IRC log for #asterisk on 20091023

00:06.09*** join/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
00:09.36Kattylooks in
00:13.25*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
00:14.12*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
00:14.28Kattyanything going on?
00:14.52ChannelZis back from the dentist
00:14.59Kattyhow'd that go?
00:15.20ChannelZI'm $1000 poorer and can't feel the right side of my face, but other than that..
00:15.28ChannelZI left work early, so that's worth something I guess
00:15.34Kattyon the road to recovery?
00:15.45ChannelZheh yeah had some fillings
00:15.56Kattywere you hurting?
00:16.19ChannelZYes and no;  Two weeks ago yes, and I went it and found out I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled. GRRR
00:16.23*** join/#asterisk fabay (n=fabay@
00:16.46Kattythat's very normal.
00:17.08ChannelZbut I got some antibiotics and besides one of my back wisdom teeth being a little sore if I bite down on it, I'm OK
00:17.33Kattywisdom teeth pain will come and go for several months
00:18.26Kattybut if you need them out, you need them out
00:18.38Kattyit can cause serious damage if you don'
00:18.39*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:18.39ChannelZyeah.. only one is actually bothering me but..
00:18.47Kattydid he show you the xrays?
00:18.56ChannelZno I didn't really look
00:19.22Kattywell it will be pretty obvious on the xrays if you have issues
00:19.26Kattylike side ways wisdom teeth.
00:19.55ChannelZone of my uppers is actually broken for a long time
00:20.25Katty <- take note of toofers on right
00:20.43ChannelZjesus it's completely horizontal
00:20.51Kattythat's actually very common
00:20.58Kattyextremely common
00:21.10Kattyin fact nearly everyone i know, has their wisdom teeth out, and they were sideways.
00:21.14ChannelZwe've got a design flaw
00:21.18*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
00:21.47Kattysomething tells me our eating habits used to be a bit different
00:21.47Kattyincluding the size of our mouths!
00:21.55*** part/#asterisk fabay (n=fabay@
00:21.58Kattymore and more often, people are born without wisdom teeth
00:22.25Katty25% chance now.
00:23.17Kattytho i wouldn't really call it evolution
00:23.27Kattyevolution is the weaker dying off before they have a chance to breed
00:23.40Kattyand i highly doubt some wisdom teeth are going to keep anyone from uhh...breeding these days.
00:25.31drmessanoI have an appendix AND a table of contents
00:25.43Kattyi lost my appendix.
00:25.55drmessanoDid you rebuild and reindex?
00:26.01Kattyno :<
00:26.40drmessanoPerhaps the transaction logs would have been useful
00:26.51Kattyyes, perhaps )=
00:26.56Kattyi must have had logging turned off
00:28.34drmessanoA simple replay of the logs could have prevented this.  Also your constant gravitation towards NT Backup of *nix based platforms is incorrect, unhealthy, and destructive.  Seek help.
00:30.34Kattynt backup?
00:30.49jblackKatty: I put up a pic of myself. wanna see it?
00:30.58Kattysure (=
00:31.03*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
00:31.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
00:31.33ChannelZIs that Engrish or just irresponsible parenting?
00:31.51jblackdunno. Found that by googling for "fat people"
00:32.04jblackat images, of course
00:32.24jblackit's first if you search for 'fat fucks'. Don't know why...
00:33.00jblackI SO want that tshirt!
00:33.30drmessanoYeah.. "jblack" GIS got me this:
00:34.08jblackdamn. busted.
00:35.18jblackAnyone wanna see a picture of "nasty fat granny porn" ?
00:35.42Katty <- which one is jblack?
00:36.22jblackI have to pick amongst them?
00:36.41Kattynot really. i just thought it was cute.
00:36.45jblackI suppose reddit was closest
00:36.55Kattyis reading reddit.
00:37.41jblackmy god. why does google index this crap/
00:38.27jblackfeels physically sick now
00:38.41jblackWhat is reddit anyways
00:38.55Kattyit's a bunch of articles people have linked
00:38.59Kattyand you up vote it, or down vote it
00:39.05Kattyso the most popular topics are at the top...
00:40.06drmessanoIts like Digg without being Digg
00:40.46*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
00:41.50jblack is cool
00:42.18ian6... 404?
00:42.21ian6realcool :P
00:46.24*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
00:54.14jblackI thought this was a joke, but I'm not sure
01:13.00*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
01:13.53*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
01:31.27*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:36.43*** part/#asterisk masked (i=masked@hpavc/masked)
01:38.53*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:41.24Carlos_PHXI'm really impressed with Laptop Magazine's thorough understanding of networking and VoIP:
01:41.26Carlos_PHX"Latency, known as "packet loss" in benchmarking terms, almost disappeared on a Vonage VoIP account."
01:44.07Carlos_PHXThis is why sometimes VoIP sounds bad, the data is squiggly:
01:49.05*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
01:51.34*** join/#asterisk Ardnat (
01:52.38*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
02:12.27trogssome of the data now bypases the modem, i see!
02:43.44p3nguin_carlos_phx: That's good to know.  All this time, I thought latency and packet loss were totally different things.  Good thing I can rely on Laptop Magazine to set me straight!
02:44.19*** join/#asterisk kyleh (
02:46.35p3nguin_I got to thinking, though.  Maybe it's different on laptops than it is on enterprise class servers and other commercial telephony equipment.
02:54.28*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres@
02:58.33*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (
02:59.05*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
03:01.34*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
03:04.20*** join/#asterisk levity (i=canuck@unaffiliated/canuck)
03:04.22MaliutaLapif I want to use more than one soundfile (one after the other) in a loop, and as a background ... what is the best way?
03:05.25Corydon76-digAs a background?  MOH
03:06.01MaliutaLapCorydon76-dig: as in Background() type stuff
03:06.01Corydon76-digPretty much the only way to do background sound
03:06.39MaliutaLapso you hear "the number you dialed is no longer in use" but secretly can enter a code to let you get DISA() access
03:07.35Corydon76-digWell, there's no looping there, either
03:07.54Corydon76-digBut you can chain soundfiles together in Background with the '&' character
03:08.38Corydon76-digJust remember that as soon as you press ANY digit, Background stops playback
03:08.45MaliutaLapCorydon76-dig: that is part a ... the next part requires it to loop
03:09.02Corydon76-digAgain, there's no looping in Background
03:09.04*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
03:09.06MaliutaLapalternately how long does the congestion recording go for?
03:09.13Corydon76-digBut your next step after Background could be a Goto
03:09.42Corydon76-digWhat congestion recording?
03:10.04MaliutaLapCorydon76-dig: that would loop the Background, but wouldn't it prevent it from getting to the DISA() line?
03:10.38Corydon76-digNope... once you start entering digits, you move back to the dialplan, to wait for more digits
03:11.07Corydon76-digand thus a jump occurs when the extension is complete
03:16.24drmessanoArt Garfunkel can hold a note longer than I can.  For some reason, this bothers me
03:16.29MaliutaLapthwacks forehead
03:19.06*** part/#asterisk levity (i=canuck@unaffiliated/canuck)
03:22.40*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
03:26.36*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
03:31.43*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (n=JKac3BEq@
03:45.36*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (
03:46.03c|onemanAre there VoIP services that support forwarding SMS messages (when call forwarding is enabled?)
04:02.55kylehdoes 1.6 not have the postgres_cdr.sql in contrib/scripts ?
04:11.21*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
04:21.47*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (
04:22.05c|onemanDoes anyone know if a VoIP provider that supports forwarding text messages
04:43.11*** join/#asterisk apk (i=dce98d7b@gateway/web/freenode/x-ohmqzlicneezxnro)
04:47.48*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:47.56*** join/#asterisk dkirker (n=dkirker@
04:54.36*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
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05:01.20*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
05:04.47*** join/#asterisk joako (n=ston3d@opensuse/member/joak0)
05:05.27joakoI need a SIP provider that can sustain 100+ channels but my ACD is very low and I believe ASR as well. Does anyone know of a carrier that can support this sort of traffic?
05:15.07manxpowerjoako: Gafachi
05:15.41joakoYou don't think their would be an issue with low ACD/ASR on Gafachi w/ their standard rates?
05:16.10manxpowerjoako: As I understand it they provide service to telemarketers, call centers, customer service operations, etc.
05:18.42*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
05:24.24*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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05:31.25*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
05:52.29*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:56.29*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:57.17*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (
06:00.37*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
06:01.33knctrnlok i got some good tips for the DCap last night.  Anyone else have any tips for my DCAP exam tomorrow?
06:09.40*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-wwswfqjbnxnnalpw)
06:17.05*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:24.29*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
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06:47.20*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
07:02.18*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
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07:06.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
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07:11.43*** join/#asterisk thisismyname (n=quassel@
07:11.55thisismynamegood morning
07:20.11angryuserjoako, which country ?
07:25.17joakoangryuser: USA
07:25.44angryuserjoako, sorry i know only some in europe
07:28.18*** join/#asterisk fiddur (n=fiddur@
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07:43.12*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:47.56*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
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08:01.43*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
08:11.50*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:19.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:24.14*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (n=mklaus@
08:28.01*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
08:37.13*** join/#asterisk TiToyz (
08:40.50*** join/#asterisk Polysics (n=luca@
08:40.52Polysicshi all
08:41.03Polysicswow, i managed to make my flash based phone work :-)
08:41.20Polysicsnow one AMI related thing
08:41.46Polysicsi figured out that to properly log stuff, decrease credit, and other work, on a queue call, i need to detect a few AMI events
08:42.33Polysicscould i equally do that with AGI? i basically need to detect from whom the call was, to which user it was, and for how long
08:42.58Polysicsrest of variables are already set from an earlier AGI
08:44.03Get_The_Fishnot sure what you are asking here.... do you have the queue configured to generate the event, and now you need to capture the output of the AMI events?
08:44.27Polysicsthe queue throws the events to the AMI interface, yes
08:44.50Polysicsi was looking into avoiding to have a sort of listening daemon, and doing the actions reactively via AGI
08:45.17Get_The_Fishah gotcha
08:45.38Polysicsi have already built a PoC with PHP that logs events
08:45.50Get_The_Fishgreat question actually, never thought of that.  I have always done the listening daemon approach.
08:45.56Polysicsbut it has to be a continuously running thing
08:46.05Polysicswell, AMI has it good things
08:46.28Polysicsbut in this particular case i only need some variables which i sort of "know" are already in the channel :-)
08:46.53Polysicsi am not monitoring anything here, just logging from who, to who and duration
08:47.04Polysics+ the unique channel ID
08:48.32Get_The_Fishdammit now you have me thinking :)
08:48.36Polysicswhich i have set earlier
08:50.38Get_The_FishI would assume that you could do that with AMI, just dont know how
08:50.41Get_The_Fishoops AGI
08:51.04Polysicswith a queue involved it changes some things
08:51.10Get_The_Fishyeah, it does
08:51.26Polysicsthe first thing i'll build is a variable dump for the channel
08:51.41Polysicsjust have to figure out how to get DeadAGI to work with 1.6
08:51.58Get_The_Fishcause now that you mention it I dont think that you get that info on a channel variable, queue information that is
08:55.15*** join/#asterisk Ashura (n=ashura@
08:57.51*** join/#asterisk grharry (
08:59.47Get_The_Fishwell, check this:
09:00.05Get_The_FishAGI: Will setup an AGI script to be executed on the calling party's channel once they are connected to a queue member.
09:00.13Get_The_Fishperhaps that will do what you are looking for
09:00.39Get_The_Fish(btw, new asterisk site with docs is awesome, the drop down application and function listing is a lifesaver
09:01.55grharryHi, I've got a CISCO 7940 which I've updated with the sip firmware and set it up to connect to asterisk however sip show peers shows the cisco peer as "110   (Unspecified)    D   N   A  5060     UNKNOWN" and DEBUG shows "Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 40' onto UDP socket destined for" while tcpdump shows "ICMP udp port 51113" ... Any ideas ?? please ???
09:02.32*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
09:03.03grharrySorry .... for the typo tcpdump shows "ICMP udp port 51113 unreachable" ... Any ideas ??
09:03.35Get_The_FishI assume that the 7940 is right
09:03.47Get_The_Fishjust checking
09:03.54Get_The_Fishand can you ping the phone?
09:04.14Get_The_Fishwhats the phone saying?
09:04.33Get_The_Fish(been way way too long since I dealt with a cisco phone)
09:05.10grharrywhen I call out it times out and gives the busy signal
09:06.22grharryIt seems that asterisk does not authorize the peer cause of the 511113 unreachable udp port.
09:06.26Get_The_Fishhave you tried to register with asterisk with a softphone
09:07.13grharryasterisk is ok with a linksys PAP2 device and it woks perfect ...
09:07.28grharryno not softphone
09:07.45Get_The_Fishthats fine, just really wanted to try another device
09:08.07Get_The_Fishast and the phone are on the same subnet right?
09:08.26Get_The_Fishiptables on the ast box?
09:08.35grharry10.10.10.70 being asterisk and cisco
09:08.41grharryno iptables
09:09.12grharryis there a way to make this 5111xxx port something more lower ???
09:09.49grharryIt's on the cisco side I am sure !!1
09:10.01grharryThe problem is there .
09:10.07Get_The_FishI wonder if qualify=yes has anything to do with it...
09:10.21grharryLet me try no
09:10.27Get_The_FishI doubt it, cause I think qualify just sends SIP NOTIFY packets.
09:11.07Get_The_Fishand you can icmp ping the phone (not from the asterisk app)?
09:12.31*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
09:12.42grharryyes ... from the shell ... by the way qualify=no did nothing
09:13.14grharry"Ignoring SIP message because of retransmit (REGISTER Seqno 202, ours 202)"
09:13.36grharry"Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 40' onto UDP socket destined for"
09:13.59Get_The_Fishwhat version of asterisk?
09:16.31Get_The_Fishhave you tried setting the port=5060 in sip.conf?
09:16.52grharryU mean on asterisk right ??
09:17.51Get_The_Fishalso, just out of curiosity, you have allow= for the phone (peer) setting in sip.conf for this peer, right?
09:18.27grharryboth yes
09:18.46Get_The_Fishtry port=5060 for this phone'
09:18.49Get_The_Fishin sip.conf
09:19.30*** join/#asterisk puzzled (n=foobar@
09:19.57grharryIts already there
09:20.26Get_The_Fishthats a little wierd...
09:20.35grharryI knos
09:20.43grharrysorry know !!
09:20.47Get_The_Fishare you getting a register packet from the phone?
09:21.15grharryShould I ngrep ??
09:22.21Get_The_Fishthe best thing, in my opinion, is to use a span (or monitor or mirror or whatever stupid nomenclature your switch uses) port on both hosts and wireshark it... but yea, ngrep that
09:22.21grharry" SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;"
09:22.30Get_The_Fishusername and password??
09:23.02grharryall set
09:23.10Get_The_Fishcause that is sip getting to asterisk, ast telling it to f#ck off
09:23.58*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:24.25grharryand cisco insists "REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z...."
09:25.26Get_The_Fish"SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" thats the issue right there
09:25.52Get_The_FishI dont think that this is it, but what codecs are you allowing?
09:25.58*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
09:26.15grharryI have compiled all into asterisk
09:27.30Get_The_Fishyeah, but what are you allowing in sip.conf
09:27.45grharryoh oh oh oh .... hold
09:28.28Get_The_Fishhumor me, put allow=all AFTER deny=all in sip.conf for this phone and restart asterisk (its overkill but I wanna be sure)
09:30.36*** join/#asterisk puzzled (n=foobar@
09:31.09*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
09:31.15shadebobhi all
09:31.24grharrysame sh&t
09:31.46Get_The_Fishpastebin your sip.conf for me please
09:31.51Get_The_Fishand the ngrep
09:32.05Get_The_Fishsup shadebob
09:32.49grharryI am sure it's this stupid cisco dev  let me try to reflash it and I get back latter ... Very much obliged ... I be back in a sec
09:33.55Get_The_FishI would check the sniffs for the username and password that you see on the wire if possible...and yeah I am not a big fan of anything cisco btw, my personal opinion
09:35.15Get_The_Fishuh, one other thing, is host=dynamic set for this phone in sip.conf?
09:35.53Get_The_FishI would look at the device's sip.conf config before I did anything else... see if that linksys or even a softphone will register using the same credentials
09:36.22shadebobI have some performance issues with "logoff" cmd with AJAM + Apache (proxypass). . Any way to boost AJAM performance ?
09:36.38grharryok !! thanks
09:36.52Get_The_Fishsorry I couldnt be more help
09:37.00grharrylet me first sniff for username and pass ...
09:37.15*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (n=mklaus@
09:38.01Get_The_Fishshadebob, 1.6 right?
09:38.18shadebobGet_The_Fish : 1.4
09:39.05Get_The_Fishinteresting... what are you using thats popping ajam?
09:39.54shadebobCheck some db values, originate, transfer ....
09:40.05*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
09:40.48Get_The_Fish"/callcenter/" thats really what I was interested in knowing about :) (I run a call center)
09:41.00shadebobbefore I used manager API with PHP
09:41.09shadebobbut AJAM seem to be more "reactive"
09:41.28shadebobisPredictive ;)
09:41.44shadebobisHeadache !
09:42.05Get_The_Fishnot that I know of on AJAM performance.  I know 1.6 has this integrated into the asterisk "mini web server" or whatever
09:42.22shadebob1.4 too.
09:42.34Get_The_Fishdidnt know that
09:42.52Get_The_Fishso, confused here... why apache then?
09:45.14shadebobTo make some functions ike :
09:45.44shadebobMaybe i'm on a bad way ...
09:47.22Get_The_Fish"Maybe i'm on a bad way" I dont understand
09:48.11*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
09:48.13shadebobSorry for my bad english. AJAM through Apache is not a good thing ?
09:48.56Get_The_Fishno problem... I couldnt say if it is or not, havent tried it....I was just asking...
09:49.34shadebobAre you using AJAM or AMI API ?
09:49.34Get_The_Fishare you seeing the log off event in the asterisk cli?
09:49.45Get_The_Fishconsidering AJAM though
09:49.50Get_The_Fishdone some testing with it
09:49.56shadebobbefore me too ... without problem :)
09:50.30shadebobbut with AJAM ... it's an another thing ! And poor documentation ...
09:52.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:52.38Get_The_FishI see to remember this with vicidial in the past, buddy of mine ran into the same issue with logoff
09:53.02Get_The_Fishbut I think that was AMI
10:19.02*** join/#asterisk mazott (n=chatzill@
10:20.33mazotthello, can anyone pls confirm read this message?
10:22.09Get_The_Fishmazott, yes
10:23.01mazottGet_The_Fish, thank you - absolute IRC beginner
10:23.04*** part/#asterisk Weedle (n=Weedle@ausphreak/Weedle)
10:25.33*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
10:28.11mazottGet_The_Fish, is this a siutable place to ask technical questions about Asterisk?
10:28.52kaldemaryes, just go ahead and ask.
10:30.15Gido-Emazott are you new to opensource?
10:31.42mazottnot really, my first Slackware installation was done on Feb 1995, but I'm new to Asterisk
10:32.10Get_The_Fishmazott, this is where you find all the pros
10:32.20Get_The_Fish(me not being one of them :))
10:32.45*** join/#asterisk rgouveia (
10:33.24mazottthat probably too conservative
10:35.26rgouveiahi all ... does anyone know if the openvox card a400p has hardware echo cancellation? it seems to be compatible with tdm400p according to the specs
10:36.52mazottDo you know, by any chance,  what a Vodafone Station is? I've got to interface it to something able to extendit  to a number of IP phone extensions
10:37.56kaldemarrgouveia: no it doesn't. and neither does TDM400P.
10:38.33mazottso I was looking into an Asterisk-based  solution to get it done
10:38.37kaldemarTDM410 added HW EC.
10:39.08*** join/#asterisk Smiley_Polecat (
10:39.24Smiley_PolecatHello! n00b in the room <---
10:39.57Smiley_Polecathas anyone got a minute to discuss how I can get some support or find it for myself?
10:40.01*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
10:40.27rgouveiakaldemar: I see. I was asking because I was recommended that software echo could be a problem. is that true?
10:41.22kaldemarrgouveia: yes. you will most likely suffer less with HW cancellation.
10:44.01mazottThe Voidafone staion is a CPE capable of placing VOIP calls on the PSTN network through an intranet, using a conventional  multifrequency  phone  connected to the station  via RJ11
10:44.16rgouveiakaldemar: and is that included with asterisk?
10:45.28kaldemarrgouveia: there is software echo cancellation included in asterisk. you can use a 3rd party one too if asterisk's own algorithms don't work out for you, for example oslec.
10:46.27kaldemarmazott: what VoIP protocol(s) does it support?
10:48.06rgouveiakaldemar: thanks for your attention and help, appreciated.
10:48.37kaldemarno problem
10:50.25mazottKaldemar: that a good question but I think is not needed to know about, since the Vodafone station is a complete black box, let me elaborate slightly more my question
10:51.40kaldemarif you need to interface the box with asterisk, you definitely need to know what protocols it supports.
10:52.20Zeeekasterisk users who have a Google Wave account, there are several waves about asterisk and voip: One is
10:54.30mazottkaldemar:  yes, assume the following: the typical client  get tha station, connect it to the the adsl, connect a multifrequency phone set to the station to the appropriate TJ11 plug and starts to place PSTN calls through a VOIP gateway run by Vodafone in its comms cloud
10:55.15mazottkaldemar, sorry for the typo, not TY11 but RJ11
10:56.00*** join/#asterisk garymc (
10:56.14mazottthe station is actually VOIP-connected to the gateway and know the voip protocol
10:57.33kaldemarmazott: so the box is an ATA. if you can access its configuration you might be able to replace the whole thing. then you wouldn't have to buy any analog hardware and could use pure VoIP all the way to the provider.
10:59.00kaldemarsituation now: analog phone -(analog)-> vodaphone station -(VoIP)-> provider
10:59.49kaldemaryour choice #1: phones -(VoIP, analog...)-> asterisk -(VoIP)-> provider
11:00.44kaldemar#2: phones -(VoIP, analog...)-> asterisk -(analog)-> vodaphone station -(VoIP)-> provider
11:01.04mazottkaldemar: I would like to switch that Voip, converted by means of an  ATA, to a set of internal  IP phones
11:01.11kaldemarin #2 you would need more analog hardware.
11:02.43kaldemarfirst try to get rid of the vodaphone station and just replace it with asterisk. since the calls go as VoIP to the provider, there's not much sense in going from VoIP to analog and back to VoIP if it can be avoided.
11:03.15kaldemarsure you can buy another ATA between asterisk and the vodaphone station, but it's pretty ugly.
11:03.43garymcanyone know why my polycoms are not showing the Zero at the begining of a call that comes in?
11:04.02mazottKaldema: agreed, but the black box terminates the provider network and I have no control over it
11:04.30kaldemargarymc: prove that there is a zero they should show. i.e. pastebin a sip debug of a call.
11:04.55garymcyeah ok sorry
11:05.34garymcOk i call into my pbx with my mobile it begins 07904 but on the phone it shows 7904
11:05.46garymcjust a little confusing to the eye, if you know what i mean
11:05.52ChainsawAnd the sip debug?
11:06.53mazottkaldemar: I also agree on the ugly thing, but I'd  need  a cost effective solution to provide 4 internal  extensions to that ATA-converted  line, an Asterisk solution could be an overkill?
11:07.38ZeeekI think this is the one for Asterisk:!w%252B6kYj-3vsH.3
11:09.34kaldemarmazott: don't think so. you can use a pretty cheap pc and get an unbeatable level of flexibility and features.
11:09.49garymcit doesnt show a zero, but to call it i have to put a zero there, im not getting it. Is there a way i can make the zero show?
11:10.22mazottkaldemar, yes i trust that and  the reason I'm asking ;-)
11:11.12kaldemargarymc: that's not a sip debug either, but it happened to show the reason. there's no 0 coming in from your pri.
11:12.16garymcso can i add one, or do i just get used to it?
11:12.22mazottso, the flexibility I'm looking for is to manage 4 additional extensions  in a way that the can handle the only analog line provided by the ATA device
11:12.24kaldemargarymc: the zero requirement to call out if in your own configuration. asterisk doesn't require anything you don't tell it to. fix your dialplan. if you're still using freepbx, continue in #freepbx please.
11:12.40Smiley_Polecatchatroom: anyone know about IVR systems? me and my mate's business is dying and we could really use some support. we're trying to intergrate an IVR system into our existing setup and we are totally lost. as out business is dying we can't really afford to buy one so i'm spenting nights trying to work it out for myself!
11:12.59kaldemargarymc: with asterisk, you can do whatever you want with the number. freepbx might be keeping you back though.
11:13.54Smiley_Polecati dont need a walkthrough per say. I just need someone to help me understand the technical aspects of what it's all about and what I might need. I'm having little luck with google and forums :(
11:14.58kaldemarmazott: you can do that with asterisk. only negative thing is that when a call comes in, you don't necessarily know who it is for.
11:15.53kaldemarSmiley_Polecat: your needs really depend on how you want the IVR to be reachable to your clients.
11:16.33mazottKaldemar: that would not be a problem
11:16.53kaldemarSmiley_Polecat: at minimum, all you need is a PC hardware.
11:17.30kaldemarmazott: just a matter of deciding where to throw the calls when they come in on a line.
11:18.30mazottKaldemar; even if all 4 extensions already engaged in conversations between them, the incoming call would be place in wait, that what would be the wish
11:19.01*** join/#asterisk lftsy (n=lftsy@
11:21.28mazottkaldemar: I figure that when the call comes in, all the extensionsare  ringing and  the first of them to take it is  the one put in conversation
11:23.09lftsyHello, I have 2 customers with Asterisk servers and for outgoing calls, one received "183 Session Progress" with SDP and the other not, what do I have to change to have it all the time? Thanks
11:24.09drcarumasSmiley_Polecat, this a good starting point.
11:25.26kaldemarmazott: the number of calls is limited to the number of RJ11 plugs on the vodaphone station then.
11:25.26drcarumasSmiley_Polecat, it as almost everything about asterisk, functions, variables....
11:25.35kaldemardrcarumas: if you can spot the parts that are outdated and invalid. :)
11:25.44infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:25.55kaldemarSmiley_Polecat: ^^ that is a good read also.
11:26.01drcarumaskaldemar, true
11:26.02mazottKaldemar, yes, it would be available one external line only, from the perspective of the internal extensions
11:26.42kaldemarmazott: so that's only one call at a time. other incoming tries would get a busy tone.
11:27.34mazottKaldemar: yes, absolutely
11:27.39kaldemarmazott: if you're not obliged to use the vodaphone station, ditch it and use some VoIP provider instead. you'll get multiple simultaneous calls and don't need any telephony hardware.
11:28.43mazottKaldemar: agreed but unfortunately the Vodafone station id marketed by Vodafone as a whole package, take it or loose it
11:29.50mazotttha analog ATA adapted line should be treated by Asterisk as PSTN-like line, can this be possible  using a FXO card?
11:31.57mazottKaldemar;... or, ifa FXO intfc  not suitable, a FXS one instead?
11:32.52kaldemarmazott: FXO is what you need if you plan to plug in to a phone port. so either an FXO card or another ATA that speaks SIP to asterisk.
11:32.52*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
11:33.11moos3can anyone help set up  te220 pci-e card
11:35.17moos3the box is running cent5-64bit
11:35.32moos3I have everything installed
11:36.47mazottKaldemar: So which type, FXS or FXO, should I use to connect the analog plug of the ATA device, in order to get that  line routed by Asterisk to the 4 internal extensions contending the line?
11:37.14kaldemarmazott: FXO
11:38.21mazottKaldemar; all in all, can then Asterisk accomplish this job?
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11:42.13kaldemarmazott: yes.
11:44.46Smiley_Polecatkaldemar: thanks for your response. Right now we have an analogue PBX which goes through the phone line. Am i right in saying that we would need one phone line PER CALL going into the PC handling the IVR if we continue to use this method?
11:45.13Smiley_Polecat--sorry, i mean one INTERNAL phoneline per call
11:45.50Smiley_Polecatand if this is the case it seems we should change our method of recieving calls to VOIP?
11:46.14kaldemarSmiley_Polecat: yes. and yes.
11:46.14mazottKaldemar: my plan would be then to put FXS ports for the internal analog phones and one FXO port to use the ATA-provided external line.
11:47.14Smiley_Polecatkaldemar, drcarumas: thankyou both. I'll begin my study :)
11:47.17kaldemarmazott: sounds like a plan. however, you could go for VoIP phones too.
11:48.08mazottSuppose also, in my planend setup,  an external call coming in and all internal phones already engaged among them in "private" conversations. Would the incoming call be put in a hold state?
11:52.32kaldemarmazott: that's something you decide in your dialplan implementation. by default, asterisk does nothing with a call. but yes, you can put a call in a queue that plays music to the caller.
11:55.00*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
11:55.02shadebobhi all
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11:55.40mazottKaldemar, yes, that was I meant in my priimitive, with respect of telephony systems,  technical terms. I understand then that provision for such queue handling is what Asterisk provides also off its shelf
11:56.24kaldemarmazott: yes it does.
11:57.33*** join/#asterisk denon (
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11:58.25mazottKaldemar, thank you very much for sorting my thoughts
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12:03.56shadebobIf I open an AJAM connection with Logon, make some AMI cmd, will AJAM automatically close socket or I MUST logoff with AJAM cmd ?
12:06.39garymcanyone know anything about snom m3 dect phone. I cant seem to get it to connect to my asterisk server
12:07.20garymcmy SNOM has an ip of and my asterisk box ip is
12:08.05garymcin the snom settingsmy registra is set to and my outbound proxy is set to
12:08.11garymcis this correct?
12:10.43shadebobgarymc : seem to be correct
12:11.00garymcyes but it keeps saying Registrating then goes to error
12:11.05garymccant suss it out
12:11.35shadebobany output in asterisk CLI ?
12:11.52garymcI have it plugged into my BT business hub in another building. So it gets a IP off the HUB. But the Asterisk box gets an IP from the hub too?
12:12.23garymcI have other phone connected via RJ45 through an ethernet switch. Would that make much differnce?
12:12.24shadebobany output in asterisk CLI ?
12:12.48garymcthe phone fails to connect
12:12.54garymcit wont register
12:13.48Guggeand you have your routing between 192.168.0 and 192.168.1 setup correct ?
12:17.55*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
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12:27.16garymcnot sure, i think so
12:27.22garymceverything else works
12:27.26garymchow would i check that?
12:27.37*** join/#asterisk Lanh (
12:28.00kaldemargarymc: try to ping the phone from the asterisk box.
12:28.32garymcby typing "ping" ?
12:29.08garymcyeah thats sending info back to me seems to be working
12:30.16*** join/#asterisk e4 (
12:31.31kaldemargarymc: show a sip debug and prove that asterisk isn't getting any of the registration messages. if that's the case, there's something in between blocking the sip traffic.
12:31.44Smiley_Polecatkaldemar: i'm looking at this package supplied by BT (as an existing customer)  .............can you advise me if this is what we should be looking at to prepair for an IVR system? -thankyou :)))))
12:31.49garymcshould i just do a asterisk -rvvvvvv
12:33.52[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: To prepare... go install & learn *
12:33.59infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
12:34.53garymcI put in the actual static ip to the world and the phone is showing ok now?
12:35.14*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (
12:35.44kaldemarSmiley_Polecat: that's one choice
12:35.57*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
12:36.06kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: he's already been given the docs :)
12:36.15infobotitsp-list is probably Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
12:37.24Smiley_Polecatyes thankyou i'm very inexperienced and am doing my best to understand the terminology and the theory behind this stuff. certainly with what we have in place right now an IVR server cannot be used. but thankyou both for your continued support. you are giving us hope here :)
12:38.27[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: What do you have installed right now?
12:39.14*** join/#asterisk qu1ckkkk (i=c636cae2@gateway/web/freenode/x-sxhrrsjkjjpzltbb)
12:43.03TSM2is it planned for asterisk to have the ability to update the CID when a call transfer has been completed, or is there a config issue with my *
12:43.05kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: nada. he was asking about his options to build an IVR system earlier and is starting to study asterisk.
12:47.55*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
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12:52.29[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: Sure thing...
12:53.30Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: presently we have a Siemens analog based PBX system that comes thorugh the adsl line.
12:54.17[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: What does your anaolg PBX have to do with ADSL?
12:54.31drcarumasguys, i'm currently developing an outbound asterisk solution and I'm trying to improve the dialplan i've been developing. I have a lot of while's, and alot of variable handling. Do you think it is best to handle variables, mysql conections, whiles, etc, with AGI scripts than actually using the dialplan itself? Do i get more performance from AGI ? Right now my structure is very scalable i wont go for AGI only if i realy need more control of things.
12:56.22[TK]D-Fenderdrcarumas: AGI is a larger load on *.  Judge the complexity payoff before going that route
12:56.47[TK]D-Fenderdrcarumas: Odds are if you can do everything you need in dialplan, leave it there
12:57.00drcarumas[TK]D-Fender, i tought that too. :)
12:57.21drcarumasso, you think only should leave dialplan if i cant do something on it?
12:57.45[TK]D-Fenderdrcarumas: Once you run into a thing or two you really feel should be done outside, then look to move as much of the other complex stuff along-with to average out the load request.
12:57.52[TK]D-Fenderdrcarumas: Generally, yes
12:57.59*** join/#asterisk rgouveia (n=rgouveia@
12:58.49drcarumasOK thank you. Just trying to know if i'm on the correct path .
12:58.49Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender, i'm sorry. i could be wronge. we're on adsl. we have BeThere boardband and an PBX system supplied by Opus. In all honesty they are connected somehow but my understanding of it all is so limited.
12:59.30ZeeekThe name of [TK]D-Fender was invoked in vain many times at Astricon!
13:00.04[TK]D-FenderIF YOU SEEK AMY!
13:00.15*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
13:00.27kazaa_litehi all... how to reload all xml files in asterisk?
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13:00.50[TK]D-Fenderdrcarumas: Yes... the road to Hell is indeed paved with good intentions
13:01.01[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: * doesn't use XML
13:01.35kazaa_liteehhhh... soory i mean configuration files
13:01.41drcarumas[TK]D-Fender, AhahaHa! Indeed!!! :P
13:02.00[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite: Most = "reload"
13:02.01Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: what i was told by the person that supplies our current PBX system (which allows us to have a few simultanious calls) is that for us to intergrate with an IVR system we would need 1 internal line per caller. as we plan to have up to 100 callers I can see 100 internal lines going into a server being a good idea.
13:02.29[TK]D-Fenderkazaa_lite:Voicemail, dahdi, features, etc need to be specificalyl reloaded or a complete restart of *
13:02.57[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: I have 100 DID's on my system, and no, you certainly do not require 1 # per user
13:03.10[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: it is common for certain deplloyments though
13:04.50[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: I think part of that IVR remark they made is to allow * to sit in fornt and be able to pass the call to a specific user on your existing system
13:05.06[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: How many simultaneous calls can it currently support to the outside, and how many phones on it?
13:06.17Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: 4 calls outgoing. 2 simultanious on hold, on 'voicemail' (as described by the operator)
13:07.03Smiley_Polecatwe're still in the stoneages here :$
13:07.06[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: Hrm... you will want to be 100% certain of its charateristics before getting started...
13:08.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:08.46*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (n=_ShrikE@
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13:10.06Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: when someone calls us a maximum of 2 people can listen the to robot giving them options for extentions. once they make a selection they are put thorugh to us. a maximum of 4 people can  reach our phones even though we have 5. and whilst 4 people may be on the phone to us; 2 slots are then available on the 'voicemail' where they will listen to opitons
13:11.15*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
13:11.53[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: OK, youve got a 2-port IVR / VM unit on it.
13:12.14[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: does each user have a network jack near their phone?
13:12.29*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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13:13.32Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: everyone has access to ethernet via our router if that's what you mean. but the phones are running on that standard phone line with 2 copper wires.
13:13.54[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: I jsut asked if you had a jack pretty much next to it..
13:15.46*** join/#asterisk viq_ (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
13:16.24Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by 'jack' (sorry)? the phones have ports for ethernet and there is ethernet cables available. presently i don't think they are connected to the network.
13:16.50*** join/#asterisk krunalpatel (n=chatzill@
13:17.37krunalpatelI am facing an issue with skype for asterisk
13:18.03Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: forget it i'm a fool. yes we've got network jacks :$
13:18.21Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: plenty unused
13:19.31Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: and yes network jacks on the phones
13:22.15*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
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13:23.12[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: OK... while we haven't confirmed this, its extremely likely that you'd require an interface card for * to sit in front of your current PBX as an IVR.  with only 5 phones it'd be a lot more effective to scrap your entire previos PBX, and buy 5 phones for use with *.
13:23.14*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (n=brad@
13:24.16[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: Attempting to "integrate" a solution like yours is not usually cost effective and pidgeon-holes you functionality-wise
13:26.57Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: certainly feeling that way. hopefully my studies will allow me to utilize * for such. if not I was looking at as a means of getting something new to intergrate with an IVR (which i still have to design)
13:27.54[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: * really isn't that hard... its worth it...
13:28.21[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: You may even be able to resell your old system to recoup a portion of your upgrade costs
13:31.58*** join/#asterisk cxk287 (
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13:38.12fainsyslooing form some hep with Mixmonitor, I think
13:38.55fainsysanyone know where the message "User hit '*1' to record call. " that is generated in the asterisk CLI comes from
13:39.07*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:41.25fainsysis there a way to inject a command when recording is started or stopped.  I want to send a notification to a third party when a recording is happening
13:42.05fainsysi saw that it can be done following a recording as part of MixMonitor
13:42.33[TK]D-Fenderfainsys: You'd have to do some pretty serious hacks of the source...
13:45.27*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
13:51.49Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: ok, i think i understand what you're saying. what we should be looking at is a large broadband pipe with a hosted phone number; which links to an IVR system on * on our server. From here it can then, base on the phonecall needs, act as a PBX switch and redirect the calls, if necessary, to an operator within our office.
13:53.19[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: What are the specs on your ADSL?
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13:55.16TSM2is it planned for asterisk to have the ability to update the CID when a call transfer has been completed, or is there a config issue with my *
13:56.22[TK]D-FenderTSM2: No.
13:56.43Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: 12megabit down (so about 1.3 megabytes -ish), 1.11 megabit up. and the box i have available i've been told is too weak; is our old fileserver 2.6ghz intel (lol)
13:56.53*** part/#asterisk smtx (
13:56.58[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: Certainly no need for a bigger connection.
13:57.18[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: And your fileserver is OVERKILL for *'s needs
13:57.27[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: You've got a green light to get started
13:57.48[TK]D-FenderSmiley_Polecat: get cracking...
13:58.26pta200Is there some kind of method to determine the number of audio buffers necessary in a a meeme conference based on the average number of non-Dahdi channels in the conference?
13:58.49*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:d24:8246:d470:a9a7)
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14:06.04Smiley_Polecat[TK]D-Fender: thankyou for the time you've spared. i can't express how nice it is to finally know which way is forwards. thanks from dave, hailey and myself :)
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14:11.15TSM2[TK]D-Fender: is that no its not an issue or no they do not have it planned?
14:12.34[TK]D-Fendertmsits jsut how attended transfers work, and AFAIK there is no plan to add this.  there is a question of device support and standards to make it possible
14:15.57TSM2thats a bit poo, i thought most major manufs supported it, its a major functionality that most PBX systems have and shame that asterisk cant support it, dont know if there is a way to bodge it
14:16.13*** part/#asterisk fiddur (n=fiddur@
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14:17.30[TK]D-FenderTSM2: Who said the blame is all *'s?
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14:17.47[TK]D-FenderTSM2: the ENDPOINT has to support such a thing <-  8 talks how many differnt protocols?
14:21.34*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[w] (
14:22.43CrazyTux[w]Hey guys, currently using SayDigits() to read back a phone number that is "calling", however I want this to be interuptable when they user hits a digit, is this possible with SayDigits, or must I do some kind of loop / playback the audio files manually, each time with Read() ?
14:24.05[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[w]: latter
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14:24.27CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: ok, thought so :(
14:32.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:34.18TSM2i need to prefix all my speed dials so they work with the outbound dialplans i have, we need to press 9 for any outgoing calls, but i need to keep the numbers in the speed dial without the 9 so they can be used for lookup when thoes people call in
14:35.17TSM2how can i concatinate "Set(SPEEDDIALNUMBER=${DB(sysspeeddials/${ARG1})})" and put a 9 just after the = but every time i do it does not seem to work
14:48.41*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
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14:53.06[TK]D-FenderTSM2: and we don't see enough do do anything that'd qualify as "debugging"
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14:58.53Katty^- results from experiment
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15:01.00ZeeekYou weren't at Astricon?
15:07.13Kattyno surprise there.
15:09.22*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (n=IceChat7@
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15:09.50leifmadsenKatty: omghi!
15:10.08luca`gervasiis anybody using skype4asterisk from digium?
15:10.17leifmadsenI will be later today
15:10.24leifmadsenI just installed my license, and used the beta
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15:10.42Get_The_Fishdoes anyone have any more documentation on the new cdr adaptive odbc?  Links, etc?  Having a hard time finding out more about it...
15:10.51leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: what do you need to know?
15:10.58leifmadsenit's pretty straight forward -- add new column, use new column
15:11.03luca`gervasii'm unable to let my user login... :'(
15:11.20leifmadsenluca`gervasi: are you using a business account? you need to use the business panel, or whatever they call it
15:11.21*** part/#asterisk pta200 (
15:11.42luca`gervasiyes, i created a new account from the business panel and used it
15:11.51luca`gervasii'm 100% sure is a business account
15:11.59leifmadseninteresting -- not too sure then -- have you restarted asterisk? I think that fixed it for me the time I tried on teh beta
15:12.06KattySalmon, Tuna, Nuts, Seeds, Spinach, Whole Grains, Cheese, Chicken, Milk, Bananas, Avocado, Rice, Beans, Citrus Fruits, Broccoli, Lean Beef, Peas, Cherries.
15:12.11Katty^- what i should be eating.
15:12.17luca`gervasii restarted it many times...
15:12.20leifmadsenKatty: what most of us should be eating
15:12.30Get_The_Fishlief, I was wondering about the filter that I see in the sample conf, what that does exactly.
15:12.30Kattyleifmadsen: did you see my post?
15:12.33leifmadsenKatty: I am currently sipping a cup of green tea, and should grab my multivitamin
15:12.35leifmadsenKatty: I did!
15:12.38leifmadseni didn't read it though
15:12.39Kattyleifmadsen: it makes me sad.
15:12.59*** join/#asterisk chazzm (
15:13.06Kattyleifmadsen: 2% of my day's vitamin 3, 21% of vitamin d, no b1 or b2 or b6, 47% of b9 :/
15:13.16Get_The_Fishpopulating the corresponding
15:13.16Get_The_Fish; CDR variables in the dialplan
15:13.29Kattyleifmadsen: not enough b5, or iron, or magnesium, half of the potassium i'm supposed to have.
15:13.30Get_The_Fishpopulating the corresponding
15:13.30Get_The_Fish; CDR variables in the dialplan
15:13.47Kattyno wonder i feel awful a lot.
15:14.05Kattyneeds to get herself some gummy flinstones ;)
15:14.17*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
15:14.23leifmadsenKatty: heh
15:14.29*** join/#asterisk DavidR2008 (n=chatzill@
15:14.30leifmadsenKatty: I like the Platinum products
15:15.06leifmadsenjust took his greens+, fish oil, and multivitamin
15:15.06CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: ok just implemented a loop to handle it, but it seems "too slow"
15:15.15CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: is there anyway I can get to progress with in milliseconds and not seconds?
15:15.21ZeeekKatty, no answer? What have I done?
15:15.31KattyZeeek: i said no surprise there (=
15:15.41Kattyleifmadsen: i think i'd rather try to eat my vitamins than take suppliments if at all possible.
15:15.56Kattyleifmadsen: it's a sad sad day when you can no longer buy groceries with nutrients, and must consume a pill to get them
15:16.02DavidR2008had anyone used the ExternalIVR app in ivr:// mode?
15:16.03Zeeekbut you didn't acknowledge me which lowered my self sesteem
15:16.05leifmadsenKatty: true, but sometimes its not possible to eat all the things you should in one day :)
15:16.10KattyZeeek: :<
15:16.13Kattyhugs Zeeek
15:16.18ZeeekI HUGGED you, Katty and you were cold to me :(
15:16.24*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:16.24Zeeekbigger hug!
15:16.27KattyZeeek: i am very sorry i did not awknowlege you. i did not even see the hug :<
15:16.31leifmadsenKatty: you can buy the groceries to get your nutrients, you just have to buy the right things
15:16.34Kattyhugs Zeeek, just for good measure.
15:16.49Zeeekhugs leifmadsen
15:16.50KattyZeeek: no, i did not go to astricon.
15:17.08KattyZeeek: we don't actually sell many asterisk based pbxes anymore. ever.
15:17.15Zeeekso that wasn't you I was hitting on drunk at 4AM in the bar?
15:17.22Kattyleifmadsen: i agree with not being able to eat everything you need in 1 day.
15:17.41leifmadsenKatty: the multivitamin isn't a substitute, it's just a helper
15:18.30Zeeekspeaking of multivitamins, the Vitamin Users COnference starts in about 30 minutes in wideband at
15:18.41ChainsawThe ChanIsAvail command, is that still available in Asterisk 1.6?
15:18.45leifmadsenZeeek: how early can I join?!
15:18.55Zeeekin 30 minutes
15:18.56leifmadsenI feel like I still have a vitamin stuck in my esophogus
15:18.58KattyZeeek: i was asleep last night at 4am.
15:19.02leifmadsenZeeek: OK!
15:19.16KattyZeeek: next to a particularly warm male.
15:19.23Kattyas i do every night.
15:19.23[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Yes
15:19.28Kattyfor the last 3 years.
15:19.29ZeeekKatty I don't use asterisk and I was at Astricon
15:19.50ZeeekKatty no not last night, at Astricon
15:20.03Zeeeklast night I celebrated my anniversary with my wife
15:20.10CrazyTux[w]Katty: I sleep next to four particularly warm females hah!
15:20.29Get_The_Fishsorry, stuck key :) .... I was wondering what exactly was meant by "populating the corresponding CDR variables in the dialplan"- would that be something to the effect of set(cdr(fieldname)=value), where fieldname=variable?
15:20.47CrazyTux[w](wait wait, that was only in my dream last night)
15:21.10Get_The_Fish"populating the corresponding CDR variables in the dialplan" is in the cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf sample file
15:21.28ZeeekI had a hot blonde under me Sunday night at 4AM. Unfortunately she was about 32,000 feet under me as we flew over Miami
15:21.53Zeeekshe had ther nerve to ask "oooh, that was you?"
15:22.02leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: yes, except CDR() needs to be uppercase because it is a function
15:22.11leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: that's exactly it though
15:22.27CrazyTux[w]really sleeps next to the GF + Son every night in which kicks me in the face
15:22.43Zeeekleifmadsen: please stop flooding the channel with appropriate serious asterisk talk while I'm trying to warm up my comic chops
15:22.48leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: additionally, if you don't need to document a certain field, you can just leave it out of the database schema, and asterisk should automaticalyl adapt to it being missing
15:22.53CrazyTux[w]never did like his crib :)
15:23.03leifmadsenZeeek: you're not funny, so I need something else to distract me
15:23.13Get_The_Fishah ok, well sweet... extra super sweet cause that is what I have been wishing asterisk would do for quite a while.
15:23.15Zeeekthere goes my self esteem again
15:23.25leifmadsenZeeek: don't worry, you're hot
15:23.44Zeeeklooking for the suicide tablets
15:23.48leifmadsenZeeek: and by hot, I mean temperature wise
15:24.01Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Reason I ask is that testing SIP/41726 seems to succeed while I can't dial there.
15:24.04Chainsaw[Oct 23 16:13:08] VERBOSE[31181] pbx.c:     -- Executing [726@from-client:500] GotoIf("SIP/45017-44016948", "ChanIsAvail(SIP/41726)?501:510") in new stack
15:24.04Chainsaw[Oct 23 16:13:08] VERBOSE[31181] pbx.c:     -- Goto (from-client,726,501)
15:24.04Zeeekno it's freezing here now. Big change from the 100° of Phoenix
15:24.09Get_The_Fishwhat can I do to document that?  just  (I LOVE the new site btw, the /docs with the applications and functions dropdown is awesome)
15:24.11*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
15:24.17leifmadsenZeeek: I miss PHX
15:24.25ZeeekI do too, except for the food
15:24.27[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: APPLICATION, not FUNCTION
15:24.35leifmadsenZeeek: aye, I can't get good food in the US
15:24.48Zeeekno there's little to eat
15:24.52Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Right. Is there a function equivalent?
15:24.58leifmadsenChainsaw: nope
15:25.48Zeeekapplications vs functions
15:25.48leifmadsenfight! fight! figth!
15:25.48Zeeekcore show apple
15:25.48Zeeekore show magnetic
15:25.48Zeeekcore show marine
15:25.54ChainsawZeeek, we're not your Asterisk CLI. That's overthere *points*
15:26.13Zeeekoh daln
15:26.27Zeeekwell, you'll never know the IP hahaha$
15:27.32Zeeekyou will be able to LYFAO even more on this channel: #voip-users-conference
15:28.18CrazyTux[w]Zeeek: :)
15:28.21ZeeekWe will be discussing Google Wave (as related to Asterisk and VoIP), Jabber as related to Google Wave, Astricon, Google Voice as related to SIP
15:28.40ZeeekGirls are allowed, but they can't speak on the channel
15:29.34CrazyTux[w]Zeeek: just ugly girls right?  what about blonde bombshells :)
15:29.52CrazyTux[w]Zeeek: with school girl outfit and teacher glasses :)
15:29.55Zeeekwe don't discriminate by looks, only by sex.
15:31.04Kattythis tea is gross.
15:32.16Zeeekgreen or regular?
15:33.16ChannelZTea makes me constipated.
15:33.20ChannelZJust thought you should know.
15:33.41ChannelZHappy Friday everyone!
15:35.11Zeeekno Katty , I was referring to the sex?
15:35.36KattyZeeek: it was regular.
15:35.44KattyZeeek: but i threw it out. it was icky
15:36.01Zeeekthe sex?
15:36.15Kattyyou lost me. what does tea have to do with sex.
15:36.25ZeeekGlad you asked!
15:36.35Kattyeducate me.
15:36.51ZeeekI would but I need to go raise the conference bridges
15:37.41Zeeekcome by and say hi: #voip-users-conference or call in: or POTS (567) 252-2286
15:37.57Zeeekbye all, have a great Leif
15:38.55ZeeekTalkshoe not working again!
15:39.18Kattyleifmadsen: how busy are you
15:39.26leifmadsenKatty: reasonably busy, why?
15:39.31Kattyleifmadsen: mkay.
15:39.38Kattyleifmadsen: i was going to inlist your help about groceries.
15:39.45leifmadsenKatty: I see -- ask away
15:39.46Kattyleifmadsen: but that's okay.
15:39.59leifmadsenKatty: I should be able to respond, although latency may be higher than normal
15:40.16*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (n=robl@
15:40.30leifmadsen"We are experiencing higher than normal call volume. Your call has been placed in priority sequence, and will be answered by a service support agent as soon as possible."
15:40.53Kattywell let me formulate a basic plan, then i will pester you with questions.
15:41.57ZeeekTalkshoe up and waiting for me to call from ZipDX
15:42.21Kattybacon has no nutritional value :<
15:42.27Kattyjust sodium :<
15:42.33leifmadsenheh :)
15:42.35Zeeekmmmmmm bacon
15:42.41ZeeekI eat that once a year
15:42.43Kattyand 1.6mg of niacin
15:43.01Zeeekyou are what you heat
15:43.10Zeeekok, I'll leave you alone
15:43.13*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
15:44.52Kattyleifmadsen: what variety(s) of lettuce would you recommend?
15:45.05Kattyleifmadsen: i'm guessing iceburg is useless.
15:45.24leifmadsenKatty: they are all good, but I prefer the visual look of baby romain and spinach
15:45.36leifmadsenalmost all lettuce is just water and fiber
15:45.52Kattybut surely raw spinach has more nutritional value than iceburg
15:46.12leifmadsenKatty: yes, spinach probably has some additional nutrients over most kinds of lettuce
15:46.34leifmadsenI'd go with the baby romain instead, since it has some colour, and I find iceburg lettuce just looks  "cheap"
15:47.00leifmadsenalthough I like it for doing lettuce wraps (instead of using soft taco wraps, which tend to have a lot of oils)
15:47.24Kattydigs through google for a comparrison chart of lettuces.
15:47.32titterso the tour around the digium building was nice ...
15:49.57Kattyleifmadsen: romaine is much much better for you than iceburg.
15:50.23*** join/#asterisk qxork (
15:50.42leifmadsenKatty: nice to know -- I figure the darker the green, the better :)
15:50.50Kattyespecially in the potassium and vitamin c department.
15:51.06Kattyiceberg = 1.5mg vitamin c, romain 11.3, and 13.3 vs 48.2
15:51.29KattyAHA HA!
15:51.35Kattylettuce chart:
15:52.27Kattyit's become clear spinach is probably the best choice here.
15:52.46Kattyacross the board it just has more of everything
15:52.54Naikrovekbest for you, tastes the worst, and i don't think that's a coincidence
15:52.56Kattyexcept water content.
15:53.02Kattyi like spinach.
15:53.11Kattya whole lot more than iceberg
15:53.16Naikroveki like it too, but it tastes terrible in comparison to other lettuce
15:53.23Naikrovekput spinach on a cheeseburger and tell me you like it more
15:53.50Kattyokay. i admit that as a added item ona  bigger item, spinach may not be suitable
15:53.58Kattybut for salads, i still prefer the taste of spianch
15:54.05Kattyspinach, fetta cheese, and strawberries
15:54.33KattyNaikrovek: second best choice looks like romaine
15:54.37*** join/#asterisk JoeMoretti (n=jmoretti@
15:54.42Naikroveki need to eat something besides turkey & mayo sandwiches
15:54.49Naikrovekromaine is awesome
15:54.58Qwellwaves to JoeMoretti
15:55.08Kattyit's second highest in potassium.
15:55.21Kattyand vitamin c.
15:55.38Kattyneeds serious help with her potassium levels.
15:55.39*** join/#asterisk wcselby (
15:55.46Qwellthrows a banana at kaii
15:55.49QwellKatty too
15:55.58KattyQwell: :> those are on my grocery list
15:56.01Qwellkaii: sorry, you were a necessary casualty
15:56.16wcselbyKatty - he's saving you some time
15:56.24*** join/#asterisk Sajam (
15:57.14Kattyleifmadsen: do you know any citrus fruits that don't make a mess when you eat them?
15:57.44leifmadsenKatty: raspberries?
15:57.49Naikrovekall fruit make a mess when you eat them
15:58.08leifmadsennot sure how much citrus are in those though
15:58.21KattyNaikrovek: i don't like sticky hands :<
15:58.31*** join/#asterisk sun28 (n=light@
15:58.36Naikroveki used to eat rhubarb for vitamin C
15:58.40Naikrovekwe had a patch of it in my back yard
15:58.47JoeMorettiwaves to Qwell
15:58.49Naikrovek"don't eat the red, or you'll be dead"
15:58.51afinkKatty: nectarines aren't too bad
15:58.58leifmadsenKatty: I always slice around my orange and pull off all the skins, then break it all up, then wash my hands before I eat it, because it bugs me too
16:00.12Kattyleifmadsen: that might work.
16:00.23*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
16:00.25Kattyleifmadsen: what's your favorite?
16:00.57leifmadsenKatty: I like those larger oranges because I only like to have to open one at a time :)
16:01.11Naikrovekwatches dj hero mixes on youtube. WANT
16:01.49*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
16:02.02leifmadsendj hero, lol
16:02.09*** join/#asterisk jtodd (i=w47utxta@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
16:02.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
16:03.15NaikrovekI lol'd at DJ hero until i listened to it.  now i want it
16:03.28leifmadsenNaikrovek: nice :)
16:03.42leifmadsenNaikrovek: I'm working on gather enough hardware to do actual digital DJing
16:03.52Kattyleifmadsen: do you think fresh peas would be better than frozen?
16:03.58Naikroveki used to have several turntables and all of that
16:04.07leifmadsenKatty: if they are flash frozen, it doesn't actually matter
16:04.11Naikrovekbut i can't scratch an itch on my own back, much less records
16:04.29leifmadsenKatty: the way you cook them is more important -- just steam them, and never boil
16:04.48Kattyi don't think i have any way to steam them
16:04.51leifmadsenfrozen veggies are actually a good way of not having to buy and waste veggies
16:05.04Naikrovekyeah freezing veg doesn't harm them
16:05.19leifmadsenKatty: get one of those steamers, which are those metal things that fold in on themselves, and then just stick it in a pot with some water underneath, and boil it
16:05.34Kattygoes to find an image
16:05.54Kattyoh a little metal basket?
16:07.00Naikrovek500 i should say
16:07.00Kattyi found a picture
16:07.01leifmadsenoh ya...
16:07.07leifmadsenweird :)
16:07.18leifmadsenKatty: but ya, that's what you need -- cost like $5 probably
16:07.27Naikrovekthey look like little foldable satellite dishes
16:07.28Kattyis that it?
16:07.39Naikrovekthat's a high-end version
16:07.46Naikrovekbut it'll do
16:08.04Katty <- that?
16:08.14NaikrovekKatty: that's it
16:08.14*** join/#asterisk sjb_gt (
16:08.25Kattywhat do you ummm, do with it
16:08.38Naikrovekput veg inside, set it on top of a pot of boiling water
16:08.44Naikrovekwait, then, steamed veg
16:08.55Kattyso it doesn't actually go IN the pan
16:09.00Naikroveknope, on top
16:09.06Kattyi think i'd rather have a steaming basket
16:09.16Naikrovekyeah that's what this is
16:11.29eppigyi am dave
16:11.37*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (n=voipmonk@
16:16.42*** join/#asterisk fainsys (
16:16.51*** join/#asterisk fainsys (
16:18.02p3nguin_katty: Just get a bag of Bird's Eye Steamfresh.  You'll have nice veggies right from the microwave and you don't have to worry about finding a steamer basket nor anything else.
16:19.01*** join/#asterisk ryduh (n=ryduh@
16:24.47Kattyp3nguin_: something tells me it's lacking severely in nutrients.
16:27.36p3nguin_katty: It'll be fine.  They are flash-frozen just like all other reasonable frozen vegetables, and it comes with its own steamer.
16:28.40ryduhDid the DTMF Debug get removed?
16:29.51p3nguin_Did it?
16:30.23ChainsawIt got stashed in a dusty corner. But it's alright, he's found it.
16:30.47ryduhWhen I press TAB in *, I don't see dtmf show up. I did add it to the logger.conf though
16:33.56[TK]D-FenderRyAnd in what version did it show up?
16:34.01[TK]D-Fenderryduh: And in what version did it show up?
16:34.42*** join/#asterisk tdi (
16:35.06ryduh[TK]D-Fender: no clue. I found this: and hoped it was still in.
16:35.23tdihi, anybody knows good external 4 SIM gsm->sip gateway ? (for EU)
16:35.49*** join/#asterisk asterwiki (n=asterwik@
16:35.52tdii was considering portech
16:36.05[TK]D-Fenderryduh:    Resolution   open  <--- Submitted in *** 2003 ***
16:36.13[TK]D-Fenderryduh: I think you should ignore that.
16:36.21[TK]D-FenderRyThis is pre-1.0
16:36.51Kattyp3nguin_: microwaving destroys heat sensitive vitamins.
16:37.07Kattyp3nguin_: of course, so does a lot of other cooking.
16:37.34ryduhKatty: I was just about to say.. wouldn't that be true for regular cooking as well
16:37.50ryduh[TK]D-Fender: I saw that, thats why I had 'hoped'
16:37.53Kattyfoods cooked in water lose more nutrients because it leaves the food and enters the water.
16:38.01Kattyand i know those packs of food contain water in them
16:38.06Kattyso steaming them would probably be better of
16:38.28[TK]D-Fenderryduh: core debug shows DTMF
16:38.47ryduh[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:39.46tdianybody with DMR->SIP including asterisk experience, im also interested in any devices for connecting ptt radio to sip networks, can be external
16:40.57*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
16:41.36Micc_I'm having horrible time with aastra phones and the new firmware.
16:41.47*** join/#asterisk torrancew (
16:42.22torrancewgot a few MOH/call parking questions, can anybody guide me? won't be too long or involved
16:42.23Micc_All of a sudden this morning a bunch of our customers with 6731i and 6730i's couldn't answer calls by picking up the handset, the audio didn't click over so a workaround for some is to press line 2 then line 1.
16:44.02infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:44.53ryduhagainst your will? Who is in here because they have to be?
16:45.21tdiryduh: infobot for example :)
16:45.30ryduhlol shiney new polycom 650 running SIP firmware 3.2.1 supports LLDP, however it doesn't appear the bootrom does....\
16:46.36wcselbyanyone in here know the latest polycom bootrom?
16:46.41wcselbyi need to see if I'm running an old version I guess
16:47.10JankoooHi! Is there anybody who has a little time for helping a newbie? just about the basics...
16:47.15wcselbyyeah that's where I got the sip firmware
16:47.24wcselby[TK]D-Fender - sort of just talking to myself in here
16:47.39[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: then do it more quietly... we can still hear you :p
16:47.49[TK]D-FenderJankooo: ...
16:47.52infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:48.36torrancewwell, i want to know where I can adjust the parked calls setting, specifically the one that has it call back the line that put it on hold after x seconds
16:48.54[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: features.conf
16:49.42torrancewalso, our ip phones aren't showing caller id, they're showing everything from "asterisk", where can i change that?
16:50.38JankoooI have installed the asterisknow under vmware (with NAT) and i can reach the freepbx admin pages (and i added a user in the extensions tab) but when i try to connect with a voip client to the same ip address (where i can reach the admin page) no response
16:50.56Kattyleifmadsen: what do you think?
16:51.00Jankoooand i can see with wireshark, the answer is port not reachable for 5060
16:51.08Jankooofor the register sip message
16:51.52Kattyleifmadsen: any recommendations?
16:52.40[TK]D-FenderJankooo: ^^^^
16:52.46infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:53.09[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: Where is the call coming from?
16:53.20wcselbythis ip650 keeps rebooting itself
16:53.48torrancew[TK]D-Fender: coming from pstn trunk, through our asterisk server, into our linksys spa-942 phones
16:53.57[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: Where is the call coming from? <-----
16:54.41torrancew[TK]D-Fender: can you clarify? so far, any calls that aren't internal (from one of our sip accounts), all show caller id of asterisk
16:55.16wcselbyand it's not uploading an -app.log file either
16:55.20wcselbyeven though it says it is
16:55.34[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: precisely how are you interfacing with the PSTN?
16:55.52torrancewDigium 402EF card
16:56.27[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: No such thing.  Try again.
16:57.02torrancew[TK]D-Fender: Digium Wildcard, 4 port card, has 2 active FXO modules
16:57.03[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: And the SIGNALLING used on the card is important too.
16:58.15*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
16:59.49[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: in zapata.conf / chan_dahdi.conf : usecallerid=yes        callerid=asreceived
17:00.01[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: and immediate=no
17:00.12torrancew[TK]D-Fender: thanks, what modules need to be reloaded? both for this and features.conf?
17:00.35[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: /
17:01.01torrancew[TK]D-Fender: i meant asterisk side, but thank you
17:01.11wcselbyNaikrovek - ping
17:01.13*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:01.18Naikrovekwcselby: pong
17:01.24[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: that WAS Asterisk-side
17:01.31wcselbyNaikrovek - do you have any ip650 phones in your network?
17:01.41torrancew[TK]D-Fender: *face-palm*
17:01.51Naikrovekwcselby: don't.  320,330, and 6000s only
17:02.06wcselbyNaikrovek - have any contacts for polycom support?
17:02.27Naikrovekwcselby: no.  what problem are you having
17:03.06wcselbyNaikrovek - two problems...the 4.1.1 bootrom on this ip650 doesn't seem to support lldp, although the sip firmware 3.2.1 that's loaded on here does.  and the phone is randomly rebooting itself
17:03.09torrancew[TK]D-Fender: the usecallerid=yes and callerid=asreceived, are they global or per channel?
17:03.22wcselbyalso, the -app.log file is 0 bytes
17:03.27[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: Everything in zapata.conf is per channel
17:03.37Naikrovekwcselby: poe?
17:03.45wcselbyNaikrovek - yes
17:04.02Naikrovekwcselby: does it still reboot when not using poe?
17:05.33wcselbyNaikrovek - I don't know, haven't tested that yet
17:05.44wcselbyNaikrovek - it started doing it on the port configured with multiple vlans
17:05.57wcselbyand lldp vlan tagging
17:06.11wcselbyi'm moving it back to the port just setup with the phone vlan and testing it there to see if it reboots itself
17:06.25wcselbyalso going over the release notes of bootrom 4.2.0, which I think is latest?
17:06.56Naikrovekivaguely recall cisco devices providing poe can cause problems for polycom phones if they're not configured in a certain way, under certain circumstances
17:07.16wcselbythe switches are all juniper, hence the need for lldp support
17:07.18Naikrovekfix the reboot issue then work on the others.  I don't know anything about LLDP
17:07.27wcselbybootrom 4.2.0 supports lldp
17:07.41wcselbyneed to upgrade to latest bootrom
17:08.26wcselbyi'll try that and see if everything decides to start working
17:08.30wcselbyand get back to you
17:08.32wcselbythanks for the ear :)
17:08.45*** join/#asterisk d5s (i=c9522e39@gateway/web/freenode/x-wyjicytdzbhqvzmg)
17:09.06d5sHi, is it possible to run an AGI script when asterisk comes up?
17:09.11ryduhIf I'm using Asterisk to originate a call through a voip provider and then to a PTSN line, is RFC2833 better or is INFO better for DTMF tones? I can't seem to get my old panasonic system here to pick up DTMF tones from asterisk
17:11.53Naikrovekryduh: you're on a phone connected to asterisk connected to a voip provider?
17:12.36ryduhNaikrovek: I originate a call with * via a call file and then try to send DTMF tones
17:12.54Naikrovekryduh: where does the panasonic system come into play
17:13.17torrancewcan anyone recommend a good web-based interface?
17:13.24ryduhNaikrovek: It is the destination I am trying to get to accept the DTMF tones
17:13.41*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (
17:13.55torrancewi've got no problem using the console, but the end users need a different way to interact/see what's going on
17:14.27[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: depends on the complexity of the system
17:15.01p3nguin_Quite honestly, I wouldn't want end-users playing around with my Asterisk configs.
17:15.09torrancew[TK]D-Fender: nothing too complex, 2 lines (soon to be 4) coming from a pstn (our only trunks), and a few end-users
17:15.46torrancewp3nguin_: i'm more looking for something that can let them see parked calls, call logs, and maybe VoiceMail integration, not so much config editing
17:15.52*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
17:15.55[TK]D-Fenderd5s: make an app that on startup releases a time-delayed ORIGINATE or call-file
17:16.17*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:17.02[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: the last 2 hae separate tools, parking may require something more.  Perhaps FOP or one of the other receptionist apps could do if you don't want to sign your sould over completely
17:18.11torrancew[TK]D-Fender: what about asterisk-gui? is it more for config stuff? i played with freepbx, but it added way too much into the configs, and made it too hard to manage unless you were committed to using it and it alone, IMO
17:18.39[TK]D-Fendertorrancew: Same shit, differnt smell... only less "complete"
17:19.00*** join/#asterisk jicksta_ (
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17:20.08d5s[TK]D-Fender:  The point is that I need to access the script I ran on asterisk startup if a call is received or a call is placed. Will that be possible?
17:20.54[TK]D-Fenderd5s: How do you access something that ran in the past?  have you perfected time travel?
17:21.06[TK]D-Fenderd5s: I think you need to reword your request...
17:21.20d5s[TK]D-Fender: I'll do that...
17:21.24*** join/#asterisk KMiLo (n=GeniuS@
17:22.56ryduhWhen I originate a call from * to my cell phone, and then SendDTMF(1w) SendDTMF(0w) SendDTMF(7w) I only hear the first tone. I should be hearing all 3 tones right?
17:23.08d5s[TK]D-Fender: I have this script that is running in eternal loop. It is part of an FSM. It must be executed on system startup. When a call is received I want to send interruptions to that script. Did you get it?
17:23.39[TK]D-Fenderd5s: What is this script doing?
17:23.53ryduhThe Flying Spaghetti Monster?
17:24.18d5sWaiting for instructions from other scripts like outgoingCall.agi and incomingCall.agi
17:24.47[TK]D-Fenderd5s: And d5s And how does it receive instructions?
17:24.56[TK]D-Fenderd5s: and how does it send them?
17:25.17d5sinterruption signals.
17:26.48*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
17:27.34d5s[TK]D-Fender: Can you help me running my script on asterisk initialization?
17:28.53*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
17:29.03wcselbywhy won't my ip650 pick up the new bootrom?
17:29.12wcselbydo I need to do more than just place it in my ftp root dir?
17:29.44*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
17:30.01jameswfIm retarded whats the vuc room
17:30.56ryduhIf I send three SendDTMF()'s I should hear 3 tones correct?
17:37.39ryduhWould anyone know why, when trying to SendDTMF, * changes format to SLIN and then back to ULAW? I have dtfmmode=rfc2833
17:37.46*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
17:39.09ryduhscratch that, I didn't reload my sip.conf file. I'm still only hearing the tone when SendDTMF(1) is sent. I don't hear anything for 0 and 7
17:39.12afinkHello everyone, I am trying to get realtime sip peers working.   When I start up asterisk and the first dynamic host loads it chan_sip.c gets stuck in a loop.
17:40.36ryduhHrmm. Now that I know I'm in rfc2833 mode, after 3 SendDTMF's, debug shows this: [Oct 23 10:39:42] DEBUG[13361]: rtp.c:2885 ast_rtp_write: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw
17:41.30*** join/#asterisk d5s (i=c9522e39@gateway/web/freenode/x-lsbexxccuobionrp)
17:42.09afinkwhats happening for me is as soon as a phone registers I get this: in the cli
17:42.30d5s[TK]D-Fender: Hi, I'm not sure you've answered my question since I got disconnected. If you did, could you resend it?
17:42.31afinkI wonder if I just set qualify to no if it will work
17:42.55ryduhd5s: he did not answer
17:43.09d5sthanks ryduh.
17:44.00p3nguin_afink: wtf
17:44.33p3nguin_afink: If that is accurate, maybe some network troubleshooting is in order.
17:44.53[TK]D-Fender[13:15]<[TK]D-Fender>d5s: make an app that on startup releases a time-delayed ORIGINATE or call-file
17:44.59[TK]D-Fenderd5s: I answered you at the very start
17:45.15wcselbyhelps if I upload the right bootrom to the ftp root
17:45.18wcselbybbiab, lunch
17:47.42afinkp3nguin_: it works perfectly with the flat file
17:47.48*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
17:48.44afinkIs there something I need to put in the sip.conf?  I don't see any mention of it here:
17:49.45d5ssorry  [TK]D-Fender, could you please elaborate a little bit more on that? I'm not familiar to ORIGINATE and don't know how to release a call-file
17:50.17[TK]D-Fenderd5s: its all in the BOOK.
17:50.22infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:51.01*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
17:51.08d5s[TK]D-Fender: I have one of those... I'll take a look. Thanks for your time.
17:51.54ryduhAnyone have an idea on how I can further debug my SendDTMF problems?
17:52.16afinkanyone here had trouble with realtime sip?
17:54.44ryduhCan I Dial() and then somehow send a DTMF tone from asterisk?
17:54.58*** join/#asterisk niekie (i=quasselc@
17:54.58d5s[TK]D-Fender: I was only able to find how to call an AGI script from dial plan. Could you give an extra hand on that?
17:55.48[TK]D-Fenderd5s: AGI = dialplan.
17:55.58ryduhd5s: You could create some other script, outside of asterisk, to generate a .call file and call your own extension which would then run your script
17:56.02afinkthen this...:
17:56.14[TK]D-Fenderd5s: You still haven't made it clear why you want DIALPLAN to get called as some sort of "idle process"
17:57.05CcRnpIs it posssible to use CEL in asterisk version 1.2 or 1.4 ?
17:57.53d5sThat is the problem [TK]D-Fender: I don't want to call my script from dialplan. I don't know how to start it when asterisk gets up.
17:57.59d5sLet me try to explain:
17:59.19[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Explanation of what you actually wat to do would be helpful.  See you said "call an agi".  that IS DIALPLAN.
18:00.43d5sWhen I receive a call my outgoingCall.agi script is launched. It has to do a lot of processing. And it is getting more that 4 seconds to be processed. So I want start another script on system initialization (or asterisk initialization) so I can load part of I need to do on this script which will make my outgoingCall.agi run fasten...
18:01.36[TK]D-Fenderd5s: and what does that background script do?
18:01.40ryduhd5s: how will it make your outgoingCall.agi faster?
18:02.47d5s[TK]D-Fender: the background script wait for commands from my outgoingCall.agi script. Thats why my script has to be executed by asterisk. They have to be in the same context.
18:03.38d5sryduh: It is simple. It will save me from importing python libraries. Each of them gets about 1 second to be loaded
18:03.51[TK]D-Fenderd5s: WTF
18:04.03afinkshould sip show peers show realtime registrations?
18:04.12[TK]D-Fenderd5s: What the hell is your background script DOING that involes the concept of CONTEX?
18:04.57d5s[TK]D-Fender: ok... my background script will SET and GET variables from asterisk context
18:05.38ryduhIs there anyway to execute commands after a call has been Dial()'d and answered?
18:05.43[TK]D-Fenderd5s: No.  First Contexts don't have variables.  CHANNELS have variables.  Second your scrip is not part of that other channel.
18:07.15[TK]D-Fenderd5s: And you still haven't specified how your "on call" script will signal to the background script, and vice-versa
18:07.30d5s[TK]D-Fender: The set and get I was talking about are executed with:'SET VARIABLE.....)
18:07.43d5son python
18:07.48[TK]D-Fenderd5s: NO.
18:08.04[TK]D-Fenderd5s: those are per CHANNEL.  And AGI is for the scope of the call that its in.
18:08.14[TK]D-Fenderd5s: it does not target another channel <-
18:10.20Kattyomnomnomnoms chicken casserole
18:10.28d5sok. Lets say I have to send and EXEC Dial on my outgoingCall.agi script, ok?
18:10.40d5sthats what I'm used to do:
18:10.42afinkanyone know why my realtime registrations won't show up with sip show peers?
18:10.54d5ssys.stdout.write(EXEC Dial....)
18:11.25d5sdoes it make any sense to you [TK]D-Fender ?
18:12.42*** join/#asterisk nny (n=scott@
18:13.54nnythis is odd
18:14.09nnyI have an ARG variable getting "lost" in a macro heh
18:14.09Kattyis it prime, too?
18:14.22TJNII[TK]D-Fender: I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday and say a Asterisk for dummies book.  Made me think of you.
18:14.26ryduhlol. i was just about to make a remark like that
18:14.30nnyKatty: heh
18:14.39niekieWhat the hell? [Oct 23 18:14:21] ERROR[1839]: chan_sip.c:11640 register_verify: Peer 'htc' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
18:14.44niekieIt *IS* configured as host=dynamic
18:14.58niekieWhat am I doing wrong? :S
18:15.22TJNIIniekie: Have you reloaded the config?
18:15.23niekieOh wait.
18:15.32niekieTJNII: just thought of that :D
18:15.47Kattyoh boy :<
18:15.54niekieOk, that works.
18:16.00niekieSorry to have disturbed. I'm an idiot >_<
18:16.09TJNIISimplest problems can be the hardest to find.
18:16.46*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:16.53jblackoften, they are the hardest to find.
18:17.10TJNIIYou'll look right at it and not see it.
18:17.10Kattyoften, they could be all together avoided.
18:17.46*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
18:17.46nnyso i have Macro(foo,ARG1,ARG2) and [macro-foo] Something(arg1@default,u) under what conditions would ARG1 be nulled out?
18:17.50jblackproblems = life. No problems, no life.
18:17.51Kattyi'm feeling snippity today
18:18.07jblackso make some side cash as a barber.
18:18.10*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
18:18.27jblackwhat's wrong?
18:18.38*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
18:18.42niekieAnd that concludes the setup of SIP on my new shiny Android. \o/
18:18.52Kattyi'm a girl. being snippity comes normal.
18:19.03nnyniekie: which app you using?
18:19.20jblackhrmm. Well, can't you solve it the normal way? i.e. torture your boyfriend with subtle, conficting hints?
18:19.30Kattywhy would i do that?
18:19.34Kattyhe's not the cause of my snippity.
18:19.43jblackisn't that what girls always do?
18:19.54nnyniekie: did they fix the issue where it wouldn't work with asterisk without losing the auth?
18:19.56TJNIIjblack: +1
18:19.56Kattybut then boyfriend becomes snippity.
18:20.00Nugget  <-- I love it too.
18:20.01Kattyand i don't care for that.
18:20.26jblackRule #1 on the boy side of relationships is "Take good care of how she feels, because if she's not happy, she'll make you unhappy.
18:21.07ecraneWhat's rule #1 on the girl side of relationships?
18:21.16jblackYou know. imply that he gives too little much attention and also imply that he gives too much attention. At the same time
18:21.33Kattyrule #1 if boyfriend seems cranky, abandon room for 1 hour. return and check status of boyfriend. repeat as needed.
18:21.39niekienny: no idea. I'm filling in client details on it now.
18:21.50jblackThat's a good rule.
18:22.03ecraneyeah; good rule.
18:22.13nnyniekie: there was an issue where it wouldn't dial out or something similar cause the sip header wasn't right on it, that was like 3 months ago
18:22.24jblackHow about the two of you go out to see a funny movie? There's some good stuff out
18:22.26nnyanyone see why I am losing ARG1 there?
18:22.39[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Your entire understanding of AGI's needs to be rethought.
18:23.04Kattymy snippity isn't a problem that requires fixing.
18:23.07jblackYeah, You need to reread the section of macros.
18:23.09Kattyit will resolve itself on its own.
18:23.18*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
18:23.23Kattynamely, as soon as i go home and get away from these monkeys (=
18:23.26nnyjblack: ?
18:23.27jblackKatty: Yes ma'am
18:23.41d5s[TK]D-Fender: Hello, I'm d5s co-worker, currently helping with this script development, let me explain to you the real issue
18:23.47*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:23.57jblacknny: You're treating macros like a full context. They're much more limited than that. You need to reread the book/documentation on macros.
18:24.01*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
18:24.12KattyTimRiker: where'd you leave william?
18:24.18nnyjblack: exten => 3003,1,Macro(stdexten,3003,SIP/3003&SIP/4003) should pass "3003" as ARG1 and "SIP/3003&SIP/4003" as ARG2 only to the macro no?
18:24.30jblacknny: Go. Read. The. Book.
18:24.32nnyjblack: ARG2 is being passed
18:24.37nnyjblack: oh ffs I have
18:24.41[TK]D-Fendernny: You are showing us 2 completely separate calls <-
18:24.48[TK]D-Fendernny: 1 SIP, 1 DAHDI
18:24.59[TK]D-Fendernny: -- Executing [3006@sip:1] Macro("SIP/3003-b7c35890", "stdexten|3006|SIP/3006&SIP/4006") in new stack
18:24.59Kattynny: try putting the book on your head.
18:24.59nny[TK]D-Fender: yeah there is some noise in there, I can re capture the info
18:25.02TimRikerKatty: I think he's seducing some woman back on the last planet we visited.
18:25.07nnyKatty: can I hit people with it?
18:25.09d5s[TK]D-Fender: I understand that when a script is called via AGI, Asterisk automatically estabilishes a pipe between the script and itself, correct? So, I wanted to use the same principle, but for a script that does not is called by AGI
18:25.11Kattynny: sure!
18:25.14[TK]D-Fendernny: I fail to see... the failure :)
18:25.17KattyTimRiker: probably :>
18:25.21KattyTimRiker: <3
18:25.31nny[TK]D-Fender: -- Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-stdexten:1] VoiceMail("DAHDI/4-1", "@default|u") in new stack
18:25.38Kattynny: i often put the book on my head.
18:25.41[TK]D-Fenderd5s: A script is not called by an AGI.  An AGI *IS* a script
18:25.42Kattynny: somehow, it helps me think.
18:25.50jblackI need to grocery shop, and have some food.
18:25.55nnybut in the macro it's exten => s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${ARG1}@default,u)
18:25.55Kattyjblack: yesh.
18:25.58jblackKatty: here's to hoping your mood improves.
18:26.00Kattyjblack: that sounds divine.
18:26.05Kattyjblack: it already has!
18:26.13jblackI'm that good?
18:26.17Kattyjblack: but now i have to pee :<
18:26.17TimRikerIt's the riker influence that does it.
18:26.17[TK]D-Fenderd5s: And AGI continues a CALL's dialplan execution within that script and then dumps back to the dialplan when the script finishes or the call dies
18:26.24[TK]D-Fenderd5s: it is NOT a background process
18:26.31d5s[TK]D-Fender: Yes, I know
18:26.32jblackI hear that I cause that problem all the time. :)
18:26.51jblackhave fun all.
18:26.54Kattynny: you could always try finding a consultant.
18:26.56jblack[TK]D-Fender: You should beat him, imho
18:27.02Kattynny: someone who will look over your shoulder and Point.
18:27.17tuxcrafteris searching for that online asterisk book
18:27.17nnyKatty: cute
18:27.22infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:27.31tuxcrafternny: thanks
18:27.37Kattynny: i'm just saying.
18:27.45nnyKatty: what are you saying?
18:27.48infobot[~buybook] You can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
18:27.55d5s[TK]D-Fender: My real question is, is there a way to estabilish such a connection before dialplan execution? I mean, make asterisk and another program share the same stdin/stdout for communication?
18:28.12Kattythe snippity came back.
18:28.26[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Youa re describing AGI.  AGI is not a background process.  Youkeep trying to ask how to use a screwdriver like a hammer.
18:29.12nny[TK]D-Fender: i fail to see why this macro is improper, i have used it in every build, and it's actually the "macro-stdexten" standard recipe shown in numerous places
18:29.25tuxcrafteris trying to make it possible that extention 406 can call 407 but the logs show me that [Oct 23 20:24:15] NOTICE[2846]: chan_sip.c:13885 handle_request_invite: Call from '406' to extension '407' rejected because extension not found.
18:29.35d5s[TK]D-Fender: Not like that, I'm not trying to use AGI as background script, it's the other way around, use a background script that behaves like AGI, when it comes to communicating with asterisk
18:29.36[TK]D-Fendernny: I never said the macro is improper.  I'm saying your little pastebin of CLI output didn't match and didn't show the error
18:29.40tuxcrafteroutgoing call are working fine btw
18:29.59[TK]D-Fenderd5s: You are not making any sense
18:30.01nny[TK]D-Fender: -- Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-stdexten:1] VoiceMail("DAHDI/4-1", "@default|u") in new stack [Oct 23 14:05:19] WARNING[29478]: app_voicemail.c:4011 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '
18:30.21nny[TK]D-Fender: it's somehow not passing ARG1 , even though it passes ARG2 on the dial statement
18:30.37[TK]D-Fendernny: I don't see the MACRO getting called by that channel
18:30.43tuxcraftersee for my configuration of the extentions
18:30.43[TK]D-Fendernyyour CALL DATAT did not match <-
18:30.48d5s[TK]D-Fender: How does an AGI script exchange info with asterisk? Via stdin/stdout correct?
18:31.06[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: those are not EXTENSIONS
18:31.22[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Yes
18:31.50tuxcrafterhides behind his book and starts reading again
18:32.38d5s[TK]D-Fender: So, I'm asking if you could inform me, or teach, how such  a connection is estabilished in the first place. I want to do something like this with another script, one which can't be invoked in the dialplan execution
18:32.47Kattyi walked down the hallway and the sales reps were singing
18:33.04[TK]D-Fenderd5s: You are not providing a coherent enough description to advise ANYTHING.
18:33.16nny[TK]D-Fender: gonna try to recapture the error, but this is a system in use, can't isolate the noise
18:33.20[TK]D-Fenderd5s: You are in "theory-land" with the little pieces you are talking about.
18:33.20KattyI advise you to eat a mango.
18:33.28nny[TK]D-Fender: but as far as I can tell, the pastebin I posted has the full call
18:33.39KattyProtect your electrons! Eat a blueberry!
18:33.45nnytheres the macro call
18:33.46[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Advise requires a consistent implementation to be defined
18:34.08[TK]D-Fendernny: that is not the DAHDI channel issuing that, so why do i care aboutit?
18:34.11d5s[TK]D-Fender: Not in theory land, IMO the question was pretty clear, I want to share asterisk stdin/stdout with another script, like it is done with AGI
18:34.16[TK]D-Fender[14:29]<nny>[TK]D-Fender: -- Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-stdexten:1] VoiceMail("DAHDI/4-1", "@default|u") in new stack [Oct 23 14:05:19] WARNING[29478]: app_voicemail.c:4011 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '
18:34.18KattyI advise you to implement more happiness into your day
18:34.20[TK]D-Fendernny: not the same channel!
18:34.57[TK]D-Fenderd5s: there isn't a single in/out.  each call is a SPAWNED PROCEss. not GLOBAL
18:35.04[TK]D-Fenderd5s: there is nthing global to hook into
18:35.39Qwellian6: yeah, that was yesterday
18:35.40[TK]D-Fenderian6: FUCK YEAH!
18:36.09d5s[TK]D-Fender: Oh, I see it. So I'd have to hook to each call, not asterisk itself
18:36.14Kattyoh dear.
18:36.31[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Each call is 100% separate from another.
18:36.34ian6Qwell: Hmm, so it was. Do you really think just one day is enough though?
18:36.46Qwellian6: That is why there are 2 every year.
18:36.55d5s[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the info =)
18:37.00ian6... also, fuck caps lock. There needs to be an international holds-shift-down-like-a-real-man day.
18:37.06d5sHelped a lot!
18:37.52ChannelZOr Unnecessarily Initial Cap Each Word Day
18:41.47nny[TK]D-Fender:er shit
18:41.56[TK]D-Fenderian6: I do.. thats why I lose my caps in the middle all too often :)
18:42.04nny[TK]D-Fender: more than you probably needed, but...
18:42.44nny[TK]D-Fender: the Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' is for extensions related to their mobile sip clients, didn't know of a more elegant way of having it dial both, even when one is offline
18:44.20[TK]D-Fendernny: nny What line is your DAHDI channel failing to get the right arg?
18:44.34nny[TK]D-Fender: dude, this is the whole call
18:44.40*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
18:44.40nny[TK]D-Fender: i dunno why it doesn't say DAHDI on it
18:44.44[TK]D-Fendernny: WHAT LINE?
18:44.45*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
18:45.04[TK]D-Fendernny: The fact you're not looking at this is a bad sign...
18:45.07nny[TK]D-Fender: 350
18:45.36nny[TK]D-Fender: Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-stdexten:1] VoiceMail("DAHDI/4-1", "@default|u") in new stack
18:45.43[TK]D-Fendernny: From a zombie channel... perhaps it lost all its vars <-
18:46.00nny[TK]D-Fender: what would cause that?
18:46.09[TK]D-Fenderhrm... hold that idea...
18:48.21leifmadsenanyone around who could test a SIP URI for me?
18:48.45*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (n=hugorebe@
18:49.49[TK]D-Fendernny: == Channel 'DAHDI/4-1' jumping out of macro 'xfer2exten'
18:50.07[TK]D-Fendernny: I'm wondering if the way args get stacked, and your use of hard jumps is affecting this..
18:50.41*** join/#asterisk RobH (n=RobH@
18:51.58tuxcrafterphone rings now and i can pick it up, but no audio in or out. i can call from both phones to external numbers with audio in and out so it should work, is my extention wrong?
18:53.33nny[TK]D-Fender: is this a normal issue? Should I rewrite my dial plan somehow?
18:53.34nny[TK]D-Fender: i can post it, it's a whopper
18:54.02*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (n=moi@
19:01.08[TK]D-Fendernny: Not in a position to do a large-scale debug on this
19:01.31nny[TK]D-Fender: i hear ya, i'll figure out a work around until I can review the jumps and see  how to combine them
19:01.55tuxcrafterforgot the [internal]
19:02.28*** join/#asterisk denon (
19:02.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
19:07.26tuxcrafterstill now sound in and out
19:09.06Kattyi still have no vitamin d
19:09.45TJNIISo go lay in the sun.
19:10.11Kattysomething tells me that's not going to happen
19:10.31TJNIIHey, it fits with your nick.
19:12.05dustybinhugs Katty
19:12.41tuxcrafterdoes somebody see why i can't call extention 406 with sound?
19:13.24TJNIItuxcrafter: You need to pastebin a sip debug to fix audio issues.
19:13.33TJNIItuxcrafter: Any NATs involved?
19:14.46*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
19:15.19tuxcrafterTJNII: yes there are nats
19:15.28tuxcrafterbut i can call to external numbers and then it works
19:15.31infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:15.32Skeeter-i have a spectralink SIP phones, it can call ext or receive call, it CANT dial voicemail or queue
19:15.52TJNIItuxcrafter: Sip calls out work but sip calls in don't?
19:16.09TJNIIOr, should I say, phones connecting in don't?
19:17.14TJNIISkeeter-: Your dtmfmode is probably wrong
19:17.22Skeeter-i must edit soemthing in [from-sip] i think
19:17.52tuxcrafterTJNII: well i always used the phones to only call out to external numbers, but the 406 has also an other sip settings that is now disabled but is used to call out, so i know the portforwardings are good
19:19.05Skeeter-TJNII: dtmfmode=rfc2833
19:20.27TJNIItuxcrafter: Well, pastebin a sip debug and maybe we can figure it out.
19:21.35TJNIISkeeter-: I set this on my phones so I may be wrong, but try auto or rfc2833,inband,info (The second one may be formatted wrong, I assume [TK]D-Fender will jump in and correct me if it is)
19:24.14Skeeter-dtmfmode=auto ??
19:24.20Skeeter-i have a spectralink 8030
19:27.40[TK]D-FendertuxYou need a LOT more than jsut port forwarding.  Read the guide.
19:28.07Skeeter-in my dialplan [from-sip] do i need to had,: exten => 123,3,Voicemail(44)
19:28.35tuxcrafterTJNII: < the sip debug output
19:31.06nny[TK]D-Fender: hmm odd, removed all the macro nonsense on a test line and still happens
19:32.14*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
19:32.51nny[TK]D-Fender: er nm
19:33.02Skeeter-sip over NAT, this should not exist
19:33.06nny[TK]D-Fender: failed to set something back properly :\
19:35.16*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:36.11*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
19:39.27Skeeter-i need to make a whole dialplan for the [from-sip]
19:40.34CcRnpIs there anyway to track transfer call without using Channel Event Logging ?
19:40.40*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
19:41.28dlynesAre there any known issues navigating t.38 from a client to a 1.4.22 server, over sip?
19:42.30tuxcraftercould somebody make a test call to <>
19:43.28*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
19:44.28CcRnpGuys anyone anyone have some ideas on tracking transfer calls wihtout using Channel Event Logging , please help me out !!
19:45.06wcselbyNaikrovek - just FYI, I got everything to work by updating to the latest bootrom version for my IP650
19:45.13beektuxcrafter: I can do that for you.
19:45.16Naikrovekwcselby: awesome
19:45.22Naikroveki upgraded mine as well
19:46.18tuxcrafterbeek: thanks :D
19:46.21tuxcrafterseems to work perfect
19:46.25beekSounds great
19:52.57nny[TK]D-Fender: yeah removed some of the nested macros and it worked fine. In the future I'll stop using them as often and also need to start using gosub anyways heh
19:53.23tuxcrafterok got a meetme confrence room up and running
19:58.45luca`gervasiis anybody using skype4asterisk from digium?
19:59.10qxorkI am
19:59.40luca`gervasiwhat do you do to make your account login? i tryied to configure it using the administration manual
19:59.47luca`gervasifollowing it line by line
20:00.00luca`gervasibut my (business) account doesn't login
20:00.06*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (n=aembrey@nat/digium/x-rzmwmwwrlxttrorn)
20:00.11luca`gervasii enabled all the debug
20:00.36luca`gervasibut all i've got is some too deep code... like "send X", "receive Y"
20:00.59qxorkI added the user to chan_skype.conf
20:01.02luca`gervasii tryied to logon manually with skype logon user blablabla (or something like that)
20:01.24luca`gervasimay i ask your (purged) chan_skype.conf ?
20:01.53luca`gervasithanks :D
20:02.07luca`gervasimay i have your relevant extensions.conf ?
20:03.29qxorknothing is needed in extensions for the login / logout.
20:04.14qxorkjust replace the REDACTED with your username / password :)
20:04.35qxorkthis one is for 2 users. Mostly the default conf
20:04.36luca`gervasii'm looking for differences :D
20:05.00nnythis is my biggest extensions.conf yet ha
20:05.08luca`gervasiwhy don't you use g729?
20:05.10*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
20:05.10nnyshould start a contest
20:05.12nnywho can have the most bloated dialplan
20:05.34[TK]D-Fendercheats and Installs FreePBX.
20:05.42[TK]D-Fendernny: I WIN!
20:06.02nnynice one
20:06.05qxorkluca`gervasi: because I don't like g729
20:06.15*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
20:07.12luca`gervasiqxork, may i ask why? (damn... i have the same chan_skype.conf!!!!!)
20:07.33*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (n=badrobot@
20:07.33qxorkmember:luca%60gervasi: I don't like g729 for pretty much any call.... just hate the sound. I'd rather go hidef than lodef
20:08.50*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
20:10.28qxorkjust a personal preference. If it's low bandwidth I'll use a diff codec. But I try to keep ulaw or g722
20:10.58luca`gervasi:( i'm still logout :(
20:11.02*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
20:12.51qxorkis it a business account?
20:13.27qxork(you need a special account for skype for asterisk)
20:13.30*** join/#asterisk JimDickenson (
20:13.51*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:14.08JimDickensoncan someone tell me where has gone to?
20:14.58qxorknp. just added a bug :)
20:16.20asterwikisighs after one of those days and says TGIF
20:19.20*** part/#asterisk asterwiki (n=asterwik@
20:21.35Kattystuck on the phone with a windows user who has somehow managed to loose the local admin account password on this workstation :<
20:22.01Naikrovekwhy would the user need the local admin passwd
20:22.08Kattybecause it was on a domain
20:22.10Kattyand it was taken off
20:22.11loather-workto install software
20:22.20Kattywith no other users added to the local machine
20:22.32Naikrovekloather-work: so make the domain account a member of the local admin grou
20:22.39luca`gervasii have a two channel license for can i test it ? :D
20:22.40Kattyit is NOT on a domain
20:22.47Naikrovekwhy not
20:22.55Kattybecause it was taken off the domain.
20:23.10Naikroveknone of my machines leave the domain
20:23.20Kattywell this isn't one of your machines, now is it :P
20:23.22Naikrovekyeah but why was it taken off
20:23.30Naikrovekl0phtcrack can find your password, btw
20:23.32Kattybecause it's going in a back Shipping office which has no network
20:23.33loather-workNaikrovek: bad idea, generally. you don't want users with admin privileges running amok on the system. That's one of the biggest security problems with windows.
20:23.56Kattyloather-work: we do local admin on occasion
20:23.57loather-workif i ever have to admin windows domains, IT does all the software installs. No exceptions.
20:24.04Kattyloather-work: but even i'm not a domain admin on my account
20:24.12Naikrovekloather-work: thanks for twisting my point into a knife and stabbing me with it.  you're not understanding me
20:24.34Kattyis using a lil linux boot disk to reset the stuff
20:24.53Kattyif they want to take it off the domain, that is their choice.
20:24.56Kattywhatever pays the bills.
20:25.06Kattyi will be happy to fix it for a fee.
20:26.19Naikrovekdisjoining a computer from the domain that you're responsible for is a bad idea and should be avoided.  and no one should be an admin with their regular day-to-day account
20:26.28Naikrovekand no end user should know the admin password of any machine ever
20:26.41Qwell# whoami
20:27.06KattyNaikrovek: where they are moving it does not have a network drop.
20:27.15KattyNaikrovek: therefor, attaching it to a domain will not be possible.
20:27.22KattyNaikrovek: it is their computer, they can do wahtever they want with it
20:27.33KattyNaikrovek: and in an economy like this you thank your lucky starts there is cash flow (=
20:27.42NaikrovekKatty: then make sure you're not responsible for it, they can dig out their own password
20:27.53KattyNaikrovek: it is my job to Help them.
20:28.00KattyNaikrovek: not to shove them away and say sorry, better luck next time
20:28.05Naikrovekthen make sure  you can help them.
20:28.05KattyNaikrovek: that equals no cash flow :P
20:29.17Naikroveklet me tell you something learned from hard experiences.  working for idiots, no matter how much cash it brings in, is never rewarding nor worth it.
20:29.52Kattyi'm not working for idiots.
20:29.57Kattythis is a client, and i am helping them.
20:29.59Kattyas i do all my clients.
20:30.18Kattyand they love me for it (=
20:30.36Naikroveki would not do your job for $10,000,000 a year.
20:30.40Naikrovekand yes i mean that
20:30.43Kattythat's you (=
20:30.53Kattylikes helping people.
20:31.09loather-workat that rate i'd do it for a year and then retire and live off the interest. :)
20:31.33loather-workyou can live quite comfortably on around $2,000,000.
20:31.59TJNIIloather-work: In this economy, you can't even do that.  0.01% interest rates!  (Or whatever stupid low value it is.)
20:32.37loather-workTJNII: you can always find someone to give you 5-6% if you know what to look for.
20:32.45luca` skype for asterisk actually works :D
20:33.24loather-workheh, that's my next project
20:33.47luca`gervasiuhm... i'm offline in my non-business account
20:33.52luca`gervasithat's odd
20:34.23*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
20:37.11*** part/#asterisk nny (n=scott@
20:40.30ChannelZyes, yes it does
20:46.43torrancewhas anyone here configured Linksys/Sipura SPA942 IP phones with asterisk?
20:48.53*** join/#asterisk st91ang (n=powellju@nat/digium/x-tcyuujjdimzxweyc)
20:51.41luca`gervasigood night!
20:52.11*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (n=aembrey@nat/digium/x-vlznwsdungqudyrd)
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20:57.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
20:58.14bkruseneeds a CACERT for two domains
21:00.59sun28bkruse: $18
21:01.09infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:01.24ecranetorrancew: There is a section in the book for that phone
21:05.30bkrusesun28: Ty, I need to get a couple by Monday, that should work?
21:06.32bkrusesun28: Great, ty sir
21:07.02bkruseWow, I was about to jbot: sun28++ but I guess I've been out of the loop too long :)
21:11.20*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
21:12.19*** part/#asterisk st91ang (n=powellju@nat/digium/x-tcyuujjdimzxweyc)
21:14.19*** part/#asterisk esaym153 (
21:15.38*** join/#asterisk Chodorenko (
21:16.34ChodorenkoHello All
21:17.07Chodorenkoplease consult me howe to i can setup asterisk for support SRTP ?
21:17.37torrancewecrane: my exact issue isn't covered there - i think it's hijacking caller id and not displaying what asterisk broadcasts
21:18.17torrancewecrane: for example, the linphone softphone will show real numbers that dial in, but anything coming from my trunk displays as "asterisk" on the spa942s
21:18.18loather-workis there any known workaround for the "stays in-use" problem when a Local/1234@context/n added as a dynamic queue member transfers a call?
21:20.17*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
21:23.23Kattylooks in
21:26.35Chodorenkoloather-work: i not understand howe to you can add Local/1234@context/n as Dynamic member ?
21:26.50Deeewaynepats Katty on the head
21:27.31loather-workChodorenko: it's easy, add it dynamically with AddQueueMember(queuename,Local/1234@context/n)
21:27.46infobotwell, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
21:28.39KattyDeeewayne: :>
21:29.48Chodorenkoloather-work: mey be it`s not true path for add user in queue
21:30.28Chodorenkoloather-work: add as SIP IAX or other protocol and open bug on
21:30.39loather-workit's already a known issue.
21:30.45loather-workjust wondered if anyone knew a workaround.
21:32.28*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
21:33.03*** join/#asterisk kfife (
21:34.08Chodorenkoloather-work: some is understand why adding in queue local exten , by that in the local contest can be multiple users such as dial (sip/100 & IAX2/2000)
21:34.19Chodorenko*not understand
21:35.20loather-workI have multiple agents per desk, and agents aren't tied to a specific desk, either.
21:35.43loather-workso I need to track agents by their agent ID instead of an extension
21:35.51loather-workotherwise my metrics get all screwed up
21:36.42Chodorenkouse agent mechanism , agent add queue by press dial pad key
21:36.58loather-workThe agent mechanism is horribly broken.
21:37.24jblackyou could write your own as an agi. I've done that a couple times; it's not that hard
21:37.28Chodorenkoloather-work: ?
21:37.55*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
21:37.55loather-workno, it's not hard ... i've got it almost fully implemented in dialplan logic.
21:38.48loather-workThe deficient queueing system is one of my bigger gripes with asterisk; working around it is annoying. oh well.
21:39.26Chodorenkoloather-work: you may be use  dialplan variables as ${CHANNEL} for add member in queue
21:41.30Chodorenkoloather-work: for example exten =>1111,1,AddQueueMember(queuename,${$CHANNEL})
21:42.08Chodorenkoloather-work:  for example exten =>1111,1,AddQueueMember(queuename,${CHANNEL})
21:43.46jpcansahi, what do i have to configure if my SIP clients are outside behind nat? i mean on the phone configuration, what are the main settings?
21:43.56loather-workChodorenko: doesn't work the way i need it to.
21:44.04Chodorenkoloather-work: member add in queue from phone dialed number
21:44.39loather-workChodorenko: take a look at , callcenter-extensions.conf , callcenter-macros.conf and that's what I'm doing.
21:44.55loather-workusername speak / password friend
21:45.15Chodorenkojpcansa: STUN , nat setting in sip.conf
21:45.54*** join/#asterisk jadl_ (n=jadl@
21:45.56torrancewif you call multiple extensions in one Dial () [Dial(${EXT1}&${EXT2},20)], would that affect inbound cid?
21:46.28loather-worknot that i know of. I do that to the phone on my desk at both offices
21:46.34loather-workCID passes through just fine
21:47.08torrancewmy only other guess would be that our provider borked our CID
21:47.23torrancewit once worked fine, but now everything shows as coming from "asterisk"
21:47.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:47.47torrancewand the only major change was that our pstn provider came and added more lines and tweaked our hunt group today
21:48.00loather-workthey probably broke something.
21:48.14loather-workISDN or analog?
21:48.18torrancewi've been banging my head against the wall all day trying to get to the bottom of it
21:48.20jpcansaChodorenko: i have 2 nics configured on my box, 1st with public ip, and 2nd with LAN ip, is tehre something i have to configure in that scenario, SIP clients on the outside cannot communicate to SIP clients on the inside.
21:48.35Chodorenkojpcansa: localnet in sip.conf
21:48.37loather-workcheck and see if the provider changed the CID signalling type on the lines.
21:48.49torrancewloather-work: how might i do that?
21:48.56loather-workcall them and ask :)
21:49.17loather-workyou could also add some debug statements in your incoming dialplan
21:49.23torrancewsuch as?
21:49.27jadl_I can not configure asterisk for Yacom voip sip and x-lite, I need help please
21:49.27loather-workcheck it for caller ID information and see what your call flow looks like
21:50.25Chodorenkojpcansa: and "canreinvite=no" in dialplan
21:50.26loather-workexten => 5595,1,NoOp("Got call from ${CALLERID(name)} at ${CALLERID(num)}")
21:50.27jadl_I have read, but can not find the problem
21:50.27jpcansaChodorenko, localnet only, no externip right?
21:51.05Chodorenkojpcansa: external IP setup to external interface
21:52.01jpcansaChodorenko: ok thx, let try that
21:53.35Chodorenkojpcansa: "canreinvite=no" disable communicate beetwen phone directly , all media transfer with server
21:53.50torrancewloather-work: no info in the debug
21:53.55torrancewblank name, blank num
21:54.19loather-workok, then that means that your channel driver doesn't have the information when the call is originated
21:54.46torrancewloather-work: how could i go about seeing if that's my problem or theirs?
21:54.47loather-workso either the CID isn't being sent by the telco, or the hardware isn't configured to properly read it
21:54.56torrancewesp if it was working last week
21:55.04Chodorenkoloather-work: i not fully understand you dialplan, in my view its not good way
21:55.21jadl_took several days to enter the channel and it always helps, but I can not solve the problem, please anyone can help me and wants?
21:55.46loather-workwell, if they installed lines and messed with your hunt group the CID configuration could have been wiped out at the switch. I'd be willing to be that's what the problem is.
21:55.47torrancewloather-work: chan_dahdi is set to use cid, as well as use what's provided
21:55.48jadl_I don't speak English, I use Google sometimes
21:55.55torrancewthanks so muc
21:56.00loather-workwelcome :)
21:56.03torrancewmy money's with you
21:56.21Chodorenkojadl_: i talk by Russian :)
21:56.47*** part/#asterisk torrancew (
21:56.58*** join/#asterisk torrancew (
22:01.01jpcansaChodorenko: so do i configure canreinvite=no in sip.conf for my external sip clients?
22:01.42Chodorenkojpcansa: in GENERAL section
22:01.57Chodorenkojpcansa: for all
22:02.18jadl_must be easy for any of you really need help
22:03.12[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: And in the past few days you haven't SHOWN us the problem.
22:03.15infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
22:04.36jadl_is the same problem but not solved
22:05.24jadl_I do not know that show
22:06.31[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: You are showing no debug and no description of the problem
22:06.40torrancewloather-work: yep, they broke it
22:06.40jadl_when I make a call using x-lite, the operator tells me, now your call does not go through with the prefix dialing
22:06.53[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: what "operator"?
22:07.11sun28Chodorenko: me too :)
22:07.12kfifeany ideas as to why alwaysauthreject=yes,  but still sending back 'Wrong password' on instead of '401 unauthorized'?
22:07.16[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: And what is "prefix dialing"?
22:07.50jadl_"prefijo marcado"
22:08.12jadl_I don't know
22:08.14[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: Doesn't help.... the term doesn't have a fixed meaning
22:08.36[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: Again, WHAT is giving this message?
22:08.39Chodorenkosun28: Russian ? why not present in #asteriskru
22:09.34jadl_as show debug and description information?
22:10.03jadl_hago: core set (debug , verbose) 9
22:10.09Chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: Howe to setup asterisk for support SRTP without TLS ?
22:10.13jadl_I'm sorry
22:10.29loather-worktorrancew: :D figured :)
22:10.40torrancewthey borked the hunt as well
22:11.17jadl_do or make (I don't know): core set (debug , verbose) 9
22:11.30*** join/#asterisk gilevy (
22:11.41jadl_and what else?
22:11.48[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: "sip set debug", "core set verbose 10"
22:12.07gilevyhi i've never used asterisk before and i was wondering how i can set up my gizmo5 number with asterisk
22:12.11jadl_and what else?
22:13.38infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:13.43[TK]D-Fendergilevy: ^^^
22:14.01jadl_sip set debug
22:14.01jadl_No such command 'sip set debug' (type 'help sip set debug' for other possible commands)
22:14.44[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: "sip debug on"
22:14.51gilevythank you [TK]D-Fender
22:15.05jadl_sip debug on
22:15.05jadl_No such command 'sip debug on' (type 'help sip debug on' for other possible commands)
22:15.27[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: "sip set debug on"
22:15.51jpcansaChodorenko: i have everything set up, but i can hear only one way
22:16.15[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: pastebin your sip.conf and the SIP DEBUG of a failed call.
22:16.24tuxcrafterhmm wierd i still cant get my nat settings right for ekiga
22:16.38tuxcrafteri got two voip phones here
22:16.46*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
22:17.22tuxcrafterso i changed the ekiga settigs to listen_port = 7060
22:17.23tuxcrafterupd_port_range = 7000:7100
22:17.34tuxcrafterand also made the forwarding in iptables
22:17.42tuxcrafteri can call the phone
22:17.45[TK]D-FendertuxYou don't need forwarding....
22:17.51[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: You don't need forwarding....
22:18.21Chodorenkojpcansa: for all clients outside you network set "nat=yes" in peer setup  in sip.conf , setup "localnet" and "externip" in  in sip.conf
22:18.26jadl_now what?
22:18.47tuxcrafteri meand prerouting
22:19.05jadl_I ask because I do not know
22:19.12tuxcrafteri can call the number
22:19.14tuxcrafterit rings
22:19.20tuxcrafterand i can answer
22:19.24tuxcrafterbut there is no audio
22:19.44tuxcrafterwhen i call from teh 406 extention i do get audio
22:19.58jadl_do not want to be rude
22:20.18tuxcrafteri tried the extentions on a single sip phone and there it did work :)
22:20.29tuxcrafterbut know i am trying to get both systems working
22:21.57[TK]D-FendertuxYou do NOT need to port forward for a phone.
22:22.04*** part/#asterisk torrancew (
22:22.17[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: Pastebin a call attempt
22:22.19infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
22:22.44*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
22:22.59moos3is there away from the cli to see current calls in session?
22:23.16jpcansa[TK]D-Fender:      this time it worked, but for some reason it doesnt sometimes, do you see something wrong??
22:23.18ChannelZcore show channels
22:23.19[TK]D-Fendermoos3: "core show channels"
22:23.45moos3sweet thanks
22:24.12kfifeany ideas as to why alwaysauthreject=yes,  but still sending back 'Wrong password' on instead of '401 unauthorized'?
22:24.33[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: that is not a complete call.
22:24.39*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
22:24.40moos3is there a way to show that in a web page?
22:24.49[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: if You see nothing then packets aren't getting from your phone to *
22:25.08[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: So you have either a firewall/routing problem, or your client is misconfigured
22:25.26[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Yes.  Go write a script for a web server
22:25.41Chodorenkokfife: jpcansa: in :    i not can view external IP
22:25.56jadl_because I respode an operator?
22:26.02tuxcrafter[TK]D-Fender: what is needed then to make incommming calls with audio work? when there is no forwarding needed?
22:26.03Chodorenkojpcansa: jpcansa: in    i not can view external IP
22:26.37[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: CLIENTS don't need forwarding, only * if it is behind NAT
22:26.41jpcansaChodorenko: do i need that even if my box is not behind nat?
22:26.44moos3cool thanks
22:27.12tuxcrafter[TK]D-Fender: i am on a NAT
22:27.32[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: ... WTF is "I"?
22:27.46tuxcrafterwel the my systems are :)
22:28.09*** part/#asterisk moos3 (
22:28.16[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: Got any more non-descript bits to share?
22:28.37tuxcrafterinternet | debian iptablefirewal with NAT | phone01, desktop with ekiga
22:29.01tuxcrafterthe asterisk server is not on my network
22:29.15[TK]D-FendertuxWhere the hell is it on that line?
22:29.52Chodorenkojpcansa: external IP use for clients marked as NAT
22:29.53tuxcrafterasterisk is on an other server/netwerk with a fixed ip
22:30.11[TK]D-Fendertuxdraw a network map that actually includes both ends.
22:30.45[TK]D-Fender[18:26]<jpcansa>Chodorenko: do i need that even if my box is not behind nat? <- no
22:31.05[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Regrettably over half the info you've been given is incorrect
22:32.26jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: what do i have wrong?
22:32.45tuxcrafteraskterisk server [] | internet | debian server[] with iptable and nat | fully working sip phone01 [], debian desktop with ekiga that can be called but does not have audio when called []
22:32.51tuxcrafter[TK]D-Fender: ^
22:33.12tuxcrafterand ekiga listens to 7070 and phone01 listens to 5060
22:33.19[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: Whats at that 2nd IP?
22:33.35[TK]D-Fendertuxand WHERE is that 2nd IP?
22:33.51tuxcrafterem how do you mean?
22:33.51Chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: if you need give packet from external IP you need setup NAT option in peer ... no ?
22:34.13Chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: else server answer you from internal Ip
22:34.27[TK]D-FenderChodorenko: Not in his case.
22:34.34jadl_thanks, but I do not know that to do
22:34.56jadl_I'm thinking
22:35.01[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: Check your firewalls
22:35.13*** join/#asterisk errotan (
22:35.19[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: "iptables --list" <- from OS CLI
22:35.39jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: what is that i have incorrect?
22:36.11[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: pastebin your sip.conf and the call attempt.  Also, NO FORWARDING on the remote side.
22:36.33p3nguin_jadl_: iptables -L -nv
22:38.54tuxcrafter[TK]D-Fender: i think i am going to buy an aditional hardware sip phone, i dont know what ekiga is doing or not doing
22:39.27p3nguin_tuxcrafter: Doesn't sip debug provide any useful information?
22:39.48tuxcrafterp3nguin_: well it provides an awfull log of data
22:39.51[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: I think you're jumping to conclusions, questioning advise, providing piecemeal information, and litte to no debug.
22:39.55tuxcrafterand i dont know what to look for
22:40.01[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: But feel free to buy whatever you want.
22:40.28jadl_all well, no?
22:40.31[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: Where is *, and where is your client?
22:41.11jadl_I do not understand
22:41.45*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
22:41.45[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: Describe the networking between * and your client
22:41.45p3nguin_jadl_: Is your phone on that computer (a softphone)?
22:42.34jadl_yes, is x-lite
22:43.09tuxcrafterthat is the sip debug when i make a call from phone01[] to the ekiga softphone []
22:43.31jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: the complete call is not showed in console??
22:43.48tuxcrafterit rings at the ekiga software and i can pick it up but then there is no audio
22:43.59ecranewhat is the 1.6.1 equivalent of 'dialplan reload'?
22:44.00tuxcrafterthe other way ekiga to phone01 it work perfectly
22:45.18p3nguin_jadl_: Where's Asterisk in this scenario?
22:45.29p3nguin_ecrane: dialplan reload
22:45.46tuxcrafterwhat does this mean: #
22:45.47tuxcrafterAudio is at port 11834
22:46.13p3nguin_It means the RTP is using port 11834 on the IP address
22:47.29tuxcrafterPeer audio RTP is at port
22:48.59[TK]D-Fender[18:41]<[TK]D-Fender>jadl_: Describe the networking between * and your client
22:50.49jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: is this complete?
22:51.37[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: No.
22:52.19[TK]D-Fenderjadl_: I'm sorry.  The language barrier is clearly to big.  Perhaps someone else can assist you.
22:52.25jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: dunno how to get it then, sorry
22:52.57[TK]D-FenderjpI don't se the call come IN.  You show as of the first dialplan line being executed.  Where the hell is the NEGOTIATION leading up to that?
22:53.11jadl_I'm sorry
22:53.38*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
22:56.23jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: i´m calling out to a dahdi channel, let me make it between extensions
22:56.47[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Stop changing circumstances involved in the test
22:57.03[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: How are you supposed to pin down the probelm when you keep moving the damn target?
22:57.47tuxcrafterhmm i cant find anything wrong yet, having two sip phone with incommming calls seems a bit hard
22:57.48jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: is happening the same in both scenarios
22:58.18[TK]D-Fendertuxcrafter: have you disabled the forwarding?
22:58.56ChodorenkoTo All ____if you have manual by setup STRP without TLS  in Asterisk please give link ____________
22:59.03jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: i just dont know why i cannot get the complete call to show it, i copied everything since the moment i dialed to the moment i hanged up
22:59.43[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: You haven't enabled GLOBAL SIP debug or you aren't paying attention
23:02.07tuxcrafter[TK]D-Fender: jups all forwardings for the the ekiga client are disabled
23:02.40tuxcrafteri will continue my quest for having two working sip phones on the same network an other time :D
23:02.46tuxcrafterit is getting very late now
23:04.07*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:09.59p3nguin_Can't have two operable SIP phones on the same network???
23:10.42Chodorenkojpcansa: where external IP Option ?
23:11.22*** join/#asterisk sier (n=sier@unaffiliated/sier)
23:16.01jpcansaChodorenko, is not true i have to set up external ip only if my box is behind NAT with a private IP?
23:16.30dlynesDoes anyone know where I might be able to get Indianapolis dids of a decent voice quality?
23:16.53dlynesPreferably from the downtown area, or Hamilton County?
23:16.53p3nguin_dlynes: Check and Flowroute.
23:16.59dlynesp3nguin_: thanks
23:17.21jpcansaflowroute is good
23:17.21p3nguin_dlynes: They provide good quality services, but I can't say if they have DIDs available for your area.
23:18.00Chodorenkojpcansa: i can not see this option
23:18.43Chodorenkoexternal IP use for communicate to all clients not present in localnet
23:18.57jpcansaChodorenko: i havent set it up because my box is outside NAT
23:19.03jpcansaam i wrong?
23:19.38Chodorenkojpcansa: external IP use for communicate to all clients not present in localnet , you client in localnet ?
23:19.52Chodorenkoplease setup external IP
23:20.09p3nguin_jpcansa: If Asterisk has a public IP address, there's no reason to use NAT settings on it.
23:20.12*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
23:20.36p3nguin_jpcansa: You might want to use NAT settings for clients/peers/users if they are behind NAT, though.
23:22.23hardwire <- anybody familiar with this
23:22.26jpcansap3nguin_: not in asterisk but in SIP clients from the outside
23:22.48hardwirewas a patch committed?  I certainly don't see committed changes
23:22.52jpcansap3nguin_: mean nat settins
23:23.25p3nguin_jpcansa: I do not understand what you are saying.
23:24.26Chodorenkop3nguin_: +1
23:24.51jpcansa<p3nguin_> jpcansa: If Asterisk has a public IP address, there's no reason to use NAT settings on it.
23:26.07jpcansap3nguin_: no reason to use NAT settings on asterisk but is necesary on sip clients on the outside
23:26.07Chodorenkostrange people, tell them what to do, and they stopped by, do not understand why? After all, many are long gone, these adventures
23:27.00ChodorenkoI go Sleep , All bye
23:27.17jpcansathanks for your help Chodorenko, night
23:29.16*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
23:29.22scalex000Hello guy, good evening.  I need to know how to record a call on call center. Step by Step (I setup static queue)
23:34.27Kattyhas dinner!!!
23:34.38p3nguin_scalex000: Something like AgentMonitorOutgoing?
23:35.12scalex000p3guin: I found MixMonitor()
23:35.21Kattywhere did mister madsen go :<
23:35.30Kattynow i have no one to share my healthy dinner with
23:35.43Kattyis saddened
23:35.44p3nguin_scalex000: That's what I use for incoming calls, but are you looking to record all calls or only certain ones, and are you wanting to record incoming or outgoing?
23:37.07scalex000p3nguin, I don't I can record outgoing, that interesting news for me but now I need incoming
23:38.08p3nguin_scalex000: For all incoming calls, you can easily use MixMonitor().
23:38.11Kattynote to self: do NOT breathe apple juice
23:39.10*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
23:39.32moos3can someone help me figure out why my sip isn't working but my t1 is
23:39.49scalex000p3nguin: Ok, but this is use in dialplan or queue.  I need to specify the name of file. or its use for default
23:40.46scalex000p3nguin: thanks
23:41.00moos3can anyone help with this
23:41.12moos3my offices SIP phones are down
23:41.12p3nguin_scalex000: That creates file names such as the follwing:  20091023-8886114466.wav
23:42.00manxpowermoos3: pastebin the output of "sip show peers"
23:42.29scalex000p3nguin: wav this type of file occupy too much.
23:42.51p3nguin_scalex000: Then change it to something else!
23:43.04scalex000p3nguin: ok
23:43.08p3nguin_scalex000: All you have to do is change the file type in the dialplan.
23:43.33p3nguin_scalex000: Change the extension in the MixMonitor command and it changes the file type.
23:43.52scalex000p3nguin: I will do it
23:43.58moos3we copied all the configs over from the old asterisk box to the new one
23:44.03scalex000p3nguin: thanks for create an example.
23:44.11manxpowermoos3: most of your phones are not registered (as shown by unspecified as the ip)
23:44.17manxpowerTherefore you cannot call those phones.
23:44.42moos3is there a way to force them to register from asterisk
23:44.53p3nguin_You can call 8101 or 8060, though.
23:44.56manxpowermoos3: no.
23:45.22manxpowermoos3: the entire POINT of registering is to tell Asterisk what the IP of the device is.
23:45.43moos3what about it not using my sip trunk
23:46.10manxpowermoos3: that's not in the pastebin
23:51.24Kattyomnomnomnomnoms on grilled cheese
23:52.09moos3manxpower: thanks for the help everything is up and working
23:52.30*** join/#asterisk TSM (n=the_soft@
23:57.00gilevyi'm having trouble connecting gizmo with asterisk for incoming has anybody done this?
23:57.30p3nguin_manxpower: Good job!
23:58.41*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
23:59.36*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (

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