IRC log for #asterisk on 20100130

00:02.37*** join/#asterisk jakent (
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00:09.30*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (
00:10.38p3nguinI haven't seen a flake of snow all day.
00:12.48jayteeme neither, I've seen a few flakes but those were just people I work with
00:24.13*** part/#asterisk pkecastillo (n=pirruar@
00:27.08*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
00:30.12*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
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00:30.19sudhir492Hi All
00:30.45sudhir492Can anyone tell me when to use OpenSER with asterisk?
00:32.02voipmonkWhen u have a crapload of deviceto keep track of
00:32.07voipmonkOr load balancing
00:32.34voipmonkOr fill in the blank
00:33.24*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
00:33.32sudhir492Can you elaborate about load balancing
00:38.23*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
00:42.40*** join/#asterisk ktwilight_ (
01:06.32*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
01:24.28*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:33.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
01:36.00*** join/#asterisk normaldotcom (
01:48.38*** join/#asterisk moy (
01:49.22normaldotcomhello, my asterisk server is able to ring extensions when an incoming number rings, but extensions cannot dial other extensions. When extensions dial anything, logs state 'call rejected because extension not found'
01:50.21jayteenormaldotcom, then your extensions are missing from your dialplan
01:50.58jayteenormaldotcom, are you running standard asterisk or asterisknow with freepbx
01:51.07normaldotcomstandard asterisk
01:51.28jayteepastebin your sip.conf and extensions.conf files masking passwords
01:51.35infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
01:52.37normaldotcomwill do. I'm also using asterisk-gui, so things are a bit convoluted
01:53.27jayteethat's why then.
01:53.45jayteeasterisk-gui isn't supported in this channel
01:54.06normaldotcomah, is there a more appropriate channel for discussing asterisk-gui related issues?
01:54.29jayteeand it uses the users.conf file instead of having extensions in extensions.conf
01:54.46normaldotcomheads over to #asterisk-gui, thanks
01:55.50jayteenormaldotcom, looks like the channel isn't there anymore
01:56.03jayteemost people are using freepbx nowadays that use a gui
01:56.59normaldotcomhmm, I'll look into that
01:57.28jayteeit will limit your flexibility. it trades power for ease of use
02:01.47*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:03.15[TK]D-FenderAsterisk GUI = unsupported jsut about period
02:03.52[TK]D-Fendernormaldotcom: pastebin your users.conf masking only passwords, along with your extensions.conf and CLI output with SIP DEBUG enabled
02:13.19*** join/#asterisk hluesea (n=hulusika@
02:16.10normaldotcom[TK]D-Fender: (users.conf) and (extensions.conf), (output)
02:23.00[TK]D-Fendernormaldotcom: I said with SIP DEBUG : help sip
02:28.25p3nguinSystem() returns APPERROR, but that isn't a SYSTEMSTATUS reported in core show application System.  Where should I look for info on how to analyze the problem?
02:29.15ManxPower-workp3nguin: The source code, unfortunately.
02:33.50*** join/#asterisk aidinb (n=Aidin@
02:34.00p3nguinShould System() normally handle a pipe in the command?  System(/bin/echo "Please see attachment" | /usr/bin/mutt -s "New Fax" -a /var/spool/asterisk/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif -- fax-manager)
02:35.10*** join/#asterisk etnos (
02:48.05Kattyme and riddick are having a blast in the yard :P
02:48.26[TK]D-Fendernormaldotcom: pastebin your sip.conf as well please
02:48.52Kattyp3nguin: you're missin some mighty fine snow!!
02:48.55Kattygoes back outside
02:49.08p3nguinStill haven't seen a single flake.
02:49.45*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
02:50.47*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:51.08*** join/#asterisk pawz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:52.58[TK]D-Fendernormaldotcom: Looking for 1001 in, (domain <--- somehow your sip config picked up "," as the target context name.  Check your settings, bu
02:53.08[TK]D-Fendernormaldotcom: Something looks whacked
02:55.10normaldotcomi'm thinking that it might be better for me to switch to freepbx, as I don't have much experience with asterisk and I don't need many advanced features
02:56.02Kattyokay, i'[m done. i can't feel my toes
02:56.47Kattyp3nguin: enjoy the show? :P
02:57.19*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (
02:57.24p3nguinIt wasn't bad.  Not much happened, though.
02:57.43Kattywhat were you expecting? a parade? ;)
02:57.56p3nguinI had no expectations.
02:58.14[TK]D-Fendernormaldotcom: Or you could learn the little it takes to do it yourself your way
02:59.14*** join/#asterisk Cain` (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:00.17Kattyriddick wanted back outside
03:01.19p3nguinI was going to tell you that you forgot your dog.
03:01.31Kattylol he's stuck
03:03.12*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (n=dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
03:03.32Kattytoo funny
03:03.42Kattyat least he tells me when he's stuck
03:05.24normaldotcom[TK]D-Fender: thanks haha, just got it fixed, my domain setting was messed up
03:07.39Kattyp3nguin: oh! i found a new bird today.
03:07.40*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
03:07.47Kattyp3nguin: a chipping sparrow
03:08.10p3nguinThe only one I saw was a cardinal.  Everything else was in the rodent family.
03:08.49Kattya lot of the birds just stay down in the yard, picking up what the squirrels drop
03:09.04Kattyi know it's difficult to actually determine breeds from the webcam
03:09.24Kattythe only thing that gave it away was the bird was visiting the fruit baskets and the suet....something i've never seen the other sparrows do
03:09.39Kattyso i got my binoculurs and had an even closer look....which revealed a red crown (=
03:16.49*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
03:24.23*** join/#asterisk pawz (
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03:48.39Kattysearches for life
03:48.59Kattypokes around
03:51.32ChannelZThe best at what/?
03:51.58[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Summoning potions.
03:55.38*** join/#asterisk pawz_ (
03:55.47*** part/#asterisk fozzmoo (n=fozz@
03:55.53ManxPower-workCardinals are totally crazy birds.
03:56.27ManxPower-workI used to have one that would over and over again fly directly into the reflection in my window when the sun was at the right angle.  Lasted for about an hour each day.
03:56.44Kattythat's hilarious
03:56.49ChannelZI've had that, though I dunno if it was a cardinal
03:57.01ManxPower-work*thunk*  A few mins latter *thunk*  a few mins latter *thunk*.
03:57.03ChannelZdamn thing woke me up, banging into the window about once every 3 seconds
03:57.18ChannelZI think he was horny and attacking himself as competition
03:59.51Kattycan't say i've ever had that happen, but i know my parents have
04:01.04ChannelZHe flew into my bedroom window so hard once while I was asleep, it scared the shat out of me.  Then a couple of days later he was at it again at a living room window
04:01.20ChannelZThen that was it.  I half wonder if he finally broke his neck on someone else's window
04:01.26Kattywas there light coming from the opposite side?
04:01.49ChannelZperpendicular to the window, yeah propably
04:02.12Kattyi've read that migrating birds who don't know the landscape well can easily get confused if they see light coming from a certain direction
04:02.44Kattythat would explain why it stopped
04:02.49ChannelZalthough each window is on a different side of the house.. bedroom faces south, living room was west.  The blinds were closed on both so I imagine it made it more mirror-like since there was nothing of any detail that could be seen through the window
04:02.52Kattyif mister birdy was migrating
04:03.13Kattywho knows then
04:03.24ChannelZyeah.  Maybe he was just a retard
04:03.35Kattybird brains.
04:03.39Kattyfeather heads.
04:03.51ChannelZbird flu
04:08.55Kattytweet fever?
04:14.33*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:22.47ChannelZargh this is ridiculuous
04:22.55ChannelZyou can't turn off echo cancellation in Skype
04:25.58*** join/#asterisk girlny (
04:27.19coppiceskype works with those sound card where echo cancellation cannot, so if you can't turn it off it must have some automatic turn off mechanism
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04:37.11ManxPower-work"echo cancellation" usually referrers to echo caused on the far end analog loop and must be done at the PSTN/VoIP conversion point.  "acoustic echo cancellation" is what we usually call the EC that's done for a speakerphone (or computer mic + speakers), that has to be done at the speaker+mic/VoIP conversion point.
04:38.50ChannelZyeah.  If I call my * via Skype (SFA on the * side) and do an Echo() and hum into the mic on my headset, skype sees the return audio as echo (which in this case it is) and tries to cancel it.. so it phases in and out
04:40.06ChannelZNormally this isn't a big problem, but if both sides are on a headset and there is no "real" echo occurring, it will often get confused if you're speaking and someone speaks over you a bit, causing your skype to think their voice is yours echoing.
04:40.11ManxPower-workIt should not see it as echo.  The latency should be far too high.
04:42.07ChannelZIt doesn't much for short words, but if you go 'uhhhhhh' or something it does since it's a constant sound
04:43.05ManxPower-worksounds like half duplex, not EC
04:43.15ChannelZApparently there was an API call to shut it off but they disabled it.
04:43.40*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
04:50.04coppicethat's not echo cancellation. sound more like some kind of odd AGC action
04:50.43ChannelZThat you CAN turn off but no difference.
04:51.16ChannelZIf I just record my stream (leave myself voicemail for instance) it's fine
04:55.29*** join/#asterisk Raden (n=Raden@
05:01.16*** join/#asterisk philm (
05:01.47ChannelZoh hai
05:02.24philmI have a problem I'm working on
05:03.08philmI'm trying to setup a conference call with 3 user (admin, user 1, user2)
05:04.05ChannelZis that the problem?
05:04.40philmI want the admin to talk to user1 and listen to user2, but not let user2 talk to user1
05:04.48philmAny ideas?
05:05.49ChannelZsend user2 into the conference as listen only
05:06.13ChannelZor does user2 get to talk to admin?
05:06.26philmUser2 talks to the admin
05:06.37ChannelZthat's complicated
05:07.55philmIt's like spy(listen) on user2, and talk to user1 from the admin's view
05:08.33*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
05:10.26ChannelZwell I guess that would be the way if there's just 3 parties involved, user2 would ChanSpy on admin's channel with whisper mode.. at least I think
05:12.28philmSo if the call is bridges, I can use chanspy to listen to the call, and whisper to only one end?
05:13.04philmThat might work. Thanks for you help.
05:13.17philmThanks for the help.
05:13.42ChannelZgood luck
05:24.30ManxPower-workNashville has 6" - 8" of snow right now.  Sucks to be them
05:34.23coppiceManxPower-work: its down to 25C here right now. winter is a time for suffering
05:35.15ManxPower-workcoppice: practically freezing there in HK. 8-|
05:35.56p3nguinOkay, so still no idea why System() chokes.
05:38.21*** join/#asterisk fofware (n=chatzill@
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06:33.03*** join/#asterisk benngard (
06:33.51mmlj4HK? neat
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06:57.24ManxPower-workwaves to mmlj4
07:02.49mmlj4waves back
07:02.56mmlj4HK as in Hong Kong?
07:05.00benngardmorning folks
07:11.04ChannelZhi and bye
07:11.10*** join/#asterisk benngard (
07:11.14benngardcan someone plz go to one of our offices and answer my call plz ;)
07:14.55*** join/#asterisk benngard (
07:17.09ChannelZCan you stay connected for more than 30 seconds?
07:17.21benngardi wish i could
07:17.36benngardblame telia (my adsl supplier)
07:51.44*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
07:55.18*** join/#asterisk benngard (
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08:00.37*** join/#asterisk _zen_ (
08:09.20*** join/#asterisk compassiontara (
08:12.22compassiontarahi everyone. I upgraded to ubuntu 8.04 and gdb says Program exited with code 01. (I don't have another asterisk running)
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08:23.40benngardis trying to figure out how "connected line info" i working... is there some readme/doc/howto?
08:24.52*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:28.16ChannelZcompassiontara: are you running packaged asterisk or did you build it yourself?
08:28.37compassiontaraChannelZ: the pacakged asterisk
08:28.53benngardsetup: h323 phone - avaya - ooh323 - asterisk sip phone(s), h323 phone calls a sip phone, sip phone answer, display of h323 phone changes to "name of sip phone" in my case Magnus Benngard, but when sip phone calls another sip phone, no changes on the display...
08:29.15ChannelZhmm not sure then
08:29.26compassiontarapbx.c:2968 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'VMAuthenticate'
08:29.36compassiontarathat is the last line I get before it exits.
08:34.31compassiontaraChannelZ: yea, i don't know either obviously :(
08:51.41*** join/#asterisk infobot (
08:51.41*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/01/15), Asterisk (2010/01/15), (2010/01/15), 1.4.29 (2010/01/15), *-Addons (2009/12/18), (2009/12/02), (2009/12/02), 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels
08:52.35timahvo1Hi people
08:53.18timahvo1I can't seem to get asterisk to ignore incoming calls
08:54.16ChannelZtrace cord to computer, pull cord
08:54.36*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
08:54.52ChannelZWorks every time.  Guaranteed.
08:54.58compassiontaraasterisk -X 'stop now' would do it as well, but then it wouldn't be running asterisk either :P
08:55.08*** join/#asterisk scardinal (~supreme@
08:55.22timahvo1after I hit ignore (on a softphone) the call gets respawned and indicates as originating from asterisk
08:56.01ChannelZPerhaps your dialplan is such that it occurs?  What does the console say is happening?
08:56.43*** join/#asterisk profxavier (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/neverblue)
08:57.39timahvo1ChannelZ: lemmie pastebin it
08:58.21*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
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09:03.08ChannelZplus that paste does not show enough (like what happens afterwards, where is it making the additional call)
09:03.09timahvo1ok lemmie get irssi set up on the box and pastebin whatever you need to help me , will just be a sec
09:03.52benngardpoor guy at our boras office, he has 033211118 internally we can just dial 118 to call him, 118118 in sweden is the number to dial when u wanna ask "who has a number" those who have mobiles with mex has to preped with a "*" so they dial *118118, np but for example friday night, then gonna call a cab, they are a little bit "drunk" so they dial 118118 without *, the poor boras guy has a mobile with mex so guess how many calls he get fr
09:06.17*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
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09:11.40compassiontarabenngard: haha Poor guy! :(
09:12.13*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (
09:14.37*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:15.53m0t3jlHi, I was wandering, is it possible (or is it wise) to mangle with the outgoing caller's id? Now, I am not talking about the actual number, I am talking about the name that goes with it. I was thinking about appending our company's name to it. So if the user is internally called John Smith, I would convert his name to John Smith (Company Inc.). Is this just a stupid idea? Thanks a lot ;)
09:15.58timahvo1ChannelZ, ok am setup so what do you need ?
09:17.22ChannelZm0t3jl: are you on a PRI?  you may not even have the capability to change the CID - there is also a length limit
09:19.40m0t3jlChannelZ, well, to be honest, I don't even know that many about the technologies involved, I just thought it would look good if the receiving party saw our employees' name together with the company's name instead of just our SIP phone number ;).
09:20.25*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
09:21.00ChannelZwell if you're on a PRI you might be able to change it yourself;  If you're using an ITSP, they may or may not allow you to change it.  And I think the max length is for the name is something piddly like 16 characters
09:22.48m0t3jlChannelZ, oh...
09:23.52m0t3jlChannelZ, pitty there are still such funny limitations like 16-character-long id in the 21st century :(...
09:24.13ChannelZyou just have to check with your provider.  I suppose some might let you change the name but still enforce the number
09:25.00ChannelZWell in the analog world caller ID is transmitted before or between rings so there's a limited amount of time to transmit
09:25.14m0t3jlChannelZ, the number is okay, I want the called party to see the number, I just though it would look better if the called party saw not only the user's name, but also our company ;)
09:26.21m0t3jlChannelZ, it would be better to allow like 80-character-long name for SIP2SIP calls and trim it for SIP2Analogue line calls.
09:27.29ChannelZa certain amount of that does happen
09:29.36timahvo1ChannelZ, and when I make an incoming call from an outside line this is what I get even after I hit Ignore
09:29.36m0t3jlChannelZ, yes, but still, pitty ;)
09:29.52timahvo1ChannelZ, and it keeps ringing
09:31.40ChannelZtimahvo1: Oh.  You never Answer() the call.
09:32.28ChannelZAs far as Asterisk is concerned, Hangup() does nothing because the channel was never picked up in the first place.  So as far as the telco is concerned, the line is still ringing
09:33.08timahvo1ChannelZ, ah ok
09:33.17ChannelZI'm also not sure what you're doing with the wierd arguments to Hangup but that's unrelated
09:33.59timahvo1ChannelZ, yeah I've removed the extra arguments , was an error on my part
09:34.27m0t3jltimahvo1, , I see a lot of examples when they sometimes use Answer, sometimes not. But in the Book it says that some commands do Answer by themselves, still they say it's a good habit to Answer anything first prior to doing something.
09:36.08m0t3jltimahvo1, some providers will terminate the call after some amount of seconds having not received the Answer even though you may be speaking on the line ;)
09:36.26ChannelZthough frankly the whole thing would be a little confusing to your caller.. they call, they hear the phone ring a couple of times, and then the call just terminates..
09:36.57m0t3jlChannelZ, +1
09:37.13timahvo1ideally what I would like is the user to see the caller ID then decide wheter to answer the call or ignore it
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09:37.49timahvo1problem is whenver I hit ignore on the softphone the call just gets respawned indicating callerid =asterisk
09:37.52ChannelZwhat happens if they ignore it?  You really want to just hang up on the person calling?
09:38.01timahvo1ChannelZ, yes
09:38.17ChannelZ..well ok then..
09:39.24timahvo1ChannelZ, so the first thing to do would be Answer instead of s,1,Dial(SIP/400) ?
09:39.46timahvo1ok lemmie try that
09:40.29m0t3jltimahvo1, although many examples just Dial, no Answer....
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09:40.52ChannelZm0t3jl: yes but as I said, you can't hang up on someone if you haven't picked them up first.
09:40.55m0t3jlChannelZ, is Dial one of the functions that Answers by themselves or not?
09:41.33ChannelZNo, not unless someone picks up the channel being Dialed, then it would bridge them and by proxy answer the first channel
09:41.39m0t3jlChannelZ, no no, I am just saying to Answer always even though there are many howtos that do not Answer ;)
09:42.29ChannelZThat works assuming you're going to either answer the call or just let it ring forever until the person gives up
09:42.29timahvo1ChannelZ, I follow your logic but think of it this way ....your cell phone starts ringing and you see the callerid and don't want to answer it ...
09:42.33m0t3jlChannelZ, that's what I though, so when it is not possible to connect the caller with the called party, the caller's call would not be picked up?
09:42.49timahvo1you can either let it ring or hit the call end button and terminate the call
09:43.00ChannelZtimahvo1: yeah.. I either let it ring until they give up or it goes to voicemail, or if I hit ignore the same thing happens
09:43.10mattwj2002hey guys
09:43.16ChannelZbut it doesn't just *click* and drop the caller
09:43.22mattwj2002I got my asterisk server running on a netbook
09:43.36timahvo1ChannelZ, but can't I hit ignore and the line goes dead on them ? (rude I know)
09:43.55m0t3jlChannelZ, I actually had one phone (was it Siemens?) that did not hang up when I hit ignore, but only stopped vibrations and any sound, so the caller would think I am just not answering ;)
09:43.56ChannelZYes, but you HAVE TO ANSWER() IN ORDER TO HANGUP() for the 5th time
09:44.39ChannelZm0t3jl: that's how it usually works, or it times out and goes to voicemail.
09:44.53m0t3jlChannelZ, it was a cell phone, actually, perhaps I should have mentioned that ;)
09:45.02ChannelZsame difference
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09:45.49timahvo1ChannelZ, is there any possible way to jump straight to ignore without answering first ?
09:45.55m0t3jlChannelZ, sometimes I think it's not so rude to let the caller hang up eventually as to hang up by myself ;)
09:46.03ChannelZtimahvo1: When someone calls in, the telco is sending you an indication as such, but * hasn't done anything with that yet.  It's just like your phone is ringing and ringing.
09:47.13ChannelZYou are then doing a Dial() to another channel.  But * has not done anything to the calling channel yet.  You then hit 'ignore' on your SIP phone which in your case goes on to a Hangup() in your dialplan.  But again, * has not 'picked up the phone' yet, but regardless, your dialplan terminates.
09:47.43ChannelZHowever the telco doesn't know anything about *, anything about your SIP phone, or that you hit ignore.  As far as it is concerned, the phone is still ringing
09:48.04ChannelZAnd that's exactly what is happening.  * sees the channel ringing, and the whole cycle starts over.
09:48.38ChannelZSo you have three choices.
09:48.42ChannelZ1. Live with it
09:48.52ChannelZ2. Answer() first
09:49.32ChannelZ3. Add an Answer(1000) as the first priority before doing a Hangup()
09:50.31m0t3jlI'd just go with Answer(),Dial(),GotoIf(STATUS is OK, 6),Playback(congestion),Congestion, Hangup()
09:50.42m0t3jlI am not sure about the GotoIf condition...
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09:51.18timahvo1ChannelZ m0t3jl  ok  guys thanks for the help , got a better idea of whats going on now
09:51.25ChannelZthat whole Goto thing seems over-done and unnecessary
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09:52.10ChannelZsince it doesn't look like you want voicemail, a simple system would just be to Answer, Dial, and Hangup.  Because when Dial comes back, it doesn't matter why.
09:53.09m0t3jlChannelZ, I just thought it would be better for the caller not to hear the congestion sound from my Asterisk, when the call has successfully finished ;)
09:53.19ChannelZSo don't play it
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09:53.57m0t3jlChannelZ, but then I wanted them to hear it when the Dial was unsuccessful (like the Ignore was hit) ;)
09:54.40ChannelZSo it rings, and then is suddenly busy?  That seems no less confusing than just dumping the call
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09:54.58ChannelZbut hey, this is why you can program it to do whatever the hell you want it to do
09:55.13ChannelZso have fun.  I'm finally going to bed
09:55.54timahvo1ChannelZ, think voicemail is the answer
09:55.59compassiontaraChannelZ: it was a config file, but I have NO idea which one.. :)
09:56.17ChannelZwhy did you switch them all at once?
09:56.29compassiontaraChannelZ: I got it all working.. Thanks for your help !!
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09:57.22m0t3jlChannelZ, perhaps you're right ;)
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10:21.05benngardyay, found i way to get clid working from avaya to asterisk
10:22.21benngardand connected call infoe works also from avaya to asterisk
10:24.11benngardhas alot of configuration to do but its worth it!
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11:04.38benngardbut why cant i get caller id to work on my avaya phone, it is working on my siemens :(
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12:59.24Ast001Hi, I want to be able to call ordinary phone with my xlite softphone through asterisk pbx and to be billed for talking but problem is that asterisk is writing in mysql cdr data everything from moment call starts (phone is ringing or is busy but billsec is counted) Any ideas what the problem might be ?
13:00.46Ast001it seems dahdi emidetely answers the call before called party pick up a phone.
13:07.05stelioskI am having an issue with received faxes over pri. The setup is E1->asterisk 1.2.31->Linksys PAP->Fax. Both sides say that the fax was send/received ok, but i get a lot of "faint" lines
13:07.08Ast001which leads to problem like calling party did not pick up or answer a call but asterisk wrote in cdr that call is answered by dahdi/1-1 and have billsec which should be 0 because I did not even talk to him because calling party did not answer
13:08.11stelioskplaying with rxgain in pri alot, found a threshold after which increasing it more results in broken pages
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14:07.03jayteemornin [TK]D-Fender
14:07.43jayteecold there?
14:08.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: jaytee A balmy -1F
14:09.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You?
14:09.21jayteemakes it look like a heatwave here at 16F
14:09.50[TK]D-Fenderwould cry... if it weren't for the risk of icicles forming off his lashes
14:10.02coppiceooh, nasty. its down to 24C right now
14:11.08jayteethe older I get the closer to the equator I want to be
14:11.25coppicejaytee: bangalore is nice
14:11.47[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Maui....
14:11.48jayteealthough being disgustingly rich and being able to afford to follow summer around the world would be nicer
14:12.23jayteebasking in the Maui Whitman, Price and Haddad. :-)
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14:17.00jayteeman, I'd love to get my hands around the neck of the bastard that wrote the Trojan.FakeAlert trojan.
14:17.56jayteeor the engineers at Symantec that maintain their worthless threatshield component
14:18.54coppicejaytee: venting on the bogus anti-malware makers makes a lot more sense than venting on the people who right malware
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14:20.05coppiceTrojan.FakeAlert is your friend. without these nasty programs to highlight security issues the people writing the really evil non-obvious stuff would get away with it
14:20.38jayteeespecially since Antimalware by Malwarebytes is supposedly written by a single developer, has a free version and manages to detect, quarantine and destroy most of the trojans I've come across compared to the high end corporate software like Symantec's that doesn't stop crap
14:20.58jayteecoppice, another good point
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14:45.20Kattylots of visitors this morning
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14:46.35Kattyhi monmk
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15:04.42benngardany using aastra rfp-32?
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15:26.47jayteeInternet Hitler's reaction to the iPad
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15:59.56p3nguinLooks like a mess of cardinals on the feeders.
16:00.20p3nguin(and the ground)
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16:08.07hackeronhey, I'm seeing this in syslog: asterisk[2923]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597 -- what does it mean?
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16:53.55tw56Hi can anyone help me with the following issue i'm having?
16:53.55wjsHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a trunk I'm trying to setup
16:54.55wjsI'm not able to get the trunk to get into any context's except the default
16:56.31wjsit is only going to from-sip-external
16:58.06p3nguinPaste your entire sip.conf into a pastebin.
17:00.21wjsmight be a bit tough bc of freepbx
17:02.46infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
17:03.29AkiraaIs it possible to do this with asterisk: password individual phones; i.e. when the phone rings, the user is prompted for a p/w, and only then is the call routed
17:04.52p3nguinYou want a user to have to enter a password on his ringing phone?
17:05.05p3nguinIf you don't get the password right, I can't talk to you?
17:05.16Akiraap3nguin: yes
17:09.03[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Of course.
17:09.10[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: "core show application dial"
17:10.08wjsIf needed I'll hop over to freepbx
17:11.09[TK]D-Fenderwjs: pastebin a failed call with SIP DEBUG enabled.
17:14.10dlynes_laptopAkiraa, yes, you can do whatever you would like
17:17.34wjslet me know if thats useful
17:17.44wjsthere are a few other trunks that are going up and down
17:17.55[TK]D-Fenderwjs: -- Found no matching peer or user for ''
17:18.09[TK]D-Fenderwjs: It isn't even matching your entry... which may also help to have a HOST line
17:18.45[TK]D-Fenderwjs: <- shouldn't shove a port on this
17:18.50[TK]D-Fender(for the other)
17:19.17[TK]D-Fenderwjs: [17327498416] <-  should have a "username=" filed in all likelyhood as well
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17:20.24wjschanges made, will test again
17:26.39[TK]D-FenderSofa king coal deer...
17:29.54wjsi'm not making much progress. Thanks for the help, i'll poke around the freepbx channel
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18:54.39[TK]D-Fendertosses a peanut into ChannelZ's gaping maw
18:54.43[TK]D-Fender3-Pointer! \o/
18:57.54ChannelZmmmmm peanutsssss
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19:13.29infobotanswers is, like, Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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19:35.41ruben23hi guys is it in a bad shape running asterisk with load average of 12.49..
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19:41.58carrarruben23, depends, got 32 processors?
19:43.05carrarwhy do high?
19:47.27ruben23carrar:im using AGi, conference and bulk calls
19:47.42carrarrunning anything else on the box?
19:48.25carrarAre you having audio problems?
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19:50.16*** join/#asterisk mpe ( having...choppy sounds on calls
19:50.44carrarWhat process is using the most resources?
19:51.01carrarHow many concurrent calls?
19:51.10carrardoing transcoding?
19:51.11ruben23i think the dialer system install.
19:51.26ruben23im using vicidial predicitive dialer
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19:51.50QbYif I mark my self as an admin entering a conference, why don't i get any of the menus--specifcally to mute all non-admins???
19:52.10ruben23so far my setup is i used softphnes with g729 codec then g729 codec alos on server.
19:52.34carrarSo you have to transcode?
19:53.24carrarno hardware transocding modules?
19:53.53carrartranscoding is gonna hit your system hard
19:54.03ruben23does my setup transcode..? g729 on user end and g29 on server end aslo on voip end..
19:54.07carrarif everycall has to do it
19:54.44carrarwhere is your dialtone coming from?
19:54.46ruben23there are no other codec used so are there transcoding
19:54.56ruben23form my asterisk server
19:55.15carrarasterisk server is the box with a load average of 12 righ?
19:55.31carrarso where is your dialtone coming from
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19:55.41carraraka provider
19:55.53ruben23form my voip carrier..
19:56.02carrarare they sending you g.729
19:56.11carrarare you sure
19:56.18ruben23its agreed to used g729 codec
19:56.24ruben23my channel are open for it
19:56.27carraryou'll need to check
19:56.29ruben23yeah sure
19:56.41carrarhow many concurrent calls
19:57.28ruben23ill cehck now
19:59.12ruben23around 60 calls
19:59.18carrarthats not that many
19:59.26carrarmight also need to talk to vicidial
19:59.44carraralso maybe see if you can make your AGI better/smaller/faster or compiled
19:59.57carrarHow fast of intels?
20:00.20ruben232.4 Ghz.
20:00.52carrardid you vrify you are not trasncoding
20:01.14ruben23i will verify it again now
20:01.37carraralso make sure any recordings you play back are also recording as 729 type audio files
20:01.44carrarotherwise you are transcoding to play wav files
20:03.30carrarthere you go
20:03.34carrarthats your killer
20:03.47carrarturn off recording and see what happens
20:03.52carraras a test
20:04.06ruben23i need the recordings
20:04.11carrarwritting to disk and trasncoding
20:04.27ruben23so typical my work around is
20:04.34ruben23increase my hardware specs
20:05.36carrarWhy do you have to use 729?
20:06.10carrarrecording takes a big hit
20:07.16carrardefinately think about going to SCSI 15k RPM drives
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20:07.28carrarand more processors
20:07.38ruben23im doing quad core
20:07.48ruben23xeon quad core
20:07.49carrardual quad
20:08.06ruben23are there anyways ways to minimize the effect.
20:08.19carrarWhat are your IO stats in vmstat?
20:08.32ruben23carrar: im doing quad core with 2 asterisk load balance.
20:08.45carrarvmstat 1 > binpaste that
20:08.54carrar20 seconds worth
20:08.57ruben23carrar: ok
20:09.51[TK]D-FenderRecording is fine.... transocding to do it LIVE is not.
20:09.56[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Change your format
20:11.30carraryeah I'd say increase cpu
20:12.10carrarIf you can make your software faster
20:12.26carrarmight also make sure you've stripped out all the debugging code to make it slightly faster
20:14.17carrarand lots of cpu being used
20:14.29carrardisc isn't heavy
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20:15.05carrarwell what makes cpu high is bulky code or code thats slow
20:15.08carrarbut yeah
20:15.17carrarsee if there are things that can speed up processing
20:15.57carrarmore cpu may or maynot fix it
20:16.14[TK]D-Fenderruben23: You aren't showing us the calls....
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20:18.27ruben23[TK]D-Fender:the call logs..?
20:18.34ruben23ill paste it now
20:25.05[TK]D-Fenderruben23: [Jan 31 04:21:30]     -- Executing [8309@default:2] Monitor("Local/58600051@default-6a45,1", "wav|JEN_20100130-152129_6318648111_TITAN") in new stack <- BAD
20:25.29[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Stop doing this live and your load will drop dramatically
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20:27.13ruben23[TK]D-Fender: i will test it, but my client requireds the recordings that the problem..
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20:29.37[TK]D-Fenderruben23: What part of "DON'T TRANSCODE YOUR RECORDINGS" are you having difficulty with?
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20:30.54Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure that transcoding is the problem
20:32.11[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: 60 calls transcoding & recording?
20:32.19[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: I'm sure its significant
20:32.36Corydon76-digYes, but the wav format is basically slin
20:32.52[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Still a G.739 decode on each
20:33.06Corydon76-digAh, yeah, that'll do it
20:33.13[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Far less load to do them individually after the call
20:33.32Corydon76-digBut the recording isn't a problem there.  They still have to be transcoded in order to mix.
20:34.15[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Yes, but 60 at a time all live = bad.  You could off-load the transcoding to another machine to "batch" them very easily
20:34.29Corydon76-digOr use a hardware transcoder
20:34.41[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: that would also help
20:34.56Corydon76-digNot batch, no.  They've gotta be live, in order to mix the sounds in the Meetme
20:35.00[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: My way is probably easy for him to do without investment however ;)
20:35.17[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: MeetMe?  Didn't see mention of that...
20:35.45Corydon76-digI'm seeing a ton of MeetMe in his log.
20:35.48[TK]D-FenderG729 + MeetMe = BAD :p
20:35.57[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Yeah, I missed the big print there :)
20:36.13[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Get a transcoding card... its worth it now :p
20:36.42ruben23[TK]D-Fender: any particular brand and model..?
20:36.46Corydon76-digOr frontend boxes to transcode the sound to ulaw prior to sending to the MeetMe machine
20:37.07Corydon76-digruben23: the Digium one is going to be the easiest to integrate into your setup
20:37.11carrarnever did say why he needed 729
20:37.50Corydon76-digcarrar: I'm not going to secondguess his relationship with his customers
20:37.59carrarI am :)
20:38.02ruben23carrar: i got limited bandwidth only..running in 2Mbps
20:38.30carrarthats not good either
20:38.50carrarYou might be hitting your upper bw limit
20:38.54ruben23thats why i prefer using g729
20:39.44carrarthats almost 2 megs
20:39.59carrarassuming you have a true 2 meg circuit
20:41.27carrarbut thats not the cause of your high cpu
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20:41.35carrarthat will be another issue
20:41.36mattwj2002hi guys
20:41.56mattwj2002well I got an asterisk server running on netbook
20:42.43mattwj2002it is pretty simple I have callwithus server hooked up to it right now and one softphone....not much to talk about.....eventually I want to hook up a Cisco 7960 to it
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20:42.49ruben23thats my samlple of my traffic
20:43.14carrarYou're graphs are always good aveages
20:43.22carrarbut not always exact
20:44.30carrarif you are doing 60 concurrent calls you are reaching the top end of your BW
20:45.04mattwj2002what do you have?
20:45.11carrarYou have a few things to fix
20:45.22carrar<ruben23> carrar: i got limited bandwidth only..running in 2Mbps
20:45.55ruben23carrar: ill be increasing to 4Mbps in time..
20:46.30[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Ok, here's a far better solution : use one * as a border server and do all the transcoding on that and all the ACTUAL work on a second server behind it in ALAW
20:47.29carrarand get that transcoding card on that border server
20:48.45ruben23[TK]D-Fender: this si not a type of load balance between to asterisk right..?
20:50.50[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Correct.  Single border server transcodes all inbound calls and sends to server #2 as ALAW.  Your local phones would all be switched to ALAW.  Your #2 server can do the meetme & recording rather easily
20:51.23[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Not really required... MeetMe was a super-killer.  60 transcodes on a border server isn't a big deal in SW
20:55.09*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
20:56.21[TK]D-Fenderruben23: that is... if you have the #2 server available already... if it comes to new equipement, the transcoding card idea may well be worth it
20:56.43[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Small task actually... just a question of equiment.  The work in setting up = negligable
20:57.24ruben23[TK]D-Fender: i have two asterisk noe doing load balance, i may change the other one into that setup..
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20:58.15ruben23[TK]D-Fender: what they do now, is they both transcode and share load on the concurretn calls generated.
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21:02.03[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Right now if G.729 hits each one doing the MeetMe then each is still getting hit pretty hard.
21:02.57ruben23[TK]D-Fender:yeah thats the situation now..
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21:18.24p3nguin[tk]d-fender: To get the call from the border server to the main server, would you simply Dial() to the other server?
21:21.09[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Just like any other call.
21:22.09p3nguinJust making sure, in case I ever want to try something like that.
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21:33.35p3nguinWhen is the approprite time to use Transfer() instead of Dial()?
21:35.56[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: When you are completely throwing the other call off of one, and onto another
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21:39.43jmcdowellhello all
21:40.23jmcdowellcan anyone tell me, please what a digitmap / dial plan needs to look like to dial 9 to get out, and have it append 1xxx-xxx-xxxx to the SIP provider?
21:40.30jmcdowellI am at a loss at this point.
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21:46.33carraron the phone use 9,[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx
21:46.42carraron asterisk append the +1
21:48.15carraras well as remove the 9
21:48.28carrar(if it comes through)
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21:53.49jmcdowellI have to dial 1 314 555 5555 to dial a number
21:53.54jmcdowellwill that work?
21:54.20jmcdowellshouldn't it look like that?
21:55.01carrar[2-9]xxx would give you 4 diigits
21:55.19carrarfirst digit being 2-9
21:55.26jmcdowellthat has to be a good read out there on this
21:55.31jmcdowellall the stuff I have read is crap.
21:55.39carrarit's pretty standard
21:55.52jmcdowellstandard or not, I don't have a grasp on it.
21:56.07carrarI think there is a good part in the polycom admin guide
21:56.34jmcdowellSo, funny thing..
21:56.39jmcdowellThese are polycom phones
21:56.47jmcdowelland I will never recomend them to anyone agian.
21:57.28jmcdowellWhen I try and dial out, it strips off the last 2 digits evertime, even though I erased their dial plan using provisioning.
21:57.41carrarpolycom has probably the best phone out there
21:57.44carrarbetter learn them
21:57.51jmcdowellI love their quality
21:57.57jmcdowellhate their dial plan horse shit
21:58.10carrarYou probably have it misconfigured
21:58.24ManxPower-workjmcdowell: Dude, it's not the phone.  paste your dialplan
21:58.26carrarhave you taken the time to read through the admin guide?
21:58.34[TK]D-FenderNo, he DEFINITELY has it misconfigured
21:58.42QbYother than meetmeadmin() is there anyway to mute the entire conference--except admins, specifically from a admin user already dialed in's phone?
21:59.01ManxPower-workI asked for the phone dialplan several times yesterday when he was having problems.
21:59.06[TK]D-FenderQbY: Looka t AMI
21:59.29jmcdowellIt keeps putting the default plan back in no matter what I do.
21:59.35jmcdowellBut here it is..
21:59.35QbY[TK]D-Fender..  got a link?
22:00.06ManxPower-workjmcdowell: What file are you putting that in?
22:00.15ManxPower-workjmcdowell: are you using a GUI for Asterisk?
22:00.45[TK]D-FenderQbY: ...
22:00.46jmcdowellI am using the polycom xml provisioning files to program the phones.
22:00.49infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:00.51jmcdowellI can't get past the phones
22:01.01ManxPower-workjmcdowell: yes, but if you put that string in the wrong file it won't be used.
22:01.11[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: If you ever touched teh web interface, that overrides provisioning
22:01.17jmcdowellBUT I am using FreePBX behind that, but i am not getting past the phone.
22:01.19jmcdowellso hang on
22:01.31ManxPower-workjmcdowell: What version of the Polycom Firmware are you using?
22:01.35jmcdowellI will will tell you what xml file I am putting the dial plan in.
22:01.38ManxPower-workjmcdowell: do NOT configure the phone via FreePBX
22:01.41[TK]D-FenderQbY: Better docs in your tarball
22:01.58jmcdowellI can't configure the phone via freepbx that I knwo of.
22:01.59ManxPower-workjmcdowell: Wow, that's like older than dirt.  What phone model are you using?
22:02.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: not that bad
22:02.26trentcreekI installed asterisk from their yum repos, and now asterisk wants to load the modules from /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules, but they are all located in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules. Where is that changed?
22:02.43jmcdowellI am making the change in 0004f21a8803-phone.cfg
22:02.57ManxPower-workjmcdowell: that's the exact file you do not want to be making the changes in.
22:03.08ManxPower-workthat's the one file that the phone will overwrite.
22:03.09[TK]D-Fenderjmcdowell: DON'T.  That is the manual override file, not provisioning basic
22:03.23jmcdowellDamnet! I read that doc five times
22:03.30jmcdowellI thought for sure I had it right.
22:03.35ManxPower-workjmcdowell: would you like some sample config files?
22:03.47jmcdowellI would DEEPLY appreciate that.
22:04.00jmcdowellI need to read that DOC again thoguh
22:04.04ManxPower-workThe ones that I've been writing over the past couple of weeks.
22:04.09carrarshould be sip{MAX}.cfg
22:04.12ManxPower-workjmcdowell: standby.
22:04.14carrarnot phone{MAC}.cfg
22:04.20carrarerr MAC
22:04.21ManxPower-workcarrar: it should be whatever it's configured for.
22:04.31ManxPower-workall the config files are specified in 000000000.cfg
22:04.32carrarwell, the defaults anyway
22:04.57carrarif didn't massivly change the defaults from polycom
22:04.59jmcdowellmy 0000000.cfg is rather small
22:05.34jmcdowellIt doesn't contain a-lot
22:06.38jmcdowellI read and read and read, but can't seem to wrap my head around this polycom stuff
22:06.58carrarThere is always cisco phones ;)
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22:10.01ManxPower-workjmcdowell: I'm almost ready to give you the URL
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22:10.32jmcdowellSo sip.cfg is the file with all the changes for all the phones.
22:11.08ManxPower-worksip.cfg should never be changed or it will make future firmware upgrades a total headache
22:11.16jmcdowellxpot"sip.cfg contains parameters which will apply
22:11.17jmcdowellto all phones in an installation such as the preferred voice codec."
22:11.38jmcdowelltheir documentation sucks
22:11.44jayteei put overrides to any settings in sip.cfg in my local-settings.cfg file
22:12.17jayteeand that comes before my sip.cfg file in my 000000000000.cfg file in the files section so it gets applied first
22:12.59jayteeand manx is right, you should never make changes to sip.cfg
22:13.47jmcdowelli need a map of what happens when these things try and provision
22:14.04jmcdowellTheir own documentation controdicts it's self.
22:14.15jayteethat's in the white paper or the SIP Admin guide, but since you think their documentation sucks that probably won't help
22:15.12jmcdowellSo.. From their own documentation.. "Create a local phone file for each phone containing only the parameters that you want to change. For example, 0004f2000607_phone1.cfg" < -- Is that correct?
22:15.26ManxPower-workread the provisioning config file whitepaper
22:15.34jmcdowellThat is what I am reading
22:15.38jmcdowellthat is where that came from.;
22:15.47ManxPower-workjmcdowell: now look at the examples I just sent you.
22:15.53jmcdowellhang on
22:16.22ManxPower-workjmcdowell: you can't use them direct, they have options only in 3.x firmware
22:17.21jmcdowellBut I can use the same concept, right
22:17.28jmcdowellthe 0000000000.cfg never changes
22:17.38ManxPower-workbut pay special attention to the 0000000.cfg.   no, the 000000.cfg DOES change
22:17.46jmcdowelland then the <mac>-phone.cfg per phone "changes"
22:18.04ManxPower-workThe 000000000.cfg is what tells the phone where the rest of it's config files to load.
22:18.21jmcdowellbut it doesn't have phone specific changes
22:18.36jmcdowell<mac>-phone.cfg per phone "changes" that I would like to make.
22:18.48ManxPower-workyou don't need MAC-phone.cfg anymore.
22:18.59ManxPower-workwell, at least in reasonably modern bootroms.
22:19.22jmcdowellit's in your tar ball
22:19.28jmcdowellwith minimal changes
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22:19.30jmcdowellbut it's there.
22:19.45ManxPower-workfrom my config file:  Phone loads the overide file, then loads the files on order from left to right with the left most file taking highest priority
22:20.07tw56Hey people. Can anyone help me with an misdn issue i have with a quadbri card. For some reason the connection hangs when i try to call out and i can't figure out why
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22:20.17ManxPower-worklocal-sip.cfg I use for things specific to that PBX.   pbxmax-sip.cfg I use for stuff I want to change from the defaults for ALL PBXs
22:21.09ManxPower-workjmcdowell: you can name the config files almost anything you want.  The phone knows what the file names are because you specify them in 0000000000.cfg
22:23.38jmcdowellright and it will not overwrite your <mac>-phone1.cfg
22:27.45tw56does anyone have any experience with misdn?
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22:46.47tw56I have figured out the outgoing but for some reason incomming doesn't work
22:46.51tw56i get the problem "received 1k Unhandled Bchannel Messages"
22:46.55tw56on the port
22:46.57tw56any ideas?
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22:53.36trentcreekI installed asterisk from their yum repos, and now asterisk wants to load the modules from /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules, but they are all located in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules. Where is that changed, or can I just copy them over?
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23:04.44trentcreekI installed asterisk from their yum repos, and now asterisk wants to load the modules from /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules, but they are all located in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules. Where is that changed, or can I just copy them over?
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23:06.35*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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23:07.02ruben23hi what happened..?
23:07.49ChannelZnetwork throwup
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23:13.04ruben23wehre are the big guys..?
23:16.19Corydon76-digBig guys?  Fetish?
23:16.22p3nguinI guess that depends on whom you are referring to.
23:18.01ruben23there you are guys..:-D
23:19.00*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
23:20.23ruben23asterisk experts i mean..
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23:20.47ChannelZwhatever that is
23:21.09insanet[1]dispositionstring does not work with cdr_mysql?
23:22.52Corydon76-digNice.  Ask a question, then don't stick around for the answer
23:28.32*** join/#asterisk insanet[1] (~insanet@
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23:30.50insanet[1]does dispositionstring=no  in cdr_mysql is working with asterisk 1.4 ? or it was never intended to work with cdr_mysql ?
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23:33.04*** join/#asterisk NicoleMun (
23:33.09p3nguinDoes A2Billing take over confs similar to how FreePBX does?
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23:41.35dlynes_laptopp3nguin, most billing softwares (not familiar with a2billing) usually require you to install a custom module as well
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23:41.53dlynes_laptopp3nguin, but taking over the configs is not usually something they do
23:42.20p3nguinI didn't notice any module, but I didn't specifically look for one, either.
23:46.21dlynes_laptopp3nguin, yeah...I just remember running into that with at least one billing system
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23:46.43dlynes_laptopp3nguin, i think it might have even been a2billing...but I tried a2billing about 3 years ago, when it wasn't terribly useful
23:47.06dlynes_laptopp3nguin, a lot can change in three years
23:47.22p3nguinI'm wanting to put it on my personal system, but I'm not wanting to break anything by doing so.
23:47.55dlynes_laptopp3nguin, only way to be 100% guaranteed of that, without a shadow of a doubt, is to write your own, then :)
23:48.13p3nguinI'm not a programmer, so that won't be happening.
23:48.14dlynes_laptopbut that's generally not practical...
23:49.12*** join/#asterisk JT (~j@unaffiliated/jt)

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