IRC log for #asterisk on 20100104

00:00.39*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
00:03.39*** join/#asterisk Xano_ (n=Xano_@
00:03.44*** part/#asterisk Xano_ (n=Xano_@
00:07.44ChannelZNote to self: update graphics drivers with windows closed
00:08.10ChainsawOr it'll do it for you?
00:08.27ChannelZwell it shoves them all on one screen and resizes everything
00:08.36ChainsawOh yuck :(
00:08.43ChannelZbut I'm kind of impressed that I could do it 'live' without even rebooting
00:12.33*** part/#asterisk nny (n=scott@
00:16.35*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
00:26.04*** join/#asterisk vitaminx (n=vitaminx@
00:27.20ChannelZSo there seems to be a lot of VoIP equipment companies whose websites all look the same.  Coincidence?
00:33.24*** join/#asterisk ffmog (
00:37.44*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:42.23*** join/#asterisk jermey_g (
00:44.21*** join/#asterisk n0cturnal (
00:44.33jermey_gConferencing feature, a participant wants his audio to be reached not to all but a subset of participants.
00:45.01jermey_gDoes * support this?
00:46.21n0cturnalhow does asterisk decide whether to do a Native Bridge, Packet2Packet, or (hmm, what's the other one called?)?
00:47.05*** join/#asterisk the_limit (
00:48.20jermey_gn0cturnal: which bridge you are referring to, the one used inside code
00:48.31jermey_gn0cturnal: or conferencing bridge
00:49.16n0cturnaljermey_g: when connecting calls together... eg "Packet2Packet bridging SIP/101-00000022 and SIP/vegastream-00000023" vs "Native bridging SIP/101-0000001e and SIP/vegastream-0000001f"
00:51.55[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: No
00:52.04jermey_gn0cturnal: are you using bridge () application
00:52.14n0cturnaljermey_g: no, just Dial(()
00:53.21jermey_gn0cturnal: i am not very updated, but i think a 8 months back, this bridge defaulted to packet2packet and could be changed except in code
00:53.26*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
00:53.37jermey_gcould be changed only in code i meant
00:53.52n0cturnalI'm using a vegastream box to terminate my office ISDN BRI's. dial plan in the vega is same no matter what number I dial, yet depending on the number I dial, it does the bridge differently.. one works, the other fails. i'm not sure where the issue lies
00:54.19jermey_gn0cturnal: which version ? 1.4
00:54.21ChannelZcurses the hiccups
00:56.24jermey_gn0cturnal: your dialpan and sip.conf
00:56.41n0cturnal2 secs will pastebin
00:56.57jermey_gdo you pastebin
00:57.10jermey_goh ok
01:03.39n0cturnaljermey_g: sip.conf: extensions.ael:
01:05.08n0cturnali honestly dont know if the issue lies in my vegastream box or in asterisk.. i can't make any sense of any of this :(
01:10.59*** join/#asterisk teknomega (
01:11.14teknomegahey does Asterisk still transcode all calls even if they are the same codec on both ends ?
01:12.47ChannelZit shouldn't assuming it's in the media path at all
01:12.54manxpowerteknomega: not generally
01:13.27Kattyis excited
01:13.42n0cturnalKatty: fix my * then :P
01:13.51Kattywait, what?
01:13.57Kattywhy would i do that?
01:14.07n0cturnalKatty: Please?
01:14.12n0cturnalKatty: cause i asked nice? :P
01:14.29Kattywell what's wrong with it then
01:16.32teknomegaChannelZ, did something change with Asterisk ?
01:16.45teknomegaChannelZ, like does it allow for phones to directly communicate with eachother ?
01:16.49n0cturnalmy wonderful (or maybe not so) vegastream box is having hissy fits when talking to *.. i dial some numbers and it works, others connect then immediately die, others connect, ring and then die when answered.. somehow asterisk is changing its mind on how it "Bridges" the calls when connecting them, though I dont think that's the only problem.. but I can't be sure :(
01:17.03teknomegaChannelZ, also allow for proxy of RTP to an ITSP ?
01:17.35Kattywhat's this 'vegastream box' thingy?
01:17.54TJNIIn0cturnal: canreinvite=no
01:18.01n0cturnalsorry.. it's an ISDN BRI <-> SIP termination box
01:18.11teknomegawhat about g722 between Polycom phones... is that auto negotiated
01:18.48Kattywhat does the CLI say when you call a sip DID that fails on answering?
01:19.22[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: A codec is a codec is a codec.  Negotiation is the same
01:20.17n0cturnalrtp.c:     -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/101-00000024 and SIP/vegastream-00000025
01:20.17n0cturnalpbx.c:   == Spawn extension (telstra-dial, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/101-00000024'
01:21.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:21.13Kattyyou might want to turn debugging on then, since that info isn't too helpful.
01:21.32n0cturnalheh.. right..
01:22.49Kattyyou wanna find your problem or not?
01:24.31*** join/#asterisk coppice (n=chatzill@
01:24.56teknomegaso... when talking to an ITSP and asteirsk is in the middle of the call... does the call media get proxied through asterisk or is it transcoded ?
01:25.54n0cturnalKatty: sorry.. i meant I should have done that before.. i meant right as in "yeah, i should have done that already.. my bad"
01:25.59[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Proxied & transcoded a separate concepts and not tied to each other
01:26.09n0cturnalit seems the vegastream box is sending a hangup...
01:26.28[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: If I put jam on my toast, is peanut butter supposed to majically appear because I might be making a sandwich>?
01:27.22teknomegayou know what i am asking
01:27.31teknomegaSipX... does things a different way than asterisk
01:27.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:27.40teknomegai am just wondering how asterisk handles a call that goes to an ITSP
01:27.43teknomegathats my question
01:28.15teknomegaif g711u is on both ends of the call... does the asterisk box still have to transcode or work on the media stream?
01:28.18etfonhomeyteknomega, * handles a call going to an ITSP no differently than a call between phones as long as they are all using the same codec.
01:28.19[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Also stop making the fact that one leg goes to an ITSP as being something special,.  That is also not the case.
01:28.42teknomegadoes media go directly to the phone ?
01:28.44[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: If its the same codec on 2 ends, then what is there to transcode?
01:28.55teknomegawell it is a B2BUA
01:29.00[TK]D-Fendertranscoding != media PATH
01:29.11teknomegai understand that
01:29.17[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: You don't seem to.
01:29.22teknomegano i do
01:29.25teknomegathats why i asked if it did
01:29.29TJNIIvoid *transcode_g711u_to_g711u(void *data) { return data; } <- AMAZING!
01:29.57*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:30.27[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: * stays in the media path if it has a REASON to.
01:30.51teknomegadoes it do anything to the media when it does stay in its path ?
01:30.56teknomegaor does it just act as a proxy
01:31.06Kattyn0cturnal: :<
01:31.28teknomegai am just trying to figure out why i have call quality issues when using asterisk
01:31.30n0cturnalKatty: may I pm you a link to the debug? i can't work this stupid thing out..
01:31.33teknomegaand i don't with SipX
01:31.39[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: It does what it has to.
01:31.41etfonhomeyteknomega, it has an RTP media path between * and local phone.  And a separate media path between * and ITSP.
01:31.50Kattyn0cturnal: just paste the link here... i'm going to be afk for awhile.
01:31.57[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: And please stop calling it "proxy".....
01:32.26etfonhomeyteknomega, it just copies the voice payload from one media path to the other if they are the same codec.
01:33.09etfonhomeyteknomega, one advantage of having * stay in the path between phones and ITSP is only having to deal with NAT between * and ITSP rather than each phone and ITSP.
01:33.15teknomegabut that still puts latency and CPU load onto the box it is on
01:33.45etfonhomeycopy is not as CPU intensive as decode, encode
01:33.48teknomegai understand the benefits.. just trying to figure out call quality issues
01:34.06[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: All of this for THAT goal?  WRong questions....
01:34.15teknomegai doubt its QoS
01:34.29teknomegaConnection... NAT... ISP... ITSP... phones... setup
01:34.39etfonhomeyteknomega,  I'm getting into this late.  What's your issues with quality?
01:34.55teknomegaetfonhomey, very very random issues with call quality
01:35.06teknomegawith SipX i have no issues with call quality EVER
01:35.16coppice[TK]D-Fender: you are treating this like its a dumb question, and its not. Some systems do turn everything to linear and back for no good reason. Some turn everything to linear so they can do tone detection or other processing on the signal. It is not obvious that things will pass through transparently.
01:35.17teknomegai am not saying one product is better... i am just at a loss
01:35.20etfonhomeyWhether you have canreinvite=no   or canreinvite=yes?
01:35.22teknomegai would rather use asterisk
01:35.36teknomegalike sometimes the call just starts to get all garbled
01:35.38teknomegafor no reason
01:35.52teknomegaand it doesn't come back unless the caller or callee makes a new call
01:35.56[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Oh, there's a reason...
01:36.03teknomegai understand
01:36.06teknomegabut i can't find it
01:36.15[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Like one end getting hit with other traffic.
01:36.31teknomega[TK]D-Fender, if it doesn't happen on SipX at the same location EVER
01:36.40teknomegaits now making me think its asterisk
01:36.45[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: And I don't see you looking at the calls in detail.  In fact... you've give virtually no details at all.
01:36.54teknomegawell i would have to setup asterisk again
01:36.59teknomegai have SipX running right now
01:37.09[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Oh and now you're looking at this posthumously?>
01:37.20[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Soory, I left my Flux Capacitor in the office...
01:37.45[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Well this was a grand waste of time...
01:38.01etfonhomeyteknomega, what kind of Internet connection are you working with?
01:38.02teknomegai learned how call paths are copied with RTP streams
01:38.09teknomegaand not decoded or encoded
01:38.12teknomegawhen they are the same codec
01:38.18teknomegamedia paths
01:38.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:39.06[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Yes, but you don't take a physics class to learn if there are water fountains on the floor the class is taught in.
01:39.29teknomegait takes alot to get info from ppl on IRC
01:39.48teknomegabecause the question is either asked wrong or what i want to do is stupid
01:39.55[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Either way, there is no way to debug what you've done.  This puts you no closer to figuring out what really happened
01:40.05etfonhomeyteknomega, what kind of Internet connection are you working with?
01:40.11teknomegaQuest T1
01:40.15teknomegaQoS on both Ends
01:40.24[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: You have guesses and no system to debug.
01:40.42*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:40.58etfonhomeyQoS can mean a ton of different things.  In fact, my Cisco QoS exam I'm taking this week defines best-effort as a QoS model along with IntServ and DiffServ.
01:41.13teknomegai understand
01:41.34etfonhomeyteknomega, define your QoS.
01:41.44coppiceQoS on IP networks is never more than best efforts
01:41.46teknomegayeah setting up inbound QoS on T1's that don't have QoS at the ISP... is more like magic than a science
01:42.15teknomegaits DSCP based
01:42.24teknomegaon the ISP end for outgoing traffic
01:42.48teknomegaand inbound is based on destination IP and Port with origination also
01:43.28etfonhomeyteknomega, the only valuable QoS you can do from  CE standpoint when going to an ISP that doesn't provide service levels other than Best Effort is to setup traffic shaping on your outbound traffic so that you don't drop voice packets headed to your ITSP when you're uploading a lot of data.
01:43.31[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: And did any of your QoS settings change between use of * vs SIPX?
01:44.09teknomegaonly 1... we had to change port 5060 for the ITSP to 5080 for the ITSP
01:44.35teknomegawe have to send SIP signaling from the ITSP on port 5080
01:44.36[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Sounds like nothing to me.
01:44.39[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Then we can stop wasting time on yet another fruitless direction.
01:44.50jermey_gteknomega: what is DSCP?
01:45.04teknomegatagging packets for QoS
01:45.06[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: QoS isn't the issue here, and drilling aimlessly isn't going to get you anywhere
01:45.14teknomegaoh i know QoS isn't the issue
01:45.33teknomegaits something with either the server, either hardware or software
01:45.37etfonhomeyteknomega, who is your ITSP?
01:45.45jermey_g[TK]D-Fender: why are you so angry all the time..getting mad easily..
01:46.00[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: Not angry yet.....
01:46.05[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: Gimme a few ;)
01:47.03jermey_gdoes asterisk support secure rtp and sips
01:47.18etfonhomeyteknomega, so you had to tell to send SIP signaling to TCP port 5060?
01:47.38teknomegano... UDP 5080... when using SipX
01:47.55teknomegaby default its already setup to work with asterisk... UDP 5060
01:48.08etfonhomeyteknomega, what ports does SipX use for RTP?
01:48.21teknomegaby default
01:48.51[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Still doesn't matter
01:50.17teknomega[TK]D-Fender, you never get call quality issues ?
01:50.28[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Generally no.
01:50.34teknomegaso thats a yes
01:50.51*** join/#asterisk easydone (
01:51.58[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: At home if I'm streaming media, etc, sure things can get cut.  Its going to happen.  Fact of life.  BUt I'm also not attempting to compare 2 different things, one of which I no longer have access to and trying to guess what the difference is
01:52.12*** part/#asterisk easydone (
01:54.27teknomega[TK]D-Fender, last question.. for me to test this out again... would a dual 3.0ghz xeon work fine for a max or 14 sim. calls
01:54.58[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: massive overkill.
01:54.59etfonhomeyteknomega, in one location, I've been using * on an ancient IBM Thinkpad (built-in battery backup!) for more than 2 years with an ITSP.  I've rarely had call quality issues.
01:55.26teknomegaok i'll give it a go again
01:55.39etfonhomeyteknomega, every time I have, it was due to the cable Internet provider's crappy modem needing a reboot.
01:55.40[TK]D-Fenderteknomega: Seriously... think about how long Digium has been selling 4-port PRI cards, and think about the PC's used ion those servers way back when...
01:55.53teknomegai mean i setup some really basic dial plans just to see how call quality would be
01:56.11teknomega<--- teknoprep
01:56.15teknomegayou know i have been here for awhile
01:56.17teknomegaso yeah i know
01:56.25etfonhomeyteknomega, I suspect your gateway device.
01:56.36etfonhomeyteknomega, what about quality between local phones?
01:56.46teknomegaits usually flawless
01:57.03teknomegabut i don't know how asterisk deals well with jitter
01:57.33etfonhomeyteknomega, jitter is jitter.  Getting beyond 30ms of jitter and you're gonna have trouble.
01:57.49teknomegawe are usually around 8ms at most
01:58.06n0cturnalKatty: if you're still around; my full call debug;
01:58.14teknomegaits usually within 2ms of jitter
01:59.17etfonhomeyteknomega, so calls between internal extensions work flawlessly? What is your gateway/edge device to the Internet?
01:59.32teknomegacisco router i think its a 2650
01:59.47teknomegai would have to check again.. its a cisco one that came with ordering the T1
01:59.56etfonhomeyteknomega, do you have access to the router config?
02:00.43teknomegai am actually not worrying anymore... how about this
02:00.49teknomegatomorrow i will setup asterisk
02:00.56teknomegaand let you guys know how it went
02:00.56etfonhomeyteknomega, if you pastebin the router config (w/o IP's and username/passwords), I can tell you how well the QoS is configured.
02:01.07teknomegai know for a fact its perfect
02:01.12jermey_gn0cturnal: wow, set verbose to 8 and no debug, send
02:01.28teknomegai had myself... CCNA ... and hired a CCIE (NetPrivateer) to check it
02:01.31teknomegaalso had cisco check it
02:02.38etfonhomeyteknomega, well, then it wouldn't hurt to have someone else say it's perfect.
02:02.41jermey_getfonhomey: which exam you are to take--cisco
02:03.04etfonhomeyjermey_g, QoS this week.
02:03.18jermey_getfonhomey: which cert you are after
02:03.50etfonhomeyDoing CCNP and CCVP in parallel.  I've passed BSCI and ONT for CCNP and CVOICE for CCVP.
02:04.37etfonhomeyBut, * is why I'm in this channel. :)
02:05.27teknomegapassing those... you should agree that call handling with * is very different than CCM
02:07.05jermey_gteknomega: ccm u mean ccum
02:07.11jermey_gno cucm
02:07.21teknomegalol unified
02:07.23teknomegaeveryone wants it
02:07.43teknomegai just setup SipX with Exchange 2k10 and OCS 2k7 R2
02:07.45teknomegavery nice stuff
02:07.51teknomegai love the transcription of voicemail
02:08.15jermey_gi integrated my * box with cucm 7 two months back - it was a breeze - no need to use ncube or anything
02:08.21n0cturnalwb Katty
02:08.27etfonhomeyteknomega, I would have to disagree.  SIP is SIP.  Calls are handled according to the standard more or less.
02:08.34n0cturnaljermey_g: heh.. too much information? :P
02:08.36*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (n=chatzill@
02:08.51jermey_gn0cturnal: yes
02:09.03Kattythis lip gloss is....
02:09.07n0cturnalso no core debug, still want sip debug?
02:09.20Kattyscowls at product.
02:09.35Kattydear Cocoa Fever lip gloss, why must you be so sticky? you make me sad.
02:10.09jermey_gn0cturnal: i ll say, no core or sip debug. just take a tcpdump lan trace and set verbose 8 cli dump (send two files)
02:11.08*** join/#asterisk runic (i=4b97cff9@gateway/web/freenode/x-izmnubhynxhxinhn)
02:11.14n0cturnaljermey_g: that would be tcpdump >> file?
02:11.47jermey_gn0cturnal: tcpdump -s 0 -w file.cap
02:12.06jermey_gthis would include all traffic.
02:12.06runicI'm having a strange issue, unsure if anyone else has experienced the same but was hoping I could throw it out there
02:12.18etfonhomeyrunic, throw it!
02:12.23runicSystem() call does not appear to be calling gvoice correctly on my setup
02:13.04*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
02:13.06jermey_getfonhomey: i think ccnp is easy for a guy who knows IP networking.
02:13.22jermey_getfonhomey: are you required to work on certain routers and switches?
02:13.23runicI know System() is working because I've tested some shell scripting in the same context to make sure it was happening
02:14.21runicrunning PBXIAF 1.4, latest scripts/fixes/blah.  It used to work fine, but I moved and lost my IPKall number due to inactivity
02:14.24*** join/#asterisk etnos (
02:14.39runicso I decided to run the updates, get a sipgate, etc
02:14.49runicrunning latest pygooglevoice as well
02:15.12etfonhomeyjermey_g, the material is easy, I agree.  Knowing it pass the questions that are asked on the exam is something else.
02:16.12runicimo, CCNA is easy.  CCNP takes a bit more work
02:16.30etfonhomeyjermey_g, I work on lots of different equipment while doing consulting.
02:16.35jayteeCCIE is the toughest I've heard
02:16.48runicthere is a new cert beyond CCIE as of recent, forget what it is
02:17.51teknomegahow many ppl have it? 60 ?
02:18.09teknomegaCCISP ?
02:18.18*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
02:19.13runicAnyone have experience with PBXIAF 1.4 using google voice?
02:19.27*** join/#asterisk tgrman (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
02:20.59teknomegaCisco Certified Architect
02:22.33jermey_grunic: invite me to google voice
02:23.17runicjermey_g: thought invites are going out in like 24hrs these days
02:27.44*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
02:28.38*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (n=chatzill@
02:34.28*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
02:50.57*** join/#asterisk timholum1 (
02:51.25timholum1hello, dous any one know of a way to set caller id different per extension?
02:53.04teknomegahow would i setup * to accept inbound SIP signaling on port 5080 so i don't have to change it tomorrow
02:53.20timholum1I have a kind of rare case where I have a call group where I call from Dial( SIP/200&SIP/201&SIP/trunk/number ) The SIP/trunk/number has to have caller id set to my trunks username or it does not work. Is there any way to preserve my username for the SIP/200 and SIP/201?
02:53.25teknomegai owuld like to use both 5060 and 50980
02:53.34jayteeteknomega, change the bindport in sip.conf and do a sip reload
02:53.34p3nguinexten => 123,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=newnum)
02:53.45teknomegajaytee, can i use both ports ?
02:53.53jayteeteknomega, don't think so
02:54.08timholum1p3nguin, that will set the caller id for all of the calls :(
02:54.25p3nguintimholum1: You asked to set it per extension.  That sets it on extension 123.
02:54.55jayteetimholum, you can define a sip account with callerid in that account's entry in sip.conf
02:55.10timholum1how to i do that?
02:55.15jayteecallerid="Jabba The Hut" <1234>
02:55.31jayteefor sip account 1234
02:57.36jermey_gn0cturnal: did you get over with your problems
02:58.16timholum1unfortunatly that only changes inbound from 1234, I need it to change it when I call user 1234 that it changes the caller id ( Skype for sip requires all outbound calls to have the account id in order to accept the call ) :(
02:59.12n0cturnaljermey_g: heh sorry, i've managed to lock myself out of the box while i was playing with network configs.. gotta drive over there in a while to fix..
02:59.18timholum1kind of a hastle, and I would like all inbound calls on my regular pstn line to call 2 of my employee's cell phones
02:59.22p3nguinLike I said, you can set it per extension using the Set() command and CALLERID() function.
03:01.36jayteetimholum, then you'd want to use something like exten=> 1234,1,Set(callerid(all)=${ACCOUNTID} and set the accountid variable in the global section of extensions.conf if you use the same accountid for all calls
03:02.01jayteeand I left out the closing parentheses in the example
03:06.37timholum1exten => 123,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=newnum) only works if I dial 123, i have s,1,Answer() s,2,Dial( SIP/200&SIP/201&SIP/trunk/number )   and I only want the caller id to change for SIP/trunk/number not for SIP/200 or SIP/201, I do have outbound working on that using SET( CALLERID=.... ) when I dial the trunk directly, but I am guessing what I am trying to do is impossible
03:07.42timholum1I do know it would work if I did s,2,SET(CALLERID(num)=xxxx) but it would change it for all of the  phones
03:08.11timholum1SIP/200 and SIP/201 would not be able to figure out who is calling :(
03:08.12*** join/#asterisk youngmoney (i=3a06133a@gateway/web/freenode/x-vegndnjaozgfrixr)
03:09.57p3nguintimholum1: Well, you said "set caller id different per extension" and that is what I told you how to do.
03:10.02Kattyi dusted my desk, but my allergies are still going omgwtftwitchtwitch
03:10.42youngmoneyQuick question regarding the functionality of Asterisk: I want to be able to take two phone numbers (landlines) and join them in a conference call. I need multiple conference calls going at the one time amongst various numbers (multiple concurrent calls through the one SIP account). Is this possible? :/
03:10.50p3nguinDoes your 's' exten end up dailing those sip devices?
03:11.21Kattyyoungmoney: if i'm understanding your question properly, the answer is yes.
03:11.33p3nguintimholum1: Does your 's' exten end up dailing those sip devices?
03:11.41Kattyyoungmoney: you can transfer as many calls into MeetMe as you like, internal sip devicies and external lines/channels.
03:12.14Kattyyoungmoney: you can have as many meetme 'rooms' as you like.
03:12.29youngmoneyKatty: I've never used Asterisk before so just to clarify - "internal sip devicies and external lines/channels." - Does that mean external hardware? Or is it Asterisk software jargon
03:12.33timholum1they dial the SIP/trunk/number, I have tryed putting in Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&8xxxxxx) but it tells me that I need to put a technology in :(
03:13.23Kattyyoungmoney: internal devices, such as sip phones (polycom, etc) and people calling in to cards handling Pots lines, t1s... and of course calls off DID numbers from a sip provider.
03:13.33p3nguintimholum1: Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&SIP/trunk/number)?
03:13.54Kattyyoungmoney: you can assign a DID number to dump directly into a meetme conferece, or you can always have a receiptionist transfer to a meetme extension...
03:13.57p3nguintimholum1: I really can't understand what you're trying to do.
03:14.07Kattyyoungmoney: you have several options to get your callers into conference rooms.
03:14.10p3nguintimholum1: Is this related to your previous question about the caller ID?
03:14.26youngmoneyKatty: thanks for the help. I'll download Asterisk and have a play around
03:14.30Kattyyoungmoney: as far as i know, there isn't a limit to the number of callers or meetme rooms, except for the limitations of your computer.
03:14.47Kattywlell.... bye then.
03:15.06p3nguinYou'll probably use up all your bandwidth before reaching the limit of the computer.
03:15.26Kattyyeah probably
03:15.47p3nguinUnless it is ancient hardware, such as what I use.  :)
03:16.36timholum1I am sorry I am not very good at explaining myself
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03:18.21timholum1I would like inbound calls on my pstn line to have 2 different caller id's depending on if it is dialing out my sip trunk or if it is going directly to one of my sip extensions
03:18.58p3nguinSIP doesn't have extensions, but extensions can Dial() SIP devices.
03:18.59timholum1or if there was a way to dial an extension from the Dial() command that could probably work as well
03:19.59p3nguinYou can Dial() local extensions:  exten 123,1,Dial(Local/321@context)
03:20.18timholum1ok, I think that will solve my issue, :) Thank you
03:20.27Katty <- i saw this when i went to target tonight.
03:20.47Katty^- it seems somehow fitting.
03:22.56eppigyharmacy ^_______________^
03:24.01Kattyeppigy: would you like some lip gloss?
03:24.06Kattyeppigy: i don't think i'm going to use this stuff again
03:24.14eppigywell uh
03:24.18*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
03:24.19eppigyi only really like it
03:24.21Kattydon't be like that
03:24.28eppigyif a girl is applying it ith her lips
03:24.28Kattyi saw a guy at target who had better make up than me
03:24.43Kattyhe even had double wing eye linger.
03:25.18dmastdid he have emo hair?
03:25.25jayteemetrosexuals are creepy
03:25.27[Outcast]most likley
03:25.39Kattyyep, he had emo hair.
03:25.45Kattyside part. very shreddy
03:25.48[Outcast]dmast called it
03:26.02Kattyhe sure did!
03:26.41Kattyeppigy: tell me you at least wear lip balm/chapstick
03:26.49eppigyI do not
03:26.51Kattyeppigy: lipmedics, carmex...
03:26.55Kattyoh dear :<
03:27.02Kattydo your lips chap?
03:27.03eppigyI do not kno why i would
03:27.06Kattyand crack, and bleed.
03:27.10eppigyoh o no
03:27.18Kattymine do :<
03:27.20Kattyit's /awful/
03:27.42Kattyand then little bits of skin come lose, and i end up biting them off
03:28.38dmastwas just compelled to apply chapstick
03:29.17Kattydmast: what kind do you use?
03:29.45dmastChapstick...Ultra? Does that sound right?
03:29.49dmastAnd Bert's Bees
03:29.59[Outcast]i hate hotel wifi
03:30.08p3nguinBert has some nice products.
03:30.19dmastBert's Bees = luxury chapstick
03:30.19Kattyultra chapstick does have spf 30 i believe...
03:30.21Kattyand that's very good.
03:30.34[Outcast]chapstick medicated for me
03:30.35Kattybert's bees...has a beeswax lipbalm. i have some, but i've not tried it yet
03:30.46Kattycomes in a little tin.
03:31.18dmastNever tried that... we just have in a stick
03:31.52Kattyso far, my favorite is plain ole lipmedics
03:32.58Kattyor carmex.
03:33.08Kattycarmex is pretty darn good.
03:33.18*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
03:33.30dmastI have to switch over to cold sore cream about twice a winter... that sucks
03:33.51p3nguinHerpacin L
03:34.05Kattyi've never had a cold sore, but i've heard they're just plain awful.
03:34.28dmastIt's pretty much like having a friction blister on your lip
03:34.28Katty <- target had this stuff
03:34.40Kattyouch )=
03:35.43Katty <- better photo.
03:36.00Kattythey had another one...olive oil and sage i think, but it smelled attrocious.
03:36.15dmastp3nguin: I've been using Campho-Phenique ... could give Herpacin a try though.
03:36.27Kattyhow long does it take a cold sore to go away?
03:36.58p3nguinBack 20 years ago, Campho was THE shit to use for everything.  I wonder how degraded they have become over the years.
03:37.11dmastkatty: 2-3 days if you're diligent with the meds
03:37.19Kattywell that's not too long, i guess.
03:37.33p3nguinEvery product I know of has evolved into nearly a piece of crap.
03:38.17Kattyp3nguin: well...
03:38.28Kattyp3nguin: yes, but there are always new products coming out that are good.
03:38.40Kattyp3nguin: and you can't expect to get much from a drugstore for a few bucks, really.
03:38.40p3nguinBut none as good as the old products once were.
03:39.09Kattythat 1.5ml grape lip butter i bought was close to 10 bucks
03:39.23Kattybut i'm okay with it, cause i'm trying to find a better lip balm.
03:39.30Kattyand i know that 2 bucks isn't going to buy anything good.
03:39.45dmast10 bucks? it better clean your teeth too
03:40.00Kattyno it doesn't clean your teeth :P
03:40.16Kattyi /do/ carry the little trial size of scope in my purse tho
03:40.25p3nguinminty fresh
03:41.21Kattycinnamon actually
03:41.44dmastis it pretty decent?
03:41.44Katty"cinnamon ice" the bottle says
03:42.06Kattyi like it.
03:42.10dmasthas only ever used the classic mintohol flavor
03:42.13Kattybut the minty stuff usually makes me gag.
03:42.29Kattymint anything usually makes me gag
03:42.57Kattypeppermint candys, mint mojitos...
03:43.10dmastdoesn't like peppermint
03:43.34Kattyblue bunny has a seasonal peppermint icecream bar out, but i've not tried it.
03:45.31Kattytheir eggnog ones were good :>
03:45.50dmastDidn't get much nog this year :-\
03:46.26p3nguinI didn't get any, and I'm not pleased about it.
03:46.56p3nguinI like to pick up the Southern Comfort eggnog from Walmart when they clearance it.
03:47.09jayteeI love the Hagen-Daz Peppermint Bark ice cream that they have during the Holiday season
03:51.55Kattyp3nguin: is that premixed?
03:52.09Kattyjaytee: i try to avoid that stuff due to the extremely high calorie content >.<
03:52.15Kattyjaytee: but their stuff is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy good.
03:53.03p3nguinkatty: It's pretty much like Prarie Farms eggnog or holiday nog, but made by SoCo.
03:53.36jayteethey used to have a flavor called Double Chocolate that had lots of belgian cocoa in it. it was heaven, tasted like chocolate ice cream tasted back when I was a kid and the world was real and genuine instead of artificial and phony.
03:54.09Kattyp3nguin:'s not alchoholic?
03:54.25p3nguincorrect, no alcohol when you buy it.
03:56.14p3nguinI had never used Southern Comfort in eggnog until I say Southern Comfort brand eggnog.  It's rather delicious.
03:56.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: .... and the greatest threat to man was swooping pteradactyls? ;)
03:56.39Kattyi like the land o lakes brand
03:57.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Oh... and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
03:57.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, no but America had the largest GDP and owed no one and most countries owed us money. Beef actually tasted good back then
03:57.45jayteeHappy New Year to you too!
04:15.29jayteenite everyone
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05:10.59psiforcehi all
05:12.43psiforcecan someone confirm that the digium servers for registering g729 licenses is down? tried running register on 4 different servers and all do not work
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05:20.17psiforcecan someone confirm that the digium servers for registering g729 licenses is down? tried running register on 4 different servers and all do not work
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05:32.37ruben23i have existing asterisk server on production and it working well, but i got new project which will handle a hosted asterisk server, since my existing local asterisk server is using public IP for wan connection. how would i add up the new setup to my existing network..any suggestion..
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05:46.37p3nguinruben23: You have your phones and * server in one location, but you want to add another * which is in a remote datacenter?
05:46.46p3nguinWhat will the additional * server do?
05:47.20[TK]D-FenderNone of those pieces add up
05:49.29ruben23p3nguin: actually its another project separet frommy setup but users will be on the same network i have on my local asterisk server, using sofphones to access the hosted asterisk service..
05:50.23lost_sou1wouldn't it be easier to just make a specific set of extensions for the other project
05:52.02p3nguinOkay, so you have users who wish to access a remote * server.  So what?  That's normal.
05:52.18lost_sou1p3nguin: he's gone now
05:54.08lost_sou1Have any of you tried the Perelli SIP/GSM/WIFI phone?
05:54.45[TK]D-FenderAnd his description broken...
05:56.31*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
05:57.00p3nguinruben23: (2352.01) <p3nguin> Okay, so you have users who wish to access a remote * server.  So what?  That's normal.
05:57.10*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
05:58.07ruben23p3nguin: yeah, problem is how do i separte its traffic to my existing local asterisk server..
05:58.36p3nguinLuckily, computers and phone use IP addresses.
05:58.47p3nguinEach of which must be unique.
05:59.00p3nguinProblem solved.
05:59.33ruben23p3nguin: i mean do i need a voice gateway for my hosted asterisk server..?
05:59.51ruben23or just a router..separte to my local asterisk server
06:00.28p3nguinWell, you'll need a router to connect your local network with the internet.
06:00.42p3nguinThe internet is where the second * server will reside.
06:01.39p3nguinUse either SIP or IAX2 for communications between your phones and the * server.  What's the problem?
06:01.51p3nguinI fail to see an issue with anything at this point.
06:03.02[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Voice gateway?  What the hell are you talking about?
06:03.10ruben23p3nguin:ok i guess my hosted asterisk will be routed to a linux router box then my local asterisk will have it wan ip for it own traffic..
06:03.10[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Nothing you are saying is making any sense.
06:03.45p3nguinI'm with [tk]d-fender on this, i.e. what the hell are you talking about?
06:04.09p3nguinAre you networking-challenged?
06:04.24ruben23sorry guys...
06:05.57p3nguinSoft phones talk SIP, * talks SIP.  Both are IP-enabled.  There is no problem to solve.
06:06.32jermey_gp3nguin: dont be wid [TK]D-Fender , he is actually a bot
06:06.43jermey_gp3nguin: written in Python
06:07.14p3nguinIs "wid" even a word?
06:07.18[TK]D-Fenderis not 3-laws-safe
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06:09.06jermey_gsubstitutes 3 with e in p3nguin
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06:42.11somantzafrir_laptop: TSM:   Hi, thanks for the support.. I have added the override option in /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi and restarted.. and now is working fine... The file is getting recorded now.. no errors ... thanks a lot for your support
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06:55.56n0cturnalwhat would cause asterisk to send a BYE when an outgoing call is answered?
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08:37.37pentanolhey anybody alive?
08:39.30ChannelZnot you
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08:44.19pentanolChannelZ hi, did you use or some one else web-meetme interface?
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08:46.31ChannelZWasn't me
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09:54.41Get_The_Fishcan anyone give me any suggestions or tips on their favorite naming conventions for global and channel variables in their dialplan?
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09:59.18jabkaanyone remember the name of modem emulator (fax) (it just writes the data to file and work like the end of tty is connected to line and on the side there is a fax)
10:01.49jabkajust got hint thanks iaxmodem
10:11.35*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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10:20.13HexieHi, is there anyone here that could help me with some technical (development) information regarding asterisk ?
10:21.17gr0mitHexie, go on...
10:21.37Hexiei would like to know if there are .net components avaliable for asterisk?
10:21.48Hexieas in a .dll or object based for .net flatform
10:22.06gr0mitasterisk is linux
10:22.17Hexieie - all the functions and methods are avaliable in a .net library or object
10:22.29Hexiecorrect and i saw that there is some windows based versions
10:22.29gr0mitno idea
10:22.46gr0mitthere is a version for windows but why would you want to do that?!
10:23.52Hexiesee i am not looking for the software - i am looking for the controls that the software uses for me to implement in other software (ie - use the methods avaliable for calling etc that are already in place) - no point in re-inventing the wheel
10:23.58TommyBottenHehe.. There is a windows port, but I know of no native DLLs. There exists an abstraction layer for the AMI though.
10:24.58Hexiewould this layer have the functionality of providing methods used (for a .net platform - i.e VB / C# / C++ etc)
10:25.40TommyBottenBut ... are you going to run Asterisk on windows in a prod environment
10:25.57gr0mitjust dont go there!
10:26.13Hexiei would not need to run Asterisk in any platform if the controld / objects are avaliable in an object based form (.dll etc)
10:26.33Hexiewhy not "just go there" that is where the software is most powerful.
10:26.36tzafrir_laptopHexie, there are such interfaces for the AMI (Asterisk manager interface) and such
10:26.36TommyBottenWell, the library I mentioned is on
10:26.49TommyBottenIt does AMI and FastAGI
10:27.00Hexieare those UI's
10:27.02tzafrir_laptopHexie, can you give an example of something you want to do?
10:27.10Hexie"AMI and FastGUI"
10:27.19Hexieok i will give an example 1 sec
10:27.28tzafrir_laptopBoth don't need UI
10:28.07Hexiebasic example: create a simple application that implements the use of some web based controls or (even better) a .dll that will allow this software to make calls and have some other functionality
10:28.14TommyBottenHexie: FastAGI - Asterisk gateway interface - let's your dialplan execute external scripts
10:28.18FaustovI'm getting 2 lines spammed in my CLI:
10:28.19Faustov[Jan  4 11:27:52]     -- Remote UNIX connection
10:28.19Faustov[Jan  4 11:27:52]     -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
10:28.29Faustovany idea what could be causing this?
10:28.32tzafrir_laptopHexie, making calls is trivial with the manager interface
10:28.37jabkaEnormus wow - it seems that smartbox aka openRG is using asterisk , i hope we can demand the source code :D
10:28.39TommyBottenFaustov: Probably flash operator panel, or some other GUI
10:29.02tzafrir_laptop(you should not, however, expose this functionality to just any client. If you care about your phone bill)
10:29.17FaustovTommyBotten: no gui here, but i think I got an idea
10:29.43tzafrir_laptopHexie, there are various such existing programs ("dialers", whatever)
10:30.25Hexiecorrect - that is exactly what i was / am looking for "dialer" but it seemed that Asterisk had the SIP already added as well as all the components avaliable?
10:31.19Hexiesee i would not like to rely on other software providers, id rather pay for some small .dll that does the basics and then add my own functionality (i could write such a .dll but i dont have much experiance with SIP servers)
10:31.53jabkaIs there a cummertical Asterisk version ?
10:32.09TommyBottenjabka: Yes. ;)
10:32.16FaustovIs there a way I could filter these "Remote UNIX connection" messages out? The thing producing them is needed, however they are flooding the logs
10:32.29jabkabummer i thought it is only GPL  :-(
10:33.01ChainsawFaustov: Using the management interface instead of "asterisk -rx" calls would "cure" it.
10:33.06TommyBottenjabka: It's dual licensed... and the commercial version has some features that the free does not.
10:33.35jabkaTommyBotten , thank you
10:34.27FaustovChainsaw: do you mean that something is polling the info by doing "asterisk -rx" while it should do something else to get the information it needs?
10:34.40tzafrir_laptopTommyBotten, such as?
10:35.48TommyBottentzafrir_laptop: res_fax_digium for instance
10:36.25tzafrir_laptopTommyBotten, is also available separately
10:37.10TommyBottentzafrir_laptop: Ok. Where can I find it? I don't see it in the source tree.
10:41.20*** join/#asterisk mattbUK (n=mattbrid@
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10:44.02mattbUKHi I've got 2 identical asterisk boxes if different locations.  Both with the same config, one is working fine with inbound IAX the other fails.  Failing debug output at: - anyone got any ideas - I'm totally stuck
10:48.08Tim_Toadysome prob with ur iax peer authentication?
10:49.11fenruswell, it says that it acceppts the call
10:50.37Tim_Toadyiax.conf on pastebin might help
10:57.52mattbUKTim_Toady: the strange thing is it works perfectly on a mirrored box on another lan
11:00.14mattbUKThis is working debug:
11:03.01Tim_Toadyno idea, are you sure its not a dialplan prob?
11:03.34mattbUKthe dialplans are identical on both boxes
11:04.14Tim_Toadydialplan show 08455570481@default in both boxes to make sure
11:05.38mattbUKboth are:  '08455570481' =>  1. Answer()                                   [pbx_config]    2. goto(555|1)                                [pbx_config]
11:15.22pentanolhey, anybodt knows how I can make callback, i.e. when I made meeting room I want meet there someone, i.e. i need call then and when he hangup his phone he would be in this meeting room
11:24.58manxpowerremove your AGI test and see if it works
11:27.26mattbUKmanxpower: nope exactly the same
11:28.34pentanolany one?
11:30.14*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
11:33.23mattbUKif it do dail 08455570481 from the console it runs through fine
11:33.41mattbUKif I dial from a phone it just fails
11:37.37mattbUKBloody bindaddr
11:37.47mattbUKMachine that isn't working has multiple ips
11:37.56ManxPower-workThat's why we usually recommend not setting a bindaddr.
11:38.15ManxPower-workThat is not a reason
11:38.41ManxPower-workWithout binadddr, Asterisk relies on the OS ROUTING TABLE.
11:38.53ManxPower-workWhich is where routing stuff should happen -- in the OS.
11:39.23mattbUKI can check udp is listening on each of the multiple ip's - and that's fine
11:39.35pentanolanybody knows I can meet someone just from phone, avoid web-meetme?
11:39.37mattbUKbut without the bindaddr it's failing
11:39.39ManxPower-workUDP does not listen on anything.
11:40.15ManxPower-workRemember SIP uses port 5060/UDP (and by default) ports 10,000/UDP - 20000/UDP.  bindaddr does nothing for RTP. (audio)
11:40.15mattbUKOk well perhaps I'm being thick but the solution was to change the bindaddr to the IP the IAX provider is sending the request too
11:40.23mattbUKI'm using IAX
11:48.01*** join/#asterisk infobot (
11:48.01*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/12/18), Asterisk (2009/12/18), (2009/12/18), 1.4.28 (2009/12/18), *-Addons (2009/12/18), (2009/12/02), (2009/12/02), 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #switchvox #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-gui
11:48.09ManxPower-workI doubt you'll have good luck solving this as you don't know why or how everything is set up already
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12:05.11ManxPower-workI hate winter
12:06.05benngardme 2, cold as hell in gothenburg
12:06.23ManxPower-workYes, but it's not supposed to be cold as hell where I am (Southern USA)
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12:07.03benngardany1 worked with avaya phones and asterisk?
12:10.57benngardREADME.callingpres <- where do i find that file, google gives me like 100 refernces to it but not the file itself :(
12:11.15ManxPower-workShould be in the Asterisk source tree
12:11.25ManxPower-work(same place all official docs live)
12:11.34benngardfind . -name README.callingpres -print
12:11.45benngardi did look for it there
12:12.17ManxPower-work[ asterisk-]# find . -name "*pres*" -print
12:12.37ManxPower-workperhaps you should BROWSE that directory?
12:15.51benngarddoc# ls -al call*
12:15.51benngard-rw-r--r-- 1 root src 4843 2009-12-08 19:35 callfiles.txt
12:16.00benngardi dont have that file :(
12:16.10ManxPower-worktry doc# ls -al *call*
12:16.17ManxPower-workwhat version of Asterisk do you have?
12:16.51ManxPower-workThat's not a version.
12:17.03ManxPower-workWhy are you using an unreleased/development version of Asterisk?
12:17.21benngardtrying some ooh323 stuff together with May213
12:17.46ManxPower-workReleased versions of Asterisk don't have ooh323?
12:18.11benngardnot a 1 that was working with avaya cm :(
12:18.13ManxPower-workIn any case, I wish you the BEST of luck.
12:18.42ManxPower-workI think I'd rather quit than be forced to use H323 with Asterisk.
12:20.32benngardwe are probably gonna "throw out" our avaya and then i can use sip trunks to our pstn provider
12:20.46ManxPower-workAvaya can't do SIP?
12:21.36benngardavaya can do sip, but require a pretty big upgrade for us, and i am not sure i am ready to put that money there
12:22.57benngardthere i a lot of things that i lack in the avaya, agents and stuff like that, sure if u open up and pay a lot of bucks u can have it
12:23.13ManxPower-workThat is what happens when you go with a closed PBX.
12:23.35benngardit was before my time, rhey vought the avaya
12:23.44benngardthey bought*
12:25.06benngardso right know i am like testing if we can replace our avaya with an asterisk
12:26.12ManxPower-workIt looked to me like you were trying to use Asterisk to work around the poor decisions of someone else.   Asterisk is seldom very good at those sorts of projects.
12:26.31ManxPower-workThere's a reason almost nobody uses H323 with Asterisk.
12:28.05benngardlike reusing all avaya 9650 phones, converting them from h323 to sip, getting "connected party" to work and ofc a lot of more stuff
12:28.41ManxPower-workyou won't get "connected party" with Asterisk.
12:29.19*** join/#asterisk Wildy (n=simba@
12:30.16ManxPower-workConvert one of the phones to SIP first.  Otherwise you're just wasting your time with H323
12:30.31benngardmy 9650 is converted to sip
12:30.53benngard9650 - sip - asterisk - h323 - avaya
12:31.01benngardthat is working
12:31.07Wildywanted to ask: anyone had good results with KIRK/Polycom DECT hardware?
12:31.19Wildywe'll test a KIRK 300 IP DECT system soon, so need input on the subj
12:32.01benngardwhy will not connected party be in asterisk?
12:32.23ManxPower-workAsterisk does not supported called party presentation
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12:33.50benngardbut i guess it will be supported
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12:34.18ManxPower-workI don't know.  I don't participate in the development process.
12:34.34*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:35.01benngardmost of the stuff is working, we sip phones, sip dect phone, ata's connected to asterisk
12:35.15benngardsome queues, voicemail
12:35.37*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (n=FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
12:35.46FlaPer87hey guys
12:35.47benngardsimple php manager script that let people log in and out of queues
12:36.35benngardi even let one of our suppiort girsl record some of the most common messages
12:37.01FlaPer87question, I've 2 inbound numbers but for some reason in the inbound context one number wants to be matched with s,1,..... and the other one with NUMBER,1,....., did it happen to any of you?
12:37.44ManxPower-workFlaPer87: one carrier is not sending a destination number (calls with no destination match "s").  One carrier is sending the destination number.   "s" IS NOT A WILDCARD.
12:38.50FlaPer87ManxPower-work: and is there a way to match both with the same rule?
12:39.04FlaPer87with destionation number you mean the inbound number, right?
12:40.19ManxPower-workdestination number == dialed number
12:40.49ManxPower-workFlaPer87: the only way to match both is so discouraged there is special code in Asterisk to print a warning when it's used.
12:41.19ManxPower-workJust use a goto.  Concentrate on real problem, not a silly issue like this.
12:42.13ManxPower-workThey are two different numbers.  Don't get upset when Asterisk treats them differently.
12:42.29FlaPer87ManxPower-work: ok, thanks =D
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13:12.19Hexieanyone know of a software (im looking for a dialler) that comes as a component for the .NET platform? (ie - comes in a .dll format, where all the functions and methods are open to the developer to customise as he/she pleases?)
13:13.38tzafrir_laptopHexie, look into "originate" in the manager interface
13:13.43tzafrir_laptopThat's really all you need
13:14.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
13:14.18Hexiei will do thanks (originate from the asterisk software?)
13:16.05tzafrir_laptopfrom the manager API
13:16.24tzafrir_laptopsomeone already pointed you previously to a dotnet wrapper for it
13:16.46Hexiek got the API - see the originate functions - u have any docs on how to use this?
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13:17.22ManxPower-workSmells like a telemarketer to me
13:18.23Hexieme? telemarketer
13:23.36*** join/#asterisk DND (n=arabia@
13:23.52DNDhi guys how can i connect more than 3 asterisk servers using iax?
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13:29.30Hexieis there any documentation on using the Asterisk API functions ( ??
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13:30.23littleballhello, I encount iLBC problem. My program send iLBC to asterisk, which send to mobile.  I heard the mobile voice very bad. But I can hear very clear from PC. Sure the iLBC encoding is correct because I test  with the sample bit files
13:30.27littleballany idea/
13:31.57*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
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13:42.36[TK]D-FenderHexie: ....
13:42.40infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:42.48infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
13:42.51tzafrir_laptopHexie, basic documentation of Asterisk manager commands can be found in the on-line help:
13:42.59tzafrir_laptopmanager show commands
13:43.05tzafrir_laptopmanager show command Login
13:43.06Naikrovekrofl check out this malarkey i got over the weekend:
13:43.35Naikroveka bunch of my stupid friends fell for that
13:43.54ManxPower-workWhat virus was attached?
13:44.10[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: Your mobile (or tis bandwidth in that direction) sucks
13:44.57DNDhi guys how can i connect more than 3 asterisk servers using iax?
13:45.11Naikroveksame way you connect less than 3
13:45.16Naikrovekyou trunk them all together
13:45.16ManxPower-workDND: Exactly the same way you connect 3 or fewer servers to Asterisk using IAX
13:45.43ManxPower-workROFL!  Naikrovek you are quite funny for being this early in the morning.
13:46.22bochhow can i do parallel forking for sending the  same media to two peers ?
13:46.42ManxPower-workboch: you can't.  You would have to "hack" it by using Meetme
13:47.02TommyBottenlittleball: You're sending iLBC to the phone via the GSM networ? ...
13:47.23[TK]D-Fenderboch: Go implement some other proxy.  Or chanspy on it if you only want to listen in.
13:47.36bochmanxpower, even if one of the two peers wants receive only ?
13:48.12ManxPower-workboch: Perhaps you could tells what you want to accomplish rather than only trying one method to accomplish your goal.
13:48.29[TK]D-Fenderboch: I jsut gave you the alternative for that.
13:48.35[TK]D-Fenderboch: "core show application chanspy"
13:49.07boch[TK]D-Fender, thank i ll try that app
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13:55.15stixAnyone here who has tried to send text-messages(sms) with the AT-command? My system sends too long sms'es and needs to be divided into two - I don't know how to do it or where to ask
13:55.23littleballto GSM network
13:55.47ManxPower-workI see it is a Monday on #Asterisk
13:55.48littleballI think I got the reason. I think I need to use "jitter buffer" in sending side also
13:56.21ManxPower-worklittleball: jitter buffers only buffer incoming audio, since you can't buffer outgoing packets
13:57.00littleballI know. I mean I need to buffer the recording
13:57.23littleballI will test it out . I am coding my own iax client
13:57.33TommyBottenlittleball: Why not use the GSM codec for the GSM network?
13:57.58ManxPower-workTommyBotten: Because the telco will convert it back to ulaw/alaw anyway?
13:58.04littleballGSM is very bad
13:58.27littleballI send traffic to voice provider
13:58.31littleballthrough my asterisk
13:58.50[TK]D-FenderAnd no mention of the carrier protocol...
13:58.52ManxPower-worklittleball: Yes.  That provider will convert the voice to ulaw or alaw and then send the call to the cell provider.
13:58.59[TK]D-FenderOf course not... why would we dos omething like that...
13:59.33littleballnever mind. I almost finish.
14:00.58littleball120 to 300 ms delay is reasonable?
14:01.06ManxPower-worklittleball: no.
14:01.27ManxPower-workAt about 150ms humans start to notice the lag.
14:01.44Naikrovekwell how far are the two end points
14:01.58Naikroveki have an asterisk system in india, and some extensions in india connected to my system in illinois
14:02.06Naikrovek400ms is not uncommon, and is not a problem
14:02.12Naikrovekbut the lag is indeed noticable
14:03.17coppice400ms is awful. it badly breaks up conversations
14:03.46ManxPower-workcoppice: I think Naikrovek simply has low standards.
14:04.05Naikrovekwell i'm a slave of the speed of telecommunications
14:04.17coppiceor he never listens to the other guy :-)
14:04.30Naikrovekit's 400ms or no phone calls, i choose 400ms
14:04.39*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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14:08.31fenrusstix, i have done some sms-sending with AT commands, but i've not investigated how i get linked sms to work
14:08.55ManxPower-workAsterisk does not support "AT commands"
14:09.06Naikrovekmy boss is freaking out because he can't dial 407.  he gets a busy signal, system shows phone is in use, and that's my fault somehow
14:09.06stixfenrus, oh so it is called linked sms?
14:09.24stixManxPower-work, didn't know where else to ask
14:09.26*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
14:10.17fenrusstix, i'll se if i can get some info about it
14:10.51stixfenrus, thank you very much :)
14:12.19voipmonkNaikrovek: At least you can find out what's happening with a little sip debug
14:12.38Naikrovekvoipmonk: the phone is in a box at my desk waiting to be shipped to india, actually
14:12.55Naikroveksomeone gave him that extension number who is fiddling with a soft phone
14:13.01Naikrovekand they cant' make it work
14:13.20Naikrovekand he's yelling at me
14:14.22Naikroveki'm about to institute a policy up in this little organization
14:14.37voipmonkNaikrovek: Where is this softphone user in relation to the asterisk system
14:14.55Naikrovekhalfway around the world
14:15.23Naikrovektheir rights have been revoked on this system now.  they have their own system they should be screwing up
14:15.28Naikroveknot mine
14:17.20*** join/#asterisk oktay (n=oktay@
14:17.40oktayhello. anybody have the SPA3102 ? Need help with VOIP-to-PSTN Gateway.
14:17.42jayteecame in this morning and had 2 computers infected with the friggin "Security Tool" malware.
14:18.25voipmonkWhat do you want to do with it oktay?
14:18.46oktayvoipmonk: just dial in from the internet and get a local PSTN line
14:18.48fenrusstix, there is something called "multipart bits"
14:18.51*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
14:19.23voipmonkoktay: What have you setup already?
14:19.49oktayanother question first.
14:19.59oktaycan this be done without using the functionality on the spa ?
14:20.11oktayjust as a bare ATA
14:20.36ManxPower-workoktay: your question makes no sense.
14:20.38oktayvoip to pstn is actually the only thing I really need.
14:20.52[TK]D-Fenderoktay: the 2 prots are completely independant of each other
14:21.04oktayok. i will try to rephrase.
14:21.28oktayAll I need is to somehow provide PSTN access to voip callers
14:21.45oktayand spa3102 is the device I could locally source
14:22.10oktaysince I have asterisk, i'm thinking maybe it can handle the logic of things too
14:23.05ManxPower-workIt's pretty easy to have phones registered to Asterisk call out via the SPA.
14:23.46ChainsawDoes drop ODBC support, or is no longer a module?
14:23.51ManxPower-workThere are many documents on the web, all somewhat confusing, about setting up the SPA to allow Asterisk to dial out the PSTN port.
14:24.01*** join/#asterisk vader-- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:24.03[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Its something you should be paying attention to make menuconfig for
14:24.15oktayManxPower-work: you mean easy to to voip -> pstn ?
14:24.19*** join/#asterisk t- (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
14:24.28Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: --without-odbc is no longer respected, just wondering why.
14:24.28ManxPower-workDropping something like ODBC would be in the UPGRADE*.txt
14:24.37ManxPower-workoktay: stop saying "voip".  Be SPECIFIC.
14:24.50ManxPower-workIt is easy to have asterisk -> SPA -> PSTN if that is what you want.
14:25.01ChainsawManxPower-work: I'd hope so, yes.
14:25.02[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Perhaps they expect you to use menuconfig for this <-
14:25.14oktayManxPower-work: this is all spa terminology. sorry about the confusion.
14:25.19Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Which is new, yes. Why wasn't that mentioned in CHANGES?
14:25.27ChainsawMorning Katty :)
14:25.42[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: What were you running prior?
14:25.44oktayoktay: let's say.. someone using a softphone sip client.. should have access to the PSTN line the spa is connected to
14:25.46ManxPower-workoktay: Are yo using Asterisk?
14:25.47*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
14:26.08oktayManxPower-work: yes
14:26.14Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: I never see menuselect, it's driven automatically. I'm a packager.
14:26.15ManxPower-workthe start putting asterisk in your diagrams
14:26.29ManxPower-work" oktay: oktay: let's say.. someone using a softphone sip client.. should have access to the PSTN line the spa is connected to"  <-- I see no mention of Asterisk
14:26.40[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Now try answering the question I asked...
14:26.52_cgcoktay: u can just setup a sip softphone to connect to the asterisk box, then its just down to the extensions.conf and dahdi configuration i think
14:27.03Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: You've never answered mine. I'll have a look myself.
14:27.06ManxPower-work_cgc: he's not using DAHDI
14:27.13KattyChainsaw: hello.
14:27.14*** join/#asterisk tris (i=tristan@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:27.20[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Your answer is a pre-req for mine.
14:27.30_cgcManxPower-work: ahhh sorry
14:27.45Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: One day it will be revealed that you're just a hacked-up alice script.
14:27.46[TK]D-Fenderoktay: As I said, the ports are INDEPENDENT.  You don't need to configure or use the FXS on it
14:28.08[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: I do not understand.  Please rephrase your question.
14:28.50oktay[TK]D-Fender: which one is FXS again? I mix up FXS and FXO
14:29.04infobot[fxofxs] An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
14:29.05infobothmm... fxofxs is An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
14:29.05oktayi know the ports are independend by the way
14:29.43oktayso what I want is SIP Client -> Asterisk -> SPA3102 -> FXS -> PSTN -> Happiness
14:29.57[TK]D-Fenderoktay: And thats fine.  Now go do it
14:30.08[TK]D-Fenderoktay: Plenty of google-able guides on setting it up
14:30.13oktayoh how I never miss coming back to this channel :)
14:30.22[TK]D-Fenderoktay>so what I want is SIP Client -> Asterisk -> SPA3102 -> FXS -> PSTN -> Happiness  <-- and that should be FXO, not FXS
14:30.25ManxPower-workoktay: You did not read the [fxofxs] correctly
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14:30.57oktaytrue that
14:31.10oktay[TK]D-Fender: spa guides are like guitar tabs
14:31.17oktaythey are all a little bit broken
14:31.21[TK]D-Fenderoktay: Both work for me.
14:32.43*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
14:34.46tzafrir_laptopChainsaw, the equivalent of using menuconfig to enable/disable a feature is to add a patch that sets/removes the 'defaultenabled' property
14:36.07oktaythanks guys. i know you are trying to help in some way.
14:40.07[TK]D-FenderorkWe ahve, by telling you you can do exactly what you were hoping to do with it.
14:40.19[TK]D-Fenderoktay: We have, by telling you you can do exactly what you were hoping to do with it.
14:40.35ManxPower-workWell, at least as much as we understand by your random and not well thought out questions and statements.
14:50.14*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
14:51.01littleballhello, what is the reason of 'gulugulu' sound (like flowing water ) ?
14:51.12littleballbackground noise?
14:51.41oktaythey won't help you unless asterisk is making the gulugulu sound
14:51.56ManxPower-worklittleball: Why not try testing with a simple setup
14:52.32*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
14:52.50littleballMy program works already. It is the same as other voip client (like zoiper). both have gulugulu sound
14:53.18littleballmaybe because of my build in MIC
14:53.23ManxPower-worklittleball: I wish you the BEST of luck.
14:54.39littleballI think it is due to my aircon noise. :-).
14:55.04littleballI found that the gulugulu is exactly the same as my aircon noise ;(
14:55.13oktaylittleball: doesn't sound that bed to me.. it could be a sledgehammer sound too
14:55.21oktayit's somewhat zen even
14:55.39littleballOk. finally, i have make my own IAX client work ...
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15:10.42insatiable_2Hello, i have a problem with extensions changing status to UNREACHABLE, anyone can help ?
15:13.10[TK]D-Fenderinsatiable_2: Try providing some useful details and maybe we can.
15:13.43*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
15:14.00insatiable_2when remote users behind the nat try to register, they get registered and they can make calls
15:14.17insatiable_2but after like 1minutes, they get unregistered the status changes to "UNREACHABLE"
15:14.23insatiable_2hwo can i solve this ?
15:15.38_cgcinsatiable_2: are the clients using sip?
15:15.51insatiable_2SIP client - SJPhone
15:16.18voipmonkmight be a device thinking its getting hax0red...  then it closes up or limits the traffic
15:16.44_cgcinsatiable_2: sip has some serious problems with natting, I haven't found a solution but would be interested in any solution you find, from what I know x-lite uses stun to fix it, but I haven't tested it
15:17.05insatiable_2i did change the "qualify" to 4000 ms and it didnt work too
15:18.57insatiable_2any solution ?
15:19.16[TK]D-Fenderinsatiable_2: Go join #freepbx and do "?? nat" , and ""?? ports" in channel
15:19.16_cgchave you tried x-lite or another softphone?
15:19.27*** join/#asterisk Gopal (n=Miranda@
15:19.41insatiable_2yes i did try 3 softphones... same thing
15:19.43Gopalhave anybody integrated jbiling with asterisk?
15:20.44voipmonkdid you buy the documentation for jbilling?
15:20.46*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
15:21.23Skeeter-happy new year everyone
15:21.30yanghey [TK]D-Fender can I make register string out of userid only ? I tried register => userID@PBX-domain:5060 and register => userID:password@PBX-domain:5060, which usually works for others, but not with this provider...
15:21.37Gopalvoipmonk: no
15:21.56oktaySkeeter-: happy new year
15:22.11voipmonkGood luck, Gopal
15:22.16voipmonklet me know how it works out
15:22.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: user:pass@host:port/exten
15:22.55yang[TK]D-Fender: exten should be the phone number starting with 00... ?
15:22.58voipmonkthere are some wholesalers that jump up and down and do a dance about jbilling & asterisk - but I never had the time to dick with it
15:23.05[TK]D-Fenderyang: register=>  user:pass@host:port/exten
15:23.07Gopalvoipmonk: I am looking for a integration but not able to
15:23.14ManxPower-workSIP does not have serious problems with MOST types of NAT setups.
15:23.32[TK]D-Fenderyang: It should be whatever you want it to be
15:25.14yang[TK]D-Fender: are you able to see about the error from SIP debug ?
15:26.16yang[TK]D-Fender: I get only this state - 120 Auth. Sent
15:26.54ManxPower-worksounds like you are either authing to the wrong server or you have an unresolved NAT issue
15:28.21yangI could display my SIP info in a query, don't want to make the password public (actually with their info provided password is not visible)
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15:28.37[TK]D-Fenderyang: Means no answer is making it BACk and I don't see your SIP DEBUG
15:29.49yangok lets try SIP debug first
15:33.54Kattyshivers a bit
15:34.30Kattychecks on the squirrels.
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15:39.35Katty <- previous decade changes.
15:41.49yang[TK]D-Fender: i am sending pastebin link to your query, you can respond here later
15:42.40smooth_penguindoesnt look like much of a progress Katty :p
15:43.02yang[TK]D-Fender: look for error, thanks
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15:47.16[TK]D-Fenderyang: Auth errors everywhere
15:48.06yangKatty: I don't like the statement about gas prices - doubled, they have been tripled/quad here in Europe
15:48.31*** join/#asterisk vally (
15:48.34leifmadsenyang: that was a US centric list though
15:48.44Chainsawyang: Yes, European gas is taxed where as US gas is subsidised.
15:48.53Chainsawyang: The difference is very noticeable, even after currency conversion they're a lot better off.
15:48.56leifmadsenyang: it wasn't comparing Europe to the world, it was comparing the US to the world (mostly)
15:50.04yangyes, anyway with an European car someone could drive for very cheap around the Us, but yeah most have SUVs there
15:50.10Kattya new baby lemur was born :>
15:50.27Kattythat makes 18 baby lemurs living in captivity.
15:50.47*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:51.20yang[TK]D-Fender: well, how weird, becouse other VoIP uplinks are working
15:52.29yang[TK]D-Fender: are you able to spot specific error ?
15:52.30*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
15:52.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
15:53.29[TK]D-Fenderyang, no
15:53.35*** part/#asterisk benngard (n=benngard@
15:55.11yangKatty: hehe
15:55.20*** join/#asterisk Gopal (n=Miranda@
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15:56.19Gopalvoipmonk: did you ever tried jbilling + asterisk?
15:56.28*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
15:58.19voipmonkbeginning of last year , yes
15:58.48yang[TK]D-Fender: would you know how to make the correct register string, if I tell you the data, I tried several combinations, which don't work.
15:59.09ManxPower-workyang: try srvlookup=no in your sip.conf [general]
16:00.59*** join/#asterisk sassyn (
16:01.03sassynhi all
16:01.29sassynCan someone please tell me if he using asterisk 1.6?
16:01.34sassynI have version 1.4 runing
16:01.38sassynfor a long time
16:01.48sassynAnd I want to know if it is safe to upgrade
16:01.52yangI received from VoIP uplink - SIP address, sip username, sip domain, and DID number
16:01.53sassynI'm using FreePBX
16:01.59[TK]D-Fendersassyn: Go ask them then
16:02.01infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
16:02.55sassyn[TK]D-Fender, All I want to know is what is the status of version 1,6
16:02.55yangManxPower-work: it didn't solve my case
16:03.03ManxPower-workyang: it was worth a try.
16:03.05sassyn[TK]D-Fender, is it stable
16:03.13[TK]D-Fendersassyn: Yes
16:03.25*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:03.33sassyn[TK]D-Fender, So I can upgrade from my 1.4.17 version?
16:03.55sassyn[TK]D-Fender, What does 1.6 give me insted of version 1.4?
16:04.13Naikrovekif you haven't done that research then why are you asking about upgrading
16:04.28*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
16:04.47sassynNaikrovek, I had a system crash on the disk
16:05.03ManxPower-worksassyn: you are still asking on the wrong channel
16:05.04sassynAnd I'm not sure if I want to recover from back or do a new install
16:05.16Naikrovek1.6.0 is perfectly stable and all that.  freepbx is a different matter entirely
16:05.16Kattypersonally, i'd do a new install.
16:05.22sassynManxPower-work: Why the worng channel?
16:05.26[TK]D-Fendersassyn: go read the CAHNGELOGS, etc
16:05.40ManxPower-worksassyn: you are using FreePBX and you are not asking on the FreePBX channel
16:06.08sassynManxPower-work, All I'm asking is the status of version 1.6
16:06.15sassynLeave the FreePBX out.
16:06.16Naikrovek1.6 is stable
16:06.18ManxPower-worksassyn: Which 1.6 version?
16:06.26Naikrovekthere is 1.6.0 and 1.6.2
16:06.28[TK]D-Fendersassyn: Yes, 1.6 is stable
16:06.31[TK]D-Fenderand 1.6.1
16:06.42ManxPower-work1.6.0.x and 1.6.1.x seem reasonably stable.  I would not use 1.6.2.x because it's just been released.
16:07.17sassynthe lastest
16:07.24ManxPower-workObviously we don't know if 1.6.x is compatible with FreePBX or not.
16:07.28ManxPower-worksassyn: NO!
16:07.42ManxPower-work1.6.2 is a BRANCH not a RELEASE.
16:07.54Kattya branch.
16:07.56Kattyblowing in the wind?
16:08.09Kattyi would type wind noises, but i'm not sure how to do that on irc.
16:08.31tzafrir_laptopKatty, you should be well aware that those branches are more stable than trunk
16:08.48sassynManxPower-work, asterisk- is not a RELEASE?
16:08.51ManxPower-worksassyn: 1.6.2 is a generic term for all 1.6.2.x releases in the 1.6.2 branch.
16:08.54[TK]D-Fendersassyn: 1.6.2 not so recommended jsut yet
16:09.01ManxPower-worksassyn: yes, is a release.  1.6.2 is not.
16:09.36sassynI will install the latest one
16:09.54sassynWill build a new and fresh RPM plg
16:09.59x86I'm trying to setup my sip peers to be realtime (by peers I mean SIP VSP providers)
16:10.25x86I've already got my local SIP users to be realtime via MySQL, but I can't get my peers to be realtime also
16:10.29ManxPower-workin order of major releases: 0.65, 1.0.x, 1.2.x, 1.4.x, 1.6.0.x, 1.6.1.x, 1.6.2.x  As you can see 1.6.0.x, 1.6.1.x and 1.6.2.x are all major releases. will no longer load after removing my peer from sip.conf, while keeping the 'register' line for the peers in sip.conf
16:11.00*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (n=bcrisp@
16:11.12Kattyhi crispy.
16:11.12x86do I have to make the registrations realtime for this to work properly?
16:11.26bcrispgarage door broke today :<
16:11.46Kattyoh man
16:11.51Kattyis your house going to be freezing cold?
16:11.51Talkradiothat sucks
16:11.59bcrispnah just the opener itself
16:12.01chuckfnot while you were under it I hope
16:12.05*** join/#asterisk cusco (n=trilili@2001:0:53aa:64c:2843:15a0:a077:acde)
16:12.15bcrispthe spring is all good.. its the screw-driven opener
16:12.20Talkradiothat manual labor will help warm you up early in the morning
16:12.31cuscoim trying to telnet into asterisk's manager... but seems that Im not getting the wanted results
16:12.31Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
16:12.33bcrispi think the wiring is bad
16:12.59Kattycusco: yeah i want some tea too, but it seems like my mind powers just aren't good neough to make it appear.
16:13.08cusco[Jan  4 16:12:46] VERBOSE[15244] manager.c:   == Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate
16:13.32ManxPower-workcusco: did you authenticate
16:13.52cuscofirst thing as telnet opened: Action: Login
16:13.56cuscoUsername: blah
16:14.00cuscoSecret: bleh
16:14.10cuscobut telnet did not respond back
16:14.48*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:15.27ManxPower-workdo you have the user and secret set up in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf?
16:15.35ManxPower-workand reload manager after making changes to that file?
16:15.52cuscoyes I do
16:16.12ManxPower-workI think there's a "manager show users" in the CLI you can use to verify.
16:16.23cuscotelnet just does not reply
16:16.27*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (
16:16.50ManxPower-workI believe you need TWO enters after the last line of your login
16:17.06leifmadsenyes you do
16:17.11ManxPower-workyou should read manager.txt or whatever obvious manager related files are in doc/
16:18.28bcrisphmm can you configure voicemail.conf to send vm-attached emails to multiple recipients?
16:18.50ManxPower-workbcrisp: I don't think so.
16:19.12ManxPower-workbcrisp: You can create an e-mail alias in whatever MTA you are using.
16:19.18bcrispthere we go
16:31.02*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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16:36.59*** join/#asterisk KaneHau (n=KaneHau@
16:39.09KaneHauok... help!  I have ASTERISK dialing an outside phone number via DAHDI to deliver an automated voice message.  The phone rings, but * is not waiting for the phone to be answered (it is simply plowing right ahead in the script).  What do I need to do to WAIT until the phone is actually answered?
16:39.47bcrispKaneHau, same issue from last week ?
16:40.00KaneHauyes, hoping more people are around after the holidays ;)
16:40.05bcrispgood plan
16:40.58p3nguinYou didn't take the advice that was given to you before and develop a working solution?
16:41.21KaneHau"develop a working solution" - cute... but nearly impossible without some guidance
16:41.26KaneHauI tried delays, but that doesn't work
16:41.31[TK]D-Fenderyou didn't find a clue and think to come with something to SHOW US?
16:41.56KaneHauNo, I expected that PHONE HARDWARE would at the VERY LEAST - recognize when a phone is picked up
16:42.12beekMornin' [TK]D-Fender
16:42.59[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Maybe if you configured it right.
16:43.03p3nguinDAHDI channels apparently are in ANSWER status as soon as they are done dialing.
16:43.13[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Now go show us what you've done and what happens.
16:43.27KaneHaup3: yes
16:43.32[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: And you haven't told us what you're using either
16:43.47KaneHauhold on
16:43.55KaneHauwhat is that url to the posting thing you like to use?
16:44.11infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:44.21carrarsame stuff, different year!
16:44.27ManxPower-workp3nguin: only on FXO signalled ports.
16:47.00ManxPower-workKaneHau: Your issue is specific to FXO ports.
16:47.18*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
16:47.32KaneHaumy application dials scientists at remote numbers and speaks audio alarms (we monitor observatory sensors)
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16:48.04[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Lets try this again.....
16:48.15ManxPower-workKaneHau: then you will either have to stop using FXO ports or develop the rather complicated system to work around the issue.
16:48.20[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: WHAT &^#$ING HARDWARE ARE YOU USING?
16:48.44KaneHauDigium 410 board with one FXO and one FXS port (I got the FXS just to play with)
16:48.58KaneHauand hardware echo cancel
16:49.10[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Its answered automatcailly because you did not enable CALLPROgreSS for that port
16:49.21*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
16:49.22KaneHauok... thanks. looking into that
16:49.48*** join/#asterisk etnos (
16:50.03ManxPower-workYou are recommending callprogress?  What did he do to piss you off?
16:50.44ManxPower-workcallprogress= should be renamed randomlydisconnectmycalls=
16:51.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I'll burn that pridge when i come to it.
16:51.18KaneHauhmmm, searching the ASTERISK PDF for "callpro" produces zero results
16:51.24KaneHauturns to google
16:51.29ManxPower-workKaneHau: STOP!
16:51.37KaneHauscreaches to a halt
16:51.56ManxPower-workKaneHau: look in /path/to/src/asterisk/configs/zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf
16:52.06[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: CALLPROGRESS=YES
16:52.08ManxPower-workthe .sample files of course.
16:52.18[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Shift-slip.  Clues are in a bin to your left
16:53.06KaneHauok, I see it in chan_dahdi_additional.conf
16:53.43ManxPower-workKaneHau: Asterisk does not come with a chan_dahdi_additional.conf.  Perhaps you are confused and are using FreePBX?
16:53.52infobot[guis] "FreePBX/Trixbox is to Asterisk as Windows 95 is to DOS"
16:54.02x86has anyone done realtime sipregs with 1.6.1 or 1.6.2 yet?
16:54.04KaneHauyes, I installed FreePBX to help with the initial setup... the rest I'm doing via the configuration files
16:54.10x86I know it's kind of brand new, so just curious
16:54.24ManxPower-workKaneHau: Using the FreePBX config files is exactly the same as using FreePBX.
16:54.30*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
16:55.43ManxPower-workIn fact all the GUI does is modify those really complicated, confusing config files that come with FreePBX
16:56.29KaneHauI had originally setup Asterisk on SUSE myself, but could only get it to answer calls, never make a phone ring.  Got frustrated and trashed the entire system and did the FreePBX to see if it would make it "easier" - it didn't really, but did at least help me to get the phone to ring
16:57.41ManxPower-workI'm not interested in your story.
16:58.05KaneHautoo late
16:58.10[TK]D-Fendergoes to find a publisher
16:58.13ManxPower-workYou'll soon come to learn how much of a mistake trying to use FreePBX is.  No need for me to try to convince you.
16:58.22KaneHauI've already reached that conclusion
16:58.46ManxPower-workAlmost every piece of advice you get will have to be "translated" into FreePBX terms.
16:59.01KaneHauI don't see why.  At the config level, it's all asterisk and dahdi
16:59.14KaneHauI'm doing exactlyt he same thing I was doind without freepbx
16:59.16ManxPower-workKaneHau: You'll understand soon enough.
16:59.24Kobazyeah but if you're gonna just monkey with the asterisk configs, then freepbx is a waste of time
16:59.41ManxPower-workyou had a chan_dahdi_additional.conf when you were not running FreePBX?
16:59.58KaneHauno, but I had a chan_dahdi.conf
17:00.02*** join/#asterisk dandre (
17:00.36ManxPower-workexactly.  So now everytime someone says "chan_dahdi.conf" you'll have to figure out which of the several chan_dahdi*.conf files you will actually have to edit.  The same goes for most anything else in Asterisk.
17:01.06KaneHaumanx:  I no longer use the gui - I just did it to get started.  I can simply merve chan_dahdi*.conf into chan_dahdi.conf - that isn't a stretch fo rme
17:01.30ManxPower-workKaneHau: and all the other non-standard config files too, of course.
17:03.56KaneHaudoing "dahdi show channnel 1" does not show if callprogress is on or not.  Is there some way to confirm that it is set to yes?
17:05.12[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Look at your configs, and ensure you've restarted *
17:05.33KaneHauI put it in the config, and restarted dahdi and reloaded the dialplan
17:06.09[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: Then start guessing, because that's all we can.
17:06.26KaneHauis there a DAHDI manual somewhere?
17:06.28*** join/#asterisk paulc (n=paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
17:07.02*** part/#asterisk voipmonk (
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17:07.12KaneHauwouldn't mind reading what exactly "callprogress=yes" does
17:12.13tzafrir_laptopKaneHau, sort of. The README files (of both -linux and -tools)
17:12.31KaneHaurebooted... well, just putting the callprogress=yes didn't make any changes.  Googling isn't finding a dahdi manual nor much info on how to use callprogress
17:13.07ManxPower-workKaneHau: too bad you don't have the sample config files handy, all the options are documented in that file.
17:13.48KaneHaumaybe I"ll just trash the freePBX, reinstall SUSE or UBUNTU and reinstall asterisk and dahdi
17:14.06voipmonkfrom source?
17:14.29voipmonkwell mayBE :)
17:14.29KaneHaumakes a tarball of the current config
17:14.40ManxPower-workjust remember to blow away the config files or all your work will be for nothing
17:14.57KaneHauumm, installing a new OS should blow away the config files :)
17:16.12*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=Jimmy@
17:17.04jsolishi guys
17:17.27voipmonkhello jsolis , I sense..... a question....
17:17.37jsoliswhy i get this warning res_monitor.c: Execute of ( nice -n 19 sox -m "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/agent-1037-1262624867-8560-in.gsm" "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/agent-1037-1262624867-8560-out.gsm" "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/agent-1037-1262624867-8560.gsm"  && rm -f "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/agent-1037-1262624867-8560-"* ) & failed.
17:18.20ManxPower-workjsolis: because something didn't work
17:20.26*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
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17:27.35Kattymmm, lunch
17:29.28Katty <- lunch.
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17:32.43zippytechi just installed asterisk and have 6 new polycom 650 phones, I have a rebot like sound every few words any idea.s?
17:32.53[TK]D-Fender[12:12]<KaneHau>rebooted... well, just putting the callprogress=yes didn't make any changes. Googling isn't finding a dahdi manual nor much info on how to use callprogress <- what makes you think I'd take it at face value that you did it right?
17:34.16Kattyzippytech: your question does not parse, please try again.
17:34.23*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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17:36.15bcrispwhats a rebot?
17:36.45Naikrovekmade of rebar
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17:37.02KaneHautkd: I'm trashing the system, installing UBUNTU and reinstalling asterisk/dahdi source and will try again.  freePBX was just too wacky
17:37.19joesuffcerendoes anyone use Skype for Asterisk? I'm trying to find out if it's possible to display my telco's phone number as the callerid when placing a call out via skypeout/Skype for Asterisk
17:37.20zippytechjust like brrrrp
17:37.29*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
17:38.37jayteeI've never heard a robot go "brrrrp". Mostly just "whirrrr, click, click, beep-boop, beep-boop"
17:38.55jayteeor "DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!!!"
17:39.00tzafrir_laptopKaneHau, you will attempt using freePBX again?
17:39.05Naikrovekwell they can synthesize any sound they want, but only the evil versions
17:39.25KaneHauI've head 'em say "EXTERMINATE... EXTERMINATE..."
17:39.32KaneHautza: no
17:40.08KaneHaufreePBX at least made me aware of what was wrong with my original asterisk configuration... so I learned a bit.  But I find it just to confusing in what they did with the configuration files
17:40.29bcrispKaneHau, found a publisher yet?
17:40.40NaikrovekKaneHau: yeah, but once you get it set up you don't use the config files anymore.  freepbx overwrites 'em
17:40.46*** join/#asterisk GreGrenada (i=4549f3c2@gateway/web/freenode/x-ayzcmupabvyrcood)
17:41.07KaneHauI rather use vi :)
17:41.44KaneHautza: thank you
17:42.29jayteewho the hell is tza?
17:42.49bmoracawhy would you use vi to edit asterisk files?
17:42.55bmoracawinscp is 100x more efficient
17:43.07KaneHaugot a private message from them with the DAHDI manual... I think he's logged off now
17:43.25tzafrir_laptopjaytee, I guess there are basically two options. And tzanger is not here right now
17:43.29KaneHaubecause I've used vi for the last 30 years and am very good at it :)
17:44.00tzafrir_laptopbmoraca, because vim has syntax hilighting for its syntax?
17:44.00bmoracadoesn't make it any more efficient.  winscp is still far, far more efficient.
17:44.01Naikrovekvi is very nice
17:44.11Naikrovekbmoraca: still gotta edit the files somewhere
17:44.16KaneHaubmor: only if you know how to use it :)
17:44.21Naikrovekand efficiency isn't always priority #1
17:44.26KaneHauand 'vi' is on EVERY unix system by default
17:44.33tzafrir_laptopWhy would you need winscp? vim can edit files over scp/sftp
17:45.15tzafrir_laptopbmoraca, you actually work on an OS that does not include a vi?
17:45.37KaneHautza: to be fair, I wouldn't recommend vi/vim to anyone who isn't already familiar with it
17:45.38bmoracai work on windows because i crave efficiency in my productivity...i don't like to tinker.
17:45.52Naikrovekvi is WAY faster than notepad + winscp
17:45.53ManxPower-workbmoraca: same reason I use linux
17:45.54KaneHauhmmm, 'windows' and 'efficiency' and 'productivity' don't go together
17:46.09LinuturkI'm trying to edit some prompts on my computer, but none of my audio players can work with alaw, gsm, ilbc, sln, or ulaw
17:46.12NaikrovekKaneHau: they do if you don't want to fiddle all the time
17:46.26tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, use sox
17:46.36bmoracai'm not having this argument.  i don't argue religion in online forums.  linux is nowhere near as efficient as windows as far as productivity goes.
17:46.42tzafrir_laptopto convert them to/from wav
17:47.00[TK]D-FenderSure they do... when paired with the matching 'crashing' 'deficient' and 'loss'
17:47.01Corydon76-digbmoraca: you just contradicted yourself
17:47.03tzafrir_laptopwell, sox doesn't support ilbc. But should support all others
17:47.23Linuturkwhich format should I convert to the wav?
17:47.28tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, and there's naturally 'file convert' in the asterisk CLI
17:47.30Corydon76-digbmoraca: if you're not going to be party to an argument, then don't state a position
17:47.35KaneHauof course, it depends on what you are producting
17:47.46Naikrovekbmoraca: we agree, and yes, the argument is endless because (it seems) linux users don't know what windows users want productivity-wise.  look at gnome or kde or any other window manager and tell me any of those people understand productivity.  har.
17:47.51tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, also: what type of editing do you want to do?
17:48.11LinuturkI'm wanting to change a portion of the file
17:48.18Linuturkreplace a sentance or two
17:48.36Corydon76-digNaikrovek: You're just making a fool of yourself, if you're going to compare productivity in a vacuum
17:49.30Corydon76-digNaikrovek, bmoraca:  productivity is a statement of efficiency.  You're ignoring the training necessary to get someone up to speed on a platform.
17:49.33NaikrovekCorydon76-dig: i don't want to talk about it either.  i'm a linux user of over a decade and a windows user of over 20 years, so i'm not really talking out of my ass here.  for me, and many others, windows is better, end of story.  for others the opposite is true
17:50.05tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, see 'help file convert' in the asterisk CLI
17:50.09Corydon76-digNaikrovek: FOR YOU.  This is the key phrase.
17:50.17NaikrovekCorydon76-dig: i never said it was better for anyone else
17:50.30Corydon76-digNaikrovek: bmoraca said something to the contrary
17:50.42chuckfwonders if we could have asterisk without Linux
17:50.43NaikrovekCorydon76-dig: i said that linux users and developers don't seem to understand what makes windows users efficient on windows
17:51.03Naikrovekchuckf: it runs on *bsd and there's a probably crappy port for windows
17:51.17voipmonkchuckf: what do you mean?
17:51.24Linuturkyou guys need to discuss the linux/windows thing elsewhere
17:51.40Naikroveksays the linux turk
17:51.46Naikroveki'm done with the topic anyway
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17:53.48voipmonkchuckf: you can try to port it to the Killer network card   ( )
17:54.28Chainsawvoipmonk: They still sell that thing?
17:54.33Chainsawvoipmonk: I thought it fizzled out years ago.
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18:22.18oktayvoipmonk: you won't believe what the problem was
18:23.13*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
18:23.28jayteedental floss stuck in the flux capacitor?
18:24.08oktaymy flux capacitor is all organic
18:25.27jayteeimpossible! only polybendum reinforced unobtanium can withstand the stresses of temporal distortion field generation
18:25.54oktayin that case we need a locomotive
18:25.58oktayor a watch tower
18:27.16jayteeI scrolled back aways but I can't remember what problem you were having.
18:27.50oktayi was asking nonsensical questions about a setup that didn't make sense
18:27.54oktaythat's what i was told anyway
18:27.57oktay( :
18:28.45*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:29.45[TK]D-Fenderoktay: By one person anyway.
18:31.02jayteeoh, was he the one with the SPA-3102?
18:32.14KattyHELLO LOVIES
18:33.59carrarI HAS ALSO
18:34.05jayteeme too!
18:35.16jayteewas just readin about how the Burj Dubai was built by low-wage migrant workers from the Indian sub-continent. funny, back when they built the pyramids they used to call them "slaves".
18:35.41carrarWho wants to work in that building
18:36.02jayteeI wouldn't
18:36.05Naikrovekwell they found evidence that they weren't even slaves; they worked for their god of their own free will, some evidence suggests.
18:36.10Naikrovekthough i don't have a reference
18:36.11jayteebut then I wouldn't want to work anywhere in the middle east
18:36.47Naikrovekhow about eastern east or western east.  northern east? southern west east?
18:37.45jayteeI'd like to work in the northernmost section of the southern part of the west coast of Australia
18:38.12Naikroveki used to work on the south east coast of the east part of australia for 2 years and loved it
18:38.29jayteeMelbourne or Syndey?
18:38.44Naikrovekah that is a bit ambiguous huh.  Sydney.  You want Perth it sounds
18:39.16*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
18:39.24jayteeanyplace far away from the middle east although I've got nothing against Israel the rest of the countries over there suck ass
18:39.33[TK]D-Fenderturns up the juice on his South-by-Southwest Homing Pigeon Disruptor and warms up the stove....
18:43.40jayteeNews bulletin!!: A large flock of disoriented and lost homing pigeons have taken up temporary residence on the Capitol dome in Washington, D.C. While scientists are struggling to find the cause of this White House officials are working around the clock to arrange a bailout package for them.
18:43.43Kattyhovers over said stove.
18:44.00Kattyahah ahhahaaaa
18:44.05Katty<3 jaytee
18:44.10Kattyjaytee: i love you.
18:44.17jayteei love you too!
18:45.09*** join/#asterisk kfife (
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18:46.57jayteeOprah Winfrey as said that it's "OK" to give your server a 10% tip because of these tough economic times. Someone should tell that fat assed rich bitch to shut the hell up or make up the difference.
18:47.45oktayhah. i'm so glad I don't have to pay a %18 base tip for lousy service and shitty food anymore :)
18:49.41Naikroveki never pay a tip unless they earn it
18:49.50Naikrovekthey usually do, but sometimes they do not
18:50.07kfifeAnybody else getting this errror compilign - incorrectly believes that libxml2 is not installed.
18:50.17oktayNaikrovek: you don't live in the US?
18:50.19mykhyggzNaikrovek: you stiffed a waitstaffer?
18:50.23Naikroveklike when i have to tell them 3 times to refill my empty soda or that we need extra napkins
18:50.33kfifeInstalled libxml2 using centos yum repositories.
18:50.35Naikrovekthere's no law in the US that one MUST tip
18:50.44*** join/#asterisk bsgroff (
18:50.46[TK]D-Fenderkfife: check for the devel
18:51.03oktayNaikrovek: people have been sued for not tipping
18:51.11Naikroveklet them try and sue me for not tipping
18:51.12mykhyggzNaikrovek: there's no guarantee you don't get spit in your food either.
18:51.20kfifeduhh.  So obvious in retrospect.  SOrry.  Brainfart.
18:51.22Naikrovekmykhyggz: actually there is
18:52.19Naikrovekthe only ones i don't tip are the ones that do not deserve a tip.  everyone else, from mildly acceptable to great get a tip depending on how well they did
18:52.40oktayhow about when gratuity is included?
18:53.10Kattywow, 10% tip?
18:53.15Kattynot cool.
18:53.26Naikroveki've never eaten at a restaurant or eaten with a large enough group to get that BS thrown at me
18:53.45Kattyoktay: they will take it off at request.
18:53.51oktayyou've never eaten at a restaurant? :)
18:53.58Kattyoktay: usally under the asumption you're going to tip more.
18:54.10oktayyou can tip more if  you want
18:54.14oktaywhy have it taken out? :)
18:54.18Kattyryan and i went out thursday night for new years.
18:54.27Kattywe spent.. 30 on food, 30 on drinks, and tipped 20
18:54.50Naikrovekif i get a great waiter/ress i will tip 50% of the bill
18:55.02Naikrovekif i get one that can't keep my soda full after three trips by my table then they get nothing
18:55.18Kattyi never run out of soda.
18:55.23Kattybut i don't drink a lot when i eat.
18:55.24Naikroveki rarely do
18:56.02oktaythat's great.
18:56.09oktaymoney can be better spent IMO
18:56.14Naikrovekbut when i do i am not happy about it.  it's not hard to fill a glass when you're not busy.  and every time i've had an empty glass i've heard the staff in the back joking around and wasting time while i sit there thirsty
18:56.20oktaydepends on where you live too i guess.
18:57.19Kattyoktay: we don't go out often.
18:57.27Kattyoktay: maybe once a month.
18:57.40Kattyoktay: well, at least to dinner. we do go out often.
18:57.47Naikrovekone time, my waitress sat at the table right behind me and caught up with a college friend, i sat there without any silverware or napkins while my wife and daughter ate.  i spoke with the manager after that one and not only did I not tip I didn't pay for any of the food
18:57.49Kattymostly to the theater.
18:57.57bmoracabiggest tip i ever gave was $65...course, it was a $250 meal for my wife and me...and the waiter was very attentive
18:58.02oktayNaikrovek: i think i can top that
18:58.08Naikroveknot hard really
18:58.15Kattybmoraca: where was that?
18:58.18Naikrovekbut i never went back so i never will get a chance to top it
18:58.26bmoracaKatty, Morton's Steakhouse
18:58.29Kattybmoraca: the most i've spent on the two of us was 150ish at a japanese steakhouse.
18:58.39oktayhad some desert at a cafe with two friends. we are what you might call "alien" so we were speaking our own alien language.
18:58.40Kattybmoraca: hmm. never heard of it.
18:58.48oktayso he takes us for tourists (which I wasn't)
18:58.55bmoracaI think they're a west-coast thing...but they're damn good
18:59.10bmoracaMama's Fish House on Maui was almost as much, but not quite :)
18:59.10oktaybrings the check. folds it. puts more than 20% on it as tip and writes down the total.
18:59.22oktaywent to the manager. the waiter got 0 tip.
18:59.39Kattythe best steak i've ever had was at a little lodge in van buren missouri. the type of place where you rent a cabin for a week and go floating down the river.
18:59.41Naikrovekthey pulled that on me in hong kong a few times
18:59.47oktayhe was a foreigner himself by the way. weird.
18:59.52Kattywell the lodge had a resturant, with some amazing ny strip steak.
19:00.08Kattythere were like... 6 tables in the whole building.
19:00.16Kattyteeny tiny little place out in the middle of /nowhere/
19:01.02*** join/#asterisk axelilly (n=jfenner@
19:01.08Naikroveki was roomies with some waiters/resses when i lived in australia, they told me that if they don't make $50/hr or more its because they don't need it.  they can get that with their eyes closed and half asleep apparently.  i don't feel bad when i don't leave a tip, so long as they don't deserve it
19:01.26axelillyDoes anyone know what the W: indicates in the output of this command: queue show
19:01.39axelillyI checked google, but I can't seem to locate that information.
19:02.12oktayNaikrovek: around NYC they rarely deserve the tip. They know that they will at least get 15%.. and they are only waiting tables until they become famous anyway..
19:02.15oktayso they don't care :)
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19:02.48oktayhereabouts waiters don't even expect a tip at most places
19:02.56Naikroveklol!  couple of germans walked in
19:03.00oktayand if you tip generously they make you feel like a king
19:03.00Naikroveklove hearing those dudes talk
19:03.05Naikrovekthey're so energetic
19:03.14kfifeSample config files: (Ugrading 1.6.0 to 1.6.2).  I like to review the latest version-generated sample files.  Naturally "Make samples" blows away my configs unless I copy them, generate samples, then restore my configs Is there a make option to place the sample config files elsewere so as to eliminate those "copy, generate, restore" steps?  I assume the sample files are generated dynamically (& therefore I can't just pull them out of the source t
19:03.49[TK]D-Fenderkfife: there is a blatant folder you should kick yourself for not looking at
19:04.25Naikroveki will tip generously if they keep our soda filled and if i get everything i ask for in short order (extra napkins, whatever my wife and daughter want) and they don't check on me if everything is okay.  (if everything weren't okay I'll find you)
19:04.28*** join/#asterisk sebbl (n=Momofu@
19:04.55oktayNaikrovek: so i take it you don't like it when they try to take away your half full plate :)
19:05.07Naikrovekno one has tried that yet
19:05.10Kattywait, what?
19:05.15Naikroveki'm a big dude, they assume i'll finish it usually
19:05.16Kattypeople never take my plate away ^_-
19:05.43oktayi guess that a local thing then :)
19:05.54Kattysounds like it
19:05.56oktayhere in barbarian land
19:06.03Naikrovekthey just want you out so they can sucker a tip out of the next guy
19:06.03Kattywhere's barbarian land?
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19:06.13Kattyhmm. k
19:06.19Kattywouldn't know about out there.
19:06.28Naikrovekmmm turkey sandwiches
19:06.35jayteegobble gobble
19:06.43oktaythere's a plate fetish here. nice restaurants. they change your plates like 4-5 times during a meal.
19:07.01KaneHauwhat if your not done eating
19:07.32oktayoh this plate changing thing is when  you're done with one dish
19:07.48oktaythey take away everything including the serving plate, fork, knife
19:07.52oktayyou get clean ones
19:07.59KaneHauhate to be the dishwasher
19:08.04*** part/#asterisk etfonhomey (
19:08.09oktaylabor is cheap
19:10.04axelillyI answered my own question by reading the source code for app_queue.c.  The answer is that the W: indicates the weight of the queue.
19:10.07Kattyi'm sure they have high end dish washers at a place like that
19:10.11Kattyand i don't mean people.
19:10.45*** join/#asterisk naxxfish (
19:11.11naxxfishdoes users.conf have any place in a system without Asterisk GUI installeD?
19:12.22oktaybest iphone sip client ?
19:12.26[TK]D-Fendernaxxfish: Not really.
19:12.35[TK]D-Fendernaxxfish: Nothing yuo can't do better individually.
19:12.39kfife[TK]D-Fender: Got it.  I had searched for it  calling it out the same way the makefile did "samples' rather than ...conf.sample (singular).  I was so close.   Thanks!
19:12.54kfife[TK]D-Fender: not generated dynamicaly.  Thanks
19:13.02[TK]D-Fenderkfife: You may now proceed to kick yourself :)
19:13.53kfifeI already did ('booted myself in the a$$'),  Shall I re-boot? :-)
19:15.45*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
19:16.24oktayok siphone works
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19:18.14blitzragekfife: enable loop mode!
19:18.46oktaylater boys & girls. puppy wants out.
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19:21.06Naikrovekblitzrage: when is edition 3 gonna be done?  just bought 2nd ed then i read on your blog that you're about to finish 3rd.
19:21.22blitzrageI don't think I said we were about to finish the 3rd :)
19:21.24blitzrageI said we had started it.
19:21.35blitzrageExpect in the time frame of several months
19:21.38Naikrovekah well you gave a timeline of a few months or something
19:21.46Naikroveki assume that's near completion
19:21.50Naikrovekfair enough
19:22.25Kattymister madsen.
19:23.13kfifeblitzrage: ORA-01031 host kfife loop mode command rejected: insufficent priviliges :-)
19:23.36naxxfish[TK]D-Fender: thing is we configured this thing with asterisk-gui (not that I wanted to) and now we're going manual - is there any way to make users.conf work?
19:24.14Kattyso now that you're doing it the proper way
19:24.18Kattyyou don't want to do it properly?
19:24.24Kattythat doesn't make much sense, naxxfish
19:24.41bcrispnaxxfish, dont use users.conf
19:24.55naxxfishi'd rather not but all our config is in it
19:25.13naxxfishasterisk-gui put all the sip details into it
19:25.21bcrispput them into sip.conf
19:25.27[TK]D-Fendernaxxfish: It doesn't just stop working...
19:25.46naxxfishit didn't seem to
19:25.46[TK]D-Fendernaxxfish: Port the appropriate bits to their respective configs
19:26.28naxxfishthe thing is i think i've removed something vital in extensions.conf and now it won't dial the extensions that are defined in that file
19:26.54naxxfishjust getting extension not found
19:27.01[TK]D-Fendernaxxfish: then go make some more
19:27.15naxxfishmore what/
19:28.29Katty13:33 < naxxfish> just getting extension not found
19:28.34Katty13:33 < [TK]D-Fender> naxxfish: then go make some more
19:28.45Kattyfind the noun.
19:29.12voipmonkwhat about grampar? :)
19:29.18Kattyyour mom.
19:29.20voipmonkno one helps the old man across the street
19:30.09Kattythat's because the old man is cranky and likes to hit people with his cane when they touch the mailbox.
19:30.32naxxfishthe extensions existed before, and i'm pretty sure they were created from users.conf
19:30.48naxxfish(rather than defined explicitally in extensions.conf)
19:31.14Kattyadjust [TK]D-Fender's volume setting.
19:31.23NivexKatty: you can do that?
19:31.35[TK]D-Fender's is set to 11. That's 1 more....
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19:34.00naxxfishhmm, seem to have got it working now, possibly
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19:47.00zippytechasterisk best codecs
19:47.09zippytechwhat is
19:47.21zippytechfree or paid
19:47.22x86anyone ever use realtime for 'sipregs'?
19:47.33x86zippytech: depends on your application...
19:47.41*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
19:47.45x86local users, unlimited bandwidth --> g722
19:49.38yangHi ! Is there another way to avoid syntax error if my username is "bluesip/janprunk" ?
19:49.48tzafrir_laptopzippytech, ulaw/alaw, if you have the bandwidth (ignoring wideband)
19:52.04zippytechwe have 6 phones olycom 650 , that make a robot burrp sound every few words, no network traffic for say 3.0 gig ram system
19:52.51[TK]D-Fenderzippytech: And you've told us SO much more than last time...
19:54.02kfifeanyone had reliable results using 1.6.x and t.38 fax with a t.38 ITSP?
19:54.19kfifeThere are some copper loops I would like to drop.
19:54.40infobotwell, faxforasterisk is Digium's commercial Fax For Asterisk module is available at
19:54.44Qwellkfife: ^^
19:57.17kfifeQwell: Yes indeed.  I'm a user, and have purchased licenses etc.  I'm wondering if anyone has had reliable results with an ITSP who will relay a fax via t.38 to an asterisk machine, who can then send it to a "familiar-to-end-users" fax machine/appliance.
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20:14.24bahjons - Can someone provide some help with this one?
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20:20.34Kattymunches popcorn
20:23.07beekHello Katty !
20:25.16[TK]D-Fenderbahjons: Go try
20:27.47bahjons[TK]D-Fender: yea, just finished up trying ton 1.6.2. Nothing good seems to come from realtime. Though it has huge potential
20:27.51ManxPower-workkfife: Since this is a purchased product I recommend contacting Digium support.
20:33.46*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
20:34.37Skeeter-Anyone got a bunch of ringtones for the polycoms phone??
20:34.53raden_workhave not got
20:36.53raden_workhow can i stream audio to an extension ?
20:36.57*** join/#asterisk DrGeek (
20:36.59DrGeekg'day all!
20:37.04raden_worklike extension 999 internet radio
20:37.35DrGeekI'm scratching my head about accessing voicemail: When I dial *97 or *98 it just sits there waiting, and then times out.
20:37.58DrGeekits like it is waiting for additional digits
20:38.17beekDrGeek: What is the "it" that just sits there waiting?
20:38.38DrGeekThe sipphone.  No tone, and eventually it times out and gives an error sound.
20:38.50beekHave you tried hitting "send"?
20:39.07*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (i=raptorbl@
20:39.10DrGeekheh, yeah.  I an dial other extensions fine
20:39.11ManxPower-workWhat model of SIPPhone?  I don't know if the SIPPhone company even has more than once model.  In any case, I suspect it's the dialplan of the phone.
20:39.28ManxPower-workWhy did you not go with a well known company for your phones?
20:39.50DrGeekManxPower-work, avaya 4410
20:39.54ManxPower-workDrGeek: did you set up a *97 or *98 extension?
20:40.03ManxPower-workDrGeek: Then why did you not say that when asked?
20:40.15DrGeekManxPower-work, there are exten => *97... entries
20:40.20DrGeekIt's the FreePBX 2.5 config
20:40.40ManxPower-workDrGeek: It sucks to be you.
20:40.57ManxPower-workDrGeek: Is *97 allowed in the Avaya phone dialplan?
20:41.11infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
20:43.34*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
20:46.06DrGeekManxPower-work,  as far as I can tell, the avaya phones do not have a dialplan internally.  the tftp config is pretty raw.
20:46.33ManxPower-workDrGeek: All IP phones have internal dialplans
20:46.54ManxPower-workSorry, all SIP phones have internal dialplans.  MGCP phones don't.
20:47.11DrGeekManxPower-work, well that could be it then.
20:47.12beekDrGeek: You could always use a softphone to test your theory:  is it the phone or is it FreePBX?
20:47.28DrGeekbeek, yeah I'm not sure... I think thats the next test.
20:49.26ManxPower-workIf it was freepbx you'd see stuff on the console.
20:49.36*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraaaa@
20:50.13DrGeekManxPower-work, thats what I thought too... we do see asterisk report *98 being dialed from the sipphone.
20:50.38*** join/#asterisk brezular (
20:51.22ManxPower-workDrGeek: Then it's time to go to #FreePBX
20:51.42DrGeekManxPower-work, thanks.
20:53.32*** join/#asterisk wawl (
20:54.18ManxPower-workDrGeek: you might want to pick a better phone in the future
20:54.56DrGeekty, ManxPower-work .  It was the sip internal dialplan.
20:55.06DrGeekit works with a softphone.
20:55.06*** part/#asterisk bahjons (n=robert@
20:57.43AkiraaHas anyone integrated number portability into Asterisk for call cost minimization?
20:59.22ManxPower-workAkiraa: What protocol would be used to look up the carrier for a number
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21:02.48AkiraaManxPower-work: I have no idea, the best I can come up with is: 1.Assume no numbers are ported 2.When making a call on the same PSTN carrier, if there is a distinct tone sequence at the beginning (first 3-5 second), assume ported number. 3. Access a web interface to identify the carrier of the ported number. 4.Next time a call is made to the identified ported number, use the appropriate carrier line.
21:03.45Akiraaor 5.Try carriers in sequence until you have found the identity of the ported number (this works because the first few seconds of the tone are not taxed)
21:06.42*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
21:07.05ManxPower-workI was not aware carriers played "tones" for ported numbers.
21:09.19AkiraaManxPower-work: there is an audible warning when leaving the local carrier which can be potentially exploited
21:09.49Akiraado yo have some general thoughts about capturing and redirecting a call based on that?
21:10.02Akiraaor hints etc
21:10.55Kattyi has popcorn in my toofs.
21:11.49ManxPower-workAkiraa: you must not be in the USA
21:12.00*** join/#asterisk e4 (
21:12.04AkiraaManxPower-work: EU based
21:13.18Akiraathere are some public portability web services available, but they're not robust enough to use for each and every call
21:13.37*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:16.05AkiraaMansPower-work: this is the actual tone sequence:
21:16.15bmoracaAkiraa, i would check with your wholesaler first.  I'd imagine that if anyone had an API for you to use, it would be them
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21:26.05Kattyhmm. no one's in the front yard. how unusual.
21:26.15Kattyoh wait, nevermind.
21:31.25bpgoldsbTrying to compile both Asterisk and 1.6.2 failed on compiling chan_agent with a bunch of undefined references.  Anyone seen this kind of behavior?
21:31.55ManxPower-workbpgoldsb: what references?
21:32.43bpgoldsbManxPower-work: mostly ast_* functions
21:33.54bpgoldsbYa, I don't see anything that looks like it can't find an external library.
21:35.21ChannelZbut are you sure the failures you're seeing are the actual cause?  (IE something failed to compile earlier, but you're seeing linking issues at the end?)
21:36.07ManxPower-worki'd pastebin the whole output
21:36.50infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
21:39.32ChannelZthat's not the whole thing - I suspect something else failed earlier
21:39.50bpgoldsbSorry, I'll get the entire thing.
21:40.05ChannelZlike whatever module has all of the ast_ stuff in it
21:40.20ManxPower-workbpgoldsb: I doubt *I* will be able to help, but someone might
21:41.08bpgoldsb (thats got everything).
21:43.30ChannelZhmm wierd
21:44.16ChannelZARGH this has a fucking onclick pop-up
21:46.04ChannelZare you building this from a packaged source?
21:46.27bpgoldsbNo, I'm attempting to create a package.
21:46.48bpgoldsbBut it was happening under non-packaging too
21:47.11Qwellbpgoldsb: mandrake?
21:48.22Qwellyou're overriding compiler flags..
21:49.12*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
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21:50.09bpgoldsbI imagine the problems on my end.  I'll muck around until I can figure it out, then.
21:51.10ChannelZyah there's some fudging happening
21:51.17*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:51.46ChannelZHey Qwell I have a ? if you have a sec
21:52.49*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
21:53.05ChannelZI don't know if you remember I was having issues with gsm->ulaw transcoding which was a compiler optimization bug
21:54.08ChannelZsorry was trying to find the right bug number
21:54.58ChannelZIn regards to
21:55.48infobot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily. Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch : Also please read :
21:55.58ChannelZThere was a code change that was supposed to fix it but it doesn't under gcc 4.2 - so I guess my question is, should I open another issue?  I'm not really sure whose bug it is considered, asterisks' or GCC's at the end of the day
21:56.53Qwellthe patch was a guess, based on a fix for a similar issue, for another codec
21:57.02lenne_dkHowdy. is page() available in 1.6? there is an app_page.c, but no other *page* is found after compiling under freebsd
21:57.03Qwellall the patch did was work around the issue
21:57.42*** join/#asterisk lynxsys (
21:57.48lynxsysHey all
21:57.53ChannelZAlthough it now doesn't :)  (the 'maybe-asm' one I'm talking of)
21:58.13QwellChannelZ: it was never confirmed that it did
21:58.49lynxsyshas anyone had a problem with freepbx and cisco 7941 attended transfer not completing?
21:59.25infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
21:59.32*** join/#asterisk chazzm (
22:00.00ChannelZOK - my question really is, should I talk to tilghman directly about it, as he seems to know a little about what is going on and GCC's optimization?  I don't know that I could report it to the GCC maintainers myself as I have no idea about the asm code in the first place :)
22:00.02bmoracalynxsys, Cisco 7941 phones are VERY, VERY finicky with Asterisk.  i wouldn't recommend trying to use them.
22:00.30ChannelZor what would be the preferred way to proceed
22:00.33QwellChannelZ: 4.2 is dead to gcc.  they don't care anymore.  it's fixed
22:00.33lynxsysI have the phone working well just this one niggle
22:01.00bmoracalynxsys, my point exactly
22:01.25ChannelZoh in a later rev then.. okey dokey
22:01.43lynxsysI see
22:02.05lynxsyswhat phone would you recommend?
22:02.09ChannelZ(I'm just using the makefile patch to turn down optimization on gsm.c which works fine)
22:03.12bmoracalynxsys, i'm partial to Polycoms.  IP330s and IP550s are great phones.  if you're on more of a budget, you can't go wrong with IP501s, either.  or, if you're dead-set on Cisco (as my boss is), you can always use the 7940s
22:03.57lynxsysI have a polycom IP430 and tbh I find the cisco's easier to setup
22:04.02ChannelZlenne_dk: I have Page() ... ?
22:04.32bmoracalynxsys, Polycom's phones are very easy to set up once you've got the initial config file out of the way
22:05.18lynxsysI will keep playing with it, is the speaker phone as good as the cisco phones?
22:05.39lenne_dkcore show application page
22:05.59lenne_dkNot installed.
22:07.10ChannelZmodule load app_page
22:07.51bmoracalynxsys, better.
22:09.56lynxsyswhats the main advantage of running asterisk without a freepbx/trixbox web gui?\
22:10.20Kattybirdy birdy everywhere
22:10.20bmoracalynxsys, flexibility and the fact that everything isn't obfuscated...WAY easier to troubleshoot
22:10.56lenne_dkChannelZ: It seems I have disabled it in menuselect or something. make config doesn't show this in FreeBSD.
22:11.05bpgoldsblynxsys: It greatly depends on what you plan on doing with your Asterisk.  Trixbox can be nice because it makes it easy, or aweful because managers want crazy features that can't be fit in well with Trixbox.
22:12.27*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
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22:12.43lynxsysis Trixbox generally seen as a better soloution than freepbx?
22:12.51infobotwell, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
22:13.00bmoracatrixbox uses freepbx and a lot more other crap
22:13.50rizwankWe've got an AsteriskNow box, a homegrown centos box, and I think a freepbx box - we're going to consolidate onto a few virtual servers. Is there a distro that's 1.6 that is recommended and well maintained - and that means I have to spend less time making sure settings are similar between the different machines? Is that AsteriskNow?
22:13.56lynxsysis there a steep learning curve from freepbx to a clean asterisk distro
22:14.24Qwellrizwank: You can install Asterisk 1.6 on AsteriskNOW
22:14.36*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
22:14.50Qwellrizwank: See the channel topic in #asterisknow - there's a link that gives instructions.
22:15.11rizwankwould that be your recommended VM? or just homegrown CentOS?
22:15.21QwellI have a slight bias.
22:15.40ChannelZlenne_dk: look in your menuconfig and see if it's XXX'd out for a dependency
22:16.00VxJasonxVHow often should Asterisk be doing SRV lookups for external SIP registrations?
22:16.06Qwellrizwank: if you want the packages on a "standard" CentOS install, without the FreePBX stuff, that's also possible.
22:16.21lenne_dkmenuconfig say app_page depends on dahdi.
22:16.23VxJasonxVexternal = my asterisk instance doing a lookup to another asterisk (or any SIP) server.
22:16.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
22:16.48ChannelZlenne_dk: yah as it's MeetMe-based and that requires a timing source
22:18.24lenne_dkChannelZ so where do I find such a timing source?
22:19.29ChannelZin dahdi
22:19.53ChannelZbut for freebsd.. I think you are SOL?
22:20.22rizwankany advantage/disadvantage of using three CentOS boxen versus three AsteriskNow boxen?
22:20.39voipmonkwhy do you believe you need 3?
22:20.41ChannelZdahdi_dummy is a kernel driver
22:22.13Qwellrizwank: Do you need/want FreePBX?
22:22.34rizwankthe GUI? Um - I'd rather not, it'd keep my telecom engineer honest, but I wouldn't like to close the door to it.
22:23.13Qwellrizwank: then yes :p
22:23.39Qwellbut, like I said, you can install "AsteriskNOW" without all that stuff.  Just install the repo file, and install only the Asterisk packages
22:24.01Qwell(or i386.  whichever)
22:24.18*** join/#asterisk ArtemMakhutov (
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22:26.16rizwankAsteriskNow repos keep up with each point release of asterisk  - 1.61 and the like, or is it significantly lagging.
22:26.33Kattywow. rizwank.
22:26.35Qwell1.6.0.latest is available
22:26.39Kattythat sounds like a name from a soft porn movie.
22:26.57ChannelZdo you know Kumbang?
22:27.02*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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22:27.36Kattyahahaha, who was Kumbang
22:27.37Kattyi forget.
22:27.43Kattywas that jaytee's name?
22:27.56ChannelZ?? just another nick I see in here from time to time that always gives me pause
22:28.26Kattyjaytee is gunnar quickie
22:28.56Kattyjust something stupid i ran across.
22:29.08lynxsysanyone know i there is an IRC channel for Cisco handsets?
22:29.16jayteeyeah, jaytee comes out as gunnar quickie
22:29.25Kattywow, that guy at the bottom sure could afford a lot of tattoos in 4 weeks.
22:29.26jayteemy real name comes out as Butt Stroker
22:29.42Kattymine's Kitty jam
22:30.03jayteeIf I add my middle initial I get Butt Hornball
22:30.24Kattyoh wow
22:30.30Kattymy full name is: Madam the Really Famous Porn Star
22:30.36jayteeif I use my family nickname and last name I get Ricky Asstronut
22:30.38*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraaaa@
22:31.42jayteeKatty, your full name? is that with middle initial?
22:31.46lenne_dkI'm Daddy Spankadocious.
22:31.54Kattyfull middle name
22:32.02Kattymy full name, as shown on the birth certificate.
22:32.11lenne_dkWife agrees.
22:32.13jayteeok, cuz just your first and last name give me Slappy Spreadum
22:32.29*** part/#asterisk lenne_dk (
22:32.44Kattystick jayne in there
22:33.21jayteethis is lame, my mom's name comes back as Daddy Jiggles
22:35.14Kattyhmm. it must be dinner time.
22:35.15Deeewayne<-- Harley Dangle
22:35.19jayteeoh, I forgot to click the radio button for female when I did my mom's name
22:35.47Kattywhat is it now?
22:36.07jayteeI think they were talking about and playing with this website on the Bob and Tom radio show one morning
22:36.19Kattyyeah maybe. i forget.
22:36.46jayteewhen I change the sex on the radio button my mom's name becomes Cara Jiggles
22:37.35jayteemy gangsta name is Threepac Hob-nobba
22:38.16Kattywhat's mine
22:39.32jayteeWhipped Chimpanzee
22:40.09Kattymmmmkay then.
22:40.27jayteestrange app
22:41.16*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
22:41.27_abc_is the skinny channel not reloadable?
22:41.28*** part/#asterisk ArtemMakhutov (
22:41.33_abc_i can't reload it in
22:41.45_abc_module reload also fails
22:41.49Kattythe skinny channel seems to be featuring ugg boots this week.
22:41.51_abc_the channel works
22:41.57_abc_Katty: huh?
22:42.19_abc_hopes for an acronym translation
22:42.53mmlj4ser, openser, opensips... which to use, which to ignore?
22:43.02blitzrage_abc_: that module very well may not support reloading. You may need to 'module unload' and then 'module load'
22:43.22_abc_blitzrage: that also fails, it says Skinny could not be initialized
22:43.27_abc_yet the channel works
22:43.35_abc_if i restart asterisk it also loads right
22:43.48Katty_abc_: <- skinny
22:43.49ChannelZI am Dirk Phukzalot.
22:43.50_abc_i understand that chan_sccp supersedes skinny
22:44.09blitzrage_abc_: it may be possible the module can't be unloaded and changes can only take effect on a restart -- not sure, since I've never used that module.
22:44.39jaytee"Welcome to Hell, here's your Cisco phone!"
22:44.40_abc_the command skinny reload certainly does not exist
22:44.44Katty_abc_: <- ugg boots
22:44.50_abc_jaytee: you can say that again
22:44.56Katty_abc_: the skinny channel seems to be featuring ugg boots this week.
22:44.59_abc_Katty: i got the point
22:45.04rizwankany easy way to detect if a machine is from AsteriskNow (and what version?)
22:45.20_abc_rizwank: connect to it and then core show version
22:45.33rizwankthat'll show asterisknow versus just asterisk?
22:45.39_abc_would asterisk reload also reload skinny?
22:45.55*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
22:45.56_abc_rizwank: no but it will show what it was built on (unix machine id etc)
22:46.03_abc_you can deduce things from that
22:46.10rizwankbuilt by root.
22:46.15rizwankI think i may have done a source install here.
22:46.25_abc_rizwank: root @ what ?
22:46.33_abc_and date
22:46.39_abc_ohh clevvver
22:46.52_abc_well it's recent
22:47.11_abc_so you can nail it down by file timestamps
22:47.44_abc_get a package that you suspect it the origin and open the tar and look at the file dates (e.g. stat `which bin/asterisk`)
22:48.08infobotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
22:48.13_abc_seriously is there no hope in (cisco) h@11 that i can change the skinny conf without restart?
22:48.24rizwankhmm, okay. I'll install another asterisknow instance, had planned to anyhow, and go from there to compare. thanks.
22:55.57*** join/#asterisk jblack (n=jblack@
22:56.43bmoracawoot...D&H started selling PAP2Ts and SPA-8000s
23:00.07ChannelZwets self
23:00.34*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
23:04.53bmoracais chan_skinny fairly useful in 1.6.2?  more so than in 1.4.x?  by which, i mean:  does meetme() work with skinny now?
23:06.31Kobazi just crashes asterisk with moh show files
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23:28.23ChannelZno music for you!
23:30.35*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
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23:31.47generalhanhey all ... is there anything like the linear strategy for 1.6 in 1.4 ? i need a queue to attempt a member everytime, and then move to the next member, if the 1st is 'in use' or doesnt answer.
23:31.51rombi have a problem with festival
23:32.02generalhanroudnrobin doesnt do it, and rrmemory might start with the 2nd member instead of the 1st
23:32.08rombi'm getting app_festival.c: Festival WV command
23:32.25rombbut no  app_festival.c: Last frame
23:33.00Kattythis mask feels gooood.
23:33.09Kattycept it's drying, and it's hard to move my nose
23:33.49*** part/#asterisk rizwank (n=rizwank@
23:34.55rombgeneralhan, by one way you can use Goto on your own
23:37.35ChannelZgeneralhan: what version of asterisk
23:37.57generalhanChannelZ: 1.4.18
23:38.11Kattyeppigy: I CAN"T MOVE MYF ACE
23:38.54ChannelZgeneralhan: How is roundrobin behaving?
23:39.07generalhanChannelZ: same as rrmemory
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23:46.51ChannelZwell you can pastebin your queues.conf so we can see if anything jumps out
23:48.19eppigyKatty: :<
23:48.27Kattyeppigy: it's for a good cause.
23:48.31Kattyeppigy: i got another 5 minutos.

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