IRC log for #asterisk on 20091230

00:00.12[TK]D-Fenderjohnyjj2: You are.
00:00.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:00.29[TK]D-Fenderjohnyjj2: AsteriskWin has its own CLI monitoring window.
00:00.46[TK]D-Fenderjohnyjj2: this has nothing to do with whatever GUI manager crap it also came bundled with
00:01.48[TK]D-Fenderjohnyjj2: and it still gets configured via flat files just the same
00:02.16TSMif you have to install it in windows, just put it in a VM with linux, saves you trouble
00:02.43TSMthey will hateyou for asterisk in windows, you loose so much performance with cgwin
00:03.17[TK]D-FenderTSM: Not his server....
00:03.21johnyjj2I already noticed that in many cases CLIs are able to configure things in much better way than any GUIs. How to run this own CLI monitoring window of AsteriskWin? And yes I hate WIndows too.
00:03.29[TK]D-Fenderwlcome to TFB Land
00:03.45[TK]D-Fenderjohnyjj2: I already answered this
00:03.48TSMTK: his balles on the line though
00:03.58[TK]D-Fender[18:58]<[TK]D-Fender>johnyjj2: Well this 3rd party tool seems to want to connect via AMI. Go set up your manager.conf
00:04.06JoelTSM, probably as much as they would hate you for the performance hit of it inside of a vm
00:04.39[TK]D-FenderJoel: Well there is the thought of "hate for not being on a supported platform"
00:04.49TSMJoel: this is true to, but it will save the the issues with him comming here saying that somthing does not work
00:04.50[TK]D-FenderJoel: Path of most resistance and all
00:05.07*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
00:05.45Joeltsm it's easier to just ignore someone doing something wildly insane
00:05.57TSMJoel: last i tried asterisk via VMWare Workstation i got ticking in some calls, that was for testing though, not live
00:06.28Joeltsm did you load ztdummy?
00:06.43Joelyou shouldn't have too many issues until the host starts grinding away at something
00:06.47Joelthen it can get nasty in a hurry
00:06.48TSMjohnyjj2: whats the budget on this? is it not cheeper/easier to just convince them to get another computer
00:07.20TSMjoel: now you say that i did not specificly load ztdummy, does it not autoload if no card has been found by dahdi, i thought it did
00:08.12Joeltsm I don't honestly know what it's behavior should be, but I'm betting it wasn't loaded
00:09.00TSMcould be, anyway that was some time back and guessed it was just because of VMware, i then moved testing onto seperate hardware
00:09.13johnyjj2TSM: budget is low because it is minor project for the company, rather something like way of testing if i'm capable of doing any IT projects in the company :p, but personally i think the whole idea of the project is not so well
00:09.45TSMjust get any spare computer in the office, its better than doing what you are trying
00:09.54Joelthen explain to them why the project isn't such a good idea
00:10.26TSMwhat i somtimes do is get a desktop computer and tell them that at the end of our testing it then becomes a "new" computer for someone
00:10.50TSMthen you have a proof of concept and convince them to do it properly
00:11.06TSMif they then say no, the computer becomes a proper desktop
00:11.50TSMour whole office runs off a HP dc7900sff and its not even taxed, i have several spares in our department though
00:11.59TSMits small and cheep and reliable
00:15.27johnyjj2TSM: hm first thing i'm not member of the company, i just had intern (or how to call it, i'm not native in english sorry) in that company during vacation, then they asked me if i'd like to create little project for them, in fact my first IT project, i spent some time on it, the whole idea is bad but i didn't care because it was interesting, i explained the whole idea in those printscreens from the link which i gave at the beginning, partially to make
00:16.24bcrisp-- the End
00:16.27TSMi know your fustrations, i had the same thing about 8/9yrs ago in one company i was as
00:17.26johnyjj2TSM: yeah the most irritating is that i spent so much time on convincing them to let me to configure lamp (linux apache mysql php) for their applications but after all i lost much time for stupid configurations on windows xp (not even windows server lol)
00:18.03bcrispthats called being a cheapass
00:18.20bcrispor lazybutt? not sure
00:18.24TSMcheapass ... xp vs linux.... ummm ok
00:18.24johnyjj2TSM: on the other hand admin wanted both IIS and other redundant application for the same tasks, crazy thing for me to have to web server applications on one system
00:18.44johnyjj2**two not to
00:18.45bcrispwell TSM, yes.. wording is tricky there
00:19.54johnyjj2ok, nevermind, in general i've got sphinx4 for speech recognition and i wanted to create ivr with asterisk + cairo/zanzibar
00:20.19TSMjohnyjj2: i had to have IIS and Apache at the same time on one machine, i found that at the time IIS did not work well and fast with PHP so IIS did all the ASP stuff and apache did the PHP stuff, annoying, i stopped using IIS several years back, does not exist in the company im at now, no windows servers
00:20.49johnyjj2it was even something else than apache, i don't remember its name now
00:21.05johnyjj2so first of all i need to have asterisk working properly, i want to check it with x-lite (or rather twinkle if i would use linux)
00:21.21bcrispor whistlephoen if you use iphone
00:21.28*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
00:21.40johnyjj2when everything will be working, i will buy pstn number from sip provider, for testing it can be this twinkle for example
00:23.18TSMgood luck
00:33.00*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
00:40.24*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
00:41.08*** join/#asterisk denon (
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00:51.15*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (n=bcrisp@
00:52.50x86johnyjj2: you can get a free PSTN number from,,,, and all kinds of other places
00:52.59bcrispi want to set callerID on calls outbound from * is pretty sweet so far
00:53.10bcrispcallcentric is a pain, any suggestions?
00:53.21x86bcrisp: more details?
00:53.23bcrispoutbound sip provider
00:53.36x86do they trust DNID?
00:53.51x86do they do ANI pass-through?
00:53.55bcrispim not sure... i was thinking maybe im doing something incorrect from within *
00:54.00x86some providers don't support it (actually most)
00:54.37bcrispfor instance, incoming call to IVR menu, extension triggers outbound Dial through sip provider - using o flag to relay callerid info of the caller
00:55.11x86if it's uber cheap pricing per minute, likely they don't support it... because circuit-switched circuits (PRI, for example) is generally much cheaper than dedicated circuits (CAS, for example)
00:55.21x86you need circuit-switched for caller ID
00:55.38x86bcrisp: ok.. simple DISA...
00:55.50x86bcrisp: using the same provider for both inbound and outbound?
00:56.10x86not that it matters, just purely curious
00:56.27x86are you receiving caller ID from your inbound provider?
00:57.34bcrispim pretty sure callcentric is requiring ownership proof for any # i want to show
00:57.52x86teliax is great, also try
00:58.03bcrispya, teliax is on my list
00:58.13ChannelZI'm chatting with a friend who uses Teliax is cheaper of the two
00:58.29bcrispdo they support what im trying to do?
00:58.35bcrispkind of like call pass through
00:58.51ChannelZI'm asking
00:59.13x86Direct Inward System Dial
00:59.14ChannelZHe does say yes you can control it but not sure if it's through the website or directly from * yes - and they do some sort of verification
00:59.30x86Teliax doesn't verify
00:59.35x86at least they didn't last I used them
00:59.47x86of course, is much cheaper anyway
01:00.02ChannelZSays he: "I config it as part of the SIP payload, but I suspect these days they may reject my outbound call initiation if I set it to something other than what they know me as. They cracked down on CID spoofing last year."
01:00.24x86yeah, go with then
01:00.30x86it's half the cost anyway
01:00.31bcrispinteresting ok, im making a note
01:00.44x86less even if you sign up as a VSP
01:01.41bcrispthank you guys
01:01.52bcrispi think its time for me to see avatar
01:02.59ChannelZblue monkeys!
01:03.13bcrispwas it good?
01:03.27bcrispim mixed about whether an all CGI movie can be good
01:03.32ChannelZYeah I enjoyed it
01:03.47ChannelZIt's not all CG and it's pretty well done regardless
01:05.20bcrispok its time to go see it then, 3D good or will it give me a headache?
01:05.59ChannelZwell if you're going to pay $10 you might as well pay $13 for 3D
01:06.07*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:06.29bcrispinteresting, has a 30 dollar fee for DID port ins and a 75 dollar fee for cancelling a port-in request
01:06.30ChannelZI saw 3D but not IMAX.  It's OK, but I'm not totally sold on 3D personaly.  It's interesting but still kind of a gimmick
01:06.46*** join/#asterisk thansen (
01:06.50filebcrisp: tends to give me a headache
01:07.01filebut I have yet to see Avatar in 3D, probably will on Thursday
01:07.19bcrispi have to convince my wife that it is actually a love story...
01:07.27bcrispotherwise she wont go
01:07.33ChannelZI didn't have eye problems (except dry contacts) but the problem with it is that unless you are sitting up close and your field of vision is pretty well full, it actually makes the movie feel smaller
01:07.33bcrisp(she hates sci fi)
01:07.40filewill she go if you get her drunk enough? o.o
01:07.58Chainsawbcrisp: From a reliable source: "It's basically Dances with Wolves in space"
01:08.03ChannelZbecause you're looking at 3D, but it's sort of contained in this box of the screen, and you see the frames of the glasses and feel like you're looking through a port hole
01:08.05bcrispi think if i shower enough complements she will go
01:08.19Chainsawbcrisp: So as long as you stay close to that, you should be alright.
01:08.33bcrispcan i go so far as to say Titanic in space?
01:08.48fileTitanic in space... now that is a good idea
01:08.51ChannelZI wouldn't even say 'in space' because you only see space for like 1 minute
01:08.56Chainsawbcrisp: I haven't seen it myself yet, so I can't sign off on it.
01:08.56ChannelZit's just another planet
01:09.00Chainsawfile: Doctor Who already did that.
01:09.00bcrispTitanic in wonderland
01:09.08Chainsawfile: It had Kylie Minoque and everything.
01:09.11fileChainsaw: that wasn't a movie though
01:09.18filethat was a special.
01:09.30bcrispshe wont watch sci movies ever since Event Horizon
01:09.31filespeaking of which part 2 of The End of Time airs this week!
01:09.31Chainsawfile: Sure. But it's been done.
01:09.43ChannelZthats cuz event horizon was stupid
01:09.43[TK]D-Fender[20:08]<Chainsaw>bcrisp: From a reliable source: "It's basically Dances with Wolves in space" <- no... actually its "Pocahontas In Space"
01:09.55NivexDancing with Smurfs!
01:10.24[TK]D-FenderIts got Ripley & Aliens... what could go wrong? ;)
01:10.26ChannelZexcept smurfs with thairoid problems because they're like 8 feet tall
01:10.53bcrispok im gonna give it a shot, have a good one guys
01:10.57Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: I tried, she wouldn't choose between the two. But she did say "2/10 plot, 10/10 CG"
01:11.00bcrispthanks for the suggestions
01:12.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled_ (
01:20.08*** join/#asterisk sp3 (
01:23.22ariel_anyone have any sample mac.cfg for the polycom IP331 phones.  I am missing the extension label on my phones
01:26.00[TK]D-Fenderariel_: isn't in the mac config
01:26.12[TK]D-Fenderariel_: stock firmware phone1.cfg has it
01:26.36ariel_yes but for some reason it's not displaying the extension on the screen
01:28.08[TK]D-Fenderariel_: then you're doing it wrong...
01:29.04ariel_yes your right that is why I am looking for a sample.cfg so I can set it correctly
01:29.25ariel_the one that assigns the extension numbers and display name
01:32.49ariel_it's different then the one for the polycom ip501 that I have
01:34.05*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:38.11*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:39.12[TK]D-Fenderariel_: nope, tags are all the same for this.
01:41.45ariel_that is the settings I have and there just the same as what I have for the IP501
01:42.09ariel_I am able to register get calls and make calls vm works just does not display the name
01:42.16etfonhomeyariel_, reg.1.label is what shows up on the phone isn't it?
01:43.32ariel_I was under the impression it is
01:43.48ariel_but that is not showing up or the little normal phone icon
01:45.09*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
01:51.20*** join/#asterisk sun28 (
01:56.22*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
02:12.45hardwirehow do I see iax2 trunk information in 1.6.2?
02:12.48*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (
02:21.23*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:21.30Kattyhi jaytee
02:21.44*** join/#asterisk konu (
02:24.18Kattyeppigy: <-
02:25.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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02:26.49*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:29.11jayteehi Katty
02:30.17*** join/#asterisk konu (
02:31.12jayteeKatty, have you checked out ?
02:31.28Kattyto make mp3s out of youtube videos?
02:32.27*** join/#asterisk hunmonk (
02:34.21*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
02:36.19x86can someone try sending a SIP call to ?
02:36.39x86will need SRV lookups enabled for it to work, want to test it
02:39.14eppigyKatty: lol
02:43.52x86nobody willing to give me a test call?
02:45.11Kattyi'm at home.
02:45.38*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
02:46.01x86no sip client?
02:46.11x86err... weak :)
02:50.44snadgethat is pretty weak yeah
02:51.21Kattyit's not weak.
02:51.23Kattyi want it that way
02:51.28Kattywork != home
02:57.13ManxPowerI work from home.  The 15ft commute every day is great.
02:59.10TJNIII miss working from home.  Only having to buy gas every two months was great.
03:01.27snadgei have sip at home and at work.. im a sip fiend
03:01.45snadgei need a better client other than twinkle though.. its super gay
03:10.36etfonhomeyIs GigE the only difference between the Polycom 550 and 560?
03:11.49ManxPowerI'm getting "    -- PROGRESS with cause code 31 received" instead of a hangup w/cause code.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to make it not to the progress.  This only happens with some telephone numbers.  There is no answer of the far end.
03:12.39ManxPower(PRI obviously)
03:17.06*** join/#asterisk beers218 (i=45c6b055@gateway/web/freenode/x-cxxcnobykmusmnsi)
03:18.17beers218if i wanted to set up asterisk 1.6 to handle faxes coming in over DID's, do i have to have some sort of NVfaxdetect application installed?
03:21.57mykhyggzbeers218: I think no. Look here:
03:23.25beers218damn i was hoping there would be some sort of built in fax receiving script or something using spandsp
03:24.01beers218i dont need fax signal recognition, i just want the destination of ext xxxx to pick up and start receiving the fax
03:25.12jayteei just want my hair to grow back
03:25.20*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
03:25.27*** part/#asterisk hunmonk (
03:25.34mykhyggzbeers218: Hmm. That should work. Why not try FFA?
03:26.21mykhyggzIIRC you just have a 'fax' -- "fax for asterisk" -- extension and it does fax stuff...
03:27.12beers218thats what im trying to implement, but unfortunatly i havent had it work yet. i should note that i am also using freepbx to set up all my other stuff, only trying to limit what it does with fax
03:27.22infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
03:27.43ManxPowerbeers218: 1.6 comes with a fax application
03:27.53ManxPowerassuming you compile it with spandsp installed
03:29.02beers218yes, show applications shows "receiveFAX" as a listed application.
03:29.22beers218im going to have to dig into my dialplans to make it work methinks, since i am using freepbx
03:36.49*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
03:41.12*** join/#asterisk rlinger (
03:41.16rlingergreeetings all
03:42.19ChannelZA drive in my raid has croaked.
03:42.44rlingeri am having issues with inbound calls using  Asterisk says "[Dec 29 21:28:33] NOTICE[187] chan_sip.c: Call from '3240489e1' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found.
03:42.51rlingerN E Ideas? :)
03:43.09rlingersorry to hear that ChannelZ
03:44.19TJNIIChannelZ: Not raid 0, I hope?
03:45.31ChannelZraid 5 luckily
03:45.39ChannelZYucka.  This is an interesting noise.
03:47.45rlingerhow do I know what "Contact Extension" to set for inbound SIP Trunks?
03:48.00rlingerAll the docs I read say to use "s" for default, but that fails consistently :(
03:48.51ChannelZit depends what the request comes in as
03:49.13ChannelZmost voip providers will dial an 'extension' that of your phone number
03:49.45ChannelZbut they tell you right there:
03:49.47ChannelZexten => SIP-ID
03:49.56ChannelZsounds like it's whatever your ID is
03:55.02*** join/#asterisk denon (
03:55.02*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
03:57.22ChannelZWhhhaaAAA?  Seagate sent me a replacement drive that isn't SATA 2?
04:02.18*** join/#asterisk epaphus (n=epaphus@
04:03.01epaphusHello, Iam running an asterisk box with some commercial interface that i dont know very well.. but it uses G729. How could i know via terminal if I could use any other codec?
04:03.19epaphuslist the supported codecs in asterisk
04:03.44rlingerthank you ChannelZ, I tried my ID to no avail.  I sent them an email.  We will see I get a response in 48 hours :)
04:04.26TJNIIrlinger: You mean in your register statement?
04:04.28ChannelZepaphus: module show like codec
04:04.49*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
04:04.54ChannelZrlinger: your console should so the reqest being made, it should be pretty easy to figure out...
04:05.26rlingerwhat should I look for?
04:05.33rlingerI can share my messages
04:05.48ChannelZrlinger: turn up the verbosity a little and call in.. note what is said
04:06.39epaphusChannelZ, is that in the CLI?
04:07.05ChannelZgsm, ulaw, alaw are all pretty much standard unless you specifically unloaded them
04:07.10ChannelZas well as a few others
04:07.14epaphusiam a newbie, all i need is this info. how do i invoke the cli?
04:07.37ChannelZasterisk -r
04:08.03epaphuscould anybody recommend me a good G729 alternative?
04:10.14ChannelZgsm is ok for low bandwidth, no license needed
04:10.42rlingerI should just be looking in /var/asterisk/messages correct, after I turn up more logging?
04:10.50ChannelZbut your devices have to support it.  You really need to start on that end and figure out which to use
04:11.07ChannelZrlinger: or in the console since your logging might not be setup
04:11.23ChannelZjust do 'asterisk -rvvv' and then watch
04:11.53rlingerConnected to Asterisk currently running on IP0x (pid = 131)
04:11.53rlingerVerbosity was 0 and is now 3
04:12.10rlingersince i am ssh'd onto the box
04:12.16rlingerdo i need to redirect console somehow?
04:12.17ChannelZnow call in through your sipgate whatever
04:12.23ChannelZbut don't go pasting everything here
04:12.38infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:13.54ChannelZactually I just scrolled back and you already sort of discovered the problem
04:14.36ChannelZ"Call from '3240489e1' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found."   Chances are it's going to the wrong context, if you are saying you do have an 's' extension set to handle these calls
04:14.57rlingeri guess i am asking where do i look?
04:15.13rlingerthe docs say to make an s on the inbound dialing plan if i read them right
04:15.16ChannelZwell the console should tell you where it's *trying* to go
04:15.26ChannelZbut what context that is depends on your sip.conf
04:16.52rlingerin my sip.conf
04:17.26ChannelZyou should really pastebin your sip.conf (just XXX out the secret) and extensions.conf
04:17.35*** part/#asterisk alfa202 (
04:21.06epaphusChannelZ, do you know why so many people prefer G729.. whats so special about it compared to gsm?
04:21.19epaphusor why would everybody not prefer a low bandwith codec like gsm'?
04:22.47*** join/#asterisk thansen (
04:23.47rlinger for my 2 files, you may need users.conf as well
04:24.02ChannelZI guess G729 sounds better for the bandwidth but I don't use it so I have no first hand experience there
04:25.32rlinger for my user.conf file
04:25.45rlingeri really appreciate your help ChannelZ!
04:26.00rlingerwhat kind of drive do you have going bad in your raid 5?  SATA or SAS?
04:26.30Kattyi do believe, it might could be, possibly time for a nap.
04:27.26ChannelZrlinger: see line 56 and 57 of your users.conf paste -- those calls are NOT going into the 'default' context
04:28.10ChannelZthey're going into "DID_3240489e0".  Which there is some craziness happening there..
04:28.54ChannelZactually I don't see that context in your extensions, there's a similar one ending in e1 but similar is not good enough
04:29.12ChannelZThis is why I hate Asterisk GUIs, this is a crazy mess
04:29.21coppiceepaphus: the biggest thing driving the use of G.729 is its the only low bandwidth codec pretty much every IP phone and ATA supports
04:29.46rlingerahh, the one ending in 0 was the original trunkid assigned by SIPGate, but that went away when I deleted the "phone" on sipgate and re-added it as part of testing.
04:30.06rlingerlet me see if i can manually clear that
04:30.22rlingeryeah, i think the gui has caused more trouble than saved me time...
04:30.46ChannelZwell, I'm not sure what you're intending to happen, but either way the context you're sending those calls to doesn't exist.  Whether you're intending them to go to that e1 one (which looks like it just calls extension 6001 whatever that is) or for it to go into 'default', or none of the above, I'll leave that for you to decide
04:30.54*** part/#asterisk etfonhomey (
04:31.50epaphuscoppice, cool....
04:32.20ChannelZand actually as I keep looking at it, at first glance extension 6001 in the default context doesn't seem to go anywhere either
04:32.37*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
04:32.52epaphuscoppice, how much bandwith does g729 use in comparison to gsm? And why would anybody prefer a high bandwith consumption codec over a low one?
04:33.36rlingerthank you for the fix, i manually fixed the file and changed the 0 to a 1 and that works.
04:33.50rlingernow i have to go to the gui and see if was a bug, or if i need to change it somewhere.
04:34.10rlingercallerid is not coming in, but i will work on that after i find the context bug
04:35.00coppiceepaphus: GSM is 13.2kbps. G.729 is 8kbps. That makes G.729 sound a lot lower, but when you add the massive overheads of RTP there isn't a huge difference. people generally prefer the sound quality of higher bit rate codecs
04:35.47epaphusin theory, GSM should be crystal clear.. right?
04:35.52ChannelZwanders off to watch James May's Toy Stories while his drive rebuilds
04:36.03rlingerthanks again ChannelZ
04:36.55coppiceephasus: it depends. For a clear single voice G,729 will generally sound a little better than GSM. If there is background noise G.729 quality degrades rapidly. GSM less so.
04:37.23epaphusthis is for a call center :D
04:37.34epaphus15 streams
04:37.39epaphussame time
04:38.26epaphusbut thanks.
04:39.13epaphusOne more question.. in asterisk for it to be used with ekiga via the GSM... is it absolutely necessary to tell asterisk an ekiga client will be used..? or does it suffice for both asterisk and ekiga to be configured with GSM?
04:39.55sbrathI'm looking for a good VoIP phone for ~100$... what would people recomend... I want it to have the ability to have shared call aperancess too.
04:40.09sbrathAnd 3-6 SIP lines.
04:40.20TJNIIYou tell * what codecs it can use, and * and Ekiga decide on on that will work from the choices.
04:40.48TJNIIIf you don't allow any codecs Ekiga knows, an error occurs and the call fails.
04:46.06epaphusright, but my question is.. as far as asterisk goes..  i dont need to configure anything specific so that it accepts ekiga as client.
04:47.23TJNIIYou don't have to set anything specific to ekiga or anything that identifies the client as ekiga.
04:47.50*** part/#asterisk wwalker (
04:52.16rlingerfollow-up question.  My Asterisk box is getting CallerID from SIP provider but not pushing it to my analog phone.  Any ideas?
04:54.54TJNIIIt is really interesting to see the evolution of facebook based attacks as facebook has become so popular.
04:55.08TJNIIrlinger: Check the ATA.
04:55.37jblackrlinger: either asterisk or the ata is eating it.
04:56.01jblackAsterisk will preserve the callerid as a call passes through.... unless you change it
05:00.21rlingeris there an ata file?
05:00.44TJNIINo.  Analog Telephone Adapter.  Whatever box you have the phone plugged into.
05:01.14TJNIIOr the Dahdi settings, if you went that route.
05:01.38rlingerthe asterisk box i purchased has a 1 inch electronic board, called a FXS card
05:01.52rlingerit has 1 setting called kewl start?
05:01.54TJNIISo Dahdi, then.
05:02.50rlingeri found a dundi file but not a dahdi file
05:03.11TJNIICan you describe "Asterisk Box" a little more verbosely?
05:04.09rlingerlol, thank you!
05:06.11rlingerhere is my files list
05:06.16Nugget"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?"
05:06.42rlingerwhat file should i look for to see if I can fix the callerid passing issue?
05:08.07TJNIIHuh... If you bought a pre-made * box I would expect the settings to be correct...
05:08.18TJNIIWhat version of * is on that thing?
05:11.19*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
05:13.26rlingerVersion Details:
05:13.26rlingerVoIPtel GUI version: 2.0.2-ce
05:13.26rlingerFirmware version: voiptel_ce_ip01-0.3.4
05:13.41rlinger1.4.21.2 is what I am reading
05:15.12ChannelZits running zaptel, not dahdi
05:16.31rlingerpossible fix -
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05:45.23rlingerim done for the night, thanks again all!
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06:55.19benngardnice, ooh323 supports overlapped dialing :)
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08:01.49ChannelZscratches his head
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08:09.46ChannelZcan I/should I add a note to a 'closed' bug in the database?  what happens?
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08:11.38Tech_TravisChannelZ: I don't know what would happen but if you have relevant info about the bug, why not?
08:19.33ChannelZwell, I'm not sure what's relevant anymore :)
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08:37.16ChannelZI'll sleep on it
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09:02.23benngardwhy in %&%/& cant our avaya send "AST_RTP_DTMF" with std value 101, ofc they will send it as 127 :(
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09:03.39benngardeasy to fix 1 way in main/rtp_engine.c just to add [127] = {0, AST_RTP_DTMF}, but I dont have a clue how to fix it the other way :(
09:04.22benngardbesides i think it is better to do it in the ooh323 driver, am i right?
09:09.21vader--what temperature do you guys run your servers at?
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09:13.04benngard21 centigrade here
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09:16.56ragsHello, I am using a Dlink ATA to register with asterisk as a SIP peer. The problem is the SIP registration drops randomly and the phone refuses to register until I reboot the device
09:17.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:17.54ragsSip debug shows, under normal conditions for a sip register, asterisk sends a 401 Unauthorised and then the sip phone sends the authentication and it gets registered.
09:18.54ragsThe phone is set to re-register after every 3 mintues and it works this way...but when the registration fails, I've notices after the 401 Unauthorised message the sip phone doesn't send the creds
09:19.15ragsthe server keeps on sending 401 Unauthorizd messages
09:20.44ragscould it be a device problem?
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09:29.04aiksa[LV]vader--: temprature of what? CPU? external t?
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10:13.13AkiraaAre there such things as IP Phones that can share the internet connection of a computer without the need for a router or an extra PC NIC?
10:13.56coppicethere are many IP phones with a small ethernet switch inside to do that
10:14.37coppiceoh, maybe I didn't read your question properly
10:15.30*** join/#asterisk guyvdb_ (
10:16.19coppiceThere are plenty of ATAs which act as routers/NAT boxes/genuine IP sharers. There are plenty of phones which have a small ethernet switch inside, so you don't need extra ethernet ports. What you don't usually see is an IP phone that can act as a router and share an internet connection
10:16.56guyvdb_Hi, I have had asterisk running for 15 days without a problem. 2 days ago it stopped answering incoming calls. I have 4 PSTN lines in a hunt group. It seems to answer one of them but not the other 3. Where do I start?
10:30.03tzafrir_laptopguyvdb_, what type of lines? analog? DAHDI?
10:30.51*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
10:32.44mbrevdacoppice: grandstreams can :)
10:33.46guyvdb_tzafrir_laptop: it is a TDM800 card with DAHDI
10:34.02Akiraambrevda: all grandstream IP phones can act as mini-routers?
10:34.21mbrevdaAkiraa: the ones that ive seen can
10:34.46mbrevdathe second port can be either switched or routed
10:34.48tzafrir_laptopguyvdb_, start with 'dahdi show channels'
10:34.55Akiraambrevda: Budget tone?
10:35.05mbrevdathoes arent ip phones
10:35.08tzafrir_laptopany chance Asterisk did not hang up the lines?
10:36.01mbrevdaAkiraa: I hope your not seriously concidering using grandstreams though
10:36.19Akiraambrevda: why not?
10:36.31guyvdb_tzafrir_laptop /etc/init.d/dahdi status shows the channels ok . so does dahdi show channels. I have rebooted the server. Same issue.
10:36.47Akiraalooking at the cheapest possible IP terminals for distribuited offices
10:37.42mbrevdaAkiraa: inexpencive and cheap are two different things. Which yould you like?
10:37.48guyvdb_tzafrir_laptop I have checked the incoming PSTNs with an analog phone and they are ringing correctly
10:39.41Akiraambrevda: What are some typical issues with IP phones (quality-wise)?
10:39.52mort_gibAkiraa: Making a serious mistake
10:39.57mort_gibcoppice: snom 370
10:40.35mort_gibAkiraa: Unstable, lack of basic functions
10:40.45mbrevdaAkiraa: there is no quality with gs. If you want it as your first test phone - maybe. I dont know anyone though that has then in a production environment and doesnt regret it
10:40.52mort_gibLooking for trouble look for cheap stuff
10:41.12mbrevdaalso, if you only need a switch and not a router, there are a lot of simmilarly prices alternatives
10:41.24Akiraambrevda, mort_gib: currently making tests with a few of these handsets:
10:42.13Akiraafirst lesson learned: terse documentation and poor support
10:42.20mort_gibYes, but you are some Eur 10-15 away from a Polycom 320
10:42.25mbrevdanever used them - but I wouldnt even want to try
10:42.58mort_gibTest them if you must, but DO also test the Polycoms
10:43.17mbrevdaconcider the polycom's the lexus/merc-benx/rols ryoce/hummer/maybach/whatever-your-into of ip phones
10:43.58mort_gibEven the Snoms are nice
10:44.12mort_gibEasy to get off the ground
10:44.25mbrevdaas are aastra
10:44.39mort_gibmbrevda: You like the Aastras??
10:45.39mbrevdamort_gib: depends
10:46.08mbrevdai like the polycom's buld and feel better - but you cant get more flexable and programable then aastra
10:46.45mort_gibTry the Snoms
10:47.15mort_gibI even configured a Snom 370 with openVPN for a sattelite office
10:49.14*** join/#asterisk _cgc (
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10:49.45krioni've an asterisk 1.2 running with g729 codec
10:49.45_cgchi everyone
10:50.00krioni'd like to convert wav file to g729 file
10:50.22_cgc<ManxPower-work> are you there?
10:50.25krionsince 1.2 doesn't seem to have "file convert" ability like 1.4 does, how can i convert wav to g729 ?
10:50.49*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (n=Akira@
10:53.32_cgchope that helps
10:53.49krioni switch from all my sip phone from g711 to g729 and i loose all my vocal messages
10:54.21krion_cgc: yes :) i already read that webpage :)
10:54.43krionthat's too bad i don't have a asterisk 1.4 with g729 codec running
10:54.57Akiraaambrevda, coppice: ooh, these things do have routers: -- just got them working in that mode
10:55.00krionasterisk 1.2 doesn't seem to have "file convert"
10:55.23mbrevdaAkiraa: so?
10:56.37coppiceonce one of them gets a feature like that, many others will. most phone makers use the silicon vendor's reference code with little modification
11:02.48benngardi am looking for some 802.11 handsets, what do u recommend?
11:04.00_cgckrion: how about this tool?
11:04.18coppicebennard: I'd recomment using DECT ones instead
11:04.40benngardu do that? ok, i was afraid of that
11:05.10benngardi saw that snom had a nice base that u could attach 8 handset to, but just 3 concurrent call
11:05.20coppice_cgc: its a simple enough tool, if you ignore the patent issues :-)
11:05.41_cgclol ok
11:06.56benngardi have some rfp32 (h323) but it doesnt seem possible to convert them to sip
11:09.53_cgcdoes anyone in here have any experience with liz and asterisk?
11:10.55_cgcliz is a plugin to sugarcrm with agi scripts for asterisk by the way :)
11:13.21_cgc[TK]D-Fender> we were talking yesterday about my problem with calling queues that used Local/
11:14.18_cgc[TK]D-Fender> I changed it to /n on the end and this still did not fix it, all the queue members show up as 'Invalid' still, any idea's?
11:15.30krion[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot
11:20.11guyvdb_tzafrir_laptop: figured it out... sort of. The TDM800 has two quad FXO's on it. When I switched the incoming lines to the other set of FXO's it works. Can only thing the one Quad FXO's got damaged.
11:25.00benngarddtmfcodec=127 in ooh323.conf did solve my problem i had with dtmf, was not aware of that parameter :(
11:30.45AkiraaaIs anyone using, or tempted to use a windows-based PBX like this one: ?
11:36.42*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akira@
11:38.15creativxAkiraa: does it work?
11:38.36Akiraacreativx: install failed :p so no
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12:34.58_cgchow whould everyone rate freepbx?
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12:42.33tzafrir_laptop_cgc, per hour?
12:43.15_cgctzafrir_laptop: what do u mean?
12:46.24*** join/#asterisk danj1980 (n=dan@
12:46.40_cgc  <--- the problem I'm having when an incoming call tries to dial a queue
12:47.12_cgc  <--- some of my config
12:47.42_cgcany help please, i've tried everything I can think of
12:48.19danj1980On polycom phones, is it possible to provide an internal dialtone, and an external dialtone when the user presses "9"? Currently, the dialtone stops when the user presses 9
12:52.00sun28get trouble w/ * and HuaweiX3000
12:52.20sun28silencesupress=yes don't work for me
12:52.45sun28* v &&
12:53.01sun28* v && ^___^
12:55.17m0edanj1980, I'm a noob here.. but I think what you are talking about is "ignorepat"
13:01.09_cgcno1 has any idea's?
13:02.52m0e_cgc, come backa bit later.. usually everyone in this chan is pretty much dead @ this hour
13:03.14_cgcok, how much later?
13:03.30_cgclol ok
13:03.37m0ejust idle in here, you will know when everyone is in :)
13:03.49_cgcok cool, thanks
13:07.18*** join/#asterisk RobH (
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13:27.54danj1980m0e: ignorepat does not work for sip
13:28.13danj1980but thanks.
13:28.20m0eoh your going through a sip trunk?
13:30.07m0edanj1980, I might be wrong.. but cant you make it, so that when a user dials 9, to Play() a tone and wait for the number to get dialed?
13:30.47m0eor rather.. use the Background()
13:31.20*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=shido6@
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13:35.04voipmonkGood morning.
13:35.31_cgcgood morning... in the afternoon for me :/
13:38.25_cgcok my bad
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13:52.27danj1980m0e: not thought of that. i'll take a look.
14:04.02SuPrSluGdanj1980: use a comma after the 9 in your phones dialplan
14:09.23*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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14:19.34beekHello Katty !
14:20.53*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
14:21.03Polysicsare video calls in * feasible in 1.6.x?
14:21.17Polysicsmy boss just came up with the "need" to have video calls...
14:22.15Kattyhugs beek
14:22.52beekKatty: Do you have any ferretcam recorded?
14:23.08bkrusePolysics: Skyp
14:23.10bkruseSkype :P
14:23.40Polysicsbkruse, if i could use Skype i would
14:23.59Polysicsthey "need" (note the quotes) video calls inside a softphone
14:24.19bkruseinside a softphone? Why not use ekiga and just call phone2phone
14:25.14Polysicslet me explain: this app is a closed system, where people connect and call each other, and calls are paid per second
14:25.21Polysicswe basically provide translation services
14:25.40Polysicsso some users are "customers" and some other are "translators"
14:25.55beekKatty: they're cute.  What is the white one's name?
14:26.03jayteemorning beek
14:26.07jayteemorning Katty
14:26.16m0eI thought this was available since 1.4? doing a video call through a sofphone?
14:26.30m0e*could be wrong*
14:27.28Kattybeek: the white one is Merry
14:27.41Kattyhugs jaytee g'morning
14:27.42m0eyeah.. I think i used that before when i was using asterisknow (so i was on 1.4)
14:28.38benngardx-lite and correct codec setting should do the trick, or am i wrong
14:29.30beekMorning jaytee
14:30.17beekKatty: It looks like they'd be fun to watch play.
14:30.29Kattymore fun to play with (=
14:31.06benngardit could be fun (for a few seconds) to let my BIG cat into the same room ;)
14:31.19Kattybenngard: heh
14:31.27Kattybenngard: i have a 90lb german shepherd who play swith them.
14:31.33Kattybenngard: that big enough for you?
14:31.46benngardthats big enough
14:32.13AkiraaDo you recommend using PC (PCI/PCIexpress) ATA gateways or standalone devices? max 5 PSTN ports
14:34.50Kattypersonally, i recommend breakfast.
14:35.04ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: for connecting phones or for connecting phone lines?
14:35.25*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
14:35.25ManxPower-workwrong nick
14:35.35ManxPower-workAkiraa: for connecting phones or for connecting phone lines?
14:35.38AkiraaManxPower-work: just PSTN terminations
14:36.00ManxPower-workAkiraa: I recommend a Sangoma analog card for that.
14:36.23AkiraaManxPower-work: thanks
14:36.24Kattyi can attest to those.
14:36.31Kattythey do work nicely, and help the echo issues.
14:36.34ManxPower-workJust remember "analog sucks"
14:36.44Kattyalso remember echo cancelation!
14:36.56aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: at your service :)
14:37.12AkiraaCan't you do echo cancelation and other DSP on the PBX end?
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14:37.34ManxPower-workAkiraa: Asterisk's software based EC only seems to work under optimum conditions.
14:38.12ManxPower-workAkiraa: Doing EC is computationally intensive so you want a hardware based EC if you can.  Heck Digium doesn't even seem to sell cards without hardware EC anymore.
14:38.27mort_gibAkiraa: And even so it introduces a delay in receiving the call, ok not much, but..
14:39.30aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: although there had been times where i have had to put oslec on top of HW EC
14:39.57ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: I bet you were using a Digium card.
14:40.11ManxPower-workNo?  Sangoma then?
14:40.18aiksa[LV]redfone unit
14:40.55aiksa[LV]the problem i suspect was less with the unit rather than PSTN service provider
14:41.04ManxPower-workI've never used their stuff.
14:41.07coppiceAll the cards using Octasic EC seem to have problems. OSLEC is often a cure, although its compute requirements drag a machine down for a lot of circuits
14:41.16*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
14:41.20AkiraaAlso, what's your configuration for receiving fax in an IP network? (if indeed it's worthwhile)
14:41.32ManxPower-workcoppice: Any echo problem I had with a Digium card was solved by using Sangoma.
14:41.33*** join/#asterisk e4 (
14:42.08ManxPower-workAkiraa: I work for a CLEC/VoIP company.  Faxes are always put on dedicated analog PSTN lines direct to the telco.
14:42.11coppiceSangoma has similar problems. you were lucky if they didn't bite you
14:42.14aiksa[LV]I dont know what they did to their infrustructure but I had a travel time of voice in one direction in that scenario > 500 ms. And
14:42.18*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
14:42.31aiksa[LV]i suspect that their EC simply wasnt meant to handle that length of a tail
14:42.39ManxPower-workcoppice: I suspect the differences are in the drivers rather than the hardware.
14:43.19ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: you can't usually EC anything over about a 128ms tail, many only support a 32ms or 64ms tail.  Remember EC is designed for PSTN latency which is always very low.
14:43.27coppiceI've no idea if octasic has problems, or if everyone gets the implementation wrong
14:43.57aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: I know that.
14:44.01ManxPower-workcoppice: Digium Tech Support's solution to EC problems seems to be "upgrade to DAHDI".  The problem is that always makes echo WORSE for us, not better.
14:44.33aiksa[LV]however my PSTN service provider has other opinon. They think that EC is something which magically happens on the side of the customer
14:44.56Corydon76-digec or echo?
14:45.14ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: It is.  Local PSTN doesn't have high enough latency for echo to be a problem so most carriers don't EC on those types of calls.
14:45.16aiksa[LV]which is magically done
14:45.26coppicethe biggest problem with EC on Digium and Sangoma cards is many people find DTMF passing through is corrupted. Therefore things like IVR calls passing through the box fail
14:45.56aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: they have E1 connection to us through at least 5 units of their  TDM over IP HW
14:46.08mort_gibcoppice: That's new to me, I use a lot of Sangoma cards and just about the ONLY issue I have never had is DFTM
14:46.18mort_gibDTMF that is!
14:46.24aiksa[LV]in order not to introduce too much of a packet flow in their network, they do some kind of buffering
14:46.56aiksa[LV]and with X devices in a row, the latency can grow to a nasty size
14:47.08aiksa[LV]thats my suspicion.
14:47.14ManxPower-workthen your telco must do their own EC at the PSTN/VoIP conversion point
14:47.19aiksa[LV]have no method of proving that though
14:47.30ManxPower-worksame thing applies to cellphone calls.
14:47.33Corydon76-digcoppice: while I understand how that theoretically could be a problem, I've never heard of such a situation
14:47.40aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: they dont do PSTN/VoIP conversion
14:47.55ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: If they are having 500ms latency then they must be.
14:47.55coppiceCorydon76-dig: you need to get out more :-)
14:48.12aiksa[LV]ok. perhaps somewhere in their internbal network
14:48.24aiksa[LV]well beyond my reach of examination
14:48.39mort_gibaiksa[LV] Remember that a lot of telcos are using VOIP in some form
14:48.43ManxPower-workWe do various kinds of handoff to customers (analog, PRI, etc), but most calls still go over our IP network.
14:48.47aiksa[LV]they have TDM over IP though going in multiple directions
14:48.53benngardi have noticed at our wan, as soon as any dsite get more than 200 ms they start to complain
14:48.53Corydon76-digcoppice: Maybe all things are backwards on the underside of the world.  :-P
14:49.23ManxPower-workI thought HK was north of the equator.
14:49.29coppiceCorydon76-dig: huh? :-\
14:50.21aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: starnge thing though - as long as i had my redfone placed at their premises and did my own TDMoE on a dedicated network connection between us. The tail was 2-3 times smaller and Redfones EC did a perfect job
14:50.24Corydon76-digOr is that backside?
14:50.38coppicesome heavy users of Digium cards tell me the only one where EC just works without hassle is the ISDN card, which uses a different EC design
14:55.44danj1980Is there any way to change the call parking behavour, so that when the parking time has been reached, it goes back to a custom extension context?
14:55.46aiksa[LV]now they changed that layout, so that instead of me doing TDMoE over that network with  redfone and ztdynamic, they have a bunch of their own TDMoIP devices
14:56.34aiksa[LV]and redfone is in a meter distance from the atcual asterisk box now.
14:56.41ManxPower-workdanj1980: there was nothing in features.conf.sample that was obvious?
14:57.12ManxPower-workdanj1980: and nothing obvious in "core show application park"?
14:57.41danj1980ManxPower-work: Not that I can see. Someone on asterisk-users mailing list pasted something from extensions_custom, but I dont have that file in my samples directory.
14:57.57aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: the problem is - I am not sure how convice them that is their network which is causing the latency. Loopback?
14:58.00ManxPower-workdanj1980: that's because extensions_custom is not part of Asterisk
14:58.13ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: I have no ideas on that issue
14:58.35ManxPower-workdanj1980: what version of Asterisk
14:58.59danj1980ManxPower-work: 1.4
14:59.28aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: I still hope - that worked before. You changed this and that. I changed nothing. So that must be your problem.
15:00.01aiksa[LV]naive hope, of this statement to have any effect, but still worth the effort
15:00.32danj1980ManxPower-work: This is the verbose shown when I park a call. Parked SIP/IP-0000018d on 701@parkedcalls. Will timeout back to extension [incoming_calls] 01615551234, 3 in 600 seconds
15:01.07danj1980ManxPower-work: I need to change the callback because at the moment, if a call isnt taken off park, the caller is going back to the start of the queue.
15:02.39ManxPower-workdanj1980: you'll have to debug your dialplan and figure out why
15:03.15SuPrSluG_cgc: this is from the sample queues.conf and may pertain to your issue
15:03.43danj1980ManxPower-work: do I need to create my own call parking dialplan? at the moment, i just enable it in features.conf and then let asterisk deal with it.
15:05.23ManxPower-workdanj1980: you may need to.  The last time I dealt with parking issues was in 1.2.  In 1.2 the parking app lies about where it will timeout to.
15:05.27_cgcSuPrSluG: no, because even if i reload they still show up as invalid
15:06.08_cgcI thought I had it working a minute ago, but false alarm, seems it sorf of worked for a minute :(
15:06.14SuPrSluGpost your modules.conf it is the order in which they load that appears to be important
15:06.39Kattyeppigy: I"M IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE
15:06.44Kattyeppigy: SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU"RE NEAR ME
15:06.47danj1980ManxPower-work: is looks like 1.4 lies too, because it didnt go to [incoming_calls] 01615551234, like that verbose said that I pasted earlier.
15:07.09ManxPower-workdanj1980: did it go to [incoming_calls] exten => s,1, ?
15:08.21_cgcit looks to me as though they are all on auto which should be fine shouldn't it?
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15:10.33SuPrSluGyes. but with autoload it think it will load app_queue before chan_local or pbx_config.
15:12.18danj1980ManxPower-work: No, "Returning to park-dial,SIP/kesher_201,1"
15:12.31SuPrSluGyou may be able to unload app_queue and chan_local then try reloading them in the order suggested. Other than that, i'm stumped.
15:12.43_cgci just figured something out, if i replace my queues.conf with the Local/ one, then just run 'reload' it sort of works.... well.. it rings 1 phone in the queue, but only 1
15:13.17SuPrSluGdo your memeber show as valid?
15:13.25_cgcbut it doesn't say any of them are invalid anymore
15:13.38SuPrSluGthat's a good thing
15:13.42ManxPower-workdanj1980: create an exten => _SIP/.,1,Goto(contextyouwant,extenyouwant,priorityyouwant) on a context called [parked-calls]
15:14.05ManxPower-workdrat, that won't work as / means "callerid match"
15:14.58ManxPower-workyou could try an exten => _.,1,(contextyouwant,extenyouwant,priorityyouwant) in a context called [parked-calls]  USUALLY _. is a very bad idea, but it may be what you need.
15:16.16ManxPower-workyou could also try exten => _SIP.,1,Goto(....
15:16.36danj1980ManxPower-work: ok, i'll see what I can come up with using that.
15:16.46SuPrSluG_cgc: try using preload => for pbx_config and chan_local in modules.conf
15:16.58danj1980Should I log a bug regarding the parking lying issue?
15:17.29ManxPower-workdanj1980: file a bug about it lying
15:18.06ManxPower-workdanj1980: But it's been doing that since like Asterisk verison 0.65 so don't expect it to be fixed.
15:19.03aiksa[LV]ManxPower-work: what an optimism :)
15:19.39ManxPower-workaiksa[LV]: after a bug existing for 8 years I lost all optimism about that bug
15:20.05danj1980ManxPower-work: maybe its time for me to take a look at some source code.
15:20.43ManxPower-workdanj1980: I can't be sure, but I think I once filed a report about it, and I think the issue was fixed in a later release, but if that is the case the bug is back.
15:20.52Kattyanyone send voicemail notifications via sms to cingular carriers?
15:21.09Kattywell email.
15:21.14ManxPower-workIt would have been at least 5 years ago.
15:21.17SuPrSluGaren't they att now
15:21.22ManxPower-worke-mail != SMS!
15:22.10KattySuPrSluG: i don't know. doesn't seem to work
15:22.38ManxPower-workKatty: Google will tell you the correct domain.  Something like or something silly like that.
15:22.51KattyManxPower-work: i was actually refering to a wikipedia page
15:22.57KattyManxPower-work: which i got off google (=
15:23.01KattyManxPower-work: but i will have another look.
15:23.18ManxPower-workKatty: I think it took me about an hour the last time I had to find the info.
15:26.31KattyManxPower-work: i don't suppose you still have it somewhere in a voicemail.conf do you? (=
15:27.53KattySuPrSluG: did you get that off google, or is that something you have working?
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15:28.19Kattygoogle also shows, and
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15:29.03sbrathfor the SMS question, check out
15:29.05SuPrSluGlist a few possibilities for cingualr
15:29.33sbrathIf you have a compatible phone laying around, you can enslave it on your server and use it to send outbound sms messages nativly
15:30.26Kattysbrath: i'll just stick with the gateway, thanks.
15:30.48KattySuPrSluG: i'll go through the variations, surely it's one of these
15:31.20SuPrSluGthey certainly don't make easy
15:32.14SuPrSluGi'd use the time proven eeenie meeenie mynie moh methodology
15:34.54sbrathKatty: Just an FYI, I researched it because I wanted to use SMS for notifying me that the servers were down :)
15:36.55benngardhas any1 tested the new nec ap300 dect base?
15:37.48Kattysbrath: that's nice.
15:38.27KattySuPrSluG: i just tried all 12 of those variations (=
15:38.36KattySuPrSluG: gotta wait for the guy to show up so i can figure out which one worked.
15:38.44KattySuPrSluG: would you be interested in the results?
15:38.46ManxPower-workKatty: do you have a cingular phone?
15:38.55KattyManxPower-work: no, i carry a sprint phone
15:39.18ManxPower-workKatty: tell someone with a Cingular phone to e-mail you from the phone.  Then you'll have the From: address.
15:39.34Kattyno one here has a cingular phone
15:39.37Kattywe're a sprint dealer.
15:39.40ManxPower-workI bet it will be from some ATT address
15:40.06Kattyi will figure it out ManxPower-work, it will just take some time.
15:40.18Kattyand i am a very patient person (=
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15:43.40_cgcSuPrSluG: thanks for the help, it looks like I have it fixed finally :)
15:44.17Kattypatch is tearing up the squirrel food this morning
15:44.26SuPrSluGgreat. was it the modules loading out of order?
15:46.00Kattyinfobot: crittercam
15:46.01infobotrumour has it, crittercam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House @
15:46.04_cgcyes, well.... that was why they were showing up as invalid, then i just had to change my extensions.conf around abit
15:46.10Katty^- Patch.
15:49.09sbrathAnyone using Aastra 480i phones, I want to know if BLA works with Asterisk.
15:49.46SuPrSluGyou should post your findings somewhere. someone will be very grateful
15:50.37SuPrSluGsbrath: not using them but i know it works
15:51.20SuPrSluGsbrath: You mean BLF right?
15:51.55sbrathBridged Line Apearance or sometimes called Shared Call Apperance by Broadsoft.
15:53.24eppigyKatty: :D
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15:53.52Kattyeppigy: guten morgan
15:54.03eppigyGUTEN KITTEN
15:55.43SuPrSluGsbrath: looks like 1.6 has SLA support
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16:09.09ManxPower-workRemember BLF works great in Asterisk, but SLA (shared line appearance) is complicated to setup and is not the same as BLF.
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16:09.23JeffyMorning guys.
16:09.28ManxPower-workthe doc/ directory of the Asterisk source should have info on SLA with Asterisk
16:10.18JeffyI have a bug/featuer issue with AsteriskNow - Not sure if you guys manage it so i'll put it in both channels. The latest ASTERISK NOW! is missing the mpg123 package out of the install. Initally MOH wont upload. when i manually downloaded, configured, make and make installed the package the issue is now clearly resolved.
16:10.27JeffyNot sure if you guys are aware of this. or where i should start a ticket/bug etc
16:10.41ManxPower-workJeffy: Ask on the AsteriskNOW channel.  This channel is for Asterisk
16:10.44infobotguis is, like, "FreePBX/Trixbox is to Asterisk as Windows 95 is to DOS"
16:10.59Jeffyi'll let em know then.
16:11.00Jeffythanks guys
16:11.05*** part/#asterisk Jeffy (
16:16.29Kattyfirefox just crashed :<
16:18.46Kattypatch is still on the feeder.
16:19.05Kobazcrashy crashy
16:19.09Kobazjust like asterisk :P
16:20.04Kattyyeah yeah, what else is new? ;)
16:20.20Kobazactually i'm doing some checks of customer boxes
16:20.26Kobazi have a that's been up for 5 weeks
16:20.29Kattyhow's that workin out for you
16:21.17Kobazand a that's been up for 6 weeks
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16:22.02Kobazand a that's been up for 33 weeks
16:22.20bmoracai had a 1.4.24 that was up for 250 days...before the colo had a UPS explode...not cool
16:22.49Kobazand a that's been up one week, with one core file
16:23.03Kobazthat one usually crashes about once every week, or once every two weeks
16:23.26Kobazdoesn't matter the version either.. it was running for a while, and kept crashing, so i upgraded, and no help
16:24.02bmoracamy favorite was my core router...had 3.75 years of uptime...once again, before the colo's UPS exploded
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16:25.20Kattyeppigy: tummyache :<
16:25.34Kobazmmm, need to write some more asterisk modules
16:25.36jblackbleh. My windows box trojan infection got really bad.
16:25.54bmoracathat was an expensive day...killed like two of our servers with the power spike.  luckily it was the day after thanksgiving, so most of our customers were out of the office
16:26.18Kobazjblack: so don't use trojans then
16:26.45eppigyrubs Katty's belly
16:26.52eppigytummyaches are bad :<
16:27.20Kattypainkillers are good!
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16:27.42Kobazyou guys familiar with GROUP()'s
16:28.24Kattyi'm not
16:28.43Kattycourse i'm not a guy either.
16:28.45Kobazi'm writing a new function to set variables on a group
16:28.49Kattyso your question wasn't really directed towards me.
16:28.51Kobazi'm wondering what to name it
16:28.54Kobazhah, Katty :P
16:29.11Kobazi was thinking of something like:
16:29.11Kattyname it snickerdoodles.
16:29.23Kattythat'd work
16:29.50Kattypersonally, i like snickerdoodles better tho
16:29.57bmoracaKobaz, to what end?
16:29.58Kobazand then, to get it: Set(something=${GROUP_VAR(mygroup@mycategory,myvar)})
16:30.20Kobazwhat ends what where who?
16:30.46bmoracawhat's the purpose of said function?  i can't really see much use for it
16:30.51Kobazgroup variables
16:31.04Kobazalong side of channel variables
16:31.21Kobazlets say i have a group of channels involved in a call, and all the channels are related somehow
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16:31.32Kobazand i want to set a variable that all the channels will use
16:31.37Kobazand i only want to set it in one place
16:31.56Kobazi could use SHARED(), but then i have to cycle through all the channels, and set a var on each one
16:32.14Kobazand then, if a new channel joins the group
16:32.19bmoracai understand the point...but i fail to see the purpose...i can't think of a reason to do that...maybe it's just me
16:32.28Kobazit would need to look at one of the other channels already in the group, and get the current value
16:32.49Kobazwell, need a feature like that... i was just wanted some feedback on usage
16:33.01Kobazer.. s/need/i need/
16:33.32Kobazdialplan is seriously lacking in a lot of data access functionality
16:33.35Kattyeppigy: i can't decide on the booties.
16:33.41Kobazi've been making a collection of new functions and applications
16:33.48Kobazthe boobies?
16:34.18Kattyeppigy: or
16:34.57KattyKobaz: why would i buy those?
16:35.35Kobazhigh keel winter boots
16:35.37bmoracaKobaz, that's what i like about func_odbc
16:35.39Kobazthat doesn't sound comfortable
16:35.46KattyKobaz: that's not a heal, that's a wedge.
16:36.00Kobazwell whatever it is
16:36.03Kobazraised-heel style
16:36.28Kobazbmoraca: ah, you can store whatever you want in a database... but now your left with maintaining state in a database, which for me, is a design no-no
16:36.29Kattyyou can't trip on a wedge.
16:36.47Kattywell i suppose you could. i have tripped going up stairs before :P
16:37.18Kattyhmm. i think i like the brittney boot better.
16:37.35Pan3DKobaz: whether you're storing as a variable in the environment, or in a database, you're still storing and maintaining it.
16:37.37Kattyin brown/cream.
16:38.05Pan3Dthere's really little difference as long as all the channels can access it
16:38.18KobazPan3D: there's a big difference
16:38.33KobazPan3D: if you store data in the channel, it gets nicely cleaned up when the channel goes away
16:38.34KattyPan3D: BIG DIFFERENCE, like the difference between heel and wedge!
16:38.40KattyPan3D: i have no idea what i'm talking about.
16:38.46Pan3DKatty: I like those differences
16:38.54Pan3DKatty: pics of you in heels :)
16:38.55KobazPan3D: store it in the database, and now you have to manage the cruft after the channels go away... *and* channel names can get reused
16:39.13KattyPan3D: yeah that's not going to happen.
16:39.24Pan3DKobaz: what because you have to clean a variable vs. just updating it in the db next time around? I don't see that as a relevant difference.
16:39.46Pan3Dyou don't have to manage anything if you're using the same key
16:39.55Kobazand how do you index it
16:40.05Pan3Dalso, creating a cleanup handler into the db is trivial
16:40.07Kobazby channel name
16:40.09Pan3Dbut whatever, you have your way
16:40.17Kobazactually you could index by uniqueid, then you wont have name conflicts
16:40.21Kobazbut you still have to clean up
16:40.25Pan3DOH NO
16:40.37Kobazthe point is, data objects should be self-contained
16:40.39Pan3Danyway, good luck
16:40.50Kobazthis is why programs become bloated and unmaintainable
16:41.01eppigyKatty: my fav is the brittney
16:41.11Pan3Dlol at whopping generalizations
16:41.15Kattyeppigy: the black isn't so pretty
16:41.20Kattyeppigy: but the brown/cream is
16:41.28Kobazbecause of lack of functionality for self-containment... and so now... without that type of built-in support.. the app developer is left to code the same stuff
16:41.47Pan3DKobaz: things become unmaintainable not because of containment (also, note that your idea of channel containment is an illusion)
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16:42.04eppigyKatty: i think they are max_sexy
16:42.09Pan3Dthey become unmanageable because of bad, or lack of, coding
16:42.09Kobazit's a perfect data-store since it's only there when the channel is there
16:42.29Pan3Dthe * environment can't be teh datastore for everything, hence the db
16:42.37Kobazand if you need to store information about a channel... what better place to store it, than in the channel itself
16:42.49timholumHello, I am having trouble getting sip for skype working on my asterisk box, I am wondering if anyone has any experiance with it
16:42.56Kobazand now you're left with db maintenance
16:42.59Pan3DKobaz: becuase there are lots of things people store that they DO want to be persistant.
16:43.02Kobazwhich as trivial as it sounds.. is unneeded work
16:43.12Kobazpersistance, use a db
16:43.16Pan3DKobaz: yes, DB maintenance... which millions of applications do every day.
16:43.21Kobazreal-time data, store it in the real-time datastore
16:43.24Pan3Dyou say DB maintenance like it's a bad word
16:43.29Kobazit's needless work
16:43.42Pan3Dwe're on oppposite sides of this pond man
16:43.46Kobazassuming you had the thing i'm in the process of writing
16:43.54Pan3Dno, it's work required to design a good system
16:44.13Kobazyes, and a good system can be designed by using good tools
16:44.22Kobazand i'm adding one more tool to the toolbox
16:44.22Corydon76-digKobaz: I would strongly recommend that you complete your work before advertising it.  Otherwise, it's just vaporware
16:44.31Kobazuse it, or don't use it
16:44.31Pan3DI'm amazed on a daily basis at how much the programmers of today want to cut out of design
16:44.31KobazCorydon76-dig: heh
16:44.35Pan3Dit's mind boggling
16:44.43KobazCorydon76-dig: heh, i always finish what i talk about
16:45.00KobazPan3D: that statement makes no sense
16:45.35Pan3DThere is a lot of information that people store from channels post-call, so putting all one's eggs in the channel environment is a silly notion.
16:45.37Corydon76-digPan3D: you mean making the users of their utilities not have to plan anything?
16:46.03KobazPan3D: it's one of those classical engineering situations in where you say "wow, this problem would be so easy to solve if I only had X"
16:46.17KobazPan3D: again, it's context-dependent
16:46.46KobazPan3D: i said before, if you need persistant data, you store it in a database, if you're storeing real-time data, store it where all the other real-time data lives
16:47.04Pan3DCorydon76-dig: I think lack of planning is not really viable if someone wants to use a tool geared for a phone system.
16:47.23Pan3Dthat *should* involve planning (having a DB setup, etc. if the case me be)
16:47.31Pan3Dit's a phone system, not Legos.
16:47.33KobazPan3D: do you disagree with the context-dependent usage?
16:47.51KobazPan3D: i never argued against good design, you're just picking that out of the air
16:48.52Pan3DI think your complaint was whiney, that's what triggered my response. It came off as bad design because you couldn't store a global for a channels in the way you wanted.
16:48.57KobazPan3D: if you don't think that you should use different storage mechanisims depending on what you need... then by all means, store your channel variables in a database instead of using the built-in channel variable store
16:49.22Pan3Dbut you're not asking to use it in the fashion in which it was designed (at least, to our understanding)
16:49.38Kobazno, asterisk isn't currently designed the way i want to use it
16:49.41Pan3Dand there is an option which makes sense in 98 percent of the cases
16:49.53Kobazand because it's a lovely bit of open source, i'm adding the functionality i'm missing
16:50.00Pan3Dgo for it.
16:50.20Pan3DI'll write a tool that clobbers your global channel variables and brings down the systme.
16:50.21Kobazthat's all i wanted to say... it wasn't supposed to be a big bruha
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16:50.40KobazPan3D: sounds good to me... whatever floats your boat... it's your system :P
16:51.07Pan3DYeah, I understand what you're saying, but I don't see it as rational.
16:51.12Pan3Dgood luck
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17:11.24bcrispavatar: boooo
17:11.34bcrispwalked out of the theater
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17:12.19JoelKobaz, do you mean you're re-implementing _ ?
17:13.24JoelI know I'm jumping in the middle of a conversation, just curious is all.
17:13.36Kattythe beef tips with gravy for lunch was not so good.
17:14.02Kattyin fact, i'm pretty sure this lipgloss tastes better than that did.
17:14.15Pan3Dwas there mashed potatoes involved?
17:14.21KobazJoel: is there already a function to do that?
17:14.28Kattyit was one of those frozen prepared food items.
17:14.33Kattyin a baggie, which you steam.
17:14.50Kattyi know, but i've been feeling so lazy
17:14.54JoelKobaz, to access other channel variables?
17:15.06KobazJoel: to set variables associated to a group
17:15.07Pan3Dtakes Katty out to a real restuarant for beef tips, mashed potatoes and veggies.
17:15.16KobazJoel: yes i know about IMPORT() to get other channel variables
17:15.21KattyPan3D: i usually cook.
17:15.22Kobazbut it doesn't function by group
17:15.29KattyPan3D: in fact, i have an entire blog dedicated to my recipes.
17:15.34JoelKobaz, "group" ?
17:15.35KattyPan3D: last count was like 140 something i think
17:15.45Kobazi actually wrote an EXPORT() function too, since SHARED() isn't good enough
17:15.51Pan3DKatty: I don't think I have the url, share?
17:16.01JoelKobaz, so far you've done nothing but talk about a solution to a problem that you haven't explained.
17:16.03KobazJoel: yeah groups, ala the GROUP() series of functions
17:16.16KobazJoel: i already explained it, although maybe not in enough detail
17:16.31KattyPan3D: correction, 138 recipes.
17:16.41Pan3DKatty: thanks. I will let you know when I try one and how it turns out.
17:17.01KattyPan3D: i would love to make some recommendations, based on my favorite recipes.
17:17.04KattyPan3D: if you'd like, of course.
17:17.05Kobazyou have a series of channels that are part of a group, and are all related... you want to set a variable on the group, that all channels of that group can read
17:17.18Pan3DKatty: sure, which do you suggest?
17:17.27KattyPan3D: beef or chicken?
17:17.37KattyPan3D: or beans.
17:17.47Pan3Dhmmmm.... how about your top of each category
17:18.26KobazJoel: now... you can cycle through all the channels in the group, and set the channel variable individually, but then you're left with the task of when a new channel joins the group (or leaves the group) you need to set, or unset that variable
17:18.32KattyPan3D: <- Beef
17:19.10Joelkobaz a group is nothing but a channel variable, you know that right?
17:19.17KattyPan3D: <- chicken.
17:19.38KobazJoel: yes i know how it works
17:19.47KattyPan3D: beans is a hard call.
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17:19.57Pan3Dwell, pick one of your favs
17:20.14JoelKobaz, so to implement what you want, you would indeed have to loop over all channels in a group, be it in asterisk dial plan, or in C, etc.
17:20.25KobazJoel: there is a a channel variable in addition to a groups linked list
17:20.30KattyPan3D: the authentic refried bean recipe (made with corona) is damn good too
17:20.50KattyPan3D: the recipe says michelob amber ultra, but don't use it
17:20.54KattyPan3D: use corona
17:21.02Kobazjoel: the linked list keeps track of the groups in use, so it would be easy to just add a datastore to the linked list
17:21.06Pan3DCool, I'm a corona fan. that works out perfectly.
17:21.15Pan3DI'll try these and let you know how it goes.
17:21.18Pan3Dthank you
17:21.32Kattyif i had to pick my favorite
17:21.35Kattyoff the ENTIRE website
17:21.39Kattyit'd be this one:
17:21.45KobazJoel: no, you wouldn't need to cycle the channels. you would need to acces the group datastore only
17:22.02JoelKobaz, you're still required to loop a structure.
17:22.07KattyPan3D: you will never do ribs another way, ever again.
17:22.08Joelthat's all I was saying
17:22.10KattyPan3D: period.
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17:22.18Pan3DKatty: lol, awesome. I will try it.
17:22.24Kobazwell yeah, that's unavoidable unless you make a hashtable or something
17:23.01Kattyi should make ribs this weekend.
17:23.15Kattyand get ryan a case of heiniken
17:23.32Kobazstatic AST_RWLIST_HEAD_STATIC(groups, ast_group_info);
17:25.54timholumI am having issues with my sip trunk, I am using skype for sip ( the skype beta ) and if I do sip show registry it shows up but if I do Dial( SIP/skypeusername/number it comes up with sip_xmit of ..... ( len 782 ) to returned -1: Invalid argument, any Ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
17:26.21Kobazhave you tried dialing out to a non-skype peer
17:27.25Kobazeven if you have asterisk dialing itself... get that working first... and then try skype... an error like that... i think skype is sending back something asterisk doesn't like
17:27.28JoelKobaz, why does a global variable not work for you?
17:27.34timholumI can dial my internal sip numbers, and I can dial out my regular phone line
17:27.40KobazJoel: because it's global... not global to the group
17:27.46JoelKobaz, why does a global variable not work for you?
17:27.47KobazJoel: although you could prefix it with the group name
17:27.51Kattyeppigy: dude.
17:28.10Kobazbut still.. then it's a dialplan global
17:28.11Joelas in, what's the technical reason, not the conceptual reason.
17:28.19Kobaznot stored in a channel, or group
17:28.23Kobazfor self-contained cleanup
17:28.39Kobazthe developer shouldn't have to worry about cleanup
17:28.41Kobazthat's the point
17:28.47Kattyeppigy: tell me that isn't awesome!
17:28.55sbrathSuPrSluG: You mentioned that 1.6 has support for SLA, but does the 1.4 firmware of i480 aastra work with it?
17:29.08Kobazwhen i write libraries, and systems... i write my system so that the developer using it, has as little work to do as possible to get what they need done
17:29.09Pan3Da developer shouldn't have to worry about cleanup in their code? ahahahahaha
17:29.34Pan3Dman, I think PHP and Ruby have destroyed the minds of young coders everywhere.
17:29.46Kattydevelopers are constantly cleaning things up
17:29.49Kattyand making it better, and prettier
17:29.49KobazPan3D: go back and write assembler them
17:29.54Kattyand occasionally adding notes
17:30.05timholumKobaz so I can Dial( SIP/200 ) and it dials my phone that is 200
17:30.06KobazPan3D: if you don't like things being done for you
17:30.23Pan3DKobaz: dude, seriously, to say that a developer shouldn't be worried about cleanup in their code is slack.
17:30.25Kobaztimholum: you can paste the sip debug, and paste it here
17:30.27Pan3Dtotal slack.
17:30.34KobazPan3D: again, it's *context dependent*
17:30.38timholumyup one sec
17:30.44JoelKobaz, I presume whomever was arguing with you before is because there is no technical advantage to what you're doing.
17:30.47*** join/#asterisk Geminizer (
17:30.52KobazPan3D: asterisk doesn't make you, as a dialplan developer, clean up your own channel variables when the channel hangs up
17:30.57Joelat least I see no added benefit.
17:31.08Pan3DKobaz: CHANNEL VARIABLE
17:31.09Kobazthe channel hangs up, poof, there goes your variables
17:31.12Kobazno work on the developer
17:31.15Pan3Dsingle, not plural
17:31.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
17:31.29ManxPower-workWell, except for your global variables, of course.
17:31.36Pan3Dyou run some risks with memory, etc. on other channels. You should definitely be thinking about cleanup.
17:31.36ManxPower-workthey hang around forever.
17:31.41Kobazyes, global variables don't get cleaned up, obviously
17:31.43Kobazwhich is a problem
17:31.48Kobazin certain contexts
17:31.55Pan3DI'm gonna die here
17:31.59Pan3D"Programming Lite"
17:32.00KobazPan3D: wallow in your ignorance, thanks
17:32.05Geminizerhello all.  has anyone ever had the problem where WaitExten() reads in dialed numbers wrong?
17:32.11Pan3Dno, experience. I teach coding man.
17:32.12ManxPower-workAlso AstDB is persistent and is not automatically cleaned up.
17:32.16Pan3Dand have been coding for 20 years.
17:32.19KobazPan3D: then i would hate to have you as a teacher
17:32.25Pan3Dyes, you would
17:32.27Joelok kids
17:32.29Pan3Dyou've be expected to work
17:32.47Kobazthere is work, for the sake of work. yes, teach your kids to clean up after themselves
17:33.02Kobazand then there is writing systems, and tools for those systems, that should behave nicely and clean up after themselves
17:33.11Pan3Dlook, basic coding practices dictate that you think about cleaning up what you've setup in code.
17:33.24Kobazwhen you write a cgi script... you don't have to tell the web server... okay, i'm done, destroy all the resources you allocated for me
17:33.29SuPrSluGsbrath: generally the phones aren't the problem when doing SLA. FreeSWITCH and opensips/kamailio support out of the box. Haven't tried w/ * in a while though
17:33.29Kobazthe *system* does it for you
17:33.35Pan3Dlol, cgi script
17:33.46*** part/#asterisk batphone (
17:33.59Kobazasterisk dialplan is no different, it's scripting, with an interface to an engine (asterisk)
17:34.14Pan3Ddude, it's a complex environment for telephony
17:34.19Pan3Dit's not a webpage cgi script
17:34.31ManxPower-workOver and over again, I find that if I don't clean up after my script I have problems when that script is called a 2nd or 3rd, etc time on that same call.
17:34.34Kobazno different than apache, which is a "complex system for web sites"
17:35.04Pan3Dapache doesn't maintain state
17:35.08Pan3D(not directly)
17:35.08bcrispare we talking about garbage collection?
17:35.09JoelKobaz, I can give you many examples of cgi scripts which affect other scripts, and other child apache processes, so you might not want to try to use that as an example :)
17:35.20Pan3Dbcrisp: partially
17:35.20Kobazit does maintain a state for each connection, until the connection is ended
17:35.26Pan3Dbut more general
17:35.27KobazJoel: sure you can
17:35.35Joelcleaning up++;
17:35.57Geminizeralso, regarding GLOBAL variables in dialplans... if two callers end up accessing the same dialplan context at the same time (on different channels), the global variables aren't shared between channels, correct?
17:36.09timholumKobaz: any ideas?
17:36.10Kobazglobal variables are global, period
17:36.10ManxPower-workGeminizer: why would you think that?
17:36.17Pan3DKobaz: it maintains very minimial session state -- everthing else related to maintian variables is stored in teh session of the code environment (PHP, java, etc.)
17:36.19Kobazany channel gets the same value
17:36.39[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: GLOBAL as in across ALL CALLS
17:36.42ManxPower-workGeminizer: same issue with global variables in programs
17:36.50Kobazmy point is... i'm not saying this should be java, where you just exit your function and magic happens here, and your memory is freed
17:37.00bcrispglobal as in across threads?
17:37.11Kobazit's a specific behavior for a specific function, for a specific usage
17:37.14russellbyes, across all threads
17:37.17ManxPower-workIf you want exclusive access to a global variable in Asterisk then you want to use the locking features of the dialplan
17:37.19Geminizerahh, ok... makes sense...  so how would you allow a variable to be global across contexts, but localized to one channel
17:37.27russellband if you're insane, later versions of Asterisk have locks in the dialplan to serialize access to shared resources
17:37.31KobazGeminizer: set a channel variable
17:37.35JoelKobaz, I can give you many examples in java of memory leaks, where the garbage collector doesn't work, and you have to manually clean up, so again, not a good example :)
17:37.37[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: there is no such thing as varibale scope in contexts
17:37.38KobazGeminizer: but then it's not global
17:37.43ManxPower-workrussellb: already does for some values of "lock" 8-)
17:37.51[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: * dialplan is not a structured programming language
17:37.55KobazJoel: you missed the point entirely
17:38.03russellbManxPower-work: heh, perhaps
17:38.13ManxPower-workrussellb: MacroLock, etc
17:38.22KobazJoel: i'm not advocating magical cleanup for everything
17:38.24ManxPower-workTryLock as well I think.
17:38.28JoelKobaz, no not at all, I'm just saying, what you envision isn't actually the case in languages that "auto" clean up. they all have situations and scenarios where it doesn't work.
17:38.32Pan3DJoel: exactly, same with Objective-C, etc. Clean is an important aspect of any coding. You can't expect it to always be done for you.
17:39.16Joelswt with java is a prime example of better fing make sure you clean up after yourself or you can run out of memory in a right hurry.
17:39.17Geminizerso can someone explain how I can have WaitExten() read in a caller's input in one context, then GoTo(...) another context and read back the number input from the previous context?
17:39.23Qwelleven languages where you don't allocate memory (php) requires cleanup..
17:39.27Kobaztimholum: i'm not super solid on sip messaging, but some guys here are
17:39.36Qwellcreate a file?  you sure as hell better delete it if you don't need it anymore.
17:39.44Kobazyeap, i agree
17:39.51timholumOk, thanks
17:40.14Joeltimholum, is that a paid license? does it come with any sort of support?
17:40.33timholumIt is paid, I have no clue on the support
17:41.05Kobazthis conversation went way out of hand... heh... the only thing i was talking about... is it would be nice to have group channel variables, that got cleaned up for you
17:41.20Joeltimholum, make a call again with sip debugging turned on?
17:41.22timholumI am almost positive the problem is on my end thought not skypes
17:41.25Kobaznot that every language needs cleanup, not that you never need to clean up, not that you shouldn't teach cleanup
17:41.29timholumone sec
17:41.36*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
17:41.50jblack*@*@&%(. And &@&& and ##@*$ too.
17:42.20*** join/#asterisk vally (
17:42.27JoelKobaz, by all means, make the changes you need, just hope you can make a case to get it into trunk so you don't have to maintain your own branch of changes.
17:42.29Kobazand my philosophy is that the system should do as much work as it can, when it can do it correctly
17:42.42[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Wiatexten JUMPS to the exten that is matched as you dial.  It is NOT read into a VARIABLE.
17:42.54Kobazto reduce work on developers using the system
17:43.03Pan3Dyeah, I disagree with that strongly.
17:43.04[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: If you wanted to read into a normal variable that YOU control you should have done a Read()
17:43.40[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: And if you did use WaitExten() then in the pattern that it matches YOU could copy ${EXTEN} to something else so that you can access that in the other context
17:43.43Kattywork is pissing me off. Not Cool.
17:43.58KobazPan3D: then do you also disagree with most modern programming and design of scripting languages?
17:44.08Kobazwhich share that same philosophy
17:44.16Joeltimholum, that's with sip debug?
17:44.21ChannelZQwell: You around?  Quickie question
17:44.40Joeltimholum, doesn't seem to look like it..
17:44.42timholumI changed logger.conf to have debug
17:44.47[TK]D-Fendertimholum: exten LIKE '\\_%' AND context = 'default' AND priority = '-1' ORDER BY exten <-- looks like an escaping failure
17:44.56Joeltimholum, great, now do help sip debug
17:45.12Pan3DKobaz: yes, many of them. I think the easier "do it for you languages" have created horrible programmers.
17:45.24[TK]D-Fendertimholum: And that is NOT SIP DEBUG.  That is merely an obnoxious level of core debug...
17:45.28Kobazthere will always be horrible programmers
17:45.29Pan3Dbut [TK]D-Fender is here and we should end this discussion
17:45.32Pan3Dat least, I will
17:45.39bcrispPan3D - and which language is not a "do it for your" language?
17:45.47[TK]D-Fenderexorcises Pan3D
17:45.50Kobazc is a do-it-for-you language
17:46.07bcrispdo you write all your code in asm Pan?
17:46.28Kobazpad3d: the compiler automatically sets up your data and code sections, manages allocations on the stack, handles function parameter passing
17:46.39Pan3D[TK]D-Fender: good to see you too
17:46.53KobazPan3D: it's doing as much as it can do (within the design of the system), that it can do correctly
17:47.57Kobazif you don't want your system to do anything for you, hell... write your instructions by hand, in binary
17:48.27timholum[TK]D-Fender and Joel :
17:48.42Kobazwhich, i used to do, when programming 8 bit microcontrollers, and lemme tell you, it's a royal pain
17:48.54bcrispok my head is starting to hurt
17:49.30Kobazanyways, it's almost time for lunch
17:49.34etfonhomey[TK]D-Fendery, is GigE the only functional difference between the Polycom 550 and 560?
17:49.54Joeltimholum, I think you've missed quite a bit...
17:50.16*** join/#asterisk muiro (n=muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
17:50.17Joeltimholum, the second message is a bye, I think you missed a big part of the trace..
17:51.23Kattyeppigy: i found cuter booties.
17:51.34KobazKatty: i found some boots for you
17:51.45KobazKatty: they are really warm
17:51.51bcrispi want tacos
17:52.03KobazKatty: they only make them in mens sizes, but you just gotta order smaller
17:52.06Kattybcrisp: tacos are pretty awesome.
17:52.13*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
17:52.17KattyKobaz: those DO look warm.
17:52.28KobazKatty: they msrp at like $450\test\debug.txt
17:52.48timholum\test\debug.txt so it shows up as a link
17:53.34Qwelltimholum: No such domain
17:53.55KobazKatty: heh
17:54.08KobazKatty: those look... big
17:54.29KattyKobaz: they're cute!
17:54.47[TK]D-FendertomhOK, phone hung up... whats the problem?
17:54.57Kobazthey look like your feet would be on fire within several seconds of putting them on
17:55.06KattyKobaz: <- those are the others
17:55.14timholumalthought I think I missed what was needed in there. :( is there any way to pipe the console to a txt file?
17:55.27KattyKobaz: i think i like the eddie bauer better tho
17:55.30timholummy putty is only letting me copy 60 or so lines
17:55.35[TK]D-Fendertimholum: thats why God invented SCROLL-BACK
17:55.37bcrispthats a setting
17:55.44[TK]D-Fendertimholum: Then CHANGE your Putty
17:56.04Kobazor set up full logging in logger.conf
17:56.10Kobazand copy from the log file
17:56.24bcrisptimholum, punish your putty
17:56.32Kobaznutty putty
17:57.02ariel_or you can tail the /var/log/asterisk/Master and see what's there
17:57.40Kattyyou know why some people are just naturally happier than others?
17:57.41eppigyKatty: I do like those :D
17:57.43Kobazdepending the log settings sip debug might not be logging there
17:57.47Kattytheir blood type is Be Positive.
17:58.52*** join/#asterisk KaneHau (n=KaneHau@
17:58.55Kattyand you can guess what blood type the downers are.
17:59.02KaneHauAloha nui loa
17:59.13Kattyhugs KaneHau
18:00.14KaneHauday 2 of "Fun With Asterisk"
18:00.36Corydon76-digWhat the heck?
18:00.41Corydon76-dighugs KaneHau
18:00.43KattyMaita'i oe?
18:00.58KattyUa ite oe i te parau marite?
18:01.00KaneHautoo early for that katty
18:01.09Kattyyou speak english. jolly good.
18:01.27KobazKatty: those are my winter boots
18:01.29KaneHaunot many people speak hawaiian outside of hawaii
18:01.32timholumhere we go
18:01.34KattyKaneHau: voipmonk can do extended translate if required.
18:01.45voipmonkwhats up?
18:02.09Kattyhe speaks english
18:02.09KaneHaugood grief
18:02.09jblackis confused.
18:02.11jblackI thought voipmonk was human
18:02.14Kattyjblack: he is.
18:02.32jblacklooks at voipmonk
18:02.34KattyKobaz: 'snowkat II'
18:02.39voipmonklooks at jblack
18:02.44Kattyjblack: his wife is polynesian.
18:02.49jblackvoipmonk: What, so you translate things into other languages for katt..
18:02.56jblackOh, ah
18:03.01voipmonksometimes, jblack  -
18:03.02KaneHaukatty: seeings as Hawai'i is the 50th state in the US... English is a required language :)  (However, we are the only state that officially recognizes two state languages)
18:03.14KobazKatty: i have an older model, but it's waterproof and warm, a little too warm for the office
18:03.16voipmonkwife is Pacific Islander
18:03.25jblackKobaz: Your wife?
18:03.27KobazKatty: for winter hiking i have my mountaineering boots though
18:03.34Kobazjblack: what?
18:03.37KattyKaneHau: i wouldn't say it's 'required'
18:03.53KaneHauas per the school system it is
18:03.54jblackcries in confusion
18:03.57KattyKaneHau: i bet there's a lotta folk over on the west coast who don't know much of it at all
18:04.14Kobazme and katty are just looking at boots
18:04.18Joeltimholum, what's with the trailing 0?
18:04.22coppiceKaneHau: we all use a two state language these days. its all 1's and 0's
18:04.24Kattyi do like me some boots.
18:04.40Kattywait a minute
18:04.42Joeltimholum, To: <>
18:04.43KaneHaucan't wait to go sailing
18:04.45Kattythis is that north face place
18:04.53Kattyi keep seeing people around here wearing The North Face coats
18:05.10Kattyi asked my friend from colorado about it
18:05.12ariel_is glad he does not need to buy or use any boots where he lives ....
18:05.12Kattyhe's never heard of it
18:05.14KaneHauI keep seeing people around here wearing.. uh... next to nothing at all
18:05.26coppiceKatty: a triumph of marketing over value for money
18:05.36Kattycoppice: probably.
18:05.37ariel_KaneHau: same here
18:05.53Kattycoppice: you can't go to a retail store and not see at least a couple people wearing it
18:05.56JoelKaneHau, same here
18:06.05timholumJoel, I have no clue, I dont have that in there anyware
18:06.08Kattycoppice: the thing is, i can't even FIND this store anywhere around southern missouri
18:06.16Joeltimholum, not in your configuration anywhere?
18:06.25KaneHaulikes 'em near naked :)
18:06.33*** join/#asterisk beers218 (i=45c6b055@gateway/web/freenode/x-izlcujauxwrfbkee)
18:06.45Kattycoppice: which means they're driving at LEAST 120 miles to st. louis to get one of these coats.
18:07.08Joeltimholum, you first see it in the very first invite, To: <>
18:07.18timholumno my register string is register =>
18:07.34coppiceKatty: so the coats are popular but shops selling the aren't?
18:07.35timholumonly one @ sign though
18:07.45Joelodd, maybe it's supposed to be theree... I'm not a sip expert by any means.
18:07.54Kattycoppice: i just don't understand.
18:08.02coppiceI'd have to detour all of 10m to get a north face jacket tomorrow
18:08.05beers218in asterisk 1.6, would app_fax (receivefax) be able to answer a direct fax call to a DID or do i need something else to make it work?
18:08.11*** join/#asterisk catojo (n=catojo@
18:08.16Kattycoppice: well i guess i do. i /do/ drive 120 miles to get my bath/beauty products.
18:08.35Kattycoppice: 120 miles is no detour.
18:08.45[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: app_faxgives you dialplan aps that YOU call whenever the hell YOU tell it to.
18:09.01coppice10 metres isn't much off a straight path :-)
18:09.02ariel_onlne shops, ups is everywhere
18:09.20Kattycoppice: what, its' right next door?
18:09.23*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
18:09.45coppiceno, but I will talk past several shops selling them tomorrow
18:10.05Kattywell it must be very popular for some reason.
18:10.26*** join/#asterisk catojo (n=catojo@
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18:12.51beers218haha ok, so if i wanted to set up a DID, i should be able to do something like this:  exten => xxxxxxxxxx,1,rxfax(${FAXFILE}) after doing some variable setups and have it pick up the call and download the fax to the file?
18:12.52*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
18:13.45mbrevdawhy not?
18:14.00beers218ive tried this and it just basically ignores the rxfax command... seems like it goes right over it.
18:14.53mbrevdathen your dialplan is setup wrong. replace rxfax with noop (just to prove to yourself that it has nothing to do with fax) - it will skipp the noop
18:15.04beers218hmm ok
18:16.02coppiceisn't it called ReceiveFAX, or something similar, in 1.6?
18:16.18[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: As written that isn't even a pattern match.
18:16.28beers218yes i know
18:16.31[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: Second I'm prestty sure you should ANSWER the call first
18:16.43beers218i do, just didnt paste that part of it.
18:16.59[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: Third... where the hell is that varible getting a VALUE from on a new incoming call?
18:17.19[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: Well you haven't shown us anything of value to help you with then, have you?
18:17.47beers218i was looking for a general answer, one sec and ill get a pastebin
18:23.33sbrathany downside to using a discontinued i480 aastra phone?
18:24.38citywoksbrath: i've got a couple, they work okay.
18:24.44citywokthey're a little buggy and crash every now and then
18:24.48*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:24.58citywokthe 57i's are definitely nicer
18:25.08sbrathand about 200$ each
18:25.39[TK]D-FenderMy 57i CT made me wish for my bedside Polycom IP 301....
18:25.41citywokthe aastra CT series is nice too, but the handsets do get staticy every now and then like they are having trouble finding a good channel
18:25.55[TK]D-Fendersbrath: Shit price for an old model I wouldn't recommend
18:26.03citywokand the handset charger sucks, and the handsets crash every now and then when they run out of battery. and the battery life is subpar
18:26.32sbrathpolycom's better?
18:26.33citywok[TK]D-Fender: what didn't you like about it?
18:26.36[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Half of the batteries out there are subpar.....
18:26.41[TK]D-Fendersbrath: Hell year
18:26.53citywokthe aastra speakerphone is like, epic though
18:27.11citywoki played with a few of the cheaper polycoms and they suuucked on speakerphone
18:27.14[TK]D-Fendertinny & hollow
18:27.18sbrathI'm not looking for the wireless stuff, just a desk-set, with shared call aperance, and 6+ SIP channels.
18:27.18citywokbut the aastra picks up my cat from 20' away
18:27.43citywokhmm, i've got 50 57's and havent had any complaints, it's crystal clear all around
18:27.46[TK]D-Fendersbrath: Break down your call needs in detail please.
18:28.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
18:28.26timholumGetting further, I found out that I need to set the CALLERID(num) to my skype sip username
18:30.40*** join/#asterisk Mango (
18:32.00MangoI'm trying to troubleshoot a SIP trunk that doesn't work.  When I place a call, the other side rings, but I cannot hear anything.  (Not sure about the other side.)
18:32.07sbrathwe have about 20 stations, need 6 people to be able to cover a few queues, and be able to make outbound calls that are CID stamped with the 800#, and also be able to make outbound calls with their extension number. Need to have ability to have their phone/ and a soft-phone have the same# Shared Call Apperance. Also need the screen on the phones to display the QueueName that a call is coming in on.
18:32.23infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:32.30MangoI am looking at SIP Debug.  It says "Peer audio RTP is at port [some random IP]:16558
18:32.32TJNIIMango ^
18:33.48MangoThat IP address is not the IP as configured in sip.conf.
18:33.48MangoIs the trunk trying to reinvite my audio someplace else?
18:33.54[TK]D-Fendersbrath: that can all be done on a SINGLE call appearance with CID manipulation and simple dialplan
18:34.09voipmonksbrath: thats pretty simple you'll need to learn how to string together callerid and the queuenames for a new callerid so get familiar with the "Set" Application.
18:34.41beers218[TK]D-Fender: nevermind, got it working
18:34.51voipmonkMango  - your router or firewall is probably dropping the RTP audio because it doesnt have a rule for it to go through
18:34.55[TK]D-Fendersbrath: And forget the concept of "Shared Call Appearance".  Not Happening
18:35.10sbrathCan they make an additional outbound call while they have one on hold then with a single line/
18:35.10[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: Glad to hear you fixed it
18:35.13voipmonktakes his lightsaber and cuts the idea in half for sbrath
18:35.36voipmonkyes you can
18:35.38ManxPower-worksbrath: that is a question for your phone vendor
18:36.09[TK]D-Fendersbrath: You'd have to sbe a LOT more specific about your use of the term "single line"
18:39.21KaneHauI have the purple hardware echo cancellation board.  In the DADHI configuraiton, what do I use for the echocanceller name?
18:39.40beers218[TK]D-Fender: i got it to actually pick up and react to the fax, now i just have to make it receive it, getting errors in my asterisk log now about nothing being received or some BS
18:40.17*** join/#asterisk mnt_real (
18:41.02[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: logs = BLEH.  Go pay attention to CLI.
18:41.18beers218says even less in CLI
18:41.33[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: how much do *I* see of it right now?
18:43.30beers218giev me a min
18:44.09bcrispi love quiznos bbq sauce
18:45.26*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:48.07bcrispChannelZ, avatar was such a Dances with Wolves rip off
18:48.28beers218also, for reference, what is the highest level of CLI verbosity i can set with "core set verbose atleast xxxx"?
18:48.35ChannelZI don't think I ever saw dances with wolves
18:48.48*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:49.06bcrispcheesiest moment: "They're about to attack Home Tree" bla
18:49.06ChannelZbut it's certainly not a groundbreaking concept for a story but it was OK
18:49.51ChannelZYeah that actually threw me off a little, all of a sudden they started calling it Home Tree but didn't seem to me they'd made a big deal about it prior
18:50.04Joelearth quake :)
18:50.19*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:50.26*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:50.29[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: ... Pocahontas ripoff <-
18:50.35[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Aim a little to the left ;)
18:50.46bcrisphome tree.. i mean come on
18:50.49[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: 10 is healthy
18:51.13bcrisptheir dialects even sound like native american
18:51.28bcrisp(im soo sure they would just make him one of the tribe like that)
18:52.37bcrispwe walked out after Ripley was presented naked on the healing tree or whatever
18:52.46ChannelZbut he was Touched by the light-up dandelions!
18:52.53bcrispoh ya!
18:53.49ChannelZwell it was an OK movie, from a technical point of view it was pretty impressive but I didn't go crazy gaga over it like most
18:53.59beers218CLI says the same things
18:54.04ManxPower-workbeers218: 9999999999
18:54.22Joelisn't he the dude who did titanic?
18:54.27Joelthat was my excuse to not go see it
18:54.30Joelover hyped trash
18:54.31ManxPower-work(or as manny 9's as you want, asterisk doesn't care)
18:54.55jblackwtf.. search at google for "I am extremely terrified of".
18:54.58jblackThat just ain't right.
18:55.13[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: I don't see any confirmation that the call coming in was indeed a fax.  You should also play a minimal sound file (silence/1) to set up the RTP path
18:55.21timholumhmm, I think I found my problem, looking at the sip debug I have Contact: <sip:99051000001553@> instead of Contact: <> , Is there anyway to change that?
18:55.43*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
18:55.49[TK]D-FenderWTF!  Canadians are only #2!?
18:56.16[TK]D-Fendertimholum: ...
18:56.19infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:56.35[TK]D-Fendertimholum: Been linked a few dozen times now....
18:56.45ManxPower-workWhat IS it with people not being able to correctly hangup the handset on Polycoms.
18:57.24jblackManxPower-work: The cradle is mis-designed.
18:57.38infobotextra, extra, read all about it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
18:57.39*** join/#asterisk InTheWings (
18:57.48jblackI hadn't noticed that until you just mentioned it.
18:57.51ManxPower-workjblack: like most of us they overestimated the user
18:58.09ManxPower-workIt would not be so bad if the phone played a Howler tone when left offhook.
18:58.21InTheWingsHow can I have a rule like cisco's ones "<0:0033>xxxxxxxxx" in asterisk ? 0|0033+. ?
18:58.43*** join/#asterisk alfa202 (
18:58.50ManxPower-workInTheWings: Rather than use dialplan stuff from a device most of us have never used, tells what you want to do.
18:58.55jblackNah. There we good designs in the 50s - 90s, where if you get close, the handset either falls into place, or falls off.
18:59.14JoelI have a snom with no hook switch
18:59.17Joelit uses a magnet
18:59.19beers218[TK]D-Fender: so what your suggesting i do is answer the call, play a silence sound, and then do the dialplan faxreceive app?
18:59.20InTheWingsManxPower-work: I want 0xxxxxxxx -> 0033xxxxxxxxx
18:59.33[TK]D-Fenderbeers218: At a minimum
18:59.34jblackThe cornered edges allow the handsets to catch before they settle down in the proper on-hook position.
18:59.36ManxPower-workjblack: I'm going to recommend the place the phone on the wall so if they don't hangup the handset falls on the floor
18:59.41beers218ok ill give that a shot.
18:59.50ManxPower-workInTheWings: 0033${EXTEN:1}
18:59.51jblackManxPower-work: That's probably a good idea.
19:00.14ManxPower-workjblack: I've never been to the location so I don't know if that's workable or not.
19:00.35ManxPower-workInTheWings: now go read the Asterisk Book
19:00.37infobotsomebody said answers was Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
19:00.54jblackthat lip needs a redesign. I didn't realize it was that bad.
19:00.55InTheWingsManxPower-work: but your rule matches all numbers :/ I want only 0prefixed ones
19:01.04jblackhas a 330 sitting right here.
19:01.16InTheWingsI'll have a look
19:01.19jblackInTheWings: Go. Read. The. Book.
19:01.31ManxPower-workInTheWings: exten => _0xxxxxxxx,1,Set(BOB=0033${EXTEN:1})
19:02.10ManxPower-workjblack: they have the little thingy that sticks up for wall usage, try putting it in that config, rather then the flush config.
19:04.44jblackI don't have a problem, myself.
19:04.58jblackI'm experimenting for you, 'cause you mentioned it
19:10.02Kattyscowls at things.
19:10.12*** join/#asterisk vally (
19:10.38Kattyshreds curtains
19:12.02Kattyi have to fight with my company every pay period to get my comissions i'm owed.
19:12.10Kattycorrection, i have to fight with the sales staff.
19:12.29Kattyi do not have to fight with the owner. he always backs me up.... and when needed smacks the sales staff upside the head.
19:12.33eppigymakes Katty some Fancy Feast
19:12.34Kattywhich does make me happy :>
19:12.53eppigywell just look forward to that part
19:12.55*** join/#asterisk timholum (
19:15.24*** join/#asterisk catojo (n=catojo@
19:17.49Kattyyou'd think the boss would get tired of dealing with their stupidity tho
19:18.42eppigyyeah dude
19:18.45eppigyI would be like
19:18.54eppigyman you dont want me to come down here again
19:19.24eppigyI will hire some unemployed people and feed them rockstars until they exceed your sales quota two fold
19:20.26*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
19:22.14Kattyno, they're great sales reps
19:22.17Kattythey just have a really crappy memory
19:22.23Kattyand they don't want to do any more work than is required.
19:22.38Kattybut i am good with numbers, and records, and i know how to use OUTLOOK TASKS
19:22.41Kattyi do not miss a comission.
19:22.57*** part/#asterisk muiro (n=muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
19:23.06Kattythe boss is probably all like, omg you're complaining to me again about missing another $400 comission
19:23.19Kattyfor like the 5th time this month
19:23.53Kattyi agree it's not much, but hey, i don't care.
19:23.59Kattythat's FREE BOOTS
19:24.34eppigyyeha dude
19:24.37eppigy$400 is $400
19:24.47eppigyThat is a nice electronic toy
19:24.56Kattyor 5 VS bras.
19:25.02eppigythat too
19:25.26*** part/#asterisk Joel (
19:25.32Kattya netbook.
19:25.46Kattybig ole lcd panel.
19:25.58*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
19:26.00KattyYOU GET MY DRIFT.
19:26.00*** join/#asterisk lostsoul (
19:27.23Kattyeppigy: do you remember Max?
19:27.30Kattyeppigy: played by uhh...jessica alba i think it was
19:27.39eppigyI do not think so
19:27.49eppigydespite probable hotness
19:28.28*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
19:28.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o malcolmd] by ChanServ
19:28.43Kattybummer :<
19:28.46Kattyi just found her coat.
19:28.53*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
19:29.06Kattyi will get comparative photos.
19:29.14eppigyyes please
19:30.10*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (n=[8none1]
19:30.16*** join/#asterisk TSM (
19:30.35Katty <- article number 1.
19:31.09eppigyoh dark angel
19:31.13eppigynever watched it
19:31.16eppigybut super hot
19:31.57Katty <- article number 2.
19:32.22eppigypretty darn close
19:32.26*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (n=rare@
19:32.42*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
19:32.47Katty <- this one looks cooler.
19:33.17Kattyit has pocketses.
19:33.20smooth_penguinhey Katty, whats the critters link
19:33.42Kattyinfobot: crittercam
19:33.42infoboti heard crittercam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House @
19:33.47Kattysmooth_penguin: ^-
19:35.19bcrispinfobot: bcrisp
19:35.26*** part/#asterisk xmitter (
19:37.33Kattythere are tons of those micheal jackson jackets everywhere
19:38.02ChannelZyou too can dress like a pedo!
19:38.57Kattyi'll get a bomber jacket, one of those hats with the ear flaps, and some goggles just to make a statement
19:39.06Kattystatement: current trends look RETARDED
19:40.02*** part/#asterisk axelilly (n=jfenner@
19:40.15ChannelZfor some reason I feel like there is a picture with a model in that get-up already out there somewhere...
19:40.52Kattyyeah probably
19:41.05Kattyand she's probably holding modern warfare 2
19:42.27*** part/#asterisk Geminizer (
19:43.20Kattyoh god. you're right.
19:44.01Katty^- ChannelZ
19:44.28KobazKatty: the models look so happy don't they
19:44.54Kattythey have a very poor attitude.
19:45.02Kattythey often knock other models down.
19:45.09Kattyit's a bad profession to be in.
19:45.26ChannelZand there you have it!
19:45.35Kattythey're all snobs.
19:45.39Kobazwhat's with this ww2 bomber pilot look
19:45.39ChannelZTheyre all starving
19:45.43Kattythat too
19:45.49Kattythey can get fired if they gain too much weight
19:45.52ChannelZthat's why they're so grumpy
19:46.12Kattypossibly part of it
19:46.41Kobazdo people actually buy this stuff
19:46.58Kattyoh yes.
19:47.05ChannelZonly lady agaga
19:47.08Kattyand they'll spend thousands and thousands of dollars to wear a certain brand.
19:47.14Kattyit's truly crazy
19:48.26KaneHauconfused... I am using AMI and the ORIGINATE action.  I am trying to simply have my FXO card dial an external phone number.  What should my "Channel:" command look like?
19:48.28timholumI have gotten further on getting my skype for sip trunk working. I now at least authenticate. I still have no clue what I am doing wrong thought, I have all my config's at could anyone take a look and see what I am doing wrong
19:48.31KaneHauFXO is on channel 1
19:48.35Kattyoh god.
19:48.42Kattythat's hilarious
19:48.58Kattyi wanna go mudhole water skiing
19:53.48timholumanyone have any clue's?
19:54.25*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
19:54.28timholum:) you got it
19:55.48[TK]D-FenderKaneHau: the same way it would for the 1st parm of Dial()
19:56.33KaneHauok, I think I don't have dahdi setup properly... if I issue a "dahdi show channels" in *, all I see is the header, but no channels defined
19:56.42KaneHauhowever, dahdi show status shows me what looks like proper status
19:56.49*** join/#asterisk Geminizer (
19:58.38Geminizerhello all.  In "exten => s,n, ...." what variable holds the value of s?  I thought it was ${EXTEN}, but that just returns "s"
19:58.42*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
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19:59.32KattyGeminizer: s is just another extension.
20:00.08KattyGeminizer: what are you trying to accomplish?
20:00.18[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Value of "s"?  HUH?
20:00.43GeminizerI have an inbound route associated with 1-800-111-2222 (it points to context [text_dp])
20:00.44[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: that is an EXTENSION.  If you lookat ${EXTEN} in there it will say "s", because that is where you ARE
20:01.01[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Inbound route?  Pardon?
20:01.21Kattyi have an inbound route. it points to my stomach.
20:01.34Geminizerso is there a variable which holds 18001112222 ?
20:01.35bcrispGeminizer, are you working with a macro?
20:01.38[TK]D-FenderGET IN ME BELLY!
20:01.42timholumKaneHau: you have to "#include dahdi-channels.conf" in your chan_dahdi.conf
20:01.48[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Do Not Feed...
20:01.58[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: I'm fishing... don't yank the line...
20:02.01KaneHautimholum: thank you, checking
20:02.06Geminizerbasically I want a way to determine which DID invoked that dialplan
20:02.20[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Maybe you should look at the call as it comes in <-
20:02.20Geminizeras I have multiple dids entering that [text_dp] context
20:02.23timholumKaneHau: I had the same issue a week ago :)
20:02.34bcrispcallerid ?
20:03.43Geminizerif I have 1-305-222-6666 calling 1-800-111-222, the callerid just returns the 305 number... when what I really would like is the 800 number
20:03.58KattyGeminizer: set a variable
20:03.59beers218anyone else use receiveFAX in their dialplan? im having some issues with it not starting a transmission
20:04.04KattyGeminizer: then reroute the call
20:04.33Kattybeers218: i use recievefax.
20:05.05etfonhomeyI've installed asterisk on a 1U server with no sound card and 1 PCIe slot (which has a Sangoma card in it).  What would I need a sound card for other than paging or CLI dialing?
20:05.21beers218it interacts with the fax machine calling into the extension, and when i do a core show channel xxxx it only shows data being sent out of asterisk, not being received. and tricks or tips?
20:05.44[TK]D-FenderGeminizer: Go. Look. At. The. CALL.
20:05.45Kattyetfonhomey: that's a good question.
20:05.55Kattyetfonhomey: i can't really think of anything.
20:06.03Kattyetfonhomey: maybe line in for exteral audio device?
20:06.10etfonhomeyFor MoH?
20:06.20[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Who said it was needed for paging?  its an option like anything else
20:06.29[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: And I have never seen a need for CLI dialing.
20:06.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: he's not asking about a need for it
20:06.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: he's asking about the uses of a sound card
20:07.04etfonhomeyJust wanting to know what I lose with no sound card.
20:07.09[TK]D-Fender[15:05]<etfonhomey>I've installed asterisk on a 1U server with no sound card and 1 PCIe slot (which has a Sangoma card in it). What would I need a sound card for other than paging or CLI dialing? <--  Katty... O RLY?
20:07.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, rly.
20:07.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: now stop being mister cranky pants.
20:07.59[TK]D-Fender[15:06]<Katty>[TK]D-Fender: he's not asking about a need for it      <etfonhomey> What would I need a sound card for other than paging or CLI dialing?
20:08.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: Reading FAIL :p
20:08.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: "What would I need it for" vs "he's not asking about a need for it"
20:08.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think you're having a interpretation error.
20:08.44[TK]D-Fenderdeclares unilateral victory
20:08.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: why are we still having this conversation?
20:09.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: Humour?
20:09.06Kattyoh, right. carry on.
20:09.16etfonhomeyAll I want to know is what functionality do I lose by not having a sound card?
20:09.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: Clearly snickerdoodles....
20:09.38[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Chan OSS, as an audio source to pipe for MoH, and... whatever
20:09.45beers218Katty:  how did you implement it? im having "channel troubles" according to the channel info
20:09.51[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: its not a mixing source or whatever...
20:09.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, snickerdoodles indeed.
20:11.50beers218Katty: thats what i figured... i happen to be using an amd64 system :(
20:12.14Kattyi am sorry to hear that.
20:12.16etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, thanks.  The servers have an internal USB type A port.  Does CentOS 5.x support USB audio very well?  I've never tried it.
20:12.47beers218i will have to recompile, etc
20:14.53KaneHautimholum: thank you very much, I now have Channel 1 showing up properly
20:15.22timholumKaneHau: Your welcome
20:15.33[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: What do you actually want to do?
20:16.13jblackI'm going to request my fbi file. =)
20:16.24Kattyi already did.
20:16.27Kattyit's on my desk.
20:16.31Kobazanything good?
20:16.54etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I like using the CLI dial command for testing.  Just thinking of ways to have it without having a USB device sticking out the back.
20:16.54jblackanything good that you're willing to share with us?
20:17.08Kattydelivering a meal to the wrong house, (breaking and entering), then go back and re entering.
20:17.30jblackoh, you're picking on me.
20:17.42Kattyand this comes as a shock, how?
20:17.43jblackI thought you meant you had requested your _own_ file. :P
20:18.00Kattyi don't need to request my own file.
20:18.16Kattythe less i know the better.
20:18.36jblackI'm pretty sure I have a file.
20:18.59Kattywe all do
20:19.24jblackwhen I worked for ubuntu I traveled a lot. By the end of my employ there, I was  "randomly selected" on every trip I made.
20:19.36[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Get a friggen softphone :p
20:19.53[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Console = ASS
20:20.02Kattyjblack: randomly selected for...what?
20:21.32jblackpat downs, extra searches on my carry-ons, questioning.
20:21.45Kattyah. i see.
20:21.58Kattymaybe you just look SUPICIOUSLY SMART
20:22.08bcrispthey hit me with the hand-held metal detector once
20:22.22bcrispin the funny bone
20:22.25jblackhit you, or waved you?
20:22.26jblackoh, heh.
20:22.41ariel_tsa in the use tend to pick out the people that don't look like they have done anything so they don't really have to work much...;-)
20:22.52bcrispthats probably true...
20:22.59Kattythey never stop me.
20:23.12Kattybut i probably don't look smart, or plotty.
20:23.19Kobazthe stupid tsa, took a 90% empty tube of toothpaste
20:23.26ChainsawI got the mystery S on my boarding pass once in the USA.
20:23.28Kobazand they said, sorry, you can only bring 2ox of liquid
20:23.37ariel_I get stopped allot, I am short, white, old with gray hair,
20:23.38KattyKobaz: that's hilarious.
20:23.40ChainsawBut indeed, other then that I've never been stopped.
20:23.41Kobazi'm like... that *is* less than 2oz of liquid, it's painfully obvious
20:23.57Kobazand they said, no sorry, they go by what the label says
20:23.57bcrispi get stopped every time
20:24.03bcrispi was strip searched in thailand
20:24.11bcrisp(at gunpoint)
20:24.17ChainsawWell, once at Stansted. I had two laptops in my bag and forgot about it. So I only took one out onto the belt.
20:24.19Kobazso i guess i can bring a 40oz bottle through security, as long as the label says 2oz
20:24.20ChainsawAnd then they got confused.
20:24.24Kattyi know that here you can request a female, if you're a female.
20:24.27Kattydoes that apply in thailand?
20:24.35ChainsawKatty: It's mandatory actually.
20:24.41bcrispyou dont have rights there @ katty
20:24.44Kobazi wonder if anyone could request a female
20:24.46ChainsawKatty: You don't get to choose.
20:24.50Kobazi'll take a female
20:24.57KattyChainsaw: ok. that's good. but does that apply to thailand?
20:25.00ChainsawKobaz: Yeah, they're not having that.
20:25.33Kobaztwo girls in front of me had yogurt that they just bought at the airport
20:25.45Kobazand tsa was trying to throw them out since it's over the 2oz limit
20:25.53KattyChainsaw: i know that in addition, if you're pulled over by a cop, a woman can request a female cop.
20:25.53Kobazthey begged and pleaded, and they let the girls through
20:25.59ariel_they keep taking my needle nose pliers...argh
20:26.04*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
20:26.15ariel_which is a took kit for pc and says pc tool kit on it.
20:26.22Chainsawariel_: Yeah, can't have you deconstructing the plane along the way.
20:26.29Kattyariel_: you might use the toolkit to take over the plane.
20:26.34Chainsawariel_: Just put it in the suitcase, not in the carry-on.
20:26.45ChainsawJust like your knives, shotguns, rocket launchers, etc.
20:26.54Kobazif you put stuff in a bag, and don't tell tsa about it, they won't bother you
20:26.54Kattydon't forget pens.
20:26.56beers218i hate when they take my rocket launchers :\
20:26.57ariel_yes but then I have to pay 20 for the bag
20:27.10Kattyariel_: that's cheaper than new pliers.
20:27.15Kobazlike, they harassed me about my toothpaste, but i had a 16oz bottle of water, and a 160z bottle of camera cleaner in my bag, that i forgot about
20:27.20Kobazand noone bothered me
20:27.22ChainsawKatty: I concur, unless they're bad pliers.
20:27.33Kattyno one wants bad pliers.
20:27.52jblackwhat do people with contact lenses do? Don't they need to keep fluid with them?
20:28.02Kobazcontact lens fluid is allowed
20:28.10Chainsawjblack: Yeah, you don't even have to drink it.
20:28.11Kattyis liquid medication allowed?
20:28.13ariel_well I have now an ebag, nice bag and there is a section by the pull out hand held that they never see.
20:28.19Kattyliquid insulin...etc
20:28.23Chainsawjblack: Unlike say, baby milk.
20:28.32jblackinsulin comes in tiny vials. I'm sure it's no problem
20:28.33Kattyi would say they have to allow baby milk.
20:28.41ChainsawKatty: They do, if you take a sip.
20:28.41Kobazsecurity theater, ladies and gentlemen
20:28.42Kattyespecially if it's a mother.
20:28.47jblackthey have made mothers drink their own baby milk
20:28.55Kattythat wouldn't bother me
20:28.55Chainsawjblack: Yes they have. I saw it.
20:28.56jblackwhich makes me gag
20:29.32Kattyi see nothing gag-worthy about it.
20:29.44Kattyi'd never give a kid something i wouldn't eat.
20:30.15ariel_I see no issue with baby's milk, when we traveled with our child I had to drink it a few times.... due to they do not allow it,
20:30.25jblackYou would drink your own breast milk?
20:30.41Kattyif it was required to take my child's lunch on the plane, yes.
20:30.54Kobazmmm lunch
20:30.57ariel_not mine, my wifes, in any case not needed any more as she is now (child) 6 years old
20:31.12jblackwhat does it taste like?
20:31.23Kattyjblack: i don't have children. i don't know.
20:31.41jblackwhat kind of milk? Skim? 2%?
20:31.47Kobazhalf and half
20:31.55Kattybut i can tell you that if i'm afraid to eat something, i would never give it to a child.
20:32.27jblackKatty: uh huh. Sure.
20:32.35ariel_well, with my child sometimes you had to show them that you would eat it before she would
20:32.57jblackSo if you were diabetic, you would deny sugar to your child? If you were allergic to peanut butter, no pb&j for your child?
20:33.15ariel_well yes
20:33.49ariel_most kids eat what there parents eats...
20:33.50jblack"sorry kid. I'm diabetic, so you'll be spending your next 18 years on a low carb diet"
20:34.10jblackIt's very difficult to keep diabetic children healtily fed.
20:34.11ariel_so that would be bad due to ?
20:34.33jblackNutritional defficiencies.
20:34.50ariel_sugar is not good overall, just feed them natural food
20:35.14jblackYou're talking about striking out grains, milks, fruit juices, about 2/3 of the fruit out there, sugar, pastas and breads. starchy veggies like corn and potatos.
20:35.26jblackThat's a big punishment to a kid if they're not the ones that are sick.
20:36.01ariel_no natural stuff is good
20:36.14jblackrephrase, please.
20:36.19ariel_orange, milk, fruits etc.
20:36.26jblackNot to a diabetic, they're not.
20:36.28ariel_products that add surgar are bad
20:36.58jblackapples are ok in small amounts and with close attention. oranges and  grapes are not.
20:37.03ariel_jblack: no added process sugar is bad, natural is fine believe me I deal with it for many years
20:37.17jblackI'm a type 2 diabetic on insulin. I know.
20:38.20jblacksugar is sugar is sugar, whether it's sucrose, fructose or lactose.
20:38.26ariel_I am on the pill and I am able to eat oranges, fruits etc.  Just need to overall monitor myself and do walking if it gets high. But nothing major
20:39.05jblackThen you have homework this weekend. Read up on glycemic loads.
20:39.46jblackThis is not wacky stuff. This is well established stuff that your diabetic nurse should have spent hours talking to you about.
20:40.06ariel_I guess yours is not in check.  I have no issues. I have been a diabetic for over 12 years now.
20:40.08jblackas contrasted with nutritionists, which generally don't understand the glycemic issues with diabetes very well.
20:40.23jblackI'm severely diabetic. I was hospitalized for it this past summer.
20:40.35jblackAnyways, let's take this back to katty.
20:40.36ariel_there are different levels
20:40.40jblackThere are.
20:41.01jblackMy point was that katty is not a mean enough person to deny things to a child only because she can't have it.
20:41.55jblackambigious she. My point was that katty is not a mean enough person to deny things to a child only because katty can't have it.
20:41.56ariel_Well in my case it's just easier to keep our overall home diet the same as it creates less of a problem. And it's mainly no added salt or sugar.
20:42.13jblackYeah. You're very mild.
20:42.48jblackBut seriously, you should be restricted on grains, starchy things like potatoes.  Talk with your diabetic nurse about glycemic load, or get a book, or something.
20:43.00ariel_If I do the south beach diet or atkins very low carbs I don't have to take the pill but it's hard keeping in low carbs
20:44.05jblackSo you see my point, that what's healthy for you may not be healthy for your children (and vice versa)
20:44.46ariel_yes but since she has been eating natrual like her parents she is fine. No issue.
20:44.57jblackYou're not eating healthy for you, though.
20:45.21jblackwhich means you'll eventually end up on the shot, just like me.
20:45.25jblackWhich is nice. I can use the company
20:45.32ariel_OK if my diabetic is under control then why would you say that?
20:46.14[TK]D-Fender[15:43]<ariel_>If I do the south beach diet or atkins very low carbs I don't have to take the pill but it's hard keeping in low carbs <- 2 horrible diets that wreak havoc on your system
20:46.26jblackbecause I think you're eating stuff with incredibly high glycemic loads (like bread), which means you're still beating on your pancreas and liver.
20:46.47[TK]D-Fendersubscribes to the "stop eating you fat bastard Diet"
20:46.55[TK]D-Fenderplain and simple.
20:47.18[TK]D-FenderCut out the crap and the rest balances out
20:47.26jblack[TK]D-Fender: They're generally a problem for normal people, but when insulin resistance starts building up, cutting increasingly less simple carbs is a part of diabetes.
20:47.43*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
20:48.04[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Yes, well Atkins focuses too much on the fats that it wants to force your body to prefer.  HORRIBLE
20:48.26jblackIt's not as simple as that.
20:48.27[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I'm all for carb reduction, starting with processed sugars, etc
20:48.30ChannelZheh I just did a bunch of commercials for Atkins
20:48.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I was on it breifly with my GF at the time.
20:48.47[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Been there, done that.
20:49.18mbrevdawait, were discussing WHAT?
20:49.19[TK]D-Fenderok, GTG, BBIAB
20:49.20jblackYou're in the right ballpark, but it's not just as simple as 'body to prefer fats'
20:49.40ariel_goes back to eating his mango Yogurt
20:49.41jblackmbrevda: We started with TSA making women drink breast milk, which made me go "EWWWW"
20:49.47[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I read a lot on it.
20:49.55jblackariel_: You're supposedly diabetic, and you're eating yogurt?
20:50.28mbrevdajackal: would you rather the men do it?
20:50.32bcrispif you're lactose intolerant and diabetic then i guess its ok
20:50.45*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
20:50.59ariel_I am not lactose intolerant
20:51.04jblackbcrisp: Interesting though.
20:51.44jblackwhere did people get the silly idea that natural things are healthy?
20:52.02jblack40 years later?
20:52.32mbrevdajblack: would you rather the men do it?
20:52.49*** join/#asterisk blepsoaf (n=pbaker@
20:52.52jblackmbrevda: Do what? drink breast milk? No. I think babies should drink breast milk.
20:53.03jblackIt's MADE for them. That's why it exists.
20:53.27mbrevdajblack: comon - fresh naturaly milk - directly from the source!
20:53.36mbrevdagoes to copuright the t-shirt
20:54.15jblackI have a general, and probably natural, aversion to things that leave the human body
20:54.41ChannelZmilk milk lemonade, around the corner fudge is made!
20:54.59*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:55.05ChainsawChannelZ: Thanks a lot, now I have that "sweet lemonade" song stuck in my head again.
20:55.40jblackHere you go... you like natural things, ariel_? eat your own boogers.
20:56.42Akiraa -- crap or not? Anyone tried it?
20:57.27*** join/#asterisk gmarsh (
20:57.31jblack50 bucks for a FXS & FXO? Yeah. That's probably crap
20:57.50ariel_looks like a atcom unit, there ok I guess but, I have not used that one.
20:57.53Akiraathat's an interesting metric
20:59.39jblackNot really.
21:00.31jblackFirst off, people do things to make money (who's in business to spend?), so subtract out a profit.  That equipment had to shipped around to a warehouse somewhere, waiting for you to buy it, so subtract money for storage and shipping.
21:00.37*** join/#asterisk sebbl (
21:01.16jblackThen, bear in mind that they had to actually assemble the thing, which takes.. people and money. And it was assmbled from components that they had to buy, which costs money, including having the parts shipped so they could assemble them.
21:01.39jblackAdd all that together, and $50 spreads thin. Somewhere, corners had to be cut
21:01.45ariel_Nice just got fedex email that my 80 phones have been delivered for my setup on the ship for Monday.....San Diego here I come...
21:02.16jblack80 phones... What are you working on, a cruiser?
21:02.30ChainsawAn outbound callcenter?
21:02.33ariel_No a Cruise ship
21:02.39bcrispa roaming call center?
21:03.00ariel_no setting up 80 phones Polycom 8020 wireless for the crew.
21:03.03jblackdid you convince them you'll have to test the phones during a live scenario?
21:03.39ariel_no do this setup all the time, we have many ships with our phones and voiceXchange setup.
21:04.03*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
21:04.17jblackno free boat ride, I guess
21:04.34ChannelZnot unless you're the barnacle
21:04.54ariel_I have been on trips to Alaska, Vancover, Spain and many others...
21:09.52Corydon76-digOkay, Johnny Cash
21:10.38*** join/#asterisk blepsoaf (n=pbaker@
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21:11.15blepsoafI know this is a broad question, but does it make sense to use dundi and opensips together in a cluster environment if opensips is the registraton server?  trying to piece together a clustering solution and if it makes sense to use one or the other or both
21:12.23*** join/#asterisk e4 (
21:13.39Akiraanot a cruise ship, a space ship :
21:14.06Akiraamay be problematic with the lightspeed lag :)
21:18.33Kattyhai :>
21:19.28*** join/#asterisk gmarsh (
21:21.05*** part/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
21:23.28Kattyi hope 2ft of snow drops here tomorrow
21:25.03jayteewishes that any snow he'd get would fall on Katty's area instead
21:25.29jayteealso wishes that any other snow heading for other areas falls on the island of Belize instead.
21:25.50ariel_wow, I have not seen snow in years...
21:26.16ariel_no warmer
21:26.36ariel_no in the US
21:27.04eppigyI wish it would snow here
21:27.05ariel_LOL, South Florida
21:27.22eppigyi used to live in tampa
21:27.41ariel_Tampa is like a 5 hour drive
21:27.51eppigyur face is
21:27.57KaneHauI'm further south than you and it's snowing here
21:28.50ariel_There is nothing higher then 11 feet above sea level here, so don't think it will snow any time soon....
21:29.01KaneHauI'm at sea level
21:29.19KaneHauno snow, but 45 minutes drive away is 13,500 ft, much snow
21:29.25ariel_Well then your way south of the equator
21:29.29KaneHauwe can snorkle in tropical water and then drive and snow board
21:29.34KaneHauno, north of the equater
21:29.48eppigyIT IS A MYSTERY
21:29.54KaneHauit's even a US state
21:30.17ariel_He is in those Island in the Pacific, which have hills/mountains.
21:30.19eppigyPUERTO RICO?
21:30.25ariel_they start with Ha...
21:30.34KaneHauariel is getting the idea
21:30.37KaneHaualoha :)
21:30.45KaneHaupuerto rico isn't a us state
21:30.50*** part/#asterisk etfonhomey (
21:31.09*** join/#asterisk vty (n=arlf@
21:31.21vtyAnyone familiar with programming SPA 84x/94x?
21:32.36vtyI added a second extension to a lot of phones, and ever since that, the transfer button no longer works
21:32.48vtyKind of confused on what happened, they were all reset to factory defaults before adding it
21:33.15TSMahhh noooo, booohooo
21:33.25TSMdid you change somthing
21:33.45vtyI was pretty descriptive
21:34.22vtyI'll go ahead and ignore you, you sound like a troll.
21:34.27*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
21:36.03bmoracawow, microsofts VLSC site is a steaming pile of crap.  as poorly done as eOpen was, VLSC is way worse
21:36.23ariel_vty those phones only have 2 lines, it uses the 2nd line to put the call on hold to do the transfer
21:36.25KaneHauwho would have guessed
21:36.28vtyYeah, they recently changed the VLSC site. It was actually down for about a day
21:36.50vtyariel_, you're a genius. So I'll go through and run the new firmware update on the ones that I can to push 4 lines
21:37.08vtyI hadn't even thought about that, I thought it was a button issue
21:38.45*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
21:39.12*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
21:40.12bpgoldsbI'm compiling Asterisk from source.  Is there a way to tell it not to build a module with ./configure ?
21:40.59bpgoldsbI need to do it more automated.  I'm packaging it as a .deb
21:41.00KaneHaulearned the hard way that if you don't exit menuselect using 'x', it is all for naught
21:41.03bmoracabpgoldsb, when you do your "make menuselect", you can select which modules to build or not build.  ./configure tells "make menuselect" which modules you have prereqs for
21:41.21bpgoldsbThen where does menuselect output to?
21:41.37bmoracabpgoldsb, it writes a file that "make" uses to determine what to build.  you should be able to find it
21:41.50bmoracaor, you can simply create your own make file including only the files you want
21:42.03bpgoldsbYes, 'simply'
21:42.19bpgoldsbThe actual problem is chan_agent isn't compiling, but I also don't have the time to fix it atm
21:42.35bmoracawell, that's a different issue
21:43.03bpgoldsbIt is, but I don't need it, so disabling it will be a sufficient means
21:45.44DeeewayneKatty, I'm enjoying your squirrels
21:46.34Kattythey doing anything fun?
21:47.09Deeewayneone is sticking his nose into the nuts
21:47.24Deeewayneor corn ... whatever that is
21:47.50Corydon76-digI have a dog that does that
21:48.08DeeewayneI knew that comment was a setup :-)
21:49.05Corydon76-digThe others might, too, but they aren't big enough.
21:49.05Kattycorn, sunflower seeds, and nuts
21:49.41DeeewayneCorydon76-dig, it might be a little dangerous for the rabbit to do that
21:52.08bpgoldsbIt appears, judging my a spam of 'undefined reference' when compiling chan_agent.o, it isn't loading it's headers properly
21:53.24*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
21:53.53KattyDeeewayne: they rummage around in there digging out their favorite bits first. the corn is always the last to be eaten.
21:55.18DeeewayneKatty, diving off the lighthouse feeder looks fun
21:56.46Kattyyou know it's funny you say that
21:56.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
21:57.06Kattya couple days ago the bbq grill (barely visible on the right side) was completely knocked off the porch
21:57.06jblackYeha, how is that feeder stuff going
21:57.28KattyDeeewayne: i don't know how the entire bbq grill got knocked off the porch.
21:57.33KattyDeeewayne: it's /heavy/
21:57.45KattyDeeewayne: and something tells me ryan didn't go topple it over in a fit of rage.
21:57.47jblackdid you have heavy winds?
21:57.53jblackmaybe it rolled?
21:57.59Kattythat would be the most plausible explination.
21:58.12Deeewaynemaybe giant squirrels!
21:58.18Kattyi don't think a pack of squirrels decided to cart it off
21:58.38Kattythey can't even get along nicely on the feeders, much less group together for a common cause of carting off a bbq grill.
21:59.09ChannelZI dunno, I saw Over The Hedge and they were all pretty crafty..
21:59.59jblackmaybe you're infested with evolved squirrels
22:00.51Kattyyeah, maybe they can figure out how to mow the lawn for me too this spring
22:01.30jblacknah. squirrels wouldn't like short lawns. They would be more likely to sabotage your mower
22:01.31*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
22:02.13Kattyfor all i know, they're stashing walnuts in it
22:02.41jblackmy bet is that your squirrels have developed a taste in roasted nuts
22:02.57jblackso they tried to steal the grill. But they couldn't, because it was too heavy.
22:03.16Kattywell i wouldn't mind if they roasted them right on the porch
22:03.21Kattyin fact, i'll bring out a few burgers while they're at it
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22:03.29jblackDid you explain that to them in a way they'd understand?
22:03.52Kattyi suppose not.
22:03.53timholumHas anyone ever gotten skype for sip to work? I have been working on this for 6 hours today with no luck :(
22:05.05Kattyyes probably.
22:05.07timholumI think I am having an issue with my config's but I can figure it out at all
22:07.59bcrispim looking at teliax and it mentions a rate for "internal outbound minutes" what does that mean?
22:09.00ChannelZtimholum: I am running skype-for-asterisk
22:09.27ChannelZtimholum: what isn't working
22:12.19bcrispChannelZ, were you saying you've used as a sip provider?
22:13.39jblackWell, tk likes 'em, but I had to do a chargeback because they claimed they never got the money.
22:13.54ChannelZbcrisp: not me
22:14.53*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
22:15.15MikeJanyone around have a cisco/linksys 501 laying around that could provide assistance real quick
22:15.36MikeJI don't have access to one currently and need some details of what they request when they try to provision sales # goes to voicemail: FAIL
22:19.48KattyDeeewayne: awwww
22:19.56KattyDeeewayne: mister squirrely's in a good spot.
22:20.15Kattyand now he's gone :<
22:20.31Deeewaynehe's been very busy
22:20.54Kattyi imagine so. the tray looks half empty.
22:21.18DeeewayneI was in NJ last week, watching some squirrels and thinking about the critter cam
22:23.19timholumChannelZ, It is not allowing me to dial out
22:24.07timholumChannelZ: is my config's and some debuging stuff
22:24.19ManxPower-workDoes anyone have had experience with setting up a Polycom phone to have a different dialtone AND a different dialtone after 9 is pressed.
22:24.31Kattyi don't think that tray is ever unoccuppied. if the squirrels aren't up there, the birds are.
22:24.47ManxPower-workI'm working with the sip.cfg and not having much success.
22:24.48Kattytonight feels like theater night
22:25.43bcrispdont see avatar
22:26.03Kattyi've already seen avatar
22:26.06Kattyand it was quite lovely.
22:26.12bcrispi walked out
22:26.14Kattyryan agrees on movie night... Sherlock Holmes it is
22:26.35Corydon76-digbcrisp: what was wrong with it?
22:27.18bcrispripoff of dances with wolves
22:27.40bcrispplus msc. cheeze
22:27.41MikeJSherlock Holmes was good
22:27.41Kattywell i loved it.
22:27.56timholumI am pulling ChannelZ: any ideas?
22:27.56KattyMikeJ: well don't ruin it
22:28.02KattyMikeJ: :P
22:28.07bcrispya i want to see sherlock
22:28.07MikeJno no.. just satying I enjoyed it
22:28.13Kattyk's payment setup is nuckn futs
22:33.09Kattyhmm. i gotta figure something out for dinner
22:33.11MikeJKatty: how bout I spoil it ofr you
22:33.14MikeJin the end..
22:33.16jblackkatty: McDonald's.
22:33.19ChannelZsorry talking sec
22:33.21MikeJSherlock figures it all out :D
22:34.16Kattyjblack: why? do you want me to be sick? :<
22:34.16Kattyjblack: i love you too :<
22:34.16jblackI like mcdonalds!
22:34.17jblackHow about burger king? wendy's? taco bell (ok, this one has made me sick)
22:34.17Kattyuhmmm, hi
22:34.25*** join/#asterisk m0e (n=eX@
22:34.29jblackOh, look, a long lost friend.
22:34.36Kattylooks like it, anyway
22:34.38phixThat is me
22:34.46phixhey jblack. I know you too
22:34.47jblackFrom australia
22:34.57phixwhois never lies jblack :)
22:35.00Kattyphix: you know me from australia?!
22:35.21jblackI'm more blunt. I don't remember you
22:35.31phixKatty: no, I am from Australia, I know you from #asterisk
22:35.32bcrispcheesy gordita crunch
22:35.33Kattyyou don't remember a lot of things
22:35.36MikeJwhois sure can lie
22:35.42jblackThat's a valid point
22:35.44phixMikeJ: :P
22:35.46Kattyi probably remember even less.
22:35.57Kattyso if phix says he knows me, he probably does.
22:35.59m0equick question.. if i want to use authenticate with password=0000 and for it to jump to priority= n+100 if it fails.. is it authenticate(0000,j100) ?
22:36.10jblackbut how much does anyone really know anyone else?
22:36.13m0ewith a capital A that is
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22:36.17MikeJI assure you it does not tell you my real ip addy
22:36.20Kattym0e: i just use it as the next line
22:36.20KaneHauI am using AMI Action: Originate... and I am issuing a "Channel: DAHDI/g0/5551212" - and I see this on the CLI log "Unable to request channel DAHDI/g1/5551212"
22:36.20KaneHauany ideas?
22:36.20KaneHauer, the 'g1' is 'g0' in the message, sorry
22:36.20KaneHaucut and pasted the wrong line
22:36.35jblackMikeJ: And.. ?
22:36.39nnydoes queues.conf recognize & (i.e. call two channels at once)
22:36.49MikeJjblack: it lies, just making my point :D
22:36.53m0eThanks Katty, but I need this to jump :P
22:36.58jblackNo. Tools don't lie. People lie.
22:37.12MikeJin this case.. its the tool
22:37.25Deeewaynewhois'es MikeJ
22:37.33jblackand with rare exception, only humans lie.
22:37.38MikeJheya Deeewayne .. long time no see
22:37.42Kattymy dog lies.
22:37.44bcrispliar birds lies
22:37.45Kattyhe lies so much
22:37.49DeeewayneMikeJ, yeah.... very busy lately
22:37.55MikeJin this case, humans told it too
22:38.01Kattyi ask him if he has to go, and he gets all bouncy and excited
22:38.09Kattythen he goes outside and visit the neighbor dogs.
22:38.19Kattyfrom over the fence.
22:38.28m0ehmm.. not sure if my syntax for the "options" is correct
22:38.53jblacksimple truth, though, if you're the sort that feels a nice to hide behind proxies for visiting irc, then you're probably not someone I care to know (and don't, since you self-admittedly hide your own identity)
22:38.54DeeewayneKatty, my dog gets bouncy when I say 'peeps and poops'
22:39.02m0ehrm.. i think i misread this..
22:39.12jblackso that's two lies. First you hid your location, then you wrongly stated that I know you.
22:39.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
22:39.49nnyhmm my question may have been parsed poorly. I am setting up some queues here at the office, have member => SIP/EXT (x2) in my queues.conf. Say I wanted asterisk to call my cellphone & SIP/EXT at the same time...
22:40.11nnynormally that would be SIP/EXT&CHAN/NUMBER
22:40.15jblacknny: normaly, outside of queues, you do a  Dial(number1&number2)
22:40.35ManxPower-worknny: is the call to your cellphone going out on POTS?
22:40.50nnyManxPower-work: actually it's using SIP
22:41.06bcrispcall forking?
22:41.18nnyso it would be SIP/EXT&SIP/NUMBER@SIPPEER
22:41.22bcrispyou can use FindMe
22:41.32nnyi should look into that
22:41.38Kattywell i'm going to leave a little early. apparently there's been an accident blocking the main road on the way home, so now i have to drive through downtown >.<
22:41.38nnyalways kinda hacked in the duality thiing
22:41.39bcrispi read a post about using findme to fork calls
22:41.49Kattyand that is going to be an absolute MESS come 5
22:41.58jblackdoes walmart have reasonably priced blank dvds?
22:42.04jblackor for that matter, best buy?
22:42.11bcrispthat stuff is cheap now
22:42.20nnyi see that you can set macros to a member, wonder if I can craft a macro with the findme/insert method for calling both here, and then just call the macro from queues.conf
22:42.47bcrispnny macros are depricated
22:42.53nnyi currently just have this silly way of doing it, but would like to change it to support agents
22:42.56nnybcrisp: aye
22:43.08nnybcrisp: not sure if I could call a Goto from queues.conf though
22:43.12bcrispwhat are you aiming to do?
22:43.44bcrispuse a ringall strategy maybe
22:43.48bcrispor use local channel
22:43.55nnythe other thing I noticed is that timeout says it's X amount of time till it jumps to n in the dialplan, there is also timeout=XXX in queues.conf, but this just jumps to the next member after?
22:43.59bcrispi.e. member=>Local/Something
22:44.10nnyit'd have to be a combo setup heh
22:44.25ChannelZtimholum: sorry had to do an impromtu meeting
22:44.48nnybasically call 2 "devices" (or rather a cell and the deskphone) and then go to a third number (google voice) for voicemail
22:44.51ChannelZtimholum: so it looks like you're using Skype for SIP, not Skype-for-Asterisk yes?
22:45.00bcrispnny.. ringall strategy?
22:45.02nnybcrisp: this all works now, minus the agents.conf part
22:45.43nnybcrisp: i would think so, except there are multiple members. My deskphone/cellphone voicemail, my business partner's etc etc
22:45.55bcrispyeah.. ringall rings them all at the same time
22:46.44ChannelZtimholum: ahh well sorry then I can't help you with that one, no experience with that.  I'm using the SFA channel driver
22:46.50nnybcrisp: is what I do now
22:47.00nnybcrisp: don't laugh, I need to update without the macros
22:47.09ChannelZMy guess is your dialstring is wrong based on what they want
22:47.39jblackwow. Russia tried to stop snow from hitting moscow
22:47.46bcrispnny, i dont see a call to Queue()
22:47.52nnybcrisp: was gonna do it "right" with the tools asterisk has natively (queues.conf, etc) but i think
22:48.01nnybcrisp: no that's the old way
22:48.09nnybcrisp: i am looking into using queues instead
22:48.12bcrispQueue() is the old way?
22:48.31nnyugh i suck at conveying info tonight, what I pastebin'd is the "old way"
22:48.46nnythere is no real Queue way yet, not sure if I can duplicate it with Queue
22:49.10bcrispuses queues.conf
22:49.19nnythe voicemail part would be a non issue if tmobile didn't prevent certain accounts from forwarding to voicemail
22:49.31nnybcrisp: aye
22:49.58bcrispnny: in queues.conf, instead of member=>SIP/user or something, if you have more complex logic use Local/something
22:50.16nnybcrisp: ahh
22:50.19nnybcrisp: roger
22:50.25bcrispit'd be easier to discuss if you would say what exactly the behavior you're trying to achieve is
22:51.01bcrispalso a queue macro can be specified in queues.conf when connected with an agent
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22:53.12bcrispi like your loadbalancing logic hehe
22:53.17rbd_hey guys.... I have two asterisk 1.4.x boxes. normally, SIP calls from one will be transferred to the other at some point (via Dial() )....I'm trying to get things now so that I can combine these two boxes. Unfortunately, it appears that if I try to use Dial to the same IP, the box will run it on the Local channel, not on a loopback SIP channel...anyway to force SIP? (I use SIPHeaders in my macros and this is breaking)
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22:55.13vtyCan you set Sipura 841s to have 4 lines like the later SPA-941s? Or are they always stuck at 2
22:55.19nnybcrisp: heh thanks. Yeah I am just smoothing out how it works and trying to make it less "hacky". The Local thing solved my question though, forgot all about how to call the psuedo local channel ha
22:55.48nnynow to remove those macros and play with find me
22:56.44bcrispnot sure if you need it
22:57.00bcrispunless each member has multiple #s which i think maybe is what you meant
22:57.40bcrispor.. you could just set each one up as a separate member
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23:04.30ChannelZbcrisp: hehe - blog post title: "After 12 years, James Cameron Brings Us Dances With Smurfs?"
23:07.33bmoracarbd_, why do you need to dial yourself?  why not dial the peer directly?
23:08.42bcrispChannelZ, lol
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23:17.10rbd_bmoraca, this is a two part incoming call router gets a call, then routes the call to a specific call handling box to handle it.... I am trying a setup where these two are on the same box, so essentially the box is routing the call to itself (this may seem unnecessary, but I want to keep the functionality as similar as possible to the two box method)
23:17.37bmoracathat is entirely unneccesary
23:17.39rbd_it seems that asterisk will auto forward a dialed SIP call on the Local channel if the target is itself....
23:17.55bmoracaas it should.  local channels use less resources
23:18.53rbd_well, is there any way to force it to not do this?
23:19.06rbd_I'd like to keep it chan SIP all the way through
23:20.51bmoracai still don't understand why you cannot simply dial the sip peer directly.
23:23.06rbd_bmoraca, because the exact sip peer is not known beforehand. the call will be taken in on the initial routing box and then forwared off a handling box that can handle it (enough resources, etc) .... we have a system implemented where we span meetme conferences across boxes, and so a specific conference (which is associated to a specific DID) could only be hosted on a certain one or two call handling servers, so it is all dynamic
23:23.36rbd_this setup has opensips (openser) in it as well... I'm trying to keep it simplified down some, as openser is working properly here it appears
23:24.30rbd_it looks like this functionality (transfer to local channels) is the fix to handle SIP spirals properly:   ???
23:25.40bmoracarbd_, it sounds like you've got some fairly serious design flaws, imo.  i can't see any good reason to do what you're trying to do.
23:26.33rbd_what would you do instead?
23:27.16voipmonkwhy is the peer unknowned ?
23:27.21voipmonkoh my god
23:27.24voipmonkwhy is the peer unknown
23:27.37bmoracaroute the call directly to whatever destination it needed.  if it's to be dynamic, I'm assuming the database is shared and you can look up the peer location (dundi, perhaps?).
23:28.21voipmonku can use dundi but its not necessary u can use mysql
23:28.51bmoracait depends.  dundi might be the appropriate way.  or he can develop a custom method using mysql or even astdb
23:29.00rbd_I'm just getting calls in via a SIP trunk..... a call comes in for 412 111-2222 for instance. the associated conference for that could be located on one of a number of backend asterisk servers
23:30.02bmoracarbd_, that's fine.  i understand what you're trying to do.  just do a database lookup of where it needs to go, and if it needs to go local, send it local.  it's just another if branch...func_odbc would be very useful in this
23:31.27rbd_so is this what the originating peer would do? (what if this peer is just a dumb SIP trunk? wouldn't it have to hit an intermediate point to properly route the call?)
23:31.56voipmonkyou can grab info from the sip header if necessary and do something based on the match in mysql
23:32.22voipmonksince you inferred u cant make a sip peer for the sip trunk coming in
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23:34.23rbd_voipmonk: that's what I'm doing now (the initial sip proxy call server will check out the sip headers and from those route the call to an appropirate asterisk server)
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23:52.50citywokrbd_: how many conccurent calls are you handling?
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23:55.19rbd_citywok, the system is still underdevelopment, but the goal is to be able to handle single conferences of over 1000+ ...right now we can loadbalance in that many people across multiple servers and it works fine (we bridge the conferences via a single SIP channel between the servers)
23:56.03citywoki'm assuming you mute 95% of the people in there
23:56.20citywokso i'd assume there is a more efficient way of handling it via a stream
23:56.34citywokotherwise meetme is going to be trying to do echo cancellation like crazy
23:57.07Micc__is there any way to add a hint that is a dynamic variable or something instead of a device? I want to use BLF to show status of options.
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23:57.29rbd_citywok, does it even do that on muted participants?
23:57.54citywokone could only hope not
23:58.00citywokhave you tested load w/ 1000 on a single box?
23:58.08citywoka decently sized box shold be able to do 1000 concurrent calls
23:58.23citywokespecially if there is no transcoding going on
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