IRC log for #asterisk on 20091016

00:01.31Kattyboyfriend's watching a scary movie
00:07.31*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
00:10.12*** join/#asterisk Yuda-israel1984 (n=Yuda-isr@
00:11.28Yuda-israel1984hi guys does anyone have the correct sip config for rnk accounts??
00:11.44*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
00:13.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
00:15.56pawproCould anybody elaborate on the following warning:  channel.c:3445 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x4 (ulaw) to 0x8 (alaw)?
00:17.44tzafrir_laptoppawpro, hmmm.... any chance you actually miss some basic codec_* modules?
00:18.15tzafrir_laptopDo you load modules manually or automatically?
00:19.51radicall variables difened in [global] of the extension.conf still global if change them in an context?
00:22.03pawprocore show codecs shows all codecs including ulaw alaw gsm g729 etc
00:24.26*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
00:24.45infobotanswers is, like, Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
00:25.17Kattyhi manx.
00:25.19pawproi do load modules manually thou
00:25.30pawprotzafrir_laptop: I load modules manually
00:29.03tzafrir_laptop'core show codecs' shows all codec types known at build-time. Regardless of whether they are actually supported
00:30.08pawprotzafrir_laptop: obiously i wasnt loading alaw. ehhh Thanks man!
00:32.31*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (n=cosmicwo@
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00:45.47*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
00:51.20*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:02.07Kattyhi jaytee
01:02.44jayteehi Katty
01:02.48Kattywhat'd ya have for dinner?
01:02.57jayteefettucini alfredo
01:04.09jayteefeeling sad and listening to Seal
01:04.21Kattyhugs jaytee
01:04.25Kattyi will listen to seal with you.
01:05.07jayteegot home late after fight that trojan that got past our filters and had a message from my mom telling me by uncle passed early this evening
01:05.12*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:10.00loather-worki like seal. i've got almost all his albums.
01:11.07*** join/#asterisk Sandheaver (n=jeremiah@
01:11.43Sandheaverwikipedia down for anyone else?
01:11.49Sandheavernever saw wikipedia go down before.
01:11.53*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
01:12.45*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:15.21loather-workworks for me.
01:15.31*** join/#asterisk dmz (
01:34.46*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
01:36.55*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
01:45.13*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
01:52.51*** part/#asterisk alevy (
01:57.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
01:57.51*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
01:59.13*** join/#asterisk friartuck (n=pmccary@
02:00.50Kattyhey jblack (-
02:03.01raden_workKatty, why you never say hi to me anymore :(
02:06.03*** join/#asterisk dmz (n=dmz@
02:32.17*** part/#asterisk sircolin (
02:33.15*** join/#asterisk alexshell (n=abc@unaffiliated/alexshell)
02:33.35jblackHow is callcentric these days?
02:33.55*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
02:42.02*** join/#asterisk tjz (n=tjz@unaffiliated/tjz)
02:42.16*** join/#asterisk sfr33man (n=sfreeman@
02:44.06sfr33mananyone seen asterisk segfault when running 'stop gracefully' at the cli?
02:45.39*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (
02:50.49loather-worki'd just like to find a free reporting interface for asterisk
02:51.00loather-worksomething that provides some basic reporting features and call center features.
02:51.40KattyBasic Reporting?
02:51.49Kattyi know a nice php wrap around for Call Logs
02:51.54Kattybut that might not be what you're talking about
02:52.06loather-workyeah, just something that'll read the CDR and do some basic per-extension reports, call details, etc.
02:52.24loather-worknumber of calls per hour, per day, per month, that kind of thing
02:52.26Kattygoogle asterisk-stat
02:53.30loather-workthis might be exactly what i'm looking for.
02:55.37*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (n=cstewart@nat/digium/x-nimfwfvlelsjvtjm)
02:56.21KavanSman I feel fucking l33t..
02:56.37KavanSI hacked out this macro to navigate verizon and at&t voicemail followme was leaving "press 1 to accept" voicemails
02:56.55KavanSit's cheezy, but matter if you press ignore, have phone off...or it just rings till it hits voicemail
02:57.10KavanS<3's *
02:57.45KavanSamd wasn't working for my needs...
02:58.35jblackI've been fighting with t-mobile for 3 days to reject rejected/unanswered calls.
02:59.29loather-workKatty: *perfect* -- thanks. this is exactly what I needed.
02:59.35KavanSjblack, I let the asterisk system leave the voicemail, then I have it navigate out by choosing to delete the message...send some garbage keys, and then it asks you, "press 1 to disconnect" for at&t
02:59.37Kattyloather-work: cheers (=
02:59.54Kattynow if only my ears would shut up
03:00.16*** join/#asterisk mnicholson (n=mnichols@nat/digium/x-bhxdktvbbyhuiehf)
03:00.16KavanSdid the exact same for verizon...tested both phones in on/off and reject modes
03:00.22Kattyotherwise known as tinnitus
03:00.24jblackmy phone is in a group.
03:00.34KavanSjblack, ring group?
03:00.43loather-workyah, i've got it too :(
03:00.43jblackmy office phone, then all the phones in the house, then my cell phone. Then, I want the call to go back to *'s voicemail.
03:01.15KavanSjblack, I do that now...want me to share some snippets?
03:01.17loather-worki was a live sound engineer for a long time. my right ear has it worse than my left, but it's manageable. As long as there's ambient noise I don't notice it.
03:01.26KavanSmy work is somewhat hackish as I've been toying with * for a couple months to get it the way I want it
03:01.32KavanSbut it works I can tell you that...
03:01.34jblackkavans: With t-mobile? Becuase like I said, I can't get them to turn voicemail off.
03:01.54KavanSjblack, no need to turn off your tmobile with landline, leave a voicemail, press pound...
03:01.56jblackwhich means the call _always_ gets answered.
03:02.04KavanSthen tell it to delete message and press some garbage keys
03:02.07KavanSmake it disconnect you
03:02.16KavanSthen use "SendDTMF" to emulate this
03:02.28KavanSI have it repeat the same routine twice...seems to work flawlessly
03:02.32KavanSlet me pastebin...
03:02.44jblackYou want me to tell people that are trying to call me, to do a fake voice mail, delete it, and call back my main number, and go straight to voicemail?
03:02.58KavanSjblack, no...your asterisk system does this
03:03.11KavanSjblack, you just don't notice it...this is only related to your tmobile voicemial
03:03.28*** join/#asterisk dlewis (n=dlewis@about/security/staff/dlewis)
03:03.35jblackYeah, I'd like to see what you're doing.
03:03.46KavanSjblack, my system rings my desk answer for 5 secs, rings deskphone, cellphone, sipphone...
03:03.55Kattyhi dlewis
03:03.57KavanSduring cellphone ringing, it waits for user to press 1 to accept call
03:04.13jblackuser being you?
03:04.20KavanSduring that time, at the end of the loop...asterisk sends DTMF to tmobile/verizon/at&t to disconnect/delete the message
03:04.31KavanSyep, user being person who's cell phone it is
03:04.37KavanSin this case it is me, but I use this for other people as well :)
03:04.37jblacki understand what you're doing.
03:04.46KavanSok, lemme share
03:04.50jblackhow do you inject dtmf after the fact? I thought * couldn't do that
03:04.57*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
03:05.09dlewisgonna open up a can of worms here
03:05.16Kattyoh boy!
03:05.19Kattyi'll get my bug spray
03:05.24dlewisbut, what are yalls opinion on the best phone for asterisk (regardless of price)?
03:05.42Kattyi prefer polycom
03:05.44jblackbest phone is an email client.
03:05.51Kattyinfobot: phones?
03:05.52infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
03:05.52loather-workpolycom, aastra, snom are all good
03:06.15KavanSjblack, hell yeah, I'm injecting DTMF to the party on the other end ;)
03:06.19dlewisI was looking at then Aastra 57i CT
03:06.26KavanSjblack, pasting you my'll take me a sec
03:06.30Kattyinteresting. right ear is louder than the left.
03:06.36Kattydlewis: what price range are you working with?
03:06.45Kattydlewis: the polycom 320/330 is very good for it's price.
03:07.01Sandheaver320 = $85
03:07.03dlewisKatty: cost isn't an issue for this client
03:07.18dlewishe wants the best available
03:07.21Sandheaverhowcome wikipedia is down for me
03:07.49*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
03:07.55Kattywell in that case i'd go with color LCD polycoms
03:08.00Sandheaverdlewis: if he wants to brag to his college buddies, cisco phones.  but you must pay for a Call Manager license even though you're using Asterisk
03:08.21Sandheaverand at that point it's just a small jump to just use Cisco all around i guess
03:08.28dlewisSandheaver: outside of Cisco
03:08.33SandheaverPolycom then
03:08.58SandheaverKatty: wikipedia working for you?
03:09.48infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
03:09.48KattySandheaver: works for me
03:09.48Kattydns problems?
03:09.49SandheaverI get Invalid URL The requested URL "/", is invalid.
03:09.54manxpowerSmells like a proxy to me
03:10.04Sandheaverprobably, manxpower
03:10.06Sandheaverbut not mine
03:10.18Kattycan you bring up
03:10.34SandheaverKatty: yes, says "wiki does not exist"
03:10.58Sandheaverlots of links to various wikipedias
03:14.23jblackOh, you're using zap.
03:14.29KavanSjblack, and SIP
03:14.42jblackI believe SendDTMF only works for zap. I don't believe it works inband for sip
03:14.42KavanSjblack, I use failover logic in there to make it so if Zap is congested use my SIP channel(s)
03:14.59KavanSahh no shit?
03:15.48KavanShrm doesn't seem to say anything about not working on SIP lines
03:16.10jblackTry it.
03:16.21KavanStesting now
03:16.24KavanSblocking up the zap line...
03:17.18*** join/#asterisk dssman (
03:17.48dssmanhey there... anyone know of a tapi client that works with vista x64?
03:18.13KavanSjblack, so far so some interesting output, but I think the SIP channel went dead as expected (SendDTMF executed successfully)
03:18.25KavanSwaiting for any possible voicemail now...
03:19.23alexshelldoes someone provides paid support? estabilished company?
03:20.06*** part/#asterisk dlewis (n=dlewis@about/security/staff/dlewis)
03:20.24KavanSalexshell, best support around
03:20.40KavanSjblack, yep no voicemails either on SIP line...sendDTMF looks like it works
03:21.30alexshellKavanS, I want it to get support to integrate asterisk with MS-SQL database
03:21.35jblacktest by calling a line you set up to inject dtmf in the middle.
03:22.06alexshellKavanS, AGI expertise perhaps
03:22.17KavanSalexshell, pretty sure digium would be a good source for this :)
03:22.35jblackHrrr. callcentric is dropping packets
03:22.46alexshellok, will try KavanS thankyou!
03:23.36alexshellKavanS, you mean right?
03:24.10KavanSalexshell, yes I do! heh sorry it is late for me :)
03:24.22KavanSalexshell, I'm sure they'd help you integrate with MS-SQL
03:25.02alexshellnp KavanS, thank you again :)
03:25.17KavanSjblack, I've tested the DTMF in a SIP call before by calling I know it's sending them
03:25.44KavanSalexshell, no worries, good luck :)
03:28.37jblackkavans: Ok
03:34.41*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:51.01jblackOne of these sides is screwing up. I can't tell if it's callcentric or sipdroid
03:57.58*** join/#asterisk effigee (
03:58.13*** join/#asterisk r0oter (
04:01.40jblackfound it.
04:01.44jblackpfm options.
04:06.33r0oterhey everybody, I have setup my asterisk server and my spa3102 adapter. So far when I make a call to the asterisk server, asterisk pick the call and I get dial tone to dial the extension. Im trying to get the menu right when asterisk get the call. Could u guys help me out with the dialplan?
04:09.42*** join/#asterisk effigee (
04:10.28*** join/#asterisk xuser_ (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
04:12.10drmessanojblack: Using Callcentric now?
04:12.48dssman*** anyone around... I jsut ran "conary update sendmail" and my manager.conf file seems to have disappeard
04:13.02drmessanouh WUT?
04:13.07*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
04:13.20dssmanthat at me?
04:13.33drmessanoI would imagine you did more than that
04:13.40dssmanI updated sendmail and restarted the process and she dont work :S
04:13.41*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
04:13.53drmessanoThe file is gone?
04:13.56dssmanI can send you my shell session!
04:13.58dssmanit appears so
04:14.12dssmanI did "locate manager.conf" and I get nothin
04:14.21drmessanoI dont want your shell session, I dont accept EXE attachments, KTHX
04:14.35drmessanoHow about nano /etc/asterisk/manager.conf?
04:15.02dssmanits there, but permission denied
04:15.07dssmanlemme see rights
04:18.37p3nguinYou'll want to be root, of course.
04:19.03dssmanI sudo'd iut
04:19.17p3nguinsudo vim /etc/asterisk/manager.conf?
04:19.30p3nguinYou're using ubuntu?
04:19.30*** join/#asterisk gmarsh (
04:19.38dssmanIm running *now
04:19.51p3nguinDoes it even have sudo configured for you to be able to do that?
04:20.08p3nguinBetter just become root and try again.
04:22.24dssmanshits weird... I just tried to restore and all my restore files are gone... there were 3 there yesterday
04:23.50dssmanI sent the box down for a reboot and I have my manager.conf access back again
04:23.57dssmanbut shit is weirddddddd
04:24.54p3nguinLike rebooting will magically fix the problem?
04:25.05drmessanoZOMG hard rock asterisk covers
04:25.44drmessanoGot the best idea for hold music, ever.. Except all that RIAA stuff
04:25.45dssmanthat was the hope and for some reason it did
04:25.55drmessanoRebooting fixes nothing.. YOU LIE
04:26.07dssmanit fixes all in windows :D
04:26.18dssmanbut yea, I have no idea
04:27.07dssmanhmmm now my backup engine is still dead
04:27.52*** join/#asterisk Mango (n=Mango@
04:28.27MangoIf Asterisk loses and then regains its internet connection, does it attempt to reregister at intervals by default?
04:28.38MangoI got the network back up remotely but
04:28.43MangoAsterisk isn't coming online.
04:30.44dssmanas far as I know it does
04:34.00MangoHeh.  Then maybe I'm in for a drive.
04:34.53*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
04:50.04mchoudrmessano: you happen to know if flowroute does cname lookups on inbound callerids?
04:50.54mchoudrmessano: I gather you dont use their DIDs?
04:51.44mchoudrmessano: who do you use for DIDs (aside from google voice/ipkall)?
04:52.36drmessanoTold you, I have no friends.. My google voice number gets the most action.  I get maybe 10 calls a month.  3 are telemarketers, 5 are turning me down for job interviews, 1 is a wrong number, and the last is my monthly call from my ex-wife wanting her flowbee back
04:53.15drmessanoITS MY FLOWBEE NOW
04:53.17drmessanoU HEAR ME
04:53.37drmessanoWITCH WITH A "B"
04:53.40drmessanoTAKE THAT!
04:54.27drmessanomchou: I used a lot for a while
04:54.45drmessanomchou: Somehow all my calling got shifted to my cell, and I am in the process of fixing that
04:55.30drmessanoI prefer flowroute for termination, and really, if I could get Gvoice direct to Asterisk, my life would be complete
04:56.01mchouI dunno.  I need to find an ITSP that doesnt meter for incoming (and doesnt charge an arm & leg either)
04:56.22drmessanoFlowroute has $6.95 unlimited inbound
04:56.27*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
04:56.35mchouyeah, that's tied per DID
04:56.48drmessanoand VPRI
04:56.50nsgngoodevening. haven't been here for a while. last asterisk box i put together has been running 6 months without a peep, though.
04:57.09nsgnhere to ask recommendations for a reputable online shop to get digium cards
04:57.17nsgnspecifically the TDM808E
04:58.17nsgnthey don't carry that specific configuration
04:58.38nsgnand i thought i remember that the configuration that number indicates was cheaper than buying the components separately
04:58.49nsgnthough i cant recall where the heck i ended up getting the card
05:00.39nsgnweird, their search didnt find that card. unfortunately their price is pretty bad compared to the one other place i trust, telephonydepot
05:00.53mchougoogle was able to find a lower price
05:01.04drmessanoYou asked for reputable
05:01.14drmessanoPerhaps you need to refine your terms
05:01.21nsgnyeah, i didnt want to just buy cheapest on google. i need the thing in a timely manner, in good condition, etc
05:01.26drmessano"Cheapest possible where I wont get screwed"
05:01.34nsgni've used and trust telephony depot, and would trust digium
05:01.43nsgni just wanted to see if there were others people had good word for
05:01.52mchouthat's courtesy of google
05:02.54nsgnhas anyone used that store? my criteria was a store someone has used and had a smooth experience with. if i'm gonna buy over a grand of stuff it's not gonna be from someone's yahoo store :)
05:03.53mchouthe problem has been overconstrained
05:04.02nsgnis it too much to simply ask for a trusted store?
05:04.30nsgnno issue if nobody knows of one, but i figured you would be the people to know
05:04.40nsgnwas just interested in shopping around beyond telephonydepot
05:04.42mchoubut trust means nothing when the govt has to bail out Goldman Sachs
05:05.01mchouthat's not a yahoo store
05:05.32drmessanoYeah, they're one of the biggest telephony stores
05:05.42drmessanoYour google foo = fail
05:06.01mchoudrmessano: you talking to me?
05:06.08nsgnprobably me. i found that store earlier when searching for that card, but wanted to know if someone has had a good experience with them
05:06.19drmessanoNo, mchou, DUH
05:06.37drmessanonsgn: Someone probably has, someone probably hasnt
05:06.38nsgnthat's what i was asking. for a store someone had had a plesant transaction with before
05:06.48nsgn* someone being one of you in here
05:06.53drmessanonewegg owes me $42
05:07.01*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
05:07.02drmessanoDoes that mean they suck?
05:07.04mchouyou trust people on IRC
05:07.21mchouthat's like blind leading the blind :)
05:07.22nsgni've gotten fine advice from kind people in here many a time before
05:07.35nsgnbut though you get what i'm asking you clearly don't desire to help. thanks for the time though
05:07.38drmessanoI dont find it particulary funny they fucked me over on an RMA, but if it amuses you, feel free to continue laughing
05:07.41Mangomchou: I'm late to the party, but you may want to consider Callcentric's Dirt Cheap DID or
05:08.02nsgndrmessano: was amusing in the sense that it was a good example. i enjoy newegg but i'm sure they have experiences like that
05:08.07mchouMango: Callcentric and "cheap" is an oxymoron
05:08.26drmessanoI also bought my laptop from them and have had no problems otherwise..
05:08.35mchouMango: see you don't get my trust
05:08.45mchoumango: :)
05:09.02nsgnthanks all, i'm out
05:09.30drmessanoAh,did I type that?
05:09.52mchouthe dude missed: Govt and educational Accts on that page
05:10.07mchoudont mess with Uncle Sam
05:10.41drmessanoHe missed the part about looking for google hits on a retailer
05:10.41mchouIRS screw you over with broomstick (that's tem being kind)
05:11.11Mangomchou: Dirt Cheap DIDs are $3/month, 2 channels, unlimited incoming.
05:11.28MangoCallcentric and "cheap" ain't always an oxymoron :)
05:11.47MangoThey're not available in all rate centres though.  Hence cheap.
05:12.14mchouMango: the 2 channel limitation is a sick joke
05:12.52mchouideally I'd have a pool of DIDs...
05:14.54mchouhow many ITSPs limit 2 channels/DID?
05:15.08MangoFor $3/month? ;) starts at $0.99/month for 25 channels but they charge per minute. is $2/mo (if you prepay yr.)
05:16.07Mangohow many channels?
05:16.11mchouof course diamondcard also meters per minute inbound
05:16.35mchouas many channels as you account balance will alow
05:17.04MangoI still don't see how 2 channels is a sick joke, assuming normal residential usage.
05:17.38mchouIt's not residential.  I's actually a doctor's practice
05:18.10mchouthat's as close as you can get to residential w/o being residential
05:18.32mchouin terms of usage
05:20.50mchouAMA should just have an ITSP for all members
05:21.23mchouDoctors to freaking dumb to come up with that kind of plan
05:23.17*** join/#asterisk soman (n=somnath@
05:23.41mchouI find it incredible that hospitals have gone all voip but the doctors have NO idea how the stuff works
05:24.46mchoucause they use it every day and can't figure out how to bring it into their own practive
05:25.02drmessanoThey have no concept of transports
05:27.15mchouand hospitals have gone whole hog with thin clients....
05:27.16*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
05:27.50mchouDoctors havent caught up on that either in their own practice
05:28.22MangoEvery doctor/lawyer/etc I've ever worked for hasn't cared about technology, so long as they can do their job as easily as possible.
05:28.35mchouoh, they care
05:28.41effigeewith those people, upgrading takes money out of their own pockets
05:29.02effigeeso they point at the phone they have, which is some merdian pbx being run by a dinosaur and they go "look its a phone, why do we need new ones"
05:29.03mchouVoip is not an "upgrade" per se
05:29.46mchoueffigee: seriously, I dont see many doctors with key systems
05:30.38effigeei work at a law firm, i guess thats where i was speaking from
05:30.46effigeeit just depends on the size of the place
05:30.51mchoueffigee: indeed
05:31.18drmessanoSmall doctors offices typically have key systems
05:32.08mchouI havent priced it out, but I'd think voip would be cheaper than installing a key system
05:32.39mchouI mean if you're just starting a practce
05:32.39drmessanoRemoving the key system costs them money
05:32.53drmessanoThats why they dont switch
05:33.05drmessanoNew offices I have seen go heavy into voip
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07:07.56xrmx__how can i disable a specific protocol (mgcp, dundi, skinny) support? put an empty bindaddr in conf file?
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07:09.53Tim_Toadyxrmx__ dont load the modules
07:11.26xrmx__Tim_Toady, right, thanks
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07:34.35chodorenkoHi All
07:35.24chodorenkoplease answer howe to i can add in sip.conf  two subnet  for parametr localnet ? localnet= is not work
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07:55.21chodorenkofiddur: THX
07:56.21fiddurchodorenko: Or maybe I should have said  ;)
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07:56.51fidduri mean
07:56.52DelphiWorldhi all
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07:57.18ChannelZgreetings citizen
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09:09.00garymcWOWSER im having some hassle here
09:09.13garymcanyone in the uk and use ISDN 30 with Asterisk?
09:10.01kaldemarjust ask if you have a specific issue
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09:34.44mattbollHi all, after a few minutes, between 1 and 15, the conversation stops. Actually I haven't got the tone but we can't here each other… any idea ? I use Asterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r184842 and here is the cli with debug : but I don't see anything usefull in there :(
09:35.32mattbollthanks infobot :p
09:43.44kaldemarthat debug is completely useless. it only shows a few OPTIONS-OK dialogs.
09:48.15mattbollkaldemar: yeah it's what I saw :( but what should I do ?
09:49.40kaldemarshow the relevant dialplan, show CLI output with sip debug when the call is made, and try to grab sip debug when the conversation stops. start with the first two.
09:49.50garymckaldemar i spoke to TKD-fender showed him my log file and he said that BT was disconnecting my outgoing call. I get incoming calls fine. Take a look at my log file.
09:50.08garymclines 99- 107
09:50.59garymcSo i called BT back , they cant look at PRI debug info they just tell me that the line is open and working and thats all they know. Any ideas what could be causing this?
09:51.12kaldemargarymc: < Message type: DISCONNECT (69) -- Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class = Normal Event (0)
09:52.05garymcThats me making an outgoing call to an existing number. I just get a asterisk voice message "all circuits are busy now"
09:53.44mattbollkaldemar: the pastebin contains "sip set debug peer BNobody_116" in CLI
09:55.33kaldemarmattboll: that pastebin doesn't contain a CALL
10:01.03garymckaldemar : So what does that line mean above^^
10:01.16garymci need help with this
10:01.19kaldemargarymc: you're having a numbering/dialplan issue. bt is rejecting the call to that number, so you need to find out what you can dial and build your dialplan accordingly. for building the dialplan, you're making these questions in the wrong place since you use freepbx.
10:01.52kaldemarunallocated number means that the number you sent to BT is unallocated according to them.
10:01.54garymcok so you think it is a dial plan issue? How would i find out the dial plan required
10:02.11kaldemari just told you.
10:02.53kaldemaror did i? no, maybe not. ask BT about numbering if you don't know what numbers you can dial.
10:04.48drcarumasHi everyone. I'm trying to  append to a variable several results. Something like this $var1=resultfromcounter1,resultfromcounter2,resultfromcounter3  . I just cant find a good way to do this in the dialplan. I have a counter that gives me results a then i have variables with values from that counter like var1=100 var2=333 , but i can have any number of vars from that counter and than i want to append those results to one single vari
10:04.48drcarumasable. I just dont see any function that allows me to append in this dynamic way.
10:05.05drcarumasThanks in advanced.
10:06.37mattbollthis one contains a full call
10:12.38kaldemardrcarumas: i'd say you can do that with apps While, Endwhile, Set and possibly func EVAL
10:14.33drcarumaskaldemar, thanks for your reply. Yes i'm using while endwhile. I was trying with arrays but asterisk cant read all values from array , exept with a while. Hmm. let me check that EVAL. I'm running all the functions in asterisk manual so i can see what i can do.
10:16.45drcarumaskaldemar, hmm i think EVAL wont do : "Using EVAL basically causes a string to be evaluated twice."
10:17.25drcarumaskaldemar, what i need is to append something that in php or in bash should be easy. using "." to append values.
10:20.43kaldemarmattboll: looks like the NAT router in the other end is dropping it, not sure though
10:22.24kaldemardrcarumas: you can append with Set(var1=${var1}${nextvar})
10:22.39kaldemarappending is the easiest part.
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10:23.39kaldemarfor nextvar, you might need eval: var1=${var1}${EVAL(var${counter})}
10:23.41drcarumaskaldemar, yes i can do that the thing is that this ${nextvar} is dinamic. Like nextvar1, nextvar2 . And i can have 10 , 5 , any number of them
10:24.20kaldemari'd try that first.
10:24.31drcarumasohh okk
10:24.53drcarumaskaldemar, i'll try that. :)
10:26.41*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
10:32.45KattyDear Universe, I understand that life is not always cheery and bright, but it would be nice to at least be able to face these things on a full night's sleep instead of 3 hours. Think we could work out a peaceful resolution? Love, Katty
10:36.00Faustovseconds that
10:37.42drcarumaskaldemar, i think this is it. i'm just not getting the right value for now, trying to ajust to what i have. Thanks again . Brb
10:39.46*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
10:40.21TSM2is there anyway to make it so that when you park calls it returns a SIP header to the phone, polycoms have the ability to show messages on the screen from sip headers
10:43.28mattbollkaldemar: thanks for looking at my problème. Any idea what I should do to monitor/debug/whatever ?
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11:13.48TSM2is it possable on polycoms to only show certian buttons depending on who is calling?
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11:23.01rabbit7hello, i have some problem with ring groups ?
11:25.34rabbit7i use ring strategy hunt, i just dont understand how long "hunt" will call the phones in the extensionlist
11:26.59Faustovdoes it make sense not to load all kinds of modules as most tutorials say but select only the ones that are required?
11:27.09Faustovor is it more trouble than possible gain?
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11:55.39TSM2is it normal for * not to hangup after you transfer a call to park?
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12:01.56TSM2im trying to find out where the park lines are in the conf files, is it all done in the app
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12:05.35zmityahi everybody
12:06.22zmityaguys, how many RTP session can be passed through by asterisk *without* codec translation ?
12:06.36zmityalets say I have a _really_ powerful server
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12:07.09zmityalets say with G711 codec in 20ms packetisation
12:10.03zmityaqu1ckkkk: in numbers please ?
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12:11.24qu1ckkkkRead :
12:11.57zmityaqu1ckkkk: thanks
12:12.11qu1ckkkkzmitya: np
12:12.29pawproHi, what is the preferred way in SIP to let the destination asterisk/applience know what number did the caller dial (DNID/Access Number). Now SIP header to naturally shows username@host
12:12.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:14.49qu1ckkkkpawpro: not sure if i understand correctly but try ${EXTEN}
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12:17.15pawproqu1ckkkk: the call comes to asterisk with username (in the "to" field) the call should be sent to. This username is a sip trunk peer. but the call comes from pstn and i want the the sip trunk end point to know that the call originated through certain DNID number
12:18.53[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: "core show function SIP_HEADER" <- parse out the "To:"
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12:22.15pawpro[TK]D-Fender: I know what the to is but my customer does not get the DNID from my only his own username in the TO field. I can set a custom header but want to find how others do it
12:22.57pawpro[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, he does not get the DNID from me only the username
12:23.36[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: pastebin SIP DEBUG of a call... your wording is gettin worse...
12:23.41infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
12:26.58*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (
12:29.20qu1ckkkklol @[TK]D-Fender
12:31.06drcarumaskaldemar, hi again. Just to say thanks. It's working with EVAL. :)
12:33.54pawproqu1ckkkk: In the SIP proxy I would change the To header and send it to the right IP but i don't know how to do it in asterisk where the to is the user.
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12:36.27[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: what is the real # we should be looking at in there?
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12:39.54pawpro[TK]D-Fender: The number isn't there because this is HIS SIP debug. Ideally instead of sending him his username in "To:" I would like to send him the string (I.E.0800xxxxxxx) which I find during processing the dialplan (from the custom header X-Access-Number).
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12:43.40DelphiWorldasterisk do SCTP?
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12:47.12[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: "core show application SIPAddHeader"
12:48.02[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Nope
12:48.17pawpro[TK]D-Fender: Again my original question was that I know how to add a custom header what I was asking about was the common header name or other technique
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12:49.10[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: You normally never have to do this.
12:49.39[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Remote-Party-ID: "07849742558" <sip:07849742558@>;privacy=off;screen=no
12:50.02[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Here we send the callerID, and I am not seeing what YOU are sending on your side
12:50.10[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: the dial issued
12:50.16[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: provide debug from the OTHER side
12:52.29pawpro[TK]D-Fender: There is 4 asterisks involved and it would take to much time as they are all busy and the debug would be messy. On one end you have PSTN GW on the other end you have SBC/Sip Gateway asterisk and i need to send through the original DID (I already have it on the SIP GW I'm just not sure where to stick it to)/.
12:52.34[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Well you'd need to isolate the one that had more info but didn't pass it
12:52.45[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: saying "looking is hard" doesn't really cut it...
12:53.42pawpro[TK]D-Fender: I pass it all the way in the custom header X-Access-Number but before it is sent to the customer I wanted to standarize it or maybe overvrite To so it will work regardless whether it's asterisk or not
12:54.57[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: do they register to the server this debug came from?
12:56.00pawpro[TK]D-Fender: no this is what the user gets on his box outside of my system
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12:57.53[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: PB the peer you dialed for that call.
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk wakdep (n=wakdep@
12:59.27wakdepHi All - I have an issue compiling Asterisk on Debian Lenny. I have the build deps installed but I am getting the following error:
12:59.39wakdepalaw.c: In function ‘ast_alaw_init’:
12:59.39wakdepalaw.c:186: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ast_log’
12:59.39wakdepalaw.c:186: error: ‘LOG_WARNING’ undeclared (first use in this function)
12:59.39wakdepalaw.c:186: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
12:59.40wakdepalaw.c:186: error: for each function it appears in.)
12:59.44wakdepalaw.c:190: error: ‘LOG_NOTICE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
12:59.55wakdepWould anyone have come across this before and know how to fix please?
13:00.04[TK]D-Fenderwakdep: PASteBIN.
13:00.09[TK]D-Fenderwakdep: Do NOT spam in here
13:00.12infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
13:00.19wakdepAh - sorry chaps.
13:00.29qu1ckkkkPASTEBIN dude
13:02.29wakdepSorry -
13:03.47[TK]D-Fenderwakdep: I see this with
13:03.52[TK]D-Fenderwakdep: But not yours.
13:04.53wakdepso this would be with the new G711 Algorithm then? I'll try without too...
13:05.46wakdepit almost looks like a header file missing.... *ponders*
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13:09.45DelphiWorldhapy diwali to all person from india;)
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13:15.43wakdepCan I ask where I search for issues? I seem to be having an dissue with the make target for /tests/ now! :-)
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13:18.29[TK]D-Fenderwakdep: [09:03]<[TK]D-Fender> <-- good place to start...
13:18.33[TK]D-Fenderwakdep: repoen it
13:18.37*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:18.39devyllhello. How can I make the Read command to hide the string entered by the user ? I don't want that string to appear in the loggs. I'm trying to build a password authentification dialplan.
13:19.27[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Do you actually see it?
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13:38.46infobotrumour has it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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13:40.09[TK]D-FenderWow... somone seriously tried pounding my home server for SIP peers last month...
13:41.44fidduri've seen that too... I reported it to the isp of that ip
13:42.40*** join/#asterisk cusco (n=trilili@2001:0:53aa:64c:1864:cb77:2ac0:762d)
13:43.21cuscoour digium card has two primary sockets
13:43.46cusco02:01.0 Communication controller: Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE210P dual-span T1/E1/J1 card 3.3V (rev 02)
13:43.46cuscowe have all 30 channekls gull, Im about to connect the seccond line in
13:43.55cuscowhat has to be done on /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf ?
13:44.04cuscoat the moment it reads:
13:44.20ManxPower-workuse pastebin!
13:44.23infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
13:44.28qu1ckkkkpb pls
13:44.42cuscoat the moment it reads:
13:45.08cuscoit should be ok to plug it in, right?
13:45.13cuscowhat else needs to be done?
13:45.57ManxPower-workremember, any options set AFTER a channel => line does not get applied
13:45.59cuscohow do I activate it
13:46.10ManxPower-workcusco: jut plug it in.
13:46.12cuscoso how do I reload?
13:46.42ManxPower-workI assume that 2nd span is also going to the telco, right?
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13:52.36zambahow do i deactivate the skinny protocol from my *?
13:53.11[TK]D-Fenderzamba: noload =>
13:53.15[TK]D-Fenderzamba: in modules.conf
13:53.48zamba[TK]D-Fender: thanks :)
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14:00.39afinkif I set jbenable=yes and jbforce=yes in sip.conf will all my sip calls be jitter buffered?
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14:01.26afinkor do I need the j option in a dial?
14:02.30*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
14:03.06russellbafink: if you set it on a sip channel, it will almost never be used
14:03.37TSM2ok this is polycom related, is there a way to limit certian parameters in the xml conf only for certian models of phone?
14:04.38NaikrovekTSM2: yes, but i just woke up and the method isn't revealing itself to me right now
14:05.46afinkrussellb: thank you
14:06.21NaikrovekTSM2: how many phones do you have in total, and how many models are you using
14:07.15[TK]D-FenderTSM2: like what/
14:08.39TSM2[TK]D-Fender: the ip330 and ip450+ have diffrent ammount of softkeys, i want to show diffrent buttons depending on the phone, i know one way of doing it which is including a diffrent config file in the XML file for the phones to load up, but was wandering if it can be done within a single XML file
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14:09.47[TK]D-FenderTSM2: What file are those in?
14:10.46cuscosecond primary cable is fisically pluggged in
14:10.49cuscohow to activate it?»
14:11.03cuscoManxPower-work: yes
14:11.21ManxPower-workcusco: you do not "activate it"  You plug it in and it works.
14:11.47Naikroveki thought he meant "fiscally" for a minute there.
14:11.56crazybytehi. would somebody be so kind and enlighten me (if he or she can) about the purpose of the following ports used by asterisk thank you!
14:11.56cuscoManxPower-work: no
14:11.58ManxPower-workYou won't need a T-1/E-1 crossover since you are going from the 2nd port to the telco,.  IF you were using the 2nd port to go to a pbx then that would be totally different.
14:11.59cuscopri show span 2
14:12.04cuscodoes not show it working
14:12.10TSM2[TK]D-Fender: first file the phone tries to download is {MAC ADDR}.cfg, in that file is a single line telliing the phone where the main application is, then it tells in what order to load extra config files etc..., currently for me it loads a generic default sip.cfg file to reset the phone, one to define the standard server setup and  one to define the phones exention
14:12.19ManxPower-workcusco: PASTEBIN the output
14:12.57[TK]D-FenderTSM2: well you could do a complete single unique file per phone if you really wanted to...
14:13.17ManxPower-workcrazybyte: 4569 is IAX2, I assume the others are MGCP and SCCP
14:13.23crazybytei see
14:13.56crazybytei need to put up a firewall and i didn't know what those ports are used for. thank you
14:13.57TSM2[TK]D-Fender: what i thought was include a seperate file, an adjustment file for softkeys, there are a bunch of standard parameters you can use, phone MAC code, phone model etc... bingo, just thought how i would do it
14:14.08ManxPower-workcrazybyte: are you using SIP?
14:14.18crazybyteonly sip
14:14.21[TK]D-FenderTSM2: As long as the bits add up you should be fine
14:14.38crazybyteManxPower-work, only sip so i don't need to open those ports
14:14.42ManxPower-workthen you need ports 5060/UDP and whatever ports are in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf   IF you don't have an rtp.conf then the ports default to 10000/UDP - 20000/UDP
14:14.57infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:14.59NaikrovekTSM2: i think the indended way to do this is to create X number of config files containing the different softbutton configs and add the appropriate one to each macaddress.cfg files
14:15.02[TK]D-Fendercrazybyte: MGCP, IAX2, DUNDI, and I don't know 5000
14:15.08crazybyteManxPower-work, yes. those are open
14:15.23TSM2[TK]D-Fender: you might know this. is there any reason why when parking a call it does not automaticly hang up after its done?
14:15.24cuscoManxPower-work: sorry yes let me show tou
14:15.37[TK]D-Fendercrazybyte: So NOLOAd those modules in modules.conf
14:15.51NaikrovekTSM2: so if you have 2 phone models, create 2 per-model configs, and include the appropriate one in each macaddress.cfg
14:16.04crazybyte[TK]D-Fender, i will do that also
14:16.04cuscoManxPower-work: No PRI running on span 2
14:16.04Naikroveki think TSM2 has me ignored
14:16.06[TK]D-FenderTSM2: it is an attended transfer.  You need to release on your side.  its no different
14:16.11TSM2Naikrovek: just realised the main config can accept [PHONE_MODEL]
14:16.26cuscowe are having a GREAT deal of MASS calls
14:16.29ManxPower-workcusco: what is the output of ztcfg -vvv or dahdi_cfg -vvv  pastebin the info
14:16.40NaikrovekTSM2: yes, create each model.cfg then include them via that
14:16.41cuscodahdi calls go down when channels reach 30/31
14:17.14ManxPower-workcusco: are you using zaptel or dahdi?
14:18.11cusco31 first channels seem to be OK
14:18.23ManxPower-workcusco: you cannot add/remove channels from the config while active calls are happening.  pastebin the output of dahdi show channels
14:18.23cuscobut we are having more thatn 31 calls from dahdi
14:18.29TSM2[TK]D-Fender: so basicly no way to make it auto hangup, thats annoying, ile program that into the efk stuff on the polycoms
14:19.00cuscoyou mean in asterisk cli: core show channels
14:19.10ManxPower-workcusco: no, I mean dahdi show channels
14:19.29ManxPower-workcore show channels only shows channels with active calls.
14:20.12ManxPower-workcusco: you did not restart asterisk
14:20.33cuscoI did after plugging the second span
14:20.46cuscobut we are having MASSIVE calls!!1
14:20.49ManxPower-workyou have to restart asterisk when you add/remove channels.  You could instead use "module unload" and then "load
14:21.05cuscoahh I did not restart dahdi
14:21.12ManxPower-workcusco: then do this when you do not have massive calls.
14:21.29ManxPower-workrunning the dahdi_cfg -vvv restarts dahdi
14:22.09cuscoManxPower-work: ok I will waint until I have less calls
14:22.19cuscoor asterisk breaks again (calls going down)
14:22.25cuscomean while enlighten me
14:22.37cuscojust restart dahdi (reloading the module) will activate the second span
14:22.45cuscois /etc/asterisk7dahdi-channels.conf
14:22.54cuscois /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf OK?
14:23.33*** join/#asterisk moy (n=chatzill@
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14:25.37cuscothat should be OK? I mean, is it even not suposed to be edited by us?
14:26.05ManxPower-workcusco: unless you are using some stupid gui all files should be edited by us.
14:27.00cuscono Im not using anything, it just soudned like that file was generated (it has a comment on red alarm)
14:27.10cuscobut it seems to be ok, it start on chan 32
14:27.49*** part/#asterisk sircolin (
14:29.27ManxPower-workcusco: don't expect it to work with just a dahdi reload.  I already said that.
14:34.01cuscoManxPower-work: you said that I could unload and load
14:34.06cuscoinstead of restarting asterisk
14:34.20ManxPower-workcusco: Correct.  But "dahdi reload" is a totally different command.
14:34.33ManxPower-workload/unload is not a reload
14:34.41cuscowhen I sauid reload dahdi, I was thinking of rmmod && modprobe
14:35.04cuscoI will unload it and load it via asteirks cli
14:35.43cuscojust wait for the right moment
14:37.47*** join/#asterisk came0 (
14:37.52ManxPower-workactually rmmod and modprobe is also not a "dahdi reload"
14:38.31cuscoI said reload because /etc/init.d/dahdi restart works that way
14:38.41ManxPower-workWhen I said "dahdi reload" I meant exactly that.  Issuing the command "dahdi reload" in the CLI.
14:39.00ManxPower-workIssuing that command don't add/remove channels.  Other stuff will add/remove channels
14:39.08cuscoyes ok
14:39.18cuscothansk for helping dude
14:39.36cuscoI will unload and load
14:39.42cuscodo i have to restart asterisk afterwards?
14:40.03ManxPower-workno, doing those two commands should be enough for Asterisk to see the new channels.
14:40.23ManxPower-workyou already took care of the dahdi_cfg earlier
14:40.33cuscook I only have to wait know.. we are having some calls
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14:47.23cuscothanks a lot ManxPower-work
14:47.30cuscoanother question...
14:47.46cuscoI heard that the 31st channel is suposed to be for internal monitoring
14:47.53cusconot a actual channel
14:47.56cuscois that true?
14:48.10cuscoI saw 30 dahdis comming in, then the 31st came, all calls went down
14:48.17cuscoIm still going trough log file
14:50.55*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
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14:51.34cuscobloody U2, they still a month and half away and people start calling to get their tickets early
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15:10.55devyll[TK]D-Fender:  I asked you a question about making Read not display the "password" entered by the caller in the log file or in the CLI when enabling verbose. You asked me if I actually see it. and I had to leave so I'm answering now ... Yes I can see it in the CLI . sorry for the daly
15:11.23devyllactually the question was asked here in the channel .. not to you personally but you answered.
15:12.29grharryhi, I am builing asterisk with mISDN from  .. Do I need to build install kernel modules etc for dahdi at all ??? thnx in advance ...
15:12.49[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Whoever has access to CLI can do FAR more damage directly.
15:13.11[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: You don't hand out the keys to your house and the alarm code and then wonder how to secure yourself.
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15:15.03devyll[TK]D-Fender: you are right.
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15:20.17grharryanybody ??
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15:27.52grharryhi, I am builing asterisk with mISDN from  .. Do I need to build install kernel modules etc for dahdi at all ??? thnx in advance ...
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15:54.20grharrythanks all !!!!! Much appreciated ... you all are such a gurus !!!!!
15:54.27*** join/#asterisk Sajam (
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15:58.20SajamHello, i want to configure Qutecom to connect to asterisk, what should i enter in the account of Qutecom??
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16:00.43[TK]D-FenderSajam: user, pass, server.  3 little blanks to fill..
16:01.41Sajam[TK]D-Fender, Thank you very much very your reply, actually i am having problems also after reading the bbok
16:02.07Sajam[TK]D-Fender, my question is user and pass shall be created on asterisk yeah??
16:02.33[TK]D-FenderSajam: Huh?
16:02.37Sajamlike user= john pass=password ??
16:02.56[TK]D-FenderSajam: incorrect syntax, but the right idea
16:03.01Sajamokay, i installed astersik on Centos, so i need to create user and pass
16:03.27Sajammmm, what is the right syntax
16:03.33[TK]D-FenderSajam: Keep reading the book...
16:03.58KavanSheh that is an interesting picture!
16:04.03[TK]D-FenderSajam: And for a slightly old but still good example of a simple system :
16:04.08infobot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
16:04.14KavanS[TK]D-Fender, you at astricon?
16:04.27*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
16:04.30[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Never been...
16:15.40Kobazokay.... sooooo
16:15.48*** join/#asterisk blkry (
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16:16.16radenSandheaver: how goes it bro
16:16.26Kobazi have an asteirsk box in front of an avaya... on t1... and then i have a t1 to the network (pstn).... i take a call from the avaya, and send it to the pstn over t1... it works fine
16:16.46Kobazi dial out directly from a soft phone to the network, and the call is rejected
16:17.06Kobaznow i figure it's a callerid problem, but my callerid fields match exactly from what the avaya is sending... (i just have a passthrough dial)
16:17.12Kobazso here's the debuggerades
16:17.32Sajam[TK]D-Fender, i just wanna ask if i can use cisco router 1760 connected to astersik on lan, instead of having tdm card
16:17.54[TK]D-FenderSajam: Sure..
16:19.46Kobaz <-- working call
16:20.15Sajam[TK]D-Fender, thank you very much, i will ask about the configuration with cisco later on :P
16:20.17Kobaz <-- not working call
16:21.57Kobazall the callerid fields are the same
16:22.24Kattyi has been awoken.
16:22.34Kattymayhaps i should go to work today.
16:22.43hardwireI haz been amazed
16:23.16Kobazit was a search and replace
16:23.24Kobazi didn't search and replace the other one
16:23.30[TK]D-FenderKobaz: not the number... the pRESENTATION
16:23.44*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
16:23.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: SetCallerPres()
16:24.20[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Also : Good : > Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer capability: 3.1kHz audio (16)
16:24.33[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Also : Bad : Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer capability: Speech (0)
16:24.39[TK]D-FenderOdd difference
16:25.50Kobazthat worked
16:25.50Kobazdoing setcallerpres
16:27.07Kobazso why would i have to set callerpres on dialing from an iax peer, and not when taking a call from another pri link
16:28.15[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Privacy settings based on the channel of origin
16:29.04Kobazhow long have you been monkeying with asterisk/telephony btw
16:29.12Kobazthere doesn't seem to be many things you can't fix
16:32.25[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Between 5-6 years with *, telephony goes back to the 300 baud modem days and phreaking with DTMF dialers and wire cutters at phone booths ;)
16:32.33carrar[TK]D-Fender sleeps on a bed made of Asterisk boxes
16:32.37*** part/#asterisk sircolin (
16:32.48[TK]D-Fenderalso has back issues...
16:35.56[TK]D-Fenderneeds softer servers
16:36.00Kobazi'm like htat with linux
16:36.13Kobazi've been using linux since 94
16:36.18Kobazthere's not much I can't fix, heh
16:38.15[TK]D-FenderI only started using Linux around 2003/4
16:38.30[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm far from "skilled"
16:43.21*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
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17:04.11cuscono span|
17:05.24Kobazhelp the computer
17:05.29Kobazi am the computer
17:05.37Kobazcusco: is dahdi loaded?
17:07.47cuscook its solved. I will need help and I will explain, hold on a sec please
17:08.17[TK]D-Fenderif its solved... why do you need "help"?
17:11.04*** join/#asterisk guaxinim (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
17:12.12p3nguinDidn't think that one through all the way, probably.
17:13.18carrarw00t PostgreSQL conf starts today here in Seattle!
17:16.59[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: You had him ... at "didn't think" :p
17:19.08KavanS[TK]D-Fender, tried to use the AMD thing....I ended up just scripting an escape routing for the providers voicemail
17:19.22KavanSso far it is pretty reliable...
17:20.23[TK]D-FenderKavanS: "escape routing"?
17:20.49KavanS[TK]D-Fender, well...just sent DTMF to escape out of the voicemail...not really a defacto term
17:20.59Kobazyou always need a planned escape
17:21.04KavanSI got tired of the "press 1 to accept" being left on cell voicemail
17:21.05Kobaznever know when their gonna come to get you
17:21.12KavanSKobaz, they are already here!
17:21.21KavanSno one had a solid solution to prevent this...
17:21.45[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Have them embed DTMF into their VM message so You can tell * to look for it :)
17:22.13[TK]D-Fenderit IS doable.... retarded.. but doable
17:22.16KavanS[TK]D-Fender, how can you get * to look for DTMF?
17:22.26KavanSha, why would you call it retarded?
17:22.36KavanSmy guys were getting literally 3-4 notifications that a call came in...
17:22.46KavanSadd a cell voicemail to it, it's almost overwhelming
17:22.56p3nguinCouldn't you just set the timeout lower so that cell voicemail won't pick up?
17:23.13KavanSp3nguin, what happens when the phone is turned off? ;)
17:23.18[TK]D-FenderKavanS: use M() like you were before and fire off a read with timeout...
17:23.29KavanSp3nguin, this solution works no matter if you press reject, answer or have your phone off
17:23.41p3nguinkavans: not sure, that's why I threw out the suggestion.
17:23.48KavanS[TK]D-Fender, ahh good point....I'm using read right now, so you are suggesting to just record a "2" or something so it disconnects immediately
17:23.53[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: reject on getting the DTMF within 2s of answering, bridge otherwise
17:23.58KavanS[TK]D-Fender, also clever
17:24.03[TK]D-Fender<- SMRT
17:26.49*** join/#asterisk CcRnp (n=shishir@
17:28.54Kattyeppigy: :>
17:31.06Kattyeppigy: HELLO DAVE
17:31.12cuscoKobaz: regarding that problem, for it to work I had to comment out the 2nd span in /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf - it now looks like:
17:31.29cuscohow should I configure the 2nd span in /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
17:31.46Kobazthe same way that you configure the first span
17:31.50Kobazstarting at the next channel
17:32.04Kobazso if you end on channel 24... channel 25 is the first channel on span 2
17:32.06cuscobut that is already there!
17:32.15cuscoit ended on 31, and it should go on on 32
17:32.22cuscolook at the pastebin!
17:32.31Kobazi'm busy playing castle age
17:32.37cuscoso I had no command pri in asterisk
17:32.38Kobazneed to stash my gold
17:32.45cuscountil I commented out the 2nd span
17:32.55cuscoI understand, I have a script playing travin for me atm
17:33.47Kobazlooks good
17:33.54Kobazis dahdi configured with those channels
17:33.58Kobazpaste your dahdi/system.conf
17:35.52Kobazand what's dahdi_cfg -vv say
17:36.49cuscoall calls went down now, when it reaches channel 31
17:37.01cuscosomebody said that channel 31 should be used internally for monitoring only
17:37.09*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
17:37.13DelphiWorldasterisk support the celt codec?
17:37.15Kobazthis is a live system?
17:37.24cuscowe really need the 2nd span
17:37.26Kobazyeah dahdi_cfg may reset your calls
17:37.29[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: G.722
17:37.39cuscono, it was just before, Kobaz
17:37.57Kobazwhat's the permissions on /dev/dahdi
17:37.57DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: no, celt
17:38.01Kobazand what's the error you're getting now
17:38.26[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Do YOU see a codec for it in your install?
17:38.30cuscopermissions are crw-rw----  1 asterisk asterisk
17:38.36Kobazfor everything?
17:38.36cuscoasterisk is running as user asterisk
17:38.49Kobazwhat error are you getting from dahdi trying to bring up the second span?
17:38.52DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: no, but mayb;)
17:39.21*** join/#asterisk DrZeus (n=chatzill@
17:39.24cuscothe error, i did not lookout for errors, I jsut commented the 2nd span becuase after unloading
17:39.37[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: You are asking questions you already possess the answer to.  You jsut aren't looking at it
17:39.37cuscothe error, i did not lookout for errors, I jsut commented the 2nd span becuase after unloading and loading it again
17:39.42cuscothe command pri was not available ina sterisk
17:39.56cuscoand then it worked
17:40.05DrZeushi all.  Question: im trying to run the asterisk command from other user than root, and tells me that it is unable to connect to remote asterisk
17:40.05DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: hehehe
17:40.07Kobazwe need logs/errors/etc
17:40.11DrZeushow can I give this other user access?
17:40.14CcRnphey guys do you have any idea about jiaxclient a iax library for java ?
17:40.27cuscoKobaz: errors only or warnings as well?
17:40.30Kobazthere's like 20 different things can can be wrong for a pri not to go up
17:40.37Kobazpaste everything
17:40.52*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
17:41.16[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: Give it permissions to the binaries and the PID file that * looks for
17:41.20cuscowe have other pending warningss not solved, not related
17:41.26cuscobut hold, it is a big paste
17:41.30infobot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at , and for Debian :
17:41.59DrZeus[TK]D-Fender : thank you; i will check the book then
17:42.37DrZeusthis is mostly a unix question actually, but how can I run a script redirecting the root password as the stdin?
17:42.46cuscoutils.c error is probably not that important right now
17:42.50DrZeuslets say, to automate an ssh connection\
17:43.16cuscoDrZeus: I automate ssh connection with digital signatures/keys
17:43.24[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: You don't.  You create a certificate for automatic permission
17:43.33*** join/#asterisk ghento (
17:43.37[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: and this isn't a question for this channel....
17:43.50DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: i know...just took 'the risk;
17:44.06Kobazcusco: and that's with the span 2 uncommented, right
17:44.28cuscoKobaz: it was commented in the middle of that log,like 30m ago, not its 18:44
17:44.54cuscocan't recall when
17:45.10cusco1925124 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 792 2009-10-16 18:08 /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
17:45.13Kobaz[Oct 16 18:05:11] ERROR[21877] chan_dahdi.c: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
17:45.15cuscothat was last modified date,r ight?
17:45.22Kobazdo you have a /dev/dahdi/1  and etc
17:45.30Kobazyeah that's last modified
17:45.49cuscountil 62
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17:45.59cuscochannel pseudo ctl timer
17:46.19Kobazwhat's the output of dahdi_hardware
17:46.24ghentoHi all.  I have a system setup utilizing the out files.  I'm having a problem with CallerID however.  In the out file I have: "CallerID: Name <5551112222>" on a line, however when it dials out, the callerid is something different, some random number ("1238756").  I think the syntax for setting the callerid is correct?
17:46.30cuscopci:0000:02:01.0     wct4xxp+     d161:0210 Wildcard TE210P (3rd Gen)
17:46.48Kobazand: lsmod | grep dummy
17:46.52yziquelhi. I get a "channel.c:2781 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from" error. What does it mean?
17:47.27cuscoby dummy you mean ct4xxp
17:47.33*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
17:47.36cuscowct4xxp               259712  31
17:47.36cuscodahdi                 221136  120 dahdi_echocan_mg2,wct4xxp
17:47.39cuscono dummy
17:47.43Kobazk, that's good
17:47.54Kobazdummy is loaded when it doesn't detect a card... and will throw off channel numbering
17:48.01cuscoah, k
17:48.15cuscoits live and we are having calls right now
17:48.21cuscoso card must be detected
17:48.41Kobazwell like
17:48.41cuscoI don't understand what is wrong on that  /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
17:48.50cuscoto activate the 2nd span
17:48.51Kobazwith sangoma cards... if dahdi is loaded first, and then the sangoma driver
17:48.56Kobazdahdi dummy will be channel 1
17:49.02cuscohm, I see
17:49.24*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
17:49.26Kobazyour config is a little weird
17:49.33Kobazbut i don't see any errors
17:49.45Kobazchannel =>.. is the last thing you have once you set your configs
17:49.52Kobazso you have ... channel => 1-15...
17:49.58Kobazand then context=default and group=63
17:50.08Kobazthat context and group... is being applied to the next channel def
17:50.21cuscowell it was autogenerated by dahdi_genconf
17:50.47Kobazi mean if it works, that's fine... but some of those options are not being used... they are being set, and then being overridden
17:51.01Kobazas far as why the channel can't come up... everything looks fine
17:51.04Kobazpokes [TK]D-Fender
17:52.08cuscothank you Kobaz
17:52.09Kattypokes Kobaz
17:52.12[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't see * being stopped, dahdi_cfg --- run while down, * restarted, complete configs, or output at the point of failure
17:52.32Kobazwell you don't need to restart asterisk... just unload/load chan_dahdi
17:52.44Kobazrestarting asterisk would be a clean slate though
17:53.05Kobazthe configs are
17:53.06cuscoI did thant , and calls would not come in, then I restarted asterisk and I noticed I had no "pri" command
17:53.10[TK]D-FenderKobaz: NO.  No trust.  Whatsoever.  No half-way measures.
17:53.33Kobazcusco: yeah, the pri command won't be available if chan_dahdi fails to load
17:53.33cuscothen I commented that 2nd span, and restarted asterisk and i had pri again
17:53.41cuscoah I had an error
17:53.45cuscoI remember let me look
17:53.55cuscotham its gone
17:54.03cuscothere was an error while trying to laod chan_dadhi
17:55.00Kobaz[Oct 16 18:05:11] ERROR[21877] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory
17:55.03Kobazi've never seen that before
17:55.06cuscoby the way, while Im looking for it, this error comes when it reaches chan 31: [Oct 16 18:17:31] ERROR[22660] chan_dahdi.c: !! Got reject for frame 108, but we have nothing -- resetting!
17:55.14cuscoand all calls go down
17:55.40Kobaza call comes in on 31? or dahdi brings up 31
17:56.13cuscogood question, what I did to monitor was: asterisk -r "core show channels" |grep DAHDI|wc -l
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17:56.54cuscoasterisk -rx that was
17:57.05Kobazso just for sanity
17:57.09cuscoand it reached 31
17:57.19Kobazthe output of dahdi_cfg... is that from when asterisk was not running
17:57.27ghentoIs there a reason why, in asterisk the ${CALLERID()} is properly set, but when dialed, on my phone, the number does not appear (instead a random 7 digit number shows up)
17:58.01DavidR2008ghento, does this use POTS at any point?
17:58.20ghentoDavidR2008: SIP -> mobile
17:58.39cuscoKobaz: er, no! asterisk was running
17:58.53Kattyis your outbound callerid number set to 10 digit?
17:58.58cuscoI just got that [Oct 16 18:17:31] ERROR[22660] chan_dahdi.c: !! Got reject for  frame 108, but we have nothing -- resetting!
17:58.59Kobazcusco: all the usual stuff, isn't working.. so... last resort is trying from a 'clean' state
17:59.03Kattyi know several cell phone carries that won't pass anything unless it's 10 digit.
17:59.08KobazKatty: yeap
17:59.09ghentoKatty: yep it is
17:59.22cuscoKobaz: ok, its a live system, I have to wait until the volume of calls go down
17:59.24Kobazghento: your provider is probably overriding your callerid
17:59.30Kobazcusco: yeah.. i know how that goes
17:59.41cuscoso I need to run dahdi_cfg again when asterisk is not running
17:59.52ghentoKobaz: ah true, good point.  They are an evil company so I wouldn't be suprised :)
17:59.54Kobazbasically... start from scratch
17:59.56Kattywho is your sip providor?
17:59.58*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=copantl@
18:00.01copantlhi guys
18:00.02Kobazunload all the drivers
18:00.06Kobazstop asterisk
18:00.11cuscoand try uncoment the 2nd span, log the error while trying to load
18:00.12Kobazwell.. in the opposite order
18:00.17Kattyif you can get them on the phone, they can tell you what callerid is being sent to them, and then what is sent to the other carrier out
18:00.19copantli like to know if dahdi supports R2 protocol?
18:00.25Kobazget exact details of what you did... when... and the logs while doing it
18:00.38cuscook Kobaz
18:00.44Kobazand use dahdi_cfg -vv... dmesg... and the asterisk console for debug into
18:00.46ghentoKatty: Thanks, thats good advice.  I will contact them.
18:01.01copantli got a te110p but i like to know if i can connect this card to a R2 circuit?
18:01.07cuscoKobaz: are you going to be there much longer?
18:01.12Kobazi'm around
18:01.18Kobaztk-fender is also around
18:01.20cuscothanks a lot
18:01.28Kobazi'll be on till about 7pm est
18:01.40cusco1 hour time you will leave
18:01.47cuscoI will try to acomplish that before then
18:01.50Kobazit's 2pm right now
18:01.54cuscoah! sorry
18:02.15Kobazso you got 5 hours
18:02.17Kobazmush mush
18:02.27copantlguys anybody know what happen with libr2?
18:05.50copantldoes any body know how to configure R2 in asterisk and dahdi?
18:09.09DrZeusquestion: what does this error mean? No data provided after channel type!
18:09.30DrZeusim trying to give the sip extensions as arguments for a script to originate the call, but gives me that error
18:09.35DrZeusdon't understand what it means
18:09.55[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: PASTEBIN <-
18:09.57infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
18:10.26DrZeusnods...but is opening pastebin.
18:10.44moycopantl: as of asterisk 1.6.2 you can use r2 with openr2
18:10.55moyprevious versions need to be patched to use it
18:11.25moyand regarding, libr2, it became libmfcr2 module of unicall
18:11.45moywhich then was used for chan_unicall
18:12.06Kattydoes anyone have a recipe for an awesome fruit salad?
18:13.08QwellKatty: take fruit.  mix liberally
18:13.37KattyQwell: no special sauce?
18:13.42Qwellfruit sauce
18:13.50DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: so, what do you think?
18:14.27Qwellmoy: libr2 or libopenr2? O.o
18:14.35Qwellare they different?  I'm confused
18:14.38[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: I don't see the attempt and the failure
18:14.39KattyQwell: what's your favorite kinds of fruit Qwell?
18:14.46QwellKatty: the fruity kind
18:14.51DrZeusKatty: , maybe it can give you ideas
18:15.43moyQwell: libr2, Steve had done libr2 before doing Unicall AFAIK, Asterisk 1.2 still has some ifdefs in chan_zap.c mentioning libr2, then libmfcr2 was born as module to Unicall and later libopenr2 came in
18:15.53Qwellmoy: ahh,  k
18:16.01Kattythis stuff looks fancy
18:16.13Kattyi'm from southern missouri
18:16.15DrZeusi know the second error "There are two ways to use this command...", is related to the misuse of originate\
18:16.15Kattywe don't do much fancy here
18:16.52DrZeusKatty: maybe you can be the new sensation with a fancy fruit salad!
18:16.54[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: Why don't I see you calling it from CLI?  echo $CALL <- this should show what you're doing
18:16.59*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:17.08KattyDrZeus: yeah. i'll put bacon in it and submit it to reddit
18:18.31Kattycantelope sounds good right now.
18:18.34Kattyvery, very good.
18:18.39copantlmoy: do you know where i can found how to configurate R2?
18:19.13DrZeusKatty: cantaloupe and bacon...Atkins diet maybe?
18:19.49Kattyno just cantaloupe
18:20.20Kattyhaha there's a recipe on this website called open source pancakes
18:20.22Kattythat's hilarious!!!
18:20.43[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: Cantaloupe is very Antt-Atkins
18:20.58[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: and Dr. Atkins KILLED HIMSELF with his "diet"
18:21.07[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: and Dr. Atkins KILLED HIMSELF with his "diet"
18:21.11[TK]D-Fenderdang auto-complete
18:21.16Qwellit sounds like a great idea.
18:21.18Kattya needle pulling thread!
18:21.27[TK]D-FenderQwell: I have a few candidates lined up already!
18:21.39Kattyopen source Bacon pancakes
18:21.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: NO SOUND OF MUSIC!
18:21.55Kattymwuahahaha, i bet that'd be good.
18:22.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
18:22.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: La la la la!
18:22.21[TK]D-Fenderbombs the hills
18:22.27DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: oh, didn't knew that
18:22.33[TK]D-Fenderloves the smell of napalm in the morning
18:22.48DrZeuswell, he ate a lot of bacon, that's for sure!
18:23.18[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: where's my new backup?
18:23.24Katty <- Dinner.
18:24.07DrZeusOn April 8, 2003, at age 72, a day after a major snowstorm in New York, Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice while walking to work, hitting his head and causing bleeding around his brain.
18:24.24Kattythat's most unfortunate.
18:24.25DrZeusHis death certificate states that the cause of death was "blunt impact injury of head with epidural hematoma"
18:24.30QwellDrZeus: he wouldn't have tripped if he was chubby
18:25.20DrZeusQwell: omG...
18:25.30Kattyoh emmm gee!
18:25.31QwellDrZeus: it all makes sense now, doesn't it?
18:25.41DrZeusjust can't believe it.
18:25.55DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: there is the final string of the command
18:26.13DrZeusthat's what originates from the script
18:27.54moycopantl: there is a full guide in openr2 google code site
18:27.55DrZeusthis one's better:  it has the total output
18:28.14*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
18:28.39copantlmoy : thanks
18:28.41[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: I want to se it being run
18:28.57*** part/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
18:28.59*** join/#asterisk d00gster (n=doughant@
18:29.08DrZeus , this one has the whole shell running the command
18:30.34ChannelZOk here's one.  I've got an extension in my dialplan so you can pick up a different ringing extension using Pickup() - Is it possible to get the picking-up extension to 'suck up' the CallerID from the actual called extension?
18:31.07*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
18:31.37[TK]D-Fenderdrdrun asterisk -rx 'originate sip/3000 extension 3001@from-internal' yourself
18:32.56DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: drdrun?
18:33.15[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: autocomplete fail
18:33.29DrZeusoh ok; yes, when I run that line the call gets connected
18:34.38DrZeusI think this error: No data provided after channel type!   is what needs to be addressed; i don't know what is it
18:35.54[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: probably an escaping issue in your script
18:36.50*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
18:36.54DrZeusim trying to check if there is any whitespace or something
18:37.19[TK]D-Fenderdrthere was a double in your script before
18:40.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
18:40.37DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: double?
18:41.03ManxPower-workHow can I tell if the HWEC is active?  All I see in the logs is "dahdi_echocan_mg2: Registered echo canceler 'MG2"
18:41.35ManxPower-workSorry, I also get this message when the driver loads "VPMADT032: Present and operational (Firmware version 117)"
18:41.47[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: CALL=`asterisk -rx 'originate $ORIGEN  extension $DEST'`
18:43.09DrZeuswhat do you mean by double?
18:43.13ManxPower-workUsers are complaining of massive echo.  I'm trying to figure out if the crappy software EC is being used or the almost as crappy HWEC is being used.
18:47.05ManxPower-workPersonally I'm recommending we swap out the Digum card for a Sangoma.
18:49.31asterwikiManxPower-work: Sangoma I find is excellent, using it on over 12 boxes across spanning 7 different countries with no problem (using various strains of 1.2, 1.4, 1.6);
18:49.35*** join/#asterisk sfr33man (n=sfreeman@
18:50.09[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: Count your spaces
18:50.11*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
18:50.57ManxPower-workasterwiki: I'm just trying to convince my boss to dump the Digium analog cards for Sangoma.
18:50.59DrZeusI tried this alone(with a shell function, to keep the variables values) asterisk -rx 'originate $ORIGEN extension $DEST' , and gave me the error
18:53.16ManxPower-workasterwiki: I can't even figure out of HWEC or SW EC is happening on the box.
18:54.16ManxPower-workIt looks the best way to just pray
18:55.29QwellSo, you haven't even determined if it's the hardware, and you want to replace it?
18:55.54asterwikiManxPower-work: let me see your wanpipe config file
18:56.22ManxPower-workQwell: I've never had problems with Sangome.
18:56.32QwellYou don't even know if it's the hardware.
18:56.41ManxPower-workBut I could start troubleshooting this Digium card if I knew how to find out if it's using HWEC or not.
18:56.50ManxPower-workQwell: We have at least 5 systems with chronic echo issues.
18:57.10ManxPower-workQwell: Do you know the answer to that?
18:57.41QwellNo, but support would.
18:58.02JoelI'm a big fan of just getting rid of analog lines
18:58.05Joelit's always the best option
18:58.09ManxPower-workI've never had support solve any issue I've had.  But I'll give them another call.
18:58.53ManxPower-workJoel: Until my new job I refused to deal with analog lines at all.  At me new job that's not an option
19:01.12Joelsounds like it could be time to make new->old
19:01.28eppigyALLO KATTY
19:01.41ManxPower-workJoel: My old job had other issues like a new, stupid, IT manager
19:03.30TJNIIscreams at the undocumented, un-intuituve, non-user friendly program he as to use for work
19:04.12*** join/#asterisk umay (
19:04.18jayteeManxPower-work, sounds like my present job
19:04.27[TK]D-Fenderscreams at the un-intuituve, non-friendly users at his work
19:04.28ManxPower-workI figure with as much time as we'd save with Sangoma, we woudl more than save enough money to pay for itself.
19:04.43ManxPower-workIf they were T-1 interfaces I'd just throw a tellabs on it.
19:05.46ManxPower-workQwell: Just e-mailed support.  I'll let you know if they have any useful informatio
19:07.14eppigy[TK]D-Fender: sir please calm down
19:08.06DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: still nothing.
19:09.36[TK]D-FenderDrZeus: Well your scripting seems to have an error, and I'm not really qualified to debug it.
19:10.59Kobazit's teh bork
19:10.59DrZeus[TK]D-Fender: that's what it seems then...thank you or your time with this
19:15.31*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
19:17.10*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:17.54CcRnpcan  anyone helpme who to use CEL ?
19:18.53*** join/#asterisk Gugge (n=gugge@
19:20.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:20.44*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
19:23.49CcRnpPlease help me for CEL logging, how can i use it ?
19:24.45ManxPower-workYay!  My boss said all new systems will be Sangoma
19:26.17ManxPower-workCcRnp: if we knew what CEL is we might be able to?
19:27.13CcRnpits Channel Event Logging
19:29.07ManxPower-workAh.  I didn't know that was a feature of Asterisk
19:30.34*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
19:30.54[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: And where do we see that this has been merged with production * branches?
19:35.07[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: and what does this show us?
19:35.31DrZeusim Done.
19:35.38DrZeusdon't know what is happening
19:36.08[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: <- this is NEWER than the article you just linked
19:36.17CcRnprecording the call events for transfers using CEL
19:36.57CcRnpi went throught this article but there is no
19:36.58*** join/#asterisk kenwiesner (
19:38.03ManxPower-workCcRnp: all cdr options are in the /etc/asterisk/cdr*.conf files.
19:38.07[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: that clearly isn't the good path.  go cruise the base of SVN to find the proper path
19:38.28CcRnpalrite ! let me check it out
19:38.58DrZeusim leaving folks; have a great day/night/etc.
19:45.38*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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19:48.09*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
19:48.23TJNIIjust found a "$10 off urgent care cupon"
19:48.26garymcHi guys. Boss just asked me. Can we plug a Fax into this asterisk system? Im not sure
19:48.37TJNIIThere is something just not right about that....
19:48.38*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
19:48.41garymcthrough an rj45 or somthing?
19:48.52garymcI dont know why he wants a fax?
19:50.27[TK]D-Fendergarymc: You have a digital interface card. No, you cannot plug a fax machine into it
19:50.40Guggegarymc: some ata with T.38 could maybe work ...
19:50.43garymcOk thanks. what would he use for fax then?
19:50.52asterwikigarymc: Get an ATA (Cisco186 or LinkSys SPA2102 / PAP2),,,
19:51.22TJNIIgandhijee: Depends.  Does your ITSP support faxing or do you have physical lines?
19:52.23[TK]D-Fendergarymc: get yourself an A200 and the sync cable for the 2 cards
19:52.32*** join/#asterisk trifon (
19:52.56garymcCant he just use the internet?
19:53.16garymcto send faxes?
19:53.42garymcill just get him to use a anolougue line hes got
19:54.01*** join/#asterisk |R (n=bob@
19:54.10*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
19:55.00|Ranyone had a major borkage on debian going to asterisk with their voicemail?
19:55.24asterwikigarymc: unless you are going to setup Hylafax which can both send/receive faxes
19:55.42[TK]D-Fendergarymc: "just use the internet"?  How do you take a physical fax you have and "just use the internet"?
19:56.08garymcyeah i reckon internet is best, but hes proper old school
19:56.16TJNII[TK]D-Fender: methinks he hasn't thought his cunning plan all the way through.
19:56.18garymcso are some of his customers
19:56.46garymcwell possibly not as i forgot all about the fax
19:56.58[TK]D-Fender|R: 1.6.2 is in RC status, not even full release.  It should not be used in production.
19:57.00Kobazthe interwebs is the solution for everything
19:57.50|R[TK]D-Fender : damn me for running unstable on my gateway... but always worked under 1.4, i was wondering if it was a known issue with a simple fix :)
19:57.56garymcI can think of things the internet is no good for
19:58.13|R[TK]D-Fender: i'm actually wondering why is debian packaging RC1 versions...
19:58.22Kobazgarymc: yeah... sex over the internet doesn't work as well
19:58.28Kobazgarymc: okay... so... mostly everything
19:58.44garymcI didnt even think of sex
19:59.07*** join/#asterisk IBC_jkenney (
19:59.29IBC_jkenneyanyone here have any experience with IAXMODEm
20:00.27IBC_jkenneyI am having a problem where its not running right and i don't quite know why
20:00.42KobazIBC_jkenney: logs, errors, configs... the usual
20:01.24*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
20:02.53|RThanks :)
20:02.55*** part/#asterisk |R (n=bob@
20:03.52garymcwould you say faxing is getting phased out?
20:04.05garymcits like proper old tech now
20:04.13garymcim gonna talk him out of it
20:05.12[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Sure you are.... and when you're done I'm sure there are some eskimos that just haven't realized how much they want to buy a refridgerator from you ;)
20:06.05Kobazhey sometimes it gets warm up there
20:06.31garymcinfact eskimos need refridgerators otherwise all their goods would freeze!! ;)
20:06.52netpro25_So I am still fooling around with my NAT issues. My server is a public IP on the web, and my client Ekiga is behind a NAT. I cannot get Ekiga to connect. When I look at the packets in asterisk I see that the client is not receiving any response packets.
20:07.44[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: Do you know what we see?
20:08.10netpro25_[TK]D-Fender: nope
20:08.20[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: Nothing :0
20:08.40[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: And the reason you don't have SIP debug up in a pastebin for us to look at is...? :)
20:08.41netpro25_[TK]D-Fender: I will pastebin some info
20:09.24*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
20:09.25garymcnetpro25_ good lad thats the spirit ;)
20:10.38netpro25_so here it is
20:10.55*** join/#asterisk chodorenko (
20:10.55*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:11.06netpro25_Client is saying "Could not register"
20:11.48[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <-------
20:12.09[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: What router is it behind?
20:13.13[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: It should get the unauthorized error we see there... something is fishy with your routing.
20:13.30[TK]D-Fendernetpro25_: Go check yo firewalls out, etc
20:14.43*** join/#asterisk denon (
20:14.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
20:15.17*** join/#asterisk flynux (n=flynux@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:0)
20:15.20*** join/#asterisk jshriver (
20:15.35jshrivergreeting I'm trying to create a test demo account and I keep getting this error
20:15.38jshriverrequest '500@default' does not exist
20:15.49jshriverthough 500 is listed in voicemail.conf, sip.conf and extension.conf
20:16.09[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: pastebin the entire call where that is generated
20:16.17[TK]D-FenderjshiAlone it provides no sense of context.
20:16.37jshriverok one second
20:18.29jshriverjust changed IP and server name
20:19.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:19.08jshriveron the target system I get this:
20:19.09jshriverOct 16 16:17:03 NOTICE[1908]: chan_iax2.c:7398 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '500@default' does not exist
20:19.27[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: Where is the backup for it?
20:19.44[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: the DIALPLAN?
20:19.53jshriverok let me get that one moment
20:20.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
20:21.13jshriverBasically want to create an extension that plays some demo voice.  So I can test the lines.
20:21.41[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: Not some tiny portion of it <--------
20:22.06jshriverso you want the whole extensions.conf?
20:22.10chodorenkojshriver: on remote mashine show iax2 peer
20:22.18[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: and for the obvious...
20:22.27[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: extern => 500, 1, Wait, 1 <----- Spelling FAIL
20:22.44[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: Wash. Rinse. Repeat
20:22.47chodorenkomay be context not true
20:22.50jshriverwhat is wrong with that line
20:22.57[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: extern => 500, 1, Wait, 1 <----- Spelling FAIL
20:23.03[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: Seriously... LOOK at it
20:23.21*** join/#asterisk JKac3BEq (
20:23.38jshriverextern and Wait are spelled correctly.
20:23.40[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: And then remove the extra white-space, and us () for your app data
20:23.48*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (n=hugorebe@
20:23.59[TK]D-Fender[16:23]<jshriver>extern and Wait are spelled correctly. <- FAIL
20:24.05jshriveroh no r
20:24.14[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
20:24.25ManxPower-worknow you know why we want to SEE IT.
20:24.55jshriverthat was it
20:24.56ManxPower-workjshriver: you might want to re-read the Asterisk book
20:25.02TJNIIEXTENsion not EXTERNal
20:25.10jshriverrecommend one? I can't stand working with phones but it's part of my job now
20:25.19infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:25.22*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
20:25.37[TK]D-FenderOk, checkout time, BBL
20:26.05jshriverHeard ther is an "echo" demo.. anyone know how to set that up? I'm having random dropped calls but it's not bw related
20:26.38Qwelljshriver: call the Echo application..
20:26.51jshriverok googling now
20:26.56TJNIIjshriver: I like working with phones.  Why don't we switch jobs?  You can deal with this unducumented mess of Visual Basic that my boss expects me to become an "expert" on.
20:27.11jshrivermy extent of* is editing extensions.conf and copy/paste and changing #'s.
20:27.44jshriverTJNII: :) not a fan of Visual Studio or it's languages, but would trade that over this :) wish I could
20:27.51jshriverVB ouch :(
20:28.03ManxPower-workYou need to drink the Microsoft Kool-Aid
20:29.22TJNIIjshriver: I don't even have the code.  I'm just trying to figure out how to _use_ it.  Though tech support is willing to program it to do whatever I want at very reasonable rates....
20:29.25ManxPower-workjshriver: find yourself a consultant.
20:29.47TJNII(And they let my boss know about said rates whenever I call to ask a "How do I" question)
20:30.09*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (n=ugelt@
20:30.21IBC_jkenneyi fixed it
20:30.34IBC_jkenneysorry i started putting stuff in paste bin and saw it
20:32.41jshriverManxPower-work: ty at this point I woul pay out of pocket for someone to come in and clean this crap up and let me observe to understand how it works.
20:33.38jshriverAsterisk as a software platform seems pretty solid, I've had a heck of a time with the zaptel cards though, seems flaky
20:33.59jshriverthose little red things burn out easy, even with surge protectors on each line.
20:34.38Kobazyeah, that's digium cards
20:34.43Kobazi've never had a sangoma fry
20:35.03jshriverwill look them up.. went with digium since they support *, but the hardware sucks
20:36.20*** part/#asterisk jshriver (
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20:41.17Naikrovekone would think that because hardware is (I imagine) Digium's main source of income that they would put some effort into improving the quality
20:41.54ChainsawMy TDM400 keeps on trucking.
20:41.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joeblow@
20:42.06ChainsawIt does hate the BT line test, but I believe there's a patch in the tracker somewhere.
20:42.27Chainsaw(Which, traditionally, hasn't been applied yet and is in limbo. But it's better then nothing.)
20:42.42*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
20:43.25p3nguinWhat's better than nothing?
20:43.29ManxPower-workChainsaw: how many calls a day does the card process?
20:43.45ChainsawManxPower-work: If it receives 5 faxes on a single day, it is *extremely* busy.
20:44.18ManxPower-workChainsaw: try production volume sometime.
20:44.49ChainsawManxPower-work: I wouldn't want production volume on an analog line. My calls are coming/going on ISDN BRI.
20:45.54*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
20:47.00geneticxhello, I would like to know how I can set up my dialplan so the next available trunk is used if the first one is congested or busy with another call..can anyone point me in the right direction?
20:47.35ManxPower-workgeneticx: use g1 instead of 1 in your Zap Dial line.  i.e. Dial(Zap/g1/5551212).  set the group number in zapata.conf
20:49.45*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
20:51.03[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: dial them back to back
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20:55.06geneticx[TK]D-Fender: can a group be created like suggested above?
20:55.42ManxPower-workgeneticx: for Zap channels sure
20:56.01*** join/#asterisk friartuck (n=pmccary@
20:56.18[TK]D-FenderONLY zap/dahdi
20:57.07geneticxThank you both
20:59.13*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
20:59.17*** join/#asterisk Mango (
21:00.20MangoI'm in Vancouver connecting to a SIP server in Los Angeles.  I just switched ISPs and my latency has jumped from 35ms to 120ms because they route traffic to Los Angeles through Washington DC.
21:00.29MangoDo I have any hope of having them fix that?
21:03.06*** join/#asterisk luminblade (
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21:05.12ManxPower-workMango: Are you asking us if we can redesign your ISP's network?
21:05.37MangoNo.  I'm asking if I have any hope of convincing them to do it.
21:05.51p3nguinIt's not looking good at this point.
21:06.10p3nguinMaybe you can choose another server closer to DC.
21:06.14netpro25_[TK]D-Fender: so I found something similar to my issue online
21:06.31Mangonext closest is 80ms :(
21:06.39p3nguinIt's better.
21:06.50netpro25_[TK]D-Fender: basically says you have to use this format instead of what I was using
21:07.37luminbladei'm trying to do T.38 pass-thru from one SIP peer to another, but Asterisk is crashing when T.38 is negotiated...  I have t38pt_udptl=yes set on both peers (and in general).  I have also recomipled with "global_t38_capability = T38FAX_VERSION_1..." in chan_sip.c... is there anything else I need to d o?
21:09.20*** join/#asterisk superbeef (n=IMP-IT@
21:09.28ManxPower-workluminblade: if it's crashing make sure you are using the latest Asterisk and if you are, file a bug report.  Asterisk should not crash
21:09.45Mango"David: I understand that you are concerned about the speed of your connection."
21:09.47MangoThat ain't good.
21:11.32*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
21:15.44netpro25_Can someone take a look at my pastebin?
21:16.16netpro25_I was getting unauthorized errors now it just keeps trying to resend packets and they never get to the device.
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21:19.01luminbladeapart from asterisk should not crash, is there anything else that should be required for peer to peer pass-through of T.38?  does it work?
21:19.49luminblade...asterisk in this case is not talking to ata's or any other device, just a SIP peer (a carrier on both sides).
21:20.15Chainsawluminblade: It starts out on ulaw/alaw until the fax tone is heard. Don't try to block everything except T.38
21:20.47Chainsawluminblade: (And you'll want Asterisk 1.6 for proper T.38 operation)
21:21.20luminbladei have ulaw and g729 enabled.  regular ulaw and g729 calls work on the peers...  i'm on, i was afraid of the 1.6 answer :)
21:22.46CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: needing a bit of help.... remember that solution you guys helped me with the other day for Local -> and I'm passing like a simultaneous dial out?
21:23.02*** join/#asterisk came0 (
21:23.14CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: i.e. i'm passing a header i.e. Local/FOOA@internal&LOCAL/FOOB@internal to a Dial() command, then splitting that string and dialing out
21:23.25CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: ring any bells?
21:23.38*** part/#asterisk came0 (
21:26.25CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: in any regard, I'm having a problem where in [context1] Dial(LOCAL.....,g) (so upon CALLED partying hanging up it continues in dial plan...... and also have it inside of the LOCAL/Dial...... but the problem I'm having is when a destination is called and they hang up it doesnt keep dialing the other contacts
21:31.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:31.57[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[w]: link & Q again...
21:35.13CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: it was you and the other guy on the save wave link that day :)
21:36.54CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: here is the problem: [contextA] exten => s,1,Dial(Local/A@internal&Local/B@internal) [internal] exten => X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@GW,g) ............ upon hangup at this "internal" Local -> Dial (lets say SIP/A was picked up and hung up) I still want SIP/B to ring
21:37.14CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: which I think I effectively see why this is not possible like this as it is "one call" essentially? because of the parent "Dial"
21:37.37CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: To be completely clear, in this scenario I want to be able to hangup on SIP/A and have SIP/B still ringing
21:37.47*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (
21:38.46Ritzeriskwould anyone know if they ever hear (only when calling a autoattendant or a system that picks up like vmail i get slow audio coming back its like they took the recording and slowed it down
21:38.49Ritzeriskverry odd
21:39.07*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (n=bjarne-i@
21:43.00cuscoKobaz: you there?
21:45.40[TK]D-FendercrazyYou can as long as A isn't answered <-
21:45.59[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[w]: And you were supposed to use M() to validate the answer, NOT "g"
21:46.36[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk:  --->
21:46.38infobot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily. Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch : Also please read :
21:46.52[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: Onlyt hing like it I've ever heard
21:47.06[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: Unless you're running VM's
21:47.10CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: I do have M in there, g was just stating the g option is in effect too
21:47.16CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: rgM()
21:47.27[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[w]: r = EVIL!!!!!!!!!
21:47.30CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: the validation is coming through.....
21:47.48[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[w]: Show me what its doing and we'll see
21:47.51CrazyTux[w][TK]D-Fender: but the problem is, I answer on SIP/A, SIP/B is still ringing, but if i hang up on SIP/A, SIP/B stops ringing and hangs up too... which is not the behavior that I want
21:48.12[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[w]: Show me
21:48.16Kattypeeks in
21:48.29Kattyhas honeydew :>
21:51.01hardwireand bacon?
21:51.59Kattyjust honeydew melon
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22:02.59Ritzeriskeven sooo gsmbug but when i call a cell phone or a LIVE caller i have no problems only when i call like a recording VM or autoattendant
22:08.04[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: Transcoding <-
22:08.18[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: I doubt GSM is involved in your voice call...
22:08.52[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: But the default install options include only GSM prompts and VM recordings are that way as well per samples (where most people start from)
22:11.13*** join/#asterisk cuco (
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22:29.31DelphiWorldhow use a authentication user name to register to a sip provider?
22:29.44DelphiWorldthis provider require a user name and a auth_username
22:35.08DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: thx
22:35.14*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=ewieling@
22:36.37*** part/#asterisk luminblade (
22:40.05DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: asterisk can register to a provider or just route call without register?
22:40.19DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: i'm giving a trunk to a friend that there asterisk call me but is not registered
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22:47.20*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (n=dan@
22:47.55p3nguinIf a two-line Polycom can support 10 calls (5 calls on each of the two line registries), would a Cisco multi-line phone have the same capabilities?
22:48.07[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: * is NOT a "SIP router".
22:48.18[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: And registration has nothing to do with placing calls
22:48.19SomethingISODDhello Can anyone tell me is there way to see how many calls are connected and with how much duration?
22:48.33[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: "core show channels concise"
22:48.43[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: No.
22:48.47SomethingISODDthank you [TK]D-Fender
22:49.02[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Because they don't dedicate any effort to their firmware
22:49.25SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender one more question is there anyway to cut a call through the manage interface?
22:49.37[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: Yes
22:50.02p3nguinI've seen some suggestions to register both lines (on Cisco two-line phones) with the same user/secret to double the call capacity per "extension."  Does that seem silly?
22:50.09SomethingISODDok thanks. i will look it up just wanted to get a quick answer before i started looking
22:51.12manxpowerp3nguin: it depends on what you want to do.
22:51.22DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: is registered;)
22:52.06p3nguinBasically I just want to be able to place one call on hold and dial a second call.  With a two-line phone, pressing line2's button allows that if line2 has been configured.
22:52.12manxpowerIf you just want to toss calls at a phone and hope the phone does something logical with the call, then most phone support multiple lines with one registrations.  But if you want total control over the call, including what line appearance the call shows up on, how to roll between lines, etc, then you want one registration per line.
22:52.25[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: they usually don't actually double-reg (which isn't sane).  Normally it'd see that its the same target and logistcally span across it
22:53.16p3nguinIf that's the case, then it seems perfectly reasonable to set both lines with the same credentials.
22:53.21p3nguinin my opinion.
22:53.25manxpowerIn my phone I have two line appearances (one registration) for my extension, one line / registration for my work DID and one line/registration for my personal DID
22:56.22p3nguinFor ease of explanation, Asterisk will handle all DIDs and direct callers according to IVR responses (dialing a person's extension when prompted), and each user has a two-line Cisco phone and only needs one "extension."
22:56.57p3nguinSo if you call the DID number, prompted for an extension, you dial 3001, Mary's phone rings.
22:58.13manxpowerp3nguin: You'd be surprised at how users will insist on the most bizarre call routing you can imagine.
22:58.15p3nguinMary decides she needs to call someone else for a second, so she presses the line2 button on the phone.  That places the other call on hold and gives Mary a dial tone, where she can successfully complete an outgoing call.
22:59.10p3nguinThe only way I can see to achieve that is A) give the phone a user/secret for each line, or B) use the same user/secret on both.
22:59.30p3nguinIf what [tk]d-fender said was true, scenario B seems like a good idea.
22:59.48*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
23:00.04p3nguinI don't really want to manage two peers for each phone, so I'll go with B.
23:00.25p3nguinUnless, of course, there is a good reason to NOT do it that way.
23:02.10p3nguinNow if I could get line1 and line2 to have distinctive rings, I might go with scenario A for a couple important phones.
23:03.08*** join/#asterisk superbeef (n=IMP-IT@
23:03.13manxpowerp3nguin: Ok.  What do you want to have happen when Mary gets another call while she's already on with someone else?
23:03.43*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
23:04.28manxpowerBTW, Mary wants her phone to roll over to Jenny when she's not at her desk.  But Mary wants the call to land in her voicemail if Jenny doesn't answer a rolled call.
23:04.49p3nguinmanxpower: I think it depends on whether or not call waiting is turned on or off on the phone.  If call waiting is on, line1's call waiting beep will sound in her ear.  I am guessing if it is off, line2 would ring.
23:05.02manxpowerMark's boss thinks he's a slacker and so wants Mark's phone to roll to Mark's boss if Mark doesn't answer.
23:05.49manxpowerp3nguin: starting out with one reg per phone is not a bad thing, just remember that's not the only way to do it and sometimes you'll have a need where it won't work.
23:06.21p3nguinI'm trying to explore the possibilities.
23:07.05*** join/#asterisk Triplef_911 (n=Triplef_@
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23:08.38Triplef_911anyway to disable the # for trx'es but still let the user transfer ?  i dont want the incall # to messup data entrry
23:08.54p3nguinIf I do not activate line2 with either a duplicated user/secret or with its own peer, is there another way to make a second outbound call?
23:12.26infobotrumour has it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
23:12.53manxpowerTriplef_911: spell your words out.  Yes, # transfer is disabled by default.
23:13.29manxpowerThe T/t/W/w options on the Dial line control DTMF based transfers and other DTMF features.
23:13.43Triplef_911doesnt seem like it              ;parkcall => **700
23:14.12Micccan I put a hint on an IAX trunk call to a DID? Or does it have to be a single device to do a hint?
23:14.13Triplef_911in features.conf... a fresh stop  now and restart make no changes... # still does it.. i did include features in the context... for the trx to 700 etc
23:14.13manxpowerTriplef_911: you are using the sample configs then.  That's different.
23:14.37manxpowerTriplef_911: The T/t/W/w options on the Dial line control DTMF based transfers and other DTMF features.
23:14.44manxpowerRemove those options from your Dial lines.
23:15.04Triplef_911ok then i cant park ?
23:15.12manxpowerI did not say that.
23:15.32manxpowerIf you read the "core show application dial" you will see what specific letter what what specific thing.
23:15.35Triplef_911ioh it's t,t
23:15.46manxpowerYou can configure W/w to do transfers too.
23:16.15manxpowerYou had both t and T.  You realise that means people calling into the system could transfer THEMSELVES, right?
23:16.31Triplef_911t is blind trasnfer K is parking
23:16.35manxpowerAnd, depending on the contexts, even transfer themselves outside the system.
23:16.53[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: What phones?
23:16.57Triplef_911its only in the locals context.. not from inbound context
23:17.04Triplef_911linksys sap942 and granstreams
23:17.21[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: SCREW DTMF TRANSFERS.  You don't need them
23:17.35[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: You are asking for the proper wording for the wrong request
23:17.36manxpowerWhy don't you like the transfer features of those phones?
23:17.51[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: these phones have their own NATIVE transfer features.  DTMF = BS
23:18.18[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: You do not need "#" for transfers or parking.
23:18.24Triplef_911try to put tyour credit card number
23:18.24manxpower[TK]D-Fender: But all the cool kids do DTMF transfers!
23:18.33Triplef_911or any ivr that needs a # at the end
23:18.51manxpowerTriplef_911: I've never ever had Asterisk have a problem with #
23:18.54[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: So long as I get to dump them into the vat of liquid nitrogen :D
23:19.00Triplef_911i know... but users ..dial mastercard.. it asks for card plus #.. the # does a trx lol
23:19.09[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: You should not be using "#" for transfers period
23:19.18Triplef_911i know i want to disable
23:19.20manxpowerYes, but I use the transfer feature of my phone, not some silly DTMF transfer hack.
23:19.22Triplef_911i removed t and k
23:19.28[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: so stop doing Tt in your Dial()
23:19.56Triplef_911hmm i can still trasnfer to other extensions ?
23:20.10Triplef_911ah its for the features part only ok
23:20.44[TK]D-FenderTriplef_911: Only "features" you need to DTMF are recording, and triggered applicationmap
23:22.09Triplef_911testing , thanks
23:22.57p3nguinHow do you do parking without a DTMF transfer?  If I blind xfer into 700, I don't hear which parking slot it is using.
23:23.11Triplef_911use attended ttrx ?
23:23.21Triplef_911no idea
23:23.26p3nguinI don't even know what a ttrx is.
23:23.44[TK]D-FenderAttended Transfers <- for parking
23:23.56Triplef_911yeah its not working for my xlite at least
23:23.57p3nguinLet me try it.  I thought it wouldn't work.
23:24.41*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
23:24.44p3nguinwell I'll be damned.
23:25.06p3nguinThat worked far better than I expected it to.
23:25.31[TK]D-FenderOk, stage time... later all
23:26.25Triplef_911wow didnt work at all here
23:27.51Triplef_911weird.. it told me exten , then i hear music, then came back
23:27.54Triplef_911and a zombie
23:27.55p3nguinWhen I hit transfer, it gave me a dial tone.  I dialed 700, it said the slot number and gave me hold music.  I pressed the transfer button again, and it disconnected.  I was then able to retrieve the call by dialing the slot number that I was given.  That's exactly how it works for a DTMF transfer, but without any DTMF.
23:31.10Kattyhas chinese foods.
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23:34.09Triplef_911works #1
23:34.26Triplef_911p3nguin same scenario perfect all fixed
23:34.40Triplef_911now i need a 8 horu drive to go show a chick how to do a transfer
23:34.51p3nguinsits by katty
23:35.13Kattygives p3nguin a fork, and shares.
23:35.39p3nguinHope it's sweet and sour pork.  That's my favorite.
23:36.00Kattygeneral tso and honey chicken, actually.
23:36.15Kattythey have this place here called Mongolian Grill Buffet
23:36.27Kattythey offer cartons to go, for super cheap. 4 bucks.
23:36.35Kattyall you can cram in there (=
23:36.50p3nguinI like the General's chicken, as long as it is made correctly.
23:37.06p3nguinI had some the other day that was just crap.
23:37.16Triplef_911thanks all youv been helpfull
23:38.56*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
23:39.07p3nguinWe have a Mongolian Grill in the Rice 'n' Fries buffet.  I wasn't pleased the last time I had them cook stuff for me.
23:39.15*** part/#asterisk Triplef_911 (n=Triplef_@
23:40.37p3nguinI think I would rather have some fried squid or something.
23:42.14Kattythat sounds icky.
23:42.40p3nguinOh's good!
23:44.05Kattydoesn't sound it
23:47.37p3nguinI can understand that.  You hear squid, you think squishy sea creature with bad social habits.  But when you take the meat and fry it, it's quite yummy.
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23:50.28jayteeI love calamari with aioli dipping sauce
23:56.58alexshellhi all
23:57.51alexshellI'm just testing phpagi with the following example: Get DTMF tones from the user and say the digit
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23:58.32alexshellbut I just receive the beeps
23:59.01alexshellI've already installed festival
23:59.15alexshelldoes someone have phpagi experience?

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