IRC log for #asterisk on 20100125

00:08.27p3nguinHow can I check to see if a call between two devices has been reinvited?
00:13.37etfonhomeyp3nguin, look at the channel details from the CLI maybe?
00:14.43p3nguinAre you guessing, or do you actually expect that information to be there?
00:15.01Kattypeeks in
00:15.10etfonhomeyp3nguin, reinvited would have 2 channels, probably.    Channe1 = station1 -> *    and  Channel2 = * -> station2  (canreinvite=no)    OR     station1 -> station2  (canreinvite=yes)
00:15.39etfonhomeyp3nguin, I would be surprised if the endpoint IP's are not in the channel details.
00:15.42p3nguinAlright, that looks like useful information.  Let me look at a call and see if it compares to yours.
00:16.04*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=albertoa@
00:16.28etfonhomeyp3nguin, sorry, I said that wrong.  A reinvited call should only have 1 channel.  Sorry.
00:17.28etfonhomeyp3nguin, I'll test as well.
00:20.00p3nguinI'm seeing two channels active, so I guess there's no reinvite on that call.
00:21.14etfonhomeyp3nguin, I have canreinvite=no and I have 2 channels as well.  I'm gonna change it to canreinvite=yes and try again.  One sec...
00:23.24*** join/#asterisk titter` (
00:23.52titter`say hi, and cable modem reboots ... odd!
00:24.12Kattyhai der
00:24.17p3nguinsip show channel <my channel>  reveals that the "audio IP" is that of my * system, so that indicates to me that there is no reinvite.
00:27.50p3nguinDoes that sound right?
00:27.53*** join/#asterisk cjp (i=5f4ac434@gateway/web/freenode/x-kjulknscvipnhahl)
00:28.12Kattyanyone know about abc news?
00:28.20Kattyis it like fox news or.... bbc
00:28.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:28.37k-manKatty: which country?
00:29.16etfonhomeyp3nguin,  I believe if you do a "core show channel _____"  and look at the Direct Bridge and Indirect Bridge values.  The values were the other endpoint IP's when I had canreinvite=yes.  Checking it now with canreinvite=no.
00:29.41p3nguinI would expect that ABC is going to be just like NBC, CBS, and Fox.
00:30.02Kattywhat about CNN?
00:30.56p3nguinI'm not sure.  What info are you trying to gain about the news services?
00:31.06Kattywhether it's liberal or conservative
00:31.48p3nguinThey're all biased and should not be trusted.
00:31.58cjpno comments out there on my question from before?
00:33.20ChannelZpretty much all of them are liberal except fox news which is both but probably leans more right
00:33.33Kattyi can't stand fox news.
00:33.51etfonhomeyp3nguin, I found it.
00:33.56p3nguindo tell
00:34.32k-mancjp: no, no one answered your question while you were gone
00:34.33etfonhomeyp3nguin,  during an active call, look at one of the channels for one of your endpoints and look at the "Audio IP" value.  If canreinvite=yes , that value should be your other endpoint.
00:34.50ChannelZwell then maybe you should watch MSNBC and read The New York Times
00:34.56k-mancjp: you should consider writing to the mailing lists also
00:35.01ChannelZObama buttkiss, all the time
00:35.40cjpusing a .call file to connect Channel: Local/1005@ext-internal with Context:ext-id Extension:7000, extension looks like this: exten => 1005,1,Dial(${TRUNKTYPE1}${TRUNKNAME1}/${PHONENUMBER1}&Skype/1005|30), I need to identify which of the 2 Dialled parties picks up the call and pass it on to Extension in an agi_ for example
00:36.38KattyChannelZ: i'm just tired of hearing Terrorism every other word, Michael Jackson, and everyone's interjected opinons.
00:37.06KattyChannelZ: and they twist the crap out of things.
00:37.55p3nguinetfonhomey: That is consistent with my assumption mentioned earlier.
00:38.15dlynes_laptopKatty, people are saying michael jackson is a terrorist now?
00:38.17p3nguinetfonhomey: On the other hand, I can't figure out why my devices don't want to reinvite.
00:38.22Kattydlynes_laptop: no.
00:38.51ChannelZWhose still talking about michael jackson?
00:38.51dlynes_laptopKatty, oh...nvm.
00:39.01dlynes_laptopKatty, the completely unbiased opinions of fox news reporters
00:39.33Kattyit's terrible...i don't get why it's the #1 watched news in america.
00:39.50ChannelZThere's also a difference between hard news and news analysis shows, on any network
00:40.00dlynes_laptopWhenever I want to see what's on the latest american propogandist podium, I tune into fox news
00:40.03Kattyin news analysis it's expected
00:40.12Kattyi don't need their opinions when they're delivering Events
00:40.25p3nguincjp: The BRIDGEPEER variable value could be of some use.
00:40.31dlynes_laptopfox news is right up there with the national enquirer
00:40.48ChannelZThat's just silly
00:40.54coppiceFox is so blatant it should be ineffective. Strange that its still watched. Most highly biased news sources are more subtle
00:40.59dlynes_laptopChannelZ, are you kidding?
00:41.09ChannelZalthough if you want to pander in comparisons like that, didn't National Enquirer get the John Edwards story right?
00:41.10dlynes_laptopChannelZ, fox isn't's pure propoganda
00:41.24etfonhomeyp3nguin, are your devices on the same subnet?
00:41.30p3nguinetfonhomey: yes
00:41.35dlynes_laptoperm propaganda, even
00:41.45p3nguinetfonhomey: same physical switch, even.
00:42.06Kattyfox news had everyone up in arms about terrorism
00:42.14Kattyevery other word out of their cast was terror this and terror that
00:42.16Kattyand omgomgomg
00:42.32*** join/#asterisk Truenos (
00:42.33Kattybut that's what they wanted.
00:42.47Kattydon't get me started on fox news.
00:42.48p3nguinetfonhomey: The only thing I can think of is that the w and W Dial() options break reinvites in the same way that t and T do.
00:42.51coppiceKatty: the real terrorist would be those trying to terrorise the population
00:43.07Kattycoppice: they take the cake for that.
00:43.36etfonhomeyp3nguin, I can test it on my end.  What do the w and W options do?  I can't remember off the top of my head.
00:43.37dlynes_laptopKatty, does dubbaya own fox news?
00:43.40ChannelZWell I guess if you don't want opinion, turn off the TV, because even PBS doesn't get it right
00:43.45coppiceKatty: making people scared is the basic strategy for anyone trying to control people.
00:43.50p3nguinetfonhomey: They are used for automon.
00:44.04Kattyi'm not sure who owns fox news.
00:44.04ChannelZcoppice: like "We need healthcare reform YESTERDAY or the world is going to end"?
00:44.10Kattyactually isn't it mister murdock?
00:44.40Kattyyeah rupert murdock
00:44.41dlynes_laptopChannelZ, How about your buddy that wants to bring back in the depression era banking system that clinton abolished in 1988(?)
00:44.51p3nguinetfonhomey: I use them so I can press *1 to start recording during a call.  I could take them out and retest to see if that changes anything.
00:44.58coppiceChannelZ: the only thing that don't treat as an emergency are the real emergencies
00:45.02ChannelZWhat buddy is that?
00:45.11dlynes_laptopChannelZ, Obama
00:45.15Kattywatches some natgeo
00:45.22etfonhomeyp3nguin, Does automon record the files on the * filesystem?
00:45.30ChannelZHe's not my buddy
00:45.32p3nguinetfonhomey: yep
00:45.47etfonhomeyp3nguin, if so, I could definitely see it breaking the reinvite.  * would need to stay in the audio path in order to record the audio.
00:45.51dlynes_laptopChannelZ, i kinda figured that...already had you pegged for a die in the boots republican :)
00:45.53Kattywhy are we talking about Obama bringing back teh dperession era?
00:46.01Kattywhen it was mister bush who got us into this situation
00:46.02ChannelZI'm not that either.
00:46.22dlynes_laptopKatty, clinton was actually the one that removed the controls from the banks
00:46.42dlynes_laptopKatty, the controls that stated investment banks and commercial banks cannot be one and the same
00:46.50Kattyi wasn't actually refering to subprime loans
00:46.59Kattybut that's another major problem.
00:47.02coppiceKatty: Bush did plenty of bad things, but the lack of regulation that has caused the greater magnitude of economic swings predates him
00:47.07p3nguinetfonhomey: I guess I or someone else needs to make a list of which Dial() options can be used and reinvites still work.  A quick reference would have been useful right now.
00:47.17dlynes_laptopKatty, nah...this is more the banks pissing away money on risky hedge funds
00:47.28dlynes_laptopKatty, i.e. corporate greed
00:47.34Kattyso how is that Obama's fault?
00:47.44Kattyi'm not following
00:47.48dlynes_laptopKatty, it's not...Obama wants to reinstate the laws that prevented that
00:47.50ChannelZApparently nothing is his fault anyway
00:48.07titter`It isn't his fault, it's how he is handling the situation
00:48.08dlynes_laptopKatty, Clinton axed the laws that allowed that
00:48.24Kattyhe just inherited a bad situation
00:49.01coppicedlynes_laptop: there were a series of stupid deregulation steps going back to the 80s. Remember the Savings and Loans?
00:49.08KattyChannelZ: i think the country is just thrilled to not have bush in office ;)
00:49.16dlynes_laptopcoppice, yeah...I remember the savings and loan crisis of the 80's
00:49.35dlynes_laptopcoppice, I can't even remember how many banks and savings and loan companies went tits up then
00:49.35titter`Katty: I would argue more are less thrilled to have Obama in the office
00:49.41p3nguinI remember a lot of things in the '80s.
00:49.54*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraaaa@
00:49.59p3nguinLike gasoline being 88 cents per gallon.
00:50.04Kattytitter`: why do you say that?
00:50.06ChannelZAll politicians are pretty much a wreck
00:50.14titter`I was born in the 80's *shrugs*
00:50.14coppicedlynes_laptop: well, that monumental success with deregulation inspired all the later ones
00:50.26p3nguinnot the '80s?
00:50.37ChannelZObama is just another crap politician in a long line of crap politicians
00:50.52*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
00:50.56Kattyway to be mister negativity
00:50.59dlynes_laptopChannelZ, we've got them going all the way back to diefenbaker in Canada :)
00:51.14titter`Things haven
00:51.24titter`Things haven't improved at all
00:51.27p3nguinAll politicians are crap.  Some are just less crappy than others.
00:51.28titter`They have gotten worse
00:51.40dlynes_laptoptitter`, i don't know about that
00:51.43Kattytitter`: rome wasn't built in a day
00:51.52Kattytitter`: we're not going to have a magically recovery over night
00:52.02Kattytitter`: it will take several years probably
00:52.09dlynes_laptoptitter`, the headlines the last couple of years are they same as they were in the mid 90's, the same as they were in the early 80's, the same as they were in the early 30's, ...
00:52.26dlynes_laptoptitter`, history repeats itself, and nobody seems to remember
00:52.27titter`December sales down, unemployement rises again
00:52.35titter`Same old same old
00:52.46Kattywell it hits closer to home for me
00:52.51Kattymy dad's been unemployeed for over a year now
00:52.55dlynes_laptopso on that note, everyone should just have a beer and relax
00:52.57p3nguinI remember news in the '90s, the '80s, and I wasn't alive in the '30s.
00:53.01coppicetitter`: this is normal. the main things affecting the average person happen as an economy is climing out of recession. the lag is something like 2 years
00:53.46dlynes_laptopKatty, that's the exact reason I became a I don't need to depend on someone else for a living
00:53.48titterI am more worried about the about the effects of inflation that we will see in the next 2 years
00:54.10Kattydlynes_laptop: my dad worked for GM.
00:54.16Kattydlynes_laptop: for nearly 30 years.
00:54.17ChannelZto moving from one toxic topic to a completely different one, does silicon caulk (like for bathrooms) interact badly with latex (like gloves)?
00:54.27Kattydlynes_laptop: he was 6 months away from retiring :/
00:54.57p3nguinchannelz: it should not.
00:55.30titterThere is too much debt and too much money printed in the past year for inflation to not be a problem in the near future.
00:55.34dlynes_laptopKatty, eww...sorry to hear that
00:55.37p3nguinAt most, it might deteriorate the latex.
00:55.52ChannelZI need to do an emergency patch job on a shower drain
00:56.43Kattyi'll ask ryan
00:56.51dlynes_laptopChannelZ, and why would latex and silicone interaction matter to you?
00:56.52*** join/#asterisk Cain` (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
00:57.05dlynes_laptopChannelZ, are you going to line it with latex before siliconing it?
00:57.35KattyChannelZ: ryan says latex will be fine
00:57.44ChannelZno just wondering if I could wear some disposable gloves without some chemical reaction fusing to my fingers permenantly or setting on fire or something
00:58.02KattyChannelZ: you suggested using something to scoop out the excess tho
00:58.04ChannelZI need to push the stuff into a place I can't easily see
00:58.08KattyChannelZ: s/you/he/
00:58.17dlynes_laptopChannelZ, nah...silicone's pretty inert...just rub it off your hands after you're finished
00:58.19p3nguinHeck, I wouldn't even bother.  If you get some on your fingers, wipe it off or wait until it dries and peel it off.
00:58.33ChannelZI just don't want to be picking it out of my fingernails for 3 days
00:58.43dlynes_laptopChannelZ, i've never used gloves when using silicone
00:59.20dlynes_laptopChannelZ, nah...just use some of the cleaner that mechanics use...the stuff with pumice in it
00:59.32p3nguinRTV silicone is much stickier.
00:59.33dlynes_laptopChannelZ, or orange clean works too (you can buy it at home depot)
01:00.02dlynes_laptopp3nguin, rtv?
01:03.12*** join/#asterisk Failrar (n=Failrar@2001:470:1f15:316:2a0:d1ff:fe4e:e802)
01:04.00p3nguinRTV silicone seems to be more sticky than things like acrylic latex caulk or some other type.  I'm guessing most of your "at home" silicones are going to be RTV.
01:06.15p3nguinI still wouldn't bother with gloves if I had any doubt there could be chemical reaction.  Gloves are just going to be a convenience to keep your fingers clean rather than having to use cleaner afterwards.
01:06.44titterI've never used gloves with silicone
01:12.21*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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01:27.47andrew`hi, could anyone suggest any of the best currenttly available SIP phones for my friend's small business...I'm thinking of maybe something like the SPA-841 from a few years ago...nothing too fancy, but decent quality
01:29.56k-manandrew`: i have an spa942 thats pretty nice imho
01:34.16andrew`looks pretty decent, thank you
01:38.38andrew`anyone else have any suggestions for comparison?
01:41.11k-mani think the 942 might be discontinnued and there is a newer equivalent in its place now, not sure
01:44.03fenruswhat about SPA 504G ?
01:48.52*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
01:54.48andrew`hmm it looks very similar
01:57.42*** join/#asterisk niekie (i=quasselc@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
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02:29.14random_mikecan anyone advise how to change the Contact header in a registration packet from Asterisk to another SIP server?
02:30.29p3nguinWhat is your end goal?
02:32.29random_miketo remove the s@ as the contact :)
02:33.00random_mikealter it to have username@
02:33.17hardwirecheck out "fromuser" in your sip peer configuration
02:33.33*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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02:34.28random_mikehardwire, currently in sip.conf I have register =>
02:34.32random_mikeis this what you refer to?
02:34.51hardwirecheck out the sip.conf example that comes with the asterisk source
02:35.01hardwiresearch for fromuser.. it applies to user/peer/friends.
02:35.11hardwirewell.. peers.
02:38.32random_mikeoh this isnt for outbound calls
02:38.43random_mikejust the registration when astrisk acts like a sip client
02:40.06hardwirer u doing it wrong?
02:41.00p3nguinIs your IP address or your ITSP's?
02:52.02*** join/#asterisk gnufan (
02:52.48gnufanhave you guys seen this before? WARNING[4505]: chan_skinny.c:6315 get_input: Skinny Client sent less data than expected.
02:52.58p3nguinI have.
02:53.11gnufanany fix?
02:53.24p3nguinYes.  Convert to a SIP image on your phone.
02:54.06gnufanactually im trying to dial out from sugarcrm application using VoiceRD
02:54.21*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:56.01*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
02:57.27*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:57.46gnufananyone has experience integrating Asterisk and SugarCRM using VoiceRD?
02:58.36ChannelZhardwire: his problem is the remote side isn't giving the extension in the INVITE, it's putting 's' in and putting the extension in the To: field
02:59.04random_mikep3nguin, what is an ITSP ?
02:59.16p3nguinI solved that by putting /myphonenumber on the end of the registration statement.
02:59.32infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
02:59.34voipmonkinternet telephone service provider
03:00.03ChannelZp3nguin: yeah but that just sends everything to one extension
03:00.18p3nguinAnd 's' isn't just one extension?
03:00.28random_mikeyea p3nguin just got that too
03:01.16p3nguinI'm just saying how I solved the problem of the calls being delivered to 's' when they should have been delivered to my phone number.
03:01.27ChannelZyeah, but if I call SIP/you/666 you might want it to go to 666.
03:02.05p3nguinThat's a completely different matter.
03:02.34gnufanWhat is default port for asterisk 1.6? is it 2000?
03:02.50ChannelZPort for what?
03:02.50p3nguinSCCP's port is 2000.
03:03.41p3nguinAdding the /phonenumber onto the register statement changed the fact that it was "Looking for 's' in context" to now be "Looking for 5551212 in context"
03:03.50p3nguinI thought that is what you said there was a problem with.
03:04.18gnufanK. if a client is asking for asterisk port #, what should i put?
03:04.34ChannelZre: "his problem is the remote side isn't giving the extension in the INVITE, it's putting 's' in and putting the extension in the To: field"
03:05.09ChannelZgnufan: there is no 'port for asterisk'.  SIP is usually 5060
03:05.29ChannelZIAX is usually 4569
03:05.49ChannelZRTP uses a whole range.. so the question is a little too vague
03:06.16gnufanChannelZ: 5038 is used for what?
03:06.33ChannelZthe * manager interface
03:07.21gnufanThanks ChannelZ
03:09.08*** part/#asterisk Truenos (i=Truenos@unaffiliated/truenos)
03:21.15p3nguinActually, IAX is port 5036.
03:21.27p3nguinIAX2, which we currently use, is what is on 4569.
03:23.38random_mikeis it possible to use regex within extensions.conf ?
03:23.42random_mikefor example:
03:23.46random_mikeexten => atas,n,NoOp(Dialed Number = ${SIP_HEADER(To)})
03:24.08random_mike[Jan 25 13:52:06] VERBOSE[26166] logger.c:     -- Executing [atas@atas:2] NoOp("SIP/sipdev-00000001", "Dialed Number = *123 <sip:*>") in new stack
03:24.29random_mikei'm just after the *123 not the <sip:*>
03:26.19ChannelZnot that I know of
03:27.01*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (
03:30.14ChannelZyou could do it externally with an AGI or something
03:30.27ChannelZbut maybe you could just get an ITSP that isn't crazy?
03:30.32gnufanWhat does this mean? ERROR[4547]: utils.c:1175 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
03:30.40random_mikeChannelZ, if only!
03:32.08p3nguinrandom_mike: What do you want to change?  What is the problem?  Stop being cryptic and start explaining in detail what you need to do.
03:32.21ChannelZHe did.
03:32.23*** join/#asterisk aceking5 (
03:33.57ChannelZHis ITSP is sending calls to 's' but shoving the 'real' extension in the SIP To: header.  He's trying to get at the 'real' extension.  This means parsing ${SIP_HEADER(To)}
03:34.34random_mikebasically ^
03:34.54random_mikep3nguin, basically the SIP_HEADER(To) is reporting as "*123 <sip:*>" but all I want to do is pull the "*123" off the front of the header.
03:35.03ChannelZWhat is this perl piece of vomit they are running again?
03:35.17random_mikein perl I could use regex as suggested by ChannelZ, but I'd rather not break into AGI if I coudl help it
03:35.59random_mikeWe run Slipper - by IAGU
03:36.17p3nguinWhat is the purpose of pulling "the *123 off the front of the header?"  What will you do with it once you "pull" it?
03:37.02random_mikeI can use a gotoif based on the dialed number (as opposed to the whole header) to make for a nicer extensions.conf
03:37.51p3nguinIf you just make them send you the dialed number, you can use the dialed number as an extension and stop trying to rig it.
03:38.16p3nguinDid you even TRY what I said?
03:38.20random_mikehow would I do that p3nguin when I have more than 1 number assigned to that username?
03:39.21*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (n=chilicui@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
03:39.22p3nguinThat I do not know.  I don't see anywhere that you said you have more than one DID with that ITSP.
03:39.50random_mikeThank I am sorry for not explaining myself better.
03:40.53ChannelZIn general an ITSP is going to send all calls to a single extension to you.. usually that's your DID number
03:41.33p3nguinI guess I am lucky enough that my ITSP doesn't make my figure out how to do it.  They just send the number with every call.
03:42.56ChannelZrandom_mike: lets assume that everything is working how it's supposed to.  Where would *123 be coming from?  Is that something static you're trying to tell your ITSP to dial when you get a call on a certain phone number?
03:43.34*** join/#asterisk girlny (
03:43.48random_mikeChannelZ, I run the ITSP - just so we're all aware
03:44.22random_mikeThe idea is, to allow anyone registered to our ITSP to dial *xxx (and number we decide to use) and have that call directed to Asterisk, and have Asterisk do something based upon the number dialed.
03:44.25girlnywere in my files i can find  [macro-stdexten] i need to add some lines to it
03:44.42random_mikesuch as dial *123 and read the weather, dial *99 and get voicemail, etc, etc, etc
03:44.43*** part/#asterisk gnufan (
03:45.18voipmonkand that is not a tilde
03:45.35random_mikevoipmonk, are you speaking to me/
03:45.37ChannelZit is not
03:45.57voipmonknope Im on my way to making an ass of myself right now :) but you should read the book
03:46.12ChannelZrandom_mike: but this 'slipper' is doing all of the front-end work (and why?)
03:46.12voipmonkand experiment with the dialplan logic you need to do what you want
03:46.44random_mikeSlipper is the impliented SIP server my company use, I had no choice in this matter it was put in place prior to my start at this company
03:47.00random_mikeim simply trying to add some additional features to the service.
03:47.23girlnyhow do i add some lines to  [macro-stdexten] ???????????????
03:47.29girlnywere do i find it
03:47.42infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
03:47.49p3nguingirlny: ^^^^^^^
03:48.30random_mikeAs for the book, I have a copy of Asterisk: The future of telephony 2nd ed
03:48.46p3nguinrandom_mike: Why can't you use NORMAL extensions?  The person calls *123, it matches in your dialplan, and runs some application.
03:48.58ChannelZrandom_mike: so what are you doing in slipper to make *123 call your asterisk box?
03:50.06random_mikep3nguin, I have 1 registration to my ITSP. I dont know how to force calls to either DID to my dialplan
03:50.26random_mikeChannelZ, Basically theres a database that looks up dialled numbers, and assigns them to usernames
03:50.37p3nguinrandom_mike: I thought you were the ITSP.
03:50.41random_mikein my case, I have *99 and *123 directed to the username
03:50.49random_mikep3nguin, I am the ITSP yes.
03:51.00p3nguinBut heck, you didn't even know what an ITSP was until 50 minutes ago.
03:51.15random_mikeThe abriviation ITSP correct. I had no idea what that mean
03:51.28random_mikeover here we call them SIP Providers.
03:51.29ChannelZwell with this retarded setup on slipper's side, the path of least resistance is to just create different SIP peers for each number.. direct them to different contexts ors omething
03:51.49random_mikeYes ChannelZ I fear that's what I'll end up having to do
03:51.57p3nguinSo if you are the ITSP, why are you worried about your Asterisk's registration to your ITSP?
03:52.34p3nguinThe calls you said you were having issues with were those of people calling in to you.
03:52.41ChannelZrandom_mike: but I dunno what the big deal with writing a small AGI to parse the To header otherwise and jump to that extension..
03:52.44p3nguinSo use normal dialplan logic.
03:53.23random_mikeI'd prefer to use the one registration to keep life simple. I'm dancing here with you guys to see if that is possible. But it appears that's not the case.
03:53.26ChannelZp3nguin: * is NOT the front-end of his setup.
03:53.34p3nguinWhy does that matter?
03:53.55p3nguinAre you saying that Asterisk doesn't ultimately control the call?
03:53.57ChannelZbecause the bit that IS the front-end doesn't send him calls in the form that he needs to just 'use normal dialplan logic' on the * side
03:54.40random_mikep3nguin, because if I want to assign more numbers for more features in the future, it means I need to create more accounts to register to. Obviously this would be optimum to keep it to one registration and have multiple numbers directed to the one username.
03:54.50ChannelZThe person dials *123, "slipper" (his SIP front-end) is programmed to send the call to his * box.  But not as extension *123, so he can't easily see what the person originally dialed
03:55.15p3nguinNow we're finally making some sense!
03:55.53ChannelZThis was all explained awhile ago
03:56.14random_mikeWell to p3nguin's credit, Im not the most verbose person when it comes to fine details.
03:58.18voipmonkthats what an itsp is all about :) the details... the cdrs... down to a fraction of the second... you sure you're in the right business ?
04:00.04random_mikeheh I was the next best thing once the guy incharge of our voip system retired
04:00.10random_mikeso now its time to get my hands dirty.
04:00.19ChannelZwait a minute
04:00.48random_mikeI'll go down the path of multiple registrations atleast I know this will work as I can simple force a registration to an extension in Asterisk.
04:02.59random_mikethanks for your assistance ChannelZ and p3nguin and voipmonk - we'll get there in the end (including blood sweat and tears)
04:03.12ChannelZif you keep all your extensions kind of consistent, you could do this probably just with simple substrings in *
04:03.29ChannelZ(that is, always the same number of digits)
04:03.43random_mikethat can be done
04:04.49ChannelZwould be the first 4 characters of variable 'foo'
04:05.16ChannelZso ${${SIP_HEADER(To)}:0:4} would be what you want perhaps your 's' extension, Goto(${${SIP_HEADER(To)}:0:4},1)  would jump to the extension, priority 1
04:19.30*** join/#asterisk alrs (
04:21.44ChannelZWHOA there is a regex operator.
04:24.08ChannelZSet(regx="(\*[0-9]+ ")
04:24.47ChannelZSet(realexten=$["${SIP_HEADER(To)}" : ${regx}])
04:25.21ChannelZwould work too, assuming the extensions were *### (with any number of numbers)
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04:29.38ChannelZpinches random_mike
04:30.12random_mikesorry fixing a mailserver issue
04:30.21random_mikea staff )!@# up
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04:59.24harisalialialiHi all I need guidence for MOH via Line-in of sound card, can any body plz help me ?
05:00.54harisalialialiHi all, I need some assistance on live stream via MOH, please
05:04.22ChannelZyou need an app that spits out audio data at the right samplerate from your card
05:05.25harisalialialiI did some work wanna to share with you
05:05.33ChannelZhere try this
05:06.58harisalialialiok thanks ,  I had tried to configure server , by study different web sites I am using asterisk 1.6
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05:16.24imcdonawhat defines the order of the music played in musiconhold.conf? timestamp of file?
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05:22.52ChannelZimcdona: depends on what version of * and what you have set
05:23.39ChannelZ1.6 has a couple more options for sorting
05:24.27imcdonaasterisk "mode=files" and then the directory. All the sounds files are in the native asterisk WAV format
05:25.41imcdonaThe first sound file in the music on hold tells callers we are busy and alternative options to get account balance etc.
05:25.59ChannelZin 1.4 the order is in 'directory order' which is however the filesystem returns the files to * in a listing
05:27.48imcdonaan "ls -als" shows teh files in the correct order. how can I determine what * sees the order as?
05:32.05ChannelZtry ls -alsU
05:32.38ChannelZbut I dunno if that is even right - I remeber when I was screwing with it last year I gave up getting a listing that showed the same order as * was playing them
05:34.16imcdonathat listing looks to be correct. thanks channelz
05:35.32ChannelZnow how you get them into a different order is another question
05:35.49ChannelZ1.6 has a sort=alpha option
05:36.37imcdonahmm. looks like I am going to have to get creative here with 1.4 to get this to work.
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05:39.12imcdonaI could take all the wav file and combine them into one big one. That would solve it ;)
05:39.47imcdonaactually so far the order looks to be file size, smallest file first
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05:44.36imcdonanope...not size either...spoke too soon
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05:49.34ChannelZIt's 'directory order'.. you might try moving all the files out of there, and then copying them back into the directory, one by one, in the order you want
05:49.40harisalialialiHi i need assiatance on MOH via soundcard Line-in, I have implemented instruction on different web sites like  but unable to listen stream
05:49.40harisalialialikindly help me I am using asterisk 1.6
05:51.00imcdonaI am not familiar with how to do that. However, you can plug your source into another computer and use a shoutcast stream to asterisk
05:53.59ChannelZharisalialiali: are you trying to use 'arecord'?
05:54.23harisalialialiyap i am trying arecord n alsamixer
05:54.39ChannelZdoes arecord -l show your card?
05:55.46harisalialialiyes it shows,,, card 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4]
05:56.18harisalialialiand i am able to listen mic or lin-in sound on head phone to
05:57.18harisalialialian there is no error in script  event not on cli [new stack
05:57.37harisalialialibut still no sound
05:58.30ChannelZwell I'd try running arecord manually (but with -t wav blah.wav instead of -t raw), let it run for a few seconds, and then play the resulting wav file, make sure it's working at all
05:59.43*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
05:59.55ChannelZyeah if you aren't running asterisk as root, it might be that whatever user it's running as doesn't have access to the audio card
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06:03.16harisalialialiI am running asterisk as root, I installed asterisk by yum, & asterisk by default install as root ?
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06:07.14harisalialialiok I replace -t raw with -t wav in my script but still no sound  [#!/bin/bash
06:08.01harisalialiali""/usr/bin/arecord -q -c 1 -r 8000 --buffer-size=2048 -f S16_LE -t wav"
06:08.49harisalialialiIs asterisk 1.6 required decoder for mp3 ? as i read its work on wav now ?
06:10.30ChannelZI didn't mean to replace it in your script... but to run the whole commandline manually to see if it even works for you
06:10.39ChannelZalso remove -q and see if it complains of something
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06:34.48cvnethello all
06:38.19cvnetwhen a call comes in to the system, whats the variable that holds the DID (incoming numbers) value?
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06:41.33p3nguincvnet: Possibly EXTEN
06:42.44cvnetya i feel stupid now
06:44.16ChannelZjesus audio on linux is a mess
06:46.15cvnetexten => 0,1,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: "My name" <sip:+${EXTEN}@>)
06:46.17cvnetdidnt work for me
06:56.56ChannelZhmm I guess arecord only likes my device if I do it in stereo.
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07:27.22benngardhm... why does latest trunk crash? the only error i see is "[Jan 25 08:22:30] ERROR[30084] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory"
07:33.58sun28moin \o/
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07:51.15benngardJan 25 08:50:05 sip kernel: [1750086.150667] asterisk[30587]: segfault at 94 ip b7cce9a0 sp b64a7204 error 4 in[b7cc7000+15000]
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08:51.59mlarsenIs it possible to prefix a callerid with the selection from an ivr menu?
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10:37.02enriquemoraWe have an Asterisk that is crashing occasionaly with a segfault at a4 in libpthread. I would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction. Should I open an issue at
10:37.43Chainsawenriquemora: I would suggest that you update to before you try anything else.
10:38.20enriquemoraI'll start looking at that right now
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10:48.03benngardenriquemora: wellcome to the club, my box have started to do the same
10:48.44benngardbut i did play around pretty hard with it lately so im not sure what part is causing the error
10:49.10benngardbut i know that i upgraded to latest dahidi, what version are u running?
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11:04.34enriquemorahi benngard. We're running DAHDI
11:05.38enriquemoraI also saw something about activating the DONT_OPTIMIZE compiler option. We have it deactivated
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11:12.29benngardenriquemora: i did downgrade to that version but the same fault
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11:20.55benngardin my case it seems that ooh323 is the bad guy :(
11:21.21benngarddid remove that channel driver and restarted no crashes so far
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11:24.45enriquemorabenngard, we too have ooh323 loaded... but were not using it and we can remove
11:25.02enriquemorawhere did you see that ooh323 was the culprit?
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11:29.02*** join/#asterisk Whtsup (
11:31.44benngardwe did some heavy ooh323 test last night so i took i wild guess
11:32.13Whtsupanyone can help regarding a2billing issue
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11:50.10AkiraaWhat's a multi-port (4) FXO interface you would recommend?
11:50.40enriquemorabtw DONT_OPTIMIZE has nothing to do with the segfault. I just needs to be deactivated so that the crashdump will contain debugging symbols. Since I'm not going to open an issue just yet, we wont be touching this for now.
11:51.31enriquemoraAkiraa, are you looking for a card or a SIP FXO Gateway
11:52.36Akiraaenriquemora: for now, I am looking at PCI/PCIe cards, but was wondering if standalone devices (SIP/IAX2 FXO gateways) exist
11:53.32Akiraaother than the 1 port (FXO+FXS) spa 3102
11:54.47enriquemoraThere are many standalone devices with 4 ports. However, I personally cannot recommend one. I can however recommend AGAINST one. We are very unsatisfied with the SPA400
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12:16.22enriquemoraAkiraa, one of my engineers says that the Vegastream 4 FXO works well
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12:17.58enriquemoraHas anyone used a Fritz!Box with Asterisk?
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13:02.31Zeeshan_MHiya chaps. I am looking for a stand-alone hardware product I can purchase which uses Asterisk internally. I am looking to buy the product at but would love an open source alternative.
13:03.34Zeeshan_MI do not mind if I am required to use my PC to program the device and then make use of it standalone, but I do not wish to have my computer running 24/7 in order to run Asterisk to reroute or translate telephone numbers I call.
13:03.51Zeeshan_MAny recommendations? :-)
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13:04.32AkiraaZeeshan_M: you could try to install Asterisk on a ddwrt-capable router
13:06.19AkiraaZeeshan_M: or a small form factor PC running without a monitor attached
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13:07.18Zeeshan_MI really don't want to buy a small mini-factor PC for this. I am a simple home user!
13:07.35Zeeshan_MI am checking to see if my Linksys router thingy is 'DD-WRT' capable
13:07.42Akiraawell, a hardware IP pbx is probably too expensive
13:08.10Zeeshan_MAre there any alternatives to the product I noted via the URL above?
13:08.15Akiraabut check out some small computers, they shouldn't break the bank really
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13:08.24Akiraacompared to specialized voip hardware
13:10.31Zeeshan_Mis curious
13:10.51Zeeshan_MHow would a 'DD-WRT' capable router allow me to connect my telephone into its back sockets?
13:11.00Zeeshan_MI thought those are only meant for CAT5e cables?
13:11.29AkiraaZeeshan_M: an IP phone uses ethernet
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13:11.53Akiraaif you want to connect your analog phone, you will need an adaptor (ATA)
13:12.05Zeeshan_MOh. Pants. I didn't note I wanted calls routed through the normal telephone wiring, not via the Internet.
13:12.33Zeeshan_M(I am in the UK, and make use of a ADSL modem that is connect to the Internet. This is connected to a ADSL filter which splits the telephone wire to let me connect my ADSL modem and my normal telephone lead)
13:12.53AkiraaZeeshan_M: just use skype :)
13:12.59[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: I'm only familiar with ONE piece of something I'd call "VoIP Hardware' and virtually no-one uses it.
13:13.01Zeeshan_MHeh, I am have considered that too.
13:13.23Zeeshan_MThat isn't suitable for my needs either. Maybe I'll just buy the £15 unit from and code it.
13:14.07Zeeshan_MThere's a good small community for the device at and it seems to have resolved most of my coding needs using MS Excel and the need for a 56k modem to transfer the details to the device.
13:14.28[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: What are you trying to do exactly?
13:14.32Akiraa[TK]D-Fender: I was checking some prices; hardware IP-PBX runs somewhat against the concept of Asterisk; one offering actually required a license fee per each SIP terminal; fail
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13:15.06[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: That is "proprietary PBX", not "VoIP Hardware".
13:15.18Zeeshan_MI am looking to connect a device to my landline which I connect my normal telephone to, upon me dialing certain high cost numbers, I want to translate/reroute these numbers.
13:15.39[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: The fact it can spake a VoIP protocol is a little besides the point
13:15.57Zeeshan_MI need to be able to do this based on time of day and what day type it is (weekday/weekend). I also require a small pause eventing after connection and then the functionality to add additional numbers.
13:16.09[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: So you want Asterisk to connct both to your analog LINE as well as an analog PHONE then?
13:16.19Zeeshan_MEvent handling like 'after call is connected, wait 5 seconds, press #, enter 12345, press #'
13:16.29[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: and based on what you dial, use either your landline, or an ITSP for example?
13:16.38Zeeshan_MNo, none of that 'ITSP' stuff
13:17.00infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
13:17.11[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: taht is that LCR you were referring to....
13:17.16Zeeshan_MIf I dial 0800 800 150 using my telephone, I want the asterisk to notice it's Monday morning and the call will cost more to route through my telephone provider.
13:17.24[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: use a VoIP termination provider instead of your landline
13:17.30Zeeshan_MSo it'll prefix the number with say 1500 and then call 0800 800 150
13:18.03[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: Anyway, here's an option for you : Linksys SPA-3102
13:19.13Zeeshan_MAny recommendations which don't invoice VOIP or any kind of routing through the Internet?
13:19.24Zeeshan_MI wish to only translate/reroute numbers on my analog telephone
13:19.57Zeeshan_Minvoice => involve
13:20.13ManxPower-workZeeshan_M: then you will spend money on a telephony card.
13:20.33Zeeshan_MA PCI card that connects to a computer?
13:20.42Zeeshan_MThat's going to force a PC to be on 24/7 :(
13:20.58ManxPower-workZeeshan_M: You are in the wrong place then.
13:21.00Zeeshan_Mconnects => goes into, even. Which I can connect my analog telephone
13:21.16Zeeshan_Mheh. It seems like I misunderstood what asterisk is intended for :-)
13:21.29ManxPower-workZeeshan_M: Asterisk is a toolkit that allows you to build a phone system.
13:21.46Zeeshan_MYep, I thought it could also be used for routing only.
13:21.51ManxPower-workNow, if you don't want to have your phone system powered on 24/7 then there really isn't much we can help you with.
13:22.33Zeeshan_MSurely there are standalone devices which run asterisk that can be connected to telephone line to reroute/translate the calls
13:22.39Zeeshan_MDevices like:
13:23.34ManxPower-workZeeshan_M: If that device is a PC, runs Linux, and has supported telephony interface cards, then it might work.
13:23.59Zeeshan_MI see.
13:24.25[TK]D-Fender[08:19]<Zeeshan_M>I wish to only translate/reroute numbers on my analog telephone <- the unit I already suggested to you
13:24.46ManxPower-workIt's not hard to make Asterisk run on non-Intel platforms, but because the PSTN interface cards are not supported, you are limited to VoIP.
13:25.43[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: [08:24]<ManxPower-work>It's not hard to make Asterisk run on non-Intel platforms, but because the PSTN interface cards are not supported, you are limited to VoIP. <- Clarification : Limited to using VoIP between ASTERISK and the DEVICE that lets you plug in your analog line <-
13:25.55[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: This has nothing to do with the public internet
13:26.25Zeeshan_MI saw the terms VOIP in the product specification you noted and ran for the hills
13:26.32[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: So router w/ DD-WRT + SPA-3102 = enough
13:26.50Zeeshan_MLinksys SPA-3102 on its own is not sufficent to program?
13:27.04[TK]D-FenderZeeshan_M: No.
13:27.07AkiraaZeeshan_M: what exactly fo you want to do?
13:27.25[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Already all answered.... I just asked this question.
13:28.22Akiraaah, multi-line cost-optimizing phone dialers
13:28.41Zeeshan_MAkiraa, I wish to use my analog telephone to make calls to my analog phone line (no VOIP/SIP), based on the time of the day, if its the weekend or a weekday and based on what I just input as the number to call, I would like to reshape the telephone number and add prefixes to it or call another number and upon connection, dial the initially given number.
13:30.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
13:30.05Zeeshan_MI was hoping that I could use Asterisk::LCR::* modules on CPAN to write some basic scripts in Perl to handle my needs on a device running Asterisk. It seems the devices I need are much more complex and costly than I expected.
13:31.15Zeeshan_MAnyhow, thank you chaps for your help and clarifications. I appreciate your time and patience.
13:31.23Zeeshan_MHave a good day/evening :)
13:31.25ManxPower-workTelephony is always more complex and costly than you expect.  Unless, of course, you are familiar with telecom, then Asterisk appears simple and cheap.
13:31.34*** part/#asterisk Zeeshan_M (
13:32.29[TK]D-FenderIf you can't recoup a $68 USD expense on an SPA-3102 then the projet can't be worth doing at all
13:32.36coppiceanything real time gets interesting
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13:35.44ManxPower-workTelecom Person: Wow!  I can get 24 T-1 channels for less than $700?  That's cheap!   n00b: What do you mean I have to spend $70 on an ATA?  I thought this was supposed to be free!"
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13:42.50beekManxPower-work: Very nice.   And dead-on accurate.
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14:04.37ManxPower-workOnly 7 days until the Polycom SDK is supposed to be releases.  Yay!
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14:05.05Gido-EGPL license?
14:05.18ManxPower-workGido-E: I guess we'll see when they release it.
14:05.29coppiceManxPower-work: what kind of software development is that for?
14:07.24ManxPower-workcoppice: not sure.  I'm just hoping it has some more documentation.
14:07.45Tim_Toadyany idea to check if a remote iax port is open and asterisk is listening?
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14:07.55Tim_Toadynetcat? nmap?
14:08.16ManxPower-workTim_Toady: netstat -an
14:08.33Tim_ToadyManxPower-work remote port not on my local machine
14:08.54Gido-Enetstat -utn
14:09.00ManxPower-workTim_Toady: It sucks to be you.
14:09.05Gido-Ea gives you also the unix sockets.
14:09.32ManxPower-workis the remote server behind nat?
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14:09.46ManxPower-workdid you forward UDP/4569?
14:10.07Tim_Toadyits supposed to be forwared
14:10.11Tim_Toadythats what i wanna check
14:10.25ManxPower-workthat was not your original question
14:10.47Tim_Toadymy original question was 'if a remote iax port is open and asterisk is listening?'
14:11.00Tim_Toadyand it still is
14:11.08ManxPower-workYup.  No way to tell if Asterisk is really listening without seeing the local machine.
14:11.30Tim_Toadycan i send some garbage with nc and get any responce?
14:11.33ManxPower-workSo, based on the limited stuff you actually CAN do, I'd nmap it.
14:11.41Tim_Toadynmap didnt help
14:11.57creativxtry to register to it..
14:12.02ManxPower-workas I said, it sucks to be you.
14:12.24ManxPower-workwhy did nmap not help?
14:12.36Tim_Toadythat's supposed to be some funny line?
14:12.54ManxPower-workNo.  If nmap shows the port not open, then the port is not open.  If it shows the port open, then the port is open.
14:13.12ManxPower-workNot exactly sure how either of those is "not help"
14:13.23*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:13.24benngardnmap is benngard's best friend!
14:13.39Tim_Toadyit reposts 4569/udp open|filtered unknown for all ports, even in local machies that 4569 is open
14:13.43benngardwelcome onboard
14:14.03Kattymy asterisk does not work at all
14:14.07Kattyhow to fix pls???
14:14.14creativxKatty: plz halp!!!!!!!1
14:14.27Kattycreativx: autoooooooowashh
14:14.28benngardhire a consultabt for $1000 per hour!
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14:14.40Gido-Ekatty, jump 2 times, facing north.
14:14.40Kattyhello mister monk! how's the daughter?
14:14.46Kattybenngard: now why would i do that?
14:14.57Kattybenngard: i'd get more use out of a house cleaner.
14:15.06Kattybenngard: do you do laundry and dishes and dust?
14:15.23benngardKatty: i am a father to 2 sons, what do u think?
14:15.23Gido-Ekatty, woman are born for that kind of work.
14:15.54Kattybenngard: i'm going to guess yes, and more
14:16.02KattyGido-E: you're cruisin for a bruisin
14:16.13Kattyrolls up the sleeves
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14:17.59Gido-EKatty nope, just explaining how the world works.
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14:18.51ManxPower-workThe way the world works is that everyone is trying to get an advantage over everyone else.
14:19.11Kattywell my squirrel feeders are most definately the advantagious ones.
14:19.17voipmonkthe daughter is fine :)    hello !
14:19.32Kattyvoipmonk: when do you get photos of the ultrasound?
14:19.49voipmonki have photos now :)
14:19.53voipmonkand a movie
14:19.56voipmonkat 20 weeks
14:19.59Kattyyou never shared them :<
14:20.05*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
14:20.10Polysicsi need an idea
14:20.16Polysicsi have my system that is mostly working
14:20.30Kattyi suggest cheese.
14:20.33Kattyand pasta.
14:20.40Kattytwo wonderful ideas that will get you closer to a lovely dinner.
14:20.43Polysicsbut i would like some users to be able to make calls to the outside through the sip provider we are using
14:20.54Polysicscheese and pasta always work
14:20.55ManxPower-workQuick!  Patent the idea!
14:21.11KattyManxPower-work: i'll Patent you in a minute.
14:21.24Polysicswhat is usually done there? provide an extension tha switches to the outside context?
14:21.33Polysicslike, dial 0 then the outside number?
14:21.34ManxPower-workYou use contexts
14:21.45KattyPolysics: there are a million ways to do it
14:21.52KattyPolysics: the question is, how do you, and your users, want to do it
14:21.54ManxPower-workphones with different "permissions" means phones in different contexts
14:22.06Polysicsas of now all phones are in the same context
14:22.14Polysicslet's simplify it to "all users"
14:22.18ManxPower-workPolysics: then they all have the same permissions.
14:22.45ManxPower-workcontexts are THE way to set what a phone can and can't do in the dialplan
14:22.52Polysicsand they call each other by dialing their nomber, which is a progressive from 1000
14:23.32ManxPower-workFor example I may have phones in the toll-access context that include => contexts that allow dialing 9+1+ac+phone number, but other phones are in the exten-access context, those phones are only allowed to dial extensions
14:24.31ManxPower-workPolysics: you're not using some form of Asterisk GUI, are you?
14:24.46Polysicsno, doing everything by hand
14:24.53Polysicsso i at least learn something :-)
14:25.08ManxPower-workChances are you'll have to totally redesign your dialplan.
14:25.29Polysicsmy extensions.conf mostly contains a reference to Realtime, plus a few test extensions
14:25.45ManxPower-workOh.  I can't help you then.  I wish you the BEST of luck.
14:26.03Polysicsrealtime is unused at the moment, btw :-)
14:26.09Polysicsthere are no extensions in the db :-)
14:26.11[TK]D-FenderPolysics: contexts.... learn 'em
14:28.24Polysicsso, the answer to the above, if i did know about context, would be "have 0 switch to a context for outgoing calls"?
14:28.42ManxPower-workPolysics: no.
14:28.51Polysicsgood :-)
14:29.00ManxPower-workmake the phones land in the restricted context by default by using the context= line in sip.conf for each restricted phones.
14:29.37Polysicsand then those restricted context includes the "normal" one?
14:30.00Polysicsie. the one that has the various test extensions
14:30.06*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
14:30.45[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Contexts separate what a given device or call has access to at any given point.
14:31.20ManxPower-workThe restricted contexts would only include => contexts that allow you do do whatever it is you want to do, like only dial extensiosn
14:31.28[TK]D-FenderPolysics: If you want only CERTAIN people have access to certain things then put them in separate contexts that have separate extensions
14:32.07Polysicsconversely, if i have a "basic" context that gives everyone some needed functions, i include THAT into other more specialized contexts?
14:33.18voipmonkcontexts can include other contexts with include => contextnamehere - but be careful - if u need to make another context to exclude some function, you can :)
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14:33.48ManxPower-workPolysics: contexts are both the most difficult things about Asterisk and also one of the most important things about Asterisk.
14:33.49voipmonkbut you dont have to rewrite contexts.... just include them... or exclude them...  keep this in mind when writing your own
14:34.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Hardly difficult.
14:34.55voipmonkso many cooks in the kitchen....  just dive in and try what you think works...    experiment... and use to reply with some debug or your sip.conf and extensions.conf
14:35.39Polysicsok, i managed to move one SIP account to a separate context
14:35.56Polysicsone thing: while using include, how are conflicts for the same extension resolved?
14:36.24ManxPower-workPolysics: since each context is TOTALLY separate, no problem.
14:36.50ManxPower-worknow if you include a context with a duplicate extension, I think the first one matches, but it's a bad idea to do that.
14:36.56Polysicsok, that's it
14:37.00Polysicsjust that :-)
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14:51.24AkiraaAre there any attempts at devices that combine a classical telephone with an IP one? Perhaps with FXO gateway capabilities as well
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14:53.20[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: SPA-3102
14:54.03Akiraa[TK]D-Fender: I mean something like a phone+spa-3102 all in one device
14:54.40[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Nothing that isn't some cheap POS
14:55.19Polysicswow, it works :-)
14:58.49Akiraa[TK]D-Fender: actually, I'd be interested in cheap devices for remote small offices
14:59.54*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (
15:01.33[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Why would each phone be mixed mode?  Whats the point?
15:01.52Akiraawhy not? also, fewer cables etc make for a neater office
15:01.53Katty"There is no point, i just like the story" - Grumpy Old Men
15:02.11leifmadsenI like that line:)
15:02.55Kattyhugs leifmadsen
15:03.05leifmadsensyn/ack hugs Katty
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15:04.37[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Fewer cables?  Pardon?  You d mode phones.  Each phone wil require 2 wires
15:04.47[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Sure doesn't make sense
15:04.52[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Whats the POINT?
15:05.20Skeeter-a2billing is a nightmare, it must be the GUI part of it...
15:05.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: simmerdown cranky pants.
15:05.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: you're gonna get yourself all worked up
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15:10.31Kattyanyone see on reddit where a guy is trying to buy a 35 year old company so it can run for president?
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15:15.03Polysicsany common cause for calls that do work, but one of the parties can only listen, ie. no microphone
15:15.26Polysicsit's not the PC or the extensions, it's the fact that the party that can't talk is on a different, web-based softphone
15:15.32coppiceKatty: what is the connexion between buying a company, and running for president? president of the company is a given if he buys it
15:15.40*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:15.54Polysicsi would like to exclude * from the equation, and blame the web phone
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15:16.13Kattycoppice: supreme court ruled that a company is now a person
15:16.16[TK]D-FenderPolysics: NAT issues, sound-card issues, etc.  take your pick
15:16.17ManxPower-workcoppice: in the USA corporations are "people", therefore corporations should be able to become president.  Yes, that is the logic they use.
15:16.20Kattycoppice: and a us citizen, with full rights.
15:16.35voipmonksilent partners can use the president as a front end
15:16.36coppiceso the company will run for president?
15:16.38ManxPower-workKatty: maybe full rights, but not full responsibilities.
15:16.41Kattycoppice: so someone wants to take it to the extreme and run for president iwth a coporation
15:16.41[TK]D-FenderPolysics: test the device to * DIreCTLY, not using another phone.  if that works bothe ways, then its likely a reinvitie issue as well betweent hem
15:16.54Katty <- United States of America, LLC
15:16.58Katty^- compliemnts of reddit.
15:17.08coppiceKatty: could be the first "in the black" president
15:17.23Kattyi just wonder how long it will take for someone to really try it
15:17.29Polysics[TK]D-Fender, it works both way using a normal softphone like X-Lite
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15:18.20[TK]D-FenderPolysics: ....
15:18.34[TK]D-FenderPolysics: test the web one direct
15:19.05Polysicsas in "web to web"?
15:19.10Polysicsthere is no audio in that case
15:19.39ManxPower-workPolysics: you are making no sense.  "web to web"?
15:19.46[TK]D-FenderPolysics: As in web -> *.  How many more times to I have to say it?
15:20.03Polysics[TK]D-Fender, oh, like with the Echo app, sorry
15:20.03*** join/#asterisk fatnasty1 (
15:20.12[TK]D-FenderPolysics: as in RECORD and PLAYBACK
15:20.28Katty <- BunBun has a picnic
15:21.07fatnasty1In the dial plan, can I match on most specific rather than first match?
15:21.15*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
15:21.24DrcarumasHi guys, i'm having this problem using asterisk AMD , Asterisk . Could you please check this pastbin. I don't have a clue what happening i've searched, but nothing about this.
15:21.24ManxPower-workfatnasty1: that is the default
15:22.40fatnasty1ManxPower-work: in my phones context, I include 2 other contexts. the first matches on _X. and the second on 100, if I dial 100 from the phone it matches on the _X. rather than 100.
15:23.05Kobazany idea what would cause random t1 audio dropouts:
15:23.13[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: INCLUDE
15:23.22Kobazand all the counters are clean, no frame slips, no crc errors, no nothing
15:23.23[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: INCLUDE's are searched in ORDER of "include"
15:23.43[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: they are not clumped together for matching
15:23.45ManxPower-workfatnasty1: also extensions in the local context will always have priority over extensions in an include => 'd context
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15:24.49ManxPower-workusually, needing an _X. shows poor dialplan design
15:25.08KobazManxPower-work: i would disagree
15:25.50fatnasty1ManxPower-work: Im just testing, I need to build osme logic that will playback number values to callers. I figured this logic would be out there allready, but I cant find it.
15:26.00ManxPower-workKobaz: You are always welcome to disagree.  You're wrong, but you can still disagree. 8-)
15:26.11Gido-Efatnasty1 saydigits?
15:26.16Kobazwell in that case we're both wrong
15:26.34Polysics[TK]D-Fender, a normal softphone works both with a Record/Playback app and with an Echo demo
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15:26.50ManxPower-workPolysics: then the problem would be with your "web phone".
15:26.51fatnasty1Gido-E: No I need 100,300 to play back as "one hunderd thousand three hundred"
15:27.03ManxPower-workfatnasty1: SayNumber
15:27.20fatnasty1ManxPower-work: Really? let me check
15:27.37Gido-Efatnasty1 welcome in the world of the wonders of asterisk :-)
15:27.41ManxPower-workfatnasty1: "core show applications" for the official list of applications for YOUR Asterisk.
15:27.42[TK]D-Fenderfatnasty1: SayNumber()
15:27.45Drcarumasyep and if your in english it's already done
15:27.46fatnasty1ManxPower-work: oh, hell yeah
15:27.48Polysicsi don't see anything i can recognize ad an error though
15:27.56fatnasty1ManxPower-work: Is there a saydate by anychance?
15:28.03[TK]D-FenderPolysics: You said web-client....
15:28.08ManxPower-workfatnasty1: what does "core show applications" say?
15:28.17fatnasty1ManxPower-work: nope
15:28.25ManxPower-workfatnasty1: then it's not there.
15:28.38ManxPower-workOdd, since I see something that would act like "saydate"
15:28.38Polysics[TK]D-Fender, the web client is basically connecting to the * using mjsip on the server... it's probably some sort of reinvite mismatch
15:29.00Polysicssince the extension is defined as "nat=yes" but it actually has no nat
15:29.01[TK]D-FenderPolysics: "connecting to the * using mjsip on the server" <- huh?
15:29.08fatnasty1ManxPower-work: ?
15:29.14Drcarumasguys let me check with you again my question: i'm trying to use AMD and getting some errors. Here's the pastbin link with the error: What do you thing it could be the problem?
15:29.21ManxPower-workfatnasty1: read the list of applications again
15:29.27Polysics[TK]D-Fender, it's like a softphone running on the * machine itself
15:29.32ManxPower-workDrcarumas: I doubt many people here use AMD.
15:29.57Polysicsshouldn't a reinvite problem of some sort show in the logs?
15:30.01ManxPower-workPolysics: every word out of your mouth makes your description more and more bizarre.
15:30.31[TK]D-FenderPolysics: ..... WTF is running client-side?
15:30.41Polysicshow can i clarify it without turning into a burlesque VOIP act? :-)
15:30.45DrcarumasManxPower-work: i'm aware that could be the case, even so maybe the error doenst got to do nothing with AMD. if some one could help that would be great. I've always get good tips from you guys :)
15:30.59Polysics[TK]D-Fender, Flash, and the audio echo test for Flash itself does work
15:31.13Drcarumas*anything to do with...
15:31.18ManxPower-workPolysics: no.  Connect your web phone to Asterisk.  You are not doing that.  You are connecting your phone to something called "mjsip".
15:31.20[TK]D-FenderPolysics: there shouldn't be anything running on your * server..... should be SIP from client direct to *
15:31.35[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Whats this middleman crap?
15:31.47ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I think he's just trolling.
15:31.57TheDavidFactoris there an easy to tell which module provides which applications once asterisk loaded? I know it's displayed during startup but I was wondering if it was possible to find from the CLI without restarting
15:32.25PolysicsManxPower-work, the Java client built on mjsip runs in a Red5 server to allow users to make and receive calls through a Flash in terface
15:32.32voipmonkDrcarumas: turn on debug in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf then start asterisk manually with a vvvgcd then engage your application and report back with a pastebin url...  this will force asterisk to show its soul and not just verbose , we want to see what everything is doing.
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15:32.36Polysicsnot trolling, it's (almost) working
15:32.56KobazI'm seeing an audio dropout of exactly 250ms on random intervals over t1/pri on a sangoma card.  Any idea what would cause random t1 audio dropouts: here's a sample,
15:33.00ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor: no, but you don't see that list on start either.  You can only see what modules are loaded "show modules".  You can't see what application the modules ACTUALLY provides.
15:33.01Drcarumasvoipmonk: thanks will do that
15:33.34voipmonkwhat slot is the sangoma card plugged into, Kobaz ?
15:33.41Kobazvoipmonk: the only pri slot that the machine has
15:33.44TheDavidFactorManxPower-work, actually if you start asterisk with -cvvv it will show you each module that's loaded and what applications or functions it provides
15:33.45Kobazit's a u1 server
15:33.51Kobazer, i mean pci slot, for example provides the Dial application.  res_indications, provides Playtones application
15:33.57TheDavidFactoryou might have to scroll up a lot ;-)
15:34.02Kobazi can't type today... 1u server
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15:34.40Kobazpeople are telling me it's getting progressively worse
15:34.42voipmonkKobaz: read through
15:34.57Kobazit started on sunday and now it's happening more often
15:35.03voipmonkthen read through
15:35.09voipmonkthen come back
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15:40.25Kobazhmm, that looks bad
15:40.40Kobazall the other latency values for other pci cards are sub 60
15:41.08Kobazoh wait, the higher the better
15:41.10Kobaznever mind
15:42.59KobazChoosing a different filesystem might also be a good idea, reiserFS is recommended.
15:43.21Kobazvoipmonk: this doc is old
15:44.06ManxPower-workKobaz: you should expect that
15:44.26ChainsawKobaz: Most of is old and/or wrong.
15:44.56Kobazyeah i know
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15:49.07fatnasty1ManxPower-work: SayUnixTime(1264433703,-6,bd)   thanks!
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15:55.00Kobazall the test stuff from voipinfo and the asteriskguru site checks out so far
15:55.30Kobazaverage from dahdi_test is 99.995799, no irq conflicts, no io contention with the hard drive
15:55.55Kobazrebooting seems to fix the problem, at least in the past
15:56.06Kobazhaven't did one yet, since i wanna have sangoma look at it
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15:58.03Kattyhaven't did one?
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15:58.34kruemelteehello all together
15:58.48Kattyalso! I'm looking for a big barn feeder which i can stick on that pole. if anyone has a suggestion, lemme know (=
15:59.24KobazKatty: havent did a reboot
15:59.49Kobazit's too early to be gramatically correct
16:00.03Kattyi ain't got none of dem der grammars.
16:00.25ManxPower-workYou must be from Alabama.
16:00.26Naikrovek"Them there grammars."
16:00.48Kattywhere's dave
16:00.49Kattyi miss dave
16:01.13NaikrovekI saw someone online once say they had a PhD in Grammar.
16:01.33*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
16:01.36eppigyi am dave
16:01.49beekhugs Katty
16:01.49Kattyhugs on eppigy
16:01.56Kattyeppigy: you've been gone forever.
16:01.58Kattyhugs beres
16:02.03Kattyhugs beek, too
16:02.15eppigyyeah for some reason I get disconnected
16:02.19eppigyevery now an dthen
16:02.37Kattyit's okay. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE
16:03.14ManxPower-workI always assume epiggy was female.
16:03.27Gido-Eor wants tobe
16:03.54Kattyhe doesn't look very female to me
16:04.21beekA female named dave?
16:05.17bmoraca_worklike a boy named sue?
16:05.29NaikrovekI knew a dude named Angie once.
16:05.39Kattyhow dare he steal my name.
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16:05.43Polysicsok, i think i found what the problem is: how/can i handle SIP accounts that can be both bhind NAT or not?
16:05.47NaikrovekHis name was Angelo, but he preferred Angie
16:06.07Kattymichael angie
16:06.41bmoraca_workPolysics, configure the endpoint correctly.  nat=yes isn't required by Asterisk if the endpoints are properly configured.
16:06.42ManxPower-workPolysics: nat=yes will not nat if there isn't any nat
16:07.27*** part/#asterisk ChannelZ (
16:07.41bmoraca_workPolysics, right...that, too.  nat=yes simply tells asterisk to prefer the ip:port combo that it received the packet from, rather than the URI contained within the SIP packet itself
16:07.45NaikrovekAnyone know a good 2-line ATA that allows you to set up autodialing?  pick up the phone and it auto dials something else
16:07.58bmoraca_workNaikrovek, i believe the PAP2T will do that
16:08.06Naikrovekneed to set up some outdoor weatherproof enclosures
16:08.11Naikrovekbmoraca_work: thanks
16:08.29KattyNaikrovek: oh?
16:08.36KattyNaikrovek: enclosures for what? cameras?
16:08.36bmoraca_workKatty, worst named person I ever knew was a girl in high school named Anita Johnson.  it's childish, but i always felt bad for her
16:08.51Kattybmoraca_work: that's not soo bad...
16:08.59Kattybmoraca_work: if my name was Anita, i'd just go by Annie
16:09.22Kattybmoraca_work: actually i wouldn't. Anita's an awesome name
16:09.22ManxPower-workBetter than a guy I once knew, named Jack  Hoff.
16:09.40Polysicsbmoraca_work, what do you mean with configuring the endpoints correctly?
16:09.42bmoraca_workNaikrovek, if you need something like an intercom or gate control, there are IP-based phones that will do that as well.
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16:10.04coppiceThere are lots of sad real names: Rick Shaw, Arthur Yard, Arthur Dyer who insisted on answering the phone "Dyer 'ere"
16:10.06bmoraca_workPolysics, in SIP user in the devices that will be registering to asterisk that you're concerned about.
16:10.20Naikrovekbmoraca_work: don't need that, just need for people outside to be able to call inside, if they have no knowledge of anyone's extension.  such as delivery drivers or people that show up before we officially open and the doors unlock
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16:10.48bmoraca_workNaikrovek, gotcha.
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16:14.29bmoraca_workPolysics, generally, unless you're engaging some kind of ALG (layer 7 gateway), you will need to tell the endpoint that it is behind a NAT otherwise it will reject packets from your server because they are addressed to the outside IP address.  if you configure it correctly, you shouldn't need to make Asterisk aware of the fact that the endpoint is behind a nat
16:15.06bmoraca_workPolysics, likewise, having nat=yes on all peers isn't necessarily a bad thing...though some endpoints don't like that (Cisco 7940s are touchy about that)
16:15.20Polysicsbmoraca_work, i think i basically understood 1% of what yo usaid :-)
16:15.50Polysicsbmoraca_work, let me elaborate: this particular client is a Java app on the same machine that hosts * that acts as a proxy for Flash web-based clients
16:15.53[TK]D-Fenderthinks Polysics understood 1/2 of what he claimed...
16:15.56KobazPolysics: your nat config is screwy
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16:16.33bmoraca_workPolysics, you have a java sip phone that you allow people access to?
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16:17.32Polysicsbmoraca_work, no, the Java app runs on the server, people connect to it through RTMP, it then registers with * and routes the audio streams from RTMP to SIP
16:17.57Polysicswhich boils down to "the clients run on the same machine as *"
16:18.13eppigyKatty: you should stop by for dinner some time then
16:18.15bmoraca_workthen it's always a local connection.  what's the problem?
16:18.19Kattyeppigy: kay.
16:18.20PolysicsRTMP audio works, record/playback tests on * work
16:18.30eppigyI will get some really good takeout
16:18.46titterKatty: mer mer mer hi.
16:18.55KattyKatty: mer?
16:18.58Kattytitter: mer?
16:19.00Kattytitter: also, hi!
16:19.07Polysicsbmoraca_work, the Flash clients have no microphone, and there are no particular errors, and i am under the impression there is some sort of network setup problem
16:19.08titterKatty: lol mer.
16:19.19Kattytitter: mer does not parse. please try again.
16:19.19Polysicsbmoraca_work, no microphone = don't send audio
16:20.09titterKatty: so I hate traveling, now I am stuck eating bad food for a few days
16:20.12Polysicswhile using a normal softphone everything works, but from inside NAT
16:20.33bmoraca_workPolysics, so are you trying to set up an alternative or are you trying to troubleshoot this third-party fustercluck?  if the former, fix your NAT settings...if the latter, you're looking in the wrong place
16:20.33Kattytitter: just because you travel doesn't mean you have to eat bad food.
16:20.49bmoraca_workPolysics, have you read the relevent portions of the book and looked at the sipnat tutorials?
16:20.53infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:20.55infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:21.10Polysicsbmoraca_work, i would just be happy with figuring out which part of the chain is causing problems
16:21.26Polysicsand making sure NAT settings are ok is part of it
16:22.24titterKatty: its texas ... everything is made with some sort of fat
16:22.25bmoraca_workPolysics, yes, it is.  it's the most important part of it.  and there are two sides to the NAT settings:  the server and the client.  the server-side can be negated by a properly configured client.  additionally, your port forward may not be correct and your clients' nat routers may not support SIP passtrhough
16:23.44Polysicsbmoraca_work, the NATed clients work perfectly, only, the SAME SIP accounts don't work when connecting through the RTMP server, that is, locally instead of across the NAT
16:24.37bmoraca_workwhy are you using a third-party proxy server in the first place?
16:25.56Polysicsbmoraca_work, to provide web-based calling
16:26.11Polysicsand Flash has some advantages over activeX if i can ever make it work
16:26.34bmoraca_worki thought you said you were abandoning the flash because it didn't have a microphone?
16:26.54bmoraca_workPolysics, if you're having problems with a third party application, you need to look at that third party application's support.
16:26.58Polysicsbmoraca_work, no, i mis-expressed myself, the flash client doesn't transmit audio
16:27.13bmoraca_workthat sounds like a problem with the flash client
16:28.13Polysicsit could be, but then again, my original question was if there was a surefire way to take NAT issues out of the picture
16:28.33Kattyi really hate being toshiba certified
16:28.35Polysicsas the Java part is the most complicated of the whole chain :-)
16:28.36Kattyi really, really hate it.
16:30.22titterKatty: Does that mean you can fix my vcr.
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16:30.31bmoraca_workPolysics, the only surefire way to take NAT out of the picture is to not use NAT.
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16:31.04bmoraca_workPolysics, if all connections and registrations that happen with Asterisk are coming from a Proxy residing ont he same LAN as the Asterisk box, there is no NAT as far as asterisk is concerned.
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16:33.15Polysicsbmoraca_work, what is complicating the picture is that the same SIP account could be in theory used to connect using a "standard" softphone, which would be behind NAT
16:33.28Polysicsbut i think the first test I should run is "nat=no" on one of those clients and see what happens
16:34.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=ewieling@
16:34.57p3nguinIf it doesn't work with nat=yes, I can't imagine how it could work with nat=no, since nat=yes just gives asterisk the ability to translate the addresses found inside the localnets setting.
16:35.09Polysicscanreinvite=yes too, i'd say
16:35.23p3nguinDefinitely put canreinvite to no.
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16:39.37Polysicsso, if i were to ask "where do you think the problem lies?" you would say "in the Java or Flash part"?
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16:40.56ManxPower-workPolysics: I would say "Yes".
16:40.57[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Why is there a Java AND a Flash part?
16:41.20ManxPower-workYou're not going to get much help with a "web phone" here.
16:41.23Polysics[TK]D-Fender, Flash can't connect directly to SIP, it needs "something" to act as a proxy
16:41.45PolysicsManxPower-work, i was just trying to rule out * as the source of errors
16:41.49[TK]D-FenderPolysics: which end is where in the scheme of things?
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16:42.36ManxPower-workPolysics: then use a phone we are familiar with.
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16:43.41Polysics[TK]D-Fender, the Flash client connects to the Java server using an RTMP stream. the Java server registers itself to * and pipes the RTMP audio to the * channels
16:43.51[TK]D-FenderPolysics: ....
16:44.08[TK]D-FenderPolysics: describe the #&^$ing chain including what side each PIEce is on.
16:44.19Polysicsside of the NAT?
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16:44.58PolysicsFlash client -> Outside of NAT (every user's browser) - uses ports 5080 and a few others to connect to RTMP server
16:45.37PolysicsRTMP server -> runs on same machine as *
16:45.50Polysicsthat's really all
16:45.59[TK]D-FenderPolysics: RTMP <- what other tools do you ahve to test this?
16:46.16Polysicsan Echo app similar to the * one, which does work
16:46.32Polysicsand a few others i haven't tested tbh, but if one works all should
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16:50.31[TK]D-FenderPolysics: do record & playback work as I told you to?
16:50.50Polysicsyes, using a normal softphone, not with the flash client (obviously)
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16:52.00[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Then RTMP has an issue.  its on the same box as *.  Shouldn't ahve a firewall issue local to the server (which you should check anyway).  that aisde we have no idea about the SW you are using.
16:52.17Polysics[TK]D-Fender, that's partially good news
16:52.32drmessanoDoes PJSIP have a configuration, such as which RTP ports it uses?
16:54.04Polysicsat least it restricts the operating field, which is still something good
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16:55.19drmessanoUm ok
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17:20.38Polysicsi might end up giving up...
17:20.48carrarNever Give Up
17:21.01Polysicsthere's a very good activeX client out for sale, it works wonderfully :-)
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17:25.41voipmonkhave you tried zoipers web phone?
17:25.58p3nguinIs it free?
17:27.07benngardnice feature on the ooh323 channel, when i call from a h323 phone (avaya cm) h323 (asterisk) to a sip phone, when sip phone answers the display of the h323 phone changes to the "name of" the sip phone :)
17:30.20leifmadsenp3nguin: I'm not sure if really any of the web phones I've come across are free
17:30.46Polysicsvoipmonk, i have tried Zoiper, on leifmadsen recommendation too - it is actually great
17:30.56Polysicsi just decided to give Flash one last go
17:31.17Polysicsbut apparently the project is half-dead, and it's very hard to find anyone that knows much about it
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17:31.30leifmadsennever heard of it
17:31.30Polysicsso i think i will just have to go with Zoiper
17:31.40Polysicsleifmadsen, red5phone
17:32.00Polysicsit's not far away from being usable, but some things are just too hard to debug
17:32.08Polysicstoo many parts to the stack
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17:33.23leifmadsenah, might be using this, or that web phone works with this patch:
17:34.57ManxPower-worksomeone saying "hard to debug.  too many parts to the stack" should not be trying to use aflashphone
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18:05.55klochanhi, is there some way to call mysql stored routines directly from asterisk? =)
18:09.53Naikrovekyeah i think so
18:09.57Naikroveki've never done it
18:10.29Naikrovekcan't you just use the stored procedure as a table name in the SQL query?  select * from store_procedure
18:11.43klochanin mysql i have to "call myprocedure"
18:12.50Naikrovekhow would you call it via sql
18:13.09klochanmysql cli>call my_procedure;
18:13.24klochanthat's default procedure exec
18:14.37Naikrovekwhat is the point of a stored procedure if you can only use it at the mysql_client
18:14.42Naikrovekthere must be another way
18:15.14bmoraca_workklochan, func_odbc can do that
18:17.16klochanNaikrovek, e.g. i can call stored routines from freeradius =)
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18:17.50bmoraca_workklochan, you can use func_odbc to call your stored procedures from within dialplan. has an example further down the page
18:18.43klochanooh, thank you! )
18:19.24klochanthank's a lot! ))
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18:27.32Naikrovekuh huh
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18:40.54shaun_anyone feel up to answering a few perl/cgi/asterisk questions?
18:41.09voipmonkask, shaun_
18:42.08Naikrovekjust ask
18:42.42shaun_I'm triing to set up a phone system for an answering service, I'd like it to filter calls by callerid, forward them to the correct extenstion, and display a form on a web page with information about the caller
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18:44.16shaun_I'm triing to find documentation on sending data from asterisk to another program and I'm not getting what I'm looking for
18:45.06ManxPower-workshaun_: AGI() or System()
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18:45.18Qwellor use AMI
18:45.35ManxPower-workI guess you could fire off an AMI script from the dialplan.
18:46.06Qwellno need.  All the necessary stuff is already sent out
18:46.09ManxPower-workI'm assuming he wants to do it in the dialplan
18:46.54ArtemMakhutovHello, is is possible to enable jitterbuffer (jbenable=yes) on a peer basis?
18:46.57dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, well, the web page with information about the caller sounds like an AMI interface, to me
18:47.04ManxPower-worki.e. SEND the info to the browser, not have the browser constantly polling
18:47.29ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: "sending data to a browser based on the callerID" sounds like an AGI to me.
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18:48.02shaun_brb, I'm going to hop on a computer with more than one monitor
18:49.16Naikrovekmultiple monitors are underrated
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18:50.57russellbNaikrovek: agreed
18:51.14Naikroveklaptops need dual hdmi ports for this reason
18:51.35russellbI just use a docking station for that purpose :-)
18:51.43Naikrovekthat would also work
18:52.13bmoraca_workManxPower-work, the way I've always done that in the past is an application that runs on the local workstation and monitors AGI and then pops up a browser window with whatever info is needed (HTTP GET variables are helpful)
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18:55.12shaun_has anyone ever used a DID truck?
18:55.32shaun_trunk rather
18:55.38[TK]D-Fendershaun_: No, DID's are car-only options
18:56.05[TK]D-Fendershaun_: And that entire term, even as corrected i s vague and meaningless
18:56.09bmoraca_work"DID trunk"?  do they still even have those?  to my knowledge, no asterisk hardware supports analog did trunks.
18:56.31[TK]D-Fendershaun_: DID is jsut a phone number.  the question is what is the CALL delivered to you over.
18:56.31shaun_rhino fxs cards do aparently
18:56.40infoboti heard trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
18:56.54[TK]D-Fendershaun_: FXS is for plugging in PHONES.  Since when does a PHONE send a "DID"?
18:57.07bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender, taken literally, he means an analog phone line that has more than one phone number and can receive DNIS information
18:57.34[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Yes well there are several ways to do it.  Typical is inband DTMF upon answer.
18:57.44[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Easy little script to pull that before processing.
18:57.47bmoraca_workthe voltages and signalling are very different from POTS analog lines and require specialized hardware
18:57.50[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I've done it before
18:58.04shaun_it's what someone at rhino told me, when you use a did line you have to use a FXS card with wink start
18:58.17[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I've seen it on boring analog requiring no Zaptel setup or specific cards
18:58.46[TK]D-Fendershaun_: First thats FXO, not FXS.  Second you need to confirm with your **TELCO** as to what their standard requires
18:59.42bmoraca_workshaun_, or just make it easy on yourself and use a real digital transport
18:59.45shaun_you have to provide voltage to the line so I was told you have to use an fxs card
19:00.31bmoraca_workshaun_, talk to your telco
19:01.26p3nguinI can't imagine that you would be the one providing voltage on your phone line.  That seems like something the telco normally takes care of when you pay the bill.
19:01.40ManxPower-workDID trunks can be set up in one of many ways.
19:02.02ManxPower-workp3nguin: the telco provides voltage on NORMAL lines.
19:02.26ManxPower-workSpecial access / special provisioned analog lines could be different.  And an analog DID could be one of those types of lines.
19:02.27p3nguinIs his line an abnormal one?
19:02.47ManxPower-workp3nguin: not really a big deal.  If he plugs the line in the wrong port chances are he'll just blow the port and have to replace it.
19:03.00p3nguinfun stuff.
19:03.04ManxPower-workThen maybe he'll contact the telco first.
19:04.36ManxPower-workWhen you're talking about analog DID, none of the normal telco rules apply.
19:06.48dlynes_laptopshaun_, are you referring to what's called an "analog DID trunk"?
19:07.11drmessanoIs that like a unicorn?
19:07.53ManxPower-workdrmessano: more like an honest politician.  Rare, but rumored to exist.
19:08.45drmessanoWhen he plugs that FXS card into the wall his module will be a rumor too
19:08.45dlynes_laptopdrmessano,'s a group of a minimum of four analog lines that supply incoming DIDs, but you cannot specify an outgoing DID
19:09.00[TK]D-Fender[13:59]<shaun_>you have to provide voltage to the line so I was told you have to use an fxs card <- you do not give voltage to the TELCO, they give it to YOU
19:09.03dlynes_laptopdrmessano, i don't know about other telcos, but Telus supplies these DID trunks
19:09.31drmessanoOk, how is that a trunk?
19:09.43dlynes_laptopdrmessano, it's a popular option for some businesses that want some of the power of a pri, without needing the capacity of a pri
19:09.44shaun_I want to use SIP connections anyways, DID trunk are just an industry stardard for answering services
19:09.55ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: there are types of lines where you provide voltage to the telco
19:10.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: W-T-F
19:10.34dlynes_laptopdrmessano, and don't ask me how it's called a DID trunk....ask Telus...that's what they call it on your phone bill
19:10.42bmoraca_workshaun_, how many concurrent calls are you expecting?  most answering services I deal with (generally in the medical field) are pretty high volume.  probably want something along the lines of a PRI
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19:10.48drmessanodlynes_laptop: No different than a SIP trunk
19:11.09shaun_they have 120 small business customers
19:11.11drmessanobmoraca_work: 10,000 calls.  1 at a time
19:11.14bmoraca_workManxPower-work, an OPX line, I can see that.
19:11.20dlynes_laptopdrmessano, you can call it a potato or a tomato...I don't really care....but Telus calls it a DID trunk, so that's what all of their customers call it, too
19:11.22ManxPower-workbmoraca_work: *nod*
19:11.46drmessanodlynes_laptop: Great, so lets fire up the SIP trunk debate again too
19:12.18shaun_I was thinking about having them get a t1 and use SIP with G.729, they'll be able to handle about 60 calls at once then correct?
19:12.29bmoraca_work"trunk" is an idiom in the telephony world.  it's taken to meaning "way of reaching the PSTN or connecting PBXes".  let people do what they need.
19:13.01shaun_the provider wants me to use 711 but that will limit me to like 18 calls at once
19:13.05dlynes_laptopdrmessano, anyways...I talk to telcos all day, so I need to speak their terminology, not yours
19:13.05bmoraca_workshaun_, if their current internet cannot handle the SIP traffic, you're not going to save any money by using SIP accounts AND paying for extra internet accounts.
19:13.19drmessanodlynes_laptop: It isn't *MY* terminology
19:14.02drmessanodlynes_laptop: and i don't care if you sleep in a cardboard box outside their headquarters, its still wrong
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19:16.43fatnasty1how do i set up sip session timers? i cant find any reference to it, I assume somewhere in sip.conf
19:16.53ManxPower-work"Dialogic® Brooktrout® TR1034 Fax Boards do not use an external power supply, but instead get the DID voltage from the PCI bus. Once the DID line is activated, -48Vdc power must be continuous, or the telephone company may disconnect the DID service. The Brooktrout TR1034 DID Fax Board will supply the voltage to the DID line as long as the PC power is on and the Fax Board gets the voltage from the PC bus; the phone company should not put any v
19:16.58dlynes_laptopfatnasty1, which version of asterisk are you using?
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19:17.47fatnasty1dlynes_laptop: 1.6
19:17.56dlynes_laptopfatnasty1, 1.6.?
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19:18.17ManxPower-workfatnasty1: there were no mention of sip timers in the sip.conf.sample?
19:18.19dlynes_laptopfatnasty1, yeah...that version definitely supports sec
19:18.21coppiceManxPower-work: those things are a pain. you normally want a 48V float battery to ensure they stay up
19:18.25ManxPower-workvoipmonk: running IPv6 I see.
19:18.46fatnasty1ManxPower-work: i didnt make samples, Im looking on voip-info
19:18.49p3nguin"outgoing DID"    I have to remember that; that's a good one.
19:18.49ManxPower-workcoppice: *nod*  But it is a situation where YOU are providing voltage TO the telco.
19:19.08ManxPower-workfatnasty1: stop looking at old docs and read the sip.conf.sample.  "make samples" will overwrite your configs
19:19.20dlynes_laptopfatnasty1, /usr/local/src/path/to/your/asterisk/source/code/asterisk-
19:19.25voipmonksmacks ManxPower-work on the head with a styrofoam box........ BOOKTROUT!!!!! BROOKTROUT!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
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19:19.58coppiceManxPower-work: yep. its one of the reasons PBXes in many places are required to have >8 hour battery power
19:20.03ManxPower-workI was making a joke aboutIPV6 AAAAAAAAAAAA records (or however many A's they use)
19:20.10drmessanograbs a pole. some worms, and a 24 pack of budweiser
19:20.32fatnasty1How about that, didnt know the configs/ directory existed... thanks.
19:20.50ManxPower-workfatnasty1: wait until you discover the docs/ directort
19:20.57voipmonkthe first time i held a brooktrout card I was reminded by my boss that they cost more than a few months pay for me at the time
19:21.07dlynes_laptopfatnasty1, where did you think make samples got the configs from?  embedded docs inside the C code?
19:21.10voipmonkhad to be like 97 or 98 ish
19:21.37fatnasty1dlynes_laptop: Never crossed my mind
19:21.53ManxPower-workfatnasty1: the only official docs are the docs that are part of Asterisk
19:23.06shaun_everything I'm reading is about managing existing calls or placing outgoing
19:24.07ManxPower-workshaun_: you're not going to find much info about doing what you want to do.
19:25.19shaun_I'm decent with perl and there are 3 products on the market using asterisk that provide a simular service
19:25.42dlynes_laptopshaun_, what kind of service is that?
19:25.47dlynes_laptopshaun_, answering machine?
19:26.04ManxPower-workshaun_: Yes.  Much like billing, CRM is usually a costly thing to buy.
19:26.04shaun_answering service
19:26.27[TK]D-Fendershaun_: Sounds petty to make in *
19:26.43ManxPower-workshaun_: first you have to figure out how to send data to the browser -- this is not an Asterisk thing.
19:27.16shaun_I've got it to filter calls by caller ID and forward them to the correct extenstion
19:27.32ManxPower-workshaun_: but you are ignoring the hardest part.
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19:27.51shaun_I'm getting to it, not ignoring it
19:28.13bmoraca_workshaun_, don't most answering services provide each customer with their own DID for routing calls?  seems that will be much more reliable than using callerid...
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19:29.42shaun_when you forward calls to the sip number the caller ID shows the number that was called
19:30.06shaun_I'm working with a 10k budget to get this up for the first month
19:30.09ManxPower-workshaun_: maybe for YOU, but not for most people
19:30.17benngardcan u help me find the english/american word for "a box that u attach to pstn, load money into it, and can make stamps) if i just translate the swedish word(s) it will be stamp-machinne
19:30.27shaun_what do you mean, maybe for me?
19:30.37ManxPower-workbenngard: "postage machine"
19:30.37bmoraca_workshaun_, i'll set it up for 5k and then use the next 5k to provide you with DIDs and trunking for 6 months.
19:30.49p3nguinpostage meter?
19:30.56ManxPower-workshaun_: I've never had a number forwared to sip that set the callerid to the dialed number
19:31.08ManxPower-workI'm not aware of any SIP providers that do that.
19:31.39shaun_you get the number that placed the call in the first place?
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19:31.50dlynes_laptopshaun_, that only applies if you to an attended transfer to another number
19:31.56ManxPower-workshaun_: Yes.
19:32.08bmoraca_workDNIS vs. ANI
19:32.55benngardi have like 20 "postage machines" that i need to reload, vithout pstn, gonna be fun tomorrow to do it by some ata's and asterisk ;)
19:33.42benngardp3nguin: exactly that kind of stuff i mean
19:34.00benngardlearned a new word
19:34.56shaun_shit, I think the sales guy lied to me
19:35.04Naikrovekthat NEVER happens
19:35.10Naikrovekhates sales guys
19:35.16benngardsales guy never lie!
19:35.24benngardbut sales girl do ;)
19:35.26shaun_I've tested it though and it worked with my phone
19:36.33shaun_I forwarded my number to the sip line they let me test with, called if from another phone and my number came up
19:36.55dlynes_laptopshaun_, it's because you're doing a forwarding
19:36.58dlynes_laptopshaun_, not a transfer
19:37.24dlynes_laptopshaun_, erm....nvm...misunderstood what you said
19:37.26p3nguinbenngard: Are your machines printing postage onto envelopes based on weight, or just putting out stamps?
19:37.37bmoraca_workshaun_, depends how you forwarded the number and what your provider does.
19:37.38shaun_that's what the customers will be doing, forwarding all of their calls to us after hours
19:38.05bmoraca_workshaun_, if they're doing it at the telco level, the callerid of the originall caller will be passed
19:38.12bmoraca_work(most of the time)
19:38.21dlynes_laptopshaun_, are you Answer()'ing the call before calling the other device?
19:38.24paulcshaun_ So it's fine if they have a specific DID each, you'll get the caller's caller ID
19:38.47bmoraca_workshaun_, the only way to accurately route like this is by DNIS.  each business will need their own DID.  DIDs are dirt cheap, though.
19:38.49paulcbut you can't get all your customers to forward to the same numebr unless you get the RDNIS from yoru provider
19:38.55benngardp3nguin: based on weight, the small envelope, i can just slide them through and the stamp get prited, the bigger i have to make "stamps" for them
19:39.10p3nguinbenngard: That's called a postage meter.
19:39.18shaun_I don't really care about the callers callerid
19:39.20paulcOr a franking machine
19:39.32shaun_so it looks like I'm going with DID
19:39.33paulcNeopost make them.. I used to sell them (long story!)
19:39.46bmoraca_workshaun_, i understand that, but you cannot accurately route this way based on callerid information
19:39.59benngardfrankeringsmaskin in swedish, wtf didnt i wrote that word
19:40.15benngardwe are using neopost
19:40.19shaun_looks like I'm starting from scratch again, heh
19:40.26paulcIn the UK we call them Franking Machines. No one in North America calls them that though.
19:40.26bmoraca_workshaun_, a "DID" is just a telephone number.  a PRI or a SIP account can generally have multiple telephone number associated, and you can have asterisk route differently based on them
19:41.58Kattymmmm, cajun
19:42.19shaun_I still need to figure out how to pass live call information to a program
19:42.31Kattyi got a Bird Feeder Pole accessory whiel i was at the store.
19:42.39bmoraca_workshaun_, what program?
19:42.41Kattyhopefullly it fits my has 3 hooks on it rather than two (=
19:42.50Kattyi got a hanging bird bath for it
19:42.58dlynes_laptopKatty, btw...your camera was severely overexposed yesterday
19:43.02bmoraca_workshaun_, and what "live call information"?
19:43.05Kattydlynes_laptop: yes, i know.
19:43.08shaun_I wanted to use perl with a browser
19:43.08Kattydlynes_laptop: and i told you why, too
19:43.13Kattydlynes_laptop: i guess you didn't get the message.
19:43.14dlynes_laptopKatty, oh...must've missed it
19:43.59shaun_I want the people on the extenstion to see what customer's calling before they answer the phone
19:44.03ktwilightframa :)
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19:44.17shaun_and have a form for them to take a message and email it to the client
19:44.20QubeZhello all
19:44.24shaun_the second part is easy
19:44.25p3nguinshaun_: People aren't on extensions.
19:44.45shaun_the folks answering the call
19:44.47Kattyp3nguin: who says.
19:44.54p3nguinPBX law
19:44.56bmoraca_workshaun_, so what's stoping you?  there are a couple ways to do this...application running on the user's system (AMI) which pops up a web browser (there are currently apps built to do this (snap-a-number is one))...or you can build a webpage that polls a database or AJAX engine...tons of ways to do that
19:44.58QubeZif i have a pc connected though my polycom's "pc" port and polycom "lan" is connected to my router. how do I get stun client running on my laptop to show my phone its public ip?
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19:45.09bmoraca_workp3nguin, don't start with that shit again
19:45.10Kattyp3nguin: show me your badge.
19:45.12Kattyp3nguin: officer.
19:45.22cjphi - how can i check which modules are loaded from the CLI?
19:45.35QubeZcjp show modules
19:45.50p3nguinmodules show
19:45.55QubeZshow modules like func <-- will show you all the func modules
19:46.07p3nguinmodules show!
19:46.11QubeZp3nguin or 'module show'
19:46.13Kattyp3nguin: simmer.
19:46.16Kattyp3nguin: down.
19:46.18QubeZi dont see a modules show
19:46.27QubeZits not plural
19:46.42[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: You usually don't have to set anything on Polycom's to work behind NAT.  Only seetings are * side
19:46.44shaun_snap a number seems to do the reverse of what I need
19:47.01p3nguinYou're right.  I got carried away on the keyboard and made it plural when it isn't.
19:47.11Kattyp3nguin: what's got your panties in a bunch today.
19:47.28QubeZ[TK]D-Fender i have nat=yes and externip set on my asterisk but i keep getting these errors: [Jan 25 14:13:04] WARNING[28287]: chan_sip.c:1981 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 9fead017-b8477625-56e055f2@ for seqno 2 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
19:47.32bmoraca_workshaun_, no, snap-a-number does EXACTLY what you need.  it will launch a web browser with callerid information as HTTP GET variables pointed to whatever script you want.
19:47.34cjpi'm having the stranges problems since installing . first of all, i get a crash on reload about 70% of the time. secondly, my iax2 devices won't register
19:47.54[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: Show me an actual call with actual SIP debug, and actual configs and maybe we'll find the problem.
19:48.01ManxPower-workQubeZ: try using localnet= too
19:48.06QubeZ[TK]D-Fender my phone is not registering
19:48.17QubeZManxPower-work i have in my localnet as well
19:48.21[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: And where's the SIP DEBUG of that for me to look at?
19:48.34shaun_alright, I'm going to do some deeper reading into ADA
19:48.38shaun_thanks for all of the help
19:48.45cjpi have reported the crash on reload to digium, as it's freakin serious. we've been dropping channels all day. it was happening on 1.4.25 and we did a rebuild to 1.4.29 but it didn't solve the problem
19:48.55bmoraca_workshaun_, ADA is a huge hunk of crap.  see if you can find the original Snap-A-Number anywhere
19:49.00cjpwhat's got me know though is why the hell my IAX2 channels won't register
19:49.16cjpthis is a stable system that has been running for more or less 4 years
19:49.44shaun_where's a good place to order poloycom phones? seems pretty decent
19:50.10QubeZ[TK]D-Fender how do i get that for you?
19:50.22[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: * CLi
19:50.35QubeZset verbose 100 ?
19:50.40[TK]D-FenderSIP DEBUG
19:50.44[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: "help sip"
19:50.57Kattywhy can't someone make a bird feeder which can easily accomodate a blue jay
19:51.00Kattywhy are they all so /tiny/
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20:00.12cjpany idea on why IAX2 devices suddenly don't register? it's not like i'm complete newbie here, I have been running this system for 4 years
20:00.45cjpdialplan, in other words, is fine
20:01.00bmoraca_workcjp, i'm guessing an IAX2 debug might shed a little more light on what's going on.
20:01.09[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: Now try looking at the COMPLETE COMMUNICATION
20:01.12cjpyeah, it does very little
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20:01.51cjpwhen i try to register, here is the debug:
20:01.51cjpRx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK        Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 03777  DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ     Timestamp: 00003ms  SCall: 00468  DCall: 00000 []    USERNAME        : 107    REFRESH         : 3600  Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK        
20:02.01infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:02.12QubeZ[TK]D-Fender check this out:
20:02.18QubeZcomplete communication
20:02.21cjpunfortunately, i can't read that
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20:04.33[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: There is no register in there
20:04.54QubeZthats all that scrolls by
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20:05.58[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: You tell me it fails to register.  You aren't showing me it failing to register.  I don't see peer status.  I don't see a call attempt from it.  I don't see a call attempt to it.
20:06.20QubeZpeer status: 12410                      (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
20:06.45[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: restart the phone and watch the regiswter attempt
20:07.53QubeZvia the sip debug? sorry, im very new to this and trying to get a phone to register over DSL
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20:08.52QubeZ[TK]D-Fender rebooting phone now
20:09.24cjpwhat should i see when a phone tries to register over IAX2?
20:09.45ChrisWihow is it possible to compile asterisk with h323, when I try to build a rpm ?
20:12.35p3nguinchriswi: Use checkinstall to install it after building from source.  checkinstall should be able to roll your files into an rpm for you.  You'll just need to set the prefix and sysconfdir options when you configure it.
20:13.27benngardh323 and asterisk thats what i am struggling with
20:13.29cjpwhat should i see when a phone tries to register over IAX2?
20:13.36ChrisWiI have pwlib and openh323 coming via rpm,
20:14.20ChrisWithe configure succeed, but the channels/h323/Makefile fails.
20:14.35p3nguinDid you already install those dependency rpms?
20:14.38ChrisWibecause it wants to include the openh323.mak
20:14.40benngardChrisWi: maybe some are gonna kill me but go for addons/ooh323 instead
20:15.00ChrisWiwhats that, deps ?
20:15.07QwellChrisWi: what actually happens when you try?
20:16.25benngardChrisWi: i have the addons/ooh323 up and running, it doesnt need any pwlib and stuff like that
20:16.35p3nguinchriswi: If your build will need h232, then you obviously need to install the h323 rpm first.
20:17.44ChrisWiI did, and the ast configure finds /usr/include/openh323/h323.h and /usr/include/ptlib.h
20:17.56p3nguinIs that acceptable?
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20:18.32benngardChrisWi: what version of asterisk are u trying to compile?
20:18.40ChrisWibut I hassle with this: include $(OPENH323DIR)/openh323u.mak
20:18.48ChrisWibenngard: 1.4.29
20:18.58benngardsorry to old for me
20:19.03p3nguininclude $(OPENH323DIR)/openh323u.mak fails?
20:19.09p3nguinbenngard: OLD?  It's brand new.
20:19.13ChrisWii also looked into, but this stuff didn't changed
20:19.17benngardbut did u do a proper EXPORT?
20:19.20p3nguinIt was just released within the past 48 hours.
20:19.28ChrisWiso it makes no difference wich version to take
20:19.38Naikrovek"Config file error  error is 0x0"
20:19.45benngardthe asterisk yes, but the h323 driver is old'
20:20.37p3nguinchriswi: If you know where openh323u.mak is, then set your OPENH323DIR environment variable to be the path to it.
20:20.39ChrisWiyes, I already reconized this. branched to "opalvoip" and "h323+"
20:21.33ChrisWithis file came with the openh323 rpm and resides in /usr/share/openh323/
20:22.17ChrisWibut inside there are settings for: OPENH323DIR     = /usr/src/packages/BUILD/openh323_v1_19_0_1
20:22.41ChrisWiwhich does not exists, it has existed, when buildung openh323 rpm
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20:23.47ChrisWiisn't there a way to build the "", with -I/usr/inlude/openh323 ?
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20:24.13ChrisWiI think the make files should be rewritten, to get this stuff work
20:24.37ChrisWifor me it looks like having openh323 as source, not as rpm.
20:25.47Corydon76-lapChrisWi: that's because it uses a set of files to get the driver to build that is not installed with the regular targets
20:26.08Corydon76-lapbut very few people use h323 anymore anyway
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20:27.16benngardi do
20:27.26ChrisWiCorydon76-lap: so your advice would be not to compile h323 in ?
20:27.47benngardif u dont need h323 dont
20:27.59benngardbut if u need it...
20:28.31Corydon76-lapChrisWi: that, or get a distro that installs the .mak file correctly (like Ubuntu)
20:28.37ChrisWithougt it is for video conferencing, isn't it ?
20:28.57Corydon76-lapChrisWi: No, it's a separate protocol.  Most people use SIP nowadays
20:29.39Corydon76-lapVideo is a codec, which is completely separate and agnostic about what protocol is used to carry it
20:29.46p3nguinI can't believe you would advise to completely change operating systems because of a single file.
20:29.50QubeZcan someone help me troubleshoot what is happening here: -- my phone is not registering over the internet using SIP. I've opened the ports on PIX (5060, 10000-20000). Used externsip, nat=yes and localnet on my * server.
20:30.07p3nguinDon't like the color of front door on your house?  MOVE!
20:30.19Corydon76-lapp3nguin: I advise changing from using RH purely because it's RH, not because of a single file.
20:30.32voipmonkmove? u mean go to home depot and change it?
20:30.40[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth)
20:30.46[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: Has nothing to do with NAT
20:30.49ChrisWiCorydon76-lap: so there is no really need to have h323 ?
20:31.05[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: NAT would stop the packets from making it from A to B.  Its arriving and * is saying "GTFO"
20:31.10Corydon76-lapp3nguin: that's like saying if you don't like living in a garbage heap, you should repaint your front door.
20:31.21Corydon76-lapChrisWi: no need at all
20:31.41QubeZ[TK]D-Fender hmm bad auth, we're using the same user/pass for all the phones here
20:31.49Corydon76-lapWell, other than for people who need to integrate with existing h323 endpoints
20:31.52[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: BAD
20:31.54ChrisWithanks, I will skip it, then.
20:32.06ChrisWiyou made me happy :)
20:32.09[TK]D-Fender\qubSet them sanely, and individually
20:32.16carrarevery phone is extension 100 and pass 100
20:32.21carrarthats rocks
20:32.34QubeZwell no, its <ext> for username and same pass for password
20:32.50QubeZso in this case its user: 12410 pass: fppass
20:33.08p3nguinYou should put more numbers in your extensions.
20:33.25carrarat least 10
20:33.26p3nguinMake it more than the actual DID phone number.
20:33.31Corydon76-lapYou should also make your passwords sufficiently difficult to GUESS
20:33.44QubeZi understand but this is a lab
20:33.46QubeZim testing
20:34.16p3nguinLearning the right way while still in testing would be the best.
20:34.16Corydon76-lapusernames are nothing.  They're generally in plaintext in the protocol.  It's the PASSWORD that needs to be long, random, and difficult to predict
20:34.17QubeZall my lab phones have basic setup so i can test registration via internet but its not working. Bad auth *shrug*
20:35.00carrarQubeZ, remove the internet part and just get a local phone working
20:35.21QubeZcarrar i have several 124xx phones working locally
20:35.39QubeZ12400 and 12406 are working and have been. Just trying to get 12410 to work over internet.
20:36.58carrarQubeZ, you're not using sip fixup
20:37.01carraron the pix
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20:37.09carrarshouldn't be using
20:37.22QubeZshouldn't be using sip fixup? im not, just inspect sip is the only config line
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20:38.20murdock_utHowdy all.
20:38.27QubeZ...udp any host PUBLIC_IP eq sip  <-- assuming here sip is 5060
20:39.00carrarback in 2007 I used a pix once and had to add 'fixup protocol sip 5060' & 'fixup protocol sip udp 5060'
20:39.09carrarnot sure if that will help you at all
20:39.19carrarerr no fixup protocol sip 5060
20:39.25carrarand no fixup protocol sip udp 5060
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20:39.52carrarpix code has change I'm sure since then
20:42.11carrarget 12410 working locally first
20:44.01cjpcan someone tell me if my dialplan says this: exten => 106,4,Dial(SIP/106,60)
20:44.19cjpwhy the CLI shows this:     -- Executing [106@from-internal:4] Dial("SIP/107-0000000d", "SIP/106|60") in new stack
20:44.45cjpi don't recall seeing that first part of the dial statement previously - has something been changed to make this now visible?
20:44.57voipmonkare you using a device named 107 to call 106?     whats before the 4th priority ? show your dialplan on
20:45.29murdock_utI friend who sells PBX for a living was showing me a cool feature and I was wondering if such an animal was in asterisk.  I know it could be accomplished using agi, but I thought I would ask if there was something more native.  In a dial plan you somehow set variables and their values and then tell the system to send these variables to a webpage via post or get.  In that webpage the user...
20:45.31murdock_ut...would have whatever logic they wanted and then return any information need back via xml.  The pbx would then receive that xml and out create and populate any variables in that xml and make make it available to the dialplan.
20:46.07[TK]D-Fendermurdock_ut: System()
20:46.11murdock_utshish, bad grammer.
20:47.04voipmonkmurdock_ut: yes.... but there are better ways of doing that
20:47.25voipmonkgreat, cjp  now show some sip debug
20:47.51bmoraca_workmurdock_ut: yes, System() could do that...or I believe there's a CURL module for Asterisk now...that would do it too
20:47.55murdock_utvoipmonk: I know you could use something like curl I think in an php agi script
20:48.08*** join/#asterisk Geminizer (
20:48.20voipmonkno i would probably do something else... :)
20:48.20[TK]D-FenderNo need for AGI
20:48.49murdock_utPersonally I would like to make use of Asterisks native functions and avoid agi if at all possible.
20:48.50GeminizerHello all.  Has anyone ever used voicetrading?
20:49.45KattyGeminizer: no, but i recently tried Blistex's medicated lib balm with sunscreen.
20:49.52KattyGeminizer: it's not all that great :<
20:51.07KattyCarmex Moisture Plus (with SPF 15) is lots better
20:51.14Naikrovekcarmex > *
20:51.30Kattywell, i mostly agree with that
20:51.30GeminizerYeah... finding out the hard way :)   I have followed their documentation to set up a sip trunk, and keep getting "Everyone is busy/congested at this time"
20:51.39Kattyexcept that Blistex bought out a company named Lip Medex
20:51.45Kattyit's a little blue tin
20:51.48Naikrovekhas a lesson for all Polycom users. double check your config files before you reboot all your phones.
20:51.49p3nguinI'll stick to my Chap Stick medicated.
20:51.53voipmonkGeminizer: show your debug - use
20:51.53KattyLip Medex > *
20:52.04Kattyp3nguin: try some lip medex. i bet you won't switch back
20:52.19p3nguinIf it comes in a stick, I might consider it.
20:52.50Kattyidk if it comes in a stick
20:53.00Katty <- google seems to think it does.
20:53.12Kattybut idk if that's the same as the stuff in the tin. the stuff in the tin is amazing
20:53.58[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Meaningless.  Go look at SIP DEBUG for the call
20:54.45paulcHmm.. CURL vs AGI.. discuss?
20:54.59bmoraca_workGeminizer: decent rates, but how can they not be losing their shirt with 1-second billing intervals calling places like Mexico which has 60/60 local billing?
20:55.02Kattywill there be heat damage?
20:55.39bmoraca_workGeminizer: nevermind, I was looking at the EU rates and thinking they were in USD.  those rates aren't very good :)
20:57.46Naikrovekanyone know of a way to remotely reboot polycom phones without using the webui to do it
20:58.50p3nguinThat's one thing I like about using SCCP on Cisco phones.  I can reset the phones from * CLI.
20:59.11Naikrovekcruising the entire building rebooting phones is not the best way to spent 30 minutes
20:59.15Naikrovekwould rather do it remotely
21:00.44[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: PoE switch.  Unplug.  Plug.
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21:01.00Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: yeah that's not a bad idea.  gotta get the poe switch though
21:01.26[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You mean you aren't running that on a rack with a networked PDU?
21:01.59Naikrovekman i inherited this setup and the owners are SUPER cheapasses
21:03.33*** join/#asterisk aidinb (n=Aidin@
21:04.09Naikroveki have switches scattered all over because they were shocked at what cat5e cost on a spool
21:04.26Naikroveki wanna consolidate all those, of course, but am getting pushback
21:04.39TheDavidFactorI upgraded to and I'm seeing a weird issue. Pastebin: the macro argument comes in and is present on line 6, but is empty on line 14. Line 7 was just something I tried. Can anyone give me any suggestions?
21:05.41NaikrovekTheDavidFactor: what did you upgrade from
21:06.19voipmonkwhats your debug tell you , TheDavidFactor ?
21:06.23[TK]D-FenderTheDavidFactor: You don't make IVR's in macro's.  Shoot On Sight Capital Offense
21:06.36*** join/#asterisk bio-tty (n=c@
21:06.41bio-ttyi have a sip question -- is an invite server transaction erased once a 2xx has been sent from TU?
21:06.45bio-ttyand if this is the case (and therefore a new server transaction created if the same INVITE is received again due to retransmit) then how is the completed dialog supposed to detect and handle the retransit?  cseq?  upper via;branch?  if the latter, then the concept (of rfc 3261) seem to duplicate transaction-logic in the dialog.
21:06.53TheDavidFactor1.4.2x to to but I don't think I ever tried using this particular macro on
21:07.17[TK]D-FenderTheDavidFactor: And you are jumping out of "s" and thinking a a macro will survive.  Once you hard-goto youa re asking for trouble.
21:07.51TheDavidFactorok, thanks!
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21:12.16dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, why are ivr's a bad thing in macros?
21:12.35Qwelldlynes_laptop: because it changes the extension
21:12.54Qwellexiting the macro becomes rather tricky
21:12.55dlynes_laptopQwell, ok, but you can pass the extension as an argument to the macro
21:13.03ManxPower-workThe first thing I do in almost all my macros is to change the extension.
21:13.22ManxPower-workexten => s,1,Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN},1)
21:13.35ManxPower-workUsed to do that for CDRs, but I don't think it's really needed anymore.
21:13.37dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, what's wrong with the 's' extension?
21:13.47ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: "s" doesn't tell much in the CDRs
21:13.52bio-ttydoesnt people use ael?
21:13.59ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: use a gosub instead of a macro if using 1.6
21:14.15dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, oh...thought the cdr would've recorded the extension before it went to the macro
21:14.47dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, or you're talking for outbound calling?  not inbound?
21:14.49ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: there were changes (1.6?) which made CDRs accurate for macros
21:15.15dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, ah...I didn't actually start using macros much until after I started using 1.6
21:15.40dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, previously, I mostly used includes
21:15.43ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: You know Macro() is deprecated, right?
21:15.49dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, it is?
21:16.07dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, odd that it doesn't give you a warning about it, then
21:16.09ManxPower-workand in 1.6 there is no reason to not use a Gosub.
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21:16.17paulcGoSub is the new preferred method? I think I read that somewhere?
21:16.21dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, gosubs are cdr accurate?
21:16.30ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: It's such an important app I doubt they are going to remove it anytime soon.
21:16.33ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: I do not know.
21:17.00dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, well, you said it was deprecated, which warrants a warning, not an error...obsoleted would warrant an error
21:17.11ManxPower-workI last visited the issue before Gosub accepted options so it made it a non-starter for me.  I first visited the issue before Gosub even existed.
21:17.37dlynes_laptopso everything macro does, gosub also does?
21:18.21ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: in 1.6.x+ yes, not for 1.4.x
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21:19.00ManxPower-workThe only thing missing, as far as I know is a GOSUB_EXTEN like like MACRO_EXTEN.
21:19.12rizwankCan I get some sort of status back from a Dial() to react to how the call ended? For instance, I want to detect when the Dial(Skype ...) completes a call versus fails due to capacity or something. (I assume the Dial() is blocking - I can't run any code during it.)
21:19.24ManxPower-workrizwank: "core show application Dial)
21:19.35ManxPower-worknotice the variables that Dial sets.
21:20.08rizwankcheck. thanks.
21:20.33rizwankAre commands like Dial and playback usually blocking (unless the application specifically states that it's waiting for dtmf)
21:20.34ManxPower-workrizwank: you won't find much help for Skype here.
21:20.49leifmadsenManxPower-work: we don't remove applications for backwards compatibility
21:21.15leifmadsenGoSub() is preferred over Macro()
21:21.23ManxPower-workleifmadsen: just functions and variables and priority jumping, I guess applications are the only thing not changed./
21:21.26paulcrizwank: yes - they block. See dial parameter "g" to continue on in the dialplan after call end
21:21.41rizwankawesome. thanks.
21:21.47rizwanktime to read over that
21:22.00leifmadsenManxPower-work: previously things got removed -- that is no longer the case within the last year or so
21:22.03dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, ah...thanks...I never use MACRO_EXTEN, anyways
21:22.12ManxPower-work* The CallerPres application has been removed.  Use SetCallerPres
21:22.24ManxPower-workI suspect I can find more examples.
21:22.29leifmadsenManxPower-work: what version was that introduced in
21:22.34dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, ummmm....yes you do remove applications :)
21:22.34p3nguinIs there anything like Dial()'s 'g' option to use with Queue() so that after one side of the calls hangs up, it can continue, or does that fall entirely onto the 'h' extension?
21:22.35leifmadsenManxPower-work: like I said -- previously we removed
21:23.01dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, ah....when is 'previously'?
21:23.06leifmadsenno one reads
21:23.14leifmadsenlook at what I just said 2 lines ago
21:23.20dlynes_laptopah...last year or so
21:23.31ManxPower-workthat's pretty recently.
21:23.38dlynes_laptopi would say
21:23.49ManxPower-workleifmadsen: backwards compatible for ever?
21:23.51leifmadsenthat would be correct
21:24.12ManxPower-workThat's sad.
21:24.13leifmadsenManxPower-work: features that have better methods will remain, but may not be supported
21:24.31leifmadsenManxPower-work: that other comment was directed at:  "that's pretty recently"
21:24.32ManxPower-workleifmadsen: like DBGet/DBPut/DBDel?
21:24.52ManxPower-workJust how DO you delete an entry in AstDB anymore?
21:24.58leifmadseneven if the code exists, that doesn't mean we can't change the default compile time options in menuselect to not be selected
21:25.08leifmadsenManxPower-work: DB_DELETE() I believe
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21:25.34bmoraca_workall the AstDB stuff got changed to functions instead of apps...weird dichotamy, but i guess it works
21:25.47dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, DBDel() and DBdeltree()
21:26.01dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, or are those removed as of asterisk 1.6.2?
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21:26.22dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, they still exist in 1.6.1
21:26.24leifmadsendlynes_laptop: look at menuselect to determine -- I don't have the list of available applications and functions memorized for each version
21:26.42ManxPower-workpbx*CLI> core show FUNCTION DBDel
21:26.42ManxPower-workNo function by that name registered.
21:26.47leifmadsenthat's not a function
21:26.50ManxPower-worknevermind, that's not all caps
21:26.50leifmadsenthat's an application
21:27.01leifmadsenplus the caps
21:27.32p3nguin[Jan 25 15:26:34] WARNING[6442]: app_ivrdemo.c:98 skel_exec: skel requires an argument (filename)
21:27.34dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, DBDel()/DBdeltree() are applications, DB_DELETE(), DB(), DB_EXISTS() are all functions
21:28.10p3nguinThis is what happens when calling IVRDemo... but core show application IVRDemo does not state anything about skel filename as an arg.
21:28.44leifmadsenp3nguin: look at the code -- sounds like someone developed IVRDemo from app_skel.c and didn't change something
21:28.59leifmadsenp3nguin: app_skel.c is a skeleton application for an example of how to start building your own application
21:30.04bmoraca_workthat sounds like FUN!
21:30.14dlynes_laptopKinda silly though that DBDel() and DB_DELETE() both exist, though
21:30.16p3nguinThis seems like a bug in the application description.
21:30.41leifmadsendlynes_laptop: why? if you have an old dialplan about 10,000 lines long, it's nice when you can continue using the old method
21:30.56dlynes_laptopand DB_DELETE() should delete a tree if you specify a tree, or a key if you specify a key
21:31.02leifmadsendlynes_laptop: hence the backwards compatibility -- if you don't need DBdel(), then just don't compile it
21:31.17dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, well, because your old dialplan will break anyways, if DBPut()/DBGet() are gone
21:31.27leifmadsendlynes_laptop: hence why we offer both...
21:31.31leifmadsenI don't get your point
21:31.46ManxPower-workI'm just worried about code bloat
21:31.57p3nguinBack to my previous comment, "core show application IVRDemo" does not state that it requires a file name nor a skeleton application.  It doesn't state that there are ANY args for IVRDemo at all.
21:31.59leifmadsenManxPower-work: everything is a module -- just don't compile what you don't need
21:32.01dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, why not get rid of all the old db remnants instead of only some of them, thus confusing people like ManxPower-work
21:32.50leifmadsendlynes_laptop: because when stuff was removed, people got all bitchy they couldn't upgrade without having to refactor their dialplan, and when we don't remove stuff, people get all bitchy that we have provided too many options
21:33.15ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: I suspect my misunderstanding came about from the mailing lists discussions back when DB() was being discussed.  I'm trying to update my info from 1.2 to 1.6.x, but it's a slow process.
21:33.18dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, ok...weird
21:33.22p3nguinSo keep the deprecated apps and always issue warnings on the CLI.
21:33.43leifmadsenpeople are welcome to file bugs as always
21:33.57Geminizerok, the SIP DEBUG dump --> <-- even more cryptic than basic verbosity :)
21:34.07dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, if you deprecate stuff and then keep it deprecated for two major versions before obsoleting it, it should give everyone plenty enough warning on what to upgrade in their dialplans
21:34.31dlynes_laptopleifmadsen, as long as you warn about the deprecations, much like Java does
21:34.31ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: that's what they used to do.
21:34.40leifmadsendlynes_laptop: ya you'd think so, but there is always something to complain about -- you're welcome to bring this up on a mailing list for discussion by the community
21:34.46ManxPower-workPersonally if you are upgrading between major versions you should just shut up and fix your dialplan.
21:34.53dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, no kidding
21:35.00p3nguinI agree.
21:35.09dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, java programmers don't seem to have a problem with it...don't know why asterisk programmers would
21:35.16p3nguinMajor versions, absolutely.
21:35.19leifmadsenmoves onto something more productive
21:35.32dlynes_laptopsnickers at leifmadsen.
21:36.10GeminizerAsterisk doesn't suck per-se... just the availability of reliable sip providers
21:36.11*** join/#asterisk fofware (n=chatzill@
21:36.17ManxPower-workI must admit I'm surprised that the new release model does seem to have fewer horribly broken releases.
21:36.25ManxPower-workGeminizer: how long ago did someone ask you for that pastebin?
21:36.48Geminizerhmmm.. 20 min at least
21:36.50dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, well, based on my experience, 1.6.1 series is very stable compared to previous versions
21:36.58p3nguingeminizer: What country are you in?
21:37.16p3nguingeminizer: What's the problem with or Flowroute?
21:37.18leifmadsenI have at least 2 SIP providers who are very reliable for US, for Canada -- never have issues
21:37.33[TK]D-Fender[16:13]<ManxPower-work>exten => s,1,Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN},1) <- now you're assuming you always want to return the the 1st priority,
21:37.37p3nguingeminizer: Those are the two cheapest ones I can think of right now, and they are very reliable.
21:37.47dlynes_laptopGeminizer,'s pretty good, too.  ManxPower-work suggested it to me, and I've been using it ever since
21:37.49[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIL
21:37.51ManxPower-workI seldom have problems with Vitelity doesn't even compare to the rates of the two I mentioned.
21:38.16leifmadsenoh, so you want cheap AND awesome is a Vitelity reseller AND they have lower rates.  Hard to beat that.
21:39.05dlynes_laptopp3nguin, you mean they're in vitelity's affiliate program?
21:39.10ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: I tried to develop for 1.6 and backport to 1.4, but they are just too different.
21:39.20p3nguindlynes_laptop: No, that's not what I mean.
21:39.20leifmadsenCheap, Fast, and Good -- pick any two.
21:39.48GeminizerI suppose I have been spoiled by seeing voicetrading's low call rates... but if their service is proportional to their rates (that is, both being cheap), then it's probably not worth it
21:40.01dlynes_laptopp3nguin, so they charge you, and feed you back through their backend connection to vitelity, so you're still effectively going through their equipment and vitelity's?
21:40.07bmoraca_workGeminizer: voicetrading's rates aren't that low
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21:40.23dlynes_laptopManxPower-work, develop dial plans, or develop C code?
21:40.27ManxPower-workMaybe I just like to spend money, but 1.2/cents/min is cheap enough for me.
21:40.29p3nguingeminizer: They are higher than the ones I suggested to you.
21:40.31ManxPower-workdlynes_laptop: dialplan
21:40.48ManxPower-workand almost everyone has 1.2 - 1.9 cents/mon
21:41.01p3nguinmanxpower-work: inbound or outbound?
21:41.06dlynes_laptopI'm getting under 1c/min from vitelity
21:41.17ManxPower-workp3nguin: I would have to check.
21:41.41p3nguinFlowroute's termination rates from the US to other US numbers is $0.0098/minute.
21:41.43dlynes_laptopIt's something like 0.8c/min if I remember correctly
21:42.07p3nguinVitelity's retail termination rate is $0.014/minute.
21:42.11bmoraca_worki average $0.0065/min nation-wide
21:42.22ManxPower-workI'm paying 1.2 - 1.6 cpm, depending on the DID.
21:42.57ManxPower-workI don't know how much for outbound.
21:45.08dlynes_laptopoh...nvm 1.44c/min
21:45.30dlynes_laptopbut for my other stuff I'm getting 0.55c/min
21:45.42dlynes_laptopso I only use vitelity for inbound for certain dids
21:45.53Geminizerp3nguin:  what would you suggest for low outbound international call rates?
21:46.01GeminizerUS to Dominican Republic, for example
21:46.31p3nguingeminizer: I only have personal knowledge of for international calling, since that is who I use.  I'll look at flowroute in a minute.
21:46.32dlynes_laptopGeminizer, have you tried looking on
21:47.14maximCH ... compares all Betamax companies... they usually have the lowest rates.
21:47.16p3nguingeminizer: Give me the first 5 numbers of a phone number that you would call in Dom. Rep.
21:49.25Geminizeror 80948
21:50.51p3nguin$0.00365/min to 82999
21:51.25p3nguin$0.0364/min to 80948
21:51.54p3nguinWait, I think that first one has a misplaced decimal.
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21:52.14Geminizernot bad at all... which provider is that from?
21:52.17p3nguin$0.0365/minute to 82999
21:52.32p3nguinunder 4c/min is okay, I guess.
21:52.37bmoraca_worki like's user interface
21:52.39maximCH0.014145 with or
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21:53.32cadmiumhi, how can i see the result of the noOp() function?
21:54.52p3nguinFlowroute is $0.1272/minute to 82999 and 80948
21:55.16p3nguinalmost 13c/m
21:55.22p3nguinThat's a lot more than
21:56.57p3nguinI use for both termination and toll-free DID.  I haven't been dissatisfied with them yet.
21:57.35GeminizerI have used them recently, and am impressed with their customer service - very helpful..
21:58.47Chainsawcadmium: Just turning verbosity up to 10 should do it.
21:59.22Geminizerp3nguin... where did you go on the site to get those rates for outbound international rates?
21:59.45Geminizer(pardon redundancy)
22:00.39hardwire(12:59:53 PM) Shane R. Spencer: eacn VNC connection takes up around 300kbps
22:00.39hardwire(01:00:00 PM) Shane R. Spencer: we have a 1500kbps link
22:00.43hardwire(01:00:27 PM) michael.horton: how do we change that
22:00.46hardwire... ?
22:00.57hardwire(01:00:47 PM) michael.horton: the speed from 300kbps to 600kbps
22:01.18hardwirewrnog window
22:01.56cadmiumChainsaw got it thanks
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22:05.17bmoraca_worklol...mispastes are fun
22:05.54p3nguingeminizer: Go to the main page, then click on International rates on the left-side navigation menu.
22:06.22p3nguingeminizer: Then put in 1809 in the search box and press the Search button.
22:07.49p3nguingeminizer: Oh, sorry... click on Termination Rates on the main page.
22:08.06p3nguinI had "international" on the brain for a minute.
22:08.48Kobazasterisk go byebye
22:09.00p3nguinwaves to it
22:09.28Kobazlocal channels tend to crash asterisk quite a bit
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22:09.54cadmiumi'm trying to terminate inbound calls originating from DIDWW does anyone know how to get DIDWW to include the DID # in the uristring and then reference the DID in the dialplan?
22:10.13Geminizerp3nguin... are those the charges for local calls (e.g. DR to DR), or international (e.g. US to DR, DR to US)?
22:10.50p3nguingeminizer: They are assuming you are using their servers in US and Canada to terminate a call in DR.
22:11.07p3nguinThat's what termination rates are.
22:11.48box_hey, I just compiled and installed asterisk from source (over an existing trixbox install ). everything including SIP seems to be working fine so far, but IAX registration fails. It looks like * is sending only an AUTH after the REGREQ instead of the expected REGAUTH. Any idea what could cause this or debug approaches?
22:11.57p3nguinNow if you are in DR using the servers in US/Canada and calling a local (another DR) number, the same rate still applies.
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22:16.45batphonei have a vendor on one side and a developer on the other arguing about what field in the SIP packet to route the call with
22:16.58batphonethe vendor thinks we should be routing the call based on the "To:" field
22:17.12batphonethe developer thinks we should be routing the call based on the R-URI
22:17.45batphonei can't seem to pin down the part of any of the dozens of SIP RFCs that define this...
22:18.01batphonebecause its an implementation issue. do you guys have any opinions on this?
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22:20.09box_whyyy would this damn thing not see the REGREQ and send a REGAUTH?
22:21.32box_i suppose there's not an increased debugging level for IAX2
22:27.01paulcbatphone: "To:" seems to be sensible, especially if the vendor's agreeing, no?
22:27.17batphoneone would think
22:27.30paulccluebat for the developer? ;-)
22:27.51batphonewhats bad is sometimes vendors disagree
22:27.58batphoneand it causes security models to break in some cases
22:28.07batphonethus leaving people un-interconnectable
22:28.15paulctrue, which is why you want the RFC for reference.. but like you said - easier said than done sometimes isn't it
22:28.35batphoneespecially with SIP. how many are there? i lost count about 3 years ago.
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22:37.29box_hey, I just compiled and installed asterisk from source (over an existing trixbox install ). everything including SIP seems to be working fine so far, but IAX registration fails. It looks like * is sending only an AUTH after the REGREQ instead of the expected REGAUTH. Any idea what could cause this or debug approaches?
22:57.42*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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23:03.43riddleboxis mg2 echocan the best to use?
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23:21.41ruben23hi nayone have idea or used gsm channel bank for asterisk..?
23:21.44*** join/#asterisk linuxh (n=LordVAXe@
23:21.58linuxhgreetings ppl from earth
23:22.22teknoprephow do i get a Cisco SPA series phone to hang up right away
23:22.46teknoprepwhen a person hangs up it stays connected..... then i get a busy signal... then it hangs up after a bit
23:22.56teknoprepi asked here a long time ago... and someone knew the answer
23:23.00teknoprepi forget the setting on the phone
23:23.45linuxhhaving a problem with distored audio after a second or so, between 2 x100p channels.... if iax <-> any of them it works fine, but between the 2 fxo channels i get good audio for a second or so.. then the gains seems to go crazy (monitoring with dahdih tool) and all gets distored.... asterisk 1.6.2 dahdih .2 and no tdm bridging echo cancel.
23:24.19paulcteknoprep: CPC timer.. can't remember the exact name in the interface but I think it references CPC
23:27.59*** part/#asterisk NicoleMun (
23:28.22paulcteknoprep: CPC Delay and CPC Duration :-)   -  reduce CPC Delay to 0 or 1 and Duration to 1 or greater, works great for me
23:28.52*** join/#asterisk NicoleMun (
23:32.24linuxhmy poor soul couldn't find any help using the regular "ways".... anyone ? ( =
23:33.10voipmonkare you using two different cards, linuxh ?
23:33.32linuxhyup, no conflicts nothing
23:33.57linuxhalso, if i enable tdm bridging things gets better, but still odd and bad quality
23:34.12linuxhi'm about to try the 1.4.... as i can't find any reference of similar problems..
23:34.32linuxh(i tried several revisions of 1.6 and dahdi)
23:34.46linuxhthe interesting part is.. the gains seems to go crazy after some seconds
23:35.04linuxhyou can see the normal/good convo... then it just hits the limit... and all gets distorted..
23:35.09linuxhlike an AGC... :/
23:35.26voipmonkdisabled unused motherboard ports already, yes?
23:35.29dlynes_laptoplinuxh, I think i've figured out yoru problem
23:35.42linuxhvoip, i tried to change computers, even...
23:35.45linuxhdllynes ?
23:35.47dlynes_laptoplinuxh, you're using two x100p cards
23:36.02dlynes_laptoplinuxh, 1 x100p card is bad enough in one machine, but you're using two
23:36.15dlynes_laptoplinuxh, you're a masochist, aren't you?
23:36.15teknopreppal c
23:36.22infobotmethinks x100p is an obsolete card.  You don't want to bother trying to make it (or any of the "digium compatible" clones) work.  Get a TDM01B, and you will save your sanity, your hair, and countless other things.
23:36.24teknopreppaulc, can't find that setting
23:36.42linuxhdlly.. its for a friend who can just affort that... i have never had a problem with 2 x100p...
23:36.58dlynes_laptoplinuxh, are you sharing interrupts at all?
23:37.27dlynes_laptoplinuxh, the x100p is quite picky about what systems it'll even work on
23:37.31paulcteknoprep - what model of ATA are you using?
23:37.41teknoprepcisco spa525g
23:37.42dlynes_laptoplinuxh, most of the super cheap machines it won't work properly on
23:37.56linuxhdlly, no... not sharing interrupts
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23:38.00dlynes_laptoplinuxh, because it shares the interrupt with the network card
23:38.03linuxhits a dual PIII xeon
23:38.11linuxhno int. sharing, i'm sure
23:38.16paulcteknoprep: ah, it's a phone not an ATA
23:38.18dlynes_laptoplinuxh, you sure?  cat /proc/interrupts, and show me
23:38.37paulcteknoprep - don't have the settings handy but I recall from the old SPA941's that it always gave busy tone then disconnected
23:38.42dlynes_laptoplinuxh, just grep out the lines that match your x100p card
23:39.07dlynes_laptopwow...that's a amazing
23:39.12dlynes_laptopfirst time I've ever seen that
23:39.29linuxhi would not come to here bug you ppl without trying all i could imagine
23:39.30linuxh( =
23:39.42voipmonkpastebin your interrupts
23:39.50dlynes_laptopi guess you're able to tell pci cards what interrupts to use specifically?
23:40.11voipmonkare you using a dual core system
23:40.48linuxhi tested with one, now i switched to an other system
23:40.52dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, why does dual core matter?
23:40.57linuxhtrying to get the problem figured
23:41.16linuxhwith at lest 3 machines, same issues...
23:41.51dlynes_laptoplinuxh, which particular brand of x100p cards are you using?
23:42.35linuxh00:0a.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
23:43.00dlynes_laptoplinuxh, i didn't ask whether they were clones, or what lspci told you they were...i asked what brand they were
23:43.09linuxhjust for the record.. both works fine.. at the same time or iax <-> fxo
23:43.10dlynes_laptoplinuxh, i already know they're clones
23:43.20linuxhno brand dude, i got them at the junk yard.
23:43.24*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
23:43.30voipmonkgarbage in, garbage out
23:43.31dlynes_laptoplinuxh, and most of them show up as tiger jet 3xx
23:43.34linuxhjust a cheap and dirty modem.
23:43.50dlynes_laptoplinuxh, the x101p clones show up as intel modems
23:44.03linuxhlemme check the chipset them, if that helps
23:44.36linuxhsure.. are those ambient md3200
23:44.45*** part/#asterisk ArtemMakhutov (
23:44.58linuxhi did pick about 20 of them for 3 U$
23:44.59linuxh( =
23:45.29QubeZanyone have experience with PIX and Asterisk server? Do I need to disable sip inspect?
23:45.33dlynes_laptoplinuxh, ah....those are the shittiest clones
23:45.50linuxhyes.. but as i explained.. both can work at the same time...
23:46.07linuxhso.. what is bridging them is the cause.... and as it isn't a direct connection...
23:46.27linuxhi guess u get what i mean.... specially as they both works fine at the same time (2 iax <-> 2 fxo)
23:46.37linuxhthe problem is when "native bridged"
23:46.59linuxhor some sort of nasty echo, as when i enable the native bridging echo cancelation, i see "some" improvement
23:49.44bmoraca_worklinuxh: it is an unfortunate side effect of using analog ports...timing is very touchy and can give you some pretty crappy results when bridge between ports in different PCI slots
23:50.23linuxhthats true
23:50.41linuxhalso, glueing it with something found during my searchs
23:50.45linuxhit can be the cause...
23:50.53linuxhthe damn board missing interrupts
23:51.22linuxhall my machines were of similar power, even the dual
23:51.35linuxhso its a possibility, lemme run the dahdih speed tests
23:57.50linuxhi guess you are at least right... the iax <-> fxo seems to be more forgiven
23:58.02linuxhand running the dahdih tests, it gives lower than 99.98...
23:58.09linuxh99.97 ~ usually
23:59.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:59.47riddleboxwtf, why do people ask these dumb questions....

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