IRC log for #asterisk on 20091201

00:00.01spcki guess that is the upside over there cheaper, but more nickle and dime i guess. personally i rue my cellphone
00:01.08haryvthats crazy
00:01.33kerxspck, i've been monitoring a few of the channels that complete.  for some reason the UniqueID i receive from "show channel {channelName}"  doesn't match what's in  /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
00:02.05kerxBasically, I can't find a recording w/ the uniqueid in the filename
00:02.05IBC_jkenneyHas anyone heard of a SPA962 sip flooding an asterisk box
00:02.05IBC_jkenneyis that even possible
00:02.08spckbecause that's the channel name
00:02.20spckchannel name != unique id
00:02.50spcktry ${UNIQUEID}
00:03.29kerxspck, so I must use AMI and Getvar then ?
00:03.41kerxBecause I'm getting a UniqueID like visionstar-1259624366.1429483
00:03.43IBC_jkenneycan you see me?
00:03.47kerxAre you sure that is a channel name?
00:04.06ecranebeing charged more on your usage vs. a high monthly fee for minutes you might not use seems more 'proper' to me. It's easier for the consumer to understand how their usage (or non-usage) will directly impact their bill. Easier for carriers to plan revenue anticipation when it is more directly related to their capacity. Also when the consumer has the ability to easily/freely move from one carrier to another, then the carriers can compete i
00:04.06ecranen terms of quality of service instead of rip offs like high 'activation' or 'sim card' fees and handset monopolies. I heard the EU even convinced the handset manufacturers to standardize on a cellphone charger jack and voltage.
00:04.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
00:04.54spcki like that more personally, i have a at&t go phone sim in my G1
00:05.13spcki think i pay 0.25$ a minute for cell service i never use
00:08.16haryvguess this recession has hit the rv market hard. Found a wifi rc/tx unit 5 times stronger then anything on market and mounts on rv. seems company went under.
00:09.29*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
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00:10.52spckkerx: are you using agi?
00:11.04spcklike i said what are you trying to do because i've probably already done it
00:11.26*** join/#asterisk IBC_jkenney (
00:11.29IBC_jkenneycan anyone see me?
00:11.43spckwell philosophically...
00:11.52dlynesIBC_jkenney:'re invisible...please remove your cloak of invisibility
00:12.40dlynesIBC_jkenney: somebody had to sounded like you weren't sure if you existed
00:13.14spcki get a call from a user the other day saying their computer was talking to them
00:13.18IBC_jkenneyI have a question has anyone heard of a sip phone going off the rocker and causing asterisk to crash because it is flooding the server with sip messages
00:13.51spcknot i
00:13.54dlynesIBC_jkenney: korcan!  You're back!
00:14.06IBC_jkenneyI am not korcan
00:14.30spckthe user was like "it keeps repeating everything i'm doing", so i ask them if anyone else can hear the voice?
00:14.36dlynesand here i thought you recovered from your sip option spam... :)
00:14.39p3nguinSeems like korcan to me, too.
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00:15.03dlynesIBC_jkenney: quick cure
00:15.03IBC_jkenneyits not
00:15.18dlynesIBC_jkenney: pull that smith and wesson out of the drawer, aim it at the phone....pull the trigger
00:15.19spckneedless to say i wish apple hadn't put text to speech on a short cut
00:15.19IBC_jkenneyI have already recovered from the problem
00:15.43IBC_jkenneyI need clarification of what happened to get me out of the hot seat
00:16.02p3nguinYou're both connecting from the same IP address, so I'm sure the problem is the same one.
00:16.14spckand he came to irc...
00:16.37spckjust c&p the chat log to your boss
00:16.42kerxspck, no, just CLI
00:17.28dlynesIBC_jkenney: korcan had some stupid phone spamming the server, and then instituted an iptables rule to block it that apparently didn't work either
00:17.35spckkerx: are you trying to get the recorded call to call your extension and play it?
00:17.57kerxspck, I'm trying to figure out the Call Recording Name while the Agent is on the call.
00:18.02dlynesIBC_jkenney: I suggested he just shut the phone off, and be done with the problem, but after 20 messages to him from various people, we just gave up on him...never responded
00:18.11kerxI have a custom made Order Entry software, and I'd like to attach to each sale the Unique ID name of the Monitor'ed Channel
00:18.18kerxFor Quality Assurance purposes
00:18.31spckya i basically did the same thing
00:18.40spckbut i used asterisk-java as the interface
00:18.46haryv serios wifi omnipole. Put that on my suv :)
00:19.18spckhow do you get the id into the order entry software?
00:19.45spckharyv: how would you deal with constantly picking up and dropping networks?
00:20.08haryvI would be stationary and never stay more then three hours.
00:20.26haryvWould have to get a map of known local wifi networks that are open.
00:20.34spcki thought you meant for driving around in
00:20.48haryvno, If im at a site, car would not move.
00:20.49spckthere's a map for that
00:20.59haryvfor vancouver bc
00:21.10kerxspck, I run a perl script through AMI, then using JavaScript I set a hidden field that get's put into the database once the sale is made
00:21.13haryvanother idea, is a 2 or three element yagi.
00:21.14spckya there's a service that went around and mapped all the wifi spots
00:21.49spckso you're not using agi to access the perl script?
00:21.57haryvdoes not nessesary need to be a service. Just some one who volinteered or did alot of driving and the gps would plot the wifi unit as it passed it.
00:22.17spcki think it's free
00:22.26haryvI am in canada
00:22.28spckgoogle uses it to triangulate their fake gps
00:22.30haryvnot the us
00:22.32kerxspck, no, Once a Button is clicked on the OE software, it runs the AMI code and receives data back using AJAX
00:23.06haryvFastest way to pickup wifi and map it is by small plane ;)
00:23.18haryvbut that has its own issues.
00:23.22spckcause using the Queue() application you can have it call a macro when it gives the call to the agent
00:23.37spckharyv: rc plane?
00:23.39haryvgoing to call it a day.
00:26.57hardwirethis bug won't leave me alone
00:27.15hardwireI have a core now.. which is helpful.
00:27.21hardwireif I knew what to do with it :)
00:27.28hardwireI don't have thread debugging in my binary.
00:27.53spckis it actually not working?
00:27.55hardwireanyawys.. that last line is Asterisk restarting on it's own.
00:28.03spckor just giving your those messages?
00:28.23hardwireit gives me around 10k of those messages.. spikes the CPU load.. then poops out and safe_asterisk restarts it.
00:28.25spckouch that's harsh
00:28.38*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
00:28.53spcklive enviroment?
00:29.00hardwirecall center recording system
00:29.06hardwirethey don't like it when it crashes
00:29.29spckya that weight on your shoulders isn't much fun i'm learning
00:29.34hardwireI think it has something to do with a silence I'm sending after a Dial(..,g)
00:29.46spckhave you searched the issues for it?
00:29.52hardwirefor about half a year, yes.
00:30.00hardwireI'm finally getting to a point where I'm narrowing it down.
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00:30.34spcki hope you've reported it then?
00:30.48hardwireI wasn't up to spec enough to report it
00:30.50hardwirebut I am now.
00:31.47*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
00:31.53spckwell please do, it's better for all of us in the long run, i've never seen that before though
00:32.28spcki get my d-channel popping up and down occasionally but that seems to be a timing issue
00:32.38hardwiresquirrels.. I bet.
00:33.04spcki have to say at&t has reinforced some bad trouble shooting happens upon us
00:33.28spckalmost every outage has occurred with one of their vans parked outside on the street somewhere
00:33.45spckso now first thing we do is go outside and look for an AT&T van
00:34.13*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
00:34.39joakoAnyone is familiar with Polycom phones? I Have them setup hardcoded with a config server, but after I setup PXE boot (sending dhcp-boot option) on the LAN I noticed my ringtones are not loaded and then noticed that the phone is trying to get the files from the pxe boot server
00:37.18*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
00:37.22hardwirehmm.. apparently one of the phones sent a wink/flash
00:37.30hardwirebut I shouldn't be supporting flash on those lines
00:37.34hardwireI really hate working outside of PRI
00:38.23spckare you dealing with a legacy system?
00:38.44*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
00:39.48p3nguinjoako: Maybe you can check out dhcp options 66 and 150.
00:41.29hardwirespck: crappy channel banks
00:41.35hardwirecrappy automated dialing on some of the agents stations
00:41.44*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
00:41.47hardwireand crappy handling of events in dahdi
00:42.04hardwireIf I can duplicate the bug I'll be submitting a howto to digium :)
00:42.48spcki suppose there's some reason they haven't all switched to asterisk then?
00:43.25ChannelZGeneral crappiness
00:44.01spcki still can't believe they let me spend like $15k at work on hardware
00:44.06spckfor ours
00:44.32joakop3nguin: Well it has to be one of those to use PXE booting, no? I was thinking someone might know an option for the polycom phones so it would ignore that in the DHCP response.
00:44.37spckbefore that we had this thing by nitsuko, nightmare
00:45.26*** join/#asterisk Selco (n=selco06@
00:45.28p3nguinjoako: I believe that 66 and 150 provide tftpd info to the client.
00:45.46spcki think he's saying it's not working
00:45.47ecranejoako: Sorry, not familiar with polycom phones. You might have to configure your PXE server to refrain from sending the boot stuff to the polycom phones. Should be able to find the pattern via phone mac address vendor id portion.
00:45.58spckit's still looking at the dhcp server for the files
00:46.40spckjoako: did you ever at one time have it set to get the files from the PXE server? like maybe the setting hasn't been flushed?
00:46.47p3nguinIf 66 and/or 150 are not configured at all, I can see why it's looking on the dhcp server for files.
00:47.21spckjoako: can you pastebin your phone.cfg ?
00:51.09jayteejoako, try using the setup on the phone from the Menu button and under the DHCP menu options make sure it says STATIC instead of Option 66 or Custom or Custom+Option66
00:51.41jayteethat's for the Boot Server setting under DHCP menu
00:52.24ChannelZDamnation.  I start a backup and then 2 minutes after I leave the office the LTO is full and needs a new tape.
00:56.09spcknight guys
01:05.13*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
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01:32.58johnakabeanExecIf($["${DAYS}" = "0"]?Playback(custom/today))
01:33.17johnakabeanwhat's wrong with that format? that's how the gotoif application is formatted?
01:35.27p3nguinAre you using GotoIf?
01:35.41johnakabeanno, but i'm using its syntax to do execif
01:36.47p3nguinIs that what "core show application ExecIf" said to do?
01:38.48johnakabeanits the same but slightly different, instead of doing the application(data) you do ",application,data)
01:39.06johnakabeanonly place I messed up but the comparison operand is the exact same
01:43.02*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:45.22p3nguinSo it works now?
01:48.10*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
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02:11.29drfreezeIs there a way to test auto pickup on a polycom phone remotely (ie, without access to the phone)
02:12.33Carlos_Ticono idea
02:12.36Carlos_Ticoabout it
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02:49.23joakodrfreeze: Call it and the asterisk cli will tell you if it is answered
02:50.13joakoReboot the phone with "sip notify polycom-check-cfg <name of sip peer" if it hasn't been since the config was updated
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04:25.32dlynesIs there a way to tell asterisk to switch to using a specific codec, in mid-conversation?
04:26.00dlynesI want it to reinvite ulaw if a call comes in on a certain number
04:30.20*** join/#asterisk Ccomp5950 (n=Ccomp595@
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04:32.30voipmonkdlynes: codec negotiation happens before u hear audio, sorry
04:33.10voipmonkdlynes: you could set the codec for that number and use a diff sip account that only uses that codec tho
04:33.17voipmonkwell let me back up
04:33.31voipmonkthe sip account u use for that number can be set to use the codec u want
04:35.09[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: * can transcode if you choose a peer with different codec specs, but thats about it.
05:02.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
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08:10.46fcois93which RFC show the "CALLERID NAME" ?
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08:35.54ThoMeis it posible work with a loop ( for / foeach)
08:35.58ThoMein a macro?
08:36.18ThoMeexamole &bla(1,2,3,4,5) and bla { for argv ... bla?}
08:36.32*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (n=elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
08:36.50elliot98has there been any development with a digium fax driver for a 64 bit system?
08:41.35fcois93which RFC show the "CALLERID NAME" ?
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08:51.12angryuserelliot98, you can make 32 bit working on 64 bit platform
08:51.34angryuserelliot98, but there is no binery for 64 for a moment
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08:58.43elliot98is there any development with a 64-bit driver?
08:58.57elliot98any sort of timeline/idea when one will be available/
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10:03.33ctphi folks. anyone here knows if is dead? the site seems not to be reachable, the phone number is not connected.
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10:27.36hlueseahello, do I need register command for interconnection sip server as a peer ?
10:32.44maxagazhi, how to execute "sip reload" without having to open asterisk console ?
10:33.50kaldemarmaxagaz: asterisk -rx "sip reload"
10:33.51sun28maxagaz: AMI
10:34.16kaldemarhluesea: only if other end requires it
10:34.26sun28asterisk -C "whereis your asterisk config" -rx 'sip reload'
10:35.05kaldemaryou don't need -C for that
10:39.38tzafrirYou only need the -C if you need to set the path of astvarrundir
10:40.42tzafrirand if "whereis your asterisk config" is not /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf or whatever the hardcoded default is
10:42.11*** join/#asterisk Omorika (n=omorika@
10:44.05maxagazkaldemar, thanks :)
10:47.11Omorikathis is what happens
10:47.50Omorikaone call comes in over SIP
10:47.50Omorikawhich is bridged with outbound DAHDI call
10:47.58Omorikaand after around 890 seconds
10:48.05OmorikaSIP gets hungup with
10:48.18Omorika"Bearer capability not available"
10:51.13fcois93How to have a dial timeout < 1 ?
10:51.33fcois93I want to send the invite and juste after hangup is it possible?
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11:16.27kaldemarfcois93: core show application dial
11:18.24fcois93kaldemar: I want to send the invite and cancel 100ms after I don't want to wait the ringing (thats what the timeout do)
11:18.33fcois93kaldemar: I dont Dial application
11:21.48Chainsawleifmadsen: Ping wrt
11:22.07Chainsawleifmadsen: Is there anything I can do to speed up adoption for the 1.6 branch? 1.4 is out of my area of interest.
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11:31.05kaldemarfcois93: did you try option L() already?
11:33.12fcois93L() work after answer
11:33.14fcois93kaldemar: L() work after answer
11:33.32fcois93kaldemar: I want before ringing
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11:39.03tzafrirOmorika, "bearer capability" is roughly the same as "codec" for chan_sip
11:41.57kaldemarfcois93: maybe you should write a script to do it
11:42.28fcois93kaldemar: I don't how to. I think asterisk cant
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11:56.48*** join/#asterisk Fairmont (
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11:57.51Fairmontgood afternoon, just wondering whether someone can help me with an asterisk pbx issue?
12:03.27Fairmontanyone here at all ? i dont mean to be rude just require some help?
12:03.29ChainsawFairmont: Until you tell us more about it, there's not much we can do.
12:03.34Fairmontok no probs sorry
12:07.22Fairmontrtp.c:783 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible.
12:07.42Fairmontwhen i put the caller on hold the musiconhold audio is choppy and cuts in and out
12:07.58ChainsawOkay. Did you turn off comfort noise generation on the client?
12:08.38Fairmontyou mean advising the voip provider to turn it off on their end ?
12:09.30ChainsawYes. Whatever is talking to you is trying to use comfort noise generation. Asterisk does not like it.
12:10.24Fairmontthats true chainsaw it doesnt, my voip provider has issues doing that as it wants to save bandwidth through their voip network. :(
12:10.57ChainsawThen it looks like you may have to switch away from this VoIP provider.
12:10.58Fairmonti have done a few things with ASTARGS and also internal_timing=yes - still no fix
12:11.10FairmontChainsaw maybe so
12:11.42Fairmontjust wanted to ask the #asterisk channels opinion and help on this firs to see if there is an outcome but thankyou anyway chainsaw
12:11.47Fairmontappreciate your help
12:12.00ChainsawFairmont: It's an honest error message. "This doesn't work right yet, please don't try to use it"
12:12.58Fairmonti wont use it no probs, will there be a asterisk version that will eliminate noise support in the future chainsaw?
12:13.14ChainsawFairmont: It's likely to get implemented eventually, yes.
12:13.19*** join/#asterisk wopsynator (
12:14.01FairmontChainsaw excellent! thankyou for your help and will be looking forward to it, how do i get notified when it comes out ?
12:14.30ChainsawFairmont: I'd check the website from time to time.
12:14.38ChainsawFairmont: Newly available features will always be mentioned.
12:15.05Fairmontno problem! will look out for it then have a good day and night and thanks again
12:15.29Fairmontseeya champ
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12:58.21heedlyasterisk isn't binding to 5060 for sip registeration.
12:58.34heedlyeverything seems OK in sip.conf
12:58.48heedlyany suggestions on how to debug?
12:59.01heedlynetstat returns nothing on port 5060
12:59.23heedlyand lsof returnz no inet fds
12:59.36Tim_Toadymodule load
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13:01.39heedlyI got  Unable to load config sip.conf
13:01.46heedlymy /etc/asterisk is a link
13:01.58heedlymaking it a directory again, made it work.
13:02.01Tim_Toadycheck file permissions
13:02.25heedlyoh, that could be it too.
13:02.41heedlydoes it have to be certain restrictions?
13:03.44Tim_Toadythe directory must be accesible and the files readable by the user that runs asterisk process
13:04.34heedlyI run it as root though, so that wouldn't make much since if it was unreadable
13:04.50heedlythanks though.
13:05.53infoboti heard answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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13:28.33CRCinAU_wonders if anyone can see a fault in this REGISTER packet:
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13:54.58leifmadsenChainsaw: nothing to be done other than get additional testing, but it looks to be waiting for review, which means when it bubbles to the top of the priority list, it'll get dealt with
13:55.37Chainsawleifmadsen: Which hasn't happened since January. Okay, thanks.
13:56.05leifmadsennot much further I can do on the matter
13:57.05Chainsawleifmadsen: I take it you have no devs in the UK.
13:57.13leifmadsennot that I'm aware of
13:57.28Chainsawleifmadsen: That figures. They'd have gotten annoyed by now that their analog line goes down overnight. Every *single* day.
13:58.14CRCinAU_Chainsaw: at least it wasn't closed off as 'unable to replicate' ;)
13:59.03ChainsawCRCinAU_: At least then I could say "you're wrong"
13:59.20CRCinAU_hehe :)
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14:01.48CRCinAU_I should write some kinda bug about the asterisk 1.6 docs packages only including 4 man pages and no other docs.
14:02.08CRCinAU_and another one about the 1.4 package being out of date.
14:02.17ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: the stuff in doc/ is not "docs"
14:03.05CRCinAU_from here:
14:03.27ChainsawCRCinAU_: You now have "core show".
14:03.37ChainsawCRCinAU_: Which documents applications, functions, anything you can think of.
14:04.49WinZguys, I'm sending a fax with Digium's Free Fax For Asterisk, and getting this error: [Dec  1 15:30:44] WARNING[28037] res_fax.c: SendFAX does not support polling
14:05.19WinZany ideas where I can fix this?
14:05.40CRCinAU_agi calls?
14:06.04CRCinAU_one would assume a -doc package includes stuff from the doc/ directory in something like /usr/share/doc/asterisk16-blah/
14:06.30ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: I doubt here is a forum for complaining about packages.
14:06.54CRCinAU_file a bug on that too? ;)
14:07.17ManxPower-workFile a bug where?  The packages are not official digium packages AFIK.
14:07.28CRCinAU_it's on :\
14:07.32CRCinAU_linked to on the downloads page
14:07.54CRCinAU_they even tell you how to configure yum for their repo here:
14:08.01ManxPower-workI do not see it on (the official Digium site)
14:08.04CRCinAU_so it looks pretty official to me? :\
14:08.31CRCinAU_and from the page: "At this point your system has been updated to use the Asterisk and Digium repositories in addition to the base CentOS repositories."
14:08.31ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: I get messages all the time that look official.
14:08.39Ccomp5950packages are probably like any other project, community supported.
14:08.47ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: you just go right ahead and file a bug on
14:08.59ManxPower-work"Well, bless his heart"
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14:09.56CRCinAU_if it was a community packages thing, shouldn't it be under the community section? with something stating that?
14:10.21ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: go file a bug on that too.
14:11.44CRCinAU_well I don't know... are they a community thing? or are they official Digium packages?
14:12.14CRCinAU_everything I've seen only mentions the 'Digium yum repository' :\
14:12.44ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: As far as I'm concerned the only official stuff is on, but if you are convinced otherwise then go file a bug.
14:12.51CRCinAU_which leads me to believe that's it as official as the source tarballs also listed on their site.
14:13.07*** join/#asterisk Carlos_Tico (
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14:13.50CRCinAU_is confused.
14:14.09CRCinAU_all the asterisk downloads are on which links to - but those are official too?
14:14.35infobotManxPower has been using Asterisk in production since late 2001.  Currently works at InterGlobe Communications, a CLEC based in NYC with service in NY, NJ, FL, and TX. links to when it comes to asterisk source packages
14:15.00ManxPower-workI don't work for Digium, but if you want to consider non- sites as "official" then you just go right ahead and do that.
14:15.03CRCinAU_if the packages were in rpmforge or something, then I wouldn't care.... but sure sounds official? :\
14:15.16tzafrirCRCinAU_, those binary packages are first and foremost "reduce cost of support"
14:15.36ManxPower-worktzafrir: reduce?  I think they increase the cost of support.
14:15.51ManxPower-workespecially when people can't find the docs for the packages.
14:16.06Carlos_Ticogot a problem i can make calls with my trunk but i cannot recive them with it .....
14:16.29ManxPower-workCarlos_Tico: Have you tried swapping the pairs?  Do you get a red or yellow alarm?
14:16.34tzafrirthrows a monkey on ManxPower-work to support
14:16.36CRCinAU_ManxPower-work: how is not an official Digium site when EVERY page down the bottom has: Copyright © 2009 Digium, Inc. All rights reserved.
14:16.54Carlos_Ticored or yellow ?
14:17.01Carlos_Ticothe call doesnt reach the pbx
14:17.02ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: I have given you my opinion.  I'm not going to argue about it further.
14:17.08ManxPower-workCarlos_Tico: The telco trunk lines.
14:17.13CRCinAU_that's like saying isn't a microsoft site :\
14:17.26tzafrirCRCinAU_, It is not official, and yet Digium holds the Asterisk trademark. Check its usage guidelines
14:18.14ManxPower-workCarlos_Tico: You said you have a trunk.  Trunks are dedicated circuits between two pieces of switching equipment.  Maybe you are using SIP and are confused as to what a trunk is?
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14:18.51tzafrirThere's actually now a much clearer separation between and .
14:18.56ManxPower-workCarlos_Tico: Or maybe you are using FreePBX/Trixbox (in which case you are on the wrong channel)
14:19.18ManxPower-work"FreePBX/Trixbox is to Asterisk as Windows 95 is to DOS. "
14:19.43tzafrirTime to DoS FreePBX?
14:20.00ManxPower-worktzafrir: apparently not enough to avoid confusion in some people.
14:20.35CRCinAU_tzafrir: from what I understand Digium makes hardware & package sales + support for asterisk
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14:21.41CRCinAU_I delt with them for quite a few g729 licenses back in the day, then got quite annoyed at them when they refused to re-key my licenses after 2 quick server upgrades.
14:21.59michael-iJust a question about configuring bri interfaces in 1.4. There is a line in the dahdi documentation which says "When using BRI channels in asterisk, use the bri_cpe, bri_net, or bri_cpe_ptmp (for point to multipoint mode)."
14:22.04ManxPower-workThe licenses are keyed to the MAC of the box.
14:22.12CRCinAU_I know this.
14:22.13michael-igrepping through asterisk, dahdi and libpri, I cannot find any references to those strings
14:22.28ManxPower-workmichael-i: where is that documentation?
14:22.54CRCinAU_and in multi-nic configs, it can get quite confused in the early days and randomly invalidate licenses :\
14:22.57tzafrirmichael-i, you didn't grep chan_dahdi.c or
14:23.14tzafririt's in chan_dahdi.conf
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14:23.31tzafriror rather: /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
14:23.43CRCinAU_so I ended up just using the free G729 codecs ;)
14:24.27CRCinAU_which if for whatever reasons people don't know, are at: :)
14:24.29michael-itzafrir: I did search through those but I could only find the pri_* versions. This is asterisk
14:24.33ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: we do not discuss the "free g729 codecs" here.
14:24.50coppiceG.729 can't be free until it has paid its debt to society
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14:25.30CRCinAU_it's a taboo subject?
14:25.33ManxPower-workcoppice: what year is that?
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14:26.07ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: As I understand it, Digium could lose their G729 license if they are seen to "promote" the pirated g729 codec.
14:26.08coppicesomething like 2017, I think
14:26.47CRCinAU_lol - like I lost my g729 licenses because Digium refused to rekey them?
14:26.54ManxPower-workIT is the only subject I've ever seen "censored" in the Digium mailing lists.
14:27.07CRCinAU_heh - fair enough :)
14:27.10ManxPower-work(a private company can
14:27.19ManxPower-workt censor, only govmts can censor)
14:28.03CRCinAU_see, it's interesting though - as I paid Digium for my G729 licenses, but they refused to rekey them, does that still make the other ones illegal? as I've already paid my royalties via Digium... :\
14:28.22ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: I am not a lawyer.
14:29.07CRCinAU_me either - but the experience certainly makes me not recommend buying the licenses via anyone :\
14:29.10tzafrir"census" means something along the lines of "tallying", right?
14:29.23Nuggettzafrir: yeah, an official tallying.
14:29.25coppiceCRCinAU_: The legal position is your licence is only to run the code that came licenced.
14:30.17michael-itzafrir: maybe I'm missing something...but 'bri_net' and 'bri_cpe'  are not strings in asterisk Is bri only > 1.6?
14:31.16tzafrirmichael-i, basically there should also be bri_net_ptmp . Not all versions of libpri support it (I guess yours doesn't)
14:31.45tzafrirIn fact, look in the source of chan_dahdi.c for the word "sucks" :-(
14:34.54michael-itzafrir: I just moved my libpri up to r1351 to get bri ptmp net support. But now, double checking my configuration, I cannot find any references to bri_net*/bri_cpe in neither libpri, asterisk nor dahdi-linux. These strings should be in libpri?
14:36.44tzafrirI it's not really an issue of dahdi (the kernel). It's all a matter of higher level. dahdi basically has to get its little bit right
14:37.43tzafrirYou need proper librpi and asterisk. Sadly the matching support for nt/ptmp was only added in trunk, and followed a restructuring of chan_dahdi
14:37.56tzafrirI have not yet tried to backport it to earlier versions
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14:38.49momelodgreetings channel
14:40.01momelodim trying to track down a setting but not sure what its called or where i can enable/disable it... on my asterisk system i have a dahdi interface and when calles are placed over those channels, people are complaining that only one person can speak at a time.  So if im on the phone and i breath into the receiver it mutes the caller on the other end.  how can i stop that? I understand. That would explain why those strings are not there. I'm probably capable of porting something like that back to 1.4. Could you give some idea of the complexity / depth of that restructuring of chan_dahdi in trunk?
14:45.03michael-itzafrir: it's also in This will probably be the shove needed for me to port AskoziaPBX to use 1.6
14:45.17michael-iyummy...not what I planned for today! :)
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15:10.45hlueseachannel, can you say me what i need in this sceniro or what proper way to do that. I know the other side asterisk sip server's gateway ip protocol and codec so that 2 sip server interconnect each other and than other side send calls to pbx.  My side is in that time only will be a pbx server. I configurated sipproxy, general sip conf. file and extensions.conf.    &&
15:11.24hlueseawhich conteniers must be configured in sip.conf files without my fixed
15:13.27Kattyi don't think i even understood half of that.
15:13.50Kattyalso, good morning
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15:13.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
15:14.10Kattyhi fender.
15:14.22beekMorning [TK]D-Fender & Katty
15:14.26Kattyhugs beek
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15:19.31CRCinAU_yay. 4 issues lodged.
15:19.42CRCinAU_with my first log in to since 2007 ;)
15:21.57[TK]D-FenderCRCinAU_: I agree....
15:22.03[TK]D-FenderCRCinAU_: You have "issues" :p
15:22.37CRCinAU_most of my issues would go away if those 4 bug reports get fixed ;)
15:25.23[TK]D-Fender"for everything else, there's therapy"
15:25.58CRCinAU_wait - isn't that supposed to say "for everything else, theres beer"?
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15:27.20CRCinAU_or is that only for us aviation folk? :P
15:28.07coppice"for everything else there's anti-biotics"
15:28.49[TK]D-FenderThe pen"icillin" is mightier than the "sword"
15:29.26coppicesword? ah, the surgery option
15:29.48CRCinAU_I think that's the reason I get more annoyed than other at what I see as major flaws. cos in my industry, if you have those, people die :\
15:29.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Not quite.
15:29.56CRCinAU_do you start seeing things in a different light.
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15:30.44[TK]D-FenderCRCinAU_: "Warning: do not look into the laser with your remaining good eye"
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15:31.27CRCinAU_I've got a good photo of a sign kinda like that from the back of a USAF jet that was carrying one of the USAF majors on it... it had a laser missile defense system on the back
15:31.43CRCinAU_with placard after placard next to it with things along those lines on them lol
15:33.14CRCinAU_it was quite interesting talking to the guy who literally has a red phone to the US president lol
15:33.21CRCinAU_it's a completely different world to those guys
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15:34.04jayteeI've got a problem with my setup for forwarded extensions and still having the call route to the correct mailbox if no one answers but this only occurs if the call is incoming over our PRI, internal SIP to SIP still goes to the correct mailbox.
15:34.27jayteehere's my pastebin of the dial macro I'm using and example output of test calls from the CLI
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15:37.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: the code doesn't match
15:38.05[TK]D-Fenderjaytee:  -- Executing [s@macro-zooexten:1] GotoIf("SIP/5146-1d80b980", "0?unknown:skip") in new stack
15:38.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20,rt)
15:38.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Apples & oranges
15:38.46ManxPower-workremove that stupid "r" from the dial line
15:38.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, oops, sorry I trimmed the macro down to eliminate the callerid testing for blocked CID info
15:38.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm looking at prioirty ONE.
15:39.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: tell you what.. show me real code and you'll get a real solution :)
15:41.32Kattydear universe, thank you for vicks
15:43.06Kattyalso thank you for puffs, and hot chocolate.
15:43.08Kattylove, Katty
15:43.16CRCinAU_really silly question, shouldn't something like this work: exten => 1XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30,tr)
15:43.26CRCinAU_assuming your peer name is the same as the extension dialed?
15:43.36[TK]D-FenderCRCinAU_: Not the way You're thinking it will I'm sure
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15:43.55coppiceKatty: vicks is good when you have a nice chest to rub it on
15:44.04[TK]D-FenderCRCinAU_: because that isn't a PATTERN
15:44.12Kattyi'm going to pretend that was a completely appropriate comment.
15:44.22jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I apologize. here's a new pastebin with the original unaltered dial macro. The stripped down version produced the same results.
15:44.24Kattyand yes, vicks is lovely.
15:44.57CRCinAU_[TK]D-Fender: is there a 'better' way that would keep things simple?
15:45.03CRCinAU_or better yet, even work? :P
15:45.28leifmadsenCRCinAU_: you're missing an underscore
15:45.44leifmadsenCRCinAU_: learn how to create a pattern match
15:45.57leifmadsen1XX is literal
15:46.00leifmadsen_1XX is not
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15:46.51leifmadsenwhy is that funny?
15:46.59CRCinAU_you're right. didn't even tweak about the 1XX part - I was focussing on the Dial/etc part ;)
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15:47.09leifmadsenof course I'm right :)
15:47.41CRCinAU_my mind was off wondering if it does standard variable substitution, or goes off and does things the .Net way ;)
15:47.58CRCinAU_ie every type of variable has a type assigned to it and you can't mix and match.
15:49.08CRCinAU_I've been revisiting my config since I moved from 1.4 to 1.6 and looking going "geez, I did *what* back then?!?" ;)
15:49.20CRCinAU_in fact, I think it was originally config'ed for 1.2
15:49.41CRCinAU_and hardly been touched since then lol
15:50.03CRCinAU_I need to alias 'extensions reload' to 'dialplay reload' somehow as well LOL
15:50.29leifmadsenCRCinAU_: use a CLI alias then
15:50.39leifmadsenclialiases.conf in 1.6.1.x
15:50.42heliosjOr just learn to do it the new way and don't give yourself the crutch. :P
15:50.44CRCinAU_just reading about those now :)
15:50.44ManxPower-workGood thing you read UPGRADE*.txt so you know these things.
15:51.05CRCinAU_ManxPower-work: see one of my issue reports about a lack of UPGRADE*.txt in said packages ;)
15:51.07heliosjManxPower-work: Why RTFM when you have IRC? :p
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15:51.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: -- Executing [s@macro-zooexten:4] Set("Local/2011@internal_unr-766c,2", "CALLERID=3173855975") in new stack
15:51.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: -- Executing [s@macro-zooexten:4] NoOp("Zap/2-1", "3173855975") in new stack
15:52.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: PARDON?  how the hell are these commands DIFFERENT for that priority based on what you showed me?
15:52.41ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: not our problem.
15:52.44momelodim trying to track down a setting but not sure what its called or where i can enable/disable it... on my asterisk system i have a dahdi interface and when calles are placed over those channels, people are complaining that only one person can speak at a time.  So if im on the phone and i breath into the receiver it mutes the caller on the other end.  how can i stop that?
15:52.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: exten => s,n(skip),Set(CALLERID=${CALLERID(ani)}) <-- this was the code's 4th line (3rd "n" following "1"
15:53.05*** join/#asterisk MAbbas (n=abbas4u@
15:53.27CRCinAU_ManxPower-work: I didn't say it was your problem. but yes, it is a collective 'our' problem. just not yours :)
15:53.37ManxPower-workmomelod: your problem is not typical.  Did you enable aggressive echo canceling?
15:53.57ManxPower-workCRCinAU_: only problem for people that use that package.  I suspect nobody on this channel uses the packages
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15:54.48CRCinAU_ManxPower-work: doesn't mean it should be something that isn't fixed because someone on IRC doesn't care about it.
15:55.02momelodManxPower-work, possibly.. where is that set? ill check
15:55.13heliosjCRCinAU_: Where are you getting the packages from?
15:55.31MAbbasHi, how to use AGI's "Get Variable <variable-name>" in python?
15:55.44[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Same as any other command
15:56.14RyushinAnyone using FOP 0.30 with Asterisk 1.6?  I have everything working with FOP except showing the PRI channels in use.  FOP was using the Zap syntax in the config file.  Changing it to Dundi didn't make any difference.  I've checked the FOP mailing list as well.
15:56.31[TK]D-FenderRyDUNDI?  Pardon?
15:56.36[TK]D-FenderRyushin: DUNDI?  Pardon?
15:56.41leifmadsenRyushin: you mean DAHDI, not DUNDI
15:57.07RyushinSorry, typo.  I've only had 4 hours of sleep.
15:58.43RyushinEven then, I had a typo in my global replace in the button file.  Thank you.  It's working fine now.
15:59.05Kattyhehe dundi
15:59.59CRCinAU_as in crocodile?
16:00.35RyushinAs in not enough sleep and I should start taking drugs.
16:00.55CRCinAU_now now, drugs are not the answer... guns are.
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16:02.56MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: I dont have access to Asterisk box right now .. does this Piece of
16:02.56MAbbascod with work
16:03.00MAbbasdef GetVariable(varName):
16:03.06infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
16:04.18jaytee[TK]D-Fender, aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhh!!!! I'm really sorry I wasted your time looking at that. I had been trying a few things in an attempt to solve this problem and just realized I'd copied a call example from the CLI from another modified macro.
16:09.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Cleared it up for you quick, didn't I? :)
16:10.39[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Call us when you're in a position to do something about your problem.
16:10.49jaytee[TK]D-Fender, well I got ahead of myself trying to get everything in a pastebin. Still no closer figuring out how to fix or build a workaround for this.
16:11.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: well when you show me at least consistent code execution maybe we can solve this :)
16:11.57infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:13.47tzafrirRyushin, IIRC version 0.30 added support for DAHDI
16:13.50jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm working on getting that all correct. I'm not wasting any more of your time until I can at least give you accurate info to work with.
16:14.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Harly took more than 2 minutes of looking between them :)
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16:19.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, this is the correct macro code and two new call examples.
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16:19.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Um, what "mailbox"?
16:21.23jaytee[TK]D-Fender, the mailbox is on Exchange UM. The SIPAddHeader app passes a diversion notification to Exchange based on the value of $ARG1.
16:21.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Ah, I think I see
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16:23.36Skeeter-Is there anyway to dial a number 3 seconds after the dialer hasnt type anything more
16:25.07[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: "t" Asterisk Standard Extension + "core show function TIMEOUT"
16:26.21Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, Thank you
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16:26.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Key difference   == Spawn extension (macro-zooexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/2011@internal_unr-f05a,2' in macro 'zooexten'
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16:33.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm thinking there may be an issue witht he dial time in terms of the the "owning channel''s dial timeout VS that of the redirected Local channel's new dial attempt (complete macro call)
16:33.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, and the other difference is when the call is external the call is actually bridged between the zap channel and the local channel that gets called when the call is forwarded from the original phone
16:33.40[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm smelling a race condition.
16:34.01coppicemost people get pretty smelly after a race
16:34.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yes, there is that answered bit
16:34.59[TK]D-FenderEr... no, nvm, scratch that
16:35.58jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm inclined to go with your instincts since I've come up empty. I was already confused that in both scenarios the local channel was then calling the forwarded number using the same dial macro yet only SIP to SIP calls work as intended.
16:38.21pta200Is there anyway to get call's position on the queue as the call is hung up?
16:40.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, there's another factor that has to do with the weirdness of using Exchange UM instead of Comedian Mail. If I set someone's callerid info incorrectly in sip.conf, i.e. CALLERID="Jim Jones" <3333>  and Jim Jones's number and mailbox is actually 3334 the call will go to the wrong mailbox.
16:40.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Well tahts the assumption game...
16:41.13jaytee[TK]D-Fender, assumption?
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16:41.44jaytee[TK]D-Fender,  I was referring to actual tests but not on forwarded phones
16:41.51jayteeeppigy, AQUI
16:43.41jayteePOR TODAS PARTES
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16:46.04Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, does the timeout makes the phone autodial after a few secs???
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16:46.40ManxPower-workSkeeter-: timeout if for IVRs
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16:47.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm going to wait till after hours and call traffic has died down to run sip debug for both scenarios to see what's changing in the info being passed to Exchange. Not sure if can create a workaround for that though.
16:47.49Skeeter-ManxPower-work, here is the situation: ppl complain here that when the hook off the phone and dial a number, it does autodial after 3 seconds if u have not added any numbers
16:48.08ManxPower-workSkeeter-: then consult the instructions for your phone
16:48.19Naikrovekpolycom phones do that by default
16:48.22ManxPower-workAsterisk does not receive the digits until the phone decides to send them.
16:48.32Naikrovekif you're using polycom, the way to fix it is to modify the digitmap timeout
16:48.58Skeeter-ManxPower-work, ok thanks for the point, do you know why it does send it automactly after 10-11 digits, cant remember
16:49.14NaikrovekSkeeter-: that's configured in the digitmap
16:49.15Skeeter-Naikrovek, ok
16:49.43Naikrovekif you're in an area that uses 10 digit dialing, you need to tell the phone that via the digitmap
16:49.51Naikrovekso that when you hit that 10th digit it knows not to wait
16:49.57Naikrovekare you using polycom?
16:50.31mort_gibNaikrovek: What if you are in an area that uses 5 digits and your users call 9 digit numbers ever so often??
16:50.35Skeeter-Naikrovek, yes
16:50.44Naikrovekif you are, you can also finish with the # key or the dial button.  both will cause the phone to place the call immediately
16:50.56Skeeter-I had to modify the digitmap in order to use 1XX extension tho
16:51.12Naikrovekmort_gib: do the 5 and 9 digit numbers start with the same number?
16:52.30mort_gibNo the 9 digits start with 00
16:53.04ManxPower-workthen you do something like [1-9][1-9]XXXXXXX and XXXXX
16:53.05Skeeter-Digitmap: that's totally wrong
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16:53.36ManxPower-workthen you'd do something like [1-9][1-9]XXX and 00XXXXXXX
16:53.40ManxPower-workthere, that's better.
16:53.45mort_gibYeah, but that kinda sucks
16:54.09mort_gibSo I have to do a rule for each length of phone numbers!
16:55.00Qwellleifmadsen: ping!
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16:55.15leifmadsenQwell: delayed pong (wait: 5 mins)
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16:55.30Qwellthat's a typo in the topic, right?  should be  I can fix it if so
16:55.40Naikrovekmort_gib: then your digitmap would include something like XXXXX|00XXXXXXX  and your digitmap timeout would include something like 5|5
16:55.40leifmadsenoh yes, I will do that now
16:55.41*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/11/30), (2009/11/30), (2009/11/30), *-Addons (2009/07/24), (2009/07/24), 1.4.9 (2009/07/24), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/07/02) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #switchvox #asterisk-bugs
16:55.44Skeeter-can anyone take a look at my digitmap plz
16:55.49leifmadsenor you can :)
16:55.54leifmadsenwait, what was right?
16:55.54Naikrovekmort_gib: yes one rule for each possible phone number pattern, yes
16:56.00leifmadsenwhat did it say before?
16:56.15leifmadsenreally? wow, I totally missed the 9 key then :)
16:56.34mort_gibWell, really it's the 5 digits and then everything with 00 in front
16:56.51mort_gibbut my clients they call international 55-65% of the time!
16:56.57Gido-E00XXX. will do the trick
16:57.08NaikrovekSkeeter-: ooh i hate dialing 9 to get an out
16:57.12Naikrovekthat's not necessary in voip land
16:57.47Naikrovekbut whatever
16:57.54Skeeter-Naikrovek, i know
16:58.04Skeeter-ppl were use to it so i kept it
16:58.11NaikrovekSkeeter-: in the timeout you may want to set a different timeout for each dial pattern
16:59.08Skeeter-Naikrovek, i tried it this way and it still doesnt work
16:59.20[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Well you only have 12 digit patterns there
16:59.21NaikrovekSkeeter-: let me show you what I ahve
16:59.37Skeeter-Naikrovek, aight thanks
16:59.42[TK]D-FenderMATH FAIL
16:59.58Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i use that to make sure we can dial anytging
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17:00.22[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Well if you dial less, it will wait until you dial MORE and reach the pattern limit
17:00.36[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: and that certainly isn't "anything"
17:00.38Skeeter-918001234567= 12 digits??
17:00.57[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Can you count?
17:01.13[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: YES its 12 digits
17:01.18Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, can you?: we dial 9 to get out
17:01.43NaikrovekSkeeter-: [TK]D-Fender: peruse
17:01.43[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: PART OF THE FUCKING PATTERN
17:02.19[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: your phone precisely JACK SHIT about what FreePBX does with the number.  it just DIALS IT
17:02.25Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, thats hell of a patern there
17:03.04[TK]D-Fender[12:00]<Skeeter->918001234567= 12 digits?? <-- there are TWELVE digits here.  Count them.  the fact YOU consider the "9" a prefix is all in your head.
17:03.27[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: the phone doesn't care how it gets processed once handed off.
17:04.45Defraz[from-pstn-custom] ; Incoming DID Numbers  exten=> _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:3}
17:05.17DefrazShouldn't that just forward any incoming 10 digit number over to via sip correct?
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17:05.37DefrazI have an asterisk server with a pri
17:05.57Defrazthen I have my office asterisk server that all the phones register too
17:06.02ManxPower-workWhy would a SIP provider accept 7-digit dialing?
17:06.14Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, u suggest to make a partern for: local numbers, international, toll-free, etc???
17:06.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Who said it was a provider?
17:06.18Defrazso if I drop the :3 it would be 10
17:06.29Gido-EDefraz yes
17:06.32ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: who said it's not?
17:06.35[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: I suggest you account for whatever you want to accout for... just learn to well... COUNT
17:06.43[TK]D-FenderLunch time...
17:07.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Who said it is?  i answered his quesion generically... I make no other assumptions :)
17:07.24Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, sorry for bringing up to rage to you each time i come here
17:07.46p3nguinskeeter-: I hope you don't think you're a special case.
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17:08.23Skeeter-p3nguin, you mean it doesnt happen only with me or that im the only retard here?? maybe both??
17:08.38p3nguinskeeter-: I mean that you aren't the only one that irritates him easily.
17:09.15Skeeter-p3nguin, ok anyway trying my best on my side: Lunch time ppl, have a nice day
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17:16.02ManxPower-workSkeeter-: stop asking dumb questions and [TK]D-Fender will stop being upset.
17:17.17dlynesI remember someone on here yesterday complaining about ridiculously high cell phone bills in Canada...I found a solution if anyone's interested
17:22.04dlynes[TK]D-Fender: just to be the devil's advocate, most carriers in canada support 7 digit dialing
17:22.50dlynes[TK]D-Fender: otherwise you wouldn't be able to dial 310-4NET to get through to Telus' ADSL department, or 310-1010 to order a pizza from Pizza Pizza
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17:45.34Deeewaynewaves to Katty
17:45.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Yeah... and you live WHERE?  Leif and I beg to differ in mandatory 10-digit land :)
17:46.18[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Only 3 kinds of people in this world; those that know math, and those that don't
17:47.34ariel_hello folks
17:49.29Gido-E[TK]D-Fender i prefer: Only 10 kinds of people in this world; those that know math, and those that don't
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17:50.30[TK]D-FenderGido-E: No, thats 10 kinds of people in the world.. those that know binary and those that don't
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17:58.13dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the 7 digit dialing for 310 is nationwide...even in kaybec
17:58.58dlynes[TK]D-Fender: but only for 310...every other number is 10-digit
17:59.09[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No, Montreal, Toronto, etc have all expanded too big with multiple area codes and require 10 digits
17:59.34leifmadsenmany large cities require 10 digit dialing
17:59.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Cell carriers as well
17:59.39dlynes[TK]D-Fender: same for vancouver, but it's still got 7 digit dialing for the 310-wraparound numbers
17:59.41leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: 519 is now 10 digit too
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17:59.44Qwelleven Huntsville is getting 10-digit dialing soon
17:59.56leifmadsendlynes: you don't have a 7 digit dialing option in Ontario, Canada
17:59.59[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Ottawa region, right?
18:00.13leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: no, South Western Ontario (London, Sarnia)
18:00.15dlynesleifmadsen: sure you do....I've dialed 310-bell here several times
18:00.21leifmadsenthat's a special number
18:00.25dlynesleifmadsen: in the hamilton number
18:00.30[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Ah, that eats up niagara, etc... whee
18:00.33leifmadsen310 is a special exchange
18:00.46dlynesleifmadsen: yes, which is what I was expressing to [TK]D-Fender , but he doesn't believe me...he thinks it's a vancouver thing only
18:01.05leifmadsen310 is all of Canada
18:01.10leifmadsenit's a toll-free number
18:01.20[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No, I counted it as a "I'm in a small(er) town that doesn't ahve these rules" thing
18:01.21dlynesleifmadsen: yes, i know...even in kaybec
18:01.26leifmadsenQwell: yep
18:01.35leifmadsen310-10-10 I think is Pizza PIzza
18:01.45dlynesleifmadsen: I also said that, too :)
18:01.46leifmadsenI can't remember though
18:01.55dlynesleifmadsen: but their pizza sucks
18:01.58leifmadsenit sure does
18:02.01leifmadsenit used to be good
18:02.14dlynesI don't know how they were able to expand so much when their pizza is so bad
18:02.16leifmadsenthere was a Dominos near my old place that made amazing pizza. I was shocked it was a Dominos
18:02.23leifmadsenthey got brand new ovens and everything
18:02.24dlynesI wish I could find a Panago pizza in ontario
18:02.39dlynespanago is like twice as good as Pizza Hut
18:02.51dlynesbut priced more like a domino's
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18:03.31dlynescrack houses in this neck of the woods are more common than pizza shops
18:04.28[TK]D-FenderI've got a truly awesome place down the street... Leif, let me know when you're in town next :)
18:04.45leifmadsenI don't eat pizza anymore really
18:04.56[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Me neither, but i'd make an exception for it :)
18:04.58Chainsawleifmadsen: You have quit the programmers diet?
18:05.27leifmadsenI actually eat reasonably healthy now
18:05.27leifmadsendropped 15 lbs over the last few months
18:05.32[TK]D-Fenderwarm beer and cold pizza... BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS!
18:05.45leifmadsenbetter with a cigarette butt in the beer
18:07.04ManxPower-workSugar, Fat, Chocolate, Pizza, Alcohol <- the 5 food groups
18:07.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: these days the 1st 2 make the 3rd superfluous
18:08.21ManxPower-workI HATE PROGRAMMING!!!!!!!!!
18:08.26Katty <- critter cam, finally annotated.
18:08.35KattyManxPower-work: join the club.
18:09.55Gido-Ei live in the netherlands, we also have weed over here(legal).
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18:13.12Skeeter-Katty, is it really automated, sounds like someone is moving it
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18:14.11KattySkeeter-: hmm?
18:14.16KattySkeeter-: is what automatted?
18:14.25[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: time-lapse
18:14.26KattySkeeter-: the camera?
18:14.49Skeeter-dlynes, wats uer solutions for cell bills in canada???
18:15.20Skeeter-Katty, sorry miread anootated and automated
18:15.47Skeeter-im sorry my english is pretty bad
18:15.55[TK]D-FenderHUKT ON FONIX WERKT 4 ME!
18:17.58Kattypoor chip just can't find his nuts.
18:18.17ian6asterisk is my solution for cell bills in canada :(
18:18.46voipmonklan6 how do u deal with the data?
18:19.33Skeeter-ian6, could you PM me with details???
18:19.48voipmonk$60 for 500 MB @ Fido
18:20.24pta200Anyone know if there is anyway to get call's position in a queue just as that caller hangs up?
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18:22.12ian6if they hang up they're not in the queue anymore.
18:23.14ManxPower-workyou could find out the wait time pretty easy
18:23.51ManxPower-workand you'd think queue_log might have that position info
18:23.56[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: If thats just the data, thats terrible
18:24.14voipmonkdata plans in canada suck
18:24.19ManxPower-workI pay $60/month for 5GB of usage
18:24.19voipmonkalways have
18:24.21ian6cell data plans in NA suck, stop the presses :P
18:24.24[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: $30 @ 1BG as add-on with Bell
18:24.35ian6ManxPower-work: yeah, I pay $60 for 6GB too. Rogers?
18:24.43ManxPower-workAnd I thought that was a total rip off.  The 2nd 5GB runs about $250.
18:24.51ian6I pay $30 for 6GB
18:24.52ManxPower-workian6: Verizon Wireless EVDO
18:25.00voipmonk29.99  @ home w/Tmobile ( Unlimited)
18:25.20ManxPower-workvoipmonk: for the places that T-mobile has service.
18:25.21[TK]D-Fenderian6: Where are you located?
18:25.33ManxPower-workMy ONLY option for "broadband" is EVDO or Satellite
18:25.43p3nguinComparing g729 to g711 in the codec table on Cisco's web site, I see that g729 has a much smaller voice payload and appears to require just a fraction of the bandwidth that g711 needs.  In real life, does this mean that g729 isn't going to have as good of sound quality as g711?
18:25.54Naikrovekp3nguin: yes
18:25.59Naikrovekp3nguin: but not really noticable
18:26.03[TK]D-Fenderian6: p3nguin to paraphrase : DUH
18:26.06Naikrovekstill clear sounding, just not as clear
18:26.09ian6[TK]D-Fender: BC
18:26.16[TK]D-Fenderian6: Lucky you....
18:26.28[TK]D-Fenderian6: East cost isn't so fortunate.
18:26.38ian6[TK]D-Fender: not really. My actual voice plan out here is ~2x as expensive as it was on the east coast.
18:26.44ManxPower-workG711 is "uncompressed audio".  I put it in quotes because that's not really accurate, but it's a good way to think abou tit.
18:26.47ian6[TK]D-Fender: nah, it was their special "ENTICE THE IPHONE USERS" plan.
18:26.49[TK]D-Fenderian6: Robin Hood-ed
18:26.52ian6I don't think they still offer it.
18:26.54DMeloUKfor most of my clients its more about the additional cpu overhead of g729 affecting their ability to cram as many calls onto the box as possible
18:27.18ian6[TK]D-Fender: I just moved out here from out east a little while ago. I pay the same price for half the service. I feel a lot less bad about exploiting their My5 shit to run through voip.
18:27.27DMeloUKbut where bandwidth is the primary concern it makes sense to use g729
18:27.33kkempp3nguin: From my reading and experience G.729 sounds perfectly fine and users don't even know the difference. I think the the real issue though is it has less room for lost packets/jitter/etc.
18:27.40p3nguinWith a smaller voice payload, does that mean that you can fit more voice into a smaller packet?
18:28.01ManxPower-workp3nguin: define "payload"
18:28.15ManxPower-workAsterisk generally assumes 20ms payload regardless of codec
18:28.23[TK]D-Fenderian6: For my Cell I've got 250 DT, E&W @ 6PM, VM, CID, no SAF, and unlimited internet for $40+tax, but I'm stuck on my HTC Touch
18:28.29Naikrovekno.  voip packets are sent every 20ms or so, so it's the same amount of voice in a probably smaller packet
18:28.50ManxPower-workwhich means that your per-packet overhead is the same
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18:29.15p3nguinmanxpower-work: In the table, they show Voice Payload Size (Bytes) and Voice Payload Size (ms).
18:29.23p3nguinThe time is 20ms on both codecs.
18:29.29pta200ian6: Right but there are some channel variables set when a caller leaves using the setqueueentryvar=yes in the queue configuration, but last position isn't one of them, so I wondering there was any other method to get that information
18:29.32ManxPower-workp3nguin: We never talk about payload size here
18:29.40[TK]D-Fenderian6: mind you my internet is WAP so there are no doubt some limitations..., but so far i can get Youtube, e-mail, web, and IRC, so I guess its OK.
18:29.43p3nguinG.711 (64 Kbps) 160 Bytes
18:29.52p3nguinG.729 (8 Kbps) 20 Bytes
18:30.06[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: pardon?
18:30.09Naikrovekp3nguin: yes, but the same number of packets move, they're just smaller
18:30.15kkemp1 byte a millisecond huh?
18:30.22ian6ew htc touch
18:30.24Naikrovekhe's trying to understand g729 and compression in general
18:30.31ian6I dunno why I dislike those so much, but I do.
18:30.44leifmadsenI prefer my E71 from Nokia over anything else I've used
18:30.50Naikrovekkkemp: reasonable when you only sample 8000 times per second
18:30.52Gido-Eg729 had better compresion, that is why it uses less bandwith
18:31.23[TK]D-Fenderian6: Its an OP phone really... I just want a bigger better screen, running Android and getting the new 2.0 frills.
18:31.29ian6[TK]D-Fender: ah. Yeah I have whatever Rogers' cheapest plan is.
18:31.35[TK]D-Fenderian6: + GPS, etc for the new nav stuff
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18:31.42p3nguinPackets per second is 50 for both codecs.
18:31.57voipmonkTK - checkout the meizu phones
18:32.10[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: that's just PAYLOAD BTW
18:32.24p3nguinwhich is what I'm trying to understand.
18:32.35ian6[TK]D-Fender: yeah. I love the iphone. I would love it even more if I could really use the hardware.
18:32.39[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: No iPhone rip-offs...
18:32.51[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: And i don't want an iPhone...
18:32.52ManxPower-workp3nguin: same everything except the audio takes up less space.  It's not rocket science.
18:32.57voipmonkdid I say Iphone?
18:33.00voipmonkit runs android
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18:33.44p3nguinand G.723.1 takes up even less space?
18:33.52kkempp3nguin: Yeah, so the overhead is the same, except it's more than the data. IAX w/G.729 can cram so many more calls in
18:34.04[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: Yeah, but they rip the iPhone design, etc.. not sure about avaiability, and east coast adds shipping,e tc, and I'd still ahve to pay full price w/o subsidy
18:34.05Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, does your HTC Touch uses a Sim carc???
18:34.12[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: No
18:35.59[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: So far I see Meizu running Android as a 3rd party hack, not "native".  This still accurate?
18:35.59Skeeter-I got the lowest data plan with the iphones, i use Asterisk server(with the wireless) @work and @home
18:36.14[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And what plan is this?
18:36.29Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, Bell
18:36.40[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Ah, BELL's lowest....
18:36.58Skeeter-yeah 40$
18:37.09Naikrovekkkemp: sip signalling is so much more bandwidth intensive than iax2.  it is rediculous
18:37.21Skeeter-plans suck, but i only use my PLAN on the road
18:37.36[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: SIP bandwidth = irrelevent
18:38.03Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: then howcome one can fit so many more calls over X amount of bandwidth if they're going over an IAX2 trunk
18:38.20[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: because you are comparing 2 completely different things
18:38.28kkempI'm surprised there hasn't been work on SIP trunking. Seems like such a no brainier feature
18:38.35Naikroveki'm comparing a "sip trunk" to an iax trunk
18:38.36[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: SIP sets up **RTP* calls
18:38.41ecraneNaikrovek: SIP = signalling. Calls = media. So it's 2 different things.
18:38.58[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: SIP = irrelevent, RTP = relevent
18:39.19Skeeter-I wish we could only buy a data plan for the iphone
18:39.24[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And 1-1, RTP ~= IAX2.  its when you Trunk with IAx2 that you get a payoff
18:39.29ManxPower-workNaikrovek: I commend you for putting "sip trunk" in quotes.
18:39.45raden_workwhat is the cheapest VOIP POTS Adapter with 2 lines that is of decent quality ?
18:39.56ManxPower-workraden_work: SIPura
18:40.00[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Linksys PAP2T-NA
18:40.11raden_workthats what I thought
18:40.20raden_workanyone know where I can get like 50-100 of them cheap ?
18:40.32Naikroveki'm talking of iax trunking over "sip trunking" here
18:40.50Naikroveknot sip phone vs. iax phone
18:41.11kkempNaikrovek: Yeah, they get what you mean. They are just saying that the actual data part of a SIP call isn't in SIP it is in RTP
18:41.19Naikroveki know that
18:41.25ecraneI haven't used IAX2, but from the wikipedia article: When trunking, data from multiple calls are merged into a single stream of packets between two endpoints, reducing the IP overhead without creating additional latency. This is advantageous in VoIP transmissions, in which IP headers use a large percentage of bandwidth.
18:41.35Naikrovekthey know i know that, they just like getting me riled up
18:41.44ManxPower-workNaikrovek: SIP, H323, MGCP, and SCCP/Skinny are all SIGNALING protocols.  They all use RTP for audio.  IAX2 is fairly unique in that it is one of the few protocols that can put signaling and audio in the same stream
18:42.05NaikrovekManxPower-work: yeah i get it.  we're on the same page here i just mis spoke or someone misread
18:42.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And If you are doing IAX to individual remote peers like phones you save nothing
18:42.33ecraneNaikrovek: So many people asking noob question in here, so when someone doesn't ask a question that's exactly right, they gotta check to make sure the person understands the question they are asking...
18:42.41[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Only savings is when trunked which usually only happens between multiple servers
18:42.45Naikrovekecrane: i know
18:42.48Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: i know
18:42.52Naikrovekeveryone: i know
18:42.52[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And there are other ways to save bandwidth
18:43.12ManxPower-workcRTP is interesting, but not well supported outside of Cisco routers\
18:43.25Naikroveki have two offices, each with its own * server.  phones are G711, trunk is IAX2 G729
18:43.32Naikrovektrunk out to voice provider is G729
18:43.36Naikroveki understand how all this works
18:43.49ecraneHow many VoIP calls can work smoothly on a T1 with a codec that sounds as good as POTS lines?
18:44.06Naikrovekecrane: G729 on a T1 will get you something like 40 calls
18:44.15Naikrovekand no one will know it's compressed
18:44.20QwellYou'll get way more than that with G.729
18:44.30Naikrovekif it's an IAX2 trunk you'll get more
18:44.34Naikrovekif it's not, 40
18:44.44kkempecrane: G.711 is right at 18 or so
18:44.48ManxPower-workNaikrovek: no, you won't.  Not if the calls are all going to different destinations
18:45.14NaikrovekManxPower-work: if they all go out the same IAX2 trunk to the same provider, yes you will
18:45.22ecraneThanks for the numbers all!
18:45.24[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: RTP+G.711 @ 20ms = 85kbps x2 = 170kbp/2s .  RTP+G.711 @ 40ms = 85kbps = 149kbp/2s
18:46.15Naikrovekyes what are you saying
18:46.19*** join/#asterisk davix (n=davix@
18:46.44Naikrovekoh he's showing how to get more calls per unit of bandwidth
18:46.45[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: If youa re talking about a lof of IAx2 channels, yes IAX really pays.  if you exten that by enlarging your frame size you save even more across smaller call-volumes
18:47.05[TK]D-Fenderflorz: Kilo-Bits per Two Seconds
18:47.31[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: If you need it, use it, no argument.
18:47.39Naikroveki know
18:47.44Naikroveki use G729 between offices
18:47.49florzTim_Toady: "p/" means "per"?
18:47.51Naikrovekand to the provider
18:47.59florz[TK]D-Fender: "p/" means "per"?
18:48.04Naikrovekintra-office is g711, between offices is G729
18:48.07Skeeter-Naikrovek, same here we got 10 g729
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18:49.34Skeeter-i used wireshark to filter the banwith the g729 was using, it came up with 7kbps
18:49.36Naikroveksaved us a lot of bandwidth
18:49.52NaikrovekSkeeter-: digium has a nice page on G729 vs. G711
18:49.54[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: G723.1 :D
18:50.08Skeeter-Naikrovek, i know we bought it from there
18:50.10Naikroveknever used 723.1
18:50.20[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: 5.3 kbps
18:50.28[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: now THAT is small
18:50.37Naikrovekspeex can do that but they both sound crappy, no?
18:50.38Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, how is the voice quality??
18:51.11[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: you can seriously afford to double your frame size right out of the gate, perphaps tripe, but if you hit a lossy connection you're in deep shit
18:51.28Naikrovek"deep shit" lol
18:51.30[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You run Polycom's, right?
18:51.39[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Try it out locally
18:51.50[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Set 2 phones exclusive and fire it off
18:51.55[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You tell me.
18:51.59Katty'yo wassup girl les be friends' <- apparently this line is supposed to make me want to befriend this random new person.
18:52.01Naikroveki believe you
18:52.14Katty^- i don't understand.
18:52.15NaikrovekKatty: jej
18:52.46ecraneKatty: Tell them you are a boy.
18:52.48Kattyit seems like Common Language for I'm absolutely retarded, let's be friends.
18:53.05Kattyecrane: oh it gets better.
18:53.14[TK]D-Fender"perhaps triple"*
18:53.20Skeeter-Naikrovek, gimme some feedback about that g723.1, i use polyucoms too
18:53.22Kattythen they try to explain to me how they know me. by telling me i went to the same high school as they did. which i did not.
18:53.25[TK]D-Fendermy typing has been degrading steadily lately...
18:53.38NaikrovekSkeeter-: g723.1 is [TK]D-Fender's territorry i think
18:54.07[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Never challenge a megalomaniac at Risk :D
18:54.11Kattyand then after ALL of this, they say they don't know me they just want to be friends.
18:54.13[TK]D-Fendermuahahahahaha *cough*
18:54.28kkempMy branch offices are connected over the internet with a RTT of ~80ms. Then add just under 40ms to my ITSP. So branch office calls are at about 110ms RTT before reaching the provider. Is that pretty reasonable? From what I've read call quality doesn't get bad until multiple hundreds of a ms
18:54.37Kattyso FIRST outright lying and swindling, then 'yo wassup girl les be friends' talk.
18:54.52Naikrovekkkemp: lag isnt' really a difficulty until it gets really bad
18:54.55Naikrovekmy other office is in india
18:54.57Naikrovek400ms away
18:54.59Naikrovekcalls are fine
18:55.12KattyDoes this sort of behavior actually /work/ in general society?
18:55.24NaikrovekKatty: only on the internet
18:55.35NaikrovekKatty: and only for pre-teens
18:55.58KattyI think it's very clear I'm not a teenager anymore.
18:56.07Kattymuch less pre-teen
18:56.20leifmadsenKatty: I don't believe it!
18:56.33Kattyleifmadsen: that's okay. you don't have to.
18:56.39leifmadsenthat's true
18:56.41kkempNaikrovek: Yeah, that seems to be what I've read and the calls of course sound just fine to me. I'm just a bit pissy that my traffic is going down the entire west coast and back for a trip that that's 50 miles as the crow flies :)
18:56.55leifmadsenI also don't believe in global warming or the taming of the shrew
18:57.07Kattyi must remind myself that retards are everywhere.
18:57.14Naikrovekkkemp: when i lived in alaska it was like that.  packets from one ISP to another in anchorage had to go through LA
18:57.15Kattyno matter how much i try to hide.
18:57.56Naikrovekretards are a fact of life
18:58.14Naikroveksometimes they hit on you.  sometimes they employ you.  sometimes you employ them.  sometimes you marry into a family of them
18:58.33Naikrovekand i'm not talking intellectually challenged
18:58.35Naikroveki'm talking retards
18:59.32dlynesIs there a way in asterisk to tell asterisk to send a reinvite to the other side to use ulaw, instead of g729?
18:59.46dlynesi.e. for an already existing conversation?
18:59.55Naikrovekmid phone call?  no
19:00.04dlynesyes, mid phone call
19:00.04Kattylet's try the retard comment on someone.
19:00.10Kattyeppigy: yo girl wassup les be friends
19:00.15Kattyeppigy: ^- translate please.
19:00.43dlynesKatty: les that something like a lesbo?
19:00.46Deeewayneleifmadsen, I never knew you felt that way about the shrew
19:01.04Kattydlynes: i'm assuming it's a lazy form of Let's Be
19:01.17dlynesKatty: i know...I was being facetious :)
19:02.04ecraneKatty: It's sort of like spam.. it doesn't work all the time but it works often enough for them to keep doing it.
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19:04.49RonDuttWhat does a RED mean in lsdahdi? I'm guessing its red alarm but can't find much info on it online.
19:05.06Gido-ERonDutt on pri?
19:05.32RonDuttGido-E, what do you mean?
19:05.56ecraneI'm no stranger to networking, I understand encapsualtion and overheads, etc. I just find it hilarious that a VoIP T1 using uncompressed G771 media can only carry 18 where the same T1 could carry 24 traditional trunks. Its like a 25% loss in capacity..
19:05.57RonDuttOutput of lsdahdi:
19:05.58leifmadsenDeeewayne: it's true! :0
19:06.03leifmadsenRonDutt: I'd guess red alarm as well
19:06.04leifmadsenRonDutt: try dahdi_tool to confirm
19:06.18leifmadsenecrane: that's the purpose of IAX2 trunking :)
19:06.40RonDuttleifmadsen, "no alarms, internally clocked"
19:06.46leifmadsenoh nevermind, you're using analog
19:06.51[TK]D-Fenderecrane: the math is simple, and not "funny"
19:06.52leifmadsensteps away.... very far away
19:07.35sjobeckhey, hi, all, hope all are healthy, wealthy, wise. any openSER guys out there with a few consulting hours to sell? tune an existing install?
19:07.36[TK]D-Fenderam I the only one that thinks that "dahdi tool" sounds... I dunno.. DIRTY?
19:08.00Naikrovekecrane: it's because of the packet overhead, and G711 is better quality than standard POTS
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19:08.14RonDutt[TK]D-Fender, nope. Try telling a computer illiterate to run "daddy tool"
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19:08.56QwellNaikrovek: You do realize that "standard POTS" *IS* G.711, right?
19:09.08NaikrovekPlain Old Telephone Service is analog
19:09.12Naikrovekanalog != G711
19:09.18ecraneThanks all for the comments on the T1 thing.
19:09.29[TK]D-FenderQwell: Well... G.711 + copper degradation from the loop itself.  but not inherently much different...
19:10.02DMeloUKdoes anyone have any recommendations for a good ata for a fax machine? these ht-286 seem to drop half the calls
19:10.10[TK]D-Fenderecrane: Packet overhead says it all.  21 kbps waste per 64kbps call
19:11.12raden_workG.729 only puts load on the CPU in trans code right not pass through  ?
19:11.42Naikrovekraden_work: correct
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19:12.00raden_workjust making sure
19:12.03momelodgreetings channel
19:12.24Naikrovekbut it will need to be transcoded in a lot more circumstanses than people realize
19:12.26p3nguinnaikrovek: I was thinking that POTS and gsm were of comparable quality.
19:12.32ecraneNaikrovek: Realistically any POTS call you make will be carried across a DS0 at some point, and will be sampled at the same sample rate & same bits per sample as a DS0, so how is the quality better for G711?
19:12.41Naikrovekp3nguin: gsm is way worse than POTS
19:13.19Naikrovekecrane: almost all telephony infrastructure is VoIP nowadays.  there is a good chance that even your analog home line is converted to VoIP not far from your house
19:13.30florzecrane: so, because it will be reduced to quality x at some point, it cannot be worse? interesting logic ...
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19:13.40KattyQwell: i said whatwhat
19:14.10ecraneflorz: no.. it's cause someone said that G.711 is BETTER then standard POTS line. That's what I was trying to understand.
19:14.19Qwellecrane: He's simply wrong.
19:14.21Naikrovekecrane: and G711 doesn't suffer from common analog phone issues such as static
19:14.23p3nguinecrane: I guess if you match or beat the quality they are using, you're okay.
19:14.23Qwellit *IS* G.711.
19:14.50Kattyi've only found two really good advantages to having pots lines
19:14.54NaikrovekQwell: they're both lossless, but you don't hear static over a G711 connection
19:14.56[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yes, G.711 is what encodes the static into bits at the collector :)
19:15.01ecraneSo can G.711 roughly be described as a 'packetized' DS0?
19:15.12Naikrovekecrane: G711 is lossless, uncompressed
19:15.12Qwellroughly?  No.
19:15.13Kattyone use is standard faxing, the other is power.
19:15.17QwellPrecisely?  Yes.
19:15.21Kattyspecifically cheaper, power.
19:15.24florzNaikrovek: no, it's not
19:15.30[TK]D-Fenderecrane: CRB != packets.  There is no real encapsulation
19:15.46DMeloUKKatty - could I ask you to elaborate a bit on that?
19:15.56momelodanyone here integrated asterisk w/ zimbra?
19:15.57KattyDMeloUK: on what
19:15.57Naikrovekflorz: G711 is either ulaw or alaw.  neither compress the stream, and therefore lose nothing in compression
19:16.00KattyDMeloUK: specifically
19:16.07DMeloUKon power
19:16.16Kattythe entire building goes down, without power.
19:16.22Kattyno router, switches, etc.
19:16.23florzNaikrovek: of course, they both do compress
19:16.26DMeloUKyou mean from a dr perspective
19:16.34Kattyit is extremely cheap to unplug a pots line and plug it into an ole analog phone
19:16.36ecranegah.. what is CRB heh? I did a bing search for "CRB voip" but it didn't get  a clear answer.
19:16.55Kattywithout the expense of running everything off battery backups.
19:16.56DMeloUKagreed and have you had any luck with getting standard faxing over voip?
19:17.23Kattyvoip isn't meant for faxing.
19:17.35Kattythat's like asking me if i've had any luck using my blending to change my oil.
19:17.43Naikrovekflorz: they don't compress.  i think you're confusing encoding with compressing.  they only sample 8000 times per second, so when a live, analog voice reaches the speaker, it's sampled 8000 times and loses quality there, but it is never compressed
19:17.52DMeloUKI have noticed there are some trunk providers offering fax friendly sip trunks
19:17.54DMeloUKI know
19:17.55ecraneYeah so in terms of a voip codec that has MORE quality then a POTS line.. I'd imagine it would have to sample at a faster rate, or have more bits per sample or something like that in order to have better 'quality' ( Better quality would let me hear the on-hold music at higher fidelity then a POTS line ).
19:17.57KattyDMeloUK: the simple answer to that question is yes. and don't do it.
19:18.14KattyDMeloUK: especially if you recieve any volume of faxes.
19:18.18QwellNaikrovek: You are completely wrong.  Please stop confusing people.
19:18.23florzecrane: well, literally, it doesn't make much sense - one is a codec, the other is a kind of telephone line. But if you consider that a "native G.711 line", as in "an ISDN line" uses an ADC/DAC much closer to the speaker/microphone, you'll notice that this removes a lot of analog stuff in between the converters and the microphone/speaker, which usually will improve quality. How much, obviously, depends on the exact properties of the line.
19:18.27DMeloUKKatty - its mostly for sending
19:18.27Gido-EDMeloUK i have good experiences with FaxOVoip
19:18.31Naikrovekthen fucking correct me
19:18.34KattyDMeloUK: they definately don't do it.
19:18.50ecraneflorz: ah.. thanks!
19:18.52KattyDMeloUK: go to sams club and buy a cheap fax machine.
19:18.52Naikrovekqwell if you're going to say that g711 is compressed, then fuckign say it
19:19.10Naikrovekbut it isn't
19:19.16KattyDMeloUK: you're not going to buy a blender to change your oil. if you want reliability, don't cut corners.
19:19.22leifmadsenit's not really compressed; it's companded
19:19.24Naikrovekit is modulated but not compressed
19:19.29QwellIt is 8kHz on the wire.
19:19.37Kattyinfobot: companded?
19:19.39florzNaikrovek: ... which is a short form for "compressed and expanded", see?
19:20.00Kattyinfobot: companded is <@leifmadsen> it's not really compressed; it's companded
19:20.01infobotKatty: okay
19:20.02leifmadseninfobot: companded is
19:20.02infobot...but companded is already something else...
19:20.04DMeloUKthat's the point - if I cannot get POTS aat a client site
19:20.10leifmadseninfobot: no, companded is
19:20.11infobotleifmadsen: okay
19:20.14Kattyinfobot: ~companded
19:20.20DMeloUKwhat's the best solution for outbound faxing?
19:20.26infobotextra, extra, read all about it, companded is
19:20.30DMeloUKe.g. someone needs to sign something and send it back
19:20.31KattyDMeloUK: a Fax Machine
19:20.33Naikrovekif it were compression it would not be called something else
19:20.34Kattyleifmadsen: good.
19:20.34[TK]D-FenderDMeloUK: Analog fax machine on analog line
19:20.41ManxPower-workDMeloUK: don't expect to run FaxOverVoiceOverIPOverIntrernet
19:20.51DMeloUKI agree 100% with that
19:20.58ManxPower-workif you can't get an analog line at the site then don't expect to have faxing work reliability
19:21.00Kattynext we're going to have ToasterOverFaxoverVoIPoverInternets
19:21.05Naikrovekinternet fax machines exist and work well
19:21.12DMeloUKyou mean t.38 ?
19:21.29ManxPower-workDMeloUK: t.38 is plagued with interop issues.
19:21.30leifmadsenhylafax attached to a PRI is also useful
19:21.37KattyDMeloUK: you might look at a cloud or software based solution, using printers.
19:21.44florzNaikrovek: just because the compression doesn't introduce any inter-sample dependencies, doesn't mean it's not compression
19:21.45KattyDMeloUK: and emails.
19:21.51kkempDMeloUK: Check out the internet fax services. For $7 or so you can get an account with that will accept incoming faxes and let you send faxes from a computer
19:21.58Naikrovekflorz: i hate you.  eat shit and die
19:22.11Kattynow look what you did!
19:22.16Kattyhe'll be back.
19:22.36Kattyi like Naikrovek thankyouverymuch
19:23.10Kattynow i must know if there is a toaster with an IP address
19:23.16ecraneIt wasn't my intention to stir the pot with my questions, I just wanted to understand the VoIP process better. Sorry if I contributed to all that!
19:23.17DMeloUKthanks for the advice
19:23.24p3nguinOnly the ones running NetBSD
19:23.52sjobeckshout out to leifmadsen
19:23.52ManxPower-workThe ones running NetBSD are the real sickos
19:24.00leifmadsensjobeck: hollah!
19:24.44ecraneif someone DDOSes your toaster, what would you expect to happen to the toast?
19:24.54Katty <- dear lord. there is Toast over IP
19:25.07kkempecrane: Fail safe mode would eject the toast and turn off!
19:25.44leifmadsenKatty: what is even funnier is there is a blog for toast enthusiasts
19:25.46ecraneSo someone could DDOS and you could never have toast!
19:26.05Kattyecrane: :<
19:26.13Kattywe could cronjob the toast
19:26.14Kattyand the coffee
19:26.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: My * used to make me coffee.  toast is not impressive
19:26.26Kattynow about the eggs...hmm.
19:26.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: toast is always impressive.
19:26.50[TK]D-Fender[14:25]<kkemp>ecrane: Fail safe mode would eject the toast and turn off! <- 3 Laws Safe!
19:27.03ecraneconsiders writing a firewall for toasters.
19:27.34Kattythis makes me wonder how many people have Network Enabled stoves sitting on a public ip
19:28.00DMeloUKI have clients with ip enabled wine dispensers
19:28.02QwellKatty: fridges are more likely
19:28.13Qwellor washing machines
19:28.32Kattyi'd love an IP enabled washer and dryer.
19:28.40Qwellthey exist
19:28.51Kattyi imagine they're a bit out of my range
19:28.58ecraneI'd love a machine that can wash and dry my clothes that didn't take 4 hours to do it.
19:29.04QwellLGE has achieved a world-first with its commercially viable digital washer. This leading-edge home network product can continually download new wash-cycle programs from the Internet for different kinds of clothing. It features a 4.2-inch LCD window and 4Mbit flash memory.
19:29.08Gido-Enormally it is more advanced and has an speech interface and is called: wife
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19:29.31KattyGido-E: i don't appreciate that comment.
19:29.39Gido-EKatty i new :-)
19:31.40ecraneSeriously, is there some conspiracy among washer/dryer manufactures where none of them will make a single machine to wash/dry clothes? The only one I could find carries tiny tiny loads, runs on 110 volts and takes 4 hours to run.
19:32.21kkempecrane: I think electricity and water don't mix very well :)
19:32.30Kattyecrane: i usually don't pay attention to it. i just throw a load in before i go to bed, then put away the next morning when i get up
19:33.17Kattyecrane: sometimes i start the wash in the morning and throw it in the dryer in the evening, too
19:33.50leifmadsenOT: Celebrate toast!
19:34.04ecranewell it's just (ok really off topic), but in terms of space and efficiency, one machine would be nice. People typically buy machines in pairs so when one breaks you might end up replacing both. And they just HAVE to match... so we end up paying $800/each for a nice machine. Makes me think conspiracy ^^.
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19:36.03[TK]D-Fenderecrane: A machine that uses a lot of electricty around a heating element and a water source?  Sounds like an electrocution risk on failure
19:38.36ecraneI dunno the mechanics of how a regular electric dryer works. It doesn't have the heating element directly on the clothes, heating element is someplace else and air blows across it right? So it should be possible to isolate the heating element from the water pretty well. Or how about using gas instead of electricity... anyways really off topic and I'm just complaining so I'll shut up now.
19:39.52*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
19:40.07ManxPower-workthere are washer/dryers out there.
19:40.25kkempecrane: I would think the reliability, performance, and cost of one unit causes it not to be a high demand item except in a very small space where there isn't room for both
19:40.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Within the same bin?  Not talking the same outer casing, I mean without having to transfer them
19:41.24chuckf[TK]D-Fender: my sis in law has one in a NY apt (very popular there)
19:41.46ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: without having to transfer them
19:41.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: interesting....
19:42.21[TK]D-Fenderchuckf: not just a double-stacked one?  where its all in 1 drum?
19:42.30ecranechuckf: how's the capacity? And how long does the cycle take to run?
19:42.32ManxPower-workI want one that heats the water by pulling the heat from the future dry cycle.  Time travel isn't THAT difficult!
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19:43.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: the Maytag guy is all out of Flux capacitors
19:43.24TheDavidFactordoing a google search for combo washer dryer turned up several all-in-one single drum units
19:44.44[TK]D-Fenderchuckf: Not at all unreasonably priced either.  I am somewhat more enlightened today.  Thanks
19:44.54ManxPower-workI only know about them because forgot to skip the commercial on my TiVo
19:44.56ecraneI guess if I need more 'capacity' I could buy 2 washer/dryer combo units heh.
19:45.01chuckf[TK]D-Fender: cool
19:45.39chuckf[TK]D-Fender: glad I could help you out after your beatings^H^H^H^H^H^H help here in the channel
19:45.56ManxPower-workchuckf: he only (mostly) beats people that deserve it
19:46.07[TK]D-Fenderecrane: you can bet that it takes longer to do its job than dedicated machines with a lower capacity, and thats per single-load.  Fo multi-load it is clearly a loser.
19:47.16RonDuttProbably something no one here will help with, but I'll ask anyway: What is the proper way to set up a custom DAHDI route to use a group rather than having to specify the lines/ports to use?
19:47.24[TK]D-Fenderchuckf: You're a schmuck^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hwelcome :)
19:47.44kkempwow, new front load washers have new features to work on the smelly washer syndrome. Special cycle for cleaning, "dynamic venting technology" and a fan that keeps wet clothes "fresh" for 10 hours
19:48.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: the rest are preemptive beatings to make sure people stay in line :p
19:48.23RonDuttkkemp, any specific one? I HATE the smelly washer syndrome smell...
19:49.02kkempRonDutt: Yeah, worst thing ever.. I've been leaving the door open on mine and that seems to take care of it for the most part.
19:49.05ecranekkemp: How about the ultimate fix for smelly washer syndrome... don't buy a front loader ^^. There are top loaders that lack agitators.
19:49.28ecranekkemp: but it's nice to know some work is being done on the problem.
19:49.37RonDuttecrane, I have a top loader, if clothes are left for more than 5 hours after it finishes, the smell, oh gawd the smell...
19:50.13kkempecrane: Yeah, seems like a nice modern top loaders is just as a front loader now
19:50.19*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
19:50.29NaikrovekI apologize to what's his name
19:50.32Naikrovekstarts with an F
19:51.21Naikrovekthat's it
19:51.23Naikroveksorry, florz
19:51.24Naikrovekwas mad
19:51.36Naikrovekstill stand by my G711 is not compressed over the wire position though
19:51.44Naikrovekbecause it isn't.
19:52.43florzNaikrovek: well, but what makes compression compression, then?
19:52.51ecraneNaikrovek: Yeah I think everyone agrees with that claim (I hope?).
19:53.43Naikrovekflorz: g711, as previously stated, is companded to reduce dynamic range.  don't need subwoofer sounds over a phone.  the resulting waveform, AFTER COMPANDING is what is sent
19:53.48Naikrovekthat waveform is NOT compressed
19:53.49p3nguinecrane: That was the problem... there was disagreement.
19:53.59ManxPower-workFrom my point of view G711 is compressed.  It takes up much less bandwidth than a CD stream.  But from a "compression screws up some types of audio", then no it's not compressed.
19:54.21NaikrovekManxPower-work:it's not cd quality sound either,  because of the reduced dynamic range
19:54.33florzManxPower-work: but then FLAC isn't compressed, either?
19:54.45Naikrovekfinally a chance to change topic
19:54.54Naikrovekwhy isn't there a flac-like voip codec
19:54.55Kattyhugs Naikrovek
19:54.55ManxPower-workNaikrovek: so they toss out some frequencies to reduce bandwidth -- sounds like compression to me.
19:55.09Naikroveknot compression.  that's straight up loss
19:55.10ManxPower-workNaikrovek: There is.
19:55.17ManxPower-workSee G722
19:55.19KattyNaikrovek: i'm glad you are back!
19:55.20florzNaikrovek: Well, but what does that have to do with "subwoofer sounds"?!
19:55.27Naikrovekif i cut a piece of paper in half i'm not compressing it
19:55.29Naikroveki'm chopping part off
19:55.34ManxPower-workwell, not flac-lossless but flac-wideband
19:55.37Naikrovek711 chops off the non-voice parts of the audio
19:56.16florzNaikrovek: G.711 doesn't do any explicit frequency-domain changes (as in: none except for the noise introduced by the reduction in codepoints)
19:56.26NaikrovekG722 is just a higher-bandwidth, less-dynamic range cut off, not cmpressed, right
19:57.50florzNaikrovek: Well, but that "chopping off the non-voice parts" really is more due to the sampling frequency, which tends to happen at the A/D border already
19:58.04ecraneIn my mind, less dynamic-range cut off can indicate higher 'quality'.
19:58.04kkempBy the looking at the word it self isn't companding compression? compressing and expanding; thus there is compression?
19:58.45florzNaikrovek: the part of G.711 that I'd consider "compression" is the part about reducing the dynamic resolution (the range really doesn't change much)
19:58.47p3nguinBut what is being compressed and what is being expanded?
19:58.48QwellNaikrovek: Compression is NOT loss
19:58.57p3nguinand loss is not compression.
19:58.59ManxPower-workkkemp: Doesn't really matter.  From the standpoint of codecs and voice and voip, it is considered "uncompressed", regardless of if it is compressed or not.
19:59.43ecraneYeah.. I would think we can ignore any 'compression' that occurs at the A/D border and for this conversation the word compression means lossless or lossful methods of getting the data from phone A to phone b.......
19:59.45*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
20:00.18ecraneBut I'm no expert..
20:01.26florzat least it's pretty unusual to count the A/D conversion as compression - it's a lossy process, obviously, but compression in the computer science sense tends to apply to digital data only
20:01.53*** join/#asterisk maginot (n=maginot@
20:02.02p3nguinI'm still trying to determine if I _need_ to use g729 or if it would be worthless to me.
20:02.24florzand in that sends, G.711 is obviously a compression algorithm, for it reduces some amount of data to a smaller amount of data that represents the same information
20:03.05kkempp3nguin: Should be pretty simple to figure out? Bandwidth/number of concurrent calls needed.
20:03.06[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: If you aren't out of BW, you don't need it :)
20:03.46p3nguinI guess I don't need it, then, 'cause I have plenty of bandwidth left with my current call volume.
20:04.46NaikrovekQwell: i understand that compression is not loss
20:05.00ecraneflorz: What 'smaller' amount of data is carried by G.711? Do you mean the silence gaps, or do you mean like, how it can take an analog signal (which requires an infinite amount of data to carry) and after digitization pass it along and reproduce it someplace.
20:05.03Naikrovekcompanding is loss, however.  that dynamic range doesn't come back as it does with compression
20:06.17florzecrane: well, G.711 doesn't really take an analog signal, but rather a linear PCM signal as its input
20:08.06florzecrane: as in: G.711 tends not to be implemented as analog circuitry
20:08.44ecraneflorz: ok, then are you saying G.711 reduces the 'size' of the date in the LPCM stream that it takes in before transmission? (Is that what you mean when you say G.711 does 'some' compression?)
20:09.16ecraneflorz: By applying alaw/ulaw?
20:12.32Naikrovekecrane: i think this conversation has kinda petered out
20:12.39Naikrovekwhat kind of tape backup drives do you guys use
20:13.09*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (
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20:14.38RonDuttNaikrovek, the "cloud" ;)
20:14.55Naikroveki have too much data for that
20:15.22RonDuttrun your own, cheaper faster and more failsafe than tape
20:15.23Naikrovekwould pay more per month in bandwidth than it would cost to buy a new tape drive or two
20:15.44Naikrovekwell i have a requirement that old backups be taken off site
20:15.50[TK]D-FenderClouds EvAPORATE <-
20:16.01[TK]D-Fenderpoints to the Sidekick
20:16.03Naikrovekand unless i want to raid 5-6 external USB drives every day ...
20:16.04ecraneAs far as backups go, I've found using a bunch of USB drives and RSYNC to be faster and cheaper then buying a specialized tape-backup drive and it's tapes and dealing with drivers/backup software/etc.
20:16.15Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's a nice option for mirroring stuff
20:16.16*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
20:16.16Naikrovekwell listen to this first
20:16.38ecraneYeah how many bytes do you need to backup?
20:16.40*** part/#asterisk Malkor (
20:16.43Naikrovekmy NAS vendor has a tape drive I can get for $7k.  but it's not just a tape drive, it's got 24 empty slots and a robotic arm that moves tapes in and out of the drive for me
20:16.47Naikrovekthey're 800GB tapes
20:16.52RonDutt[TK]D-Fender, I doubt the major clouds are goin' anywhere (Amazon, etc). Personally, make your own "cloud" with a couple offsite servers on cogent or other cheapo bandwidth. Most datacenters sell the machines, not the pipe
20:16.52Naikrovek1.6TB compressed
20:16.58florzecrane: yeah - or even if you do it without transmission ;-)
20:17.06Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i have a family subscription to crashplan, it's like 130 bucks for 3 years... and i back up 6 computers with it... so that works out to be like 7 bucks a computer, per year
20:17.06Naikrovekand they don't require any backup software to use it
20:17.18[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: LTO4?
20:17.21Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: yes
20:17.30Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: that combined with local backup... is pretty solid... i couldn't do it myself for that price
20:17.43ecraneThe tape drive is 7k but how much do the tapes cost? You can buy a bunch of 2TB external USB/Esata drives for a lot less then 7k. But no robot arm :<.
20:17.47[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I'm on LTO3 here nad getting clsoe to native limit... of course I could trim stuff off mine to last quite a while longer.
20:17.53Naikrovekecrane: $47 each tape
20:17.57[TK]D-FenderI also rsync my Samba server locally...
20:18.10*** join/#asterisk surlyjake (
20:18.15florzecrane: kindof: the whole point of G.711 is the size reduction of data while preserving the information, which is exactly the definition of a compression algorithm
20:18.41surlyjakeis there any way to configure asterisk as a Video Conference room? just like you can an audio conference room?
20:18.43ManxPower-workflorz: so then MP3 is not compresses, since you lose information in the compression
20:18.48[TK]D-Fendersurlyjake: No.
20:19.10Naikroveksurlyjake: that would be awesome
20:19.44KobazNaikrovek: get a bunch of hard drives.. cycle them offsite frequently.. and use something like par2 to make sure you can recover data if you get hard drive flakeyness
20:19.56NaikrovekKobaz: but i have terabytes of data and a requirement to keep data for 6 months
20:20.06Kobazso get terabytes of storage
20:20.07Naikrovek4TB of data
20:20.15Naikrovektapes are cheaper at that scale
20:20.23*** join/#asterisk rbd (
20:20.27surlyjakeNaikrovek: tell me about ... I have some netBSD-based appliance from "codian" that does it, just trying to find out what FOSS applications can do it.
20:20.29ecraneManxPower-work: Well the idea is that the MP3 saves all the 'relevent' information, same with alaw/ulaw. But yes as you know, if you're talking about starting with cd-quality audio, mp3/alaw/ulaw does not preserve all the bits, whereas FLAC does. But MP3 (arguably) just as good as the original and so are alaw/ulaw.
20:20.44florzManxPower-work: "information" != "data" - MP3 does remove data, but it doesn't remove any information at the level of interpretation that you intend to use the data for
20:20.49Naikroveksurlyjake: cuseeme maybe
20:20.52rbdhey you guys consider the 1.6.0/1.6.1 branches suitable for production use? how solid are they compaired with something like 1.4.27?
20:21.08Naikrovekrbd: yes they're fine as far as i know
20:21.14Naikrovekrbd: get a second opinion
20:21.19*** join/#asterisk deeperror (n=deeperro@
20:21.22Kobazrbd: 1.4 is going to be the most solid, 1.6.0 is pretty good, i've only run across a few crashes and oddidites, but they have been fixed in the newest releases
20:21.39Kobazrbd: as you get higher in versions, the stuff is less mature... generally
20:21.40ecraneThe other advantage of using USB drives for backup instead of tapes.... much easier to recover data on another machine, etc. It doesn't require someone who knows how to use the 7k tape robot to do something as simple as recover a file that got accidentally deleted...
20:21.44*** part/#asterisk deeperror (n=deeperro@
20:22.20Kobazecrane: you can keep the historic stuff on tapes. keep the current week's worth of crap on the hdd's
20:22.21florzManxPower-work: same with G.711:: obviously, you cannot reconstruct the original bitream from the compressed form - but in the application you are using it for it doesn't lose any information
20:23.19Naikroveki already have a d2d2t system but without the 't' part
20:23.27Naikrovekso i have recent backups on disk already
20:23.34Naikrovekgoing back 30 days, in the form of snapshots
20:23.35Kobazrbd: 1.6.0 is pretty damn good, as far as i've seen... i've got some boxes with several weeks uptime, with 400k+ calls
20:23.43Naikrovekneed to archive that junk for 6mo
20:23.54Naikrovekwant to do it to tape, but can't find a cheaper system than what I've proposed
20:24.01Naikroveknor a more elegant system at any price
20:24.01ecraneManxPower-work: does that makes sense? What I said and what florz said? For example, the 'information' in the case of a voice call is human speech. The A/D, ulaw/alaw, bit rate and sample size were all designed to carry all the 'information' necessary for human speech to work. A lot of frequencies that might get picked up by the phones microphone are cut during the the A/D conversion and ulaw/alaw process, but the 'information' (as far as
20:24.31Kobazerrotan: not exactly
20:24.44Kobazerrotan: it's more like a 'best range' to carry human speech
20:24.55Naikrovekthe loss happens inside the phone before it becomes a bitstream.  the bitstream is not compressed.
20:25.12errotanKobaz: you are talking to the wrong person :)
20:25.17*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (
20:25.30florzNaikrovek: you mean, like, telephones implement G.711 in analog circuitry?
20:25.57Kobazback to work
20:26.11Naikrovekflorz: i'm talking about the data that leaves the phone
20:26.26Naikrovekinternal stuff is a cloud and i dont' care about what goes on in there
20:26.54Naikrovekwhen it leaves the phone, and becomes something i care about, g711 is a packetized WAV file
20:27.08florzNaikrovek: so G.729 isn't compression either when it happens inside the phone?
20:27.23Naikrovekit's not a plain WAV file when it leaves the phone
20:27.33florzwhat is a "plain WAV file"?
20:27.37Naikroveki give up
20:27.41Naikrovekyou win already
20:27.44Naikrovekyou're right i'm wrong
20:27.46Naikrovekon everything
20:27.50Naikrovekwhat should i have for dinner
20:27.54florza RIFF container with GSM inside, is that a "plain WAV file"?!
20:28.02Naikroveki would guess myself but someone in here will argue with me
20:28.45ecraneNaikrovek: I see now why you were frustrated. Maybe florz is being a little difficult ^^. But I'm an outsider here....
20:28.48*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
20:28.57Naikrovekeveryone in here loves getting me riled up
20:29.00Naikrovekit's a hobby
20:29.07leifmadseninfobot: g711 is
20:29.07infobotleifmadsen: okay
20:29.33p3nguinnaikrovek: Pork chop, baked potato, sweet corn?
20:29.36leifmadsenwikipedia says G.711 both companded and compressed, so discussion over. Everyone is right! (wrong!)
20:30.00leifmadsenI like peas more than corn
20:30.00Naikroveki'm goign to edit that wikipedia document to support my point of view just like florz did for his
20:30.02ecranenaikrovek: tofurkey sandwich
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20:44.30eppigyKatty: that means he wants to see what you're about
20:44.40eppigyand possibly start a romantic relationship
20:48.50*** join/#asterisk wolfeyes (i=291183b0@gateway/web/freenode/x-jvpvsbiyznrtpatz)
20:49.32wolfeyesIf jkroon is in the house I really need to talk to you please.
20:50.37[TK]D-Fenderwolfeyes: You can read the userlist jsut like everybody else and not ask out loud what is right in front of your eyes :)
20:51.38wolfeyesWell maybe the person is hiding under another nic, "Ever think of that?"
20:52.32wolfeyesI noticed a nic similar but they never answered yesterday when I messaged them!
20:52.48[TK]D-Fenderwolfeyes: Keep grabbing at the dark for whatever you may find :)
20:52.57[TK]D-Fenderwolfeyes: So what is it that only he can help you with?
20:53.25[TK]D-Fender(feel anyway)*
20:53.27wolfeyesThat's what I just did and you kind of complained or moaned
20:53.51wolfeyesLooking at voip and software and hardware attached to that.
20:54.36[TK]D-Fenderwolfeyes: Ok, those are vague topics.  How about a few specific questions?
20:54.47wolfeyesI am very new in the game and was wondering if it is better to start off trying to put stuff together with people like yours help, or joining a company?
20:55.16*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:56.04wolfeyesOnly problem is.... If I join a company, they aren't in the area and I have to sign a contract to not work in the same field for after a year in the same area after I resign from them, which I am sure freelancing woiuld be much better!
20:56.52Naikrovekyou don't have to be employed with a voip company to deploy a voip system
20:57.03kkempCan you feed yourself with your freelance work?
20:59.19wolfeyesyes I can
20:59.23wolfeyesThat is my point
20:59.35wolfeyesbut where do I learn?
21:00.00wolfeyesI know there is basic stuff and I found it very interesting
21:00.36wolfeyesand most of the stuff nowdays is already programmed and I would make more on the sales if I did it personally.
21:01.15kkempBooks, internet, playing with things, etc. Not sure if people here recommend Switchvox but I think it's great for getting real systems up without having to know Asterisk beforehand
21:02.28*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
21:02.29infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:02.29infobotfrom memory, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:02.30Naikroveki think
21:02.31Naikrovekwolfeyes: read that book
21:02.35Naikrovekthere ya go
21:03.03wolfeyesYou see now that is useful
21:03.14wolfeyesty guys
21:03.31Naikrovekhow in the HELL was I the first one to suggest the book in that case
21:03.43Naikroveki even went to take a leak after he asked the questino and before i answered
21:09.46*** join/#asterisk agx (
21:10.29heliosjscrolls back
21:10.36heliosjshakes his head
21:10.37infobothmm... answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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21:15.57*** join/#asterisk wolfeyes (i=29116a90@gateway/web/freenode/x-aaqyogrurejzihis)
21:16.05wolfeyessorry about that
21:16.21Naikroveksorry about what
21:16.25wolfeyesI tried answering Naikrovek , very funny thou, I was laughing
21:16.36wolfeyesgettign cut off and not answering like that!
21:16.50Corydon76-dig[15:06:14]  Signoff: wolfeyes (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
21:17.01wolfeyesI will look into those books, they will help I am sure
21:17.12wolfeyeswhy so
21:17.13Naikrovekwell it's just one book, and yes it will
21:17.40wolfeyesThats 3mins, more like I was kicked out
21:17.56wolfeyesoh well at least I am learning or getting the chance to learn
21:18.46wolfeyesAnyone else interested in voip here and from South Africa?
21:18.55wolfeyesCanada maybe?
21:19.02heliosjwolfeyes: Where in .za?
21:19.14Naikrovekthere are a few .ca and .za folks in here
21:20.14wolfeyesDon't really think the where abouts in south africa matters, only that you have more info on the local news than what I do!
21:20.45Naikrovekhe wasn't asking because he's a stalker
21:21.06Naikrovekhe was asking because his roommate is a stalker and wants to kill you.
21:21.14*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
21:21.23ManxPower-workCan anyone think of a reason for these polarity reversal messages other than "vendor lied to us about signaling"?
21:21.30wolfeyesoooooooooo a stalker, I need attention lol
21:21.31heliosjI was asking because I have clients in Cape Town and it'd be nice to have more contacts around there.
21:21.45Naikroveki figured it was something like that
21:21.48wolfeyesAh man
21:21.49Naikrovekbut wanted to make a joke of it
21:22.05wolfeyesI beat ya to it then
21:22.31wolfeyesok heliosj  so you are busy with this then?
21:23.01heliosjThis being..?
21:23.19heliosjBusy enough, I guess.
21:23.43heliosjManxPower-work: Vendor lied to you about signaling? *ducks*
21:23.47wolfeyesMay I msg you there heliosj please?
21:23.53heliosjI guess so.
21:24.13wolfeyesThat sounds so enthusiastic
21:26.27wolfeyesso what work you do Naikrovek ?
21:27.01Naikroveksystem admin for a company in the US.  we write ECM firmware for, and do testing on, diesel engines.
21:27.09NaikrovekECM = electronic control module
21:27.12Naikrovekfor those that don't know
21:27.17*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
21:28.40[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
21:29.34wolfeyeswow thats interesing, seems computers are endless
21:31.01wolfeyesI saw some guys working woth it in the laiths, Uuum what they call that langauge again?
21:31.13wolfeyesscratches head
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21:31.40wolfeyes<----- to lazy to google it but I will get it back to me
21:34.08p3nguinSeems like he ran off to google to try to figure it out.
21:35.17wolfeyesG-code yes
21:35.30wolfeyesloo code lol shakes head to funny
21:35.52*** join/#asterisk sflemming (n=sflemmin@
21:36.07wolfeyesI saw a bit of cobol too but more G-code
21:36.25wolfeyesI was thinking of learnign that, just the funds to get started, eish
21:39.34*** join/#asterisk ruied (
21:41.55bpgoldsbI'm using AEL.  I do a '&something(params)', which should be a gosub.  Inside the gosub, ${EXTEN} is being changed to 's'.  When it's comes out of the gosub, it's not being set back.  Is that normal?
21:42.35ManxPower-workbpgoldsb: no.
21:43.13bpgoldsbSo, it should be changed back to the value pre-gosub, yes?
21:43.31sflemmingHello, could someone give me a hint how to find information related to a HFC-S setup with Asterisk and dahdi? Asterisk and  DAHDI is installed on gentoo. I googled for tutorials or manuals but do not really know how to start. I'm happy for all kind of help.
21:43.37ManxPower-workbpgoldsb: yes
21:43.50bpgoldsbWell w-t-f
21:44.15ManxPower-workbpgoldsb: It's been a while since I did AEL, but from memory that is it.
21:44.36bpgoldsbManxPower-work, I believe you're correct, because I believe it's doing that elsewhere in my code just find
21:45.06bpgoldsbI'd think it's related to the code in this particular gosub, but that'll be fun figuring out
21:46.06ManxPower-workbpgoldsb: I could see if you set a EXTEN as a global variable
21:46.34bpgoldsbNope, I don't touch the value of it
21:46.39bpgoldsbJust referencing the built-in
21:47.29bpgoldsbHmm, it looks like AEL changes ${EXTEN} to ${~~EXTEN~~} when it builds the old-dialplan code
21:49.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:50.07Kobazwhy would you want to change EXTEN anyway, it's an automatic variable
21:50.26bpgoldsbKobaz, I don't.  Something inside asterisk is changing it
21:50.31[TK]D-FenderYou can't and there's no point.
21:50.37[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Nope
21:51.36bpgoldsbI do context -> extension -> gosub -> gosub and when it gets back to extension, ${EXTEN} has changed from 205 to s
21:51.57[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: EXTEN is where you ARE, not what you "initally dialed"
21:52.32Kobazcontext start { foo => { Set(__DialedNumber=${EXTEN}); } }
21:52.50[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: What if, from my phone, I dial an EXTENSION, that does a GOTO to an IVR, and it waits for input.  I then enter another EXTENSION, what do you think EXTEN is going to be?
21:53.02*** join/#asterisk keyp (n=keyp@
21:53.09bpgoldsbWhatever the IVR jumped you to.
21:53.39*** join/#asterisk zippoman (i=48817f53@gateway/web/freenode/x-nsjkaoyqwsipudoh)
21:53.42zippomanhey guys
21:53.51*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
21:53.52bpgoldsbI understand that exten changes, I have that plenty in my dialplan.  _XXX -> s -> s -> 91800foo
21:54.10bpgoldsbBut I'm confused as to why Gosub's would change the exten, as they're meant to return
21:54.12jayteebe back later
21:54.38Kobazbpgoldsb: read what fender wrote, it answers that question
21:54.43[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: You're in some other EXTEN during that Gosub.  That you might return at some point means nothing
21:55.20[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: You might NEVER return.
21:55.28bpgoldsbBut if EXTEN is where I am, and I'm inside _XXX (205 in this case), why is exten s instead of 205?
21:55.34[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: you want to "cache" the EXTEN from some point during your call, do as Kobaz showed you
21:55.41[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: You aren't
21:56.05bpgoldsbAll the code is executing under the _XXX extension.  _XXX -> { NoOp(${EXTEN}); GoSub(blarg); NoOp(${EXTEN}); }
21:56.17bpgoldsbThat second NoOp(${EXTEN}); isn't inside _XXX?
21:56.34[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: PASTEBIN the call.
21:56.44[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: And BTW.....
21:57.07[TK]D-FenderFUCK AEL
21:57.15Kobazi love ael
21:57.24russellb[TK]D-Fender: language!
21:57.28[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: it gets "compiled back to exrtensions.conf code in ways you may not predict
21:57.30Kobazbeen using it for more than a year, not a single conversion problem
21:57.34[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Sorry.
21:57.42zippomanhas anyone used the asterisk php manager API
21:58.15Kobazbut i've been moving most of my ael to agi anyway
21:58.37Kobazif your dialplan get's that complex, might as well use a real language
21:59.26Kobazlooks like an 's' exten to me
21:59.36[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I don't see reliable code there
21:59.44[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: dialplan show <----
21:59.56bpgoldsbI thought you wanted the call trace, not the dialplan.  1 sec
22:00.07*** join/#asterisk blowery (
22:00.14Kobazalong with s@set_call_info, s@standard_dial, s@throw_error, and s@send_email
22:00.15[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: You mean you're running BLIND on this?
22:00.44bloweryanyone know offhand what causes Asterisk to return a 404 Not Found when trying to register?
22:00.57Kobazblowery: the item in question is not found
22:01.04[TK]D-Fenderblowery: Because there is no matching peer
22:01.19[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: So what line in your output is in question?
22:02.08bpgoldsb30-33 in pastebin's format
22:03.14kaldemarbpgoldsb: -- Executing [205@sip_dial:5] Goto("SIP/112-b6c0b468", "sw-1795-SIP,10") <-- there goes your 205
22:03.33blowery[TK]D-Fender: sadly i have no idea what that means. anywhere i can read up? i'm trying to figure out why I can connect with one client (LoudHush) but not another ( on a Mac
22:04.27bpgoldsbkaldemar, thanks
22:04.34*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
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22:04.59bpgoldsbI'm just going to switch to caching the dialed digits at start and referencing those instead of ${EXTEN}
22:05.11zippomanif anyone knows anything about asterisk php manager API please PM me I need some help
22:05.26bpgoldsbIt will save me more time than being yelled at by Fender.
22:05.55sflemmingDoes someone know if the dahdi- works with cheap hfc-s cards or do I need a patch to get it working. Which kernelmodule do I need?
22:06.50[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Where is your DIALPLAn for that exten * context?
22:07.13[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: And in those lines you are in "s"
22:07.32[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Show me a line where ${EXTEN} is being falsely interpreted
22:08.09bpgoldsb[TK]D-Fender, You're right.  Thanks.
22:10.01[TK]D-FenderAEL looks simple in the file, but once it gets parsed back ends up looking like spaghetti, with parmesean, oregano, 11 herbs & spices, and drenched in McDonalds "Special Sauce"
22:10.01wolfeyeslooks at the bot
22:11.08wolfeyesSounds like KFC and McDonalds Sauce
22:11.41bpgoldsbIf I had it all to do over again, I would implement it with AGI and a language I'm more familiar with.
22:11.53bpgoldsbBut thats not exactly effective.
22:14.34zippomananyone around?
22:14.52wolfeyesDepends who you are looking for?
22:15.19zippomanjust a little help interfacing my asterisk box with the php manager api
22:15.45infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:15.58*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure_ (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
22:16.24wolfeyeslol @ against our will
22:20.44russellbwolfeyes: ;-)
22:22.39zippomanare there any tutorials for getting asterisk manager php all set up...I have been looking around. I did my code, but it isn't working and I have no specific question except for someone looking over all my code.
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22:39.21catlynxanyone know if OpenVox B200E would work for AT&T ISDN BRI line?
22:41.06catlynxhears a pin drop
22:42.03*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
22:42.18[TK]D-Fendercatlynx: Thats MCI, not AT&T :p
22:42.18lost_soulhas anyone here used pjsua? I got it configured and working but notice it keeps the cpu at roughly 50% usage which seems a bit much for a 2.53ghz p4. Wondering if anyone else has noticed similiar?
22:43.06lost_soulI know it's not an asterisk question, sorry for that.  But this would be the most appropriate channel to ask in I would think
22:43.10catlynxI was goign to buy an B200E on ebay till the seller said its not supported in US :(
22:43.12[TK]D-Fendercatlynx: Call OpenVox Yourself and see what they say.  We do not advocate their cards here
22:43.35[TK]D-FendercatQuite possibly now... Where on earth did you even FIND a BRI in USA?
22:43.37catlynxthe seller said its a Asterisk thing not doing NI1 :(
22:43.46[TK]D-FenderNI1 = PRI
22:44.13catlynxAT&T has a ISDN line at my house not used :)
22:44.14[TK]D-Fendercatlynx: Not BRI
22:44.21catlynxthought I could put it in to good use for voice mail on my asterisk box
22:44.23[TK]D-Fendercatlynx: You'd better be VERY sure of what you've got before wasting money
22:44.56[TK]D-FendercatBRI is almost non-existant in US
22:45.09jblackDear VA. PLEASE STOP GIVING ME DISEASES. kthx bai.
22:45.28catlynxAT&T showing it as BRI on the bill
22:46.13catlynx$23/m ISDN BRI
22:47.11[TK]D-Fendercatlynx: interesting.  I don't know for sure what will work with it...
22:47.33ecranestill has nightmares of a NFAS ISDN Signalling...a whole DS3 with ISDN signalling and only 1 D channel for all call setup and teardown.
22:48.20catlynxecrane: guess they did not think people would be calling and hanging up :)
22:48.40[TK]D-Fenderecrane: You don't need a D-Chan for teardown ;)
22:48.47ecraneoh.. my bad.
22:48.59ecraneIt sounds 'efficient' until call volume gets high enough, and messages get dropped and vendors start pointing fingers at each other...
22:49.17[TK]D-Fenderecrane: No no... you misunderstand.  When your D-Chan fails... EVERYTHIING gets torn down ;)
22:49.42catlynxtrys to think how he can make use of a ISDN line that is sitting doing nothing
22:54.47p3nguinCan't be used for voice? fax?
22:55.11catlynxalready got couple analog lines for that.
22:55.30catlynxonly thing would be nice was dedicated voicemail number
22:55.42catlynxwhich I think the ISDN line would be nice for
22:55.46ecraneWell what CAN you do with an ISDN line that you can't do with a regular other line...
22:55.52ecraneguaranteed fast dialup?
22:56.06p3nguinNot even really all that fast.
22:58.38jblackp3nguin, you know much about drugs?
22:59.09jblackprescription painkillers, specifically
22:59.26p3nguinjblack: I know a small amount.  What's up?
23:00.01bpgoldsbcan you update cdr(userfield) more than once?
23:00.29[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Sure
23:01.18jblackI was prescribed tramodol yesterday. I'm reading conflicting things, and wondered if you'd heard much about it
23:01.28jblackPardon, tramadol
23:01.29bpgoldsbWell, time to figure out why it's not saving the first value and not the second, then
23:02.06jblackI read it's an opiod, it's not an opiod. It's narcotic. It's not narcotic. It's virtually a narcotic. It's no addictive, except it is very addictive...
23:02.18*** part/#asterisk surlyjake (
23:03.21jblackso if you had personal experience, or knew someone with personal experience.
23:04.32p3nguinI haven't taken it, but Ultracet has been given to people I know.
23:05.20jblackAny thoughts regarding ultracet?
23:07.45*** join/#asterisk citywok (
23:07.49wolfeyesLooks like I lost heliosj
23:08.55p3nguinjblack: From my understanding, it's not a narcotic, but acts like one.  It's not supposed to be addictive.
23:09.06*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
23:09.11jblackThat's about what I got from google too.
23:09.34ecraneYou could probably find someone who will take one and tell you what it's like ^^.
23:09.39p3nguinI rarely take any meds and rarely even see a doctor, so my drug knowledge usually comes from people I know taking them.
23:09.47jblackA narcotic is by definition addictive, so something narcotic like would be addictive... I didn't have too much trouble finding stories of people abusing it.
23:10.26jblackYeah. I figured you might know people with chronic problems.  Didn't hurt to ask. =)
23:10.51jblackThe doctor told me it's an "anti-inflammatory".
23:11.37*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
23:11.43p3nguinLooks like Ultram and Ultracet are both using tramadol.  (figure you already uncovered that)
23:12.07p3nguinI haven't heard of Ultram before.
23:12.12jblackI think tramadol is generic ultram,  and ultracet = tramadol + acetamenophen.
23:12.26p3nguinI think you are correct.
23:12.50jblackIn any case, I think this is not some simple anti-inflammatory like the doctor claimed.
23:12.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:13.05jblackThat's ok. his other prescription for me is for my "parkinson's disease"
23:13.39jblack(before you ask, not that I'm fucking aware of)
23:14.20ecraneNone of my business bro, but have you gotten 2nd opinions?
23:15.25jblackI asked him for 2nd opinion, and he said that I'm unlikeable.
23:16.46jblackI have several doctors, but most of them are pretty bad.
23:16.48p3nguinI guess tramadol is commonly used to treat osteoarthritis.
23:17.19p3nguinIt could be an anti-inflammatory drug, I suppose.
23:17.19jblackHe thinks I have arthritis, which is associated with that core problem.
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23:17.47p3nguinAnyone I know that was prescribed Ultracet got it is a pain killer.
23:18.20jblackthats' what claims about it too.
23:18.38jblackFor moderate to severe.
23:18.50p3nguinI guess I could call my pharmacist.
23:19.14jblackcan't. I have to go to manhattan neuro tomorrow.
23:19.37jblackI'm taking the short bus, so I'll be leaving home at 3am, and probably not getting home until something like 6pm.
23:19.50ian6tramadol is addictive. Very addictive :P
23:20.12p3nguinI have learned that many doctors don't know much about drugs, so that's why I always call my pharmacy guy.
23:20.14jblackian6: That's kinda the impression I'm getting.
23:20.39jblackThe pharmacy guys at the VA aren't much better, I'm sad to say.
23:21.08p3nguinI'm calling.
23:21.14[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Never gets old :
23:21.14jblackanyways, you guys can see why I'd ask around before I'd pop something they give me into my mouth.
23:21.35jblack[TK]D-Fender: Him? :)
23:21.50[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Topic matter
23:22.14jblackIsn't he still in deep water for fighting the swine flu shot?
23:22.50[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "or something or another" :)
23:24.10jblackThat particular rant, I think there's more than a grain of truth in that. And I think he's right for most would-otherwise-be-healthy peole
23:24.34jblackOn over-medication, that is
23:25.30jblackFor example, "when exercise and diet fail",  "they don't fail".. CLearly he's not familiar with hypothyrodism, brain tumors, type 2 diabetes & arthritus all wrapped up in one.
23:26.11jblackTHere are more ways to end up fat than just eating too much.
23:26.38p3nguinjblack: Just got off the phone with the pharmacist.  He said that the FDA does not classify tramadol as "addictive" because it is NOT a narcotic.  He also said that while "addictive" is not the correct term to describe the drug, you very likely will form a reliability or dependency for it, but it's commonly "addictive" in the sense that you want to take the pain away.
23:27.01jblacki.e. mental addiction.
23:27.10jblackit works so well, I'd never want to give it up..
23:27.18jblackI could live with an addition to lack of pain. =)
23:27.19p3nguinjblack: He said it has absolutely no anti-inflammatory characteristics at all -- it is strictly an analgesic for pain.
23:28.13jblackOk. That's very close to what i'm hearing from a source that I trust very well too.
23:28.18jblackso, I guess I can pop this
23:29.03p3nguinHe also confirmed what you mentioned about the difference between Ultram and Ultracet.
23:29.16jblackcool. That's useful friend you have.
23:29.36jblackif I were you, i'd make sure to buy him a cheeseburger every once in a while. Please extend my thanks. =)
23:30.39jblackOk, so with the pain pills, the obnoxious personality, and a cane in the care, all I need is one of those big tennis balls, a corner office, and a medical degree, and I can be Dr House!
23:30.41p3nguinI'm just glad we have drug dealers around here that know what they're doing.
23:31.02Kattyriddick is allergic to something
23:31.18Kattycould be ferrets, one of my cleaners, the laundry detergent, my shampoo....there is no telling
23:31.28jblackMaybe riddick is ironically allergic to cat hair
23:31.41Kattyno cats here to irritate those allergies
23:31.42p3nguinOr worse... dog hair.
23:31.59jblackOh, that's right. riddick is a dog. I meant dog hair.
23:32.19jblackwell excuuuuUUUuUUuUuuse me!
23:32.23*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
23:32.38jblackcut me a break! 1 1/2 new diseases this week. =)
23:34.20jblackSo, how do you know riddick is allergic to somethimg?
23:34.22p3nguinIf it's the same doc that said he would give you an anti-inflammatory called tramadol, I'm worried.
23:34.57jblackYes. The same doctor who gave me 'tramadol, the anti-inflammatory", is the same one that gave me bromocriptine "for parkinson's disease"
23:35.03Kattyjblack: the vet told me so
23:35.20Kattyjblack: and gave me an antihistamine for him, and an antibiotic for all the scratching and biting he's been doing to his back side.
23:35.38jblackSo what do you do? split riddick off from his environment, and add things back in one at a time?
23:36.20p3nguinGive him some Vetalog and he'll probably be fine.
23:36.31Kattyshe wants to know if it's seasonal allergies or not, so after it's cleared up a bit we'll try take him off of it when it gets colder
23:37.01jblackI hate to be the heartless one here, but I'm having a bad week...
23:37.02Kattyi'm going to keep him upstairs in the bedroom during the day, away from the ferrets.
23:37.13jblackAre you ready to take care of an allergic dog for the next decade or two?
23:37.16Kattyi have a feeling it's the ferrets.
23:37.29Kattyriddick is more than just a dog to me (=
23:37.33jblackI wish you were single and would adopt me.
23:37.45jblackI can make sad eyes too, and I'm constantly sick and need to be babied. =)
23:37.46Kattyi've already adopted 7 males.
23:38.02Kattywhat's one more
23:39.18jblackanybody in manhattan?
23:39.23Kattybut i really do think it's the ferrets.
23:39.47jblackthat wouldn't be surprise at all.
23:39.53Kattyit seems like it has gotten worse since i started keeping him in the basement with the ferrets the majority of the day
23:40.29jblackIf anybody lives in manhattan, I'm gonna be there tomorrow, and have a lot of free time
23:40.44Kattythat's a bit far from my house
23:41.07Kattyhow about i bring a dog for them to pet instead
23:41.40*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:41.48Kattyhi mister jay tee
23:41.50jblackI don't know if they have that kind of thing happening at manhattan. I haven't been at that campus before
23:41.59jayteehi Katty
23:42.06jblackI think they have something like that for the old far home here in the valley.
23:42.10jblackwaves to jaytee
23:42.34jayteewaves back to jblack
23:43.04jblackjaytee: You live in manhattan by any chance/
23:43.28jayteeI live in Indianapolis
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23:43.53jblackWhich one/
23:44.23jblackThere's at least 2 indianapolis' that I know of.
23:44.38jblackThere's the one in indiana, and the one in marysland
23:44.46jblackpardon the spelling
23:44.52jayteereally? the only one I know if is in Indiana
23:44.57*** part/#asterisk Malkor (
23:45.29jayteereally? Maryland? I know there's an Annapolis but never heard of an Indianapolis, Maryland
23:45.57jblackmaybe I'm thinking annapolis
23:46.04jblackI get confused like that sometimes.
23:46.32jblackI had an uncle that lived in *polis, md.
23:46.52Kattyright. i'm gonna get some dinner.
23:46.56jblackYeah. I confused annapolis. Sorry. :)
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