IRC log for #asterisk on 20091029

00:07.22*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
00:08.42*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
00:12.48*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (n=digitali@shellium/member/digitalirony)
00:28.39*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
00:29.35p3nguin_ecrane: What are you trying to configure, specifically?
00:29.53p3nguin_ecrane: Lots of the settings can be done from the base (not the handset) in the menu.
00:32.02*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
00:33.32kylehHey, anyone on have any type of experience with festival + asterisk?
00:34.04TSMi got it to work, sounds horible though
00:34.26TSMis there any better free ones
00:34.38kylehlike festival?
00:35.08*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
00:35.08kylehim having trouble with mine. when i call festival in the extensions.conf
00:35.39kylehit will connect to the festival server then disconnect right away. leaving asterisk just hanging there
00:35.53TSMis the festival server running?
00:36.15kylehhave it running the in background and it says client connected
00:36.29kylehthen it disconnects right after it says that
00:36.35TSMi had that issue
00:36.58kylehya, any tips on getting past it?
00:37.46TSMdid you modify the /usr/share/festival/festival.scm as indicated on the voip-info page/
00:38.48kylehfrom that page?
00:40.15TSMyup i did method 1
00:40.50kylehya i pasted that stuff at the end of festival.scm
00:40.57leifmadsencepstral is a million times better than festival, however not free (but very reasonably priced)
00:42.01kylehit wouldnt have anything to do with the set italian voice part would it?
00:42.21kylehi left that chunk out
00:42.23TSMi have english voice
00:42.49TSMi left it commented out
00:43.19Katty :>
00:46.09kylehdang wonder what the problem could be then]
00:46.38kylehi tried useing the perl script method mentioned in that write-up
00:46.44kylehno luck with that either
00:48.33*** join/#asterisk gilevy (n=gil@
00:48.57*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
00:49.27gilevyi am able to forward a call for about 15 seconds and then i get this error :chan_sip.c:1976 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
00:49.48*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
00:49.52gilevyi am able to talk on the phone fine from both ends
00:50.07gilevybut it still produces that error and hangs up
00:50.42gilevyi am able to forward a call for about 15 seconds and then i get this error :chan_sip.c:1976 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmissionanybody have an idea of what to do/try?
00:53.35*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:06.48*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
01:12.36p3nguin_throws things
01:14.51Kattydances with p3nguin_
01:14.59*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:16.20*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
01:17.10jblackscratches his butt and looks around the room, bleary eyed
01:17.15jblackIs it spring yet?
01:21.36*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (n=d@
01:22.17doolittleworkhi there can one use the ChanIsAvail for groups like exten =
01:24.23gilevywhere can i find doc/sip-retransmit.txt?
01:24.45*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (
01:26.13*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
01:27.38p3nguin_jblack: You can go back to sleep, it's still October.
01:30.26*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
01:38.12*** join/#asterisk ppc (n=ppc@
01:41.56*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (n=badrobot@
01:49.27*** join/#asterisk kuku1 (n=ingo@
01:51.44kuku1I have 2 NICs. On one, I have the local network, on the other, I have the connection XO's SIp proxy. Now if I di dial(sip/whatever@proxyip) it shows the call originating from the original ip, I need the call to show coming from the ip of the second nic. Is there a way to force asterisk to use an interface to orginate a call ?
01:55.07voipmonkyou can use ser
01:56.39*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
02:07.14*** part/#asterisk slinksh0t (
02:08.55*** join/#asterisk theangryamoeba (
02:15.22kuku1can I install on the same serwer ?
02:21.08*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
02:21.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
02:25.21*** join/#asterisk file (n=file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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02:29.30*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
02:30.15*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:31.56*** join/#asterisk korcan (
02:40.56drmessanoKARMIC IS ALMOST HERE!
02:43.31ChannelZjizzes in his pants
02:45.39*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
02:45.56*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
02:59.13*** part/#asterisk theangryamoeba (
03:03.44*** join/#asterisk fofware (n=chatzill@
03:07.55[TK]D-Fenderpukes in his mouth
03:09.13loather-workthat's kind of disgusting.
03:10.10[TK]D-Fenderloather-work: Loaded joke if you're familiar with SNL
03:10.34loather-worki haven't watched SNL for probably 15 years
03:14.47*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
03:20.04*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (
03:20.28[TK]D-Fenderloather-work: The original :
03:20.39jayrod422does anyone know how to solve issues where asterisk wont recoginize a peer behind a nat by ip or user/pass - ex.
03:20.52*** join/#asterisk dmz (
03:21.33*** join/#asterisk _bugz_ (
03:23.14*** join/#asterisk raden (
03:23.45radenKatty: OLA
03:25.10[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: You don't have a peer with the name, and your default doesn't assume they are NAT'd which is a bad move.
03:25.13infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:25.21radenOMFG lag
03:25.21[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: Go follow the guide
03:25.29carrarthen jizz in your pants
03:27.36jayrod422fender  - what would the peer name be from what you have seen in the SIP packets (the ip?)
03:27.39[TK]D-Fendercarrar / loather-work : and the response...
03:27.54[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: From:
03:27.55jayrod422or  username
03:28.18[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: <sip:FEDCOM@>
03:33.42Maliutaafternoon *ers
03:34.20MaliutaI just read a post to a sysadmin list I am on concerned about "vishing" attacks on * servers
03:34.36Maliutaseemed a bit preposterous to me
03:34.40loather-work[TK]D-Fender: hilarious.
03:34.57carrarI'm vishing on your server right now
03:35.10radenanyone tell me if $95 a  good deal for Cisco 2610XM Router with 128MB DRAM / 48MB Flash
03:35.25carrarIt's ok
03:35.54carrardepends what you need it for I guess
03:36.58carrarperfect for a T1/Ethernet router
03:37.31*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (
03:44.48radencarrar: CISCO lab
03:45.03radenotherwise 2950's with wic t1 for $50 each i dont know mem specs though
03:46.08carrar2950 switch?
03:46.37radenI got 2x 2950 switches for $140 i overpaid but best i could find
03:46.37carrar2950 is a switch
03:46.50raden2650 sorry
03:46.53radenROUTER 2650
03:46.55trogsraden: you should look at dynamips. software emulation of cisco routers.
03:47.12trogsif you wanna do lab work etc.
03:47.40trogs2600 router pretty old these days so you should be able to get em pretty cheap on ebay etc
03:48.08radenthey any decent though I can get 3 with T1 cards for $150 shipped
03:49.24loather-workthe T1 boards alone are worth that
03:50.01radenfor real ?
03:50.09carrarJust use your production network as your lab :)
03:52.00radencarrar: all HP :(
03:58.21*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
04:07.11*** join/#asterisk dkirker (n=dkirker@
04:14.16p3nguin_raden: Where can I get one with a some ethernet ports?
04:17.19radenp3nguin_: ???
04:19.24carrarethernet is over rated
04:20.35radenwhat you wrote me did not make sense
04:21.16p3nguin_Why not?  I thought it made perfect sense.
04:21.29*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
04:22.02p3nguin_You're talking about getting a router with a WIC for $50... I want one with either two or three ethernet ports.  For cheap, of course.
04:24.12radengood luck
04:24.23radentrying to find cheap routers for ccna lab
04:24.32radendudes in cisco tell me 2650 not good enough
04:24.51p3nguin_But you said you can get them for $50, so I'm asking you where I can get the router for the price.
04:26.54p3nguin_The card alone is worth $139.00.
04:28.03p3nguin_Is there a 10/100 WIC available, though?  That router only has one Ethernet port.
04:31.24radenp3nguin_: I been looking I saw some earlier
04:31.35radenp3nguin_: you think that router enough for a CCNA starter lab ?
04:32.51p3nguin_We don't use T1 cards, though.  We connect the routers together for labs via serial crossover cables.
04:33.33p3nguin_WIC-2T cards
04:34.44*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (
04:34.45p3nguin_The academy courses have you hooking three routers together for the labs, so serial makes sense.
04:35.33loather-worki hate those things
04:35.41loather-workwith the HDB-60 connnectors
04:35.59*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
04:37.36p3nguin_I don't think that's the right connector.
04:37.52loather-workoh yeah. the 2t has those stupid blue ones.
04:38.33p3nguin_The small ones
04:38.49p3nguin_I think they are called "smart"
04:42.32*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
04:49.41jayrod422in asterisk 1.6 how do you turn sip debbuging on
04:50.44radensip set debug on
04:54.00radenp3nguin_: Cisco 2610 w/ NM-4B-U  <<<<
04:55.01p3nguin_4-port ISDN BRI network module with integrated Network Termination 1 (NT1)-U interface
04:55.36radenCisco WIC-4ESW 4-Port 10/100 w/ 1-YEAR WARRANTY!   << $44
04:56.25jayrod422can anyone look at  i am having a hell of time trying to get a asterisk box behind a nat to work with another that is not, ive tried ip auth, register, and host=ip and for some reason asterisk cannot find these peers in sip.conf
04:56.45dlynesDoes anyone have any Prince Edward Island DIDs?
04:57.59dlynesjayrod422: one thing...register line must be in the general section
04:58.25dlynesjayrod422: you've got it in a peer context
04:59.08jayrod422it is in general
04:59.18dlynesjayrod422: not according to your pastebin
04:59.33p3nguin_I'm thinking I need the HWIC-2FE, but I'm not certain.
04:59.34dlynesjayrod422: according to your pastebin, it's in fedcomoffice
05:00.19jayrod422thats on the main server
05:00.42dlynesjayrod422: in that case, don't have a general context
05:00.47jayrod422the register command is on the remote box behind the nat
05:00.52dlynesjayrod422: either that, or you haven't pasted the entire files
05:00.53jayrod422and i do have it in general
05:01.17jayrod422i left out all the commented out stiff on the remote box from the default asterisk sip.conf
05:01.43dlynesjayrod422: can you do it as two separate pastebins, and just paste the two files, verbatim, with the passwords (and hostnames, if wanted) scrubbed?
05:01.53jayrod4221 sec
05:01.56dlynesjayrod422: and scrub the usernames, too
05:03.37*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
05:04.37*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
05:05.13p3nguin_raden: The HWIC-2FE is the card I would want, but it doesn't work on the 2600 (does on 2800, though).
05:05.38raden2x 2950-24's 3x 2650's w/ T1 WICS TOTAL SPENT $260
05:05.56*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
05:06.01jayrod422ok the remote is and the  main is
05:06.09*** join/#asterisk thazza (
05:06.35PMantisQuick question: If I download the latest 1.6.1 tarball vs checking out asterisk from the 1.6.1 branch, is there any difference at all? (besides the .svn dirs)
05:07.25dlynesPMantis: yes...depends on whether you check it out based on the branch tag, or not
05:07.44dlynesPMantis: if you check out based on the branch tag for, it'll be the same as the release
05:08.01dlynesPMantis: otherwise, it'll be what's going to be
05:08.42dlynesjayrod422: remote = box that registers to the 'main', right?
05:08.54dlynesjayrod422: remote is also the one behind a router, right?
05:09.16PMantisdlynes: OK, Understood. I'm a new SVN user, can you show the syntax for that? I have to get a handle on the branching features for my own project, too.
05:09.19dlynesjayrod422: and when you say it's not is it not working?
05:09.33jayrod422it cannot find the peer in sip.conf
05:10.00jayrod422look back in my 1st pastebin post
05:10.07jayrod422i put the sip debug in there
05:10.19jayrod422i also tried this just by ip and no dice
05:10.45dlynesPMantis: this doesn't cover everything, but it should get you started with the basics...I haven't used it since it was using cvs, so I'm kinda out of date with it, but here you go:
05:11.01jayrod422 line 86
05:13.00dlynesjayrod422: fwiw, canreinvite=no is set that way, because asterisk cannot reinvite across a nat
05:13.09dlynesjayrod422: nothign to do with cisco
05:13.21PMantisdlynes: I still have some gray around this. That's a standard svn checkout, I was expecting to see a -r1.6.1.8 or something like that. :)
05:14.16dlynesjayrod422: can I also see your remote's dialplan?
05:14.23jayrod422some of it
05:14.28jayrod4221 sec
05:14.31dlynesjayrod422: and if you can, highlight the section of the dialplan where you're dialing
05:15.08PMantisdlynes: According to the viewer ( I don't see where it mentions the 4th level of the version number, only to the 3rd (1.6.1). I must be missing something simple.
05:15.54jayrod422its always going to the default of main-incoming
05:16.01jayrod422and not from-prepay customer
05:16.55dlynesPMantis: it's not going to be something as simple as -r1.6.1.8
05:17.09dlynesPMantis: you're going to need to know the revision number to do it that way, not the tag
05:17.21PMantisreads further into svn-book.pdf
05:19.10dlynesPMantis: for instance, it looks like it might be -r226384 for v1.6.1.8
05:19.57dlynesjayrod422:'ve lost me
05:20.23dlynesjayrod422: I'm looking for the dialplan from the client, and have the section where you call 'main' highlighted
05:20.29PMantisdlynes: I have a project that includes *, and that project is under SVN. If someone updates chan-sip.c for a security risk, it seems silly to download the entire tarball to fix the one file. Just trying to simplify management. Perhaps the svn:externals property is what I want...
05:20.34dlynesjayrod422: i'm not interested in the dialplan on main at this point
05:20.55jayrod422here it is
05:21.03jayrod422er shit
05:21.05jayrod422you want remote
05:21.15PMantisdlynes: May I ask how you found that rev number for
05:21.58dlynesPMantis: erm...actually -r226386
05:22.24dlynesPMantis: I went to the link you posted, and found the latest revision number under the 'Rev.' column
05:22.45jayrod422heres teh remote
05:23.14jayrod422and here is the main on for what its worth
05:23.46DNDguys, how can i patch indications.comf
05:23.54dlynesjayrod422: you mean these two lines:?
05:24.00[TK]D-FenderDND: You don't patch a config file....
05:24.03dlynesexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}
05:24.08jayrod422thats all remote needs
05:24.44jayrod422the main issue is the main box doesnt match these peers and since it does not it fails the call
05:25.12jayrod422does it on 1.4 latest and 1.6 latest
05:25.27dlynesjayrod422: Now, why wouldn't you do exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})?
05:25.59PMantisdlynes: Hmm, the revision you mention is at the top of the page by "Directory revision:". Something tells me this is not coincidence.
05:25.59jayrod422old habits hard to break
05:26.33dlynesPMantis: probably not coincidence, no :)
05:26.53dlynesjayrod422: change it to that format, to make things a little more predictable
05:27.07[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422:  From: "FEDCOM101" <sip:FEDCOM101@>;tag=as7940b945 <- since when is this supposed to match a peer?
05:27.08dlynesjayrod422: it forces your username and password that way
05:27.13[TK]D-FenderjayWhich one exactly?
05:27.31jayrod422its not
05:27.32dlynes[TK]D-Fender: it doesn't...he's got his usernames mismatches on both sides
05:27.42[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: And stop using FQDN looking sip.conf entriy names
05:28.05[TK]D-FenderdylI know.. and I pointed this out TWO HOURS AGO
05:28.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: which is why i'm getting him to use the dial format I suggested, so that it makes it easier for him to find his problems on his own
05:29.17PMantisdlynes: Thanks for your time - much appreciated!
05:29.27DND[TK]D-Fender sorry but i need to add a signalling for one country
05:30.03dlynesPMantis: no problem.... [TK]D-Fender might be able to help you out to let you know how to check out without having to know the revision number...he's more seasoned with asterisk than I am
05:30.14jayrod422ok so i make that change to the dial command but still same thing
05:30.19jayrod422on the remote
05:30.29dlynesjayrod422:'ll be the same problem, or quite similar
05:30.38dlynesjayrod422: I'm just getting you headed in the right direction
05:30.52PMantisdlynes: Yeah, but it's too easy to get on his bad side... ;)
05:31.23dlynesPMantis: nah...he's a pussycat, as long as he doesn't have to keep telling you the same thing over and over again
05:31.52[TK]D-FenderCheckout time.... consider it a gentle mercy ;)
05:31.58jayrod422now why the heck am i seeing this on the main box [Oct 29 01:24:53] NOTICE[11564]: chan_sip.c:18454 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "FEDCOM101" <sip:FEDCOM101@>;tag=as07863ba4
05:32.16dlynesjayrod422: Now, do you see a username on the server side?
05:32.52jayrod422sip show peers
05:32.52jayrod422fedcomoffice/FEDCOMO       (Unspecified)    D   N      5060     UNKNOWN
05:33.18dlynesjayrod422: I didn't ask for sip show peers...I merely asked if you saw that username on the server side
05:33.35dlynesjayrod422: so, you don't see it on the server side
05:33.58dlynesjayrod422: so let's rename it to something non-fqdn, and make it something meaningful
05:34.06PMantisbangs his head on the table for jayrod422
05:34.15jayrod422No matching peer for 'FEDCOM101' from ''
05:34.15jayrod422[Oct 29 01:28:55] NOTICE[11564]: chan_sip.c:18454 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "FEDCOM101" <sip:FEDCOM101@>;tag=as56ca854e
05:35.04dlynesjayrod422: for sake of simplicity, considering your hostname is 'laptop', let's call the peer 'laptop', so change every occurence of '' on the remote side to 'laptop'
05:35.37dlynesjayrod422: also change the value of username in the new laptop peer to 'laptop' as well
05:35.44dlynesjayrod422: and change the type to 'friend'
05:36.03dlynesjayrod422: then comment out the 'FEDCOM101' friend section
05:36.17dlynesjayrod422: so that way we only have one possibility on the remote end
05:36.24dlynesjayrod422: less confusing that way
05:36.38dlynesjayrod422: lemme know when you're done
05:36.55jayrod422so everything on the remote change to no fqdn
05:37.18jayrod422what about the host= field
05:37.23jayrod422for the outbound route
05:37.57dlynesjayrod422: now, change your register line to 'register =>'
05:38.23dlynesjayrod422: host field should remain ''
05:39.12dlynesjayrod422: now, at your command prompt on the remote end (linux command prompt), type 'dig' to make sure your box can resolve that hostname
05:39.39dlynesjayrod422: is it ok with that hostname?
05:40.11dlynesjayrod422: your sip.conf file and your dialplan
05:40.25dlynesjayrod422: then give me a pastebin of the new versions of both of them on your remote
05:40.44*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
05:40.46dlynesjayrod422: i want to make sure all of that's good before we even touch the main machine's file
05:42.05jayrod422ok everything on the laptop (remote) machine is cool
05:42.21dlynesjayrod422: i don't trust you
05:42.33dlynesgimme the pastebins
05:42.35jayrod422ok ok
05:52.35jayrod422ok so what did changing from fqdn on the remote do?
05:55.13dlynesjayrod422: now, for some reason the section in [....] is 'sip-out', not 'laptop' like I asked for
05:55.59dlynesAlso, for some reason you have your sip.conf file duplicated
05:56.01jayrod422you want to context also calledlapptop
05:56.19dlynesSo you have two general contexts, two authentication contexts, and two sip-out contexts
05:56.24jayrod422wtf did i just write
05:56.34dlynesyou tell me
05:56.39jayrod422just 1
05:56.42jayrod422its 2 am here
05:57.00dlynesDid you hit Ctrl-V twice, or something?
05:57.19jayrod422ok you want to know whats crazy
05:57.23dlynesAlso, to uncomplicate things
05:57.28jayrod422its f*cking working
05:57.34jayrod422once we changed the names
05:57.40dlynesPerform these two regexes on your script:
05:57.50jayrod422and i also took the liberty of changing the context and username on the server
05:58.15dlynesand  :g/^\s*$/d
05:58.35dlynesthat'll get rid of lines that are nothing but comments
05:58.41dlynesSo that your files are easier to read
05:58.55dlynesit also gets rid of blank lines
05:58.56jayrod422how do you do that in 1 command perl -?
05:59.14dlynesjayrod422: no idea...I just use vi or vim
05:59.33dlynesthose are both ex commands
05:59.55jayrod422anyway whenever i renamed the user stuff and the context shits working
06:00.07dlynesFirst one blanks out lines with comments...the second removes all blank lines
06:00.30jayrod422but im still not understanding what was wrong with what i originally had other than the @fqdn in the dial string
06:00.39dlynesjayrod422: yes...amazing stuff happens when both sides actually match
06:00.51jayrod422what didnt match before though
06:00.54dlynesjayrod422: it was obvious that there was no attention to detail when you typed in the two sides
06:01.06dlynesjayrod422: you didn't even have your typos consistent
06:01.33jayrod422i mixed two different drugs earlier today to get where i am right now
06:01.41dlynesjayrod422: and you had a friend and a peer created on the laptop side, and you should have only needed a friend
06:01.53jayrod422i been fucking with cisco all day and moved to this in the middle of the night
06:02.10dlynesjayrod422: sleep does amazing things
06:02.25*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:02.32dlynesjayrod422: not to mention a drug-free mind
06:02.55jayrod422i only mixed some anti flu drug with moosehead
06:03.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
06:03.33dlynesthe fqdn in the dial string and in your sip context were not correct, because it makes it confusing for you, and makes it confusing for anyone trying to help you
06:03.42dlynesasterisk doesn't'll still work
06:03.49dlynesit's just not the correct way to do it
06:04.30dlynesand on that said moosehead?
06:04.39dlynesYou're from New Brunswick or Nova Scotia?
06:04.51dlynesjayrod422: ?
06:05.32dlynesand you drink moosehead?
06:05.33jayrod422we have all the northern beers here
06:05.35dlynesvery strange
06:05.38jayrod422yea it was on sale
06:05.56jayrod422a few bars here have it on tap also
06:06.17dlynesI guess it's more popular than labatt's blue or molson canadian?
06:06.27jayrod422no its not
06:06.35jayrod422labatts is the most popular around here
06:06.43jayrod422then molson
06:06.44dlynesDon't get Alexander Keith's
06:06.48dlynesIt's quite disgusting
06:06.52jayrod422then some cheap shit i cant remember the name
06:07.02jayrod422then maybe moosehead
06:07.22dlynesI think Nova Scotia just ships that crap outside the province...don't think anyone in Nova Scotia actually drinks Alexander Keith's
06:07.33dlynesSame thing with Schooner beer
06:07.36jayrod422ive never heard of it
06:07.40jayrod422or schooner
06:07.51jayrod422our local shit is iron city
06:08.07dlynesSounds like Steeler beer (Hamilton)
06:08.07jayrod422ive never seen it outside this area
06:08.15jayrod422its is the steelers office beer
06:08.18dlynesHamilton's a major steel city, too
06:08.38dlynesIron City is the Steeler's official beer?
06:08.41dlynesOr Steeler beer is?
06:08.44jayrod422btw what didnt match in my original pastebin
06:08.49jayrod422steelers official beer
06:09.15dlynesFEDCOM0 vs FEDCOM101
06:09.24jayrod422FEDCOM101 is a cisco phone
06:09.51dlynesjayrod422: then I guess you just happened to get lucky that everything's working
06:09.54jayrod422FEDCOMO was what i was using for the two boxes to talk
06:10.07dlynesbecause you don't have a 'laptop' peer on the server side
06:10.10dlyneserm rather user
06:10.18dlynesor friend for that matter
06:10.59dlynesjayrod422: fedcom101 is a cisco phone connected to your laptop then?
06:11.02jayrod422do you know if the context names have to be the same on the both side
06:11.18dlynesjayrod422: that's been my experience, yes
06:11.26jayrod422that may have been what it was
06:11.29dlynesjayrod422: although, I'm far from being an expert on sip
06:11.40dlynesjayrod422: so i'm not quite sure which is which in the sip dialog
06:11.56jayrod422while i know with other systems  (not opensource) you just need a user/pass and no context is used
06:12.18dlynesjayrod422: well, asterisk seems to put that sip context into the context of the sip dialog, too
06:12.46dlynesjayrod422: I think one is the username and the other is the 'user'
06:12.52dlynesor something like that
06:13.03jayrod422that seems to be the case
06:13.22jayrod422oh well its working for now
06:13.28dlynesit was quite confusing the first time I tried to get asterisk to talk to an aastra phone
06:13.41dlynesbecause aastra's got three different things it uses
06:13.51jayrod422my problem has just been other asterisk boxes behind nats
06:13.56dlynesfwiw, there's another value you can use for some stubborn devices, too
06:14.21jayrod422ill have to try that
06:14.29dlynesin case you're having issues with the remote end using your caller id as part of the user authentication
06:14.32jayrod422ive been trying to get toshibas to talk through nat for awhile
06:14.35jayrod422and that might work
06:14.51dlynestoshiba makes a voip phone?
06:15.04jayrod422and voip phones
06:15.34jayrod422i have customers running them and cant get sip trunk up on them with asterisk on my side
06:15.36dlynesit's like a Panasonic TDA-300?
06:15.41jayrod422i have to put them on our nextone
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06:16.22dlynesor like a BCM?
06:16.48jayrod422ive never seen teh panasonic one
06:17.08jayrod422like a bcm
06:17.10dlynesIf so, you might find that it's got its own proprietary methods for getting across a firewall that won't be compatible with anything other than itself
06:17.41dlynesWhich is what Nortel does with its BCM systems and its SIP phones
06:17.56dlyneserm SIP-'compatible' phones
06:18.07jayrod422have you got nortel pbx to talk to asterisk and a sip trunking provider?
06:18.08dlynesthat being said
06:18.17jayrod422as a
06:18.19jayrod422shit wtf
06:18.34dlynesAastra SIP phones support the Nortel version of firewall navigation
06:19.18dlynesnope...I've done very little with bcm
06:19.50dlynesEvery time I've touched it, it's either old Meridian digital handsets, or someone else was running the IP end of things
06:20.09dlynesAnd they were only using it to hook up branch offices that were also using Nortel BCMs
06:20.25jayrod422we have had some customer who couldnt figure out how to connect it with our systems and just gave it on voip providers in general
06:20.26dlynesso sip-intercommunication was a non-issue
06:20.54dlyness/gave it on/gave up on/?
06:20.58jayrod422gave up
06:21.11dlynesneed sleep
06:21.17jayrod422well i gotta sleep if im gonna be in by 9 tommorrow
06:21.23jayrod422so thanks for your help
06:21.30dlynesi just need to walk from bed to the desk
06:21.37dlynesI've got a pretty long commute
06:21.45jayrod422i have 2 flights of stairs
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06:40.18ChannelZhmm I think this is the first time I've seen amazon mp3 tracks at $1.29 instead of $.99
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06:46.46drmessanoYAY KARMIC IS HE..... oh, not just yet
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07:24.47ChannelZThey still have 2 days!
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07:46.53cerwikhi there
07:47.03cerwikcan DAHDI compiles under 2.6.31?
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07:56.24cerwikI am getting error about :  error: ?struct net_device? has no member named ?do_ioctl?
07:56.31cerwikwhen compiling wanpipe
07:56.35cerwikany suggestion?
08:02.36DigitalFluxif i get the following line on the CLI
08:02.49DigitalFluxwhere i am trying to evaluate a GoToIf statement
08:02.56DigitalFluxGotoIf("SIP/500-08a76f60", "0?AgentLoggedIn:ContinueAddingAgent")
08:03.03DigitalFluxthe "0" here ..
08:03.16DigitalFluxmeans the statement got 0 as a result
08:03.25DigitalFluxor that means false ?
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08:09.09cerwiknobody has wanpipe on 2.6.3x?
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08:16.42tzafrirdahdi trunk compiles under 2.6.31
08:17.01tzafrircerwik,  dahdi trunk compiles under 2.6.31
08:17.17kaldemarDigitalFlux: it's false
08:18.44cerwiki am using the dahdi from ubnut that seems fine but wanpipe is not compiling, so you mean wanpipe trunk?
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09:02.33thomasi try to dial a number and have a error like: [Oct 29 10:02:05] WARNING[10639]: chan_sip.c:2994 create_addr: No such host: 41079070
09:02.39thomasmy dialplan:
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09:02.56thomaswhy "No such host: 41079070" ?
09:03.05thomasthis number is in context intern-tm-js-fk { .. ?
09:03.51thomasany ideas?
09:13.53mort_gibthomas: check that from and to are in the same context
09:14.41thomasmort_gib: ok
09:14.50thomashow i can say with dial command
09:14.55thomasother extention?
09:15.07thomasexample: Dial(SIP/41074849/intern-tm-js-fk); ?
09:15.13thomasbut, my question is:
09:15.20thomasi have include: intern-tm-js-fk;
09:15.25thomasand:     41074849 =>  {
09:15.38thomashow doeslnt work? mort_gib ?
09:16.15thomasprio: the same context and THEN the include-context
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09:16.51thomasmort_gib: how i can say: Dial(SIP/41074849) in context X ?
09:17.46mort_gibA sip user in context x can't dial a sip device in context y unless you include
09:17.59thomasmort_gib: what is the best solution?
09:18.30kaldemarthomas: Dial(Local/41074849@context) <-- is that what you mean?
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09:19.08kaldemarthomas: are you trying to call an extension in the dialplan or dial somewhere with SIP directly?
09:19.30thomaskaldemar: [Oct 29 10:19:21] WARNING[26196]: chan_sip.c:3005 create_addr: No such host: intern-tm-js-fk
09:19.40thomaswhen i try:             Dial(SIP/41074849@intern-tm-js-fk);
09:19.43thomasah Local?
09:21.20thomasperfect :-)
09:27.29thomaskaldemar: emm, can you help me with a other question? :-)
09:29.23kaldemarthomas: just ask the question, i'll help if i can.
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09:30.57thomaskaldemar: when i dial out i have I'm on tzhe context: 08941079070
09:31.16thomasbut i would like when i dial 41074849 example then not via Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@11111111);
09:31.28thomasi like over context intern-tm-js-fk {
09:31.37thomaskaldemar: is it posible or i need other rules?
09:33.39kaldemari have trouble understanding what you mean.
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09:34.02thomaskaldemar: when i dial: 0891234567 then over _X. =>  {
09:34.21thomasbut when i dial 41074849 then over 41074849 =>  {
09:34.26thomascontext: intern-tm-js-fk
09:34.32thomasis it posible?
09:35.12kaldemarreplace Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@11111111); with Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@intern-tm-js-fk);
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09:37.57thomaskaldemar: ok..
09:38.06thomaskaldemar: _XX. == is minimum 3 numbers? or 2 ?
09:39.35kaldemarwhen a call lands in a context, it's extensions are matched first. includes are checked after extensions. so now your include is useless since you match everything with _X.
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09:57.42thomaskaldemar: ok. thank  you
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10:22.43DNDguys i need some help configuring te121 card. i think its more complicated than setting up my aex card
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10:31.35Fisterokay, i feel like a fool.  i got sip calls with slin16 now.
10:31.42Fisterand audio works both ways.
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10:35.00pukkitahiya all
10:35.31pukkitalooking for Siempens Optipoint 410 SIP firmware, does anyone have a copy by chance?
10:36.00ppcnot I
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10:39.42pukkitathanks anyway :)
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11:05.32TSM2which file does asterisk take its default local from?
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11:12.07Gido-EDND did you fix it aleardy?
11:12.36drcarumashi guys, i'm trying to change asterisk default sound as global rule. I've tried to put language=pt_BR in [general] at sip.conf , and in peer, and got nothing. For now i'm setting it with "set(CHANNEL(language)" but i dont want that. Thanks for your help.
11:13.16Gido-Edrcarumas i would try, the name of the dir in the sound package
11:13.40drcarumasthe name of the dir?
11:13.43drcarumasthe path?
11:13.56drcarumaslike language=/xxxx/xxxx/xxx ?
11:14.28Gido-Eit creates a dir (that is only for that language), in the language files. That dir name
11:15.50drcarumasi have tthe sounds working on the correct dir , i guess, cause wen I use Set(CHANNEL(language)=pt_BR) in dialplan the audios are playing in the right language. But still i'm having problems with that. For istance, when i use saydigits it only says alf digits in PT, then it goes to EN. lol . Thanks
11:16.49TSM2which file does asterisk take its default language from?
11:17.31Chainsawdrcarumas: Is it falling back to english because your portuguese sound file collection is incomplete?
11:17.37drcarumasTSM2, hmm good question. how can i see that?
11:18.50drcarumasChainsaw, no because if i change the number order it will play ok the first number. For instance, 1234 : it will say in PT one and other in english. If I change the order like 4321 it will say in PT 4 and other numbers in english.
11:19.04drcarumasso i assume that the audios are all ok.
11:19.19Chainsawdrcarumas: Interesting, So it's reverting to a default.
11:19.40drcarumasthat's why i wanted to force the default language do PT so i dont have this kind of issue, and try to understand what's going on.
11:19.48Chainsawdrcarumas: Do you need one of these: /etc/asterisk/sip.conf:language=en_uk; Default language setting for all users/peers
11:20.38TSM2if it does not find the audio file in the sub language folder, will it default to the standard US prompts?
11:20.48*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
11:20.50drcarumasChainsaw, i've tried that. Under [general] . But i don't have nothing set there now. I don't know where i assumes the default language=en.
11:20.52TSM2also whats the best format to have the audio files in, there are sever
11:21.15ChainsawMine are in GSM.
11:21.41drcarumasHmmm ok i think i know what could be the problem
11:22.08drcarumasi have my peer allow=gsm only and I have audios in wav
11:22.41drcarumasThat could be a problem eheheh! :|
11:23.01TSM2i keep reading that its best to go to SLN format
11:23.08drcarumashowever it's weird that it's playing the first audio right and others not.
11:23.30drcarumasTSM2, sorry for my n00biness , what's SLN format?
11:23.50TSM2aparently its asterisk native format
11:25.53drcarumasIn conclusion to my inital question, if I go to sip.conf and under [general] put there language=pt_BR it will change de default language to that? I don't need to force this config in other places right?
11:25.53DNDGido-E, sorry i was out supporting
11:26.06DNDno i havent make it work till now
11:26.33DNDstill 31 channels to configure
11:26.48drcarumasI''ll remove all my Set(CHANNEL(language) from my dialplan and try with that config in sip.conf. And see how it goes.
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11:27.32Fisterok, i'm ready to post my patch on the bugtracker.  anyone have any advice so that i'm not the new guy who annoys people?
11:29.19DNDGido-E, our telco provide dsome info on span parameters
11:29.51TSM2drcaruman: seems so, ive just tried it, the language you put there has to be the same as the subfolder name in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
11:30.28TSM2put all the files in that subfolder, if asterisk cant find what it wants from there it will revert back to the default files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
11:30.49garymcYo, now im using ISDN30 in our office whats gonna be the best way to send faxes?
11:31.05Chainsawgarymc: Sending faxes over a PRI?
11:31.06garymccos apparently i cant link one to the isdn 30
11:31.27Chainsawgarymc: Not directly, no.
11:31.28drcarumasTSM2, thanks for your help. :)
11:32.12garymcso whats my best option. I thought faxing was old hat, and the last 3 companys ive spoke to have asked me to send them a fax!!!!
11:32.30kaldemargarymc: get an analog line for that and plug the fax machine directly into it.
11:32.31DNDso our fax machines cannot directly send faxes?
11:32.51DNDunless we buy the linksys device?>
11:32.57garymcnot through PRI, i made this mistake this month
11:33.18garymcKaldemar Ive got an anolouge line, ill have to use that then
11:33.35Chainsawgarymc: Fax has a legal status.
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11:34.17Chainsawgarymc: It is as good as sending a registered letter as far as the court is concerned. If you have a fax TX report (which they can have authenticated by the fax vendor), they received your note. </story>
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11:34.26Chainsawgarymc: Much better then the legal can of worm an e-mail is.
11:34.31DNDChanServ, so in order to sendfax using a fax machine, we need to buy a device that can talk to asterisk first?
11:34.59ChainsawI'm not convinced ChanServ is going to be a lot of help here, DND.
11:35.06coppicethe snag is a fax tx report is totally bogus :-)
11:35.36Chainsawcoppice: Actually, it's not. It contains at least 30% of the original document, the machine serial number and has several distinct properties that a vendor can check.
11:36.10Chainsawcoppice: (Usually a line or dot pattern that looks benign but contains an encoded verification string)
11:36.18coppiceit only contains verifiable information about the sending machine. it tells you nothing about where the fax went
11:36.41Chainsawcoppice: It tells you the phone number it went out to, and whether that machine confirmed that it received the document.
11:37.03Chainsawcoppice: If it did, that's the end of your responsibility. The other side was notified of what you had to say. This holds up in court. Strongly I might add.
11:37.08*** join/#asterisk zorp75ck (
11:37.09lemmyHi, I have a problem with Asterisk (1.4.21) and a pirelli dp-l10. Call signaling works fine, but when an incoming call is accepted at the Pirelli no speech comes through. NAT can't be an issue since Asterisk and the phone are connected over a VPN. Any hints where I can't start debugging this?
11:37.24coppicewhich actually tells you nothing. telex used to be accepted by courts before fax, and the reports from those were totally fakable
11:38.01Chainsawcoppice: If given the choice, I'd be more inclined to accept a fax TX report then an e-mail server log.
11:39.09coppicethey are both about as useless as each other for verifying anything. courts just happen to accept the fax report as if its meaningful
11:41.29Chainsawcoppice: And it is, you can get an outside expert to verify it. The guy from Xerox/Brother/Canon has no bias one way or the other. Just a "yes, one of ours" or "no, that's fake because of X".
11:41.34drcarumasGuys is this suposed to give me empty result? exten => 12,1,NoOp(${LANGUAGE})
11:42.03coppiceChainsaw: but it doesn't tell you if the FAX actually reached the other end.
11:42.36kaldemardrcarumas: if using 1.6, yes.
11:42.51drcarumaskaldemar, 1.4 here. thanks
11:42.55Chainsawcoppice: It does. Other end says "Okay, I have received your X pages which is all you said you have. Thank you, come again"
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11:43.30DNDsorry chainsaw, that was for ou
11:43.32drcarumaskaldemar, it seems that it's not assuming my language="anylanguage" , under general in sip.conf.
11:44.11coppiceChainsaw: not really. lets say the fax machine was out of paper. typically a modern machine will accept a few FAXes and hold them in RAM. whether they ever reach a piece of paper and get read is very uncertain
11:44.29ChainsawDND: In my case, the fax machine is attached to a Patton Smartnode 4118 (8x FXO) device. It is then sent out on a British Telecom BRI by a Patton Smartnode 4634.
11:45.06Chainsawcoppice: The fax standard clearly states that a fax that is out of paper and does not have non-volatile memory available send a reject code. It does not accept the transmission.
11:46.03coppiceChainsaw: the FAX spec says absolutely nothing about buffering. in real machines its usually a RAM buffer. turn off the machine and its lost
11:46.21tareKhouryhello mates, who should i talk 2 to get help about asterisk SIP errors ?
11:46.22kaldemardrcarumas: ${SIPPEER(language)} will show you the language setting for a sip peer. LANGUAGE was deprecated to 1.4 anyway, so it's better not to use it.
11:46.37Chainsawcoppice: It does actually. Non-volatile storage is allowed, volatile storage is only allowed if there is paper available.
11:47.03kaldemardrcarumas: sorry, ${SIPPEER(<peername>,language)}
11:47.04coppiceChainsaw: can you point to the relevant section in the specs?
11:47.19Chainsawcoppice: Can you link me to the specification document that you are using?
11:47.34drcarumaskaldemar, should i put that with NoOp and get the current channel language?
11:47.36TSM2garymc: you will need a ATA that supprts t28
11:47.45ChainsawTSM2: 38 :)
11:47.46coppiceChainsaw: The ITU specs, of course
11:47.52kaldemardrcarumas: yes
11:48.28Chainsawcoppice: That's not a link. Please try again.
11:48.31drcarumasok, now i have language=fr , under [general] in sip.conf. If all goes well i should get language=fr with NoOp? am i correct?
11:48.32garymcTSM2 : an ATA?
11:49.01Chainsawgarymc: A little box that converts between SIP and an analog phone line.
11:49.15Chainsawgarymc: Or multiple phone lines, if it is a particularly fancy one.
11:49.18tareKhouryany ideas what causes this error : Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE ?????????????????
11:49.37garymcwhere can i find one of those, how much are they, and how easy to install?
11:49.47coppiceChainsaw: of course. There is no other FAX spec for the top level of FAXing
11:50.20kaldemartareKhoury: show a CLI output of the call with sip debug enabled. use a pastebin:
11:50.25infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
11:50.46coppiceChainsaw: and few countries have any approval process for most of the protocols in a FAX machine, so machines can't be expected to follow T.30 to the letter, anyway.
11:50.56tareKhourycan`t i send you a log gile?
11:51.08tareKhouryok i`ll try to use this pastebin
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11:51.27Chainsawcoppice: "Where the called destination is an automatic facsimile terminal which is not ready or not able to operate, the call should not be answered automatically."
11:51.47coppiceChainsaw: there isn't even any common practice about handling in a fax to e-mail system
11:51.58drcarumaskaldemar, ok that worked, thanks for the help.
11:52.16coppiceChainsaw: if a machine has RAM space it will answer and accept the call. nothing is said about storage being non-volatile
11:52.20Chainsawcoppice: That isn't a standardised process, correct.
11:52.30Chainsawcoppice: Are you aware of the concept of case law?
11:52.53coppicenothing is standardised at all, really. T.30 is a recommendation, not a standard
11:53.03Chainsawcoppice: It is a recommendation in force.
11:53.25Chainsawcoppice: Which like specific RFC documents from the IETF, is a standard.
11:53.30coppiceI am aware of case law, and I am aware of the long and bogus history of how that worked out with telex. FAX is even worse
11:53.59Chainsawcoppice: I hope for your sake that you never appear before a judge with this argument.
11:54.42coppicefriends have had to appear in front of judges to say yah or nah on telex log reports, and they found the whole thing a farce
11:54.53*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
11:56.06pukkitadoes anyone have SIP firmware for siempens optipoint?
11:56.07Chainsawcoppice: Standard forensics still apply. Make the alleged terminal produce another failure report and compare ink & paper.
11:56.50Chainsawpukkita: Most Siemens handsets I've seen will automatically update their firmware from the Siemens website. Unless it's not based on "chagall" firmware?
11:57.38coppiceChainsaw: with telex that was really trivial. the only reason friends were able to shoot down telex logs was because the fraudster was sloppy. it takes more knowledge to fake faxes, but few machines offer even the slightest security
11:59.08Chainsawcoppice: The court doesn't work on the basis that a verification system must be infallible. It works on the basis that defrauding the verification system is a difficult and involved process.
12:00.11tareKhouryany ideas what causes this error : Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE ??? SIP DEBUG at
12:00.32coppicethat's the whole point. it isn't hard at all. you can easily construct a FAX and send it to most FAX machines, especially the thermal paper roll type, so it comes out precisely like a report
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12:04.05tareKhouryi need help solving this sip error :  WARNING[15567]: chan_sip.c:3940 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission ??
12:04.45tareKhourysip debug can be found at
12:05.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:07.00angryusertareKhoury, so there is no nat between you and the client ?
12:07.28tareKhourythe client is a dedicated server hosting ( CentOS 5.3 )
12:07.36tareKhouryi tried using nat=yes , nat = no
12:07.39tareKhourynat = route
12:07.49tareKhourythe problem still exists
12:07.55scalex000good morning I need to know how to unregister all SIP
12:08.32angryusertareKhoury, the question is, its there nat between you and cient ?
12:08.34tareKhourycould it be a connection lag? since i`m from israel and the server is in the UK
12:08.39Fisterjust stop registering, they will time out
12:08.54tareKhourythere is
12:08.57tareKhourya nat
12:10.30angryusertareKhoury, please set nat=yes and do a sip trace, also please tell me what is your local net adress (192.168xxxx else?)
12:10.55tareKhourymy local is
12:11.11tareKhouryi will do a nat=yes and debug again
12:11.24angryusertareKhoury, have you set localnet=xxx in you sip.conf ?
12:11.32tareKhouryno i did not
12:11.51angryusertareKhoury, do it before doing a sip trace
12:12.02tareKhouryokay 1 min
12:12.53angryuserscalex000, remove register lines and do reload
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12:14.46tareKhouryangryuser : should it be localnet= ??
12:15.19angryusertareKhoury, localnet=  (sure of mask ?)
12:15.32tareKhouryyes sure
12:15.48angryusertareKhoury, then this is it
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12:18.18TSM2im trying to temporarly disable my voicemail, but even though ive deactivated OnBusy/Noanswer etc the system still goes to VM, any ideas/
12:18.27tareKhouryangryuser: the problem still exists .. should i debug?
12:18.42angryusertareKhoury, yes pastebin
12:18.47tareKhouryok 1 min
12:20.06beekTSM2: Yes, open up the CLI, ensure that verbose is at least 3, then watch what happens to see how it's getting to the voicemail app.
12:21.52[TK]D-FenderTSM2: Wrong channel <-
12:23.03tareKhouryangryuser :
12:23.07tareKhouryhere is the debug
12:23.07beek[TK]D-Fender: What's he got for a system?
12:23.29[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Usual prime offender
12:23.32TSM2hees complaining as usual because someone has come here with a freepbx install
12:24.05[TK]D-FenderTSM2: Yess, because that is dialplan flow and FreePBX owns your sorry ass and isn't supported here
12:24.12[TK]D-FenderTSM2: This is not an "Asterisk problem"
12:24.16beekAnd yet I wonder why I can't buy parts for my Honda at the local Chevy dealership.
12:24.58[TK]D-FenderTSM2: And its not that your running FreePBX, its that your problem is with t, and not * itself
12:25.00TSM2never said it was, but dialplans are asterisk and considering that this is a asterisk board, even debuggins comes under asterisk
12:25.20TSM2these are custom dialplans but dialplans none the less
12:25.32TSM2go tell anyone with a custom dialplan to go to their own board
12:25.34[TK]D-FenderTSM2: No, your dialplan is created by FreePBX, not by you.  Yuo don't like how it builds them, take it up with the people who maintain it.
12:25.42angryusertareKhoury, so the is you uk provider ?
12:25.52[TK]D-FenderTSM2: If this is custom, feel free to pastebin something to show
12:25.57tareKhourythe UK server yes
12:28.09*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:28.21angryusertareKhoury, are you are sure that he is using 4558 for sip ?
12:29.17tareKhouryangryuser: i own the server in the UK with asterisk on it
12:29.33tareKhouryand im trying to reach it through a softphone
12:29.35tareKhouryfrom here
12:29.47tareKhouryto test my application before routing voip numbers to it
12:30.44garymcHi, my 0800 number went live today. It is assigned to a number in my DID range. Can i make certain extensions show as a 0800 number when that extension makes a call out?
12:31.05[TK]D-Fendergarymc: That too is a #freepbx question ....
12:31.09angryusertareKhoury, looks like you are sending ok for invite but you do not get any reply, do you have ports 10 000 - 20 000 5060 udp opened ?
12:31.10[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Move along :)
12:31.11garymcive tried setting it in DID on that extension but it shows up as the number in my DID range
12:31.17garymcwrong room
12:31.21TSM2garymc: only if your provider allows you to specify that as a CID
12:31.24Chainsawgarymc: It depends on how BT have set up your PRI. In most cases they will filter out any numbers you present that aren't in the DID range.
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12:31.51[TK]D-Fendergarymc: and the answer is "yes"
12:31.52tareKhouryangryuser: the UK hosting told me that there is no closed ports, ALL OPEN, how can u really test if they are
12:31.57[TK]D-Fendergarymc: "how" is their concern
12:32.12tareKhouryangryuser: i disabled the iptables firewall also
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12:32.17garymcok thankks
12:32.21angryusertareKhoury, yea, but for example centos has firewall enable by default, check it
12:33.57tareKhouryi disabled the iptables, i`ll check the SElinux
12:34.35angryusertareKhoury, and explain in details you sip config, it is like  sip softphone > nat > public server > provider , or something else ?
12:35.09angryuseror softphone > server > nat > provider ?
12:35.55tareKhouryokay i`ll try to check if okay now, then i will explain everything
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12:36.25angryusernah its is second variant
12:38.40tareKhouryangryuser: it`s like that softphone > nat > UK SERVER with asterisk on it
12:45.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
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12:48.20radovanis there a way to create an active-active asterisk cluster with one iax trunk from telco?
12:49.08radovansomething like iax trunk will be active only on one node, and if that node fails, second will start to register itself for incomming calls
12:49.40angryuserradovan, yes drbd + hearbeat
12:49.51angryuserand mysql replication if needed
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12:52.58[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: How will that mitigate selective * registration?
12:53.14radovanangryuser: that's active-passive
12:53.42radovani want both nodes active, that's isn't a problem, since I have mysql cluster and dundi
12:54.06radovanbut i can't figure out a reliable way to failover iax trunk from telco
12:54.30ManxPower-workYou would have to make the failover server use the same MAC/IP.
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12:55.57radovanManxPower-work: that's not the way...
12:56.02angryuser[TK]D-Fender, it is possible to trigger reloads and many other stuff from heartbeat, moreover "service" could be iax trunks, it is not 100% active-active but why would he need that ? in my exp swich could take 1-2 sec
12:56.02*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
12:56.09radovanjust need to migrate iax registration
12:56.20moos3has anyone installed asterfax with asterisk
12:57.28moos3I'm in need of a fax to email for asterisk
12:57.39moos3can anyone suggest something?
12:58.08angryuserradovan, why cant you have a small out of service for 1-2 sec ? big system ?
12:58.41*** part/#asterisk PMantis (
12:58.43[TK]D-Fendermoos3: that version is not quite old and many serious exploits are in the wild.  I highly recommend upgrading
12:58.59radovanangryuser: because of hotline. and it's quite a challenge :)
12:59.00ManxPower-workyou're still going to lose all calls when the failover happens
12:59.16radovani'm aware of that
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12:59.26angryuserradovan, so you hotline works for 24/7 ?
12:59.55radovanyeah, 24x7
13:00.11moos3[TK]D-Fender: what version do you recommand?
13:00.38[TK]D-Fendermoos3: as per the topic
13:01.11moos3[TK]D-Fender: can I do the update in a Rolling fasion?
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13:01.22moos3I'm new to administration of asterisk
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13:01.31[TK]D-Fendermoos3: No idea what you mean by that exactly...
13:01.40[TK]D-Fendermoos3: DL, extract, compile, install
13:01.56moos3keep up the server up while doing the compile and install
13:02.11[TK]D-Fendermoos3: You can ruight up until it comes to to restart it to put it in effect
13:03.20moos3[TK]D-Fender: ok cool, We did a install from Rpm on our new server, What do you recommend for the fax-to-email part of it
13:03.41[TK]D-Fendermoos3: What are you using now?
13:04.14angryuserradovan, well i know some systems capable of adding/removing nodes dynamicly but it is difficult to achieve this with asterisk, at least you need to think about this functionnality when building the system at the beginning, the easyest way is to ask your telco try to join 2 ip adress when first fails
13:04.19moos3[TK]D-Fender: nothing, at the moment, but we are suggested asterfax
13:04.45[TK]D-Fendermoos3: What are you using for PSTN connectivity?
13:05.00moos3[TK]D-Fender: T1 with 23 lines
13:05.34moos3[TK]D-Fender: we have a digium te220
13:05.37[TK]D-Fendermoos3: IAXModem + Hylafax
13:06.15moos3[TK]D-Fender: K, is there anything special I need to compile for the IAXModem?
13:06.41radovanangryuser: that's the reason why I'm asking
13:07.09[TK]D-Fendermoos3: get Googleing.
13:07.15ManxPower-workNow if you were using SIP and no NAT (i.e. reinvites) you might be able to keep calls up when the server fails over.
13:07.29moos3[TK]D-Fender: K thanks for the help
13:07.46radovanangryuser: I can't get two trunks from telco, I asked for it and they are unable to provide it.
13:09.42angryuserradovan, you can do it with sip proxy, but with iax it is dead
13:10.48angryuserradovan, and i am curious how many calls do you get a 4h of the morning if you can not afford 2 sec downtime
13:12.29ManxPower-workMaybe Asterisk is not the correct solution for radovan?
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13:14.55*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
13:15.01Skeeter-good morning everyone
13:15.04angryuserThe cheapest out-of-the-box softswich with active-active  i saw was around 80k thats too much for 2 seconds for me
13:16.09Skeeter-i purchased some g729 codec, problem is that is i get more calls then registered codec in between my servers, calls cant be made, if i had allow;g729,gsm will g729 be used in priority
13:17.01ManxPower-workSkeeter-: no,  Buy more licenses or create an additional connection between your two servers and handle "license failover" in your dialplan.
13:18.46TSM2Skeeter-: as manxpower said, make two trunks between the servers, first trunk for your g729 stuff and put a max calls limit on it equal to ammount of licences you have, then have another trunk for gsm g711 etc... then create a plan that uses them in that order
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13:19.49ManxPower-workLicenses are so cheap you might as well just buy extras
13:20.03radovanSkeeter-: write it in two lines
13:20.17TSM2what is the licencing rules on that, which countries does g729 apply in?
13:20.20ManxPower-workradovan: that won't work
13:20.32radovanhmm, since which version?
13:20.36ManxPower-workTSM2: according to the ITU, all countries
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13:20.52radovanworking for me on 1.4.x
13:21.17Skeeter-radovan: tahnks for the tip iw ill  give it a try
13:21.22ManxPower-workradovan: Asterisk will allow the call to be processed (and fail) if you run out of licenses
13:21.35Skeeter-TSM2: whtnks to you too, this fives me 2 solutions
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13:23.56radovanManxPower-work: that's quite a bug, if it cannot check if there is free lincence to make a call and fallback to another codec
13:24.18ManxPower-workradovan: not at all.  Asterisk will happily to g729 PASSTHRU if you have no licenses.
13:24.22radovanangryuser: i can afford downtime for 1-2 minute, i'm just currious
13:24.30ManxPower-workPassthru is pretty useless to most people, however
13:27.41[TK]D-FenderThis is pointless
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13:28.05[TK]D-FenderIf G.729 is the preferred choice, it will be the ONLY choice.
13:28.23[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing as "failover to other codec when licenses run out"
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13:32.57ChainsawTSM2: "32-bit linux binary". What is this, 2003?
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13:41.49Skeeter-There is no such thing as "failover to other codec when licenses run out"
13:42.08Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender: you suggest another trunk with another codec??
13:42.16*** join/#asterisk Elwell (n=aelwell@freenode/staff/elwell)
13:44.41ElwellHi folks, I have a [fedora] section in sip.conf with my fedoraproject details, what magic do I need so that my ekiga softphone ([andrew] in sip.conf) can connect to (at the moment it only works wit sip:extension@myasteriskserver.adddress
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13:47.20moos3[TK]D-Fender: ok I have up and running, I have soundsp installed, but I'm not sure how to set up the iaxmodem
13:48.34ManxPower-workElwell: if you connect to "" then you are bypassing Asterisk.
13:48.49Elwellaaah OK
13:50.08Elwellso presumably I'd need to make sure I have local copy of the authentication. dammit. was hoping it'd all happen in *. /me RTFMs
13:50.43ManxPower-workElwell: doing it the way you do now should work
13:51.21*** join/#asterisk jtrimmer (n=jtrimmer@
13:51.54ElwellManxPower-work: but my local ekiga doesn't have my fedora account in, just the authentcation to get to my * server. if I bypass that then it needs to authenticate me to fedora
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13:52.15ManxPower-workElwell: on Asterisk exten =>666,1,Dial(SIP/fedora)
13:52.20ManxPower-workdial 666 in your ekiga phone.
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13:54.51_trinecan someone explain why when say I dial a 6 figure phone number like 123456 it connects with the other phone but there is no ringing tone in my phone ear piece but when I dial say 01652 245678 there is a ringing tone before the phone connects as you would normally expect
13:55.33_trinewhats should I be looking at to correct this behavior
13:56.28jtrimmerI have an asterisk server behind a sonicwall tz190 and a remote extension behind a linksys wrt310n.  I can make calls from the extension to any phone on the same network as asterisk and out through the pots.  audio works fine both directions.  If I try to call the remote extension though it tells me it is unavailable.  Also in freepbx panel that extension is half greyed out.  I think it might be the linksys blocking traffic but
13:56.28jtrimmerthough I might ask if anyone else might of seen this before.
13:56.54Skeeter-ManxPower-work: could you help me with my CID issue
13:57.28*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
13:58.14knctrnlI am bringing callers in and asking for and recording their employee ID into a varible as well as data from a few other questions I am asking them. I am echoing this data to a file.  I am then asking them to record more information which I record to an mp3.  Whats the easiest way to pick these files up and send as an email after the call is finished?
14:02.11infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
14:04.01_trineManxPower-work: why should I get a ringing tone on some calls and not others depending on the length of the number,, any ideas for me
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14:09.09[TK]D-Fenderknctrnl: E-Mailing is not an * task.  Call an external script in the "h" exten on termination of the call
14:10.38knctrnlAlso does anyone have any suggestions of a first language to learn if I wanted to do AGI? There are so many options and I dont know how to do any programing.  Is one easier to learn than the other?
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14:11.46[TK]D-Fenderknctrnl: AGI doesn't care about the language.  Pick one you feel will be most useful for you for other things
14:12.37[TK]D-Fenderknctrnl: PHP is common for web stuff, Perl is nore OS-centric and gives you better dev control, etc... its a personal thing
14:13.12[TK]D-Fenderknctrnl: I know some PHP, so that's what I would use, but there are load issues at a certain point
14:14.05Kattyhands out bowls of oatmeal
14:14.30beekKatty: I hope that they're original oats (no processing) and not "quick" oats.
14:15.11Kattyno, they're old fashioned oats
14:15.42*** join/#asterisk fainsys (n=fainsys@
14:16.36Kattyput peanut butter and banana in mine :>
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14:19.54beekI just use bananas, raisins and cinammon
14:20.11beekaccepts bowl from Katty
14:20.25beekMmmmm... thanks!
14:21.18beek[TK]D-Fender: God uses Perl
14:21.35Kattysomething tells me DNA wasn't written in Perl
14:21.38Carlos_PHXlooks at hemp, veggie, and peanut butter smoothie on his desk...
14:21.55beekKatty: no, but the sequence for DNA was processed using Perl.
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14:24.43Kattycan't finish oatmeal :/
14:26.30tzafrirbeek meant
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14:32.42KattyHELLO THAR DAVE
14:32.52eppigyhiya :>
14:33.11Kattyhugs eppigy
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14:33.33jayteehugs Katty
14:33.57jayteeBuenos Dias, Senor Dave!
14:34.01beektzafrir: EXCELLENT!   :D
14:34.20beekLISP:  Lots of Irritating, Spurious Parenthesis
14:34.25beekMorning jaytee
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14:35.37torrancewhey all, how bulky is the config for setting up a numeric prompt, and using that to direct unanswered calls to voicemail?
14:35.41eppigyholds Katty close
14:35.47torrancewor more specifically, what does that entail?
14:35.57eppigyHOLA SENOR JAYTEE
14:36.43[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: basic IVR.  couple of lines of dialplan.
14:37.04moos3how does one get app_txfax to build
14:37.12*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (n=mklaus@
14:37.26torrancewcould you give me the syntax for just 1 number? perhaps, have 1 dial SIP/john?
14:38.01infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:38.36torrancewcool, didn't find it in there at a glance. i'll look closer
14:38.55torrancewbtw, thanks. you guys make one of the most helpful channels i've found on here
14:49.22*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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14:50.30neurosysGot my Polycom SoundPoint 550 today. Not to happy with the speakphone tho. Everyone complains i sound real far :(
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14:52.06[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Depends what you, your room,, your gain settings, and their environment look like as well as codecs, etc
14:53.03*** join/#asterisk fainsys_ (n=fainsys@
14:53.13neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Gonna play with it. I rule out enviroment because the Linksys SPA-942 had no trouble. I'll keep playin tho :)
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14:58.38*** join/#asterisk Gnutoo (
14:58.57Gnutoohi, I bet there is no software for making a gtalk server?
14:59.10TheDavidFactorthat's funny!
14:59.25Kattywell i'm sure there is.
14:59.32Gnutooah ok
14:59.33Kattyand i'm sure google has copyrights all over it.
15:00.04Gnutoolol ....I wasn't very clear...can I make my own gtalk server in some way?
15:00.22Kattywhy don't you write google and ask.
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15:04.58radovanhow can I debug problems with voice quality?
15:05.15radovani have "rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597" in daemon.log a scrambled voice on all calls
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15:23.33ircastHi, I'm new to asterisk and I'm looking for a docu of the asterisk database. Any hint or link?
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15:23.54infobotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
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15:25.05torrancewin extensions.conf, can i assign and use an "ALLINTERNAL" variable that is equal to ${VAR1}&${VAR2}, etc, or would that barf? (VAR1 = SIP/line1, etc)
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15:26.08ManxPower-worktorrancew: yes, you can do
15:26.24torrancewManxPower-work: thanks, wanted to make sure my dialplan wouldn't barf before i implemented it
15:26.51ManxPower-worktorrancew: have you read the Asterisk book?
15:27.07ManxPower-worktorrancew: depends on where in the dialplan y
15:27.13torrancewi've used it as a refernce
15:27.24torrancewi haven't had time to read it cover to cover, but i'm working on it
15:27.45ManxPower-worktorrancew: did you read the docs in the asterisk source?
15:27.48torrancewthey decided to tell me they wanted asterisk pbx, and have it implemented, within the course of about 1 week
15:27.59ManxPower-worktorrancew: you will fail
15:28.00torrancewsame situation there
15:28.11torrancewwell, we're riding ok so far
15:28.26torrancewi'm just implementing their desired features in phases
15:28.33torrancewand trying to watch my back along the way
15:29.14p3nguin_gnutoo: It's google talk just an xmpp server?  You can certainly make your own xmpp setup -- install jabberd.
15:29.20torrancewManxPower-work: i appreciate the advice though, and if i get the other projects i'm on out of the way, i'll read the docs this weekend
15:29.24ManxPower-workPeople should spend at least a month learning Asterisk, then another 2 - 3 months in testing before deploying in production
15:29.40torrancewManxPower-work: i don't disagree
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15:31.12twanny796anylink to a good book on Euro ISDN?
15:38.33Carlos_PHXAh, another day, another stupid reason for RTP to be broken.  Fun fun fun.
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15:38.51Carlos_PHXCustomer's firewall thought our traffic was a port scan and auto-blacklisted our Asterisk server.
15:39.06torrancewif i don't create a busy or unavailable message for a VM account, how can i expect a call to VoiceMail(EXTEN) to act?
15:40.24Carlos_PHXDo you mean you don't create either, or create only one?
15:41.25torrancewCarlos_PHX: don't create either
15:41.34raden_workanyone interested in a HP procurve 1800-24G ? I have 2 for sale
15:42.15moos3how can i see what t1 channels are in use?
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15:44.45ryduhgooooood morning!
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15:47.04[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: regardless about what you create, you aren't specifying which one to play
15:47.25torrancew[TK]D-Fender: right
15:48.29torrancewwhat i'm trying to figure out is, a) can i have someone leave a VM without a prompt being played by the VM application, and b) if not, how can i specify an existing audio file for a VM account's greeting
15:49.28[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: A) yes
15:49.46[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: To choose which one is played, you CHOOSE it when you call Voicemail()
15:49.57[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: "core show application voicemail"
15:50.13torrancew[TK]D-Fender: right, VoiceMail(exten,[u|b])
15:50.30[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: Good... progress...
15:51.15torrancew[TK]D-Fender: that's what i needed. thanks once more
15:51.40torrancew[TK]D-Fender: how might i specify an existing file for a greeting in voicemail.conf?
15:52.20torrancew(i feel that VoiceMail(exten,s) will be fine, but the boss may soon decide "wait, in addition to the ivr, i want _this_ played too"
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15:56.47torrancewand digging through the sample voicemail.conf, i don't see any greeting parameter
15:56.51torrancewalso couldn't find one in the book
15:58.21Gnutoook thanks but gtalk also do voice
16:02.41torrancewadoes anyone know the parameter to set an account's greeting file (if possible) in voicemail.conf?
16:03.07torrancew*face-palm. never mind, i can do a playback, and a voicemail(exten,s)
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16:08.14ryduhtorrancew: :) The words face-palm make me crack up a little inside every time I read them
16:10.17moos3whats the best fax to email for *
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16:13.28jayteeKatty, you around?
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16:16.57angryusermoos3, depends, what do you use for faxing ?
16:18.30moos3well its all incoming faxes
16:18.46moos3I cant seem to get txfax to build with *
16:19.12moos3am I doing something wrong? I have got the dsp built and installed
16:19.24angryusermoos3, so you fax dont work and you want fax to email ?
16:19.56moos3well I'm trying to get it build first but wanted some information
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16:20.47angryusermoos3, do you want to fax over ip or over bri T1/E1 ?
16:21.00moos3when i try to build asterisk i get this
16:21.09moos3over my T1
16:21.55angryusermoos3, drop it, install hylafax with iaxmodem and a very nice web interface called avantfax
16:22.03torrancewwhat's a good audio conversion program to convert into .gsm format?
16:22.21jayteetorrancew, sox
16:22.31jayteeor you can do file convert from the CLI
16:22.38angryusermoos3, my users are happy with it
16:22.49torrancewjaytee: sox streams or does true conversion?
16:22.55moos3angryuser: my concern is we are talking alike 10K+ of incoming faxes
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16:23.05angryusermoos3, and ?
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16:23.09jayteetorrancew, true conversion
16:23.15moos3it should handle that?
16:23.21cuscosee those errors?
16:23.27cuscoOct 29 16:18:59] ERROR[25864] chan_dahdi.c: !! Got reject for frame 5, but we have nothing -- resetting
16:23.40cuscoall of our pstn calls are constantly going down
16:23.41angryusermoos3, 10k per month ?
16:23.46moos3no a day
16:24.09moos3we are a document collection point various clients
16:24.24drcarumastorrancew,example : "sox xxxxxx.wav -r 8000 -a xxxxx.gsm"
16:24.31torrancewdrcarumas: thanks alog
16:24.36angryusermoos3, hylafax will handle that not sure that avantfax is suitable for the mass
16:25.18angryusermoos3, replace avantfax with native hylafax clients
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16:25.47ryduhangryuser: how many faxes do you send/receive a day with 1 hylafax server?
16:25.47moos3we are going to email them to a database processing script
16:26.28angryuserryduh, the maximum i had is around 1 k the server was cold
16:27.37torrancewsox doesn't like my input formats
16:27.45ryduhangryuser: how often do you have problems? how often do you have to spend time to maintain it? we currently use an email to outgoing fax system and we'd love to host it ourselves
16:27.50torrancewlooks like the guy sent me MS ADPCM
16:28.11drcarumasconvert it to wav or mp3
16:28.39angryusermoos3, with 10 k you need really think of the scructure of your setup how to build HA and save faxes
16:28.52drcarumastorrancew, check "man sox" if he can handle that format
16:29.15angryuserryduh, the faxes are sent by mail and 1 time a week there is a script to launch
16:29.34torrancewdrcarumas: don't have to - he's the one that complained about it ;-)
16:29.37moos3angryuser: I have a high proformance san cluster, and a quadcore box with 4 gigs of ram, and single t1
16:29.49moos3what should I put this setting to Maximum number of concurrent jobs to a destination [1]?
16:29.55angryuserryduh, ...with crontab, actually i have not looked for a year xD
16:30.12jayteewow, it's not everyday you read about someone using a ferret as a weapon.
16:30.15drcarumastorrancew, oh ok. EHeh! well go for it :)
16:30.25angryuserryduh, i dont work for the guys i setup it anymore, but they would call me if something gone wrong
16:30.34torrancewdrcarumas: also, it was in wav format, just wrong encoding i suppose, so i'll ship it out to flac, if sox has a problem with that, i have a problem with sox
16:30.50drcarumastorrancew, i use audacity for some audio editing try that, if you dont have any other audio editing tool.
16:30.59torrancewdrcarumas: i've got a few, i'll get it liced
16:31.10torrancewi hate macbook keyboards
16:32.13angryusermoos3, i cant tell you, you need to test i coz i had never 10k per day, what i can say hylafax was here for a years, and it was used in a large setups, google a bit
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16:32.23ryduhangryuser: that's comforting. do you only run one server?
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16:33.49angryuserryduh, yes one server, the faxes actually stored for a week locally(raid1) , then send to a remote storage (just a mount) with redundant hdds
16:33.51moos3angryuser: cool thx, with is the best way to install iaxmodem is to build from source on centos?
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16:34.12angryusermoos3, yes from sources its is simple
16:35.15ryduhlol how did Hylafax skip version 5 altogether. from version 4.4.4 to 6.0.0
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16:35.29angryusermoos3, dont drop avantfax ask a avantfax dev if they have same large setups with their web interface, it is really handy and usefull
16:35.47angryuserryduh, there is hylafax and hylafax+ (fork)
16:35.56angryuserryduh, not the same thing
16:37.33ryduhangryuser: so v5.* is hylafax+? Do you know the main difference between the two?
16:37.34moos3ok cool
16:41.36angryuserryduh, hylafax+ pretend to be more advanced, but both are pretty stable
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16:43.01ryduhmoos3: you accept over 10k faxes a day on a T1 line and one server?
16:43.17moos3thats the plan
16:43.43ryduhmoos3: no, how much do you currently handle?
16:43.53moos3it might not be a 10K at first, we are setting up a trail run which should be about 2500 a day
16:43.58angryusermoos3, i know a pro who is doing fax setups for providers, buy you have to pay $$
16:44.17ryduhangryuser: are we talking $$ or $$$$$$?
16:44.43angryuserryduh, ~$$$$
16:45.37WollieDoes anyone knows how to disable Packet2Packet bridging? When I make a call sometimes only 1 side hears audio. Everytime that happens this is in the log:
16:45.40WollieHi James,
16:45.43WollieI've been following your blog throughout the year and although I never left any comment before (I'm just not such a big commenter) I really love it. I'm living in Costa Rica (haven't you noticed me in your statistics?) and Formula1 coverage here is nihil. Live broadcasting is horrible with commentators from the studio that manage to talk through all the radio broadcasts. I'm so thankfull for internet and your blog so I can keep following Formula1 like how I
16:45.47*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
16:45.50WollieI will definately order your book! Just to be sure it arrives I'll have it delivered to friends in The Netherlands. The mailservice here is not so reliable :/.
16:45.54Wolliesorry, not that :)
16:45.59WolliePacket2Packet bridging SIP/201-00802b40 and SIP/301-007f9b40
16:46.07Wolliestupid Windows that doesn't copy when you select text ;)
16:46.23moos3lol thanks for the help to get started :)
16:46.52ryduhangryuser: I wish we could justify spending that but we can't right now. Guess it will be a trial and error kind of development
16:46.54filePacket2Packet bridging is an optimized way of exchanging the RTP inside of Asterisk, it literally reads in the RTP, and sends it directly out
16:47.08fileit shouldn't be possible for that to cause one way audio
16:47.12hescoI am working to add a new DID to my existing * server.  iax2 show registry | peers, plus the registration statements are posted at:  My existing DID is routing incoming calls appropriately, but the new DID is failing to make its presence known in my logs, much less by ringing my desk.  Can anyone advise me what I may be missing, please?
16:48.00angryuserryduh, i am not selling anything so i wish you good luck!
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16:48.12Wolliefile, the weird thing is that when I call 201 FROM 301 it works good, without Packet2Packet.
16:48.23Wolliethis one works:
16:48.24Wollie-- Called 201
16:48.31Wolliethis one doesn't:
16:48.41ryduhwollie: use
16:49.06filein the first case Asterisk would be constructing new RTP packets, in the second one Asterisk would be passing it through
16:49.15fileit is possible that one endpoint doesn't like the RTP packets the other side is creating
16:49.38ryduhangryuser: We've got a T1 at the office with 4 lines. Would you have any idea of what kind of load we could handle using 2 lines?
16:50.29angryuserryduh, two T1 2x24 ?
16:50.43Wolliecan it be because the 2 phones are different?
16:50.50angryuserryduh, or E1 2x30 ?
16:51.06Wollieone is a Linksys and the other one a 'Callmyway Lan Phone 88'
16:51.10ryduhangryuser: I'm sorry I don't know much about T1. We have a T1 line with 4 DIDs
16:51.52superbeefryduh: US or UK?
16:52.26ryduhsuperbeef: US
16:52.50ryduhWe're also using the T1 for internet
16:52.54angryuserryduh, dids is one thing, but how many lines ? one T1(usa) is 24 max europe is E1 its 30, also of course you have have one T1 but less lines (look at you telco contract)
16:53.03superbeefryduh: oh.. it's a fractional
16:53.20torrancewdo VM extensions need to be numeric?
16:53.35moos3angryuser: the peername and secert do I have to set that in sip? the instructions are a little on the bad side
16:53.59superbeefryduh: you need to ask your provider how it divides it to determine the amount of voice channels..  some providers will add and remove channels for data as voice calls increase
16:54.25angryusermoos3, you have config for iaxmodem /etc/iaxmodem make them mach to iax.conf
16:55.16moos3ok cool thanks
16:55.17torrancewor can they be alphabetic strings?
16:55.38angryusermoos3, here is the tuto for trixbox but you can pull what you need:
17:00.23moos3angryuser: cool thx, I have the iaxmodem working I believe when I run the iaxmodem command no errors
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17:02.04KavanScan anyone tell me how long a "ring" takes?
17:02.20KavanSso I can time my rings/dial time correctly?
17:02.33superbeef6 seconds i think... 3 on 3 off
17:02.43superbeefwhat's google say
17:02.54angryuserKavanS, depends on country, look at indications.conf
17:02.59KavanSgoogle says little...redefining my search terms
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17:09.20_cgchi everyone
17:09.23moos3I can't figure out why my registration is failing
17:09.39moos3I have added them to iax.conf
17:09.46moos3and reloaded asterisk
17:09.50_cgcdoes anyone have any experience with isdn2e lines?
17:13.52Chainsaw_cgc: You mean european ISDN BRI lines?
17:14.08_cgcyes, is it possible to set the outbound callerid based on call groups on a isdn2e line using asterisk 1.4
17:14.24Chainsaw_cgc: It is dependent on your provider letting you.
17:14.28_cgcand using zaptel
17:14.59Chainsaw_cgc: (Most will filter and drop anything that isn't in your assigned number range)
17:15.44_cgci can do it with the isdn30 lines by setting the callerid in extensions.conf but i am using dahdi for these lines, im trying to set the callerid to numbers that have already been assigned to me
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17:16.23_cgcfor some reason with my isdn2e lines, the callerid always goes to the main number
17:16.27Chainsaw_cgc: DAHDI & Zaptel are fairly similar still, when it comes to ISDN configuration.
17:16.41Chainsaw_cgc: Have you checked with your telco? They may just be filtering it.
17:17.27_cgcso i should be able to set the callerid the same way as on a isdn30 line, if it doesn't work then its probably due to the telco?
17:18.02angryuser_cgc, are you sure that you are setting it ? try to set ${Callerid(num)} manually to see
17:18.18tzafrir_cgc, you can set both the group and the caller ID in the dialplan
17:18.48_cgcok, ill have a closer look at my extension.conf, thanks every1 :)
17:18.59_trinecould someone shed some light on why I have an outgoing ring tone on some telephone numbers and not others?
17:19.38angryuser_trine, using sip ?
17:20.01_trineit always the same numbers
17:20.07_trinemy local ones
17:20.13angryuser_trine, look a sip trace, do you have 180 Ringing send to you every time ?
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17:20.54_trineangryuser: I don't have an 'r' in there no
17:21.36_trineis that what you meant
17:21.57acxtyHi guys, Does someone know a callcenter software that works with asterisk and linux based
17:22.15_trineif i dial 01253 234567 I get a ring tone as the phone is trying to connect
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17:22.26angryuseracxty, depends on need, what features ?
17:22.31_trinebut if i dial a local number like 234567 I don't
17:22.45_trineI'm a new user
17:23.18angryuser_trine, yes we know, try to do a sip debug on the call to see a difference
17:23.33acxtyangryuser, What I want to do is to monitor the calls the agents make, how much time, to what number they call,
17:23.43moos3[2009-10-29 13:22:56] ERROR[28181]: chan_iax2.c:4474 handle_call_token: Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenignore list or setting user fax requirecalltoken=no
17:23.44_trineangryuser: could you give me a clue on the command for that
17:23.44acxtyangryuser, If for a sale department
17:23.51moos3angryuser: ideas on that?
17:24.31angryuseracxty, so it is for outbound ? do you need predictive ?
17:24.39acxtyangryuser, Also to hear the conversations of the agents without them to notice
17:24.48acxtyangryuser, also for inbound
17:25.26ManxPower-workmoos3: did you try adding requiretoken=no to the iax.conf [fax] section?
17:25.58angryuseracxty, do you nead a call generator from leads ?
17:26.41moos3yes I just did and everything seems cool now expect a error about not being dynamic
17:26.50angryuser_trine what is you * version ?
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17:27.35angryusermoos3, set host=
17:28.02acxtyangryuser, what software so you recommend?
17:28.51angryuseracxty, there is only one free called vicidal and all others out-of-the-box payed, or you can hire a pro to do a custom install
17:29.14angryuseracxty, how many agents ?
17:29.30_trineangryuser: Asterisk
17:29.57_trineit's running inside my router for personal use only
17:30.19angryuser_trine, then sip debug peer Peername where peername is you provider peer name
17:30.44_trinetnks I'll give that a try
17:30.47angryuser_trine, and use "help" it is explained there
17:30.50acxtyangryuser, a small callcenter 5 the most, which one is the free
17:31.45_trineangryuser: I did that and guess what
17:32.02_trineit then gave the ring tone :S
17:32.44angryuserariel_, ah yes! they got a call center addon, but i ahve never used predictive, have any good exp with it ?
17:33.38_trineangryuser: thank you
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17:34.59moos3angryuser: even with setting the host [2009-10-29 13:33:37] NOTICE[28175]: chan_iax2.c:7363 register_verify: Peer 'fax' is not dynamic (from
17:35.06angryuser_trine, welcome, but we did nothing, it eventually it will come back
17:35.17angryusermoos3, hm let me pull out my iax config
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17:35.44ManxPower-workmoos3: if your device registers then host=dynamic.  If the host does not register then
17:35.45_trineangryuser: would there be a reason for it to return?
17:36.43moos3here is what mine looks like
17:37.22ariel_angryuser: and acxty, it works, but all around most call centers need to go with some type of custom settings. As I have never seen anything fit everyone
17:38.09acxtyariel_, which one you recommend, doesn't if it is free or not
17:38.22ryduhI'm looking to replace our current Key System with VoIP phones. What phones would you recommend for a small office (10 employees)?
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17:38.50ariel_acxty: I would start with Elastix see that works for you,  but all around there is no real good prediticted dialer out there that is free.
17:38.58ryduhWithout being too horribly expensive
17:39.18ariel_ryduh: polycom
17:39.32ryduhOr, which phones should I stay away from? Grandstream?
17:40.21infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
17:40.29ariel_ryduh: in my view if you want it to work then you stay with Polycom
17:40.49angryusermoos3, here it is
17:40.49ryduhthanks :)
17:41.12bmoracaryduh: Polycom 330s aren't really all that expensive anyway...and the 430 is kind of nice, too (but more expensive)
17:41.18Anth8708Any polycom guys here with Enhanced BLF experience?
17:41.18ryduhAnd is the best place to buy polycoms at voipsupply?
17:41.23moos3ManxPower-work: even with dynamic no go
17:41.28bmoracaor you can go way back in the day and just get some dirt cheap 501s
17:42.00ManxPower-workmoos3: I don't believe that.  The message is clear.
17:42.12scalex000hi friend, I setup 2 asterisk using IAX with encryption,(1 asterisk behind nat, another public address),  in the asterisk that is behind nat I get a notice chan_iax2.c:8382 socket_process: Packet Decrypt Failed!
17:42.13angryuserariel_, well you can gem most of you need, but if you want more pull out Cdr records and analyse them with third party
17:42.47ariel_angryuser: there are over 1000 plus ways to do thing with asterisk.
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17:43.38moos3there is finally worked
17:43.54[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: IP 450 largely devalidates the 430, and in many cases the 330 as well
17:43.56ryduhWhy in the world do the polycom phones not come with power adapters
17:44.20[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Because common corporate deployments run PoE <-
17:44.41ChainsawIndeed, it's all PoE in our offices. WLAN APs & phones alike.
17:44.43[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Why increase the cost of the majority market unnecessarily?
17:44.49bmoracaryduh: depends where you buy them...where i buy them, they all come with AC adapters
17:45.12[TK]D-Fenderryduh: And indeed there are SKU's with the PS included
17:46.23angryusernew aastra phone is coming out soon, color touch display and usb host, they dont say for what, maybe camera
17:46.34ryduhGood to know. Is it feasible to run PoE in a small office? Would I just need to get a PoE switch to run it?
17:46.38angryuseri hope that it is camera
17:46.49Chainsawryduh: Yes, generally just replacing your switch will suffice.
17:46.49scalex000hello who know how to register iax again
17:46.51ryduhbmoraca: where do you buy them?
17:48.23bmoracathe majority of my deployments are not PoE...they tend to be 4-5 phones and use a hosted PBX, so they don't end up wanting to spend money on PoE switches, etc.  Although, with polycoms and more recent Cisco phones, you can get away with using much less expensive PoE switches
17:48.35*** join/#asterisk VooDooNOFX (
17:48.35moos3angryuser: faxsetup is telling me Sorry, the device is currently in use by another program.
17:48.37bmoracaryduh: i buy them from one of my regular distributors, techdata
17:48.43[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Same place as everything else
17:48.49moos3when I tell it the iaxmodem ttyIAX0
17:49.06bmoracaryduh: they tend to be 15-20% less expensive than the other internet-based wholesalers
17:49.06moos3is there something I'm doing wrong?
17:49.16angryusermoos3, dont use faxsetup you got a config in iaxmode source fo hylafax
17:49.30moos3ok cool thx
17:49.35torrancewhas anyone configured a Linksys PAP2 Voip adapter with asterisk?
17:49.50bmoracai'm sure almost everyone has
17:50.22torrancewbmoraca: well put
17:50.35torrancewbmoraca: the config for it is a bit confusing for me
17:50.45bmoracado you have a specific question or are you just taking a survey?
17:51.17torrancewi do, but it'll have to wait
17:51.21torrancewboss is calling me out for a bit
17:53.27*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
17:53.57Skeeter-i can intercept(pickup) any calls, except those made from the IAX trunk
17:54.04*** join/#asterisk cherva (n=cherva@
17:57.08moos3angryuser: the config.ttyIAX file right?
17:57.57*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
17:58.44angryusermoos3, yes
17:59.35*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (
18:02.04scalex000I need help
18:03.20*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
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18:07.21angryuserscalex000, try to do iax2 reload
18:07.55scalex000angryuser, not work, not register again
18:08.14scalex000angryuser, its strange I can call from one side
18:09.21*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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18:14.33gabecAnyone here tried interop: sipxecs with asterisk as media gateway ?
18:14.58*** part/#asterisk jayrod422 (
18:17.30ryduhbmoraca: do you have a personal techdata account or do you use your businesses techdata account? I don't currently do much service that would require a distributor but now that I'm getting into * it does sound fun to install local * systems for a fee.
18:21.56*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
18:23.16angryuserscalex000, can you try to debug your iax communication to see why it is not registering ?
18:24.43scalex000angryuser, yes, but I do not understand I will try to do it, thansk
18:24.54*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (n=cstewart@nat/digium/x-oraobdzoxdbkkekw)
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18:40.27moos3angryuser: how can I test hylafax
18:40.46angryusermoos3, download a hylafax native client
18:41.16moos3ok cool
18:41.26moos3I want to test it coming into itself
18:41.28angryusermoos3, add a user and send
18:46.51*** join/#asterisk vgster (
18:48.20angryusermoos3, you dont need a client for incoming
18:48.40angryusermoos3, and dont forget to rung a getty on you modem
18:50.55moos3angryuser: ok
18:51.17angryusermoos3, run faxstat to be sure of the state
18:52.17moos3angryuser: ok its running
18:53.01moos3it just rings and rings
18:53.28moos3exten => 7032,1,Dial(IAX2/fax)
18:53.31moos3is in my extensions
18:55.37angryuserfaxstat says what ?
18:56.54angryusermoos3, have you pointed it to  a good tty under /dev ?
18:57.01moos3Modem ttyIAX0 (+1.703.373.7032): Waiting for modem to come ready
18:57.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
18:57.33angryusermoos3, so it is not Ready ?
18:58.24moos3iaxmodem is running
18:58.58angryuserso getty pointing to what ?
18:59.11*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
18:59.38moos3angryuser: in the config?
19:00.06moos3GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
19:00.10moos3you mean that?
19:00.27angryusermoos3, no, look at my getty in inittab : 7:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX
19:01.04moos3Modem ttyIAX0 (+1.703.373.7032): Initializing server
19:01.08angryusermoos3, so it is running ?
19:01.22moos3and now back to waiting
19:01.29angryuserok nice
19:01.36angryusermoos3, this is what we want
19:01.36moos3Modem ttyIAX0 (+1.703.373.7032): Waiting for modem to come ready
19:01.53angryuserno this xD
19:02.07moos3ok I'm getting fax tones
19:02.13moos3when i call it
19:02.18angryusercheck if you /dev/ttyIAX0 exist
19:02.57moos3[root@pbx1:/var/spool/hylafax/etc] stat /dev/ttyIAX0
19:02.57moos3Device: 11h/17dInode: 539088      Links: 1
19:02.57moos3Access: (0777/lrwxrwxrwx)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
19:02.57moos3Access: 2009-10-29 15:02:46.855096334 -0400
19:02.59moos3Modify: 2009-10-29 14:58:03.635020334 -0400
19:03.01moos3Change: 2009-10-29 14:58:03.635020334 -0400
19:03.03moos3yup it exists
19:04.01moos3faxstat is saying Modem ttyIAX0 (+1.703.373.7032): Running and idle
19:04.07angryuserhm it should not be Waiting for modem to come ready, but just ready
19:04.17angryuserok nice this is it
19:04.38Kattyoh man, i am so stuffed.
19:04.40angryusergo to /var/spool/hylafax/log
19:04.48angryusertail -f "latest log"
19:05.47angryusermoos3, look at hylafax logs
19:06.07moos3I only have c0000001 c0000002 seqf in there
19:06.32moos3thats where I pulled that from
19:06.41angryusermoos3, pastebin all
19:07.47Skeeter-does the hint feature can be used over a IAX trunk
19:09.55hescoI'm working to configure a new DID, its now being appropriately routed to my telephony server, but now its being answered by the wrong context.  Relevant excerpts from my configuration are posted at:  Can anyone here please suggest how I might untangle this issue, please?
19:13.49moos3angry what I'm I doing wrong
19:13.54moos3you want my configs?
19:16.48angryusermoos3, got some job wait a sec
19:17.00moos3thanks for all th help
19:18.47angryusermoos3, you are limited codec to ulaw or alaw ?
19:19.19angryusermoos3, not sure which one is used in usa, its ulaw maybe
19:19.44angryusermoos3, check iaxmode config for codec
19:20.41moos3I can use either one
19:22.23Kobazhow do i get the wanpipe version that's currently loaded
19:22.33Kobazmodinfo on the module just reports the kernel version
19:22.41Nuggetputs that in his wanpipe and smokes it
19:22.54moos3where is that config in asterisk's iax.conf?
19:24.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:25.10ChainsawWait for 4200, 42, 42 :)
19:25.11angryusermog, in iaxmodem conf
19:25.22angryusermoos3, where you set pass
19:25.24mogtab failure
19:25.35angryusermog, !Fail xD
19:26.12KobazChainsaw: heh
19:27.15*** join/#asterisk mascool (
19:27.21angryusermoos3, i got to go soon so speed up xD
19:27.37mascooldoes anyone know how to force a firmware upgrade on a aastra 480i ?
19:27.59mascoolor even a downgrade ?
19:30.09Kobazi ran strings on wanpipe.ko, and it has the version in there
19:30.24angryusermoos3, i am really hungry so i got to go
19:30.28moos3lol ok
19:30.31moos3thanks for the help
19:30.38*** join/#asterisk Micc (
19:30.41moos3i have that set to ulaw
19:30.48angryusermoos3, test then
19:30.50moos3but I can change it to anything you want
19:31.05angryusermoos3, hm normally it should work with alaw
19:31.10moos3request id is 5 (group id 5) for host localhost (1 file)
19:31.23moos3when i use sendfax to test
19:31.42angryusermoos3, try a normal fax not sendfax
19:31.42twanny796how do I get help on functions in the console?
19:31.53angryusertwanny796, "Help"
19:32.15twanny796angryuser: say on echo()
19:33.05angryusertwanny796, its not a joke! tupe help and look at core show funtion(s) part
19:33.40*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
19:34.24twanny796how do I get help on a function?
19:34.28angryusertwanny796, you mean linux console ?
19:34.43twanny796in asterisk CLI
19:35.02angryuserby all see you later
19:38.42*** join/#asterisk TSM (
19:38.59MiccHow do I fix a polycom to accept numbers that start with 00? It seems the default dial plan for the polycom doesn't allow anything more than 00 to be pressed.
19:41.38KobazMicc: edit sip.cfg, change the digitmap
19:42.20MiccKobaz, right, but whats a good generic digitmap? Or how would I allow everything?
19:42.36*** join/#asterisk jplank (
19:43.24TSMMicc: setup somthing like .T i think
19:44.28TSMthis is a dial plan i have for UK stuff, <digitmap dialplan.digitmap="112|999|1234|7x|[2-6]xxT|0[0-9].T|020[7-9]xxxxxxx|07xxxxxxxxx|*[1-9]x|**2xxx|*0x.T" dialplan.digitmap.timeOut="1|1|1|1|3|3|1|1|1|1|1"/>
19:44.29*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
19:49.11KobazMicc x.T
19:49.57torrancewok, can anyone help me figure out the configuration for a Linksys PAP2 with asterisk?
19:50.43TSMtorrancew: xml config? or web config?
19:56.27[TK]D-FenderMicc: "x.T|*x.T|#x.T" impossiblematchhandling="2"
19:57.50TSMwhat is the impossiblematchhandling? when x.T would match anything anyway
19:58.18*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
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20:02.09kannanhello all. I want to connect 2 E-1 PRI cards (each card is a single span digium) and connect 1 to PSTN and the other with a E-1 cable to an existing PBX. so one will be PRI CPE and the other PRI NET, i presume. whether it is possible to configure in dahdi and zapata.conf lie this in the same server , or does it require 2 separate asterisk boxes?
20:02.47*** join/#asterisk moos3 (n=rgenthne@
20:03.13torrancewsorry, TSM web config
20:03.52moos3anyone using hylafax on centos 5
20:04.08moos3angryuser: you back?
20:05.36[TK]D-Fenderkannan: No issue
20:06.31*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
20:07.03kannan[TK}D-Fender , thanks.
20:07.28kannan[TK]D-Fender , i mean, ty
20:08.52kannandoes the E1 cable for the Net side card have to be purchased from Digium ( or can we use a self crimped cat5 )?
20:09.42Kobazi don't know about e1, but t1 is just straight through cat5 and rj45
20:09.54moos3as long as its a striaght though cable you should be fine
20:10.03[TK]D-Fenderkannan: You should have a crossover cable (you can crimp yourself) for * -> PBX, and a straight Cat5 to the SmartJack
20:10.39kannanoh ok, thanks again all
20:12.26*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (
20:17.45*** join/#asterisk Druken (n=jdumais@
20:18.33Drukenanyone around that feels like explaining periodic anouncements to me?
20:19.08Drukenit looks like you should be able to have more than one and use them as advertisements for your company, but i can't figure it out totally, seems to always only play the one file
20:19.59*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:20.26ChainsawDruken: Some advice from someone who's had to endure being on hold a lot...
20:20.51ChainsawDruken: When the music stops, it should be because you have an agent available to connect my call to. Music stopping for an advertisement is *annoying*
20:20.58Drukenhehe my customers are never on hold for more than about 30 seconds.. hehe i just want to play
20:22.01Drukenchances are they will never actually hear them... but doesn't mean i don't want to try and make it work.. why? because i can :) what better reason...
20:22.02p3nguin_druken: queues.conf, queue-thankyou =   or   periodic-announce =
20:22.52Drukenp3nguin_: yes, but how do i configure more than one periodic-announce ? it has an option to play them randomly...
20:23.26hescoThought I'd try this again if I may . . . I'm setting up a new DID, which is being appropriately routed by my provider to my telephony server, but is being answered by the wrong context.  Relevant excerpts from my configuration are posted at:  Can anyone here please suggest how I might untangle this issue, please?
20:23.57*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
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20:27.49Drukenhesco: try talking to your provider, see if they are specifing the default context, or an even simplier way, just put in a goto exten as the did in default to go where you want it
20:31.53kylehanyone using festival with asterisk? my system just hangs once it hits the festival command in extensions.conf
20:32.04kylehcant figure out how to get past this
20:32.15kylehjust wondering if anyone has ran into same problem
20:33.41MiccIs there any way to tell asterisk to match exact extensions before dynamic extensions? Like exten 300 vs _NX. ?
20:34.57voipmonksure there is, you just have to get creative with your dialplan logic :)
20:35.43*** part/#asterisk SirFoxey (n=SirFoxey@unaffiliated/sirfoxey)
20:35.48Drukenhmm, i thought asterisk did that by default...
20:35.49hescoDruken: I would have thought that this line from iax2.conf would do that for me.  'context=from-diamondcard-16783211145'
20:35.52ryduhkyleh: pastebin your extensions.conf
20:36.19Drukenhesco: yes well, logic and theory are sometimes diffrent
20:37.00ryduhMicc: I'm not sure about the matching order inside a context but maybe you could try separating them into multiple contexts and then include the less specific context
20:38.08Miccryduh, well I want my include parkinglot to match before the other extensions.
20:38.35Miccryduh, maybe by putting the _NX. in another context and including it after the parking lot it might work.
20:38.37hescoSo would I use something like a GoToIf(${some_channel_variable},<my_DID>,my_DIDs_context:priority) ?
20:38.59hescoand if so, what would that channel variable be?
20:39.01ryduhMicc: That's what I was trying to explain
20:39.21*** part/#asterisk moos3 (n=rgenthne@
20:40.01*** part/#asterisk asterwiki (n=asterwik@
20:40.39ryduhMicc: ^
20:40.41p3nguin_Yeah!  That's what I wanted.
20:41.14ryduh~google ;)
20:41.31hescoperhaps: ${DNID} ???
20:42.49kylehline 523 is where it calls festival
20:42.51ryduhkyleh: pastebin some * debug output when it's hanging
20:43.18ryduhkyleh:  are you positive festival is setup correctly?
20:43.44p3nguin_micc: 300 should match before _NX. matches, anyway, as long as you aren't doing an include for another context.
20:44.00kylehfollowed instructions here
20:44.05kylehcould have something wrong
20:44.10kylehbut festival is up and running
20:44.33kylehwhen asterisk calls festival..i get a (client connected)
20:44.40kylehon festival server
20:44.56kylehit connects and then right away disconnects
20:44.57ryduhkyleh: no errors, it just hangs?
20:45.07kylehno errors in asterisk
20:45.14kylehjust hangs
20:45.23kylehbut i get output from festival server
20:45.28kylehsaying client connected, then disconnected
20:45.35p3nguin_kyleh: I pulled this off my production box:
20:45.59kaldemarhesco: make a peer that actually matches the incoming call
20:46.17p3nguin_kyleh: I have a feeling your problem isn't with * but is with festival.
20:46.27kylehi feel it is too
20:46.36kylehits running on ubuntu
20:46.45kylehso i just apt-get installed festival that way
20:46.56*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
20:47.00kylehfestival: Festival Speech Synthesis System: 1.96:beta July 2004
20:47.04kylehthats my version
20:47.09p3nguin_Did you start the server?
20:47.15p3nguin_Did you configure it before you started it?
20:47.31kylehthe .scm file?
20:47.44p3nguin_You'll probably want to make some changes before starting it.
20:47.50PeacefulAre you supposed to explicitly return an exit code from a macro?  I keep getting this error at the end of my "dialout" macro after the call hangs up (normally):
20:48.09kylehchanges to the festival.scm file you mean?
20:48.16kylehthat is the only thing i have touched on the festival side
20:48.24kaldemarPeaceful: that's not an error. it's just verbosity.
20:48.29p3nguin_THe only thing I set in /etc/festival.scm is the voice_default.
20:48.52Peacefulkaldemar: Oh, good point.
20:49.09Peacefulkaldemar: Yep, setting verbosity to 0 stops it.
20:49.12Peacefulslaps forehead
20:49.15p3nguin_kyleh: But in the user file of the user who runs festival server, I have some other things configured.
20:49.34ecraneAnyone know if IAXModem can be used to make modem/dialup calls?
20:50.02Peacefulecrane: iaxmodem just emulates a hardware modem
20:50.16kylehthanks p3nguin_
20:50.17Peacefulecrane: so you can use any software that will work with a software modem
20:50.31Peaceful*hardware modem
20:50.34p3nguin_kyleh: Without telling festival to use alsa, mine doesn't seem to work.
20:51.00p3nguin_kyleh: You might be able to stick all that into the main scm file and it'll be fine.
20:51.14p3nguin_kyleh: I think I'll try that right now.
20:52.43kylehill try it too. i dont have a signal on my phone right now tho so i cant test mine right now
20:52.55ecranePeaceful: Thanks, but do you happen to know if it can be used to connect to another modem (E.g. dialup to my local ISP)? Or does it just support the fax protocols....
20:53.19p3nguin_kyleh: If I run it as root, it will not work.  If I run /usr/bin/festival --server as a regular user, it works fine.
20:53.33Peacefulecrane: Don't know.
20:53.44kylehthat could be problem there
20:53.46p3nguin_kyleh: I'm going to see if I can figure out why that happens.
20:54.03ecranePeaceful: ok, thanks. I guess I'll have to read the documentation ^^.
20:54.20p3nguin_kyleh: As root, it says:  {FND} Feature Token_Method not defined
20:56.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:59.49Druken[TK]D-Fender: can you specify multiple periodic-announce's?
21:00.30[TK]D-FenderDruken: not in terms of sequence as in this @ 30, that @ 120
21:00.55p3nguin_kyleh: Even using sudo (as root) to run it as the other user, it still doesn't work.  I have to run it as the other user or it fails.
21:01.12kylehi was running as sudo
21:01.23p3nguin_sudo -u root?
21:01.38kylehno i just spawned a sudo shell for my user name
21:01.39Kattyso. i have a serious problem i need help with.
21:01.41kylehsudo -s
21:01.49Kattyi have pasta and chicken, and...a very serious lack of ideas for dinner.
21:01.53p3nguin_I was root and running it as sudo -u otheruser festival.
21:02.11kylehand it did or didnt work that way?
21:02.23p3nguin_kyleh: It did not work that way, even though I think it should have.
21:02.42p3nguin_kyleh: Just run it as your regular user and see what happens.
21:02.48kylehya im trying
21:03.07kylehsomeone messed with the extensions file and its got other problems now. ugh
21:03.14p3nguin_Also, make sure that your phone peer has a context that includes recordings.
21:03.30kylehthanks for the help. hope i can get it figured out now
21:11.10kylehp3nguin_: when you put that stuff you have in your .festivalrc file into the festival.scm file did it work?
21:11.23kylehor does it only work as a file in your home dir?
21:11.54p3nguin_kyleh: It only works as the regular user, for some reason.  I didn't have time to try to resolve it.  Just run it as the regular user.
21:11.54*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:11.56*** join/#asterisk MmixX (i=mmixx@
21:15.54hescokaldemar: I have again reviewed the peer intended to catch these incoming calls and route them to the appropriate context.  It is labeled as [<new_acct_number>] in my representation of it in the iax.conf excerpt available at:  I just used cut-and-paste from my provider's website to make sure I had the account number and secret correct.  if those are correct, can you say anything about how that fails to match the
21:15.54hescoincoming number?
21:16.52kaldemarno, unless you show a call
21:18.25TSMdoes anyone use the LDAP directory in the polycom phones?
21:19.21Druken[TK]D-Fender: nope, not looking in sequence, just random files, like a company advertisement
21:19.39[TK]D-FenderDruken: Nope, not happening
21:20.01hescoI could show a call, but it only shows the default context picking up the inbound call which ought to be routed elsewhere., pastebin of that log coming.
21:20.24Druken[TK]D-Fender: technically or morally? hehe
21:21.28*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
21:21.48[TK]D-FenderDruken: Technically
21:22.03Druken[TK]D-Fender: so what does random-periodic-announce=yes
21:22.03Drukendo ?
21:22.14kaldemarhesco: with iax debug enabled...
21:22.15*** join/#asterisk jbw (
21:23.03bmoracawow...someone just actually tried to make an unauthorized call off of my sip server...first time :P
21:23.40[TK]D-FenderDruken: non-fixed interval perhaps... I'm not 100% sure, so go ahead and read the sample configs a few dozen times to see if they added something I missed
21:24.11Drukenbeen there, done that.. hehe i'm not gettin it :(
21:24.19Drukeni'll let you know if i do eventually find something
21:25.18*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
21:34.09Drukenahh, sweet!
21:34.53Druken[TK]D-Fender: when specifing your periodic-announce, seperate filename with | and use the random and it randomly picks one to play :)
21:37.04ecranep3nguin_: I don't know enough about the software, but it could be an environment variable that is set in the user's home folder/shell. I need to re-read about sudo; if my suspicion is correct, then running it FROM root as the user would not be enough, you'd have to do something like sudo -i <username> <command>.
21:40.08ecranewait that is giving me problems too.. dang...
21:41.00*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
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21:45.37p3nguin_ecrane: Good call.  sudo -u myuser -i /usr/bin/festival --server  seems to work.
21:45.48kylehp3nguin_: i think i found the problem
21:46.00kylehits with the sound card
21:46.10kylehor atleast configureing festival to use it
21:46.26kylehfestival> (SayText "hi")
21:46.26kylehWave save: can't open output file "/dev/audio"
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21:46.49kylehi tried what you used
21:47.01kylehyour audio_command and stuff
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21:50.29kylehstill doesnt work. get a bunch of ALSA errors
21:50.52kylehatleast i found the problem i think
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21:53.20bmoracahas anyone heard of an ISP screwing with RTP packets such that fax tone detection would fail?
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21:54.31jblackbmoraca: I suppose anything that introduced high enough latency could make fax undoable.
21:55.08bmoracait's the only other possibility i can think of...
21:55.24bmoracai take the same system and move it to a different ISP and everything works
21:55.55bmoracathe ISP that doesn't work is two bonded T1s...the ISP that does is AT&T Uverse...
21:56.05bmoracai'd have expected the opposite if anything
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22:04.38Get_The_Fishhello all
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22:14.27Get_The_FishI have been reading around, and I am unsure of a compelling reason to use a macro in a dialplan.  I understand what they do and how to use them, I just dont see why you would use one over a context, etc... can someone point me in the right direction?
22:14.29ryduhdid anyone else see that mass exodus?
22:14.29Get_The_Fishsome funkyness goin on... saw a mass exodus and re-join
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22:14.30Get_The_FishI thought it was just my interwebz
22:14.30russellbit's referred to as a netsplit
22:14.30russellbthe joys of IRC.
22:14.30theharrussellb: !
22:14.31russellbzomg thehar !!!!!
22:14.31theharrussellb: !!!!!
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22:14.31thehargoes back to documentation hell
22:14.32theharjust sayin hi!
22:14.33lesouvagejust a quesstion: is it possible to have meetme() not running well just because the hardware is to old (lets say a 6 years old full blown server). btw also just saying hi! ;-)
22:15.04Get_The_Fishanyone? Bueller?
22:15.26Drukengo fish...
22:15.35*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
22:15.35ryduhGet_The_Fish: Are you a programmer?
22:15.49ryduhgo fish and get drunk
22:15.55lesouvageThe problem is that the sound seems to run 4 times slower then it should while running the newest version of Asterisk 1.4 and the fitting dahdi version.
22:16.36Get_The_Fishdamn man, just a question... and I have a working dialplan, I was just askin
22:16.41ryduhGet_The_Fish: it would be clear if you were a programmer. They are similar to functions. They allow you to abstract something you do many times into one line. Cleans up your dialplan
22:16.52ryduhfunctions or subroutines*
22:17.30Drukeni had my dialplan dynamic, but i never used macros...
22:17.40lesouvageGet_The_Fish: I just missed your question
22:17.41Get_The_FishI understand that.  But whats the difference between doing that and creating a context and routing into and out of that context when you need that function is what I am asking
22:17.41ryduhGet_The_Fish: have you looked at the macro examples?
22:17.50Drukeni'm with fishy there, i don't see anything special about a macro that i can't do with a normal dialplan
22:18.55ryduhGet_The_Fish: the fact that you don't need to route out if you use gosub
22:18.57Get_The_FishI have a couple of them working in fact.  I understand what they do, I was just wondering what the real advantage of a macro is versus just using a context
22:19.02lesouvageGet_The_Fish: And I'm in the answering mood
22:19.02ryduhGet_The_Fish: you don't have to keep track of which priority you need to route back to which is very nice
22:19.35Get_The_Fishah, ok, so thats an advantage there... that's the kind of thing that I was looking for, thanks ryduh
22:20.45Get_The_FishI need to look some more, because I dont really use them, but dont they do some funky things to CDRs?
22:20.57lesouvageGet_The_Fish: you can write generetic code that can be started from all different places in the dial plan. Little snaps of code that just do a specific thing.
22:21.15ryduhGet_The_Fish: look at Gosub instead of Macros. Macros are deprecated in the latest version of *
22:21.41lesouvageryduh: you can't be serious about that.
22:21.45Get_The_Fishyes, they are
22:21.51russellbit's not going away
22:21.54russellbGoSub is just more efficient
22:21.59russellbimplementation wise
22:22.22Get_The_Fishgood to know.
22:22.28ryduhGet_The_Fish: Here's an example of how I use GoSub:
22:22.39lesouvagerussellb: so now there is a gosub and a return that do the tric?
22:24.41Get_The_Fishok, interesting... I think that I got somewhat confused with the s extension and what it does to CDR's.  CDR's are like one of the most important things to us, so I go way out of my way to keep them clean.
22:25.04Get_The_FishI was thinking that a macro would do the same thing to a CDR that the "s" extension would do, is this not correct?
22:25.35ryduhGet_The_Fish: I'm not sure I don't mess with our CDRs much
22:25.45Get_The_Fishah ok
22:25.55lesouvagerussellb: what do you mean by "nods"
22:26.06Get_The_Fishunfortunately I have to... makes life a little interesting
22:26.17ryduhGet_The_Fish: what do you do?
22:26.24Qwellrussellb: "air quotes"
22:26.25Get_The_Fishwe are a call center
22:26.44Get_The_Fishso we mine the CDR's for patterns, productivity stats, etc etc
22:27.19ryduhGet_The_Fish: are you involved with the mining algorithms?
22:27.35Get_The_Fishto a point, yes
22:27.55ryduhGet_The_Fish: What do you use to find patterns?
22:28.05ryduhGet_The_Fish: I just took a data mining class last year
22:28.16Get_The_Fishyeah it's not that complicated really
22:28.27Get_The_Fishor sophisticated, I should say :)
22:28.41*** join/#asterisk jasonpr (
22:29.14Get_The_Fishgenerally it's something like the biz guys saying "lets look at the relationship between these 4 metrics", some SQL magic happens and reports are spit out.
22:29.23Get_The_Fishthen they go to lunch.
22:29.33Get_The_Fishnext week, same thing :)
22:29.44ryduhGet_The_Fish: ah lol
22:29.52jasonprany know why asterisk dies when I get over 80 sip-sip calls? ( core 2 duo 8gb ram)
22:30.10jasonpri'm using SIPP to send the calls
22:30.21Get_The_Fishwhat do the asterisk logs say?
22:31.01Get_The_Fishtry the debug log(s) first
22:31.03Katty <- dinner.
22:31.10jasonpr/var/log/asterisk/messages and the console doesn't say anything that stands out
22:31.23jasonprdebug logs?
22:32.15lesouvagejasonpr: /var/log/asterisk/messages
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22:33.00jasonpryeah there's nothing in the messages file.  Just some stuff about odbc which I'm bypassing for the calls
22:35.25lesouvageKatty: that doesn't look to bad. It depends of your place on the planet if it is time to eat it.
22:36.04ecraneGet_The_Fish:  I'm familiar with that biz guys thing where they look at relationships between metrics. They are using the principle that 'correlation is causation', right?
22:36.31ecraneoh dang; he left ;<
22:37.17ryduhi think ecrane got sad
22:38.25lesouvageKatty: this was my live music of this evening
22:44.18lesouvageIf you want the image go to and click the recording.
22:50.04bmoracarock and roll band, everybody's waving...
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22:52.12lesouvagebmoraca: just a little bar with 20 guests and a small band playing like there life is at stake. We should sip enable them so they can invite the whole world ack ack ack
23:01.42ryduhI'll paste this again: bmoraca: do you have a personal techdata account or do you use your businesses techdata account? I don't currently do much service that would require a distributor but now that I'm getting into * it does sound fun to install local * systems for a fee.
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23:04.30Get_The_Fishsorry, my interwebz decided to take a long lunch
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23:07.06Get_The_Fishso, does anyone know anything about the alternateext field in users.conf?  It doesnt appear to be documented anywhere that I can find.
23:09.11bmoracaryduh: no, the company i work for uses techdata for probably 80% of all our, HP server/workstations, polycom phones, etc
23:09.58ryduhbmoraca: I checked out there customer form. There's a $100 deposit that's refunded if you do over $1500 in the first 120 days. How often do you buy?
23:10.10bmoracaryduh: just about every day
23:11.30ryduhcan't believes he used there instead of their
23:11.51bmoracayou're just full of typos, aren't you?
23:12.05ryduhoh god
23:12.13ryduhI think it's chocolate time
23:12.46*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
23:13.19bmoracaryduh: if you're doing small-time installs and such, you're probably fine with something like or or the like...especially if you're having the customer buy the stuff themselves.  if you're into the resale end of things, you'll want better margins and a place like techdata will give it to you
23:13.20ryduhbmoraca: Could you check the price for a IP 450 ?
23:14.34*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:14.45raden_workwhere does asterisk keep voicemail files ?
23:14.50ryduhbmoraca: I could see myself getting into VoIP installations
23:15.51bmoracaraden_work: whatever you set as your astspooldir in asterisk.conf
23:16.03raden_workbmoraca, thanks
23:16.03Get_The_Fishraden_work: typical is  /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/<vm context name>/<mailbox #>
23:16.18Get_The_Fishthat is pretty much the default
23:16.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
23:16.54bmoracaryduh: i can get IP 450s for $175 w/o power supply or $190 with
23:17.12ryduhbmoraca: thanks
23:17.21[TK]D-Fenderupgrade sucess
23:19.17*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:19.24ryduh[TK]D-Fender: What did you upgrade?
23:19.49[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Ubunto 8.10 -> 9.10
23:21.25ryduh[TK]D-Fender: How do you like it so far?
23:22.43[TK]D-Fenderryduh: boots a bit faster, screen res is better, switching betwwen apps isn't so jittery.  Going to desktop doesn't bug the way it used to, the icons loko a lot better, fonts look a little better (I think...) I gt new FF, OOo, etc....
23:23.16[TK]D-Fenderryduh: minor PITA not having > SVGA post-install w/o DL-ing the proprietary driver...
23:23.24[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Once in, all is gold
23:23.55*** join/#asterisk blackgecko (n=blackgec@
23:24.05ryduh[TK]D-Fender: Sounds like a success minus the SVGA setback
23:25.07blackgeckoanyone here has deployed an asterisk solutions for up to 400 simultaneous calls ? can you share your experience
23:25.11[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Honestly I figured I'd get hit with that... thing is it fely like guessing to get the right driver a bit.
23:25.23bmoracajust don't ever, ever try to use ubuntu (or any Linux you intend to run xwindows on) with a Radeon HD 2400/2600 video card
23:25.38ryduh[TK]D-Fender: Don't you just love that?
23:25.55ryduhI've switched to Mac and absolutely love it.
23:25.59[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Seriously if that's my main gripe, it still destroys Windows :)
23:26.18ryduhI still run Ubuntu on a server at home and Windows on a laptop though
23:27.04ryduh[TK]D-Fender: very true
23:28.40bmoracadoes anyone here have a recommendation for a good, relatively cheap multi-T1 (or T3) media gateway appliance
23:29.25Get_The_Fishso, does anyone know anything about the alternateext field in users.conf?  It doesnt appear to be documented anywhere that I can find.
23:29.36infobotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
23:29.49ryduhGet_The_Fish: you could look in the asterisk source code
23:29.52russellbinfobot: forget users.conf
23:29.52infoboti forgot users.conf, russellb
23:30.27Get_The_FishI was hoping that alternateext could be used in sip.conf, actually.  It would be nice to have that functionality
23:30.45*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (
23:31.06bmoraca$17k for an 8 T1 AudioCodes gateway is way steep...i can get an AS5400 for that...
23:31.43russellbinfobot: users.conf is an Asterisk configuration file that was primarily created for the AsteriskGUI project.  It is intended as a simple configuration interface for users with basic PBX functionality, not as a replacement for other configuration methods.
23:31.44infobotrussellb: okay
23:32.06bmoracatoat's way too nice
23:32.27bmoracanot sure where that o came from...
23:32.57Get_The_FishI hear that... it's the little "alternateext" at the bottom that peaked my interest.  I dont use it, but I saw that the other day, and the gears began turning.
23:33.14russellbI was just replacing the troll's versions of the description :-)
23:33.25Get_The_FishArent most of the configuration options in there also in the applicable configuration file?
23:33.32*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (
23:33.50Get_The_FishI am going to have to dig through source code arent I.  Dammit.
23:34.39russellbit's really the other way around
23:34.41[TK]D-Fenderback later...
23:34.43russellbanything in sip.conf is valid in users.conf
23:34.55russellbbut there may be some things specific to users.conf not supported elsewhere
23:35.04Get_The_Fishah.  Damn
23:35.20Get_The_FishI am guessing alternateext is probably one of them. :)
23:36.02russellbgoes to look at what that is
23:36.19russellbYes, that is specific to users.conf
23:36.36blackgeckowhats the biggest asterisk implementation you have done ?
23:36.45russellbThe equivalent is just to add extensions in your dialplan, though
23:36.53russellbI'm not sure how that option makes sense for sip.conf
23:37.04russellbblackgecko: about 1 million lines of code?
23:37.18*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
23:37.57Get_The_FishI was eyeballing it for a hotdesking-esq type feature here
23:38.06*** join/#asterisk lewellyn (n=lewellyn@greenviolet/lewellyn)
23:38.40raden_workWhy when i play a wav file in the voicemail directory is it blank ?
23:39.24russellbraden_work: what version of asterisk
23:39.46manxpowerraden_work: how big is the file?
23:40.00*** part/#asterisk dD0T (n=dD0T@unaffiliated/dd0t)
23:40.00russellbif it's not recent, update
23:40.17russellbthere have been some improvements to help prevent blank voicemails in the last year at some point i think
23:41.53blackgecko@russelb: sorry i dont get it, i meant of terminals or simultaneous calls
23:42.29russellbI know, I was kidding.
23:42.36raden_workmangala, like 100k
23:43.05russellbstories of 10s of thousands of endpoints, and millions of minutes a month are commonplace these days, though
23:43.16raden_worki moved from bosses voice mail to my voice mail directory and i can hear it just cant play it as a wav file
23:43.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
23:43.39hardwireraden_work: permz
23:43.40russellbraden_work: then whatever player you're trying to use doesn't support the specific encoding used in the wav ...
23:43.41ryduhraden_work: You're stealing voicemails?! Shame on you
23:44.07Get_The_Fishno, thats just funny
23:44.18cuscoI set up asterisk on a test machine, and installed asterisk-gui
23:44.23raden_workryduh, yeah cause some fuck head customer said I said something and he heard it in a voicemail and yada yada now i Know the truth
23:44.45cusconow when I compilled it I enabled jabber and gtalk, it shows up on asterisk gui and set up an account
23:44.46raden_workAnd now I know it aint true so he can stop his lil torturess games
23:44.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir__laptop (n=tzafrir@
23:45.00cuscobut my extension does not ring when I get acall on gtalk
23:45.08cuscoasterisk cli shows the incomming jabbercall
23:45.48blackgecko@russelb: is it possible to get to 400 simultaneos calls with just one single server ? i was thinking more of a ser + asterisk solution but dont know
23:48.18*** join/#asterisk DavidR2008 (
23:50.27ryduhblackgecko: how much are you willing to pay for that 'one single server' ?
23:51.04TSMis there not the law of deminishing returns with asterisk
23:51.20russellbit is very possible, yes.
23:51.25*** part/#asterisk ZPertee (
23:51.49TSMalso there are far more vairables, what codecs, SIP incomming or T1 incomming etc...
23:53.34*** join/#asterisk Micc (
23:53.45MiccAll of my customers on qwest dsl today are having problems.
23:54.04Miccand it looks like one of qwest's main routers is having some issues with dropped packets.
23:54.15MiccIs it normal though for a major backbone router to have packet loss?
23:54.25*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:54.49manxpowerMicc: no.  Keep in mind ICMP (ping) is almost always very low priority in the router.
23:54.54TSMnot realy, mabey they have a routing problem
23:54.58MiccHere is one of their local routers that is loosing packets.
23:55.42Miccmanxpower, thats what I was thinking too, but then it would also point to being busy if its dropping some packets.
23:55.45TSMyet, no lost packets tested from the UK
23:56.01manxpowerMicc: *nod*
23:59.28ChainsawMicc: It's not always the router itself that's at fault.
23:59.36ChainsawMicc: It might well be attached to a congested link.

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