IRC log for #asterisk on 20100123

00:07.21jayteechesstrain, here's a link to the spandsp page by the guy who wrote spandsp.
00:08.16*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
00:10.49jhirleyanyone have an opinion on IPitomy ?  Good , Bad, Ugly, better the a cuban cigar ?
00:16.53*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (
00:17.09SomethingISODDhello all question is there anyway i can find out what context a call is coming in on.. with sip?
00:19.19kam187hmm definatly ooh323 breaking
00:20.33SomethingISODDooh323 doesnt work 90% of the time use chan_h323 it works more stable i find
00:21.16kam187is that included in asterisk/addons?
00:22.05SomethingISODDyes but you also need to install pwlib and openh323 look in your source directory
00:22.21kam187sure thats easy enough
00:22.58SomethingISODDbeen running it for af ew years no real issues
00:23.06kam187cool thanks
00:23.08kam187will try it
00:23.10SomethingISODDso far i have to say asterisk 1.6.2 isnt great
00:23.15*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
00:23.47SomethingISODDcan anyone tell me how to confirm, what extension a guest is coming in on, via sip
00:24.09kam187i'm using trunk because i need some of the subs in it
00:24.22SomethingISODDoh ok
00:24.23kam187hmm arent there some variables that get set for that
00:25.35SomethingISODDmy issue is, call is coming in and i have set the context to demo and it keeps saying rejected even know Guess is enabled
00:26.01kam187hmm wierd
00:26.21kam187turn on debug in logger.conf and start it with -vvvvvvdc
00:26.25kam187to see what its trying to do
00:27.08SomethingISODDgood idea thanks
00:27.43*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:29.17SomethingISODDhrm not giving any information
00:30.16*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
00:32.23jaskewAnyone have a recommendation for QoS configuration on a Linux router (iptables / iproute2)?
00:32.52jaskewI sent a large e-mail today and my outbound audio started breaking up...
00:34.32[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: go look at the SIP DEBUG for the call.
00:39.26SomethingISODDi have it doesnt show the context
00:40.51kam187debug didnt show u anything?
00:41.04kam187it should tell what exactly it failed on
00:41.59kam187did u switch the commend on the console => line in logger.conf before running with option d ?
00:42.18ChannelZit is: there is no extension called 4035369052
00:42.54SomethingISODDyes and ChannelZ i sent an extension under [demo] with exten => _X.,1,answer
00:43.04SomethingISODDand it keeps saying rejected
00:44.14ChannelZthen perhaps this is coming into a different context based on the sip peer in sip.conf
00:44.25ChannelZor you didn't reload extensions or sip.conf or something
00:44.59SomethingISODDi restarted asterisk in general.
00:46.02ChannelZsip show users
00:46.36ChannelZoops wrong window
00:48.04ChannelZSomething: is this coming in from an ITSP or..
00:48.27SomethingISODDyes it is
00:48.35SomethingISODDhe is also running asterisk I believe
00:48.56ChannelZok so then you are registering with him or vice-versa?
00:49.27*** join/#asterisk joako (n=Owner@opensuse/member/joak0)
00:49.36SomethingISODDhe send to me as a guest
00:49.38*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
00:49.58ChannelZAnd you're sure you don't have anything in sip.conf that would match his host?
00:52.00SomethingISODDno nothing
00:52.04SomethingISODDthats whats confusing me
00:55.03[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: Problem is you aren't looking at what PEER its matching, and what CONTEXT * is looking in.
00:58.25ChannelZpastebin your sip.conf because something is awry
01:02.49*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
01:04.05*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
01:05.06kam187hmm how do i allow sip from an ip without any auth?
01:05.38voipmonkguest, autocreate peer, no user or pass or openser/kamailio
01:05.54voipmonkuse a host=ip of the device
01:06.13voipmonklook at some examples in sip.conf.sample
01:06.30voipmonkor they may already be in your sip.conf
01:06.55voipmonkwhat are you attempting, kam187 ? :)
01:07.16*** join/#asterisk joesuffceren (
01:07.32kam187i have a local machine doing sip<->h323
01:07.39joesuffcerenanyone have any tips for troubleshooting oneway audio with Skype for Asterisk?
01:07.53kam187so i just want to allow it to send to the asterisk without having to register etc
01:08.00voipmonkhows that working for you so fa,r kam187 ? :)
01:08.12kam187works fine :)
01:08.15ChannelZjoesuffceren: which way?  None from Skype->* ?
01:08.28kam187i was using h323 into it, but i'm having wierd problems with chan_ooh323
01:08.40voipmonkis there nat involved, kam187 ?
01:08.40kam187i suspect its the patch i made to it :P
01:08.46ChannelZjoesuffceren: and is your * behind a firewall or have multiple interfaces?
01:08.47voipmonkooh a patch
01:09.02joesuffcerencall from asterisk to skype via custom extension. skype client can hear asterisk user, but asterisk user cannot hear skype client
01:09.11carrarkam187, is that Asterisk box on the internet?
01:09.28carrarcause then people could make calls via your server
01:09.32carrarwithout auth
01:09.39kam187carrar: its behind a firewall
01:09.56joesuffcerenChannelZ: yes, * is behind a firewall. only one NIC.
01:10.06kam187so i'll use an onbscure port that i'll never need just to sip between those two, and of course firewall it on the machine and with the hw firewall
01:10.09joesuffcerenwhen placing call from skype to asterisk, audio works both ways
01:10.23ChannelZjoesuffceren: set rtp_address=x.x.x.x - where x.x.x.x is the LAN address of your * box and see if that helps
01:10.34ChannelZ(LAN, not WAN!  I know it sounds backwards)
01:11.06ChannelZOh and bind_address=x.x.x.x to the same
01:11.08joesuffcerenChannelZ: what conf file does that go in? or is that just from the CLI
01:11.09ChannelZboth in chan_skype.conf
01:11.25joesuffcerenwill do and report back. one sec
01:11.29ChannelZI had an issue where SFA was binding to localhost only
01:12.19SomethingISODDChanServ i got it working thanks anyway it seems my carrier id can not match the number i am calling thats whats causing the issue
01:12.43SomethingISODDjoesuffceren how did you get skype+ asterisk to work at all
01:12.51SomethingISODDi cant even figure out how to get it to interconnect
01:13.11joesuffcerenSomethingISODD: you can only use it with accounts you created using the Skype business account manager
01:13.19joesuffcerenso you can't just login with your existing account
01:13.30joesuffcerenalso, you have to have > 1.4.25
01:13.44SomethingISODDjoesuffceren can you use 1.6.2?
01:13.47*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (
01:13.53SomethingISODDand what does it cost for the business package do u know?
01:14.35SomethingISODDreally ok thanks
01:15.20ChannelZjust nornmal skype fees if you're dialing real numbers or need SkypeIn
01:15.36SomethingISODDChannelZ how many channels does skype support to and from asterisk just the one??
01:15.40joesuffcerennot sure on 1.6.2. listed in readme are:  Asterisk 1.4 versions >= 1.4.25,  Asterisk 1.6.0 versions >=, Asterisk 1.6.1 versions >=
01:15.49joesuffcerenSomethingISODD: you pay per channel
01:16.00joesuffcerenchannel = concurrent call in this case
01:16.36SomethingISODDjoesuffceren if youdont mind me asking whats the price per seat?
01:16.51SomethingISODDif you dont know off the top of your head i can wait till i sign up for a business account
01:17.03joesuffcerenreally reasonable. it's right at $70 per concurrent call
01:17.23SomethingISODDOk thank you
01:17.55joesuffcerenSomethingISODD: and it includes g.729
01:18.49SomethingISODDoh perfect ok thank you i think i will  give it try
01:20.48joesuffcerenChannelZ: I implemented those changes, but same problem
01:21.20joesuffcerenany other thoughts?
01:23.28ChannelZhmm.. you reloaded the module?
01:23.39joesuffcerenrestarted asterisk
01:25.13ChannelZare you port-forwarding a port to the * box?
01:25.24ChannelZas per bind_port in chan_skype.conf
01:26.27*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
01:28.01*** join/#asterisk Katty (
01:28.36carrarI just made Costco Pumpkin Bread
01:28.43*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
01:28.54joesuffcerenChannelZ: doh, no, I'm not. missed that. BRB
01:29.15Kattycarrar: oooh
01:29.18Kattycarrar: recipe and photo?
01:29.19ChannelZwell I'm not positive it matters, I'm trying to test here.  I did it by default..
01:29.41carrarAdded walnuts, oh I should go take a phote. It's the box thing were you add water, oil and the MIX
01:29.52Kattyi don't suppose anyone knows where a calorie sheet for Logan's Roadhouse might be.
01:30.29*** part/#asterisk jaskew (
01:30.41titterRemote host can't match request NOTIFY to call -- any ideas
01:30.56titterKatty: call them and ask, most of the time they have one
01:31.26ChannelZjoesuffceren: might not be necessary.. I just turned off the port forward on my firewall and it seems to be working still
01:31.48Kattytitter: well i asked at the resturant, they didn't know of any...
01:31.52Kattytitter: none on their website either )=
01:32.12titterKatty: they suck lol, just go by what you at
01:32.54Kattyi don't know the ammount of calories in a long island iced tea
01:33.06*** join/#asterisk NicoleMun (
01:33.20coppiceit depends how long it is
01:33.31Kattyoh it was pretty long
01:34.25Kattywe'll just call it a bajillion calories >.<
01:35.56*** join/#asterisk Ferrenrock (
01:36.24Kattyi have a terrible habit of eating every /but/ the entree
01:38.04Ferrenrockhey, would it be possible to use my laptop's dial-up jack and a microphone to make phone calls with asterisk?
01:38.20Kattylaptop, yes.
01:38.22Kattymodem, no
01:38.43Ferrenrockwhat would you suggest instead?
01:38.54KattyAsterisk doesn't support modems.
01:39.07Kattyif you want a cheap way to make calls, you might check into skype
01:39.25Kattythat borrow a friend's server who has unlimited long distance
01:39.34FerrenrockKatty: well my dorm has this phone jack with a number I get for free, including free long distance
01:39.43Ferrenrockbut I don't have an actual landline telephone
01:39.51Kattythen go buy one
01:39.57Kattythey are like 10 bucks
01:40.14FerrenrockI know, but I have to take the bus to get to a place that sells phones
01:40.17carrarcheap at road side sales
01:40.25Kattywould you like some cheese with your whine? ;)
01:40.52FerrenrockKatty: point is, I won't bother with that, I was just wondering if it was possible with my laptop
01:41.01Ferrenrockshould I be looking into something other than asterisk?
01:41.03Kattyyou can load asterisk on your laptop
01:41.10Kattyand connect sip channels.
01:41.21voipmonksure can.
01:41.22Kattyi'm not sure if there's any external equipment made or not
01:41.54carrarhe sould buy a ATA and go from his laptop SIP to the ATA over ethernet then from the ATA to the jack in the wall
01:41.56FerrenrockKatty: but there's no way to use this landline connection?
01:42.06KattyFerrenrock: Asterisk does not support modems.
01:42.12KattyFerrenrock: Asterisk does not support modems.
01:42.15KattyFerrenrock: one more time!
01:42.19KattyFerrenrock: Asterisk does not support modems.
01:42.49Kattyseriously just go buy a phone
01:43.00carrarorder one off of Ebay
01:43.16Kattyoh, hi monk
01:43.20Kattyi was meaning to ask how your daughter is
01:43.46voipmonkshe's kicking right now - wife is playing montezuma 2 on the iphone.
01:43.56voipmonkwhich happens to be my favorite iphone app right now
01:44.00Kattywell tell her to be nicer to her mom!
01:44.26carrarthere is a phone forhim
01:44.31Kattyhe already left
01:44.33voipmonkthe guy signed off , carrar
01:44.42Kattyyeah he was all KTHXBAI
01:44.43voipmonkdont you love that?
01:44.43carrarI might order that for myself
01:44.59Kattyi have zoiper on my laptop
01:45.04Kattydon't use it tho
01:47.27titterRemote host can't match request NOTIFY to call -- I hate thie error -.-
01:49.25joesuffcerenChannelZ: had to install g729
01:49.57joesuffcerendigium tech said that is negotiates 729 on outbound but not on inbound
01:50.06joesuffcerenlife is good now
01:50.36*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
01:54.41titterthats a good site btw
01:54.57Kattyi usually use nutritiondata
02:00.46ChannelZjoesuffceren: huh that's wierd.
02:02.08ChannelZmine seems to use alaw
02:02.15ChannelZerr ulaw
02:08.44*** part/#asterisk chesstrian (n=chesstri@
02:11.06ChannelZhmm I seem to have toasted my g729 codec actually during one asterisk reinstall or another.
02:13.24*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
02:16.48hardwirehmm.. I have an older TE110P and a newer TE122P
02:17.05Kattyis 8 too early to go to bed?
02:17.09hardwirethe TE110P chucks HDLC abort errors.. the TE122P works flawlessly
02:17.24hardwireI wonder if I'm missing something obvious other than "maybe your TE110P is bad"
02:17.49Kattyrma it
02:19.38hardwireTE110P is way old.. I'll have to get a new TE122P
02:20.47Kattywell i'mma go nap on the couch, me thinks. my energies have left me
02:21.34*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
02:22.00coppiceKatty: 8 is a perfect time to go to bed, if you are in the early stages of a relationship
02:23.53*** join/#asterisk andresmujica1 (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:25.07voipmonkn0 m0ez has caffeine, eh?
02:28.00*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
02:28.29jmcdowellAnyone have any experience with Polycom phones?
02:29.01jmcdowellI cleared the dial patterns from the phone, but it keeps stripping off the "9" to  get out.
02:29.16*** part/#asterisk dpisites (
02:29.19leifmadsenjmcdowell: yes.
02:29.32jmcdowellAny suggestions, or good reads?
02:29.52jmcdowellI have read the manual, and I just can't quite grasp what the hell they are talking about.
02:31.54*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=ewieling@
02:31.55jmcdowellFrom what I read, if I understand it.  I may have to PXE boot the phone to get it to stop doing that.
02:32.17ManxPower-workjmcdowell: Polycom?
02:35.41jmcdowellPolycom 601
02:39.27*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:41.51*** join/#asterisk jakent (
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02:47.52kam187hmm is it possible to run an app or macro in a new thread?
02:48.57*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:51.08jmcdowellGuess no luck there..
02:51.12voipmonknew thread?
02:51.18voipmonkkam187: ?
02:51.44kam187from what i can tell its blocking any events like hangup
02:51.58*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
02:51.58kam187this seems to be a 'feature' of a macro it seems
02:52.51kam187basically if i dial with a macro, neither extension will hangup untill the macro returns, and even then only sometimes
02:53.07kam187on a code level, the channel state hasnt been changed either, so i cant catch that
02:56.59jmcdowellIs there a "dial" plan to keep polycom from stripping off the 9 at dial time?  The route uses the 9 to determine where to send the call.
02:58.16jmcdowellI sure don't want that controlled at the phone.
02:58.29jayteemodify the dialplan.digitmap to include a 9 then with however many other digits you need, like 9XXXXXXX and 9XXXXXXXXXXX
02:59.09jmcdowellwill try..
03:02.29*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
03:05.03*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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03:08.57*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:12.28jmcdowellIt still strips off the 9
03:13.05jmcdowellIf I dial 913143212222 it send 3143212222 to the routes which fails because there is no match.
03:13.42*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
03:19.33beekGood evening jaytee
03:19.43jayteehi beek
03:19.54beekWorking late tonight or is this just recreational IRC use?
03:20.16jmcdowellwait a minute?
03:20.19jayteejust hanging
03:20.45jayteejmcdowell, do you have a Polycom phone?
03:21.01jayteehow did you provision it?
03:21.10jmcdowellI didn't i set everything and it connected
03:21.16jmcdowellI was reading about PXE provisioning.
03:21.34jayteein the SIP Admin guide or the whitepaper from Polycom?
03:21.35jmcdowellBut wanted to aviod if possible because I can't find good documentatin and example templates.
03:21.50jmcdowellThe Polycom admin guide
03:22.03jayteehang on a second, help is on the way
03:22.22beekDon't avoid it -- embrace it.    Makes provisioning so much easier.  I use FTP though.
03:22.29jmcdowellI am very familar with PXE and ftp
03:22.34jmcdowellso either is no biggie
03:23.05jayteeyes, vsftp is far superior and using it with DHCP with option 66 makes things alot more flexible
03:23.08jmcdowellI guess I would have to use a domain name for an external phone and it could still provision?
03:23.56beekjmcdowell: Check this out:
03:24.45jmcdowellWow those are small config files
03:24.49jmcdowellI thought they would be much larger.
03:25.12beekThere is a default provided by Polycom.  You only put into what yours what you want to override.
03:25.31beekI use Karl's system and it works well.
03:25.54jayteejmcdowell, here's Polycom's white paper on provisioning, it includes a good fairly easy setup process. I used a combination of the section of the "the book" on setting up provisioning and this guide.
03:25.57jaytee has to be installed for xml notepad.
03:27.47jayteeI use Polycom 330's and Polycom550's at work and I setup dummy config files as templates and the shell scripts copy them to files named with the new phone's mac address and SIP account ID. I match my 4 digit internal extensions to the ID in my dialplan in Asterisk
03:28.36jayteeso all I have to do is set the phone to boot with DHCP with Option 66, have the Option 66 string in my DCHP server pass the provisioning server's address
03:29.17jmcdowellI have never heard of that,
03:29.19jayteethen I just run a one of the two scripts like: ./ 0004f21a1234 5555
03:29.33jmcdowellI have to install .joke
03:29.45jayteeand that generates the config files for the phone with extension 5555
03:30.48jayteethe shell scripts are simple and just use sed to match and replace strings in the template files after their copied to their MAC address replacements
03:31.55jmcdowellSo this enormous file sip.cfg
03:32.02fenrusjaytee, i've built the same for Cisco 7940/7960
03:32.06jmcdowellWhen I open it in xml 2007 or what ever..
03:32.11jmcdowellWhat is that going to look like?
03:32.12jayteebut the provisioning method is the best. you can't modify things like custom alert info to modify the ringtone based on a dialed number etc. or the nightmare of using the web gui to change 200 phones to change the registration expiration interval
03:32.13fenrusand it adds to sip-config and voicemail :)
03:32.46dlynes_laptopDoes anyone know of a stripped down version of voicemail for asterisk?  i.e. one with very simplistic prompts that old fogeys can understand?
03:32.55jayteefenrus, sure beats editing each config file one at a time doesn't it? :-)
03:33.01fenrusjaytee, well - my script use a database as data-source, not CLI-parameters.. so it's really easy to rebuild and change alot of stuff fast.
03:33.30fenrusi'll be migrating to MySQL soon, to support my linksys pap2t from the same provisioning-tool
03:33.59jayteedlynes_laptop, all the voicemail prompts are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds and have a vm- prefix, like vm-goodbye.wav
03:34.11dlynes_laptopjaytee, and?
03:34.13jayteeso you could record your own and replace them
03:34.30dlynes_laptopjaytee, how does that mitigate all the bs with all the other folders, and what-not?
03:34.49beekGotta run gang... CU and GN
03:35.00dlynes_laptopjaytee, then they accidentally hit '3' to save it in the friends and family folder, and can't figure out where that voicemail is, because that folder doesn't exist on the prompts
03:35.18dlynes_laptopjaytee, i need more than just the prompts changed
03:35.49dlynes_laptopjaytee, that's the solution i'm looking at right now...changing prompts and changing the C code...I just don't want to go down that road if I don't have to
03:36.24jayteedlynes_laptop, not sure what you want to accomplish but you can modify some of it. I don't use Asterisk's voicemail. I use Exchange Unified Messaging as a back end voicemail system that integrates with my email so messages can be played by calling the main voicemail number or from my Outlook inbox when they show up as a new voicemail message attachment.
03:36.28dlynes_laptopjaytee, my life is hell trying to support dementia patients as it is...I don't want it anymore hellish :)
03:36.51dlynes_laptopjaytee, yeah...if that's all i needed, i'd just use
03:37.14dlynes_laptopjaytee, however, old fogeys have enough trouble with the 'beeping' in the background (call waiting)...they can't fathom using internet
03:38.08dlynes_laptopjaytee, we do have some assisted living residents that have internet, and even most of them know what call waiting is, but hate it, and hate the confusing voicemail menus even more
03:38.25jayteedlynes_laptop, yeah I can imagine. Not sure what options in Comedian Mail that you can tweak without messing with the C code.
03:38.44dlynes_laptopjaytee, i can modify the c's not an issue
03:38.54dlynes_laptopjaytee, just a hell of a lot of work that I'd rather not do, if I don't have to
03:40.23voipmonkdementia patients..
03:40.44voipmonkwhat do you want to tweak?
03:40.46dlynes_laptopalzheimers, dementia, schizophrenia,
03:42.00dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, get rid of all folders so that only inbox and saved still exist, get rid of unavailable and temporary voicemail greetings
03:42.08voipmonkno problem
03:42.23voipmonku have to remove those options in the code
03:42.27voipmonkeasily commented out
03:42.27dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, and then change the key codes for mailbox options so that they're exactly the same as telus
03:42.35voipmonkoh good lord
03:42.43voipmonkthat can be changed, too in the source
03:42.50voipmonkanything else?
03:42.56dlynes_laptopbut now you see my dilemna :)
03:43.00voipmonkive only done it in 1.4.x
03:43.11voipmonknot a dilemna
03:43.15coppicedo schizophrenia sufferers with alzheimers forget about the voices in their heads?
03:43.21voipmonku have to dive in in your dev platform and get er done
03:43.46dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, yeah...just thought if there was a precanned solution, i could save the company some money
03:44.29dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, maybe what I can do is customize it for telus
03:44.36dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, charge that out to the company
03:45.03dlynes_laptopvoipmonk, and then customize it a bit more so that it's tailorable by config file, and then commit that back to the asterisk project
03:46.25*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
03:47.18seanjohnwith the dial command, how do you execute commands after you have connected the call, such as dial more numbers into a conference?
03:50.24jayteeseanbright, either using features.conf or using the features built into most voip phones but most voip phones only let you conference 3 people at a time.
03:53.09dlynes_laptopseanjohn, core show application dial will show you the D(...) option to dial()
03:53.26seanjohnG(context^exten^pri): If the call is answered, transfer both parties to the specified context and extension. The calling party is transferred to priority x, and the called party to priority x+1.
03:53.40dlynes_laptopseanjohn, assuming you mean send additional dtmf tones after it's connected
03:54.02dlynes_laptopseanjohn, or do you mean execute additional code in the dialplan after it's connected?
03:54.30seanjohnso if I want the calling party to go to called,s,1 the callee will go to exten => called,s,101 ????????
03:54.31*** join/#asterisk Znuff (n=ibm86@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c26:2f82:a65a:7c98)
03:54.44jayteeseanjohn, if you're looking to create a way to dial a number and have several phones called into a conference you could use call files with local channels to dial the phone and transfer the call to a meetme conference
03:55.09dlynes_laptopseanjohn, the M(...) option to dial, then
03:56.29seanjohnor would the callee go to s,1+1 ?
03:57.04*** join/#asterisk andresmujica1 (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
04:00.27dlynes_laptopseanjohn, they'll go to whatever you specify in M(...)
04:01.10dlynes_laptopseanjohn, you can also use G(...) if you want a goto, instead of a macro
04:03.16*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
04:03.24seanjohni'm referring to G
04:03.37seanjohnI want the legs to still be separated
04:05.28dlynes_laptopseanjohn, G(mycontext^xxx^nnn), where mycontext is your dialplan context, xxx is your extension, and nnn is your priority
04:07.33*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
04:14.21jmcdowellthis polycom config file is dumb
04:22.55*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
04:33.09jmcdowellKatty hi
04:33.16Kattyjmcdowell: hi.
04:33.32Kattyi got a charlie horse.
04:37.18jmcdowellWait a minute...
04:37.22jmcdowellKatty, that sux..
04:37.26jmcdowellWait a minute..
04:37.34jmcdowellI can't run a DHCP server on the phone systemm..
04:37.39jmcdowellThat would clash with the router.
04:38.03Kattyyes, and no
04:38.15jmcdowellSt. Louis mo?
04:38.17Kattyyou can hand out one range with your router, and another range with your box.
04:38.25Kattynot exactly, but close.
04:38.34jmcdowellSt. Clair, MO
04:38.42Kattyidk where that is
04:38.55jmcdowellAbout 30 minutes past six flags
04:39.02Kattyohhh that's way up north
04:39.14jmcdowellNo, WEST
04:39.18jmcdowell44 west
04:39.20Kattyit's north
04:39.22Kattyfrom me.
04:39.25Katty2.5hrs north
04:39.27Kattyas i am in cape.
04:39.37jmcdowellAhh most of my family is from Cape..
04:39.47jmcdowellThe Seyers and McDowells
04:39.55Kattynever heard of them
04:40.00Kattybut i'm not a native cape person
04:40.03jmcdowellSo is that POS Rush Limbash
04:40.13jmcdowellEeeew, must be hard then.
04:40.21Kattyi am well liked.
04:41.01jmcdowellI am pretty sure that running 2 dhcp server will cause issues, despite breaking the networks apart.
04:41.23jmcdowellAnd, I need them to be on the same subnet because the box will route external extensions in from the outside.
04:41.41p3nguinWHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
04:41.59Kattyjmcdowell: well.
04:42.02Kattyjmcdowell: you could fake it.
04:42.21Kattyjmcdowell: but it would probably be infinately easier if you just set the few boxes static.
04:42.21jmcdowellFake it?
04:42.39jmcdowellI have 14 phones
04:42.41Kattyyou can put it on another network...with or somethin
04:43.09jmcdowellI could do that, but when using dhcp, the client uses
04:43.13p3nguinWhy such a large subnet?
04:43.22Kattyp3nguin: so he can see other subnets.
04:44.18p3nguinI don't get it.
04:44.41Katty255.255.255.0 can only see other networks where the last digit is different
04:44.42*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
04:45.10jmcdowellbut all clients I have ever seen, search ip netmask
04:45.17Katty255.255.0.0 would be 0.1 - 254.254
04:45.19jmcdowellWhich would traverse that
04:45.44jmcdowellCan I specify the subnet in the Polycom phone.
04:45.46jmcdowellI wonder..
04:46.03Kattyyes. you can
04:46.04jmcdowellAll of this, because of a damn dial plan that can't be bipassed.
04:46.20dlynes_laptopKatty, where the last 8 bits are different
04:46.31jmcdowellI am perfectly fine setting them up manually
04:46.41jmcdowellbut it doesn't seem to work in regard to the dial plan.
04:47.27*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (n=chilicui@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:47.28p3nguindlynes_laptop: I'm waiting on her to start ANDing for us.
04:47.40dlynes_laptopp3nguin, ?
04:47.50p3nguinbinary conversion
04:48.04dlynes_laptopp3nguin, you haven't converted to the binary religion yet?
04:51.15dlynes_laptopjmcdowell, sounds like you've got a bogus phone
04:51.29dlynes_laptopjmcdowell, maybe you should've pitched in the extra money to buy a grandstream?
04:52.01dlynes_laptopjmcdowell, i know their dialplans work
04:55.07jmcdowellYou know they work?
04:55.20jmcdowellSo do I, so well in fact that I cannot turn it off.
04:55.52jmcdowelldlynes_laptop : Grand stream?  They were cheaper than the Polycom.
04:56.24jmcdowellThere is nothing wrong with Polycom, the thing sounds outstanding, I just have to figure out how to disable that damn dial plan.  Even if it means that I have to provision them.
04:57.15jmcdowellI could always change the trunk to append the nine on it's own and not worry about it.
04:57.19Kattypolycoms are my favorite
05:00.57dlynes_laptopjmcdowell, it was a bit of wry sarcasm...sorry...should've put a smiley face winking there, i guess
05:01.59dlynes_laptopKatty, considering there's so many of you polycom users in here, i thought someone would have had a solution to jmcdowell's extremely simple problem by now?
05:02.25Kattywell sure, if people were around
05:02.32Kattybut it's friday night. what do you really expect.
05:02.35dlynes_laptopi would think his problem would be fairly common
05:02.52dlynes_laptopi.e. probalby in the list of top ten faq's, for that matter
05:03.15dlynes_laptopi expect people would think asterisk was more important than a social life
05:03.18dlynes_laptopdon't you?
05:03.49dlynes_laptopI think even your squirrels are nuts about it
05:07.30Kattyi'm playing STO with ryan
05:08.02Kattywe already went out for dinner.
05:08.46Kattyand no, i think a social life is a very healthy part of a person's life.
05:09.36coppicesocial lives are people who lack the intellect to spend their Friday evenings developing better technology :-\
05:10.31Kattya lack of regular human social contact can bring on lots of things, like depression
05:12.34jmcdowellI have 5 kids, I have no life
05:12.59Kattysure you do
05:13.01Kattythey ARE your life (=
05:13.05coppiceKatty: social contact can also cause depression
05:13.07jmcdowellYeah right
05:13.13Kattycoppice: doesn't in me :P
05:13.22jmcdowellthey are my high blood pressure, nose bleeds and source of drama
05:13.22Kattycoppice: i find it very theraputic
05:13.42Kattyjmcdowell: and you would no doubt give your life for them
05:13.56coppicehe has already
05:15.23*** join/#asterisk RonaldRaygun (
05:15.30RonaldRaygunHi everyone
05:15.48*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
05:16.39Kattyshh, everyone's napping
05:18.02RonaldRaygunOh well
05:18.28RonaldRaygunI'm curious, my MagicJack subcription expired. Is there any way I can repurpose the hardware for asterisk?
05:20.03ChannelZIt might work as a sacrafice..
05:23.16Kattyi don't really get "repurpose"
05:25.32RonaldRaygunWell, the magicjack subscription ended, so I can't call the traditional way. I was thinking, using the magicjack hardware to connect a regular landline phone (or maybe a whole house system) to a computer with asterisk installed, so I can at least play around with the PBX possibliities.
05:25.48RonaldRaygunOr maybe I don't really understand how these fancy applications work.
05:28.30p3nguinYou want to try to make a Magic Jack ATA.
05:28.34dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, what is the 'magicjack' hardware, specifically?
05:28.44RonaldRaygunthe usb dongle.
05:28.54p3nguindlynes_laptop: You haven't seen MagicJacks?
05:29.05Pan3Dmagic jack constists of the device and the app. You'd have to know how the app communicates with the dongle
05:29.25p3nguinPicture a USB-to-RJ45 adapter.
05:29.31RonaldRaygunI think it's RJ-11
05:29.49Pan3Dit'll be over USB, which is an easy format for basic drivers -- but the format of the actual commumnications, you'd have to figure out.
05:30.07RonaldRaygunAs I envision it, the magicjack dongle (tigerjet sip card or something like that) will replace this:
05:30.33dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, have you tried ''?
05:30.38dlynes_laptopp3nguin, nope
05:30.40p3nguinTrust me, you aren't the first person to want to make his Magic Jack into an ATA to use with Asterisk.  There is probably a forum out there with hundreds of people just like you that can help you.
05:30.55dlynes_laptopp3nguin, i think i seen some magicjack store a little while ago
05:31.50dlynes_laptopp3nguin, i c
05:31.56dlynes_laptopp3nguin, and is it a hunk of junk?
05:32.00RonaldRaygunI know I'm not the first. The other solutions I've seen between MJ and asterisk involve just using the MJ hardware so I can connect my phone to my computer, and then make/take calls through a different VOIP service
05:32.06p3nguindlynes_laptop: That's what I hear, anyway.
05:32.09dlynes_laptopp3nguin, i.e. akin to an x101p, or an x100p?
05:32.14RonaldRaygunMJ is an okay service
05:32.16dlynes_laptopp3nguin, or maybe even worse?
05:32.19RonaldRaygunbut not nearly as useful as ooma
05:32.32Pan3Dthe big thing is this new device they've announced
05:32.33p3nguindlynes_laptop: I figure it's really no different than an HSP 56k modem.
05:32.41dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, did you or did you not click on that link i gave you?
05:32.43Pan3Dfor VoIP over cell
05:33.16RonaldRaygunI don't understand what I'm looking at dlynes_laptop
05:33.26dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, hire a techy then
05:33.40RonaldRaygunI will once I know what it is I want lol
05:34.05dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, it's instructions that tell you how to patch the asterisk source to be able to use magicjack with asterisk as a trunk
05:34.18p3nguindlynes_laptop: I think that uses Asterisk on MJ's service.  He's wanting to use the MJ dongle as an ATA for Asterisk.
05:34.29dlynes_laptopp3nguin, oh
05:34.38dlynes_laptopp3nguin, what the hell for?
05:34.46Pan3DRonaldRaygun: what the hell for?
05:34.55RonaldRaygunBecause my magicjack subscription ended and I already have a VOIP solution
05:35.01p3nguin'Cause he has the dongle and a real ATA will cost another $30.
05:35.15dlynes_laptopp3nguin, and $30 will break his bank account, or something? :)
05:35.23Pan3Dthat is... ass backwards
05:35.26p3nguinLet is take up a collection.
05:35.29RonaldRaygunRather not buy new hardware
05:35.31p3nguinLet us, rather
05:35.38dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, dood
05:35.51RonaldRaygunBut I guess there are more options than what I see here?
05:35.52dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, you hang out at the 56th st bridge?
05:36.15p3nguinA PAP2T-NA will run you $34 on ebay (with free shipping).
05:36.17dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, yeah...way more
05:36.53RonaldRaygunI'm guessing all PCI-based
05:36.55dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, and if you're super cheap, search for the term 'x100p' on ebay
05:37.02p3nguinThe PAP2T will be almost exactly the same as MJ's dongle, but will give you POTS phone to Ethernet rather than to USB.
05:37.05RonaldRaygunAs in, I can't repurpose an aging dell inspiron 5150
05:37.08dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, you can pick those up for about $7 plus shipping
05:37.37RonaldRaygunI guess it sucks being a college student lol.
05:37.50dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, dood...which class?
05:37.56dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, electronics or double e?
05:37.58p3nguinronaldraygun: I run a Gateway 3400 PIII 933MHz box... I'm sure your hardware is better than mine.
05:38.16dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, ah....was going to say you could etch your own telephony card
05:38.26dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, if you were electrically inclined
05:38.33RonaldRaygunp3nguin, specs-wise yes. But I don't think this laptop has a PCI slot =)
05:38.52p3nguinronaldraygun: You really only need one Ethernet port.
05:39.13p3nguinWhy did you want a PCI card, anyway?
05:39.18RonaldRaygunI didn't
05:39.32RonaldRaygunI was under the assumption that the vast majority of these ATAs (I think) are PCI-based
05:39.33p3nguinIf you have Ethernet, that's good enough.
05:39.43RonaldRaygunBut apparently there are ethernet versions
05:39.47p3nguinThere are zero PCI ATAs that I am aware of.
05:40.02RonaldRaygunThese things:
05:40.21p3nguinATAs are normally a small standalone box.
05:41.03dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, you might be able to find a digium s100u kicking around somewhere
05:41.09dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, it's a usb fxs port device
05:41.41p3nguinSeriously, the PAP2T is $34 on ebay.
05:42.05RonaldRaygunOkay. I obviously have a lot to learn. Where should I start reading on PBX technilogies with regard to Asterisk?
05:42.54dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, /usr/local/src/asterisk-*.sample
05:42.59RonaldRaygunWhat I had originally intended to do was run the asterisk server in a VM, and then connect peripherals to that VM. That way, I don't tie up potentially usable resources on that laptop.
05:43.09dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, also and the book
05:43.11infoboti guess thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:43.28p3nguinSo you'll add overhead and use more resources by installing virtual machine software... good plan.
05:43.29dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, you were going to run the asterisk server in a voicemail?
05:43.40RonaldRaygunVM => Virtual machine
05:43.51dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, ok...when you're on a channel talking about phone systems
05:43.52RonaldRaygunand p3nguin, fileservers are important too =D
05:43.58dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, VM means voicemail, not virtual machine
05:44.02RonaldRaygunGot it
05:44.11dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, VPS/VPE/... all mean virtual machine
05:44.17voipmonkor VE
05:44.21dlynes_laptopor that
05:44.30voipmonknow im interested...
05:44.32voipmonkscrolls up
05:44.48p3nguinronaldraygun: What OS is on your laptop?
05:45.12RonaldRaygunThe host is win xp, guest 1 is freebsd and guest 2 would be asterisk
05:45.26p3nguinthat... doesn't make sense to me.
05:45.29dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, you mean guest 2 would be linux?
05:45.35dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, asterisk isn't an OS
05:45.35p3nguinAsterisk is an application, not an OS.
05:45.42p3nguinAnd you can run Asterisk ON FreeBSD.
05:45.43p3nguinI do.
05:45.44RonaldRaygunokay, linux running asterisk
05:46.07RonaldRaygunHmmm, maybe it might be worth putting it all in one machine
05:46.28dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, well, seeing as how you're in finance
05:47.02dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, it might be better to take windows off of there, so your spreadsheets don't get lost someday, when windows is feeling drunk
05:47.12dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, just put everything on freebsd or linux, and use openoffice, instead
05:47.24p3nguinI'll assume you mean
05:47.57p3nguinNot really, open office is something else... different.
05:48.13dlynes_laptophow so?
05:48.16RonaldRaygunI'm not sure if you're always like this or what. dlynes, if there is a newbie chat elsewhere, let me know
05:48.39dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, i was just being facetious :)
05:48.45RonaldRaygunand OpenOffice is garbage for what I do. VBA is mighty useful when working with large 100MB+ spreadsheets
05:48.49dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, i'm bored
05:48.53dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, and it's friday night
05:49.13RonaldRaygunOkay, you're in the states
05:49.18dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, no
05:49.19RonaldRaygunSee here, it's Saturday noon
05:49.23dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, but nice try
05:49.31RonaldRaygunwell that timezone at least
05:49.38RonaldRaygunNorth/south america
05:49.55dlynes_laptopand if you're at noon
05:50.00dlynes_laptopit sounds like you're in asia
05:50.30dlynes_laptopmore specifically taiwan, china, hong kong, malaysia, or australia
05:50.39RonaldRaygunSingapore, but you were close enough
05:50.56dlynes_laptopYeah...just know you're on Chinese time zone
05:51.19dlynes_laptop15 hours ahead of Vancouver time
05:51.25dlynes_laptop12 hours ahead of Toronto time
05:51.31RonaldRaygunI get it =D
05:51.34p3nguinIn Singapore, but bouncing off University of Connecticut's network.  Nice.
05:51.52dlynes_laptopp3nguin, to defeat the great Internet firewall, probably
05:52.18dlynes_laptophe's in Singapore, not China
05:52.27RonaldRaygunEasy to tunnel to Uconn when you know people who can help provide an end.
05:53.04dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, so you can watch boxee, or something?
05:53.26dlynes_laptopRonaldRaygun, some service that insists that you're in the US, or denies you access
05:53.39dlynes_laptopI really hate boxee
05:53.47RonaldRaygunHulu for me.
05:53.49dlynes_laptopand hulu
05:53.52dlynes_laptopthey both suck
05:53.58RonaldRaygunNothing better
05:53.59dlynes_laptopcan't watch them from Canada
05:54.35*** join/#asterisk joako (n=Owner@opensuse/member/joak0)
05:54.47dlynes_laptopnix8n82, yeah...would have to tunnel through my account on 1 and 1
05:54.57dlynes_laptopnix8n82, such a pain in the ass, thoguh
05:56.06nix8n82yeah, but not hard to do if you really feel the urge to watch
05:57.57dlynes_laptopyeah...but the work server
05:58.06dlynes_laptopso, if the bandwidth goes over our allotment
05:58.17dlynes_laptopthere'll be a witchhunt for me :)
05:58.50RonaldRaygunOk, lemme start over. There was an interesting article I read sometime ago about Asterisk being a business phone for the consumer. Specifically, creating extensions for callers to dial through. At least that way, I can better keep on top of the stuff I'm dealing with. I have a MagicJack that recently expired. The software is now useless, but the hardware is still viable. As I understand Asterisk, there is some sort of VoIP connection c
05:58.50RonaldRaygunonnecting the computer to the telephony world. The computer would handle the voicemails, and any other fun feature I come across. The magicjack would simply allow me to connect a regular RJ-11 phone and everything else would be normal. How best can I achieve this?
05:59.32nix8n82right and it's probably not worth paying for your own server in the us
06:00.36p3nguinronaldraygun: As I already mentioned, spend $34 on a PAP2T and scrap the idea of using your MJ dongle.
06:00.45Pan3Dnix8n82: how do you figure?
06:01.04RonaldRaygunWhat I'm looking for is the intelligent voicemail.
06:01.18voipmonkbuild it
06:01.19RonaldRaygunNeedn't be with the MJ dongle, just need a way to access it
06:01.33RonaldRaygunAccess the voicemail that is
06:01.50p3nguinMaybe a PAP2T would be of some use.
06:01.57nix8n82well to him, I would set up an AWS cloud server and use them, if I really had the need or desire
06:01.58voipmonkthe MJ hardware is not viable without an account with MJ
06:02.29voipmonkits done - go burn it , put it on youtube and buy a pap2tna or spa941 or polycom 330 w/AC adapter
06:04.32Pan3Dyeah, that's sort of the irony  in this... RonaldRaygun, you want to salvage the propriatary hardware when instead you could buy something that would be open to multiple systems moving forward.
06:04.35p3nguinronaldraygun: It is really as easy and signing up with the ITSP of your choice, obtaining a phone number, setting up Asterisk on an internet-enabled computer, and connecting the computer and a PAP2T to a switch/hub.
06:05.16p3nguinIf you don't want to get an ATA such as the PAP2T, you can buy an IP phone instead of reusing your analog phones on an ATA.
06:05.19RonaldRaygunI suppose it's ironic. I guess I'm not familiar with all the technologies involved with this yet.
06:05.36Pan3Dwhere's that video?
06:05.43Pan3Danyone got the link?
06:05.46infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
06:05.52dlynes_laptophrm...guess squid can't proxy hulu traffic, either
06:06.08Pan3DRonaldRaygun: watch this...
06:06.27Pan3Dvery informative about the wholve process
06:12.19*** part/#asterisk kam187 (n=kam187@
06:15.58*** join/#asterisk zamba (
06:19.35infobothmm... itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
06:21.41p3nguinNo Flowroute nor
06:22.32*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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06:55.40sun28moin \o/
06:56.38ChannelZinfobot ~itsplist-us is also ,
06:56.38infobotChannelZ: okay
07:03.48profxavierPan3D>RonaldRaygun: watch this...
07:03.49profxavier<Pan3D>very informative about the wholve process
07:03.51profxavierI must say, that is an excellent link
07:06.49infobotmethinks itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
07:06.49ChannelZI get a big error here.
07:07.05p3nguinIt makes my browser die when I try to play it.
07:08.54ChannelZoh.. oops, these stupid ~ triggers make the syntax weird
07:09.00ChannelZinfobot forget ~itsplist-us
07:09.00infoboti forgot ~itsplist-us, ChannelZ
07:09.08ChannelZinfobot itsplist-us is also ,
07:09.09infobotChannelZ: okay
07:09.43infobotwell, itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,, or ,
07:11.57*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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09:18.04seanjohnwith the dial command, how do you execute commands after you have connected the call, such as dial more numbers into a conference?
09:19.53ChannelZIf you want a bunch of people in a conf, wouldn't you just transfer them into one, and then place another call, transfer them in, etc ?
09:23.40*** join/#asterisk toppe (
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09:27.10aceking5is vtwhite a good/reliable DID provider?
09:27.28aceking5i don't wanna lose DIDs if the company goes bankrupt
09:39.27seanjohnis there anyway to identify channels using variables asterisk automatically sets on the DIal command?
09:46.42ChannelZlike ${CHANNEL} ?
09:52.20seanjohnis this legal in asterisk? ExecIf($["${SPOOF}" = "1"],Sub,spoof^1)
09:55.04ChannelZthat's not the syntax, no
09:57.44*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
10:02.37*** join/#asterisk dennis00 (i=dennis00@unaffiliated/dennis00)
10:02.53dennis00How can I set up that multiple devices are logged in on the SIP account at a time?
10:04.29ChannelZyou can't
10:05.01dennis00I want to be available at a phone number on multiple devices.
10:05.14ChannelZEach device must be unique
10:05.19ChannelZbut you can Dial multiple devices
10:07.29*** join/#asterisk mpe (
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10:19.45dennis00Great! :)
10:28.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
10:59.34aceking5how do i disable asterisk from requiring registration/authentication from a certain IP?
10:59.47aceking5insecure= doesnt seem to be working anymore
11:04.57*** join/#asterisk dennis00 (i=dennis00@unaffiliated/dennis00)
11:05.14dennis00Can extensions be both numbers and characters? Or is this not a FreePBX limit only?
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11:54.40dennis00lol, my asterisk asked my name and I had not configured that. It happened after I changed my extern to exten => 3110number,n,Dial(SIP/1001,25&SIP/x-lite,25&SIP/iphone3gs,25&SIP/profoon,25).
11:54.48dennis00Also, it only calls the 1001 number...
11:58.25dennis00ÃŒs there a default timeout for dial?
12:18.49*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (n=Akiraaaa@
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12:31.31Gido-Edennis00 in the cli, core show applicaion dial
12:31.37Gido-Edennis00 in the cli, core show application dial
12:50.56*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
12:53.39leifmadsendennis00: ya, your formatting in Dial() is wrong
12:54.48dennis00@leifmadsen: Can you please be more clear?
12:55.10leifmadsendennis00: what does the syntax output of 'core show application dial' tell you?
12:55.22dennis00@leifmadsen: It gives a list of instructions.
12:55.36leifmadsendennis00: at the top -- it shows you how to format the Dial() line
12:55.44leifmadsenabove all the flags
12:56.06*** join/#asterisk aceking5 (
12:56.14dennis00It uses brackets...
12:56.32dennis00the line you are refering to: Dial(Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...][,timeout][,options][,URL])
12:56.33aceking5how come DTMF is all broken up and jiterred in a SIPtoPSTN call?
12:56.59leifmadsendennis00: right -- now look at your line, and look at how the first option in Dial() is structured
12:57.56dennis00leifmadsen: So, do I need to use brackets in my dial()?
12:58.16leifmadsendennis00: no.... those brackets just mean "optional"
12:58.31leifmadsendennis00: Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...]   <-- do you see any commas in there?
12:58.44leifmadsendennis00: no, look again
12:58.53leifmadsendennis00: Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...]
12:59.28leifmadsendennis00: yes, now you can add your second argument, which in this case is a timeout
12:59.44dennis00Dial(SIP/1001&SIP/1002&SIP/1003,25) XD
13:00.40*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
13:00.40leifmadsenaceking5: how do you have your dtmfmode setup in sip.conf ?
13:01.03aceking5all rfc2833
13:01.16aceking5including itsp's and internal sip clients
13:02.30aceking5and im pretty sure the call is ulaw from asterisk to the itsp
13:02.31leifmadsenhow are you calling the pstn?
13:02.44leifmadsensounds like a problem at the itsp
13:02.46aceking5actually, it happens on an inbound call
13:03.06aceking5RTP between asterisk and itsp is ulaw
13:03.10leifmadsenbecause rfc2833 is out of band, so the audio for the dtmf gets created after the fact
13:03.14aceking5idk what it is between asterisk and sip client
13:03.34leifmadseneither do I :)
13:03.48aceking5how do i find out what codecs are being used?
13:04.05leifmadsenlook at the SDP
13:04.16leifmadsenruns off to do some more phoneprov testing with older versions to see if it's just trunk
13:04.16aceking5hold on
13:04.24*** join/#asterisk aliverius (
13:04.53aliveriusis anyone here experienced with mISDN and LCR ?
13:06.20aceking5a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
13:06.25aceking5is between asterisk and ITSP
13:07.41aceking5im pretty sure its all ulaw
13:07.52aceking5is rfc2833 supposed to work?
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13:08.12dennis00I have ulaw problems too.
13:08.29aceking5hmm should i try inband
13:08.40aceking5since it's ulaw
13:09.00dennis00[Jan 23 14:07:16] NOTICE[3465] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice frame on SIP/x-lite-00000001 of format alaw since our native format has changed to 0x4 (ulaw)
13:09.00dennis00[Jan 23 14:07:18] WARNING[3465] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
13:09.00dennis00I have set allow ulaw, alaw and gsm in sip.conf, but the call still does not get through my PAP2T adapter. What could be the issue?
13:09.18aceking5what did you do to see that
13:09.20aceking5just verbosity?
13:15.43dennis00No, I did not change to verbosity.
13:17.09dennis00with verbosity:
13:19.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:20.02aceking5is the call being established?
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13:34.42aceking5are there 800 numbrs i can test dtmf on
13:36.44dennis00Is there any reason I should not update to 1.6.2?
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14:15.28dlynes_laptopdennis00, it was released recently, and so there's probably still security bugs in it
14:16.47dlynes_laptopaliverius, what's the problem with mISDN and LCR?
14:19.15aliveriusi  am still at the learning stage... that is my main problem it seems! atm i am trying to see if lcr receives an external ring, to verify i have done everything ok so far
14:20.25aliverius"23.01.10 16:06:00.683 CH: PH_ACTIVATE INDICATION U<-N  port 0" tells me my isdn card is connected to my tel co's NT which is a relief
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15:15.56benngardfun moment 22, i f i keep my settings "allow=alaw:40" i cam make calls but got fax problems "Only generating 240 samples, where 320 requested", when i change to "allow=alaw:20" (on both sides ofc) i get rid of the fax problems but cant place calls :(
15:17.35*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
15:17.38jmcdowellhola all
15:18.02jmcdowellis looking for suggested hardware for a 3 line asterisk setup
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15:18.18voipmonkexplain 3 lines
15:18.20voipmonk3 pstn lines?
15:18.24voipmonkor 3 sip lines ( voip ) ?
15:18.32jmcdowell3 SIP lines
15:18.41voipmonkok - and what do you want to do with them?
15:18.48jmcdowellMake phone calls
15:18.49voipmonkhow do you want to use them?
15:18.51jmcdowellback and forth
15:19.03jmcdowellSip lines.
15:19.13jmcdowellTie each of them to a did
15:19.26jmcdowelland use them pretty regularly
15:19.36jmcdowellin one box with voice mail
15:19.40voipmonkso 1 number 3 lines
15:19.44jmcdowellIVR etc
15:19.52voipmonkdo you have a preference for the location of the didi?
15:20.05jmcdowellNo, they have 3 existing #'s that they are porting over
15:20.24jmcdowellthey bought a dual machine that turned out to be a POS and crashed last night during integration
15:20.40jmcdowellI told them to get a dell optiplex and call it done
15:20.49voipmonkfor 3 lines?
15:20.50jmcdowellbut wanted to look for suggestions
15:20.58jmcdowellYes for 3 lines.
15:21.19voipmonkyou could sit a watch on solar panels running linux and run 3 lines
15:21.24jmcdowellWow as in dell not good enough or wow the dual 3.2 ghz with 4 gig ramn was an over kill kind of wow?
15:21.32voipmonkyes overkill
15:21.40voipmonkbut you use what you got
15:21.45jmcdowellThat's what I thought.. NEVER use shuttle based products
15:21.47jmcdowellthey SUCK
15:22.06voipmonkif you want to squash a fly with the empire state building , go ahead :)
15:22.17voipmonkwell back up now
15:22.18jmcdowellSo I am thinking about getting a small dual p4 or dual core from CL and using that.
15:22.26jmcdowellWhat ever make more $ sense
15:22.35voipmonkshuttle based products dont suck - the systems integrator does
15:22.44jmcdowellI don't suck
15:22.53jmcdowellthe system CRASHED as in hardware failure.
15:23.08jmcdowellLocked up then lost CMOS crc wouldn't post, lost CMOS again etc.
15:23.18jmcdowellThe hardware FAILED and I don't want to mess with it anymore.
15:23.23voipmonkit happens
15:23.39jmcdowellOh and it won't boot now as the hard drive also has failed in some way.
15:23.45jmcdowellI hear ya
15:24.02voipmonkwe could go along the very long list of ...... ambient temperatures, power, what did you do in the dev lab to test your system before deploying, how long didi you run the tests, blah blah
15:24.17voipmonkbut right now the system is done - so moving on :)
15:24.32voipmonkso ur getting a dell, eh?
15:24.36jmcdowellVoipmonk is the dood you were talking to the other night that is dropping a donation in your box soon.
15:24.52jmcdowellThis is the same box that you were on, it just failed.
15:25.01jmcdowellI am doing more experiementing right now than anything else.
15:25.06voipmonkwell that sux
15:25.23jmcdowellBut that POS failed out of no where, in a perfectly suitable environement.
15:25.38jmcdowellYour right it happens, but I am testing, I have no time for failures.
15:27.06jmcdowellI am also exploring forking asterisknow
15:27.07voipmonkso when do u get the new box?
15:27.19dmastg'morning all
15:27.22jmcdowellI have no idea, I am hoping today.
15:27.34jmcdowellBut if we just RMA the existing box, there is no telling when.
15:27.42voipmonkgood lord
15:28.10jmcdowellgood lord?
15:33.09jmcdowellYou know, it woul be nice to fork asterisknow into a more viable project focused around something like Ubuntu
15:33.30*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:33.46jmcdowellBring it up to Asterisk 2.6 and not let it fall behind the curve, create some really intuitive interace enhancements while leaving the option for the old.
15:33.52jmcdowellOne could almost not go wrong.
15:36.57*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (n=steve@
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15:38.12dlynes_laptoptimholum_, still cruising around the mountain in virginia, while irc'ing and ssh'ing on your iphone?
15:38.41timholumnope, now im in a hotel in cary north carolina
15:39.15timholumstill using my phone internet thought, due to the hotels internet sucking :)
15:41.17timholumbut i have verizon so my speed's and coverage is good
15:41.52*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
15:42.53jmcdowellBut your bill probably sucksk, and that cap really sucks.
15:42.57dlynes_laptoptimholum, so did you ever get your problem fixed?
15:43.25timholumno I didnt work on it after I disconnected yesterday
15:45.34timholumim googleing for the same issue it looks like a few people have had the issue but i have not seen a solution yet. I am sure it is just that i am missing something simple
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15:52.46dlynes_laptoptimholum, i can't even remember what the issue was anymore
15:53.36timholumI am trying to configure voicemail to use mysql to store the messages. I keep getting a res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
15:53.57timholumI have my config's here
15:54.04timholumif you wanted to take a look
15:54.58dlynes_laptoptimholum, i've got a few questions for you
15:55.02*** join/#asterisk dennis00 (n=dennis@unaffiliated/dennis00)
15:55.29dennis00"[Jan 23 16:51:54] WARNING[25579] file.c: File please-enter-the does not exist in any format" < could it be i am missing sounds?
15:55.30dlynes_laptoptimholum, Have you checked to make sure both shared objects actually exist where your odbcinst.ini says they live?
15:55.44dlynes_laptopdennis00, that's exactly the problem
15:55.54dennis00dlynes_laptop: great :)
15:56.12dlynes_laptoptimholum, also have you checked to make sure the mysql.sock file exists where your odbc.ini file says it does?
15:56.27dennis00I am very tired and I want the wakeup call to be a 2nd alarm in case my phone fails.
15:57.02dlynes_laptopdennis00, what do you want us to do about it?
15:57.24dennis00dlynes_laptop: nothing, I just wanted people to know what I am doing :)
15:57.24dlynes_laptopdennis00, put your alarm clock further away, so you have to drag your ass out of bed to shut it off
15:57.28timholumwell isql astrealtime works. and I can use the database and table that I have configured
15:57.42dennis00dlynes_laptop: I will do that too :) i guess that' s what went wrong lsat time.
15:58.52dlynes_laptoptimholum, one other issue I see immediately, too
15:59.10dlynes_laptoptimholum, you created these files when you were running on little or no sleep
15:59.23dlynes_laptoptimholum, so you might want to take the same suggestion I gave dennis00
16:00.20dlynes_laptoptimholum, i bet you're wondering why I'm saying that, right?
16:00.38timholumhow is that :)
16:01.00dlynes_laptoptimholum, hehe...your 'dsn' in res_odbc.conf is pointing to a non-existent dsn
16:02.07dlynes_laptoptimholum, I'm guessing it works now?
16:02.34timholumits pointing to astrealtime which is how i have it configured in /etc/odbc.ini
16:05.53dlynes_laptoptimholum, no...look again
16:05.59timholumwow :)
16:06.38timholumI think it was that i looked at it so many times that my mind made it look correct to me :) thanks :)
16:06.52dlynes_laptopyeah...that's happened to me before, too
16:06.56dlynes_laptopseveral times
16:07.02dlynes_laptopusually with C code, though :)
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16:07.34dlynes_laptoptimholum, so it's working now?
16:08.37timholumI am no longer getting the errors in my console, I am just about to give my vm a call
16:09.45timholumit works :)
16:10.00timholumthanks i have been working on that off and on for a week
16:10.59dennis00dlynes_laptop: thanks, got it working! bye
16:11.57*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:18.46dlynes_laptoptimholum, wow....a week?
16:19.50timholumya, :( not the same exact error the whole time but trying to get voicemail in a db
16:20.18dlynes_laptoptimholum, well, i think your biggest problem was trying to use the mysql method instead odbc
16:21.06timholumya :) and spelling :)
16:23.07timholumbut now I can work on the webapp that I am integrating my phone system into :)
16:23.32carrara web page for Asterisk, Thats crazy talk
16:24.30dlynes_laptoptimholum, you do know about vmail.cgi, right?
16:26.21timholumdlyness_laptop: nope never heard of it. but the webapp is written in php and mysql. so my programing team will have an easyer time integrating with mysql.
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16:30.38kam187hey guys
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16:38.12dlynes_laptoptimholum, ah...yeah...the vmail.cgi app is written in perl
16:43.10timholumthat is one of the bennefits of asterisk thought. if you want a different way to do anything. more often then not you can :)
16:44.09dlynes_laptoptimholum, not even so much asterisk, than linux in general and in the greater microcosm, unix
16:44.14aliveriusdlynes_laptop: what does  ' l1 link = unknown' mean? before it was 'up'
16:44.28dlynes_laptopaliverius, huh?
16:44.43dlynes_laptopaliverius, you grab three words out of a log file and expect people to interpret it?
16:44.51aliveriuslcradmin portinfo says that
16:45.02aliveriussorry i thought you remember i was asking about lcr before
16:45.09dlynes_laptopaliverius,'re talking about the mISDN issue
16:45.11*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
16:45.26aliveriusyeah, sorry i didnt mention that
16:45.26timholumtrue :) my office is run almost entirely off open source stuff, samba for my domain controler zimbra for mail and asterisk for the phone system
16:45.30dlynes_laptopaliverius, no idea...I just thought you might be running across the same issue as another guy the other day
16:45.59dlynes_laptopaliverius, someone else was working with the same stuff you're working with, but linux was completely locking up on them
16:46.05aliveriusdlynes_laptop: ok. do you remember his nick?
16:46.12dlynes_laptopaliverius, not offhand, no
16:46.23dlynes_laptopaliverius, but he was european, fwiw
16:46.29dlynes_laptopaliverius, i think he was from norway
16:46.30*** part/#asterisk neurosys (
16:46.52aliveriusi guess misdn is useful only for europe :>
16:47.12dlynes_laptopaliverius, not necessarily so
16:47.23dlynes_laptopaliverius, it's just that in north america, it's almost non-existent
16:47.35aliveriusin case you meet him again tell him to lower the priority of lcr
16:47.35dlynes_laptopaliverius, the telcos here don't even want to admit they have the service
16:47.50dlynes_laptopaliverius, ah, you had the same problem, then?
16:48.12aliveriusno bad i have been reading the guides over and over hehe
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16:50.14aliveriusin theory isdn should me more comfortable to work with than pots but the implementation is somewhat obscure
16:50.30aliveriusi dont even know where to start from :p
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16:51.46kam187hmm asterisk keeps seg faulting after a few hours
16:51.56kam187but when it restarts it wont accept any sip calls
16:52.05timholumwell I am going to head out, thanks again dlynes_laptop for your help.
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17:51.07elitemxHi everyone. I have two basic questions.
17:51.59*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
17:52.46elitemxIf I get t1 pri would it be possible for me to call
17:53.18elitemxone of the external numbers (and instruct it to make a four-way five-way call)
17:54.04p3nguinYou should be able to have 23 calls on a PRI, if I remember right.
17:58.02*** join/#asterisk andresmujica1 (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
17:58.06elitemxwhat really confused me is looking up some products on digium (specifically the TE122B which cost about $700) ... because when I took a look at their "switchbox soho" prodcut it says "up to 10 concurrent calls" (and that costs over $2000)
17:59.27elitemxalso the overview for the TE122 card says "the TE122 can be used to deliver ... conferencing, three-way calling, ..."
17:59.51elitemxdoes that mean four-way, five-way, six-way etc is not supported
18:01.02p3nguinThat's the way I would interpret it, but I am not familiar with those hardwares.
18:05.20elitemxI will try a little more research
18:12.19carrarelitemx, with a PRI you could have 23 people on one call
18:12.23carraroh he left
18:12.42carrarmore if they had sip
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19:00.05aliveriusok i need a softphone for linux to help me learn asterix
19:00.33aliveriusrecomendations please? i dont care about the look and stuff, i just wanna connect it easily to an asterix
19:01.48ChannelZZoiper.. Twinkle.. Ekiga.. X-lite.. KPhone?
19:02.03*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
19:02.21aliveriusokkkk i will pick the k thing
19:03.00ChannelZgood luck
19:03.07*** join/#asterisk andresmujica1 (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:03.27chuckfaliverius: what distro are you using?
19:03.47aliveriusarchlinux and apparently kphone is not available :(
19:04.35chuckfI don't run arch but I like twinkle or ekiga
19:04.50chuckfin that ordedr
19:04.53zambai dislike ekiga
19:04.58zambait doesn't handle roaming very well
19:05.05zambathat is, at all
19:05.25chuckfno, but for basic testing its not bad as many distros include it
19:06.12aliveriusok twinkle is my first bet
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19:06.18aliveriusekiga may look ugly
19:08.13aliveriustwinkle is qt3.. it wont be great either
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19:24.32p3nguinI use twinkle on Arch.
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19:27.32aliveriusi put twinkle here, ekiga on the other pc
19:28.24aliveriusso basically i should now connect the two to asterisk and let them talk through it?
19:32.27aliveriusasterisk-gui is cycling this message: Creating a config file to store GUI Preferences
19:34.31*** join/#asterisk titter` (
19:35.21p3nguinWe don't do GUIs.
19:37.04kam187how do i specfify the ring cadence in asterisk?
19:37.28p3nguinThat might be in indications.conf
19:38.56aliveriusok p3nguin
19:39.33p3nguinI don't know if anyone is in #Asterisk-GUI or not.
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19:42.49aliveriusi could edit plain files or use the cli but asterisk is so vast
19:43.28aliveriuscould you please at list indicate a very introductory tutorial? those on asteriskguru dont follow a straight line
19:43.40infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:53.26ChannelZdid die some time ago?
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21:21.47*** join/#asterisk circut (
21:21.52circutafternoon all
21:22.35circutis there a reputable service provider that replaced nufone
21:22.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:23.16drmessanoThere's hundreds
21:25.25*** join/#asterisk Cain (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
21:25.35infoboti heard itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,, or ,
21:25.54ChannelZthere's a few less than hundreds, but GIYF
21:26.19circutthanks friend
21:26.34*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
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21:28.37drmessanoChannelZ: Just how many ITSPs do you think exist?
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21:30.17ChannelZI have no idea
21:30.40ChannelZI meant "there, above what infobot said, are a few less than hundreds.."
21:31.04*** part/#asterisk kam187 (n=kam187@
21:31.44drmessanoHundreds would be more more than 200, and you can find at least 120 listed on the voip wiki
21:32.05drmessanoI'd say that number is small compared to the actual count
21:33.26ChannelZyou're missing what I meant.  I didn't mean to say there are less than hundreds in existance
21:33.26*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
21:33.43ChannelZOnly that "there, the ones infobot just listed, are less than hundreds of choices"
21:47.54*** join/#asterisk Cain (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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22:32.16youngproguruSo.. What do you all think... Is it safe to move to 1.5 for full production use?
22:32.48*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (n=chilicui@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
22:41.30p3nguinI've always ran straight asterisk (no FreePBX add-on, no PiaF, no asterisk-gui, no Trixbox, etc.).  Would it be foolish for me to go with AsteriskNOW for my next deployment?
22:44.36ManxPower-workp3nguin: you'll have to learn everything over again.
22:45.06bmoraca_workp3nguin, stick with straight asterisk.  there are some minor benefits to running something like freepbx...but in general, it's not worth it
22:45.50bmoraca_worki've gone through a lot of trouble to provide customers with individual GUIs where they can modify find-me-follow-me and forwarding and read voicemails...and they never use them after the first week or's just not worth the headache
22:47.45*** join/#asterisk loceur (i=37e5687e@
22:48.02loceuranyone work with a hosted PBX provider that'd be willing to provide a DID, auto attendant, and call forwarding for a month or two for a haiti relief program?
22:50.03bmoraca_worki'm skeptical of all these haiti releif organizations
22:50.32loceurwell, this isn't an org.  It's just a business company doing the work.
22:50.41loceurbut there should be skepicism
22:50.49loceurthere's plenty of room for fraud
22:51.49loceurI'd also be more than willing to go through any verification, as that would be understandable
22:53.19bmoraca_workwell, unfortunately, i don't do international termination or origination, and i couldn't really authorize it anyway (well, i probably could, but it'd be hard to justify it to the highers-up)
22:53.28loceurohh it's all local
22:53.41loceurno international calls, I don't think
22:53.53loceurthough it's like 16h/day of calls
22:54.38loceurthey're in Florida and it'd be call forwarding to cell phones there
22:54.51loceurno outbound, just inbound.
22:55.35bmoraca_workcall forwards are outbound :)
22:55.46loceurgood point :/
22:59.18*** join/#asterisk Pan3D (
23:01.58loceurif we setup sip phones there, would that change anything?
23:03.30bmoraca_worklike i said, it's ultimately not my decision...i was more curious than anything else
23:03.59loceurof course.  glad you asked, maybe someone else will meander in and be interested
23:04.45loceuralso, asking on a Saturday is a seemingly large barrier.  Decision makers don't make decisions till Monday :)
23:05.09bmoraca_workif it were up to me and i had DIDs where you needed them and the cellphone termination rates were't terrible, i would probably be willing to spare a few channels
23:05.56p3nguinYou want to originate calls in FL and terminate them to cell phones in Haiti?
23:06.22loceurno no, originate around US, terminate in FL.  This is mostly logistic work
23:06.50loceurdoesn't have to be toll free, though it'd be nice
23:06.55p3nguinWhat is in FL that needs all these calls to be routed through a PBX?
23:07.24loceurand about 15 volunteers on cell phones (3-4 onsite at any given time)
23:07.38loceurshipping everything from gause to orphans
23:09.34loceurbmoraca_work; should I have an npa-nxx of where they're at for info?  What else should I have to help get a grasp on estimated costs?
23:10.26bmoraca_workthat would be it...that'll determine the direct costs of terminating to those cell phones.  i looked up the number you PMed me in Texas and my rate was ~$0.018/min
23:10.29p3nguinIf you had a good internet connection for data and IP phones on location, that would simplify things and reduce costs.
23:10.55loceurcell phone numbers are different area codes, but they'll all be in florida.  would their location or their cell's npa-nxx be the deciding factor?
23:11.39p3nguinFlowroute offers $0.0098/minute to all US numbers.
23:12.02p3nguinBut if you are using IP phones on-site, the termination rate is 0.
23:12.13bmoraca_workflowroute also charges inbound, don't they?
23:12.30p3nguinThey have various "plans" for inbound.
23:12.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:12.55p3nguinHow many calls do you expect to receive?
23:13.30loceurthey're averaging 2-3 minute calls every 10 minutes times 3-4 phones for 16 hours a day
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23:14.23p3nguinYour numbers have caused confusion.
23:14.29bmoraca_workyou're looking at roughly 2000 minutes per day
23:15.15loceurbmoraca_work; I calculated 1000 minutes, but I guess call forwarding is 2x?
23:15.43*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
23:15.47loceurbut yeah, 1000-2000 minutes a day is a good estimate
23:16.07bmoraca_workwell, i rounded up to 5 minutes per 10 minutes (30 minutes per hour) * 4 phones = 120 minutes /hr * 16 hours /day = 2000 minutes per day
23:19.06*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
23:19.47p3nguinWho is going to be paying for the costs on VoIP channels?
23:20.07*** join/#asterisk Katty (
23:20.15bmoraca_workp3nguin, he's looking for them to be donated
23:20.26p3nguinI see.
23:20.36Kattyi put up 'Fruit Baskets' for the birds.
23:21.11Kattynailed 1 inch of a 6 inch nail into each tree...and then hung a small wire basket on the nail.
23:21.14p3nguinI would be more apt to donate my internet and clock cycles than my money to pay for channels.
23:21.37loceurp3nguin; actually, may have just found $200 to do this.
23:22.00*** join/#asterisk simplydrew_ (
23:22.22bmoraca_workloceur, what's the NPA-NXX for this?
23:22.45loceurbmoraca_work; their cell phone's npa-nxx or the physical location's npa-nxx?
23:22.52bmoraca_workcell phones
23:23.04loceurcrap, they're prolly all over
23:23.09loceurI could get them
23:23.22loceurmight take an hour or two, but most of these guys aren't local
23:23.24bmoraca_workjust an example...they're likely the same provider, right?
23:23.35Katty^- that's the basket i hung on the nail.
23:23.43loceurbmoraca_work; no, probably all over
23:23.46Kattyand then i put slices of peach in the basket.
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23:24.39p3nguinFlowroute provides a "virtual PRI" for the incoming calls -- $17.95/month/channel, unlimited minutes.  You'll probably want at least 1.5x as many channels as you have people to receive calls.
23:24.49loceurthe goal is to frequently rotate numbers around, as well p3nguin, cell phone 1 answers while he's onsite, then to cell 2 when he leaves, so it'd take frequent administration
23:25.02loceurp3nguin; great price
23:25.07loceurreliable enough?
23:25.13loceurget what you pay for of course
23:25.26p3nguinIt is only as reliable as the internet connection where the PBX is connected.
23:25.33loceurohh right
23:25.35p3nguinI would trust Flowroute 99%.
23:26.34p3nguinAs far as users going on-site and needing calls to come in, then no more calls when they go off site... that is simple with Queues and Agent logins.
23:26.44bmoraca_worki generally charge $40/mo/channel (includes local and longdistance and inbound) for hosted pbx origination/termination.  for non-hosted PBX, I charge $30/mo for same.  the reason i charge more for hosted pbx is because i don't actually charge for the hosting of the pbx
23:26.52p3nguinYou go on-site, you login to your queue.  You logout before you leave.
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23:31.30loceurbmoraca_work; have a management tool to add/remove numbers?
23:32.46loceuror a website I can go look at?  Seems I have funding now
23:33.33loceurp3nguin; I'll check out flowroute as well, looks like it may be a good choice as well
23:33.54p3nguinDIDs - 20-number blocks start at $14.95/month with a $19.95 setup fee.
23:34.04p3nguinDo you need 20 numbers?
23:34.16p3nguinsingle DIDs at bargain price of $1.39/month with a $1.00 setup fee!
23:34.39loceursingle did.  20 users/call forwarded numbers
23:34.51p3nguin1 DID?
23:35.04dlynes_laptopp3nguin, at the price flowroute charges, you may as well just get a pri
23:35.19loceuryeah.  1-800 or general call-in number, then an auto-attendant for call routing
23:35.37loceurdlynes_laptop; lol, where to then?
23:35.37p3nguinYeah, for $375/month, I'll go ahead and run a T1.  *sigh*
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23:39.36dlynes_laptoploceur, just talk to your telco, and steal a pri off of them for $300-450/mo
23:40.25loceurdlynes_laptop; this is a 1 -2 month deal and I need 3-4 lines (6 would be perfect) and only call forwarding...
23:40.42loceurgetting mine own pri and setting up my own * box would be a bit overkill
23:41.34dlynes_laptoploceur, yeah...that'd be overkill for 3-4 lines
23:41.40dlynes_laptopor even 6 for that matter
23:41.54dlynes_laptoploceur, and you only get the good rates on pri's, if you sign a 5 yr commit
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23:47.50loceurbmoraca_work; I'd be interested in your hosted pbx.  have any details you can pass my way?
23:57.42jhirleyquick question, what the name of the sip provider starts with a V ?

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