IRC log for #asterisk on 20091227

00:22.11*** join/#asterisk inkubus08 (
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00:52.32jblackwwalker: That is a good question.
00:52.55jblackMy answer would be 'hp hates its customers almost as much as microsoft does'
00:54.09wwalkerDell hates it's customers more that MS and HP combined.
00:54.26jblackwow. That's almost as much as comcast hates it's customers
00:54.30wwalkerHP-UX was "special" as in olympics.
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03:31.13KattyMerry Christmas
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03:46.37jayteehi Katty
03:46.45Kattyhugs jaytee
03:46.46jayteeMerry Christmas to you too
03:46.50jayteehugs Katty
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05:04.12jayteevewy, vewy qwiet
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07:59.19baldarishey guys i am a newbi...I have a did , I need to setup a IVRS , and call forwarding..
07:59.31baldariscan asterisk help me..
08:01.32*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:03.14baldarisDont mean to sound desperate...but i am willing to pay for services offered..
08:33.45baldarisany one?
08:33.56baldarissome one who could setup asterix , on my server?
08:34.17baldarisif any expert is intrested , let me know..
08:40.27*** join/#asterisk sebbl (n=Momofu@
08:40.43infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
08:40.51TJNIIbaldaris: ^^^^
08:41.26baldarisTJNII, yeah
08:41.28baldarisi am here..
08:41.41baldarisOoh i need to read these books..
08:43.46TJNIIIt would be very wise to read that book.  Or at least skim it, reading chapter 5.
08:46.24baldarisi am basically a web developer , i work on languages like python , php , ajax , xml.
08:46.48baldarisI was just going through the book..thanks for your help..
08:48.04TJNIIThe config files and extensions language isn't hard if you can grasp the context of what it is doing.  Plus, if you really need, you can program it in other languages through AGI.
08:48.12TJNIIBut read the book first. :)
08:51.12*** join/#asterisk terracon (
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09:02.46sawgoodIf I wanted an inbound SIP trunk call to ring 4 specific phones when a call arrives, and then if no answer at any of the 4 phones, to ring 2 times, at another phone, then 2 times at another phone, and finally if no answer ... go to a generic VM (is find me / follow me the way this is done)?
09:03.58TJNIIThat sounds like a job for a dialplan with specific timeouts.
09:06.05sawgoodTJNII: thank you
09:07.02sawgoodI've found call routing under Asterisk to be different then commerical IP PBX boxes which lay it out so simply in a GUI like database window
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09:36.07drmessanosawgood: The "asterisk" project rightfully doesn't include a GUI... there's plenty of 3rd party options for that
09:38.32sawgooddrmessano: I understand ... but working with my extensions.conf file (which is now 18 pages can be daunting) at times
09:38.49drmessano*nix development isn't like Windows development.. you don't start with a GUI and then hope all the knobs, buttons, and switches actually do something
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09:48.14sawgoodThats so weird, I just ran update-source, and when the process was down ... my Asterisk 'level' wen down to instead of up to 1.4.28.x
09:50.15sawgoodtechnically, what are the 'Asterisk Add-Ons" included when when updates Asterisk using update-source
09:50.43sawgoodAnd, why isn't there a way to go from 1.4.x to 1.6.x wihtout have to do it manually"
09:56.00drmessanoAre you using PBX In a Flash?
09:59.02sawgoodI have several Asterisk boxes running in a LAB and most of them are PIAF
09:59.32sawgoodI have one which I proudly build with CentOS 5.4 and added Asterisk 1.6 manually for practice
10:00.09drmessanoSo you installed a "PBX Distro" which specifically makes it easy to install Asterisk + all the components of FreePBX, are, for some reason, building your dialplan manually, and complaining about the lack of a GUI?
10:00.58sawgoodWell, drmessano: its more of an approach of wanting to know more then one way to do things depending on the sub-variables of whos box it is I might be working on
10:02.27drmessano<sawgood> I've found call routing under Asterisk to be different then commerical IP PBX boxes which lay it out so simply in a GUI like database window  <-- I dont understand this comment then.. Asterisk is a *Telephony Engine*.. Whether you use it to buid a PBX using flat config files, or if you put a GUI on it, it doesnt change what Asterisk itself is
10:02.50drmessanoEven a 3com NBX system has an engine running which is fed by a config sitting in the file system
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10:04.00sawgoodright ... but in FreePBX ... (under Extensions) ... there is nothing more then find me / follow me options if you want the call to 'continue on to another extensions
10:04.18sawgoodYou can use ring groups, but its just not the same in some sub-variables
10:05.13drmessano<sawgood> If I wanted an inbound SIP trunk call to ring 4 specific phones when a call arrives, and then if no answer at any of the 4 phones, to ring 2 times, at another phone, then 2 times at another phone, and finally if no answer ... go to a generic VM (is find me / follow me the way this is done)?  <-- I could set this up in 2 mins using FreePBX
10:05.21drmessanoBut thats not really the point
10:05.58sawgoodwould you use find me / follow me?
10:06.23sawgoodcan you tell me what you would do to accomplish this goal?
10:07.22drmessanoRing group that fails over to a queue that fails over to a custom extension (which is the "general mailbox")
10:07.48sawgoodnice approach ...thanks ...
10:08.12sawgoodI have one other situation ... I am facing ... see if you think a misc. destination is the answer
10:09.09sawgoodA call comes into the Asterisk box via a SIP trunk call, the PBX answers the call, but immediately sends the call back out the SIP trunk to a PSTN number which is a waiting fax machine
10:09.36sawgoodThe fax machine is not on a ATA, it has its own PSTN copper line which is out of the scope of the IP PBX
10:09.52drmessanocustom extension and use SIP/trunkname/number as the dial string.. done
10:10.19sawgoodI did this one correctly then, thank you!
10:10.24drmessanoOf course its not going to work that well
10:10.49sawgoodI know .. its a fax machine which is working about 85% of the tim
10:12.59sawgoodI will probably have to put an ATA on the fax machine to make it an extension of the Asterisk box, and then deliver the calls to the ATA (which I've done for faxing with the SIP trunk provider and it works 95-98%) of the time
10:13.12drmessanoQuestions like these are better asked in the #freePBX channel.. if you really have a need to try to accomplish something in there, some of us try to engineer solutions that keep everything in the GUI, which is really the point of using it in the first place.  If you're going to rewrite half the dialplan in the _custom or _override files, your better off with a non-GUI config
10:23.47sawgoodright on ... I'm running 1.4.28 with the latest add ons ... this update-source process is nice
10:25.38drmessanoI think the Nxtvox site has been compromised
10:26.12drmessanoI just got a nice spam message from their support box, and I see the 4 port and 8 port clone cards are linked to, but not showing up on their product pages
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10:32.40m0eQuestion.. I am getting really high "core show translation" values.. in the thousands.. though this machine is a fresh install running centos 5.3 + asterisk 1.6.  The machine is a c2d 2.6ghz 4gb ram... before when I installed asterisknow on the same machine.. i was getting translation times like "9" etc.  Are there some tweaks that I need?
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12:47.20mazpeis there any way to debug a conference is using the options from the databse? for MeetMe RealTime
12:47.52mazpeor where can i find the lastest docs for MeetMe realtime
13:08.40mazpeI'm getting "res_config_mysql.c:384 update_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info."
13:08.50mazpewhat debug info should i be checking for?
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13:25.53mazpei've enabled console: ...,debug and sip set debug on and i still do not see any relevant to the "Failed to query database"
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13:31.27m0ewith regards to speex.. which files do I need to add to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules  I dont want to do a "make install"
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15:52.18ArtemMakhutovHello, is zaptel timing not required for IAX trunking (trunk=yes) with asterisk 1.6.2?
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16:31.36mazpefor music on hold is recommended to use .gsm vs mp3?
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16:39.19[TK]D-Fendermazpe: its recommended to use files in whatever codec your CALL is in
16:40.49m0eanyone on speex install?
16:41.47m0eI have followed a couple of tutorials but i end up with "-" in core show translation (asterisk 1.6.0)
16:45.30mazpe[TK]D-Fender: makes sense
16:45.52mazpeno conversion
16:47.56mazpewhen i change moh files, do i need to restart asterisk? seems that with reload still looking for old files
16:48.28fenrusyou probably can reload the module
16:49.23m0eif i build asterisk from source.. what does the XXX mean in make menuconfig?
16:49.42Nivexm0e: the feature is unavailable, usually because a build dependency is not present
16:49.55m0eaah.. thanks
16:50.05*** join/#asterisk lmns972 (
16:51.10mazpemodule reload
16:51.16mazpestill looking for old files.
16:51.20mazperestart i guess
16:51.37mazpejust doesnt sound sane
16:55.06[TK]D-Fenderm0e: means "look down its already telling you what you're missing"
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16:56.49m0e[TK]D-Fender, sorry.. look down where?
16:57.14[TK]D-Fenderm0e: DEPENDS ON
16:57.51m0emy bad.. thank you :)
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17:17.41|RI've been running 1.6.x on debian up to the final now, and since then, my voicemail is pretty fubar... if i send it to a mailbox normally, i hear the first word of vm-intro then nothing and if i disabled ("s") vm-intro, i get a beep, and then it creates an empty message.
17:18.03|RHas anyone experienced something similar? I have a pretty plain setup for home use...
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17:22.13ChannelZpastebin your voicemail.conf
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17:27.49ArtemMakhutovmust zaptel.conf contain anything for ztdummy?
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17:29.24ChannelZztdummy is only needed if you need MeetMe and otherwise have no telephony hardware
17:30.26ChannelZbut there is nothing to configure for it there
17:31.00ArtemMakhutovI want to use IAX with trunk=yes on asterisk 1.4
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17:32.08ArtemMakhutovI never did anything with zaptel so I have no clue.
17:32.28ArtemMakhutovIs this ok for ztdummy?
17:32.33ArtemMakhutovzap show status
17:32.35ArtemMakhutovDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
17:32.37ArtemMakhutovZTDUMMY/1 (source: HRtimer) 1            UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
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17:34.21ChannelZlooks about right from what I remember
17:34.48ArtemMakhutovok, thx
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17:46.19ArtemMakhutovHas anyone send faxes with a mobile phone (GSM)?
17:46.37[TK]D-FenderArtemMakhutov: that is NOT going to happen
17:47.01ArtemMakhutovwhy not?
17:47.19[TK]D-FenderArtemMakhutov: because the codec is too lossy for the connection.  G.711 or bust
17:47.49ArtemMakhutovyeah, but some mobile phones are supporting fax class 1 over GSM
17:48.32ArtemMakhutovFaxes over GSM are working. There is a special gsm protocol etc for that
17:48.47[TK]D-FenderArtemMakhutov: then its not "fax"
17:48.50coppiceArtemMakhutov: GSM has always supported FAX, but not all installations do
17:50.16ArtemMakhutovsorry, this is only in german:
17:50.50jblackanyone here that I like that has steam?
17:51.24AkiraaWould you recommend a particular book to learn asterisk?
17:51.28[TK]D-Fenderjblack: what if I'm only tepid?
17:51.44jblacki like you. =)
17:51.52jblackcan you msg me your steamid? I have something for you
17:52.26[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Sorry, don't actually have it... was just asking :)
17:52.39infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:52.43[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: ^^^
17:52.44*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
17:53.05infobot[~buybook] You can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
17:53.36Akiraa<[TK]D-Fender> thanks
17:54.47*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:55.46ChannelZSteam as in the game thing?
17:58.46Akiraa<[TK]D-Fender> What about a book on IP telephony in general, if you may know
18:00.13[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: jsut one I'd heard of anyway
18:00.35[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: TFOT has a decent little primer.  Depends what you want to know/do
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18:02.40Akiraa<[TK]D-Fender> TFOT? -- looking for something that begins with little assumptions
18:04.10*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
18:04.19[TK]D-FenderAkiraa: Only assumption TFOT makes is that you are likely to use * to access these techs
18:05.14ChannelZ(TFOT == Asterisk: The Future of Telephony book)
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18:24.49lesouvageAkiraa: I read the SIP book and it is a great book if you want to learn and know about SIP.
18:26.14lesouvageSwitching to Voip from O'Reilly is also a god book.
18:26.21lesouvagegod = good
18:26.42hardwireit's both
18:27.13*** join/#asterisk thenthenio (
18:27.43ArtemMakhutovIs there a way to make asterisk send the RTP packets twice to avoid packet loss on a bad link?
18:29.43hardwireArtemMakhutov: chances are low that it would replay in time
18:30.17hardwireArtemMakhutov: can I suggest using IAX2 trunking and reduce the trunking time to 10ms if your link is happy with that.
18:30.18ArtemMakhutovnot replaying the packets, jut send all packets two times insted of only one time
18:30.49hardwireArtemMakhutov: it is possible to do that without asterisk, actually
18:31.07hardwireset up a two or more TAP tunnel between asterisk servers.
18:31.13hardwirethen enable bonding in broadcast mode.
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18:31.45coppiceArtemMakhutov: most packets are lost due to congestion on the tributaries. Doubling the number of packets there is probably a bad thing
18:31.51hardwireArtemMakhutov: but I doubt asterisk has the facilities to discard duplicate packets
18:32.38[TK]D-Fenderturns his packet transmitters to 11... thats 1 more...
18:33.04ArtemMakhutovok, thx, I will try reducing the trunking time first
18:33.19hardwireanyways.. it's possible.. but probably not a good solution :)
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18:39.46ChannelZIt's a bit like saying we needed SAW II, SAW III, etc. in case someone missed the first one.
18:40.47ChannelZmore is *definately* not always better.
18:40.58ChannelZ(and sometimes even one is too much...)
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18:53.11vallycan anyone help me on this?
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19:10.42[TK]D-Fendervally: You're using ${EXTEN} with chanspy.. There's a prblem right there.  a numbered extension is not how a CHANNEL NAME starts
19:10.53[TK]D-Fendervally: its TECH/PEER/NUMBER, etc
19:11.47[TK]D-Fendervally: Unless you've encoded it elsewhere, but you didn't provide any debug of an actual attempt
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19:15.48vally[TK]D-Fender: well, i took the channel name in the macro and encode it. is there any other way to spy on the dialed channel using my setup? how would i give the reference to chanspy? (more than one call like this can happen)
19:18.26*** join/#asterisk SteelDig (i=SteelDig@
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19:20.55[TK]D-Fendervally: I'm not seeing any debug....
19:24.06[TK]D-Fendervally: based on your code I also am have trouble seeing the point of what you're doing
19:26.44vally[TK]D-Fender: i thought i had described it. so basically: originating a call to a phone. streaming the phone voice to an external interface (context mychan) while playing sound TO the phone (context audiosource, no moh!). only one phone in this setup. will provide debug output now.
19:29.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:30.47vally[TK]D-Fender: phone number changed to 999999999999
19:33.25*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
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19:58.50jo3sm1thIs it possible to put something in the extensions.conf file where I can call my DID, then have the DID Dial(a toll free number), enter a PIN# (my phone-card PIN), just a fun experiment so I can bypass entering in my own PIN
19:59.28*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
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20:11.41ChannelZjo3sm1th: yes
20:13.02*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
20:18.52telnettechok someone help me with a brain-fart
20:19.04telnettechwhat is the command to look at what processes are running
20:20.27jayteeor ps aux | grep "something"
20:20.30telnettechthanks jaytee
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20:34.01_heniuhi all !
20:34.09fenrushi there!
20:34.59ChannelZflashes his moobs
20:37.26_heniuI'm  looking for info how woulb be to connect asterisk to pbx (old analog Panasonic)
20:37.45_heniuwe are trying to build small (5 users system) for it
20:38.17_heniuit = IT department
20:43.02fenruswhat interfaces does the panasonic have?
20:43.09fenrusSIP, E1, T1 ?
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20:54.44_heniuits some old one (ive seen it only once) D500 ? it one for building , and contact with person who takes care about it is very hard
20:58.00_heniuive got only socket in wall ;-) (probably no possibility to reconfigure anything on pbx)
20:58.20ChannelZwell what is it you want to actually do by connection * to an existing PBX?
20:59.59wwalkerany recommendations for setup in a high packet loss environment?
21:00.15drmessanowwalker: Get a PRI
21:00.36wwalkermy son is travelling in foreign countries.
21:01.15wwalkerI've set him up as a sip peer over openvpn.  it works, but it's often _very_ choppy
21:01.16drmessanoWell, if the packet loss is on the client end, nope..
21:01.35drmessanoOver OpenVPN?
21:01.35fenruswwalker, did you try without the openvpn ?
21:01.46drmessanoTry without the VPN
21:02.24_heniuthere is about 100 users connected to it and we would like to have some kind of IVR and voice mail
21:03.07_heniu[about openvpn]: try to change to UDP and disable LZO compression
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21:04.09drmessano_heniu: Sounds like you want to put a Small PBX in place of the IT dept "phone" and have VM and a little inner-dept communication.  I dont think that endpoint PBX connection will help you here
21:04.32_heniumy question is would it be better to use some kind of PCI card or external fxo/fxs gateway
21:05.00drmessanoTo connect to that jack?
21:05.21_heniudrmessano: yes exacly
21:05.57_heniudrmessano : ive read a lot about problems with noise cancellation , detecting hook off etc
21:06.01drmessanoDoesnt matter if you have an internal or an external.. we've not even established you CAN use what's on that jack, which is highly unlikely
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21:08.54fenrusdrmessano, get an external provider instead of some homebrew pbx in the house with someone not being helpful managing it :)
21:10.04drmessanoIts not a homebrew PBX.. he said he believes its a Panasonic system
21:10.44drmessanoIt sounds like he wants to branch out from the IT depts "extension" and put a small IT dept PBX on the end of it
21:10.46fenrusi meant homebrew as in non telecom-company-provided
21:11.25fenruswell, of course the first step is to actually speak to the guy and make him understand your needs, perhaps is theese functions already in the pbx
21:11.39fenrusif he refuses i'd go external instead of being controlled by someone
21:11.41*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:12.05drmessanoI dont think they want the functions.. I think they want their own little PBX and just need an interconnect to the main system
21:12.23drmessanoWhich means either an analog or PRI interface
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21:15.26_heniuits 100 worker company pople are calling to helpdesk (throu internal number)
21:16.17_heniuthere are 5 internal numbers for IT
21:17.10_heniuand people are always calling to wrong person so we would like to add some kind of ivr (if ypu need to contact with DB admin press 1 etc)
21:17.12drmessanoYou need an extra PRI card in the office PBX and a PRI card for the asterisk box if you want those 5 extensions brough to Asterisk
21:20.11_heniuok thanks for help
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21:47.42jo3sm1thCan anyone show me just one line of sampel code that would send a string of numbers perhaps 1234 with send DTMF (after the call has been connected)
21:52.05ChannelZCrazy, huh?
21:52.17fenrusthats innovative
21:59.13jo3sm1thSave the commentary for the DVD release
21:59.28jo3sm1thThis is a channel for the serious discussion of Asterisk technologies
21:59.47ChannelZWe talk about squirrels too
22:00.49drmessanoand nuts
22:01.40ChannelZand squirrel nuts
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22:08.27jo3sm1thdoes SendDTMF have to be in the dialplan like ,2,Dial then on the next line ,3,SendDTMF?
22:09.59Guggejo3sm1th, no
22:10.07jo3sm1thit goes BEFORE you Dial ?
22:10.11ChannelZYou probably want a Wait() in between if you're waiting for your phone company to answer and ask to enter your pin
22:10.17Guggeread the dial() docs
22:10.36ChannelZGugge: he wants to send additional digits besides just dialing a number
22:11.08Guggeyes, and stuff after the dial() command wont be run unless the dial doesnt go through
22:12.15TJNIII think Gugge is right.  IIRC there is some extra hoodoo you need to do to get it to run during an outgoing dial.
22:12.28ChannelZyeah you need to arg up Dial
22:13.26Gugge"read the dial() docs" :P
22:13.47jo3sm1thdial docs or send DTMF docs
22:17.55jo3sm1thIt just says a basic description but that doesnt actually send digits while in a call does it?
22:19.53Guggeyou need to read the dial docs to find out how to do stuff after dialing somewhere
22:19.56ChannelZlook at the G option of Dial
22:20.44ChannelZOr you might be able to do it more ghetto, and use the 'w' character in your dialstring.. like Dial(Whatever/1235551212wwww6666)
22:21.07ChannelZAt least I think you can throw multiple w's in there
22:23.17jo3sm1ththis doesnt work Dial(Whatever/1235551212wwww6666
22:23.29jo3sm1thbut i would have been certainly willing to do it that way
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22:27.55ChannelZit actually does work, but it's not going to connect the other side of the channel until it's done dialing
22:28.00ChannelZso you won't hear it
22:29.00ChannelZ(or the 'local side' I guess I should say)
22:29.18ChannelZbut it probably depends more on the type of channel you're dialing on, you didn't say
22:30.19jo3sm1thso after Dial on the dialplan there is no way to make it generate DTMF tones
22:32.47Guggesure there is
22:34.05Guggewith the G option, as ChannelZ said
22:36.49jo3sm1thSo you put G option in Dialplan such as ,3,G(context^exten^priority)
22:37.13GuggeG is if you wanna do more complex stuff, needing dialplan magic
22:37.26TJNIIjo3sm1th: Please go read the dial documentation. is a good place to start.
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22:50.37pepesmithhello,i have an error here.. utils.c:1126 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Connection refused
22:50.49pepesmithbut i have already my fastagi running
22:51.19pepesmithhow will i know if that fastagi script is working?
22:51.59*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
23:07.28*** join/#asterisk Katty (
23:07.53Kattywell my squirrely tray isn't going anywhere now
23:08.55Kattynot unless the squirrels can rip out wood screws.
23:09.10ChannelZDepends on what they got for Christmas
23:19.00Kattythink there will be any vistors to the tray tonight?
23:19.39m0eany guides on how to make the "core show translation" show lower times?
23:20.09m0ei get really low times with asterisknow.. but when I install centos then the 1.6 rpm from the asterisk repo.. i get extremely high times
23:34.12*** part/#asterisk teknomega (
23:36.14drmessano1.6 uses microseconds instead of milliseconds
23:40.55dlynesKatty: you decided to stop getting frustrated with them, and just fix their wagon? :)
23:42.22*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
23:54.54ChannelZm0e: It shows in microseconds now, not milliseconds
23:55.14m0eChannelZ, oh.. thanks.. didnt notice that!
23:55.25m0ei was wondering why the number was so high :)
23:55.26ChannelZyeah it threw me off the first time I looked too
23:55.41m0ethanks a bunch :)
23:55.53ChannelZoh drmessano told you earlier, I didn't see it.. but I guess neither did you
23:56.11m0eoops.. i was out
23:58.07m0ethanks drmessano :)
23:58.19drmessanoDont mention it

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