IRC log for #asterisk on 20091209

02:31.24*** join/#asterisk infobot (
02:31.24*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/11/30), (2009/11/30), (2009/11/30), *-Addons (2009/12/02), (2009/12/02), 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #switchvox #asterisk-bugs
02:31.37bcrispha i checked using an online port tester
02:32.21MarkJenksIs there a bugtracker for asterisk-gui where I can post some problems I have found?
02:33.03MarkJenksI put them on the list, but is seems that it isn't followed anymore
02:33.16bcrispudp appears open from the server but using a port tool it says its closed
02:33.28bcrispthe firewall has an exception allowing it be open
02:34.00MarkJenkswhat does netstat say?
02:34.09MarkJenksis it bound?
02:34.11bcrispudp        0      0      *
02:34.27MarkJenksbound to any, that's good
02:34.40*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:34.51MarkJenksare you running iptables?
02:34.58bcrispi dont know :/ linux newb here
02:35.06MarkJenksiptables --list
02:35.43bcrispok let me pastebin
02:36.22bcrispit appears so
02:37.48bcrispreject all anywhere anywhere looks suspicious..
02:38.01MarkJenksI believe the any any at the top opens all, but I wonder about the specify udp
02:38.18bcrispthe very bottom line says reject all from anywhere right?
02:38.21bcrisp(to anywhere)
02:38.37MarkJenksyeah, that's normal. All firewall should have a reject all at the end
02:38.45bcrispi dont want a software firewall
02:38.53bcrispi have a hardware firewall.. can i disable this?
02:38.54MarkJenksyou on fedora 12?
02:38.57bcrispcentos 5
02:39.00kam187just turn it off
02:39.09bcrispiptables -- ofF?
02:39.23kam187service iptables off
02:39.26kam187for now
02:39.31kam187chkconfig iptables off
02:40.01bcrispworking now :)
02:40.08MarkJenkskam187 is faster than me. ;)
02:40.09bcrispim seeing the flood of debug messages for sip
02:40.19kam187[02:18] <kam187> u sure iptables isnt running or something now?
02:40.27kam187[02:39] <bcrisp> working now :)
02:40.48bcrispthe other install didnt have the iptables running
02:40.50bcrispthis one did
02:41.06MarkJenksAlot of newer distros have it on my default.
02:41.15MarkJenksyou can choose on/off during the install
02:41.24MarkJenksnetwork config part
02:41.27bcrispthe other one was centos 5 w / plesk , this was just another image
02:41.45bcrispcisco firewall
02:41.49bcrispwell thanks for helping me with that
02:41.56MarkJenksasa 8.2 rocks
02:42.00kam187hw fw ftw
02:42.17jblackFound something you guys can can all get your girlfriends... usb breast warmers.
02:42.18kam187omg i'm a geek
02:42.51*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
02:43.00MarkJenksgeek?  I'm too old to be a geek
02:43.37*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
02:44.08MarkJenks1983 there were no geeks, just hackers. :)
02:44.57TimRiker[TK]D-Fender, net splits are causing the bot grief. It sometimes fails to reconnect on some of it's nicks. :(
02:44.57MarkJenksOMG, that was 26 years ago.
02:45.58kam187anyone still use slackware?
02:46.02kam187havnt used that in ageeeeeeeeeeeeees
02:46.28MarkJenkscpm ftw
02:46.46MarkJenksI haven't looked at slack in years
02:47.08MarkJenkseven then, not much
02:47.44MarkJenkshate to bring it up again, but any good resources for bugs in the GUI?
02:48.02bcrispyay meetme working
02:48.12bcrispthanks guys, have a good night
02:50.04nitrus^do drop calls after 30 seconds usually indicate some sort of network or NAT problem?
02:52.23MarkJenksWanna read a good Article about the beginning of IM?
02:52.43MarkJenksIs it same same 30 all the time?
02:53.01MarkJenksr/same same/the same
02:53.07spiegelkam187 i am
02:53.21nitrus^30 seconds everytime pretty much
02:53.32*** join/#asterisk fuxu2 (
02:53.51MarkJenksif you grep your extensions.conf for 30, does anything stand out?
02:54.30LemensTShow do you turn sip debug off
02:54.47nitrus^sip set debug off
02:55.02nitrus^no, nothing stands out
02:55.18nitrus^im running freepbx so it pretty much does everything for me
02:55.25nitrus^could it be a context issue or something?
02:55.37MarkJenksif you turn your verbose to 6 it might tell ya something more
02:55.51nitrus^wouldnt i see the same messages at 100?
02:56.05*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
02:56.14kam187spiegel: how is it?
02:56.28LemensTSnitrus: does it do it from sip phone to sip phone?
02:58.12nitrus^ahh good question
02:58.15nitrus^lmmie check
02:58.32MarkJenksyeah, that would seperate a config vs trunk issue
03:12.00iconicfluxalright.. I want to know what sick fucker has made an annoying MMS generator and given it to my brother.
03:12.31MarkJenksnight all
03:20.23*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
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04:17.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
04:31.49*** join/#asterisk MarkJenks (i=ce2871c7@gateway/web/freenode/x-ppgewvesrgtrzcuv)
04:33.42*** part/#asterisk MarkJenks (i=ce2871c7@gateway/web/freenode/x-ppgewvesrgtrzcuv)
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04:48.58*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
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04:51.17thuddwhirrhello!  anyone here use asterisk with a sip proxy like openser?
04:52.18*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
04:52.43thuddwhirri'm having an odd issue.  i have outgoingproxy set in my sip.conf.   When I make outgoing calls, everything behaves fine, with all SIP routing through the proxy.  When i receive an incoming call though, the SIP initially routes through the proxy, everythign from the invite to the 200 OK
04:53.03thuddwhirrbut the ACK and BYE bypass the proxy and go directly to the other UA
04:54.47*** join/#asterisk xmitter (
05:01.30*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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05:20.48*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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05:48.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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06:27.24*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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06:41.53*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
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06:50.10*** join/#asterisk vk2dgy (
06:50.17*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=[T]ank@
06:50.57vk2dgyvery quiet for so many users... lots of lurkers?
06:51.01[T]ankanyone here ever set up a polycom soundstation using just the web interface rather than the tftp server?
06:51.27toresbevk2dgy: Everyone's on the phone, duh. :)
06:52.10*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
06:52.14vk2dgyI came in here to see if anyone might be able to advise me how I can issue more than one request using "asterisk -rx "command1; command2" - or even it it's possible?
06:52.53[T]ankim having a hard time getting my new polycom soundstation ip 6000 to register. it keeps giving me a user / password  mismatch. currently waiting for it to come back to life after the 10 minute restart so i can copy the error and share it.
06:53.10vk2dgyspcifically, I want to issue at least two (possibly more) commands:
06:53.13vk2dgysip show peers
06:53.15vk2dgyshow channels
06:53.27[T]ankim missing a field in the configuration but i cannot figure out which one.
06:53.34vk2dgyand two calls to asterisk -rx seems to be a terrible waste of resources.
06:53.47toresbevk2dgy: that's premature optimization if I've ever seen it
06:54.00vk2dgys/two/& or more/
06:54.44vk2dgyyes, this keeps happening periodically.
06:55.29vk2dgysince it's done as a ssh call to a remote server, less ssh calls, less calls to asterisk, can only be a good thing.
06:55.56vk2dgysince the outputs are just contatenated to the same file for subsequent processing anyway.... if I could run (multiple) commands in one hit it'd be much more efficient.
06:56.31vk2dgyI tried seperating commands with & and , and also with \n (and expanded the line to put in a hard return), nothing worked.
06:57.01vk2dgy(comma should have been semicolon (;) above)
06:57.49[T]ankWARNING[10727]: chan_sip.c:8272 check_auth: username mismatch, have <Polycom>, digest has <>
06:58.50[T]ankI know the peer on asterisk is set up correctly because I have a couple of other soundpoint ip phones connecting to them. I set them up using ftp, but the server is going away... i just copied their peer and set this up using the web interface instead.
06:59.01[T]ankwhat field could i possibly be missing?
06:59.08[T]ankdigest is blank.
06:59.15[T]ankwhat missing field would cause that?
07:07.26ChannelZ[T]ank: it looks like the device is trying to authenticate but with no auth username (this is different than the SIP account it's registering as)
07:07.40ChannelZwhy it's blank though I don't know
07:10.15[T]ankits rebooting again... when it comes up i will verify what i have set.
07:12.14[T]ankis there a way to know if this phone is even compatible with asterisk? I would assume it is.
07:13.32[T]ankAuth User ID is populated. It is set to Polycom
07:13.59ChannelZwhat does the entry for that phone in sip.conf look like?
07:15.40*** join/#asterisk mokmeister (n=mokmeist@
07:16.23mokmeisterhi all
07:17.11[T]ankChannelZ: look right?
07:17.42mokmeisterwe are looking at replacing aging voice mail systems and I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement using asterisk
07:18.00mokmeisterWe have MD110s as our main pbxs
07:18.29mokmeisterwe have just upgraded one of our mds with a TSE
07:18.45mokmeisterwe are going to see how that goes
07:18.48ChannelZ[T]ank: make sure you don't have a space or something typed into the auth username (not the SIP name) on the phone
07:19.06mokmeisterAnd we are currently looking at changing our voice mail system
07:19.48mokmeisterAnywhere I get information on this would be greatly appreciated
07:25.14*** join/#asterisk MAbbas (i=Jinbaba@
07:25.44MAbbasHi everyone ...
07:26.45*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (n=nimbus@
07:27.27ChannelZ[T]ank: Do you have some auth= line in your sip.conf somewhere earlier?  post the whole thing
07:29.23ChannelZ[T]ank: or what version of * are you running?  The only reason I can think you would be getting this behavior is if you had an auth line in your sip.conf specifically and the phone is not sending an auth, or something changed in 1.6 which is making the username=xxx directive in your sip.conf act like an auth (1.4 doesn't seem to do this so I'm just guessing there)
07:29.56*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
07:30.12MAbbasI am using AMI in my python code. But the problem is when I send an action, the response does not come in a single tcp packet ..  therefore I have no idea how many more response packet I have to read.
07:30.38MAbbasto get full response
07:31.42[T]ankChannelZ: just deleted everything but that entry and my general settings.
07:31.45[T]ank[general] qualify=yes context=default bindport=5060 bindaddr= srvlookup=yes
07:34.18*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
07:34.34ChannelZMAbbas: you read until a blank line
07:35.07MAbbasyou mean '\r\n'?
07:35.41ChannelZsame as how you terminate your commands
07:35.45MAbbasis it true for all commands?
07:35.56ChannelZit should be
07:35.59MAbbaslet me try ..
07:37.03ChannelZ[T]ank: well see additional questions - you could tell for sure by doing a SIP debug and attempting to register the phone, see if it's sending an "Authenticate" header with no user
07:38.59vk2dgyis away: |Auto set-away.| Msgs saved.
07:43.00[T]ankChannelZ: what do you think.
07:43.28ChannelZthat shows everything after the fact
07:45.56ChannelZok see line 194
07:46.23ChannelZthe phone is sending an authorization that is blank
07:47.26[T]ankyeah... thats whats odd though... in the web config i have all of the fields punched in... im stumped.
07:47.56ppc[T]ank: what are you using, freepbx?
07:48.32[T]ankweb config for the polycom phone is what I was referring to
07:49.07ChannelZwell I don't know anything about that phone, can you post a screenshot of the config page?
07:49.35[T]ankim going to call it a night and try again tomorrow. almost 1am here. need to be back here to work at 8.
07:49.44[T]ankthanks for the help so far
07:50.25ChannelZSince you're not specifying authentication in sip.conf the authentication username in the phone shouldn't have anything in it (which it seems like it doesn't already if it's not putting it in the Authenticate header, which it shouldn't be sending anyway if it's not on)
07:52.54*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
07:53.30MAbbasif I send mutiple AMI commands .. (in my python code)how do I map which response belongs to which command?
07:55.39*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
07:55.45ChannelZyou must wait for a response from a command
07:56.47ChannelZand also * can tell you things at any time, it's not a 1-to-1 relationship - IE send a command, get a response.  For instance if you use the Originate command, * might send you 3 or 4 responses showing the call progression
07:56.55MAbbasso essentially .. I can send only one command at a time ..
07:57.07*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
07:57.33ChannelZif you care about the responses yes
08:00.45ChannelZYou should probably read the responses anyway, if only to throw them away, as I'm not sure if the stdout would eventually clog up
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08:13.13MAbbasChannelZ: One problem, if I send a command and wait for response, meanwhile e.g. some events are fired by AM .. how do I know that the response does not belong to my command's response?
08:14.37*** join/#asterisk Faustov (i=user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:17.34ChannelZI think an actual response will contain a Response: line whereas other random things * might say to you do not
08:17.53ChannelZ(the 'random things' would be Event: lines)
08:18.32ChannelZ documents how most commands will respond
08:20.06kaldemarMAbbas: you can also put Events: off to login, and you don't have to worry about them.
08:20.33MAbbasBut, on TCP level, if command's response is in mutiple packets, not every packet will contain the "Response" string ..
08:20.40ChannelZthat too
08:22.00ChannelZYou must read from the socket in whatever buffer sizes you're reading and assemble a 'complete message' yourself based on the CRLFCRLF..
08:22.21MAbbasthats good workaround .. But in my case I need events too ..
08:22.56ChannelZit's fairly common in socket programming, having to read chunks of data and parse/assemble it as determined by the protocol you're using, etc.
08:23.43MAbbasyes, thats the way to go .. only if turn off * events ..
08:33.25*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
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08:54.13ChannelZok, so in > 1.4.24 it seems like requires - fine.. but if I put preload => as the first thing in modules.conf, or try to load => and then load =>, it all still fails
08:55.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
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09:02.26ChannelZargh nevermind
09:04.49*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
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09:25.45TSM2is there anyway to have a beep to indicate that a atten transfer has been completed, we have an issue where users cant tell once the other party is now connected
09:32.24*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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10:04.34Tech_TravisI'm running 1.6.0 at the office and wanted to test in a virtual machine so I just installed it.  I found it's missing SIP, IAX2, etc. and was wondering if that is normal or if I screwed something up in the install.
10:07.06*** join/#asterisk friehmaen (
10:16.03TimToady_by 'missing' you mean the modules, the configs, somehting else?
10:17.05Tech_TravisTimToaddy:  inside the CLI running help doesn't show any of the SIP commands like sip show peers or sip show channels.
10:17.40TimToady_make sure u have a sip.conf and then run 'module load'
10:18.21Tech_TravisTimToady: okay, I'll go try now.
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10:20.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:20.41Tech_TravisTimToady: There is no sip.conf in /etc/asterisk
10:21.13TimToady_create one with ur settings
10:21.31TimToady_or if you installed asterisk from source eun make samples for the sample conf files to get installed
10:24.47*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
10:28.24Tech_TravisTimToady: Thanks for your help.  I installed the sample files, rebooted, and now the SIP and IAX options are listed.  I'm guessing this means that since there were no conf files when asterisk first installed it didn't load any of the modules, but now that conf files are there it's loading them?
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10:35.02Tech_TravisTimToady:  So by reverse logic on my old install I can remove conf files for things I'm not using like skinny and on the next restart * won't bother loading the associated module(s)?
10:35.49kaldemarthat's bad practice. asterisk will try to load the module and you'll get errors and warning for missing configuration files.
10:35.55TimToady_that does not aply for all modules, some can work without conf files. Best way is to check modules.conf and load only the modules you need
10:36.22kaldemarit you don't need a module, either delete the module itself or add a noload => <module_name>.so in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
10:36.23TimToady_by default asterisk tries to load every module (autoload=yes)
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10:44.46Tech_TravisI would like to do the best practice approach, so along those lines is it suggested to not load modules that aren't used?  Or should things be left stock unless there is a reason to deviate?
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10:49.13TimToady_unload everyhting you are not going to use, its the best and safest approach
10:49.46TimToady_its just a bit hard to get it right the first time because of the number of the modules and that dependencies between some of them
10:50.24TimToady_at least unload the channels that you are not going to use.
10:51.34TommyBottenI like the opposite, though similar approach. Autoload = no, and then load those thoungs you need.
10:51.48TommyBottenIt is, as TimToady_ says - a bit hard the first time, choosing the modules you need.
10:54.37Tech_TravisThis is a bit daunting the first time, which is why I'm testing this stuff in a virtual machine rather than the company's actual phone server.
10:55.45*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:56.29Tech_TravisIs there a command I can run or a directory I can look in to see what is available to turn off?
10:57.25TimToady_'modules show' in asterisk cli and ls -l /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
10:57.34TSM2is there anyway to have a beep to indicate that a atten transfer has been completed, we have an issue where users cant tell once the other party is now connected
10:58.33TommyBottenJust do "for i in $(ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/); do echo "load =>" $i; done"
10:58.46TommyBottenAnd then pipe it to the modules.conf file
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11:10.10viraptorhim is there any asterisk-addons download page on the new * website?
11:10.33Tech_TravisTimToady & TommyBotten & kaldemar:  Thanks for your time and insight I appreciate your help.  Have a good evening (or morning depending on your timezone).
11:10.47*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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11:12.58_cgchi everyone
11:13.48_cgci have a couple of asterisk server and keep getting the following warnings:  chan_dahdi.c:10642 pri_fixup_principle: Call specified, but not found?    chan_dahdi.c:11780 pri_dchannel: Hangup on bad channel 0/1 on span 1, is this anything to worry about?
11:15.38viraptorTimToady_: yeah - I know that from google, but it's not linked from the website in any way, is it?
11:16.31TimToady_you want to download the addons or to point that new page page sucks? :P
11:17.30*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
11:19.13viraptorTimToady_: I prefer: politely inform people who can change the page about a missing element, without using words - WTF, failure, suck and similar - political correctness, you see ;)
11:19.52_cgcany help on these warnings?  chan_dahdi.c:10642 pri_fixup_principle: Call specified, but not found?    chan_dahdi.c:11780 pri_dchannel: Hangup on bad channel 0/1 on span 1, i did a search on google but could only find a patch for version
11:21.13TimToady_viraptor you spoil the fun :P
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11:26.26viraptorTimToady_: you learn that kind of expressions when your company redesigns the main site and using "new website" and "sucks" in the same sentence becomes a sackable offence :D
11:27.00TimToady_ah so you are a web designer :P
11:27.09lost_soulI'll have to remember that, thanks viraptor
11:28.04viraptoranyways, just wanted to report that missing, c ya all
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11:53.38Kchehabi am running asterisk and patch from asterisk is available
11:53.45Kchehabto to apply the patch
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12:04.11[01]DNDhi guys, is my plantronics h141N headset compatible with snom 360?
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12:07.11kaldemar[01]DND: you didn't google much did you?
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12:13.13[01]DNDactually i did.
12:13.52[01]DNDbut in the snom website it says its not compatible. but i also saw in the plantronicas website that there's an interchangeable cords.
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12:17.48ghenryhi, how can you get the callerid via the Manager API of a SIP extension. I'm using SIPShowPeer
12:18.04ghenrySipshowpeer rather on Asterisk 1.4
12:18.07ghenryand get Callerid: "device" <502>
12:18.12ghenryas it's a FreePBX box
12:18.27ghenryI guess I have to map this via MySQL to a extension name
12:18.35ghenryjoin #freepbx
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12:30.21angryuserhave someone successfully configured and WANPIPE Release:  ? daemons are running, calls are initiated but somehow sangomas gateway does not care at all, incoming call don't even change state of bri lines, i ma sure that my T0 are working
12:31.01angryusertested with another working system, and advice  ?
12:31.22angryusertzafrir, have you had any exp with sangomas ?
12:31.53tzafrirangryuser, not much
12:32.35angryuseri am sure about my bri setup, but something deep inside going wrong..
12:38.06tzafrirdo you use dahdi or their own stack?
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12:58.02*** join/#asterisk Davedan (
12:58.09Davedandoes asterisk support SIMPLE?
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12:59.37mbrevdacan I see the amount of registered licences from the cli?
12:59.45kaldemarDavedan: not all of it. be more precise.
13:00.32Davedankaldemar: I need presence, contacts and group management
13:00.47Davedankaldemar: add contact, remove contact, create a group, invite users to a group
13:04.16kaldemarasterisk is lacking those.
13:06.05tzafrir(it does support a different  and much simpler presense mechanism in SIP: publish/subscribe)
13:06.05Davedankaldemar: isn't there a way to define a roster like in IM?
13:06.16tzafrir(but I suspect this is not what you're after)
13:07.01Davedantzafrir: I'm looking for an experience similar to XMPP or skype
13:07.10kaldemarDavedan: no.
13:10.57*** join/#asterisk killfill (n=killfill@
13:11.21killfillQueue(90|||4)  <-- that should timeout after 4 seconds right? and should continue the dialplan?
13:12.02kaldemarin newer versions, you must replace | with a comma.
13:12.10killfillah no its 1.4
13:12.16kaldemarand timeout is the fourth parameter
13:12.23kaldemarcore show application Queue
13:14.01killfillah.. :) missed one
13:15.52mpewhere is it posible to download the old asteriskNOW that is using asterisk gui and not freePBX
13:20.29*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
13:22.41TommyBottenI've set a few variables using SETVAR in sip.conf. Is it possible accessing these when calling *to* the user/peer instead of from?
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13:35.28dlynesTommyBotten: You shouldn't be using SetVar() anymore...that's been deprecated as of 1.4, and probably obsoleted as of 1.6
13:35.43dlynesTommyBotten: Use Set(...) instead
13:36.30dlynesTommyBotten: but, how do you propose to get the variables for the to, unless you're using a parameter to dial that dumps you into another context after the dial() has been completed?
13:36.49dlynesmpe: why would you want to?
13:38.03dlyneskaldemar: fwiw, I've found out there's an option you can specify in the general section to override the '|' / ',' behaviour....the '|' can still be used...just by default it's not allowed now
13:38.09mpeneed to test a feature a customer of mine have, and the customer CD is 800miles away
13:38.21dlynesmpe: ah
13:38.40*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:40.19ManxPower-workTommyBotten didn't read UPGRADE*.txt
13:40.30TommyBottenYes I did
13:40.48TommyBottenThe setvar / set is fine.
13:40.59TommyBottenBut that is not where the real issue is
13:41.03ManxPower-workTommyBotten: ALL of them?  The deprecation of SetVar should have been documented
13:41.27dlynesmpe: what version number?
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13:42.21mpeno i must be version 1
13:42.21TommyBottendlynes: Not really sure. In essence, what I'm trying to do is tie a secretary extension and a cellphone number to a SIP user. Any ideas?
13:42.36tzafrirmpe, where did you see this version number?
13:42.55mpethe one that supportet cisco phones
13:42.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:44.13mpewell the costomer is running on a closed system, so it is phone suport and he is a realy n00b, but I install the about a 1 / 1.5 year agow
13:44.50mpeand he only need to add a extra phone
13:45.06ManxPower-workTommyBotten: Ah, yes setvar= in sip.conf.  No you cannot set those vars for calls TO the device.  Only calls FROM the device.
13:45.32mpebut that is realy dificult to guide him without  access to the gui
13:45.55[TK]D-Fendermpe: So go get access to the GUI... and this is not a GUI support channel
13:46.31mpeat the moment i'm trying to make a clean asterisk install and manualt instal asteriskgui 2.0
13:46.34TommyBottenManxPower-work: Hmm..Ok. But as I mentioned to dlynes, my task is really to tie a secretary and a cellphone to a SIP user. Any ideas on that? I have internal BDB or an external mysql ... but it doesn't "feel right" ;)
13:47.00ManxPower-workTommyBotten: I have no idea what yo mean "tie a secretary and cell phone to a sip user"
13:47.09[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: Ame here.... explain...
13:47.17mpeon a spare server, just wanto to save time by reusing the same asteriskNOW image
13:48.40[TK]D-Fendermpe: AsteriskNOW doesn't come with AsteriskGUI any more.  The old one was based on rPath+AsteriskGUI and loses you a lot of support options
13:48.57ManxPower-workfilthy GUIs
13:50.07mpeyes, but that is the one I need, as that is what the customer have
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13:51.42ManxPower-workmpe: and yet you are asking on this non-GUI channel.
13:52.12ManxPower-workmakes about as much sense as asking Windows95 questions on a DOS channel.
13:53.58TommyBottenManxPower-work / [TK]D-Fender : The users have a set of secretaries - also defined in the same config. I would like to have a mapping that connects or ties a SIP user (end user) to another SIP user (secretary)
13:54.21ManxPower-workTommyBotten: Exactly what do you want to accomplish with that "mapping"
13:54.22[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: tie how?  With rope?
13:54.59TommyBottenManxPower-work / [TK]D-Fender : From a functional perspective: When DND is enabled, only the secretary may call the user. And when external calls are not answered, it should be forwarded to the users secretary.
13:55.01tzafrirmpe, if you have a question about asterisk, ask here. If you have a question about the asterisk-gui, ask on #asterisk-gui
13:55.02ManxPower-workTommyBotten: It's starting to sound like you are looking for a Key System, not a PBX.
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13:55.22hatpandaAnyone using ser together with asterisk?
13:55.27mpesorry but was just looking for the iso , and the gui channel is practaly empty
13:55.29ManxPower-workTommyBotten: should not be hard to do at all
13:55.43ManxPower-workmpe: that empty channel should tell you something.
13:55.44tzafrirmpe, what ISO?
13:55.48[TK]D-Fendermpe: The ISO will probably be hard to find now.
13:55.53ManxPower-worktzafrir: the asterisk iso!
13:56.03[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: *NOw (with AsteriskGUI+rPath)
13:56.17[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: Basic dialplan
13:56.32tzafrirAsteriskNoW is no longer based on rPath, actually
13:56.48mpeyes but I need the oldverion :--(
13:56.49[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Which we also told him
13:57.01TommyBotten[TK]D-Fender / ManxPower-work: Shouldn't be hard no. But I think I'm about to create a corner case. Any tips would be very much appreciated
13:57.14tzafrirmpe, the old version will have asterisk-gui 1.x
13:57.23[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: Corner case?  How many books does that hold?
13:57.28tzafrirIs this what you need?
13:57.34ManxPower-workTommyBotten: call comes into "boss" extension, check DND and the source
13:57.45dlynesmpe: I've tried a number of combinations for the version number on the download server, but nothing's coming up except the current version
13:57.51mpeneed for a support case of mine
13:58.00dlynesmpe: why didn't you save a copy of your original download?
13:58.19ManxPower-workdlynes: people do that? 8-|
13:58.26TommyBottenManxPower-work: That is what I'm doing. But where do I define which number is allowed to call or not? Doing this for one or two is easy. I have 300 mappings to do
13:58.32dlynesManxPower-work: I always do
13:58.40TommyBottenManxPower-work: Doing this in dialplan manually will be really ugly
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13:58.41dlynesManxPower-work: I've got downloads up to about 2 or 3 years ago
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13:58.45mpeyes i also wonder  way I dident save the file
13:58.49ManxPower-workTommyBotten: you did not say "300" mappings.  You said a secretary and a boss.
13:59.02dlynesManxPower-work: especially for important stuff like asterisk and mozilla
13:59.06ManxPower-workTommyBotten: you would want to use some form of database.
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13:59.14ariel_Morning folks
13:59.29ManxPower-workdlynes: but every version of asterisk ever released is still available.
13:59.32mpejust got used to redowloading as i have 100/100 mbit
13:59.43dlynesManxPower-work: who's to say they will be in the future?
13:59.47[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: So 1 minor DB.  Big deal.
14:00.01TommyBottenManxPower-work: Makes sense. Is this a typical internal BDB or external stuff?
14:00.02dlynesManxPower-work: asterisknow is case in point
14:00.17[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: there is no such thing as "typical"
14:00.26ManxPower-workdlynes: I never considered AsteriskNOW to be Asterisk.  I also never considered it a core Digium product.
14:01.00mpeyes asteriskNow is a strange beast
14:01.04TommyBotten[TK]D-Fender: You know what I mean.
14:01.12ManxPower-workdlynes: I see your point, however.  I do wonder why people keep trying to use AsteriskNOW.  Nobody seems to support it on IRC, it keeps going thru major changes, and apparently you can't even get old versions anymore.
14:01.23[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: With your wording I'm not going to start guessing...
14:01.39[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: I could picture you using either
14:01.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:02.05dlynesManxPower-work: who knows?  you're better off to just install centos, and then install asterisk and freepbx from source
14:02.28dlynesManxPower-work: or maybe even install pbx in a flash
14:02.47TommyBotten[TK]D-Fender: English is not my mother tongue, hence the confusion. But thanks for your insight.
14:02.50ManxPower-workdlynes: or just install Asterisk and stop trying to make a Fisher Price PBX
14:02.56TommyBottenManxPower-work: Thanks to you aswell
14:03.02mpeyes but I only need it so I can make support  for a customer that is suing the version
14:03.17DocAwesomeget new customers :)
14:03.20dlynesManxPower-work: heh...first time i've heard it called that, but yeah...good description :)
14:03.34dlynesmpe: i'd sue that version, too
14:03.55mpeall my curent customers now have asterisk from svn 1.4
14:03.56ManxPower-workMost of our customers have a "GUI"fied version of Asterisk.  As far as I can tell they are just as stupid when using the GUI as they are when trying to use a CLI.
14:04.18tzafrirmpe, I figure you can still download it from rPath:
14:04.24tzafrirUp-to-date it isn't
14:04.29dlynesManxPower-work: Yeah..I've noticed the same thing...even with their so-called administrators
14:04.31mpebut som old have asterisk@home or asteriskNOW
14:04.57ManxPower-workdlynes: Yup.  So really the GUI solves almost no problems and causes plenty of other problems.
14:04.58mpethanks just the link i needed
14:05.33Kchehabi am running asterisk and patch from asterisk is available to v
14:05.43Kchehabhow to apply the patch
14:05.56Kchehabpatch found here
14:05.59dlynesManxPower-work: yeah...the problem we had after my boss mandated freepbx, was that we couldn't use alphanumeric SIP usernames...they had to be numeric
14:06.22ManxPower-workdlynes: same applies to extensions in FreePBX
14:06.25dlynesManxPower-work: which sucked big time when the facility decided to start calling all the rooms Waterfront Shores South, ...
14:06.36dlynesManxPower-work: instead of B wing N
14:06.39dlynesor whatever
14:06.53dlyneserm B Wing, 3rd Floor
14:07.05DocAwesomeKchehab: cd /usr/src/asterisk- ; patch -p0 < the_patch_you_downloaded
14:07.06Kattyi must face reality and accept it is now winter. /tear
14:07.16ManxPower-workI normally use the MAC of the device as it's SIP username.
14:07.20Kchehab@DocAwesome thanks
14:07.24dlynesbecause for taht, I could just use a simple extension 2304 for B Wing 3rd Floor, room 4....but i'd be lost when they gave me their new stupid floor names
14:07.37Kchehab@DocAwesome i shlould recompile asterisk
14:07.51dlynesManxPower-work: yes, but I get told to hook up a certain room number
14:07.56DocAwesomeKchehab: beyond that, the exercise is for you to figure it out as this is not a #linux support channel
14:08.23dlynesManxPower-work: It's much easier if everything's already self-documented, so I don't need to cross reference with a spreadsheet, or something similar
14:08.26[TK]D-Fender[09:04]<mpe>but som old have asterisk@home or asteriskNOW <_ A@H is ANCIENT
14:08.56DocAwesomedlynes: tying devices to a particular location or extension number is not the best idea
14:09.07ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: once someone exploits a security issue with that old Asteirsk I'm sure someone will start thinking maybe they are screwed.
14:09.11dlynesDocAwesome: It's all internal (not external access)
14:09.13DocAwesomethose items should be abstracted away from the device
14:09.29DocAwesomedlynes: what if someone needs to move a phone to a new location because some other device broke?
14:09.37DocAwesomethen your system in asterisk is immediately wrong
14:09.49dlynesDocAwesome: they won't...they're all hard-wired into the building infrastructure
14:10.00DocAwesomedo whatever you want
14:10.06dlynesDocAwesome: it's all 24 pair fxs mediatrix gateways
14:10.42dlynesDocAwesome: so if something fails, I swap out one 4124, and swap in a new one
14:10.58*** part/#asterisk DocAwesome (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:11.56dlynesThis policy of not showing when people log in or log out kinda sucks
14:12.30dlynesManxPower-work: isn't that what I just said?  about the numeric extensions in freepbx?
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14:12.58ManxPower-workdlynes: no you said something about locations.
14:13.23ManxPower-workI'm using the one thing that specifies the device in a globally unique way. 8-)
14:13.30dlynes[09:05]<dlynes>ManxPower-work: yeah...the problem we had after my boss mandated freepbx, was that we couldn't use alphanumeric SIP usernames...they had to be numeric
14:13.51ManxPower-work(9:06:25 AM) dlynes: ManxPower-work: which sucked big time when the facility decided to start calling all the rooms Waterfront Shores South, ...
14:13.59dlynesYes, but then you need a spreadsheet to cross reference everything
14:14.19dlynesBesides, when I've got 24 sip extensions all with the same mac address, how does that help?
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14:14.48ManxPower-workdlynes: I use -a -b -c postfixes to indicate the specific line.
14:15.16dlynesManxPower-work: like macaddr-waterfrontshoressouth304
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14:15.23[TK]D-FenderGah caps....
14:15.24ManxPower-workbut I've never used a "sip fxs gateway".
14:15.35ManxPower-workdlynes: no like macaddr-a
14:15.49ManxPower-workIf I want analog I use a channel bank.
14:16.11dlynesManxPower-work: yes, because you're using pris everywhere, if i remember correctly
14:16.22dlynesManxPower-work: we're not using pris at all...pure sip trunks
14:16.28ManxPower-workdlynes: no.
14:17.08dlynesManxPower-work:'re using analog lines, too?
14:18.03ManxPower-workdlynes: at my new job we mostly use SIP for everything -- except for analog ports.  FAX analog goes on POTS and is not connected to the PBX, if we other analog we use an analog card or a channel bank
14:18.23dlynesManxPower-work: ah
14:21.11dlynes[TK]D-Fender: yeah...I suppose I could use astdb to do a mapping between the ports, or something, and just create some kind of gui for administering the relationship
14:21.18dlynes[TK]D-Fender: that talks to ami
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14:21.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Umm... why?
14:22.19[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Mapping between what and what?
14:24.46dlynes[TK]D-Fender: these assinine floor names, and room numbers and mac addresses/port numbers
14:25.18ManxPower-workdlynes: what would you use the info for?
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14:25.53ManxPower-workif all else fails you can use setvar= in sip.conf
14:25.58dlynes[TK]D-Fender: so that when they email saying they need Waterfront Shores South, Room 4 hooked up, I could just program that into the gui, and then have it make the association that that's Mac address B800009C2A, port 23
14:26.09ManxPower-worksetvar=LOCATION=3rd floor mens room
14:26.15[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: just make the user an arbitrary common prefix + floor + room
14:26.46ManxPower-workdlynes: ah, you work for idiots.  I get e-mails saying "provision MAC as extension 25"
14:26.56ManxPower-workI don't CARE where it is. 8-)
14:27.19dlynesManxPower-work: They have enough issues telling me Building B, Room 304, and they can't handle that anymore
14:27.55dlynesManxPower-work: I can't see them possibly asking me Mac address xxxx port 23
14:28.06_abc_hello, any problems with running 1.2.13 instead of latest when expecting to use skinny or sccp ?
14:28.16_abc_i need to test something without upgrading my machine
14:28.25dlynesManxPower-work: these aren't who I work for...they're customers....nurses
14:28.29ManxPower-workdlynes: port?  I can see that in analog, but not for SIP
14:28.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: So make a speadsheet and stop making it sound like sucha  big deal
14:28.51dlynesManxPower-work: SIP trunk -> mediatrix 4124 24 port fxs gateway -> analog phones
14:28.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: .... 24-port SIP GATEWAYS <-
14:29.34dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i like whining, and I don't want to make a full time job just taking care of one facility
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14:29.44[TK]D-Fender_abc_: That version is no longer supported and hos more security holes than a #9 sponge, but by all means...
14:29.52ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but I don't consider people that use SIP gateways to be "real people"
14:30.05_abc_[TK]D-Fender: ok, i just need it to test configs not on the net
14:30.15dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the amount of work I'm having to do just for one care facility is more than ten times what I need to do for the other facilities
14:30.18_abc_ManxPower-work: so what are they ... sippers ?
14:30.19[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: You should pick your clients better then... and/or find another therapist.  You aren't paying us enough for all of this ;)
14:30.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Sure they are, and I recommend them over channel banks myself
14:30.51dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I have no otion in the customer picking process
14:30.51ManxPower-work_abc_: "people that like to make stuff more complicated than they have to be"
14:31.19[TK]D-Fender_abc_: It'll probably work the same now as it did then.
14:31.23_abc_so any problems with 1.2.13 i should be aware of? remember this is for sip/skinny/sccp configuration testing, offline. there are no security concerns
14:31.54russellbum, yes?
14:31.54[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Then go get another therapist...
14:31.54_abc_mkay, i asked
14:31.54russellb_abc_: that release is insanely old
14:31.54dlynes[TK]D-Fender: yeah...the mediatrix 4124's I find are considerably cheaper and more flexible than the channel banks
14:31.58_abc_well its the stock on debian etch which is what i have available to test with
14:32.01beekinfobot tell me about nat
14:32.19dlynes[TK]D-Fender: besides...they're a hell of a lot more useful than those damned audiocodes boxes (and way better support)
14:32.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: I'm a short drive away from their head-office
14:32.48_abc_russellb: so is there anything i should watch out for? as in, setup incompatible and such?
14:32.51beekmorning [TK]D-Fender
14:32.52dlynes_abc_: why on earth would you use a binary distribution of asterisk, if you don't have to?
14:33.03russellb_abc_: well, there have been a bunch of security fixes since then.
14:33.03ManxPower-workI bet your "sip channel bank" lets you label ports -- which is where they should be labeled
14:33.08[TK]D-Fender_abc_: If its the same version, why are you expecting differences?
14:33.09dlynes_abc_: debian's known for not keeping releases within the last decade
14:33.11russellbThey may have been backported ...
14:33.14_abc_dlynes: because my primary goal is to debug setups before i put them on another machine which runs a more modern version
14:33.24russellbI should stop trying to jump in to the middle of conversations.
14:33.28russellbwanders off
14:33.34dlynesrussellb: heh
14:33.46ManxPower-work_abc_: very few people use prepackaged Asterisk.
14:34.04_abc_well its convenient, i just get the debs and it works
14:34.18_abc_the only thing i care about now is whether the setups are portable
14:34.23dlynes_abc_: debian's release policy works well for most stuff, but it's not terribly practical for asterisk
14:34.25_abc_skinny sip and sccp confs
14:34.30ManxPower-work_abc_: until you get hacked or crash, or find that nobody will help you with such an old version
14:34.51dlynes_abc_: the setups are portable (if both setups are the same version)
14:34.58_abc_well if need be i'd upgrade. my system is so old i need to upgrade serious libs to compile modern stuff on it
14:35.05tzafrirManxPower-work, or you rebuild a deb version
14:35.16_abc_dlynes: you mean from 1.2.13 to 1.6.x ?
14:35.21[TK]D-Fender~abcif the versions are going to be different you are asking for trouble and show no concept of understanding the scientific process
14:35.22infobot[TK]D-Fender: okay
14:35.32dlynes_abc_: yes....or even 1.4.24 to 1.4.26 you might break something
14:35.38[TK]D-Fender_abc_: if the versions are going to be different you are asking for trouble and show no concept of understanding the scientific process
14:35.43tzafrir_abc_,  1.2.13? please upgrade from oldstable :-)
14:35.56dlynes_abc_: but guaranteed, 1.2.13 to 1.6.x you're going to break something for sure
14:35.59_abc_funny i started with linux kernel 1.2.13 now it's back to 1.2.13 with asterisk
14:36.04dlynes_abc_: they're completely incompatible
14:36.12_abc_ok, how do you know this?
14:36.21dlynes_abc_: kernel 1.2.13 was on debian 0.1 beta
14:36.34_abc_dlynes: i had it on slackware 3.3 i think
14:36.37tzafrir_abc_, do you plan on upgrading to Lenny any time soon?
14:36.50_abc_tzafrir: nah, why break it if it works ;)
14:37.04dlynestzafrir: he's not even on etch, I don't think, if he's still running Linux 1.2.13 kernel
14:37.08tzafrirbecause pretty soon there won't be any security fixes for it
14:37.29_abc_i'm on etch people, ASTERISK is 1.2.13, ok? my kernel is 2.6.30 something
14:37.47_abc_please read what i write not what you think i wrote ;)
14:37.55dlynes_abc_: so stop mixing up your said you were on Linux kernel 1.2.13
14:38.41_abc_no i did not, read the backlog
14:39.16_abc_enough circus, time for bread. has anyone had to edit configs in sip skinny or sccp when upgrading asterisk? recently? at any time?
14:39.21[TK]D-Fender_abc_: What is your deployment version going to be?
14:39.36_abc_[TK]D-Fender: probably the latest stable asterisk
14:40.14ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: too bad he's setting himself to fail.
14:40.41_abc_yes, baby, YES, give it to me. now the clue-stick: WHY would i fail?
14:40.52kaldemar_abc_: yes. read UPGRADE*.txt in the source package to know what to edit.
14:41.06ManxPower-work_abc_: because you will have to rewrite your configs when moving from 1.2.x to 1.6.x.x
14:41.46_abc_aha, so i would need to read all the UPGRADE*.txt files in all the asterisk packages since 1.2.13 to now to catch problems? is there a place where these are available in bulk so i can grab them and grep them?
14:42.02ManxPower-work_abc_: all the upgrade files are in all the versions of asterisk
14:42.26_abc_ManxPower-work: ok, so what kind of rewrite are we talking about, small details or total rewrites from scratch
14:42.49ManxPower-work_abc_: I am not going to spend a couple hours tutoring you on something you can go read yourself.
14:43.03_abc_of course not, thanks for the hints
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14:43.12skirmishahi guys
14:43.20*** part/#asterisk Madnashua (n=madnashu@
14:43.27skirmishaany ideas how to solve problem with ast multiple ips
14:43.34[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Ok.  we're going to stop now.  These versions are too differrent.  Massive changes between these 2.
14:43.57skirmishai send to second ip and i got reply from first
14:44.07skirmishais there solution for that
14:44.10_abc_ok, thanks for the tips. am going to get and compile the latest stable one now. wish me luck
14:44.15skirmishaboth ips are on same card
14:44.23ManxPower-workskirmisha: the source is determined by your OS routing table.
14:44.47skirmishayes i saw that written somewhere
14:44.52skirmishabut it does not make sense to me
14:45.06skirmishabecause ips are on same card
14:45.13skirmishaeth0 and eth0:0
14:45.59skirmishaso how can i set ast to answer with proper ip
14:46.15_abc_would you people recommend an asterisknow install instead of compilation?
14:46.18skirmishaand another thing is it possible asterisk to listen on multiple ports?
14:46.26[TK]D-Fender_abc_: No
14:46.33ManxPower-work_abc_: we wouldn't.  people on #AsteriskNOW might.
14:46.34[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: Yes
14:46.37_abc_why? it looks simpler/faster
14:47.01ManxPower-workskirmisha: see sip.conf.sample and rtp.conf.sample for bindip/bindaddr
14:47.03[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Because it DOESN"T install the "latest" version, and includes a GUI that gets in the way
14:47.12_abc_i see
14:47.31skirmishabindip get first variable defined in config and ingnore second one
14:47.36skirmishai tested it already
14:47.47[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: you made the WRONG CHOICE
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14:47.52skirmishahow about multiple ports
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14:48.02[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: Binds to 1 or ALL.
14:48.05ManxPower-workskirmisha: first you talk about IPs now you talk about ports.
14:48.08[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: So leave it alone.
14:48.17_abc_is there a dependency list for 1.6 ?
14:48.27skirmishai want either ips or ports
14:48.28[TK]D-Fender_abc_: go read the docs.
14:48.38_abc_meh. thanks anyway
14:48.39skirmishai tried both but it does not work with the config
14:48.43ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: this is looking like a Monday
14:48.51skirmishacurretly i have bindaddr
14:49.12skirmishaand set 2 ips on the eth0
14:49.25skirmishabut second ip packet's answer with first ip
14:49.48skirmishagive me some solution that has been tested
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14:50.06skirmishaotherwise it is just talking
14:50.28skirmishawhen i add to bindaddr fields it reads first met
14:50.34skirmishasecond is ignored
14:50.41skirmishawith ports i think is same
14:50.44[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: So it IS listening on that port and yous till don't understand how your OS's routing table picks the interface * is going to REspOND with
14:51.16ManxPower-workUGh.  Verizon is bouncing lines all over the place.
14:51.16[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: ManxPower-work mentioned this to you already but you don't seem open to learning your networking implications.  Good luck with that.
14:51.30[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: And dual(+)-homes * = PITA
14:51.42ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: It's a PBX, you don't need to know networking!
14:52.00skirmishalet me read over
14:52.01[TK]D-Fender[09:50]<skirmisha>when i add to bindaddr fields it reads first met <- ONE or ALL.  What part did you miss?
14:53.33tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, off-topic: just that you know what 'PITA' reminds me:
14:54.26skirmisha[TK]D-Fender don't get you
14:54.55[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: I'm well aware of its myriad meanings, and that site sucks :)
14:55.26tzafrirActually, I'm using it now as my main search engine
14:57.32[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Go right ahead....
14:58.11skirmishaok here is the situation i have now. * binds to all and i have 2 ips. I understand routing table of ast and that's why it picks first ip. How can i tell * to pick proper ip then?
14:58.30skirmisharouting table of OS i meant
14:58.38ManxPower-workskirmisha: you basically cannot tell Asteirsk to pick the "proper ip"
14:59.04tzafrirskirmisha, you want to use one IP for SIP phones in the LAN and a different one for SIP phones outside it?
14:59.04skirmishaok that part is clear
14:59.27skirmishano i want to have multiple ports on sip
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14:59.37skirmishai use 2 ips but sending on diff port
14:59.41skirmishaand to port forward
14:59.41fcois93hello all
14:59.45skirmishado i meant
14:59.49Faustovsip bindaddr option lets pick the proper ip
15:00.02Faustovif you put that in [general]
15:00.07Faustovunder sip.conf
15:00.19skirmishayes currently is bind to all
15:00.31skirmishathis is not the issue
15:00.36Faustovthe default might be = bind all
15:00.40ManxPower-workskirmisha: what you are trying to do is an advanced networking issue.
15:00.47skirmishais it possible to set more than 1 list port?
15:01.06skirmishaManxPower-work yes i know
15:01.13skirmishai have load balance infront of it
15:01.14Faustovskirmisha: tried 5060,5061 <--- something like this?
15:01.21fcois93I cant read a sip header which was insert by another asterisk! I have the problem when the asterisk A insert an header. if asterisk B insert an header the next asterisk can read it! why can't I read the header?
15:01.25ManxPower-workskirmisha: why are you not asking on a networking channel?
15:01.41ManxPower-workfcois93: does the header show up in sip debug?
15:01.50skirmishabecause it is ast related issue
15:01.59ManxPower-workskirmisha: no.  it.  is.  not.
15:02.01voipmonkskirmisha, you choose the ip you want by setting the bindaddr in sip.conf - if you want more than one ip you will need to look in virtualization or kamailio
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15:02.24voipmonkif I understand your questions and your goal...
15:02.30[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: Sure, why don't you jsut HAND him the answer ! :p
15:02.32fcois93ManxPower-work: yes it is in the sipdebug
15:02.42Faustovvoipmonk: I've just suggested that to him :D
15:02.46[TK]D-Fenderswats voipmonk
15:02.49voipmonktakes the battery out of the SpoonFeed 2.0
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15:03.01[TK]D-Fenderups the amperage on SpoonFeed 2.0
15:03.10[TK]D-FenderFRY BABY FRY!
15:03.15voipmonku let the magic smoke out
15:03.24voipmonksmells burnt silicon
15:03.34[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: Yup.. computers runn on smoke... when they release theirs... they stop working!
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15:04.24kaldemarfcois93: by now you should know to pastebin configs and a CLI output for a call and include a link in the question.
15:04.33skirmishawill this work with double ports separate by coma
15:04.49skirmishahave not tested that yet
15:04.49ManxPower-workskirmisha: does it say it will in sip.conf.sample?
15:04.58Faustovskirmisha: inmany examples it does
15:05.36skirmishait is not in example config
15:05.38Faustovalso, you could redirect the traffic from one port to another with iptables if you were really desperate
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15:06.22ManxPower-workskirmisha: then I doubt you can do that
15:06.26skirmishayes i am doing port forward, but only in one way
15:06.48Faustovyou can do it both ways with dnat and snat
15:06.52Faustovpretend there are 2 ports
15:07.27voipmonkgood lord
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15:09.15fcois93kaldemar, ManxPower-work :
15:09.39ManxPower-workI'm starting to suspect that every dyslexic in the world work for telecos.
15:10.37_abc_ManxPower-work: why yuo men?
15:10.55fcois93kaldemar ManxPower-work: I try to read 'x-conf_room-room' for example. it works with others servers. but when the server which send that invite insert headers, I can't read it! it is an asterisk
15:10.56dlynestzafrir: so, is it possible to bind to one ip address for one sip trunk, and a different ip address for another sip trunk like skirmisha was asking, then?   I've been curious about that lately, myself
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15:11.17_abc_you have to be dislexic to stay in telecom with the crisis ... no-one else would take you eh ?
15:11.24_abc_ducks and runs away
15:11.58MAbbasIn my dialplan I use AGI script to route incoming call to a particular agent(using "Dial"), If agi is failed to route I add call to a queue for default processing.
15:12.06ManxPower-workdlynes: no such thing as SIP Trunk.  You should be able to have different user/friend listen on a specific port, but that's almost always totally useless.
15:12.38dlynesManxPower-work: i was thinking more like peer
15:13.05tzafrirdlynes, bind to all, but use localnet and externip
15:13.16kaldemarfcois93: the X headers should start with a capital X.
15:13.26ManxPower-workdlynes: peers make OUTGOING calls has nothing to do with the incoming listen port.
15:13.28kaldemarfcois93: by all means, also show an attempt to read them.
15:13.39dlynesManxPower-work: ok, so i got the terms backwards
15:13.48MAbbasIs there any way, using AMI I get controll of the call and route it. Instead of adding it to Queue for default processing?
15:14.19fcois93I test...
15:14.19dlynesManxPower-work: What I want is two have two virtual will take ulaw calls from one external ip, and the other will take g729 calls from a different external ip
15:14.38ManxPower-workdlynes: why do it that way?
15:14.51[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: MAbbas Get control of what?
15:14.51fcois93but if it is a SER which insert a small x-... no problems...
15:14.58dlynesManxPower-work: is there another way, without having to run two separate boxes, or two separate asterisk installs?
15:15.18voipmonkMAbbas, yes
15:15.41MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: controll of call routing .. as AGI script get control of dialplan execution ..
15:15.52ManxPower-workdlynes: I used to do that all the time.  two peer/friend/users each with different codecs allowed.
15:15.54[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: You aren't making any sens
15:16.19dlynesManxPower-work: ok...let me go one step further...without usernames/passwords?
15:16.28kaldemarfcois93: SER does what it is told to.
15:16.55fcois93kaldemar: the 'X-...' don't work
15:16.58ManxPower-workdlynes: if you are not using usernames and passwords then you are beyond even my help (and I suspect [TK]D-Fender's too)
15:17.19MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: dialplan waits for AGI script to complete and then proceeds further .. AMI being event based... Can I pause dailplan execution while AMI is making a decision regarding call routing
15:17.27fcois93kaldemar: if I insert the header with the SER it don't work! I have some problem with the asterisk sender I think
15:17.30dlynesManxPower-work: separate box, or separate instance of asterisk then bound to a different static address
15:17.33kaldemarfcois93: you're not showing what the thing is that should work in the first place.
15:20.05[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: AMI can redirect a call, but I don't know how that will work if the call is in an AGI
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15:20.28[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Your goal is unclear as are the terms under which this hijacking is to occur
15:21.03[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Do you see * adding the header?
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15:22.46fcois93[TK]D-Fender: yes
15:23.05fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I see the headers in the sip debug in the asterisk destination
15:23.10kaldemarfcois93: why are we not seeing it?
15:23.25MAbbaslet try to be more clear .. A calls comes in, using AMI is it possible to route call to an agent? if the route not successful, handle the call in its dialplan context.
15:23.33fcois93kaldemar: I see the first asterisk insert the headers
15:23.43[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Wht is AMI involved at all?  What the hell is your DIALPLAN doing?
15:23.48fcois93kaldemar: the second can't read headers wich are here!
15:23.52[TK]D-FenderMaWhat are these decisions based on?
15:24.00[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Please find a clue, and find it fast...
15:24.04kaldemarfcois93: again, why are we not seeing the whole picture? why is it not in a pastebin?
15:24.08ManxPower-workfcois93: are you using different versions of Asterisk?
15:24.22fcois93ManxPower-work: same evrsion
15:24.34[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: ...........
15:24.43[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: you don't seem to be listening...
15:24.44ManxPower-workfcois93: then I guess the output of sip debug and the output of a failed call is what is needed.  put it on pastebin
15:25.08fcois93my problem is that I have more than 4 asterisk. I have that problem between 2 asterisk
15:25.24ManxPower-workfcois93: no.  Your problem is lack of pastebin
15:25.52ManxPower-workIt's a good thing we can wait around all day and keep asking for the info.
15:25.56fcois93ManxPower-work: in the first asterisk, I have     -- Executing [1234567@testeur:10] SIPAddHeader("SIP/ser_conf-b755b170", "X-conf_room-room: 1234567") in new stack
15:26.31ManxPower-workfcois93: you are ignoring what I am saying.  last chance for a pastebin before I write you off as an idiot.
15:26.36[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Stop with the worthless sotry and pastebin the CODE, and the CALL
15:27.14fcois93ManxPower-work: the second can't read if I do  exten => _X.,n,NoOp(room:${SIP_HEADER(X-conf_room-room)})
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15:27.30MAbbaslet say, a calls comes in dialplan context and I invoke an AGI script which tries to route call to particular agent. If routing met an error, I add this call to queue. Can same scenario be achieved with AMI instead of using AGI?
15:27.32ManxPower-workAh well.  I wish you the BEST of luck, fcois93.
15:28.26[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: What error?  Why the hell is AMI involved?  Why isn't your AGI making the decisions?
15:28.44[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: And stop saying "route".
15:29.18[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: AMI does not process calls.  DIALPLAN does.  AGI is a way to run dialplan apps from withing a script coded in a language of yuor choosing
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15:30.01MAbbaslets say in AGI I try to transfer call to AGent/2001 which is busy hence the error ..
15:30.27ManxPower-workMAbbas: exactly what do you do in your AGI to "transfer" a call?
15:30.40KobazMAbbas: so then you check DIALSTATUS and process accordingly
15:30.46MAbbasI call "Dial" application ..
15:30.56[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Dial returns a result code.
15:31.01ManxPower-workMAbbas: then say "dial".  "transfer" is totally different.
15:31.02Kobazif ${DIALSTATUS} == "BUSY"
15:31.06[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: go LOOK AT IT
15:31.21KobazMAbbas: core show application dial
15:31.23jonavogtHi, I got a problem using mISDN. Calling from external sources it symply won't generate any ringing tone unless I specify 'r' with dial. Any hints what is missing?
15:31.30[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: it is not a "route" or a "transfer".  never use these terms for this again.
15:31.38MAbbasWhat if I dont want to use AGI, instead acheive samething using AMI.. Is it possible?
15:32.25MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: whats the appropriate term?
15:33.09dlynesMAbbas: you could try using a combination of AMI and call files...that could be a possibility
15:33.25[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Its a friggen DIAL command.
15:33.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Please don't confuse him further
15:33.53dlynes[TK]D-Fender: well, call files can do the dial comamnd
15:34.00[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: AMI does not fucking process calls.  Are we clear?  DIALPLAN processes calls.
15:34.26[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: He's jsut processing a call.
15:34.52dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah...thought he was trying to do something complicated....guess he's trying to do something simple, but in a complicated way
15:35.01MAbbasWhat does "" means when the guys says .. "Redirect ANY live call to ANY destination, some examples"
15:35.10[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No.. he has no clue about Asterisk, and less communications skills
15:35.31[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: that is not step by step processing, it is a 1-shot REDIRECT
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15:35.47[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: AMI is not for processing call-flow.  NO STEP BY STEP
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15:36.31dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah...i see what he's looking for now....yes....terribly simple....Answer()...Dial(...)
15:36.44bcrispmorning guys
15:37.03dlynesbcrisp: no, you can just download it from the same place you downloaded the asterisk need for svn
15:37.32bcrispyeah i ended up getting it.. just wanted to make sure i had the proper version
15:37.49bcrispeverything installed and now i got dahdi installed/meetme working which is great
15:37.57fcois93[TK]D-Fender: ManxPower-work: kaldemar:   there are destination and from
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15:38.39[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Where's the code?
15:39.03fcois93[TK]D-Fender: you mean the dialplan?
15:39.21[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: YES.  We've asked for all of this a dozen times.
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15:40.30bcrispin order to change the "comedian mail" i just overwrite the default vm-login sound correct?
15:40.45[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: And show us the ENTire incoming call
15:40.50[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Yes
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15:42.28bcrispdownloads audacity
15:42.51fcois93[TK]D-Fender: here the part of dialplan
15:43.19fcois93[TK]D-Fender: up there is another pastbin with sipdebug
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15:51.37dlynesbcrisp: congratulations
15:52.27dlynesbcrisp: see?   it wasn't as big of a deal as you made it out to be, was it?
15:52.48bcrispnah it wasnt too bad
15:52.59bcrispreading the linux book helped a bit
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15:53.28bcrispi think the issue before was the fact that the kernel was updated but the headers were old
15:53.32bcrispthis time i didnt update the kernel
15:54.01bcrispbut you're right, should be easier to troubleshoot without plesk madness installed
15:55.23dlynesbcrisp: it's just another layer of bullshit that's not needed...myself, I don't have a choice...I'm stuck with it because we're using 1 and 1, and we need a gui for domain management so that my boss can manage it, another office staffer can manage it, and all of our customers can do their own minor management
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15:55.43bcrispin that sense it seems ok
15:56.07dlynesbcrisp: that being said, cpanel and virtualmin/webmin/usermin pretty much do the same thing, but virtualmin's not as complete
15:56.20dlynesbcrisp: not sure about cpanel, as I've never used it
15:56.41dlynesbcrisp: and hsphere's another beast that's more or less the same thing, but way more complicated than plesk
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15:57.01MAbbas<dlynes> and [TK]D-Fender:
15:57.25bcrispdlynes do you know of any simple software for visualizing queue information - learning AMI at the moment but is taking some time
15:57.58dlynesMAbbas: what determines what the 'best agent' is?
15:58.07voipmonkMAbbas , you want a skill based routing call center system..... this doesnt require AGI
15:58.42MAbbasI am using an AI algorithm to decide that ..
15:58.42[TK]D-Fenderand AGI is not a background process
15:58.47dlynesMAbbas: it would seem to me what you need is just a simple dialplan, some queues, and maybe some astdb foo
15:59.01[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Let us know when you've got regular intelligence figured out...
15:59.14Kattyhow about i steam some squirrels.
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15:59.28MAbbasvoipmonk: its not skill based routing .. within a skill .. I further catogarize ..
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15:59.36dlynesKatty: sounds good...can you have it ready in about an hour?  I'd love some for lunch...
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15:59.46[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: And you are not going to completely hijack the agent selection method for Queue externally like that, so forget it.
15:59.57[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: "vi app_queue.c" <----
16:00.10voipmonkMAbbas: why didnt you add that to the requirements?
16:00.31dlynesvoipmonk: because he wants us all to waste our time
16:00.32[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: So this story can get better EVERY TIME HE TELLS IT!
16:00.57MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: plz stop mocking .. I am new to asterisk .. so :)
16:01.05dlynesvoipmonk: just like every freepbx user that comes in here, and doesn't bother telling us they're using freepbx until 1/2 hour later
16:01.33ManxPower-workdlynes: Those people should be smacked over the head with a big bat made of doam.
16:01.39ManxPower-workfoam, even
16:01.45[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: "vi app_queue.c" <----
16:01.46dlynesManxPower-work: kidding
16:01.58voipmonkI want a blue car..... ok here's a blue car..... no I want one with run flats.....ok here's one with runflats.... no I need one with a twin turbo..... ok here's one with twin turbo...... no I want one thats electric and the twin turbo is for a blow dryer for my wife for the back seat.... ok here's the price and the waiting list for that one...... I dont want a waiting list, I want it now.... and I want it free... ok give me $20 for a carton of bullets.
16:01.58voipmonkI dont want a ...... here.... I'll give you $20   ( pulls trigger )
16:02.10ManxPower-workThank *smack* you *smack* for *smack* wasting *smack* our *smack* time
16:03.11ManxPower-workWhat's really sad is when Asterisk newbies try to do advanced PBX design and call routing.
16:03.27dlynesMAbbas: instead of wasting everyone's time, do up a flowchart, so we have some kind of clue what you need (AND DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING OUT)
16:03.37infobotpics is probably
16:03.37DocAwesomeI don't want to know your name! I just want...
16:03.41Kattyinfobot: critter cam
16:03.42infobotrumour has it, critter cam is
16:03.52[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: NO NEED
16:03.52Katty^- now streaming.
16:03.58[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Again you are way behind the curve
16:04.08[TK]D-Fenderdoc! ! !
16:04.09dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ?
16:04.14DocAwesomeinfobot: blc is Big League Chew
16:04.15infobotDocAwesome: okay
16:04.23[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: [11:01]<[TK]D-Fender>MAbbas: "vi app_queue.c" <----
16:04.41infobotanswers is, like, Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
16:04.41MAbbasGuys .. sorry for wasting your time .. I will draw flow chart too ..
16:04.42dlynes[TK]D-Fender: if he's new to asterisk, he probably doesn't even know what a C compiler is, much less what vi is
16:04.48[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: NO NEED
16:04.57[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: pay attention
16:05.00[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: "vi app_queue.c" <----
16:05.01fcois93ManxPower-work: no answer for my problem ?
16:05.16[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: of course not
16:05.36dlynes[TK]D-Fender: he could try writing some complicated dialplan, skip queues altogether, implementing his own queues in the dialplan, using Local channels, couldn't he?
16:05.40ManxPower-workfcois93: I told you that if you didn't provide the requested information I was going to write you off as an idiot.  You did not provide the information before you asked several more questions.  You are an idiot.
16:05.40[TK]D-Fender[11:04]<dlynes>[TK]D-Fender: if he's new to asterisk, he probably doesn't even know what a C compiler is, much less what vi is
16:05.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Dumb assumption
16:05.59dlynes[TK]D-Fender: why is it a dumb assumption?
16:06.03MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: "vi app_queue.c" will it work for different versions of asterisk?
16:06.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Being new to Asterisk does not mean new to programming or *NIX.
16:06.20dlynes[TK]D-Fender: see my point?  He just proved it :)
16:06.21[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Look at these wild jumps you're making.
16:06.47*** join/#asterisk Raszh (n=Spoon@
16:06.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: he thinks 'vi' is an asterisk command
16:06.49bcrispim a total linux newb.. found out about vi while reading the asterisk starter ebook
16:07.15[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: for a range of minor versions within a branch probably.  Between majors... don't bet on it
16:07.42MAbbasno sir, I mean if I modify queue code .. will it work for all versions of *
16:07.53[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: I just answered you.... NO!
16:08.14dlynesMAbbas: it may not even work in the next minor revision of asterisk
16:08.32dlynesMAbbas: it may even break from one svn check in to the next
16:08.33[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: probably should...
16:08.45fcois93[TK]D-Fender: why an asterisk can't read headers? it can read from an asterisk but nott from another one!
16:08.52[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: ...
16:08.59[TK]D-Fender~wmmfpb ????
16:09.00infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
16:09.06dlynes[TK]D-Fender: probably...but look at just the changes between 1.4.25 and 1.4.26
16:09.20[TK]D-FenderfdcoiWe asked you to show us the &*#ing code like 10 times.  WAKE The HELL UP
16:09.28bcrispis it just me, or does meetme rock?
16:09.28fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I gave you all information look up
16:09.41[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: No, you DIDN"T.  you said loko up for it.  IT WASN'T THERE
16:10.02[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Its jsut you
16:10.06[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: sry
16:10.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: he means 45 minutes ago, i think
16:10.32dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i.e. like about 6 screens back
16:10.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Not anywhere near the times we asked
16:10.47bcrisp[TK]D-Fender: you closet MeetMe lover...
16:10.53MAbbasSo, whats the way to go then .. if it will not work with modifying .. queues code .. from one ver to another ..
16:11.19dlynes[10:37]<fcois93>[TK]D-Fender: ManxPower-work: kaldemar: there are destination and from
16:13.37ManxPower-workMAbbas: the way to go is get good at using/managing/configuring Asterisk before you try rewriting it.
16:13.37[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: for what you want to do you need to modify source.  Get off your ass and deal with it
16:13.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: ywheres the #&*$^ing DIALPLAN CODE in there?
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16:13.38dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i have no idea...never clicked on the link
16:13.38dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i just figured that's what he was talking about, cause that's the only link he's ever posted
16:13.38[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: You don't seem to be on the same planet as the rest of us...
16:13.38kaldemardlynes: that's not what we asked him for ~10 times.
16:13.38dlyneskaldemar: i've noticed...didn't look at the link before
16:14.15dlyneskaldemar: I just assumed he couldn't possibly be so daft
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16:15.10bcrispwhats up with the mass exodus
16:15.11[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: You make a LOT of assumptions... the vast majority of them wrong.
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16:15.31*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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16:15.32[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: *b00m*
16:15.32voipmonki farted
16:15.47[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: Geneva.... CONVENTION!!! *gasp*
16:16.05Kattyoooh netsplitty
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16:16.27Deeewaynewatches Katty's squirrels
16:16.41fcois93[TK]D-Fender: one more question: ${SIP_HEADER(x-conf_room-room)} read just the SDP ? because, I could see that asterisk don't insert in sdp but upper. SER insert in the SDP. when SER insert:no problem. if asterisk insert: problem
16:16.53KattyDeeewayne: not much happenin
16:17.03[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Where's the complete call?  Where's the dialplan?
16:17.05eppigynegative squirell activity
16:17.08DeeewayneI know.  He ran away
16:17.10Deeewayneor she
16:17.20[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: STOP WASTING OUR TIME
16:17.28DeeewayneKatty, they are chasing each other around the tree!
16:17.35Kattythey do that. often.
16:17.36kaldemarfcois93: asterisk handles SIP headers when it is told to, not SDP headers.
16:17.44Kattyhouse wren!
16:18.00DeeewayneI wonder if I can encourage some to come into my neighborhood from the farm across the street
16:18.10KattyDeeewayne: yes.
16:18.18KattyDeeewayne: they travel great distances to get lunch.
16:18.23dlynesbcrisp: what mass exodus?
16:18.50fcois93kaldemar: is it possible to insert in the SDP as SER can do ?
16:18.59bcrispi saw ~ 50 users drop out of the channel
16:19.02[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm done wasting time on this crap.
16:19.09Katty4 house wrens (=
16:19.10Deeewayneare those croutons ?
16:19.23Kattycroutons? ^_-
16:19.24Deeewaynegourmet squirrel food
16:19.31Kattythose are banana slices
16:19.39Kattyand acorns...sunflower seeds, and corn
16:19.57bcrispKatty: for future reference, i prefer apple slices
16:20.05Kattybcrisp: so do the squirrels.
16:20.09Deeewaynepartay at Katty's lunch spot
16:21.07eppigyi liek dried apples
16:21.24Kattynow i'mhungry
16:21.43*** join/#asterisk Quasar-1922 (
16:22.24Quasar-1922Hey everyone.. I'm having trouble with cmd Pickup. I'd like to pickup an incoming ZAP call that is in an extension listening to an IVR menu.. Is this possible??
16:22.43eppigyme too
16:23.12Katty <- using turkey
16:23.39ManxPower-workQuasar-1922: you can only pick up RINGING calls.
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16:24.11Kattyhello mister pike
16:26.22Quasar-1922->Manxpower-work Ok, that's what I there a way to simulate a ringing call?
16:26.38KattyPoll Question: What's your favorite cold weather food?
16:26.52DocAwesomeKatty: hot chocolate or lasagna
16:27.04DeeewaynePizza is my favorite warm weather food too
16:27.21coppicecasserolled lotus root
16:27.22Deeewaynespecifically, NJ Pizza
16:27.50ManxPower-workw/ pepperoni and GREEN olives
16:28.03Kattyyou one ever says soup
16:28.09DocAwesomeI don't like olives on my pizza
16:28.15DocAwesomeor tomatoes
16:28.20DocAwesomebut I like them on salads and such
16:28.24Kattynot a fan of olives myself, actually
16:28.41eppigyman i love olives
16:28.47eppigymostly the green ones
16:28.51Kattyeppigy: you're just weird.
16:28.57eppigyit is true
16:29.01Kattywe still love you.
16:29.05Kattyeven if you do like olives ^_-
16:29.07eppigyoh good :>
16:29.33KattyDocAwesome: do you have a lasagna recipe?
16:29.35DocAwesomeI didn't used to like olives, but I've grown to enjoy them lately
16:29.48DocAwesomeKatty: not really... but I like both veggie and meat based lasagnas
16:30.03KattyDocAwesome: where do you get lasagna then if you don't make it?
16:30.05Deeewaynemmmm.... lasagna ....
16:30.07DocAwesomeas long as there is some rigotta (sp?) in it
16:30.12DocAwesomeKatty: sometimes the store :)
16:30.15DocAwesomeor the g/f makes it :)
16:30.16DocAwesomeor my mom
16:30.21Kattyoh i see.
16:30.22DeeewayneDocAwesome, a lasagna store ?
16:30.32DocAwesomeDeeewayne: down in the lasagna district
16:30.44Kattyi don't know of any places around here that have lasagna on their menu, actually
16:30.59DocAwesomeKatty: where do you live, so I know not to move there
16:31.08Kattycape girardeau
16:31.17Kattybout 4 hours north west of huntsville
16:31.17jayteecoincidentally I'm making lasagne for a lunch tomorrow with coworkers. do you know how hard it is to find whole milk ricotta in this hick town?
16:31.22eppigymakes notes for stalking
16:31.40DocAwesomeah... ricotta, not rigotta
16:31.41Kattyeppigy: you already have my phone number
16:31.47eppigythis is true
16:31.54Kattyhow much more stalkery can there really be
16:31.55eppigywe should talk some time
16:32.10Kattyi don't like talking
16:32.21eppigyhaha yeah im not much of a phone talker either
16:32.32[TK]D-FenderQuasar-1922: Do an AMI Redirect on the call.
16:32.32jayteeplus I was shocked that the price of a 28oz can of San Marzano tomatoes costs $5.29 that's outrageous even if they are imported
16:32.51Kattyjaytee: so you've noticed this trend of low fat and fat free cheese products too eh?
16:33.05Kattyjaytee: it's a conspiracy.
16:33.11Kattyjaytee: they're doing away with real food.
16:33.18jayteeand I never use part-skim mozzarella on lasagne or pizza either
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16:33.29Kattyi never use part-skim mozarella, period.
16:33.38eppigyi desperately need fat
16:33.40Kattycheese is not cheese unless it's cheese
16:33.54Kattyeppigy: yes. you do. go eat another deluxe mcd breakfast
16:34.11eppigyIt is 11:33am they wont sell me one :<
16:34.11Kattyor perhaps a tin of pringles.
16:34.39jayteejust stay away from the baked chips, they contain olestra and that causes anal leakage
16:34.40Kattynow i want lasagna.
16:34.49Kattyoh yes. good ole olestra.
16:34.57Kattycommercial grade lubricant ingredient.
16:35.11Kattyit's true. wikipedia told me so.
16:35.31jayteeit's also found naturally in certain types of fish. pacific red snapper for one, any fish with a very pinkish meat
16:35.35jayteepinkish orange
16:35.46Kattysalmon's pink.
16:35.57ManxPower-workJoy.  Our Digium analog card flaked out AGAIN.  Happens about twice a month.
16:36.10KattyManxPower-work: bummer.
16:36.13KattyManxPower-work: i'd rma it
16:36.39Kattyjaytee: so about your lasagna recipe...
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16:36.48ChannelZHow does it flake out?
16:36.49Kattyjaytee: do you actually layer it? or do you just mix it all together
16:37.10jayteeit wouldn't be real lasagna if I didn't layer it
16:37.13ManxPower-workKatty: won't do any good.
16:37.23Kattyjaytee: mmmkay.
16:37.46jayteeand I don't use those lasagna noodles that you just bake without precooking because they end up tasting like cardboard
16:37.52ManxPower-workI think it's been replaced at least once already,  Definatly swapped out for another card at least twice.  I consider it just one of the oddities of the Digium analog cards.  That's one of the reasons I tend not to use them.
16:37.58jayteeand they don't come in the right size
16:38.17ManxPower-workKatty: and you can't troubleshoot a problem that only happens randomly once or twice a month on a production PBX.
16:38.56ChannelZHmm. Thankfully I've never had mine do anything strange.
16:39.12ManxPower-workChannelZ: seems to be related to number of calls between reboots
16:39.21jayteeI get the infrequent but random dropped calls over our PRI but I never see anything useful or notable in either the messages log or the debug log
16:39.34Nuggetblame canada
16:40.37KattyManxPower-work: ahh i see.
16:40.47KattyManxPower-work: have you considered replacing it with a sangoma card?
16:40.55ManxPower-workChannelZ: I've seen this issue for several years, across multiple generations of cards at multiple clients, on multiple servers.
16:41.10ManxPower-workKatty: Yes, we've been doing that with Digium cards that give us problems.
16:41.26Katty <- Yum-looking
16:41.40ManxPower-workWhen we replaced the Digium T-1 card w/EC with the Sangoma all the echo issues went away.  I think we are going to replace the analog card now.
16:44.10ManxPower-workWe used to try troubleshooting issue.  Ended up being cheaper just to replace the card with Sangoma.
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16:44.34Kattymust aquire juice and crackers at the store.
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16:53.49stmaherHi everyone..
16:53.52stmaherneed emergency
16:54.11stmahermy driver for wctel12xp has gone missing after a machine reboot
16:54.49stmaherroot@pbx01:/etc# modprobe wcte12xp
16:54.49stmaherNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
16:54.49stmaherline 15: Cannot get number of tones for channel 1
16:55.32stmaherroot@pbx01:/etc# lsmod|grep wcte
16:55.32stmaherwcte12xp               39648  0
16:55.32stmaherzaptel                195612  5 wcte12xp,ztdummy,zttranscode
16:55.50ManxPower-workstmaher: it's there.
16:55.51stmaherzaptel_hardware shows nothing
16:56.13stmaherok..can you please help me to figure out whats going wrong?
16:56.21ManxPower-workstmaher: not faimiliar with that utility.  Does lspci show the card?
16:56.35stmaher0000:03:02.0 Ethernet controller: Digium, Inc.: Unknown device 0120 (rev 11)
16:56.44dlynesstmaher: zaptel_hardware?  Is that a command in asterisk?  Is that a command at the command line?
16:57.04ManxPower-workstmaher: try power cycling the machine
16:57.05Tim_Toadystmaher ztcfg -fvvv
16:57.40stmaherroot@pbx01:/etc# ztcfg -fvvv
16:57.40stmaherNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
16:57.40stmaherline 15: Cannot get number of tones for channel 1
16:57.40stmaherline 15: Cannot init tones for channel 1
16:57.45stmaher60 errors detected
16:58.10dlynesstmaher: zaptel_hardware depends on an updated pci.ids file, that contains ids for your specific hardware
16:58.12stmaherthe machine had 900 days uptime tho :-(
16:58.26dlynesstmaher: which you don't have
16:58.42stmaherdlynes ok? next move?
16:59.11ManxPower-workstmaher: power cycle the machine
16:59.33stmaherdid that..
16:59.48ManxPower-workstmaher: then your card might be bad.
17:00.25*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
17:00.26ManxPower-workstmaher: have you tried reinstalling zaptel?  maybe something like libtonezone.0 was removed?
17:00.36stmahermight give that a go now
17:00.38*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
17:00.38_abc_so how does one enable app_fax on 1.6 ?
17:00.49_abc_where do i get something like that. google is not helpful
17:00.51dlynesgrrr..stupid bug in firefox
17:01.04_abc_dlynes: only one ? <duck>
17:01.24_abc_fwiw asterisk 1.6.1 compiles cleanly in etch
17:01.33dlynes_abc_: install spandsp (, and then make distclean in your asterisk source tree, and then do configure again, and make install
17:01.47ManxPower-work_abc_: odd that /path/to/src/asterisk/doc didn't have any info on FAX.
17:02.05dlynes_abc_: assuming you don't have in your /usr/lib/asterisk/modules directory
17:02.12_abc_ManxPower-work: i just grepped the tree i don't have the time to read ...
17:02.24_abc_i just installed it now, it's still smoking
17:02.24ManxPower-work_abc_: then we don't have time to help you
17:02.33_abc_ManxPower-work: thanks for letting me know that
17:02.47_abc_dlynes: no i don't
17:03.20*** join/#asterisk heliosj (
17:03.46dlynesManxPower-work: btw... _abc_ will be back here later on asking how he can switch codecs in the middle of a call, so that he can receive a fax
17:04.25p3nguinWhat the heck... I think people must listen to IVRs like they read IRC channel topics.  I just monitored an incoming call, where the system played the "Thank you for calling [business name]. Please stay on the line blah blah blah..." then the representative answered, and the caller asked "is this [business_name]?"
17:04.30_abc_is there a magic make argument that allows me to generate a tree for a binary deployment after this? excepting for --install-prefix ?
17:04.42dlynes_abc_: tar
17:05.14_abc_dlynes: i mean a list of files to tar, dumped by make install presumably. i prefer pax or cpio usually
17:05.16*** join/#asterisk davix (n=davix@
17:05.27dlynesp3nguin: i often do that, because the ivr's sound is so distorted that I didn't hear what it said
17:05.33stmaherI dont think the card is borked..
17:05.41stmaherIm seeing two different versions of zaptel on the machine..
17:05.45stmaher1.2 and 1.4
17:05.53dlynes_abc_: man find
17:05.59p3nguin_abc_: You want to make a package out of the software you just compiled?
17:06.00_abc_also why do people default install sound files in gsm? i opted for ulaw
17:06.06ManxPower-workstmaher: you're screwed.
17:06.13_abc_p3nguin: yes, so i can move it to another machine
17:06.23dlynes_abc_: because they can
17:06.33stmaherManxPower-work Lovely.. just what I needed to hear
17:06.36p3nguin_abc_: What distro are you using?
17:06.45dlynesp3nguin: debian etch
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17:07.04p3nguinGreat!  You can easily use checkinstall to take care of the hard work.
17:07.17ManxPower-workstmaher: the 1.4 install should have wiped out the 1.2 install
17:07.32*** join/#asterisk kuku1 (
17:07.34stmaherManxPower-work Eh.. yeah you would think..
17:07.42stmaherbut like alot of other things when you enherit a network..
17:08.23kuku1When I choose to record calls, the result is a wave, however, for the first half of the wav file, I hear one side of the conversation, and the second half of the wave I hear the other side of the conversation. Any ideas ?
17:08.25p3nguin_abc_: checkinstall will make a .deb out of your software, which you can send around to other debian machines.
17:08.45*** join/#asterisk sun28 (
17:08.46p3nguin_abc_: After all, you should always be using your package manager for everything, anyway.
17:08.46_abc_p3nguin: thanks, that was about what i was looking for
17:09.05_abc_p3nguin: package manager? what package manager? <g>
17:09.11p3nguin_abc_: Even if you compile your own software, you should still be making it into a package.
17:09.13*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
17:09.56dlyneskuku1: are you using mixmonitor(...)?
17:10.06p3nguin_abc_: "./configure && make && checkinstall"  will probably get you pretty close.
17:10.31p3nguinOf course you can provide options to checkinstall so you don't have to answer a bunch of questions.
17:10.50dlyneskuku1: or are you just using monitor(...)?
17:11.05stmaherim reinstalling the drivers.. but it doesnt say antyhing about the hardware i have installed
17:11.11stmaherI think that the zaptel hardware you have on your system is:
17:14.01dlynesIs there an updated doc on the pattern matching for dialplan extensions?
17:14.16dlynesOr is still the only source for that?
17:15.41jayteethe book is an excellent source for pattern matching. I've heard that some people actually even read it!
17:16.39DocAwesomejaytee: you shut your mouth
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17:17.09kuku1dlynes: yes sir
17:17.57dlynesjaytee: smartass :)
17:18.25kuku1dlynes: I'm using monitor, not mixmonitor
17:18.57jayteedlynes, yep, I'm a smartass. I got this way from reading these things called books
17:19.16dlyneskuku1: if you use mixmonitor, it'll blend both recordings together into a normal conversation
17:19.19*** join/#asterisk dmz (
17:19.27kuku1I somehow missed that
17:19.29infoboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
17:19.53heliosjIs dat one of 'dem things with words and such?
17:19.55dlynesjaytee: i was just hoping there was an 'official' source from digium for it
17:20.17dlynesjaytee: much like asterisk-*.tex
17:21.04dlynesjaytee: you know?  so that it would be updated for 1.6.1/1.6.2?...the book is for 1.4
17:21.42jayteedlynes, the book, while not stamped with the Digium Housekeeping Seal of Approval is given out and used in their training classes as a reference.
17:22.10jayteedlynes, and pattern matching hasn't really changed between 1.4.x and 1.6.x as near as I can tell
17:22.14*** join/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
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17:22.40dlynesjaytee: yeah...i noticed in the book, 'Z' seems to be new....I don't remember anything other than N and X before
17:23.08DocAwesomeZ has always been there
17:23.12DocAwesomejust not used much
17:24.44*** join/#asterisk lezland (
17:25.15stmaherreinstalling zaptel worked
17:25.23stmaherthanks for the moral support guys!
17:25.30dlynesDocAwesome: well...just found a use for it...was actually looking for something with that ability....probably why i found it
17:25.35*** join/#asterisk DigitalFlux (n=DigitalF@unaffiliated/digitalflux) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:25.36kuku1dlynes: mixmonitor  exten => _NXXNXXXXXX/150,n,MixMonitor(wav,/asterisk/${CALLFILENAME}|m)  doesnt record it
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17:26.17paulcAh, another day another dollar.. except today it's database design, not much telecom related..
17:26.22DocAwesomedlynes: you can also use something like _NXXNXX[256]XXX if you wanted only 2, 5, and 6 to match on the 7th digit
17:26.36*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
17:26.42raden_workIs there any good billing software for asterisk to bill clients on a monthly basis ?
17:27.33Kobaznot really
17:27.47Kobazthere's some open source billing thing astbill or something
17:27.57Kobazbut it's kinda crappy
17:28.20*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (n=elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
17:28.31Kobazit's easier just to write a quick query on your cdr table, total up minutes by account code, and punch the number into quickbooks and off you go
17:29.01lezlandI have an LDAP question: I'm trying to configure ldap module. Anonymous bind works fine, but I can't get it working with a username set. It will first tell me "Cannot connect to LDAP server" and then when I try to reload the module it tells "Invalid DN syntax". have anyone experienced this DN syntax error message? how to debug it?
17:29.59lezlandwhen I sniff the network traffic, it always shows some (uncrypted) traffic between asterisk and LDAP server
17:30.09elliot98gives a big wave
17:30.13elliot98hiya all
17:31.22elliot98is there any problem with using Skype (not-asterisk Skype) and a SIP phone on the same computer?
17:31.37*** join/#asterisk Heretic (
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17:32.00[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Why would they care?
17:32.13[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Unless they are fighting over your sound card resources...
17:32.18kuku1I'm using mixmonitor but instead of a wav file I get a raw file.
17:32.21elliot98from a technical point of view
17:32.37[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: technially.... it doesn't matter.
17:33.06elliot98I'd assume SIP and Skype use different ports, and Windows should work out the sound issues
17:33.20elliot98s/use/use\ different
17:33.27elliot98not thinking today
17:33.50[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Completely different
17:34.25elliot98see, I am trying to find out why sometimes a call is answered automatically on an X-lite softphone
17:35.10elliot98doesn't always happen, but there a few computers set up in a queue with softphones and sometimes one of the softphones just answers
17:35.37elliot98so I was looking at some networking conflich possibilities
17:35.51Kobazextra sip headers are being set... like alert-info  (which is the usual header for autoanswer control)
17:35.57*** join/#asterisk spiegel (
17:36.13Kobazpaste your sip debug for a call that auto answers
17:36.16[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Which... X-Lite doesn't support
17:36.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: hmm, mayber it's the pro version that supports it...
17:37.15elliot98but it doesn't always happen
17:37.23Kobazsip debug
17:37.29elliot98I am thinking more that it is a queue issue
17:37.33KobazSIP DEBUG
17:37.35elliot98something buggy in the queue
17:37.48*** join/#asterisk Buklov (n=buklov@
17:39.07elliot98how do I debug specific devices?
17:39.26_abc_erm p3nguin there is no checkinstall on my system
17:39.30Kobazsip set debug ip
17:39.37Kobaztype: sip set debug <tab>
17:39.41Kobazto see all the debug options
17:40.39p3nguin_abc_: I guess you had better install it, then.
17:41.23_abc_looks like it
17:41.52p3nguinIt can't be too terribly difficult to "apt-get install checkinstall"
17:42.06_abc_p3nguin: you don't want to know
17:42.47diatonicI'm seeing this bug in 1.4.26: - Shouldn't it be fixed in 1.4.26? New to asterisk, not sure if I should file new bug report
17:42.51elliot98how much bandwidth does skype take up?
17:42.58p3nguinall of it
17:43.14elliot98all of it?
17:43.20Kattysomeone take these crackers away from eme before i eat them all
17:43.24*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
17:43.37elliot98give 'em to your coworker
17:43.43elliot98tell her you got them from the internet
17:43.45Kattyhells no.
17:45.06Kattyi'm not done with the crackers!
17:45.08Kattyjust..for now
17:45.25ChannelZSkype like anything depends on the codec
17:46.05*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
17:47.18elliot98yes, but I've been reading that they're this peer-to-peer messaging thing
17:47.44elliot98I imagine peer-to-peer can be a big load on VOIP upload
17:48.06raden_workis there a directory of area codes in the continental USA ?
17:48.08ChannelZYes if you become a supernode you can be passing other data
17:48.59ChannelZbut I don't believe you're actually streaming any voice traffic here I have like 5+ computers with Skype,
17:49.15elliot98one may very well becoming a supernode
17:49.23elliot98and messing with the SIP devices
17:49.43_abc_dlynes: you have been very helpful
17:49.57ChannelZpotentially.  Google for it, there are some registry hacks for WIndows anyway where you can tell them not to become supernodes
17:49.57_abc_thanks, i have done everything i needed to do today
17:50.12*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
17:50.42drmessanoEven though the traffic sent to supernodes is negligible, some institutions are interested in preventing users on their network from becoming supernodes and, thereby, answering directory enquiries for other users.
17:50.49drmessanoFrom their FAQ
17:50.56drmessanoIts not like you're seeding a torrent
17:51.09ChannelZMe too.  I haven't figured out how to make SFA not become a supernode
17:51.37drmessanoAlso says if you're NAT'ed, you wont
17:51.49ChannelZ(actually I'm not sure if it is, it might just be talking to others, outgoing...)
17:51.51drmessanoChannelZ: SFA isn't a traditional Skype client
17:51.51romaindoes someone knows why there isn't any lock on any mutex in the meetme's conf_run main loop?
17:52.03ChannelZyah I just thought of that
17:52.10*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
17:52.16Naikrovekpolycom people; anyone know how to configure the little messages button that comes with the phones
17:52.29Naikrovekyou replace a line button with the messages button
17:52.31Naikrovekand you can set it up to auto dial a number fo ryou
17:52.32*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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17:52.34Naikrovekor something
17:52.59ChannelZI always get connections to wierd dynamic hosts on my * box but now that I think of it they are outgoing connections
17:54.09[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Restrict your reg to 1 linekey, and make a directory entry from vm.  the End.
17:55.37elliot98I'm not using SFA
17:55.43elliot98just plain old skype
17:56.27Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: okay
17:56.41elliot98from what I am reading, Skype likes to become bandwidth happy
17:56.47drmessanoelliot98: and your issue was addressed based on that.. shall we go over ti again?
17:57.08drmessanoAccording to their FAQ, thats not true
17:57.16drmessanoI even pasted from it
17:57.44drmessanoWe also mentioned the registry hack, which will prove further that your b/w issues arent due to becoming a supernode
17:57.56drmessanoBut this is way off topic at this point
17:58.26elliot98I'll check out, um networking channels
18:01.30jdnwestlol, Bandwidth is cheap (Stateside).
18:01.47MaliutaLapcadnadia, oh canadia ... something, something, something
18:02.35ChannelZcheap in quality sure
18:03.03jdnwestOk, i'm going to have to ask, as long as your pinging under 80, why does it matter?
18:03.08jdnwestAnd it Stays UP.
18:03.19drmessanoStateside?  In the sense the US is like 15th in the world with regard to available bandwidth and pricing?
18:04.09drmessanojdnwest: if you're pinging 80, your line stays up, and all your calls sound like shit, people dont care about the first twp
18:04.10jdnwestDrmessano, If i'm buying by the gigE port Its between 3 and a 1.5 a meg.
18:05.28jdnwestAs long as you've got uptime, latency, and jitter down, what is this magical "Quality" everyone talks about, because I don't understand the difference in quality between L3 and TWtelecom even though the pricing is miles apart.
18:06.35drmessanoThis is gonna be another one of those moving target conversations I have no time for.. got a radiothon to set up, bbl
18:08.26jdnwestHas anyone had a tier 1 or 2 carrier that provided bandwidth that was "unusable" for VOIP?
18:14.05*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
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18:22.03*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
18:22.16_abc_i am confused. whats the command to reload a dialplan in 1.6 ?
18:22.37_abc_Katty: why is it you do a brr from time to time?
18:22.43Kattybecause it is brr
18:22.51PoeticIntensityprobably because it's cold.
18:23.04_abc_sounds like a horse
18:23.12_abc_again: i am confused. whats the command to reload a dialplan in 1.6 ?
18:23.13Kattythat's neh
18:23.26Kattypossibly nah
18:23.30Kattyone of those.
18:23.36_abc_i used to do reload dialplan or reload extensions now its 'deprecated' how helpful
18:23.56MaliutaLapwaves to Katty
18:24.00ChannelZmodule reload pbx_config
18:24.08jaytee_abc_, did you try dialplan reload?
18:24.11MaliutaLapKatty: been in .ca for a few hours ... no squirrels
18:24.27KattyMaliutaLap: squirrels are mostly out in the wee hours of the morning
18:25.17MaliutaLapbeen here since 07:30 local ... that _is_ the wee hours ;) It's before 12:00
18:25.38MaliutaLapKatty: do the squirrels live in the airports anyhow?
18:25.53Kattywhat do you think
18:26.01Kattyif you were a squirrel, would you want to live in an airport?
18:26.08MaliutaLapI think they're squirrels and they might
18:26.21Kattymaybe you should put out pecans.
18:26.39MaliutaLaparen't they the ones living under the ground and stealing vegetables?
18:26.44MaliutaLapplays dumb
18:27.10MaliutaLapit was a long flight
18:27.13Kattyhugs MaliutaLap
18:27.20MaliutaLapyay! hugs!
18:27.28eppigyman i would be a plane hijacking squirrel
18:27.40Kattyeppigy: no passport required
18:27.40MaliutaLap* let me talk to my mummy!
18:29.21MaliutaLapon descent I told the girl next to me that they sound proofed the cockpit for those moments ... so you can't hear the alarms as the plane falls from the air :)
18:30.46_abc_how do i set a nonstandard sip port for a friend client in sip.conf?
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18:32.59p3nguin_abc_: Is your * server listening on that nonstandard port?
18:33.31MaliutaLapor are you at least NATing to it?
18:34.10_abc_p3nguin: i have the server on standard port and a local linphone on 5065
18:34.21_abc_i edited its config for that
18:35.08p3nguinJust because you change the SIP port on your phone doesn't necessarily mean that it's not going to talk to * on the regular SIP port.
18:35.25_abc_so do i have to set the phone's port number in its sip.conf entry or does * take it from the invite ?
18:35.27ManxPOwerremember all packets have 2 ports, a source port and a destination port.
18:35.40*** part/#asterisk ManxPOwer (n=EWieling@
18:36.26_abc_sure the question was, do i have to set it or does * take it from the registration and attempts to ring at that non standard sip port?
18:36.53_abc_my phone registers * likes it it is in sip show peers and i can't call
18:38.37*** join/#asterisk dmz (
18:39.29_abc_ok sip show peers shows the nonstandard port ok
18:39.47elliot98I am getting a huge amount of console logins:
18:40.00elliot98they all are coming from the same process though
18:40.03elliot98how is this happening?
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18:40.06_abc_strangely tcpdump shows that the phone connects to * via sip and then nothing happens
18:41.14elliot98that process is the main Asterisk process
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18:47.37elliot98is this a bug or what?
18:49.11[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Stop freaking out and show us a problem :)
18:49.28Kattyshows [TK]D-Fender a cut on her thumb
18:49.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: Bet you mine was worse...
18:53.13drfreezeAnyone know how to set an IP address on a Polycom 331 phone?
18:53.29*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
18:53.29drfreezeI have one phone that I can't seem to figure out how to set it
18:53.41drfreezeAll I can type in is 192*168*0*50*
18:53.43[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Boot phone.  Enter "Setup".  Set IP address
18:53.53drfreezeHow do I enter '.'
18:54.05[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: "*"
18:54.10ManxPower-workdrfreeze: on Polycoms * = .
18:54.11elliot98I posted the netstat
18:54.29Kattydrfreeze: i seem to recall as imliar problem on the 330s
18:54.32[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Forget netstat.  Show us a broken call
18:54.34elliot98and now I am getting "too many connections errors" when I asterisk -r
18:54.42Kattydrfreeze: let me go find one
18:54.56[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Stop * completely.  Restart.
18:55.06*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=[T]ank@
18:55.09elliot98I did that...everything is ok now
18:55.17elliot98but this is not an uncommon occurence
18:55.34ManxPower-workelliot98: Yes, it is an uncommon occurance.
18:55.56elliot98well, not for me
18:56.04elliot98happens say, once every two days
18:56.06ManxPower-workmaybe, but it is uncommon for everyone else.
18:56.34elliot98what could be the cause of asterisk suddenly duplicating its process?
18:57.04ManxPower-workelliot98: the question you should be asking is "what is running so many copies of "asterisk -r"
18:57.37Kattydrfreeze: this one makes the * show up like a . <- maybe firmware change?
18:58.13elliot98but the netstat states it's all the same process
18:58.23elliot98for example, if I do an asterisk -r
18:58.27elliot98a different process shows up
18:58.28[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: What version are you running?
18:58.34[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Installed how?
18:58.41[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: what version EXACTLY?
18:58.42elliot98from source
18:58.47elliot98oh, right, 1.4.18
18:58.54[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: ANCIENT.  go upgrade
18:59.16elliot98yeah...haven't done that in a while
18:59.37elliot98from your experience, you think it's a version thing?
18:59.38[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Nver ask to solve problems in old versions... if they aren't current, then it HAD problems :)
19:00.02_abc_this is really strange. i am registered with a sip client, the extensions.conf is standard, and the phone tells me it can't connect on any of the demo numbers, i.e. 500, 600 etc
19:00.08_abc_what could cause this?
19:00.19[TK]D-Fender_abc_: No such thing as "standard"
19:00.34[TK]D-Fender_abc_: And you aren't looking at the call
19:00.35_abc_[TK]D-Fender: well straight dist
19:00.41[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Meaningless
19:00.53_abc_i did the usual things, sip show peers and core show channels
19:00.58_abc_one peer, no channels
19:01.00Kattyeppigy: do you have any neosporin
19:01.04*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
19:01.05ManxPower-work_abc_: The *.sample config files are NOT intended to be a working system.
19:01.10[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Go look at SIP DEBUG for the incoming call and look where it is looking to match it
19:02.12*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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19:03.25ecristanyone in here familiar with polycom bitmap configuration?
19:03.57diatonicecrist: I've gotten custom bitmaps on IP 501s, 550s and 650s
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19:04.34ecristdiatonic: I'm trying to get a custom background bitmap on our 330s
19:04.47ecristwhen the phone boots, the logo shows up for a split second then goes away
19:05.40diatonicecrist: Have you looked at this?
19:05.42ecristit appears to want to take up about the bottom 2/3 of the display
19:06.20ecristno, quick glance it looks a lot like the polycom admin guide, but I'll read it quick
19:06.39diatonicecrist: Looks like a 330 needs a B&W image, 102x23 pixels
19:06.44drfreezeSilly phone
19:06.59ecristI have that
19:07.06drfreezeIt converts the 192*168*0*50 to for the SNTP server, but not the FTP server
19:07.12drfreezeand it can't find the boot server
19:07.29eppigyKatty: i have some
19:08.07drfreezeTrying to set the ftp server from the web interface, but I don't see where to do that
19:09.01_abc_[TK]D-Fender: it was the realm. i had to set it to localhost for this (local) host
19:09.07_abc_thanks for the tip
19:09.41drfreezeAnyone have some pointers on how to set the IP address for the FTP
19:10.36ecristdrfreeze: what phone?
19:10.42diatonic_drfreeze: DHCP Reservation?
19:11.03ManxPower-workdrfreeze: why not set tftp-server in your DHCP server setup?
19:12.10diatonic_drfreeze: If you have more than a few Polycoms you should be setting all that stuff in DHCP for easy provisioning
19:12.27diatonic_is really going to lunch now
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19:13.26drfreezeecrist: Polycom 331
19:13.49ecristoption 61, also named tftp-server as ManxPower-work said
19:14.06drfreezeManxPower-work: it's a winders network running the dhcp
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19:14.15drfreezephones and computers are on the same network - existing office
19:14.22p3nguinoption 61?
19:14.42bcrispanyone here used Queue-Tip queue monitoring software?
19:14.57ecristdrfreeze: I'll post my working dhcp server config for you, hang on
19:15.02p3nguinYou'll probably want to use 66 and/or 150 for setting the tftp address.
19:15.46drfreezeecrist: cool
19:16.16ecristp3nguin: 66, my mistake
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19:18.57ecristphones and all computers are on the same lan (many computers are plugged into the phones, using the built-in switch)
19:18.59dlynesAnyone have any idea what '[Dec  9 11:17:40] WARNING[8361]: chan_sip.c:16493 handle_response_invite: just did sched_add waitid(15840894) for sip_reinvite_retry for dialog 000067dd-e1feeade6763100097640080f03ca102@xx.xx.xx.xx in handle_response_invite means?
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19:19.25ecristusing the vendor-class-identifier, polycom phones are assigned an IP within a given range (QoS on firewall is handled this way)
19:19.37ecristall other systems are delegated otherwise
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19:33.34_abc_i am unable to find concise documentation on things like the complete argument list for MusicOnHold() and the like. where should i look? in the asterisk book?
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19:34.10ManxPower-work_abc_: All official app docs can be seen with "core show application theappyouwant"
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19:34.31ManxPower-workyou can see a list of installed application with "core show applications
19:34.31Kattyhi crispy
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19:34.43_abc_ManxPower-work: thanks
19:36.56_abc_this is what i was looking for:
19:37.16_abc_hehe [TK]D-Fender
19:39.50bcrispis there a different channel i should use for discussing AMI ?
19:40.01[TK]D-FenderNugget: you're no fun... you know that? :p
19:40.06[TK]D-Fenderbcrisp: Nope
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19:43.25_abc_any ideas why MusicOnHold() (<- notice no arguments) stops playing after the 1st song and does not loop
19:44.18p3nguinHow are you implementing it?
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19:46.58_abc_p3nguin: files, native codec format (ulaw in my case)
19:47.46p3nguinHow are you running the MusicOnHold() command?
19:48.22_abc_exten => 700,1,MusicOnHold()
19:48.35_abc_and i was wrong it does not play to the end
19:48.40_abc_it just cuts off
19:48.44_abc_i did not time it
19:48.48_abc_the line is not hung up
19:49.17_abc_in the console i get this: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/phoneid-00000008
19:49.29p3nguinChange it away from 700, first, since that is typically used for parking.  Then second, put an Answer() before MusicOnHold().
19:49.45_abc_i turned sip debug on now
19:50.05_abc_p3nguin: whats the role of Answer ?
19:50.12p3nguinto answer the channel
19:50.35_abc_700 is not used in my setup, no 700 exten anywhere
19:51.01p3nguinAnswer before MoH, and your problem will go away.
19:52.34_abc_i put in Answer as you said, still on 700, killed after 10 sec
19:52.39_abc_faster then before ;)
19:52.44_abc_moving off of 700 ...
19:52.59p3nguinMaybe you're doing it wrong.
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19:53.49p3nguinexten => 700,1,Answer()    exten => 700,n,MusicOnHold()
19:54.25_abc_Katty: the default should work fine
19:54.27p3nguinI have an exten just like yours that I use to monitor my MoH stream.  I can listen to hold music for HOURS if I want to.
19:54.31_abc_there is only one
19:54.45Kattyfoogroup. kthx.
19:54.53_abc_p3nguin: i know i used to use that before on an older asterisk and never had a problem
19:55.15p3nguinIf I don't Answer() first, it exits after a short amount of time.
19:55.22_abc_is there something in asterisk that downs moh threads if system load is too high?
19:55.35_abc_i answer it now alright and i moved to 800
19:56.03p3nguinOkay, so you call 800, it answers the channel and then plays music.
19:56.31_abc_sure it has been playing for 2 minutes now.
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19:56.43_abc_but the key was to move off of 700 not Answer()
19:57.02_abc_first i added Answer() still on 700 and it hung up on me
19:57.06_abc_the thread
19:57.14p3nguinI guess you missed the part where I said if I didn't answer my channel first that it would exit the music.
19:57.23_abc_then i moved it to 800 with Answer and the jukebox seems to work now ;)
19:58.03p3nguinI'm curious about something, now.  I'm wondering if I don't answer it first, will core show channels show an up channel or a ringing channel?
19:58.17_abc_try it
19:58.19p3nguinI should test.
19:58.58_abc_i like the new moh music. the old one was great but this is also good
19:59.01p3nguinRing    MusicOnHold()
19:59.16p3nguinHow long will * leave a channel in the Ring state?
19:59.21Nuggetreplaces _abc_'s hold music with rick astley
19:59.22_abc_p3nguin: does that work? Ring(MusicOnHold()) ?
19:59.57p3nguinuh, no
19:59.59_abc_p3nguin: i think that its a SIP default setting, the timeout
20:00.19_abc_and its different for different channels
20:00.20p3nguincore show channels:  State Ring, Application(data) MusicOnHold()
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20:00.49p3nguinSo once the ring state timeout is reached, MoH is going to exit.
20:00.59p3nguinAnd that was your complaint.
20:01.33p3nguinBut if you Answer() the channel first, then it goes into State Up.
20:01.56[TK]D-FenderAlrighty... they're letting out ealry due to our first snow storm... BBL
20:02.16p3nguinso roughly 2 minutes to timeout.
20:04.10_abc_ok, the music thing works great
20:04.23_abc_loops and all that, 11 minutes and going
20:04.47_abc_is there a goodish security faq/intro for the network side of asterisk? i want to put it in a chroot eventually
20:04.51p3nguinNow you can transfer annoying callers to 800.
20:04.53_abc_or in a virtual host
20:05.56_abc_p3nguin: i can use it to test whether the pbx is up and not frozen among others
20:06.16_abc_and i have a mancini music collection i will put up ;)
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20:06.49p3nguinecho test would be fine for testing that.
20:07.05_abc_p3nguin: i don't like to talk to myself
20:07.12_abc_it feels odd
20:07.35_abc_so what would be a goodish security faq?
20:07.38_abc_for asterisk
20:07.56ManxPower-work_abc_: I doubt one exists.
20:08.03ManxPower-workOr maybe one does.
20:08.03p3nguinThat's a good start.
20:09.10dlynes_abc_: You can try:
20:09.37_abc_heh dlynes thanks
20:09.43drfreezeOk, got another problem with a Polycom 331
20:09.55dlynes_abc_: That's a third party independent security site that handles security flaws in various softwares
20:09.56_abc_that's rather the post mortem stuff. what about prevention?
20:10.14_abc_dlynes: i know i have been subscribed to it for years
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20:10.25drfreezeThis phone was working and I switched network ports, and it no longer gets an IP address
20:10.35_abc_but they tend to point out problems after they exist not before
20:10.45dlynesdrfreeze: maybe it's on a different vlan now?  or hard-codec for a different speed or duplex?
20:10.47_abc_so i was looking for the securing docs
20:11.15dlynes_abc_: put it into a VPE or  VPS, or chroot it
20:11.16p3nguin_abc_: Alpha-numeric peer names, alpha-numeric secrets with not less than 12 characters, if you know the IP addresses of your peers/users, specify them and/or create ACLs...
20:11.30dlynes_abc_: if you're using iax, you can additionally use keys
20:11.45_abc_hmm iax is an option
20:12.07ManxPower-work_abc_: 1) secure your operating system 2) follow that blog post.
20:12.11_abc_does the iax protocol use mutiple firewall piercing ports or just one?
20:12.26dlynes_abc_: 4569 only, unless you specify a different one
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20:12.30dlynes_abc_: udp
20:12.38_abc_so its superior in this respect to sip which is all over the place
20:12.53dlynes_abc_: i abhor sip for firewalls, too...but it is what it is
20:13.07_abc_sip should stand for 'sieve in protection'
20:13.08dlynes_abc_: and if you want to interface with third party hardware, you don't have a choice
20:13.09ManxPower-workIAX2 has it's own issues
20:13.10p3nguinSIP is just one port, too... but the audio goes into a specified range.  It's not really all over the place.
20:13.27vk2dgydoes anyone know if it's possible to issue multiple commands at a time via  asterisk -rx  ?
20:13.28vk2dgyeg, I want to do: "sip show peers"  and  "show channels" (and possibly others) without
20:13.29vk2dgyhaving to make a series of calls to  asterisk -rx
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20:13.43_abc_p3nguin: okay, yes, but it tries to be peer to peer and other things which are no-nos in nat systems
20:13.57p3nguinNot really.  canreinvite=no
20:14.04dlynes_abc_: for remote end points where it doesn't make sense to have a pc, we use sip, we use sip over a private lan for our upstream, and between all of our satellites, we use iax2
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20:14.33_abc_dlynes: ok, that's because iax2 is also a trunking protocol which sip isn't
20:14.55dlynes_abc_: no...just makes it easier, and I don't have to deal with firewalls
20:15.04dlynes_abc_: and iax2 gives you more debugging info
20:15.13_abc_i see. but yes, those two concepts are related
20:15.27dlynes_abc_: and iax2 can also share dialplans between machines, for whatever that's worth
20:15.45dlynes_abc_: i see it as more of a security risk than anything, but that's my opinion
20:16.00dlynes_abc_: you can also further secure it by only allowing connections from your vpn networks
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20:18.13_abc_yeah but that's becoming complex quickly
20:18.36dlynes_abc_: you asked...I told you
20:18.37_abc_a few years ago i wrote auto provisioning scripts for nortel phones, i'll thaw that and see if it still works
20:18.55_abc_is someone here using asterisk with cisco phones by chance? with skinny?
20:18.59_abc_or sccp?
20:19.07dlynes_abc_: lots....
20:19.11_abc_anything to look out for?
20:19.11hardwiresigh.. I have asterisk 1.6.2 registering to iax peers on an asterisk 1.2 system
20:19.13dlynespoints at Qwell.
20:19.30dlynescomforts hardwire.
20:19.31_abc_do the 79xx's work well with asterisk ?
20:19.31hardwirecalls from 1.6.2 to 1.2 work fine.
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20:19.40hardwirethe other direction doesn't match up the peers correctly
20:19.43dlyneshardwire: wow...I'm surprised
20:19.43hardwireit thinks it's an iax guest
20:20.01dlyneshardwire: I had issues in the other direction with 1.4.22rc5/
20:20.08QwellWho dare make my IRC window flash?
20:20.11dlynesQwell: _abc_'s asking about sccp/skinny
20:20.11p3nguin_abc_: I use SIP images on my 7900 series phones.
20:20.14hardwireQwell: me
20:20.21hardwiredlynes: did you find a fixup?
20:20.22_abc_how about skinny images?
20:20.26Qwellinfobot: murder hardwire
20:20.27infobotACTION shoots hardwire in his sleep
20:20.33ManxPower-workp3nguin: any sane person would be using SIP on Cisco phones.
20:20.35hardwireinfobot: murder Qwell
20:20.36infobotACTION shoots Qwell in his sleep
20:20.36dlyneshardwire: yeah...use sip, or upgrade the 1.4 side to 1.6
20:20.46dlyneshardwire: or upgrade the 1.4 side to at least 1.4.26
20:20.57dlyneshardwire: 1.4.25 and earlier had that issue
20:20.59hardwirewell. your 1.4 side is my 1.2 side
20:21.07p3nguinI've actually considered going back to an SCCP image and fixing up chan_skinny on *.
20:21.29dlyneshardwire: my server that i was sending calls to was 1.4.22rc5 (elastix)
20:21.37Qwellp3nguin: what's to fix up?
20:21.37_abc_so is skinny broken or not when used with cisco ?
20:21.37dlyneshardwire: my laptop was running
20:21.37hardwiredlynes: is there any obvious change that made it not work?
20:21.49dlyneshardwire: there was a change that made it work...not that made it not work
20:21.50p3nguinqwell: I was under the impression that I would need to configure the conf for skinny before I could use it.
20:22.21dlyneshardwire: there's something different in the iax2 protocol in the way it authenticates between 1.4.25 and lower and 1.6.1.x
20:22.37dlyneshardwire: so 1.4.26 came out to address that issue (and probably other issues as well)
20:23.05hardwireyeh.. looks like it's rejecting long before it gets auth from the older box
20:23.06p3nguin_abc_: Is there any reason you don't want to convert the phones to SIP?
20:23.18hardwireI see it immediately rejecting the call.. then the older box sends the authentication
20:23.19_abc_yes, i don't want to deal with that part yet
20:23.37dlyneshardwire: yeah, or something like that...i just remember it wasn't getting far enough to even show up on the console of the 1.4 box
20:23.44dlyneshardwire: unless i did a pcap
20:23.57p3nguin_abc_: It's the same amount of work to throw in the files for sccp as it is for sip.
20:24.25_abc_p3nguin: you mean i need to futz with xml configs and sftp server?
20:24.35_abc_eww i thought i could skip that step
20:25.28dlynesAnyone know where asterisk grabs the default periodic announcement file from for queues?
20:25.34dlynesOr is there a default file?
20:25.59_abc_p3nguin: have you tried to run them on skinny before upgrading to sip images?
20:26.09p3nguindlynes: queue-periodic-announce
20:26.26p3nguin_abc_: no, I just changed them to SIP as soon as I was ready to hook them up.
20:27.12dlynesp3nguin: thanks....i wonder why it can't find it in g729 format, then
20:27.41p3nguinMaybe you don't have it in that format?
20:28.42dlynesp3nguin: nvm....i followed someone else's instructions that said to set periodic-announce=ringing
20:29.00dlynesit's just my first time trying queues
20:29.59p3nguinI didn't change any of the sound files in queues.conf, and I'm fairly satisfied with the results.
20:30.56dlynesp3nguin: How do you get it to play an announcement that they're getting put into the queue?  Or do you have to do that as part of your dialplan?
20:31.19p3nguinI put it in the dialplan right before the Queue() command.
20:31.21ecristdoes anyone know if I need to purchase a special license to change softkeys on polycom phones?
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20:32.01p3nguindlynes: Such as Playback(local/please-hold-for-agent), then Queue(myqueue).
20:32.17dlynesp3nguin: ok, so the queue doesn't have the feature, then
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20:33.18p3nguinI can't say that it doesn't exist, but I don't do it that way.
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20:38.20p3nguindlynes: With the default behavior of the queue, it starts playing MoH as soon as the queue is reached.  It made sense to me to do a Playback() immediately before that to say to hold for a rep.  Prior to that, callers are given a chance to dial internal phones if they know the extens.
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20:40.42dlynesp3nguin: hrm....and then an added bonus
20:41.11dlynesp3nguin: in the sample file, it says you can use 'queue-lessthan=....', but asterisk doesn't recognize that keyword
20:42.00p3nguinYou set queue-lessthan = queue-less-than in the queue and it chokes?
20:42.21dlynesp3nguin: yeah...throws an error when i module reload
20:42.28dlynesp3nguin: complains that's not a valid keyword
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20:42.41p3nguinDid you check bug reports on that?
20:42.53dlynesp3nguin: checking on it already....already beat you to it
20:43.33p3nguinI announce holdtime, but not lessthan.
20:44.01p3nguinI mean, I have announce-holdtime defined in my queue.
20:44.04dlynesp3nguin: i figured i'd try all the above
20:44.17dlynesand let asterisk figure it out what I wanted
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20:44.41p3nguinNow that I think about it, I don't know that I have ever heard it announce the time, so maybe that setting isn't doing any good for me.
20:45.00danj1980Hi everyone.
20:45.22danj1980Just wondering, does anyone know what the licenses are needed for with Cisco 7940G phones?
20:45.34danj1980Are they required if the phones are going to be connected to asterisk?
20:45.38p3nguindanj1980: No
20:46.16danj1980Are there any features missing when you connect the phones to asterisk? ie. Are there any features that you only get when you connect the phones to Call Manager?
20:46.17p3nguindanj1980: You should have a SmartNet contract on your equipment, but if you're using SIP, I don't know what license you would be required to have.
20:46.41p3nguinCall Manager does do things that Asterisk doesn't, so yeah, some things are missing.
20:46.47danj1980whats a smartnet contract?
20:47.16danj1980got it
20:47.28dlynesp3nguin: aha!
20:47.42dlynesp3nguin: they changed the name of it, and didn't mention it in the queues.conf file
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20:48.19dlynesp3nguin: it's now queue-reporthold
20:48.27p3nguindanj1980: If you don't ever need any support and you already have the SIP images, I don't see why you really _need_ to have a smartnet agreement.
20:48.33dlyneserm...nvm...that's a different one
20:48.52dlynesit seems they've removed the option
20:49.00p3nguinI... was just getting ready to mention that I saw both of those settings.
20:49.15dlynesat least in it's been removed
20:49.24dlynesI'm looking at app_queue.c atm
20:49.46p3nguinI should enter the queue and hope it doesn't get answered, just to see what happens.
20:50.19p3nguinActually, I'll create a new queue with no members.  :)
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20:50.57dlynesp3nguin: it's been removed out of the sample file in, though
20:51.55ManxPower-workmany telcos will drop the call if it's not answered in 120 seconds
20:52.33dlynesManxPower-work: you mean many voip telcos, right?
20:53.04danj1980p3nguin: thanks for your help
20:53.40ManxPower-workdlynes: no I mean all telcos
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20:53.47_abc_ok, thanks for the help all, i am going to go now
20:53.58*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (n=no@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
20:54.03p3nguinI use for my toll-free DID, and they have a setting for how long to let the phone ring.  It goes all the way up to 300s.
20:54.46p3nguinDial Time Out - The maximum amount of time a call to your DID can stay in "ringing state" before we cancel the call (No Answer).
20:54.47ManxPower-workp3nguin: Have you tested it at 300 seconds?
20:55.06ManxPower-work'cause setting it in Asterisk won't change the way the PSTN telco carrier waits
20:55.10p3nguinNo, because I answer in less than 1s.
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20:58.06danj1980p3nguin: Is it possible to download the SIP images? Anywhere? :-S
20:58.36ManxPower-workdanj1980: I'm sure you can get the them the same place you get your pirated copies of Windows and Office and other software
20:58.57ManxPower-workdanj1980: I assume you mean "SIP Images for Cisco"
20:59.21p3nguinPossible, yes.  Cisco won't be fond of your doing it, though.
21:00.29danj1980Are there any other phones that you can recommend that would be better, without any of these licensing issues?
21:00.48[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
21:00.57infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
21:00.58danj1980We tried the Linksys SPA921 but its got firmware issues and they arent releasing any firmware updates.
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21:03.45danj1980Is it illegal to use an unlicenses cisco with asterisk?
21:04.40p3nguinTechnically, no.  But they want you to have a contract in order to obtain the SIP firmware.
21:04.48Corydon76-digIt's a copyright violation with Cisco to use that phone with anything, not just Asterisk
21:05.00*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
21:06.01Nuggeta "copyright violation" huh?
21:06.07Corydon76-digThe probability that Cisco will come after you, though, is low
21:06.29Corydon76-digNugget: yep, Cisco considers themselves a software company
21:07.13NuggetI'm not interesting in receiving legal advice from someone who doesn't even know the difference between copyright and licensing.
21:07.38*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
21:07.44Corydon76-digI'm not giving you legal advice.  Get that from your lawyer
21:07.52dlynesgrrr....firefox and chatzilla are really starting to piss me off
21:07.58danj1980Is there anyone who knows how to customise firmware? Maybe I can correct the faults in the SPA921
21:08.05NuggetI mean, jesus fuck, you have a penguin tattoo.  You're clearly a biased freetard.  :)
21:08.08angryuser_laptopdlynes: use xchat
21:08.20dlynesangryuser_laptop: reason?
21:08.38angryuser_laptopdlynes: not being pissed off ?
21:08.45ManxPower-workI use pidgin for IRC.  Only feature that I miss is not being able to /ignore someone
21:09.04dlynesangryuser_laptop: yeah..but i like's just buggy lately...either that or it's firefox
21:09.13dlynesor maybe both
21:09.25Corydon76-digNugget: what you may not realize is that when I went in originally for the tattoo, the original plan was to get a Beastie tattoo
21:09.30dlynesit's just kinda crappy lately because chatzilla's a firefox addon now, instead of a separate program
21:09.56dlynesI actually like BitchX...just a bit of a pain to use it in a gui
21:10.12Corydon76-digNugget: I went for the simpler one first.  Now I'm not so sure I want another.
21:10.18p3nguinBitchX is a pain to use ... in a gui?
21:10.24angryuser_laptopwell xchas has a nice gui and it is free for lin/mac
21:10.27p3nguinWhy would you need a gui for a command line IRC client?
21:10.35dlynesp3nguin: yeah..because you need to load up a terminal and then run it
21:10.49p3nguinOh, well, I can see how xterm or aterm could get in the way of that.  ;)
21:10.55dlynesp3nguin: because it's a great little irc client?
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21:11.12dlynesI'm an ircii user from way back ;)
21:12.17Corydon76-digSirc is better
21:12.57NuggetGUIs are great for irc.  They're just not as great as being able to run irc inside screen
21:12.58p3nguinI would prefer irssi over bx any day.
21:13.08Nuggetand bitchx blows goats.
21:13.14*** join/#asterisk CurtisKGwapo (
21:13.29Nuggetall software sucks, but bitchx sucks on purpose.  I've never encountered software that tries so hard to embarass its user as bitchx.
21:13.40CurtisKGwapohey guys. Are there any unlimited sip trunk providers in Canada or the US?
21:14.15infoboti guess siptrunk is something that doesn't exist -- there is no concept of a SIP trunk in Asterisk. You may be searching for iaxtrunk
21:14.42p3nguindlynes: I set up that test queue, and it says "Your call is now first in line..." immediately upon entering the queue.
21:20.43DocAwesomeircii ftw!
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21:22.48dlynesNugget: so i guess you hate epic then, too?
21:23.16dlynesp3nguin: test queue?
21:23.51dlynesp3nguin: i'm not getting the stupid thing to say squat, other than after 60 seconds, it pipes in and says i'm on hold and someone will be with me momentarily
21:24.07dlynesp3nguin: and then it continues to ring off the wall with music on hold
21:24.28dlynesgood thing the caller can't see the phones continually ringing :)
21:24.30p3nguindlynes: Oh, I thought I said that I was going to make a new queue with no members to test what happens when entering the queue.
21:25.02dlynesp3nguin: don't think so...sounds like a plan though, just so i can see what it does when everyone's busy
21:25.28p3nguinI defined those sounds, and it doesn't ever tell me hold time.  It just says I am first in line and keeps me on hold.
21:25.56dlynesp3nguin: i don't think it's going to tell you hold time, unless it's had some calls, so that it's got a better idea how long it takes
21:26.21p3nguinI don't really mind, since my call volume is low anyway, and I only have a few people that will take calls at all.
21:26.44dlynes'Your call is first in line.  It shall be answered in approximately 5 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes, and 10 seconds.
21:27.22DocAwesomep3nguin: if you have "joinempty=yes" calls will enter without members, and "leavewhenempty=no" will let callers sit waiting for members if none are logged in (or available)
21:27.54p3nguinI had to specify "joinempty=yes" to be able to call into this test queue which as no members.
21:27.55DocAwesomedlynes: I think by default it rounds up to the nearest minute :)
21:27.57[T]ankive been trying to get a polycom soundstation ip 6000 set up with my asterisk server... I have created an ftp server and all of the files, but am getting a configuration error. anyone willing to work with me on setting this up correctly?
21:28.24dlynesDocAwesome: and leavewhenempty=yes, it just hangs up on you with no warning, when there's no members in the queue?
21:28.40DocAwesomedlynes: I think it continues to the next priority
21:28.46DocAwesomei.e. send to voicemail
21:28.52dlynesDocAwesome: ok, thanks
21:29.03p3nguinEven before the queue() timeout is reached?
21:29.04*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
21:29.07DocAwesomeif not, then I'm pretty sure there is an option to do that
21:29.12DocAwesomep3nguin: yes
21:29.45DocAwesomeQueue() in asterisk is actually pretty slick. There have been very very few things I can't do that have been requested by any of my clients
21:29.55DocAwesomeI can't even think of one, that's how few there are! :)
21:31.41[T]ankhere are my configs both for the polycom which are on the ftp server and the sip.conf
21:32.13[T]ankcould anyone please help me figure out why i am getting a "config error"
21:32.36[T]ankConfig File Error 0x20
21:33.26ChannelZpastebin appears to be dead
21:33.44Godfather_for me doesnt work
21:34.02[T]ankoh, nice... it must have just died.
21:34.12[T]anklet me see if i can recover and use a different site
21:34.27ChannelZyour config is so screwed it trashed pastebin
21:34.39[T]ankHAHA, probably :-D
21:34.50*** join/#asterisk leoburd_ (
21:34.55Godfather_now works!
21:34.56ChannelZah ca just finally came up
21:35.13[T]ankgood, cuz the past of this had line numbers and crap in it. was gonna be a mess
21:35.28ChannelZ[T]ank: what version of *
21:36.14ManxPower-workconfig error on polycoms almost always means mismatched " in the polycom config file.
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21:37.12leoburd_NEWBIE QUESTION: hello there, I'm getting a 'file does not exist' error every time I try to execute my agi script... but the file seems to be there... what shall I do?
21:38.00p3nguinleoburd_: Check the permissions on the script file.
21:38.02[T]ankleoburd_ have you checked the permissions and such on the file you are trying to use? Does asterisk have rights to execute it?
21:38.08ChannelZdoes the user asterisk is running as have permission to read/execute the file?
21:38.33[T]ankwow... seems that would be the first thing to check ;-)
21:39.11*** join/#asterisk ecrane (
21:39.38p3nguinThe problem I ran into the other day was that /usr/local/bin/php was the interpreter specified in the shebang inside the script, but that wasn't the path to php.  It gave the same result as if the script didn't exist.
21:39.52ChannelZshe bangs!  she bangs!
21:40.26leoburd_let me check...
21:42.28ChannelZ[T]ank: so you have a new problem on the phone side now, not * ?
21:42.45[T]ankYou mean from what I was trying to figure out last night?
21:43.17[T]ankbecause i was using the web interface, I was assuming that it was not setting something that asterisk was wanting.... so i set up an ftp server and am trying it this way where i have more access to the configs.
21:43.31[T]ankNow I cant even get it to boot up. I have something in the configs set up wrong.
21:43.41[T]ankive been at this for 3 days now :-D
21:43.44[T]ankIm persistant.
21:43.51ChannelZas Manx said probably a syntax error somewhere but that thing is such a mess of text my eyes are crossing just looking at it
21:44.10ChannelZBut don't try to provision it right now.  Get it to work yourself.  Factory reset the thing and use the web interface
21:44.13[T]ankhere is what I am using for tutorial.
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21:47.34Kattyi'm thinking about going home early
21:50.23[T]ankChannelZ: yeah, thats where i started.... I will do that. Then put together some screenshots. back in a few
21:52.11Kobazearly? that's blasphemy
21:52.37ChannelZ[T]ank: I don't run * 1.6 so I only have two theories based on what was going on last night:  1. Your Polycom is sending an Authorization line when it shouldn't because none of that stuff is filled (so it's trying to auth with a blank username).  Why, I don't know, maybe it's a bug and you need new firmware or something.  2. The 'username' directive in your sip.conf is making * 1.6 act as if it requires authoization - 1.4 doesn't do this but maybe 1.6 d
21:53.28infobotPeople who configure Polycom phones via the web interface or via the phone itself should be dragged out and shot.  Survivors should be shot AGAIN.
21:54.10[T]ank[TK]D-Fender nice to be loved.
21:57.58Kattyhas chili
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22:00.21hardwireITSP can eat me.
22:00.39Katty<ITSP> omnomnomnom
22:00.47hardwirethey change stuff on their side then wonder why I'm not doing it right.
22:00.48hardwireit's annoying
22:01.06Kattythat's happened to me.
22:01.19Kattyone time, charter changed a public ip address on a client of ours
22:01.23Kattydidn't tell anyone.
22:04.11DocAwesomeKatty: CHILI?!
22:04.13DocAwesome<-- wants
22:04.49dlynesKatty: don't stick your bum anywhere near me with that chili
22:04.50x86mmmm chili
22:04.59x86mmmmmm bum
22:05.07*** join/#asterisk flux_control (n=flux@sourcemage/wizard/flux)
22:05.45dlynesKatty: we get that sorta crap happening on a regular basis with our stupid isp
22:06.21flux_controlI have asterisk installed, but I'm having a problem with logging. I can't get asterisk to log either to regular files or to syslog, defined in logger.conf. Is there a module I should be loading to enable logging?
22:07.19dlynesflux_control: I seem to remember having a problem with a 1.4 version around that vintage with that same problem, too...figured it was just me, or the way someone set it up....maybe i was wrong....
22:07.30flux_controlI see.
22:07.52[T]ankChannelZ resetting to factory default does  not seem to completely work.... its still complaining of a config error, even though all of the settings on the phone show that its not pointed to an ftp server at all
22:07.55dlynesflux_control: I could've sworn it was 1.4.22rc5 or something though...but don't remember
22:08.06flux_controlI'm planning on upgrading to the latest anyway, but I figured I'd check to see if I was just missing something first.
22:08.11dlynesflux_control: i've since upgraded all those boxes to so it's not an issue
22:08.33flux_controlRight, that's what I'm hoping for myself as well. :)
22:08.53dlynesflux_control: do you have multiple boxes that need to talk to each other via iax2?
22:09.21flux_controlJust one box running asterisk, and clients which connect.
22:09.23dlynesflux_control: ok...just asking, because 1.4.25 and earlier couldn't talk iax2 to 1.6.1 boxes
22:09.38diatonic[T]ank: Can you do the 'hold down * 4 6 & 8' for 5 seconds to wipe that thing?
22:09.41flux_controlAh, thanks for the heads up :)
22:09.41ChannelZ[T]ank: well I dunno what to tell you there if the thing has an error with a default config
22:09.56dlynesflux_control: but if they're all doing sip, there isn't an issue
22:10.06flux_controlI'm also having issue with using an ipkall DID I set up.
22:10.12diatonic[T]ank: I think that also formats the filesystem
22:10.24flux_controlI've searched about it, but it seems inconclusive as to whether ipkall is still working fine or not.
22:10.28dlynesflux_control: yeah...i think you were on last night under a different nick asking about that, right?
22:10.40flux_controldlynes: No, that wasn't me.
22:10.42danj1980Hi, does anyone have a wholesale distributor for the Aastra 480I IP Phone, in the UK?
22:10.45dlynesflux_control: ah
22:10.58[T]ankdiatonic: docs i found said just *,8,6. I will try yours
22:12.30flux_controlI can receive the call, and then I can dial my sip phone (soft phone currently), but no audio goes between them. Also, the SIP phone terminates connection after about 20sec, but the PTNS continues to be connected until it reaches the ipkall timeout.
22:13.04flux_controlDialing echo tests works with the soft phone though, so I don't think it's a nat issue (at least not on my end), else I should have audio problems there too, right?
22:13.57flux_controlKind of hard to debug it without having logging though.. :(
22:14.15flux_controlI'm wondering if that issue will magically go away after the upgrade as well..
22:14.44Kattygives DocAwesome chili.
22:14.54flux_controlJust wondering if anyone else has * currently working with ipkall DIDs or not.
22:15.05Kattyi don't
22:15.09diatonici don't
22:15.15ChannelZI like peanut butter
22:15.21Kattyi do too
22:15.27diatonici don't
22:15.30[T]ankare you behind nat?
22:15.38[T]ankflux_control are you behind nat?
22:15.40Kattywell you're just weird.
22:15.47diatonicokay, i do
22:16.02ChannelZbut I am suspicious of a company who can't spell "call" right
22:16.07DocAwesomeI like organic PB and not things like Jiffy
22:16.17Kattyi like smucker's natural creamy
22:16.17flux_control[T]ank: My * box is in the DMZ, but the clients are behind nat. However, I have canreinvite=no, so the calls get routed through the * box.
22:16.18DocAwesomethe no-stir organic tastes a million times better
22:16.29ChannelZJIF all the way baby
22:16.32Kattytho i'm not sure if it's organic or not
22:16.44dlynesdanj1980: have you Netco?
22:16.45flux_controlIt could be my nat, but I thought that if nat was the cause the echo tests would fail too.
22:16.55dlyness/Netco/tried Netco/
22:17.03Kattyhave you tried nacho
22:17.09ChannelZmmmm nachos
22:17.11[T]ankflux_control: no idea... what ports do you have forwarded?
22:17.14flux_controlNachos are tasty :)
22:17.23diatonicI only like the PB found inside Reese's peanut butter cups. To make a sandwich I have to hollow out about 12 Reece's PB cups
22:17.24flux_control[T]ank: Forwarded from where to where?
22:17.29Kattythey totally are.
22:17.55dlynesKatty: smuckers anything isn't organic
22:18.11[T]ankflux_control: exactly. If you are behind nat, what ports are you forwarding from the internet to your asterisk server
22:18.22dlynesKatty: they were one of the ones that got caught in that tainted peanut scandal a couple of years ago
22:18.25flux_control[T]ank: No, the * server is in the DMZ.
22:18.37Kattydlynes: <- orly
22:18.46flux_control[T]ank: My setup is CableModem -> router -> Asterisk Server + Clients.
22:18.55dlynesKatty: woah...that's new
22:19.03dlynesKatty: Maybe it's stateside, only?
22:19.05[T]ankflux_control: so no nat then
22:19.09flux_controlThe * server is in the DMZ, so it sees everything incoming.
22:19.13Kattydlynes: who knows
22:19.16dlynesKatty: I've never seen it in Canada
22:19.33diatonicI would think organic would be more likely to be contaminted with bad stuff
22:19.42flux_controlThe clients are not in the DMZ, so they only see associated incoming, but they can communicate directly with the asterisk server.
22:19.45dlynesdiatonic: like ddt?
22:19.48ChannelZ[T]ank: DMZ is like still behind NAT but with every port forwarded
22:19.51diatonicno, like bacteria
22:20.05diatonice coli & whatnot
22:20.20dlynesdiatonic: bacteria gets into organic the same way it gets into non-organic
22:20.28dlynesdiatonic: so i fail to see your point
22:20.47flux_controlIn the * server, I set nat=no for the clients (since wrt the * box they are not nat), and canreinvite=no so that communication with anything is forced through the * box (which is for all purposes not nat anywhere).
22:21.02diatonicnon-organic can treat with anti-bacterial agents. Organic can not
22:21.06flux_controlAt least that's how I understand how the config options in * work.
22:21.14dlynesdiatonic: huh?
22:21.37diatonicdlynes: nevermind - way off topic
22:21.39dlynesdiatonic: you mean like sulfates?
22:22.12dlynesorganic means it doesn't use pesticides...has nothing to do with bacteriacides
22:22.53Kattyyou can still use some pesticides
22:22.59flux_controlSo, outside of ipkall, does anyone have a working DID (USA) with asterisk?
22:23.11flux_controlPreferably a free one...
22:23.11Kattyit's just greatly restricted
22:23.19flux_controlI'd like to "try before I buy" so to speak ;)
22:23.37Kattythe best way to get organic food is to just grow it in your back yard
22:24.05ChannelZThe Snickers seeds I planted never came up
22:25.37dlynesflux_control: that's what I've used to get some USA dids
22:26.04flux_controldlynes: I'm checking them out now, thanks.
22:26.10dlynesflux_control: mind you, it doesn't work the way they say it does
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22:26.17dlynesflux_control: you've gotta use some common sense
22:26.34diatonicI'm using vitelity for DIDs. Aside from some DTMF issues, they've been pretty good
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22:26.58dlynesdiatonic: yeah..i've only ever used them for inbound dids...never used them for outbound service
22:27.13jdnwestAnyone else have problems with Asterisk NOW installing broken?
22:27.32dlynesjdnwest: guis are broken in general...can you be specific?
22:27.39diatonicdlynes: Same here. All of our outbound gets carried on TDM hardware
22:27.50flux_controldlynes: Can you be more specific about "it doesn't work the way they say it does"?
22:27.58jdnwestretrieve_conf failed, config not applied
22:28.09flux_controlI'm only looking for inbound DID, not outbound service.
22:28.10jdnwestbasically the linking between the webconfig, and the actual files seemed to be broken.
22:28.16dlynesflux_control: i had to make some changes to the sip config
22:28.34dlynesflux_control: i..e their example sip config didn't work
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22:28.40flux_controlAnything that wouldn't be straightforward?
22:28.54dlynesflux_control: yeah..pretty wasn't anything hokey
22:29.07flux_controlAFAIK, if I have allowguests=yes I shouldn't even need anything in sip.conf, just a dialplan for the connection, right?
22:29.25dlynesflux_control: one sec
22:29.37flux_controlThis isn't on a production asterisk machine, and it doesn't have outbound calling anywhere, so for now I don't mind allowing guest sip connections.
22:30.32jdnwestFlux_Control: I apreciate the work the deveopers do, but i feel like asteriskNOW tarnishes Digium's/Asterisks credibility and they should just put a link to one of the projects that actually works.
22:30.45dlynesflux_control: you need a register, complete with a port number (username:secret@ (if I remember correctly, that wasn't the ip address they gave me, either)
22:31.29dlynesflux_control: and then you also need a [vitelity-inbound] sip context
22:31.39diatonicflux_control: You can do it based on IP authentication, and Vitelity provides changes you need to make to sip.conf and extensions.conf
22:31.43flux_controljdnwest: Wrong tab-completion?
22:31.44dlynesflux_control: with a host of, defined as type friend
22:32.22dlynesflux_control: and insecure=port,invite (so, yes...this was the one weird thing)
22:32.23flux_controldlynes: Did you ever try it with allowguests=yes in sip.conf?
22:32.30dlynesflux_control: never
22:32.32flux_controlJust curious
22:32.49flux_controlAlso, it seems they don't offer any free DIDs, correct?
22:32.52jdnwestflux_control: I just copy/pasted the sip.conf that's under the asterisk support tab.
22:33.01drfreezeAnyone know what a voicemail light wouldn't light up on a Polycom phone?
22:33.03dlynesflux_control: no...i think you want ipkall or something for that
22:33.04jdnwestNo, but at a 1.50 a month, its about as close as you can get.
22:33.05DocAwesomeAsterisk Release Candidates are now available:  1.4.28-rc1,,, and Please see the release announcement at Thanks!
22:33.19drfreezeI'm using the same setup I have done recently, and no lights show up
22:33.22flux_controljdnwest: No, I meant did you mean that message for someone else? I don't know anything about asterisk now, or why you were telling me. :/
22:33.34flux_controlYeah, 1.50 is pretty cheap
22:33.46jdnwestFlux:lol, general venting in this channel.  no one took my flame bait
22:33.49dlynesflux_control: dlynes is pretty close to flux_control , i think...don't you?
22:33.52flux_controlI'd just like to make sure my setup is definitely working properly before I start shelling out cash.
22:33.58diatonicDocAwesome: Access denied to that URL :(
22:34.07DocAwesomeoh I know why!
22:34.10Kattyi'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm int he mooood for love
22:34.16flux_controldlynes: lol, well, f and d on a qwerty board are right next to each other ;)
22:34.46dlynesflux_control: oh yeah...he could've hit 'fl<tab>', instead of 'dl<tab>'
22:34.58flux_controlI also tryed sipbroker.
22:35.18dlynesjdnwest: have you tried asking in #asterisknow?
22:35.21jdnwestflux_control: Only problem i've ever had with vitelity was some DTMF issues once going to my apartment's gate box.  Their supports good, and my voicemail vendor recommends them now for trunking to his boxes (not asterisk).
22:35.28Kattysimply because you're neaaaaaaar meeeee!!!
22:35.31dlynesjdnwest: it's just freepbx and asterisk on centos
22:35.34flux_controlAudio works for that one, but the connection still dies on the local (called) side after 10-20 secs, while the remote (calling) side stays connected.
22:35.42DocAwesomediatonic: try now
22:35.53flux_controljdnwest: Did you try different dtmf specifications? Inband, etc.?
22:35.55DocAwesomeforgot to his "Published"
22:35.58dlynesDocAwesome: still denied
22:36.03DocAwesomethat's weird
22:36.28dlynesreally....maybe the publish date is in the future?
22:36.50diatonicI had to set dtmf to info or inband with vitelity
22:36.52jdnwestDlynes:lol, yah, that channel is dead, If you awnt freepbx on centos PBXinaFlash and Elastix both actually do that.  I've installed something else though and my rage at digium is dieing down.
22:37.05flux_controlDocAwesome: Directory permissions problem? Url permission problem in the http server?
22:37.22dlynesflux_control: could be a chmod or chown issue, too
22:37.25DocAwesomenothing should be wrong as this is exactly what I've done with all the other release announcements
22:37.35diatonicDrupal cache issue?
22:37.42DocAwesomeit's highly unlikely it's a permissions problem unless the webmaster effed something up
22:37.47flux_controlDrupal... *shiver*
22:38.01diatonicDrupal = awesomesauce
22:38.02drfreezeAny polycom voicemail experts out there?
22:38.07dlynesDocAwesome: something is wrong, though...maybe someone changed something on your drupal without telling you?
22:38.10bcrispWhat type of manager event should i be looking for when a queued caller's position is updated?
22:38.12flux_controlDocAwesome: When in doubt, blame the webmaster. ;p
22:38.22DocAwesomewell there is something wrong with that story it seems
22:38.26jdnwestwho then blames the CRM....
22:38.32DocAwesomeI think I will just delete that one and make a new one
22:38.56dlynesdood....wordpress kicks drupal's ass ;)
22:39.20diatonicdlynes: wow
22:39.38flux_controlAnyone know why asterisk would drop a sip call prematurely?
22:39.48flux_controlOr perhaps it's my soft phone? (linphonec)
22:39.52dlynesdiatonic: mostly because wordpress is dead simple....drupla's a bit complicated :0
22:39.59flux_controlThough I get the same issue with SJPhone on Mac.
22:40.06dlynesflux_control: could be a network issue
22:40.26flux_controldlynes: That's what I was thinking, but I couldn't think of what, unless it was on the remote end.
22:41.04dlynesflux_control: could be port on the switch, could be network cable, could be interrupts on the card, could be the network card driver, could be....
22:41.08flux_controlI did see something online about an older version of * violating the rfc regarding how it was sending the ack, but like I said for an older version which supposedly got fixed well before the version I have.
22:41.42flux_controldlynes: If it was my card/cable/etc., should I experience the same drop when I do outbound calls from the softphone, like to remote echo tests?
22:41.54flux_controlFor example, I can call and have no problem.
22:42.06DocAwesomewow, that was heavily annoying
22:42.15DocAwesomeAsterisk Release Candidates are now available:  1.4.28-rc1,,, and Please see the release announcement at Thanks!
22:42.19diatonicdrfreeze:Is your Polycom with VM problems being provisioned from a server?
22:42.21flux_controlIf I get the logging working I can probably debug it all myself.
22:42.26flux_controlDarn logging :/
22:43.01DocAwesomeflux_control / dlynes / diatonic: give it a shot now
22:43.08DocAwesomenote the node number has increased by 1
22:43.25diatonicDocAwesome: New node works
22:43.34DocAwesomeno idea what was wrong with the old one
22:44.01flux_controlYup, here too.
22:44.14flux_controlDocAwesome: The good old fence-post problem? :)
22:45.07flux_controlHmm.. does anyone know of any other test numbers?
22:45.20flux_controlI want to make sure I'm not having a general call problem...
22:45.48flux_controlIf there's an echo test or something that will allow 40 seconds or show that should be sufficient.
22:45.49*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
22:46.35flux_controlI know those.
22:46.40drfreezediatonic: yes
22:46.55flux_controlNot so many echo tests, and the ones listed don't seem very long.
22:47.25drfreezeI just finished an office with the same setup (except this time used the latest polycom config files. Did not do a straight copy)
22:48.26diatonicdrfreeze: If you pastebin the macaddr.cfg and macaddrreg.cfg I'll see if anything rumps out at me as to why MWI isn't working
22:48.41diatonicerr... jumps out at me
22:49.10ChannelZthe ekiga echo is letting me go on and on
22:50.01flux_controlI'll try that one, usually I get denied with ekiga ones
22:50.39Kattygoes home
22:50.49flux_controlChannelZ: I'm trying that one.
22:51.00flux_controlThat echo isn't working for me...
22:51.05flux_controlI get no audio.
22:51.22flux_controlYet I get audio from other echo tests (like, and the TELLME calls work.
22:51.59ChannelZYou get nothing from them or just nothing back on the echo?
22:53.02flux_controlI hear nothing at all.
22:53.17*** join/#asterisk brozow (
22:53.20ChannelZhmm well I dunno whats going on through your screwy system
22:53.34ChannelZThis is a softphone on the same LAN as your * box calling that number right?
22:53.51flux_controlRouting through the * box.
22:54.11ChannelZwhat happens if you make an extension in your * that does Dial(SIP/*010600) and call that extension from the softphone?
22:54.44flux_controlI'll try that.
22:54.51ChannelZwhat softphone is this btw
22:55.28ChannelZand you say you're going 'through' the * box, but if you're typing in a direct SIP address, is it *really* going through the * box at all?
22:55.29flux_controlI just did another call to and saw some errors in my softphone client.
22:56.17flux_controlThings along the lines of "ortp-error-Payload telephone-event type already entered, should not happen !"
22:56.45flux_controlChannelZ: It's not allowed to do reinvite, and the * box is used as the registrar, proxy, gateway, etc.
22:58.09ChannelZand the call is actually going through * on the console
23:00.27flux_controlWhat do you mean going through * on the console?
23:00.43flux_controlYou mean using the * console originate to place the call instead of the softphone?
23:00.48ChannelZwhen you make this call from the softphone you see the activity of * being involved?
23:01.04flux_controlPlease be more specific
23:01.11ChannelZLike what does your dialplan look like that you're making SIP calls from the softphone
23:01.15ChannelZyes on the console
23:01.51flux_controlIf I turn on sip debug in the asterisk console, I can see all the packets, including audio packets.
23:02.18flux_controlWhen my * box receives a call, it dials the sip extension that the softphone registers to.
23:03.44ChannelZbut your outgoing calls
23:04.22diatonicdrfreeze: What model polycom?
23:04.33flux_controlI get no audio using an extension in the dialplan for Dial(SIP/*010600) either.
23:04.37ChannelZto these SIP test echos and things... I do not think * behaves in the way you think it behaves in this case, maybe I'm wrong
23:05.26flux_controlChannelZ: When I place an outbound call to, and I have sip debug on, I see all the packets in the console (including audio).
23:05.26*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=[T]ank@
23:05.44flux_controlThat's for when I place a call on my softphone directly to iptel.
23:05.51ChannelZwell audio doesn't go through SIP first of all so I dunno what you're going on about there
23:06.07flux_controlThere's no such thing as a "direct SIP call", unless the pathway between the two endpoints allows for it.
23:06.25flux_controlChannelZ: Signalling for the audio, not the audio itself.
23:06.47flux_controlAnd I didn't say that the audio was going through SIP.
23:07.07ChannelZ... " I have sip debug on, I see all the packets in the console (including audio)."
23:07.23ChannelZbut whatever.  I have no idea what craziness you have going on, I will cease trying to help
23:07.26flux_controlYes, the packet headers which refer to the audio.
23:07.42ChannelZI need to go swap HDs in a computer.
23:07.48flux_controlAnyway, works fine, they just don't allow it to go on forever.
23:07.58flux_controlSo I can't do lengthy tests with them.
23:08.19ChannelZthey seem not to be your problem
23:10.48flux_controlChannelZ: "they" = ???
23:13.13flux_controlHmm..when looking at a packet, which one initiates the BYE? --v
23:13.14flux_controlReally destroying SIP dialog '680793495dd83eca04fdc71c5fa741ea@' Method: INVITE
23:13.17flux_controlReally destroying SIP dialog '3e92812628bb2bac03a957966ab8202f@' Method: BYE
23:13.22flux_controlSorry, wrong paste.
23:13.24flux_control<--- SIP read from --->
23:13.25flux_controlBYE sip:asterisk@ SIP/2.0
23:13.28flux_controlThere we go.
23:14.00flux_controlIs the BYE initiated from the 72.*, or from the 213.*? From the 213, right?
23:14.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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23:15.53Qwellflux_control: the answer is in the first line
23:15.55*** join/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
23:16.18flux_controlQwell: Answer to my question, or answer to a SIP request?
23:16.23dweryhello, anyone is using the latest dahdi with kernel 2.6.32?
23:16.25flux_controlJust want to be sure.
23:16.33Qwellthe answer to where the packet came from
23:16.52flux_controlSo it's a BYE packet sent to 72.* then
23:16.57flux_controlThat's good then :)
23:18.52flux_controlOh, I'm also a little confused wrt SIP presence support in asterisk.
23:19.07flux_controlIt seems like it should be supported in 1.6, and there may have been a backport to 1.4?
23:19.13*** join/#asterisk gooph (
23:19.29flux_controlAm I mistaken about this? If there is support in 1.6, is it "complete"?
23:20.49flux_controlIs there another way to find out a devices state before actually calling the device?
23:26.48flux_controlBy the way, I meant the PUBLISH method of announcing presence. Sorry.
23:27.07*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
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23:29.16dan__tI love AEL.
23:30.26dan__tAnyone else use it a lot?
23:30.51Kobazit's sexy
23:30.58Kobazalthough i've been moving much of my ael to agi
23:31.03flux_controlI use extensions.ael in lieu of extensions.conf entirely.
23:31.15*** part/#asterisk BuSyAnToS (
23:31.17Kobazwhy would you want to go through the pain of writing in BASIC
23:31.41Kobaz10,print foo
23:31.43Kobaz20, goto 10
23:32.44bcrispsounds neat
23:33.01bcrisplooking at ael now..
23:33.51bcrispKobaz.. got a question about qeueus. Is it possible for a caller to leave a voicemail rather than waiting for the agent, and have that message stay in the queue in their stead?
23:34.02Kobazcontext foo { s => { Answer(); while (1) { Playback(lunch); } } }
23:34.37dan__tI'm still not that good of a programmer to use AGI yet, but I'd definitely like to.
23:34.48Kobazbcrisp: that's you wouldn't be able to use anything that's built in
23:34.55Kobazbcrisp: but sure, you can do that
23:35.08bcrispKobaz that would be a neat feature
23:35.22Kobazbcrisp: i don't know how you would retain the position in queue
23:35.33bcrispi think southwest airlines does that
23:36.09Kobazbcrisp: but when leaving a message, you can spawn an Originate() that will have one end join the queue, and one end do a Playback() of the message
23:36.29Kobazdan__t: ael will make it easier for you to code, if you're a good coder or not
23:36.42Kobazit's *much* easer to work with structured code than unstructured
23:37.24*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
23:37.28Kobazbcrisp: all the tools are there, in asterisk... to do anything you could possibly want in a phone system
23:37.35Kobazbcrisp: it's a matter of putting the pieces together
23:37.46bcrispKobaz: yep, i continually go over the applications list
23:37.53bcrispneed to learn AGI
23:38.01Kobazagi is just stdin/stdout to asterisk
23:38.02flux_controlI wish there were more softphones that supported iax(2)...
23:38.09Kobazand running dialplan applications, getting variables, etc
23:38.22p3nguinWhy more?  You really only need one.
23:38.25Kobazso you have the power of a real language, like c, perl, python, etc
23:38.38Kobazflux_control: i can think of about a half a dozen
23:38.48bcrispKobaz yes i like :)
23:39.01flux_controlKobaz: For linux? Preferably CLI and/or curses (non-GUI)?
23:39.04Kobazael is not a real language
23:39.11Kobazflux_control: non-gui, good luck
23:39.37flux_controlI am only aware of about half a dozen *total*, and there seems to be more for Windows than linux.
23:40.16flux_controlThere are far more SIP clients than IAX clients overall.
23:40.20Kobazbut, for linux... zoper, iaxcomm, kiax, idefisk, and umm
23:40.31Kobazthere's some more
23:40.38flux_controlI believe you meant zoiper.
23:40.44Kobazthat too
23:40.50flux_controlAlso, didn't idefisk get renamed?
23:40.56p3nguinYou can't really include idefisk if you said zoiper.
23:41.05Qwellidefisk ~= zoiper
23:41.19flux_controlAh, yes.
23:41.38Kobazthere's always libiax, and libncurses
23:41.40Kobazhave at it :P
23:41.44flux_controlIf I have time, I might.
23:41.55flux_controlRight now the spare time department is rather lacking for me. :(
23:42.04Kobazlot of that going around
23:42.08flux_controlAt least there's asterisk console. :-D
23:42.25Kobazyeah, i use asterisk as a test phone
23:42.38Kobazit's a fully programmable soft phone, if you think about it
23:43.00*** join/#asterisk ticoit (n=ticoit@
23:43.11flux_controlYeah, just seems to want full control of the soundcard under alsa.
23:43.25dan__tKobaz, I was talking in regards to AGI, no AEL.
23:43.37Kobazdan__t: about what
23:43.52*** part/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
23:43.55dan__tAEL I've got down pretty well.  I understand AGI well, but I'm not too good at making those AGI applications.
23:44.18*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
23:44.38Kobazif you're not good at making agi applications, then most likly you don't fully understand agi
23:44.56dan__tI understand AGI.  I promise.
23:45.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (n=tzafrir@
23:45.26flux_controlIs there a way in the dialplan to get a devices state before actually dialing the device?
23:45.56Kobazflux_control: offhand i don't know the app/function
23:46.06Kobazflux_control: in theory, yes you can get any information... but!
23:46.29Kobazflux_control: there is absolutly no guarantee that if the device is free when you check it, it will still be free when you dial it
23:46.33flux_controlI know after calling Dial ${DEVSTATE} gets set, and I could use that.
23:47.09flux_controlKobaz: That's true. I was looking more for online vs. offline (which can still change in that amount of time).
23:47.30bcrispKobaz: can I make * handle DTMF input while waiting in a queue?
23:47.46bcrispi.e. caller A calls, is waiting with on hold music and types 123 for the voicemail option
23:47.52flux_controlI was playing with music on hold, and I set it up to use music on hold as the ring (Dial(SIP/exten,20,m)), but in order to do that I need to Answer() first.
23:47.59Kobazbcrisp: using res_features would work
23:48.07bcrispKobaz: thanks, ill look into it
23:48.34Kobazflux_control: yes you need to answer in order to get out of the ringing state (ie: play tracks)
23:48.48flux_controlIf the callee is already offline before the Answer, then it doesn't make sense to do the Answer first
23:49.20flux_controlSo if there were a way to check state separately, I could check the state and only go to Answer if the callee is online.
23:49.32flux_controlIf the callee goes offline after that, it makes sense anyway.
23:49.38flux_controlWell, to me at least :0
23:49.43Kobazchanisavail() on a sip/iax/dahdi line, will tell if if it's available
23:49.49Kobazso if you have say, a sip phone
23:49.55Kobazand it's unregistered, it will return unavailable
23:50.06Kobazif it is registered (even if it's on a call), it will be available
23:50.42flux_controlCool, that would work great, thanks!
23:50.51Kobazthere's some cool tricks you can do with chanisavail() to check for valid contexts and extensions
23:51.01Kobazyou can do chanisavail(local/exten@context)
23:51.14Kobazand it will return whether or not that exten@context is in your dialplan
23:51.32flux_controlI'm not too clear on what exactly the local channel is for.
23:51.39KobazThe local channel is amazing
23:51.52KobazIt's a 'fake' device
23:51.54flux_controlI just recently started playing with asterisk (although that's probably already evident) ;)
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23:52.06Kobazyou can do anything to it that would be done to any other device
23:52.31Kobazit really pollutes your cdr's though
23:52.54flux_controlI currently don't have cdr's working (no logging is working for me).
23:53.04flux_controlHopefully that will get fixed via upgrade.
23:53.20dan__tI just got pegged in the side of the head by an airsoft pellet.
23:53.34dan__tWork decided it would be a great idea to give us all airsoft guns as a Christmas present.
23:53.47Kobazi should get my employee a christmas present
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23:55.55flux_controlI just looked on about ChanIsAvail, and it lists the different variables that get set, but doesn't have a list of what values they can contain.. :(
23:56.49Kobazmuch of the ast docs are lacking
23:57.38KobazAVAILSTATUS is a 0 or 1
23:58.26bcrispim not seeing in the list of modules and didnt see it in * make menuselect
23:58.38Kobazbcrisp: it's built in now
23:58.44bcrispKobaz: phew
23:58.49Kobazit was a module
23:59.10bcrispneat thanks
23:59.30Kobazbcrisp: i believe you're going to have to do some trickery to get features to actually work when you're in a queue
23:59.46Kobazbecause I think they are only available when you Dial()

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