IRC log for #asterisk on 20091024

00:00.34p3nguin_Now why does the screening option for Dial() go to the next priority when it exits rather than to the destination selected via prompts?
00:01.23p3nguin_For instance, it said press 4 to send the caller to voicemail, but when I pressed 4, the call went to the next priority.  Same with pressing 3 and the torture menu.
00:05.17*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres@
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00:12.36*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
00:12.36johnakabean":" means "or" right?
00:12.53*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
00:13.06manxpowerp3nguin_: you must use Read() to get input in M()
00:14.08johnakabeanfender, you here?
00:14.16[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: ":" means ":"
00:14.29[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Perhaps you could provide a sense of context...
00:14.53johnakabeanI'm trying to do a combination comparison
00:16.24johnakabeanGotoif($[${SOMETHING}>x:${SOMETHINELSE}<y]:e,1 ?
00:16.32johnakabeanhow is that accomplished
00:17.00johnakabeanGotoif($[${SOMETHING}>x=${SOMETHINELSE}<y]:e,1 ?
00:17.11johnakabeanGotoif($[${SOMETHING}>x+${SOMETHINELSE}<y]:e,1 ?
00:18.16johnakabeanthis is more complicated than c programming; nothing here makes sense in boolean
00:18.44*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (n=xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
00:19.04johnakabean"|" means or in boolean but ":" was used as "or" in cobalt
00:20.38johnakabeanwhat is "while" in asterisk?
00:21.07johnakabeanwhat is "and"?
00:24.11*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
00:26.34p3nguin_manxpower: I'm not using M(), though.  I only added p to the Dial() command to enable the privacy/screening mode.
00:31.24*** join/#asterisk Gokee2_Extra (
00:33.34jplankmanxpower: I screwed up our XO circuit in the colo, now the BGP session isn't coming back up :x
00:38.43Xetrov`ooo bgp
00:38.55*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
00:39.49jplankI added a new session with full routes, and forgot to filter the routes on out, and started sending XO full Internet routes instead of just my routes. Instead of ignoring them, they just dropped the session. Now it wont come back up
00:41.12Gokee2_ExtraHello all,  I have a asterisk system with a Digium 410 card with two FXO ports on it.  I have a ip phone connected as well.  Also the analog phone system is connected directly to the POTS system.  I have got my sip phone ringing and dialing calls however there are still a few problems.  1.  There is no way to pickup a POTS line without dialing (I want to do this when there is a active call made from the an
00:41.12Gokee2_Extraalog system) and the sip phone user wants to join.  This also means the Line indicator lights do not work on the sip phone!  2.  The sip phone rings whenever a call is ended on the analog system.  If you pick up a analog phone hear the dial tone and put it back down the sip phone rings!  3.  The sip phone is much slower to respond to incoming calls then the analog phones.  The analog phones will have a rin
00:41.15Gokee2_Extrag or two out before the sip phone starts to ring.  Any idea's?  I have been searching without much luck.  This guy seemed to have the same kinda problems and solved it by using a older card.  Thanks
00:49.09*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
00:51.56[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: 1. Without dialing?  Yes and no.  For your probable needs there certainly is.  2. SIP phone probably has "issues".  What is it?
00:52.20Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, The sip phone is a Polycom 321
00:52.29JohannGambolputtI has a Snom 300!
00:54.09[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Slow to respond to incoming calls.. certainly doesn't make sense
00:54.27jplankit does
00:54.33jplankcaller id detection
00:54.36jplanktwo rings
00:54.50jplankunless I miss understood him...?
00:55.13jplankoh, I did
00:55.34Gokee2_ExtraIt does have caller id working
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00:58.56Gokee2_ExtraIt seems I get "CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/1-1'"  right before the sip phone starts ringing after the analog phone hangs up a call (or sometimes when the analog phone is making a call)
01:00.50[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Ah, that wouldn't be a SIP phone being slow.. that'd be Zaptel delayin processing the call because of waiting for CID
01:02.06Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Hmm, is there any way to make the phone ring at the same time as zaptel is doing its thing with CID then display CID whenever its finished?
01:02.31[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Your SIP phone isn't going to get the CID....
01:02.41[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: its transmitted between rings...
01:02.45[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: as in... NO
01:03.40Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Hmm, ok, what about the sip phone ringing whenever anything is done with the analog phones?
01:03.56[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: No
01:05.32Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Eh?  There is no way to stop the phone from ringing when a call is not coming in?
01:07.01[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: the SIP phone will stop ringing when the call that Dialed it decides to stop.
01:08.54Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, But when you pick up a incoming phone call on the analog system the sip phone stops ringing, then you finish with you call and hang up, what is causing the sip phone to get "Dialed" when you hang up?
01:10.20[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Show me.
01:14.15Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender,  Here is what is looks like if I pickup a analog phone hear a dial tone and set it back down again
01:15.36Gokee2_ExtraIf I start dialing on the analog phone it seems to start the sip phone ringing before I put the analog phone down
01:18.02*** join/#asterisk natlonehat (n=natloneh@
01:21.08Gokee2_ExtraHello Katty
01:21.37[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: WTF is a sip phone doing magically deciding to ring?  You have to be in the dialplan.  and picking up an analog phone?  You have **FXO** ports.  You don't plug PHONES onto those
01:23.14Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, I have two lines coming in, those head off to telephones and a fax machine, also now those also head into the asterisk box.
01:26.15*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
01:26.16Gokee2_ExtraMost of the analog phones (all the ones that will be normally used) are gonna be replaced by sip phones when I get this system working, however I would really like the fax machine to work without the sip phones ringing every time the fax machine is done receiving a fax.
01:27.53*** join/#asterisk Katty (
01:28.24jayteeyou fell outta chat!
01:28.37Gokee2_Extrawb Katty
01:28.38Kattynot really.
01:28.40*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:28.48Kattyi didn't wanna watch this movie through vpn proxy
01:29.02Kattyso i relaunched irssi.
01:29.04jayteeum, no. definitely not
01:29.05Kattyand killed myself.
01:29.28*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:30.44jblackKatty: NooooooooO!
01:30.55jblackwait. So now you're a zombie?
01:33.34jblackI need to go treadmil. Have fun all.
01:36.58jblackI'm not gone yet.
01:37.20jblackI'm looking for some.. "lost backups" of movies for my cell phone.
01:38.11jblackwow. 16 gig sdhc for 41 bucks?
01:39.11Kattypokes jblack's blood sugar levels
01:39.19Kattyare you sure you don't want to go get on the treadmill Right Now?
01:39.28jblackI'm ok. my bg is 110
01:39.36jblackit's been low all night. kinda freaky, actually
01:39.46jblackmight be these almonds I've been munching
01:39.58Kattyi bought some almonds today, and sunflower seeds.
01:40.10Kattyi've never had almonds solo. always cookies.
01:41.02jblackThey're very high in unsaturated fat.
01:45.43jblackwhy won't will ferril die
01:48.37jblackOk. bbs
01:51.05*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (
02:04.54Kattyoffers almonds and sunflower kernels
02:05.44Kattywhyfor sigh?
02:06.13jblackThe exercise, it doesn't feel the good.
02:06.32*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:07.25Kattywhat sort of exercise did you do?
02:08.03jblacktreadmill like normal. I barely broke into a sweat before my legs started hurting. So I stopped so as to not cause shin splints
02:08.15Kattyah :<
02:08.43Kattyit's been too cold for me to run.
02:08.45jblackI'll eat something carby in a little bit and try again.
02:08.45Kattyi miss it :<
02:09.12Kattydoes carby help with shinsplints?
02:09.57Kattymaybe you need better sneakers.
02:10.17jblackoh boy, I think I see what's going on.
02:10.38jblackI'm on this new stuff, levothyroxine. Looks like it's powerful stuff
02:10.55jblackIt seems to help me some, as does high protein.
02:10.57Kattythat's a very long word.
02:11.05jblackit's a medication.
02:11.08Kattywhat is this levothyroxine.
02:11.15Kattywhat /is/ it tho
02:11.25jblackIt's a thyroid medication.
02:12.12Kattyaspartame affects the thyroid, doesn't it?
02:12.36jblackdunno. maybe
02:13.12Kattythis is interesting
02:13.21KattyHaving a mixed vegetable juice that includes the juice of a few radishes, carrot, tomato, celery or zucchini, with a pinch of kelp may benefit the thyroid gland greatly.
02:13.59Kattyi'll drink to that (=
02:23.59jblackhuh. interesting.
02:24.23jblackTo oversimplify, this is the industrial version of metabolife
02:24.30*** join/#asterisk leon01 (
02:25.24*** part/#asterisk qxork (
02:26.10leon01Hi, maybe somebody know why asterisk insert  DelayedRetry in call files?
02:26.37jblackasterisk doesn't edit call files.
02:26.46Kattyasterisk just copies call files.
02:26.55Kattykind of.
02:26.58Kattyi mean you copy it.
02:27.04jblackYeah, and delete.
02:27.06Kattyasterisk just picks it up, and does whatever it says.
02:28.40leon01I see some of my calls are stuck in outgoing folder and DelayedRetry is added every 15 mins . I have looked in source code of asterisk and it insert DelayedRetry for some reason
02:29.54florzasterisk _does_ change call files
02:30.15jblackthen he already knows more than I do.
02:30.40florzbasically, it persists the retry state, IIRC
02:30.45leon01look here
02:31.32*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
02:33.29leon01how can I avoid this retry it happens only for some calls
02:35.47Kattyleon01: have some almonds.
02:37.05leon01Katty: what ?
02:37.44Kattysee this is the problem.
02:37.52Kattyleon01: i would tell you in another language, but i'm only fluent in english.
02:38.31leon01Katty: very sad, but you can try hebrew or russian
02:41.34leon01yes shaked
02:41.58leon01will it help me ?
02:42.04Katty <- that.
02:47.07gilevycan anybody help me i'm trying to register asterisk with gizmo
02:47.16gilevysip show registry is coming back with nothing
02:48.06Kattygood luck with that.
02:48.14Kattyi've tried to get gizmo to work several times with no luck.
02:48.31Kattybut perhaps someone else has
02:48.46gilevyyeah ive googled a bunch
02:48.50gilevylots of people have done it
02:49.00gilevyi just seem to be doing something wrong
02:49.27ChannelZwhat is gizmo?
02:49.35Kattygizmo is an app.
02:49.42Kattywhich lets you place phone calls through gizmo.
02:49.51Kattyit also allows you to have a SEcondary Sip connection to a private server
02:49.57Kattyit also does chat, like yahoo, aim, etc.
02:50.14Kattythe real Neat point, is it works on several mobile phones.
02:50.24gilevygoogle voice to gizmo!
02:50.34Kattyis enjoying her google voice account.
02:50.38ChannelZI've tried to get Google Talk to work in * but can't
02:52.18Kattyat one point i think i was able to make Asterisk send out jabber messages every time the phone rang.
02:52.28Kattybut i could never find a real use for it.
02:52.51Kattyit just piped text and variables into a command line based jabber client.
02:53.03ChannelZI have it connected and can call in to * but get no audio
02:53.11*** join/#asterisk DarkSage (n=valerio@
02:53.21ChannelZbut it's also worthless because at least the Google Talk client on Windows has no dial pad
02:53.59Kattyi also setup manual backups to run on an extension.
02:54.07Kattyand i made the cdrom drive eject on another.
02:54.20Kattyat one point i use smbclient to send spammy messages to windows workstations when the phone rang.
02:54.29Kattyuseless but fun stuff.
02:55.42gilevyi'm new to asterisk exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/1703)
02:55.46gilevyis s
02:56.02gilevya sip you've made?
02:56.11gilevyand what is the 1703 mean?
02:56.21Kattyextension 1703
02:57.04gilevyextension meaning?
02:57.05KattySIP <- sip phone.
02:57.10Kattyoh dea.r
02:57.19gilevysorry im a total newb
02:57.30Kattyinfobot: thebook
02:57.31infobotrumour has it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
02:57.36Kattygilevy: read that pdf.
02:57.44Kattygilevy: at the very least, browse.
02:59.00gilevyso the extension number is the sip you have running on your asterisk server?
02:59.05gilevyor is that totally wrong
02:59.18Kattyyou register a sip phone as an extension.
02:59.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: EW...
02:59.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: you're eww.
02:59.50*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
03:00.02gilevyi'm ew
03:01.00[TK]D-Fender[22:59]<Katty>you register a sip phone as an extension. <- Glossary fail
03:01.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's okay.
03:01.20gilevyso if have exten =>  101,1 Dial(SIP/101)
03:01.42gilevythat means im making a connection with that sip phone i made as an extension?
03:01.53gilevyextension being 101
03:02.47Kattythats means if you dialed 101, it would ring extension 101
03:04.00gilevyone more oooh ok
03:04.12gilevyand you can make it so if dial anything it will ring 101
03:04.26gilevyand that would be s, 1 Dial(SIP/101)?
03:04.26Kattydefine Anything
03:05.40manxpowerDon't add spaces to your dialplan!
03:05.51manxpowerSIP/101 means device [101] in sip.conf.
03:06.04ChannelZwell to be accurate you're dialing the SIP user 101 - the "extension" can be anything you want based on the dialplan
03:06.15Kattyi'm trying to keep it simple.
03:06.21Kattylet's not overly confuse him.
03:06.50gilevyi'm just trying to understand that so i can register gizmo for incoming
03:07.26Kattyi'm going to go out on a limb and say if you don't understand the basics of asterisk, you probably shouldn't be tinkering with Gizmo yet.
03:08.12Kattyjust a suggestion.
03:08.15Kattydo what you wish, of course.
03:08.32gilevythey just make it look so easy online
03:08.38Kattyeverything looks easy online.
03:08.45[TK]D-FenderGiEasy to add to something you understand.
03:08.46Kattyincluding that recipe for bourbon chicken.
03:08.52[TK]D-Fendergilevy: Easy to add to something you understand.
03:09.16ChannelZFor instance TK still has not mastered nickname autocomplete
03:10.01gilevyfair enough
03:10.53gilevyi take it nobody here has been able to register with gizmo5?
03:11.47ChannelZI've only just now heard of it
03:12.55Kattygilevy: i've tried a few times with no luck.
03:13.15gilevyi understand
03:14.10gilevyill keep trying (i'd really like this to work)
03:14.34[TK]D-Fendergilevy: Keep truckin' Diogenes...
03:18.40*** join/#asterisk path (
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03:28.09*** join/#asterisk dkirker (n=dkirker@
03:57.32*** join/#asterisk dkirker_ (
04:00.47*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
04:09.55Gokee2_ExtraIs there an way to check if caller id has failed and if it has do x instead of y?
04:11.45[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Look at it
04:14.35gilevyis regisstering with ipkall easier than gizmo?
04:14.37Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ah.... like er... ${CALLERID(all)}?  Will it set it to something special if its failed?  How do I er...  compare? it in a dialplan?
04:15.25[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Did you know that you can look at the VALUE of functions & variables?  It's almost impressive.
04:15.46[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Next you'll think that you can even control the flow of your dialplan or something crazy like that.
04:16.04[TK]D-Fendergilevy: You don't register with IPKALL.
04:16.23Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Eh...  I guess I should like finish reading the dialplan chapter eh?
04:16.27[TK]D-Fendergilevy: And the guide you were linked was remarkably straight-forward
04:16.53[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: I think you should START....
04:17.32[TK]D-Fendergilevy: You lack the basic understanding of * for all of the pieces to fall together.  Because of this NO provider is going to make any more sense than another.
04:17.52[TK]D-Fendergilevy: Sorry, but the reality is you're going to have to crack down on the basics.
04:18.03Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, I DID start, I have made a phone tree made the phone take incoming calls AND do outgoing calls...  I am about halfway though dialplan basics...
04:18.03[TK]D-Fendergilevy: And that's what the book is for
04:18.49[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: thats like driving 100 mph on the highway ... and then telling you're passenger "Hey, cool... I didn't think I'd get this far, let me read about braking now!"
04:19.16[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: CHANNELVARIABLES <- look for it in your doc folder
04:19.23[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: MASTER this
04:19.45[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Dialplan is 95% of *.
04:22.34Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I will go look at that :) thanks
04:22.55*** join/#asterisk _bradk (n=brad@unaffiliated/-bradk/x-9249860)
04:28.25*** join/#asterisk voipdev (n=chatzill@
04:30.54voipdevWould you please help me out with skype for asterisk?
04:31.38ChannelZwhats the issue
04:32.15voipdevChannelZ: I have configured skype for asterisk & purchased license for 2 channels
04:32.58voipdevnow I have 2 extensions in asterisk lets say 1000 & 1001
04:33.39voipdevskype ID for 1001 is voipdev
04:34.33voipdevnow when I do call from 1001 to any other skype ID ...I mean skype out
04:34.36voipdevworks fine
04:34.42voipdevhaving audio both side
04:35.01voipdevsame way when doing skype fine
04:35.11voipdevno issues
04:35.21voipdevnow the issues is with this callflow
04:35.56voipdev1000 dials skype out----->skype network ------------>back to asterisk server---->skype in------->1001
04:36.16voipdevfor this callflow there's no audio
04:36.27voipdevwould you please let me know what could be the cause?
04:37.08ChannelZyou said 1000 dials voipdev, but that would be skype-to-skype then?
04:37.50voipdev1000 is asterisk peer
04:38.10ChannelZ1000 is just a SIP phone or something then?
04:38.17voipdevjust a sip phone
04:38.21voipdevlets say sjphone
04:38.50ChannelZoh ok I was assuming it was skype since you mentioned 2 licenses
04:38.59voipdevoh ok
04:39.19voipdev1000 & 1001 are asterisk users
04:39.21ChannelZSo you have an extension you're dialing from 1000 that calls Skype/voipdev  ?
04:40.00ChannelZAnd they are on the same network I assume since you're testing?
04:40.30ChannelZand the call goes through, the 1001 extension rings, but you get no audio in either direction?
04:41.00ChannelZok.  I have to wonder if it's confused just because they are both on the same local network
04:41.01voipdeveven I made keeping both extensions on different networks
04:41.21*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:41.25voipdev& got same
04:41.33voipdevno audio either side
04:42.21ChannelZdifferent networks as in externally or just a different LAN IP block?
04:43.06voipdevlets say one in US & another is in UK
04:43.49[TK]D-Fender[00:39]<voipdev>1000 & 1001 are asterisk users <- what is an "asterisk user"?
04:43.56[TK]D-FenderI use asterisk...
04:44.00[TK]D-FenderI'm not "1000"
04:44.22[TK]D-Fendervoipdev: I think you failing to apply useful names and technologies in your descriptions
04:44.43ChannelZSo if I Skype you (just from the Skype client) you'll get no audio?
04:44.46voipdevI mean 1000 & 1001 are asterisk peers
04:44.59voipdevsip peers
04:45.09voipdevSo if I Skype you (just from the Skype client) you'll get no audio?
04:45.19ChannelZwhoa dejavu
04:45.19voipdevin this case I have audio
04:45.52voipdeveven if from asterisk to skype client
04:45.58voipdevI have audio
04:46.07voipdevbut I do not have audio
04:46.17ChannelZwell in this case I can only guess two things, either there is a codec problem, or it's just confused because the same server is calling it's self in which case I'm not sure why you'd want to do that anyway
04:47.14voipdevwell both side same codec is being used
04:48.38voipdevso in this case rtp flow can be like
04:49.10ChannelZright but why would you ever do that
04:49.25[TK]D-Fender[00:45]<voipdev>I have audio
04:49.27ChannelZ(IE 'asterisk' on both sides of your diagram are the same server?)
04:49.27[TK]D-Fender[00:46]<voipdev>but I do not have audio
04:49.52[TK]D-Fendervoipdev: You don't even get a line in before contradicting yourself.
04:49.57voipdevChannelZ: yes same asterisk server
04:50.17[TK]D-Fendervoipdev: And no, it is not a codec issue
04:50.29ChannelZok.. so why would you make a call through the skype network through an asterisk server both phones are connected to?
04:51.35voipdevwell that's requirement of my client:)
04:51.53voipdevis this possible to have audio in this case?
04:52.51ChannelZyour client is dumb then..?  what is the point of routing a call through a completely different VoIP network when the two phones can talk directly?
04:53.39voipdevcan you please let me know if this is feasible?
04:53.48ChannelZI would say that yes it should be possible for this to work but the nature of Skype is to play a lot of games to function through firewalls and things, so my only guess is that it's getting out of whack trying to originate and terminate a call on the same SFA server.  It could be a bug for all I know
04:53.57ChannelZbut I don't have 2 licenses to test with
04:54.52voipdevhmm ok
04:55.21ChannelZI still don't get the point of doing it though.  It's a waste of CPU and bandwidth
04:55.35voipdevyes..agree with you
04:55.43voipdevwell I'll talk with my client
04:55.58ChannelZI mean they don't even need Skype with your example
04:56.42voipdevbtw do you think this is the bug in SFA?
04:57.10ChannelZI guess the place to start is turn on skype debug and see if you can make any sense of what is going on
04:57.40voipdevok I will check that out
04:57.42ChannelZbut I'm not sure the information it spits out is of use (it's all very propriatary looking, not like a SIP debug)
04:58.04voipdevsomewhat hard to understand
04:59.24ChannelZmaybe 'skype set vedebug'
04:59.31ChannelZnever actually looked at what it says
04:59.53russellbI don't think any of the debug is intended to be useful to end users
05:00.43voipdevNo such command 'skype set vedebug on' (type 'help skype set' for other possible commands)
05:01.12*** join/#asterisk gmarsh (
05:01.20ChannelZit's skype set vedebug on user blah but doesn't seem to do much here
05:04.21*** part/#asterisk gmarsh (
05:06.52*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
05:07.26[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Right now I have no reason to trust his SIP end-points either
05:07.53[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Like usual there is nothing to show for the empty description we wait so long for...
05:09.14russellblike usual i didn't read the rest of the conversation
05:09.27russellbi just saw something about the debug not looking useful and decided to confirm that it wasn't
05:10.13[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Don't worry... the rest matches :)
05:10.19ChannelZand you're right
05:11.25voipdevdid I do any mistake to explain you my issue?
05:12.41voipdevif yes...then I can explain again
05:12.44ChannelZno but I have no solution and no means to test
05:12.48voipdevnp my friends
05:14.40russellbyay we're friends
05:15.49ChannelZcan I borrow some money?
05:19.28ChannelZneeds a Frosty from Wendy's
05:25.22voipdevwell thanks for all of your support:)
05:26.13*** part/#asterisk voipdev (n=chatzill@
05:29.30Nuggetmmm Wendy's
05:30.31Xetrov`dude wendys would be awesome right now
05:34.52*** join/#asterisk Assuero (n=Assuero@
05:44.35*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (i=ReDNeQ@
05:58.25*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
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06:12.15*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
06:14.52*** join/#asterisk Assuero (n=Assuero@
06:15.30jojo^When doing a Transfer on a SIP channel, is it possible somehow to pass custom SIP headers?
06:17.33*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
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06:47.46TJNIIAah, best buy.  Bluetoosh adapter at best buy: $40. $2.
06:51.21ChannelZjojo^: SIPAddHeader if you're involved in the transfer to do it
06:51.51ChannelZbut how you're asking, my guess is no
06:57.05*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
06:58.26EmleyMoorI am trying to connect a new instance of ekiga, running on a new machine, to my existing asterisk, but I only get timeouts. The new machine is on Debian stable, and connected over wlan. Any advice?
06:58.51jojo^ChannelZ, SIPAddHeader seems to work only together with Dial (which does INVITE SIP), and not with Transfer (which does 302 redirect/forward)
06:59.08jojo^ChannelZ, This is 1.4 btw (Debian stable)
07:01.12TJNIIEmleyMoor: Don't trust anything Ekiga tells you.  Fire up sip debug and make sure Ekiga is actually talking to *.
07:01.37drmessanoI have
07:02.37ChannelZa cookie?
07:03.36EmleyMoorTJNII: I will look - but I think it's not communicating at all
07:04.43TJNIIEmleyMoor: Check that ekiga is talking on the right nic.
07:05.50drmessanowants to hash out Gnome Vs KDE once and for all
07:06.00EmleyMoorekiga needed restarting
07:06.48TJNIIHeh.  Did it fire up its stupid "configuration druid" even though it is configured?
07:08.13*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (n=chatzill@
07:08.52twanny796good morning asterisk! any link to 'astersik tfot' in chm format?
07:09.08ChannelZuhmm.. what?
07:09.44twanny796infobot: 10x
07:12.13EmleyMoorekiga now not listening
07:12.18drmessanotranny, you can make a CHM from the HTML version
07:12.27drmessanoNot sure why the hell you would want to
07:12.35drmessanoGet a decent PDF reader and use the PDF
07:13.49twanny796drmessano: there's no links to contents in the pdf
07:15.38drmessanoI just tried with Acrobat 9 and Foxit
07:16.28drmessanoFull set of bookmarks
07:18.03drmessanoYour PDF reader foo is weak
07:18.53twanny796drmessano: reading on linux
07:19.25EmleyMoorhas got it working - funny mixer
07:19.41drmessanotwanny796: So?
07:19.54drmessanoLinux does more than Windows.. How is that an excuse anymore?
07:21.37twanny796drmessano: well cannot get the bookmarks!!
07:21.49infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
07:21.56EmleyMoorHmmm... looks like ekiga isn't happy with my webcam - none of the formats are supported
07:22.42drmessanotwanny796: Which reader?
07:24.03twanny796drmessano: kpdf
07:24.15EmleyMoorxpdf is good
07:24.22TJNIIxpdf shows the table of contents for me.
07:24.35drmessanokpdf?  Are you fucking kidding me
07:25.08TJNIISo does acroread
07:25.15drmessanoThats like complaining you can't edit a PDF in Sumatra
07:27.08drmessanoLooks like KPDF handles bookmarks now
07:27.34drmessanoKPDF 0.4 +
07:28.42drmessanoI would suggest getting another reader or updating past Redhat 7.1
07:32.09drmessanoAnyone here used Samba as a Domain Controller for Window boxes?
07:32.27drmessanoThinking about it on a SOHO PBX
07:33.44drmessanoNot sure if it would be too heavy
07:39.08MaliutaLapkicks DISA() in the nuts
07:39.14MaliutaLapwrong password my ass
07:39.29MaliutaLapthat number it got from the DTFM is in the bloody file
07:39.53MaliutaLapunless the file format has changed and has not been documents
07:41.39*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
07:42.33MaliutaLapanyone know what the format for the "password file" for DISA() should be?
07:42.55MaliutaLapI have "xxxxxx|context" for each line
07:52.09MaliutaLapthat would be right
07:54.48*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
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07:56.36mchoudrmessano: so you gonna go for the sheevaplug?
07:57.49drmessanoMy mother in law needs some kind of storage at her house..
07:57.54MaliutaLapfixed that, but it still needs to be kicked in the nads
07:57.57drmessanobeen toying with the best way to do it
07:58.16drmessanoMight do sheevaplug + USB HD for a NAS
07:58.22mchoulinksys slug is cheaper than sheevaplug though
07:58.49mchoutoo bad the slug has been discontinued
08:00.34drmessanoNew NSLU2 is $100
08:00.43drmessanoSheevaplug, $99
08:01.11drmessanoSo, not cheaper
08:01.24mchouI've seen slug for about $85 before
08:02.05mchoubut in any case, plug probably has some advantages over slug
08:02.28drmessanoIts not extinct?
08:02.53mchouyou can probably still find used slugs :)
08:03.13drmessanoI may just install Ubuntu on her old PC and throw another drive in there
08:03.41mchouold PC consume minimum 85W
08:04.04drmessanoSo does your mom
08:04.14drmessanosorry, thats all i had
08:04.37mchouyou could had made a butt crack joke
08:04.50drmessanoBut in any case.. Old PC = Exists, it could also be the print server I need for over there too
08:05.12drmessanoIm just shocked at the printer support in Ubuntu
08:05.22drmessanoWhy the fuck do people buy Mac again?
08:05.31drmessanooh yeah
08:05.39mchoucause apple bought cups :)
08:05.51drmessanoMac's have the little pics of the printers in the printer applet
08:07.03drmessanoSo you can pick your printer out and yell "DEESELFITTER"
08:07.22drmessanoReminds me of the joke..
08:08.22mchouI really wonder how tough the sheeva plug is to hack
08:08.36drmessanoWhat do you mean hack?
08:08.54mchoubring up,  Install apps, all that junk
08:09.21mchouw/o running into oom
08:10.18drmessanoWho knows
08:11.28*** part/#asterisk dustybin (
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08:46.24drmessanoI have a LaCie USB external drive here... Power brick shows about 65 watts usage
08:47.12mchouthat makes no sense
08:47.14drmessano65 watts on the DC side
08:47.27mchoua drive consumes 65W?
08:47.31drmessanoSo take that + heat dissipation
08:48.36mchouthere's gotta be something wrong with that measurement.....
08:52.44drmessano30 watts for the drive itself, seems to be norm
08:53.00mchouholy crap
08:53.41mchouhow exactly are you measuring this?
08:54.20mchouor are you just computing what the power brick says for voltage & current?
08:54.25drmessanoammeter for the drive I have, and i've taken 2 mins to google and theres lots of power usage charts
08:54.40drmessanoNo, why would I compute the power brick rating?
08:54.51drmessanoThats a little stupid, isnt it?
08:55.01mchoujust making sure :)
08:55.22mchou30W still sounds too high
08:55.40drmessanonot really
08:56.22mchouI mean this is a generic desktop drive inside some housing, right?
08:57.26*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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08:58.42drmessanoa WD 3200AAJB was tested, which I have, and I see they measured it at 33 watts
08:59.01mchouholy shit
08:59.24mchouI dunno dude
08:59.35drmessanoI would need to see what the power brick disspation is
09:00.00mchoucould be rather inefficient
09:01.06drmessanoSo take that + the power for a NAS, which I wouldnt expect to be much
09:01.26drmessanoLets just go by the power on the average linksys box
09:02.13mchoumy wrt54g draws <6W (for reference)
09:02.15drmessano12v/1.5A max.. and call it 10 watts
09:02.47mchouI measured it with cable modem & pap2t-na plugged in
09:03.06drmessano70+ watts for the combo
09:03.11mchouall that stuff together draws less than 6W
09:04.27drmessanoEbay has some nice offbrand NAS boxes
09:04.58mchouhates fleabay
09:05.29mchouplenty of surplus stores here, I take my pick :)
09:06.11mchoufleabay corp hq is down the street from me
09:06.35mchouin the same campus Maxtor vacated
09:06.56*** join/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
09:08.03*** part/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
09:09.16drmessanoI found a few.. print server would be nice too
09:32.40jblackfrom my math on most of those drives, excluding startup, you're typically looking at about 8 watts.
09:33.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
09:40.21war9407startup is the nasty part ;)
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09:52.20drmessano"Can connect 2.5 and 3.5 inch mobile hard disk, there has not capacity constraints"
09:52.27drmessanoAll your NAS all belong to us!
09:52.35drmessanoAll your NAS are belong to us!
09:53.01drmessano"there has not capacity constraints, take off every zig"
09:55.30jblackI think Pamela Jones works for sun.
10:05.40*** join/#asterisk louben (
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11:06.03*** join/#asterisk pzn (n=pzn@
11:07.04pzncan someone give me a startpoint about how to use call-logs in asterisk? I need to know who called where and how long was the call. for billing purposes
11:24.18*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
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11:34.54kaldemarpzn: /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv logs all calls by default
11:38.28*** join/#asterisk scardinal (n=supreme@
11:49.49*** join/#asterisk FreakGuard (n=freak@unaffiliated/freakguard)
11:50.26FreakGuardwhat's out there as ticketing system where asterisk integration is less of a hack?
12:05.00*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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12:57.40*** join/#asterisk guidaccio (
12:57.54guidacciohi all
12:58.30guidaccioanyone can help me with a problem? i don't understand if is a bug of asterisk or a misconfguration
12:58.38guidaccioor simply is normal
12:58.52guidaccioi have multiple SIP Trunks with the same
12:59.19guidaccioif in the peer section of each trunk
12:59.22guidaccioi set type=user
12:59.29guidaccioso only incoming call can works
12:59.44guidaccioasterisk route correctly the call to destination
12:59.54guidacciobut i i set type=peer with incoming settings
13:00.05guidaccioor type=frined without incoming setting
13:00.36guidacciowhen a caller call one of the voip numbers
13:00.46guidacciothe call routes trough the last peer registered
13:00.54guidacciowith the provider
13:01.22guidaccioprobably this is not a real problem because sip supports multiple calls
13:01.32guidaccio(sorry for my poor english...)
13:02.00guidaccioanyone have idea about this?
13:03.15guidaccio(i'm using asterisk 1.4.21 freepbx and debian lenny)
13:09.06*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
13:09.24Gido-Eguidaccio i had such a problem to. At the end i think i made a misconfiguration.
13:09.32*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
13:09.57Gido-Ein the sip.conf
13:10.07JohannGambolputtwhat's new ?
13:10.25guidaccioyou solved the problem?
13:10.39JohannGambolputtwhat problem?
13:11.29guidacciousing multiple sip trunks from same voip providers using inbound did routing
13:11.33Gido-Eguidaccio yes, somethine was wrong in sip.conf. Can't remember what, but it also used the last SIPpeer configuration.
13:11.39guidaccioroutes from the last registerd peer
13:13.53*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
13:13.57ice_crofthi mates
13:14.29ice_crofthow can u send calls to skype via asterisk?
13:15.23guidacciohi ice_croff
13:15.39guidaccioare you interested in it for the skypephone
13:16.30guidaccioor only for skype?
13:16.46guidaccioor simply for calling skype user
13:16.55guidacciousing a speed dial?
13:17.48*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
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13:21.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
13:22.20Kattygood morning mister madsen
13:22.38*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
13:24.20JohannGambolputtice_croft: easy, tell skype to opensource their protocol so asterisk developers can create a module for it
13:24.32JohannGambolputtproblem solved
13:29.48Kattyawfully quiet this morning.
13:30.01phixKatty: It is, considering it is 12:29AM
13:30.17Kattyhmm. it's 8:30AM over here.
13:30.41phixSaturday or Sunday?
13:30.43Kattyguess everyone's still napping their friday night off.
13:30.51Kattyi'm in the states.
13:30.55phixYuu are lagged :)
13:32.26phixI am enjoying some scotch this fine 68F night :)
13:32.38phix68 degrees F that is
13:32.48Kattyhate you. it's like 42F here.
13:33.03Kattydang australians!!! (assumption)
13:33.10phixIt is an air conditioned office building outside :)
13:33.30phixhehe, Australian indeed :)  a /whois should of told you that
13:33.46Kattythat's just not polite.
13:33.54phixI wouldn't know
13:33.55Kattyit's like digging through someone's pockets.
13:34.11phixonly the IRC server would, and I don't think Freenode would inform me
13:34.36Kattyit's still not nice.
13:34.56phixNo, it's like asking the post office to go through your PO box and them letting you do it
13:35.21phixI have this same stance on insecure wireless network too :)
13:35.38phixI asked your router if I can join the network and access your Internet and it said yes
13:36.25phixsince you own and configured the router you also agreed for me to use your Internet
13:36.44phixor something like that
13:37.27phixlol, I even net send them including my mobile number informing them they have an insecure network and thanking them for letting me use it
13:37.46phixI offered my services to secure it for them, they said it was fine, so I continued using it
13:38.11phixany way
13:38.14phixback on scope
13:38.18Kattydoesn't windows have the messenger service off by default? ;)
13:38.20phixhow about that asterisks hey
13:38.28*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:38.44Kattytoo early for asterisk.
13:38.49Kattystill working on oatmeal.
13:38.51phixKatty: this was a few yrs ago :) They were using Windows 2000 I think, or pre SP2 or SP1 of XP which had it on by default
13:39.06phixoatmeal?  you mena poridge?
13:39.11phixmena = mean
13:39.24Kattyyes same thing i bleive
13:40.01Kattyi put apples and bananas in it, and forgot the cinnamon :<
13:40.13phixyeah, basically oats cooked on the stove with milk or water or both>
13:40.18phixoh noes
13:40.22Kattythat's the one.
13:40.22phixcinnamon is important
13:40.27phixyeah, I like oatmeal
13:40.42Kattyi don't like it solo, must put stuff with it
13:40.57Kattyi particularly like peanut butter and banana and a smidgen of honey
13:41.13Kattybut somehow i managed to run out of both of those items.
13:41.25phixyes, I mix in and cook musilie
13:41.33Kattywhat's musilie?
13:41.34phixwith it
13:41.46phixhmmm bad spelling I think
13:41.58Kattygoogle suggests it might be Muesli
13:42.20Kattyfind me a picture
13:42.21phixyes, that one
13:42.47phixbasically uncooked oatmeal with fruit and nuts :) and bran
13:42.55Kattysounds like what we call Granola.
13:42.56*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:43.08Kattymorning _ShrikE
13:43.15phixGranola - a breakfast and snack food similar to muesli, except it is baked.
13:43.31phixmuesli isn't baked :)
13:43.58phixadding it to "oatmeal" while cooking it good :)
13:44.05Kattymy mother has a Granola recipe that's pretty awesome. Oats, Almonds, Dried Fruit (usually cherries, cranberries, and raisins)
13:44.10Kattyshe also puts coconut in it
13:44.28Kattythe coconut makes it /awesome/
13:44.55phixso does almond flakes
13:45.03Kattydo you like eating whole Almonds?
13:45.12Kattyi tried eating them solo for the first time last night, they're kind bitter.
13:45.23phixyup, although I prefer macadamian nuts
13:45.28phixhave you tried them?
13:45.37Kattyi've had them in cookies.
13:45.39Kattybut not solo
13:45.51phixsolo or in cookies is awesome
13:46.07Kattyare they sweet?
13:46.09phixyou can get them glazed with honey, also good but a bit rich
13:46.34phixnot really sweet, but they are nice
13:46.38Kattyi'd probably skip that--been trying to eat more natural, unprocessed, foods.
13:46.57phixyup, natural solo maccadamian's ftw
13:47.03Kattywhich is harder than you think here in the states. :/
13:48.16phixhaha, no, I can image :)  People in the states are stereotypical overweight :)  no offense :)
13:48.29Kattyyes, yes they are. and it's very easy to see why
13:48.54phix:) then again Australia is high on the list of obese countries now
13:48.54Katty90% of all products in the grocery store are processed food items.
13:49.20Kattynone of the adverts on TV are about eating healthy, or buying Real Food
13:49.28Kattyabsolutely none of them.
13:49.46Kattyso from a very young age, children don't really get that Real Food and Processed Food is different
13:49.55*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
13:50.00phix90% or higher of contents on TV is real :)
13:50.01Kattythey just think the Real Food has been chopped up and placed into Processed food. it's all the same.
13:50.21phixeven the actors are GIMP'ed :)
13:50.33Kattyi'd say 75% of america doesn't even know how to read a nutrition label.
13:50.47Kattymuch less look on the ingredient list and go Hey, maybe i shouldn't be eating sodium phosphate
13:51.17phixisn't 75% of the population of America illegals from south America?
13:51.29Kattyno :P
13:51.54Kattyi don't know why they'd want to come here.
13:52.14Kattyif you get sick even once and have to go to the emergency room for care, you're royally screwed for the rest of your life ;)
13:52.15afink^^ second. I want to go there
13:52.47Kattythe only growing industry in america is healthcare. that's very sad.
13:53.04*** part/#asterisk Lanh (
13:53.40phixafink: haha
13:54.06phixKatty: Pitty about the lack of composarly heath care
13:54.09phixhealth even
13:54.26phixin Australia you have Mediacare which everyone is entitled to
13:54.31phixMedicare even
13:54.39Kattyi'm one of the fortunate few that have heath insurance provided by my company
13:54.43phixwell every citizen that is
13:54.55Kattyit knocked my appendix surgery from about 75 grand down to 4 grand, which i'm still paying off
13:55.13phix75 grand! wtf
13:55.28Kattyit was an emergency operation
13:55.32phixdid you get a lawyer to do you surgery?
13:55.49Kattyof course they bill insurance companies more than they'd bill someone right out of pocket too. it's insane.
13:56.02Kattyno, i had the top surgeon do it tho.
13:56.07phixfor that much it must of been a lawyer, brain surgen, astronaught, rocket sciencist :)
13:56.14Kattymy boss has aquired a lot of good friends in that industry. i was well taken care of.
13:56.33Kattyi was up and walking later that evening after the surgery
13:56.41*** join/#asterisk yahh (n=root@
13:56.44Kattyonly have two little, 1 inch scars, too
13:56.48phixlucky you
13:56.52Kattyyep. i was most fortunate.
13:57.02phixactually, I need to apply for private healthcare
13:57.20Kattyhello yahh
13:57.25yahhhow can i do that?
13:57.33Kattyi kinda wish we'd adopt japan's healthcare system.
13:57.39KattyMRI's cost about 15 bucks.
13:58.01phixSome idiot called an ambulance when I was knocked out, the hospital wanted to charge my $600AUD ($500 - $550 USD) to drive me 12 Kms (6 or 8 miles)
13:58.19Kattyyou are required by law to carry health insurance. you can buy from a number of private companies, or one is provided for you if you cannot afford it.
13:58.20phixKatty: shit
13:58.31Kattyyou can see any doctor, any specialist, of your choice. prices are always the same across the board.
13:58.52Kattythat's cheap for an ambulance.
13:58.57Kattythey're about 5 o 6 grand here.
13:59.11Kattyand let's not even talk about an air lift to a major city
13:59.14phixin Japan work places are also required to attend fitness programs which usually run before or after lunch time
13:59.20phixeach day
13:59.21Kattyyou don't want to even think about the cost of a helicopter ride.
13:59.36Kattyand they're currently the healthiest nation int he world.
14:00.01Kattyi'd be down with fitness before lunch!
14:00.11phixKatty: shit, really? that is insane, if I get knocked out again I would prefer some one to call me a taxi instead of an ambulance
14:00.28phixKatty: ditto
14:00.58Kattyhmm. the dog approves of oatmeal.
14:01.03Kattyhe's cleaning out the pan for me :>
14:01.16Kattyit'll be sparkling clean in no time!
14:01.48phixthe fucked up thing was I regained consioness when the ambulance arrive, I told them that I didn't want to goto the hospital and I was fine, I just wanted to walk it off, but they forcable strapped me in the stretcher then mailed me a $600 AUD bill
14:02.05phixI mean if I did that in my job I would be taken to court
14:02.17Katty <- my doggy. also, not me.
14:02.37phix"NO! YOU NEED LINUX AND ASTERISK INSTALLED ON YOUR SERVER, here, have a $2000 bill, kthnx bi"
14:02.45Kattyhehehe, yesh.
14:03.03Kattybut they also have to take into consideration something might be wrong with you too
14:03.11Kattylike you bumped your noggin and didn't know what you were saying
14:03.21*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (n=cosmicwo@
14:03.27Kattyclean pan!
14:03.30Kattywell. cleaner.
14:03.46phixno, I disagreed to take a $600 taxi ride, my noggin is obviously fine
14:03.55phixif I agreed to it then it isn't fine
14:04.24Kattyi'm not sure just how the laws of the healthcare industry work.
14:04.35phixif I said nothing and my eyes start bleeding then it isn't fine also :)
14:04.52phixneither, well not in any country, they are all different
14:05.02Kattyoh probably
14:05.18Kattydid you know Splenda was developed by a pharmasecutical company?
14:05.25phixthen again that could just been I Have been programming alot to meet a deadline
14:05.28Kattyyou may not have that brand there.
14:05.37phixsugar free shit?
14:06.06phixyeah, it is here, although isn't sugar free stuff illegal in US? since it has been proven to cause cancer or other major health issues?
14:06.15KattyLOL, far from it
14:06.22Kattythere's a billion brands of sugar substitutes here.
14:06.49Kattyit's part of the problem.
14:07.05Kattybecause numerious studies have show that several substitutes often Cause hunger.
14:07.15Kattylike diet coke.
14:07.21Kattyoh man, i know from experience.
14:07.23phixIt has no fat or sugar! but we wont mention that is does something else like cause cancer or lower your metabolic rate or do something else which serverly impares your health!
14:07.26Kattyyou drink one of those, you'll be hungry in 30 minutes
14:07.51Kattyi like going to the grocery store and comparing the Size of people to what's in their shopping cart.
14:07.54phixI am hungry now after drinking some coke zero
14:07.58Kattymaybe it's kind of shallow, but it's interesting.
14:08.09Kattythe Larger people nearly always have diet sodas of some sort.
14:08.20phixI hate shopping carts.  I always use baskets :)
14:08.28Kattyi buy to much to use a basket
14:08.40Kattybut i think these problems are inherent to females )=
14:08.52Kattyoh look! it's 2 cents cheaper than normal! I MUST BUY 5 OF THEM
14:09.32Kattyhmm. what did i pick up yesterday.
14:10.23phixA petrol station tried to do that to me, "Buy $5 of shit and receive 4cents a letre off your petrol!", "ummm, so I save $1 and have to spend $5, that is $4 more I loose"
14:10.50Kattyezekiel bread, brown rice, spinach, avocado, broccoli, peas, carrots, green onions, tomato, bananas, oranges, apples, tuna, bacon, northern beans, almonds, sunflower seeds, ground bison, milk, 2 kinds of cheese, apple juice, orange juice, and other stuff i cna't think of.
14:11.11phixyum, avocado
14:11.18Kattyoh yes. i love avocado.
14:11.25phixThey are in season here :D
14:11.35Kattythey're not here.
14:11.38phixavocado + chilli == pure awesome
14:11.58Kattyi like big chunks of avocado, crumbled bacon, onion, and tomato
14:12.07Kattypurred just a smidgen, with corn chips
14:12.17Kattya bit like guacamole i guess.
14:12.32phixnot a bacon fan, infact I don't really like pig that much
14:12.40Kattyman i do.
14:12.48KattyBLTs = <3
14:13.01phixI am a seafood, chicken and beef fan :)
14:13.15Kattydid you know ground bison is healthier for you than beef?
14:13.49phixbison and that japanese cow like animal is better for you
14:14.04phixactually kangaroo is better than that too :)
14:14.10Kattyi doubt they sell Japanese Cow Like Animal here
14:14.11phixbetter for you
14:14.18phixI havn't actually eaten it
14:14.32Kattysomething tells me Kangroo isn't going to be sold in packages at Walmart either
14:14.45phixKatty: It is a niche market here, some farmers have them, I saw some documentaary on it :)
14:15.07phixheh, probably not in the US :) but they are culled alot here due to their numbers
14:15.22phixsooo many in regional areas
14:15.29phixI cant spell, culled == killed
14:15.46Kattyi guess it's like Deer Season here
14:15.53Kattyeverybody and their brother goes out and gets a deer
14:15.56Kattyand then cooks it
14:16.12phixthen again there is probably a larger number of toads, rabits and foxes here :(
14:16.31Kattymy dad raises Rabbits.
14:16.40Kattyof the To Be Eaten variety
14:16.54Kattyhe says they bring about 8 bucks each
14:17.15Kattymy parents also raise chickens.
14:17.22Kattymostly for eggs tho, not so much to be eaten.
14:17.50phixonly legal with licence in states forests here, there is a bill trying to be passed here to allow sport shooters to hunt in national parks, not just deers (yes, there are lot of deers here too, especially in natural parks), kangaroos, and a number of native animales
14:18.19phixyeah, my parents have chickens and ducks, for eggs
14:18.27Kattyi believe you need a hunting license here too.
14:18.41Kattyit's also illegal to shoot an animal that isn't in Season (different seasons at different time of the year, usually lasting a few weeks long)
14:19.00Kattydeer season, turkey season, etc.
14:19.02phixalthough they sold a couple of roosters, to a bunch of asians that own a restraunt, so I am assuming they ended up in sate`
14:19.05*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
14:19.19Kattyi'm sure they were quite tasty
14:19.23phixah yeah, turkey is native there?
14:19.44phixI like turkey :)
14:19.44Kattyyou can drive up and down the major freeways and see turkeys wandering about in grounds
14:19.48Kattyerr groups
14:20.04Kattydeer are also very very common.
14:20.22Kattyalong with a huge ammount of squirrels. it's impossible to go outside to go anywhere and not see a handful of squirrels.
14:23.40phixyeah, there are usuall a lot of possums out at night here, then again they are cuter than the possums in the US :)
14:23.52phixUS Possums look like huge rats
14:24.48*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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14:25.57Kattyhi Deeewayne
14:27.45DeeewayneKatty, good morning!
14:27.49Kattyhugs Deeewayne
14:28.00Kattyhow're you this morning dear
14:28.15DeeewayneI'm doing well.  My kids are finally over H1N1
14:28.26Kattyare you sure it was H1N1?
14:28.27Deeewaynehow are you?
14:28.34Deeewayneyeah, it was confirmed
14:28.41Kattyi'm glad they're doing better.
14:28.54Kattywhat did they put the children on to help them recover?
14:29.42Deeewaynethe oldest (5) had it over the weekend and was diagnosed after 4 days so she got nothing.  The youngest (3) and my wife and I got tamiflu
14:30.21Deeewaynemy wife and I never actually got it
14:30.56Kattyeww, you got a vacination?
14:31.07Deeewayneno, I never got one
14:31.22Deeewaynetamiflu == oseltamivir phosphate
14:31.48*** part/#asterisk sircolin (
14:32.17DeeewayneI think they got it at a carnival we went to, then it was a week of 102 -> 104 temps and puking
14:32.43Kattywell that's no fun, for sure
14:32.54Kattyi'd stay far far far away from those vacinations
14:32.59Deeewaynenow they are back to normal, fighting over the whiteboard and who gets to be the teacher
14:34.22DeeewayneKatty, did you ever decide what to do for halloween decorations?
14:34.34Kattywell, yes. let me get a photo.
14:35.03filetackles Katty
14:35.28Kattyi didn't actually do much.
14:35.48Kattyi didn't take photos of it, but i put pumpkins along the porch along the ground
14:35.53Kattyhugs file
14:35.54fileI'm being the rebel on my street and not doing Halloween or Christmas decorations
14:36.06Kattythat's okay file.
14:36.34Katty <- better photo of sign.
14:36.37filethe old people won't dare come out and complain
14:37.00Kattyi doubt i'll do any outside deocrations for christmas.
14:37.18fileoffers Deeewayne a candy
14:37.19Deeewaynewe haven't done anything for halloween, but I put lights up for christmas
14:37.19Kattytoo much time and effort involved.
14:37.33Deeewayneinspects file's candy, then accepts
14:37.51Kattythe kids probably wouldn't like what i'd give them anyway.
14:37.56fileKatty: yeah, I would rather put the time and money towards decorating my house
14:38.41Kattyyou'll see more of it anyway
14:39.03*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (n=chatzill@
14:39.17Kattypicked up 4 strands of christmas garland at a local thrift shop.
14:39.24Kattygonna hang it over the doors.
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14:39.41Kattyand i found a christmas...well, it's a Tree, but not what you'd consider a christmas tree
14:39.51Kattyit's a craft item with birds, and birdhouses, with lights.
14:40.00Kattywill take a photo in a few months
14:40.08Kattybut it's taller than me, and i found it at a yard sale for 75 cents.
14:40.11twanny796reading Asterisk tfot with adope 9 on linux, but still with no bookmarks!
14:40.31Kattyand of course the tree. i'll be doing that.
14:40.39Kattyfile: what sort of decorations you guys putting up?
14:41.02fileKatty: no tree, and there are decorations in storage... but nothing planned
14:41.22Deeewaynefile: christmas branch?
14:41.32fileDeeewayne: :D
14:41.47Kattyyou can probably go to any thrift shop and find a tree for cheap
14:42.10Deeewayneor you can get an aluminum pole and celebrate festivus
14:42.18Kattyi'd set one up in the basement, cept that the ferrets would cart to ornaments off and stash them under the couch
14:45.28twanny796regarding the TFOT book, I downloaded the right one now, ;)
14:49.51*** join/#asterisk jbw (
14:50.04fileI'm under attack by hail :(
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14:55.26phixwhat did I Miss
15:03.03*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
15:07.32afinkanyone around that could please help me with realtime sip?
15:08.22afinkI think I have everything where it is supposed to be, I have followed this: and this: and still am not having any luck
15:09.46Pan3Ddefine "not having any luck"
15:10.53*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
15:10.54afinkright now I can't get any peers registrations to store
15:11.17afinkI register from the phone, I see the register in the CLI then when I do sip show peers I get nothing
15:11.58*** join/#asterisk d00gster (n=doughant@
15:12.36afinkok, but now it works..It rings through but nothing in sip show peers
15:13.04filesip show peers shows peers that are stored in memory
15:13.09filethey do not show realtime peers UNLESS caching is enabled
15:13.23afinkahh ok
15:15.08*** join/#asterisk raden (
15:15.22radenKatty OLA
15:15.56afinkIs caching necessary?
15:16.53*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:18.00afinkoh wow....The phone I was testing with was on DND...
15:19.44*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (
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15:21.07cusco_we are thinking in having more than one asterisk box. One that gets the calls from dahdi primary channels, and several others, each one in each call centre, registering with this main asterisk
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15:31.35cosmicwombatYou might want to look at DUNDi
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15:47.50LemensTSWhat do you think is the best solution for an ITSP for billing?
15:48.23fileone they write themselves.
15:50.29LemensTSWhy do you say that over a2billing or something
15:50.52filebecause the views of how people think billing should be done vastly differs
15:52.08fileit's only when you get to very simple billing scenarios that it's easy, but even then that may differ
15:54.25file(that's just my view, it may entirely be possible that there is a billing solution that fits exactly what you need/want)
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16:25.07cusco_this has happened a few times in the past months..
16:25.16jblackThat you got hi?
16:25.18cusco_all the calls go down
16:25.25cusco_and the error msg is:
16:25.41cusco_[Oct 24 17:15:09] ERROR[31209] chan_dahdi.c: Asked to delete sched id -1??? \\ [Oct 24 17:15:09] ERROR[31209] chan_dahdi.c: No more room in scheduler
16:25.48cusco_and that i said hi too hehe
16:26.05jblackI don't know that problem. sorry.
16:26.56*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:f54a:c810:1e81:95f9)
16:27.55cusco_yea nor do I...
16:30.13cusco_how do I create a backtrace of asterisk?
16:30.19cusco_do I run it with gdb?
16:30.40*** join/#asterisk TiToyz (
16:31.22cusco_"Okay, once you do have a usable backtrace feel free to reopen this and
16:31.24cusco_upload it.
16:33.21jblackset debug 9, set verbose 9, within it, show a reload of your configs, and failed attempts
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16:59.31Kattyis making lunch
16:59.57Katty2lbs of bacon, 2lbs of great northern beans, 5oz chopped green onions, 10oz cherry tomatoes.
16:59.59jblackI was just thinking about you. Enjoy lunch
17:00.00Kattyand a bit of vingear.
17:00.06jblackI HATE you
17:00.17Kattyoh i'm not going anywhere. the beans have to simmer for 2 hours :/
17:00.46jblackYou just made my tummy start rolling in high gear. grumble grumble grumble. :)
17:01.08_ShrikEKatty: I made on of these at the LSU/Florida Game
17:01.09*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (n=BugKhaM@
17:01.10Kattywell come on over.
17:01.38jblackI'd be happy to have that as a last meal. where at? :)
17:01.50Kattygood lord.
17:01.51jblackI shouldn't have shouted at you. Sorry.
17:02.02Kattyi'll call an ambulance now, _ShrikE
17:02.05eppigyarguing is normal and healthy
17:02.12Kattyeppigy: WHO ASKED OU
17:02.14_ShrikEfortuantely my brother in law is a doctor
17:02.20Kattyeppigy: <3
17:02.22_ShrikEand a wiling participant
17:02.23Kattyhugs eppigy
17:02.23jblackYEAH! Who asked you!
17:02.26eppigy<3 :D
17:02.41Katty_ShrikE: *hee*
17:02.51Kattyi have a cousin who is a cancer doctor
17:03.05Kattyhe works in st. louis (=
17:03.08jblackhe must be a hoot around the holidays
17:03.27jblack"Yeah, this would be a happier thanksgiving if I hadn't just lost my 3 favorite patients"
17:03.38Kattyhe looses a lot of patients.
17:03.53Kattybut he helps them the best he can.
17:04.00jblackbecause he's a cancer doctor, or because .. well. don't know how to say it..
17:04.11Kattyi know.
17:04.38Kattydoes not care to think about it
17:04.45jblackgotta admire his persistance. I get frustrated when I lose a life in a videogame.
17:05.59Kattyhe's told me a lot of interesting things about cancer.
17:06.11Kattyand about the great many things that actually help it, but they're not allowed to do.
17:06.23Kattybecause the pharmesutical companies would get pissed off
17:06.50Kattyextremely high doses of Vitamin C shots and something from apricot seeds...i forget what.
17:06.55jblackI hear bad things about the pill companies from a friend. His wife works at phizer.
17:07.22jblackare there good studies on the alternative stuff?
17:07.31Kattyoh probably.
17:07.42Kattyit's regularly performed in Mexico
17:07.51Kattywith very good results
17:08.06Kattythere's also a Gersen clinic in Mexico
17:08.24jblackwow. IT's dark.
17:08.36jblackAs in, I can't see in my office dark.
17:09.22jblackOh, I see why
17:09.45p3nguin_The light is off?
17:10.10p3nguin_The shades are drawn?
17:10.11jblackThe big spotlight in the sky, it's been turned teh off.
17:10.51jblackI'm really depressed today.
17:10.56Kattythat's no good :<
17:10.59Kattyhugs on jblack
17:11.03Kattywhyfor are you feel down
17:11.28eppigydeath is a natural part of life
17:11.31jblackmake the mistake about thinking about my life.
17:11.37Kattyeppigy: shh
17:11.40jblackeppigy: Death rocks. Dying is what sucks. :)
17:11.53eppigyjblack: every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around
17:12.12Kattywhat do you wish had been different?
17:13.10jblackI don't dwell on the past.
17:13.55Kattyso what wonderful and amazing things are you doing this afternoon
17:14.22jblacki was gonna walk down to the coffee shop, but there's heavy rain going on just at this moment.
17:14.34jblackmaybe there's a good movie out
17:14.40Kattyyes, quite possibly
17:14.48Kattyor perhaps a good book
17:15.01jblackAntichrist came out.
17:15.32jblackreading alone when I'm in this kinda mood isn't a good idea.
17:15.47Kattyyou could go visit family (=
17:16.11jblackthats' out. :)
17:16.34*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:e09c:6419:a275:2d00)
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17:16.56jblackI think I'll go see a movie and spend a few hours after that reading at a coffee shop.
17:17.07Kattythat sounds splendid
17:17.19Kattyand very relaxing
17:17.34jblackyeah. I'll be with people, but won't have to really interract with 'em.
17:17.40jblackand coffee's cheap.
17:17.56jblackI need to make some friends.
17:18.34Kattyfriends are good.
17:18.53Kattyi don't think people were really meant to live life without them.
17:18.59jblackI hear. How much do they cost, and where can I pick a few up?
17:19.20Kattynow that's a much harder question to answer.
17:19.38Kattybut i find that randomly talking to random people, and being nice, generally helps.
17:19.58Kattyeven ify ou only have a friend for an hour
17:20.20Kattymust go stir beans.
17:20.30jblackplease do
17:20.47jblackp3nguin_: Hey, got nothing to do? Let's go to mexico
17:22.13Kattyjblack: have you ever thought about getting a pet?
17:22.21Kattyjblack: and i don't mean a pet goldfish
17:23.06eppigyjblack: antichrist was wild
17:23.11eppigyi watched it last night
17:25.09*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:25.10jblackKatty: Yeah, I've thought about it. pita.
17:25.17jblackeppigy: Ok so it doesn't suck?
17:25.35jblackI was worried about the ratings but if you liked it...
17:25.46eppigywell it is very different
17:25.50eppigyI enjoyed it though
17:26.18*** join/#asterisk TiToyz (
17:26.22Kattyjblack: yeah, they're not so much actually
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17:26.32Kattyjblack: they are a lot of company
17:26.39Kattyjblack: especially a good, well trained dog.
17:27.03Kattyjblack: and they're always happy to see you, no matter what (=
17:27.11jblacklooking at the reviews, you either love it, or despise it.
17:27.29jblackI don't have a yard katty. :(
17:27.38Kattynot all dogs require yards.
17:27.55jblackmy life's really not set up for a dog.
17:28.16jblackI'd love one again some day. not this day
17:29.34jblack"...probably the most disturbing, bleak and self-indulgent film ever made."
17:29.54jblackeppigy: Is this film depressing?
17:30.18Kattylunch at katty's house will not be depressing
17:30.26Kattypack up your stuff and come over!
17:30.29jblackwhere's your house?
17:30.35Kattysouthern missouri
17:30.54jblackheh. that's what? a 20 hour drive?
17:31.00Kattyprobably :<
17:31.13eppigyjblack: well I guess that depends
17:31.19eppigyI didn't find it depressing
17:31.27eppigybut it is crazy
17:31.38jblackhuh. It's not playing out here
17:31.47eppigyI'm not sure that I've seen a film like it before
17:31.52eppigyI downloaded it
17:32.56jblackKatty: 15 hours to bowling green from wilkes-barre.
17:33.09jblackmaybe next time
17:33.27jblackbesides. I shouldn't eat chilli anyways. =)
17:35.10Kattyit's not really chili
17:35.13Kattyit's like ham and beans.
17:35.22Kattyexcept bacon and great nothern beans.
17:35.26Kattywill post photos later.
17:35.33Kattymust go stir beans again, brb
17:36.28jblackIt's the beans part
17:38.02Kattywhy ar eyou not supposed to have beans?
17:38.12Kattyoooh, i see. k
17:38.18Kattybut it's mostly fiber.
17:38.22Kattyvery little of is sugar
17:38.29jblackcheck the back of the can. ;)
17:38.39Kattyit didn't come in a can.
17:38.44Kattyi know that beans are carby.
17:38.51jblacksugar is a carb. There's lots of type of carbs. Beans are really, really carby
17:38.59Kattyi just thought the body handled Fiber carbs differently than Sugar carbs.
17:39.32jblackthere's a difference, but ultimately, carbohydrates are carbohydrates.
17:40.22jblackdifferent types of carbs get absorbed at different levels. 50 carbs of sugar (that's a good sized candy bar) can send me to 250-300 within an hour.
17:41.00jblackgrains are surprisingly close to that. beans i haven't experimented iwth much, but usually they are supposed to spread out the glycemic load a bit.
17:41.26jblacka large apple sends me up 60 points in 'bout 45 minutes.
17:41.36jblacklooks for a glycemic index
17:41.39Kattyi've not really looked into exactly what your body does, i just know that the higher the fiber content the better it is for you
17:42.03jblackFor healthy people, definitely.
17:42.08Kattycarbs from beans are better than carbs from plain ole sugar
17:42.16JunK-Ypokes Katty and run away!
17:42.20jblackwhat kind of beans?
17:42.21KattyJunK-Y: hey you!!!
17:42.27Kattyjblack: nothern beans
17:42.28JunK-Ywhats up?
17:42.35Kattywaiting for lunch to get done cooking
17:42.48JunK-Yemail me some food!
17:42.55Kattyokay :P
17:43.13Kattyyou in canada?
17:43.21JunK-Yi was about to leave, but we'll be in touch soon honey
17:43.22Kattyor frolicing about?
17:43.27JunK-Yyeah, back in the cold canada!
17:43.36Kattyk (+
17:43.40Kattysay hi to the girly for me!
17:43.47JunK-Yall right, will do
17:43.56jblackOk, those are 73% carb, and have a gl of 13, which means carb aborption would be really slow and drawn out
17:44.10Kattyjblack: i'd guess from the fiber content.
17:44.22Kattyjblack: what does that mean in terms of your blood sugar levels?
17:44.40jblackjust becuae there's a lot of fiber in something doesn't mean the carbs are bound to it. ;)
17:44.51Kattyyeah i don't know.
17:44.56Kattynot a nutritionist :<
17:45.55jblackWell, an apple has a GL of 3. white bread 13
17:46.04jblackactually, those northern beans are terrible
17:46.21Kattywhat's its GL rating?
17:46.23jblackI'm not too familiar with GL, I just avoid carbs entirely.
17:46.39jblackthe northern beans? 13.
17:47.13Kattyso they are, for 1 cup
17:47.24jblackI'm pulling this from
17:47.32Kattyyeah that's what i'm looking at too
17:47.39Kattyjust noticed the folic acid content tho
17:48.04Kattyb9 is something i lack in horribly, 1 cup of these beans is 45% DV
17:48.27Kattywhich is a very good thing.
17:49.09Kattyof course i'm sure 1 apple has far fewer carbs than 1 cup of beans
17:49.41Kattybeans is 37, apple is 25
17:49.54Kattyand probably a good bit more water.
17:50.21jblackone cup of those beans is like 7 packets of sugar.
17:50.25Kattymust go stir beans again
17:53.35eppigygirl i want some sugar
17:55.26Katty <- interesting
17:56.10Kattylooks like nutritiondata does it a bit different. below 10 is low and about 20 is high
17:56.15Kattyerr above 20
17:56.31jblackGI on nutritiondata is a count
17:57.05KattyGL on a snickers bar is 21
17:57.46Kattya cup of oatmeal is 14
17:57.55jblacksounds about right
17:58.12Kattyso a cup of oatmeal would have the same effect on you as a cup of beans.
17:58.31jblackSo do a big bowl of beans-n-meat, and before you know it, you're doing 2-3 cups of beans. You're at 20-30 GL
17:58.48Kattyyou forgot all the veggies tho
17:59.18jblackveggies are pretty good.
17:59.23Kattyof the 1 cup of mixture, i would estimate half of it is beans.
17:59.35jblackoh, in your stuff
17:59.41Kattyand that 3/4 of the rest of that cup is veggies, and 1/4 of the remaining portion would be the veggies
17:59.45jblackdepends on which veggies.
18:00.02jblackcucumbers are great. Corn, bad.
18:00.13*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:8cc:d299:ef1f:7c64)
18:02.14jblacknotwithstanding, GL helps determine aborption rate. carbs are carbs, and you still end up processing them.
18:10.57*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
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18:22.13Kattybeans are nearly done :>
18:24.02jblackI think I'll go see where the wild things are.
18:24.54*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:95a2:d766:c3eb:1be0)
18:28.18jblackI washed and dried my keys, along with my car alarm. Still works. wow.
18:28.24jblackremote, that is
18:29.45*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
18:29.58Kattymust go put the bean stuff together
18:30.46*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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18:34.00drmessanojblack: yesterday I spent 8 hours working on windows scripting crap and when I left, I was so brainfried, I lost my car in a parking lot of 12 cars
18:34.13drmessanoDoesnt help I am scatterbrained anyway
18:40.32Kattyi'll post the photos in a bit (=
18:42.48jblack12 cars?
18:43.10jblackdrmessano: As in a grid of cars 3 by 4 ?
18:43.15Kattyhow on earth did you loose your car in that small ammount?
18:43.26jblackI knew freepbx was rotting your brain. Now we have evidence.
18:43.30drmessanoNo, as in 50 cars or so, 12 remaining
18:43.30Kattydid you forget which car you drove in? :P
18:43.53drmessanoNo, I just walked out in the parking lot and was like "umm.. shit.. umm.. oh, right.. car"
18:43.57jblackOh, so a 10x5 grid, of which a dozen spots were filled.
18:44.05Kattyoh man, only 1 cup of lunch and i'm already getting full...but it's sooo good, i want more :<
18:44.17Kattydrmessano: lol, how long did it take you to find it
18:44.39jblackI once spent 20 minutes looking for something I was holding in my hand.
18:44.44drmessanoIt wasnt so much finding it.. it was walking out into the sunlight and feeling like an old person wandering out of the nursing home
18:44.51Kattyjblack: i've done that with my glassese.
18:44.55Kattyjblack: they were on my FACE
18:44.56jblackdrmessano: I know that one!
18:45.05jblackKatty: Time for a new prescription. :)
18:45.14Kattyoh no, the prescription is perfect
18:45.20Kattyit just hadn't clicked.
18:45.27drmessanoI have done that with my keys before.. Wife yells at me "What are you looking for?"  "my keys" "daniel, they're in your HAND"
18:45.28jblackjust forgot the "can I see yet?" step ?
18:45.35Kattyjblack: mhmm
18:45.44Kattydrmessano: lol
18:45.45jblackwe're all fucked up.
18:45.53Kattygoes to get camera.
18:45.57jblackLet's go live on an island, and forget where we park the boat.
18:46.21drmessanojblack: Give me a mindnumbing task and I would lose the island
18:46.51jblackwhat if the mindnumbing task were "find an small, yet appropriate, island"
18:46.59jblackI suppose you'd never finish
18:47.38drmessanoI get so focused one stuff, I only remember when I get intense outside stimulus.. like the smell of smoke = forgot to turn off the oven, or the feeling of warm soup being dropped in my lap = forgot I had to pee.
18:47.52jblackwe all do that
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18:49.05jblacksits on the subwoofer as he plays the cure
18:49.32jblackI can feel my internal organs vibrate
18:53.27*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (
18:54.51Katty <- photos of lunch
18:55.25jblackI'd show you a picture of my lunch, but I think I already flushed it. sorry
18:55.37jblackOh, look at that. that looks beautiful
18:56.29Kattyi think i may have to nap after i'm done.
18:56.49jblacklots of food causes you to get sleepy?
18:57.17Kattyor at least drowsy
18:57.32Kattynot all food tho
18:57.38jblackwe're gonna have to test you one of these days. It'll cost about 20 bucks. Let me know when you get paid, and I'll walk you through it
18:57.43jblackyou can test your bf too.
18:58.26Kattymmm, that was good.
18:58.35jblackyou already ate?
18:58.48Kattysits for awhile to see if she gets drowsy
18:58.50jblackheh. 3 hours to prepare, 3 minutes to consume.
18:59.05Kattyha! that batch will last all weekend.
18:59.12Kattyprobably longer, depend on how much ryan eats of it per meal
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18:59.39jblackwtf? who tagged "Tainted Love" as being by the cure?
18:59.42Kattyate 16.7% of batch
18:59.51Kattythe cure did a version of it
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19:00.05jblackThis is not robert smith.
19:00.14jblackThis is the soft cell version.
19:00.23Kattywhat's your favorite cure song?
19:00.36jblackThat's hard.
19:00.48Kattymine's lullaby or love cats
19:01.01Kattyso far not sleepy
19:01.06Kattybut a smidgen drowsy
19:01.35jblackYou like the cure? You're kidding me!
19:01.42Kattyprobably should have had a salad instead of that second cup >.<
19:01.48Kattyjblack: oh yes. i have several albums.
19:02.20jblackI have about 5 or 6 albums.
19:02.33jblackI think they just did a new one. I could swear i heard them on the radio just the other day with something I'd never heard before
19:02.48jblackMy favorite album, by far, is 17 seconds.
19:02.50Kattyyeah they have a pretty unique sound. it'd be hard to mistake them
19:03.07drmessanojblack: Might be just some new whiney emo crap
19:03.15Kattyhmm. drowsy has passed.
19:03.27Kattynow i'm just feeling stuffed >.<
19:03.30jblackdrmessano: :P
19:03.30drmessanojblack: Singing like you're so sad you want to die is teh cool again
19:03.49jblackKatty: drmessano Go find me computer girl by revolution-9
19:04.13jblackwhoops. sorry.
19:04.20jblackdrmessano: Go find me computer girl by revolution-9
19:04.33Kattyponders shopping
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19:05.07jblackHeh. katty. must. have.. mooREE CARRRBSSSS!
19:05.19Kattyif by carbs you mean clothes.
19:05.29Kattyi'm pretty much carbed out
19:05.37jblackthus needing the new clothes. I get it
19:05.39Kattylater i will probably be craving celery.
19:06.09Kattynot in my super stretchy pjs tho!
19:06.16Kattyi could eat all day and not be uncomfortable :P
19:06.20jblackthese guys remind me of depeche mode.
19:06.21Kattywell i could, but the clothes would still fit
19:06.37Kattyk, off i go to shop. tata.
19:06.49jblackhave fun
19:06.53Kattywill do :>
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19:38.06ChodorenkoHi All
19:38.50Chodorenkoasterisk Support SRTP ?
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20:01.59infobothmm... answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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20:58.31Kobazokay so... i gots a good one here
20:58.32*** join/#asterisk afterbyte (
20:58.49Kobazhow would i go about getting a list of channels that match a pattern, in dialplan
21:02.36Kobazi need something like GROUP_LIST but for channels
21:03.16*** join/#asterisk markap (
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21:03.32markapAnyone here? Im new to Asterisk and need some help
21:04.21uqlevmarkap, look at the left side : users list how many here
21:04.32markapLOL I dont see any names
21:05.19markapusing xchat also now to this client
21:05.27uqlev11 ops, 223 total
21:05.51markapIn any event, I am having some issues with Asterisk, specifically the asterisk-gui
21:06.31Kattyand xchat, apparently
21:06.56uqlevnever used asterisk-gui
21:06.59p3nguin_What does "Remote closed the connection" even mean?
21:07.21p3nguin_Remote is an adjective describing proximity.
21:08.10*** join/#asterisk markap (
21:08.21markapOk fixed it i can see you all now
21:09.05infobot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0.  For support go to  #asterisk-gui
21:10.15uqlevis anything good of GUI on server?
21:10.45p3nguin_I guess that depends on what you mean by GUI and server.
21:11.02p3nguin_If you're talking about the asterisk GUI, which seems to be a web application, then it can be useful.
21:11.39p3nguin_If you're talking about silly little apps that run on the console of a server which perform trivial tasks that can be done without the GUI, then those are useless.
21:12.56markapFor some of us who are not comfortable with the console the GUI is important
21:13.33p3nguin_asterisk GUI?
21:13.41markapAnd i cannot get mine to run
21:13.57p3nguin_Me neither.
21:13.58Kattyif you are not comfortable with the console, you should probably get more familiar with it.
21:14.13uqlevvery true ;)
21:14.31markapMaybe i do not have time, and I need to get asterisk up and running fast
21:14.40Kattythen i would suggest hiring a consultant.
21:14.53markapI dont remember asking you for your opinion
21:14.59markapThank god for ignore
21:15.15uqlevthat's rude
21:15.27manxpowerI don't like your answer so I don't like you.
21:15.38Kattyhi manx
21:15.39p3nguin_What would you expect from someone too lazy to learn how to run a few commands?
21:15.40markapIt wasnt an answer is was someone giving me shit\
21:15.53Kattyno, i was not giving you shit.
21:16.12Kattyi was making a very valid suggestion.
21:16.30Kattyif time is such a constraint that you don't have time to learn the software, then clearly you don't have time to learn.
21:16.36Kattyif you do not have time to learn, you do not have time to support.
21:16.41Kattyso find someone who does.
21:17.10markapWhat what?
21:17.22infobot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0.  For support go to  #asterisk-gui
21:17.26p3nguin_You came to the wrong place.
21:17.27Kattyhas anyone seen jblack?
21:17.29markapYou said if i dont have the time to learn I dont have time to support? Are you a retatrd?
21:17.37infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:17.37Kattymarkap: Yes, I am.
21:17.38manxpowermarkap: If you want a GUI friendly channel you might want to check with a GUI channel like #FreePBX or #AsteriskGUI
21:17.44markapKatty you need to seriously check yourself.\
21:17.48p3nguin_katty: Don't waste anymore keystrokes on this.
21:17.50Kattymarkap: I will, thank you.
21:18.04Kattyp3nguin_: it's okay ;)
21:18.12Kattyp3nguin_: i don't mind. everyone has bad days.
21:18.34manxpowerKatty: he's already made up his mind, no point in trying to change it.
21:19.05KattySo. I went shopping and found some goodies :>
21:19.28Kattya blanket, stock pot with a little thing in the middle so it will function as a steamer, a bird house, and a halloween uhh... spoon holder?
21:19.33Kattyso you don't get you counters all messed up.
21:19.42Kattynot sure what it's called.
21:19.51p3nguin_spoon rest
21:19.58Kattyyeah, that probably
21:20.26Kattyall of it cost me 12 bucks (=
21:21.29Kattyjblack: ping
21:21.30p3nguin_I've not quite understood why to use a spoon rest... if you have a spoon that's all messy from cooking, you then place it on either A) the counter, or B) the spoon rest.  Either way, you still have to clean the exact same mess from the same food from the same spoon.
21:21.51Kattyp3nguin_: good point :/ i just thought it was cute :>
21:21.57Kattyp3nguin_: it'd probably be easier to clean the counter.
21:23.38p3nguin_I did come up with one good reason, actually.  You can move that mess around without actually having to clean it up if you use the rest.  If it's on the counter, you have to either clean it up or keep things away from that spot.
21:24.34Kattypossibly good if you don't have a lot of counter space.
21:25.27uqlevwodners are those all about coocking ^ or banking
21:25.41Kobazdo de do
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21:25.49Kattyhi Kobaz
21:25.53Kobazis there a way to get a list of channels that match a pattern, in dialplan
21:26.09Kattydahdi show status?
21:26.11Kobazlike GROUP_LIST but for channels
21:26.14Kattyi think it might list the context
21:26.22Kattybut you're probably wanting something else
21:26.26Kobazwell... it needs to be a dialplan app
21:26.29Kobazand channel agnostic
21:26.40Kattyhmm, not sure. never tried to do that sort of thing
21:26.44Kobazi think i need to write one
21:27.30Kattythere you go (=
21:27.58*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
21:28.01Kobazi'm not sure what module i can use for reference... i was thinking  of app_import
21:34.16*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
21:36.52[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Make a small AGI
21:38.38Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: and use what to list the channels...?
21:39.44[TK]D-FenderKobaz: "core show channels concise", AMI, etc
21:39.52Kobazyeah.. that's what i wanted to avoid
21:40.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: whts the big deal?
21:40.41Kobazcore show channels concise is fairly slow, and then, you don't know if it failed or there are no channels
21:41.04Kobazand then connecting to the ami, is an extra step... so from within asterisk, running agi... which connects back to ami
21:41.07Kobazseems kinda convoluted
21:41.24Kobazit would be easier/more straightforward if you can get a channel list from dialplan
21:41.30[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Seems kinda like whining :p
21:42.01Kobazwell, no... i'm trying to figure out what the best approach is... and i believe that's it
21:42.15Kobazso i'll write a little dialplan app to list channels and match by regex
21:42.27Kobazi've been wanting one for a while anyway
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22:04.03Troeheni m looking for help with ldap realtime
22:04.42*** join/#asterisk Athahira (n=chatzill@
22:05.43Athahirahello all
22:06.10Athahirai need help with parkinf plz
22:07.07Athahiracall is parked successfully to extension 701
22:09.35Athahirabut whenever i call from aother phones to 701 ...then i have error message ...
22:09.56Athahira[Oct 24 21:19:17] WARNING[22046]: chan_sip.c:3005 create_addr: No such host: 701
22:10.33Athahirais this right ??
22:10.41[TK]D-FenderAthahira: That clearly showns you have an extension that matches 701 in your dialplan <-
22:10.56Athahirathx fender
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22:10.58[TK]D-FenderAthahira: And are not calling the parking pickup exten.
22:11.27Athahirabut i don't have a definition for such user 701 sip.conf
22:11.43Athahirai was having one before...and i deleted ..restarted *
22:11.46p3nguin_So what?  We're talking about extensions.
22:11.47[TK]D-FenderAthahira: EXTENSIONS.CONF.
22:12.02[TK]D-FenderAthahira: Dialplan = extensions.conf
22:13.13p3nguin_sip.conf is for your users and peers; you don't dial users or peers, you dial extens, which can then connect to your users or peers.
22:13.20p3nguin_and stop flooding the channel.
22:14.33Athahirai have 3 users sales 101 102 103 .....their context is [internal-sales]
22:14.44[TK]D-FenderAthahira: [18:13]<Athahira>exten=>_XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tTrRk) <-- and THIS matches 701
22:15.11[TK]D-FenderAthahira: Your dialplan pattern does nto care about what peers you have defined in sip.conf
22:15.52Athahiraso u mean i should avoid matching the 70X for parked calls here ?
22:16.13p3nguin_If you match it in extensions.conf, you can't call the parked extensions.
22:16.15[TK]D-FenderAthahira: Your pattern is cleary a bad choice for dialing local SIP peer entires.
22:16.28Athahirai will try it now ...change _XXX. to _[1-3]XX.
22:17.20p3nguin_you don't even have _XXX. in there right now, so how will you change it?
22:18.09p3nguin_And _[1-3]XX. matches four digits or more, so any three-digit extensions you have won't match that.
22:18.12Athahirasorry...wrong typing
22:19.10p3nguin_And while you're at it, take out the "rR" options.
22:19.31AthahiraWOW ..u r great guys ....thank u very much p3nguin
22:19.40p3nguin_And take out the "tT" options unless you fully understand what they do and why you need them.
22:20.40[TK]D-Fender[18:13]<Athahira>;exten=>_70Z,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@parkedcalls,20,tTrR) <-- and just remove this and I WON'T tell you the 10 things wrong with it :)
22:21.38Athahira;-) thos were just testing to solve the i thought the parked call is hanging there...they r commneted out ..will be deleted now
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23:18.49Get_The_Fishhey, does anyone know if I can add my own custom configuration lines to sip.conf?  I want to add a couple peer specific configuration items, and query them in the dialplan.  If not, what is the best way to do this?
23:21.06[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: SetVar=myvariable=12345                  $[myvariable} = 12345
23:22.53Get_The_Fishright right, but say that a user has 2 or more DID's, and we want to set the caller ID for an outbound call to one of those DID's.  I would love it if I could enter those DID's in sip.conf for that user, then set the caller ID based on the field in sip.conf
23:23.22Get_The_Fishso really the question is where to store the data that will be used to set the variable in a way that is specific to that user.
23:24.01[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: You put that in the PEER entry.  it IS "per user"
23:24.25Get_The_Fishoh, gotcha, ok my bad...
23:30.06Get_The_Fishso in sip.conf, I would have SetVar=DID2=8005551212 and then in the dialplan I could do something like Set(CALLERID(num)=${DID2})
23:30.15[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: yes
23:30.49Get_The_FishI see something called SIPPEER as well, would that be more appropriate?  Like Set(CALLERID(num)=${SIPPEER(BOB:DID2)})
23:31.14Get_The_Fish(I dont know if that made a stupid smiley for you or not, but it did for me
23:31.33Get_The_FishI see something called SIPPEER as well, would that be more appropriate?  Like Set(CALLERID(num)=${SIPPEER(BOB:number2)})
23:33.37[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Don't know if this works for vars you set
23:34.20Get_The_Fishok, I'll try it out and see, but what you gave me is good enough, for sure.  Thanks TK
23:35.31Get_The_Fishby the way, and you wont remember this but I do, you told me quite a while ago that I should make my own dialplan and once you start using freepbx "that little gui owns you".  Well, you were right :)
23:37.26[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: I usually am... especially about bad news :)
23:38.02[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: and the exact phrase was probably "owns your sorry ass"
23:38.34[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: or "... have sold your soul to the lowest bidder"
23:39.32Get_The_FishI have been told the same thing myself
23:40.10Get_The_Fishwell, it's not really bad news, cause once I rolled up my sleeves and did the leg work I am much happier with the result.
23:42.54[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Which is akin to saying "My house still sucks... but at least I found a matching carpet" :p
23:43.41jblackcongrats on being happy. Why are you here?
23:43.51Kattyi am here to BUG YOU
23:44.01jblackNot you. And not me.
23:44.19Get_The_Fishjblack, are you asking me?
23:44.27Kattyhi fender.
23:44.29Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
23:44.31Get_The_FishCause you are here :)
23:44.55jblackgets jealous
23:45.03[TK]D-Fenderhugs on teh Katty
23:45.10jblack[TK]D-Fender: gets Katty, and I get some fish guy?
23:45.18jblackI'm telling you. My life SUCKS!
23:45.19Kattywhat? ^_-
23:45.22Kattyhugs jblack
23:45.33Kattythere is no shortage of hugs this week.
23:45.54jblacktell that to the leper colony. =)
23:46.02fileKatty: I want pizza.
23:46.08Kattyfile: and hugs!
23:46.10Kattyhugs file
23:46.11jblackI ate 10 taco bell soft tacos.
23:46.16filehugs Katty
23:46.16Kattyholy crap, 10?
23:46.24jblackYeah. It wasn't easy.
23:46.29fileI'm shopping for furniture for the guest bedroom, it's fun!
23:46.32fileand the hobby room.
23:46.34Kattythat's 210 calories per soft taco!
23:46.45jblackYeah. Definitely wasn't easy.
23:46.45Kattyfile: let me know when it's ordered. i'll come for a visit.
23:46.56Kattyjblack: how on /earth/ did you get 10 down you?
23:47.04jblackI feel like I'm about to sponaneously combust.
23:47.10Kattywell no wonder there!!!
23:47.15filejblack: oh... my
23:47.23jblackwonders if the fire sauce was a bad idea...
23:47.50Kattyfile: you must Post Gifs of potential furniture sets.
23:47.59fileKatty: eep
23:48.13Kattyfile: or a picture of the final room would also be acceptable, i suppose.
23:48.42fileI haven't done post-move in pics of the house, I should
23:48.42jblackKatty: As for how.. Pauline poundstone once explained how she ended up eating entire boxes of poptarts.
23:49.05Kattyjblack: and ENTIRE box?!
23:49.31jblackYou start with a pack, but you're still hungry. So you open up the second pack to get another one. But now, you have to eat the other one from the second pack, or it'll go stale. So then, you're left with one pack, which isn't really enough to eat, so finish it.
23:49.46jblackit was a comedy bit of hers in the 80s
23:50.15Kattyperhaps i could imagine it better if i was still hungry
23:50.20Kattybut, alas, i'm /still/ stuffed from lunch
23:50.20jblackI'll see if I can find it on youtube for ya
23:50.36eppigyi will eat 50 baby belles
23:50.52jblackYup. found it:
23:52.02jayteepeople used to bring boxes of Pop Tarts to her shows
23:53.09jblackI believe it
23:54.11jblackI forgot how good she was
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23:57.20jblackKatty: Anyways, that's how one eats a pack of 10 soft tacos.

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