@
08:23.09bobnormalhi there, i upgraded to 1.6 and my extensions.ael has TRUNK=DAHDI/G2 but i get No channel type registered for 'DAHDI'.  help debug? :)
08:23.36bobnormaldahdi module is loaded, card is A502 (2 port, only 1 port in use), using recent wanpipe release
08:23.47bobnormalwhats the asterisk command to list known channeltypes
08:24.18*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@ doesn't seem to be loaded.
08:25.34bobnormalconsole command to manually load it?
08:25.45kaldemarmodule load
08:26.41bobnormalchan_dahdi.c:10036 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
08:26.52bobnormaldmesg shows successful wanpipe load though
08:27.04bobnormaland dahdi kernel module is loaded
08:27.43bobnormalshall i re-run wancfg_dahdi?
08:28.09kaldemari'm unfamiliar with wanpipe.
08:28.23bobnormalok, anyone else?
08:28.31bobnormalsangoma support is great but they're on canada time :P
08:29.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:30.36*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:31.13*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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08:33.37*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
08:38.06*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (~chodorenk@
08:41.03norrecchan_sip.c:14774 handle_request_info: Unable to retrieve DTMF signal from INFO message from 85DD0F81EF2742D8FB233C8B5495FC00CA6EC8CD <-- does that error mean that the peer was attempting to use sip info for dtmf signalling?
08:43.27*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
08:45.10*** join/#asterisk e-jones (~jkastner@nat/redhat/x-ggstyhddccvmvpna)
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08:50.41*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
08:57.11*** part/#asterisk rossh (
09:08.04aruntomarour pri line is working fine, but the dahdi_tool shows the it as in alarm red
09:08.18aruntomarwhen i started the dahdi debug mode
09:08.20aruntomarSending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
09:08.41aruntomari'm getting the msg, mentioned above
09:11.38AmorsenHow do I get queue_log to store in a database in addition to the file?
09:13.24*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:14.27*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
09:21.04*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:23.05*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
09:23.24Polysicshow do i flush the realtime SIP cache? i loaded a record with a wrong field and now it won't register
09:26.06*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
09:27.18*** join/#asterisk sergey (
09:30.02kaldemarPolysics: help sip prune realtime peer
09:30.02*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
09:31.46Polysicsoh, prune, true. thanks!
09:33.26*** join/#asterisk Tulga (~chatzilla@
09:33.36*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
09:34.15Tulgamy operators using SIP phone and I'm using Dial(SIP/username) in extensions. but I need record all voices. how to do it? 2,Recording() not working
09:34.28*** join/#asterisk clouddeveloper (
09:35.26sergeyTulga: MixMonitor  ?
09:35.29*** join/#asterisk dobry (~d@
09:36.08Tulgawhat is mixmonitor?
09:36.29Tulgaok let me try
09:38.17Tulgathere is many options: Monitor, Record, ChanSpy,... what is better?
09:39.04kaldemarthey are all for different tasks
09:41.32kaldemarif you want to record a call so that both participants get recorded to a single file, use MixMonitor.
09:41.57Tulgaok thanks. I used MixMonitor
09:42.07TulgaBegin MixMonitor Recording DAHDI/30-1
09:42.13Tulgabut where it saves files?
09:42.25TulgaI not found file in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
09:42.56kaldemarcore show application MixMonitor in cli will tell you
09:43.30Tulgaanother problem
09:43.37TulgaI have 5 SIP operators
09:43.46kaldemarif it doesn't, look under /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
09:44.23TulgaI want first operator call goes to A operator, second goes to B, third goes to C etc
09:44.28Tulgais it possible?
09:44.53Tulgawhat application I use for it? or dial
09:45.05Tulgathanks I found monitor file in /var/spool
09:45.33kaldemaryou need to make an extension that does the decision and then use Dial in normal manner.
09:46.54aruntomarSending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
09:47.16aruntomarasterisk*CLI> pri show spans
09:47.16aruntomarPRI span 2/0: Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active
09:47.23aruntomarplz help
09:52.15*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
09:53.44norrecchan_sip.c:14774 handle_request_info: Unable to retrieve DTMF signal from INFO message from 85DD0F81EF2742D8FB233C8B5495FC00CA6EC8CD <-- does that error mean that the peer was attempting to use sip info for dtmf signalling?
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09:58.33TulgaI set musiconhold(10) but it plays 3-4 seconds then hangup
09:58.38Tulgawhat is wrong?
09:59.30*** join/#asterisk LnxBil (
10:00.29c0rnoTahello everyone
10:01.25c0rnoTanorrec: use sip debug for this peer to exam it. i think, it does.
10:02.03c0rnoTaTulga: MusicOnHold(class) not MusicOnHold(duration)
10:02.21Tulgawhat is class
10:02.28c0rnoTaTulga: try WaitMusicOnHold
10:02.46Tulgayes I tried. but it said it'll removed next versions
10:03.19c0rnoTaTulga: class is like context. class describe foldre and filetypes used for playing MOH
10:03.29LnxBilHi! Is it normal that if i do a 'sip show peers' on a with ldap, I cannot see anything?
10:04.09Tulgac0rnoTa: I'm making small call center. so agents is start point?
10:04.12c0rnoTaTulga: WaitMusicOnHold is depricated but still not removed
10:05.14c0rnoTaTulga: start point? what do you mean.
10:05.39c0rnoTaTulga: MusicOnHold(class[,duration]) Try MusicOnHold(default, 10)
10:06.58c0rnoTaGuys, can anybody tell me something about "chan_dahdi.c: Requested indication 20 on channel"
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10:14.58c0rnoTaLnxBil: it's normal for realtime peers
10:15.11AmorsenYay queue_log over odbc works to PostgreSQL
10:15.37LnxBilc0rnoTa: Ah okay. It the asterisk thinks, that the peer is offline: 'app_dial.c:1745 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
10:17.39c0rnoTaLnxBil: but after peer register on asterisk it should be shown in 'sip show peers' output
10:21.09LnxBilc0rnoTa: But it doesn't. I can call user2 from user1, it rings, i can open the connection, but still, nothing in peers while the connection is open, but 'sip show channels' shows the active connection
10:22.50c0rnoTaLnxBil: sip.conf has option for caching realtime peers. I don't know could it be wired or not, but you can try ;)
10:23.44*** join/#asterisk basty (~basty@
10:23.51c0rnoTaLnxBil: rtcachefriends=yes
10:24.22bastyHi, anyone using asterisk 1.4.29 ? I have strange problems with the music on hold. As soon as I try to call out of the asterisk 1.4.29 to an external caller and this external caller puts me on hold...I hear my own moh instead of the external...
10:24.57LnxBilc0rnoTa: I already tried this. Now I cannot call anymore :-/
10:27.17LnxBilc0rnoTa: cachefriends leads to the following ldap search problem: SRCH base="dc=XX,dc=XX" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(&(?cn=)(AstAccountHost=dynamic))
10:27.42LnxBilRemoving it from the config lead to callability
10:27.56c0rnoTaLnxBil: awesome! O_o i'm using this option in all my servers: rtcachefriends=yes, rtupdate=yes, rtautoclear=no, ignoreregexpire=yes
10:28.19LnxBilI'll try all the other parameters
10:29.01c0rnoTabut i'm talking about mysql realtime. it could be ldap problem - i don't know. But it's true, that sip show peers show realtime pees
10:29.20*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
10:29.35LnxBilc0rnoTa: With all these options the calls are working, but still no peers visible :-/
10:29.55*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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10:31.19usamhello, any1 knows a alternative to Betamax voip provider?
10:31.19c0rnoTaLnxBil: no peers after re-registering?
10:31.34*** join/#asterisk Lappy-Win7 (
10:32.49LnxBilc0rnoTa: You mean new login by re-registrering?
10:33.05Lappy-Win7Is there a way to limit the incoming calls and if it is exceeded then the call will be redirected?
10:33.26kaldemarLappy-Win7: yes, take a look at GROUP functions.
10:34.05LnxBilc0rnoTa: In the console (verbose 27) i see the login: 'Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: user1' but peers still emtpy
10:39.21TheToshSO can i use Asterisk to make a free voip system?
10:41.06LnxBilc0rnoTa: what options do you use on your sip users? e.g. quality?
10:41.32TheToshSO can i use Asterisk to make a free voip system?
10:41.50*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
10:41.51c0rnoTaTheTosh: yes
10:42.00TheToshc0rnoTa, how would i go about doing that
10:42.41c0rnoTaLnxBil: "peer without mailbox" - this message about VoiceMail box
10:43.40c0rnoTaLnxBil: "quality"? r u mean "qualify"? there is no quality option
10:43.54c0rnoTaTheTosh: read the book
10:43.58infobotrumour has it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
10:46.16dwarkenkaldemar: where do i put the exten setgroup command??  in wich conf file?
10:46.47dwarkenis very confused about the group functions
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10:50.18*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
10:51.05EmleyMoorIs there any way to relay MWI (from my own * setup) through a account?
10:51.40LnxBilc0rnoTa: Yes, If qualify is set, I get the ldap (?cn=) error in ldap. I deactivated the setting. But still, no peers lists.
10:52.38LnxBilc0rnoTa: The mailbox setting is always 'without mailbox', but a 'voicemail show users for default' shows the mailbox
10:54.59*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
10:54.59c0rnoTaLnxBil: qualify option is for checking online state peer.
10:55.05c0rnoTaLnxBil: why it reproduce ldap error - i don't know :)
10:55.38c0rnoTaLnxBil: about mailbox. it could be default mailboxes from config
10:56.10LnxBilIt seems there are a lot of issues with LDAP right now. The documentation is very short on this
10:56.34LnxBilonly very easy examples and everythin I found on the net was almost homebrew stuff for older asterisk versions
10:56.52*** join/#asterisk Diogo (
10:57.17c0rnoTaLnxBil: is there reason to use ldap for store sip peers?
10:58.05Diogohi people i saw on ebay this model Authentic X100P SE FXO PCI for Digium Asterisk VoIP PBX
10:58.18LnxBilc0rnoTa: All our accounts are stored in LDAP. It would be very cool to use this. We also invenstigate a export from LDAP to asterisk
10:58.46Diogoi need to anser my call using asterisk from analogic line
10:58.48LnxBilc0rnoTa: Everything works perfect if i only use text files, but it is not very dynamic
10:58.51Diogothis product can do this?
10:59.36tzafrirDiogo, yes.
10:59.57tzafrirThough don't get too excited about the "Authentic" part :-)
11:00.17Diogoi know :)
11:00.22Diogothis product is a clone
11:00.42tzafrirRight. A modem. But if it works, who cares?
11:01.18EmleyMoorwill need to replace his TDM card fairly soon - but needs to save for it
11:01.32Diogothanks for your help tzafrir
11:01.55Diogoand asterisk detect automaticaly this PCI right?
11:02.03Diogoor i need a special drivers for this?
11:02.20tzafrirYou need DAHDI
11:02.22EmleyMoorThe zaptel/DAHDI modules drive it
11:03.18Diogook :D
11:03.20EmleyMooris looking to get an AEX400E
11:04.10*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
11:04.25Polysicshow do i set a "custom" ringing sound?
11:04.43EmleyMoorPolysics: On what kind of phone?
11:04.44Polysicslike "you are waiting to be connected to the desired person?"
11:04.51PolysicsZoiper Web softphones
11:04.53EmleyMoorOh, right...
11:05.09Polysicsdon't even know if i phrased the question properly :-)
11:05.12EmleyMoorYou mean a ringing tone
11:05.18Polysicsi suppose it should be a ringing tone
11:05.52EmleyMoorPresumably you have queuing?
11:07.03Polysicsnot yet
11:07.10Polysicsi just have a Dial that doesn't ring
11:07.28Polysicssingle user queues and proper queuing are next on the table :-)
11:07.47EmleyMoorWhat does the Dial connect to?
11:08.09c0rnoTaPolysics: you can use musiconhold instead of ring tones.
11:08.18c0rnoTaPolysics: on Dial app
11:08.57PolysicsEmleyMoor, to a SIP/ user
11:09.07c0rnoTaPolysics: for queues it's better to use periodic message with this sound "you are waiting to be connected to the desired person"
11:12.20*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
11:12.55Polysicsi just need to figure out how to pass Dial options to Adhearsion :-)
11:15.59*** join/#asterisk soman (
11:17.58Polysicsi don't get why the CALLING party does not hear anything
11:18.02dwarkengoing nuts!!
11:18.15Polysicsuntil the call is accepted, that is
11:20.30*** join/#asterisk cgc (
11:20.35bastycould somebody please give me a hand with my problem ? I am using asterisk 1.4.29 (update from 1.2.30) if "A" calls an external number (no asterisk pbx), "B" answers the call and puts "A" on hold. While "A" is on hold, his own asterisk moh is playing instead of the moh of the external pbx.
11:20.38cgchi everyone
11:20.41dwarkenWhere to put the group function commands?
11:28.31cgcI am trying to get an openvox b100p card to work in asterisk using misdn, have i configured something wrong?
11:30.00c0rnoTabasty: what type of connection? IAX? SIP? PRI?
11:30.23bastyc0rnoTa:  sip with dahdi
11:30.45kaldemardwarken: extensions.conf. the functions are used to implement dialplan logic.
11:31.53c0rnoTabasty: A connected to asterisk over SIP and dial external number over DAHDI. So what type of dahdi channel? PRI? analog?
11:32.25bastyc0rnoTa:  yup - its pri over a digium te121
11:32.32*** join/#asterisk michael-i (~michael-i@
11:34.15c0rnoTabasty: your telco throw you information frame, that you are now on hold, that's why A listerning your MOH.
11:34.36c0rnoTabasty: there must be an option in chan_dahdi.conf to ignore this frame
11:34.49c0rnoTabasty: try to dig in this way
11:35.05bastyc0rnoTa: mhh..okay cool - thanks...
11:35.08kaldemardwarken: it works like a counter. put Set(GROUP()=yourgroupname) for each incoming call so that you can count them and before that a GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(yourgroupname)} = insert_limit_number_here]?true:false) that defines what to do with the call.
11:35.19c0rnoTabasty: gl
11:37.35bastyc0rnoTa:  you think it could be something with the isdn timer ? (pritimer) ?
11:39.10norrecchan_sip.c:14774 handle_request_info: Unable to retrieve DTMF signal from INFO message from 85DD0F81EF2742D8FB233C8B5495FC00CA6EC8CD <-- does that error mean that the peer was attempting to use sip info for dtmf signalling?
11:39.32kaldemarbasty: discardremoteholdretrieval=yes in chan_dahdi.conf
11:39.54bastykaldemar: i didnt even find that one in the dahdi_chan.conf example...
11:40.19kaldemarbasty: ah, you're using 1.4.29.
11:40.21*** join/#asterisk candyban (
11:40.25candybanHi guys
11:40.30bastykaldemar: yep with dahdi 2.2.1
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11:41.56kaldemarbasty: try mohinterpret=passthrough
11:42.15c0rnoTabasty: yes mohinterpret=passthrough
11:42.17candybanI'm trying to upgrade my 7940G phone from P00307020300 to P0S3-08-8-00 ... the phone is trying to get SEP<mac>.cnf.xml over and over, but it is not upgrading
11:42.23c0rnoTakaldemar: right ж)
11:42.40kaldemarc0rnoTa: exactly :)
11:42.44candybananyone has a good idea on how to proceed/debug/...
11:42.45c0rnoTaIf this option is set to "passthrough", then the hold message will always be passed through as signalling instead of generating hold music locally.
11:43.05*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
11:43.19kaldemardiscardremoteholdretrieval is not implemented in 1.4.
11:43.52bastykaldemar: i have tried that allready..didnt work :-/ same problem - for like 20ms i hear the actually moh...then it changes back to the local asterisk moh
11:44.19bastykaldemar: reload chan_dahdi should set the "mohinterpret=passthrough" - right ?
11:45.35kaldemarall parameters are not activated upon a reload. i'd try a restart before giving that up.
11:46.23bastywhen I call my mobile (from SIP/100) and do the hold function with my mobile I should hear the mobile hold music on SIP/100 - but as soon as I do that I see in the asterisk cli "-- Started music on hold on SIP/100-0000828d" - so I hear this dang local moh :-/
11:46.32bastybut okay..I will try to restart the server tonight
11:47.16bastyis there anything else I should change in my chan_dahdi.conf ( ?
11:48.50norreccandyban: if its just one phone, do a manual upgrade from the web interface
11:50.00candybannorrec, I think I found the issue ... typo in the MAC address (86 instead of B6) ... unfortunately it was the first phone (out of 15) I tried to uprade
11:50.30norreccandyban: well that would do it
11:50.31candybannorrec, it's doing something more now loading application ... crosses fingers
11:51.32*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
11:54.07bastymhh - <- seems to be already in libpri and asterisk 1.4 ?
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12:03.26LnxBilc0rnoTa: Is your dialplan from mysql shown if you quere 'dialplan show'? Mine is not shown. I start to think that nothing is shown there anyway :-/
12:06.22*** join/#asterisk guax (~guax@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
12:06.28guaxmnicholson, ping?
12:08.55c0rnoTaLnxBil: i don't use realtime dialplan. only sip peers with caching. And after sip reload, they are now shown, but some time later (REGISTER pockets, or dial to this peers) they are exist in output.
12:10.40LnxBilc0rnoTa: Okay, and this register is a regular login, e.g. with ekiga
12:11.36c0rnoTaLnxBil: yes. Register expire time could define re registratation time
12:15.16*** join/#asterisk McLazarus (
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12:16.15cgcwhen making an outbound call over an isdn bri line, i get the following error ' Jitterbuffer Underrun. Got 96 of expected 128', any idea what this means?
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12:23.30LnxBilc0rnoTa: For the record, the LDAP-Entry has to have the AstAccountType=friend tag, then it'll be shown
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12:32.44c0rnoTaLnxBil: wow. you have solved your problem with setting option AstAccountType=friend?
12:34.20c0rnoTas/you have/have you/
12:38.14*** join/#asterisk cgc (
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12:40.10cgcdoes anyone know what this means? Jitterbuffer Underrun. Got 96 of expected 128
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12:44.44c0rnoTacgc: i think that it means that you have rtp delay less then you have set in configuration file
12:44.55*** join/#asterisk CloudDeveloper (
12:44.57guaxsomeone have mnicholson mail?
12:46.35guaxtzafrir, thankyou
12:46.49c0rnoTais there some one with advanced PRI or DECT knowledge? :)
12:47.31c0rnoTai have problems with calls to DECT station made over PRI from asterisk
12:47.45*** part/#asterisk slashtom (
12:50.10hipitihopgiven that I only have inbound voip, and hence one DID, is it possible for outside users to dial an internal extension directly ?
12:52.55cgcc0rnoTa: in the misdn.conf file?
12:55.57c0rnoTacgc: if you'v got this message from "" then misdn.conf
12:59.22*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (
13:00.20cgcc0rnoTa: this is what happens when i make an outbound call:
13:06.00tuxx-When i try to record a voicemail to some user, i hear the 'beep' sound, and then the voicemail application exits somehow. I thought it could be some permission error on the directory the voicemail application is trying to write to, so i chmod -R 777'd that, but the voicemail app still exits..
13:06.05tuxx-ANyone have a clue how this is possible?
13:06.10V4mpireanyone know of cheap sip providers that offer free multiple landline numbers for canada/UK
13:06.25HenrikJotti have a problem that i don´t really understand... my itsp is swedish tele2, and the use 2 servers for redundancy and and i have no problem registering to any one of them, but the have some sort of dns-thing or router at so thats what i use to register, with srv_lookup=yes in sip.conf. Yesterday one of thier servers ( went down but we still (via
13:09.00LnxBilc0rnoTa: Yes, I tried to match it to my text setup
13:09.27LnxBilc0rnoTa: Now, I see myself, but cannot call anymore. I get "status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'" if i try to call
13:20.43*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
13:22.54c0rnoTamorning for you, day for us. not so good as it could be.
13:23.56c0rnoTabut we still wish you a good morning
13:24.03ariel_not so good, wow and I was wondering why it was so cold this morning.  I would have hope winter would not reach us down here any more.
13:24.47coppicewe traded in our winter for a good deal on some warmth on Tuesday
13:25.33ariel_we did last week but it's back to cold.  argh yesterday it was 80 and today we might not reach 60
13:25.35c0rnoTacold? heh, we have +1*C outside
13:26.05coppiceits 24 here
13:27.44LnxBilIs there any way to set the min lagging time? My status flaps a couple of times per minute from OK to LAGGED. My ping is around 30ms
13:28.05*** join/#asterisk michael-i_ (~michael-i@
13:28.29c0rnoTaLnxBil: try to increase qualify option
13:28.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:29.20c0rnoTawow. Morning, [TK]D-Fender
13:33.05*** join/#asterisk jpvoip (
13:34.04[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: y0
13:34.47jpvoiphello guys
13:36.11c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender: have a question for you. About debug message. What does it mean 'chan_dahdi.c: Requested indication 20 on channel..' indication 20 - what is it?
13:36.21c0rnoTajpvoip: hello!
13:38.29LnxBilc0rnoTa: thx
13:38.40*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
13:39.39[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: No idea
13:47.16*** join/#asterisk jpvoip (
13:50.32jpvoipIm starting the final project of my course and i want to do something whith asterisk. Im looking for ideas for what to do. Others projects of my course was about using dundi to do load balance, and about conversation security on asterisk.. Someone have ideas of projects ?
13:51.21jpvoipThings such developing solutions to make things easy on Asterisk, like billing.. or testing and doing bechmarks whith protocols..
13:52.18*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
13:53.30tuxx-When i try to record a voicemail to some user, i hear the 'beep' sound,  and then the voicemail application exits somehow. I thought it could be  some permission error on the directory the voicemail application is  trying to write to, so i chmod -R 777'd that, but the voicemail app still  exits.. Anyone have a clue about this?
13:53.54ManxPower-worktuxx-: pastebin the cli out put and your voicemail.conf
13:54.05*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:54.16ManxPower-workchmoding 777 is very, very stupid.
13:54.22tzafrirtuxx-, if you had to do chmod 777, you're doing something wrong
13:54.39tuxx-tzafrir: its just for testing...
13:54.51tzafrirStill. It hides the real problem
13:54.54ManxPower-workwaits for the pastebin
13:54.58tuxx- <- pastebin cli
13:55.50tuxx- <- voicemail.conf
13:56.37ManxPower-worktry using a more standard voicemail.conf
13:56.39[TK]D-Fendertuxx-: What codec is the call in?
13:57.02tuxx-[TK]D-Fender: ulaw
13:57.08[TK]D-Fendertuxx-: And you have skipped parameters in your VM config...
13:57.43tuxx-parameters at the voicemail boxes, or at the general section?
13:59.00ManxPower-worktuxx-: I'd start with the mailboxes
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13:59.37ManxPower-workFor one thing SET A PASSWORD.
13:59.50tzafrirtuxx-, I don't see the actual error there. Could you please point to something specific that is wrong?
14:00.04ManxPower-workMAILBOX => PASSWORD,NAME,,,
14:00.05tzafrirYou expected X to happen but Y happened
14:00.25tuxx-well, i call the voicemail, i want to record a voicemail for some user
14:00.30ManxPower-worktuxx-: your voicemail.conf is so screwed up I doubt anybody knows what will happen.  Are you going to fix your config file or not?
14:00.31tuxx-i hear the beep tone, so i can record my message
14:00.42tuxx-then it just exits
14:00.45tuxx-ManxPower-work: on it now :P
14:01.01ManxPower-worktuxx-: look at the sample config file.
14:01.32tuxx-hm, got a meeting now. Thanks for all your advices :)
14:01.39*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
14:01.47ManxPower-workthanks for wasting our time.
14:01.55tuxx-no proble
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14:14.17hipitihopWhat does this mean on an incoming call "WARNING[10858]: chan_sip.c:12230 check_auth: username mismatch, have <gotalk>, digest has <0944xxxx>
14:14.52*** join/#asterisk theBruno (~ChrisBrun@
14:15.42eppigyOHN HAY
14:16.56*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (~rgsteele@
14:18.46Kattypamples eppigy
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14:25.02tuxx-figured out what the voicemail problem was, the format is now wav only, and now it can record the voicemail message correctly
14:25.44KattyIT IS THURSDAY
14:25.47Kattythat means TOMORROW
14:25.49KattyIS FRIDAY
14:26.04Kattythat is all.
14:27.12Kattypetco is so overpriced.
14:27.33Kattythey carry a marshall playpen for small animals, 8 panels (9ft^2) for 70 bucks
14:27.48*** join/#asterisk xLP (
14:27.56Kattyi can buy the same playpen, except it has 11 panels, at for $56
14:29.47c0rnoTayeah, tomorrow  is friday!
14:30.57lordvadrAnd what's this about petco
14:31.06lordvadram I in the wrong #asterisk?
14:31.27*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
14:31.40Kattyhi mister monk
14:32.06ManxPower-worklordvadr: the Squirrel Girl likes to talk about her critters.
14:32.14Kattyand recipes.
14:32.21Kattybmoraca_work: SPEAKING OF RECIPES
14:33.05Kattylordvadr: <- not squirrels.
14:33.45lordvadrI dated a girl for a while that had ferrets.  a.d.d. with legs...
14:34.01Kattyit takes a special type of person to have ferrets.
14:34.12Kattyand yes, they very much are ADD on legs
14:34.27Kattythen settle down a good bit after 2 years.
14:35.41lordvadrone of them stole my wallet, out of my pants.  She had a hiding place in the box-spring.  After cancelling all my credit cards, I reached up in there and foudn 4 packages of ramen, 3 of those little foam things you put between your toes to paint your toenails, and my chewed up coach wallet.
14:35.51*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (~8none1]
14:36.54Kattyyou have to ferret proof your home
14:37.48Kattylordvadr: this is one of the reasons i'm looking into buying a playpen
14:38.19Kattylordvadr: the other reason is the dog.
14:38.44Kattylordvadr: not that he's ever mistreated a fuzzy. and he was raised as a pup with them, but i need to be able to do laundry and other things while they're out
14:38.49Kattylordvadr: without constant supervision
14:38.50xLPmay I bother with a non ferret related (but asterisk related) question ? ;)
14:38.56Kattyinfobot: ask
14:38.57infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:39.51Kattylordvadr: <- this is the other broadcast
14:41.08*** join/#asterisk mmattice (mmattice@unaffiliated/mmattice)
14:41.10xLPI'm encoounterting troubles with Asterisk, no clue why, I can only describe symptoms... Randomly, when you try placing a call, it fails, and some phones will fail registering. I sniffed network, while watching asterisk console and monitoring box load... Load is always around 0.04, I see packets incoming and being replied normally, and when the problem starts, I see incoming packets, but no answer, and nothing in the console, then, suddenly, after about 30 s
14:41.10Kattyhrmm looks like the feeder is mostly empty
14:41.22*** part/#asterisk mmattice (mmattice@unaffiliated/mmattice)
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14:44.04lordvadrSo I'm having a really annoying DTMF problem.  I dail a call (Cisco SIP), call goes through, but then if I get into an IVR prompt, digits I press don't go through.  I'd imagine it has something to do with listening for the codes in features.conf but I don't know what I did to get it not sending the dtmf.
14:44.31Kattyi had that problem before
14:44.37Kattydidn't have the dtmf defined
14:44.39lordvadrCisco SIP -> Asterisk -> iax -> pstn
14:45.05ManxPower-worklordvadr: I think you are missing something there.
14:45.15ManxPower-workLike maybe a provider?
14:45.28lordvadrsorry, iax -> provider -> pstn
14:45.34ManxPower-workMany providers have issues translating IAX2 DTMF into SIP DTMF.  I recommend you try to use SIP.
14:45.53lordvadrI can't say for certain what the provider is running (I believe asterisk), nor how they terminate (I believe isdn)
14:46.52ManxPower-worklordvadr: It is doubtful that your provider uses PRI for PSTN.  Chances are they use a SIP provider.
14:47.08*** join/#asterisk crt_devel (
14:47.09Kattyi agree. a sip provider would be a lot cheaper for them
14:47.22*** join/#asterisk faiz_grw (~faiz_grw@
14:47.25crt_develhello chan.
14:47.45lordvadrThe problem works the other direction as well.  If I point one of my DID's into DISA, dial it, hit buttons, and I still get dialtone
14:47.53Kattycrt_devel: hello.
14:48.04ManxPower-worklordvadr: We are sad for you.  Now stop making excuses and try SIP
14:48.23crt_develanyone can help me with a strange issue that i havce after upgrade the asterisk from 1.4.21 to 1.4.29..
14:48.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:49.51lordvadrI don't think it's purely a SIP/iax problem.  Here at work, we have a toshiba phone system.  I run SIP between here and my home box.  If I dial from here, over sip, into DISA at my box, I still don't get DTMF at the box at my house.  That's all SIP and still doesn't work.
14:50.20lordvadrat least its all sip for the IP part
14:50.42xLPdid you try sniffing to see how DTMF are actually sent (if sent at all) ?
14:50.59ManxPower-worklordvadr: Do you think you are the first person with this issue?  You are not the first.  You are not the 15th, you are not even the 100th person to have this issue.  Take my advice or not.
14:51.27crt_develcalls that going to external numbers have the ringback tone on the caller telephone , and is ok
14:51.49crt_develcall that coming from the external to sip clients have the ringback tone , and are ok
14:52.27crt_develcalls from sip to sip users internal on the asterisk don't hear the ringback, only silence. After the answer, conversation flow, voice is ok.
14:52.32lordvadrManxPower: I realize that.  I'd like to understand the issue before giving up and doing it differently "because someone said so".  I have a hunch it has something to do with automon, or parking, or such, since that was what I experimented with last.
14:53.01crt_develi make a packet capture on the caller side, and the aserisk don't send the 183 progress to the router
14:53.04crt_develany idea ?
14:53.26ManxPower-workcrt_devel: remove the "r" option to Dial and make sure you have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
14:53.29lordvadrManxPower: and, if I run straight sip (albeit it to the pstn) the issue is still present.
14:53.56lordvadrxLP: how would it be sent or not.  Does sip send the dtmf inband or out of band?
14:53.58lordvadror both?
14:54.05crt_develr option is not present. I try to add it but don't make difference. indications.conf is present and the format is ok.
14:54.10ManxPower-workcrt_devel: This advice is only valid if you do NOT use a GUI for Asterisk.
14:55.22crt_develis running on a centOS at runlevel3.
14:55.22ManxPower-workcrt_devel: which phones?
14:55.28crt_devellinksys spa2102 routers, grandstream, vigor3300. all with the same issue.
14:55.59crt_develand - i try also g711 and g729 swap on codecs..
14:56.12crt_devel..and tried also progressinband=yes on sip.conf.
14:56.26xLPlordvadr: it all depends on your settings
14:56.31crt_devel1.4.21 works fine
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14:56.39xLPcan be sent as AUDIO, RTP or another one
14:56.59crt_develbtw, i compiled only sources of 1.4.29, and nothing else.
14:57.53lordvadr"Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info".  I am using the default, which is rfc2833.  Lemme go read that.
14:57.59*** join/#asterisk adadelu (
14:58.18V4mpireanyone know of cheap sip providers that offer free multiple landline numbers for canada/UK
14:58.34xLPlordvadr: ok, I thought you had a look at it before. Usually when DTMF of some phones were not detected, it was linked to that...
14:58.50xLP(some provider accept only RFC, some only info, some all.....)
14:59.19lordvadrI dug into this a while ago.  Problem cropped some months ago, and now that I can talk phone-system to phone-system, it makes me think it has nothing to do with my provider
14:59.21adadeludoes anyone know what the Max value in queuestatus stands for? looking for a way to put up the hold-time for the person who waited the longest in a queue.
14:59.39lordvadrxLP: how would I sniff for inband?
14:59.55lordvadreither way, let me look into this for a min
15:00.01crt_devela thing that i note is that on outside-to-internal calls, and in inside-to-external calls, the CLI said me that "xxxx is making progress passing to yyyy"
15:00.14crt_develon internal sip calls, the CLI don't say this.
15:00.32adadeluV4mpire: I'm using mydivert for my Canadian did:s. Tried before but never got It up and running properly.
15:01.15crt_develon sip calls, the CLI said only "201 is ringing"
15:01.22adadeluV4mpire: This is for my home Asterisk that is. As we are a bit multinational. I'm Swedish, and my girlfriend is Canadian. We live in Barcelona/Spain :-)
15:01.38V4mpireahh kl
15:02.07xLPlordvadr: for inband, welll... take Wireshark with RTP player, hoping your codec is G711 then you can record is listen with RTP player, check if you hear anything...
15:03.22V4mpireadadelu, ahh well im after a certain area really they dont cover it
15:03.28lordvadrxLP: I've tried it in all three modes.   I'll try the rtp player in wireshark, and do some digging on the other two modes to find out what I'm looking for.  Thanks for your help.
15:03.32lordvadrI'm sure I'll be back
15:03.59xLPlordvadr: yw... however if you've already tried all 3 modes I'm not sure there's much hope in that direction...
15:04.01adadeluV4mpire: Ah, my Canucks are located in Ottawa, so we are lucky then.
15:04.07hipitihopI'm getting "chan_sip.c:19477 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "0402xxxxxx"<sip:0402xxxxxx@>;tag=7e58e8aa-co1349-INS001" when I try to call in to * from my mobile -> vsp -> asterisk
15:04.32V4mpireyea found a few canadian DID's many free but none covering the area im after lol
15:04.44xLPhipitihop: maybe a too restrictive "type" setting?
15:06.25xLPhipitihop: or something with "insecure"
15:07.01adadeluV4mpire: Ah, guess smaller towns can be hard?
15:07.08leifmadsenV4mpire: pretty picky for someone looking for free
15:07.28leifmadsenwhat area are you looking for? In Canada, inbound DIDs are typically only available in larger markets
15:07.40hipitihopxlp insecure=port,invite ... btw I'm on 1.6.x
15:07.48V4mpireleifmadsen, well if i cant get 1 for a certain area theres no point in me using it as its only pretty much for 1 person over there that only has local calls free
15:08.04V4mpireleifmadsen, towns in saskachewen
15:08.15leifmadsenV4mpire: if it's not Saskatoon it's likely to not exist
15:08.21leifmadsenfree or otherwise
15:08.37V4mpirehaven't managed to find any what so ever for there either
15:08.44V4mpireahh well nvm
15:08.46xLPhipitihop: just to check, you may try insecure=very
15:09.35adadeluV4mpire: It seems to be hard finding DID:s over there. Guess It's somewhat because the Bell and Rogers megalomania. Here in Europe It's not the same thing really..
15:09.58leifmadsenV4mpire: ya, I just looked at and there are no Saskatchewan DIDs available at all. Just Winnipeg and Calgary
15:10.13Kattystop making me beep >.<
15:10.24leifmadsenKatty: meep
15:10.26V4mpireuk ones seem quite easy to get ahold of if you look in the right place
15:10.30KattyTHAT"S IT
15:10.32Kattyhugs leifmadsen
15:10.37leifmadsenV4mpire: a LOT less area to cover in the UK :)
15:10.46leifmadsenKatty: I accept your hug and raise you a coffee
15:11.03V4mpiremore area codes tho :p
15:11.12Kattyleifmadsen: i meet your coffee and raise you an iced tea
15:11.16adadeluleifmadsen: Isn't Calgary in Alberta? and Winnipeg in Manitoba?
15:11.26hipitihopxLP, WARNING[10858]: chan_sip.c:22639 set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very' ... afaik no longer supported on 1.6
15:11.31leifmadsenadadelu: precisely my point
15:11.44leifmadsenhipitihop: replace with "invite,port"
15:11.48leifmadsen(less quotes)
15:11.55*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:12.23adadeluleifmadsen: Then I was not to drunk on "La fin du monde" while reading up on my Canadian geography :-)
15:12.25xLPhipitihop: I have it on 1.6.... where do you see this warning?
15:12.30leifmadsenadadelu: lol
15:12.30ManxPower-workhipitihop: Looks like you did NOT read the UPGRADE*.txt files -- these files tell you the important Asterisk changes.
15:12.46leifmadsen1.6 is not specific enough
15:12.54leifmadsen1.6.0 vs. 1.6.1 vs. 1.6.2 are all MAJOR version changes
15:13.17leifmadsenthe same as 1.2 vs. 1.4 is a MAJOR version change
15:13.25V4mpireanyone know of a cheaper uk voip provider than that offer geographical numbers for free ?
15:13.26adadeluleifmadsen: you don't have any clue about queuestats? Trying to figure out that the Max: value stands for?
15:13.35hipitihopleifmadsen, Asterisk
15:13.35crt_develhmm - a little question - what to compile when i make an upgrade of an asterisk ?
15:13.38leifmadsenadadelu: sorry, never used queuestats
15:13.46leifmadsenhipitihop: yuck... that's crazy old
15:13.53LnxBilc0rnoTa: So, LDAP is mainly working now, but still some esthetic things: still 'Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox' and the weird ldap syntax errors in between aka 'filter="(&(?cn=))'. Maybe someone is reading this who is a master in asterisk+ldap
15:14.02LnxBilI'll be back tomorrow
15:14.05xLPV4mpire: dunno about prices, have you checked sipgate?
15:14.07hipitihopManxPower-work, I had insecure=port,invite  ... someone suggested = very
15:14.08leifmadsenLnxBil: feel free to open issues!
15:14.21leifmadsen'very' == 'port,invite'
15:14.24LnxBilleifmadsen: I'll consider :-p
15:14.30leifmadsenLnxBil: then I can triage it when they come in :)
15:14.40LnxBilokay, bye
15:14.43ManxPower-workhipitihop: correct.  insecure=very was removed and replaced with something that is documented in UPGRADE*.txt
15:14.51adadeluleifmadsen: got this question from our CEO that he wanted to represent the holdtime for the longest waiting in each queue.. Holdtime just gives a 24h average or something like that..
15:15.49hipitihopleifmadsen, only thing standard version available on my karmic ubuntu distro, what should I have ?
15:16.06ManxPower-workhipitihop: You should install from source
15:17.28ManxPower-workhipitihop: if you don't you'll just be wasting everyone's time.
15:18.14Skeeter-is there anyway to remvoe the ringing when u have a 2nd call
15:18.22V4mpirexLP, 0.1p more lol
15:18.39[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: thats up to your PHONE
15:18.59Skeeter-its ez to do with soundpoint, not with spectralink
15:19.16*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:19.35[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And asking in here when you're using FreePBX for something that is, at best, outside of your control (should there even be a flag you could pass the phone) is pointless.
15:20.02hipitihopManxPower-work, fair enough, I assume I can just keep my sip.conf and extensions.conf and apt-get remove the package ... will also go lookup how to build from source
15:20.53Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, understood
15:21.02ManxPower-workhipitihop: we don't if your package removes those files or not.
15:21.07crt_develManxPower-work: i tried to check if there any r options on the Dial command, but there's no "r" anymore.
15:22.02*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
15:22.30vader--any of you guys using/used sipx?
15:22.41adadelulordvadr:rtpbreak is rather nice, If you want to gather alot of data, since wireshark pukes if your pcaps are too large. but maybe that's not your problem :-)
15:22.41Kattyhi ariel_
15:22.59hipitihopManxPower-work, good point probably wont
15:23.10ariel_says hello Katty , gives a hug
15:23.15Kattyhugs ariel_
15:24.03adadeluKatty: are we at the point when you start jumping ang giggling soon? :-)
15:24.18Kattyno my caffeine isn't quite finished yet
15:24.22Kattyi still have half of it to go
15:24.27Kattytry back around 2PM
15:25.06adadeluKatty: Caffeine... 200M to starbucks, but not quite desperate enough yet.
15:27.10KattyBB is passed out with his paws up in the air
15:29.02adadeluKatty: wish that were the case over here too, and the weather was better. Got a nice roof terrace awaiting summer, for those kinds of activities :-)
15:29.31Kattyyeah i can't wait until summer.
15:29.36Kattyit's 17F this morning
15:29.40ManxPower-workI can't wait for spring
15:29.44Kattythat too.
15:29.57*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (~youngprog@
15:30.06Kattyi can't wait until it's at least 65F so i can put the boys in a playpen outside
15:30.37coppice65F sounds chilly
15:30.52Kattyit is a bit chilly
15:31.01Kattybut it's a lot better than 40F
15:31.16Kattyand the boys can't be out in really hot weather anyway
15:31.37*** join/#asterisk romaNewbie2010 (
15:31.41coppicehere it only ever gets as low as 40F in the hills
15:31.46romaNewbie2010hello everyone
15:31.56adadeluKatty: 65 is good. We get around 104-ish here during the summer..
15:32.11romaNewbie2010anyone care to help an asterisk newbie?
15:32.22beekhugs Katty
15:32.26infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:33.21romaNewbie2010This is my dial command: Dial(SIP/100&SIP/106&SIP/107,20)
15:33.42romaNewbie2010that 20 sec pause... if no extension is registered/connected results in dead air for callers
15:33.43beekand this is my dial command on drugs: Dial(!$#%@%$^QWRE)
15:33.43Kattyoptimum fuzzy temperature is actually 60 to 70F
15:33.47Kattyhugs beek
15:33.50romaNewbie2010is there a way to send it right to voicemail?
15:34.06romaNewbie2010like skip the 20 sec pause?
15:34.08KattyromaNewbie2010: those are basics covered in the book
15:34.12Kattyinfobot: thebook
15:34.13infobotrumour has it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:34.15ManxPower-workromaNewbie2010: make sure you have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
15:34.21coppice60F sounds more shivery than fuzzy
15:34.22[TK]D-FenderromWhat pause?  You asked it to dial for 20 secs..
15:34.35[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: What pause?  You asked it to dial for 20 secs..
15:34.37Kattycoppice: they also have a coat tho
15:34.43ManxPower-workI think he means "caller does not hear ringback"
15:34.49romaNewbie2010yes but I dont have a sip phone connected or anything... if I take the 20 out it never goes to voicemail
15:34.52Kattycoppice: ferrets don't have a way to cool themselves off.
15:34.57coppiceI have a coat, but I prefer not to wear it
15:35.09Kattycoppice: so anything above 80F is asking for disaster
15:35.25beekKatty: Do they like to be sprayed with water?
15:35.28coppiceferrets seem perfectly have in the summer
15:35.41Kattybeek: yes, and swimming (=
15:35.46[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: Only reason it would wait with dead air is if * thought there was something to contact.... like if you specified a specifiy host IP and didn't have qualify enabled for it to track if it goes down or not
15:35.54[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: Fix your peer setup
15:37.37adadeluKatty: we had a persian kitty before. Spain was a bit to hot for him during summer, so he mostly lived under the air-conditioning between June-September
15:39.03hipitihopManxPower-work, ok, biting bullet, removed and now downloading source
15:39.43ManxPower-workhipitihop: I'd go with 1.6.1x, actually.  1.6.2 is so new I would not trust it without extensive testing
15:40.39*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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15:41.26Kobazthis is bad
15:41.28Kobazthis is really bad
15:41.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I'm hearing that 1.6.2 is coming out more stable..... old paradigm is fading fast
15:42.17Kobazlatest polycom firmware/bootrom... the polycom will randomly return CANCEL when you dial it... and when it doed return CANCEL, it doesn't hang up the call on the phone side... so the polycom is still ringing, but asterisk has hung up the call
15:42.25ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I hold a grudge for a long time.
15:42.42ManxPower-workKobaz: not in MY experience it doesn't.
15:42.57*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@unaffiliated/iq)
15:43.20ralonsosomeone recommend a good program to backup-mirror and restore of a asterisk or complete debian?
15:43.27KobazManxPower-work: 3.2.2/4.2.1
15:43.33Kobazralonso: rsync
15:43.38romaNewbie2010Fender: the host is dynamic but I qualify was set to no for the 3 extensions
15:43.44romaNewbie2010so I will try with yes right now...
15:43.46leifmadsenralonso: dd
15:43.47ManxPower-workKobaz: Yes, that's what we run on about 100 phones across 3 customers
15:44.27leifmadsenI have used 1.6.2 in a call centre for the last 4-5 months with no issues
15:44.32leifmadsen(or at least no major issues)
15:44.37leifmadseneven pre release
15:44.45leifmadsenits running revision 196xxx or something
15:44.51Kobaz1.6.2.0-rc's crashed on me left and right
15:44.54leifmadsenso things definitely stabilize a lot faster now
15:45.03leifmadsenI think it depends on what you're doing too (as always)
15:45.04Kobazthe latest 1.6.2s are pretty good though
15:45.18leifmadsenI'm not using ODBC or anything in that system. Straight up dialplan and single system.
15:45.24hipitihopManxPower-work, [TK]D-Fender, I guess I can afford to try either at this point... just experimenting @ home and voip only, not familiar enough to know +/-
15:45.42Kobazodbc was very problematic in the rc's
15:45.50leifmadsenfor experimenting, I pretty much always recommend to use the latest branches as you might as well use the latest features
15:45.53romaNewbie2010Fender: it did not work with qualify to yes
15:46.00leifmadsenthat's too bad, because ODBC stuff has always been rock solid for me
15:47.01Kobazheh not me
15:47.16[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: pastebin your SIP configs masking only passwords, the output of "sip show peers" and the CLI output with SIP DEBUG for your call attempt
15:47.18infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:47.18Kobazodbc to postgres constantly leaves dangling connections, when using stuff in func_odbc
15:47.42Kobazso i find that a box has maxed out it's connections and no longer can connect to the db
15:47.52*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
15:47.58Kobazso i wrote a script to kill any connections older than an hour, and that fixed it
15:48.14ManxPower-workHeck, a health insurance company screwed me over 25 years ago and I still hold a grudge against them.
15:48.20leifmadsenKobaz: ah, I used postgres back in the day, but now I use mysql with odbc
15:49.17romaNewbie2010FENDER: I have it in database not in text
15:49.26romaNewbie2010let me try to put it in readable format for u
15:49.39KobazromaNewbie2010: well export it then
15:49.45Kobazoh, you are
15:49.48Kobaznever mind then
15:49.50[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: No... BINARY dammit
15:49.52*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (~dwayne@
15:49.52*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
15:49.55[TK]D-FenderSHOW ME YOUR BITS!
15:49.55Kattyhi Deeewayne
15:50.02KattyDeeewayne: did you attend playtime?
15:50.19[TK]D-Fenderwow... that was kinda bad.. even for me ;)
15:50.31leifmadsenKobaz: I find mysql easier to manage. I don't have to create manual blob objects for ODBC voicemail, and mysql replication works pretty decently
15:50.32DeeewayneKatty, no, but I saw them waking up around dinner time yesterday
15:50.33ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: only if you buy me dinner and drinks first.
15:50.37KattyDeeewayne: :>
15:50.48leifmadsenKobaz: although the main reason is mostly because my clients use it
15:50.55KattyDeeewayne: i ran all of pippins toys through the laundry...i'm gonna put them out in a laundry basket for him to restash tonight
15:51.00KattyDeeewayne: if you want to attend (=
15:51.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: And if I screwed you that night... would you still hold a grudge? ;)
15:51.10[TK]D-Fenderis getting worse....
15:51.13DeeewayneI will!
15:51.18KattyDeeewayne: :>>>
15:51.25ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I guess that would depend on how good you are. 8-)
15:51.40DeeewayneI should bookmark crittercam.  I have to google it each time
15:51.42romaNewbie2010here it is
15:51.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: My girlfriends all say I'm great... not always in so many words ;)
15:51.57KattyDeeewayne: just do crittercam to infobot
15:52.00ManxPower-workMY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!
15:52.04[TK]D-Fenderroma.. PASTEBIN dammit
15:52.06beekmy eyes are burning!
15:52.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:52.21adadelui just fax myself, and I went blind!
15:52.26adadelufaxed even
15:52.30DeeewayneKatty, yay!
15:52.59KattyDeeewayne: i won't get home till about 5:30CST
15:53.07KattyDeeewayne: so i'd guess about 6 or 6:30 CST
15:53.24Deeewayneok :-)
15:53.35romaNewbie2010srry about that
15:54.02[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: the rest now please...
15:54.22crt_develok. maybe a rm -rf * can solve my problem ? :)
15:55.06[TK]D-Fendercrt_devel: you forgot the "/" :p
15:55.23crt_develah , right. Just because i am in / :P
15:55.49edwin_quijadaI am trying to use any TTS with good voices in spanish
15:55.59edwin_quijadaSomebody knows one?
15:56.19*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:56.23edwin_quijadaI tested Cepstarl, FreeTTS
15:56.26[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: And I see all of your qualify= as "NO" there
15:56.43edwin_quijadabut the voices are so bad
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15:58.52hipitihopedwin_quijada, Festival
16:01.28michael-i_Does anyone have some BRI examples for chan_dahdi.conf? The documentation does not list any and signaling types, etc have not yet been included. I'm having trouble with using both b-channels on the span and transfers on euroisdn. (asterisk
16:01.44hipitihopedwin_quijada, not sure what distro you are on but I followed this thread and voices were orders of magnituted better
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16:05.51vader--any of you guys using/used sipxecs?
16:06.30ralonsouhm, and systemrescuecd is a good choice?
16:07.09infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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16:09.21tzafrirmichael-i_, signalling = bri_cpe_ptmp ; for PtP
16:09.30tzafrirmichael-i_, signalling = bri_cpe ; for PtP
16:09.39tzafrirmichael-i_, signalling = bri_cpe_ptmp ; for PtMP
16:09.53tzafrir(sorry for the typo)
16:09.56romaNewbie2010the Qualify did it... my bad
16:09.58Deeewaynepets Katty's ferrets
16:10.14romaNewbie2010BUT there is a qualify msg every 10th of a second or so
16:10.23romaNewbie2010like 4 qualify msgs per extension per second
16:10.47romaNewbie2010is that normal? can that be set to X seconds?
16:11.11[TK]D-Fenderromanpastebin "sip show peer X" for each peer, and provide the rest of what I asked for
16:11.18tzafrirmichael-i_, also, "transfers"? or are you connecting a BRI phone to it?
16:12.18romaNewbie2010I am running realtime
16:12.28romaNewbie2010it won't show anythin on sip show peers
16:13.05michael-i_tzafrir: perhaps I'm looking for the wrong thing. After switching to a channel group, outgoing and incoming calls are failing after requesting transfer capability speech and then hangup cause 47. This is only a provider line.
16:13.54TheDavidFactorI've got fax for asterisk and I don't know how to use it :-( I've got a DID from Broadvox pointed at an Asterisk box, but I'm seeing this when I try to send a fax: Can anyone help me?
16:14.10*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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16:14.36wcselbyTheDavidFactor - you're trying to send or receive a fax on the asterisk box?
16:15.50TheDavidFactorI don't understand why the channel is falling through while ReceiveFAX is still executing, this may be completely unrelated, but it's the one thing I noticed
16:15.55tzafrirmichael-i_, can you provide a PRI-level trace? pri set debug on span 1
16:16.04garymc[TK]D-Fender : Hi im trying to configure a ip650 via tftp . Now I want the first 5 line buttons to be extension 200 and the sixth line button to be extension 203. Do I have to set each line in phone1.cfg, eg; reg1 to reg5 individualy then reg6 to 203. Or is there a better way of doing it?
16:16.07wcselbyTheDavidFactor - pastebin the results of fax show stats
16:16.42wcselbygarymc - that's how I've done it on that phone
16:16.48[TK]D-Fendergarymc: You only set reg 1 & 2.  #1 for 5 linekeys, #2 for 1
16:17.02*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
16:17.18garymcwas just about to try that :P
16:18.59wcselbyTheDavidFactor - can you also pastebin your sip.conf entry for broadvox, removing the password / username?  sorry
16:19.16wcselby(i'm still waking up, and it's been about a month since I've dealt with a t38 issue)
16:19.38TheDavidFactorwcselby, I don't have a sip entry for broadvox
16:19.52michael-i_tzafrir: this is like when I used to tell my dad the mower wouldn't start....everything works now. I think these drivers have some slow reset/settle down issues. Thanks for responding at least
16:19.53ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: You should
16:19.59wcselbyTheDavidFactor - ... you have a register statement?
16:20.18wcselbyTheDavidFactor - ... pastebin the [general] section of your sip.conf then, removing anything private
16:21.14wcselbyTheDavidFactor - ... i want to see your udptl_t38 settings
16:21.33michael-i_tzafrir: outgoing works fine, incoming does not work as expected. let me sort through the trace
16:22.37TheDavidFactorwcselby: I don't have any udptl_t38 settings, where can I find the documentation on them?
16:22.50wcselbyTheDavidFactor - in the default sip.conf file, for starters....
16:22.59wcselbyTheDavidFactor - ... other places as well, let me find some.
16:23.17wcselbyTheDavidFactor - which version of asterisk are you running?
16:23.59*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
16:24.00TheDavidFactor1.6.2 trunk
16:24.05garymc[TK]D-Fender : Sorry to be a pain. That Worked for the line but the phone isnt picking up the time and date. all the others are? is it sip.cfg where the sntp server is set?
16:24.10TheDavidFactorit's just a test box
16:24.17garymcif so why would the ip650 not be getting the right time?
16:24.20*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
16:25.52romaNewbie2010ok Fender
16:25.57romaNewbie2010here it is:
16:26.04romaNewbie2010thats the sip trace of the call
16:28.27garymc[TK]D-Fender : Sorry its all working. Super Star :)
16:29.42wcselbyTheDavidFactor - sorry it's t38pt_udptl, not udptl_t38
16:30.03*** join/#asterisk Maximo (
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16:31.26wcselbyTheDavidFactor - also you may want to have a look at the example ReceiveFax config in the FFA Administrator Manual
16:31.39TheDavidFactorwcselby: thx, I have the samples so I went back and read them. I've added the t38pt_udptl setting. I'll see if that makes a difference
16:32.04motuUsing 1.4.22, I do not receive any dtmf tones on incoming calls to my sip trunk at swedish voip provider megaphone, what should I look for?
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16:32.35wcselbymotu - the dtmfmode entry for your sip provider?
16:32.51michael-i_Should / can switchtype= be used for BRI configs?
16:33.38motuhave tried all dtmf modes
16:33.43motuusing alaw
16:33.46wcselbymotu - what codec?
16:33.59wcselbycheck with them?
16:34.04motuvoice works excellent
16:34.11TheDavidFactorwcselby: I was not aware of the FFA Administrator Manual, google found it and I am reading it, thanks!
16:34.13romaNewbie2010Fender are u still here?
16:34.39motushouldnt inband work with alaw if voice works well?
16:36.43hipitihopManxPower-work, I did not do "make samples" incase that clobbered existing /etc/asterisk files. should tha tbe ok ?
16:37.44ManxPower-workhipitihop: "make samples" WILL overwrite your config files.  You should, however, do a "make config" which install the scripts to start Asterisk as part of the system boot process
16:37.48*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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16:39.17hipitihopManxPower-work, yep did that and rebooted now logged in to cli so progress, but getting some errors e.g. on outgoing call attempt I get " app_dial.c:1745 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)"
16:39.33*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
16:39.41ManxPower-workhipitihop: "sip show peers"  does that peer have an ip address listed for it?
16:39.47*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@unaffiliated/iq)
16:40.40hipitihopManxPower-work, I have two peers my provider and my ATA, both show and both have IP's
16:41.06ManxPower-workhipitihop: pastebin your sip.conf (changing ONLY passwords) and the CLI output of a failed call.
16:41.12[TK]D-Fenderhipitihop: Now answer the question he actually ASKED you
16:42.27redaxplease help me in Digium TE220 and HDLC. I've configured span2 as "span=2,2,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4" And "nethdlc=32-62". how can I get the hdlc0 device ?
16:42.46hipitihop[TK]D-Fender, sorry I thought I had, "both have IP's"
16:42.57ManxPower-workredax: What you are trying to do is something very few people ever do.
16:43.26hipitihopalthough originaly only one... hmm some timing issue perhaps... as subsequnet attempt now gets out.
16:43.42QubeZAsterisk runs fine in VMWare ESXi environment right? I have a box with ESXi and just put latest * on it. Dual 3.0 Ghz w/ 4G of ram of which 1G is dedicated to *. I ran dahdi_test and it producing horrible numbers: < 99.800%. Any suggestions on how to optimize?
16:44.38romaNewbie2010Fender did u see my binpaste?
16:44.38ManxPower-workQubeZ: why in the world would you think Asterisk runs fine in a VM?
16:44.40redaxManxPower-work: we're changing our GSM trunk provider, the old one gave PRI, the new one wants IP over HDLC E1, and SIP
16:44.41wcselbyQubeZ - lots of controversy over running * in a VM
16:44.45ManxPower-workexpecially when using DAHDI
16:45.04ManxPower-workredax: why not just get a Cisco router?
16:45.08*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
16:45.19QubeZManxPower-work many people have told me, in here even, that they have managed to get it running well in VMWare ESXi
16:45.25ManxPower-workHDLC is the native T-1/E-1 protocol of Ciscos
16:45.33QubeZi've read many success stories too, guess its not possible and quit?
16:45.35ManxPower-workQubeZ: how many people told you it is a bad idea?
16:45.38wcselbyQubeZ - it will work, but it requires tweaking
16:45.52redaxManxPower-work: Time pressure... there's no time to buy a cisco
16:45.53QubeZwcselby yup, understandable. I'm wondering what do I need to tweak.
16:46.02wcselbyQubeZ - and no, i haven't done one in specifically vmware esxi
16:46.14wcselbyQubeZ - you have dahdi dummy installed?
16:46.15hipitihopManxPower-work, [TK]D-Fender ... dialing oout now working ... and attempted call in from my mobile shows "extension not found" so I'll see if I can sort that myself .... thanks for your help both
16:46.21ManxPower-workredax: I suspect you could easily have a Cisco delivered before you managed to figure out running HDLC with Zaptel/DAHDI
16:47.11wcselbymotu - sorry my last statement may not have been clear - i was suggesting you contact your sip provider and troubleshoot with them
16:47.21ManxPower-workredax: I suspect that none of the 272 people here have ever used HDLC, and I suspect not more than 5 people here even know what it is.
16:47.21redaxI though it is some kind of childplay, as some documentation talks about PPP/HDLC and dahdi/zaptel tools has an utility sethdlc :-o
16:47.51romaNewbie2010Fender did u had a chance to look at my paste???
16:48.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:48.11wcselbyredax - you may want to send an email to the list, lots of dahdi pros on there.  a few in here, but I don't know if they're paying attention right now
16:48.44romaNewbie2010Yes, No, Maybe?
16:49.15ManxPower-workromaNewbie2010: You understand that [TK]D-Fender has a real job that is not working here helping people, right?
16:49.37ManxPower-workIf you take too long to do something that was asked of you chances are the person helping you will no longer be available.
16:49.43[TK]D-FenderromaNewbie2010: I never got a decent peer dump.
16:50.14ManxPower-workHe, like many of us, may have just gotten tired of asking for information over and over again and just gave up on you.
16:50.31redaxManxPower, wcselby: ok, will try the list. either way thank you for your help.
16:50.31QubeZwcselby yes dahdi_dummy
16:50.46wcselbyQubeZ - describe your asterisk setup
16:51.03wcselbyQubeZ - versions, what you're trying to do, etc
16:51.29michael-i_tzafrir: here is my configuration and a failed incoming trace: The first call to 861 connects, connecting to 862 fails with busy
16:51.49QubeZwcselby ESXi v4, * v1.6.2. Basically just trying to get the dahdi dummy to report good results. I haven't moved onto much else besides compiling the dahdi and * software.
16:51.56QubeZbasic setup thus far
16:52.55tzafrirmichael-i_, are you sure it's 'dchan' and not 'hardhdlc'? What device do you use?
16:53.17wcselbyQubeZ - what OS are you running for your VM? Centos 5.4?  I thought esxi was just the VM container?
16:53.25QubeZwcselby CentOS 5.4 final
16:53.44wcselbyQubeZ - dahdi compiled and everything for that went fine?
16:53.46QubeZall updates done running kernel
16:53.51romaNewbie2010ManxPower jesus... what is ur problem?
16:53.57romaNewbie2010do you have ur period or something?
16:54.16wcselbyromaNewbie2010 - wow, that's the way to get help in a free help channel, for sure!
16:54.36michael-i_tzafrir: these are for sure dchan. they're custom drivers for an embedded appliance. with hardhdlc nothing works at all
16:55.01wcselbyQubeZ - like I said, I haven't done exactly what you're trying.  Your only issue so far is the dahdi_test result?
16:55.06romaNewbie2010this is a waste of time anyway
16:55.08ManxPower-workromaNewbie2010: I wish you the BEST of luck.
16:55.13*** part/#asterisk romaNewbie2010 (
16:55.58hipitihopdoes a dance both incoming and outgoing calls now work... ManxPower-work , leifmadsen & [TK]D-Fender thanks for suggesting to use the source :-)
16:56.07QubeZwcselby yup, only the dahdi_test result is below 99.98%
16:56.15QubeZspecifically, 99.8xx
16:56.55hipitihophey voipmonk
16:57.09geneticx_wrkHi everyone.
16:57.16wcselbyhmmm....that's a lot lower than my current test, but then again I've got an actual t1 card in.  i'll look for a machine that has dummy and check those results
16:58.26*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
17:00.17hipitihopthanks to all for your help, way too late here, time for bed... till next time.
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17:07.48redaxgeez. where can I find a searchable asterisk-dev or any dahdi/zaptel related mailinglist archive
17:08.33wcselby ?
17:08.41wcselbyeither that or google, or a combination fo the two
17:09.11wcselbyyou may want to look at the asterisk-users list too,
17:10.30*** join/#asterisk cguerrero (~cuauhtemo@
17:12.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:14.06redaxwcselby: that pipermail stuff is not searchable :D
17:14.23wcselbyredax - hence the suggestion to combine with google :)
17:14.25redaxhehh. found an initscript at dahdi-tools... ifup-hdlc
17:14.48redaxwcselby: or download all the gzipped months :)
17:15.16redaxthe only problem with the ifup-hdlc is there's no default configuration for the script
17:15.32infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
17:16.08*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
17:16.47redaxah site: trick, thanks ManxPower
17:18.26*** join/#asterisk dinesh___ (
17:19.38dinesh___hi folks, I got a quick question: Is it easy to configure Asterisk as a SIP server that registers to another SIP provider for the incoming number and that uses a few several other SIP providers for outgoing call depending on the number prefix ?
17:19.58paulcdinesh__: absolutely! :-)
17:20.16dinesh___okay that's cool then because I plan to do that next week ;)
17:21.21dinesh___i have to wait for the wireless rj-11 <-> sip adapter i just ordered
17:21.57paulcdinesh__: what make/model is that then?
17:22.21redaxwait. I have the hdlc0 device :D
17:22.35wcselbyredax - grats!
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17:24.41*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
17:24.47ujjainIs Asterisk better than Hylafax for faxing?
17:24.57*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
17:25.08wcselbyujjain - depends
17:25.12[TK]D-Fenderujjain: Over what? <-
17:25.25[TK]D-Fenderujjain: What qualifies as "good">
17:25.28ujjainover internet. I am looking for faxing via a webinterface.
17:25.40wcselbyyou want to fax over VoIP?
17:25.42ujjainno physical fax involved, via SIP protocol.
17:25.42[TK]D-Fenderujjain: Both can.
17:26.29redaxhow can one compare a fax sw to a pbx?
17:26.41dinesh___paulc it's the SPA2102 + wireless adapter actually
17:26.54[TK]D-Fenderredax: Like apples & oranges
17:27.28paulcmove dinesh__: Ah gotcha - I've used a SPA-3001 with the wireless adapator before, it worked really well :-)
17:30.47ujjainredax: I have no idea, I am new to this VOIP business.
17:31.38carrarme too
17:31.43carrarWhat is this VOIP crap anyways
17:31.49redaxyou can fax with asterisk using spandsp or there's several commercial swfax solution. but if you want _JUST_ a faxserver, use hylafax or efax/mgetty or whatever :D
17:31.53Kobazughh, i wish there was a way to reconfigure a polycom without rebooting
17:32.10Naikrovekyou're using the web interface, huh
17:32.20coppiceujjain: FAX over SIP is always a bit iffy. Do it as VoIP and its very unreliable. Do it as T.38 and its subject to a lot of quirky implementations. * fronting iaxmodem+hylafax is one of the more successful combinations for high volume FAXing (hundreds of lines), and there are web interfaces for HylaFAX. However, that's usually with the * connected to the PSTN
17:32.20Kobazthat's one of the serious drawbacks of polycoms
17:32.26KobazNaikrovek: web interface? of course not
17:32.32Naikrovekokay cool
17:33.04ujjaincoppice: Thhank you!
17:34.31*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey1 (
17:34.33ujjainMy provider does not support T38, but v.17 and slower.
17:34.45coppiceujjian: and watch out for patent trolls
17:35.12wcselbyujjain - if you want to seriously consider fax over VoIP, find a provider that does support t38
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17:37.42orangepoweranyone have a polycom VVX 1500? i'm having trouble with some settings, i've tried everything
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17:39.10redaxgeeez. can't unload dahdi :/
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17:39.32redaxas I can't shutdown the hdlc0 interface :-(
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17:41.00orangepoweranyone have any luck with asterisk hosted solutions?
17:42.28[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: No.  Every hosting provider simultaneously went out of business
17:42.43*** part/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
17:43.57KattyBB's all passed out
17:43.59jaskewwas that when the RTP time counter hit 65535?
17:44.21orangepower[TK]D-Fender: lol sucky.
17:44.57redaxgrr. hdlc0: Unable to set Cisco HDLC protocol information: Invalid argument
17:45.18orangepowerI'm at a doctors office, I setup a asterisk machine, bought some VVX 1500 polycom phones, but I can't get them working, literally spent 5 hours configuring it.. no luck.. anyone familiar with polycom gear?
17:45.34orangepowerat this point i'd paypal to get it fixed, even remotely
17:45.56*** join/#asterisk elchorisolo (~elsopapa@
17:46.33jaskeworangepower:  I use LES.NET - I'm pretty sure they use asterisk on the back end.  I wouldn't call them a "hosted asterisk" per se, but they seem to be pretty reliable.
17:47.03orangepowerjaskew: that's just a SIP provider?
17:47.12elchorisoloi have a little problem between an asterisk and a pbx panasonic can anyone help me?
17:47.44[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: Maybe if you asked a specific question
17:48.03jaskeworangepower:  yeah - basically, but you can do a bit of configuration via their web interface.  You couldn;t really set up a whole PBX though.  Sorry - that probaably wasn;t helpful ;)
17:48.09elchorisolo[TK]D-Fender i use a fxo gateway....
17:48.20elchorisoloand when i dial
17:48.21orangepowerjaskew: it's ok, thanks anyway..
17:48.30elchorisoloi only listen the tone
17:48.37orangepoweri'd love for this polycom to "just work" but i'm pretty sure i should give up on it lol
17:48.58elchorisoloand the asterisk doesnt dial
17:48.58Naikroveki don't have a vvx phone but all my polycom's just work
17:49.06wcselbyorangepower - there was discussion recently on the mailing list about that phone - they talked about needing the latest firmware and bootroms and stuff
17:49.13jaskewKatty: is that "found on the web" or are you really doing that?
17:49.21orangepowerwcselby: that was my next try
17:49.22elchorisoloso after a time.. my pbx give me busy tone
17:49.26wcselbyif you look at this month's list archives you should be able to find some useful information
17:49.35orangepowerwcselby: thanks, it's a bitch of a phone
17:49.36*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
17:49.45Kattyjaskew: what do you think?
17:50.12Kattyjaskew: would you like another?
17:50.16jaskewKatty: Not sure - I don;t know you well enough yet...
17:50.36jaskewand that answer works for both questions.
17:50.42elchorisoloany ideaaaaaaaa
17:51.03Kattyjaskew: that's Merry as a baby
17:51.49[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: What is your issue with it?  What ar you testing it with?  what aspects aren't working?
17:52.11jaskewKatty: is that an opossum?  They look different out here.  Maybe because they aren't clean...
17:53.06[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: Sorry your description is too weak as to what hardware is being used, what signalling, etc
17:53.19[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: Which is calling which as well
17:53.21elchorisoloi need some help, i have a problem between an asterisk and a pbx panasonic tx 200 , when i dial from asterisk i listen the pbx tone but nothing is dialed, so after a time my pbx give me busy tone....
17:53.41[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: Well what are you dialing on?
17:53.48elchorisolomy gw is Grandstream  fxo gateway
17:53.59[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: So what is dialing a number?
17:53.59Kattyjaskew: <- Merry realtime
17:54.06elchorisoloi dial 915151515 for exmaple
17:54.12Kattyjaskew: and no, Merry is not a possum
17:54.25elchorisoloand my pbx give me tone but nothing is dialed
17:55.16[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: show us a failed call from * CLI
17:55.19infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:56.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o [TK]D-Fender] by ChanServ
17:56.41jaskewKatty:  Silly me - Couldn't quite make it out from that angle.
17:56.44*** kick/#asterisk [elchorisolo!~chatzilla@] by [TK]D-Fender (elchorisolo)
17:56.51*** join/#asterisk elchorisolo (~elsopapa@
17:57.04[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: PASTEBIN.  Do not flood in here again
17:57.16elchorisolowhat is pastebin
17:57.23[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: Also you are not passing your gateway a number to dial anywhere in there
17:57.25infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:57.35elchorisoloahh okei
17:57.37[TK]D-Fender[12:55]<infobot>[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:57.53*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
17:58.02[TK]D-Fender[12:57]<[TK]D-Fender>elchorisolo: Also you are not passing your gateway a number to dial anywhere in there
17:58.13[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: [12:56]<elchorisolo> -- Executing [9151515@i-transfer:1] Dial("SIP/802-0132cea0", "SIP/gwfxo") in new stack
17:59.05elchorisolookei.. sorry i change to make a test
17:59.23Kattyjaskew: <- BB
17:59.34*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
17:59.49Deeewayneawwww.... ferret ears!
17:59.51Kattyjaskew: <- also BB, not me.
18:00.13KattyBB was about 6 months old when I adopted him from the local vet.
18:00.19orangepower[TK]D-Fender: so.. it just won't dial out/connect to the local asterisk server or the sip provider directly, i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong
18:00.22Kattyhe was put up for boarding and his parents never came back for him.
18:00.25Naikrovekkatty: <-- BL
18:00.47KattyNaikrovek: i saw that on reddit this morning :>
18:00.55Naikrovekah fellow redditor
18:00.57*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
18:01.00Naikrovekcan't sneak anything past you
18:01.58[TK]D-FenderoragWhere do we see SIP DEBUG of attempts to register/call to *?
18:02.03[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: Where do we see SIP DEBUG of attempts to register/call to *?
18:02.40elchorisolo[TK]D-Fender this is the trace
18:02.56Mhaddoggood afternoon
18:03.05elchorisolohi Mhaddog
18:03.22[TK]D-Fenderelchorisolo: And if you plug a phone in parallel with it you still don't hear it dial?
18:05.13elchorisolo[TK]D-Fender i didnt do it, but i think it will dial, because i have another providers in asterisk working..
18:05.39*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
18:05.45elchorisolo[TK]D-Fender i dont have any tool to do that
18:06.11orangepower[TK]D-Fender: no...
18:06.45elchorisolosorry for my english ...
18:06.53orangepower[TK]D-Fender: i'm about to do it from scratch again, i'm not using a boot server, just using the phone itself for config is that ok?
18:08.03*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
18:11.35[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: Either should work
18:14.57*** join/#asterisk bahjons (~robert@
18:15.13xLPI'm encoounterting troubles with Asterisk, no clue why, I can only describe symptoms... Randomly, when you try placing a call, it fails, and some phones will fail registering. I sniffed network, while watching asterisk console and monitoring box load... Load is always around 0.04, I see packets incoming and being replied normally, and when the problem starts, I see incoming packets, but no answer, and nothing in the console, then, suddenly, after about 30 s
18:15.18*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:16.13*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:16.15orangepower[TK]D-Fender: i keep getting a fast busy when i try to make a call from the polycom, what does that mean?
18:16.44*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
18:17.04bahjonsdoes anyone know how to use the set variables from asterisk manager 'originate' command?
18:17.26[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: Stop looking at the phone and start looking at *
18:17.36*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:18.02[TK]D-Fenderbahjons: They are accessable in your dialplan whereve you dump them.
18:18.15bahjonsor how to troubleshoot if the variables are set... I tried a NoOp(show me $var1) but it's showing blank
18:18.15orangepower[TK]D-Fender: xmeeting works fine in asterisk, i'll go check asterisk logs
18:20.30orangepower[TK]D-Fender: it's not even hitting the * machine
18:20.38orangepower[TK]D-Fender: nothing shows up in the log at all
18:20.49paulcis it registered?
18:20.57[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: then you haven't set it up right at all.
18:22.06orangepower[TK]D-Fender: seems that way, i'm missing something dumb i think
18:22.31orangepowerit tries to go to the boot server, then fails, everytime on boot, is that normal for a standalone phone?
18:22.45[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: yes
18:22.58[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: then it will take whatever settings its got locally
18:23.25orangepowerok... i can screenshot the web settings, if it helps? i have no idea why it won't even connect
18:23.42*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
18:23.47[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: Neither do we.... probably because we have nothign to look at...
18:24.08orangepowerwhat's the next step?
18:25.36paulcI'll ask again - is it registered?
18:25.42ariel_setup the phone with a tftp server and put the settings in the proper files. (Sorry I have never configured a polycom via it's web).
18:26.26orangepowerpaulc: it's not hitting * at all it seems
18:26.32[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: You'd better start showing us config screens from it or something....
18:26.44Naikrovekwe need more than just "this phone sucks"
18:26.48[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: because right now we have nothing
18:27.06orangepoweri'm screenshotting now
18:27.14orangepowerlot of screens, sec
18:27.30orangepowerthanks guys, not trying to be annoying
18:27.38paulcorangepower: So back to basics. You need to create a peer in sip.conf, then get your phone to successfully register to Asterisk (the phone icon will be filled in, not hollow/outlined). Once done, we can look at dialplan issues.
18:28.09orangepowerpaulc: i can't configure it from the webinterface? or directly on the phone?
18:28.48Naikrovekorangepower: it is FAR easier to do it via (t)ftp
18:29.06Naikroveki have some polycom config generation scripts that do everything for me except download firmware
18:29.17Naikroveki'm happy to share them
18:29.24Naikrovekpm me your email and i'll send them
18:31.13*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
18:32.16[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: ... this isn't a SoundPoint series model...
18:32.33orangepowerVVX 1500
18:32.45orangepowershould be the sam econfig though?
18:32.53[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: Doubt it
18:33.46[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: Confirmed... it is the same.
18:33.51[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: So that's good.
18:34.05[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: SCREEN SHOTS PLEASE
18:34.06orangepowerso * is setup correctly.. i can dial out, dial extensions.. everything from xmeeting (soft sip client) on the same network
18:34.12paulcorangepower: I like configuring through config files, cos I'm hardcore.. but web interface works too.. just reset it to factory defaults and get a simple registration to asterisk working.
18:34.31orangepoweryea i'm gonna reset it now
18:34.39orangepoweri got too far down the rabbit hole
18:36.08[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: far from
18:36.10vader--any of you guys using/used sipxecs? or any thoughts on it?
18:41.51bahjonsHere's my php code for starting the 'Originate' command with the asterisk manager.  And the extensions context it's routing to. NoOp returns the set variables as blank. Am I doing something wrong?
18:43.18[TK]D-Fenderbahjons: its SetVar, not Variable
18:43.45[TK]D-Fenderstrike that
18:43.48[TK]D-Fenderwhong opt
18:44.02Corydon76-digtypo city
18:44.09bahjonshaha, yea...
18:44.10*** join/#asterisk korihor (~korihor@
18:45.28[TK]D-Fenderbahjons: well... does your call actually originate?  You don't seem to ahve the extr CRLF's between operations there
18:45.58bahjonsyea, it originates
18:51.18BCS-SatoriI am having a problem in with call termination (hangup) when the person on the other end hangs up the phone (on SIP Locally, External Caller On SIP, External Caller on POTS, and DUNDI phones) where the local phone gets an immediate disconnect busy tone repeating until they physically.  How can I make it auto hangup the local phones.
18:51.39bahjonshmm, if I add the extra CRLF's it doesn't originate
18:52.42Jhirleyholla folks, any place I can look for find good write up on AIX vs SIP trunking ?
18:52.57*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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18:53.49*** join/#asterisk Whtsup (
18:53.51[TK]D-FenderJhirley: What are you expecting to see?
18:54.10Whtsuphow can i test voice quality in asterisk
18:54.44BCS-Satorierr Typo... I didn't mean DUNDI I meant DAHDI. sorry
18:54.52paulcWhtsup: Call someone and see how good it sounds?
18:54.59Jhirley[TK]D-Fender: looking for PRO / CONs , for IAX and SIP trunking.
18:55.53paulcstifles a giggle
18:55.53Whtsupi have check it its okay when i call
18:55.53Whtsupbut when my client sent the traffic
18:55.53[TK]D-FenderJhirley: Only pro for IAX is if you are in a SIP hostile networking scenario, or desperately need the bandwidth savings using IAX2 Trunk Mode
18:55.53Whtsupcalls are disconnected
18:57.16paulcWhtsup: Inbound or outbound? Does the log shed any light on it? (I'm not sure how this relates to voice quality?)
18:57.59Whtsuplatency from my client switch to my asterisk server is 140ms
18:58.07paulcSo we're talking:  Your Client --> Asterisk --> Your Provider   -  and the call fails immediately? after a while?
18:58.24Whtsupmy acd is not good
18:58.36paulcDoes the call get setup, proceed, and fail after a while? or immediately when they try and place a call?
18:58.54Whtsupcall are answering
18:59.06Whtsupbut average call duration is very low
18:59.50*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
19:00.04paulcSo the question is - why are calls ending?
19:00.12paulcAre they hearing silence and hanging up?
19:00.38Whtsupissue is delay in voice
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (~8none1]
19:08.36*** join/#asterisk devafree (~kannan@
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19:10.08jpvoiphello guys, someone has any idea of a good project using Asterisk + XMPP? Is for my course final project
19:10.31*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
19:10.36devafreehello, i am running asterisk 1.4. Client eyebeam softphones on the LAN on ulaw, periodically get 408 request timeout registration errors, this happens on over the last couple days. But aftre a couple times re-starting the eyebeam phone, it works OK again for a whileHow can I start trouble shooting
19:11.00Corydon76-digjpvoip: you realize the driver is already written, right?
19:12.06_Raptor_i want the user to enter an extension containing a various number of digits and wenn he presses # the dial should be executed right away. exten => _[0-9].#,1,Dial(...) waits for timeout because # matches to . as well
19:12.30*** join/#asterisk cguerrero (~cuauhtemo@
19:12.37_Raptor_so how can i express the regexp ^[0-9]+#$ in extensions?
19:15.06jaskewdevafree: try SIP DEBUG PEER <name of peer or ip address> and then see if asterisk is seeing the registrations.  Also, Eyebeam has a debug log console.  you might try using both of these at the same time
19:15.23devafreejaskew , ok thanks , i will do
19:15.53jaskewdevafree:  hang on - my syntqax is wrong
19:16.22jaskewdevafree: SIP SET DEBUG PEER <name or ip address>  I think that is right :)
19:16.52devafreejaskew , ok got i t:)
19:16.57*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
19:16.59jaskew_Raptor_: what kind of phone - is it a SIP phone or POTS?
19:17.33devafreethe prob is i got at least 50 -60 calls running all the time, i have to be able to read the CLI logging , :(
19:17.38*** join/#asterisk jpvoip (
19:17.40[TK]D-FenderraptYou can't do this directly.  there is no "use X as a terminator"
19:17.47jpvoipCorydon76-dig: yes
19:17.47[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: You can't do this directly.  there is no "use X as a terminator"
19:18.09_Raptor_[TK]D-Fender: what do you suggest?
19:18.21jpvoipCorydon76-dig: im looking for a use of * +XMPP...
19:18.28_Raptor_jaskew: various phones, sip, iax, ...
19:18.38*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (~M1s3ry@
19:18.45jaskewyeah - I was going to direct him to the phone's own dialplan if it was a SIP phone.
19:18.57[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: you'll need to do a bigger pattern with "." at the end and check that it ends with a # in the dialplan.  This means you can't just 404 a dialed # as you have to accept it first then check if ti ends right
19:19.16jaskew_Raptor_:  TKD-Fender knows more than me - I'll let him take it :)
19:19.17*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
19:19.28_Raptor_jaskew: thx :-)
19:19.42*** join/#asterisk mayfield (
19:20.18_Raptor_[TK]D-Fender: my problem also is the timeout. i don't want to wait for the timeout but setting off the call wenn i press #
19:20.18leifmadsenjpvoip: I think I have a blog post written about Asterisk and XMPP at
19:20.29_Raptor_(thats the only reason for #)
19:20.57jaskew[TK]D-Fender:  Doesn't it have to be set in the phone itself so the phone knows when to send the INCITE?
19:21.11leifmadsenINCITE VIOLENCE?!?!?!
19:21.27jaskewwhy doesn't that s trick work for me?
19:21.33[TK]D-Fenderjaskew: depends if you want to use the phone to do the limiting.... thats poor methodology if you're in a mixed environment...
19:21.42*** join/#asterisk mayfield (
19:22.02jaskewSo timeout is the way to go in those situations?
19:23.14devafreeok , i think i may have got a solution, not asure. Asterisk global settings has nat=yes, but the  eyebeam phones have got no specific nat entry in sip-something-additional.conf (auto gen by a script from a MySQL DB app). The asterisk has 2 IP addresses , one to connect to the service provider on eth0, and the other connect to the LAN on eth1 (the LAN has the eyebeam phones). Can this possibly cause the error?
19:23.35devafreei get intermittent 408 request timeouts, that resolve itself after a bit
19:24.23*** join/#asterisk V4mpire (~gary@
19:24.55bmoraca_workdevafree: you're gonna need to try that in #freepbx .  but, why not add nat=yes and try?
19:25.15jaskewdavfree: do you have a localnet setting in sip.conf?
19:25.33devafreejaskew , -> yep
19:26.17devafreebmoraca_work , i will, i will edit sip.conf manually and see if it recurs
19:26.27devafreeits not fpbx
19:27.26*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (~tech_trav@
19:30.03*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
19:30.53Kattymy asterisk does not work at all
19:30.55Kattyhow to fix pls
19:31.14paulcKatty: paste your whole config file to the channel and we'll alllll have a look see
19:31.18Sargunplease tell me you're joking.
19:31.24wcselbykatty never jokes
19:31.29jaskewHi Katty.  your menagerie is larger than mine I'm afraid!
19:31.54Kattyjaskew: :P
19:32.02Kattyjaskew: yesh, i live in a zoo
19:32.19Kattyjaskew: and it'll be bigger if i can find a house outside city limits!
19:32.46*** part/#asterisk M1s3ry (~M1s3ry@
19:32.57*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
19:33.00*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (~M1s3ry@
19:33.14paulcjaskew said "menagerie" and I thought "lingerie" - hmm.. twisted much?
19:34.30Kattyhopefully outside city limits i will get a pair of pygmy goats and a couple chickens.
19:34.32M1s3ryI have a dialplan where I need to put caller in meetme that create dynamically (this works fine)
19:34.32M1s3ryThen I need to call another number and put them in that same meetme. It seems to stop the dial plan once it goes in Meetme. Is there a way around this without AGI script. Using the dialplan in =>
19:34.34jaskewpaulc: they are quite different things, but who am I to judge the associations of others
19:34.41Kattymaybe a duck or two
19:35.15hardwireit maeks me think margarine or menage or menengitis or Ménage à trois
19:35.29hardwireerr.. meh
19:35.39jaskewis anatidaephobic
19:35.52[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: where do we see the failed call?
19:36.16hardwireaskew is a cool name
19:36.23M1s3ryin the the copied CLI which will be pastebin'd shortly :)
19:36.25hardwirenot a lot of V* in your lineage.
19:36.31[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: and you can't just call dial after Meetme... this is a SINGlE CALL you are processing there.  You need to ORIGINATE a new call which will be technically independent of this one
19:36.45[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: what you have now has no chance.
19:36.53jaskewheh - I have fun with it.
19:37.00Kattyjaskew: MERRY IS AWAKE
19:37.19paulcI had to look the phobia up. Makes me laugh.
19:37.22paulcMakes me think of
19:37.24Kattyanddd he's awake again
19:37.25paulcawesome t-shirt
19:37.26Kattyerr asleep
19:37.35[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: Look up "call files" , use Originate() from * 1.6+, or an AMI Originate to span this secondary call PRIOR to sending this caller into the MeetMe
19:37.52Kattyjaskew: you might be too late tho
19:39.22Kattyyou ever wonder why some animals sleep in a pile, and others dont?
19:39.24*** join/#asterisk DMeloUK (~DominicMe@
19:39.58jaskewdon't knock it 'til you've tried it!
19:40.17Kattyi don't think i'd want someone crushing a rib
19:40.27Kattybut the boys don't seem to mind
19:40.53jaskewMerry crashed my firefox!
19:41.31mayfieldhow are things in the asterisks world?
19:41.48Kattyjaskew: try that one instead. less going on in the page to crash your browser
19:41.50jaskewI shoulda closed the window with the duck.  There it is again!
19:42.05mayfieldmost importantly the communications of remote sip endpoints and nat traversing issues with rtp traffic =P
19:42.08wcselbymy client just sent out a warning notice about a virus
19:42.14wcselbyin it, they included a link to the virus
19:42.27Kattyjaskew: merrys already gone back to sleep but pippin seems to be awake.
19:42.28wcselbythey sent it to like 3000 people
19:42.37Kattywcselby: oh boy :/
19:42.43wcselbylol oh well...
19:43.11wcselbyI have a feeling their support queue is about to heat up....
19:43.17wcselbyanyways, time to grab some lunch
19:43.24Kattygood timing! get out of there! :P
19:43.32leifmadsenwcselby: ya, get the hell outta dodge :)
19:43.45jaskewMe too (luinch).  OK - I see movement
19:43.58Kattyjaskew: they got up for a snack
19:44.06Kattyjaskew: now they're grooming
19:44.18Kattyjaskew: merry is on th eleft
19:45.22orangepowerSO CLOSE to getting the VVX1500 working, i have outgoing audio, just no incoming audio
19:45.30orangepoweris that a firewall problem?
19:45.50Kattycould be.
19:45.55Kattycheck your firewall logs.
19:46.38paulcorangepower: is it behind NAT, compared to your * box?
19:47.15*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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19:47.25orangepowerboth are behind NAT
19:47.38orangepoweraudio between extensions works fine
19:47.56orangepowerjust gonna open it as the dmz, see if that fixes the issue
19:48.04orangepowerthen figure it out
19:48.05jblackno they're not. You should give out tiny bits of info at a time.
19:48.17paulccharacter by character?
19:48.31jblackmake it like a mystery novel. Make everyone guess as to your problem!
19:48.46*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (~victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
19:48.48paulcbarrrr makes me think of the olympic curlers, when they shout hard! Hard! HARRRRRRD!
19:51.57[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: READ...
19:51.59infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:54.04*** join/#asterisk sulex (
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19:58.37mayfielddamn, that is a nice link ^^
19:58.39Kattysighs at clock
19:58.56orangepowerIT WORKS omg yes
19:59.54orangepowerNaikrovek: thanks you sooo much for those scripts and the help.. it's perfect
20:00.03Naikrovekah you're welcome
20:00.06Naikrovekglad i could help
20:00.21Naikrovekso much easier if you do it via FTP and config files
20:00.34Naikrovekyou can store that stuff in cvs or whatever and put your feet up
20:03.57xLPI'm encoounterting troubles with Asterisk, no clue why, I can only describe symptoms... Randomly, when you try placing a call, it fails, and some phones will fail registering. I sniffed network, while watching asterisk console and monitoring box load... Load is always around 0.04, I see packets incoming and being replied normally, and when the problem starts, I see incoming packets, but no answer, and nothing in the console, then, suddenly, after about 30 s
20:04.05*** join/#asterisk zeyui (
20:04.09zeyuihi there
20:04.16zeyuii just start with asterisk
20:04.30zeyuii create an sip user
20:04.55zeyuiwhen i try to check the user with a softphone
20:05.02zeyuiit not sign is it normal ?
20:05.09Kattyzeyui: read the book.
20:05.11Kattyinfobot: thebook
20:05.12infobotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
20:05.16[TK]D-FenderxLP: why don't WE see these incoming packets and debug?  You've been repeating that all day and shown us nothing.
20:05.17mayfieldauthentication issue maybe?
20:05.23*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
20:05.45mayfieldxlp are these remote end points that are experiencing these problems?
20:05.49xLPzeyui:  you're probably French, and you probably means "ring"... and I fear it's a bit harder... you need to route the calls
20:05.54zeyuii got this Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
20:05.55zeyuiivan/ivan                  (Unspecified)    D          5060     Unmonitored
20:05.57zeyui1 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 0 offline]
20:06.12zeyuiwhen i do sip show peer
20:06.56*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:07.29mayfieldzeyui thats one part of the puzzle.. double check the config on your soft phone.
20:07.33xLP[TK]D-Fender: what would you like to see? I can run a capture and wait for problems to happen... But it's just everything normal, and I just expect someone to have encountered it... else I think no change. You can consider everything is running as usual, just for 30 seconds it stops answering, and 30s after everything runs as normal
20:07.53xLPmayfield: they are remote, over a VPN
20:08.14mayfieldwhat type of filesystem/disk configuration?
20:08.18mayfieldon the * box
20:08.33xLPmayfield: ext3, no particular info on the HDD itself (must be IDE)
20:08.34[TK]D-FenderxLP: We have no veriosn, and no usable details at all from your side.  We have nothing to help you with
20:09.51xLP[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk, what else would be usable data?
20:10.04mayfieldxlp, only thing i can think of is variable latency causing the session traffic/vpn tunnel to linger then resume
20:10.20mayfieldxlp, like fender said
20:10.38xLPmayfield: sorry, forgot... many endpoints are local (same switch) and encounter the same problem :(
20:10.45[TK]D-FenderxLP: Well first you are 18 releases off of current....
20:11.01[TK]D-FenderxLP: First UPGRADE... then we'll need to see a full dump of call attempts
20:11.19xLP[TK]D-Fender: ok, I'll then first look at how to upgrade, thx
20:11.44xLP[TK]D-Fender: what do you call a full dump of call attempts? would a Wireshark capture suit?
20:12.05mayfieldyou know that spam you see in the asterisks console?
20:12.17mayfieldup the verbosity
20:12.46xLPI'm at level 4 (sometimes at 28), but I read nothing output at more than 4
20:12.48[TK]D-FenderxLP: * SIP DEBUG
20:12.49mayfielda tcpdump off the wan or whatever interface you are using for 5060/10k-20k blah blah traffic
20:13.23mayfieldthose to go hand in hand togethor ;)
20:13.30xLPRTP & SIP, no pb... ok well, will first try upgrading then I'll see
20:13.49mayfield1.6 *face palm* ...sad story.
20:14.25xLPall I can tell for now regarding output in asterisk console is... after 30 secs, for example, invites are processed JUST NORMALLY...
20:14.46xLPok, thx to u 2... I'll go find how to update...
20:14.50mayfieldone sec xlp.
20:15.00xLPmah, I stay anyway :)
20:15.28mayfieldisn't there like a variable that you can toggle for the ttl on the sip notifications to the pbx?
20:15.40mayfieldi wonder if your flooding the pbx with the keep alives
20:15.48mayfieldfrom the remote end points
20:15.58mayfieldhow many end points?
20:16.00xLPI'll dig there
20:16.06xLPmmm let me check
20:16.21mayfieldyea, qualify
20:16.33xLP(by remote, you mean any endpoint outside of the box, or outside LAN ?)
20:16.43xLPI disabled qualitfy as I suspected it
20:16.48xLPit didn't seem to help
20:17.03mayfieldtry hard setting that value to a reasonable value
20:17.08mayfielddunno what the default value is.
20:17.23xLPeven if I completely disabled it? (well, I mean no endpoint is being qualified)
20:17.29mayfieldinstall bwm
20:17.37mayfieldand monitor the traffic on your network interfaces
20:17.45mayfieldon the pbx
20:17.55mayfieldbanwidth monitor
20:17.58xLPdunno bwm, I'm monitor thru a managed switch
20:18.01mayfieldgogle it
20:18.09mayfieldits a app you install on your * box
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20:18.53Naikrovekperks up
20:18.54mayfieldif your sing centos/rehl yum install bwm-ng
20:18.56xLPI will, yes yes... just doesn't seem related to bandwidth... the box is not getting anything else than SIP traffic, which is low, and LAN endpoints are affected too
20:19.26xLPpackage not available, guess it's outdated
20:19.31Naikrovekyeah same
20:19.40NaikrovekNo package bwm-ng available.
20:19.41mayfieldupdate your repos :P
20:19.42xLPthx for your help, don't waste your time, I'll try upgrading first
20:20.04Kattybored bored bored.
20:20.17Naikrovekso do something
20:20.33mayfieldman, i havn't been in here for a long time.
20:20.39KattyNaikrovek: like what
20:20.40mayfieldfender has ben in here for years....
20:20.48Kattymayfield: so have i
20:20.58mayfieldyea i recognize the name
20:21.03Qwellspeaking of [TK]D-Fender..  nice @, sir :D
20:21.13Kattydid your package arrive.
20:21.17QwellKatty: YES!  Friday.
20:21.20Qwellbut I've been sick.
20:21.30Kattyi am sorry to hear of illness.
20:21.43QwellFriday for reals this time.
20:22.47[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yeah, we had a flooder :)
20:22.54*** mode/#asterisk [-o [TK]D-Fender] by [TK]D-Fender
20:23.18[TK]D-FenderQwell: those are 95% of my reasons for "upgrading" :)
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20:28.35ariel_I have a strange issue which is with iax2 and using it with trunk=yes.  It works, but when I do actual data anaiyes it only trunks one way.  Has anyone done any testing with this.
20:32.24*** part/#asterisk bahjons (~robert@
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20:38.13linelevelhi guys. i'm running asterisk with the trixbox GUI.  In the CDR logs, I have fields for the src channel and dest channel.  The records for the source channel look like (e.g.) 'SIP/603-b770ed50', and an example dest channel is 'Zap/2-1'.  Can anyone explain what each of these is?  (I know what SIP is, and I know that the '603' is the extension #, but that's where my knowledge ends.)
20:39.32ariel_means your sip extension 603 made a call via the pstn line on channel 2
20:42.22orangepowerso i've tried all the firewall config's port forwarding everything, i can make calls out, but i get the "disconnected" tones when i call in
20:42.40orangepowerasterisk has no log of the events
20:44.22linelevelariel_, thanks. what is the 'b770ed50'?  I know it's some 4-byte hex code, but what does it represent?  I've noticed that it is sometimes the same for different extensions, but not always the same for a fixed extension.
20:45.09Qwelllinelevel: That is a unique ID for the channel.  It is essentially random.
20:45.28Qwell(really, for a SIP call, I believe it's the address of the pointer for the SIP pvt, but...consider it "random")
20:46.05Deeewaynerandomizes Qwell's face
20:46.30linelevelQwell, thanks.  This org has multiple copper phone lines and I'm trying to determine which one this call went out on.  Is that possible from this data?
20:46.42QwellDeeewayne: Hey, I'm a picasso!
20:47.04Qwelllinelevel: Zap/2
20:49.19linelevelQwell, so that means it's line 2? What is the '-1' in 'Zap/2-1'?  Also, might it be the case that the line that Asterisk calls Zap/2 is mapped to Line1 on the org's phone?
20:49.54leifmadsenQwell: any chance you could sign those releases for me?
20:49.55[TK]D-FenderLinNo, just ignore that
20:50.01[TK]D-Fenderlinelevel: No, just ignore that
20:50.38linelevel[TK]D-Fender, ignore what?
20:51.36Deeewayneleifmadsen, can you ping me after your release stuffs, please ?
20:52.36leifmadsenDeeewayne: ping :)
20:52.52leifmadsenI'm just waiting on people at this point :\
20:53.04wcselbynew releases coming out soon?
20:53.29[TK]D-Fenderlinelevel: ignore the "-1"
20:53.44linelevel[TK]D-Fender, are you telling me to ignore what Qwell said, or to ignore the '-1' part of that line?
20:53.50linelevelah ok
20:54.09linelevel[TK]D-Fender, know about my other question:  might it be the case that the line that Asterisk calls Zap/2 is mapped to Line1 on the org's phone?
20:54.28wcselbyall it means is the call is going out on whichever line you've got plugged into your zap/2 interface
20:54.28lineleveland in particular, where could i find such info?
20:54.33[TK]D-Fenderlinelevel: There is no such thing as "mapping"
20:54.39wcselbyphysically plugged into the zap/2 interface
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20:55.35linelevelso would i need to physically visit there to find that out?  Currently, I'm just using the trixbox web interface remotely
20:55.41[TK]D-Fenderlinelevel: the "-1" has no functional meaning to you.  there is no association between ANY 2 devices in your system.  A call from any device hits the dialplan and that does whatever it does with it
20:55.51ManxPower-worklinelevel: "mapping" is a feature of key systems, not of PBXs
20:55.52*** join/#asterisk jameswf (~james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
20:57.14jameswfI want to save a bunch of money on a phone system by installing asterisk on this old P4 layin here but i dont wanna learn linux or how to program it can someone doo it all for me for free or cheaper
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20:58.24Qwelljameswf: Sure, just enter your credit card number here, and I'll get right on that.
20:58.39Qwelloh don't worry, we won't charge it.  It's just for proof of...umm...something.
20:59.12Deeewayneproof of silliness
21:00.23mayfieldjameswf sure
21:01.18mayfieldjameswf but i am gonna need you to dig around in my pants pocket for the duration of the job.
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21:03.10mayfieldQwell quality work does not come cheap my friend.
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21:08.23jameswfbut it does come easy :)
21:08.55mayfieldjameswf we'll get along just fine.
21:09.38wcselbyso, if I use Dial(DAHDI/G1/${NUMBER}, on a dahdi span that has 23 channels in the group, will it start at channel 23 in the group or at channel 1?  And isn't this controllable by using DAHDI/G1 vs DAHDI/g1 ?  Or do I have my letters mixed up?
21:09.42mayfieldin all honesty.. installing linux & asterisk is not uberly complicated. just timely. =P
21:09.50*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
21:10.03jameswfseems all the forum post etc have revolved around It doesnt work and I dont wanna learn how to make it work, paying someone to work on FREE software that is insane..... I know how postal workers feel
21:10.08mayfieldjameswf don't be discouraged. just prepare yourself for total isolation from humanity for a drawn out finite amount of time.
21:10.29[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: g = ascending, G=descending
21:10.33paulcLOL - yeah, it's not THAT hard.. you can trade time for control.
21:10.37wcselbyjameswf - there are some guides out there that are quite useful
21:11.11paulcPBX in a flash etc = drop the CD in, reboot, come back in 15 minutes done.. but at a cost of a webby front end, and not being able to totally hack the config easily/fully
21:11.28paulcor go with a default distro install, build Asterisk from source, and tweak the sample config files
21:11.35paulcI prefer the latter way, cos I like being in control
21:11.40jameswfwcselby, it was a joke I am a well versed Asterisk Jedi :)
21:11.47mayfieldplus those config files are all bloaty
21:11.52mayfieldon the prebuilt installs
21:12.01mayfieldlots of linked config files
21:12.06wcselby[TK]D-Fender - thanks!  how do I control inbound calls on the dahdi channel?  i.e I want my outbound calls to start on channel 23, my inbound to start on channel 1?  So outbound calls use DAHDI/G1, where do I make the setting for inbound call control?
21:12.14KavanSwould anyone be able to tell me why DTMF does not work with SIP provider reliably?
21:12.18KavanSusing codec ulaw
21:12.18[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: You don't, the telco does
21:12.52infobotjameswf loves unsolicited technical support, or
21:13.09jameswfinfobot forget jameswf
21:13.09infobotjameswf: i forgot jameswf
21:13.11wcselbyand jameswf - :)
21:13.11KavanSserver not found
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21:14.37mayfieldkavans, its quite simple.
21:15.14KavanSmayfield, ok...
21:15.26KavanSthe problem I am having is intermittent
21:15.31KavanSprovider tells us it's not them (of course)
21:15.38KavanSso trying to track down what the issue is on our side...
21:15.48KavanSso you think it is provider related?
21:15.54mayfieldSIP/VoIP trasversion DTFM tones
21:16.19mayfieldthe digitized audio degrades
21:16.40mayfieldit is harder to detect dtfm after multiple points of encoding/decoding
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21:16.47mayfieldneed for jigga watts :P
21:17.00[TK]D-FenderJigga whats?
21:17.09mayfieldneed more jigga watts :
21:17.24wcselby1.2 jiggawatts
21:17.25[TK]D-Fenderhordes his pre-release version of
21:17.28wcselbyall that's needed for time travel
21:17.37mayfieldfender omg.. plz xdcc send
21:17.40wcselbyassuming you have a flux-capacitor laying around somewhere
21:17.58wcselby[TK]D-Fender beat me too it
21:17.59mayfieldbut is this not the truth?
21:18.24mayfieldor did i type alot of jibberish =P
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21:20.23mayfieldi see what you did there.
21:20.25paulcWas it jiggawats or gigawatts
21:20.36[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: former
21:20.50[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: and has been adopted as a proper official spelling as well
21:21.21paulcstands corrected (I lose my inner geek sometimes - it's the stress of the day job)
21:21.56mayfieldi was trying to explain why dtmf does not work with sip gateway providers =P
21:21.59mayfieldi failed obviously
21:23.06*** join/#asterisk aceking5 (
21:26.38TheDavidFactorwhat does asterisk issue a (re)invite when it starts to try to receive a fax?
21:27.00wcselbyTheDavidFactor - because it's transitioning from ulaw to t38
21:27.18[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
21:27.21TheDavidFactorok thanks.
21:27.47geneticx_wrkhello everyone. I'm installing asterisk and was wondering what the adviced or more common packages should I install under "core sound packages" and "MOH file packages" ? any advice
21:31.08geneticx_wrkcan I install all of them?
21:32.00Qwellgeneticx_wrk: the defaults are fine for most installs
21:32.20QwellHowever, yes, you *can* download all of them.
21:32.56Qwell(in most cases, you would only ever use 1-2 though)
21:32.56wcselbyi tend to download the .gsm, the .ulaw, and the .g729 versions
21:33.01wcselbyof the ones I want
21:33.02Qwell^^ what he said
21:33.12*** part/#asterisk mick_laptop (~mick@clamwin/admin/mickhome)
21:33.14Qwelljust depends on what codecs your endpoints will be using
21:33.44wcselbyand I only download the -EN ones, because I have an english-based system
21:34.42leifmadsenI tend to just install .ulaw and .wav for core, moh, and extras
21:35.05leifmadsenbut I also don't use G.729 in my network :)
21:37.13geneticx_wrkcool. Thanks guys
21:37.29Naikrovekpeople with bandwidth don't need g729
21:37.35Naikroveki have a flippin' T1 that i have to live with
21:37.51Naikrovekboss seems to think one can have unlimited calls go across a T1
21:38.25redaxshall I upgrade my AST to 1.6.2.X or simply use the latest 1.6.0.X ?
21:40.31Naikrovekredax: 1.6.0 and 1.6.2 are different branches, just like 1.4 and 1.6.0 are different
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21:44.15wcselbyin fact, it's two branches apart, sort of like 1.2 - 1.6.0
21:45.39redaxNaikrovek: I understand they're different, but is it worth to upgrade?
21:45.51Naikrovekdoes your phone system work properly?
21:45.56Naikrovekdoes it do what you need?
21:46.16Naikrovekif not, does 1.6.1 or 1.6.2 offer features you do need?
21:46.21redaxactually no :)
21:46.39redaxthere's something wrong with the Transfer
21:46.42Kattydoes anyone know how to cut a hole in a plastic storage container?
21:46.50NaikrovekKatty: like a tote?
21:46.57Kattylike a rubbermaid
21:46.59redaxcall transfer, when calls coming from the SIP Trunk...
21:47.08KattyNaikrovek: no sharp edges
21:47.16NaikrovekKatty: do you have a hole saw?
21:47.26mayfieldkatty lasers?
21:47.28Naikrovekdo you have a jigsaw?
21:47.32beekKatty: I put a loop of #12 wire in a soldering gun and use that.
21:47.40Naikrovekyeah melting
21:47.45Kattyi do have a soldering gun
21:47.47mayfieldKatty then it isnt going to happen today =\
21:47.47Naikroveklight sabre that rubbermade
21:48.07Kattywhat about those plumbing pipes
21:48.14mayfieldmagnify glass and sun?
21:48.27mayfieldsubmit magnify for glass cup?
21:48.31beekPVC you can cut with a hacksaw and sand smoothe.
21:49.03Katty <- i'm trying to do that
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21:49.19Kattyi need a light sabre
21:49.42beekDiameter is too large.
21:49.44mayfieldyea, def need a ls
21:49.50wcselbyKatty -
21:50.15Kattythat's cute
21:50.27Kattythey should make external wireless adaptors like that too
21:51.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:54.11vader--any of you guys using/used sipxecs? or any thoughts on it?
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21:54.34Naikrovekhaven't used
21:54.43vader--it looks really cool
21:57.45orangepoweri changed the outgoing CID on my trunk, but it's still staying the same as the trunk's DID
22:00.07Naikrovekorangepower: some providers don't let you monkey with the CID
22:00.24Naikroveksome mandate that outgoing CID matches your DID and fix it for you if it doesn't
22:02.33p3nguin_I'd like to know how that works for people using termination only services.
22:02.46p3nguin_"termination only" that is.
22:03.46p3nguin_For a long time, I had just a DID with one company and used someone else for termination.  I since got a DID with the other, though.
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22:05.20Corydon76-digMany providers will turn that off for you, if you give them a legitimate reason why you want that ability
22:05.44Corydon76-dig"Forwarding calls to cell phones" is a legit reason.  "Punking my friends" is not.
22:07.02p3nguin_Luckily, my provider doesn't ask for me to convince them.
22:08.29Corydon76-digI suppose it would depend on how good their logs are.  If they get a call from an irate user, they could probably trace the call directly back to you
22:09.07Corydon76-digOf course, the secondary problem with faking CID is whether the irate user can identify your provider as the source
22:10.17Corydon76-digSome providers require the CID to be 10 digits and not an invalid number (i.e. real area code, real exchange, etc.)
22:12.55[TK]D-Fender[16:57]<orangepower>i changed the outgoing CID on my trunk, but it's still staying the same as the trunk's DID
22:13.04[TK]D-Fenderorangepower: "tunk" pardon?
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22:13.46p3nguin_You mustn't have seen the "asterisk trunk" conversation.
22:13.55KattyCorydon76-dig: do what?
22:14.21Kattyi don't get it
22:15.15Corydon76-digKatty: know what a ba-dunk-a-dunk is?
22:15.35doneirisn't it a big booty?
22:15.47KattyCorydon76-dig: no?
22:15.57Corydon76-digKatty: that's why you don't get it
22:16.15Kattyreads up
22:16.32p3nguin_Asterisk trunk:
22:17.06p3nguin_Asterisk trunks:
22:18.05Kattyi like that last one
22:18.32doneiri was right
22:18.59Corydon76-digp3nguin_: not an Asterisk trunk:
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22:19.30t_janyone know if I can use a polycom SpectraLink i640 without an SVP server?
22:21.16Corydon76-digt_j: I believe so, but the question is, why would you want to take a very expensive phone that will roam like that and confine it to a single base station?
22:21.37t_jsurely it can roam without svp?
22:21.51Corydon76-digNope, it's confined to a single base station otherwise
22:22.01t_jhumm, damn
22:22.20t_jguess its time to raise a PO
22:23.31Corydon76-digA single base station may work in a small office... but not so much in a multi-floor office building or in a warehouse
22:23.51Corydon76-digp3nguin_: nice.  ;-)
22:24.16t_jCorydon76-dig: yeah, just i cant even find where to disable the SVP to even place a test call
22:24.39Corydon76-digt_j: you have a DECT base station?
22:24.40p3nguin_Now if it were only sipping water from a stream, it would be an asterisk elephant sip trunk.
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22:24.52t_jCorydon76-dig: no its a wifi phone
22:25.32Corydon76-digAh, I was under the impression that it was a DECT phone
22:25.45t_jnah WiFi..
22:26.00Corydon76-digMany wifi phones still won't roam.
22:26.20Corydon76-digQuickPhone QA-342, last I checked (and I have one) won't roam
22:26.57t_jthis one suposedly does
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22:28.14Kobazhow do i increase the volume of the call waiting beep on polycom phones
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22:35.20Chris-NBanyone using q.sig with asterisk
22:35.34Chris-NBand qsigchannelmapping?
22:36.10Chris-NBI try to activate logical channel mapping, but without success
22:36.45Chris-NBpri show span X allways shows Logical Channel Mapping: 0 instead of Logical Channel Mapping: 1
22:36.50Chris-NBanyone seen this Problem?
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22:44.13sprite--What's the best TTS engine that is compatible with Asterisk? I'm using Cepstral right now and not happy with the quality. I do not mind paying a bit more.
22:44.34Qwellsprite--: Cepstral is often considered the "good but expensive" one
22:45.34Kobazcepstral is really cheap
22:45.34*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/25), (2010/02/18), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
22:45.44sprite--yeah Cepstral is super cheap
22:45.49QwellKobaz: > $0 is considered expensive :p
22:45.54leifmadsenAsterisk,, and are now available. Read the release announcement here:
22:45.57Kobazleifmadsen: ?
22:46.11Kobazlook at what you topic'd
22:46.28leifmadsenlook at the prefix to those version numbers :)
22:46.31sbrathcan I make a hint that's one number, but different statued based on each phone?
22:46.38Kobazoh yeah
22:46.46sbrathI don't think that will work, but just checking.
22:46.46sprite-- like this is the quality I would like. Those voices are not bad at all compared to cepstral.
22:48.46leifmadsensbrath: DEVICE_STATE() function
22:49.08Kobazi've had problems with the device state function
22:49.16Kobazi had to write my own implementation
22:49.38Chris-NBnoone using qsigchannelmapping=logical ?
22:49.46sprite--So there are no solutions that easily integrate with asterisk for better quality TTS than Cepstral?
22:49.54Kobazsprite--: sure there are
22:50.09sprite--Kobaz: Which ones? I would like to research them.
22:50.37Kobazsprite--: any of them that can output a wav file, or something that asterisk can play
22:54.34*** join/#asterisk pa (~paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
22:56.05Kattyalmost time to go home
22:56.09Kobazi really wish there was a way to update polycom configs without rebooting
22:56.11Kobazsuch a pain
22:56.37*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
22:56.39p3nguin_Surely it can't take more than about 60 seconds for that to happen.
22:56.46Kobazi heard a rumor that nortel was doing stuff with polycom phones.. apparently they wrote custom firmware and got them to boot in 10 seconds,
22:58.12*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
23:00.07*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:00.30Kobazi figured out how to raise the volume of the call waiting tone for polycom
23:00.40Kobazi increased the duration too
23:00.51*** join/#asterisk Zettatronic (
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23:09.24[TK]D-FenderIf you need to care how long it takes a phone to boot.. you have far more serious issues
23:09.57*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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23:12.54*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
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23:23.13ellisdeeany recommendations for a osx soft phone?
23:24.01t_ji use xlite
23:28.11Zettatronicxlite works great
23:28.33Zettatroniceven through double NAT lol seen it happen...
23:29.18*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
23:32.28hipitihopI'm running compiled from source on an ION Atom 330 and * i s using 100% cpu, someone have any ideas
23:33.10ellisdeewhat does top say?
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23:35.02hipitihopellisdee, what figures/columns do you need  ?
23:35.41*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
23:36.05hipitihopellisdee, 4448 root      20   0  488m  13m 7324 R  100  0.8   7:14.54 asterisk
23:39.16ellisdeeif you are lookig at top; look at the cpu % column. find the processes with the highest cpu consumption
23:40.05hipitihopellisdee, asterisk is 100% see 4th figrue from the right on above line form top
23:40.28ellisdeeasterisk -vvvvvvc
23:40.28QwellUsing 100% CPU doing what?
23:40.34ellisdeecheck out the console
23:40.37ellisdeesee whats going on
23:40.45ellisdeemay have some wierdness in your dialplan hosing the pbx
23:41.15*** join/#asterisk unspin (
23:41.25hipitihopQwell, that is what I am trying to establish ... there are no calls in progress
23:42.36hipitihopellisdee, console is quiet.... what should I run at console to see what it's doing ?
23:44.09ellisdeedunno man. only thing i can tell you is to read up on strace and ps attributes..
23:45.11*** join/#asterisk drako (~luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
23:47.25anthmtop -H to see which thread it is vs a gcore bt all
23:49.01hipitihopanthm, not sure what to look at
23:49.30anthmtop -H shows each thread and the cpu usage for that thread so you find the one that is 100% and save the thread id
23:49.38*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
23:49.40Qwellanthm: nice
23:49.44anthmthen you gcore the process and run gdb on the core file and thread apply all bt
23:49.54anthmand match up the thread id
23:50.05anthmand you can tell which one it is and what code it's in
23:50.13Qwellyeah, seeing what the thread is doing would be very useful
23:51.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:52.45ellisdeedo a strace on asterisk..
23:57.22hipitihopanthm, ok have core file, can you elaborate the gdb and thread apply steps

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