IRC log for #asterisk on 20100101

00:04.27*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
00:05.22*** join/#asterisk nsgn (n=nsgn@
00:06.06nsgni've been staring at this stuff too long today
00:06.23nsgnwhy does that cut me off two digits into a three digit internal extension?
00:07.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
00:07.59nsgnon a polycom, that is
00:08.42*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
00:11.16ChannelZwhat digits you dialing?
00:11.42nsgnit cuts me off at 10 and tries to send it
00:11.46nsgnwhich means nothing in my setup
00:12.27ChannelZwell I don't see a rule that would even match 10
00:12.46nsgnbut i've rebooted the phones and even tried it on a different one and that dialplan somehow chops off at 10
00:12.49ChannelZI would think it would error after the 1
00:12.58ChannelZor actually
00:13.11ChannelZthe only thing it would POSSIBLY patch is [0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx
00:13.43ChannelZSo you dial '1', it jumps to that rule, but 0 won't match as the next digit so it should error out (which means what to your phone I dunno, it sounds like it's sending the string to * anyway?)
00:16.14nsgni have no clue. i can't remember having this much issue with polycom digitmap
00:16.18ChannelZeither way I'm not sure what the problem is... you're getting an undesired result because you're dialing an extension that your dial plan isn't setup to recognize... so I'm not sure what are wanting to happen
00:16.25nsgnhavent done them in a while. i remember having to tweak it in the past but it wasnt this hard/stupid
00:16.37nsgnunfortunately i can't hit that site remote else i'd just go steal my config from it
00:18.44ChannelZwell in order to match 101 you need a rule that could match that
00:19.09nsgnoh well i just think i got into that site. hang on lemme see what the hell i did there that worked so well
00:19.11ChannelZlike... 101
00:19.28ChannelZor 1xx - I dunno how your extensions are intended to be laid out or what
00:20.57nsgn! it's fricking identical
00:21.09nsgnapparently i tweaked it on *'s side but the phones were OK
00:21.17nsgnso...WHY here is it matching 101 if there it does not?
00:21.22nsgni smell firmware...
00:22.05ChannelZRE: I see no signs in your dialstring that could match 101
00:22.22nsgnthough i found my workaround
00:23.00ChannelZso either your other phone really doesn't have that dial string, or there is some feature turned on the phone that bypasses the string and sends whatever it gets to * after a timeout
00:23.04nsgni actually have an override to the defaults in the local settings config for the phone where i wrote "[1][0-2]x|*x.T" as a fix
00:23.23nsgnso i apparently did hit this over there and had to write that screwey thing to work around
00:23.28nsgnapplying it here and seeing if it fixes it
00:24.16ChannelZnow that WOULD match
00:25.13nsgnyup. yes! it works
00:25.44nsgni knew that was a solid map even if it looks odd...cause its been in use at a business where they are so phone stupid it isn't funny for a whole year without complaint of dialing issues
00:26.14ChannelZwell it's solid in so much as it's basically going to send *anything* the person dials to asterisk
00:26.24Kattyi have af ew drinks.
00:26.50ChannelZFYI: Drunk IRCing is only entertaining to you
00:27.03Kattyoh i'm not drunk....yet.
00:27.33Nuggetplies Katty with liquor
00:28.30nsgnChannelZ, that's ok with me cause * seems to do a way better job understanding it than polycom :)
00:34.07Kattyhugs Nugget
00:35.50Kattyi wish the news wouldn't try to put their opinions into it
00:37.05Kattythey should just deliver the news, and shut up
00:39.32*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
00:40.06Kattyhi monk
00:41.23voipmonkjust paid my server bill
00:41.29voipmonkthey decided to cut me off without notice
00:58.45*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
01:00.03*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
01:12.30p3nguinvoipmonk: The notice was that invoice they sent you asking for payment.
01:12.52voipmonkwasnt an invoice
01:12.57voipmonkno invoice at all
01:12.59voipmonkjust one day
01:13.03voipmonkno phone
01:13.06voipmonkno website
01:13.11voipmonkso I emailed them...
01:19.57*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
01:24.10*** join/#asterisk mr_ian_ (
01:25.56*** part/#asterisk nny (n=scott@
01:28.41*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:19.05*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
02:49.38Kattyeveryone must be out getting snickerdoodle-faced.
02:50.55Kattyhi jaytee
02:51.15jayteeI'm watching a season 3 episode of Farscape
02:51.26Kattysounds like fun
02:52.07jayteenot as much fun as being on a cruise ship in the Caribbean but hey, ya do what ya gotta do
02:52.28Kattyoh i don't know
02:52.37Kattybeing stuck on a cruise ship may not be that fun
02:53.59jayteeok, then make that being at a resort in Negril, Jamaica drinking Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and smoking a nice fat spliff as big as my arm :-)
02:54.21Kattya what?
02:54.29jayteea spliff
02:54.43jayteeit's like a giant sized joint
02:54.51Kattyoh i see.
03:09.37*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:32.45*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
03:32.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
03:34.28*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
03:54.08*** join/#asterisk ModernGeek (
03:54.28*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
03:54.54ModernGeekis there a way to tell a SIP server to call multiple people at once and play one call file?
03:55.02ModernGeekwithout having to manually initiate and stream all the calls?
04:22.35*** join/#asterisk RypPn_OuT (
04:24.28*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
04:38.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:05.52*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
05:14.35*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
05:51.15*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
05:52.27*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
06:16.15*** join/#asterisk bikcmp (n=admin@unaffiliated/bikcmp)
06:16.33bikcmpHi all, is there something that will limit users minutes?
06:22.21Kattythe house behind us is on fire
06:22.42Kattythe fire department is cutting it up with a saw, i assume to get to smoldering insulation and stuff
06:25.19bikcmpfor real?
06:25.24Kattyyes, for real.
06:25.38Kattyi'm going to have another look out the back door. brb
06:27.18Kattyyep :<
06:27.21Kattystill smoke everywhere
06:27.51Kattythe local newspaper sends me txt messages with Breaking Headlines
06:27.53Kattyso far, nothing
06:28.06Kattythe fire department showed up an hour ago :/
06:28.14bikcmpare the people okay?
06:28.20Kattyi have no idea
06:28.33Kattyand i'm not going to pester the police officers.
06:28.52Kattythey're having a hard enough time keeping all the annoying children away from the house.
06:30.16Kattyhell of a way to start the new year, eh?
06:31.04bikcmpwhere are you? US?
06:31.17bikcmpah cool
06:31.22bikcmpwhat state?
06:32.02bikcmpAh cool
06:32.04bikcmpI'm in NJ
06:32.49p3nguinIsn't it too cold for a fire?
06:33.12bikcmpno no
06:33.16bikcmpIt's not cold here hehe
06:33.20bikcmpabout 40 F
06:33.39*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
06:33.40p3nguinHow's that even possible?  It's like 16 down this way.
06:33.50voipmonkVery cool
06:34.00Kattyvoipmonk: not cool
06:34.14Kattyvoipmonk: the house right behind us is ablaze.
06:34.25Kattyas in, on fire.
06:34.28bikcmphe just joined
06:34.28Kattyfire trucks?
06:34.38bikcmphe was talking about 16 F
06:34.40voipmonkCool that I'm on my phone right now in this room
06:34.46bikcmpah cool
06:35.05voipmonkBeen banging on it for a few days
06:35.58voipmonkNow I don't need to turn on my computer
06:36.06Kattyis hoping the fire doesn't hop the fence.
06:36.30p3nguinSpray some ice on it.
06:36.36voipmonkGet the hose and water down the back of your house
06:37.02Kattyi'm sure the nice gentlemen will come tell us if they feel we're in danger.
06:37.14p3nguinThey'll spray some ice on it.
06:37.33voipmonkOk later
06:41.34Kattyi hope no squirrels were harmed.
06:41.49bikcmpi hope no PEOPLE were harmed.
06:42.08Kattyi also hope no squirrels were harmed.
06:42.46Kattybikcmp: i broadcast The Nut House, live, everyday
06:43.05Kattybikcmp: i would hate for the squirrels to be hurt, obviously
06:43.50bikcmpbroadcast=star or like crew
06:44.49Kattyinfobot: crittercam
06:44.50infobot[crittercam] Katty's broadcast of The Nut House @
06:46.11bikcmpYour a OP here or something?
06:46.38Katty <- the broadcasting server is an old Rhino Equipment box.
06:49.29Kattyso clearly you can understand why i'd be concerned about the safety of the squirrels.
06:55.11*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@
06:56.13Kattyone of the fire trucks just left
07:00.56coppicemaybe they were fired
07:02.02Kattyso funny.
07:11.00bikcmpany news?
07:16.09Kattynot yet
07:16.15Kattybut they're still over there
07:38.01*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
08:10.18*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
08:33.22eppigyKatty: :<
08:34.05*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:54.03*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
09:12.02*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
09:20.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
09:43.21*** join/#asterisk tschi (
09:43.44tschican anyone help me with asterisk dial function?
09:44.04tschifor example:
09:44.27tschii have a tdm800 card with 6 FXS
09:44.39tschichannel 1 to 6
09:44.57tschibut i want to change the extension, but how?
10:10.13*** join/#asterisk benngard (
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10:46.21*** join/#asterisk zaoul (
10:56.01*** join/#asterisk vitaminx (n=vitaminx@
10:56.21*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:04.56*** join/#asterisk j_kroon (
11:06.47*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
11:15.38*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
11:22.52*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (n=nimbus@
11:23.10*** part/#asterisk benngard (
11:30.00*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
11:44.49*** join/#asterisk bala (i=7c7cf71a@gateway/web/freenode/x-gfticfklnpevwyfw)
11:46.32*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
11:46.47balahi, im running dahdi_dummy on via c7 proc, and am getting "8192 samples in 32768.000 system clock sample intervals (400.000%)" on dahdi_test, any clue what might be going wrong?
11:46.51balaor how to fix it?
11:47.32balaour meetme app is pretty much unusable.
11:49.15*** join/#asterisk _bugz_ (
11:56.13Poincareanyone here ever used 'Spotel' gsm/sip gateways?
12:10.32*** join/#asterisk benngard (
12:35.27*** join/#asterisk codebanshee (n=codebans@
12:47.19*** part/#asterisk codebanshee (n=codebans@
12:48.41*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
12:58.14tzafrirbala, what version of dahdi?
13:25.32zaoulHi, I have a grandstream handy tone 286 voip device. It says it is registered in the web config, and sip show peers reports it is online but from ser I never see it register. When I dial I get a busy and nothing from the asterisk CLI. What did I miss? I need SER for a SIP register correct?
13:30.15*** join/#asterisk e4 (
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13:37.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
14:05.00*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
14:12.08*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:16.58*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraa@
14:53.10*** join/#asterisk vgster (
15:12.31zaoulIve tried with ekiga
15:16.09*** join/#asterisk InsektO (n=InsektO@
15:16.20*** join/#asterisk baldaris (n=ritesh@
15:17.11baldarishey guys...can any one suggest any article , blog about installing  asterisk on linksys wr54g router...
15:20.37*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
15:31.03Kattydrags in
15:37.45Kattyneighbor's house is still smoldering.
15:38.55mchoubaldaris: if it's actually a linksys wrt54g HW I wouldn't recommend running asterisk on it
15:39.12mchoubaldaris: not enough RAM
15:40.04mchoubaldaris: there have been reports of folks running it successfully on nslu (aka slug)
15:40.17baldarismchou, what ?
15:40.25baldarisi mean what do you suggest?
15:42.31*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraa@
15:42.38*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
15:42.42mchoubaldaris: run it on sheevaplug
15:45.16*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
15:48.19*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
15:56.26*** join/#asterisk vgster (
16:08.05*** join/#asterisk vally (
16:17.58*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
16:25.21fenrushappy new year :)
16:27.52Kattynappy mew year, fenrus
16:28.01Kattygives eppigy coffee
16:28.06eppigythank you
16:28.08Kattydid you take tylenol yet?
16:28.18eppigymakign something to eat
16:28.19Kattyit will help.
16:28.21eppigyholy cow
16:28.21Kattyor midol.
16:28.27Kattymidol will be better, actually, it has caffeine
16:28.54Kattywhat are you making for lunch?
16:29.12eppigyi am not sure
16:29.21fenrusKatty, been sleeping whole day - now i've made myself a cup of coffe
16:29.22eppigyi was hoping it would be makign itself as we speak
16:29.45Kattyi'm sure there are plenty of places open on new years, but you could just have a tuna sammich
16:29.52Kattyfenrus: good good
16:30.01Kattyi'm gonna go take pictures of the house next door here shortly
16:30.07coppicenew years is soooo yesterday
16:30.10voipmonkdid they put it out?
16:30.15Kattyyes, the fire is out.
16:30.23Kattyton of damage tho
16:30.40fenruspictures of a damaged house?
16:30.45*** join/#asterisk m0e (n=eX@
16:30.46fenrusfireworks-damage ?
16:30.58Kattythe house behind us caught on fire last night
16:31.18Kattyaround... 11:30 all the firetrucks, ambulances, and cops showed up
16:31.31Kattyit was terrible.
16:32.07Kattyi still don't know if anyone was hurt or the cause or anything...nothing on the local newspaper's website
16:32.37Kattyi know we've had at least 3 other fires in cape this week...all ruled as an accident
16:33.06fenrusit's really the season for candles
16:33.09fenrusat least in sweden
16:33.23Kattythat's one from wednesday
16:33.26*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
16:33.44fenrusOuch, that's badly burnt
16:34.06Kattythat one is from december 28th
16:34.41Kattyit's just crazy
16:35.18fenrusintense picture
16:35.27Kattywell they're not the best.
16:35.36Kattywe're not a very big city...more like a town.. population 30k
16:35.46etfonhomeyKatty, Cape Girardeau (sp?) ?
16:35.52fenruswhere are you from?
16:36.10Kattyit's a couple hours south of st. louis
16:36.19etfonhomeyMy old man used to go there when he was in the Navy Reserves when we lived in western Kentucky.
16:36.33Kattyit's probably changed a bit (=
16:36.46Kattythis area is flourishing with the two huge hospitals
16:40.27*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
16:43.50*** join/#asterisk manxpower (
16:44.50Kattyhi manx.
16:49.16zaouldo I need SER for SIP?
16:52.07Kattyyou do not need SER to use SIP.
16:53.03*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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16:56.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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17:06.34*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
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17:17.41*** join/#asterisk niekie (i=quasselc@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
17:19.15*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (
17:19.32bcrispim a wuss.. 2 drinks and in bed by 9:30
17:22.31bcrispwas exhausted
17:22.54*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akiraa@
17:33.05*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:49.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
17:50.32m0eis SILK going to be supported in the near future (ever)?
17:54.34*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
17:56.43*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
18:14.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:18.17tzafrirm0e, if and when it becomes free software: sure
18:22.19m0etzafrir, though g729 is not free (license wise)
18:29.25*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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18:36.55drmessanoSILK is free
18:37.34drmessanoI think FreeSWITCH has already implemented it
18:37.58drmessanoBut where is the advantage right now?
18:39.02drmessanoG722 has become the codec associated with "wideband voice"
18:39.43drmessanoWould be nice to see SILK implemented for Asterisk for Skype, though
18:40.26m0edrmessano, how does G722 compare to Silk though (bandwidth wise)
18:41.51drmessanoSkype Limited announced that SILK can use sampling frequency 8, 12, 16 or 24 kHz and bit rate from 6 to 40 kbit/s. It can use low algorithmic delay 25 ms (20 ms frame size + 5 ms look-ahead)
18:42.50drmessano48/56/64kbit and 16khz sampling I believe
18:43.48drmessanoSILK apparently adapts dynamically to network conditions, though I don't know how that translates out implementation-wise
18:44.35m0ehmm.. ok thanks for the info :o)
18:44.53drmessanoBut Bandwidth and sampling rate don't say much
18:45.52Tim_Toadyfrom what i ve seen skype dymanically changes the packet size (at leats fo g711 g729) not sure if they also change the bitrate or freq in slik during a call
18:46.14Tim_Toadybut i guess they do
18:46.43*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
18:47.16drmessanoWould be interesting to see it in use for IAX2 trunking
18:48.59Tim_Toadyan iax trunk with adaptable timing or packet size
18:49.29jblackdrmessano: You play teh windows games?
18:49.57drmessanoReversi :)
18:50.05jblackcool. have steam?
18:50.13bcrispmy IVR plays chess
18:50.32jblackbcrisp: I acknowledge that possibility. =)
18:51.16drmessanoSure dont
18:51.54jblackThat's the problem with not having many friends. i can't give away a game.
18:52.21bcrispjblack, that statement makes my brain hurt
18:52.23[TK]D-FenderSILK = G.722.1 no?
18:52.45jblackbcrisp: Which one? No friends, or possiblity?
18:52.54bcrispjblack, in combination
18:53.22jblackdamn. There goes my one new years resolution... "Don't break any brains"
18:57.33*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
19:03.01filecon of using Cisco phones - having to look at your phone while watching The Office to make sure it didn't ring
19:03.45*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (i=cesar@
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19:17.27GameGamer43what package or packages am i missing if I can get cdr_odbc func_odbc res_config_odbc and app_voicemail_odbcstorage to compile?
19:20.03GameGamer43nevermind i think i found the culprit
19:20.12etfonhomeyWhat was it?
19:21.02bcrispmortgage backed investments...
19:21.50*** join/#asterisk dymaxion (
19:22.25GameGamer43it was a spelling mistake in my package list, causing me not to grab a couple of them that i thought i had
19:23.48drmessano[14:03] <file> con of using Cisco phones - having to look at your phone while watching The Office to make sure it didn't ring  <--- or 24
19:23.50Tim_Toadyin debian/ubuntu you can always try 'aptitude build-dep asterisk' it will fetch and install every lib and header files needed for *
19:24.03Tim_Toadyfor compiling * i mean
19:25.01GameGamer43yea this is a centos machine
19:25.52Tim_Toadyone of the few(?)reasons apt is still superior to yum :P
19:27.58*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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19:51.22*** join/#asterisk Heretic (
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20:19.33Kattythat's the house that burned down behind us last night
20:20.21Tim_Toadykiller squirrels with flame guns?
20:20.29*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
20:21.03Kattydon't know what cuased the fire. nothing on the local newspaper's website
20:21.21Kattythat's part of the back
20:21.23Tim_Toadysneaky little bastards...
20:21.27mchouthis news is stunning acknowledment from AT&T
20:22.04mchouall you folks with T1/E1 give it up :)
20:22.51mchou"In its filing dated December 21 and released Tuesday (PDF available here), the company called upon the Commission to begin consideration of a formal deadline for the transition of all wireline customers to a wireless system comprising broadband and IP-based connectivity"
20:22.53*** join/#asterisk johnyjj2 (
20:23.03johnyjj2hello :)
20:23.44johnyjj2happy new year to everybody :)
20:23.48p3nguinHappy GNU Year!
20:24.53Kattymaury new year.
20:25.03Kattyi have tea!
20:25.11Kattymchou: now if only we can rip down all those telephone poles
20:25.46Katty <- don't forget to get your free coffee today!
20:27.31*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
20:27.41Kattyhugs voipmonk
20:27.54voipmonkyou were lucky
20:28.01voipmonkfire like that wants to live
20:28.16Kattywe had fire trucks from the two nearest counties too
20:28.27voipmonkwhat was the response time?
20:28.33Kattyi can't honestly say
20:28.44Kattyryan and i were watching family guy darkside, when we heard sirens at 11:30
20:29.04Kattyat first we thought someone was setting off firecrackers or fireworks
20:29.11Kattyand lots of yelling, but then we heard the sirens
20:29.30Kattyso i looked out the window and BAM--giant ball of fire
20:29.40Kattywhich i realized was the neighbor's house
20:30.01Kattyluckily we have a big back yard, they're about 150ft away
20:31.25voipmonkany snow?
20:31.32*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
20:31.32Kattyno, no snow
20:31.43Kattyno rain either.
20:33.24johnyjj2I'd like to configure Twinkle so that I can connect to Asterisk and see if Parking Zone example works ( I installed "sudo apt-get install twinkle" and the same for asterisk. I read a little bit about content of manager.conf file of Asterisk. It looks like I just need to create my account in this configuration file and then use "telnet 5038" to connect to Asterisk configuration (is
20:33.25Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:34.04mchouit's on his lan
20:34.24Kattythere's an app named Twinkle?
20:34.37johnyjj2Katty: yes, it is softphone
20:34.38Kattythat's hilarious
20:34.44Kattyinfobot: twinkle
20:34.45infobot[~twinkle] Twinkle is an OSS SIP phone for KDE/Qt systems and can be downloaded at
20:34.55Kattyeven more hilarious.
20:37.20johnyjj2Katty: I use wizard and it asks me about 1. SIP service provider, 4. Domain, 5. Authentication name, 7. SIP proxy, 8. STUN server. I just want to be able to use microphone to locally connect to Asterisk.
20:38.20mchoujohnyjj2: forget the wizard
20:38.43mchoujohnyjj2: just configure that endpoint manually in asterisk
20:39.12mchoujohnyjj2: the wizard is a bit brain dead anyways
20:39.48johnyjj2mchou: This is wizard for creating account in Twinkle. I need to have an account from which I can connect to Asterisk. There's no way to connect from softphone to Asterisk if I don't have account in softphone.
20:40.19mchoujohnyjj2: ah, I thought you meant asterisk manager wizard
20:40.38johnyjj2Katty: or maybe you can suggest any other softphone because it looks like you've never heard about this twinkle?
20:40.51Kattywell, i use zoiper.
20:40.54mchoujohnyjj2: you can also skip twinkle's wizard
20:41.11mchoujohnyjj2: twinke works just fine
20:41.34mchouyou dont need to use the wizard to creat an acct in twinkle
20:42.09johnyjj2mchou: Where do I need to change any configuration in Asterisk? Yes, I can simply use Profile Editor or Diamondcard.
20:42.34johnyjj2mchou: But after all Profile Editor requires me to specify the same things.
20:42.42*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
20:42.43mchoujohnyjj2: you change it sip.conf
20:42.59mchouwith any editor of your choice
20:43.20johnyjj2mchou: Would just specifying user name and domain be enought for twinkle configuration part?
20:43.30*** join/#asterisk popolinux (
20:43.38johnyjj2mchou: In domain what to specify? or something like this?
20:43.42popolinuxHello ! Happy new year !
20:43.51Kattyhello popolinux, happy new years to you too
20:44.03popolinuxthanks Katty
20:44.04johnyjj2popolinux: hello and happy new year :-)!
20:44.16mchoujohnyjj2: it's not different than configuring another endpoint/user in asterisk.
20:46.10popolinuxI have a question over asterisk in this new year... I want to execute a shell command and register the return on a variable. I have asterisk 1.4 on debian lenny. Have you an idea please?
20:46.21*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
20:48.12mchoupopolinux: google agi
20:48.30mchoupopolinux: that's probably just one option of many
20:49.06popolinuxok, no native function to do that ?
20:49.30mchouagi is native to asterisk
20:50.40popolinuxskuse me, I was understand "google agi" is a agi librairy developed by Google
20:51.41johnyjj2mchou: would it be ok for sip.conf: [twinkle1] type=friend, username=twinkle1, callerid="johnyjj2" <5678>, host=dynamic, nat=yes, canreinvite=no, disallow=all, allow=gsm, allow=ulaw, allow=alaw ? I found it here for x-lite and changed a little bit.
20:52.39mchoujohnyjj2: that depends on you network but that's pretty much the way to configure a sip endpoint
20:56.53johnyjj2mchou: And for twinkle part -> SIP service provider: None (direct IP to IP calls) [default: None], User name: johnyjj2, Domain: Or what should it be in domain part? I check "ifconfig" and see eth0, lo, wlan0, wmaster0-00. The only addresses which I see are lo -> inet addr: (that is loopback), wlan -> inet addr:
20:58.21mchoujohnyjj2: you put in the address of the asterisk box
20:59.05mchoujohnyjj2: and your username is certainly not johnyjj2
20:59.30johnyjj2mchou: you mean that for username i need some kind of number, e.g. 101?
20:59.38mchouoh lord
20:59.59mchouyou configured your username in asterisk
21:00.18mchouit's not johnyjj2 in asterisk config
21:01.01mchouI really don't need to deal with this junk on New Year's Day
21:01.04johnyjj2twinkle1 :)
21:06.14popolinuxmchou > thanks for AGI idea. I see AGI script permit to dialog with Asterisk and is very complex. Have you an example to execute system script and register to variable ?
21:06.27popolinux(skuse me my english is realy bad !)
21:06.57voipmonkpopolinux: what do you want to do with the agi script - please explain
21:07.57popolinuxvoipmonk > I want to exec a linux command and get the result on a variable
21:08.53voipmonkshow me what you have already at
21:10.28popolinuxvoipmonk > I want this function for Asterisk 1.4 :
21:11.59voipmonklook at the  "System"  application
21:14.27popolinuxvoipmonk > System() execute command, but not return the result...
21:14.39voipmonkshow me your attempt
21:15.06[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: System() does NOT return a value.  SHELL() does
21:15.28[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: SHELL() is the adaptation of the old 3rd party BackTicks() app
21:16.00[TK]D-FenderAnd AGI is not that complex
21:16.14[TK]D-Fender1/2 dozen lines of added code
21:16.27[TK]D-FenderWith any of the common libs for it
21:16.39popolinuxok, shell() is exactly what I want, but it don't work on Asterisk 1.4
21:17.32popolinuxI want to exec a php-cli script with 1 parameter (the phone number), and the script return the name of suscriber (reverse annuary)
21:18.09Katty <- not me.
21:18.15[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Easy enough...
21:18.16popolinuxvoipmonk > I not have attempt because the function shell() don't exist on my version of asterisk
21:19.03[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Then upgrade, or just make an AGI
21:19.05popolinux[TK]D-Fender: yes... I think... but what can I do without Shell()
21:19.20popolinuxok, an AGI is the better method?
21:19.28[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Better than what?
21:20.01popolinuxthe best method, skuse me for my bad english I'm french ;)
21:21.10[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Is there something in particular that's holding you back at 1.4?
21:22.20popolinuxYes, I has test 1.6 and I had many sounds problems with IAX
21:22.56[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: What version.
21:24.25popolinuxIt was Asterisk 1.6 on Debian Lenny repository
21:24.48popolinuxwith the same configuration, IAX works on 1.4
21:26.56[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: 2 things... Debian std kernel timing is 250 which is BAD and needs to be adjusted to 1000hz.  Second, packaged * = crap most of the time.  Third, you don't even know what version you had.
21:27.36[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: I'd recommend 1.6.1.X's latest release
21:28.47popolinuxok ;) I asked many people and nobody was able to resolve the problem...
21:28.47popolinuxYou are in the Asterisk developement team?
21:29.14[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: No, I'm just here all the time
21:30.40popolinuxok :) I will investigest with this informations
21:31.00popolinuxand I go to test AGI for do what I want
21:33.36[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: If its worthwhile to gain some AGI experience regardless of upgrading, but I would keep an eye on moving forward with this.
21:35.35popolinuxokay :)
21:35.41popolinuxthanks for all !
21:48.17popolinux[TK]D-Fender: I try to make an AGI script, but it don't work, can you help me please?
21:48.53[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Show first and see who offers to assist in detail.  Do not target individuals for support
21:49.24popolinuxok ;) skuse me
21:49.41jblackunless you lead off with "before I start talking to you, what's your paypal account".
21:49.46*** join/#asterisk dshap (
21:49.51jblackThat's a great way to break the ice. =)
21:50.35dshapare there any providers that offer asterisk hosting for my own custom asterisk extensions?
21:51.05dshapi just dont want to deal with the hardware/VoIP service issues and have that handled by someone else
21:51.06jblackdshap: linode offers virtual servers. I've run asterisk on there with no troubles
21:51.07dshapdoes this exist?
21:51.31jblackOh, you want someone to manage your servers for you?
21:51.32dshapjblack: do you have to use your own SIP trunk?
21:52.06dshapwell i want to develop the application
21:52.07dshapbut yea
21:52.08jblackdshap: At some stage of the game, you have to give someone some cash for your service, and your system has to be configured to take advantage of it.
21:52.24jblackIf that's just "here's a check, give me a working asterisk server that can dial out"...
21:52.28jblackHey, well, I can your friend. =)
21:52.52dshapi'm basically just looking for an equivalent of a simple web hosting company, except for Asterisk instead of web pages
21:53.03dshapthey manage the server, provide the bandwidth, etc...
21:53.10jblackdshap: Let's talk privately
21:53.10dshapand i upload my application
21:53.25popolinuxCan you help me for an AGI script please?
21:53.38*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (n=rare@
21:56.28*** join/#asterisk af_ (
21:58.40[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: #!/usr/bin/php <----- go read the book on this again
21:58.59[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Chapter 9 has some BIG PRINT on this
22:00.10popolinuxon the phpagi docummentation?
22:02.16infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:03.57popolinuxoki thanks
22:06.12*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
22:07.03popolinux[TK]D-Fender: you speak about -q on #!/usr/bin/php -q ? Skuse me I'm lost lol
22:07.24[TK]D-Fenderpopolinux: Yes, I am.  There is an entire paragraph dedicated to it
22:07.53*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
22:08.25etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, what do you use AGI scripts for in your * installations?
22:09.18[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: I don't use AGI for anything I personally develop.  My office is on a GUI install that uses a lot of it naturally... but that's rather "hands-off" for me.
22:09.28*** join/#asterisk catojo (n=catojo@
22:10.06etfonhomeyGotcha.  Just curious what others use it for.
22:11.33[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: For DB lookups, more complex backgrounding for IVR's, etc
22:11.56[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Retreiving system info you can't do any other normal way
22:12.03[TK]D-Fender(* way)
22:12.53etfonhomeySo, for interactive applications, AMI is the best method?  Applications that might run on end-user workstations?
22:13.11*** join/#asterisk timholum (
22:14.51[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: huh?
22:15.52etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, something like an Outlook plug-in that would allow you to place a call from your Outlook contacts.
22:16.07[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: that has nothing to do with AGI...
22:16.12[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: AGI = dialplan processing.
22:16.42[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: You seem to have missed the BIG PRINT :)
22:16.50etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, that's why I'm asking about the uses for AGI.  I have no clue what people use it for.
22:17.26[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: for doing "outside of * stuff" from within the dialplan.
22:17.55[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: I want to dial an extension and cause my printer to spit out a weather report".  There.
22:18.08[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Dial a #, and reboot another server.
22:18.43[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: dial a # and have * open access to an IP on your firewall (cool idea)
22:19.05etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, that is a neat use.
22:19.26[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Wouldn't actually need AGI for that... AGI is more if you want access to more * vars, etc.
22:19.59[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: technically you could do jsut about all of that with System()... AGI I usually reserve for things I need to retreive resulst from <-
22:20.22[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Like Tail-ing CDR's for audio playback, etc
22:26.28*** part/#asterisk InsektO (n=InsektO@
22:29.31*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
22:32.33rare1980_hello every one
22:36.47*** join/#asterisk TSM (
22:39.18jblackHi popolinux
22:39.30popolinuxHi jblack
22:39.46jblackYou already said hi. :)
22:40.03*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
22:40.40popolinuxI say hello to rare1980_
22:41.25rare1980_any one expert on crm
22:44.03jblackYou're in #asterisk, not #sugarcrm. ;)
22:45.26rare1980_i know but on that room no one is alive :)
22:46.08*** join/#asterisk mitring (
22:46.26*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
22:46.42mitringhi all :)
22:55.14mitringsry for my english :/ I have a problem, can I connect my asterisk to other VoIP perator like I have accound and linksys pap2t, can I configure this account to asterisk ?
22:57.14*** part/#asterisk popolinux (
23:03.27jblackrare1980_: Don't buy fish at a steakhouse
23:10.24mitringhi Katty ;)
23:10.53Kattyuhhmm, hello.
23:15.38Kattyjblack: i buy chicken tenders at a steak house :P
23:15.53Kattyjblack: but that's because i don't generally care for steak, unless it's ny strip
23:17.27Kattyrib eye is also pretty good
23:32.47*** join/#asterisk squeeb (
23:33.33squeebHello, I'm having a problem with asterisk-gui on asterisk 1.4 running on Debian 5
23:33.58squeebI have set up a user, and got the web manager running, however it only ever says "Access Denied" when I access the config page
23:34.06squeebah, wasn't aware of a seperate channel, thanks
23:36.39*** join/#asterisk Meaw (n=dino@
23:37.17squeebhmm, nobody there
23:37.23squeebanyone got any ideas here?
23:44.25pigpenI doubt you will find help on the issue here.
23:44.51pigpenthis channel is more dedicated to the "command liners"
23:45.36squeebI usually am, i've been roped into making a "Make it work for me" contract
23:46.58*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
23:52.07jblackKatty: heh
23:55.27*** join/#asterisk thansen (
23:56.57*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
23:57.52jblackCool. pidgin does facebook.
23:59.28*** join/#asterisk catojo (n=catojo@
23:59.38fenrusyea, but last time i tried it it blew bigtime.
23:59.46fenruslogged me out from the browser-version etc

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