IRC log for #asterisk on 20100212

00:03.04*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
00:07.15*** part/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
00:07.16*** join/#asterisk bsdmail (~dig@
00:09.11bsdmailwhat is the best tts tool and free, with portuguese support?
00:11.28hardwirehmmm.. I can't seem to visualize how I can be a t.38 endpoint and then relay.
00:11.29*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
00:13.48hardwirespecifically from sip.conf (1.6.2)
00:14.11hardwireanybody have experience accepting a fax over TDM then originating a t.38 call over SIP?
00:28.01*** join/#asterisk nentis (
00:28.46nentiscan anyone recommend a iax provider?  Business use, need to port two numbers and have 4 in/out lines.  Using trixbox.
00:29.02nentishm.  Voicepulse has a trixbox module it appears.
00:30.00*** join/#asterisk ruied (
00:32.03*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat@
00:32.23*** join/#asterisk crochat (
00:39.43*** join/#asterisk ttwhy (
00:40.26Kattyryan just called me a mental patient
00:41.10*** join/#asterisk arpu (
00:42.12*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
00:42.51eppigyKatty: PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE
00:43.08*** part/#asterisk nny (~scott@
00:44.48Kattyeppigy: it was a joke.
00:45.21eppigywell then restrain yourself
00:45.24eppigyare you crazy
00:45.53*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat@
00:47.36*** join/#asterisk ex-parrot (~ex-parrot@2401:f000:3:0:21a:4dff:fe0d:7e59)
00:47.54*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:48.05ex-parrothi all.... I've followed the instructions in the novavox international settings PDF but I am not getting the right output in dmesg.... I don't get the "wcfxo: DAA mode is 'AUST' " line
00:48.13ex-parrotcan anyone tell me how important this is?
00:51.18raden_workYou do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed.
00:51.43raden_workStatus: out-of-date (version installed)
00:51.52raden_workTTSSUSA-1000:/home/tss/SOURCE/dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.1+2.2.1 # uname -r
00:52.09raden_workwhat am i doing wrong ? DADHI HATE ME ?
00:52.20raden_work[TK]D-Fender, ?
00:52.23raden_workeppigy, ?
00:52.26raden_workbmoraca_work, ?
00:52.43raden_workKatty, ?
00:53.19*** join/#asterisk rossand (
00:54.38Kattyex-parrot: ohaider.
00:55.26ex-parrotKatty: not sure I follow you there?
00:55.44Kattyex-parrot: o hai der
00:55.48ex-parrotaha! :)
01:00.41theharapparently asteris doesn't like to have strace attached to it's process
01:01.11Kattyhi thehar
01:01.19*** join/#asterisk cweagans (
01:01.38cweagansdoes anybody feel like giving me a hand with an unruly Cisco 7940?
01:01.48Kattygimmie a sledgehammer
01:01.56cweagansmy thoughts exactly =P
01:02.18cweagansI think I've got the config correct, but it says UNPROVISIONED on the phone, and I'm really really new at this, so I'm not sure how to debug further
01:02.47cweagansI can share my screen or whatever if that'd make it easier.
01:03.07cweagansand also, if it helps, there's a six pack on me up for grabs
01:03.39raden_workanyone have any idea why dahdi will not installl ???????????????
01:03.43*** part/#asterisk ex-parrot (~ex-parrot@2401:f000:3:0:21a:4dff:fe0d:7e59)
01:04.08cweagansraden_work: my guess? You have an extra question mark somewhere..
01:04.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:07.34cweagansfree beer (or drinks of your choice) for somebody that can help me with my Asterisk PBX + a Cisco 7940G. I can't figure out how to configure the phone via TFTP and I'm really new to Asterisk and am not sure how to further debug.  <--accidentally posted that in #drupal
01:08.41raden_workcweagans, i wish i had the time to help u but im in my own dilema right now :(
01:08.57cweagansraden_work: what distro?
01:09.11raden_workopensuse 11.2
01:09.17raden_workeverything from console
01:09.25cweaganswhat's the error?
01:09.34raden_workYou do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed.
01:09.36raden_work^^^^ dahdi
01:09.47raden_workStatus: out-of-date (version installed)
01:09.59raden_work<raden_work> TTSSUSA-1000:/home/tss/SOURCE/dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.1+2.2.1 # uname -r
01:10.28cweaganser. well install the kernel sources (you might need the kernel headers too...not sure. i needed it on ubuntu
01:11.47raden_workkernel headers ?
01:11.59raden_workkernel source is installed
01:12.05cweagansyeah, in ubuntu there's a package called kernel-headers
01:12.10raden_worklemee look
01:12.28raden_workim in wisconsin servers in colorado
01:14.13raden_workthere not a version that old to choose  :(
01:16.16*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:18.07*** join/#asterisk creativx (
01:20.21raden_workwell..... ideea
01:21.22raden_workwhy doesnt all this shit just come in one package and just disable what a person does not need  ?
01:21.42raden_workonly thing i might need dahdi for is meet me
01:21.49cweagansheh, because that would make it easy ;)
01:24.06*** join/#asterisk pentanol (~Unknown@
01:26.05raden_workcweagans, updating kernel to newer version
01:26.12raden_workwhat can i do for you while that compiling
01:27.28cweagansSo, I've got this Cisco 7940 and I can't get it to connect to Asterisk. The SIP firmware is already loaded, but the phone isn't grabbing the settings from the config files on my TFTP server
01:30.23cweagansin addition, I"m really new to Asterisk (and phone systems in general), so I'm not sure how to debug further
01:37.49raden_workcweagans, why will it  not connect to asterisk ?
01:38.25cweagansraden_work: I don't know. It just says UNPROVISIONED on the phone and it doesn't show up when I run 'sip show peers' in the asterisk cli
01:39.03raden_worklet me see you sip.conf
01:40.07raden_workthe phone on internal network ?
01:40.24*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
01:41.00*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
01:41.09raden_worktry something more simple to start to get things working
01:41.50cweagansI'm only trying with the first phone
01:41.57cweagansextension 200
01:42.03cweagansthat's the only phone plugged in
01:42.35cvnetin your dialplan can you assing values to variables?
01:42.50cvnetlets say OriginalCid = $extend
01:43.45raden_workOMFG my server did not reboot :(
01:45.51raden_workwheeeew came online
01:45.55raden_workthat was a long 6 min boot
01:46.56*** part/#asterisk jaskew (
01:48.05cvnet$extend holds the value of the did, what holds the callerID of the caller?
01:48.48raden_workcweagans, ?????
01:49.02raden_workOMFG this is ridiculous i just want to install dahdi
01:49.15*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
01:49.27cweagansubuntu... i just did sudo apt-get install asterisk and it worked ;)
01:49.29raden_workive never had anything from source be this difficult
01:49.36cweaganssomething to be said about ubuntu for stuff like this =P
01:49.58raden_workcweagans, ubuntu will be going on next 2 servers when the go out
01:50.02raden_workin about 9 months
01:50.15raden_worki know opensuse very well was not going to switch on a time crunch
01:50.22*** join/#asterisk girlny (
01:51.23girlnycan someone tell me if these warnings are normal ??     thanks in advancee
01:52.39brettnemgirlny: those are normal for freepbx/trix
01:53.15raden_workYou do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed.
01:53.23girlnyok thanks allot brettnem
01:53.28raden_workArch: noarch
01:53.28raden_workVendor: openSUSE
01:53.28raden_workInstalled: Yes
01:54.33cvnetwhich variable holds callers CallerID ?
01:56.00cvnet${CALLERID(num)}      THANKS FOR NOTHING
01:56.37ManxPower-workcvnet: all that info is in asterisk.pdf and channelvariables.tex in your Asterisk doc/ directory
01:57.00girlnybrettnem what about this
01:57.47cvnetim reading but its soo confusing
01:58.55ManxPower-workcvnet: read the pdf version
01:59.02*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:59.19raden_workanyone ?
01:59.27ManxPower-workBitch at Digium if you can't read it, they are the ones that stopped including the .txt version.
02:00.04carrarDigium gets paid by Adobe
02:00.34kukuI have a queue using ael, but when the queue never times out ( meaning if none of the agents pickup the call ) - it just stays in queue.
02:04.15*** join/#asterisk ketema (~ketema@2001:470:5:138:217:f2ff:fe05:1e70)
02:05.24*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
02:08.42cweagansanybody? free beer to anybody that can help me get this phone running
02:08.46cweagansCisco 7940G
02:08.54cweaganswith asterisk, that is
02:08.59cweagansSIP firmware is already loaded.
02:09.08carrarHOW MUCH FREE BEER
02:09.18cweagansI dunno? 6 pack?
02:09.27cweagans12 pack?
02:09.35cweagansthe better question is this:
02:09.41cweaganswhat will it cost me to get this running?
02:10.06carrarWhat have you done so far?
02:10.42cweagansTFTP server is working, SIP firmware is loaded, the config files are in place (I think...not sure on this one)
02:11.02cweagansthe phone says UNPROVISIONED and 'sip show peers' doesn't show any active connections
02:11.24cweaganscan share screen if needed
02:11.26carrarbinpast your sip.conf and cisco config cnf
02:11.39cweaganscarrar: which cisco configs?
02:11.59cweaganscarrar: kk
02:12.01girlnycan someone check this this for me is this normal
02:12.11carrarand possible SIPDefault.cnf
02:12.23carrarDid you reset your phone?
02:12.26carrarmight try that first
02:12.42cweaganspower off and back on work?
02:12.44carrardo the tftp log files show it asking for the files?
02:13.00cweagansI updated the phone to the sip firmware from this tftp server
02:13.02carrarhold # while powering on
02:13.35carrarok then it "should be" ok
02:13.51cweaganscarrar: ok, I'll try the reset. In the meantime:
02:14.02*** join/#asterisk titter (
02:14.41carrarmake your display name short name and name all the same
02:15.04carrarQuote your proxy IP
02:15.09cweagansin the SIP[mac]?
02:15.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:15.54carrarput name as" "200"
02:15.57spenguin[w0rk]girlny: is mysql running?
02:15.58carrarput name as: "200"
02:16.23carrarremove quotes from the password
02:16.25spenguin[w0rk]or what about that tpost
02:17.37carrartry that
02:17.45*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
02:17.48carrarhang on
02:18.43carrardidn't see your sip.conf
02:20.05cweaganscarrar: sip.conf:
02:20.55*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
02:21.24carrartry the cnf changes
02:22.20carrarI would change:   callerid=Darren Willey <200>
02:22.34*** join/#asterisk girlny (
02:22.49girlnyis this normal or important [Feb 11 20:35:18] ERROR[2058] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found.
02:23.10carrarcweagans, did you reboot with
02:23.57carrarerr I mean
02:25.08raden_workOK now that im back on my track to success
02:25.13raden_workthat was ridiculous
02:26.39carrarcweagans, might add:   proxy_register: 1
02:26.50carrarnm you haev that
02:32.17raden_workdoes duhndi need to be installed before asterisk ?
02:33.18cweaganscarrar: the config changes worked. I'll have to keep playing around with it
02:33.22cweagansbut I need to go grab some food
02:33.25cweagansbbl :0
02:33.27cweagans:) *
02:33.28carrarbeer please
02:33.34cweagansyou gonna be around?
02:33.42cweaganslike 30-40 minutes?
02:33.48cweagansif not, email me
02:33.52cweagansmy nick
02:33.57carrarjsut pay it forward :)
02:34.37cweagansoh, c'mon. I owe ya some beer
02:34.37carrarno you don't
02:34.40carrarunless you live in Seattle
02:35.02cweaganswell, I don't. But I have friends that do. And also, I could just like..paypal you some money =P
02:35.20carrarhehe, just pay it forward is good
02:35.26cweagansalright man, if you're sure :)
02:35.29cweagansthanks for your help!
02:37.12girlnyis thiss  error normal [Feb 11 20:35:18] ERROR[2058] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found.
02:37.14prometheanfireis  CRC-CCITT still needed in 1.6?
02:38.55carrarAre you trying to use LDAP?
02:41.00girlnywhats that
02:41.13girlnyi only use sip
02:41.26*** join/#asterisk rue_house (~rue@
02:41.28prometheanfirethen you don't use it
02:42.13rue_househow can I test the audio levels from voip phones, the 1mw comes out loud enough...
02:42.55carrarYou could add:  noload =>  to your modules.conf
02:43.30girlnyperfect , so sure i dont need it ??
02:43.43carrarif you are using ldap you need it
02:43.47girlnyi only use sip protocol no iax ..
02:43.55carrarsip != ldap
02:44.07raden_workanyone use dundi ?
02:45.07girlnylol u  confususe me now lol im a rokie on this i only use sip i have no idea whats ldap do i need it ???
02:47.28girlnydoes ldap complement sip ??
02:48.18Kattycloudy with a chance of meatballs was CUTE :>
02:48.55carrargirlny, your sip peers might use ldap
02:49.09carrarto authenitcate
02:49.14carrarbut you would know this
02:49.18carrarif you set it up
02:49.28girlnyis it very commun ?
02:49.41carrarin a ldap enviroment it probably is
02:49.55Kattyhugs on carrar
02:50.00carrarbut it's not the default
02:50.19carrarfeeds Katty more Makers Mark
02:50.32girlnyi only use the typical cisco .. and dlink adapter and soft phone in my cellphone
02:50.34carrarFREE HUGS!!
02:50.39carrarhugs katty back
02:50.43KattyFREE HUGS!!!!
02:50.57Kattyeppigy: FREE HUGS
02:51.02Kattyeppigy: GET THEM WHILE THEY"RE FRESH
02:51.05Kattyhugs eppigy
02:51.24carrargirlny, probably safe to say you don't use LDAP
02:51.40Kattyhugs jblack
02:51.42Kattyhugs jaytee
02:52.38girlnyok , if u want to conect a sip softphone in my cell using tcp instead of udp  will i need that module
02:52.59Kattysip clients on cellphones
02:52.59girlnybecase i know i cant conect using tcp for some reason
02:53.10girlnyya i only pay dat a
02:53.25Kattygood luck with that. it competes with the cellphone companies
02:53.35girlnyis the future ,lol
02:53.42girlnyit work fine
02:53.57girlnysome carries block port 5060
02:54.43carrarcan always change the port
02:54.52carrarif the client supports it
02:55.15*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:55.40girlnyya it does but some how i cant conect using tcp to my box  i can to other boxes but not mine port is open on the firewall
03:02.37girlnylol wikipidia told me i definaly dont need it thanks carrar thanks wikipidia
03:03.18girlnyi will bring u a beer when i return to Seattle
03:03.50Kattystomach says hungry.
03:04.04Kattyor does it ^_-
03:04.07*** join/#asterisk mtipping (
03:04.14Kattycarrar: you have a hard time between MUNCHIES and hungry?
03:05.39girlnyu should try the master cleanse will teach u the differences real good
03:09.09girlnyis there any setting in asterisk that avoids tcp setup ?
03:09.43Kattytry the what ^_-
03:12.18raden_workyea !!!! asterisk installed with dahdi and dundi and everything works
03:12.27raden_worknow i can do it in like 5 min next time :)
03:12.53raden_workdahdi is not a user friendly install need to write howto
03:13.08*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (~xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
03:13.17Kattyladies and gentlemen of congrants.
03:13.20Kattymister president
03:13.21raden_workfor some reason that was the most stressful asterisk install ever
03:13.22Kattymadam speaker.
03:13.29KattyI HAVE A DREAM
03:13.34Kattythat ONE DAY
03:13.37raden_worknow to get realtime working with mysql
03:13.51Kattydundi will be accepted
03:13.58Kattyand not just accepted
03:14.12raden_workill be working on that as well
03:14.26raden_workwe have 232 people on our signup list like freaking wildfire :(
03:14.44Kattywhy is that bad
03:14.52raden_workI dont even have the servers in place
03:14.57raden_worki need time to test everything
03:15.06Kattyand you won't get servers and time?
03:15.12Kattyor are you just feelin the stress
03:15.12raden_workbillboard wraps are printed and waiting to go up
03:15.46Kattyi would like to make a recommendation then
03:15.46raden_workKatty, Im in electronics this is a side thing the company started they are starting to put much more focus here but i have many other responsibilities so time is always a factor
03:16.19KattySMILE!!!! not only does it relieve stress, it reduces your blood pressure too :>
03:16.20raden_workplus were down to 2 employees and 4 contractors from 6 and 14 last year
03:16.29raden_worksooo yea race to make money race to get everything done
03:16.41raden_workhave a seminar here next week with over 200 business owners coming
03:16.47Kattystop typing
03:16.53Kattyare you smiling?
03:16.54KattyDO EET
03:17.01raden_workNOOO :P
03:17.07raden_worku smile maybe i will :)
03:17.15Kattyi am smiling!
03:17.22Kattyand eating popcorn
03:17.25Kattywhich i'm sure makes quite a face
03:18.41Kattydid you know smiles are contagious?
03:18.49Kattyand few things are contagious. yawning is another one.
03:18.50raden_worksome :)
03:19.10Kattyreal smiles are contagious
03:19.14raden_workKatty, you ever mess with asterisk realtime database ?
03:19.28Kattyi tinker with realtime smiling tho
03:21.09*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
03:21.26raden_workI need to get home have a good night katty
03:21.36raden_workhugs Katty =)
03:23.06*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
03:23.28*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
03:24.24KavanSdoes anyone know the last version of asterisk that had zaptel support?
03:28.54raden_work1.4 something
03:30.18girlnycon someone help set up asterik sip to work over tcp
03:30.26*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:30.30KavanSRaden, hehe yeah...I'm using now
03:30.33*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:30.36KavanSI tried 1.4.29 earlier today and no chan_zap support
03:30.42KavanSI tried googling, but I must be using wrong terms
03:31.14KavanSwas hoping to find the latest and greatest that still has zap support...I use iaxmodem/hylafax and don't want to risk as much
03:39.22*** join/#asterisk toortog (nesm6@
03:42.57ManxPower-workKavanS: the acts like, uses the same config files, and has the same cli commands as did.
03:43.29ManxPower-workOnly the actual name of the channel driver changed.
03:46.51raden_workKavanS, whats wrong with dahdi  ?
03:48.09*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
03:48.45cweagans|awayanybody have an image I can look at as an example for replacing the phone image on Cisco 7940s?
03:49.21p3nguinUh, what?
03:49.41raden_workp3nguin, heya
03:49.50raden_workhow it going  ?
03:50.09cweagans|awayfor the Cisco 7940s, you have to create an image to a certain spec. dimensions, color depth, etc. I'm trying to make one, but it'd help to see an example of one that was already done.
03:50.30raden_workcweagans|away, rtfm ?
03:51.13cweagansthat's the other problem. I can't seem to find that particular manual to read >.<
03:51.18raden_workcweagans, i will presume you have the cisco SDK ?
03:51.23cweagansheh. no.
03:51.45raden_workthen your SOL
03:51.45cweagansdo I need that?
03:51.53p3nguincweagans|away: That's simple.
03:52.17carrarcweagans ,
03:52.35p3nguincweagans: Windows Bitmap form (*.BMP) with 256 colors and 90 x 56 pixels
03:52.54p3nguincweagans: Only two colors are displayed, black or white. The image must be saved in greyscale format. In GIMP it is Image->Mode->Greyscale.
03:52.58cweaganscarrar: you sure I don't owe you some beer? =P
03:53.03cweagansthanks p3nguin :)
03:53.09carrarno, not really sure
03:53.35p3nguincweagans: The image can only have black, white, and two shades of gray.
03:54.00raden_workthey really went all out LOL
03:54.17carrareven the 7970 lack a lot as far as images as well
03:54.33carrarI use a 7941 on my desk
03:54.49carrarit has much better resolution then the 7940
03:55.14raden_worklater all im out
03:57.24carraryeah I know the diff
03:57.31carrarsometimes I just don't care
03:57.52p3nguinSomeone that knows wouldn't make such a mistake.
03:58.16carrarspelling is not formost on my mind
03:58.48p3nguinAnother typical response of someone that doesn't know which word to use.
03:59.01carrarI also really don't care
03:59.11carrarbut carry on if it makes you happy
04:00.44ChannelZhe doesn't get it makes him look like a big cock
04:01.01p3nguinPfft, you think I care about my appearance here?
04:01.22ChannelZNo, apparently you care deeply for everone else's though
04:01.28p3nguinI would rather people learn the words used in communications.
04:01.32*** join/#asterisk titter (
04:01.47ChannelZAnd this is the venue that is most appropriate?  Go teach school.
04:02.08carrarYou got a lot of correcting to do if you are gonna hang out in this channel
04:02.14ChannelZOr keep looking like a big cock, whichever
04:02.18p3nguinIf I have to "look like a big cock" to get someone else to learn English, that's fine by me.
04:03.14carrarVisit the Tagata Jinja Hounen Matsuri in Japan
04:03.29ChannelZwanders off to read icanhazcheezburger
04:03.35p3nguinNext time I'm in the area, I'll try to remember it.
04:03.44ChannelZThis site must make your balls explode
04:03.51toortogwhat u mean rite english
04:04.13p3nguinpenile shrine?
04:05.11*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
04:05.29*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
04:05.40mtippingHey folks. I'm new to asterisk, trying to install asterisknow, and running into a problem right off the bat.
04:06.00mtippingI stat the install, boot from disc, get the first screen, hit enter, it goes to work and quickly stops with a "kernel NULL pointer dereference" error.
04:06.17carrarmaybe a bad copy
04:06.23carrarwhat are you installing it on?
04:06.24p3nguinDid you check the media?
04:06.33mtippingi tried reburning the image a couple times, no dice
04:06.51p3nguinThey don't seem to provide the md5sum for the image, but the media does have a self checker built right in.
04:06.52carrartry downloading it again?
04:07.03mtippingthat too
04:07.10*** join/#asterisk titter` (
04:07.49p3nguinAre you using the 32 or 64-bit image?
04:07.51mtippingthe machine is running XP right now - I don't have the specs right here, but it's well above the minimums recommended for asterisk
04:07.57p3nguined671b5b76caf28ea08a2028d8930ae6  AsteriskNOW-1.5.0-i386-1of1.iso
04:08.00p3nguinTake an md5sum of your iso image and compare it to mine.
04:09.38p3nguinWhen using AsteriskNOW, it isn't the specs required by Asterisk that matters, but those of CentOS 5.
04:09.39mtippingI'll check...
04:10.02p3nguinBut if you're running XP on it, I doubt hardware specs will be the shortcoming.
04:10.18p3nguinIt's possibly a bad image or bad optical drive.
04:10.37*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
04:11.34cweaganswhere should I start looking to figure out why I get the error message:   NOTICE[2379]: chan_sip.c:12035 handle_request_invite: Call from '201' to extension '200' rejected because extension not found
04:11.52cweagansI've got 200 and 201 on my desk, and they both say their extension on the phone
04:12.08p3nguincweagans: sip set debug
04:12.14mtippingI've tried several different linux images - all fail at the same step, and the drive seems to work for other CDs
04:12.19p3nguincweagans: Check to see where it is looking for 200.
04:12.46p3nguinmtipping: Are you burning the ISO images correctly?
04:12.54p3nguinmtipping: What procedure are you using to burn?
04:14.01mtippinged671b5b76caf28ea08a2028d8930ae6 *AsteriskNOW-1.5.0-i386-1of1.iso
04:14.14p3nguinLooks like you got a good download.
04:14.23mtippingI've used both nero and NTI media maker
04:14.45p3nguinYou're using the "burn image" selection in Nero Burning ROM?
04:15.01*** join/#asterisk girlny (
04:15.06girlnyhow can i fix this
04:15.09girlny/msg NickServ identify <password>.
04:15.33girlnyi mean this
04:15.36mtippingburn cd image, yes
04:15.36girlny[Feb 11 23:12:45] ERROR[2158] chan_sip.c: 'TCP' is not a valid transport for '2255'. we only use 'UDP'! ending call
04:16.04*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
04:16.36p3nguingirlny: Stop trying to use TCP for SIP.
04:17.54carrarcweagans: make sure both of those extensions exist in your context of internal
04:18.27carrar(in extensions.conf)
04:18.43mtippingAny ideas for what else  I should check or try?
04:18.59carrardownload again
04:19.15carraroh you already checked the checksum?
04:19.38mtippingyeah, it matches penguin's
04:20.04carrartry it on another pc
04:20.22p3nguinThey really need to put that on the web site so people don't have to potentially waste a CD to fail the media checker.
04:22.02cweaganscarrar: that did it. my context was named wrong
04:22.12p3nguinIt can't be that much work to add a hyperlink.  <a href="AsteriskNOW-1.5.0-i386-1of1.iso.md5">md5sum</a>
04:22.15mtippingI've downloaded and burned it a few times, on different media using different programs (also tried trixbox) I don't think it's the CDs - are there any hardware problems you know of that could be keeping it from installing?
04:22.36cweagansmtipping: the user ;)
04:22.54p3nguinmtipping: You can also md5sum the CD if you think it's a bad burn.
04:23.04p3nguinmd5sum /dev/cdrom
04:23.43mtippingI'll check them...
04:25.14carrarI love looking at binpastes
04:25.27carrar"Automated Spyware Installation"
04:26.09rue_houseI spent another 2 hours on tech support with panasonic trying to get a call from a co line, to ring a group of phones and then go to a specific voicemail box
04:28.44girlnywhat does this mean Unable to set SIP RTP TOS to 184, may be you have no root privileges
04:30.35carrarrun asterisk as root
04:30.43girlny[Feb 11 23:23:47] WARNING[2173] netsock.c: Unable to set SIP RTP TOS to 184, may be you have no root privileges
04:31.09carraror set your TOS using iptables
04:32.33girlnycarrar how do i go about doing that
04:32.38carrarthings girlny is running freepbx
04:32.47girlnyand how will it affect me if i dont fix it
04:32.59carraryour log file will eventually fill up
04:33.02carrarthats it
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04:33.45girlnylike whats the warning telling does this affect call quality ?
04:33.58carrarif you use TOS in your network
04:34.01carrarthen yes
04:34.39carrarI suspect you are not using tos packet marking
04:34.47carrarbut run asterisk as root to resolve that
04:34.57carrarboot that freepbx to the curb
04:35.17girlnyany easy way to fix that
04:35.23carrarRUN ASTERISK AS ROOT
04:36.06girlnyisnt that less secure
04:36.49carraris having two doors on your car less secure?
04:36.58carrarvs 4
04:38.23carrarIf someone really wants into your server, I suspect there are other ways besides trying to exploit asterisk
04:38.52girlnyi have freepbx so i guess i cant use asterisk as root
04:39.00carrardump freebpx
04:39.08carrarand install Asterisk from source
04:39.27carrarSince this is what THIS channel is all about
04:39.37*** part/#asterisk toortog (nesm6@
04:39.39girlnycarrar i wish i had the knolege to run my pbx straight from asterik unfurtunally i dont
04:39.47carrarYou can
04:39.48cweagansgirlny: or, if you're not up to installing from source, install ubuntu and then 'sudo apt-get install asterisk'
04:39.57cweagansgirlny: i just started using asterisk three days ago
04:40.02carrarthat works too
04:40.06girlnyi know how to installed
04:40.18carrarthen don't install freebps
04:40.19cweagansgirlny: and am doing it straight from the cli. No freepbx needed
04:40.28girlnylike i installed freepbx form start
04:41.11mtippingknow of an easy way I can check the md5sum of a cd in vista?
04:41.40girlnyisnt very hard to manage a pbx straight from asterik
04:42.27cweagansgirlny: first, you manage -asterisk- from the linux command line. Secondly, no. It's not. As I said, I just started three days ago. There's plenty of reference material to get you most of the way there.
04:43.18mtippinghaha, I use md5summer, but it doesn't seem to check CDs, only images
04:48.25girlnycan you use ARI (asterisk recording interface) , straight from asterisk ?
04:49.08girlnylike no freepbx
04:55.30KavanSRaden, was afk for a bit
04:55.37KavanSRaden, well dahdi I'm not sure will work with iaxmodem?
04:55.44KavanSI want to be sure I can just plug hylafax right back in
04:56.01carrariaxmodem connects via IAX
04:56.09carrarwhats that to do with dadhi
04:56.45carrarand Hylafax connects to iaxmodem
04:56.56p3nguinIf you receive a fax call over a dahdi channel and send it to iaxmodem, why wouldn't it work?
04:57.02RadenKavanS, why not  ?
04:57.08KavanSahh ok...maybe I am misunderstanding how this work
04:57.10carrarsend it to iaxmodem via IAX
04:57.45Radeni never even used zaptel and that seemed clear
04:58.05carrarasterisk -> IAX -> IAX Modem -> faxgetty -> hfaxd
04:58.31KavanSright I understand that part, I guess I'm not understanding how the t400p is configured to take faxes...looking into this now
04:58.55carraryou would pass g711
04:58.59carrarnot t.38
04:59.39KavanSheh yeah, I will read worries
04:59.45KavanSjust want to get pointed in the right direction
05:00.24carrarYou can use t.38 modem via h.323
05:07.56*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
05:08.11KavanSroger that, ty for link
05:08.41carrarwith a T1 connect to the save box as hylafax, iaxmodem works just fine
05:08.50carrarwith g711
05:09.06carrarno need for any h.323 crap
05:09.08Radenis faxing over VOIP ever going to work ?
05:09.31carrarwithout QoS and ovre g711
05:09.51Radenstill cant get it to work
05:09.56RadenI can fax on vonage all day long
05:10.02Radennever got it to work on any other network
05:12.55cweagansis there somewhere that I can download tracks for music on hold that are already encoded properly?
05:16.56p3nguinraden: I can fax over both SIP and IAX2 without problems.
05:17.08Radenp3nguin, whats your trick whats your network ?
05:17.15Radenand what adapter u using
05:17.19Radenprotocals  ?
05:17.28Radenwhat type of connection
05:17.50p3nguinraden: No tricks, no adapters.  I can receive faxes through sipgate and I can send faxes through
05:17.55p3nguinraden: cable internet
05:18.12p3nguinraden: Asterisk 1.4.29 with FFA.
05:18.13Radenso you dont actually have a fax machine  ?
05:18.25Radenyeah i use a service like that
05:18.27p3nguinBut if I did, I'm sure it would still work.
05:18.35p3nguinA service?
05:18.36Radenbut omfg no one can figure how to scan to a file folder :(
05:19.53KavanSwhat about fax detection in dahdi?
05:20.09Radenp3nguin, i cant get fax to work over G711 failure rate over 80%
05:20.28p3nguinraden: Maybe you have REALLY shitty internet connectivity.
05:20.36p3nguinraden: Go run a pingtest., that is.
05:21.06Raden32 ms to provider
05:21.14Raden28 mg to google DNS
05:22.56Radenpingtest 22ms ping 0 packet loss 2ms jitter
05:23.36Radenthat good LOL
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05:41.45p3nguinYeah, I would expect that to be good enough.
05:42.18girlnyi get 22 to ec2
05:48.29girlnyi get 18 ms ping and 1 ms
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06:42.57Hereticlo all
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07:46.32centrexif I'm connecting a previous pbx to an asterisk for voicemail only, and using the serial for smdi, is there a way to communicate to the asterisk system over that serial or do I have to have another type of connection, fxo/fxs or sip etc... to record/play voicemails?  I can't use the serial for that can I?
07:47.23fenrususing a serial interface as interconnect between two servers ?
07:48.19fenrusmy guess is that this will only be trouble. Legacy stuff tends to be fubar.. Anything wrong with ethernet?
07:49.26*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
07:49.36centrexyeah, the other systemm doesn't have one apparently
07:50.14fenrusadd one? ;)
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08:08.49juancferrerI just setup a new 1.6 installation on a virtual ubuntu 9.10 running on amazon EC2.  In sip.conf, I defined one trunk (type=peer) and one device (type=friend) with extension 100
08:09.22juancferrerIf I place a .call file, I can have asterisk call my cellphone and everything works great, I can do the demo and the echo test is excellent
08:10.14juancferrerUsing the sip phone extension 100, I can call extension 's' and in the console i see it running the demo test, but I hear nothing
08:10.50juancferrerusing X-lite
08:11.14juancferrerwhat am I doing wrong?
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08:15.04juancferrerso basically, using a cellphone it works great, but using a sip phone client, i get nothing in either direction
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08:29.38c0rnoTamorning, all
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08:52.51rizwankI'm having trouble getting AGI commands working --- How does one pass multiple arguments back? the | seems to be no longer supported, but the commas aren't being interpreted either
08:55.55juancferrerlike setting variables?
08:57.32juancferrerany time I call an agi script the only way I pass data back to asterisk is by setting variables
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09:00.30rizwankI'm trying to use EXEC to run commands
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09:00.36shamelessn00bhi \
09:00.39rizwankREAD isnt't working but playback is for instance
09:00.51shamelessn00banyone used asterisk-java?
09:00.52joelsolankiis shell function needed to be compiled or comes by default in asterisk ?
09:00.57shamelessn00bfor agis and stuff??
09:01.13shamelessn00b.join #tomcat
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09:15.06kamhgood morning
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09:22.31kaldemarjoelsolanki: it's a separate module, but it should be enabled by default. what version are you using?
09:23.57joelsolankioh sorry back
09:24.01Pimmetjejuancferrer: I never got X-lite to work with my asterisk Zoiper works for mee (there is a limited free version)
09:24.24rombhello all
09:24.33rombi have problem with attended transfer
09:24.42juancferrerha, i really hope it's not x-lite, i've wasted about 2 hours trying to fix it...i guess i'll try another client
09:24.45joelsolankii m using Asterisk 1.4.22
09:24.46romb101 is calling to 102
09:25.04romb102 attended tarnsfer to 108
09:25.09romb108 answer
09:25.13joelsolankikaldemar: core show functions doesnt show shell function :(
09:25.28romb102 hears beets like still dilaing
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09:26.02joelsolankikaldemar: any idea?
09:26.30juancferrerfuck, it was x-lite
09:26.50juancferreroh well, blink on OSX works
09:26.54*** join/#asterisk titter` (
09:26.57kaldemarjoelsolanki: care to answer by question about your version? func_shell was introduced in 1.6.0.
09:27.15kaldemarjoelsolanki: oh sorry, missed your answer. so, you don't have the function.
09:27.24joelsolankigot it.
09:27.32joelsolankiso i need 1.6.0 :(
09:27.51joelsolankiactually i m working on getting something work done so i neeed shell function
09:27.54joelsolankihere is what i want
09:28.00juancferrerx-lite is in the trash
09:28.03kaldemaror backport the module or do what you're aiming at by some other means.
09:28.19*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:28.37joelsolankihere is what i wantt o do
09:29.06joelsolankiwhen people dial 8080 i will ask them the number to dial and that number i want to save in mysql database
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09:29.27joelsolankido u think any way to get the customer's dialed number to be stored in database ?
09:29.55juancferrerjoelsolanki: AGI
09:30.19joelsolankihmm. AGI.
09:30.26joelsolankii have to study it it then.
09:30.31juancferrerit's easy
09:30.59kaldemarjoelsolanki: you can do that with app System aswell.
09:31.37juancferreroh, yeah, System, that would be easier
09:31.40kaldemarif you prefer to use a shell script to do the database insert.
09:31.51juancferrerbut AGI is easy too
09:32.08joelsolankii see
09:32.15joelsolankiapp system
09:32.19joelsolankilet me see what it is
09:32.23JTcouldn't you use CURL too?
09:32.36juancferrerwith AGI your script gets passed in a bunch of extra info that'll come in handy
09:34.00joelsolankigot it.
09:34.12joelsolankiSystem app and Agi both can fix my stuff
09:34.25joelsolankii will check that out and i will check curl too
09:34.40joelsolankibut looks like AGI can do much more.
09:35.03JTjust keep the performance overhead in mind
09:36.01juancferrerfastagi is the fastest i believe
09:36.16JTwell yes
09:36.23JTbut not faster than dialplan
09:39.09joelsolankiyes correct
09:41.40PimmetjeDoes anyone know if there is a plugin or somting to store quick dall numbers with the realnumber and the name in a database and that show the nam of the users when he/she calls and use the quickdall to call?
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09:52.40mike8What are the options when you want to connect asterisk with skypeout to call land lines?
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09:55.28mike8is the skype channel module from digium the only option for that?
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10:28.21micwi have an asterisk installation with a 4 port isdn card, using the zap channel driver
10:28.37micwon the card 2 ports are connected
10:29.05micwwhile i can receive more than 2 calls at a time, i cannot dial out anymore if 2 lines are busy
10:29.23micwin zapata.conf is:
10:29.37micwand a group with channel => 1,2,4,5
10:30.00kaldemarpastebin the real configuration and the dial line.
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10:38.45micwall incoming (independent of chan 1,2,3,4) are in context isdn-in
10:38.51micwso this part works fine
10:39.38micwdialing is done via:
10:39.41micwexten => s,n(call),Dial(ZAP/g1/${ARG1},${ARG4},${ARG5})
10:39.56micw${ARG1} - EXTEN ${ARG4} - timeout ${ARG5} - options
10:40.17kaldemarmicw: bchan is not a zapata.conf parameter, you can drop those.
10:41.07micwtimeout is 100, options is ""
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10:42.45micwthe result is: DIALSTATUS: CONGESTION, HANGUPCAUSE: 34
10:42.55micwwhen 2 lines are in use
10:43.31kaldemarcan you show a real CLI output for a failed call?
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10:45.26micwi replaces the numbery by X/Y
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11:02.50micwkaldemar, any idea what outbound is only working with 2 lines?
11:08.36kaldemarbased on what you've showed so far, no, if you really can receive more than 2 calls at a time.
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11:12.20kruemelteehello again :-)
11:13.04IckmundI've got a SPA942 connected to an * I can call other extensions with it, but not receive. DEVICE_STATE says INUSE. What could cause this?
11:14.49micwi restarted asterisk and will see if it was maybe a bug
11:14.51kruemelteedoes anybody knows about a working GUI for configuring * without SQL? I mean a WebGUI or something like that, that is able to use the config * files directly?
11:19.54mike8kruemeltee: freepbx?
11:20.46kruemelteeI don't know it ... but thanks ... I'll give it a try ;-)
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11:35.35viraptorhi, does anyone know in which version did asterisk gain support for sending the audio back to the stream source (instead of the advertised port)
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11:42.56[psy]while running a sipp stresstest on asterisk 1.4.x, with a dahdi_dummy driver on, we can hang a kernel. anyone any idea how to fix this or where to report it?
11:48.32kaldemar[psy]: ,
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11:49.17kaldemar[psy]: search the issue site first for an already open issue.
11:50.35rhpHi all. Yesterday I configured asterisk for the first time. I am shooting for a simple setup with a couple of SIP users that want to talk to each other using head-sets. Using the tutorials from I got to a situation where we can connect, but we do not hear any sound at the other side. Any thoughts?
11:50.50kaldemarviraptor: what exactly are you talking about? SIP and NAT?
11:51.26kaldemarrhp: is there a NAT involved in the network setup?
11:52.19rhpI'm using NAT to connect to the internet, over which I have a VPN, over which I connect to the asterisk server.
11:52.47viraptorkaldemar: yes sip&nat scenario - I think I saw an option that allowed you to send replies to the host that starts sending the audio to asterisk, even if it's not the address that was reported in sdp
11:53.32rhpkaldemar: when I try the tutorial that sends me a mp3, I do hear the sound.
11:54.09fenruscan your non-vpn -connected phones talnk to eachother?
11:54.29[psy]thx kaldemar
11:54.49rhpfenrus: I didn't try that yet.
11:55.14[psy]710 issues :D
11:55.24*** join/#asterisk E-bola (
11:55.46E-bolaIn 1.6.2 why isnt this a valid cli command? sip set debug
11:55.58[psy]uuh 598
11:56.02E-bolahelp says: sip set debug {on|off|ip|peer} Enable/Disable SIP debugging
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11:57.25E-bolahmm figured it out now
11:57.50infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
11:57.53E-bolavery counter intuitive help....
11:58.01kaldemarviraptor: ^^ that will help you
11:58.03fenrusE-bola, what was the syntax?
11:58.17fenrusE-bola, was it sip set debug ip <ip>?
12:04.25rhpFor debugging, I tried connecting to the server from another machine (both on the 'other side' of the VPN). However the system hangs while registering. How can I debug why it is doing that?
12:04.45*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
12:05.19fenrusrhp, does the server/phones in the subnet haver routing to the vpn-network ?
12:05.27fenruscan you ping between the nets etc
12:06.24rhpI seem to have 'full access' to the systems.
12:07.20E-bolahas a spa 941 that doesnt wanna attempt to register with asterisk although it sends tons of debug saying its trying to....
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12:12.26slashtomdoes anyone have any experience with the Druid Linux distro (comes bundled with Asterisk and othe VoIP stuff, based on CentOS)
12:12.43slashtomi'm trying to upgrade from Asterisk to 1.4.29
12:13.25slashtomhaving given up with yum, i'm compiling from source. but any replacement is causing /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk to seg fault
12:14.01slashtomit's seg faulting at the start of a while loop, and googlin around that seems to be a bit of a red herring
12:14.32slashtomam i missing something obvious, but is there a more sensible way to upgrade Asterisk on a CentOS system?
12:14.40*** part/#asterisk [psy] (
12:14.42slashtomCentOS based*
12:14.47*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (kvirc@
12:17.40viraptorkaldemar: doesn't really help me - I know the configuration details, just wanted to know if asterisk can start sending the audio to a discovered port and if yes, since which version
12:19.25kaldemarviraptor: it can, and that tutorial tells you what to do to achieve that. the nat options have been around since pre 1.0 versions.
12:20.25*** join/#asterisk titter` (
12:21.32rhpfenrus: connecting two persons that are not on the vpn also does not work.
12:22.03rhpIn Zoiper the microphone bar gives a signal, but the speaker bar not.
12:29.41*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:30.21rhpfenrus: with  nat=yes, no difference.
12:30.39fenrusno firewalls in the phones that prevent rtp ?
12:30.47kaldemarrhp: where did you put nat=yes?
12:30.50rhpWe are using zoiper
12:31.09rhpkaldemar: in sip.conf in the user-sections
12:31.27kaldemarrhp: you should take a look at the sipnat tutorial aswell:
12:31.53infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:31.53rhpI did
12:31.53fenruswell, calling internally should not be a problem
12:31.54fenrusit's regurlar routing.
12:31.56kaldemarrhp: and you have externip set also?
12:32.01rhpProblem is that I do not know about the exact topology of the network
12:32.49fenrusrhp, possible to pastebin a ptraceroute from each direction towards the other ?
12:33.30kaldemarrhp: if you don't know the topology, you'll have a hard time getting this working. however, best way to debug this is by enabling sip debug in CLI. you'll see the sip message trace when calls are made.
12:33.41rhpAs far as the VPN is concerned, we are all on the same subnet with mask
12:33.53rhpkaldemar: I do see these messages.
12:34.46PimmetjeI cant get call forwarding to work my asterisk version : Asterisk config: Can someone have a look
12:35.14PimmetjeIt's not the full config
12:35.45rhpfenrus: is ptraceroute available for windows?
12:35.58rhpOur desktop systems are windows.
12:37.29fenrusrhp, traceroute :D
12:37.29fenruswas a typeo, then my session timed out
12:37.29fenrusdarn umts connections ;)
12:37.51fenrusdisabling reinvites might be worth a try aswell
12:38.15rhpSo, you want a traceroute from clientA to clientB, or from clientA to asterisk?
12:38.29fenrusA -> B and then B -> A
12:38.57fenrusprobably really hard to detect any nat-machines anyways
12:39.40*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (~victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:40.08kaldemarrhp: put them on a pastebin and someone will surely take a look at the trace.
12:41.31*** join/#asterisk michael-i (~michael-i@
12:44.10fenrusnow i need to run, will be back in an hour or so :)
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12:45.11rhpkaldemar: see
12:45.25rhpThe other way around is similar (only one line of trace)
12:45.33*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~annon@
12:46.14viraptorkaldemar: wherever I look, those links say nothing about the port discovery based on incoming audio stream - do you know the exact name of the option I was asking about?
12:46.25rhpSee for the other way
12:46.28kaldemarrhp: a sip debug, not a traceroute output.
12:46.49rhpok, can do that too
12:47.29Pimmetjethat trace route is tracing yourself ? I have two time the same ip :D
12:47.42rhpYes, I noticed.
12:48.12michael-iI'm having a bit of trouble writing some failover dialplan code. I have one SIP trunk purposefully setup so it cannot register to test the failover. It fails as expected but then fails to dial the second trunk. Here is the log output and extensions.conf context:
12:48.31kaldemarviraptor: nat=yes for a device.
12:48.34rhp holds the sip debug
12:48.59michael-iDialing that trunk directly works everytime.
12:50.49viraptorkaldemar: doesn't work - asterisk starts sending to the "wrong / advertised" port, but when the device starts sending rtp, it doesn't switch to the port the rtp comes from
12:52.54kaldemarrhp: the whole call. and enable also verbosity with core set verbose 10.
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12:57.02rhpkaldemar: sorry,
13:00.37plundraI can't have a queuerule be applied ever n-th second, can I? +5 every 30 second for example? I'd have to put the caller back in over and over again for that type of behaviour?
13:03.28plundraAh! Silly me, another line for my rule of course. Don't know why but I thought there was one penaltychange per rule.
13:05.03kaldemarrhp: maybe your zoipers don't play nice with re-invites. what version of asterisk are you using?
13:05.20rhpAsterisk PBX
13:06.59rhpWe are using zoiper because that was suggested by
13:08.10*** join/#asterisk titter` (
13:08.17michael-iDo I need to reset the stack or channel variables between dialing attempts? It seems once the first Dial fails with CONGESTION, the second isn't even attempted (circuit-busy)
13:08.38plundraOk, so this is weird. When I check my incoming caller with "core show channel <foo>", I see that QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=16, which is what I expected, but no new members were called.
13:08.59plundraI have one member with penalty 1, which got called from the begining, but also a few with 15, but they were never tried.
13:17.06kaldemarrhp: put directmedia=no under [general] in sip.conf and try again
13:18.22kaldemarmichael-i: your dialplan determines the behavior, not variable contents by themselves.
13:20.27*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
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13:21.15michael-ikaldemar: I'm just curious why this second dial is never executed...
13:21.32*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
13:21.48michael-iI've now tried with a dead IAX account, dead DAHDI analog port, etc... every time the second dial is skipped with circuit-busy
13:23.52rhpkaldemar: no difference.
13:23.59rhpwith or without nat.
13:24.13rhpwith or without directmedia
13:24.31*** join/#asterisk thazza (
13:24.47kaldemarmichael-i: your CLI output doesn't match the configuration. output says "Goto (SIP-PHONE-1,failover,1)" and configuration says "Goto(failover,1)".
13:25.48michael-ikaldemar: isn't that just how it's displayed in logs?
13:25.53kaldemarmichael-i: no.
13:28.00*** join/#asterisk mnick86 (~mnick86@
13:28.28mnick86I have MALLOC_DEBUG on, but I am missing the "core show locks" command . any suggestions ?
13:29.49michael-ikaldemar: I'm pretty sure it's just displayed that way. I just put in a NoOp() as the first priority of the GoTo target and it's being executed
13:30.19*** join/#asterisk e4 (
13:30.30kaldemarmichael-i: gah, it is. i thought i was looking at different verbosity output. :P
13:33.29mnick86what do I have to do to enable "core show locks" ?!
13:34.41ManxPower-workmnick86: What version of Asterisk?
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13:35.39ManxPower-workDallas has 9" of snow?
13:35.54*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
13:36.04mnick86ManxPower-work: 1.6.2
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13:37.55ManxPower-workmnick86: I don't see anything obvious in the release notes about locks.
13:38.48russellbmnick86: compile with "DEBUG_THREADS" enabled in menuselect
13:39.54*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
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13:44.20infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:49.28*** join/#asterisk titter (
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14:11.48benngardprbably a very stupid question but i ask anyway, can u from a cell phone, send a sms to an * extension letting the sms application answer and save it as a text file? did some tests, but just endde up with:-- SMS TX 7F 00 [Feb 12 14:47:09] NOTICE[30629]:app_sms.c:1800 sms_process: bad stop bit
14:12.52Naikroveki don't think so, but i'm not sure.  as far as I know * doesn't do SMS
14:13.00Naikrovekbut let me tell you
14:13.04Naikroveki'm a fuck up and wrong all the time
14:13.25Naikroveki'm so depressed today i can feel it in my chest
14:13.28Naikrovekand legs
14:13.39Naikroveklike a disease
14:13.45Naikrovektrying to end me
14:13.47Naikrovekit sucks
14:14.10ManxPower-workbenngard: no!
14:14.24benngardi was afraid for that answer :(
14:14.52ManxPower-workbenngard: read /doc/sms.txt
14:15.00*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
14:15.45ManxPower-workAsterisk supports SMS over PSTN (landline) using FSK.  Carriers in the USA/Canada do not support that method of SMS
14:21.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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14:41.21*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
14:41.25YahtoI was told that this is a good place to get some help with asterisk so here i am.
14:42.05Naikrovekask your question
14:42.25Yahtoi am setting up a asterisk server atm with 2 numbers(sip trunk) and i want the sever to be abel to use number 1 first and if that is bussy then use second when ppl call out
14:43.08Yahtoi thought i had it right but well not workign as i want it 2
14:43.15ManxPower-workYahto: see macro-std-exten in extensions.conf.sample to see how to read the HANGUPCAUSE.
14:43.16*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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14:43.40ManxPower-workI don't understand why you would want to call a busy number twice, however.
14:44.01Naikroveki think he's talking about outgoing caller id
14:44.37Yahtoi dont want to call a bussy number ill try to explain abit more
14:44.43Yahtoi have 2 out going numbers
14:44.48Naikrovekhe has two "lines" (an imaginary concept but let's run with it) and when one is in use, he wants the caller ID when he calls out the "second line" to be number of the "second line"
14:45.06ManxPower-work*nod*  Imaginary lines are always a bitch to work with.
14:45.19NaikrovekYahto: did i describe that correctly?
14:45.30Naikrovekfirst thing
14:45.31brettnemis it just me or is not responding?
14:45.35Naikrovekthere are no "lines" in asterisk
14:45.37ManxPower-workHopefully he's reading that document I pointed him to.
14:45.42Naikrovekjust do that
14:46.01Naikrovekyou can have one phone number with 100,000 "lines" if you want
14:46.16Naikrovekor you can have the first "line" call the second when a call comes in
14:46.26Naikrovekso that way you don't need to worry about outgoing callerid
14:47.58*** join/#asterisk RobH_ (~robh@2620:0:860:2:21e:c2ff:fe03:2465)
14:48.09Yahtoill take a look at it i proberly be back but thanks for the pointer for now
14:48.16Naikrovekno prob
14:48.22Naikrovekask questions and we'll give answers
14:48.31Naikrovekhopefully without attitude but no promises
14:48.34Naikroveki can promise i wont
14:48.39Naikrovekbut i can't promise that for anyone else
14:48.47Yahtohehe :)
14:49.02*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
14:50.47brettnemHey all, I'm having trouble with attended transfers with a 1.4 SVN build of asterisk. Using polycom's running build 3.1.1. Call drops on second transfer. From sip trace I see 202, then a NOTIFY with a 481 in it. That seems to cause the middle phone to drop the call. If I roll back asterisk to latest stable, transfers with the same phones, configs, firmwares, etc, work perfectly.. Here's my log:
14:51.09rocksfrowdoes anybody have any tips on how to debug my digium card?
14:51.24rocksfroweverything we working fine..then when i came back over the weekend..all circuts are busy..and the digium card is blinking red
14:51.25brettnemof particular interest, it seems that there may be some URI encoding issues from this line:
14:51.27brettnem[Feb 11 22:44:37] DEBUG[13163] chan_sip.c: Looking for callid f8bee9f6-48f5c55f-1073902c%40192.168.192.25%3Bto-tag%3Das153c4837%3Bfrom-tag%3D991A9EED-2B6F3472 (fromtag  totag )
14:51.47rocksfrowcurrently anybody who calls, get's a busy signal
14:52.17brettnemrocksfrow: what kind of interface is it?
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14:52.40rocksfrow02:01.0 Communication controller: Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE205P (rev 02)
14:52.52plundraDoes the queue-app not reevaluate what QUEUE_MAX_PENATLY is set to, while the caller is in the queue? Because it _is_ increasing, with help of queuerules, but still higher penalty memebers are never called.
14:53.06rocksfrowthe lines are analog, but connects via the wildcard with a rj45 interface
14:53.28rocksfrowthere is one line that is a separate pair
14:53.30rocksfrowused for hte fax machine
14:53.48rocksfrowso i tried dialing out directly from that line, and it works
14:53.49ManxPower-workThe TE205P does not support analog.
14:53.56brettnemcorrect me if I'm wrong, but that's not an analog card?
14:54.26rocksfrowthis is the confusion i have/had with the telecom guy
14:54.37rocksfrowbut..he says they're analog lines
14:54.48rocksfrowbut to this t1 like interface
14:54.57brettnemrocksfrow: THAT is a dual port T1/E1 card.. you cannot plug analog lines into it..
14:54.59ManxPower-workrocksfrow: if you plug an analog phone into it, do you get dialtone?
14:55.10ManxPower-work(the telco line, not Asterisk)
14:55.11rocksfrowan anog phone line is NOT plugged into it
14:55.23ManxPower-workrocksfrow: plug one into it and find out for SURE if it's analog.
14:55.32rocksfrowoh you mean into the port where the rj is coming rom'?
14:55.43rocksfrowsorry for being so daft..
14:55.45ManxPower-workI mean plug a phone into the line coming from the telco
14:55.59rocksfrowthe line coming from the telco is rj45, not analog
14:56.00ManxPower-workIf you get dialtone then you know you have an analog line.
14:56.06rocksfrowthe rj45 comes from a boxx
14:56.11rocksfrowthats owned by the telcom i assume
14:56.16ManxPower-workwhat in the world makes you think RJ45 means "not analog"
14:56.18brettnemrj45 is an physical definition of a port, not a protocol
14:56.23rocksfrowok yes
14:56.27rocksfrowi thought thats what u guys were saying
14:56.28rocksfrowone minute
14:56.30rocksfrowlet me go try that
14:56.31ManxPower-workIn any case, you have my advice.  Follow it or not, I don't care.
14:56.33rocksfrowsrry..and thanks
14:56.36rocksfrowyes i am i
14:56.41rocksfrowlet me try that
14:56.42rocksfrowone min
14:56.58ManxPower-workrocksfrow: 5 mins spent on this could save you hours and hours.
14:57.40*** join/#asterisk rossand (
14:58.33brettnemany ideas on my transfer issue? I think it might be a bug since rolling back to stable fixes it
14:59.02rocksfrowokay so...
14:59.05*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
14:59.18rocksfrowwhy in the world would the telecom tell me i have analog
14:59.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@
14:59.36rocksfrowthe box says 'AdTran' on it
14:59.52rocksfrowthe line from the telco goes into that box, whcih has the rj45 interface
14:59.54rocksfrowsorry, i know..
14:59.59ManxPower-workYes.  We have hundreds of both analog and t-1 boxes
14:59.59rocksfrowi dont know what else to call it
15:00.13rocksfrowwell i plugged the phone into the rj45 port
15:00.15ManxPower-workA device that turns T-1 into analog ports is called a "Channel bank"
15:00.18rocksfrowand i hear noise, not a dial tone
15:00.25ManxPower-workWhat MODEL of Adtran is that?
15:00.34rocksfrowhrm trying to findo ut
15:00.36rocksfrowone min
15:00.47brettnemthis used to work?!
15:01.05rocksfrowfor yrs
15:01.37brettnemheh, was that T1 always plugged into the adtran? or did it used to be connected direct to the TE205P?
15:01.47rocksfrownothing has changed
15:01.54rocksfrowthis setup was done by the old sysadmin
15:02.01*** part/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
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15:02.10brettnemcable ninjas did it
15:02.11rocksfrow02:01.0 Communication controller: Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE205P (rev 02)
15:02.14rocksfrowthats from lspci
15:02.22rocksfrowthe adtran is connencted to that card
15:02.25rocksfrowvia one rj45
15:02.29ManxPower-workI'm still waiting for the adtran model number
15:02.31rocksfrowmy fax is hooked up to a handyton
15:02.41rocksfrowdirectly from a single pair that comes out of the adtran box
15:02.47rocksfrowyes im trying
15:02.48ManxPower-workChances are it's a Total Access 750 or 850, but we would have to confirm that.
15:02.49brettnemyeah, get that adtran model..
15:03.22rocksfrowthis thing is so plain
15:03.32rocksfrowi cant find any model # lol
15:04.00brettnemspecial edition
15:04.13rocksfrowcan you elaborate one what you think it is manx?
15:04.27ManxPower-workrocksfrow: Adtran makes over 100 products.
15:04.57rocksfrowwell shit
15:05.14rocksfrowthere isnt a way i can determine if this is my digium card
15:05.18rocksfrowor the adtran box/telecom?
15:05.18ManxPower-workrocksfrow: at this point you'll just have to wander around aimlessly until you figure out what changes.
15:05.25rocksfrow..what changes?
15:05.27ManxPower-workchanged, that is.
15:05.32rocksfrownothing has been changed
15:05.34rocksfrowsomething is broken
15:05.37rocksfrowit was working friday
15:05.39rocksfrowmonday morning is not
15:05.40ManxPower-workIt was working, not it's not.  Something changed.
15:05.49rocksfrowlol wtf
15:05.57rocksfrowsomebody snuck in here over the weekend?
15:05.58ManxPower-workyou CANNOT know if the telco changed your line or not.
15:06.09ManxPower-workis this an GUIfied Asterisk?
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15:06.19rocksfrowplease dont forward me to #freepbx
15:06.21ManxPower-work*nod*  I wonder if it updated itself.
15:06.34rocksfrowthe voip card binking red
15:06.36rocksfrowblinking red
15:06.42rocksfrowthat doesnt tell me shits broke?
15:07.03rocksfrowevertyhing internal works fine
15:07.07rocksfrowdialing internal extensions.etc
15:07.13ManxPower-workNo, that could mean the card is not configured, it could mean the line is bad, it could mean your PC broke, it could mean the drivers are corrupted.
15:07.30rocksfrowdamn ok
15:07.37brettnemare you SURE that the telco line is connected to the adtran and not the server?
15:07.41rocksfrowwell, the cards configured
15:07.48ManxPower-workare you running DAHDI or Zaptel?
15:07.57rocksfrowran ztcfg
15:08.00rocksfrowit gives no errors
15:08.03ManxPower-workwhat does "zttool" give you?
15:08.24rocksfrownot installed, lol
15:08.30rocksfrowztcfg is..weird
15:08.32ManxPower-work*eye roll*
15:08.32rocksfrowlet me instal it
15:08.46*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
15:08.47ManxPower-workit would have been installed automatically.
15:08.52rocksfrowyeah you'd think
15:09.03ManxPower-workput the output of "cat /proc/zaptel/1" on
15:09.06ariel_hello everyone
15:09.25rocksfrowlooks good
15:09.39rocksfrowone sec
15:10.13angryuserGood day, what was the syntax to cut the end of the var ? ${VAR:1} the fist, i need the last ${VAR:-1} ??
15:10.42ManxPower-work30 secs ago keyboardjs
15:10.42ManxPower-work37 secs ago EmpJoe
15:10.42ManxPower-work45 secs ago Buggzie
15:10.42ManxPower-work45 secs ago dd354
15:10.42ManxPower-work45 secs ago adi
15:10.43ManxPower-work1 min ago Shawn Gadwa
15:10.43ManxPower-work1 min ago Make new post   Search Pastebin                                      News  Want to buy Own a little bit of Internet history and develop it further!  For news and feedback see my blog.  Free subdomainsWant your own sub-domain for your community? Just type the address into your browser address bar. See help for detailsAboutPastebin is a tool for collaborative debugging or editing, See help for details.  Cre
15:10.43ManxPower-workPosted by Anonymous on Fri 12 Feb 15:10
15:10.44ManxPower-workreport abuse | download | new postPlease indicate why this post is abusive, and provide any other useful information.Spam / advertising / junk
15:10.45ManxPower-workPersonal details
15:10.45ManxPower-workProprietary code
15:10.46ManxPower-workcomments (optional)
15:10.54*** join/#asterisk titter (
15:11.15ManxPower-workSpan 1: TE2/0/1 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" B8ZS/ESF RED
15:11.17*** join/#asterisk Yoe (
15:11.21ManxPower-workI flooded the channel.
15:11.28ManxPower-workRED = NO LINE DETECTED
15:11.29Yoeso -- how do I check from within asterisk whether a variable has a value?
15:11.40rocksfrowi pasted the ztcfg output as well
15:11.59Yoewith the old 'DBget()' application, that would jump to N+101 if the variable wasn't set, but apparently the new DB() function doesn't do that?
15:12.12ManxPower-workYoe: you are reading out of date documentation
15:12.41YoeManxPower-work: correct, I'm asking what the new ways are :-)
15:12.57ManxPower-workYou check if a variable has a value by something like $["${VAR}" = ""]
15:13.10YoeI have the first edition of the asterisk book, but not the newer version
15:13.19ManxPower-workYoe: You were asking about variables, but needing information about a function.
15:13.32ManxPower-workYoe: well download the new one then.
15:13.44Yoeright, so I do a Set(VAR=${DB(foo/var)}), and then a GotoIf with that condition?
15:14.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
15:14.08ManxPower-workassuming everything is right, yes.
15:14.13Yoe'kay, thanks
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15:14.24ManxPower-workAlso remember if you put quotes on one side of the = you need them on the otherside as well.
15:14.34rocksfrowManxPower-work, ...?
15:14.43rocksfrowdid you say red li\ght = no detected to me?
15:14.49ManxPower-workrocksfrow: yes, I did.
15:14.56rocksfrowno line detected as in..
15:14.58rocksfrowtelecom fucked up?
15:15.04ManxPower-workas in no line detected.
15:15.17rocksfrow.....sorry for being daft i just dont know how to take that
15:15.34rocksfrowwhats interesting is..on the adtran box..i unplug it 2 lights go red
15:15.37rocksfrowi plug it in
15:15.45rocksfrowred turns green and the other goes out
15:15.46rocksfrowafter a min
15:15.49rocksfrowred l ight comes on
15:15.54rocksfrowthis is on the adtran box
15:15.59Yoeworks, thanks
15:16.11rocksfrowim pretty sure that red light ont he adtran box is labeled alm
15:16.17*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:16.22rocksfrowis that good enough evidence to get the telco to come out here?
15:16.29rocksfrowshould i try the other port ont he card?
15:18.27*** part/#asterisk Yoe (
15:18.55ManxPower-workyou should contact your telco and say "I have a red alarm"
15:19.21ManxPower-workrocksfrow: where are you located?
15:19.30rocksfrowwhat did you say this box is porbably called again?
15:19.45ManxPower-workChannel bank
15:20.27ManxPower-workCovad is currently having a "major outage" in the NJ area.
15:20.45ManxPower-workJust saw it is also Level 3
15:21.30ManxPower-workLikely fiber cut in the area.
15:23.49*** join/#asterisk Keeper82 (
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15:24.36Keeper82Hi everyone, I'm trying to send a fax but asterisk keeps telling that it can't read the TIFF file (permissions are right)
15:24.47ManxPower-workKeeper82: pastebin the error
15:24.52infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:25.19ManxPower-workKeeper82: If you are using a GUI don't waste everyone's time.  Ask on #FreePBX (or whatever GUI)
15:25.32Keeper82no, i installed asterisk from source
15:26.01*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:26.43ManxPower-workKeeper82: good.  Just let us know when you have the pastebin
15:27.10Keeper82I ony changed the real number to xxxxxxx :P
15:27.18*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
15:28.36ManxPower-workThe only 2 reasons for that error that I can think of is an invalid TIFF file or permissions.  How many bytes does ls -l /tmp/prova.tif show?
15:29.09Keeper82and I can open it with an image editor
15:29.20ManxPower-workwhat is the owner/group of that file?
15:29.25Keeper82permission are 777
15:29.35ManxPower-workThat's not what I asked.
15:30.01ManxPower-workand what user is Asterisk running as?
15:32.24ManxPower-workmany. many applications will refuse to open files in /tmp with 777 permissions
15:32.46Keeper82i didn't changed it so it must be root
15:32.57ManxPower-workps -auxwww | grep asterisk
15:33.03Pimmetjeasterisk wont run as root
15:33.10Pimmetjein default settings
15:33.15ManxPower-workPimmetje: Asterisk runs as root just fine.
15:33.30Pimmetje@my machine it compained
15:33.40[TK]D-Fenderwonders where a "default" got invented....
15:33.43Pimmetjethat is does not want to run as rioot :D
15:33.44ManxPower-workPimmetje: then your machine is messed up.
15:33.52Pimmetjecould be
15:33.53Keeper82I confirm root
15:34.06ManxPower-workPimmetje: maybe you did something stupid and installed an Asterisk GUI.
15:34.17ManxPower-workKeeper82: then I have no more suggestions.
15:34.32PimmetjeNo i build asterisk from source
15:34.53Pimmetjeand then tried to put a webapp on it for voicemail
15:35.01Pimmetjenever got it working :D
15:35.13ManxPower-workvoicemail web app != Asterisk.
15:35.18*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
15:35.18PimmetjeBut it my hobby box so i dnt care :D
15:35.45PimmetjeManxPower-work: I know
15:36.02Keeper82I even created a simple C program which opens that file and it works (obviously)
15:36.15ManxPower-workKeeper82: you ran that inside of Asterisk?
15:36.25ManxPower-work(via System or AGI)?
15:36.33ManxPower-workWell then it's a pretty pointless test isn't it?
15:36.39Keeper82I tried just to see if my libtiff was working or not
15:36.49ManxPower-worktry it inside of Asterisk
15:36.59PimmetjeThe only thing i never got working that i really would like is call transfer
15:37.11ManxPower-workexten => 666,1,System(/path/to/app)
15:37.20Keeper82ah ok
15:37.35ManxPower-workPimmetje: I transfer by pushing the TRANSFER button on my phone.  Odd it doesn't work for you.
15:38.05*** join/#asterisk came0 (
15:38.06PimmetjeI cant get call forwarding to work my asterisk version : Asterisk config: Can someone have a look
15:38.11Pimmetjecopy past
15:38.18Pimmetjedo not have a tranfer button
15:38.20Naikrovektransfer is a phone thing, is it not
15:38.31Naikrovekwhat kind of phones do you have
15:38.32Pimmetjelike to di it with #1 or so
15:39.53Pimmetjeas far as i understand the stuff i read i should be possible to make #1 or something do the same thing as the transfer button
15:40.10Pimmetjeor do is miss something here?
15:40.31slashtomi'm looking for an alternative Linux distro to use on an embedded i686 board for running an Asterisk system, to replace Druid
15:40.39slashtomany recommendations?
15:41.10leifmadsenSlashman: astlinux?
15:42.14leifmadsenPimmetje: you've enabled the 't' and/or 'T' flags in your Dial() and enabled the appropriate things in the features.conf file?
15:42.47ManxPower-workleifmadsen: *gasp*  Just like in the Asterisk book!
15:42.54leifmadsenOMG! OMG! OMG!
15:42.57PimmetjeI hope so ;) part pof my config
15:43.02leifmadsenI didn't look at the pastebin because it didn't load
15:43.07leifmadsenthat, and I'm working on writing documetnatin
15:43.39rocksfrowis there anyway to debug traffic going through my digium card?
15:43.45Pimmetjei indead does not load atm :(
15:43.52Pimmetjecrap :P
15:43.58rocksfrowits just ringing...and i dont know how to debug whether its even making it to the server
15:44.22*** part/#asterisk thazza (
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15:50.12tzafrirslashtom, what do you actually need?
15:50.22tzafrirDroid is a bit heavy-duty
15:50.40tzafrirHow do you intend to manage it? What do you mean by "i686 board"?
15:50.41ManxPower-workrocksfrow: the asterisk console will show the incoming call
15:50.44*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
15:51.06tzafrirWhat do you actually need to do with it? (hardware? no. of concurrent calls? codecs?)
15:51.34tzafrirslashtom, also: is disk space an issue? Is memory an issue?
15:51.41ManxPower-workBTW Covad and Level 3 are having a significant outage in the NY/NJ area because of a fiber cut.
15:55.06kruemelteeI have to go now ... bye bye
15:55.24Naikrovekfiber cuts still happen?
15:55.34Naikroveki thought all those backhoe operators were fired
15:56.09Naikrovekor maybe it's some dude diggin up his front yard or something
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15:57.02mnick86any ideas how to track that bug down ?!
15:58.42brettnemhey anyone have any ideas about my polycom transfer bug I posted above? :D
15:59.38Naikrovekbrettnem: i looked but didn't notice anything
15:59.48Naikrovekbut i'm a dumbass so don't rely on my input
16:01.28brettnemthanks for looking tho
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16:01.50brettnemit seems to be a bug... if I roll from svn back to stable, it works perfectly
16:01.59Naikrovekbrettnem: could be
16:02.47brettnemblind transfers work.. just not attended
16:04.12Keeper82ManxPower-work, I tried to execute my program inside asterisk and it works
16:07.49*** join/#asterisk cherva (~cherva@
16:08.08ManxPower-workbrettnem: do you have the allowTransferonProceeding set in the Polycom?  (I don't recall the *exact* option, but can look it up)
16:08.25ManxPower-workbrettnem: I suspect a bug too, but worth trying that option.
16:08.41chervaHow Can I make a whitelist of numbers for a specific extension ?
16:09.19rocksfrowFeb 12 11:07:37 NOTICE[4761] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
16:10.17rocksfrowanybody know how to interpret that?
16:10.23rocksfrowcongestion means...?
16:10.33rocksfrowthere are no calls currently on the system
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16:12.27brettnemManxPower-work: I'll give it a shot..
16:12.56ManxPower-workrocksfrow: do you still have a red alarm?
16:13.18brettnemManxPower-work: However that sounds like something that happens before a call is established.. however all of my calls are being set up. .I'm not trying to transfer a ringing call or anything..
16:13.50rocksfrowManxPower-work, dude, while i was on hold..the red light went away
16:14.00rocksfrowi unplugged/plugged it in a couple of times..and it came on
16:14.11rocksfrowthe digium card shows  a green light
16:14.22rocksfrowno busy signal when you call the # externally, but rather a never-ending ring
16:14.36ManxPower-workdo you see anything on the console when the call comes in?
16:14.54KobazNaikrovek: good news
16:15.12*** join/#asterisk benngard (
16:15.28NaikrovekKobaz: yes?
16:15.39rocksfrowManxPower-work, the console?
16:15.42KobazNaikrovek: so i had to buy some more tools, but i took out the piston
16:15.50rocksfrowthis is a freepbx system..can i still use it?
16:15.52NaikrovekKobaz: how does it look
16:15.57KobazNaikrovek: the entire cylinder looks perfect.. the piston however... has seen better days
16:16.06ManxPower-workrocksfrow: Ah, I forgot you are one of those people.  I cannot help you firther.
16:16.08Kobazwhich is great news... the lack of compression is surely coming by way of the piston
16:16.09ManxPower-workAnd further too.
16:16.11*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:16.33rocksfrowManxPower-work, one of those people? what somebody who is desperately looking for help from experts on the topic?
16:16.35KobazNaikrovek: there's a big hole in the side of the piston, and there's a nice grove going right up to the upper plate
16:16.38rocksfrowmy customer service system is down..
16:16.43rocksfrowi appreciate anybodys help.
16:16.48chervaHow Can I limit an extension to be able to call only some numbers I want to specify
16:16.50ManxPower-workrocksfrow: no, someone that is into the GUI they don't even know what the console is.
16:17.18rocksfrowManxPower-work, without help from somebody like yourself how will I ever?
16:17.34NaikrovekKobaz: that's how it got in the crank case then
16:17.35rocksfrowunfortunately i dont have days to research..hence why i'm reaching out..
16:17.38rocksfrowi've got a live system down.
16:17.39infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
16:17.41KobazNaikrovek: hah, yeah
16:17.42NaikrovekKobaz: that piston would have shattered soon
16:17.50ManxPower-worknow you know why we don't support FreePBX here.
16:17.52*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
16:18.08KobazNaikrovek: it looks like someone tried to cut the piston in half with a dull knife... it's quite misshapen too
16:18.09NaikrovekKobaz: aluminum piston?
16:18.12Kobazi think so
16:18.41NaikrovekKobaz: wow.  yeah aluminum pistons are aluminum so they fail and not the cylinder wall
16:18.48Kobazah, perfect
16:21.09*** join/#asterisk jasonwert-work (
16:23.20Naikrovekso new piston on order/installed?
16:23.32Kobazgrubbing for parts as we speek
16:25.38bmoraca_workrocksfrow: congestion on a T1 could indicate that the line is in alarm.  have you tried flapping the interface (either by restarting it or unplugging and plugging it back in)?
16:27.23rocksfrowbmoraca_work, the interface as in the telco box thing? lol
16:27.45bmoraca_workrocksfrow: the interface as in the actual port on your PBX
16:28.02bmoraca_workrocksfrow: you don't touch the "telco box thing"
16:28.55ManxPower-workrocksfrow: Where are you located?
16:29.09bmoraca_workrocksfrow: also, some things which might help are pastebins of "pri show span #" where # is your span.  also, an debug of the PRI might indicate that you're either not sending or not receiving data over it.  this will usually indicate that the D channel is down, in which case flapping the interface will sometimes fix it.
16:29.13p3nguinHow can I get AgentCallbackLogin() to logout the agent without having to enter # for the new extension?  Normally, it asks for a new extension, and if you press #, it says "Agent logged off."  I want to hard-code something so that if you call an extension (for example *18) it will log off the agent without having to provide the # keypress.
16:29.22ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: he's CAS
16:29.30bmoraca_workManxPower-work: ewwww.  why?
16:29.41p3nguinAgentCallbackLogin(${AGENT},,#) doesn't do it.
16:29.42ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: I would not even want to speculate on that.
16:30.19ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: he's also a FreePBX user.
16:30.39bmoraca_workrocksfrow: if rebooting your system doesn't work, call the telco and make sure there isn't a line problem.  i have precisely 1 hour of CAS experience with Asterisk (enough to know that it's not worth the extra channel)
16:31.26ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: his line was in RED alarm when he started asking an hour ago.  It "magically" turned green.  That's why I wanted his location, so I would know if the major outage I've been seeing applies to him.
16:31.32ManxPower-workHe never told me his location.
16:31.44bmoraca_workManxPower-work: well, Zaptel/Dahdi need to be configured manually even when using he's technically in the right place...although without more information, it'll be very hard to help
16:32.19ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: "significant" Level 3 and Covad outage in NYC/NJ area
16:32.32bmoraca_workwow, that must suck
16:32.59bmoraca_workgood thing i'm on the left coast
16:34.13*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
16:34.22ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: only 4 or 5 of our customers have reported outages this morning, so it must not be happening to everyone.
16:34.23NaikrovekKobaz: you really need to update that blog, brah
16:34.40KobazNaikrovek: haha... i should write about my new small engine extravaganza
16:34.49Naikrovek"extravaganza" lol
16:35.02Naikroveknot the word i would chosen, your word is better
16:35.39Kobazwell it's not a new small engine... but it's a new extravaganza
16:36.03*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:37.00Kobazanyways, back to coding
16:37.13Naikrovekhave a good weekend
16:37.19Kobazactually. i should write myself a check first, before i forget... i'm getting poor
16:37.24Kobazyou too
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16:49.09OrbixxAre commas valid in callerids?
16:49.39Kobaztry it out and see
16:50.19OrbixxI have, but I'm unsure if there are multiple problems involved or not.
16:50.26Kobazit's certainly not allowed in the numeric part... but i'm not sure what's the limit for the name part
16:50.27OrbixxSo I'm trying to eliminate a comma being in a callerid as a problem.
16:52.11ManxPower-workOrbixx: yes, commas are allowed in Caller*ID Name.
16:52.25ManxPower-workHowever, Asterisk's SET statment can have issues with commas.
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17:00.31OrbixxDoes AGI's set callerid allow for the name and number to be set?
17:00.37OrbixxAnd how does it work syntactically, if so?
17:02.50Kattypeeks in
17:03.50ManxPower-workOrbixx: yes, see the documentation for your AGI library.
17:04.03ManxPower-workRobert Dobbs <666>
17:04.08ManxPower-workthat is a valid callerid setting
17:04.14ManxPower-workremeber to not use quotes.
17:05.02Kattyhugs ManxPower-work
17:06.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (
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17:10.10*** join/#asterisk sip83 (sip83@
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17:13.50sip83Hi.. I have a problem with a Dial command. When I use option "F" it does not continue execution of the dial plan when the source hangs up. I'm running Asterisk, is there a known bug with this option?
17:14.23p3nguinMaybe F isn't the right option.
17:14.37sip83If, however, I use option "g" and the destination hangs up, then it continues with execution.
17:14.57sip83What might be the right option? I'm trying to run a System command upon the end of a call.
17:15.11ManxPower-workWhat is the F option?
17:15.24p3nguinDoes "core show application Dial" show the 'F' option?
17:15.35p3nguinI use 1.4 and it's not listed.
17:15.38Kattyhi p3nguin
17:15.40ManxPower-worksip83: "g" only applies when the DESITNATION hangs up.
17:15.53ManxPower-workWhen the SOURCE hangs up, the diaplan will jump to exten => h
17:15.54sip83From the documentation: "Proceed with dialplan execution at the next priority in the current extension if the source channel hangs up."
17:15.55p3nguinHello, katty.
17:16.14sip83Yes, but that isn't working either.. it doesn't seem to jump to h either
17:16.22ManxPower-worksip83: handy option.  Did you get that from the CLI or fro the wiki?
17:16.25Kattyp3nguin: i will be up in st. louis in a few weekends.
17:16.43p3nguinkatty: On business or pleasure?
17:16.49Kattyp3nguin: shopping.
17:16.51sip83I got it from
17:17.07raden_workmorning katty
17:17.15Kattyhugs raden_work
17:17.28raden_workhow are you today ?
17:17.31ManxPower-worksip83: the official documentation is "core show application dial".  Don't use external documentation.
17:17.45Kattyraden_work: pretty good so far
17:18.13*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@2620:0:860:2:21e:c2ff:fe03:2465)
17:19.02ManxPower-workAnyone know what special control 21 is? " -- Zap/22-1 requested special control 21, passing it to SIP/4407-088be1b0"
17:20.07Kobazfbi tapping in?
17:20.29p3nguinkatty: You going to hit up the Mills or the Galleria?
17:21.03hardwireanybody working for broadvoice in here can shut their eyes real quick
17:21.13Kattyp3nguin: definately the galleria
17:21.16hardwireok.. I'm done.. you can open them again.
17:21.19Kattyp3nguin: can't miss sephora
17:22.37*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
17:22.43ManxPower-workSephora sounds like an adult toy shop.
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17:24.32KattyManxPower-work: beauty, skincare, makeup, bath products, etc
17:25.22hardwireManxPower-work: sapphic erotica?
17:25.26sip83ManxPower-work: Thank you... I found that the "F" option is not supported in my version.
17:25.36*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
17:25.48sip83However, that still leaves me with no way to continue execution of the dial plan when the caller hangs up..
17:26.20sip83That only works the the callee hangs up.. and in this case, I'm calling the console/dsp for a page
17:26.32sip83*works when the
17:26.46hardwirecalling it from a what?
17:26.52*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
17:26.52hardwirea phone?
17:26.55sip83a SIP extension
17:27.13Kattyi think people who are recieving money from the goverment should be subjected to random drug testing
17:27.21Kattyjust like people working for the goverment, and recieving a paycheck that way
17:27.23hardwireso your sip phone calls in, dials console/dsp, and the g flag doesn't continue on?
17:27.27hardwireg works both ways I thought.
17:27.37hardwireat least it does with my calling card platform
17:28.03sip83No, it only works when the destination hangs up.. It's weird, I know.. but I've tested this for the last several hours..
17:28.25hardwiretried it with phone to phone?
17:30.19sip83right now, I seem to have it working with HS(10)g
17:30.45hardwireis it just for paging?
17:30.57sip83but this means that the caller has to either press * or if they forget, there will be a 10 second delay before the next priority is execute
17:31.09hardwirecan I recommend delayed paging?
17:31.20sip83What do you mean by that?
17:31.45hardwirepaging caller calls in and is asked to record a message, press # if they accept it
17:32.14hardwirethen a call file is made in the asterisk spool directory to do the playback.
17:32.29hardwirethat way you don't get feedback
17:32.34sip83Ahh.. yes, I've seen this..
17:32.39hardwireand pages are more intelligable because people think about it first.
17:32.45hardwiredid I spell intelligable right?
17:33.29sip83Hehe, yes.. I see your point.. but there would be no sync as the current setup has paging over the handsets in realtime and then the overhead would be delayed
17:33.52hardwireyou can have it do the same for all handsets too
17:34.33hardwirecreate a meetme.. call all handsets and have them join.. do the same with the console channel.. then playback into the meetme
17:34.36sip83I seem to have it working as I want.. it is just the command to unmute a channel on the mixer that is not being executed after the hangup
17:34.53hardwireotherwise you get a buzz?
17:35.09sip83No, no buzz.. it is the music that is being played that I am muting..
17:35.26hardwirebecause you're using your sound card for hold music?
17:35.29sip83I got this solution from:
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17:35.37sip83not hold music.. for overhead music
17:35.43hardwireah ok
17:36.20Katty <- oops, someone forgot their drink on their vehicle
17:36.30hardwiresip83: can I suggest not using console/dsp at all?
17:36.38hardwireand instead using pulseaudio?
17:36.41sip83It works quite well.. but Asterisk neiter executes the next line nor the h extensions
17:36.45sip83Hmmm.. what's that?
17:37.14sip83Ahh.. is this like Jack?
17:37.19hardwiresip83: well do you need the overhead to be in sync with all the phones for pages?
17:37.45sip83Yes, it would be nice..
17:37.55hardwirethen that might not work all that well
17:38.31sip83Hmm.. ok, well I'll use this solution for now and just let all users know that they should press * to have the music come back on.. and if they forget, then it will come back after 10 seconds.
17:38.33hardwirehmm.. I have one more suggestion
17:38.40sip83Oh, sure :)
17:38.40hardwireand it may be one you can use.
17:38.53hardwireare you familiar with perl/python?
17:38.58Katty <- Cheez-it flavored Lipbalm
17:39.03Katty^- eww.
17:39.04hardwireok both have manager API hooks
17:39.29hardwireif you can spawn a process that immediately mutes line-in then connects to asterisk, it can look for console/dsp being hung up
17:39.43hardwireon an event basis
17:39.52hardwirethat way you can fade out line in and fade it back in cleanly
17:40.10hardwireand somewhat immediately
17:40.21sip83Hmmm.. that sounds like a good solution :)
17:40.27hardwireit's friday
17:40.33Katty <- Why linux is evil.
17:40.34Qwellhardwire: prove it
17:40.45sip83I'll have to research this some more
17:40.52hardwireQwell: no
17:40.59Kattyhardwire: orly
17:41.11hardwireKatty: YARLY
17:42.02Kattyi think i'm gonna close my bank of america account
17:42.10*** join/#asterisk DerkKo (
17:42.15Kattyi'm tired of supporting their antics
17:42.41DerkKoSmall question.... Im trying to use mixmonitor command from CLI to record a sip channel. I want the recording to be a .wav instead of .raw
17:42.51DerkKowhat arguments to i need to send to make this happen ?
17:42.56ManxPower-workI don't think you can use mixmonitor from the CLI
17:43.15ManxPower-workAh, nifty.  That must new to 1.4
17:43.30KattyDerkKo: sox?
17:43.37p3nguinkatty: My daughter would LOVE that lip balm.  She has a thing for both Cheez-Its and for lip balm, so I'm sure she would enjoy the two in combination.
17:43.41DerkKoyou can
17:43.42DerkKoidr-2850-06*CLI> mixmonitor start SIP/ wav,record
17:43.48ManxPower-workDerkKo: "help mixmonitor" wasn't helpful to you?
17:43.49hardwireKatty: don't close it.. let me have it
17:43.54Kattyp3nguin: your daughter is crazy.
17:43.57Kattyp3nguin: JUST LIKE YOU
17:44.03hardwireKatty: I need my to get an AlaskaAir Visa :)
17:44.22Kattyi need an ing direct visa debit card
17:44.28DerkKono help mixmonitor only shows a syntax which is even wrong
17:44.29DerkKomixmonitor {start|stop} Execute a MixMonitor command
17:44.34KattyDerkKo: sox.
17:44.50p3nguinderkko: core show application MixMonitor
17:44.53ManxPower-workThe optional arguments are passed to the
17:44.53ManxPower-workMixMonitor application when the 'start' command is used.
17:44.56hardwireKatty: pantz
17:44.58ariel_Katty: so what has Bank of America done?
17:45.07ManxPower-workp3nguin: that will only show him the dialplan mixmonitor, not the CLI mixmonitor
17:45.08Kattyariel_: you mean what haven't they done?
17:45.20Kattyariel_: well on reddit this morning, they forclosed a house which a couple paid cash on 5 years ago
17:45.23ManxPower-workWhat has B of A done that most other banks have not done?
17:45.30Kattyariel_: they said they had 'accidentally' forclosed the 'wrong house'
17:45.30DerkKoi dont want to have to execute an external application to change the .raw file to .wav
17:45.38Kattyariel_: but the couple had to take it to court for anything to be done about it
17:45.56Kattyariel_: but that's not it really
17:46.18p3nguinHow can a bank take a house that they have no interest in?
17:46.37ManxPower-workp3nguin: who will stop them?
17:46.51p3nguinmanxpower-work: Who will facilitate them?
17:47.03ManxPower-workp3nguin: law enforcement, if they have the paperwork
17:47.05p3nguinmanxpower-work: That's like if I said I'm taking your car.
17:47.11ariel_OH I see but that is really a general all round mix up with the attoney's, As there going to have to pay allot to this couple
17:47.22ManxPower-workp3nguin: You mean it's like if a finance company says they are taking my car.
17:47.51p3nguinmanxpower-work: If the owners have paperwork too, why would law enforcement overrule the owners?
17:48.00hardwiresip83: yay?
17:48.04ManxPower-workif the finance company has paperwork that says they are going to take the car then they will take the car.
17:48.16ManxPower-workp3nguin: because law enforcement is not paid to think.
17:48.43p3nguinAt least here they are smart enough to know the difference between criminal and civil matters.
17:48.48ManxPower-workYou seem to think the law is fair or something silly like that.
17:49.38p3nguinIn civil matters, they tell you to get an attorney and take it to court.  They don't help one party just because they make a claim against another party.
17:49.39ManxPower-workp3nguin: Mortgage companies use the local law enforcement ALL THE TIME to evict people.
17:49.43KavanSp3nguin, just move the car to someone else's house
17:49.50KavanSp3nguin, and pay up on it...
17:50.03KavanSpath of least resistance they will take </yoda>
17:50.43ManxPower-workObviously once the law suits settled things are different.
17:50.54p3nguinIf someone tried to take my car(s) which I clearly can show proof of outright ownership on, someone is going to be arrested for theft.
17:50.56KavanSit's different with's not a house
17:51.05KavanSI'm pretty sure law enforcement does not get involved for car retrieval
17:51.08KavanSI could be wrong about this...
17:51.21ManxPower-workKavanS: Generally not, as I understand it.
17:51.23KavanSbut I worked for a finance company that dealt with car loans...and they would repo from time to time
17:51.29KavanSthe lady told me all sorts of stories...
17:51.49ManxPower-workRepo doesn't usually involve kicking people out of their car, does it?
17:51.57KavanSat the end of the day the lesson was: if you haven't paid up, make sure the car is nowhere near your families/routine places of frequenting/own house
17:52.06ManxPower-workJust "stealing it back" when the owner isn't looking.
17:52.14KavanSjust stealing it back
17:52.19p3nguinIn a repo, the cops usually only get involved if there is a crinimal act such as disorderly conduct or assult.
17:52.26KavanSbut with the law on your side I suppose ;)
17:52.40p3nguinor worse, of course.
17:52.53KavanSyeah, no car no repo
17:53.47ManxPower-workWe had a local Sherif that, at least for a while, refused to remove people from a house that was foreclosed on, if the person's living there were renters and current on rent.
17:54.06ManxPower-work(i.e. the renters had nothing to do with the owner of the property not making payments)
17:54.11spenguin[w0rk]hi :)
17:54.18KobazA Bank of America spokesman told the paper that the bank feels the lawsuit "has no merit."
17:54.23ariel_house eviction requires a court order
17:54.26Kobazthat's messed up
17:56.36p3nguinariel_: And if the court order is not obeyed, then it becomes a criminal situation and law enforcement has a right to get involved.
17:59.10raden_workheya p3nguin
18:00.21*** join/#asterisk guax (~guax@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
18:00.28infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:00.46*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (
18:09.19*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
18:09.53Kattyso bored maybe i'll chatroulette
18:12.32guaxuia, someone is going wild here
18:13.13carrarSounds risky
18:14.50*** join/#asterisk titter (
18:15.01GeminizerHello all.  Does running the following do anything:  asterisk -rx 'restart now'  ?
18:15.03*** join/#asterisk drako (~luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:15.28p3nguingeminizer: I would expect it to restart asterisk right now.
18:15.37rubberneckGeminizer: yes it restarts the asterisk service right now
18:16.02Geminizerhmm... then I would expect all dialplans tied into asterisk would reload as well  ?
18:16.14rubberneckGeminizer: Yes it stops the service
18:16.22p3nguingeminizer: Right, but you don't need to restart it to reload the dialplan.
18:16.27*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:16.37Geminizerright... I did 'dialplan reload'
18:16.52rubberneckGeminizer: Youdont really want to run restart now while calls are in progress.
18:17.04OrbixxDoes anybody know the syntax for the AGI command 'set callerid' to set the name AND number?
18:17.13p3nguinI always prefer restart gracefully.
18:17.36Geminizerrubberneck:  I completely agree... working on a development machine :)
18:18.17p3nguinorbixx: In dialplan it's Set(CALLERID(all)=name <12345>).  Does that help any in AGI?
18:18.38Orbixxp3nguin: AGI seems to just want SET CALLERID <number>
18:18.56OrbixxI can find no more documentation than that.
18:19.27GeminizerOr even better:
18:19.40Geminizerthere is agi_callerid and agi_calleridname
18:20.00OrbixxHow did I miss that!
18:20.05OrbixxThanks Geminizer.
18:20.15GeminizerIt's no problem :)
18:20.33OrbixxGeminizer: That's not quite right.
18:20.42OrbixxThey're variables passed to AGI scripts, not the other way round.
18:20.48OrbixxScroll a little further down to 'AGI commands'.
18:21.03guaxthe best way to set is to set the variable SET VARIABLE CALLERID(all)="", this will set everything.
18:21.18*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
18:21.20guaxit work for me in a rather complex agi
18:21.34*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~EWieling@
18:22.28Orbixxguax: It needs to be in AGI, but you have nevertheless given me an idea.
18:22.35guaxthe agi_callerid and agi_calleridname are params passed to the agi, just a boot up on environment its running
18:22.44guaxOrbixx, it is in agi
18:23.06Orbixxguax: Oh sorry, I misinterpreted you.
18:23.28guaxjust use the set variable in agi as you do in dialplan
18:23.33guaxit support funcions like callerid
18:23.39*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
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19:06.28*** join/#asterisk Amorsen (~Amorsen@
19:16.37*** join/#asterisk autojack (~owen@
19:17.54autojackcan anyone recommend a good "bring your own device," "pay as you go" VOIP termination provider in the US? I currently use, and overall they're great, but I have persistent issues with one-way-audio that we've been unable to resolve and I wanted to see if switching carriers eliminated them.
19:18.49autojackI have a full Asterisk server with a DID that routes to it, and then I pass calls to callwithus via SIP.
19:23.13infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
19:23.21infobotitsplist-us is, like, Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,, or ,
19:24.47*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
19:24.56infobotitsplist-us is probably Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,, or ,
19:24.57autojackthe nice thing about callwithus is that there's no signup or cancellation fee and no monthly fee. I just pay for usage.
19:25.15p3nguinautojack: or Flowroute
19:26.14*** join/#asterisk frek818 (
19:34.37*** join/#asterisk socain (~socain00@
19:36.09autojackcool. thanks :)
19:36.33socainis it possible to port a DID from a long distance location to your PRI? If so do they typically just bill you for the long distance?
19:38.43*** part/#asterisk moldy (~rene@unaffiliated/moldy)
19:39.15autojackhmm. on this rates page, what is meant by "first interval" and "sub interval"
19:47.11benngardSWEDEN - FREEPHONE     4620     30 sec     6 sec          0.1587          Current <- what the hell is SWEDEN - FREEPHONE, i am from sweden and i never heard about ot
19:47.31*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
19:47.54autojackI think it means free-dial numbers.
19:48.00autojackin the US they are 1-800 numbers
19:48.10autojacklike the kind of thing businesses have so you can call them for no charge.
19:49.53benngarddo they realy "route" free-dial" number outside your country?
19:50.28autojackthey say they do.
19:50.28*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
19:50.29p3nguinautojack: It means that if you make a 10 second call, you will be billed for 30 seconds.  If you make a 34 second call, you will be billed for 36 seconds.
19:50.46autojackp3nguin: aha, OK that makes sense. thanks :)
19:51.05Z_GodI'm trying out the jingle channel, but it seems asterisk isn't even noticing the incoming phonecalls
19:51.06benngardwe have 020- numbers in sweden and i am pretty sure u cant dial them from for example us
19:51.06p3nguinMost numbers in the US are 6 second intervals.
19:51.09autojackflowroute looks like they're worth a try.
19:51.16p3nguinSo if you make a 10 second call, you would pay for 12 seconds.
19:51.23Z_Godhow can I verify whether asterisk is seeing a phonecall?
19:51.27autojackbenngard: normally you would not be able to, I think.
19:51.32Z_GodI do see the incoming xml
19:51.44p3nguinbenngard: I can call you.
19:51.48autojackbenngard: but if your VOIP provider has a termination gateway in sweden, it should cost them nothing to route to that number.
19:51.57autojackat least, nothing on the PSTN side.
19:52.13benngardautojack: got u!
19:52.31autojackthat's just a guess, I'm not really a tel-networking guy :)
19:53.10benngardguess u are right when i am thinking about it
19:54.03*** join/#asterisk bawls12342 (
19:54.16benngardbut how do u dial that 020 number? +46-20-... yea, must be the way to do it
19:54.30autojackmost likely.
19:54.50p3nguinz_god: Is there a debug setting for the channel driver?
19:55.05Z_Godp3nguin: yes
19:55.08p3nguinbenngard: 0114620XXXXXXXX
19:55.25Z_Godp3nguin: when I disable it the xml is gone
19:55.36p3nguinbenngard: That's how I would dial it.
19:55.57Z_Goddon't channels report 'calls' to asterisk's core?
19:56.00p3nguinbenngard: My ITSP allows both 011 and 00 prefixes for international calling.
19:56.28p3nguinz_god: For SIP, you would "sip set debug" and watch what happens.
19:56.50Z_Godah  yeah I looked at jabber now, I guess I should look at jingle
19:57.41spenguin[w0rk]how sucessful are dundi networks?
19:57.48Z_Godp3nguin: jingle set debug doesn't seem to exist
19:58.37*** part/#asterisk autojack (~owen@
20:00.07*** join/#asterisk crochat (
20:00.16benngardp3nguin: we must try that, not tonight,i am to tired, but if i let u "route" a swedish 020 number through my *, i terminate the call... will not cost either u or me a cent :)'
20:01.25p3nguinHmm.  I don't have anyone in Sweden that I need to call.  I was just saying how I would call your number if I needed to call you.
20:02.13benngardnobody likes us swedes :(
20:03.09*** join/#asterisk mrprozac (~mrprozac@
20:06.21bawls12342I have just setup an asterisknow server using the live cd.  I can't get any sip phones to register, I do not even see a sip.conf file in /etc/asterisk.  Any help would be great
20:07.30infoboti guess asterisknow is based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
20:07.39carrarbenngard, not true!! ABBA is from Sweden!
20:07.52*** join/#asterisk niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
20:07.53Qwellcarrar: nobody likes abba
20:08.05*** join/#asterisk drako (~luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:08.19benngardand björn borg not forget about peter foppa forsberg!
20:08.20carrarThough the band 'Europe' is from Sweden so that counter acts ABBA
20:09.32*** join/#asterisk moldy (~rene@unaffiliated/moldy)
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20:11.19*** join/#asterisk bawls12342 (
20:13.16bawls12342can someone please tell me how to tell is asterisk is accepting sip connections?
20:13.34voipmonkyou can look at the sip debug info bawls12342
20:13.47voipmonkthen work the problem from what asterik is telling you :)
20:14.26moldyhmm, it seems that for the siemens gigaset IP phones, you cannot buy separate additional phones? can anyone confirm this?
20:15.04benngardin sweden u can for sure
20:15.29benngardi do it every month
20:15.33moldybenngard: for which model?
20:15.44benngarddoesnt matter
20:16.08moldybenngard: do the additional handsets have their own model number (this seems to be the case for the analog phones)?
20:16.25moldye.g. "c47h" for "c470"
20:16.35*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
20:16.49benngardnop, it they will be the sam
20:17.25benngardbut ofc u have to go into "service mode" and do some tricks
20:17.48p3nguinufc is better!
20:18.07moldyi don't know what ofc or ufc mean
20:18.27moldygoogle turns up stuff for model numbers like "a58h ip"... those seem to be the additional handsets
20:19.08benngardwell known secret about siemens gigaset is: trun phone off! press 1 4  7 and poer it up
20:19.17moldythough, interestingly, i don't find any german stores selling it
20:20.12benngarddial let me think 7200 or 76200 then u hit the service menu and can do alot of fun stuff
20:20.36benngardi fire up the program sec
20:21.46benngardit was 76200
20:21.54Geminizerhas anyone ever had this problem:  I have an AGI script being called in a dialplan, followed by a busy signal ... when I call into that dialplan, I immediately get the busy signal (no ringing).  However, when I modify the AGI script to include more agi functions, calling into the corresponding dialplan results in a couple of rings, followed by a busy signal.  It turns out the second version of the agi script is non-functional.  And
20:21.55Geminizerthe calls are right, because it's literally a copy and paste of the first set of AGI calls (e.g. $AGI->stream_file(...))
20:22.09moldyit seems that they don't sell additional handsets in germany :(
20:23.40spenguin[w0rk]does dundi basically mean free calls?
20:24.29moldyah, the a58h is compatible with a580 ip...
20:24.44*** join/#asterisk krefik (
20:29.22Geminizeris there a way an agi script can return values to be used by the dialplan that called said script?
20:33.36mrprozachas got bad timing
20:34.05mrprozacso i just got my2 Linksys SPA942 phones by mail order. Perfect time for the server to crash, and not being on the same location as the server totally makes my day. ;_;
20:34.57*** join/#asterisk MichaelGG (
20:36.37infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:38.23spenguin[w0rk]mrprozac: how much for those phones?
20:40.39MichaelGGSo, how can I force override the codecs offered on an outbound leg? Like user calls in with codec g729, we connect to a peer with ulaw and g729, peer selects ulaw, we're stuck transcoding
20:40.56MichaelGGI saw some reference to SIP_CODEC or PREFERRED_CODEC but are those the right things?
20:42.37mrprozac94€ a piece
20:43.10mrprozacwas on the phhone with technical staff, it's back online again. yay i can't test again :)
20:43.28spenguin[w0rk]mrprozac: thats pretty expensive
20:44.14mrprozacnah, the cheapest price i could find wsas 93 € Tax/vat not included
20:44.41mrprozaci bought it together with a Cisco 8 ports Switch with PoE
20:50.33*** join/#asterisk fibres (
20:55.00MichaelGGor, how can I know the codecs offered on an incoming invite?
20:59.09*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
21:02.38*** join/#asterisk gnufan (~hardev@
21:03.33sbrathIf I want a station, who's a member of a queue, and who's on the phone, and everyone else in the queue is busy, can I ring the station even when the line is busy.
21:04.25sbrathBasicly asking the station to see that their is another call, and give them a chance to grab it, but if they don't grab it, it goes back into the queue and waits?
21:04.37gnufani'm trying to implement g729 codec into my asterisk box... do i need to have IP phones that compatible w/ g729 codec?
21:04.41Kattylet's go to quiznos!!!!
21:04.48KattyWHO"S WITH ME
21:05.07sbrathOr should I just set up two accounts on each phone, and make the first one a login/out member of the queue, and the second line a perm member of a backup-queue?
21:05.09QwellKatty: quiznos?  eww
21:05.16KattyQwell: :P
21:05.33sbrathFat Sandwitch !!
21:05.54Kattyyeah cause i'm so totally fat.
21:05.55ariel_it's Sushi night for me....
21:06.15gnufani'm trying to implement g729 codec into my asterisk box... do i need to have IP phones that compatible w/ g729 codec?
21:06.57gnufanso any IP phone will work g729 codec?
21:08.03gnufanI know Speex needs compatible phones, wasn't sure about g729.
21:12.02staffmemberanyone know why i have no sip options from the CLI under asterisknow
21:12.05staffmemberits a fresh install
21:12.09staffmemberbut the CLI has nothing for sip
21:13.43socainasterisk restart now will probably bring sip back with astnow
21:14.00*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
21:14.14socainthat happened to me on the first astnow launch
21:14.16*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
21:14.46staffmemberasterisk -r | reload?
21:14.55socainno reload. restart now
21:14.55staffmemberor should i reboot the entire system
21:15.35socainasterisk -vvvvvvvcr will get you back into the cli
21:15.59*** join/#asterisk titter (
21:17.05staffmemberyeah, sip still now loaded tho
21:17.13staffmemberi dont get why this would happen off of a fresh install
21:18.03socainit must start asterisk before somethign has initialized on chan_sip or something
21:18.33socainmaybe it does take a reboot. don't really remember, but i had the same thing....
21:18.34*** part/#asterisk gnufan (~hardev@
21:21.53*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (~shido6@
21:24.06Kattyomnomnomnoms lunch
21:27.16socainany luck staffmember? i'm closing shop...
21:28.49Z_Godp3nguin: it seems the namespaces in the jingle.h header were outdated, I've got at least some negotiation going on now :)
21:29.25Kattyis anyone else near St. Louis, MO?
21:29.34Kattyjust curious.
21:32.44raden_workbmoraca_work, ?
21:32.47*** join/#asterisk halstead|wccls (~halstead_@
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21:36.43*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
21:38.32*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~EWieling@
21:41.28leifmadsenKatty: all the people who live in St. Louis likely are
21:42.48*** join/#asterisk MichaelGG_ (
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21:49.10*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
21:49.35usnHi, I'm about to migrate my asterisk from 1.2 to 1.4. Have found and detonated several mines, but now I'm stalled. Starting the server with "asterisk -U asterisk -G dialout -vvvf" and I get:
21:49.43*** join/#asterisk Geminizer (
21:49.46*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
21:49.51usn[Feb 12 22:41:16] WARNING[18366]: pbx.c:2981 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'Directory'
21:49.55Geminizerhey guys... how do I drop a call using the CLI ?
21:50.28usnCan somebody point me to the right direction, please?
21:52.00paulcusn: did you build from source?
21:52.17usnNo, used the 1.4.21 from debian lenny
21:53.05*** join/#asterisk cnu (
21:54.42usnThe last message before the error mentioned above is " => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone)" - I'm using CAPI, not ZAP
21:56.31russellbls /usr/lib/modules/*directory*
21:56.49russellbthey include multiple versions of the module, you need to edit /etc/asterisk/modules.conf to only load the one you want
21:57.16*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:57.52usnthe CAPI module is loaded without problems
21:57.59leifmadsenrussellb means:  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*directory*
21:58.13russellbleifmadsen: yes.
21:58.36russellbthat warning is completely unrelated to CAPI, zap, etc.
21:59.00Geminizeris there a "hard hangup" (as opposed to 'soft hangup') ?
21:59.38usn/usr/lib/asterisk/modules contains a lot of libs, but what should I expect to see there?
22:00.00leifmadsenusn: hence the:  ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*directory*
22:00.08leifmadsenusn: which would only show the file
22:00.28usn# ll /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*directory*
22:00.28usn-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21112 14. Dez 20:43 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
22:00.28usn-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16720 14. Dez 20:43 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
22:00.38leifmadsenhonestly, it sounds like you should have deleted the /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*  contents prior to re-installing asterisk
22:00.43leifmadsenusn: that's the exactly problem
22:01.11leifmadsenusn: you have two modules that are conflicting. Use modules.conf to disable one of them (likely the ODBC one since you're not going to be using the database connectivity I presume)
22:01.13usnthanks for your help, but I still don't get it in the whole I'm afraid
22:01.27*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
22:01.30usnok is for database connectivity of the app_directory application. You also have the non-ODBC compiled version, and you should only load one of them. That's why you're getting the conflict, because you've loaded one of them, and when the other tries to load, Asterisk says, "oops, app_directory has already been loaded into memory"
22:02.26usnno string like directory is somewhere in /etc/asterisk
22:02.38leifmadsenshakes his head
22:02.57leifmadsenlook at the formatting -- you need to disable a module from loading
22:03.09leifmadsenif you look in modules.conf, you'll see an example of how to not load a module.
22:03.17usnomg ;)
22:03.24usnIt was a long day ;)
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22:05.06usnleifmadsen, russellb - thanks a lot, not at least for your patience.
22:06.17leifmadsenthat's why I almost always just rm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* before I do 'make install'
22:06.27leifmadsenless problems with module compatibility that way
22:07.14usnmy trouble is, the last version was self built, but I am using a prebuilt version now
22:14.49*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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22:22.35raden_workDepends on: mysqlclient(E)
22:22.58leifmadsenyou're missing some libraries
22:23.04raden_workName: mysql-client
22:23.04raden_workVersion: 5.1.36-6.7.2
22:23.05ManxPower-workI would have said depends on mysql-devel
22:23.19ManxPower-workor mysql-dev, I don't remember which.
22:23.24leifmadsenManxPower-work: or mysqlclient devel
22:23.46leifmadsenManxPower-work: depends on which flavour of Linux (RedHat tends to be -devel, Ubuntu tends to be -dev)
22:23.46raden_workleifmadsen, thats installed as well, was first thing i did
22:24.01ManxPower-workor even mysql-devel-5.0.77-4.el5_4.1
22:24.13leifmadsenManxPower-work: for a specific version, yes :)
22:24.31leifmadsenraden_work: I'd check the configure.log file (I think that's what it's called) to see what its expecting
22:24.39raden_workwhere ?
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22:24.56leifmadsenin your asterisk source
22:25.30*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
22:25.35raden_workasterisk addon source ?
22:25.43fiferAny 480i users here?
22:25.55leifmadsenraden_work: whichever directory you're running ./configure from
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22:26.55raden_workleifmadsen, was libmysqld-devel
22:27.09leifmadsenalways depends on which flavour of linux it is :)
22:27.35fiferTrying to track down some old Aastra 480i firmware files, I need to upgrade a phone from to the newest but it looks like I need some older files to bridge the gap
22:27.36raden_workwhat does ,/configure do anyway i still dont get the whole process ?
22:27.41fiferAlready talked to Aastra, no help
22:32.01*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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22:37.20fiferI'm looking for a very cheap or even free source for a sip or iax trunk to do some testing with on a new system. Any advice?
22:38.46leifmadsenraden_work: it basically searches for libraries on your computer so asterisk now what modules it can compile
22:39.10*** join/#asterisk drako (~luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
22:39.40raden_workFeels like 90 degrees in here :(
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23:00.58thansenI have an agi script that keeps spewing this channel.c:2480 ast_waitfordigit_full: write() failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
23:01.42thansenit does it during get option and some other weird things...anyone have some pointers?
23:03.08*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
23:03.26thansenthis one too... file.c:1292 waitstream_core: write() failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
23:03.42ManxPower-workI've only ever seen that if the caller hangs up.
23:04.04leifmadsenya, I see that lots when a file is playing and someone hangs up
23:04.54ManxPower-workthansen: Is your AGI catching the signals Asterisk sends when the channel hangs up (I don't recall if it's SIGHUP or SIGTERM, look it up if you need to)
23:07.43thansenManxPower-work: sorry, had a quick call...
23:07.57thansenok, well I'm just doing IVR stuff at this point
23:08.14thansenso I'm definately still on the line cause I can hear playback etc
23:10.28*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
23:12.07thansenabout halft way through the readback it start spitting that crap out
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23:28.01lesouvageI have just build dahdi from dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.1+2.2.1.tar.gz  but if I run make menuselect to configure the build of Asterisk picking app_meetme from the list is not possible. dahdi and dahdi_dymmy are loaded.  Any suggestion?
23:32.16Z_Godhow can I allow the speex codec for jingle?
23:32.26Z_GodI added allow=speex, but it's not being advertised
23:34.30Z_GodI should use a different subversion branch :S
23:34.57leifmadsenlesouvage: re-run ./configure in asterisk after installing dahdi
23:35.12leifmadsenZ_God: the codec_speex is built right?
23:36.23Z_Godleifmadsen: yep
23:36.54lesouvageleifmadsen: thanks, I knew I forgot something obvious.
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23:53.27Z_Godgetting a segfault from the jingle branch! seems it breaks with ipv6 addresses ....
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23:57.35jayteeeverytime I see that nick I think of Doc Octopus from Spiderman for some strange reason.

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