IRC log for #asterisk on 20091021

00:06.15p3nguinryduh: If you can wait a few minutes, I'll take a look.  Just have to finish up some stuff real quick.
00:06.59ryduhGreat. thanks. I think it has to do with asterisk matching incoming calls to users/peers
00:07.22ryduhbut sends the phone number in the From sip line.
00:07.59*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:08.13p3nguinryduh: I'm looking at you voipms sip context, and it says to use the voipsms-outbound dialplan context.
00:09.21ryduhi should be receiving the calls on ACCT1, which should match with voipms-slo and the [new-order] context
00:09.53p3nguinThat's correct.
00:10.13p3nguinWhat does the [new-order] dialplan context look like?
00:12.33ryduhand [voipms-outbound]
00:13.24p3nguinWhat's will all the includes?
00:13.39p3nguinI don't think that is even valid.  What happens when you run dialplan reload?
00:14.25CcRnphey guys do you know how to use Sphinx4 with asterisk !
00:14.29ryduhit doesn't show any errors. would you like to see the log?
00:15.21ryduhthe includes are for closing during holidays/certain hours
00:16.25p3nguinJust because you include it doesn't mean that it's going to work.
00:17.08p3nguinDoes the [closed-holidays|*|*|1|jan] exist?
00:17.15p3nguindoubtful that it does.
00:18.14ryduhI was going off of this:
00:18.15*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
00:18.39ryduhbut i'm currently trimming my dialplan and getting to basics to figure out the problem
00:19.18p3nguinDo you understand my reasoning, though?
00:19.32p3nguinIf the [closed-holidays|*|*|1|jan] does not exist, nothing is going to be used from it.
00:19.43*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
00:20.06p3nguinI just do a bunch of GotoIfs for hours and things.
00:20.22ryduhright but [closed-holidays] exists
00:20.32p3nguinThen fix your includes.
00:20.34ryduhi will do that. for now i've deleted the includes
00:20.48p3nguinOkay, dialplan reload and try again.
00:21.08p3nguinShow me any new problem that occurs.
00:22.36*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
00:23.14ryduhK so here we are:
00:23.23ryduhlet me repost sip.conf and the dialplan
00:23.25p3nguinAnd I'm concerned about your context naming scheme, too.  You've used an inbound sip context directing to a dialplan context called voipms-outbound.  I would advise you to change that asap to avoid confusion later.
00:25.02ryduhI think that is the problem. I don't want incoming calls going to [voipms-outbound]. They should go to [new-order]
00:25.48p3nguinChange the sip context for that peer, then.
00:27.04*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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00:27.40ryduhI thought I did.
00:27.42p3nguinI'm still worried about that inbound context going to the outbound dialplan.
00:28.04ryduhThat's what I'm trying to fix
00:28.39ryduhwhen I call, it runs the voipms-outbound and then tries to call the extension, which is the number I'm calling in the first place
00:29.09p3nguinChange the context for that peer, then.
00:29.14p3nguinWhat's the hold-up?
00:29.48ryduhI have two 'friends' connecting to the same server. asterisk chooses the wrong peer when I get an incoming call's DIDs are routed to accounts in the web portal.  Perhaps you need to reconfigure one of them.
00:30.58*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (n=w@
00:31.13p3nguinHow many DIDs do you have?
00:31.42ryduhi have my DID routed to my sub account: 106629_slo
00:31.42p3nguinThen why do you need to have two peers for
00:32.08ryduhI tried to have outbound calls go through a different subaccount
00:32.34p3nguinYou'll want to do that in the dialplan, then.  It's not done through the sip context for the ITSP's peer.
00:33.13p3nguinIt's absolutely possible to achieve that, but you have attempted it incorrectly.
00:33.32p3nguinLet's concentrate on getting a call inbound first.
00:34.06p3nguinYou want calls to come in on acct1?
00:34.28p3nguin106629_slo, rather.  Didn't notice the name change.
00:35.19p3nguinIf you have your DID routed to that account name, it should hit that sip context when it comes in.  That sip context says to send the call into context=new-order of extensions.conf.
00:35.43ryduhit doesn't though. it runs [voipms-outbound] because it matches the voipms peer
00:35.53p3nguin[new-order] says to include => order-slo, [order-slo] says to call yourself.  :/
00:37.01ryduhI changed the numbers in the Dial lines in [order-slo]. It actually dials 3 cell phone numbers that are different that my DID
00:37.39p3nguinone moment
00:39.33p3nguinMake sure you reload everything after your changes.
00:40.27ryduhI just did and then I called my DID after that. this is what I got:  -- Executing [8057411111@voipms-outbound:1] Dial("SIP/voipms-00dab260", "SIP/18057411111@voipms") in new stack
00:40.51p3nguinBetter check the DID routing.  Looks like it's wrong.
00:42.04ryduhI've been changing the number to end with 111 to be more anon but wtf now lol.
00:42.59p3nguinJust remember, with Asterisk, you can blacklist numbers that call you.  :)
00:42.59p3nguinI wouldn't worry.
00:43.33jblackuntil they block callerid
00:44.12jblackI'm not trying to undermine you. Sorry.
00:44.17p3nguinThen you reconfigure to not accept anonymous calls.
00:44.23ryduhHere's my sip debug log: you can see on line 47 it chooses voipms
00:44.44p3nguinjblack: You're being realistic.  That's good for a discussion of this type.
00:45.22jblackmaybe there's room in this world for a no-callerid-then-do-math-first  agi. :)
00:45.42*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:c4f7:1f6d:1dbb:bf1a)
00:47.26p3nguinryduh: Try changing your voipms sip context to type=user for a minute.
00:48.08p3nguinand the other context to type=peer
00:48.43p3nguinSave the file, then "sip reload"
00:49.21drmessano^I just bought a McDonalds hamburger
00:49.25drmessano^and bit into..
00:49.41p3nguinYou expected something else?
00:49.46jblackThat sounds worthy of a tweet
00:49.48drmessano^I thought they stopped using meat in their burgers years ago
00:49.54p3nguinoh man
00:49.58p3nguinThat's crazy.
00:50.17wonderworldi just had 2 cheeseburgers
00:50.31jblackI had a head of lettuce and two packets of salad dressing.
00:50.31drmessano^I cant eat cheeseburgers
00:50.35wonderworldmc donalds meat has a plastic flavour
00:50.47ChannelZthats so you know it's fresh
00:50.55ryduhthe DID goes to the right context now [new-order], but can't dial out: [Oct 21 00:50:28] WARNING[30629]: chan_sip.c:3005 create_addr: No such host: voipms
00:51.21wonderworldi don't know if mc donalds changed or if my taste changed. i can't stand it any more.
00:51.58ChannelZprobably both
00:52.14ChannelZTheir fries are still good though
00:52.21jblacknah, they haven't changed.
00:52.34jblackYou're probably just become over-sensitive to fat.
00:52.43p3nguinryduh: That makes sense, because type=user is for people with phones who use your asterisk for calls.
00:52.43*** join/#asterisk [8none1]_ (n=[8none1]
00:53.15p3nguinryduh: Set them both as type=peer and see if the misbehavior comes back.
00:53.32ryduhIt does
00:53.40jblackanyone want to do some prompts for me?
00:53.58wonderworldgay line?
00:54.08Nivexthere's a prompt for you :)
00:54.09jblacknah. home.
00:54.30p3nguinjblack: If it doesn't take a long time, and is not for a gay chatline, I might consider it.
00:54.50p3nguinjblack: Just give me the script.
00:54.56jblackmaybe half a dozen short scripts.
00:55.12jblackThank you for calling, press 1 for .., 2 for ..  etc.
00:55.33p3nguinI'll do it if you want.
00:55.39jblackThat would rock. My voice sucks.
00:55.43wonderworldi asume you wouldn't like my charming accent.
00:55.49p3nguinjblack: I feel the same about my own.
00:56.01jblackand it seems funny doing it for my own system, ya know?
00:56.10jblackthat whole first/third person thing
00:56.11p3nguinI had the wife do mine for me.
00:56.24jblackit's kinda like scratching your own back, right?
00:56.32p3nguinMore like shaving your own balls.
00:56.41jblackyou owe me a new monitor
00:56.46ryduhSo we've confirmed it's the user/peer/friend thing. What's the best SIP type for outbound calls?
00:57.06p3nguinryduh: peer (or sometimes friend, depending on who you ask)
00:57.10p3nguinryduh: user is for your phones.
00:57.42jblackI still haven't worked out the logic I want yet.
00:57.46ryduhwhen I use peer or friend, I get the same problem. asterisk assigns incoming calls to the wrong context
00:58.04jblackevery time I start working out what I want, I realize that people would probably be annoyed.
00:58.46ryduhis there a better way to name the sip contexts so they are chosen correctly?
00:59.12ryduhi have voipms-slo and voipms. I register two SIP accounts with voipms on the same server
01:01.02wonderworldryduh: just set context=context_the_calls_should_go_to for every incoming sip peer
01:02.58p3nguinwonderworld: The problem is that he has two sub accounts on the same box and the ITSP is, for some unknown reason, sending calls into the wrong context/subaccount.
01:03.47p3nguinI assume it is because of the whole 'IP address being the same' thing.
01:03.48jblackWhat do you think
01:03.58ryduhYeah I think that is the problem
01:04.41p3nguinjblack: Give me a few minutes and I'll record them.  Hope .gsm will be sufficient.
01:04.48jblackgsm would be ideal
01:05.01jblackThink they look good?
01:05.15p3nguinjblack: It's safe to assume you want your last name and your first name in the respective places, right?
01:05.23jblackyup. Just didn't want to blurt it on pb
01:05.29ryduhbleh. ill be back tomorrow to see if I can fix it. Thanks p3nguin for helpin out
01:05.31p3nguinI figured
01:05.38jblackwhat do you tink of the script? Any thoughts?
01:06.21p3nguinjblack: Seems like it could work.
01:07.12*** join/#asterisk smash- (
01:09.36drmessano^I just tried to download Debian, and I got a tarball full of 1s and 0s.. Wonder what they expect me to do here
01:09.54jblackcount them
01:10.40*** join/#asterisk _bugz_ (
01:11.12*** join/#asterisk toddejohnson (n=toddejoh@
01:11.58drmessano^I tried to
01:12.20jblackTHen multiply all the individual bits together.
01:12.23drmessano^But I can only count in Octal
01:12.45drmessano^OCT31 = DEC25
01:12.48drmessano^^^ WIN
01:13.42drmessano^31 in Octal is 25 in Decimal
01:14.05b14cksup guys
01:14.30jblackAhh, of course
01:14.40*** join/#asterisk yziquel (i=53acc979@gateway/web/freenode/x-aqbkvvmhwvrrxskp)
01:15.03drmessano^So, HAPPY CHRISTOWEEN
01:15.21yziquelsay i make a sip call to a regular phone. how can i control the number that will show up on the regular phone?
01:15.40yziqueli mean the calling phone number...
01:15.45jblacki make a sip call to a regular phone. how can i control the number that will show up on the regular phone?
01:16.39*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
01:17.26jblackI thought was funning. Look at Set(Callerid(num)=XXXX))
01:18.15yziqueljblack: thanks a lot.
01:18.57*** join/#asterisk denon (
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01:21.44drmessano^ is hilarious
01:21.52drmessano^Ubuntu provides specific repositories of nonfree software. Even if you don't use them, the default application installer will advertise nonfree software to you.
01:22.02drmessano^THOSE BASTARDS!!!
01:22.09jblackDid they finally figure that out?
01:22.26jblackremembers when gnu went from debian to gnu over the non-free repo
01:22.32jblackpardon, from debian to ubuntu
01:22.37jblackwhich shocked me, for just that reason.
01:22.38drmessano^Debian has repeatedly made tacit or explicit exceptions for specific pieces of nonfree software, such as the blobs included in or accompanying Linux. We're still hopeful that there won't be such exceptions in the future, but we can't turn a blind eye to the situation as it stands today.
01:22.54drmessano^Panties in a wad?
01:23.14jblackYou know richard.
01:23.16drmessano^WE CANT TURN A BLIND EYE, NO SIR
01:23.16Naikrovekno kidding.  they are True Believers Despite Reality
01:23.19*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:23.46Naikrovekhe's too polarized to be correct.
01:24.12jblackIt has less to do with facts on the ground, and more to do with satisfying grudges.
01:24.25drmessano^DrMessanoNIX - Uses the words NON and FREE 5 paragraphs apart on the welcome page for the wiki documenting the distro.  This is entirely unacceptable.
01:24.29jblackI became less enamored of richard when he lied to my face.
01:24.39Naikrovekwhat did he say
01:24.53jblacksome silly trivial thing of no import.
01:25.24jblacka small lie, and of no consequence, that didn't even need to be told.
01:25.27drmessano^JBlackNIX - Was once give a line of Non-free code, but didn't include it.  These sort of shenanigans make us sick, and will not be tolerated.
01:26.03jblackdrmessano^: Huh?
01:26.25b14ckrichard stallman is an awesome programmer, but a really extreme politician :)
01:26.39jblackDude. He wrote emacs. There's no atoning for that.
01:27.07b14ckHow many people do you know who have written software which has been around that long? Not many =/
01:27.09jblackThere is a special layer in hell, made of ctrl-alt-function keys, for emacs developers.
01:27.27jblackOH, sure, credit where credit is due. We wouldn't be here, for sure.
01:27.41*** join/#asterisk adam0563 (
01:27.48b14ckI'm not saying I like emacs, I'm just saying he's a fine coder =p
01:27.52b14ckI'm a vim guy, myself ^^
01:27.54jblackhowever, the oldest trees are usually the ones with the most rot.
01:28.12jblackb14ck: Have you actually looked at the code for bash, glibc, gcc, etc ?
01:28.26b14ckYea, I've done significant systems-level programming.
01:28.38jblackYou think that code's fine?
01:28.43b14ckI re-implemented a lot of glibc at my uni for a project.
01:29.00drmessano^BleuHat Linux - BleuHat Linux is a distro consisting of 72 bytes of code that when burned as an ISO and booted, print the word "Poop" in the middle of the screen.  The source was once burned to a CD that rode in a CD case, but not touching or even adjacent to a Windows CD.  We cannot tolerate fraternizing with the enemy, so therefore, we cannot endorse this distro.
01:29.00b14ckI think it is well written, and adheres to all POSIX standards. It is a bit bloated now but it has to be.
01:29.02jblackso you're aware of the tangled mess it is.
01:29.05b14ckI don't see how it could be avoidable.
01:30.18jblackA lot of the problems can't be avoided. Aye. but most of those old codebases are as tangled as brambles. They need to institute strong test suites, and refactor things back down to a more spartan state.
01:30.45b14ckFeel free to fix it =p
01:30.50jblackhell. maybe join the 21st century and migrate to c++ (heh, if you're gonna dream....)
01:30.53drmessano^I prefer nano.. its as close to DOS notepad as this Vista loving, gun toting republican can get using Linux
01:30.58b14ckc++ sucks
01:31.03jblackbetter men than I have gone into the brambles never to come back out.
01:31.16jblackThat's one of gnu's failing. They only C one way.
01:31.16drmessano^J# rocks
01:31.38b14ckbtw, any python programmers in here?
01:31.56drmessano^Im a board certified python handler
01:31.56b14ckI wrote a callfile library in python for asterisk, was hoping someone could take a look and make suggestions.
01:32.10jblackThey're locked into function oriented design becaue that's what existed in the 80s.
01:32.20jblackDo you have a page for it yet?
01:32.23drmessano^10 print "poop"
01:32.27b14ckYea, sec.
01:32.30drmessano^20 goto 10
01:33.05b14ckIf anyone wants to take a look at that--I'd love suggestions / etc.
01:33.31b14ckI packaged it into a python module so it should be easy to install on any unix-based os
01:33.32DavidR2008I have question, if you're the last person exit a conference, does the conference exit sound play? and if no one's there to hear it, does it still make sound?
01:34.28jblacka callfile library. There's enough meat there for a library?
01:36.12*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:36.12jblackheh. callfile = CallFile(trunk_type = 'DAHDI',trunk_name = 'g0',number = '18002223333',application = 'Playback',data = 'hello-world')
01:36.17p3nguinjblack: Festival is being an ass.  It's putting too much pause on the front of the recording, so it's taking me some extra time to try to get them to sound the way I want.
01:36.31b14ckI've ended up using callfiles so many times in my apps, I thought it would be nice to make an easy way to use them / schedule them /etc.
01:37.17Deeewaynemog, ping
01:37.27jblackp3nguin: Oh, you're not recording with your voice?
01:37.48p3nguinjblack: Yes, but festival provides me with the prompts.
01:38.01jblackgets confused
01:38.09b14ckjblack, check out the demo =p
01:38.12mogDeeewayne, pong
01:38.14p3nguinjblack: So it beeps and I start talking, but there is extra pause during the playback.
01:38.42p3nguinjblack: Just trying to get it to sound like I want it to sound.  That's why I'm not done yet.
01:39.04jblackI figured you were just using audacity and a microphone.
01:39.29jblackand no worries. I've been putting this off for days. my old system is still running fine
01:40.09jblackb14ck: I didn't mean to belittle you. I'm sure this could be of great use for a tool that needs to generate a lot of call files.
01:40.19jblackAnd manage ones in flight.
01:40.41b14ckjblack, oh no worries, ya. That's the goal I had it going for (I use them for a lot of stress testing and timing stuff myself)
01:48.24jblackThis trying to not be an asshole stuff stucks
01:50.46jblackoh brilliant. "The supreme court agreed tuesday to decide whether guantanamo detainees who are considered no threat can be ordered released in the united states - over the objectiosn of the obama administration and congress - if the prisoners have nowhere else to go"
01:51.23*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:53.21wonderworldwell, some of them have been in guantanamo for well over 6 years by now without a trial. just fair to give them a place to live after stealing them years of lifetime.
01:54.40jblackI'd rather off 'em each a million dollars and first class tickets to costa rica
01:54.46jblackoffer 'em
01:54.48drmessano^Of course they have a place to go
01:54.56drmessano^They're ON a PLACE
01:55.02drmessano^Its called CUBA
01:55.15drmessano^Send them out the BACK DOOR
01:55.15jblackactually, they're not in cuba.
01:55.34jblackThey're on US soil atm. surrounded by cuba.
01:56.19wonderworldjblack: i think they would prefer your idea
01:56.50drmessano^[21:49] <jblack> This trying to not be an asshole stuff stucks  <--- Sorry, must have missed that
01:57.18jblackdidn't say I was successful.
01:57.26p3nguinjblack: Check /notice
01:57.45jblackyeah, it shows in my primary window
01:57.57p3nguinjblack: If they aren't good enough, I can try again another day on a better system.
01:58.16jblackwhat plays gsm....
01:58.23drmessano^I think my wife stole the sync cable for my MP3 player, of which we both have the same unit
01:58.26jblackother than 8
01:58.29drmessano^How do I correct this?
01:58.31jblackotehr than *, I mean.
01:58.32drmessano^Do i beat her?
01:58.36drmessano^Starve her?
01:58.47p3nguinDelete her mp3s.
01:59.04jblackYou steal her tampons.
01:59.11wonderworldnah, hide her cell
01:59.14jblackand put cotton balls in their place.
01:59.15wonderworldshe will go insane
01:59.58drmessano^Convert them to ogg, copy them over in Storage mode, and throw a piece of Penguin adorned album art on there for an album called "haxored 2: Danny Boogaloo"
02:00.01p3nguinMake sure it's turned off, otherwise she'll call it trying to locate it.
02:00.30drmessano^"the fuck is an ogg?"
02:00.37drmessano^"the fuck is a sync cable?"
02:00.46p3nguinDo you mean "what the fuck...?"
02:00.48jblackthere we go. "play filename.gsm"
02:00.55drmessano^No, i do not
02:01.21jblackawesome. I'm gonna have a penguin answer my phone.
02:01.27p3nguinhaha cool
02:01.43p3nguinI was afraid the delay would ruin them.
02:01.52jblackI don't hear a delay here.
02:02.05jblackin fact, I may end up having to add a gsm shim
02:02.29jblackI think they sound great.
02:02.38p3nguinI try to leave no pause before and none after.
02:02.50wonderworldi like espeak's robotic 80s style voice for prompts.
02:02.53jblackyeah. it's easier to add a shim than to try and take out a pause.
02:02.54p3nguinWorks better when adding several files together in sequence that way.
02:03.26jblackyup, and you can always inject another 100ms file in between if the pause is needed.
02:03.37wonderworldsounds like "Joshua" in WarGames
02:03.50p3nguinI'm going to have to create a dialplan so that I can hear your recordings.
02:04.05jblackI need to find a copy of the stephen hawking voice beating off, so tat I can add it to my plan.
02:04.23jblackp3nguin: do you have sox?
02:04.31jblackif so, try "play *.gsm"
02:05.32p3nguinThat might work.  I tried mplayer and aplay before with no luck.
02:05.34drmessano^uses shuz
02:05.46jblackyeah, see? the pauses you were worried about don't seem to be a problem at all
02:08.02p3nguinplay seems to slow it down just a hair.
02:08.23jblacksure. process calls, etc.
02:08.40jblackperfectly usable
02:11.57*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:12.52p3nguinThey aren't terrible, I suppose.
02:13.50jblackI want badlands
02:14.46p3nguinIsn't that a place in something Dakota?
02:14.55jblackit's also a computer game
02:16.01p3nguin?o?th Dakota
02:25.33jblackgives drmessano^ an odd look
02:26.23jblackyou tweeted about your cheeseburger?
02:26.38drmessano^hamburger, yes
02:26.58jblackI love this world.
02:27.39jblackjust imagine all the technology, and all the steps and effort, for me to find out that your hamburger had meet on it. via _two_ routes.
02:27.49jblackmeat, that is.
02:28.18drmessano^It was also posted on facebook, thanks to the twitter facebook app
02:28.20drmessano^and friendfeed
02:28.22jblackHell. probably satellites got involved, fibre optic cables, mainframes.... all so that in a heartbeat, I could be informed of that.
02:28.44drmessano^So it was sent to blackberries, tweetdecks, via SMS, and who knows what
02:28.58jblackUsed to be that the death of a president took 2 months to spread across the country.
02:29.29drmessano^Hey, you think thats bad
02:29.48drmessano^Some people _still_ dont know JFK was killed by UFOs
02:29.49jblackit's not about the burger. :)
02:30.03jblackGood point. Some people still don't know stuff. :)
02:30.45ChannelZwonders if he'll get a ship notice for Windoze 7 from amazon tonight
02:30.58jblackI guess I just got smacked in the face with how trivial we are with this instant communication shit.
02:31.01drmessano^Google still doesnt have a twitter clone
02:31.11jblackNot really, no.
02:31.34jblacknow that you mention it, why haven't they bought out twitter yet?
02:31.49jblackthe social network must be valuable to them.
02:31.59drmessano^because they haven't figured out how to do it in a way that would fucking piss mchou off
02:32.07drmessano^but they're working on it
02:32.15drmessano^Google Labs (TM)
02:32.18mchousay wha?
02:32.25drmessano^Oh hai
02:32.57mchoudrmessano^:: what would piss me off?
02:33.14hardwireso I'm adding SIP headers.. custom X-Header stuff.
02:33.14hardwireand they don't get included in "multi-invite" sessions.
02:33.18drmessano^Please dont make me explain it.. its not that difficult to put the two lines together
02:33.40hardwirelike if a sip phone calls in, then asterisk dials to another sip phone.. first invite from asterisk with header.. second invite from asterisk on behalf of other phone - sans header.
02:34.07hardwireis that the way it should be operating, I understand there could be some concerns about security and race condition management.
02:35.56hardwireok.. I see now that it adds the header to only the first INVITE
02:36.12hardwirehowever SipGetHeader gets values from the last INVITE
02:37.18hardwiregoes and finds another tree to bark up
02:37.31mchoudrmessano^: so you look into
02:38.30hardwirefixed it
02:38.31drmessano^Yeah, I like it
02:39.01mchoudrmessano^: I tried doing a whois on them.  FAIL
02:39.39mchoudrmessano^: what's the deal with .ms domains?
02:40.10mchouOld sswiss banks by comparison are positively indiscreet :)
02:40.59mchoudrmessano^: no no, I mean whois on *.ms
02:41.26hardwireyay for passing asterisk account code correctly through sip headers
02:43.13b14cki've got a account
02:43.16b14ckbut they're expensive =/
02:43.26b14ckmuch cheaper to just use flowroute, and they've got the same options / nice site / etc
02:43.28Kattyi'd like to report that quite the gigglefest.
02:43.36Kattyit comes highly recommended.
02:43.39mchoub14ck: you found somebody better for cheaper?
02:43.43b14ckmchou, yep
02:43.51b14ckmchou, <-- best voip provider imo
02:44.10mchoub14ck: drmessano^ is dissatified :)
02:44.21b14ckof what?
02:44.40b14ckWhy? oO
02:44.42mchoufor lack of local DIDs
02:44.57b14ckwell that's not really a big issue...
02:45.34b14ckflowroute is pretty slick i think, they've got a virtual pri which saves you a ton of money
02:45.38drmessano^I never said I was dissatisfied
02:46.06Kattywell by golly i'm dissastisfied
02:46.13drmessano^It just doesnt resolve my issue of needing to port friends local numbers when Flowroute hasn't expanded in some time, and doesnt include my area
02:46.26Kattyi've not gotten a hug in at least.... 15 minutes.
02:46.29Kattyand that is unacceptabuhls.
02:46.31mchoudrmessano^: I cant get no satisfaction....
02:46.34Kattyhugs drmessano^
02:46.42drmessano^hugs Katty
02:46.52Kattyk, all is well in the universe.
02:47.10KattyDear Universe, thank you for Hugs. Love, Katty
02:47.22drmessano^Hershey Hugs?  Absolutely
02:47.41Kattydrmessano^: when you find something that makes you happy, you should always thank the universe.
02:47.51Kattydrmessano^: it's just polite.
02:48.07*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:48.34drmessano^Dear Universe, thank you for making boxer briefs from Fruit of the Loom in at least one color that doesnt leave lint in my buttcrack for excavation in the shower the following day.  Love, drme
02:48.40drmessano^tab fail :(
02:48.56russellbdrmessano^: w.  t.  f.
02:48.58Kattyit's okay. the universe understands.
02:49.03mchoudrmessano^: TMI
02:49.04Kattyhugs russellb
02:49.28drmessano^Dont buy any of the dark blue varieties, really
02:49.30russellbi kickbaned someone last night for something similar to that :-p
02:49.39drmessano^If you buy a multipack, dont buy Blue
02:49.57drmessano^If you MUST get a multipack with an obligatory pair in blue, toss them
02:50.03drmessano^Its not worth it, men
02:50.20mchouwonders how drmessano^ found out about this "issue"
02:50.23drmessano^Ive written to fruit of the loom about this
02:50.47drmessano^Its odd.. I have them in 5 different colors.. but the blue ones are like shearing a sheep over the course of a day
02:51.19drmessano^It interferes with my ability to write a good dialplan
02:51.24drmessano^^^^ the tie-in
02:52.39russellbI saw probably the worst dialplan I have ever seen today.
02:53.00KattyDear Universe, thank you for documentation and organized people.
02:53.52drmessano^10 Print "SIP/"
02:53.55drmessano^20 Goto 10
02:53.59drmessano^^^^ Worse than that?
02:54.19Kattyinfinate loop is pretty bad :<
02:54.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: Not an infinite loop....
02:54.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: mister fender.
02:54.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: wherever is my hug?
02:55.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: Skype crashes after 10 iterations due to segfault ;)
02:55.15[TK]D-Fenderhugz on teh Katty
02:55.19Kattywell that explains it!
02:55.23Kattyi'd wondered what had happened!
02:55.24russellbskype's fault
02:55.26Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
02:55.50[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: He who laughs in the face of adversity .... has a good scape-goat :p
02:56.02Kattyspeaking of goat.
02:56.10Kattyi've read that goat's milk is more healthy for you than cows milk.'
02:56.23Kattytho i kinda doubt the validity of drinking any milk.
02:56.31mchouumm, unless it's got scrapie
02:56.34drmessano^Goat's milk is low in lactose
02:56.46drmessano^I can drink gallons of it
02:56.52Kattyi suppose that's good for the mostly lactose intollerant
02:56.53drmessano^Cows milk, not so much
02:56.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: I've heard that neurosing about every litte thing you eat causes brain cancer.
02:56.58*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:57.10mchou[TK]D-Fender: lol
02:57.17drmessano^One cup of cows milk and you can just call in sick for me, for the next 2 days
02:57.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's actually incorrect.
02:57.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: stress triggers a response in the body.
02:57.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: but a healthy liver can combat it.
02:57.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: so, i'm guessing something is wrong with my immune system that makes me spaz out over anxiety ^_-
02:57.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: possibly i just need to chill.
02:58.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: I can see your symptoms have already manifested in a cascading failure of your logical reasoning center.....
02:58.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: but topics of health are very interesting regardless.
02:58.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: well that's okay. we all have our thing.
02:58.30p3nguinneurotic liver failure
02:58.44mchou[TK]D-Fender: you get your med dregree from drmessano^? :)
02:59.16[TK]D-Fendermchou: rI'm not a doctor..... but I do like to play ;)
02:59.50Kattyhe also likes to pretend he's my therapist.
03:00.12Kattyi hear taking a baseball bat to something is good therapy.
03:00.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: YES!
03:00.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: okay. i'll go get the bat.
03:04.07mchoub14ck: how many DIDs you have with flowroute?
03:04.34b14ckI've got 2 (I use 1 for my home / forwarding number and 1 for dev work).
03:04.45b14ckBut I have a lot of clients who I do custom coding for, and they have tons.
03:05.02b14ckI think one larger client spends about ~3,500$ / month on flowroute.
03:05.18mchoub14ck: if you only have 2, VPRI doesnt sound like it's such a great deal
03:05.31b14ckVPRI isn't about DIDs, its about simultaneous calls.
03:05.42b14ckYou can have a single VPRI, but 2000000 dids if you want.
03:06.03hardwireanybody know of a good method to store sip traces for all sip calls?
03:06.06mchoub14ck: right, which is what prompted the question in the first place
03:06.07b14ckVPRIs give you UNLIMITED call minutes per month (but only 1 channel at a time) for 17.95$/month
03:06.17hardwireI'm going to send packets to ulogd.. but there has to be a better way
03:08.32Kattybut...but... bat? :<
03:08.41drmessano^VPRIs are nice
03:12.39mchoub14ck: I want to make sure I understand this.  1 channel=no mor than one simultaneous call, correct?
03:13.04b14ckeach *channel* in a vpri costs 17.95$/month
03:13.18b14ckSo if you want to allow 2 simultaneous calls, you'd be paying (2*17.95)$/month
03:13.30b14ckBut that would be _all_ you're paying. You would not pay for any minute charges.
03:13.41b14ckSo businesses (or anything with high-usage) saves a TON of money.
03:14.07p3nguinI would have to talk for 17095 minutes just to break even on my pay-per-minute plan.
03:14.10russellb"businesses" is pretty inclusive :-)
03:14.21russellbi suppose it's even not so bad for a home rate if you use it enough ...
03:14.32p3nguin17095 minutes is a lot.
03:14.50russellbI do not talk that much
03:14.54russellbactually, i hate phones
03:15.10mchouif we did we wouldn't be here, that's for sure :)
03:15.31b14ckWell, most of the people I do work for end up using custom IVR type stuff.
03:15.39b14ckSo they continuously have calls coming into their system.
03:15.45b14ckSo it's a nice way to save $$ every month.
03:15.51russellbtrue dat
03:15.58p3nguinI was talking about termination.
03:16.39p3nguinFor origination, it's like $7.95 for unlimited  (which is probably limited to 3500 minutes).
03:19.49mchouI dunno.  for mere mortals rates might make more sense
03:20.15mchoufor motormouths go with flowroute :)
03:21.58b14ckStill doesn't matter. flowroute's per-minute is the same/lower than's
03:22.05b14ck(last time I checked, anyways)
03:24.54p3nguinIt's right at the same.
03:25.22mchoup3nguin: how much does charge for inbound?
03:26.58p3nguin$1.49 per Month / $0.0149 per minute
03:27.07p3nguin$6.95 per Month / $0.00 per minute / 2 Channels
03:27.18nix8n82I need to tune my rx and tx gain for a tdm410 card I have..I came across a guide that suggested calling a milliwatt line so far I can't find any numbers in florida and the 800 numbers are diconnect, plus I don't have long there any other tools that may help me set the proper levels?
03:27.39*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (n=[8none1]@
03:30.16p3nguinmchou: and toll-free DIDs are $0.99 per Month / $0.029 per minute (for US callers)
03:31.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:31.18mchoujust looked them up
03:31.29mchoupac west telecom rate center
03:31.57mchouI'm not so sure that's great news
03:32.54drmessano^If I am the borat of #asterisk, mchou is monk
03:33.28mchouno butt crack jokes pls :)
03:34.20mchouquite frankly I didn't get the gay wrestling reference in Borat :)
03:34.25drmessano^Goes to a circus and complains about the germs from the animals, the unsanitary face makeup, the dangerously oversized shoes, the pants being asymmetrical to the shirts they wear
03:34.53drmessano^Oh, and 3 rings being a non-even number
03:35.39mchoudrmessano^: what can I say, you got me all figured out
03:37.41drmessano^Google is going to buy the company that makes your pants and serve ads on the zippers, just to piss you off
03:38.24mchouwhat's this fixation with google buying junk all night?
03:38.47drmessano^Its been referenced twice.. Thats far from a fixation
03:39.13jblackI can't wait for gmarriage.
03:39.30*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-qgzncpdtlxpjxtth)
03:39.42jblackit would be a great relationship. Google already knows everything about me.
03:40.54mchouwhat's really ironic is thet sun is being swallowed by oracle, and google is being run by ex-sun CEO :)
03:41.44jblackseems to me that all the big companies are own/runby the same group of people.
03:42.11mchouplenty of cheap labor for google in a few, coourtesy of sun/oracle
03:49.26*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
03:57.03nix8n82can I emulate a milliwatt test line over voip?
04:00.01b14ckbrb need to reboot
04:04.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:07.26ChannelZmake an extension, run Milliwatt() on it.. dial..
04:08.01*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
04:10.57drmessano^I cant wait for google to come out with the worlds best database platform
04:11.04drmessano^They will call it google
04:11.40nix8n82ChannelZ, thanks..which end of the conversation do I have run the milliwatt app..voip or fxo..does it matter?
04:12.20ChannelZI don't understand the question.  Nor what you're really trying to accomplish
04:13.57nix8n82I'm trying to tune rxgain and txgain in chan_dahdi.conf for my tdm410p card..and hope the hpec software I purchase can eliminate the echo I have when the fxo port is in use, with my internal extension.
04:14.38drmessano^Oslec works well for that too, and its free
04:14.45ChannelZah.. well without a real external milliwatt source from the telco, it's a little hard to get it right
04:14.59nix8n82if I go strictly voip or just use the two fxs ports I have no problems with the conversation but when I dail out or in with the fxo port I have bad echo on the fxs or voip ends
04:15.47nix8n82yeah and I googled and I can't find any numbers in florida or 800 numbers that work
04:15.59nix8n82they don't have long distance on that line
04:16.44p3nguinnumbers to what?
04:16.55ChannelZa milliwatt test number
04:16.57nix8n82milliwatt test line
04:17.15ChannelZI don't know why the telcos are so fucking secret about it
04:17.28p3nguinIt's just a regular phone number?  What happens when you call it?
04:17.32ChannelZI had one installer look at me all suspicious and ask "What do you want to know that for?"
04:17.50nix8n82yeah it's bs..
04:17.56ChannelZAnother says 'oh we don't use any test signals' (oh good no wonder the service is so crap)
04:18.21ChannelZp3nguin: makes a 1kHz tone (or 1001 or something wierd I forget exactly)
04:18.35nix8n821004 i think
04:18.44nix8n82thats what I'm reading anyway
04:18.57p3nguinWhat does that do for me if I call it?
04:19.30nix8n82I ran fxotune -d -b1 and it gave me a number of .0514
04:19.31ChannelZit's a test signal for tuning the receive gain on a PSTN interface
04:21.23nix8n82with (234.3/4557.0)
04:21.44nix8n82do those numbers mean anything to anyone here?
04:21.52nix8n82cause I don't think I get it
04:21.53ChannelZnot me
04:22.20nix8n82and thats after I ran the fxotune -i it was like .10something
04:23.27*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
04:25.09ChannelZI don't think the values it spits out have any real world meaning in comparison to anyone else
04:28.13ChannelZwhat's *'s default software echo canceller? MG2?
04:31.01nix8n82thats what I was using but it seems to be just as affective as hpec
04:34.09ChannelZI never got a license for their advanced software one
04:34.54nix8n82we spent the $10
04:35.13ChannelZoh yes HPEC
04:35.22ChannelZ(brain was reading HWEC)
04:35.27*** part/#asterisk LapTop006 (
04:35.53nix8n82I don't think it's working even though the debug says echocancellation is enabled
04:36.01ChannelZI think I can apply for free HPEC license because I have a 'real' digium card but I have to tear the box apart to get the serial number of the card which I forgot to write down before I installed it all
04:36.02nix8n82when the channel comes up
04:36.35nix8n82yeah you can..we spent the money cause they didn't want to tear the box open and get the serial #..
04:36.56ChannelZalthough I didn't buy directly FROM Digium
04:37.12nix8n82I don't think they did either
04:37.24ChannelZthe only echo problems I have seem to be when someone on a cell phone calls in and dials my extension
04:37.51nix8n82the only time we have echo is when the fxo port is inuse
04:38.04ChannelZI think because the latency is so high from the cell it takes it a lot longer to figure out
04:38.23nix8n82do you have echocancel when bridged?
04:39.20ChannelZyes on my FXS ports
04:41.03nix8n82I could be you have to define echocancel in each channel or can it be before the definition of a channel?
04:41.25nix8n82in chan_dahdi.conf
04:41.40ChannelZlike most things if it's defined above, it carries through to anything below
04:42.12nix8n82makes me feel a little better
04:52.35*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
04:52.39p3nguinWhat type of Cisco device would use a 19V DC power adapter?
04:53.45hardwireaccording to google.. none
04:57.09*** join/#asterisk dkirker (n=dkirker@
04:58.56TJNIIMy SoHo Cisco modem uses about a half dozen voltages ranging from -71 to +12.
05:01.29p3nguinI picked up a 7912G the other day that had a power cube packaged with it.  I assumed it was the correct one.  I plugged it in and the phone didn't power on, so I checked it and it's only 19V (the phone requires 48V).
05:10.58*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
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05:36.49hardwiresip ladders don't seem that difficult to generate
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05:50.47p3nguinGoogle seems to think that the Cisco ADP-19FB power cube is for Polycom phones.
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06:40.21*** join/#asterisk DND (n=arabia@
06:40.58DNDhi guys, any one from UAE? i wanted to set the tone zone which currently sets to US and want to change it to uae
07:02.29ChannelZhmm look in indications.conf
07:02.36*** join/#asterisk grharry (
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07:06.48grharryhi, need some help with chan_dahdi.conf ... ( have no clue )  drivers are all installed and functional CLI> dahdi show status shows "B4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4  OK   0   0   0", but dahdi show channels is empty ( since no valid conf provided ) ..... Anybody ??
07:07.39ChannelZwas going to say something politically incorrect
07:07.57ChannelZdid you configure any channels in chan_dahdi.conf?
07:09.13ChannelZ(or should I say 'tried' since obviously it didn't work)
07:09.38grharryChannelZ: Nothing whatsoever ... ( newbie and clue-less ) .... as far as politically status I am considered "democratic" ...
07:11.06grharrytowards the "free" side ! :-)
07:11.08ChannelZPC comment not for you
07:11.23ChannelZread chan_dahdi.conf.sample and make one.
07:12.52ChannelZbarebones sample:
07:13.30ChannelZassuming they are FXS ports
07:13.37ChannelZ(I don't know that card)
07:14.35*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
07:14.39grharryISDN card
07:15.37ChannelZwell I have no idea specifically there
07:16.26kaldemargrharry: have you defined dchan and bchan's in system.conf?
07:16.35kaldemarand the span of course..
07:17.01grharryyou mean /etc/dahdi/system.conf ??
07:17.32kaldemaryes. you have to configure the span and the channels there, and then in chan_dahdi.conf for asterisk usage.
07:18.11DNDChannelZ there's no UAE in the list but someone from yesterday told me that 2.2.0 has UAE in it
07:18.42*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
07:19.22DNDcurrently i am setting up for te121 but our aex800 is having problems hanging up the call
07:19.22DNDthey have to manually hang up
07:19.24grharrykaldemar: configured by dahdi_genconf
07:20.37kaldemargrharry: that's probably ok, so now you only have to worry about chan_dahdi.conf
07:20.54grharryCurrently the only ISDN port connected on the card is port 4
07:21.01*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:515d:516a:954a:bd37)
07:21.32grharrychan_dahdi.conf ( its rather empty all googled trials failed ) :-[
07:21.42kaldemardo you use channels 10 and 11.
07:21.46DNDwhy is it there's on one sample in chan_dahdi.conf
07:22.02DNDi am also configuring PRI like grharry
07:22.54grharryyep I moved it to ( didnt function by default ) Sorry --- clueless newbie here ....
07:22.56kaldemari see a load of stuff in the sample config
07:24.33kaldemargrharry: the most important lines for you in chan_dahdi.conf are switchtype, signalling and channel.
07:25.47ChannelZthat's indications.. not sure on the actual signalling config though, I don't see anything in specifically
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07:27.53grharrykaldemar: is my initial chan_dahdi ... I've inluded the dahdi_channels.conf also
07:28.23kaldemarare you using a GUI?
07:28.46grharrymeaning ?? FREEPBX or gtk ??
07:28.51kaldemarwhat is dahdi_channels.conf ?
07:29.04grharrythe one generated
07:29.16kaldemarfreepbx or alike. i'm not interested in your desktop usage. :)
07:29.28kaldemarah, by the conf generating script.
07:29.45grharryno freepbx at this point
07:30.19kaldemarwell, where is the line located?
07:30.31grharryport 4
07:30.38kaldemarcoutry wise
07:30.52grharry( greetings )
07:30.55kaldemarso it's probably euroisdn
07:32.18kaldemarsignaling is then either bri_ptp or bri_ptmp, start with bri_ptmp
07:33.30kaldemarthen group=0 and channel => 10-11 under those and you're ready to start trying Dial(DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN})
07:35.06kaldemarand this all goes under [channels]
07:35.25grharrydone !! CLI > dahdi show channels is empty
07:35.39kaldemardid you restart asterisk?
07:35.53grharryreload chan_dahdi ??
07:36.02kaldemarno, restart asterisk
07:36.52grharrymodule chan_dahdi not loaded !!!
07:37.19kaldemarshow the error/warning
07:37.56oejYou can always run "module load" with verbosity turned on and you'll see the error message.
07:38.30grharrychan_dahdi.c: Unknown signalling method 'bri_ptmp'
07:38.30grharrychan_dahdi.c: Signalling must be specified before any channels are.
07:38.52kaldemarpastebin your config file
07:39.00grharrychan_dahdi ??
07:39.18grharryman I feel bad ... and obliged of course !!!
07:39.28kaldemarthe file you made those settings in, be that chan_dahdi.conf or dahdi_channels.conf
07:40.21*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:40.41grharryI hope a greek salad will suffice :-) .
07:41.25kaldemaryou don't have a signaling parameter in there
07:41.52kaldemarah, my eyes.. you do.
07:43.32kaldemarseems i was wrong on the signalling part, it's not bri_ptmp but bri_cpe_ptmp. it's been a while. :P
07:45.08grharryUnknown signalling method 'bri_cpe_ptmp'
07:45.27grharryaterisk 1.4.xx
07:45.49grharrycompiled from source
07:46.15grharrymISDN was working :-(
07:47.39kaldemarand you have libpri?
07:49.04grharry344055 2009-10-18 07:04
07:49.28kaldemardoes lsdahdi print the spans correctly?
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07:55.05grharryhold hold hold ....
07:55.27grharrydahdi show channels
07:55.36grharryis it ok ?????
07:55.43kaldemarlooks so. what did you do?
07:55.57grharrybri_cpe plain
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07:58.20*** join/#asterisk kissg_hu (
07:58.35kissg_huhello everyone!
07:59.05kissg_huI'd like to ask a configuration-related question. is this the right place to do that?
07:59.48kissg_huwell, I want to create a Hungarian translation for the built-in voice prompts in Asterisk
08:00.10kissg_huI need to edit the application scripts, because the grammar differences of English and Hungarian
08:00.25kissg_huwhich file should I use? how can I ensure, that application codes still can be changed?
08:02.06ChannelZI'm not sure I understand what you mean by application codes and scripts
08:02.32kissg_huexcuse me, I meant feature codes (like *43 for echo test...)
08:02.52ChannelZwell let me say this
08:02.55kissg_huthe script is the application that runs when dialing a feature code
08:03.09ChannelZall of the sounds are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds (usually)
08:04.18grharrykaldemar: thanks for the help where Do I send the ouzo ??
08:04.32ChannelZyou can change anything in there you want.  You could also make a new directory like 'hu'
08:05.00ChannelZand then in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf uncomment languageprefix=yes
08:06.01ChannelZthen change your language for your channels to hu and * will try to play files out of /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/hu/ first
08:06.03grharrykaldemar: Kiitos
08:06.30kaldemargrharry: you're welcome. :)
08:06.38kissg_huChannelZ, I've already tried that, and it works okay
08:06.56kissg_humy problem is, that sometimes it's not possible to translate voice prompts in place
08:07.14ChannelZwhy not?
08:07.34ChannelZYou're referring to the voicemail prompts specifically perhaps?
08:07.49kissg_huI need to concatenate some phrases, because Hungarian grammar is a lot more complex than in English
08:08.21kissg_hufor example, in English, it's completely okay to have separate recordings for words: your + extension + number + is
08:08.37*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
08:08.44kissg_hubut in Hungarian, I have to record this sentence as a whole like: your-extension-number-is
08:09.06ChannelZyeah.. well unfortunately the voicemail application is somewhat inflexible in this regard
08:09.56kissg_huI've created a extensions_custom.conf file and customized the Playback commands in the apps
08:09.57gr0mit<american> Why would anyone not speak English </american>
08:10.22kissg_huit seems to work, but the disadvantage is, that I have to use static feature codes
08:10.39ChannelZgr0mit: I wasn't thinking of the piecemeal words particularly in voicemail at first
08:11.03*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
08:12.11kissg_huusing English for voice prompts or instructions is completely okay for me, but unfortunately, a lot of Hungarian people don't speak English very well
08:12.32ChannelZI'm not really sure what the elegant solution is (or if there even is one).  Some things are hardcoded to play certain soundfiles in particular orders (voicemail being the worst offender)
08:13.54ChannelZshort of re-writing the phrase construction logic in the source code....
08:14.41kissg_huthis means, I would have to modify to source to achieve what I want?
08:14.58ChannelZactually there's a certain amount you can jack with in say.conf but I've never messed in this myself
08:15.12kissg_huI see
08:15.17kissg_huthanks very much
08:15.29ChannelZit might actually be all you need
08:17.33ChannelZbut since I don't speak hungarian.. :)  Way past my bed time, I'm off
08:17.53kissg_huokay, sweet dreams and thanks again
08:18.24ChannelZsure good luck
08:23.47*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (i=0fc3b951@gateway/web/freenode/x-rpznvegndtksbjvi)
08:23.49AlHafoudhhi all
08:24.03kissg_huhello AlHafoudh
08:24.17AlHafoudhcan I use voice modem as FXS?
08:24.38AlHafoudh:( why?
08:25.41kaldemarpretty similar to the reason why you don't use your laptop for a spoon.
08:26.02AlHafoudhsorry, FXO i mean
08:26.06AlHafoudhconnection from PSTN
08:26.06kissg_huI'd like to ask everyone who's reading this and has been using Asterisk for a long time (months, years...) to share the experiences
08:26.31AlHafoudhkissg_hu: just ask
08:26.38kissg_huis it a good choice  for a long term use?
08:26.52AlHafoudhkaldemar: i mean FXO, sorry
08:27.07kissg_huas far as I know, version 1.4 of Asterisk is production-ready, so I presume it is used in many live installations
08:27.11kissg_huwhat are the experiences?
08:27.24kissg_hu(I'm new to VoIP and to Asterisk)
08:27.46kaldemarAlHafoudh: not for that either. if you're looking for a cheap way to connect your asterisk box to a land line, consider an ATA.
08:28.37AlHafoudhkaldemar: i read in wiki: "Analog telephone handsets, fax machines and (analogue) modems are FXO devices"
08:28.39kaldemarkissg_hu: it is used in a huge amount of installations. 1.6.0 is also considered stable enough for production by most people.
08:29.20kaldemarAlHafoudh: yes, but to use them as an FXO device in asterisk is a whole another thing.
08:29.43gr0mitkissg_hu, i have used * for approx 4 years.  rock solid
08:30.04AlHafoudhkaldemar: is it bad?
08:30.06kissg_huIt's 100% clear to me, that for new installations it is really the best choice, as it's free compared to a commercial PBX, which are said to be very expensive
08:30.45*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:30.45kaldemarAlHafoudh: not bad, but a "forget it".
08:30.47kissg_hubut what's the case with existing installations? when is it really a good choice to switch to Asterisk from a commercail PBX?
08:31.05AlHafoudhkaldemar: i read, codec problem, duplexity, etc. ok
08:31.06WinZAlHafoudh, I've seen lots of comments on using voice modems with asterisk - the voice quality is bad bad
08:31.18AlHafoudhkaldemar: so what is the really cheap solution, cheap because i want just to learn
08:31.35kaldemarkissg_hu: if you want to cut costs and get flexibility beyond any commercial PBX.
08:32.18kaldemarAlHafoudh: an ATA, like i said earlier. i hear the linksys ones are good.
08:33.04kissg_hugr0mit: thanks for sharing your experience. do you use a large deployment?
08:33.08AlHafoudhkaldemar: nice, ok, so it makes SIP from POTS and i catch it via ethernet, right?
08:33.20kaldemarAlHafoudh: exactly.
08:33.41gr0mitwell, I used to work at Motorola. When I left, I had about 18*servers all over the world
08:33.52gr0mitrunning scripts to make and receive calls to mobile phones
08:34.16gr0mitI have servers as far afield as Colombia, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Chicago and Basingstoke
08:34.31AlHafoudhkaldemar: ok, great, thanks, and what about FXS?
08:34.42gr0mitwith a mixture of T1, E1/R2 and E1/PRI
08:34.47AlHafoudhkaldemar: its something USBish for FXS ? :)
08:35.21kaldemarAlHafoudh: there are ATA's for FXS too, but if you want to go cheap for testing things out, use a soft phone.
08:35.47gr0mitalso using*
08:36.03*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (n=mklaus@
08:36.40AlHafoudhkaldemar: yes, i just wanted home to get VoIPified, we have new cordless siemens gigaset, but analog, i want it to be used
08:37.38trogsthe linksys pap2t is a reasonable ATA
08:37.46kissg_hugr0mit: what's your experience regarding FXO cards? I saw some noname cards which are said to be compatible with Asterisk
08:38.01kissg_huor is it the best to use the cards made by Digium?
08:38.06kaldemarAlHafoudh: then go for an ATA and plug the gigaset in it.
08:38.32gr0mitI have had nothing but trouble with anything analog related.
08:38.56gr0mitI would always avoid any kind of analog card, except possibly for a few analogue extensions i.e. FXS
08:39.02kaldemarkissg_hu: avoid the noname ones at least
08:39.15AlHafoudhkaldemar: ok
08:39.16gr0mitI would strongly recommend an ISDN card with a BRI
08:39.51kissg_huI see. So, if a company needs to send and receive faxes, it's much better to use an ISDN line than PSTN?
08:40.09kissg_huI've read, that faxing over IP is not a reliable thing
08:40.17trogsfaxing can be problematic
08:40.20gr0mitthat is also correct
08:40.39trogsyou should always use g.711ulaw or alaw codec if you're going to be doing faxing
08:40.48trogsthat'll give you the best quality.
08:41.26trogsalso, if you're using ATAs to connect your fax machines, you need to turn off the echo cancellation and a few other things.
08:41.26Gido-Ekissg_hu reliable enough.
08:41.36kissg_huyes, that's exactly what I read. using compression can really mess up thing with faxing
08:41.55trogswish people would just stop using faxes :)
08:42.22kissg_hutrogs: yes, but it's somehow still very popular in some countries (like Hungary)
08:42.37trogsoh, it's popular everywhere still.
08:42.38Gido-Etrogs i don't have problems with fax.
08:43.19trogsi had more problems getting alarms to talk properly over voip.
08:43.25trogsfor the most part the faxes just work
08:43.38AlHafoudhkaldemar: is this ok for FXS?
08:43.58kissg_hutrogs: even when sending through a SIP trunk to a PSTN line?
08:45.10*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (n=tokozedg@
08:45.18kaldemarAlHafoudh: yes, should be.
08:45.38trogskissg_hu: yeah, should be okay. provided you get all the settings on the ATA correct.
08:45.59trogsand you need to lock the FAX down to about 9600 speed if possible
08:46.13trogs14.4k faxing doesn't work terribly well.
08:47.36tokozedghello, while sending fax with asterisk 1.6.1 with d-link fxs and t.38 turned on on both sides, i get this error:,  how can i correct?
08:49.38*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
08:52.45kissg_huprobably a lame question, but as I said I'm new to IP telephony: is it possible to use a "normal" tel. number for a SIP trunk?
08:52.51kissg_huif yes, how does it work?
08:52.55AlHafoudhkaldemar: can i use SPA3000 for FXS AND FXO with asterisk that asterisk will answer the calls and make them through the SPA3000 ?
08:53.14kissg_huI mean a normal number like the one is used for PSTN lines
08:53.51trogsworks just the same.
08:54.58*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh_ (i=0fc3b951@gateway/web/freenode/x-zxbgdtnflznduibn)
08:54.58kissg_huso, if I subscribe at a VoIP provider, I can ask for a number (or probably even a group of numbers?)
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08:55.10Gido-Ekissg_hu yes
08:56.02kissg_huand technically, how does the provider know, that a number belongs to a SIP trunk?
08:57.09trogswell, they have some kind of softswitch which takes the lines in from either an SS7 interconnect, or an E1/T1 line, and maps it to your sip account.
08:57.35trogsthere is nothing differenet about the numbers
08:57.52kissg_huso that way, I can even have a number with a local prefix (for example, 22 in our county)
08:57.55trogsit's just that they deliver the last mile to you via SIP, rather than via a copper cable.
08:58.57kissg_huI see. but if I ask for that, I have to sign a declaration that I'm using the number at a given geographic location. Is this right?
08:59.22trogsdepends on the telco you're getting the numbers from, i guess.
08:59.53trogsthere's of course nothing to stop you sending it somewhere else. i have a whole bunch of numbers pointed at my desk phone from all over the country.
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09:01.39trixadminhello team
09:01.48kissg_huhi, trixadmin
09:02.03trixadminyes kissg_hu
09:03.14kissg_huI wonder what distributions are mainly used for live deployments. I've tried Elastix and trixbox, both seems to be quite usable
09:03.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=annon@
09:03.35Dovidj #asterisk-il
09:03.41kissg_huboth have their pros and contras, but I somehow prefer Elastix
09:04.09kissg_huhi Dovid
09:04.27kaldemarkissg_hu: people tend to use the linux distribution they're most familiar with. it doesn't really matter which one you use, as long as it's easy to maintain and up to date.
09:04.30Dovidi wrote an agi script in php and I am noticing defunct next to some of my agi's. what causes that (I am sure something inmy code....)
09:04.32trogsi have got a few trixbox instances deployed
09:04.38trogsit's a nice starting point
09:04.47trogsbeats the heck out of configuring all that stuff by hand
09:05.07kaldemarkissg_hu: this channel is more for people who don't use a GUI but plain asterisk. there are separate channels for GUI users.
09:05.32*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (n=f@
09:06.11kissg_hukaldemar: in fact, it's no problem to me to use a CLI, but in some cases it's quicker to use a GUI
09:06.23kissg_hufor example, if you have to add a large number of extensions
09:07.01kissg_huof course, it can be done by using scripts, which is just as quick, I think
09:07.03kaldemarkissg_hu: sure. a GUI is fine if you can manage with what the GUI has to offer.
09:07.16doolittleworkwhat do i need to do to not record iax calls in cdr?
09:07.32kaldemarit's actually much quicker with scripts.
09:08.01trixadminhello dovid do you have idea how to create a script for autodialout @ scheduled time....
09:08.06kaldemardoolittlework: use app NoCDR in dialplan
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09:08.33doolittleworkbefore call starts or when it ends kaldemar?
09:09.34kaldemardoolittlework: before it starts.
09:09.38trixadminhello Team do you have idea how to create a script for autodialout @ scheduled time..
09:09.51*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
09:10.27trixadminautodialout can be done file at outgoing folder but what about scheduled time........
09:10.36kaldemartrixadmin: 1. use a scheduling provided by system and generate a call file 2. generate a call file with it's creation time set to the moment you want to make the call
09:10.54kaldemartrixadmin: first 2 choices that come to my mind.
09:11.39Dovidtrixadmin: explain a bit more
09:11.53Dovidyou want to have like a dialer ?
09:12.00infobot[vicidial] a predictive dialer available from .
09:12.56kissg_huhow do most installations handle emergency calls? I heard that using a separate trunk for that purpose is always a good idea
09:13.16kissg_huand connecting it to a PSTN line is more than recommended
09:13.30*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
09:13.35Dovidi try to get my clients to use the PSTN
09:13.41Dovidyou can always use E911 as a back up
09:13.47trogsbest effort. I send all my emergency out one of my e1 lines, rather than my sip trunks.
09:14.00trogsbut i mean, everyone calls from their cellphone these days anyway
09:14.01trixadminno. dovid. Actually i need to intiate calls to external numbers at scheduled time.Time,number will book through web. Ex: Custemer A will book a call through web and needs Asterisk box will take control of the call scheduled time..
09:14.58trogsof course the problem is the emergency operator sees the location as the location of the e1 trunk delivery, not the callers location
09:15.59kissg_hutrogs, yes but if the caller tells where she/he is, the problem is solved :)
09:16.24xrmx__ot question, does anyone know how to readd the background of polycom ip650 phones after i've upgraded the sip app from 2.x to 3.x.x?
09:16.30kissg_hubut of course, in some cases it may not be possible to tell the exact location
09:18.04kissg_huif there really is an emergency some people would say "I don't know where I am or who I am but help!" :)
09:19.03kissg_huI hope that would not happen to me
09:20.03trixadminhello dovid hope you got my situation.............
09:20.20kissg_hualright, I think I'm leaving now. don't want to be too off-topic :)
09:20.29trixadminand thanks kaldemar .............
09:20.38kissg_huthanks for all your help! this is great channel
09:20.44trixadminis vicidial will enough for my task?
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09:25.28trixadminhello dovid are there ............. please help me
09:37.33doolittleworki am trying to setup a remote sip client on my asterisk box
09:37.47doolittleworki have port 5060 open on firewaill
09:38.06doolittleworkthe remote phone connects and i can se it is dialing but no voice
09:38.19doolittleworkis there other ports that needs to be open
09:38.51*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
09:41.01infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
09:41.05kaldemardoolittlework: ^^
10:01.12*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
10:01.35galerasWhat is the best forum to post some txfax issues?
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10:27.46DNDguys i have a te121+echo canceller pci-e card. and when i do dahdi_cfg -v i see "Setting echocan for channel 16 to none"
10:27.49DNDhow come?
10:28.43DNDall other channels have defined mg2 asa echo cancel except this
10:29.43kaldemarchannel 16 is for signalling
10:32.07manxpowerYou don't usually want to echo cancel the data (D) channel.
10:32.20*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
10:32.45DNDno, i just installed a PRI card and just looking at the settings.
10:33.01DNDthis is new to me since im using an AEX800 before
10:33.46DNDif i want to have 32 channels, i will need to join the 2 jumper pins right? for E1 line?
10:56.06*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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11:06.22waaI'm getting an error when compiling dahdi-tools (trunk) in ubuntu box
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11:24.06tzafrir_laptopwaa, that's interesting
11:24.14tzafrir_laptopwhat version of ubuntu?
11:24.22tzafrir_laptopWhat kernel?
11:25.34garymcHey anyone know anything about cisco PWR switches and can i use it to power polycom phones?
11:25.42waatzafrir_laptop,  ubuntu 9.04 kernel 2.6.28-15-server
11:26.17tzafrir_laptopwaa, also, what is the output of: ls -l /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1/serial
11:27.47galerasI'm Using TxFAX to send faxes via Zaptel PRI. I have 2 PSTN PRI Providers, with the first provider, all faxes are trasmited fine. With the second provider, faxes can't be sent, we suspect about the setting of this PRI provider, perhaps is doing some compression somewhere
11:27.48galerasFor detailed logs please take a look of
11:28.18waatzafrir_laptop, ls: cannot access /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1/serial: No such file or directory
11:28.59waatzafrir_laptop, ls -l /sys/bus/usb/devices/
11:29.00waa1-0:1.0/ 2-0:1.0/ 3-0:1.0/ 3-1/     3-1:1.0/ 4-0:1.0/ 5-0:1.0/ 6-0:1.0/ 7-0:1.0...
11:29.38*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
11:29.49tzafrir_laptopwhat files do you have under 3-1  ?
11:30.40tzafrir_laptopand this big question is: why is that code actually run on a mere 'perl -c' (compile test)?
11:30.59Gido-EIn the netherlands when connecting to ISDN PRI, is it normally T1 or E1 ?
11:31.32tzafrir_laptopwaa, anyway, a quick fix would be to touch the "offending" .depend file which would claim your system has done this test
11:33.43tzafrir_laptopGido-E, E1
11:35.04Gido-EThnx! tzafrir_laptop
11:45.22DMeloUKgarymc what model do you have?
11:46.20garymcCant seem to find out if my polycom ip330's and ip650's will work with this.
11:46.27garymcI havnt bought it yet, but have been given a good price for it
11:46.36garymcwell if its suitable
11:46.39DMeloUKnot usually - that one is pre-standard
11:46.59DMeloUKyou can force it by messing around with pin connections
11:47.38DMeloUKhang on let me find you a link
11:49.14waatzafrir_laptop, You know what should I alter in dahdi-tools/xpp/.depend?
11:49.58tzafrir_laptopwaa, the code is there to test that those modules "compile" fine. That is, that the local perl likes them
11:50.19tzafrir_laptopaparantly it tries to also run a part of them and fails with some point
11:51.14tzafrir_laptopit will bite you later on, but for now you can fake a positive succefful test by touching those .depend files
11:51.19DMeloUKwait - that's the other way around - forcing an old cisco phone to use a switch
11:53.19waatzafrir_laptop, I will try
11:54.08DMeloUKyou might want to look at a linksys srw224p if you just need a cheap switch to run phones
11:54.12DMeloUKor a cisco 3
11:55.56*** join/#asterisk volker- (
11:56.01DMeloUKif you still wanted to go with that switch and only had a few polycom's you can always buy the ac adaptors I suppose ;)
11:56.18*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
11:56.33volker-i want that "strangers" can call in my asterisk by user@ip
11:56.40volker-but i just get a forbidden message
11:57.21volker-how can i fix this
11:57.57garymcI want a switch so i dont need the power supplys
11:58.11garymcand I can get this switch for £60
11:58.29garymc24 ports of POE, i thought was a good price, but does or will it do the job
11:58.33DMeloUKit won't run the 330 or the 650
11:58.45DMeloUKit might run older 301 and 601
11:59.32DMeloUKgo with a linksys or later cisco - the trick is to look for something which support
11:59.54garymcright ok, you 100% on this?
11:59.56DMeloUKand I know for a fact the 3524 does not (bitter experience talking)
12:00.16DMeloUKI made the same mistake a few months back
12:00.36*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
12:00.49DNDhi any sites for setting up asterisknow with pri line?
12:01.17garymcive just done that DND
12:01.19kaldemarDND: someone at #asterisknow might know better.
12:01.49DNDgary, can you share it to me? mine is only te121 so its much easier
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12:02.35doolittleworkhi there can one someone explain the differece between dahdi and zaptel
12:03.09doolittleworkis zaptel for older hardware?
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12:09.36mbrevdahow can I tell asterisk to always use md5 authentication automaticaly?
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12:19.47Skeeter-dahdi-linux wont install on debian
12:24.52ChainsawSkeeter-: That seems unlikely.
12:25.04ChainsawSkeeter-: Anyhow, the car doesn't fit in the garage.
12:26.39Skeeter-saying that there is a missing kernel source
12:27.02ChainsawIt would like some kernel sources. Why haven't you granted it that wish?
12:27.11Skeeter-i downloaded it, still get the same things, so i redbuild with the latest kerlnel, still not wkring
12:27.35ChainsawIt wouldn't just like kernel sources. It would like sources for the kernel that you are running *now*.
12:30.12[TK]D-FenderAnd it isn't the sources it wants... its the HEADers
12:30.12Skeeter-formating right now
12:30.27[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: .... formatting?
12:30.31Skeeter-i will try on a fresh install
12:31.37beekMorning [TK]D-Fender
12:32.29[TK]D-Fenderbeek: mornin'
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12:39.27afinkmorning everyone.
12:41.44afinkI'm having some trouble this morning w/realtime extensions.  I setup it up with out any problems on 4 out of 5 * boxes but this one is giving me trouble.  * can't connect to it.  It keeps giving me an error 1045 (mysql).  I've checked permissions on the db, checked my extconfig.conf, loaded the modules in modules.conf and setup my res_mysql.conf.  Anybody know anything else I can check?
12:42.22beekcan you connect to it from your asterisk box using the mysql CLI?  Ignore Asterisk for now.
12:42.34afinkyes I can
12:42.49beekUsing the same credentials as you want for Asterisk?
12:43.16beekAnything in the logs?
12:43.45afinkwhich ones should I check?
12:43.55beekCLI and /var/log/asterisk/messages
12:45.02afink[Oct 21 07:22:03] ERROR[11583] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on (err 1045). Check debug for more info.
12:45.24beekOkay, so turn up verbosity and turn debugging on.  then try again.
12:46.00beekErr :1045 Access denied for user 'root@localhost'(using password NO)
12:46.39beek1045 is a perms problem, according to the MySQL site.   Ensure that you don't have a typo or weird non-printing character in your config
12:51.12*** join/#asterisk keeper82 (
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12:52.57keeper82Hi, I'm trying to enable mysql cdr log: I wrote the right parameters in cdr_mysql.conf but the table is empty
12:53.47beekkeeper82: Did you test your database connection from the * box by using the mysql CLI?
12:54.21keeper82yes, mysql is on the same server as *
12:54.43beekSo can you connect to the database from the CLI using the same credentials as what you want to from Asterisk?
12:55.20beekDid you "logger reload"
12:55.25beekor restart asterisk
12:55.36keeper82yes :P
12:55.46beekWhat does the log say?
12:56.03keeper82you mean /var/log/asterisk/messages?
12:56.35beekturn up verbosity and debugging and see what's happening.   Asterisk is very good about telling you what is going on.
12:56.52keeper82in the log I see:
12:57.02infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
12:57.25keeper82uhm it seems that * can't find the settings I wrote in cdr_mysql.conf
12:58.22keeper82are they loaded automatically or I have to #include them?
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13:08.40afinkbeek, here is what I have tried so far.  In the logs I saw complaints about not being able to find the mysql socket, so I corrected that in res_mysql.conf, in modules.conf I found a typo.  I also changed the credentials in res_mysql.conf to be the root user
13:09.39keeper82ok, found it, i was calling a number without answering, I changed unanswered=yes and then the call was logged
13:09.45*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
13:12.28afinkI think I might have found my problem too, there was a blank user in mysql
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13:14.47d5sHi, I'm currently using asterisk version I'm using a audio file (wav format) within calls to 'EXEC Read' function. It does work, but when the audio is finished I hear a noise (like: KRrrrr) then I can press the digit I want. It is important to say that it only happens on my USB B2k device. I know it is not well supported but should work, right?
13:17.16KattyDear Universe, thank you for people like Love, Katty
13:21.39*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
13:22.50Kattyhi ariel_
13:23.03ariel_hello Katty
13:23.08ariel_morning everyone
13:23.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:23.53Kattyhugs on [TK]D-Fender
13:24.32[TK]D-Fenderhugz on the Katty
13:25.49d5sI would like to know if any of you guys has some expertise on USB B2K with asterisk, please.
13:26.34ariel_what is USB B2K?
13:27.10[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Skype crap
13:27.12beekHello Katty
13:27.16Kattyhi beek :>
13:27.20Kattyhuggles beekers.
13:27.25[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Unsupported dead-end.
13:28.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: so i've been tinkering with my google voice account.
13:28.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's pretty schnazzy
13:30.23*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
13:32.56Lantiziahey I'm messing with call files.... trying to make that'll run a second from now...
13:32.58Lantiziatouch -t $((`date +%y%m%d%H%m.%S`+.01)) /tmp/
13:33.20Lantiziai.e. so it touches it with the current date/time/second and adds .01 (1 second)... but it doesn't work :(
13:33.29*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:33.50afinkbeek: that blank user was my issue
13:34.01afinkthanks for your help!
13:35.20*** join/#asterisk errotan (
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13:37.44[TK]D-FenderLantizia: Try asking in ##linux or #(yourdistrohere)
13:38.51*** join/#asterisk Chesther (
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13:42.11d5sHey [TK]D-Fender do you a replacement for USB B2K?
13:43.33d5sariel_: It was originally developed to be used with skype, yes. But We are currently using it as a FXS interface to asterisk. But it is not behaving as expected.
13:44.03d5sariel_: For me it is been used as a FXS to USB adapter.
13:45.10ariel_USB to FXS = Majic jack....
13:45.27beekafink: Glad its fixed
13:45.46d5sWe also have one of this. Does not work properlly ;(
13:46.23[TK]D-Fenderd5s: thats what "unsupported" means
13:46.28wonderworldhey guys
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13:48.05ariel_starts burning his ISO of elastix to cd so he can install it on his xen server.
13:48.52d5s[TK]D-Fender: I understood that it is unsupported. Do you know a better alternative?
13:49.16d5sariel_: By the way, magic jack isn't supported under linux :(
13:49.25ariel_d5s: yes I know.
13:49.26[TK]D-Fenderd5s: Something that is, like a standards-based ATA
13:51.46d5sI'm really sorry for bothering you guys, but could you point me a expecific model for a standards-based ATA (USB to FXO)? Or could you point me a web site where I can find one to buy?
13:51.54d5sI just need one FXS port
13:52.05ariel_Linksys 3102 for both
13:52.28ariel_works great I have also a sipura spa3000 that is still working
13:52.52ariel_spa1000 for just one fxs is a great unit
13:53.36d5sThanks ariel_ I will take a look at spa1000
13:55.52ariel_d5s: any time.
13:58.35*** join/#asterisk superbeef (n=superbee@
14:00.12[TK]D-Fenderd5s: SPA's are NOT USB devices
14:00.32[TK]D-Fenderariel_: And the SPA-1000 was discontinued a long time ago..
14:00.56mbrevdaanyone using Nextiva?
14:01.09*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
14:01.21infobotrumour has it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
14:01.25[TK]D-Fenderd5s: there is no current supported low density USB FXS for *
14:01.43infobotata is probably Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
14:02.11mbrevda[TK]D-Fender: why about xorcoms?
14:02.29[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: LOW DENSITY <-
14:02.40mbrevdahow man do you concider low?
14:02.59[TK]D-Fender< 2
14:03.02[TK]D-Fenderer... 3
14:03.33[TK]D-FendermbrWould help if you followed what they guy is looking for :)
14:03.53mbrevdaprobobly a good idea ;)
14:04.09mbrevdabut isnt irc ofr blindly asking dumb questions?
14:07.35tzafrir_laptopis it?
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14:11.11WinZanyone has formal voicemail greeting records?
14:11.24WinZin .wav/mp3 or whatever
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14:18.53ManxPower-work*grumble*  At least my boss's boss waited until after breakfast to ask for something that is impossible.
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14:21.14[TK]D-FenderWinZ: ... huh?  "formal"?
14:24.01WinZ[TK]D-Fender, like, "No one is available to take you call at the moment. Please, leave your phone number, name and message after the beep."
14:24.02*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
14:24.28[TK]D-FenderWinZ: "core show application voicemail" <-
14:24.38WinZ[TK]D-Fender, the default ones don't really fit, and as I'm not a native speaker, this is a problem
14:24.42WinZlet me check
14:25.11*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
14:25.28[TK]D-FenderWinZ: It's voicemail... the world understands these basic instructions.
14:26.08[TK]D-FenderWinZ: "Hi, you don't know me.  I jsut called you.  Call me back!  BYE!!! <click>"
14:26.43WinZ[TK]D-Fender, yes, for personal use it's ok, but for a company, "The number you're calling is not available" - isn't very good
14:27.22[TK]D-FenderWinZ: yes, well "no-one" implies a GROUP whereas most mailboxes are personal to a user.
14:27.38*** part/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
14:27.48[TK]D-FenderWinZ: Feel free to commision a recording you like better
14:28.35ChainsawYou can always ask whoever in the company has the best telephone voice :)
14:28.42WinZ[TK]D-Fender, I'm not blaming the default recordings :) I'm saying, the default recordings do not fit in my case
14:28.49WinZthat's what I should do
14:28.54WinZhave someone record it
14:29.04ChainsawIndeed, and then you create a directory for your language.
14:29.13ManxPower-workWinZ: You should hire a professional voiceover service
14:29.13ChainsawSet Asterisk to use it and you're done.
14:29.29ChainsawAs you can see ManxPower is a consultant during the day.
14:29.47[TK]D-FenderBy night he's BATMAN!
14:30.03*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
14:30.03[TK]D-Fenderna na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!
14:30.21infobotManxPower has been using Asterisk in production since late 2001.  Currently works at InterGlobe Communications, a CLEC based in NYC with service in NY, NJ, FL, and TX.
14:30.31ManxPower-workI no longer do consulting
14:30.51ChainsawThe mindset's still with you though ;)
14:36.06ManxPower-workI'm waiting for the day [TK]D-Fender retires from this channel.  Then y'all will be screwed. 8-|
14:36.45ChainsawWhat, Fender? I'm sure he was part of the "Freenode support channel" package deal :)
14:37.13ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender doesn't even work for Digium
14:37.42ChainsawNo, Telephone Kingdom right?
14:37.45[TK]D-FenderIf you don't like free support, I'll give you DOUBLE you money back!
14:38.07[TK]D-Fendergoes to sell some fridges to the eskimos
14:38.30ChainsawAh yes, the food warmer.
14:38.36Kattywatches the eskimos use fridge as a sled.
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14:56.16Naikrovekprepares to be audited.
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15:26.43Poincaremy provider offers me an iax2 account on 2 servers as failover
15:27.09Poincareis there a provisioning method in iax.conf to set 2 hosts for an iax2 account?
15:27.15[TK]D-FenderPoincare: No.
15:27.33[TK]D-FenderPoincare: You need to setup 2 peers and probably 2 regiSter's as well
15:27.34Poincareso I have to fix it in the dialplan?
15:27.47[TK]D-FenderPoincare: Yes
15:28.09*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
15:28.20Poincareok, thats clear
15:28.33Poincaremight be an interesting feature though
15:29.37*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
15:32.08infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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15:35.24p3nguinThe way I configured my failover was to configure a sub account and set the failover to route to that sub account.  Then on a server on another network, I configured asterisk to answer and pick up voicemail.  The way I see it, if my failover is ever used, my primary network with my main * box and my phones will not be able to access the failover system to make/receive calls anyway, so just set up voicemail over there.
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16:14.44wcselby  <--- I think someone failed to read the rules...
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16:19.08raden_workmorning Katty
16:19.12raden_workNaikrovek, morning bro
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16:23.49p3nguinwcselby: Talking about the dragonsuite spam?
16:23.57wcselbyp3nguin - I am
16:24.15p3nguinMaybe I can delete it.
16:24.36wcselbyI could delete and restore it to the previous version
16:24.48wcselbyI just figured the spamblock thing would kick in soon and do that
16:25.00p3nguinWhen was it edited?
16:25.41wcselbyWed 21 of Oct, 2009 [11:09]
16:25.50wcselbyso like, 15 minutes ago?
16:25.56p3nguinOh, so it's real fresh.
16:26.01p3nguinI figured it was old or something.
16:26.26p3nguinIs there even a spam bot on that wiki?
16:26.55*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
16:33.09wcselbythink so
16:33.18wcselbythe last few updates on that page were from the user "spamblock"
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16:53.09ryduhp3nguin: Other people had the same problem as I did ->
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16:56.28[TK]D-Fenderryduh: "type=user"
16:58.38*** join/#asterisk Mousey (
16:58.41[jmc]hi guys
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17:04.14[jmc]has anyone tried SafiWorkshop? do you believe it's good?
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17:09.22ryduhThe problem is I have two SIP channels. I tried user. * chooses the last SIP channel for incoming calls based on IP
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17:11.15[TK]D-Fenderuser = auth by username
17:13.46ManxPower-workryduh: set allowguest=no in sip.conf[general]
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17:17.12angryuser[jmc], the problem is that if you relay on that stuff, if something goes wrong it will be difficult to find the problem
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17:18.56[jmc]angryuser, yes, that's why I'm not going to use it
17:20.17[jmc]but I was curious to listen to your opinion
17:21.33Mouseyits my bot, and it can cry if it wants to.
17:21.37Mouseyoops, wrong window
17:25.10*** part/#asterisk BlackSLik (n=jamesmar@
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17:34.10dandate2anyway to increase gain?
17:34.10GuggeAnyone know why Expire would show -1 when i register an iax peer on my asterisk 1.4.21?
17:34.23GuggeIm using realtime to store the iax peers
17:35.11dandate2i dont understand how voicemail gain can be increased but not live call?
17:35.37dandate2im half deaf i cant hear for shit heh
17:36.36Qwelldandate2: 1.6 added a VOLUME() function
17:36.37Guggeyou should be able to fix that in your phone. :)
17:37.19Qwellof course, depending on your phone, it may be doing AGC, which would just turn it back down on you
17:39.59*** join/#asterisk wam (i=wam@unaffiliated/wam)
17:41.42ManxPower-workdandate2: Because with a live call the audio may not even be going thru Asterisk.
17:45.28ryduhIf I have two SIP channels on the same server/IP, how can I tell Dial which one I want to use?
17:46.02ManxPower-workyou don't dial by IP, you dial by sip.conf entry.
17:46.17Guggeand if you dial by ip you can Dial(extension@ip) ....
17:46.20ManxPower-workThey are "peers" not "channels"
17:46.31ManxPower-workGugge: it's a bad idea to dial by IP
17:46.41GuggeSure, but it can be done. :)
17:49.13*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
17:52.29p3nguinryduh: Dialing out is easy; making the ITSP choose which peer it uses for incoming calls when both peers on at the same IP address isn't so simple (so it seems).
17:52.59*** part/#asterisk DrZeus (n=chatzill@
17:53.34[TK]D-Fenderryduh: they have different names.  You have to pick the one you want to dial ot of already.
17:53.46ryduhI ended up just disabling the wrong context * chose.
17:53.52p3nguinryduh: The Dial() just needs to have the context that you want to use to dial out:  Dial(SIP/8043322334@voipms-outbound)
17:54.00[TK]D-FenderRy* doesn't choose which peer to dial OUT of.  YOU do.
17:54.11[TK]D-Fenderryduh: * doesn't choose which peer to dial OUT of.  YOU do.
17:54.21ryduhThanks for the clarification on Dial. I think I got that working
17:54.52ryduhwait, so you can use peer OR context?
17:55.34[TK]D-Fenderryduh: No.  You dial out a peer
17:55.43[TK]D-FenderRyA context is a section of your dialplan
17:55.48[TK]D-Fenderryduh: A context is a section of your dialplan
17:56.17p3nguinWhat's with the tabfail all the time?
17:56.35ryduh[TK]D-Fender: Right. That's what I have. p3nguin was just talking about contexts that's why I asked
17:56.47ariel_it's called speed typing and not looking at what your figures are doing...
17:56.53p3nguinryduh: Contexts are those sections where they are labelled like [this].
17:56.59[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Whats with the wrong advice all of the time? :p
17:57.14[TK]D-Fenderpummels p3nguin with a glossary
17:57.17p3nguinariel_: You shouldn't be looking at your fingers, anyway.  Look at the screen when you type.
17:57.17ryduhright so a peer is defined in a context
17:57.37[TK]D-Fenderryduh: No... a peer POINTS to a context....
17:58.17[TK]D-Fenderryduh: For where incoming calls landing on it do.
17:58.26[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Which would be an inbound call, not an outbound.
17:58.41dandate2im using asterisk 1.4 so i guess volume() is out, is it recommended to use AGC then?
17:59.06[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Operate <-
17:59.38[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: AGC has nothing to do with making just your calls louder.
18:00.00ryduh[TK]D-Fender: in my sip.conf there is a general context, a [voipms] context and a [voipms-slo] context. What is the relationship between peers and the contexts I define in sip.conf?
18:00.13dandate2i was just asking about performance i dontu se the phone that much anyway but it is really quiet...i run a call center thats why
18:00.37[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: So upgrade, adjust your zaptel/DAHDI configs if thats what they come in on, adjust your phone, or replace your phone.
18:00.49dandate2ahh cable modem no zaptel heh
18:00.52[TK]D-FenderdatOr spend 415 on a handset amplifier
18:01.10[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: I jsut gave you 5 options.  Pick one
18:01.20dandate2i got a plantronics amplifier but that made it sound horrrrrible heh
18:01.39[TK]D-Fenderryduh:  [voipms]  <- this is a PEER, not a CONTEXT
18:01.58[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Then do something else
18:02.24ryduh[TK]D-Fender: That's what I thought. Again got confused by this line ;)  p3nguin: ryduh: Contexts are those sections where they are labelled like [this].
18:02.44[TK]D-Fenderpummels p3nguin with a glossary some more....
18:03.17p3nguinWhat's to be confused about?  If you have a section that says [my-context] followed by relevant information, that's a context.
18:03.47ryduhp3nguin: in sip.conf is it still a context?
18:04.23p3nguinuser context, peer context, sip context... whatever.
18:04.24dandate2the network settings in eyebeam/x-lite ask if im on LAN/dsl/dialup etc., does setting this improperly actualy affect anything? lol
18:04.28ryduhp3nguin: in sip.conf how do I define a peer then? with [name] ?
18:04.41p3nguintype=peer within the context makes it a peer.
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18:05.19ryduhp3nguin: ok thanks
18:05.32ryduhp3nguin: sorry for being frustrating
18:05.39p3nguintype=user within the context makes it a... what?  That's right, a user.
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18:29.33mutexis there a way I can pull the peering status out of asterisk ?
18:29.40mutexI don't mind doing it via bash or perl
18:29.48mutexjust not clear where I should look
18:30.02Naikrovekpeering status?  you mean status of trunks and/or extensiosn?
18:30.09*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (
18:30.12Naikrovekasterisk -r
18:30.12mutexsip show peers
18:30.16Naikroveksip show peers
18:30.19mutexstatus column
18:30.19Naikrovekiax2 show peers
18:30.35mutexwell I can get it out of the command line fine
18:30.41Naikrovekoh i see
18:30.45mutexbut I want to get it out programmaicly
18:30.46Naikrovekyeah you can automate that in perl
18:30.48*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (n=chatzill@
18:30.53Naikroveki've done that
18:31.45scalex000I need help to setup callerId
18:31.46mutexis there an API or do I need to just grab it via 'asterisk -r'
18:31.59Naikrovekmutex: i just do it via asterisk -r & perl magic
18:32.06Naikrovekand some grep i think
18:32.08[TK]D-Fendermutex: Parse CLI or use AMI
18:32.11mutexeasy enough
18:32.23Joelmutex, Asterisk::Manager
18:32.52mutexJoel: ah ha, you speak my language
18:33.42Naikrovekyeah that's handy
18:33.45Naikrovekdidn't know that
18:33.49*** join/#asterisk Knightfal (
18:33.57JoelI've done perl development with asterisk for almost four years now.
18:34.41Naikrovekwhat have you written
18:34.48Naikrovek4 years is a long time to make neat stuff
18:36.12mutexsome people don't even need 4 years
18:36.38Naikrovekwell i'm guessing mutiple neat things
18:36.40JoelNaikrovek, I did considerable work on pbxtra/trixbox pro
18:36.55Joeland I'm now with the Switchvox gang doing whatever they ask
18:39.36Joelthere was a company inbetween where I had to work on freepbx, but it was a giant joke
18:39.51Joelany company that runs anything based on freepbx I feel extremely sorry for :\
18:40.55Naikrovekodd that you're bashing freepbx but not trixbox
18:41.01Naikrovekusually it's reversed
18:41.12JoelI've never used ce, I can't bash it.
18:41.35ariel_Freepbx is running at many locations and company's, doing just fine.
18:41.52Joelariel_, ever done any serious coding for freepbx?
18:41.52Naikrovekyeah i use freepbx it's fine
18:41.58Joelit's a mess.
18:42.00ariel_Joel: yes
18:42.03Joelwritten by developers for developers.
18:42.29Joeland the horizontal scrolling in v3 shows just how badly they missed the mark. they took the number one thing you don't do in web design and implemented it
18:43.47ariel_version 3 is in development and last I knew based on top of FreeSwitch not asterisk
18:43.58Naikrovekdeveloping on freeswitch
18:44.12Naikrovekfrom what i understand it'll be usable on asterisk as well
18:44.16Joelthat changes the quality of the product how?
18:44.27NaikrovekJoel: well fpbx3 is a new codebase entirely
18:44.31JoelI built the developer iso for fpbx3.
18:44.36Joelso yes, I know it's a new codebase
18:44.38Joeland it still sucks.
18:44.48Naikroveki don't know anything about the code so i can't argue that
18:44.50Naikrovekbut it works
18:45.07Qwell2.x works
18:45.11Qwell1.x worked.
18:45.16Joel3 doesn't work last I tried.
18:45.23Joelbut it's been a while
18:45.24Naikrovekmaybe they're not perfect but they work
18:45.44ariel_Joel if you bashing what your working it's an issue with you.  2.5.X works fine and it can do allot and many biz are using it.  And will continue to use it.
18:46.01KnightfalDoes anyone have any information on the following errors. We started getting these errors in the log file yesterday.
18:46.03KnightfalERROR[2912] utils.c: write() returned error: Broken pipe
18:46.03KnightfalNOTICE[15679] utils.c: Timed out trying to write
18:46.18jblack[TK]D-Fender: Ping
18:46.23mutexalso: dahdi 2.2.0 doesn't compile on :-(
18:46.26Joelariel_, huh?
18:46.28[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Pong
18:46.37Joelariel_, sorry, I don't understand your first sentence.
18:46.51jblackI have a really, really badly behaving sip client. Got some time to give some suggestions?
18:47.38jblackby really bad, I mean the client reports it's address as, it ignores sip OPTION (thus breaking qualify), etc.
18:48.01[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "nat=yes"
18:48.16jblackHave that, and "can" route calls. But
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18:48.48jblackwell, the client also silently goes away (i.e. doesn't seem to deregister, just stops talking), so * gets blocked up trying to reach it if it's not there.
18:49.45jblackqualify=yes normally fixes that, but because of no OPTION, that's not a choice.
18:50.40scalex000hi, does chan_dahdi have privacy command
18:51.59ManxPower-workyou woShould set nat=yes for the idiot peer that says it's IP is
18:52.11jblackLike I said, I already have nat=yes.
18:52.17ManxPower-worknat=yes (among other things) totally ignores the IP inside the packet and uses the IP in the packet header.
18:52.29jblackOddly enough, in sip show peers, it reports Nat N
18:52.41[TK]D-Fenderjblack: nat=yes will fix the qualify target
18:53.14[TK]D-Fenderscalex000: What kind of channel?
18:53.32jblackNo, nat=yes does not.
18:53.43[TK]D-Fenderscalex000: No such thing then
18:53.51jblackLike I said, I have nat=yes set. I really do. have had for a week.
18:53.55wcselbyKnightfal - I've gotten that error when an AGI script that writes to disk is called multiple times at once (i.e mutltiple calls are coming in at the same time that the AGI is trying to do some kind of disk writing activity for)
18:54.16jblackcrosses his heart.
18:54.39jblackfor the curious, this is a badly broken sip client on my android phone.
18:54.47scalex000TK, generally what kind of signalling FXO use, this depend from type of company
18:55.36[TK]D-FenderscaFXO = signalling
18:55.56[TK]D-Fenderjblack: pastebin SIP debug...
18:56.03[TK]D-Fenderscalex000: FXO = signalling
18:56.43scalex000TK. yes
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18:57.06jblackfine. doing a pastebin bomb
18:58.48jblackI just gotta call. I gotta go. THanks anyways.
18:58.55wcselbyany good voicemail transcription apps out there for asterisk?
19:00.09scalex000Tk, generally phone provider use FXO_KS
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19:01.36Knightfalwcselby: We are not using any AGI. We do have a remote client using AMI to pull queuestatus for realtime routing purposes.
19:01.55wcselbyKnightfal - are you writing to disk at all when this happens?
19:03.15Joelariel_, if you want to have a serious conversation about this I'm more then happy to. Feel free to message me.
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19:03.36KnightfalThey pull the data from AMI every 6 seconds to get queuestatus so ya alot of stuff is writing to disk.  queue_log FULL  ect
19:03.51Knightfal^ wcselby
19:04.29wcselbycan you correlate the error messages with the times the AMI is pulilng data?
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19:05.26Knightfalwcselby:Its difficult because they pull so often and we are constantly at about 100 calls
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19:06.31wcselbywhat I did notice was that those error messages didn't appear to break anything, they just were annoying.  but that was my experience.  yours may vary
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19:07.38Knightfalwcselby: The main issues was that calls were queueing and then not being delivered to agents for extended periods of time. We noticed those messages in the logs during the problem
19:08.17buttons840Using the AMI, I originate a call (using originate) and through the progression of the call, there are multiple hangup events.  I'm having trouble finding any predictable patern with these, or how I can determine which is a legitimate hangup?  Any suggestions?
19:08.19DavidR2008Can someone take a look at this pastebin and tell me why asterisk is picking up three DTMF digits in the Bad DTMF Read section?, I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the duration on all the packets is zero, but I don't know enough about RFC2833 to know for sure
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19:09.47wcselbyKnightfal - what else is going on with the system when these errors occur?  Sounds like it may be a load issue on the box, or a disk activity load issue (too many things hitting the disk all at once)....?
19:10.07wcselbysimple test would be to move them off the main box onto their own dedicated box and see if the issues persist / follow
19:10.15wcselbywell, I say simple, but you know what I mean
19:11.33buttons840i expect to receive hangup cause 16 (normal clearing) and do most of the time, i receive 2 or 3 normal clearings per call it appears, but then i get a cause 0 hangup (unknown cause) and i'm not sure why.   I'm trying to decide if i should ignore these hangups in my script?
19:14.15Knightfalwcselby: perhaps its recording all of those calls at the same time! :(
19:14.37KnightfalI need to get an external monitoring system I think.
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19:24.32superbeefi'm looking for a list of IAX hangup cause codes
19:26.23scalex000Hey, How to use CallerId on with Dahdi I do not understand very well
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19:31.14DavidR2008scalex000, what do you not understand?
19:33.05scalex000davidR2008, do you speak spanish?, I do not understand, where I need to use callerId
19:33.49DavidR2008no habla espanol; sorry do you want to try to talk about this in english?
19:35.41scalex000davidR2008, Ok
19:36.39DavidR2008do you want to set callerid for a call leaving your asterisk server, or get callerid on an in-comming call?
19:37.27scalex000davidR2008, Incoming Call, because when call arrive I only see asterisk
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19:38.01endeavormaci am having issues getting the gui to present me with a login prompt
19:38.22DavidR2008is this an analog or digital POTS line?
19:38.40infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:38.53DavidR2008endeavormac ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
19:39.21endeavormacon ubuntu
19:39.33endeavormacthe web interface
19:39.51infobotgui is, like, (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, such as  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
19:40.16scalex000DavidR2008, Analog Lines
19:40.37DavidR2008are you set up to receive callerid from the phone company?
19:41.09DavidR2008that is something that has to be sent by the phone company
19:42.15scalex000DavidR2008, yes, I think was setup, I will ask to them but, when dahdi files was setup from automatic script not add the command callerid
19:42.37scalex000DavidR2008, so I not sure where to put on FXO or FXS
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19:45.04raden_workanyone know where i can get a recorder to plug inline with my cellphones 2.5 mm jack
19:45.12superbeefso what are the chances that an implementation of speex from 2003 doesnt work well with a modern speex install
19:45.26DavidR2008FXO lines would connect to the phone company so you would put it there, FXS would connect to your analog phones, faxes or modems (not a good idea) here's more info about the difference between FXO and FXS
19:47.01infoboti guess realtime is a feature of Asterisk starting with 1.2 which allows you to map any configuration file (static mappings) to be pulled from the  database, or to map special runtime entries which permit the dynamic creation of  objects, entities, peers, etc. without the necessity of a reload.
19:47.38Knightfalwcselby: Thanks for the starting point
19:48.00wcselbyKnightfal - np, glad I could try to help :)
19:53.57scalex000DavidR2008, Ok
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20:05.07Kattyi seem to be feeling annoyed and spastic.
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20:09.06wcselbyKatty - sorry to hear that
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20:11.40scalex000DavidR2008,  I don't know why on my phone appear from asterisk
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20:16.01[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Radio Shack
20:16.43raden_workshould just be able to T a 2.5 jack into mic in on recorder im thinking
20:16.58raden_workwould rather router cell through asterisk and record but to much work at moment
20:16.59geneticxhello everyone.. anyone can please shed some light.. I'm trying to insert a pause in my dialplan so let's say 90 is dial first it waits and then dials a number
20:17.04raden_workfreakin Crazy X's
20:17.25geneticxanyone got any ideas on how to insert pauses into asterisk dialplans?
20:17.32raden_worki dont get it ?
20:17.58[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: Wait()
20:18.18[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: But I'm quite sure this isn't what you're looking for
20:19.22raden_workthe question is what are we waiting for
20:20.55scalex000hey guy, I have IAX between to pbx why not register or connect, what can I do?
20:22.30mogscalex000, you seeing traffic
20:23.21[TK]D-Fenderscalex000: I'm sorry, you forgot to phrase that in the form of a questions </trebek>
20:24.27scalex000mog, I see registration, but when I try to see peers, not show me online
20:24.44ryduhWhat's the main difference between Macro and Gosub ?
20:25.29leifmadsenryduh: how it was implemented -- GoSub() is like a fancy Goto() with memory
20:25.41[TK]D-Fenderryduh: Also depends on what * version <-
20:25.50leifmadsenMacro() can only be nest so many times before the stack size is too big -- GoSub() has practically unlimited recursions
20:26.15geneticx[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to call a local number through another PBX (Nortel BCM400) and the guy in the other end tell me I should dial 9 to access a line and dial the number, how do I program that into my dialplan? should I dial one number first then wait() and then dial the second?
20:26.33ryduh[TK]D-Fender: I'm running 1.4.26
20:26.40[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: No, you add the 9 tot he number you DIAL.
20:26.58ryduhSo with gosub, you don't have the same extension problem you do with Macro right?
20:27.03[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: You are not adding steps to your dialplan, you are changing the number you dial in the Dial() command you are calling
20:27.26[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: You want a 9 in there... put a 9 in there!
20:27.35[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, bbiab
20:28.04geneticx[TK]D-Fender: I tried that already and it calls an extension in the BCM but not the number intended..
20:28.17scalex000tk, how to reload iax module
20:29.03scalex000tk, I don't know why I can not use it if I do not change anything
20:32.59DavidR2008geneticx, use a comma to put a pause in the dialed number (i.e. 9,1234)?
20:33.15geneticxDavidR2008: ok let me try
20:33.27Qwellwhat?  no.
20:33.47Qwellw would be a 250(or 500?)ms wait
20:34.00leifmadsenI think it is 250ms
20:34.01Qwell, would change things rather significantly
20:34.16DavidR2008sry, brain fart
20:34.27DavidR2008Qwell is very correct!
20:35.44DavidR2008scalex000, iax2 reload
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20:39.32raden_workanyone recommend a high quality tape recorder that doesn't sound all distorted ?
20:40.15DavidR2008why not use a digital recorder?
20:41.13scalex000DavidR2008, not work
20:41.51DavidR2008pastebin cli output with verbose level 3 or higher when you try to do a reload
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20:56.17scalex000what is this problem: WARNING[2893]: app_dial.c:1499 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 20 - Unknown)
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20:57.05dustybinhugs Katty
20:57.35plasmidnew user for asterisk. When i create a trunk do I select a SIP trunk or Zap Trunk (DAHDI compatibility mode) when I already have a TDM400 installed?  Home use only.
20:58.26Kattyhugs dustybin, sighs some more.
20:58.28Kattygrumbles a bit
20:58.40beekplasmid: You want to make a call out your POTS line?
20:59.01plasmidbeek, I do not have a POTS line.
20:59.09plasmidI haven't used one in 6 years.
20:59.22beekplasmid: Then the trunk will be SIP.
20:59.31plasmidGot it. :-) Ty.
20:59.33beekWhat are you using the TDM400 used for?
21:00.05plasmidit was a gift.  There are two FXS ports for my wife and me and the other one for the kids.
21:00.21p3nguinkatty: What's the problem today?
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21:00.52Kattyp3nguin: oh you know...
21:00.55Kattyp3nguin: sales reps.
21:01.12p3nguinkatty: Bugging you to fix their stuff?
21:01.21Kattyp3nguin: no, trying to sell stuff that makes me nervous.
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21:02.32p3nguinkatty: I figured you would have a standard procedure for dealing with people that bother you with such things.
21:02.46Kattyunfortunately i'm just the little person.
21:03.00p3nguingets confused
21:03.03Kattyi just install it, and fix it, and maintain it.
21:03.15Katty^- sarcasm.
21:03.17Katty^- truth.
21:03.46beekKatty -- Ask [TK] to borrow his Clue-by-four (TM)
21:03.54Kattyno it's okay
21:03.56p3nguinWhat kind of stuff makes you nervous?
21:03.59Kattyi just need to think positive for awhile.
21:04.00beekSorry -- he has the Clue Bat (TM)
21:04.11Kattyp3nguin: they're selling someone a server with a crappy backup solution.
21:04.21Kattyp3nguin: which is giving me severe heart burn.
21:04.27beekWhat, a travan tape drive?   ;-)
21:04.32ariel_sends a chocolate bar to help Katty
21:04.33Kattyp3nguin: specifically, they're selling them software i have never used before...and making promises about it.
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21:04.43Kattyp3nguin: promises they can't make.
21:04.49Kattyp3nguin: or at least shouldn't.
21:04.57Kattyariel_: thanks.
21:04.58beekSure they can -- it's just up to you to keep the promises!
21:05.03Kattyand now i don't want to think about it anymore.
21:05.07Kattyi want to think about happy bunnys.
21:05.12Kattyand maybe dolphins.
21:05.42Kattypretty fall leaves, fireplaces, grilled hamburgers, and strawberries. warm socks, fluffy pillows, and hugs.
21:06.27ariel_rofl, all above stated things are just great.
21:06.57ariel_but we don't get pretty fall leaves here.
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21:09.23scalex000hey there how to setup callerid on dahdi chan analog lines, how to remove (asterisk)
21:14.30ryduhIs there a way to catch invalid extensions when running a Gotosub? [Oct 21 14:11:16] WARNING[1329]: pbx.c:1833 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Gotosub' for extension (record, 9, 1)
21:17.23leifmadsen'i' extension?
21:17.32leifmadsencan't remember if that works in that situation
21:18.07p3nguini in invalid during backgrounded playback (while waiting for someone to press a key).
21:18.08theharwaves to all
21:18.08ryduhI have an i extension in the context I'm calling the GotoSub from and also in the GotoSub context
21:18.24leifmadsenthat doesn't exist
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21:20.20scalex000what its mean this : WARNING[9213]: chan_iax2.c:10581 build_user: Unable to support trunking on user 'churchill' without DAHDI timing
21:20.30[jmc]ryduh, I don't think so
21:20.33ryduhlol. whoops. now it runs my i extension the gosub context. :)
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21:21.04[jmc]scalex000, afaik you need a timing source
21:21.07[jmc]even ztdummy
21:22.05scalex000jmc, I do not set ztdummy on this
21:24.25ariel_it's time to go home... night folks...
21:24.34[jmc]a quick question folks
21:24.56beekwaits with bated breath
21:25.58[jmc]can someone help me distinguish between FXO and FXS?
21:26.19[jmc]I often confuse the two
21:27.03[jmc]FXS is the interface where the analog phone (as an example) is connected?
21:27.27[jmc]and FXO the one that gets the signal from the phone line?
21:27.47[jmc]or the opposite? :D
21:29.45beek[jmc]: FXS points towards the STATION...   FXO points towards the central OFFICE
21:30.33[jmc]ok, what you mean with "station"?
21:30.50beekOkay...    FXS points toward the deskSet
21:31.07[jmc](please forgive this, I know this is a stupid question, but I'm not a native English speaker and I might confuse the terms)
21:31.23beekNot at all... it is confusing.
21:32.12[jmc]so, I was right then?
21:32.22beek[jmc]: yes
21:32.31[jmc]great ;)
21:32.34[jmc]thanks beek
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21:40.07DavidR2008is there a list of PRI switch types that dahdi support? i.e. a list of entries that are valid for the switchtype= line
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21:43.08DavidR2008nevermind, it's in the sample chan_dadhi.conf file, thanks
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22:16.04[jmc]ok last question for today :P
22:17.00[jmc]thanks :P
22:17.06[jmc]no, seriously
22:17.08[jmc]is there a general rule to follow when choosing on which hardware to run an Asterisk server?
22:17.45[jmc]I ask this because I have to write down some general instructions, not preparing a specific configuration
22:17.47ChannelZdon't under-buy?
22:17.56[jmc]so I should be able to tell how to choose properly
22:18.02[jmc]ChannelZ, yes, clearly
22:18.13[jmc]but how can I tell if I'm under-buying?
22:18.21[jmc]or over-buying, even
22:18.55ChannelZAsterisk is not very intensive except depending on the number of calls running through it and what the phone interface is, a shit-ton of interupts can be happening on the bus
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22:22.44ChannelZit's hard to come up with any sort "if you have this many calls, get an X-Ghz box"
22:23.25Kattylooks in
22:25.27[jmc]ChannelZ, that's exactly my problem
22:25.43Kattyi like how this box says all natural organic on it
22:25.55Kattyand the side of the box says BHT added to packaging material to preserve freshness
22:25.59ChannelZYou can read random thoughts here:
22:26.07[jmc]I don't exactly know what devices they'll be choosing
22:26.29[jmc]ok, let me see :)
22:26.36[jmc]thanks for helping ChannelZ :)
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22:27.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: LIES
22:29.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: hello dear
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22:41.23infobot[answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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23:03.23metfan2007hi all!
23:04.41metfan2007is there a way to recreate the extensions.conf dialplan from the asterisk dialplan in memory?
23:05.14beekmetfan2007: Let me guess... you inadvertently deleted the existing plan?
23:06.19russellbextensions.conf.sample makes a reference to "dialplan save"
23:06.53beekHello russellb -- I enjoyed the session that you and Kevin did in Phoenix.
23:08.05russellbbeek: thanks!
23:11.59Kattyso. i'm going to write myself a report.
23:12.00leifmadsenrussellb: as did I!
23:12.04Kattyand not a TPS report, either.
23:12.14beekleifmadsen: Your's was good as well...
23:12.19*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=Matt_Rid@
23:12.21Kattythe report is about Vitamins and Minerals.
23:12.41Kattywhat the recommended daily ammounts are, and a comparrison of what i eat for a week against what i should be eating
23:13.22Kattyand then, in conclusion, an outline for 1 week that would be pretty close to what i should be eating.
23:13.32Kattyand i'm doing all this because i feel dumb.
23:13.37*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (n=Matt_Rid@
23:13.38russellbleifmadsen: <3
23:13.40Kattyi have no idea how to really read nutrition labels.
23:13.53Kattywell i know how to read calories and ingredient lists.
23:13.55russellbleifmadsen: too bad we made it all up, we didn't actually do any of that stuff
23:13.56leifmadsenrussellb: oh! do you happen to have a link handy describing the currently proposed dates of the start and end of releases?
23:14.01russellboh wait, that was supposed to be a /msg
23:14.02leifmadsenrussellb: :D
23:14.05leifmadsenoh snap!
23:14.10leifmadsenrussellb: lies ftw
23:14.11metfan2007beek: yes :) ups!
23:14.32russellbleifmadsen:   <--- BAM!
23:14.34leifmadsenKatty: I try to stay away from stuff where i don't understand what the ingredient is
23:14.40Kattyleifmadsen: i do too.
23:14.41leifmadsenrussellb: hawt! updating roadmap
23:14.54beekmetfan2007: Did you see russellb's comment re:  dialplan save?
23:15.03Kattyleifmadsen: but i'd still like to better understand the things my body needs, and to really have soething to look at to know where i'm deficient or going way overboard.
23:15.11Kattyleifmadsen: for all i know, i'm horribly deficient in Vitamin D
23:15.19leifmadsenKatty: makes sense
23:15.27Kattyleifmadsen: tho, in all reality, i'm probably over simplyfing it
23:15.36Kattyleifmadsen: some people have greater needs than others, some less...
23:15.38leifmadsenI'm probably vitamin deficient since I'm a northener
23:16.31Kattyleifmadsen: <- this is where i'm starting.
23:16.46metfan2007beel: I'm checking it right now
23:17.09beekIn voicemail.conf -- is the script in 'externnotify=pgm' called when the poll is done?   I have a legacy PBX that I need to set/clr the MWI.  If I listen to the message via email (IMAP storage) my pgm doesn't seem to be triggered.
23:18.01manxpowerbeek: I believe it is only triggered on a message being left
23:18.19leifmadsenbeek: what version of asterisk?
23:18.45leifmadsenbeek: ah... if you were using 1.6.2 you could use MinivmMWI() to turn it off
23:19.00metfan2007rusellb: so, if I execute dialplan save it will write extensions.conf again?
23:19.07russellbin theory
23:19.08russellbi've never used it
23:19.12russellbtry it and see :-)
23:19.23beekThe docs state:  "called when a voicemail is left, delivered, or your voicemailbox is checked" and I didn't know if "voicemailbox is checked" included the poll.
23:19.26metfan2007rusellb: hehehehe, I can guess why... hehehehe LOL!
23:19.59*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
23:20.50leifmadsenmetfan2007: it'll remove all your formatting and such -- including comments, last I checked
23:20.50leifmadsenso it's not really a great solution
23:20.50beekProbably gives static priorities, too.
23:20.50manxpowerhugs his dialplan
23:20.51beekhugs his subversion repository.
23:21.18beekleifmadsen: What does MinivmMWI() do?  The poll, then the extenrnotify?
23:21.45leifmadsenbeek: no, it is a dialplan application you can use to trigger MWI on or off
23:22.05beekDamn this proprietary old legacy system.
23:22.08[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: No, he needs to set it on the OTHER PBX, not on *
23:22.19beek[TK]D-Fender: Correct.
23:22.23manxpowerleifmadsen: he needs to run a script to poke a legacy pbx when someone deletes their IMAP voicemail.
23:22.26[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: And triggered when the state should change.
23:22.30leifmadsenI get it now, thanks
23:22.34[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: :)
23:22.37leifmadsenI'm an idiot, just move along
23:22.45theharleifmadsen: nonsense!
23:23.02[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Far from... just missed one litte (crucial) thing :)
23:24.36[TK]D-FenderI can't never not ever see how one boolean value can't not never cause an interpretation to actually be interpreted backwards!
23:24.42*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
23:24.44darkdrgn2khey guys
23:24.54darkdrgn2kim having problems registering to a sip that has wored before
23:25.00darkdrgn2ki keep getting
23:25.06darkdrgn2kGot SIP response 301 "Moved Permanently" back from
23:25.18darkdrgn2ki THINK the provider moved their servers around, what am i looking for
23:28.44metfan2007russellb: when I execute "dialplan save" it disconnect me from  CLI and an empty extensions.conf is created :(
23:29.00*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
23:29.35russellbI guess it doesn't work?
23:29.49metfan2007russellb: :P
23:32.04*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
23:32.06jblackp3nguin: ping
23:34.52Kattywhat is the opposite of 'overage'
23:34.57Kattyand odn't tell me underage
23:34.59darkdrgn2kso any ideas about 301?
23:35.05metfan2007russellb: well, I found a very old backup, is better than nothing, thnks anyway!
23:35.34Kattygoogle says shortage :>
23:36.01jblackp3nguin: unping
23:36.23leifmadsenrussellb: check it out now:
23:37.36russellbleifmadsen: nice work sir
23:37.56*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
23:37.57darkdrgn2khuh intersintg..
23:38.01darkdrgn2kasterisk doesnt follow 301s ?
23:38.01leifmadsenrussellb: merci! I'm currently going through the closed features and assigning them to 1.8 if there was a commit
23:38.28russellband if the commit is post 1.6.2 i presume
23:38.41leifmadsenrussellb: right
23:43.37jblackcan astdatadir take more than one path?
23:44.47jblack(what I really want to do is add an extra local path)
23:45.05hardwirejblack: for why?
23:46.00jblackI always try to seperate localized data.
23:46.34russellbonly one path
23:46.42jblackrussellb: Thanks. =)
23:46.44hardwirewith multiple subdirectories.
23:47.51hardwirejblack: curiousity is killing me
23:47.54hardwirewhat are you working on?
23:49.03eppigyKatty: shortage
23:49.07jblackhardwire: Just putting together a new pbx.
23:49.30beekDoes the data structure printed when I type:  'voicemail show users' get updated during a poll?
23:49.52hardwirejblack: awwww.. ok
23:50.12*** join/#asterisk Caplain (i=shayne@2001:470:5:fb:d25:f425:6fa7:fd7d)
23:50.13jblackgetting my primary phone system off of my local dsl line.
23:50.38[TK]D-Fenderjblack: After all the fun we had with exacly HOW you got to your "DSL"?  ;)
23:50.39jblacknow that I have the cell phone stuff working right, I need to put in place the ivr I got p3nguin to record for me. just silly stuff.
23:50.55[TK]D-Fenderremembers much netowking craziness
23:50.58jblack[TK]D-Fender: Oh, it'll be there. I'm just offloading the critical sections
23:51.07[TK]D-Fenderjblack: :p
23:51.25[TK]D-FenderjbDo share the prompts he made.... I'm told I could do them professionally myself...
23:51.59jblacknothing special.
23:52.14jblackjust a small handful of fall-through follow-me-like stuff on the cheap.
23:52.28jblacknote to self: once I get the new ivr in, change the cell phone #.
23:52.52jblackunfortunately, sipdroid is an utter failure. They're just not ready yet.
23:55.30hardwirep3nguin: you haz a sexy voice?
23:56.13ChannelZdoes he say 'baby' at the end of each phrase?
23:56.19jblackignoring sip OPTION , which breaks qualify. reporting it's ip as localhost, thus requiring NAT evne when on the local wifi network, packet dropping like a drug dealer being chased by cops....
23:58.51*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@

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