IRC log for #asterisk on 20091103

00:00.18gushiHey there...Silly question, how can I route calls from a given number to a fast-busy, without having to do it for every extension?
00:00.41Qwellgushi: You could try doing something like:
00:01.00Qwellexten => _NXXNXXXXXX/3105551212,1,Busy()
00:01.09Qwellwhere 310... is the number you want to"block"
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00:01.38LinuturkI forgot sip.conf
00:01.41Linuturkis silly
00:02.39TJNIIDon't you hate it when you mis something obvious?  I spent 5 hours debugging a program the other night only to find I had botched 1 (One !!) character in a register assignment.
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00:03.39Destroyuse winmerge ;P
00:04.18Destroybut don't use if your coding something custom only from samples
00:04.24Destroylol my bad ;P
00:04.48Kattyoh man, that apple was amazing.
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00:06.44LinuturkTJNII: yeah, I've been sweating over vimdiff for a bit now
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00:16.35ZPerteeFYI if there is anyone out there with a google wave invite
00:16.46Jumpiei'd like one too
00:16.59ZPerteei'll trade for google voice invite
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00:17.34Jumpiei dont have either..i fail
00:18.06ZPertee:-( I've been using google voice since before google owned it
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00:21.37infoboti heard answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
00:23.18manxpowerI'll stick to VitelityVoice
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00:38.09p3nguinzpertee: Is there anything I can do with the phone number they give me other than forward it to another number?
00:39.08ZPerteep3nguin, using gizmo you can make and receive unlimited US calls through your * box for starters
00:39.19ZPerteep3nguin, also had free SMS
00:40.50infobotsomebody said free was stuff might take awhile to get done, or
00:41.02manxpowerOk.  That is not what I expected
00:41.09infobotygwypf is, like, You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
00:41.20manxpowerThat's what I was looking for
00:41.46*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (n=nate@
00:42.40manxpower*grumble*  I really need to QoS my router.
00:42.44p3nguinzpertee: Without gizmo, I can't connect it with Asterisk?
00:42.55nix8n82Does anyone have experience with asterisk in a cloud environment especially amazon EC2?
00:44.05ZPerteep3nguin, there may be other ways I'm not sure. What I do is insert the settings on gizmo's website and then create a sip trunk to gizmo. works well and painlessly
00:44.20ZPerteep3nguin, and free I might add
00:44.34ZPerteep3nguin, google has yet to allow direct sip access
00:45.31p3nguinThat's what I _really_ want.
00:45.34mchouZPertee: yeah, that's really a shame
00:46.02p3nguinTheir crappy forward requirement doesn't work well with my IVR.
00:46.30mchouyou can try
00:46.41nix8n82my real question is do you have to have an public ip for each instance for you to make calls or is it possible for you to make calls from like 10 instances to one or two voip providers while only using one public ip?
00:46.57mchouI doubt it would work any better but YMMV
00:47.34TJNIInix8n82: That is going to wreak havoc with your sip registrations.
00:47.46mchounix8n82: what do you mean?  That's what asterisk is for
00:48.00p3nguinIf you can control the NAT setting and you have private IP addresses, you might be able to get around it.
00:48.01russellbor use a proxy ...
00:48.59mchouget around what?
00:49.03manxpowerGOOD nat routers will keep track of multiple phones behind the same nat all talking to the same asterisk server.
00:49.08mchouthere is nothing to get around
00:49.19manxpowermuch like multiple web browsers behind the same nat all talking to the same web server.
00:49.25mchouasterisk allows to connect to mutiple trunks
00:49.26TJNIII think he means the server is going to be hopping IPs on some cloud hosting setup.
00:49.53manxpowerTJNII: Aye!  That would complicate things.
00:50.06TJNIIAll depends on how frequently is hops, I guess.
00:50.45russellba lot of people use Asterisk on EC2 and other virtualized environments, with great success
00:51.29TJNIIAs long as it re-registers when it hops and doesn't hop during a call it should be fine.
00:51.47Kattypeeks in
00:51.54TJNIIgoes back to reading NE2000 datasheets
00:52.01mchouI wouldnt use asterisk for that
00:52.07mchouI'd use yate
00:52.17mchoufailover already supported
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00:52.34mchouthat's a form of hopping
00:53.38mchounot to mention that would avoid the "last register" problem
00:53.51nix8n82p3nguin, what kind of control would I need for nat settings? would I have manually allocate ports to each server? like port 5060 5061 5062 and split up the rtp ports between each server?
00:54.37p3nguinWell, if you aren't using private IP addresses like I originally thought you were indicating, that's not really what you need to use.
00:55.19nix8n82russellb, what proxy software would you recommend?
00:55.39russellbKamilio, or one of the other similar variants
00:57.34mchounix8n82: yate suffors failover even when calls are in progress.  verry cool
00:59.03nix8n82yeah every instance has a private address, and I'm not sure I quite get how it all works, but lets say I have 5 instances all with a private ips and one public ip they all can register to my provider on port 5060 and use rtp 10000-20000 with the possibility of make 5000 calls at any one time? if I have the bandwidth and cpu cycles
00:59.31nix8n82coo mchou thanks
01:00.16mchounix8n82: what's the use case for this?  you goona phone spam?
01:00.20nix8n82being 5000 calls for all servers together not each
01:00.55TJNII"Good evening, sir.  Are you satisfied with the size of your p3n1s?"
01:01.06nix8n82no I would like to do like a town hall meeting over the phone
01:01.38mchouumm, why would you need to call out for that?
01:01.43manxpowernix8n82: there is a company that does that already
01:02.24nix8n82speaking of that does anyone know of any software that would allow me to control something like that?
01:02.35nix8n82manxpower, what company?
01:03.00manxpowerI can't remember.
01:03.38nix8n82well I would like to do that for my local area.
01:04.28jblackYou'll almost certainly have to write it yourself.
01:04.33nix8n82that and if I get good try to couple it with sphinx and see if I can't make it do radio contest and such
01:04.37Kattyhugs jblack
01:04.45jblackhi catty
01:04.49jblackGah! Katty.
01:05.02manxpowerjblack: these people do things like host 5,000 participant townhall meetmes.
01:05.08*** join/#asterisk joako (n=ston3d@opensuse/member/joak0)
01:05.28Kattyjblack: let's watch pride and prejudice
01:05.45jblackmanxpower: And there are companies that do conference call meetings for companies.
01:06.02joakoAnyone knows how I can set the hostname on a Polycom phone?
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01:06.12jblackI don't see where "someone else has done that" is pertinant, other than to indicate to nix8n82 that it's possible?
01:06.26manxpowerjblack: they are doing it with Asterisk
01:06.39nix8n82thank you jblack
01:07.29jblackmanxpower: Great, more good news for him. Until you can provide contrary evidence that there's software available to him, I'll maintain that he'll have to write something himself.
01:07.41jblackbecuase I know better than to try and prove a negative.
01:07.43manxpowerjblack: I'm going to check on the name of the company for him.
01:08.23jblackI'm sure he'd appreciate that. =)
01:08.50nix8n82I would
01:09.08nix8n82if they can do it so can I
01:09.36jblackgetting to your real question (how do I implement, rather than "who do I pay to do it for me")....
01:10.07jblackI doubt you'll be able to find any free software conferencing software that works at that scale for asterisk, and you'll probably have to write your own handling.
01:10.45jblackThe two frameworks within asterisk that you'd be most interested in is the Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI), and Asterisk Management Interface (AMI).
01:11.09nix8n82right, I thought so too, but I don't believe I have to have all people in a conference, I only need a couple people in a conference and a way to stream audio to a bunch of calls
01:11.18jblackThere's also a conferencing app that comes with asterisk called meetme, but I don't think it's intended to run at the scale that you intend. But who knows, maybe you could adapt it.
01:11.29manxpowerI'd at least look into writing your own app (or even channel driver) and see if it's worth that or not.
01:11.36TJNIIWhat, you don't want 5000 people to be able to talk to each other all on the same call?
01:11.41TJNIISounds like fun!
01:11.51TJNIIs/fun/white noise
01:12.09jblacknix8n82: I have a hunch you'll be doing some interesting stuff with bridging. =)
01:12.09nix8n82yeah that would be a trip TJNII
01:12.19manxpowernix8n82: There's three major parts that I can think of.  Call setup/teardown, rtp, and admin control.
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01:13.19manxpowerIf you could find something that could mux a couple of thousand calls, I bet SER/OpenSER could be used for call setup/teardown, asterisk for admin control
01:14.00jblackI wonder if he could just dump into a stream that's read by MOH.
01:14.34*** join/#asterisk Katty (
01:14.34manxpowerjblack: use a stream from the talker as the MoH source.
01:14.44TJNIIOr set up meetmes in a spoke and hub topology with only the users in the hub conference having voice.
01:14.47jblackpeople "listening to the call" would actually be on hold. they dtmf to ask a question, which breaks them out of moh.
01:15.04jblackmanxpower: mostly, yeah.
01:15.05TJNIIThough then they wouldn't be able to talk easily...
01:15.05manxpowerjblack: that's brilliant
01:15.14nix8n82that would be cool jblack, what I'm thinking is I"m going to have to use the agi stream file and keep track of the offset and try to keep it lagged behind the speaker for no more than two seconds
01:15.15jblackwith some bridging magic that can playback asked questions
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01:15.41manxpowerTJNII: a second meetme for talkers,
01:15.56TJNIIjblack: That is smart.  Record their questions and allow the admin to play them back.
01:16.02nix8n82if I can record and read the file while streaming it to a few different servers
01:16.26jblacknix8n82: Recording is the easy part, with Monitor()
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01:16.56jblackSpool monitors() from listeners, have an assistant filter the useful ones out to another spool...
01:17.24jblackmoderator presses a button to playback the top spooled monitor....
01:18.14jblackthough by the time your'e at this scale, you probably have a computer system where people click on described spools in a webbrowser, which has the logic to inject the described recorded monitor's into the meetme.
01:18.35*** join/#asterisk CcRnp (n=shishir@
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01:18.51nix8n82yeah, it's not going to be easy
01:19.00nix8n82fun, but definatly not easy
01:19.02jblacki.e. from a listern's point of view. press a button, says record your message, and turns on monitor. that goes into a pile of other spooled messages
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01:19.07thuddwhirranyone know if you can retrieve the $RTPAUDIOQOS channel var from a sip channel created by the Dial application?
01:19.07nix8n82need to learn ajax
01:19.18jblackassitant listens to them, describes them on the web page, and approves them.
01:19.39manxpowerthuddwhirr: chances are that was moved in the CHANNEL() function.  see "core show application channel"
01:19.40jblackthe moderator, in the meetme that's being piped into moh, clicks on them, and bang, they're injected into the conference.
01:19.50jblackYou don't need to learn ajax for that.
01:20.07jblackhell, you'd barely need to know php.
01:20.09nix8n82for a nice dynamic control interface I do
01:20.22CcRnpguyz how can i access MEMBERINTERFACE queue variable ??
01:20.27CcRnpfor asterisk 1.4.24
01:20.31CcRnpplease help me out
01:21.01CcRnpTK]D-Fender do you have a idea about queue variable MEMBERINTERFACE
01:21.41jblackwhatever. ui is a detail.
01:21.54TJNIInix8n82: Make sure to program a kickban system for the jerks.
01:22.04CcRnp[TK]D-Fender Do you have a idea bout queue vairable MEMBERINTERFACE
01:22.10jblackdisagrees with tjnii
01:22.36TJNIIOr at least make it so they can't record.
01:22.43nix8n82jblack, russellb p3nguin TJNII..thank you all for your input, I really appreciate it..I have to go eat dinner mrs will get mad.
01:22.46jblackI still disagree.
01:22.53nix8n82I disagree too
01:23.04TJNIIjblack: Five thousand people.  You will get at least one who wants to record "f*ck" every 3 seconds and submit it.
01:23.27jblacktjnii: And you'll have to live with such kids.
01:23.39*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:23.39TJNIILive with yes, but not listen to.
01:23.49nix8n82thats why there are moderators they don't have to be played in the main conference
01:24.05TJNIITrue.  But the moderators should be able to weed out the abusers.
01:24.10jblackYes. Listen to. Because a large majority of people have callerid blocking, which means you can't distinguish by CID. And if you hang up on them, they can just call right back.
01:24.25jblackThat's why you record the messages, and have an assistant filter them out of band, tjnii.
01:24.49jblacka large minority, I meant.
01:24.58TJNIIWell, I still say the assistant should be able to say "You know what, no voice for you."
01:25.06TJNIIJust like we do here on IRC.
01:25.37TJNIIA minority can be a huge disruption, just look at the /b/tards.
01:26.50jblackI'm sure there's people that call radio stations 30 times an hour. ANd I bet they get filtered out in _exactly_ the same way I describe
01:27.32jblackTell you what. He can add that as a feature after he has an actual working system.
01:28.03TJNIIOh, I'm not disagreeing with your method.  I agree completely.  I think it is a great idea.  However, I also think an ignore feature would be good, too.
01:28.22jblackgrits his teeth.
01:28.36TJNIIdrops it
01:28.47manxpowerThere are many times I wish Pidgin had a /igore feature
01:28.56jblacktjnii: The best time to worry about the bells and whistles is after the basic "how do you make it work at all" is figured out.
01:29.25TJNIIjblack: It is also good to plan for the fratures so you have the ability to add them.
01:29.32jblackGoing off into the weeds with "it could this, and it could that, and xxx would be fantastic too!" is a great way to derail things that don't exist at all.
01:29.52jblackFine. Great idea tjnii
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01:36.44nix8n82Yeah great idea TJNII, but most of these are set up by calling out and not in, and anyway you cut it it will be easy to have a unique id for each channels that is open, so if some is a tool it will still be easy for moderators to ignore them, and If I allow people to call in and there caller id is unkown I will make them put in a call back number, to make it easier to distribute the load to a less used server
01:38.09jblackfine. I'll do you one better.
01:38.27jblackMark callers as "bad". Pretend to record their messages, but actually throw them away.
01:38.36jblackThen, they don't know to hang up, forge caller id, etc.
01:38.44TJNIInix8n82: Yea, I agree with jblack (even if he doesn't agree wih me).  Build in a uid now and that will give you the framework, if needed, later.
01:40.58nix8n82jblack, yeah I really like your thinking
01:42.56nix8n82TJNII, you should take notes with me
01:45.31nix8n82jblack, how do you think I should connect the speaker monitor spool to the other server with the listeners? mount them with sshfs or do think there is something better?
01:46.03jblackbesides. if I knew you were auto-dropping misbehaving numbers... I could prevent someone from participating by faking their callerid and misbehaving
01:46.44nix8n82exactly jblack
01:46.53jblackif you hand filter calls out of band like I suggest, you stop misbehavers from being productive (which is making a mess of the show), but still keep a human in the loop.
01:47.43jblackif there's really _that_ many questions being asked, add a second or even third assistant for filter them
01:47.47nix8n82you never want to kick a call out of the meeting, you are getting paid to have someone listen to a speaker, you just act like you que there question like the rest
01:48.28jblackyeah. The question is already recorded. The person that listens to the already recorded question just decides if it's good enough to continue on, and describes it for the page.
01:48.45jblackThe person that asked the question is already long since gone. =)
01:49.26jblackin simpler words, every caller "Will have take my answer off the air"
01:50.02nix8n82yeah it's not a debate
01:50.25nix8n82that really clears up a lot of things
01:50.28jblackYup. press 1 to record a question, and press 1 when done asking it.
01:50.55jblackthat question goes into a spool of other questions, and the asker goes back to moh.
01:51.03jblackyou understand now, nix?
01:51.43jblackso you have that pile of audio files that assistants listen to, and decide if they're worth of making it on. ANd describing them for the interface, and the moderator can pick from the list which questions he wants. =)
01:52.14jblackwet dream for a politician.
01:52.23nix8n82it really is
01:54.01nix8n82although I would like to be able to record that persons position where they left off to ask there question and be able to put them back in where they left off.
01:54.07nix8n82if that is even possible
01:54.27jblackI have no idea what you just said
01:54.40TJNIIThe moh method should handle that.
01:54.44TJNIII would think.
01:55.14jblackLike a pause button for the town meeting.
01:55.32jblackI don't think the moh approach would do that, because there's one stream that everyone is listening to.
01:56.14TJNIIYea, something would have to buffer the stream
01:56.19jblackto control streams like that, you'd have to give everyone their own stream, and the resources required are going to get high
01:56.20TJNIIShouldn't be too hard, though.
01:56.33jblackplaying 5,000 audio files at once? Not too hard?
01:56.41TJNIIYea, you're right
01:57.25jblackif people want to hear the part htey missed, remind 'em that you'll have a podcast of it available later. :)
01:57.39jblackhell. do a live podcast, since you're already making the moh stream. :)
01:57.44nix8n82I hope thats where agi and the stream file command would help out. because they could push a button and it should return the offset of the played file and then hopefully return to that offset after they are done recording
01:57.47*** join/#asterisk kfife (
01:58.39nix8n82yeah might have to go with the podcast idea
01:58.49jblacknix8n82: Not with musiconhold, you're not.
01:58.56jblackThat's one stream that everyone's listening to.
01:59.02jblackNot 5,000 individual streams.
01:59.42jblacklet me put it to you in a way that's a little bit more clear.
02:00.01jblackCan you imagine your computer playing back 5,000 mp3s at the same time?
02:00.35kfifeEasy to imagine:  but impossible for the computer :-)
02:00.39kfifeHey guys: want to run dahdi_monitor from within Asterisk triggered by a dialplan event:  Using SYSTEM() asterisk dialplan waits for return.  Any way to run SYSTEM() spawned as a separate process so dialplan continues immediately?
02:01.18TJNIIHeh.  It is doable if you really want to get down to it.  However, I've been reading about DMA nd ring buffers for the last day, so the method I'm currently thinking of is way, way out there. :)
02:01.36jblacknix8n82: if you buffered 500k of each stream, you're looking at 2.5 gigs of ram. For the buffering alone
02:02.16nix8n82no but I can imagine about 25 to 50 virtual servers playing 100 to 200 streams a piece
02:03.03TJNIIThat probably won't work.  Those 25 virtual servers may be on only 10 real servers.  The real servers will be overloaded.
02:03.15jblackAre you sure you know what you're doing, nix8n82 /
02:03.23jblack5,000 of anything is a lot.
02:03.58kfifenot dollars :-)
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02:04.06jblackexcept dollars. :)
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02:04.24kfifeor women in a naked girl avalanche
02:04.35kfife(my preferred way to go)
02:05.09kfifeso any ideas on system()
02:05.24jblackif you were avelanched by 5,000 80 pound anorexic girls, you would be smothered under 200 tons of meat and bone.
02:05.31TJNIIkfife: Throw a & on the command
02:05.31jblacksystem huh what?
02:05.53kfifeBring about 5000 hither! Yee haw!
02:06.00jblackkfife: Dude, just use agai.
02:06.05jblackagi, that is
02:06.08TJNIIBut forking background processes from the dialplan is a super bad ides.
02:06.18kfifeTJNII: thanks!
02:06.45kfifeI am triggering dahdi_monitor with a byte limit.  Trying to debug somethign -- a temporary situaiton.
02:06.58kfifeTJNII: You're right though :-)
02:07.05nix8n82jblack, I'm not quite sure what I'm doing..if I did I wouldn't ask question
02:07.35jblacknix8n82: Ok. You're not going to be doing 5,000 individual streams.
02:08.14nix8n82either way for 5000 calls you will at least eat up 70mb of bandwidth
02:08.41jblackDude, you're getting annoying.
02:09.07jblackIt was only about 5 years ago that the default linux kernel let you keep open more than 1000 files at a time.
02:09.10kfifeTJNII: I'm sorry, but where does the & go in the syntax?  System(dahdi_monitor 1 -l 500000  -f /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/stream${UNIQUEID}.raw)
02:09.20jblackmore than that, and you had to hack the kernel.
02:09.58TJNIIkfife: At the end.  Bash 101
02:10.02nix8n82right but this won't be ran entirely from one server
02:10.03jblackand that was files and sockets together, due to the defined FD_MAX
02:10.23kfifeSorry, my introduction to Linux was Asterisk
02:10.41jblackSo on top of all the other complexity, you want to add distributive processing on top of it.
02:11.19jblackwhen you were five, you liked to doggy paddle in the deep end of the pool, didn't you
02:11.42nix8n82back float not a real good swimmer
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02:13.00jblackI just don't know what to say
02:14.06nix8n82you think I can do 5000 calls from one server with MoH?
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02:16.15kfifeTryiing to decode the dahd_monitor output using the syntax suggested at the voip wiki: sox -r 8000 -s -2 stream1257192619.393.raw out.wav
02:16.27kfifesox complains: sox: bad input format for file stream1257192619.393.raw: data size was not specified
02:16.47kfifeCan anyone help me correct my syntax?
02:16.52nix8n82I read a blog where they used asterisk 1.6 with Amazon EC2 cloud to make 2000 using 20 medium instances with 100 calls going out a piece
02:17.10nix8n82bill wasn't cheap but they made it happen
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02:30.22nix8n82my numbers were wrong, but close
02:36.26jblackI think I'm not being clear.
02:36.38jblackSure, this sort of work can (and eventually should) be distributed.
02:38.06jblackI also think that distributing work is much harder than non-distributed work. Thus, until you can do the simpler type, attempting the more complex type is silly.
02:39.29jblackby way of metaphor, there's no way you can convince me that you can rebuild a transmission until after you've at least proven you can change transmission fluid
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02:45.44nix8n82right, I've set up multiple vicidial servers, I have one quad core server that does at least 200 concurrent streaming the same audio file or a different one, each of them playing there own stream. I have about 75 to 100mb or ram left at that point, and the server is running the mysql server and web front end. with more clock cycles to spare. I've wrote agi and script that use ami..I think I can pull this off, maybe not entirely by myself
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03:23.08Kattypeeks in
03:24.18KattyHELLO THAR
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03:27.30johnakabeanasterisk keeps crashing when I reload it; the script that starts it is safe_asterisk which is correctly looking for /var/run/asterisk/
03:27.43johnakabeanAsterisk ended with exit status 137
03:27.43johnakabeanAsterisk exited on signal EXITSTATUS-128.
03:27.44johnakabeanAutomatically restarting Asterisk.
03:27.44johnakabeanmpg123: no process killed
03:28.27manxpowerjohnakabean: there's documentation on the doc directory of the asterisk source code with information on getting a core dump and reporting the bug
03:29.14johnakabeanit does this, except when NOT reloading, with 1.6.1
03:32.26johnakabeanexecincludes=yes what does this mean in asterisk.conf?
03:32.53johnakabeandoes it execute instead of including linked files?
03:34.41p3nguinHow weird.  I have an ATS cordless SIP phone, and it seems to capture (or block) the dialing of *69 from the handset.  It never reaches asterisk, yet I receive a fast busy when I dial it.  With verbose up and sip debug on, no packets even reach asterisk when dialing *69.
03:35.55johnakabeanthat's common, in the regional tab, ERASE ALL except call return and specific others that asterisk doesn't support
03:36.19johnakabeanif there is no tab to erase service codes, you're screwed
03:36.36p3nguinOther star codes such as *32 and *54 work just fine from that phone, and *69 works from other phones...
03:36.47p3nguinAnyone ever experience such a thing before?
03:37.07johnakabeanyes but those codes are being executed by the ATA, not passed to asterisk
03:37.09jblackp3nguin: any time I've seen a phone eat dtmf, it had an internal dialplan that needed adjustment
03:37.33p3nguinAh, good.  I know this phone has that in it.
03:38.48p3nguindial plan: [1-9]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xx+*|xx+#|*.#|*.T3
03:39.18p3nguinWell, that doesn't really explain why other star codes do reach asterisk, but *69 doesn't.
03:40.38jblackI don't see anything in there either
03:41.52p3nguinThe phone has a "call return" button, which dials *69.  I do get the same result by pressing that button and by dialing it directly on the keypad.
03:42.07jblackyou've already said that asterisk isn't getting it.
03:42.21p3nguinJust trying to be complete.
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03:42.42jblackthat sticks you right into "device specific configuration", and leaves you with some combination of google and the manufacturer to find a solution.
03:43.06jblackthough I'll be happy to sit here and comiserate with you.
03:44.10p3nguinI guess I can do like PSTN, and accept 1169 (for people who haven't heard of touch tone) the same as *69.  It's a silly workaround, but it would be effective.
03:44.53jblacktjpigj O
03:45.02jblackthough I'd consider just "69"
03:46.07jblacksometimes I wonder how 69 got through the telco's prude filters....
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03:53.05Fisteri think i tested dahdi/zaptel once and found that it actually registers 11 switchhook pulses as a star.
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06:03.39nsgnwell, i forgot who it was in here the other day who has and was helping me with my issue
06:03.46nsgnlost my irc log
06:03.52nsgnbut i'm reporting back as they requested
06:04.14nsgnWhoever you were/are, if you're here, speak up and i'll explain what ended up happening. Somehow it works now.
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06:15.51mchounsgn: so what happened?
06:16.09mchounsgn: you had a mistake in your dial plan?
06:17.06mchounsgn: or your firewall prematurely closed ports?
06:26.17*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
06:32.28nsgnmchou: no, it was a wild situation
06:32.39nsgncalls to my DID couldnt come in most of the time
06:32.50mchouright, I remember that
06:32.52nsgni had a helpful friend here actually put my DID into his working * setup
06:33.01nsgnand the same problem happened!
06:33.11nsgnso it was clearly on voipms' end
06:33.14mchouthat's why I said your firewall might have closed ports prematurely
06:33.25nsgncontacted them multiple times over a week and they said they couldnt find an issue
06:33.30nsgnfinally i got a guy convinced it wasnt me
06:33.35nsgnand he put an elevated ticket in
06:34.05nsgnthe ticket never showed up on my account, nor was i ever contacted...but one business day later it all suddenly starts working. i can call it repeatedly tonight. could never do that before
06:34.29nsgnone of those "it's not broken!" *secretly fixes* kind of things
06:34.44mchounsgn: you should ask them what happend:)
06:35.15mchounsgn: write to them and say "it's still borked" :)
06:35.41nsgnif it works i'm not gonna screw with it
06:35.46nsgni've learned that lesson many many times
06:37.00mchouthere's not that many things that could go wrong with inbound sip signalling.....
06:37.23mchoueither then sent the packet or they didnt
06:37.59nsgnmy asterisk debug said nothing ever arrived
06:38.12nsgnand the fact that i tested it on someone else's setup where the firewall was known to be fine kindof took that out of the loop too
06:38.25mchouno, asterisk debug was the wrong tool to use
06:38.45mchoushould have used wireshark
06:38.57mchouon your router
06:39.08nsgnhowever the alternate test was easier
06:39.12mchousee if packets were making it there
06:39.17nsgnconsidering my firewall is highly active right now
06:39.37nsgnconstant traffic to/from many many sources, and limited ability to stop the stream of traffic at a whim, limits things
06:39.48nsgnit's running an office with a server that calls outbound 24/7
06:40.03nsgni'm saying i couldnt play much with the firewall
06:40.04mchouthat's full of baloney
06:40.36nsgnperhaps it can be done without any interruption. i can't claim to know wireshark well, i'm just saying i'm not in a position to screw with/take down the firewall setup here
06:40.51mchouyou could have filtered ip packeds using wireshark so you didnt have to look at captures a mile long
06:40.52nsgnhowever it was apparently on their end, cause i made no changes on this end in the past 24 hours
06:41.16mchouyou dont need to take down the firewall to do any of that
06:41.31nsgnok. good to know. again i'm really not experienced with wireshark
06:41.49mchounsgn: you never got to the root cause
06:41.52nsgnthough the firewall is conveniently monowall on freebsd, which probably expands my options a good bit
06:42.11nsgnmchou: if it wasnt on my end i probably won't
06:42.19mchounsgn: it wouldnt surprise me if it starts happening again
06:42.21nsgnbeing that they entered no formal ticket for it it would be hard for me to get them to track
06:42.58mchouyeah whatever
06:43.05mchouI'm not convince
06:43.30nsgni am not going to put this DID into operation without about a week of calling it day and night at random times. i don't need it for about a week anyway. if the issue happens once within that time i'll abort putting it into service. additionally i have an alternate DID/route configured to operate seamlessly, so there is no harm to callers if this doesn't work in operation
06:43.37*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
06:43.41nsgnit just gives me a cheaper calling route with more channels
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06:49.05nsgnmchou: say it were on my firewall end....the heck could it be? it should be really simple. it's monowall in a basic, pretty open setup. nothing weird going on with packet filtering or proxying. SIP ports specified by voipms are forwarded to the asterisk server. no firwall on the asterisk server. calls that come through (about a third of them would during the problem time) are clear and never drop
06:50.03*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (
06:52.01mchouIf you configured asterisk correctly there would be no need to even mess with firewall rules (aside from fowarding appropriate RTP ports0
06:52.19nsgnexactly. all i had forwarded was sip control and RTP
06:52.41mchouyou dont even need to forward sip ports
06:52.45nsgni have zero issues with ALL other traffic on this firewall...and it's doing a lot
06:52.52mchouthat's the whole point
06:53.37nsgnit's why i use monowall. it's simple and easy, but configurable where i need. it really just works though
06:54.19mchouthe issue here isnt the firewall per se
06:54.32mchouit's that you never figured out the root cause
06:54.54mchouso the problem could still be there
06:55.04mchoujust masked right now
06:55.31nsgnsure. i'm asking what there is to do at this point
06:55.40mchouI mean you also have zero evidence that actually did anything
06:56.01nsgnother than the fact that i did nothing and it now works solid
06:56.19mchouthat's what people always say
06:56.29mchou"I didnt do anything"
06:56.43nsgnand the last guy put in detailed notes to someone (didn't go on a ticket to me though) agreeing with me that the issue was likely on their DID provider's end
06:56.49mchoulater we find out they restarted asterisk (or whatever)
06:56.51nsgnthey may have inquired with the carrier
06:57.01nsgni actually didn't even do that
06:57.16mchounsgn: no, I'm using that as an example
06:58.00nsgnasterisk is in a VM on a server holding several other crucial VMs
06:58.10nsgnso no reboot, no firewall changes. heck i wasnt even HERE
06:58.19nsgnpower didnt go out (server is on batteries anyway)
06:58.30nsgni was working for the past 14 hours
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06:58.58mchounsgn: it's simple.  The bottom line is you didnt figure out anything
06:59.06nsgni sure didnt
06:59.21nsgnnot denying that. i'm just asking what you suggest can be done now
06:59.34mchouI told you already
06:59.46nsgnwas fixed after bugging carrier. they provided no details. i can't trace much on this end now cause it works
06:59.47mchoutcpdump, wireshark
07:00.33nsgnwhat will they find on a working setup?
07:01.04nsgndo you expect there are still signs of abnormality despite it's current functionality?
07:01.17mchouI just told you
07:01.32mchouI expect the problem will return
07:02.25nsgnso you're saying use those when it returns? if so...durr. i'm asking if you're trying to tell me to use them when it is working
07:02.54mchounsgn: lol
07:03.15mchouif it's working what problem is there to find?
07:03.32*** join/#asterisk Amorsen (n=Amorsen@
07:04.00nsgnthat's precisely what i've been trying to figure out
07:04.04nsgnwhy you're telling me this
07:04.11nsgnif it comes back i'll obviously need to look into it :D
07:04.19nsgnbut until then what can i do other than enjoy it?
07:04.26nsgnit's not mission critical since i have the backup route
07:04.36nsgnjust relieves some channel congestion
07:05.12mchounsgn: good luck
07:05.24nsgnthanks. now to do IVRs
07:23.24ChannelZAnyone know who does reasonably priced SSL certs *besides* GoDaddy?
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07:55.10DNDguys can anyone help me with nvfax?
07:55.34DNDits hard to be 10 hours ahead on timezone :(
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08:03.10tareKhouryhello mates, any idea why this error keeps apearing
08:03.13tareKhouryWARNING[3643]: ast_expr2.fl:440 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input:
08:03.31ChannelZyou have a syntax error
08:03.40tareKhourythe line is casing it is
08:03.43tareKhouryexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${blacklisted} = 1]?blocked,1)
08:03.51tareKhouryi don`t see no error here :)
08:04.53kaldemari do
08:05.05tareKhourywhat is it?
08:05.35kaldemarblocked,1 should be blocked:1
08:05.45kaldemaror no, not necessarily.
08:05.53tareKhouryit`s asterisk 1.6
08:06.03kaldemarif it's a two part label and there is no false
08:06.11ChannelZI don't think you want the spaces around the = actually
08:06.22tareKhouryi tried that also
08:06.24tareKhouryno good
08:06.26tareKhouryi removed the space
08:06.41kaldemarshow the real call and the contents of the var
08:06.44ChannelZthen what is ${blacklisted} ?
08:06.59tareKhourya variable that i set through AGI script
08:07.07tareKhouryafter checking with database .. if listed
08:07.13kaldemarcan it contain other than numbers?
08:07.18tareKhoury0 or 1
08:07.27tareKhoury1 is listed .. 0 is not
08:07.32ChannelZyes but what is it actually containing?  Do you get truly just a 0 or 1 if you NoOp it?
08:07.53tareKhouryi`ll try to NoOp it now
08:09.07tareKhouryNoOp("SIP/0555555555-089c0b10", "my var is = 1") in new stack
08:09.13tareKhouryit is 1
08:09.16ChannelZhaha no it's not
08:09.24ChannelZit's "my var is = 1"
08:09.30tareKhourynoo i added that text ;p
08:09.48tareKhourymy noop is NoOp(my var is = ${blacklisted})
08:10.35ChannelZwell the only thing I can think of is to quote it
08:11.06tareKhouryit will solve it .. but is it right to do that
08:11.10tareKhouryit`s not a text var
08:11.21kaldemarspaces aroud = are not bad.
08:11.32ChannelZwell I don't think it knows that it's an integer
08:12.09tareKhouryi guess im gonna have to quote
08:16.41*** part/#asterisk tareKhoury (
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08:46.44cucohi all, free pizza for first one that calls
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08:48.55mchoudo you deliver?
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08:49.04cucomchou: no, tzafrir does
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08:49.51mchoucuco: I have no idea who he is
08:50.35TJNIII wonder how much it costs to get a OUI from the IEEE....
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08:53.29mchoucuco, how come u dont answer?
08:53.31cucois rofl
08:53.41cucomchou: that's not my extension :)
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08:55.10mchoucuco: you owe me dude!
08:55.27mchoucuco: dont make promises u cant keep!
08:55.45TJNIIDude, this is the internet.
08:55.55TJNIIMaking empty promises is all anyone does.
08:56.27mchouto his credit tzafrir did offer me a pizza
08:56.40mchoubut I'm hungry now
08:56.43kaldemarfree interrogations for the first one to call obama!
08:57.02mchoukaldemar: you have his extension?
08:57.25mchoukaldemar: I can use a new waterboard
08:57.32kaldemarhey, if you get interrogations instead of pizza, you can find out yourself.
08:58.21*** join/#asterisk Ashura (n=ashura@
08:58.24mchoubut that's pretty lame
08:58.47kaldemarno shit
08:58.49mchoujust found out the free version of zoiper allows only two accounts
08:59.53mchouthat's what happens when you call random extensions for pizza
09:00.09TJNIIOkay, this is completely off topic but someone here might know the answer\. I have a NIC that doesn't have a mac address.  Either its eeprom was wiped or it cleared itself from lack of use.  Anyways, I'm bit banging it with a MCU and I need to give it a mac address.  Is there a OUI block I can just pick one from for testing?  Otherwise I'm just going to take the mac of one of my other NICs and add 1.
09:00.14kaldemarhmm. it was two per protocol some time ago.
09:01.54mchouTJNII: you can probably pic an obsolete org from IEE OUI
09:02.09mchouplent of those around
09:02.16TJNIImchou: Good idea
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09:02.48mchouTJNII: dont blame me if black helicopters descend on you though
09:03.15TJNIIpfft.  If the mac address is visible to the outside I've got bigger problems then mac spoofing.
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09:04.55AmorsenThere are plenty of private (local-assigned) MAC addresses
09:05.25AmorsenBack in the day it was quite popular to do your own MAC assignments
09:06.24AmorsenJust set first bit zero and second bit one, then go wild
09:07.04TJNIIYea, I see a number of OUIs labled private.
09:07.20TJNIII'll go with 00:01:01
09:07.42mchougo mess with Steve
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09:12.51TJNIIDude, Cisco has 7,365,197,824 addresses allocated.
09:12.54Amorsen000101 is ETI
09:12.57TJNIIThat's nuts.
09:13.18AmorsenYou really should set second bit one
09:13.40mchouAmorsen: ETI?
09:13.47AmorsenYes, the company
09:14.27TJNIIWell, not according to the oui list I just downloaded from, but okay.
09:14.59mchouIEEE says "private" for that one
09:15.00AmorsenHalf the MAC addresses are private, there's no reason to pick one which might collide
09:15.13AmorsenPrivate just means they won't tell who they assigned it to, I think
09:15.48TJNIISo does the second bit signify private addressing, then?
09:16.00mchoujust use a pseudomac address
09:16.10mchouthat ought to spice things up
09:16.12Amorsen4xxxxx is private
09:16.50AmorsenUnless I'm misreading the standard
09:17.52TJNIIThe page I just found on agrees, so I will go with that.
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09:27.36cucomchou: thanks for beeing the bunny test :)
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09:31.26mchoucuco: this bunny is hungry for pizza
09:31.57Ashurasorry but... the mac address never crosses a can just pick one of your existing card and add a 1 (supposing you stay unique)
09:32.40Ashurawhere "unique" means "unique in your lan segment"
09:33.00Ashurasi ccnp
09:34.31mchouAshura: you're a bit late to the party
09:35.02Ashurasorry, i'm at work :)
09:35.56Ashurais anyone using chan_skype (digium) + country subscription?
09:40.17tzafrir__laptopAshura, your method is not exactly a good one. There's a reasonable chance you'll get a new card of the same vendor you got the previous card
09:40.54Ashuratzafrir__laptop, about skype?
09:41.47tzafrir__laptopno. about the MAC address
09:42.00tzafrir__laptopmchou, bunnies eat pizzas?
09:42.05Ashurawell, is a good workaround anyway...
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09:42.31Ashuraanyway, a cheap eth card is really cheap these days :)
09:42.56mchoutzafrir__laptop: this bunny will eat anything
09:43.24mchoutzafrir: I'd eat a cow right now if I came across one
09:43.34mchouthat's how famished I am
09:44.25mchoutzafrir: where are you in .il?
09:44.36tzafrirNear Carmiel
09:55.32lftsyHello, could you confirm me that chan_sip.c will allow only symmetric codecs! Thanks
09:56.18tzafrirlftsy, confirmed
09:56.20cucomchou: now we know that "external" folks can molest us by sip/iax directly. we don't no stinking telcos.
09:56.57tzafrirThough it would still be nice if you drop by and say "hi"
09:57.06mchoucuco: ^^^
09:57.24mchoucuco: you still need phone 3s :)
09:58.24mchoucuco: rest of world not prepared to enter sip or iax uris into their phone :)
09:58.27cucomchou: we were not sure if people are able to directly dial into our pbx. we tried testing it ourselved (by connection a windows machine+zoiper open+wirelss). I suggested  trying irc.
09:59.08mchoucuco: I'm not sure why you ever doubted that :)
09:59.24mchouunless you has some uber firewall
10:00.36mchoucuco: or you just meant you needed someone outside to test your dialplan (been there, done that)
10:00.52|stefan|when using dialplan command dial . shouldn't it dial the specified time before passing to voicemail ?
10:01.24|stefan|like this...      s,3,Dial(SIP/ext100,60,r) s,4,VoiceMail(100@default) s,5,Hangup
10:01.36|stefan|and it throws me directly into voicemail
10:01.55TJNIIIs SIP/ext100 reachable?
10:02.07cucomchou: bingo. always easier to dump sip urls on the irc then testing myself
10:02.36mchou|stefan|: that's cause you have mistake in your dial plan
10:02.51|stefan|mchou: explain =)
10:03.05mchou|stefan|: direct to voicemail with no rings generally means that
10:03.17lftsythanks tzafrir !
10:03.39|stefan|mchou: heh yea =)
10:04.06|stefan|but it shouldn't do it judging from those lines right ?
10:04.13mchoupost the relevant lines in pastebin
10:04.16|stefan|the dial command should finish it's 60 seconds
10:05.11mchouif there is no device it could also go straight to voicemail
10:05.13TJNIII'd rather see a pastebin of the console output, with verbosity >3.
10:05.57|stefan|should be though. dunno why ext100 would've stopped working.
10:06.04|stefan|here's the relevant code
10:08.24|stefan|-- SIP/ext100-b7536398 is circuit-busy
10:08.29|stefan|ye well. not much to think about.
10:08.53|stefan|the ata is probably frozen
10:09.43mchou|stefan|: what brand ATA is this?
10:10.09|stefan|oh wth is it now. voodoo something ?
10:10.25|stefan|i'll just restart it when i get home =)
10:10.51mchouI dont think I'd ever trust an ATA with a name like Voddoo
10:10.55|stefan|heh =) well i don't remember
10:11.04mchouumm, Voodoo
10:11.29TJNII|stefan|: core show channels doesn't show it having an open call, does it?
10:12.18mchouthese is one easy way to find out if ATA is still working
10:12.25|stefan|son might even have left the phone off the hook =)
10:12.45mchouif it's frozen it wont be registering in 30 minutes
10:12.52|stefan|it's no problem guys =) i'll get it to work when i get home =)
10:13.04TJNIIIf it was frozen it wouldn't reply that is is busy.
10:13.20|stefan|i have some grandstream ata in ma drawer otherwise
10:13.39mchounot much of an improvement
10:13.53|stefan|if one is broken and the other works it is =)
10:15.33|stefan|is there any fresh dialplan documentation for asterisk 1.6 ?
10:15.59mchouVoodoo.  What a great name for an ATA though
10:16.30*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:16.37mchouChant magical incantations to make sure it works :)
10:16.39DNDguys. does a single call really consules 2 channels?
10:17.27mchoudepends what you mean by channels
10:17.28DNDoh sorry its for freepbx
10:17.47tzafrir"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Voodoo"
10:17.49DNDbecause in freepbx gui, it says one external call but there's 2 channels used
10:18.19|stefan|well call comes into ur pbx and then your pbx opens a new "channel" to wherever you're directing the call ?
10:18.41mchouyu, the 2nd leg
10:18.42tzafrirDND, 'core show channels' would probably claim the same
10:18.51mchouof the B2BUA
10:20.21DNDhere are the two lines in core show channels: DAHDI/1-1 (None) Up AppDial((Outgoing Line)) and the second line:  SIP/3111-0e7361c0    s@macro-dialout-trun Up      Dial(DAHDI/g0/050XXXXXXX|300|)
10:21.02DNDis that normal?
10:22.06DNDcause i thought when you say channels, its incoming and outgoing
10:22.48|stefan|mchou: just remembered the ata name =) i3Micro Vood
10:25.42mchou|stefan|: ohhm, they need to be spanked
10:25.55mchou|stefan|: GPL violators
10:26.15|stefan|yeh well =) it works
10:26.25|stefan|mostly =)
10:26.40mchouthe company is apparently defunct too
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10:27.47mchouI just don't understad why all these voip companies are dying like flies
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10:28.43mchoutotally fly-by-night operations
10:29.44|stefan|so. what's a good simple cheap ata then ? (that works in eu)
10:30.20mchoulinksys PAP2T?
10:30.53mchouseveral (localized) variants
10:31.11gr0mityup.  these are good
10:31.15TSM2stefan: what do you want to do?
10:31.24TSM2if its faxing then use SPA2102
10:31.32TSM2if just calls then PAP2T
10:31.49TSM2i have all the docs on how to TFTP set them up
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10:33.03|stefan|TSM2: just calls =)
10:33.41mchouI'm surprised faxing even works
10:36.10|stefan|ye actually seems like a good alternative
10:36.16|stefan|thanks for the tip
10:38.15mchou|stefan|: get it from a reputable place
10:38.26mchoui.e. not fleabay
10:38.42|stefan|i don't really buy used stuff
10:38.55|stefan|i have too much crap anyway
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10:39.29|stefan|just gave away like 4 bags of old ide/power/lpt cables and old cd/dvd roms and floppys
10:39.46mchoujust letting you know there are lot's of "unlocked" versions out there that are really unlocked
10:40.23|stefan|well if i buy if from a store it should be unlocked ?
10:40.32|stefan|buy it*
10:40.56*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
10:41.16mchouin the US we generally dont see this from stores
10:41.29mchouonly online distributors
10:41.43mchouYMMV in Europe
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11:10.45AllGoodNiksTakenAre there any Asterisk gurus home?
11:12.13AllGoodNiksTakenI've everything up & running on Asterisk however when I perform an 'Originate' the billsec is always 0 and disposition='NO ANSWER'.
11:12.59AllGoodNiksTakenI've checked asterisk issue 14844 (Asterisk call file has CDR always set to NO ANSWER) which was closed as 'unable to reproduce'
11:13.17AllGoodNiksTakenhowever I am having this same problem as reported in the (now closed) issue.
11:13.40AllGoodNiksTakenIs anyone available to lend a helping hand?
11:13.51*** join/#asterisk Gido-E (
11:19.01angryuserAllGoodNiksTaken, do you absolutely need ?
11:19.18AllGoodNiksTakenHi Angryuser.. no I dont :)
11:19.44AllGoodNiksTakenI installed it after looking at the buglist in mantis and thought it might work better thank 1.4
11:19.48AllGoodNiksTakenhow do you think?
11:20.02angryuserAllGoodNiksTaken, try latest
11:20.30AllGoodNiksTakenah ok, i'm using the yum version so I'll uninstall that and install the rpm instead.
11:21.05*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
11:21.09angryuserAllGoodNiksTaken, dont use rpm compile by yourself
11:21.36AllGoodNiksTaken<angryuser> ok :)
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11:22.51AllGoodNiksTakenangryuser, thanks for your help.
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11:23.34angryuserAllGoodNiksTaken, you knew the answers, all you needed is a little kick in your ass
11:23.54angryuserAllGoodNiksTaken, you are welcome
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11:24.25razudoes anyone use Teles iSwitch here ?
11:24.50AllGoodNiksTakenangryuser.. lol, thats true.
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11:34.26SkavinIs there any way to break up the mailbox dirs in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/ ?
11:35.43Skavininto sub dirs of default based on last 2 digits or somthing would make managing the boxes easyer in large installs
11:41.57*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (n=rc4@
11:43.37DNDSkavin, i need that also
11:44.16DNDits a pain looking at all the wav files in one folder
11:44.33Skavinyea playing with that dir at over 4000 users
11:45.20DNDi think it should be configurable i just dont know where it is
11:45.29Skavinthink it may be slowing asterisk down as using ext3 even an ls takes forever
11:45.59DNDhmm i didnt know the FS affects performance
11:46.07DND*FS = file system
11:47.21florzSkavin: possibly your FS doesn't have directory indexing active?
11:47.25*** join/#asterisk kombi (
11:47.32kombihas anyone managed to provide an internal euro-isdn s0 bus over a digium b410p?
11:49.18kombishould be possible with dahdi, just wonder how..
11:51.02tzafrirSkavin, what filesystem do you use there?
11:51.30tzafrirjust use dir_index or whatever it is called
11:52.47tzafrirBut to answer your question: if the code of asterisk still uses a 'mkdir -p' to generate that mailbox directory, maybe it's only a matter of a simple patch
11:53.07tzafrircheck apps/app_voicemail.c
11:53.28Skavinyea I may look at trying to create a patch
11:53.34florzyeah, dir_index is the fs option name
11:53.54Skavinwas reading it before .... trying to track it is interesting
11:53.58tzafrirkombi, what do you mean? What should be the problem?
11:55.03Skavinindexing discribed here
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11:56.32kombigot an asterisk box working here in germany which is hooked up to pstn via isdn over a b410. We now need an isdn s0 bus to connect some special hardware. Since there are free RJ45s in the b410, I was thinking maybe on could be configured to do that
11:56.45kombisorry, that was for tzafrir..
11:57.33tzafrirIt should work
11:59.30*** join/#asterisk BentLee (
12:06.39kombithanks tzafrir, I'll delve into the conf files then..;)
12:07.22tzafrirhmm... I guess there's a problem with being PtMP NT
12:07.31tzafrirPTP NT works, though
12:11.04ruyoI've used PTMP NT, it worked.
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12:11.18ruyoAt least I connected an NT port to a Siemens DECT configured to be PTMP.
12:17.48SkavinDND you using realtime?
12:18.02mchouanyone have experience with LG-Nortel 6812 sip phone?
12:19.26SkavinDND I am going to bed but looking at the code it may allow a / in the mailbox
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12:22.26Skavinwill try changing the mailbox field to AB/xxxxxxAB looking at the code it only looks for @ and ,
12:25.10Skavinthanks all its 01:30 I have to be up in 4.5 hours :)
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12:37.05BentLeecan anyone tell me where to start looking for the cause of my problem: I can successfully dial "normal" geographical numbers, mobile numbers and international numbers via DAHDI on a Yeastar TDM400 clone, but when i dial toll-free or non-geographic numbers Asterisk gives no errors whatsoever but i just get a PSTN dial tone
12:37.34BentLeei am in South Africa, which I suspect affects things
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12:39.48kaldemarBentLee: look at CLI during a call and see what happens
12:40.13BentLeethanks kaldemar - i will try that
12:41.06kaldemarif you can't figure out what happens, pastebin the output and show it here. someone will most likely take a look at it.
12:43.00BentLeethanks, in the interest of my ongoing education i will try to make sense of it first, but might well be back
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13:03.08ChainsawIn Asterisk; can I check for the existence of a queue *without* getting a console warning if the checked queue is not valid? QUEUE_VARIABLES warns, as does the Queue application.
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13:09.25ruben23hi can eyebeam softphones register to a dynamic Public IP asterisk, using ddns..
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13:17.42kaldemarruben23: it doesn't matter whether your ip is static or dynamic. so yes.
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14:22.30infobotfrom memory, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
14:24.55Kattygood morning
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14:26.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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14:26.44[TK]D-FenderPolycom IP 335 = Everything its predecessors should ahve been :
14:27.47coppice[TK]D-Fender: but what exactly are its predecessors?
14:28.17coppiceI don't think so. its a lot more expensive than those
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14:28.37Kattyhugs coppice
14:28.39Kattyhugs _ShrikE
14:28.41[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Don't knw the final price, but it should be less than the 450
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14:30.23ManxPower-work"The great thing about model numbers is there are do many of them."
14:31.10coppice[Tk]D-Fender: they say they are sropping the 330, and keeping the 331. the 335 seems to be 30-40% more expensive
14:34.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'll reserve final judgement until it hits retail... no street pricing yet
14:35.12coppicesome sites have prices
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14:35.30coppicethough its possible those are inflated introductory ones
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14:39.23[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Quite likely.  the 331 = $102.50.  450 = $176.50.  I could accept a 20% hike from 331>335 for the added features
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14:43.18Kattyname a vegetable that begins will D
14:43.40ManxPower-workKatty: Daekon
14:43.52ManxPower-work(I'm sure it's not spelled correctly)
14:44.01ManxPower-workyeah, that.
14:44.06Kattykind of a white looking carrot
14:44.14ManxPower-workYes, that's it.
14:44.38coppice[TK]D-Fender: they seem to have hiked the 331. it should be the same as the 330, but maybe it will be when stocks of the 330 run out
14:44.39netpro25_I recently updated asterisk and now sometimes when I answer the phone I get a buzzing sound. Anyone familiar with this?
14:44.54Kattyi don't think i've ever seen this before, but i will look for it at the grocery store.
14:45.01netpro25_I am unable to hear anything but the buzzing sound
14:45.12Kattythank you manx.
14:45.23ManxPower-worknetpro25_: do you have an analog card?
14:45.31netpro25_ManxPower-work: nope
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14:46.10netpro25_it's almost like modem tones
14:46.27netpro25_but a constant tone
14:47.02ManxPower-worknetpro25_: you need to provide more details of your setup.  I'm not interested in helping, but no matter who helps you they will need that info
14:47.12*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
14:47.39netpro25_Is there a listing of known bugs for certain versions online?
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14:47.48netpro25_Btw I have Asterisk 1.4.21
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14:48.27netpro25_thanks is the old address, and redirects to
14:48.52leifmadsennetpro25_: 1.4.21 is pretty old now sounds like a site for online therapy of Asterisk addicts
14:49.19netpro25_leifmadsen: yes, it's the debian package version
14:49.36ManxPower-worknetpro25_: do not ask for support of packaged versions of asterisk
14:49.43leifmadsenwell, any issue you report is pretty much going to be closed with, "Please test something more recent"
14:50.10ManxPower-workWell you can ask all you want, but the best response you can hope for is people pointing at you and laughing.
14:50.58netpro25_yea... I will see about updating as this started when I did a package update last time
14:52.24Kattyhugs Naikrovek
14:52.30Kattyhi mister madsen.
14:52.32Kattyhugs leifmadsen
14:52.38leifmadsenawww :)
14:53.29netpro25_Whats the best way to switch from deb to a compiled version. Should I first uninstall the package then compile from source?
14:53.49leifmadsenyou can compile, then remove the package before running 'make install'
14:53.57tamielnetpro25_: make your own package =)
14:54.00leifmadsenI'd probably back up your configs too just in case the package decides to remove them
14:54.19Kattyahh, config backups.
14:54.22Kattyi do love me some backups.
14:54.23netpro25_tamiel: I would love to do that, I dunno how though
14:54.58Kattyleifmadsen: vegetable that starts with D, and is not Daikon.
14:55.05Kattyleifmadsen: what do you think?
14:55.23leifmadsenKatty: I wouldn't have even gotten Daikon :)
14:55.40Kattyleifmadsen: me either, but Manx did.
14:55.41leifmadsendill pickle? :)
14:55.52leifmadsendragon fruit? or is that a fruit? :D
14:56.05ManxPower-workleifmadsen: I watch too much Iron Chef America
14:56.23leifmadsenI think I want an olive now
14:56.38Kattygoogles dragonfruit
14:56.43netpro25_What version is stable?
14:57.10ManxPower-worknetpro25_: stay with 1.4.x
14:57.20coppicedragon fruit is delicious
14:57.25netpro25_k, thanks
14:57.32Kattyah. so it's like a Kiwi
14:57.39Kattyexcept bigger.
14:58.00coppiceits nothing like a kiwi. it looks like a flame
14:58.29coppicethe chinese name means fire dragon fruit, which is much more descriptive
14:58.37Kattycoppice: yeah but the way you prepare it is like a kiwi.
14:58.42Kattycoppice: can't eat the skin.
14:58.57coppiceits nothing like a kiwi outside or in
14:59.15Kattyis the fruit skwishy or hard?
14:59.17ManxPower-workAren't they orange, smooth, and spiky?
15:00.00*** join/#asterisk diedo (n=diedo@
15:00.28coppicethey are red, smooth, and shaped like a flame
15:01.01diedoHello, Iḿ looking for a little help trying to compile OSLEC with DAHDI
15:01.13diedoanyone with experience?
15:02.40Kattyah bummer. dragon fruit is in season come June
15:03.01Kattyodds are the store won't have it i bet :<
15:03.21[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: <-
15:03.42netpro25_[TK]D-Fender: okay
15:03.47ruyoIs there an advised cpu for Asterisk?
15:03.47netpro25_guess 1.6 it is
15:03.55ruyoLike intel or amd or so.
15:04.04[TK]D-Fenderruyo: "whatever"
15:04.05ManxPower-worknetpro25_: if you switch to 1.6 you should read all the UPGRADT*.txt files.
15:04.20ruyoWhatever is nice, thanks. : )
15:04.23coppiceKatty: we have dragon fruit in the kitchen, even as I type
15:04.32netpro25_ManxPower-work: thanks
15:04.52ManxPower-worknetpro25_: there are many incompatible changes between 1.4 and 1.6.x.x
15:04.56TheDavidFactornetpro25_, is this an upgrade or a new install?
15:05.18Kattycoppice: oh? where do you get it?
15:05.49netpro25_TheDavidFactor: it's a pretty simple install, single user
15:06.00netpro25_two phones
15:06.15coppiceKatty: The supermarket just to the right of
15:06.16TheDavidFactorthen, yes you should read the upgrade documents as Manx said, but I'm running a mix of 1.4.x and 1.6.x and I like 1.6.x however there are differences in the dialplan apps and config
15:06.51Kattycoppice: is it a chain? :>
15:07.39coppicequite a big chain. Park'n'Shop
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15:12.10Kattynone in the states.
15:13.21Kattyoh well. i'll find some eventually (=
15:13.37Kattywhole foods up in st. louis might carry it.
15:14.30Kattyeppigy: i've decided to do stuffed acorn squash for thanksgiving this year.
15:14.44Kattyeppigy: i'm gonna stuff it with turkey and dressing. and then pour some sort of a cranberry compote on the top.
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15:15.08mbrevdais anyone aware of an issue in where asterisk doenst show the sip registrations?
15:16.17Kattyeppigy: it'll look something like that.
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15:33.10ZPerteeis looking for ideas for asterisk/google wave integration
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15:54.46docelmoSay anyone know if AMI produces any good logging?   I am trying to figure out why when I send a message to AMI it keeps telling me originate failed.
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16:09.23moos3how can I tell how many calls are in place?
16:09.44russellb*CLI> core show channels
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16:25.31moos3what does this mean 2009-11-03 11:23:51] WARNING[25537]: file.c:644 ast_openstream_full: File queue-minute does not exist in any format
16:26.16chazzmlooks like that file 'queue-minute' doesn't exist
16:26.31moos3where should I check for that file to begin iwht
16:26.34Chainsawmoos3: It's trying to play a file called 'queue-minute'. I do have a file called queue-minutes though.
16:26.38ChannelZit's a sound you're trying to play I think
16:26.43Chainsawmoos3: Perhaps a typo in your config?
16:26.56moos3I'll look
16:27.18chazzm'/var/lib/asterisk/sounds' is the default location
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16:28.53moos3yeah I found the correct file you said but I can't find it in my extensions.conf
16:29.31Chainsawmoos3: Hm, okay. Did you copy/paste that warning message in or did you type it over?
16:30.01ChannelZis it being called from an AGI script or something?
16:30.02moos3cut and paste
16:30.09moos3[2009-11-03 11:23:51] WARNING[25537]: file.c:950 ast_streamfile: Unable to open queue-minute (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such file or directory
16:30.16moos3nothing I know of
16:30.49*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
16:31.15ChannelZI see a queue-minutes (plural) in my install, not queue-minute
16:31.20*** join/#asterisk niekie (
16:31.42moos3yeah same here
16:31.59moos3we moved from a old server to a brand new install and moved all the configs over
16:32.04ChannelZthat said it's part of call queueing which isn't in your extensions, it's handled by that module.. so unless you're playing that file specifically yourself somewhere...
16:32.33ChannelZlook at your queues.conf
16:33.00ChannelZThe sound files it uses are configured there
16:33.37*** join/#asterisk diatonic1 (
16:34.42[TK]D-Fender[11:31]<moos3>we moved from a old server to a brand new install and moved all the configs over <- configs, yes... sounds, apparently not
16:35.00*** join/#asterisk TimToady_ (
16:35.53moos3i rsyncd the sounds
16:36.03Chainsawmoos3: Did you upgrade from Asterisk 1.2 to 1.6?
16:36.14Chainsawmoos3: If you did, the sound files are now in different places.
16:36.20moos3on 1.6.0 to
16:36.47dlynesmoos3: they are?
16:36.51Chainsawtransfers the call back to Fender
16:36.54dlynesChainsaw: they are?
16:37.07*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
16:37.14Chainsawdlynes: Yes, 1.2 used multiple en_uk subdirs.
16:37.24Chainsawdlynes: 1.6 has one en_uk directory with subdirs for the different type of sounds.
16:37.27dlynesChainsaw: mean for language folders
16:37.31Chainsawdlynes: Exactly.
16:37.32dlynesChainsaw: thought you meant in general
16:37.40Chainsawdlynes: No, just that. But it caught me out as well.
16:38.02dlynesChainsaw: ah...never used the Set(LANGUAGE=...) command
16:38.16moos3my queue.conf is completely commented out
16:38.17Chainsawdlynes: It has a fallback advantage.
16:38.32Chainsawdlynes: If a sound is missing in our en_uk set, it'll fall back to the american lady.
16:38.50dlynesChainsaw: yeah...but then I'd have to phone up allison and ask her to start talking Canadian, eh?
16:39.03dlynestoo much hassle
16:39.09*** join/#asterisk ryduh (n=ryduh@
16:39.12dlyneseasier just to leave it on the american english
16:39.20ChainsawWe didn't really like the accent.
16:39.31dlynesbesides...Canadians are already used to American accents
16:39.41ChainsawAnd in the US you say "pound key" where we say "hash key".
16:39.47ChainsawCouple more issues like that.
16:39.59dlynesChainsaw: and in Canada, we say hash key, pound key and number key
16:40.54*** join/#asterisk Davedan (
16:41.11dlynesenglish is a wonderful language
16:41.18dlynesnice and confusing to outsiders :)
16:43.25Chesther"English doesn't borrow words from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them unconscious, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar."
16:45.50superbeef1when I look at an IAX debug, what does RR_LOSS actually mean
16:46.25superbeef1loss is a great guess, but what exactly did it loose
16:48.25Kattyso. i have a problem.
16:48.33Kattyand maybe one of you fine people can point me in the right direction.
16:48.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: #drphil
16:48.46Kattyhow did you know
16:49.16Katty...or maybe it really is about refined table sugar.
16:49.29Kattyshakes fist at [TK]D-Fender
16:50.30*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
16:51.23superbeefhow many problems can refinded table sugar cause
16:51.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:53.02ChestherIt depends on how many gas tanks you pour it into.
16:53.03ryduhsuperbeef: you don't know!?!
16:53.39ManxPower-work*heart* sugar in all it's glorious forms.
16:53.39superbeefnope.. i just figured it was less entertaining since its in a white packet
16:53.40Kattyi'm just curious to know if there's some sort of REAL sugar i can use to make cranberry sauce that was not created in a lab.
16:53.59Kattyplease do not suggest Splenda, Aspartame or any of that stuff.
16:54.13superbeefKatty: how abotu the bag that says pure cane sugar
16:54.13Kattyor table refined table sugar...or high fructose corn syrup...they are both built in a lab.
16:54.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: Raw sugar
16:54.33*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
16:54.33ChestherRefined table sugar is not made in a lab, but it is refined in a factory.
16:54.46ChestherBut, yeah, raw sugar is probably what you're looking for.
16:55.02Kattyraw sugar = pure cane sugar?
16:55.55ChestherMore or less, yes.
16:55.58*** join/#asterisk abradley (n=Data@
16:56.09ChestherShort of processing your own sugarcane, it's probably the closest you're going to get.
16:56.40Kattyso raw sugar is just raw sugar, not require to be from sugar cane.
16:56.42moos3if I use the queue.conf will it override the sounds anywhere else?
16:56.43Kattyit could be from beets...
16:57.03ChestherNo, because beets pretty much require processing.
16:57.25ChestherCheck the package, but generally raw sugar is cane sugar, AFAIK
16:57.36Kattygood ot know.
16:57.39superbeefKatty: i think you're making this too complicated.. just go buy hte big dumb bag of cane sugar
16:58.02abradleynew install of AN, it boots to "localhost login:". I login with root and after I'm not sure what to do. How do I access the nic settings so that I can give it a static ip for the purpose of logging into the webmin
17:00.41*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
17:00.42diatonic1abradley: Not sure what AN is, but maybe 'system-config-network' or 'netconfig' ... or find ifcfg-eth0 and edit that file directly
17:00.45[TK]D-Fenderabradley: AN is a custom build off of CentOS which = RHEL.
17:00.45ManxPower-workKatty: Honey
17:00.56[TK]D-Fenderabradley: Go read up the basic admin info for it
17:00.57*** join/#asterisk e4 (
17:00.58abradleyAN = asteriskNow
17:01.11infobotsomebody said asterisknow was based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
17:01.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: No need to send him there.
17:01.26GameGamer43abradley: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
17:02.44*** join/#asterisk VaGoNeTaS (n=nobody@
17:02.45diatonic1abradley: make sure that file ^ has BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR= NETMASK= ONBOOY=yes then 'service network restart'
17:02.53VaGoNeTaShello everybody
17:02.55KattyManxPower-work: i'm not sure that cooking cranberries in honey is ...well...
17:03.02KattyManxPower-work: i mean it /might/ work, but i don't think it'd really turn out the same.
17:03.06ManxPower-workGameGamer43: you assume someone using Asterisk Now knows how to edit a file.
17:03.20diatonic1abradley: Substitute your actual values, maybe add GATEWAY=x.x.x.x if you neet to route
17:03.21ManxPower-workKatty: do a test batch
17:03.27VaGoNeTaSi gotta a question, what package do i need to install cdr_pgsql ????
17:03.27Kattyokay. i can do that.
17:03.33VaGoNeTaSwhen im compilying asterisk
17:03.56ManxPower-workKatty: A good idea when you are cooking anything new or making a change to an existing receipe
17:03.58Carlos_PHXSo...anyone been involved with an Asterisk system that can do around 1 million calls in about an hour?
17:04.01VaGoNeTaSi've postgresql 8-3 already installed on the server
17:04.17*** join/#asterisk AllGoodNiksTaken (
17:04.53VaGoNeTaSanyone knows?
17:04.57KattyManxPower-work: nah, i just make it ...if i don't like it, riddick eats it ;)
17:05.14VaGoNeTaSDepends on: pgsql(E)
17:05.41AllGoodNiksTakenHey y'all, I hope you are well.
17:05.47Kattyryduh: thank you dear.
17:05.52russellbVaGoNeTaS: install the devel package, as well.  Also, re-run the configure script.
17:06.04ryduhKatty: I love that stuff and I even used it in my coffee today
17:06.28AllGoodNiksTakenI installed Asterisk from source (latest) and all is working except outbound CDR always shows billsec=0 and disposition = NO ANSWER. Any ideas why this is happening? Been battling this all day :(
17:08.04Kattyoh boy, it's vegan.
17:08.06Kattygotta love that.
17:08.54TSM2is there any good SIP client for OSX apart from Xlite, ie a built in one?
17:09.25ChainsawEkiga may have an OS X port these days.
17:09.37ryduhTSM2: I doubt a built in one. What about Voiper
17:10.24*** join/#asterisk svm_invictvs (n=patrick@unaffiliated/svminvictvs/x-938456)
17:10.31VaGoNeTaSrussellb : installed libpq-dev, problem solved
17:10.34VaGoNeTaSthank you buddy
17:10.37VaGoNeTaScya later guys
17:10.49svm_invictvsSo I had an asterisk box set up and then it just quit working.
17:11.00svm_invictvsI can't, for the life of me, figure out why
17:11.06svm_invictvsI just try to restart the server and the whole thing doesn't start up.
17:11.11p3nguintsm2: zoiper works on Mac OS X, but it will have to be downloaded and installed.
17:11.15svm_invictvsAnd the logs aren't very helpful :(
17:11.17Chainsawsvm_invictvs: Share its excuse with us in less then 3 lines.
17:11.23Chainsawsvm_invictvs: Or a pastebin.
17:11.35svm_invictvsChainsaw: Gonna post a dump of the logs, sec.
17:12.09*** join/#asterisk TiToyz (
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17:13.41AllGoodNiksTakenIf you do a login & originate on a SIP channel from phpagi is it possible to have an ANSWERED value in the disposition column of the CDR? I haven't seen this work.
17:14.18*** part/#asterisk TiToyz (
17:14.49svm_invictvsChainsaw: :-/ I checked the permissions of the files.
17:14.58svm_invictvsWhy doesnt' asterisk tell me where/what it wouldn't read?
17:15.19*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:15.39p3nguinsvm_invictvs: core set verbose 10
17:15.43p3nguinsvm_invictvs: then try again.
17:15.47*** join/#asterisk ecrane (
17:15.50ecranej #asterisk-dev
17:15.55svm_invictvsp3nguin: ah
17:16.43svm_invictvsp3nguin: What file do I add that to?
17:16.59p3nguinsvm_invictvs: You have to run that in the Asterisk console.
17:17.11svm_invictvsp3nguin: Asterisk isn't even starting up.
17:17.53p3nguinsvm_invictvs: Then fix all the files that are listed there and see if that helps.  Normally, your files will be under /etc/asterisk/
17:18.09svm_invictvsp3nguin: yeah, that would be great if asterisk would start up.
17:18.22svm_invictvsp3nguin: Can I just add a verbose option to the init script?
17:18.26p3nguinsvm_invictvs: Then fix all the files that are listed there and see if that helps.  Normally, your files will be under /etc/asterisk/
17:18.40svm_invictvsp3nguin: yeah, I had a bunch of custom configurations hacked up.
17:18.58kaldemarsvm_invictvs: start asterisk with asterisk -vvvvvvc and see where it dies
17:19.23svm_invictvsp3nguin: And they worked fine for a while, then just quit working.  I dunno if I accidentally touched one during an update.  *BUT* asterisk won't even start up so I dont' see how accessing hte console to turn on verbose logging will help if the process doesn't even fucking start.
17:19.29svm_invictvskaldemar: Ah
17:19.50moos3ok I think I fixed my sound issue but now any call in the queue for more then 2 mins goes to the vm, but I have it set as exten => 1,n,ExecIF($[${csmagents} != 0]?Queue(csmsupportqueue,tT,,,300))  ;Place caller in queue for 5 min (300s) until exiting
17:19.54moos3ideas on that one
17:20.17svm_invictvsThere we go, lots of logging
17:20.30ManxPower-workmoos3: queues.conf
17:20.53ManxPower-workor you have too many/few ,
17:20.54*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
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17:21.50svm_invictvsEverythign looks good until it get to..."Unable to load config phone.conf"
17:21.51moos3well there set in the asterisk queues database
17:21.53TSM2Zopier, what rubish (the free one), xlite i think will be the one
17:22.26*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion (
17:23.50TSM2has anyone use Bria (paid xlite)?
17:24.21ManxPower-worksvm_invictvs: "asterisk -cvvv" should indicate where is ACTUALLY fails.
17:24.35ManxPower-worksvm_invictvs: I suspect you have zaptel/DAHDI configured and your kernel was upgraded.
17:25.18kaldemarsvm_invictvs: do you need chan_phone?
17:25.22*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
17:25.24netpro25_Is there any change in 1.6 regarding SIP registration?
17:25.40svm_invictvskaldemar: I don't think so, no
17:25.58Chainsawnetpro25_: Yes, insecure=very no longer exists.
17:26.14svm_invictvskaldemar: No, this is a VoIP box running in a slice host, it has no physical hardware at all.
17:26.22kaldemarsvm_invictvs: put "noload =>" in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf and try to start it again
17:26.46netpro25_Chainsaw: how do you work around that?
17:27.02ryduhsvm_invictvs: are you running it at ?
17:27.06svm_invictvskaldemar: Yep, I did that and it's all gravy.
17:27.12Chainsawnetpro25_: You change insecure=very to insecure=port,invite
17:27.31netpro25_to "insecure=port,invite"??
17:27.40Chainsawnetpro25_: Indeed.
17:27.45netpro25_Chainsaw: thanks
17:28.01Chainsawnetpro25_: There are more changes, but it will take the old values under protest and log what you should be using instead.
17:28.25netpro25_it works now
17:28.56netpro25_Chainsaw: thanks got it working now, will look at the other stuff later
17:29.02svm_invictvsryduh: no
17:29.14Chainsawnetpro25_: Good luck. "core set verbose 10" is your friend if it fails to admit what's going on.
17:30.00ManxPower-worknetpro25_: DUDE!  I TOLD you to read UPGRADE*.txt
17:30.53svm_invictvsChainsaw: It all works now.
17:31.05svm_invictvsChainsaw: I can't call out, but it forwards to my cell phone, that's the important thing.
17:31.55svm_invictvs"core set verbose 10"
17:32.01svm_invictvs"No such command core"?
17:32.24jblackwhat verson of asterisk are you running?
17:33.24svm_invictvsjblack: oh boy don't laugh
17:33.47p3nguinjblack: Looks like the phone itself is simply doing a call return on the last number that the phone received, so that's why it is not sent to asterisk.  My *69 exten is to check the last call into asterisk.  So now we have the explanation.
17:33.56*** join/#asterisk errotan (
17:34.20[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: Just drop "core"
17:34.23jblackso it has a hardcoded dialplan.
17:36.00p3nguinYeah, in addition to the one that is user-changeable, there has to be something that is hidden.
17:37.18jblackI can't find it in me to be deeply surprised.
17:39.39svm_invictvs[TK]D-Fender: So that'll change the verbosity in the logs?
17:40.04kaldemarsvm_invictvs: no, in the CLI you're looking at
17:40.28*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
17:41.25svm_invictvsNow it all works for some reason.
17:41.30*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=albertoa@
17:43.06*** join/#asterisk BillyCrook (
17:43.43BillyCrookA very long time ago, I was able to telnet to some port on an asterisk server, and get a streaming output of "events" like phones going off hook, calls coming in, etc.
17:44.06infobotit has been said that ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
17:44.06beekBillyCrook: AMI
17:44.08[TK]D-FenderBillyCrook: ^^^
17:44.12beekHi [TK]D-Fender
17:44.27[TK]D-Fenderbeek: 'lo
17:44.36*** part/#asterisk moos3 (n=rgenthne@
17:45.08beek[TK]D-Fender: Is there ANYTHING you haven't put into infobot?
17:45.21[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Lots
17:46.08Qwell~string theory
17:46.30*** join/#asterisk torrancew (
17:46.35Qwell~string cheese theory
17:46.40infobottheory is, like, clear :) but explain me the segfault i got in the opengl libraries :)
17:46.46Qwellstrangely, that would be more likely to exist.
17:47.12torrancewcan anyone recommend a good software solution that will either mirror the behavior of phonevalet, or provide growl-style notifications for calls hitting an asterisk box?
17:47.34Kobazgrowls at noone in particular
17:48.04BillyCrookWhat Asterisk Event type do you use for striping higgs bosons out of subatomic particles?
17:48.36ryduhtorrancew: I don't know of anything but you could always make one yourself:
17:49.15ryduhBillyCrook: I use the LHC event type
17:49.21torrancewryduh: thanks. i'm sure it'd require a custom asterisk app as well, though, right?
17:50.14VooDooNOFXSilly question, but how do I get * to bind to 2 addresses (one internal, one external)?
17:50.31[TK]D-FenderVooDooNOFX: All or one.
17:50.36Kobazby default asterisk binds to all interfaces
17:50.40Qwellryduh: Any type of collider will do
17:50.56KobazVooDooNOFX: have asterisk bind to all... and firewall off the ips you don't want
17:51.11VooDooNOFXso bind= will get all available IP's over all available interfaces?
17:51.28Kobazasterisk will bind to all by *default*
17:51.39ryduhtorrancew: scroll down to the Mac OS X client
17:51.53torrancewryduh: thanks
17:52.16ryduhtorrancew: I found it by going here:   :)
17:52.30torrancewis Notify() 1.6 friendly, do you know?
17:52.33*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
17:54.15ryduhtorrancew: Doesn't look like it has been tested with 1.6
17:54.30VooDooNOFXanother silly q: should I only use the ael, or the conf files, but not both?
17:55.40ryduhtorrancew: check this out
17:56.47[TK]D-FenderVooDooNOFX: doesn't matter.
17:57.55ryduhtorrancew: I might check this one out
18:03.34*** join/#asterisk mumtazah (n=mumtazah@
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18:15.46momelodgreetings channel
18:16.20ryduhtorrancew: Did you try anyof those?
18:16.52*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:17.04momelodim currently using cisco phones as sip clients, but if i do a conf call the first call is put on hold, i initiate the second call and join them.  But after the calls have been joined i cannot add another number into the conf.  how can i enable the option to keep adding in callers into the conf?
18:18.30[TK]D-Fendermomelod: You can't
18:18.47[TK]D-Fendermomelod: this is your phone's built-in 3-way calling.
18:19.03[TK]D-Fendermomelod: A cisco phone is nto a "conferencing solution"
18:19.06momelodthe same phone could do it before when it was connected to the call manager backend
18:19.14*** join/#asterisk cheako (
18:19.16[TK]D-Fendermomelod: Because CM was doing the work <-
18:19.26momelodso its not a limitation of the phone..
18:20.18Kobazsomeone forgot to change their callerid
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18:23.34momelodi suppose i could just transfer them into a meetme room.
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18:40.16ariel_Afternoon everyone
18:42.02grharryHi, having some problems with echo ... I have an ISDN HFC-4S card using dahdi ..  some help please ??
18:44.15gr0mitecho fromwhere to where?
18:45.03gr0mitwho is hearing the Echo?
18:45.18grharrywhen I make a call to a public num I am ( from asterisk ) having the echo !!
18:46.09gr0mitOkay, what kind of phone are you using on your *system?
18:46.55grharryA siemens connected to an linksys ata + cisco 7940 ( sip )
18:47.51*** join/#asterisk wierdo (n=chatzill@
18:48.16gr0mitnow I'm confused
18:48.39grharryAllow me ??
18:48.48grharrywhere are you confused ??
18:49.29gr0mitso, your *boxes connected to the public network via an ISDN line, right?
18:49.54gr0mitso, you make a call to the public network
18:50.04gr0mitfrom which handset are you making the call?
18:50.16*** part/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
18:50.55grharrysiemens plain phone ( no voip stuff ) -> linksys  PAP2 -> Asterisk
18:51.19grharrysorry I typed ata ... I meant PAP2
18:51.32grharrytired :-(
18:51.52*** join/#asterisk momelod (
18:52.03gr0mitOkay so 2-wire analogue phone -> PAP2 --> asterisk -> HFC card -> public ISDN ?
18:52.12grharryperfect !
18:52.41*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
18:53.07Peacefulwhat the @#$%#$% would automatically run dahdi_genconf at reboot time and stomp on my /etc/dahdi/system.conf????
18:53.23gr0mitok back
18:53.46gr0mitso, you speak into  your analogue phone, and u hear your own voice coming back at you?
18:53.55grharrycorrect !
18:54.19gr0mitso, the echo is coming from the distant handet on your PSTN, soooo
18:54.44gr0mitare you using bristuff or chan_msisdn?
18:55.37gr0mitok, can u pls pastebin your dhadi.conf
18:55.44gr0mitor wotever its called
18:55.57grharrychan_dahdi ??
18:56.24tzafrirPeaceful, theoretically it hsould work. In practice I can think of a number of cases wher eit won't
18:57.11*** join/#asterisk sranil (n=sranil@
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19:01.53gr0mitok looks reasonable.  Here is my zapata.conf (using bristuff) on a similar card
19:02.17*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
19:02.19gr0mitI wonder if the echo training is confusing it?
19:02.27gr0mittry removing that line
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19:03.08BillyCrookIs there a wireshark-like tool for asterisk events?  (so I can interactively filter them as I learn what they correlate to?)
19:03.25BillyCrooke.g. I don't care about peerstatus events for now
19:03.29[TK]D-FenderBillyCrook: What "Asterisk events"?
19:03.46BillyCrookthe ones you see when connected to the asterisl manager port 5038
19:03.56[TK]D-FenderBillyCrook: Nothing I've heard of...
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19:08.59Peacefultzafrir: I don't understand your comment.  Something's running dahdi_genconf at reboot time without me asking for it.
19:09.00donnibi have a adaptor which looses registration then i get 401
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19:09.12donnibif i reboot it it works then after a wile i get 401 again
19:09.44donnibthe adaptor is and extention is 2337, server is
19:09.53PeacefulIs there some part of dahdi or asterisk that will call dahdi_genconf for you without you wanting it to?
19:09.59donnibcan anybody help me figuring out why i get the 401 ?
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19:12.06donnibanyone ?
19:12.50breevesHello everyone. I have a question about a setting in 1.6 for sip out-of-dialog messages, anybody around tried this?
19:13.45russellbwhich setting?
19:15.00breevesrussellb: The ones introduced with this feature :
19:15.50russellbah, that's not in a release yet
19:15.55russellbwon't be until 1.8
19:15.55*** join/#asterisk citywok (
19:16.10citywoki just managed to crash asterisk transferring a call. [6078636.835271] asterisk[7523]: segfault at a4 ip f7c49fd4 sp f5cf9a64 error 4 in[f7c41000+15000]
19:16.16breevesrussellb: Is it in trunk?
19:16.20russellbtrunk, yes
19:16.27leifmadsenbrent reeves?
19:16.57breevesrussellb: Ok, I'll try that, this is all theory anyway :)
19:17.27tzafrirPeaceful, not in the default install. Though I've seen some settings in which people do that
19:17.36breevesleifmadsen: Nope, Bruce.
19:17.57breevesleifmadsen: You and I discussed Dundi several years ago in KC
19:18.18Peacefultzafrir: okay, well I never want it to run anyway, so I replaced /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf with a bash script that spits out it's parent's pid.
19:19.37leifmadsenbreeves: wow, crazy!
19:19.45leifmadsenall the people I meet, and I suck with names, so I never remember, heh
19:20.01leifmadsenI just happen to know a Brent Reeves, so I was just checking ;)
19:20.29breevesleifmadsen: No problem.
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19:32.10Kattyuntangles christmas garland
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19:35.04Kattythey're little santa booties
19:35.04Kattyon silver string
19:35.04*** join/#asterisk trebaum (
19:35.04trebaumhello folks
19:35.04Kattyi'm gonna bring my ole tree to work too, and set it up after christmas.
19:35.04trebaumi'm having an issue with echo in a tdm400 card.
19:35.05trebaumI have echocancel=yes
19:35.14Kattyone of the locate salvation armys was having christmas stuff out..
19:35.24Kattyso i went to support them (=
19:35.40trebaumthough when I do dahdi show channel 1, it says 128 taps... turned off
19:35.54trebaumhow do i get echo cancelling turned on?
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19:37.53trebaumanyone there?
19:38.12Kattya whole room full.
19:38.21trebaumno body is talking.
19:38.34Kattythat's because they're working
19:38.43Kattyor untangling christmas garland...
19:38.49*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
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19:39.50breevestrebaum: What does dahdi show say when there is an active call on the analog lines?
19:40.10breevesKatty: Well . . .no garland here :)
19:40.19trebaumbreeves: just a sec.
19:40.23Kattyi have plenty of santa booties.
19:40.29Kattyso far 6 8ft strands.
19:41.09trebaumbreeves:  another thing I should tell you is that I actually have 2 tdm400 cards.
19:41.24trebaumbreeves:  one with 4 fxs modules and the other with 4 fxo modules
19:41.31*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
19:42.01trebaumbreeves:  one is on the east coast, and the other on the west
19:42.10trebaumwith an iax2 trunk 'tween the two
19:42.36trebaumwhen making a call, the server that the phone (plain analog phone) is connected to gives me no errors.
19:42.44trebaumthe other... gives me this.
19:43.42trebaum[Nov  3 10:20:25] WARNING[18845] chan_dahdi.c: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 2 (No such device)
19:43.49trebaumbreeves:  any idea?
19:44.49Kattyyay, untangled.
19:44.50Kobaztrebaum: make sure dahdi is set up correctly, make sure the span is up, make sure asterisk chan_dahdi is configured correctly
19:47.24trebaumI can make phone calls no problem.
19:47.41trebaumand the echo is only on my side.
19:48.04trebaumi'm actually making phone lines out of pots lines at the far end.
19:48.12trebaumerr phone calls out of the other end
19:48.42*** join/#asterisk thegoat (
19:48.57Kobazdoes your card support echo cancelation?
19:49.09thegoathey all, i am trying to get the postgres cdr integration working, but when i go to load the module i get oad_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'cdr_pgsql': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
19:49.43Pan3Dlol, thegoat
19:49.52thegoatthe exists in the right place, and exists in /opt/postgres/lib
19:50.05thegoati am not sure where it is looking for
19:50.14thegoatis there a way to tell where asterisk is looking for it?
19:50.15Pan3Ddid you check perms?
19:50.47trebaumkobaz: i'm trying to use the software echo cancelling with dahdi.
19:51.01trebaumkobaz: i have tried all of the ones that comes with the source.
19:51.28thegoatasterisk is running as root, so it should have access to it
19:51.48Kobazit's not an access issue if it says no such device
19:51.56trebaumwhat worries me is this line from dahdi show channel 1
19:51.57trebaumEcho Cancellation: 128 taps, currently OFF
19:52.09trebaumhow to I get currently ON
19:52.51Kobazit would be safe to say that echo cancelation isn't enabled
19:53.07thegoatwhen i specify the --with-postgres during the ./configure do i provide the base dir for postgres or /opt/postgres/lib?
19:53.08Kobazyou're missing something from the configs
19:53.24Kobaztrebaum: paste your /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
19:53.46Pan3Dpostgress itself IIRC
19:53.54trebaumkobaz: pastebin?
19:55.20thegoattha's what i thought.
19:56.03Pan3D(you of course have to select it in the menuconfig as well)
19:56.12thegoatyep did that
19:56.35Pan3Dhmmm, oddddd
19:57.20thegoati wonder if it could be lookign in /var/lib or some place like that
19:57.41trebaumkobaz: any idea?
19:59.12*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
20:02.08thegoatit was looking for it in /usr/lib64
20:02.22Kobaztrebaum: the mg2 echo canceler is the hardware echo canceler, i think
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20:19.16mbrevdahow can you set a variable as a variable? (set by reference)
20:21.14Pan3Dthegoat: where is that path set?
20:22.29Kobazmbrevda: yeah
20:22.57KobazSet(var=foo)  Set(${var}=bar)
20:23.34mbrevdaKobaz: ah. now, can you do that as a global?
20:23.38leifmadsenKobaz: I think you mean NoOp(${foo})
20:23.48leifmadsenwhich would return 'bar'
20:23.50Kobazer... yes
20:24.17Kobazmbrevda: you can do whatever.. just put the var where you want it to expand
20:24.37leifmadsenmbrevda: yes, same idea:   Set(GLOBAL(${var})=bar)
20:25.05Kobazand that would set global(foo)
20:25.21mbrevdahmm, I shoudl explain. Im trying to a gloabl to, say, epoch (or uniquid, or something dynamoc that is acceseable only as a varibel)
20:25.37Kobazyou don't need anything fancy for that then
20:25.57mbrevdaThe easiest way is to just put it in the globals section. so my quesiton is can I set a global under gloabl to a varibles?
20:26.15mbrevdaKobaz: under [globals] you can just do key=val without set
20:26.21Kobazmbrevda: yeah
20:26.26Kobazif you're using extensions.conf
20:26.30Kobazi've been using ael these days
20:26.48trebaumkobaz:  if that is the hardware echo canceler, what software one should I use?
20:26.57Kobaztrebaum: i've never used the software one... i dunno
20:27.05trebaumkobaz:  good answer
20:27.18mbrevdayeah=yes you can? how? I tried as followes: TOUCH_MONITOR=${UNIQUEID}, but that would just give a blan var
20:27.23trebaumDoes anyone know what software echo canceller I should use with the TDM400?
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20:27.38mbrevdatrebaum:any. its unrelated to the card
20:27.53Kobazhe's looking for the line to use in dahdi.conf
20:29.18trebaumok, so do all the echo cancelling modules get built by default?
20:29.27trebaumsoftware ones, that is.
20:29.53trebaumI have the newest source for dahdi linux/tools
20:30.11trebaumbut I installed the default build.
20:30.56mbrevdaQwell: ping
20:31.18mbrevdaany plans for 1.6.2 rpms?
20:31.44QwellIt isn't released no.
20:32.23mbrevdaoh, sorry. though it was
20:32.29SuPrSLuGtrebaum: you can alter which on is built in the dahdi.c source file. Forgot the line, but you can do it
20:32.51mbrevdaQwell: how about 1.6.1? (not that I need it or anything)
20:35.11tzafrirThere's no dahdi.c
20:35.59tzafrirAnd you set which ones are built on drivers/dahdi/Kbuild
20:41.42*** join/#asterisk CcRnp (n=shishir@
20:42.47CcRnpCan anyone suggest me which is the best speech recognition engine for asterisk ?
20:42.49SuPrSLuGyeah, apparently that was in the way back machine of zaptel. lol.
20:44.28SuPrSLuGbeen that long since I played with software echo cancel
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20:47.45TheDavidFactorCcRnp, I can't personally recommend this, but is was mentioned in the voip users conference two weeks ago
20:48.30CcRnpTheDavidFactor thanks
20:49.02*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
20:49.26Skeeter-is there anyway to put my asterisk(voicemail voice) in french
20:50.13*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
20:51.25CunningPikeWhen a call is placed via a SIP trunk to SER to multiple end points, is there a way to update the asterisk CDR with which endpoint answered the call?
20:52.18CcRnpisnt there any open source project that is best for speech recognition ?
20:52.26CunningPikeThe dstchannel in the CDR shows the same value (SIP/[nameoftrunk]) regardless of which endpoint picked up
20:55.50Skeeter-could anyone point me how to switch the language of asterisk??
20:56.24CunningPikeSkeeter-: Of the voice prompts? Or what?
20:56.38mbrevdathat what he wants
20:56.49angryuser_laptopEdit > Options > switch language
20:57.28angryuser_laptopcould not hold myself
20:57.39CunningPikehands angryuser_laptop a tissue
20:58.27*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
20:58.47*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
20:59.33johnakabeanhey everyone......when you set a global variable, does it stick for that channel or are all future channels forced to use it?\
20:59.50Skeeter-cant find it, i must be blind
21:00.27[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Wouldn't be "global" if ti only applied to that call, now would it?
21:01.19johnakabeanfender, I thought it meant global for that call throughout all contexts
21:01.46[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: There is no variable scope in the dialplan.
21:01.57johnakabeanthanks for clarification
21:02.01[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: This is not a structured programming language
21:02.34johnakabeanyeah fender, you know I come from programming C and other binary languages
21:02.47johnakabeanso asterisk is ass backwards in some things and that's why i get confused
21:04.00johnakabeanasterisk is more simple but has too much overhead
21:04.10TSMhas anyone used xlite on a mac?
21:06.28[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: And how long have you been using * now?
21:07.03johnakabeanso, [TK]D-Fender, there is no point in doing setmusiconhold more than once in the entire dialplan, if it is already set when the call comes in. I just don't understand why, when waiting for an admin is set and in a meetme, the musiconhold is always default and not the musiconhold set. Is there an option for meetme to specify musiconhold?
21:07.19johnakabeanprogramming it by hand, about 3 months
21:07.47johnakabeanI learned it not from the web but by analyzing freepbx's syntax
21:07.53[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: So the far greater number are just running GUI installs?
21:08.04[TK]D-FenderLearning via freePBX = BAD
21:08.14johnakabeanno, I always compiled and installed by hand
21:08.31citywoki'm using chanspy(,w) to try and whisper to the spied on channel, i can hear it, but i get no whisper (on either end of the call actually)
21:08.32[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: You'll learn a lot of ways you should NOT do things and it won't explain the "whys"
21:08.40johnakabeanI have heard this lol
21:09.03[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: For your MoH question show me something meaningful...
21:09.05CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Any insight into my trunk CDR question above? Am I stuck with SER accounting?
21:09.20CunningPikeAnd,hi, by the way - been a long time :)
21:09.39[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: And Ditto.. on both fronts
21:09.40CunningPikeStill dispensing wisdom to the unwashed, I see
21:10.06johnakabeanexten => 901,n(USER),Set(MEETME_OPTS=oTcIMsr)
21:10.08Skeeter-asterisk wont switch to french language, i give up
21:10.25johnakabeanthe M option is music waiting on the leader and it always plays default class
21:10.29[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Where did you tell it to?
21:10.41[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: that 1 liner tells me nothing of value
21:10.41johnakabeaneven though the class is set per inbound
21:10.53johnakabeanwell the others are just standard
21:10.54[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Prove what is set and show configs and the failed call
21:11.05johnakabeanone is answer and the other is startmeetme
21:11.14p3nguincitywok: ChanSpy(SIP/${SPYEXTEN},qw)  ; where SPYEXTEN is the number you want to spy on.
21:11.51citywoki left it filtered out so i dont have to worry about it for testing, and i havent used Q to silence the beeps, but yea i hear the channel audio, but cant whisper back in to it
21:12.05johnakabeanthe music on hold is set on all incoming did's
21:12.13johnakabeanto different classes
21:12.24Kattylooks in
21:12.33citywokp3nguin: i'm just using this for testing right now: ChanSpy(,w)
21:12.49Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: i used the SetLanguage cmd, but i will just overwrite with the french voices rgiht now
21:12.50citywoknormally it will be ,qwg(${REQUESTED_GROUP_NUMBER})
21:13.04[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: You are giving me a story, not CLI output and configs...
21:13.09johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,1,Set(__FROM_DID=${EXTEN})
21:13.09johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,Gosub(app-blacklist-check,s,1)
21:13.09johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,ExecIf($[ "${CALLERID(name)}" = "" ] ,Set,CALLERID(name)=${CALLERID(num)})
21:13.09johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,SetMusicOnHold(Hip-Hop)
21:13.09johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,Set(__MOHCLASS=Hip-Hop)
21:13.10johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,Set(__CALLINGPRES_SV=${CALLINGPRES_${CALLINGPRES}})
21:13.12johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,SetCallerPres(allowed_not_screened)
21:13.14johnakabeanexten => 9155551234/9155524584,n,Goto(ext-queues,301,1)
21:13.16johnakabeansorry for flood
21:13.17[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: PASteBIN
21:13.33[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: And provide what I asked for
21:14.21johnakabeanif that number, 915524584, calls the music on hold is set to hip-hop; but transferring them to a conference renders default classical music
21:15.21TSMhow bad does echo get if you dont have a analog card with EC?
21:15.27[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: ..... pastebin actual configs, actual dialplan, and an actual call
21:15.30johnakabeanmy instinct was to add
21:15.31johnakabeanexten => 901,n(USER),Set(MEETME_OPTS=oTcIMsr)
21:15.31johnakabeanexten => 901,n(USER),SetMusicOnHold(${__MOHCLASS})
21:16.14Kattyjohnakabean: i'm going to go out on a limb and say he doesn't really care. he wants to see the configs.
21:16.17johnakabeanwithout the user, though
21:16.22[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: LAST TIME
21:16.26Kattyjohnakabean: and no matter what you say isn't really going to help until he sees it
21:16.27[TK]D-Fender[16:15]<[TK]D-Fender>johnakabean: ..... pastebin actual configs, actual dialplan, and an actual call
21:16.43Kattyalso, i think i will have an orange.
21:17.02johnakabeani just have one question.......if the musiconhold is specified, and not changed again, does it need to be specified again to be set correcty in another context?
21:17.16johnakabeanstraight forward
21:17.44[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: No scope <- I was very clear on this
21:17.53johnakabeanok you answered my question
21:17.54johnakabeanthank you
21:18.26johnakabeani was just wondering why that didn't apply to a conference when another setmusiconhold was never executed down the line
21:18.37[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: ...
21:20.28[TK]D-Fendernvm, not worth it....
21:23.06KattyHELLO THAR
21:23.47Kattyi has an orange.
21:23.54TSMdoes anyone know the average cost of a BRI line in the US (NY pref)
21:24.20Kattyyour isp would be happy to give you a quote.
21:24.29*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
21:24.29TSMim UK based
21:24.41TSMi need to get it for our NY office
21:24.48TSMjust average cost
21:25.03Kattyyou don't have a providor for your NY Office? (=
21:25.05Kattycall them.
21:25.14TSMyup, timewarner
21:25.29TSMsorry again
21:25.34TSMbroadview :)
21:25.41TSMmy mum knows more than them
21:25.46Kattythis sounds like a game of monopoly
21:26.01Kattynext up is boardwalk!
21:26.05Kattyfor $450
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21:26.42beekKatty:  I own boardwalk and I have a hotel on it.
21:26.50Kattyi don't wanna visit.
21:27.06beekIt's dog and ferret friendly.
21:27.23Kattyit's hard to find a hotel that will let you bring a 90lb dog and 5 ferrets.
21:27.48angryuser_laptopnot in korea
21:27.48beekYou have five ferrets?  Wow!
21:27.53*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
21:28.00KattyMerry Pippin Sammy Shire and BB, short for Bilbo Baggins
21:28.22beekangryuser_laptop: not including the kitchen or dining room.
21:28.37Kattywell i don't want to move to korea.
21:28.59Kattyit smells funny
21:29.50angryuser_laptopbeek: too late to give the rules, you can even get payd if you bring some dogs xD
21:29.59Kattywhat, WHAT
21:30.17angryuser_laptopKatty: finally you understood ?
21:30.18Kattynevermind, i don't want to know.
21:30.42eppigyscoots closer to Katty
21:31.30Kattyangryuser_laptop: not listening, la la la!
21:31.52Kattyeppigy: people are scary.
21:31.58Kattyeppigy: can i go hide in your closet?
21:32.23*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
21:33.40*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k3 (
21:33.57darkdrgn2k3Hye guys, do VOIP lines have a CID NAME attached to them when they ring on PSTNs?
21:34.13Kattyi don't understand the question.
21:34.19Kattycould you be more specific.
21:34.39beekdarkdrgn2k3: sometimes yes, sometimes no
21:34.40darkdrgn2k3Katty: when i call out on a VOIP line terminating on a PSTN, will the PSTN CID show the name
21:34.54darkdrgn2k3or just the #
21:34.55Kattydarkdrgn2k3: directly to your provider, yes.
21:35.00Qwelldarkdrgn2k3: If your name is in the terminating telcos database
21:35.04Kattydarkdrgn2k3: once it leaves your provider, the name is stripped.
21:35.05beekdarkdrgn2k3: I have had some calls via VoIP not show up.
21:35.14Kattydarkdrgn2k3: the number is compared against whatever database the next carrier uses.
21:35.37darkdrgn2k3katty: So the question is does teh carrier register with any databases?
21:36.15Kattydarkdrgn2k3: i can send out my name, and our companies callerid all i want. when it hits my cellphone, it's going to show my company name not my personal name.
21:36.36Kattydarkdrgn2k3: sprint doesn't care about the name that's in there, only the number. i hope this helps.
21:36.48darkdrgn2k3Katty: do you know how VOIP.MS works?
21:36.55Kattyno, why don't you call them and ask.
21:37.20darkdrgn2k3i knwo that incomming names are striped and you need to refer against a database
21:38.19*** part/#asterisk sfire (
21:39.14eppigyKatty: yes you are welcome in my closet any time
21:39.18angryuser_laptopdarkdrgn2k3: there is no world wide database of names for telcos if that what you want to know
21:40.07darkdrgn2k3angryuser: no i know that, im curious how cids are dealth with on voip provider. i assume pstn providers use their own databases
21:40.26angryuser_laptopdarkdrgn2k3: only numbers
21:40.43*** join/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
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21:41.07Witch_Doccan asterisk emulate a pri?
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21:41.49angryuser_laptopdarkdrgn2k3: the bigges i saw is trixnet, all users of trixbox pro has their names shown when they cann any other user of trixbox pro server
21:41.50*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
21:42.22*** join/#asterisk Luch (n=Dwayne@
21:42.44Luchhi guys, is it necessary for iaxmodems to auth every 50 sec?
21:42.46angryuser_laptopWitch_Doc: why emulate when you can have real stuff ?
21:43.14angryuser_laptopLuch you got the param in iaxmodem config file
21:43.52Luchim just wondering, i have 6 setup and my log is diseased with auth logs, and each time it shows 12 im just wondering whats up with it
21:43.55Witch_Docangryuser_laptop i have a panasonic pbx that i need to extend to another pbx in another building
21:44.00Luchi have 6 iaxmodems
21:44.01diatonicWitch_Doc:You should be able to have a T1 on an Asterisk server configured with signalling pri_net to have it act as a PRI from the telco
21:44.26angryuser_laptopWitch_Doc: so why do you need emulator ?
21:44.39Witch_Docto link the two pbx's together
21:44.41chasing`Solwhich is better asterisk-gui or freepbx?
21:44.43angryuser_laptopWitch_Doc: anyway asterisk can do it
21:45.56Luchlike would i run into issues if i only configured it to auth once every 6 hrs or something?
21:46.55angryuser_laptopWitch_Doc: panasonic <> pri <> asterisk <> network <> asterisk <> pri if that what you need, but why dont you use a cable to extend pri from panasonic ?
21:47.09Witch_Docthats what i was thinking to do as wel
21:47.14angryuser_laptopor you can replace second asterisk by a geteway
21:47.53Witch_Docangryuser_laptop the distance is too far to use a cable from panasnoic
21:51.31angryuser_laptopWitch_Doc: if you replace second * by a gateway it will cost you more $$ but in both ways it is a simple setup
21:52.04Kattyeppigy: :>
21:54.54*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
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21:56.35Godfather_its possible to use with asterisk the pstn ? i mean, a PC connected wired to the RJ11 of a house, and then some IP thelephones configured with the asterisk server?
21:57.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joeblow@
21:57.26Godfather_its possible to call to this house and asterisk getting the line to pass the comunication to the softphones?
21:58.03*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
21:58.28Kattyhas one at her home.
21:58.52Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, its needed special hardware ? (PC, modem, and IP-phones)
21:59.23Kattyyou will need a card to handle phone lines, yes. but not a modem. a modem is a very different piece of hardware.
21:59.26p3nguinYou'll need an FXO port for your computer.
21:59.43[TK]D-FenderGodfather_:you need a haware interface if you want to use physical lines
22:00.10Godfather_It cant be possible with a tipical PCI-modem?
22:00.13[TK]D-FenderGodfather_:and you said you wanted to use softphones.n
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22:00.34[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: no.  modems aren't usable
22:01.18Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, p3nguin , can you give me a search to google? i dont know what type of device i need
22:01.48[TK]D-FenderGodfather_:regular analog POTS line?
22:02.14angryuser_laptopGodfather_: google about "fxs fxo"
22:03.00Godfather_ok, i google it, thx to all
22:03.35KattyGodfather_: one of the most reasonably priced places around. give them a call.
22:03.41darkdrgn2k3can pstn lines accept longer CID numbers then 10
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22:04.21Godfather_Katty, better to have a link to the specific hard
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22:04.27Godfather_but thx too
22:04.36dlynesDoes anyone know if there's a 64-bit version of fax for asterisk forthcoming?
22:04.43KattyGodfather_: I like talking a real person about what i'm wanting to do.
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22:05.24angryuser_laptopdlynes: fax for asterisk ? which one ?
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22:06.29pzncan anyone help me to do in extensions.conf a rule that will go to step 10 if today is november 4th?
22:06.49pznI intend to put a playback() to play "today is holiday" message...
22:07.33_ShrikEpzn: core show application gotoiftime
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22:09.31Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, what i need is a "FXO gateway"?
22:09.48dlynesangryuser_laptop: what do you mean which one?
22:09.58dlynesangryuser_laptop: the one sold by digium, of course
22:10.26angryuser_laptopdlynes: why dont you do a tour on their site then ?
22:10.48dlynesangryuser_laptop: perhaps you didn't understand the question....I asked if there was one ___forth___coming
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22:10.58[TK]D-FenderGodfather_:Liinksys SPA-3102
22:11.00dlynesangryuser_laptop: not one already in existence
22:11.27TSMwhats the worth in the ec available on analog cards? i thought echo comes mostly from missatched line impedance
22:11.45p3nguinI don't really like my 3102.  It seems kinda crappy.
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22:11.48sierHello all
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22:12.08dlynesTSM: it's also caused by long local loops
22:12.19dlynesTSM: such as is common in rural areas
22:13.12p3nguingodfather_: The gateway is a box that would connect between the wall jack and an ethernet port.  You could use that, but I think an actual FXO/FXS card would be nicer.
22:14.01p3nguingodfather_: Let Asterisk do all the work instead of putting another point of configuration into the mix.
22:14.34infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:15.14Godfather_p3nguin,  can you give me a specific example to a fxo fxs card like the linksys spa-3102 ?
22:15.42dlynesrussellb: any idea when fax for asterisk will have a 64-bit edition?
22:15.50p3nguinThe SPA-3102 is a VoIP gateway, not a card.
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22:16.35Godfather_p3nguin, yep, sorry, thx
22:16.58p3nguingodfather_: Will you be using only IP phones once you put Asterisk inline?
22:17.24TSMdlynes: well our office is somewhere in manhattan, so cant guess the loop is that long
22:18.08Godfather_p3nguin, well, what i believe (not sure), if i use this system, it cant be possible to use Analog phones, no?
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22:18.42p3nguingodfather_: You can use analog phones, but IP phones are nice.
22:18.50[TK]D-FenderGodfather_:yes, with adapters
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22:19.37Godfather_aps, well, i explain my problem, maybe you can give me a better solution (this is just for testing and for learning, no profesional)
22:19.51p3nguingodfather_: One FXO port to connect to the wall jack, three FXS ports to connect three regular phones.
22:20.58Godfather_huh? i dont understand that last
22:21.18Godfather_an FXO wall port, connected to.. ?
22:21.25p3nguinThat's not what I said.
22:21.49Godfather_Well, you tried to explain me how to use analog phones no?
22:22.05p3nguinPhones have FXO ports.  The wall jack is considered FXS.
22:22.10Godfather_[TK]D-Fender told thats possible to have analog phones with an adapters
22:22.17p3nguinYou mate the two together to create a circuit.
22:23.19p3nguinYOu could use a single FXO port on your computer, connect it to the wall jack, then use ethernet for every phone.
22:25.11Godfather_p3nguin, yes, this is what i commented, all the phones on ethernet (ip-phones). but [TK]D-Fender told something about adapters to use analog phones, but i cant understand how an analog phone can have an ip ?
22:25.25Godfather_how the adapter give him an ip and connect to the network?
22:25.45p3nguinIf you don't have FXS ports on your computer to attach analog phones, then you will run IP/Ethernet.
22:26.21p3nguinIf you run only IP/Ethernet for phones, you have two choices: Use IP phones or softphones; or use ATAs and analog phones.
22:26.36p3nguinThe ATA is the adapater to use an analog phone on Ethernet.
22:26.48Godfather_p3nguin, yep, ok, connected to the FXS on the computer, thats the question, ok
22:28.01p3nguinI think I would rather just have the FXO port on the computer to connect to the wall jack, then use IP phones everywhere in the house.
22:28.17p3nguinThat requires ethernet cables to be ran, though.
22:28.42angryuser_laptopdect pap2t
22:29.08mchouyeah, word
22:29.14mchoudect pap2t!
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22:30.03sierGuys.. I'm a total newbie w/ asterisk. This is what I'm trying to achieve: Someone calls me, it redirects to an auto-attendant, person chooses from the menu, message is displayed (depending on persons choice).. What do I need to acomplish this? I have a computer, and asterisk is installed..  I'm really lost.. I downloaded a book, but it has 600 pages, and I was wondering if someone could give me a quick overall..
22:30.06mchouactually spa-2102 is probably better
22:30.09Godfather_p3nguin, well, another solution is tou use de ATA adapter wireless, if it exists. I mean, connect the ATA adapter wireless to the main netwrork, and connect to it the analog phones
22:30.17Godfather_this could be possible no?
22:30.46mchouGodfather_: you're making this way to complicated
22:31.24Godfather_mchou, i know the best solution that p3nguin give me to me is use just ip-phones
22:31.31mchouGodfather_: look into spa-2102
22:31.31p3nguinYou would end up using an ATA _and_ a wireless client bridge at each ATA to provide wireless IP connectivity to an analog phone.  Sounds terrible.
22:31.41Godfather_i found that
22:31.56Godfather_but its wired, need to be connected to the router :/
22:32.05mchouGodfather_: that has 1 fxo and 1 fxs port, iirc
22:32.40mchouGodfather_: I don't get it
22:32.55mchouGodfather_: what's wrong with connecting to a router?
22:34.31p3nguinRouters are good for connecting two discontiguous networks together.
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22:34.44Godfather_mchou, sorry
22:34.59Godfather_i seen since "Godfather_: that has 1 fxo and 1 fxs port, iirc"
22:35.05mchourouter=>spa2102=>dect base station=>cordless phones
22:35.12Godfather_but i see on the "Adaptador de telefono con 2 FXF y 2 puertos Ethernet (LAN+WAN)"
22:35.19Godfather_2 fxf and 2 wan
22:35.25p3nguinYou could also use softphones on wirless computers.
22:35.57mchouGodfather_: what's the issue with what I described?
22:36.01p3nguinPersonally, I do not like softphones are every day communications.
22:36.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:36.28[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Ok, I'm home.. lets try this again....
22:36.29Godfather_p3nguin, i prefer ip-phones too
22:36.41[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: For your analog line, the SPA-3102 will give you a FXO to take in the line and 1 FXS port
22:36.48p3nguinYou're probably not going to want to use IP phones wirelessly, though.
22:36.56[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: if you want you can run your entire home's wiring on that ONE PORT
22:37.11mchouyup, agree
22:37.39mchouI think spa=xxx is rated for 3REN, iirc
22:37.51[TK]D-Fendermchou: 7
22:38.11p3nguinThat's a fair amount of devices.
22:38.14loather-workthat's a lot of phones.
22:38.19mchou7? I didnt realize it went that high
22:38.32[TK]D-Fendermchou: To my recollection
22:38.45loather-workthat's enough to ring a couple of those oldschool western electric rotary things
22:39.06Godfather_Well, i think ill but the spa-3102 and test it
22:39.15Godfather_*i will buy
22:39.30mchouspa-3102 does have one very annoying bug
22:39.44mchoudouble hook flash doesnt work right
22:39.46p3nguinloather-work: They probably don't go much over 1, do they?
22:40.04p3nguin1.5 at the most, I guess.
22:40.21Godfather_mchou, well, if you see other devices, are 3xpriced compared to the linksys
22:40.26loather-workp3nguin: some of the older ones do... the VIC-2FXS i have in one of these routers when set to 4REN wouldn't ring it audibly.
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22:40.46Kattyponders dinner.
22:40.48pzn_ShrikE: good hint :-) gotoiftime worked as I needed. thanks!
22:40.52p3nguinkatty: Do it!
22:41.02Kattyp3nguin: i'm pondering what to make for dinner.
22:41.11TJNIIA rotary is aupposed to be 1REN
22:41.14p3nguinkatty: Chicken pot pie?
22:41.15dlynesTSM: but you don't think you could have mismatched impedances, either?
22:41.19loather-worksuppossed to be, yeah
22:41.24Kattyp3nguin: hmm.
22:41.29TJNIISo if a 4REN device couldn't ring one rotary, then it isn't putting out 4REN
22:41.30loather-workdlynes: that's likely the case.
22:41.36Kattyp3nguin: possibility
22:41.37dlynesTSM: if downtown manhattan is anything like any other downtown in the world, it probably has a lot of old wiring kicking around
22:41.55loather-workTJNII: it's quite likely an impedance problem.
22:42.52TJNIInotes that Katty is very food-centric
22:43.07loather-workit's the best way to a woman's heart.
22:43.10Godfather_anyone tested IP-thelephones wireless?
22:43.14loather-workfeed her something she loves!
22:43.36KattyTJNII: it's my hobby.
22:43.37mchou"Maximum Ringer Load: 3 REN"
22:43.37p3nguinMy SPA-3102 seems very generic and cheap.
22:43.38loather-workavoid 802.11 phones. none of them seem to work properly.
22:43.45Godfather_mchou, my not?
22:43.53Godfather_52€ sorry
22:44.04Godfather_yours 78$
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22:44.27mchouyou could probably get it for aroun $65
22:44.33mchou(in US)
22:44.45KattyTJNII: it's what i enjoy doing to unwind from my day
22:44.48Godfather_well, but im in spain, this could be the reason :P
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22:44.57mchoubut that requires careful shopping
22:45.05Godfather_mchou, have you tested a wireless ip-phone?
22:45.05TSMdlynes: yeh true
22:45.23mchoudo no buy wifi IP phones
22:45.32Godfather_mchou, see
22:45.42p3nguinI have a cordless SIP phone that works pretty good.
22:45.58Godfather_cordless = wireless ?
22:46.03p3nguinnot really
22:46.09loather-workthe only wireless ones that work at all are DECT phones. 802.11 phones suck.
22:46.16mchouGodfather_: cordless != wireless
22:46.19p3nguincordless does mean without a wire, but it's not Wi-Fi.
22:46.24mchouwirless == wifi
22:46.34Godfather_mchou, what problems have wifi phones?
22:46.34mchoucordless = DECT
22:46.59p3nguinIt's a regular 2.4GHz cordless phone, but does SIP over Ethernet instead of being analog.
22:47.01infobot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
22:47.06mchouGodfather_: most wifi sip phones outdate very quickly
22:47.12mchoulousy battery life
22:47.41loather-workyou can't really do any meaningful QoS on 802.11 either
22:47.56Godfather_mchou, p3nguin, then need a base station connected wired to the router no?
22:47.56loather-workso someone's bittorrent download in the other room will slam your phone call
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22:48.19p3nguingodfather_: yes
22:48.26mchouGodfather_: [14:35:04] <mchou> router=>spa2102=>dect base station=>cordless phones
22:48.51mchouGodfather_: you're a bit slow on the uptake :)
22:48.54TSMif you want wifi sip in an office, then split networks
22:49.14TSMbut best solution is dect, but expensive for offices
22:49.34mchouTSM: depends on his office :)
22:49.59TSMwe looked at it but did not go for it in the ext
22:50.22mchouTSM: what did you guys use instead?
22:50.33Godfather_mchou, well, first i need a spa3102 as i understand, then the config you told
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22:50.51TSMdetermined that the need was not as great as it was made out by the directors
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22:51.07mchouyou went without
22:51.07dlynesTSM: isn't that always the case?
22:51.17TSMi was looking at the spectralink stuff, expeeeeennnnsive
22:51.20Godfather_mchou,  its to me?
22:51.24thuddwhirris anyone familiar with how the "h" extension works when you have a Dial applicaiton in your dialplan?
22:51.33mchouno, that was to TSM
22:51.45[TK]D-Fenderthuddwhirr: You don't dial from "h".  EVER
22:51.48johnakabeanGotoif($["${__MOHCLASS}" != ""]:somecontext) would this check if the variable is set or not?
22:51.50TSMthuddwhirr: i think its what to do when the user has hung up
22:51.51dlynesthuddwhirr: it automatically gets called, if you have autofallthrough=yes
22:52.01[TK]D-Fenderthuddwhirr: Aside from that, perhaps you should ask a more specific question
22:52.17[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Yes
22:52.17thuddwhirrsorry, wasn't expecting the answeres so quickly :)
22:52.24Godfather_mchou, then i need to buy spa3102 and the 2102, first to convert analog line to voip, and the second to convert the voip to analog phones no?
22:52.26p3nguinthuddwhirr: Sure.  After your dial exits, it will finish the dialplan for that exten.  Then, when that has expired, h runs.
22:52.33mchouGodfather_: no
22:52.47thuddwhirri'm trying to capture CHANNEL(rtpqos, audio, all)  for the two channels involved in the dial application
22:52.49mchouGodfather_: only SPA-3102 will be required
22:52.51[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Yes
22:52.56thuddwhirri was hoping to do so in the "h" extension
22:53.05dlynesGodfather_: the 3102 will convert analog to voip and voip to analog
22:53.14thuddwhirrbut it seems to get called *once* when any party hans up
22:53.18[TK]D-Fenderthuddwhirr: If you are in "h" you aren't **IN** a call
22:53.19dlynesGodfather_: it has both an fxs port and an fxo port
22:53.33johnakabeanh is the hangup context
22:53.33p3nguinthuddwhirr: That's what it should do.  h runs when the call is over.
22:53.43thuddwhirrwell, the call doesnt seem to be over yet
22:53.46thuddwhirrthe dial leg is over
22:53.46p3nguinhangup exten, not context.
22:53.55thuddwhirrer, yes
22:53.55[TK]D-Fenderthuddwhirr: "h" = HANGUP.  Yes.. its dead.
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22:54.04drmessano"he's dead, jim"
22:54.05johnakabeaneither way, h is executed when the channel is about to die
22:54.12Godfather_hehe, i think now i understand... at leas!! jeje
22:54.18Godfather_*at least
22:54.27thuddwhirrright. the dial channel, this is expected, the channel is dead.
22:54.34[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: You only need the SPA-2102 on top of that if you want the phones to act independently
22:54.35johnakabeans means special but can you clarify that for me and them, drmessano
22:54.53[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: otherwise the SPA-3102 might be enough for your full needs
22:54.55thuddwhirrthe channel that called the dial continues, but when its over, i dont se "h" getting called
22:55.00p3nguinThe s exten matches when there is no called number.
22:55.11p3nguinWith SIP, you always have a called number.
22:55.15Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i think the spa-2102 to have more than one fxo port, and can connect more analog lines
22:55.30dlynesp3nguin: not if it's a macro :)
22:55.32mchouGodfather_: yup
22:55.35Godfather_this because the 3102 have just one line
22:55.37[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: No, the SPA-2102 is for connecting PHONES, not LINES
22:55.45Godfather_yes, analog phones sorry
22:55.47drmessanoS means "special"?  news to me
22:55.48mchouGodfather_: correct
22:55.51[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: an that is a 2-port unit
22:55.52p3nguindlynes: There was still a called number, or the macro would not execute.
22:55.59johnakabeanpenguin, i use s in a lot of my dialplans as a starting point; i point to it from another context that catches the number dialed
22:56.07dlynesp3nguin: yes, but not a called 'exten'sion
22:56.11[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I'm sensing a whole lot of "special" around here....
22:56.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: In an Olympic sort of way...
22:56.21mchouGodfather_: linksys make many FXS port units
22:56.28Godfather_with a 3102 and a 2102 i well be able to connect 3 analog phones
22:56.31darkdrgn2k3how can i prepand a number to cid?
22:56.32johnakabeanGotoif($["${__MOHCLASS}" != ""]:somecontext) would this check if the variable is set or not?
22:56.36[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: No....
22:56.53[TK]D-Fender[17:55]<johnakabean>penguin, i use s in a lot of my dialplans as a starting point; i point to it from another context that catches the number dialed <-- no was for this
22:56.55mchouGodfather_: figure out how many phones you need to hook up first
22:57.00dlynesdarkdrgn2k3: Set(CALLERID(num)=${prepend}${CALLERID(num)})
22:57.08[TK]D-Fender[17:56]<johnakabean>Gotoif($["${__MOHCLASS}" != ""]:somecontext) would this check if the variable is set or not? <- sure, why not...
22:57.08johnakabeanjust conversating, fender on that one
22:57.29mchouGodfather_:  (just an example)
22:57.31TSMGodfather_: linksys make a 8 port FXS unit too
22:57.45Godfather_TSM, price?
22:57.49dlynesTSM: that would be a huge waste of money
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22:57.56TSMUK £200 UK
22:58.00Godfather_i can buy for learning purpose a 50€ device, not a 200€
22:58.08mchoudlynes: why?
22:58.09johnakabeanwhat do you mean why not? would that successfully check to see if the variable is set; I don't want it to catch every channel
22:58.11TSMits also fully T38 unit
22:58.29dlynesmchou: just the quality that linksys is famous for
22:59.03mchouumm, if you know ATA that is better than linksys, speak up
22:59.10mchoudlynes: ^^^
22:59.13dlynesI can just see 6 out of the 8 fxs ports going dead within a year
22:59.26dlynesmchou: Mediatrix?  Audiocodes?  Quintum?
23:00.10[TK]D-Fender[17:58]<johnakabean>what do you mean why not? would that successfully check to see if the variable is set; I don't want it to catch every channel <- catch every channel?  PARDON?!
23:00.32johnakabeanI don't want every channel to be sent to that extension
23:00.43[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: How many phones do you have?
23:01.27drmessanodlynes: I suppose a Grandstream ATA is better?
23:01.29[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: ... ok/fine/sure
23:01.41Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i repeat, its for learning purpose, i'll buy a 3102
23:01.50Godfather_and test it with my analog phone
23:01.55[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: So you have 1 analog line and a few analog phones?
23:02.06mchouGodfather_: if you are just learning 3102 will suffice
23:02.13Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, now yes, but i will try a ip-phone too.
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23:02.31[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: No real need for most people.
23:02.46mchouI dunno
23:02.47[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: You can get one if you want, but for home use there really isn't much of a point
23:02.54mchouip phones are nice
23:03.07Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i know, but then i'll buy a ip-phone
23:03.13[TK]D-Fendermchou: Nice, yes... needed?   Lets face it... little more than a toy
23:03.20Godfather_and will be able to set up an office, i think.
23:03.30Godfather_just learning.
23:03.39mchoufull duplex speakerphone I'd say is de rigeur
23:03.47[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Ok, as long as you realize that you aren't going to be transferring calls at home all day you won't realize the real value in your situation.
23:03.51TSMi like it that i can easly give a phone to a user and he/she can take it home and presto its fully working like at the office with remote config
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23:04.10mchounot too many consumer dect speakerphones are full duplex
23:04.18Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, last question
23:04.53johnakabeandlynes, why would the fxs ports go dead?
23:05.24TSMbecause it looses SIP registration
23:05.26Godfather_if a converstaion is stablished between analog phone for example, with my eschema,  other IP-phones on the network when try to make a phone call throght the pstn what happens?
23:05.45Godfather_i dont know if i explained it well, sorry for my english
23:05.47TSMdepends on your setuup
23:06.30Godfather_I mean, now in my house, without any PBX, if i hang up the phone i heard the conversation on the other analog phone
23:06.35[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: If your line is in use, the SPA will report that it is "busy" and Asterisk can choose another resource to call out if you configure it to, or indicate that the line is busy, etc.
23:06.49Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, ah, ok
23:06.59[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Or you could do what I advised earlier
23:07.13Godfather_what you advised?
23:07.14[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: and run your enire home off of ONE FXS port.
23:07.38[TK]D-FendergodAnd then all of your analog phones act like they did before where anyone could pick up and join that call
23:08.11Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, well, maybe this will be the setup with the SPA3102 that i will choose
23:08.33Godfather_thx again
23:08.34[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Perhaps it will.
23:08.46[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: it is a good purchase regarless
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23:09.30Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, what means regarless?
23:09.46[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: "regardless".  Meaning "either way"
23:09.56Godfather_ah ok
23:10.01Godfather_to carry on
23:10.50[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: So if you don't need the FXO port it's FXS port could still be useful to you... it is a very versatile little box
23:12.43TSMdoes anyone have the SPA compiler tool?
23:13.58Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, huh?
23:14.43dlynesjohnakabean: no idea...why do their network ports go dead?
23:14.51Godfather_i need the FXO port to connect the wall jack to my pc
23:15.25dlynesdrmessano: Mediatrix, Audiocodes and Quintum are comparable to Grandsucks in your mind?
23:15.30[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: it has 1 FXS and 1 FXO interface.  Meaning if you don't need one half, the4 other might still be useful.  Also good if you have a line somewhere remote that you want to be able to use with *.  This is advantage over using PCI cards
23:17.37Godfather_[TK]D-Fender,  "Meaning if you don't need one half"? what means here one half?
23:18.01[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: the SPA-3102 lets you use a LINE... AND a PHONE.
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23:18.16[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: both independent of each other
23:18.21benklophello everyone
23:18.49Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i understand that: 3102 have a FXO to connect to the wall (the line pstn), and a FXS to connect the analog phone
23:18.53Godfather_this ir right no?
23:18.58[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Yes it is.
23:19.05benklopis there a way to reduce the latency when two calls are bridged together?
23:19.23Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, well, then i dont understand what you say in that line
23:19.34benklopas in connecting one call to another call which is parked
23:19.39[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Now lets say you decide to get rid of your analog line and use a VOIP Telephony service instead. You wouldn't need the FXO anymore.  However the FXS port on it would still be useful for you
23:19.47johnakabeannative briding benklop
23:20.10johnakabeanyou have to have canreinvite=always
23:20.58Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, ahhh ok, i can be able to use the fxo port as a fxs port
23:21.05[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: No.
23:21.17[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: the SPA-3102 has 2 ports.  1 is FXS.  1 is FXO
23:21.31benklopjohnakabean: ah, ok. that makes sense now... i'm pretty new to asterisk and voip and i forgot that sip endpoints can directly connect
23:21.36[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: they function independently
23:21.44johnakabeanwith native bridging, the endpoints of the calls are connected together. Say you have two providers, provider a and provider b.
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23:22.45johnakabeanthe bad part - your pbx loses complete control
23:23.00johnakabeanuntil one endpoint hangs up
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23:23.59benklopjohnakabean: that's true.. is native bridging even possible when one endpoint is on the other side of a NAT
23:24.37Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, okok, i understand that if for any reason i dont use the fxo port, i will be able to connect the 3102 to the router and have a analog phone connected to it remotely
23:25.37[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: You will ALWAYS have the SPA conencted to your network....
23:25.47Godfather_yes, thats true.
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23:30.01Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i see the 3102 have lan and wan ports, just need to connect the lan port no?
23:30.31[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: jsut saying that Godfather_ You don't need to use it as a router.
23:30.48thuddwhirrlet me take another shot at this question :)  Does anyone know how you would go about getting channel(rtpqos,audio) for both the channels after the Dial application complets?
23:31.18Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, yep, i dont need to act as a router
23:31.26Godfather_i'll connect to my wrt54gl
23:31.28[TK]D-Fenderthuddwhirr: You can't.
23:31.35[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Sure
23:31.52Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, then, the wan port will be empty
23:32.18thuddwhirrseriously?  that seems to limit the usefulness of that metric. . .
23:33.36[TK]D-Fenderthuddwhirr: Because you seem to have issues understanding dialplan flow
23:33.59thuddwhirri do. which is why i'm here asking questions
23:35.04sierWhat's cheaper? Internal Gateway Cards or External USB Cards?
23:35.28[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: What "USB cards"?
23:35.43Qwell[TK]D-Fender: probably means Xorcom
23:36.03[TK]D-FenderQwell: I try to avoid guessing what crazy people may be thinking
23:36.19[TK]D-FenderQwell: And I like to hand out rope :)
23:41.16Kobaz[Nov  3 18:41:02] WARNING[26105]: chan_iax2.c:1219 __send_lagrq: I was supposed to send a LAGRQ with callno 1055, but no such call exists (and I cannot remove lagid, either).
23:41.23Kobazi always get a boatload of those
23:41.33Kobazis there some sort of setting to fix that?
23:41.55sierare my questions really stupid to the point where people ignore me? :P
23:42.09Kobazcould be
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23:42.42[TK]D-Fendersier: No, this is the point where you answer my question with a stupid answer and THEN we start to ignore you :)
23:43.22Kobazdoes the new calltoken stuff have anything to do with LAGRQ's
23:43.26sierbut I didn't see any questions.. hmm
23:43.41[TK]D-Fender[18:35]<[TK]D-Fender>seanbright: What "USB cards"?
23:43.44[TK]D-FenderseiBad aim
23:43.50[TK]D-Fendersier: Bad aim
23:44.11[TK]D-Fendersier: Ok, so what "USB cards"?
23:45.05sierI see.. well I was just talking about it in general, I have a server.. that will eventually run asterisk.. I wanted to know ("in general"), what is cheaper.. Low density internal analog cards or external cards.. I don't have any models in mind..
23:45.34[TK]D-Fendersier: Give us your expected usage and we'll give you our suggestions
23:46.25sierI need something with 1-3 ports (max), usage will be minimum.. I'm probably going to receive/make 5 calls a day
23:46.42[TK]D-Fendersier: thats a 300% margin there.
23:46.47Kobazyou'll need some serious connectivity to handle such a load
23:46.47TSMjust come across the message 'wheezles have eaten our phonesystem' haaa
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23:46.51[TK]D-Fendersier: and what KIND of "ports"?
23:47.49[TK]D-Fendersier: that is a JACK.
23:47.54[TK]D-Fendersier: What SIGNALLING ON IT?>
23:48.20ardnatQuestion:How can dial() and branchoff & transfer to a conference room,
23:48.30KobazTSM: you mean weasel?
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23:48.52ardnatbasicly, enter a number, and it will dial that number and send it to the conference room
23:49.38ardnati currently know how to make it call up a number by entering it and getting the numbers entered
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23:49.48sier[TK]D-Fender analog?
23:50.11[TK]D-Fendersier: WTF are you planning on plugging INTO this device?
23:50.22Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i go to sleep, thx a lot (and also mchou p3nguin and others)
23:50.37Godfather_bye, i will test it in 2 day more or less
23:50.59sier[TK]D-Fender that's a good question..
23:51.45[TK]D-Fendersier: Perhaps you should reconsider your asking advice  for needs you can't even define.
23:51.50ardnatcan you give me an example useage of transfer()
23:52.00Kobazcore show application transfer
23:52.09[TK]D-Fenderardnat: NOT APPLICABLE
23:52.32TSMKobaz: yup, i just C/P a script for mass rebooting my polys, used it and then heard it
23:52.47ardnatthanks kob
23:52.58Kobazrebooting polycoms are fun
23:53.09Kobazwhen are they going to support reconfiguring without rebooting
23:53.23TSMbeep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep :)
23:53.28TSMyup i wish that too
23:53.29sier[TK]D-Fender yes.. my knowledge is minimum.. what I know is.. I have a server running linux, I plan on installing asterisk on it, and I want to plug a analog phone @ it, using a RJ-11 jack.. and I want it to be able to receive calls, and have an auto-attendant..
23:53.32[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Why bother?  Do it right the first time and you never have to reboot them :p
23:53.45Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: but what happens when you need to change something
23:53.53[TK]D-Fendersier: Good... you want to plug a PHONE into it.
23:54.15[TK]D-Fendersier: That was only a tad short of being harder than squeezing blood from a stone...
23:54.27TSM[TK]D-Fender: was nearly correct, just some teathing issues, the ones that nobody says would be nice to have when you had the meeting several weeks back about the new system
23:54.29[TK]D-Fendersier: So you want to use an analog phone with *.  What else?
23:55.06Kobazsier: how are you recieving calls... do you have phone lines in your wall? do you want to get calls over the interwebs?
23:55.10[TK]D-FenderTSM ?
23:55.39Kobazsier: oh... and check out the book... it's free online
23:55.39sierI want to get calls over the interwebs.. I have a 1-800 number, and I wanted to link to this.. I also have google centralvoice , not sure if this matter, or if it can be used..
23:55.45infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:56.25[TK]D-Fendersier: then if all you want is to use analog phones with *, depending on the volume, go with Linksys SPA adapters like the PAP2T-NA
23:56.26sierI started reading it, but It has 600 pages, it will take me a while.. i just wanted to implement something, and start making tweaks as I go..
23:56.31[TK]D-Fendersier: $50 for 2 ports
23:56.38sierhm.. I see
23:56.52Kobazlinksys spa is nice
23:56.59Kobazlinksys fxo would be nice if callerid worked right
23:57.00infobot[~fxsfxo] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
23:57.08ardnatkob whats the cmd for getting the entered digits again?
23:57.13Kobazardnat: Read()
23:57.28tzafrirsier, that's the "type" TK was asking about earlier
23:57.35TSM[TK]D-Fender: you replied to Kobas, his message was in relation to me having to mass reboot my pollys
23:57.45[TK]D-FenderTSM: AH.
23:58.14Kobazbusily continues converting more ael to perl
23:58.22tzafrirThat PAP2 is a 2-ports FXS, for instance
23:58.53tzafriranybody her eactually uses res_lua?
23:58.54sierI see, sorry guys.. So, how does it work? internet > pap2t-na > phone ? Where does asterisk come in place in this? I need to set-up auto-attendant and a voicemail..
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23:59.43Kobaztzafrir: i tried lua... it's kinda a pain
23:59.48[TK]D-Fendersier: SPA plugs on your LAN.  Internet > your router or whatever > * server > SPA > analog phone
23:59.50tzafrirsier, if you can manage all the logic you want with just the PAP2 device, that's fine. If not, you'll need a smarter system such as Asterisk

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