IRC log for #asterisk on 20091113

00:04.02*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:13.53bmanok got the addons package and the asterisk for 1.4
00:14.13Kattymy onions are almost done caramalizing
00:14.17bmani got coffee
00:14.38Kattyi have bison burgers, with parsnip chips
00:14.47Kattyand of course caramalized onions and portabello mushrooms
00:14.49Kattysoon, anyway
00:14.56bmancan i marry you
00:15.23bmanthat sounds awesome really
00:15.26Tech_TravisJerry87: I've got the queues setup similar to the post, people can log in and out, and when a call comes through it goes to their extension which is cool.  I'm thinking of an On-Call queue for people after hours but don't want them tied to their softphone.  I'd like the call to route to their cell phone while they are logged into the queue.
00:15.29Kattyso uhh..i'm going to go check on dinner
00:15.34Kattydisappears before things get REALLY weird
00:15.57bmanill do dishes
00:16.15bmanall lies
00:16.54Kattypouts, not done caramalizing yet
00:17.29Kattyjblack: ping!
00:17.50jblackkatty: pong!
00:18.18Kattyjblack: do you like meatloaf, mister black
00:18.30jblackSo much, that I like both types.
00:18.41Katty...both, types?
00:18.46Kattythere's more than 1 kind?
00:18.53Kattymust be missing out
00:18.57jblackthe fatty dinner kind, and the fatty rockstar kind
00:19.03Kattyoh. that.
00:19.15jblackwhich one did you mean?
00:19.16Kattydo you have a recipe for meatloaf?
00:19.31jblacknah. I'm not much of a cook
00:19.41Kattyever since i found that pizza crust (batter) that allowed you to make smaller, single portion pizzas...i've been having this idea to make baby meatloaves.
00:19.47Kattyhmm. bummer :<
00:19.52bmanchan_ooh323.c:2188: error
00:19.53Kattyi shall keep asking around.
00:20.02bmani get pages of those when i try to make on addons
00:20.15jblackMy ex-wife has my mother's recipes.
00:20.32jblackand it can be scaled down to make several mini-loaves.
00:20.44jblackI know, cause my kid made it
00:20.47bmanchan_ooh323.c:3390: error: expected ')' before string constant
00:21.05*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
00:21.36bmanwhat is chan_ooh324?
00:21.45*** join/#asterisk z0k3b3r (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
00:21.47jblackI emailed her for the recipe.
00:22.04bmanObjective Systems H323 Channel
00:22.07jblackIt's pretty basic. I know there's beef and bread crumbs in it, typicall a ketchup glaze
00:22.16bmanis that required for any 323 usage?
00:23.39bmanthis is why i wanted to use the deb package instead of compiling
00:23.47bmani dont know what any of this means
00:25.35bmanany help?
00:25.48bmani want sip, jabber, and mysql support only
00:25.54bmanno telephony hardware
00:26.08*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
00:29.22Kattyomnomnomnomnoms dinner
00:29.39Kattyjblack: oooh, thank you :>
00:30.35Kattyparsnips are interesting
00:30.44Kattythey're like a cross between a carrot, potato, and a turnip
00:30.54bmanany asterisk help?
00:31.24jblackbman: Which verison of ubuntu?
00:32.01jblackI don't know what versions are in debian.
00:32.11jblackapt-get install asterisk should be a great start for you though.
00:33.16bmani had it installed, and i had the setup for realtime done but it wouldnt show sip module as loaded
00:33.25bmanso someone in here told me to buiild from source
00:33.30bmanwhich is just confusing me
00:33.43jblackYou know better than to listen to them, I'm sure.
00:33.58Kattyjblack: you really are missing a fabulious dinner
00:34.02jblackYou're in a channel. The first rule of any channel is "must say build from sources"
00:34.22jblackKatty: I can't help that. :(
00:34.37Kattyi'll eat some extra for you ;)
00:34.40Kattynot to fear!
00:34.45bmanlet me get back to where i was
00:34.46bmanhold on
00:34.48Kattyit's a real shame you don't cook. i'd share these recipes with you
00:34.58jblackI do kinda cook.
00:35.06jblackI had tomatos and cucumbers for breakfast
00:35.16Kattyfor breakfast? ^_-
00:35.20Kattyseems kinda odd
00:35.21jblackit's easy.
00:35.41Kattytomato, cucumber, and?
00:35.48Kattyi'm assuming some sort of salad.
00:35.53jblackI was outa protein drink, didn't wanna make fake egg, so I sliced up a cucumber and a tomato.
00:36.08Kattyand just ate it raw?
00:36.23jblackYeah. what's weird about that?
00:36.31Kattyi don't think i've ever had it that way
00:36.36jblackYou've never had sliced tomatoes sprinkled with salt?
00:36.44jblackOr just eaten cucumber slices?
00:36.50jblackYou're missing out
00:36.54jblackThey're both great snacks.
00:37.02Kattywell. i don't like plain tomato.
00:37.09*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:37.11Kattybut cucumber is good. i've had it on crackers or party rye
00:37.12jblacksuit yourself.
00:37.34Kattygiving me all sorts of thoughts you are!
00:37.35jblackSome day, I'll get me one of those mail-away-foreign brides.
00:38.07Katty <- get started
00:38.27jblackOh, no, I don't want one of those.
00:38.44jblackoh, that sounded rather objectifying.
00:38.56Kattyit's actually not.
00:39.05Kattyyou pay dearly for their contact information
00:39.07jblackI'm not looking for a model. I'm looking for a person.
00:39.11Kattyyou don't really get anything but a chance to talk to them
00:39.25jblackand yeah, a lot of those places are scams.
00:39.26Kattyit's all very legitimate
00:39.50snadgea wife.. interesting prospect :P
00:39.56jblackNot saying that all, or even most, of them are scams, or that those aren't legitimate offers...
00:40.35jblackwell, it gets complicated.
00:41.46jblackI think winning the lottery and hiring someone to take care of me would just be better. ;)
00:42.14*** join/#asterisk spck (
00:42.14bmanok bak to where i was
00:42.39jblackbman: apt-get install asterisk; profit!
00:42.49bmanchan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
00:42.52jblackProbably come with 1.4
00:43.02bmanstill not actually working
00:43.22jblackstart off with an empty iax.conf
00:43.31bmanmoonglum:~/asterisk- asterisk -rx "sip show peers"
00:43.32bmanNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'help sip show' for other possible commands)
00:43.37jblackadd a [general] section, start adding authentication contexts...
00:43.40jblackit's all in the book
00:43.50[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Models are people too you know...
00:43.56jblack[TK]D-Fender: You lie
00:44.04jblackThey're styrofoam.
00:44.25bmani dont want iax
00:44.30bmani want sip
00:44.37jblackbman: Then disable the iax module. Again, that's in the book.
00:44.48jblackI'm starting to think that you didn't read the book.
00:44.54bmanno i didnt
00:44.56Kattyjblack: hmm, yeah, i don't think that'd be very fun.
00:45.06bmanim just trying to restore a previously working service
00:45.15Kattyjblack: i mean winning the lottery would be fine and all, but then you have unknown relatives and New Friends coming out of the woodwork.
00:45.16jblackYou're not one of those morons that sits in an irc channel asking basic questions 5 hours a day because you didn't take the time to read the book, are you?
00:45.29jblackI don't think you are. I think you're probably a smart guy.
00:45.30bmannot really trying to become a asterisk expert when its a deb package
00:45.51jblackOHhhh. Then hire someone. I recommend [TK]D-Fender , even though he won't be a facebook friend to me
00:45.55Kattyi'd recommend finding a consultant then
00:46.06bmango back to talking food
00:46.17jblacktoo late. Now I care about you.
00:46.30jblackI'm like, all stressed out about your situation.
00:46.33bmani explained all this not 2 hours ago
00:46.36bmanits cool
00:46.42Kattywhat are you trying to say there, bman
00:46.51jblackOh man. How dare I be at the store 2 hours ago. Thatt is so inconsiderate of me!
00:46.57jblackI'm really sorry, man. I should have been here for you
00:47.17Kattythat sounded EXTREMELY sexist to me.
00:47.20bmanyou dont know would have been a acceptable answer
00:47.38jblack?!? Me being at the store is sexist?
00:47.46Kattyjblack: yes, of course. naturally
00:47.55Kattyshares parsnip chips and avocado chunks with jblack
00:48.00jblackHrmmm. I guess it is woman's work...
00:48.19jblackruns and hides behind [TK]D-Fender
00:48.30Corydon76-diggets his bitch ass back in the kitchen and makes himself some PIE
00:48.37bmanusing a support channel for chat and babble helps so many
00:48.39*** part/#asterisk bman (
00:49.28*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (n=keith@unaffiliated/keith4)
00:49.29jblackJust for the record, the woman's work crack was just a bad joke. As a single father, I did my fair share of grocery trips and cooking
00:49.46Kattyjblack: i wasn't actually directing that comment towards you
00:49.50keith4_can i forcefully lower the volume of another participant in a meetme channel?
00:49.52jblackI know.
00:50.04jblackkeith4_: Yeah. Scream "STFU you noisy bastard!"
00:50.08*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
00:50.13keith4_tried that. just got "huh? i'm not shouting"
00:50.22jblackword for word?
00:50.34keith4_well, no. it was more like 'WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?"
00:50.41jblackOk. That's not forcefully enough.
00:50.54jblackTry "If you don't talk more quietly, I'm going to rape your father"
00:51.05jblackThat's pretty forceful.
00:51.14Kattyi seem to have a splinter :<
00:51.16*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
00:51.24Kattybbl, must visit the Expert Splinter Remover
00:51.32jblackkeith4_: Seriously though... I don't think there's anything built in to the "ui" of sorts.
00:51.41*** join/#asterisk manxpower (
00:51.43jblackThere _might_ be something in the console or ami, but I doubt it.
00:52.04infobotmethinks answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
00:52.19keith4_console would be fine
00:52.23jblackif he's coming in under his own context, you might be able to play with rxgain or txgain, somehow, but that may just be zap that has that, and would require a reload anyways
00:52.58manxpowerwhat is the problem/goal?
00:53.04Kattyhi manx!
00:53.21manxpowerhello Katty
00:53.21keith4_ah. MeetMeAdmin() can do it
00:53.34Kattythat's awful news.
00:53.37manxpowerjblack: Ah.
00:53.38jblackReally? I know there's a mute, but a volume adjust?
00:53.51keith4_yep. that's what i just said, to myself
00:54.24manxpowerjblack: Meetme uses zaptel for audio mixing.  I suspect that it would me reasonably easy to add a gain option to MeetMe.  A bounty might get the code written.
00:54.29jblackthere it is, t and T.
00:54.36*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:54.41Kattymanxpower: looks like someone already paid a bounty
00:54.47jblackHe's right. There's meetmeadmin options.  t and T.
00:54.57manxpoweralso be sure to consider 1.6, the MeetMe in 1.6 might even have the option
00:54.58Kattywhich is lovely news.
00:55.27keith4_now, how do I fake a call to an extension via the console?
00:55.28jblackI still think the better option is to give him doctored photos of his mummi nekked.. except for the BDSM attire...
00:55.36jblackThat'll make him speechless, and the problem is solved.
00:55.37Kattyi'm excited about the audio buffer for SendFax() in 1.6
00:56.01Amorsenkeith4: originate?
00:56.27jblackkeith4_: You could control with two lines. One phone for talking, the other one, press commands. Im sure that meetme has a way for an admin to do controls while in-band too
00:56.32jblackperhaps features.
00:56.50Kattythere is a little web appy that works with meetme
00:56.55Kattyi believe it has audio controls.
00:57.08Kattytries to remember name
00:57.22Kattyinfobot: Web Meetme?
00:57.23infobotACTION forces Meetme to muster up a db backed, web fronted application for keeping track of lawns mowed
00:58.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
00:58.28Kattyhmm. no volume control.
00:58.50Kattybut! it clearly works with asterisk.
00:58.54*** join/#asterisk bman (
00:58.58Kattyyou could probably edit the dialplan a bit, and edit the php
00:59.10keith4_yes yes
00:59.14keith4_rubs his hands together
00:59.49bmanany help installing asterisk realtime would be appreciated
01:00.03Kattyhello again.
01:00.47bmananyone at all
01:01.15Kattykeith4_: hmm. that doesn't look like the most recent version
01:01.30Kattykeith4_: either that or i'm looking at two completely differen't products
01:01.51keith4_for now, i just wrote a quick MeetMeAdmin loop to lower this one jerk
01:01.58keith4_i'll investigate a longer-term solution tomorrow ;-)
01:02.03keith4_but this looks like a good start
01:02.03Kattyhmm. okay. more recent version. just not posted on his website.
01:02.12Katty <- 4.0
01:02.29Katty^-- err 1.2
01:02.52Katty <- 4.0
01:03.07Kattythere were major changes between 1.2 and 1.6, especially in regards to api
01:03.14Kattywell, especially everything, really
01:03.27Kattyno, this probably just uses manager.conf
01:03.32Kattyi doubt it matters.
01:03.36galerasweird, in a PRI incoming calls are fine, outgoing calls are failing, please take a look off PRI DEBUG at
01:03.40Kattybut i'd still recommend using the most current version
01:03.49keith4_"t" doesn't seem to lower the volume much, though
01:04.16Kattygaleras: i would call your telco and ask them to tell you if they are recieving anything from your pri
01:04.29Kattygaleras: if they are receving something, they can usually tell you exactly what's snickerdoodled up
01:04.34manxpowergaleras: what country are you in?
01:04.53Kattythat is also a lot of macros.
01:05.17galerasmm, give me a sec, i'll past a short debug
01:06.22galerasthere is a shorted debug at
01:06.27*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (n=sahafeez@
01:06.34manxpowergaleras: Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1),
01:06.43manxpowerTry calling a working number
01:06.54*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:58a5:7f49:1128:cdc4)
01:07.25manxpowergaleras: also make sure you have either no setting for pridialplan or have pridialplan=unknown
01:07.40manxpowerwith no other pridialplan options.
01:08.13manxpowerI don't know the specific requirements for your country, but for most places that is the correct way.
01:09.19*** join/#asterisk _bugz_ (
01:09.26manxpowerThe fact that your dialplan had to take 129 lines of output to get to that point is an astounding example of a overly complex dialplan
01:09.41galerasmanxpower: Thanks verrrryyyy much, u r the man
01:10.08galeraspridialplan=unknown worked
01:11.27*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
01:13.02jblacktoo much foreplay
01:13.26jblackor, as we say in #asterisk... "fourplay"
01:13.52leifmadsensnap yo
01:15.04russellbleifmadsen: YOU!
01:15.04*** join/#asterisk Chesther (
01:15.11leifmadsenrussellb: ME!
01:15.17leifmadsenrussellb: how goes?!
01:15.34jblackmean... I know the chances of this are nill... but to get allison to record "press 4 for play" , along with a... suggestive recording...
01:15.49russellbshe'd do it
01:15.55leifmadsenjblack: the chances are quite high actually
01:15.58russellbthere are just a few things that she won't say
01:15.59leifmadsenyou just have to purchase a prompt
01:16.21jblackThat would be worth the money...
01:16.21leifmadsenallison is pretty liberal with what she'll say
01:16.24russellband for those you just use cepstral :-)
01:16.37leifmadsenyou can make allison say the things you she won't with cepstral :D
01:16.45russellbleifmadsen: i win
01:16.48jblack"Just gimme a good 30 or 40 words suitable for exciting males". =)
01:16.49leifmadsenrussellb: you owe me a beer
01:17.03leifmadsenI never lie
01:17.20jblackKatty: Yumm.
01:17.20leifmadsenwell there was that one time, but I was trying to save the world
01:18.49snadgewill asterisknow and freepbx be a suitable SIP exchange or proxy.. for a small office that uses sip phones?
01:19.07snadgei know asterisk will do it.. and i can see books dedicated to the subject
01:19.19leifmadsenasterisknow uses asterisk...
01:19.27leifmadsenfreepbx is a gui on top of asterisk as well
01:19.37leifmadsenalthough I think it runs on other platforms as well now
01:19.46leifmadsenasterisk doesn't make a very good proxy
01:19.57leifmadsen(since it's a back2back user agent)
01:21.09snadgethe scenario is that we have a voip account from our provider.. which happens to use SIP.. now i've added a trunk, and asterisk has established a connection with the trunk.. i can see from the status.. i've added an inbound and outbound route
01:21.34*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
01:21.36leifmadsenuh huh...
01:21.46jblacksnadge: what's your goal? Phones can call each other?
01:22.16snadgeto begin with.. just to place calls via the asterisk server .. from a sip client on the local network
01:22.19jblackIf you were really talking proxy, you'be be talking about phones that directly register with upstream. Which is unnecessarily difficult.
01:22.35jblackOk. So, don't proxy. Get asterisk to hook up to the provider, and get the phones to hook up with asterisk.
01:22.36snadgeeventually.. to have the asterisk server answer incoming calls.. play an IVR message, and then route the incoming calls based on the extension number ?
01:22.44bmanmy problem was permissions
01:22.49bmandidnt need asterisk book
01:23.02leifmadsensnadge: right, that isn't really a proxy, that's what asterisk does though
01:23.06leifmadsena proxy wouldn't do IVR
01:23.15jblackGood job You beat the man, you illiterate fu.. um, friend.
01:23.27jblacksnadge: A proxy does something special that isn't what you want anyways. =)
01:23.34leifmadsenand you probably don't mean IVR, you likely mean auto-attendant
01:24.18snadgeright.. ok so for now.. how do i connect to this freepbx/asterisknow server i have setup.. and place a call through it?
01:24.39leifmadsenthat's a GUI issue that probably is more appropriate for those forums
01:24.39jblacksnadge: Asterisk is designed to connect to other servers via sip and/or iax. And to route calls between the two,
01:24.43snadgei've kind of being going from voip providers howtos on how to setup asterisknow which basically only really gives you the basic settings
01:25.09jblacksnadge: You get the phone to register with asterisk and to place calls to it. and yu get asterisk to route the call through the provider. It's all in the book, really.
01:25.14leifmadsenok, I'm outta here, time to hang out with the feemalien
01:25.26jblackkatty: I'm a fat diabetic. Why are you being so mean to me?
01:25.30snadgeok.. so i'll buy or download the book :(
01:25.37jblackDo you go around to AA meetings handing out beers?
01:25.43leifmadsenthat won't really help as it doesn't cover GUI based systems
01:25.50*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
01:25.54leifmadsenit'll help if you're planning on building from vanilla asterisk though
01:26.00jblacksorry. That was a little harsh of me
01:26.22jblackOh wow, look at that thing. That looks great.
01:26.24bmanfor future reference, to use the debian packages for asterisk you must chown -R asterisk.asterisk /etc/asterisk
01:26.28snadgeleifmadsen: my plan was to try using a GUI based system.. and then failing that.. do it the hard way.. i figured i should at least try an easier way first :)
01:26.29Kattyhugs jblack
01:26.40bmaneven if your config is perfect it wont work without it
01:26.57jblackbman: No, you don't... Go ahead. That's fine for you.
01:27.01Kattyjblack: i am sorry. here:
01:27.32*** part/#asterisk bman (
01:27.53jblackThat is obviously a guy that solves problems which chmod a+rwx -R
01:28.08russellbi do that!
01:28.12jblack"Oh, apache can't read the files. Let's let everyone rwx, and we'll have a great webserver!"
01:28.19jblackrussellb: You. Lie.
01:28.44russellbi do that for all of our servers
01:28.45russellbis that bad?
01:29.05hardwiredo they have nice wholesale accounts on them?
01:29.17russellbin the spirit of openness, man
01:29.18jblackrussellb trollin' on one side, katty teasing me with food on the other...
01:29.29jblackrussellb: Oh, the inner RMS in you snuck out, eh?
01:30.44Kattyi think he needs a hug.
01:30.50Kattyhugs russellb
01:32.37jblackI'm gonna get one of those bouncy titt apps for my android phone
01:33.17jblackOh, for my alarms, I play dennis leary's "Life's gonna suck when you grow up".
01:33.41jblackwonders if the breast physics thingies are "games" or "apps"
01:33.48Kattyprobably app.
01:33.57Kattyi don't think you do anything but shake the phone
01:34.56jblackwonders what a lite version would be... small breasts? Only 1 breast? with pasties on?
01:35.38jblackkeeps an eye out for a swingin di.. well, for a lady app for the ladies.
01:36.16Kattydo me a favor and don't link it to me if you find it
01:38.30jblackI am going to try BigJapBusts and Jack&Jiggle
01:38.54jblackOh, and definitely botboobs
01:39.06jblackIn honor of Asimov..
01:39.55*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:40.52*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
01:41.12jblackOhhh, like jello
01:41.34Kattysugar free?
01:41.45Kattypectin or gelatin effect?
01:41.55jblackNo. I'd say more like pudding, becuase it's definitely dairy...
01:41.57jblackLotsa dairy
01:42.04*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:43.09Katty <-
01:44.05jblackThat's a.. coat?
01:44.20Kattya very pretty one.
01:44.41Kattydid you notice the buttons?
01:44.50jblacklooks closer
01:45.01Kattyanchor (=
01:45.09jblackSure. But that's not a real navy peacoat.
01:45.15Kattyno, not at all.
01:45.17Kattyi wouldn't want a real one
01:45.22jblackReal navy peacoats are ugly as shit.
01:45.29Kattyyes indeed.
01:46.22jblackI wonder which one I should get...
01:47.04Kattythe highest rated?
01:47.24*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
01:47.42jblackI don't lke the face.
01:47.47Kattywoah. cashmere coats
01:48.02Kattyi don't think you're going to be looking at the face
01:48.08jblackGood point.
01:48.15jblackTwo good points, now that I think about it
01:48.22*** join/#asterisk jermudgeon (
01:48.35jblackfalls off his chair in laughter
01:48.46*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
01:48.47Kattyoh dear.
01:49.08jblackcmon, that was funny!
01:49.12Kattyit was ;)
01:50.39jblackthe reviews in the android market are terrible.
01:51.21jblackAnd not "this is so immoral" terrible. More like "Looks awful".
01:51.43*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:55.13*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
01:55.34jblackOh man. girlicious sucks
01:56.59jblackI think this is the result of that pussycat doll reality show.
01:58.00jblackSame thing, but somehow even worse.
01:59.50jblackThey're so bad, that they have their names embossed on their micro-skirts.
02:00.31Kattycovers eyes
02:04.50snadgei'd watch it.. but i might then have to kill myself ;)
02:05.20*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
02:07.30snadgeshite.. i have asterisknow installed in virtualbox.. and i decided to move it onto one of our xen development boxes (off my workstation)
02:08.59jblackThis is better.
02:10.47Kattywatches second one
02:12.52Kattyi like the google one better :P
02:13.46jblacka hilarious thing to watch is people griefing on team fortress 2.
02:20.48*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:21.30*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
02:22.31jblackKatty: whoah! What is this?
02:25.59*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
02:37.22snadgeoh yeah anyways.. i just copied the xen kernel onto the asterisknow/centos image.. and booted it up.. and it appears to be working.. but im getting "dahdi" errors.. whatever they are
02:38.29*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:42.26snadgei dont suppose dahdi has been ported to xen?
02:42.41snadgeit doesnt matter.. because i dont need to access with any physical hardware interfaces.. im only using SIP
02:49.23Sierasterisk is hard to configure :(
02:49.42*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:49.45*** join/#asterisk Caplain (n=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:58a5:7f49:1128:cdc4)
02:50.07snadgeit kind of is yes
02:54.35*** join/#asterisk canadait (
03:06.47*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (i=ReDNeQ@
03:06.49*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:15.36jblackJust takes practice and experience.
03:16.00jblackseems like a nobrainer to say "to setup an asterisk server, one needs to learn how to setup an asterisk server"
03:16.21russellbyou must become one with the channelz
03:20.01*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
03:20.25dlynesAny idea what the notice, 'Failed to authenticate on INVITE' means exactly, and how to correct it?  I keep getting it when I'm trying to send a t.38 session from one asterisk box to another asterisk box
03:21.35*** join/#asterisk Zokeber (n=Zokeber@unaffiliated/zokeber)
03:21.41dlynesrussellb: btw...please thank Kevin for finally coming out with some fax applications that work great
03:22.09dlynesrussellb: asterisk was long overdue for it, and they work just perfectly from what I've experienced so far
03:22.24*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
03:22.49SierI'm trying to install asterisk.. I'm doing to "make install" @ asterisk-addons, but I'm getting this error: chan_ooh323.c:2842: error: âstruct ast_channelâ has no member named âlockâ
03:22.49Siermake[1]: *** [chan_ooh323.o] Error 1
03:22.54SierWhat can I do to fix this? :)
03:23.13dlynesSier: have you installed asterisk yet?
03:24.14dlynesSier: did you install it to default locations?
03:24.39Sieryes, all I did was: ./configure, make menuconfig and make install
03:24.55dlynesSier: which version of asterisk?  which version of asterisk-addons?
03:25.16Sierasterisk-addons 1.4.9 and asterisk-
03:25.23dlynesSier: they're not compatible
03:25.41dlynesSier: you need to install asterisk and asterisk-addons-
03:25.45SierI need to use addons-1.6. , understood :)
03:25.51Siersorry about that
03:26.07dlynesSier: not a're not the first to make that mistake, and i'm sure you won't be the last
03:27.12dlynesSier: that being said, you should always try to use the version of libpri, dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools, and addons that were released closest to the time of your asterisk release
03:28.12dlynesSier: sometimes stuff gets introduced mid-version that might make certain minor versions of supporting libraries/drivers/... incompatible with certain minor versions of asterisk
03:28.29SierI see.. interesting..
03:29.20mchoudlynes: did I hear you right, you faxing over internet?
03:30.27dlynesmchou: yes
03:30.40Sierwow, wonderful.. addons compiled just fine!
03:30.42dlynesmchou: working flawlessly too, I might add
03:30.45snadgewhat does the following mean? There are 1 bad destinations
03:30.52snadgeDEST STATUS: EMPTY
03:31.01dlynessnadge: can you put it into context?
03:31.21dlynesmchou: why do you ask?
03:31.24snadgethis is in the freepbx admin status page.. of an asterisknow installation
03:31.29mchoudlynes: can yo describe your setup a bit?
03:31.35dlynessnadge: you want to /join #asterisknow
03:31.42dlynessnadge: and /join #freepbx
03:31.45infobotguis are too sexy for [TK]D-Fender's shirt.. too sexy .. it hurts! ~
03:31.49infobotgui is, like, (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, such as  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
03:31.54snadgedlynes: already in there :)
03:31.54mchoudlynes: cause I thought faxing over internet reliably was a pipe dream
03:32.16dlynesmchou: it is, and it isn't
03:32.33mchoudlynes: heisenberg? :)
03:32.35dlynesmchou: trying to get asterisk's t.38 passthrough working properly is a pipe dream
03:32.50dlynesmchou: getting t.38 to work with SendFAX/ReceiveFAX is not
03:33.23dlynesmchou: also, with asterisk 1.6.2, supposedly you're going to be able to use asterisk as a fax gateway
03:33.44dlynesmchou: I've been using call files to send faxes out
03:33.46mchoudlynes: ok, please describe how that's supposed to work
03:34.09dlynesmchou: SendFAX(/var/spool/asterisk/faxes/myfax.tif,z)
03:34.16mchoudlynes: nono
03:34.20dlynesmchou: ?
03:34.52mchouI mean like faxmachine->ata->Asterisk->??
03:34.59Kattypokes head in
03:35.24mchoudlynes: basically how are you hooking things up
03:36.45dlynesmchou: Oh...for that, I'm doing faxmachine->ata->sip w/ulaw->asterisk/ReceiveFAX, and then doing dial(...,M(macro^${EXTEN}^${LOCALSTATIONID}^/var/spool/asterisk/fax/myfaxfile.tif)) ... SendFAX(/var/spool/asterisk/fax/myfaxfile.tif,z)
03:37.25Kattydlynes: how do your users get the tiff to the server for SendFax()ing
03:37.25dlynesmchou: that's to get around t.38 passthrough not working for me
03:37.37dlynesKatty: a fax machine is one way
03:37.46Kattydlynes: the other?
03:37.53dlynesKatty: the other way I'm going to be doing is a pdf attachment, with the phone number in the subject line
03:38.05dlynesKatty: and i've got a website set up for phone number to email relationship mapping
03:38.11Kattydlynes: are you using a 3rd party thing for this?
03:38.15dlynesKatty: which backends into the asterisk database
03:38.25dlynesKatty: 3rd party thing for what?
03:38.35Kattydlynes: i assumed your Email To Fax bit was 3rd party
03:38.46Kattydlynes: i've been looking for something to do that.
03:38.53dlynesKatty: other than the fax for asterisk drivers from digium, everything else is written by moi
03:39.00Kattyapplauds dlynes
03:39.19Kattydlynes: so far i have them putting the tiff into a folder (mapped into my computer) with a numeric filename
03:39.21dlynesdialplan written in normal asterisk dialplan code
03:39.35Kattydlynes: they then called the SendFax() on an extension, enter the file name and phone number, which then starts a call file.
03:39.44mchoudlynes: so lemme understand are about to send a dial a fax number?
03:40.00dlyneswebsite written in php, with the class that's published on, but then modified a bit so that it's not broken, and so that it's fleshed out enough to be useful
03:40.19dlynesand then all the other stuff will be written in perl or bash script or something
03:40.26dlynesmchou: yes
03:40.36dlynesmchou: after it's connected, then i run sendfax
03:41.09*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
03:41.30dlynesKatty: yeah...for my testing phase i was using a call file
03:41.47dlynesKatty: for my final phase, i'll have two different modes
03:42.02dlynesKatty: the method i'm using now for people with fax machines and an asterisk box on location
03:42.03Kattyisn't so great with php or flash.
03:42.29dlynesKatty: and another method for people that would rather just email a pdf file, which then gets thrown into a call file
03:42.51Kattywhat are you using to convert pdf to tiff?
03:42.55dlynesKatty: i need to set up an mx record to handle that, and set the mail user to use maildir, instead of mail spool
03:43.17Kattyhmm. neat. i've been looking for something to do that
03:43.22Kattywindows has a problem creating a usable tiff.
03:44.24Kattyso what do you do with a fax to send it to asterisk?
03:44.28Kattyi've never done that before
03:45.30dlynesKatty: I have a fax machine hooked up to a Mediatrix ata, and then I just execute ReceiveFAX(blahblah,z) on it
03:45.56dlynesKatty: then it dumps out a tiff file for me, which I then subsequently send out
03:46.51dlynesKatty: coworker was telling me it looks just like a laser printer printout...doesn't even look like a fax apparently
03:47.08mchoudlynes: you using a provider with T.38?
03:47.09dlynesKatty: I can't see the output of the fax machine...the fax machine's in Vancouver, and I'm near Toronto
03:47.15Kattynifty (=
03:47.18dlynesmchou: yes, we support t.38
03:47.26dlynesmchou: we're our own provider
03:47.29mchoudlynes: who are you :)
03:47.45dlynesmchou: well, and plus we use Navigata (Saskatchewan Telecom) for our upstream
03:48.02dlynesmchou: are you a care home?
03:48.22mchouwhat's a care home?
03:48.24dlynesmchou: all of our customers are care homes :)
03:48.38dlynesmchou: assisted living, respite care, care homes, homes for the aged, ...
03:49.00mchoudlynes: ok, just making sure :)
03:49.03dlynesmchou: about 20 names for more or less the same thing
03:49.24dlynesmchou: it can't possibly be that difficult to find t.38 terminators, is it?
03:49.30dlynesmchou: what country are you in?
03:50.00mchoudlynes: I havent tried very hard looking
03:50.30mchouI'm sure there are some out there but it's all buried in the very very fine print is down
03:50.45dlynestheir database is even down
03:50.57dlynesi was gonna look there for your t.38, but i guess not
03:50.58mchouinspires confidence
03:51.42dlynesmchou: it was the first hit on a google search
03:51.51mchoudlynes: that's no reliable
03:54.08mchouif that's your idea of "reliable" I'd hate see you definition of failure
03:59.02p3nguinSo does anyone know if Cisco 7940/7960 phones can subscribe to hints to detect InUse status when using the SCCP image?  They don't seem to do it using SIP.
04:03.23p3nguinI hate to go through the trouble of changing my phones over to an SCCP image if they still won't detect presence once I do it.
04:05.37*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
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04:16.57*** join/#asterisk Trupsalms (
04:17.04Trupsalmshello room
04:17.16Trupsalmsmay i ask for some small assistance
04:19.51*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
04:21.14florzno, this channel is exclusively for being silent
04:21.32florzreally, I didn't wanna say anything
04:21.41florzI'm so sorry
04:21.50florzhi dan__t ;-)
04:21.59florzthat wasn't addressed to you ;-)
04:22.39keith4_wow. open mouth, insert foot
04:22.43Trupsalmsi guess that was for me huh
04:23.37dan__tTrying to do some hackery on a bridge.... what I'm looking to do is to, well assuming one of those channels is a moderator/privileged/whatever, I want another channel in there that is (reverse?) muted so that it can only listen for data or whatever from that privileged channel - regardless of how many others are in the bridge.
04:25.09dan__tLoaded question huh
04:26.59dan__tI was hoping I could use AMI to manipulate this.
04:28.03dlynesTrupsalms: instead of asking if you can get help....start by asking your real question
04:29.53Trupsalmsdon't know if it is supported, been to a few other channels that lead back here
04:30.14dlynesTrupsalms: just state your question
04:32.25p3nguinAsking to ask is not supported, if that's what you meant.
04:34.27Trupsalmsi have compiled asterisk so far on ubuntu desktop, i beleive that it is configured correctly, read on a forum about installing a asterisk-gui on it as well, have did that also, rann the makeconfigcheck, and everything is ok, but when trying to coonect to the localhost on port 8088, i get firefox can not open page at localhost:8088
04:35.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:35.09infobot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0.  For support go to  #asterisk-gui
04:36.10dan__tChanSpy might be interesting...
04:40.02dlynesTrupsalms: you probably missed a configuration step for asterisk-gui...however, that being said...95% of the people in this channel don't use a gui
04:40.15Trupsalmsi have been to that channel was pointed back here and it mostly empty
04:40.53Trupsalmsi'm crying because the cammand on everything is just to much to remember, lol
04:41.01Trupsalmsseroiusly though
04:41.25Trupsalmsif you could point me in a very good direction other than asterisk-gui
04:42.20snadgeknow the feeling bro.. i'm using freepbx myself, as it comes with asterisknow
04:42.56snadgebut i managed to get an ip phone to log into it.. and its connected to my isps voip trunk.. whoopeedoo ;)
04:43.15snadgebut ekiga is a pile of crap.. it just keep scrashing
04:43.41*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:58a5:7f49:1128:cdc4)
04:44.48Trupsalmsany advice on a channel other than asterisk-gui, that may provide good support
04:53.09*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
04:55.18snadgeawesome.. i've got it to say.. "All circuits are busy now, please try again later" ;)
04:55.33snadgewhen i try to place a call.. but thats an excellent start hehe
04:57.48*** join/#asterisk jermudgeon (
05:09.03dlynesanyone run across the issue of 'Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"blahblah" <>;tag=ryp9ayr3'?
05:11.52dlynesfinally got that problem solved
05:12.02dlynesand now the stupid thing hangs up as soon as it tries dialing
05:17.05*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
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05:23.12Trupsalmsvoipmonk are you busy
05:24.40Trupsalmscould i pm u
05:32.12*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
05:33.46ChannelZhah burn
05:47.29*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:58a5:7f49:1128:cdc4)
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06:10.02hardwirepm = private massage?
06:10.18hardwirebow chika bow wow
06:33.07*** join/#asterisk Kpcto (n=kvirc@
06:33.57dan__t - Is that indicative of a peer problem or a host problem?
06:37.50dan__tStarted after I rebooted this machine.
06:43.07dan__tnm, got it.
06:46.42*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (n=nimbus@
06:48.09*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
06:51.25*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:58a5:7f49:1128:cdc4)
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07:01.00*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
07:01.08admin0hi .. can I register as a IAX user and send to a SIP trunk ?
07:01.17admin0or does it need some extra transcoding setting in between ?
07:02.47[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: * does it automatically.
07:03.30admin0when sending from iax -> iax i get this error: requested/capability 0x8/0x41c incompatible with our capability 0x101.   .. what does this mean ?
07:04.06[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: codec disagreement
07:04.24admin0core show codecs does not list what 0x101 mean
07:04.52[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Syou should know what the other side supports and have chosen accordingly
07:05.52*** join/#asterisk jermudgeon_ (n=jermudge@
07:11.49admin0the other side has g723...  my peer has disallow=all
07:12.30admin0how do I know what 0x101 is
07:12.38admin0and what 0x8 and 0x41c means
07:13.45[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Do you have a TC400?
07:14.40admin0this device is svg200sp from
07:15.37kaldemaradmin0: 0x8 is alaw, iirc
07:15.48[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: The TC400P card is the only legal way tog et G.723 onto *.  And for G.729... thats also licensed.
07:15.51*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
07:16.04[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: So right now you are offering things * doesn't support "stock"
07:16.19[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: And by agreeing to try it you will be met with failure.
07:16.23kaldemaradmin0: actually, you'll see the hex values for codecs in the table that core show codecs prints out
07:18.30admin0guys .. thanks .. i figured it out
07:18.47admin0passes pizza to [TK]D-Fender and kaldemar
07:19.04[TK]D-Fendercheckout time....
07:19.06[TK]D-Fenderlater all
07:26.51*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
07:29.09Tech_TravisIs it possible on a stock 1.6 install to forward a queue member's calls to their cell phone instead of their soft/hard phone?
07:30.04*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
07:30.22kaldemarTech_Travis: sure
07:31.32Tech_Traviskaldemar: Is it with a built-in function or is that something I would need to create on my own?
07:32.31kaldemaryou could try by setting forwarding on in the phone itself or by using a Local/... as the member and doing it somehow in the dialplan.
07:35.31*** join/#asterisk mumtazah (n=anees@
07:36.23Tech_TravisThanks.  I don't think our softphones (XLite free) support that feature so I was trying to write it all in the dialplan. I am not familiar with Local, I'll take a look at what it does.
07:37.06kaldemarit's a channel type that calls an extension in your dialplan. then you can do whatever you want with the call. Local/exten@context
07:37.53snadgei cant figure out why if you specify an incorrect registrar line.. asterisk uses up all avialable memory and dies
07:39.36snadgeif i drop everything after and including the second @.. it will at least start.. but it wont register
07:40.50*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
07:42.29|Cybex|Hi, I am running Asterisk 1.4.25 (and using Polycom phones). I would like to manipulate 1xx responses with Asterisk (the To: field). Is this possible?
07:44.16mchou|Cybex|: I doubt it
07:44.39mchou|Cybex|: for this kind of stuff look at opensips
07:44.54mchouor openser
07:44.55|Cybex|Hmm, because Polycom implemented a new feature in their phones: 49465: Update Destination of outbound call based on display-name in SIP To header responses
07:45.10|Cybex|So I was hoping to FINALLY see who I am calling when I dial a number...
07:45.25|Cybex|I'll take a look at it though, thanks
07:45.37mchouI'm not sure I understand
07:45.41|Cybex|I'll explain
07:46.13mchouwhat exactly does the polycom feature do?
07:47.33|Cybex|one sec, phone
07:48.23|Cybex|sorry, back
07:48.35|Cybex|We have Polycom phones here (with a display).
07:48.47mchouyes, I gathered that :)
07:48.48|Cybex|When I dial a number, for example 700, I see 700 in the display
07:49.11|Cybex|I would like to see the NAME of the person I am calling. So when I dial 700, the phone should display "John Doe" instead of 700
07:49.16kaldemaropenser is no more. it got forked into kamailio and opensips.
07:49.16mchou700 get mapped to user@somwhere
07:49.22|Cybex|I hope I am explaining it correctly?
07:49.47mchouyes, then you see "User" on the polycom display
07:50.55|Cybex|Hmm, I just checked. username = 700 :(
07:51.07|Cybex|I can't show "fullname" in the display?
07:51.40mchoufull name doesnt even make sense (from sip perspective)
07:52.00|Cybex|I'm starting to understand
07:52.05mchouyou're dialing sip:700@somewhere
07:52.09|Cybex|So what I need is this in users.conf:
07:52.15|Cybex|username="John Doe"
07:52.28Tech_Traviskaldemar:  If I write this into a dialplan, how would I be able to keep track of which extension the queue "assigned" the call to?  I tried to use ${EXTEN} but that didn't keep the extension info. after the call left the queue.
07:52.58kaldemar|Cybex|: there is no such parameter in users.conf afaik
07:53.13mchou|Cybex|: it's now defaultuser :)
07:53.45|Cybex|This is in my users.conf:
07:54.39|Cybex|What should I do to get the name "John Doe" in the display? So when I call extension 700 I would like to see the name instead of the number.
07:55.02kaldemarTech_Travis: what exactly did you do?
07:55.15mchou|Cybex|: this is the wrong way to approach it
07:55.20kaldemar|Cybex|: you can't
07:56.06mchouI dont think that polycom feature is what you think it does
07:56.07|Cybex|mchou, what's wrong with it? Can you point me in the right direction...
07:56.54|Cybex|So what I want (actually see the name I am calling), is not possible?
07:57.37kaldemarnot the way you're trying to do it.
07:57.45mchouI think it's might be possible, but not in the way you're thinking
07:57.55*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
07:58.05*** join/#asterisk blinkiz (n=blinkiz@unaffiliated/blinkiz)
07:58.13|Cybex|Hmm, I am wondering what I am doing wrong...
07:58.34mchouyou arent doing anything "wrong"
07:58.50blinkizHi. I need help. No sound what so ever is played on my pbx. What can be wrong? Not even the ringing tone is working.
07:58.56blinkizHow can I troubleshoot this?
08:00.04blinkizI take that back about the ringing tone. But the other sounds are not working
08:00.16|Cybex|mchou, Could you give me some hints on how to accomplish this?
08:00.52kaldemarblinkiz: what technology are you using? where is to call coming from and where is it going?
08:01.14snadgei still dont get why my register string causes the asterisk process to allocate all available memory and crash
08:01.27snadgethat seems like a bug to me
08:02.06kaldemarsnadge: search for a similar bug, and if none exist, report one.
08:02.39mchou|Cybex|: the proper way is youse your phone book :)
08:02.52mchoulike a cell phone
08:02.53|Cybex|Phonebook on the phone?
08:03.07|Cybex|Okay, I understand
08:03.19kaldemaronce upon a time, snoms had the ability to receive text on the screen. you could use sipsak from dialplan to do it.
08:03.20mchoueither on the phone or in LDAP
08:03.43blinkizkaldemar, See my core debug 5 here:
08:03.48|Cybex|I'll go for LDAP then
08:04.06snadgemy asterisk box is behind a NAT router.. do i need to forward a port through to my asterisk box? 5060? tcp/udp?
08:04.09|Cybex|Thank you for your assistance mchou
08:04.13blinkizkaldemar, The line, Playback("SIP/outgoing-b6500040", "custom/female_welcome"), is not played
08:04.18snadgei have set nat=yes in my trunk settings
08:05.04blinkizfemale_welcome.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
08:05.26*** join/#asterisk bbt (n=sam@
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08:06.12Tech_TravisI created an on-call queue, where the person who is going to be on call dials an internal extension number.  I used VMAuthenticate to get their extension number and used AddQueueMember to put them into the queue.  I set a 30 second timeout so if the call isn't answered it goes to a Dial(SIP/${EXTEN} + 10000) statement where 10000 plus their extension is equal to their cell-phone number.  In the asterisk console the extension that
08:06.13kaldemarblinkiz: you'll probably find better help in #freepbx.
08:06.18blinkizkaldemar, Using Asterisk 1.6.2 on Ubuntu 9.10 (kernel 2.6.31-14).
08:06.51blinkizkaldemar, People in #freepbx doesn't know anything..
08:07.04kaldemarblinkiz: and people in here, well...
08:07.08infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
08:07.20blinkizkaldemar, okay...
08:07.38kaldemarblinkiz: but that cli output of yours tells nothing about the problem
08:07.46kaldemarblinkiz: is nat involved somehow?
08:07.49blinkizkaldemar, But the problem is not the dialplan. I gave you the Playback() line.. Its more a "what directory" or "what permission" problem
08:08.04kaldemarblinkiz: what makes you think that?
08:08.09blinkiznat is not involved.
08:08.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
08:08.45blinkizkaldemar, Well, the dialplan clearly tries to play a sound file according to the core debug. So that rules out problem with the dialplan. Right?
08:08.56infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
08:09.02kaldemarsnadge: ^ look at that
08:09.48kaldemarblinkiz: it seems to try to play it.
08:10.29mchoublinkiz: this is easy
08:10.57mchoublinkiz: copy a sound file that came with asterisk into custom
08:11.14mchouchange dialplan accordingly
08:11.41mchouif it plays you know it's a file encoding issue
08:12.03mchouif not, perms or some other issue
08:12.57mchouand copy all formats like pcmu or whatever
08:13.05*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
08:13.06blinkizmchou, Nice troubleshooting thing. Gonna try that
08:13.38blinkizmchou, Does this include the ringing tone?
08:13.51blinkizmchou, because that is the only thing I have heard working
08:14.29mchouany file that came with asterisk should playback
08:14.53mchoui.e be properly encoded already
08:15.15kaldemarblinkiz: the ringing tone does not come from asterisk in that case.
08:15.39blinkizkaldemar, I mean when I call into the asterisk box and get a ringtone. That is from asterisk alright..
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08:16.01kaldemarblinkiz: no it's not unless you force asterisk to send the tone.
08:16.11blinkizkaldemar, Hmm, okay
08:16.13kaldemarblinkiz: if you'd use an analog phone, then yes.
08:16.31blinkizkaldemar, So then no files is really playing..
08:16.33kaldemarunless you mean a DISA
08:16.35mchounot even an analog phone
08:16.36blinkizNot even asterisk sounds
08:16.44mchoumight be his ata :)
08:16.45kaldemarblinkiz: the ring tone has nothing to do with files playing
08:23.02*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
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08:45.33mchoukaldemar: I have an agi that takes about 2-3 secs to complete.  Is there a way to play a ringback tone while the agi is in progress?
08:45.56mchouI mean from the dialplan
08:46.29mchounot from within the agi
08:47.41*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
08:48.17kaldemarmchou: core show application PlayTones
08:49.44mchouso if I call PlayTones beforce AGI gets called, playtones will stop when agi finishes execution?
08:50.13kaldemaryou can stop the tone with StopPlayTones if nothing in the AGI stops it.
08:50.41mchouahh, ok
08:57.18*** part/#asterisk mumtazah (n=anees@
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09:19.42*** join/#asterisk Hunner (
09:21.09HunnerHi, will I be able to register to a peer if they show up as "UNREACHABLE", or do they have to show up as "OK" before registration can take place?
09:21.55kaldemarit has nothing to do with being able to register
09:22.05HunnerI'm having a tough time here in india as I am unsure if it's my config that's messed up or if it's airtel blocking me (they block a lot of the popular voip providers and may filter all port 5060 traffic)
09:23.15*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:23.30Hunnerk. Registration with every provider I've tried has timed out... but it might also be my nat that's the problem. My grandstream ATA registered to my *-box fine internally
09:24.43kaldemarHunner: enable sip debug in the asterisk box and you'll see if the box gets any messages
09:24.59kaldemarso the asterisk box is behind a NAT?
09:26.10Hunneryes, and I've given it my local nets and external ip
09:26.18Hunnerenables debug to see
09:36.02baijumCan I install two asterisk servers in same network, say
09:40.21kaldemarof course
09:44.15baijumkaldemar: ok, thanks
09:47.05Tech_Traviskaldemar: Is it possible to do the "on-call" queue to ring their soft/hard phone, then if no answer to ring a cell number with the Local/ that you mentioned earlier, or do I need a different approach?
09:50.30kaldemarTech_Travis: you can set a timeout for the queue so that the caller jumps out of it and then proceed in the dialplan
09:55.29*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
09:55.34Tech_TravisI've gotten the queue to timeout and go to the next step, but I'm having trouble with writing a dynamic way to assign the next step.  I've been trying to use a dialgroup which is defined by QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST.
09:59.33*** part/#asterisk mumtazah (n=mumtazah@
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10:10.05DelphiWorldhi all
10:10.11DelphiWorldany change to the IAX2 protocol?
10:10.15DelphiWorldi think is iax3;)
10:12.02Hunnerhow can I give a different port to connect on for a peer in sip.conf?
10:12.47Hunneroh,looks like just port=
10:17.42*** join/#asterisk fish9370 (n=fish9370@
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10:43.46kaldemarHunner: you can't. the port option for a peer is for outgoing.
10:48.00TJNIIHunner: Why would you want to?  You're probably trying to solve a problem using the wrong tool.
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11:08.33HunnerTJNII: I was trying to see if it's my provider filtering port 5060 or if it's my own problem
11:09.00HunnerI know my provider blocks gizmo5 and sipgate, but I think they're not blocking 5060 by now
11:09.09HunnerBut I still can't figure out what the problem is :(
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11:21.57TJNIIWell, you can easily move your server off 5060.  However, you will still need to register to 5060 which the ISP will block.  You don't have thwe power to change that.
11:22.20TJNIIGet a better ISP.  The last two I used both used the fact that they offer QoS for SIP as a selling point.
11:22.27*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:814f:8e04:90f6:90d1)
11:26.41*** join/#asterisk jawad (
11:26.46jawadHello i need help
11:26.48jawadwith asterisk
11:27.07jawadcan somebody help me with this
11:27.25jawadI think its a small problem not difficult
11:27.48HunnerTJNII: I just set up a locally forwarded port 5059 through ssh to, then told asterisk to register to
11:28.06Hunnerso it comes out on the ssh endpoint... it still didn't work though
11:28.10jawadI`ve put a custom sound for voice-mails audio-label. After the audio-label was finished playing, another audio-sound was triggerd.
11:28.10jawad"if this is correct press"
11:28.10jawadHow can I disable this function in Asterisk.
11:28.11jawad-- Executing [vmblast@app-vmblast:2] ExecIf("SIP/01-0243ae80", "1|Background|custom/spreekuwnaamin") in new stack
11:28.13jawad-- <SIP/01-0243ae80> Playing 'custom/spreekuwnaamin' (language 'en')
11:28.15jawad-- Executing [vmblast@app-vmblast:3] BackGround("SIP/01-0243ae80", "if-correct-press&digits/1") in new stack
11:28.17HunnerYeah. better ISP would be awesome
11:28.18jawad-- <SIP/01-0243ae80> Playing 'if-correct-press' (language 'en')
11:28.20jawad-- <SIP/01-0243ae80> Playing 'digits/1' (language 'en')
11:28.22jawad-- Executing [vmblast@app-vmblast:4] WaitExten("SIP/01-0243ae80", "20|") in new stack
11:28.24jawad== Spawn extension (app-vmblast, vmblast, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/01-0243ae80'
11:28.26jawadI bolted the function I want to disable.
11:28.29infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
11:28.29jawadWhat config file should I need to make this possible.
11:28.41kaldemarjawad: don't spam here
11:28.50TJNIIWhat was ssh connected to on the other end?
11:29.00TJNIIWhere was the server?
11:29.20Hunnerin the US
11:29.26jawadBut I need help
11:29.36jawadwith my voicemail menu
11:29.49kaldemarjawad: remove the line in the dialplan
11:29.58*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:30.38HunnerTJNII: also portscanning 5060 shows 'filtered' which I think is okay. If airtel was blocking it then I think it would show closed
11:31.13jawaduh what dailplan
11:32.00kaldemarHunner: it says filtered when a firewall is blocking the port. are you scanning the UDP port, btw?
11:32.33Hunner... right. I was using tcp
11:33.26jawadKlademar: I cant remove the line
11:33.50jawadKaldemar: I want too disable the built-in sound if this is correct.gsm
11:35.07Hunnerkaldemar: 5060/udp open|filtered # how about that from nmap?
11:35.29kaldemarjawad: why can't you remove the line?
11:35.48jawadasterisk -r
11:36.02jawadit only shows what i does i cant change anything
11:36.07kaldemarHunner: that indicates it's open
11:36.23kaldemarjawad: extensions.conf has your dialplan. edit it.
11:36.50kaldemarbut don't just remove the line if you have zero knowledge in dialplans
11:37.03Hunnersees no response with sip set debug
11:38.05kaldemarjawad: pastebin the [app-vmblast] context and i'll tell you how to edit
11:40.25TJNIIHunner: Your * box is trying to register and getting no response?
11:41.08*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
11:41.31jawadso i need to search in app-vmblast in the extension.conf
11:44.08kaldemarwhat GUI are you using?
11:44.20HunnerTJNII: yep. I'm behind nat, I've added my external ip and local nets, added a register line and a [section] to sip.conf, and it says UNREACHABLE and that registration timed out, and debug shows sending register requests and no respose
11:45.00kaldemarso freepbx.
11:45.28jawadfreepbx and elastix
11:46.28TJNIIHunner: Hopefully a stupid question, but you can access the public internet from that box, correct?
11:47.03kaldemarjawad: it's likely that you won't find the context in extensions.conf, but some other file. try asking in #freepbx first.
11:47.13infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
11:57.21jawadfound it kaldemar
11:57.44jawadi found vmblast
11:58.06HunnerTJNII: yes, just fine
11:59.58TJNIIHunner: Well, fire up your wireshark, I guess.
12:00.04TJNIIis going to bed
12:00.20jawadso what now kaldermar
12:01.15HunnerTJNII: thanks, night
12:02.32kaldemarjawad: get rid of the line that plays the unwanted sound
12:02.33infernixhas anyone used the Skype for Asterisk channel?
12:03.48jawadI did but it stil play
12:04.02kaldemarjawad: you need the reload the dialplan
12:04.20infernixthere's no trial or demo and very little info on how it works (eg how do you call a skype username)
12:04.22kaldemarjawad: asterisk -vvvr and dialplan reload
12:05.06kaldemarinfernix: i'd ask digium directly
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12:14.45jawadhmm doenst work
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12:20.20infernixkaldemar: i guess i'll do that when they wake up
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13:05.34jawadI have one more question
13:09.41kaldemarjust ask
13:10.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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13:21.00jawadi want
13:21.08jawadit works btw thanks alot!
13:21.27jawadIve deleted the line
13:21.36jawadnow you cant hear it anymore
13:21.46jawadbut now the phone is is hanging up
13:22.00jawadthats not good
13:22.12*** join/#asterisk creativx (
13:22.13jawadi want to play the voice-mail anoucement
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13:22.24jawadand then trigger the beep
13:22.39jawadand the stop the recording if hangup
13:22.40kaldemarpastebin the context
13:22.58jawadshow it?
13:23.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
13:26.51jawadok ill install it
13:27.03kaldemaryou don't have to install anything. those are web pages.
13:28.32jawadok i did
13:29.02jawadi want after the anoucement  a beep and then if ppl are finished with recording the voicemail to hang up
13:31.33*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (
13:34.20kaldemarjawad: you can remove this: exten => vmblast,n,Playback() , it does nothing
13:35.11kaldemarlooks like you want something that is really different from that. you need to learn about dialplans before you can do that.
13:35.17infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:35.37kaldemarjawad: grab the pdf above and learn some
13:35.40jawadok i did
13:38.20jawaddo you have no clue?
13:39.32*** part/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
13:41.41kaldemaryes i have a clue but i don't want to modify something that should be thrown away and replaced.
13:42.38jawadwhat do you mean?
13:43.10ManxPower-workjawad: he means that if he does it for you then you'll never learn anything.
13:43.44ManxPower-workWe really don't like people that won't try to learn on their own.
13:43.55jawadIm this close
13:44.06jawadI did everything
13:44.21jawadbut I cant understand the voice-mail option
13:44.45ManxPower-workkaldemar's comments seem to indicate that you have a basic misunderstanding of dialplan.
13:44.58ManxPower-workwhat is the URL for your pastebin?
13:45.58infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:46.06ManxPower-workSorry, I don't help people running FreePBX
13:46.35jawadlol u hate freePBX?
13:47.16ManxPower-workjawad: As infobot said, FreePBX's config files are so complex it's firtually impossible to troubleshoot by hand
13:47.23[TK]D-Fenderjawad: You should not be playing around in extensions.conf with that
13:47.46[TK]D-Fenderjawad: the dialplan is probably just fine.  Your configuration on the other hand is something else
13:47.56[TK]D-Fenderjawad: Do you not see the big print at the top?
13:48.08[TK]D-Fenderjawad: ; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
13:48.26ManxPower-workIf you modify that file it will be overwritten.
13:48.27jawadI will change it back to default
13:48.31[TK]D-Fenderjawad: So go learn how to configure you system for their channel -.. #freepbx
13:49.20*** part/#asterisk jawad (
13:50.09ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I needed to set up a extension w/just voicemail the other day.  Took me 30 seconds to do by hand,30 mins to figure it out in the FreePBX GUI and I still didn't get it right.
13:50.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Know the feeling.... GUI's are just so God-aweful slow...
13:50.41ManxPower-work"But GUIs are easier!"  "Stop drinking the Microsoft Kool-Aid"
13:51.06Carlos_PHXJust depends on your priorities and needs.
13:51.16Carlos_PHXAnd how much of an expert you want to be.
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13:59.38kaldemarheh, you have him the treatment
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14:05.21[TK]D-Fenderslams leifmadsen & Katty together and watches them anihilate each other producing massive amounts of light and energy
14:06.30jch2osif I have a linksys router with tomato loaded on it doing QOS, where on my network do I put that.  Do I have the internet-->cable modem-->router-->linux firewall-->switch?
14:06.37Kattythat was not very nice.
14:06.48jch2osor do I put it between the firewall and switch?
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14:11.03[TK]D-Fenderjch2os:  Do I have the internet-->cable modem-->router-->linux firewall-->switch? <- good
14:11.30jch2osah ok, do I need to put it in a special mode or something then?
14:11.33jch2osthe router that it
14:11.40dlynesIs there a way to take a call from a sip device, handle whatever needs to be handled, hang up on it, and then make another call in the same session?
14:11.50Katty <- 1:50
14:12.16leifmadsendlynes: there is probably an option in Dial() to continue in the dialplan after a hangup
14:12.18dlynesI just don't want the sip reinvite information from the first call getting transferred to the second call
14:12.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Originate / call-file just prior, or triggered by your hangup.
14:12.54dlynesleifmadsen: in this case, I'm accepting a call, then hanging up, and then making a call
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14:13.05leifmadsendlynes: yes, I know what you're doing
14:13.19leifmadsenlikely you're approaching it the wrong way and should be done via a script with separate calls
14:13.24dlynesleifmadsen: so a dial command doesn't exist until after it's hung up
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14:13.52leifmadsendlynes: right, but you have to have a Dial() command in the first place no? so you tell it to continue on in the dialplan after the hangup
14:14.02dlynesleifmadsen: i.e. -> ReceiveFAX(...), Hangup(), Dial(...M(...)), SendFAX(...)
14:14.16leifmadsenin that case, no
14:14.20[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Spawn a new call.  this previous one is dead
14:14.28*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
14:14.38[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: "h,1,Originate()"
14:14.39DelphiWorldanyone use Skype for Asterisk?
14:14.42leifmadsenin the 'h' extension you might be able to trigger Originate()
14:14.49leifmadsenDelphiWorld: many people do
14:14.58dlynes[TK]D-Fender: , leifmadsen Oh...didn't know about that application/function
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14:15.06leifmadsendlynes: only available in 1.6.x I think
14:15.10DelphiWorldleifmadsen: hehehe here and VUC...;)
14:15.13[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Its been in CLI/AMI since... forever <-
14:15.40DelphiWorldany free trial or sometnhing to download?
14:15.41[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: And Call-files.
14:15.52[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: No.
14:15.56dlynes[TK]D-Fender: It's just for me right now, it's passing along the sip reinvite information from the original call and refusing to authenticate me on the other server because the local sip device isn't recognized there....fromuser, fromdomain and username don't seem to help
14:16.09DelphiWorldhehehe so i can't try it out;)
14:16.12*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
14:16.26jayteeleifmadsen, looked over your queues documentation last night. looks good to me. everything seemed pretty clear to me.
14:16.35leifmadsenjaytee: great, thanks!
14:16.49dlynesleifmadsen: thanks to you as well...never knew about originate()
14:17.04jayteeonly spotted one typo on line 599, you left out the letter e in logged.
14:17.13dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I just started using AMI recently, and never use the cli for calls...only for monitoring
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14:17.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: And call-files?
14:17.51dlynes[TK]D-Fender: yeah...use them...have used them in the past, but it just complicates things for this
14:18.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Same thing though
14:18.03jch2os[TK]D-Fender - so putty the router in between the cable modem and the firewall how does that work.  Say I have a IP on the cable modem, and my firewall uses with a gateway of .1 and my inside network uses  How do I setup the router?  Does it just work without me setting IP's?  Will it do the QOS?
14:18.17dlynesleifmadsen: Originate() doesn't seem to there a special module I need to load?
14:18.33leifmadsendlynes: what version of asterisk?
14:18.41[TK]D-Fenderjch2os: this isn't #qos , ##networking, or #tomato
14:18.50jch2os[TK]D-Fender - I know, sorry!
14:18.51leifmadsenmust only exist in 1.6.2.x then
14:18.59leifmadsenor you're missing a module, but I have no idea which one it is in
14:19.01kaldemarapp Originate is 1.6.2 only, yes.
14:19.16jch2os[TK]D-Fender - I'll figure it out, just thought I would see if you had a quick answer.  thanks though
14:19.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: So just System() it.
14:19.40dlynes[TK]D-Fender: *sigh*
14:20.02dlynes[TK]D-Fender: just trying to reduce load as much as possible :)
14:20.06leifmadsenprefers SHELL()
14:20.55[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Yes, it is very useful.... nothing special for his specific need, but very cool that Backticks() was "adopted"
14:21.09*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:21.51dlynesYeah...both are probably useful...although shell() sounds like it's more useful...just doesn't give you a return code
14:22.24dlynesIs 1.6.2 compatible, communication wise over iax2 with 1.6.1 or
14:23.06dlynesI'm asking because 1.4.22rc2 wasn't compatible communications wise over iax2 with
14:25.03dlynesYeah...only module with originate in the name in is
14:25.50*** join/#asterisk plagerism (n=shipclar@
14:25.57dlyneskaldemar: I'm guessing the t.38 gateway functionality in 1.6.2 should obviate the need for what I'm doing though?
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14:31.00eppigyGUTEN MORGAN
14:31.35[TK]D-Fendereppigy: aye Cap'n!
14:36.14Kattyeppigy: still sleepies :<
14:39.11*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
14:39.48eppigyKatty: me2 :<
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14:52.02Katty <- omnomnomnom
14:52.13Katty^- appears to be baby rotty
14:52.50*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (i=Skeeter-@
14:53.30Skeeter-hi guys
14:54.28Skeeter-how is the dialplan called for this function: *(ext.) which calls an ext. voicemail automaticly
14:54.32*** join/#asterisk TiCPU (
14:54.53[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: huh?
14:55.27Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: the function works with internal ext. i would it to reach ext. from the IAX2 trunk
14:55.42[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: What function?  No such thing exists unless you invent it
14:56.12[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: #freepbx <- back to MagicHappyGUILand with you......
14:56.53Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: how do you reach someone ext. voicemail directly, is that a MagicHappyGUILand function or astertisk function
15:00.49*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:02.18[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: What extension?  One does not exist unless you create it
15:02.43Kattyeppigy: <- i saw this and thought of you.
15:04.45eppigyim not sure how to take that
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15:16.50zdzdoes anyone know what facility levels SNOM phones use for syslog?
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15:30.43ghentoHi all.  Has anyone experienced the problem with MP3Player having mpg123 hang? I did a `ps | aux` and noticed quite a number of [mpg123] <defunct> processes listed, all stemmed from asterisk.  I'm running 1.9.1 of mpg123.  In the asterisk console I see "OTICE[19851]: app_mp3.c:136 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0 , app_mp3.c:214 mp3_exec: No more mp3".
15:30.51*** join/#asterisk bahjons (n=robert@
15:31.43bahjonshas anyone been successful with the state_interface backport for v1.4?
15:32.12*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
15:32.55ariel_hello all
15:34.25jblackghento: that would be an asterisk bug. please file a bug at the bts
15:35.26jblackthe defunct processes are, i mean
15:36.58ghentojblack: ok tanks.
15:39.43ChainsawTanks! With guns on them.
15:40.01Chainsawhas actually switched to using dumbout (instead of mpg123) as his hold music is in S3M format.
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15:57.22ghentoHaha Chainsaw.  Thanks :)
15:57.39*** join/#asterisk telnettech (n=telnette@
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16:13.13UhrheberHi. Anybody here that has experience with asterisk on a NSLU2?
16:13.43[TK]D-FenderUhrheber: What in particular?
16:14.36UhrheberThe xscale processor has a DSP coprocessor. Do the codecs use it or are they only integer?
16:18.24Kattyeppigy: well you're always shouting about pork rinds
16:18.45Kattyeppigy: what are they called again?
16:19.00*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
16:21.03UhrheberIs OpenWRT a good OS to start with asterisk? I like it because of it's small uClib, but the premade images always have the WLAN things that I don't need
16:21.37UhrheberAnd removing things from the default config is a time consuming trial and error procedure.
16:23.00UhrheberIs there any chance to get an premade image with a working asterisk, that fits into the NSLU2's 8MB flash?
16:24.03*** join/#asterisk joat (
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16:25.52eppigyKatty: CHICHARONES
16:26.00eppigyor somethin like that
16:27.07Kattycleverbot is cute
16:27.09ariel_chicharones, spanish for fried pork skin
16:27.32Katty <-
16:28.32*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:29.18*** join/#asterisk maskas (
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16:30.21Kattyoh this one is hilarious
16:30.22maskasI've set option g in my dial command, but my dialplan still wont proceed to the next step in the dialplan on answered calls
16:30.26Kattyariel_: i will need your translation skills
16:30.33maskasusing asterisk 1.4.26
16:31.44Katty <-
16:32.01maskaswould appreciate if someone can help?
16:34.13ChannelZmaskas: That's not what g does - it makes it continue if the call hangs up
16:34.14Tim_Toadymaskas it proceeds as soon as the call ends
16:34.17ariel_Katty: I don't know or have used this word: Tramtadadá
16:34.19Kattyariel_: any luck on that translation?
16:34.24Kattyah :<
16:35.02KattyTramtadadá <- does anyone know what the word is?
16:35.12KattyAbi ko kasabot ka <- or this phrase?
16:35.18*** join/#asterisk qdk (
16:35.23ariel_not spanish
16:35.31ariel_at least not that I have heard of
16:35.34maskastim_toady: Thats what I meant, I want it to proceed once the call hangs up
16:36.16maskasbut even once the call hangs up it wont goto the next priority
16:36.17Tim_Toadymaskas a dialplan sample and maybe the output of a call with verbose set to 3 might help
16:36.29ariel_use pastebin
16:36.48[TK]D-Fendermaskas: "g" only works if the CALLED party is the one that ends the call
16:37.07[TK]D-Fendermaskas: Otherwise the call will jump to the "h" Asterisk Standard Extension.
16:37.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=Defraz@
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16:39.39maskasok actually, my bad it is going to the next priority with option g
16:39.57maskasbut for some reason its not writing the variable in the cdr
16:40.43*** join/#asterisk Benatonshore (
16:41.31maskasDo I need to do something else for it to write the hangup cause code in the cdr
16:42.03[TK]D-Fendermaskas: You aren't showing us anything to debug...
16:42.05infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
16:43.19Kattyinfobot: cleverbot?
16:43.23*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (n=Chris123@
16:43.31KingDavidNYChello everybody!!!!
16:43.34Kattyinfobot: cleverbot is
16:43.35infobotKatty: okay
16:46.04maskasjust a second, will pastebin
16:46.40Katty <- my conversation with cleverbot about asterisk
16:47.12*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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16:47.56Kattyinfobot: What is trixbox?
16:47.57infobotwell, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
16:50.15ManxPower-workthe lowly infobot us smarter than all the people using FreePBX.
16:50.42KattyManxPower-work: did you see my pastebin above about the cleverbot conversation?
16:51.05ManxPower-workKatty: I saw the URL, I didn't read it.
16:51.26maskasI've pasted my dialplan, the output from console and cdr into , would appreciate if you can check
16:52.02jayteetaking a half day today, gonna "git da earl chaynged in muh cur"
16:52.51Kattyleafs for lunch
16:53.03*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (n=blackvel@
16:53.21Blackvelhi. anyone with patton 4634 media gateway here?
16:54.53Tim_Toadymaskas in this paste the dialplan continues after dial ends, i dnt see the prob you mentioned
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16:58.41maskastim_toady: yes it is continuing, but if you see the cdr the hangup cause code is not in the cdr and the last app is dial, not hangup as it should be
17:00.35*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
17:02.22HunnerWould I have to forward ports through my nat to my asterisk box to register to a sip trunk like sipgate?
17:02.57*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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17:02.59Hunneror only if I wanted devices registering to my box?
17:03.04*** part/#asterisk bahjons (n=robert@
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17:05.49infobotmethinks answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
17:05.54ManxPower-workHunner: see the NAt link
17:06.47bmoracawoot...gettin me a AS5400 to play with
17:06.47AmorsenIt would be nice if Asterisk registered which end hung up automatically in the CDR
17:07.28maskasAmorsen: thats exactly what I'm trying to do, any idea how I can do it?
17:08.51Amorsenmaskas: You have to proceed as you did, with a h extension and the appropriate dial option
17:08.58AmorsenI haven't had much luck with it myself
17:09.32*** join/#asterisk jorgeluiso (n=jorgeoli@
17:09.47maskaswell it shows it is setting the variable on the console
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17:09.52maskasbut in the cdr its not there
17:10.46AmorsenAh, cdr on hangup
17:10.54AmorsenThere's an option you must set for that to work
17:11.04maskasoh, what option is that?
17:11.08*** part/#asterisk andreas-- (
17:11.09AmorsenGood question
17:11.34AmorsenLogically named "endbeforehexten"
17:12.59maskaswhere would I set that?
17:13.40Amorsen(That last one google could have told you)
17:14.50maskassorry, yes I would it on google
17:15.46maskasit should be = no right?
17:15.57AmorsenErr no
17:16.02AmorsenIt should be yes
17:16.14AmorsenI'm confusing myself
17:16.19AmorsenTry it out :)
17:16.56HunnerManxPower-work: okay, I think I'm doing everything right, but I get no answer from my sip provider
17:16.59Hunnerjust 17:16:13.902630 IP > SIP, length: 413
17:17.44ManxPower-workHunner: EVERY instruction must be followed.  Most issues are because someone didn't put "canreinvite=no" or didn't port forward or whatever.
17:18.29maskasok thanks amorsen
17:19.07jorgeluisoHi, I want to replace the charactter
17:19.21Qwelljorgeluiso: the character?
17:19.45jorgeluisosorry a charactter * for A
17:19.57jorgeluisowithin the dial plan
17:20.36jorgeluisobasically to have an appropriate monitor file name when the exten contents a *
17:21.27jorgeluisosomething like exten => s,n,Replace(FILENAME,${EXTEN},*,A)
17:22.56jorgeluisoI know the app replace doesnt exist but I'm looking for the replace funcionality.
17:24.34maskasamorsen: I tried with both yes and no, but still no luck
17:31.59Amorsenmaskas: And you restarted asterisk between tests?
17:32.16maskasAmorsen: I did reload
17:32.31maskasI cant restart as there is live traffic on it
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17:36.01archiac_why can't you just do a reload?
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17:38.52archiac_is the context name just a string; meaning I can name a context an IP?  []
17:40.04ruben23hi anyone what error is this coming on my CLI--->
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17:44.14Blackvelanyone knows if patton 4634 does HWEC (for inbound)?
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17:56.45jblackI need the names of 4 or 5 companies I've helped with asterisk
17:57.09jblackSo, if I've ever helped you with asterisk, and you work at a company with a recognizable name, please msg me.
18:02.07Kattyjblack: have you ever helped me with asterisk stuff?
18:02.23Kattyjblack: or do you mean Officially
18:02.39jblackever asked me a question, and got an answer.
18:02.52Kattyi don't know :<
18:03.00jblackI can't think of anything.
18:03.13jblackSo, ask me something you don't know, so that I can say I provided consultation to your company. =)
18:03.31Kattypulls up dialplan
18:03.41Chainsawjblack: My hold-music sometimes skips a little. I'm using dumbout. What can I do about that?
18:04.53jblackchainsaw: Hrmm. You're what, using an external application, and getting skipping?
18:05.11Chainsawjblack: Yes.
18:05.16jblackI don't know of anything specifically called "dumbout", but I see examples that provide a musiconhold context called dumbout.
18:05.28jblackchainsaw: I'd try setting a bigger buffer.
18:05.39Kattyoh. wait. that's the wrong bit.
18:05.53jblackChainsaw: what program are you using to play mp3s?
18:06.06Katty <- let me know when you're ready.
18:06.29jblackOh, faxing is hard, but I'll try
18:06.30jblackwhat's up?:
18:06.39Kattywell this isn't about faxing, directly
18:06.48Kattywindows can't create a usable tiff that linux likes.
18:07.00Kattyso i'm looking for a pdf -> tif commandline converter
18:07.30jblackprobably have to take a couple steps.
18:07.41Kattyyes, probably
18:07.44Chainsawjblack: application=/usr/bin/dumbout /etc/asterisk/LINX/TheBlueValley.s3m -m -s 8000 -r 2 -v 0.5 -o -
18:08.02Chainsawjblack: On mode=custom, cachertclasses=yes.
18:08.13Kattyyou can help me later (=
18:08.32jblackYeah, it'll take me a moment to get pdf into something useful
18:08.43jblackYou actually have an app called dumbout?
18:08.52Chainsawjblack: That is correct.
18:08.57jblackWhat is that, a script?
18:09.16Chainsawjblack: It's an executable. It uses the "DUMB" framework to play the module audio file (in S3M screamtracker format).
18:09.22jblackThose options look suspiciously close to pplay to m3
18:09.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: i see you still haven't followed yesterday's advice
18:09.57jblackChainsaw: double check to make sure it's a binary and not a script?
18:09.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: i plan on turning it into a call file. i want to keep it simple for now.
18:10.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: so simmer down, dear.
18:10.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: its 1 line of dialplan....
18:10.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah i don't really care (=
18:10.45Kattypats [TK]D-Fender
18:10.47Kattythanks though.
18:10.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: so your way IS complicated
18:10.58*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
18:11.24Kattythat's nice.
18:11.33jblackOh, THAT s3m..
18:11.36jblackcute. ;)
18:11.40ruben23hi anyone have idea on this error log on my asterisk CLI------->[Nov 13 10:11:31] WARNING[28618]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short
18:11.51jblackI bet mplayer can handle those.
18:11.52ruben23i got a lot of it on the CLI screen
18:12.05*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
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18:13.28Chainsawjblack: So where do I set this buffering option?
18:14.03jblackI don't have that specific binary, so I'm checking into whether mplayer has s3m support, in which case, we can just switch you over, and easily set up the buffersize easily
18:15.49jblackIt's not exactly a common format.
18:15.58*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
18:16.03jblackyou ought to consider just converting them to gsm and be done with it
18:17.20Chainsawjblack: It does waste a lot of disk space that way.
18:17.27jblackgsm? Nah.
18:17.45jblackgrabs chiptunes sources to build
18:17.54Chainsawjblack: 553 kilobytes for 12 minutes of audio.
18:17.58Chainsawjblack: If GSM can do that, colour me impressed.
18:20.50jblackoh christ.
18:20.57jblackI see why you had such a problem
18:21.12Katty :>
18:22.01Chainsawjblack: But you're saying the Asterisk end will not buffer.
18:22.10Chainsawjblack: So I need to discover command switches for this thing and get it to pump more audio.
18:22.27jblackchainsaw: well, asterisk is running out... so it's the other side that needs to buffer more.
18:22.36jblackit's starving.
18:22.40Chainsawjblack: *nod* So it's a buffer underrun. Understood.
18:22.50Chainsawjblack: You can add the London Internet Exchange to your consultancy list.
18:22.50jblackworst case scenario, we make a big ass fifo, feed the fifo.
18:23.03AmorsenSometimes a regex_replace function would be handy. Call it s perhaps...
18:23.11jblackAre you really using s3ms there?
18:23.23Chainsawjblack: For my hold music? Yes.
18:23.31jblackYou're old school.
18:23.41*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
18:24.17Chainsawjblack: It's the Blue Valley. You'll know it.
18:24.23Chainsawjblack: (Ever played Uplink?)
18:24.48jblackI think I played everything on the 64
18:25.04jblackI dont' remember uplink specifically though.
18:25.17Chainsawjblack: It was a PC game.
18:26.46ruben23hi anyone have idea on this error log on my asterisk CLI------->[Nov 13 10:11:31] WARNING[28618]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short
18:26.46ruben23(10:13:02 AM) ruben23: i got a lot of it on the CLI screen
18:27.22jblackhrmm. xine plays s3m.
18:27.42jblackI missed this game.
18:28.45jblackI wanted this game so badly!
18:28.57clart001excuse me, where do i configure an iax trunk?
18:28.58ChainsawIt's perfect for hold music. Network techies are likely to recognise it; it doesn't deteriorate on a bad GSM link like a violin does.
18:29.09jblackThis isn't bad for hold music, actually.
18:29.37kaldemarclart001: iax.conf
18:29.57jblackSo, let's look at making a big fifo.
18:30.36jblackare you familiar with mkfifo ?
18:30.49ChainsawI've not used it before, no.
18:31.18Chainsaw(Just doublechecked the possible dumbout arguments, it does not support buffering)
18:31.30jblackyeah, it's basically a port.
18:31.39jblackfrom dos, it looks like.
18:31.41clart001@kaldemar: link in sip.conf
18:33.33*** join/#asterisk xenoterracide (
18:33.52xenoterracideanyone know if it's possible to connect asterisk to ventrilo?
18:34.15jblackChainsaw: still working on this
18:34.45Chainsawjblack: It uses barely any CPU, which is another reason why I like this approach.
18:35.06Chainsawjblack: The MP3 file was huge and it took more CPU to decode then it takes to play this teeny tiny file.
18:36.41Chainsawjblack: Actually... listening to it now it hasn't dropped once.
18:36.51Chainsawcasts a suspicious look at his Cisco handset
18:39.09Chainsawjblack: Yes, cancel that. This looks to have been an overloaded link elsewhere.
18:39.37jblackOh, cmon... I just got dumbout to dump into a big fifo
18:39.59ChainsawDropping the volume to 0.4 instead of 0.5 was a good move.
18:40.01ChainsawSorry :/
18:40.09jblackecho cancellation. Heh
18:40.12[TK]D-Fenderxenoterracide: No.
18:40.26Tech_TravisIf a call goes into a queue with  timeout set, and a random member is logged in but does not answer the call, is there a way to get that extension so I can pass it to a Dial()?
18:42.56xenoterracide[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks. I was unable to get ventrilo working properly through wine. so I was thinking maybe another voip could talk ot it
18:43.00jblackKatty: Ping
18:43.15Kattyis updating her ringtone
18:43.34jblackOk. pdf to tiff.
18:43.42jblackthat's right
18:44.05Kattyjblack: i'll email you my ringtone
18:44.29jblackOhh, there's apdf2svg. Not what we need, but nice. ;)
18:45.46Kattywhere am i sending it?
18:46.36jblackAhh, here we go.
18:47.27Kattyjblack: sent
18:49.56Kattybah, it's too long.
18:50.01jblackI checked an old script. I used ghostscript to convert pdf to text
18:50.08jblackI don't have a max filesize on my email
18:50.19jblackhow about  ?
18:50.20Kattyit's too big for my blackberry
18:50.27Kattyno i sent it
18:50.34jblackthere's a pastebin for files somewhere
18:50.46Kattyno, my blackberry doesn't like it
18:50.50Kattyit's too long for it to use as a ringtone
18:50.51jblackanyways, we should be able to convert the pfs to ghostscript, suitable for fax printing
18:51.07jblackso, chop it down a bit with audacity. :)
18:51.15jblackhell, I'll do it for ya if you want, was the site I was thinking about
18:51.53jblackOk, so, pdf to tiffs.
18:51.59Kattysure, you can snippet my ringtone
18:52.04Kattythat sounds more interesting than pdfs anyway
18:52.12Kattytake out the micheal jackson bit.
18:52.15Kattybut leave the sweet dreams
18:52.29jblackIt's the sperm people!
18:52.36*** join/#asterisk pzn (n=pzn@
18:52.50Kattyi have the 8 second intro
18:52.52Kattyif that will help
18:52.55Kattyit used to be my ringtone
18:52.57jblackI couldn't get that out. I'm not that good at audio manipulation...
18:53.12jblackThat said... if you want the spermpeople,  could loopback a recording of that youtube video
18:53.33jblackis the billy jean part the only part?
18:53.45pznis there any way to make an extension work like this: Dial(sip/300) -- and ring during 10 seconds, if not answered, playback()... how to do this?
18:54.44[TK]D-Fenderpzn: Dial(sip/300,10) , then do other stuff
18:55.41pzn[TK]D-Fender: wow! that simple! thanks!
18:56.23*** join/#asterisk J-zimbam (
18:57.04Kattysends jblack a copy
18:57.42jblackI just got MJ out here too
18:57.50Kattysend it to me
18:58.03jblacksperm people singing nirvana makes me uncomfortable
18:58.13J-zimbamAnyone have any ideas why Asterisk would consume 99+% CPU usage randomly? It runs fine for hours and even days. Then spikes to the 90's. It does it during high and low traffic times as well.
18:58.14superbeefso how sinful is it to use an ethernet patch able for a T1 patch?
18:58.34jblacksuperbeef: Not sinful at all.
18:58.37Kattystill too big
18:58.40Kattykicks blackberry
18:58.47jblackkatty: Cheat. Change the bitrate!
18:59.06jblackthe sample you emailed me was stereo. Is your phone stero?
18:59.07superbeefjblack: good deal.. I didnt thnk it was, but i'm having to cover all my bases
18:59.14jblackThat right there will cut it in half.
18:59.17Kattygood point
18:59.27ManxPower-worksuperbeef: There is no issue with using an ethernet cable as a T-1 cable.  HOWEVER, an ethernet crossover cable cannot be used as a T-1 crossover cable.
18:59.58superbeefManxPower-work: yeah i guess that makes sense... I've made my own T1 crossover for my testbox
19:00.46jblackLOLOLOLOL! Katty: search youtube for "sperm people"
19:01.45Kattywhat format do you think i should encode this audio file in
19:01.46J-zimbamwe upgraded from asterisk 1.2 to 1.4 and ever since we get the random CPU spikes
19:02.10jblackFor your phone? I'd stick with mp3 if it can do it. Just cut it to mono, and maybe take the bit rate down.
19:02.24*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
19:02.38Kattypokes around cdex for mono setting
19:02.42*** part/#asterisk clart001 (
19:02.45jblackJ-zimbam: Hrmm. You've gotta figure out what's going on so it doesn't seem random.
19:03.00*** join/#asterisk donnib (
19:03.06jblackJ-zimbam: You're not gonna be able to figure out what's wrong until you discover the pattern.
19:03.19J-zimbamyeah, ive turned up debug and everything to find a pattern but after 2 weeks...notta
19:03.20jblackkatty: mencoder or ffmpeg may be of help too
19:03.22Kattythe problem is a severe lack of chocolate
19:03.29Kattycdex has a mono setting
19:04.17*** part/#asterisk xenoterracide (
19:04.30jblackI downconverted stuff last night with ffmpeg.  ffmpeg ringtone.mp3 -acodec mp3 -ac 1 -ab 32 smallringtone.mp3
19:04.32J-zimbamafter we restart asterisk it works great for awhile
19:04.45jblackOk. then, after two weeks, what?
19:04.47*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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19:04.48J-zimbamthen a day or 2 later it starts again.
19:04.51Kattyyay 800kb
19:05.13J-zimbami meant i havent found a pattern after 2 weeks
19:05.16jblackkatty: Now add a r option to a dial somewhere, and say you consulted with me. :P
19:05.23Kattythrows blackberry
19:05.28jblackyou're kidding.
19:05.39jblackthere's no way 800kb is too big
19:06.01Chainsawjblack: Much too big. 64kb ought to be enough for anybody.
19:06.05jblackThe error message is lying. IT doesn't like the format.
19:06.11Kattytries 700kb
19:06.19jblackChainsaw: Heh. Go s3m. :P
19:07.18Blackvelkatty: could you find any voip sip application for blackberry (e.g bold 9000) and connecting it to asterisk?
19:07.26Kattytries 400
19:07.35KattyBlackvel: in theory, gizmo does.
19:07.45jblackkatty: Maybe it's not size, but length ?
19:07.46KattyBlackvel: but it's not a pretty sight.
19:08.05Blackvelwasnt it java on blackberry? shouldnt be too hard to write a sip client (not me!)
19:08.05*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
19:08.17Kattyjblack: that just sounds wrong.
19:08.21darkdrgn2kany one know where i can find a cisco 7940 configuration instructions
19:08.29jblackThat's a pretty long mp3.
19:08.39jblackTry making a 15 second long clip. No way that's too long
19:08.53Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: For SIP or for SCCP?
19:09.01Blackveldarkdrgn2k: do you know if cisco phones compensate inbound echo better than a snom 370?
19:09.02darkdrgn2kChainsaw: SIP (work with asterisk)
19:09.11Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: Both work with Asterisk.
19:09.14darkdrgn2kBlackvel: no idea, just got my cisco phones in the mail.
19:09.17darkdrgn2kChainsaw: whats better?
19:09.21Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: Anyhow, try a Google for 7960 SIP.
19:09.26Kattyit plays the 400kb one, but it sounds like crap
19:09.29J-zimbamis there a way to clear cache that Asterisk might be building up over time without restarting?
19:09.30jblackdrmessano: ping
19:09.30Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: Because a 7940 is just a 7960 missing two line buttons.
19:09.35Kattyand 600kb is too large.
19:09.39Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: All other config is identical :)
19:09.47Kattylooks like i'mg oign to have to shorten the audio clip if i want to be able to have any quality work speaking of
19:09.49jblackReally, so it is size, and not length?
19:09.58jblackLet me see what I can do here, ok?
19:10.03Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: SIP is the industry standard, go with that.
19:10.15darkdrgn2kwell im gussing i need toupdate firmware
19:10.19Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: (Unless you plan on using a lot of the XML features in the menu, because that doesn't work for SIP)
19:10.20darkdrgn2k(copy right date on this virmware is 2005)
19:10.24Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: You'll want 8.11; *not* 8.12
19:10.29*** join/#asterisk muiro (
19:10.37darkdrgn2kmight i ask why
19:10.52Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: Because 8.12 screws up caller ID text.
19:10.57Kattyjblack: no, length is fine.
19:11.04Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: (It can't deal with spaces for example)
19:11.05darkdrgn2kChainsaw: thanx for the heads up
19:11.18Kattyjblack: i sent you the original one i had
19:11.24ManxPower-workjblack: This needs to be in a /topic somewhere "jblack: Really, so it is size, and not length?"
19:11.31darkdrgn2kdoes sip work with xml (basic xml)
19:11.55Kattyjblack: except in mono
19:12.01jblackturns purple
19:12.07Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: The SIP firmware has only very basic XML menu support. A lot of the cool things you read about (like changing softkeys) will not work.
19:12.25Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: But the basic phone capabilities, sure. That's all good.
19:12.31[TK]D-Fender[14:09]<Chainsaw>darkdrgn2k: Because a 7940 is just a 7960 missing two line buttons. <- 4
19:12.32darkdrgn2kLOL ok
19:12.35jblackshe said it's not the size that counts, but how you use it
19:12.42ChainsawOkay Fender.
19:13.01jblackwhoops, i used lame, not ffmpeg
19:13.09darkdrgn2kany idea where i can get a new firmware?
19:13.30jblackgives katty a big smile
19:13.40darkdrgn2kooo 7.2(4.0)
19:13.41jblackkatty: I can get good quality at 135k
19:13.48Kattysend it
19:13.55jblackcan you send me your nonmj version?
19:14.05Kattymy omnomnomnom version?!
19:14.11Kattydigs through advance doptions
19:14.34jblacknon-mj is what you want, right?
19:14.55jblackif you have lame there, you can do it yourself.  lame ringtone.mp3 --abr 16 -a ringtones.mp3
19:15.07Kattynot micheal jackson?
19:15.15jblackyeah. you wanted him cut out, right?
19:15.18Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: You may find this page helpful, it has download links near the bottom:
19:15.19jblackand you did so?
19:15.30Kattywell yes, i did cut that audio bit out
19:15.38Kattyand set it to 64 encoding, mono
19:15.39jblackso put it up at, please?
19:15.41Kattybut it sounded like crap
19:16.09Kattyyou want it in stereo or mono?
19:16.32jblackstereo. I'll downmix it
19:16.58darkdrgn2kugh any one know how to flash these dam phones :-S i have ciscos website
19:17.02*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
19:17.27ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k: you contact Cisco, send them money, they send you firmware.
19:17.34jblackhere's an idea of what I'm getting :
19:17.36Kattyah well crap. i'd already saved it in mono
19:17.40darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: HAHAHA yeh they wish :-P
19:17.42*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:17.42jblackmono's fine then
19:17.47jblacktell me what you think of that.
19:17.51*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
19:17.57darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: i spend enough money on their Smarth whatever services for all the cisco routers
19:17.59ManxPower-workThis whole stupig thing about SELLING firmware is one of the reasons we did not choose cisco.
19:18.00Kattythat sounds nice.
19:18.04jblackit's 117 k
19:18.10infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
19:18.20darkdrgn2k->>> Cisco 7940+
19:18.24darkdrgn2kthats why i got it :-P
19:18.27Kattyk, let me edit number 2, and rip out the MJ bit again so it's in stereo
19:18.46jblackOk. ANd I'll downmix to 16kbit mono just like what you heard.
19:19.15jblackthen, maybe some faxing stuff?
19:19.33jblackthe guy doing my resume is gonna get pissy if I put him off too long. :)
19:19.33Kattyi suppose :<
19:21.25jblackyou were satisfied with 16kbit, or you want 32? (102k vs 203k)
19:21.51Katty203 should be small enough
19:22.05jblackactually, 32 is a bad idea. I'm getting underruns on the file
19:22.10jblacklemme try 24
19:22.22jblackonly certain bit rates are legal
19:22.38Kattyjblack: ghostscript - The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter <- this?
19:23.00jblackThat's the beast there, yeah.
19:23.09*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
19:23.32Kattygreat googa mooga
19:23.32[TK]D-Fender[14:18]<darkdrgn2k>thats why i got it :-P <- Yeah... and notice that its FOURTH on the list
19:23.40jblackthat's a bad cut, katty
19:23.46*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
19:23.47darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: but its ON the list... as opposed to NO on the list
19:23.53Kattyi did my best :P
19:23.58jblackI can o better.
19:24.03[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: SMRT
19:24.20darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: *sigh* never dull with you around it is
19:25.29Kattyanyone have a document about the specs of a tif file that SendFax() likes? dpi and what not
19:26.10*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
19:28.27Kattydarkdrgn2k: throw things at him
19:28.49ChainsawKatty: I'd go for group III fax specifications:  204×98 (normal) or 204×196 (fine) dots per square inch
19:32.23jblackThis is harder than I thought
19:32.42*** join/#asterisk traxx (
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19:37.16Katty <-
19:37.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
19:37.38Katty^- can you say, Christmas Present
19:37.52leifmadsenAsterisk release candidates 1.4.27-rc5,,, and are now available. See the release announcement!
19:38.08ChainsawKatty: That's awesome :D
19:38.17ChainsawThey'll never let us fly them at work though :(
19:38.34Kattyi hope ryan likes it
19:38.40Kattyi got him one last year, but it had no pitch control on it
19:39.06Chainsaw4 channel is quite decent. 2 channel is indeed hard to fly.
19:39.16*** join/#asterisk Uhrheber (
19:39.23Kattyhe's been talking about one called the Bumblebee
19:39.25Chainsaw(6 channel as well, but that's because they're 3D helis and very twitchy. If you don't pay attention you'll crash those very easily)
19:40.30Kattybumblebee appears to be a 2 channel :<
19:40.59ChainsawKatty: It says 3 channel on this other link I found. But yes, a bit limited.
19:41.08ChainsawKatty: Besides... airsoft. I approve of this christmas present.
19:42.22*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (n=chris@
19:42.48Kattyoooh,t hey make battletanks too
19:43.31CGMChrisIn sip.conf, how can I define multiple ip ranges using deny= and permit= statements?  I cannot find any examples that clearly illustrate this.  For example, I want to permit traffic from 208.227.* and from 209.224.*.
19:43.45ChainsawKatty: Yes, but you can't sneak up on people as well.
19:44.42ChainsawGoing home, back later.
19:44.51[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: do your deny-all, then 1 to add one subnet, another for the next
19:44.59p3nguincgmchris: deny= should come first, then two allow= lines should be fine.
19:45.16CGMChrisI tried that and it didnt seem to work.  Let me give it another go.  Thanks.
19:45.40kaldemarp3nguin: allow is for codecs, permit for ACL
19:45.50p3nguindammit!  You're right.
19:46.02p3nguinI always mess that up.
19:48.19jblackKatty: mailing it as we speak. I don't think I did any better on the cut. :(
19:48.24jblackbut the size is small
19:48.29jblackI'm gonna go grab a burger.
19:48.52jblackand be back in about 22 minutes and 17 seconds
19:49.28*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
19:49.48jblackit'll work as a ringtone. ;)
19:50.15*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
19:50.19jblackor are you sad that I'm eating a burger
19:50.30Kattyi love it!
19:50.33jblackis confused!
19:50.49jblackis :> a happy face, or a sad face?
19:50.50Katty^- the ringtone
19:50.54Katty:< is a sadface
19:51.07jblackSo you were sad about the cut, and triple sad about the burger.
19:51.19Katty:>>> <- triple happy
19:51.34jblackOh, > vs <
19:51.42jblacksee. I need food. I'm going blind. :P
19:52.35Kattycalls self
19:53.52hardwiredo you sound good?
19:57.20[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Just imagine the EC load ;)
19:59.25donnibstupid question. how does one pause the output when working in terminal ? i have tried | less but it did not work
20:00.20hardwirenow ask how to unpause it
20:00.22[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: you don't.  there is no pause, and "less" only works when the output ENDS
20:00.25hardwireafter.. of course trying it.
20:01.01hardwiredonnib: I use 'screen' typically
20:01.07donnibso how do i work with output ?
20:01.10hardwirebut pausing the vt works well using ctrl-s/ctrl-q
20:01.14hardwiredonnib: check out screen
20:01.43hardwirerun screen.. connect to asterisk.. hit ctrl-a esc and scroll around or write to a buffer
20:01.54hardwireerr.. right the buffer to file
20:03.27donnibwill try
20:04.07hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I rock.
20:05.23*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
20:06.07[TK]D-Fendertakes the rock, puts it in a slings and takes out hardwire
20:06.21hardwirebends time and space
20:10.24telnettechcan someone tell me what I will see in a protocol analyzer for a phone registration using mgcp?
20:10.24jblackthat was good
20:10.33telnettechlooking for the message
20:10.58ManxPower-worktelnettech: I would be surprised if anyone on this channel uses MGCP
20:10.58Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:11.29jblacktelnettech: Asterisk will happily dump the protocol chat to you in the console.
20:11.43*** join/#asterisk ecrane (
20:11.44jblacktelnettech: Just set verbose and debug to 9
20:12.19jblackoh, and sip debug of course
20:12.26telnettechnot using asterisk......but im needing to find out the message that is used in the MGCP protocol so that I can build out a C# script
20:13.40ManxPower-worktelnettech: there is an RFC to PGCP
20:13.49ManxPower-workand MGCP too
20:14.04telnettechi am looking thru it now but was trying to do shortcut  :)
20:18.11*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
20:18.11Katty <- Better Christmas Present.
20:18.12*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
20:20.04jblackKatty: So, wanna fix your faxing?
20:20.32Kattywell, it's not really broken.
20:20.56Kattyit's just that windows fails at tiffs.
20:20.56*** join/#asterisk hesco (n=hesco@
20:21.08jblackso it is broken. :)
20:21.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: You had us a "Windows fails" :0
20:21.50jblackHow's this sound? Users save to pdf, upload to a page and plug in a phone number, and fax away?
20:22.14Kattyupload to a Page?
20:22.24*** join/#asterisk coldsteal (n=Administ@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
20:22.24Kattyright now they print to location, and call Sendfax()
20:22.24*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
20:22.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: web page.
20:23.11CGMChrisUsing IP based auth with a SIP provider, when calling dial for outbound calls in the dialplan, will Dial immediately fallthru to the next line in the dial plan if that particular provider is unreachable (down) ?
20:23.41hescoanyone know off-hand the default username and password for an aastra's configuration web page?
20:24.22*** part/#asterisk coldsteal (n=Administ@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
20:24.26CGMChrisRephrased, my SIP provider has servers in Dallas, NYC, and LAX. How can I utilize this to provide outbound call redundancy ?
20:25.02QwellCGMChris: ask them to use SRV, and it'll Just Work.
20:25.13*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
20:25.21Qwellit would take them about 5 minutes...
20:26.03CGMChrisMy "turnup" instructions say SRV all over the place, such as "".  But I'm not sure how this affects me and my configs.
20:26.48hescothank you sir, that got me right in
20:27.19CGMChrisQWell: Doesnt my dialplan have to specify which peer to dial out from?  like this: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/broadvox_nyc/${EXTEN})  ?
20:28.00CGMChris@Qwell: Do I need to call dial a different way or stack dial commands to have it fallthru to another provider?
20:28.25[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: Use a HOST that isn't an IP <-
20:28.49jblackkatty, where did you get sendfax from?
20:28.53QwellCGMChris: no, it just happens
20:29.33J-zimbamwouldnt qualify in the peer settings let asterisk know if the link is down or not? then just link multiple out routes in ur dial string
20:31.42ManxPower-workYou can do this many different ways.  You can use SRV or Dial and check the HANGUPCAUSE, etc.
20:31.56*** join/#asterisk corretico (n=laguilar@
20:34.47Kattyjblack: ^_-
20:34.53Kattyjblack: what do you mean, where did i get it?
20:35.00Kattyjblack: i got it from the flower shop, down the street
20:35.04*** join/#asterisk jermudgeon (
20:35.08jblackOh, of course
20:35.14Blackvelwhat would i do on inbound echo (only 1-2%)? throw away snom 370 or patton 4634 media gateway?
20:35.57Kattyjblack: if you're asking how did i install it, from the tarballs on digium's site.
20:36.23Kattyjblack: <- further information.
20:36.28jblackI'll be honest, whenever I've done faxing, I used external perl scripts. I did a check in the console for sendfax, and neither show application nor show function shows it.
20:36.46Kattywe're not really going to use Sendfax()
20:36.57Kattynot when our primary products are 50k MFPs
20:37.15KattyRecieveFax() is more useful with our DIDs
20:38.27ManxPower-workjblack: sendfax is part of 1.6 and requires spandsp to build
20:39.10Kattyi'm using sendfax with 1.4
20:39.18Kattyit's quirky, but recievefax is good
20:40.17jblackYeah, I use receive_fax, which is a perl agi. =)
20:40.42jblacksimple, but works over sip and iax
20:41.10Katty1.4 doesn't support sip
20:41.14Kattynot sure about iax.
20:41.27jblackI don't think what you use does iax.
20:41.31Kattyat least that's what i've read.
20:41.42jblackreceive_fax works with sip and iax though.
20:43.14ManxPower-workKatty: I thought you used rxfax/txfax for 1.4.  Maybe the 1.6 SendFax was mackported.
20:44.15jblacklooks for where he got asterisk-faxreceive from
20:44.50KattyManxPower-work: no
20:44.59ManxPower-workHere's my fax2email script
20:45.27jblackThat's german, however.
20:46.42ManxPower-workthat script has been in use for several years.
20:46.58jblackYeah. works well for me on incoming.
20:46.58*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
20:47.09ManxPower-workthe biggest issue I've found with fax2email is when you get a 50 page fax, the PDF might be too big for many e-mail servers
20:47.21ManxPower-workjblack: I mean MY script
20:47.32jblackOh. The one I use would have the same problem. :)
20:47.42jblackAs it emails pdfs of faxes as well.
20:47.48ManxPower-workI've been meaning to update it to split big faxes.
20:49.19ManxPower-workjblack: My users would not have known a TIFF it it went up to them and kicked them
20:49.31defsdoorTiff can do that now ?
20:49.55defsdoorreturns to slumber
20:54.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:58.12Kattyi do believe i'm hungry
20:58.24Kattyhow annoying
21:18.13Tech_TravisWhat are the ways I can extract the extension of a member that is logged into a queue for later use in the dialplan?
21:19.19*** part/#asterisk Uhrheber (
21:21.03KingDavidNYChelp!! I can't get this liknsys 3102 to receive calls
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21:21.37KingDavidNYCI dont get it, I can receive the calls with on XLite
21:25.46CGMChrisMy SIP provider and both state Asterisk only has partial SRV support, that it only reads the first SRV entry and ONLY on initial startup.  Has this been changed as of ?
21:28.06*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
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21:57.47jtoddCGMChris: Sorry, I don't have the specific revision behaviors off the top of my head, but it should be fairly easy to test, right?
21:59.11*** join/#asterisk jordanb (
21:59.40jordanbIs it not possible to buy Allison Smith recordings from Digium anymore?
22:00.14*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
22:00.31DelphiWorldis it realy that 1.8 is out?
22:00.45russellb1.8 has not been released.
22:00.50russellbno branch for 1.8 has been created.
22:00.58russellbThe current rough target is sometime in Q2 2010
22:01.09jordanbQwell, Thanks
22:01.18DelphiWorldrussellb: i heare about 1.8;)
22:01.20jordanbMy google-fu must be horrible right now
22:01.44russellbDelphiWorld: I talked about it a little bit on
22:02.08russellbyes, that.
22:02.23*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
22:02.32KingDavidNYCcan anybody please help me with this linksys 3102 why would not it take incoming calls??
22:06.43*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
22:06.48jordanbI have a 3102 that I never got working
22:07.23jordanbI got the FSX working, but not the FXO
22:07.25mchoujordanb: send it to me :)
22:07.58jordanbI still have plans for the FXS port.
22:08.11jordanbAlthough it has sat in my desk for a year now.
22:08.12mchoujordanb: that's cool
22:08.30jordanbIt's also got horrible latency, when compared to tdm cards.
22:08.51mchoujust be aware of the double hook flash issue too
22:10.07mchoujordanb: yeah
22:10.30mchouyou probably wont ever use that "feature" though
22:11.17seanbrightanyone know of something like queuemetrics but free?
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22:13.33Qwellseanbright: queues.conf
22:13.43QwellI've got nothing.  Carry on.
22:13.50seanbrightQwell: i can always count on you
22:14.23maskasI'm trying to get asterisk to log hangup cause on answered calls, have used option g in dial command so it goes to the next extension and sets the cdr field, but when I check my cdr in mysql I dont see the hangupcause code and lastapp is dial, not hangup
22:15.52*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (
22:16.13ESCulapio__help my please with [Nov 13 14:12:58] NOTICE[17381]: chan_dahdi.c:11052 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
22:22.12*** join/#asterisk joat (
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22:26.30saxahello, channel :)
22:26.49saxahow can I do to check why my iax2 connection doesnt see the other end ?
22:27.06saxaI mean I had 2 boxes working and calling each other
22:27.32saxaand now for a certain reason the one is not registering anymore at the other side
22:27.36saxaany ideas ?
22:27.51saxashould nmap show the 4569 port open ?
22:27.54maskashmmm, whats the etiqutee here for repeating a question?
22:28.29saxajust wanted to explain it well :)
22:29.18saxaeverything was working, but now it for some reason doesnt anymore, when I call 55700 which is the extension of the remote box
22:29.33saxaI get the error everything is congested
22:30.04saxa[Nov 13 23:33:12] WARNING[10674]: app_dial.c:1237 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 20 - Unknown)
22:31.53saxais there a way I can try to dial from the CLI ?
22:32.10saxafrom the remote box to the local one ?
22:32.55saxaok sorry people if I have interuppted some of your conversations
22:33.20saxawill try to find it out alone, excuse me for the disturb
22:44.12TJNIIsaxa: iax2 set debug on
22:44.33*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
22:45.48saxaTJNII: thx, and then ?
22:46.01*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:46.31maskasI'm trying to get asterisk to log hangup cause on answered calls, have used option g in dial command so it goes to the next extension and sets the cdr field, but when I check my cdr in mysql I dont see the hangupcause code and lastapp is dial, not hangup
22:48.00*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
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22:49.49vtyDoes anyone know what "call encountered error code (84)" refers to? Anyone have an error code list?
22:50.03AmorsenErr maskas, are you even using an adaptive cdr module?
22:53.56maskasAmorsen: sorry what does that mean?
22:53.57*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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22:57.00ChannelZHmm.  Are there rules as to what the CallerID Name and Num can contain?
22:57.42doubletokerif anyone is a carrier can you please pm me
22:59.51*** join/#asterisk fofware (n=chatzill@
23:00.24drmessanoIsnt that a bit personal?
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23:10.52citywokI'm building an XML voicemail application (visual voicemail), and when i send the voicemail to the phone ot be played it cuases the XML browser to exit.  Has anybody else done anything like this / found a solution?  I'm using Aastra 57i phones
23:15.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
23:16.35*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
23:16.58Tech_TravisWhat function(s) in 1.6 can read the output from a QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST query?
23:25.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:26.52manxpowerTech_Travis: "core show function ARRAY" (function names are CASE SENSITIVE)
23:33.25*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
23:33.50ruben23anyone have idea on this error log on my asterisk server...
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23:38.02manxpowerChannelZ: are you still here?
23:38.17*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
23:38.31DelphiWorldasterisk added support for bv16/32 codecs?
23:40.07[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Do you see an announcement for it and its presence in any branch?
23:40.19DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: no, i just asked
23:42.47*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
23:46.49*** join/#asterisk TimToady_ (
23:48.15*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@

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