IRC log for #asterisk on 20091128

00:00.31drmessano[16:11] <Trupsalms> i have a cisco a+ cert <-- STOP questioning his skillz, plz
00:00.34drmessanoMaybe he DOES know what he's doing
00:00.43drmessanoGive him the benefit of the duh here
00:00.45hardwirehe never said that.
00:00.55drmessanoSure he did
00:01.49drmessanoFrom #freePBX earlier
00:01.53Trupsalmsso being that it's on the same network
00:02.17hardwiredamnit Trupsalms.. you fail me.. but that's OK
00:02.22drmessanoIt wont work if its on the same network
00:02.33drmessanoYou need to supernet it
00:03.03Trupsalmsnot i shouldn't have to
00:03.11drmessanoTry changing the IP to with a subnet mask of
00:03.46Trupsalmsit should connect
00:04.09Trupsalmswith no problem
00:04.16drmessanoI guess I shouldnt tell you this, but ICS wont work
00:04.27drmessanoYou need to BRIDGE the connections, not ICS
00:04.46drmessanoICS creates a NAT, and while the subnet ranges are the same, they're not on the same physical LAN segment
00:05.02hardwiredrmessano: are you all hopped up on evil juice?
00:05.26drmessanoI was giving him the correct answer, for once
00:05.33Kattywhat is evil juice?
00:05.40hardwireKatty: mooonshiiiiiiine
00:05.45Kattyoh, that
00:06.13Kattyis about to go seen boondock saints 2 (=
00:07.23hardwire... ?
00:08.42*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
00:09.04hardwireWinkie: kinda offensive eh?
00:10.14toresbeNot offensive in that manner, but offensively stupid, certainly...
00:10.46hardwireit's interesting that they have said nothing.. but already miffed me.
00:11.30toresbeDomain names like that don't anger me, they just make me groan like a good Mr. Bean sketch.
00:12.11jayteeI think I got a Cisco a+ cert as a CrackerJack prize once.....might have been one of those temporary tattoos though it was a long time ago
00:13.23hardwirejaytee: I know a guy who sells em cheap you PM me ok?
00:14.06*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
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00:19.09Trupsalmsthe server 2k3 provides the ip to the network, i want the machines on that network to connect to the asterisk system, those maching while be in the same ip range
00:19.31drmessanoTry ##windows
00:19.57Trupsalmsit is a asterisk problem
00:20.07drmessanoYour network is hosed, it sure isnt
00:20.49drmessanoMaybe the crack/keygen for your Server 2003 install is causing DNS, DHCP, or ICUP issues
00:21.02hardwireTrupsalms: do me a favor and run 'sudo tcpdump -i all -vvvvvvnlp port 5060' on your asterisk server
00:21.06hardwirethen start up xlite
00:21.11hardwiresee if anything even hits the asterisk server
00:21.11Trupsalmssorry i'm a microsoft partner to
00:21.15hardwireif so.. it's an asterisk problem
00:21.18hardwireif not.. ##windows
00:21.20Trupsalmsdidn't have to pay for keys much
00:21.32drmessanoMicrosoft partner too?
00:21.42hardwireah.. make that '-i any' not '-i all'
00:21.48hardwireTrupsalms: are you screwing with us?
00:22.00Trupsalmshey look
00:22.06Trupsalmsi just want it to work
00:22.07hardwirenono.. I just wanna know if you're playing around.
00:22.10drmessano[15:55] <Trupsalms> my internet went down at home, parents can't afford to pay right now, so best luck of what i'm trying i hope
00:22.12hardwiredid you run the tcpdump command?
00:22.19Trupsalmsi'm sure internet has nothing to do with it work
00:22.22drmessano^^^ thats from earlier
00:22.33Trupsalmshow about if i don't want it on the internet
00:22.38drmessanoHes a Microsoft partner who is down thanks to mom not paying the internet bill
00:22.56Trupsalmspicture this
00:23.04drmessanoyo bust it
00:23.27drmessanoYour speech is your recital?
00:23.32drmessanoYou think its very vital
00:23.33Trupsalmsoffice with 5 rooms, a pbx and you want a phone in all 5 rooms
00:23.41drmessanoTo rock a rhyme thats right on time..
00:24.04hardwireshakes his head
00:24.07hardwireTrupsalms: tcpdump?
00:24.08drmessanoAre these phones running Windows 2003 as well?
00:24.33drmessanohardwire: Doesnt that need to be run on a linux box?
00:24.48hardwiredrmessano: I asked him to run it on the asterisk box
00:25.08drmessanoYoure assuming one of his 15 boxes actually has Asterisk on it
00:25.18hardwireTrupsalms: ?
00:25.40drmessano[19:21] <hardwire> Trupsalms: do me a favor and run 'sudo tcpdump -i all -vvvvvvnlp port 5060' on your asterisk server
00:25.48drmessano[19:21] <hardwire> then start up xlite
00:25.48hardwireI know what I said drmessano
00:26.00drmessanoI was repasting for him, KTHX
00:26.35hardwirethats what happens when you don't pay the bill mom.
00:26.49drmessanoor your friends mom turns on the hair dryer
00:27.07hardwireholy cow you're stabby today.
00:27.19hardwiremaybe I'm just not stabby enough.
00:27.53drmessano[15:47] <Trupsalms> getting internet from wifi from a friend a few houses down, but i have no access to his router, so i can't set my system to dmz
00:28.01drmessanoNot stabby, just restating facts
00:28.15drmessanoYoure hours behind here
00:28.31hardwirethe man is trying to start a businez yo.
00:28.35hardwireand you be all "whaaaa"
00:28.43hardwireword. ?
00:29.25ChannelZcall the waaaaambulance
00:30.04drmessanohardwire: You know this is the "MY SYSTEM IS SCREW" cat from the other night, right?
00:30.31hardwireI totally know
00:30.42hardwireI tried to help him the other day a bit and I thought we actually started making sense
00:31.20drmessanoWell, you're the dumbass that didnt ask him if he was using XP for his router.  How do you feel now for being so slack?
00:31.23jayteeat least he wasn't trying to create a "dual core" system by soldering two old Pentium III motherboards together :-)
00:31.39hardwiredrmessano: it doesn't seem like a routed issue.. meh..
00:32.04hardwireI just want him to get it.
00:32.10drmessanohardwire: Keep assuming he's given you all the details.. This guy is full of easter eggs
00:32.16ChannelZ"I has 486, steal wifi from neighbor on other street, why come my voice calls are choppy?????"
00:32.28jayteeCisco a+ = priceless
00:32.54drmessanoMy trolling motor cranked to 110% on that one
00:33.07hardwire"My system is screw, it's all good tho, Cisco A+ ftw."
00:33.12drmessanoThen he told me I needed to check my facts
00:33.54hardwirelol @ trolling motor
00:34.19hardwireif I ever meet drmessano in person I'm gonna punch him then buy him a beer.. because I can't think of a better way to show him I love him.
00:34.28drmessanoI almost had to pull it and throw the dual outboard Johnsons in the water
00:34.58drmessanohardwire: I'm sure I have earned both
00:35.32hardwirewhat order do you want it in?
00:36.06drmessanohardwire: The punch first.. or we can just pretend it isn't coming, as if...
00:36.25hardwirenext astricon I'll be asking around
00:36.29hardwireyou'll never see it coming
00:36.46drmessanoI'm totally going for the "I'm the nicest guy you'll ever want to divorce" angle with the ladies
00:36.57drmessanoI think it suits me
00:37.51drmessanoGetting punched at Astricon would be pretty interesting.  But somewhat expected.
00:38.10*** join/#asterisk Trupsalms (
00:38.55drmessanoIf not you, i'm sure the line will form to the left.  "Is this the line to meet Mark Spencer?"  "No, it's the line to punch drmessano"  "Screw Marko, not like he works anymore anyway"
00:38.57hardwireturn off stun.
00:39.17hardwirealso.. what did you change, I really want to know.
00:40.00Trupsalmsit had a hidden interface setting
00:40.26drmessanoHidden, as in, "Under options"
00:40.33hardwireYeh.. I introduced myself as "Shane Spencer" which didn't confuse him in the slightest.. damnit.
00:40.40Trupsalmsno hidden, special command
00:40.48Trupsalmsto dial in the phone hidden
00:41.09Trupsalmsbut anyways, seroiusly can't disable stun though
00:41.51jayteewhat? a Cisco a+ can't disable stun on an x-lite phone? what is the world coming too?
00:41.56hardwirewhy was the hidden option using an interface that windows doesn't even list as it's bind interface?
00:42.49hardwireTrupsalms: turn off Auto Detect IP
00:43.04hardwirealso.. did you change "Listen on IP" to smoething different?  that's not that hidden
00:43.35Trupsalmscheck the new pastebin
00:43.38hardwirealso.. stun (x-pro only) is under the network settings option
00:43.47hardwireI already saw that
00:43.55Trupsalmsthe new one
00:43.59Trupsalmsif so sorry
00:44.02hardwire4 bytes changed.
00:44.11hardwireno.. you repasted..
00:45.32hardwiredo you have a copy of the manual btw?
00:45.35hardwireit explains EVERYTHING
00:46.48*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
00:47.31hardwireit's a good read
00:49.09Kobazdoes GROUP_COUNT not look at local channels?
00:50.24hardwireTrupsalms: google
00:50.28Kobaznever mind
00:50.30hardwireI'm not mama bird.
00:50.44Trupsalmsor for the softphone
00:51.17hardwirepiaf is not the problem here
00:51.53Trupsalmswhat is
00:52.00Trupsalmsthats what i'm asking
00:52.15drmessanoThe operator <> client connection
00:59.04*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
01:00.29hardwireTrupsalms: read the x-pro manual
01:00.50hardwireprint it.. go to the bathroom.. don't come out till you know where all the options are.
01:01.17ChannelZand remember, THAT paper is for reading, not wiping
01:01.28hardwirewell.. if you run out of tp.. ink side down please
01:06.57*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
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01:13.06hardwireok.. I'm totalyl screwnig this up
01:13.11hardwirecisco 7960.. can't seem to conference
01:13.19hardwiredo I need to have multiple lines set up with the same registration?
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
01:17.30p3nguinYou should be able to conference if you have only one line registered.
01:20.49hardwire2009-11-27 16:19:22 NOTICE[10693]: chan_sip.c:3775 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
01:20.53hardwirethat's what I get back
01:21.20hardwireapparently.. now that I've had time to sit down and talk with it and ask it wth it's problem is.
01:22.29p3nguinIt seems that its problem is that you need to get to work on it.
01:22.42hardwirequit possibly
01:23.04p3nguinWhat codec does the phone want to use?
01:23.19hardwireI just did a sip trace.. cause well.. it should be using the same codec as line1 :)
01:23.26hardwirethey are all set up the same.. only one registration
01:24.54p3nguinI expect it to want ulaw.
01:25.20hardwireI think I see the freaking problem.
01:25.34*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
01:25.40hardwireit's using the wrong proxy IP
01:25.58p3nguinI can see how that could cause an issue.
01:25.59hardwirewhich causes some one way audio issues when trying to access it from another subnet.
01:26.05hardwirefixey fixey
01:34.10*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
01:35.16*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
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01:37.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
01:54.18*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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01:55.13*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:56.23stridernzlwondering for a little help .... I have just done something to my extensions.conf the asterisk CLI is now complaining that noitive [5588] cannot find extension context full ... I don't know what that means
01:56.59*** join/#asterisk moy (
01:57.17ChannelZsounds like a SIP entry has a default context which now doesn't exist in extensions.conf
01:58.18ChannelZbut without seeing your extensions.conf and/or knowing what 5588 is..
01:58.29stridernzlif i past binned the extension.conf could you possibly help?
01:58.51stridernzlI was trying to get working a snom 370 .. it was .. then i have wrecked something
01:59.02stridernzlplease hold I'll pste it there
01:59.14ChannelZand sip.conf
02:01.45stridernzlk ,.. heres extensions.conf ...
02:02.00stridernzlplease let me know if they do not work .. means i made a type :)
02:02.07stridernzli am working betweren 2 machines
02:03.13*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
02:04.02ChannelZand sip.conf?
02:07.05stridernzlin short it seems to be taking inbound calls and putting them to the snom but can't dial out .. not found it says
02:08.10*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
02:08.43ChannelZcan you paste the exact error?  because I'm not really seeing what you typed previously as correlating
02:11.47stridernzlpabx_extn_helper cannot find extension context "full"
02:12.04stridernzlthat o.k ?
02:13.14ChannelZyeah something is wierd here it's not loading all of your contexts
02:13.44stridernzland do they come from the sip.conf ?
02:14.29stridernzlso its something i have wrecked in the extensions.conf then
02:14.31ChannelZI just installed your extensions.conf on my system and when I reload the dialplan it gets to 'fax-etech' and just stops
02:14.51stridernzlsemicolons ...
02:14.59stridernzli did fiddle there
02:16.43ChannelZI think it's angry about that being empty, if I just erase that whole thing (since it's all commented out anyway) it succeeds
02:17.27stridernzli uncommented it out .... it went a step further
02:17.39*** join/#asterisk jblack (
02:18.37stridernzlI think its complaining now about a setting i changed on the snow ... I'll set that back and see what it does .. last second i just tried to dial out and it said forbidden
02:18.51stridernzlopps snow ... Snom
02:21.20*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
02:23.29stridernzlI think that was all it was that whatevfer was in that context was remmed out
02:25.14*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
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02:50.55stridernzlChannelZ: Thaks for your help before .. yes for some reason it was not like the fact that i had commented that stuff out :( .. anway It all seems to be functioning again now .... Thankyou for your help
02:51.07*** part/#asterisk Trupsalms (
02:55.40ian6... that's kind of amusing. The default button layout on polycom ip501s doesn't actually match the functions of the buttons.
03:31.33*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
03:32.03KattyDear Universe, thank you for pjs, housebooties, and chapstick
03:32.06KattyLove, Katty
03:33.27Kattyoh, i forgot one
03:33.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
03:33.35KattyDear Universe, thank you for butterscotch candles. Love, Katty
03:33.44Kattyhi ChannelZ
03:35.14*** join/#asterisk jblack (
03:35.47Kattymister black!
03:36.21*** join/#asterisk ShawnKnight (
03:37.07ShawnKnightHelp i'm having problem connecting softphone to asterisk
03:37.39ChannelZmake sure the plug is seated firmly
03:37.52Kattymake sure the power is on
03:37.57ShawnKnightxlite and 3CX return registration error 408 timeout
03:38.10Kattyhugs ChannelZ
03:39.20ShawnKnightfrom what i have read in a few forums asterisk isn't accepting udp
03:40.03*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
03:40.17ChannelZeither packets are being blocked on your windows box, or by a firewall on the * side, or * is misconfigured and not listening on the right interface or port....
03:40.23ChannelZthe possibilities are endless
03:41.04chuckfthis sounds like the same problem Trupsalms was having earlier
03:41.19Katty <- Dog Attack. Viewer Discretion is advised.
03:42.44ShawnKnightbut it was working fine just a few hours ago
03:43.13KattyShawnKnight: same thing happens to the dead.
03:43.16KattyShawnKnight: and they are not fixable
03:43.23KattyShawnKnight: pardon the morbidism
03:43.47ShawnKnightwhat does that mean
03:44.09ChannelZWell it's pretty much not going to be possible to help you further without knowing anything about the setup.
03:44.11ShawnKnightadded a few trunks and outbound routes
03:44.34KattyShawnKnight: i suggest a consultant which can work with you one on one. someone local would be best for you.
03:44.42ShawnKnightthen rebooted piaf, after that xlite and 3cx could not connect anymore
03:46.25*** join/#asterisk Trupsalms (
03:47.47ShawnKnighthow to open or check to see why asterisk isn't accepting connections
03:48.12KattyShawnKnight: consultant.
03:48.24ChannelZnetstat -alp |grep asterisk
03:48.40ShawnKnightwho can i consultant
03:49.58KattyShawnKnight: what country are you in?
03:50.01Trupsalmsseeking help with linux
03:50.12*** join/#asterisk ppc (n=ppc@
03:50.28KattyShawnKnight: i believe digium offers consulting services in the united states.
03:51.38Trupsalmsi have been unable to find any help with this problem
03:52.23chuckfTrupsalms: sounds pretty bad
03:52.28ShawnKnightchannelz this is the pastebin from the command you give me
03:53.17ChannelZok so * is listening on port 5060 (sip) UDP
03:53.28Trupsalmsstill having phone problems
03:53.46ShawnKnightso why can xlite connect
03:53.56ShawnKnightwhy can't xlite connect
03:53.57ChannelZAssuming there is no firewall on the Linux side that is blocking the traffic
03:54.22ShawnKnighti stop iptables
03:54.38ChannelZor one on the softphone side blocking the packets from getting out
03:54.48Katty <- this is where i live.
03:55.01ChannelZactually you have some other crazy problem....
03:55.12ShawnKnighti disable the fire wall on the computer that has the soft phone
03:55.14ChannelZudp   109280      0 *:sip
03:55.16Trupsalmscan anyone help i am not really familiar with linux
03:55.18ChannelZThat's a lot of backlogged packets
03:55.29ChannelZTrupsalms: Maybe you should try a linux channel
03:56.01ShawnKnightok channelz, is there any fix
03:56.20ChannelZShawnKnight: I don't know, I don't know why your system is not responding to them and they are piling up in the stack
03:56.25ChannelZShawnKnight: restart asterisk
03:57.36Trupsalmshowever the problem resides with asterisk
03:57.37ShawnKnightwould amportal restart do the trick
03:57.53ShawnKnightfor restarting asterisk
03:58.06Trupsalmsno connectivity with my phone
03:58.16ChannelZ?? is this FreePBX again?
03:58.16KattyChannelZ: i think this is a lost cause.
03:58.54ChannelZtell me about it
03:59.09ShawnKnightwhats the command for restarting asterisk
03:59.26KattyChannelZ: they keep coming back
03:59.30KattyChannelZ: like flies
03:59.42KattyChannelZ: stop leaving crumbs everywhere :P
04:00.27*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
04:01.48ChannelZDamnit, Solitare on Vista/Win 7 doesn't seem to always know when you're hosed
04:02.07ChannelZShawnKnight: /etc/init.d/asterisk  - usually
04:02.19Kattythere goes more crumbs
04:02.24p3nguinWow.  I thought SIP always had a defined phone number.  I guess sipgate is an exception: "Looking for s in from-sipgate"
04:04.11p3nguinOrdinarily, calls have a phone number on them when allows one to match them with extens in the dialplan.  Apparently sipgate doesn't actually use my phone number.
04:09.06toresbeQuick question; 300 baud is no problem on a SIP line, right?
04:09.13toresbeI mean, I've done it over a GSM phone before...
04:09.51ChannelZIf you mean analog modem, no.. SIP doesn't carry any audio traffic
04:10.13Katty^- rtp
04:10.36ChannelZin which case it depends on the codec though most might not mangle 300 baud
04:11.54toresbeChannelZ: 300 baud really does imply analog modem since 'baud' is a measure of state change frequency in a modulated line; besides, "modem" implies it's a modulator-demodulator
04:12.49toresbebut yeah, thanks.
04:14.54ChannelZYes well "SIP" pretty implicitly refers to something incompatible so I have a 50/50 chance of understanding which part I'm supposed to assume about
04:16.21toresbeWell, "SIP-initiated line" - then
04:16.49ChannelZpeople ask compeltely illogical questions in here all the time, so forgive me for actually trying to figure out what you were asking and help
04:17.08toresbesorry, I'm a bit tired now, my fault. The question was imprecise.
04:17.40Nuggetquick question, guys.  If If I weigh the same as a duck, that means I must be made of wood.  but then what?
04:18.00ChannelZI set you on fire!
04:18.47ChannelZOr drown you to see if you're a witch.  I'm rusty.
04:19.07Nuggetturns ChannelZ into a newt
04:19.13Kattynow now Nugget
04:19.15Kattythat's not very nice
04:19.31Kattyturn mister ChannelZ back.
04:19.35Kattyhugs Nugget
04:19.40Nuggethe'll get better  :)
04:21.15ChannelZYou are a witch!
04:22.48*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
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04:37.36ppctoresbe: cable modems don't modulate or demodulate
04:40.10toresbeppc: Uhm, yes, they do. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation downstream, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying upstream.
04:40.11kkempWhat makes you say that?
04:40.27toresbe(at least for DOCSIS)
05:07.13*** join/#asterisk Trupsalms (
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05:21.30hardwirepokes ChannelZ
05:21.40hardwirelols @ Trupsalms
05:22.08drmessanoHe's been spamming #freepbx
05:22.14drmessanoHad to get a staffer involved
05:22.46hardwirewith config stuff?
05:23.21drmessanoNo, help help help help ... help, full client buffer worth.. pastes twice, floods out, rejoins, repeats
05:23.37drmessanoPissed that no one will help him now, and its apparently my fault
05:23.38hardwireso did he get xpro working finally?
05:24.36drmessanoE = I - Care.  Solve for E
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05:35.53hardwireeats [gnubie]
05:36.45*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
05:36.51[gnubie]i used to use zaptel for my tdm400p dev kit on asterisk-1.4.x but now that i compiled dahdi over zaptel, what are the configs that i need to my existing configs?
05:45.29*** join/#asterisk z0k3b3r (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
05:55.45ChannelZwell theres /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
05:57.00ChannelZThe former is roughly equivilant to the old /etc/zaptel.conf and the latter is roughly equivilant to the old /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
05:58.22[gnubie]ChannelZ: what is the main difference of the /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ? what about any changes on /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf ?
05:58.43[gnubie]ChannelZ: any other config files that are affected with this shift?
05:59.22ChannelZWell in the case of extensions all of your Zap/* channels are now DAHDI/*
05:59.42ChannelZThe chan_dahdi vs zapata is pretty identical from what I remember
06:00.17ChannelZthe primary thing with dahdi was the name change, it wasn't really a massive re-write or anything
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07:09.09[gnubie]ChannelZ: sorry, i was gone for a while..
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07:23.26ChannelZSo was I
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07:30.59johnakabeanusing asterisk 1.4.26, would this patch work? I see it was last updated 2006.......ewww
07:32.04drmessanoIts a violation of the patents on G729 and G723
07:33.46Tim_Toadybut apart from that the binaries do work with asterisk :P
07:34.32drmessanosteps out of the way and waits for the ban
07:35.24drmessanoTo use G.729 or G.723.1 you may need to pay a royalty fee. Please see for details. Please note that this code is available for you to download for education purposes only and if a patent exists in your country for G.729 or G.723.1 then you should contact the owner of that patent and request their permission before executing the code.
07:44.08*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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08:03.23johnakabeanits more expensive to use the codec than it is for the trunking so digium can kiss my A$$
08:05.32drmessanoYeah, why buy software.. better to steal it
08:06.36*** join/#asterisk creativx (
08:07.21johnakabeanasterisk is open source. i can develop it into what I like
08:07.57drmessanoYou cant use a codec protected by patent "all you like"
08:08.16johnakabeanstealing is like those mutmunchers who take asterisk, change it a little, and sell it
08:08.21drmessanoI doubt Digium makes much on G729 licenses anyway.. Considering what they pay to the patent holder, plus the development costs of paying someone to keep the binaries up to date, and the support costs for those needing help installing it
08:09.09johnakabeanso, because I don't hire a painter while I have the resources to paint my house, i'm stealing?
08:09.32johnakabeanthey can patent a color all they want but I'll stil paint my house that color if I like
08:09.33drmessanoYou obviously don't understand what a patent it
08:09.50drmessano[03:10] <johnakabean> they can patent a color all they want but I'll stil paint my house that color if I like  <-- No, you fucking cant.. thats the point
08:10.00drmessanoNot legally
08:10.10johnakabeanall the materials came from the earth
08:10.35Maliutathe US patent office is often on crack with what they allow to be patented
08:11.00johnakabeani could understand ASTERISK being patented but something for an open source program?
08:11.17drmessanoFact is, you can't legally use G729 without paying royalties.. you can argue the point all you want, but youre WRONG
08:11.23Maliutag729 isnt' open source that's the issue
08:11.23drmessanoYoure wasting your time
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08:12.24johnakabeanthe guy that patented it stole the codec source and modified it
08:12.39Maliutaalot of hardware vendors offer linux support as closed source binary blobs for example ... and they are "something for an open source program" i.e. the GNU/Linux kernel
08:15.12johnakabeandigitum would have sold more if they included 2 channels free, native, in asterisk
08:15.19johnakabeanfor a trial
08:15.33drmessano2 channels is $20.. give me a break
08:15.58drmessanoThere no cheaper bitchass whining that complaining about $10 G729 licenses
08:16.25drmessanoBesides, Digium can't give them away
08:17.03drmessanoDigium still has to pay for the use of the license themselves.. So they're supposed to eat the cost of the licensing so you can feel less oppressed?
08:17.54*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
08:18.16johnakabeanno, but intel should have to pay something
08:18.30johnakabeanthey're giving out the 729 as open source
08:19.36drmessanoTo use G.729 or G.723.1 you may need to pay a royalty fee. Please see for details. Please note that this code is available for you to download for education purposes only and if a patent exists in your country for G.729 or G.723.1 then you should contact the owner of that patent and request their permission before executing the code.
08:19.36drmessanoPasted from earlier
08:19.56drmessanoThey're not giving you any right to execute the code
08:20.12drmessanoor to use G729
08:20.29johnakabeanits intel's from scratch coding
08:20.39drmessanoIts not their codec
08:20.41johnakabeanyou can't patent a car
08:21.05drmessanoI can write G729 code all I want.. i can't distribute it without licensing the codec itself
08:21.22johnakabeantell that to intel
08:21.46drmessanoYou need to reread
08:22.09drmessanoCode samples
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08:22.45johnakabeanyeah, its samples of the entire program, the g729 itself is completely intact
08:22.53ChannelZit doesn't matter
08:22.58drmessanoThis is about USING IT
08:23.52drmessanoG729 source code isnt patented.. the codec is.
08:23.56ChannelZjohn you are making the argument "it's only illegal if you get caught" - so knock yourself out
08:24.27johnakabeanmake install
08:32.12johnakabeangood asterisk is still stable and saves bandwidth now.........thats for no help
08:33.09ChannelZYou were needing someone to tell you to type "make install" this entire time?
08:33.33drmessanoI think he just wanted to bitch about having to pay for legal use of it
08:34.25johnakabeanno, channelz, i was answering their question of whether I had finished
08:35.09ian6this channel is so full of drama today.
08:35.12ChannelZWell for the time he spent screaming about his lack of understanding of patents he could have flipped a few more burgers and bought a couple of legit licenses
08:35.18johnakabeani write c code channelz; of course I know how to compile it
08:36.01johnakabeanhow about I patent the human brain so you can melt away
08:36.04drmessanoChannelZ: Screw that.. Asterisk and anything that goes with Asterisk should be free.. if not, I should be able to steal it.
08:36.20ian6johnakabean: I'm glad you didn't infringe my "funny joke" patent there.
08:37.10johnakabeankeep on, messano, and i'll patent drmessano handles
08:37.46drmessanoStop being such a douchebag, seriously
08:38.15johnakabeanseriously, I have played piano for 20 years and for me to play someone else's song by ear is NOT copyright infringement
08:38.26johnakabeanto read their music IS
08:38.40drmessanoWhat I find funny is that someone spent a good bit of money developing G729, as did the guy who invented the blender, the toaster, or the slap chop... but yet patents on G729 are silly?
08:38.51ian6I've grown fruit for 20 years, and this apple totally isn't an orange.
08:39.02johnakabeanthe toaster and blender are not patented
08:39.19johnakabeanmany different brands, no royalties
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08:39.29drmessanoSo johnakabean, what keeps me from stealing every idea you have and using it as my own?
08:39.34johnakabeanmany different cars, no royalties on except features?
08:39.41ian6there are blender patents.
08:39.45ian6and there are toaster patents.
08:39.46johnakabeannothing, messano, for non commercial
08:39.47ian6are you insane>
08:40.02johnakabeanian, there are millions of brands
08:40.14ian6... and?
08:40.14drmessanojohnakabean: Bullshit.. you cant infringe on a patent because you're using it non-commerically
08:40.21ian6if you want to generally implement audio compression, knock yourself out.
08:40.26drmessanoChrist, read a book
08:40.32ian6if you want to reimplement g729, you will infringe on their patent.
08:40.40johnakabeani read many books to get my phd
08:41.04*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
08:41.15drmessanoRighto.. and I have a Cisco A+ cert, just like Trupsalms
08:41.29ian6thank you for being living proof that a doctorate doesn't demonstrate competence outside of a narrow subject area, champ.
08:41.37johnakabeani dont' have any degrees in computers
08:41.47ian6or law, clearly.
08:42.08drmessanoBovine insemination
08:42.24johnakabeanno, i do not fertilize cows with zygotes
08:42.52ian6he didn't say anything about fertilization
08:42.55ian6just insemination...
08:43.10johnakabeanthe point of insemination ian
08:43.16johnakabeanlet the doctors talk, ian
08:43.33drmessanoSo you have a PHD, which I would think would at least land you a job doing more than flipping burgers, yet you're stealing a $10 G729 license?
08:43.53johnakabeanlets see, for non commercial use, YES
08:43.56ChannelZI'm thinking maybe he meant to say 'PHP'
08:44.02johnakabeanif i was making money, so would they
08:44.09drmessanoChannelZ: FTW
08:44.25ChannelZOh, so now we've moved on to "They're not losing money because I wasn't going to buy it anyway"
08:44.49johnakabeanmake no sense channels
08:45.05johnakabeani'm not going to buy it even if I made money is what you said
08:45.16johnakabeani said, if I profited, so would they
08:45.57ian6johnakabean: Why? Fuck the degree, if you even have one. Respect is earned.
08:46.20johnakabeancheck out University of Virginia, ian
08:46.25drmessanoSo even though the patent requires paying royalities for commercial AND non-commercial use, you've taken it upon yourself to decide "Thats nonsense.. for non-commercial use, I refuse to pay" and that just makes it so?
08:46.30drmessanoWhat a god complex we have
08:47.10johnakabeanlife, liberty, pursuit of happiness
08:47.31drmessanorussellb: I want an Asterisk Appliance..  I plan to use it non-commercially, so send me one for free
08:47.32ChannelZAnd the right to keep and bear arms.  Please come over to my house and try to steal my car.
08:47.44johnakabeani would steal your car
08:47.51drmessanojohnakabean: What about their right to invent a product a profit from it?
08:47.55drmessanojohnakabean: Fuck em?
08:48.23johnakabeanI would build my own car, channelz
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08:48.40ChannelZYou'd just steal all the parts.  Sorry I forgot.
08:48.49drmessanoIf someone invents something and patents it, if you decide they're "liek, stupid" for requiring licensing fees, just take it, huh?
08:48.56johnakabeanno, i would catalogue them and refabricate them
08:49.16drmessanojohnakabean: Thats not what youve done here
08:49.29drmessanojohnakabean: The patent protects the USE of G729, not the code.. so you
08:49.30johnakabeanok, if I took g729 and change things slightly, then use it, its ok
08:49.32ChannelZSo is your * box just your home answering machine or what is this thing doing?
08:50.06johnakabeanits a city long distance carrier
08:50.06drmessanojohnakabean: The patent protects the USE of G729, not the code.. so you making the code on your system isnt negating or violating the patent. Every time you use it, it does.. you cant re-fabricate USE
08:50.41ChannelZWhat, like a long distance co-op of neighbors?
08:50.58johnakabeanno, i have sold 2000 access codes
08:51.06johnakabeanword of mouth
08:51.15ChannelZSounds like you're profiting off the use of the codec to me.
08:51.25johnakabeanthe codec is used by me, internall
08:51.26drmessanoTo go along with your PHD you've earned at 18?
08:51.38johnakabeani'm 30, messano
08:51.59drmessanoIts drmessano
08:52.03drmessanoNot messano
08:52.06johnakabeanwhatever danny
08:52.18drmessanoI type your fucking name, you type mine, you piece of shit
08:52.24drmessanoHows that?
08:52.32drmessanoYou want no respect?
08:52.39drmessanoThat work for you?
08:52.46drmessanoNow stop being such a child
08:52.48johnakabeani haven't had respect from the first day I met you
08:53.26drmessanoyeah, telling you "you cant do that, it'll illegal" = lack of respect
08:53.46drmessanoAnyway.. this is useless
08:54.52johnakabeancat fight
08:55.30ChannelZAnyone know of a live-CD with Wireshark already in it?
08:56.11drmessanoChannelZ: What about a bootable bootleg Windows 7 disk with Wireshark and Adobe Photoshop preinstalled?
08:57.05johnakabeanmaybe if you dyed your hair blonde instead of black you could get away with being dumb
08:58.09ChannelZComing up next: Mama So Fat jokes
08:58.10drmessanoSorry, I guess I can't pull it off as well as you, johnakabean
08:58.30ChannelZsun28: thanks, looking...
08:58.48drmessanoEspecially since my hair isn't black
08:59.06johnakabeanwas I talking to you? now you fit the description
08:59.08drmessanoBut I would expect nothing less from you, with your PHD
09:01.38drmessanosteals ian6's yawn and modifies it into a burp
09:02.04ian6bitches about polycom some more.
09:03.56[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: So for you what makes it illegal is modifying it and attempting to resell it?
09:04.36johnakabeani'll call messano and discuss this with him later
09:04.57johnakabeani have respect for fendr
09:05.23[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Well?
09:05.40drmessanoI'll make sure the ops know you're encouraging the illegal use of G729, which normally results in a ban.
09:05.53[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I'm more than tempted.
09:06.10drmessano[TK]D-Fender: You're more than qualified to execute it :)
09:06.31johnakabeani'm sure this channel is copyrighted
09:06.44drmessano[03:03] <johnakabean> its more expensive to use the codec than it is for the trunking so digium can kiss my A$$  <-- That little gem said enough
09:07.00drmessanoLets not only do it, lets flaunt it
09:07.03johnakabeani guess your remark earlier wasn't enough
09:07.26[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Considering answering my question?
09:08.04drmessanohears crickets
09:08.05johnakabeanyes fender, and redistributing it
09:08.25[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: So if I steal your car for "personal use" its OK?
09:08.48johnakabeani'm not taking the codec source off the originator's machines preventing him from using it
09:09.00[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Oh I'll drive it around... and do groceries, but I won't sell it off to a chop-shop...
09:09.16[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: What about stealing another band's songs?
09:09.17johnakabeanbut while you're driving it, he can't
09:09.34[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: How baout that?  Spend hours writing a hit and watch someone rip off your hard work
09:09.45johnakabeani was on that subject fender; it is not illegal to play a song you have heard by ear but it is illegal to play it using their score
09:10.43[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Doesn't have to be 100%, look at the lyric lawsuits this year, with Avril Lavigne, and the raw backing one with Satriani vs Coldplay
09:11.13johnakabeannone of them won
09:11.33[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Those no, but plenty f others, yes... those were close calls
09:11.53johnakabeanyeah but because of the variation, 90 percent or less, they didn't win
09:12.11johnakabeanif i try to play something by ear, it will end up in a different key, probably, and a very different variation
09:12.38johnakabeani have played piano for 20 years fender
09:12.59johnakabeanmost of the producers of songs have stole excerpts from others and remixed it
09:13.07[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: The fact is this is quite real.  So you are attempting to do something illegal.  And then COMPOUNDING it with trying to solicit others to ASSIST in your actions, and then flaunting it in the face of those who pay, and those who pass on the royalties... in their own home no less.
09:13.15johnakabeanthe classics before 1920 are open source
09:13.36[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: If you en up playing in another key while playing by ear... then your ear sucks
09:13.50johnakabeani was giving an example
09:14.06[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: And eventually G.729's patent will come up, just like music > 50 years
09:14.09johnakabeanchanging the key and adding to variations loopholes the coypright
09:14.27[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Judges can go one way or another.
09:15.02[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Either way your attitude about this is "patently wrong" and aiming to get yourself in hot water
09:15.54johnakabeanGoodnight Dr Fender, tell danny goodnight for me
09:17.14drmessanoI guess it's easy to be cavalier when you're hiding behind a nickname
09:18.19johnakabeanyou have a rage problem
09:18.30drmessanoNot really, no
09:18.51johnakabean<drmessano> I type your fucking name, you type mine, you piece of shit
09:19.03drmessanoIt's called "making a point"
09:19.15drmessanoI shouldn't have to tell you this.. you have a PHD
09:19.18johnakabeanso I guess you make your point through rage
09:19.27drmessanoThere was no rage
09:19.39drmessanoThough you making your point through trolling is no less amusing
09:20.53johnakabeani dont have warts and a huge nose
09:21.54drmessanoI expected better
09:22.06ian6really? why?
09:22.52drmessanoI thought at least slightly better than Trupsalms.. Maybe i'm overthinking here
09:23.09drmessanoHe did make a blonde comment earlier
09:23.33drmessanoPerhaps ChannelZ wasn't far off with the expectation of momma jokes
09:23.41drmessanoand maybe a "you're so fat"
09:24.54drmessanoIf you can't offer small amounts of intelligence, offer large amounts of stupidity and hope they drown in the flood, eh?
09:27.15johnakabeanchill out junior
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09:30.28drmessanoYour open source wit implementation is lacking as well.  :(
09:30.59[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: No... its Open Sores ..... careful... they're infectious
09:33.00johnakabeansorry, fender, i mistakened you for someone with dignity
09:33.11johnakabeani'm happy for you......why pay for it when you get it free
09:33.20johnakabeanuse less teeth messano
09:33.25*** part/#asterisk johnakabean (
09:36.41ian6yeah I'm guessing that myspace page was his.
09:37.54[TK]D-FenderDignity.... yup, got plenty
09:38.27drmessanoHe's as mature as prison wine
09:40.19ian6[TK]D-Fender: as he said, he mistakened you.
09:40.45drmessanoI did that once
09:40.46[TK]D-Fenderian6: Don't misunderestimate him! ;)
09:41.45drmessanoI went out in the woods for a week with a friend of mine.. We had settled in for the night when our camp was flooded by a sudden rainstorm.  The other tents held up fine, but my buddies tent was washed away due to it being mistakened.
09:44.24ian6technically he mistakened the tent then, not you.
09:45.15drmessanojohnakabean turned his back and walked away, only to be killed by the very vampire he moments ago had rejoiced in defeating.  Johnakabean had mistakened the vampire.
09:45.26drmessanoian6: Sorry, I was mistakened
09:47.38ian6mistakened is the new word of the day.
09:48.18drmessanoOh yes.. I do plan to work it in later
09:50.29[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
09:52.01ian6... probably not the best time to ask, but whatever.
09:53.06ian6I have two sites... they're in roughly the same geographic area, but more sites may be added that won't be... I'd like to have each's extensions reachable from the other, as well as both being able to reach the outside world. They both have consumer dsl/cable connections. Is there any way to minimize the suck?
09:53.38ChannelZheh that's a broad question
09:53.42drmessanoG729, IAX2 + trunk=yes
09:54.06ChannelZOh noes, not g729 again! :)
09:54.16drmessanoI was thinking that as I typed it
09:54.43drmessanojohnnybean can compile a few copies for ya, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more
09:55.04ChannelZHow does g729 compare to gsm sound-wise?
09:55.19ChannelZIs it appreciably better?
09:55.26drmessanoG729 sounds better..
09:55.31drmessanoI would say so..
09:58.30ian6drmessano: My biggest concern isn't site-to-site, it's calls transferred between sites... someone calls A, transferred to B... sip will work its magic and the call will end up going directly to B, that doesn't happen with IAX trunks, does it?
09:59.09ian6ChannelZ: if you never need to worry about non-voice, speex! ;)
10:04.11ChannelZSchwartzenegger owes $80k in taxes?
10:05.54ChannelZsorry random OT.. carry on..
10:07.51ChannelZanyways yes all of the traffic goes over iax
10:08.38ian6that's not quite what I meant.
10:09.22ChannelZwell it's what you asked.. ?
10:09.38ian6yeah I guess I wasn't clear enough, my bad.
10:10.04ian6A and B share a common upstream provider, let's call it C because I'm unimaginative.
10:10.22ChannelZ(IE no IAX doesn't work like SIP in that the endpoints RTP will talk to each other directly)
10:11.03ian6yeah that's more my concern... I'd prefer to have transferred calls go from C -> B, not C->A->B as that would add some significant latency.
10:11.22ChannelZSo you probably don't want to use IAX then
10:11.32ian6I do, I just can't ;)
10:15.44ChannelZthe primary thing IAX does, you don't want to do, so why do you want IAX? :)  (sounds cyclical)
10:20.08ian6ChannelZ: iax is much more pleasant when NAT is involved, and minimizes overhead when there are multiple cals.
10:25.18ChannelZsure I get it.  Want a slightly-better-SIP
10:26.04ian6or a slightly better iax2, yeah.
10:26.08ian6I want the best of both worlds, really.
10:26.54ian6so I guess what I'm asking is if there's a way to work around it... I mean I could just get an IP on either side dedicated to sip, but... bleh.
10:28.53ChannelZwell to work around what exactly?
10:29.15ChannelZstill using iax you mean?
10:29.52ian6I would prefer to use IAX and get around the routing issues somehow. If I can't do that, then I guess I need to dedicate ips, because there's no way I want to bother with STUN or connection tracking, or..
10:30.49ChannelZso the two * servers are behind NAT/a firewall of some type?
10:31.01ian6currently, yeah.
10:32.35ChannelZwell actually I'm confused about the topology -  server A and B are remote to each other over the interwebs.  But the actual phones on either server are local (LAN) to their respective server?  Or are they scattered too?
10:33.00ian6phones are local to A or B
10:34.02ChannelZI can't imagine the latency going IAX from a phone on server A to a phone on server B would be of any real significance
10:37.26ian6I don't have numbers, but the other site is on an island ~100km away.
10:38.05ChannelZEven with SIP the traffic still has to go across the same routes if the phones on either side are being NAT'd by the server they're connected to
10:38.41ian6they're not.
10:39.06ChannelZyou said they were a minute ago..?
10:39.08ian6A and B are on separate consumer internet connections, I think I mentioned that.
10:39.16ian6they're probably not on the same ISP either.
10:39.32ian6no, the phones on A are behind a NAT, the phones on B are behind a separate NAT.
10:40.23ian6so there's no "same route" here, necessarily. C->A won't be the same as C->B, and who even knows about A->B
10:40.29ian6which is all quite unfortunate.
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10:44.17ChannelZThis is what you've described, that I understand
10:44.44TJNIIWe gots us an arr-tiest.
10:45.10ian6and C would be off somewhere else on the internet, an inbound/outbound route for both.
10:45.22ChannelZwait, what is C?
10:48.16ChannelZ(a voip caller?)
10:49.19ian6C would be a generic provider of DIDs/termination.
10:49.52ChannelZthat's the bit I missed in the conversation :)
10:51.18ian6yeah I did a shitty job asking that question ;)
10:52.17ChannelZSo I'd have to say no there's no real workaround trying to use IAX for this
10:53.30ChannelZso that if an incoming call to a phone on server A transfers to a phone on server B, the call gets re-directed from your voip provider directly from server A to server B.
11:02.24ian6ah well.
11:02.41ChannelZactually, I wonder if IAX does support transfer in a 'traditional' sip/rtp fashion
11:03.03ChannelZBut is your DID provider talking to you via SIP or IAX?
11:05.11ChannelZactually it's 4am and I need to go to bed, my brain is not working so good right now
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11:22.59ian6ChannelZ: either, yeah.. and me too.
11:48.31WinZguys, please, one more time tell me what do I need for sending and receiving faxes with fresh install of Asterisk and FreePBX 2.5.2? Spandsp, NVFax, email2fax and a mail server? Am I right?
11:48.40WinZ*without a fax machine
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14:26.00Kattygood morning all you wonderful people!!!
14:26.20chuckfGood Morning Katty
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14:42.31gr0mitmorning katty
14:42.45gr0mitnotes it is afternoon here
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14:49.34Blackvelhi all. is there an easy way to check if my asterisk server (behind nat router with port forwarding and nat settings) is reachable for a direct ip call?
14:53.38Blackvelif i test it with snom (connected to asterisk on lan behind the internet nat router) it seems that no connection is made to inbound direct ip context (asterisk does not get inbound call or pickups)
14:53.57Blackvelmy feeling is that this is caused by the nat out and nat in thing
14:54.44*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
14:56.55*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
15:00.12Godfather_i have this extension ( exten => h,1,HangUp() ) in my dialplan, but this only works if i'm calling from a softphone, if a call come from pstn and a user hang up the phone then this extension doesnt jump
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17:06.50BlackvelGodfather_: did you check message log when that happens?
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17:13.20Godfather_Blackvel, i believe i've to add "g" parameter or somethink like that
17:15.46Godfather_Blackvel, this could be a simply ivr, but if somebody calls from pstn, then i he hang the phone i'm not been able to detect that
17:15.52Godfather_and the channel is open
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17:16.06Godfather_then the line is busy..
17:16.33Godfather_*if he hang
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18:00.35ariel_hello everyone
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18:05.38BlackvelGodfather_: what pstn system do you use?
18:05.46Blackvelhi ariel
18:06.14Godfather_Blackvel, i got a spa3102
18:06.57Blackvelany messages/errors?
18:07.08Godfather_nope, just dont jump into h extension
18:07.12*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
18:07.32Godfather_i hear the hang up tone
18:07.34joelsolankihi all. just installing asterisk-addson
18:07.49joelsolankibut it says depends on mysqlclient
18:07.56joelsolankiit shows as XXX
18:08.04joelsolankiso i think it is not active and i have to install mysqlclient
18:08.16joelsolankican anybody tell me what exact package i have to install in centos ?
18:08.42joelsolankiyum install mysql-devel, yum install mysqlclient tried both
18:08.45BlackvelGodfather_: so spa just links to a sip peer in asterisk? i have a similar setup with asterisk V1.2 and a patton gateway (where a hangup really kills the asterisk line)
18:09.04joelsolankimsyql-devel is installed but still it gives untickable in make menuselect
18:09.07joelsolankiany help plz
18:09.33Godfather_Blackvel, yes
18:09.43Blackvelbut its analog on your line, right?
18:11.31Godfather_Blackvel, for exampel, i dial with my mobile-phone to my house, then the spa answer the call, and an extension Background a wav file. If i hang up the mobile-phone then asterisk doesnt jump into h extension
18:11.58Godfather_and continues with the normal priority extension
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18:12.55Godfather_exten X,n,BackGround(IVR_Menu) ... i can hear the menu and i simply hang up my phone... and in the cli i see exten,n+1,...
18:13.15Blackvelall i get on a hangup is: == Spawn extension (extcontext, msn, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/patton_ntba-b760f418'
18:13.42*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:34f6:1c3f:4672:1f45)
18:13.49Blackvelthen its a problem that asterisk does not detect the sip hangup
18:14.06Blackvelmy personal guess is, that the spa does not send hangup msg to asterisk
18:14.11Blackvelsame for my patton isdn gateway
18:14.38Godfather_Blackvel, i dont know, i dont see anything in the cli that the user hang up the line
18:14.45Blackveli neither
18:14.56joelsolanki<[TK]D-Fender> : i followed that url only. but when i do make menuselect the ' app_addson_sql_mysql ' option has XXX so i cant select
18:14.58Blackvelbut there is a sip msg
18:15.07joelsolankiwhat could be the problem ?
18:15.10Blackvellet me find the option i set which made it working
18:15.14Godfather_Blackvel, well, this is a big problem, because my line is BUSY
18:16.01Blackvelthe feature in my patton gateway was: early disconnect
18:16.03Godfather_Blackvel, imagine i loop the IVR menu, then my pstn will be busy forever
18:16.13Blackvelrelease call when local terminal hangs up
18:16.36Blackvelmy guess is that your spa does NOT send the hangup/release msg to asterisk
18:17.03Blackvelmy ivr looped and looped (no h) becoz patton did it wrong (i forgot to set the parameter)
18:17.14[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Redo ./configure
18:17.46joelsolankiok let me do it
18:17.57[TK]D-Fender[13:16]<Blackvel>my guess is that your spa does NOT send the hangup/release msg to asterisk <- no
18:18.06Blackvelthere must be something similar in your spa. unfortunately i dont use it, so dunno what the exact parameter would be called
18:18.15[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: The SPA- is not DETECTING the hangup and needs to be tweaked for your zone
18:18.16Godfather_Blackvel, i'll search for "early disconnect" or "release call when.." in my spa config
18:18.25joelsolankithank you:)
18:18.29joelsolankithat worked
18:18.35[TK]D-FenderAnd don't loop IVR's indefinitely, put a loop counter on them
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18:18.47Blackvelnot needed
18:19.04Blackvelif my caller hangups up, patton sends early-disconnect and asterisk stops
18:19.09Blackvelquite fine
18:19.30[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Yeah, and if people call you and poorly hang up their phones, they can tie up your lines forever
18:19.35Blackvelwhy is spa not detecting the hangup when its connected to pstn?
18:19.39[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Stupid risk... limit them
18:19.52Godfather_Line 1 Fallback DP ?
18:20.40Blackvel[TK]D-Fender nice suggestion..of course you can limit asterisk ivr to hangup the line after 3-5 loops
18:21.37Godfather_Blackvel, yes, i can do that, but IVR = 15 seconds * 3 times = 45s busying my line and posibly the caller hang up after 2 seconds
18:22.14BlackvelGodfather_: checked your spa....its analog pstn
18:22.35Blackveli dont think that early-disconnect is available on analog lines (isdn has d-channel where such information is transmitted)
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18:23.34drmessanoLack of basic reverse polarity detection due to zone mismatch
18:23.39Godfather_Blackvel, i have a "Detect Disconnect Tone:"
18:23.49Godfather_it is set to "true"
18:24.16Godfather_but maybe this disconnect tone its not from my area
18:25.36Blackvelis there something like zone settings ?like [TK]D-Fender and drmessano suggest?
18:25.37drmessanoI would factory reset the box and start over.. the setup on the SPA-3102 is very basic, but easy to screw up if you tweak too much
18:26.00*** join/#asterisk Druken (n=jdumais@
18:26.05Blackveli am wondering how a " poorly hang up their phones" should look like on isdn bri
18:26.16Drukencan someone help me with meetme?
18:26.31Blackvelif hangup after 2 secs the asterisk channel is kicked AT ONCE
18:27.03Blackvelworks perfectly in MINE setup with different technology :)
18:27.06Drukenor answer me why my asterisk doesn't have that application
18:27.10Blackveltoo ad
18:27.12Blackveltoo bad
18:27.20drmessanoLet me upload my SPA-3102 guide and you can redo the box
18:29.06Blackveli can not test myself as the snom outbound call over same asterisk box does not loop sucessfully back over internet (should it)?
18:29.46heliosjWhat's the address?
18:33.58Drukenwhy do i not see meetme in my applications list?
18:35.00Drukengoes right from ma to mi... no meetme
18:35.08[TK]D-FenderDruken: Considered properly configuring DAHDI first?
18:36.28drmessanoGodfather_ -->
18:36.45Drukenif you could kindy let me know WTF dahdi.. hehe i haven't been in asterisk config in a long time...
18:37.46kkempAre there are any good methods to test RTT for a call made through the PTSN?
18:37.48Drukenlooking at chan_dahdi.conf it looks like a zaptel.conf
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18:39.04Godfather_drmessano, thx
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18:52.03infobot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel (more info at ) and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
18:53.31drmessanodah-dee?  Jeez
18:54.16gr0mitkkemp, use a microphone and audacity, call an echo service on an asteridk box and generate some impuleses and record the impulse and its echo, and measure the time between them
19:06.27Blackvelis there any way to perm disable the cli notice registration timed out messages?
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19:10.16TSM2has anyone tried getting asterisk working with nokia N97?
19:12.27Druken[TK]D-Fender: do you feel like being nice today? hehe dahdi errors out when i try to compile...
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19:14.05drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Could you be nice AND help me with my problem?
19:14.28war9407[TK]D-Fender is a nice guy, always helping ppl w./ asterisk :)
19:15.12Drukeni've never said he isn't nice... hehe just sometimes he's "busy" hehe
19:15.12drmessanoI know when someone insinuates I am an ass and asks me for help in the same breath, it makes me want to help them more
19:15.14kkempgr0mit: Hmm, interesting I like it
19:16.01[TK]D-FenderOh Miller Lite.. could you be great tasting AND less filling?  kplzthxbibi
19:16.16Drukendrmessano: that may be your take on what i typed... and that's fine, but it's not the intended meaning
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19:16.49drmessanoDruken: [TK]D-Fender, like myself, is intolerant of lazy people and bull**it.  The only ones that get offended are those that practice either of those two disciplines.
19:16.59TSM2im getting the folowing on register.. Got SIP response 415 "Unsupported Media Type"
19:17.28drmessanoTSM2: Rotary phone?
19:18.13Drukencould you direct me to a install tuturial? i cannot seem to find one, and when i downloaded from the CVS the drop in, it errors out
19:19.47drmessanoDruken: Its in the download.. CVS or tarball
19:20.14Drukeni read the readme, says make all, make install, make config
19:20.49Drukenerrors out like 2 lines in on make all
19:21.20TSM2drmessano:  ha ha, no, nokia N97
19:22.01drmessanoDruken: Can we ask 20 questions as to what the error is?
19:22.07TSM2drmessano:  it registers with this error, i can make calls from the phone but for some reason it always looses registration and i cant work out why
19:22.19drmessanoI prefer guesses over a pastebin any day
19:22.37infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
19:22.53drmessanoTSM2: Whats the connection?  Data plan, Wifi?
19:23.01TSM2drmessano:  wifi
19:23.07[TK]D-FenderDruken: You gonna whine about your problems, or are you going to f-ing show us some time soon? :)
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19:24.23Drukengotta admit, i'm good at the whining :)
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19:26.16Blackvelis there any way to share a s, and _X. extension in a context and do for both the same?
19:27.31Drukenexten => _X.,1,goto(s) ?
19:28.03[TK]D-FenderDruken: DAHDI doesn't support Linux 2.4 IIRC
19:28.10ruben23hi nayone can give opinion how to setup this voip trunk, ive tried several times but still call will not push through..----->
19:28.25Blackvel_X. is valid for exten => s,1,.... as well as?
19:28.42[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Clearly no
19:28.52Blackveli thought s is no exten?
19:29.04infobot[~stdextens] The "s" Standard Extension : Where a call goes to when * does not know the destination of the call. Ex : Calls coming in on FXO ports (no DID), or from an ITSP that doesn't specify or where it was not set in the REGISTER line, or FXS port goes off-hook and "immediate=yes" in zapata.conf.  "s" is also used to make IVRs & macros.
19:29.04Blackveli mean....
19:29.21DrukenBlackvel: _X. is anything dialed, s is when a call is sent to a context it's the "start"
19:29.44[TK]D-Fender[14:29]<Druken>Blackvel: _X. is anything dialed, s is when a call is sent to a context it's the "start" <- also rather incorrect
19:30.19Drukenwell.. just ignore me then.. i'm outdated and incorrect
19:30.21leif[mobile]_X. Is any 2 or more digit extension starting with a number
19:30.27Blackveli thought its something like no extension provided (with no exten matching i used s usually (especially macros/ivr)
19:30.31Blackvelthing is direct ip
19:30.32leif[mobile]You're just not pedantic
19:30.42Blackvelone can do direct ip call WITH or WITHOUT exten
19:30.55leif[mobile]'s' is used for analog lines and macros
19:31.02Blackvelso it has to be exten => _X. (any exten dialed) or s (no exten dialed)
19:31.06Blackvelam i wrong?
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19:31.22Druken[TK]D-Fender: so what would my options be then? in order for meetme....
19:31.41Blackveland in my special case i want to share 3-4 lines for _X. as well as s,
19:32.21[TK]D-FenderDruken: * 1.4 + Zaptel
19:32.33leif[mobile]X matches numbers, not letters, so you can't say 'anything'
19:32.44[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Completely
19:32.48leif[mobile]It matches any number
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19:32.55[TK]D-Fenderleif[mobile]: Actually, you ca :)
19:33.44[TK]D-Fenderdoesnt' know regex, but doggoneit knows * dialplan :p
19:33.47leif[mobile]_[A-Za-z0-9]. Would match any alphanumeric exten of 2 or more characters
19:34.12leif[mobile]I never said you couldn't
19:34.17leif[mobile]I just said X doesn't
19:34.46leif[mobile]Try and keep up
19:34.53[TK]D-Fenderleif[mobile]: Ok, if you meant by his sample... sure :)
19:35.23[TK]D-Fenderleif[mobile]: I'll admit there was a small amount of room for interpretation and I took the wrong turn
19:35.50leif[mobile]Sure did
19:35.53[TK]D-Fendertries to back-track to Abequerque
19:37.15rdude99All, I'm getting really choppy sound on; where should I be looking in order to find out what the problem is?
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19:38.18rdude99It's also intermittent...a call could go crystal clear for 5 seconds then it gets choppy, or it could be choppy from the start.
19:38.20drmessanordude99: What are the specs on the box, and the bandwidth
19:39.01rdude99This is all localhost stuff, 2.2GHz AMD. It's just SIP (twinkle -> asterisk -> AGI bash script)
19:39.39rdude99but it also happens on non-AGI stuff too
19:39.39drmessanoVirtual Machine?
19:39.51rdude99Nope, pure Ubuntu 9.10
19:40.32rdude99Most everything in modules.conf is set to 'noload'
19:41.32drmessanoSo youre calling softphone to softphone on the same LAN?
19:41.55rdude99Pretty much, but could also be the same box
19:43.09rdude99However, on startup I see '194 modules will be loaded' by loader.c
19:43.49drmessanoSame box, eh?
19:44.01drmessanoHow much RAM is in that box?
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19:45.26rdude99I guess I want to find out how to lessen those 194 modules loaded thing since I'm doing very simple stuff
19:45.42drmessanoI thought you wanted to fix your choppiness?
19:45.57rdude99I thought there might be some correlation?
19:46.37drmessanoPure conjecture... if choppiness was due to modules being loaded, wouldnt everyone have this problem?
19:47.25rdude99I just figured it might be easy to see what the problem is if the # of modules loaded were at me!
19:47.44drmessanoAhve you checked the CPU and RAM usage?
19:47.56filesome modules do create threads which do things, but if those running causes problems... you have bigger problems
19:49.12drmessanoSure, but having to effort to disable modules install listed in the install guide as a "must do" :)
19:49.25rdude99is there an asterisk console command to show mem usage?
19:49.50drmessanoI bet there's a linux one
19:49.50rdude99found it; sysinfo;
19:50.18rdude99I thought you meant asterisk-specific parameters?
19:50.29rdude99or just process/system info in-general?
19:50.33ruben23hi nayone can give opinion how to setup this voip trunk, ive tried several times but still call will not push through..----->
19:51.11drmessanoI want to know if your system which is obviously running at least a window manager is choking out
19:51.41rdude99Well, total ram is 2061MB, Free is 65MB
19:51.54rdude99based on core show sysinfo
19:51.56drmessanoThats meaningless
19:52.32rdude99As I assumed; I figured I need to see how much mem asterisk & it's threads are using
19:52.54drmessanoIf you say so
19:53.18rdude99ok, then what are you asking for? I'm confused.
19:54.46drmessanoHow about the REST OF THE SYSTEM.. Youre hung up on Asterisk loading hundreds of resource hungry modules and I am telling you MOST people DONT go through and selectively disable modules... and never have issues with choppiness or excessive resource usage from ASTERISK... The OTHER apps on the system, however, can be an issue
19:54.54drmessanoThis is like Cisco A+ 101 here
19:55.02drmessanoGod I need that as a trigger
19:56.31rdude99All I know is that cpu could be at near idle until an asterisk call is in session & then jump to 80-100%. That sounds like Asterisk to me.
19:57.14drmessanoand which process is it?
19:57.46drmessanoDo we know it's an Asterisk process or more guessing based on a gauge in the OS?
19:58.41rdude99You're right, I should check which process it is.
20:00.10drmessanoThis isnt a FreePBX install, is it?
20:01.04rdude99It's an Asterisk install. rc2 ubuntu; whatever you get with an `apt-get install asterisk`
20:01.30rdude99But I concede, it looks like twinkle (my SIP app) is to blame. Sorry.
20:02.11drmessanoSee, real info trumps random guesses and randomly unloading modules
20:04.24rdude99I agree (of course in hindsight). I'm new to this stuff so I guess I have a lot more to learn. Thanks for your help; guess my issue is "solved".
20:06.53heliosjthat was the Cisco A+ guy again, wasn't it?
20:07.12ChannelZthey all sound alike after awhile
20:07.27heliosjSame hostname
20:07.36heliosj[16:14] * Trupsalms ( has left #freepbx
20:07.43heliosjOr similar, rather.
20:08.07heliosjI've shared that conversation with lots of people in the last 12 hours. :)
20:10.59drmessanoHe sounds way too intelligent
20:11.19drmessanoI mean
20:11.58drmessano[14:57] <rdude99> All I know is that cpu could be at near idle until an asterisk call is in session & then jump to 80-100%. That sounds like Asterisk to me.  <-- Though he missed the bigger picture, you can see there was a though process involved
20:12.13drmessanoTrupsalms has no such ability
20:12.52drmessanoOf course, lets not forget the actual working Asterisk install this follow had.  We can already rule him out as a suspect
20:13.31drmessanoor fellow
20:20.58Kattyputs up 2 new squirrel feeders and 2 new bird feeders.
20:21.57[TK]D-Fender2 new squirrel feeders and 2 new bird feeders = 4 squirrel feeder
20:22.05Kattypretty much
20:22.24Kattyi also have a 5min video of my little fat squirrels feeding this morning
20:22.27drmessano1 bear feeder
20:22.55Kattyno bears around here, just beers
20:23.57gr0mitmmmmh beer
20:24.12gr0mitsquiirels are vermin here.
20:24.31ChannelZI think they're verin everywhere
20:24.35gr0mitmy parents have squirrel traps
20:24.36ChannelZvermin even
20:24.59gr0mitelse they ruin their trees
20:25.05Kattyi love squirrels
20:25.27Blackvelwhat happens if direct ip context only provides _X. number mapping but no s exten?
20:25.31gr0mitcute, but too many.  ours are all gray squirrels, not the pretty red ones
20:27.00ChannelZBlackvel: are you confusing extensions with priorities?
20:27.44ChannelZno I am
20:27.55ChannelZI need some asprin
20:28.18Blackvelreally stupid question: can a direct ip call be used WITHOUT exten? e.g
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20:29.01Blackvelif its of course i would setup exten=>_1234,.... in direct ip context or use at least exten=>_X.,...
20:31.47[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Yes
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20:45.10Blackvel[TK]D-Fender yes for 1st or 2nd sentence?
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20:48.28drmessanoBlackvel: No and yes
20:48.37drmessanoYou dont need the port number, BTW
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20:50.33Blackvelif a direct ip call requires an extension i can safely omit s? i can remember (thats years ago) that I used exten => s,1,... in directip context for some reason (probably there is some article somewhere listed)
20:51.42[TK]D-Fender[15:28]<Blackvel>really stupid question: can a direct ip call be used WITHOUT exten? e.g <-- if they don't include an exten when they dial, then what would ${EXTEN} be holding?  Based on that, what pattern would match it?
20:51.52[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: And I'll give you a hint... its NOT "s"
20:52.28Blackveli'll think about it :)#
20:55.54Blackvelanyone (around) intersted on testing direct ip call?
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21:07.37Katty <- front yard
21:07.51Katty^- please note bungee squirrel kabob at extreme left
21:08.03Katty <- lighthouse birdfeeder
21:09.26*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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21:13.23Katty <- better photo of lighthouse feeder
21:13.54Kattynot cool :<
21:14.09Kattythey can get in trouble with the conservation department for that too
21:14.52ChannelZI like the dizzy squirrels bettert
21:15.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: Twirl-A-Squirrel FTW
21:18.07*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
21:18.51Katty <- same bungee i have
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21:30.43Blackveli am interested to test speech quality (inbound/outbound) and if both work on my NAT environment. if you want to give me a short direct call on
21:31.30ChannelZHow do you feel about heavy breathing?
21:33.38ChannelZhere I'll call and play some Leo Laporte
21:34.33Blackvelinbound works...heliosj was that nice
21:34.36Blackvelnot sure about outbound
21:34.52ChannelZhmm I'm getting an error
21:35.39Blackvelstarted cli...can you retry?
21:36.19ChannelZit might be me
21:38.29ChannelZzoiper just tells me "service or option unavailable"
21:39.57Katty <- uploaded the video
21:41.00Kattygoes to see if the squirrels have noticed bungee yet
21:41.04ChannelZhmm well I can call other sip so I dunno whats going on
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21:45.06tariki tried to install freepbx in debian lenny
21:45.24tarikand i got the some errors
21:45.39tarikany idea plz..?
21:46.05*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
21:46.31[TK]D-Fendertarik: Those are PHP memory limit errors, and that is not ASTERISK... those are FreePBX scripts which are not supported here.
21:46.35infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:47.07sahafeezquestion - i have a digium pri card and a fsx/fso card
21:47.18sahafeezi have a fax machine on the fs card
21:47.29*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
21:47.31sahafeezcall comes in on the pri routed to the fs port
21:47.46sahafeezfax machine answers. does stuff. fax always fails.
21:49.04Blackvelhow can i turnoff notice sip_reg_timeout msged in cli and logfiles?
21:50.46Blackveli do not want to turnoff notices completely (where are enabled in logger.conf)
21:51.43ChannelZgetting lots of people trying to register under 500 usernameS?
21:52.12Blackvel2 days ago
21:53.21Godfather_Blackvel, i solved the problem with my spa3102 (the h extension) :D
21:53.39Blackvela script scanned all registrations for 1 to 9999
21:53.53Blackvelon my local server
21:53.54ChannelZyeah it's f*ing obnoxious
21:54.08Blackvelcan not remember when that was ever before
21:54.15Blackveljust can hope i have no security whole in my config :)
21:55.00ChannelZyou can setup something like fail2ban to block people on the firewall side but by the time it picks them up they're probably done scanning
21:55.08Blackvelerr hole
21:55.10Blackveldamn english
21:58.17[TK]D-FenderDon't use straight numeric peer names, use very long complicated PWs, restrict the IP's they can call from, then run fail2ban
21:59.04ChannelZso I'm farting around with 'unregistered sip' (not sure what to call it).. if I dial   sip:myhost  with no extension it comes into the 's' extension...
22:14.55*** join/#asterisk Elvanor (n=elvanor@gentoo/developer/elvanor)
22:19.04ChannelZARGH HTML mail needs to DIE
22:33.01*** join/#asterisk gooph (
22:34.01Godfather_Its possibly to tell asterisk wich file permisions i want to set every file is created with Monitor() ?
22:34.23BlackvelGodfather_: what did you change?
22:34.51Blackvelwas [TK]D-Fender right? :)
22:35.16Godfather_Blackvel, in sip.conf i didnt set the dtmfmode
22:35.53Blackveland that prevented the spa to send asterisk disconnect?
22:36.04Godfather_And also i changed the "Disconnect Tone" to the specific of spain
22:36.04Blackvelcant believe that
22:36.24Blackvelbecoz i know that my ivr works even without dtmfmode
22:36.30Blackvelnot all caller have dtmf set
22:36.42Godfather_Believe it or not, those 2 changes
22:36.48Godfather_are running pretty well
22:36.56Blackveli mean patton <-> asterisk have correct dtmf settings...but callers have no active dtmf
22:37.06Blackvelso tk was right
22:37.09Godfather_Blackvel, i set the dtmf
22:37.09Blackveltell him :)
22:37.13Godfather_to the spa3102
22:37.32Blackvelmy believe is that dtmf only fixed pressing 1 / 2 / 3 stuff on asterisk
22:37.49Godfather_he is angry with me
22:38.10Blackveli would be too
22:38.19Godfather_nooo pleease
22:38.19Blackvelprobably you didnt setup this 3-5x loop thing in your ivr ;)
22:38.50Blackveldo you have running setup?
22:38.57ElvanorWhat means bearercapability notauth ?
22:39.02Godfather_i didnt made a loop now, i just jump to the "t" extension and then i plackback again the ivr, and then hangup :P
22:39.37Godfather_Blackvel, i've a running setup in my house
22:39.38Blackvelhow do you do that there is just 1 loop?
22:39.58Blackvelmost customers hangup anyway when they hear my ivr
22:40.11Blackvelmakes no difference if i play menu twice or forth
22:40.23Blackvelmost are not willed to handle it
22:40.42Blackvelnot sure why i put 3 month into getting my * business-ready
22:41.04Godfather_Blackvel, i have no loop
22:41.11Godfather_somethink like that
22:41.19Godfather_just hear the ivr menu 2 times
22:41.29Blackvelwould you like to give me a direct ip call?
22:42.03Godfather_Blackvel, what?
22:42.13Blackvela direct ip call
22:42.27Godfather_to my server?
22:42.37Blackvelto mine
22:42.53Godfather_give me the ip and also the login if you want
22:42.58Blackvelneed to check inbound/outbound nat issues ....and was coding / improving my direct context :)
22:45.09Blackveldo you do a call or a registration?
22:45.45Godfather_I'm trying to register
22:46.16Blackvelthat wont work :)
22:46.31ChannelZcan't call
22:46.34*** part/#asterisk Svedrin (
22:46.48Blackveli coded an error into my ctx :(
22:46.48*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
22:47.06Blackveland my nat crap is too lazy for self testing (e.g i can not call me myself)
22:48.03ElvanorWhat means bearercapability notauth ?
22:49.13Blackvelbeginner question
22:49.19Blackvelis it valid to do thsi:
22:50.29Blackvel(1st line) exten => _X.,n(ivr_routing),Dial(Local/directip${EXTEN}@ctx_local_directip_in)
22:50.42Blackvellike if someone calls 5009226@...ip
22:50.59[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: No.
22:51.43Blackveli want to match that exten (_X.) and dial directip.... just to be able to differentiate and monitor a local channel of directip5009226
22:51.46Blackvelso i have to use something like 99995009226 or other stuff
22:52.00Blackvelbut "blackvel" would be valid as exten
22:52.15[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Actually you reversed the order.. might be OK.  Your description was a bit confusing
22:52.19[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Looking at again...
22:53.04[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Dial(Local/directip${EXTEN}@ctx_local_directip_in) <--- don't creat a new local channel for nothing, it will pollute your CDR and waste more resources.  Just Goto()
22:53.52Blackveli know :( have to do that...otherwise cti client cant find original callerid. its a problem of tapi monitoring (and vendor does it WRONG). just monitors dial event
22:54.26Blackvelinbound sip peer calls are monitored as outbound....makes no sense...i know
22:54.37[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Ok, you've got special reasons then... fine
22:55.06Blackvel5009226 is my pstn(isdn msn) line too
22:55.13Blackvelbut i like to see if one comes from direct ip or not
22:55.23Blackvelmaybe there is a quite different way to handle that
22:56.05Blackvelwell ok, i could use a completely different exten for directip but that would be just confusing.
22:56.25Blackveli can place the cti client on a local channel. there already exists a local channel of Local/5009226 (for my isdn pstn)
22:56.36Blackvelso for directip it should be little bit different
22:57.02Blackvelin my console log i can see this: Local/directip000@ctx_local_directip_in
22:57.17Blackvelthats crazy
22:59.38Blackvelwill change extens
23:00.24BlackvelGodfather_: you can stop registering ;)
23:00.53Godfather_Blackvel, hum, am i ?
23:01.31Godfather_im *
23:02.06Blackvelright. matches :)
23:02.30Godfather_well, i closed my client, if continues tell me
23:02.53Blackvelnow i am confused
23:03.06Godfather_Blackvel, me too
23:03.15Blackvel[TK]D-Fender did you try to tell me that exten => _directip5009226,1,... is quite INVALID?
23:07.47Blackvelanyways...its weird
23:08.03Blackvelcall gets displayed, phone rings (even it says wrong exten)
23:08.04Godfather_Blackvel, are you familiarized with linux?
23:08.08Blackvelbut i hear no audio
23:08.45Blackvelinstalled last days new debian lenny server with email, imap and webgui + exchange activesync.
23:08.56Godfather_I record audio files with Monitor(), and it generates files with those permisions (-rw-rw----)
23:09.05Godfather_and i want to read it using apache
23:09.14Godfather_i can change manually the file permissions of the files
23:09.25Godfather_but i believe there is a better solution
23:09.28Blackvelwhat user/group is it written?
23:09.34Godfather_than changing everytime the permisisons of the files..
23:09.49Godfather_thats why i cant those files with apache
23:09.53*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
23:10.03Godfather_-rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 91564 2009-11-28 18:59 2009-11-28__23:59:09_from_4_To_1.wav
23:10.11Blackveland you have a webX user which needs access to them?
23:10.27Blackvelmy apache2 works with group www-data
23:10.30Blackvelweb0/web1 user
23:10.38johnakabeanI see fender does have dignity; I'm not banned for all the CLOSE violations of rules.
23:11.16Godfather_Blackvel, the files are "user= asterisk group= asterisk"
23:11.17Blackvelif you manage to let monitor records with default webuser group (e.g www-data) its fixes
23:11.17infobotACTION makes the rules. now stfu and code more addons.
23:11.17Godfather_then if they have no +x on Others
23:11.18Godfather_i cant access them
23:11.20Blackvelyou need +r on others
23:11.21[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Don't push your luck.
23:11.39Blackvel+x is not needed. just for executable or for changing dirs
23:11.43johnakabeani'm trying to read the rules fender
23:11.44[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Others won't be as forgiving.
23:11.47Blackvel(if i am right...may be not)
23:12.11Godfather_Blackvel, how i let monitor record with a different group? or recording with +x to "others"?
23:12.19Blackvelnever played around with monitor...not sure if you can give other group
23:12.26Blackvelgood question
23:12.38[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: There are a lot of thing in life that don't have specific rules against them, but being a wanton idiot will get your ass ejected or worse.
23:12.51johnakabean* infobot makes the rules. now stfu and code more addons
23:13.03johnakabeanthat's the response I get
23:13.11Godfather_Blackvel, exten => s,1,Monitor(wav,${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT,%C%y-%m-%d__%H:%M:%S)}_from_${ARG3}_To_${ARG2},m)
23:13.27infobotextra, extra, read all about it, monitor is A device for viewing the output from a computer, traditionally a much more precise TV set.
23:13.30infobot[infobot] a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
23:13.33Godfather_i generate the files with that line, but no idea how to put +x to this file xD
23:13.49[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: And infobot is MY BITCH, so watch where you tread
23:13.54Blackvelmy asterisk 1.2 does not show any options for applications Record / Monitor
23:14.02johnakabeanyou need to post rules on the bot
23:14.07Blackvelbut you may be able to do a System call with asterisk and change the permissions manually
23:14.28Godfather_Blackvel, of course i can, but i wont
23:14.30johnakabeanotherwise, you will have to keep warning people; most go into channels and type !rules for help
23:14.59Blackvelwho is bob in here? :) didn't hear your voice twice :)
23:15.07Godfather_Blackvel, i think there is a setgid or something like that, maybe it can help me
23:15.24johnakabean!op infobot :)
23:15.48[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: No, few people read any rules at all, never read the topic, never ask and go about doing whatever they feel like.  they will be "managed", and you are fishing here.
23:16.02Blackvelanyone with an idea how i can test my direct ip calling myself (to fix console errors)?
23:16.15johnakabeani'm not fishing; you're making assumptions
23:16.46johnakabeanmessano isn't in the discussion so i have no temptation
23:16.48[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Assumptions about what?
23:16.55johnakabeanthat i'm fishing
23:18.14johnakabeananyone else used GPM?
23:19.32ChannelZBlackvel: thats me
23:19.39ChannelZBlackvel: I dunno what the hell is going on
23:19.43johnakabean[TK]D-Fender: infobot doesn't parse ~monitor
23:20.41[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: So there isn't a bot-let for it
23:21.09johnakabeani know what monitor does but this is something I have never came across:
23:21.17johnakabeanvery nice tools
23:21.45[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: I'm not sure what that has to do with infobot...
23:22.10Meaw[TK]D-Fender, he is just trying to molest the bot
23:22.28johnakabeanthe bot is sexy
23:22.44johnakabeannothing, it has to do with nothing
23:23.03johnakabeani have a monitoring system for the rest of my servers but never found one for asterisk
23:23.54Meawwhat are you running on the rest of servers?
23:23.57*** join/#asterisk darkavanger (n=darkavan@
23:24.27johnakabeanweb, dns, ftp, mail (pop imap smtp) mysql on 4 servers; the ftp shares with mysql
23:25.00johnakabeanall integrate with mysql and have a very evasive anti-phreak system
23:26.16Meawi thought it is voip servers
23:26.23johnakabeani host websites for 10  other people; they can change their dns zones, mail accounts, ftp accounts, and virtualhosts for apache which all info, except apache, is stored in mysql.
23:26.47johnakabeani'm a mysql freak
23:27.13Blackvelthere are some problems in my directip dialplan, i believe (becoz of Dial(SIP/directip${EXTEN} where exten is 5009226 so new local extension would be _directip5009226
23:27.22Blackvelnot sure why it rings even
23:27.40BlackvelChannelZ: are you on public ip or behind nat? i cant even hear anything
23:27.59Blackvel30 minutes ago i got a directip call and i could here something
23:28.00johnakabeanblackvel: Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${directip}
23:28.39johnakabeanyou must either have a static directip or make it into a variable set along the dial plan
23:28.53ChannelZa bit of both.  When I try to call via Zoiper (which is behind NAT) I just get an error on the call;  So I added an extension on my * box which has a real IP and dialed that way.  No error, but no audio.
23:28.54Blackvelbut i tried to create a extension directip5009226
23:29.02Blackveleh no
23:29.05Blackveltotally wrong
23:29.23johnakabeanthe extension must always come before the destination
23:29.31johnakabeanlike an email address
23:29.39Blackvelthats correct now
23:30.00johnakabeanoh, you're conjuncting directip0000
23:30.13Blackvel[ctx_local_directip_in] exten => _directip5009226,1,Goto(....)
23:30.26Blackveland if one calls 5009226 it should jump here
23:30.39Blackvelbut my console complains that it cant find directip0000
23:30.53Blackvelwhy directip0000?
23:31.10Blackvelwhere does it get "directip0000"
23:31.23johnakabeanit has to be in your default context
23:31.27johnakabeanor included
23:32.14johnakabeanin your default, type at the top include => contextyoutypingdirectip5009226 in
23:32.21Blackvelwill it concatenate correctly directip + 5009226?
23:32.54johnakabeanone thing that surprised me about asterisk; it include variables ANYWHERE
23:33.14Blackvelbut look at the dial command
23:33.17Blackvelit gives the context
23:33.21Blackvelwhere the extens are in
23:33.34Blackvelbecause its local channel dial
23:33.40johnakabeanyes but you have to include that context in your default contexty
23:34.00Blackvelnot yet...true true
23:34.11johnakabeansecurity; asterisk has security
23:34.35johnakabeanyou can specify different contexts that you can restrict phones into
23:35.12johnakabeanif you use freepbx, your default is from-internal or something
23:35.29johnakabeanyour trunks go into from-trunk
23:35.54Blackvelyes and sip.conf general does this: context=ctx_directip_in
23:36.21Blackveland my guess is that Dial(Local/directip${EXTEN}@ctx_local_directip_in) should be able to call into context Dial(Local/directip${EXTEN}@ctx_local_directip_in)
23:36.43Blackvelif not i am glad i can learn something
23:37.21Blackvelbut why is console telling me about exten "directip0000"
23:37.30Blackvelthat means someone was calling exten 0000
23:38.01Blackveli thought ChannelZ called sip:5009226@server
23:38.31Blackvelprolly i should just change to 9995009226 instead of directip5009226 to overcome any possible problems ;)
23:39.08ChannelZhere let me call, see what it says
23:39.32ChannelZanything happen?
23:39.44Blackveladded some noops
23:39.52Blackvelplzzzzz try again
23:40.26ChannelZthat's through zoiper which just gives me an error (not sure if it's talking to your server at all or what)
23:40.51Blackvel2 times before it came in and my phone ring
23:40.57Blackvelbut couldnt here/talk
23:41.30Blackvelat least my console shouldt complain about invalid extensions...not a good sign
23:41.50Blackvelstill don't get it what [TK]D-Fender meant. if directip5009226 is valid as exten or not :)) can i turn of this notice sip_reg_timeout? :)
23:43.22Blackveland just that
23:44.45Blackveloff for 10 minutes

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.