IRC log for #asterisk on 20091121

00:04.57*** join/#asterisk NickRios05 (
00:05.48*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
00:06.09NickRios05Hello am having a little problem with my incoming calls through SIP they used to work before but now am getting No compatible codec help plz??
00:06.57jblackIt looks like you've disabled all of your protocols but g729
00:07.12NickRios05i do have g729 licences i bought from digium
00:07.25jblackI would check to see if the licenses are working right.
00:07.36NickRios05they are, i can make calls out
00:07.49jblackI'd suggest you keep a backup protocol going, either ulaw or gsm,
00:08.01jblackwell, I see "trunk1".
00:08.15jblackare calls going in, or our trunk1 ?
00:08.18NickRios05there is another one i didnt paste trunkg729
00:08.44NickRios05and I tried with uncommenting ulaw and gsm
00:08.57*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=uluatu@
00:09.07jblackso it's possble that calls going work one way because it's using a route with gsm, and not work another way, because the route only allows g729, which may not be configured right.
00:09.24jblackI'm not saying that's the case; merely that it's a possibility.
00:10.17NickRios05so you are saying that there is a chance that my g729 codecs are not configured right?? where can i check that?? is that i followed all the steps digium says,
00:10.25*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
00:10.27jblackI don't know. I don't support g729
00:10.58jblackI would turn on verbose, debug and sip debug, and trace a call attempt
00:11.16NickRios05ok let me do that and give you the pastebin
00:11.16jblackthe routing will be intersting, as well the protocol negotiation.
00:12.01*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
00:12.03jblackok. I could go away at any moment without notice
00:12.33jblackwell, I guess I just gave notice.. but I could still go away at any moment
00:12.56*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
00:19.26*** join/#asterisk Failrar (n=Failrar@2001:470:1f15:316:2a0:d1ff:fe4e:e802)
00:20.11Guggepeer only support ulaw
00:20.32Gugge34.Capabilities: us - 0x100 (g729), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
00:21.04NickRios05according to my softswitch am sending the call through ulaw
00:22.08Guggetry again?
00:23.08loather-workNickRios05: core show translation recalc 10
00:23.29loather-workif you see numbers in the g729 column, you know g729 transcode is working OK
00:23.33Guggethe call is coming in through trunkg729, where you only allow g729 ... but the peer really only support ulaw
00:23.37*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
00:23.47NickRios05ahhhh ok i see the issue
00:23.53NickRios05let me try something
00:25.43*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
00:30.20NickRios05ok thnx guys i solved the coded issue
00:31.23NickRios05but now am getting this error am not sure Address Incomplete
00:32.12Gugge35.Looking for 12345 in default (domain
00:32.19Guggethats a hard one
00:32.47Guggemaybe try adding 12345 in your default context ?
00:33.14NickRios05but isnt supposed to go to extension s if it doesnt match any other ?
00:33.46GuggeThe "s" extension is used when there is no known called number in the context used.
00:33.51Guggeand the called number is known (12345)
00:34.01Guggeits non existing ... but its known
00:34.15NickRios05ahh ok
00:35.01NickRios05thank you so much Gugge, am really new to asterisk but thnx for ur patience
00:36.38Guggedont worry ... you are not the first one to think the s extension is a default one :)
00:37.45*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
00:38.40NickRios05hehe thnx, well thnx to all of you guys you always help ppl like me, have a good one see you some other time
00:46.53*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:58.09Kattyahhh. i'm feeling better.
00:59.08*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:59.14Kattyjblack: did you go away?
00:59.39jblackI'm kinda here
01:01.22*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:43b:536f:1c09:b92a)
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01:06.35*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:06.45Kattyhugs on jaytee
01:07.01jayteehugs Katty
01:07.45Kattyjaytee: i made homemade garlic mashed potatoes (=
01:08.14Kattythey're on the stove, go get yourself some :P
01:08.55*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
01:17.33jblackkatty: You're very focused on food.
01:17.57Kattyyou're just now realizing this? :P
01:18.24jblackI noticed a long while ago that 3/4 of the stuff you talk about is food. Just wondering if you'd noticed. :)
01:18.33Kattyhmm. not really.
01:18.44Kattybut it is a very passionate hobby of mine
01:18.54Kattyi spend a good chunk of my day going through recipe websites and magazines.
01:19.02Kattyand youtube videos
01:20.53*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:43b:536f:1c09:b92a)
01:20.58Kattythe other one is animals
01:21.05Kattydid you see the birdie i linked today?
01:21.07jblackwhich are made out of food.
01:21.42Kattyinfobot: peekaboo?
01:21.43infobotrumour has it, peekaboo is Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek-aboo!!!!
01:22.15*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:22.38jblackI miss caring about things
01:23.02Katty^- see 0:55
01:24.47jblackOk, I stand corrected. =)
01:25.01Kattyabout what?
01:25.20jblackI dunno. I didn't scroll back to 0:55, so I figured it was non-food proof. :)
01:25.58Kattyit's an Indian Ringneck Parrot (=
01:26.03Kattywas featured on cuteoverload a few days ago
01:26.20jblackhmmm. drumsticks.
01:26.33jblackI suppose those would be curry flavored drumsticks?
01:28.40Katty <- Mister Featherhead's reaction to jblack's comment.
01:29.17jblackOhhh. hotwings
01:30.40Kattymay i quote you on that?
01:33.04*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
01:33.54hardwire13713 asterisk -11   0  842m  31m  11m S 9999  0.4   4:02.30 asterisk
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01:42.36Kattyhi tony
01:51.10hardwiretony tony so bony banana fana fo fony
01:51.50*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
01:52.11*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
01:52.19Kattymister monk
01:53.21voipmonkhello :)
01:56.06*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:43b:536f:1c09:b92a)
01:59.18*** join/#asterisk bbt (n=sam@
02:04.15*** join/#asterisk hobodave_ (n=hobodave@
02:04.21*** join/#asterisk haps (
02:04.51hapsjust wondering what magic i need to do to get asterisk to change the outging callerid based on area code
02:05.50Kattyasuming you don't have pots lines.
02:05.54hapsi have, in my [internal-sip] dialplan, something like exten=>_514NXXXXXX,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=abc <number>)
02:06.40hapswith an exten=>_NXXNXXXXXX,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=xyz <number>)
02:06.51hapsoh fuck, is it this stupid, is it first match or last match?
02:07.33russellbhaps: huh?
02:07.37hapsfuck me i'm retarded
02:07.39hapsnever mind
02:07.51*** join/#asterisk CcRnp (n=shishir@
02:07.54Kattyif you have exten => 555,1,Dial(SIP/555) and exten => 555,1,Dial(SIP/557) after will dial 555
02:07.54hapsi had my default callerid set AFTER my specific ones
02:07.58hapsi thought it was first match
02:08.06russellbthey get sorted.
02:08.16russellbdoesn't matter how you put them in your file
02:08.37hapsrussellb: no it does, because i put my catch-all first, and my specific ones after and now it works right
02:08.40hapsit's last match
02:08.42hapsnot first
02:08.53*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:08.53*** join/#asterisk hobodave (n=hobodave@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:08.53*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
02:08.57hapstoo used to firewall rules
02:09.02russellbi promise you that it sorts them, heh
02:09.30*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:09.46hapsrussellb: i had exten=> areacode1, set callerid abc; then exten => all area codes, set callerid xyz
02:09.57hapsand now i reversed it and it's working as expected
02:10.09hapsrussellb: maybe sorting is brand new?
02:10.14russellbhas been there for ages
02:10.23russellbdo it one way, look at the output of "dialplan show"
02:10.28russellbthen change it, reload, and look again
02:10.32russellbit _should_ show you the same thing
02:10.52russellbit outputs the extensions in their sorted matching order
02:10.56hardwirehaps: i usually have a context for outbound calls where I set the caller id and then goto the actual outbound context for all NXXXXXX
02:11.09hardwireso if it matches, set the caller id then go to the real context.
02:11.20hardwiresaves on dialplan
02:11.44Kattyruns off
02:12.05hapshardwire: good idea
02:12.12hapsi'm afraid i'm a bit too simple for that just yet
02:13.47p3nguinhardwire: That is good logic.
02:13.49Kattyhaps: you'll get there.
02:14.00*** join/#asterisk toddejohnson (
02:14.22hapsKatty: possibly, i'm more of a 'set it and forget it' type though :(
02:14.41hapsso unless i have more needs.. i just needed to change my callerid for certain area codes
02:14.49hapsmakes remote consulting work easier
02:14.55hapsie i look 'local' to them
02:15.04Kattyeverytime i upgrade, or build a new server, my dialplan becomes more and more organized.
02:17.44p3nguinhardwire: If you do it that way, where is the CallerID being set when it doesn't match one of your extens that sets it?
02:18.07hapsrussellb: well, my only counter to that is the fact that i swapped 2 lines in my extensions.conf and now my callerid is different... this is a set call though so it might be different?
02:26.28Kattyryan's recording a new song.
02:26.38Kattythere's audio equipment /everywhere/
02:28.51russellbhaps: it would be useful to verify it, as it shouldn't change behavior.  If it did, it would be a bug, and I'd want to know that as breaking dialplan matching behavior is pretty serios.
02:29.46hapsrussellb: i don't know if it's a dialplan change though, since it's in one dialplan but only a set call
02:29.59hapsit isn't changing anything else
02:30.58p3nguinIf you bothered to paste your config before and after, someone else could form an opinion about it.
02:33.19hapsit's really basic, but here:
02:33.26hapsthat is literally the only change
02:33.37hapsthe other stuff is all _NXXNXXXXXXX stuff
02:33.45*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
02:35.02[TK]D-Fenderhaps: exten => _514NXXXXXX,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=XYZ <416xxxxxxx>) <-- you shoved in an "n" priorit without a "1" <-----------
02:35.17russellboh neat ... i'm not even positive what to expect with swapping around n's like that
02:35.25[TK]D-Fenderhaps: Every pattern needs to have its own "1" or you're going to break stuff
02:35.41hapsgood to know :)
02:35.56russellbat least to have the most predictable behavior :-)
02:36.07hapsi thought within a 1, i could split the dependence based on the subtype?
02:36.29hapslike A,1 -> A_1,n,doA1, A_2,n,doA2
02:36.31[TK]D-Fenderhaps: No, but I'll have some of whatever you're on :)
02:36.42russellbyeah, I have seen dialplans do it.  If you're going to do that, though, use numbered priorities so that it does exactly what you want
02:36.43hapsignorance and bliss?
02:36.48KattyCorydon76-dig: garnier is giving away free samples of eye cream.
02:36.50russellblike, in that case, number them both as '2' instead 'n'
02:37.02hapsrussellb: thanks
02:37.20russellbotherwise i don't even know what it would do, i'd have to look at the dialplan show, heh
02:37.20hapsthat is making a lot of sense from the 'now that i know' side
02:37.29russellbi'll call it "undefined"
02:37.46russellbyay for now knowing what happened
02:37.51hapsgarbage in ... for some reason it gave me good output
02:37.57hapsso i have the 1, set caller pres
02:38.19hapsand 2, 515 with a 2, NXX area code set caller id, then everything else is n
02:38.25hapsdoes that sound more correct?
02:38.46russellbyeah, that should do it.
02:40.08hapsseems to work.... thanks
02:40.24hapsand here i was thinking i didn't need to paste... pfft
02:40.31hapsthanks p3nguin :)
02:42.23Katty <- free coffee sample.
02:43.05hapsdid you just post a walmart link?
02:43.33Kattyyou expect me to not link free caffeine? ;)
02:46.15[TK]D-Fenderno, $1000 coffee is grand :)
02:47.30russellbKatty: spammer!
02:48.19*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
02:48.21hapsit's just walmart is soo.... anti-capitalist
02:53.22*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:43b:536f:1c09:b92a)
02:59.38*** join/#asterisk acxty (i=x3rus@
03:02.55Kattyrussellb: you know you like free coffee
03:03.23russellbwe have free coffee at work <3
03:03.45acxtyHi guys, I have a problem trying to make a call. I can receive calls using that sip accound but cannot make. Thi is the configuration on sip.conf
03:05.09russellbyour Dial() syntax is not correct
03:05.43russellbnot "SIP/5011414-out/5551010", use "SIP/5551010@5011414-out"
03:09.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:10.47acxtyworking now, I addef fromuser on sip.conf
03:11.06jayteewb [TK]D-Fender
03:11.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm getting ready to clone my Ubuntu partitions to a separate SSD shortly...
03:13.28jayteewhat are you using for cloning?
03:16.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Thats what I'm working on now... doing a lot of reading.
03:17.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: looking like a livecd boot and dd+grb+partimage+idunno
03:18.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: just seeing which bits match the partition resizing I need to do and will let me hand-pick the ones to do
03:22.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
03:26.50carrarmmmm sheep cloning
03:27.03carrarTHATS HOT++
03:35.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:37.45[TK]D-FenderScotland... where men are men, and sheep are nervous
03:48.25jblackThere's nothing quite as sexy as a sheep
03:48.51jblack"You treat me so baaaaAAAaaAAadd"
03:53.00*** join/#asterisk syntaxman (i=wade@kernel-panic/member/syntaxman)
03:59.25*** join/#asterisk horsesgofaster (
04:02.11*** part/#asterisk horsesgofaster (
04:05.15Kattythe good news is the dog is clean.
04:08.09*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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04:12.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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04:17.55*** part/#asterisk emma (n=emma@unaffiliated/emma)
04:19.47Katty <- more free coffee
04:20.37*** join/#asterisk Hunner (
04:25.56carrarKatty, drinking that coffee will make someone homo?
04:26.06Kattyi wouldn't think so
04:26.27carrarPowerfull stuff
04:26.43carrarThats why I make my own coffee/espresso
04:26.48Kattypersonal preference (=
04:27.11carrarI use the stnx venti cups at home
04:27.24carrarcost me a $1 per venti cup
04:27.30carraradded it all up one time
04:27.52carrarhazzlenut, soymilk, coffee
04:28.39carrarvs what, they charge like $4.50 or so for that same drink
04:32.50*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
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05:24.51*** join/#asterisk QAChip (n=Christia@
05:25.14QAChipHello everyone, Im newbie to asterisk and have a question
05:26.12QAChipIs it possible to use asterisk the way Skype does (but better if course)?
05:27.15QAChipi think I wrote a mess, one more time: Is it possible tu use Asterisk like Skype (but better)?
05:32.24n0cturnalQAChip you'll need to be a bit more specific.. what features from skype do you want to use?
05:33.09ppcbut better?
05:33.10n0cturnalif you mean you want to use it through your computer via a softphone you can - but that's not asterisk. there are several softphones that would work with asterisk, ie xlite
05:33.12ppchow much better?
05:33.19QAChipn0cturnal: Ony VoIP
05:33.32ppcQAChip: just stick with Skype
05:34.45jblackQAChip: Yes.
05:34.47QAChipppc: I know Skype is the easyest way, but I want to start learning Asterisk, and I "think" this could be a good aproach
05:34.59infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:35.04carrarread that
05:35.05jblackQAChip: but you need to understand unix well, and probably spend a few weeks learning asterisk
05:38.21QAChipjblack:, infobot: I already started reading that, but it is huge. Any specific chapter for my need?
05:40.43snadgeim moving house soon.. and theres these new "naked" adsl packages that dont come with land lines.. so im looking into running an asterisk server at home, with a VOIP provider.. and an ip phone
05:41.01snadgeand maybe link it with my skype just to be "cool"
05:41.39snadgeand have an IVR answer my home phone :P
05:41.46*** join/#asterisk gmarsh_ (
05:43.13p3nguinsnadge: Might as well.  I don't have POTS service at home, but I have a cable modem and a puny little computer running * on it.
05:43.55snadgeif you would like to talk with the owner.. please press 1.. your call is important to us.. just keeps looping them around and frustrating the shit out of them
05:44.07snadgemeanwhile i tell my friends the secret code to just skip it and get straight through to me ;)
05:44.14snadgeand record the results.. for hilarity
05:55.34*** join/#asterisk HashMeir (
05:56.07*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (i=shawn@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:56.51*** part/#asterisk QAChip (n=Christia@
06:02.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
06:05.33*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:49.11TJNIIsnadge: I'm a fan of the "queue" that isn't a queue.  It is a short loop of MOH in a for() loop interspersed with messages like "your call is important to us" and "Are you aware of our priority services"
06:49.27TJNIIGot the idea from Briggs and Stratton.
06:49.44TJNIIGive away was the MOH changes and someone answered within seconds.
06:54.56dan__tWell.  I still can't find a way to "shadow" a channel that's already attached to a bridge or MeetMe.
06:56.07dan__tI want a channel "attached" to another channel, such as what ChanSpy would do, where the spying channel could only listen to that one spied on channel, regardless of what "conference" state (bridge, MeetMe, etc etc) the spied on channel was in.  I'd also want the spied on channel not to be able to hear anything that the spying channel was saying.
06:56.20dan__tBeen hacking on it for a while and I can't find anything that works.
07:01.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (n=chatzill@
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07:34.08PMantisHi guys, trying to figure out why * won't use my dahdi channels. "dahdi show status" shows my TDM400P card, but "dahdi show channels" doesn't show channels - not even pseudo. I must be missing something obvious.
07:34.26ChannelZDid you configure them in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi ?
07:35.14PMantischan_dahdi.conf includes dahdi-channels.conf, but I tried removing the include, and pasting it there, too.
07:35.41ChannelZmphm.. freepbx?
07:35.42PMantisPermissions are right on the conf, as well as /dev/dahdi, recursively.
07:36.37PMantisI used dahdi_genconf... trying to get this nailed down so i can script it.
07:36.41ChannelZwell without seeing your config, do a 'module reload chan_dahdi' on the console with the verbosity turned up a little, does it say anything fascinating?
07:37.01PMantisYou mean with asterisk -crvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ?
07:37.39ChannelZwell 4 v's or so should be enough to get an idea of whats going on but yes
07:39.20PMantisRight now... nothing returned from the reload command.
07:39.35ChannelZabsolutely nothing?
07:39.47PMantisYeah, just drops to the CLI prompt.
07:39.57PMantisTried a dahdi restart, too.
07:40.25PMantisI used sed to strip all comment lines from chan_dahdi.conf to see what it boils down to... maybe something starting with ; was needed?
07:40.25ChannelZerrr... it should be saying *something*
07:40.38ChannelZpastebin it
07:42.41ChannelZyou have no channel definitions that assign the channels to anything
07:43.18PMantisThe first one includes the second.
07:44.44PMantisI also just moved this card from a working system to this box I'm using to replace it.
07:44.49ChannelZwell I must say I am confused because when you reloaded the dahdi module from the console it should have at LEAST said "Reloading module '' (DAHDI Telephony)" and something about parsing the config file
07:45.20PMantisI saw that a few times, and I agree. But as of right now, it's not. :-/
07:45.24ChannelZdid you build the dahdi drivers and * anew?  (did it have any dahdi hardware before?)
07:46.15PMantisIt's actually from the Ubuntu 9.10 repository. I usually compile them, but thought this might be more maintainable with DKMS.
07:46.36PMantisNo other cards were in this box since loading Ubuntu.
07:47.44PMantisI just ran dahdi_cfg again... here's one line from it (avoiding pastebin):  Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 01)
07:50.11PMantisI just ran module unload, then loaded...
07:50.22PMantis(should be same as reload, right?)
07:50.34PMantisIt FOUND the channels!
07:50.52PMantisGot dialtone, too.
07:50.56ChannelZoh.  So that means you don't have dahdi_cfg in your init script or something when the drivers start
07:51.14ChannelZor something failed the first time and it just didn't configure the channels
07:51.44PMantisI can't tell you how many times I ran dahdi_cfg and dahdi_genconf, stopped and started asterisk, etc.
07:51.49ChannelZI dunno how those packages are, but you probably have an /etc/init.d/dahdi or somesuch that loads the proper driver and (should) run dahdi_cfg afterwards
07:52.48PMantisYeah, and I wrote my own init script that checks for a valid driver and /dev/dahdi/ctl , and if not modprobes dahdi_dummy, then run dahdi_cfg.
07:53.07ChannelZwell you need more than just dahdi_dummy
07:53.25PMantisudev is loading wctdm
07:54.04ChannelZ(and actually with the TDM card you don't even need dahdi_dummy)
07:54.29PMantisRight, I check to see if /dev/dahdi/ctl exists, and if not, then load the dummy.
07:54.32ChannelZthough I'm not sure if it would interfere or not..
07:54.56ChannelZI'd just reboot the whole box and see if it comes up proper, otherwise you have some funniness with your scripts
07:55.05PMantisI dunno... it's 3 AM here, maybe I was just tired... but something doesn't make sense.
07:55.50PMantisStill, it looks like I'm understanding the puzzle. I'll hit it again tomorrow.
07:56.11*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
07:56.20ChannelZsure have fun
07:56.55ChannelZjebus.. how many times is tzdata going to get updated?
07:57.25ChannelZseems like every time I update there's a new one
07:57.51PMantisYup, I see it on all the machines I maintain.
07:58.05PMantisDebian, Ubuntu, RedHat
07:59.21ChannelZI need to update my linux box hardware.  This computer is sad, it only has USB1.  It's actually faster to fire up another box in the other room and run backups over the network to an external drive than to hook the drive up to the actual server
08:00.59PMantisNFS vs USB1
08:01.21PMantisYou can always get a USB 2.0 PCI card
08:01.55*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
08:02.41PMantisOh, anyone know how to get rid of the dozen "doing dnsmgr_lookup for..." lines scrolling by in the CLI evert 20 seconds? It's REALLY annoying, and appears even without verbosity.
08:03.54ChannelZ(to the USB card, not the dns thing)
08:04.23PMantisMost of the time, I just don't *care*. I want to see *call* activity only unless I ask for more with set debug on commands.
08:05.17ChannelZdo you use dnsmgr?  if not just move/rename the config
08:05.47PMantisI've never played with it, so does it default to on? What's the advantage?
08:06.15ChannelZ(or do a noload in the modules.conf for it)
08:07.31PMantismodule show like dns   returned 0.
08:07.43ChannelZit's some sort of DNS lookup cache but I imagine unless you are doing a bunch of random VoIP to random places it's not useful
08:07.46PMantisBTW, look at this:
08:08.12*** part/#asterisk dgoner (
08:08.19PMantis$6 + (probably) modest shipping is not bad for faster backups. :)
08:08.59ChannelZmaybe it's not a module.. just move the config
08:09.49PMantisHmmm, I don't have a dnsmgr.conf file. LOL
08:09.57ChannelZhaha newegg wants to sell me an extended warranty for $6.99 - a dollar more than the card is worth
08:10.45*** join/#asterisk geoffmcc (
08:10.49PMantisNeed firewire?
08:11.19PMantisOh, here's 5 ports for $8 with free shipping:
08:12.14ChannelZyah there's a mess of them on amazon for ~$7 and I get free 2-day there
08:13.12PMantisok, well, definitely time for bed... have a good night.
08:13.50PMantisHope a couple of those links were helpful.
08:13.57*** part/#asterisk PMantis (
08:13.58ChannelZyah thanks
08:16.27*** part/#asterisk geoffmcc (
08:23.38*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
08:23.42DelphiWorlddear all
08:24.02DelphiWorldasterisk is using h323+/openh323/... to build the chanH323 or is using there own implementation?
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10:11.32Godfather_how can i disable musiconhold after X seconds? cause in 1.4 i dont have MusicOnHold(class[,duration])
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11:08.25Godfather_how can i disable musiconhold after X seconds? cause in 1.4 i dont have MusicOnHold(class[,duration])
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11:42.25vallyi have a dial in my dialplan that connects to a channel streaming sound do an external application. now i want simultaneously use streamFile (or any other method that plays sound to a connected phone) while that Dial occurs. is there any way to accomplish this?
11:43.13vallyat the moment i have an agi that uses streamFile. but that agi stays open all over the call and so the method blocks. and it never reaches the dial in the dialplan.
11:43.25vallysame thing vice versa if i place the dial and then agi.
11:47.13TJNIIStream the stream through MOH and have dial play moh while dialing.
11:49.44vallythe files should be played in order to a user interaction in an external interface. so thats not a static setup. can this still be accomplished using moh?
11:50.27TJNIISo this stream is interactive?
11:51.30vallya user on a website can click on several links that interact with a specific sound file that should be streamed to the phone then.
11:52.07TJNIISo * is just playing the stream, and not providing the method of interaction?
11:52.31TJNIIYea, you can do that through moh.
11:52.38vallyi need just an asynchronous non-blocking way to play a file
11:53.19TJNIIYea, the best way I can think of to make it non-blocking during a dial is to play the stream through moh.
11:54.18vallyokay, i will have a look at it. although its a pity because i have both parts ready now. but they dont work together ;)
11:58.26*** join/#asterisk EugenA (
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11:58.48EugenAhi, if i create "user" from asterisk gui, should i see new user in sip.conf?
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12:36.17dandate2<dandate2> anyone know what this is about?
12:36.17dandate2<dandate2> file convert /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/fpm-calm-river.wav /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/fpm-calm-river.g729
12:36.17dandate2<dandate2> Failed to convert /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/fpm-calm-river.wav to /var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-calm-river.g729!
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13:40.24kaldemardandate2: do you have a g.729 codec?
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13:57.50tzafrirAny of the ops here around?
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14:32.37*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*@*unaffiliated/mchou] by Corydon76-dig
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15:50.53nicola_pavhello. I use ForkCDR() with option "a"
15:51.07nicola_pavthis yields to two entries in Master.csv
15:51.21nicola_pavthe first one has duration and billsec "0"
15:51.31nicola_pavthe second entry will have correct values
15:51.36nicola_pavis this right?
15:54.58*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (n=xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
15:57.16andrew`this is a bit embarassing, but my asterisk system was hijacked and used for a credit card phishing scam across multiple states of the US.  Does anyone know what I should do?
15:58.26voipmonkshut it down
15:58.31voipmonksave the drive
15:58.33voipmonkand start over
15:58.42voipmonkeventually the authorities will contact you
15:59.09voipmonkstart over with a new drive, rather - save the old one or ones
15:59.11andrew`local police came by to give me a case number, but said their 2 person fraud department wouldn't know what to do
15:59.28voipmonkthe feds will
16:00.03voipmonkdont be afraid just save the drive and start over
16:00.28andrew`i'm not afraid, i'm just figuring i should try to get the evidence to the reight person
16:00.36coppiceandrew: be very very careful in your dealings over this. a lot of innocent partied get badly screwed in these situations
16:02.02andrew`how so?
16:02.45voipmonk$15k per dnc list number for starters :)
16:03.03coppicebecause if the authorities decide to prosecute you most lawyers will tell you to plea bargain and settle. juries never understand these cases, and the outcome of a trial is too uncertain
16:03.33andrew`if it came to that, i couldn't plea bargain or I'd likely be deported
16:04.11*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
16:04.24moos3can anyone recommend sip provider for home service?
16:04.30coppicethey you could be the perfect fall guy the authorities are looking for to improve their clear up figures
16:04.57andrew`I will not be anyone's fall guy :P
16:06.39Corydon76-digThe FBI generally isn't looking for a fall guy.  As long as they think that you've done your best to preserve evidence and aren't trying to hide anything, you won't become a focal point of the investigation
16:06.56andrew`someone's calling me from texas now...returning the missed call from the scam
16:07.02andrew`i had around 200 people do that yesterday
16:07.15andrew`(they used my cell phone caller ID, which was default in my asterisk outbound macro)
16:08.02Corydon76-digNow if they think you're hiding something -ANYTHING-, you're screwed
16:10.07*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:10.35andrew`yeah, i don't have anything to hide
16:10.45andrew`i actually had already called the FBI before I found out my computer was involved
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16:10.57andrew`i thought the scammers had randomly chosen my # as caller ID
16:11.17andrew`when I got home I went to use my asterisk system to record the voicemails i've received and saw the console messages that it was dialing the same area codes that were calling me
16:11.33andrew`that's when i turned it off and called the police
16:12.30drmessanoWas it a trixbox?
16:12.47andrew`OpenBSD machine running asterisk
16:13.32andrew`what's strange is when i ran last -10, it appeared nobody had logged in to the there some vulnerability in asterisk that they could get in? i haven't upgraded in a while
16:13.55andrew`(I figured who would try to hack my little system)
16:14.19drmessanoTheres always vulnerabilities in everything... asterisk is no more or less susceptible
16:14.48drmessanoWhich is why you always keep up, especially if it's exposed to the outside
16:15.04AmorsenEither that or they guessed a password or got in through allowguest=yes
16:15.32andrew`can they modify the dial plan without gaining shell access?
16:15.46hardwireonly if you let them.
16:15.50andrew`i've been using asterisk for years, but never more than playing around
16:16.25hardwireasterisk is like a web server that people can use to access other web servers :) So you need good input validation.
16:16.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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16:17.31AmorsenFortunately Asterisk comes with really good tools for input validation, such as CUT and ... err... that's basically it
16:18.26[TK]D-FenderScissors... the only tool you need for string manipulation!
16:19.04AmorsenWell all you really need is 3 stones and an infinite roll of paper
16:19.05drmessanoAsterisk also comes with something called a dialplan which is good for directing calls exactly as you want them inside the system
16:19.17hardwireyay matching!
16:19.32drmessanoIf you got pwned by a guest account, you need to reread the book, starting with the reciept
16:20.08Amorsendrmessano: True, I was being a bit facetious. It's just that if you try to handle say untrusted X-whatever SIP headers, it's difficult to do it safely
16:20.35hardwirefirewall yarrr
16:20.39hardwireallow/deny yarrrr
16:21.03hardwiregoes off pirating.
16:21.36[TK]D-FenderAmorsen: No, I agree, *'s lack of full regex sucks.  The dialplan pattern system sucks, etc.  However I haven;t contributed code to do anything about it so my ability to complain is limited
16:22.02drmessanoYeah, I know.. but it annoys me when someone leaves a web server exposed as shit, gets hacked, and someone comes along and complains that apache doesn't validate gopher requests properly.. What about leaving the machine wide open.. did we miss that?
16:22.39[TK]D-FenderAmorsen: add to that list :no typed vars / everything = dumb text / escaping stuff doesn't always cut it, etc
16:23.33andrew`yes i think i left the asterisk ports wide open
16:23.47drmessanoandrew`: As do many of us..
16:23.57Amorsenandrew`: allowguest? And default context?
16:24.13drmessanoandrew`: Having ports open isn't a problem.. shitty dialplan and old code are more likely
16:24.16AmorsenDISA is a killer too
16:24.17andrew`i doubt i used allowguest
16:24.28Amorsenandrew`: It's the default config
16:24.37drmessanoweak passwords?
16:24.43andrew`i know i turned it off at some point...not sure if on this time around
16:24.48drmessanoa peer named [] ?
16:24.50AmorsenThere was a crispy flame war about it recently on the mailing list
16:25.16andrew`maybe i should duplicate the disk drive and then do some investigation on the copy
16:25.18[TK]D-Fender[11:24]<Amorsen>andrew`: It's the default config <_ DEFAULT?  There is no "default"
16:25.38Amorsen[TK]D-Fender: If you don't specify allowguest, you get allowguest=yes
16:25.40AmorsenThat's default.
16:26.06[TK]D-FenderWell if you leave  [general] pointing to a context that has outbound access then you are a twit
16:27.16[TK]D-FenderYouAlso if you even have a context named [default] you should also be shot...
16:27.59[TK]D-FenderPeople gang-pile their crap all over the place because of a lack of understanding on the importance of contexts for security
16:28.49[TK]D-FenderLetting generic IVR's do things they're not supposed to, letting caller's transfer THEMSELVES,e tc
16:29.11moos3i need a good sip provider for my house
16:30.15Amorsen"Register with the address of the SIP provider" is also a funny little trick, for people who don't use acl's
16:30.36AmorsenAt least that one requires authentication so you can twap the luser when you catch him
16:33.53*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (n=elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
16:34.53florz[TK]D-Fender: Well, if you write software where special values in some general namespace do have special meaning with potentially catastrophic security implications ... guess what should be done to you ...
16:35.17*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
16:37.31[TK]D-Fenderflorz: So if I leave a special setting like "locked" off my front door I don't deserve what's coming?
16:38.42[TK]D-Fenderflorz: and that doesn't forgive to context blunder.  If your idea is that in "general" things have access to services that can bill you.... then you are straight-up dumb
16:40.10florz[TK]D-Fender: you are implying that the name "default" would only ever be chosen for your concept of "general" for which it wouldn't matter
16:40.24florzthat's basically exactly the fault in that construction
16:40.51[TK]D-Fenderflorz: No.... [deafult] is where * jumps on all sorts of failures.. including not specifying a proper context in other places
16:41.17florzyeah, right, and that's asterisk's fault, really
16:41.35elliot98what is the new bridging feature in 1.6?
16:42.13florz"we don't know what to do, the config seems to be incomplete/buggy, so let's do the least expected thing possible"
16:42.58[TK]D-Fenderflorz: No.. the magic context "default" will save me!
16:44.23florzerm, yeah, obviously =:-)
16:44.55[TK]D-Fenderflorz: "I just want it to work!".  The word just is often followed by the word "desserts" when a lazy twit who hasn't worked with *, payed attention, and read the docs does as little as humanly possible to lay out their system
16:45.28[TK]D-Fender"I'll learn the rest later"....
16:50.43*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
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16:54.49manxpowerIf you don't know enough to secure your PBX then you should not be managing a PBX
16:55.31florzwell, by that measure most people in this channel probably shouldn't be managing a PBX ...
16:55.39manxpowerflorz: Exactly.
16:55.54florzno, more than that ;-)
16:56.13manxpowerThe only thing that is going to make most people secure their PBX is when their PBX gets "hacked".
16:56.37manxpowerI put "hacked" in quotes, because I don't think the term is really correct when applied to something that's not secure.
16:57.38manxpowervoice "open relays" are being exploited more and more every day.
16:59.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:00.16manxpowerAt my last job about once a week we got a panicked call from someone with a "hacked" pbx.
17:00.23manxpowerAsterisk PBX
17:04.08manxpowerIt's not THAT hard to secure you PBX.  Assuming SIP and/or Zap: context=INVALID in sip.conf [general], use decent passwords for your SIP accounts.  Make sure your IVRs don't allow outside calling, make sure your T/t/W/w/whatever don't let calls from the outside to do DTMF transfers, don't allow outside dialing from voicemail.  [TK]D-Fender anything else you can think of?
17:05.28[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: And make sure your usernames are alpha numeric.  nd run fail2ban.  And don't run GUI's on publicly open ports.  And don't leave stupid PWs for it.
17:06.03elliot98if you use ssh port to log in
17:06.06elliot98use an alternate port
17:06.31elliot98monitor the logs for bogus log ins
17:06.39elliot98and block those ip addresses
17:06.42manxpowerelliot98: the thing is it does not appear that most Asterisk "hacks" happen via SSH.
17:07.29elliot98true...but if a system was hacked, it makes we wonder
17:07.33p3nguinIf I had to remember every port that some dipshit moved sshd to, I'd be in trouble.
17:07.56manxpowerelliot98: I mean "hacked" as in being able to route SIP calls for random people, not the actual OS hacked.
17:09.48jayteenone of my asterisk server ports are public and SIP is blocked at our firewall. we use PRI's to get to the rest of the world via PSTN. my default context is set to something other than default and that only allows guest calls from my Exchange server by 4 digit extension. no DISA in my dialplan
17:11.13manxpower[TK]D-Fender: but if you use alphanumeric usernames you dialplan can't be just one line long!  Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})!
17:11.19florzWell, I remember when nobody in here was able to tell me how to limit calls to specific PSTN number ranges, given variable number length ... that's what I mean by "most".
17:11.22*** join/#asterisk datacompboy (
17:11.33manxpowerClassic n00b mistake is thinking you can have a simple dialplan on a PBX. 8-|
17:12.30[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Sure it can... you mean not everyone is dialing the entire alphabet on soft-phone?
17:12.51[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: How do I plug a PS/2 keyboard into my GrandStream phone again?
17:14.13jayteeall my sip peers are in "class of service" contexts that give or remove call priviledges based on including or excluding other "calling" contexts. i.e. local-only, local-toll, long-distance, international, special, manager.
17:14.25carrar[TK]D-Fender, you have to use a soundcard
17:14.41florz[TK]D-Fender: on snoms you can enter pretty much any ASCII character, in particular ampersands
17:15.34infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
17:16.02datacompboyHi everyone:) Anybody have good knowledge in DTMF troubles? It seems that i get double-detected tones, as in inband recognision, as in rfc. :( caller party is GSM phone, sent to mine server over SIP. To read DTMF I'm combine answers of StreamFile() + GetData() on silence of needed length. And seems that sometimes DTMF get doubled, sometimes works OK. In call record (inband mode) i hear that user tapped only 3 digits, but i get read "111" i
17:17.24p3nguin111 is three digits.
17:18.09manxpowerdatacompboy: what codec?
17:18.11carrardepend how you look at it
17:18.21datacompboymanxpower: 711u
17:18.48manxpowerdatacompboy: do you have something like relaxdtmf= set in sip.conf?
17:19.49manxpowerdatacompboy: chances are you'll have to enable debug (sip debug and dtmf debug) to find out where the problem is.  Many carriers have problems working with Asterisk with regards to DTMF.  What version of Asterisk are you using?
17:19.53datacompboymanxpower: relaxdtmf=no in peer configuration
17:20.19p3nguincarrar: 1 three times is three digits.
17:20.35datacompboymanxpower: 1.4.26-1 (debian package)
17:20.56coppicemanxpower: haven't they sorted out their DTMF detector after all these years?
17:21.12manxpowercoppice: 1.4 seems to do much better.
17:21.55manxpowerMost of the issues seemed to be with RFC2833 DTMF interop with carriers.
17:22.02coppicemanxpower: the original DTMF detector can just be left in relaxed mode all the time
17:22.30manxpowercoppice: not on any system I worked with.  relaxdtmf always caused doubled digits
17:22.53coppicethe one in asterisk does, but my original does not
17:23.07manxpowercoppice: Most of your stuff works well. 8-|
17:23.19datacompboymanxpower: btw, opposite party is Nortel - CS2K ISN09U
17:25.03datacompboymanxpower: so, what better -- relaxdtmf=yes or =no ? in global or in peer config?
17:26.04manxpowerdatacompboy: in my experience removing the option or setting it to know is best
17:26.38manxpowerBut I tend to deal with PRI and Polycom phones.  I don't usually deal with random SIP "carriers"
17:26.45*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres@
17:27.39datacompboymanxpower: it not random, it one of russia's huges telecom... well, wil enable debug and try to monitor problem further. thanks for help :)
17:27.50[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: I ran into a SIP carrier once... boy am I glad I'm immunized...
17:28.29manxpowerdatacompboy: The largest DID carrier in the USA has DTMF issues with Asterisk (Level3)
17:29.05datacompboymanxpower: heh. in RFC mode? btw -- will "rfc2833compensate" helps there?
17:30.42*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
17:30.54datacompboyand does relaxdtmf have any corellation with dtmfmode = rfc2833 ?
17:31.43manxpowerrelaxdtmf only applies to inband DTMF
17:32.02*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
17:32.44coppicemanxpower: what are you referring to with level 3? TDM or SIP and them detecting or * detecting?
17:33.51datacompboymanxpower: "dtmf debug" -- what cmd to enable it?
17:34.47manxpowercoppice: most of the reports I see is someone calling a Level3 DID that gets send to Asterisk.  Caller can't navigate IVRs.
17:35.40lesouvagePerhaps a little bit of topic but does any of you succeed in running SipDroid softphone with proper nat traversal. Sipdroid - asterisk - other local extension is working fine. Calling out over wifi or g3 doens't give any sound. SIgnaling is working fine.
17:35.44manxpowerAsterisk -> PSTN TDM DTMF problems are usually pretty easy to fix with toneduration= settings
17:35.45coppicemanxpower: several things could cause that, like the octasic echo cancellers
17:36.51datacompboymanxpower: agh, added "dtmf" to console in logger, and logger reload -- is that "dtmf debug" ?
17:37.18manxpowerdatacompboy: it's different for different versions of Asterisk.  "help" in the CLI should be informative
17:41.00datacompboymanxpower: why there "duration" if there rfc?!
17:42.35datacompboymanxpower: sip show peer shows "DTMFmode : rfc2833"
17:44.17manxpowerdatacompboy: "duration" should be part of whatever RFC talks about variable length DTMF.
17:45.27manxpowerAsterisk was the first version to support VL DTMF 1.4 was the first...
17:45.43manxpowerMaybe I need more coffee.
17:46.46datacompboymanxpower: ok, many-many thanks! will leave sip/dtmf/agi debugs enabled and rfc mode, and monitor result. hope, after get more info will be easier found problem corner.
17:51.46*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
17:51.46datacompboymanxpower: btw! about simple dialplan -- you wrong, i have very easy dialplan: [pstn-in] _X. => 1,AGI(); [dialout] _X. => 1,Dial($EXTEN@provider) == and it really works!
17:55.05[TK]D-Fenderdatacompboy: And that shoddy recreation is broken and you've simply attempted to shift the wrok to a full-on programming language.
17:56.48*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
17:58.07datacompboy[TK]D-Fender: but dialplan is easy :) make things, currently done in external server, via extensions.conf its advanced aerobatics...
18:06.13*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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18:14.39leifmadsenwaves back
18:19.46*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (n=mangy@
18:20.08dandate2anyone know why iax clients timeout but can connect with SIP regardless of router
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18:28.04jblacklooks at katty and tries to decide something
18:28.31Kattygo with option b.
18:28.41jblackPlan B?
18:29.03jblackI know. Thanks =)
18:29.57dandate2anyone know why iax clients timeout but can connect with SIP regardless of router
18:30.38jblackdandate2: iax2 uses different ports than sip. Perhaps a firewall..
18:31.45Kattyjblack: what did i just help you decide on
18:32.19jblackWhat I wanted to know about you. :P
18:32.30Kattyi don't get it :<
18:32.34jblackI'm playing 21 questions on fb.
18:33.44jblackit asked me what I wish I knew about you. It then next asked whether or not I'd sleep with Oscar for a million bucks.
18:34.26manxpowerFramebuffers can talk?
18:34.41jblackWrong fb. ;P
18:36.59jblackrofl. Now it wants to know where I would kiss drmessano, if I had to
18:37.22jblackThat settles it. Facebook thinks I'm gay
18:38.40drmessanoMaybe facebook was trying to get me a date
18:38.47drmessanoI cant fault it for trying
18:38.59jblackAre you that hard up, that it's pairing you up with 37 year old fat guys?
18:39.45dandate2theres no firewall though, unless its in my pbx
18:39.52jblackFuck me. Now it want's my ex-wife's best features
18:40.27drmessanojblack: Her ability to walk through the door before it slammed on her sorry ass?
18:40.43[TK]D-Fender"leaves".  worst feature "doesn't stay gone"
18:41.01jblackI gotta be nice. I need her help from time to time
18:41.37dandate2in the pbx do i need to go "setup" and add 4569 under "other ports" ?
18:41.44drmessanojblack: You should get married a few more times.. Then you'll have a pool of ex-bitches to work with
18:42.14drmessanoSetup.exe ?
18:42.14jblackYeah, it sounds like a set up. :)
18:42.34[TK]D-Fendergets ready to knock'em down
18:42.57drmessanoSounds like a 7-12 split to me
18:43.04dandate2no no in the command line you type setup
18:43.07dandate2and get fierwall configuration
18:43.18[TK]D-Fenderhey its not every bowler who can get a strike in a neighbouring lane!
18:43.29drmessanoIts important to have ports open, dandate2
18:43.45dandate2lol i know
18:43.51dandate2just that my machine isnt behind a router
18:44.00drmessanodandate2: So?
18:44.01dandate2must be the pbx internal firewall messing with it right?
18:44.21drmessanoLet do the math.. shall we?
18:44.29drmessanoPBX has a firewall = important info
18:44.43drmessanoPBX isn't behind an external firewall = Important info
18:45.06drmessanoPBX has only the ports open I have needed until now, which doesn't include IAX2 = important info
18:45.17dandate2i understand
18:45.21drmessanoIAX2 clients timeout on connect to the PBX =Important info
18:45.24dandate2is the best way to open that in the setup ?
18:45.31drmessanoIm gonna go out on a limb here
18:45.43drmessanoI think your firewall is blocking the ports you havent opened
18:45.43jayteehope it's a strong oak
18:45.50dandate2yeah i think so too
18:45.55drmessanojaytee: Fat joke, eh?
18:46.11jayteeno :-)
18:46.17dandate2so in the commandline i just go to setup then firewall, then under other ports put 4569 and should be good no?
18:46.23jayteeI'm just risk averse
18:46.34drmessanodandate2: I believe the command is /j ##linux
18:47.38dandate2cant find any info on that command heh
18:48.03drmessanojblack: Is also happy to help you..  Please send him your paypal info via PM and arrange a remote session
18:48.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: sounds kinky
18:49.58jblack[TK]D-Fender: Money _is_ tight
18:52.28dandate2i opened 4569 in the "setup" option in commandline and it still times out
18:54.21drmessanoIs IAX2 even running?
18:55.10drmessanoasterisk -r  then iax2 show peers or something
18:56.34*** join/#asterisk ecret (
18:56.40jblackdandate2: pastebin "lsof -i -n | grep asterisk" please.
18:57.19Godfather_can obtain the caller id number if it comes via spa3102?
18:57.19jblackI haven't heard simply red in forever
18:57.59[TK]D-Fenderjblack: they were nearly respectable till they started ripping off Hall & Oates
18:58.19jblackjaytee: Know another great redhead?
18:58.21[TK]D-FenderI COULD GO FOR THAT!
19:00.08*** join/#asterisk hobodave (
19:00.11hobodavehey guys
19:00.18jblackwhy is your webserver running as user asterisk?
19:00.27dandate2that is the default for piaf
19:00.41hobodaveany ideas why installing the asterisk16 RPM on CentOS doesn't put anything in /etc/asterisk/ ?
19:00.45hobodavenot a single conf file
19:00.47jblackThere's your problem. You're running freepbx in the wrong irc channel. :)
19:01.05hobodaveI followed these instructions:
19:01.12hobodaveand I did this yesterday, and it worked
19:01.13jblackWell, we know he hasn't done something silly like unload the iax module, or change what port iax is on
19:01.15hobodavebut today, it doesn't :(
19:01.41dandate2yeah but this is really killing me, how do i add 4569 to that list?
19:01.53jblackdandate2: The one you pasted?
19:02.21jblackdandate2:  grep iax /etc/services
19:02.35jblackasterisk   3904 asterisk   10u  IPv4   9979       UDP *:iax
19:02.43jblackiax port _is_ 4569
19:03.51dandate2viax             4569/tcp                        # Inter-Asterisk eXchange
19:03.51dandate2iax             4569/udp                        # Inter-Asterisk eXchange
19:04.04dandate2so its already setup properly???
19:04.14drmessanojblack: the 3 things I like about Katty: Her love of tech, her love of cooking, the fact she hasn't married me
19:04.33jblackThat's three things I love about her too.
19:04.45jblackher love of tech, her love of cooking, the fact she hasn't married you.
19:04.49drmessanodandate2: Asterisk is listening on the IAX2 port, doesnt mean SHIT otherwise
19:04.53jayteeand she loves fuzzy critters
19:05.00jblackas lunch!
19:05.12drmessanoI hear she cooks a mean bald eagle
19:05.20dandate2damn what do i do
19:05.30drmessanodandate2: Hire a consultant
19:05.42jblackdandate2: what's the problem again?
19:05.52drmessanodandate2: Maybe one came inside the box with that lenovo
19:05.55dandate2iax clients time out connecting to server but work with SIP
19:05.59jblackOther than the fact you're not asking #asterisk for help with somethign that's not asterisk ?
19:06.46jblackLook over your firewall, and make sure udp 4569 is open.
19:06.49drmessanorm -Rf.. oh forget it.. Already did that this week
19:07.08dandate2in commandline i typed setup and went to firewall and added 4569 under "other ports"
19:07.21dandate2and when i returned to it it put iax:tcp under other ports
19:07.26dandate2should i change that tcp to udp?
19:08.31*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
19:08.36jblackWhen I said "make sure udp 4569 is open", did you think i  meant "tcp port 80"?
19:09.07dandate2well, i turned off security settings and it still didnt work heh
19:11.23jblackdecides to go kill zombies
19:11.42jblackI'm going to pretend that they're all named dandate2
19:13.40*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
19:15.38dandate2does asterisk need to be restarted??
19:18.00tzafrirdandate2, is the server behind NAT?
19:18.20hobodavewtf, I hate DSL
19:20.00dandate2no its set to NAT=no
19:20.27dandate2its got its own connection in a datacenter, no router
19:20.51dandate2but cant get iax clients working for the life of me
19:21.00tzafrirnow, is asterisk listening on UDP port 4569?  netstat -lnup | grep 4569
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19:24.01dandate2root@pbx:~ $ netstat -lnup | grep 4569
19:24.02dandate2udp        0      0      *                               3904/asterisk
19:24.51[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: trash your firewall
19:25.04dandate2i already disabled it
19:25.10dandate2still dont work!
19:25.14[TK]D-FenderdandShow me
19:32.38[TK]D-FenderdanPic means precisely jack shit to me.
19:32.55[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: iptables --list
19:33.33drmessanoSELINUX is NOT your firewall
19:33.40dandate2security settings i disabled
19:33.44dandate2lemme check iptables
19:33.54voipmonkwakes up
19:34.19dandate2my iptables are all blank
19:35.02[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: .
19:35.07[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: where is it....
19:39.16[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Better.  Now it looks like you're running * in a VM
19:39.26dandate2lol no
19:39.53[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Well I'm seeing VMWare and 2003 server in there...
19:40.27[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Also, who says I trust the firewall on your WORKSTATION?
19:40.36dandate2no hthats putty
19:40.55[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: I still se the other reference to VMWare...
19:41.10dandate2running mirc in vmware basically
19:41.33[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: And again I don't trust the PC you're running Zoiper on either
19:47.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
19:48.08tzafrirdandate2, next step: tcpdump -n 'udp port 4569'
19:48.20*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
19:48.26tzafrirtry to connect, and see if any packets actually flow in
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20:05.51*** join/#asterisk doubletoker (
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20:09.49doubletokeris there a way with dialplan to load a script for the duration of a call
20:10.04doubletokerbut continue with the dialplan
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20:11.06dandate3alright i fixed the iax, had to call the datacenter and found out im behind a router there
20:11.40dandate3so i am renting from 2 datacenters, one has me behind a router and is using XO/level 3, and the other does not have me behind a router and just say they are on fiber optic ( to be exact. which should i go with?
20:12.58*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor-H (
20:13.30jblackdoubletoker: Look at agi.
20:13.54[TK]D-Fenderdandate3: Everything is behind a router.  Just depends what its doing
20:15.05*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
20:15.08dandate3really cuz the told me no router in play
20:15.47[TK]D-Fenderdandthat is a retarded generalization
20:17.29Guggeas soon as you have to send traffic between different subnets there has to be a router in play :)
20:18.21*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
20:18.34doubletokerok how about this question then
20:19.45doubletokeris there a way that say I got ext 30 with 40 priorities last one being hangup()
20:19.53*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
20:20.05[TK]D-Fenderdoubletoker: huh?
20:20.44doubletokerbasicly I'm wonding, is there a way in dialplan to call an agi script for example when someone hangups
20:21.05doubletokernot me calling hangup() in the dialplan
20:21.07voipmonksure you can
20:21.17[TK]D-Fenderdoubletoker: "h" Asterisk Standard Extension
20:21.35doubletokeroh ok
20:22.31doubletokerI feel stupid, and this might be a stupid question
20:22.42doubletokerbut if I'm in ext h
20:22.53doubletokercan you only call deadagi?
20:23.29[TK]D-Fenderdoubletoker: The call is DEAD.  When someone hangs up you executing more dialplan in your current exten anymore
20:25.21doubletokerbasicly I want to do, db stuff when they call and at different times while moving through out the system, would like to clean up the db when they hangup
20:25.55dandate3does each iax client need its own port or is that only if there are multiple clients behind the same router?
20:27.28doubletokerok ty
20:28.01drmessanoDidnt we go through this earlier?
20:28.15drmessanoONE port
20:28.36drmessanoIf the clients are behind a router, NAT takes care of everything.. you open NO PORTS
20:30.52*** join/#asterisk AndyHarris2 (
20:31.20AndyHarris2Hi --- is there any way to absolutely clean out asterisk before a re-install ?
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20:32.16[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: .... you've already done that this week ;)
20:32.33AndyHarris2I know --- and I'm still stuck ...
20:32.38drmessanorm -R.... oh right
20:32.40AndyHarris2once I have a nearly working system,
20:32.58AndyHarris2now not even calling another extension works !
20:33.20AndyHarris2I've deleted files from /etc/asterisk and rebuilt ,,
20:33.28[TK]D-FenderandAnd your description of your debugging attempts is GLORIOUS
20:33.29AndyHarris2database deltree'd everything
20:33.39drmessanoYou given NO debug, no cli, nothing
20:33.47AndyHarris2nothing if not dogged !
20:33.52drmessano10000 view of the problem
20:33.59drmessano10000ft view of the problem
20:34.11drmessano"I clear out stuff, reinstall, and it breaks"
20:34.14drmessanoTells me nothing
20:34.20*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
20:35.01AndyHarris2K -- I'm not clearing out everything, something else is holding some config data ..
20:35.10AndyHarris2I can't figure out what ...
20:35.16drmessanoNor can we
20:35.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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20:35.40drmessanoDo you want help or did you just come to tweet about it?
20:36.53AndyHarris2Guidance ... there must be several places to clear ...
20:37.59drmessanoHow about pastebin a failed call.. if you cleared the configs, there's nothing else "holding config data"
20:38.12[TK]D-FenderAndyHarris2: You haven't shown us a single symptom with any debug to back it up
20:38.36AndyHarris2Will do
20:41.44ruben23anyone familier with this warning: --->
20:42.42drmessanoSince you didnt put a space between the arrow and the h, I can't open it without copy/paste, so no
20:45.00*** join/#asterisk Alagar (n=Administ@
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20:48.42jblackhis error is WARNING[15309]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short
20:48.57jblackThat reads to me like the ports defined in /etc/rtp.conf aren't being forwarded by the firewall
20:50.36toresbeHello, I'm struggling a bit with my SPA2102
20:50.45toresbeIt sends me this register message, with From: "Tore Sinding Bekkedal" <>
20:50.55toresbeBut I get [Nov 21 21:47:43] NOTICE[5085]: chan_sip.c:21006 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Tore Sinding Bekkedal" <>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
20:51.06toresbeI've been experimenting but haven't quite found a working syntax
20:51.14jblackYour sip.conf isn't right.
20:51.42jblackregister=> username:password@server
20:51.57jblacksome servers expect a /extension appended too
20:52.55toresbeUhm.... I'm not trying to register to my outgoing VoIP, my VoIP box that I got from my VoIP company is trying to register with me (since I've spoofed the DNS for the SIP server :))
20:56.08doubletokeris there a rxgain txgain for sip?
20:58.10chuckfwhy are you spoofing dns? why not just register with the provider you got the spa from?
20:58.59toresbechuckf: I do that; My * regs with the provider, and my SPA regs with my *
21:03.33*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
21:04.40chuckfI dont' get why you're spoofing DNS
21:06.14jblackdoubletoker: I don't know of one
21:06.32manxpoweryou do not have a [21019883] in your sip.conf
21:06.54manxpowerdoubletoker: much of the time audio isn't even going thru Asterisk
21:07.20toresbechuckf: because my SPA2102 is provisioned
21:07.32doubletokeralright thanks
21:07.38toresbemanxpower: I have a [tastafon] (…) user=21019883
21:07.51toresbeisn't that good enough?
21:07.51manxpowertoresbe: I can't help you with users.conf
21:07.54infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
21:08.26toresbemanxpower: I'm using sip.conf
21:08.43manxpowertoresbe: the stuff in [here] is your sip userid.
21:09.03toresbemanxpower: yes, but it isn't possible to override_
21:09.33manxpowertoresbe: change [tastafon] to [21019883] and your device should be able to register
21:09.46manxpowerto change the OUTGOING username from asterisk use fromuser=
21:09.50toresbeNope, it didn't...
21:10.14toresbeI want to change the _incoming_ user, not the _outgoing_
21:10.28manxpowerthe incoming user is [inthere]
21:10.44manxpowertake my advice or don't take my advice.  I don't care.
21:10.49toresbeBut can I not also specify that with user=… in the clause itself?
21:11.25manxpowerobviously not or the device would be able to register to your Asterisk server and not generate that error message
21:11.52toresbemanxpower: It's doing the exact same thing when I am following your advice.
21:12.08toresbeoh, wait, now I'm getting somewhere.
21:12.15manxpowerYou get the exact same error message?
21:12.39toresbeI tried it again, since I think I may have left out a sip reload :-)
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21:48.02jblackthere ya are
21:56.51*** join/#asterisk GGD (i=48c4f168@gateway/web/freenode/x-xigahvefkvpuwszp)
21:59.49jblackAHA! j_wb is available in twitter!
22:00.00Kattydragged off to lowes.
22:01.55*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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22:16.43lesouvageI have sipdroid (a sip phone for adroid mobile phones) registered on my natted asterisk box. Over 3g and over wifi "sip show peers" still shows UNREACHABLE while I can make outbound phonecalls. Inbound calls aren't working.  Is someting wrong in the sip entry? (see
22:16.46manxpowerGGD: Compile from source.
22:17.22manxpowerlesouvage: does the NAT IP or the public IP show in sip show peers.
22:18.11manxpowerGGD: 1) if you install from a package you won't get much support from people here 2) Packagers always seem to screw something up.  3) packages are seldom up to date for software like Asterisk that has frequent releases.
22:18.34manxpowerI highly recommend packages for most software, but not Asterisk (or clamav, for that matter)
22:19.06GGDi don't mean to sound like a noob here but how do i compile it from the source?
22:19.18manxpowerlesouvage: also remember that some SIP phones (especially softphones) don't support the OPTIONS request that qualify=yes requires
22:19.21moos3does anyone know a good SIP handset?
22:19.28moos3cisco or some one else
22:19.30lesouvagemanxpower: the nat ip being the inside of the the router
22:20.04manxpowerGGD: There is a README file.  But if you are not comfortable compiling from source you should reconsider using Asterisk.  Asterisk requires significant skills in Asterisk, telecom, Linux, networking, NAT, SIP, and RTP.
22:20.11manxpowerlesouvage: yes
22:20.17infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
22:20.25manxpowermoos3: ~phones is for you
22:20.36lesouvagemanxpower: that was actually an answer :-)
22:21.10manxpowerlesouvage: if your Asterisk server is set correctly then the public IP of the NAT'd SIP phone should show in sip show peers, not the private IP behind the remote NAT router.
22:21.46manxpowerMake sure you don't have any NAT features enabled on your SIP phone (except for NAT Keep-Alive, that's usually OK)
22:22.16*** join/#asterisk Buklov (n=buklov@
22:22.34manxpowerlesouvage: I am assuming Asterisk is on a public IP and the SIP device is behind NAT.
22:24.03moos3manxpower: so what is the answer
22:24.32manxpowermoos3: My answer is Polycom Soundpoint IP 550
22:25.37manxpowerThat is what I have on MY desk.
22:25.48lesouvagemanxpower: I have the impression that sipdroid is using NAT features without asking. I couldn't get it working on a server with a public IP number. Asterisk is behind NAT and the softphone is using 3g.
22:26.10lesouvageWith an iphone the 3g was working fine sing SIAX.
22:26.26jblacksipdroid is a disaster.
22:26.51jblackanything that always reports it's address as ...
22:27.10ChannelZcall me!
22:27.27lesouvagejblack: Are you sure, I was thinking that I was messing up .
22:28.25jblackmaybe you'll have more luck than I
22:28.36lesouvagejblack: Is there an other softphone available for android. It is hard to believe that for this open system there is no decent softphone available while there is one for the iPhone (SIAX) that is working easy.
22:28.44jblackthat's the only one I know of
22:29.23[TK]D-Fendermoos3: How many are you looking to buy, and for what kind of use?
22:30.08[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: iPhone is older, and you listed 1.  1 vs 0 is not a crushing lead.
22:30.17lesouvagejblack: You gave up?
22:30.31toresbeOh, my. dtmf detection settings in sip.conf will _not change_ from a sip reload, but need a full reload
22:30.34toresbethat one kept me a while.
22:30.37lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: you just need one, if it is working and reliable.
22:31.00lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: and yes, I think I have to be a little bit more patience.
22:31.24jblackI did
22:31.28manxpowerlesouvage: Did you set up Asterisk to be behind NAT?  (localnet, externip, forward ports, etc)?
22:31.42lesouvagejblack: I join you :-(
22:32.14lesouvagemanxpower: yes, the whole set of adjustments .
22:32.34manxpowerlocalnet/externip tells Asterisk IGNORE what the remote client tells you about it's IP address and pull the information from the packet header.
22:33.10[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Umm.... no
22:33.11manxpowerAlso, the NAT features of every phone I've heard of screws up the way Asterisk handles NAT
22:34.27jblackI would make things work as long as it was on the local wireless network.
22:34.36lesouvagemanxpower: That was what surprised about the SIAX softphone for the iPhone. It simply works, without any hassle.
22:35.27[TK]D-Fenderlocalnet tells Asterisk when to report the externip in SIP communications to the device.  it has nothing to do with trusting the IP the device claims its sending on.  "nat=yes" alone for the peer does that
22:35.29moos3[TK]D-Fender: like 3 at most
22:35.45[TK]D-Fendermoos3: What kind of use?
22:35.50moos3and I need to find sip provider that does out bound and inbound
22:35.57moos3home use
22:36.20manxpower[TK]D-Fender: I believe you are correct.  I had it backwards.
22:36.51lesouvagejblack: that is working for me too but I wat to make honecalls ovr my 3g connection, an extra internal phone is not what I'm looking for.
22:36.55[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: caffeinate <-
22:37.15[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Do you have network jacks where you would place these?
22:37.34manxpower[TK]D-Fender: perhaps I'm over caffeinated.
22:37.48[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: UNPOSSIBLE
22:38.04[TK]D-Fenderis NASA's first certified caffeine-based life-form
22:38.37moos3yeah I have jacks where they need too
22:38.37manxpower[TK]D-Fender: You are the Promised One for the Church of Scientology!
22:38.45lesouvageThanks for the info and the help. I will wait another couple of month and look into the sip softphone for Android issue again.
22:38.52toresbeI know several JPLers who abstain from the coffee
22:39.19jblacklesouvage: I had trouble with 3g. I made it work once.
22:39.57jblackactually, a few times. But when the connection was too weak, sipdroid would just drop packets, rather than log out, and that would cause asterisk to get "stuck"...
22:40.02jblackas I remember it.. it's been well over a month
22:42.21AndyHarris2One extension just rang another ....  at last !
22:43.33moos3[TK]D-Fender: I would like a phone that I can setup for my house and my office SIP server
22:44.36lesouvagejblack: 3g is working for outbound calls but it is registring and registring over and over again, draining the battery. Making phonecalls work well. So it is something.
22:46.41*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
22:47.40lesouvageIn short time I will do my first research with OpenBTS (mini private GSM network) combined with Asterisk.
22:48.09[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: I promise not to jump up & down on Oprah's couch professing my love to Dawsons Creek leftovers...
22:53.36*** join/#asterisk joako (n=ston3d@opensuse/member/joak0)
23:01.56jblackSo, now that oprah is quitting... that means there's going to be a whole shitload of pissed off women with nothing to do.
23:02.11ChannelZhides his guns
23:04.16Kattythe clerk at lowes asked us if we were building a bomb
23:04.36ChannelZDid you say "Yes, but it's only to kill terrorists."
23:05.20Kattyin other sad news, i can't make dinner cause i'm out of parmesan :<
23:05.37Kattyand heavy whipping cream too.
23:05.40Kattytis a sad day indeed.
23:06.12Kattyruns to schnucks
23:08.35[TK]D-Fender[18:04]<Katty>the clerk at lowes asked us if we were building a bomb <- how dare he insult your cooking!
23:09.58*** join/#asterisk mariobalibrera (
23:12.10toresbeCorrect me if I'm wrong
23:12.57toresbebut the right way to have a "press 1 for …" etc. thing is to just run off the end of one extension and then have subsequent ones, right?
23:13.42toresbe as in this one?
23:15.30ChannelZwell you'd just play your menu and then have extension 1, 2, 3, etc that does whatever is supposed to happen when the person presses 1, 2, 3 etc
23:15.51toresbeso the pastebin'd file is correct?
23:16.19*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:16.35toresbeI get a status like ""    -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/1005-b761eb48' status is 'UNKNOWN'
23:17.05ChannelZWell yeah if it's instructions are "Dial 1005 for so-and-so, or 0XXXXXXX blah blah, or 1XXX..."
23:17.29toresbewell, no, not yet, I'm just testing; it's meant for my use only
23:17.49toresbewhen I get there I'd like to be able to dial 0 to make an external call, or 1 to call an internal phone
23:19.48[TK]D-FenderTorrieri: add autofallthrough=no under [general]
23:21.30ChannelZor don't, it's not really an error per se
23:21.46toresbeYou understand what I'm trying to accomplish, right?
23:26.24toresbeDo you know what I'm doing wrong?
23:27.34mchou[TK]D-Fender: hey you around?
23:28.11ChannelZtoresbe: no, because you haven't said what isn't working
23:29.17toresbeChannelZ: immediately after the Background(), it drops the connection
23:29.21[TK]D-Fendertoresbe: I have already handed you the answer.  Now dit it
23:29.49toresbe[TK]D-Fender: I have.
23:30.09[TK]D-Fendertoresbe: Show me, along with your attempt
23:31.37ChannelZyou can also use WaitExten(10) or something to wait for them to dial something for 10 seconds before timing out
23:38.42toresbe[TK]D-Fender: I have - it worked :)
23:38.54toresbeI'm just scratching my head now over some weirdness with my provider.
23:39.35toresbeNow, when I dial out, I get "This account number is not valid", which is odd
23:42.33toresbeI can register, but it won't let me ring out anymore.
23:43.30ChannelZis this "phonzo"?
23:44.35toresbeI'm consufed now.
23:44.38*** join/#asterisk xpot (
23:45.07ChannelZyou have exten => 0XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:8}@phonzo) which means if you dial 012345678 it's only dialing the last digit
23:45.37ChannelZ(so SIP/9@phonzo)
23:46.11toresbeI fixed that too, sorry. I'm getting a bit tired. :)
23:46.20toresbeTo: <sip:91859508@>
23:46.26toresbeI think that's the problem. :)
23:48.32*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
23:53.44mchou[TK]D-Fender: mind looking at pm?

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