IRC log for #asterisk on 20091212

00:00.42ChannelZall these chodes who set their caller ID to bogus things like "TOLL FREE <800-000-0000>"
00:01.26bcrispwe have a real 888 # .. since we're not using this provider for inbound calls, the DID # they show would confuse peeps
00:01.56p3nguinYou don't also have a non-toll-free number?
00:02.10bcrispits not set up yet
00:02.21p3nguinMost people want their non-toll-free number to show up, because that is where their CNAM is configured.
00:02.40p3nguinBut if you're going straight VoIP, that's another conversation entirely.
00:03.19bcrispi c
00:04.14p3nguinIf I called you and set my CID to my toll-free number, it will likely say TOLL FREE CALL, whereas if I called you from a landline, the chances of having my actual name on the caller id display would be increased.
00:05.12*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (i=Akiraa@
00:17.09eppigyKatty: hiya
00:17.17eppigyanythying you want
00:19.00*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
00:19.17*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
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00:36.01*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
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00:51.36*** join/#asterisk levity (n=levity@unaffiliated/canuck)
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01:00.20*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:0:0:0:2)
01:01.20*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
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01:23.57*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
01:26.08*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:33.05*** join/#asterisk TheNoOne (n=thenoone@
01:35.15TheNoOnehi .. i'm running asterisk 1.4.21 under debian 5 with two hfc-s pci (internal NT mode) ... when i press R on an internal isdn phone pri debug span shows ... Message type: HOLD (36) ... and at the same moment ... Message type: HOLD REJECT (48) .......
01:35.31TheNoOneis there something wrong with parked calls?
01:37.33TheNoOnehow can i test the call parking capabilities
01:41.39*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:48.39*** part/#asterisk paulc (
01:53.01*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:07.14*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
02:16.01*** join/#asterisk mokmeister (n=mokmeist@
02:16.25manxpowerTheNoOne: Not all that many people use BRI cards.  You might have good luck asking on the mailing list.  See
02:27.47*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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02:33.25*** join/#asterisk ruied (
02:37.26*** join/#asterisk psykon (
02:37.54Kattypeeks in
02:43.16Kattypokes about people
02:43.54Kattytugs on ChannelZ's arm to see what happens
02:44.05ChannelZI spel good
02:48.38Kattyhugs ChannelZ
02:48.40Kattyit's too quiet.
02:48.52Kattydid something bad happen?
02:49.17ChannelZYes, Tiger Woods has gone gay.
02:50.00Kattylink or it didn't happen
02:50.15jblackNo. He slept with every other woman too. Every single guy with a girlfriend/wife has been cheated on.
02:50.45Kattywell i'm happy to say i haven't slept with mister woods
02:50.56Kattybut i'm very picky about my company
02:50.59jblackYes, you did. It's not your fault; he's "blasian"
02:51.00drmessanoOh, youre the 1
02:51.25Kattyis confused
02:51.29Kattydoes not understand reference
02:51.37Kattyi seem to be missing indexes
02:51.43jblackAre you _that_ behind on the news
02:51.55*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
02:52.05jblackIn the last week, something like 9-12 different women have come forward accusing Tiger of infidelity.
02:52.17jblackHis only response has been that he's "sorry for his indiscretions"
02:52.45drmessanoHe's hoping for a mulligan
02:52.48ChannelZI'm not sure who is more dumb, Tiger or the women
02:53.02jblackThere's so many women that nobody can keep accurate track of which woman did what & where.
02:53.32jblackKatty: You really didn't know this?
02:53.32TJNIIDumb?  He makes millions of dollars, sleeps with whoever he (apparently) wants, and plays golf all day.  I'd say he knows something we don't.
02:53.44jblackI heard he's worth just over a billon
02:54.05Kattyi don't really keep up with the latest
02:54.14Kattywell except for the /r/pic/top thread
02:54.47jblackOk. as of 6 hours ago, he's up to 12.
02:55.05drmessanoTiger is hoping he can make it through the back 9 without a hole in 1
02:55.33Kattyso i'm going to ask the million dollar question
02:55.35Kattywho cares?
02:55.36jblackHe offered his soon-to-be-ex-wife millions to stay withim. Literally.
02:55.39Kattyit's his life, his relationship
02:55.51Kattyit's none of the world's concern
02:55.57jblackSeeing as how he's slept with every woman in america (including you).... :)
02:56.04drmessanoWait, they're up to 12 now.. Someone better break out the ball washer
02:56.23ChannelZI don't really care except for the kids involved
02:57.11Kattythey are not the first kids with cheating parents
02:57.42ChannelZof course not.  It doesn't make it any more right
02:57.57drmessanoChannelZ: Lets hope he wore a cap before shouting "Just do it"
02:58.01jblackKatty: Hey, normally, someone cheating on a spouse, yeah. That's normally a private sort of thing.... but Tiger had built-bred and sold a real clean-guy image as part of his marketing and sell out. It would be like... Mrs Brady being caught in a 3 way.. with bondage tools.
02:58.32Kattywhat every works for mrs brady.
02:58.34jblackTwo weeks ago, tiger had everyone fooled. Today, it's literally a _dozen different women_ that he's cheated with.
02:58.35ChannelZwell if he gets 12 kinds of VD I won't lose any sleep
02:59.56jblackOk. let me put it in simpler terms for you... Would you be annoyed if you found out that the dolphin safe tuna you were buying was actually loaded with flipper?
03:00.13Kattyyes, because it applies to me specifically.
03:00.18drmessanoYou know why he didnt get his SUV out of the hole he made from hitting the fire hydrant?
03:00.31Kattyi just don't like people's personal lives public
03:00.32drmessanoLeft his sand wedge in the house
03:00.40Kattyseems like invasion of privacy
03:00.41ian6dolphins are the turkeys of the sea.
03:00.42jblackOk, well, this does matter to a lot of parents, who encouraged their kids to like this guy.
03:00.50Kattyah, i see
03:00.55Kattyyes, that would be bad.
03:01.11jblackAnd it matters to his sponsors, who literally paid hundreds of millions for the clean-cut image he sponsored.
03:01.16ian6jblack: that's bullshit. Hate the sin, not the sinner.
03:01.41drmessanoian6: bro's before ho's
03:01.42jblackIt's one thing for a normal person to have transtressions.
03:01.52jblackIt's another for a priest to be a pedophile.
03:02.01ian6the sponsors dropping him is equally inane. Does Gatorade really think anyone's going to stop drinking their salty sugar water because tiger stuck his dick in something that wasn't his wife?
03:02.13Kattyokay now
03:02.26Kattymaybe we need another topic
03:02.27drmessanoian6: i think they're just pissed he didn't stop for some refreshment and let them know
03:02.29jblackian6: As a matter of fact, they do.
03:02.53ian6drmessano: "In the middle of a weekend-long orgy with 15 strippers? Tiger uses Gatorade to keep on chugging!"
03:03.10Kattywanders off.
03:03.27ian6jblack: I'm saying them thinking that is idiotic. You seem pretty pissed off about this, would you stop drinking Gatorade over it? That fiend Tiger drinks it!
03:03.28jblackYou can't make a living selling "I'm a role model" without actually _being_ a role model. It's as simple as that.
03:03.32ian6he also drives cars, you should stop doing that too.
03:03.50ian6who thinks he's a role model?
03:03.55ian6I think he's good at golf.
03:04.06*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
03:04.39jblackRight now, I'd say the only person that could consider him a role model would be ron jeremy.
03:05.08jblackDo you really have difficulty figuring out who could have considered Tiger Woods a role model?
03:05.52*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
03:06.34jblackI'm looking looking for an honest answer, ian6, not a slick one.
03:06.59ian6absolutely. People are fallible. If you idolize them, expect that sometimes they'll fail.
03:07.29ian6I never did that when I was a kid. I never wanted to Be Like Mike(tm)(r)(c)
03:07.33ian6so yeah, I genuinely don't get it.
03:07.50jblackOk. Here's a lesson about how people work.
03:07.55ian6sometimes the people kids look up to are genuinely assholes.
03:07.59ian6see also: Ty Cobb :P
03:08.29jblackThey all work differently. Very many people don't work in the same way you do. They don't know the same things, they don't think the same way, they don't have the same goals, they don't have the same values.
03:08.31ian6anywho, I'm going out and getting drunk. If you like we can pick this up again in a couple hours.
03:08.51jblackNo thanks. You're already insufferable enough when sober.
03:10.08Kattylooks in to see of the conversation is over yet
03:10.47jblackI'm done.
03:14.05Kattyugah wet squeaky ball
03:26.49loather-workslobbery ball is gross!
03:31.43Kattyloather-work: yesh
03:33.35*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
03:34.51*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
03:38.48Katty <- good present for women if you're still looking
03:40.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:40.10Kattyriddick just ripped an arm off one of his dog toys
03:40.18Kattyand there goes stuffing all over the floor
03:44.29MaliutaLapKatty: nun says they have a squirrel out the back of her work, it raids the bins all the time
03:45.04Kattybetter than raiding the boys i guess
03:55.58KattyMaliutaLap: besides, i'd think a nun would be happy to provide for god's creatures.
03:58.21psykonOk, so just to reiterate it *is* possible to have multiple remote UAs behind NATs in multiple locations registered to one * box that is behind another NAT? Without using a VPN and *while* using your average soho router. Right?
03:58.34Kattydo what
03:58.47Kattyyou don't be makin any sense der mon
04:00.01Kattydefine UAs
04:00.07psykonDamn. cuz that is the only way I can explain it.
04:00.17p3nguinuser agents, e.g., phones
04:00.23Kattymmm yes
04:00.37Kattyyou will ne a static ip address at the server location
04:00.47Kattyand i would highly recommend static ips and the end point locations
04:00.56psykonWell I have a propensity to call them extensions.. but [TK] reminds me everytime I do that "an extensions is in extensions.conf"
04:01.00Kattyso you can lock down your 5060 incoming port requests
04:01.19p3nguinpsykon: users/friends/peers/devices... but not extensions.
04:01.26Kattyfender is right
04:01.29psykonp3nguin, noted
04:01.39Kattyextension 2 rings china
04:01.42Kattydoesn't mean it's a phone
04:01.49psykonright on.
04:02.10psykoncheck on the static at the * box
04:02.14Kattyas another example, i have a phone at my house, behind a firewall which goes through the internets through another firewall, and to the box
04:02.30Kattyi can't get a public ip at my house, so i have a range setup on he firewall at the server location
04:02.37Kattyit at least /helps/
04:02.57psykonWhat about doing this with a production system?
04:03.16Kattynever test on a production system
04:03.21Kattythat is a number 1 nono
04:03.33Kattyunless you're good with frelling it up and crashing your entire network
04:03.45*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
04:03.52Kattyif you are, then feel free!
04:05.19psykonKatty, so how is you phone working thru both those firewalls?
04:05.32Kattywhat do you mean
04:05.42Kattythat's such a vague question
04:05.48Kattyit's working...fine?
04:05.51Kattyi call my mom all the time
04:06.20coppicethat's a strange name to call her
04:06.31psykonKatty, is it working alright? I want to do the same thing just with multiple phones that live behind different NAT'd firewalls
04:06.34Kattyi think it's very normal to call my mom mom
04:06.54Kattyi dont see a problem
04:06.59coppiceso why do you call her all the time?
04:07.09Kattybecause she's my mom
04:07.10p3nguin"i call my mom all the time"  <-- "all the time" is _what_ you call her.
04:07.32Kattyno, that would be i call my mom All The Time
04:07.47p3nguinsmacks coppice
04:08.30coppicewho capitalises on IRC?
04:08.54drmessanoYou just did
04:10.51psykonKatty, I was assuming that the scenario I mentioned had been done before.
04:10.59psykonok maybe hoping
04:11.05Kattyi can see that
04:14.28psykonKatty, so the verdict is that it would be "iffy"?
04:14.53Kattyi call my mom often
04:14.59Kattyprobably 2 or 3 times a week.
04:15.03Kattyi also order pizza.
04:15.08Kattyrefill prescriptions
04:15.11Kattyi wouldn't call that iffyy
04:17.12psykonKatty, ok so imagine this... same thing but instead of having *one* phone to do that, you have 3. So you are ordering scripts, calling mom Mom and even hitting the 2 for Tuesdays with every phone. What do you think about that?
04:17.55*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
04:17.59*** join/#asterisk Ccomp5950 (n=Ccomp595@
04:18.16Kattyi think i better get a takeout menu from Ruby Tuesday's
04:19.10psykonKatty, hell yeah. That place is pretty good. But would you be able to call them from the setup I was talking about?
04:20.04p3nguinI'm not sure what problems you are expecting to encounter.  Do you know what you think will be the problem?
04:20.57*** join/#asterisk joako (n=ston3d@opensuse/member/joak0)
04:20.59Kattyyou'll need port forwarding
04:21.02Kattyprobably stun
04:21.10Kattyand probably some tinkering with your rtp ports
04:21.25joakohow do I reboot a polyom 601 phone? I rebooted the PoE switch but on phone isn't connected to it. I do have access to the webui but notthe physical phone
04:21.47Kattyjoako: just login and hit submit
04:22.17loather-workjoako: alternatively you might be able to send it a reboot request via sip notify
04:22.51psykonI have tinkered with ports... I have a small working expirement setup at my house and it works great without STUN. Honestly I just don't have the ability to test everything.
04:23.33psykonI have tested what I can. To test more requires ppl to *be* at the remote locations and place test calls.
04:23.34Kattywell i certianly have the ability to test everything on ruby tuesday's menu
04:23.38Kattystarting with the ribs.
04:23.41p3nguinDo you have more than one computer?  If yes, just put a softphone on all of them and start testing.
04:24.45psykonp3nguin, i hear ya. Only thing is that would only test behind one NAT. Which I have done... I ahve 1 ATA and 1 SIP phone working great with a PBX that is 40 miles away.
04:25.06p3nguinI thought that was the problem you were worried about.
04:25.26Kattypup seems very concerned with the front door
04:25.42*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
04:25.48psykonI want to have other ua's that are in different locations, behind other residential gateway/firewalls
04:25.54joakoloather-work: trying to get the phone to reboot for the DHCP, provisioniong, etc....
04:26.20p3nguinpsykon: Such as everyone you know having his own phone at his own house with your * in some remote DC?
04:26.47p3nguinNo problem.  That's what * does, and does well.
04:27.22psykonp3nguin, pretty much. I think that is possible. But... what about some ppl having two or three phones and expecting to use them at the same time?
04:27.42p3nguinI thought you said you just tested that.
04:28.30p3nguinAs long as every device has its own peer/friend/user definition in sip.conf, there should be no problem.
04:28.30psykonp3nguin, I did. Just from behind my NAT. What about when my buddy in Utah tries to fire up two of his phones?
04:29.15TJNIIThe NAT device will map a different port to each and everything will be kosher.
04:29.48p3nguinIf you expect he will have two phones using the same credentials, that's not going to work out very well.
04:30.19psykoni understand forwarding. Hell I will go as far as to say I have basic networking pretty much licked. I was just figuring before I fedex and ATA to my sister in Ohio and brag that I could get her a $6/month phone bill I would make sure it works.
04:30.48p3nguinHave her test it with a soft phone before sending hardware.
04:31.03psykonp3nguin, nah. each phone would get it's own sip extension.
04:31.14p3nguinno such thing
04:34.19Kattyso the door was terribly cold
04:34.22Kattyquite concerning indeed
04:34.51psykonp3nguin, You know what I am refering to right? What can I correctly call it, for future reference?
04:36.15Kattypsykon: let's call it ribs, with bacon
04:36.27psykonmmmmmmmmm bacon
04:36.39p3nguinIf you say "extension," you are talking about the numbers or letters in extensions.conf after "exten =>" that cause operations to happen.
04:37.09p3nguinand china isn't a SIP device.
04:37.10psykonp3nguin, right on. What about a phone using SIP.
04:37.20Kattyp3nguin: you don't know that
04:37.25p3nguinyou're right
04:37.42psykonfreepbx calls those extensions...
04:37.47p3nguinChina might be a SIP device, but where I was raised, we were taught that it was a country.
04:37.51Kattyfreepbx is a goober.
04:37.51psykonok so I will call them devices
04:38.11p3nguinExtensions are the characters that you enter on your phone to cause something to happen.
04:38.19Kattynot always
04:38.51Kattyi still love you
04:39.10Kattygosh dangit, not /again/
04:39.13Kattygoes to find mop
04:40.22p3nguinI don't use FreePBX, but I bet when you create extensions, it's entering an exten and some other information (such as Dial()) to be able to call another device.
04:41.02psykonp3nguin, just out of curiosity what type of stuff do you use asterisk for?
04:41.12Kattyto order ribs
04:41.13Kattyand bacon
04:41.34psykonI was thinking about just using a pure asterisk setup to do what I am trying to do but what talked into using pbx in a flash
04:42.19Kattywhy did you want to use asterisk in the first place
04:42.21Kattyjust curious
04:42.31p3nguinpsykon: Uhm, I'm not sure what exactly you mean... Primarily I use it for making and receiving phone calls.
04:42.41Kattyp3nguin: and buying ribs???
04:42.48p3nguinYes, and that.
04:42.58psykonman.. i need a second chance everytime i speak
04:43.22p3nguinI'm just not sure how to answer a question such as the one you asked.
04:43.48p3nguinWhat does anyone use a PBX for?  Usually it's for phone calls and related phone things.
04:44.04Kattyi use my to run a backup script
04:44.05p3nguinsuch as buying ribs!
04:44.14Kattyi also have eject on an extension
04:44.31p3nguinTape library?  Can it load new media?
04:44.41Kattyit's just a copy job
04:44.48Kattyacross the network, to the nas
04:44.56Kattybut it's also cron
04:45.05Kattysoooooooooooooo kinda pointless, still fun tho
04:45.09p3nguinThat's too bad.  We could eliminate some robots.
04:45.41Kattyyou should know better.
04:45.47p3nguinNot a fan of tape backup?
04:46.11psykonp3nguin, what would I gain or lose by using freepbx to run a pbx? Why do you use asterisk for your pbx instread of freepbx?
04:46.27Kattywe had this conversation earlier today
04:46.51Kattyhow did manx put it?
04:46.55p3nguinpsykon: You'll gain the ability to point and click if you use FreePBX, but you'll lose the fine-grained control of command line adminstration.
04:46.56psykonsomething similiar
04:47.12Kattyit's like trying to call windows 95 dos
04:47.21psykonp3nguin, ok well said.
04:47.23Kattyyou get Pretty Gui
04:47.25Kattythat likes to crash
04:47.29Kattyand cause issues
04:47.50Kattyand yes, you do lose control of asterisk
04:47.55Kattyyou're stuck in a box
04:48.07Kattyno running backups for you
04:48.09p3nguinI've never been one for a GUI to control any type of system, so I'm fine without FreePBX.
04:48.18Kattyguis are irritating
04:48.22Kattythey snickerdoodle up the cfg files
04:48.35Kattymacro hell
04:49.00Kattythe only time i recommend a gui is when the client wants to be able to control their own phone system
04:49.09Kattyand they don't know the first thing about driving a lamborgini
04:49.14p3nguinI would recommend understanding EVERYTHING that happens on the inside of asterisk before using a "tool" that does all that crap to your configs.
04:49.31Kattyyes indeed. else you'll really be confused when it asplodes
04:49.42psykonp3nguin, that is so, so true.
04:49.49p3nguinIf you understand it fully on the inside, when something goes wrong on the outside, it will be much easier to understand what is wrong and how to attempt to fix it.
04:50.05psykonThis is exactly the feedback I needed.
04:50.08Kattyunless, of course
04:50.10Kattyyou have a client
04:50.15Kattythat wants to change their own crap
04:50.27Kattycause they ain't gonna touch linux with a 39 1/2 ft pole
04:50.31Katty(if they're smart)
04:50.34p3nguinThere's an exception to every exception.
04:50.42Kattyp3nguin: you are.
04:50.45*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
04:50.47p3nguinno u
04:51.16Kattyyour mom
04:51.33p3nguinI'm thinking of visiting her for the Christmas season.
04:51.40Kattyshe'd probably like that
04:51.53p3nguin675 miles one way.
04:52.01TJNIIThat's healthy
04:52.06TJNIIDays drive
04:52.16p3nguinI'll probably stay a week to make up for all the driving.
04:52.36Kattymy feet are cold :<
04:52.44Kattyboody winter
04:53.03p3nguinI'm pretty cold, myself.  I'm surprised this big server isn't putting out more heat than it is.
04:53.14TJNIII need to install a booster fan on the duct to my bedroom.
04:53.26TJNIIIt currently has a single pane window and basically no heat
04:53.31KattyTJNII: put pretty leds on it
04:53.32TJNIIGets cold at night.
04:53.40Kattyyesh :<
04:54.17psykonI guess I am just afraid to give up the security accoutrements of pbxiaf
04:54.26p3nguinI haven't even been out for a while, so it's probably even colder out now than it was at supper time.
04:54.30TJNIIIt's going to be hidden in the attic.  Though I haven't decided if I want to go all out and make it controlled over the network.  (because I'm just crazy like that.)
04:54.36Kattyp3nguin: oh yes
04:55.26p3nguinNow is when I wish I had a remote starter.  I could warm up the truck before I have to go out.
04:56.08TJNIII'd install one, but remote start + stickshift = accident waiting to happen.
04:56.34TJNIINo neutral safety in the transmission, and adding one looks like it would require taking the transmission off.
04:56.51TJNIIPlus some mech engineering to add a switch boss.
04:56.54Kattywhjat is this 'stickshift'
04:57.05TJNIIWhat real drivers drive.
04:57.14Kattyoh. manual transmission
04:57.48KattyAsterisk. what real phoners
04:58.31KattyPeanuts. what real squirrels squirrel.
04:59.07drmessanoI installed Asterisk in my Delorean and when I hit 88 miles per hour and had lightning funnel 1.21 jigawatts into the app_fluxcapacitor, I almost went back in time but I ran into a NAT issue.
04:59.24Kattymajor bummer.
04:59.26p3nguintjnii: I would think that a manual trans with remote start would need some type of parking brake safety switch so that if you leave it in gear and don't set the parking brake, you can't start the thing.
04:59.46TJNIIp3nguin: Yea, I've put a lot of thought into this.
04:59.58Kattyi have a solution for it
05:00.00Kattybelieve it or not
05:00.01TJNIII could also easily install a neutral safety on the transfer case.
05:00.02Kattyand it works
05:00.13Kattysee, you dangle your keys in front of your significant other
05:00.14p3nguinHire the neighbor kid to start your truck?
05:00.18Kattyand sing baby it's cold outside!
05:00.35Kattythey take the keys and start the vehicle just to make you shut up!
05:00.57p3nguinYeah, 'cause I don't sing very good.  :(
05:01.06TJNIIYea, I think there is a definite gender advantage at play there, though.  Even if I currently had a SO, I would probably be the one dragging my happy ass outside to start the cars.
05:01.20coppiceKatty: make sure there is no wide sticky tape around when you try that
05:01.20drmessanoIts easy to get your significant other to start your car if you're a man
05:01.27Kattycoppice: ;P
05:01.32drmessanoJust tell her "Start my car or lets have sex"
05:01.34Kattycoppice: i sing very well, thankyouvermuch
05:01.48psykonfeels guilty that its 65 where he lives
05:01.50drmessanoMore guaranteed starts than an Everlast battery
05:02.01coppiceif you sung well, he wouldn't run away to start the car
05:02.34coppicepsykon: 65F sounds a bit chilly
05:03.16Kattycoppice: i will sing for you sometime
05:03.49psykoncoppice, where you at?
05:04.08Kattyi hope ruby tuesday's
05:04.14coppicesitting on a tropical island
05:04.21Kattycoppice: i'llbe right over
05:04.26psykoncoppice, must be nice.
05:04.48psykoncoppice, probably no Ruby Tuesdays even there
05:05.05psykoncoppice, Hawaii?
05:05.22Kattyhawaii isn't really tropical
05:05.27Kattythat's a big volcano
05:05.35psykonI'm in Florida and after the summer we just had 65 is actually chilly.
05:06.01psykonits the humidity
05:06.05Kattyryan was stationed there for awhile
05:06.15psykonwhere Florida?
05:06.28psykon25th infantry?
05:06.38Kattyi have no idea
05:06.56psykonProbaly the 25th then
05:07.17psykonpatch that looks like an arrowhead
05:08.50Kattydigs up google maps
05:09.34coppiceKatty how does being volcanic affect hawaii's tropical status?
05:10.22psykonI am seriously thinking about moving to pure * setup.
05:11.22*** join/#asterisk bikcmp (n=Jason@unaffiliated/bikcmp)
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05:12.04Kattyi think it was wahiawa
05:12.18Kattywait no
05:12.25Kattybecause they did PT by the beach on fridays
05:12.58Kattyi remember him telling me they were filming baywatch one day and they tried to tell the whole platoon they weren't doing PT one morning
05:13.53p3nguinpsykon: What part of FL?
05:14.18psykonTampa Bay
05:14.56psykonp3nguin, you know anyone down here?
05:15.35p3nguinI think I'll be headed to FL in a few days.
05:15.48p3nguinMy mother lives in the panhandle.
05:16.58p3nguinWell, I say a few days, but I'll probably wait until next weekend before I head out.
05:17.10psykonp3nguin, cool. drive a few hours south and come to my house. You can help me figure out how to do the dialplan without freepbx
05:17.18psykonnext weekend... thats cool too
05:20.18p3nguinBy the way, it was only 27 degrees out there.
05:21.14psykonin FL?
05:21.20p3nguin27 F, which was not nearly as cold as I was expecting.
05:21.24p3nguinNo, I'm in IL.
05:21.36psykonoh yeah.... screw that
05:21.42TJNIIp3nguin: So throw a "-" on the front of that, right?
05:22.12psykonhey thanks for the help guys!
05:22.15psykoni'm out
05:22.24TJNIII enjoyed it when it was that cold in Iowa, for the sole reason that I could say "you think that's cold?  Here is the temp where I am!"
05:22.28*** part/#asterisk seb- (
05:22.34p3nguinI can still function at 27 F as long as there's not a terrible amount of wind.
05:22.38coppiceits 26C here
05:23.15p3nguinA couple nights ago, it felt like -2 F with the wind chill.
05:23.55TJNIIA couple days ago, it felt like -20 with wind chill.
05:23.59TJNII'twas cold.
05:24.05Kattyi bet that's what Doom feels like
05:25.35p3nguinI'm okay with cold as long as there is no wind.  I wore shorts and flip-flops when I stood in line in front of Staples at 5 AM on black friday.
05:27.03TJNIIAgreed.  The wind is really what makes it feel cold.
05:27.27Kattybut if there was no wind, there would be doom
05:27.35Kattyespecially if there were no trade winds
05:27.47p3nguinThat reminds me...
05:27.52p3nguinI lost my tea.
05:28.17*** join/#asterisk xpot (
05:29.01Kattywhat kind of tea
05:30.03*** part/#asterisk CaT[t3] (
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05:31.58p3nguinOh, it's probably just a black and orange pekoe mix... whatever Arby's has.
05:32.42p3nguinThe trade winds comment just made me think of tea, because I often will buy that brand of ready-to-drink tea to carry along with me.
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05:33.03Kattya brand? crazy.
05:33.09Kattywell, probably not so crazy
05:33.14Kattyit is very catchy
05:33.37p3nguinYou're not familiar with Tradewinds tea?
05:37.52jblackwhat a bad day. What a bad year.
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05:46.12trumeeis it possible to have a asterix box <> asterix box conversation secure?
05:47.47TJNIIPossible? Yes.
05:48.09Corydon76-digDepends on how tightly you roll the comic book
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06:15.19DocAwesomethere is no spoon
06:18.31p3nguinWow, Transfer() simply does not work out for me.
06:20.10p3nguinI've tried Transfer(IAX2/mynumber@otherpeer), Transfer(Local/mynumber@otherpeer), Transfer(IAX2/ and it just goes to the next priority instead of transferring to the other box.
06:20.43p3nguinOh, I tried Transfer(, too.
06:23.00dan__tIf it makes you feel any better, ChanSpy's w flag doesn't work for me.
06:23.26drmessanop3nguin: Can you DNS resolve the other hostname?
06:25.24p3nguinTRANSFERSTATUS returns FAILURE
06:25.47ChannelZCan you manually transfer calls to those places?
06:26.24p3nguinNo idea.  This is a secondary machine which will only have the job of transferring any calls to that exten over to the primary box.
06:26.40p3nguinIf I use Dial() instead of transfer, it works fine.
06:27.36p3nguinWhich of the above commands, if any, should be the correct way to do it?
06:27.50*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
06:28.50p3nguinotherpeer does have an IAX2 peer definition with the hostname set, so I would think using the full domain or just the host's name should both do the same thing.
06:29.32ChannelZIs the call coming in an IAX2 channel to begin with?
06:38.01p3nguinOkay, I changed to Transfer(IAX2/ and TRANSFERSTATUS shows SUCCESS, but the other box didn't take the call... so I think I am making progress.
06:38.19p3nguinoops, Transfer(IAX2/
06:41.26dan__tHow long does m4 take to build?  Shit.
06:41.48p3nguinScrew it.  Back to a Dial() command that worked.
06:50.22ChannelZdan__t: uughh.  please don't tell me you're using sendmail
06:51.52dan__tautoconf is, which asterisk requires
06:51.58dan__tof this version, anyway.
06:52.01Qwelldan__t: No it doesn't.
06:52.12QwellYou're doing it wrong.
06:52.27dan__tI wouldn't say I'm doing it absolutely right, but I wouldn't say its wrong, either.
06:52.50QwellBuilding Asterisk does not require autoconf
06:52.57dan__tI'm an RPM whore.  I'd rather stab myself in the... eye, than build from source.  I'll either make an RPM, or I'll grab one from EPEL or, worst case, a fedora 12 repo and build it for EL5
06:52.59ChannelZhmm yeah I don't have m4 or autoconf
06:53.08dan__tDo me a favor, and read that, I guess.
06:53.11dan__tTHat's what I'm getting at.
06:53.18dan__tJust needed to give me a chance to explain :
06:53.25QwellYou still don't need autoconf
06:53.34dan__tMaybe not Asterisk directly, but some component of the build process does.
06:53.48QwellNo part of the build process requires autoconf
06:54.04drmessanoalways tells the devs they have no clue how the build process works
06:54.11dan__tDo you have an EL5/CentOS5 box around?
06:54.20Qwelldan__t: What part of this are you not understanding?
06:54.23QwellYou don't need autoconf.
06:54.27dan__tGo build f12's Asterisk RPM on it.
06:54.37QwellThat RPM is broken then.
06:54.38ChannelZthis has to be something screwy with the RPM
06:54.45Qwellvery much so, in fact
06:54.52drmessanoWhy not use Digiums RPM? O.o
06:54.53ChannelZdoing all kinds of extra things
06:55.33dan__tWhat part of *this* are you not understanding?
06:55.42QwellBesides, there are already official C5 RPMs.
06:55.48dan__tYou asked, I answered.  f12's build of Asterisk, does in fact, require autoconf for some part of the build.  Fact.
06:55.56dan__tI did not see any for 1.6.1.xx
06:56.00QwellThen it isn't Asterisk. ;)
06:56.48dan__t"autoconf is, which asterisk requires*"             *NOTICE:  In this manner, this instance of the aforementioned "Asterisk" is that of a Fedora 12 packaging origin.
06:56.49drmessanoThe person who built the F12 RPM added autoconf as a dependency for the build when it wasn't needed, fact
06:57.07*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
06:57.11QwellIt still isn't Asterisk that requires it.
06:57.16drmessanoIm sure Asterisk source can be built on F12 without autoconf since it's not a dependency
06:57.23dan__tThat's why I amended my comment.
06:57.30dan__tThat I did not know, drmessano.
06:58.15drmessanoSo your argument is that someones packaging of Asterisk requires something that isn't needed by Asterisk and is somehow an asterisk problem?
06:58.21dan__tI'm not deliberately trying to be a dick, I'm trying to explain the situation.
06:58.37drmessanoYoure also doing it wrong
06:59.27drmessanoWhy the hell would you build an RPM to install an RPM rather than just use the source to begin with?
06:59.52Ccomp5950I heard you like RPM's dog so we put an RPM in your RPM so you can YUM while you YUM!
06:59.59dan__tOh, I don't know, because I'm anal about putting the kitchen sink in /
07:00.07dan__ter, about *not* doing that.
07:01.22p3nguinWhat are some things that might cause Transfer() to not work where Dial(IAX2/user@otherpeer/mynumber) works perfectly?
07:01.48drmessanoI guess i am stupid.. i dont trust anyone elses binaries as a general rule.. i only use binaries I need to use
07:01.51ChannelZshrugs - but if Dial works why are you trying to use something else?
07:02.09drmessanoRPMs are for Windows users
07:02.13dan__tProbably for the same reason that the w flag doesn't work for me with ChanSpy.
07:02.15drmessanoThere, I said it
07:02.30dan__tI'd agree if I downloaded a binary RPM.
07:02.44dan__tI always, always always download a srpm so I can tag and sign it.
07:02.46dan__tThere, I said it.
07:02.59drmessanoSo you download a source rpm so you dont have to download source
07:03.02QwellSo, you build all of CentOS from source when you install?
07:03.10dan__tI build RPMs all day.  I understand your whole Windows argument, but in this instance, I disagree.
07:03.13dan__tI give up.
07:03.21dan__tI'm.. obviously doing it wrong.
07:04.48drmessanoYou've still not made one good supporting argument considering this all stems from a dependency issue brought on by a broken RPM, which only further supports the arguments made against your version of the process.. Indeed your way is better, as you have already demonstrated with the autoconf issue.
07:05.11dan__tIf you're happy with that being the end of it, I am.
07:05.30dan__tAt this point, I no longer care.  I appreciate whatever you've tried to do to explain, but I just don't give a f.
07:05.41dan__tAnd, yes, I just confirmed that autoconf retardness was built in to that spec, fwiw.  That looked to be a cookie-cutter Fedora build tactic.
07:05.55drmessanoIf you're happy with striking your comment about "not deliberately being a dick" from the record, i rest my case
07:06.26p3nguinchannelz: It seemed like a better idea to transfer the call from ast2 over to ast1 instead of dialing it, and Lief also said Transfer() was probably better.
07:06.27dan__tWell that would be a lie, I wasn't trying to sound like a dick, I mean well, I promise.
07:07.38p3nguindan__t: I won't install things on my systems which are not in packaged form either, and no one else understands.
07:07.55dan__tThat's not an argument I'm trying to make.
07:07.59p3nguinI don't mind the compiling, but I _WILL_ make a package out of it before it is installed.
07:08.23p3nguinAnd everyone else *should* be doing that, as well.
07:10.00dan__tAt work, standard fare is for me to preserve base and update repos of centos4 and 5, and if I need something that's not in there, I'll yank it from EPEL or fedora12, or worst case roll it by hand.  That includes all the sfotware that we develop in-house, too.  If I pull it from a third party repo, I tag .organization over %{dist} and throw it in our repo, leaving base and core pristine.
07:11.32*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
07:17.37dan__tThe Asterisk book talks about using the 'w' flag in ChanSpy, and it sounds like its being used in the context of only working in that manner if the call was part of a bridge.
07:17.55dan__tI cannot get ChanSpy to work using the 'w' flag, i.e. spied on channel hearing the spying channel.
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07:26.21p3nguinMine works using w.  I can spy on (as an example) SIP/211 and talk to the person on 211, but the other side of the call cannot hear me.
07:30.02dan__tYeah, the spying channel cannot be heard period.
07:30.12phixp3nguin: nice
07:31.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
07:37.30ChannelZI'm still not sure * is being the media bridge on your system
07:37.43*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
07:38.32p3nguinHow can you tell if a SIP call was reinvited?
07:42.18drmessanoCheck their Facebook?
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08:17.13dan__tOk, I love the W and T cli arguments.
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08:30.02jblackp3nguin: I suppose watching the logs on both servers would be useful
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09:04.05dan__tOk, well.  I even tried, and I still can't ChanSpy on a channel and expect the desired results with the 'w' argument.
09:04.23dan__tI'm starting to think that - again - the 'w' flag only applies to a case where the channel is on a bridge.
09:05.33dan__ti.e. I'm doing it wrong.
09:08.46ChannelZthe media has to be bridged through * for ChanSpy to work at all as expected
09:13.02dan__tIt actually has to be bridged, with Bridge()?
09:13.07dan__tThat's not what you tried last night, was it?
09:14.16dan__tBy media bridged through *, would two SIP devices qualify?
09:15.08ChannelZyes if * is in the middle of the media stream (canreinvite=no) and not talking directly to each other
09:16.25dan__tYes, they are not talking directly to each other.  For my tests I'm using a SIP provider, and from there I ChanSpy, so that's the spying channel.  The other piece is a simple SIP phone on the LAN, in Wait()
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09:20.38dan__tI am using canreinvite=no, and I understand now what that does.
09:22.09nix8n82allows udp packets of the calls to flow through asterisk instead of directly to each other?
09:23.17dan__tEnsures that Asterisk stays between them, sure
09:25.12dan__tI'm stumped.
09:25.48ChannelZI think your test is flawed-- I don't think Wait() will do anything
09:25.48nix8n82if canreinvite is set to yes, is call time still tracked through asterisk and all typical port 5060 traffic is still handled through asterisk?..what are you stumped on?
09:26.12ChannelZMake an extension that calls MusicOnHold and dial that.
09:26.15ChannelZThen spy on that.
09:27.54ChannelZwith Wait there is no audio data going anywhere in either direction AFAIK
09:29.27nix8n82is there a pastbin link to your test..I would like to see what your up to?
09:29.40dan__tI appreciate it, but ChannelZ just made me feel like a retard.
09:29.42dan__tThanks, buddy.
09:30.00ChannelZWorked I take it
09:30.04dan__tSure did.
09:31.05ChannelZSorry I guess I didn't see that was your test before (the Wait()ing)
09:31.37dan__tNo worries.  You didn't know.
09:31.44dan__tBut I really do appreciate you testing that, thanks.
09:32.12ChannelZno worries
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09:36.55ChannelZreally needs to clean up his dialplan
09:46.34dan__tOK, I'm going to crash.  Thanks again for the help.
09:47.05ChannelZsure - nighty
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12:18.52kannanhello, i am integrating Asterisk and Siemens thru a E1 PRI cross over, I have 2 Single span digium PCI X cards with h/w echo cacellation modules. I have configured it ok abd asterisk is working as a pass thru fine. But i have prob in span 2 , exactly as in
12:20.16kannanTo try some resolutions, as per the issue reported, i can (1) remove the VPMADTO32, or (2)disable it. The card vendor cannot support immediately, kindly advise how to do either one of the above
12:21.14kannanthe problem occurs only on span 2 . the siemens vendor states tha the card supplied will support only Euro ISD and ccs,hdb3 , and the customer has to purchase a new card, which is not possible
12:21.27kannansiemens hipath 4000
12:24.34Kattyi don't think anyone is awake.
12:24.57kannanKatty -> how to set vpmsupport=0 to disable the echo canceler?
12:25.30Kattykannan: learn to read.
12:26.03Kattykannan: 06:30 < Katty> i don't think anyone is awake.
12:26.12kannanKatty, ok
12:26.56Kattyi'd be in bed too if i hadn't woken up feeling like el crapola
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12:27.37kannancoffee can do the trick often..
12:31.08Kattypersonally i think some warm weather would make me all better.
12:31.25coppicetry warm water
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12:31.56Kattydon't want to wake ryan up
12:32.09Kattygot me a lil space heater goin tho (=
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12:47.44das_netzgood moorning from mexico
12:47.49das_netzi need a little help
12:48.58Kattyi don't think anyone is awake yet
12:49.16das_netzi using sip with ekiga softphone but i do not have audio or only audio one way
12:49.51das_netzand using nat in a local network
12:58.10Kattyintresting. a pet chimp costs around 60 grand
12:58.51coppiceI wonder if they taste good
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13:06.33Kattyprobably not
13:09.05Kattyperhaps i should take advantage of being up early
13:09.12Kattyand go get groceries before the stores get packed
13:14.43coppiceis it too late to get groceries befoe the stores open? it can be cheaper
13:15.15Kattymost grocery stores are open 24/7 here
13:15.36Kattyjust in case you feel the need to bake cake at 2am, and run out of eggs or milk
13:19.31*** part/#asterisk bbt (
13:23.01coppiceyeah, its a pain the way our local supermarket closes between 11:30PM and 7AM
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14:31.41kihotei need opensource billing asterisk write by java ,pls help
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14:43.36msetimwhat does means ${CHANNEL(rtpqos)}? It is equals ${SIP/110-XXXX(rtpqos)} or (rtpqos) is part of ${CHANNEL} variable indeed?
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14:47.14underguizsup, i'm trying to get some info running asterisk -rx here but sometimes it returns some verbosity
14:47.32underguizand when i try to add -m to it, it says No such command 'log and' (type 'help' for help)
14:47.37underguizwhat could be wrong?
14:48.34heliosjAre you putting -m after -rx?
14:48.47underguizheliosj, before
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14:49.07Corydon76-digunderguiz: Have you considered that the -m option is only for trunk?
14:49.25underguizCorydon76-dig, but -help show me this option
14:49.36underguiz"-m              Mute debugging and console output on the console"
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14:51.59Corydon76-digAh, I love options that do absolutely nothing
14:52.17bcrispyou mean like: workperfectly = yes ?
14:52.36heliosjbcrisp: That doesn't work? I depending on that one!
14:52.44bcrisptilldeathdouspart = yes
14:52.51Corydon76-digThe -m option does absolutely nothing
14:53.27underguizCorydon76-dig, isn't -m suposed to disable verbosity?
14:53.28bcrispcallcentric is a pain in my u know what
14:53.45Corydon76-digIt flips a bit, then does ... absolutely... nothing... else...
14:53.50Corydon76-digNothing checks that bit
14:54.19underguizdamn, :/
14:54.47underguizCorydon76-dig, so how can I stop getting all this verbosity if the only clear option does not work?
14:55.59underguiznot an option
14:56.20Corydon76-digWhat version are you running?
14:57.09Corydon76-digYeah.  Can't help you unless and until you upgrade to a more recent version of 1.4.  This problem has already been solved.
14:58.26underguizi'm not responsable for the asterisk here, i cannot upgrade it :/
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14:58.57underguizi just need to get some information and send it to zabbix
14:59.08underguizbut, asterisk isn't helping me :p
14:59.45Corydon76-digYour machine is also vulnerable to half a dozen security issues, including several that can take down the machine
15:00.19underguizwell, i really can't do anything
15:00.55underguizI wish i could hehe
15:01.22galerasis there any way to determine frequency of a recorded busy tone?
15:01.25Corydon76-digWell, run the newest version on another machine, and demonstrate that the problem has already been solved
15:02.05Corydon76-digThen go dig up the security advisories, and print them out and hand them to the guy responsible for the Asterisk version and ask him when he's going to fix them
15:02.11msetimguys.. I know what is rtpqos... I'm asking for syntax because I'm trying to get rtpqos from bridged channel (not ${CHANNEL(rtpqos))} would be something like that ${BRIDGEDCHANNEL(rtpqos)}
15:02.55Corydon76-diggaleras: record it, then load it into an audio editor
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15:03.53galerasCorydon76-dig: Thanks!
15:04.12Corydon76-digaudacity is usually what I use
15:04.31bcrispaudacity is a neat prog
15:05.00bcrispi need to hire a someone with a sexy british accent for our ivr
15:05.32coppicesorry, I'm not available
15:05.32Corydon76-dig'ello, guvnah
15:05.53bcrispcoppice: all booked up?
15:06.14Corydon76-digcoppice: wouldn't that be an Australian accent, though?
15:06.22coppiceI'm busy playing Santa right now
15:06.32bcrisp"for America(eer) press 1"
15:06.51coppiceCorydon76-dig: eh?
15:07.11coppice'ello, guvnah sounds like a Dick Van Dyke accent
15:07.14bcrisphave you guys used didww b4?
15:07.16Corydon76-dig"eh" would be Canadian
15:08.03Corydon76-digcoppice: Not Cockney?
15:08.53coppice'ello duvnah sounds like the world's worst attempt at cockney, which would have to be Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins
15:08.55Corydon76-digFor such a small country, Britain has a ton of different accents
15:09.41coppiceeverywhere is the same. accents vary enormously across a city, let alone a country
15:10.12*** part/#asterisk enyawix (
15:10.50Corydon76-digAnybody want a southeastern Pennsylvania mixed with american south accent?
15:11.43Corydon76-digcoppice: I was actually thinking about "My Fair Lady" but whatever
15:12.22coppiceShe probably did the second worst cockney in movie history
15:15.19*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
15:15.28bcrispim setting up incoming DID and the settings they specify on the provider site say "insecurity=very" - do you know what the equiv would be in sip.conf for ?
15:16.34*** join/#asterisk enyawix (
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15:19.38bcrispi guess port,invite
15:21.40*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
15:23.25Ast001hi I have this error message on my system:  app_dial.c:1547 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'dahdi' (cause 0 - Unknown)
15:23.44Ast001and I have dahdi channel I can see it with dahdi show channels and dahdi show channel 1
15:25.21theharbetter !pout !cry, better watchout, lpr why, santa claus < north pole > town
15:26.02bcrispyay incoming and outgoing
15:26.04theharcat /etc/passwd > list, ncheck list, ncheck list, cat list | grep naughty > nogiftlist, cat list | grep nice > giftlist, santa claus < north pole > town
15:28.07Ast001exten => 1,1,Dial(dahdi/1/123456) is this syntax ok ?
15:30.09Ast001dahdi show channels 1 shows me this:       1            default         nl         default                         In Service
15:36.12*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
15:38.01Ast001I am trying to use asterisk- and dahdi-linux-complete- and X100P card
15:38.48Ast001I try to dial a number through console
15:40.58Ast001cat /proc/interrupts gave me 18:    4721868   IO-APIC-fasteoi   wcfxo
15:41.39Ast001dahdi_cfg -vv gives me Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: none) (Slaves: 01)
15:42.33*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:42.39Ast001so I have dahdi I have asterisk working and recognized X100P card right syntax and I can't make a call via pstn. I wonder what is wrong here ?
15:50.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
15:51.25voipmonkask a question and leave
15:51.54voipmonkyou just cant help some people
15:53.06bcrisphe was in a hurry!
15:55.41bcrispim going to ask a question: i have someone configured as a queue member in more than one queues. if i want to announce the name of the queue the caller is connecting from to the member, would i use setqueueentryvar = yes, and do something with the QUEUENAME var?
15:56.39bcrispi guess my Q is how to hook in before the caller is connected to the queue member after calling Queue(queueName)
15:58.06bcrispotherwise the person answering doesn't know which queue he/she is answering
15:58.46bcrispmaybe i could even modify the callerID of the calling user?
15:58.55[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Indeed
15:59.11bcrispwould that be the easiest rout?
15:59.31[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Of course.
16:00.42bcrispone of the complexities is that initially our queue members will be on the road a lot, need * to try them at their desk, then cell etc
16:01.45[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: YUCK
16:01.47bcrispit'd be nice if i could have something like member => Macro.....
16:02.18[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Doable, and for sure you'd want to do just that, and play an audio file upon confirming acceptance of the call
16:02.39[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Core show application dial <-
16:06.23bcrisplooking at it now
16:06.40*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
16:06.51bcrisphow do i turn off this: chan_sip.c:20311 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox:
16:07.02bcrispits flooding my CLI
16:07.17[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: tell the client to stop... or give them a mailbox
16:07.38*** join/#asterisk ltd (
16:07.47bcrispchan_sip.c:20311 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: (null)
16:08.29das_netzgood day
16:08.47das_netzanybody know any client iax2 for linux (debian) ?
16:11.12[TK]D-Fenderdas_netz: das_netz SFLphone , KIAX
16:12.59*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:20.03bcrisp[TK]D-Fender: dial() is pretty versatile.. not sure how i'd use that with queues tho
16:21.55bcrispcaller makes it into * through our 800 # where they can join a support/sales queue based on extension dialed in the IVR. i.e. exten => 2,1,Queue(salesQueue)
16:23.38bcrispfrom there i dont know how to announce the queue name to the member who is answering
16:28.25[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Maybe you should think more about what the queue is CALLING <-
16:29.12bcrispok, maybe i need to study queues.conf more
16:29.44*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (n=mikej@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
16:30.08*** part/#asterisk MikeJ_ (n=mikej@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
16:32.15bcrispahh cool... membermacro setting
16:32.20bcrisphi Katty, howya doin?
16:32.27Kattyneck hurts
16:35.27Kattyyes probably just slept on it wrong
16:35.30*** join/#asterisk joako (n=ston3d@opensuse/member/joak0)
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16:42.12voipmonkj00 g0t dah HEENEE!!!
16:42.25Kattythe /what/?!
16:42.37Kattyoh, no
16:42.41voipmonkmy wife's friends and family call it heenee :)
16:42.53Kattythat is cute
16:45.07*** join/#asterisk DocAwesome (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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16:52.21*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
16:52.59theharfrolics around
16:56.10bcrispsweet membermacro workin
16:59.16*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:03.13drmessanoNo it's not
17:06.19bcrisphmm report-holdtime=no in queues.conf but it continues to report hold times to the queue member.. any ideas?
17:08.30bcrispsorry announce-holdtime
17:17.27*** join/#asterisk d00gster (n=doughant@
17:24.31p3nguinDid you reload the queue module?
17:37.45*** join/#asterisk cusco (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:c56:9c02:2ac0:762d)
17:38.04cusco[Dec 12 17:36:16] ERROR[28882]: asterisk.c:1093 listener: Unable to create pipe: Too many open files
17:38.42cuscowhat files?
17:40.02TJNIIThis sounds like a job ......... for LSOF!
17:40.24cuscogood idea
17:42.39*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
17:43.02cuscolsof|grep asterisk ->
17:44.41cuscoits just that for a while, I saw about 10000 mensages like that in less than a minute
17:45.02manxpowercusco: looks to me like you have a zillion AGI scripts running
17:45.29TJNIILots and lots of open SQL sockets.
17:45.56manxpower*nod*  I bet the AGI is doing that too
17:46.06manxpowercusco: are you using AGI scripts?
17:46.28manxpowerdo a ps -ax and see how many you have running
17:46.40cuscothey don't run here
17:46.52cuscothey run elsewere, they connect in and listen for asterisk events
17:46.59manxpowerso you are doing FASTAGI not AGI, correct?
17:47.18cuscoouch, Im not sure, I did't make the software that logs in asterisk
17:47.19manxpower"connect in and listen to events" sounds like a MANAGER script not an AGI script.
17:47.39cuscook for each operator there is a connection in the manager
17:47.59cuscoour client database software conencts in to put the operator into certain queue
17:48.45cuscoIm getting that too many open files again
17:48.57galerasdoes queue comand use the context defined on the sip.conf to call the agent's extension if agent was logged from a sip device?
17:48.58cusco[Dec 12 17:45:22] WARNING[28882] asterisk.c: Accept returned -1: Too many open files
17:49.36galerasor what dialplan context use queue command?
17:50.50p3nguinjblack: I enabled full logging and watched the asterisk/full log file, but nothing shows up at all.  core set verbose 2147483647 does show what's going on, but doesn't show why the transfer doesn't happen -- it just shows that the transfer status is SUCCESS.
17:51.37p3nguingaleras: Agents don't have extensions.  If you mean you have configured a queue member to be Agent/101, then it uses agents.conf to determine what 101 is.
17:52.54manxpowercusco: You need to figure out what is leaving so many files open
17:53.24voipmonkswitch to hotdesking, p3nguin
17:53.45*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
17:53.48p3nguinFor what?
17:53.51eppigyGAT GAT GAT GATGAT
17:54.27manxpower"Hot desking, check it and see I got a fever of a hundred and three "
17:54.32galerasp3nguin: i mean when an agent uses agentcallbacklogin to register from a sip device, how queue command determines the context to dial the agent's extension?
17:54.59manxpowergaleras: You seem to think that a DEVICE is an EXTENSION.  It's not.
17:55.09voipmonktuts my modeh
17:55.23manxpowerAn EXTENSION is a string of numbers in the dialplan to tell Asterisk what device to route the call to when that string of digits is dialed.
17:55.24voipmonktuts y bareh
17:55.25p3nguinI tried to say agents don't have extensions, but I guess there was a breakdown in communication.
17:55.29voipmonktuts my bareh
17:55.46bcrispyou say tomato i say tomaaato
17:55.53manxpowerIf you are naieve enough to set the extension and the device userid to the same -- just remember they are totally differnet.
17:56.35galerasnevermind, got it!.
17:57.03galerasAgent   (XXXXXX) available at 'XXX@default'
17:58.12manxpowerthat looks like a Local/XXX@default agent
17:59.08cuscomanxpower: a mysql connection, can it be considered a file open?
17:59.25[TK]D-Fendercusco: yes
17:59.32manxpowercusco: it showed up when you did an lsof asterisk right?  If so then yes it will
17:59.53cuscook, it uses the /var/sock...
18:00.17cuscoWe just upgraded today
18:00.32manxpowerupgraded what?
18:01.20*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
18:01.20cuscowhat is the file that keeps menuselect options?
18:01.36cusco(sorry, I asked this before)
18:02.21bcrispneeds a gallon of espresso
18:02.50*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
18:03.04DelphiWorldanyone used nokia E65 for VoIp?
18:03.17*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
18:04.27cuscowould like to see a voip application for his sony ericsson
18:05.43DelphiWorldis unable to register nokia E65!
18:05.46DelphiWorldand want to install fring unstid
18:06.07cuscowhats wrong with fring?
18:06.49DelphiWorldcusco: i want to install it but not with wap
18:06.51DelphiWorldwith wifi
18:06.57DelphiWorldor download/install it manualy
18:07.11cuscodamn... I had a mysql clear resultid and connid commented
18:07.26cusconow I thought it could be the too many open files,
18:07.44cusconow Im getting warnings like: [Dec 12 18:02:47] WARNING[4075] app_addon_sql_mysql.c: Invalid connection identifier 27 passed in aMYSQL_disconnect
18:08.22bcrisphmm.. not sure how to do this. I have 5 users that use xlite and are members of a queue. Several of the peeps are on the road and may not be available to answer on their softphone - in that case i need * to dial their cell # - im totally lost trying to set this up
18:08.24cuscoDelphiWorld: download it on your pc, and copy it to your phone
18:09.05DelphiWorldcusco: URL please for direct download if you can;)
18:09.39bcrispi guess i could set up  vars like JOHN, JOHNCELL and then use a membermacro .. hmm
18:10.07cuscoDelphiWorld: why don't you open a browser?
18:11.10DelphiWorldcusco: what phone?
18:11.59DelphiWorldcusco: downloading...
18:12.16cuscoDelphiWorld: e65
18:12.41DelphiWorldcusco: thank you
18:20.20p3nguinMaybe the Transfer() application isn't meant to transfer a call off of the local * to a completely different * system.  That's the only thing I can come up with, since Dial() works fine and Transfer() doesn't do anything and still shows SUCCESS.
18:20.38voipmonk$300 to rewrite my resume
18:20.49voipmonkim tempted after this lady just ripped apart my resume
18:21.16voipmonkpulls out some dust fro his pocket
18:21.55p3nguinbcrisp: You could just work some dialplan magic and let the people login to their agent from any phone.
18:22.04voipmonkyes u can...
18:22.36[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: show us this transfer attempt
18:23.01bcrispp3nguin: they wont login as agents.. what im trying to do might work. I'm setting up a member macro that first tries to dial the INTERFACENAME, if busy, then we manipulate the interfacename to match their equivalent cell
18:23.19bcrispif still no answer then it goes to the next member
18:24.15*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
18:24.50bcrispi.e. if member is SIP/user, we extract the user portion using CUT and try to match it to a var called something like ${userCELL}
18:24.55*** join/#asterisk danj1980 (n=dan@
18:25.26danj1980Does anyone have experience with Cisco phones?
18:25.46bcrispi shipped some broken cisco phones, thats about it
18:25.56bcrispshipped = returned
18:26.18danj1980Whats the deal with the licensing?
18:26.52cuscop3nguin: why not just define a queue with priorities? it trys hard phones first, and times out to cell phones
18:27.21p3nguincusco: Well, primarily it is because my queues are fine the way they are.
18:27.25etfonhomeydanj1980, they've improved their licensing somewhat by going to DLUs.  Or with the SBCS, the license is included with the system.
18:27.34cuscop3nguin: sorry
18:27.40cuscobcrisp: I meant you
18:27.41*** join/#asterisk fofware (
18:28.07DelphiWorldcusco: thank you
18:28.33p3nguinI think agent logins would be a better way.  Call me crazy, but it seems to make sense.
18:28.36cuscotho you could ahve googled it yourself
18:29.14bcrispya if i saw a related q in google i wouldnt have asked, but ill try again
18:29.46danj1980I can import Cisco 7940g for $85 per unit. But I dont think its the licensed ones. Is that a problem if i'm only using them with asterisk?
18:30.43p3nguinThis might give you some ideas how to proceed:
18:31.41p3nguindanj1980: I have half a dozen 7900 series phones, and none of them have this "license" that you keep asking about.
18:31.47etfonhomeydanj1980, Not a problem at all.
18:32.20etfonhomeydanj1980, the licenses only affect their usage with Cisco CallManager and other parts of that system.  That's where they are enforced.
18:32.30voipmonkdanj1980: License, I aint got no License.... u don need no license.. I aint got to show u any stinkin License!
18:32.36[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Don't worry about that non-descript black van in front of your home then.... they come in at night ;)
18:33.10p3nguinWhile Cisco does insist that you have a SMARTnet agreement for your equipment to be able to acquire the SIP firmware, there is no "license" that I am aware of to be allowed to use the phones.
18:33.15danj1980The reason i'm worried because of this:-
18:33.29danj1980It says:-
18:33.32danj1980"Note: All Cisco Unified IP phones require the purchase of a phone technology license, regardless of call protocol being used."
18:33.41*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
18:33.43danj1980Thats in the Ordering Information section.
18:34.08etfonhomeydanj1980, just buy the part number with the "=" at the end.  That's the spare.  SMARTnet gives you access to download updated software for the phones.
18:34.27voipmonkdanj1980: config ur phone and make calls
18:34.28danj1980Any idea where I can get SMARTnet in the UK?
18:34.53etfonhomeydanj1980, SmartNET is electronic delivery.  I can sell it to you from here in the states. :)
18:35.00voipmonkyou're asking your gf if you can kiss her
18:35.59p3nguindanj1980: And you really don't need to get SMARTnet, since you already have SIP firmware for your phones.
18:36.14p3nguinThat's what I call a loophole.
18:36.43danj1980I checked with the supplier in China and they preload the SIP firmware.
18:36.59p3nguinSo there's nothing more to do.  Connect the phones, use the phones.
18:37.06danj1980I was just worried if we are reselling them to our clients.
18:37.49etfonhomeydanj1980, if you are using them with Asterisk, you can ignore anything about licensing and just purchase spares.
18:38.45danj1980Ok, great.
18:38.57p3nguinCP-7940G= is a spare phone?
18:39.48danj1980Yep. but i'm curious. That website also mentions CP-7940 in the ordering information. Without any = or -CH1. I'm wondering what that is.
18:40.08etfonhomeydanj1980, Look at the price and you'll see.
18:41.29danj1980Well, its cheaper
18:41.37etfonhomeydanj1980, I manage a CallManager installation.  If I buy a new phone, I buy the spare.  Then, I have to purchase the correct number of Device License Units required for that phone to work with CallManager.  For Asterisk, you can skip the DLU purchase.
18:41.46danj1980but if they both work with asterisk, then there shouldnt a problem.
18:42.01DelphiWorldcusco: installed and registered and working thanks thanks thanks 100%
18:42.42etfonhomeydanj1980, Cisco used to require you to purchase the license with the phone, hence the different part numbers for the same phone.
18:44.18p3nguindoesn't use Call Manager
18:44.26etfonhomeydanj1980, getting SMARTnet gets you access to the CCO where you can download the different phone loads.
18:44.48p3nguinbut he already has SIP images, so there's no problem.
18:44.53p3nguinI told him that days ago.
18:45.27p3nguinI expect we'll be seeing the same question repeated at least three more times over at least two more days.
18:45.37danj1980I know you told me that yesterday, and it was greatly appreciated. But I was asking this time about the resale issues.
18:45.56etfonhomeyThen he should be golden except for the caveats with using Cisco phones with * unless that has been improved.
18:46.28*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
18:46.32p3nguinThe only complaint that I have with SIP on * is that there is no line presence indicator.
18:46.37danj1980What are the caveats? Are some features missing when used with asterisk?
18:47.09p3nguinIt's more within Cisco's SIP image than Asterisk, I think.
18:47.10voipmonkyou dont pay as much for the phones for startes, I mean f... I hate not having to pay a lot for service on the phone I bought a year ago
18:47.33p3nguinvoipmonk: If you hate it enough, you can pay me.
18:47.40voipmonkand then... you dont have anyone calling you telling you to upgrade to the nearest callmanager system
18:48.28voipmonkoh and the real kicker is..... i have more money in my pocket afterwards but who wants that?
18:48.43LemensTSwhen doing the READ cmd, is gsm less resources than wav?
18:49.12*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
18:49.47voipmonkthats what "show translation" is supposed to tell you, LemensTS
18:50.10voipmonkMy tagalog challenged friend
18:51.14danj1980Has anyone tried called parking on a Cisco 7940 or similar? I have a linksys SPA921 and there are no options for call parking. The users have to dial the park number manually.
18:51.33etfonhomeydanj1980, are you set on using Cisco phones with *?
18:51.42etfonhomeydanj1980, Polycom's are solid and cheaper.
18:52.14voipmonkdo you already own the Cisco Phones, danj1980  ? :)
18:52.26*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
18:52.38danj1980No. However, we can import them for $85 per phone.
18:54.19voipmonkIm sure u can find a polycom dealer somewhere near the West Midlands, danj1980
18:54.57danj1980Ok, i'll look into it.
18:55.24danj1980Thanks for your assistance.
18:55.58danj1980Is the call park feature easy to use on Polycom?
18:56.17etfonhomeydanj1980, yes, very.
18:56.32drmessanoWho uses the "Early Dial" on the grandstreams
18:56.33danj1980Our clients that come from traditional PBX systems find it too difficult to transfer calls to parking by dialing #700 :-S
18:57.11*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
18:57.57etfonhomeydanj1980, you will like the Polycom's if you go that route.  Ad I know [TK]D-Fender loves helping people with them.
18:57.58drmessanodanj1980: Another case of "You're doing it wrong".. You can shortcut anything in Asterisk and with the proper phone.. which includes almost all
18:58.47danj1980The linksys spa921 doesnt seem to have any way to configure softkeys etc
18:59.20drmessanodanj1980: If you come from a "traditional PBX" and can't at least make Asterisk behave 99% the same, you didn't read the book. of course the idea here is to move up in function, not just replace/reproduce
18:59.33etfonhomeydanj1980, spa921 < cisco 7940 < Polycom
18:59.51drmessanoCisco 7940?  Right
19:00.24drmessanoCisco's are even less flexible here.. You're either using the buggy SIP firmware or the buggy SCCP channel driver
19:00.46drmessanospa921 < polycom I would agree with
19:01.39danj1980Unfortunetly, i started with spa921 and although asterisk can behave like a traditional PBX, it needs a phone that is programmable enough to access all the features without having to remember all the access codes.
19:01.55*** join/#asterisk xmitter (
19:02.54danj1980spa921 can't really be customised, at all
19:02.54*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
19:03.20drmessanoWell, SPA921 is bottom the barrel for the Linksys
19:03.35drmessanoof the*
19:03.35p3nguindanj1980: Yes, I do parking with Cisco phones.  It's a simple transfer to another number, so of course it works.
19:03.36drmessanoI have a bunch of 941s
19:04.31danj1980p3nguin, is there any way to add a custom softkey with the cisco phones, that automatically starts the transfer?
19:05.02p3nguinThere's already a transfer softkey.
19:05.46p3nguinPress transfer, dial 700, listen to the parking slot number, press transfer.
19:06.02p3nguinIt works the same for transferring to another device.  Press transfer, dial number you want, wait on answer, press transfer again.
19:06.17danj1980can you create a "park" softkey that automatically dials 700?
19:08.08danj1980Or is there no way to avoid dialing 700?
19:08.33danj1980I'm asking because I have a client that complains because they keep forgetting what the number is
19:08.44p3nguinSIP firmware doesn't allow editing of the softkeys, as far as I know.
19:08.59p3nguinYou can change the parkexten in features.conf.
19:09.23danj1980Do you know any phones that allow the customisation of softkeys?
19:10.43etfonhomeydanj1980, Polycom. :)
19:10.52danj1980ok. thanks
19:10.59danj1980anyone used Doro phones?
19:11.11danj1980Their Wifi phone seems quite cheap
19:11.27p3nguinIt seems that a lot of people prefer to match Polycom phones to their * systems.
19:11.43etfonhomeydanj1980, I promise you will be very happy with the Polycom's.  The only complaints I've heard on here about them are from people who don't know how to configure the phones and/or *.
19:12.53danj1980I'm looking into them now.
19:13.03danj1980Can you recommend a model, or are they all good?
19:13.25etfonhomeydanj1980, you need two line appearances?
19:13.34p3nguinI think a 331 is a common phone that people use.
19:14.08etfonhomeydanj1980, 331 = 2 line appearances + 2 port switch.  231, same thing with no switch.  231 < $100,  331 is just over $100.
19:14.54danj1980Are the model numbers the same in the UK? I dont see those numbers listed.
19:15.43etfonhomeydanj1980, the model is the same, but the part number is different for the UK, I believe.
19:15.50[TK]D-Fender.... 321 <-
19:16.51danj1980Does the switch just do passthrough, or does it have its own DHCP server?
19:16.55[TK]D-FenderBTW, forget both and go IP 335 or IP 450
19:18.38etfonhomeydanj1980, daj1980, the switch is a switch,  2200-12365-025  or 2200-12360-025 are the part numbers.
19:19.06danj1980Ok, great thanks
19:19.11etfonhomeyPower bricks have country specific part numbers.
19:19.32[TK]D-Fenderdanj1980: IP 350 = IP 331 + G.722, backlight, RJ9 headset, etc
19:19.49bcrispIs this valid for queues.conf:  member => Local/505@context/n
19:20.08etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, you mean 335?
19:20.10[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Yes, nice to see you catching up & on
19:20.34[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Yes...
19:20.36danj1980How often do they release firmware updates? or are they quite bug free?
19:20.48[TK]D-Fenderdanj1980: IP 335* = IP 331 + G.722, backlight, RJ9 headset, etc
19:21.02etfonhomeydanj1980, they release updates fairly often
19:21.17[TK]D-Fenderdanj1980: Not bug free, but very rare, and updated pretty often.  There is no maker as solid as Polycom to date
19:21.48[TK]D-FenderdanBy "rare" I mean rare to see anything that hits any real % of users
19:22.31drmessanoAnyone got a default user/pass for an NEC Elitemail LX system? lol
19:22.41etfonhomeydanj1980, I agree with [TK]D-Fender.
19:23.20etfonhomeydanj1980, Digium uses Polycoms in their training courses, I believe.  That might tell you something.
19:25.09jblackIt might tell you nothing.
19:25.48jblackPolycoms are good though.
19:26.41etfonhomeyNot saying Digium endorses one model of phone, but I wouldn't teach a training course with a crappy phone.
19:27.01drmessanoMaybe they ran out of Grandstreams
19:27.31jblacketfonhomey: this might surprise you, but a lot of training courses are paid to use certain equipment. It's a business model.
19:27.42jblackThat's what apple used to do with schools, in fact.
19:29.51bcrisp[TK]D-Fender: ive used member => Local/phonenumber@context/n    where @context contains pattern matching for outbound calls but its not dialing.
19:30.31etfonhomeyjblack, not surprised at all.
19:30.48jblackso why.... ?
19:32.38drmessanoIgnore jblack.. he's a troll from Cisco.  He has a CCM in his house and a bunch of Cisco Wifi phones
19:32.42drmessanoDont be fooled!
19:33.28danj1980are there any wholesale distributors of Polycom phones?
19:33.49drmessanoHow many do you need?
19:33.54jblackvoip supply has treated me good in the past, but they're bulk, not wholesale.
19:34.39jblackYay. new battery tech.
19:34.49*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:34.52[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: And I see nothing
19:35.02*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
19:35.17drmessanoI guess he needs approx 0
19:35.26bcrisp[TK]D-Fender: ill turn on more debugging in logger.conf
19:35.37danj1980Sorry, does anyone know a UK wholesale distributor of polycom?
19:37.36drmessanodanj1980: What is your definition of 'wholesale'.. If you need an incredibly large number, direct from Polycom would be best
19:37.44drmessanoBut since you didnt answer..
19:39.58jblackdanj1980 hasn't acknowledged anyone, has he?
19:40.18drmessanoFuck him
19:41.46DelphiWorldwhat i need to do to use G.729 in passtroug mode?
19:42.01danj1980Sorry, I was talking in PM
19:42.27danj1980We currently have clients that have 20 users.
19:42.44danj1980If we can purchase a few more then start reselling them properly.
19:42.49bcrisp[TK]D-Fender: im not seeing any warnings in CLI, but here is a pastebin of queue show:
19:43.20[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: (Invalid)
19:43.30bcrispyes i know.. i dont understand why
19:43.45bcrispits invalid
19:43.54[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: You're showing half of a fake picture
19:44.57bcrispthe # in the pastebin is changed, but i can dial it when in the employees context
19:45.03*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
19:45.38bcrispnot sure what else would be helpful to show
19:47.19[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: I don't see the rel #, I don't see your call attemp, and I don't see your dialplan.
19:49.43drmessanoAlso which version of windows this is running on
20:01.19manxpowerbcrisp: sounds like a context problem
20:03.47bcrispsorry took me a while to get all the conf file info
20:04.40manxpowerwhere's the call attempt
20:05.16bcrispstill trying to get that to show in debug
20:05.27manxpowerbcrisp: you need allowguest=no in sip.conf or you could be opening up to major security issues.
20:05.35manxpowerI personally don't care about debuf
20:05.55manxpowerjust the CLI output showing the extenion@context and priority
20:06.24manxpowerbcrisp: um, why do yo have type=peer for call centric?
20:06.43manxpowertype=peer does not normally accept calls.
20:07.01DocAwesomesure it does
20:07.13DocAwesomedepends on how you want to match
20:07.24manxpowersorry, peers make calls from asterisk to the peer, users make calls from the peer to asterisk
20:08.20*** join/#asterisk scottmorris (n=scottmor@opensuse/member/scottmmorris)
20:08.20manxpowerDocAwesome: also depends on the version of Asterisk
20:08.48drfreezeAnyone know where to start to tune echo cancellation on a TE121 card?
20:10.09bcrispcallercentric is only for outbound
20:10.16bcrispin our setup
20:10.18manxpowerdrfreeze: The best way is to sell it on ebay and buy a Sangoma.
20:10.29bcrisp .. sorry for all the messages
20:10.37manxpowerdrfreeze: If you don't do that then look at rxgain and txgain and make sure you have the latest zaptel or dahdi
20:11.07manxpowerdrfreeze: is that a card with hardware EC?
20:11.17drfreezemanxpower: my rxgain and txgain are at zero now
20:12.11bcrispmanxpower: allowguest=no ok
20:12.42manxpowerbcrisp: if allowguest=yes breaks something then it was broken before but hidden by the default of allowguest=yes
20:12.54manxpowerdrfreeze: and the answer to my other question?
20:14.06bcrispok i set it to no
20:16.07bcrispthe debug output keeps saying no member avaail, show queue shows the member as (Invalid) but im not sure why
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20:25.15*** join/#asterisk Davedan (
20:25.42Davedanis there a gui for admin voip with asterisk?
20:26.44*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
20:27.19manxpowerDavedan: #AsteriskNow #FreePBX
20:32.45*** join/#asterisk adilwali (n=adilwali@
20:33.09infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
20:33.49*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
20:33.49bcrispid shared my iced latte but its too delicious
20:35.06bcrispmanxpower: you mentioned that my issue sounds like a context problem. When i dial in to the employees context im able to dial the same outside # that ive defined as a local instance for the queue member
20:36.16bcrispsince the queue is entered into in a dif context would it cause this problem u think?
20:37.15Davedanwhich one will you recommend freepbx or asterisknow?
20:37.40bcrispDavedan: you can write your own also
20:38.14Davedanbcrisp: I want to use something not to write it :)
20:38.23bcrispDavedan: :)
20:38.41bcrispi haven't used either.. you could google both
20:39.20Davedanbcrisp: really?
20:39.36bcrispDavedan: really
20:39.38Davedanbcrisp: thanks. I havn't thought of that
20:40.16bcrispDavedan, when you try them both out can you come back in here and recommend one to me? :)
20:40.44drmessanoAsterisknow uses Freepbx
20:40.45drmessanoSame thing
20:41.00adilwalihi, is freeswitch based on asterisk?
20:41.11Davedandrmessano: so asterisknow is just packaging freepbx?
20:41.21bcrispadilwali: #freeswitch
20:41.40*** join/#asterisk levity (n=levity@unaffiliated/canuck)
20:41.45drmessanoAsterisknow is an ISO that installs asterisk, deps, and FreePBX
20:42.05bcrispadilwali: i think freeswitch was created (at least in part) by * developers (guys correct me if im wrong)
20:42.31Davedandrmessano: thanks
20:43.10drmessanoFreeswitch was greated by a couple former asterisk devs and is no way based on Asterisk
20:43.19bcrispdrmessano: would you like to help me with my queue problem for 5 girly-giggles and 2 fairy kisses?
20:44.25drmessanoWell, here's my guesses
20:44.33drmessanotypo, typo, and typo
20:44.58drmessanoHave you pastebined the relevent files?
20:45.14bcrispi pastebined sip.conf, extensions.conf, queues.conf and output of the attempt
20:45.26bcrisp1 sec
20:47.34drmessanoand the issue is?
20:47.46bcrispnothing dials when the queue has a caller
20:47.51bcrispit spits out saying no members available
20:48.00bcrispqueue show says (Invalid) next to the local instance member
20:48.04bcrisp(if my lingo is right)
20:48.36bcrispwhen i dial into the employees context i can call the same # without problems
20:48.51bcrispwtf, there is an icecream truck driving through the neighborhood
20:50.00*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
20:51.53drmessanohave you tried creating a user and regging a softphone, adding it as a queue member, see if it works?
20:52.16bcrispthe queues work fine with SIP/user types
20:52.27bcrispis that what you meant?
20:52.53drmessanoI wonder if there's an issue with dialing a peer as a queue member
20:53.45bcrispya im not sure.. i googled around for a while and saw that some people had the issue and it talked about preloading modules to fix
20:53.59bcrispbut the articles seem to be related to old versions
20:56.05drmessanoFirst google hit, dude
20:57.32bcrispya.. i saw that one
21:00.38bcrispmine doesnt say unavailable, it says (Invalid)
21:02.50voipmonkbcrisp - what happens when you add Answer to the incoming section
21:04.16voipmonkso you Answer the line before doing anything else
21:04.23voipmonkusing the Answer application first
21:04.30bcrispvoipmonk - didnt think i needed to
21:04.44bcrispso before queue() ?
21:04.51voipmonkwhen the call comes in
21:04.57bcrisplet me try
21:04.59voipmonkthe first priority should be Answer
21:05.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
21:07.15bcrispvoipmonk: no change
21:07.46*** join/#asterisk ruied (
21:08.14voipmonkyou're not hotdesking, yes?
21:08.40bcrisphotdesking is an agent defined thing right?
21:08.47voipmonkno agents defined
21:09.12voipmonkthe person picks up the phone and logs in with their pascode then that phone becomes that agent in whatever queues we set
21:09.24bcrispok, no not doing that
21:09.28voipmonkwhen they are done they pick up the phone and log out and that agent is no longer available
21:09.41bcrispvoipmonk, did you see the pastebins?
21:09.52voipmonkfire away
21:10.32voipmonkive never had great success with allow=all so I never use it anymore
21:10.35voipmonkfor codec
21:10.46voipmonksession-timers, really? why?
21:10.55voipmonksession-expires, really? why?
21:11.08voipmonksession-minse= ? really? why?
21:11.09bcrispit was the callcentric rec
21:11.17voipmonksession-refresher = really? why?
21:11.22drmessanoI dont use it with callcentric
21:11.30drmessanoNone of the session-
21:11.32bcrispusing callcentric for outbound
21:11.47voipmonktake out al that session shi% and see if it still works for in/outbound
21:11.48drmessanoYep, I still dont
21:12.03voipmonkif it works , can u leave it out for today? ;)
21:12.24drmessanoIts not a requirement
21:13.02bcrispvoipmonk, ya i just commented out the lines and restarted - testing now
21:13.34bcrispok its still working
21:14.19bcrispqueue still same tho
21:14.24bcrisp(Invalid) :(
21:14.55voipmonkmoving on...
21:15.36voipmonki dont see where you send the inbound call to "100"
21:15.41voipmonkin extensions.conf
21:15.50lesouvageI just have my fisrt OpenBTS (oss project for setting up gsm network) success that uses Asterisk as the interface to the SIP world. From asterisk perspective it changes an old Nokia 3330 in a SIP endpoint.
21:16.07bcrispvoipmonk inbound is sent to ext 500 (IVR)
21:16.17voipmonkwhere is that in the pastebin?
21:16.23bcrisplet me see
21:16.28*** join/#asterisk the_limit (
21:16.35voipmonkim looking at
21:16.51voipmonk"bcrisp" makes me think of food
21:16.54lesouvageI can call and send sms . One other amazing use of Asterisk :-)
21:17.06voipmonklesouvage: congrats...
21:17.18voipmonkdo a writeup of what u did and share it with us :)
21:17.26voipmonksend me a url :)
21:19.04bcrispwe're using didww for incoming, callcentric for outbound
21:20.14lesouvagevoipmonk: there is a project page with lots of documentation.   My set up is more or less what is documented on the page. They did a field test on Burning Man  and that is a real interesting story.
21:21.48lesouvagevoipmonk: in my opinion this is one of the most promising project around today. This is a solution that can really make a difference in areas where no phones are available yet r where there never will be telephone because it is to poor and/or to far away from everything.
21:21.55luckyabaanyone have a good recommendation for a predictive dialer for a call center?
21:22.20*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
21:23.10voipmonkim back, made a pb&j
21:23.40lesouvageluckyaba: vicidial seems to be a proper choice. See for preinstalled solutions.
21:23.42voipmonkok what does 500 do, bcrisp  ?
21:23.51voipmonkshow me the whole picture :)
21:23.56bcrispooh i think i got it!
21:24.22bcrispi modified modules.conf to preload pbx_config and chan_local
21:24.46bcrispyep working
21:25.50bcrispnow ill just set up penalties so that the cell #s are a last resort
21:29.45*** join/#asterisk ardnat (i=18e152f7@gateway/web/freenode/x-qpswwvqlbhmbnunz)
21:29.48ardnatHey guys
21:29.55ardnatI need help setting ANI in asterisk
21:30.55lesouvagevoipmonk: Are you interested in mini gsm networks integrated in an Asterisk solution?
21:32.10voipmonk:) not very mini, lesouvage  :)
21:33.12ardnatthe wiki says to do set(callerid(ani)=111111111)
21:33.20ardnatbut its unreconized
21:33.46ardnatis that possible to do in asterisk
21:34.03kaldemartried CALLERID(ani) ?
21:34.20ardnathmm well im doing this via agi
21:34.38ardnatwould it be exec or set?
21:34.52kaldemarwell it's a function. you have to call it properly. it's a set.
21:35.17ardnatok hold on let me try that
21:35.55kaldemareh, make it CALLERID(ANI). it's supposed to be in capital letters.
21:37.15kaldemarcore show function CALLERID shows you the options
21:38.41ardnathaha i feel stupid
21:38.51ardnati copy and pasted a portion of the agi script
21:38.58ardnatand wrote in the caller id part
21:39.04ardnatbut i let the SET insted of EXEC
21:39.13ardnati think i got it at this point :)
21:40.38*** join/#asterisk madsara (i=madsara@2001:328:2002:f159:0:0:0:1)
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21:41.06madsaraHey, quick one for you - Playback() or Read() both are truncating the first 3 seconds of my wav file... any ideas as to why?
21:41.11ardnatAGI Rx << EXEC (CALLERID(ANI)=0000000000)     -- AGI Script Executing Application: ((CALLERID(ANI)=0000000000)) Options: ((null)) AGI Tx >> 200 result=-2
21:41.20madsaraI've added Wait() before the Playback(), it's the same.
21:41.24ardnatthats the results and by the -2 it dosnt look good :(
21:41.53ardnatmadsara is it at the begining of the ext?
21:42.08madsaraNo, it's after a few GoTos.
21:42.18madsara(not using ael for the dialplan et)
21:42.33ardnatahh not sure
21:42.47ardnatkaldemar? any ideas about my problem
21:44.22kaldemarardnat: i'm not that familiar with AGI, sorry.
21:44.22voipmonkwhy not use num
21:44.27voipmonkand call it a day
21:44.27bcrispnow i have queue priorities set up, but it just continually rings the sip client in priority 1, never goes to priority 2
21:44.30ardnatok np
21:44.43[TK]D-Fenderardnat: Why not actually try exec-ing an APPLICATION?
21:44.44ardnatvoipmonk i used num but i want to set the ani
21:44.48voipmonkor SetCallerID(2485551212|a)
21:45.20ardnatTK- yeah i think i understand how it work now :)
21:46.19*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
21:46.22bcrispthe only time it will go to priority 2 is if the priority 1 queue member rejects the call
21:48.15bcrispif i physically exit out of the softphone, then it will go to priority 2
21:48.38ardnatok TK the app responded with -2
21:48.46ardnatim assuming thats a fail
21:48.49bcrispotherwise it just keeps retrying the person who is afk
21:48.49ardnatAGI Rx << EXEC SetCallerID(0000000000)|a)     -- AGI Script Executing Application: (SetCallerID(0000000000)|a)) Options: ((null)) AGI Tx >> 200 result=-2
21:49.20ardnatoh.. just noticed somthing xD
21:53.41ardnatnope not fixed :(
21:56.52ChannelZardnat: your syntax is wrong I think -- you want to say "EXEC SetCallerID 0000000000|a
21:57.06ardnathmm ok ill try that
21:57.08*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
21:57.39ChannelZnot sure if the number/arguments need to be quoted, like     EXEC SetCallerID "0000000000|a"
21:58.37*** join/#asterisk gooph (
21:58.52ardnatthanks a ton chan!
21:59.01infobotACTION watches bcrisp pull the trigger:  BANG!
21:59.03ChannelZThat'll be $49.95
21:59.13bcrispis dead
21:59.16ardnatdamn i didnt read the contract
21:59.31ardnatahh look-  somone dieing
21:59.36ardnatquits irc
22:00.06bcrispcallcentric is being a pain about changing callerid did
22:00.30*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:00.34Kattyjust whipped up a 75lb batch of squirrel food
22:02.04ChannelZkicks infobot in the nads
22:02.33ChannelZI need to get back to my infobot rewrite
22:02.41Kattyinfobot: critter cam
22:02.41infobothmm... critter cam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House at
22:02.50Kattyinfobot: crittercam
22:03.13KattyQwell: how do i link critter cam and crittercam together?
22:03.20KattyQwell: or is that even possible
22:03.36ChannelZjust set another factoid
22:03.43Kattyso much effort
22:03.45bcrisp~critter cam
22:03.46infobotfrom memory, critter cam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House at
22:03.59Kattyinfobot: crittercam is Katty's broadcast of The Nut House at
22:04.00infobotokay, Katty
22:04.05Kattyinfobot: i love you
22:04.06infobotYou love you?
22:04.11Kattyinfobot: i love infobot
22:04.12infobotYou love infobot?
22:04.14b14ckHey all
22:04.15Kattyinfobot: yes
22:04.16infobotfrom memory, yes is the opposite of no
22:04.55Katty50lbs of whole kernel field corn, 20lbs of black oil sunflower seeds, 5lbs of shelled raw peanuts
22:05.02bcrispinfobot isnt joining mensa anytime soon
22:05.08b14ckI'm actually doing some asterisk messing around atm, and I can't seem to figure out this one particular warning I see in /var/log/asterisk/messages whenever I start up asterisk. Google hasn't really pointed me to any information. Any idea what this is / how to fix it? "[Dec 13 01:08:00] WARNING[8186] translate.c: plc_samples 160 format f"
22:05.51bcrispinfobot: hello
22:05.52infobotHowdy Bub
22:07.32ardnatwell now that i got that working
22:07.36ardnathow do i change cpn
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22:07.57Interexjblack :)
22:08.04ardnathaha im assuimg you cant do that
22:08.09bcrispinfobot: pizza
22:08.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:08.47ChannelZhas pizza dough warming up on the counter
22:09.00bcrispbribes ChannelZ
22:09.19ardnatis going to nuke you all unless you ANSWER MEH QUESTION
22:10.01bcrispardnat: google?
22:10.35ardnatyeah tryed that
22:10.37ardnatno results
22:10.42ChannelZI don't even understand the question
22:10.44ardnathowever i have been told you can do it
22:10.44bcrispi see results :)
22:10.50ardnatset the CPN
22:10.53ardnatof the call
22:11.40ChannelZCommunist Party of Nepal?
22:11.52bcrispcalling party number
22:11.57bcrispi.e. spoofing your callerid
22:12.12ardnatobviously channlez is using
22:12.16ChannelZthat would depend much more on your service provider
22:12.34ardnatoh so it would be on the web interface or somthing?
22:12.43bcrispthey probably dont allow it
22:12.51ardnatyeah i think some do
22:13.27bcrispardnat.. sorry i don't know who
22:13.38ardnatah well ok
22:13.51bcrispdo you own the did that u want to use?
22:14.50drmessanoOh haxor boy is back
22:14.52InterexAny of you guys know of a free, or very inexpensive CID lookup, other than whitepages, etc...?
22:15.15ardnatyou can google freepbx+lookup sources
22:15.21ardnator you  can use a backspoofing script
22:15.50InterexWhat is backspoofing?
22:16.16drmessanoIts when you grab a guy from behind and tell him you're a woman
22:16.57drmessanoSomething ardnat is well versed in, so I hear
22:17.23ardnathaha that was amzing
22:17.31ardnatdr.mess-not nice :)
22:17.53ardnatits where you spoof a cid to a did you own
22:18.01ardnatand log what the incomming cid is
22:18.09ardnatit lets you do free cnam dips
22:18.12ardnatbut i dont recomend it
22:18.20ardnattry that other advice
22:18.24drmessanoYou just did
22:18.44ardnat*i dont recomend that as your first option
22:18.47bcrispardnat - this is an irc channel, not twitter -- you can type in full sentences :)
22:18.58drmessano"Just ate a sandwich"
22:19.04bcrispdisables ardnat's enter key
22:19.36drmessano"Just installed Ubuntu.  Looks kinda like Linux"
22:19.54*** part/#asterisk Interex (
22:20.06ardnathaha little does bcrist know, i have memorized the inline javascript to post to my webirc
22:20.28drmessano"Did I mention I just ate a sandwich #repeat"
22:20.32ardnathaha sry brisp
22:20.43drmessanoITS BCRISP
22:20.53drmessanoAt least tab complete his nick
22:20.57ardnatmmmm.. bCRISP
22:21.10bcrispits ok arenads
22:21.11ardnatsound like some type of forigen cracker
22:21.29drmessanoYoure so good at haxoring, why dont you haxor your tab key when you type a nick, newbsnatch
22:21.53bcrispartsnad: don't worry about it
22:22.01drmessanoI think ardrat has a problem with his tab
22:22.29ChannelZdrinks a TAB
22:22.36drmessanoTab is the shit
22:22.49ardnatsteals Channels tab
22:22.54Kattya woodpecker has been frequenting the tray
22:23.03drmessanoI drink too many soft drinks to afford coca cola products
22:23.07Kattyit /appears/ he is after the peanuts
22:23.20bcrispi drink too many lattes to afford a wife
22:23.40drmessanoI drink 48 cans a week, plus my 6 dollar a day monster habit
22:23.42Kattythey are very expensive
22:23.58bcrispdrmessano - diabetic?
22:24.08drmessanobcrisp: Shooting for it
22:24.13Kattybut as a return, they often help pay half the bills
22:24.40bcrispnot mine :/
22:24.43drmessanobcrisp: maybe a melanoma if I keep ignoring these moles the size of cockroaches on my back
22:24.49drmessanoWait, that one was a roach
22:24.54drmessanobrb, wash hands
22:24.56ChannelZsends Katty and airsoft gun
22:25.03bcrispmy buddy just went through 2 years of chemo after melanoma
22:25.10ChannelZ'keep off my nuts, pecker!'
22:25.41drmessanoI got nasty one I need looked at.. Google gave me 3 months to live
22:25.54KattyChannelZ: that is not very nice, sir'
22:25.54drmessanoSuppose I need to make an appt
22:26.03KattyChannelZ: and besides, watching the woodpecker is entertaining
22:26.16bcrispim heading to china in a few months
22:26.16ChannelZneither is stealing peanuts out of the mouths of destitute squirrels!
22:26.19bcrispi better get swineflu shot
22:26.38Kattythe squirrels are farrrr from destitute (=
22:26.41drmessanoI wouldnt worry about H1N1
22:26.49drmessanoIts been way overblown
22:26.52drmessanoEven now
22:26.59Kattythe h1n1 vaccination is very dangerious
22:27.06bcrispi dont worry - just that being on airplanes that long with sick people is troublesome
22:27.07Kattythere have been several deaths from it
22:27.23Kattyalso, vaccinations are not subject to the same rigiourious tests that medications are required to have
22:27.25bcrispKatty compared with the doses given its about the same chance as dying from drinking a coke
22:27.38drmessanoBesides which, if you're in your early 30s you may have been exposed to it back in the 70s and not have a problem with it
22:27.43Kattybcrisp: coke is fda approved.
22:27.49Kattybcrisp: h1n1 vaccinations are not
22:27.51bcrispKatty - so are cigarettes
22:28.02Kattythat should tell you something
22:28.03drmessanothe H1N1 vaccine is no worse/better than any of the flu shots
22:28.13Kattyh1n1 isn't any different /than/ then flu
22:28.16drmessanoNo higher mortality
22:28.24bcrispthe fda doesnt no anything about doing proper experimentation
22:28.38bcrispknow *
22:28.50ardnatyeahh swine flu was just a media scare
22:29.01ardnatlike 1000's of people die from the normal flu
22:29.02bcrisph1n1 doesnt kill more than regular flu
22:29.07bcrispbut has different symptoms
22:29.17Kattynot really
22:29.21bcrispya really
22:29.22Kattythe symptoms are still pretty much the same
22:29.25lanningyou've heard the saying that "the user base is just a test load?"
22:29.26bcrispnope heh
22:29.30Kattymy sister gave me a very detailed account when she got it
22:29.37drmessanoNo, its no more of a variance than other flu strains are variances from each other
22:29.40bcrispmy coworker's wife works at the CDC :)
22:29.51bcrispalmost namedrops
22:30.05Kattythis is a pointless topic
22:30.10Kattylet's agree tod isagree and move on
22:30.16drmessanoI am involved in emergency management and we've had extensive pandemic training
22:30.27drmessanoThe symptoms are not very different at all
22:30.29Kattywell i am a PARAMEDIC
22:30.36bcrispdrmessano: that floor needs shining
22:30.40ChannelZgets Pizza Fever
22:30.42heliosjWell I'm not a doctor, but I play one on IRC.
22:30.43jblackYou're a paramedic sysadmin?
22:30.50bcrispim the surgeon general
22:30.51Kattyi was making a funny
22:30.56bcrispwho plays with asterisk
22:30.59heliosjI'm Sanjay Gupta.
22:31.23bcrispanyways .. i got wicked sick last time in china
22:31.23jblackI understand that swine flue has different symptoms. MOre repspitory
22:31.53Kattyhas taken cpr classes
22:32.03drmessanoGuess now would be a bad time to mention I am a first responder as well
22:32.21ChannelZis trying to remember the slang term for swine flu that was ham-something
22:32.23bcrisphas a degree in molecular biology :p
22:32.38drmessanoactually is
22:32.47bcrisplets just chat this way
22:32.56*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
22:33.02jblackI'm at the hospital 10 times a month. That probably counts for something.
22:33.04drmessanopoints to his jump bag
22:33.05heliosjkisses drmessano's rings.
22:33.15lanningdrmessano: so you're the one that comments "First Post!" :)
22:33.17Gokee2What is the recommended file format for music on hold?
22:33.23KattyGokee2: i use gsm
22:33.31bcrispGokee2: i use ulaw
22:33.33ChannelZGokee2: whatever format you don't have to transcode
22:33.38jblackgokee2: GSM, wav, mp3.
22:33.46*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:33.46drmessanolanning: im the guy that shows up and does all the work before the EMTs get there and transport
22:33.59Gokee2So if I just dumb some wav's in there it will work fine?
22:34.06bcrispdrmessano: i thought that person was called a burglar
22:34.16KattyGokee2: as long as they're not windows waves
22:34.29jblackGokee2: There's minor format rules. Odds are they'll work fine
22:34.39Gokee2No windows wavs for me!
22:34.45bcrispi say .wav like "suave"
22:34.46drmessanoI can do almost anything an EMT can do except dispense drugs
22:34.54Gokee2Ok thanks
22:35.04ChannelZHAMTHRAX!  that's what it was
22:35.15drmessanoWhich is kinda the fun part, but oh well.. Guess I will go back and get to that point eventually
22:35.27Kattyi don't know much about medical stuffs
22:35.47ChannelZthat's OK neither does congress
22:36.02bcrispal gore thinks the core of the earth is more than 2 million degrees
22:36.30Kattymust reboot brb
22:36.34lanninglooks for his fire retardant boots
22:36.42ChannelZNancy Pelosi thought we were losing 500 million jobs a day.  These people all have problems with numbers
22:36.48drmessanoKatty: The trick is gauze and saline.. if you cant treat something, cover it with a sterile dressing :)
22:37.07bcrispdrmessano: i normally aim for immediate amputation
22:37.17bcrispdrmessano: i take a network admin approach
22:37.22drmessanobcrisp: I was asked to cut back on those
22:37.29drmessanoUNPLUG IT, NOW
22:37.37lanningcrap, his face is bleeding, cut his head off...
22:37.39bcrispjust close the highway then no more car accidents :)
22:37.52drmessanoThe girl I replaced did that too
22:38.04bcrispemail: "my internet is not working"
22:38.09bcrispresponse: " you don't have an internet"
22:38.13jblackthere's a horde of jews marching outside my front door.
22:38.18drmessanoShe couldnt configure a VLAN on a switch, so she just ran an extra 25 feet of cable to the switch on the other end.. FTMF
22:38.27jblackI didn't know they marched for chaunaka?
22:38.54jblackis guessing, because they have a lot of candles, but a lot more than 8 candles
22:39.14bcrispok, my queue agent keeps being redialed even though they are afk... why doesn't * move to the next priority in the queue ?
22:39.46*** join/#asterisk m0e (n=eX@
22:40.12drmessanoAsterisk only does or doesn't do what you do or do not tell it to do or not do
22:40.44jblackdrmessano: Tiger is up to 13. :)
22:40.53ardnathmm lets express this in a matmatical equation
22:41.01drmessanoOh HELL YES
22:41.07ardnati suck a math
22:41.13ardnati went to mit a few weeks ago
22:41.15drmessanoTiger is on the back nine, heading for amen corner
22:41.20ardnatto do this program there
22:41.29bcrispTigers Wood?
22:41.40ardnatthis 7 year old knew more math than me durring this asym. encription class
22:41.51jblackohhh, one of the tiger girls is gonna be in playboy.
22:42.07jblackthey should do a tiger's girls' issue.
22:42.37bcrispdrmessano, isn't it default behavior for unanswered queue calls to be passed to the next priority level?
22:42.55*** join/#asterisk hfb (
22:43.35bcrispive seen that it will move to the next priority if the user a) unregisters sip, b) rejects the call
22:43.49bcrispbut not c) doesn't answer
22:44.24bcrispardnat: your spelling is "like OMG"
22:44.59*** join/#asterisk dmz (
22:45.13jblack"I got nothing out of this relationship but a broken heart"... bull. I can think of at least one thing she got...
22:45.26bcrispyour best friend's #?
22:45.40ardnatanyone have a anic?
22:46.08bcrispslaps ardnat with a grammar book
22:46.15ardnathaha im 15
22:46.25ardnati blame years of 4chan
22:46.44bcrisp"ardnat, do you have a apple?"
22:46.55drmessanoardnat is a /b/ guy
22:46.56bcrisp=> "AN apple"
22:46.58Kattyhas "sweet icing sugar cookies" candle
22:48.40ardnathaha no comment
22:50.30ardnatbad things
22:51.12Kattyyou're just skeered
22:51.55bcrispi want to eat a hamburger wrapped in 2 glazed donuts to form a bun
22:52.15Kattythat sounds gross
22:53.22jblackyou should sell that
22:55.11jblackbcrisp: you're not gonna believe this..
22:58.35DavedanI've just installed asterisknow and getting "Could not reload FOP server" error
22:59.28*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
23:01.40Gokee2"file.c:322 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav"  Awww :(
23:01.59ChannelZthey must be weird wavs
23:02.49ChannelZI make 8khz 16-bit mono ones
23:03.03Gokee2OK I will try that
23:04.19TJNIII think they have to be 8khz.  I tried to make my MOH a higher bitrate, it didn't fly.
23:06.54Gokee2Why does audacity export Microsoft wavs?  I also only see 16 bit :/
23:08.00Gokee2Ah there is a NIST 8 bit signed PCM wave
23:09.48drmessanoGoogle for the krisy Kreme thickburger, same deal
23:09.56bcrispjblack: now THAT's what im talking about
23:10.18bcrispGokee2: keep digging in the options
23:10.48drmessanoThats even better
23:11.16ChannelZGokee2: is there a 'resample' function somewhere
23:11.50*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
23:12.08Gokee2Hmm, it also does not like the NIST 8 bit signed PCM wave
23:12.49drmessanoTry wavosaur
23:13.05bcrispi dont have problems using wavs from audacity
23:13.19*** join/#asterisk voipmonk_ (n=voipmonk@
23:13.30TJNIIzomg.  I want this mug:
23:13.53Gokee2wavosaur looks windows only
23:14.23bcrispgokee.. just convert it with sox
23:14.34drmessanoTJNII: HAHAHAHA
23:14.51bcrispyes that mug rocks
23:15.01Gokee2bcrisp, Hmm... ok I will try
23:16.59TJNIIdrmessano: My reaction exactly
23:18.28Gokee2Wow, that's a good cup lol
23:19.40bcrispalthough for solid laughs you can't beat
23:27.29drfreezeWhat's the sound on the phone called that let's you know your phone is working
23:27.46bcrispdial tone?
23:28.13drfreezeThe sound in your ear that is basically your voice, but very faint
23:28.39bcrispi have no idea what you're talking about
23:28.51bcrispyour inner voice?
23:29.21infobotACTION watches bcrisp pull the trigger:  Click!
23:29.33drfreezethere's a name for it, I just forgot now
23:29.39infobotACTION watches heliosj pull the trigger:  Click!
23:29.58infobotACTION watches bcrisp pull the trigger:  BANG!
23:30.01heliosjHa ha.
23:30.12heliosjYou're dead.
23:30.19bcrispi was cheated
23:30.27heliosjWhich is better than trying to figure out wtf drfreeze is talking about, I suppose.
23:30.47bcrispi, for one, do not hear a faint voice in my ear to let me know that my phone is working
23:31.28bcrispguides drfreeze to the #psychiatry channel
23:31.37DavedanI'm running asterisknow on a virtual pc and X-lite on another virtual pc
23:31.54DavedanI've created an extension with nato=never
23:32.10bcrispor nat=never?
23:32.10Davedanx-lite timeout in registration
23:32.20Davedannat=never (typo)
23:32.34bcrispok do you have the CLI open?
23:32.38DavedanI also tried nat=yes but it still doesn't working
23:32.55bcrispstart the CLI and pastebin the warnings
23:33.03Davedanhow do I start it?
23:33.08bcrispasterisk -rvvvv
23:34.16bcrispim not sure why you're running x-lite on a virtual pc tho
23:36.11Davedanin the CLI I'm getting admin logged on, admin logged off, parsing manager.conf, manager_additional.conf all the time
23:36.24bcrispu have the gui open?
23:36.26Davedanlike asterisk is being restarted over and over again
23:36.28Davedanyes I do
23:36.31bcrispclose the gui
23:36.36Davedanthe asterisknow web admin
23:36.44bcrispnow go back and type
23:36.47bcrispservice asterisk restart
23:36.49Davedanstoped :)
23:36.56etfonhomeyThat's just the GUI logging into and out of AMI to do something or see something.
23:37.03*** join/#asterisk kihote (n=aefefuul@
23:37.21Davedan'service asterisk restart' inside the CLI ?
23:38.13etfonhomeyDavedan, pastebin your sip.conf and imagebin a screen shot of your X-Lite sip line settings.
23:38.36Davedanthe sip.conf is the default asterisknow. I'll paste both. a sec
23:38.57bcrispDavedan: no, just in the terminal
23:39.58Davedanbcrisp: it does nothing but maybe I need something like sudo. I'm not familiar with centos I come from ubuntu
23:40.10bcrispya, you may
23:40.22etfonhomeyOr you could do "restart gracefully" from within the CLI.
23:40.27bcrispyes :)
23:40.38bcrispbut ya, pastebin your sip.conf
23:43.00bcrispDavedan: need to see where the device is configured
23:43.28*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
23:43.35DavedanI'm uploading the image
23:44.04bcrispim not that familiar with asterisknow tho
23:45.06*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
23:45.17bcrispcan you also pastebin any notices/warnings from CLI?
23:45.58bcrispalso make sure you dont have firewall settings preventing the connection
23:46.20etfonhomeyDavedan, X-Light looks fine.  Just need to see the definition of "100" in sip.conf or one of the files it includes.
23:46.55Davedanetfonhomey: I've created the extension on the web admin of asterisknow
23:47.07drfreezebcrisp: sidetone
23:47.48etfonhomeyDavedan, it's gotta exist someone in sip.conf OR in one of the files that sip.conf includes with the #include statements.
23:48.34bcrispthe #include references in your sip.conf should help u find them
23:49.30Davedanit was created automatically by the web admin
23:50.48*** join/#asterisk danj1980 (n=dan@
23:52.30etfonhomeyDavedan, sip.conf looks good as well.  As long as you have the password in X-Lite set to 100, then you are fine on both ends.  It's gotta be a NAT/firewall/networking issue at this point.
23:53.00etfonhomeyDavedan, pastebin the output of "sip show peers"
23:53.04bcrispDavedan see if your iptables are blocking
23:53.25etfonhomeyDavedan, /etc/init.d/iptables stop
23:53.27bcrispalthough in asterisknow i doubt it
23:53.38*** join/#asterisk _bradk (n=brad@unaffiliated/-bradk/x-9249860)
23:54.03Davedanlocalhost*CLI>sip show peers: 'now such command'
23:55.53Davedanmaybe I'll use asterisk on ubuntu instead of asterisknow on centos
23:55.55bcrispdavedan do a netstat
23:57.00etfonhomeyDavedan, what version of Asterisk?  "core show version"
23:57.15Davedanthe recent asterisknow from the website
23:57.41etfonhomeyI have no idea what * version it uses.  That's why I wanted you to issue that command.
23:57.51Davedanasterisk 1.4.24
23:58.15DavedanI've restarted and now 'sip show peers' work
23:58.16etfonhomeyIntersting, I'm on 1.4.22 and I definitely have "sip show peers"  don't see that command going away anytime soon.
23:58.31etfonhomeyAnything in your list of peers.
23:58.40Davedanand now x-lite is connected I think
23:59.05bcrispya weird
23:59.14Davedanis there a reason to use asterisknow or is it better to stick with the CLI and conf files?

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