IRC log for #asterisk on 20100102

00:03.06jblackYeah. I had to upgrade to 1.64 to get past that problem
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:13.11*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
00:16.32*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:36.43*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (i=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
00:40.47*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
00:43.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:44.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:47.36*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
00:48.15ChUbBHi i am looking to have a play with asterisk what device would I need to connect it to my landline ?
00:49.12Tim_Toadya card with an fxo port
00:49.52ChUbBany make/models that are cheap/on ebay
00:50.16Tim_Toadythe cheapest are the x100 clones
00:50.32Tim_Toadybut of poor quality
00:51.11Tim_Toadybetter hardware is the tdm cards made by digium
00:51.28Tim_Toadymodular cards with the choice of fxo or fxs modules
00:52.33ChUbBwhat about a device like this
00:54.16Tim_Toadythat can be used also
00:54.39Tim_Toadyanything that supports sip can be connected to an * server
00:55.04ChUbB < looks better
00:55.38Tim_Toadythats propably the best x100 clone you can get
00:56.46ChUbBkk kl i am just looking for something real cheap ty for your help
00:58.19*** join/#asterisk mr_ian_ (
01:07.37*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
01:10.09*** join/#asterisk sebbl (
01:10.52*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
01:28.25*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
01:34.51Kattyi'm stuffing my face with mcdonalds.
01:35.40Kattyit's improving my mood.
01:36.32jblackIt's a big pile of fat, carbs and salt. How could it not? =)
01:36.55jblackI take it you weren't in a great mood already?
01:37.43jblackRemind R. that he's responsible for keeping you happy at all times, and if you're not, then he's not.
01:40.43jblackSee avatar yet?
01:41.40jblackHmmm. Then how about...
01:41.58jblackJulie & Julia?
01:42.42Kattyhow about a bubble bath with Philosopy's chocolate fudge cake
01:43.00jblackBubble bath, sure.
01:43.08jblackBut you already had mcd's the fudge cake is...
01:43.24Kattythe fudge cake is a scent
01:43.32Kattyone of the body washes
01:43.35jblackOh. Heh.
01:43.49Kattyi can't eat anymore--i'd asplode
01:43.54jblackThen that sounds like a great idea!
01:44.20jblackTake pics of the asploding fer me, k?
01:44.47jblackwhy not? I could sell 'em to fox news and tell 'em it's a terrorist attempt.
01:44.50jblackI'll be rich!
01:46.22jblackit's the american way, to profit off of someone else's shit
01:47.43jblackOh, come on. that was funny!
01:48.23squeebgetting an odd error when trying to make any call from a phone
01:48.23squeebapp_dial.c:1202 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
01:48.37squeebof type '' confuses me
01:48.39jblacksqueeb: You have a Dial() that's horked up.
01:48.50jblackYou probably use a variable in Dial that's expanding to nothing
01:49.00squeebi'll go hunt it
01:49.03squeebcheers :)
01:49.47squeebis there a debug action to see whereabouts in the dialplan the error occurs?
01:51.50*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
01:55.03p3nguincore set verbose 100
01:58.36squeebYour right, there's no Channel type being sent to that macro
01:58.45squeeb/6001 should be SIP/6001
01:58.52squeebWonder where it's binning that :/
01:59.40p3nguin"dialplan show trunkdial-failover-0.3"  maybe?
01:59.54voipmonkcore set debug 10 :)
02:02.18squeebit's happening befor trunkdial-failover-0.3
02:02.20*** join/#asterisk dmast (
02:04.54squeebtrunk_1 wasn't defined
02:05.01squeebso I just did trunk_1 = SIP
02:05.03squeeband it works
02:05.52*** join/#asterisk timholum (
02:06.58timholumHello, I am wondering if anyone has sucssessfuly gotten skype for sip working with asterisk, I have been trying for the past 3 days with absolutly no luck :(
02:08.08timholumI am getting a 403 Forbiden error, but my sip show registry shows the skype user as registered
02:08.57timholumhere is a full log with sip debug on of a call if anyone feels like helping :)
02:09.22timholumI am about to throught the stupid thing out the window
02:10.19voipmonkreading your pastebin now
02:10.24*** join/#asterisk sebbl (
02:10.41timholumthank you
02:11.47voipmonkok - which implementation are you using?
02:12.28timholumasterisk 1.4
02:13.16timholumthe only thing not standard is I get sip users and extensions from a mysql database
02:14.42voipmonkhrmmm - you're doing ?
02:19.52timholumI was trying to, I just realized that I did not add the + in my dial plan, I am going to give that a shot
02:23.39*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
02:30.22jblackHeh. If you left to avoid me, I'm still here. I can go if you want
02:31.04Kattyi went to indulge in fudge cake
02:31.11Kattynot really fudge cake, but you know what i mean.
02:31.21jblackyeah. I getcha. Feel better?
02:37.08*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
02:38.44*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
02:38.49*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:39.17timholumvoipmonk: still no luck :(
02:43.19timholumO  well I am giving up for the night
02:51.40Kattyoooh. philosophy has an eggnog one
02:52.45Kattyout of stock :<
02:54.03jblacksomeone has gotten confused about whether food should be eaten, or worn.
02:54.51jblackis it just me, or are a lot of people sad this holiday?
02:55.19Kattyi was very cheery, just kinda down today
02:56.15jblackcoming off holiday rush, perhaps?
02:58.56Kattywho knows.
02:59.18*** join/#asterisk bioh (
02:59.37jblackthis is the first christmas I remember in which I didn't get a single present
03:00.34*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
03:01.43Kattyhugs jblack
03:01.45*** join/#asterisk bioh (
03:02.05jblackHeh. I'm ok about it.
03:04.50*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
03:10.38voipmonkjblack: you are alive
03:10.47voipmonkyou have the tools to get what you want
03:11.27jblackvoipmonk: Pardon?
03:11.59voipmonkthey are great gifts
03:13.07jblacktrue enough.
03:15.56Kattyhugs on voipmonk
03:17.07jblackI wish I could at least get drunk
03:17.57ChannelZSo I'm using PuTTY on my parent's computer to SSH into my Linux box, port-forwarding VNC from that machine to theirs.. but my box is only listening on localhost, so I've got another PuTTY ssh'd to the Linux box, port forwarding local VNC to it's VNC (which is tunnel to the parents).  And it's working.
03:18.22Kattyyay (=
03:18.51jblackwhy don't you just open up ssh and require keys?
03:18.53ChannelZThe depressing part is that the task at hand is converting my dad from Thunderbird to Outlook Express
03:19.06jblackthat is depressing
03:19.18ChannelZyeah I'm through fighting with him about it
03:20.13jblackDid you have him sign in writing "My son loves me very much. I understand, though, that when my system becomes compromised by outlook, I get to keep both parts and will not bother my son about it" ?
03:21.11ChannelZall this so he can forward these stupid joke messages and crap with 15 images attached to them that have been re-forwarded about 35 times
03:21.19ChannelZBecause Thunderbird is shit at it
03:21.31jblackyou're shitting me
03:21.50jblackYour father wants to emulate a botnet for crap jokes?
03:22.13ChannelZnope he's always calling me up bitching about "I got this message I'm trying to send to other people but when I forward it all the images become little white squares with red X's" etc
03:22.23jblackIs this your biological father?
03:22.41jblackvery interesting
03:22.55ChannelZSometimes Thunderbird gets the simplest things wrong, like showing attachments inline.. simple JPGs
03:23.04ChannelZso he has to click each one and that's the end of the world
03:23.28jblackhere's what you do.
03:23.41jblackLet him manage his own computer for 3 months... with it sitting outside your firewall.
03:24.04jblackby about the 50th tie he's done reinstalling windows, he'll be beting you to put firefox/ubuntu/gmail on it
03:24.18ChannelZwell they already trashed it once which is why Thunderbird went on in the first place
03:24.29ChannelZNo, trust me, he won't
03:25.09jblackmaybe I should be happy I didn't receive any christmas presents. ;)
03:25.33ChannelZListen he bought an old computer many years ago that had GEOS on it and that's what he liked and used for a long time.  That was my task earlier today, trying to get his old DOS partition dual-booting so he can get at some of his files
03:26.00jblackOh, then problem solved!
03:26.09jblackGet dosemu running on *nix, and give him geos!
03:26.09ChannelZhe does NOT like change
03:26.19ChannelZHe thinks Open Office's spreadsheet is a piece of shit because it does too much
03:26.38ChannelZI had it running in VirtualBox but he can't print so that was no good
03:27.04jblackwhy couldn't he print?
03:27.14jblackdoesn't dosemu have an interface to lpd?
03:27.33ChannelZbecause NewDeal (was GEOS) has to talk directly to the hardware, and VirtualBox doesn't support parallel ports
03:27.55jblackI'm not talking virtualbox. I'm talking dosemu
03:27.55ChannelZand I wasn't going to waste a bunch of time trying to figure out how to get networking under DOS to function to use as a bridge
03:28.10jblackand dosemu _does_ do printers
03:28.21ChannelZwell I'm not going to give him something totally different again.  He still needs his Windows for other things
03:28.40ChannelZand in the end I finally got his old thing to boot off a different HD
03:29.25*** join/#asterisk chuji (
03:29.31ChannelZI was trying to weane him off it into OpenOffice, where the fonts won't make your eyes bleed, but then it became a matter of "I need my old documents even to re-create them" and then one bad experience with OO Calc and he's convinced it's a POS
03:30.07jblackok. well, you love 'em, so you're stuck dealing with it
03:30.34ChannelZIt's sort of impressive that this thing is still running a 20 year old OS
03:30.44jblackI watched my father fly into a rage when he had trouble figuring out VOD on his dvr.
03:31.52ChannelZguh. TVs.  Don't get me started
03:31.53jblackI snuck out of his house the next morning at 4:30 am, and have only talked to him once since.
03:34.17voipmonkGEOS  - oh my lord.
03:36.08ChannelZworse I think, GEOS on the C128 was actually pretty nice
03:37.18ChannelZbut that was also on a C128... we're 30 years past that now (or are supposed to be!)
03:53.09*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
04:11.41*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
04:20.11*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:24.21*** join/#asterisk kihote (n=aefefuul@
04:26.30*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
04:39.25Kattybreaks out the cinnamon french toast candle
04:40.21ChannelZbreaks out the window
04:40.37ChannelZI'm not really into smells
04:41.32*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
04:43.13Kattythat's okay
04:46.31*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
04:47.13ChannelZa bunch of my SIP phones seem to have wandered offline at work.
04:48.11ChannelZguh I hope one of my PoE routers didn't die
04:48.55p3nguinNot a PoE switch, but a PoE router?
04:49.02ChannelZwell switch yes
04:49.09ChannelZwords are escaping me
04:49.30ChannelZas I fathom having to drive down there and fix it this weekend
04:49.43p3nguinssh should be useful right about now.
04:51.38ChannelZwell not when they dont respond to pings or anything
05:11.13ChannelZ#@!#$ china
05:11.19ChannelZadds another huge netblock to the blacklist
05:15.43*** join/#asterisk beters (
05:16.14betersis there anyway to specify a folder outside of the var/lib/ to place recordings?
05:23.21Pan3Dthe API only defaults to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds if you don't provide the path
05:23.27Pan3Doh, he's gone.
05:27.28*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
05:30.21*** join/#asterisk beters (
05:33.35*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
05:37.39*** join/#asterisk dc3 (
05:39.18*** join/#asterisk amitsingh (n=root@
05:39.19dc3is it just me or is a joke? I stopped using them about a year ago but just got an email that my account is about to go negative.  I forgot I was being billed ~2.50/month for an inactive account.  I can't login as the autogenerated password is cryptic and ive since deleted the notes.  I did a search through my IMAP mailbox and got to go through a dozen or so emails where the owner and myself were arguing back and forth ha. so then I email the
05:39.31dc3email reads: NOTE: The e-mail you just sent to or has been deleted.  It will not reach anyone at LES.NET.  Please e-mail if it is a sales related question, or open a Support Ticket via the web-site.
05:40.07dc3irony.. I cant log in to the ticket system without their autogenerated password .. arggh
05:40.56dc3what made me think about #asterisk was that I had threatened to mention my situation a year ago in this channel and all of a sudden he fixed the problem and wrote me a huge 3 page response all chipper and then threatening me back ;p
05:40.59*** part/#asterisk amitsingh (n=root@
05:48.57betersok, this is driving me insane
05:49.18betershtat line just does not work
05:49.24betersin my dialplan
05:49.36betersanyone have any clue why?
05:49.45betersi know the file is there
05:49.51betersi know the directory is there
05:50.02betersi can move it manually from the command line
05:50.10beterswith the exact same command
05:50.40*** join/#asterisk poorolgil (
05:50.46p3nguinCan the user that asterisk runs as (probably asterisk) write to the destination directory?
05:50.58betersshould be able to
05:51.04betersits a symlink
05:51.14betersto a folder in the var/www
05:51.35dc3beters: try sudo as <asterisk_user> and see if it works
05:51.35p3nguinI can't imagine why the asterisk user would be able to write there.
05:52.04betersalright, you guys are smarter than me :)
05:52.10betersthats why i come here
05:52.35p3nguinShow me the permissions on the symlink's target directory.
05:52.46poorolgili'm trying to dial two SIP extensions using Dial(SIP/100&SIP/101)
05:52.50poorolgilonly one goes through
05:53.00poorolgiland the other gets a "circuit busy"
05:53.06betersah, root owns it
05:53.15poorolgilanyone have an idea what this could be?
05:53.43TheDavidFactor-Hcan you dial them separately?
05:53.45poorolgilis that not the right way to dial two extensions at the same time
05:53.49poorolgili can
05:54.14beterstime to change some permissions
05:54.23p3nguinbeters: So you can either open up the directory so that everyone can write to it or use an extended ACL.
05:54.34betersill just open it up
05:54.39betersim just testing something
05:55.49TheDavidFactor-Hpoorolgil, that is the correct way to dial multiple extensions
05:56.32p3nguinbeters: As long as you know the potential risks and won't do it on a production system, I guess that will be okay.
05:56.34poorolgilTheDavidFactor-H: thanks, so there must be some other problem
05:56.54betersyep, thanks for the warning though
05:57.13TheDavidFactor-Hcan you pastebin the cli output from a failed call and both called individually?
05:57.26poorolgilyeah one sec
06:00.26*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:08.17TheDavidFactor-Hpoorolgl, still here?
06:08.40TheDavidFactor-Hgot any where?
06:08.50poorolgilnow that im checking eachone one of them is gettinga  circuit busy by itself
06:09.12TheDavidFactor-Hok, that makes sense, hope that pointed you in the right direction
06:09.27poorolgilyeah thanks
06:09.49TheDavidFactor-HI'm probability going to sign off soon
06:10.47*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
06:15.17poorolgilah damn david just left
06:21.24voipmonkwhats the sip debug say poorolgil ?
06:21.38poorolgilhaven't checked
06:21.46poorolgilone sec
06:26.21*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
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06:35.18poorolgilthats what i'm getting before the autocongesting
06:40.40voipmonkthat not what i need
06:40.44voipmonki need the whole sip debug
06:40.47voipmonkbut ...... tomorrrow
06:40.49voipmonkbed time
06:57.58*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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07:29.35amachuhow to verify VPMADT032 is loading properly or not?
07:29.58amachuI have two asterisk TE121 one connected to PRI & other to EPABX
07:30.31amachuThe one connected to EPABX doesn't have VPMADT032 & the other has
07:30.42amachuI am on CentOS 5.4
07:31.01amachuhere is my dmesg output:
07:31.19amachuit doesn't appear to have loaded properly
07:42.38*** join/#asterisk Jymmm (n=jymmm@unaffiliated/jymmm)
07:45.16JymmmIn respect to PAP2, any issues with fw version 5.1.6 ?
08:10.30*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
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08:53.09*** part/#asterisk Jymmm (n=jymmm@unaffiliated/jymmm)
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09:07.44*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (
09:10.20bcrisphey bud
09:10.42bcrispit was either watch Die Hard or jump on irc
09:11.31ChannelZI actually watched some of the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies on AMC earlier.  What horrors.
09:11.40bcrispi know it...
09:11.44bcrispthe first matrix was ok
09:11.44NuggetYippie Ki Ay
09:11.57bcrispsame with the resident evil series
09:12.45*** join/#asterisk Heretic (
09:15.04ChannelZnever saw those
09:15.21bcrispyou ever see intacto?
09:17.04jblackheh. I'm not the only one having trouble sleeping
09:17.16bcrispim fighting sleep
09:17.45jblackwhy's that?
09:17.57bcrispnot sure really
09:18.10bcrispbut ya i think its time
09:19.41jblackI must be oversensitive.
09:21.44*** join/#asterisk suvir (
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09:24.36*** part/#asterisk jblack (n=jblack@
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09:44.04*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
09:44.12shamelessn00bHi all
09:50.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
09:59.49*** join/#asterisk suvir_ (
10:08.56shamelessn00bChannelZ: where is the full log of asterisk located (using
10:14.12ChannelZthat all depends on what you have setup in logger.conf
10:14.37ChannelZ'full' is certainly not a default log file that I know of but I'm on 1.6.1
10:21.15*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
10:22.09shamelessn00bI wanna see what time my dahdi channels go down
11:01.34*** join/#asterisk Meaw (n=dino@
11:03.57*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
11:08.06zaoulWhich is the best vocorder for clarity?
11:08.49zaoulspeex? not all voip phones support it though eh?
11:17.47*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraa@
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11:20.14AkiraaAre there any guides on running PBX systems inside virtual machines? My particular problem is that asterisk (with free-pbx GUI) can't run after the VM has been suspended, it needs to actually reboot.
11:21.01MaliutaLapAkiraa: running * in a vm is silly
11:21.05Akiraain theory, it should need no reboot, but not sure how to resume operations after a VM suspension
11:21.47shamelessn00bhow do I set what gets transcoded to what
11:21.58shamelessn00bright now everything is getting transcoded to slin
11:22.55AkiraaMaliutaLap: there's the ability to hold and save the state of a machine (also useful for backup and duplication)
11:26.25shamelessn00bdisplays indefinately
11:26.41shamelessn00basterisk performing normally though
11:26.52shamelessn00bno intervention in call setup/operation whatsoever
11:27.31shamelessn00btried restarting asterisk/wanpipe/PC
11:27.34shamelessn00bstill no use
11:27.55shamelessn00bif I reinstall asterisk copy the same conf files back error will disappear
11:30.15*** join/#asterisk squeeb (
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12:32.16*** join/#asterisk trafalgargirl (
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12:33.15trafalgargirlI have just tried to reopen my lines in my dialplan and it does not seem to be working
12:35.40Tim_Toadywhat does "reopen" stands for? it might be more helpful if you show ur code and explain the proble better
12:38.46*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
12:43.13trafalgargirlsorry - i actually need to reload the dialplan from a back up
12:43.24trafalgargirlbut have no idea how to do this
12:45.28Tim_Toadyi guess you just copy the text file that contains ur dialplan as extensions.conf in ur asterisk folder
12:46.11trafalgargirli am so new that i have no idea how to do this
12:46.13Tim_Toadyand  'dialpan reload' in asterisk cli
12:50.51*** join/#asterisk sky1975 (
12:53.08sky1975Can anybody help me regarding asterisk IVR quolity
12:53.22sky1975* quality
12:57.49*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraaaa@
13:09.23Guggesky1975: IVR quality?
13:11.30sky1975I tried with x-lite
13:11.43sky1975message are not clear enough even to understand
13:15.28shamelessn00bsky1975: what exactly do you need to test??
13:16.23Tim_Toadysky1975 first try with a proper phone, then check the codec you re usin, the format ur sound files are stored etc
13:16.39sky1975I am going to call a sip phone from another sip phone.
13:16.57Tim_Toadytry to avoid transcoding, and if possible save ur sound files in slin
13:20.22sky1975I am little new
13:20.47sky1975I can you elaborate little more
13:20.48*** join/#asterisk chuji (
13:22.04Tim_Toadythe messages are saved as sound files that asterisk plays back
13:22.42Tim_Toadythey can be saved in may formats from 'uncompressed' g711 to compressed gsm or g729
13:23.36Tim_Toadyin order to maintain th highest possible quality its better to store them in g711 (ulaw/alaw) format or in slin whick is the native asterisk format
13:24.13Tim_Toadyand also check what codec ur sip peers use
13:24.15sky1975any other setting to improve the quolity other than file formats
13:24.36Tim_Toadyif you are worried about quality and dont care about bandwidth use g711
13:27.54Tim_Toadyapart from that sound quality can also be affected by the link quality beetween ur pbx and ur phone
13:28.00Tim_Toadypacket loss, jitter etc
13:28.28sky1975I am wondering why its in such bad level
13:28.43Tim_Toadytry with aproper phone
13:28.47sky1975I tried freeSwitch in same server. quolity was fine
13:29.56*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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13:30.23sky1975In this setup I use a2billing with Asterisk. Quality of sound is not depend on A2billing I guess.
13:31.59voipmonkHow many ppl do u have on a2billing?
13:37.26*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
13:42.12sky1975I am trying on it
13:46.28*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
13:47.01voipmonkSorry about that
13:49.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
13:54.17shamelessn00bguys I am using ogg123 to stream audio from my icecast server to asterisk (using MOH)
13:54.52*** join/#asterisk sky1975 (
13:55.00shamelessn00beverything was working fine until I couldnt access the stream anymore (through a call)
13:55.06shamelessn00bI checked the logs
13:55.37shamelessn00band the mpg123 defined in musiconhold.conf the process was defunct
13:56.12shamelessn00b[Jan  2 16:43:10] VERBOSE[2176] app_meetme.c:     -- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '600'
13:56.14shamelessn00b[Jan  2 16:43:10] DEBUG[2176] res_musiconhold.c: Music on Hold class '600' not found in memory
13:56.23shamelessn00broot     29355 29310  0 16:10 pts/0    00:00:00 [ogg123] <defunct>
13:56.35shamelessn00bthe context was 600
13:56.47voipmonkPlease use
13:56.58shamelessn00bjust 3 lines
13:57.27voipmonkSorry I'm on iPhone irc
13:57.41shamelessn00bI restarted asterisk, its working now, but what exactly caused the problem i dont know
13:57.41*** part/#asterisk johnyjj2 (
13:57.50shamelessn00bok pasting it
13:58.08voipmonkFor future posts
13:58.46voipmonkLike the part of the dialolan and musicinhold.conf this is using
14:00.48shamelessn00bvoipmonk: its really simple, in musiconhold.conf I have multiple contexts defined by the names 100 200 300 and so on
14:00.58shamelessn00binwhich I have written
14:01.54shamelessn00bapplication=ogg123 <some switches and path to stream>
14:03.28voipmonkYour nickname might give the indication that I should be patient with you; however, try to listen or read a little before ejaculating an answer all over me
14:03.48voipmonkRemember what I said about pastebin?
14:04.03voipmonkUse it to show your cinfigd
14:06.10*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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14:12.45dmastmorning all
14:17.00shamelessn00bthats my musiconhold config
14:17.06shamelessn00bnow for the dialplan
14:19.17voipmonkWhere's 600?
14:19.25voipmonkI don't see it shamelessn00b
14:20.02shamelessn00bapplication=/usr/bin/ogg123 -q -d wav -f - -p 20
14:22.25voipmonkLooking again in a diff browser
14:23.25voipmonkOk now I see it
14:35.16*** join/#asterisk m0e (n=eX@
14:43.29shamelessn00byou there??
14:44.13*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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14:45.27voipmonkStill here
14:48.12af_hi all
14:48.18af_funny nick voipmonk :)
14:51.24*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
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15:15.23shamelessn00bsys admin too fkin slow
15:15.25shamelessn00band lame
15:15.38shamelessn00bhasn't givenme access to the server yet
15:23.32zaoulmust all sip phones that want to communicate with each other use the same codec?
15:26.19jayteezaoul, only if you have * set to allow reinvites and then each phone must at least have a common codec enabled otherwise * will do the transcoding
15:28.03*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
15:37.23*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
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15:53.15AkiraaIs anyone running a SIP test setup they'd be willing to share?
15:53.33Akiraaor IAX2
15:55.43chujiAny chance anyone in here has Mitel SIP firmware?
15:57.45*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:00.04voipmonkwhat are you wanting to do with Asterisk, Akiraa ?
16:00.26Akiraavoipmonk: testing a phone with a remote server
16:01.16*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
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16:37.56etfonhomeyAnyone have an AMI SIPnotify command example.  I'm wanting to make a quick and dirty app to send the equivalent of the following CLI command:  "sip notify polycom-check-cfg <sippeer>"
16:38.25etfonhomeyI've looked at "manager show command SIPnotify".  I'm just not sure what to put for the "Variable:" tag.
16:38.36voipmonkasterisk -rx 'sip notify polycom-check-cfg <sippeer>'
16:38.55etfonhomeyvoipmonk, I want to use AMI.
16:39.13voipmonkthats too bad :)
16:39.22voipmonkkeep asking
16:39.34etfonhomeyThere's a command for it.  But I haven't found the syntax for it.
16:39.35voipmonkmaybe one day someone will help you with that, in the meantime - theres one solution
16:39.51drmessanoIts not really a solution
16:39.58drmessanoIt wasnt what he asked
16:40.08voipmonkyou're right - its not a solution if u dont use it
16:40.28drmessanoHe asked for a solution using AMI
16:40.32voipmonki need to go to the store - which is 20 miles away - here's a bus pass....  " but I want a car!!!"
16:40.45drmessanoI'm sure's he capable of running it via CLI
16:40.46etfonhomeyvoipmonk, you're doing a horrible job of trying to be like [TK]D-Fender or ManxPower
16:41.06voipmonkso help him find his way drmessano
16:41.27drmessano<user> How do I open this document in Microsoft Word?  <voipmonk> Use OpenOffice
16:41.29drmessano^^^ troll
16:42.06etfonhomeyBasically, just need to know the correct text for the:  "*Variable: <name>=<value>  At least one variable pair must be specified." part of the AMI command.
16:43.03etfonhomeyI'll take a look at the SIP debug of the CLI version of the command.  Maybe, I'll see something there.
16:49.53drmessanoetfonhomey: Here is the specific commit adding the SIPNotify AMI command.. maybe you can pick through the code
16:53.08*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (n=cosmicwo@
16:55.14etfonhomeyThanks drmessano! Browsing through it now.
16:58.38etfonhomeydrmessano, any idea where the function "struct ast_variable* astman_get_variables(struct message *)" is defined.  That might at least get me the format of what it's looking for.
17:03.49etfonhomeyFound it in manager.c
17:04.56*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
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17:06.54drmessanoSorry, I was just a well intended google proxy on that one.  I figured it was better than telling you to reboot or install trixbox
17:09.40etfonhomey:)  It pointed me in the right direction.
17:10.03etfonhomeyAs far as the code is concerned, it doesn't care what <name>=<value> are as long as they are in that format.
17:11.34etfonhomeySo, just need to catch someone on here who as used it.
17:11.56etfonhomeyLooking through the "transmit_notify_custom() function that uses the name/value pair.
17:18.16etfonhomeydrmessano, I think I just need the following:   "Variable: Event=check-sync and Variable: Content-Length=0" coding it up now to test
17:22.38etfonhomeyHa,  that did it.
17:22.54etfonhomeyThanks for your help.
17:23.04drmessanoGuess you dont need that bus pass now
17:23.11voipmonkwe'll see
17:24.00drmessanoIf we don't see, should we get some new glasses or a bigger nose?
17:24.04voipmonkand the road to your destination is as important as the destination if not more so
17:24.16voipmonkenjoy the learning process
17:24.39voipmonkbut what you do with your time is up you all we can do is suggest
17:25.49drmessanoSuggesting a completely different method that doesn't improve on the idea is counterproductive
17:26.11voipmonksometimes it helps to spark new ideas
17:27.54*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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18:00.24AkiraaThere's no free version of Skype-for-Asterisk, right?
18:01.53cosmicwombatDoes not appear to be - right
18:07.15*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (i=cesar@
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18:21.31lovethenightAkiraa: skype is completely proprietary. That's correct.
18:22.05Akiraalovethenight: ah, was merely looking for a free-as-in-beer version of that :)
18:22.40*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:23.27*** join/#asterisk sizzers (n=sizzers@
18:23.41sizzersCan anyone recommend a SATA RAID controller that works on Dell SC1425, and IS on the HCL for ESXi 3.5???
18:24.28TSMmabey a dell perc card...
18:24.40TSMyou can even get HP P400 controlers cheep on ebay
18:26.09sizzersI've been looking at PERC's, but I am afraid of the subtle differences between PERC 5/e --- PERC 5/i --- PERC 5/IR.... I don't want to buy something and have it not be compatible for some stupid reason.
18:26.30*** join/#asterisk jblack (n=jblack@
18:26.38sizzersdo you think the HP P400 would work in a po9weredge?
18:26.55TSMive used it in a normal computer with ASUS board
18:27.13TSMusualy most cards if they are SAS compatable they will also take SATA
18:27.31[TK]D-Fendersizzers: You could try the obvious and... I dunno... CALL THEM :p
18:27.33TSMyou will save any issues by going PERC as its ment to be compatable
18:28.19TSMif you can always go with the card that the server manuf makes also makes it fully compatable with any dell monitoring software, SNMP etc...
18:29.44jdoestabs the fuck out of the perc cards
18:30.01jdoegoddamn dell, shipping boxes with raid hardware already there but neutered unless you bought a "raid key"
18:30.05sizzersYES!!.. jdoe seems like he has experience
18:30.12TSMjdoe: ive never used one but they are LSI MegaRaid which i though they are good
18:30.20TSMive been HP for years without issues though
18:30.30jdoeTSM: the cards are fine, I'm just pissed at that stupid business practice (the raid keys)
18:30.37jdoeer, controllers are fine.
18:30.50jdoethey're usually either LSI or Adaptec, I think.
18:30.55sizzersjdoe, is there an affordable 3rd party card out there that should work in the Poweredge's?
18:31.15jdoesizzers: no idea, I've only ever used the dell stuff.
18:31.17TSMjdoe: whats the keys issue? you need a key to enable RAID6 etc..
18:31.44jdoeTSM: it may vary by machine, on some hardware you need a key for hardware raid of any sort. Otherwise they're just dumb controllers.
18:31.57sizzerscan anyone think of a better channel to ask about RAID in specifically?
18:32.21jdoesizzers: you could try asking on ... what's that site for sysadmin questions... serverfault?
18:32.39jdoe... yeah.
18:32.52sizzerson my way
18:33.12sizzersnahh, no forums, i want IRC help lol
18:33.48jdoeI don't know of anywhere that covers that sort of thing.
18:33.52TSMjdoe: ahh hp does not do this, well on their lowest controlers they limit RAID6 or mabey 5 by a key or a requirement to have a BBWC or memory upgrade to the controler, but most controlers have the full wach
18:34.14TSMsizzers: just get a PERC ffs and look on the DELL site
18:34.26TSMsizzers: or get a 3ware or ARCEA
18:34.30*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:35.09sizzersprices range from 80 bucks to 250 for the percs... since i won't be able to return them, i need to make an educated purchase on this one.
18:35.27jdoeTSM: yeah, see, that sort of thing really bugs me. The Sun boxes I've used just have fully functional controllers. The end.
18:36.08TSMsizzers: look on the vmware hcl and choose a perc and get it
18:36.45TSMsizzers: as long as it has raid1 then you can mirror, get BBWC version if you can
18:36.49sizzerslol, and if it doesn't work in the 1425, will you buy it from me so i can get another one?
18:38.11TSMsizzers: look at the compatability list before you buy it, there is a site called DELL.... loop
18:41.14sizzerscmon now, lets not condescend... I'm not asking stupid lazy questions. I've researched both HCL's several times. I'm hoping to find someone with personal experience speciifcally with the dell RAID controllers so I don't throw money away.
18:41.50sizzersi have a 8% certainty the best option is the PERC 5i, but I would like 100% if possible
18:41.54sizzers80% that is
18:42.02TSMand the diffrence between the cards is what?
18:46.48sizzersI believe 5i has internal SAS/SATA drive support. I believe the 5e has connectivity for external.  I've found forums stating the 5/ir is not compatible with VMWare esxi so that's out, even though it's the cheapest.
18:48.01sizzersnow i've found a 5i for under 100 bucks from ascendtech, but it specifically states it's for a Poweredge 2950 which makes me wonder if it's somehow specific to that model
18:53.06*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
18:53.48TSMsizzers: PERC 5i will not work for you as the SC1425 i think only has PCI-X slots and not PCI-E
18:54.14*** join/#asterisk mnt_real (
18:54.26TSMi know the 3ware 9550 card should have PCI-X compatability
18:55.50TSMbut its prolly not worth it, may be better off getting a newer server which is fully compatable out of the box, duno
18:57.14TSMpci-x is an old standard now, most servers dont even have the slots, HP dont have unless you buy special riser cards
19:08.55*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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19:21.22wastrelhi hi good folks.  my asterisk server had a power issue and after coming back up is having dahdi problems.  I'm sortof clueless so apologies in adavance.
19:21.36*** join/#asterisk af_ (
19:23.18TSMpastebin a error output
19:24.21wastrelthat's from grep ERROR /var/log/asterisk/messages
19:33.37TSMcheck your dahdi
19:35.56p3nguininfobot: Tell tsm about pb
19:36.25*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene@
19:36.38rene-hello guys, happy new year
19:36.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
19:36.56TSMp3nguin: it was not working earlier
19:37.06TSMi know about infobot
19:37.49p3nguinIt doesn't appear that anyone has said ~pb within the past few days.
19:38.24p3nguinSo I'm not sure how you were testing it to determine that it wasn't working.
19:38.27rene-has anyone used google voice? i really would like to try the inbound SMS capabilities but i havent had an invite yet... it is a bit embarrasing to ask here but i figured that i might run into some early users
19:38.32TSMahh it seems i was using ? and not ~
19:39.04p3nguinrene-: I've never received an SMS to my GV account.
19:39.34p3nguinAnd yes, SMS has been sent to my number.
19:39.37rene-but supposedly it can be done, and not only that but that they would show up on the webpage and could be forwarded to another number
19:40.04wastrelack one of the digium cards had external power cable that i missed when moving stuff off the dead UPS
19:40.07rene-do you have a google number in gv?
19:40.09wastrelshould have brought a flashlight.
19:41.37p3nguinrene-: Yes, anyone with a Google Voice account has a Google Voice phone number -- that is the second step in creating your GV account.  The first step is to sign in for the first time.
19:42.23rene-hmm so the feature isnt really there right?
19:42.56p3nguinrene-: No idea.  I just know that I should have received at least two messages that I never got.
19:46.34wastrelwhee that did it ok sorry to bother thanks for the input :]  hardware prob
19:48.20*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
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20:18.34Godfather_anyone can help me conecting odbc to mysql?
20:19.02voipmonkwhat do you want to do with it once its connected?
20:19.47Godfather_Nothing in particular
20:20.20Godfather_I've read tfop but in that example is using postgre :|
20:21.21Godfather_I'm on lenny, i've installed via apt libiodbc2 and libiodbc2-dev
20:21.52Godfather_*I'm on lenny, i've installed via apt unixodbc and unixodbc-dev
20:22.27jblackhmmm. I got odbc working last year on an older ubuntu, which would probably be equivilant to lenny, and had some minor problems.
20:22.47jblackcloser to two. I wish I could remember what I had to fix. sorry
20:23.10Godfather_now i've found "libmyodbc"
20:23.20Godfather_wich seems to be the mysql driver to odbc
20:23.32jblackNah, lenny just came out. Probably a different problem.
20:23.53jblackyou can try testing odbc independently of *, make sure that works, and go from there.
20:24.33jblackThere' the isql client which you can test with.
20:24.55Godfather_jblack, i dont know what i need to put into /etc/odbcint.ini
20:25.05Godfather_its empty that file for me
20:26.57jblackIt provides a shim between sql servers and odbc.
20:40.25*** join/#asterisk mr_ian_ (
20:45.22*** join/#asterisk Mango (
20:45.33MangoHi.  I have a question with regards to rtp.conf
20:46.17MangoWhen you specify rtpstart and rtpend, these are the port numbers that I should port forward in the router, correct?
20:46.38MangoAnd also
20:46.45ChannelZand 5060 for SIP
20:47.33MangoThey are not necessarily the port numbers that Asterisk will connect to at the other end.  So if I have 10000-20000 and someone else has something odd like 30000-40000, it will still work.  Correct?
20:49.08ChannelZNot necessarily, depends how your firewall is setup.  Port forwarding RTP is for your incoming audio since your * is behind the firewall.
20:49.17ChannelZGenerally for outgoing traffic you just let it all out
20:50.16*** part/#asterisk wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
20:50.19MangoSo Asterisk won't be like, "Eek!  The other end wants port 30000!  I'm not allowed that!  FAIL!"
20:50.27ChannelZNo it'll try
20:50.49*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
20:50.55MangoI haven't experienced that but someone just told me otherwise and I wanted to settle the bet :)
20:51.31ChannelZthe port range in rtp.conf is just the range of ports it'll stick in SIP messages telling the other end to connect to
20:51.45MangoExcellent; that's what I thought.
20:52.42ChannelZI wish there was a simple verbose or debug mode that would spit out what port numbers were being requested in * instead of having to do full sip debugs and picking through the chaos.  Would make it easier to troubleshoot
20:52.59ChannelZ</thinking outloud>
20:53.22MangoI think I've got the port forwarding and QoS right now though.
20:56.59*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
20:58.17Mango"The software you are installing for this hardward has not passed Windows Logo testing"
20:58.24MangoIt's a Microsoft webcam >.<
21:04.05ChannelZI just loved that I had to install a big 200MB or something .NET update in order to install my webcam
21:05.52*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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21:13.49jblackmango: It's a forgery!
21:14.13*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
21:14.16MangoCan't be.  If it were, it'd run on Linux.  And it don't.  :(
21:14.44jblackodd. A lot of the "microsoft hardware" that I've bought has worked fine on linux. Everything from keyboards to mice to gps's.
21:17.52*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
21:18.12AkiraaHow much would it cost to simply rent a private asterisk server rather than hosting one ourselves?
21:18.37TSMyup always more
21:18.38MangoHowever, that can depend on what you want to do with it.
21:18.38Akiraawith our own ATAs and landline extensions
21:18.54TSMbut work out if you can/want to manage the install and problems if they arrise
21:18.58Akiraajust the central server and settings
21:19.09MangoIf you have people connecting to it from all over the world, it might be worth it to colocate because they would have more reliable connections to the internet.
21:19.19MangoOn the other hand, if everyone is in a single office, better to have the server local.
21:19.23Mango(My opinion)
21:19.24TSMi worked out for our office it was over £200pm with the phones we have, but less than 1k for the server
21:19.38TSMand inhouse IT is ok
21:22.33TSMif you want
21:22.41MangoAs in #200pm
21:22.47MangoI was wondering what it stood for
21:22.58TSMper month
21:24.04TSMgoto and work out how much they charge you permonth for service for the ammount of extens you have, then work out cost of server
21:24.45MangoMight be useful to have two servers.
21:25.15TSMmabey, but the setup is harder
21:25.31TSMyou need to workout failover etc
21:25.50TSMmakesure the configs are in sync all the time
21:25.52MangoI suppose the simplest solution would be to have the carrier route calls to one server and then the other if the first does not respond.
21:26.05MangoSet up all the extensions with static IPs so you don't need to worry about registration.
21:26.08voipmonkthere you go
21:26.14voipmonkthats one way
21:26.24MangoYou still need to make sure the configs are synced properly though.
21:26.51TSMif you go with an online hosted service you dont need to worry about that
21:26.59MangoHrm.  I wonder if this would work
21:27.11MangoIf you wanted to do it on the cheap, get an ADSL and cable connection.
21:27.15MangoOne Asterisk server on each.
21:27.50TSMor you can just have two deskop computers with DRDB setup between the two etc..
21:27.58TSMthere is not 1 solution
21:28.02MangoOf course.
21:28.06*** join/#asterisk m0e (n=eX@
21:28.38TSMDRDB=allows perfect sync of two HDDs between computers
21:28.59m0ei have a registration problem:
21:29.14m0ethis happens from a certain internet provider.. works perfectly from the other
21:29.25m0eno clue why its giving a 401 error though
21:33.09MangoTSM, ah, nifty.
21:34.20TSMMango: there are still things to handle such as scripts to disable and reenable the LAN interface and T1/Pri interfaces etc...
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23:03.11ChannelZpoints to the right
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.