IRC log for #asterisk on 20091109

00:00.10[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: No.... plenty of kiwis around here ;)
00:00.28JAMMAN2110Dont dilute my reality
00:01.35[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: It was never that concentrated anyway....
00:05.14hardwirekiwi concentrate?
00:08.24JAMMAN2110You can buy kiwi fruit concentrate
00:08.25JAMMAN2110Does that count?
00:12.29hardwireI have this crazy organic key lime juice that is super potent
00:15.02*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:15.12*** join/#asterisk Katty (
00:15.28hardwireis nomming a klondike bar
00:16.09manxpowerhardwire: do it in private, dude!
00:16.22Kattyi have a tuna patty and hmm. not sure what to call this side dish.
00:16.38Kattytaste of home calls it Pepper Parmesan Beans
00:16.43Kattybut it's horribly undescriptive.
00:17.16Kattyred pepper, onion, garlic, green beens, basil, and parmesan.
00:18.01Kattylooks kinda christmasy
00:21.07*** join/#asterisk btsteve (
00:22.08ardor"Then restart the Festival server. "
00:22.10ardorhow do i do that?
00:23.09TJNIIWell, how did you start it in the first place?
00:23.28ardorjust installed it with apt-get
00:23.45hardwire/etc/init.d is yer buddy
00:24.11TJNIII don't think debian installs an init script for festival
00:24.27TJNIIYou can start it in a terminal, see man festival
00:27.13Kattyhmm. i made the tuna patties with cornmeal this time. turned out pretty awesome (=
00:27.47TJNIII should make cornbread this evening
00:27.53TJNIIBefore the mix and the eggs go bad.
00:28.00Kattyi've been debating cornbread here lately.
00:28.11*** join/#asterisk bbt (n=sam@
00:28.25TJNIII love cornbread, but I'm so lazy when it comes to cooking I never make it.
00:29.11TJNIIMy diet consists mostly of cold-cut sandwitches.  Not because I can't cook, but because I'm too lazy. :P
00:29.24Kattythat's most unfortunate.
00:31.32manxpowerI don't think so.  The less time spent cooking means more time spent doing other stuff.
00:31.33Kattyso many wonderful things you're missing out on
00:32.03manxpowerI usually just nuke something out of the freezer.
00:33.07TJNIII think I'll go make dinner.  And tonight I have to actually cook something, because I've eaten everything that doesn't need to be cooked.
00:33.45*** join/#asterisk alexshell (n=abc@unaffiliated/alexshell)
00:35.08ardoranyone seen this before?
00:35.52manxpowerardor: I think that means "your computer is too damn slow" or "you're computer is too overloaded with stuff"
00:37.16ardormanxpower: nothing goes crazy in top, barely moves.
00:38.00Kattysomeone explain to me why people ask for advice
00:38.03Kattyand then want to argue about it
00:38.41Kattyi just can't seem to wrap my brain around it.
00:39.32ardorKatty: he said he thinks, not that he knows.
00:39.50Kattywell you certainly don't know
00:40.01Kattyand a thought is certainly better than nothing
00:40.05ardorKatty: Right, Thats why I am asking, What are you doing?
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01:30.11*** join/#asterisk Gokee2_Extra (
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01:33.22Gokee2_ExtraHello all, is there a way in users.conf to set what mailbox a person has and define it in voicemail.conf?  I tried creating a voicemail.conf user and then setting mailbox = exten_of_person_in_voicemail.conf but it brought me into the main menu.  So I tried hasvoicemail = yes but that created a new voicemailbox for the user instead of the one setup in voicemail.conf
01:35.19manxpowerGokee2_Extra: the only people that use users.conf are GUIs.
01:35.51infobot[users.conf] an Asterisk configuration file that was primarily created for the AsteriskGUI project.  It is intended as a simple configuration interface for users with basic PBX functionality, not as a replacement for other configuration methods.
01:36.14[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: FORGET voicemail.conf.  Forget sip.conf... that POS users.conf owns your config.
01:36.31[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: It fakes everything out.
01:36.56[TK]D-FenderApparently more botlet changes...
01:37.05*** join/#asterisk bbt (n=sam@
01:37.11manxpower[TK]D-Fender: can you lock your bot?
01:37.22[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Its not actually mine...
01:38.31Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ahhh...   The other day I decided to play around in asteriskGUI and it showed me users.conf....   I seem to have got most stuff working in it but I need the phones to all share a common voicemailbox
01:38.44infobot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0.  For support go to  #asterisk-gui
01:39.22Gokee2_Extrawas currently playing around in the config files not clicking around in the gui
01:39.42[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: going to take a lot of manual work at best
01:39.50manxpowerGokee2_Extra: The GUI writes config files that can't be easily supported here.
01:40.28Gokee2_ExtraAhh...  I read the chapter on the gui in the asterisk book and it sounded nice being able to use the config files and the gui...
01:40.31manxpowerWritten by hand an extension can be as little as one line in extensions.conf.  Written by the GUI an extension can be as little as 25 lines in extensions.conf.
01:41.37[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: users.conf does so much more than that....
01:41.49hardwireoh u 2.
01:41.52hardwireo u 2.
01:41.56manxpower[TK]D-Fender: I may have to look at users.conf for my stuff.
01:42.00hardwirejust get a motel and get it over with.
01:42.10Gokee2_ExtraBut the gui can be used by other people so I don't have to always tweek the config files :)
01:42.14manxpowerhardwire: I don't think I'm [TK]D-Fender
01:42.14[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Oh I'm not advocate...
01:42.16manxpowers type
01:42.30hardwireaww.. how does that make you feelz?
01:42.47[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Its a 1-way trip to toasterville which makes FreePBX look like a deluxe pleasure cruise
01:42.57manxpowerhardwire: I doubt he's my type, but I'm pretty sure I'm not his type.
01:43.04hardwirehow PC!
01:43.06hardwireI dig it.
01:43.15manxpower<-- not into women
01:43.28[TK]D-Fender<- keeps trying to get into women... success varies
01:43.52Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Wow...  you make it sound so  good.
01:43.53hardwiremanxpower: oooh I had no clue :)
01:44.22hardwirethe sassyness should have been a clue tho.
01:45.06manxpower[TK]D-Fender: The stuff I'm working on will require modifications of Asterisk config files using an external script.
01:45.36[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: I'm sure your wheel will be much rounder...
01:46.27manxpower[TK]D-Fender: I re-implemented those legendary macros in AEL2.  They are about 20% of the size of the extensions.conf version.
01:46.53manxpowerAEL2 rocks!
01:50.28*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:a1c7:96f5:9ebf:292a)
01:51.09*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:a1c7:96f5:9ebf:292a)
01:51.47[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Visibly...
01:52.09[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Then again they weren't my definition os sane to begin with.
01:52.21[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: and efficiency-wise is only worse with AEL2
01:52.33*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:a1c7:96f5:9ebf:292a)
01:52.46Caplainthere we go
01:53.06Kattypeeks in
01:53.08hardwireis cyber-stalking manxpower
01:54.25hardwirefinds photographic evidence of existance
01:57.37manxpower[TK]D-Fender: *nod*  I feel that it's better to be able to maintain the dialplan than to try to squeeze out every ounce of performance out of the server.
01:59.43[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: As long as you're past the debugging and "shared code" phase it might work.  Butu it has functional shortcomings giving it compiles back
02:00.29Gokee2_ExtraSo I saw a old post (2004) about voicemail folders being hard coded in.  Is this still true?
02:02.28manxpower[TK]D-Fender: I do agree that it makes debugging harder.
02:02.49manxpowerGokee2_Extra: URL?
02:04.09*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
02:05.53Gokee2_Extramanxpower, Sure one sec, this computer is going crazy cause I rebooted my server which hosts all the user home directory's through a nfs share (I really need to find a better way to do central home dir's)
02:06.18Gokee2_ExtraAh here it is
02:06.58*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
02:07.19manxpowerGokee2_Extra: I believe that is still the case.
02:07.41Gokee2_Extramanxpower, Ok, too bad.  Thanks :)
02:08.47manxpowerGokee2_Extra: 1.6+ has MiniVM suite of apps that let you build a voicemail system in the dialplan
02:09.02[TK]D-Fender"While it is possible to remove these folders from disk (they are only created if somebody is using/has used them), changing or removing them from the voicemail application may be a bit of a coding effort."
02:09.46[TK]D-FenderGokee2Please ignore 4 year old crap that references 1.2 as BETA
02:09.57Gokee2_ExtraMostly I would like the voicemail to just start playing!  When I call it.  Eg no "You have bla bla press one bla bla...."
02:10.08ardorGokee2: or you can use RealTime to build your voicemail conf in mysql
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02:12.25Gokee2_ExtraAh I see
02:13.01Gokee2_ExtraThinks he will just stick with the standard voice mail and improve the web interface some
02:13.22p3nguin_Voicemail has a web interface?
02:13.59Gokee2_Extrap3nguin_, Ya
02:14.10p3nguin_You sure?
02:14.26Gokee2_Extrap3nguin_, Yep vmail.cgi
02:15.03p3nguin_I found the file in my sources, but apparently it didn't install.
02:15.20Gokee2_Extrap3nguin_, If you are compiling from source you do something like make vmail or such...  Not sure, I got it with the debian package and figured out where it wanted to be to be happy
02:21.16*** join/#asterisk Baelig (
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02:23.03Baeliga place i use to do work for was using a windows app that registered with asterisk and showed extensions online/busy/etc, but I can't seem to recall it's name. i think the UI was blue/silver. ring any bells?
02:23.20manxpowerBaelig: "flash operator panel"
02:24.39Baeligmanxpower: that looks interesting, but this was a native windows app.
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02:25.34manxpowerBaelig: I'm not aware of any such app
02:26.22Baeligphooey... ok, thanks.
02:26.41dan__tall you can eat sushi and sake bombers for $40 :/
02:26.44dan__ti hurt
02:30.55b14cksup everyone
02:36.13*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
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02:55.51*** join/#asterisk Knightfal (n=Knightfa@
02:58.02KnightfalHey Guys..   In Asterisk 1.4.26 can I change what is written to queue_log when UnpauseQueueMember(Agent/blah) is triggered? Could I possibly just make it not write to queue_log and then I can just define my own entry.  Any Ideas?
02:58.16*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
03:02.15[TK]D-FenderKnightfal: 1: mod the source 2: make a script to automate stripping the entries. 3:use a DB and write a trigger to drop the adds
03:03.25*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
03:04.45carrarThat simple!
03:05.36*** part/#asterisk Baelig (
03:07.12KnightfalThanks TK all great Ideas. UnpauseQueueMember is an application correct.  But where does it live in the source. I was actually just poking around a bit for it.
03:08.12[TK]D-FenderKnightfal: Keep poking.  There aren't enough wrong choices for this to take as long to find as to answer
03:09.35ChannelZGIYF  (Grep Is Your Friend!)
03:10.47KnightfalThanks Guys
03:10.58KnightfalHows other things going?
03:11.09*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
03:24.56Gokee2_ExtraI have two incoming PSTN lines.  Is there any way to get my sip phones to light up when the analog line is busy?
03:25.19[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: What phone?
03:25.30Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Polycom 321
03:25.40[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: They don't support presence
03:25.50[TK]D-FenderGokee2Only the higher models
03:26.36Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ah...  Ok....  Thats quite a downgrade from our old analog system not to know when the line is in use....  :/  I guess we have to live with it though eh
03:26.58[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: 4XX + support it.
03:27.19[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: you COULD use a microbrowser page to indicate this on interval
03:28.21Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Hmm, I will have to look into the microbrowser page thing.  Its too bad we have the 321's already.
03:28.51[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: they are great phones but not enough buttons for this sort of thing anyway
03:29.48Gokee2_ExtraYa, I am already noticing a lack of buttons.  I also don't see a easy way to display the time of last call after a call or in a one button press kinda way
03:30.56[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: the call history works just fine
03:33.19Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, My user is kinda annoyed at the prospect of having to hit 4 buttons after every call
03:35.35p3nguin_Where do I configure automon?  I see where I can set the keys to activate it, but I don't see where to set the file type or the monitor app it uses.
03:36.21[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Feel free to make that part of your custom MicroBrowser Idle script for them too
03:36.28russellbautomon is just a feature in features.conf, that you enable from your dialplan
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03:36.37russellbcheck the Dial() options, it's in there somewhere
03:36.45p3nguin_Ah, yeah!
03:36.53p3nguin_w must accept options, then.
03:36.58p3nguin_Forgot all about that.
03:37.12russellband if you don't like how the built in automon works, make a DYNAMIC_FEATURE instead
03:41.29p3nguin_Well, hmm... w doesn't seem to have options, so I guess I'll have to look for something else.
03:42.46*** join/#asterisk ToaSty (
03:43.50ToaStyI have the FreePBX on the screen GUI and its working
03:43.52Kattyhello, there.
03:44.00ToaStywhats my next step for me?
03:44.15ChannelZToaSty: Read some docs
03:44.23KattyToaSty: #freepbx might be more useful.
03:44.26KattyToaSty: we don't use that here.
03:44.29ChannelZOr maybe even just the topic
03:44.34ToaStythank you :)
03:55.37Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ya...  I guess I need to jump into microbrowsers...  How hard can it be to light up a LED? :/
03:57.09*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-oibhmqofrhxwdote)
03:59.43Kattywell i suppose i should head to bed.
03:59.48Kattymorning will come early, unfortunately :<
04:02.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: Morning tends to come at the same time all the time here...
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06:43.54dan__tb14ck, you around?
06:45.52dan__tI was wondering what the limits of a single channel working with bridges was.  Can I have one channel part of more than one bridge at any given time?
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07:13.10mchouholy crap
07:13.28mchougoogle voice offers local number porting now
07:13.59mchouman, I've been out of it
07:14.11mchouthis is just incredible to me
07:16.49TJNIIIf they offer numbers in your area...
07:17.24mchouTJNII: yup.  that's the caveat
07:18.14mchouTJNII: I just don't understand how google is gonna make money on this
07:19.03mchouTJNII: not unless they have plans to turn into a "real" ITSP
07:19.12TJNIIIt's google
07:19.22TJNIIThey're probably datamining the calls.
07:19.37mchouoh, no doubt
07:19.48TJNIIstill wants to know how Google knew to advertise Digi-Key to him.
07:19.55mchoubut that's a pretty expensive way to dtatmine
07:20.31coppiceevery time google has done something new, most people said "how can they make money out of that"
07:20.47mchoucoppice: true
07:21.16mchoucoppice: but we now understand their business plan in more detail
07:21.54mchoucoppice: "targeted & pertinent advertising"
07:22.05coppiceyou know their existing plan. do you know their future plans? do you know exactly where android is planned to go?
07:22.20mchouandroid is easy
07:22.39coppicesome parts are, but is that the whole picture
07:22.40mchouthey want to be thier premier mobile search platform
07:22.56mchouthat's not hard to understand
07:23.49mchouyou don't need to be warren buffet to understand that
07:24.54mchouespecially as desktops losse relevance
07:24.57coppicethey are doing things of a pretty broad nature in voice and video. I suspect your view of android is only part of their goal
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07:29.18TJNIIdebates whether is would be easier to write his own embedded IP implementation or try and figure somebody else's out....
07:30.32coppiceembedded means many things to many people, but if it means something pretty small to you, you might find useful
07:31.24TJNIIYea, that's what I was looking at
07:32.13TJNIIBy embedded I mean running on a 10Mhz mcu with 700 bytes of ram and a nic driver I wrote.
07:33.25coppicemost small MCUs have quite limited RAM, making comms a pain. That's changing a bit with the newer chips
07:34.16TJNIIIf I roll it myself I will use the buffer on the NIC and DMA instead of buffering the data on the controller.
07:34.59coppiceyou have to. 700 is <1 ethernet packet
07:35.45TJNIIWell, between 0-1 packets, depending on the packet
07:36.02coppiceuIP runs on some pretty small MCUs
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08:49.53AppleBoywhich tz is file in? I can't remember
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10:02.37TJNIIis watching old TV shows
10:02.59TJNIIYou know, if the main character is supposed to be an asian, you'd think they'd get an asian actor.
10:03.10TJNIIEven 1940s technology shows that.
10:12.04*** join/#asterisk Omorika (n=omorika@
10:12.10Omorikaa question
10:12.41Omorikais asterisk able to use all available cores on a multicore machine?
10:13.56*** join/#asterisk Kchehab (n=kchehab@
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10:15.43Kchehabhow can i know that my Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE405P is running normaly ,how to make a loop test ip-->E1 port 1--->E1 port 2---->sip extension.any one can help me to draw this dialpan
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10:25.53tuxcrafterhello everybody
10:26.15tuxcrafteri got an issue that a number forwarding is nog working all the time, sometimes it works but most times it does not
10:26.59tuxcraftercould somebody please help me out? if you need a full sid debug or the full configuration file of the extentions.conf i can pastbin it
10:29.49tuxcrafteri think the problem has someting todo with this part "Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from"
10:30.10tuxcrafterbut i dont know what this exactly means and how to proceed
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10:36.52coppiceit means you are trying to route a call round in circles
10:37.36JAMMAN2110Can anyone lend a hand with my FXO "pass thru" thing? Line has POTS phones and the FXO port, want either the standard phones or a VoIP phone to answer, but asterisk not to answer unless a VoIP phone answers the call. I know it can be done, just cant find details on how, and cant get it working here
10:37.57JAMMAN2110And no, I cant use an ATA for the POTS phones :/
10:43.35tuxcraftercoppice: i got a sip debug log form the call 0612182441 to 0208910330 that ends with "482 Loop Detected"
10:43.39tuxcrafterhow can this be fixed?
10:45.45tuxcrafterthis is the compleet extensions.conf
10:46.27Kchehab,how to make a loop test ip SIPcall-->E1 port 1--->(Loop)E1 port 2---->sip extension local.kindly can any one  help me to draw this dialpan in the extensions.conf
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11:06.40cusco[Nov  9 11:03:04] WARNING[11881] /home/murf/asterisk/1.6.1/main/ast_expr2.y: non-numeric argument
11:06.49cuscohow can I find out what argument is non-numeric?
11:06.58cuscothat file does not exist
11:08.22JAMMAN2110Better question, are you running asterisk from your home directory?
11:08.43cusco/etc/init.d/asterisk is calling it
11:08.53cuscomurf is not my dir
11:09.00cuscoit came hardcoded ?
11:09.11cuscothere is no /home/murf
11:09.26JAMMAN2110It shouldnt be calling anything from a home dir
11:09.32cuscoso is this a better reply?
11:09.35JAMMAN2110Unless its been told to
11:10.06cuscolook... how can it say some error about "/home/murf/asterisk/1.6.1/main/ast_expr2.y:" other than not found
11:10.07JAMMAN2110Did you setup asterisk yourself or is it a distro?
11:10.13cuscoit is oviously hardcoded
11:10.52JAMMAN2110Where are you getting the error from?
11:11.19cuscoit shows in cli also
11:11.46JAMMAN2110Has it just started showing up or always been there?
11:11.59cusconot sure
11:12.06*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:12.12cuscoit has been here for a while
11:14.28cuscoroot@perfpbxr:/var/log/asterisk# locate ast_expr2.c
11:16.43Kchehabany one can help me by trouble shooting my digium card with dahdi
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11:30.06tzafrir__laptopcusco, ast_expr2.c is the first one. If you got a build error there, the error is likely to come from elsewhere
11:30.54tzafrir__laptopcusco, "/home/murf" ? with that explicit path?
11:31.45tzafrir__laptopI suspect it was fixed later on
11:32.09tzafrir__laptopAny chance you could try a later 1.6.1.x asterisk version?
11:33.38*** join/#asterisk bbt (n=sam@
11:34.46Kchehabi get app_dial.c:1528 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 - Unknown)
11:34.53cuscotzafrir__laptop: its a production system
11:35.12cuscotzafrir__laptop: We will migrate soon, Im trying to figure out the warnings meanwhile
11:35.37tzafrir__laptopKchehab, what's the output of:  dahdi_hardware; lsdahdi
11:35.38tzafrir__laptopplease pastebin
11:35.44Kchehabwhen recieving a call that should be forwarded to span 1 in the E1 exten=>_X.,1,DIAL(DAHDI/1/${EXTEN})
11:36.56Kchehabtzafrir__laptop kindly find it
11:38.11tzafrir__laptopKchehab, channels (in lsdahdi) are not '(In use)'
11:38.13*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-bzwyweiycqwrecpm)
11:38.22tzafrir__laptopAsterisk does not have them defined
11:38.30tzafrir__laptopPlease patebin your chan_dahdi.conf
11:40.26Kchehabtzafrir  i paste it
11:41.34tzafrirKchehab, is asterisk running?
11:41.36tzafrirasterisk -r
11:41.42tzafririn it:   dahdi restart
11:43.15Kchehabi did the output is
11:43.15Kchehab[Nov  9 03:44:26] WARNING[18884]: chan_dahdi.c:11879 pri_dchannel: PRI Error on span 0: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
11:43.19*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
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11:45.31tzafrirIf you connect a loop to yourself, it might be wise to put the second port as pri_net
11:45.36tzafrirrather than pri_cpe
11:45.36Kchehabtzafrir asteisk stopped ,where is the error in my config ,
11:46.36tzafrirKchehab, you asked the question about loopback on the asterisk-users list?
11:47.53Kchehabtzafrir but now i noticed that Chan_dahdi is not configured well ,and i have problem on it
11:48.41Kchehabsince i reload it
11:53.56Kchehabtzafrir  rather than pri_cpe which means ?
11:55.50*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
11:58.00*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (n=windows@unaffiliated/elliot98)
11:58.12elliot98what is the difference between Callgroup and pickupgroup?
12:03.28elliot98how does the system work?
12:03.47elliot98do I set the callgroup or pickupgroup to answer when dialing *8#?
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12:15.07kaldemarelliot98: members of a pickupgroup can pick up calls to members of the matching callgroup.
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12:21.03czindyHello! I have a problem with group configuration under chan_dahdi.conf. Is it possible to use more than 10 groups?
12:23.46czindyHere is my setting and error message:
12:24.53KchehabIs there any management API or mudule or interface to Dahdi ?
12:25.11Kchehabor an applicatin can configure to E1 or SS7
12:26.20*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
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12:32.48elliot98does 1.6 or 1.4 still have the maximum number of 63 callgroups?
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12:35.10garymcanyone here with BT in UK isdn ?
12:35.45czindyOk I found the answer maybe: Groups range from 0 to 63
12:36.29Chainsawgarymc: Yes, dual BRI presentation going into Patton gateways.
12:36.36Chainsawgarymc: But I believe we have already spoken.
12:42.26garymcwe have probably
12:42.49garymcIm just having trouble getting bT to allow me to pass my 0800 as a CLI to my called parties
12:43.17*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
12:44.03garymcmy local business team are saying I need to pay for presentaion service and that I ownt beable to display any of my other numbers. Meaning when i dial out from any phone DID it will show my 0800 permanently
12:44.38garymcno matter what i set my CLI to....
12:45.04garymcand my main number ID would be lost too. Id have to pay for this
12:45.06tzafrirto answer czindy: yes, group number are 0-63
12:46.08tzafrirKchehab, you don't need to just configure chan_dahdi.
12:46.16tzafrirYou need to configure Asterisk
12:48.24*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
12:52.49Chainsawgarymc: Yes, your telco can (and will) filter your outbound number to a specific range.
12:53.44Chainsawgarymc: Updating that filter is extra work, which I'm sure BT will charge for.
12:56.03*** join/#asterisk WinZ (n=winz@
12:56.48garymcbut they tell me i can display 0800 and nothing else. I will lose ability to send my did range and main number
12:57.35garymcthat i dont want
12:57.57WinZguys, what could be the reason for flickering sound (ulaw) when calling *43 for echo test?
12:58.09garymci want 4 phone extensions to display the 0800 number only. the rest would display the office number
12:58.10WinZy-o-u  a-r-e  a-b-o-u-t...
12:58.38WinZyesterday it was ok, now it's terrible sound for echo test and voicemail
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13:01.53gr0mitgarymc, what are you trying to do exactly?
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13:06.23garymcI want to pass my 0800 CID over to customers when i dial out. But only from certain phones. I can do this now with my DID range but BT are discarding the information when i send out the 0800 as a CID
13:07.50*** join/#asterisk superbeef (n=superbee@
13:08.24WinZcan turning ACPI off somehow affect sound in Asterisk?
13:09.45*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
13:10.05Skeeter-Morning everyone
13:11.10Skeeter-i have about 30 active channel, is there anyway to remove the one not used, I think i used ChanSpy too many time and thats why i got so many channels active
13:13.30*** join/#asterisk jamesh1 (
13:14.21gr0mitgarymc, what you really wantit is for your 0800 number just be another option to send out
13:14.36gr0mitbut unfortunately, BT won't do that.
13:15.02gr0mitBT presentation numbers are a real pain
13:15.28gr0mithave you thought of making your outgoing calls via VoIP?
13:16.05gr0mitThis way, you can send any caller ID which you can demonstrate to a VoIP provider that you own
13:17.36garymcyeah, but thats why we got ISDN30 as the Broadband connection needed was not affordable
13:18.03*** join/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
13:18.07gr0mitokay, so you need 30 simultaneous calls?
13:18.15garymcplus internet usage
13:18.53gr0mitSo you need about 3 Mbit/sec symmetrical
13:19.18gr0mitpresumably, you got a quote for a 10 meg circuit?
13:19.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:20.25garymcsomething like that
13:20.45gr0mityou can get some very good deals on 10 Mb circuit's
13:20.49garymceven 4meg up and down was off the clock
13:20.57gr0mitunless you're out in the sticks
13:21.02gr0mitwhereabouts are you?
13:21.09garymcyes out in the sticks sort of
13:21.28garymcwe are based in Merseyside,but we are based in an old farm
13:21.38garymcwhich is sort of out the way
13:21.50coppicemost of urban britain is based in an old farm
13:22.12garymcyep, but now they aint old farms
13:22.23garymcthis still is out of the way from most places
13:22.31garymclike in 400 acres of land
13:22.39gr0mitwell just ignore coppice, he hates .uk
13:23.01coppicehey, I just stood 2 weeks of it
13:23.12gr0miti know - and you moaned like anything!
13:23.35coppicei thought i was most restrained
13:23.35garymcyou came to the Uk coppice?
13:23.51gr0mitanyhow, PM me your postcode and let me look
13:24.04gr0mityou might get lucky, you never know
13:24.12gr0mitI have a tame ISP
13:24.20gr0mitwho actually know what they're talking about
13:25.41gr0mitso, is it all calls you want to send the 0800 on?
13:25.46gr0mitor just some?
13:26.14dweryhello. I need to perform some actions when an incoming call has not been answered because the caller dropped the line. I tried using the "h" extension in different context but it doesn't get called.  What should I use?
13:28.12[TK]D-Fendercoppice = UK ex-pat
13:28.49[TK]D-Fenderdwery: "h" in the context the call is in
13:28.50gr0mitindeed, and always reminds us!
13:28.55[TK]D-Fenderdwery: those are the rules
13:28.55*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
13:28.57gr0mitSome of us have to live here all the time
13:29.10[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: Really?  Saying you can't leave?
13:29.19*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (n=[8none1]
13:29.44gr0mitI can leave, but I was born here and one gets used to it
13:30.24dwery[TK]D-Fender: trying again
13:31.18*** join/#asterisk donnib (
13:35.25donnibi have a peer which registers fine but aftet a while the registration fails The peer is a router with incorporated SIP adaptor. The ip of the peer is and the server is Can anybody figure out why it fails registration ?
13:35.25dwery[TK]D-Fender: ty. verbose was at 1 an was ot showing NoOp !
13:36.00donnibbtw, i am running Asterisk 1.4.22
13:36.46donnibi have replaced my external ip (WAN ip) with X.X.X.X
13:36.53donnibin the abobe pastebin
13:37.39*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
13:39.44cuscohow to make MONITORED calls accessible to anyone (permissions) ?
13:40.03[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: BAD : User-Agent: AVM FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 54.04.76 (Sep 14 2009) Call-ID: 33E437EE6BD8D920@
13:40.24donnib[TK]D-Fender: so this means ?
13:40.35[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: GOOD : User-Agent: AVM FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 54.04.67 (Dec 17 2008)  Call-ID: B01243FDEBB8E7EA@
13:40.43*** join/#asterisk mctweep (
13:40.50[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Sure doesn't look like the same device to me <-
13:40.55donnibthe version difference ?
13:40.55*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
13:40.59[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: And the IP subnet = WTF
13:41.02mctweephi all, is there a command is asterisk to kick everyone off the server?
13:41.12[TK]D-Fendermctweep: "stop now"
13:41.19donnibwell maybe when it reboots it uses another agent ?
13:41.27[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: BS
13:41.31mctweepbut does that stop the server?
13:41.36[TK]D-Fendermctweep: Yes
13:41.37donnibwhat't wrong with the subnet ?
13:41.47[TK]D-FenderdobWhy the hell are they DIFFENERT?
13:41.47mctweephmm anything that will get rid of people without stopping the server
13:42.08[TK]D-Fendermctweep: Going one by one and "soft hangup [channel]"
13:42.13donnibdunno why they are different
13:42.16donnibgotta look to see
13:42.26donnibyou mean between the server and the peer ?
13:42.36[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Better get a clue...  UA's aren;t supposed to change.  I think you don't know what you're looking at
13:42.56donnibthose logs are legit and made by using same device
13:43.08donnibif somebody tells different then it's the adaptor
13:43.13donnibi mean the peer
13:43.26mctweepsorry i'm a noob what do you mean by channel
13:43.48[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Your little box could be a PITA POS
13:43.56donnibhuh ?
13:44.00[TK]D-Fendermctweep: call = channel
13:44.10[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Pain In The Ass Piece Of Shit
13:44.16mctweepaah i dont want to hangup a call just kick a user off the pbx
13:44.28donnibit could be
13:44.31donnibhope not
13:44.34*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:44.42mctweephave a whole lot of unreachable ppl that i wanna get rid of
13:44.42[TK]D-Fendermctweep: what does "kick off" even mean in your case?
13:44.52mctweepboot them off the pbx?
13:45.03[TK]D-Fendermctweep: there is no such thing as a "connection" anyway
13:45.16[TK]D-Fendermctweep: there are only calls <-
13:45.55mctweepnot even registered users:P, how long does it take for the unreachables to disapear
13:46.07[TK]D-Fendermctweep: disappear from where?
13:46.17DNDguys, what's the difference between snom 360 and 370 aside from bigger LCD on 370?
13:46.42mctweepfrom sip show peers
13:47.06[TK]D-Fendermctweep: .... its always going to show there.  They are a friggen peer because YOU CONFIGURED THEM
13:47.18[TK]D-Fendermctweep: You saing you want to completely remove a peer for all time?
13:47.20mctweepyeaaa but is says UNREACHABLE :P
13:47.34mctweepno just get there status displaying the real thing
13:47.46[TK]D-Fendermctweep: Dumbass, that list doesn't show jsut active ly communicating devices, its show ALL PEERS
13:47.53[TK]D-Fendermctweep: thats its job.
13:47.54mctweepyeaa i can see that
13:48.02[TK]D-Fendermctweep: Then live with it
13:48.13mctweepso its going to sit on unreachable forever:P alright i will live with it
13:48.15[TK]D-Fendermctweep: there is nothing to kcik off.
13:48.38[TK]D-Fendermctweep: Shows all peers.  the command wasn't "sip show active peers only"
13:48.42*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:48.52[TK]D-Fendermctweep: and you're worrying about nothing
13:49.27mctweepprobably yeaa trying to register with my TSP but another user whihc is now unreachable was on it before, dunno how longto wait before being able to connect toit, stuck at status request sent
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13:50.43beekmornin' [TK]D-Fender
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13:51.56Kchehabdahdi E1 config Isdn protocol should be like this for Span 1 span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4
13:52.11[TK]D-Fendermctweep: Registration has nothing to do with your peer
13:52.27donniblet me try to make the logs again, may be i did a mistake
13:53.06jayteemorning beek
13:53.08mctweepk thanks
13:53.21beekmorning jaytee
13:53.26[TK]D-FenderCRAZY PEOPLE
13:53.35[TK]D-Fenderbeek / jaytee : Mornin'
13:53.46jayteemorning [TK]D-Fender
13:55.13jayteeI just dread mondays so I think I'm going to listen to alot of Marley and Tosh today :-)
13:55.49donnibok, here we go again. bad registration and good registration
13:55.55*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-plogbdnbmbzsvoqe)
13:56.24donnibseems like it must have been my mistake with the UA
13:56.32*** join/#asterisk txwikinger (n=quassel@sblug/member/txwikinger)
13:56.41txwikingerAnybody ever seen asterisk crashing (error code 1) without any error messages in logs?
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14:00.01infobotwell, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
14:00.52[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: remove your port, permit & deny
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14:08.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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14:09.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
14:13.14*** part/#asterisk WinZ (n=winz@
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14:16.49Skeeter-How can I close ChanSpy channels???
14:17.00*** part/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
14:17.13ManxPower-workSkeeter-: hangup or spy on another channel
14:17.46Skeeter-doesnt work, I got like 30 active channels, and my phone has been online fot 120 hours
14:18.00Skeeter-i rebooted the phone, didnt change anything
14:18.05ManxPower-workSkeeter-: you are not making any sense.
14:18.07[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Show us your hangup attempt
14:18.50ManxPower-workSkeeter-: You didn't do something stupid like use exten => _.  did you?
14:19.02Skeeter-stock configs
14:19.13ManxPower-workThen I guess you'd better start doing what [TK]D-Fender asks.
14:19.15*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
14:20.05ManxPower-workSkeeter-: There are NO working stock configs with Asterisk.  Again, your statement makes no sense.
14:20.08[TK]D-FenderWTF are "stock configs"?
14:20.20ManxPower-workSmells like a frickin' GUI to me.
14:20.42TheDavidFactormake samples? (which are samples not configs, but still.....)
14:20.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Oh I know full well he's a FreePBX user...
14:21.00Skeeter- here are the channels
14:21.02ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: Ah.  So he's asking here just because he's an asshole?
14:21.08TheDavidFactorthen why didn't you send him elsewhere?
14:21.30[TK]D-FenderTheDavidFactor: Samples don't have Chanspy, or configured devices, etc.  That is just psychotic.  And the Samples should never be USED, only looked at on the side for "inspiration"
14:21.41ManxPower-workTheDavidFactor:  The sample configs installed with "make samples" are files that try to show all the options, they are not designed to actually work
14:22.09[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: now show what I ASKED FOR
14:22.24Skeeter- my ext
14:22.27[TK]D-FenderTheDavidFactor: Because his problem isn't a GUI-based one
14:22.28TheDavidFactorwell, I've seen at least one installation where someone used the samples and just modified them. All sorts of weird things happened
14:22.47*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:22.48TheDavidFactorbut it did (sort of) work
14:23.03[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: now show what I ASKED FOR <-------------
14:23.21Skeeter-my ext settings right??
14:23.29*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
14:23.38ManxPower-work(9:18:07 AM) [TK]D-Fender: Skeeter-: Show us your hangup attempt
14:23.50[TK]D-FenderTheDavidFactor: there is no point to starting from the samples.  Your dialplan will be completely different, you'll have your own patterns, providers, extensions for "local" devices, and whatever else...
14:24.02[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: that's d-ing DIALPLAN.  Means jack shit.
14:24.20[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Now show me what I ASKED FOR
14:24.32*** join/#asterisk Anth8708 (
14:24.37Skeeter-there u go
14:25.33[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Now show me what I ASKED FOR <-----------
14:26.04Skeeter-well that was my attempt to hangup
14:26.07Skeeter-from the CLI
14:26.10ManxPower-workLooks like a typical Monday.  Have fun [TK]D-Fender
14:26.17*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
14:26.39[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And yes that clearly shows you running FreePBX and not your own setup.
14:26.49[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And doesn't NOT show you trying to kill the call from CLI
14:27.29Skeeter-ok, so how am I suppose to kill a call if Hanging up doesnt work
14:27.43[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Holy friggen crap....
14:28.02[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: "sof hangup [channel]
14:28.06[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: "soft hangup [channel]"
14:28.27[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: You jsut showed another call attempt.  that has NOTHINg to do with killing off OTHER CALLS
14:29.07Skeeter-thats ok
14:29.16Skeeter-i miss formuled my question then
14:29.25Skeeter-that soft hangup ... cmd
14:29.31Skeeter-thats what i needed
14:29.43Skeeter-Skeeter-> i have about 30 active channel, is there anyway to remove the one not used, I think i used ChanSpy too many time and thats why i got so many channels active
14:30.04Skeeter-my bad again
14:30.05[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And somehow you thought placing another call would help?
14:30.20Skeeter-i just realize it after 20 calls
14:30.21[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: well thats the last thing you showed me
14:30.43*** join/#asterisk tommyfun (
14:30.51Skeeter-u ask for the hangup attemps, i though that you wanted to see what happens when i hangup
14:30.53*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
14:31.55Skeeter-If the soft hangup commands doesnt work, it there any other way to kill a channel??
14:32.22[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: .......
14:32.33cuscohow can I tell asterisk to write the MONITORED files with system wide read permissions?=
14:33.09[TK]D-Fendercusco: Have monitor call a script to adjust the rights after its finished
14:34.47cuscothat sounds good, but im not sure about the syntax in the ael for that...
14:35.38cuscoI have for instance: Monitor(gsm,/var/log/asterisk/asterisk_rec/outbound-${UNIQUEID},mb);
14:36.43Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: your cmd doesnt work in my case
14:37.08[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: still haven't learned...
14:37.37[TK]D-Fendercusco: the app has the same parameters regraledd of AEL
14:37.54[TK]D-FenderWOW.. its monday all right...
14:38.07cuscoso would I call it like System(chmod a+rx gsm,/var/log/asterisk/asterisk_rec/outbound-${UNIQUEID);
14:38.29cuscoso would I call it like System(chmod a+rx /var/log/asterisk/asterisk_rec/outbound-${UNIQUEID);
14:39.16*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
14:39.42angryusercan someone help me to compile sangoma bri driver for callweaver, their chan is empty
14:39.49angryuserthank you
14:40.33angryuserOr at least tell me the version which works
14:40.43cusco[TK]D-Fender: as I'm not sure, can you (or somebody else) just confirm me that it would not break my system=?
14:41.10Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: ill just reboot the server tonight
14:41.38[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Yeah... cause thinking = hard
14:41.48[TK]D-Fendercusco: Missing a "}"
14:42.14[TK]D-Fendercusco: Monitor() can call a script directly as opposed to doing it as a dialplans tep.
14:42.35[TK]D-Fendercusco: consider the negative effect of a hangup... System() won't get called
14:43.54Skeeter-im not a pro like you, i havent spend most of my life on asterisk, thats why i am here for help
14:44.30[TK]D-Fender[09:18]<[TK]D-Fender>Skeeter-: Show us your hangup attempt
14:44.47[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: I asked you to SHOW YOUR HANGUP ATTEMPT over HALF AN HOUR AGO
14:45.01[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And all you say is "doesn't work"
14:45.01leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: have you used mpg123 in MOH situations? Do you know if there are usually multiple mpg123 processes when using it?
14:45.32cusco[TK]D-Fender: sorry yes Im missing a }, where can I read about the syntax, like where to place the script in Monitor()
14:45.43Skeeter-ok, can you clarify the hangup attempt, u want to see the log using soft hangup>??
14:45.44[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: IIRC its a single instance and the others hook into the stream... and I've never had to switch back to it
14:46.03[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: I want to see you friggen attemtp to kill the call from CLI.
14:46.11[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Seriously... anyone awake in there?
14:47.01cuscoim reading at
14:47.12[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And....?
14:47.27cuscoit only states Monitor(ext,basename,flags)
14:47.30[TK]D-Fendercusco: WIKI = random value. "core show application meetme"
14:47.37[TK]D-Fendercusco: err.. monitor
14:49.22Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: the channel is still up, if 'soft hangup [channel]' succed, what should i see
14:49.48[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Where do I see this?
14:50.09*** join/#asterisk deeperror (n=deeperro@
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14:50.27Skeeter-Requested Hangup on channel 'SIP/260-b58af600' it doesnt say if it succed
14:51.05[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Where's the #&^ing pastebin showing me active channels after your God-damned attempt?
14:51.16[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: this hand holding BS with you is tiresome.
14:52.21[TK]D-Fender[09:50]<Skeeter->Requested Hangup on channel 'SIP/260-b58af600' it doesnt say if it succed <--- where do we see you LOOKING?
14:53.16Skeeter-i looked it up for myself, but didnt show it, the channel is still listed
14:55.00[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: try killing a bunch of them
14:55.23Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: aight
14:56.20Skeeter-Request that a channel be hung up. The hangup takes effect the next time the driver reads or writes from the channel
14:56.52Skeeter-each channels seems to be linked to another one, does that make sense??
14:57.13[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Spying on yourself in circles.  No, little of what you do makes sense
14:57.50Skeeter-i disabled that feature
15:00.55donnib[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, was called to a meeting. you told me to remote the port and permit deny, so i should just leave those settings empty ?
15:01.02*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
15:04.23Kattyhi eppigy
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15:18.08Kchehabi want to test my E1 digium card with 4 ports-i attached port 1 with port 4 by a cross E1 cable(loop back)
15:18.47Kchehabnow i am sennding a call to span 1   how to redirect it to span 4
15:19.13Kchehabin order span 4 to forrward the request as sip invite to 999999@xx.xx.xx.xx
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15:24.28Kattyscreams, rips hair out
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15:28.50elliot98what is the maximum number of callgroups?
15:28.55elliot98is it still 0-63?
15:29.29elliot98everything ok Katty?
15:31.14*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:31.29elliot98oh, ok, I mean besides your hair being pulle dout
15:31.35elliot98what happenend?
15:32.10Kattystupidity happened.
15:35.36Kattymister madsen, i'm cranky :<
15:35.45Kattylet's hug.
15:35.47Kattyhugs leifmadsen
15:36.24leifmadsenacknowledges said hug, and reciprocates with a power hug
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15:46.40Kattyinfobot: music on hold?
15:46.47Kattyinfobot: moh?
15:46.48infoboti heard moh is Music On Hold. Good information about how to set it up in the various possible ways can be found at, or originally from
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15:47.44jayteemorning Katty *hugs*
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15:48.21Kattyhugs jaytee
15:48.27Kattyinfobot: SetMusicOnHold?
15:48.44Kattyinfobot: SetMusicOnHold is
15:48.45infobotokay, Katty
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15:49.54Kattyjaytee: how's your day getting off?
15:50.17jayteeok so far
15:50.37jayteehad a crappy night, kept waking up during the night
15:50.56Kattythat's never fun
15:51.12hardwiremy day isn't getting off.
15:51.13elliot98day is just starting for you guys?
15:51.17hardwireI wish it was.
15:51.39Kattywell i know i'd feel 100% better if i drank some caffeine.
15:51.48Kattybut i know the bad side effects of it, so i'm doing my best to resist.
15:52.17elliot98catch 22s of life
15:55.33Skeeter-anyone remember the phone number to get a mediatrix IP
15:55.45Skeeter-something like *0*#
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16:05.45beekKatty: Hello!
16:06.17theharKatty: <3
16:06.25theharthat was in response to your <3 yesterday!
16:07.01Kattyhugs beek
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16:11.49ayesoIf i use the manager interface to originate a call, can I put something in the dial plan to echo something back to the manager interface?
16:12.12[TK]D-Fenderayeso: huh?
16:13.55ayeso[TK]D-Fender: So if I telnet to the asterisk manager interface and issue an originate command, it will drop the call to whatever context in extensions.conf i specify. i want to detect if its an answering machine with AMD, and then echo back some info to the connected manager interface.
16:14.24ayeso[TK]D-Fender: looks like i could use getvar
16:14.34[TK]D-Fenderayeso: What "connected manager"?  the call is not connected to AMI...
16:15.19[TK]D-Fenderayeso: And there are dialplan apps to send ad-hoc messages over AMI
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16:15.42ayesowell when you connect to the manager interface an originate a call you get a response about what happened, I want to get a custom responce if you will.
16:16.19ayeso[TK]D-Fender: Is there an app for that? I havent seen this...
16:16.26nsgnso is there a way to offer "after hours" ringing ability to employees. we have our system ring straight to voicemail after hours, but we have some employees that would like to press some key on their touchtone phones to be dropped into the actual ringall group after hours
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16:16.45nsgnstupid question. obviously there's a way, i'm rather curious what the most straightforward way would be
16:16.55[TK]D-Fenderayeso: then your Channel: has to be Local
16:17.12ayeso[TK]D-Fender: It is....
16:17.16[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Its your dialplan... do whatever you want
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16:18.18ayeso[TK]D-Fender: so do you think i should just set a channel variable and then request that var through AMI? or do you know of an applicaton that will trigger the responce?
16:18.36nsgn[TK]D-Fender, currently it's just a day/night control sort of thing. they specifically want a key to be listened for during the outgoing message playback on their main voicemail box. is this a practical approach?
16:18.44*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
16:19.29[TK]D-Fendernsgn: voicemail() already has 2 escape options : * & #
16:19.34[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Use them as you wish
16:19.59nsgnoh, nice. thanks. i'm rusty on this stuff
16:20.07nsgni'll play with those before working on anything more complex
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16:21.16spckmorning all
16:22.12spckanyone have any advice on managing caller id for a business with multiple DID's?
16:22.36ManxPower-workspck: My advice is don't.
16:22.44p3nguinYou could use a "main" number for caller ID.
16:22.46Kattyi'd ask them how they want it.
16:22.56Kattywe have 3 mini companies in our building.
16:23.14p3nguinYou could use a number per dept.
16:23.19Kattyand the callerid is set for each mini company on the way out. transfers to cellphones callerid isn't touched. it's just resent out the way it came in.
16:25.34nsgn[TK]D-Fender, seems from my toying that 0 is a third escape from voicemail. within the proper context it should dial to a "receptionist". all i can't determine is how to configure where the hell it dials to
16:25.57[TK]D-FendernshSorry, meant * & 0
16:26.22[TK]D-Fendernsgn: "o" <- Asterisk Standard Extension.
16:26.30[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Dialplan 101
16:26.56russellb[TK]D-Fender: everything you said was fine, until that last comment
16:27.42[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: gotta know your Asterisk Standard Extensions :)
16:28.03nsgnrussellb, thanks. [TK]D-Fender, its cool, i appreciate any help offered
16:28.04russellbIf you can't help people without additional comments to belittle them, then you should not help.
16:28.08[TK]D-Fenderconsiders hijacking "Gotta Catch 'em All" from that sill Japanimation show...
16:28.24russellbThat was a pretty minor instance as compared to others, but it drives me nuts.
16:29.11[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: yeah, I have my quirks.  goes over better with some than others, but I do try to work at it...
16:29.25russellbThank you.
16:29.49[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: We're cool... as always ...
16:29.54leifmadsenagrees with russellb
16:30.19[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: ditto :p
16:30.35[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Cryin' shame you're off in TO... I could use a drummer :)
16:30.39ManxPower-workI found that taking a month or three off from helping here was good.
16:30.50ManxPower-workTake a vacation [TK]D-Fender
16:31.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: And your propensity to leaving as soon as the risk factor mounts helps ;)
16:31.08*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:31.15leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I have electronic drums and midi inputs into my computer; just send me some recordings and I'll lay a track of them
16:31.24[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Live baby!
16:31.45ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I think you mean "as soon as the stupidity factor mounts"
16:31.49[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: pm an e-mail and I'll send you the book I'm working on...
16:32.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Your words....
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16:32.21leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: my first name at my full name dot com
16:32.54ManxPower-workThe only questions we ever seem to get here are ones that could easily be answered by reading some docs or are so wildly insane nobody should be trying to do whatever they are trying to do.
16:33.12russellbIf you can't handle that, you're welcome to leave
16:33.20ManxPower-workrussellb: And I frequently do.
16:33.31russellbk :-)
16:33.40eppigyi love you all
16:34.25ManxPower-workI must admit it was quite funny to see a new Asterisk user who would not even listen to advice saying that [TK]D-Fender doesn't know what he's talking about.
16:34.32ManxPower-work(that was yesterday)
16:36.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Trick is knowing when to defer.  I do this on just about anything coppice talks about, you for higher networking, any dev for the nitty gritty code bits, etc.
16:36.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I tend to speak about things I know about and announce where my knowledge ends.
16:36.52Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You're...working on a book?
16:36.56*** join/#asterisk thazza (
16:37.41ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I try to replace me saying to someone "You're a fsckin' idiot" with "/part #asterisk".  My success in doing that varies, so you know.
16:37.57*** join/#asterisk ryduh (n=ryduh@
16:39.12dlynesIf the asterisk server is running as 'root', is there a way to connect to it, and run a couple of commands as a non-privileged user?
16:39.27ManxPower-workQwell: Titled "OCD and #Asterisk: A Love Story".
16:39.30*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
16:39.44dlynesi.e. say if I wanted to check the status of asteriskdb keys, or manipulate them?
16:39.53DelphiWorldwhat [weather-wakeup] mean?
16:40.08dlynesDelphiWorld: it's a context in a given configuration file
16:40.29DelphiWorlddlynes: right but i see sevral extension
16:40.36DelphiWorldi called *6223
16:40.42DelphiWorldand is requested a time
16:40.43yangHas anyone come accross IPv6 supported phones ?
16:40.43dlynesDelphiWorld: and?
16:40.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: Playlist for jamming.
16:40.57DelphiWorldis called me i answered it but i heare just moh
16:40.57[TK]D-FenderQwell: Though I should probably author a book for *
16:41.07dlynesDelphiWorld: do you have a question?
16:41.11leifmadsendlynes: that's what 'sudo' is for
16:41.30DelphiWorlddlynes: i want to  know what *6223 do
16:41.34[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: E-mail sent BTW
16:41.39dlynesDelphiWorld: and maybe some useful information?
16:41.46[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Does whatever you coded it to
16:41.57DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: ;)
16:42.06DelphiWorldsee: exten => *61,2,AGI(nv-weather.php)
16:42.07dlynesDelphiWorld: we can't tell you what it does, unless we actually see some code (that doesn't mean copy and paste to the channel, either.)
16:42.08p3nguinRead the dialplan.
16:42.11DelphiWorldi see it in elastix
16:42.16infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
16:42.25[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: GUI's are not supported here <-
16:42.27infobotmethinks elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
16:42.33[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Go ask them what their code does
16:42.35dlynesDelphiWorld: wrong want to /join #elastix and/or /join #freepbx
16:43.13*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:43.35[TK]D-Fender[11:37]<ManxPower-work>[TK]D-Fender: I try to replace me saying to someone "You're a fsckin' idiot" with "/part #asterisk". My success in doing that varies, so you know. <- Actually... I think it does you some good... far more successful than not
16:43.37p3nguinleifmadsen: Isn't there some way to configure "users" in asterisk so that you don't have to give "sudo asterisk" rights to lowly users?
16:43.40dlynesleifmadsen: ok, so the '-s' option doesn't help me out with that then, eh?
16:43.59dlynesleifmadsen: or what p3nguin said, too
16:44.05ManxPower-workp3nguin: lowly users should not have access to the Asterisk CLI.
16:44.08*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
16:44.08leifmadsenthere is not concept of "users" in asterisk -- there is just the asterisk process
16:44.28leifmadsenthe rest is an OS issue
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16:46.54[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: "Users" shouldn't have access to CLI
16:47.12leifmadsenp3nguin: btw --
16:47.16leifmadsendlynes: also see above
16:47.30leifmadsentry asterisk 1.6.2, and see the cli_permissions.conf file
16:48.16[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Ok... increasingly cool...
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16:56.33Anth8708hey guys, does anyone know if support for polycom's enhanced blf is going to be scheduled for work any time soon?  This says no (as of July), but I was hoping that perhaps something had changed and it hadn't been updated:
16:57.17Anth8708It would be an amazing thing for many people, being able to have a "buddy" you can actually hear ringing and do a PU by pressing the line keky
16:57.24spckanyone know what CALLERID(DNID) is for?
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17:00.40dlynesleifmadsen: thanks
17:00.51dlynesleifmadsen: 1.6.2 is out now?
17:00.59leifmadsendlynes: is out
17:01.08leifmadsenand I'm spinning a new set of RCs right now
17:01.20dlynesleifmadsen: ah, ok
17:01.29leifmadsen1.6.2.0 full should be out in the next couple of weeks hopefully
17:01.38leifmadsenthat's my general feeling anyways
17:01.52Qwelldlynes: do me a favor..  attach a console log of trying to start Asterisk, for issue 15846
17:01.57dlynesleifmadsen: when that happens, 1.4 will be an unmaintained branch?
17:02.03leifmadsendlynes: not at all
17:02.26*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
17:02.42cuscohi [TK]D-Fender, sorry I was away back then... yea I just figured out I cannot just place the System(chmod blah) after the Monitor, the call hasn't been hung up yet
17:03.17dlynesleifmadsen: many branches is digium planning to maintain, simultaneously?
17:03.20leifmadsendlynes: please see this thread to understand:
17:03.28cuscocore show application monitor doesn't stat exacly where can I place a shell command unless I use other mixer than sox ?!
17:03.48dlynesQwell: ok...probably won't happen today...I'll need some time to install it on a virtualbox or something so that it doesn't affect my production boxes
17:04.05*** join/#asterisk TiToyz (
17:04.34dlynesQwell: if it doesn't happen this week, i'll get it done Monday or Tuesday of next week for sure
17:05.10QwellI'm pretty sure it isn't reading your asterisk.conf at all
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17:05.55dlynesQwell: that's what I think, too
17:06.04Qwellwhich would be a permissions issue...
17:06.53dlynesQwell: if it's a permissions issue (it doesn't make any sense, because it was owned by asterisk:asterisk and chmod 644), it should spit out an error message to that effect
17:07.18*** join/#asterisk saxa (
17:07.28Qwelland the /etc/asterisk/ dir permissions?
17:07.44CGMChrisAt the risk of sounding like a complete noob, I have to ask: Does anyone know of a beep-detect function that could be used in conjunction with AMD() on outbound calls to wait for a beep before playing a message to an answering machine?  WaitForSilence(2000) seems to be the most commonly used method, but in my testing it just doesnt work well enough. Many people leave 3-5 seconds of silence at the end of their voicemail greetings.  Thoughts?
17:07.58dlynesQwell: if I remember correctly, it was spitting out an error message about permissions to do with /var/run/asterisk/, which didn't make any sense either, because it was asterisk:asterisk and 0755
17:08.03dlynesQwell: same thing
17:08.09Qwellsame?  as in 644?
17:08.46dlynesQwell: /var/run/asterisk, /etc/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk all had permissions for asterisk:asterisk, directories had 0755, and files had 0644
17:09.09Qwellwhere is asterisk.conf?
17:09.11dlynesQwell: i didn't change permissions on /usr/sbin/asterisk /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk or /usr/sbin/rasterisk
17:09.15dlynesQwell: /etc/asterisk
17:09.32jefftrying to use WaitForSilence() with an outgoing call to a Google Voice recipient, using Monitor() seems to show that google voice is supervising the call when it first starts ringing.
17:09.41dlynesQwell: correct
17:09.58jeffwhich is rather frustrating. anyone else see similar with outgoing calls to google voice?
17:10.00dlynesQwell: and everything was compiled from source
17:10.15jeffi did a bit of (heh) googleing, but haven't found much yet.
17:10.33dlynesQwell: what I will do when I redo it, is give you an ls -alR dump and an asterisk startup dump
17:10.53*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
17:10.53saxahello, I have a question, and it is, why do I get this kind of error by e-mail ? See , It seems that it wants to send the message to a wrong mailbox. My /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf has the following entry: 101 => 1234,Sasa Ostrouska,,attach=yes
17:11.19saxaIt seems that it doesnt parse well the voicemail.conf line
17:11.29DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: if i get no audio in a SIP call, what i need to do?
17:12.09dlynessaxa: I would think you didn't write it well....did you mean to have two email addresses:  "Sasa Ostrouska" and ""?
17:12.53saxadlynes: ok, but why it tries to send it to attach=yes ?
17:14.02dlynessaxa:'ll take a pager address of '' and an email address of 'attach=yes'
17:14.14dlynessaxa: forgot the second field was the name of the voicemail entry
17:14.36CGMChrisDelphiWorld: Firewall?  Check "sip set debug"
17:14.49dlynessaxa: if you want it to work, you need 101 => 1234,Sasa Ostrouska,,,attach=yes
17:14.54DelphiWorldCGMChris: ok
17:14.56saxaso this means that , attach=yes should be an mail address of form sasa@machine ?
17:14.58dlynessaxa: notice the second comma?
17:15.07saxagot it
17:15.17saxalet me try it ou
17:15.20dlynessaxa: asterisk is very picky about formatting
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17:15.33dlynessaxa: even extra spaces where they don't belong will make something not work
17:16.10saxadlynes: i can understand that, no problem, but the examples i looked at where made as the mine is, so therefore i reproduced sombodys else error :)
17:16.13dlynessaxa: attach=yes could actually be a valid email address on some systems, if it's a local user
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17:16.30dlynessaxa: local users don't need domains
17:16.44saxadlynes: but then attach=yes is doesnt needed anymore ?
17:16.46dlynessaxa: however, that being said, i've never heard of an email address with an '=' in the name, either
17:17.02dlynessaxa: attach=yes is only needed if you want to send the voicemail as an attachment
17:17.10saxathats what i want
17:17.23saxabut in any case its in the last field ?
17:17.25DelphiWorldCGMChris: Really destroying SIP dialog '35644f6011f7ded26e704da52157835a@' Meth
17:17.25DelphiWorldod: OPTIONS
17:17.26dlynessaxa: and it'll be attached to the second email address...the first email address (that you're skipping) does not get a voicemail attachment
17:17.29dlynessaxa: correct
17:17.45saxadlynes: thx, let me put that comma in the file
17:17.52*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
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17:18.05dlynessaxa: or if you don't want any emails:  101 => 1234,Sasa Ostrouska,,,attach=no
17:18.06TSM2im trying to get my polys to accept 0 as a number it can dial the operator with, at the moment it just gives a new dialtone and if you then press 0 again it sends 00
17:18.19CGMChrisDelphiWorld: The call connects but no audio in or out?
17:19.09DelphiWorldCGMChris: no, now is droped
17:19.15DelphiWorldCGMChris: but other call is no audio
17:19.50DelphiWorldhow to show active channels?
17:19.57casixI have a problems with the voicemail. My users are like this hel-333 and his voicemail is 333 in context hel. How can I make thant the asterisk tells the user hel-333 that have voicemails? how can I relation the extension hel-333 with his voicemail [hel] 333 => ...
17:20.28saxadlynes: thx
17:20.29CGMChrisDelphiWorld: Your SIP provider may require you to use "insecure=port,invite" in your sip.conf settings.  Set "qualify=yes" to see if you're getting registered properly.  "sip show peers" will show information about your peers (devices + providers)
17:20.48ManxPower-workcasix: ${EXTEN:4} would strip off the first 4 chars
17:21.18DelphiWorldCGMChris: that don't require reg, just trunking using Ip Auth
17:22.02*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
17:22.12infoboti heard siptrunk is To set a SIP peer/friend/user as a trunk add either trunk=yes or wombat=yes (they both do the same thing) in the peer/friend/user definition in sip.conf
17:22.15casixManxPower-work: I know how to send the call to the voicemail but after the phone of the user don't know the user have voicemails to warm the user
17:22.26CGMChrisDelphiWorld: did you properly specify your external ip in sip.conf?
17:22.37ManxPower-workcasix: Is English not your first language?
17:22.37*** join/#asterisk ingcomrbr (n=ingcomrb@
17:22.58casixManxPower-work: is not
17:23.08DelphiWorldCGMChris: no, i will do it
17:23.12ingcomrbrhi there.
17:23.14ingcomrbrI need re-read configs since an extension..
17:23.25ingcomrbrwhere Do I need set it?
17:23.42ingcomrbrI need the same but as code.
17:23.50ingcomrbrto press since an extension
17:23.57ingcomrbrby example, whether I press *666 I need that all configs being re-read
17:23.59ManxPower-workcasix: you would set the mailbox= option in sip.conf to specify which mailbox to monitor for that peer
17:24.08*** join/#asterisk wollie (n=quassel@
17:24.11casixthx :)
17:24.15ingcomrbrDoes Somebody know do that?
17:24.22ManxPower-workingcomrbr: you might have better luck asking on #freepbx or #trixbox.
17:25.06wolliehi all, I have a question I can't find the answer for: how can I change the tone that sounds into the phone when it's ringing? So not the ringtone of the phone, but the zoom that comes every few seconds?
17:25.15afinkIs there a way to have agents login to call groups?  This would be different than a queue b/c the person logged into the group wouldn't be on in a q just when a phone call comes in, it would be routed to the people that are logged in.
17:25.23leifmadsenwollie: indications.conf
17:25.30DelphiWorldCGMChris: can you give me the ext sip ip string?
17:25.55*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
17:26.02ManxPower-workleifmadsen: that's only for inband indications, isn't it?
17:26.12leifmadsenManxPower-work: isn't that what he was asking about?
17:26.30ManxPower-workleifmadsen: he did not say one way or the other.
17:26.32bochcan i playback on SIP channels without answering the call? im not using skip neither noanswer option
17:26.46wollie@leifmadsen: thanks, I'll have a look at that. I couldn't find it,perhaps I was using the wrong questions in Google. Must be because English is not my native language ;)
17:27.01ManxPower-workboch: use the noanswer option
17:28.45*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
17:30.25bochManxPower-work, thanks, and can i send a 5xx reply instead a 603 declined ?
17:30.42*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
17:31.28ManxPower-workboch: Hangup() takes an optional HANGUPCAUSE (as you can see by "core show application hangup").  There is an RFC that shows the mappings between Q.931 cause codes and SIP codes.
17:31.46bochManxPower-work, thanks again
17:32.38[TK]D-Fender[12:03]<cusco>core show application monitor doesn't stat exacly where can I place a shell command unless I use other mixer than sox ?! <- CORRECT
17:33.57*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
17:34.11TSM2ive come across this as i wanted to give a diffrent message based on hangupcause code
17:34.11bochTSM2, thanks
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17:36.41circuthey all, can anyone offer me some advice on debugging POTS line quality issues?
17:36.44superbeefdoes tos tagging work properly in asterisk 1.4.current or does it need to be ran as root to tag the packet?
17:37.16ManxPower-worksuperbeef: you need libcap-devel which allows non-root processes to set their ToS bits.
17:37.31ManxPower-worksee "./configure --help"
17:37.41superbeefManxPower-work: will i have to recompile asterisk?
17:37.49hardwireis everything normal again?
17:39.36ManxPower-worksuperbeef: yes
17:39.44*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
17:39.50superbeefManxPower-work: great info thanks for your help
17:40.17Kattyjeebus i feel like el crapola.
17:41.44hardwirecat crap
17:46.42bmoracaanyone have experience running Asterisk on an Intel Atom processor?
17:47.06cusco[TK]D-Fender: so making a script that besides calling sox will also chmod... ok thanks
17:48.34hardwirebmoraca: you'd think it wouldn't be that different
17:49.01hardwireI run it on Via C3 and Geode GX
17:49.10bmoracahardwire: i'm more concerned with performance, based on the fact that the Atom is an in-order processor and has pretty crappy FP performance
17:49.16hardwireIt's slow.. but usable :)  An Atom should be like a slow P4.
17:50.18*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
17:50.26hardwirebmoraca: so don't use anything non-fixed point
17:50.51hardwireit should be able to handle 6-7 g729 streams no problem if a Via c3 1ghz can.
17:51.41bmoracathat's what i'm hoping...the office is tiny, 6 phones and 4 trunks only.  i'm probably going to use a 4-port digium echo cancelled call.
17:52.05bmoracacan't type
17:52.20hardwirepots card?
17:52.47bmoracanah, i thought 4 T1s should be fine :P
17:52.48hardwireechocan should be fine as well.  The cost is too high for echocan on board
17:53.29hardwirego buy an acer laptop with an atom processor in it as a "work expense" and do some research :)
17:53.32hardwiresend me one too
17:53.36bmoracamy experience with AT&T and hte wiring out here is that if you're not doing echo cancellation onboard, you'll hear yourself 4 times for every one word you say
17:54.12hardwiredoh's pretty bad
17:54.33hardwireis watching surrogates. bbl
17:56.59*** join/#asterisk donnib (
17:57.10donnibstill with registration problems
17:57.13angryuseranyone from sangoma here ? (or a good sangomas BRI guru ) ?
17:58.23moyangryuser: with your nick, anyone from Sangoma would be scared to talk to you
17:59.08*** join/#asterisk TimToady_ (
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17:59.29Qwellmoy: :p
17:59.40angryuseri see there is no one
17:59.48infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:00.02[TK]D-FenderangAnd the fact you're asking this to support it with CallWeaver.... well gimme a sec to gather the pitchforks & villagers :p
18:00.11[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: ^
18:00.14aidinboh dear, not the villagers
18:01.04angryusercrap i have a realy strange one, when calling in with bri i got sangoma_mgd[2125]: CALL INCOMING: Enqueue Error Sent SIGBOOST_EVENT_CALL_START_NACK  [w1g1]  And the call is not redirected to the callweaver ....
18:01.36Qwellangryuser: #callweaver
18:01.49[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Call up Sangoma support
18:02.14angryuserQwell, [TK]D-Fender yea, i think i am doing that
18:02.37angryuserwill be*
18:03.41donnib[TK]D-Fender: i did what you told me earlier today to remove the under permit/deny and i also left blank the port. do you have other ideas to my earlier problem with the registration ?
18:03.48hardwirethe callweaver
18:03.55hardwirerubs palms together
18:04.14donnibunfortunately it did not work.
18:04.36ManxPower-workdonnib: REMOVE the option, don't just blank it out.
18:04.37[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: I said REMOVE THE LINES.  Not "leave blank"
18:05.21donnibwell i guess that i can´t do that :( since i am running free... damn it
18:09.37*** join/#asterisk rpm (
18:10.39rpmDoes IAX realtime "accountcodes" not work? I cannot seem to find out why the ${ACCOUNTCODES} variable is not populated when I initiate a call from an account which has an account code set.
18:10.50rpmI've used it with SIP before, but never IAX2
18:11.42[TK]D-Fenderrpm: no "S"
18:12.19rpmI mean "accountcode" sorry and ${ACCOUNTCODE}
18:12.46*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
18:13.43Kobazis there a way to ad-hocly turn on mwi on a sip phone, without needing to move to asterisk 1.6.2 for the mwi application
18:14.09ManxPower-workKobaz: touch a msgxxx.txt file in the user's mailbox
18:14.40Kobazthat's not reliable
18:14.53*** part/#asterisk Scunizi (n=mark@
18:15.31ManxPower-workKobaz: It's exactly how Asterisk does it
18:15.47Kobazsomehow whatever asterisk does anyways works
18:15.58Kobazwhen I do it, 90% of the time, the light won't come on
18:16.12Kobazi have ti restart asterisk a half dozen times, and then it will come on
18:16.37Kobazreloading voicemail doesn't do it either
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18:17.32Kobazi need to indicate a call is in queue, on a polycom phone
18:17.46Kobazi've tried the mwi approach before, but it just isn't reliable
18:17.47[TK]D-FenderKobaz: FFS use presence or the MicroBrowser
18:18.05Kobazyeah, i was thinking about the microbrowser
18:18.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What are you doing messing with MWI as an indicator?  That's worst possible option.
18:18.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: flashing red light is a perfect attention grabber
18:18.42Kobazand none of these phones have voicemail
18:18.43[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What model?
18:18.57[TK]D-FenderKobaz: MicroBroser is it.
18:19.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: 3XX don't support presence
18:19.39*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
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18:21.39Kobazmmm, is there another way to turn on the blinking light other than mwi?
18:22.45Kobazi can do the microbrowser thing, but the mwi light is just so perfect
18:25.52Kobazah crap
18:25.54Kobazthis won't work
18:26.09carrarJust put a dozen strobe lights on the users desk
18:26.15KobazMicrobrowser that allows browsing of simple XHTML web pages on the phone's LCD screen. In addition the microbrowser can also be used to display information on the phone's idle screen
18:26.25rpmIs anyone using IAX with realtime and accountcodes? It's not reading the 'accountcode' field in my MySQL table... Neither the ${ACCOUNTCODE} variable or ${CDR(accountcode)}
18:26.26carrarflashing at random intervuls
18:26.33KobazThe provisioning variables are mb.idleDisplay.home="(url)" and mb.idleDisplay.refresh="(seconds").
18:26.42Kobazi need it to display at all times, not just idle
18:27.00Kobazcarrar: just might have to do that
18:27.25Kobazso i'm back to using mwi
18:27.43Kobazi was thinking of doing a thing where i make a fake call to line 2, as notification
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18:28.10Kobazbut the problem is, the display changes and locks things up for 10 seconds when the call comes in, if you don't answer it
18:28.54[TK]D-Fenderrpm: .... PASTEBIN <-
18:29.11WinZguys, if I can call some numbers, but with other numbers I get "All circuits are busy" message through only one trunk -- the problem is on the provider's side?
18:29.42WinZI can call the US, but can't call some mobile numbers in Europe
18:29.44centrexRegarding queues, I have sip agents that were receiving calls when already on the line in a queue.  The call-limit was set to 50 for the sip peer so it was showing them as not in use.  However, when I set the call-limit to 1, they can no longer transfer calls.  I'm looking for a solution where I can only have one call go to a queue member, but also allow them to transfer out.  If I set the call limit to 2 I believe it would still all
18:29.44centrexow 2 calls per queue member, correct?
18:29.51[TK]D-FenderWinZ: Show us something to LOOK AT
18:30.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
18:30.08*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
18:30.11rpm[TK]D-Fender: should work
18:30.53centrexIs there a way to set it so queue members can only receive one call from the queue, but also allow them to transfer calls and dial out while on another call as well?
18:31.11[TK]D-Fenderrpm: variable was deprecated for the function.  Set the function
18:35.28*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:35.37rpm[TK]D-Fender: ${CDR(accountcode)} still doesn't work - I shouldn't need to initially set the ${CDR(accountcode)=....} as it is set in the 'iax_buddies' table.
18:36.05WinZ[TK]D-Fender, - regarding the "all circuits are busy" message
18:36.45*** part/#asterisk lmadsen[testnet] (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:38.30[TK]D-Fenderrpm: I don't see that..
18:39.31[TK]D-FenderWinZ: -- Got SIP response 480 "Temporarily Unavailable - Cannot Complete Call" back from <-- from your provider
18:39.36WinZyes yes
18:39.41WinZI'm lookin at it too..
18:40.23WinZthanks, [TK]D-Fender, at least I know where the problem is
18:41.24*** join/#asterisk hatoff (n=hatline@unaffiliated/hatoff)
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18:42.34hatoffI have made my first steps into Asterisk. Is there a simple way to configure it to autoanswer so I can check if it is correctly installed?
18:44.10[TK]D-Fenderhatoff: Make a simple exten to do something like Answer, Playback(), and then hangup
18:44.20hatoffI think i'm gettin faster answers on forum lol :)
18:44.49hatoffbut how do I make the exten, in asterisk.conf file in /etc ?
18:44.51hatoffwill that work?
18:44.59hatoffor can I do it from the CLI ?
18:46.26hatoffextensions.conf I think
18:48.48centrexIs there any way to have a queue report a device as "in use" when it is on a call without breaking attended transfers with asterisk 1.4?
18:49.50centrexI have a queue where it reports the device is not in use when on a call, unless the device has a call limit set.  I only want one call per agent in the queue.  But if I set call-limit 1 it breaks transfers
18:50.44centrexIf set the sip call-limit to 2, it allows transfers, but then they still get rang from the queue when on a call
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18:52.51hatoffcentrex, can you tell me where I can put the exten ?
18:53.13hatoffi'm really noob in using asterisk
18:53.33hatoffi just want to see that I've installed it correctly so I want to add an exten to Answer Playback aand then hangup
18:53.37hatoffi've placed it there
18:53.44hatoffhow do I reload?
18:53.49hatoffkillall -HUP asterisk will be fine!?
18:53.54centrexasterisk -r
18:54.07*** join/#asterisk t (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
18:54.11hatoffokie dokie
18:54.22hatoffi'm calling the line but it will not answer
18:55.07hatoffwhich could be the problem?
18:55.48*** part/#asterisk hatoff (n=hatline@unaffiliated/hatoff)
18:56.24Kattyhad a nap
18:57.25s34nhas anyone here used the jack() command?
18:57.58*** join/#asterisk donnib (
19:03.04rpmthis makes no sense, CDR(accountcode) is not auto-populated if it is set on the IAX peer/user's account.. Isn't that the point of using an accountcode associated to an IAX peer/user definition?
19:03.06hardwireit does jack for me.
19:05.08[TK]D-FenderhatThat you did not put the exten in a context being accessed by the incoming call.
19:05.15ManxPower-workrpm: put a dummy friend at the end of the iax.conf that points to an invalid context.  I bet your incoming call is not matching the peer you think it's matching
19:05.33ManxPower-workand chan_iax likes to match the last entry when it can't find any other matches
19:05.36[TK]D-Fenderrpm: I still don't have a comprehensive pastebin...
19:06.05rpmManxPower-work: I'm using realtime for all of my 'friend' IAX accounts.
19:06.15ManxPower-workrpm: It sucks to be you.
19:06.27*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
19:06.58Kobazchanspy with w doesn't work in
19:08.08leifmadsenKobaz: that should be fixed in the latest RCs that are not yet put out
19:08.20leifmadsenthey will go out in the next 2 hours
19:08.28centrexOn my queues they all report that the device isn't in use, even though the caller is on a call.  Is there a way to fix this?
19:08.30Kobazah okay
19:08.37leifmadsenthe RCs put out on Friday should also have the fix, but they cause a crash which is fixed in the new RCs I'm putting out today
19:08.45leifmadsenKobaz: so you should test with the 1.6.0 branch from SVN
19:08.49Kobazany time i try something new in asterisk it either doesn't work or crashes :(
19:08.49centrexon asterisk 1.4.
19:08.52ManxPower-workcentrex: as talked about in the UPGRADE*.txt files you need to set a call limit for devstate to work
19:09.03centrexManxPower-work, I did that, but when I set the call-limit to 1 it doesn't allow transfers.
19:09.10leifmadsencentrex: set it to 2
19:09.13ManxPower-workcentrex: so set it to 99
19:09.25leifmadsencentrex: you can't transfer when you're only allowing 1 call since a transfer is 2 calls
19:09.28ManxPower-workyou are not trying to limit calls, you are just trying to make Asterisk keep track of the
19:09.36centrexOh I see
19:09.45centrexSo setting it to two wouldn't allow a 2nd incoming call in?
19:09.56leifmadsenit would.. because it's set to 2...
19:10.02leifmadsena 3rd call would not be allowed
19:10.09leifmadsenbecause 3 is bigger than 2
19:10.13centrexRight, i want to be able to only have one call come in the queue.  I dont want them to be on a call and then hve it ring
19:10.25leifmadsencentrex: that is a different functioanlity
19:10.27centrexBut I still want them to be able to transfer calls out
19:10.39centrexringinuse is set to no
19:11.00leifmadsencentrex: that's not what call-limit is for, device state is what controls when a caller is InUse or not
19:11.14leifmadsensetting to a higher call-limit will not break that if configured correctly
19:11.40leifmadsenhigher call-limit doesn't mean multiple calls from the queue if you setup the queue to not send calls to agents InUse
19:14.33centrexOkay, i think the problem is I was confused as to fix the problem.  It's still not working (not showing the device state in use) even though limitonpeers is set to yes.
19:14.54centrexBut the queuemembers are local channels, not sip
19:14.57centrexCould that be the problem?
19:17.46centrexor what else could be stopping it from updating the device state?
19:18.16*** join/#asterisk TSM (
19:21.19leifmadsencentrex: if they are Local channels, you need to setup a hint for the local channel which monitors the appropriate SIP device
19:21.36centrexokay thanks
19:25.50centrexleifmadsen, That's for 1.6 only though, correct?
19:26.32centrexfrom what I'm reading 1.4 doesn't support hints for local channels
19:28.33leifmadsencentrex: sorry, wrong location, it's done in queues.conf
19:28.40leifmadsenfrom queues.conf.sample:  ;member => Local/1000@default,0,John Smith,SIP/1000
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19:39.30`paulre: vicidial, if i downloaded the latest 1.4 version will the patch of the vicidial on its guide (for still be applicable?
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19:53.22fixxxermetI am getting a "unable to open psuedo device" error using asterisk and dahdi from svn. is my sip debug output.
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19:55.52ardnatcould someone help me with fowarding in asterisk
19:56.09ardnatim trying to do somthing similar to trapcall
19:56.17ardnatim fowarding an incoming call to a 1800
19:56.26ardnatso that i can get its real caller id
19:56.38ardnatcan somthing like this be done?
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19:59.03s34nis there a simple way to plug asterisk audio into gstreamer?
20:01.49Kattyi do believe one of our vendors was being all flirty
20:03.02raden_workKatty, does that make you happy ?
20:03.10Kattyit's cute.
20:05.55Kattythat nap seemed to help.
20:05.58*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
20:06.03Kattytho i'm still feeling a bit sickly, and cranky
20:06.24theharKatty: drink your magic juice you told me about
20:06.45Kattyugah. no more OJ for awhile
20:07.16Kattydefinately no more vodka for awhile >.<
20:07.36eppigyman I felt that way friday night/saturday morning
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20:12.11centrexleifmadsen, thanks
20:12.33fixxxermetFixed my error.
20:13.30Kattyeppigy: i hear chinese, soda, and tylenol are like the cure all for that.
20:13.45Kattyeppigy: luckily, i didn't go as far as Morning Headache
20:13.54Kattyeppigy: possibly having something to do with being up illish until 3 >.<
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20:20.45Kattyhi wcselby
20:21.21Kattybye wcselby
20:21.22*** join/#asterisk wcselby (
20:21.37wcselbyhit alt-x on the last letter I was writing in my sentance
20:21.44wcselbyhave no clue how I did that
20:22.35wcselbyanyways, anyone here using the 'd' option with the Dial command to catch dtmf during ringing?
20:24.01wcselbyI can't seem to catch the 1-digit extension
20:24.35wcselbyinbound call over dahdi -> hit's the proper extension in extensions.conf, which has a Dial(SIP/2625,30,d) statement
20:25.03wcselbybegins dialing the SIP/2625 endpoint, but never catches when I press 0 during the ring
20:25.28bmoracawhat type of dahdi trunk?  maybe try relaxdtmf?  have you verified that dtmf works over it in other contexts?
20:25.50wcselbydtmf works in voicemail and the main IVR
20:26.05wcselbyjust not catching it during the ring
20:26.07Kattyrehi wcselby
20:26.17wcselbyo/ Katty :)
20:26.25Kattyhmm. no, i don't think we use d here in our dial commands.
20:26.31ManxPower-workwcselby: have you done a "core show application dial" to confirm YOUR version Of Asterisk supports that option
20:26.40wcselbyManxPower-work - yes
20:26.47ManxPower-workwcselby: weird
20:27.09wcselbyManxPower-work - I agree
20:27.26Kattystares at teabag.
20:27.30wcselbyit's not a critical thing, just one of the board members of the client I'm working for is upset that he has to wait 30 seconds for someone to pickup
20:27.43Kattyoh noes.
20:27.44beekKatty: It's not talking to you, is it?
20:27.44wcselbyso I'm investigating options now
20:27.46Kattyhow horrible.
20:27.55Kattybeek: well. yes. i's calling my name.
20:28.06bmoracafor someone to pick up and do what?
20:28.19Kattyd dials dtmf after a person's picks up
20:28.21wcselbybmoraca - to talk, or for it to rollover to voicemail
20:28.21Kattylike an auto attendant
20:28.28wcselbyKatty - that's D
20:29.01bmoracahow's the ability to capturing dtmf during dialing going to alleviate that?
20:29.19KattyAllow the calling user to dial a 1 digit extension while waiting for a call to be answered. Exit to that extension if it exists in the current context, or the context defined in the EXITCONTEXT variable, if it exists.
20:29.23wcselbybmoraca - he wants to be able to hit 0 to go to the operator instead of waiting either 30 seconds for voicemail
20:29.46bmoracaso give him a direct did to the operator
20:30.04wcselbybmoraca - there are already several ways to do that
20:30.14wcselbyhe's specifically asked to be able to do it while a line is ringing
20:30.19wcselbybefore someone has answered
20:30.26wcselbyKatty -
20:30.38ManxPower-workwcselby: you can't accept audio until the line is answered.
20:30.43ManxPower-workput an Answer() for the Dial
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20:31.00ManxPower-workput an Answer() before the Dial()
20:31.25ManxPower-workSince the telco won't actually SEND the DTMF/AUDIO until the line is answered.
20:31.32bmoracawhile any line is ringing?  that sounds like a terrible idea
20:32.00bmoracayeah, that too
20:32.25wcselbyManxPower-work - ugh.  let me try that
20:32.39wcselbybmoraca - I never said it was a good idea
20:32.50wcselbybmoraca - I said a member of the board is asking for the capability
20:32.58ManxPower-workwcselby: wouldn't it be easier to just switch this guy to decaf?
20:33.15wcselbyManxPower-work - lol, I'm just a consultant investigating options ;)
20:33.40bmoracatell him to diaf and stop being a prima donna
20:34.25wcselbyi've already told him I didn't think it was possible, so if I end up not coming up with a viable way to use it, it's not a big deal
20:34.33bmoracaeither way, you won't have to deal with him again :P
20:36.43wcselbyManxPower-work - the Answer() before the Dial() worked
20:37.08wcselbyI remember taking all the Answer() out of my inbound extensions at one point, it broke something relating to queues/agents (but I don't remember what)
20:37.28ManxPower-workwcselby: Generally Answer is a bad idea.  Except for in this case.
20:37.29bmoracait also makes your CDRs somewhat inaccurate
20:37.59wcselbyyeah, I'm thinking this board member is going to have to live with waiting 30 seconds)
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20:39.41trumeeanybody familiar with spa3102?
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20:54.42wcselbythink it's time to checkout, later
20:55.30Kattyjaytee: let's dance!
20:56.10jayteedancing is against my religion :-)
20:56.45jayteeI'm a member of the Church of TwoLeftFootism
20:57.36TheDavidFactormembers of that Church who do dance end up on one of those "Funniest Videos" TV shows
20:57.37Kattyexcuse, excuses.
20:57.40Kattydances with jaytee
20:59.47*** join/#asterisk ardnat (i=18e152f7@gateway/web/freenode/x-fbgzvbfiwtycprbo)
21:00.15ardnatCan anyone help me transfer a user in my dial plan to an outside phone number while preserving cid records
21:01.21Kattyallo dave.
21:01.38Kattyardnat: by what means ar eyou doing the transfer.
21:01.40[TK]D-Fender“Why don't Baptists have sex standing up ? Because that might lead to dancing.” -  Oscar Wilde
21:01.45Kattyardnat: physically.
21:01.57ardnatwell i am not sure
21:02.02ardnatmy main intention
21:02.11ardnatis to get the cid of a caller using *67
21:02.13Kattyyou don't know how you're transfering the call
21:02.23ardnatno i mean its not implanted yet
21:02.24Kattywell i can't help you if you don't know how you're getting the call out.
21:02.33ardnatno i know ways
21:02.42ardnatbut im not sure on how to do so
21:02.49ardnatheard of trapcall?
21:02.55aidinbtrapcall's cool
21:03.05aidinbbut theres a site that shows u how to do it with flowroute
21:03.10ardnatyou set your call waiting foward to their 1800 number
21:03.16aidinba  youtube vid rather
21:03.21ardnatit fowards the cell phone caller to that number
21:03.34ardnatsince all #'s have to provide 1800's with the real cid
21:03.53ardnatit unmask their cid, and fowards their call back to you with the real cid set
21:04.12ardnati want to do this in asterisk
21:04.24aidinbthats how
21:04.35aidinbeasy peasy
21:04.51ardnatonly with flowrout though?
21:05.01aidinbonly with enterprise class providers
21:05.04aidinblike flowroute
21:05.07aidinbhe explains in the video
21:05.08ardnatdang it
21:05.14ardnatim using rapidvox
21:05.17aidinbthey have to send the p-assert tag
21:05.47aidinb*shrug* dunno them, worth a shot
21:05.50ardnatkk ty :)
21:05.53aidinbif not, port ur numbers to flowroute
21:06.00ardnatkevin mendiric < FTW
21:06.10ardnatyeah lol
21:06.18ardnatdo you have a flow account?
21:06.46aidinbput it this way... if mitnick uses it....
21:06.58ardnatwell whats the min deposit
21:07.19ardnatdarn it
21:07.20aidinbnever expires tho
21:07.28ardnatah well thats too much
21:07.30ardnatim 15
21:07.38aidinbsmart kid
21:07.44ardnatah ty lol
21:08.02aidinbu could try asking nicely
21:08.20ardnatfor like a discounted depoit or somthing?
21:08.24ardnatah got it!
21:08.28aidinbnever know
21:08.30ardnat"for a school project "
21:08.33ardnatheh heh
21:08.58ardnatanyways aid quick question
21:09.07ardnatif you set your caller id and ani in asterisk
21:09.13ardnatcan you be traced back
21:09.20ardnatyou can with the CDR right?
21:09.26ardnatthere a cdr number i believe
21:09.38aidinbnot always
21:09.49aidinbi think it depends on the carrier really
21:10.12ardnathow could you figure out if they do or dont
21:10.18ardnatlike a anic number or somthing
21:10.25ardnathavent seen any that show cdr
21:10.52aidinbim not really sure on that one.. sorry bro
21:11.44ardnatno probs
21:15.55leifmadsenKobaz: ping?
21:19.39Kattyleifmadsen: i think he Nacked.
21:25.32[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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21:38.37ardnatCan anyone help me with transfers in asterisk?
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22:00.32Tuxxieare phone number tied directly to pots lines?
22:01.17Tuxxieif I have an 800 number on a pots line is there a way to two calls going to that number at the same time?
22:01.42jblackNo. That's where other techologies come in.
22:01.56[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: call-waiting <-
22:02.08jblackConsidering the channel, look at voip. Old school, look at ISDN or a T1.
22:02.21jblackTHough it may be hard to find isdn these days
22:03.38Kattymister black!
22:03.51TuxxieThats what I was thinking also, but you know when managment steps in they dream up stuff that only make sence to managment. ;)
22:04.20KattyTuxxie: i've foudn the best way to deal with that is to simply send an email to the telco with the request, and cc them into it.
22:04.32KattyTuxxie: when the response comes back, they no longer try to argue with you about it.
22:06.03Tuxxiedone. however, I was just makeing sure I was right. :) Thanks!
22:06.20jblackMrs Atty!
22:06.53jblackMrs? Miss? Ms? Mz? I never can remember which is which
22:07.40leifmadsenMs is usually safest :)
22:08.36jblackfuckit. From now on, I'll just address anyone making less than a million dollars a year as Serf.
22:08.56jblackSerf leif. Serf James.
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22:09.24jblackOr wold Peon be better....
22:10.00Kattythat'd still be Miss.
22:10.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o malcolmd] by ChanServ
22:10.33jblackNah. Serf Atty.
22:10.51jblackOr Peon. I haven't quite decided yet which is better
22:12.12jblackOhhh, How about drudge.
22:12.23jblackDrudge James has a ring to it. :)
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22:16.52aidinbwhats that make me....
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22:21.16jblackI refuse to believe that you make a million dollars a year until you give me a thousand bucks. Until the, you're also a serf.
22:21.41Kattyhmm. serf Katty
22:21.43Kattyi can deal with that
22:21.56Kattyas long as i can find me a duke somewhere.
22:22.03Kattyduchess katty has a nice ring to it
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22:32.08tuxcrafter[TK]D-Fender: i saw your "call-waiting <-" hint where you pointing at?
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22:40.23[TK]D-FenderMuch better
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22:46.28s34nthe ices command supposedly dumps audio to stdout
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22:46.45comradeb14ckyo :)
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22:47.48s34nI suppose that would be stdout for the original asterisk command that lauched the daemon...
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23:07.27Godfather_its possibly to call 2 sips at the same time with an extension?
23:07.47QwellGodfather_: exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2)
23:07.56Godfather_Qwell, ty
23:08.13Qwellwhichever answers first gets the call
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23:10.31Godfather_Qwell, and is there any possibility to have various users on a call?
23:11.28Godfather_or give me a topic where i can find info about it
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23:26.39[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: That could be a 3-way call.  That could be a larger connference.  Please describe the flow better
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23:30.15Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i'll read about this topic, just learning purpose, ty
23:31.04Godfather_im just playing with extensions.conf
23:31.08[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Well you asked a question and it didn't come out very clear as to what you wanted.  So describe it again and better and we might be able to advise you
23:31.21Godfather_[TK]D-Fender,  ok
23:31.55Godfather_image that a phone (pstn call) come to asterisk, and push a extension (100)
23:32.15Godfather_with this extension i want to able to call all the sip/iax2 users
23:32.21Godfather_like a normal pstn
23:32.38[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: then that would mean following what Qwell already advised
23:32.46Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, but..
23:32.47[TK]D-Fender[18:07]<Qwell>Godfather_: exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2)
23:33.00[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Yes... you'd just have to add them ALL
23:33.01Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, everbody can hear the same conversation
23:33.03Godfather_the same channel
23:33.18[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: In your case you want them all to just "join in"?
23:33.35Godfather_i tried that config, SIP/user1&SIP/user2 and works perfect
23:33.41Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, yes
23:33.44Godfather_sorry for the english
23:33.58Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i want to emulate a "normal" pstn line
23:34.10[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: So lets say 3 people are ringing.  1 person answers. A is connected to B.  C is ringing, but A&B don't hear that.  C eventually answers and gets added.  same with D... like that?
23:34.34[TK]D-Fendergodgodon a normal line the phone stops ringing when the 1st person answers.
23:34.56Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, the 2ond option
23:35.04Godfather_if one hang up the line
23:35.13Godfather_then the others are been able to join
23:35.19Godfather_but stop ringing his phone
23:35.28Godfather_like a normal line
23:36.16[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Ok, that isn't really going to happen...
23:36.26Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, ?
23:36.39[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: You can't tell a call to stop making sound 1/2 way through calliong it and still be a call that is incoming.
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23:37.06Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i dont understand that last
23:37.59Godfather_I want to emulate the normal phone calls in a house with no IP-telephones
23:38.05[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Lest say A is the thincoming call.  B,C,D are called with Dial.  Tehy ALL ring.  B answers it.  the call is ANSWERED.  * can't tell the others to keep ringing only silently
23:38.23[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: is this your home you want to do this to?
23:38.41manxpowerOnce the call is answered, the other phones CANNOT answer the call.
23:39.03Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, its trying this at home yes.
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23:39.26Godfather_manxpower, cant answer, but can join just hanging up the phone?
23:39.33manxpowerGodfather_: no!
23:39.53Godfather_manxpower, then the 3-way that [TK]D-Fender  said?
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23:40.07Godfather_i really believe i have to read about this topic
23:40.08manxpowerGodfather_: Is English not your native language?
23:40.10[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Answer my previous question.  You want to do this at your home?
23:40.14[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Clearly
23:40.16Godfather_manxpower, obv no...
23:40.39Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, yes..
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23:41.01[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: then just plug all the phones in your houses wiring onto ONE FXS port
23:41.44Deeewaynethey all wont fit in one port :-)
23:42.21Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i said with an extension
23:42.48manxpowerGodfather_: [TK]D-Fender is assuming you are using analog phones.  I am assuming you are using SIP phones.
23:43.04[TK]D-Fenderstuffs Deeewayne into a non-bio-degradeable Big Mac container and tosses him out the side of his 57' Olds
23:44.04Godfather_manxpower, using sip phones.
23:44.04[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Forget SIP phones, and plug your house's phones onto a single ATA FXS port
23:44.04[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: You aren't going to get what you want.
23:44.12Godfather_say Its impossible to emulate with sip phones and asterisk a normal line
23:46.07[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: I can imagine a way, but its a LOT of work, and the quality might not be so good....
23:46.37[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: What is the point of SIP phones when they are all DUMB?
23:46.39Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, the solution you give me you lost all the extensions of your sips
23:47.00[TK]D-Fender[18:46]<Godfather_>[TK]D-Fender, the solution you give me you lost all the extensions of your sips <- this sentence makes no sense
23:47.22Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, acutally, i think you dont understand my question
23:47.33Godfather_let me exlplain it better
23:48.06Godfather_Image that a person outsite the system call to my house where asterisk is installed
23:48.13Godfather_then the systen recieve the call
23:48.32Godfather_and tell him a menu by voice like..
23:48.42Godfather_if you want to speak with defender press 101
23:48.49Godfather_with ivan press 102 .. etc
23:48.54Godfather_and the last ..
23:49.06Godfather_if you want to call all of them press 105
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23:49.29Godfather_this last is like Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102...)
23:49.43[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: As I said, possible... but a LOT of work.
23:49.44Godfather_but i want to ring all the SIPS  and
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23:49.55Godfather_the others SIPS are been able to join
23:49.58Godfather_that call
23:49.59[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: VERY complicated and requires external scripts to make sure things don't hang
23:50.02Get_The_Fishhas anyone here worked with the LDAP realtime for SIP peers in
23:50.03Godfather_and hearing
23:50.09Godfather_just hanging up the phone
23:50.11[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: and no, Qwell's multi-dial does not do it
23:50.24Godfather_i know
23:50.48[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: VERY complicated and as I described... NOT WORTH IT
23:51.01Godfather_ok, i forget about it
23:51.49*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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23:57.39Get_The_Fishhas anyone here worked with the LDAP realtime for SIP peers in
23:59.14*** join/#asterisk voipmonk_ (

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