IRC log for #asterisk on 20100108

00:00.03Tech_Travisouttolunc Are you referring the authenticate like VoicemailMain uses?
00:00.18outtolunccore show application authenticate
00:00.52*** part/#asterisk gavimobile (
00:01.50ManxPower-workor "show applications like authenticate"
00:02.05ManxPower-workcore show applications like authenticate
00:04.39*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
00:21.24*** part/#asterisk delrocas (
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00:25.25*** join/#asterisk aidinb (n=Aidin@
00:45.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:57.48*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
00:58.08*** join/#asterisk Bioh (n=biohazar@
01:14.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:22.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:30.19Kattywaits around for face mask to dry
01:32.07*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (n=chatzill@
01:33.08*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
01:34.05*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
01:34.48*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
01:45.35leifmadsenKatty: hoi
01:54.42*** join/#asterisk niekie (i=quasselc@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
01:56.31*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
02:27.27*** join/#asterisk aidinb (n=Aidin@
02:27.38*** join/#asterisk jas123 (i=jas@
02:30.10jas123HI, anyone using fax for asterisk, I have 2 conventional POTS fax machine(panasonic & sharp) faxing to asterisk tdm card, but sharp always show line error message and faxing failure, but panasonic success rate is almost 99%, is anyone face this before implementing fax for asterisk, mind to share
02:35.27*** join/#asterisk etnos (
02:40.18*** join/#asterisk Katty (
02:40.40Kattyhello thar!
02:42.26n0cturnalhullo Katty
02:42.33*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:43.18jas123anyone mind to share
02:44.08p3nguinLooks like Fraggle Rock is going to have a new movie.
02:48.17*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:50.05Kattywhat's shakin my bacons
02:50.37*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
02:50.47p3nguinshakes katty's bacons
02:51.34p3nguinmmmm... bacon
02:51.59Kattyit means what's happenin
02:56.32Kattyhugs p3nguin
02:56.36b14cksup katty
02:56.41Kattyanything intereesting going on up north
02:57.15Kattyb14ck: hello.
02:57.21p3nguinHere?  Just a typical snow-covered night, at 14 degrees.  I didn't even leave the house all day.
02:57.33Kattyi went to work.
02:57.34Kattylucky you!
02:57.49b14cki finished my jury duty todaY :_
02:57.59*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:58.36Kattyugah, jury duty
02:58.48Kattythey tried to get me to do jury duty once
02:59.02Kattybut i managed to get out of it cause i'm my company's only server/phone person
02:59.13b14ckheh, i tried that too
02:59.17b14ckbut they kept me anyhow
02:59.22b14ckit was only m->th luckily
02:59.42*** join/#asterisk simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387)
03:00.11simcop2387is this the right channel for asking asterisk related questions or is this one for development of asterisk?
03:00.25voipmonkthis is the right place
03:00.28voipmonkask your question
03:00.33simcop2387ah cool
03:02.14Katty#asterisk-dev is the other one
03:02.32simcop2387I'm having issues where all sip calls seem to have their Audio IP pointed at my local ip all of the sudden and i'm not sure why, sip show channel says,   Audio IP: (local), and i'm having problems where i'm either getting no audio or they can't hear me and last time this happened it was a problem there, i've got localnet set in the sip.conf and hold on i think i've got an idea....
03:02.52Kattysounds like nat.
03:03.01simcop2387yea i am behind nat, its set to always assume its there
03:03.08Kattyinfobot: nat
03:03.09infobotnat is probably Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
03:03.17infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:03.23Kattyooh, there it is. thank you
03:03.32voipmonkso now u have a crapload of nat reading to do
03:03.36voipmonkget to it
03:03.41Kattyhello mister monk!
03:03.42simcop2387yep got it, had an entry in my /etc/hosts that was screwing with it
03:03.44Kattyhow's the wifie
03:03.50voipmonkbrushing her teefers
03:04.01Kattyi do likes me a good toofer brushing
03:04.06Kattyhad one earlier.
03:04.12Kattyafter i did my mint julep mask
03:04.13voipmonkwith the right brush
03:04.16voipmonkits very nice
03:04.29Kattyyou need to get her mint julep mask
03:04.29simcop2387today's been like this all day long...
03:04.34Kattythey carry it at walgreens.
03:04.36voipmonkwhispers... I think I need to do that tonight... just cuzzz
03:04.50Kattyit's like a minty smelling toothpaste, but it's a clay mask.
03:05.20Kattyhighly recommend exfoliating first.
03:11.00*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:38.27*** join/#asterisk simcop2387_ (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387)
03:46.48ChannelZI'm afraid to ask what you use for actual toothpaste
03:50.36*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-rpqhrsbxetdinuns)
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03:50.59*** join/#asterisk simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387)
03:51.10simcop2387forgot to mention i finally found the real problem, stupid router firmware version...
03:51.26simcop2387now all my stuff is going funny but stablizing and sip works
04:05.17*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
04:05.56*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (
04:12.20bcrispu know anyone that works at google?
04:12.40ChannelZI used to
04:13.55bcrispgot approached on linked in by a google recruiter.. honestly i dont know anyone that works there
04:14.07bcrispwould be nice to get feedback from them on how it is
04:20.30*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
04:31.25Qwellbcrisp: all the people I know like working there..
04:31.36*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
04:34.00bcrispive read mixed things about goog.. long interview periods etc
04:37.39bcrispmt view CA doesnt sound bad tho heh
04:39.34bcrispChannelZ, what did you do there?
04:40.23ChannelZnothing - I meant I knew someone who used to work there, not me
04:40.53ChannelZin CO, I don't remember what he actually did there
04:41.07ChannelZhe got a free G1 though
04:42.05ChannelZhe seemed to like it regardless.  I think he came over from doubleclick
04:42.54bcrispits funny because he mentioned interest in MS sql developers... kinda weird
04:43.01ChannelZbut they just downsized a bunch of people out and he was one, but I guess they kept him on for an extra 6 months or so to make the transition
04:43.28ChannelZbrb reboot
04:46.54*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:47.06*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
04:47.08*** join/#asterisk dptom (
04:47.37*** part/#asterisk dptom (
05:00.06*** join/#asterisk vk2dgy (
05:00.50vk2dgycan someone offer me a bright idea to help debug an odd problem calling an extension?
05:03.42vk2dgyeveryone must be asleep?
05:06.14ChannelZI suggest you fix it
05:06.55vk2dgythats a good suggestion... but I'm not sure what the problem is to fix!
05:07.34ChannelZMe either.
05:07.53vk2dgybasically, I have a number of extensions - all via SIP.
05:08.12vk2dgyall works well - but one extension only - I can call it fine
05:08.39vk2dgyit can call others fine - but if I use a CALL file to call it, it doesn't work
05:08.54vk2dgyany other extension works, but not that one.
05:09.02*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
05:09.12vk2dgyfor some reason, it seems to report as busy (and doesn't have VM) so the call just fails.
05:10.02ChannelZhave to see extensions.conf, sip.conf and your call file
05:11.01ChannelZPastebin 'em
05:24.09*** join/#asterisk thansen (
05:46.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:47.38vk2dgyis still here, going greyer :)
05:50.12*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
05:57.27voipmonkut oh
05:59.32vk2dgytrying to debug this odd call problem :(
06:00.57vk2dgywe can see the invite packet from * to the ATA, the ATA sends a "SIP/2.0 100 Trying", then "SIP/2.0 603 Decline"
06:01.11vk2dgyI can't (yet) find any hint WHY it's declining though.
06:04.11ChannelZRE: sip debug a normal call to SIP/231 and see why it's different.  There's something different about the requests if it's succeeding there
06:04.43voipmonkvk2dgy:  - we need more debug - use to display your sip debug
06:04.50voipmonkplease paste the complete call
06:04.53voipmonkfrom dialplan execution
06:05.01voipmonkuntil 3 seconds after you hang up
06:05.16vk2dgyok, just going to try that now.
06:05.32vk2dgyI have relocated the ATA to a live IP to remove NAT from the whole equation
06:05.42vk2dgythe problem remains, so thats "good" I suppose.
06:06.12voipmonkwould you mind explaining the ata's relation to your asterisk system?
06:06.21voipmonki wasnt present or conscious when you explained that
06:06.40vk2dgyok, asterisk server is one of my own boxes in a datacentre.
06:06.47vk2dgyit has obviously, a live IP.
06:07.19vk2dgyAll extensions are scattered around the place. A mix of live IPs and NAT'd ones (eg, at home behind a adsl modem)
06:07.53voipmonkare you having issues with just the one ata?
06:07.59vk2dgythis particular device is one of two I have - they were odd ones out.
06:08.13voipmonkyou've read the nat article, yes?
06:08.27vk2dgythe problem was with only one ATA - but now that I got the other one back, BOTH of them are doing the same thing.
06:08.48vk2dgyyes, I've read the NAT - but this device is now NOT NATed, it's on a live IP.
06:09.05vk2dgyand the problem remains unchanged - so it's not NAT related.
06:09.11voipmonkdo you still have the nat settings enabled on the device and in the sip.conf for the device?
06:09.18voipmonkok - lets backup - what is your problem?
06:09.49vk2dgyok, the problem is that any extension can call any other extension, and that works. (Including these two)
06:09.52Defrazcan seemto find a list of dispositions.
06:10.07DefrazLooking at the cdrs and I can't tell what s or h or any others mean.
06:10.11vk2dgyI have a system that also creates "call files" to connect two extensions
06:10.53vk2dgywhen I create a call file for *ANY* other extensions (including these two problem ones - but only where they are the CALLED devices), it works.
06:11.08vk2dgyso a call file will "patch" arbitary extensions together, if you like.
06:11.39vk2dgyif I change NOTHING ELSE except the "originating" number in the call file, from a (working) extension to one of these two devices, it doesn't work.
06:11.48vk2dgyAsterisk "sees" the extension as busy.
06:12.00ChannelZDefraz: s or h extensions do you mean?  They can be found at partway down the page
06:12.11voipmonkdo u have debug to prove that, vk2dgy  ?
06:12.41Defrazthat is perfect
06:14.22ChannelZI'm not sure that's what you were actually talking about
06:33.01*** join/#asterisk d00gster (n=doughant@
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07:08.43*** join/#asterisk cuco (n=Diego@
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07:46.29*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (n=FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
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08:06.21shafuI'm trying to debug a specific peer. when i run sip show peers it shows me a list of peers but when i do on one of them sip set debug peer <name> i get : No such peer
08:06.26shafuany one know why?
08:07.57*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
08:19.17*** join/#asterisk Faustov (i=user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:26.31Tech_Travisshafu: just a guess, but is the peer you're trying to debug actually registered with your * box?
08:27.36*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
08:27.54shafuTech_Travis: yes its registered
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09:04.04ChannelZgrrph.  DSL at work fall down and go boom
09:04.43*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
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09:28.23angryuserfile.c: ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame    >> What does it mean ?
09:28.48*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
09:29.27ChannelZpretty much what it says, * was unable to write a frame of audio to a channel
09:34.54*** join/#asterisk nardul (n=kse@
09:35.09nardulDoesn anyone know how to make *45 work to toggle queue joining?
09:35.46*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
09:36.03nardulOr just any way to make joining and leaving a queue easy.
09:36.22*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
09:41.45*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
09:44.23ChannelZQueue members (agents)?
09:45.39jkroonhi guys, asterisk, some calls that's going out to SIP channels drops after exactly 30 seconds.
09:46.06jkroonas far as I can tell this only happens with one of my clients.  any ideas welcome.
09:48.50ChannelZwell assuming you're not forcing a timeout with a Dial() argument, what does the console say about the call being dropped?
09:49.15*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
09:50.16jkroonChannelZ, no, no timeout on Dial(), and I'm trying to get debug output, this is on a rather busy switch though.
09:54.11jkroonhmm, could be related to MOH.  Things are going through app_queue, and it's only calls going through app_queue that gets hung up after 30 seconds.
09:54.23jkroonafter being accepted by a SIP/ member.
09:58.55jkroonI don't think this is related, but what's the actual meaning of this:
09:58.57jkroon[Jan  8 11:58:32] NOTICE[20728]: rtp.c:1796 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
10:00.16ChannelZhmm.  You said this only happens with one of your clients, could it be a specific model of phone?
10:00.17*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
10:01.57jkroonhe uses a bunch of softphones, x-lite, eyebeam and bria, all from counterpath.  I have another client who also uses x-lite and eyebeam.
10:02.11jkroonother client has made no such reports.
10:02.31*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
10:02.32ChannelZ(and/or is that the point where the call actually terminates?  As a NOTICE it should be a bit more of a harmless info)
10:03.07jkrooni see that on other servers too, so not related, I THINK.
10:03.13ChannelZI see some reference to X-lite liking to set the codec like that periodically
10:03.16jkroonIf it is other clients simply haven't reported it.
10:03.20ChannelZbut not that it's fatal
10:03.53jkroonI thought it might be related to but the more I read/see the more I'm very, very confused.
10:04.56*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:05.16jkroonthat bug looks like app_queue specifically, and the fact that I only see that at this one client would correlate with that.
10:06.18jkroonok, installed asterisk, will restart with new version as soon as the client hits lunch time...
10:06.31jkroonthat's about another 20 minutes.
10:07.00ChannelZwell good luck, I need to be in bed
10:07.29jkroonknock yourself out, and thanks for listening to this madman ranting.
10:23.17shafuis there any known asterisk filter app? asterisk -rcvvv can show a lot of can i filter for specific infos?
10:25.52*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (
10:27.59*** join/#asterisk ascenseur (n=ascenseu@
10:28.17ascenseurcan anyone help me with my AsteriskNOW installation?
10:28.24ascenseurwhat is the default username and password?
10:28.29ascenseurit's not admin
10:28.45ascenseurwoops, dont worry about it - all solved now
10:31.18jkroonascenseur, see the topic.
10:32.30ascenseurjkroon: woops - solved now anyway
10:32.32*** part/#asterisk ascenseur (n=ascenseu@
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10:58.43*** join/#asterisk waa (
11:19.40*** join/#asterisk Gido-E (
11:34.34*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
11:34.55Uateci have a question: why wont my boss let me use asterisk instead of trixbox?
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11:38.10*** join/#asterisk waa (
11:38.59Gido-EUatec because he is your bos?
11:39.37Gido-EStart your own company or get used to such stupid dicissions :-)
11:43.20*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
11:43.28Uatecthere's got to be a way to convince him
11:43.32Uatec*considers beer*
12:05.21*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@unaffiliated/sherif)
12:14.49seanjohnUatec: trixbox is asterisk as far as I know. Its just freepbx, asterisk, and trixbox extras bundled
12:15.08seanjohnI would think your boss doesn't know how to program asterisk
12:15.59seanjohnheed this: when the systems start failing because of his lack, it will take down your reputation
12:17.39infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
12:28.34*** join/#asterisk sazogues (n=sazogues@
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12:33.38*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
12:35.17jbwanyone know any reason why my fresh install of 1.4.28 is ignoring my extensions.conf ?
12:36.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
12:38.08ManxPower-workjbw: That's usually caused by lack of [general] or [globals] or chars before the [general] section.
12:40.30*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (n=Akira@
12:40.42jbw[general] is the first line in the file, right after that section there's a [globals] section. Any more ideas ? :(
12:41.01*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
12:41.54ManxPower-workcopy your extensions.conf to and give is the URL
12:42.08AkiraaaUsing telephony PC extension cards remotely requires an asterisk server running on the remote machine?
12:42.33ManxPower-workAkiraaa: Your question makes no sense
12:42.41infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
12:43.15AkiraaaManxPower-work: PCI boards with FXO/FXS ports, like the ones sold by Digium
12:43.24ManxPower-workAkiraaa: What about them?
12:44.17*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
12:44.23AkiraaaThey only work with an Asterisk server intalled on the host machine, right?
12:44.32ManxPower-workAkiraaa: correct
12:44.32*** join/#asterisk stefanlsd (n=stefanls@ubuntu/member/stefanlsd)
12:44.45ManxPower-workI don't know what you mean by "host machine"
12:45.03*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
12:45.03ManxPower-workYou have an Asterisk server.  You may or may not have telephony cards in the server.  This is not complicated
12:45.04Akiraaathe machine to which the boards are attached
12:45.10stefanlsdhi guys. how do i accept a tone before the whole message is played? im using ivr and only accepts tones at the end of the message
12:45.34*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:45.35AkiraaaI was wondering about the option of using remote machines with FXO/FXS ports
12:45.39ManxPower-workstefanlsd: Use Background and Waitexten instead of Playback and waitexten
12:45.51Akiraaaother than simply ATA gateways
12:45.54ManxPower-workAkiraaa: if you have Asterisk installed on that remote machine then yes.
12:46.16ManxPower-workstefanlsd: Are you using a GUI for Asterisk?
12:46.44stefanlsdManxPower-work: im using freepbx
12:46.53ManxPower-workstefanlsd: then ask on the FreePBX channel
12:47.19stefanlsdManxPower-work: oki. thanks
12:47.58infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
12:48.53*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (n=Akira@
12:53.13NET||abusei'm seriously lost in trying to get a gui running for my asterisk box.
12:53.49NET||abusetried checking out the svn of asterisk-gui 2.0,, ./configure'd make install'd and checkconfig'd, it runs the http process, i can hit it, but all i get is a 404???
12:54.08ManxPower-workNET||abuse: We don't support GUIs here.
12:54.22NET||abuseubuntu karimc + packaged asterisk + svn checkout of code..
12:54.41ManxPower-workI don't see how that makes a difference.
12:55.02NET||abuseI shoulda just installed asterisknow.
12:55.04jbwManxPower-work, it seems like it's something in the file itself.. chopping the file in two shows a semi populated dialplan.. I'll go hunt it down, thanks
12:55.13ManxPower-workjbw: ignorepat => 9 does not belong in [globals] or [general]
12:55.28NET||abuseok, so if i just want to run the s;ystem with config files..
12:55.38ManxPower-workremember do NOT use quotes unless you have to.  quotes are literals.
12:55.51ManxPower-workNET||abuse: then ask your question
12:56.23ManxPower-workjbw: ignorepat only applies to Zap/DAHDI/Skinny/SCCP/MGCP.  It does not apply to SIP
12:56.32jbwManxPower-work, thanks, that was it :)
12:56.40NET||abuseah, ok, so to configure the sip service we have for our voip provider, do i just set it up in sip.conf? The book seemed to say that was just for the handsets?
12:56.55ManxPower-workyes, set it up in sip.conf
12:56.56*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
12:57.29NET||abuseI think at this point i'll give up on gui,,, my setup is simple, little server with one nic. no other ports, using softphones on network, and our voip provider is just a sip service on the net.
12:58.23ManxPower-workjbw: all those extra " will come back and bite you later.
12:58.50jbwi don't need the "'s ?
12:58.59NET||abuseare there any considerations i need to think about to allow the phone system to operate as a group pbx? i want us to be able to do things like transfer calls to eachother's softphone clients
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk Kchehab (n=kchehab@
12:59.02jbwi see.. i don't, i'll remove them
12:59.30Kchehabsuddenly when i reload asterisk dialplan dissapeared
12:59.40ManxPower-workjbw: quotes are literal in Asterisk.  So if you set FRED="gone" then $[${FRED} = gone] will NOT match because FRED="gone" not FRED=gone
12:59.56ManxPower-worki.e quotes are literal
12:59.58Kchehabeven i cant see that  extensions.conf  is loaded
13:00.04Kchehabhow to fix it ?
13:00.12ManxPower-workKchehab: fix the error in your extensions.conf
13:00.14*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
13:00.38Kchehabmanxpower is there a way to see my error in extensions.conf since its too large
13:00.45ariel_Morning folks
13:00.47ManxPower-workKchehab: try starting Asterisk as "asterisk -cvvv"
13:01.17*** join/#asterisk E-bola (
13:01.26Kchehabmanxpower i will try
13:01.50jbwManxPower-work,  got it - thanks again
13:01.58E-bolaHello all, if i got a queue with announce-frequency = 5 and i dont get any announces at all, what might be wrong?
13:02.11E-bolaI have not changed any of the audio files, and tyhey are all chmod'd 777
13:02.51Kchehabmanxpower the problem didnt appears
13:03.02Kchehabis there another command you know
13:03.09Kchehab-gvvvvvvc ??
13:04.04ManxPower-workHow would that be different from what I gave you?
13:04.23*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
13:05.20ManxPower-workKchehab: paste the first 100 lines of your dialplan to
13:05.24infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
13:05.37ManxPower-workAre you using a GUI for Asterisk?
13:06.37ManxPower-workIf you are then all this is pointless.
13:07.52E-boladont understand why his queue works on 1 asterisk server and not on another
13:11.00Kchehabmanxpower the problem remains even i reload my old extensions which is running on the other server with same asterisk version
13:11.04*** join/#asterisk zorp75ck (n=zorp75ck@
13:11.13ManxPower-workKchehab: Then I cannot help you.
13:11.46Kchehabmanxpower what is the name of the module which is  responsible to load extension.conf
13:12.31phixE-bola: gremlins
13:13.57*** join/#asterisk ascenseur (n=ascenseu@
13:14.02E-bolais going crazy
13:14.14E-bolathe queue just keeps ringing with no interuptions at all
13:14.24Kchehabmanxpower problem solved by reloading obx_config
13:14.30Kchehabpbx_config thans
13:14.33E-bolaits like its ignorering both the position announcement config and i even tried to config a periodic announcements, neither is ever played
13:14.43ascenseurjust a quick question - is it possible to attach a skype name to an extension?
13:15.52*** join/#asterisk cxk287 (n=zorp75ck@
13:16.40leifmadsenascenseur: with chan_skype, sure
13:16.50ManxPower-workKchehab: no, you problem is not solvee.
13:17.35ascenseurleifmadsen: thanks!
13:18.13ManxPower-workSkype is useful -- the poor need phone service too.
13:18.16Kchehabmanxpower why ?
13:18.33ManxPower-workKchehab: because you do not know why that module failed to load.
13:19.28Kchehabmanxpower i will clean my script from passwords and post it
13:19.38ManxPower-workKchehab: Sorry, I have to go to work now.
13:20.01ManxPower-workI did not think it would take 30 mins just to get a copy of that extensions.coinf
13:20.36phixE-bola: yep, it is gremlins then if it is driving you insane, that is what they love to do
13:21.36Kchehabmanxpower sorry man i dont mean that
13:21.52Kchehabi didnt*
13:22.30*** part/#asterisk ascenseur (n=ascenseu@
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13:25.54Kchehabmanxpower i found my hitch,it was a missing include file in extensions.conf
13:26.44ManxPower-workKchehab: I'm surprised you didn't notice the #include changes that are listed in UPGRADE*.txt in the Asterisk source code directory.
13:27.12*** join/#asterisk RobH (
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13:38.08NET||abusewow, just got the asterisk gui to work
13:38.11NET||abusestupid symlinks.
13:38.19NET||abusenow, on to configuring voip service.
13:38.55*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
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14:03.28*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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14:12.14ariel_ok I am semi awake, Morning Katty oh not so loud please.
14:12.22Kattyoh, right.
14:12.26Kattygives ariel_ coffee.
14:13.06ariel_T/y, but it's cold and I don't think anything will work today, thinking of going back home and going back to bed...
14:13.23ManxPower-workariel_: That's the best idea I've seen all day.
14:13.48ariel_It's not suppose to be this cold down here for this long argh, depressing.
14:14.51jayteemorning Katty
14:15.04ariel_Besides I am working on documentation and trouble shooting white papers,  yet another yuk job.
14:15.32Kattyhugs jaytee
14:15.42*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:16.01Kattyholy blackbirds batman
14:16.04Kattyinfobot: crittercam
14:16.05infobotcrittercam is, like, Katty's broadcast of The Nut House @
14:16.10Kattythey're taking over.
14:16.23Kattyanndndd all just flew away.
14:18.00jayteeI'm doing documentation too. I have to write several documents that cover disaster recovery of our Asterisk system, complete from scratch rebuild in case our datacenter is hit by a meteorite, another for quick restore of service using our redundant systems and troubleshooting documentation all at a level of simplicity that even our 2 MCSE's that don't want to really learn linux or asterisk can understand.
14:18.08ManxPower-work.part #squirrel-updates
14:18.11*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
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14:32.04*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
14:32.10Kattyhi Godfather_
14:32.27Godfather_hi Katty :D
14:32.33Godfather_o/ all
14:32.47Kattywhat's happenin
14:32.58*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:33.01Kattyhi _ShrikE
14:33.34Godfather_3ºC here, and raining a lot
14:34.27Katty3ºC <-
14:34.30Godfather_not usually in mallorca :-|
14:34.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
14:34.37Kattywhat temp is 3a? :P
14:34.39KattyHI MANX
14:34.46voipmonkyawns... its... the Godfather ( with an underscore)
14:34.56Kattyhi monk.
14:35.11Godfather_hi voipmonk
14:35.16voipmonki wanna know what would happen if i let my dog loose near the squirrels
14:35.21voipmonkhi Katty
14:35.23Kattythey would go up a tree.
14:35.25ManxPower-workDo it!  Do it!~
14:35.25voipmonkhi Godfather_
14:35.34Kattyriddick occasionally goes nuts :P
14:36.04*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
14:36.17Godfather_Katty, 38ºF..
14:36.38Kattybrr :<
14:36.49_ShrikEmorning Katty
14:38.00Kattychecks weather.
14:38.28Katty32 is 0C
14:38.32*** join/#asterisk _cgc (
14:38.48Kattywith windchill is -4F
14:39.04Kattygoogle says -4F = -20C
14:39.54*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (n=FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
14:40.32Kattyp3nguin: what temp is it up  north this morning?
14:41.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:41.41Kattyhugs coppice
14:42.11ariel_feels bad since it's was only 44F outside this morning.
14:42.18FlaPer87hey guys, I have an asterisk installation at work and my own asterisk installation at home... Is it possible to register to my work sip account when I register to my home sip account?
14:42.19Kattyariel_: i will be /right/ over
14:42.24Kattypacks her bags.
14:42.42KattyFlaPer87: you can have a phone registered with two servers.
14:42.51KattyFlaPer87: Line 1 and Line 2
14:43.00ManxPower-workIf your phone supports being registered to more than one server.
14:43.12ariel_or create a link between the two servers.
14:43.14voipmonkFlaPer87: you can have one system register to your itsp and have your phone register to the asterisk registered to your itsp and build a dialplan that rings to wherever you are using time of day, bluetooth proimity detection, or what have you.
14:43.27voipmonkWhat Katty said, too
14:43.29Kattythat would also work.
14:43.43Kattyi have my phone at home simply registered with both servers
14:44.00Kattyit was quick.
14:44.02voipmonkprobably with two diff rings, too
14:44.09ariel_I keep work at work and my home system seperate...
14:44.15ManxPower-workMy home phone is usually registered to 3 servers, 4-lines.
14:44.21Kattyariel_: i work from home occasionally.
14:44.26Kattyariel_: that's the only reason it's setup like that
14:44.33leifmadsenI have the same system in the colo handling my home and business lines
14:44.37leifmadsenwhy manage separate servers?
14:44.37ManxPower-work2-lines for work, 1 line for my personal number, one line for testing stuff.
14:44.42ariel_yes so do I, but it's bad enough, I let the work phone take vm then it emails them
14:44.59Kattyoh wow :<
14:45.01Kattythat is pretty bad.
14:45.19Kattydo you have voicemail.conf to send you txt messages?
14:45.33voipmonkwhen im away - everything goes to google voice - when im feeling bored, i turn on my iphone and fire up the "Softphone" app from acrobits and log in, immediately my calls are now sent to my iphone.
14:45.40*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
14:45.52Kattyoooh, you have a google voice account?
14:45.54voipmonkwhen i exit softphone, everything returns to GV
14:45.54Kattyi must add you
14:46.07ariel_Katty: you want an invite?
14:46.23Kattyno i already have an account
14:46.29Kattyi have 3 invites tho
14:46.32Kattyif anyone would like one
14:46.58Kattyif you have a google wave invite, i'd take one of those (=
14:47.17ManxPower-workWhat is google voice good for anyway?
14:47.40KattyManxPower-work: i gave it to my mom
14:48.05KattyManxPower-work: so she doesn't have to call 4 different phones to find me.
14:48.06ManxPower-workSo it's good for people that are not computer litterate?
14:48.14KattyManxPower-work: hey now, we're talkin about my mom (=
14:48.20KattyManxPower-work: you be nice :P
14:48.26FlaPer87Katty: I work from home occasionally too =P
14:48.36ManxPower-workodd.  People only ever have to call one number to get ahold of me?
14:48.52ManxPower-workMaybe it's for people that don't have or don't understand call forwarding?
14:49.26Kattyvoipmonk: that is /awesome/
14:50.00ManxPower-workCall my work number, if I don't answer it forwards to me cell.  Call my personal number, if I don't answer it forwards to my cell
14:50.06Naikroveki have google wave and voice invites i think
14:50.50FlaPer87Naikrovek: can you send me a google voice invite? =D
14:51.06Naikrovekpm me your email
14:51.08*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
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14:51.14Kattyhi seanbright
14:51.28*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
14:51.33seanbrighthi Katty
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14:52.26eppigyi am dave
14:53.11ManxPower-workOdd that a simple call forwarding service is so in demand.   Never underestimate the tech illiteracy of the general public.
14:53.24NaikrovekI'm sorry, Dave.  this conversation can no longer serve a useful purpose.  good bye.
14:53.57NaikrovekManxPower-work: well i can have a single number and forward it to wherever I am at the time, it's handy
14:54.03Kattyhugs eppigy
14:54.08Naikrovekcan do the same with asterisk, yes
14:55.36ManxPower-workNaikrovek: I can do that easily without google voice.
14:55.44ManxPower-workIt's called RCF
14:55.46Naikroveki know
14:56.00ManxPower-workI can do the same without Asterisk.
14:57.20Kattythinks manx is cranky this morning.
14:57.39drmessanoI like having one number I never have to give up
14:57.52drmessanoSorry, but porting numbers is expensive and messy
14:57.53ChainsawKatty: You mean there are days when he's nice? Seriously?
14:58.34NaikrovekChainsaw: sometimes
14:58.46eppigywarms up next to Katty
14:58.52Naikrovekhe has a right to be in whatever mood he's in though, just like any of us
14:59.48KattyChainsaw: of course.
14:59.56KattyChainsaw: manx is a very pleasant person, generally.
15:00.29*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
15:00.30ManxPower-workI just think it's a pretty useless service except for the name brand on it
15:00.49Naikrovekit does more than forwarding
15:01.10Naikrovekit records calls, it transcribes voicemails
15:01.11ManxPower-workI'm waiting for the details
15:01.39ManxPower-workNow THOSE features might be useful to someone without a PBX.
15:01.54Naikrovekyou can send/receive sms via the web gui
15:02.07Naikroveki can send you an invite if you want to fiddle with it
15:02.22ManxPower-workBut call forwarding?  I was able to remotely change my call forwarding info remotely since like 1985
15:02.52ManxPower-workNaikrovek: I don't really see the need for wasting my time on yet another "cool must have service"
15:03.01Naikrovekjust asking
15:03.07ManxPower-workI like keeping my phone service simple./
15:03.42Naikrovekpersonally, i like knowing what's out there so when friends or family ask about these things i can be informed
15:03.49Naikroveki don't like being a dick and saying "learn it yourself"
15:03.59Naikroveknot saying that's your position
15:04.05Naikrovekbut it is certainly the position of some
15:05.12ManxPower-workIt seems to me that the real advantage of Google Voice is that even a moron can use it.
15:05.24Naikrovekthat's AN advantage
15:05.53Naikrovekbut a moron would never know this service existed
15:06.11Naikrovekhe would continually update everyone he knows about his new phone number every time he got a new phone
15:06.27ManxPower-workNot like I do, which is get one number and keep it.
15:06.58Naikrovekbecause 2 months back he lost his job because he's a moron, and the telco gave his number out to someone else, or because he got a new number when he finally paid his cell phone bill
15:07.06ManxPower-workToo bad 500 number services never took off.
15:07.43ManxPower-workNaikrovek: *nod*  As opposed to getting a number for $1.69/month and being able to use it anywhere you have an internet or cellular service.
15:07.57Naikrovekwell google gives you that number for free
15:08.17ManxPower-workAnyone that can't afford $1.69/month should no have a phone.
15:08.41Naikroveki don't think we're arguing this time
15:08.45ManxPower-workI see your point.  Morons would not use Google Voice.  So that leaves...nobody.
15:08.46Naikrovekjust going through the motions
15:09.19ManxPower-workhugs his vitelity number
15:09.32*** part/#asterisk jfranco1 (n=ikono@
15:10.13chuckfam I right that outside of the text to speech and sms all the features of gv can be done in asterisk?
15:10.34[TK]D-Fenderchuckf: TTS can be done in *.
15:10.42[TK]D-Fenderchuckf: So that leaves SMS
15:10.43Naikroveknot text to speech, speech to text is what gv does
15:10.57chuckfgot it backwards
15:11.00ManxPower-workSMS via web works just fine.  SMS via FSK analog also works.
15:11.55ManxPower-workAsterisk just can't pretend it's a cell phone on a cellular network and send SMSs
15:12.43chuckfthanks for the info
15:12.50voipmonkGV doesnt do a great job either... its more comedy than function
15:13.05voipmonkthe speech to text
15:13.16chuckfbut it looks good on paper:)
15:13.47Naikrovekyeah it's not that good
15:13.50Naikrovekbut it'll get better
15:13.54drmessanoFeature numero uno is getting a number from a company that wont go bankrupt anytime soon
15:14.22drmessanoI've lost numbers twice with VoIP services..
15:14.26ManxPower-workThat's the best reason I've seen all day.
15:14.38drmessanoPorting sucks
15:14.43Naikroveki just give out my google voice number and it rings both my cell numbers and my home phone at the same time.
15:15.03ManxPower-workI wish Asterisk could do something like that.
15:15.25ManxPower-workJust admit it.  The only reason you have a Google Voice account is because all the cool kids are doing it.
15:15.39Naikroveki don't give a damn what a cool kid is or what they're doing.
15:15.41*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:15.43drmessanoI use my GV work number to ring my cell and multiple home phones.. nothing asterisk couldnt do, but its a ring group external to my PBX at home and my shitty ATT phone
15:16.18Naikroveki don't want to set up an asterisk box at home just to do that, when i can do it online for nothing
15:16.23Naikrovekand be done in 5 minutes
15:16.41drmessanoI dont just use it for that, duh
15:19.37*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:19.47drmessanoPoint being GV is a little more reliable than my connectivity to my ITSP and my cell phone in the case of  outage, change in cell provider, or loss of number from ITSP due to bankruptcy or whatever other reason ITSPs are as reliable to be around in 2 years as banks
15:21.31drmessanoOf course, when the PSTN dies, having a "phone number" will be useless too..
15:23.26*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
15:23.45drmessanoGoogle is also going to be wrapping SIP connectivity into GV at some point thanks to their acquisition of Gizmo5.. So thats another need you can scratch off the list
15:24.37chuckfuntil the google paranoids out there won't call you...
15:25.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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15:27.43Chainsawleifmadsen: Any hope for #14163 left?
15:28.12leifmadsenChainsaw: yes, there is hope for all issues
15:28.22leifmadsenChainsaw: I'm doing my best to get it up the priority stack
15:28.36leifmadsenrussellb: bot fail :)
15:28.38Chainsawleifmadsen: Right, thanks. Some days I wonder if this sruffell still works for Digium.
15:28.41russellbfile: perhaps MuffinMan could be here, too?
15:29.20russellbIf it's a problem with the usage of Digium hardware, it's probably best to handle it through Digium technical support
15:29.20*** join/#asterisk MuffinMan (n=muffinma@asterisk/issue-tracker-bot/muffinman)
15:29.47russellbthat will get it recorded and reported internally, and will likely get it higher on "the list"
15:30.05*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:30.14MuffinMan[closed] [Asterisk] Applications/app_fax 0014613: Sending and receiving a fax between extensions on the same Asterisk machine fails reported by amessina
15:30.17leifmadsenwrong issue :)
15:30.19drmessano.nick MuffinSpamBot
15:30.25MuffinMan[closed] [Asterisk] Applications/app_fax 0014613: Sending and receiving a fax between extensions on the same Asterisk machine fails reported by amessina
15:30.29russellbleifmadsen: FAILLLLLLLL
15:30.33leifmadsenholy crap... I'm lexdysic!
15:30.37MuffinMan[ready for review] [Asterisk] Channels/chan_dahdi 0014163: [patch] UK (BT) lines produce uncleared red alarm on TDM400P during line tests reported by jedi98
15:30.49*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:30.56russellbthere ... so yeah, I would report that via support -
15:31.27leifmadsenwhich I should have known better as to have recommended a while ago...
15:31.30Chainsawrussellb: They're going to ask for numbers that are on the PCB, aren't they. My production server is >75 miles away from me.
15:31.45russellbummm, I don't know.  maybe there is a way to get it remotely ...
15:32.10Chainsawrussellb: I'll need to know that for sure, or I'll just waste peoples time and annoy them.
15:32.22Chainsawrussellb: That's already happened to me, I don't want to bring that onto others.
15:32.35russellbso, i'm looking at the issue, so you have a patch that fixes it?
15:32.45Chainsawrussellb: Yes. Fixes it up 100%
15:33.00drmessanoWrite what you need on the back of a $20 and send it to the remote office.. You'll get your numbers
15:33.22Chainsawrussellb: I've forward ported it to 1.6.1 & 1.6.2
15:33.27russellbI see that, thank you for that
15:33.30russellbkeeps looking over it
15:34.20russellbChainsaw: since you've done all of this work, I"m going to bump it up high on our list to get it looked at as soon as we can
15:34.35russellbalmost certainly within the next few weeks, if not sooner
15:34.41Chainsawrussellb: Cheers.
15:36.37russellbleifmadsen had brought this up to me before, but I'm lame and didn't look close enough to fully understand the status of the issue
15:36.41russellbwe should knock it out here soon.
15:36.57Naikrovekopen source in action
15:38.01*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:38.47russellbblames The_Boy_Wonder
15:39.15The_Boy_Wonderha, i have no history, all i see is that i'm blamed for something
15:44.14leifmadsenThe_Boy_Wonder: and you better fix it too!
15:44.20leifmadsenThe_Boy_Wonder: it's a DOOZY
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15:53.49Kattyi saw that on reddit this morning :>
15:53.57Naikrovekgo reddit!
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16:17.41steve745for an * manager account i just want to read the data for that manager, i user api to originate a call and don't want to read any data from other managers or events
16:18.03steve745what rights do i need to assign
16:19.04*** join/#asterisk lowtek (
16:19.52lowtekHey guys, is there somewhere to download the current national CNAM database and get updates as necessary?  Google isn't much help, plenty of query services, but it would be easier just to roll my own if I could find a good source for the db.
16:21.17ManxPower-worklowtek: No.
16:21.25Kattyyou could contact your telco about getting a copy of theirs. they will probably charge you if they give it out at all.
16:21.29cool^tomWhat is the best way to migrate a legacy telephone system to asterisk?
16:21.38ManxPower-workcool^tom: Very, very carefully
16:21.39lowtekmanxpower: How do these CNAM lookup services get theirs?
16:21.50ManxPower-worklowtek: ask them.
16:21.56cool^tomI was thinking of channel banks.  But I have over 120 extensions.
16:21.59Kattycool^tom: personally, i would set up the old system and the new system side by side.
16:22.25Kattycool^tom: and not disconnect the legacy system until the users are happy with it.
16:22.51Naikrovekanyone know what software made this:
16:22.52cool^tomI did that in an office.  Now they want me to replace a system in a resort.
16:22.54lowtekmanxpower: lol, I doubt they would want to give up their source ...
16:23.18Kattycool^tom: and how is their happiness any different than the office's?
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16:23.30Kattycool^tom: if not more so, because it's probably more complicated.
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16:24.34cool^tomKatty: Cabling would be an issue.  Would it be better to set up channel banks or have sip phones on WIFi
16:24.47Kattycool^tom: i would not do sip over wifi.
16:24.48voipmonklisten to Katty, cool^tom
16:24.48p3nguinkatty: 13 right now; it got down to 7 overnight.
16:24.59Kattycool^tom: that is asking for problems.
16:25.05Kattycool^tom: are the legacy phones analog?
16:25.38cool^tomThe cards seem to be going down pretty often.  They wanted to change the PBX.
16:26.00Kattycool^tom: well in that case i would configure the phone system side by side in the 'main office' where the majority of the people using the phones are.
16:26.04Kattycool^tom: pick 5 people.
16:26.10cool^tomSiemens tell me that stopped support for the current PBX.
16:26.23Kattycool^tom: leave the legacy system in place until those 5 people are satisified with the new pbx.
16:26.45Kattycool^tom: then swap out the rest of the phones/cabling, and make changes as needed.
16:27.23Kattycool^tom: you should never, ever, take out a working (or mostly working) legacy system until the people are completely happy with the new one... accidents do happen, never get yourself up a tree with a bear at the bottom.
16:27.41Kattycool^tom: cause that will be a whole new world of hurt and hell for you.
16:27.47cool^tomI experience that during my last implementation.
16:28.03cool^tomFortunately the old system was still in place.
16:29.09cool^tomGuess I will have to get a networking expert.  The resort is spread out in around 60 Acres.  Will have to lay a fiber backbone for the cabling.
16:29.34Kattyi would highly recommend fiber connecting networking closets
16:29.45Kattyand networking closets feeding the rest of the buildings
16:29.58Kattyyou will probably need someone to trench if there's not already fiber ran
16:30.25Kattyor vpns.
16:30.53Kattya hardware vpn might be better in this situation, if you're talking about lots of burried fiber and whatnot
16:31.22*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
16:31.30Kattythat's under the assumption all the other little locations of their own internet setup
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16:31.45Kattyi'm sure your networking person will give you some options.
16:31.49cool^tomFiber is the only possibility.  The resort has cottages and the only cabling to the cottages are the resorts.
16:32.17Kattyon that thought, some of the polycom phones have two network jacks int he back
16:32.25Kattythey function similiar to a fax machine's line out port.
16:33.10Kattywe've found them particularly useful in situations where people need an extra network drop, without having to drop it in
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16:33.31Kattyhi ruben
16:33.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: I don't think "network switch" is a complex concept for anyone capable of even logging into freeNode :)
16:33.48cool^tomKatty, Thanks a lot.
16:34.23Kattyhi fender.
16:34.34[TK]D-Fendercool^tom: You have cat 3 for your existing PBX to all rooms, right?
16:34.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
16:35.07ManxPower-workIt sure would be nice if Outlook had a useful search option for searching a message.
16:35.17cool^tom[TK]D-Fender, We have the regular twisted pair.
16:36.01ManxPower-workcool^tom: You can answer "I don't know" rather than saying "regular twisted pair", which clearly indicates you don't know what kind of wiring you have.
16:36.21[TK]D-Fendercool^tom: What kind of functionality do you really neew?
16:36.31ManxPower-workWould that be Cat 2, Cat 3, Cat 4, Cat 5, or Cat 5e "regular twisted pair"
16:37.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: You can take it as cat3 basic for digital sets...
16:37.23cool^tomJust want voice.
16:37.55cool^tomMaybe voice menus, voice mail.
16:38.01*** join/#asterisk wlirc123 (n=wlirc123@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
16:38.16ManxPower-workI wish VLC's random play was actually random
16:38.26ManxPower-workor even shuffle
16:38.28Kattygivges ManxPower-work a block of cheese.
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16:38.46[TK]D-Fendercool^tom: Keep your existing wiring then and run a SIP gatway and use analog sets over it then
16:39.20ManxPower-workKatty: can I use that for searching a message in Outlook?
16:39.29[TK]D-Fendercool^tom: Mediatrix 1124/2124 or AudioCodes MP-124 should do
16:39.43KattyManxPower-work: it's suppose to enchance your whine experience.
16:40.00KattyManxPower-work: <3
16:40.14KattyManxPower-work: and no, i don't know of any useful addon for outlook either. it's just cranky.
16:40.37wlirc123Hello. How does one work around the limitation of caller id set forcibly in call files? 1.6 causes the Callerid field in the call file to be rewritten so the * server domain is always appended even if the cid is already a valid url in <>'s
16:41.25ManxPower-workYou don't put URLs in Callerid ionfo
16:41.48ManxPower-workwlirc123: what is the EXACT line you are using in your .call files to set the CallerID?
16:41.56Kattya call file just dumps you to another area.
16:42.06ManxPower-workKatty: only one leg
16:42.16Kattywell yes, but still
16:42.25Kattybut you should still be able to set callerid there before doing something
16:42.27Kattylike dialing out.
16:42.29ManxPower-work(most callerid problems seem to be people putting in quotes, dashes, etc in their callerid info
16:43.58wlirc123The url was literally for testing "demo" <demo@> . The machine was only on a local net.
16:44.22ManxPower-workwlirc123: that is not valid
16:44.24bmoracaManxPower-work, Google Desktop is great for searching outlook.  very fast.
16:44.36ManxPower-worknot another reference to google desktop
16:44.53bmoracawould you rather use Windows Search 4.0?
16:45.10ManxPower-workwlirc123: Valid Caller*ID would be something like: demo <12345>
16:45.17wlirc123This causes * to rewrite it as <demo@>
16:45.19ManxPower-worknotice the lack of quotes and only digits in the ,.
16:45.41ManxPower-workbmoraca: It's easier to just copy the message into a text editor for searching.
16:46.09bmoracaoh, you mean searching in a message you've already found...i thought you meant searching for a message based on contents of that message
16:46.10KattyKatty <1234567890>
16:46.12[TK]D-Fenderwlirc123: Where is your call file and complete call debug for us to examine?
16:46.14infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
16:46.16ManxPower-workwlirc123: I'd hope a callerid line like you used would cause Asterisk to just drop the call.
16:46.21bmoracapardon the misunderstanding
16:46.28Kattybmoraca: NEVAR
16:46.47bmoracaKatty, seems to be the case here :P
16:47.00ManxPower-workbmoraca: outlook isn't very good at searching all messages either, but I just want to search the text of a message I already have.  I'm trying to determine easily if a sales rep made a typoe later in his message.
16:47.07Kattybmoraca: just ignore them. i do all th etime.
16:47.17ManxPower-workLike Firefox CTRL-F
16:47.43bmoracawhich version of outlook?
16:47.48bmoraca2007 has a find feature
16:48.03*** part/#asterisk mpe (
16:48.12wlirc123Actually the manual says o use url notation. And it has to be so. Putting in "demo" <demo> ends up as "demo" <demo@> but i need it to show another domain. Short of patching * is there a way around it?
16:48.19ManxPower-workbmoraca: Outlook 2003 11.8313.8221
16:48.30ManxPower-workwlirc123: What specific manual?
16:48.51ManxPower-workwlirc123: I expect you would have to patch Asterisk to accept that totally invalid Caller*ID.
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16:48.59bmoracadon't have that one to check...though i suspect it does...but in outlook, CTRL+F is the shortcut for "Forward".  check the "Edit" menu :)
16:49.30ManxPower-workbmoraca: no find option of any kind on the Edit menu
16:49.56ManxPower-workwlirc123: but I'm still wondering what specific manual told you that you can have URLs in Caller*ID number info.
16:50.44ManxPower-workThe only official Asterisk docs are in the doc/ directory of the Asterisk source code.  There is no real "manual".
16:52.19PoincareManxPower-work: an ex-customer doesnt agree to that... he wants me to provide "the full documentation"
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16:52.48wlirc123Manx examples on the web and the docs. We hardly ever use numbers, almost everything is sip urls with names. Imho * tries to fqdn the url and fails. It looks like a bug.
16:53.11wlirc123I will hack it later.
16:53.17ManxPower-workwlirc123: I wish you the BEST of luck.  If you think it's a bug, report it on
16:53.53[TK]D-Fenderwlirc123: fromdomain <-
16:53.54wlirc123The fact that it tries to qualify the url suggests a bug
16:54.20wlirc123D-fender thanks
16:54.23ManxPower-workIf you think it's a bug, report it on
16:55.48[TK]D-FenderIf you think its a bug, you should be showing more, and talking less
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17:00.46bmoracasomeone want to try to bounce a call off of a gateway for me?  to make sure that it's properly filtering traffic?
17:02.14voipmonkwhat tech & codec?
17:02.46bmoracagoing to send to a PM with the details
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17:07.27wlirc123Re: callerid, fromdomain: this patch is not inmainstream, right?
17:08.42wlirc123I came here to talk about it before doing more.
17:08.54leifmadsenwlirc123: huh? that is a VERY old bug -- it should have been put in Asterisk a few years ago
17:09.13leifmadsenalthough it is likely it has been refactored many times
17:09.31wlirc123Well it could be bit rot
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17:10.15wlirc123Also the patch does not specifically address callfiles.
17:10.46wlirc123Maybe this fell between the cracks.
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17:12.11wlirc123I mean addressing call files in the patch.
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17:13.14leifmadsenwlirc123: call files may not have existed... hard to say
17:13.25leifmadsenthe link you're referencing is from 2004
17:13.28leifmadsenit's not 2010
17:13.33[TK]D-Fenderwlirc123: I'm seeing a lot more talk, and no show.
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17:14.22wlirc123I cant paste with my blackberry. Maybe monday.
17:14.43[TK]D-Fenderwlirc123: I suggest asking for help when you're in a position to act on it...
17:15.08[TK]D-Fenderwlirc123: Because right now this is an ice-fishing expedition.... in a skating rink
17:15.11leifmadsenI'm still not sure what the question is
17:15.23wlirc123I hacked the problem for now using rewriting...
17:16.07ManxPower-workleifmadsen: as far as I can tell he's annoyed that asterisk modifies the callerid number when it's set to a url.  i.e. CallerID: timmy <robert_dobbs@> in his .call file.
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17:16.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: which was never legal to begin with.
17:16.47wlirc123D-fender, canadian anecdote ? ^^
17:16.53ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I said that in the first place, but he didn't like the answer.
17:17.11[TK]D-Fender* is NOT a SIP PROXY.  It is a B2BUA that interacts with a LOT more than jsut SIP.  *'s handling of CID, etc is AGNOSTIC
17:17.26ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I figured that getting his bug report closed by the developers might be a smack on the head to listen
17:17.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I figure that it was closed OVER 5 YEARS AGO should have been a bigger hint
17:18.00ManxPower-workAnd on the off chance it really is a bug, at least it would be reported.
17:18.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Keep on floggin' than equine!
17:19.29wlirc123Ok, i'll patch * and keep it private. I don't want to offend the inquisition ^^. Thanks for the fromdomain hint.
17:19.45p3nguinThis is interesting.  Buchheit sells Cat 5E by the 1000' box.
17:20.16*** part/#asterisk wlirc123 (n=wlirc123@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
17:20.22ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: There isn't even a callerid field in SIP is there?
17:20.33ManxPower-workIt's just faked based on the Contact: header?
17:20.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: No in those terms directly.  Mixed between Asserted, From, etc
17:21.32[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: rpid...
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17:35.16ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I never heard of a use for rpid, other than the use that does not actually work.
17:35.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Inter-server CID that doesn't interfere with *'s peer matching.
17:38.14ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: Ah.  The only use I had heard of was to have the phone display the Called Party callerid info, which does not actually work.
17:39.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: RPID != CPID
17:39.11infobot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
17:39.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Still annoyingly a separate patch.... maybe by 2.4 we'll get it merged ;)
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18:02.44kihotepls help me ? Can i install opensips and mediaproxy on difference Server.I means, Server 1 will install opensips , server 2 will install mediaproxy s
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18:04.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:06.46*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:15.48[TK]D-Fenderkihote: And what does ANY of that have to do with *?  I think you're in the wrong channel
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18:34.20Pan3DI have a question on potatoes au gratin
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18:35.53jayteeI have a question about over the counter medication. I bought a bottle of Bayer 325mg 100 ct at CVS today and after opening the box discovered the foil seal was broken already on the bottle and the box lid had been sealed with double sided tape. Should I return it or risk poisoning?
18:36.28p3nguinHow far is it to CVS?
18:36.41jayteeit's on the way home from work
18:37.08p3nguinDo you need the aspirin right now, or can you wait until you pass by CVS again?
18:37.13beekWas it on sale and would it cost you additional $$$ to replace it?
18:37.15jayteeI can wait :-)
18:38.01jayteeWhile I did get a bottle that looks like it had been tampered with I was just asking in here for shits and giggles :-)
18:38.13jayteeI'm planning on bringing it back anyways
18:38.26jayteebut let's get back to the potatoes au gratin
18:43.55beekIs there a nice, juicy steak to go with it?
18:43.56bmoracadid Polycom discontinue the 650 phone?
18:43.56ariel_ahh steak
18:43.56Qwelljaytee: take it back.  you don't want to screw around with pills
18:43.56Qwellif taking it back isn't an option - toss it.
18:43.56jayteeQwell, yeah I know. I'm old enough to remember the Tylenol scare back in the 80's
18:43.56p3nguinAh, the '80s.
18:43.57p3nguinGood times.
18:43.57jayteeyeah, I burned all my polyester disco shirts and never looked back
18:43.58jayteeandrogynous rock bands
18:43.58ariel_bmoraca, not as far as I can see,
18:43.58bmoracaariel_, yeah, i see that...but my distributor doesn't list them anymore
18:43.58jaytee"Wow! That singer is sooo hot!!" "Dude, the singer is a guy!" "no way!" "way!"
18:43.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I miss Poison :p
18:43.59p3nguinand Ratt, and Great White, and ...
18:43.59jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yea, well, in retrospect there were some great bands back then
18:43.59ariel_bmoraca, just check with mine and they have them still in inventory and in stock.
18:43.59jayteeAh, Great White! Pyrotechnics anyone?
18:43.59[TK]D-FenderjayIf I played any more hair-metal I should buy stock in Revlon
18:44.00bmoracaariel_, which distributor do you use?
18:44.00carrarSave all your Love!!
18:44.00jayteeone of my friends back home lost his sister in the nightclub fire
18:44.00bmoracaTechdata doesn't list them anymore
18:44.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Metallica's pyrotechnics were far better ;)
18:44.00bmoracai'll check Ingram
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18:44.00ariel_just checked insight they also have them
18:44.01bmoracabad day for buying... "The U.S. Ingram Micro web site is not available"
18:44.07[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: SELL HIGH!
18:44.29ariel_humm, my GP inventory is active to them and I see them.
18:44.59bmoracagreat plains?
18:45.18ariel_bmoraca, yes that is what my corp uses.
18:45.27bmoracai hate great plains
18:45.38bmoracahave you ever looked at the database?  there has to be 5000 tables
18:45.39ariel_so do I, but I am just a little fish here
18:45.48bmoracaand none of them are intitively named
18:46.07ariel_bmoraca, no I have not and don't care too.
18:46.38bmoracai've had to write a few apps that pull data from it...not fun
18:47.25ariel_well, I see 10 on hand in Miami w/h, and 2 in there NY,  don't see much more inventory other then those.
18:48.07bmoracatechdata has 7 550s in CA...but no more on order
18:48.15ariel_you said 650
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18:49.08ariel_my GP does not show future items.... argh I hate gp every time I need to look I have to enter the cap code...
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19:05.06aces1upi just had an issue with one our asterisk servers where the cpu was throttled at 100% according to freepbx status, now i had to reboot to repair just to get it back up cause i was getting hammered with calls, so does that freepbx show asterisk using 100% cpu or is that just the system?
19:05.35infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
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19:12.29ph8hi everyone, i'm trying to configure my voicemail - i actually thought i'd done it properly the first time round when I configured my asterisk server a few months ago - it appears not! in /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf I have: [myvoicemail]\n101 => 1234,My name,,
19:13.00voipmonkph8, how about you you use
19:13.06ph8i was just thinking that :)
19:13.50ManxPower-workph8: so you have something like Voicemail(1234@myvoicemail) or VoicemailMain(@myvoicemail)?
19:14.19ManxPower-workBut you might actually want to tell us the actual problem first.
19:14.32ph8like this:
19:14.39ph8sorry, i dial 666 and don't get voicemail as i expect
19:14.52ph8I get a 404 not found / wrong number / beeping tone thing
19:15.02ph8my phone says 404 but i'm not sure if that's an asterisk thing
19:15.08ph8it's a grandstream so it could be anything :p
19:15.13ManxPower-workph8: the phone you are calling from does not have access to the my-voicemail extensions.conf context
19:15.26ph8oh i see
19:15.30ph8how can i grant that access?
19:15.44ManxPower-workph8: include => my-voicemail
19:15.52ManxPower-workyou're not using a GUI, are you?
19:16.13voipmonkwhat context are you using that is missing my-voicemail ?
19:16.18ManxPower-workthen you should read up on include =>
19:16.25ph8well my phone is on as SIP/Ph0
19:16.33ph8just got to figure out where to put that include
19:16.36voipmonkthats great, what context does it use?
19:16.37ph8will do, i've got a book here
19:17.09ph8ah i see
19:17.11p3nguinEach SIP device has a definition in sip.conf, where you define a context.
19:17.13ph8i have a context as my-outbound
19:17.14ManxPower-workph8: Great!  So you can see the sip.conf entry for [Ph0] has a context= line, that is where the call will land in the dislplan
19:17.15ph8which is my IAX stuff
19:17.26ph8maybe i've misunderstood the context there
19:17.35ph8so the my-outbound could have the voicemail included AND an outbound trunk
19:17.39ph8and that would be what a context is
19:17.49ManxPower-workph8: contexts are one of the top most important things to understand.
19:17.56ph8ok i'll look it up, thanks for the help
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19:18.53p3nguinYou should be creating an hierarchical structure with your contexts.
19:19.35ph8a sort of component based context assembly? so all phones include a general context which includes outbounds, voicemails etc?
19:20.11p3nguinFor example, my phones have contexts of "phones" and the [phones] context in extensions.conf includes outbound and internal.  That allows the phones to have access to the trunk as well as other internal phones.
19:20.33ph8ah i see
19:21.23p3nguinThen in inbound context can include internal, too, but never outbound... so that keeps people from being able to call in and get a line back out.
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19:29.27mesfetHi all. Just a question: does Asterisk support SIP messaging (used by some phones to exchange instant messaging)?
19:33.26[TK]D-Fendermesfet: No.
19:36.23mesfet[TK]D-Fender: Ok, many thanks!
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19:48.33bmoracawoo...AS5400 live and taking calls now
19:49.19Kattycalls it
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19:53.43ariel_AS5400 are ok, and can do allot, but over price system.
19:53.54bmoracathat's why i bought it used
19:54.17ariel_we have many of them here
19:54.50bmoracait's a bear to set up, but i like it.
19:56.20ariel_if you don't get the dial pairs in order they really mess up
19:57.14ariel_And they are not so great at transcoding
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20:03.17bmoracawhat problem do they have transcoding?
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20:03.46bmoracai'm using mine as a media gateway between asterisk and the it shouldn't actually be doing any transcoding
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20:07.25ariel_bmoraca, that is what we use them mostly for,  How are you connecting them to asterisk?
20:07.56bmoracamost frustrating thing evar, lol
20:08.42ariel_We connect our as H323 Gateways to our provider then via E1 boards to our asterisk systems
20:09.13ariel_our providers are still on h323
20:11.03*** join/#asterisk ascenseur (n=ascenseu@
20:11.27ascenseurdoes anyone know whether this would be a good phone to use with asterisk 1.5?
20:12.00ascenseur*sorry - 1.6
20:12.37carrarascenseur, use a Polycom
20:12.53ascenseurcarrar: thanks - any reason why?
20:13.11bmoracaascenseur, 3com SIP phones aren't standard.
20:13.14ariel_Polycom's are the best and work everytime
20:13.27carrarPolycom 430, 601, 650
20:13.43carrar3Com NBX 1102 is not even a SIP phone from what I can tell
20:13.50ariel_330/331 are nice low cost ones
20:13.55ascenseuryes - but the deciding factor is price im afraid!
20:14.11carrarthe deciding factor should be what works
20:14.40ariel_cost is related to what works and how long does it take to get it to work
20:14.52carrarascenseur SPA-942 is ok also
20:14.57carrarLinkSys SPA-942
20:15.16carrarYou can find those phones cheaper refurb
20:15.19bmoracai want to try out the new SPA500 phones from Cisco
20:15.21carrarsame with polycom
20:15.25ariel_looks at one on his desk and the IP331 and says IP331 far better
20:15.36ascenseur£105 in the UK…. hmmmm
20:15.47carrarI like Cisco phones too but they lack in features that some poeple want
20:16.05carrarI use 7941 on my desk
20:16.21ascenseurso, you dont think that the one on ebay was SIP compatible?
20:16.31carrar7970 work great too
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20:16.44carrarascenseur, doesn't look like it
20:16.52ascenseuraah… thanks anyway
20:17.33carrarYou can find old 7940 & 7960's cheap
20:17.54ascenseuri really only need a basic phone
20:17.59carrarI would not use that
20:18.16ascenseurany specific reason?
20:18.33carrarand it's SCCP only
20:18.34carrarnot SIP
20:19.03carrarneed to do your homework
20:19.16ascenseuri am!
20:19.19carrarthis for play or work pbx?
20:19.50ascenseurplay mainly, maybe work when its reliable enough
20:19.57carrarYou can just use xlite free software phones if you want cheap (FREE)
20:20.51carrar7940's are $27 on ebay
20:20.58carrarget 1 or two of those
20:21.10p3nguincarrar: I use 7900 series phones with SIP images... what "features" are missing?  What would I get if I converted them to SCCP?
20:21.19ascenseuralthough Xlite is good, its not mac compat. (using Telephone, so thats all good)
20:21.34carrarp3nguin, you can't have different incoming calls have different ring types
20:21.36p3nguinUse zoiper for Mac -- X-Lite sucks.
20:21.39ascenseurUnfortunatley, the UK ebay isnt quite so brimming with deals..
20:21.42carrarauto answer on some calls
20:21.59ascenseurp3nguin: using Telephone 0.1.4 all good
20:22.03carrarintercom feature
20:22.16carrarCisco lacks A LOT of programming features
20:22.23carrarbut Cisco is a great working phone
20:22.27carrarlooks nice too
20:22.33p3nguinA lot of that is done in the Call Manager, though.
20:22.51bmoracap3nguin, you lose BLF, too, at least on the 79x0 phones
20:22.52carrarWhich we are using Asterisk
20:22.53p3nguinIf I went to an SCCP image and used chan_skinny, will I regain those features?
20:22.55ascenseuranother unit: Cisco 7906G - any ideas on that
20:22.57carrarnot CCM
20:23.25carrarascenseur, 7940 or HIGHER
20:23.39carrar7940/7960 are the easyest
20:23.45ascenseurcarrar: ah, ok
20:23.50bmoracathe 7912G's work well, but are not simple to configure
20:24.01p3nguinThe 7912 doesn't have a speakerphone with the SIP image (it is only a monitor speaker)... does the SCCP image make it into a speakerphone again?
20:24.03carrar7941 or 7970 higher are XML based, more of  pain but work
20:24.10bmoracaand the SIP image has a stupid, stupid bug which makes you unable to ring the phone for more than 19 seconds, lol
20:24.26p3nguinbmoraca: SIP image on what?
20:24.28bmoracap3nguin, no, it doesn't have a mic
20:24.35bmoracap3nguin, the 7912G
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20:25.07carrarget that and be done with it
20:25.31bmoracaif only that were buy-it-now, lol
20:25.33p3nguinHmm.  I have a 7912G right here.  I should test your theory.
20:25.56carrarThere is a lot of 25 buy it now :)
20:26.23p3nguin36 seconds and counting
20:26.51bmoracado you have a voicemail box configured with that phone?
20:26.52p3nguinIt rang for 54 seconds before hitting followme.
20:27.11bmoracawith the messages uri in the config?
20:27.12p3nguinLet me check the SIP version.
20:27.36p3nguinIt sounds like you have configured a timeout in the config.
20:27.39bmoracabecause any time that I have that, it gives me a weird-ass beep and shoots the call off to the voicemail application.  that said, i didn't really try to solve it...but whatever
20:27.49p3nguinIt's a config option.
20:27.49bmoracap3nguin, none that i could see
20:27.50ariel_I have no issues with BLF on any of the Cisco with sip images and they can ring for every.  we have a few 7912G, 7940G 7960G and 7970's
20:28.31ariel_there a pain to configure but work fine, speaker phone part of the polycom's are far better
20:28.51bmoracai'm trying to get away from the 7940s...the screens make them look like they're from 1995
20:29.03bmoracai'd like to get a couple of the SPA504Gs
20:29.09carrargo 7941 7970
20:29.12bmoracaand see about moving to them
20:29.17bmoracai can't stand the 7941s
20:29.21bmoracatoo many weird SIP problems
20:29.29bmoracalike not being able to connect through a NAT
20:29.33ariel_but for the price the polycom's are a far better phone
20:29.35bmoracadeal breaker for my application
20:30.01bmoracaariel_, yeah, but my boss prefers the Cisco name...thinks people respond better to it, even if it is a worse product
20:30.01ariel_besides you need to get the license for the Cisco's to use them as sip.
20:30.27carrarAll part of doing biz
20:30.40bmoracayep, which is why i just got 50 more 7940s in
20:30.43p3nguin#   Parameter:  ForwardToVMDelay
20:30.47ariel_bmoraca, even if you get a Cisco Sip phone on ebay your suppose to buy the sip lic to use them
20:31.01p3nguin# Description:  Number of seconds before forwarding a call to the
20:31.03p3nguin#               VoiceMailNumber, if configured.
20:31.19p3nguinThere's why mine does not send to VM at 19 seconds.
20:31.24bmoracai'll give that a try
20:31.39bmoracai didn't see that in any of the docs or samples i've found for this phone
20:32.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
20:32.01p3nguinIt's in the gkMAC config file.
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20:32.33ManxPower-work"I'm sorry your phone sucks.  We were going to use Polycom, some of the best phones on the market, but the boss liked the Cisco name so we used them."
20:32.33bmoracai never got around to actually downloading the firmware package from Cisco
20:33.07bmoracaManxPower-work, it's not that I CAN'T sell the's that he refuses to push them and will only demo the Ciscos for people
20:33.08p3nguinIt could also be the SigTimer parameter, bits 14-19.
20:33.27ariel_get a new boss
20:33.32p3nguinParameter:  SigTimer  14-19  RING TIMEOUT  Timeout in ringing the phone after which the incoming call is rejected
20:33.35bmoracaariel_, if only, lol
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20:33.40ManxPower-workbmoraca: I had forgotten you sell hardware.  Sucks.
20:34.15ariel_secret demo with the polycom's speaker on and the Cisco on the other you will see the diff
20:34.38*** join/#asterisk prometheanfire (
20:34.55bmoracathis is the same boss that made me set up a hosted PBX for a company with 29 phones and wouldn't let me buy the g729 licenses for them
20:35.00prometheanfirecan I use uuids to save files with the recievefax aplication?
20:35.22bmoracathey had to threaten to stop paying their $900/mo bill in order for him to authorize the $290 purchase of the licenses
20:38.47ManxPower-workprometheanfire: your question makes no sense
20:39.10ManxPower-workYou can do anything you want with the fax file name.  Just code your dialplan correctly
20:39.18p3nguinbmoraca: For what it's worth, I found those parameters in the config file for SIP Version 8.0.0(060111A).
20:39.49ManxPower-workbmoraca: I wonder how many thousands of dollars a year your boss gets in "incentives" from Cisco
20:39.53p3nguinwhich is the one I use.
20:40.43leifmadsenbmoraca: you need a new boss :)
20:41.24*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
20:41.49prometheanfirebasically I need a way of generating uuids or at least uids in asterisk so I don't overwrite files
20:42.31ManxPower-workprometheanfire: ${UNIQUEID}
20:42.38prometheanfirethat builtin?
20:43.13ManxPower-workprometheanfire: I think you need to learn Asterisk.  Yes, it's one of the standard channel variables as documented in /path/to/src/asterisk/doc/tex/channelvariables.tex
20:43.18prometheanfireand does that stay the same throughout the call
20:43.28ManxPower-workprometheanfire: Go read.
20:44.36infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:44.42ManxPower-workbetter yet, go read the book
20:44.43prometheanfireI have that book
20:44.49voipmonkgood start
20:44.51prometheanfireI've read it
20:44.53voipmonkread it a few times :)
20:45.12ManxPower-workprometheanfire: good, now look at the OFFICIAL documentation that is in the Asterisk source doc/ directory
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20:49.25ariel_people have it so good now, we have lots of books and wiki's, with info about asterisk, I remember starting and the general reply was go read the code to see what it does.
20:49.56prometheanfirewhy back in my day...
20:50.08voipmonk2001 or 2002?
20:50.31prometheanfireI was still in middle school back then
20:50.33ariel_my first setup was with asterisk .5
20:51.10prometheanfireI would have been 14 in 2001
20:51.42ariel_I have children older then you
20:54.02infobot[answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
20:54.45prometheanfireI even have that one agi book
20:55.26prometheanfireI just try not to touch asterisk or any software, just manage it, not configure it
20:56.06[TK]D-Fenderprometheanfire: What does "managing without configuring" imply?
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20:58.09prometheanfireI try to manage the servers, not configure them.  I feel that I would have to specialize in to many areas to do that effectivly
20:58.42ariel_you have to know how to configure them first before you are able to just manage
20:59.48prometheanfireI can do basic stuff for it all, I need time :D
21:00.56ariel_ever heard of a lab? test system? a tinker room?
21:01.24prometheanfireI have that and am learning
21:01.41prometheanfireI have a full VM setup at home with a few things
21:02.24prometheanfireI really need to get a voip service provider so I can start working on that more.
21:02.36prometheanfireI could probably just get a free one from work
21:03.44ariel_or you can get ones like ipkall for testing inbound
21:04.07ariel_it's free
21:04.58*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:05.44prometheanfireI kinda wanna do a dialajoke thing
21:08.16voipmonkwell you kinda wont get it done with a kinda sorta attitude, just do it
21:08.45voipmonkstep by step woulda coulda is a waste of time, dive in head first and get it done ;)
21:08.49Kattykinda sorta maybe possibly thinking about the idea of perhaps doing a dialajoke thing
21:09.37Kattyi wanna go home.
21:09.57Kattyno kinda sorta maybe possiblies.
21:12.14ariel_I also want to go home
21:16.05mockersigns up for a trail at
21:16.15mockertrial even.
21:16.19prometheanfirethey do trials now?
21:17.20mockereh, sign up and then have an out on the contract.
21:18.13ariel_get a 5 dollar voipjet account for outbound testing
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21:31.20prometheanfirethe fax docs say to check out the KB for fax stuff, the link they put in the readme links to a kb category with not kb articles in it :D
21:32.29ManxPower-work"fax docs"
21:32.35ManxPower-workWhat specific file says that?
21:34.32prometheanfireand the digium-fax module
21:34.48ariel_I have not played with that yet
21:34.57ariel_have had no need for it
21:35.43prometheanfirebig boss man wants a fax to email server, so I made one with freeswitch.  It works.  Now he wants it with asterisk.
21:37.03ariel_if it works
21:37.05ariel_don't change
21:37.20prometheanfiresupport, he wants someone to yell at if it goes bad
21:38.08ManxPower-workprometheanfire: Who, exactly, will he yell at if you switch to Asterisk?
21:38.21ManxPower-workI doubt Digium support would put up with it.
21:38.46ariel_fax and faxing fall in the 80/20 rule
21:38.52ariel_no matter what you do
21:39.07prometheanfirefaxing fail you mean?
21:39.32ariel_80% works fine, but when you really need it, it falls in the 20% that does not work
21:39.33prometheanfireManxPower-work: we have a support contract, it is more a piece of mind type of thing
21:39.55ariel_support contact from digium?
21:40.00prometheanfireI have had about 95% good at least with the freeswitch solution
21:40.10prometheanfireyep, plus we are a reseller and that bit
21:40.16ariel_good reason to stay
21:41.10prometheanfireI know but he wants proof so I'll give him it
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21:42.46prometheanfirethat is what I am doing now
21:42.53prometheanfiregonna send a test fax now
21:43.00ariel_your keeping the one that works right?
21:43.13prometheanfirediferent VMs
21:43.14ariel_good man
21:43.25ariel_oh on vm's
21:43.51prometheanfirewe have high call volumes on VMs and it is good :D
21:43.55ariel_hides as he knows vm and asterisk and faxing are far less reliable
21:44.00prometheanfireI did that side and am proud of it
21:44.46ariel_actually I don't use any VM's, but I do use XEN
21:45.18prometheanfirewe are using vmware right now but I think I am gonna push for kvm/redhat
21:45.55prometheanfirecheaper and we get official redhat licence/support for unlimited VMs instead of centos
21:46.19ariel_Citrix Xen in my view is far better
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21:47.00prometheanfirekvm is being pushed by redhat and the kernel dev people
21:47.14ariel_yes and every year you pay
21:48.58ariel_We use Xen 5.5 here and it's been working fine, we are moving all our VM's to the Xen cluster
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21:49.28prometheanfirelive migration and fault tolerance?
21:49.35ariel_we can even move a xen from one server to another while it's running
21:49.46prometheanfirewe can in kvm too :D
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21:49.57ariel_did I say it's free
21:50.06prometheanfireall that kvm is missing is fault tolerance
21:50.12ariel_we have that
21:50.15prometheanfireariel_: linky link is linked?
21:50.31ariel_google Citrix xen 5.5
21:50.38prometheanfireariel_: running the same VM on 2 machines so if it goes down you don't loose calls?
21:50.51ariel_you loose calls yes
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21:52.06prometheanfireI didn't loose calls when I tested fault tolerance with vmware
21:52.09prometheanfireor kvm
21:52.18prometheanfireoh wait, not kvm
21:55.15ariel_any calls that are on a box that goes down will go down, but there are ways you can build minimal down time
21:57.14ariel_Enswitch is a combo of OpenSer/asterisk and mysql that has a fairly nice fault recover setup, but any calls you might have on a system's pri lines or analog pots that goes down you will loose
21:57.30prometheanfireariel_: when I tested it on vmware there was 2-3 sec of silence then the calls picked back up agian
21:58.13ariel_some times you can do that via sip, and canreinvite
21:58.40prometheanfireit was a basic asterisk instalation with a call going into a moh
21:58.59*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
21:59.24prometheanfirethe VM runs on both servers at once and if the primary fails the seccondary picks it up at the same point
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22:03.03ariel_I am really happy you were able to get that working.  But your going to hit the 80/20 rule with it.
22:03.26ariel_It's that time of the day that I am out of here folks, hope everyone has a great weekend.
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22:08.03prometheanfirealright, thanks for your help
22:08.09prometheanfirecya, I'm out too
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22:31.21nvicfhello guys, I have a question, I have two numbers (incoming) and I want when those numbers are calling to redirect the call to a given extension, is that possible? i've read it was but no idea how
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22:34.41voipmonk[ yes
22:34.48voipmonkits very possible
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22:39.37DarkFibre_Drittbvoipmonk: For a relative newbie would you recommend apstel visual designer to test dialplan generation?
22:41.53voipmonki would recommend reading the book and work from there
22:41.57voipmonkthe future of telephony
22:42.03voipmonkno additional tools required
22:42.15voipmonkand there are docs that come with asterisk , too
22:46.18DarkFibre_DrittbI have that book
22:46.42DarkFibre_Drittbbut sometimes its nice to have a visual representation for planning with clients
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22:49.44voipmonkI see
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23:16.27ManxPower-workDarkFibre_Drittb: If it will help you visualize dialplan code that you write, then that's great.
23:17.24ManxPower-workIf you are trying to use it to visually design a dialplan, then all you are learning is how to make machine generated code, which bears little resemblance to any humans dialplan.
23:24.22DarkFibre_Drittbmanxpower-work - would it read it a human written dialplan and diagram it?
23:24.38DarkFibre_DrittbI am just not very good with diagrams
23:26.19DarkFibre_Drittband for documentation the operations people want a pretty picture
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23:26.44DarkFibre_Drittbspending hours drawing boxes seems to be  a waste of time :)
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23:37.48VxJasonxVAnyone have any documentation on res_phoneprov? Google is turning up mostly checkin pages, mailing lists, ml resyndicates... etc. etc. etc.
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23:44.29carrarDarkFibre_Drittb, just draw clouds and arrows
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