IRC log for #asterisk on 20100213

00:03.18*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:07.22jayteewow, 3 killed in a shooting at University of Alabama, Huntsville.
00:08.36*** join/#asterisk mightydoggy (
00:10.22*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:10.41*** join/#asterisk Snoogan (~asdf@
00:11.52Snoogancan anyone shed some light on a small problem I have registering a sip trunk
00:12.26Snooganwhen i use the line externip=..... in my sip_nat.conf my sip trunk will not register
00:12.32Snooganwithout it, it registers fine
00:16.50*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:17.37*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
00:25.45*** join/#asterisk titter (
00:26.29*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
00:31.13*** part/#asterisk Snoogan (~asdf@
00:31.45*** join/#asterisk mpe (
00:53.44*** join/#asterisk pawz (
00:56.48ManxPower-workjaytee: Yup.  It's all over the local news.
00:57.57jayteesad stuff
01:09.04*** join/#asterisk az (
01:09.41*** join/#asterisk cracoucas83 (
01:10.15trelaneif only they  had had firearms wtih which to legally defend themselves from the crazy woman
01:10.18cracoucas83hi erveybody
01:10.26trelanealas they were totally defenseless, and made so by law
01:10.44cracoucas83I need to know to get caller number in asterisk extension conf
01:13.11cracoucas83can someone tell me how to disoplay caller number with variables inside extensions.conf ?
01:13.13*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
01:13.58Pan3DCaplain: !
01:15.47*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
01:19.13jayteecracoucas83, try NoOp(${CALLERID(num)}) as the first priority in your incoming context
01:19.30cracoucas83thank you jaytee
01:19.42cracoucas83can you give me the exact line
01:20.36etfonhomeycracoucas83, for an incoming DAHDI channel - exten => s,1,NoOp(${CALLERID(name)})
01:20.54cracoucas83thank you
01:21.04cracoucas83I also need the called number
01:21.09cracoucas83in the same line
01:21.15etfonhomeyexten => s,2,NoOp(${CALLERID(num)})
01:21.55etfonhomeycracoucas83, for an incoming DAHDI channel - exten => s,1,NoOp(${CALLERID(name)} + ${CALLERID(num)})  maybe?
01:22.04cracoucas83I am tryning thank you
01:26.30*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat@
01:26.46*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
01:42.21*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:42.22*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
01:43.12*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
01:47.24correticohello people
01:51.21*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
01:53.58*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
02:03.06*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
02:11.59*** join/#asterisk Jasonwert (
02:18.09*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:25.50sierasterisk is reallt hard
02:49.36*** join/#asterisk came0 (
03:11.10*** join/#asterisk pawz (
03:25.37*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (~lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
03:25.52*** part/#asterisk [intra]lanman (~lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
03:27.12Kattyi don't want to know where that conversation was going
03:34.31*** join/#asterisk pentanol (
03:43.56*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
03:44.00jmcdowellhola all!
03:44.24jmcdowellAnyone have any idea how to solve this problem ?
03:44.35jmcdowellWhen a call is answered at one phone then transferred to another phone it'd be nice to see the caller ID of the person calling on the new phone rather than the caller ID of the extension the initial phone call is coming from.
03:48.01p3nguin(2025.50) <sier> asterisk is reallt hard
03:48.02p3nguin(2025.52) <sier> really^
03:52.29jmcdowellWell, not everyone at once!
03:52.35jmcdowellHeres another one.
03:52.53jmcdowelllike every time a call comes in to the phone system the phones that don't actually pick up the phone call get a "missed call"
03:52.59russellbjmcdowell: what you're looking for is connected party ID support, which is already done, and will first be in a release in Asterisk 1.8.
03:53.00jmcdowellcan I avoid that?
03:53.26jmcdowellI fixed that one, for now.  Enabled blind transfer.
03:53.39jmcdowellBut the missed call thing, is truly chapping my ass.
03:54.30russellbwhat version are you using
03:55.06russellbah.  As of 1.6.0, the 'c' option to Dial() solves that.
03:55.16jmcdowellblind transfer is a feature of the polycom
03:56.46jmcdowelli am getting ready to do a ubuntu install of the latest version of asterisk though.
03:57.13*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:57.16russellb"    c    - If DIAL cancels this call, always set the flag to tell the channel\n"
03:57.16russellb"           driver that the call is answered elsewhere.\n"
03:57.27russellbthen the phone won't treat it as missed
03:57.42jmcdowellI c
03:57.52jmcdowellI thought you were talking about the transfer
03:58.07russellbnah, that's not taken of until 1.8
03:58.15russellbthe 'c' thing for the missed call issue is there starting in 1.6.0
04:01.16jmcdowellWhat about this one, I'd like to be able to see who is on what line from any phone. Currently I am unaware if anyone is on the phone just by looking at the screen.
04:02.30russellbi'm sorry, the first 2 questions are free, but the 3rd one costs $100.
04:03.25russellbwell, in a vague answer ... you are looking for "dialplan hints"
04:03.33jmcdowellI know about the polycom "buddy list", I am just trying to figure out how to make it work.
04:03.37jmcdowellDial plan?
04:03.49jmcdowellTo display who is on the phone at any given time?
04:04.07russellbyou put exten 1234 in your polycom buddy list or whatever
04:04.35russellbin extensions.conf, you provide a "hint" that says the state of extension 1234 is mapped to SIP device 1234 ... exten => 1234,hint,SIP/1234
04:04.46*** join/#asterisk came0 (
04:04.47russellbso when SIP/1234 is on the phone, a phone watching the state of 1234 gets notified
04:04.54jmcdowellI created the 0000000000000-directory.xml that lists each extension
04:05.04jmcdowellI haven't heard anything about what you are talking about.
04:05.09russellbnow you have!
04:05.34russellband hearing about it is 3.14159% of the battle
04:05.43jmcdowellthat will make line 1 say "102 - Dave" or something like that if 102 is on the phone?
04:06.14russellbum, I don't know
04:06.21russellbI don't know what oyu mean by "line 1"
04:06.26russellband I don't know who Dave is
04:06.40jmcdowellSo the 601 has 6 line displays
04:06.41drmessanoThat does not compute
04:06.41russellbin any case, I need to pass out
04:06.54russellbdrmessano can help you from here
04:07.07jmcdowellI am trying to make it so that if anyone is on a phone call, the given line will say "102" or Dave or what ver.
04:07.13jmcdowellso I know they are on the phone.
04:07.29jmcdowellThat's unfourtanate, the doc is on permenent ignore.
04:07.51drmessanoDev-waits-for-reg-to-show-up-so-he-can-pass-the-buck FTW
04:08.04jmcdowellThat can never change
04:08.20*** join/#asterisk jantman (
04:08.51russellbdrmessano: lol ...
04:09.16jmcdowellYep, the doc is out... I will figure it out, just like I did all the other things I needed to know.
04:09.39jantmansorry if this is a bit dense, but I can't seem to find an answer in the docs or online... in the output of "iax2 show peers" what is the ms value in the status column?
04:09.44jmcdowellI am really anxious to build the CVS version of asterisk and freepbx and see where I can take it.
04:10.01jmcdowellIsn't that Milliseconds ?
04:10.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:10.22jantman@jmcdowell - yes, but what is it - jitter? latency?
04:11.02jmcdowellit means that there is N amount of latency between the phone and the host.
04:11.13jantmanok, thanks
04:11.16p3nguindrmessano: It's odd how he ignores many of the people willing to help him.
04:11.30drmessanoIndeed.. not sure what i did to earn mine
04:11.57p3nguindrmessano: I think he ignores the people that make him feel the most inferior.
04:12.07jmcdowellp3nguin, the doc is hardly willing to help anyone without running his smart ass mouth
04:12.12jmcdowellI don't need that.
04:12.22jmcdowellthat's funny
04:12.46drmessanoMost of the time I can tell if I made someone feel like crap.. This one.. Log pls
04:12.48jmcdowellI certainly don't feel that, I work and live in an environment that promotes helping others, and sharing knowlege.
04:12.58jmcdowellWITHOUT being a dick about it.
04:13.08jmcdowellJust as I have ignored you
04:13.16jmcdowell(just now)
04:13.20p3nguinAnd yet you ignore those who have the knowledge to solve the issues you present.  Doesn't add up for me.
04:13.22jmcdowellIt's because I have better things to do
04:13.26jmcdowellnothing else..
04:13.54drmessanoHe has better things to do.. like whine on IRC about how everyone is so mean to him and how he's going to ignore them
04:13.58drmessanoSounds like a busy guy
04:14.15drmessanoJust sayin
04:14.28p3nguinSomeone who truly had better things to do would likely take the help to solve the problems being presented.
04:14.52drmessanoYep.. he would have gotten his answer and went back to helping people
04:15.02drmessano"just sayin"
04:16.15russellbgah, i leave you kids alone for 5 minutes and it turns into a flame war
04:16.24drmessanoNo flame war here
04:16.28jmcdowellno war here
04:16.34jmcdowelljust an adult dealing with kiddies
04:16.36drmessano^^^ passive troll
04:16.48infobotdue are u a f*cken bot or something?
04:17.20p3nguinGive someone a driver's license and a job, and suddenly they think they're an adult.
04:20.26*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (~timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
04:20.30drmessanostill doesn't know what he did to that dude, but feels even less guilty than if he did know
04:24.13*** join/#asterisk pentanol (
04:25.55p3nguinI'm surprised he didn't start ignoring russellb after the first two answers.
04:27.07jayteeignoring people is a great way of obtaining help
04:28.04jayteehe's either a troll or one of the most dim-witted bastards that've ever come in here.
04:29.35drmessanoInternet Trolling for Dummies, page 17, paragraph 4.. "How not to get banned"... the secret is to convince the channel ops that even if you're calling someone a mindless, monkeyfaced, poo-poo eater, you're still taking the high ground.  Ignoring the OPs limits you to what they see and now what they can convince.
04:30.11*** join/#asterisk Jasonwert (
04:30.45russellbheh, i try to do my little part and help someone, and you guys make it sound like I chose the worst time possible
04:31.01russellbgoes back into his hole
04:31.10p3nguinIt's not that... you just chose the wrong person to help.
04:31.28jayteerussellb, you're help is always appreciated by most and those that don't appreciate it can suck eggs.
04:31.32russellbnow i'm just trolling on you folks.
04:31.38drmessanoApparently I chose something that got me an ignore, but gosh I still don't remember it
04:31.57p3nguinI bet you'll lose sleep over it, too.
04:32.14jayteebut that guy puts everyone on ignore for the slightest little thing and it took the 'tard more than a week and a half to figure out Polycom provisioning
04:32.23drmessanoI am slighty OCD.. This is seriously bothering me
04:32.35jayteewould have made faster progress if he hadn't had me and p3nguin on ignore
04:32.38drmessanoI need closure or I am going to have lock and unlock the front door 64 times
04:32.52drmessanoOh no, lost count.. 65.. Need to keep going to 128
04:33.18jayteehmmm, doesn't that picture hanging over there look a bit crooked?
04:33.19drmessanojaytee, he put you on ignore too?
04:33.24jayteewhistles shamelessly
04:33.25p3nguinI've never encountered someone IRL who does that.
04:34.15jayteedrmessano, yeah he'd had me on ignore and I didn't know it and I'd been posting pastebins of config info for about an hour.
04:34.41drmessanoThat settles it, because jaytee never gets an ignore.. This guy is officially wackballs
04:35.02*** join/#asterisk Jasonwert (
04:35.58jayteei'd tried to help him three nights in a row. when he came in again the next night whining about Polycom's documentation I just said, "if you haven't gotten it by now, then you probably never will. Maybe VoIP just isn't your thing."
04:36.01russellbI have something to admit ... I have been addicted to a script related to automated testing of Asterisk for the past few hours ... and it's Friday night ...
04:36.07jayteethat must have got me the ignore
04:36.42russellbi'm glad I'm not the only one up and on here right now, heh.
04:37.12jayteedon't worry, russell, none of us have real lives either
04:37.37p3nguinwaits on more beer to arrive
04:37.41russellbyay beer
04:37.48drmessanorussellb, Asterisk actually saves me money by having a distracting support channel
04:38.03russellbnice way to look at it
04:38.20p3nguinI've sent my gopher to fetch some Noble Pils.  I hope it's good.
04:38.39drmessanoIt's probably saved me $30,000 or so in failed marriages that I thankfully never got into because I was too busy on here to meet them..
04:38.57drmessanoOpen Source DOES pay
04:39.31russellbso the question still remains ...
04:39.39russellbcan the pickle gain more fans than Nickleback?
04:39.59drmessanoIm rooting for it\
04:40.20drmessanoi think it can..
04:40.55russellbdrmessano: I just did my part.
04:41.18drmessanop3nguin, google: Can a pickle get more fans than nickleback
04:41.29drmessanoYes, the typo is correct
04:41.36drmessanoFollow the link to facebook
04:41.48ManxPower-workI've been married.  It's nothing special.
04:42.14drmessanoThats what I told Wife #7
04:42.23drmessanoor was it #9
04:42.32ManxPower-workStick with boyfriends/girlfriends.
04:43.10jayteei keep having intermittent dizzy spells that last about 3 to 5 seconds. had an EEG today that didn't look too good. now I've gotta have an EKG next week
04:43.29jayteegetting old sucks big time
04:44.20*** join/#asterisk drako (~luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
04:45.32*** part/#asterisk jantman (
04:46.35drmessanojaytee, human beings are like pieces of abandoned code.. They can make some really neat patches for it, but in the end, unless we learn enough to take over the whole project, we can only patch so much
04:47.22*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~EWieling@
04:47.33*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~EWieling@
04:47.51jayteeI'll drop dead and all my Windows developer friends will be going on about....."he was always healthy until he got into open-source!"
04:47.52drmessano"We dont know how the hell this works, but if we keep looping this value through this value here, it makes this routine last longer before it crashes"  <--- Medical Science
04:47.53p3nguinLooks like the pickle only has about 379,000 more fans to go.
04:48.09jayteeI became a fan of the pickle
04:48.23jayteehmmm, that doesn't sound quite right does it? :-)
04:48.26p3nguinI don't do facebook, or I probably would.
04:48.31russellbjaytee: lol..
04:48.37russellbquick, someone quote that out of context
04:48.50drmessanojaytee, women have been known to drive men that far
04:49.16ManxPower-workjaytee: if I had ops you would be in the topic of one of the channels I'm on.
04:49.26ManxPower-workwell the /topic at least
04:51.10*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/02), 1.4.29 (2010/01/15), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- <jaytee> I became a fan of the pickle
04:52.08drmessano1.2.39 is out.. What happens when we get to 1.2.99.. release party for 1.3?
04:52.13jayteeI laughed so hard I got dizzy again....wheeeeeeee
04:52.43drmessanoIs 1.2 following the former release cycle of the 0.99 Wine betas?
04:52.51jayteeis 1.2.39 stable?
04:52.55*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/02), 1.4.29 (2010/01/15), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs,#asterisk-c
04:52.55jayteeducks for cover
04:53.09p3nguin#asterisk-c ?
04:53.12*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/02/02), 1.4.29 (2010/01/15), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
04:53.16russellbran out of space ...
04:53.23p3nguindamn those limits!
04:53.35russellbperhaps it's the 928374923 version numbers in the topic
04:53.38*** join/#asterisk pawz (
04:54.01jayteemaybe if you used mmddyy date instead of "In the year of our Lord....."
04:54.01drmessanosnickers something evil about there being 18 different "current" Asterisk releases
04:54.24russellbyeah yeah ..
04:54.39drmessanohey, I was a fan of the 1.6 release cycle
04:55.34drmessanoI just didnt think 1.2 would never die, and never expected the drinking binge that turned into 1.4 becoming the LTS release
04:55.56russellb1.2 will be dead by the end of the year, heh
04:56.02jaytee1.4 is LTS? I thought that wouldn't happen till 1.8
04:56.06russellband 1.4 will be in security only by the end of the year
04:56.51drmessanoYeah yeah
04:56.55drmessanoI've heard that before
04:57.03drmessano$year will be the year of the Linux Desktop
04:58.00drmessanoI guess I understand the 1.4 thing
04:58.24drmessanoBased on deployment..
04:59.04drmessanoI'll still never forgot how the 1.6 releases ushered Asterisk into its manhood
04:59.49russellbi'll never forget that one time at band camp
05:00.18drmessanoI'm gonna start a facebook page.. "We'll miss you Akerisk 1.6.x"
05:00.35drmessano(name altered for copyright purposes)
05:01.09p3nguinLots of people call it Asterix, so you could use that.
05:01.55jayteethinks it's cool that the shuttle crew was woken to the theme from Firefly
05:01.55drmessano"Bon Voyage Octothorpe 1.6.x"
05:02.17ManxPowerI so much want to go to 1.6, but we have too much legacy stuff deployed on 1.4
05:02.37drmessanoI guess I better upgrade to a 1.6.2.x release before russellb kills it
05:02.40drmessanoJust sayin
05:03.13jayteeI want to go to so I can get rid of sipX but my boss is afraid
05:03.36drmessanojaytee, you're going about this all wrong
05:04.04jayteeenlighten me, oh wise one!
05:04.11drmessanoSet up a trixbox on an old desktop PC... and tell him "Look, I know you're afraid of, but it COULD be worse.. SEE"
05:04.37ManxPowerTrixbox looks cool until you try to do much of anything with it.
05:05.46drmessanoDigium should pick a Dell server style, like the 2900 series and make a replacement front cover for rebranding
05:06.11drmessanoThen you can eliminate the fools who want trixbox appliances
05:06.22jayteeI've got about 70% of my custom web gui done. it will allow some brainless, dickless admin to add users and extensions and that's it while preserving the flexibility of asterisk because it doesn't use mysql or any other db, it just edits portions of the extensions.conf and sip.conf files
05:06.30russellbheh, we build our own appliances, but only sell them with switchvox for the most part
05:06.38russellbthey're pretty sexy..
05:06.57ManxPowerjaytee: I've been working on the asterisk part of a GUI my boss is writing for clients.
05:07.11ManxPowerThat and making our polycoms sit up and do tricks.
05:07.49jayteethat jmcdowell dude figured out how to make his Polycoms play dead.
05:08.29ManxPowerjaytee: I think he's at like -1 million in polycom karma.
05:09.09drmessanorussellb, I like the Digium boxes, and I can see why they're not sold by themselves.. but seriously, some people buy trixbox appliances to roll their own, or because they're sexy..
05:09.26ManxPowerWe've been fighting with polycom about an LLDP bug.  Polycom says it is an Adtran bug, Adtran says it is Polycom's bug
05:09.31jayteechartreuse is sexy? since when?
05:09.41drmessanoand they don't claim to be using an specific, optimal components in any way... could be all consumer junk inside for all we know
05:09.47*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
05:10.24drmessanoOh, they do have those ATX redundant power supplies..
05:10.38drmessano*cough* ebay *cough*
05:11.10jmcdowellIt's likely an Adtran issue
05:11.11russellbI don't think we could make money on them to justify selling them standalone.  "I bought your box and installed shitty linux distro XYZ from 1994 and it won't work"
05:11.25drmessanoand that sexy 4-port "Its a NIC!"  "No, ITS A SWITCH".. "NO, ITS A NIC!!"  "NO, DANGIT, ITS A SWITCH" PCI cards
05:11.36drmessanorussellb, exactly
05:11.43jmcdowellI have had SO many issues with adtran switches and they always blame it on someome else.
05:11.52drmessanoWe dont care
05:11.58russellbdrmessano: harsh
05:12.04drmessanoIm on ignore
05:12.43jmcdowellWe had one rebooting randomly, and they tried to blame it on the power company.  Until it woudln't power up, they maintained that.
05:12.44drmessanoI could tell you his mom wears combat boots, and its like a fart in a windstorm
05:12.56jmcdowellFinally it died, and we got it replaced and got rid of it.
05:12.58jayteewonders if "Richard" still has me on ignore
05:13.49drmessanowould rather hear if the pickle has any Asterisk issues
05:14.29drmessanoMy Blackberry keeps rebooting itself
05:14.38drmessanoThis likely isn't good
05:14.48russellblaptop battery is just about dead ... that's my sign to go to bed for real this time
05:14.50russellbg'night folks
05:15.15jayteenite russell
05:15.40drmessanoNight man
05:25.23*** join/#asterisk jakent (
05:33.15*** join/#asterisk makafre (
05:37.13makafrehey guys, how do we tell astmanproxy likes our http command or not?
05:51.18*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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05:54.36p3nguindrmessano: Yeah, you know... leightr.
05:57.32*** part/#asterisk makafre (
06:08.33*** join/#asterisk dougsk (~dougsk__@
06:10.22dougskI was kinda curious what people were using for session border controllers at about 2000 sip trunks (peak).
06:21.15*** join/#asterisk troy- (
06:21.25troy-anyone know where i can buy SMS enabled DIDs?
06:24.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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06:57.54*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
07:02.09*** part/#asterisk MichaelGG (
07:05.45*** join/#asterisk jakent (
07:26.48*** join/#asterisk krynnotaur (~krynnotau@unaffiliated/krynnotaur)
07:27.50pentanolhey, any one alive?
07:30.40*** join/#asterisk TimToady_ (
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07:34.56*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
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08:13.22carrarno one here
08:18.57pentanolhow you did radius auth with asterisk? which module works well?
08:44.01*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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10:01.02juancferrerIs there any way to get the username of the sip client making a call inside extensions.con?  Theres variables available for the domain, URI, etc, but there's not one for the username...I could cut it from the URI i guess
10:57.49*** join/#asterisk Igramul (
10:58.39IgramulHi, if I trigger a call with a call-file, how can I access the called number in the context (e.g. is there a variable)?
11:02.21Gugge${EXTEN} maybe ?
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11:13.11IgramulIf I want to create a fax send report (fax sent via SendFAX application), should I use system or DeadAGI?
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11:36.31[sr]i'm back :P
11:37.09[sr]people, i already have sip extensions configured, but my question is, this HAS to be done fot each extension the the files sip.conf and extensions.conf, correct?
11:37.16[sr]that's the normal procedure?
11:45.27fenruswell, you can write a macro that match your numbers..?
11:46.25kaldemaror use regcontext and regexten
11:47.44kaldemaralong with autocreatepeer=yes if you want an open system
11:55.43PimmetjeI like to have sort number dialing like *12 for a number out of a database or so. Say 001234567890 Mr x has *12. So when i dail *12 it should dail 001234567890 and when Mr x calls (number 001234567890 comes in) it should replace the callerid with Mr x. I like those data to be stored in a database or so something i can easy change. Are there any plugin's for this or do i have to make a program for this?
11:56.50PimmetjeI know softphone's can do this client side but i like to do it server side
11:57.07Pimmetjebecause i than only have to maintain 1 database
12:00.24GuggePimmetje, you _could_ use astdb ... or realtime .... or odbc functions
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12:41.30orly_owlwould an IAX ATA work with SIP?
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12:43.44mnick86I have hardware echo cancelling from digium and echocancel=yes ... If i type "dahdi show channel 1" it says "echo cancellation 128 taps \n currently off"
12:48.12kaldemarorly_owl: an IAX ATA works with IAX... but asterisk of course does SIP.
12:48.36orly_owlkaldemar: im using ekiga actually, which is sip, but #ekiga is dead
12:54.57orly_owlkaldemar: so should i not buy it?
12:55.10kaldemarorly_owl: what do you want to do with it?
12:56.04orly_owlkaldemar: use it for ekiga or other voip
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12:56.49orly_owlother voip that im yet to sign up for
12:56.52kaldemaryou're not saying much. what ATA is it? is it used to connect to an analog line or a phone?
12:57.03kaldemarare you using asterisk?
12:57.15orly_owlto connect to a phone
12:57.24orly_owlim not using asterisk
12:58.32kaldemaryou can only dial with IAX with that. so no, you can't directly connect to ekiga with it. if you had asterisk in between, you could.
13:04.27leifmadsenIAX --> IAX.  SIP --> SIP.  IAX--X SIP
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13:45.05squeebHaving a bit of a weird problem here, albeit a slightly weird setup, I'm hoping you can help me debug something
13:45.52squeebWe purchased the skype plugin for asterisk, and it works with most skype accounts, we have this 3G Skype Phone which uses g729 as far as I can tell and with the g729 license and codec installed, we can make calls to it from our dialplan
13:46.09squeebhowever, when it rings in to the pbx via skype, the phones ring for a split second and then hang up
13:46.23squeebthis is the cycle, I can't for the life of me figure out what's causing it to hang up
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13:52.13squeebanybody any idea
13:55.03squeeb[Feb 13 13:55:21] NOTICE[4356]: core.cpp:2138 sfa_call_hangup: ending call
13:55.06squeeb`every time
13:55.09squeeb`every time
13:55.13squeebany ideas?
14:08.34jmcdowellanyone know of a low cost Voip door phone?
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14:29.27errrwhat choices for decent sounding text to speach are there? I just tested festival and that sounds worse than microsoft sam..
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14:47.08mnick86When I dial to the phone's extension, the phone is NOT ringing, but If I go off hook I get the call established. Any ideas why the phone is not ringing ??
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15:14.06plundraHow do I make the queue actually try members with higher penalty, when the callers QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY have been increased (with help from queuerules) beyond what is required?
15:15.17plundraDo I need to drop back to the dialplan and execute Queue() again?
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15:34.49Dibrihi there, my aserisk seems to eat a lot of resources, 56% cpu etc. takes up the other 40% or so
15:35.02Dibriis this "normal" behaviour?
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15:45.12DelphiWorldanyone using spa901?
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16:34.31Dibrimeh it seems a memory issue rather than  cpu issue
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16:43.23p3nguinplundra: The penalty on queue members is explained here:
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17:13.39Skeeter-I had a very bad time with the Sangoma A200 this week, when we restart wanrouter, we need to unplug the fxo lines from the card and plug em back to make it work
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17:17.42SqueebHow can I take the output from an application and put it into a variable?
17:18.03SqueebIE, I want the return of AddQueuemember in a variable
17:18.09Squeebso i can test it later
17:19.24russellbThere aren't really return values from applications
17:19.41russellbsome applications set a SOMETHING_STATUS variable for you
17:19.42Squeebit says here that AddQueueMember will return ADDED or ALREADY
17:19.58russellbwhat does it say exactly?
17:20.31SqueebOnce run, this also sets a variable of AQMSTATUS which is set to one of the following: (1.0, 1.2+)
17:20.33russellbAQMSTATUS it appears
17:20.42russellbyeah, so, just check ${AQMSTATUS}
17:20.45Squeebtoo much coffee, it's making me read every other word :/
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18:12.53rethuswhat is a channel in extensions.conf??? like [incoming] [authentication] etc?
18:13.36rethusi try to set a variable
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18:14.35rethuscaller comes from [general] to [incoming]  from [incoming] to [auth] and in auth to phpagi (test.php)
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18:15.24rethustest.php checks for pin-entry... and set variable "pinentry"... but everytime i try to get PINENTRY it doesn't change
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18:26.01[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Would help if you SHOWED US.
18:27.12rethusone moment
18:28.21[TK]D-Fender[13:12]<rethus>what is a channel in extensions.conf??? like [incoming] [authentication] etc? <- and this makes no sense
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18:30.27rethusso the incomming point to context [auth] and in aut, the agi test.php is called
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18:30.58rethusmy big problem is, that the variable PINENTRY not stored for next "auth-Loop
18:31.10[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Show a call
18:31.20rethusi only wan't to increment the var to check, if 3 login-attemps are over
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18:31.37rethusyou mean agi-debug-output?
18:31.50[TK]D-Fenderrethus: * cli showing how this processes.
18:32.10rethusi have activated agi debug.. should i turn off before?
18:32.49[TK]D-Fenderrethus: What do you think?
18:33.01luke-jrso 3:40 AM this morning, some IP in Beijing, China ( spam-rang my phone -.-
18:33.06luke-jranyone else seen something like this?
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18:33.23rethusthats with verbose 6
18:34.30rethusso i get confused about this easy increment for this var
18:34.46[TK]D-Fenderrethus: WOW... and that shows NOTHING.  Where do I see a variable being set?  Where do I see it being refernced?  Where do I see any input?>
18:34.59[TK]D-Fenderrethus: What was the point of showing me that pastebin?
18:35.43rethusdo no what u mean. u say post cli output and i've done
18:35.57rethusi could activate agi debug ?
18:36.32[TK]D-Fenderrethus: you asked if you should leave AGI debug on.... without its worthless trash.
18:36.47[TK]D-Fenderrethus: C'mon... seriously
18:37.31rethusso what exactly u need for information?
18:37.31[TK]D-Fenderrethus: <SIP/dev-b6eefb40>AGI Tx >> 510 Invalid or unknown command <---- wow, does this look good to YOU?
18:37.49rethusthats are only echo outputs
18:38.05rethusi've try also without them, but didn_t work
18:38.30rethuscause i didn't know a way to output a var on cli without this error
18:38.41rethusnoop seems not to work out of agi
18:39.02[TK]D-Fenderrethus: You can call whatever dialplan app you want from AGI.  Thats the POINT
18:39.30Skeeter-I had a very bad time with the Sangoma A200 this week, when we restart wanrouter, we need to unplug the fxo lines from the card and plug em back to make it work
18:45.04rethus[TK]D-Fender: here i have do 3 Pinentrys... and have this agi-debug-output... can u see something out of this?
18:45.35rethuson line 34. SET VARIABLE PINENTRY "1"
18:46.11rethuswith result "1" on line 35... so i think the var mus be set ?!
18:46.13Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i got a coworker online  with me, TiCPU , he knows linux much more then me, he is probably going to help you help us more then I  would do\
18:46.25rethusthan came the pin-request
18:46.35rethusi enter 11111
18:47.02rethusan get back to re-enter my pin (auth 1,1)
18:47.41rethushere the PINENTRY seems to be "1" (Line 70)
18:49.04rethusaaarrggghh i see my mistake :-(
18:49.26[TK]D-FenderretuYou're only setting it to "1"
18:49.29rethusi have to use $pin_entry['data'] instead of $pin_entry[result]
18:49.53rethusreturn is only the flac if request happends or nut
18:50.17[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Yes, definitely nuts
18:55.47rethusso how can i output a var on cli without getting an error?
19:01.15[TK]D-Fenderrethus: ..NoOp..
19:03.03rethusthanks... now my pin request works
19:07.08TiCPUI'm trying to debug Skeeter-'s problem, and it's not that simple, as I can see, I'm pretty new in telephony, but can get my way around debugging using the source, it's just that I really don't know what source to look at, it's just like the wanpipe drivers copies sources from the kernel and dahdi and patches them. Is there any tip as to where to look at to know what the driver answers to asterisk, any tool to get line status?
19:09.03TiCPUit always tells me CHANUNAVAIL even with multiple line plugged in, then for it to use a line it must me replugged in the interface, just like it didn't detect the line first, it seems to be a driver problem as when the wanrouter driver is removed and re'insmoded the problem is back
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19:22.20TiCPUwhen running wanrouter restart it even says in messages that 'Module 1: Line connected on span 1!'
19:24.36TiCPUis there any trace to see what happens when a line is replugged in a module?
19:25.27jmcdowellanyone know of a GOOD door phone ?
19:26.08rethuscan i set maximum number of users for a channel?
19:26.58[TK]D-Fenderrethus: a channel is a CALL.
19:27.07jmcdowellwhen you setup the outbound route I beleive you can set the max # of channels.
19:27.33[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: And what precisely is an "outbound route"?
19:28.28rethusok i mean a conference
19:29.21[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Its your dialplan... limit them there
19:29.40TiCPUdahdi_monitor -vm on the only line doesn't show a busy tone neither :/
19:30.03[TK]D-Fenderrethus: I don't know.. how about looking at how many callers are IN that MeetMe
19:31.21rethusisn't there an confic-value which i can use
19:31.47[TK]D-Fenderrethus: No.  MeetMe is a single dialplan app, not an entire conference center solution
19:31.54[TK]D-Fenderrethus: No more than * is actually a PBX
19:32.03[TK]D-Fenderrethus: its what YOU make it to be
19:32.34rethusok, thanks
19:32.51rethusbut can i set the used codec via agi?
19:33.06rethusor can i change it on runtime...
19:33.29rethusso if i see to many people are connected i switch down to gsm to save bandwith
19:34.10[TK]D-Fenderrethus: No.  When you're in the dialplan its already too late
19:34.17p3nguin[tk]d-fender: Careful.  If you try to teach jmcdowell anything, he'll put you on ignore.
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19:36.54[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: I'd still like to hear his answer to my question...
19:37.09rethusah, found it
19:37.13rethusin asteris.conf
19:37.19rethusmaxcalls is the parm
19:37.49[TK]D-Fenderretuasterisk.conf won't limit MeetMe specifically...
19:38.14rethussomeone have experiance with load average setting on asterisk?
19:38.27rethushow can i see the current load average?
19:38.49p3nguinw, top, htop, or any of various other system tools.
19:40.41TiCPU[TK]D-Fender: Skeeter- told me that you could probably be knowledgable helping me with this specific problem but looking at what type of question you answer, it looks like you have experience with asterisk itself but maybe not with this specific hardware I'm talking about, is it possible?
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19:46.00[TK]D-FenderTiCall Sangoma support <-
19:48.17rethushow can i fugure out which maxload i should use for my asterisk
19:48.24rethusand where can i check the macload?
19:48.52rethusis this the data i get if i run top on shell?
19:49.30TiCPUthey seem to be closed for the week-end :(  I'll see what I can do then, I'll probably learn something while searching
19:50.34TiCPUwow, just found out wanpipemon was able to tell line voltage haha
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20:03.44Heretichi all
20:09.35rethusTiCPU: means u can see the adjustment of a mic ?
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20:12.19TiCPUrethus: the line voltage itself on idle
20:15.37TiCPUgetting deeper, found in a regdump that the 4th register is the status and is set to 0x29 after wanrouter restart and after replugging the line it always stay 0xA9 even when line unplugged... getting closer
20:17.12rethushave to gone... thanks for supporting me
20:17.17rethussee ya
20:17.23*** part/#asterisk rethus (
20:18.36b14ckHi everyone!
20:18.43b14ckBeautiful day here in CA :D
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk Dibri (
20:19.17TiCPUcloudy with snow here :(   I want summer now!
20:19.27Dibriwhen one uses tftp to boot the phone from, it reads my phonemodel.cfg
20:19.45DibriI specified there that it should download spa$MA.cfg
20:20.08Dibribut it doesn't seem to replace $MA with its mac address
20:20.12b14ckTiCPU, where are you? :)
20:20.26TiCPUQuébec, Canada
20:23.21TiCPUDibri: I'm new to telephony but I do know though that tftpd-hpa is able to substitute MAC address of requester to filename, is that what you're trying to do?
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20:28.47DibriTiCPU: well the phone is getting my spa922,cfg file in which I secify to download spa$MA or spa$MAC which are diff versions of how a mac address is written(one with : and another without)
20:29.09DibriTiCPU: for some reason the phone does notdownload this file or it tries t download this file and cannot parse it
20:29.26Dibriso I'm wondering what the spa$ma file should look like
20:29.41TiCPUyou mean filename?
20:30.08TiCPUbest would be to check using tcpdump or simply the tftpd server log file, you'll see what the phone tries to get
20:32.07p3nguindibri: Where did you get the sample config files?
20:32.16ChannelZYou can go http://PHONEIP/admin/spacfg.xml to see the entire thing
20:32.30p3nguindibri: With Cisco phones, there is no : in the file name.
20:32.32ChannelZwhere PHONEIP is the phone's IP obviously
20:32.50Dibrip3nguin: with $MA it's without : and with $MAC it's WITH
20:33.07ChannelZFor the configs you make, you don't have to include EVERY option, just the ones you want to change.  Mine are like a dozen lines or so to hit the major differences between a running config and the factory defaults
20:33.24Dibrip3nguin: my config files are created with a script called
20:34.00Dibrip3nguin: its from a website
20:36.43juancferreranyone gotten festival working on ubuntu 9.10 server?   I see in the festival log that asterisk connection is accepted and then disconnected. But in the asterisk CLI, any time the dialplan gets to the Festival command, it just says "Executing Festival" and "Parsing festival.conf", and then nothing else happens and it won't go to the next dialplan command. It just gets stuck at Festival
20:38.39juancferrerand of course, I never hear the festival voice
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20:39.23p3nguinjuancferrer: Paste the context of your extensions.conf where you are using Festival().
20:40.16Dibrip3nguin: can u provide me with an example cfg file?
20:41.25ChannelZDibri: RE: You can go http://PHONEIP/admin/spacfg.xml to see the entire thing
20:41.53ChannelZLooking at that script it's using some syntax I'm not sure what it means or if it's valid.. all of the ua="na" stuff
20:42.00p3nguinjuancferrer: Did you start the festival server?
20:42.36juancferrerit's running, and I'm seeing connection accepted and disconnected in the festival log
20:42.48p3nguinjuancferrer: After you configure festival on the system, you'll need to start it with festival --server.  You did that already?
20:43.06*** join/#asterisk fibres (
20:43.38juancferreryes, festival --server
20:44.03juancferrerbut if I use the sample festival init file, I get nothing in the logs
20:44.09juancferrerso that's kinda weird
20:44.11p3nguinjuancferrer: Maybe the problem is your festival configuration.  Here's what my ~/.festivalrc looks like:
20:44.48juancferrerok, I guess i might need that audio stuff in there
20:45.36p3nguinI also remember having a problem if I ran festival server as root.  If I ran it as a regular user, asterisk didn't have any trouble using festival.
20:46.06juancferrerI'll try that as well
20:46.15juancferrerI guess I need to get alsa on this server first
20:46.36troy-anyone know where i can get SMS enabled DIDs?
20:47.04juancferrerI just thought festival made a wav file in memory and then passed it to asterisk to play, I didn't know it played the audio itself
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20:47.39p3nguinI also gave up festival and started recording my own sound files.
20:48.03juancferrerI've got read out stuff that I retrieve from a server
20:59.17leifmadsenfestival has awful sunds
20:59.26leifmadsencepstral is a lot better
21:02.29juancferreryeah, i'm going the free route for now
21:02.45juancferrerbut still no luck with asterisk
21:03.56juancferrerI can even see the cached files in the cache dir, but it just gets stuck at Festival, and no audio
21:05.37thansenhow can I get...core show channels show the whole channel?  it's getting cut off
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21:11.54[TK]D-Fenderthansen: core show channels conciser
21:11.55[TK]D-Fenderthansen: core show channels concise
21:12.10ChannelZhehe thats what they need.. concise, and conciser
21:13.30thansen[TK]D-Fender: anything else since that is deprecated?
21:13.45[TK]D-Fenderthansen: is it GONE?
21:15.25thansen[TK]D-Fender: but I don't want to program for it if it's going to be GONE in the future :(
21:17.06[TK]D-Fenderthansen: Live for now, plan for the future, and cross your fingers and be prepared to kiss your sorry ass goodbye when even the best laid plans fall in ruins :)
21:17.30thansenthat was deep
21:17.43thansenstill isn't a solution though :D
21:18.18ChannelZHere's something deep: there are no guarantees
21:19.35ChannelZ(and where is it deprecated? 1.6.2?)
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21:27.00leifmadsenthansen: doesn't matter -- anything beyond 1.6.2 will have cli_aliases so you can always create an alias if required. Additionally, your approach is incorrect. You should be using something like the manager for getting information programatically
21:27.06leifmadsenheads off to get ready for THE KEG!
21:30.49thansenChannelZ: yes, 1.6.2
21:31.42thansenChannelZ: and yes, that was deep too
21:34.19thansenhow does a cli_alias help if there's no call in the cli that allows me to see the full channel?  oh well
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22:18.01markithi, I've to file an issue against core-sounds-en.txt of 1.4.17 set, but in mantis, asterisk version, I don't have that version. Will I use 1.4.19 (the nearer version) or am I missing something? category: sounds
22:19.00markitmmm maybe #asterisk-bugs is more apropriate place
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22:31.24p3nguinDoes anyone even care about bugs that existed on 1.4.17 anymore?
22:33.30*** part/#asterisk Gnewt (
22:57.05crochatHi guys
22:57.29crochatHave a little problem compiling Asterisk with chan_misdn :-(
22:57.44crochatI have compiled and installed mISDN, mISDNuser...
22:58.13crochatmISDNuser headers seems to be installed in /usr/include/mISDNuser
22:59.46crochatchan_misdn (part of Asterisk 1.4.29 channels) needs mISDNif.h, isdn_net.h and l3dss1.h, all present in /usr/include/mISDNuser...
23:00.12crochatBut in Asterisk 1.4.29 sources, ./configure can't find it
23:01.20crochatI also tried with --with-misdn=/usr/include/mISDNuser --with-isdnnet=/usr/include/mISDNuser --with-suppserv=/usr/include/mISDNuser but it doesn't work
23:01.40crochatI tried with just /usr path, it's the same problem
23:02.22crochatIt keeps telling me something like: configure: *** The mISDN User Library installation on this system appears to be broken.
23:03.00crochatSo after that, in "make menuselect", I can't select chan_misdn... normal :-(
23:03.46crochatI'm on this problem since many hours... so please, does anybody have an idea how to get rid of that ?
23:04.24russellbit should find it without any arguments to configure
23:04.35russellbconfig.log will show what the error is in looking for it
23:05.13*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
23:05.45crochatconfigure:13979: checking for mISDN_open in -lmISDN
23:06.16crochatconfigure:14004: gcc -o conftest -g -02 conftest.c -lmISDN >&5
23:06.26crochat/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmISDN
23:07.10crochatIt doesn't tell me more about what's going wrong :-(
23:08.36ChannelZyou are missing some isdn library
23:08.48ChannelZor it's devtools half
23:09.39crochatIt just needs those three libraries in /usr/include/mISDNuser
23:09.55*** join/#asterisk mpe (
23:11.09ChannelZerr ldconfig
23:11.32crochatI already ran ldconfig...
23:13.50*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat@
23:16.28russellbthe error is that "libmISDN" can not be found
23:16.37russellbls /usr/lib/libmISDN*
23:19.09crochat/usr/lib/libmisdn.a  /usr/lib/libmisdn_pic.a  /usr/lib/
23:23.46crochatmmm, I tried to symlink those with libmISDN syntax... the errors are now different
23:24.54crochatconfigure:13979: checking for mISDN_open in -lmISDN
23:24.54crochatconfigure:14004: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -lmISDN    >&5
23:24.54crochat/tmp/ccSMfeNk.o: In function `main':
23:24.54crochat/usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.29/conftest.c:168: undefined reference to `mISDN_open'
23:24.54crochat/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `pthread_create'
23:24.55crochat/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `pthread_cancel'
23:24.58crochat/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/ undefined reference to `pthread_join'
23:41.37*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~AGENT@
23:42.44ruben23hi, i got this warning, does my dahdi broken not properly installed..? ---->
23:46.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:47.25*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:49.21*** join/#asterisk jakent (
23:53.43Radenanyone know where to get 15-17" lcd monitors used cheap ?
23:55.33crochatmmm, it seems that chan_misdn does not work with the new mISDN code (v2) :-(

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