IRC log for #asterisk on 20100128

00:03.08*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
00:09.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:12.24*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
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00:30.55b14cksup everyone
00:33.14paulcIt's 4:30, I'm tired, I'm getting my haircut at 5, then going home. That's what's up for me :)
00:34.26*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:46.25*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (n=kvirc@
00:54.14trentcreekWhat's up with those Asterisk repositories for CentOS? I am getting "Error: asterisk14-core conflicts with asterisk16-core"
00:55.59bmoraca_worktrentcreek: just SVN it from digium and compile from's not that tough and you can find all sorts of walk throughs on the webs for it
00:56.09*** join/#asterisk rossand (
00:56.43trentcreekbmoraca_work: yeah but I am on a VPS and it don't like the Dahdi because compile don't have access to kernel source on host machine
00:57.09bmoraca_workthere are also walk throughs for compiling on xen
00:57.44trentcreekI dont have access to the host machine
00:57.57bmoraca_workyou don't NEED access to the host machine
00:58.57trentcreekI have before. When trying to compile before I kept getting errors because the compiler did not have access to the host kernel source
00:59.11trentcreekfor Dhadi that is
01:01.06*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
01:02.00*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
01:09.18*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
01:10.09*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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01:11.40carrartrentcreek, install the source?
01:12.00fenrusit's probably in your repo
01:13.43trentcreekthe sources in the repos not there
01:14.00trentcreekdev file sare
01:18.33*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
01:19.03*** join/#asterisk staffmember (
01:20.18*** join/#asterisk aceking5 (
01:21.36trentcreekI found the reason why. It has to do with EPEL
01:22.33trentcreekit's all installing now
01:37.48*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:41.26*** join/#asterisk cyberanger (n=infocop4@opennic/infocop411)
01:43.31carrarState of the Union in 17 mins
01:52.18*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
01:58.44*** join/#asterisk lordmortis (
02:10.23*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
02:14.10*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:16.11*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
02:20.06*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
02:20.17jmcdowellanyone here understand polycom provisioning?
02:20.37jmcdowellI keep getting "Error saving application"
02:24.02carrarWhat does the logs say?
02:25.21*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
02:25.30jmcdowellWhich one/
02:25.39jmcdowellI am looking at the screen ,it won't boot
02:25.42carrarLogs from the phone that are sent to your provisioning server
02:25.48jmcdowellI can see it hitting the web server in an effort to get the files
02:26.05jmcdowellit gets one, then says "Error" ""app_file_path"
02:26.29jmcdowellI can't get to a log file on the phone anymore.
02:26.53jayteeI hate John Boehner
02:27.20carrarif you set up a provisioning server for the polycom you would have those
02:27.50jmcdowellSo the information that I am able to find on that, is very very limited.
02:27.52carrarshort of that verify you have the right files
02:27.56carrarand checksomes
02:28.12carrarit's all in the admin guides on what you need
02:28.13jmcdowell doesn't talk about that.
02:28.28jmcdowellI will pull the admin guide and see what i can learn then.
02:28.30*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:28.36carrardoesn't looks like a polycom website
02:29.35jayteejmcdowell, didn't I give you a link to Polycom's whitepaper on provisioning and configuration?
02:29.45jayteea few days back?
02:30.27carrarthere is that
02:30.33jayteethat's the one
02:30.33carrarbut thats not all that great
02:30.54jayteethat and the section in "the book" helped me get it working
02:31.04jmcdowellYeah I skimmed that..
02:31.10carrardoesn't tell you how to setup your ftp directory and your dhcp options for handing out login and password info
02:31.14jmcdowellBut will read it a little better
02:31.30jmcdowellYeah see, that's the problem, I can't setup a dhcp server
02:31.35carrarwhy not
02:31.43jmcdowellthe router takes care of that all that and doesn't support these sorts of options.
02:31.50carrarwhat router
02:31.54carrarget a real router
02:31.57jmcdowellIf that were the case, I would setup a TFTP
02:31.57jayteethen I wrote shell scripts using template files and sed to string replacement so I could run a script and it would copy the template files to config files for each phone and replace tags with the unique info for the phone
02:32.01jmcdowellit is a pretty nice router
02:32.05carrarftp > tftp
02:32.11jayteeFTP is better than tftp
02:32.23jayteeand tftp means some functions won't work
02:32.25carrarpolycoms just work better with FTP
02:32.34jmcdowellthat I could make work
02:32.43carrarand you can make dhcp work too
02:32.43jmcdowellbut why is the phone trying to "write back"
02:32.52jayteelike if you update your bootrom or sip.ld files the phones will detect it and download and reboot
02:32.55jmcdowellthat's what it looks like it was doing..
02:32.58carrarbut dhcp is not required but after configuring lots of phones you will get dhcp working
02:33.00*** join/#asterisk Docteh (n=Kyle@
02:33.15jayteedhcp with boot option 66 is the way to go
02:33.21jmcdowellI am very familiar with verious dhcp options related ot tftp and the such
02:33.31carrarand option 160
02:33.36carrarvery important
02:33.50jmcdowellI just don't think the router  can hadle it, and it's not linux based and I wouldn't make this particular one a linux router.
02:33.56jmcdowellI have to run and read that manual.
02:34.00jmcdowellthanx for the help so far..
02:34.06Doctehare all dect phones in the same freqency band? I've noticed that all phones in stores are dect, and so are cordless voip phones :-/
02:34.08carrarjmcdowell, is it a cisco router?
02:34.13carrarCisco does dhcp
02:34.27jayteewhat does option 160 do again?
02:34.36carrarlogin stuff
02:34.40carrarfor ftp access
02:35.41carrarjust need to make sure in the phone setup that you have 160 in the BootSrv and BootSrv set to string
02:35.47carrar160 is the default
02:35.58carrarbut the Boot Server sometimes isn't
02:36.07carrarCustom works well
02:36.24Kattywtb tylenol
02:36.25carrarHi KAT
02:36.38*** join/#asterisk pawz (
02:36.46carrarObama is rambling
02:36.46*** join/#asterisk pheller (
02:37.07Kattybe glad it's not bush rambling
02:37.24carrarhahah true
02:37.29jayteeI wish the people who refuse to stand up and clap would all die
02:37.36phellerHi there, anyone know if Asterisk can register as a skinny *client* ?
02:37.40carrarplese wait till the end
02:38.07Kattymy FTA box isn't working
02:38.32Doctehpheller: whats a skinny?
02:41.28carrarhot chic
02:42.54carrar5th person down on Michelles left
02:43.34*** join/#asterisk Katty (
02:43.54carrarAre you nick collided katty?
02:43.55drmessanocarrar: Thats Elizabeth Dole, sicko
02:43.57drmessanoShes like 90
02:44.05carrarthis was some young girl
02:44.12drmessanoOh, 5th down
02:44.19Kattyi didn't want to watch the state of the union address proxied through the vpn
02:44.49carrarproxied through the vpn?
02:45.09*** join/#asterisk jakent (
02:45.21carrarI'm watching it on my osx box
02:45.38carrarin HD
02:45.53drmessanoKatty, I have to thank you.. hearing a woman talk about watching something proxied over a VPN gives me faith there really is someone out there for me
02:46.39fenrusdisturbed nerds :)
02:46.42carrarKatty hacked nag3 and it watching it via satellite
02:47.00Kattyi wish my FTA box was working :<
02:47.06Kattybut they haven't got the bins yet
02:47.12carrarFor The Asterisk?
02:47.22Kattyno, for my fta box
02:47.41Kattyi like free cable
02:47.53carrarI'm watching it via able
02:48.14*** join/#asterisk samudio (n=samudio@unaffiliated/samudio)
02:48.16Kattyi have a tummy ache :<
02:48.54carrarhe's got some jabs in there
02:49.10Kattyi liked the "she gets embarassed" part
02:49.39carrarshe was waving to everyone to sit down
02:49.50Kattyahh didn't see that
02:49.52Kattyi was lettin the dog out
02:50.05*** join/#asterisk jakent (
02:51.01carrarneed to lip read what McCain just said
02:51.12Kattyit'll be on reddit in 10min
02:51.33carrarhaha roof cam
02:51.36jaytee"i think i need to change my Depends"
02:52.11Kattyi think security needs to be suspended perminently
02:52.42carrarWhat security
02:53.00Katty90% of our deficet is defense
02:53.06Kattyand he just said that won't be touched
02:53.27carraryeah I don't think we should cut that
02:53.54carrardefinately review it though
02:54.06Kattyyou should see what it covers. heh.
02:54.09Kattyyou'd change your mind real quick
02:54.26carrarWe need to stay in the lead on defense
02:54.35jayteeI just saw a bumper sticker that said, "Let's eat Grandma. Let's eat, Grandma. Punctuation saves lives." I liked it......  <excerpt from Facebook posting
02:55.25*** part/#asterisk samudio (n=samudio@unaffiliated/samudio)
02:55.45Kattywell sure we need a defense budget
02:55.55carrarneeds to be aggressive
02:55.55Kattybut we don't need to be paying for a pretend war
02:56.22carrarwe need a cyberwarfare dept
02:56.30carrarsince China has one
02:56.38Kattylet's try common sense! what a novel concept!
02:56.46Kattythat was cute
02:57.22carrarneeds to be in a old titan 3 missle silo
02:57.55Kattyi agree with limiting lobbiests
02:58.08Kattyyeahhhh but that's a bad thing
02:58.19Kattyhe who has the most corporate backing wins is NOT a good policy >.<
02:58.51carrarand also now that he allows coorporations to spend on political advertising
02:59.10Kattyyeah that's not going to put it back into The American Peoples' Hands
02:59.28carraryeah I wanna see those earmarks
02:59.40carrarthat'll never happen
03:00.41Kattydid you see joe biden check the time? ;)
03:00.54carrarheh, he's falling asleep
03:00.58carrarneeds a nap
03:01.29carrarthose judges are emotionless
03:03.56Kattycan we please have a union address without 911 being thrown in there >.<
03:04.57Kattythere's the deficet
03:04.58Kattyright there
03:05.05Kattybetter airline security
03:05.09Kattythat's a joke
03:06.32Kattyend of august?
03:06.41Kattyoh. "combat troops"
03:07.46Kattyi like biden's purple tie.
03:08.21Kattyryan got veteran's benefits :>
03:08.22p3nguinI think my purple tie is better.
03:09.44carrarit's nice to have goals
03:10.59Kattyi wonder what that says about muslim communities
03:11.06Kattywhy did he single out Muslims?
03:11.25jayteesomeone on FB thinks Biden looks like Jeff Dunham's puppet, Walter
03:11.26Kattythat didn't seem politically correct.
03:11.34Kattyhe does!!!
03:11.39carrarkinda looks like steven segal
03:11.42carrarand old version
03:11.45jayteea Walter bobblehead
03:12.21Kattybiden just checked the itme again
03:12.30carrarAlways, thats why we do trades with China
03:12.45jayteeit's probably almost time for his next prostate massage
03:12.58Kattyi didn't wanna read that
03:13.17p3nguinI was thinking time to go home and go to bed, but you could be right.
03:13.23*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
03:14.05Kattysome people didn't like that one
03:14.37Kattyare those the supreme court people in the front?
03:15.46Kattylost faith in media eh?
03:15.55Kattymaybe if we took fox news off the air we could change that ;)
03:18.15Kattybiden's bobbleheadding
03:20.52p3nguinan hour and ten moments
03:21.08Kattyit should have said athiests bless yourself
03:31.27Sedoroxare devices configured in skinny.conf suppose to show up in 'skinny show devices', or only after they are registered
03:31.47p3nguinThat's what I would expect.
03:32.22SedoroxI have a phone configured, but it keeps getting rejected
03:32.46p3nguinI had to get rid of skinny on my phone because lots of features are not working with asterisk.
03:32.58p3nguinHow do you configure a phone with skinny?  When I do it, the authentication is based on the MAC address and no configuration goes on the phone at all.
03:33.17p3nguinIt's all in skinny.conf.
03:33.23Sedoroxiirc, it's a combination of skinny and tftp
03:33.26Sedoroxbut mostly in skinny.conf
03:33.52p3nguintftp just delivers the files to the phone, but the configuration for registration should all be on asterisk.
03:34.55SedoroxI saw someone had it working with a 7970, and I figured I'd try it on my 7912, but so far it isn't registering
03:34.59p3nguinPaste your skinny.conf if you think it's wrong.
03:35.25Sedoroxwell considering I used a example and only replaced the device= line (which was copied from the rejection), I don't think it's wrong there
03:35.27p3nguinI've only used SIP on the 7912.
03:35.46*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
03:37.17p3nguinI have four P00.......... files, a SEP<MAC>.cnf.xml, and XMLDefault.cnf.xml in the tftpd.
03:37.21*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
03:37.24Sedoroxsame here
03:37.32p3nguinDISTINCTIVERINGLIST.XML is optional.
03:38.36p3nguinin skinny.conf:  ; Typical config for a 7910
03:38.47p3nguinThat section should be pefect for your 7912.
03:38.52*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:39.09p3nguinDuplicate it, then edit your values into it accordingly.
03:39.14Sedoroxyup, and as I said, I uncommented everything, and replaced the SEP line, with the one I have
03:40.10p3nguinIf you aren't willing to copy and paste your exact config to let another set of eyes look for a possible mistake, there's not much more I can tell you.
03:41.08p3nguinAll I know is that my 7940 works fine with skinny, but lots of the features (soft keys) are not active with asterisk.
03:41.21p3nguinSo I use SIP.
03:42.18Sedoroxyea, my 7960 runs SIP
03:42.43p3nguinI have a 7912 in the other room using SIP, but I didn't even give SCCP a chance on it.
03:43.27Sedoroxthis did run both
03:43.36SedoroxI put sccp back on it when I was playing with CME
03:43.40Sedoroxin Dynamips
03:43.50p3nguinThe pastebin won't load up for me.
03:44.08p3nguinkeeps saying "Loading"
03:44.26Sedoroxadd www. ?
03:44.41p3nguinnah, it's just a crappy site.
03:44.57Sedoroxand I know the guy who runs it
03:45.05Sedoroxalways worked fine here loaded no trouble.
03:45.54*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
03:46.43Sedoroxbut yea, I don't see anything wrong with the config
03:46.56p3nguinversion=P0030812 ... shouldn't it be P00308010200?
03:47.25jayteeI love it! this Republican talking is describing how Obama was talking antigovernment. "He was all Jeffersonian tonight. You know, 'the goverment that governs least, governs best.'" That's good, use the term Jeffersonian and then he quotes from Henry David Thoreau.
03:47.39jayteewhat idiots
03:48.30p3nguinAnd I don't know if chan_skinny supports canreinvite=no.
03:49.14Sedoroxit was either in that config for the 7905, or in the one below it for the 7914, but I didn't bring anything into that config outside of the SEP line
03:49.42p3nguinMy sample doesn't have a canreinvite in it.
03:50.08*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
03:50.29Sedoroxremoved... lets see if it makes a difference
03:50.36Sedoroxstill rejected
03:50.43p3nguinchanged the version, too?
03:50.56p3nguinand unloaded/loaded
03:51.00p3nguinand reset the phone?
03:51.32*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
03:52.03Sedoroxwell reload/ and even restart asterisk, and yes, the phone's been cycling itself
03:53.31p3nguinI don't have sccp firmware for the 7912, so I can't even test it.
03:53.37*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
03:54.39Sedoroxit's fine
03:54.53SedoroxI can go sip, I just figured I would play with sccp, and again it fails :p
03:55.45p3nguinI think SIP on the 7912G works perfectly.  It might even be better than the 7940G/7960G.
03:56.09random_mikecan anyone explain how to use a GotoIf based on a variable if it contains a value? ie: GotoIf ($["$SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity)" contains "12345"]?yes:no)
03:56.31random_mikeit will execute yes if the P-Asserted-Identity has 123456789 - as it contains 12345
03:57.00random_mikeand no if the P-Asserted-Identity is 0987654321 - as it does not contain 12345
04:04.51Sedoroxthat sounds right...
04:06.51ChannelZwell $["$SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity)" is not valid syntax for one
04:07.41Sedorox${SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity)} ?
04:07.49ChannelZThat's better
04:09.25ChannelZso  GotoIf($["${SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity)}" = "foo123"]?yes:no)
04:09.44p3nguinThat's going to be an exact match, though.
04:10.33ChannelZfinishes reading
04:11.01random_mikeaye - im after a "contains" rather than "is"
04:11.06ChannelZwell it gets a bit more complicated if you want to do a wildcard search
04:13.11ChannelZyou can use the REGEX function which will make the line look even uglier..
04:14.34ChannelZGotoIf($[${REGEX("1234" ${SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity)})]?yes:no)
04:14.47ChannelZI think, if I closed all my braces and shit right
04:18.48ChannelZNope, I think I missed a }  --  GotoIf($[${REGEX("1234" ${SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity)})}]?yes:no)
04:19.08ChannelZ's eyes spin
04:19.21random_mikeawesome - i'll test that out :)
04:19.25p3nguinThat one looks right.
04:19.47ChannelZit's like looking at perl..
04:20.00ChannelZdies a little
04:20.01p3nguinIt all just blends together after a while.
04:20.10random_mikeperl's awesome
04:20.24random_mikei really should be doing this in perl with Asterisk::AGI :P
04:27.40Sedoroxlovely, not it seems my 7912 doesn't want to talk to the tftp server to grab the firmware
04:30.48*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
04:30.52jmcdowellHello all..
04:31.05jmcdowellCan anyone tell me if this tells me my firmware for my phone?
04:31.07jmcdowellModel=SoundPoint IP 601, Assembly=2345-11605-001 Rev=B
04:31.38*** join/#asterisk jakent (
04:31.59fenrusSedorox, why not? :) did you check the permissions and the tftp-log ?
04:32.39Sedoroxyup, I can grab the files fine otherwise
04:32.51Sedoroxjust gets IP, then goes directly to connecting to CM
04:33.01fenrusand does the tftp-log tell you that the phone tries to get the exact same file that you get ?
04:33.20fenrusdoes your DHCP send the correct options with tftp-ip address?
04:34.10Sedoroxdhcp sends it and it is correct on the phone menu
04:34.21fenrusoption 66 and 150?
04:34.49*** join/#asterisk daidoji (n=daidoji7@
04:34.57fenrusthe phone probably request an .cnf or an .xml file
04:35.07fenrusdoes your tftp provide it ?
04:37.25random_mike[Jan 28 15:05:02] ERROR[22473] pbx.c: Function REGEX not registered
04:37.32random_mikeis there a module i'm missing?
04:37.38ChannelZoh noes
04:38.00random_mikei dont see in my modules dir?
04:38.37ChannelZthere is none.. maybe it's in funcs_strings ?  not sure really
04:38.58ChannelZor maybe it's a 1.6-ism, what version are you running?
04:39.06random_mike1.4.28 :(
04:39.49ChannelZit is in func_strings looks like
04:40.20*** part/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:40.26*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:40.36random_mikeworks a charm
04:40.38random_mikethanks ChannelZ
04:44.23*** join/#asterisk DarkFibre (
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04:57.58*** join/#asterisk Cain` (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
05:02.56*** join/#asterisk lordmortis (
05:07.30*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
05:08.39jmcdowellanyone know how to disable the dial plan on the polycom 601?
05:08.39*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
05:08.40jmcdowellthat's the whole reason I went down this "provisioning" path.
05:08.52jmcdowellnow I am not finding the informatin that I was told is out there.
05:09.32drmessanoYou dont want to disable the dialplan, just change it
05:10.46jmcdowellI want the PBX to handle all the dialing rules
05:11.56jmcdowellThe phone keeps stripping off the 9 to get out
05:12.00jmcdowellleaving it unable to dial
05:12.32jmcdowellasterisk won't allow me to set it up without a dial plan.
05:13.13drmessanoYou want to FIX the dialplan so it's not substituting, but "DISABLING" it would mean NOTHING works..
05:13.45*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
05:14.57*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
05:16.09jmcdowellI just HAD to get good phone..
05:16.17jmcdowell( sigh )
05:17.33drmessanoI dont see what the big issue is here
05:18.33drmessano  <-- thats a Scientific Wild Assed Guess (SWAG)
05:30.50ManxPower-workjmcdowell: what IS the polycom dialplan?
05:32.45ManxPower-workI personally like: dialplan.digitmap="8,1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx|8,011x.T|8,[2-9]11|9xx|*xx|[2-7]xxx" but that's just me.
05:33.22ManxPower-workI think the ability of the Polycom dialmap to modify the digits dialed is a fairly recent thing.
05:34.15*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
05:34.56*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
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05:38.06dlynes_laptopjmcdowell, btw...having the pbx handle all the dialing rules is only useful if you're using analog fxs device hardware that's connected directly to the pc such as pci cards
05:38.28dlynes_laptopjmcdowell, most users don't want to have to hit the 'dial' button after they've punched in the phone number
05:45.33ManxPower-workI set up my dialplans simple enough that the only time a user should have to press Dial, press #, or wait for a timeout is on international calls.
05:47.15*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@
05:48.44*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
05:49.44*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
05:50.41carrarYou let your users dialout?
05:51.49*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
05:53.14*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@
05:54.44*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
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06:03.42ManxPower-workcarrar: Generous of me, I know.
06:04.39vader--manx sup?
06:05.45*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
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06:18.54infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:21.51carrarWhere is the 3rd Edition!
06:22.15*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@
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07:13.31*** join/#asterisk benngard (n=benngard@
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07:21.36*** join/#asterisk |aaron (
07:22.24|aaronHello. I have two accounts with my SIP provider and I'd like to route incoming calls to a different context based on the sip account they come from. How do I do that?
07:22.52|aaronright now they both end up in the default context
07:23.47ChannelZset the context in sip.conf
07:24.15|aaronon the register => line? what is the syntax? ive googled but i cant figure it out
07:25.35|aarondo i have to make an extension and then assign the extension to a context?
07:27.54*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (n=rogue@
07:27.59|aaronbecause its not a live extension just an ivr
07:28.02drmessanoYou set a context= for the peer
07:28.17timahvo1hi guys
07:28.32|aaronhmm i dont think i have any peers defined? unless that is what register => does? ill google it
07:29.11|aaronok i see so i make a [peername] type=peer context=contextname
07:29.28|aaronthen register=>
07:30.11timahvo1am new to asterisk and need some help, I have a dahdi channel configured with fxs_ks connected to a gsm line, I can call into the asterisk box (internal extensions)
07:30.30timahvo1want to know if I can call out using the same dahdi channel ?
07:30.57ChannelZtimahvo1: no
07:30.59|aaronhmm well i tried that and i get extension not found when i call
07:32.26ChannelZtimahvo1: well actually you said the channels is configured as fxs, which means it's an fxo port.. so actually yes you can dial out, you just need something to dial out from (a softphone, SIP phone, an analog phone on an FXS port..)
07:33.10timahvo1ChannelZ: am using a soft phones and have sip configured correctly
07:33.24timahvo1and yes its an FXO port the line is connected to
07:34.04ChannelZso yeah you just Dial(DAHDI/1/5551212)
07:34.14ChannelZor whatever the channel number is
07:35.32timahvo1ChannelZ: tried that and get Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 -unknown) on the console
07:36.07ChannelZWhat does 'dahdi show channels' say?
07:36.39|aaronok i dont have a peer setup because im not doing any outbound calls at all, i should have said that
07:36.51|aaronim just trying to get my incoming calls into seperate contexts so i can route them appropriately
07:37.36*** join/#asterisk mpe (
07:37.43timahvo1ChannelZ: Got the pseudo channel in context default In service , and channel 1 context from-pstn also In service
07:38.05timahvo1am trying to dial out using DAHDI/1
07:38.58ChannelZshow the exact results you are getting in the console -
07:39.45timahvo1ChannelZ: ok give me a minute to switch to the box am on a different machine and thx
07:42.09|aaronim finding a bunch of exampels on the web of using GotoIf in extensions.conf to route a call based on caller id, but what about the sip account the call came in on?
07:42.17|aaronwhat would the syntax for that
07:43.01Corydon76-dig|aaron: set the context in sip.conf
07:43.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (n=Ken@
07:43.23|aaronhow do i set a different one for each sip account?
07:43.34|aarondo i create a peer?
07:43.46|aaronthank you
07:47.15*** join/#asterisk jdnwest (
07:47.28jdnwestAnyone using iCall for their carrier?
07:48.32ChannelZok you are trying to dial out through 'group 1', so is your chan_dahdi.conf properly setup so that channel is in group 1?
07:48.55timahvo1yes it is
07:49.04timahvo1ChannelZ: ^
07:53.06ChannelZwell then I'm not sure what is going on..
07:53.44timahvo1ChannelZ: thanks , I appreciate you trying
07:53.48ChannelZdoes the error come up immediately after the Dial command or is there a delay
07:53.49timahvo1will keep trying
07:53.58timahvo1there is a short delay
07:54.21ChannelZmaybe it's a line problem..
07:54.35ChannelZWhat country are you in?
07:55.31timahvo1Kenya ,East Africa
07:57.02ChannelZperhaps you are not really Kewlstart there, I have no idea
07:58.00timahvo1but if that were the case wouldn't I also not be able to dial in from an outside line ?
07:58.04timahvo1which I can
07:59.16kaldemartimahvo1: show the group definition in chan_dahdi.conf
07:59.55ChannelZ(or change your dial to just '1' not 'G1' to make sure)
08:00.13timahvo1kaldemar: I'll pastebin my chan_dahdi.conf
08:00.32timahvo1ChannelZ: Tried that , same error
08:01.42*** join/#asterisk ktwilight (
08:04.13kaldemartimahvo1: you don't have a group definition there. as in group => 1.
08:04.56kaldemartimahvo1: that's why DAHDI/G1/... can't work.
08:05.37kaldemarusing a group is unnecessary with one channel though, as ChannelZ said you can change the line in extensions.conf to DAHDI/1/...
08:05.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:06.21timahvo1ok but did what ChannelZ suggested and tried DAHDI/1 after a restart/reload and it still wouldn't work with the same error
08:07.32|aaronthanks for the link channelz, i understand a little better now but i must still have something wrong
08:07.37|aaronthis is my sip.conf:
08:08.12kaldemartimahvo1: feel free to pastebin a call attempt.
08:08.42|aaronwhen i call in now i just get a busy signal, no error on the console
08:19.20*** join/#asterisk fiddur (n=fiddur@
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08:22.50timahvo1kaldemar: ^
08:23.46fiddurWith res_jabber connected as component, shouldn't I be able to see others statuses without adding a subsrciption/asking for authorization?  I just get 7 (Not in roster) from JABBER_STATUS :(
08:24.01kaldemartimahvo1: remove the + in the number.
08:24.08timahvo1kaldemar: ok
08:25.07timahvo1kaldemar: same result
08:25.27kaldemaris the number valid?
08:25.32*** join/#asterisk Faustov (i=user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:30.51timahvo1kaldemar: the number pasted is not but yes I am using a valid number
08:31.09*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
08:31.11ThoMeGood morning.
08:31.25ThoMehave hylafax and iaxmodems. but i have only 9600 bauts
08:31.30ThoMehow i can use 14400 ?
08:32.51ChannelZkaldemar: do you have another jack on the same physical line that you could hook a regular phone up to, and listen to it as your * system makes a dial attempt?
08:37.26kaldemarChannelZ: no jacks here *g*
08:39.06ChannelZOk.. in a shell do "dahdi_monitor 1 -f /tmp/dialattempt.raw" - then attempt the call.. ctrl-c after it fails, then load the dialattempt.raw into an audio app that can load/play raw audio data - 8kHz, 16-bit PCM, little-endian
08:40.08ChannelZmaybe it will reveal something
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08:45.32angryuserHello i am searching device with 3 fxo ?
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09:05.54*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
09:06.19_abc_what can cause large banging noises in sip connections through asterisk and other sip agents?
09:14.15ChannelZGuns?  People breaking into your house?  Neighbors humping?
09:15.27*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
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09:16.25_abc_isp trying to discourage sip use so users use their own extortionate sip package ?
09:16.34_abc_puts the paranoid hat down
09:29.58*** join/#asterisk pietro (n=pietro@
09:30.16k-manis it just port 5190 i need to add to qos for asterisk and sip?
09:31.02*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:31.38pietroin asterisk is possible to define multiple sip peers with same digest credentials ?
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09:38.16_abc_what can cause large banging noises in sip connections through asterisk and other sip agents?
09:38.32*** join/#asterisk e-jones (n=jkastner@nat/redhat/x-wqxjzauluwudagaw)
09:50.16*** join/#asterisk infobot (
09:50.16*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/01/15), Asterisk (2010/01/15), (2010/01/15), 1.4.29 (2010/01/15), *-Addons (2009/12/18), (2009/12/02), (2009/12/02), 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #freepbx #switchvox #asterisk-bugs
09:57.06*** join/#asterisk bzing2 (
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10:04.46pietrowith asterisk is possible to define multiple sip peers with same digest credentials ?
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10:39.51tzafrir_laptop - pathetic
10:40.14tzafrir_laptopIf you want a cheap device that runs Asterisk, take any netbook
10:40.21tzafrir_laptopipad is not cheap
10:42.57*** join/#asterisk infobot (
10:42.57*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/01/15), Asterisk (2010/01/15), (2010/01/15), 1.4.29 (2010/01/15), *-Addons (2009/12/18), (2009/12/02), (2009/12/02), 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #freepbx #switchvox #asterisk-bugs
10:42.59*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=albertoa@
10:43.29mort_gibtzafrir_laptop: Thanks for your help the other day btw, I was in deed missing libpri
10:44.02*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
10:49.37*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
10:50.08verywisemanwhat is wink time?
10:55.16timahvo1Hi whenever I try to use the asterisk-GUI via a web browser I get "Attemp to use unimplemented / unsupported method"
10:55.24timahvo1any ideas anyone >
10:56.21*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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11:07.48tzafrir_laptopverywiseman, rxwink in chan_dahdi.conf?
11:08.08tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, where do you see that?
11:08.34*** join/#asterisk RicWright (
11:10.07timahvo1in the browser when I try to access the GUI via http://localhost:8088
11:10.15timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: ^
11:10.53tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, you need a more exact address . e.g.: http://localhost:8088/static/index.htm IIRC
11:12.11tzafrir_laptopverywiseman, in analog channels you don't have a dedicated signalling. Therefore you have to send the signalling in-band
11:12.23timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: yes tried that address too and a bunch of other suggestions I found on gg but nothing seems to work
11:12.36tzafrir_laptop"wink" is one such possible signalling
11:12.45tzafrir_laptop"nudge" is another one
11:14.08tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, you still get the same "unimplemented" message?
11:14.15tzafrir_laptopFrom the "asterisk httpd"?
11:14.36tzafrir_laptopWhat is the output of "http show status" in the asterisk CLI? (asterisk -r)
11:15.01timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: yes , but I think it has something to do with the "prefix" setting in /asterisk/http.conf
11:15.25*** join/#asterisk tw56 (
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11:15.55tw56Hi - has anyone got any experience with bristuff? I'm having major problem with dahdi.
11:16.03tw56I'm getting missing symbol errors
11:17.06tw56[Jan 28 11:16:29] WARNING[6875] loader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: dahdi_chan_name_len
11:17.52timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: found an ugly workaround but it works for now
11:18.49tzafrir_laptoptw56, please pastebin the output of:  ls -lt /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
11:19.11TommyBottentw56: Where did you get your dahdi libraries? ... self compiled or from a package?
11:19.23tw56pastebin'ing now
11:19.28tw56it got them from asterisk
11:19.33tw56self compiled
11:24.56tw56I wasn't sure if i needed dahdi but i tried it - now it's all done pear shaped
11:24.56tzafrir_laptoptw56, as you can see, chan_dahdi and some others have an earlier data. They were not installed when you rebuilt Asterisk on 27-Jan
11:25.31tw56So you reckon if i remove them and clean compile them - that might work?
11:25.31tzafrir_laptopIf you don't wan't those modules, that may be fine. But then, remove them
11:25.39tw56Do i need dahdi for the quadBri?
11:25.56tzafrir_laptopif you're not sure, move them (the older modules) to a different directory
11:26.12tzafrir_laptoptw56, dahdi or misdn?
11:26.15tzafrir_laptopwhat device?
11:26.57tw56I have a junghanns quadBri which was installed a couple of years back. Now trying to get elastix working with it
11:30.10*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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11:41.32tzafrir_laptoptw56, what version of Elastix?
11:41.37tzafrir_laptop32bit or 64bit?
11:41.56tw56latest version
11:42.02tzafrir_laptopDo you need ptmp nt?
11:42.10tw56latest then yum updated too
11:42.56tzafrir_laptoptheir version of Asterisk includes a backport of the BRI support from 1.6.0
11:43.20tw56so i shouldn't need bristuff?
11:43.31tw56when i installed it - it couldn't find the car
11:47.14tw56i think i've made a total pigs ear of this :/
11:50.30tw56is there a easy way to reset it
11:53.17tw56now i get "Asterisk has detected a problem with your Zaptel configuration and will shutdown for your protection.  You have options"
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11:59.48tw56right - got asterisk working again. Just can't get it to detect the bri card :(
12:00.20*** join/#asterisk _cgc (
12:00.24_cgchi everyone
12:00.27k4tana777hi everybody ... just a little help ..  i need a good codec to works with the PSTN , i got a digium with 8 analogs ...
12:01.04k4tana777i m using ulaw .. but i dont know , maybe is there another good one ?
12:01.42_cgcdoes anyone know how I find out the time of the start of an existing call?
12:01.51k4tana777i think the analog is not enough for the bandwith used for ulaw ...
12:02.08*** join/#asterisk kruemeltee (
12:02.15k4tana777or i m sayng something stupid ?
12:02.23kruemelteehello again :-)
12:04.05tw56i don't have zap commands in my asterisk now :(
12:04.10tw56this is stupid :(
12:07.25*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
12:07.51AkiraaIs it possible to create MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol) trunks in Asterisk?
12:08.20*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
12:08.52tw56I'm getting cannot open shared object file
12:09.06tw56Is this something to do with zap -> dahdi
12:10.55*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:11.13tw56Anyone ever feel like you're talking to yourself
12:13.40dmastYou mean when you're trying to explain something to an end user and they're just giving you a glazed-over look?
12:13.59dmastjust got here, btw
12:14.57tw56yeah just like that
12:16.18kaldemartw56: if you have dahdi instead of zaptel, replace zap with dahdi in the commands. and the channel driver module is
12:16.36*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=uluatu@
12:16.49tw56yeah but the problem i think is that the bristuff installer puts zap in there
12:16.54tw56something is messed up
12:17.02tw56[root@pbx ~]# zaptel_hardware
12:17.03tw56pci:0000:03:02.0     qozap-       1397:08b4 Junghanns QuadBRI ISDN card
12:17.12tw56[root@pbx ~]# dahdi_hardware
12:17.13tw56pci:0000:03:02.0     wcb4xxp-     1397:08b4 Digium Wildcard B410P or compatible
12:17.44kaldemarbristuff installer? don't use such an installer or change what it does.
12:18.07tw56I was just following the instructions on elastix site for setting up this card.
12:19.10*** join/#asterisk sebbl (
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12:20.34kaldemartw56: are you using elastix?
12:21.27kaldemaryou're probably better off asking help on an elastix channel. people here don't prefer GUI's nor are they supported on this channel.
12:21.38tw56It's not about elastix
12:21.56tw56It's about drivers and asterisk - elastix is just a front end really
12:22.16tw56I have installed asterisk without guis lots of times
12:23.49tw56Not that i'm really getting any help anyway
12:24.54AkiraaIs it possible to use an MGCP trunk with Asterisk?
12:26.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:28.11tw56make no wonder companies don't like OS. People are too anal.
12:28.18tw56Oooh it has a GUI - sod off
12:29.16*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
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12:30.07verywisemanhow can i make phone call through asterisk cmd line?
12:32.07fiddurverywiseman: application originate
12:32.18fidduri mean command...
12:33.00verywisemanfiddur, not application , i want by command
12:33.47kaldemartw56: you got me wrong there, but as you wish.
12:33.59fiddurverywiseman: At least in 1.6.1 there is a command originate.  Try help originate
12:42.10*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
12:44.43k4tana777Good Morning (in my country)  just a little help ..  i need a good codec to works with the PSTN , i got a digium with 8 analogs ...
12:46.34tzafrir_laptoptw56, you use the latest and still have *zaptel*_hardware?
12:46.40tzafrir_laptopThat sounds odd
12:46.49tzafrir_laptopThe switched to dahdi on 1.5
12:47.21tzafrir_laptopThey now have the dahdi drivers for the BRI cards in a separate modules package, to avoid a conflict with the mISDN drivers
12:47.32*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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13:12.30kruemelteecan anybody explain the following line (extracted from an old extension.conf)
13:12.33kruemelteeexten => _0XXXXXXXXXX,1,agi(agi://
13:13.37*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:14.17kruemelteedoes this mean, that any dialled number starting with the digit 0, followed by 10 digits will be used for searching an matching entry within the dialplan again (just with the use of the last 10 digits) again?
13:15.04[TK]D-Fenderkruemeltee: No, any 11 digit number starting with 0 will execute an AGI targeting the localhost
13:15.36*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure_ (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
13:15.44kruemelteeokay ... now I just have to know what an "agi" is ... but here's a big book af asterisk in front of me ;-)
13:15.51kruemelteethank you
13:16.55beekmornin' [TK]D-Fender
13:17.02[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Mornin'
13:19.13*** join/#asterisk fibres (
13:19.17fibresHi all
13:20.26kruemelteehi fibres
13:22.53fibresDoes anyone know where asterisk puts the log when it does a core dump?
13:25.40*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
13:27.57dlynes_laptopfibres, generally in whatever directory it's running from
13:28.11k4tana777morning ! just a little help ..  i need a good codec to works with the PSTN , i got a digium with 8 analogs ..
13:28.30dlynes_laptopfibres, nothing to do with asterisk...more to do with the shell script that started it
13:28.54voipmonkk4tana777: codecs are usually chosen for SIP (voip side) not for the PSTN... :)
13:29.03voipmonkor IAX2
13:29.14voipmonkk4tana777: do you have ip phones, too? ;)
13:29.21k4tana777yep ..
13:29.33voipmonkthats where you will be concerned about codecs :)
13:29.53dlynes_laptopk4tana777, are you sending calls over the internet?  or will they only be ending up on the LAN?
13:30.03k4tana777just LAN
13:30.15dlynes_laptopk4tana777, go with ulaw then for optimum call quality
13:30.15*** join/#asterisk e4 (
13:30.33voipmonkif you have polycoms go with g722 :)
13:30.48voipmonkwhat ip phones do you have k4tana777  ?
13:30.50fibresOk well im trying to work out why asterisk is core dumping about twice a day
13:30.53dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, all the newest aastras have g.722 also
13:30.57k4tana777just softphone
13:31.02voipmonkfibres: did you read through the core file it dumps?
13:31.07k4tana777zoiper in a lan
13:31.21dlynes_laptopk4tana777, ulaw
13:31.23ManxPower-workdid you read the document included with Asterisk that talks about core dumps
13:31.29ManxPower-workk4tana777: what country are you in?
13:31.37k4tana777thanks ..
13:31.50fibresvoipmonk I am having trouble finding them
13:32.04ManxPower-workfibres: what makes you think they are even enabled?
13:32.31dlynes_laptopk4tana777, or actually... ManxPower-work's depends on what country you're in whether you should use ulaw or alaw
13:33.23k4tana777Thanks ..  i m in Chile ( South America if somebody dont know , hhahahhaah)
13:33.46ManxPower-workmost of the world uses alaw.
13:34.09dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, is it only canada and the us that use ulaw?
13:34.27k4tana777thanks .. i gonna try it with alaw so .
13:34.37coppiceus, canada, japan, taiwan, hk
13:34.39ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: I don't know, but USA/Canada would be the most common ulaw places
13:35.16dlynes_laptopcoppice, and china does alaw just so they're not using the same as taiwan and hk, I guess? :)
13:35.37fibresManxPower-work, How you mean? Does it not write a log by default when it core dumps?
13:35.48*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:35.55dlynes_laptopfibres, no...core dumps are a function of your shell, not asterisk
13:36.42fibresAh ok. Well when asterisk dies I get a message saying core dumped
13:37.02coppicetaiwan and hk use ulaw for twisted historic commercial reasons. taiwan uses a not quite standard T1 for similar reason
13:37.16*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
13:37.53fibresSo whats the best way to debug why asterisk is dropping out?
13:37.53ManxPower-workfibres: Stop.  Read the document /path/to/src/asterisk/doc/backtrace.txt
13:38.27dlynes_laptopfibres, well, if you don't want to do what ManxPower-work told you to do, you could always do find / -type f -name core\*
13:38.43*** join/#asterisk _cgc (
13:38.47_cgchi everyone
13:38.47dlynes_laptopfibres, but if you've got a lot of files and directories, that's going to take a while
13:38.55ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: if he doesn't want to read that doc then he's an idiot and does not deserve help.
13:39.17fibresI got no problem reading that doc!!
13:39.28_cgcdoes anyone know how to make a variable travel with a call when it gets transferred?
13:39.36fibresIf I could find the bloody thing. Im running 1.2
13:39.53dlynes_laptopfibres, it's been there since probably 1.0 or sooner
13:40.08fibresin the asterisk source folder?
13:40.12ManxPower-workfibres: YES!
13:40.23ManxPower-workThat's where ALL the official documentation is.
13:40.40fibresah its called README.backtrace!!
13:41.05dlynes_laptopfibres, or doc/backtrace.txt if you're in a newer version of asterisk
13:44.07fibresAh ok. got it now. So if I installed asterisk with make install the backtrace will be shit? Am I reading the file correct?
13:44.59ManxPower-workfibres: I have no idea.  Asterisk has not coredumped for me in years.
13:45.52fibresLol. Had not on me until a couple of days ago. I think it might have something todo with installing g729 codecs. But might not be. Also changed from sip trunk to iax trunk around the same time
13:46.34ManxPower-workfibres: you installed the LICENSED coded, right?
13:48.42pietrowith asterisk is possible to define multiple sip peers with same digest credentials ?
13:49.24beek_cgc: What you seek is in ./doc/tex/channelvariables.tex (or use the PDF ./doc/tex/asterisk.pdf)
13:51.18fibresManxPower-work: Of course, I would not install an unlicensed one, Honestly!!
13:51.34ManxPower-workpietro: no.
13:53.17*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
13:53.21_cgcbeek: thanks, one other quick question, when using the system function, can you use the asterisk variables?
13:54.03beek_cgc: use them how?  You certainly can pass them to you script.
13:55.03fibresI suspect that it might be the codecs causing the problems but would like to confirm it.
13:55.21_cgcbeek: for instance, if i have a file location in an asterisk variable, can i use 'System(test -e ${variable})' to see if it exists?
13:55.46_cgcbeek: thanks alot :)
13:56.25fibresDont suppose anyone knows a good frontend for asterisk for use in an inbound call centre?
13:57.36[TK]D-Fenderfibres: vi
13:57.46*** join/#asterisk rossand (
13:58.19voipmonkaheeva, fibres or contactual... or are you looking for something...  *shudders*   .... "Free" :)
13:58.57voipmonk( not free )
13:59.11[TK]D-FenderAheeva requires you to use their special softphones, etc
13:59.30fibresYeah looking for open source system
14:00.07fibresWell anything that is free ish!!#
14:01.03fibresDont need anything majorly complicated just to be able to do screen popping. Gonna be answering calls for a number of different companies so need to pop a screen to agents to tell them what name to answer phone in
14:02.19*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
14:03.00[TK]D-Fenderfibres: Go write something yourself.  Isn't much to it.
14:03.01ManxPower-workfibres: that is what we call "majorly complicated"
14:03.31*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
14:05.24*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraaaa@
14:05.44fibres[TK]D-Fender: Yeah was thinking about it. But if there was a system that does most of that already saves me some work!!
14:05.50dlynes_laptopfibres, how many agents are you talking about?
14:05.52*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:06.15[TK]D-Fenderfibres: Depends on what you want to have pop up.
14:06.15*** join/#asterisk flujan (n=flujan@
14:07.29dlynes_laptopfibres, 5000 agents?  5 agents?
14:08.16fibres1-5 agents initially.
14:09.28fibresI will probably have most of the pop up screen written myself. Just need to know how to get asterisk to send the pop up to the agent machine with the did of the inbound call.
14:09.51fibresAs in the did the call came in on not so much the Cid.
14:12.58fibresUm looks interesting. That might do a lot of what I need.
14:13.24*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
14:13.27*** join/#asterisk Silkjaer (n=Silkjaer@
14:13.48Silkjaerrunning asterisk and set up two sip extensions
14:14.02Silkjaerbut asterisk cannot find the extensions
14:14.14*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:14.23Silkjaeron calls.. locally or from outside.
14:14.27ManxPower-workSilkjaer: that is usually a context problem.  Are you using a GUI for Asterisk
14:14.30Silkjaersip show peers looks OK
14:14.34fibresWhat version of asterisk would people recommend using for this?
14:14.43Silkjaeryes, freepbx through elastix
14:15.07infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
14:15.07fibresI currently run asterisk 1.2 as thats what the systems im running are based on.
14:15.08dlynes_laptopfibres, you can also try:
14:15.16Silkjaerah, sorry for bothering then :)
14:15.41creativxfibres: ok with 1.2 use astmanproxy instead..
14:15.51*** part/#asterisk Silkjaer (n=Silkjaer@
14:17.20fibresWell I dont mind using newer versions. Just not done so in past. Was wondering if 1.4 or 1.6 would be better?
14:17.25*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:21.03beekMorning Katty
14:23.28ManxPower-workMy new report-problem-call script just turned a half day of troubleshooting into 30 mins of troublshooting.
14:23.48Kattywai, hello der!
14:23.52Kattyhugs creativx
14:23.54Kattyhugs beek
14:24.12Kattyp3nguin: the critters know doom is coming.
14:24.20Kattyp3nguin: they are swarming the yard like mad.
14:24.42beeksmiles at Katty
14:24.56p3nguinWho needs a weatherman when you have critters, eh?
14:24.58ManxPower-workFinally decided on some "population control"?
14:25.11infoboti heard crittercam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House Critter Cam @ and The Nut House Bird Bath @
14:25.13coppicedoom is always coming. the interesting thing is how close it us
14:26.48*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
14:27.01beekKatty: could you add some light to the bird feeder that's up against the window.   The light contrast between the yard area and the feeder makes the squirrel a shadow figure.
14:27.21Kattywell i have a porch light
14:27.27ManxPower-workOnly 4 days until Polycom releases their SDK.
14:27.28Kattybut i don't really want to let that run all day long while i'm at work
14:27.42dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, polycom is only now releasing one?
14:27.43Kattyyou will just have to wait until the sun peeks around the corner of the house!
14:27.56dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, or you mean they're releasing it publicly?
14:27.57beekHow about a white reflector to fill in the highlights?
14:28.04Kattycoppice: we're supposed to get snow and ice dumped on us
14:28.14dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, aastra's had an sdk available for a long time...just not publicly
14:28.17Kattybeek: you mean the reflector strips?
14:28.22coppiceKatty: we are not
14:28.34Kattycoppice: well southern missouri is then, anyway.
14:28.44beekSure... anything to bounce some light back into the shadows... (yes, I do photography).
14:28.54coppiceKatty: move to a tropical island, like I did
14:29.14Kattyi don't want to.
14:29.30Kattybeek: hmm.
14:29.46Kattybeek: well what would you suggest? i don't want to put up anything that would block the view to the rest of the yard.
14:30.06Kattybeek: there's far too much in the background to miss
14:30.40beekIf you're just crittercamming, you could take a white piece of posterboard, cut a hole in it for the camera to poke through, then mount it on the window near the feeder.
14:31.07beekYou'd get the yard, yet there'd be some fill light for the critters near the window at the feeder.
14:31.27Kattywhile that might help the situation somewhat, thatw ould certain keep me from looking out the window
14:31.35Kattyand i spend several hours on the weekend staring out the window :/
14:31.43beekanother option is to get a filter for the lens that is half-dark, half clear.
14:31.50beekYou'd want a gradual ND filter.
14:31.56Kattythey make lenses for webcams?
14:32.15ManxPower-workjust shoot them all
14:32.26beekYou may need to do some engineering to mount it, but you'd not have the contrast problem then.
14:32.30Kattynow why would i do that? then we'd have nothing to annoy you with.
14:33.04Kattybeek: perhaps a better idea yet would to get a camcorder and use it with a tv tuner/capture card.
14:33.44beekPossible, as well.  The goal is to minimize the contrast difference between the brightest and darkest segments.
14:34.54Kattycamcorders have better lenses.
14:35.01Kattyand optional lenses.
14:35.04Kattywhich don't require engineering to use
14:36.21Kattybeek come to missouri so we can visit best buy
14:37.21*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (
14:38.43m0t3jlHi, what should I take from a message saying "WARNING[10037]: chan_sip.c:12230 check_auth: username mismatch, have <322312XXX>, digest has <XXX>"? I am trying to set up my Asterisk to connect to my ISP's SIP server, but the only thing I can get working is to have Asterisk to register successfully, nothing more. Thanks a lot for anything
14:38.48beekNotice what the filter looks like -- if you can get something similar and point your camera through it the close critters would be very clear and the background would not wash out.
14:39.51beekm0t3jl: You can take from it that you have an authorization problem, specifically "username mismatch".
14:40.13beekCheck your credentials VERY CLOSELY
14:40.56m0t3jlbeek, ;)
14:41.23m0t3jlbeek, the thing is I am getting this error when someone calls my Asterisk from outside, that's what I find strange...
14:41.53m0t3jlbeek, nevermind that previous sentence...
14:42.28m0t3jlbeek, I was thinking about another problem, but this particular warning is not related to it, I think.
14:42.39*** join/#asterisk NicoleMun (
14:42.58m0t3jlbeek, by credentials you mean the ones that I use to connect to my ISP's SIP server?
14:44.02Kattybeek: well we can't really expect a whole lot from a webcam.
14:44.39eppigyI WANT EVERYTHING
14:44.43beekUnderstood Katty... just thinking a little graduated ND filter would clean that up nicely and I'd be able to see the squirrel in living color.
14:45.09Kattyyeah, but i think i'd rather buy a camcorder and then attach the filter lense.
14:45.37Kattyhugs eppigy
14:45.42leifmadsenmmm, hot chocolate
14:45.47eppigyhuggles Katty
14:46.19m0t3jlbeek, the register line in my sip.conf is "register =>". When I execute "sip show registry" in the Asterisk console, I get a message saying that Asterisk has registered with my ISP's server, what could possibly be wrong there? Thanks
14:46.47Kattybeek: there is an owl's nest in the tree across the street. that big one on the left...
14:47.24m0t3jlbeek, especially, what I do not understand is the message: What does it mean when it says it has <322312XXX), but digest has <999>? What's digest? ;)
14:48.05*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
14:48.06*** join/#asterisk StuZZZs (n=stuart@
14:48.29Kattybeek: if i had something like 20 optical zoom, i bet we could watch him nap :>
14:48.46Kattysee, this is why i don't want to leave missouri.
14:49.32p3nguinHad you been considering leaving?
14:51.50beekm0t3jl: pastebin your sip.conf -- obfuscate the user/password information.
14:52.00beekKatty: I'd love to see that
14:53.40m0t3jlbeek, okay.
14:56.07*** join/#asterisk RobH (
14:56.15*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
14:57.05m0t3jlbeek:, there are also some extensions defined that I did not inlcude, do you want to see them as well?
14:57.43ManxPower-workm0t3jl: only allow ONE codec,
14:57.52m0t3jlManxPower-work, okay.
14:58.22p3nguinExtensions don't go in sip.conf.
14:58.23ManxPower-workIs the server behind nat?
14:58.40m0t3jlp3nguin, I may be using an incorrect term ;)
14:58.53p3nguinYou probably mean devices or end-points.
14:59.06m0t3jlp3nguin, yes, that ;)
14:59.08*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
14:59.12m0t3jlManxPower-work, it is
14:59.23p3nguinExtensions are how you reach those devices, which go in extensions.conf.
14:59.28ManxPower-workYour server is not set up to work with nat
14:59.30infobotmethinks answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
14:59.42infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:59.43ManxPower-workread the NAT link.  Notice the localnet, externip, and canreinvite into
15:00.21p3nguinI never realized that the sipnat stuff was in ~answers.
15:00.26ManxPower-workm0t3jl: be SURE to set allowguest=no in sip.conf [general] as well or ou could have a MAJOR security hole.
15:00.45ManxPower-workdon't put . in a context name.
15:01.14*** part/#asterisk benngard (n=benngard@
15:01.25m0t3jlManxPower-work, okay
15:01.25*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:01.27m0t3jlManxPower-work, okay ;)
15:01.59ManxPower-workmake sure whatever you have for context= exists in extensions.conf
15:02.55*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:03.11m0t3jlManxPower-work, 322312XXX and (I am using 'my' now because you said not to use dots).
15:04.24p3nguinYou could call it mycom or my-com if you really wanted
15:04.32tw56*bangs head on desk*
15:05.21m0t3jlhm, how do I know which codecs are installed?
15:05.29dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, core show codecs
15:05.35m0t3jldlynes_laptop, thx
15:06.03dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, or do you mean which codecs are installed that you can translate to and from?
15:06.10m0t3jldlynes_laptop, yes
15:06.13m0t3jldlynes_laptop, those
15:06.14dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, core show codecs only shows pass-thruable codecs
15:06.28dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, core show translation
15:06.44*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:06.50dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, it also shows you the cpu load for each translation
15:07.11dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, if you see a '-', it means that particular translation is not possible
15:07.16m0t3jldlynes_laptop, oh.
15:07.17ManxPower-workshow codecs shows all codecs, supported and unsupported.   show translations shows what codecs can be transcoded.
15:07.36m0t3jldlynes_laptop, according to its output I am not able to translate g729 to g729 ;)
15:07.37leifmadsenand their weight to transcode
15:07.37*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
15:07.47leifmadsen(lower numbers == less processing power required)
15:08.10dlynes_laptopm0t3jl, well....that's a moot point
15:08.33leifmadsenthere is no transcoding when you're going between the same codecs :)
15:08.39*** join/#asterisk Holos (n=cosmond@
15:08.46ManxPower-workm0t3jl: and yet you had g729 allowed.  Bad idea, as you see.
15:09.02HolosHi.. Has anyone had any experience with the IP04 or IP08 embedded asterisk appliances?
15:09.10m0t3jlleifmadsen, well yes, but that's bad, since my ISP told me to use g729... How can I install G729? ;)
15:09.12p3nguinYou can't transcode from g729 to g729.
15:09.21dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, so i'm guessing g.722 is a clear channel codec like ulaw, alaw and g.726?
15:09.22ManxPower-workm0t3jl: you purchase a G729 license.
15:09.27leifmadsenm0t3jl: purchase the license
15:09.30m0t3jlManxPower-work, it's licensed?
15:09.34HolosAnyone have any recommendations for embedded appliances? I have a branch office that doesn't really need a full server +raid
15:09.38dlynes_laptopm0t3jl,'s not free
15:09.40leifmadsendlynes_laptop: G.722 is HD
15:09.43ManxPower-workm0t3jl: correct.
15:09.48voipmonkI was going to save this.... but
15:09.51m0t3jlManxPower-work, I thought G722 was licensed...
15:09.52dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, but it's still clear channel?
15:09.54Naikrovekdlynes_laptop: it's more clear than that - it's like a high fidelity G711 that uses less bandwidth (I think..)
15:09.58leifmadsendlynes_laptop: I don't understand what that means
15:10.06ManxPower-workm0t3jl: no.  G722.1 is licensed.  G722 is free.
15:10.07dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, it's not compressed?
15:10.13leifmadsenG.722 sounds better than G.711
15:10.25leifmadseneven G.711 is companded, which is a "kind" of compression
15:10.35leifmadsenbut G.722 is higher quality than G.711 -- your phone needs to support it though
15:10.39*** join/#asterisk vader- (
15:10.46ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: I think you mean "can you run fax, modem, and DTMF over it without corruption
15:10.46coppiceG.722.1 is free to licence
15:10.48dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, yeah, but it's a lossless compression
15:10.56Naikroveknot really lossless
15:11.08Naikrovekbut not really lossy either
15:11.09coppiceG.711 is *not* lossless compression
15:11.10leifmadsendlynes_laptop: google and wikipedia I'm sure have a lot more to say about G.722 than I possibly could
15:11.22Naikrovekwikipedia explains companding well
15:11.24coppiceG.711 is actually quite lossy
15:11.24Naikrovekas does the book
15:11.27infobothmm... thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:11.28dlynes_laptopcoppice, oh....then how are you able to fax over g.711?
15:11.28ManxPower-workcoppice: and there's no such thing as a SIP trunk.  We have both lost our causes.
15:11.52m0t3jlManxPower-work, apparently my ISP supports G722 as well, so I'll just go with it.
15:12.06Naikrovekdlynes_laptop: G711 is lossy in the same way that POTS is lossy
15:12.07leifmadsendlynes_laptop: that doesn't prove it isn't lossless -- just that it not lossy enough
15:12.11ManxPower-workm0t3jl: kind of pointless if you want better audio quality.
15:12.17Naikrovekreduced frequency response - you can't hear bass or high treble
15:12.23NaikrovekG722 you can hear those a LOT better
15:12.26leifmadsendlynes_laptop: it works because faxing is designed to work over that codec
15:12.37coppicedlynes_laptop: you can FAX over G.711 because modems were designed very specifically to live with G.711
15:12.38ManxPower-workm0t3jl: remember once the call hits the telco it's ulaw
15:12.39leifmadsen(i.e. within the same frequency spectrum)
15:12.53plundraIf I want to set a variable in one extension, then do a jump to another in another context, do I need to use a global variable? Or will a "regular" one do the trick?
15:12.54leifmadsena PRI is still using G.711
15:13.06dlynes_laptopcoppice, ah...and so g.722 is more or less the same thing, but twice as much bandwidth....
15:13.14*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
15:13.17leifmadsenplundra: no, channel variables are associated with the channel -- not the context
15:13.20ManxPower-workplundra: variables are set per CHANNEL, not context.
15:13.27ManxPower-worklooks at leifmadsen
15:13.33plundraAh, great.
15:13.34m0t3jlManxPower-work, wow, the outgoing calls work now, that's great ;)
15:13.44m0t3jlNow, to the incomming ones ;)
15:13.47leifmadsenplundra: you need to use the LOCAL() function to make something limited within a context
15:13.50vader-manx do you know anyone at adtran in sales/field sales/etc? ive been trying to get ahold of someone to talk about a demo of that 924 or 924e all i get is either voicemails with no call back or out of office
15:14.00leifmadsenlooks at ManxPower-work
15:14.02Naikrovekdlynes_laptop: G722 has a higher frequency response, and I believe it uses less bandwidth than G711 because of some FLAC-like compression
15:14.06coppicedlynes_laptop: G.722 is more lossy, but wider bandwidth. overall, to human ears its quality is far higher
15:14.07leifmadsenManxPower-work: TO THE DEATH!
15:14.25leifmadsenNaikrovek: yes, I believe that's true as well
15:14.26plundraleifmadsen: I see, well I don't want that now so great. Thanks :)
15:14.32ManxPower-workvader-- not really.  I say "we need X" and we get "X".  The only time I talked with a salesrep is when I toured their factory
15:14.42dlynes_laptopcoppice, i'm guessing faxing is even less reliable on g.722, then?
15:15.03m0t3jlManxPower-work, I am still concerned about one thing, the inbound connection apparently works, why do I need to explicitly setup NAT? ;)
15:15.13Naikrovekbusy in here this morning
15:15.16coppiceFAXing over G.722 probably works at 9600. I doubt the higher rates work
15:15.40ManxPower-workm0t3jl: because inside the SIP packet is where the IP address/port lives.  NAT only looks at the headers and so won't fixup the IP/port info inside the packet.
15:15.50dlynes_laptopcoppice, and i guess you can negotiate t.38 over g.722?
15:16.17coppicedlynes_ laptop that question is meaningless
15:16.34ManxPower-workm0t3jl: Asterisk doesn't know what that external IP is until you tell it.  It does not know what phones are in local networks until you tell it.
15:16.59leifmadsendlynes_laptop: T.38 is part of the SIP negotation, and has nothing to do with codecs
15:17.04ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: t.38 does not use a "codec"
15:17.05*** part/#asterisk Holos (n=cosmond@
15:17.10leifmadsenthat's why it works over the Internet
15:17.27leifmadsenthat's the whole point, is that it doesn't send the fax signals over a jittery/latent network
15:17.28*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:17.35dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, ok so that being said, and i'm in g.729, why can i not negotiate t.38?  but, when i'm in ulaw, I can?
15:17.49leifmadsenabsolutely no idea
15:17.59ManxPower-workjittery and latent.  sounds like me after a pot of coffee and no sleep
15:18.06leifmadsenManxPower-work: :)
15:18.18leifmadsenok, time to get some work done, I've been procrastinating all morning, and haven't even cleaned anything
15:18.23coppicedlynes_laptop: a G.729 SIP call can renegotiate to T.38, just as a G.711 one or G.722 one can
15:18.26leifmadsenKatty: exactly
15:18.37ManxPower-workcoppice: thats not to say that all devices support that, right?
15:18.42dlynes_laptopcoppice, i guess it works on other systems then....just not asterisk
15:18.53funtoo_nbuif i want to make more than 1 phone ring
15:18.54*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
15:19.01Kattyleifmadsen: you wanna do my laundry while you're at it?
15:19.06Kattyleifmadsen: pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
15:19.08leifmadsenfuntoo_nbu: just call more than one phone....
15:19.13funtoo_nbuin extentions.conf, do i make multiple entries for each extension i want to ring?
15:19.14coppicelike anything else in a VoIP network, you need to have support in the equipment for what you are requesting
15:19.15leifmadsenKatty: sure! I have to do some anyways
15:19.21leifmadsenfuntoo_nbu: look at the formatting of Dial()
15:19.25m0t3jlManxPower-work, I still do not think the username mismatch stuff has anything to do with NAT... Because no matter what NAT settings (externip, blah, blah) I change, the message is still there...
15:19.26ManxPower-workfuntoo_nbu: no.  read the book
15:19.28leifmadsenfuntoo_nbu: core show application dial
15:19.39p3nguinfuntoo_nbu: Extensions Dial() devices.
15:19.48infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:19.56funtoo_nbuaye it says Dial(SIP/extension)
15:19.57leifmadsenfuntoo_nbu: Dial(Tech/username[&Tech2/username]...)
15:20.00coppicedlynes_laptop:asterisk can renegotiate G.729 to T.38.
15:20.02funtoo_nbuah sweet
15:20.04leifmadsenfuntoo_nbu: no.... look again
15:20.39leifmadsenbuy the book! I can't even afford coffee anymore! :)
15:20.45p3nguinWhy would it say SIP/extension when extensions are not SIP devices?
15:20.56leifmadsenp3nguin: bad wording
15:21.03ManxPower-workp3nguin: that happens when the user sees what they expect to see rather than what' actually in front of them.
15:21.06leifmadsenprobably from way way back in the day
15:21.08coppiceleifmadsen: drink water. its better for you
15:21.16ManxPower-workI call those people "Wishers".
15:21.16dlynes_laptopcoppice, maybe it's metaswitch that can't, then?
15:21.17funtoo_nbuim nub
15:21.18p3nguinleifmadsen: It doesn't say that, though.
15:21.19leifmadsencoppice: yep, you're right -- I don't drink much coffee actually
15:21.29p3nguinleifmadsen: Dial(Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...][|timeout][|options][|URL])
15:21.35dlynes_laptopcoppice, t.38 negotiation doesn't work for me when i'm in g.729 connected to a metaswitch
15:21.37leifmadsenp3nguin: then wtf are you talking about?
15:21.38dlynes_laptopcoppice, but ulaw does
15:21.43p3nguin(0919.56) <funtoo_nbu> aye it says Dial(SIP/extension)
15:21.49p3nguin(0920.44) <p3nguin> Why would it say SIP/extension when extensions are not SIP devices?
15:21.57Kattyfamily circle magazine is retarded. why am i reading this
15:22.10leifmadsenp3nguin: heh, so the user is making shit up -- got it :)
15:22.31leifmadsenp3nguin: is that a star date?
15:22.32Kattywhy is every other page in this magazine about some new drug
15:22.43leifmadsenKatty: because drugs are good mmm'kay?
15:22.47Kattyboniva, musinex...
15:22.56*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:22.59Kattydelsym, vicks, crestor
15:23.12coppiceKatty: Pharmacology Weekly tends to be like that
15:23.17dlynes_laptopKatty, drug to make you skinny, drug to make you 'normal', drug to make you have big melons, drug to make you ...
15:23.24p3nguinfuntoo_nbu: I'll help you out before you get too set in your ways and want to argue later.  SIP devices are not extensions.  Extensions can Dial() SIP devices if that is what you tell them to do.
15:23.43dlynes_laptopKatty, it's all part of the american culture isn't it?
15:23.44Kattydlynes_laptop: well no, i think these are mostly for Common Cold or cholesteral , etc
15:23.48dlynes_laptopKatty, drugs can cure any problem
15:23.55Kattythe hell they can
15:24.14Kattyi'm having side effects from one, 4 months later.
15:24.17coppiceI love watching the drug ads on TV when I visit the US. those lists of side effects are hilarious
15:24.20Kattyand i only took it for a WEEK
15:24.36Kattyoh here we go, here's one for seroquel XR
15:24.44p3nguinfuntoo_nbu: And if you want the extension to ring more than one phone, string them together just like the example says.  Dial(Technology/resource&Tech2/resource2)  This means Dial(SIP/stanley&SIP/marko&IAX2/philip) would ring all three devices.
15:24.46Kattyit's for 'Bipolar Depression"
15:24.48dlynes_laptopI avoid drugs whenever I can
15:24.49ManxPower-workDepressed?  Smoke weed.  Problem solved!
15:24.49filecoppice: the urge to gamble side effect amuses me
15:25.05tw56does anyone know how to remove zaptel?
15:25.11Kattyholy crap, the side effects are 4 pages long
15:25.22coppicefile: you need that to take most of these drugs in the first place
15:25.25Kattywow. that is unbelievable
15:25.30p3nguinMy doctor told me Serquel is for crazy people.  I asked him if I should use it for sleeping.
15:25.30Naikrovekwell they have to list every. single. side effect.
15:25.31funtoo_nbuoh i see my error
15:25.34dlynes_laptopKatty, so you never read the side effects insert before you used that drug four months ago?
15:25.38Naikrovekmost people experience none on most medicines
15:25.40dlynes_laptopKatty, but now you're reading all the side effects?
15:25.47funtoo_nbuthe provisioning scripts i am using is setting the username as the extension
15:25.48Kattyyou must not know me
15:25.55Katty<- hypochondriac
15:26.03ManxPower-workfuntoo_nbu: classic n00b mistake
15:26.18Kattythe original drug i was put on was Prozac
15:26.27coppicefile: suicidal thoughts seems to be a side effect of a couple of these drugs. stops the problem, I guess
15:26.36Kattymy women's doctor told me it would help alleviate some of those panicy feelings everytime i thought i was getting sick.
15:26.38dlynes_laptopprozac is a biggy for suicidal thoughs
15:26.44p3nguinfuntoo_nbu: It will help you immensely if you will learn the difference between extension and device or end-point.
15:26.46[TK]D-Fender[10:25]<Katty><- hypochondriac <-- Are not... you just think you are! :p
15:27.01Kattywell call it whatever you want
15:27.14coppiceKatty: they mostly prescribe prozac to alleviate their debts
15:27.16Kattyanytime i think i might be getting sick, or have the potential for serious illness, i freak out. in a very major way.
15:27.17ManxPower-workKatty: I found Welbutrin is great for anxiety
15:27.27dlynes_laptopprozac is one of the most overly prescribed drugs in the western world
15:27.32Kattywell first they had me on prozac. i was on a high for like 3 days.
15:27.41ManxPower-workKatty: Just think about how us people with significant health issues deal with that.
15:27.42elred_meditate on your breath is still the best natural way ;)
15:27.43Kattyi mean i was literally dancing down the stairs i was so chipper.
15:27.53Kattybut then the DOOM started
15:28.10coppiceprozac is the latest in a long line of drugs that cause more problems than they cure
15:28.12voipmonkdoom chipper?
15:28.14Kattyawake all night. asleep all day. depression...
15:28.19dlynes_laptopKatty, the squirrel and bird treatment seems to be helping more than prozac, isn't it?
15:28.20Kattyand not to mention the worst side effect of all
15:28.25Kattydlynes_laptop: indeed
15:28.32Kattythe worst side effect was the tinnitus
15:28.33ManxPower-worklack of sex drive?
15:28.37voipmonkwhat did you do, Katty ? OMG... you're not mulching .... the aminals are you?
15:28.37Kattyoh yeah, that too
15:28.47voipmonknot the aminaaaaaals
15:28.48Kattyvoipmonk: no, just recounting some history
15:28.56coppicethings like prozac make a lot of doctors very pro-homeopathy. at least while you are taking water, you aren't taking that crap
15:28.59KattyManxPower-work: my BC kills my sexdrive anyway
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15:29.03KattyManxPower-work: so that's like normal after 2 years
15:29.16Kattybut anyway, the tinnitus was BAD
15:29.18Kattyreally, really bad.
15:29.30Kattyi had white noise going, through a headset which i was wearing, and the fan full blast
15:29.35Kattyand i could STILL hear that blasted noise
15:29.58Kattythere are no words i can use to describe what it is like to hear a very loud high pitched ringing all day, every day
15:30.26Kattythe doctor said it would go away
15:30.30Kattyso i continued to take it for a couple more days
15:30.36Kattyit got worse, and worse, and worse...
15:30.56Kattyfinally, i just couldn't take it anymore, and then they wanted to move me to celexa.
15:31.14Kattyso i was off prozac for about a week...the ringing subsided somewhat...started taking celexa
15:31.20Kattyringing came back, full force.
15:31.29Kattyso after 2 days of celexa i said to hell with that too!
15:31.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:31.34Kattyand this was all mid october
15:31.47Kattyfor the most part, the ringing is barely audible, but it is still there...
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15:31.58Kattymore so when i've had caffeine, or when i'm tired.
15:32.08coppicearsenic works. take enough, and all bad noises stop
15:32.25Kattyso instead of all these SSRIs the doctors would LIKE me to be on, i simply have the critters.
15:32.33Kattythey are more theraputic.
15:32.55ManxPower-workI wish I could figure out how to send an automated response like "Use a subject idiot!" when I get a message with an empty subject.  Easy to do using a real e-mail client, but not in Exchange.
15:33.05*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (n=sistemas@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
15:33.27p3nguinwonders what a subject idiot would look like.
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15:34.16m0t3jlManxPower-work, okay, now I have the NAT set up according to the guide. Yet the warning is the same and the call is still hang up...
15:34.18coppiceyou usually find them conversing with object idiots
15:34.27ManxPower-workp3nguin: "Your message was rejected because it did not contain a Subject:.  The message was not read, please resend with a Subject:"
15:34.50ManxPower-workm0t3jl: your issue may not be related to NAT, but when you fix it it's not going to work until you have NAT stuff setup.
15:36.07m0t3jlManxPower-work, so what is it related to? ;) I know there was the sip debug command in some earlier version as I can see people suggesting to use that on the Internet, but in the 1.6.X it does not work anymore :(
15:36.23p3nguinsip set debug on
15:36.32p3nguinworks for me.
15:36.57ManxPower-workdo you have srvlookup=no in sip.conf [general] ?  If not, try that as well
15:37.05ManxPower-workas well as removing the insecure=very
15:37.21ddickensonquestion for anyone willing to help:  I recently built two more servers for a clinic I'm opening, a main and backup.  Built the backup first and had my TE410P working with channel bank in the office, then built the main and copied all conf files from backup that was already built.  The main came up fine and is working fine but when I do a failover to the backup the second port of my backup...
15:37.21ddickenson...t1 (channel bank) stays in red alarm.  If I swap that cable to the number 1 port (PRI) it goes green and if I swap the cables from my working box that have no alarm I still get red alarm on backup server... chan_dahdi and /dahdi/system.conf are identical and I have done dahdi_cfg and reloaded any ideas?
15:38.27m0t3jlp3nguin, thx
15:39.23*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (n=dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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15:43.40voipmonkddickenson: when you are in the cli of your backup system what does dahdi show channels say?
15:44.04voipmonkwell duh... sorry - its in red alarm...
15:44.38ddickensonshows everything in service
15:44.45voipmonkwhen u plug the cable in - with the same configs and VERSION with the processes started and modules loaded the light should go GREEN within 7 seconds
15:44.58ManxPower-workddickenson: no it does not.  dahdi shows the CONFIGURED channels.  Not the working cvhannels
15:45.21voipmonkso.... ur gonna need to do some digging - lets start with /etc/dahdi/*
15:45.42ManxPower-workI bet his kernel was upgraded and he didn't rebuild dahdi
15:45.43voipmonkpastebin the system.conf in that folder
15:46.01voipmonkuname -a on both systems ddickenson
15:46.09voipmonkadd that, too
15:46.36sbrathI have a basic MeetMe config, with about 3 users in from a DAHDI connection, they are fine. But when one user on a ZopIer IAX2 softphone calls in the echo is so bad it's unbearable. What can I provide to get some sugestions on this?
15:47.12[TK]D-Fendersbrath: Soft-phone or sound card, or headset/speakers/mic suck
15:47.20[TK]D-Fendersbrath: Try another softphone
15:47.22p3nguinsbrath: does it make the dahdi channels echo too?
15:48.55ddickensonby the way, kernel not upgraded and I have tried re-compiling
15:49.26voipmonksbrath: turn on the echo can features in zoiper
15:49.57sbrathShe's using the computer speaker, and mic. no headsets... So I guess it's to be expected that the call will echo.
15:50.08sbrathAlso the soft phone is 100ms away
15:50.09ManxPower-workddickenson: does "lsmod" show the expected kernel modules (dahdi, the card driver, etc)
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15:50.42ManxPower-worksbrath: doesn't matter.  EC only works up to a few milliseconds anyway
15:51.28p3nguinsbrath: Turn down the volume and mic level a bit.
15:51.48*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
15:51.51ddickensonManxPower: actually no, quite a big difference in lsmod  if I grep dahdi
15:51.51eppigyALL THE WAY
15:51.53eppigyTURNED UP
15:52.27ManxPower-workI think echo cancellers usually support up to 16ms - 32ms, with 64ms reasonably common
15:52.52ManxPower-workThat's why you can't EC VoIP calls.  The buffering and CPU requirements to do that would me massive.
15:52.52sbrathwhat's probably adding to the ms delay is that the computer is on the VPN, is their a good guide on setting up asterisk/freeswitch as just a SIP proxy/SBC?
15:53.15coppicedoesn't zoiper have an acoustic echo canceller?
15:53.23ManxPower-worksbrath: there are none since Asterisk is not a SIP proxy and not an SBC
15:53.39[TK]D-Fender[10:49]<sbrath>She's using the computer speaker, and mic. <- BAD choice.  Get a headset or a softphone that can do AEC properly
15:53.45[TK]D-Fendersbrath: and PRAY
15:53.57ManxPower-workor spend $50 and get an actual phone
15:53.57bzing2anyone got any clues as to why PickupChan stoped working in 1.6.21 ?
15:54.15Kattysbrath: i use zoiper and a nice gaming headset...and over a vpn sometimes.
15:54.19ManxPower-workbzing2: 1.6.21 won't be released for YEARS and YEARS.  Fail!  Try again!
15:54.19Kattysbrath: seems to work well.
15:54.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Or 5$ on a friggen headset
15:54.22sbraththe person on the softphone is a dificult user, I will order the headset for her :)
15:54.37Kattysbrath: or at least well enough...i do have a good internet connecton at home tho
15:54.52Kattyi think it's a platronics headset.
15:55.01sbrathI think she dosen't want to mess her hair :)
15:55.08Kattyno, it's not.. it's a logitech wireless headset
15:55.12sbrathDang executives.
15:55.12ManxPower-workI love Plantronis M175  Best headset out there.
15:55.23bzing2ManxPower-work: yeh, fail,
15:55.37KattyManxPower-work: idk, i really like my wireless headset.
15:55.57ManxPower-workbzing2: I would personally use such an early release.
15:56.09ddickensonManxPower-work, you know how to fix this?  I thought rebuilding dahdi would have taken care of it
15:56.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: H261N <-
15:56.16ManxPower-workbzing2: correction, I would personally NOT use such an early release.
15:56.27*** join/#asterisk iamdharma (
15:56.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Binaural so you can shut out background crap
15:56.35ManxPower-workddickenson: fix what?
15:56.57bzing2ManxPower-work: I would love to be in that position, unfortunatly a combination of bug fixes and features forces me to the latest version
15:57.18ddickensonyou had me lsmod both servers to verify all same dahdi modules were loaded and some are but others arent
15:57.29ManxPower-workbzing2: It sucks to be you.  file an issue at if you can confirm the bug exists in 1.6.2.x and not in 1.6.1.x
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15:57.52ManxPower-workddickenson: looks to me like you found your issue.
15:58.23bzing2ManxPower-work: guess that looks like the only option .... hmm first to explain to a few PA's why they can't pickup their bosses phones ... fun fun fun
15:58.38*** part/#asterisk gego (
15:58.51ManxPower-workbzing2: explain why you went to a practically beta release of Asterisk first.
15:58.53ddickensonManxPower-work: agreed but what would cause part of dahdi to load and other part not to, especially when I've gone back and re-compiled?
15:59.09ManxPower-workddickenson: /etc/dahdi/modules might be different
15:59.28ManxPower-workddickenson: does lspci show the same cards on both servers?
15:59.54*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
16:00.36ddickensonyes, lspci shows exact same card
16:01.12ManxPower-workddickenson: does dmseg show all the cards detected/
16:01.42p3nguinI have the H251N, so I guess the H261N is the binaural version of what I have.
16:02.11ManxPower-workp3nguin: you must have the 5.1 surround sound andnot the 6.1 surround sound 8-)
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16:03.57ddickensonManxPower-work: I'm getting a VPM400: Not Present and a VPM450: Not Present on the backup server currently but not sure what those errors mean and I can only have one server active at a time so maybe it's saying that there is no connection currently
16:04.49ManxPower-workVPM400 is the echo cancel module
16:05.24ddickensonManxPower-work: Also the /etc/dahdi/modules is the same on both
16:06.09ddickensonI don't believe I have an echo cancel module on either of them... not on these two servers.  I have some floating around but not on these
16:07.28*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
16:08.42funtoo_nbup3nguin: thx for your help
16:12.07Kattyi love you.
16:12.32ddickensonManxPower-work: any other ideas?
16:16.30eppigyKatty: ilu2
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16:22.49beekYe gods Katty -- I'm counting four squirrels at your feeders.
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16:27.23plundraCan I do multiple extensions pattern in one place? Kind of like 123|567|8XX or whatever. The page on voip-info didn't help much in the subject.
16:27.39plundraIf it matters, I'm using AEL, maybe there's something else to do it?
16:28.08ManxPower-workplundra: no you cannot
16:28.24bmoraca_workplundra: are you trying to match "123", "567", and "8XX" in the same pattern?  if so, then you will not be able to.
16:31.23beekplundra: You could always have three separate lines that call the same macro or subroutine.
16:33.17plundrabeek: No either one of them.
16:33.45plundraMy examples with | was kind of based on what I would do in a regexp.
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16:34.28plundraOh, bmoraca_work not beek.
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16:35.04plundrabeek: Ok, seems like overdoing it, I'll just copy the lines. (It's a three-line plan)
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16:35.33ManxPower-workthe dialplan does not support REGEX pattern matches
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16:35.52plundraManxPower-work: I know, but I figured there might be something similar.
16:35.52ManxPower-work(for extensions, there is limited regex support for variable comparisons, etc.
16:36.09ManxPower-workplundra: be glad asterisk has wildcards.  many pbxs don't
16:36.41plundraOh I'm glad about Asterisk believe me :-)
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16:39.47TheDavidFactorI've got a Sangoma A200 series card in an Asterisk server. I can't get it to detect hangups on the analog lines. Config here:
16:39.49TheDavidFactoris there anything I'm missing that might help?
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16:40.39ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: are those analog lines from the telco or a PBX or a non-RBOC phone company?  What country are you in?
16:40.48voipmonkmight need polarity reversal
16:41.10bmoraca_workTheDavidFactor: many analog lines don't provide disconnect supervision
16:41.16ManxPower-workcallprogress=yes and busydetect=yes can cause dropped calls.
16:41.21TheDavidFactorUS, RBOC (CenturyLink specifically, which used to be embarq, which used to be Sprint)
16:41.55ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: you don't have callerid on those lines?
16:41.59TheDavidFactorvoipmonk, I thought hanguponpolarityswitch was polarity reveral
16:42.06TheDavidFactorManxPower-work, no
16:42.35TheDavidFactorthey a set of analog lines that were set up in the '90s and haven't been changed since.
16:42.38ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: try this:
16:42.40TheDavidFactor*are set
16:42.49ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: so they are DIRECT to the telco?
16:44.08ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: I would call up the phone company and say "I got a new answering machine and it's not detecting when callers hang up."
16:44.51TheDavidFactorok, I'll try that
16:45.05m0t3jlHi, upon receiving a call my Asterisk box outputs an error message "chan_sip.c:19477 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "602560XXX" <sip:602560XXX@213.168.162.XXX>;tag=as3d2ee149". The 602560XXX is the number of my cell phone which I tried to call my Asterisk box from. How come the device is not "authenticated"? Is there something in sip.conf I should have used? Thanks a lot
16:45.06ManxPower-workbut try the changes I gave you in the pastebin
16:45.38ManxPower-workm0t3jl: chances your carrier actually needs insecure=something where something would be "very" or "invite,port"
16:46.17m0t3jlmaxagaz, I use very
16:46.23m0t3jlmaxagaz, sorry about that...
16:46.31m0t3jlManxPower-work, I use very
16:46.43TheDavidFactorManxPower-work, tried the changes, no difference
16:46.47ManxPower-workm0t3jl: I suggested you try taking it out not less than 30 mins ago
16:46.50m0t3jlManxPower-work, should I try invite,port
16:47.25ManxPower-workm0t3jl: your phone company is sending the callerid as the sip userid
16:47.58ManxPower-workThere are ways to work around that, but I don't know what they are.  If any carrier does that to me they immediately become "former carrier"
16:48.04m0t3jlManxPower-work, that seems about correct
16:48.19ManxPower-workm0t3jl: it's not uncommon
16:50.02m0t3jlManxPower-work, thanks
16:50.21ManxPower-workm0t3jl: check the mailing list archives as well
16:50.23infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
16:53.06m0t3jlManxPower-work, what are the possible problems when the callerid is sent as the sip userid?
16:53.22bmoraca_workm0t3jl: in 1.6.2, i had to specify the host in my SIP peer in order to be able to receive calls that were sent in this manner.
16:53.53m0t3jlbmoraca_work, I already have that specified in my sip.conf
16:53.57bmoraca_workm0t3jl: in 1.4, you should be able to get away with insecure=port.  however, specifying the host might work as well.
16:54.11bmoraca_workm0t3jl: why not pastebin that peer, along with a full sip debug of the failed call.
16:54.27ManxPower-workm0t3jl: make SURE calls are actually coming from that host
16:54.32m0t3jlbmoraca_work, I have 1.6.1 or 2, not sure about the exact version and I do not wanna take a look right now :D
16:54.42m0t3jlManxPower-work, okay...
16:54.49m0t3jlgotta go, thanks a lot ;)
16:55.05*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (n=rgsteele@
16:55.06bmoraca_workmust not be much of a problem, i guess
16:55.11*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (n=rc4@
16:56.25*** join/#asterisk ks3 (n=ks3@
16:57.38ks3Are there any documents about using multirow with func_odbc? I can't seem to find how to iterate over the rows returned.
16:59.43bmoraca_workks3: the ODBCROWS variable tells you how many rows were received, and the ODBC_FETCH() function retreives the next row
17:01.18bmoraca_workks3: so the way it ends up working is that the value returned by your multirow ODBC function is not a value, but rather a pointer to your query object, with which you use ODBC_FETCH() with that object to pull out the next row.  as far as keeping track of the rows, you have to do that yourself, which you can do with WHILE statements
17:01.52*** join/#asterisk yoshx (n=yoshx@
17:02.05ks3bmoraca_work: Gotcha. So ODBC_FETCH will return a hash containing the individual row, correct?
17:02.41bmoraca_workks3: no, it returns the actual values of the next individual row, either as a variable or an array
17:03.39bmoraca_workks3: so, if you have $MYQRY = ODBC_MULTIROW(), you can use MYVALS = ODBC_FETCH(${MYQRY}) to retreive the rows.  each time you call that, it will retreive the next row
17:04.04ks3bmoraca_work: Ahhh, I see. I'm going to have to play with this a bit. Thanks for the info.
17:04.25bmoraca_workks3: it's really kind of cool...and very similar to how you would do the same in PHP (though the function names are different)
17:05.28*** part/#asterisk pietro (n=pietro@
17:06.28bmoraca_workks3: it really helps to write up a quick psuedocode diagram of your program flow so you can visualize all of your logic points
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17:07.43ariel_Hello everyone
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17:10.06ks3bmoraca_work: We're rewriting our hosted VoIP dialplans to do just about everything based on database info with func_odbc
17:10.22ks3bmoraca_work: A bit confusing at times, but very cool
17:11.11plundraIn AEL, can I do like nested variables or use something similar? I want to use a variable while referencing another one. Something like: ${GLOBAL(${var}_STUFF)}
17:12.32bmoraca_workks3: i did that last month...way powerful.  combined with SIP realtime, i can control everything from a MySQL database and I never have to reload or anything.  i can assign DIDs to BTNs and verify that customers are only sending DIDs that are assigned to them, as well as use channel limits.  way cool.
17:12.36plundraJust like I wrote? :) (I really should try my, obviously good, guesses first)
17:13.16plundraOh, and is there any real docs on AEL some where? (Not voip-info)
17:13.34ks3bmoraca_work: We're using OpenSIPS for registrations at the moment, other than that, very similar.
17:14.30TheDavidFactorManxPower-work, I called the telco, they offered something called "disconnect on hangup" I took it, but does that sound right? They're supposed to add it to the lines by next Tuesday so I guess I'll find out
17:14.44bmoraca_workks3: i don't have the capacity to need a separate proxy, though it wouldn't be too difficult to set up as long as that proxy has a way to get the SIP URI necessary to send calls to their endpoint.  i haven't looked much into the various SIP proxies, though
17:15.04ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: That sounds correct
17:15.14TheDavidFactorok, thanks!
17:15.15Kattyquestion...when you are hungry does your stomach hurt or do you just get a headache?
17:15.27ManxPower-workKatty: yes.
17:15.44KattyManxPower-work: which
17:15.45plundraKatty: Headaches usually is due to lack of fluids, isn't it?
17:15.51ks3bmoraca_work: Just used it to be able to balance between Asterisk servers. Looked at DUNDI a bit - we may look at that a bit more in the future to keep everything in Asterisk.
17:16.00Kattyplundra: mmm it can be, but i get plenty of liquid...
17:16.09Kattyplundra: so i'm going to guess it's not because i'm dehydrated.
17:16.26Kattyplundra: i've already had 32 oz of watdr.
17:16.29plundraKatty: Ok, and you're not just drinking alcohol? :-)
17:16.42Kattyyes, i've had 32oz of vodka!
17:16.54bmoraca_workks3: DUNDI is nice, but it's not really all that feasible when you're talkinga bout multiple TNs per device.  if you have a shared Realtime SIP table, you can accomplsih the same thing with much more flexibility
17:16.57plundraOn an empty stomach preferably.
17:17.11Kattyhad a ham and swiss croissant this morning
17:17.17Kattyit was guuuud
17:17.50bmoraca_workks3: now, if you were doing residential, where you were really only going to have one TN per device, then DUNDI would be very useful.
17:18.58ks3bmoraca_work: Mainly business, but a few residential. Are you having customer phones register directly to your Asterisk servers, or just doing SIP trunks?
17:20.05bmoraca_workks3: SIP trunks.  phones registering directly is the only real usable application for DUNDI
17:21.12bmoraca_workks3: that should be "phones or ATAs", not just "phones".  basically, if the endpoints register directly with Asterisk (using DNS round robin or SRV or whatever), DUNDI can be very useful.  the same isn't possible when the endpoints have multiple TNs (though multiple channels isn't a problem either)
17:21.40bmoraca_workwell, i shouldn't say it isn't possible
17:21.51bmoraca_workit is possible, it just doesn't save you anything from hardcoding everything in anyway
17:22.08ks3bmoraca_work: Ahhh - we have them register directly to us.
17:22.46bmoraca_workks3: they register directly to me as well, I just don't have any residential customers who would have an endpoint registering directly to my server
17:22.56*** join/#asterisk friehmaen (
17:23.48ks3bmoraca_work: We sell it as a hosted PBX system - so all client phones (and a handful of ATAs) register to us rather than a client side PBX.
17:24.40bmoraca_workks3: you multihome multple logical PBXes on a single Asterisk?  yikes...that could get confusing.  i use ESXi for my hosted PBXes...that way, everyone gets their own, but it doesn't really cost me anything to set it up
17:25.39*** join/#asterisk paulc (n=paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
17:25.43ariel_there are seperated by context what difference does it make where there login/registering too?  a sip device is a sip device
17:25.44ks3bmoraca_work: Yeah, we looked at several ways of doing it. Ended up going with a cluster of Asterisk servers - originally with a few contexts per customer. Now looking to have just one set of contexts and make heave use of func_odbc to sort things out.
17:27.12bmoraca_workks3: i went the ESXi route because it's so much simpler to set up, also I don't need to worry about extension overlap or anything like that.  also, I can fit 10 PBXes on a single $400 server.  At an average of $200/mo/hosted PBX, that's pretty decent ROI.
17:27.50ks3bmoraca_work: Absolutely. There was a talk at Astricon about a similar setup.
17:27.54*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:28.20p3nguinbmoraca_work: Do you have custom servers or OEM builds?
17:28.36bmoraca_workall of those virtual servers, plus all other trunking customers I have, register to a single Asterisk box which routes all of my voice media gateway is a Cisco AS5400 (for easy expansion and reliability...i was using Asterisk with DAHDI hardware, but the quality sucked)
17:28.51bmoraca_workp3nguin: i use used HP DL380 G3 servers
17:29.00bmoraca_workilo = freaking awesome
17:33.27bmoraca_workks3: they probably stole the idea from me :)  i've been working on this for about a year and a half now  :P
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17:35.50carrarbmoraca_work, there is no extension over lap with containing them in contexts
17:36.00carrarand you save on system resources
17:36.38Kattyhmm. no one's in the yard. that's interesting.
17:37.00Kattyyou do know i broadcast my front yard live, right?
17:37.05carrarYou have random people in the yard?
17:37.14Kattynot usually.
17:37.17*** join/#asterisk alrs (n=lars@
17:37.19carrarI was not aware of
17:37.25Kattyit's not.
17:37.29Kattyinfobot: crittercam
17:37.30infobotfrom memory, crittercam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House Critter Cam @ and The Nut House Bird Bath @
17:37.32bmoraca_workcarrar: depends how you name your SIP peers and the kind of phones they use.  i'd simply rather not worry about it, and system resources are cheap.  simplicity is better IMO.
17:37.52carrarHOT VIDEO
17:38.12Kattyyeah but no one's in the yard :<
17:38.14carrarbmoraca_work, well I definately don't use extension number as SIP devices
17:38.15carrarthats nuts
17:38.23Kattysome of them are nuts.
17:38.31Kattysome of it is corn, and some of it is sunflower seeds.
17:38.39Kattysome more int he back in thistle or niger seed, i dont' recall
17:38.41Kattyand a suet block
17:38.49Kattyoh hey there IS someone in the yard
17:38.53Kattyit's a downy woodpecker :>
17:39.11Kattyleft side of suet block
17:39.26bmoraca_workcarrar: i didn't say it wasn't possible, only that it was more confusing than is worth.  plus, the real money is in the trunking anyway (support is soooo much cheaper)
17:39.26*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
17:39.47carrarit's more secure to not use extension numbers as your sip devices
17:40.30carrarBird Bath isn't working
17:40.35Kattyno, it's not
17:40.44Kattyi can only broadcast one stream at a time to ustream.
17:40.47carrarHow will you know whats going on!!!
17:40.53*** join/#asterisk benngard (
17:41.00Kattywhich is why the little workstation behind me, is getting prepped and ready to go
17:41.10Kattyit's an itty bitty lil dell optisomething
17:41.16Kattymostly useless, 2.8ghz 1gb ram
17:41.24Kattybut enough to broadcast 720p video stream
17:41.43p3nguinoptiplex gx520?
17:41.47carrarIs that a hooker out on the street?
17:41.56carrarerr wait, wrong video stream
17:42.39Kattyno, ibelieve all my neighbors are at work
17:42.46Kattydo you see that tree across the street, on the left?
17:43.11Kattyat the very top extreme part of what you can view on the video feed, there is actually an owl nest.
17:43.28Kattyi spied him just a few days ago with a pair of binoculurs.
17:43.38Kattythere is also a squirrel nest in that tree.
17:43.56Kattyand it is squirrel mating season, at the moment, so hopefully little baby squirrels will be poking their head out around march
17:44.25carrarHow long does it take them to eat a cam full of nuts you have there
17:44.43*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
17:45.28Kattywell i fill up the tray about every other day
17:45.41Kattybut all the critters in general seem to eat about 50lbs of critter food a month
17:45.57Kattyi don't buy commercially packaged
17:46.21Kattyinstead i buy 50lbs of corn for $4, 50lbs of sunflower seeds for $15, and 8lbs of shelled peanuts for $15
17:46.56Kattyi guess it's more like 10lbs
17:47.18Kattyit comes out close to 30 cents a pound (=
17:47.32Kattywhich is far far cheaper than you can buy it commercially packaged.
17:47.53plundraI really don't get when to quote strings and when not to :-(
17:48.50voipmonkmysql, plundra ?
17:49.12Kattyplundra: it's okay, i don't either.
17:49.34plundravoipmonk: Uh, no, Asterisk? (AEL) :-)
17:49.58carrarKatty, do you have raccoons there?
17:50.17Kattycarrar: hmm...if i did they wouldn't be in the front yard...they'd be in the back.
17:50.19plundraKatty: It's not okay just because I share the problem :-P
17:50.21Kattycarrar: we do have a possum.
17:50.27carrardo they eat that?
17:50.35Kattyi've never seen the possum in the front yard
17:50.47carrarprobably at night
17:51.06Kattyi don't like broadcasting at night because you can see the reflection of the room in the window
17:51.21carrarwhat goes on in the room at night?
17:51.30carrarjust turn the cam around to face the room
17:51.45carrarno fun at tal!
17:52.19carrarthat site can switch from free to pay per min
17:52.52Kattywhy would i charge myself to watch my front yard? ^_-
17:53.58Kattyi know leo laporte has a stream on
18:00.39*** part/#asterisk bzing2 (
18:07.36kruemelteesee ya next time ... :-)
18:09.03Kattyshould go get lunch
18:09.31dlynes_laptopKatty, people in missouri don't eat possum?
18:09.42dlynes_laptopKatty, like good ol' possum pie?
18:12.05*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
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18:14.07p3nguindlynes_laptop: It's too greasy.
18:15.09generalhanhey all, i was wondering if there was a way to use the manager API, or the CLI to place a phone call from an extension, without having to make the call connect before connecting it to an extension.
18:15.51bmoraca_workgeneralhan: autoanswer the phone?
18:16.07*** part/#asterisk alrs (n=lars@
18:16.17bmoraca_workgeneralhan: with polycoms and most others, you can add a SIP header which will cause the phone to auto answer.  otherwise, probably not.
18:16.26bmoraca_workmaybe you can spoof it with local channels, but i suspect not
18:17.05generalhanbmoraca_work: yea i have tried with an autoanswer-like solution, but there is still that delay where the called party can actually get 2 full words in before the caller can hear them
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18:17.25dlynes_laptopp3nguin,'ve had it before?
18:17.48generalhangranted, 2 words is not that long, but it would still be better if i could get the extension to ring at the same time the call is ringing
18:19.28[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Call the PHONE first and upon answer place the out-call
18:19.44generalhan[TK]D-Fender: lol, that makes sense!
18:19.51[TK]D-Fender<- SMRT
18:20.08generalhanlol, "i mean S M A R T"
18:20.11generalhangood stuff
18:21.01generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i dont suppose youve seen any examples of that kind of setup floating around anywhere ?
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18:21.57[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: basic AMI / call-file
18:22.27generalhan[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the advise, i will look into that now !
18:24.09*** join/#asterisk swankier (n=swankier@unaffiliated/swankier)
18:24.55swankierhi there.  I'm trying to find the dimensions of the AEX2400, but am unable to locate them on the digium website
18:25.23swankiercould someone point me in the right direction?
18:30.12Qwellswankier: full-length
18:32.07swankierI can see that from the picture :)
18:32.34QwellThat is the dimension.  It's a standard defined by PCI SIG
18:33.30QwellYour machine will say whether it supports full-length cards
18:35.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
18:37.38swankierwell, that was almost what I asked for.
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18:42.49arp-aqui estamos
18:43.21arp-hello pople
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19:09.53cuscoI think I am in trouble
19:10.50[TK]D-Fendercusco: Confess now and it may reduce your sentence
19:12.18cuscowe just set up a asterisk gateway... dialing calls trough IAX to the asterisk that does everything else
19:12.36cuscodialing calls from PRI
19:13.06cuscofirst... what is WARNING[4529] chan_iax2.c: Assigned (0x7f57edd185f8)UniqueID to (0x7f57edd18601)1264705465.2699
19:13.36cuscodoes one asterisk take the UNIQUEID from the other asterisk?
19:14.04Corydon76-digOnly in trunk
19:14.11Corydon76-digIt's called linkedid
19:14.27cuscoyes it is a trunk
19:14.40Corydon76-digNot a trunk, SVN trunk
19:14.59Corydon76-digWhat will become 1.8
19:15.02cuscoI'm scared
19:15.08cuscoim not using trunk
19:15.25Corydon76-digThen each channel has a separate uniqueid
19:15.47cuscothe asterisk with PRI, serving as gateway and dialing trough iax2 is
19:15.47Corydon76-digYou could have more than one CDR per channel, though, if you use ForkCDR
19:16.59*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
19:17.07cuscoI still don't understand the warning
19:17.37cuscoI don't know what function am I setting that does not work on IAX2
19:17.39cuscoWARNING[26409] chan_sip.c: This function can only be used on SIP channels
19:18.00*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:18.32Qwellcusco: SIP_HEADER() ..
19:19.01cuscoits comented
19:19.15cusco:( thanks
19:19.26cuscoI actually left it later for debuging purposes
19:19.37ruben23anyone have idea on this warning log..?
19:21.04cuscoI don't know what the jb is
19:21.54cuscoI still don't understand that warning: WARNING[4529] chan_iax2.c: Assigned (0x7f57edd185f8)UniqueID to (0x7f57edd18601)1264705465.2699
19:22.20cuscois that memory address by the way? asterisk is mem leaking right now,
19:22.30cuscoit grows like 15% memory usage every day
19:25.04Kattymy camera went black.
19:25.06Kattythat's not good
19:26.18*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
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19:28.23Kattyi wonder if it fell over or something
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19:31.34cuscothe lens open?
19:32.10Kattyit's a webcam
19:32.13Kattythey don't....close
19:33.20*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=albertoa@
19:33.39cusco:/ squirrels fault?
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19:37.58Kattywebcam is inside the house.
19:38.05Kattysquirrels are outside, on the otherside of a window.
19:38.19Kattyunless they've figured out how to open the window...i'm gonna say probably not
19:38.48Kattyeppigy: they would come inside the house if the window wasn't shut, trust me
19:38.49eppigyextremely vindictive
19:47.42cuscoI would still like to understand these warnings that keep returning
19:47.51cusco[Jan 28 19:44:54] WARNING[4534] chan_iax2.c: Assigned (0x7f57cc3d5568)UniqueID to (0x7f57cc3d5571)1264707885.2773
19:47.54cusco[Jan 28 19:44:54] WARNING[4535] chan_iax2.c: Assigned (0x7f57f0079f78)UniqueID to (0x7f57f0079f81)1264707885.2773
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19:53.34Corydon76-digcusco: in what version?
19:53.49Kattyp3nguin: you check the weather yet?
19:54.00cuscothis one, gets calls from the gateway. this one is
19:54.13cuscothe one that dials here, is
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19:55.39Kattyp3nguin: they're closing the stl river boat :<
19:55.47Corydon76-digcusco: It's passing IAXVARs... not sure why it's output as an error, though
19:56.38cuscoyes it is receiving a iaxvar
19:56.52Corydon76-digcusco: Just ignore the error
19:57.08Corydon76-digIt's not a real problem...
19:57.47cuscoit just gets the ${IAXVAR(UniqueID)} from the asterisk(gateway) that dials in
19:58.34cuscowhat differs between and
20:00.31Corydon76-digNothing, but I was looking in 1.4 and couldn't find the message
20:00.51Corydon76-digWell, there's stuff that differs, but...
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20:04.53cuscoI was looking in chan_iax2.c from, could not find it neither
20:05.23cuscoanother question...
20:05.39*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:05.52cuscoI have :  _22222 => { Queue(ApoioDomicilios,tn,,,3600); }
20:05.54*** join/#asterisk comradeb14ck (n=comradeb@
20:06.00cuscoand in queues.conf
20:06.03ruben23anyone have idea on this warning log..?
20:06.35cuscoqueues.conf has
20:07.08cusconow a call to that queue, was jsut answered by Local/270@agents
20:07.17cuscoand the call falls after 30 seconds
20:07.23cuscohow can I find out why?
20:07.53[TK]D-Fendercusco: Where is the complete call for us to examine?
20:08.07[TK]D-Fendercusco: What makes yout hink those few lines of config tell us anything?
20:08.26[TK]D-Fendercusco: Calls can fail where configs look "sane"
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20:10.31saraqualHeya guys
20:12.48cusco[Jan 28 20:00:06] VERBOSE[8935] pbx.c:   == Spawn extension (agents, 270, 16) exited non-zero on 'Local/270@agents-12d3;2'
20:12.58cuscoexited non-zero
20:13.07saraqualI have applied for a job which involves setting up and maintaining asterisk pabx's, so, any tips of the trade for a total idiot when it comes to digital pabx's?
20:13.36p3nguinkatty: It doesn't look too bad so far.
20:13.41chuckfdon't accept a job if you don't know how to do it. You will be found out.
20:13.49p3nguinMaybe a little light snow will show up.
20:14.43saraqualchuckf, I wasn't planning on taking the job if I couldn't do it :) I have 2 months to learn the basics, and that is why I am asking
20:15.36cuscowhy does it exit non-zero ?
20:16.14ManxPower-workcusco: exiting non-zero is a legacy message.  It is no longer relevant to anyone other than module and application developers
20:16.40cuscowell.. thing is the call is hangged up
20:16.59cuscoalways after btween 30 and 34 seconds
20:17.38ManxPower-workcusco: the message is not the reason.
20:17.39p3nguinCheck the channel status between 1 and 29 seconds.
20:17.43[TK]D-Fendercusco: Why don't we see SIP DEBUG for this call while we're at it?
20:17.54ManxPower-workMost hangups in the first 60 seconds are reinvite or nat issues
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20:18.01[TK]D-Fendercusco: Who says the QUEUE has anything to do with the reason its dropped?
20:18.17cuscohmm nobody
20:18.35cuscoit is a live system with lots of calls... sip debug will be massive
20:18.53cuscoeven tho some of them are iax, they are still sip to the operators
20:19.08ManxPower-workcusco: Are you answering the call before it goes into the Queue?
20:19.26[TK]D-Fendercusco: "I can't afford to see the videotape of the murder your honour, there is 7 hours and 55 minutes of other stuff on the take to go through"
20:19.29ManxPower-workMany telcos will drop unanswered calls after 60 seconds
20:20.52afink^^ yes they will put an answer() when the call comes in
20:21.01*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (i=kvirc@
20:21.19ManxPower-workafink: "they"??
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20:21.57afinkThat should have said Yes they (telcos, ITSPs) will.  Put an answer() in the dialplan when the call comes in
20:22.52afinkI had the same problem a couple of weeks ago.
20:24.34ManxPower-workafink: that is not his problem
20:25.20afinkNo my problem was the telco dropping the unanswered call after 60 seconds.
20:26.46ManxPower-workYou just said the telco answered the calls
20:27.10ManxPower-worksorry, I mis-parsed your statement.  nevermind.
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20:29.34Kattywhat's that flv downloader
20:29.37Kattyit's not digsby
20:29.40Kattyor derby, or dirby
20:30.55Kattyoh man, come on memory >.<
20:33.51Kattycheers at firefox history
20:33.52*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
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20:42.40ManxPower-workHeh!  E-mail to our support address from customer: WE’RE HAVING PROBLEMS DIALING THE FOLLOWING NUMBER AREA CODE 229 175 5879.
20:43.05ManxPower-workTook me until I started to dial the number before I saw the problem.  I hope everyone here also sees the problem.
20:43.10*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
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20:46.24Kattystares at the number
20:46.55Kattyi dont' get it
20:48.47ManxPower-workan exchange never ever starts with a 1
20:49.15Kattydidn't know that
20:51.21afinkI didn't see it either but thats why pattern matching long distance is NXXNXXXXXX
20:51.39afinkgood to know and remember
20:52.01*** join/#asterisk korcan (
20:53.33ariel_N          matches any digit from 2-9
20:54.35Kattysomeone is trying to find a home for an adult rottweiler in the local paper
20:54.47Katty"is not aggressive but is a challenge"
20:54.49ariel_too big of a dog
20:54.56Kattyotherwise known as, Bored Puppy
20:55.18Kattytoo big? oh come now, my german shepherd is bigger than a rottweiler
20:56.02ariel_well in any case I will not put a dog into my home with a child in it unless it's a pup
20:56.12*** join/#asterisk gurra (n=gurra__@unaffiliated/gurra)
20:56.23Kattyalways good to raise dogs and children together. i agree.
20:56.33Kattyespecially the guard dog breeds.
20:57.31*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
20:57.32Kattyi think the rottweilers look funny
20:57.37ariel_we have a small what do you call them.. ooh yes shitszut.....hairly little fuzz ball, we call her Lucy lickamus...
20:57.45beekRotties are too much the drool buckets.
20:57.55Kattybeek: do they? didn't know that...
20:58.08Kattybeek: i don't like the short n stalky look
20:58.08ReDNeQmy rottie doesnt drool?
20:58.13ReDNeQyou must have a mix breed rot
20:58.29ReDNeQreal rotts dont have jawles like mastiffs/bull dogs
20:58.43Kattyugah, mastiffs drool.
20:59.01ReDNeQamerican rotts are longer and taller
20:59.02Kattyi don't think i've ever seen riddick drool
20:59.16ReDNeQgerman rotts are stocky shorter nosed
20:59.34Kattyi just think GSDs and Dobbies are prettier
20:59.54comradeb14cki have 2 doberman pinscers
20:59.57comradeb14ckone black, and one red
21:00.00comradeb14ckvery beautiful dogs
21:00.05bmoraca_workcats > dogs anyway
21:00.09comradeb14cktheir names are doby and jeny (respectively)
21:00.17Kattywhat about their ears/tail?
21:00.18*** join/#asterisk philippel (
21:00.27comradeb14cktails are clipped
21:00.29comradeb14ckears are too
21:00.34Kattypost gifs.
21:00.36comradeb14ck(they were done before we got them)
21:00.45Kattyi must seeeee
21:00.48comradeb14cklet me see i fi have some facebook
21:01.15infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:01.47infobotrumour has it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
21:01.57bmoraca_workSIP w/ NAT is easy to understand and configure if you have a basic knowledge of basic networking
21:02.08comradeb14ckKatty, thats a german shepard
21:02.09ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: and a non-brain dead router
21:02.15philippelkind of dump question: since DbDel() has been deprecated and is being removed in place of DB_DELETE() funciton, what is the 'standard' way of doing a DbDel() if that is all you have to do? Would it be Noop(DB_DELETE(...)) or would it be to use DbDeltree() or is there another suggestion?
21:02.15comradeb14ckIs that your dog?
21:02.16Kattycomradeb14ck: ohman, isn't he tho?
21:02.20Kattycomradeb14ck: yep, that's riddick
21:02.22bmoraca_workManxPower-work: yeah, that's kind of important too
21:02.26comradeb14ckcool >:)
21:02.43Kattycomradeb14ck: he is a verra gud puppeh
21:03.07comradeb14ckhrm, i don thave any pics of them on my facebook profile, let me see if someone else in my family does
21:03.07ManxPower-workphilippel: I'd try Noop method
21:03.20ManxPower-workit would be Noop(${DB_DELETE(stuff)})
21:03.22comradeb14ckWell, worst case I'll upload some there when I get home.
21:03.29comradeb14ckI have a ton of pictures of them, just not anywhere public I think.
21:03.36beekKatty: He's a beaut
21:04.03Kattybeek: he so is :>
21:04.27beeknot that your biased...
21:04.41Katty <- Puppy
21:04.56bmoraca_workphilippel: you could also do your DB_DELETE in a "SET"...that's how i do a similar thing in ColdFusion, and I believe Asterisk would behave similarly...  SET(${DB_DEL(whatever)})...either way should work fine, though
21:05.08beekKatty: Look at those feet!
21:05.14Kattyi knowww, right??
21:05.23Kattythey're not feet, they're like...
21:05.26Kattytree trunks
21:05.54beekThat would give you an idea of things to come...
21:06.00Katty <- who can resist this face? come on!!!
21:06.04philippelbmoraca_work actually that set command would probably fail from a syntax error cause there is no '=' and thus setting a vaiable
21:06.25Kattybeek: well i saw his dad.
21:06.29Kattybeek: his dad's a monster.
21:06.29bmoraca_workphilippel: you'd be surprised at how little that actually matters :)
21:06.45*** join/#asterisk ddickenson (
21:06.52beekbmoraca_work: Oh, he'd have to grow into those.
21:07.01Kattyit's a shame i can't bring my dog to work :<
21:07.28philippelbmoraca_work yeah, usually, though there was at least one incidence of htat failing - maybe not any more but never want to do anything that is 'technically' wrong as it may eventually get 'fixed' which always leads to interesting to find issues :)
21:07.41ddickensonto execute asterisk cli commands from linux CLI it would look like this "asterisk -x dialplan reload" right?
21:07.58philippelthe noop is the best so kind of dumb, bascially DbDel is being deprecated by something that can not acutally replace it...
21:08.29[TK]D-Fenderddickenson:  "asterisk -rx dialplan reload" <---"r" = connect to running *
21:08.32philippelI should say can't replace it on its own
21:08.45bmoraca_workphilippel: either way.  NoOp would accomplish the same thing.  my point was that Asterisk isn't the only place where this kind of syntax is necessary.  in ColdFusion to call a void function, you have to use <cfset funcname(args)>.
21:09.15bmoraca_workphilippel: i imagine the idea is to move Asterisk to a more procedural, less verbose syntax
21:09.20ddickensonfigured it out, I was forgetting the " " on the asterisk commands
21:09.41philippelbmoraca_work np thanks
21:09.48ManxPower-workyou can also just Set(temp=${DB_DELETE(something)}) as well
21:09.53p3nguinddickenson: And the r, since you probably already have a running asterisk process.
21:10.24bmoraca_workp3nguin: the more the merrier, right?
21:10.27ddickensonyeah, and the r, but I had tried that previous but it didn't work because of the " "
21:10.45philippelManxPower-work yup, that was an option also, though I hate creating a useless channel variable... but both are good
21:10.50p3nguinbmoraca_work: Uh, sure... why not?
21:11.06bmoraca_workp3nguin: if one asterisk process is good, wouldn't 16 be better?
21:11.46*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:14.18bmoraca_workit's way interesting to compare B channel usage to each other...for instance, i have one DS0 that had 393 calls and 16 hours of talk time, whereas another DS0 has has 417 calls and only 12 hours of talk time
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21:25.57salparadiseanyone recommend any software to make 10 simultanious calls to test something? linux preferably
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21:31.40Kattycan today be anymore boring
21:33.54dlynes_laptopKatty, had a cardinal munching on your snacks earlier
21:34.06Kattycrittercam is ....
21:34.07ariel_Boring, try writing system manuals
21:34.16Kattynot broadcasting correctly
21:34.23dlynes_laptopKatty, but every time i try to load up crittercam lately, it crashes my browser
21:34.29*** part/#asterisk philippel (
21:34.57Kattywhat about other ustream videos?
21:35.26*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
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21:49.12beekThat's Bear.  His owner works for me.
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21:51.40Kattyyou don't have a dog?
21:51.52Kattyhe looks like an older dog
21:52.33beekHe's just over 10.
21:52.51beekI like that one.
21:53.01p3nguindlynes_laptop: It crashes my browser, too.  You using epiphany-webkit, by chance?
21:53.15Kattyyeah you can see the siler
21:53.37beekWhat's that?
21:54.14Kattydogs, like humans, start getting grey hair when they age
21:54.29beekYep.  He's a great ol' dog.
21:54.43ChainsawKatty: Our german shepherd starting getting a grey snout at age 3 though.
21:54.54KattyChainsaw: that's unusual.
21:55.18ChainsawKatty: *nod* It was an unusual dog.
21:55.27beekThe first time I met Bear his owner left the room.   Bear started growling at me and had his "hackles" raised.  I just said "Knock it off!  I'm not impressed."  He settled right down and he and I get along just fine since then.
21:55.36ChainsawKatty: Not quite 100% german shepherd. She had two layers of hair as well and was always shedding.
21:55.53KattyChainsaw: it's very natural for GSDs to shed constantly
21:56.06KattyChainsaw: and they do have an undercoat...
21:56.19Kattybeek: really?
21:56.29Kattybeek: maybe you smelled funny
21:56.51Kattybeek: usually if doggy's parents introduce them to someoen, they're fine
21:56.58ChainsawKatty: Yes, but the actual hair had two colours as well. We've had other shepherds since then and they didn't shed quite as much.
21:57.00Kattybeek: it's the random, unintroduced people that upset them
21:57.10KattyChainsaw: ahhh.. i see
21:57.24beekI guess he just wanted to see where he and I fit into the pecking order.
21:57.26*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
21:57.30[sr]howdy people
21:57.41[sr]i'd like just a small help
21:57.55infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:58.15beekKatty: am I where?
21:58.30[sr]i'm kinda new to this, and i want to setup a small asterisk server, that will receive 4 analog lines, and after that it's all VOIP
21:58.34Katty^- read :P
21:58.35*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
21:58.44[sr]the card i need is a FXO card, im I correct?
21:58.51[sr]from what i was reading yes :)
21:58.58Kattyinfobot: thebook
21:58.59infobot[thebook] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:59.06[sr]FXS is if i want to serve analog lines
21:59.08Katty^- [sr] that is a good place to start.
21:59.21Chainsaw[sr]: That is correct.
21:59.34[sr]thank you!
21:59.36Chainsaw[sr]: You might end up with something like a TDM410.
21:59.43beek[sr]: The way I think of it is that FXO cards point toward the central Office and that FXS point to desk Sets
21:59.56Kattyblahhhh fxs
22:00.05Kattythrows tomatos
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22:00.18beekKatty: do you have an opinion about FXS?
22:00.34Kattynow why would you think i have an opinion about fxs?
22:00.37[sr]Chainsaw: the one's i was checking are from OpenVox
22:00.39[sr]any problem?
22:00.47Kattyi've never heard of openvox
22:00.51ChainsawNeither have I.
22:00.53Kattythe two big players are Digium and Sangoma
22:01.02beek[sr]: Pick one of those ^^^^
22:01.16[sr]i have didium in mind
22:01.20fatnasty1How can I tell who Is calling where in a SIP environment. If I do a sip show channels, I can see both legs of the calls, but I cant tell which one is associated with the other...
22:01.27[sr]digium i mean
22:01.38beek[sr]: Best choice for configuring with Asterisk.
22:01.39Kattyjust as a word of advice
22:01.49Kattyi have used both digium and sangoma with analog lines
22:01.58ManxPower-workfatnasty1: you need to learn to read the channels
22:02.00beekSangoma is also very good but a bit more complicated due to their use of 'wanpipe'
22:02.00Kattygranted this test was awhile back, but sangoma did a better job of echo cancelation
22:02.23Kattybeek: eh, not really
22:02.31Kattybeek: so you have to type 3 more lines
22:02.36Kattybeek: big deal
22:02.53beekKatty: I don't find it difficult, but for a newbie using a Digium card is dead-easy.
22:02.54fatnasty1ManxPower-work: Any suggestions on where I can learn how?
22:03.19ManxPower-workpastebin the output of a show channels
22:03.20Kattybeek: yes you're probably right
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22:03.31ManxPower-workyou don't do sip show channels you do "show channels"
22:03.32Kattybut just the same, i foudn the sangoma card did a better job of echo cancelation
22:03.41beekKatty: I use Sangoma cards.
22:03.43Kattybut who knows, maybe digium's just as good now
22:04.08[sr]Katty: maybe digium is better now adays
22:04.25beekSangoma had the edge when I got into this and theirs was heavily recommend then.   Now I believe that Digium has their shit together and I'm not adverse to using their cards.
22:04.53fatnasty1ManxPower-work: is 'core show channels' appropriate?
22:05.03Katty[sr]: one way to find out!
22:05.08ManxPower-workfatnasty1: yes
22:05.12Katty[sr]: test them both!
22:05.22*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
22:05.24[sr]Katty: can't.. :P that will cost money!!
22:05.32ManxPower-workbeek: I also felt that way until I started using Digium cards that were less than a year old.
22:05.33Kattyif you're not happy, send it back
22:05.57beekManxPower-work: I knew that... you were one who recommended Sangoma to me!
22:06.01Kattyit's not like you're going to lose money over it.
22:06.36Kattyugah 1hr left
22:07.33[sr]Chainsaw: this one right?
22:07.45Katty[sr]: might i also recommend telephonydepot
22:07.51Chainsaw[sr]: Yeah.
22:08.12[sr]Katty: whats that? anyway my intention is to use a softphone on the end
22:08.21Chainsaw[sr]: It's worth going for the hardware echo cancellation.
22:08.37Katty[sr]: you're still going to buy a card for analog lines, right?
22:09.05Kattywoah, wireless IP ptz cameras.
22:09.05[sr]Chainsaw: in other words, not a good options that card? sorry my poor english
22:09.11[sr]Katty:  yes
22:09.25Katty[sr]: then might i recommend telephony depot
22:09.29*** join/#asterisk aceking5 (
22:09.33Chainsaw[sr]: That card is a good option. Make sure that you include the echo canceller, which is an option.
22:09.47*** part/#asterisk ks3 (n=ks3@
22:09.47[sr]Chainsaw: ahhh got it
22:09.53Chainsaw[sr]: And you want 4 FXO modules, which together with the echo canceller fills it up.
22:09.59[sr]so there's the same model with and without echo canceller
22:10.12Kattyecho cancelation is your friend
22:10.22Kattywhy they make cards without it, iw ill never know
22:10.40[sr]well makes no sense, for me
22:11.07Chainsaw[sr]: The TDM is like a set of legos. You get a base-plate.
22:11.09Kattyanalogs lines have echo, that is the fact of the business.
22:11.11Chainsaw[sr]: And you stick things on.
22:11.42Chainsaw[sr]: As Katty says, analog lines will echo a lot, and that will annoy people. So getting the echo canceller is a *very* good idea.
22:12.03Kattythat's putting it lightly :P
22:12.07[sr]that is an extra hardware for the card right?
22:12.21Kattythey'll be knocking your office door down wanting to throw the phone system out the window to take a bat to it
22:12.21Chainsaw[sr]: Indeed, it goes along the bottom. It's a long rectangle.
22:12.38Chainsaw[sr]: Purple in colour.
22:12.49Kattymy computer keeps rebooting
22:12.55Kattyit's irritating
22:12.57Kattyand not the power supply
22:12.59Kattyand not the memory
22:13.14[sr]Chainsaw: hum, then the one in the link i show you has it!
22:13.18Kattyand echo is more irritating than that!
22:14.03[sr]this one, the purple, right?
22:14.24Chainsaw[sr]: Indeed, that card has the echo canceller, 2 FXO modules & 2 FXS modules.
22:14.40Kattyi believe the fxo is red
22:14.43Chainsaw[sr]: Yours would have 4 red & 1 purple.
22:14.46ChainsawKatty: That is correct.
22:15.01dlynes_laptopp3nguin, firefox
22:15.15dlynes_laptopp3nguin, 3.5.5
22:15.16[sr]i'm getting you Chainsaw :)
22:15.20ChainsawKatty: Do you know if the echo canceller needs the molex power plugged in?
22:15.32Kattyyes, yes it does
22:15.36ChainsawKatty: Normally only the FXS modules want it, but mine doesn't have the EC (I use it for fax)
22:15.37Kattyor else there will be doom
22:15.43Kattyand by doom i mean echo
22:15.45*** join/#asterisk rossand (
22:15.46[sr]Chainsaw: the formfactor is always PCI, correct?
22:15.46ChainsawKatty: Ah, duly noted.
22:15.54Chainsaw[sr]: You can get them in PCIe as well if you like.
22:15.57dlynes_laptopp3nguin, it wasn't crashing firefox previously...i think it's just something has done with their video player
22:16.00KattyChainsaw: pci express, too
22:16.03Katty[sr]: ^-
22:16.14Kattyboth work well
22:16.17[sr]i ask that 'cause i see all images i find in PCI
22:16.33Chainsaw[sr]: Yeah, the PCIe is a 410e or something along those lines.
22:16.35Kattywell they certainly don't have isa
22:16.42dlynes_laptopKatty, yes they do
22:16.49ChainsawKatty: I'm willing to bet they don't even have MCA.
22:16.50dlynes_laptopKatty, just not currently manufactured
22:16.54[sr]Katty: i remember EISA
22:17.15[sr]damn i'm old! lol
22:17.17Chainsaw[sr]: I've only ever seen one EISA card. Much more VLB.
22:17.18dlynes_laptopKatty, the schematics are even still up for the old card
22:17.26*** join/#asterisk rossand (
22:17.33Kattydlynes_laptop: well let me know if you can buy an ISA one
22:17.43Chainsaw[sr]: That and lots of MCA slots. With nothing to put in them because it was all so exotic. Silly machine :/
22:17.45Kattydlynes_laptop: i might just get it and put it in a display case
22:18.10Kattythat's another thing that irritates me
22:18.12[sr]Chainsaw: heeh
22:18.15Kattythey're taking firewire off camcorders
22:18.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
22:19.01ChainsawKatty: There's too much hate against Firewire lately.
22:19.27Kattyyeah but you can get a DV driver and use the firewire port for live feedback
22:19.50ChainsawKatty: Also, laptops need to implement correct 6-pin connectors. Really hate those 4-pins, then I still need to drag a PSU along for the external drive.
22:20.26Kattysome of the newer camcorders are coming out with mini hdmi output
22:20.41[sr]well people thank you for the help
22:20.45[sr]im going to sleep
22:20.50Chainsaw[sr]: Good night :)
22:20.51Kattybut all of the current, on the market, HD camcorders which are sd or hard drive based, all have usb 2.0 for mass storage transfer
22:20.56[sr]merci :P
22:21.17Kattywhich is handy, but dagnabbit, i don't want to use those silly little low res AV outputs for streaming!
22:21.42Kattyk, i'm voer it
22:22.52ChainsawKatty: Some photo cameras seem to have quite decent movie modes that you can tap into over a USB link.
22:23.07ChainsawKatty: It may end up being cheaper then a full-fledged cam corder.
22:23.29dlynes_laptopChainsaw, what's the difference between a photo camera and say a .... photo camera?
22:23.45Chainsawdlynes_laptop: A photo camera and a camcorder?
22:23.57Chainsawdlynes_laptop: One is designed for photos and may take video, the other is designed for video and may take photos.
22:24.01dlynes_laptoppeople refer to camcorders as cameras?
22:24.19Chainsawdlynes_laptop: Yes.
22:24.26dlynes_laptopvery weird
22:24.47KattyChainsaw: no, i'm going to get a camcorder
22:25.07ChainsawKatty: Okay :)
22:25.25Kattyas soon as i find one that has everything i want
22:25.26dlynes_laptopKatty, there's always quickcam and flipcam
22:25.33Kattydlynes_laptop: link?
22:26.09dlynes_laptopKatty, here's a clone:
22:26.45Kattyhow do you attach macro lenses to that?
22:26.52dlynes_laptopKatty, and here's the original:
22:27.18dlynes_laptopyou don't, but they're useful for saying doing video of houses if you're a realtor or an investor, ...
22:27.28blackdon't get the name brand flip cam
22:27.34blackthey have horrible awful software that is really buggy
22:27.39blackget like one of the other brands
22:27.42blackrca has some good ones
22:27.42dlynes_laptopor if you want to do a lot of youtube videos
22:27.46Kattywell i'm not doing videos like that
22:27.51Kattyi'm doing high quality broadcasting
22:28.08Kattyi don't want something cheap
22:28.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: Have you ever OWNED a macro lens?
22:28.30Kattyi have one for my camera.
22:28.41Kattyi assume it works the same way for a camcorder as it does a camera
22:28.47Qwellblack: I'm amused..  Do you realize that you were only 2 days off from owning that nick?
22:28.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: O RLY?  Which?
22:29.08dlynes_laptopKatty, i guess you're wanting to take close up video of birds, squirrels, insects, ...?
22:29.15Kattydlynes_laptop: hummingbirds, actually
22:29.20Qwellblack: That was registered 2 days before your normal nick
22:29.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: sec, i will get you the link
22:29.33*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (
22:29.53*** join/#asterisk MedicineMan (n=medicine@
22:29.54blackI have several nicks I use. b14ck, blacky, black, comradeb14ck
22:30.02blackany of them work, i dont really care =p
22:30.12Qwellwell, that one will work until you get ghosted :p
22:30.18MedicineManhey has some questions when doing an asterisk install on CentOS 5.4 VM
22:30.26blackif I get ghosted it'll cycle to the next one
22:31.46MedicineManDo i stil need to compile dahdi and libpri on a vm?
22:31.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: i know it's certainly not the best macro lense around, but i don't want to toss 500 bucks at a hobby just yet
22:31.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Impressive.... many people mis-quote lens types....
22:31.54*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
22:32.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: 50mm is a bit close... 100mm lets you get the little bugs without scaring them off
22:32.38Kattywell i can't afford 100mm just yet :P
22:32.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: And that isn't a bad price.
22:32.48blackQwell, how are things going?
22:32.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: You can when you turn in the 50mm ; )
22:32.56blackWorking on any neat things with Digium atm?
22:32.59Kattytho newegg does have a nice 100mm macro lense i wouldn't mind having
22:33.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Craisglist / Kijiji, etc....
22:33.50Kattyhell, it's a miracle i got that lense in the first place
22:33.55Kattyelse i'd be using pringles cans!
22:34.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: As a lens extension tube?
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22:35.11Kattypringles can and a canbalized pair of binoculurs
22:35.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: You seem rather well versed.  Take a course in photography by any chance?
22:35.39Kattymaybe i'll just canabalize my 50mm lense
22:35.53dlynes_laptopKatty, around the same price for 100mm:
22:36.37Kattyi've never heard of vivitar, actually
22:36.50dlynes_laptopKatty, it's brand name...not generic garbage from china
22:37.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Vivitar ... meh... can be good
22:37.28Kattyi think i'll stick with the pringles can.
22:39.46Kattydo those little portable dvd players have hdmi?
22:39.49beekGN all
22:39.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: You might want to consider Kenko extension tubes.... you can pick up a set fair cheap for Canon mount
22:40.49*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
22:40.52Kattynight beekster
22:41.37dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, can you get those for pentax as well?
22:42.01[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: Made for all the majors...
22:42.46dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, ah...just the one web site i came to only mentioned canon, nikon and minolta...that's why i asked
22:43.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: Disco'd there, but you can get these somewhere or another
22:44.08dlynes_laptopeven compatible with the pentax af
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22:44.41dlynes_laptopalthough..the af every once in a while has to be switched to manual, instead
22:44.59dlynes_laptopi'm guessing canon and nikon have trouble autofocusing sometimes, too?
22:45.14dlynes_laptopfor certain fields of view, that is?
22:45.46Kattyheh, they make wool 'socks' for those flipcams
22:45.50[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: You'll have to go MF when you use tubes
22:46.12Kattyyeah but it shouldn't be too bad
22:46.20Kattya humming bird should visit the feeder at mostly the same angle every time
22:46.26Kattyi hope
22:47.16Kattywe will see!
22:48.24[TK]D-FenderI researched this a bit but haven't gotten one yet...
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22:50.15Kattyi'm hoping for quality like that
22:50.26Kattyfrom the window
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22:52.29Kattysomething tells me i'm going to need a real telephoto zoom lense tho
22:53.29Qwellhow come "telephoty" isn't a word?
22:53.35YedidyaHi all, what's the hot topic?
22:53.42Kattyyour mom.
22:54.00Katty <- this one looks....
22:54.07*** join/#asterisk aidinb (n=Aidin@ it might not quite be enough
22:55.11Kattyah well.
22:56.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: No, thats just a boring zoom.
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23:10.01swankierwhat is REN, as in 1ren, 2ren, etc?
23:10.40swankierit is, unfortunately, not something that's easy to google.
23:10.50SwKgoogle for ringer equivalent number
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23:28.07aceking5anyone here use vitelity?
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23:30.58joobiehey guys.. anyone able to lend a hand with a DAHDI issue.. i'm getting ''DAHDI' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)' when i try to use the ISDN channel.. not sure why, don't have anyone calling / calling out
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23:45.22ManxPower-workaceking5: I do.
23:45.42ManxPower-workjoobie: does dahdi_cfg -vvv print any errors?
23:46.30aceking5ManxPower-work: Are the RTP streams directly connected to their inbound/outbound carriers or are they proxied through Vitelity?
23:47.06ManxPower-workI don't think I've ever checked.  Any IAX2 service from Vitelity would be proxied thru vitelity.
23:48.00aceking5I'm gonna use SIP... I guess I'll just call them and ask
23:49.24ManxPower-workMy polycom says (while on a call) I have 1 - 2 ms jitter, one lost packet in 1 min of talk time.  Let me check something else
23:50.39joobieManxPower-work, that's the output .. looks good to me
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23:51.45ManxPower-workjoobie: it looks like they are proxied
23:51.58aceking5You could just check if there is a carrier's IP in the SDP on the incoming INVITE from them during an inbound call
23:52.12joobieManxPower-work, not sure what you mean by that..
23:52.20aceking5i think he meant to say that to me lol
23:52.21ManxPower-workjoobie: You are in Europe.  Does "dahdi show channels" show something similar to dahdi_cfg -vvv.
23:52.34ManxPower-workjoobie: sorrt, that proxied comment was for aceking5
23:52.42ManxPower-workaceking5:  it looks like they are proxied
23:52.55aceking5and you're using IAX or SIP to connect to them?
23:53.03joobieManxPower-work, that's the output from dahdi show channels
23:53.04ManxPower-workonly SIP
23:53.19aceking5alright thanks
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23:53.37ManxPower-workjoobie: do a pri debug span 1
23:54.11ManxPower-worktry to make a call or two, pastebin the output
23:54.19joobieManxPower-work, when id o that it keeps repeating Sending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
23:54.23joobieok will do a test call
23:54.44ManxPower-workjoobie: I just need the debug output to confirm what I think your problem is.
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23:56.33jax55if i want to force HD Voice, i would need to use the G722 codec right?
23:57.23joobieManxPower-work, when i call out of the ISDN - i get this (not really getting any additional debug) .. when i dial into the ISDN and get a busy, i get nothing
23:58.11jax55if so, can anyone recommend free softphones that support the G722 codec?
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