IRC log for #asterisk on 20091014

00:00.12*** join/#asterisk weinerk (
00:00.29drmessanoWhy would ebay be free?
00:02.07Joelebay sucks for many reasons
00:02.37weinerkPlease help - sip show peers = gives provider UNREACHABLE
00:02.37weinerkSome more details here:
00:10.24raden_workdrmessano, it should be free to list
00:10.41raden_workdrmessano, can u imagine the amount a revenue you could produce if it was free to list
00:11.02raden_workdrmessano, charge a reasonable 3% on completed listing ?
00:11.07drmessanoHow would THEY make money?
00:11.22raden_workdrmessano, you have any idea how much ebay makes
00:11.31drmessanoOf course I do
00:11.44drmessanoand you're suggesting they stop charging
00:11.54Joelhe's not suggesting they stop charging
00:11.59raden_work$367.2 million
00:12.01Joelhe's saying they should only take a percent of a valid sale
00:12.13Joelraden_work,  gross, what's the net?
00:12.21raden_workthats net
00:12.24drmessanoCosts them money to allow you to list
00:12.34Joelraden_work, I highly doubt that's net.
00:12.37raden_workdrmessano, they would make more though
00:12.43raden_workJoel, trust me its net !!!!!!!!!!
00:12.54raden_workJoel, I work with many investors
00:12.57Joelraden_work, do your extra exclamation marks serve as proof?
00:13.08raden_workeBay pulled in sales of $2.04bn, a 6.6 per cent drop from the same quarter last year
00:13.18raden_workthere is there gross from last financial report i got
00:13.25raden_work2.04 billion for Q4 last year
00:13.41raden_workactually sorry that Q2 reports
00:14.06raden_workJoel, not trying to argue just trying to make a point
00:14.23Joelraden_work, try in #ebaysucks maybe?
00:14.48raden_workjust seems unfair to alot of people
00:15.07raden_workthere are things id like to sell but fear them not selling so i dont list im sure many people feel the same way
00:15.19drmessanoYeah, why should companies make money
00:15.19drmessanoThose bastards
00:15.19raden_worknow ebay owns skype as well there rates are going up
00:15.25drmessanoNo they dont
00:15.59drmessanoThey just sold all but a small percentage.. You don't get out much, do you?
00:17.30raden_workthey aqquired all shares of skype for 2.5 billion in 2005
00:17.39raden_workbefore that skype was private
00:18.37drmessanoStop while you're ahead
00:18.59Joelhe obviously sucks at the net
00:19.06raden_workdrmessano, yes that was news sir
00:19.23raden_workJoel, just alot of other things todo dude
00:19.38raden_workdont keep up much with news these days watch my investments and thats it
00:19.40drmessanoBut yet he knows how much ebay netted last year
00:19.56drmessanoDoesnt know they sold Skype, which was on the front page of the WSJ
00:20.00raden_workdrmessano, yes cause i have financial consultants :P
00:20.00Joeldrmessano, supposedly, no link to real evidence of course.
00:20.12Joelanyways stnr.
00:20.13drmessanoJoel: Exclamation points?
00:20.17raden_workJoel, get a broker
00:20.19Joeldrmessano, oh right, I forgot.
00:20.37drmessanoraden_work: Get a browser
00:20.40*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
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00:20.50raden_workwhy everyone have to be so mean all the time ?
00:21.14JoelI'm guessing it's just because you're an easy target?
00:22.03raden_workyea i guess so
00:22.18carrarAre you gonna cry?
00:24.22raden_workfunny in real life no one would ever talk to me like that its funny the safety blanket a browser window gives
00:24.33drmessanoIm not using a browser
00:24.42raden_workor a chat windows
00:24.45raden_workor a console
00:24.56raden_workhave a good night guys
00:25.27carrarI think there is a highway sign with his name on it!
00:26.07*** part/#asterisk raden_work (
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00:36.29el_critterHi, calls made from my polycom330 hangs at 50sec from answer. Here is a pastebin of 330's app.log if someone is kind to see... this is driving me crazy.
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00:56.18jblackdoes anyone have a spare google voice invites?
00:56.59Kattyno, but i have some swiss cheese
00:57.04Nivexmmm cheese
00:57.08jblackI like swiss cheese.
00:57.13jblackSorry I missed you yesterday, Katty.
00:58.26Kattyoh it's alright (=
01:01.30*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (n=cosmicwo@
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01:28.23mchouumm....what's the difference between Zoiper Communicator and Zoiper 2.0?
01:44.58*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
01:47.11*** join/#asterisk Methose (
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01:50.20Methoseis anyone familiar with using sipgate to provide a DID to an asterisk system?
01:51.15Methoseor is the general practice to use gizmo5?
01:52.09*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
01:52.25sircolinI have gizmo5 working here
01:55.02*** join/#asterisk jtodd (i=hq84l3vt@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
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01:55.26Methoseis it truly free and pretty reliable?
01:55.30*** join/#asterisk coolthreads (n=coolthre@
01:57.47sircolingizmo5 I find to be 98% reliable I use them only for sip 2 skype as there are cheaper options for outgoing calls and I pay'd $20 per year for that
02:02.24Methosethat's what I'm setting up right now
02:03.00MethoseI just configured sistosip with skype gateway and now I'm trying my hand a gtalk gvoice
02:04.06Methosewaht's there to configure with gizmo5? is it pointing the number to the sip addy on the asterisk server through the gizmo web gui?
02:04.39sircolinyer it's very simple
02:05.31sircolinforward all to gizmo5 then forward gimzo5 to
02:06.03sircolinI think it's the same for gvoice too
02:07.05Methoseyeah I must be missing something on the gizmo config, not seeing where to enter the
02:07.21sircolin1 sec i'l check
02:08.28Methosepsshh I'm blind, sorry I see it now 8-(
02:08.59Methosethanks tho
02:22.00*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
02:29.06*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
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02:54.54ChannelZHas anyone here gotten Google talk to work under asterisk?  I have it running and logging in but don't get audio and haven't figured out why (although the gTalk client doesn't seem to have a dialpad so I guess I can only make it go directly to an extension)
03:04.42*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (n=maxagaz@
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03:26.58DaminiCEBrkr is no l433t
03:27.50iCEBrkrGo drink
03:28.13DaminSittin her w/ dayton, having a beer.
03:28.24iCEBrkrI spent the past 4hr migrating data
03:28.33iCEBrkrUpdating software
03:28.35voxterI spent the past 4hrs migrating your mom
03:28.36iCEBrkrReconfiguring crap
03:28.38voxterand upgrading your mom
03:28.40voxterand reconfiguring your mom
03:28.45iCEBrkrvoxter: Sweet!!
03:28.48voxterSEVEN WAYS TO SUNDAY
03:28.54DaminI upgraded your mom last night.
03:29.09iCEBrkrvoxter: She is cougar status...
03:29.52iCEBrkrIs still have shit to move over.. bleh.. Dexter time.
03:31.22*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
03:31.55kn0xokay heres the scenario, perhaps the is a -dev question... but I need to build asterisk with meetme support from inside a VSERVER
03:32.06kn0xI have dahdi running on the host machine
03:32.08*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (i=channelz@
03:32.24kn0xand have the /dev/dahdi.... devices available inside the guest.
03:33.41kn0xI followed some old instructions to trick asterisk with zaptel by copying libetonezone, zaptel.h and some others to the guest, but i couldnt find a dahdi.h and it configure isnt recognizing dahdi support
03:40.11*** join/#asterisk bleger (n=ladorval@
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04:33.30*** join/#asterisk broken-iPod (i=62f38cac@gateway/web/freenode/x-byyvcivtttmjdzqw)
04:34.26broken-iPodCan I make Asterisk take the audio from a command line program (like mpg123 or espeak) and play it over a channel by running a command?
04:35.13broken-iPodInstead of invoking MP3Player(), can I use the audio from invoking "mpg123 /home/me/blah.mp3"
04:38.28*** join/#asterisk dysinger (n=tim@
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08:44.02nikolamhi, is it true that sterisk can`t work on solaris/opensolaris with SPARC?
08:46.28SPY````yes correct
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08:58.12*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
08:58.30jgoo\Why does it get into this state? I tried misdn reload, and it didn't fix it
08:58.48*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
08:59.19jgoomisdn, port 1 is blocked, why?
09:02.06*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
09:02.34Polysicsanyone is aware of a working flash-based phone implementation
09:02.58Polysicsi've been trying to install red5phone but apparently half the project has disappeared
09:03.47jgooI have a call, any CID any DID going to extension 100, when I call in, asterisk gets the call and does DIALSTATUS=CHANUNAVAIL
09:05.24*** join/#asterisk Kchehab (n=kchehab@
09:05.32Kchehabhi all
09:06.08Kchehabi am trying to load Asterisk RealTime Sip
09:08.50xrmx__does anybody have experience with call being misteriously dropped with asterisk and siemens hi path?
09:09.58jgooThis setup works, it just stopped today, earlier, could this be the phone freezing? There are no troubleshooting docs, just not getting CHANUNAVAIL - how can I reset it?
09:09.59Kchehabi add sippeers => mysql,general,sip_buddies to extconfig.conf
09:10.20jgooxrmx__, what can you do with a seimens hi path? (and how much you pay for it)
09:10.21Kchehaband add sip_buddies to asterisk database
09:10.40xrmx__jgoo, i have the asterisk box a customer have the siemens hi path :)
09:11.38jgooxrmx__, aaah, I see. I have a customer whose idiot cousin made him by two fucking hi paths, one for his office, one for this home. He has one phone in his office, and one at home. He uses his mobile phones for all calls... wondering how much he wasted
09:12.04jgoowhat causes chan unavailable? I just reset the damn phone that takes the call
09:12.18jgoothis is a working setup, that suddenly gives chan unavailable
09:13.03jgoofucking phone are back up, I am seeing Extension Changed 119[ext-local] new state Idle for Notify User 100
09:13.16jgoowhat would that mean (I have 0 confidence I will fing documentation for this)
09:13.30Guggejgoo, you could try to pastebin a verbose output while you make a call. then we could see whats wrong without guessing
09:13.33jgooWhy am I getting a new idle state for a user? and why is that happening when the system is coming back up
09:14.01jgooand what would cause the system to not work, give CHANUNAVAIL AND have that symptom when it comes back - IE  HOW can i stop this happening again?
09:14.17Gugge1000 things, im not gonna guess
09:16.23*** join/#asterisk jmkgreen (n=chatzill@
09:17.33*** join/#asterisk Moz (n=me@
09:17.36Mozhi all
09:18.03Kchehabkaldemar hiii
09:18.07jmkgreenIs anyone here familiar with the message "[Channel]/[Peer] stopped sounds"? We're using IAX2 connecting to Gradwell and while the phone rings the audio is muted in one direction hence my query.
09:18.09*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
09:18.33jmkgreenThis box was previously working fine - it has since been reinstalled and the old configs copied across
09:18.34jgooGugge, true, ok here is a pastebin
09:18.50Mozdoes anyone know of any software that I can use with Asterisk to make it into an automated dialer? I want it to call specific telephone numbers with a recorded message for a set amount of time then hang up. Also known as "automated calling equipment" I think?
09:18.52jmkgreenwe're puzzelled and Google doesn't provide anything but other people asking the same question :(
09:19.22jgooThe only thing is, everything seems normal until it says " == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)"
09:19.45kaldemarKchehab: are you having a problem with that?
09:19.51jgooGugge, also " dialparties.agi: Extension 100 has ExtensionState: 4" looks weird
09:20.17Guggejgoo, you expect me to use time on that pastebin ?
09:20.33jgooGugge, what is wrong with the pastebin? you mean the content, or that site?
09:20.40Guggethe content
09:20.44jgoois there a syntax highlighting pastebin?
09:20.57jgooGugge, too verbose? not verbose enough? wrong content?
09:20.59Guggecorrect linebreak would be a start
09:21.11jgooyou want SIP debug? Gugge , same linebreak as I have...
09:21.23jgooGugge, resize window?
09:21.41Guggein my internet explorer its just one long line
09:22.08jgooGugge, yeah that pastebin has set wrapping, how crazy, I'll put onto another less insane site (and use safari, chrome or FF (in that order! :p ))
09:23.19jgooGugge, here :
09:23.29jgoowith some highlighting, but I don't approve of the font weighting
09:23.38Guggewhy do you dial "SIP/100&SIP/100&SIP/100"
09:23.47Guggeand try to set sip debug on too
09:23.57Guggethen we can see what the phone answers to that
09:24.32Guggebut dialing the same peer 3 times at the same time seems .... strange ....
09:25.12jgooGugge, well... the phone works now (I did misdn reload, didn't work... reload asterisk, don't think work, reboot device... working)
09:25.15jgooSIP/100&SIP/100&SIP/100 << yeah, wtf
09:25.27jgooHow is that, I never ever, what is this?
09:25.44Guggepaste you extensions.conf .. and i dont have to guess that one either
09:25.45jgooWhat even puts the ampersands in there?
09:27.03Guggeand why would it helt reloading misdn when its a call to SIP/100 that "fails" ?
09:29.37kaldemarjgoo: freepbx...
09:30.26*** join/#asterisk jmworx___ (
09:30.38jgooGugge, I didn't know this, I was testing an incoming call, last time it was stuck, for a different reason (I was just seeing if the same) an misdn reload fixed it
09:31.05Guggestop guessing, and trace you way though the errors
09:31.08jgooI hadn't debugged enough at that point, I just got a call that only the analogue systems were calling, then I saw asterisk was getting the call anyway
09:31.10Guggethats how you fix things
09:31.24jgookaldemar, yeah, I guess so, stupid thing...
09:31.58jgooGugge, you are right, I am not so much guessing as trying to interpret things the best I can with my knowledge, but I know not to guess on thigns
09:31.59Guggebut if you enable sip debug, you can see why SIP/100 is busy
09:32.41jgooGugge, I rebooted it, and I think that stopped it now... I will have to wait until it happens again - is there any performance issues with keeping SIP debug on always?
09:32.52jgooor can I set a trigger, if this happens, to enable sip debug?
09:33.24jgooI mean... as a programmer... if an exception is thrown, it need to be handled, if it affects the user I'd better have an email pinging my phone within 30 seconds
09:33.51jgooSo, it'd be nice to maybe setup triggers, I think there are 'handle trunk errors' but not for sip calls right?
09:34.33kaldemardo it in the dialplan.
09:35.10*** join/#asterisk Utopiah (
09:35.22jgooyeah (I hate the dialplan syntax, really hate it) I guess I am going to have to swallow this pill of hatred and do it
09:35.40jgoobut I will say this, I am leanring the wrong way of doing dialplan syntax. Who designed this anyway?
09:35.54Utopiahanybody using Asterisk with french DID provider ?
09:36.17kaldemaryou're definitely learning the wrong way if you start with freepbx.
09:36.28jgookaldemar, not really
09:36.32jgoo(wait for it)
09:36.34Guggeyes really
09:36.45Guggestart with an empty dialplan, and make it do what you want
09:36.45jgoosure, it isn't the right way to learn the dial plan intricacies
09:37.31jgoobut, I wanted a 0 time install, reproducible system that would be easily configurable - this seemed like the way to do it - not saying it is the right way - because freepbx sucks, but the concept isn't invalid
09:37.38jgooGugge, you are right
09:38.10jgookaldemar, so while you are right, it doens't invalidate the process - also where are the docs for starting out with a blank dialplan and making your own?
09:38.16jmkgreenwhat's the usual suspect when audio only works in one direction (IAX2) ?
09:38.26Guggebut, if you use freepbx you should use what it gives you ... and stop trying to deal with the dialplan yourself
09:38.32jgooI've gotten down to some leaf documents at every stage of this, and been shown lists of 'possible values'... not so much docs as a dictionary
09:38.39Guggeif you require something freepbx cant do ... dont use it
09:39.00jgooGugge, I've been wanted to write the dialplan myself anyway, but all I want is 'incoming call, ring this phone'
09:39.17Utopiahbasically my question about is that they provide a DID but when I use their server they seem to only handle voice calls, not SMS, if I redirect the DID they provided me to my own instance of Asterisk, would it let the me handle SMS? (or is it somehow inherent to the DID?)
09:39.25kaldemarjgoo: the docs are in asterisk itself. in source package under doc/ and application and function documentation in CLI.
09:39.34Guggejgoo, a 2 line dialplan can do that :)
09:39.47jgookaldemar, they are on the web?
09:39.53kaldemarjgoo: or, you can grab the book and learn it.
09:40.10kaldemarjgoo: of course they are. where do you think people get the packages?
09:40.10jgookaldemar, I've browsed the ~book !book or whatever
09:40.31jgoothere are 400 pages of "so then this guy flew a kite, and that is how we developed electricity, and chapter 11 how we came up with the name"
09:40.45jgookaldemar, are they in html
09:40.55jgoocan I click and navigate and google through them
09:41.07kaldemarno. are you incapable or reading other than html documents?
09:41.09jgooor are they expecting google to tar xvf the docs package and index it?
09:41.13Guggeno, you can download the source, and look in the doc dir
09:41.17xrmx__if a send BYE to b and b respond with SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist does it mean that b fscked something?
09:41.18jgookaldemar, google reads WAY faster than me
09:41.37kaldemar <-- there, go look at your specific version
09:41.47jgooI read a book a week, google reads a book a millisecond, I prefer to ask him where to find the pertinent parts :p
09:41.53kaldemarjgoo: google also gives you all kinds of invalid crap
09:42.47kaldemarcore show applications, core show functions <-- those commands are your friends
09:42.53jgookaldemar, exactly, and may be the reason... I am not sure this is even indexe
09:43.03jgookaldemar, I tell you, I was impressed by the cli
09:43.30jgooI didn't realise there was nice tab completion and lists of commands, just playing around helps you learn a lot more - but where is that writte?
09:43.36jgooin a doc in an svn repo?
09:44.07Guggeits in the book .....
09:44.13jgooI have a feeling asterisk docs should be: and should start with "click here to find your distro and install asterisk", then "dialplan 101" then "using cli"
09:44.23jgooGugge, I'll read it
09:44.42jgoobut I'll tell you this, any book that has 11 chapters on how their history is just asking for trouble... ok, reading the book
09:45.01Guggeand then there is ... "asterisk cli" on google gives
09:45.25jgooGugge, kaldemar thanks guys - I know I am an asshole raging out -- s/onhow they got their name / their history /waht I wrote === fusking hell I need coffee
09:45.54jgooIt is just I didn't ever plan on learning this stuff... it isn't my job, I have 3 projects going on, a beach bar, and I am groking a frikking phone manual :p
09:46.11jgooI love asterisk, I've written apps for it, albeit using fastagi / asterisk java
09:46.17jgoothe innards are like... innards and stuff
09:47.10jgooI am just facepaling that subversion doesn't have a 'download dir as tar' feature
09:47.54jgooGugge, what would that 2 line extensions.conf look like?
09:48.23*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
09:48.25Guggeexten => _X!,1,Dial(SIP/100) | exten => _X!,2,Hangup()
09:50.18jgooSo, exten => _ (this is always the prefix, right?) X any, ! any number,1 (first priority), AppDial(Exten) | (pipe splits line?) second priority, AppHangup()
09:51.17jgooActually, I saw some docs that described what the _ was... I forget now... and doesn't have it
09:51.45Gugge| was just to avoid writing two lines here
09:52.04jgooGugge, aaah right, you should use \
09:52.17Guggeor i could use \n .. or \r\n
09:52.24Guggeor i could write whatever the fuck i want
09:52.29jgoono, that would imply a linebreak / return
09:52.34jgoo\ signifies a wrap
09:52.40jgoo=)))) yey, nerd fight!
09:52.41Guggeyep, and in the file here should be a linebreak
09:52.54jgooGugge, oh yeah, lol, fuck I suck now
09:53.05Guggecorrect :P
09:53.09jgoo\r then, let's go osx style!!
09:53.18jgoofuck windows and linux
09:53.33jgooI think they changed that though, windows is \n, linux \r\n amirite?
09:53.52Guggedont know, dont care .. my editors fix that for me
09:53.59kaldemarjgoo: _ indicates that the extension is a pattern, i.e. it contains wilcards like X, N, Z, ! or .
09:54.22Gugge <- for _ X N Z ! . stuff
09:54.33jgooyeah, that was it. Now I recall.
09:57.51jgooSo I want, any incoming, dial 100, then all other extensions to work. call holding and transfers, that isn't in extensions right? then I want some ring-groups - I need two phones to ring simultaneously, but just on one extension, then I want some short cuts to 10 external numbers - I can hack that up
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10:16.54tzafrir_laptopjgoo, actually '\' at the end of the line excapes the line-break
10:17.22tzafrir_laptop'\\' is originally from poetry notation, and also used in TeX
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10:25.59DrashaHello, everyone. I have a question: In my extensions.conf I have something like this
10:26.01Drashaexten => _ZXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
10:26.03Drashaexten => _ZXXX,n,Dial(SIP/proxy/${EXTEN})
10:26.04DrashaWhat I want to achieve is that the Asterisk tries to dial an extension registered to it and if the number is not registered, then call it through the proxy. It sorta works, but Asterisk does not skip the first line, because the number does not belong to it, rather it spends some 30 seconds dialing it before calling through the proxy. Is there a way to do it the way I want it? Thanks for an...
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10:27.14adadelua small question regarding queues, and strategy. I currently have a linear strategy in however the first extension is ignored.
10:27.34FalscherHasehi. i have a question about the AMI: why do i need write permissions on 'call' to query the channel status (Action: Status)? Shouldn't read permissions be enough?
10:30.05jgootzafrir_laptop, the more you know... \\ is new to me, just looks like an escaped \
10:32.50kaldemarDrasha: set the peer as dynamic and check its ip address with func SIPPEER. if you get a valid ip (the phone is registered) dial it, otherwise through the proxy.
10:33.30Drashamany thanks kaldemar
10:33.59kaldemarDrasha: you probably even don't have to check the ip address, just set it as dynamic.
10:34.29Drashathey are dynamic
10:36.34kaldemarthen show what happens when it dials, if there's no ip address, it should continue to the next priority immediately.
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10:36.58Kchehabhow to install asterisk to /etc/asterisk ,when i make install it located /etc/local/asterisk
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10:37.52kaldemarthat's just a configuration file dir.
10:38.23Kchehabyes --prefix=/usr ?
10:39.01kaldemarno. that prefix is for modules and binaries.
10:39.17kaldemarhow are you installing asterisk?
10:39.34Kchehab./configure male make install
10:40.19TSMim trying to work out the correct rxwink/rxflash/debounce settings for UK FXO, anyone have settings?
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10:45.02TSMalso do you happen to use a diffrent SIP secret for each extention?
10:52.44kaldemarDrasha: what does your sip.conf look like? use a pastebin to show it.
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10:56.04Drashathat .conf is rather large (system already in production), in which part are you interrested?
10:56.49kaldemarDrasha: [3066]
10:57.12kaldemaryou get the error when dialing SIP/3066
10:57.23Drashathat number is not in sip.conf - it is a number that is registered at proxy
10:58.21Drashathat's why I have problems with it - it tries 30 seconds to dial it locally and only after that it calls this number through a proxy
10:58.38adadelunevermind, had to restart asterisk, a reload did'nt do the trick.
11:06.56kaldemarDrasha: SIP/3066 tries to dial a device defined in sip.conf by the name 3066. if you want to dial a number through a proxy, use SIP/3066@proxy or SIP/proxy/3066.
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11:17.03kannanhello, I am not able to send or get fax . I have asterisk 1.4.x -> Audicodes FXS ATA -> Fax Machine . I have no built spandsp or enabled t.38 pass thru in asterisk. I think it is some settings to be done on the audiocodes, can anyone help?
11:17.30kannanthe asterisk is connected to pstn with a single span Digium E-1 PRI card
11:19.31jmkgreenany ideas about calls via iax where the outbound leg is silent but the inbound leg has audio? This is usuing dahdi_dummy. I'm stumped.
11:19.48jmkgreenit's previously been working fine but the box had to be reinstalled
11:20.05jmkgreenthe old configs were copied across and there have been no known firewall changes on our router
11:20.26jmkgreenthe box itself has a source build of both asterisk 1.4 and dahdi
11:21.25jmkgreenthe only clue is a log message when dialling saying that it is 'stopping sounds'
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11:40.29Drashakaldemar: sorry for the delay, I was having lunch. Anyway - the problem is that there are two sets of phones. IP phones, registered at Asterisk and analog ones registered at proxy. There is no way to distinguish them by number, so the idea was to try to call the number via Asterisk and if it doesn't work, then call via proxy. That is why the extensions.conf lines look like they do.
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11:43.21kaldemarwell you have to know which ones register to asterisk since you make configurations for them and seem to use numbers as device names. you must know which numbers to send to the proxy.
11:43.54kaldemarif not, there are ways to check if a device is defined, but dialing SIP/<number> is not one of them.
11:45.49DrashaWell yes, I know the registered ones, but doing an exhaustive enumeration in extensions.conf is unsupportable... Can you tell me which are the ways to check if the device is defined? You have told me about SIPPEER function. Is this it or are there some other?
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11:46.33kaldemarfunction DEVICE_STATE might work for this, for example Dial(${IF($["${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/3066)}" = "INVALID"]?SIP/proxy/3066:SIP/3066)})
11:47.25DrashaI will give it a try... it looks good. Thanks
11:47.59kaldemari'm not sure if SIPPEER is useful for getting information on whether the peer is defined or not.
11:48.47kaldemaryou can replace 3066 with ${EXTEN} if you're using patterns.
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11:53.16DrashaHmm.. I have a problem with Asterisk version. I am using Wiki says that DEVICE_STATE() is available in form of a backport function DEVSTATE. I  don't have it present and I am not eager to rebuild the Asterisk :-(
11:54.18Drashaand neither I have EXTENSION_STATE() or EXTSTATE()
11:56.39fiddurDrasha: If you want devstate for 1.4, I think you have to apply the backport...  or upgrade :)
11:57.32Drashayeah, I know... btw. is there a way to test the result of some asterisk function from cli?
11:57.55DrashaI am thinking of trying to use the SIPPEER function
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11:59.47kaldemarthe functions are dialplan only.
12:01.52Drashaok, I will test it with NoOp
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12:29.53dzastinhi, I have a problem with asterisk, spa-3102 and getting cid from pstn line - it works "sometimes" - can somebody help me with this?
12:30.42jgoodzastin, put sip debug on the peer
12:30.47jgootype that into the cli
12:30.53jgooand then make a call until the callerid doesn't work
12:31.10jgooalso, set the 'answer' to 2 seconds, or change the time (I haven't got a 3102 I don't think)
12:31.37Drashakaldemar: many thanks for your pointers, this expression did the trick - exten => _ZXXX,n,Dial(${IF($["${SIPPEER(${EXTEN}|context)}" = "users"]?SIP/${EXTEN}:SIP/proxy/${EXTEN})}) - because every phone registered at asterisk falls into "user" context
12:31.45jgoodzastin, change the callerid type or localization of the device
12:33.45dzastini have voip/pstn answer delay = 3 and this works sometimes - reloading asterisk or the gateway helps for 2-3 calls
12:34.21dzastinwhere can I change this callerid type and to what?
12:35.18[TK]D-FenderDrasha: Interesting approach.... however if you're looking to throw all non-local "extensions" to your proxy you don't need to compare to a fixed value like "users", you could get away with simply comparing as "non-blank"
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12:39.34Drashad-fender: yes, you are right. That should do the trick as well and in a cleaner way...
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12:55.31jayteefor some reason I can't setup an account on I even tried my email addresses in case I'd setup an account and forgot and it just goes red. Is there some kind of review process for that site for new accounts?
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13:33.18knoboDoes anyone have experience with running asterisk on vmware?
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13:36.09jayteeknobo, I've done it in testing but not in a production environment. I know some people run it that way in production systems that only need SIP connectivity.
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13:42.30BrooklynI normally configure Asterisk servers for The Netherlands but now I need to configure one for the US. Having some issues with the north american dialplan. In The Netherlands I make rules for cellphones, numbers you have to pay for and national/international traffic.
13:42.43jmkgreenhi does anyone know why my iax2 trunk would be suffering a one-way audio problem?
13:42.52jmkgreenit can receive audio but not send it
13:43.05BrooklynWhat are the rules for the US?
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13:43.21BrooklynCellphones start with ????XXXXX etc.
13:43.46BrooklynIf anyone could help me out I would REALLY appreciate that
13:44.26BrooklynIn The Netherlands, you dial a cellphone starting with 06 so I use this rule;
13:44.35BrooklynWhat should I do for a US Asterisk server
13:45.06GuggeI wish i lived in a country where mobile numbers were that easy to detect :)
13:45.17BrooklynHehe I was afraid it would be more difficult for the US :P
13:45.18Guggehere 8181xxxx is a mobile series, and 8282xxxx is a fixed series :P
13:45.28Guggei have no idea how it is in the US
13:45.41BrooklynAmericans around to help me out?
13:45.50[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: there is no such thing as a "cellphone prefix" in North America
13:46.16BrooklynOk :P How can I detect someone calling to a cellphone or national number in Asterisk?
13:46.44[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: What part of "impossible" did you not understand?
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13:47.02Gugge"no prefix" doesnt always meen "impossible" :)
13:47.17BrooklynSo you're telling me in the US you do not know make a difference between calls to cellphones or landlines?
13:47.19[TK]D-FenderGugge: Take this last one as a hint then :)
13:47.30Gugge[TK]D-Fender: sure :)
13:47.31[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: correct
13:48.15BrooklynSo in the US you pay the same for calling to a cellphone and a landline?
13:49.12[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: Yes
13:49.23BrooklynDamn we suck in Holland :S
13:49.31BrooklynCalling to a cellphone is way more expensive
13:49.48BrooklynThat explains why I make the cellphone exceptions ;)
13:49.54_ShrikEThat is typical in many countries
13:50.11_ShrikEbut not the us
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13:51.47BrooklynMy other question regarding dialing rules. Dialing to a landline in the US always starts with a 0 ?
13:51.56BrooklynOr do you dial the area code without a 0
13:53.07BrooklynSo if I'm in New York and I need to dial someone in Main, would I dial 0207 or just 207?
13:53.17_ShrikE207 or 1207
13:53.21[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: No, NEVER 0
13:53.24infobotfrom memory, nanpa is North American Numbering Plan Administration; the organization responsible for administering the integrated telephone numbering plan serving 19 North American countries.  Regulatory authorities in each participating country have plenary authority over numbering resources, but the participating countries share numbering resources cooperatively.
13:53.28_ShrikE0207 would be an operator assisted call
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13:54.38BrooklynOkay, this is going to be easy then :) I only need to make a difference between US national numbers and international. International is everything starting with 00, it will go over the SIP line, everything else will be national and will be going through the normal network
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13:57.01[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: Int'l = 011 + county + dest
13:57.06[TK]D-Fendercountry codes*
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14:01.18DaremonaiHello, can I use asterisk, with a normal modem, and my LAN card, to call people from my pc as well as receive calls on my pc? (or can that be done without the use of asterisk), either way, can you point me to a tutorial or something that will help me in doing so?
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14:03.12[TK]D-FenderDaremonai: No.  Normal "modem" are not usable with *
14:03.30[TK]D-FenderDaremonai: You need a supported FXO device.
14:03.48Daremonai[TK]D-Fender: hmmmm.... alright.. thanks
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14:04.12Daremonaiany idea how i could do what i said earlier with a normal modem?
14:04.32[TK]D-FenderDaremonai: No.  Normal modems are not voice interfaces and ahve duplex issues, etc.
14:04.50[TK]D-FenderDaremonai: they are DATA devices.
14:05.06Daremonai[TK]D-Fender: oh, alright... thanks..
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14:06.04Brooklyn[TK]D-Fender for international calls, one should always start with 011 and not 00?
14:06.19Brooklyn00 is a European thing I guess?
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14:06.26[TK]D-FenderBrooklyn: Correct
14:07.09Brooklyngot it
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14:08.15bn-7bc[TK]D-Fender: hmm correct me if I'm wrong, bot  does any country aotside the NANP use 011 as international prefix??
14:08.39[TK]D-Fenderbn-7bc: Sorry, I can't account for entire remainder of the planet...
14:08.44BrooklynMost countries use 00 afaik?
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14:09.16BrooklynSo the US uses 011
14:10.25*** join/#asterisk psilikon (n=psilikon@ why not
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14:14.01DMeloUKanyone have exp with the aa50 ?
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14:36.07mattblueHello all. :)
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14:37.40mattblueI have been trying to do some work on Asterisk and am having trouble bonding/bridging two existing calls.
14:38.03mattblueDoes someone have the time to point me in the right direction?
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14:38.53Naikrovekmattblue: one moment
14:39.46mattblueThanks Naikrovek.
14:39.59Naikrovekwell i don't know the answer but someone will chime in soon
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14:40.36mattblueI will wait :)
14:40.36Naikrovekpatience will serve you well in here this week i think
14:40.53mattblueDo you mean there is not too many folks around this week?
14:40.57NaikrovekAstricon is happening right now and many of the folks in here are busy schmoozing and networking
14:41.22mattblueAh okay. Talk about timing!
14:41.27Naikrovekdon't worry
14:41.34Naikrovekyou'll get your answer in short order
14:41.37Naikrovekjust not immediately
14:42.07mattblueWhere is the conference being held at?
14:42.18Naikrovekglendale, AZ
14:42.45mattblueGreat. Are you there as well?
14:43.02mattblueI will hang around and see if Google can help in the meantime. No luck so far.
14:43.12Naikrovekno, i'm in illinois
14:43.54[TK]D-Fendermattblue: before asking for directions you should show us where you ARE.
14:45.13Naikrovekyes show us what's not working
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14:51.13mattblueThe work is back at my office, I am at home currently. Let me explain the scenario. Basically it is website where customers can book timeslots of consultants. When a customer books a time slot, a scheduled call will be sent from the phone system to that customer on the number they provide.So the integration is to insert a scheduled call into asterisk trixbox to intiate the call.
14:51.28mattblueI have been able to do the following things so far.
14:51.42mattblueGenerate a call file with desired details and using this file make an automated call. Asterisk will play an automated message to the customer if he picks the call, otherwise disconnect.I am also able to record the calls.
14:52.17mattblueI am stumped at making asterisk bridge the customers call to the consultant; if the customer picks up.
14:53.41[TK]D-Fendermattblue: Your call file already dials out and then dumps them int he dialplan.  So just DIAL your consultant.  there is no "bridge 2 pre-existing calls" scenario
14:53.57[TK]D-Fendermattblue: the consultant isn't already on a call with your server.  Youa re contacting them.
14:55.51xmntHi, I'm new to asterisk and have a question
14:56.05shido6ask, xmnt
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14:56.21xmntI've read through the docs and am unsure what I need to setup a voip network
14:56.30shido6oh dear
14:56.49xmntI'm a linux admin so I have no problem w/ the technical side of things
14:57.29shido6well - lets flesh out some details
14:57.48shido6what do you have, what do you want to do , and what kind of budget are you working with ? :)
14:57.54xmntbut I'm not sure about how I obtain a number
14:58.31xmntwe'll right now I'm testing to see what's possible - really all we need is a system for several developers who all telecommute
14:58.41shido6How many simultaneous callers do you expect on this one number?
14:58.49xmntmaybe 5
14:59.12shido6do these devs who telecommute already have ip phones or softphones or will you be providing them these resources?
14:59.53xmntwe've looked into getting ip phones - I have my own(a cisco) that I use for another company
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15:00.16shido6do you like your cisco ?
15:00.21xmntbut I've also toyed w/ the idea of using softphones initially
15:00.45shido6I would recommend an ip phone with a cordless headset if our budget allows
15:00.51xmntyeah it works - i don't have any issues w/ sound cutting out like I did w/ softphones
15:01.27shido6or a corded headset if you dont want them walking around a lot :)
15:01.43shido6if you want them happy get a cordless headset for each of your ip phones
15:01.50xmntit's a def. possibility - communication has become such a hurdle that we're at the point where whatever solves the problem is what we'll do
15:02.31xmntskype is not working - and basically we're calling each other on cell phones
15:02.56shido6not all on a family plan ? :)
15:03.02xmnthaha, no
15:03.21shido6maybe you should :)
15:03.37shido6and add have each of the devs include the number you buy to their plan
15:03.40xmntconferences are a mess - a mix of people on skype relaying info and people on their home phones etc... it's actually kind-of funny
15:04.05shido6well asterisk can assist as you can own your own conferencing system
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15:04.23shido6and use such apps as appkonference <-------- go on, google it...... you know you want to
15:04.27[TK]D-Fenderxmnt: So far all you need is a box to run * on and a connection with enough bandwidth for your calls
15:04.54Jumpieanybody use dim dim?
15:05.02shido6reminds me of dim sum
15:05.04Jumpieare there hooks/mods that interface with asterisk?
15:05.04xmnt[TK]D-Fender, we've got both of those -- dedicated server w/ plenty of fast bandwidth and everyone uses broadband
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15:05.17Jumpiedim dim is like a whiteboard, web collaboration thing kinda like webex
15:05.19shido6xmnt: then you're halfway there :)
15:05.26[TK]D-Fenderxmnt: Ok, you're set then.  For conferences, MeetMe will probably do jsut fine and is built-in
15:06.01[TK]D-FenderJumpie: * does voice.  Thats it.
15:06.22[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Well... a certain amount of video as well..
15:06.32[TK]D-FenderJumpie: but no "interactive" services
15:06.37viraptorhi, is it safe to modify the astdb directly while asterisk is running? are the values read from the file every time they're requested? (i.e. no buffering)
15:07.37[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Yes, its safe
15:07.37shido6thats why its there, viraptor  :)
15:07.37viraptor[TK]D-Fender: cool, thanks no.i nkow
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15:07.38Jumpieim talkin 3rd party tie ins
15:07.38Jumpielike zimbra zimlets
15:07.50xmntis the asterisk from the yum repos up to date or do you recommend building from source?
15:08.00shido6build from source
15:08.01[TK]D-Fenderxmnt: Source
15:08.49mattblue[TK]D-Fender : Sorry, just stepped out for a sec. So if there is already a call initiated with a number from the box, I can just DIAL another number and then connect them both? Has to be automated as well.
15:09.54[TK]D-Fendermattblue: .... your 1st person is in the DIALPLAN.  You are doing whatever the hell you want from there.
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15:10.52[TK]D-Fendermattblue: channel is in the dialplan, doesn't matter that * called them instead of them calling *.
15:10.52mattblue[TK]D-Fender : Thanks a lot mate.
15:11.23mattblue[TK]D-Fender : I will go check it out. Didn't seem to be working when i tried it, so i am sure I have been doing something wrong.
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15:13.17*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
15:14.16*** join/#asterisk jmkgreen (
15:14.23KhratosGood afternoon.
15:14.40jmkgreenI'm having real issues with a reinstalled Asterisk box
15:14.50KhratosDoes someone knows if there's a limit in the length of the input stream that can be sent to AMI?
15:14.53jmkgreenIAX audio works but in one direction only
15:15.15jmkgreenI can't understand it
15:15.58jmkgreenasterisk logs show "stopped sounds" as the phone begins ringing
15:16.06jmkgreenbut why I don't have any idea
15:16.26jmkgreenit was working fine before the O/S had to be reinstalled
15:16.47KhratosHave you checked if it is NAT or Firewall related?
15:16.54Khratos(The audio part)
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15:17.14jmkgreenfunny thing is that we're behind a NAT/firewall yet the audio coming back in is the direction that is it working. Outbound audio is the bit that's silent
15:17.25jmkgreenasterisk reckons it's playing the files even
15:17.43jmkgreenwe have a second asterisk box behind the same nat/firewall and that's working fine
15:18.43jmkgreenI'm basically calling an office landline though gradwell. I cannot hear what our server is speaking, but I can hit the buttons on the handset and the server shows it hears the dtmf tones
15:18.45KhratosHave you tried making a test with a sip account to see if it is IAX oriented problem or networking in general?
15:19.04jmkgreenI can't use sip due to the firewalling
15:19.17jmkgreenthats why we always use iax within our office
15:19.58shido6its not a sonicwall is it?
15:20.04jmkgreenI also know it's not our provider because our office lines use the same gradwell voip provider and they are working great
15:20.55jmkgreen(just checked that one)
15:21.23jmkgreenI've filed a support request with gradwell but I suspect they're avoiding calling me back as they probably found as little in google as I did
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15:22.09jmkgreenI can see in the asterisk sources where this log message "stopped sounds" occurs - it's within dial() when it receives a frame that has a status of -1
15:22.48jmkgreenquite why I'm getting such a frame is beyond me - as I say this machine was working fine before I was forced to reinstall (disk died)
15:24.22KhratosDo you have SELinux on that box?
15:24.47jmkgreenapparently (dpkg -l | grep selinux)
15:24.55jmkgreenii  libselinux1                                2.0.65-5build1                    SELinux shared libraries
15:25.08Khratoswhat does  the command 'getenforce' (in the shell) gives you?
15:25.26jmkgreenno such command
15:25.31jmkgreeneven as root
15:26.07*** part/#asterisk dustybin (
15:26.59KhratosAre you sure that there isn't  any iptables fancy rules applied on the box?
15:28.16Jumpieyou know what i notice, alot of helps and guides that tell people how to lock down asterisk/trixbox, whatever and explain about changing passwords, almost always leave out 1 or 2 critical files thus breaking the system
15:28.30Jumpieand people scramble tryin to revert, and its not quite the same..i'm seeing this a lot
15:29.58jmkgreenKhratos: there are no iptables rules on this box at all
15:30.24KhratosIs it the same distro and version of the machine that is running without problems?
15:30.25jmkgreenI went to our in-house Asterisk guy who said it's either firewall or ports
15:30.48jmkgreenthe firewall has been ruled out, and with IAX the port can't be to blame (at least I can't see how)
15:31.08jmkgreenKhratos: No, I'm now running Ubuntu 9.04 on this new box
15:31.27jmkgreenHowever, both dahdi and asterisk have been compiled from source as per the previous installation
15:31.56shido6you ruled the firewall out by removing it completely from the network, yes?
15:32.33jmkgreenwell I can't, it's part of the office infrastructure. As I said though the other asterisk box is also behind it and our phone system is working as normal
15:32.51shido6did you point that ip to the new asterisk system and test?
15:33.00jmkgreenI'm told there have been no changes to it in weeks, and the previous installation was working within weeks ago
15:33.36shido6change the ip of your new ast to the old ast and see if that works, if it does u have a rule not applied to the new ip on the old ip that you need to find
15:33.39jmkgreenI don't understand - the 'other' asterisk box is our phone system. This new one is purely a development IVR
15:33.58jmkgreenthe new and old asterisk boxes are the same physical hardware with the same dhcp ip address
15:34.26jmkgreenother than the ubuntu distro and minute versions of asterisk (possibly) there should be no changes
15:34.31jmkgreener minor versions
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15:34.45jmkgreenI even did a tcpdump
15:35.15jmkgreenthere's clearly audio back from gradwell but there's nothing being sent to gradwell except IAX control packets
15:35.47jmkgreenthat's the odd thing - if it were firewall/nat the cause I'd expect the problem reversed
15:35.58[TK]D-Fenderjmkgreen: notransfer=yes <-------
15:35.58Khratos:/ In a desperate intent to debug this, would take the new box to a place with internet and without firewall, and test
15:36.29jmkgreenKhratos: appreciate that, but that particular test requires significant effort :-)
15:37.17Khratos[TK]D-Fender, may I ask you something?
15:37.39[TK]D-FenderKhratos: You just did.  I may even permit ANOTHER question :)
15:38.41*** join/#asterisk Nafiux (n=IceChat7@
15:38.41jmkgreen[TK]D-Fender: No change
15:38.48Khratos:) Ok. Look, Sending this ( ) to AMI via Telnet and/or PHP script results in no error message, but voicemail.conf not getting complete written
15:38.48Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:39.18KhratosDo you have any Idea of what could be causing that? (Tried pastebin, but the content of the file did not pass their antispam filter)
15:40.03KhratosOn CLI and AMI everything seems to be Ok, but the file gets partially written, not all entries added.
15:40.43[TK]D-FenderKhratos: Never used that option
15:40.53infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
15:41.11*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=chatzill@
15:41.32jmkgreenscratches his head
15:41.35tzafrir_laptopNugget, most of the time when people mention 'telnet' they refer to the manager interface or so
15:41.36jmkgreen... some more
15:41.46KhratosIt works with less entries, as a charm. but when I try to append more entries, it does not work
15:41.59[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Silly wabbit
15:42.05tzafrir_laptopI suggest you update you 'evil' text to refer to 'use ssl' or whatever if you actually care about it
15:48.13IBC_jkenneyHas anyone noticed any memory leak with 1.6 where it keeps resources tied up
15:48.42[TK]D-FenderIBC_jkenney: Which 1.6?
15:48.42[TK]D-FenderIBC_jkenney: Only about a few dozen releases so far...
15:49.05IBC_jkenneyYeah but this one is pretty bad
15:49.14[TK]D-FenderIBC_jkenney: Already 2 behiind....
15:49.39[TK]D-FenderIBC_jkenney: You should try reading the topic occasioanlly
15:50.35IBC_jkenneyanything to be afraid of with a upgrade to the new one
15:52.03*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad (
15:52.28pmhaddadare there any known issues with compiling asterisk-addons on Lenny?
15:52.55jmkgreenare the logins the same as for ?
15:52.58pmhaddadits crashing out on make when it tries to compile chan_ooh323
15:56.39pmhaddad if anyone wants to take a look
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16:09.29DigitalFlux-AFKi need to know the traffic rate of the g729 codec that asterisk is using ..
16:09.37DigitalFlux-AFKcan any body help me out with that ?
16:10.04*** part/#asterisk bzing2 (n=dr105@
16:11.50brad_msswDigitalFlux-AFK: as always, search on, and you'll come up with useful things like :
16:15.59DigitalFlux-AFKbrad_mssw: Checking.. Thanks
16:16.15pmhaddadnever mind, just disabled chan_h323 with make menuselect
16:17.10*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=annon@
16:17.25Dovidhi. i just had an argument with some one on Asterisk+NAT
16:17.44DavidR2008I have a gxp 2000 phone that doesn't send the correct touch tones to an asterisk server using a Multi-Purpose Key during a call. I've upgraded the phone to the latest firmware and that seemed to make the problem worse. It was working correctly while be used with an asterisk server last week. Any help would be greatly appricated.
16:17.55Dovidif Asterisk is on a public IP and you have two end users that are behind NAT, Asterisk needs to be in the media path ?
16:19.01*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
16:21.30shido6why did you upgrade, DavidR2008 ?
16:21.59QwellDovid: unless the devices have a way to traverse the NAT
16:22.07Qwellie; direct port forwarding
16:22.46DavidR2008I was on here yesterday with the same problem and that was one of the steps [TK]D-Fender wanted me to try
16:27.44[TK]D-Fender's other suggesting was to make a bonfire out of them...
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16:28.06DavidR2008I'm well aware :-D
16:28.14DavidR2008not really an option for me.
16:29.32Qwelloh, it's an option.  it's just one you refuse to take.
16:29.46IBC_jkenneyanyone in here play with openldap and the spa962 using them for the directory?
16:29.57DavidR2008I'm not allowed to burn company property without approval ;-)
16:30.08QwellDavidR2008: so get approval ;)
16:30.28QwellThere are even people here who might pay to see a video of it on youtube afterwards.
16:30.57DavidR2008do you think I could get enough money to pay for replacement phones?
16:31.00IBC_jkenney<========== do you take cc's ?
16:31.38QwellDavidR2008: reminds me of what a friend of mine did..
16:31.58raden_workDavidR2008, change the tone settings
16:32.03QwellDavidR2008: Apple wouldn't replace his macbook under warranty, so he took a sledge hammer and a camcorder...
16:32.25Qwellposted it on youtube (where it got a few hundred thousand views) and emailed it to Steve Jobs.
16:32.31Qwellhad a new macbook the following week
16:32.36*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:32.50Qwellit was amusing
16:32.57raden_workQwell, is that how we want to teach our children to resolve issues ?
16:33.01Qwelltotally my idea too.  he owes me a macbook.
16:33.20Qwellraden_work: no, but damned if it wasn't funny
16:33.35raden_workQwell, i bet you dont have a link do you ?
16:33.38raden_workid love to see that
16:33.39QwellI do
16:33.48Qwelllink with story!
16:34.33*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
16:35.55Qwellactually, you'll have to click the "Previously" link
16:38.21Jumpielol magic moisture cloud
16:38.57raden_workwow 1/2 million hits
16:39.39raden_workif i do that with my crap blackberrys i wonder if they send me new ones
16:39.42DovidQwell: How do other devices do it ?
16:40.01QwellDovid: the devices themselves don't.  you have to configure your network to make it work
16:40.05Qwellraden_work: doubt it
16:40.09*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (n=me@
16:40.33DovidQwell: So if I had an SBC then "technically" there should be no NAT issues
16:40.36raden_workQwell, i know
16:40.43Jumpielol all the dogs started barking
16:40.44raden_workI gave up went back to samsung phones
16:40.50Jumpierookie with that sledgehammer
16:41.29raden_workDavidR2008, you get it worked out yet ?
16:41.38raden_workNaikrovek, morning bro
16:41.39*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
16:42.22raden_workcrap need to reboot new kernel
16:42.39DavidR2008raden_work, no, I changed it from RFC2833 and now the number keys send tones, but the MPK buttons don't send anything. I figure I'll contact grandstream and see what they say
16:42.48DavidR2008*from RC2833 to INFO
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16:50.57nnyanyone have a favorite device for a remote voip phone to FXO setup? Basically one client is gonna be in a box miles away, connecting over VoIP to the main. Want to have one or two of the SIP channels talking to an ATA that acts as a  SIP to FXO converter. Not sure if there is something in the SPA line that does this without trying to be a full blown pbx
16:51.26[TK]D-Fendernny: SPA-3102
16:52.16nny[TK]D-Fender: beautiful thanks
16:52.21hardwirenny: a box?
16:52.38nnyyeah lol, that's what they call it
16:52.44nnyit's a ticket booth for sunset cruises
16:52.47hardwireis it cardboard?
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16:53.28hardwireyou can hardly go wrong with sipura
16:54.55robl^laptopsipura though was bought out by linksys, which was bought by Cisco ;-)
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16:56.49nnyyeah always nice when we quote linksys phones (most common) and I can just call em cisco now
17:00.09p3nguinraden_work: I guess no one ever taught you about kexec, huh?
17:02.40raden_workp3nguin, ?
17:02.50p3nguin(1142.23) <raden_work> crap need to reboot new kernel
17:03.03raden_workp3nguin, no
17:03.07raden_workill look into that
17:03.16raden_workp3nguin, you have APC software working correct  ?
17:04.21raden_workim going to try to get mine working again today
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17:09.03p3nguinThere's really nothing difficult about it.
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17:28.44buttons840[TK]D-Fender, here is the CLI logs from the WaitForSilence problem I'm having.  Maximum verbose, level 10 debug.  Notice line 118 and line 133, how WaitForSilence behaves differently.  The first time there is no indications of how long silence has been, and the 2nd time there are, obviously, hundreds of indications of silence.  Wonder why the difference in behavior?
17:28.44kaiican somebody think of a way to playback a file to a caller and simultaneously call an extension? (while the file is playing back)
17:29.33buttons840kaii, there is hold music, but that's all i know of, i'm don't know much though
17:29.35CcRnpyou can use a macro on Dail function so that you can plaback a file and call a extension at the same time
17:29.52[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: Nope.
17:30.16[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Indeed your only real option is to use an Moh Class with a folder with only 1 file in it which yuo preplace prior to the outcall.
17:30.31[TK]D-FenderccMacro doesn't get run until after they ANSWER
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17:30.35kaiibuttons840: well, the announcement would start at a random point when in inculde it in MOH since not every user has an indivudial MOH stream, they all share the same "radio playback" and jump in the stream at a random point
17:31.04[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Specify another class in the DIAL
17:31.17*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:31.32kaii[TK]D-Fender: i do not understand. does this start a new MOH process for each caller?
17:31.59[TK]D-Fenderkaii: IIRC it'll start from the beginning for each...
17:32.12kaiii will give that a try, thx
17:34.48DMeloUKspeaking of moh - how do I adjust the moh volume on the aa50 appliance?
17:35.38kaii[TK]D-Fender: my more complicated idea was using local channel and inband progress..  but i'm really unsure if this will for all channels, or work at all.
17:36.18[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Nope.... local channel involves having an active channel thats answered
17:36.35[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Other option involves recoding app_dial.
17:36.44kaii1,Answer()   2,Dial(SIP/exten&Local/playback),   in playback do:  1,Progress  2,Playback(announcement,n)
17:36.55[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Which frankly your request warrants and is share by many.
17:37.08[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Won't work
17:37.10kaii[TK]D-Fender: playback involes having an active channel too, unless your telco lets you send inband
17:37.35kaiimh why are you 100% sure it won't work? explain pls
17:37.39[TK]D-Fenderkaii: app_dial playing the audio to you is one thing... using a LOCAL channel like that also runs that call in parallel, not in series
17:37.46[TK]D-Fenderkaii: very not happening..
17:37.56*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
17:38.31kaii[TK]D-Fender: thats what i want, call the playback and the exten in parallel
17:38.45[TK]D-Fenderkaii: No you misunderstand... they are not MERged
17:39.04kaiimh i really do not understand
17:39.43p3nguinIf I set a variable in context1, can I retrieve the value of it in context2?
17:39.44[TK]D-Fenderkaii: 2,Dial(SIP/exten&Local/playback) <-- in this case, the Local channel will answer immediately and the SIP call will DROP <-
17:39.57[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: * dialplan doesn't have "scope"
17:40.08[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: So yes
17:41.22kaii[TK]D-Fender: but the local channel only contains "progress()" and "playback(,noanswer)", so why should it answer immediately?
17:42.08p3nguinAnd at what point would the variable be destroyed?  When the call ends?
17:42.39[TK]D-Fenderkaii: * doesn't pipe multiple progress indications together so you can get early media fromt he local while the other rings "silently".  this just isn't going to happen....
17:43.04[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Variables are local to the channel and copied per inheritance rules into channels it spawns
17:44.41*** join/#asterisk cherva (n=cherva@
17:45.32kaii[TK]D-Fender: so it is because local channel progress is not passed to the calling channel
17:46.10chervacan someone help me debug an inbound calls problem ? I have all trunks registered and I can make outbound calls, but when I call from outside I get "The subscriber rejected your call" message....
17:46.15[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Dial will only bridge if it is considered answered
17:46.35[TK]D-Fendercherva: pastebin your outbound call attemp with SIP DEBUG enabled
17:46.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:46.54p3nguinIn context1, I use exten => _NXX.,2,Set(LASTCID=${CALLERID(num)}) to attempt to capture the caller's phone number into the LASTCID variable.  In context2, I wanted to use exten => *69,1,SayDigits(${LASTCID}) so that I can dial *69 and hear the last number who called.  This obviously does not work, so what is a better approach?
17:48.42[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Won't work because as I said, its limited to the CHANNEL.  When that first call hangs up the variables are GONE
17:48.53[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Your call to *69 is a completely new call
17:49.08kaii[TK]D-Fender: but when i dial from SIP/85 to DAHDi/g1/somenonexistent number (assumed dial options r,R are not used) i can hear a friendly voice telling me foo, without the call being answered ... so dial bridges in that case, without the call being answered
17:49.19p3nguin[tk]d-fender: Yeah, so is there an approach that will actually work?
17:49.37p3nguinset a global variable, maybe?
17:49.37[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: "core show function DB"
17:50.13p3nguin[tk]d-fender: Does this require additional database software?
17:50.18[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: No
17:50.20kaiip3nguin: you could store it in a global variable, yes. but across asterisk restart these are lost, too. better use DB, as fender pointed out
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17:50.48p3nguinWith no additional software required, I am going to attempt to figure it out.
17:51.10kimitakaCan someone recommend me a free sip client for iphone/ipod touch?
17:52.14kaii[TK]D-Fender: that friendly voice on the PSTN makes me believe it would be possible, if chan_local would work with progress indication
17:52.47CcRnp1.Sip-trunk inbound call === >extention200
17:52.48CcRnp2. extention200 ===>calls===>extention201
17:52.48CcRnpcall answered by 201
17:52.48CcRnp200 transfer SIP call to 201
17:52.48CcRnpNow my question :
17:52.48CcRnpIs there a way to show the original caller ID of the incoming SIP call at destination extension, while transferring the call to another local extension with "Attended transfer"? if not can i atlest keep the track of calls, like
17:52.52CcRnpincomming call = <sip-inboundcall number>
17:52.54CcRnpanswered = extension 200
17:52.56[TK]D-Fenderkaii: nCertainly not in PARALLEL with another call with "&" <-
17:52.58CcRnptransfered to = extension 201
17:53.00CcRnpcall hanguped by = extension 201
17:53.02CcRnpcan anyone help me out with my problem
17:53.07[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: PASteBIN
17:53.10infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:53.24CcRnpopps sorry !
17:53.44[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: and NO, an attended transfer will not show the original callerid.  that is not its function.
17:53.45kaii[TK]D-Fender: ok, now i understood.  sry for being so stubborn ^^
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17:55.55[TK]D-Fendercherva: in [nexcom2] add "insecure=port,invite"
17:56.02[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: better
17:56.04kaii[TK]D-Fender: doesnt chan_sip in 1.6.1 support sending callerid updates via SIP INFO?
17:56.33[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Nothing I'm aware of.
17:56.50p3nguinAfter I set the entry in the DB in context1, do I then need to read the value into a variable within context2 first, then I can use SayDigits(${myvariable})... or can I use SayDigits to read the value from the DB directly?
17:57.07kaiiCcRnp: see option "calleridupdate=yes" in your sip.conf ... worked for me
17:57.24kaii[TK]D-Fender: it really works
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17:57.33CcRnpthanks i will check it out !
17:58.21kaiiCcRnp: just looked after it and found out it was part of the bristuff patchset
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17:58.34p3nguinand can I read entries of the DB in the console?
17:59.11kaiiCcRnp: there are patchsets out there providing this feature (via said option), but these are not part of the main distribution and may be badly maintained
17:59.25cherva[TK]D-Fender: it made a difference now I get this and Check operator servicies on the display of my GSM
17:59.31[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Possible they've added that and I'd never heard of it..
17:59.53kaii[TK]D-Fender: just looked, its a patchset
17:59.54CcRnpwhere can i get those patchsets ?
18:00.10[TK]D-Fendercherva: -- Executing [s@macro-dial:7] Dial("SIP/nexcom2-09b514e8", "SIP/029624989,"",tr") in new stack <-- you are dialing an invalid device here
18:00.28[TK]D-Fendercherva: * is now answering the call and you have a FreePBX configuration issue with your inbound route
18:00.29kaii[TK]D-Fender: see  ..  will not work with all vendors, though.
18:00.44[TK]D-Fendercherva: And FreePBX is NOT supported here, please continue in their channel for support
18:00.48infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:01.02[TK]D-Fenderkaii: I consider that disclaimer a given....
18:01.38kaii[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
18:01.43*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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18:01.55[TK]D-Fenderkaii: "will not work with all vendors, though."
18:02.14p3nguinI can read it on the console:  database get callerid last
18:02.45kaii[TK]D-Fender: as said it works well for us with snom phones and aastra (never tested myself with aastra)
18:03.47CcRnphowl can i use the original callerid to transfered calls for call recording ?
18:06.04*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
18:06.28CcRnpany idea?
18:06.43kaii[TK]D-Fender: Dial(exten,,m(announcement_class))  jumps in at random, by the way.
18:08.58[TK]D-Fenderkaii: I believe there is a "random" flag you can set in the call... haven't fiddled with this much...
18:09.29[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Though as I mentioned, this is a VERY popular idea that should get a feature request issued, then merged for it...
18:09.42p3nguinexten => *69,1,SayDigits(${DB(callerid/last)})
18:09.47p3nguinworks well.
18:10.20[TK]D-FenderCcRnp: odds are the recording has already started with a fixed name before the call is actually transfered and you can't change the name in the middle
18:12.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
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18:17.33xmnto.k, so i got asterisk installed w/ freepbx and i've got it up and running - I'm showing all o.k. for system status
18:18.01infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:18.17xmntnow this may seem like a silly question but how do I use it - i'm assuming something like ekiga can handle it
18:18.28infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:18.30CcRnp1.inbound call => Extension 200 => Answers ;  recording occurs between extension 200 and inbound call 2.extension 200 => holds => incomming call ;; 3.extension 200 => calls => extension 201;; recording occurs between extension 200 and extension 201;;4.extension 200 => transfers => inblound call to => extension 201;;;;;now my question is how can i recorded the transfered call with its original callerid in db.
18:18.43xmntcarrar, thanks
18:18.49buttons840I've confirmed my problem with WFS is related to my to my sip lines (sip protocol, qwest ipld carrier, dsl lines), when i call locally (another phone in the office) WFS works, but when calling over these sip lines, WFS works sporatically.
18:22.27kaiiCcRnp: in DB, you can not. this is a design flaw in CDR, because it was invented when features like attended transfer where still to invent.
18:23.20*** join/#asterisk bpgoldsb (
18:23.41kaiiCcRnp: there is work in progress in asterisk development to create another way to store such information
18:24.41leif[astricon]CDR data?  It's called CEL
18:24.44infobot[cel] Channel Event Logging
18:25.25kaiithe new thing, right
18:26.06CcRnpis it possible to record it on my own custom db , usgin agi script ?
18:32.09*** join/#asterisk rps2 (
18:32.40CcRnpthank you guys ! i will work out with these features and let you know if i came up with anythine
18:32.45buttons840   here is my dial plan and CLI is anyone care to look.  When the first call to WaitForSilence does not work, but the second does.  During this call I made constant noise until it was apparent from the CLI (spamming listening indicators) that WFS was listening, then i was quiet and confirmed that WFS works properly on it's second call.   The dial plan context is 5 lines, if anyone wants to look.
18:33.45rps2First off, a HUGE shout out to everyone who helped me get this thing sorted.  It works a treat except for the directory--which never works the first time you enter data, but does work the second time.
18:34.23rps2I did find a somewhat nasty bug in the GUI, though.  Where would I report that?  I don't see a bugzilla for *.
18:34.37infobotextra, extra, read all about it, mantis is at
18:35.29*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
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18:40.03Kattystares sleepily
18:42.34buttons840something about background causes WFS to go from broken to working.  dial plan is WFS; Background; WFS     first WFS doesn't work, 2nd does...
18:45.12*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
18:46.20CcRnpthank you ! appriciated !
18:47.39kaiiCcRnp: consider this is (=should be) always up to date with head development, so better test the hell out of it before using it in production
18:47.47rps2Ok, bug reported.
18:48.13rps2Any idea why the directory has issues with the first attempt but is successful on the second?
18:49.54CcRnpsure ! i will test before i use it in production !
18:50.41*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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19:23.54Kattyis it too early to listen to christmas music?
19:24.13raden_workYES !!!!!
19:24.22raden_workcan we get through November first
19:24.45Kattyi'd throw a snowball at you, if i had one
19:25.00raden_workwell you have no snow soooo no music ok !
19:25.45Kattyhow about just one? :>
19:27.27Kattythe dollar store has these cute little plastic snowflakes...they're about 12"
19:27.40Kattyi'm gonna hang them from my deck :>
19:27.54QwellKatty: still 2 holidays left
19:28.19Katty <- squirrel feeder.
19:29.10Kattyit's a little fuzzy. i took it from inside the house so i wouldn't disturb the critter.
19:29.26Naikroveksquirrels are underrated
19:29.36Naikroveki kept several as part-time pets as a kid
19:29.48Naikrovekthey were free to come and go as they pleased, but when they showed up i fed them
19:30.06*** join/#asterisk errotan (
19:30.31Kattyi'd like to have a window feeder for them (=
19:30.47Kattyand the birdies too, of course.
19:31.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
19:31.04Kattyhi fender
19:31.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew...
19:31.57*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
19:33.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: how're you dear
19:34.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: Getting by... wish it was Friday...
19:34.20Qwell[TK]D-Fender: bit early in the week to be wishing that
19:34.47[TK]D-FenderQwell: Life sucks, but rarely swallows...
19:35.10[TK]D-Fenderis happy about the latest wave of additions to his music book..
19:36.11Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
19:37.34*** join/#asterisk jshriver (
19:37.41jshriverdoes asterisk keep an error log?
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19:40.09mbrevdajshriver: depends on your setup; try /var/log/astrisk/full
19:41.31mbrevdaIm having a problem with a gateway which is sending some funky sip stuff. Here is the log, I dont know exactly what going on, but basicly its send to caller id as the TO, which is being rejected, but then its trying again as something else
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19:45.46[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: Found peer '5003' for '6461112222' from <--- doesn't look like something good for it to land on.
19:46.00*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
19:48.05mbrevda[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
19:48.37[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: Should calls from that device match with 5003?
19:50.14mbrevda[TK]D-Fender: here's the thing: the device registers with three seperate numbers (for three different fxo lines). But technicaly, it shouldnt. The confusing part is that the callerid endes up being 5001 - not 5003 (and the problem is that it shouldnt be either - it should be 6461112222)
19:50.36mbrevdait shouldnt=match
19:57.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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20:03.51mudddIs the TDM800P the card that I am supposed to connect my analog phones to?  I've been reading up on asterisk all day and trying to figure it out before I plan on using it.
20:05.38*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
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20:07.42mbrevdawhat does: 'No user '5551236049' in SIP users list' mean?
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20:16.19[TK]D-Fendermuddd: You already have this card?
20:16.44*** join/#asterisk donnib (
20:17.03donnibcan somebody help me with registering a sip device to my server ?
20:17.19donnibi keep getting 401 Unauthorized even though i know that the password is correct and the username
20:17.30donnibthe account has been tested on xlite
20:17.42donnibi am using a Zyxel 2602 SIP adaptor
20:19.12donnibanyone ?
20:20.40mchoupastebin sip trace
20:20.48muddd[TK]D-Fender, no I haven't bought anything yet.  I'm not educated on phone systems, just computer networking and such.  I'm about to start a business and might want to save some money by doing the asterisk thing myself.
20:21.22mchoudonnib: nobody is gonna be able to proceed without the pertinent info
20:21.37[TK]D-Fendermuddd: What kind of lines & phones are you considering?
20:23.17mchoumuddd: yeah, inquiring minds want to know
20:23.29muddd[TK]D-Fender, I'm trying to keep costs down so I guess analog phones, using comcast's digital voice as my provider
20:24.06[TK]D-Fendermuddd: And how do you connect to comcast's service?
20:24.11mudddunless you guys have much better suggestions.
20:25.35donnibso any ideas ?
20:25.35*** join/#asterisk ayeso (n=chatzill@
20:25.49ayesoTrying to decide if I should use the manager API or .call files for outbound auto dialing... any advice?
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20:29.56lesouvagedonnib: I assume that the Asterisk server and the device are on the same lan?
20:30.23lesouvagedonnib: are you sure you don't have a space in front or at the and of the secret?
20:30.48donnibhave typed the password many times
20:30.49donnibi have tried copy paste
20:30.53lesouvagedonnib: is it a softphone?
20:31.06donnibit´s a hardware router/SIP device
20:32.16kaldemarthe device isn't even trying to authenticate
20:32.35lesouvagedonnib: and the IP of the device is ? (see the contact field)
20:32.57donnibit´s my main router and SIP device
20:33.04donniband the server is
20:34.18donnibit's really weird
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20:35.50lesouvageWWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5   is the MD5 stuff put in place ?
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20:36.31donniblesouvage: not sure i can follow u here
20:36.40donniblesouvage: what do you mean ?
20:36.44mudddwhew.  well i'm sure what i was saying last is totally lost
20:37.34mchoumuddd: yup, lost in ether
20:38.02donniblesouvage: what do you mean by MD5 has ? do i have to do something ?
20:38.16lesouvagedonnib: wait a moment please
20:38.50mudddI want to learn about office phone systems, can anyone recommend a book or a readme/howto/tutorial on the internet?  I'm thinking of starting a biz and would like to be cheap and do the office phone system myself.
20:39.22*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:40.09infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:41.05mchouthere's no way I'd recommend that book
20:41.26Joelyeah, it does require technical knowledge.
20:41.45mchouno, tech knowledge has nothing to do with it
20:41.47mudddI've been reading about asterisk all day... but there are some things I am unclear on
20:42.16mudddI am a computer tech though, not a phone guy :(
20:42.39mchouit's just not suitable for someone who wants to understand deployment options and scenarios
20:43.04mchouthat book is way down in the weeds
20:43.11mudddI'll explain my situation:
20:43.22lesouvagedonnib: if you go to sip.conf and change md5 in Digest and do a reload does it still not register. (be aware that the secret is now passing the network without any security)
20:43.38mchouwhen say 10k ft. level overvies would be more suitable
20:43.46donnibok, let me try
20:44.55mudddstarting a biz, 2 people at first, up to 8 max, want to use asterisk, wondering about the TDM800P (digium) as the "output" (fxs?) to some analog phones in the office
20:45.27Qwellmuddd: fxs for phones, yes.
20:45.38mchoumuddd: one phone # to the whole org or everyone has individual phone #?
20:46.10mudddfrom what I gather, everyone phone will have to have its own phone number, for outbound calls, but an 800 number for all inbound
20:46.26voxterQwell: you arent here this year, boo!
20:46.40Qwellvoxter: I'm boycotting due to lack of tater tots, apparently
20:46.49Qwells/, apparently//, because that's totally the reason
20:47.02mudddI read about using skype and asterisk, but would I be able to use analog phones with that?
20:47.04mchoumuddd: put skype out of your mind
20:47.05voxtergod damnit, now i want tater tots
20:47.10mudddI'm not sure how Comcast business phones (digital voice, they say its not voip) connects
20:47.12voxteralthough i learned that there is an IN n out near by
20:47.18Qwellmuddd: yes
20:47.18mudddok thank you about skype
20:47.29Qwellmuddd: ignore what he said about putting skype out of your mind.
20:47.35Qwellskype works fine with Asterisk now.
20:47.38infobotskypeforasterisk is, like, a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for details
20:47.45donniblesouvage: any chance u know where the digest setting is in freepbx ? i know it's a long shot but anyway....
20:48.24Qwellvoxter: bleh
20:48.57QwellI wonder if they have in n out in vegas...
20:49.26JoelQwell,  yes
20:49.34voxterthey do yes
20:49.38Qwellmakes reservations for April
20:49.43*** join/#asterisk wcselby (n=wcselby@
20:49.54mudddWill the people on analog phones be able to transfer their calls to other people in the office?
20:49.58QwellSahara better be close to the strip
20:50.07mchoumuddd: yup
20:50.10mudddIf there is a book I can buy to answer all my questions and teach me more I would gladly buy it.
20:50.17mudddand not pester you people :D
20:50.22mudddty mchou
20:50.39infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:50.45*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
20:50.59mchouwcselby: dude. sombeody pionted to the book already
20:51.10mudddmchou wouldn't recommend that
20:51.11wcselby:) sorry I just joined the chan
20:51.18Qwellmuddd: everybody else in here would :)
20:51.22Joelmuddd, this is covered in the book I just dropped the url for, shrug
20:51.36Joelmuddd, so? mchou doesn't know what he's talking about
20:51.41mudddI'm willing to buy more than one book lol
20:51.45lesouvagedonnib: I'm not familiar with freepbx. If you go to the extesion in the webinterface there must be an option to set the kid of authentication and for testing you could try it with an option that might me something like "plain text"
20:51.47Joelthis book is free
20:51.52JoelI'm not sure why you are scared of it
20:52.07wcselbylesouvage: try asking in #freepbx
20:52.07mchouthere's nothing to be scared of
20:52.15JoelQwell, the in'n'out is 'glitzy' too, which makes it that much better
20:52.17donnibthx will try
20:52.23infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
20:52.32QwellJoel: walking distance from the strip?
20:52.38JoelQwell, It may be sacrilegious of me but I've only had in'n'out once since being back, and that was more then enough.
20:53.04drmessanoThe book is kinda crappy.. It has not one chapter on Bicycle Repair.. All ASTERISK, ASTERISK, ASTERISK..
20:53.05mudddthe pdf and html links are dead
20:53.12lesouvagewcselby: I'm trying to help donnib
20:53.15drmessanoClick the book
20:53.36donnibwcselby: i know. sorry
20:53.37JoelQwell,  yes
20:53.39wcselbylesouvage:  sorry
20:53.43JoelQwell, other side of the from nyny
20:53.54lesouvagewcselby: don't mind ;-)
20:53.55Joelfour blocks? five?
20:54.06Qwellvegas blocks.  so like 12 miles
20:54.18Joelnah, it's not that bad
20:54.23drmessanoIf you click the PDF link on the second URL, you need to WAIT for it to DOWNLOAD.. it is a BOOK, afterall
20:54.26Joelsides, cabs are everywhere
20:54.43QwellJoel: not gonna spend $20 on a ...nevermind.  yes I would
20:54.53drmessanoNot on a sloppy one, anyway
20:55.11JoelQwell, it'd be like $5 cab ride from nyny max
20:55.28mudddoh hell its working now, sorry
20:55.41*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (n=jarrod@
20:55.48drmessanoYou're forgiven, newb
20:56.14Joelwhat's in vegas in the spring qwell?
20:57.00Joelthey asked me if I wanted to hit whatever's going on now
20:57.05Joelbut I said seen one, seen em all.
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20:58.24DavidR2008does anyone know where astricon 2010 is going to be held? I can't find any info in the intarwebs
21:00.46leifmadsenit probably haven't been decided yet
21:02.46drmessanoAugusta, GA <-- My vote
21:02.51drmessanoAt the James Brown Arena
21:03.01wcselbylol leif[astricon]  - are you in a session now or are you outside somewhere?
21:03.07drmessanoSeats 4k, should be enuff room for us nerds
21:03.39drmessanoExcept maybe the portly ones, but there's plenty of "tailgate" space
21:04.10*** part/#asterisk wimt (i=wimt@freenode/staff/wikipedia.wimt)
21:04.11leif[astricon]wcselby: I'm in the codezone
21:04.20*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[w] (
21:04.33leif[astricon]I did my talk this morning
21:10.03wcselbyleif[astricon]: i was there :)
21:11.01leif[astricon]I have moved to a couch in the code zone, and am attempting to get some doc stuff in order
21:12.20wcselbycool, I'm in the Xen session - it's really good so far
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21:48.01atzi've been trying all day to get ODBC working in asterisk... have my odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files setup correctly, i think
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21:48.09atzecho "select 1" | isql -v asterisk-connector  # that works
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21:49.07CrazyTux[w]Say I want to send a call to a remote PSTN destination Dial(SIP/XXXX) upon call "ANSWER" I wish to play a message such as "You've received a call from XYZ, press 1 to accept" upon pressing 1 I want the call to "bridge" and connect
21:49.17CrazyTux[w]Is there any information online as far as completing this process and or some guidance
21:49.24atzbut inside asterisk command-line, odbc show still comes back empty.  i've been going off the asterisk (starfish) book, and echo "select 1" | isql -v asterisk-connector
21:49.42atzsorry... book and
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22:52.26CcRnpcan anyone help me ! i want to use video on asterisk and it seems like i dont have H.263 codec install on my system
22:52.34CcRnpwhere can i download this codec
22:53.44*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
22:56.59Kattyhi :>
22:57.33*** join/#asterisk AeroCloud (
22:59.02CcRnpanyone here can help me with asterisk with video ?
22:59.35raden_workhi Katty
23:00.17Kattyherro raden
23:00.54raden_workawe i your herro :)
23:01.11*** join/#asterisk tuxcrafter (
23:01.14tuxcrafterhi all
23:02.06tuxcrafteri am on the asterisk web gui and i am searching for the option to forward all calls for number xxx xxxx xxxx to external number xxx xxxx xxxx like with *21*
23:02.19*** join/#asterisk CcRNP (n=shishir@
23:02.22tuxcrafterwhere can i do this or find documentation/
23:02.43raden_worktuxcrafter, come back when [TK]-fender around hes a expert at forwarding :)
23:03.07CcRNPasterisk video support please
23:03.21raden_workDial 4
23:04.31CcRNPhow to enable video support in asterisk ?
23:05.25*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:06.05tuxcrafterraden_work: ok :D is it that hard to do then ? or should i make some speical incomming call rules?
23:06.22tuxcrafterraden_work: i just feel stupid i cant find it in the webgui
23:07.00CcRNPi went through already, i am concern about codec , do i need to install the h.263 codec on my system or just enabling videosupport=yes in sip.conf will enable the video support
23:11.53*** part/#asterisk DMeloUK (n=Dominic_@
23:15.30*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
23:15.41*** join/#asterisk Chesther (
23:19.30*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
23:31.48*** join/#asterisk joat (
23:34.42p3nguinWhat is the significance of the 101 priority?
23:52.14*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
23:53.50Joelp3nguin, failure.
23:56.01p3nguinI've seen reference to n+101 before, too.  Does that mean I need to calculate the value of the last priority, then add 101 to it when writing my dialplan?
23:56.25Joelit used to be that a failure would jump 101 priorities.
23:56.41Joelyou shouldn't be using priorities at all now
23:56.58JoelI believe labels are the preferred way to go.

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