IRC log for #asterisk on 20100207

00:03.07*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
00:21.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:22.20*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:28.31p3nguinWhere is the md5sum or sha1sum for the AsteriskNOW ISO image?
00:28.42*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
00:34.30*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
00:35.10*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
00:49.58*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
00:53.11*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
00:55.17Kattyjaskew: how to fix pls???
00:56.17jaskewKatty: recompile then press any key.
00:56.26Kattyjaskew: what is recompile pls???
00:57.05Kattyp3nguin: what sort of calorically-dense dinner did you make?
00:57.37jaskewKatty:  use "find" to locate all your recom, then put them in a pile
00:57.57jaskewthen light them on fire
00:57.58Kattyjaskew: you have insaned.
00:58.25Kattyhunts for a rice pudding recipe
00:58.32jaskewI'd help, but I can only fix freePBX
00:58.42Kattyget out.
00:58.45p3nguinkatty: I just pulled a DiGiorno pizza off the Pizzaz.
00:59.02Kattyp3nguin: oooh.. cheesy stuffed crust supreme?
00:59.09Kattyp3nguin: I WILL BE RIGHT OVER
00:59.29jaskewKatty: are you the one w/ the critter cam, or is that someone else's
00:59.34p3nguinflat bread pepperoni and fire-roasted pepper
00:59.39Kattyjaskew: Yes, that's me.
00:59.46Kattyp3nguin: oh :<
01:00.06jaskewI love it - I want to replace my window w/a flat screen and put crittercam up
01:00.09Kattyp3nguin: how is it?
01:00.19Kattyjaskew: heh.
01:00.21Kattyjaskew: well thanks.
01:00.37p3nguinkatty: So far it's not really above average.
01:00.49Kattyp3nguin: bummer.
01:01.00Kattyp3nguin: my dinner is not above average either.
01:01.09Kattyp3nguin: i had a can of kidney beans, and some rice i wanted out of the pantry.
01:01.21Kattyp3nguin: so i made a red beans and rice thing, minus the sausage.
01:01.50Kattyi put tons of spices in it. including cayenne pepper
01:01.53Kattybut it's so blahhh
01:01.57jaskeware you all on the east coast?  Stuck inside from snow?
01:02.09Kattyno, we're in missouri
01:02.32jaskewAh.  I'm in LosAngeles.  Lots of rain today
01:02.42Kattycrittercam isn't broadcasting right now, so if you're watching it's probably a Re-Run
01:02.56jaskewnah - I didn;t have it up
01:03.10Kattyp3nguin: luckily, i have milk. so i'm going to make rice pudding with the rest of the leftover rice.
01:04.11p3nguinSupper AND dessert.  It's almost like a universal food.
01:04.30Kattyrice is amazing stuff.
01:04.34*** join/#asterisk fnordus (~dnall@
01:06.12jaskewDo you like Indian food?
01:06.20Kattysome of it
01:06.33Kattyi don't like most of the yogurt based dishes.
01:06.40jaskewA place out here had "Rice Kashmiri".  It was awesome
01:07.20Kattylooks like vegetable biryani from the google images
01:07.26jaskewIt had white raisins, cashews and saffron.  I've never been able to find it since
01:07.47Kattyvegetable biryani has raisins
01:07.59Kattyraisins, chashews, yams, potato chunks, peas, etc
01:08.07jaskewsome does - maybe I haven;t looked hard enough !
01:08.15Kattymake it yourself
01:08.19Kattythat way you can add whatever you want
01:08.25*** join/#asterisk ltd (
01:08.27jaskewhowever they prepared it, it was really good.
01:08.37jaskewheh - I'm a disaster in the kitchen
01:08.47Kattywell ya ain't gonna learn any younger!
01:09.08p3nguinI could sure use some ice cold beer with my pizza.
01:09.24Kattythere's some amberbock in my fridge
01:09.25jaskewI"ll put it this way - I tried worcestershire sauce in eggs.
01:09.29Kattyand i think some heiniken leftover
01:09.34p3nguintoo bitter
01:09.55Kattythere's whiskey
01:10.08jaskewMy wife ate some to be nice, but I haven't been invited to cook since.
01:10.13p3nguintoo alcoholic
01:10.33p3nguinA simple MGD or Rolling Rock would suffice.
01:10.57p3nguinMiller Genuine Draft
01:11.32Kattyi don't think ryan drinks that stuff
01:11.56p3nguinOrdinary run-of-the-mill domestics usually are good enough for me.  I don't like the bitter beers, though.
01:12.03Kattyhe mostly sticks with amberbock, heiniken, corono, dos equis...
01:13.18Kattyhmm. rice pudding with chocolate chips
01:16.56p3nguinsigh, I could really use some beer.
01:17.03Kattygo get some
01:17.22p3nguinThat's where I have a problem.
01:17.34*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (~nooe@
01:19.31p3nguinThe battery in my car is dead, the wife took the truck to some Beatles tribute concert, and I have a two-year-old, so I can't even walk to the liquor store in the below freezing temperatures.
01:19.56Kattyyes that presents a bit of a problem.
01:20.14*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
01:20.48p3nguinI should learn to keep a 6-pack on hand.  :/
01:22.03p3nguinI'm wanting to try some of the new Samuel Adams Noble Pils.  I hear it's really good, and I usually like Pilsners.
01:22.25jayteedoes sound good. I really like their Hefewiezen
01:23.14*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
01:28.41p3nguinIt looks kinda gross in the picture, but everything used to make it is stuff I like.
01:29.25p3nguinI think the soy sauce just gives it a bad appearance.
01:29.58Kattyidk, looks pretty good to me
01:30.05Kattyi might try it with some drumsticks.
01:31.00p3nguinMaybe I need to enlarge the picture; the small thumbnail just looks like a pile of yuck.
01:31.44p3nguinNow THAT looks good.
01:32.20*** join/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
01:33.00p3nguinYou haven't made it before?
01:33.49*** join/#asterisk DJAshnar (
01:34.21DJAshnarwould this work for Asterisk?
01:35.34jayteework? probably. with high reliability? doubtful
01:35.53infobotwell, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
01:35.57DJAshnarwhat is the cheapest recommended that can handle two analog phone lines?
01:36.13DJAshnarI'm on a fixed income and trying to cut costs on the phone
01:36.20DJAshnarI have a spare P4 3.2
01:37.46jayteecheapest to handle 2 incoming analog lines? one of these with 2 FXO modules
01:39.00jayteeor 2 of these where each one would give you 1 FXO and 1 FXS (for an analog phone)
01:39.44jaskewSomething to consider - do away w/ your analog lines and go to a SIP trunk.  I did that in my office and am saving about $80/month.
01:39.52jayteewhat you were looking at on ebay would probably work but my experience with them during my initial Asterisk testing was they had a tendency to lock up the server or drop lots of calls. when the server locked up it required a cold start.
01:41.05DJAshnarWell, I have a comcast cable phone line and a vonage line (my grandmothers)... so it is VOIP.  I just want to go cheaper.  Any ideas on how to do it?
01:41.52p3nguinFlowroute or will both provide inexpensive and reliable VoIP services.
01:42.40jaskewYou may be able to keep your number too - usually costs $20 to $25 one-time to port.
01:44.18jaskewLots to consider tho - don't try to roll your own phone sys unless you a) live alone or b) really know what you are doing.
01:44.52jaskewIf you have a teenage daughter, don;t do it in any case - unless you want to be killed in your sleep (advice from Ward Mundy)
01:45.06p3nguinOr b.1) can devote the time to learn so that you know what you are doing.
01:46.13jaskewI think that has to happen during a)
01:47.01IgramulHi, I see that DeadAGI is deprecated in Asterisk 1.6. What should I use instead?
01:47.09jaskewAnd do give at least passing thought to 911
01:47.45p3nguinBoth Flowroute and provide 911 services if you want them.
01:48.18DJAshnarI live with my grandmother and son.  I was hoping to go cheaper on the phone lines.  I am about to just drop the comcast voip line and use my magicjack off the spare PC
01:48.54p3nguinHow much calling do you do in a month (minutes of usage)?
01:49.08DJAshnarabout 600-1000
01:49.17DJAshnarbetween the two lines
01:49.51p3nguinSo you're looking at $6-$10 per month on outbound minutes with a pay-per-minute service.
01:50.14p3nguinFlowroute's rate is $0.0098 per minute.
01:50.45jaskewAn inbound ulimited DID is what, another $4.00 per month
01:51.03p3nguin$6.95 for up to 3000 minutes
01:52.02p3nguinYou can also get pay-per-minute inbound and pay probably $1 per month for the phone number.
01:52.33Kattyp3nguin: yeah i've made it once before
01:52.39Kattyp3nguin: but i wasn't too fond of it
01:52.43jaskewAnd most (if not all) of the regulatory fees and other junk disappears.
01:52.47Kattyp3nguin: probably because i don't care for wings...not enough meat
01:53.41DJAshnarok... Any decent links on how to set up Asterisk, what hardware I would need, etc?
01:54.11jaskewHow are you with Linux?
01:54.58p3nguinIf you go VoIP only, you don't need any hardware to connect to a phone line... but you'll want either FXS ports to plug phones into (provided by a card or an ATA), or IP phones.
01:55.45p3nguinVoIP only is what Vonage does -- internet phone service only, no phone line.
01:56.04p3nguinVonage also gives you an ATA, so you're familiar with that hardware already.
01:58.37*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
01:59.06p3nguinIf you know your way around the Linux command line, pick your favorite Linux distribution and install Asterisk on it.  Otherwise, consider getting AsteriskNOW.
02:00.58p3nguinSpeaking of AsteriskNOW, I still need to know where to find the md5sum or sha1sum for the ISO image.  It doesn't seem to be stated on and of the pages where you can find AsteriskNOW.
02:01.43jaskewp3nguin: What SIP provder(s) would you recommend for a business for DID and outbound?  I'd like one with telco-like reliability.
02:03.09p3nguinI don't really know which ones have good business rates.  The cheap rates are normally for residential usage.
02:04.16jaskewI assume it would be pay per minute, not one of those "unlimited" lines.  Not looking for cheap here.  Just reasonable and reliable.
02:06.06DJAshnarhmmm.... for Flowroute, would work?
02:06.37p3nguinPAP2 will be fine, but you should consider the PAP2T.
02:07.59p3nguinYou can get a PAP2T-NA for $35 on ebay with free shipping, last I checked.
02:09.31p3nguinTo be honest, you don't even need Asterisk for your situation.
02:09.45jaskewDJAshnar - with that, you wouldn;t even need Asterisk - so long as you don;t need voicemail, call forward, etc, etc.
02:09.54jaskewha - beat me to it!
02:09.55p3nguinThe PAP2T will register directly to Flowroute with no troubles.
02:10.37p3nguinBut if you decide that you want to play around with a PBX, Asterisk is certainly the right price for a hobbyist.
02:11.02DJAshnarThat means I can learn Asterisk at me leisure
02:11.07jaskewYou could sign up for a Google Voice number and use that for voicemail.  Last number I signed up for, I got an invite in a couple weeks.
02:11.44p3nguinor you can ask someone to invite you.
02:12.19DJAshnarI have a google voice number :)
02:12.43jaskewDJAshnar:  I used PBXinaFlash myself.  Real easy to install and get working.  It has a few rough edges.  I"m not sure how others here feel about it - I'd defer to them for a more authoritative recommendation
02:14.30jaskewThat uses the "official" asterisk GUI?
02:14.39jayteeit uses freepbx
02:15.00jayteethe official asterisk gui has been abandoned from what I understand
02:15.02p3nguinNo, it uses FreePBX, but at least it can be supported by Asterisk people and Digium.
02:15.16jaskewAh - OK.
02:16.40jaskewI'm getting static all the sudden on my internet radio.  how the heck does that happen?
02:19.06jaskewlast time I heard that, the radio had tubes in it.
02:19.31DJAshnar6l6 power tubes, 12au7 inverter/gain, 2 12ax7a preamps
02:20.06DJAshnarI'm a tube amp whore
02:20.08jaskewHa - nice!
02:20.33jaskewAnyone remember the tube testers they used to have at the drugstores?
02:21.14p3nguinWe had one when I worked at Radio Shack many years ago.
02:22.53jaskewHeh- that was back when retired engineers and other knowledgeable folks staffed the Radio Shacks.
02:23.03jaskewGood times, good times...
02:23.30jayteegood old Radio Shack. they used to have knowledgeable salespeople that could help you find what you needed and their slogan was "You have questions? We have answers." then they had to start hiring minimum wage people that didn't know electronics and they had to change the slogan to "Yeah, we got stuff!"
02:24.14DJAshnarI used to work at 1849... damn rat shack
02:24.22DJAshnartop in sales in the district, and got downsized
02:24.26jaskewI remember when one of the sales people soldered a part into a radio for a customer - they bought a replacement capacitor or something.
02:25.06jaskewCOrporate probably forbids the employees from touching a soldering iron now.
02:25.32DJAshnarWe had one guy sell 47 cell phones, with warranties, and all the accessories... except ONE with no warramty.  The DM SCREAMED at him for it
02:26.16DJAshnarAnyone have a link to flowroute 3000 minute plan that was mentioned?
02:26.38jaskewtimes have changed.  Used to be that most RS employees were HAM operators.
02:27.06DJAshnarWe used to get drunk with our manager, after work.
02:27.51p3nguinWe were franchise, so I got to solder all the time.
02:28.21jaskewLook at:  under teh flat rate plan.  I don;t see anything about 3000 min though.  probably in the small print
02:29.40*** join/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
02:30.10jaskewI worked at an independent electronics store for a while.  The owners eventually got busted because they were building decoder boxes for ON TV.
02:30.54jaskewActually I was building them, but nothing happened because I was 16.
02:31.27jaskewthe owners got in a little trouble tho...
02:32.03p3nguinIf you have under 463 minutes of inbound calls each month, you could consider the pay-per-minute inbound plan.
02:33.14p3nguin(463*0.012)+1.39 = 6.95
02:36.41*** join/#asterisk Gopher_77 (
02:39.47Gopher_77I'm having an issue loading chan_dahdi... it keeps giving me "Permission Denied" for /dev/dahdi/channel. Does anyone know how to solve this?
02:40.45*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
02:41.13*** join/#asterisk Znuff (~ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c26:733a:a65a:7c98)
02:43.23Gopher_77geez, now I feel dumb, just had to chown...
02:44.43*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
02:45.31*** part/#asterisk Gopher_77 (
02:45.41*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:48.08*** join/#asterisk gnufan (
02:48.57gnufanhey all.. anybody has experience w/ integrating Asterisk + SugarCRM using VoiceRD?
02:52.31*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
02:53.10*** join/#asterisk rossand (
02:54.20*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
03:13.40*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (~8none1]
03:39.09gnufananybody has experience w/ integrating Asterisk + SugarCRM using VoiceRD?
03:40.55dlynes_laptopgnufan, only one module that i'm aware of for integrating asterisk with sugarcrm, and it doesn't do voicerd...mind you i've never of voicerd, either
03:43.32dlynes_laptopgnufan, that one that i've run across i believe you can find by search sugarforge
03:44.20gnufani already i've installed voicerd into sugarcrm
03:44.54*** join/#asterisk pawz (
03:44.54gnufanand setup all the config.. but can't make outbound calls through sugarcrm
03:46.08gnufanit's using a user from manager.conf
03:46.34gnufanall i see in asterisk console.. User 'username' logged in and logged out
03:46.56gnufanwhere is asterisk logs stored?
03:47.22jayteemessages and debug are in there
03:47.53dlynes_laptopgnufan, that's because sugarcrm module is using AMI (Asterisk Management Interface)
03:48.28dlynes_laptopgnufan, were you wanting to see what sugarcrm is actually doing in AMI?
03:48.56gnufanthat would be nice
03:49.13gnufanis there a way monitor AMI processes?
03:49.48gnufanone of the config option it asks for is "internal context"
03:50.14gnufanis that the context in my extension.conf
03:51.58gnufanjaytee.. i'm running 1.6
03:52.10gnufani dont see debug under /var/log/asterisk
03:54.59jayteeit'll only show up there if you've got it set to in logger.conf
03:55.08gnufanthanks fellas.. time for more Googling....
04:01.38p3nguinkatty: The weather people say "Get ready for more snow!"
04:07.22*** part/#asterisk jaskew (
04:14.24*** join/#asterisk moy (
04:35.11jblackyay. snow. how delightful. go snow. yay. yay. yay.
04:37.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:01.14Kobazthat was some good skiing
05:01.26Kobaz2 feet of powder last night and this morning came down
05:08.34*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
05:43.16*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
05:45.59Radenp3nguin, you any good with VNC server ?
05:50.35*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
05:51.29*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
06:11.16*** join/#asterisk datacompboy (
06:11.42p3nguinraden: Did you have an actual question abou VNC server?
06:16.09datacompboyHi all! I have a micro problem with cdr. Mine dialplan is: The problem is all outgoing calls in cdr have short length, about 4-10-20 seconds. Seems CDR stops after connection established. What's wrong?
06:16.11Radenp3nguin, yeah trying to get one setu p
06:16.30Radenthe question is I want it so VNC Services always available
06:17.11Radenis tight VNC even going to work for what i want todo ?
06:17.41datacompboyRaden: i think that not for asterisk channel :) write in pm actual question, I will answer you.
06:19.50Radenit returns error that it is not a runlevel service
06:20.30AeroCloudhas anyone ever tried to run a Dial() Macro, that would go a Background and listen for DTMF input and actually work? (Sorry if this sounds confusing)
06:22.25p3nguinraden: Are you trying to create virtual desktops on a server for users to connect to... or are you trying to share your real desktop?
06:22.49Radenp3nguin, i need to be able to login to my desktop when im not at the office
06:23.44p3nguinraden: I recommend using x11vnc for this.  Also use ssh to create a secure connection for your VNC session.  The x11vnc will be ran each time you want to connect to it rather than all the time.
06:26.32*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (~rue@
06:26.39rue_mohrmy asterisk machine just blew up
06:26.53rue_mohrthe caps on the motherboard went
06:27.00AeroCloudExample: Dial(SIP/whatever,M(mymacro)) [macro-mymacro] s,1,Background(silence|macro-mymacro) 1,1,SayDigits(1)
06:27.02Radenhow did that happen ?
06:27.16AeroCloudPressing 1 does not work.. on a dialed Macro
06:27.17rue_mohrthey completely failed JUST BEFORE the bearings went on the spindle of the hard drive
06:27.26Radenrue_mohr, switch to backup machine :)
06:27.40rue_mohryea, my backup is a little thin
06:27.48rue_mohrclean slate
06:28.10rue_mohrso, what is the generally accpeted trouble free version of asterisk now?
06:28.18rue_mohrI have a plain jane T1 card
06:29.31rue_mohrlast time I tried to use .6 they hadn't quite switched over all the code and support was a nightmare, I had to run around finding undeleted dahdi and old asterisk mirrors
06:30.14rue_mohrI'll buy that
06:30.17Radenrunning for over 185 days no issues
06:30.27Raden1.6.0.22 should be stable
06:30.39Radenwe have pushed over 30,000 calls  so should be ok
06:30.44rue_mohrlets see how much blood I need to sacrifice to get my T100P working with it
06:30.55Radenthat should not be a issue
06:31.20p3nguinaerocloud: syntax error
06:31.25rue_mohrI like you use the word 'should' I beleive you more :)
06:31.59AeroCloudp3nguin: what do you mean? other than the |, I actually have comma for my version
06:32.26Radenhow horrid are vnc graphics usually ?
06:32.41AeroCloudpretty ugly
06:33.06p3nguinaerocloud: Well, the | is probably the right character to use, but silence isn't likely to do anything since it is a directory, and call processing should exit as soon as it reaches that.
06:33.09RadenI cant make anything out :(
06:33.30Radeneven over my gigabit network
06:33.35AeroCloudp3nguin: do you have an idea how to do this then?
06:33.54rue_mohrok so what do I need to download for t100P drivers...
06:34.04rue_mohriirc its called
06:34.31p3nguinaerocloud: exten => s,1,Background(silence/10)   exten => 1,1,SayDigits(1)
06:34.34AeroCloudI have a .call file calling 1 person whom picks up and it auto calls a 2nd person. Apon the connection of that call I need the original person to push a digit to do a script
06:34.55[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: You don't have the right number opf parameters, you are using "| as a delimiter in 1.6 witch is not legal, and trying to make an IVR in a macro which is a .....
06:35.00infobot[~soso] Shoot-On-Sight Offense
06:35.07rue_mohrwait dahdi is the new name?
06:35.13Radenomfg VNC sucks
06:35.28[TK]D-FenderVNC = teh sh1zn1t y0
06:35.40rue_mohrright it was called .....zaptel
06:35.41p3nguinIn 1.4.29, BackGround() is still requiring the | character.
06:35.45rue_mohrits all comming back
06:35.54[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: nope.
06:36.05p3nguinDescription] Background(filename1[&filename2...][|options[|langoverride][|context]]):
06:36.14AeroCloud[TK]D-Fender: I agree about that.. I'm trying to make the ability of a digit input apon the bridging of 2 calls
06:36.15[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: description not updated <-
06:36.17Raden[TK]D-Fender, my graphics are horrid and blocky and a mess on a gigabit connection :(
06:36.19p3nguinAsterisk 1.4.29 built by root @ asterisk.local.domain on a i686 running Linux on 2010-01-25 20:30:37 UTC
06:36.28*** join/#asterisk _bradk (~brad@unaffiliated/-bradk/x-9249860)
06:36.34p3nguinSounds like a bug, then.
06:36.35AeroCloudI'm actually using "," lets ignore the | thing.. was example, not real code
06:36.35[TK]D-FenderRaden: choose better settings
06:36.58[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Don't ask us what's wrong while showing us fabricated BS
06:37.01p3nguinaerocloud: Use what I typed, change the pipe to comma, and see what happens.
06:37.05[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Show us something real to debug
06:37.37p3nguinWait, with what I typed there is no pipe nor comma... so nevermind that.
06:37.44p3nguinaerocloud: Use what I typed and see what happens.
06:37.50AeroCloudexten => s,4,Background(en/silence/10) exten => 2,1,Hangup
06:37.53AeroCloudthats my test
06:38.12AeroCloudwith the 2,1 inside both the original context and the macro
06:38.13p3nguinSo if you press 2 during the 10 second silence, it will hangup.
06:38.13[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: that's 2 lines with no obvious relationship to each other
06:38.35AeroCloudp3nguin: correct, but it doesnt do anything
06:38.35rue_mohrRaden, what kernel version you using?
06:38.44p3nguinaerocloud: It doesn't hangup?
06:38.45Raden2.6 something
06:38.59AeroClouds,5 is a loop to s,4
06:39.07AeroCloudplaying same 10 second silence
06:39.12AeroCloudwaiting for input
06:39.18p3nguinaerocloud: You'll have to provide some debug or verbose output as well as the dialplan.
06:39.19Radenomfg wtf is the vnc config file
06:39.27Radennothing in /etc
06:39.36fenrusin your homedir ?
06:39.47fenrusthe vnc server or the vnc client?
06:40.08p3nguinraden: Had you listened to what I said, you probably wouldn't be using a config file.
06:40.30Radenuse x11vnc ?
06:40.32p3nguinSince you don't want to take my advice, I can only wish you good luck and be on my way.
06:41.11Radenp3nguin, what was that about ssh ?????
06:41.20Radenlike connect via ssh first ?
06:41.23Radenim a lil confussed
06:42.16AeroCloudpretty simple..
06:42.48AeroCloudthe .call file calls SIP/internal with the extension of the number to dial
06:42.50AeroCloudthats it
06:43.16p3nguinraden: ssh -L5900: user@yourdesktop
06:43.45*** part/#asterisk datacompboy (
06:43.55p3nguinraden: That creates a secure channel from your local computer to your remote computer (the desktop with X running on it).
06:43.59AeroCloudapologize for the mistype in there..
06:44.28Radenp3nguin, then i just launch my vnc viewer ?
06:45.36p3nguinraden: Then you can run "x11vnc -display :0" in that ssh session (since you will be logged onto the desktop where X is).
06:46.10p3nguinraden: Now you have a secure channel for your vnc traffic... so connect you vncviewer to localhost:5900
06:46.30Radenthat sounds like alot todo everytime i need to connect
06:46.55p3nguinssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
06:47.32p3nguinone step to create the tunnel and run x11vnc.
06:47.38Radennice :)
06:47.40AeroCloudp3nguin: doesnt that appear to be correct? or do you need to see my .call file too? that sends them to the [in-cs]
06:47.53p3nguinThen launch vncviewer on the local machine.
06:48.54p3nguinaerocloud: No idea, will not load for me.  Ever.
06:49.02AeroCloudpm ?
06:49.50p3nguinIf you want me to be able to see the pastes, use a site that doesn't suck as much, like
06:51.02Radenp3nguin, try www
06:51.25Radenp3nguin, I have same issue
06:54.36p3nguinUnable to load page
06:54.36p3nguinProblem occurred while loading the URL
06:54.38p3nguinCannot connect to destination
06:55.00Radenthat is odd
06:55.07p3nguinI simply cannot view .ca at all, ever. works well, though.
06:56.08p3nguinheh works
06:56.22Radenthats a odd dns issue
06:56.31p3nguinNow I need to find out why DNS fails for
06:56.53Radenisp blocking ?
06:57.39p3nguinOh, maybe this is an IPv6 problem.
06:57.44Radenp3nguin, try for dns server once
06:57.47p3nguinFeb  7 00:51:12 hyperion dnsmasq[5614]: reply is 2610:1e8:2:20::e8b8:100
06:57.50Kattyi really hate not being able to sleep
06:57.50Radenmorning Katty
06:58.01Kattyhmm, i guess it is morning
06:58.26Radenoddly enough only time i cant sleep is when i dont get caffeine :(
06:58.35Radenwhich is annoying cause caffeine raises my blood presure
06:58.47Radenp3nguin, you using ipv6  ? or strictly ipv4  ?
06:58.47p3nguinMy IPv6 tunnel is up, though, so I don't think that should cause it to fail.
06:58.48Kattycaffeine makes my ears ring
06:58.55Kattyit didn't use to
06:58.59p3nguinIPv4 with a v6 tunnel
06:59.06Kattybut ever since they tried to put me on that SSRI back in october...
06:59.08Radenp3nguin, i wonder if that the issues
06:59.15Radendid u try a different dns ?
06:59.28RadenKatty, UGH
06:59.32Kattyweird eh? i wouldn't think that just a week of taking a drug would screw a person up 4 months later
06:59.49RadenKatty, effect can be permanent :(
06:59.52Radenor long term
06:59.59Kattywell it's gotten a lot better.
07:00.02RadenSSRI inhibitors are very powerful :(
07:00.06Kattythat they are
07:00.16Kattybut i have to tell myself it hasn't done permanent damage
07:00.23Kattyelse i might panic
07:00.34Radenfor every week you take a SSRI it can take 6 weeks to totally get outta your system ( results very by patient )
07:00.52Kattyyeah i noticed major improvements withint he first few weeks of stopping it
07:01.01Kattyi can't hear it during the day anymore...
07:01.08Kattybut being tired makes it louder, caffeine, and stress.
07:01.09Radenthat is really good :)
07:01.27Radentake omega 3   pills
07:01.43Radenhelps serotonin production itll lessen the effect and all natural :)
07:01.52Radenplus it good for imune and circulator system :)
07:02.00Kattyisn't that what an SSRI does?
07:02.04Kattyincreases serotonin production
07:02.11p3nguinaerocloud: It looks like that should work fine.  Did you get some verbose output?
07:02.13RadenSSRI's are blockers
07:02.18AeroCloudno verbose at all
07:02.28Radenthe way they block is by numbing the nero receptors in the brain
07:02.31p3nguincore set verbose 100?
07:02.45RadenOmega 3 fish oils helps even everything out clinically proven
07:02.48AeroCloudother than dial/bridging answered
07:02.50Kattyi'm sure you'll understand that i'm kinda scared to take anything else :/
07:02.53AeroCloudthere is nothing
07:03.03AeroCloudpressing digits does nothing
07:03.26RadenKatty, omega 3 is all natural fish oil been used for years and in 64% of people helps with many things same thing as eating a bunch of fish each day LOL :)
07:03.28AeroCloudtried with multiple phones, etc
07:03.39RadenKatty, just trying to help :)
07:03.47Radendo research u smart :)
07:04.23AeroCloudit only helps 64% of people you said
07:04.28AeroCloudwhat happens to the other 36% ?
07:04.43Kattyi might try eating more fish
07:04.56RadenAeroCloud, 64% of people with dipression and anxiety
07:05.11AeroCloud:), just giving you a hard time
07:05.11RadenAeroCloud, over 100's of studies no adverse reaction
07:05.14Kattythey put me on it to help with mood swings.
07:05.27Kattywhy they did that, i have no idea.
07:05.34Kattyshould have never listened to them
07:05.48Radenyea most docs are pill pushers
07:06.09Kattymy sister has been on an SSRI before, with good results
07:06.10Radenthere usually a safer more natural alternative
07:06.13Kattymy mom was on one for years...
07:06.15AeroCloudI know running Macro() function instead of running the macro within a dial
07:06.21Kattyshe seemed to be okay too
07:06.22AeroCloudthe background works perfectly
07:06.23RadenKatty, everyone has different results
07:06.27Kattywhy it affected me so horribly, i don't know
07:06.28AeroCloudbut why not within a Dial()
07:06.37AeroCloudknow of any work arounds ?
07:06.45Kattybut within 3 days of being on Prozac, i just went off the deep end with that constant noise
07:06.54RadenKatty, different genetics / hormones / enviroment / diet /etc....
07:07.00Kattythey tried to tell me it would go away....tried to switch me to Celexa or somethin....but i just couldn't take it
07:07.10KattyCelexa was even worse
07:07.14AeroClouddepression medication sucks
07:07.23Kattyi took celexa for about 3 days or so too
07:07.36AeroCloudgives you headaches and makes you feel blah
07:07.37RadenKatty, most things you experiance can be fixed by eating the rtight stuff at the same time everyday
07:07.51KattyRaden: well they never told me it had bad effects with caffeine
07:08.00KattyRaden: and at the time i drank a LOT of caffeine. 32oz minimum a day
07:08.01Radenim not talking about the meds
07:08.04KattyRaden: sometimes more...
07:08.06AeroCloudI took celexa for about a month.. felt worse on it than off
07:08.06Radenim talking mood swings and stuff
07:08.17Kattywell my mood swings are normal
07:08.19RadenKatty, im a caffeine addict to :(
07:08.22Kattyevery female has mood swings...
07:08.37Kattyi think i'll just stick with my mood swings for now on
07:08.38Radenas long as you dont burst out in rage its all good
07:08.47Kattyno, quite the opposite
07:08.54AeroCloudI agree with Raden about food and nutrition
07:08.56Kattyget really down for a few days
07:09.13Kattybut i was drinknig a ton of caffeine while on the prozac
07:09.16Kattyi got really really shakey
07:09.21Radenthen you need more fatty oils and protein in your diet
07:09.30Radenserotonin is down  need more production
07:09.46Radenprozac and caffeine = speed
07:09.56Radenno joke cant get much cloer
07:10.02Radengives a person the jitters
07:10.06Radenmakes you not sit still
07:10.13Radenthe buzzing in the head
07:10.24Radensweaty palms
07:10.33Radenfreaking nightmare for some people
07:10.49Kattyyeah no doubt
07:10.56Kattybut the celexa was /worse/
07:11.00Radentake it u been there ?
07:11.11Kattyat leas the prozac had me on a euphoric high
07:11.12Radeni believe that
07:11.19Kattythe celexa...
07:11.21Kattyi was a zombie
07:11.22Radenjust stay away from effexor
07:11.26Kattyexhausted...all day
07:11.33Kattycouldn't sleep at night
07:11.35Radenive seen that in many people :(
07:11.38Kattyno emotions
07:11.46Radenbasically shuts a person off
07:11.56Kattyplus that damn ringing
07:12.01Kattyi was so mentally drained from it
07:12.13Kattyif i had to live like that on a daily basis, i think i'd rather die
07:12.55AeroCloudanyone know if its possible to bridge 3 callers together with asterisk without meetme or confbridge..
07:12.55Kattywithin a few weeks of being off Celexa i started returning to my normal self
07:13.14KattyAeroCloud: most phones support 3way calling
07:13.19rue_mohris asterisk assisted by adjusting the kernel timer freq?
07:13.29AeroCloudKatty: not what I mean
07:13.34RadenAeroCloud, if your phone has the ability yes
07:13.56RadenAeroCloud, there is a way to 3 way through asterisk
07:14.00AeroCloudsay.. you have extension 500, you want it to call 501 and 502 and get you all together
07:14.04RadenOMFG I HATE VNC
07:14.10AeroCloudwithout meetme and confbridge
07:14.15p3nguinWhat's wrong with vnc?
07:14.20AeroCloudI can do meetme and confbridge easily
07:14.35AeroCloudI'm trying to do something else
07:14.47Radenp3nguin, screen gets all broken
07:15.03AeroCloudso 500 call 501 and then both of those call 502 in essence
07:15.09p3nguinraden: Is the viewer's color depth set at a reasonable level?
07:15.27Radentried both
07:15.32Radenmessing with it some more
07:15.47Radenand i cant get it to go below 1600x1200 which is getting very annoying
07:16.00p3nguinI would probably use 64 or 256 colors.
07:16.24AeroCloudvnc defaults to screen resolution and the more people connected to it.. the worse the view
07:17.04AeroCloudguess I'm SOL with this function that they want me to build
07:17.36Radenp3nguin, im trying to connect from win 7 to linux :(
07:18.14p3nguinWhich vnc viewer are you using?
07:18.52RadenTightVNC Viewer
07:18.56p3nguinHave you tried RealVNC or UltraVNC viewers?
07:19.53AeroCloudthink I use Ultra
07:19.57AeroCloudmuch better than Tight
07:19.59Radenp3nguin, what u use ?
07:20.23p3nguinrealvnc viewer on Linux
07:21.31p3nguinI use UltraVNC server when I want a VNC on Windows, though.
07:22.31p3nguinI would have to check my flash drive, but I think I use the UltraVNC client when on a Windows client, too.
07:22.40p3nguinSo maybe Ultra is just better on Windows all the way around.
07:23.37ChannelZI actually bought a license of RealVNC, it's pretty nice.
07:23.48ChannelZIt does screen scaling which I don't remember the others doing
07:23.53p3nguinAny better than the free versions?
07:24.18ChannelZOf RealVNC yeah
07:24.33p3nguinI know I used RealVNC in that past, but always the free one.
07:24.49ChannelZThe free one doesn't work as a service in Vista+
07:25.36AeroCloudhere is another question..
07:26.12ChannelZgrr getting fucking sick of spam from russia
07:26.14AeroCloudcan a dialplan do 2 dial() commands and keep them seperate or not auto bridge them
07:27.01AeroCloudnormally a Dial() will auto bridge the caller with the dialed number.. I dont want it to bridge
07:27.20AeroCloudI want to keep them seperate.. sending the dialed number to a new context
07:27.23jqlwhat would you prefer it do?
07:27.38AeroCloudbut the ability later to merge them
07:28.49jqlyou can use the M() flag or something to Dial() to delay the bridge
07:29.01jqlI dunno if you can do it indefinitely, but it's likely
07:29.03AeroCloudyeah I tried that
07:29.14jqlnow, *multiple* Dial() commands would be another trick entirely
07:29.18AeroCloudM is ran once its bridged
07:29.21Radenwow ultra a a POS ON WIN 7
07:29.39jqlprobably would need to use Dial(Local/exten&Local/exten) and some voodoo
07:30.02AeroCloudyeah, I tried calling in.. making it create a .call file
07:30.14AeroCloudthe .call calls the 2nd person, which calls the 3rd person
07:30.28AeroCloudthen I want to bridge the 1st and 3rd and hangup the 2nd
07:30.46*** join/#asterisk alancio (
07:30.48AeroCloudso the 2nd person is really just a mediator to make sure the call went through ok
07:31.29AeroCloudthis is for customer service ^
07:31.52jqlif M() really happens after the bridge, then someone should fix the voip-info wiki, cause the call-screening macro is gonna have a BAD effect. :)
07:32.24AeroCloudit does.. M is ran once answered
07:32.27Radenwow the stupd program keeps opening by itself I cannot close and no uninstall option
07:32.46jqlyes, once answered, but before the audio is bridged, I'm hoping
07:32.53AeroCloudok thats possible
07:33.13jqlso you could whip out a Transfer() or something if the situation called for it
07:33.23AeroCloudjql: hmm
07:33.36AeroClouddoesnt the dialplan stop on a Dial() command
07:33.49AeroCloudand wait for the Dial() to finish before continueing
07:33.51RadenBRB need to reboot i fing hate windows
07:33.56jqlyes, but that's only party A's dialplan
07:34.04jqlthe macro runs in party B's dialplan
07:34.19p3nguinunless you use a macro or 'g' option, that should be the end of the line.
07:34.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:34.51AeroCloudso if I specify g, I can continue the dialplan after a Dial() and possibly do another Dial() ?
07:35.07AeroCloudwhat would happen :)
07:35.17p3nguinnext priority runs.
07:35.38AeroCloudnah, Dial(g) --> Dial(g) --> Dial(g)
07:35.42p3nguincore show application Dial
07:35.44AeroCloudwould it throw some kinda error
07:35.51AeroCloudI know the g option
07:36.01AeroCloudI mean would asterisk dial a 2nd and 3rd time?
07:36.04AeroCloudhow would it bridge
07:36.27*** join/#asterisk Raden (~Raden@
07:37.13AeroCloudgoing to try it, and see what happens
07:38.17AeroCloudg is for the called party
07:38.31AeroCloudno option for the calling party
07:44.10Radenp3nguin, how do i run ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host  'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
07:45.31p3nguinThe putty command will be different, since putty != ssh
07:46.08p3nguinI honestly don't feel like looking it up right now.  You can do it from the GUI or the command prompt, though.
07:46.15ChannelZYou can setup the tunnel in the 'Tunnels' section but I don't think you can run a command
07:46.31p3nguinJust run the command after login.
07:46.51p3nguinthe command being "x11vnc -localhost -display :0"
07:46.56*** join/#asterisk correcaminos (~laguilar@
07:50.49p3nguinYou don't HAVE to use an ssh tunnel for your vnc session, but it will be encrypted if you do.
07:51.13p3nguinYou don't have to use ssh to encrypt it; there are other softwares that can create secure channels.
07:51.17Radeni cant even seem to get a vnc server running right
07:51.20ChannelZit makes it a lot easier than setting up static port forwarding
07:51.34Radenp3nguin, technically I will have a VPN to office from here soon
07:52.16p3nguinOnce you login on the desktop system, you simply run the x11vnc command to start the vnc server.  Use the options listed above if you want it to work the first time, though.
07:53.21p3nguinOptionally, you can use some other x11vnc options such as -shared to keep it from exiting when you disconnect the viewer.
07:53.37p3nguinReally, this isn't rocket surgery.
07:53.41Radeni know
07:53.46Radenjust one of them things
07:53.54Radennever done it so it seems more complex
07:54.04Radenwhy is there not just a vnc service i could setup LO L
07:54.13p3nguinThere is, but you don't NEED it.
07:54.22p3nguinand it would be silly to use it.
07:55.31p3nguinThink of connecting to the desktop and launching x11vnc as connecting to the VPN.  It's the first step in a two- or three-step procedure.
07:58.03Radeni wish this was easier like windows terminal services
07:58.13Radenrdesktop so easy lol
07:59.28fenruswhy would you want a graphical desktop remote anyway ?
08:00.03p3nguinHe just wants to connect to his work desktop while he's away.  That's a pretty common thing to do.
08:00.56ManxPower-workHeh!  The little calendar app I'm working on just popped up to tell me that New Year's Day 2010 is an upcoming event.
08:00.57Radenfenrus, cause people at work mess with crap they shouldnt and i have 1 Machine at work i can connect to anywhere in all 3 offices all rdesktop logins have shortcuts everything accounting system windows only many reasons
08:01.05alancioits not rocket surgey, but bullet surgery :P
08:01.11Radenfenrus, so i need to have a GUI of that one machine
08:01.18p3nguinI think the putty command is something like  putty.exe -L 5900:yourworkstationIPaddress:5900 -l username -p 22 yourworkpublicIPaddres
08:01.29Radenp3nguin, got it to work :)
08:01.35alancioI think putty has a GUI to create tunnels
08:01.42alancioa dialog of some sort
08:01.51p3nguinThe GUI and the command line both provide the same options.
08:01.58p3nguinOne you click, one you type.
08:02.03Radenp3nguin, created a tunnel in putty
08:02.11p3nguinGUI or command line?
08:02.16*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:02.25Radenp3nguin, gui i prefer commmand line
08:02.30alancioin the GUI I guess you can save the settings to reuse them later
08:02.31Radengah i prefer linux LOL
08:02.50Radenalancio, true but i can make a file to execute a command to :)
08:03.18p3nguinTry the command I gave if you want.  The documentation gives all the options, but I don't feel like looking it up.
08:03.24*** join/#asterisk titter` (
08:04.31p3nguinAt any rate, if you created the tunnel correctly, you can now run the x11vnc command on the desktop machine via ssh, and then connect your vnc viewer to localhost:5900.
08:04.56p3nguinWhen done, close the vnc viewer, close putty, and you're done.
08:05.08alanciop3nguin: he shold use vncviewer localhost:0, not :5900
08:05.22p3nguinThat's debatable.
08:05.27*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (~rue@
08:06.06p3nguinI use :5900 since the tunnel is listening on 5900 -- but vnc veiwer might translate :0 to the correct port number anyway.
08:06.39alancioif you want it to work, use vncviwer localhost:0, if you want to debate, use localhost:5900, and when it doesn't work, use localhost:0
08:08.23Radenp3nguin, yeah works :)
08:08.47Radenonly annoying thing is im connection to a session i have running :(
08:09.02Radenwhich is not a huge deal but if someone was by my desk would be bad :(
08:09.24p3nguinOh, you're using IM at work?
08:09.31p3nguinfrom home.
08:09.47Radenconnecting from home to work
08:09.51Radenor hotel to work
08:10.12Radenitd just be really bad to have my comptur unlocked and have any chance of someone besides me or the owner access
08:10.49Radeni should have stated that earlier
08:10.55p3nguinWhat was the reason for needing to access the desktop in the first place?
08:11.17Radenp3nguin, there are probally 30 computers, phone system , security system etc.. etc.. etc..
08:11.30Radenmy computer at work is the only machine setup to connect to everyting
08:11.56p3nguinWhat applications is on that computer that allows you to access those things?
08:12.00Radeni just want to get a connection to that soo i can work from home and not have to run in for stupid shit
08:12.31p3nguinDo you use a web browser to connect to things?
08:12.44Radenwell Zoneminder for security cameras , use rdesktop to connect to windows machine , MPOS accounting, great plains accounting etc.. etcc...
08:12.49Radenp3nguin, nope :(
08:13.26Radenp3nguin, is it not possible to run x11vnc on a different display ?
08:13.47Radenor will it always show on the monitor ?
08:14.04p3nguinI don't know about the accounting apps, but zoneminder is done from a browser, so you don't need vnc for that... rdesktop, you might be able to proxy through ssh, so no vnc for that...
08:14.23p3nguinYou can run vnc server without connecting to the running desktop display.
08:14.41Radenthats all i need todo : 0
08:14.44p3nguinI just told you how to connect to the running desktop because that is what you told me you wanted.
08:14.51Radensorry bro
08:15.00Radenim a lil tired and bla
08:15.05p3nguinIf you said you didn't want that, you could have used vncserver instead of x11vnc.
08:15.08alancioRaden, you can also tunnel the connections directly to the servers you want to connect
08:15.20alancioand you could also use openvpn
08:15.28Radenvncserver ?
08:15.47p3nguinIf you have ssh, most things will tunnel through it just fine.
08:16.16p3nguinvncserver (1)        - start or stop a VNC server
08:16.20p3nguinyes, vncserver!
08:17.25Radennice :)
08:17.35p3nguinI should test to see if rdesktop will proxy through ssh/putty.
08:17.46p3nguinMaybe tomorrow, if I remember.
08:18.04p3nguinIt's already past my bedtime.
08:18.22Radentalk tommorow thanks ;)
08:19.39p3nguinJust remember this: if you want to use a vnc, you have the option of connecting to a real X11 display (i.e. your desktop) using x11vnc... or you can create virtual desktops using vncserver.
08:19.39*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
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08:37.08rue_mohrRaden, so far it would have saved me about 3 hours? if  you had been able to tell me what kernel version your using
08:39.19rue_mohrbut not 2.6.19
08:39.21rue_mohrbut not 2.6.18
08:39.43rue_mohrso now I'm gonna spend another hour configuring
08:43.03rue_mohrthey have alot of **** turned on, it takes a LONG time to go turn it all off
08:43.33smooth_penguinheh good luck rue_mohr :>
08:45.14Radenrue_mohr, 2.6.18 i believe
08:45.32rue_mohris thre somene about that version you can tell me now that will save me another 3 hours of configuring kernels?
08:45.45rue_mohr2.6.28 is broken
08:45.59ChannelZbroken how
08:46.23smooth_penguinIve run 2.6.28
08:46.30smooth_penguinalthough now am on 2.6.30
08:46.35ChannelZand you're building your own kernel in the first place why?
08:46.48ChannelZruns 2.6.24
08:47.15smooth_penguinwell if you have a box running well, I guess it doesnt need much upgrading
08:52.54*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (~cstewart@nat/digium/x-uaicygbkvejexktk)
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09:15.56smooth_penguinDo I need pri support within asterisk if Id be using the SPA3102 before the asterisk box?
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09:38.47smooth_penguinany gentoo based asterisk users here?
09:40.09jmcdowellI am a gentoo user, but do not have asterisk installed on it.
09:40.25smooth_penguinIm compiling asterisk and although I have specified -zaptel and -pri
09:40.37smooth_penguinit still seems to be trying to build the chan_zap
09:40.38jmcdowellI just use the base centos image, it's tempermental enough without throwing gentoos poor portage management these days.
09:41.33tzafrir_laptopwonders why the gentoo ebuild still uses chan_zap (as opposed to chan_dahdi)
09:42.10jmcdowellSo, I think that is normal, but can't say for sure.
09:42.20tzafrir_laptopyikes. 1.2 with its horrible build system?
09:43.10tzafrir_laptop(1.2 is complete chaos. 1.4 and on has some order in the chaos)
09:43.17jmcdowellI don't think you can completely remove it. But if you are building from source, why the OLD version of asterisk?
09:44.22smooth_penguin1.2.32 1.2.35, those are the only unmasked ones
09:44.37smooth_penguin<blackace> smooth_penguin: I'd recommend skipping anything older than asterisk that it's in the tree, it tends to build/work way better than 1.2/1.4
09:44.38jmcdowellI would be building from a tar ball then.
09:44.48tzafrir_laptopsmooth_penguin, check channes/Makefile and try to figure out why it decided to build chan_zap
09:44.55tzafrir_laptop(this is 1.2)
09:45.06smooth_penguinI think ill get 1.6
09:46.12jmcdowelllooks like the build chains for asterisk are all over the map in gentoo as well.
09:46.18jmcdowellwhich is why i stopped using it.
09:47.58jmcdowellI am really starting to look for a faxing solution
09:48.04jmcdowellthis is proving to be an interesting search
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09:54.46smooth_penguinif it helps
09:54.50smooth_penguin<blackace> yeah, it's just that span == spandsp == fax support isn't very intuitive, so I wanted to mention it in case smooth_penguin needed fax support ;)
09:58.04tzafrir_laptopbtw: which version of spandsp?
09:59.17coppicethe latest and greatest, of course
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10:10.19tzafrir_laptopcoppice, well, almost:
10:11.20coppice0.0.6pre17 would be a lot better
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11:32.23IgramulHi, I guess I might have found a defect in res_jabber.c. Should I directly contact the author or is there some kind of defect tracking, I should use?
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11:36.26benngardcan u mix, so u can have sip-accounts im both sop.conf and ast_sip?
11:45.25fenrusIgramul, if you can reproduce the problem you should bugreport it if it's not already been done
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11:52.56Igramulfenrus, Never mind, I just discovered, that this is already known as Issue 15229.
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12:09.26benngardcan some1 tell me what i need to do to load sip users from table ast_sip which is in /var/lib/asterisk/sqlite.db, cant fiigure it out :(
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12:46.10benngardsip.conf => sqlite,/var/lib/asterisk/sqlite.db,ast_sip dont work any ideas plz
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14:15.15matt_hello, i'm getting message saying that a client attemped to authenticate via RSA by the remote host dosn't support it
14:15.22matt_how do i enable RSA authentication ?
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14:27.50niekvlessertwhat do you ppl think is the main difference between asterisk 1.6.2 app_fax and the commercial res_fax stuff?
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14:46.13benngardopps, Segmentation fault :(
14:48.15benngardFeb  7 15:45:25 sip kernel: [3073758.928068] asterisk[10414]: segfault at 0 ip b7ed9e18 sp b6abb21c error 4 in[b7e64000+155000] <- fun to look for that, not :(
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14:55.19proutehello, I use asterisk 1.4.29 with B410P BRI card. So, I want to connect on my * via my bri. There is no Internet connection and I want to manage my * via bri and my windows computer with rnis modem. Is it possible? if yes, where can I find How to? I found nothing on google, etc...
14:55.24proutethanks for your help
15:00.05[TK]D-Fenderproute: * cannot pass on BRI data if that's what you're looking for.  If you have a separate ISDN line for the other PC to use then that can work.
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15:03.12proute[TK]D-Fender: yes I ry to pas data on BRI. I try this how to present in the link but... :(
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15:04.47[TK]D-Fenderproute: Pretty much NOBODY does this and therefor noone to help you with it
15:06.01prouteok, thanks for your help, I will try your solution with other isdn line
15:14.12*** join/#asterisk cod3hax0r (~manong@
15:14.35cod3hax0rhello everyone good day, is there anyway I can use the DISA pin as a part of a filename for my call recordings?
15:16.49[TK]D-Fendercod3hax0r: Is the pin coming from a flat-file?
15:18.55benngardconfig.c: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'sqlite', but the engine is not available, cant figure out what i am doing wrong :(
15:19.21[TK]D-Fenderbenngard: where did you configure SQLite for it?
15:19.45benngard.//configure --with-sqlite or something like that
15:20.19[TK]D-Fenderbenngard: Yes, but where did you configure it?
15:20.33benngard[TK]D-Fender: sec
15:20.43cod3hax0r<[TK]D-Fender> cod3hax0r: Is the pin coming from a flat-file? --> yes
15:21.03benngard[TK]D-Fender: extconfig.conf
15:21.16[TK]D-Fendercod3hax0r: Then no.  There is no returned value as to which was matched.  Implement your own auth then call DISA with no-passward
15:21.27[TK]D-Fenderbenngard: Show us
15:21.30benngard[TK]D-Fender: sipusers => sqlite,general,ast_sip & sippeers => sqlite,general,ast_sip
15:21.48benngardbut i am unsure how to write those lines
15:22.02[TK]D-Fenderbenngard: No, thats where you told it to use sqlite.  but WHICH sqlite?  what database is it expecting to find?  File location?  table?  auth?
15:22.11cod3hax0rhow do i do that TK?
15:22.26benngardsip*CLI> sqlite show status
15:22.27benngardSQLite database path: /var/lib/asterisk/sqlite.db
15:22.39[TK]D-Fendercod3hax0r: prompt for a password.  Look ity up yourself in whatever you use as a lit of PW's.  Call disa NOT asking for a PW.
15:22.49jmcdowelldoes anyone know what "reg.1.thirdPartyName=""" does?  I am having an issue where some of the phones will say for example "Game Room" 108 and others will say something like "Kitchen" Sip:108@serveraddress "
15:23.03jmcdowellI would really like to fix this, and reg.1.thirdPartyName="" looks promising..
15:23.06[TK]D-Fenderbenngard: I'm not going to take som tiny little answer like that.  Show full configs, and show that the DB is in good shape
15:23.15cod3hax0r<[TK]D-Fender> cod3hax0r: prompt for a password.  Look ity up yourself in whatever you use as a lit of PW's.  Call disa NOT asking for a PW. --> any sample or link?
15:23.21benngardsec, i will do a pastebin
15:23.54[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: You see an IP address when * and the phone are on separate subnets and * reg's to a secondary IP that still maps to the same server bu the call originates from the other interface
15:24.09[TK]D-Fendercod3hax0r: .... "core show application read", etc
15:24.27jmcdowellThank you!  That makes sense and should be cleared up nowl
15:25.00jmcdowellSome of the phones were going out and back in, in other words they were using the external name instead of the internal.
15:25.11jmcdowellI just fixed the last one..
15:25.25[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: Should definitely be undone.  This is a Polycom-specific quirk
15:25.33jmcdowellIs there a way to make the externals to do the same?
15:25.43jmcdowellI have one external that will always show up that way then.
15:25.57[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: As long as the call comes in with the same IP it reg's to then it won't tack it onto the name.
15:26.00jmcdowellTK : Great spot on answer though.
15:26.18jmcdowellI suppose I could always tunnel it in..
15:26.24[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: Externals should see the WAN IP, and that is the IP that should be advertised to it so there shouldn't be a problem
15:26.44jmcdowellIt does advertise the wan..
15:26.59[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: and that is the IP used to reg to it?
15:27.04jmcdowellI will have to check my sip configs to make sure they are setp correctly.
15:27.17jmcdowellThey use the dynamic dns name
15:27.25[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: Just saying that decreases my faith greatly
15:27.36jmcdowellWhich I do not think the host name is set too..
15:27.42[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: You may simply have to live with it for that phone.
15:27.56jmcdowellTK : It's the best way I can come up with to keep track of their portal in.
15:28.06benngardguess i have missed some important stuff
15:28.26jmcdowellI have some ideas on getting around it, but living with it isn't a big deal either.
15:29.55jmcdowellI am now getting into the fax arena, which doesn't seem to have matured to fruition yet..
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16:00.06AeroCloudQuestion: With the T option in dial, it uses the same BlindXfer keys when you do a warm transfer? If so, can I make it drop the caller and put the callee into Dialplan?
16:01.24[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: No, when you transfer a call, you get dropped
16:03.50AeroCloudthe caller gets dropped right?
16:04.01[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Correct
16:04.17AeroCloudok.. but T is possible with warm transfer, correct?
16:04.31[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Taht term does not exist
16:04.44[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Blind/attended
16:04.52AeroCloudwarm transfer = after call is answered
16:04.55[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: And the keys are as defined in features.conf
16:05.02AeroCloudyeah I see the keys
16:05.12AeroClouddo I have to specify or will it default to #
16:05.26[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Go look at what IS there now.
16:05.32AeroCloudits commented out
16:05.49AeroCloudbut commented is ;blindxfer => #1
16:06.05[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: then maybe you should enable it and set it to something.
16:06.07AeroCloudon another note..
16:06.14[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: What kind of phones are you using.
16:06.21AeroCloudI have not even tried this yet.. thinking about theory
16:06.36AeroCloudno phones.. .call files to cell/landlines
16:07.01[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: ...ok...
16:07.17AeroCloudis it possible to have 2 blind xfer options ?
16:07.27[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Why?
16:07.33AeroCloudso maybe #1 to send to sales, #2 to customer support
16:07.51[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: that isn't a TARGET.  Blind transfer is a feature... not the TARGET
16:08.05[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: this is not a 1-step transfer
16:08.24[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Enter code.  Get asked where to transfer.  Enter textension to transfer to
16:08.24AeroCloudthe feature I'm trying to build cant be done via ivr
16:08.42[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: What "feature"?
16:08.56[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: And where did the term "IVR" enter into the picture?
16:09.06AeroCloudit never did ^, I put it in there
16:09.16[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: You are mixing terms and are liabel to screw yourself and everyone up in the process if you continue to do so
16:09.30[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Get linear....
16:09.37AeroCloudk let me explain file calls CS rep, when CS rep answers, asterisk auto calls a customer
16:10.21AeroCloudthis is based on a "Call me back" script
16:10.49AeroCloudI need the ability for the CS rep to be able to transfer the call to 1 of 2 places once they talk with the custoemr
16:11.45AeroCloudwithin asterisk, not on the phone.. cause the "2 places" numbers will always be different per call..
16:12.05AeroCloudbased on multiple companies etc.. and leaving the transfer up to CS Rep, ugggg
16:12.48AeroClouddo you have any ideas?
16:13.56[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: there is a nifty variable which sets what CONTEXT is used when a DTMF transfer takes place.  SET IT for that call <-
16:14.18[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: There is a very useful doc for this in your tarball.
16:15.15AeroCloudI tried using BackGround() and waiting for 1 or 2.. but once a call is bridged
16:15.21AeroCloudit wont listen for the dtmf tones
16:16.52[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: IVR's don't sit in the background listening during your calls.  Don't know where you got that idea from....
16:17.02[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: You still use "T" like normal....
16:17.05AeroCloudthe dialplan is frozen until Dial() is done.. and using the M() wont allow the Background to work
16:18.00AeroCloudok, I will read alot more.. just spent the last 12 hours trying to make this happen, its frustrating
16:18.06AeroCloudI dont come to this channel first
16:18.19AeroCloudty for the info
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16:28.19AeroCloudok so using the applicationmap
16:28.35AeroCloudI can assign like *8, *9 etc.. to do different things
16:30.08[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: No need...
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16:52.49Radenanyone have a idea why i would have a blank screen when connecting to VNC server  ?
16:54.42Radenmorning katty
16:54.47Kattyhugs Raden
16:54.52Radenhugs katty
16:54.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
16:54.56Radenhows it going ?
16:54.59Kattyi finally got some rest and the ears have quietened themselves.
16:55.02Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
16:55.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Tinnitius?
16:55.14Kattyis that a word? ^_-
16:55.16kfifenew word
16:55.19kfifeas of today
16:55.23Kattyi guess so
16:55.29Kattythey have SHUUUUSHED
16:55.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Gimme 2 mins @ ;)
16:55.46Kattyyou outta run Angela through ubrandictionary
16:56.24Kattyi think someone i know put that in there
16:57.06Kattyotherwise, how could it be so acurate?
16:57.27Radenany idea why id have a blank screen on VNC ?
16:57.44Kattycause somethin is snickerdoodled up
16:57.52[TK]D-FenderRaden: I don't think you're in Kansas anymore....
16:58.12AeroCloud[TK]D-Fender: can dial plan access another channels variables easily?
16:58.24Kattyi think variables are global
16:58.38AeroCloudthere are channel variables and global variables
16:59.09[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Not directly.  Though an external process that connects through AMI, yes
16:59.50[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: I'm I'm sure you are barking up incrementally wrong-er  trees
16:59.55AeroCloudI have half of this working, just gotta get variables through
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17:00.30AeroCloudhardcoded works great :)
17:01.44Radenthis is annoying i have a screen with a X cursor thats it
17:02.26AlystairI have a general question regarding voip over 3G... since there have been a few new accouncements recently (regarding some networks anyway). Did they come up with some magical way VOIP suddenly works on the baseline 3G protocol or does it still need to live in the layer above it for IP and murder battery life on cellphones..
17:02.32p3nguinraden: That's what vncserver will do until you start a window manager.
17:03.38Alystairor am I going about this totally wrong and can google for an answer regarding protocols
17:03.38p3nguinraden: It's not blank if X is actually running, so start a window manager and you'll have a "desktop."
17:09.05KattyRaden: i put omega 3 on my shopping list
17:09.31KattyRaden: and i should probably be eating more fish anyway for the high i put fish on there too
17:09.32Radenp3nguin, but a window manager was starting automatically before
17:09.42Kattyanyone have any fabulious fish recipes?
17:09.42RadenKatty, good idea :D
17:09.46Radenglad to hear it
17:09.58Kattywell if it increases seratonin lvls
17:10.06Kattythat should basically just put me in a better mood
17:10.11Radenp3nguin, how do i get a window manager working ?
17:10.15Kattyi don't think increasing seratonin lvls is dangerious
17:10.31p3nguinraden: When you start vncserver, are you using any options?
17:10.32Kattyi've been taking super bcomplex, and vitamin D3 all winter and it's really been helping
17:10.37RadenKatty, exactly it increases them but more importantly it helps regulates them good for your cardiovascular system as well
17:10.50Kattycourse, i also have crittercam...but regardless the depression has been a lot less.
17:11.05Kattyprobably a little of both
17:11.14Radenp3nguin, using the one supplied with yast " remote administration" it was working great last night
17:11.23KattyRaden: any idea how long it will take to see some results from the omega 3?
17:11.42Kattysomeone here takes it, i think it was leifmadsen
17:11.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: Snickerdoodles
17:11.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: COMPLETELY
17:12.01p3nguinraden: I don't use [open]SUSE, so I'm not familiar with how YaST handles things.  I pretty much use command line for EVERYTHING.
17:12.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: buwha?
17:12.53RadenKatty, matters by individual it will be gradual over 2-6 weeks  all matters on your system
17:13.04Radenp3nguin, lemee find the options
17:13.10KattyRaden: mmmk
17:13.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: Stop looking to medicate your way to mental well being.  Grab an apple and go for a run.  Head to the gym.  "Christen" another piece of furniture with the SO.
17:13.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: if eating more fish makes me feel better, then i'm going to do it (=
17:14.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i do run in the spring/summer/fall, but not he winter
17:14.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes... eating your way to happiness.... that'll work...
17:14.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: and infact, i've already HAD an apple this mroning, thankyouverymuch
17:14.31Kattypats [TK]D-Fender
17:14.31p3nguinraden: Normally, you edit your $HOME/.
17:14.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: thank you for your concern tho
17:14.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: it is very sweet.
17:15.00p3nguinraden: Normally, you edit your $HOME/.vnc/xstartup file to start you apps, including window manager.
17:16.55Radenp3nguin, you get that cant get in channel without reg nick
17:17.26p3nguinNo clue what you're talking about.
17:18.10Raden-noreset -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 8
17:18.27Radenp3nguin, i sent you msg from my linux box
17:18.31Radenbut there the options
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17:19.13p3nguinDoes the -inetd option mean that you are running vncserver FROM inetd?
17:19.33Radenp3nguin, correct
17:19.50Radenp3nguin, this is opensuses default setup so dont scold me :P
17:19.58RadenKatty, excellent article
17:20.45p3nguinraden: Since you're starting vncserver through YaST, you should probably configure it through YaST as well.
17:22.16p3nguinraden: If you can't seem to find it, you could see if /etc/vnc/xstartup exists and edit it by hand if it's there.
17:23.20RadenI can configure it through yast
17:23.38Radeni just dont understand what happened i was getting a normal gui login before
17:23.43Radennow just the blank screen
17:25.04niekvlessertraden:h why don't you start a terminal in x and start the vnc daemon bij hand
17:25.24niekvlesserthaven't read all, but that might be a good start
17:25.49p3nguinHe's in an off-site location wanting to use a VNC on his desktop at work.
17:26.02niekvlessertdoes he have ssh access?
17:26.09niekvlesserthe can start it from there
17:26.21niekvlessertby locking on to the x.auth file
17:26.37p3nguinHe originally told me he wanted to use his already running desktop session, so I helped him do that last night.
17:27.24p3nguinThen he said he would rather have a virtual desktop so he can leave his real desktop locked.  Which I agree is a good idea in his situation (don't want people in the office watching his screen while he's using it remotely).
17:28.25Radenp3nguin, i learned alot if it makes u feel better :)
17:28.56p3nguinI would have used PuTTY from the Windows client to connect to the computer at work, and launched vncserver, then connected to it... but he is currently using YaST to provide vncserver through xinetd.
17:28.58Radenp3nguin, last night when i tried using vncserver though ssh got same issue no desktop
17:29.30Radenp3nguin, i can try it either way just enabled in yast last night and all worked now it dont
17:29.32p3nguinAny method should work, but the configuration via YaST is what I cannot help with.
17:30.16p3nguinNormally, the xstartup file is used by vncserver to run applications when vncserver starts the desktop session.
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17:32.21p3nguinYeah, that's the xinetd service file...
17:34.29Radenmy confussion is how does it know what x desktop or whatever to start ?
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17:35.55p3nguinWhen you run the vncserver command, THAT command is a script that reads xstartup to start apps and to start Xvnc.  If you don't run vncserver, I have no idea where it gets its info.
17:36.14p3nguinThe vncserver wrapper script is actually quite informative to read.
17:36.20niekvlessertsry i'm back
17:36.31niekvlessertlots of asterisk talk i see! :)
17:36.49Radenp3nguin, its just using Xvnc
17:36.54Radenfrom what i can tell
17:36.57p3nguinI see that.
17:37.11Radenthis is very odd
17:37.20niekvlessertp3nguin: i agree with your method
17:37.23p3nguinThis further supports the fact that I wouldn't run vnc server from xinetd, and would run it as needed via "vncserver" command.
17:37.26niekvlessertwhy use yast for it...
17:37.36Radenp3nguin, ok im going your route one moment
17:37.43niekvlessertto make things more complicated..
17:37.53niekvlessertyou might run vnc all the time
17:38.11niekvlessertand have a iptables rule in your .bashrc to open up the port if you login with ssh
17:38.32p3nguinThat won't work.
17:38.47niekvlessertwhy won't it
17:39.19niekvlessertwell you'd have to be root to run the iptables rule... true
17:39.22p3nguinI guess if you're setting up a VNC server (computer to serve a bunch of VNC desktops), using vnc from xinetd/inetd might be reasonable.  But if you're setting up those services, you probably already know how to configure the system to do so.
17:40.03Radenp3nguin, first time with vnc and your method seems the most secure and simplest and trouble free
17:40.05p3nguinSo in this case, drop inetd and run vncserver as the user.
17:40.37p3nguinConfigure your $HOME/.vnc/xstartup to run any apps, including the window manager.
17:40.39Radenyup :)
17:41.07p3nguinUse ssh to create the secure channel to view the vnc and skip any alterations of the firewall.
17:41.42niekvlessertagree... much beter
17:41.55niekvlessertssh -L 10000:localhost:5900 root@server
17:42.05p3nguin(using putty)
17:42.17p3nguinand never ssh as root.
17:42.22niekvlessertyou ever tried ssh -w?
17:42.28[TK]D-FenderActually.. just tunnel X and forget VNC
17:42.42niekvlessertwell if you have speed you can tunnel x
17:42.42Raden[TK]D-Fender, ?
17:42.58p3nguinniekvlessert: No, I don't use tun devices.
17:42.59niekvlessertor do we have compression nowadays?
17:43.00[TK]D-FenderSILLY PEOPLE
17:43.02RadenI have 768k bi-directional
17:43.23niekvlessertthat won't be enough i guess
17:43.24Radenwhy am i forwarding 10,000 tp 5900 ?
17:43.35p3nguinMabe that's what you wanted to do.
17:43.48niekvlessertbecause it won't collide with the vnc running on ur own computer
17:44.02p3nguinYou probably wanted to be sneaky and connect to port 10000 to reach your vnc server.
17:44.12niekvlessertfender, you think it's possible to tunnel x across slow links these days?
17:44.23niekvlessertmaybe has more options in that array
17:45.04p3nguinI would just run a low-bit vnc session and forget it.  He wants a full desktop, but doesn't want to share his real desktop running on that computer.
17:45.32p3nguin64 colors, compressed... minimal bandwidth requirements.
17:45.49Radenxrdb $HOME/.Xresources
17:45.50Radentwm &
17:45.50*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
17:46.00niekvlessert[TK]D - Fender: are you there? just in case something might be possible i didn't knew :)
17:46.16p3nguinRunning it through the secure channel created by ssh will add a little overhead, but I think it's worth it to keep the vnc connection encrypted.
17:46.17Radenp3nguin, how do i get a login ?
17:46.19niekvlessertp3nguin: yeah, or freenx could also be easy on suse
17:46.30niekvlessertp3nguin: agree
17:46.31Radenp3guin i agree
17:47.31p3nguinraden: One more time: use the xstartup file located at $HOME/.vnc/xstartup to control what apps get started, including the window manager.
17:47.39Radenim doing ssh w/ tunnel w/ vncserver
17:48.01Radenp3nguin, thats the output of my xstartup how do i start kde ?
17:48.20p3nguinSee the last line?  twm &
17:48.31p3nguinThat is your window manager.
17:48.37p3nguinIf you don't like twm, change it.
17:48.44Radeni want kde
17:48.47p3nguinand don't use something heavy like KDE.
17:48.52Radenomg :(
17:49.00niekvlessertyou should use fluxbox :)
17:49.03p3nguinUse something sensible like fluxbox or openbox.
17:49.33p3nguinIf you really WANT to use KDE, change twm to startkde
17:49.43p3nguinSo that last line will be  startkde &
17:50.18p3nguinSave, exit, kill any vncserver processes, run vncserver again.
17:51.07Radenill look into others as well :)
17:51.33p3nguinI would use fluxbox and not give it a second thought.  But I am also comfortable using fluxbox already.
17:53.12*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
17:53.39Radenspeed is very acceptable in 8 bit depth :)
17:57.59*** join/#asterisk plundra (
17:58.04Radenbows down to p3nguin working bueatiful bro :)
17:59.43Radenhigher the resolution im presuming the more bandwith  ?
18:00.32p3nguinThe higher the resolution and the more colors you use, the slower the framerate will appear.
18:00.34*** join/#asterisk friehmaen (
18:00.44p3nguinYou'll be able to see the refresh.  :/
18:01.11Radenat 1920x1080 24 bit i do :)
18:01.24Radenat 1280x720 8 is smooth as can be
18:02.02Radenill have to route our backup 1mb / 1mb internet connection to my linux box at work that connection only used in fall over :)
18:02.38*** join/#asterisk jo8330 (~d04149c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-wbpbczxmzbbdhibb)
18:03.01p3nguinI would choose the smallest screen size that I can efficiently user, and then increase my color depth until the refresh is too slow, then back it off one setting.  So if 256 colors starts messing up, I would back it off to 64 colors.
18:03.24p3nguinerr, efficiently use
18:03.48jo8330hi all.  I'm having a strange issue.. for whatever reasons .wav files I record using MONITOR cannot be played back
18:04.00jo8330with asterisk
18:04.11p3nguinjo8330: What are you doing to attempt the playback?
18:04.14Radenp3nguin, we have apps that are impossbile to use under 1280x720 :(
18:04.23jo8330p3nguin: sox, and audacity
18:04.25jo8330can't read the files
18:04.31p3nguinraden: Then you know which size you'll have to use.
18:04.46jo8330If I `file` it, linux says it's a "RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz"
18:04.56p3nguinjo8330: Check permissions, too.
18:05.03niekvlessertmaybe: is it a WAV file or a wav file?
18:05.22jo8330i see the file growing, and I am trying to open it after the fact
18:05.27Radenp3nguin, appreciate all your help and patience I understand the workings of vnc much better now
18:05.56niekvlessertit's important to watch out with capitcals
18:06.07niekvlessertcharacters in the extension
18:06.18jo8330WAV vs wav ?
18:06.29jo8330interesting. what is the difference?
18:06.32p3nguinHe was able to `file' the filename, so I assume he knows the filename.
18:06.41niekvlessertthat it will work work or won't
18:06.48niekvlessertat least in :)
18:06.57lindi-asterisk is sensitive to file extensions? jikes
18:07.09p3nguinOf course it is.
18:07.12niekvlessertit seems that way in that area
18:07.26lindi-{ "wav", "audio/x-wav" }, ?
18:07.36p3nguinLinux and the file system say case matters.
18:08.00p3nguin"play yourfile.WAV"  If it can't play, something is screwed up.
18:08.03lindi-'"wav" => {         name => "Uncompressed WAV",'
18:08.07lindi-'"WAV" => {         name => "GSM Compressed WAV",'
18:08.29jo8330neat. anyway I just tried both and the same result.
18:08.34jo8330i see the -in and -out files growing
18:08.37jo8330i end the call, they stop
18:08.41p3nguin`play' should play both types, so just type the filename correctly and it should play.
18:08.44jo8330but nobody seems to be able to read them properly.
18:08.48jo8330eg. sox, nor audacity
18:08.58p3nguinDid you ever check the permissions like I asked?
18:09.11jo8330yes perms are ok
18:09.32p3nguin`play' doesn't show any output describing what's wrong?
18:11.03jo8330i can try play. sec
18:11.58jo8330<DAHDI/1-1>AGI Rx << EXEC MONITOR "wav,/tmp/test"
18:12.03jo8330that is the AGI command I am using.
18:13.21niekvlesserteven audacity can't read them?
18:13.32niekvlessertso your asterisk creates wav files which no program can read?
18:13.57niekvlesserteven asterisk itself can't read them
18:14.09jo8330the files have content though
18:14.14niekvlessertwell i have no idea :)
18:14.41jo8330ill try gsm and see what happens.
18:14.46niekvlessertplz do
18:17.35Radenlater all see yeah later p3nguin , Katty
18:19.00jo8330doing gsm is producing 0 byte files.. lol
18:19.03jmcdowellanyone with faxing experience?
18:19.36jo8330ok gsm works
18:20.17jo8330after a while asterisk flushed data, and sox is able to understand it.
18:20.17p3nguinI know some things about faxing, but since you prefer to ignore me, you'll have to get someone else to hold your hand.
18:20.38jo8330so yeah gsm works, wav doesn't... !
18:20.52jayteeI remember those commercials from AT&T that used to say, "Someday you'll be able to fax from the beach!" and I'd think, "great! now these assholes are conspiring to ruin my vacation!"
18:21.30*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
18:22.14jo8330'gsm' works, 'WAV' works, 'wav' doesn't.
18:22.35jo8330i guess this is an asterisk 1.6.2 bug
18:25.48jo8330is anyone running 1.6.2 able to confirm?
18:32.09jo8330yup definitely an asterisk bug :(
18:32.18jo8330i guess it's too soon to use 1.6.2
18:32.43AmorsenDoes ReceiveFax automatically turn off echo cancellation if running on a DAHDI channel?
18:33.10rue_mohrok compile problems, with configure...
18:33.31rue_mohrconfigure: error: in `/root/files_loc/asterisk-':    configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
18:33.31[TK]D-FenderjoIs there a filed bug for this?
18:33.40rue_mohrthere a common solution for this one?
18:33.52Amorsenrue_mohr: yum install gcc-c++ or the equivalent apt-get?
18:33.58lindi-rue_mohr: debian?
18:34.01[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You're missing some base pre-req's which haven't changed in years
18:34.05rue_mohrjust working on that
18:34.14lindi-rue_mohr: "apt-get build-dep asterisk" should download all build dependencies
18:35.25jo8330[TK]D-Fender: not that I can find. is the proper place to look ?
18:35.31*** join/#asterisk styelz (
18:35.56niekvlessertlindi-: i didn't know that, how does that apt-get work?
18:36.18[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: yes
18:36.20jo8330perhaps this is related: although I'm not using Solaris
18:36.21p3nguinThat's a difficult question.
18:36.33niekvlessertis it something stored at debian?
18:36.56p3nguinThere is a sources file which lists repositories.
18:37.19rue_mohr(g++ was the key package I'z missing :)
18:37.46lindi-niekvlessert: it looks at the "asterisk" source package and it's Build-Depends field
18:38.07niekvlessertvery nice! useful sometimes
18:38.14niekvlessertshould have known that ages ago..........
18:38.42*** join/#asterisk DJAshnar (
18:38.59lindi-niekvlessert: it takes a lot of work to keep these fields up to date but they are of great assistance. I really like that I can "fakeroot apt-get --build source <foo>" for any package I like and it is guaranteed to work
18:39.25p3nguinWhat if it doesn't work?
18:39.32p3nguinDo you get your money back?
18:39.42AmorsenIf it breaks you get to keep both pieces
18:40.49*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
18:41.41lindi-p3nguin: then you file a bug and the package will get dropped out of the distro unless they can fix it :)
18:44.19niekvlessertok i've logged this stuff... pretty cool
18:47.09benngardwhen u use sql for storing sip users instead of sip.conf, is it correct that the normal "sip show peers" dont show them?
18:48.46p3nguinI would expect they would still show, since they are still sip devices on the system.
18:48.48niekvlessertyou mean u use asterisk realtime?
18:48.59niekvlessertwe have experience with that...
18:49.08benngardfor example sip show peer 0317998975 Peer 0317998975 not found. but  sip show peer 0317998975 load works
18:49.13niekvlessertor something
18:49.39benngardlets try
18:49.39niekvlessertyeah, we haven't been able to solve that... so we stopped trying to store asterisk users in the db
18:50.09niekvlessertbesides that what you're saying, it has other disadvantages
18:50.13*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
18:50.16benngarddamn i spent the whole sunday to get it to work :(
18:50.25benngardit is actaully working
18:50.39niekvlesserti know, but it'll bring you nothing
18:50.45*** join/#asterisk Luther (~46a79da2@gateway/web/freenode/x-wtlumgklygnusbpz)
18:50.55niekvlessertadvantage: users are in db, much better 'cosmeticly'.
18:51.14niekvlessertdisadvantage: no qualify times
18:51.29niekvlessertdisadvantage: you can't reload, you lose your users
18:51.47niekvlessertthey should come back, but that'll take >1 hour
18:52.38niekvlessertdon't even think of putting queues in the db
18:52.47niekvlessertat least that's my idea...
18:52.54niekvlessertjust use ad db to generate sip.conf
18:53.07niekvlessertand include it with sip.conf
18:53.18niekvlessertand queues.conf
18:53.23niekvlessertthe same
19:08.35*** join/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
19:09.21jeff_phillipsI got chan_mobile working (sort of) to use my cell phone as a trunk via bluetooth. However the sound quality is aweful, very choppy
19:10.16jeff_phillipsany ideas what could cause this? it almost sounds like a timing issue or the packet size / frequency aren't framed correctly or something
19:13.38p3nguinkatty: Lunch time!
19:16.00AmorsenAh DAHDI turns off echo cancellation automatically when a fax tone is heard. Clever
19:18.19*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
19:20.30AmorsenPerhaps a bit stealth to call it CED detected
19:21.27rue_mohrnot to jinx it, but sofar this asterisk reinstall is going nicely
19:21.51benngardniekvlessert: rtcachefriends was the right word
19:22.13benngard0317998975/0317998975     D          34996    Unmonitored Cached RT
19:22.42niekvlessertput qualify field in db also on yes
19:22.50niekvlessertbut when you do a reload all peers are gone
19:22.55niekvlessertat least in asterisk
19:23.32p3nguinIf you're using realtime, why would you reload?
19:23.39rue_mohrwas there a startup script install provision with asterisk or am I still making that myself?
19:24.07p3nguin/etc/init.d/asterisk ?
19:24.25rue_mohrthats what I mean, do I hand roll my own?
19:24.32rue_mohror is there one hidden in here
19:24.50p3nguinIt doesn't exist after you did "apt-get install asterisk"?  How strange.
19:25.08rue_mohrI compiled
19:25.29rue_mohrI'd feel lucky if debian gave me asterisk 1.0
19:25.30niekvlessertbecause not all stuff is in realtime you need
19:26.00niekvlessertyou still need to edit some files sometimes
19:26.03niekvlessertand then do a reload
19:26.05rue_mohrah, hello, contrib/init.d
19:26.32benngardniekvlessert: i did a reload and i didnt shot myself in the foot
19:26.41benngardstill registered
19:27.17niekvlessertthen maybe this behaviour is better in asterisk 1.6
19:27.37niekvlessertbecause we have shot ourselves in the foot enough times to miss a few feet so to speak...
19:27.38benngardvery, i am on todays * and i mean todays version :)
19:28.43rue_mohrahhaha old backup, zaptel.conf :(
19:28.47benngardniekvlessert: i had to manually fix the ast_sip table, the example in trunk is missing some fields
19:29.48benngardfor example lastms = 100
19:30.00niekvlessertwhat is that
19:30.08rue_mohrhas anyone made an online page for translating zaptel.conf to dahdi.conf, I cant remember what changed
19:30.22benngarddont know yet, but looks like the qulify time
19:30.40benngarddo need to dig around more in the code
19:31.21benngardfro me it sounds like last milli seconds
19:31.35benngardand 100 ms is what my home sip phone normally has
19:32.45*** join/#asterisk fibres (
19:33.03rue_mohrhmm I dont think anything changed in this one
19:33.41benngardniekvlessert: did a very small small test, did call a meetme root, and did a reload, np
19:33.58benngardI NEED A NEW KEYBOARD!
19:35.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: very little has changed and the docs should be in the tarball along with samples
19:36.04rue_mohrmost of the stuff that I remember changing I dealt with on that last install
19:36.15rue_mohrlike I thought the old name was dahdi :)
19:36.24tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, just copy it over
19:36.44tzafrir_laptop(and add 'echocancel' lines for channels)
19:36.45rue_mohrthe card is up, I feel past the worst of it, just need to recover extensions.conf and all the sound files
19:36.52*** join/#asterisk Tamo (
19:37.07rue_mohrits a T! channelbank and it just does bridging, no echo problems
19:37.42rue_mohrhehe T! is general hazord...
19:38.14theharWhen using AddQueueMember() and adding an agent with a Local channel, it is showing "Invalid" in the queue.  Yes chan_local, pbx_config, & pbx_ael are all preloaded.
19:38.24niekvlesserthmmm interesting
19:38.29*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
19:38.36niekvlessertand benngard, why do you want realtime?
19:38.46niekvlessertbesides that it's more beautiful
19:39.12theharAnyone have a suggestion?
19:40.47[TK]D-Fenderthehar: module reload
19:41.25theharI did that and restarted asterisk with those modules preloaded. Joined the Local channel to the queue and still showing Invalid.
19:41.28*** join/#asterisk jo8330 (~d04149c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-nygaegggfnzorpnh)
19:42.57benngardniekvlessert: was just testing stuff
19:43.42benngardniekvlessert: think there is alot of new stuff in trunk: 0317998975/0317998975     D          34996    OK (70 ms) Cached RT :)
19:44.12niekvlessertcan you change your qualify time?
19:44.18niekvlesserttry typing 500 in the field plz :)
19:44.51benngardin qualify field?
19:46.13niekvlessertin sip.conf you can do qualify=500 or qualify=yes
19:47.01[TK]D-Fenderthehar: Do precisely as I've suggested
19:47.14benngardniekvlessert: 0317998975                 (Unspecified)    D          0        UNREACHABLE Cached RT
19:47.29*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
19:47.35[TK]D-Fenderthehar: And also pastbin your dialplan and AQM attempt
19:48.04niekvlessertwhat's field type in database?
19:48.56niekvlessertbut it seems it's still not working
19:49.10niekvlessertit's bad to qualify for example a 500 phones at the same time
19:49.14rue_mohrok is /en/ automatically appended to the dirpath of sound files or can I put them back a dir
19:49.27niekvlessertwhich will happen when just yes is overthere
19:49.39niekvlessertbetter to add a random value
19:50.29thehar[TK]D-Fender: I did reload app_queue. I'm using the AEL from /doc/queues-with-callback-members.txt.
19:52.14[TK]D-Fenderthehar: Don't care what doc you based your work off of... show me what YOU did.
19:53.07mrprozacsorry for barging in with this question. I have installed *now yesterday and am receiving calls from my incomming SIP provider (with local phonenumber). I was wondering if i could set up a different outbound route to use with another provider (which has lower costs than my incoming provider)
19:53.48mrprozacthank you, i will look into that :)
19:54.14niekvlessertexten => _.,Dial(SIP/ bla)
19:54.23[TK]D-Fendermrprozac: ..... #freepbx <-------
19:54.26infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
19:54.31[TK]D-Fendermrprozac: You're in the wrong channel...
19:54.33rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, how many problems people come in on, re audio quality, with sagnoma?
19:54.44benngardniekvlessert: qualify         CHAR(3)
19:54.49niekvlessertor something don't do it a lot
19:54.49mrprozacsorry for the trouble
19:54.56Amorsen"Which best describes you:"
19:54.59Amorsen"I am a carrier"
19:55.02[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Maybe 1 or 2 ever that I can recall besides you....
19:55.11Amorsengets flashes from bad scifi movies
19:55.16rue_mohrbut my problem was with a digium card
19:55.28[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Oh... then 1 or 2 ever :)
19:55.55rue_mohrare you telling me nobody EVER has audio problems with digium cards?
19:55.57niekvlessertbenngard: ok
19:56.16niekvlessertrue_mohr: do u have echo cancellation module?
19:56.19[TK]D-Fenderthehar: Don't trust your AEL, show me the loaded dialplan
19:56.24theharone sec
19:56.37rue_mohrniekvlessert, we did buy one yes, and it donsn't help much
19:56.46[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No, I'm telling you that virtually no-one has audio problems with SANGOMA cards.  Pay attention :p
19:56.47theharwant all of the contexts it goes through, [TK]D-Fender ?
19:56.48rue_mohrthis system I'm doing now if different
19:56.56rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, ok
19:57.22rue_mohrits gonna eat at me forever wondering if I should have got a sagnoma card in the first place
19:57.34*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
19:57.49[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: If it makes you feel any worse I can nag you some more too... ;)
19:58.01[TK]D-Fenderfetches some salt&pepper.
19:58.14[TK]D-Fenderfetches some fava beans and a nice chianti
19:59.02rue_mohrwe could have put out 5 asterisk systems to customers if that damned thing had worked right
19:59.41Amorsenrue_mohr: Digital or analog?
19:59.46[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: That over-flogged equine of yours seems to have cost you far more than a year of greif now....
20:00.03rue_mohrlast week we were talking about line problems we have (general phone line organization) "this system can do menus? I didn't know that"  guess he didn't understand when I said it could do 'anything'
20:00.17rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, oh yea
20:00.41rue_mohrI'm reminded every time I have to get a panasonic TDA30 to do 'something simple' for a customer
20:01.11*** join/#asterisk vma (
20:01.35paulcLOL.. ah, Panasonic.. those systems used to be "interesting" sometimes. I still love mucking around with Norstars too..
20:02.07rue_mohrAmorsen, its a long story, I went out on a limb and spent a lot of company money on a asterisk system for the place I work, the digium line cards suck (echo and audio level) and I had... havvvve ...challenges with the polycom phones
20:02.22AmorsenSo analog
20:02.35rue_mohrthe whole thing imploded on me and every week I get reminded about how the audio on the phone system sucks
20:02.55jayteethe words mucking and Norstars goes well together. it's very similar to cleaning out a horse stall or "mucking" as it's also called.
20:03.04rue_mohrtdm800P card with hardware echo can, 4x fxo 2x fxs
20:03.29jo8330Is echo cancellation required for T1's ?
20:03.32paulcLOL @jaytee - we just got a BCM at work and despite being VoIP enabled and stuff, I'm surprised at how similar it is to Norstars for programming, line appearances, "trunks" etc..
20:03.34[TK]D-Fenderthehar: Why do I NOT see you showing me your [techagents] context in there?
20:03.37jo8330I'm finding better results when setting echocancel=no
20:03.42jo8330for double-speak recording.
20:03.42paulcrue_mohr: what kind of Polycom challenges?
20:03.46theharmy bad.. .sec..
20:04.09rue_mohrdont know if anyone can confirm, but it SEEMS that the volume control on a polycom 601 controls the speaker AND the mic volume, which is hell on carefully adjusted echo can settings
20:04.20[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: BCM was Nortel's retard attemp to Crazy-Glue VoIP onto the Norstar.
20:04.22rue_mohrpolycom is not capable of answering me on that
20:04.32gr0mitrue_mohr, I gave up on analogue cards a long while ago
20:04.38rue_mohrnor can they answer what the max and min settings are for the gain adjustments
20:04.39[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: Its a flaming piece of shit that in the end is no better than the sum of its parts... and possibly worse
20:04.48rue_mohrwe have no digital provider
20:04.50jayteepaulc, last I heard Nortel had switched their BCM line for VoIP to running a port of sipXecs. they even contributed code to the open-source repository.
20:05.00gr0mitcan you not get any BRI ?
20:05.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Keeping in mind... your card is plagued by audio issues.
20:05.08jayteebefore they went belly up and sold off their CPE business
20:05.16Amorsenrue_mohr: Don't try to echo cancel towards your phones, if they can't do it themselves then you're dead anyway
20:05.21rue_mohrthe bos dosn't want to pay 80/mo for 1 line, he wont pay $1000/mo for 2
20:05.25AmorsenSIP phones that is
20:05.49rue_mohrits an old wound, rather not pick at it now
20:06.12gr0mit$1000 for a BRI?
20:06.18rue_mohrright now I'm re-setting up the home system, the bearings went on the harddrive platter and the result wasn't pretty
20:06.22rue_mohrgr0mit, yep
20:06.31gr0mitwhich country are u in?
20:06.46rue_mohractaully, iirc, its more like $1300
20:06.51*** join/#asterisk moldy (~rene@unaffiliated/moldy)
20:06.52rue_mohrper mo
20:06.57gr0mitgood grief!!!
20:07.03gr0mita T! would be cheaper
20:07.05*** part/#asterisk Alystair (
20:07.09rue_mohrand pri isn't avaiable
20:07.12paulc[TK]D-Fender: It's sad because we had a CIC system, analog phones via channel banks, call control on the PC. It had to go (licensing costs). I was like "4 or 5 grand for a server or two, T1 card or two, reuse the channel banks + phones, and let's get sexy!". The outgoing IT ops guy was pressed for time and went for a $24k second hand BCM with a ton of digital phones. BZZZT :-|
20:07.35rue_mohrer, anyhow
20:07.44gr0mitno T1 either - you are out of luck unless you port your numbers to a voip provider
20:07.45paulcrue_mohr Can you port your numbers to a SIP provider?
20:07.58paulc(and where doesn't have T1?)
20:07.59rue_mohrnot the numbers we have
20:08.12jo8330[TK]D-Fender: does it make sense to turn off echo cancellation for PRIs ?  I find if I enable it I get a lot of cutting out in recordings. but if i set echocancel=no then recordings sound perfect, and incoming & outgoing audio are isolated
20:08.16rue_mohrsechelt bc canada
20:08.29gr0mitfor $1000 per monht i would change your numbers!
20:08.33rue_mohrsorry I mixed up, bri isn't available and T1 is $1300/mo
20:08.47gr0mitand set up call divert to a SIP provider
20:08.49rue_mohrwe use standard lines at $80/mo
20:08.51AmorsenHow do I tell whether the hardware echo cancellation on my TE420B card is used?
20:08.58rue_mohrwe dont have a sip provider here
20:09.06rue_mohrsmall town
20:09.15gr0mitrue_mohr, ok, so grab some SIP numbers and set diverts
20:09.34[TK]D-FenderjoWhat card?
20:09.41[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: and what EC?
20:09.42paulcgr0mit: I was just going to say that.. either that or a hardware FXO term box
20:09.42jo8330digium TE122
20:09.54[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: Issues I don't hear about with Sangoma...
20:10.11paulcwith forwarding though - are you limited to as many concurrent calls as physical trunks? (you're not in the UK, it's all billable so the telco loves it, but that's different here with unlimited local calling)
20:10.49jo8330[TK]D-Fender: I hae the hardware module, so I didn't specify EC in /etc/dahdi
20:11.08gr0mitis in the UK but I think in .ca you can get a package which has unlimited local calls
20:11.19jo8330in cahn_dahdi I put echocancel=1024, but when I do that, you can hear cutting out in the -in.wav when far end is speaking
20:11.39paulcis in .ca but from .uk :)
20:11.42jo8330i guess having it set to echocancel=no i risk echo issues with POTS ?
20:12.00AmorsenThat's an awful lot of taps
20:12.15paulcrue_mohr how much traffic do you take/make? toll free via SIP might be affordable if the traffic volumes are right
20:12.17AmorsenDo you have an extremely long wire?
20:12.20jo8330Amorsen: me?
20:12.37gr0mitrue_mohr, to a 1800 number?
20:12.41paulcrue_mohr or maybe a hardware FXO box.. trying to think of the name I can't remember.. they specialise in gateway boxes
20:12.47jo8330no. i assumed this was the correct setting given that the hardware module does 128ms = 1024
20:12.50[TK]D-Fenderthehar: I don't see a match for 1201 in [techagents]. The only thing you have is 6094
20:12.57gr0mita Sipura/linksys box, ugh
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20:13.18jo8330if I turn it off, the recordings sound perfectly, uplink and downlink audio are seperated. but i wonder what the risk of doing that is... i guess it depends who's on the other end
20:13.28moldyhi. i'm new to asterisk and telephony stuff. can i use asterisk with a traditional (not ip) phone line?
20:13.30gr0mitjust doesn't install asterisk boxes on any analogue trunks
20:13.38jo8330moldy: yes
20:13.51[TK]D-Fendermoldy: Yes.  You will simply need a hardware interface to plug the line into.
20:13.53theharah hrm
20:14.13paulcgr0mit: wasn't thinking Sipura (although it works great for my hard wired door entry system, bringing the calls to my Polycom and/or cell)
20:14.33gr0mitthere is a Sangoma USB analogue interface
20:14.37moldy[TK]D-Fender: i.e. (in my case), an ISDN interface card?
20:14.41gr0mitwhich I have not used
20:14.49[TK]D-Fendermoldy: indeed
20:14.50gr0mitmoldy, even better ;-)
20:14.53paulcUSB makes me think Astribank too? not sure if they're any good, never used 'em
20:14.53Amorsenjo8330: I have no idea what the correct setting for hardware echo cancellation it... I'm trying to find out myself, since I just started using a card like that yesterday
20:15.15AmorsenAnd it looks like it's using software echo cancellation, possibly on top of the hardware one, which surely can't be good
20:15.26jo8330Amorsen: from the TE122 user guide, it seems to suggest echocancel=1024 should be set.
20:15.30gr0mitmoldy, i used a Colgone chipsed BRI card for several years
20:15.33jo8330i don't have software EC configured in /etc/dahdi/system.conf
20:15.37jo8330so it should use hardware.
20:15.45jo8330but i get crappier results :(
20:15.48gr0mitcost me £15 and I had 3 of tehm in my server
20:16.02jo8330so I think i'l ljust leave it disabled for now, and try to give Digium  call tomorrow
20:16.18moldyok, thanks. assuming i have a set of 7 ISDN phones: can i buy an 8-port isdn card, plug the phones into it, and use the 8th port for connection to the external phone line?
20:16.26jo8330[TK]D-Fender: FYI, i upgraded from to and the .wav RECORD issue is fixed (although i saw no mention of that in teh changelog)
20:16.30gr0mitmoldy, yes you can
20:16.32jo8330so i won't open a bug report.
20:16.46moldygr0mit: ah, great. thank you all for the information.
20:16.52gr0mitbut an 8-port card will cost you more than 8 x new SIP phones
20:17.01[TK]D-Fendermoldy: * isn't so great in dealing with IDSN phones, and getting a card(s) to do that would probably start looking messy and get expensive.
20:17.22rue_mohrgee whiz I have all these great parts I could put into this new asterisk machine that would gain me NOTHING!
20:17.23moldyah, i see
20:17.24[TK]D-Fendermoldy: It will likely be most cost effective/flexible/cleaner to simply replace themw ith IP Phones
20:17.28Amorsenjo8330: You only set echo cancellation in chan_dahdi.conf, but leave it out entirely from system.conf?
20:17.31russellbit should work with chan_misdn, and should work with chan_dahdi by 1.8
20:17.32AmorsenMaybe I should try that
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20:17.44gr0mitnods at [TK]D-Fender
20:17.47moldy[TK]D-Fender: asterisk does the ip / isdn "translation" in that case?
20:17.47AmorsenHey Olle
20:18.03[TK]D-Fendermoldy: * translates each side to the other.
20:18.03jo8330Amorsen: yes that's right.
20:18.10gr0mitmoldy, exactly correct
20:18.20[TK]D-Fendermoldy: You can use a ITSP with analog phones and BRI lines.
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20:18.31jo8330Is anyone using the hardware EC module with a Digium T1 card?
20:18.43[TK]D-Fendermoldy: * is just a toolkit that sits in the middle and processes calls between them
20:19.27moldyhm, ok. to connect the voip phones to asterisk, what kind of physical connection do i need?
20:19.38gr0mitethernet, moldy
20:20.02gr0mitvoip phones are IP so just connect you your LAN
20:20.05moldythat could end up being a problem :(
20:20.13gr0mitmoldy, why?
20:20.35moldygr0mit: the wiring here was done quite "unprofessionally"
20:20.51moldygr0mit: in some rooms, i only have 2 wires of an 8-wire CAT cable
20:20.53gr0mitwelcome to the world of telecoms!
20:21.03moldyfor ethernet, i need at least 4, right?
20:21.10paulcslaps forehead - that's awful!
20:21.12gr0mityou need 2  pairs
20:21.17moldyyeah, ok
20:21.36gr0mitmoldy, anyone would think BT had done it!
20:21.59gr0mitbut isdn BRI also needs 2 pairs
20:22.14gr0mitso you are no worse off
20:22.29Zhad#when I'm watching my TV and the band comes on .........
20:22.45AmorsenYou can do HomePNA on 2 wires
20:22.53moldythe guys here basically used one 4-pair cat cable to connect 3 rooms: lead all 4 pairs to the first room, connect 1 pair there, lead the other pairs to the 2nd room, connect 1 pair there, lead the remaining pairs from there to the 3rd room
20:23.02AmorsenI'd recommend keeping all non-phones off the network then
20:23.23gr0mitmoldy, oh dear
20:23.27raden_work[TK]D-Fender, running 2 asterisk servers    on my phones one is set as primary and one as backup... is it possible to keep the voicemails and everything synced between the 2 servers
20:24.05raden_workcompany 1 might have server A as primary and server B as backup  and company 2 might have Server B as primary and Server A as backup
20:24.17raden_workTrying to make sure if a server fails all keeps running
20:24.22moldygr0mit: yeah, that was my reaction, too. the guy i talked to about this was speaking about a bus architecture... no idea, i'm not a phone guy :)
20:25.22moldywell, i do have a separate ethernet cable in each room, but to use them, i figure i would also need to buy a switch for every room...
20:25.28thehar[TK]D-Fender: ty sir
20:25.30*** join/#asterisk Erestar (
20:25.47ErestarCan anyone suggest a good text2speech program for linux?
20:26.08raden_workfestival ?
20:26.09rue_mohrok now, which is the T1 and which is the network line
20:26.16paulcEresar: cepstral?
20:26.47[TK]D-Fenderthehar: You're welcome.
20:27.16ErestarI'm messing with festival now. Haven't heard of cepstral
20:27.18ErestarThanks :0
20:27.19AeroCloud[TK]D-Fender: On the T with dial.. is there a way to prevent from #11 or #11111 etc.. and only limit the first one.. since # is the transfer initiator
20:27.51moldyso, how much would a cheap voip phone cost?
20:28.10raden_work[TK]D-Fender, is what I want todo possible ?
20:28.57Amorsenraden_work: Voicemail is not too difficult, that's just an rsync or a shared file system
20:29.15AmorsenAsterisk database is a bit more difficult...
20:30.02raden_workcant i run 2 databases ????
20:30.12AmorsenHowever if you use two accounts on each phone, it could get a bit annoying to receive the voicemail message from both of them
20:30.34raden_workAmorsen, they would be registered to one server or the other
20:30.48raden_workprimary server goes down there phone re registers to backup server
20:30.55Amorsenraden_work: Sure you can, it just means you can't really store anything useful in the Asterisk database
20:31.10raden_workthere anyway to sync databases ?
20:31.12Amorsenraden_work: When the primary server comes back, how do you switch back?
20:31.18raden_workor make whatever happens to one happen to both  ?
20:31.31raden_workAmorsen, thats a darn good question too :(
20:31.34raden_workthis is a mess :(
20:31.38AmorsenYes you can make up whichever sync system you prefer
20:31.55p3nguinmoldy: Many phones have a switch built in.
20:31.56AmorsenOr ignore Asterisk database and use an external database
20:31.57*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
20:32.02raden_workcould have the servers reset everymorning at like 4 am
20:32.06raden_workor something weird
20:32.17raden_worki dont know if thats the best idea either though
20:32.33Amorsenraden_work: If phones get rebooted they'll switch to the primary server, and then they can't call the phones on the secondary server
20:32.40moldyp3nguin: hm, that's good.
20:32.42p3nguinmoldy: So if you have phones with an extra switch port, you've just eliminated the need for a switch in each room.
20:32.47AmorsenUnless you use DUNDI
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20:33.31raden_workAmorsen, oh yeah i need to find a way to keep the servers linked to sooo we dont have to pay per min through network
20:33.34raden_workoh boy
20:34.00Amorsenraden_work: Yes, you need to keep track of which phone is at which server, and communicate it to the other one. DUNDI is the solution there.
20:34.20AmorsenEvery problem can be solved, but the solution gets awfully complex
20:34.41moldyhow would i connect wireless phones to an asterisk box? i just connect the phone's base station to the ip network?
20:35.24Amorsenmoldy: You'd need a SIP base station...
20:36.01raden_workAmorsen, oh boy
20:36.02AmorsenPolycom (old Kirk) SIP DECT gateways are great
20:36.15moldyAmorsen: hmmm :)
20:36.17raden_workwell as long as it is connected to one server or another we know the phone is connected
20:36.37raden_workthe real trick is keeping the asterisk boxes connected
20:36.43AmorsenSiemens SIP DECT phone are cheap
20:36.49raden_worktogether in sync and able to communicate with one another
20:36.52raden_workgetting a headache
20:37.01p3nguinmoldy: You can use regular anolog cordless phones and ATAs or you can use SIP cordless phones.
20:37.32*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
20:38.04p3nguinBut if you're going to spend $35 on an ATA and $35 on a cordless phone, you might as well spend the $70 on a SIP cordless phone.
20:38.40moldyp3nguin: and a SIP cordless phone connects to asterisk via a "sip base station"?
20:39.16Amorsenmoldy: A SIP cordless phone either comes with a "SIP base station" or it's a WiFi phone (don't go there!)
20:39.21p3nguinmoldy: A SIP cordless phone is a basically a normal cordless phone with a SIP/Ethernet base.
20:40.18shmaltzhelo everyone
20:40.47moldyso i could get 1 sip base station and 6 sip cordless phones and connect the base station to an asterisk box?
20:40.51shmaltzanyone here watched dear john?
20:40.55Amorsenehlo schmaltz
20:41.22shmaltzmoldy, just make sure that it wills support multiple channels, otherwise only one cordless phone will able able to work
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20:41.37shmaltzAmorsen, 250, Go ahead make my day punk
20:41.41moldyshmaltz: ok. thanks.
20:41.53Amorsenmoldy: Cheap sip base stations can't handle 6 simultaneous calls, and possibly not even 6 connected phones
20:42.24p3nguinIf you get cheap phones, get the entire thing rather than getting one base station and a bunch of handsets.
20:43.16moldyok, so the alternative is to get 6 phones with 6 base stations (possibly with included switches) and put a base station into each room and connect it to the existing ethernet
20:43.24p3nguinI think my ATS can handle four handsets, but I probably would never use that mant on it.  It's pretty cheap quality.
20:43.33shmaltzmoldy, what exactly you trying to do?
20:43.47p3nguinDo you really need six cordless phones?
20:44.00moldyp3nguin: at least, it would be ideal
20:44.06rue_mohrand so begine the great debugging excersize
20:44.35moldyshmaltz: trying to get decent telephony infrastructure for my apartment-sharing community
20:44.48shmaltzmoldy, where does cordless come in?
20:45.27moldyshmaltz: we walk around alot :) and, for example, i do not hear a phone in my room when i am in the kitchen or living room
20:46.00moldyi guess we could get buy with 6 stationary phones and just 1 or 2 cordless phones
20:46.03moldyget by
20:46.25shmaltzmoldy, is this for management? or just one apartment?
20:46.58moldyshmaltz: sorry, what do you mean by "for management"?
20:46.58shmaltzmoldy, how many apartments? or just management?
20:47.11Amorsenmoldy: If you have relatively modern cell phones, you could try SIP clients on those. It will suck, but it's hard to beat free.
20:47.14shmaltzmoldy, forget it, how many apartments?
20:47.28moldyshmaltz: our living situation is a bit unusual maybe :)
20:47.40moldyshmaltz: 6 rooms spread over 2 floors
20:47.49shmaltzmoldy>shmaltz: trying to get decent telephony infrastructure for my apartment-sharing community
20:48.05shmaltzmoldy, you looking for a cordless solution for many apartments? or just one apartment?
20:48.12moldyshmaltz: oh. maybe aparment-sharing community was the wrong term (i had to look it up)
20:48.33moldyscrew those online dictionaries :p
20:48.42shmaltzmoldy, then what are you trying to do?
20:48.52moldyshmaltz: think of a 6-person office :)
20:49.23*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (~Monching@
20:49.24shmaltzmoldy, so everyone just needs a cordless phone?
20:49.36rue_mohr??? why do I have a red alarm on ONE end of the T1?!?!
20:49.40shmaltzmoldy, why not an astra 480ict for each dek?
20:49.51*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
20:49.51shmaltzrue_mohr, because it's having trouble
20:49.58shmaltzrue_mohr, is the T1 working?
20:50.13rue_mohrT100P <--> Channelbank
20:50.18rue_mohrchannelbank is in red alarm
20:50.32shmaltzrue_mohr what type of channel bank?
20:50.44shmaltzrue_mohr, has it ever worked?
20:50.47moldyshmaltz: i guess something like that would be ideal. it looks expensive, though :)
20:50.47rue_mohrnewbridge mainstreet 2634
20:51.02rue_mohrits a software thing, it was working before the crash
20:51.31shmaltzrue_mohr, what version of asterisk you running?
20:51.49p3nguinmoldy: Look for the Siemens Gigaset products.
20:51.52rue_mohrhold on, I'll work back, see what dahdi is doing
20:53.02moldyp3nguin: yeah. i guess i will just get 1 or 2 of those and start playing around :)
20:53.31AmorsenI still can't find a way to see whether Asterisk uses the hardware echo canceller
20:53.36p3nguinWith the Gigasets, you can have one base station and several handsets with their own charging bases.
20:53.39rue_mohrAsterisk fyi
20:54.37moldyp3nguin: oh, that would be great.
20:55.04shmaltzamorsen, what hardware echo can do you have?
20:55.16shmaltzrue_mohr, is it workignyet?
20:55.43rue_mohrI cant remember if there shoudl be a red alarm till astersik starts
20:55.52rue_mohrI think its green without asterisk running
20:56.02shmaltzrue_mohr, of course there should be red till it's starts
20:56.16shmaltzsince the uppler layer protocols don't load till asterisk loads
20:56.16Amorsenshmaltz: VPMOCT128 on TE420
20:56.25rue_mohrin that case I think the problem just clicked :)
20:56.35shmaltzAmorsen, I believe that dmesg should tell you if it found it or not
20:56.49rue_mohrconfgures the dahdi card in the asterisk side
20:57.07Amorsenshmaltz: It doesn't really indicate it either way
20:57.12rue_mohrwhere is it, I know its here somewhere
20:57.37shmaltzAmorsen, can you please clear your dmesg unload dahdi drivers load them again, run dmesg and pb it?
20:57.41rue_mohrhelp jog my memory
20:58.11rue_mohrwhich was called...
20:58.11shmaltzrue_mohr, /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf or whatever it's called now
20:58.21shmaltzstill uses asterisk 1.2
20:58.40AmorsenIt says "Octasic optimized!". Is that a hint?
20:59.18rue_mohrnow I dont know if zaptel.conf and chan_dahdi.conf are the same...
20:59.31shmaltzAmorsen, yep, you can confirm that by disableing hw echo can in the source, recomplie then load em again and see that it doesn't display it, or just remove the chip from the card and load it
20:59.42shmaltzrue_mohr, you don't
20:59.49moldyp3nguin: yep, looks nice :)
21:00.02p3nguinmoldy: It looks like the Gigaset A580 IP is about $70 for the base and one handset.  I'm looking for extra handsets now.
21:01.10rue_mohrshmaltz, you shoudl put togethor a new machine to play with, before you have to
21:01.11AmorsenI think it should have reported a VPM450 though
21:01.16p3nguinmoldy: Gigaset A58H handsets seem to be about $40 each.
21:02.02moldyp3nguin: yeah, that looks great
21:02.13p3nguinmoldy: So you're looking about around $270 for a six handset configuration.
21:02.32moldyp3nguin: i'm thinking about maybe getting 2 base stations and 6 phones
21:02.45p3nguinWhat's the reason for that?
21:03.18moldyp3nguin: i might want more than 2 simultaneous voip calls
21:03.22rue_mohryay! its all half assed working!
21:03.25rue_mohr(this is progress)
21:03.32shmaltzAmorsen, I'm not sure, you can always contact Digium or the list and I'm sure you'll get better help
21:03.39p3nguinmoldy: You can't have 6 calls through a single base unit?
21:03.52moldyp3nguin: according to their website, 2 voip and 1 landline call
21:03.54p3nguin- Multiline for up to 6 handsets, 6 VoIP/SIP numbers (multi-provider capable), 3 calls simultaneously (2 VoIP and 1 fixed line)
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21:04.06shmaltzmoldy, how big of an area has to be covered by this setup?
21:04.24p3nguinOkay, so add an additional $30 for a second base.
21:04.58moldyshmaltz: hmm, i'm bad at estimating areas. a medium-sized building.
21:05.27rue_mohrhelp em understand this error message
21:05.53rue_mohrNo application 'Dial,DAHDI/7' for extension (house, 9, 1) <-- it cant find the dial app or its not a valid extension?
21:06.00moldyp3nguin, shmaltz: those gigasets look pretty interesting... i think that's the route i will take. thank you :)
21:06.01rue_mohroh wait, did the format achnge?
21:06.09rue_mohrdial(dahdi/7) ?
21:06.26shmaltzmoldy, the pantagon is by all means the a large building with about 6.5 million sqare feet, does 1 million square feet mean a midium sized building?
21:06.32p3nguinmoldy: There are other models, too.
21:06.55moldyshmaltz: no, much smaller
21:08.28shmaltzmoldy, how big of an area?
21:08.52tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, asterisk 1.4?
21:08.57rue_mohrno 1.6
21:09.28*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:09.37tzafrir_laptopFor some reason, it considers ',DAHDI/7' at part of the name of the app
21:09.37*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
21:09.42tzafrir_laptopIs this in your dialplan?
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21:10.04moldyshmaltz: maybe 600m²? whis is important?
21:11.09p3nguinmoldy: A more expensive model (with other features) is the Gigaset C475 IP.
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21:11.22moldyp3nguin: yeah, i saw it on their website
21:11.25jmcdowellHola all
21:11.56shmaltzmoldy, that means that any cordless will have range, then just chose whatever
21:12.03shmaltzhelo jmcdowell
21:12.22jmcdowellanyone have any suggestions on an asterisk solution that uses or greater?
21:12.40jmcdowellI would like to have a web interface, but it's not needed.
21:13.03jmcdowellI am thinking about using ubuntu
21:13.09shmaltzjmcdowell, to do what?
21:13.36jmcdowelland learn a-lot more about asterisk as a whole while I do it.
21:13.41shmaltzjmcdowell, you mean PBX?
21:14.06jmcdowellI have gotten asterisk now to function with polycoms, I figure I am ready to move on to the next step.
21:14.07shmaltzjmcdowell, and you are looking for something out of the box?
21:14.26shmaltzjmcdowell, you don't want to compile and configure vanilla asterisk from source?
21:14.28jmcdowellPreferred, but again, no it doesn't have to be.
21:14.50jmcdowellI can if I need to, and if I do that, it will be ubuntu server or gentoo
21:15.09jmcdowellBut that's why I am asking here
21:15.18shmaltzjmcdowell, thats a religious question
21:15.20jmcdowellis there a distro that gets into the nitty gritty with documentation?
21:15.26jmcdowellYeah I have heard that before.
21:15.29jmcdowellAbout asterisk
21:15.36shmaltzno, it's about linux
21:15.47shmaltzwhat distro to use is a religious question
21:15.52jmcdowellSo, ubuntu it is, because I can package it up when I am done for ease of use for others.
21:15.55shmaltz~google what distro asterisk
21:16.01jmcdowellYeah, I am across board on distros.
21:16.16shmaltzhey bot stopped googling? since when?
21:16.21shmaltz~hey you there?
21:16.22infobotOf course I am!
21:16.28shmaltz~google me something
21:16.33AmorsenGoogle is so last year
21:16.41jmcdowellOnce you master or near master gentoo stage 1 everything becomes reletive.
21:16.45shmaltzwtf, what happned to the bot?
21:16.52jmcdowell~ kill yourself
21:16.53infobotACTION shoots a excited anti-neutron gun at yourself
21:16.56p3nguininfobot: hello
21:16.57infobotHowdy Bub
21:17.06infoboti guess google is
21:17.13shmaltz~google day
21:17.24shmaltz~go to hell
21:17.25infobotit has been said that go to hell is a song test
21:17.33shmaltz~fuc* you
21:17.45jmcdowell~kick me
21:17.46infobotACTION kicks jmcdowell
21:17.59jmcdowellhostile lil thing
21:18.11jmcdowellwhat about callweaver ?
21:18.15jmcdowellThat distro seems dead
21:18.22jmcdowellat a glace that is.
21:18.32shmaltzjmcdowell, callweaver is not a distro
21:18.36shmaltzgentoo is
21:18.44jmcdowellRight right
21:18.56jmcdowellpackage what ever, it still seems dead at a glace
21:18.57shmaltz~you ok?
21:20.12infobotNot on your life cowboy :(, or are you using Window$?
21:20.13infobothmm... helo is the first command issued during smtp
21:20.16shmaltzyes smtp
21:20.24infobotmethinks smtp is simple mail transport protocol. rfc2821
21:20.27infobotrumour has it, time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting, an illusion, or 2010.02.07 21:20:27 GMT
21:22.07jmcdowell~build asterisk
21:22.26infobot[sleep] overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
21:22.37infobothmm... input is Anything entered into a computer or system. This includes keystrokes, mouse movement, and talking into a microphone.
21:22.46jmcdowell~need input
21:22.53p3nguinMaybe you could do this in PM instead of here.
21:23.01ChannelZReally?  Are you going to sit here all day and ask every word you can think of?
21:23.03shmaltz~tell jmcdowell to stop playing
21:24.44jmcdowellgrumpy grumpy
21:24.55jmcdowell~kill p3nguin
21:24.56infobotACTION shoots a super-inverse anti-neutron gun at p3nguin
21:33.10*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
21:36.26*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
21:38.20*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
21:39.18*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
21:40.18*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
21:48.34raden_workI love how easy asterisk is to install on suse
21:48.42raden_workdependencies this and dependencies that
21:49.06raden_workis there any way i could contribute to asterisk to make installs easier since i know every lil bug inside and out ?
21:50.14ChannelZI haven't been following along too closely but it sounds more like your issues with building asterisk were _your_ issues
21:51.10raden_workChannelZ, always this way on linux the whopping 7 times ive done it on different machines
21:52.00ChannelZWell conversely I've built half a dozen different versions of asterisk dozens of times with no issue
21:52.20raden_workon opensuse ?
21:52.22ChannelZPerhaps you could write a dependency guide, I'm not sure I've seen one
21:52.32raden_workthat would be a good idea
21:52.45ChannelZNo I'm running Ubuntu but I don't see how it makes much difference
21:52.54ChannelZIf you're missing a compiler, you're missing a compiler... etc
21:53.20niekniektoday i learned:
21:53.27raden_workyeah it just most newbs freak out i should make a idiots guide to asterisk install with pictures LOL
21:53.34ChannelZ'make menuconfig' does show some dependency info but it's usually not very clear
21:53.34niekniekapt-get build-dep asterisk
21:53.38raden_workChannelZ, ubuntu server very smooth install
21:53.44raden_workhave it running in a VM :-)
21:54.10raden_worki SO need a quad core ;(
21:54.32niekniekit's download asterisk, untar + unzip, do the apt-get build-dep asterisk, make, make install
21:54.37niekniekworks fine :)
21:54.58ChannelZI think that is one thing that is lacking, is a clear setup guide.  The asterisk book is OK but some things are outdated and it doesn't always explain why you're doing something.
21:55.03niekniekofc you can do more stuff, but with prebuild packages u can't
21:55.11niekniekso it's a good compare :)
21:55.53niekniekI think a make simple-samples should be included
21:55.59raden_workok i have ncurses installed  'libncurses5' providing 'ncurses' is already installed.
21:56.00raden_workResolving package dependencies...
21:56.08raden_workconfigure: error: *** termcap support not found (on modern systems, this typically means the ncurses development package is missing)
21:56.20niekniekraden_work: apt-get build-dep asterisk
21:56.22raden_workI cannot figure out how i got around this before :(
21:56.29raden_workniekie, im on opensuse
21:56.39raden_workniekniek, im on opensuse
21:57.02niekniekmy girlfriend can call me niekie, dunno about u. ;)
21:57.09ChannelZBesides actually building * one document that should come with it is a "birds-eye view" of config and some FAQ stuff.. for instance I see right here multiple times a week people assuming a SIP device and an Extension are the same thing
21:57.18nieknieku need ncurses-dev probably
21:57.24ChannelZWhich * GUIs like freepbx are probably as much to blame for this
21:57.24niekniekif that's on opensuse
21:58.17niekniekyou know what i think is the problem
21:58.26niekniekall asterisk sites are not good
21:58.35niekniekmaybe it'll become something in the coming years
21:58.47niekniekbut until astricon 2009 they were not good
21:59.12niekniekit's crazy that for a lot of years contained better info then the asterisk site itself
22:00.16niekniekand is not like a book, it's like a huge amount of info... so that's no good either
22:02.29raden_workChannelZ, Im going to work on a document 3-5 pages in PDF for asterisk install and simple setup with SIP device and explain things in elementary term the company is making me make a book on how to setup all this step by step anyway
22:02.58niekniekwell sounds good, will it be on the internet?
22:03.20raden_workon my site in a few weeks
22:03.37raden_worki need to register a domain again and put up all my howtos
22:04.00niekniekare there places for this stuff on the asterisk site?
22:04.10raden_worki dunno
22:04.26raden_workI think if we all worked together we could make a nice 5-10 page manual :)
22:04.30raden_worksave people alot of time :)
22:04.37raden_worksave alot of frusteration in the channel :)
22:04.52raden_workfinally a build
22:06.03niekniekif somebody could put up a wiki somewhere
22:06.04raden_workpeople get overwhelmed by big books
22:06.24niekniekguidelines: 2 phones calling eachother, max 5 pages
22:06.30raden_workI think a PDF to follow would be best just me thought
22:06.30nieknieklike that?
22:06.35raden_workyeah :)
22:06.45raden_workand a link to your sip provider
22:06.57niekniekand a database backend ;)
22:07.01raden_worknothing to complicated the basics to get a person up and running
22:07.13raden_workand explain things
22:07.34niekniekbtw good guide on sip:'s_guide_to_SIP
22:07.54niekniekjust when you think you start to dig sip you discover you don't
22:08.01niekniekso i'm reading this...
22:08.30raden_workTTSSUSA-1000:/home/tss/SOURCE/asterisk- # make menuselect
22:08.30raden_workmake: Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 3e+06 s in the future
22:08.31raden_work**** The configure script must be executed before running 'make'.
22:08.31raden_work****               Please run "./configure".
22:08.37raden_workmake: *** [makeopts] Error 1
22:09.00raden_worki reran ./configure 2x
22:10.31niekniekso the date on your pc is correct right? :)
22:11.50raden_workit fell back was just looking at that WTF bios battery probally dead
22:12.04nieknieklol :)
22:12.32raden_workhow do i setup so reads nts from console ?
22:12.35niekniekor suse is weird stuff with the hardware clock
22:12.43raden_workthat true
22:12.50raden_workyeah i want it to read ntp
22:12.57niekniekntp doesn't work?
22:14.05raden_worknow it working
22:15.49raden_workok ntp working but no time update
22:17.22niekniekwhat do u mean no time update/
22:17.32niekniekit says it did it but it didn't?
22:20.28*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
22:26.59*** join/#asterisk naif (
22:27.30naifhi all, how to create a cli matching with a regexp? now i have exten => _X.,n,While($[${CLI}='333123451']) but would like to match 333*****
22:27.37naifwith a prefix based approach
22:29.29*** join/#asterisk niekvlessert (
22:31.19ChannelZcore show function REGEX
22:36.42*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
22:39.08*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
22:40.58*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
22:41.37raden_workok how do i make it sooo my clock updates off ntp ?
22:42.21raden_workntpdate is correct
22:42.23raden_workdate is wrong
22:42.47raden_workI got it ran through yast
22:42.59raden_workwas set to read hardware clock only
22:43.18niekvlessertsee hwclock stuff
22:43.23niekvlessertcan be annoying :(
22:43.39niekvlessertgo opensuse! ;)
22:44.15raden_workthis is turned into the longest asterisk install ive ever done
22:50.20raden_workwow 9 dependencie issues so far
22:50.25raden_worki can run make now yeah !
22:53.15*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
22:57.11raden_work1.5 GB of dual channel ram per asterisk server enough ram ??? on P4 2.8 w/ hyperthreading
22:58.14ChannelZThat's a completely arbitrary question
22:58.27etfonhomeyHow many concurrent calls?  What type?  What codec(s)? etc.
22:58.30raden_workumm how do i exit CLI ??? exit no work
22:59.00raden_work100 concurrent calls in 50% g.711 50% g.729 and only trascode is voicemail
22:59.11raden_workthat not work either
22:59.19ErestarCtrl + C ?
22:59.28ChannelZthis is an asterisk console?
22:59.47raden_work*CLI> core show version
22:59.48raden_workAsterisk built by root @ TTSSUSA-1000 on a i686 running Linux on 2010-02-07 22:45:40 UTC
22:59.52ErestarIs there a way to change where asterisk looks for sound files?
23:00.00raden_workChannelZ, i cant get out
23:00.02ChannelZis it the root process or did you connect to a background process with asterisk -r ?
23:00.06raden_work1.6.0.10 its exit
23:00.19raden_workoh shit
23:01.08raden_workwhy is rc_asterisk not in services ?
23:01.23raden_workhow do i start asterisk ?
23:03.13ChannelZyou might need/want to run 'make config' to install startup scripts
23:03.14raden_workwhat the best way to set it up so it starts everytime i boot
23:04.06raden_workbueatiful :)
23:04.37moldyraden_work: most distributions have /etc/rc.conf
23:04.40*** join/#asterisk atis_home (~atis@
23:04.57raden_workmoldy, well gotta love suse it has about 3 different ways todo things :(
23:05.17moldyraden_work: did you install asterisk "manually" or using the suse package manager?
23:05.39raden_workmoldy, manually
23:05.51raden_workopensuse asterisk RPM = LMFAO
23:05.54moldyraden_work: /etc/rc.conf is probably the simplest way, then
23:06.02raden_worki have better things todo than argue with my system
23:06.06raden_workmake config did it all :)
23:06.08raden_workall good : )
23:06.13moldyraden_work: alternatively, you can write your own init script and put it in /etc/init.d
23:06.25moldyraden_work: i don't know suse, but i'm pretty confident this should work on suse
23:07.38ManxPower-worknot menuconfig?
23:07.55ManxPower-workOh, well I guess I need to scroll to the end of the scrollback butter.
23:07.59ManxPower-workand the buFFer too.
23:08.40ChannelZI'd like some scrollback butter
23:08.46ManxPower-workIt's a good idea to make config for both asterisk and zaptel/dahdi when you upgrade your versions.
23:09.10*** part/#asterisk niekvlessert (
23:09.59ManxPower-workthere have been changes to those config files that caused problems if you used the old init scripts with the new software (I've personally experienced this with zaptel/dahdi init scripts.
23:10.24raden_workok my usb stick not showing up in /proc/partitions any ideas ?
23:10.29raden_workthe light flashing on the drive
23:10.34raden_workit just worked in the other server
23:11.02Chainsawraden_work: Check dmesg for clues.
23:12.00p3nguinraden_work: If you don't have the init script, you can always copy it right out of the sources: cp $astsource/contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk /etc/init.d/asterisk
23:12.12raden_work[10122.905266] usb 1-5: USB disconnect, address 4
23:12.32raden_workp3nguin, thanks make config made it, so its all good : 0
23:13.24raden_workok 2 identical machines 2 indentical os's and for some reason one cannot seem to pickup my usb stick
23:14.12raden_work[ 4281.244173] usb-storage: device found at 4
23:14.12raden_work[ 4281.244178] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
23:14.12raden_work[ 4282.250431] usb-storage: device scan complete
23:14.12raden_work[10122.905266] usb 1-5: USB disconnect, address 4
23:14.14raden_workany ideas ?
23:15.04ChannelZFlakey port?
23:15.15raden_worktried 3 different ones
23:15.20raden_worklight on the stick is coming on
23:16.07[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: same key, 3 ports, 1 PC?
23:16.41p3nguinPlug it into the other computer again and make sure it still works there.
23:16.43raden_work[TK]D-Fender, correct, usb worked on other identical machine fine....   and im using a USB keyboard and mouse on machine it failig on
23:16.48raden_workp3nguin, ok
23:17.23ChannelZIs it formatted as something crazy?
23:17.45p3nguinFile system won't prevent the kernel from recognizing the device.
23:18.06raden_workok wtf
23:18.08ChannelZIt looks like it is seeing it but turning around and disconnecting it.
23:18.20ChainsawSounds to me like you don't have USB mass storage support.
23:18.21*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
23:18.33ChainsawDon't overthink it. It has nothing to do with file systems or bad ports. It tells you when it cuts power to a bad port.
23:18.56ChannelZCould it be squirrels?
23:19.07ChannelZSquirrels ruin everything
23:19.28raden_workok just popped it in my linux desktop here and it works fine
23:19.45raden_worknot working on other 2 machines now for some odd reason format is ntfs
23:20.10raden_workusually i just check /proc/partitions and mount from there
23:20.17raden_workis there any other way todo it ?
23:20.39Chainsawraden_work: zgrep CONFIG_USB_STORAGE /proc/config.gz | head -n1
23:20.48Chainsawraden_work: I expected that to return "not set"
23:21.13p3nguinshould be 'm'
23:21.45ChainsawIt's 'y' here.
23:22.25raden_workTTSSUSA-1000:/ # zgrep CONFIG_USB_STORAGE /proc/config.gz | head -nl
23:22.26raden_workhead: l: invalid number of lines
23:22.36p3nguin-n 1
23:22.40p3nguinen one
23:22.44raden_work# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG is not set
23:25.26raden_workwhy does the device keep disconnecting ?
23:26.09moldybroken device? not enough power?
23:26.33moldycheap usb hub?
23:27.12raden_workplugged right into mobo
23:27.21raden_workthey keyboard and everything else is working
23:27.39raden_workdevice works fine on win 7 and opensuse box at my desk
23:28.40raden_worktried another stick same issue
23:31.04moldyusb-port broken?
23:36.17raden_workok after like 3 min of sitting it just appeared in partitions ?
23:38.17p3nguinYou're in luck, then.  It isn't broken!
23:38.41raden_workwhy it take sooo long ?
23:40.05ChannelZit was busy uploading everything to a pirate torrent site
23:48.24*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
23:48.56raden_work52 C acceptable for a P4 2.8 @ full load  ?
23:50.45p3nguinWhat's that in F?
23:51.32p3nguinThat's not very hot at all, then.
23:51.43moldy52°C is ok
23:51.47p3nguinI run my Core2 Quad far hotter than that.  Like 80C.
23:52.16raden_workmy quad runs at 38 C full load
23:52.26raden_work80 OMG
23:53.03p3nguinI have a Q9550 clocked at 3.40 GHz.
23:53.58p3nguinI admit that I need a better cooler for it.
23:54.32p3nguinThe stock one can't handle when the sun is shining in plus I have a load.
23:54.36raden_workall that power for console ?
23:54.46p3nguinconsole what?
23:54.51raden_workyou know what thermal spec on them are ???
23:55.00raden_workp3nguin, i thought you werent a gui guy
23:55.03p3nguinI'm talking about my desktop computer.
23:55.10raden_workwindows box ?
23:55.16p3nguinfuck no.
23:55.59raden_work70 C max temp
23:56.06raden_worki cannot believe its stable at 80
23:56.17raden_workand normally the CPU start stepping at them temps
23:56.23p3nguinThe thermal alarm sounds at that temp.
23:56.47raden_workthats insane !
23:56.52p3nguinI'm planning to move my computer away from the window pretty soon.
23:57.06raden_workid get a solid copper heatsink :)
23:57.15raden_workbrought our server temp down 16 C
23:57.26raden_workI cant even hear it run now
23:57.38raden_worksooo quiete slow fan and big copper heat sink :)
23:57.57p3nguinI'm going to put that on it.
23:58.52p3nguinI have at least one case fan that needs replaced, too.
23:59.40raden_workthat should do the trick
23:59.44raden_workmy issue is hard drive heat
23:59.54raden_worknever putting 8 drives in mid tower in raid 10 again

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