IRC log for #asterisk on 20091101

00:05.45*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
00:13.38*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
00:14.16*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:25.30*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
00:33.56*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
00:35.21*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:55.31*** join/#asterisk joat (
00:58.29*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:10.08*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:19.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
01:41.25*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
01:54.06*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
01:57.13*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
01:58.16ruben23hi can i installe asterisk with dynamic IP on my ISP
01:59.35[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Of course
02:01.42[TK]D-Fenderruben23: is * behind NAT?
02:03.45*** join/#asterisk joat (
02:04.13ruben23where should i go better..?
02:04.32[TK]D-Fenderruben23: The one with a public IP does not need anything to operate just fine.  the other should follow :
02:04.35infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:04.51*** join/#asterisk AlmightyOatmeal (
02:05.08*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
02:05.09AlmightyOatmealif i set an interface to bind to in sip.conf, will all rtp traffic go through that interface as well?
02:07.40carrarYou mean IP?
02:08.29ruben23[TK]D-Fender:  how about for my dynamic connection...?
02:08.40carrarand then I would assume it needs to be the most specific route to the destination in your route table
02:09.13[TK]D-Fenderruben23: ....
02:09.20[TK]D-Fenderruben23: READ THE DAMN INSTRUCTIONS
02:09.34carrarwhere's the candy
02:10.37ChannelZtakes off his pants
02:11.51jayteepants candy?
02:12.22ChannelZIt's up to the reader to decide if it's a trick or a treat
02:15.59*** join/#asterisk ecret (
02:20.03AlmightyOatmealcarrar: yes i meant ip
02:20.23AlmightyOatmealmore routing table goodness to come
02:22.53AlmightyOatmealsip traffic seems to go over the second interface, but rtp doesn't
02:23.38*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
02:48.12*** join/#asterisk diatonic1 (
02:49.19*** join/#asterisk Slashman (
02:54.11manxpowerAnyone know the command to turn the horrid .tex documentation files into something more useful like text?
02:54.31manxpowerAlmightyOatmeal: you're not using bindip= are you?
02:55.02manxpowerI'd be happy to just view those .tex files over an ssh session, I don't care how.
02:55.18manxpower[TK]D-Fender: they turned channelvariables.txt into a .tex file.
02:57.08[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Welcome to "OMG Years Ago"
02:57.50[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: You should be able to read your way throught it in plain-text ignore what little syntax is actually in there
02:58.18manxpowerseems like an additional barrier to n00bs
03:00.16[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: And you'll notice a pre-compiled PDF in there too.... conglomerating all of the .tex's
03:00.30[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: And back to n00b-friendly
03:01.33manxpower[TK]D-Fender: only if you call "n00b friendly" having to copy the file to a machine using a GUI to view the PDF
03:02.01*** join/#asterisk rlarson90 (
03:02.57*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
03:03.51*** join/#asterisk path (
03:04.08[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: You say that as though most newbs aren't going to try just running it on a system running a GUI anyway
03:04.20[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: let alone the FreePBX swarm.
03:04.47[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Seriously... its no impediment to the truly lazy, or the slightly intelligent.  The problem is the ones in between :)
03:04.57manxpower[TK]D-Fender: I really could not care less about GUI people.
03:05.24manxpowerIf they are using a GUI I doubt they are looking at the docs in the Asterisk source tree anyway.
03:06.46pathif I do sip show users from  * CLI this only reads from *.conf files?
03:07.08pathI'm playing around odbc+pgsql
03:07.20pathand realtime :9
03:07.38pathfound database show I can see some users
03:11.27*** part/#asterisk darkpixel (n=darkpixe@2001:470:83b7:4242:6b45:3c76:409c:2f43)
03:13.04*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
03:15.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:20.28Kattypeeks in
03:21.05KattyHAPPY HALLOWEEN :>
03:27.11*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
03:42.45*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:91aa:aa90:5754:8ae4)
03:48.02_ShrikEgive Katty packs of smarties
03:56.00Kattyhow about an apple instead.
03:56.13Kattydark red please :>
04:02.28ChannelZsmarties are the best
04:10.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:17.21*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
04:17.37darkdrgn2khey guys, my asterisx process spiked to 80% buy as far as i know its idle...
04:17.40darkdrgn2kany idea why?
04:17.45darkdrgn2k*but as far..
04:17.52darkdrgn2kor where i can see what its doing
04:18.42jblackclearly something is running. check out the top command
04:18.56darkdrgn2kjblack: as i said ASTERISX process
04:19.04darkdrgn2kits holding at about 80%
04:19.14darkdrgn2kive restarted asterisk, it just spikes up again
04:19.44ChannelZturn up the verbosity or debug and see if it's busy doing something over and over
04:20.04darkdrgn2kso what -r -vvvvvvvvv then debug on
04:20.52darkdrgn2kcause i see nothing :-D few registers here or thre..
04:20.54ChannelZif verbosity isn't showing anything happening then yes turn on debug and see what it might be spending so much time doing
04:21.16Kattycore set verbosity 10
04:21.27Kattyor maybe it's verbose 10
04:21.28Kattyi forget
04:21.34darkdrgn2kverbose 10 :)
04:21.36darkdrgn2kstill nothing
04:21.44darkdrgn2kdid debug 10 as well
04:22.11darkdrgn2khmm well its trying to register to an account thats been disabled...
04:22.17darkdrgn2kbut would that cause it to spike to 80%
04:23.08Kattywhy don't you disconnect the phone/software and see what happens.
04:23.38darkdrgn2kbut i dont see a flood of messages..
04:23.43darkdrgn2kin fact thers like nothign
04:23.56darkdrgn2k4 attempts to registered teh disabled account..... and then nothing
04:24.35darkdrgn2kWOW i think i just found the problem :-P
04:24.47darkdrgn2k100% harddrive :-S
04:24.57darkdrgn2kwtf is using100%
04:25.11ChannelZlogfiles gone wild
04:25.59darkdrgn2k35G     ./log
04:26.52darkdrgn2k-rw-r-----  1 asterisk asterisk 6.6G Oct 31 04:03 full.1
04:26.54darkdrgn2kyep ....
04:27.27darkdrgn2k[Oct 30 04:03:25] NOTICE[5080] chan_iax2.c: Host failed MD5 authentication for '1000' (3e587562080cc044e14fdb8343cba75e != e42d63f64f63687dc52027c6
04:31.12*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
04:32.24*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
04:32.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
04:35.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:39.06Kattydrops a pen
04:39.55ChannelZtakes a picture
04:46.21ppcwhats up
04:46.28Kattyhaving snack
04:46.58Kattyburning a cinnamon vanilla candle...watching virtual fireplace on youtube on one lcd screen, and restaurant city flash game on another.
04:47.15ppcsounds depressing
04:47.30Kattywhy does that sound depressing?
04:47.56ppca virtual fire place?
04:48.12Kattyit's soothing
04:48.23ppcI'm watching K-1 kickboxing
04:48.47Kattymeh, kickboxing
04:48.55Kattymeh, sports ;)
04:49.16Kattyyou watch kickboxing, i'll watch my fireplace
04:49.22Kattyand the boyfriend is watching Supernatural behind me
04:49.47ppcthat sounds familiar
04:50.01KattyDean and Sammy fight the forces of evil.
04:55.23Kattydoi want to buy an electric blanket?
04:59.35Katty <- pretty
05:00.51Kattythat's good camo
05:01.03Kattyi didn't know what i was supposed to be looking for there for a second
05:01.54KattyChannelZ: what kind of blanket do you keep on your bed in the winter?
05:02.21ChannelZI just have a comforter that I use year round (I just sleep on top of everything in the summer)
05:02.31Kattyah, k
05:02.39ChannelZIt's just a tan color, no pattern.. I think from Nautica
05:03.40ChannelZit needs to be washed.  I need to find a laundrymat that has big-ass washers
05:04.13Kattyyou can spritz it with vodka in the meantime
05:04.23Kattythe el cheapo brand will do fine
05:06.41Kattyvodka is a natural disinfectant.
05:07.26Kattyhi leif
05:07.29leifmadsenI have been playing with ableton live far too much lately
05:07.32Kattywhat do you two keep on your bed in the winter?
05:07.47ChannelZleifmadsen: do you know Kid Beyond?
05:07.57leifmadsenKatty: we keep a sheet, comfortor, and think blanket
05:08.04leifmadsenChannelZ: can't say I do
05:08.12leifmadsen<-- deth nesdam!
05:08.18Kattywhat sort of blanket?
05:08.26ChannelZHe's a beatboxer who uses Ableton to do live looping, builds up tracks
05:08.29leifmadsenKatty: just a simple cotton one I think but we don't really use it
05:08.50Kattyi threw some flannel sheets on the bed earlier this week, along with the quilt...but i'm still freezing
05:09.03Kattyanother quilt, and it's too hiot
05:09.13Kattyperhaps a cotton blanket will do nicely. will give it a shot.
05:09.15leifmadsenChannelZ: sounds fun! I'm just learning the software and playing around. I'm traditionally a drummer, and I just got it hooked up via MIDI and learned the Drum Rack effect so I can create my own kits now
05:09.42leifmadsenKatty: ya, the flannel SHOULD be enough typically, but i prefer things to be a bit cool
05:10.09leifmadsenKatty: cotten is good because it tends to breathe when too hot, but warm you up when too cold
05:10.10Kattyleifmadsen: yeah..i'm always freezing :/
05:10.22leifmadsenKatty: I'm always way too hot -- I'm like a furnace
05:10.31Kattyenvy you
05:10.50Kattyhas space heater on right now.
05:10.57ChannelZI think I'm going to head off to the range for a bit
05:11.04Kattykk, sleep well
05:11.15leifmadsenKatty: I'm sweating right now... and I don't even have the heat on
05:11.15ChannelZno sleeping, gunfire!
05:11.21leifmadsenChannelZ: nice :)
05:12.04leifmadsenman, there is almost an overwhelming amount of stuff I could learn about Ableton
05:13.59drmessanoThe Will Smith movie?
05:14.21drmessanoOh, nm
05:16.21[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: And I jsut bought a bass yesterday :)
05:16.38leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: awesome!
05:16.45leifmadsendrmessano: heh, no :)
05:16.50leifmadsenAbleton Live :)
05:17.22Kattyhey fender.
05:17.49[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I have the Live Lite version from my earlier M-Audio purchases, but since I don't really run Windows I never bothered to use it.  Plenty of alternatives here however
05:18.12[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Then again.. I'm a "live" kinda guy, and my jam book has almost hit 110 pgs
05:18.34drmessanoYou guys ever use Reaper?
05:18.49leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: nice -- I don't run Windows typically either, but I installed it on my MacBook Pro, so now I'm able to triple boot between OSX, Linux, and Windows
05:21.33*** join/#asterisk dkirker_ (
05:44.05*** join/#asterisk ardor^ (
05:44.15ardor^I am trying to use the shell command in asterisk.
05:44.34ardor^ERROR[26128]: pbx.c:1550 ast_func_read: Function SHELL not registered
05:51.34[TK]D-Fenderardor^: What version?
05:51.56ardor^I am installing updates now, that might fix it
05:52.00ardor^Thanks Fender
05:52.24ardor^I guess I;ll go watch 40 mins of TV.
05:56.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (n=chatzill@
06:43.55Kattyshouldn't have had that caffeine around 2 :/
06:44.05Kattyhow long does caffeine stay in your system anyway?
06:44.31Kattyoh nice. 18 to 20 hours.
06:44.34Kattyshoot me.
06:45.06*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
06:47.45ardor^Well doing the updates didnt work.
06:48.50ardor^sigh, I need Asterisk 1.6 for Shell to work.. huh.
06:49.16ardor^SHELL: Returns output of a shell command. (1.6)
07:02.05*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
07:17.32ardor^Removing my 1.4 installtion...
07:24.08*** join/#asterisk ramindia (
07:24.15ramindiaany one around
07:24.26ardor^not that i know of
07:25.14ramindiai want to use passthrough g729 bin from "" i have xeon processor, which one i need to download
07:27.59ardor^no ideal what your asking, I know g729 is a codec.
07:31.21*** join/#asterisk errotan (
07:31.22ramindianever mind
07:36.08ChannelZfarts a little
07:42.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (
07:55.08*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
08:01.48mchouasterisk documentation is TERRIBLE
08:03.02mchouI'm reading through sip.conf.sample and the sample conflicts with itself
08:04.16ChannelZyes... yes it is
08:05.31mchou; Don't mix extensions with the names of the devices. Devices need a unique
08:05.31mchou; name. The device name is *not* used as phone numbers. Phone numbers are
08:05.31mchou; anything you declare as an extension in the dialplan (extensions.conf).
08:06.39mchoulater on down the file they then do this:
08:06.44mchou; and finally instantiate a few phones
08:06.44mchou; [2133](natted-phone,my-codecs)
08:06.45mchou;        secret = peekaboo
08:06.45mchou; [2134](natted-phone,ulaw-phone)
08:06.46mchou;        secret = not_very_secret
08:06.48mchou; [2136](public-phone,ulaw-phone)
08:06.50mchou;        secret = not_very_secret_either
08:08.24ChannelZI hate examples like that
08:09.00mchouthey can't even get the freaking terminology straight
08:09.23mchouwhat the hell is a "device?"
08:09.51mchouDo they mean a "Device class" as in all Polycom phones?
08:09.53*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
08:10.09mchouan instance of a device class?
08:10.33ChannelZthey're equating a 'sip user' (*I* don't even know what to call it) as being a device I guess
08:10.35mchoua freakinga sip ua with an account??
08:11.01mchouwhoever wrote this shit should be shot
08:11.15ChannelZI can help with that
08:11.25ChannelZbut you can submit changes :)
08:11.35mchouhell no
08:11.52mchoudocumentation like that is beyond help
08:11.57ChannelZwell then stop complaining.  Such is the life of open source software
08:12.14ChannelZYou get what you pay for
08:12.57ChannelZWhat's the saying? "If you're not part of the solution, you're trying to google for it.."
08:14.11mchouthe sad part was this is so confused it's not even googlable
08:14.20*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
08:15.13mchouI sae someone using syntax like allow=ulaw,alaw, just wanted to know if that was legit
08:16.12*** join/#asterisk phix (
08:16.24mchouyou go over to the asterisk site and none of the sip.conf parameters are even documented
08:20.10ppcWhy cant' you complain about it?
08:22.22mchoucause I'll just get responses like: [01:11:25] <ChannelZ> but you can submit changes :)
08:24.12*** join/#asterisk phix (
08:29.20*** join/#asterisk plundra ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:29.20*** join/#asterisk jql ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:46.46mumtazah1hello, i would like to ask, how to handle asterisk through web
08:46.49mumtazah1like web can see the status
08:49.13trogsmchou: all of the sip.conf parameters are documented here - (this is the asterisk book in html form, which is actually far bettery than trying to read any of the docu or examples
08:50.01mchoutrogs: I'm not so sure that's current
08:50.20mchoutrogs: the reason for this was I upgraded
08:50.59mchouneeded to find out what new keywords/parameters meant
08:57.11*** join/#asterisk plundra ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:58.43trogsyeah teh book is quite old now
09:02.21*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
09:02.56*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:11.09ChannelZLook I think the docs suck too and I said as much
09:12.11ChannelZBut then I suggested fixing some of it you basically said 'fuck that'.  So if your time is better spent whining, well knock yourself out
09:25.16trogshard to fix if the information that needs fixing is what you're actually looking for
09:27.10ChannelZof course but he was lamenting about inconsistencies in terminology and such as well
09:39.38*** join/#asterisk dkirker (
09:51.44*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
10:05.43*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
10:23.39*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
10:47.10*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
10:51.01*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
10:59.57*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
11:01.56TSM2wot :)
11:02.10*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
11:02.10Godfather_im trying to set up an asterisk server. It seems is already running ( Asterisk PBX is already running. Use restart ), but i cant connect with the softphones...
11:02.43Godfather_i tried ekiga and linphone with no succeed
11:03.03infobotfrom memory, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
11:03.54mchouGodfather_: dont expect to install asterisk and have it "just work"
11:04.05mchouconfiguration is necessary
11:04.19Godfather_mchou, i followed those configurations in /etc/astersik
11:04.26Godfather_i created some users
11:04.46Godfather_i'll read this book and will be back
11:04.49mchouyou followed _which_ configurations?
11:05.23Godfather_its in spanish, but should work
11:05.52Godfather_i mean, i edited sip.conf,  and manager.conf
11:06.06Godfather_with the examples on that web (just copy & paste)
11:06.21mchouhaha, that's rich
11:06.32mchouit should work, but isnt
11:06.43Godfather_yep, you are right hehe
11:07.03Godfather_i tried to connect from the same host, it could be a problem?
11:07.53mchouyou need different ports of softphone and asterisk is on the same host
11:08.53mchousomething that's definitely not mentioned in "Configuración de cliente Ekiga."
11:09.57mchouthat's not actually not a bad write-up but you still need to read the book
11:09.59Godfather_mchou, well, i remember when i opened linphone it says ' UDP port 5060 seem already in use! cannot initzialize"
11:10.04Godfather_or something similar
11:10.23mchouthat is your problem
11:10.42mchouthat page has good instructions
11:11.01Godfather_now i will try from another host of my net i just try to connect, then ill read the book, seems pretty
11:11.07mchouyou just need to change to port 5061 or whatever on the softphone
11:18.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:19.07*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
11:22.56lesouvageDoes any of you have an idea about the cost range of  gsm picocells that can be used to set up your own inhouse gsm network (that can be integrated into an Asterisk based solution)
11:27.53TSM2ive not seen any small picocells
11:28.04TSM2i think its all regulated, well in the uk it is
11:34.18*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
11:38.34*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
11:42.20*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
11:52.44lesouvageTSM2: in Holland it is allowed to set up an inhouse gsm with low power gsm picocells. My first impression is that it is the dreamed solution that avoids lots of points of failure. But I can't find any info about the costs of setting up an inhous gsm network.
11:55.02lesouvageThat might be a major barrier for implementation.
11:55.31*** join/#asterisk jbw (
11:55.40*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
12:01.14mchounortel fire sale looks really tempting
12:02.00mchouLG-Nortel 6812 for $30
12:02.19mchouwonder if it plays well with asterisk
12:10.06*** join/#asterisk TiToyz (
12:12.38TSM2thats one horible phone
12:13.23mchouTSM2: hmm??
12:13.50mchouTSM2: you speak from personal experience with this phone?
12:14.17TSM2looks horible
12:14.21mchouTSM2: lol
12:14.33TSM2out of all the phones i thing that polys seem to be at the top
12:14.40TSM2look wise
12:14.46TSM2then Astra
12:14.49mchouTSM2: I haven'rt seen it in person but it's built like a tank, Ive heard
12:15.08mchoupolycoms dont work fro me
12:15.13mchouvolume is too low
12:15.53mchouI had a polycom for all off two weeks and went back to my old phone
12:16.06TSM2there are XML settings to sort that out
12:16.35mchouTSM2: what makes you think I didnt try that?
12:17.00TSM2because ive seen a few people use the wrong settings, there are about 20 diffrent ones
12:17.28mchouTSM2: I used thr right settings all right
12:17.40mchoupolycoms still suck
12:18.01TSM2naa they dont, im not having any probs with them
12:18.17*** join/#asterisk SirColin (
12:18.18TSM2im about to roll out a 35phone system in one of our offices tommorow
12:18.25*** part/#asterisk SirColin (
12:18.35mchoufor speakerphone the volume is so low to be unusable
12:18.59TSM2naa, had no issues with that
12:19.07mchouit's lame ass junk
12:19.12TSM2if i want it that loud ile have a conf phone
12:19.20mchouI took the shit apart
12:19.33mchouteeny lil speaker
12:19.39TSM2which model
12:20.11TSM2old series
12:20.24TSM2ive got 330/331/450/550
12:20.37mchousucked back then, still havent changed
12:21.05TSM2keep deluding, they are the most popular phones, must be for a reason
12:21.27mchou50 billion flies eat shit
12:21.30TSM2most other manufs need to step up to the plate and create better looking phones
12:21.42TSM2dont need that many files, there is a way around that
12:21.43mchoudoesnt mean you should follow the fly
12:21.53*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
12:22.21mchouTSM2: you sound like someone who favors style over substance
12:22.42TSM2nop, i look at both equaly, you dont want shit on your corporate desks
12:22.47mchouit's not as if polycoms are pretty
12:23.16TSM2better than cisco/linksys etc.. i have to say only astra is on par with poly
12:23.27mchoucorporate desks?
12:23.37mchouare you frigging daft?
12:23.42TSM2less than you
12:23.56mchouwhich "visitors" are going to see them?
12:24.08mchouthis is rich
12:25.38mchou"Oh, they've got shit looking phones, must be an awful place to work"
12:25.54TSM2no its the whole package
12:26.15mchouTSM2: whole package?
12:26.16TSM2at the end of the day i think polys work well, good config
12:27.07mchouTSM2: I aasked you at the beginning of this convo whether you had any personal experience with these phones
12:27.48mchousince you replied no, how are you coming to the conclusion that polycoms represent a superior "package?"
12:28.31mchouTSM2: or you just like to talk smack?
12:29.22*** join/#asterisk naif (
12:29.24naifokhi all
12:29.31naifafter in depth analisys
12:29.49naifi conclude that there is no way to have a "modem terminal" to establish even a v.21 300bps connection trough VoIP
12:29.58naifnot even there are commercial software doing it
12:30.02naifit's incredible
12:30.19mchounaif: it's obvious
12:30.33voipmonkhave you tried TIA or SliRP from back in the day, naif?
12:30.45voipmonkor SLIPPP
12:30.56voipmonkold skewl
12:30.59naifis not obvious, with ulaw and packet redundancy it may be possible to reach even 9600bps. I just was looking for a dirty low speed carrier
12:31.20mchouit aint about the bandwidth
12:31.36naifvoipmonk: SliRP is not a DSP
12:31.45naifhere the problem is the DSP software's available (spandsp)
12:32.04naifthat does not speak the modem connections others than FAX ones
12:32.19naifand there's not even commercial software to do it.
12:32.30naifThe only way is to get an ATA and use the RJ11 analog port trough a real modem
12:32.37mchounaif: you cant fit 15 lbs of crap in a 5 lb. bag
12:32.53naifit's plenty of ppl even reaching 19.200bps using sipura ATA and g711 making modem over VoIP
12:32.59naifbut there's no software solution
12:33.14mchounaif: wideband(modem) and narroband(speech)
12:33.28naifi wrote to spandsp author to ask him if he can accept a consultancy to include some signaling
12:33.32naifeven with commercial DSP libraries
12:33.42naifbecause most of the 'standard' modem are patented
12:33.53naifand so usually are only available as a commercial implementation
12:34.05naifa valid implementation would be
12:34.09naifto replace spandsp
12:34.12naifwith IAXmodem
12:34.14mchounaif: you cant violate laws of physics
12:34.29naifmchou: modem over VoIP can be done. It works using VoIP ATA
12:34.39florzof course it can be done
12:34.52mchounaif: "works" would be putting it charitably
12:34.53naifis not a matter of laws of physics but of availability of software implementation of the modem
12:35.23mchounaif: ask vonage how they are doing with the class action lawsuit on failed fax
12:35.57mchounaif: you know anyone that thinks it's even close to RELIABLE?
12:36.01naifmchou: The problem with "SOME" fax machine is that only get carrier at 14400bps and 14400bps are difficult to reach on VoI
12:36.08naifand that' the only bug
12:36.26naifif remote fax modem stay 4800bps you would almost certanly get a carrier
12:36.33naif'purely' technically speaking
12:36.57mchouexcept there is the real world outside the lab
12:37.12naifi know
12:37.51naifI am wondering how much could it costs and to which ask to integrate Linmodem ( that is made specifically for MODEM as a DSP backend for IAXModem replacing the spandsp (that is made specifically for FAX)
12:37.56florzit simply depends on the quality of the network, the reduncancy used, and the jitter buffers at the ends - there is nothing magic about modem connections over VoIP
12:38.00*** join/#asterisk louben (
12:38.35mchouflorz: jitter buffers? are you kidding me?
12:38.51florzmchou: no, why should I?
12:39.21mchouflorz: cause if you have ANY jitter all bets are off on fax
12:39.34florzmchou: that's pretty obviously bullshit
12:39.49mchouflorz: hell no
12:39.55florzmchou: hell yes
12:40.12naifflorz: but in fact when T38 is in place it zeroize the jitterbuffer and provide packet redundancy at RTP level in asterisk
12:40.59florznaif: well, yeah, T.38 is a slightly different business, of course - I was speaking of G.711
12:42.06florzmchou: seriously, you obviously don't understand the problem
12:42.19naifdoes anyone know who could be asked/provided a consultancy to make such integration?
12:42.43florzmchou: the problem with jitter and fax is when you have jitter in the analog signal - which is exactly what you make disappear by using a jitter buffer
12:43.29mchouflorz: riddle me this: G.711 is a vocoder.  How you make modem tones fit inside a vocoder?
12:43.42florzmchou: a jitter buffer simply transforms jitter into latency - and since fax doesn't care much about latency, it's not too difficult to get rid of all jitter
12:43.52mchouoh lord
12:44.18florzmchou: whatever you mean by a "vocoder" - you mean, like, one cannot build modem connections through the PSTN?
12:44.28mchouoh my god
12:44.39florzyes, please?
12:44.55TSM2G729 you will have a major issue, thats a proper vocoder
12:45.21mchoucopper aint tuned just to accomdate speech.  Speaker wires on your stereo prove that
12:45.23florzmchou: is it possible that you are not aware of the fact that the whole PSTN (well, pretty much) transfers everything in G.711?
12:45.28TSM2G711 is just a standard audio codec without any phycoacustic encoding
12:47.11florzwell, depends on whether you consider the logarithmic sensitivity of the ear a "psychoacoustic" effect, I guess
12:47.40TSM2psychoacoustic encoding has voice properties coded in, in a way its predictive
12:49.23TSM2you could never run fax/data using G729
12:49.40florzwell, depends on the kind of modem, obviously =:-)
12:50.52TSM2true, but i dont think one exists
12:51.19florzdoes a human count?
12:51.28TSM2well i was gona write that
12:53.02*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
12:56.39florzmchou: oh, and just in case: the current telephone network does not use relays much anymore - so, you don't get a pair of copper wire from start to end anymore in most places (as in: everywhere), but just a 8 kHz/8bit G.711 audio channel that probably even has a low frequency limit (so, no DC voltage transfer)
12:57.17mchouare you daft?
12:57.26florzare you?
12:57.34mchouI wasnt talking about voltage transfer
12:59.48florzoh, IC, you wanted to use mechanical impulses through the copper wire?
12:59.48florzclever idea, saves you the microphone :-)
12:59.48florzbut that would be some noisy modems, I guess ...
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13:36.34dlynesIf you get 'Beginning cache-load run for flavor 'nocona'...', or something similar when you run the benchtest for asterisk fax, and it sits there and never returns, is it going to do it every single time?
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14:04.28*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (n=mangy@
14:04.43dandate2what are the stipulations against wardialing a competitors toll-free line to rack up their bill. any legalities?
14:05.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
14:07.54*** join/#asterisk Zarag (
14:07.57dandate2i ask because some losers in the philippines been directing their traffic to my 800# in hopes that i provide service for their fraudulent service. i have 24 dial up modems available, if i pound their toll free line with calls will comcast shut my service off?
14:09.27ZaragHere is what I want to do: I want to connect to my asterisk server with a DISA command to make an external call. Once that external call is connected with the person, I want to bridge them over a meetme conference. How can I do this?
14:10.35*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat_ (n=cosmicwo@
14:10.42TSM2transfer them into the conference, then make another call into the system and put youself into the conference
14:11.08ZaragTSM2: how do I transfer them to the conference when the call is active?
14:11.47TSM2or *2 i think
14:11.54TSM2## is blind transfer
14:12.02TSM2*2 is attended transfer
14:12.26Zaragbut where do I configure it so that asterisk knows which conference to transfer to?
14:12.30TSM2or just a DDI into the meetme app, then they need to put in pin code to getinto the room
14:13.49dandate2i guess if comcast shuts my serviecv off i can tell em my vpn network got hacked
14:17.23[TK]D-FenderZarag: You TRANSFER them.  When you transfer the call you dial the extension in your dialplan to send them to.  So pick one that leads to MeetMe.
14:17.45[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Riiiight...
14:18.02[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Bad idea mentioning VPN, because that should be a LOT harder to crack than anything else
14:18.47ZaragOk makes sense thx
14:20.59*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
14:21.01ZaragTKD-Fender: What if my outside call is a standard (non voip) verizon bridge that from there I also need to enter pounds to get in it?
14:21.08dandate2well im just wondering, if i war dial an 800# will comcast shut me down? am i breaking any laws?
14:21.42TSM2why do you want to wardial 800 numbers
14:21.54[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Grow up
14:22.21dandate2cuz thers this company in the philippines that is frauding me
14:22.34dandate2they dont have much money so i figure i can finish em off with a few days of mass calling on their toll free
14:22.42[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: And Iwar-dialing is an "attack" and they could shut you down for legal, or perhaps contract reason, etc.  They could simply consider it "network abuse".
14:23.02TSM2dandate2: they will just BL you number soon
14:23.18dandate2prolly finish em off before they can do that
14:23.28TSM2doubt it
14:23.51dandate2for sure, they are , their website doesnt even work. but if u call their hotline they say they work at my home address, give you my toll free line
14:24.25[TK]D-FenderZarag: "Use the "t" dial option to allow you to transfer the call you place when you dial out.
14:24.50[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Then call their ISP hand have them shut down.
14:25.45dandate2well i complain and complain, i have recordings, but everyone wants "documentation"
14:26.01dandate2whatever happened to good ol vigilante justice
14:26.47[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: A bunch of them got sued and losing that battle after winning the "vigilange street-justice" battle was a bitter pill.
14:26.57[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: So grow up.
14:27.11dandate2alright then
14:34.47*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (
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14:46.38ppcdandate2: I don't think they would care
14:47.17ppcAs long as you aren't screwing up the network, they probably have other things to do
14:47.35dandate2i figured the voip provider would be making money so
14:47.43dandate2probably wouldnt even file anything
14:47.49ppcEveryone is making money in that scenario except the scammers
14:47.56ppcand who is going to go out on a limb for them?
14:48.19ppcIt's not even an attack really, they setup a phone number whoever calls it is their problem
14:48.43dandate2yeah thats what i thought, but mabye comcast wil lsee a bunch of dialed #s on an 800, redialing every 3 seconds and think something is up
14:49.07dandate2not even waiting for the hangup cuz u can get em quicker redialing than waiting a whole minute
14:50.02ppcI'm not sure but I think they might get money everytime you dial that number
14:50.12dandate2who comcast?
14:50.19ppci might be completely wrong on that, yeah
14:50.31ppcI just read a story about something like that w/ google
14:50.46dandate2i know the outbound trunk providers charge u to call toll free
14:50.52dandate2but my comcast digital voice lines no right
14:53.31ppcjust an interesting read
14:53.37pathis it any worth trying to develop a web softpone?
14:53.51ppcpath: for what?
14:53.52dandate2only if u develop a stable browser
14:54.05pathgood answer
14:54.12TSM2why not just do it as a java applet?
14:54.25TSM2flash would be cool
14:54.55TSM2but flash prolly does not have enough access to the TCP stack
14:55.00paththough I hate flash :D
14:55.07TSM2java would be the best probability
15:00.15*** join/#asterisk bbeattie (n=bbeattie@
15:02.20darkdrgn2kumm i though there have been softphones deleoped in java already
15:02.41pathopen source?
15:02.42bbeattieWhat's a name/reference I can google to read up on how to calling a number when a user uses a phone history of calls and selects a number?  The phone isn't smart enough to prepend a 9+ only on those calls.  The phone supports auto adding numbers to a call but if this is set in the phone, the phone no longer is able to call internal extensions as every number has a 9 at the beginning.
15:02.59darkdrgn2kim not sure if this is the one but
15:03.17darkdrgn2ki know i found one at one point.. i dont think its that one
15:04.01darkdrgn2kmight have been.. but google around i know i seen them
15:04.14paththanks darkdrgn2k :9
15:04.37darkdrgn2ki know Nortel in its MCS package has a java softphone bult in.. works pritty well to
15:05.00[TK]D-Fenderbbeattie: Change your dialplan so you don't need a prefix
15:05.19[TK]D-Fenderbbeattie: Dialout prefixes are so 1980
15:06.01darkdrgn2klol@1980 refrence
15:06.02dlynesdandate2: cooll...none of the links on their website work, either
15:06.07dlynesdandate2: was that your handiwork?
15:06.24*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
15:11.23dlynesIf you get 'Beginning cache-load run for flavor 'nocona'...', or something similar when you run the benchtest for asterisk fax, and it sits there and never returns, is it going to do it every single time?
15:11.38dlynesOr any other status message in benchtest, for that matter?
15:13.19dlynesI'm having troubles getting it to actually complete, no matter how many times I run keeps stalling in random spots
15:14.31dlynesIf it helps at all, it's happening on an AMD Opteron 246
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16:43.53ardnathey guys
16:43.56ardnatquick question
16:44.03ardnatcan i use CDR(durration)
16:44.09ardnatto check the total durration
16:44.14ardnatof the account
16:44.17ardnat's calls
16:45.12ardnatanyone ?
16:46.15TSM2ardinat = Johnny_
16:46.25TSM2ardnat = Johnny_
16:46.58ardnatthis is my freenode account
16:47.05TSM2it was not a question
16:47.07ardnati need to auth to get into astrisk
16:47.17TSM2yup true
16:47.34ardnatTSM is this corrent
16:47.56ardnatCDR(durration)=total durration
16:48.00ardnator just of that call
16:50.31[TK]D-Fender1 call does not look at another
16:51.12ardnathow could you get it to make the total calls then
16:51.41*** join/#asterisk ecret (
16:51.53ardnatbeause you couldnt do the CDR(durration) after the dial command
16:52.07ardnatbeause when you disconect it wont excute
16:52.28ardnatunless the reciving party disconnects
16:53.38[TK]D-Fenderardnat: "total calls"?  What "total calls"?  This looks at the CURRENT CHANNEL ONLY
16:54.09ardnatI would like the sum of all the calls the current accunt has made
16:54.10*** join/#asterisk brightontez (
16:54.17ardnatthe billsec durration
16:54.21brightontezgood evening
16:54.24ardnatis there a command to do this
16:54.24[TK]D-Fenderardnat: that involes looking at CDR history
16:54.34[TK]D-Fenderardnat: and is a completely external process you have to program yourself
16:54.48[TK]D-Fenderardnat: No, there is no command, you have to write an APPLICATION to do it
16:54.54ardnatis the CDR is xml?
16:54.58ardnator cvs?
16:55.03[TK]D-Fenderardnat: No, CSV / DB
16:55.15ardnatah ok
16:55.32infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:55.32brightontezis this the right place for a noob to ask questions...? or is there a better channel?
16:55.36[TK]D-Fender^^ get reading...
16:55.38ardnatah that sucks
16:55.46[TK]D-FenderbriDepends on the questions
16:56.00[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: Depends on the questions
16:57.17ardnatTK can you give me an example CDR CVS file as I am unable to acess my server currently
16:57.22brightontezOK. Just installed asterisk now, got tdm410 card, just want to find somewhere to 'begin to learn how to get it going' as simple as poss to begin.
16:57.59brightontezi'm linux experenced since early slack. asterisk virgin
16:58.22ardnatso you want a sort of tutorial bright?
16:58.57brightontezplease ardanat
16:59.08[TK]D-Fenderardnat: its all documented in the book and in the source tarball.  Get reading.
16:59.47brightontezum, didn't use the tarball. built a box and shoved the cd in and then thought um
17:00.23*** join/#asterisk debuggerboy (n=debugger@
17:00.49[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: ...
17:00.51infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:01.11[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: GUI's are not supported in this channel
17:01.32brightontezok, i'm not scared at firing up vi :)
17:01.38[TK]D-FenderbriToo late <-
17:01.49brightontezmc is my friend :D
17:01.50[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: You're running a distro that completely manages things
17:03.44*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (n=mklaus@
17:03.47brightontezso, what's the best way forward? not scared to use a shell (prefer it)
17:08.15[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: We support only from-scratch installs here or custom bits that fall outside of GUI's etc
17:09.13brightontezD-Fender: thanks. i'm keen to do a from scratch install.
17:10.46brightontezD-Fender: i'm not into gui stuff at the best of times. box will only be for home use.
17:12.14TSM2when doing URI dialing, will * lookup the DNS SVR record of the domain you are calling?
17:12.37brightontezI'll have a quick look at the link ardnat kindly gave.
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17:30.44brightontezOK, I'll install a fresh copy of Centos and start again.
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17:43.33sizzersgood day everyone
17:43.52*** join/#asterisk Malkor (
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17:45.13sizzersI would like some help understanding the skype-for-asterisk logic and call flow before I decide to do anything with it. Does anyone have a link to the details, or personal experience with it yet?
17:54.08sizzersfirst, the software license schema which involves simultaneous channels, how are the keys managed?
17:54.19lesouvageDoes Asterisk supports setting up a private gsm network in some way as an alternative for
18:00.14*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
18:03.20sizzerslesouvage, realize that the key to such a network would be the actual cellular tower emulation equipment for the cell phones to communicate with
18:03.44sizzersasterisk has no such functionality
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18:07.47lesouvagesizzers: I understand that it has to be a combination between software and hardware. It has not been allowed for a long time tos setup a private gsm network but in Holland it is since short time. It would be great if Digium would offer the hardware to set it up combined with the software support within Asterisk.
18:08.05*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (n=mklaus@
18:09.14sizzersindeed, it's extremely cool technology
18:09.36sizzershowever this would probably take digium at least 2 years to get a product to market
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18:11.12sizzersfurthermore, they'd be delving into a brand new industry, where there's already industrial strength and mature solutions available
18:11.34sizzersi don't speak for digium, but i don't see the business case for them to get involve
18:15.38*** join/#asterisk Dabian (n=morten@fsf/member/dabian)
18:16.18DabianI've battered with asterisk configuration for a day
18:16.29Dabianor so now.  Is this the right channel to ask for help?
18:17.14*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
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18:19.46DabianI managed to set up my
18:20.22Dabianphone-thing .. and I can dial the local echotest in my extension context .. I can also dial asterisk from my M
18:20.26*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
18:20.30DabianMobile phone.
18:20.36Dabian(celluar phone)
18:20.53DabianHowever, calling out troubles me.
18:21.15riddleboxhave you read the book?
18:21.16DabianI have two providers, and apparently I can register alright
18:21.23Dabianthe book?
18:21.38infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:21.39DabianNo, I don't think so
18:22.08DabianI went by some site with a quickstart guide .. since my setup is simple for now.
18:22.13dlynesI guess the 32-bit version of benchfax and res_fax and res_fax_digium won't work on 64-bit architectures?
18:22.14riddleboxthanks [TK]D-Fender ]
18:22.20DabianAlso, the asterisk I use is quite old, I guess.
18:23.18[TK]D-FenderDabian: No matter.  Perhaps you should describe your problem in more detail than "calling out troubles me."
18:23.32DabianYes ...
18:23.36riddleboxDabian,  if you read that book it will explain how to dial out
18:24.30Dabianriddlebox : Right .. I kinda assume its just a few lines in sip.conf and extention.conf though.
18:24.43*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
18:25.07debuggerboysangoma or digium the best?
18:25.12Dabiansomethinhg like this:
18:25.14[TK]D-Fenderdebuggerboy: Yes
18:25.15Dabianexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},120)
18:25.24Dabianexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},120)
18:25.36Dabian(my provider is musimi)
18:25.52riddleboxDabian, pretty much the book will help you through
18:26.20[TK]D-FenderDabian: You need to set up a peer entry in sip.conf with the correct auth, codecs, host, etc.
18:26.33Dabianriddlebox : You might be right ... I've consulted a lot of sites now, including the .. but I seem to be pretty thick.
18:26.36debuggerboyevery where on asterisk web its digium described. What about sangoma?
18:26.55Dabian[TK]D-Fender : I setup as a friend ...
18:27.39debuggerboywhere can I find some installation instructions regarding to Sangoma A200D
18:27.55[TK]D-FenderDabian: You should not use hostnames as a peer entry in sip.conf
18:28.10[TK]D-Fenderdebuggerboy: On Sangoma's support WIKI
18:28.19TSM2yup sangoma have lots of docs
18:28.31TSM2even their cfg_dahdi tool does all the work for you
18:28.38Dabian[TK]D-Fender : The dot will trick asterisk?
18:28.43debuggerboyTSM2: do you have any good URLs?
18:28.58TSM2just goto
18:29.39lesouvagesizzers: the businesscase for setting up Private Mobile Network is the same as the businesscase for the other hardware. Offering high quality hardware that in combination with Asterisk offers a high quality flexible and open communication solution and a vihicle  for offering paid services
18:30.03*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (
18:30.28[TK]D-FenderDabian: Not a good idea.  Simply don't do it.
18:30.36*** join/#asterisk brightontez (
18:31.08Dabianhmm .. guess I do need to read the book ...
18:31.26brightontezwhat book?
18:31.51infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:32.43lesouvagesizzers: btw, there aren't that many providers of this kind of hardware, at least I haven't find that many on the internet.
18:33.07debuggerboyTSM2: thanks gud docs.
18:33.28Dabian[TK]D-Fender : I guess the hostpart of the register line, doesn't have to correspond to the entry for peer/friend in sip.conf?
18:33.53Dabianregister line, and peer entry are not connected (as such)
18:34.03[TK]D-FenderDabian: these 2 aspects are completely separate of each other
18:34.15Dabianahh .. that explains a lot. :)
18:34.31infobot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
18:36.24Dabian[TK]D-Fender : So basicly I just need a register-line for incomming calls, and a peer-section for outgoing calls.
18:37.49Dabian[TK]D-Fender : Thanks.  That makes a lot of sense! :)
18:37.55*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
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18:38.49brightontezd-fender: I've reinstalled asterisk as per and the asterisk -vvvgci
18:38.50Dabianexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/musimi/${EXTEN},120)
18:38.53Dabiandoes thaexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/musimi/${EXTEN},120)
18:39.15Dabiandoes that look functional, assuming everything else is good?
18:40.34[TK]D-FenderDabian: Sure, as long as the # is in an acceptable format, and the rest of your sip.conf is correct
18:41.31Dabian[TK]D-Fender : The line will send all digits typed before the poundkey to the peer "musimi", right?
18:42.50*** join/#asterisk ardor^ (
18:42.51[TK]D-FenderDabian: No, that will send whatever was dialed starting with a digit and at least one more char to your provider
18:43.18ardor^Can i pass Veriables into a ${SHELL(echo ${VAR})
18:44.08ardor^exten => _XX,1,Set(r=${SHELL(if [ -f ${ICSNDDIR}${EXTEN} ]; then echo -n 1; else echo -n 0; fi)})
18:45.54infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:46.39kaldemarardor^: of course.
18:46.58ardor^pbx.c:2970 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
18:47.05ardor^But I dont think I am missing a '}'
18:49.10ardor^Pretty werid, Dont you think Kaldemar
18:49.27Dabian[TK]D-Fender : How can I test if my PEER entry is functional?
18:49.40[TK]D-FenderDabian: USE IT
18:49.59kaldemarardor^: ; might be the source of your problem
18:50.02Dabian[TK]D-Fender : Can I use it from the console?
18:50.15[TK]D-FenderDabian: use a softphone or some other device
18:50.30ardor^Kaldemar what does a ; have to do with anything? (dont understand)
18:50.36Dabian[TK]D-Fender I have a Sipura2k connected to my asterisk
18:50.45*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:51.21kaldemarardor^: the extension you posted has them. comment characters.
18:51.22ardor^you think i have ; in my shell string and Asterisk is thinking they are commints
18:51.25ardor^that make since.
18:51.47ardor^Well, How do i send ';' in my shell statments.
18:51.48kaldemarescape them with \
18:53.01Dabian[TK]D-Fender : I can use the other extensions I have in my context, but when I try for instance an 8-digit number, I just get a busy tone.
18:53.01*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (n=mangy@
18:53.26ardor^Thanks Kaldemar that worked it says my shell statment is broken now so let me look into that.
18:53.33dandate2any kayako tech support avail? my ticket is critical my pbx got hacked and they turned db authentication in my.cfg so i cannot access http gui
18:53.36[TK]D-FenderDabian: PASTEBIN is your friend <-
18:53.36Dabian[TK]D-Fender : I am not sure how to debug that problem
18:53.39infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
18:54.42ardor^if [ -f /usr/share/asterisk/ic/snds/55 ]; then echo -n 1; else echo -n 0; fi
18:54.42*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
18:54.47ardor^works fine in my bash shell
18:55.02ardor^also works in sh
18:55.14ardor^sh: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")
18:56.28[TK]D-Fenderardor^: "core show function STAT"
18:57.04ardor^Thats a good work around.
18:57.14ardor^I could also use a shellscript i guess.
18:57.51[TK]D-Fenderardor^: Workaround?  more like the direct way, rather than reinventing the wheel
18:58.15ardor^Yes, but not all wheels are invented.
18:58.29ardor^I need to know how to make them
18:58.53ardor^but I will use stat
18:59.11ardor^after i slove this, (which is silly but I;ll learn 2 things.)
19:03.24brightontezI just started reading the asterisk book and there is no reference to dahdi...
19:03.42infobot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
19:03.49ardor^D-Fender: I gave up, I am using stat now, Thanks
19:04.05*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
19:04.14ardor^D-Fender if i have to do multiline Shell Commands, I will use a simple script.
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19:04.37brightontezerror 404
19:05.08DabianHmm .. apparently it calls the number at my provider correctly, but then tries to transfer the call to same extension as I called locally?
19:05.49DabianI have the feeling I should get rid of the "clutter" in my config files. :D
19:07.45brightontezwho do I tell gives error 404 to? tnx
19:09.45ChannelZMaybe the big giant link at the bottom that says "Feedback or Report Broken Links" ?
19:11.01brightontezsorry if I type ~dahdi the bot gives the broken link
19:11.26*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
19:12.22Dabian[TK]D-Fender : Hmmm .. the "" .. I shouldn't set that to the FQDN of the asterisk server, but rather to the domain of my provider?
19:12.49Dabian(In sip.conf)
19:13.04[TK]D-FenderDabian: Probably shouldn't touch
19:13.23[TK]D-FenderbriIts just the new name.  its configs are a tiny bit different, but thats all.
19:13.32[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: Read the docs from its tarball
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19:21.00sizzersDabian, when trying to learn the basics, it's a good idea to get rid of clutter in sip.conf , however, save a copy of the original first (always best practices)
19:21.36sizzersalso, the domain parameter is probably not relevant for your situation
19:22.15sizzersWow d-fender, i haven't been on IRC in probably a year and a half , it's awesome to see that you're still the man around here
19:25.45infobot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel (more info at ) and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
19:25.49ChannelZdamnation I can't type today
19:26.01brightontezi know the feeloing
19:27.02brightontezD-Fender: I guess the docs are also in RPMs.
19:27.42Dabian[TK]D-Fender : Thanks!  Now its working!
19:29.31[TK]D-FenderDabian: Glad to hear
19:29.57[TK]D-Fenderbrightontez: Most will recommend installing from suorce
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19:48.53sizzersDfender, you still around?
19:51.00Dabianhmmm ... aparently I can only call numbers local to my provider .. I guess thats an authorisation-problem.
19:51.24dandate2omg kayko support cannot help me
19:52.01sizzersSo, i know it's new and it's probably hated among the people in this channel, but have you looked at the Skype for Asterisk documentation at all?
19:52.39dandate2if someone has msql auth pass can they see what root pass is if i cahnge it?
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19:57.31[TK]D-Fendersizzers: No, but I'm due to, before long...
19:57.44sizzersvery interesting
19:57.54[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: depends if they gave themselves rights to that table
19:58.00sizzersthe manual is the single most well written documentation i've ever read
19:59.59dandate2the hackers are blocking the ip of the kayako tech support but i have access still cuz i use dhcp
20:00.02dandate2anything i can do to stop that?
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20:01.06[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Kick them off the machine and firewallt them
20:01.30dandate2i have the ip that is fraudulent i just dont know how heh
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20:03.07[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: "man iptables"
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20:05.39dandate2i am afraid that kayako.freepbx might just be a scam to drain you for hours of tech support, how could they not do anything..
20:07.22dandate2now they are saying there will be an additional 30% charge heh
20:09.05*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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20:16.53dbrotmanHi, I'm looking for recommendations for a call manager to use on a trixbox CE 2.8 install.  Suggestions?
20:25.32[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Check your firewall
20:26.33dandate2i think he just got hit by fail2ban
20:33.55*** join/#asterisk dandate3 (n=mangy@
20:34.03dandate3doh got disconnected on a packetloss
20:34.14dandate3now umm, i usually check my firewall by typing config
20:34.27dandate3but that option has seemed to change, it now just lets me change firewall or keyboard table
20:34.43dandate3errr not firewall but timezone
20:34.50dandate3sorry i am most stressed in my life
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20:49.28aclarkobnHello, Does anyone know how to block and unblock skype buddys with SFA?
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20:59.02aclarkobnHello, anyone know how to unblock skype buddys on skype for asterisk?
20:59.39TSM2whats this for, the new digium plugin?
20:59.48TSM2mabey its in astdb, just a guess though
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21:03.38aclarkobnyes Skype for Asterisk is the new digium plugin, I have looked over every since peace of documentation about SFA and it doesnt mention how to unblock users on that were blocked on the buddy list.
21:04.02aclarkobnI will take a look at astdb
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21:11.01rdude99I have hardware that only works on windows(usb dongle, x-lite) and then digium hardware that only works on linux...can I actually creat an asterisk solution with one computer?
21:12.11rdude99with windows as host & linux as guest os in vmware, I can't get the digium card to be seen.
21:12.26rdude99with linux as host and windows as guest os in vmware, I can't get bluetooth stuff working
21:13.09rdude99most pratical thing for me to do is to get asterisk running as guest in linux with a windows host
21:13.11rdude99but how?
21:14.14*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
21:14.22[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: Get an external SIP gateway
21:15.21rdude99TK D-Fender, what will that enable me to do, and how?
21:16.01[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: You asked about Digium's cards.  I gave you an alternative.
21:16.03*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
21:16.36rdude99is a SIP gateway connect to a telephone line?
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21:17.58[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: If thats the kind you buy, yes
21:19.26rdude99so would that mean I would run asterisk under windows?
21:20.41[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: No, that means you won't need PCI support for your PSTN interfaces.
21:24.10rdude99I'm looking on eBay and I see those listed for >$100, so I can't use that. This is just a school project. We used asteriskwin32 for VoIP under windows & everything worked perfectly with the rest of the software we built, however, we didn't have telephone access. Then we bought an X100P card but learned we had to use it under linux. So we installed vmware on our windows box with linux as the guest os, however couldn't
21:24.12rdude99access the card. Is there another alternative that doesn't require purchasing additional hardware?
21:25.45[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: Dual boot and run Linux by itself for your learning
21:26.18[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: And asteriskwin32 is not supported here.
21:27.53*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
21:28.49rdude99I understand about asteriskwin32. But dual booting will only allow one active OS at a time, unless I'm not understanding what you mean. We need to be able to run a linux box(for asterisk&telehone access) & a windows box(for everything else) at the same time (and we're using tcp/ip for talking between the two). I'm just wondering if any virtualization solution can allow this without any extra hardware.
21:29.16p3nguinrdude99: That's what virtualization does.
21:29.57p3nguinrdude99: You have a host OS with guests (virtual OSs) inside.
21:29.58[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: And what do you need Windows for precisely?
21:30.09rdude99p3nguin: true, but which one can actually do it so that the guest OS can "see" my telephone fxo card
21:30.39rdude99TK D-Fender: because all of our software is written in windows; we're doing bluetooth & audio processing on the windows side
21:30.48p3nguinrdude99: Depending on your overall requirements, you could install a Linux-based OS as the host and run Windows in the virtual machine.
21:30.50[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: You seem to think that Linux should be the "guest".  When looking for hardware support you seem to have a broken sense of priorities
21:31.35rdude99p3nguin: that's what I'm hoping for, but have failed in making it work correctly
21:31.40[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: And the price you found is not commensurate to the need.
21:31.42rdude99TK: the problem is bluetooth only works on windows
21:31.59rdude99...not technically
21:32.03rdude99but for our purposes
21:32.22p3nguinrdude99: If you are relying on both operating systems to use hardware, you might be better off setting up a second computer to run the PBX.
21:33.44p3nguinrdude99: I don't know what your call load will be, but Asterisk can run on some pretty low-spec'ed hardware.
21:33.57rdude99yes, that seems the last resort. however that will be expensive (since this is a school project)
21:34.14p3nguinrdude99: I run mine on a PIII 933 MHz/512 MB computer.
21:34.55rdude99The really limiting factor to having to use windows (for hardware purposes) is that we were unsuccessful in making linux utilize a bluetooth headset as a normal headphone/mic but were successful under linux.
21:35.09rdude99sorry, we were successful under windows
21:35.10[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: Change your approach to virtualization or buy hardware.  Your choice
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21:37.15rdude99if we can make bluetooth work how we want on linux, we have no reason to force windows. windows as guest OS would work because everything else is just serial which VMWare can patch through.
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21:37.50rdude99but I was just seeing if there was a tiny possibility that a software-based alternative would work; guess not.
21:38.12[TK]D-Fenderrdude99: And you seem to have issues running Linux as the host OS.
21:38.41p3nguinrdude99: VirtualBox should have relatively good USB support, so you might be able to use Windows as a guest with bluetooth on USB successfully.
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21:39.51rdude99[TK]D-Fender: I don't have any issues with linux as the host...just that then the functionality provided by the bluetooth headset would only work on windows (which would be guest OS, but then arises the hardware patch-through problem of virtualization).
21:40.12p3nguinSee above.
21:40.22rdude99p3nguin: hmm, never heard of VirtualBox, will look into it.
21:41.11p3nguinAs a project, and not necessarily production server, vbox might get the job done.
21:41.16rdude99I don't wanna get too OT but VirtualBox runs under linux,windows, or both?
21:41.49kfifeUrgent: I have a toll-fraud issue to debug on a legacy system RIGHT NOW.  Asterisk is being used to record the DTMF sequences, but it is 'absorbing' them so they are unintelligible.  Is there a way to have the tones recorded into the mixmonitor audio stream?   Thanks!
21:42.18p3nguinRight on the front page:  "Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh and OpenSolaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris, and OpenBSD."
21:42.19rdude99p3nguin, [TK]D-Fender, thanks for the info.
21:42.59rdude99will possibly come back after doing some research of my own.
21:43.39kfifeToll Fraud: It's locked down now, but trying to understand the exploit.  Dirty bastard is still making attempts--trying to capture them.  Calling mobile phones in Somalia!
21:44.58kfifeDirty fu¢ker$
21:46.41p3nguinUnder what circumstances could I get a Cisco 7940 to ring while I'm already on a call?  Right now, call waiting beeps in, but I'm wanting to hear it ring (maybe not a full-volume ring) rather than the call waiting beep.
21:47.18ChannelZkfife: you have an open SIP user or something?
21:48.49saftsackis it possible to tunnel an asterisk call through ssh?
21:49.26kfifeChannelZ: I don't understand your question.
21:50.22TJNIIsaftsack: Should be, if you really wanted to.  Use port forwarding.
21:50.32ChannelZkfife: how are these people making calls through your system?  Are they coming in VoIP, or you have some badly-configured DISA setup that they are dialing in on and able to dial out of your system...?
21:52.17kfifeIt's all analog baby!  Connected to a legacy Nortel system.  I'm temporarily passing the calls through Asterisk to 'sniff' the attacks on a legacy system.  It's a mailbox forward exploit, It's now locked down but I'm trying to understand the exact methodology, and level of sophistication.   For example, have they guessed the admin pass?
21:53.16kfifeThey apparently reconfigure a mailbox somehow to forward off-site, then transfer themseles to it, and by doing so, call for free.
21:53.17ChannelZso how is the * involved?
21:53.31kfifeChannelZ:  I'm temporarily passing the calls through Asterisk to 'sniff' the attacks on a legacy system.
21:53.41kfifeOtherwise, not at all
21:53.46ChannelZvia what, more analog?  TDM card?
21:54.29kfifeRedirect to a PRI, PRI loops back to antoher trunk on the same compromised system.
21:54.36kfifeI can record all but the DTMF
21:54.45kfifeit gets 'snubbed' as it gets absorbed
21:54.58kfifeI want Mixmonitor to lay the audio down into the file. I can debug it
21:55.27saftsackTJNII, ok. so if i just want to register to the asterisk i just need to forward udp 5060, or?
21:56.01infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:56.03[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: ^^^
21:56.03thomassaftsack? mussn deutscher sein.. *kopf schüttel*
21:56.04TJNIIsaftsack: SIP signalling is on 5060.  Voice data is on a whole other block of ports (10000-20000 default, IIRC)
21:56.26TJNIIsaftsack: Follow [TK]D-Fender's link.  The sipnat info will detail all the ports.
21:56.41ChannelZkfife: I forget what it's called but there's a separate DAHDI tool that will let you record channels - outside of asterisk
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21:57.02kfifeuser dials A - Redirected to a TN on our PRI, turn on mixmonitor, call another trunk on same system as A
21:57.42saftsackTJNII, yes thats true but i just want to see if signalling works. thomas japp ;)
21:58.05kfifeChannelZ: good info.  Is this an asterisk applicaiton that interacts with Dahdi at the lower level or more like a chan_dahdi parameter?
21:58.27ChannelZno it's a separate commandline utility
21:58.42ChannelZI was trying to look but now my box at work is just locking up when I try to ssh in
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22:00.03ChannelZunder zaptel it was called ztmonitor
22:00.35ChannelZI think
22:00.51saftsackTJNII, my question is now why some phones register over port 2051. e.g. snom phones are using this port. but that's strange because 5060 is standard.
22:01.47kfifeChannelZ: BRB
22:02.37TJNIIsaftsack: The port is connects to on your server should be 5060.  Otherwise it isn't sip.
22:03.30TJNIII don't remember the other ports, save IAX.
22:03.47saftsack for example
22:03.51ChannelZkfife: dahdi_monitor
22:04.10ChannelZIAX is 4569
22:04.36TJNIIsaftsack: That is the port on the CLIENT
22:04.40TJNIInot the SERVER
22:06.38kfifeChannelZ: Thanks!  Trying this now.
22:09.02saftsackah ok
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22:10.10ChannelZdamn it all
22:10.16TJNIIsaftsack: My understanding is the client opens a sip port as well.  The server will connect to that port so signal incoming calls.  It doesn't need to be on 5060, and sometimes can't be if there are other SIP devices on the same NAT.
22:11.48TJNIISo actually, now that I really think about it, tunneling over ssh is more difficult that I originally thought.
22:12.34saftsacktried it before with 5060 didnt worked. that was the reason why i asked
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22:17.02TJNIIsaftsack: You would probably have better luck running the SIP/RTP data over a VTUN tunnel and running that through SSH.
22:17.58TJNIIIf nothing else it is something to try.
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22:32.19manxpowereach UDP packet has a SOURCE port and a DESTINATION port.  The SOURCE port does NOT (usually) matter.
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22:52.49_ShrikEkfife: Very interesting situation.  Have you determined the exact methodology?
22:58.39kfife_ShrikE: Yes.  They log in and somehow (to be determined) grant themselves access to mailbox creation (normally not availble from off-site).  The mailbox has a forwarding property which they populate with the desired TN.  Then within the same call after 1 programming the mailbox, and 2. enabling the forward, the go BACK to the main menu and transfer themselves to said mailbox.  PLS HOLD - as they get transferred.  In our case they hear a reorder.
22:58.49kfife.. because we're now locked down.
22:59.12kfifeA crusty old Nortel guy just spoke to me and said "Yeah, this is the second
22:59.12kfifecase I've heard of one of these old NAM systems getting hacked recently--it
22:59.12kfifeappears the newer CallPilots aren't vulnerable".
22:59.47kfifeI'm still trying determine the precise nature of the vulnerability--whether a bona-fide hole, or just an unfortunate 'default' or an actual brute-force attack on an admin password.
23:04.01TSM2kfife: which system?? the BCM stuff orthe MICS or CICS?
23:05.45kfifeThis is a MICS 4.1 with NAM - about ONE WEEK From tear-out.  I kid you not!!
23:06.04kfifeIsn't that the most ironic thing in the entire world?
23:06.20kfifeThing's been untouched for nearly a decade.  Now a week from deprication it gets hacked!
23:06.34TSM2kfife: i used to deal with thoes systems in the past, normaly dead reliable
23:06.48TSM2you know what the NAM acutaly is?
23:07.01kfifeNot without looking.  Off site at moment.
23:07.10kfifeI'm more than happy to share that with you.
23:07.12TSM2OS/2 box
23:07.23kfifeI believe so.  It's the large pc-looking thing.
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23:07.32kfifewith a FDD
23:07.36kfifeunder the panel
23:07.42TSM2well it looks like another main unit but has fiber connection between the two
23:07.55kfifeCorrect.  Ours is a six-port fiber nam.
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23:08.20TSM2ours was just a single fiber, cant remember how many calls it owuld do with that
23:08.34TSM2it has IP connection, they prolly found a way to it through your network
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23:08.51TSM2from what i remember it did not have a way to create mailboxes from the phones
23:09.00TSM2only the normal CallPilots did
23:09.12kfifeI've actually been really fond of setting up asterisk BETWEEN these old systems an the telco.  You can create just about any feature--except wideband.
23:09.29TSM2depending on the software rev
23:09.35kfifeUse ADA for click-to-dial on an old Norstar system.  Prety trick!
23:09.59*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
23:10.03TSM2ADA cool, but thats piping via an * box?
23:10.18kfifeCOrrect 2-span PRI card - B2BUA
23:10.27kfifeone span Telco, other span CPE
23:10.40kfifeNice thing is: Asterisk craps out?  Just bypass.
23:10.55kfifeNice thiing is: NORTEL craps out: insert alternate dialing plan!
23:11.12TSM2still rid of that NAM its some old shit
23:11.12kfifenice thing is: TELCO CIRCUIT craps out?  Redirec via alternate routing plan to DID's at ITSP!
23:11.48kfifeYes, the migration is to a 7.1 with CallPilot using PRI rather than DID trunks.
23:12.21TSM27.1, BCM unit?
23:12.29kfife7.1 NORSTAR MICS
23:12.31TSM2ive been out of nortels for the last 3yrs
23:12.33kfifeI don't really like BCM
23:12.45TSM2BCM is just a MICS in disguise
23:13.10kfifemmm sort of.  Spinning HDD, running WinNT4
23:13.14TSM2even when the mobo died the phones just kept going
23:13.29TSM2all the callprocessing was done on the main PCI card
23:13.33kfifeI see - so sounds like some sort of hybrid
23:13.36TSM2the Modules then connect to that card
23:14.05kfifeSo it's like a norstar brand software B2BUA all rolled into one box.
23:14.06TSM2i had an early model with mobos that suffered from the bad cap issues
23:14.34kfifeI like the "old iron" solid-state stuff.
23:14.46kfifeespecially when its functinality can be augmented with Asterisk.
23:14.51TSM2yup, but that market is dying
23:15.01kfifeyou are right.
23:15.13TSM2even nortel have moved to Linux
23:15.18TSM2or had moved
23:15.25TSM2now they are LG
23:15.32kfifeI think it will die more slowly than people think.  Some peopl just need phones.
23:16.08TSM2Yup, but thoes all in one boxes the size of routers that can do small offices of 10, good value for money compared to old PBXs
23:16.39TSM2i think we will see many of the main telcos starting to offer VoIP solutions but have QoS backed DSL lines for it
23:16.45TSM2guaranteed serivce
23:16.49kfifeAbsolutely.  NObody is going to install one today, but I think the attrition rate will stun the 'experts'
23:17.08kfifeEven AT&T.  It's a great idea.
23:17.28kfifePRI is amazing, but what the hell kind of product only comes in Crates of 23 channels??
23:17.37TSM232 in the UK :)
23:17.44kfifeImagine a coffee shop that only sold coffe by the 44 gallon barrel?
23:17.57kfifeThat's why I love SIP - you can get PRI without buying 23 channels
23:18.11kfife...not to mention other codecs
23:18.30TSM2asterisk still has to offer full support for wideband
23:18.36TSM2ive found a couple of issues
23:18.47TSM2especialy G722.1
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23:19.26kfifeHowever I hate the latency of VoIP
23:19.52TSM2this is true, but usualy only an issue if you are within hearing distance of the other person
23:20.21TSM2oh it happens
23:20.49TSM2we had one person test the new system in the office, she called her cell from the office phone, ear to ear and complained it had delay
23:27.06TSM2kfife: do you have any info on the RAD unit, in the UK BT always installed one but never used it or told anyone how to use it
23:31.59*** join/#asterisk wireddd (n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd)
23:32.40wiredddcan you use the magicjack usb dongle as an ata device for asterisk?
23:34.40wiredddI don't know if ata is the right term, I am thinking of signing up with a different sip provider, and just using the magicjack hardware
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23:48.02p3nguinwireddd: For the price of the MagicJack, you can buy an actual ATA on ebay.
23:49.31wiredddwell I already have one, and I hate the software/service, and I don't want to use the sip credentials from magicjack since they would probably just cancel my account....
23:53.07*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)

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