IRC log for #asterisk on 20100129

00:00.34joobieManxPower-work, what do you think the prob is?
00:00.48ManxPower-workjoobie: that is with PRI debug on?
00:01.23joobieas I turned on pri debug, i am getting spammed with "Sending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended" in console every second
00:01.58bmoraca_workjoobie: i suspect your system.conf or dahdi-channels.conf are incorrect.  do you have any alarms?  what is the output of "pri show span 1"?
00:02.02ManxPower-workjoobie: contact your telco and say "I have no alarms, but I am not receiving any data on the D-channel.".   If they say the line is fine, then insist a tech comes out with a T-Byrd or similar PRI test set.
00:02.37joobieManxPower-work, .. output from 'pri show span 1'
00:02.48joobiethis was working yesterday btw.. and no changes on our end
00:02.58bmoraca_workjoobie: you're in alarm.  d-channel is down.
00:03.10joobiedoes that mean it's the uplink
00:03.11joobieor me
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00:03.14ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: dahdi_cfg shows no alarms
00:03.25ManxPower-workjoobie: your line needs to be repaired
00:03.38bmoraca_workManxPower-work: could be administratively down (can asterisk do that?)  if it's yellow, it's them.  red, it's you.
00:03.39Doctehjax55: xlite has some other wideband codecs in its list
00:03.42ManxPower-work(more technically they must fix the setup of your PRI in the telco switch)
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00:03.50bmoraca_workeither way, the d-channel isn't up
00:03.52ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: Asterisk can't do that.
00:03.59joobieahh k
00:04.02ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: hence what I told him to tel the telco
00:04.09joobiei logged a bug with them already
00:04.18joobieshould i just call them and say "i have no alarms and the dchannel is down?"
00:04.22bmoraca_workdidn't think asterisk could administratively take it down, though that'd be useful
00:04.24jax55Docteh what other wideband codecs can deliver HD voip?
00:04.26ManxPower-workjoobie: telling them what I told you will help them diagnose the problem quickly
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00:05.00joobieOK thanks a heap
00:05.04bmoraca_workjax55: any wideband codec is technically "HD voice"
00:05.11joobiebtw, what should i be looking for in the output for when they fix the problem?
00:05.32jax55bmoraca_work got it
00:05.39Docteh"BroadVoice-32" "Speex Wideband"
00:05.43bmoraca_workjax55: the term "HD Voice" is a polycom marketing term.  it's their way of saying that they support wideband codecs
00:05.55jax55ah ha
00:05.56jax55i c
00:06.19jax55ok, good to know asterisk supports all this right? i see thse codedcs if i do core show codecs
00:06.30bmoraca_workjoobie: asterisk will tell you the D-channel is up and you should see yellow or red alarm cleared on all channels, followed by all channels informing you that they're up (depending on your console verbosity)
00:06.32Doctehgigaset also uses the term HD voice :)
00:07.04jax55got it
00:07.25jax55is there like a list of these wideband codecs that i can find?
00:07.32Doctehwikipedia might have something
00:07.36bmoraca_workjax55: whether or not asterisk can transcode certain codecs depends on whether or not you've installed those codecs.  "core show translation" will tell you which codecs asterisk can transcode between and how "long" it takes to transcode
00:07.46Doctehor could check some softphones
00:08.14jax55cool guys, thats great info...i will go ahead and do the testing  now, thanks
00:11.20joobiebmoraca_work, what piece of data there shows you the alarm is yelllow or red though? not seeing this bit
00:11.35joobiein dahdi show status it says "alarms ok"
00:11.58bmoraca_workjoobie: that means it's not in alarm, which means that you need to call your telco and tell them their switch is fucked.
00:12.37bmoraca_workjoobie: ManxPower-work is right.  call them and tell them your PRI is not in alarm, yet the d-channel is down.  that'll help them figure out what's actually going on.
00:13.26joobieok.. yea just called them to tell them that
00:13.33joobiethey are saying up to 3 hours to fix it - ergh :/
00:13.46bmoraca_workhave you tried rebooting yet?
00:14.15bmoraca_workhow many times?  :P
00:14.20joobiei started by destroying dahdi channels, restarting dahdi channels, then restarting asterisk.. then the box itself
00:14.26bmoraca_workit was a joke
00:14.39bmoraca_workgo watch for more info
00:14.49joobiethere's a possibility this could be my hardward tho ya?
00:15.23bmoraca_workjoobie: no, probably not.  but i've seen cases where flapping the interface has fixed this type of thing
00:15.53jax55Docteh , bmoraca_work i just set my softphone to G.722 ad called an extension that i know is offline, and asterisk couldn't do there a special setting to set voicemail to use wideband ?
00:15.59joobiesucks that they are gona take 3 hours to resolve this
00:16.41bmoraca_workjax55: like i said, you need to have g722 support installed in asterisk.  "core show translation" will tell you whether or not you can transcode between g722 and other codecs.  if there's no number listed, then you don't have g722 support.
00:16.55jax55i do
00:17.07jax55it shows
00:17.23bmoraca_workpastebin the output of that command and a sip debug of the failed call
00:18.38jax55ok, i think i see the setting...there is line in voicemail.conf, format
00:18.44jax55and G.722 is not there
00:18.58jax55only wav49|gsm|wav
00:19.05bmoraca_workjax55: that's the codec that the voicemail file is saved in
00:19.06jax55let me try to add and reload
00:19.37jax55ok, let me pastebin then
00:21.50bmoraca_workjax55: that's not exactly what i asked for.
00:22.00bmoraca_workjax55: until you get me what i asked for, i cannot help you
00:22.21Doctehwhat softphone are you using? mine doesn't do g722
00:22.47jax55using Blink
00:23.31Doctehoh for osx, dang
00:24.14jax55bmoraca_work is that what your looking for?
00:24.41bmoraca_workjax55: what format are your prompts saved in?
00:24.56*** part/#asterisk Yedidya (
00:25.03bmoraca_workjax55: also, pastebin the sip.conf entry for this peer.
00:26.05bmoraca_workjax55: the prompts...the files that get played when asterisk plays something
00:27.10jax55bmoraca_work the prompts is what i recorded using the voicemail recording system *97 ... and the sip.conf peer, not sure how to get that...i think this server is trixbox
00:27.46bmoraca_workjax55: then chances are you have not allowed this peer to be able to use g722.  check with #trixbox or #freepbx on how to do that
00:28.47jax55ok, so its something i need to allow per extenstion...ok, i think i can see that if i do sip show peer <ext no'>
00:29.06p3nguinper extension, no.  per device, yes.
00:29.30bmoraca_workp3nguin: that shit is so played out
00:29.59jax55is that what we are looking for?
00:30.10bmoraca_workjax55: you cannot use g722 on that device then.  you need to go and allow g722 on that device
00:30.24jax55got it...ok, let me try and do that then
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00:30.47p3nguinbmoraca_work: As soon as people learn that end-point devices are NOT EXTENSIONS, you'll never read it again.
00:31.20Pan3Dice fishing in hell?
00:32.03bmoraca_workp3nguin: Asterisk is the ONLY telephony platform that makes that distinction.  get over it already.  to the rest of the telephony world, extension = phone.
00:32.10joobietrying to implement a temporary work around for hte ISDN being down.. ive just setup a standard PSTN number to forward to my pennytel service.. previously i used to use pennytel just for outbound calls.. now im trying to setup pennytel in sip.conf so that it can receive and make calls.. here's the config i have so far ...
00:32.23jax55bmoraca_work is there a way to set this up system wide, where all peers can use the wideband codecs?
00:32.23joobiejust changed it from peer to friend, but still not working.. anything im missing?
00:32.26Pan3Dmbranca: that's not true at at all
00:32.29p3nguinI don't know if you think foul words will compel me to stop making the correction, but it won't.
00:32.29joobiebeen so long since i've reviewed this config
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00:32.34bmoraca_workjax55: in sip.conf, yes.
00:32.45Pan3Dthere are plenty of institutions that have modern phone (VoIP) setups which treat extensions as portable and not the device
00:32.49jax55bmoraca_work, ok, trying that then
00:33.23bmoraca_workjoobie: what's "not working" about it?
00:33.36jax55bmoraca_work can you tell me what the setting is called so i can grep for it
00:33.47bmoraca_workjax55: "allow"
00:34.06*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (n=Matt@wikisource/
00:34.07bmoraca_workjax55: sip.conf.sample is a great resource for sip settings
00:34.11mattwj2002hey guys
00:34.19jax55cool! thx, checking
00:34.22joobiebmoraca_work, when i dial the number i get a pennytel voice recording saying the person im trying to reach is unavailable.. could be their end - but im not seeing anything come through in the asterisk console as i dial the number.. i can dial out of pennytel fine too
00:34.34mattwj2002how hard is it to hook up a Cisco phone to an asterisk server? in particular a 7960
00:34.47p3nguinmattwj2002: It's very simple.
00:34.56bmoraca_workjoobie: i didn't see a "register" entry for that peer.  could be what you're missing.
00:35.01p3nguinmattwj2002: Will you be using SCCP, SIP, or MGCP firmware on the phone?
00:35.22mattwj2002I would probably go with SIP
00:35.53mattwj2002SIP would have the most features correct?
00:35.55joobiethanks bmoraca_work - checking out the registrer syntax.. btw is ther ea way i can force that sip channel to reauthenticate?
00:36.05mattwj2002or would SCCP be better?
00:36.16joobieit may even be that.. ive reloaded the sip module, but duno if that is sufficient to force reconnection
00:36.22Pan3Dif you're using *, SIP
00:36.27bmoraca_workjoobie: your peer entry is enough to tell asterisk how to get to pennytel, but pennytel still needs to know how to get back to you (that's what the register is for)
00:36.27p3nguinmattwj2002: SCCP loses features, and you'll have softkeys that do nothing.
00:36.39mattwj2002okay sip it is
00:36.39p3nguinmattwj2002: Go with SIP 8.11
00:36.41bmoraca_workjoobie: reloading sip will cause your asterisk box to reregister
00:36.51joobiekk thanks :)
00:36.52p3nguinmattwj2002: SIP 8.12 has a CallerID bug.
00:37.18bmoraca_work8.14 is latest, i believe...haven't had any problems with that one
00:37.35p3nguin8.12 was the latest when I got my firmware.
00:37.41bmoraca_worki'm using whatever the latest is, and it works fine
00:37.48p3nguinI haven't looked for an upgrade beyond that.
00:38.00bmoraca_workp3nguin: why fix what isn't broke?
00:38.06p3nguinpretty much
00:38.32mattwj2002you lose a lot of features with a sip firmware?
00:38.36bmoraca_workmattwj2002: read this entire document before you ask any questions:
00:38.41p3nguinI would be interested to know operation differences between 8.11 and 8.14, though.  Not differences on paper, but actual differences.
00:38.46bmoraca_workmattwj2002: no, you just need to manyally configure them.
00:38.50bmoraca_workp3nguin: i doubt there are any
00:38.50p3nguinmattwj2002: Depends on what you mean.
00:39.29p3nguinmattwj2002: SIP does everything it is supposed to do, minus line presence (but Cisco SIP wasn't supposed to do it anyway).
00:40.32p3nguinUsing SCCP, the transfer button does nothing, the park button does nothing... there was probably something else, but I don't remember.
00:42.00jax55bmoraca_work cool! it works! i did allow=all and now i got HD Voice!
00:42.08mattwj2002you guys are never going to believe what I am going to use for an asterisk server
00:42.15mattwj2002this is a hobby server by the way
00:42.40mattwj2002Aspire Aspire One netbook :)
00:42.45*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
00:42.57bmoraca_workjax55: it's generally best to be as explicit as possible in your peer configurations.  i don't really recommend "all" as a setting for anything.  but, as always, YMMV.
00:43.01Pan3Duhhh... that's going to run really hot
00:43.16Pan3Dyou won't be able to let it sleep if you're expecting incoming
00:43.20p3nguinMy SCCP test was with 8.1(2) on a 7940G.
00:43.28jax55bmoraca_work is there security concerns or just best practice concerns?
00:43.34mattwj2002I won't let it sleep
00:43.45mattwj2002I am only going to have a few phones on it
00:43.46Pan3Dmattwj2002: yeah, that will run hot
00:44.03bmoraca_workjax55: in IT, it's ALWAYS best practice to be as explicit as possible.  best practice = secure, 99% of the time.
00:44.08mattwj2002it has a 1.6 Ghz Atom processor
00:44.18Pan3Dproceed with caution, but it's doable. I had * running on a PowerBook G4 laptop briefly.
00:44.50jax55Pan3D bmoraca_works are there vulnerabilities in the codecs themselves?
00:45.12mattwj2002see I thought it would be good because of power outages....
00:45.19mattwj2002the machine won't drop
00:45.29p3nguinbuilt in UPS
00:45.41Pan3Dyes, but that isn't really the concern. It's that the are variables in the config which, when not explicit, could lead to access/manipulation by unintended sources.
00:45.53bmoraca_workjax55: maybe.  the point is that you don't just want your users doing anything.  then again, you are running trixbox, so you may as well blow it all out of the water.
00:45.53p3nguinPut it on a cooling pad.
00:46.23jax55thanks guys, i will take that in consideration...thanks again for all the help
00:46.41p3nguinThe bad thing is that leaving your AC power plugged in at all times will shorten the battery's life.
00:47.26mattwj2002this is a spare machine anyways
00:47.54mattwj2002it was a door stop until last night
00:49.22Doctehodd i just tried out "PhonerLite" on windows and the gui shows it can reorder codecs but that actually doesn't happen.
00:51.11Doctehor is codec priority not something able to be done in SIP?
00:53.14Pan3Djax55: as an side, I found the asterisk book to be really useful. The authors point out places in the * configuration where there could be possible security leaks.
00:53.50infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:54.03jax55Pan3D excellent thanks! I will get it
00:56.17jax55when 2 peers are talking, how can I see in what codec the conversation is being handeled on the server side?
00:57.17bmoraca_workjax55: sip show channels
00:57.34jax55excellent! thanks
00:58.25bmoraca_worktime to go home
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01:04.38Doctehodd, if i enable g722 on a softphone and then call a ulaw only device, asterisk transcodes, shouldn't it go ulaw?
01:05.18p3nguinIs ulaw preferred over g722?
01:05.46Doctehwell i told it to prefer g722 but im not sure why that results in transcoding
01:06.00Doctehis there a way to prefer it with less force?
01:08.18p3nguin* is transcoding because you told the phone to prefer g722, I would guess.
01:09.09p3nguinIf one device prefers ulaw and another prefers something else, the result should be transcoding.
01:11.11Doctehdang, i guess to avoid that I'd have to force g722 when desired via the dialplan?
01:13.24*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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01:21.54ruben23hi any suggestion on this error:
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01:27.58em_plehhello there
01:28.11em_plehis it possible for me to use my modem as a fxo? for my fax line?
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01:30.32em_plehthat was not the answer i was looking for
01:31.13carrarYour modem would need to be a FXS
01:31.29em_plehah thats what i need
01:31.39em_plehcan I fax using my asterisk box?
01:31.59carrarand receive
01:32.17em_plehhow do i do that?
01:32.28carrarread up!
01:32.36carrar1.6 supports faxing
01:32.44carraror you can use Hylafax
01:32.50carrarand iaxmodem
01:33.14em_plehi cannot find any good connectors to hylafax for windows 7
01:33.24carrarthere are lots
01:33.29carrarand they work great
01:33.34*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
01:33.35em_plehwhere in the world did you find it
01:33.39carrarthey are printer drivers
01:33.39em_plehi googled all over
01:33.50carrarwell for windows
01:33.56carrarno idea about 7
01:34.03carrartime to stop using windows
01:34.35*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
01:35.45carrarYou might be able to use hyafax via Email and a PDF attachement
01:35.48carrarto send faxes
01:36.31carrardefaintely for receiving faxes
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02:36.59jmcdowellSup ma shizznizzles?
02:37.18jmcdowellAnyone have any experience with say 3 line freepbx setups?
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02:37.47jmcdowellI haven't even done it yet, but now I am getting curious and may setup a couple more lines up so I know how it works.
02:38.06jmcdowellI am guessing it would trying, and if busy, try 2 and if busy try 3 and if busy fail.
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03:26.13ectospasmI need to write a script, either in AMI, AGI, or bash/Perl which generates one-time or infrequent-use dialplan.  This script needs to set multiple Skype account properties for many Skype user accounts, and I don't know how best to start.
03:27.13ectospasmIt seems that to use the command Set(SKYPE_ACCOUNT_PROPERTY(account,property=value)), I need to have an active channel open to run this application
03:28.37ectospasmsince this is a batch operation, I don't know which channle to use.  I'm trying a limited AMI test, with Action: Originate, and setting a custom Local channel (created exten 1234 in [ami], so the channel I'm trying is Local/1234@ami)
03:29.49ectospasmit doesn't seem to be executing the Application I specify (for testing, just a NoOp).  It seems to hit the Answer I've put in dialplan, and then doesn't do anything
03:31.31*** join/#asterisk mattems (n=matt@
03:31.36mattemshey all
03:32.04mattemsim wanting to change the language to AU for my phone system, any helo would be appreciated
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03:39.10ectospasmI think what I'll do is create a custom Macro, and generate special dialplan to execute the script.  Then, create an AMI script which iterates through all the accounts and calls the macro.
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04:21.23normaldotcomhello, I'm trying to connect a softphone to my asterisk box, but I'm getting "Registration from <sip:username@domain> failed for '<ipaddr>' - no matching peer found
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04:44.08voipmonkpastebin the peer in sip.conf , normaldotcom
04:48.19normaldotcomthanks, I got it fixed
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04:59.51securevoipPolycom phones upset me...  They remove themselves from queues after 1 minute of ringing...      -- Got SIP response 603 "Decline" back from
05:01.06securevoipAny idea what param to change to fix this?
05:18.30p3nguinI would bet there is a setting in the config for that.
05:20.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-termutqoocokcjuo)
05:21.05securevoipyes, but I know Asterisk (not Poly).  Wondering if anyone out there is a Poly config expert?!?
05:24.12carrardefaults to 60 seconds
05:24.38carrarin your sip{MAC}.cfg
05:25.04carrarYou really should read the Polycom Admin guide if you are gonna use Polycom Phones
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06:54.03kruemelteegood mornin'
07:02.28*** join/#asterisk benngard (n=benngard@
07:04.04kruemelteeis there any way to tell a SIP Client (telephone) it's always an agent for a specific queue? The manual in front of me is telling about a AgentLogin, but I don't want the agents to login. There telephone has to be an active agent the whole day, the whole week, the whole year ;-)
07:04.40kruemeltee:%s/There/Theire/g :-)
07:06.30hardwireFor occasionals you add them in via Agent login or as a dynamic queue member.
07:06.40hardwirefor weeklys they make sure they are logged in every day.
07:06.50hardwirefor yearlys you get up off yer tookie and plug them into a static list.
07:08.10hardwireI prefer to flush, via script, all agent logins at the end of the day.
07:08.50p3nguinkruemeltee: Use  "member => SIP/yourdevice"  in the queue config.
07:09.05hardwireThat sort of forces them to log in which is part of our time system, but also gets them in the habit of doing so every day they need to be part of a queue.
07:10.03hardwire-> *zonk*
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07:10.46p3nguinkruemeltee: I don't like logins either, so I just use the device directly.
07:11.57kruemelteethanks hardwire and p3nguin ... I'll try at first p3nguin's hint ... but I'll reflect on hardwire's hints too :-)
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07:13.35p3nguinIn a small office where you'll always have the same handful of phones with the same users answering calls, adding the devices as members is perfectly acceptable.
07:14.43p3nguinIf you intend to do "hot desking" where people move around to different phones, you'll have to go a different route.
07:16.43kruemelteep3nguin, we have a small Call Center here ... there are currently 7 devices within the Call Center ... 4 of them are always agents ... the rest of them are office phones that don't have to ring if anybod's in the queue ;-) So it's fixed
07:18.21p3nguinYou can also use Local channels as members.  That gives you flexibility to work additional dialplan magic between the queue and the phone that answers.
07:19.33kruemelteethat's one item on my "to-do" list ... getting to know, what a "local channel" is ;-)
07:20.23p3nguinYou're familiar with SIP/somedevice...
07:21.00kruemeltee(I hope so)
07:21.18p3nguinYou can use Local/exten123@randomcontext to call to another extension in some other context.
07:21.38fiddurBut using "local" interfaces makes the queue magic much harder at the same time... The queue is not as aware of the "inuse" state of a local interface
07:21.50p3nguinThat's just a crude example.
07:23.00p3nguinYeah, local channels as queue members does have caveats -- this is why I just use the SIP device as a member.
07:23.12*** part/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
07:23.32kruemelteeI've currently got a simple dialplan ... 2 Phones registered ... 601 (agent for Queue "Call Center 1") within context "Call_Center" and 2000, normal phone within context "default"
07:23.43kaldemarthere's always /n with local channels to make them behave just like any other channel.
07:24.08kruemelteeif I'm dialling the 600 from 2000er if use this extension
07:24.30kruemelteeexten => 600,1,Goto(Call_Center,_0351896911X.,1)
07:24.53kruemelteeand that's the "normal" extension for dropping somebody in the queue ...
07:25.34kruemeltee_0351896911X.,1 is the extension within context "Call-Center" that drops the call into the queue ...
07:25.42p3nguinI guess if that works for you.
07:25.45kruemelteeso this has to be right, isn't it?
07:25.54kruemelteeyea ... great ...
07:26.05p3nguinI would have to see the entire thing to know what's going on.
07:26.16kruemelteewait a second ...
07:27.25p3nguinOn my system, call comes in, some sound files are played, callers have the opportunity to dial extensions to listen to other sound files and/or call phones.  If they don't dial any extensions, they go into Queue().
07:28.02kruemelteethat's a simple dialplan ... just for testing my queue ;-)
07:28.18p3nguinI haven't been able to load for two days, so we'll see if I can view that.
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07:28.29kruemelteegood luck ;-)
07:28.53p3nguinIt hasn't loaded yet, so I'm sure it will timeout.
07:29.35p3nguinMaybe you could duplicate it in
07:31.32carrarexten => _0351896911X.,n,Queue(Call Center 1)
07:31.40carrarYou have a space in the queue name
07:31.50kruemelteeis this wrong?
07:32.06kruemelteeI thought I can use names without any restriction
07:32.33*** join/#asterisk joepunk (i=4c1d535e@gateway/web/freenode/x-clgyiufokpveafjs)
07:33.02joepunkanyone interested in seeing asterisk perform an old parlor trick called "The Wizard" ?
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07:36.03p3nguinkruemeltee: Looks pretty good.  I didn't funny critique it, but I did look somewhat closely, and I didn't see anything really wrong.
07:36.33kruemelteelokk like the example of the asterisk manual :-)
07:36.34p3nguinkruemeltee: err... fully critique
07:36.43kruemelteeokay ... go on
07:36.58kruemeltee(if it's the space within the quene Name ... thats fixed
07:38.05p3nguinI would replace spaces with hyphens or underscores just to not create bad habits, but I can't see that a space in a queue name would cause failure unless I tested it.
07:38.19p3nguincan't say
07:38.30kruemelteeyea ... but I already fixed that ... ;-)
07:38.45p3nguinI should go to bed, with all the wrong words I'm typing.
07:38.53kruemelteeit's just a convention for me ... as I'm a beginner ...
07:39.00kruemelteego to bed? where are you from?
07:39.06p3nguincentral USA
07:39.14kruemelteeokay ... :-)
07:39.21p3nguin01:39 here
07:39.51kruemelteeP.S. I'm from germany (hope nobody's agry 'bout that) ... here it's 08:39 in the morning :-)
07:40.21p3nguinBy 8:39, I'll be dead tired.
07:41.00p3nguinWe have people from all over the world in this channel, so make yourself at home.
07:41.01kruemelteeI used to be too a few weeks ago
07:41.16kruemelteeI'll do so ... thanks ...
07:42.00*** join/#asterisk joepunk_ (
07:43.05joepunkI've been dying to get some feedback on "The Wizard"
07:43.22kruemelteeso go on with "The wizard"
07:43.34*** join/#asterisk kerx (
07:43.43kerxHi, anyone have a recommendation for an Open Source SIP Phone?
07:43.48joepunkwell, I made a set of extensions to eliminate the need for a human when doing this trick:
07:44.04joepunk630-422-7390 (it's live now)
07:44.46joepunkmy script is  it answers, I say "The wizard please"  then when he hits the suit I say "Sure, I'll hold"  then when he says the number I say "hello?" and hit speaker phone.
07:45.10joepunkthen when he says "this is the wizard how can i help you" I say "please tell ___ his/her card"
07:45.12joepunkand he does :)
07:45.27joepunki posted my source on the asterisk forum under support
07:45.43p3nguinYou know it just keeps saying the suits, right?
07:45.49kerxanyone use linphone before?
07:45.52joepunkyou have to say "Sure i'll hold"
07:45.58joepunkright after he says the suit you need
07:46.06joepunkthen when he says the number you want, you say "HI"
07:46.18joepunknot familiar with linphone
07:46.20p3nguinSeems like a bother.
07:46.30kruemeltee*gg* ... already read the how to ... great deal ;-)
07:49.05p3nguinA few more hours and I'll be up a full day.
07:53.14kerxanyone know how to make a sip soft phone?
07:56.05kerxguess not
07:56.40ChannelZI think it requires some eggs.
07:57.15kerxjoepunk, I read that. Not really helpful
07:57.25kerxI'm digging through linphone though
07:57.34joepunki just use zoiper :P
07:57.35kerxIt may be the best answer I got from Google
07:57.43kerxjoepunk, is zoiper open source?
07:57.45joepunkand siax for iphone
07:57.52joepunkno clue, probably not
07:58.09kerxHrm. It's nto free, but it has an API
07:58.48joepunkyeah, linphone and siphon.  I like zoiper a lot
07:58.59joepunkbeen using it for years now
07:59.01kerxHave you used Linphone by any chance?
07:59.06joepunkno i have not
07:59.47*** join/#asterisk maagic (
07:59.59joepunklooks pretty easy to setup & use
08:00.30joepunkinstalling now
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08:35.50_abc_hello. it seems that lg lip7000 phones are not supported by asterisk. true? also is vodavi ip 7000 a direct drop in replacement? is vodavi supported?
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08:40.18kaldemar_abc_: they're proprietary.
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08:42.39_abc_key systems? kaldemar documents indicate that LIP7000 phones know how to dial out through soho adsl connections. this strongly suggests a popular protocol
08:42.49_abc_kaldemar: are you sure they are all proprietary?
08:43.10_abc_and is vovida an oem or something like that? their phones are almost identical to the lg ones
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08:45.36kaldemar_abc_: that only indicates that they work over IP. nothing more. LG-nortel lists them as proprietary themselves, so it's pretty obvious.
08:46.05_abc_i see. well mgcp and unistim were also proprietary once upon a time. thanks for the info
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09:23.27reptilesanyone mind answering a debian linux question?
09:25.03m0t3jlHi, what is the name of the feature I need to use when I would like to have three outgoing SIP connections to three PSTN to SIP modems and when someone from my network wants to make a call Asterisk would determine which of these outgoing connections to use for the call? Thanks a lot
09:28.04kaldemarm0t3jl: you have the modems defined as devices in sip.conf and then do the selection in your dialplan.
09:28.42m0t3jlkaldemar, I can determine a line is being used? Wow ;
09:28.51m0t3jlkaldemar, how? ;)
09:30.26c0rnoTam0t3jl, once a solved this task via global variable, where was defined witch channel was used last time and then GOTOIF application told me what channel i must use. Ofcourse, it's busy, it makes circle looking for free line.
09:30.48*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:30.49c0rnoTaor i didn't understand your question?
09:32.43c0rnoTaPBX -> ATA (PSTN TO SIP) -> Asterisk   is it right?
09:32.58m0t3jlc0rnoTa, opt out the PBX ;)
09:33.19m0t3jlc0rnoTa, I will blow the PBX up when Asterisk finally takes over :D
09:35.25c0rnoTa:) i couldn't understant direction of your call. From Asterisk via SIP to PSTN over ATA, right? :)) Asterisk -> SIP -> Modem -> PSTN
09:35.31m0t3jlc0rnoTa, I am basically asking if there is a way to tell Asterisk to determine which line is free to use, since there can only be one conversation held on one line...
09:37.11*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akira@
09:37.46kaldemarm0t3jl: you need to learn some dialplan coding for that. keywords are extensions, SIP devices, core show functions like GROUP, core show function DEVICE_STATE. two last ones are asterisk CLI commands that print functions and their usage. there's many ways to do this.
09:38.34m0t3jlkaldemar, wow, I'd think there would be working solution since this is not so rare thing ;)
09:38.52kaldemarthose are the working solution.
09:39.02m0t3jlkaldemar, ;)
09:39.20m0t3jlkaldemar, what is this "use case" called? Trunking?
09:39.48infobotit has been said that trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
09:40.19m0t3jlkaldemar, so what is it then? :)
09:40.23kaldemarno special name for that use case, it's just a selection you do in your dialplan.
09:40.32m0t3jlkaldemar, damn :(
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09:41.04m0t3jlkaldemar, I was hoping I could find some working examples to steal from :)
09:41.06kaldemarwere you expecting a google search term to find a ready made dialplan?
09:41.48m0t3jlkaldemar, basically yes :)
09:42.03m0t3jlkaldemar, at least something decent enought to start with ;)
09:43.16kaldemari already have you some.
09:44.06infobotmethinks thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
09:44.16kaldemarfor dialplan basics, that's a good read.
09:48.31m0t3jlmethinks I've already read the Book ;)
09:48.48*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
09:49.26c0rnoTai've used only for my asterisk knowlage is dangerous in the sense that the examples may be based on any version. lots of the information there is usually outdated.
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09:51.07m0t3jlkaldemar, that I agree with...
09:51.08kaldemarprimary source for app and function documentation is asterisk itself. core show applications and core show functions always prints the docs for your version.
09:51.24kaldemarand there's the doc directory in the source package.
09:53.12c0rnoTakaldemar, you are right. voip-info has use google search engine, that's way i can print some of my thoughts and it gives me direction of research
09:53.52c0rnoTai'm never search 'ready made dialplan'
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10:04.12maxagazIs is better to buy Dialogic cards or Digium cards ?
10:04.16maxagazIs it
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10:05.55m0t3jlmaxagaz, I hear there are some problems when you have multiple Digium cards in one machine...
10:07.48kaldemarmaxagaz: which cards are you referring to?
10:08.05maxagazkaldemar, no card in particular
10:08.12maxagazkaldemar, I'm just wondering
10:09.46kaldemarmaxagaz: i'd go for ones with best support in asterisk, i.e. digium's cards. digium and sangoma are used most.
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10:16.27AkiraaWhat about digium clones, anything worthwhile there?
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10:20.47kaldemarAkiraa: i haven't tried any, but haven't heard any praise for them either.
10:21.34tw56Hi People. I'm getting the following errors on misdnportinfo but i haven't got a clue what's wrong - can anyone help.
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10:54.16Falle4I have a problem with incoming sip calls. The prompts played to external incoming calls are in language "en" even though the language setting in sip.conf is "se". If i call from a local IP-phone it works fine. This only happens on external calls from our provider. There is only one occurance of the language setting in sip.conf and it is set to "se". Anyone that can shed some light on this issue?
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11:29.54garymcHey anyone know what card i need to buy to go with the sangoma A101D
11:30.14garymcto do faxes?
11:30.30garymcand how hard would it be for me to configure now?
11:30.56kaldemarwhat do you mean by go with the A101D?
11:32.29garymcI heard there was a card that goes with the A101D or plugs in the server so i can send faxes down my isdn?
11:33.21kaldemaryou can't plug a fax machine into a PRI. you need a channel bank in between if that's the setup you're aiming at.
11:34.37kaldemaran analog interface card is probably what you're looking for.
11:36.37kaldemarif you only have one A101D that's interfacing PSTN, then an analog card or an ATA is your only choice. might be an unreliable one though. i'd connect the fax machine directly to an analog line.
11:40.29garymcim hearing conflicting advice im sure a few people said the only way to get 100% fax success was to install the card in the server
11:44.18TommyBottenHmm.. the card itself does not help your fax syste
11:44.31TommyBottenBut it can be used to signal whatver analog/T.38 format you'd like
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11:45.06TommyBottenFaxes may be achieved without analog or PRI for that matter. Using Sendfax() from spandsp and converting files to .tiff-files.
11:45.28TommyBottenAnd for receiving, using RecieveFax()
11:55.53plundraIs not really good at be reloading after you've changed queues.conf?
11:56.01plundraI mean, there is no "queue reload" :-)
11:56.27plundraEverything is working, but the stats isn't updated when doing "queue show"
11:57.06kaldemarthere is a queue reload, but it requires a parameter.
11:57.20kaldemarcore show help queue reload
11:57.31plundraThen I must be using an old version :-)
11:57.54plundraWas it added in 1.6.1.x or 1.6.2.x?
12:00.03kaldemaryou can reload the module itself with module reload.
12:00.24plundraThat is what I do now.
12:00.43plundraBut I don't see the stats being updated, on number of calls processed or last call for each member.
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12:31.24awkhi guys... hmmm I have something i'm not understanding correctly', i'm trying to send out a call to a voip provider how do I change this WW-Authenticate: Digest realm="" ... the realm = part
12:31.37awkat the moment its showing my internal IP and thats the reason they saying its not working.
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12:53.36ariel_Morning eveyone
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13:26.32Pan3Dmorning kids
13:28.41razuanyone using chan_ss7 here ? I have strange problem that when call goes through to a SIP account then call will be dropped the same second phone starts ringing. Seems like some RTP issue ?
13:29.04*** join/#asterisk Jaipal (n=jai@
13:30.06[TK]D-Fenderrazu: Got a call with full debug for us to look at?
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13:30.35[TK]D-Fenderrazu: Maybe some complete details as well...
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13:30.52razu[TK]D-Fender, a sec
13:40.26[TK]D-Fenderrazu: remove the core debug and jsut go with SIP debug & verbose 10
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13:46.54angryuserGood day, i got asterisk 1.2 and 4 FXS port analog card, i just dont remember one stuff, in /etc/zaptel.conf i declared them as :fxoks   and in zapata.conf as fxs_ks ?
13:47.02angryuseri declare*
13:47.39angryuseror ot is the same for zaptel and zapata :fxoks and fxo_ks ?
13:48.35[TK]D-Fendershould be "fxoks" in zaptel, and "fxo_ks" in Zaata
13:49.38angryuserThank you, memory leak
13:51.23[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Better plug that up fast, our mop is already out on loan.
13:52.45angryuseri suppose its a ca humor
13:53.09*** join/#asterisk squeeb (
13:54.10squeebAllo, Having a small problem. I have a section of a dialplan that takes keypresses from customers, however I'm trying to use the 'i' extension to return them to the top of the section but instead it's dropping out the bottom of the section and then hanging up
13:54.51razu[TK]D-Fender, looking at the log there seems to be problem on SIP side ?
13:56.56[TK]D-Fenderrazu: [Jan 29 15:50:50] Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to CANCEL sip:6661022@ SIP/2.0
13:57.26[TK]D-Fenderrazu: caling end is aborting, but you dont have a timeout, the codec are agreed upon and included by default.....
13:57.35[TK]D-Fenderrazu: I didn't see an SS& error...
13:57.45squeebalso, do 'i' extensions work within included sections of a dialplan?
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13:57.56[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: yes
13:58.18squeebbecause from doing 'core set verbose 10', I can see that the button pressed is outside of the include unless it's specifically assigned within the include
13:58.38squeebIE, if 1 2 and 3 are defined in the included section, they work, if not, it drops out of the include onto the next in the default queue.
13:58.43squeebnot queue
13:58.45squeebsection *
13:59.26*** part/#asterisk benngard (n=benngard@
14:01.20squeebIt won't do it
14:01.26squeebno matter what I do it just falls through to the next include
14:02.32squeebThis is correct for the include yea?
14:02.44voipmonkautofallthrough=no ?
14:02.51squeebalready checked that
14:03.10voipmonkok can u show me some debug - If u sent the pastebin , i missed it -back from dog walk
14:03.16razu[TK]D-Fender, yes well ... even if I add timeout it doesn't change anything. also if I move the sip account to the same box
14:04.00squeebthat's the debug
14:04.01[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: that isn't even a whole context.  I don't see REAL CODE, witha  REAL CALL to debug
14:04.45[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: there is no input shown in that CLI output.
14:05.26[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: I see "0" called... how is that invlice?
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14:05.49razu[TK]D-Fender, funny thing is if I answer the channel in some other box (or same box) ... everything works :)
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14:06.54[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: invalid
14:07.46[TK]D-Fenderrazu: I don't really get it myself....
14:08.12razu[TK]D-Fender, ok ... I'll debug it further :)
14:08.17[TK]D-Fenderrazu: Idea :  Answer the SS7 channel before calling out...
14:08.36razuthat would be a workaround ... not a solution :)
14:09.13squeebmassive debug alert
14:09.26squeebI called, it went to IVR, I pressed an invalid key, it dropped to DID_default
14:10.48squeebline 371 looks a bit strange
14:10.50squeeb[Jan 29 14:07:52] DEBUG[25166]: pbx.c:2423 __ast_pbx_run: Oooh, got something to jump out with ('0')
14:10.52[TK]D-Fendersqueeb:   -- Executing [0@DID_trunks:1] Answer("SIP/7674126-f7a6ace8", "") in new stack <-- CLEARLY NOT INVALID
14:11.04squeebyea but, I have exten => i set
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14:11.06[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: you HAVE a match.  Please caffeinate
14:11.19squeebwhere it matching if i haven't defined it anywhere?
14:11.39[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: YOU DO
14:11.54squeebI do what?
14:12.25[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: squeeb Clear now?
14:12.34squeebNo, and capitals aren't helping really
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14:13.04[TK]D-Fendersqueeb: You seem to be missing every other blatant statement, i was wondering it print size was a challenge
14:13.23[TK]D-Fender[09:11]<[TK]D-Fender>squeeb: you HAVE a match. Please caffeinate <-
14:13.28[TK]D-Fender[09:10]<[TK]D-Fender>squeeb: -- Executing [0@DID_trunks:1] Answer("SIP/7674126-f7a6ace8",  "") in new stack <-- CLEARLY NOT INVALID
14:13.35[TK]D-Fender[09:11]<[TK]D-Fender>squeeb: YOU DO
14:13.45squeebI appreciate you're trying to help me
14:13.57squeebbut please don't be an ass about it
14:15.27Kattydlynes_laptop: i got some reflective whiteness behind the camera today
14:15.42m0t3jlIs there a way to tell Asterisk not to store the voicmail messages, but only to send them via e-mail?
14:16.01[TK]D-Fenderm0t3jl: delete=yes on the box definition.
14:16.15m0t3jl[TK]D-Fender, thx
14:22.11[TK]D-Fenderrazu: [Jan 29 15:31:21] DEBUG[15426]: channel.c:1462 ast_softhangup_nolock: Soft-Hanging up channel 'SS7/siuc/6'       <-- yeah its clearly aborting the SS7 channel first
14:23.02razu[TK]D-Fender, mkay ... what could initiate that ? ...
14:23.16[TK]D-Fenderrazu: I really don't know enough about SS7 to venture a guess...
14:23.18razu[TK]D-Fender, as I see asterisk code is 111 which is protocol error ?
14:23.42razupossibly just linkset conf is bad
14:24.29[TK]D-Fenderrazu: "misc error" indeed.  Not very helpful.
14:24.46*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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14:30.30Kattyoh man, it's gettin snowy outside.
14:30.45*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:31.03Kattydlynes_laptop: ping.
14:31.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (n=steve@
14:31.34Kattyhi TimeRider
14:31.53TimeRider.. just passing by...
14:31.58[TK]D-FenderkatyWe got ass-raped last night.  We went from 45F to 0F f-ing fast
14:32.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: rather
14:32.29TimeRideromg, did I speak to a bot?
14:32.41TimeRider.. ya never know these days!
14:32.58Kattyyes, i'm a bot.
14:33.04TimeRidernow I don't believe ya, lol
14:33.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: did you get any snow dumped on you?
14:33.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yup, and driver's spines went out the door immediately...
14:34.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: maybe later...
14:37.00Katty <- wow.
14:37.12Kattyand the cat seems oddly... calm
14:41.11dlynes_laptopKatty, ?
14:41.42Kattydlynes_laptop: i added a white background to the camera (=
14:41.52Kattydlynes_laptop: do you think it looks less washed out?
14:42.09dlynes_laptopKatty, holy cow....all those that your backyard?
14:42.25Kattyno, that was on reddit this morning
14:42.36Kattybut i do have four very handsome squirrels in the yard.
14:42.41infobotmethinks crittercam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House Critter Cam @ and The Nut House Bird Bath @
14:43.05Kattyi think the wireless adaptor must have fallen behind the couch because the fps are rather poor
14:43.27Kattyah, 6 squirrels this morning
14:43.34dlynes_laptopI really hate whatever ustream did to their website
14:43.52Kattyi can embedd it into my blog
14:43.53dlynes_laptopguaranteed within 2 seconds, my browser completely locks up on their website now
14:43.54coppiceKatty: is that your usual breakfast?
14:44.18Kattydlynes_laptop: let me in embed it, sec.
14:46.25Kattyhi eppigy
14:46.34dlynes_laptopKatty, yeah...not locking up now
14:46.38dlynes_laptopKatty, must be their website
14:47.14dlynes_laptopKatty, but yeah...the fps really sucks, but with that white background, it really fixes up the contrast of the background so you can see the tree better
14:47.29Kattyyeah i'm guessing my little usb thing fell behind the couch
14:47.48*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraaaa@
14:48.21Kattyor there's some other process hogging resources on that lil workstation
14:48.44coppicethere are millions of little USB things down the backs of couches. many of them memory sticks with the homework that was not eaten by the dog
14:49.15Kattymy couch was partially eating by the dog
14:49.51Kattyriddick had gotten upstairs at there was this awful noise so i went to check it out.... he was dragging the couch across the room.
14:50.03Kattywhich, i must say, is quite a display for a 3 month old puppy
14:50.12coppiceKatty: what about your homework?
14:50.18*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
14:50.22Kattyi don't do homework
14:50.24Kattyi did my time
14:51.23eppigyhi Katty
14:51.25voipmonkKatty - tell the truth - you're keeping baby dino's in the house
14:51.30voipmonkthe couch?
14:51.36*** join/#asterisk Yuy (
14:51.38voipmonkwho you foolin' ? :)
14:51.51Kattyyes, i totally am keeping a trex in the house.
14:51.54*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (n=sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
14:52.03voipmonkwhat does this puppy eat?
14:52.12coppicetrex? isn't that a cooking fat?
14:52.16Kattyshort of everything i give him?
14:53.11Kattyvoipmonk: it's called Diamond's Naturals
14:54.11Kattyvoipmonk: riddick has allergies to corn, wheat, soy, or a combination of those three.
14:54.31Kattyvoipmonk: so i found a dog food at buchietts which is chicken based with no corn wheat or soy (=
14:54.37Kattyit's chicken and rice or something
14:55.42Kattyi wonder how fast a trex could have ran
14:56.07Kattybah, 20mph
14:56.13*** part/#asterisk slidesinger (
14:56.23coppicetrex is a tub of lard. it doesn't run at all. cf couch potato
14:56.48Kattydo you know what you can do with a pound of lard?
14:56.53Kattyyou can melt it, in a big pan.
14:57.05Kattyand then mix bird seed, oatmeal, cornmeal, dried fruit, and other goodies into it
14:57.06coppicemake dumplings, or elect it
14:57.08Kattyand hang it up for the birds.
14:57.31Kattyyeah...don't eat things fried in lard.
14:57.40Kattythat's just bad for you. really bad.
14:58.08coppiceelecting tubs of lard is bad for us, but that's what many countries do
14:59.04Katty <-
14:59.39Katty^- lard side effect
15:01.53dlynes_laptopKatty, wtf?
15:02.47Kattydlynes_laptop: hmm?
15:02.55dlynes_laptopKatty, thought you were going to show us someone with lard and drool dripping down their chin, or something
15:03.52Kattyso the orange slices were not a big hit.
15:04.00Kattythe peach went over okay
15:04.04Kattyand the banana was devoured.
15:05.11Katty <- cute idea, but far too easy.
15:06.03angryuserHello i have one Zap channel stuck in Rsrvd State,   zap show channel 34 is here >   it is stuck bridged, any ideas ? asterisk 1.2 zap 1.2
15:06.22Kattywow, 1.2
15:06.28Kattyhaven't see that used in awhile
15:06.29*** join/#asterisk jmayorga5_ (
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15:07.06Kattyhi jaytee
15:07.11angryuserKatty, many people still use 1.2 as they dont need much new stuff
15:07.18jayteehi Katty
15:07.28Kattyjaytee: you have snow up north?
15:08.49jayteemany people use 1.2 still because they have third party addins and customization that won't port to 1.4 or 1.6 and either can't afford the cost/time to upgrade or in a few rare instances are just too damn lazy
15:09.46Kattyit's just odd to see it mentioned.
15:10.06Katty <- *hee* "wear particle mask"
15:10.07*** part/#asterisk fiddur (n=fiddur@
15:10.21*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (
15:10.44Kattywow, siberia has 40ft snow drifts.
15:12.24coppiceKatty: how do you know the last user didn't just die of ebola?
15:12.48Poincarerussellb: regarding that operator telling me iax is insecure, I thing he's getting ddos attacks and just needs something to blame
15:13.43Kattycoppice: i'm....not following you
15:14.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:14.28coppiceKatty: some notebooks really are dangerously infected
15:14.54voipmonkiax is insecure
15:14.57Kattyi'm so completely lost
15:14.57*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:15.10voipmonkany asterisk system running iax can be shut down
15:15.10Kattyeither i'm not awake, or it's just going over my head
15:15.14voipmonkdigium knows this but refuses to fix it
15:15.21eppigyI am eating avocado, canned chicken, and yogurt
15:15.29Naikrovekvoipmonk: explain
15:15.30coppiceKatty <- *hee* "wear particle mask"
15:15.54Kattybrb, gotta move mah car
15:17.09drfreezeAnyone built an * system using a solid-state drive? I'm wondering how long one would last, especially if you were doing call monitoring
15:21.29KattyMFin BRRRR
15:21.58*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
15:22.00Kattydrfreeze: better not take it through the airport ;P
15:22.24drfreezeKatty: :), why?
15:22.33*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
15:22.38drfreezeare solid state drives explosive?
15:22.49drfreezeBTW, I am flying today
15:23.02voipmonkwhere to
15:23.03Kattyor at least, one air port security thought it was.
15:23.07drfreezeThey always have a problem with the maginifying glass I carry in my laptop case.
15:23.12*** join/#asterisk phl4kx (
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15:23.19Kattyyou might start a fire with it
15:23.36drfreezeIt does funny things to the xray I think
15:23.56Kattygood possiblity
15:23.57drfreezeit goes thru with no problems about 1 in 20 times
15:24.05coppicedrfreeze: is it lead crystal?
15:24.14drfreezeI think
15:24.21Kattyah, lead.
15:24.52coppicelead crystal comes out totally black on those X-ray machines. denser than steel
15:28.53Kattyeppigy: did you save me any avacado? :>
15:31.40AkiraaThis makes me wonder: can you reasonably hope to haul important electronics through US airports these days?
15:34.22*** join/#asterisk benngard (
15:34.32eppigyKatty: I have several at home
15:35.19*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
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15:36.01ZeeekIt's beer o'clock over here in Euroland
15:36.15ariel_Akiraa: I hope so, I just took some testing electronic equipment through the airport.  A T1 test unit, a Wireless signal test system as well
15:37.37*** join/#asterisk RobH (
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15:37.54coppicetaking terminal blocks through airports in your luggage is fun. they *always* make you open your bags. the terminals look like bullets :-)
15:38.28Katty'terminal blocks'?
15:38.39ariel_your correct, I had to turn on the testers for them to see that there worked
15:39.21ariel_English teacher
15:39.26leifmadsenit helps to make a difference if you say:  you-er vs. yor
15:39.35leifmadsenyour and you're shouldn't even sound the same
15:39.40Kattyoh, that
15:39.53Kattyi thought they were called 66 blocks
15:40.01coppicein days of yore the apostrophe was optional
15:40.07*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
15:40.11leifmadsencoppice: :)
15:40.11Kattyhi riddlebox
15:40.16*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
15:41.18p3nguinwonders what happened to the big bad storm we should have received.
15:42.17ariel_I think you can say that weather is and has always been very un predictable,  oh and since Al Gore we also can now always blame it on Global Warming. Even if it's cold.
15:42.17Kattyp3nguin: well...
15:42.19Kattyp3nguin: it slowed down
15:42.25Kattyp3nguin: we're just now getting hit, down south
15:42.38Kattyp3nguin: you can have a look on crittercam at the snow (=
15:43.04p3nguinkatty: It'll probably crash my browser.
15:43.17*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
15:43.39Kattyp3nguin: i embedded it for dlynes_laptop
15:44.10timeshellHere's a question:  Is there a module for asterisk that would allow for one to use an incoming channel as a dialup ppp connection?
15:44.24timeshellspecifically an incoming SIP channel
15:44.31voipmonkppp over sip
15:44.45voipmonkthat would suck
15:44.51timeshellYah it would
15:44.58voipmonkim about to show my age here
15:45.03Kattyuh oh
15:45.04voipmonkdo some research on slirp
15:45.05Kattysells tickets
15:45.06voipmonkor tia
15:45.26timeshellslip is pre ppp
15:45.30timeshellI'm familiar with slip
15:45.43voipmonkits old skewl
15:45.52timeshellOk, and why may I ask?
15:45.54voipmonkyou'll have more luck
15:46.08voipmonkppp over sip is going to bite worse than faxing over sip
15:46.26ariel_what is ppp or is this what you are calling RAS
15:46.39timeshellWhy would it be worse that faxing?
15:46.59timeshellIf the sampling is greater than the modem speed, it should be relatively stable shouldn't it?
15:47.15coppicecontinuous modem operation is far more quirky than the fairly short bursts used for FAXing
15:47.31timeshellBut I guess the question still is, how would one integrate that into asterisk... direct an incoming call over SIP to a ppp/slip/slirp?
15:48.04timeshellAdditionally, I don't think I'm looking for faster than 14400 for a modem connection.
15:48.05*** join/#asterisk MAbbas (i=Jinbaba@
15:48.13timeshellNot 57600
15:48.30p3nguinkatty: Here's what the radar looked like at 1:30.  We should have been snowed upon, according to it.  :/
15:48.39MAbbasHi everyone, how can I get channel variables in AGI script?
15:49.12timeshellthinking... "I suppose iaxmodem would do it..."
15:49.15MAbbasI tried.. AGI Rx << get variable DIALSTATUS
15:49.16MAbbasAGI Tx >> 200 result=0
15:49.20coppicetimeshell: why do you need that? I am genuinely interested in the kinds of apps people still have for modems
15:49.25voipmonkgood lord
15:49.27*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (n=mundt@
15:49.36asteriskATmarmuDhi there
15:49.50timeshellcoppice Only for the rare occasion that I don't have a suitable internet connection and I'm desperate for one.
15:49.56timeshellMy incoming trunks are all SIP
15:50.12ariel_coppice: I can give you one,  HOA have to communicate to the gates and most only do it via modem 9600 bps
15:50.26asteriskATmarmuDanyone experienced in using digium tdm410
15:50.36coppiceone interesting use is dialing into the VoIP server to fix it :-)
15:50.41ariel_asteriskATmarmuD: just ask your question
15:51.07asteriskATmarmuDok, I installed the card correctly, but I got no dial tone on the connected phone
15:51.20coppiceariel_: HOA?
15:51.26*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
15:51.32Kattyp3nguin: hmm, yeah
15:51.44ariel_Home Owers Assosiation, they control our gates
15:52.00timeshellcoppice... Would sort of defeat the purpose since the only access to the server would be over the internet anyway
15:52.02Kattyp3nguin: at least we're not in the ice regon
15:52.16coppiceariel_: ah. do you know what kind of modem they use?
15:52.26fatnasty1MAbbas: be carefull using agi, it can cause terrible sound quality.   use fastagi instead.
15:52.33timeshellcoppice All the trunks are over the internet.  The dialup would be over a SIP trunk over the internet.
15:52.47ariel_most of them use standard modems but at 9600 baud
15:53.22coppiceariel_: most security stuff uses really slow modems.
15:53.59ariel_yes for some reason or another they still use old stuff
15:54.12*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:54.30fatnasty1MAbbas: Or better yet use AMI instead of AGI.
15:54.58[TK]D-FenderAGI has nothing to do with audio quality
15:55.04ariel_they have the phone lines on there mb and use it for inbound calls to configure the system like alarms systems and also use the line for when someones gets to the gate and dials an owner to let them in
15:55.12MAbbasfantasy1: i am using FastAGI
15:55.15coppiceariel_: security is not an industry that moves very quickly
15:55.20[TK]D-FenderWhere do people come up with this stuff?
15:55.51*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:56.42p3nguinkatty: I loaded your embedded video page; then I pressed the play button on the image.  It loaded a new browser window to show me the video in your original ustream page... but it didn't crash the browser!
15:56.46Kattyryan just called me--he thinks i should come home :<
15:57.03Kattyp3nguin: that is just...crazy
15:57.14*** join/#asterisk Daviey (n=Daviey@ubuntu/member/
15:57.36p3nguinkatty: If I press the play button on the lower left corner, it plays in your embedded page.
15:59.30*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
15:59.56MAbbashere is my dialplan entry, exten => _80X,1,AGI(agi://
16:00.16MAbbasand in agi script I do AGI Rx << EXEC Dial Agent/201
16:00.16MAbbasAGI Tx >> 200 result=-1
16:00.25fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: Thats where your wrong
16:00.32MAbbasI want to get DIALSTATUS variable?
16:01.36[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: AGI itself doesn't stream audio, it is an interface to issue commands that * itself will execute
16:02.02[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: And it's "you're"
16:02.04fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: we tried running AGI on every inbound call on an Asterisk VM platform, spwaning a seperate proccess many times a second can make the audio sound like shit.
16:02.26[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: thats a server load issue, not the mere fact that its AGI
16:02.43[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: Smaller load = jsut fine
16:03.06MAbbasfantasy1: the thing is its something to do with asterisk handling all the load .. [TK]D-Fender said is absolutly right
16:03.14[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: that's like saying a station wagon is slower than a bicycle... just because there is a traffic jam.
16:03.36fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: well whatever dude, dont use AGI if you dont have to.
16:03.45fatnasty1use AMI
16:03.52[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: I don't
16:03.53MAbbaswen we use FastAGI we basically transfer the load to AGI server ..
16:04.03[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: And AMI and AGI have nothing to do with each other.
16:04.13[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: Stop comparing apples & oranges
16:04.31fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: you can accomplish many of the same tasks,
16:04.44[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: AGI is for dialplan processing.  AMI is for issuing other random functions not related to the current channel (sine it isn't frm a channel
16:05.15*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
16:05.21fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: I bet its hard to hang out with you.
16:05.52fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: and thats all i have to say about that..............
16:06.09[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: You are comparing two completely different things and trying to shift your way out of it.
16:06.24MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: here is my dialplan entry, exten => _80X,1,AGI(agi://
16:06.24MAbbasand in agi script I do AGI Rx << EXEC Dial Agent/201
16:06.24MAbbasAGI Tx >> 200 result=-1
16:06.24MAbbasI want to get DIALSTATUS variable?
16:06.26[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: And now a third.
16:06.43[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: I don't know... DO you?
16:07.07fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: You are an arrogant confrontational individual.
16:07.14_abc_feels that he joined in the middle of an odd discussion
16:07.17[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Do you expect me to knwo your wants?  the dial command was accepted.  if your AGI continues they chances are the call didn't go through
16:07.20_abc_or several
16:07.49[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: If by "confront" you mean "willing to point out that advice you are giving here to people is wrong", then yes
16:08.02fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: in your opinion
16:08.18[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: You seem to take everything contradictory to what you are saying as a personal attack.  This is problematic
16:08.44Zeeek[TK]D-Fender I resemble that remark!!!
16:08.46MAbbasI am asking how can I get DIALSTATUS of last Dial() in my AGI script?
16:08.50[TK]D-FenderZeeek: :)
16:08.55fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: If you run an agi script on every call you will spawn a seperate process on every call, this can and will cause shitty audio.
16:09.02[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: its a variable like any other.  Go get it
16:09.06Zeeekseperate is spelled separate
16:09.18fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: also VIOP is part of the PSTN.
16:09.35[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: if I have 2 calls going on in my server at any one time on a quad-core system with 4 gigs I will get shitty audio?
16:10.06MAbbasthis is what I get after DIAL() is finished AGI Rx << get variable DIALSTATUS
16:10.07MAbbasAGI Tx >> 200 result=0
16:10.15fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: Nope, but that is an unrealistic situation.
16:10.16MAbbasi.e. variable is not set ..
16:10.31[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: No, its perfectly realistic.  I don't get that many calls.
16:10.37Kobazhow would i force a registration entry in asterisk
16:10.38voipmonkwears a question mark on his face
16:10.44[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: You are casting aspersions as to my requirements.
16:10.53Kobazif i do a database put on SIP/registry, sip show peers doesn't have the ip
16:10.57fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: Then why would you have purchased such an over speced server?
16:11.06KobazSIP/Registry rather
16:11.25[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: Quad core systems with 4 gig is a common DESKTOP these days
16:11.31_abc_so what can cause large banging noises in sip connections? what is the normal way in which network load and drop-outs manifest themselves?
16:11.35[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: And I could get away with far less.
16:11.51voipmonkdoes that matter fatnasty1 ?   what matters is you're getting shitty audio - agi and shitty audio go together like...   pump gas and peanut butter and jelly
16:12.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:12.29[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: 10 AGI's in swing at a time... how big a box you do you really thing I need?  You also didn't quanlify as to the actual load the AGI's would be placing due to their function.  Are your AGI's doing more than mine?
16:12.42[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: You have no substance for comparison.
16:12.56[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: Instead have jumped to a wholesale conclusion.
16:13.05voipmonkset the scene for me fatnasty1 , you're getting audio quality issues - whats in the mix, what are you doing to make your calls? ?
16:13.17fatnasty1Well use AGI all you want then. But when you run a script on every call, a separate process will spawn on every call, and this can and does become problematic.
16:13.23*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
16:13.33_abc_so what can cause large banging noises in sip connections? what is the normal way in which network load and drop-outs manifest themselves?
16:13.41[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: AGI is nasty apparently.  Not the fact that is running a 5 million record SQl query for each on 200 simultaneaous calls to the same AGI per second.
16:13.42fatnasty1Doesnt matter what you THINK about it. I have SEEN it happen
16:14.25fatnasty1[TK]D-Fender: yout 5 million record query is 1 process, thats not the point.
16:14.29MAbbas<fatnasty1>: does same thing happen if you use FastAGI?
16:14.38Skeeter-anyone can tell me about Openvox product???
16:14.41voipmonkwhat is the point?
16:14.51fatnasty1MAbbas: I havent tried it yet, but I assume not as it sends the load to a different server.
16:14.56[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: AGI isn't bad. The scale of how many, and what they are doing is your problem.  No-one else's.
16:15.19[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Avoid.  Cusctom support = bad, and are based on old Digium designs
16:15.33fatnasty1voipmonk: If you run an AGI script on every call, and your system gets alot of calls, you will run into audio problems.
16:15.42Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, thanks, i saw the look like product of digium
16:15.59Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i only used Sangoma so far, do you suggest anything else??
16:16.05MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: lets say, If I open 100 FastAGI connections at a time .. does that posses any problem on * performance(sound etc)?
16:16.13[TK]D-Fender[11:14]<fatnasty1>[TK]D-Fender: yout 5 million record query is 1 process, thats not the point. <- Yes... PER CALL. That's the point. after 200 simultaneous calls your server load will skyrocket
16:16.20fatnasty1MAbbas: hell yes it will.
16:16.43*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
16:16.48[TK]D-Fender11:15]<fatnasty1>voipmonk: If you run an AGI script on every call, and your system gets alot of calls, you will run into audio problems. <- again unqualified because you don't specify a fixed # of calls, and don't have a server spec to compare it against
16:16.50voipmonkfatnasty1: I can see that working out if you arent aware of how to build your system to scale, like not using agi for 1m minutes/day on an under powered single system.
16:17.27[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: "Your server can't handle 200 calls at a time! --- "You don't know what I'm running, so stop commenting".
16:17.50voipmonkhow many calls is a lot?
16:17.51fatnasty1Just kidding AGI is awesome I try to spawn as many processes as I can with every call, it can't cause a problem.
16:18.09fatnasty1Everyone should use it alot, especially you MAbbs.
16:18.10[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: What part of "the numbers matter" are you failing to understand?
16:18.10Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: any idea? my sip master?
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16:18.30[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: Yes AGI places a load.  How much VS what you can handle is the issue and the details matter.  ALL of the details.
16:18.44fatnasty1i agree with everything Tk says, he is right.
16:18.48voipmonkforce registration entry in asterisk by ........   adding a register line in sip.conf
16:19.14Kobazno, the opposite
16:19.35voipmonkam I on Punk'd today?
16:19.36Kobazmake asterisk be aware of a phone at ip x
16:19.38MAbbasfatnasty1: Sarcasm?
16:19.44Kobazwithout having the phone directly register with it
16:19.53fatnasty1Nope, use AGI. I was just kidding.
16:19.57[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: How about you take a step back and explain what you actually need to DO.
16:20.14voipmonkhost = ip in the peer stanza in sip.conf, Kobaz
16:20.18[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Aware in what way?
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16:20.34Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: as if the phone registered with it
16:20.39voipmonkKobaz: whats your sip peer look like in sip.conf?
16:20.47Kobazvoipmonk: dynamic ips
16:20.58Kobazalthough i'm seriously considering making all the phones static ips via dhcp
16:20.59[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Please rephrase from the top....
16:20.59voipmonkhost = dyndns name then
16:21.02MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> well, for each of my call I spawan a FastAGI connection which uses Dial() to connect call to agent
16:21.14voipmonkbut it wont be 'registered'
16:21.19[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What does FastAGI do for you exactly?
16:21.33fatnasty1Fact is there is no doubt TK knows more about * than I do. But, I will tell you that I have had problems with AGI on large servers with heavy call volume, this is a fact.
16:21.47Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i have two asterisk boxes, for failover... it's a simple failover setup, machines A and B are identical, physical switch on a t1 and network interface... both servers have an ip of on the 'shared' network interface
16:21.49MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: connects incoming call to agent of my choice
16:22.00voipmonkwhat is heavy call volume?  what processor were you using? what were you doing in the agi for every call?
16:22.07Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: so when i flip from one server to another, if a call comes in, asterisk doesn't know where the phone is until they reregister
16:22.16[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: if all AGI is doing is issuing the Dial command I fail to see what you're using an AGI.  you could jsut issue that dial directly in the dialplan.
16:22.23[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What ELSE is that AGI doing?
16:22.42voipmonktying shoes
16:22.48voipmonkmaking sandwhiches..
16:22.55voipmonkbabysitting the kids...
16:23.13voipmonkplaying traffic cop
16:23.16MAbbasin AGI server I basically use some hueristic to come up with best Agent match for incoming call ..
16:23.39fatnasty1voipmonk: probably 40 calls a min or so. most very short durration, this was on an HP DL360 2 proc, lots of ram, 8 gigs or so. the agi script was running a mysql query and setting an * variable based on the result.
16:24.10MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: What it basically is doing .. overriding Queue policy(roundrobin, etc .. )
16:24.13[TK]D-Fender[11:21]<fatnasty1>Fact is there is no doubt TK knows more about * than I do. But, I will tell you that I have had problems with AGI on large servers with heavy call volume, this is a fact. <- so far you haven't given details on the number of calls, the actual function of your AGI's, how long a channel sits in an AGI call as opposed to returning to the dialplan, or the specs of your server,...
16:24.15[TK]D-Fender...or call-rate.  These would be "facts"  You have not given us facts.  You have given us a summary conclusion.  AGAIN
16:24.40voipmonkthere's all kinds of issues with that,, most noobs open a connection for every call, fatnasty1 - im willing to bet money that thats what you were doing :)
16:24.58[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What does it do after the DIAL Agent/XXX ends?
16:25.27MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: Just that nothing else ..
16:25.40bmoraca_workfatnasty1: i'd imagine that func_odbc and a stored procedure would be infinitely more efficient than launching AGI and running through 2-3 more layers to get there
16:26.07MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: But the problem is I have to know, what was the result of Dial()
16:26.22fatnasty1voipmonk: probably
16:26.23[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: then you should not be issuing the DIAL inside of the AGI.  you should exit the AGI the moment you have the information it needs to lookup and you should let the DIALPLAN issue the dial.  this way you will have NO AGI in memory during an active call.
16:26.48[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: You could eliminate this load almost instantly.
16:27.26MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: how do I tell dialplan to Dial() agent of my choice?
16:27.53[TK]D-FenderMAbbas:'re telling AGI to DIAL... how crap!  What do you think it's doing?  Dial(Agent/12345) !
16:28.35[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Its just as straightforward as nomal dialplan.  AGI can't do that much more to * directly than normal dialplan can.  Its jsut calling the app no better than you can on your own.
16:28.55Zeeek<friendly spam> Join us in a half hour for the VUC with Plantronics in 30 minutes, Counterpath in 90 minutes. IRC #vuc - </friendly spam>
16:29.13ZeeekTo opt out of our friendly spam program, please go to ....
16:29.29MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: my dialplan is  - exten => _80X,1,AGI(agi://
16:30.10[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: exten => _80X,2,Dial(Agent/${agenttodialwhichyoushouldsetinyouragirightbeforeleaving})
16:30.12MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: besides, my heristics code is written in C# .. so I can not port it on *
16:30.43[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: the SELECtION of the agent warrants the AGI... Dialing the Agent after selection is NOT.
16:31.06ZeeekC# or you might B flat
16:31.42[TK]D-FenderZeeek: .. Db .....
16:31.48[TK]D-Fender(just sayin')
16:31.55[TK]D-Fenderrocks out
16:32.22bmoraca_workC-G-E...the three chords that play nearly every rock song ever!
16:32.40Zeeekthat was from grade school, look both ways before crossing
16:32.41[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Um.... also close but not quite :)
16:32.41MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: so essentialy, you are saying AGI should set a channel variable and quit and dialplan use that variable to dial agent .. I should set a channel variable in AGI and close my connection ..
16:32.52[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: 1st, 4th, & 5th magor within
16:32.56ZeeekA G I are the three chords played most often here
16:33.11[TK]D-Fender"within any given major key"
16:33.20Zeeekyou just reminded me to cue up the music for the weekly concert
16:33.29ZeeekI IV V
16:33.36MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: thanks !
16:33.44[TK]D-FenderZeeek: you should do one on streaming / MoH / royalties 7 licensing
16:34.17ZeeekI'd love to TK, ! Wo to invite?
16:34.29bmoraca_workindeed, that should be brought to attention...but no one would pay attention.
16:34.58MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: One thing how do I let know that my Dial() command was successful/un-successful?
16:35.15[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: ... same way as we do for EVERY call.
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16:35.34[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: ..... this is seriously 101 grade stuff...."core show application dial"
16:36.08voipmonkallow the applications to do what they do best and don't be afraid to hand off the information to their partners for best dialplan or asterisk optimization. it should feel natural when reading the dialplan. this does this and that does this but using this to do that and that to do this leads to fatnasty1's scaling issue.  if u run into cpu problems - maybe there's another app that does what u need that can take the load off another app. its
16:36.08voipmonkuse applications as team members to reach your goal while keeping the overall load to a minimum.
16:36.46_abc_guys, how do sip dorpouts sound in your parts?!
16:37.02fatnasty1If you have to use agi, use fastagi.
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16:37.17[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: In his case he left the AGI around far longer than needed and the collection of them is the issue.  Easily circumvented with sub-nominal effort
16:38.01_abc_in my case i hear loud banging noises
16:38.04_abc_is that normal?
16:38.21bmoraca_workfatnasty1: the problem isn't his using AGI for what he needs...his problem is that he's using AGI wrong.
16:38.39[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Can't hear you, speak up!
16:39.03[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Well using it right.. for the wrong tasks :)
16:39.07_abc_[TK]D-Fender: i hear noise on the channel ...
16:39.23[TK]D-Fender_abc_: This place is always noisy...
16:40.31fatnasty1bmoraca_work: Im not really paying attention to what his problems are, Im just making a general statement about AGI, I'd say if your going to use it, use fastagi instaead, even if its not currently nessisary it can only help you down the road.
16:40.55MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: Pardon man, I send DIALSTATUS, using another agi connection and disconnect.. right?
16:41.15bmoraca_workfatnasty1: and I still maintain that func_odbc with stored procedures would be faster
16:41.46fatnasty1bmoraca_work: AGI isnt just for SQL.
16:42.01bmoraca_workfatnasty1: i never said it was.  stored procedures can do a lot of things.
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16:42.47fatnasty1bmoraca_work: Well I wouldnt use a stored proc to do a screen scrape on a website for football scores.
16:43.13fatnasty1An AGI script may be used for this.
16:43.18asteriskATmarmuDdigium TDM410 and no dial tone on the connecte analog phone??? any hints?
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16:44.17bmoraca_workfatnasty1: no, probably not.  then again, why would you need a phone service for that when it's far easier to just look at the website myself?  untenable examples don't disprove the general theory.
16:44.33p3nguinWhen a call comes in, I start MixMonitor() before the call goes into the queue.  There isn't much time before someone answers, so that part isn't the problem...  The problem is that when the call is transferred to me, the MixMonitor() doesn't keep recording.  Is there any way to make it continue recording through the transfer?
16:45.36fatnasty1bmoraca_work: well if you run a fantasy football site, and want your users to be able to dial in and get scores is why.
16:45.47Zeeekjoin us now, we're getting started:  or #vuc here on
16:45.50*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
16:46.40bmoraca_workonce again, untenable example.  aside from that, it would be far more efficient of you to pull those numbers from a database, rather than scrape them from a website every single time someone calls.  look, i'm not going to argue with you anymore.  keep living in your lala land, and i'll keep working in the real world.
16:47.27fatnasty1your basicly saying the only use for AGI is SQL and I disagree.
16:47.41p3nguinThe phone's transfer key is being used to perform an attended transfer.  MixMonitor() records while the caller is on hold (while the answerer is calling someone else to establish the attended transfer), but as soon as they complete the transfer by pressing the button a second time or hanging up, MixMonitor() stops.
16:48.18bmoraca_workfatnasty1: i never once, EVER, said that.  i said that there is no reason to use agi when stored procedures can do 99% of the job far more efficiently.  the last 1% are examples that would never occur in the real world.  end of story.
16:48.42_abc_omg AGI+SQL in real time is really bad speed-wise
16:48.58_abc_although a lot of places use that, long distance calling cards too
16:49.03fatnasty1Is your world the real world?
16:49.11QwellIs your SQL server on the other side of the Atlantic?
16:49.21_abc_this is due to the fail mantra 'database==SQL'
16:49.40fatnasty1Im outa here, take a shit guys.
16:49.50[TK]D-Fender[11:40]<MAbbas><[TK]D-Fender>: Pardon man, I send DIALSTATUS, using another agi connection and disconnect.. right? <- Really?  Why?
16:49.58_abc_basically a gdb hash lookup is more than enough and you can have 10 million records and it will barely blip the system load
16:50.03bmoraca_workfails at
16:50.10[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: You haven't said what you want to DO after the call doesn't go through.
16:50.18asteriskATmarmuDwho wants to help me?
16:50.25[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: again this is asking my to make wild guesses about your needs.
16:50.25asteriskATmarmuDdigium TDM410 and no dial tone on the connecte analog phone??? any hints?
16:51.16voipmonkwhat else is involved in this call asteriskATmarmuD ?
16:51.23[TK]D-FenderQwell: yeah, he's an entire boatload of fail.  A life less qualified indeed.
16:51.32MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: if Dial is un-successful , I add call to Queue for default processing
16:52.08[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: then just call Queue right after.  Do you CARE why the call didn't go through?  Also you should dial with a Timeout so it doesn't ring forever
16:53.53MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: right - am I stay corrected about letting know DIALSTATUS, using AGI connection?
16:54.33[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: there is no purpose to being in a AGI after the moment you haev retreived the agent # to call.
16:54.43[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: NONE.
16:55.00[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Dial the Agent # you retrieved.  Go into Queue.
16:55.04[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: The End.
16:55.26Naikrovekend credits
16:55.31Naikrovekup tempo music
16:55.41[TK]D-Fenderrocks out ... AGAIN
16:55.49MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: I have to let my application know, that its decision wan implemented or not .. !
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16:58.05[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What application?
16:58.22[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What decision?
16:58.33MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> MAbbas: there is no purpose to being in a AGI after the moment you haev retreived the agent # to call. <- I disconnect agi and after Dial() is finished .. I connect to agi and tell my application that its decision was implement or not ..
16:58.42MAbbasdecision = Agent #
16:58.54[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: NO.
16:59.16[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Enter AGI.  get the Agent to call from it.  Return to dialplan.  DIAL the agent from dialplan.  Then what?
17:00.34MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: Let my huristic application know that Agent # it provided was called or not? to maintain stats in my huristics applicaion
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17:01.09[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: How do you pass it that information?
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17:02.05MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: I will pass call's uniqueid along with DIALSTATUS
17:02.17MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: as agi arguments
17:02.34[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: NO.  that AGI DOES something with this information.  WHAT does it DO with it?
17:02.51[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: AGI is where you are thing of atking this action.  WHAT is the action itself?
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17:04.45MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: Action is Agent # generation to serve the call .. But I have to maintain statistics about incoming call and whom it was Dial()ed
17:05.06[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: where do you STORE the damn statistics?!?!?!
17:05.29MAbbasin DB ..
17:05.45[TK]D-Fender\mabbHow complex a DB call?  A simple INSErT?
17:05.58MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: yes
17:06.02[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: You can do even THAT directly in dialplan <----
17:06.31[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: MySQL and ODBC is quite functional directly from dialplan apps.
17:06.53[TK]D-FenderLunch, back in a few minutes.
17:07.01MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> ok
17:09.33*** join/#asterisk DarkFibre (n=DarkFibr@
17:09.41_abc_[TK]D-Fender: you pushed him down the 'database==mySQL' fail mantra ...
17:11.06bmoraca_work_abc_: mysql is simply an example of an RDBMS.  ODBC is an abstraction layer that allows you to connect to any database.  the only "fail mantra" here is yours.
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17:12.50_abc_the only fail mantra here is to consider a remote database access on a loaded db server an option in a relatime system, and have people wait for the machines to do what they do (slowly) under load
17:13.11_abc_often on the phone which costs a lot of money
17:13.19_abc_(when calling in)
17:13.26Kattydlynes_laptop: the adaptor fell behind the couch...i moved it back to where it should be (=
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17:13.59_abc_i can quote several real life examples here, most of them related to calling card applications where i clocked 30 seconds and more until the lady in the box tells the remaining card value
17:14.16Kattydlynes_laptop: it's going to look a little washed out again, i pulled the blinds so i can watch out the window (=
17:14.16_abc_although it is 'just' a simple card number lookup
17:14.24bmoraca_work_abc_: a properly configured database system can provide realtime data.  views, for instance, were designed specifically for that.  proper indexing in the database can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to look something up.
17:14.57bmoraca_work_abc_: improperly implemented examples do not invalidate the entire practice.
17:15.15_abc_bmoraca_work: true, but that requires a dedicated server whose load can be kept under control and provided for with hardware. it also requires the db to be local to the client application, and not shared with other unpredictable users.
17:16.01_abc_bmoraca_work: so get back to the real world, where everyone is penny-pinching and running on obsolete hardware with non-genius admins, give them SQL and stored procedures, and wait about 5 minutes for them to hang themselves with it
17:16.05bmoraca_work_abc_: no it doesn't.  they can coexist just fine.  if your database is getting to the point where it is not performing well on a shared server, it's probably time for a dedicated server.
17:16.43bmoraca_work_abc_: that's not the real world.  sorry, it just isn't.  but, you're welcome to believe so if you'd like.
17:17.18_abc_ahh, and who is going to convince the boss it's time to pay for it? it runs like it is anyway, right? and the right answer is gdbm which will really do the lookup and update in a blink because it is not SQL, and it will be as fast as an asteroid on the ancient hardware
17:18.46_abc_i work a lot with embedded systems, assembly and also embedded asterisk with marginal cpu capacity, low ram, and often no disk at all. SQL is a mistake grandfathered from univeristy via web V2.0
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17:20.22bmoraca_work_abc_: you're not going to run large database queries in an embedded system.  yet another untenable example.  in your own example of calling card balance don't run that on an embedded system, and you'd be a moron to try.  depending on your client base, you run that on very, very large servers.  why would you even bring embedded systems into the equation?
17:20.39_abc_incidentally gdbm is a component of mySQL, i.e. mySQL runs on gdbm
17:21.09_abc_bmoraca_work: thanks for the compliments, the application runs great on the embedded diskless system.
17:21.11MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> MAbbas: MySQL and ODBC is quite functional directly from dialplan apps.
17:21.21MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>well, I do not have direct access DB, I call API of another application that stores DB entries
17:21.29bmoraca_work_abc_: you must have 15 customers.  congrats.  but you're still a moron.
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17:21.56_abc_bmoraca_work: i heard in argentina they throw capybarras with a catapult to communicate
17:22.12Naikrovekcapybaras are freakin' huge
17:22.17Naikrovek(for rodents)
17:22.38[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What kind of API calls?
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17:23.16MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> non standard, DB application exposes its own API's
17:23.37[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: At worst you would call a second AGI for the sole purpose of doing this logging.  This means that GI is only in use for the bare minimum of time.
17:24.27MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: yes, I just pass DIALSTATUS as agi arg and read it and close the connection ..
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17:25.13[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Yes, that way you don't have AGI's sucking up resources & connection for active calls in progress.  Only for a moment at the very start, and at the very end
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17:25.58MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> Thanks man! You have been big help ..
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17:28.01_cgchi everyone
17:28.41_cgcdoes anyone know why I would be getting the following when a call comes in over a sip trunk:
17:29.43[TK]D-Fender_cgc: tahts the end of it, is it?
17:29.46_cgcif I change the sip peer in sip.conf to 'host=dynamic' it works, but then outgoing calls don't work
17:29.54_cgc[TK]D-Fender: yes
17:30.32[TK]D-Fender_cgc: * is challenging their invite and they just give up.  Add "insecure=port,invite" to your [voiptalk] entry
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17:31.17_cgc[TK]D-Fender: ok will try, thank you very much :)
17:32.22*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
17:32.46_cgc[TK]D-Fender: brilliant! that worked perfectly :)
17:33.02[TK]D-Fender_cgc: You're welcome.
17:33.09titterAnyone here splitting a PRI into BRI's, or splitting a PRI some other way? I have two PRI's at one site, and one connects to our main Asterisk box, the other goes to our Asterisk box dedicated to fax. I would like to split some channels from the 2nd PRI, and bring them into my main Asterisk box.
17:33.12[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@@! (c) BKW
17:33.43*** join/#asterisk DarkFibre_XPS (n=DarkFibr@
17:34.41[TK]D-Fendertitter: if you have 2 PRI's, 2 *'s, and each * is connected to its own PRI.... then why would you send calls between your *'s via BRI?
17:35.07[TK]D-Fendertitter: this adds senseless hardware and complexity into the mix
17:36.35jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you're certainly racking up some good karma today
17:37.00titter[TK]D-Fender: Basically the first PRI to our main * is completely in use, all 23 chans. Just trying to find a solution to better load balance.
17:37.28carrartitter, have phone company roll calls over to the second PRI
17:37.28titter[TK]D-Fender: Hence the 2nd part of my question, splitting the PRI some other way.
17:37.38tittercarrar: Thanks.
17:37.41carrarthen via SIP point those to the primary *
17:38.05titterThat is much easier.
17:39.20*** join/#asterisk terracon (
17:39.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: My karma ran over your dogma :D
17:39.45*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
17:41.25*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
17:42.03Kattyhalp, being attacked by slobbery monster
17:42.24jayteeslobbery? is it's name Riddick?
17:42.32Kattyhow did you guess?!
17:42.46[TK]D-FenderGETT OFF HER RYAN!
17:42.56Kattyhe is very determined and depositing slobbery squeaky toy on my lap
17:43.00jayteejust lucky, plus ferrets are very slobberous
17:43.14Kattyferrets don't slobber ^_-
17:43.31jayteeneither does Ryan probably but I bet he drools and snores in his sleep
17:43.47Kattyhe definately snores sometimes
17:44.02Kattypup wants to type!
17:44.09*** join/#asterisk pietro (
17:44.35jayteeI've been trying to get my hands on a j8923j for over two months now but they're always on backorder
17:45.30KattyzE4~S <- lol. squeaky orange tennis balls are very hard to come by ;P
17:49.06_abc_is that a dog typing?
17:49.27Kattyno, that's a dog trying to give me his squeaky toy while i'm typing
17:49.28*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
17:50.01_abc_uhh, ok. anything is possible on irc. log in to a root shell and see if he is a not a cat!
17:50.10_abc_by letting him type
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk rfoxpct (
17:50.22_abc_or her
17:50.41Kattyriddick has no interest in the keyboard
17:50.45Kattyhe just wants me to throw the ball
17:51.03Kattyif he walks up to me, and i don't take the ball, he will dump it in my lap
17:52.24*** join/#asterisk comradeb14ck (n=comradeb@
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18:02.33anonymouz666BitchX still exist?
18:02.59blackbarley =p
18:09.13drmessanoWhere's the USB port on that?
18:11.18*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=albertoa@
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18:12.11_abc_anonymouz666: what's so funny about that?
18:13.17_abc_anonymouz666: if you meant the irc client then try hydra
18:29.46Naikrovekanyone know if there are any polycom resellers in india
18:29.55Naikroveki can't seem to find any via google or
18:34.41*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
18:35.49*** join/#asterisk DarkFibre_XPS (n=DarkFibr@
18:39.52*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (n=mundt@
18:40.33asteriskATmarmuDlast time for today, trying my luck
18:41.09asteriskATmarmuDmy analog card and dahdi seem to be installed and configured correctly, but I can't get a dial tone on my phone
18:41.26Naikrovekdo you have FXO modules or FXS
18:41.29Naikrovekor both
18:41.39Naikrovekthen I have no idea why you don't get dialtone
18:41.49[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: What colour are the modules?  Did you connect the molex?  Feel like actually showing us configs & card status this time?
18:41.51Naikrovekcheck the logs, make sure DAHDI is booting
18:42.01asteriskATmarmuDdahdi works
18:42.04Naikrovek"booting" wtf am i talking about
18:42.10[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: Who shot J.R.?  What's the Caramilk secret?  How much could a woodchuck chuck?
18:42.19asteriskATmarmuDringing of dahdi channel 1 shown on CLI (LOG)
18:42.29Naikrovekif DAHDI works then you get dialtone.  you don't get dialtone so either DAHDI isn't working/configured or your phone is busted
18:42.39Naikrovekbut i'm no expert on it
18:42.48asteriskATmarmuDok, this is what I thought
18:42.51Naikrovekif something isn't working there will be a log entry of it
18:42.58[TK]D-FenderScrew logs.
18:43.02Naikrovekthe card is bad or something
18:43.03asteriskATmarmuDmoment please
18:43.05[TK]D-Fender* CLI only.
18:43.37Naikroveki don't know why i'm so angry about that question... he's been polite and not flooded
18:43.49asteriskATmarmuDdmesg ->  33.833895] Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM410P (4 modules)
18:43.51Naikrovekhe said FXS a bit ago
18:44.41[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And I'm waiing for the more conslusive answer
18:44.42Naikrovekyeah i know
18:44.53asteriskATmarmuDfor the mess
18:44.56voipmonkasteriskATmarmuD: use
18:44.57Naikrovekuse a pastebin
18:45.06Naikrovekonce is forgiveable
18:45.16voipmonkasteriskATmarmuD: are these fxs or fxo?
18:45.17Naikrovekbut that's it :)
18:45.24carrarIt's FRI
18:45.33carrarno rules friday!
18:45.36Naikrovekcarrar: i like it
18:45.44asteriskATmarmuD4 FXS modules
18:45.55Naikrovekblack friday?  dealz?
18:45.58asteriskATmarmuDyeah friday night, I am still at work
18:46.08blackIt's only 10:45am here
18:46.17blackBut i'm still partying, baby!
18:46.18Naikroveknoon:45pm here
18:46.37NaikrovekasteriskATmarmuD: you got the channel going again
18:46.40Naikrovekthank you! (i mean that)
18:46.48asteriskATmarmuDshows every channel is "in service" IS THIS GOOD, I THOUGHT SO
18:46.57Naikrovekyes in service is good
18:47.12Naikrovekprobably not a DAHDI problem, i would guess.  voipmonk or [TK]D-Fender can correct me if they like
18:47.15asteriskATmarmuDthen why the helöl doesnt it work
18:47.28Naikrovekno idea :/
18:47.31asteriskATmarmuDphone tested on normal line works, on digium tdw410 not....
18:47.41voipmonklast dahdi problem i had I was using sip to dial out the fxo , I had to add ignoresdpversion=yes into sip.conf
18:47.51[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: I don't see answers to ANY of my questions.
18:48.06carrarYou can't handle the answers!!
18:48.22asteriskATmarmuDhad the same problem 2 times today, about 2-3 hours ago
18:48.31asteriskATmarmuDguess I have got my lucky minutes
18:49.02asteriskATmarmuDok, noone got any hint on: dahdi works but no dial tone
18:49.34asteriskATmarmuDis there some info you need to see dahdi is fully working, did I provide everytrhing already
18:49.42[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: Where are you configs?
18:49.50NaikrovekasteriskATmarmuD: find out what [TK]D-Fender is looking for, put it in a pastebin somewhere and he'll be happy to help you
18:49.55[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: where is the confirmation on the colour of the modules?
18:49.55Naikrovekthis is what I would do if I were you
18:50.02Naikrovekcontact voipmonk and he'll help you.
18:50.05[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: where is the confirmation that you plugged in the molex connector?
18:50.06Naikrovekboth VERY capable
18:50.07asteriskATmarmuDah, pastebin
18:50.08Naikrovekcery smart
18:50.10asteriskATmarmuDcheckin it nox
18:51.53AkiraaIs there a traffic sniffing tool that specializes on VoIP (SIP) traffic?
18:52.15Naikroveksip debug
18:52.28Naikrovekwireshark recognizes SIP traffic
18:52.48Naikrovekyou could use that if you really wanted to see that, but sip debug in asterisk console will give you what you want i think
18:54.30leifmadsenfor GUI, wireshark understands SIP and IAX2
18:54.41Naikrovekiax2 as well.. nice
18:55.36asteriskATmarmuDso I gathered some info
18:55.51asteriskATmarmuDwould be pleased I you could help
18:55.55asteriskATmarmuDstuck since days
18:58.05Naikrovekbmoraca_work: you there?
18:58.19bmoraca_worklurking, yes.  what do you need?
18:58.28Naikrovekbmoraca_work: you're polycom reseller, yes?
18:58.32asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: molex plugged
18:58.35Naikroveki need to find a polycom reseller in india
18:58.44bmoraca_workNaikrovek: yes, but I can't sell internationally
18:58.56Naikroveki know, but maybe you can find a list of resellers
18:59.00[TK]D-FenderasteriskATmarmuD: What colour are the modules?
18:59.07asteriskATmarmuDI also switched it, to check if it is the problem
18:59.28Naikrovekbmoraca_work: i'm in the US anyway; i just need to find a reseller in india for my india guys.  soooo tired of shipping phones to them from here
19:00.17asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: I am sitting at this "server" right know.... it is 4x FXS as ordered
19:00.39asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: I wanted to say, can't really open it right now... but will try....
19:00.58bmoraca_workNaikrovek: if they don't have a "Where to Buy" list on their website, I don't have any other way to get that information
19:01.12Naikrovekbmoraca_work: okay.  i can't find one.  i could be blind, though.
19:01.21ManxPower-work3 days until the Polycom SDK is released.
19:02.01bmoraca_workNaikrovek: you could try calling their India main branch...
19:02.17ManxPower-workIf it's anything like the rest of stuff from Polycom it will be poorly documented, hard to use, and kick ass when you get it working
19:02.20Naikrovekbmoraca_work: yeah been cruising their site.  12:30am there now, saturday morning.  probably not in the office
19:02.28NaikrovekManxPower-work: true dat
19:03.04bmoraca_workManxPower-work: what's the purpose of the SDK?  open the firmware to development for applications similar to their own licensable apps?
19:03.05Naikrovektheir documentation staff needs a kick in the tokus sometimes.  though the admin guide for the soundpoint phones is pretty good
19:03.40*** part/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
19:03.51ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: I don't know, but based on the references to it, I think it's mainly a dev kit for the microbrowser.  In any case ANY more docs on the microbrowser is a good thing.
19:04.22ManxPower-workI would love to be able to specify only digits in a form field in the microbrowser, for example.
19:04.35Naikrovekah i found a reseller in india
19:04.45Naikrovekvia voip-info wiki of all places
19:05.05bmoraca_workManxPower-work: does the microbrowser support push?  or is that only available in those update messages you were wrangling with earlier?
19:05.25*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (n=dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
19:05.31QwellManxPower-work: it doesn't support that?  it's a rather basic feature...
19:05.35Qwelleven Ciscos support that
19:05.46ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: there's lots of very cool things in the Polycom Web Devel manual.  XMLHTTPrequest is supported, lots of other stuff that I can't figure out.
19:05.47Kattychipping sparrow has been discovered!
19:05.52Naikrovekwhat do polycoms support that cisco doesn't?  naive question perhaps
19:05.53*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
19:05.57asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: 4 green FXS modules
19:06.04ManxPower-workhttp push and pull appear to be supported
19:06.38asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: I don't have any clue what might be wrong... if you or someone else could look over my pastie ... would be great
19:06.41bmoraca_workNaikrovek: the ability to modify ring tones/cadences/behavior (distinctive ring/auto answer) at calltime, rather than in configs
19:06.47KattyPolycom's support a smaller budget.
19:06.54asteriskATmarmuDgotta go now... its late... back to work on monday
19:06.58Naikrovekyeah other than being cheaper
19:07.02NaikrovekasteriskATmarmuD: good luck
19:07.11bmoraca_workNaikrovek: that basically means that they properly support intercoms and Cisco's (at least using SIP firmware) don't.
19:07.35asteriskATmarmuDthx guys, bye
19:07.38*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (n=mundt@
19:08.00Naikrovekbmoraca_work: okay
19:09.08bmoraca_workNaikrovek: polycoms are nice to use because they're an open architecture and polycom actively supports use on other PBXes.  Cisco doesn't.
19:09.17Naikrovekbmoraca_work: yeah i know that
19:09.30Naikroveki'm talking technically, what can polycom phones do that cisco phones can't
19:09.37Naikrovekwonder if there's a list somehwere
19:09.43bmoraca_worki doubt it
19:09.52Naikrovekprobably right
19:10.02bmoraca_workBLF also worls a lot better on Polycoms than it does on Ciscos (again, at least under SIP)
19:10.12Naikrovekyeah blf is nice
19:10.19Naikroveki set it up here a couple days back
19:10.37Naikrovekin prep for the ip650 w/sidecar i've ordered
19:11.00bmoraca_workthe attendant console for the Cisco phones (7900 series) don't work with SIP firmware, either.  so if you need an attendant console, you can't use Cisco 7900 series phones
19:11.12bmoraca_workat least that was the case last time i looked in to it
19:12.21Kattyp3nguin: there is a /ton/ of snow coming down
19:12.24bmoraca_worki don't have any experience with the Cisco 500 series phones yet, so i don't know how they compare to the Polycoms, but being the next evolution of the SPA-900s, I imagine that they're just as open architecturally, but suck in quality
19:12.45[TK]D-FenderPolycom supports multiple calls per line-key, better SIP support, non-hostile to open standards, more stable firmware, more highly configurable, G.722, ad-hoc conferencing, and a growing featureset.
19:13.15[TK]D-FenderCisco = several steps behind
19:13.36bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: Cisco can do multiple calls per line key and ad-hoc conferencing as well.  they're also just as stable once you get them set up
19:14.16carrarCisco just looks prettier
19:14.22carrarPolycom's work better
19:14.24[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Can they now?  that's news. what about provisioning from more than just tftp, legal issues, firmware, etc?
19:15.16bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: i never claimed Cisco phones were as good as Polycoms.  i was simply pointing out that some of those features are available.
19:16.23*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:16.27[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Sorry, I'm not shooting your idea down here, I'm asking you for an update on what Cisco's are like NOW as you would undoubtedly be more up to date on where they stand now.
19:17.06Naikroveki have a phone set up with 8 line appearances on one like key
19:17.08[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I'm open-minded... just so few products give me reason to change opinions :)
19:17.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: 8 appearances on a single key?  What phone?
19:17.38Naikrovekip321 :)
19:17.46Naikrovekthey support up to 8 per line key
19:17.51carrarCisco with SIP Code is still very limited
19:17.51Naikrovekdefault is 2
19:17.59[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Ummm... no, thats CALL's, not LINE appearances
19:18.02*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
19:18.17bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: well, to answer that, 7900 series phones still only provision via TFTP, are still encumbered by legal and licensing issues...they're easier to configure than Polycoms, though.  like I said, I have no experience with the Cisco 500 series yet, so I can't comment on those (but they were designed to be open)
19:18.27[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And last I checked, 32X/33X only supported 2 calls per key
19:18.46Naikrovekwell i scrolled through a lot more than 2 on my desk phone the other day
19:18.46[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: the 500's look like a minor refresh of the 900's
19:18.50Naikrovekwhich is a 320
19:18.52bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: yeah, not enough DSP resources to do otherwise
19:19.06bmoraca_workNaikrovek: active calls?
19:19.13Naikrovekall were on hold
19:19.33Naikrovekmaybe i unlocked the 9th gate or something to make it happen
19:19.44[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I'll check up on this.....
19:19.47Naikroveki thought "neat, no one will ever use this" and went on to something else
19:20.04[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: the IP 30X supported 5 until recent firmwares cut them back.
19:20.09bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: that's what i suspected, but i'd like to see how they compare from an aesthetic point of view and configurations (let's face it, 900's were ugly inside and out)
19:20.48[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I'd seen worse... the 900's were a good suggestion to those where Polycom/Cisco were not cost-competitive (Asia / Europe, etc)
19:21.55*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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19:34.25bmoraca_workrofl "tracer tee"
19:35.13bmoraca_workwow, that guy's a fucking moron
19:36.24Naikroveksaw that yesterday
19:36.34bmoraca_work"all these guys, I can't view them because my connection's not as good as theirs"
19:36.42Naikrovekit's always funny when someone is dumb and think they're smart
19:36.52Naikroveklike me for example
19:36.56Naikrovekalways good for a laugh
19:39.14carrarthats awesome stuff
19:39.27bmoraca_work - "after months and months and months of hacking limewire"  rofl.  this guy's pure comedy
19:40.44[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I see indeed they pushed it from 2 to 8.  About time :)
19:40.49[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Thanks for the heads up
19:41.07*** join/#asterisk jo8330 (i=d04149c9@gateway/web/freenode/x-slvxpqplyeonrael)
19:41.11jo8330hi folks.
19:41.58jo8330i have a quick question regarding originating calls via AGI.  Is there a way to originate without having to specify a specific channel number?
19:42.30[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: You always need a Channel:
19:42.35jo8330eg. I do "DAHDI/1/5555555555" to originate...  However, is there a way that I don't have to specify "1"
19:42.46jo8330and have asterisk choose the first available channel?
19:42.48[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: what do you WANT to call?
19:42.51*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
19:42.58[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: this is no different from what you would pass DIAL()
19:43.14[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: How about passing it a GROUP instead of a fixed channel?
19:43.32*** join/#asterisk kalib (
19:43.33[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: This a a basic and well documented DAHDI parameter
19:43.38jo8330I think that's what i need to know, thanks.  I'll look into that.
19:43.44[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: GROUP your channels together to pick from the pool
19:44.22kalibHi people. In my CLI I can see some channels with "dahdi show channels". How can I unable for example the channel 66?
19:44.36kalibAnd how to enable it again? Just wanna make some tests...
19:44.41jo8330actually I have them all in a single group
19:44.49Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: yah
19:44.54jo8330is there a way I can get astierks to choose an avail chanenl for that group, without having me manage them myself?
19:45.19[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: you put them into a group and don't know how to DIAL the group?
19:45.51bmoraca_workkalib: asterisk cannot administratively take down channels or interfaces
19:46.09jo8330i'm only familiar with dialing with a single channel via "DAHDI/<chan#>/<phone#>"
19:46.25bmoraca_workjo8330: the book might help you...
19:46.29infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:46.36[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: group = 1.  Dial(DAHDI/g1/1234567890)
19:47.04[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: G / g (one is ascending order of selection, the other is descending
19:47.05bmoraca_workg, G, r, R...all valid group prefixes that do different things.  read about them in the BOOK
19:47.14bmoraca_workor [TK]D-Fender can tell you :P
19:47.24jo8330thanks guys!
19:47.34[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: yeah, this one felt worth handing out... when its a solitary letter :)
19:47.53[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: But i didn't say which was which ;)
19:48.00[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: GO READ!
19:48.05jo8330book is free too, how awesome is that.
19:48.26bmoraca_workjo8330: bout as awesome as a face-plant into a big tub of topless asians
19:48.38jo8330i findi t hard to find documentation in general out side of
19:48.38[TK]D-FenderProtein powder is whey awesome.
19:49.18[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: .... what kind of "asians"?  This is dangerously open...
19:49.55bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: japanese schoolgirls?  to me, "topless" implies "female"
19:50.22[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I'd like the think so but... </ackbar>
19:50.33bmoraca_workIT'S A TARP!
19:51.08bmoraca_work(jab at Barakbar)
19:51.22*** join/#asterisk kW_ (
19:51.44Naikrovekheh.  hehe.  hehehe.
19:52.00kW_Hello! How can I force asterisk to do RTP proxying between SIP users which are mutually unroutable directly?
19:52.02[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: \o/ WIN
19:52.13DefrazAnyone using an adtran Total Access 924e for a PRI sip gateway?
19:52.16[TK]D-FenderkW_: "canreinvite=no"
19:52.32bmoraca_workDefraz: not this again... Yes, I do, and yes, it works both ways :)
19:52.46kW_[TK]D-Fender: in sip.conf for each such user?
19:52.54[TK]D-FenderkW_: Yes
19:53.14Naikrovekcomcast beta testing ipv6 to consumers?  oooh.  wish my router supported it
19:53.44*** join/#asterisk RichardLynch (
19:53.53bmoraca_workNaikrovek: I've got a /64 of IPv6 addresses...never really felt like setting up the tunnel to them, though.
19:53.55QwellNaikrovek: Go buy a linksys and put one of the open source firmwares on it
19:54.09Naikrovekhave a linksys, thinking of ddwrt right now...
19:54.21jo8330are there any other recommended documentation sources other than and the asterisk book?
19:54.30[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: the * source tarball
19:54.32Qwelljo8330: Asterisk itself
19:54.34*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:54.39bmoraca_workjo8330: what they said
19:54.59[TK]D-Fenderjo8330: that is THE primary source of documentation.  Everything else is 3rd party, and potentially dated or outright wrong
19:55.16Defrazbmoraca_work: A while back I never  saw a reply from you.
19:55.19[TK]D-Fender(Especially the WIKI)
19:55.24DefrazDo you have a sample config?
19:55.34DefrazJust got some time thought i would fool around with it again.
19:55.42bmoraca_workDefraz: what is it you're trying to do with it?
19:56.11DefrazWell, I have a pri from Qwest. and I want it to pass the calls sip to my asterisk box.
19:56.41bmoraca_workDefraz: the trick with that particular device is that your SIP username MUST be all-numeric.  i have never been able to get it to register otherwise.  maybe it's an Asterisk thing.
19:56.50DefrazEventually I want to simulate a PRI the other way too. Like have it connect sip to my asterisk box and deliver a PRI to a older pbx.
19:57.21DefrazI don't even know where to start. I have my cisco 1760 doing it but not this Adtran.
19:57.30bmoraca_workDefraz: well, are you having trouble with a particular part of the config?
19:57.32DefrazSo if you have a config I could just look at to get some ideas.
19:58.16*** part/#asterisk kalib (
19:58.24Defrazof where to go.
19:59.10bmoraca_workDefraz: the Adtran KB would be a great place to start.  there's a walkthrough that will get you about 75% of the way there.  the rest should be pretty easy to deduce.  these devices are very similar to Cisco (though way easier because you don't have to screw with dial-peers)
19:59.16RichardLynchI'm working on a custom module for freepbx. I have written a foo_get_config() function.  It's not getting called. Is this strictly a freebpx issue, or is this actually part of asterisk?...
19:59.47bmoraca_workDefraz: i'll see if i can find you the link
20:00.06bmoraca_workRichardLynch: #freepbx
20:00.36*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (n=dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
20:00.36bmoraca_workDefraz: KB home for that device:
20:00.47Defrazperfect thanks
20:00.53DefrazI hear good things about them.
20:01.02bmoraca_workDefraz: sample config:
20:01.08bmoraca_workDefraz: i love em
20:01.10RichardLynchbmoraca_work: Thanks.  Haven't had much luck there, so far, but will be more patient, I guess... :-)
20:01.59DefrazSO the other way around pri to sip
20:02.02bmoraca_workDefraz: like I said, that sample config will get you started, but won't get you 100% of the way there.  also, the "debug sip cldu" debug mode WILL be your fried
20:02.03Defrazshould be about the same.
20:02.18Defrazokay cool cool.
20:02.22DefrazI will star tfrom there
20:02.24bmoraca_workDefraz: yep, only differences are the settings of the PRI virtual interface (have it behave like user instead of network, etc)
20:03.00Defrazcool beans. thanks
20:03.04*** part/#asterisk RichardLynch (
20:03.07bmoraca_workDefraz: also, your grouped-trunk dial patterns need to be more precise going the other way
20:03.25titterHow does the power go out on a perfect day in Florida at 3pm? Old people who hit power poles ...
20:03.44bmoraca_workDefraz: also, remember that only T1 0/3 and T1 0/4 can be used as PRIs and will need T1 crossovers to connect them to CPE equipment (and probably your provider as well)
20:04.17*** join/#asterisk ktwilight_ (
20:04.46Chainsawtitter: We use underground cables in the UK. That might be an idea...
20:05.09titterIt's mixed here depending on the location
20:05.11NaikrovekChainsaw: new neighborhoods in the US almost all have underground power and communication
20:05.20*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
20:05.31Naikrovekbut it's a real pain to retrofit existing infrastructure to be underground
20:05.38Naikrovekand not worth it financially
20:05.40titterMy development has underground lines ... problem is outside of my development is still poles.
20:06.12titterAlso Florida ... is about 6 feet above sea level where I am at ... can't dig very deep
20:06.47titterOh well <3 battery backups.
20:07.29*** join/#asterisk t_ (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
20:07.51Naikrovekprobably not feasible at home, but for business generac generators are dirt cheap
20:08.01Naikrovek$5k for a 20kW generator
20:08.02titteryup, at home today lol
20:08.08titterWe have solar at my office
20:08.20Naikrovekyeah but solar can't power the whole office, can it?
20:08.27titterWe store enough energy to go almost an entire business day
20:08.33Naikrovekoh nice
20:08.46titterIt's a lot of panels, but the comapny got a very nice tax refund
20:08.53Naikrovekhow many batteries
20:09.38titterOff the top of my head I don't know ... I would have to ask the owner. From what I was told it was enough to store 7-8 hours of our usage
20:09.49Naikrovekhow many people in the office
20:09.54titter20 people
20:10.01Naikrovekah that's not too bad then
20:10.18Naikrovekcustom inverters/switchers or some vendor solution?
20:10.20titter3 servers, some switches, 30 computers at max, and about 25 Polycoms
20:10.29titterLocal vendor
20:10.48titterI had no part in it, besides be curious to what it does
20:10.58Naikrovektripplite has some UPS controller thing that you can hook auto/marine batteries up to
20:11.16Naikrovekcharge controller / inverter thing
20:11.29Naikrovekbut it only does 4200W I think
20:11.36titterI have a small battery backup at home, enough to handle my asterisk server, my desktop, and routers for 30 minutes
20:11.36Naikrovekif I did that here, I'd need many
20:12.14titterIf i build a new home it will have a generator for backup
20:12.43titterpropane system like genrac
20:12.55Naikrovekgenerac can run on natural gas as well
20:13.01bmoraca_workDefraz: if you run in to a specific issue, i can certainly help you with that
20:13.01Naikroveknatural gas = no refilling
20:13.02titterno natural in florida
20:13.08Naikrovekwhy not
20:13.23*** join/#asterisk gushi (
20:13.43titternot in my area
20:13.48titterim sure its somewhere in florida
20:14.06titterive never looked because it's not common here
20:14.15gushiHey all...I tried googling the asterisk site, but didn't find a ready answer...what's rough specs for an asterisk server that may need to handle a t1's worth of calls simultaneous, and still be comfortable to transcode if need be.
20:14.28*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
20:14.31Naikrovekthere's some law in illinois that natrual gas lines be at least 6ft underground, so maybe that's it
20:14.36Naikrovekgiven your height above sea level
20:14.50titterI would assume it has to do with the sea level
20:14.56titterI am sure north florida has it
20:15.58titterMost homes on natural gas have propane tanks outside
20:16.04ManxPower-workNaikrovek: I assume that is because the ground freezes and thaws to a significant depth there.
20:16.46ManxPower-workThere are similar rules about water lines in the north.  Where I am in the south, I think 18" is as far down as water lines must be buried
20:16.52NaikrovekManxPower-work: well normally we never see more than a week at a time of below freezing; usually there are days of time between freezes that prevent the freeze from going down more than a foot or so
20:16.57NaikrovekManxPower-work: but you may be right
20:17.28Naikrovekall of illinois certainly does not see the same length of freezing.  chicago can be frozen for months at a time
20:17.44bmoraca_worki can't wait to move in to a house with gas appliances...i'm sick of cooking on electric
20:17.59*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:18.01Naikrovekgas stoves are nice
20:18.07Naikrovekturn off the heat and the heat goes away
20:18.15Naikrovekturn on the burner and everything gets hot fast
20:18.22Naikrovekinduction stoves are even faster than gas tho
20:18.30Naikrovekinduction stovetops i mean
20:18.33Naikrovekthose are fascinating
20:18.52Naikrovekboil a gallon of water in 90s
20:18.52bmoraca_worki don't like them.  had one in the last house i lived in.  i want good old gas.
20:19.06Naikrovekyeah gas is nice
20:19.35Naikrovekafter a decade of it though you start to notice that your kitchen walls are starting to turn yellow
20:19.45Naikrovekgotta clean that off and/or repaint
20:20.09bmoraca_worki'd imagine that depends much more on what you cook than how you cook it
20:20.22bmoraca_worki wouldn't mind a house smelling like garlic though :)
20:22.13*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
20:26.41*** join/#asterisk Frost7217 (
20:28.39*** join/#asterisk Frost7217 (
20:30.39Frost7217My organization is considering implementing asterisk.  We have agents in the field on municipal wifi and use their VOIP phone's as cell phones.  If they use the e911 service, will they be able to connect to the local 911 service, or the 911 service associated with the companies VOIP system?
20:31.11Naikrovekprobably the company's voip system
20:35.56bmoraca_workFrost7217: e911 can be done a few ways.  usually, the LIDB lookup is set up in such a way it uses the ANI information of the caller to route to the correct PSAP
20:36.56bmoraca_workFrost7217: that said, there are much more complex and feature-rich ways to do this, and I don't believe that Asterisk supports those yet.  you can, however, contract with a 3rd party e911 service provider rather than using your regular termination provider and gain access to some of these
20:37.30*** join/#asterisk L2SHO (
20:37.37bmoraca_workFrost7217: that could include, even, a GPS lookup of the caller's truck and forwarding that information to the provider.
20:37.49jo8330bye all, take care
20:38.40Frost7217interesting, thank you
20:39.09bmoraca_workFrost7217: in short, if your remote users are stationary and your provider allows you to have multiple pilot numbers, there's no problem.  in long, anything is possible provided you want to pay for it.
20:40.00L2SHOif I do $[${flag}&${REGEX("${somevar}" ${someregex})}]  and ${flag} is FALSE, does the regex still get executed, or is the expression code smart enough to know that it should immediately return 0?
20:40.52bmoraca_workL2SHO: i imagine that the regex will still be executed because the expression isn't necessarily false until all elements of it are computed and evaluated
20:41.23bmoraca_workL2SHO: for instance, two false components results in the expression returning true.
20:41.37L2SHOFALSE & FALSE should still be FALSE
20:42.29Naikrovekfalse & false = false, doesn't it
20:42.33bmoraca_workL2SHO: yes, it should.  but the operator  is examined after the operands
20:43.20Naikrovekfor an & it should just stop if one of them is false.  in java you use %% for that
20:44.06L2SHObmoraca_work: thats not what I wanted to hear :(
20:44.29L2SHONaikrovek: you would think so,
20:44.43bmoraca_workL2SHO: you should confirm in the source code (the only place you'll find this answer) before making any decisions, but I suspect that will be the order
20:45.08Naikroveki think bmoraca_work is right.  it'll evaluate both sides, then compare them using the operator and return the result
20:45.08L2SHObmoraca_work: ya, I was just about to ask if anyone knows where in the source this stuff would be
20:45.16Naikrovekprobably not any wisdom in the evaluation other than that
20:46.00Skeeter-anyone got a good tutorial to make NUT UPS work
20:46.18Skeeter-or anything similar that would shutdown a server froma UPS APC battery
20:47.35*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
20:47.48Naikrovekthere are daemons that monitor UPS' and you can make them do whatever you want
20:48.12Skeeter-Naikrovek, which one do you suggest
20:48.15*** join/#asterisk girlny (
20:48.19Skeeter-powerd forum seems to be down
20:48.29Naikrovekall i've used is powerd
20:48.50Naikrovekcheck forums for whatever distribution you're using
20:48.55Naikroveksomeone will have asked this before
20:49.30girlnyhellow my asterisk server cpu just spikes to 100% every few seconds , i did some testing and it only hapens when i set up sip extensions ... any clue of how can i solve this ?
20:50.14Naikrovekdoes it do that repeatedly forever or ONLY when you add an extension
20:50.35girlnyit does it for ever and when i delete the extensions it goes
20:50.50Naikrovekgirlny: also, are you using FreePBX or Trixbox or Elastix or one of those
20:51.38girlnyusing freepbx only  and asterisk
20:53.53bmoraca_workgirlny: it's likely httpd and mysqld and php doing everything they need to do to update the database and data files.  use "top" to figure out which service is spiking and then look at the logs for that service to determine what is actually happening
20:53.56Naikrovekyou may have better luck if you ask in #freepbx
20:56.34girlny2228 asterisk  15   0 39096  11m 7748 S   99  0.7   8:08.12 asterisk
20:56.48Naikrovekwow 8 hours of cpu time
20:56.57Naikrovekor is that 8 days
20:57.00Naikrovek8 something
20:57.34bmoraca_workthat's not of my boxes is at 275 hours
20:57.44Naikrovekof asterisk cpu time?
20:57.48Naikrovekthat's not uptime
20:57.54bmoraca_workCPU time, not uptime
20:58.08girlnyso what can this be
20:58.22Naikrovekwell something is up
20:58.29bmoraca_workgirlny: i suspect there's a loop in some freepbx module or script or something.
20:58.30girlnyif i delete the extension it fully disapeers
20:58.41Naikrovekbut we'd just be guessing if we tried to tell you what it was at this point
20:58.45girlnylike goes to normal
20:59.15bmoraca_workgirlny: sounds like there's a loop in freepbx, whether it be in the AMI login or something else.  chances are, there's nothing we can really do to help you.
21:00.22*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
21:00.42girlnythats the sip_general_custom.conf
21:01.01girlnycan it be something to do with that
21:01.12Naikrovekhow often does the cpu spike
21:01.38Naikroveki think canreinvite is only "yes" or "no"
21:01.39bmoraca_workgirlny: probably not.  but, then again, i don't know everything that freepbx is doing behind the scenes
21:02.00bmoraca_worknonat is means "yes if the device is not behind a NAT"
21:02.55girlnyit spikes every 10 secs or 5
21:03.23bmoraca_workgirlny: seriously, we cannot help you here.  you need to talk to someone who has a similar setup to you, and that's not here
21:05.38*** join/#asterisk fofware (
21:06.50girlnyok but there is any way i can check the full asterisk log , becase when i check i dont see allot of activity
21:07.06girlnyalso when i log in to asterisk -r i get  -- Remote UNIX connection
21:07.24Naikrovek/var/log/asterisk/full has the full log i believe
21:07.43Naikrovekit'll be pretty bare until you start doing things like making calls
21:08.40girlnywhat im tring to untherstand is that the loop wont show ?
21:09.40vader-so are there any suitable Asterisk GUI's yet?
21:10.10vader-that are open source
21:11.10vader-that are good to manage 100+ phones?
21:11.12voipmonkmaybe the one you build
21:11.12kaldemaroh the irony
21:11.46ChannelZOT - does anyone know the MIME type for .m4v vids for the iPhone that it likes?
21:15.14*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
21:20.57Kattyi fell asleep
21:21.39p3nguinWhy does SendFAX use /var/www/faxes/ to find the files, and is there any way to change it?
21:22.23p3nguinSpecifying the full path to the file causes /var/www/faxes/ to be prepended onto the front of the full path specified.
21:23.38p3nguinWait, stupid macro.
21:24.01Kattymymymy a mourning dove, ground bird, is sitting up on the tray feeder
21:24.24Kattysomeone must be really hungry!
21:24.55bmoraca_workp3nguin: i think someone was kvetching about that a few weeks ago :P
21:28.54*** join/#asterisk Cain` (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
21:32.18*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (n=steve@
21:32.39Kattyholy pasta fajioli
21:32.43Kattywe got SNOW!
21:33.02*** join/#asterisk daidoji (n=daidoji7@
21:33.52Kattyp3nguin: SNOWBALL FIGHT IN 10MIN BE THERE
21:34.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: Want snow?  TAKE MINE DAMMIT
21:34.18Kattyi fell asleep on the couch earlier
21:34.27Kattyi guess it's been snowing for all this time
21:34.35bmoraca_workit snowed in Central California earlier this winter...hasn't snowed here in 40 years
21:35.08Kattysnow is very very very common here
21:35.46bmoraca_work90 minute drive to snow here...90 minute drive to ocean, as well...300 minute drive to Disneyland, though :P
21:37.20*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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21:39.03Kattypretty red bellied woodpecker
21:39.11Kattywolfing down peanuts
21:39.19p3nguin[Jan 29 15:38:32] ERROR[3054]: res_fax_digium.c:1817 dgm_fax_start: FAX handle 0: failed to queue document '/tmp/test.tif'
21:39.23p3nguinWhat could cause this?
21:39.52p3nguin/tmp/test.tif: TIFF image data, little-endian
21:40.16Kattyi'm not sure what you're trying to tell me with that line.
21:40.23Kattybut i will assume this isn't a windows TIFF image.
21:40.40p3nguinIt's just a TIFF image.
21:40.53p3nguinI created it using bmp2tiff.
21:41.11[TK]D-Fenderwhere do we see permissions, ertc?
21:41.24Kattywell, Just a Tiff....
21:41.26p3nguin-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2694 Jan 29 15:37 /tmp/test.tif
21:41.45Kattyyou can print to a tiff printer and not get a proper document
21:41.58Kattyi don't really understand why, but i've had it happen to me
21:42.10Kattyi just always assumed it was because windows is retarded
21:42.16[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: root?  And * is running as root?
21:42.26*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
21:42.29p3nguinIt is readable by ALL.
21:42.40p3nguinAsterisk is running as "asterisk"
21:42.49Kattyfemale woodpecker!
21:42.58Kattydowny woodpecker at that :>
21:43.04Kattyi named her Cher
21:43.27[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: changer the perms & owner and test
21:43.37Kattythat squirrel is retarded. it's snowing heavily....and the wind is blowing the snow around like a blizzard
21:43.48p3nguin[tk]d-fender: What do you want the perms to be?  It's already readable by everyone.
21:43.52Kattyi guess he got snow in his ear, cause he ran to the other side of the tree trunk and was pawing at it
21:44.01Kattybut he won't leave...he's just sitting there stuffing his face.
21:44.01p3nguinI'll happily do it, but I need to know what you have in mind.
21:44.18KattyMajor General has already gone to his squirrely nest up in the neighbor's tree
21:45.16*** join/#asterisk MedicineMan (n=medicine@
21:45.27MedicineManhey quick question for you all
21:45.35Kattythe answer is 3.14
21:45.40Kattyor possibly 42
21:45.51MedicineMani'm trying to run the make menuselect
21:45.55Kattyand yes, starlings DO like banana.
21:45.55MedicineManon 1.4.28
21:46.09MedicineManand it tells me ncurses needs to be installed
21:46.14MedicineManbut its already isntalled
21:46.17MedicineManwhat am i missing
21:46.22p3nguinCan fax be sent over IAX2 channels as long as I use G.711?
21:46.24ChainsawMedicineMan: Is this a Debian system?
21:46.41KattyCentos, the Fresh Maker
21:46.46bmoraca_workMedicineMan: you need ncurses-devel as well
21:46.49ChainsawMedicineMan: Hm, okay. On a Debian system I'd say you're missing the -dev package for ncurses.
21:47.01MedicineMani have that installed as well
21:47.04p3nguinMentOS, the fresh operating system
21:47.06bmoraca_workMedicineMan: install it again
21:47.08ChainsawMedicineMan: Not sure what the RedHat equivalent is. I do dislike distributions that only install half of a software pack.
21:47.22Kattybmoraca_work: ehhh
21:47.35Kattybmoraca_work: hmm
21:47.53MedicineManhow would i reinstall it. yum remove ncurses?
21:47.56Kattybmoraca_work: i'm not sure how i feel about mintoy operating systems
21:48.18bmoraca_workMedicineMan: no, "yum install ncurses-devel"
21:48.20Kattyaww. a starling ran Cher off :<
21:48.35MedicineMani've already done that one as well
21:48.43bmoraca_workMedicineMan: humor me.
21:48.45Kattymakes a note to hang another suet feeder
21:48.45MedicineManboth ncurses and ncurses-devel is in stalled
21:48.59QwellMedicineMan: and what happened when you re-ran configure?
21:49.08MedicineMan]# rpm -qa|grep ncurses
21:49.14MedicineManit runs fine
21:49.33Kattyp3nguin: you think dominos is running?
21:49.46Kattyp3nguin: and by running i mean delivering
21:49.56p3nguinkatty: Absolutely.
21:50.13eppigyis your refridgerator running?
21:50.13Kattyin this weather!?
21:50.15MedicineManmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.28/menuselect'
21:50.16MedicineManmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.28/menuselect'
21:50.16MedicineManmake[2]: `menuselect' is up to date.
21:50.16MedicineManmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.28/menuselect'
21:50.16MedicineManmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.28/menuselect'
21:50.18MedicineMan*** Install ncurses to use the menu interface! ***
21:50.18eppigyand by running I mean delivering
21:50.21MedicineManmenuselect changes NOT saved!
21:50.23ChainsawMedicineMan: No flooding!
21:50.26QwellMedicineMan: and what happened when you re-ran configure?
21:50.31infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:50.39p3nguinmedicineman: How about a little less flooding and a little more pastebin?
21:50.39Kattyeppigy: my fridge is so NOT delivering
21:50.47Kattyeppigy: it's on strike, i think
21:50.52MedicineMannewb here
21:50.59Kattyeppigy: having recently joined a union
21:51.00eppigyKatty: :<
21:51.04*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
21:51.09[TK]D-FenderMedicineMan: Did you redo "./configure"?
21:51.13Kattyeppigy: otherwise known as empty.
21:51.15eppigyunions are terrible
21:51.25MedicineManit ran all fine.. no errors
21:51.25Kattyeppigy: they can be.
21:51.26praetcheck the makefile for where its looking for ncurses
21:51.31eppigymany businesses would be profitable if not for union
21:51.49Kattyeppigy: and many people, like my father, would already have been retired if it wasn't for unions
21:51.56Kattyeppigy: but unions can serve a purpose.
21:52.02p3nguinDo I have to use SIP to send a fax with SendFAX?
21:52.17Kattyp3nguin: mmmm, no that i'm aware of
21:52.21Kattyp3nguin: you want my blog page?
21:52.34[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Expect failure on anything by DAHDI  and SIP + T.38
21:52.41p3nguinkatty: If it's the one with the video on it, I saw it already.
21:52.43Kattyi seem to recall something sip not working well
21:52.47Kattyp3nguin: err
21:53.13p3nguinI guess I can switch from IAX2 over to SIP just to test it out.
21:53.33praetMedicineMan: do you have a /usr/lib/
21:53.42MedicineManlet me check
21:53.53Kattyp3nguin: ^-- url
21:53.59Kattyp3nguin: go to very very very bottom
21:54.05QwellMedicineMan: or ignore me and waste your time.  that's fine too.
21:54.07Kattyp3nguin: adjust as needed.
21:54.14MedicineManyes i do
21:54.39MedicineMani'm new to this IRC stuff, i'm not trying to ignore nayone
21:54.43p3nguinkatty: Yeah, I already read that, and it doesn't seem to adress SIP/IAX2.
21:54.49Qwellre-run configure, and show me the output
21:54.52infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:55.20p3nguinkatty: I don't have any Zap channels, so I can't duplicate your Dial() command.
21:55.38Kattyp3nguin: i still use dial for sip channels.
21:55.50Kattyp3nguin: but i've never tried to send a fax out on one
21:56.10p3nguinlet me switch to SIP and see if it makes any difference.
21:56.26Kattyholy crap
21:56.30Kattysomeone almost drove into my yard
21:56.36Kattyerr slid into my yard
21:56.42MedicineMani wasn't able to capture it all but that is some
21:56.52MedicineManer most
21:57.09ChainsawKatty: And the joke's on them, because you've got it on video.
21:57.16Kattyi totoally do!!!
21:57.28Kattyit's not like they're going to hit anything but a hill
21:57.56Kattybut still....
21:58.38Kattystarlings are eattin that banana up
21:58.43Kattyit's amazing to watch
21:59.14MedicineMandid that help qwell
21:59.32p3nguinUsing SIP, same failure.
22:02.11p3nguinI don't know what else to try; * simply says it cannot queue the file.
22:02.21p3nguinOh, wait... where would it queue the file?
22:04.18MedicineMan@Qwell did that help
22:04.19p3nguinEvery directory in /var/spool/asterisk/ is owned by asterisk and is writeable, so that's probably not the cause.
22:04.50QwellMedicineMan: make -C menuselect/ clean
22:05.14*** join/#asterisk torrancew (
22:05.14[TK]D-FenderMedicineMan: You also need libtermcap <-
22:05.21[TK]D-FenderMedicineMan: You also need libtermcap-devel <-
22:05.31Kattyp3nguin: did you recieve a fax yet?
22:05.54*** join/#asterisk Primer (
22:05.54torrancewwould anyone reccommend a panasonic cordless for use with a PAP2 ATA and Asterisk? Just need basic features, and need the handset to ring - our old handsets do not
22:05.55MedicineManboth of those are installed
22:06.04p3nguinkatty: No, that's why I am trying to send outbound.  I'm trying to use HP's "we'll fax you back" thingy.
22:06.13pigpenHi all, I ran into an issue a couple of years ago that I want to revisit.  Page Groups in is there a max # of sip extensions??  I am needing one page of 100 and two groups of 50'ish.
22:06.15Kattyp3nguin: see if you can recieve one
22:06.33pigpenIn the past I have manually made several groups that are called at once.
22:06.41p3nguinkatty: You're going to fax me?
22:06.46pigpenSuccessfully hitting 300+
22:07.03PrimerAnyone know if some features of Polycom 501's are simply not settable via the phone itself, or the web based admin of the phone? I'd like to enabled url dialing, but I can't find any example other than via cfg files
22:07.12Kattyp3nguin: i am sitting at home on the couch
22:07.15Kattyp3nguin: in my pjs.
22:07.20Kattyp3nguin: no, i'm not going to fax you
22:07.34MedicineMancheck that out Qwell
22:07.43p3nguinkatty: All the free online test-yer-fax apps either don't work (broken) or I have reached my quota and they won't send any more.
22:07.46pigpenPrimer, you will want to do the automated deployment as that is where the real features are at.
22:07.48Kattyp3nguin: but if you can't recieve faxes it might shed some light on something
22:07.48MedicineManthats from doing your make -c menuselect/ clean
22:07.54MedicineManthen doing ./configure
22:07.59Qwell-C, not -c
22:08.10p3nguinkatty: If I could receive, I wouldn't be trying to send this fax right now.
22:08.12MedicineManthats what i did
22:08.23Qwellshow me everything.  not just parts
22:08.23Primerpigpen: except these are phones that are provided to us by a third party, and I don't have access to said files
22:08.58pigpenif they reside under the control of your dhcp server it is possible.
22:09.06Primerpigpen: in the past I was able to sniff the network. It was using ftp with clear text everything. I was then able to make this phone use my ftp server, and gain access
22:09.15Primerbut they've since switched to https
22:09.17Primerwell, I do
22:09.53Primerbut they've also flashed to a newer firmware, and I'm not sure the files I have are compatible
22:09.53pigpenyou have the physical device, the power is in your hands....
22:10.10pigpenyou can get the files you need from pretty much any polycom distributor.
22:10.31pigpenjust download the app set you have loaded...or better yet...upgrade it.
22:11.21Primerpigpen: why is it that not all features are exposed via the phone's config UI or web interface?
22:11.56pigpenthey were designed for mass deployment, no since having all this "overhead" at the device.  Also users can jack with them.
22:12.39PrimerI mean, I have the damn
22:12.45PrimerI mean, I have the damn password
22:12.46pigpenit is much easier to modify a single file and have that setting push out to hundreds of phones.
22:13.02Primeryes, I understand that
22:13.15Primerbut why limit the phone's built in ability to set these things?
22:13.26pigpenyou will not be able to "exercise: the ability of that phone until you do a network deployment.
22:13.31pigpenThen by Snom.
22:14.22Primernot sure what you mean
22:14.23*** part/#asterisk MedicineMan (n=medicine@
22:14.36pigpensnom has it all available at each phone.
22:14.43pigpenand can have mass deployment.
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22:20.16pigpennot to be blunt, but that is the way it is.
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22:24.24PrimerI changed DHCP option 66 to point to a local web server, and the phone is asking for 000000000000.cfg
22:24.33Primeris that the "new" sip.cfg?
22:24.41Primerit never asks for sip.cfg
22:25.14pigpenhave you ever setup a polycom phone deployment?
22:25.50pigpenI have always used tftp or ftp.
22:25.56pigpennever http.
22:26.07carrarPrimer, use FTP
22:26.07pigpengoogle it, there are many good articles.
22:26.12bmoraca_workPrimer: it may be that some of the features are not conviniently configurable via either interface.
22:26.52Primermeh, this is what they configured
22:26.57Primertheir option 66 is https
22:28.00bmoraca_workPrimer: option 66 simply lets you specify the NAME of a boot server.  what your devices do with that NAME is up to the devices.
22:28.14bmoraca_workPrimer: TFTP server IP address is Option 150
22:28.16Primerpigpen: my goal is not a "polycom deployment". My goal is to 1) set the second, and perhaps third lines of this 501 to my asterisk without killing the first line, which goes to the SIP provider
22:28.24Primer2) enable url dialong
22:28.43Primerthe SIP provider that owns the phone, which is at my work
22:28.52Primerdialing, even
22:29.45pigpenyou can setup some of these other lines in the web interface.  but much of the options, which many find necessary, are only in the .cfg file for the phone/sip.cfg
22:30.17pigpenyou can half ass this all you want, eventually, you will find yourself plowing into this.  Granted, it is not easy.
22:30.28PrimerI've actually had this all working before, but I achieved it by sniffing the network, watching the phone get its files in clear text over ftp, then using the sniffed credentials to get every file it got and have them locally, setting up an ftp server, then making it get those files from my local ftp
22:30.30pigpenI have done many, but each time, I always forget something stupid.
22:30.34Primerthen I changed the files to suit me
22:31.01Primerpigpen: right, for example, you can't set the outbound proxy of the second and third lines via the web interface
22:31.03pigpenI have never had to "sniff" the network to find out what the phone is doing....just look at the configs.
22:31.08pigpenand google.
22:31.28PrimerI had no config
22:31.30pigpenPrimer, hence, forget the web a mass phone deployment.
22:31.41PrimerI was only able to get them once I sniffed them
22:31.41pigpengo download the polycom config files.
22:31.57Primeryou keep saying mass deployment...there's only one phone!
22:31.59pigpenI think you are trying to make this more difficult than it really is.
22:32.12bmoraca_workPrimer: would it not be easier to just call your provider and have them modify the configs on their end?
22:32.30pigpenOr hire someone who can set this up for you.
22:32.36riddleboxdoes anyone know if there is a site where people have made a collection of agi scripts? that you could browse and download?
22:32.38Primerbmoraca_work: if they were willing to do that, sure! "Hi, uhhh can you add a second line that going to my asterisk? Ok, thanks!"
22:33.15bmoraca_workPrimer: if you're leasing the phone from them, they should have no problem modifying the phone's configuration files for you.  I'm sure they'd prefer that to you screwing with the phone.
22:33.35Primerbmoraca_work: they were the ones that gave me the admin password :)
22:33.39p3nguinkatty: I received a fax and it seems there is no problem with ReceiveFAX().
22:34.15bmoraca_workPrimer: and if they were willing to do that, why wouldn't they be willing to add a couple line appearance configs to your config file?
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22:36.35Primerbmoraca_work: not sure if they'd be willing to do that, but I never asked
22:39.52p3nguinkatty: So I turned around and refaxed the one I received, since Asterisk created that tif, I figure it must be a valid format.  It didn't show the failure.
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23:05.02Doctehriddlebox: i dont think anybody has made such a site yet
23:05.47riddleboxDocteh, it would be nice if it did exist, just to be able to browse it and download ones you like
23:14.47*** part/#asterisk torrancew (
23:16.18Kattypeeks in
23:18.45Primerok, I copied the mac_address.cfg and sip.cfg that I was using before over to my web server, the phone found those and loaded them, and everything is back to normal :)
23:18.59*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
23:19.06Kattymmm, normality
23:19.10c4t3lhello world
23:19.57Kattyc4t3l: ohai
23:20.03Kattyc4t3l: do you have snow too?
23:21.22c4t3lnot quite
23:21.46c4t3lKatty:  it did snow here once or twice tho (houston, tx)
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23:25.47Kattyit's been snowin here since about 8am
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23:32.53Kattyhi mister tee
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23:43.48jayteehi Katty
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