IRC log for #asterisk on 20091126

00:02.59*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:04.29KattyCorydon76-dig: :<
00:04.35filenaps for all!
00:16.47OmbreNoirasterisk work with redphone (red5 / sip)?
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01:02.13*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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01:04.34joakoIs there any way to show verbose only for certain SIP peers, dialplan, etc? verbose=3 i just can not follow there is too much info
01:05.56hardwireI wish
01:06.17hardwireI'd really just like a way to show verbose on console per console
01:06.26hardwireand one gobal logging verbose level
01:11.35p3nguinjoako: You can enable debug on a per-peer basis, but that's not quite what you asked.
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01:18.23joakop3nguin: Right. I'd rather see the nice console message say extension not found vs read a sip debug that somewhere in 200 lines might say 404
01:23.09*** join/#asterisk n0cturnal (
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01:48.50*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
01:51.47snadgewhats a good stand alone voip phone with an ethernet port that works with asterisk? :P
01:52.37snadgei am getting a naked adsl2+ plan.. and its the first time im going to be living without a traditional pots line.. so i want to run my router, and the voip phone off ups.. so i can still use my phone in the event of a power outage
01:54.09*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
01:54.39snadgei guess a small fanless linux device that maybe uses a solid state drive.. that can run asterisk, and use the adsl2+ connection via a bridged mode
01:56.18TJNIIsnadge: What's your budget?
01:58.04*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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02:00.58snadgeTJNII: infinity dollars :P
02:01.18TJNIIHell, then buy AT&T and have them do it!
02:01.21*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:dca0:d33c:9897:5cfa)
02:01.22snadgeno i guess a range is acceptable.. i have no idea how top end, top end actually is.. and whether thats ridiculous or not
02:02.20snadgeimportant is for it to be reliable and low power.. i guess then price comes into it.. i mean, i could go to a garage sale, pick up an old pentium computer for $50
02:02.37snadgefanless and diskless is kind of ideal
02:05.05*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
02:12.55OmbreNoirhey ;), for call externe how I make... SoftPhone -> Astersik -> whats I need... 'DID' number??
02:16.10*** join/#asterisk mrfaison (n=mrfaison@
02:16.37mrfaisonhi folks! is anyone running asterisk on netbsd?
02:18.44snadgethat sounds perverted
02:18.47*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
02:19.58[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: For Soft-phone -> asterisk, you need ...... a soft-phone .... and... wait for it. ......................... Asterisk
02:20.54*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
02:21.15jayteewhy what?
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02:34.59Nuggetasterisk runs fine in bsd land these days, as long as you don't need dahdi/zaptel.  if you're all voip and externals ATAs it's fine.
02:35.16NuggetI wouldn't suggest it, but it's do-able.
02:35.51russellbDAHDI-freebsd is in svn now btw :-)
02:36.04Nuggetif you need to run a pri or fxo/fxs card, just suck it up and endure linux.  it's the path of least resistance.
02:36.05russellbnot all of the drivers are ported yet, but it's a good start
02:36.46Nuggetthat's encouraging to hear, russell.  :)
02:46.30*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
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02:52.24Kattymister monk
02:55.31*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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03:10.48jayteehi Katty
03:13.37OmbreNoir[TK]D-Fender I have asterisk but I dont need .. VoIP service to connect my asterisk to for exemple SIP to OVH (Is not my provider) im on quebec but for exemple..?
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03:21.13drmessanoGotta love that SIP connection
03:23.19*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
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03:24.55[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Non, aucun ITSP et requise.
03:25.08[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Tu peut faire comme tu veut
03:26.05*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (n=maxagaz@
03:27.17[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Si tous ce qui vous interesse c'est d'avoir un serveur fermer pour parlez entre tes amis sans frais (avec des <<soft-phones>> ou en acheter des equipement pour ne pas-etre chainer a l'ordi), t'as pas besoins d'une service exterieur
03:27.30OmbreNoiroh :S mon anglais est si mauvais :)
03:28.04OmbreNoirOui mais apartir de sa, je peux pas appeler à la maison exemple... c'est pas pour vendre ou quoi que se soit, mais pour tester se que sa donne...
03:29.01[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: C'est quoi le vrai objectif, fin-de-la-ligne?
03:29.32*** join/#asterisk lordmortis (n=lordmort@
03:29.51OmbreNoirMon objectif est simplement de pouvoir appeler à partir de mon ordinateur -> à asterisk à un téléphone fixe
03:31.11[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: téléphone fixe <- c'est un VRAI # de telephone, ou parles-tu d'une telephone brancher par apres un piece d'equipment special dans batisse pour utiliser expres avec *?
03:32.28OmbreNoirJe parle d'un VRAI # de téléphone
03:36.17[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Pour ca if faut soit un piece d'equipement pour connecter a une ligne physique que tu possede, ou soit un fournisseur ITSP <-
03:36.20infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:37.15[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Un des meilleurs choix dan QC est "" or ""
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03:42.38admin0like command to call a number  and play music on hold or any other mp3 file
03:42.39*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
03:42.39[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Playback() , MusicOnHold()
03:42.39OmbreNoir[TK]D-Fender Je parle d'un VRAI # de téléphone
03:43.11jblackOmbreNois: Parlevou Frenchfry je mustard le french toast!
03:45.01drmessanoLos [TK]D-Fender es taco bell por dialplano muy el trixbox los tonto
03:46.15*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
03:51.20OmbreNoir[TK]D-Fender Donc, si je veux appeler à un vrai # de téléphone, je dois passé par une compagnie en plus non?
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03:52.04jayteeoooooh!!! a new article on how to speed up your deployment time written by Kerry Garrison!!!! juicy!
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03:52.57[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Le services n'est pas gratuit........
03:53.29[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 10m/s^2 :p
03:53.50*** join/#asterisk paulius (n=paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
03:54.05pauliusAlright guys, I got a tricky question. Faxing over SIP using Asterisk...
03:54.07jayteeand probably chartreuse colored
03:54.59pauliusNot every trunk provider can do that, right? I heard it needs the G.711 codec? Is this the same as G.711u?
03:55.12infobotfrom memory, t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
03:55.29[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Not just the codec.. also the T.38 protocol
03:55.31*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-jsqlpmitfbfyowww)
03:55.32pauliusit's a 404.
03:55.40[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: JFGI :p
03:55.41paulius[TK]D-Fender: But some providers already provide that?
03:55.47[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Manyu
03:56.03paulius[TK]D-Fender: And is it reliable? or are these eFax thingies still better?
03:56.30paulius[TK]D-Fender: I did already google, I just wanted to up to date implementation info.
03:56.31[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Whats better is you leaving a real analog fax on a real analog line.
03:56.57pauliusThe forums threads that I've visited area from a year ago and I'm sure that things have changed since.
03:57.05paulius[TK]D-Fender: But I'm comparing this to an online faxing service.
03:59.37[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: And what do you think THEY do?
03:59.56pauliusA metric assload of analog lines on old PBXes?
04:00.30paulius[TK]D-Fender: Well it sounds like you're saying that analog is better for faxing, so I figured.
04:01.23OmbreNoir[TK]D-Fender je sais que le service n'est pas gratuit, c'est juste que je sais pas quel est se service, quel compagnie et c'est quoi je dois payer.. je sais que sa coûte x.xx/min ou par mois la
04:06.47[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Yes, when you use them, THEY use normal lines.  Its gotta go "normal" somewhere...
04:07.18[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Je viens te donner deux des meillieurs :p
04:07.45[TK]D-Fender[22:37]<[TK]D-Fender>OmbreNoir: Un des meilleurs choix dan QC est "" or "" <-  Faire attention tabarnac!
04:08.40OmbreNoirloll faire attention à quoi?
04:08.45[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: c'est le moins cher et ont encore un reputation :)
04:09.01[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: A quand je te donne le solution en-main :p
04:09.25OmbreNoirloll ok ok dsl j'avais pas vu
04:09.42OmbreNoirok j'ai regardé déjà, mais eux tu paye quoi exactement un SIP ?
04:11.17[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: DID c'est une numero de telephone.  T'as besoins si tu veut RECEVOIR des appels
04:12.20[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Pour placer un appel au monde t'as pas besoins un numero ou est-ce-que ils pourrais le retourner.
04:12.20[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Compris?
04:13.06OmbreNoirOui très bien :) mais pour placer des appeles, tu dis que j'ai pas besoin de sa, mais j'ai quand besoin d'un compte sur
04:20.52jblackI have some google wave invites if anybody needs one
04:25.52[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Une service pour sortir, oui
04:27.00[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: y-a des ITSP qui ont des plan plus specials just pour sortir, et des plans differents pour les appeles rentrante
04:27.25TJNIIjblack: I haven't heard much about that, but the general consensus I read was "What are you supposed to do with it" and "This program was designed to let young people know how old people feel on the internet."
04:27.36*** join/#asterisk logankoester (
04:28.22logankoesterI need a simple tool to listen for calls on the modem and play an mp3 down the line when one is received, is asterisk suitable for this task?
04:28.23jblackThere's an hour and half long video on what you can do with it.
04:28.53jblackIt combines a lot of things. I think the primary purpose is a shared document, but it seems like a lot of people are abusing it as a forom
04:28.58logankoester(This is for recording outgoing voicemails to Google Voice)
04:29.35TJNIIlogankoester: Asteris is but a modem isn't.
04:29.48logankoesterWhat do you mean, TJNII?
04:30.10TJNIIModems are for data, not voice.
04:30.11[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: Modem? .... what "modem"?
04:30.40logankoesterOkay, what hardware do I need?
04:31.23[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: Considering you even suggested using a "modem", here : marche bien en tabarnac
04:31.59[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Apparement pas trop pire a-date
04:32.05TJNIIlogankoester: Or you could just use an ITSP, instead of tying up a analog line.
04:32.32paulius[TK]D-Fender: Mais y'on pas de T38, caulisse.
04:32.34logankoesterSeems like quite a purchase for a one-time call
04:32.57OmbreNoirJe suis inscrit, je dois cependant attendre leur confirmation, sa va attendre à demain. Mais merci beaucoup [TK]D-Fender!!
04:33.08[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: J'ai jamais dit qui'ils offre...
04:33.18pauliusben moi non plus
04:34.06[TK]D-FenderOmbreNoir: Toujours bon de bien regarder le marche et etre certain avant d'annocer des nouveaux # de telephone pour assurez que le service est solide...
04:35.15logankoesterIt might be easier to use one of the VRML services that let you upload an mp3 and then do some 3-way call shennanigans
04:35.53logankoesterVoiceXML* sorry bit drunk
04:37.33*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
04:38.02[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: 1-time call?  You need to answer ONE CALL EVER and play them an MP3 file?
04:38.39[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: Why don't you just stand next to the phone, pick it up, and shove the handset in front of your speakers and press "play" and be done with it?
04:39.10[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: And BTW... that device is CHEAP in this world...
04:39.46pauliusokay so explain to me.
04:40.02pauliusWhy couldn't he just sign up with some SIP provider? And use a softphone on his PC with MP3 routed to it?
04:40.39TJNIIIf he gets a SIP provider he could do it in * with a 3 line dialplan.
04:40.48[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: So far I don't have a an explanation of his real needs that is complete or sane...
04:40.52ChannelZI will do it for him for $32.95
04:41.07[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: He says "1-shot deal" and I'm asking myself what the real need is
04:41.33[TK]D-FenderTJNII: Stop throwing money at ill-defined needs! :p
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04:41.45[TK]D-FenderChanYOU rather!
04:41.50TJNII[TK]D-Fender: I'll throw other's money around as much as I want!
04:42.07[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: And come up with a nick I don't need to hit 5 chars to auto-complete against!
04:43.08ChannelZHit tab twice.
04:44.28TJNIIChannelZ: Don't feel bad.  Tab completion is [TK]D-Fender's kryptonite.
04:45.26ChannelZI was going to go for 'achilles' heel' but OK :)
04:45.45TJNIIThat works too.
04:46.02ChannelZTyping out my entire name would be like kryptonite.
04:46.24ChannelZBut if it helps you can just call me Bob
04:48.14logankoester[TK]D-Fender: regarding the handset thing, i'd really rather have the highest quality possible. I don't doubt that that device is cheap for typical asterisk applications, but I doubt it's the best solution for me
04:48.57logankoesterlet me explain what I'm doing with it
04:49.53[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: That might be smart...
04:49.56ChannelZlooks for his tinfoil hat
04:50.57*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (
04:52.33logankoesterGoogle Voice records outgoing voicemail messages by calling the user and prompting them to record one. I'm using Google Voice as an infoline for a rave. Basically playing an ad with professional voice/music. I'll need to update this once on the day of the party to give out the address of a warehouse
04:52.45logankoesterWhat do you recommend?
04:53.16ChannelZTake more X
04:54.02logankoesterI'm sure my callers will have that covered
04:55.10*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
04:57.24[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: Google Voice points a call to a DID of your choosing, right?
04:58.01*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:dca0:d33c:9897:5cfa)
04:58.07logankoester[TK]D-Fender: that's right
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05:01.01[TK]D-Fenderlogankoester: Then go to and sign up.  point GV to them, and them to a dynDNS name that points to your IP and take it in VoIP for free
05:02.08logankoesterthank you!
05:02.18logankoesterthat should do it
05:03.25logankoesterSo I will need to purchase hardware to start playing with asterisk?
05:03.47logankoesterI've wanted to mess around with it for years but never had time
05:04.52logankoesterAlso, are there scripting language bindings beyond perl?
05:07.15TJNIIYou don't have to buy hardware, unless you want to use a real phone.
05:07.26TJNIII think you can write an AGI in anything.
05:08.40logankoesterI see
05:08.59logankoesterSo I can use any linux server for this
05:09.01*** join/#asterisk raden (
05:09.02logankoestereven a virtualized one
05:09.02TJNIIAnd by real phones I mean a physical handset in place of a softphone.
05:10.08TJNIIDepends on the virtualization environment, but it has been done successfully.
05:10.36radencan asterisk write CRD data to mysql ?
05:10.41logankoesterthat's really cool
05:11.05logankoesterI've got an Amazon EC2 instance i can use
05:11.15logankoesterlooks like I've got a new timesink on my hands
05:11.20logankoesterthanks for your help mate
05:13.22p3nguinraden: If you mean CDR, then yes.
05:14.43radenyes sir
05:14.55radenis there any billing software that car read it directly ?
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05:18.56wedwardsanyone know how to fix the problem with fedora's asterisk-dahdi package not actually installing the dahdi modules correctly?
05:20.14wedwardsdahdi_hardware finds my tdm400p but the necessary modules dont seem to be installed
05:20.27wedwardshave seen others with the same problem but havent found a fix
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05:23.11[TK]D-Fender[00:03]<logankoester>So I will need to purchase hardware to start playing with asterisk? <- no
05:24.44jblackHe might need a cheapass usb headset
05:25.20jblacknever mine. he could do pstn over sip, and use his normal phone. =)
05:26.18logankoestereither way i'm sure i've got a usb headset kicking around somewhere
05:26.46logankoesteri've got like 5 bluetooths in a box somewhere
05:37.00jblackI'd like to start up an asterisk wave, but I just don't know what would be useful to put up there
05:37.57ChannelZ"How does I make phone call for free?"
05:38.59jblackin the same way you've handled all the other problems with your life. Move back in with mom
05:40.15bmg505or go and work for a telecoms company
05:43.31*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
05:45.32jblackOh, I know!
05:45.43jblackSlash the tires on a cop car.
05:45.50jblackThey'll give you a free phone call. =)
05:50.05lozarythmicemergency phone calls are free!
05:50.30ChannelZ"Halp, is this south africa?"
05:51.06lordmortisanyone in australia terminating 1300 numbers via asterisk?
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06:13.00radenanyone have a vitelity wholesale account ?
06:14.23wedwardsanyone have dahdi module working on fedora core 12?
06:14.51[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
06:20.35p3nguinAfter all these years, people still think there is a core in Fedora?  Weirdos.
06:21.09wedwardsyeah well blame redhat for calling it that in the first place
06:21.23p3nguinThere used to be a core in Fedora.
06:22.01wedwardsok, so if i rephrase the question you reckon i will get an answer??  :)
06:22.34p3nguinProbably not, but at least you won't appear ignorant about Fedora.
06:23.04wedwardsso how do you explain redhat's internal references to FC11 and FC12??
06:23.30wedwardsuh huh
06:23.38p3nguinThat's what it is.
06:24.10p3nguinI wish they would have renamed packages after they merged the core software with the extras.
06:24.36*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
06:25.06wedwardswell until they do, i think its no less valid to refer to fedora core or just fedora...
06:25.21p3nguinSure it is.
06:25.41wedwardsif they cant name their packages properly, then i aint adopting their change of name properly  :)
06:26.42p3nguinConsidering they merged the extras and core, and dropped the core designation completely after core 6, there is no Fedora core 7, no core 8, no core 9, no core 10, no core 11, and no core 12.
06:26.56p3nguinAt any rate, did you install asterisk from the repos, or compile it yourself?
06:27.17wedwardsso all the packages that have fc12 in their name...whats that "c" stand for??
06:27.24wedwardsi installed from repos
06:27.35p3nguinI just told you.  It's residue from when there was a core designation.
06:27.55wedwardsthe aim was to get away from building myself which is what i usually do
06:27.59p3nguinDid you look for a dahdi package?
06:28.33wedwardsyeah dont worry about it...if you knew fedora you would know the issue with dahdi that i am referring to
06:29.12p3nguinI personally wouldn't want to use Fedora for a production system, so I wouldn't ever encounter the problem.
06:29.14wedwardsbasically there is no pre-built kernel module it has to be built manually, however it doesnt like the latest fc12 kernel it would seem...others have had issues since fc11
06:29.22wedwardsits not production
06:29.30wedwardsand i never said it was
06:29.41p3nguinSo what was wrong with the dahdi package?
06:29.54wedwardseven if i was using rhel this issue still occurs
06:30.04wedwardsnothing is wrong with the dahdi package, it just doesnt include the driver
06:30.09wedwardsits just a tools package
06:30.16p3nguinIt should contain the proper modules and channel driver.
06:30.25wedwardsalthought it does say it contains modules, however it doesnt
06:31.07p3nguinI have both a "dahdi" and a "dahdi-tools" package installed.
06:31.14wedwardsyep so do i
06:31.55wedwardsand you would no doubt have a /usr/lib/modules/dahdi.....etc, however i dont have that module after installing all available dahdi packages
06:33.57arossouwwierd, one asterisk installation ive done, has an echo for first 3 seconds, maybe its because of the card being analog? its a TDM800P
06:34.08wedwardsi have however found a dahdi-linux package built for el5 that i think could be mashed into a temp solution, however i wanted to see if anyone else had solved the problem differently
06:34.46wedwardsa tdm400p did that to me and i think i fixed it with some echo training and cancellation settings from memory
06:34.59wedwardsanyone going home...cyas
06:35.19arossouwi also enable echo training, ive also changed rxgain and txgain, but no improvement :-(
06:41.41*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
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06:43.39radenanyone know much about asterisk billing ?????   was wondering how a person would keep track of out of the US calls
06:54.57*** join/#asterisk Juggie (n=Juggie@
06:55.27p3nguinUh, doesn't the CDR keep track of the call, regardless of what country it's in?
06:56.18drmessanoIs your SQL in ANSI or UTF8?
06:56.19p3nguinIf you enter your termination rates into the app, it should be able to do the math, I would expect.
06:56.33drmessanoAlso, what is your TZ statement set to in Autotexec.bat?
06:57.06drmessanoTZ=EST5EDT and your international calls wont get logged to C:\Asterisk properly
06:57.09drmessanoI h8 that
06:57.28p3nguinBug, or feature?
06:57.42drmessanoWindows 95 or 98?
06:58.06p3nguinI can't imagine trying to run Asterisk on either.
07:04.42*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (n=nimbus@
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07:08.49Ge0RgeR^i need some help
07:13.18n0cturnalwhy the hell you would want to run asterisk on windows is beyond me..
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07:25.06logankoesterIs anyone aware of a similar service to now that they've stopped accepting new registrations?
07:25.37spckyou could run ubuntu virtualized on a windows machine and run asterisk inside ubuntu
07:26.46*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
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07:34.05JAMMAN2110Most elevators in the country from the 1980s - 1990s run windows 98 :/
07:34.19JAMMAN2110Works one is coming up for renewal
07:34.28JAMMAN2110Im going to do the "Linux or nothing" speech
07:35.21*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (n=badrobot@
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07:40.22dlynesJAMMAN2110: wtf?  is that even legal?
07:41.03dlynesJAMMAN2110: the elevator inspectors don't have a problem with windows having control over their safety?
07:41.17*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
07:41.17JAMMAN2110Its crazy eh
07:41.24dlynesno kidding
07:41.24JAMMAN2110Half the time our elevator doors dont even shut
07:41.33JAMMAN2110We have to kick them before it will start moving
07:41.38JAMMAN2110Hardware safety ftw
07:41.43dlynesSomeone in one of the buildings I was working in had a 12 storey drop
07:42.03dlynesbut i had no idea the stupid things were running windows
07:42.16Juggiejust checked into hotel room 2hrs ago opened bar fridge to check for drinks, no drinks and there is left over food in there
07:42.28dlynesJuggie: yum
07:42.34Juggiecall front desk, guy comes to get it says he'll get an air freshener (it was something garlic)
07:42.54Juggiecomes back 2min later upgrades me to exec suite on 24th floor
07:43.20dlynesthis new make menuconfig's a little freaky on centos 5.2
07:43.25Juggieits a much nicer room :)
07:43.34dlynesit hearkens back to a centos text-mode install
07:43.35JAMMAN2110dlynes, my step father use to be CIO at a certain place I wont name (educational institution with a tower block) 12 floors.. windows 98 original controlling the elevators... in an unlocked cubboard by the elevators on the "student recreation" floor....
07:43.49JAMMAN2110Someone decided to stay late one night and install a network card :)
07:44.02JAMMAN2110Said cubboard was also the network cabinet for the floor and the one below
07:44.14JAMMAN2110Much fun to be had :D
07:44.26dlynesJAMMAN2110: you can't possibly be serious
07:44.33JAMMAN2110I am
07:44.41dlynesJAMMAN2110: no're bullshitting me
07:45.06JAMMAN2110I dont lie about my educational achievements...
07:45.15dlynesJAMMAN2110: you're trying to tell me that they run the elevators off of an external computer?
07:45.25*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:dca0:d33c:9897:5cfa)
07:45.26dlynesthat's just plain insanity
07:45.50dlynesI thought you meant they were using an embedded microcontroller that was running windows 98
07:46.19dlynesJAMMAN2110: it must only be in the USA, then
07:46.36dlynesJAMMAN2110: no freaking way industry canada would let them get away with shit like that
07:46.40JAMMAN2110It was a PC box next to the shaft with a parallel port wired to what was probably a microcontroller in the shaft
07:47.33arossouwhmm, adding echotraining and echocancel on all channels seemed to do the trick
07:47.34dlynesJAMMAN2110: if the power goes out in the building, they can't call 911
07:47.53*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
07:47.59dlynesJAMMAN2110: because some nitwit plugged the pc into a non-diesel generator backup power connector
07:48.06JAMMAN2110111 here, but yes :) Correct
07:48.19JAMMAN2110The elevator has recently been replaced
07:48.24JAMMAN2110111 == nz emergency number
07:48.43dlynesyou sure you're not in China?
07:48.56JAMMAN2110Yup, I can get to political websites and blogs
07:48.59*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
07:49.26dlynesyou're in nuie, or something?
07:49.47JAMMAN2110New Zealand
07:49.54dlynesyeah...nuie's part of nz
07:49.55JAMMAN2110That small place that everyone thinks is part of Australia
07:50.00JAMMAN2110Population 4 million or something
07:50.04JAMMAN2110Not quite
07:50.06JAMMAN2110They just use our money
07:51.00dlynesi think the only reason peeps think it's part of nz is because of that whole work visa thingy that aus and nz have going on
07:52.02dlynesnz had a major economic collapse a while back too, didn't it?
07:52.24dlynesmaybe that's what brought on the windows 98-powered elevators?
07:53.36JAMMAN2110Im about to reinstall my pbx
07:53.44JAMMAN2110Tempted to go with Windows 98 now though
07:53.50JAMMAN2110Talk me out of it, quick!
07:54.03dlynesdos is so much better
07:55.07JAMMAN2110dos 6 + win 3.11
07:55.17JAMMAN2110What I really want to do, is get an old ipod touch
07:55.21JAMMAN2110And put asterisk on it
07:55.40JAMMAN2110"hurrr, my pbx uses 5v of power"
07:57.02dlynespuhleaze...not the my dick is bigger than your dick argument...
07:58.05JAMMAN2110Just the whole awesome standby battery power thing
07:59.22JAMMAN2110Plus a waterproof case and it can go in the roof
07:59.51*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
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08:03.30radenwhat is the conversation even about ?
08:08.18spckheh, we just replaced our battery strings... $9k...
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08:30.46*** join/#asterisk Sabrina-- (
08:31.48Sabrina--hey guys, i have an asterisk based softswitch, and i was wondering how i could auto provision customers' devices to automatically configure them
08:32.29Sabrina--For now all the clients use linksys devices (SPA Phones or PAP2T ATAs)
08:33.28ChannelZThat's not too hard
08:34.06ChannelZI have mine setup to fetch their configs via tftp using their MAC address as the filename
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08:35.16Sabrina--nice, is that all it takes ? is there anything to do on the asterisk box or does it have default provisioning rules for well known devices ?
08:35.28ChannelZYou can get an SPA to dump it's config with http://thephonesip/admin/spacfg.xml
08:35.36ChannelZThe * box has nothing to do with it
08:36.21Sabrina--really ?
08:36.31ChannelZYou give the phone/device a provisioning URL and it fetches it's config as instructed
08:36.59Sabrina--ok i see
08:37.44Sabrina--but how can i make it personalized (user enters username and password, then submits, and his device is configured to connect using the entered credentials)
08:38.12ChannelZwell that's up to you
08:38.43ChannelZThere might be some provisioning tools already out there that help automate generating configs on the fly from a template or something
08:39.20Sabrina--i found for the ATAs
08:39.24ChannelZIn my case it's a limited number of phones (a dozen) that don't really change
08:39.25Sabrina--works pretty well
08:40.22Sabrina--but the reason why we'd have to automate it is that the number of phones/devices can increase very quickly as new customers sign up, and we want to make their life as easy as possible
08:41.59ChannelZI'd probably just write my own system for that but I'm nuts like that
08:42.13ChannelZSorry I don't know of any premade solutions, maybe someone else does
08:42.51Sabrina--well thanks a lot Channel, you've been very helpful
08:43.24ChannelZsure good luck
08:43.24*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
08:43.34Sabrina--thanx :)
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09:43.35Omorikahi guys
09:43.44ChannelZyes mine are real
09:43.53Omorikai have TE410P card
09:44.00Omorikaand each span is different telco
09:44.03Faustovit doesn't dissolve in acid
09:44.08Omorikacan this cause any issues?
09:44.39Omorikabecause D channel is getting dropped once in a while
09:44.39ChannelZI wouldn't think so
09:44.54tzafrir_laptoptheoretically both providers should be in sync with each other
09:45.09tzafrir_laptopIf this is indeed the case you should have no problem
09:45.24ChannelZI was just going to say, I don't know much about it, but maybe it's a sync thing
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10:28.17viraptorhi - what do I need to deploy the digium g729 codec automatically? only the generated licence file + .so? or anything more?
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10:32.48plundraWhy are so many asterisk-related projects either abandoned? Either super-old code or even broken urls (missing servers or 404s)
10:33.12plundraIt pisses me off! :-P Specially when some other text/site mentions it and it seems like a good fit, and blam, brick wall.
10:33.14*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:dca0:d33c:9897:5cfa)
10:34.34plundraCurrently pyst, pyasterisk and some xml-rpc gateway(?) for ami written in php (I think).
10:35.12plundraA XML-RPC gateway for AMI seems like something people would appreciate.
10:38.24*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (n=mjensen@
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10:44.31viraptorplundra: maybe because pyst and pyasterisk can be rewritten from scratch in half a day in a way that suits you the best...
10:44.32*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
10:44.48plundraviraptor: pyst, yeah, haven't looked at pyasterisk.
10:45.09*** part/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
10:45.34plundraviraptor: But not having to write all that networking-stuff would be nice, not having to repeat all the time.
10:46.34plundraBut I think a working xml-rpc interface would be pretty nice, not sure if you could handle events in a good way though. But for say checking status and configuring queues is would be perfect.
10:46.53*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
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10:47.07plundraI mean, what language doesn't have an xml-rpc client? :) Also, the auth-part could very well be in http.
10:47.24plundraOh well, I'll keep dreaming and get some lunch :-P
10:49.47pifhi, anyone connected asterisk to microsoft crm?
10:50.36india7145pif: dynamic crm 4.0 ?
10:50.50india7145whats wrong?
10:51.08pifnothing, just curious if it works
10:51.22india7145you need to put something in middle to play with web services
10:51.38india7145what are you upto?
10:52.01pifmy asterisk is installed, now reviewing options to connect with Dynamics CRM
10:52.14pifwhat middleware should I use?
10:52.42india7145well when i did it, ended up writing my own one
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10:52.52india7145i am not sure if there is some open source is avaialble
10:53.06india7145but its simple stuff
10:53.18pifok, to what part of asterisk does it connect?
10:53.40india7145manager interface, but again you can do it with whatever way you want
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10:53.52pifno TAPI involved?
10:54.06india7145my problem was not about pop-ups
10:54.29*** part/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
10:54.29india7145you'll have to use tapi if you have to have pop-ups for calls
10:54.56india7145mine was simple integration for incoming/outgoing queues with number loopuk with dynamic crm
10:55.01pifok, i'll  probably  need popups
10:55.14india7145you need to manage queues also?
10:55.23pifit's a call center
10:55.30pifso yes
10:55.33india7145how many seats?
10:55.50india7145for 10 seats should be no brainer
10:55.55india7145whats the ETA?
10:55.57pifI already have queuemetrics installed
10:56.16pifETA is within a month
10:56.30india7145does it have web services interface?
10:56.47pifwhat is that?
10:57.06pifi have not tried dynamics at all yet,
10:57.27india7145hmmmmm may be ask the queuemetrics people only
10:57.48india7145are you a developer?
10:57.54pifi can be one :)
10:58.11pifwhat language you used for your interface?
10:58.29india7145j2ee rather
10:58.36india7145mine was for like 200 seats
10:58.49pifwas the client happy?
10:58.58india7145paid on time
10:59.01*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
10:59.03india7145not sure of his personal preferences
10:59.34pifwhy no popups? it seems like everyone wants them, no?
10:59.50india7145they had the call center running already
10:59.57TommyBottenI have an issue with GotoIf in Asterisk... Why is this a match:
10:59.59india7145all they wanted was integration with dynamic crm
11:00.33india7145so i setup a middleware which does the lookup with crm and pushed the values to asterisk manager interface
11:00.40*** part/#asterisk viraptor (n=viraptor@
11:03.10india7145but i think in your case since you already have got queuematrics, you should integrate it using that
11:03.19india7145use asterisk as a dumb switch
11:04.00pifindia7145: you mean in your cas asterisk was not managing the queues?
11:05.09india7145mechanism not the policy
11:05.36india7145middleware decide what to do with the queue
11:05.44pifoh, in my cas asterisk does the whole job, QM is just a reporting tool
11:05.48pifer, case
11:06.12india7145well if i were you then first install crm and start playing with it
11:06.21india7145asterisk i am sure you'll get lot of help easily:)
11:06.39pifsure,  thanks for the info
11:06.41india7145but i think 1 month is too brave a deadline
11:06.54pifit's not hard and fast
11:07.06india7145aha ok, then i am sure you'll be fine
11:07.24india7145not sure whats your logic but crm is more like a datasource
11:07.51pifmy clients uses the crm as a glorified contact manager
11:07.57india7145so all you need to whatever logic you have to apply on call, in the case of lookup just need something which can use webservices and query crm
11:08.24india7145contact manager? thats under estimating crm:)
11:08.50pifwebservices, is that crm's outside interface?
11:09.07india7145its an interface where you can query crm for any data
11:09.15india7145all you need to do is code in the format it wants
11:09.28india7145i mean you wouldn't use SQL and get data from crm:)
11:09.48india7145google wsdl
11:10.06pifkay, have perl, will travel
11:11.00india7145you can use whatever you want as long as you are sending the correct xml, you'll get what you want
11:12.47india7145 <-- for 4.0
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12:11.36plundraHey great, nobody told me abot the mxml-part of the http-interface \o/ :-)
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12:19.43TommyBottenplundra: mxml?
12:20.12kaldemarTommyBotten: did you figure out your malformation in the GotoIf already?
12:20.33TommyBottenkaldemar: Yeah, I did. An extra set of () and a missing $
12:20.49TommyBottenkaldemar: exten => 50,1,Gotoif($["${DB("SIP/DND"/${EXTEN})}" = "1"]?3:2) <-- Correct
12:23.48plundraTommyBotten: Yes, /mxml on the http-manager-thingy.
12:24.06plundraAJAM or whatever it's called.
12:28.17TommyBottenplundra: Really?. .. Cool. Is the MXML interface documented?
12:29.36plundraTommyBotten: Not much to document I think, /mxml?action=<whatever>&key=value&key2=value and you get some nice xml-output in return.
12:40.11TommyBottenInteresting stuff
12:49.35*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
13:03.50*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (n=Iamnacho@
13:06.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:08.20TommyBottenAre there issues using gosub and DB operations? DB commands that run fine in their own contexts returns nothing within a sub (from gosub)
13:10.03*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
13:13.21TommyBottenOr gotoifs for that matter
13:21.33[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: * has no sense of "scope" in programming with the dialplan, and DB is a fixed file DATABASE and has no scope of anything at all
13:28.40*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
13:29.52TommyBottenThanks for the insight ... Might be that I've triggered a bug. Or just being stupid.
13:30.28*** join/#asterisk e4 (n=e4@
13:32.57TommyBottenIs this an acceptable way of implementing DnD: ?
13:33.05TommyBottenOr should it perhaps be done via features.conf ?
13:40.17[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: That isn't in itself "DND".  that is just the flag setting portion.  You have to check for it in your dialplan logic when the device places other calls
13:40.42[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: And this has nothing to do with features.conf.  It's fine where it is
13:44.26TommyBottenYeah.. I've implemented a Gosubif in my standard_exten routine
13:44.50TommyBottenAnd it works... I was just curious if I've done it in a poor way
13:46.24[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: So far so good...
13:47.19TommyBottenThanks :)
13:54.09*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
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14:07.29*** join/#asterisk Pan3D (
14:10.25*** join/#asterisk wyntrblue (
14:10.26*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
14:10.29wyntrbluehi all
14:10.40wyntrbluei was hoping that you would be able to assist a noob with some issues
14:11.08wyntrbluei have a bunch of phones that are all registered ok
14:11.20wyntrblueand are able to initiate calls
14:11.29wyntrbluehowever when dialling from one extension to another
14:11.54wyntrbluethe originating caller can hear a ringing noise but the reciving phone does not ring
14:11.58wyntrbluei dont know where to start
14:12.05wyntrbluecan you guys point me in the right direction?
14:12.20TommyBottenIf you enter the command line interface with 'asterisk -r'
14:12.30TommyBottenand then set verbosity to ... say 6
14:12.50TommyBottenYou will get a bit of information when a call is in progress
14:14.48*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:16.52wyntrblueok i have alot of information flying accross the putty window
14:17.01*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
14:18.08TommyBottenUse pastebin, and copy paste it there.. and post the URL here
14:19.38wyntrblueand its vast, way to vast to really paste out somewhere
14:20.09infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
14:20.13Pan3Dthere we go
14:20.21Pan3Devery channel is different
14:20.26wyntrblueare there any common errors that i could look for?
14:21.03wyntrbluei have to be carefull what i actualy make available on the web as this system is used in a corperate banking enviroment
14:21.35TommyBottenAh... makes sense
14:22.14TommyBottenWell, it's hard to say really. To start with ... does it say anything about error or warning
14:22.21TommyBottenAnd has it been like this for long?
14:23.26wyntrbluei have had problems with it since day 1 tbh
14:24.14wyntrblueas to warning i have 1 showing and thats for a different tenant
14:24.25wyntrbluewhich isnt affected by this problem
14:24.39wyntrbluebut also doesnt have phones registered against it
14:25.12wyntrbluewe basicly have our nextones connecting to the asterisk pbx, we know that the link there is working correctly as we can make outbound calls
14:25.30wyntrblueits just inbound where we seem to have a problem
14:25.40wyntrblueinbound calls from the wider world and between extensions
14:27.35*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:27.51TommyBottenIt's very hard to say anything without any reference data
14:28.06*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
14:28.11wyntrblueas i said i need to be carefull what i say
14:28.11Pan3Dwow, it's nearly 10 minutes later an nary a paste
14:28.15voipmonkwe need debug, deeeebug, wyntrblue
14:28.58wyntrblueok just spoke to my manager i can provide some logging
14:30.37*** join/#asterisk bockbilbo (
14:31.14wyntrbluethats what i have atm
14:31.14bockbilboI'm playing around with call parking, and i was wondering if there is any way to hangup the parked calls when the timeout happens...
14:31.31wyntrbluethe ext im working wiht is 3051
14:32.29voipmonkwyntrblue: the best kep secrets are never told, we dont need the play by play, the alleged corporate banking environment, the manager feedback, etc.
14:32.52voipmonkwe never would have known had you not told us all.
14:32.59voipmonksee how that works? :)
14:33.12wyntrbluenot really used to asking for help in real time, i will bear it in mind next time ;)
14:33.22voipmonkwinks back
14:35.04wyntrblueanything you notice thats wrong in there?
14:37.49[TK]D-Fenderwyntrblue: Pastebin another call with SIP DEBUG enabled <-
14:37.56[TK]D-Fenderwyntrblue: We can't see whats going on...
14:38.14*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
14:38.18wyntrblueok just a sec
14:39.59*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
14:40.16wyntrblueok try
14:40.32wyntrbluethe ext is 3051 and the number dialling it is 07595446889
14:43.44bockbilboanyone can help me out with that one? ....
14:45.42*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
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14:49.02bockbilbo...thanks anyway :)
14:49.09bockbilboi need to go, bye!
15:03.03*** join/#asterisk kisom (
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15:08.54heliosjwaves back
15:10.27[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: still there?
15:10.57[gnubie]i'm confused this dahdi
15:11.14[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: could you please check on this? =>
15:12.33tzafrir_laptopm-a a-i dahdi
15:12.58[gnubie]ah, ok..  :D
15:13.51Omorikai just upgraded from to
15:14.03Omorikaand suddenly Originate to IAX doesn't work
15:14.23Omorikai disabled CallToken feature
15:14.30Omorikado I have to do anything else?
15:14.59voipmonkwhat features did you need in the update?
15:16.01tzafrir_laptopOmorika, "doesn't work" is a bad description. Try explaining what actually does happen
15:16.04*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
15:17.35tzafrir_laptopMy chan_telepathy senses
15:18.53Omorikatzafrir_laptop: sorry, false alarm
15:19.06Omorikaone of the testers unregistered with idefisk
15:19.13Omorikahe could call
15:19.15*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=mhb@
15:19.18Omorikabut couldn't receive calls
15:19.33Omorikahow can he call someone without being registered???
15:20.59AmorsenRegistrations aren't needed for inbound calls
15:21.09[TK]D-FenderOmorika: Registration has nothing to do with authing placed calls
15:23.19*** join/#asterisk lordmortis (
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15:27.41[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: thanks again.. ;)
15:30.23*** join/#asterisk ttl- (n=patrick@
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15:50.34AmorsenWhat IS that gobblegobble thing?
15:53.40*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
15:53.44Kattyhugs jaytee
15:54.48Kattyback is sore this morning :<
15:55.54radenhappy turkey day Katty
15:56.09*** join/#asterisk MAbbas (i=Jinbaba@
15:56.18Kattythanks raden!
15:56.22Kattyyou too (=
15:56.22radenis off to the office later all
15:56.47jayteehugs Katty
15:57.14MAbbasIn an AGI script, howto add incoming call to to a Queue?
15:57.45drmessanoAre you the guy that called Leif?
16:00.13Kattyi need to borrow a chiropractor
16:00.32hardwireme too
16:01.40Kattya chiropractor is someone with extensive knowledge of the back muscles and vertibrae
16:02.26Kattythey go thorugh 10 years of university, so they can twist you around and crack things, and not kill you
16:02.36Kattyit's a lovely profession
16:04.41*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
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16:11.49[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: call Queue
16:13.50MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender>: let me try
16:13.52guyvdb_Hi, I just installed asterisk and two sip phones on workstations. Got it running :) - I installed from source. I am now trying to install asterisk-gui from branches/2.0. I did configure make install -- edited the conf files per the README. I cannot seem to get a valid response from localhost:8088. What is the url to login?
16:14.29*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
16:14.58Blackvelis there a parameter option for dialcommand not to log a local channel call in Master.csv?
16:15.44MAbbas<[TK]D-Fender> howto call Queue in AGI script?
16:16.39dlyneshappy thanksgiving to all you Americans out there
16:18.40Kattythanks dlynes (=
16:20.48dlynesyou're welcome....I already stuffed my face at thanksgiving a month ago :)
16:20.55*** join/#asterisk TommyBotten (
16:23.52[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: ------->
16:23.54infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:38.18*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
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16:43.58*** join/#asterisk MAbbas (i=Jinbaba@
16:44.54*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
16:45.01MAbbasin AGI script, howto get list of agents in a Queue?
16:45.24Katty <- nice boat.
16:45.37Kattydo they have plans to rebuild the titanic?
16:45.41Kattyseems like i heard that somewhere.
16:47.07Kattyi guess there really wouldn't be much point.
16:47.19Kattythat cruise ship is just so much bigger than the titanic, over twice her size
16:47.27MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: thanks, for telling how to add call to Queue ..
16:47.27*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
16:47.56raden_worklikes ships :)
16:48.47[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: ...... Go read the book.  All of the commands to do this are in there
16:51.42MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: But I want list of agents who are free  ?
16:51.59[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: READ THE BOOK
16:52.31MAbbasalright ..
16:53.08*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
16:53.47*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (n=customgt@
16:55.14LemensTShey all. If i have an account with xlite, and click close on xlite, calls will immediately go to voicemail. If i use that same account on a Sipura SPA2100, and unplug the ethernet cable from it, asterisk still trys to call the ATA and not go to voicemail for a while. How can I make it see that the ATA is unplugged sooner? I imagine this is a keep alive setting or something?
16:56.09voipmonkyou can use qualify
16:56.20voipmonkLemensTS: checkout qualify
16:58.07*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
16:59.24Kattyhugs mister monk
17:01.53*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (n=smoove@
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17:05.19datacompboyHi all:) Does anybody knows from where i can get echo, it ping 1.7ms (stdev=0
17:05.24*** join/#asterisk wopsynator (
17:05.57datacompboyHi all:) Does anybody knows from where i can get echo, it ping 1.7ms (stdev=0.2)... ground proviter says that he cancels echo. sip device cancels too. but in mixmonitor i do hear echo. and both parties complains on echo :(
17:08.08*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
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17:11.39fcois93is it possible to generate an INVITE whitout SDP ?
17:13.09*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (n=jayrod42@
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17:17.33Blackvelwho uses snom370 call completion (ccbs) feature on isdn telco termination with patton on a peer to peer call (not inside company)? i am on asterisk 1.2x. read ccbs is not supported in asterisk 1.2/1.4
17:22.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:26.08LemensTSvoipmonk: that doesnt seem to help. Is there any cmd in the cli i can use to see if the qualify=yes is taking affect?
17:26.28voipmonkok backup
17:26.43voipmonkshow me the dialplan that you use to call the phone and send it to vmail
17:27.53*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
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17:32.49[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: SIP DEBUG <-
17:36.01*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
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17:51.48supercI'm having problems with a cisco 7940 behind nat firewall. It tries to register but asterisk always replies '401 Unauthorized'... whats wrong?
17:52.11hardwirewrong password? authname? username?
17:52.31hardwiretry using the credentials from a soft phone to see if they work
17:53.19supercsometimes the login works... thats the strange thing
17:53.23Kattytoo full too full
17:53.48*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
17:54.32supercI doublechecked the logindata. they are stored in a realtime db. name==defaultuser==username
17:55.19supercif I enter 'sip show users' there is nothing... But I think this is correct for realtime db, right?
17:55.32kudos4421Can someone help me troubleshoot wanrouter/zaptel probs with a PRI? I've loaded both correctly (no errror msg), but get a fast busy when I call into the PRI
17:57.36*** join/#asterisk mpe (
17:58.17supercthe sip messages look like this:
18:04.46jblackmorning/afternoon/night all.
18:07.05*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
18:11.32Katty <- pay special attention to the guy with the cowbell
18:11.55Kattyhappy turkey day jblack (=
18:12.17*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
18:13.13jblackHeh. I have a feeling there's more unhappy than happy turkeys today.
18:14.15jblackMaybe not unhappy.  How about there are more unturkeys than there are happy turkeys. =)
18:16.13jblackCowbell guy looks bored
18:16.14jayteethings I'm thankful for: I don't live in North Korea, I don't have ass herpes, I'm not allergic to poultry
18:17.16jblackthings I'm thankful for: I'm not starving, I'm not freezing, and my right thumb works most of the time. ;)
18:17.32Blackvelwho uses snom370 call completion (ccbs) feature on isdn telco termination with patton gateway (not inside company)? i am on asterisk 1.2x. read ccbs is not supported in asterisk 1.2/1.4
18:17.43Kattyhas more things to be happy for than she can possibly describe
18:18.51jblackAre you this happy?
18:19.02jblackfeels like charlie today. :)
18:19.44jblackAre you pink/blue unicorn happy?
18:33.40heliosjthat was.. interesting.
18:35.11*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
18:37.30jblackShun the nonbeliever! Shunnnnnnn!
18:37.52*** part/#asterisk superc (
18:39.22chuckfthe pumpkin pie receipe:
18:41.16jblackheliosj: You want weird, hit up youtube and search for "desert bus"
18:42.50heliosjjblack: I will a bit later, starting to get the fixins for dinner going :)
18:44.23*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
18:48.16madducktzafrir_laptop: sip/tcp conntrack works, testing NAT
18:48.29madduckpatrick mchardy has written patches
18:48.30tzafrir_laptopwhat kernel?
18:48.39madduck2.6.26 testing, but he wrote for trunk
18:48.44madduckworks for lenny anyway it seems now uses it
18:49.03madduckif you want the kernel images, let me know
18:49.07madducki386 and amd64 available
18:56.37madducknow testing NAT
18:57.49*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
18:58.49Blackvelhow do you define sip addresses on a webpage / e-mail signature? do you use a service? do you include them in dns?
19:02.14*** join/#asterisk vadiml1024 (
19:03.05vadiml1024hello  i've a question about jitter management
19:03.07kkempAnyone dealt with PAETEC SIP trunks? Would you find it strange if they support G.729 but on say 5% of the calls they don't so G.711 has to be enabled as well?
19:03.52*** join/#asterisk lozarythmic (
19:04.46vadiml1024i'm developping a softphone for Android and due actual limitation of the Android OS the rtp stream generated by has enormous jitter
19:06.26vadiml1024so i want to smooth the jitter on the asterisk side using sip.conf jbenable...  etc....  without much success...  This is using Asterisk
19:07.04vadiml1024any ideas please?
19:09.20*** join/#asterisk gooph (
19:11.54drmessanoUse something other than Android.. If the RTP implementation sucks, do you expect everyone implementing it to configure Asterisk specifically to work around those limitations.  What about non-asterisk use?  Even implementing a hack here means nothing elsewhere.
19:16.53*** join/#asterisk alexshell (n=abc@unaffiliated/alexshell)
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19:24.07infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:24.13jayteetime for dinner, be back later
19:32.50*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
19:34.02vadiml1024drmessano:  Sorry it is not an option for me...
19:45.51*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
19:54.57*** part/#asterisk DrAwesome (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
19:56.47p3nguinIs it possible to send a fax from a file via CLI?
19:56.54*** join/#asterisk DocAwesome (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:03.22[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: If you have the apps installed, sure
20:04.29p3nguinWhat app should I be looking for?
20:04.51[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: "core show applications like fax"
20:05.06p3nguin0 matching
20:24.51[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: ...
20:24.56infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
20:26.42madduckwhat's this trying to tell me?
20:26.42madduckWARNING[2040]: chan_sip.c:3584 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x1d3a7c0 (len 567) to returned -2: Success
20:28.16madduckoh, could be that I am trying to route to a private IP ;)
20:28.20madduckcurses NAT
20:29.08ChannelZcurses in general
20:46.08*** join/#asterisk thenthenio (
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22:01.50raden_workwow my HP procurve 1800-24G was on ebay for 10 minutes and it sold LOL
22:02.08*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
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22:26.09Tech_TravisKatty: hi back :-)
22:30.01Tech_TravisKatty: working on any Thanksgiving dishes?
22:34.23*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
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22:40.51kiwi_hello :)
22:44.08kiwi_i'd like the sound of a call to be redirected (input and output) to an application running on the same box. what are my solutions ? i saw jack(), are there other things ? i'd like my application not to contain jack code, but only sndio
22:55.46*** join/#asterisk puzzled (n=patrick@
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23:18.14spckcall the console with the meetme with the console channel onthe box and take the audio from the normal hookups in the os
23:24.14kiwi_oh console channels seems interesting
23:25.46*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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23:38.19Kattydistributes pie.
23:38.30kiwi_spck: how do you call a console channel ?
23:45.29*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (n=tzafrir@
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23:51.08kiwi_ok it is promising but it seems there is no sndio backend for asterisk

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