IRC log for #asterisk on 20091223

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
00:00.12citywoki want a 6739i, but have 6757i's
00:00.35*** part/#asterisk LakeSolon (
00:01.08sbrathdoes the astra do VPN?
00:03.08sbrathI've seen some phones that can initiate a L2TP to get the the office network, and the ethernet port on the phone is then on the office network... Seems great for vork-at-home.
00:03.57citywokthat'd be pretty slick
00:04.27sbraththe zycoo does that , but I don't have one to try it.
00:05.12citywokthe aastras have a lot of programming power so i love them
00:05.16citywokalright, i'm out for the day. later
00:05.44*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
00:13.50*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
00:22.56*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
00:28.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:40.35*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
00:40.53dlynesWith asterisk, it doesn't seem to copy the sound files into voicemail directories appropriately
00:41.07dlynesAre we expected to write a script to perform this function?
00:41.24manxpowerdlynes: "make sounds"
00:41.25dlynesOr is there a 'language=en' parameter in voicemail.conf in this version?
00:41.38ChannelZyeah you mean the installer?
00:42.56dlynesChannelZ: ?
00:43.15dlynesmanxpower: already did that
00:43.30jblackChannelZ: any thoughts?
00:43.39ChannelZI mean are you saying the installer didn't put the sound files in at all?
00:44.02dlynesmanxpower: it creates /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr
00:44.09ChannelZ(you're talking about the voice prompts I assume)
00:44.32ChannelZdo 'make menuconfig' and turn on whatever sound flavors/languages you want, though it usually selects them by default.  MOH too.
00:44.57ChannelZthen when you make install it should download the appropriate sound pack and shove them in
00:45.01dlynesmanxpower: and dumps a bunch of .asterisk-extra-sounds-en-* in the directory as well (zero byte files)
00:45.10dlynesChannelZ: already did all that
00:45.13*** join/#asterisk batphone (
00:45.33ChannelZdid you have bad permissions when you installed or something?
00:45.35batphonedoes the SIP Request-URI have to match the To: <sip: > field to be RFC compliant?
00:45.44dlynesChannelZ: it creates the 'es' and 'fr' directories, but they're empty
00:46.00ChannelZis your language english?
00:46.04batphonei dont understand the purpose of the To: field
00:46.06dlynesChannelZ: the 'en' directory is the only one that's populated, because i only asked for english
00:46.29ChannelZok.. so I assume your language is english in the * config
00:46.54batphonei mean, what is the To: field for if you dont route calls using it
00:47.13ChannelZand that you have 'languageprefix' turned on (yes) in asterisk.conf
00:48.07batphoneany ideas?
00:48.35batphonemost of my calls that come in destined for users on my net have the To: <>
00:48.44batphoneothers just 503 if its not in that format
00:49.06batphonethis is coming from a nextone
00:50.01dlynesChannelZ: languageprefix?
00:50.46dlynesChannelZ: nvm...that's a new option
00:50.49ChannelZtells it to use the en/fr/es etc directories depending on the language.  It should be on by default, just check you didn't specifically turn it off
00:51.02dlynesChannelZ: and the default configuration won't work without it why isn't it enabled by default?
00:51.22ChannelZso you have all the vm-* files in the en directory but it's just not playing anything?
00:51.43dlynesChannelZ: it was screwing up on something when someone calls in to check their voicemail
00:51.53dlynesChannelZ: it seems to be fine for when someone's leaving a voicemail, though
00:52.04ChannelZscrewing up how
00:52.08dlynesChannelZ: checking though, generates an error about not being able to translated g729 to slin
00:53.10BirchQuicklySounds like your g729 is teh broke
00:53.43ChannelZyah different issue..
00:54.23*** part/#asterisk paulc (n=paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
00:55.26manxpowerdon't allow g729 unless you have a license
00:55.36dlynesmanxpower: nothing should be doing slin
00:55.41dlynesmanxpower: it's all g729 passthrough
00:55.53ChannelZand you put in the g729 prompts?
00:55.58manxpowerobviously it's trying to transcode somewhere.
00:55.59dlynesChannelZ: of course
00:56.11ChannelZand the caller was calling with g729 and NOT ulaw or something?
00:56.14dlynesmanxpower: yeah...not sure why...I'm guessing it's because it can't find the g729 sommehwere
00:56.21dlynesmanxpower: and so it's trying the default of slin or ulaw
00:56.34dlynesChannelZ: all calls in and out are g729
00:56.40manxpowerinstall the g729 version of the sound files
00:56.41dlynesChannelZ: voicemail is configured for g729
00:56.49dlynesmanxpower: they're installed
00:57.03manxpoweryou won't be able to do meetme and you won't be able to do w/W/t/T
00:57.06ChannelZwell it would try to convert (and fail with no g729 license) if for some reason the call didn't negotiate as g729
00:57.18manxpoweryou also won't be able to use mixmonitor
00:57.25ChannelZbut without really seeing the error or knowing what was going on at the time it's hard to say
00:57.33dlynesmanxpower: i have no desire to do any of that
00:57.35manxpowermake sure you have allowguest=no in your sip.conf
00:57.42dlynesmanxpower: it's all old fogeys that barely know how to dial a phone
00:57.52dlynesmanxpower: eh?  What's that new option do?
00:58.05BirchQuicklynew option?
00:58.09dlynesmanxpower: or you mean for allowing unauthenticated sip traffic?
00:58.42manxpowerBy default Asterisk will allow unauthenticated calls.
01:00.39ChainsawIt will also accept candy from strangers and follow weird people into alleyways.
01:01.22JAMMAN2110mmmmm stranger candy
01:01.35leifmadsenyou never know what you're gonna get!
01:02.34BirchQuickly <-- WIN
01:03.52ChannelZI think that's Barney Frank's van
01:09.00*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
01:09.34ChainsawWhat, was it something I said?
01:10.14ChannelZNo we were all playing the silent game.  You just lost.
01:11.20*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:12.06BirchQuicklycuts Chainsaw in half with a Chai... popup fail
01:15.35snadgeBirchQuickly: the pedobear version of that is funnier :P
01:18.41*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:19.52snadgei cant find it tho
01:23.25BirchQuicklyPic or it didn't happen
01:33.15*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk rgolds (
01:40.32*** join/#asterisk RobH (
01:57.56*** join/#asterisk IgorG (
02:00.55*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
02:01.16*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
02:11.02*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
02:11.26*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:14.38*** join/#asterisk simplydrew_ (
02:16.37*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
02:21.03dlynesBirchQuickly: yeah...don't have to worry about unauthenticated external access to sip
02:24.06dlyneshi ho hi ho it's off to work we go hi ho hi ho
02:24.15dlyneserm....i'm off work...what am I talking about?
02:25.27Kattyi wasn't going to ask
02:25.33Kattyand you aren't going to tell
02:30.08dlynesthis new asterisk is kinda weird
02:30.18dlyneslooking for sound files in all kinds of weird places
02:30.31ChannelZI've noticed it's unable to parse the default musiconhold.conf
02:30.49dlynesChannelZ: really?
02:31.05dlynesChannelZ: well..actually...I wouldn't know...I don't use moh on any of my systems, currently
02:31.09ChannelZyeah at least on my system it doesn't want to touch it
02:31.41dlynesChannelZ: i'm guessing you've already fixed the issue, though?
02:32.39ChannelZyeah I just made a custom one.  I'm not sure what it was really, some of the commenting or why it was barfing
02:32.44*** join/#asterisk simplydrew__ (
02:33.09ChannelZIt's like the file wasn't there, I never even got the 'Parsing /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf' line in the console
02:33.22dlynesChannelZ: which version of asterisk?
02:33.33ChannelZI just renamed mine and copied the dist one in, but now it's working if I reload res_musiconhold
02:33.37ChannelZso who the hell knows
02:33.50dlynesah...same version as me
02:33.52*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
02:34.09dlynesnot exhibiting weird behaviour on me, when I threw it in and module loaded
02:34.41dlynesbut old fogeys get confused by stuff like moh
02:34.41dlynesso I don't even use moh
02:34.41dlynesor call waiting or any of that exotic stuff
02:35.06dlynesthey even get confused by the voicemail
02:35.15dlynesso I need strip down voicemail.c for them :(
02:35.20ChannelZSomething else was probably in a busted state at the time.. but I scratched my head over it for a good 5 minutes.  *shrug*
02:35.21dlyneserm app_voicemail.c
02:35.36ChannelZmaybe they shouldn't have voicemail
02:35.50dlynesassisted living old fogeys are still of sane mind
02:36.00dlynesthey just can't handle multitasking
02:36.09dlynesso call waiting isn't up their alley
02:36.23dlynesthey get pissed off at the beeping in their ear
02:36.25RobHPerhaps someone knows the answer to this one.  I have my asterisk system setup with an 8 port TDM800P that has two of the 4 line trunk modules for connecting to the PTSN.  I have all 8 lines hooked up.  If I dial into the system 5 times, the system can pick up and route all the calls.  However, if I dial out more than twice, and fill the lines past 4, I get congestion messages and no one can place more outbound calls.  I have tossed th
02:36.25RobHoutput of some of this on pastern here:
02:37.00RobHjust seems to mess up on loading up outbound calls, still, not as bad as inbound not working...
02:37.22*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
02:37.42dlynesRobH: i don't see an error in your pastebin
02:37.59RobHthe ....damn i pasted the wrong output.
02:38.03*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (
02:38.10ChannelZme either.. looks like channels are full
02:38.39*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (
02:39.09RobHchannel congestion is the error.
02:39.20RobHI am not sure why, since the chan_dahdi.conf shows all 8 channels.
02:40.14ChannelZdo any of them have errors?
02:40.23dlynesRobH: not that it is related to this issue, but you do know that caller id on PSTN is limited to 15 characters, caps lock, and space bar, right?
02:40.23ChannelZerr alarms?
02:40.29RobHChannelZ: i think that is exactly what it is, but I do not know why.  I think its configured properly to see and use all 8 channels.  I know they work for incoming, I loaded up all of them with folks using cells to call in.
02:40.41RobHdlynes: that callerid stuff is bad, I just never yanked it.
02:40.44dlynesRobH: dahdi show channels
02:40.49dlynesRobH: pastebin that
02:40.58dlynesRobH: or amybe it's dahdi show status
02:41.05dlynesRobH: it's been a while since I've used pstn
02:41.55RobHdid both
02:43.27RobHthe odd part is the system now has two cards
02:43.30ChannelZyou have 2 boards?
02:43.32RobHone with 8 ports, one with 4.
02:43.45dlynesChannelZ: if he didn't, they wouldn't be showing up
02:43.46RobHand its just showing 8 ports, should show 12
02:44.09dlynesRobH: could be that you've only got 6 ports on the first one
02:44.14dlynesRobH: and you've got 2 on the other one
02:44.41dlynesRobH: can you pastebin a dump of 'dmesg'?
02:44.42RobHnot a chance, confirmed the part #'s on the modules.  they are two 4 port modules, and the other card has 4 ports, as it was in the system before using all 4.
02:44.51ChannelZrun  dahdi_scan  in a shell
02:44.59dlynesor what channelz said
02:45.08dlynesI've never used dahdi...only used zaptel
02:46.29RobHboth dmesg, and the dahdi_scan
02:46.45RobHthanks for helping me guys, I appreciate it ^_^
02:46.53dlynesRobH: I'm seeing something that's amiss, but not sure what it is:
02:46.55dlynesRobH: [  364.899890] VPM100: Not Present
02:47.08dlynesRobH: and [  370.754047] VPMADT032 Failed! Unable to ping the DSP (2)!
02:47.09RobHthe system previously had two of the TDM410P installed.
02:47.22RobHit was removed and replaced with the TDM800P
02:47.37RobH....did I need to recompile the dahdi binaries?
02:47.53dlynesRobH: don't see why you would need to
02:48.01RobHI did not think I would need to, so I did not.
02:48.19dlynesbut what's a VPM100, or a VPMADT032, for that matter?
02:49.01*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
02:49.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
02:49.18dlynesRobH: so where's this dahdi_scan?  I only see dmesg
02:49.25RobHsecond link
02:50.05dlynesdahdi's having an issue with your 8 port card
02:50.06RobHthe system sees both cards, and all thier ports just fine.
02:50.08RobHit seems
02:50.12RobHaccording to dahdi_scan
02:50.31dlynesIt's not able to find the VPMADT032 on the TDM800P that it's supposed to have
02:50.45dlyneswhatever the VPMADT032 is
02:51.05dlynesah...the hwec
02:51.14RobHhas no idea
02:51.21dlynesDoes your TDM800P have an HWEC?
02:51.31ChannelZBut you've said that incoming calls work, just not all outgoing
02:51.32RobHis that hardware echo cancellation?
02:51.50ChannelZHave you tried specifically dialing out on channel 7 or 8 rather than using your group?
02:51.51RobHChannelZ: basically to load the lines, i called the system twice on my cell
02:51.58RobHhen a coworker dialed in once.
02:52.17RobHwith those on hold, I pickup a desk phone, and dial Out inoto our main line
02:52.23RobHfilling a higher # outgoing port
02:52.25dlynesRobH: empty the system of all calls
02:52.45RobHdlynes: done
02:52.51ChannelZthat's only 5
02:53.04dlynesRobH: then try dialing out on DAHDI/7-1 and DAHDI/8-1
02:53.13RobHit should have dialed out on them....
02:53.44dlynesRobH: Dial(DAHDI/7-1/xxxxxxxx) and Dial(DAHDI/8-1/xxxxxxxxxx)
02:54.32*** join/#asterisk timholum_ (
02:54.33dlynesRobH: by default, Dial(DAHDI/G1/xxxxxx) should dial down (access highest channel first)
02:54.55dlynesRobH: Alternatively if you want to dial up (access lowest channel first), you would do Dial(DAHDI/g1/xxxxxxxx)
02:55.22RobHhrmm, i have my outbound set to DAHDI/G1
02:55.23dlynesRobH: and then you can also do random (r1) and reverse random (R1)
02:55.28RobHso that should be using highest port first.
02:55.33RobHyet i see it dial and use port 6...
02:55.36dlynesRobH: obviously it's not
02:56.06timholum_I just got in, but I think I am having the same issue as RobH
02:56.28RobHOk, i just saw it dial, and it starts at 6
02:56.30RobHnot 8...
02:56.56dlynesRobH: interesting
02:57.05RobHi am repeating it to confirm.
02:57.10dlynesRobH: which version of dahdi and asterisk?
02:57.24dlynestimholum_: same question for you?
02:58.00dlynestimholum_: and are you using the same hardware as RobH?
02:58.01timholum_If I do > dahdi show channels I only see a pseudo channel
02:58.17dlynestimholum_: you don't have the same problem as RobH, then
02:58.37dlynestimholum_: your problem is that you don't have your dahdi drivers loaded for your card
02:58.44timholum_I did not see his full question, I just saw he was havin a dahdi problem
02:59.02RobHthat shows my coworker pickign up their desk phone to dial my cell
02:59.11RobHand it originates on channel 6.
02:59.23dlynesRobH: perhaps you haven't seen what both ChannelZ and I have requested?
02:59.32RobHso something is telling asterisk that DAHDI/G is 6...
02:59.35RobHahh, version, sorry
02:59.39dlynesRobH: Dial(DAHDI/7-1/number) and Dial(DAHDI/8-1/number)
02:59.51dlynesRobH: and the versions too
03:00.14RobHasterisk  dahdi-linux dahdi tools
03:00.20dlynestimholum_: your problem is much more elementary
03:00.26RobHhardcoding the test with 8 and 7 now
03:00.38dlynesRobH: why aren't you using dahdi-complete?
03:01.03RobHdlynes: I have no idea, I just grabbed them independently when I downloaded it  (perhaps I did not see the complete option I suppose)
03:01.08dlynesRobH: so that you make sure that your version of dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools are versions that work together?
03:01.28RobHthey were downloaded at the same time, they worked for a 4 line card for months now
03:01.44RobHbut other than downloading them together, I dunno i suppose =[
03:02.02dlynesRobH: I don't know if you can actually mix versions of dahdi linux and dahdi tools or not...i remember a few years back that certain versions of zaptel would only work with certain versions of asterisk
03:02.12ChannelZBesides updating to which I'd do anyway, do a 'dahdi show channel 8', does it think it's on a call already or something?
03:02.15dlynesRobH: maybe you can....maybe you can't...I don't know
03:02.30ChannelZdlynes: dahdi-linux is the drivers, tools is.. tools
03:02.37dlynesChannelZ: yeah...I realize that
03:02.44ChannelZoh you said versions, nm
03:02.52dlynesChannelZ: but you see how his driver version and tools versions don't match?
03:03.06dlynesChannelZ: one's and the other is
03:03.17ChannelZyes I misread _your_ comment as I said, nevermind
03:03.19RobHChannelZ:  dahdi show channel 8
03:03.20dlynesnot to mention
03:03.24dlynes1.6.0.5 is pretty old
03:03.24RobHhaving them dial out to force channel 8 now
03:03.36dlynesit might have a lot of bugs that have been fixed...and this might be one of them
03:03.56dlynesRobH: what does 'dahdi show channel 8' show?
03:03.58RobHcan i escalate the version of dahdi without escalating asterisk as well?
03:04.04RobHdlynes: see link
03:04.06dlynesRobH: yes
03:04.13*** part/#asterisk kkemp (
03:04.28ChannelZhmm why does it show Onhook?  (is that still broken?)
03:04.52dlynesChannelZ: it's probably showing that because it was before he made a call
03:05.13dlynesRobH: ?
03:05.19dlynesRobH: damn what?
03:05.34RobHforced it to use 8 in extensions.conf...
03:05.52RobHsorry, 7
03:05.55RobHbut still is using 6...
03:06.03dlynesRobH: then obviously you didn't force it
03:06.13dlynesRobH: because you're still using 'G'
03:06.14ChannelZI see it still dialing G1
03:06.20RobHhrmm, damn...
03:06.24RobHwhat did i do wrong... sorry guys.
03:06.34ChannelZdid you reload the dialplan (and what is in it?)
03:08.33ChannelZjust make a dummy extension that does Dial(DAHDI/8-1/5555551212)
03:08.43*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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03:08.52RobHOk, sorry about that.
03:08.57RobHNow its using 7
03:09.14RobHand getting an error shown here:
03:09.22*** join/#asterisk SkramX (i=mark@phalse.2600.COM)
03:09.29SkramXi have a Cisco 7940 that had SIP firmware instlled but is now giing a protocol application error. how can I change the TFTP server it attempts to connect to? a factory reset does nothing
03:10.06RobHChannelZ: its dialing out now on channel 7, or trying to.  it just fails however with a cause unknown.
03:10.20timholum_my issue was a lack of #include dahdi-channels.conf
03:10.31*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
03:10.36dlynesRobH: have you ever tried opening up your box, to make sure that the last module is actually firmly seated, and making a good connection?
03:10.51snadgeis there such a thing as a cheap linux box thats suitable for using as a SIP pbx?
03:10.59dlynessnadge: yes
03:11.06dlynessnadge: how cheap is 'cheap'?
03:11.09snadgebasically a voip appliance that i can blow away and install my own software on
03:11.23snadgeof course i could use an old pc.. but im hoping for something more in the form factor of a router
03:11.32snadgeeg.. no hard drive or fans
03:11.53dlynessnadge: stop proletizing and say what you mean
03:11.54snadgeit doesnt have to be too cheap i suppose.. but not ridiculously expensive either
03:12.08chuckfdepending on your needs netbooks work well
03:12.19RobHdlynes: They checked the module and it is seated.  The funny part is it is a 4 port module, both of them.
03:12.25RobHthe fact its not loading halfway into a module is odd.
03:12.33snadgei've heard of people using linksys routers
03:12.44dlynesRobH: maybe one's defective and it's actually only a 2 port module
03:12.55dlynessnadge: I've never heard of anyone using a linksys router for it
03:13.05ChannelZRobH: I'm not sure what is going on, you should rebuild your dahdi from because something odd is going on
03:13.06dlynessnadge: linksys network drive yes...but not a router
03:13.23dlynessnadge: the linksys router doesn't have enough memory or cpu power
03:13.35ChannelZEither that or the physical lines going into ports 7 and 8 are bad and it's not throwing an alarm for some reason but I dunno
03:13.52dlynesChannelZ: i've had issues like that with sangoma hardware before, too
03:14.02dlynesChannelZ: we ended up tracing it down to defective hardware
03:14.13Katty <- warning: large.
03:14.17ChannelZRobH: When you dial, does it instantly throw that error or is there a bit of a delay?
03:14.50RobHinstantly upon the pattern match in the system
03:14.54ChannelZRobH: If you're super bored you could try flopping the modules and see if the problem moves
03:15.03RobHi set an extension to dial, to eliminate the lag, and its immediate.
03:15.06dlynessnadge: Do a google search for 'nslu2'
03:15.10ChannelZbut it'd be easier to recompile new dahdi first :)
03:15.14ChannelZand hope for the best
03:15.18RobHyea i will recompile real fast.
03:15.47ChannelZboth new ages, drivers and tools
03:16.07dlynespersonally, i woudl just flip the modules, know that the module is bad, ship it back to digium and ask for an advance replacement...problem solved
03:16.33dlynesdamn...i'm a genius
03:17.09RobHwe just ordered it and if its a bad module my boss is going to throw a shitfit on me =[
03:17.10ChannelZI say we all go back to morse code and telegraphs
03:17.12RobHoh well.
03:17.21RobHis recompiling dahdi
03:17.27ChannelZwhy, bad hardware sometimes happens
03:17.53*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
03:20.36ChannelZmeh.. it's snowing
03:21.14RobH...its 64F here ;]
03:21.26RobHall the floridians, myself included, are wearing sweatshirts.
03:21.42RobHsorry.  we are all wussies.  (usbkeyboard gets wonky on enter....)
03:23.21*** join/#asterisk timholum_ (
03:24.05TJNIIHeh.  Heard second hand via family, yesterday it was warmer here in Colorado then in Florida.
03:24.30ChannelZit was pretty nice the last few days
03:24.49*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
03:25.07TJNIIIt is supposed to start snowing here very soon.  We should have a white Christmas.
03:25.30TJNIICorrection.  A look out the window asserts that it already has.
03:25.38TJNIII predict shoveling in my future....
03:25.41*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
03:26.53ChannelZLike I said
03:26.55snadgedlynes: nslu2 looks cool
03:27.10snadgecan install debian on it, and it has an arm cpu
03:27.23snadgewonder how effective at running asterisk it would be
03:27.26TJNIIChannelZ: You live in Colorado too, correct?
03:28.15snadgealso wondering whether i buy an analog phone to voip adaptor.. or just buy a voip enabled phone
03:29.55TJNIIATAs are probably better if you are on a budget.
03:30.27TJNIII knew someone else here did, couldn't remember who.
03:30.40TJNIIPlus it doesn't help that I never stay here for long.....
03:30.41joobieguys is there a diaplan regex that i can use to match *1838, #1838 or 1838 ?
03:30.52joobieie, there may or may not be a * # in front of the 1838........
03:31.16*** join/#asterisk MedicineMan (n=medicine@
03:31.44snadgei dont even have analog phones.. so buying an ATA and an analog phone seems kinda pointless ;)
03:32.20snadgehow about a wireless phone, that can run asterisk.. that would solve my problems.. just plug it in.. done
03:32.28TJNIII like the fact that I can stick the ATAs in the basement and liven all the existing jack with them.
03:32.36ChannelZjoobie _!1838  I think
03:32.39TJNIII still want a nice Polycom for my desk, though.
03:33.57joobiewhat does ! stand for ChannelZ ?
03:34.08snadgepolycom eh
03:34.28ChannelZzero or more characters
03:35.05joobieis there "zero or one" ?
03:35.37infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:37.23*** join/#asterisk mazpe (
03:38.17TJNIII don't think you're going to find an * pattern match that will meet your exact criteria.
03:38.44ChannelZno, write 2 extensions
03:38.44TJNIIYour safest bet is probably two extra exten lines with the # and the * that goto 1838.
03:51.25*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
03:56.20dlynesChannelZ: Here's the error I'm running across for that slin crap, in case you might be able to help
04:04.59Get_The_Fishdlynes, would you happen to have the GSM codec installed as well?
04:05.51dlynesGet_The_Fish: yep...not using it though
04:05.57dlynesGet_The_Fish: i only care about the .g729 files
04:06.16dlynesGet_The_Fish: everything should be operating as g.729 passthrough
04:06.43Get_The_Fishah ok... right, but I have seen the same issue and for some reason installing GSM is what did the trick- it was just anecdotal and nothing that I spent too much time on, so it may well have not been the fix, but whatever
04:07.09Get_The_Fishoh, do you have a license for g729? it needs a license to transcode if I remember correctly
04:07.40Get_The_Fishdamn, I had the same issue once before and for the life of me I cant remember what fixed it
04:09.22dlynesIt shouldn't be trying to transcode
04:09.32dlynesAs I said, it should be doing g.729 passthrough
04:09.39dlynesEverything's working on g.729 except this
04:09.43Get_The_Fishline 7 is showing that it is attempting to transcode
04:09.50dlynesI know that
04:09.58dlynesI just don't know where the slin is coming from
04:10.31Get_The_Fishand you have g729 set as the only codec in voicemail.conf, right?
04:13.57dlynesyes, and in sip.conf
04:14.20dlynesbtw...technically, in voicemail, it's called a format, not a codec
04:14.34Get_The_Fishright right
04:15.20Get_The_Fishoh, yeah, do you have maxsilence set to 0?
04:15.29Get_The_Fishsilence detection requires transcoding
04:16.07Get_The_Fishah, if this is still correct, you are SOL without a license:
04:16.29Get_The_FishThe codec is not just for transcoding audio.
04:16.29Get_The_FishIt is required to read and write it as well.
04:17.05BirchQuickly^^ That seems to state differently
04:17.19dlynesGet_The_Fish: you don't know what you're talking about
04:17.31dlynesGet_The_Fish: I've been doing it this way for about 1-1/2 years now
04:18.00dlynesGet_The_Fish: Just with the upgrade to, it's changed a little bit, and I haven't figured out what's changed...if I had, it'd be a non-issue
04:18.09Get_The_Fishjust trying to help, seen the same thing....
04:18.11joobiehmm guys will ${EXTEN:1} strip the first digit, even if it's like a * or # ?
04:18.15joobieor does it only strip digits.....
04:18.35dlynesjoobie: any character
04:18.37TJNIIAFAIK it should strip * and #
04:18.41joobieta :)
04:18.53dlynesGet_The_Fish: yeah...most of the people that you've seen run into that issue are not doing the same thing I am
04:19.00dlynesGet_The_Fish: they're trying to transcode...I'm not
04:19.27dlynesI've got g.729 on both ends, and i have no need to transcode
04:19.27BirchQuicklyI hope they didnt break G729.. I just got RedTube to start supporting G729
04:19.35dlynesnaywyas...on that note
04:19.45dlynesI need to hit the hay...I'm going to hack at it again tomorrow
04:19.46Get_The_FishI was supposed to be doing the same thing as well when this happened...we are g729 on both ends as well
04:20.14BirchQuicklyTell russellb his little crapfaces broke something a week before xmas
04:20.20BirchQuicklyPhrase it just like that
04:20.39ChannelZredtube is porn..?
04:21.01BirchQuicklyChannelZ: If you want to call it that
04:21.51TJNIIRedTube - Home of Porn. New free porn every day. Best quality porn and xxx videos for free. <-- Google agrees with ChannelZ
04:22.23BirchQuicklySo does my towel
04:23.00BirchQuicklyMy alter ego is kinda wussy today
04:23.11drmessanostretches and burps
04:29.51*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
04:35.54RobHOk.  Now my issue has changed slightly.  I have updated dahdi (complete) and asterisk to the newest stable releases.  The system is functioning fine and I have tested it by having it answer up to 3 concurrent calls at the same time.  I have then tried to dial out.  If I set it to dial DAHDI/1-1 OR 2-1, it works and dials out.  Setting it from 3-1 to 8-1 results in: app_dial.c:1502 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI
04:35.55RobH(cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
04:36.58ChannelZso now its worse
04:37.02RobHWhich is odd, since I have watched an incoming call be answered on 3-1
04:37.04Get_The_Fishcan anyone recommend any resources or tips on when in the dialplan to write CDR's, or give me any advice on CDR's? Check TFOT and voip-info.... any others?
04:37.06RobHpretty much.
04:37.20ChannelZand it's seeing the cards in the same order as before?
04:37.23RobHChannelZ: I had them pull the other TDM card.
04:37.31RobHSo ALL that is in there is the one 8 port card
04:37.32ChannelZthe 4 port?
04:37.34RobHfor our 8 main lines.
04:37.36RobHthe 4 port is out.
04:38.07RobH(we have to eventually make it work for the 8 port and the 4 port, since I have other lines NOT in our main number hunt group that will use the 4 port later.  but that is later.)
04:38.35RobHwe being the proverbial we (me) and any help I can beg =]
04:38.56RobHChannelZ: so it only sees the one card, becasue the 8 port is all that is installed right now.
04:39.11RobHand before it was all that had lines connected.
04:39.47ChannelZare the lines connected in the same order?  IE we're sure all the hard lines are operational?
04:39.59RobHI am manually dialing and checking that now =]
04:41.17*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
04:45.23RobHintriguing, my 2-1 and 8-1 do not answer.  investigating.
04:47.00ChannelZI'd plug those lines into ports currently working and see if they really do
04:48.07drmessanoI would plug 1to3, 4to6, 7to9, 2to5 and short 8 to ground
04:48.54ChannelZand then stick your finger into a socket and not worry about the phones
04:49.39*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:49.41RobHChannelZ: I am swapping the ones that dont work to working ports, and seeing if they dial in and out
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04:59.59ChannelZgoes to decorate
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05:52.53batphoneanyone good with billing increments?
05:53.15batphonei need to crunch some serious cdrs with different increments
05:57.55drmessanoTry a pair of pliers
05:58.20batphonei have an axe handy with my resume in my back pocket. dont tempt me.
06:01.42FuzziBearare there any particular issues that may be caused by having an agent joined to 2 different asterisk servers, in queues on each? (these servers are exact replicas of each other, used for load balancing)
06:02.29batphoneaside from the obvious myriad of implementation questions, no.
06:03.55FuzziBearbrilliant... just wanted to make sure =D. out of interest, what would a good example of the questions you would be asking be?
06:04.24batphonehow are you replicating the asterisk boxes?
06:05.06FuzziBearusing realtime config and replicating the databases across the servers
06:05.40batphoneand how are you keeping the replication from interfereing with registration?
06:06.16batphoneip addressing? vrrp? ha of some sort?
06:06.26*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
06:06.45batphoneyou probably should have an agent logged into both machines
06:06.46FuzziBearhow do you mean? they arent perfectly replicated, just the config is shared... im planning on having... oh heh.. i see... yeh different ip addresses; completely separate servers
06:07.10batphonea call comes in and decides what agent to go to .. how?
06:07.19batphonereplicate the databases
06:07.24batphoneand virtualize the ip address
06:07.29batphoneits going to take some trickery
06:08.13FuzziBeari was going to do that, but i though itd be easier just to register on both. perhaps not?
06:08.48FuzziBearwhat'd be the problem with registering on both? (im not exactly a pro at any of this; you might be able to tell :P)
06:08.53batphonei suppose its possible but it seems more... natural to just build a straight up IP address based backup that will send a gratuitous arp.
06:09.18FuzziBearwell i thought of that but it seems as though itd add an extra point of failure
06:09.19batphonekeepalived, conntrackd
06:09.25batphonewhich would be?
06:09.30FuzziBeari mean i know its tried and tested etc
06:09.36FuzziBearthe virtualized ip
06:09.57batphonep.o.f. exists in 0.5 places per virtualized IP
06:10.22batphoneso say you are running vrrp across the boxes with keepalived
06:10.54batphonewhat i have done in the past for things like vpn endpoints is have keepalived practically rewrite /etc when a failure is detected
06:11.09batphoneand i made sure that a detected failure was in fact a terrorist attack on the box of some sort
06:11.37batphoneHA can do something similar and more eloquently but it was not an option for me on the hardware
06:12.08batphoneits a matter of network architecture more than anything
06:12.18batphonetwo switches, two servers, etc.
06:12.24batphoneNIC bonding ;D
06:12.27*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
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06:13.07FuzziBearhmm yeh i dont have a large amount of hardware to work with and i dont reeeeally have too much control over the physical side of it which is a bummer... i might get more eventually, but atm my budget is... as limited as i can possibly make it :P
06:13.30VxJasonxVI'm quite confused. I installed the sample config files, and moved a lot of them into a seperate sub-directory
06:13.59VxJasonxVI re-created sip and extensions.conf from scratch, and I have my peers and friends in sip.conf working. But "dialplan show" in the console doesn't show the things I've put into extensions.conf
06:14.01batphoneFuzziBear: sounds like VRRP is what you need
06:14.14VxJasonxVis there a reference to that file that I may have lost due to moving some of the sample configs out?
06:14.21FuzziBearbatphone: ok thanks ill take a look at it
06:14.45batphoneFuzziBear: seriously. keepalived is a lot easier to understand than asterisk. you'll get the hang of it quickly.
06:15.16batphoneFuzziBear: with keepalived you don't have to worry too much about the underlying box. all you need to do is understand how to make a copy of it on the fly.
06:15.46batphoneFuzziBear: with an added benefit of having an alternate IP as a back up at any given moment, not just a single high availability virtualized IP address
06:15.47FuzziBearbatphone: im a quick learner, but ive never really needed to do too much with HA... thus learning with VMs atm lol
06:16.23batphoneFuzziBear: i mean, yer gonna drop some calls prolly. but who cares right?
06:16.54FuzziBearbatphone: yeh, im resigned to the fact that if a server dies, all calls on that server will be lost :P
06:17.10FuzziBearbatphone: its a pity, but you cant do anything about it eh? xD
06:17.13batphoneFuzziBear: its good to set those expectations. this is asterisk not AT&T
06:17.23FuzziBearbatphone: yeh exactly
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07:59.02vader--have any of you guys seen or run asterisk in vmware esx?
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08:05.26Get_The_Fishvader, heard of it...I run it in XenServer
08:05.58*** join/#asterisk COm_BOY (n=non5@unaffiliated/com-boy/x-5438613)
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08:07.46yangvader--: yep, some time ago
08:07.58COm_BOYI need HW configuration for 1700 user
08:08.10COm_BOYsomeone let me know
08:08.30*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
08:08.36Get_The_FishCOm_BOY, it's not that simple... what would 1700 users actually DO
08:09.12COm_BOYis there any user limit
08:09.24Get_The_Fishit depends on what they are doing
08:09.49COm_BOYHO to 4 remote office calling
08:11.53Get_The_Fishso, SIP or IAX trunking, any PSTN?  How about voicemail for those users?  Any CTI with any of that?  What about codecs- what codecs are you going to use? Any IVR's?  These are all some of the questions that you have to ask before you start a project like that
08:13.12COm_BOYSIP, PSTN, No CTI, G.729 over WAN, Local G711
08:13.38*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
08:14.47Get_The_FishI would recommend talking to a professional implementation engineer for that
08:14.57Get_The_Fishor group, I should say
08:15.27COm_BOYany good group you know?
08:16.15COm_BOYactucaly I worked on CallManager, due to costing client going on Asterisk or any open source
08:16.54Get_The_FishI think that it's a smart move, not just from a cost perspective but for flexibility as well.
08:17.10Get_The_FishI'll PM you with a group recommended by Digium
08:18.51vader--Get_The_Fish how are you interfacing with your PRI line and any analog lines you may have? My current setup run a physical box with a Digium PRI card and a 24 port TDM2400 card. I was trying to see what would be involved in virtualizing it. We have 70 IP phones but we need 24 Analog lines to handle our fax machines and stuff. We also have a 23 Channel PRI line that comes in.
08:20.20vader--im thinking i would need a channel bank that communicates over ethernet
08:20.45*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
08:21.31Get_The_FishI dont use PRI's... SIP trunking only
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08:58.39Hanweird... apache is running, but port 80 nor 443 isn't opened. Wth is happening here?
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09:06.01tzafrir__laptopHan, look for 'Port' in its config?
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09:19.44Hanapache was running on ipv6.
09:20.20HanAnd that's refered to by the keyword: Listen
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09:25.09Get_The_Fishhey tzafrir__laptop, I saw in svn that you had done some work with the oss orecx app, is that right?
09:25.31tzafrir__laptopGet_The_Fish, yes
09:25.49Get_The_Fishis that going to make it into 1.6 at all?
09:26.09Get_The_FishI am considering purchasing their commercial offering
09:28.23*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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09:32.41m_c_letoday i tried asterisk
09:33.08SuperbarttDear diary... :p
09:33.20m_c_ledoing a call will cause heavy load (99% CPU usage)
09:33.25Get_The_Fishhow'd that go
09:33.29m_c_lehow can i debug this?
09:33.36Get_The_Fishincoming or outgoing
09:33.44Get_The_Fishwhat are you doing on the call?
09:34.06m_c_lejust called an other asterisk using iax
09:34.23mort_gibm_c_le: Very helpful, very helpful
09:34.31mort_gibAny transcoding taking place??
09:34.36mort_gibSip-IAX ???
09:34.51m_c_leg722 to alaw
09:35.08Get_The_Fishdont see that every day
09:35.18m_c_lebut i also tied alaw on sip
09:35.33m_c_leso no transcoding take pace
09:35.52m_c_lesame problem
09:35.54Superbarttusing a slow embedded box or something? or does it only happen in
09:36.20m_c_lethis does only happen with asterisk
09:36.32m_c_lebefore i use
09:36.45m_c_lea call costs about 1% cpu
09:36.53m_c_leon epia 1000
09:37.23*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=D@
09:37.26m_c_leincomming call via iax i got:
09:37.29m_c_le[Dec 23 10:20:16] WARNING[12301]: channel.c:1045 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to IAX2/asterisk01-2926
09:38.20HanHow can I open the firewall so it starts accepting connections from port 80? And not the iptables method but the easy method which was promised to me here:
09:38.53HanI mean, apache running on ipv6, firewall closed. Not exactly what I signed up for.
09:40.15Superbarttthat's goanna be a pain to debug m_c_le, but it sounds like a bug to me somewhere :p
09:42.50m_c_lei will try it without transcoding again
09:44.04Superbarttdoes core show translation display any odd high values m_c_le?
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09:44.39m_c_lewithout transcoding (using ulaw), same problem
09:45.20m_c_lecpu usage 98,5 mem 29mb
09:45.56*** join/#asterisk devyll (
09:46.40Superbarttm_c_le and that's sip to iax right, what happens if you call sip to sip or iax to iax?
09:48.20devyllI have this error when the someone is calling a queue with an agent logged in and free: channel.c:1912 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass 17
09:48.21Superbarttuhmm, woah, that are high values... I have mostly 1 or 2
09:48.30devyllcan anybody tell me why is that and how can I fix it ?
09:50.01m_c_lei will try sip2sip and tell the result
09:50.36*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (n=Akira@
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09:52.13fcois93hello all
09:52.15Superbarttwell m_c_le, the problem lays in the translations that are taking way too long... 1 second gsm to ulaw takes 12000 microseconds
09:52.24AkiraaDo you have any automatic testing procedures in place for VoIP systems? Testing both before and after the hardware is connected.
09:53.18fcois93I need to convert a wav to a ulaw and to a g729 song to show the difference between g711 and g729 to my customers. how can I do with sox ?
09:53.50m_c_leSuperbartt, but using ulaw on both sides should not transcode anything
09:53.56*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
09:54.02m_c_lebut have the same effect
09:54.49Superbarttweird, aren't there any other high usages on your system?
09:54.59SuperbarttRAM full, maybe alot of IO or interrupts?
09:56.32m_c_leabout 90MB ram free
09:57.15m_c_leswitching back to, and no problem with cpu usage (~1.5% per call)
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10:06.08m_c_leok, sip2sip 1.5% cpu
10:06.22Superbarttin 1.6.2?
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10:07.27m_c_leputting one call on hold 21%
10:07.40Superbarttwith MOH?
10:08.29m_c_leok, hold cause write transcode
10:08.29Superbarttthat ofcourse is being transcoded i assume
10:09.44m_c_leafter resume, all is fine :)
10:11.10m_c_lemaybe ab problem with iax protocoll version?
10:11.31m_c_le1.6.2.0 <--> 1.2.*
10:11.47Superbartthmm, get yourself a client like diax or something and check it out?
10:11.58m_c_lei will
10:12.24Superbarttif you can find the real cause maybe a bug can be traced (and reported and fixed) and you helped every asterisk user getting a better asterisk! (hell yeah \o/ xDD )
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10:13.15m_c_lethats my aim
10:14.36Superbartthope not in the exact same words? that would make you as weird as me... wouldn't be a good thing
10:19.37m_c_lethe words i choosed were not selected carefully
10:20.18*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:20.28m_c_leneed some more paractice speaking engl.
10:20.44Gido-Em_c_le you are from?
10:22.23*** join/#asterisk zamba (
10:22.42zambaif i want to interface my old isdn telephones with asterisk.. what kind of hardware do i need?
10:23.03Superbarttisdn cars, check the digium site
10:23.24Gido-Ezamba i could advice you to invest in voip phones.
10:23.34zambaSuperbartt: like one of those?
10:23.38zambaGido-E: that's the idea
10:23.49zambaGido-E: but for now i just need to interface the old isdn phones
10:23.57Superbarttno zamba, those cheap shit doesn't work
10:24.04zambaand then slowly migrate over to pure voip
10:24.19Gido-Ezamba ok, hardware are the big expenses in your story.
10:24.33zambaSuperbartt: which then?
10:24.50ChainsawGido-E: Existing ISDN cabling could be in zamba's favour if it is done on CAT5 or CAT6.
10:26.02Gido-EChainsaw ok, i dont assume he wil rip out his cables :-)
10:26.02zambaSuperbartt: thanks
10:26.43zambaSuperbartt: what am i looking at here?
10:26.51zambaFXS and FXO ports?
10:26.56zambawhat's that, then?
10:27.01Superbartttry selecting digital first :)
10:27.05Gido-Efxs and fxo are analog lines
10:27.07Superbarttisdn is digital :p
10:27.11*** join/#asterisk vally (n=kvirc@
10:27.35zambaT1/E1 and BRI?
10:28.02Superbartttotally depends on what you want to connect it to
10:28.07zambaisdn phones
10:28.12zambaas i said
10:29.40Superbarttthen you need BRI ports in NT mode if i remember correctly
10:30.11zambaB410P <- so that, then?
10:31.57mort_gibzamba: point-to-point or point-multi-point??
10:31.57Superbarttyeah for example :)
10:32.09zambamort_gib: point-to-point
10:32.17mort_gibOk, your fine then
10:32.27mort_gibConsider the Sangoma A500 card too
10:33.02*** join/#asterisk n0cturnal (n=n0c@
10:33.06Superbarttor the junghanns BRI cards, they could be cheaper
10:33.25mort_gibTrue, Sangomas cards are nice though
10:33.27zambacheaper is important
10:33.40mort_gibzamba: eeeeh, wrong guess Hans!
10:33.52zambamort_gib: hm?
10:34.18Superbarttnever used them mort_gib, so I should just believe you on that m8 ;)
10:34.39mort_gibYou do NOT want to go cheap on this stuff!!
10:34.56zambamort_gib: it's just for migrating
10:35.03mort_gibI tried the B410P and it was no end of trouble!
10:35.10Chainsawzamba: Who do they call out of bed if it doesn't work?
10:35.11zambamort_gib: going over to sip phones asap
10:35.20Chainsawzamba: If that's you... consider cheapening out very carefully.
10:35.21mort_gibptp was fine , but the loco telco uses ptmp
10:35.32zambabut i don't get it.. why are cards "shit" in this business?
10:35.38Chainsawzamba: Or make sure your pager and cellphone are on the same unreliable circuit.
10:35.39zambaand cards don't work?
10:36.10Chainsawzamba: There's a reason for the price difference.
10:36.10zambaChainsaw: yeah, the expensive works, whereas the cheap doesn't? :)
10:36.10Superbarttzamba expensive cards have things as echo cancellation and other required features
10:36.14Chainsawzamba: Just like you wouldn't take a Suzuki Liana to a racing track.
10:36.19mort_gibcards are not Shit, chosing the right card is just so important
10:36.26Superbarttthe cheap cards mostly are just ISDN-modems which happen to be able to process voice, but they aren't made for it
10:36.27Chainsawzamba: You wouldn't put a cheap card on a circuit that you need to work well in production.
10:36.54Chainsawzamba: It does all the work in software, so the moment you get any real load, it'll crash and burn.
10:36.55zambahm, ok..
10:36.58mort_gibConsider this, you have 20 users, each phone is EUR 90-100 and reception is EUR 200
10:37.18mort_gibthat's 20 X 100 = 2000
10:37.21mort_gibplus 200
10:37.27Chainsawzamba: Unless you have a supremely powerful box behind it, in which case you spend an extra two grand on CPUs because you were too cheap to buy a proper 500GBP set of ISDN cards.
10:37.27mort_gibEUR 2200
10:37.32Chainsawzamba: Does that sound smart to you?
10:37.42mort_giband you want to save EUR 200 on the card??
10:38.04mort_gibThat means you need help to spell dumb :-)
10:38.43Superbarttlet's not put the man down, help him to learn the difference between shit and good quality cards
10:38.55ChainsawSuperbartt: That's what I'm doing.
10:38.59mort_gibI AM joking, and like you here to help him!
10:39.04ChainsawSuperbartt: mort_gib is being a bit childish but there's always one.
10:39.32mort_gibYes, I'm being a bit childish, but I also had to learn it the hard way!
10:39.55mort_gibI DID spend the money on the cards, but I had a lot of problems with the local telco
10:40.34mort_gibAnd only because I spent the money on the cards, I could get Sangoma to help me out troubleshoot the problems I was having
10:40.46mort_gibSo, there are many reasons for paying for the cards
10:41.12Superbartti'm having a similair problem mort_gib, junghanns is doing everything to help me out, but my lame ass telco isn't doing shit
10:41.30mort_gibnot only good HWEC, but also the post sales support that might help you dealing with dumb telcos
10:41.45mort_gibSuperbartt: Yes!
10:42.01mort_gibI haven't tried the Junghanns  cards
10:42.02Superbarttthey have no guys sitting who actually understand anything about the ISDN protocol
10:42.21mort_gibDon't get me started!
10:42.48Superbartti'm lokking at the sangoma things, they have some wierd shaped cards out there :p
10:43.10mort_gibEnough to say that a VOIP system that is having problems coping with a companys existing incoming, wont get off the ground
10:43.12m_c_leSuperbartt, using the last diax version registered on asterisk calling sip device - same problem
10:43.21mort_gibYes, very strange :-)
10:43.47Superbartt2-24 ports BRI... uhmm right, I only count 3? :p
10:44.24mort_gibThere is an extension card you can connect on the back
10:44.28Superbarttso it seems to be in the iax channel driver m_c_le?
10:45.29SuperbarttI don't see that card doing 24 ports in any logical way :p
10:47.49mort_gibYou kind f daisychain three cards
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10:49.47Superbarttlol ok mort_gib
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10:50.30Superbarttaltough i think 24 BRI ports is a waste of space... You don't want that much up to your telco (that's wat T1/E1 is for) , and if you still have that much ISDN phones you really need to buy sip stuff :p
10:50.59Superbarttbut there seems to be a market for them, otherwise they wouldn't build something like that :p
10:52.56mort_gibExactly, you only do that if you have too support some strande Digital phones
10:59.51Superbarttyeah :p and for a decent 4 ports card you can allmost buy 3 or 4 simple sip phones :p
11:03.22fenrusSPA 921 is like €60 :)
11:04.07Superbarttdoesn't that only do 1 line?
11:04.23Superbarttthat's a step back from a ISDN phone which can do 2 mostly :p
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11:14.36devyllI have a big problem. When someone calls and enters a queue in which there is a logged agent, the caller remains in the queue and the app doesn't connect him to the agent. in the log files an error appears: "app_queue.c: It's not our turn (DAHDI/X-X)" and it continues like that until i reload the queue application. when I reload the queue app the caller is connected to the logged in user  and the log file displays "it's our turn .." and it works
11:14.36devyll. that means I have to reload the queue app everytime this happens. (it works 20% of the time) . Any help ?
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11:30.31Tech_TravisWhat's the difference between Monitor and MixMonitor for recording calls?
11:31.14devyllfixed it. thanks. it was a problem of the device state not updating.
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12:03.58bluoxigenneed help - how can i set the queues so that multiple calls should not be routed to the same extension when that ext is on call
12:05.31bluoxigeni have configured ext 2100 when 2100 is on and there is another call in the Queue it comes again as a second call for 2100
12:05.37bluoxigenhow can i stop this
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12:50.43BerlinerI'm curious. Is there anyone here running asterisk that used to run avaya systems?
12:51.25dlynesBerliner: running asterisk here, and used to run both panasonic and nortel
12:52.16dlynesbluoxigen: call-limit=1 in sip.conf for that peer
12:52.19m_c_lebluoxigen: change call-limit
12:52.33dlynesm_c_le: jinx
12:53.43dmastAnyone have experience or at least heard of someone connecting Asterisk to a Vodavi XTS system?
12:55.03BerlinerFor our supervisors and queue analysts, my company currently uses a combination of Avaya CMS supervisor and Aspect RTA to monitor queues in realtime and break/lunch adherence respectively. Are there similar programs available which can interface with the asterisk systems?
12:57.06dlynesBerliner: you mean time of day schedules?
12:57.59dlynesBerliner: i.e. at certain times of the day, you want to playback a message to the caller that they've reached the office during lunch, and that they should call back after such and such a time?
12:59.03BerlinerNo, I want a program which shows how many people are staffed in a queue, how many are on calls, how many are available to take calls/calls waiting+ oldest call waiting, that sort of thing
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12:59.14dlynesBerliner: ah
12:59.28dlynesBerliner: mean queue metrics
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12:59.42Berliner5AM, totally could not think of the word. :/
12:59.45dlynesBerliner: yes...that sort of thing's available for asterisk
12:59.55dlynesBerliner: 5AM?
13:00.14dlynesBerliner: You're in Vancouver, or California, I guess?
13:00.29Berlinerwest washington
13:00.59BerlinerWhat is the name of the queue metric program?
13:01.18Berlineroh wait
13:01.28Berlinernow that I have the search term, I'll google
13:09.11bluoxigendlynes/m_c_le : thx for the help - but already did it - but really thx again
13:09.38dlynesbluoxigen: not a problem
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13:12.16mbrevdais there any way to force a reload of asterisk.conf without restarting asterisk?
13:13.28dlynesmbrevda: no
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13:22.36mbrevdaIm unclear about what/how to escape system commands
13:23.19mbrevdashoult the whole command be one string? what about arguments?
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13:25.46moos3whats the best sip handset to use polycom or cisco or something else?
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13:26.58infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, everything else, and finally Grandstream phones.  Do not consider Cisco phones.  Ever.
13:27.07ManxPower-workmbrevda: use quotes
13:27.17shafuHow do I have to add in my dialplan so when I dial 0 the call should be routed through a channel?
13:27.40[TK]D-Fendershafu: exten => 0,1,DoSomething()
13:27.42ManxPower-workshafu: exten => 0,1,Dial(Zap/5/)
13:27.42mbrevdaManxPower-work: right - but around what? if I have arg1 arg2 arg3, what gets quoated?
13:28.02moos3why dont consider cisco phone?
13:28.13ManxPower-workSystem(/bin/ arg1 arg2 arg3) or System("/bin/ arg1 arg2 arg3")
13:28.41ManxPower-workmoos3: because Cisco SELLS the SIP firmware and requires a support contract to get firmware updates -- i.e. they don't want you business.
13:28.58[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Licensing, lack of SIP feature set, limited provisioning methods, lack of backlight, lack of G.722, flakey firmware....
13:29.06mbrevdaManxPower-work: thanks. now what if I have -arg1 -arg2 bar -arg3 foo"bar"foo - how do I escape the ""?
13:29.13moos3ok good poitns
13:29.27moos3polycom it is then
13:29.36mbrevdagood choice
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13:30.01moos3is the 501 model a good choice?
13:30.20mbrevdaits a wee bit old
13:30.37[TK]D-Fendermoos3: No.  I'd go with IP 335 / 450
13:30.44SuPrSluGmoos3: it's end of life
13:31.03mbrevdaSuPrSluG: ur phone has a life? ;)
13:31.15ManxPower-workmbrevda: Have you actually tried it?
13:31.18SuPrSluGyes. no more updates
13:31.38shafuManxPower-work: what does 5 mean in  :   0,1,Dial(Zap/5/)
13:31.58mbrevdaManxPower-work: no, I like bothering you :) Yes I did, what worked for *1.4 is broke on 1.6, so im wondering if there are any guidlines that i missed
13:32.08[TK]D-Fendershafu: Ignore that and do whatever you want there
13:32.09ManxPower-workshafu: That is the answer to your question.  Your question was vague and confusing so that was the best I could come up given the limited information you provided.
13:32.36ManxPower-workmbrevda: all significant changes are listed in the UPGRADE*.txt
13:32.42tzafrir__laptopshafu, Zaptel channel n. 5
13:32.46mbrevdaright, and I didnt see anything there either
13:32.58ManxPower-workshafu: I suspect you are using a GUI so anything we tell you won't apply anyway.
13:33.01[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: IIRC you shouldn't have to escape the "" as you don't need outer "" to contain it
13:33.04tzafrir__laptopAnd you need a number after that /
13:33.16[TK]D-Fendertzafrir__laptop: Nope.
13:33.28shafu[TK]D-Fender: / ManxPower-work thx ..i will see how this works
13:34.22ManxPower-worktzafrir__laptop: if you just want to get dialtone from a line on an fxo port then you don't need a number after the last / in the Dial
13:34.24tzafrir__laptop[TK]D-Fender, either Zap/5 or Zap/5/number . 'Zap/5/' should have meant 'dial an empty number to Zap/5' but IIRC will actually dial there '5'
13:35.13[TK]D-Fendershafu: There is no such thing as "route".
13:35.44[TK]D-Fendershafu: Your dialplan call dialplan apps.  Calling Dial() will cause it to dial out the resource you specify
13:36.01[TK]D-Fendertzafrir__laptop: Shouldn't....
13:36.24tzafrir__laptophmm... so it was fixed?
13:36.45ManxPower-workZap/5/ has worked since at least 1.2
13:36.47[TK]D-Fendertzafrir__laptop: I was unaware of anything concerning this... I'd like to see a sample.
13:37.02ManxPower-workAt least on FXO ports.  I don't know how it would work on an FXS port
13:40.27ManxPower-workI personally used that feature a few weeks ago on 1.4.recent
13:42.39mbrevdais there anyway to have asterisk escape " ? for example, if oyu pass callerid(all) in system, you end up with "name"<num>
13:43.05mbrevdaif oyu want to include that in a stirng, you end up with some weird quatoing issue
13:43.58ManxPower-workYou could only get "name" <num> if you were silly enough to use callerid="whatever" <123>
13:44.12ManxPower-workYou should not use quotes when setting CallerID
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13:44.37ManxPower-workthen you could easily do "${CALLERID(all)}"
13:45.13mbrevdahmm, I didnt think I was setting it
13:45.13ManxPower-workOr you could specify CALLERID(name) and CALLERID(num) as separate args, which is a good thing.
13:45.34mbrevdayeah, that might be the easest thing to do
13:45.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: not sure how 8 will parse that out.. you know we see functions & vars  evaluated before the app is called...
13:45.59ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: 8 == * ?
13:45.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: But then again that may be "internal" enough nt to break
13:46.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Caps fail...
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13:51.55areayi'm using asterisk 1.6, and i want to use agents to track people (for desk-sharing)... agentcallbacklogin() sounds like it would have done the trick, but that's now deprecated... i've searched google and only found stuff relating to inbound calls and queues, and i'm using agents to make outbound calls to our customers... what do i do?
13:52.21areaycorrection: im not *using* agents, but i would like to be
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13:53.18ManxPower-workareay: You didn't see anything useful in UPGRADE*.txt?
13:54.02areayis that in the source folder?
13:54.14areayi still have the source
13:54.27[TK]D-Fenderareay: Outbound never had any relation to chan_agent
13:54.29ManxPower-workall major changes should be listed in those files.
13:54.55[TK]D-Fenderareay: You'll have to do something like manipulate the CID or UserField to add identifying info
13:55.11areaythe only reason i want to use agents is so i can have people move around and still call them
13:55.39mbrevdatrailing parenthesis? I dont see anything missing?!
13:55.50areayand i was gonna use command line phones (pjsua) running in the background, and have a web interface to control agent logins
13:56.28areay[TK]D-Fender, am i going the right way about this?
13:56.57[TK]D-Fenderareay: You just mixed the concept of OUTGOING CALLS alongside INCOMING CALLS
13:57.26[TK]D-Fenderareay: Please get your head screwed on strraight.  Agents (and similar tracking concepts) are for INCOMING ONLY
13:57.44areayonline there are many blogs, etc. that state that you can use agents just to track people...
13:57.59[TK]D-Fenderareay: they do not associate a device with an "Agent".  they associate an "Agent" with a device.  Get he order right
13:58.21[TK]D-Fenderareay: So without a ton of trickery you won't get tracking of the OUTBOUND calls you were asking about
13:58.38[TK]D-Fender[08:57]<areay>online there are many blogs, etc. that state that you can use agents just to track people... <-- INBOUND ONLY
13:59.04areayso should i give everyone a seperate sip device?
13:59.15[TK]D-Fenderareay: When SIP/12345 places a call * knows Jack Shit that they happen to be the TARGET of an "Agent".
13:59.26areayi see
13:59.31[TK]D-Fenderareay: Every phone IS A FRIGGEN DEVICE
13:59.47ManxPower-workmbrevda: paste the ACTUAL dialplan lines as well
13:59.51dlynesManxPower-work: anyways...found out what the issue was...not sure why it existed, though....I had an incoming call going into voicemailmain, instead of voicemail
14:00.08[TK]D-Fenderareay: Just no way to tie back to a "person" which may vary.  I have you 2 hints for things you can change int he CDR to try to make this trackable.
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14:00.39areayok hit me
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14:00.57dlynesmbrevda: you're showing the log, not the config file....let's see the config file
14:01.26mbrevdadlynes ManxPower-work (conf info changes, command is the same)
14:01.59[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: Also stop ambushing yourself and get the hell out of that ExecIf and do it in 2 steps
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14:02.19[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
14:02.22mbrevda[TK]D-Fender: how so?
14:02.34mbrevdaI want to execute it conditionaly...
14:02.42[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: GotoIf,Exec.  Split it.
14:03.08mbrevdaah. that helps? and how do I do that in h ?
14:03.34[TK]D-Fendermb.... same shit.
14:03.57dlynesmbrevda: regardless of what it is, it's a nasty ass piece of code
14:04.30mbrevdabut it will hit the system command automaticaly, no? h,1,gotoif(...); h,n,system(...) <---- system will ALWAYS be run
14:04.34mbrevdadlynes: thanks :)
14:04.49dlynesmbrevda: but do as [TK]D-Fender said
14:05.02mbrevdayou cant hangup() in h can you?
14:05.33dlynesmbrevda: split apart the command into several dialplan priorities, so that humans can read your code
14:05.42[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: Use GotoIf to jump OVER the damn System.....
14:06.02dlynesmbrevda: And regarding why it's not working, it's quite obvious if you know anything about the linux command line
14:06.08mbrevdayeah, im dumb sometimes
14:06.20Naikrovekwe all are at times
14:06.28dlynesmbrevda: it's not an asterisk's a linux error
14:06.30mbrevdadlynes: which apperently I dont. care to elightne me?
14:06.32Naikrovekprovides himself as an example
14:06.34areay[TK]D-Fender, so add/remove some cdr info to "log" a person in/out?
14:06.42dlynesmbrevda: '<' and '>' are redirection characters
14:06.59mbrevdadlynes: that why there quoated
14:07.03[TK]D-Fenderareay: No, to TAG the call
14:07.19phixhihiihihihihihihiihhii what's going on ppls?
14:07.22phix[TK]D-Fender: <3
14:07.24mbrevdaNaikrovek: of being or dumb or as a linux error?
14:07.30phixHappy honika!
14:07.39dlynesmbrevda: no they're not
14:07.41Naikrovekmbrevda: of being dumb at times
14:07.56[TK]D-Fenderphix: Speeling fale
14:07.56dlynesmbrevda: this is one quote:  "1?system(/var/lib/asterisk/bin/ --to --from --dest 3033960244 --subject "
14:08.12dlynesmbrevda: and this is the other one:  " --attachment fax_8812345670.pdf --type application/pdf --file /var/spool/asterisk/fax/1261576376.27.tif)"
14:08.25dlynesmbrevda: and this part isn't quoted:  New fax from 812345670<812345670>
14:08.36[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: \" escapes them notmally for that IIRC
14:08.59dlynesmbrevda: take a look at the output of your noop, if you don't believe me
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14:09.06areay[TK]D-Fender, you've lost me... do i do this before the dial() in the dialplan?
14:09.15[TK]D-Fenderareay: Yes
14:09.18mbrevdadlynes: never said I do :)
14:10.11areay[TK]D-Fender, how do i tag it? by setting global variables or what
14:10.31areayor call variables
14:10.42areayi don't understand what you mean
14:10.59dlynesmbrevda: actually, so it's part asterisk error, part linux error
14:11.14mbrevdadlynes: thank you , that would make more sence
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14:11.28dlynesmbrevda: because of your quoting guffaw, the '(' after 'system' is broken up, too
14:11.54phix[TK]D-Fender: <3 lets make dradiles
14:12.13mbrevdaphix: you know are almost a week late, right?
14:12.22phixmbrevda: I dont care
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14:12.30phixhonika last at least a week so I am ok
14:12.33dlynesmbrevda: but why not make your life easier, and just pass a bunch of parameters to a shell script, and leave all of the switches inside the shell script?
14:12.53mbrevdaphix: might as well know up some potato latkes while your at it we well
14:12.53Kattyit's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
14:12.56Kattya beautiful day for a neighbor
14:13.01ManxPower-workdlynes: it's looking like maybe the CLI output doesn't match the dialplan
14:13.01dlynesKatty: yes, mr. rogers
14:13.01Kattycould you be mine, would you be mine?
14:13.09Kattypleeeeeeease won't you be, my neighbor?
14:13.21dlynesManxPower-work: you're talking about my issue, or mbrevda's?
14:13.33phixmbrevda: you like penis hey, with that comment it is apparant
14:13.42ManxPower-workI don't want to live next to the crazy squirrel lady
14:13.53mbrevdadlynes: im not sure what you mean by leave all of the switches inside the shell script
14:13.55phixKatty: KATTY!!! my buddy
14:14.00ManxPower-workdlynes: you have an issue?  I was referring to mbrevda
14:14.05mbrevdaphix: not with my latkes, no
14:14.22phixmbrevda: my dradile will pwn your latkes
14:14.44mbrevdaphix: but my menora is being than yours...
14:14.50Kattyphix: uhhh, hi? (=
14:14.52phixmbrevda: Listen to Lamb of God - One gun and get back to me
14:14.52dlynesmbrevda: --to, ...
14:14.54ManxPower-workphix: We usually speak english on this channel
14:15.01phixKatty: :D
14:15.08phixManxPower-work: usually hey
14:15.25Kattyphix: did that sound rude? i didn't mean it to sound rude.
14:15.32Kattyphix: let's try that again
14:15.34Kattyphix: HELLO THAR
14:15.34phixKatty: oh no no no you could never sound rude to me
14:15.39phixKatty: RARGH!
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14:15.52dlynesphix: she's a little squirrelly
14:15.54Kattymkay then.
14:16.08phixshe / he, what ever :)
14:16.20phixthey are awesome :)
14:16.25Kattydlynes: i refilled the feeders
14:16.40dlynesKatty: so you've got more spilling all over the place?
14:16.47dlynesKatty: or did you get the velcro issue figured out?
14:16.51phixKatty: what is your feeder preference?
14:16.53Kattydlynes: well, i took the velcro off.
14:16.54[TK]D-Fender[08:54]<[TK]D-Fender>areay: You'll have to do something like manipulate the CID or UserField to add identifying info
14:16.59Kattydlynes: and put magnets on instead.
14:17.15Kattydlynes: it was rated strength 3 of 10....and didn't hold, so i put two more strips of magnets on there.
14:17.20phix[TK]D-Fender: <3
14:17.21[TK]D-Fender[09:10]<areay>[TK]D-Fender, how do i tag it? by setting global variables or what <-- see above and pay attention
14:17.25phix[TK]D-Fender: How is the US atm?
14:17.27[TK]D-Fenderphix: y0
14:17.28phix[TK]D-Fender: cold?
14:17.32Kattydlynes: so far....they're jumping off the feeder and it's staying put...
14:17.38dlynesphix: ohio, or california?
14:17.42[TK]D-Fenderphix: &^$# yeah
14:17.44Kattydlynes: but Major General hasn't made it out yet this morning.
14:17.45areaysorry thanks
14:18.24Naikrovekwtf is up with my management
14:18.32Naikrovekturn the furnace OFF at night?
14:18.35[TK]D-Fenderphix: -13C
14:19.19Kattydlynes: one just jumped off and the tray moved a bit :/ looks like it's not going to hold properly
14:19.19phix[TK]D-Fender: It is 1:18 AM here, and it is 23C (73F)
14:19.20NaikrovekW H Y - it's 40f in here now
14:19.20dlynesManxPower-work: seems to be a cross between shell redirectors and unescaped quote characters
14:19.20[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: 8F here....
14:19.20mbrevda60f here
14:19.20Naikrovek40f in the OFFICE
14:19.20phixmbrevda: I win L( wth 73F
14:19.23dlynes[TK]D-Fender: wtf?  Do you live on Baffin Island, or something?
14:19.29dlynes[TK]D-Fender: It's only -8C here
14:19.29phixabove office building temp
14:19.34phixby 3 degrees
14:19.37Naikrovekbecause my dumbass boss turns the furnace off to save money
14:19.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Montreal.....
14:19.43mbrevdaNaikrovek: you work in a fridge?
14:19.45phix-8 is like -40C hey
14:19.47Naikrovekexcept it runs full blast for 6 hours starting at 7am
14:19.51Naikrovekmbrevda: no, in an office
14:20.12Naikrovek-40F = -40C
14:20.18[TK]D-Fender[09:19]<phix>-8 is like -40C hey <- -22C
14:20.45mbrevda[TK]D-Fender: most helpful. no quaotes around system command, parms quated AND escaped (\"...\") WOKRES!
14:21.00mbrevda(and no, I didnt not forget about you)
14:21.07[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: You're welcome.
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14:27.29Katty <- so this is my problem.
14:28.08dlynes[TK]D-Fender: close enough to baffin island, i guess
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14:28.19ariel_Morning folks
14:28.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: wonder why it's so much colder in montreal than hamilton....
14:28.38Kattydoes anyone have a suggestion for my problem.
14:28.42ManxPower-workYAY!  Blackberry outage!
14:28.43dlynes[TK]D-Fender: or maybe your celsius -> farenheit conversion is off
14:29.00[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: You're a little further south and may be currently buffeted by the great lakes.
14:29.18[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: 8F / -13C
14:29.29[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: I was correcting Phix earlier for his calculation
14:29.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Perhaps you had a reading mishap
14:29.55dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah...12F
14:29.59dlynes[TK]D-Fender: -11C
14:30.03dlynes[TK]D-Fender: in montreal
14:30.16dlyneswas thinking it would be higher than that in fahrenheit
14:30.18ariel_Those temps are cold, glad I am not there
14:30.29[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: In flux a little today.  Supoosed to head bad towards 0C at the end of the week
14:30.40dlynes[TK]D-Fender: yeah...same here
14:30.56dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i'm beginning to wonder where the hell the winter is i was promised when i moved to ontario
14:30.56[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Gassing up last night around midnight was HARSH.. the windchill made it far worse
14:31.16dlynes[TK]D-Fender: weird...normally when i'm passing gas, it warms up
14:31.32[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Ontarians are pussies... they see a snowflake and call out the armed forces :p
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14:31.44ManxPower-workI find the easiest way to deal with cold weather is to stop living somewhere that polar bears would find nice.
14:31.53minotaur01hello everyone
14:32.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: nah...i'm originally from thunder bay...nobody wusses out about the weather there
14:32.59dlynes[TK]D-Fender: people still go out when it's -40C/-40F
14:33.06[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Yeah, you're the exception.
14:33.25dlynes[TK]D-Fender: but even then
14:33.34dlynes[TK]D-Fender: it used to get down to -30C in southern ontario
14:33.43[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: that is jsut left of nowhere.... in fact its so sparse there's a fine line between "camping" and "homelessness" :p
14:33.44dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the weather here's changed dramatically over the last 20 years
14:33.49ManxPower-workIt's chilly here in Huntsville -- 48F here.
14:34.12minotaur01hey anyone see the new phone from Aastra the 6739i
14:34.15ariel_I agree with ManxPower-work , it's 74F here today...
14:34.27ManxPower-workariel_: I would much prefer 74F
14:34.37ManxPower-workYou must be in SoCal or Florida
14:34.50dlynesminotaur01:'s pretty sweet
14:35.04Kattyeppigy: y(+ei)] [3:#asterisk(+cnrt)] [Act: 2]
14:35.05dlynesminotaur01: too bad I wasn't in the office the other day when barry jung was demoing it
14:35.34dlynes[TK]D-Fender: tbay?
14:35.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Yup
14:35.42Kattyeppigy: under the stipulation that the tray must be somehow detachable from the window for cleaning, how would you suggest fixing that little problem
14:35.45minotaur01that awesome it has bluetooth and usb
14:35.46dlynes[TK]D-Fender: heh
14:35.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Hamilton isn't anywhere near as bad
14:35.56minotaur01and a touch screen
14:36.04ManxPower-workshoot the squirrels!
14:36.44minotaur01[TK]D-Fender: are you in thunder Bay?
14:36.44[TK]D-Fenderminotaur01: No.
14:36.51KattyManxPower-work: my next project is to mount a nesting box to a window
14:36.53ariel_why does a phone on a desk need usb?
14:37.02[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Headset for call-center
14:37.13ManxPower-workariel_: to plug a printer into, of course!
14:37.20eppigyKatty: I am so lost
14:37.28Kattyeppigy: did you see the photo?
14:37.34ManxPower-workariel_: Polycom supports recording calls to a connected USB drive.
14:37.42[TK]D-Fenderareay: Flash expansion.  Authentication for hot-desking, etc
14:37.57eppigyKatty: lol
14:38.03eppigythat is quite an illustration
14:38.20minotaur01there is a million uses for a usb connector on your phone
14:38.31Kattyeppigy: i made it all by myself in mspaint
14:38.43ariel_call centers need basic simple phones so agents work not play
14:39.05Kattyeppigy: velcro is too strong, it literally rips it off the wall rather than seperating. magnets aren't strong enough
14:39.15[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Local firmware updates, call recording, adding Wifi, I'm sure i could find more...
14:39.41Kattyglue wouldn't be detachable
14:39.58ariel_[TK]D-Fender, all those are great items yes.  I as just thinking in real terms for a call center.  but that is yet another issue all together
14:40.07Kattyeppigy: i have to occasionally dump the empty bits out
14:40.51Kattyeppigy: i was thinking perhaps some sort of mounting hardware.
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14:43.04minotaur01go a IAX2 question.... what dose the requirecalltoken option actually do?
14:43.42voipmonkforces noobs to ask that question repeatedly in this channel :)
14:45.26[TK]D-FenderI'm wondering what the &#^$ is going on that this is now a huge issue.  Everyone is running into ti.  What did they change in the spec thats causing this?
14:45.40[TK]D-FenderThis IS a new thing...
14:46.06Kattypats [TK]D-Fender
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14:49.30minotaur01the reason i ask about the calltoken is cause its the reason why my upgrade to anything higher than wasnt working but after setting the call token to no everything is fine
14:52.07ariel_where is that option?  I have not run into it yet.
14:52.37minotaur01i was not getting any incoming phone calls
14:52.45minotaur01after upgrading
14:52.51ariel_OK I don't use iax2 much
14:53.14minotaur01all my trunks are iax
14:53.31ariel_we use mostly PRI/E1's and Sip
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15:02.14Kattyleifmadsen: <- any suggestions for my problem?
15:02.28minotaur01anyone here ever use the Aastra 312w? its not avalible here yet but it is in the US..
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15:02.56tuxx-312w, is that with the wireless handset?
15:03.04tuxx-dont think we can get it here ;(
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15:03.11tuxx-europe doesnt allowwww
15:03.23minotaur01where is here>
15:03.59minotaur01its avaliable in englan
15:04.07leifmadsenKatty: mount it on a post -- don't hang it
15:04.14leifmadsenyour whole approach is wrong :)
15:04.26Kattyi can't mount it on a post.
15:04.28Kattyit is on the porch
15:04.36Kattyit must be hung.
15:04.39leifmadsenotherwise, you're going to have to tether it to the ground
15:04.41minotaur01tuxx: it came out in europe first
15:04.43tuxx-hmkay, well then maybe the netherlands has some strict rules about the 2.4ghz frequency
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15:04.56Kattyleifmadsen: i want to attach it to the wall
15:04.57tuxx-i remember at astricon the lead developer of aastra told me we couldnt have it
15:05.00chuckfKatty: you need at least one more teather line
15:05.14Kattychuckf: for?
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15:05.27tuxx-anyway, pee and smoke time. BRB/BBL
15:05.38chuckfyou said the problem was it was swinging correct?
15:05.50Kattyi want the tray with the pink stripe attached to the wall
15:06.00shamelessn00bI just installed asterisk and Im getting these weird warning messsages and none of my dialplans are working
15:06.20shamelessn00b[Dec 23 15:02:16] WARNING[18395]: res_musiconhold.c:621 monmp3thread: Unable to send a SIGHUP to MOH process?!!: No such process
15:07.00chuckfhave you looked into industrial velcro? I used that for mounting a splitter box on the outside of my home. Should work for this as well
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15:07.20voipmonkindustrial velcro....
15:07.23chuckfis assuming you don't want to install bols into the side of your house
15:07.25voipmonkjust learned something new
15:07.29Kattyi have used velcro. velcro is too strong. rather than detaching the tray when i need to empty it, it rips the velcro right off the side of the house
15:07.31voipmonkthank you, chuckf
15:07.44Kattychuckf: i need some sort of mounting hardware.
15:07.53chuckfvoipmonk: you're welcome
15:07.55Kattychuckf: were i can mount it against the side of the house, and take it off if need be
15:08.36chuckfKatty: what is the side of your house made of? siding or brick?
15:08.57Kattywell the house is siding...but it's actually against the windowsill
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15:08.59Kattygets a photo
15:09.46SuPrSluGKatty: how about using 2 L brackets that slide into a mount attached to the wall. the L bracket would give the strength.
15:09.48Kattythe tray is right above the green chair. suspended. the tray hits the black windowsill just below the window
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15:10.09KattySuPrSluG: can you draw me a picture of this concept? i'm not good with hardware
15:11.33chuckfKatty: maybe get a couple of locking clamps from the hardware store that you can mount to the feeder and clamp to the sill?
15:11.49Kattychuckf: draw it..i have no idea what a lockign clamp is
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15:13.26chuckfsomething like is what you need, but it has to be able to be mounted onto the feeder. If you go to the HW store they can point you to something more specific
15:13.50Kattythat looks tacky
15:14.10Kattythere has to be something i can screw into the windowsill, and then into the feeder, and connect them together
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15:16.04Kattydraws another picture
15:16.54chuckfthat was the concept. If you don't mind hardware in the windowsill just put a couple of eyelets on there and the feeder and connect with wire/chain and undo as needed
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15:19.46bcrispKatty - have you tried brining pictures in to home depot? they can give you advice on how to secure that puppy
15:20.28Katty <- mounting concept
15:20.44bcrispmy iphone mount for the car is a disaster :<
15:20.46coppiceisn't securing puppies with wire and chain a bit cruel?
15:21.19bcrispcoppice, yes, or maybe classified as abstract art?
15:21.53coppiceif the puppy is alive that would be performance art
15:22.05Kattychuckf: what are 'eyelits'?
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15:22.48PabloMare there any protocol analyzer for asterisk?
15:23.57shamelessn00bPabloM: use wireshark
15:24.09shamelessn00bare you going to be analyzing SIP traffic??
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15:24.34ManxPower-workPabloM: Asterisk has the "sip set debug" command, other than that use what shamelessn00b said
15:24.57Kattychuckf: okay. that would work for the tray.
15:25.02shamelessn00byou can also use tcpdump
15:25.08shamelessn00bthen feed that file to wireshark
15:25.10shamelessn00blater on
15:25.11Kattychuckf: how would you connect that to a different type of hardway to keep it against the windowsill?
15:26.01chuckfyou would put an eyelet on the sill as well then connect the eyelets with a wire/chain/rope
15:26.49Kattyso you would somehow unthread it to disconnect the tray?
15:27.11Kattytries to picture that
15:27.32bcrispscreams "duct tape" !!
15:27.38chuckfhow often are you going to be disconnecting it?
15:27.56Kattyevery other day to empty out the empty seeds
15:28.10Kattyi was hoping for something i could just Lift Off
15:28.25Kattyand then if it was a hook and eye setup...
15:28.34coppicebcrisp: if you're still screaming the duct tape is in the wrong place
15:28.39Kattyi could just tilt the tray back over and push it down, i guess
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15:29.03shamelessn00bcan anyone tell me what these warning messages are?
15:29.03Kattybut that would probably get in the way of the camera viewing the tray
15:29.12chuckfor you could get the two eyes to line up you can get a screw and bolt to go through them and just thumb tighten it
15:29.15shamelessn00b[Dec 23 15:28:26] WARNING[18395]: res_musiconhold.c:621 monmp3thread: Unable to send a SIGHUP to MOH process?!!: No such process
15:29.34shamelessn00bother than that, asterisk seems to be running fine
15:30.51Kattyhow does a window box attach to a house?
15:31.24bcrispi want my doorbell to ring through to my * server
15:31.27bcrispand take voicemail
15:31.52Kattybcrisp: it can do that
15:31.52bcrisppossibly even ring my cell :) .. thats a neat idea
15:32.45bcrispgrrr 1and1 screwed up my order
15:33.15bcrispcan you guys recommend a good alternative for dedicated servers?
15:33.27KattySuPrSluG: if i used that, the tray wouldn't be detachable tho
15:34.32dlynesshamelessn00b: You're using mpg123(?)
15:34.35coppicebcrisp: servers with a lax attitude?
15:34.54bcrispcoppice: flexible yes, good support yes
15:35.04ManxPower-workshamelessn00b: IIRC ogg123 won't work
15:35.04dlynesshamelessn00b:'s not responding to a request to reload its config
15:35.04chuckfKatty: you could put a clasp at the end of the chain between the eyelets
15:35.15shamelessn00bits working
15:35.19shamelessn00bIm hearing the stream atm
15:35.21ManxPower-workapparently not.
15:35.25dlynesshamelessn00b: or rather asterisk isn't seeing the process
15:35.38shamelessn00bno, even if I comment out those lines
15:35.41SuPrSluGyou need 2 u shaped pieces that you attache to the wood mount that attaches to the house with velcro and then you slide the l brace down through the u shaped fasteners
15:35.45shamelessn00bI still get those warininigs
15:35.53[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b: * wasn't made to work with it.
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15:36.20shamelessn00bI wasnt getting the warnings in 1.4
15:36.29Kattychuckf: what about a u bracket on the window sill, and then attaching something to the tray that would fit into the u?
15:36.34shamelessn00balso, if I comment out the lines, I still get those warninigs
15:36.35SuPrSluGand the L braces give the tray the support it needs for the weight of the critters
15:36.37dlynesbcrisp: good alternative to dedicated servers for what purpose?
15:36.53bcrispdlynes: good alternative to 1&1 FOR dedicated server rental
15:36.55dlynesbcrisp: asterisk servers?
15:37.08chuckfKatty: that shoudl work as well.
15:37.12dlynesbcrisp: ok, so you still want dedicated servers
15:37.18dlynesbcrisp: you just don't want 1&1
15:37.23dlynesbcrisp: right?
15:37.32Kattychuckf: any thoughts on what that other piece of hardware would be called?
15:37.41bcrispdlynes: yeah, im toying with the idea of using amazon ec2, but for now i want to try someone else (besides 1&1)
15:37.42areay[TK]D-Fender, i've been messing with the Originate manager command and the only thing i can do is set channel variables... i have no idea what these are and i can't get their values back anyway... i need to set the userfield of the cdr to the user that's logged into the web interface, and i was hoping to be able to do that by passing the info across as a variable, then picking it up in the dialplan somewhere...
15:37.44shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: any idea??
15:37.55dlynesbcrisp: how many servers do you have?
15:38.02bcrispdlynes: 5
15:38.15dlynesbcrisp: and do you own any of the hardware?
15:38.18shamelessn00bah nvm
15:38.22shamelessn00btc all bye
15:38.22PabloMshamelessn00b: is for PRI actually
15:38.25bcrispdlynes: we have our own servers as well yes
15:38.38dlynesbcrisp: how many servers total, including the ones you own?
15:38.39chuckfKatty: If you have ot go to the hardware store to get the bits talk to them. They may have something a bit more clever available
15:38.46bcrispdlynes: we like the flexibility of renting dedicated servers though for certain things
15:38.48shamelessn00bPabloM: you'd still be able to use it
15:38.50chuckfKatty: I'm not sure what the proper name would be for that
15:38.54dlynesbcrisp: ah
15:39.02shamelessn00bk I'm off
15:39.04chuckf(the other piece of hardware that is)
15:39.07bcrispdlynes: i.e. a mac OS server for iphone dev etc
15:39.09Kattyi think in networking they're called J hooks
15:39.17dlynesbcrisp: i was just thinking if you rent a locker and throw all of those machines into the one locker
15:39.18Kattybutr that's a lot bigger than what i had in mind
15:39.21dlynesbcrisp: you'd save a lot of money
15:39.26dlynesbcrisp: and have more control
15:39.37bcrispdlynes: id like to be able to virtualize
15:39.52chuckfKatty: they likely come in different sizes
15:39.57bcrispdlynes: makes set up and load testing way easier
15:40.12dlynesbcrisp: do you have any requirements for bandwidth, redundancy, ...?
15:40.37dlynesbcrisp: or network reliability for that matter?  or price?
15:40.47SuPrSluGKatty: get the concept?  they have it at any hardware store
15:41.48bcrispdlynes: 1&1 pricing aint that bad, reliability is a must, bandwidth requirements vary
15:41.55dlynesbcrisp: you can try (their network reliability/staff kinda suck, though), (owned by peer one), ...
15:42.03bcrispdlynes: redundancy isnt a major req as these are mostly testing servers
15:42.18dlynesbcrisp: you can also try rack ummmm.....
15:42.24dlynesbcrisp: trying to remember their name now
15:43.14dlynesbcrisp: i wouldn't recommend datafortress then
15:43.16lowtekYou guys using files, mpg123, or madplay for moh in 1.6?
15:43.55[TK]D-Fenderfiles <-
15:44.26lowtek[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, any way to have a files based moh stream "pickup where it left off"?
15:45.25lowtek... vs starting over for each instance of moh
15:45.36bcrispdlynes: thanks for the info
15:46.42dlynesbcrisp: oh yeah
15:47.14dlynesbcrisp: they're one of the best hosting companies on the planet
15:47.26bcrispdlynes: ill check them out, appreciate it
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15:48.13dlynesbcrisp: they've got data centers in the BC interior, Utah and Washington State, if I remember correctly
15:48.34dlynesbcrisp: their main center (and most secure) is in the BC interior
15:48.49bcrisptheir a platinum MS partner
15:48.55dlynesbcrisp: yay
15:49.10dlynesbcrisp: why does that matter, if you're not running windows? :)
15:49.22bcrispthinks to append "3 gold stars - spelling" to the end of his email signature
15:49.40bcrispdlynes: we'll be running windows, mac Os, linux
15:50.07dlynesbcrisp: anyways...those guys know what they're doing, and I imagine their tech support is probably top notch, too
15:50.16bcrispsounds good
15:50.29dlynesbcrisp: they probably won't be as cheap as 1 and 1 though
15:50.34bcrispi need to write GUIs for interacting with * in iphone and android
15:51.19dlynesbcrisp: they've won a number of awards for their hosting, though
15:51.36bcrisptheir website is horrid
15:51.43dlynesbcrisp: how so?
15:52.09dlynesbcrisp: because it's designed for people that love advertising?
15:52.10bcrispfat clunky nav
15:52.30dlynesdunno...all that web 2.0 shit is so annoying
15:52.40bcrispits not bad if you use it sparingly
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15:53.01bcrisptheir menu is popping up BEHIND their "live chat" blurb lol
15:53.33bcrispalso if i cant get to pricing in 1 to 2 clicks i say "bye bye"
15:54.14bcrispah ok
15:54.34bcrispya plesk!! heh
15:54.51dlynesbcrisp: they've got cpanel, too
15:55.08bcrispya its not bad.. a little pricey
15:55.27bcrispthanks for the links tho
15:55.41bcrispwe purchased some monster servers recently
15:56.26dlynesbcrisp: well,  i told you it wouldn't be as cheap as 1 and 1
15:56.26Gido-Ebcrisp what is the vpenis length?
15:56.32dlynesbcrisp: but you get what you pay for
15:56.33bcrisp24 gig dual 6-core opteron
15:56.57bcrisplol Gido-E :)
15:57.08bcrispi dont want to flood this chat anymore with server talk tho..
15:57.13bcrispthanks for your info
15:58.58lost_soulanyone use Visual Dialplan, just looking for feedback as to whether or not it's a decent option for building a dialplan
15:59.04dlynesbcrisp: try the following sites, if you want to ask more questions:
15:59.13bcrispnice ty
15:59.15tuxx-Oi guys, when a call comes in through ZAP, and the person picking up the channel transfers the call to some other user, how can i display the ZAP callerid to the transfered party? We tried all kinds of ZAP settings, but they dont seem to work..
15:59.18dlynesbcrisp: Fwiw, is my favorite out of all of them
15:59.35tuxx-Asterisk btw ;P
16:00.31dlynestuxx-: I seem to recall there was a bug in asterisk related to that...don't remember what version, but it was somewhere around there
16:00.47dlynestuxx-: Try upgrading to the latest 1.4 series to see if that fixes your problem
16:00.48tuxx-gonna look at the bugtracker
16:01.01dlynestuxx-: 1.4.28 is the latest 1.4 series
16:01.11bcrispgah my monitor is freaking out
16:01.48tuxx-dlynes: problem is, we can't get the latest 1.4 version working with junghanns / sangoma cards.. but we might look into it.
16:01.51tuxx-Thanks! :)
16:02.30dlynestuxx-: btw...are you doing blind or attended transfers?
16:02.47tuxx-testing with attented atm
16:02.47SuPrSluGKatty: sorry
16:02.48bcrisphates blind transfers, and so do customers
16:02.49tuxx-lets try blind :)
16:03.01dlynestuxx-: blind should show the original caller id
16:03.12dlynestuxx-: attended should show the caller id of the person who transferred it
16:03.51tuxx-gonna test now
16:03.53bcrispdlynes: do you write your dial plans in ael?
16:03.53dlynestuxx-: and if it's an attended transfer, why isn't the idiot that's transferring it, telling the person that they're transferring the call to, who's on the call?
16:04.10dlynestuxx-: that would be a user error
16:04.11tuxx-dlynes: customers want the feature, cant help user stupidity ;-)
16:04.33dlynestuxx-: what's teh point of doing an attended transfer, then?
16:04.40dlynesbcrisp: no
16:05.03dlynestuxx-: they tell who it is on a keysystem...why would they change their behaviour just cause it's voip?
16:05.15dlynestuxx-: office workers are so stupid
16:05.25dlynestuxx-: especially management
16:05.31bcrispdlynes: hey, my sister is an office worker, be nice
16:05.31tuxx-OH YEAH
16:05.41dlynesbcrisp: lol
16:06.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
16:06.22dlynesbcrisp: you don't have to deal with office workers, do you?
16:06.26bcrispalways imagine the people he talks to are wearing a little sign that reads "im important"
16:07.15bcrispdlynes: as a software consultant, yes i do :)
16:07.16Chainsawworks in an office
16:07.28dlynesbcrisp: see what I mean?
16:07.31dlynespoints at Chainsaw.
16:08.02bcrispi deal with office workers, teachers, CEOs, CFOs, line workers....
16:08.13tuxx-dlynes: blind transfer seems to pass the callerid of the zap channel
16:08.13bcrispyou learn how to engage dif types
16:08.35ChainsawI mostly deal with internal staff, ISP techs & other internet/NOC people.
16:09.55*** join/#asterisk P4nt3r4 (
16:11.06ChainsawAnd frankly, after a year of doing phone tech support for copying machines... any telephone conversation is fun and engaging.
16:11.26P4nt3r4hello i have problem with trixbox and grandstream
16:11.46infoboti guess trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
16:12.06infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
16:12.16ChainsawThank you, that concludes our answer.
16:12.27[TK]D-FenderDouble Fatality : FINISH HIM!
16:12.45[TK]D-FenderTEST YOUR MIGHT!
16:12.46bcrisphey [TK]D-Fender, the other day you mentioned dialing SIP/user@domain ... im not sure how to do that through x-lite
16:13.11[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: that was for your dialplan... and I'm not available there currently
16:13.15bcrispholds up newb badge
16:13.32bcrisp[TK]D-Fender, cool, yeah i remember reading about how to do it in *
16:14.28*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
16:14.52voipmonkTK - you listening to MK soundtracks? are you choreographing a martial arts routine?
16:15.06*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
16:15.34Chainsawvoipmonk: Telephony Komrades. In Soviet Russia, consultant bills *you*
16:16.28*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
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16:16.51dlynesvoipmonk: mk?
16:16.55dlynesvoipmonk: you mean BL?
16:17.09[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: I practice the real deal... not schlock :p
16:17.18voipmonkpractice what?
16:17.55[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: tenshin shoden katori shinto ryu
16:18.00voipmonkimagines TK with a string and a donut suspended from the ceiling attempting to thrust his fingers through the donut hole at lightning speeds shouting "D'oh!" "d'oh!!!!"
16:18.06bcrispnihongo wakaru?
16:18.16dlynesJapanese what?
16:18.31dlynesJapanese walrus?
16:18.40bcrispwakaru = understand
16:18.51voipmonkthats old skewl
16:19.24[TK]D-FenderI understand enough Japanese.... to order sushi, and to describe ways to kill people :)
16:19.31Kattyis there such a thing as a voicemail 'receipt'? dear $sender, $receipient has just listened to your voicemial. kthxbai
16:19.35voipmonkhavent seen any tengu running around have you?
16:19.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Not in *
16:19.46bcrispKatty - thats a good idea
16:19.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: k
16:20.00bcrispabsolutely hates voicemail
16:20.03Kattybcrisp: it would also be annoying.
16:20.12Kattybcrisp: because if they didn't call you back for days, you'd get pissy :P
16:20.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: That'd assume its a local sender to a local recipient, etc... too messy
16:20.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: And to specialized.
16:20.27bcrispKatty, yeah... id rather email any day
16:20.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Perhaps if the CID matches a box# that also specifies an Address... supposed it'd be possible...
16:21.12Kattysounds like too much work
16:21.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yup
16:21.51*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (
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16:23.57scalex000katty do you know aobut IAX setup
16:24.08scalex000I have problem between to asterisk
16:24.15scalex000I use IAX
16:24.46Kattyi have connected iaxcom to an answer machine before.
16:25.05ManxPower-workscalex000: many IAX issues can be traced down to the fact that any unauthenticated call will match the last entry in iax.conf
16:25.55scalex000I have problem with connection
16:26.06Kattythat is very unfortunate.
16:26.18scalex000I don't how to resolve it
16:26.39Kattywould you like a tissue?
16:26.44Kattyi have puffs with vicks.
16:27.10ManxPower-workscalex000: describe your problem
16:28.37scalex000asterisk #1 behind NAT after 1 hour I can not reach the other side
16:28.47scalex000when I use iax2 show peers
16:29.01scalex000on host apper unespecified
16:29.23ManxPower-workscalex000: You didn't forward port 5060/UDP to the Asterisk server on the NAT router.
16:29.35[TK]D-Fenderscalex000: Forward IAX on both sides.
16:29.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: targeting fail...
16:30.00ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: kind of hard to port forward the other side since it's on a public IP.
16:30.00scalex000I only use the iax port
16:30.06scalex000I need to forward 5060
16:30.22ManxPower-worksorry, port 4569, not 5060
16:30.23scalex000the other side is on public ip
16:30.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Kinda hard to receive IAX2 calls on 5060 ;)
16:30.29*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
16:30.47ManxPower-workWhy anyone would do IAX2 between Asterisk servers is beyond my understanding
16:31.43scalex000well I think try to use different protocols
16:32.24bcrispugh internet is crawling in the office
16:33.39ChannelZlooks out at the snow and debates calling in 'cold'
16:34.45bcrispshould be about 60 here today
16:34.50*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
16:35.16scalex000manx, what is the diferente between register and peer
16:35.49ManxPower-workscalex000: Register registers and a peer is a connection.
16:36.07scalex000I have problem with the connectio
16:36.14scalex000do you have any Idea?
16:36.18ManxPower-workYour question is like asking what the difference between a tennis ball and a tennis racket
16:36.41ManxPower-workscalex000: I wish you the BEST of luck.
16:37.25bcrispManxPower-work, do you walk to school or take your lunch ?
16:38.03ManxPower-workbcrisp: exactly
16:39.42Kattyponders lunch
16:40.58*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (n=shark@
16:41.29eppigyKatty: what are we having?
16:41.54bcrispwonders why he cant browse internet but irc is workin
16:42.01abatistaI would love to have some Japanise food today.
16:42.14[TK]D-Fenderis going out for AYCE sushi in 5mins...
16:42.21Chainsawbcrisp: Either your transparent proxy is dead or you have DNS resolution problems.
16:42.53Kattyeppigy: i dunno :<
16:43.08bcrispChainsaw, yeah... internet traffic is through our main office over vpn, nobody answering at main office :(
16:43.31Chainsawbcrisp: Yes, so they can spy on you more effectively :)
16:43.40*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
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16:44.22bcrispwell ill reboot the router anyways
16:44.28FinboySlickI have a 1.4 asterisk and I'm just wondering...  If a mailbox name starts with the same letter as the flags, it still uses the flag.  For example, if I want to call Voicemail(box), I get an error that mailbox 'ox' doesn't exist.
16:44.35Chainsawbcrisp: Is it a Windows box?
16:45.04FinboySlickIs there workaround for that or should I just avoid using alphabetical name for mailboxes?
16:45.27ManxPower-workFinboySlick: upgrade your 1.4.didntbothertotellus to 1.4.latest
16:45.35Kattyeppigy: mexican sounds yummy
16:46.33Naikrovekwhy does the ceo come to me whenever he has a problem with someone else's phone system
16:46.37FinboySlickManxPower-work: Fair enough.
16:47.05*** join/#asterisk kannan (i=kannan@
16:47.09ManxPower-workFinboySlick: if that fails use the new method of specifying busy/unavail.  see "core show application voicemail"
16:47.24eppigyKatty: YESH
16:49.11kannanhello all, I have an * box working with ISP-A. Now I connected the on-board [eth0] to ISP-B , and put an additional ethernet NIC [eth1] to ISP-A. DIDs are not landing thru eth1, though the configs are the same. If i set it to use eth0, the DIDs work fine.
16:49.53ManxPower-workkannan: Asterisk does not support dual-homed gateway well.
16:50.23ManxPower-workkannan: set up the OS routing table so packets are routed as they should be and you may no longer have a problem
16:50.58kannanManxPower-work : thanks
16:51.11ManxPower-workkannan: use traceroute to determine how the various packets are routed.
16:51.41FinboySlickManxPower-work: My problem was mainly that I don't want to specify any options.  I guess I could just |<blank> after the mailbox.
16:51.50kannanManxPower-work : ok i will do that, ty. onlly i have to figure out howto do the routing part of it heh
16:52.15ManxPower-workFinboySlick: Why don't you want to specify an option.
16:53.13ManxPower-workkannan: multi-homed routing without BGP can be very complicated
16:53.53ManxPower-workAnd with BGP it's even more complicated.
16:54.06*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
16:54.08kn0x[2009-12-23 10:40:58.937] WARNING[18852]: chan_sip.c:2848 dialog_unlink_all: Unable to cancel schedule ID 113371.  This is probably a bug (chan_sip.c: dialog_unlink_all, line 2848).
16:54.12x86Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ u ndefined symbol: AS_OR
16:54.16FinboySlickManxPower-work: I just want the default mailbox messages.  People reaching this mailbox aren't really there because one is unavailable or busy.
16:54.17kn0xhello all
16:54.19x86what's this all about?
16:54.32kn0xany idea on that dialog_unlink_alll bug?
16:54.33ManxPower-workFinboySlick: I believe the default is Unavialable
16:54.54x86kn0x: #asterisk-dev ?
16:54.58kn0xahh ok
16:55.10Kattyeppigy: mexican then to petco for a new puppy toy?
16:55.32FinboySlickManxPower-work: I thought it was just something like 'leave your message after the tone' or something to that affect.  Not all that important anyway.
16:55.50p3nguinIf you don't specify u for unavailable, it should say to leave a message.
16:56.18p3nguinIf you use u or b, it will say unavailable or busy.
16:56.27ManxPower-workFinboySlick: you can also try "s"
16:56.34*** join/#asterisk iq (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/iq)
16:57.54FinboySlickManxPower-work: I think s is entirely quiet.  What p3nguin said is what I was looking for.
16:58.23kannanManxPower-work : what is BGP?
16:59.06*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (n=cosmicwo@
16:59.16kannanManxPower-work : i got it googled now :)
16:59.18ManxPower-workkannan: a routing protocol.
16:59.34*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:00.12cosmicwombatIs there any way to "control" ec on a TE122B ?
17:00.17kannanyikes, longish learning curve ahead, i got it working fine on a spare * box for now
17:00.49ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: Define "control"
17:01.18cosmicwombatManxPower-work:  make it more aggressive
17:01.50kannanhmm the OS IRC Channels said RTFM, and i got that googled in also now :)
17:03.04cosmicwombatoutbound calls are hearing echo after about 15 seconds
17:04.02ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: the tail is set by echocancel=X where yes=256, you can also set echotraining=  I like 900 for that option
17:04.18ManxPower-workYou can recompile zaptel/dahdi and #define the AGRESSIVE option
17:05.00cosmicwombatManxPower-work: how ?
17:05.06ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: how what?
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17:05.41cosmicwombatManxPower-work: I know how to recompile, just which file do I alter ? /etc/dahdi/gencongparamters ? or which
17:06.43ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: grep for AGRESSIVE in the zaptel or dahdi source code
17:07.02ManxPower-workits like zconfig.h or something like that in Zaptel
17:11.16*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:11.17cosmicwombatManxPower-work: OK, I'll look for that in a bit.
17:12.07ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: echo issues are some of the hardest issues to resolve
17:13.41*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
17:13.56cosmicwombatDon't I know it.... :)
17:14.06SuPrSluGcosmicwombat: doesn't that card already have hardware echo cancellation?
17:14.19cosmicwombatSuPrSluG: yes
17:14.31cosmicwombathence the confusion....
17:14.42SuPrSluGyou shouldn't need it through software then
17:14.42ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: you cannot control anything with regards to the hardware EC
17:14.42*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:14.53ManxPower-workeverything I told you applied only to software EC
17:15.04ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: contact Digium.  This is a supported issue.
17:16.04TSM2if a card has hardware ec, is there any reason to have mg2 in the system.conf
17:16.15cosmicwombatI would like to... I am on the West Coast the system owner is on the East Coast and can't get the box to give me the serial #
17:16.28ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: then you will fail
17:16.52cosmicwombatManxPower-work:  maybe...
17:16.53ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: This is a T-1 card, not analog, correct?
17:17.06cosmicwombatYes, T1/PRI
17:17.30ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: the only thing you can do is play with the txgain and rxgains (lower them)
17:18.36cosmicwombatYou know I tried changing them in the chan_dahdi.conf to -3.0 then 3.0 and did not seem to see a change in dahdi_monitor
17:19.11cosmicwombatOne thing I did notice is that the TX was about twice as hot as RX
17:20.11eppigyKatty: that sounds like a good lunch to me
17:21.19ManxPower-workdid you do a reload or module reload
17:22.42cosmicwombatManxPower-work: no... amportal stop --> service dahdi stop Alter File service dahdi start --> amportal start
17:23.33*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
17:27.24ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: Oh, very little of what I tell you will apply to a GUI setup.
17:27.43infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
17:28.14cosmicwombatManxPower-work: There is no GUI configuration partaining to this... strictly CLI
17:29.18cosmicwombatManxPower-work:  Thanks again
17:29.33ManxPower-workcosmicwombat: Too bad.  I figured one of the #included files that the GUIs like to use was overriding your gains.
17:34.02*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
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17:35.19mbrevdais there any way to disbale echo cancelation on dahdi in the middle of a call?
17:35.29mbrevdadialplan command or ami
17:35.40tzafrirmbranca, why would you need that?
17:37.08mbrevdatzafrir: turns out I dont as it was resolved, but the reason is
17:37.23mbrevdaI though i'de do it manualy
17:38.40ManxPower-workmbrevda: Yes.  Send a fax tone.
17:39.00mbrevdadid you read the part of the issue that sayd asterisk is NOT DETECTING THEM?
17:39.40ManxPower-workmbrevda: Then there is no way to do that.
17:40.11mbrevdathanks. it seems to be avlible for other channels, but except in situation like these, not sure its really that usefull
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17:59.33hardwirestupid nickserv
17:59.58hardwireok so.. anybody ever had a defective handset on an SPA-94x?
18:00.45hardwireI had a lot of static on the line so I replaced the analog component with another and.. tada..
18:00.55hardwirebut it was screwing with the GN headset calls too.
18:03.58bmoracathat's why you always check the physical layer first
18:04.24bmoracathen you check the user layer and if it's their fault, beat them over the head with a phonebook
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18:20.55Kattysoooo full
18:21.20Kattyeppigy: why did you make me eat so much
18:21.23Kattyeppigy: twisting my arm
18:21.59hardwirebmoraca: it just seemed odd that the handset which should be "disconnected" while the headset is in use was mucking with things.
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18:22.20bmoracadid you replace just hte handset or the cable as well?
18:24.00hardwireboth.  It occured to me that I should have narrowed it down to one or the other later.
18:24.16hardwireI haven't asked them to test it yet
18:26.07[TK]D-Fenderis officially sushi'd out
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18:29.09Katty <- woof.
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18:31.51eppigyKatty: sorry :<
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18:32.03Kattyeppigy: :>
18:32.22Kattywoofy is cute.
18:33.17eppigythank you
18:33.30*** join/#asterisk clyons (n=clyons@unaffiliated/clyons)
18:34.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: What about the largely obscured girl behind woofy? :)
18:40.41Kattyeppigy: would you like to see woofy's christmas present?
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18:42.38dlynes[TK]D-Fender: how can you ever be sushi'd out?
18:43.08dlynes[TK]D-Fender: or is sushi in montreal pretty nasty?
18:44.56[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: AYCE <-
18:45.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: And I did
18:45.09dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ayce?
18:45.36dlynes[TK]D-Fender: is that quebecois for yes?
18:45.59[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: All You Can Eat
18:46.03dlynesah it'd be pretty nasty then
18:46.15dlynesayce == Chinese chefs
18:46.18Naikrovekanyone know what standard IT purchasing budgets are, like in percentage of income, ballpark?
18:46.25[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No, japanese...
18:46.46[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: one MEEEELION dollars! </drevil>
18:47.01dlynesNaikrovek: be more it an IT company, a financial services company, an insurance company, a small office, ...?
18:47.39Naikrovekwe pulled in some 3.5mil in income last year, i got $11k budget, and just got shot down for a tape drive and some tapes
18:48.00Naikrovekdlynes: we write firmware for diesel engine electronic control modules
18:48.04Katty <- not my dog.
18:48.28dlynesNaikrovek: so you're an IT company, then?
18:49.21Naikrovekdlynes: i wouldn't call us an IT company.  we don't provide IT service, we just write software for embedded microcontrollers.  they're not information driven, they don't network (outside the vehicle) etc
18:49.27Naikrovekmaybe that is IT but I don't consider it IT
18:49.58dlynesNaikrovek: if the only thing you do, is write firmware (i.e. you're an IT company), and you're only spending $11K on computer eq based on 3.5M income...I would think that's an extremely slim budget
18:49.58Naikrovekwe're not like Google in terms of server to employee ratio
18:50.08Naikroveki agre
18:50.21dlynesNaikrovek: but it all depends on how much they're overpaying the IT staff, too
18:50.32Naikrovekthey're not
18:50.44dlynesNaikrovek: says you, but you're biased :)
18:50.45Naikroveki'm the only IT guy (in terms of system/network admin) here. there's nobody writing firmware, then?
18:51.02dlynesit's all contracted out to India?
18:51.14Naikrovekwe have an office in india
18:51.19Naikrovekbut not outsourced to india
18:51.36Naikroveki'm a bit offended that I can't get some necessary IT infrastructure.
18:51.41dlynesNaikrovek: so iow what you're telling me then, is that your IT budget is more than $11K
18:51.51dlynesNaikrovek: it's just that your North American IT budget is only $11K
18:51.59Naikrovekdlynes: i'm talking IT infrastructure budget
18:52.11Naikroveknot development software, not desktops & laptops
18:52.13dlynesNaikrovek: ah...IT infrastructure...not IT
18:52.16NaikrovekI'm talking core infrastruture
18:52.20Naikrovekmy bad
18:52.21dlynesNaikrovek: I would think that's normal, then
18:52.33dlynesNaikrovek: maybe even a little generous
18:52.56dlynes3.5M's not a hell of a lot of money
18:53.08dlynesespecially when you consider your profit margin's probably only 20-30%
18:53.22Naikrovekour profit is 60% or so
18:53.25Naikroveki see the books
18:53.32Naikroveki see the income per headcount
18:53.41dlynesNaikrovek: profit before wages, or after wages?
18:53.46Naikrovekafter wages of course
18:53.58dlynesNaikrovek: before taxes, or after taxes?
18:54.19dlynesNaikrovek: before capital expenditures, or after capital expenditures?
18:54.21Naikrovekwhen we lose data and I say that I can't restore it because I dont have backup i'll be right there with an "i told you this would happen"
18:54.21dlynesNaikrovek: ...
18:54.39Naikrovekdlynes: after all.  CEO/Owner pocketed something like 1.5m last year
18:54.45NaikrovekI just need $20k
18:55.08KattyNaikrovek: i found a pot of gold for you
18:55.10dlynesNaikrovek: if he's pocketing 1.5M in salary, your profit margin is not 60%
18:55.17KattyNaikrovek: <- it's in this car.
18:55.30Naikrovekdlynes: around 60%
18:55.31dlynesNaikrovek: it'd be 60% after he gets his salary, and then he's still gotta pay your salary
18:55.35Naikroveknot precisely
18:55.40dlynesNaikrovek: and all capital expenditures, ... :)
18:56.23dlynesNaikrovek: and besides...that 1.5M is probably going in large chunk to pay off his investors
18:56.27Naikrovekdlynes: i hope you're not telling me that i'm out of line asking for a tape drive and some tapes
18:56.38dlynesNaikrovek: need that
18:56.39Naikrovekdlynes: possibly, but his aston martin says otherwise
18:56.56dlynesNaikrovek: but otoh, other expenses could be cut, too
18:57.48dlynesNaikrovek: i get by on a $50K or so budget per year, for about 500K in sales
18:57.50Naikrovekthis business isn't new, we've been around for a decade.  it's a steady business, we didn't shrink with the economy, just stopped growing for about 4 months
18:58.02dlynesNaikrovek: but our IT pretty much runs the company
18:58.06Naikrovek$50k would be nice
18:58.26dlynesNaikrovek: but most of that $50K goes to revenue producing equipment
18:58.28Naikrovekmost of all I just need a damn tape drive and some tapes
18:58.45Naikrovekour revenue generation is on a $500 server right now
18:58.52Naikrovekdude does not understand IT
18:58.58Naikrovekhe's an electrical engineer
18:59.01Naikrovekhe's a good guy
18:59.11NaikrovekIT infrastructure*
18:59.16dlynesNaikrovek: iow, it's subsidized and built out as customer base customers are pyaing it, because it's built into their contract price
18:59.42dlynesNaikrovek: engineers are about numbers...they're bean counters like accountants
18:59.48dlynesNaikrovek: you have to speak their language
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19:00.11dlynesNaikrovek: show them how much money they save by buying a tape drive and tapes
19:00.15Naikrovekwe brought in consultants to validate my upgrade plans over time, which they did.  he was thankful to me that I was knowledgeable.  then he calls me in my office "you're not getting any of that stuff until july at the earliest"
19:00.19dlynesNaikrovek: and then they'll say yes
19:00.52dlynesNaikrovek: or show them how much it'll cost them, if they don't
19:00.58Naikrovekdlynes: i understand he speaks in spreadsheets, and i've thrown a lot at him.  i got him to invest in virtualization this year with a couple, after he wanted to spend more on individual servers
19:01.17Naikroveksomething is up
19:01.19dlynesNaikrovek: anyways...fwiw
19:01.32dlynesNaikrovek: people respond better to pain than pleasure
19:01.57dlynesIt's a well proven psychological phenomenon
19:01.58Naikrovekhe's telling everyone (investors, employees) that next year is already conservatively looking to be 4X as profitable as this year
19:02.10Naikrovekbut that raises will not be given
19:02.15Naikroveksomething is up
19:02.23dlynesNaikrovek: he's selling the company...duh
19:02.37Naikrovekdlynes: doubt that.  it's a family business
19:02.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:02.43Naikrovekbut possible i suppose
19:02.58dlynesNaikrovek: investors always want an exit
19:03.36dlynesNaikrovek: i'm sure he didn't get the money to build this company from thin air
19:03.45Naikrovekyeah probably not
19:04.04dlynesNaikrovek: family's running it, but probably not funding it
19:04.05Naikrovekbut his company was founded a decade ago, i would imagine given some 200 employees that they've paid those investors off
19:04.25dlynesNaikrovek: yeah...but now it's bigger and more profitable
19:04.38dlynesNaikrovek: and he's getting bored with a company that's already producing
19:04.44Naikrovekand we dont' need to borrow so much (if at all)
19:04.47dlynesNaikrovek: so he wants to sell it off, and start a new company
19:04.53Naikroveki think if you were here you'd have a different take
19:04.57Naikrovekbut it's valid
19:05.09dlynesNaikrovek: I just think this way, because I'm also an investor
19:05.16dlynesNaikrovek: but i invest in real estate
19:06.24dlynesI have no interest in working full time for the rest of my natural life in IT
19:06.34dlynesIt's like being in jail
19:11.23*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
19:12.23Kattystares at the clock
19:12.47variable_officeI need my sip switch to respond back to my client on a port other than 5060 (5070 for example) how can i do this? Adding :5070 to contact and from sent to the switch from the client does nothing
19:15.04nix8n82dlynes, have you been to jail?
19:15.05p3nguinvariable_office: Define port in the peer/friend/user entry in sip.conf.
19:15.20Kattythrow things at the clock
19:16.14variable_officep3nguin, is there no way to do it in the raw sip message. (asterisk actually isn't involved in this whatsover, I was just hoping for smart sip people) I am sending a raw sip notify to the sip switch (openser)
19:16.43Naikrovekmy digital clock broke last night.  shows 2:30a perpetually now I think.
19:17.18Naikrovekleft it on to see if it'll still advance at all or if the internal clock source/crystal/oscillator is broken
19:17.27*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:17.57lanningto bad it's not analogue.  then at least it would be right twice a day... :)
19:19.37*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
19:20.45dlynesnix8n82: no...have you?
19:21.09*** join/#asterisk cvnet (n=cvnet@
19:22.16cvnetI have 2 sip clients registered, lets say sip 100 and 101, now if a call comes in from DID it goes to 100 and if a second call comes in, i want it to check if 100 is busy (in call) if so i want it to be passed to 201, how do i do that?
19:22.24TJNIINaikrovek: That's curious.  Most digital clocks I've seen use the AC line as the clock source.
19:22.38Kattycvnet: all of that is covered in the book
19:22.42Kattyinfobot: thebook
19:22.43infobot[thebook] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
19:22.48Kattycvnet: please read.
19:22.57cvnetkatty what chapter? i have that book?
19:23.22Kattycvnet: would you like me to hold your hand too?
19:23.32cvnetthat would be really nice of u
19:24.03*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
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19:26.27[TK]D-Fendercvnet: "core show application chanisavail"
19:26.29nix8n82yes I have
19:27.13*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
19:27.30*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
19:27.31nix8n82IT work is way better, you never have to worry about your asshole, except in the case of bad mexican food, as opposed to a bad mexican.
19:28.07Kattythat was highly innappropriate mister nix8n82
19:28.19Kobazit's very true
19:28.24TJNIIblinks at nix8n82
19:28.25Kobazi had a bad buretto
19:28.30Kobazoh man, it was bad
19:29.06cvnet[TK]D-Fender thanks
19:30.13nix8n82Sorry Katty I don't have the natural ability to massage the facts to be PC
19:30.51Kattynix8n82: learn some.
19:32.43*** join/#asterisk pfn (
19:33.15variable_officeSo i take it there is no way to make a sip switch contact back a sip device on another port other than 5060 besides having a static port setting?
19:33.28nix8n82Sure, right after Xen,java,c++,python,mysql,pgsql,Ajax,android dev api,sky diving,meditation,koran, and bible...then I'll get right on that
19:36.10Kattyeppigy: why am i cranky this afternoon
19:36.19Kattyeppigy: this isn't normal for me :<
19:43.46dlynesKatty: I don't think you're being cranky...I think nix8n82 is just being an ass :)
19:44.12*** join/#asterisk davemast (
19:44.34dlynesvariable_office: if it's sending out on something other than 5060, it can receive back on that same port
19:44.42Guggevariable_office: if you use dns srv can point to any port
19:45.11variable_officeGugge, dns srv is that enum, ie. NATPR?
19:45.18eppigyKatty: i dunno, but you should cheer up :D
19:45.27variable_officedlynes, I am sending out on 5070 but openser is sending back on 5070
19:45.28Guggevariable_office: srv is a record type
19:45.49dlynesvariable_office: then there's something else wrong
19:46.06dlynesvariable_office: I've got all kinds of ports being operated on
19:46.13dlynesvariable_office: however, that being said
19:46.27dlynesvariable_office: do you have both ends of the sip convo behind routers or firewalls?
19:47.29dlynesvariable_office: most of my sip traffic where one end is nat'd, have five digit port numbers
19:47.35variable_officeno it goes: [raw sip messenger]----[openser]----[gateway] everything is clear. I have the raw sip messenger sending out on 5070
19:47.41variable_officeno nat anywhere
19:48.07dlynesvariable_office: raw sip messenger?
19:48.12variable_officeI tried adding sent-by to the via and adding port to contact and from and nothing did anything
19:48.20dlynesvariable_office: and do i understand correctly that you don't have nat on either end?
19:48.36variable_officedlynes, I am using sipsak to send a mwi notify message. Correct; no nat anywhere
19:48.47dlynesvariable_office: mind if we get a sip debug dump?
19:49.09variable_officedlynes, well asterisk isnt involved, but I can give a wireshark trace
19:49.17dlynesvariable_office: that works, too
19:49.31dlynesvariable_office: now which end is on something other than 5060?
19:49.57dlynesvariable_office: and if asterisk isn't involved, why aren't you in #sipsak or #openser?
19:50.00variable_officethe sipsak
19:50.01cvnetmy want to check if sip/100 is not in used send the incoming call there if in use then send it to 150, i did some reading and created this dial plan could you check and let me know if it is correct ?
19:50.12nix8n82dlynes, you might be on to something
19:50.40dlynesnix8n82: maybe he thinks asterisk == *voip
19:51.18bmoracacvnet, do a "core show application read" from the CLI for me
19:51.18dlynescvnet: can you reword what you just said?  It's not making any sense in English
19:51.35cvnetmy = i
19:52.00dlynescvnet: that I figured's the rest of it that's all jumbled up
19:52.12jblackcvnet: It's easier than that!
19:52.24SuPrSluGvariable_office: what is listening on 5070?
19:52.30dlynescvnet: oh...nvm used == use
19:53.20variable_officedlynes, that is the notify and 200 back
19:53.40variable_officeSuPrSluG, a program called sipsak
19:54.22dlynesvariable_office: your dump doesn't make any sense
19:54.53variable_officethe xxx is openser, the 50.70 address is sipsak, does that help?
19:54.55dlynesvariable_office: I see sipsak (I'm guessing that's what edhsipmwi is), but I don't see OpenSER anywhere
19:55.14variable_officeyep, xxx is the openser server
19:55.32dlynesvariable_office: you don't understand
19:55.42dlynesvariable_office: both of those sip messages are sipsak....nothing from openser
19:56.20variable_officethe 200 response is coming back from the openser server, it just is not marking it
19:56.22Naikrovekany polycom users care to express preferences on a receptionist phone?
19:56.26SuPrSluGsipsak sends messages and then examines the results. not sure if it receives
19:56.54dlynesSuPrSluG: yes, but I dont' see any sip messages, where openser is sending any responses back to sipsak
19:57.16dlynesSuPrSluG: openser shoudl still be sending something back, regardless if sipsak is capable of receiving them
19:57.33dlynesSuPrSluG: but again...what the hell does any of this have to do with asterisk?
19:57.43variable_officethe only response is the 200. So 1) sipsak -> opernser NOTIFY 2) openser -> sipsak.
19:57.50dlynesvariable_office: no
19:58.02dlynesvariable_office: 1) sipsak -> openser    2) sipsak -> openser
19:58.16dlynesvariable_office: there's nothing going back the other chopped all that out
19:59.15dlynesvariable_office: look at the 'From:...''ll see it's the same in both messages
19:59.18SuPrSluGwell 200 is an OK message so it does respond and is waiting for something else
19:59.27variable_officeno this is the raw dump, the ip headers are clear: the notify is srced at sipsak, the 200 is srced at openser. Are you saying the internal structure of the sip message is incorrect?
19:59.53dlynesvariable_office: the software can't even give you consistent ordering of the headers
20:00.10dlynesvariable_office: the ordering fo the headers is completely different from one message tot he next
20:00.46variable_officeyep, but that shouldnt matter should it?
20:00.57dlynesvariable_office: no, it shouldn't
20:01.24dlynesvariable_office: however, either you have two pieces of software running at (which is more than likely), or sipsak is completely confused
20:01.32dlynesvariable_office: regardless, I see no packets from openser
20:02.22dlynesvariable_office: if you'd like, I can repeat that ten more times if it helps the message sink in better
20:03.53dlynesvariable_office: look at lines 02 and'll see both messages are sent from, not xx.xx.xx.xx (openser)
20:04.26dlynesvariable_office: in your pastebin, that is
20:04.37dlynesvariable_office: I'm guessing #openser told you rtfm, and that's why you're asking about this in #asterisk?
20:05.20variable_officedlynes, I wish, that channel and kamailio is dead.
20:05.53dlynesvariable_office: most of those guys are in europe I think, so it's busier after midnight
20:06.24variable_officeI've been in there for 24 hours now and nothing has happened
20:06.24dlyneswell...midnight west coast time
20:07.03dlynesvariable_office: anyways....pastebin the whole trace (about 3 or 4 pages)
20:07.20variable_officewill do hold on; thanks btw
20:07.21dlynesvariable_office: not ten or fifteen lines
20:07.42dlynesvariable_office: because you're obviously not grabbing the correct part of the trace
20:08.05variable_officeThere is only 2 other packets, but I will show the ip headers too
20:08.40dlynesvariable_office: if you want, you can upload the .pcap file somewhere, and I can look at that
20:10.42SuPrSluGNaikrovek: what are you trying to do with the receptionist phone?
20:12.34dlynesvariable_office: btw...this is what an openser sip packet looks like (for your reference):
20:13.29NaikrovekSuPrSluG: i want the receptionist to see the presence of a few key phones and to be able to transfer calls to those phones with only a few button pushes
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20:13.43dlynesNaikrovek: blf
20:13.49Naikrovekdlynes: yes i know
20:14.07dlynesNaikrovek: so what's the problem, then?
20:14.07SuPrSluGno sla
20:14.22dlynesSuPrSluG: he's not asking for sla
20:14.23Naikrovekdlynes: no problem, just want to know which polycom phone & expansion is preferred
20:14.39dlynesNaikrovek: wouldn't that be the 601 and its attendant consoles?
20:14.52dlynesNaikrovek: i'm not a polycom user, but afaik, that's what it is
20:14.55Naikrovekwell there's the 601, 650, 660, 670
20:15.12SuPrSluG601 are end of life
20:15.14Naikrovekgetting the 650 & 1 expansion
20:15.28dlynesi suppose it was about time
20:15.34Naikrovekheh yeah
20:15.45dlynesthe 301's and 501's have been around for about 6 or 7 years now
20:16.00Corydon76-digUh, not that long
20:16.15Corydon76-digMaybe 4 years
20:16.30[TK]D-Fendercorbetween 4-5
20:16.33Corydon76-digBefore that, the 300 and 500
20:16.58dlynesCorydon76-dig: we had them on some crappy windows pbx 6 or 7 years ago
20:17.08[TK]D-FenderNowadays, the IP321/331 for the Cheap.  IP 335 /450 / 650 for the smart.
20:17.12variable_officedlynes, can I pm you with the pcap url?
20:17.34Naikrovektyvm, [TK]D-Fender
20:17.46Naikroveki've talked mgmt into the 335 for desk and 650 for reception
20:17.58dlynesvariable_office: sure
20:18.01Naikrovekafter they shot me down when i watned to buy a damn backup solution
20:18.38dlynesCorydon76-dig: but it might have been the 300/ memory might be bad
20:18.50[TK]D-Fender300/500 do go back that far
20:18.54mbrevdawhats the delimiter in 1.4 for, say, multipal variables in originate?
20:19.11mbrevda| works. can I use , as well, or is that 1.6 only?
20:21.31cvnethwo can you check if a sip channel lets say sip 100 is in use?
20:21.42variable_officesip show channels
20:21.50cvneti mean in dailplan
20:24.09Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: As of February 2006, the 501 was not yet released
20:25.04Corydon76-digSo less than 4 years
20:26.00cvnet  <-- this is not working for me
20:27.52cvnettypo dial
20:28.48Qwellsaying something "doesn't work" is pretty meaningless, without examples of what "isn't working"
20:29.23*** join/#asterisk TSM (
20:30.16cvnet <-- im getting errors, its not dialing any channels, and it hangs up, i posted the errors from asterisk to the pastebin as well
20:30.32Qwellno you didn't
20:31.14Qwellbut, remove the spaces
20:31.49[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Incorrect
20:32.03[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Oct 12, 2005 = SIP 1.6.3 = had IP 501
20:32.17Qwelldoesn't mean it was released :p
20:32.25Qwelljust that firmware existed that supported it
20:33.08Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: I've been looking at archived versions of Polycom's home page
20:33.14[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: SIP 1.4.1 also supported the 501 in Dec 2004
20:33.35[TK]D-FenderSo over 5 years :)
20:33.58[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't have older files handy for more backup
20:34.49cvneti removed the spaces, but still getting errors
20:37.13dlynescvnet: s/dail/Dial/
20:37.45FinboySlickIs there something along the lines of cron for an asterisk dialplan?  Time conditional statements are obvious, but what if I want to do something like call a number every morning at 8.  Should I just run a cron script that calls asterisk for that sort of thing?
20:38.14dlynesFinboySlick: call files
20:38.15TSMcron call files
20:38.46TSMwho was it that wanted poly firmware
20:38.56bmoracacvnet, why do you have a Read() in there?  do you know what Read() does?  do a "core show application read" in the cli and read why what you have makes no sensicles
20:39.12[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: 1.4.0 added support for the 301... i presume the 501 wasn't necessarliy too far hehind...
20:39.17[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: But could be...
20:39.27dlynesbmoraca: sensicles?....that almost sounds like testi....
20:39.41cvnetmade the dial Dial still same error
20:39.48FinboySlickdlynes: They're more sensitive.
20:39.53dlynescvnet: PASTEBIN YOUR ERROR LOG!!!!!!
20:40.37dlynescvnet: or you're not going to get any more help
20:40.57bmoracaTSM, create a cron job that kicks off an AMI originate or drops a call file in the spool
20:41.26bmoracaTSM, or, even more simply, asterisk -rx 'originate ...'
20:41.35TSMbmoraca: yup not fo rme that was for someone else, but yes i know what you mean
20:41.46dlynesbmoraca: it was FinboySlick that was wanting to do taht, and originate isn't a command line application until asterisk 1.6.2
20:41.53bmoracayeah, i see that
20:41.56cvneti did error log in pastebin, if you look at the bottom of the page there is the error
20:42.09bmoracadlynes, that's not true.  you can do originate in 1.4
20:42.19dlynesbmoraca: using ami, yes
20:42.33dlynesbmoraca: not cli
20:42.40FinboySlickbmoraca, dlynes:  I don't really want to call someone at 8, I was just using that as an example.  I'll likely be setting a variable.
20:42.43FinboySlickAnd adding agents to a queue.
20:43.04dlynesFinboySlick: there's also time of day dialplan includes, too
20:43.05TSMFinboySlick: we need to know what you want to tell you what you need
20:43.31bmoracadlynes, i'm looking at a build right now and I have originate as a commandline option.  i've used it to create PA ringers before.  it's there and i know it works
20:43.31dlynesFinboySlick: which is useful for scheduling stuff like lunch and pee breaks
20:44.16dlynesbmoraca: really?  I don't have it as a dialplan application in or
20:44.39FinboySlickdlynes: Yeah, I'm definitely going to use those.  This is more in case some agent exits the queue before leaving work and forgets to rejoin the next day when their shift starts.
20:44.40bmoracaas a dialplan application, no.  as a CLI command, yes.
20:44.44dlyneserm...nvm...I was getting it mixed up between dialplan and cli
20:44.51dlynesIt's available as a dialplan app in 1.6.2
20:45.44bmoracalocal channels can achieve the same basic goal, so it's no big loss.  but from a cron job, you don't need it as a dialplan application.
20:45.48dlynescvnet: a recent log?
20:47.01dlynescvnet: besides...I've scrolled through everything you've've posted a config with the same pastebin url three times now, with no log
20:47.56dlynescvnet: Go check out this url for yourself before talking again, please?
20:48.43dlynesbmoraca: yeha...I've only needed originate for faxing, so I needed it as a dialplan app, myself
20:50.37Kattyi has a headache :<
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20:52.55bmoracaman, moving from freepbx-based (boss mandated that we use this) asterisk to my own is great.  my dialplan shrunk from 100000 lines to 114 lines and now has more functionality.  shoulda done this way sooner
20:54.21*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (n=bcrisp@
20:54.27dlynesbmoraca: i've had to deal with that shit twice now
20:54.46dlynesbmoraca: got both owners to switch to vanilla asterisk, after they realized freepbx caused more headaches than it solved
20:55.08bmoracai didn't have any problems with it in just made things more difficult than they needed to be
20:55.11bcrispi need some custom IVR prompts recorded - what's the proper term for such a profession?
20:55.21dlynesbmoraca: well, and makes some things downright impossible
20:55.31dlynesbcrisp: allison
20:55.45cvnetdlynes: my bad, i thought when you update the pastebin it keeps the same id but it looks like the url changes after each update, here is the most recent one
20:56.29dlynescvnet: so now, what do you think that error means?
20:56.41bcrispdlynes does she do british accent?
20:56.50dlynesbcrisp: probably not...she's American
20:57.22dlynesbcrisp: anyways...I think they're called professional voices or something
20:57.28cvnetdlynes: it doesnt recognizes the Cut function, which i got it from reading some post in
20:57.41bmoracadlynes, my boss wanted something that would be easy to admin...not realizing that freepbx wasn't meant to be used the way he wanted it to be used...finally had to show him that most of what i needed to do had to be done in custom scripts anyway...
20:57.43dlynescvnet: read the error must not have understood it
20:58.35*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
20:58.42bcrispdlynes: allison's voice conjures up long wait times with chase bank
20:58.50dlynescvnet: many many years ago (asterisk 1.0.9), that would have worked
20:58.56bcrispor was it cox communicatinos? hmmm
20:59.01bmoracacvnet, CUT is the proper case for using that function.  but i still don't know what you're trying to do with that "Read()" in there
20:59.02dlynescvnet: does application sound like function to you?
20:59.04cvnetoo, so its old
20:59.14bmoracathat, too
20:59.49dlynescvnet: core show function CUT
20:59.58cvnetso its an application that is old and not used anymore, so how would i go about sending a call if sip 100 is in use send it to 150?
21:00.02bcrispdlynes: her voice is just weird
21:00.06dlynesjoy...rain and freezing rain for christmas
21:00.18dlynescvnet: use the CUT function
21:00.24dlynescvnet: it's not an application anymore
21:00.30cvnetgot it
21:00.46bcrispdlynes: i need a voice that has human intonation :)
21:00.51dlynescvnet: a lot of applications got turned into functions with 1.6 and/or 1.4
21:01.01bmoracabcrisp, you can always record it yourself
21:01.15bcrispnah, i have a nasal sound
21:01.26bcrispand its really hard for me to fake a female british accent :/
21:01.41bcrispalbeit amusing
21:01.57TSMbcrisp: go on try it on me.... type away
21:01.58bmoracawhy do you need female british?
21:02.19bcrispbecause it appeals to men
21:02.28bmoracathat's true
21:02.35bcrispty dlynes
21:02.49dlynesbcrisp: and it's in right jolly old british
21:03.11bcrispeppigy, how is an observation considered sexist?
21:03.28eppigyi am just joking so I am not sure
21:03.32dlynesbcrisp: he's always thinking about sex
21:03.44bcrispi should get frank caliendo to do our IVRs
21:03.53bcrispthat would rock
21:04.06bmoracaBillie Piper would get better reviews
21:04.12dlynesbcrisp: Snoop Dogg
21:04.19nix8n82wtf is Billie Piper
21:04.30Qwelldlynes: You saw the Snoop voicepack for TomTom GPS systems, right?
21:04.30TSMnaa hees trying to make a sex line using tts
21:04.31bmoracafrom the new Dr. Who
21:04.35cvnetdlynes: i get still the old error, i did change the Cut to CUT
21:04.39dlynesQwell: yeah :)
21:05.05dlynesQwell: mostly cause that's what I searched for first
21:05.05bcrispumm bmoraca, are you forgetting the delimiter?
21:05.09dlynesQwell: my gps is a tom tom
21:05.17QwellI would totally buy it if I had a TomTom
21:05.35dlynesQwell: nah...I've got some sexy british chick on mine
21:05.37bmoracacvnet, you need to read the NEW documentation for your asterisk version.
21:05.42dlynesQwell: and some sultry sounding chinese chicks, too
21:05.47bcrispsorry that was for cvnet
21:05.53bcrispcvnet.. where's the delimiter?
21:05.56nix8n82I thought read() was for inputing dtmf?
21:06.07dlynesnix8n82: it is
21:06.15bmoracanix8n82, it is.
21:06.52bmoracacvnet, and get rid of that Read().  asterisk works a WHOLE lot better when you don't try to borrow code from some website that's 5 years old
21:06.54nix8n82so why is cvnet checking for dtmf when trying to determine which channel is available?
21:07.06SuPrSluGcvnet: something like exten => s,2,Dial(${CUT(AVAILCHAN||1)}/12345678)
21:07.19dlynesnix8n82: cause he's big on copying and pasting and not understanding what it is he's copying and pasting
21:07.33bcrispya.. that dial plan doesnt make much sense
21:08.04dlynesQwell: i need to get updated maps for my tomtom, though
21:08.06cvnetdonig some reading
21:08.06SuPrSluGwhere cut is a function not the command
21:08.14bcrispcant just change the name of the function / application and leave the same parms in it
21:08.44bmoracawebmin is kind of cool...wish i'd have found it earlier, really.
21:08.49infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:08.55dlynesbmoraca: for asterisk?
21:09.07bmoracadlynes, no, for linux in general
21:09.15dlynesbmoraca: btw...there's also usermin and virtualmin
21:09.55dlynesbmoraca: and there's also an asterisk module for webmin (I wouldn't suggest it, though)
21:15.24cvnetIs there such application/function to check if a channel is in use?
21:15.52ManxPower-workcvnet: "core show applications" didn't list anything obvious?
21:15.55*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
21:16.22ManxPower-workAt least make him work for it.
21:16.41*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
21:19.29nix8n82After you run that app on the channels you want to check,if you can do perl,php,other languages, you can use an agi to check the the channel variables set by the ChanIsAvail app and determine your course of action, or use asterisk interal commands and functions to set you dial string.
21:21.20Kattyhello my pretties.
21:22.15Kattyhugs on eppigy
21:22.27*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
21:22.42eppigyOUT OF CHARACTER
21:22.51eppigyready to go home
21:23.09Kattyeppigy: do you have another 30min?
21:23.31Kattyjust leave now
21:23.58eppigyi would like to
21:24.15eppigyi left early yesterday
21:31.30Kattypouts at clock
21:31.51Katty1hr 20 min to go
21:32.00hardwirepouts at Katty
21:32.04hardwirewhat are you making?
21:32.26Kattyi don't know, what am i making?
21:33.31*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
21:35.52*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
21:37.19SuPrSluGa list
21:38.52Kattygets pen and paper
21:39.38Kattywhat goes on this list?
21:39.48SuPrSluGfor those that have been nice, cookies and cakes
21:41.47Qwelland for the rest of us?
21:41.51SuPrSluGnow everyone wants to know to record a holiday message.
21:42.03SuPrSluGwhy do they wait.
21:42.35KattySuPrSluG: tell me about it. i've had 6 calls about that today so far.
21:42.38SuPrSluGwell Katty hasn't shared those recipes yet
21:42.53Kattyi am so lost.
21:42.54Kattywhat recipes?
21:43.01SuPrSluGi believe they start with Hemlock
21:43.33SuPrSluGfor those that aren't so nice
21:43.49Kattynow would i do that?
21:45.16SuPrSluGjust makin stuff up. I have 15 min left too
21:45.51*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
21:46.16*** part/#asterisk FinboySlick (n=shark@
21:52.47MedicineManmaybe you all can help me
21:53.05MedicineMani am installing asterisk on a couple vm's
21:53.08MedicineManamd am getting the follwoing
21:53.13MedicineManwhen restarting the dahdi service
21:53.17MedicineManNo hardware timing source found in /proc/dahdi, loading dahdi_dummy
21:53.27MedicineManis this something I need to worry about?
21:54.08Kattythere was a movie with this very young blonde girl in it, and she had one point she started drinking to bring them on. i can SEE her face, but can't think of her name.
21:54.11mazpeanyone knows why i keep getting the following repeatedly in the console:
21:54.33bmoracawhat is the 1.6.2 equivalent of the cli command "reload"?
21:55.02SuPrSluGMedicineMan: no
21:55.16Kattydakota fanning
21:55.25nix8n82mazpe, you have some script running that connects to the Asterisk AMI as user MeetMe.
21:55.48SuPrSluGMedicineMan: it's just telling you it will use a dummy timing for meetme and other apps
21:55.50mazpenix8n82: well i'm trying to install Web-MeetMe
21:55.51Kattyi remember she had awesome boots on.
21:56.21nix8n82probably it
21:56.50*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
21:57.46Katty <- what movie is this? :<
21:58.10*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (n=elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
21:58.21elliot98quietly enters and takes his seat
21:58.40Kattyhands elliot98 a drink
21:59.11SuPrSluGbye merry christmas all
21:59.21Kattyelliot98: you any good with movies?
22:00.01hardwireanybody want to have a talk aboot DUNDi?
22:00.08Kattynot particularly
22:00.38nix8n82I would like to talk about DUNDI, but I have no real understanding of how it works or why it may be useful
22:00.53jayteeread the book
22:01.41hardwireyar.. I wanted to talk about stuff not covered in the book.
22:01.46Kattythe movie is push.
22:01.48ChannelZThe only dundi I know of is of the Crocodile variety
22:01.58jayteeI think I saw Push
22:02.02KattyChannelZ: it's used a lot in complicated natting senarios
22:02.05hardwirespecifically the complete lack of ability to have one machine answer to different entityID
22:02.13hardwireeven though the protocol would allow for it
22:02.21Kattyjaytee: i remembered a portion of the movie, which generally had nothing to do with the main plot.
22:02.40Kattyjaytee: which i seem to do a lot :/
22:02.41elliot98someone say movies?
22:02.55jayteeyeah, i saw it. it wasn't bad
22:02.56ChannelZspeaking of one-word movies, who else hated Crash?
22:03.04Kattyelliot98: i was trying to figure out which movie Dakota Fanning had preminitions in...
22:03.11elliot98thanks katty for the Taquila sunrise
22:03.17ChannelZI remember when it first came out everyone said it was so amazing and I was just bored to tears.  Then Starz turned it into a show and I'm like WHY!?
22:03.18Kattyelliot98: i recalled her drinking to bring the premonitions on, and something about boots :P
22:03.45Kattyelliot98: which generally has nothing to do with the plot
22:03.47MedicineManis that a standard for VM's
22:04.02Kattyelliot98: or like the conversation in Babylon AD with vin disel talkign to the girl about the tigers, and how they were clones
22:04.09Kattyelliot98: which generally had nothing to do with Babylon AD
22:04.10jayteethat's the one
22:04.33jayteePush is where she's helping a guy find another girl with special abilities
22:04.40Kattyjaytee: yeah.
22:04.46jayteeand he has abilitities too
22:04.52Kattyjaytee: i ended up just googling her name, and started going through movie stills.
22:05.01jayteei use IMDB
22:05.13Kattythe only reason i remembered her name was because she had all performed in that Bee moving
22:05.33Kattysecret life of bees
22:05.47ChannelZas opposed to Bee Movie
22:05.53elliot98not that spelling bee movie with Richard Grear
22:05.57jayteethe War of the Worlds remake with Tom Cruise
22:06.06Kattyshe played in that one?
22:06.08jayteeyes it was
22:06.11jayteebut she was in it
22:06.22*** join/#asterisk scardinal (n=supreme@
22:06.22Kattythe only thing i remember about War of the Worlds was.....
22:06.30Kattythe red stuff
22:06.35Kattyon the grass and whatnot
22:07.03Kattyelliot98: i don't think i saw the Bee Movie
22:07.09ChannelZIt was a lot of running and chasing and yelling and there was no point to it whatsoever
22:07.27jayteeand Push kind of reminded me of Jumper
22:07.28Kattyi think i'm gonna go see avatar tonight
22:07.39jayteein 3D?
22:07.40Kattywhich is completely off...cause when i think of avatar, i think THE AVATAR
22:07.52ChannelZdid Surrogate come out already?
22:08.02elliot98reminds me of the Dungeon and Dragon high school days
22:08.15KattyChannelZ: i saw that in theator
22:08.18KattyChannelZ: don't think it's on dvd yet tho
22:08.23Kattyelliot98: i think of aang, the air bender
22:08.56*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
22:08.58ChannelZoh wow it came out in September.
22:08.59jayteeare you talking about Surrogates with Bruce Willis?
22:09.10nix8n82I have never played DnD, does that make me a minority?
22:09.26elliot98Air Bender?
22:09.30jayteerelease date for DVD/bluray is Jan 26th, 2010
22:09.40Kattyanyone seen the boondock saints II?
22:09.43ChannelZputs in netflix queue
22:09.58elliot98ata boy infobot
22:10.11jayteeI haven't but several people have commented favorably
22:10.26infobotjaytee: :)
22:10.26Kattyryan loved it
22:10.35Kattyi was ....mostly confused.
22:10.52Kattyif you didn't watch the first one, watch it first.
22:11.10elliot98well, there seems to be some sort of understanding that one's who find themselves sitting in front of computers would also like throwing 20 sided dice
22:11.24elliot98but there's evidence supporting that
22:11.25Kattyelliot98: i never have.
22:11.26MedicineMand20 ftw
22:11.37elliot98s/there's/there's no
22:11.38*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
22:11.59MedicineManLONG LIVE DND 3.5!!!!!
22:12.17ChannelZI played once and got kicked out because I thought it was stupid and was just farting around annoying the nerds
22:12.27jayteeMedicine that was a good movie.
22:12.41MedicineMansean connery :)
22:12.41jayteewith Sean Connery and Lorraine Braco
22:12.50Kattyi remember that
22:12.55Kattyhe had a lovely hat.
22:12.56MedicineMangreat 90's movie
22:13.10MedicineManits like watchin Nat Geo late night...mmmmmmmm
22:13.25ChannelZSo is that where you nick comes from or are you a drug dealer?
22:13.35MedicineMannot from the movie
22:13.39MedicineManand not a dealer
22:13.51Kattymaybe he's a tribal injun
22:14.03MedicineManchugga chugga
22:14.07MedicineManWOO WOO!
22:14.14ChannelZOr a train
22:14.24MedicineMankatty was closer :)
22:14.27jayteei was just thinking train
22:14.30Kattya shaman.
22:14.33nix8n82what the mexican comment was not appropriate but the injun one is?
22:14.40elliot98Trains, Plains, and Automobiles?
22:14.50ChannelZisn't injun a racist term
22:15.01Kattyi didn't use it in a derogatory way
22:15.02MedicineManengine is though
22:15.12nix8n82neither did I
22:15.23ChannelZI didn't say you did I just don't hear it often, I thought it was not good
22:15.27KattyMedicineMan: elemental shaman?
22:15.37*** join/#asterisk BuSyAnToS (
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22:15.52bmoracastupid iptables
22:15.57bmoracai HATE iptables
22:16.04Kattygives bmoraca another drink.
22:16.06ChannelZso take it down
22:16.09ChannelZand give me your IP
22:16.10Kattybmoraca: bottoms up!
22:16.15MedicineManfuck that wow shit
22:16.16jayteeimagine how much more you'd hate it if it was actually smart?
22:16.27KattyMedicineMan: :<
22:16.31elliot98wonders if there's a craps table somewhere in this channel
22:16.31KattyMedicineMan: i enjoy wow.
22:17.02MedicineManKatty: its all good.  i'm a ddo person :)  played wow for too long glad i'm outta that ring
22:17.21MedicineManKatty: can't wait for the new star wars mmo to come out
22:17.22ChannelZOoh there's going to be a Star Trek MMO
22:17.22KattyMedicineMan: butbut, star trek online is coming out soon!!!
22:17.24elliot98wow...oh, I've this friend who's like addicted to it
22:17.33elliot98he's stuck in its clutches
22:17.46variable_officeim on a party line wondering all the time whos on the other end is she big is she small is she a she at all
22:17.48MedicineManstar wars > star trek
22:17.49KattyMedicineMan: i heard about the star wars mmo, but it's going be tank,healer, dps setup again
22:17.52KattyMedicineMan: been there, done that
22:18.00KattyMedicineMan: sto is all strategy. ship-based.
22:18.09KattyMedicineMan: there's no tank/healer/dps setup
22:18.11MedicineManbut its made by bioware
22:18.39MedicineMansame people that make KOTOR and KOTOR2
22:18.41nix8n82a company
22:18.42KattyMedicineMan: get me a screenshot
22:18.58KattyMedicineMan: NAO PLS
22:19.36lesouvageIs it possible to check the status of SIP phone (registered/not registered) before making the dial statement so I don't have to do the dial and wait for the dial statement?
22:19.43KattyMedicineMan: <-
22:20.27MedicineManKatty I never got into star trek
22:20.27Kattylesouvage: mmmm chanavailable?
22:20.28MedicineManKatty alway been a star wars nerd
22:20.52MedicineManKatty: always been a star wars nerd
22:20.58Kattyyou'd use it with some sort of...gotoif statement
22:21.16Kattyor goto context-${STATUS}
22:21.54Kattymaybe it's dialstatus
22:22.18Kattythat one
22:22.40Kattylesouvage: [foo-CHANUNAVAIL]
22:22.55lesouvageKatty: Yes I know that, but I was wondering if it is possible to receive status info of a sip endpoint without using the dial statement.
22:23.01MedicineManKatty: have you ever played DDO?
22:23.18MedicineMansip show peers or sip show registry?
22:23.37Kattylesouvage: hmmmmmmmmm
22:24.32elliot98lesouvage: chanisavail is a command independent of the dial statement, no?
22:24.48Kattyelliot98: no
22:24.56Kattyelliot98: it's a status reply from a phone
22:25.39Kattythere is a device_state
22:26.22elliot98seems to be an independent command to me
22:26.40Kattylesouvage: try device state
22:27.00elliot98still doesn't know what is wrong with chanisavail
22:27.05Kattylesouvage: NoOP(${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/foo)})
22:28.00Kattyinfobot: DEVICE_State
22:28.07Kattyinfobot: :<
22:28.08infobotfrom memory, < is redirection of stdin to a program
22:28.29MedicineMancould one of you lovely folks point me to where i configure my DID
22:28.32Kattyelliot98: chanisavailable does really tell you whether the channel is busy or not
22:28.36Kattyelliot98: or what the status is
22:28.43Kattyelliot98: it just says HELLO DO YOU EXIST
22:28.54lesouvageKatty: Thanks a lot!
22:28.56elliot98it sets a variable...but devstate
22:29.03elliot98is just as good
22:29.07elliot98if not better
22:30.32elliot98so is there an official WOW Asterisk team?
22:30.55Kattyi hope not
22:31.00Kattycause vent would totally be useless.
22:31.41MedicineManits not Open Source (but Mumble is) :D
22:31.57Kattyor you could just dial a meetme conference
22:32.22ChannelZAnyone use the Google toolbar in Firefox?
22:32.27KattyChannelZ: :<
22:32.31KattyChannelZ: it's buggy
22:32.36KattyChannelZ: i took it off
22:32.37MedicineMantoolbars are tehdevil
22:32.49MedicineMannever a screwdriver or a hammer when i need it
22:33.31Kattydid you know they make nesting boxes with suction cups on the back so you can attach it to a window and watch the nest?
22:34.10MedicineManmust be in the new patch
22:34.14MedicineMani'll have to check it out
22:34.22MedicineManis there an asterisk plugin for that
22:34.27elliot98nesting boxes...for the doves
22:34.36Kattyelliot98: i don't think a dove would...yeah...
22:34.42Kattyelliot98: probably knock the nesting box /over/
22:35.01elliot98that's what I was worried about
22:35.09ChannelZI've never found it to be buggy (to Firefox) but they did recently break something
22:35.22elliot98it'd be a pitty to lose some cute little egglings to some suction flaw
22:35.29Kattyelliot98: indeed.
22:35.34Kattyelliot98: velcro would be much more secure
22:36.13elliot98a stand or window sill
22:37.00*** part/#asterisk variable_office (
22:37.12Kattyelliot98: windowsill would work well
22:37.49elliot98I had doves nest on a sill
22:38.16elliot98little critters hatching right in front of my eyes
22:38.33MedicineMannothin like RL Discovery Channell
22:38.34Kattyi should put up some nesting boxes this spring
22:38.50elliot98they seem to only brood around that time of year
22:39.00elliot98until mid-summer, thereabouts
22:39.11KattyOR i could put up bat boxes
22:39.23elliot98you have bats in your area?
22:39.27ChannelZbatman IS handy to have around
22:39.29Kattyof course.
22:39.37Kattymissouri has lots of caves, and lots of bats
22:40.09elliot98I heard the other day there seems to some sort of shortage of bats
22:40.25Kattyi'd love to have a flying fox...tho i believe they're endangered and not from around here, etc.
22:42.15ChannelZARGH this sucks.  UPS package, 2-day, should have been here today.. but now the delivery date has disappeared off the tracking, and according to the data it only arrived in my state about 10 minutes ago.
22:42.46elliot98what's the "on-time or free" policy?
22:43.14elliot98weather has been tough the last few days
22:43.14*** part/#asterisk etfonhomey (
22:43.22ChannelZwell the shipping was free to me anyway
22:43.22*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
22:43.35ChannelZbut it probably was weather related
22:44.00ChannelZit left from Kentucky
22:44.07Kattybeek: ferretcam tonight?
22:44.41ChannelZno amazon
22:45.58ChannelZthe suck part is me having to come into work tomorrow I guess just to sit around and wait for UPS
22:46.19ChannelZunless I want to drive all the way out to their distribution center tonight but that's actually less fun
22:46.44ChannelZI need to get my shat together earlier next year.  I just don't know where December went this time around..
22:47.34bmoracaso does pretty much everyone just use asterisk-stat or are there other similar CDR analysers out there?
22:52.23*** join/#asterisk abatista (
22:54.12MedicineManKatty: you from MO?
22:55.28*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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23:01.46mazpeis there a way i can the current settings of a conference?
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23:06.33nix8n82mazpe, what?
23:08.48lesouvageIf I check the device status with NoOP(The status of ZOIPER is ${DEVSTATE(SIP/1000)}) of my Zoiper softphones registered and up and running the output is " "The status of ZOIPER is INVALID")"  Do I have to enable something to make the DEVSTATE function work?
23:10.59mazpenix8n82: well, i have a conference setup finally using Web-MeetMe Control. But i cannot get the users to be in listen only mode
23:11.07mazpeits like it doesnt recognizes the admin vs users
23:11.21MedicineManis it in extensions.conf where I get my Asterisk box to talk w/ a DID?
23:11.42*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (n=elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
23:12.01elliot98anyone here have experience with Nagios?
23:12.13MedicineManelliot90: a little
23:12.18dlynesDoes voicemail() use indications?
23:12.26MedicineManelliot98: a little
23:13.22mazpenix8n82: thats the mysql structure and entry... it recognizes the pin... for both user and admin, but doesnt do much about it. Even if with pin 789 i hit *
23:14.36pfnhmm, I forget, how are matches in dialplans ordered?  least-specific-to-most?  or dialplan order?
23:15.52nix8n82I think you have to use meetme adminn and mute all non admin users or specify a user to mute
23:16.09nix8n82er MeetMeAdmin
23:17.01mazpelet me test
23:17.03nix8n82the N option should mute all non admin users in conference
23:19.47*** join/#asterisk freeblue (
23:21.02dlynesanyone know how to avoid silence detection in voicemail.conf?
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23:21.47mazpenix8n82: N option or m?
23:22.07mazpehas this change for 1.6 ?
23:22.25mazpeoh you mean with MeetMeAdmin
23:22.26mazpegot it.
23:23.01nix8n82I'm not too sure what option a does, but if it is set in admin mode would it make all users Admins and therefore unable to mute them?
23:26.21dlynesnvm...found out maxsilence=0 cuts it out
23:26.23nix8n82never mind I found the doc
23:27.24mazpenix8n82: its MeetMeAdmin installed by default?
23:27.35mazpeNo such command 'MeetMeAdmin 1001 N'
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23:32.52mazpeextconfig.conf  is what makes it realtime ?
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23:32.56Kattyi gave puppy his christmas present.
23:35.02jayteewow, that's early
23:35.09nix8n82your working from cli?
23:36.13dlynesmazpe: no...extconfig.conf is what makes it freepbx
23:36.31dlynesmazpe: nvm
23:36.55dlynesmazpe: module load
23:37.22dlynesmazpe: but if you didn't install dahdi before building asterisk, app_meetme would not have been a valid configuration option in make menuconfig
23:37.22nix8n82MeetMeAdmin is a dialplan application
23:39.06nix8n82meetme mute 1001 all would probably work from command line
23:39.29nix8n82or meetme mute 1001 1
23:39.38nix8n82to mute conf user 1
23:39.44*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
23:40.40mazpewhat i need is for all users to be muted execpt admin
23:43.15Kattyjaytee: well i'm not going to have a chance to give it to him on christmas day...won't be home )=
23:43.56nix8n82so you will have to use asterisk manager interface and execute the MeetmeAdmin appliction with option N or create an extension in your dialplan that executes MeetmeAdmin
23:44.29nix8n82there may be other ways to do it, but that's the only two I know of
23:46.44mazpei guess i can mute the conference and set another extension with A as marked user
23:49.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:49.20*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:50.09nix8n82cool..hope it works out
23:56.24mazpeis there any way to set the duration? it seems to drop very short after

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