IRC log for #asterisk on 20091011

00:00.11johnakabeanhow do you get the email message containing the voicemail to include the phone number? The doesn't contain the specific variable for the phone number so I could add it.
00:01.05johnakabean${VM_CALLERID} only shows the callerid name
00:02.55ChannelZIt will show both if there is a number
00:03.08ChannelZit comes up like "Foo Manchu <3335551212>"
00:04.09ChannelZbut otherwise you can use VM_CIDNUM and VM_CIDNAME supposedly
00:05.07johnakabeanuhmm it always only shows the name and I never have incoming calls without callerid based on the security I have at my termination providers.
00:05.13johnakabeanI will try to VM_CIDNUM
00:06.54ChannelZwell maybe it changed in versions but in 1.4 it will show both, I'm sitting here staring at several emails with it...
00:07.07johnakabeani'm using 1.4.62
00:07.25johnakabeanit did the same thing earlier, channelz, but now it doesn't
00:07.49johnakabeanearlier I was using a distribution of freepbx, asterisk called pbx in a flash but now I installed freepbx and asterisk manually
00:08.35ChannelZhuh I just noticed it puts X-headers in the email with them too
00:08.47johnakabeani read that
00:09.12johnakabeanbut its only putting the cidname; let me try now that i've reloaded with the vm_CIDNUM
00:10.17*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
00:10.42johnakabeanno luck
00:11.26*** part/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
00:11.52ChannelZwhat kind of channel are the calls coming in on?  Maybe there's a bug with it populating that information or something
00:12.16johnakabeanthe callerid name and number is working perfect in asterisk
00:12.52johnakabeani'm going to search through all .inc and .conf files for VM_ to make sure the values are set in asterisk
00:13.32*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:13.45ChannelZhmm dunno what to say, I'm running and just left myself a message and VM_CALLERID came up in the email as "My Name <##########>"
00:16.47*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
00:21.53*** join/#asterisk linuxviewer (
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00:22.04linuxviewerWhat is the command in asterisk cli to see version>
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00:24.10ChannelZcore show version
00:27.41*** part/#asterisk atlas (
00:28.20*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:44.01Kattyeppigy: (=
00:44.36*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=182c9c15@about/security/staff/dlewis)
00:45.51dlewishas anyone gotten asterisk to work with a Cablevision Optimum Voice line?
00:52.52drmessanoHow exactly would it work?
00:54.27riddleboxwell I got calls to go out of my iax trunk, but still nothing coming in ;(
00:55.08*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=critter@
00:55.39Zerocrossriddlebox : what's the problem ?
00:55.54ChannelZmaybe no one wants to call him?
00:56.08riddleboxZerocross, I get a busy when I call the number
00:56.16dlewisdrmessano: via a FXO card.
00:56.23riddleboxit doesnt seem like its hitting my asterisk server
00:56.57drmessanodlewis: Ok, so whats the issue.. I don't see how the provider has much to do with it if it's a simple FXO analog setup
00:57.12Zerocrossok know the problem, the problem is your incoming call route
00:57.17drmessano100,000 foot questions are beyond meaningless
00:58.08Zerocrosshad the same problem with my voip provider , but solved the problem by editing the incoming call route
00:58.11riddleboxZerocross, I have followed the teliax site for it, I have my context correct, and I am putting my number in to dial my extension but I still get a busy, I put NoOp in step 1, but nothing shows on cli
00:59.48dlewisdrmessano: sorry, was gathering my thoughts.
00:59.59dlewisdrmessano: I was using an ht503
01:00.35dlewisdrmessano: I used these instructions:
01:00.59dlewisdrmessano: however, I was told the I had to tweak the Caller ID TX Level (dB) for my provider
01:02.16Zerocrossso what's the exact output of your debug on incoming calls ?
01:03.29dlewisI've "tweaked" as much as I can, without going insane with the settings.
01:03.41riddleboxZerocross, thats the thing, I get nothing coming in
01:03.49dlewiswas just wondering if anyone has tried.
01:04.02riddleboxZerocross, I set iax2 set debug, and nothing seems to hit my machine
01:04.04Zerocrossyou should see anything  !!
01:04.12Zerocrosstry cord
01:04.13dlewisand succeeded... If not, I'll get my hands onto a more expensive FXO card, and see if it'll work.
01:04.32dlewisbut, it would be good to know if a lower level FXO card would be sufficient.
01:04.33Zerocrosstry core set debug channel ...
01:05.19Zerocrossjust a second
01:06.00*** part/#asterisk el_critter (n=critter@
01:06.00jayteeweebles wobble but they don't fall down
01:06.16Kattytrying to keep myself distracted.
01:06.29jayteelook! a squirrel!
01:06.32riddleboxdo I just need to forward port 4569 for iax2?
01:06.48Kattylol (=
01:07.43Zerocrossyes ... for iax you need just one port ...
01:08.09riddleboxhrmm it is forwarded
01:10.15riddleboxZerocross, also my call records for teliax do not show the call coming in
01:11.01ChannelZThis sounds like a job for Teliax Tech Support
01:11.39riddleboxI have posted on their forum and nothing all day from them
01:12.50Zerocrossoutgoing works ?
01:14.27*** join/#asterisk raden (
01:14.30ChannelZIf you're behind a firewall, perhaps they are not seeing your external IP?  Do you register the IAX connection with them?
01:14.38radenSandheaver: you around bro ?
01:14.45radenKatty: ????
01:14.56Zerocrossiax2 show peers
01:15.01Kattyraden: ears are ringing.
01:15.14radenKatty: hows it going
01:15.32Zerocrosswhat does it give
01:15.33radenme 2
01:17.09Zerocrossriddlebox ?
01:17.54Nuggetapparently macros and odbcstorage voicemail in 1.6.1 is a recipe for core dumps.
01:20.04ChannelZso is taco bell!
01:24.30Zerocrossraddlebox : what does 'iax2 show peers' show ?
01:25.02Zerocrosssorry, i mean riddlebox
01:25.34*** join/#asterisk jblack (n=jblack@
01:30.31retentiveboyAnyone having issues with VoicePulse now?  Can't register from here.
01:31.00Zerocrosspirhanias 2  -> what did these little fishes do wrong ? :)
01:45.55riddleboxZerocross, yeah
01:46.09*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
01:46.44riddleboxZerocross, teliax/riddlebo   (S)  4569  OK (52 ms)
01:47.15Zerocrosshmm ... seems ok
01:47.56riddleboxyeah I can make calls out, but calls dont come in
01:48.24Zerocrossdo they only support iax ?
01:50.57*** join/#asterisk brut- (
01:52.45riddleboxZerocross, nope sip and iax, I had sip but wanted to switch to iax
01:53.16riddleboxI will be testing some sip stuff for work, so I want to be able to forward the sip ports to that device and not mess with my incoming trunk to asterisk
01:53.43Zerocrossyeah, o, that's all right ... shoukd work with iax to
02:00.09Kattythe boyfriend is theraputic.
02:00.11Kattyand calming
02:00.25Kattyi am a very lucky person (=
02:01.27russellband then you get on #asterisk
02:01.46Kattyrussellb: i stay here.
02:01.57Kattyrussellb: he decided to watch some sort of football thing.
02:03.23dlewisrussellb: ready for astricon?
02:03.25Zerocrosstry core set debug channel on (if you have no channel) this will the debug on on new channels
02:03.31Kattyi learned long ago to let a guy do what he wants to do
02:03.34russellbdlewis: depends on what you mean by ready.  :-)
02:03.35Kattyand i do what i want to do.
02:03.44dlewisrussellb: true...
02:03.49Kattydoes not require constant attention.
02:03.53russellbexcited about it, y es
02:03.58russellbpresentation written?  no.
02:04.27dlewisrussellb: wish I could be there... Any chance for an east coast Astricon in the future?
02:04.38russellbredirects the question to marketing
02:04.40russellbno idea
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02:05.39russellbi would think it will be somewhere else ...
02:07.11dlewiscould be somewhere else on the west coast.
02:07.14dlewiswe'll see I guess
02:13.03drmessanoMaybe we need a kickass conference in Atlanta
02:13.09drmessanoor Charlotte
02:13.33drmessanoSomewhere on the East Coast that's NOT New York..
02:13.39russellbthe first astricon, 2004, was atlanta
02:14.22drmessanoIn 2004, I still though an Asterisk was a button on my phone
02:15.45dlewisdrmessano: why not NY? Too expensive?
02:17.00drmessanoToo expensive, and for some reason, everyone wants to put major east coast events in NY and Boston
02:17.42drmessanoIf anyone has ever looked at a map. NYC is neither in the populatory or the geographatory center of the east coast
02:18.08drmessanoAlso, NYC sucks, NJ rules.
02:18.46drmessanoLets have Astricon at the Meadowlands!
02:19.23dlewisdrmessano: the last statement on NY vs. NJ just invalidated your entire reason...
02:19.45drmessanoNot really, no
02:19.48dlewisI don't hate on NJ
02:19.55dlewisbut, better than NY
02:19.57dlewiscome on
02:20.36[TK]D-FenderFine, everybody to Stowe, VT next time!
02:20.44[TK]D-Fenderspins up some Julie Andrews
02:21.03drmessanoLets have it in Delaware.. That's not douche
02:21.16drmessanoor in Chevy Chase, Maryland
02:21.51drmessanoAstricon in a state where they barely have reliable power or running water
02:22.23dlewisthat would be interesting
02:22.58drmessanoAstricon 2011: Asterisk Telephony Convention, Gun Show, and German Shepherd Puppies
02:23.06drmessanoThats it!
02:23.13drmessanoWest Virgina, here we come!
02:24.03me|onganybody have any asterisk e-books?
02:24.13drmessano[TK]D-Fender: BYOP
02:24.18drmessanoBring Your Own Power
02:24.49[TK]D-Fenderlocks drmessano in his human-hamster wheel and cracks his whip!
02:25.15drmessanoHalf of the Asterisk Development team dies after being overcome by generator fumes at Asterisk 2011
02:25.16[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: MUSH you lazy bastard!  I demand 3Kwh!
02:25.48dlewisrussellb: are you in Hunstville?
02:25.54drmessanorussellb: bring candles.. it may just save your life
02:25.57dlewisHuntsville aint all hustle and bustle either
02:26.02dlewisI lived there for 9 months
02:26.03[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean ... will never be "root"-ed ;)
02:26.07dlewishada client in guntersville
02:26.14russellbdlewis: yeah, that's where I live.
02:26.45riddleboxme|ong, just do a search for The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition
02:26.57dlewishad to fly into huntsville for 9 months straight
02:27.01dlewisevery week
02:27.18drmessanodlewis: Maybe next time you visit they will have paved roads
02:27.37*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (n=pdugas@
02:27.38dlewisdrmessano: maybe
02:28.06drmessanoHmm.. good thing I don't have a Sidekick
02:28.14drmessanoT-Mobile FTL
02:28.34drmessanoHow the hell does that even happen?
02:28.52dlewisdrmessano: I honestly thought the same thing.
02:28.56dlewiswho f'ed that up...
02:29.08dlewisfrom hairline to toe-nail...
02:29.09drmessanoApparently it was a botched SAN upgrade
02:29.13dlewisthe guys that set it up
02:29.17dlewisto the guys who maintain it
02:29.49drmessanoRule #1 of multi disk arrays.. "If you move the disks, put them back the same way"
02:31.17drmessano"We were using a RAID3, and chuck dropped the parity drive when he tripped over my laptop.. Sorry"
02:31.31*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
02:34.11me|ongso who was playing with netapp is my Q
02:34.20me|ongraid3.. *shivers*
02:37.41drmessanoI think all too often we assume there's some large array of redundant shit running some of these companies
02:38.12drmessanoBut in reality, it's amazing how shitty their "cloud" is
02:38.14me|onglawyers are the worste
02:38.21me|ongthe absolutel worse
02:38.27me|ongwow i can't type.
02:38.51me|ongrefuse to delete anything.. refuse to upgrade anything.. until that glorious day..
02:38.56me|ongwhen all fucking hell breaks loose
02:39.07drmessano"We have it backed up on ZIP disks, right?"
02:39.10me|ongsomething fails..
02:39.19me|ongnot even
02:39.26me|ongrecently my company got brought in...
02:39.37me|ongoldschool novell netware
02:39.43me|ongmassive drive failure...
02:39.47me|ongbackups were shite
02:39.58drmessanoOk, hold it right there..
02:40.07me|ongthe people in charge of their IT stuff was dumbfounded by the fact it failed
02:40.09drmessanoYou didn't run volrepair enough times
02:40.20me|ongnot even that...
02:40.38me|ongwe had to put hardware in palce to try and duplicate the environment
02:40.42me|ongto upgrade everything
02:40.44me|ongto RECOVER
02:40.56drmessanoRule #1 of volrepair "Run volrepair (number of times it didn't work)+1 to recover data"
02:41.20me|ongthey think the data is so secure and precious
02:41.30me|ongyet.. most times ai fart could blow it all over
02:41.35me|ong"but it works?!"
02:41.47me|ong"so does a mexican.. doesn't mean it's working properly"
02:42.36drmessanoWhats better is "We considered your quote for a new server and decided maybe next year.  This year we want 30 scanners and Adobe Acrobat so we can move from paper to PDF"
02:42.42drmessano"Wait, WTF?"
02:42.57*** join/#asterisk me|ong (i=cast@
02:43.06drmessano[22:43] <drmessano> Whats better is "We considered your quote for a new server and decided maybe next year.  This year we want 30 scanners and Adobe Acrobat so we can move from paper to PDF"
02:43.06drmessano[22:43] <drmessano> "Wait, WTF?"
02:43.31me|ongoh man
02:43.39drmessanoYeah, your tires are low and bald, throw another fat chick on the hood
02:43.40me|ongif they are serious about that though... look into adobe livecycle
02:44.07me|ongone of my clients is the leading developers for it.. basically a microsoft sharepoint.. but basic flash and adobe reader is all you need
02:44.11me|ongwhich is free :o
02:44.47drmessanoAs soon as Google Docs has their Scan to Google Docs app, the shit will turn on it's ear
02:44.57me|ongit's coming soon
02:45.01drmessanoGoogle will save us all
02:45.04me|ongthey're also partnered with google for that :P
02:45.10me|onggoogle + adobe
02:45.31drmessanoHopefully google didnt license the bloatware module
02:45.49drmessanoWho the hell needs a 40MB download to look at a glorified image file?
02:46.06drmessanoFoxit FTW
02:46.08me|ongit's the backend from what i've understood
02:46.22me|ongadobe reader will soon be able to edit and manipulate the files
02:46.26me|ongeven even specific portions
02:46.42me|ongso like digital signatures etc... and forms. You'll be able to fill them out electrocnically
02:46.53me|ongso shit like gov forms and unemployment shit can all be done faster
02:46.59me|ongyou apply
02:47.09me|ongget a link with a "dead time" or limit for when you can apply
02:47.24me|ongfill out the specifics.. it takes in the changes and boom you're processed
02:47.54drmessanoGoogles last straw with me was when they deprecated the 5+6 engine in Acrobat 9.. Which removed the ability to edit forms made with Acrobat 6
02:48.24me|ongevery copany has to get rid of old tech :S
02:48.38drmessanoAcrobat 6?
02:49.04me|onghow is that?
02:49.10*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
02:49.21me|onggoing the way of the XP
02:49.45drmessanoWe're talking about documents
02:50.01drmessanoRendering documents unusable
02:50.15me|ongoh it's not backwards compatible at all?
02:50.31me|ongthat.. can't be entirely true though... they'd have to have a conversion path no?
02:50.48Kattyponders snack.
02:51.05me|ongfurr burger?
02:51.23drmessanoA document made with Acrobat 6 that had fields you could fill in, then print, will not allow editing the fields in Acrobat 9
02:51.48me|ongit simply embeds it as a pic.. not a document
02:51.51drmessanoThats reader 9.. if you have Acrobat Standard 9, you can open it, convert it, and keep using it
02:52.12me|ongyeah live cycle.. you upload.. it converts and you can reedit now through reader
02:52.16drmessanoIt ignores the extra data that renders the form
02:52.21me|ongreader = simply interface now
02:52.27me|ongback end controls the docs
02:52.48drmessanoSame document still works in Foxit
02:52.59drmessanoEnded up moving that user back to Reader 8 for now
02:53.28drmessanoReader 9 also will not work with PCL printers
02:54.08drmessanoReader 9 and Flash 10, FTL Adobe
02:54.22ZPerteedoes anyone know if it is possible for asterisk to work with packetcable?
02:54.24drmessanoFlash 10 runs 100% CPU on most windows boxes
02:54.30*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:54.36drmessanoPure shit
02:54.42me|ongdidn't know
02:54.47drmessanoWorks fine on Karmic beta :)
02:54.54me|ongi've been having problems with a clients point of sales software
02:55.01me|ongthey just kept saying "make it a PS printer"
02:55.16drmessanoWith Adobe?
02:55.18me|ongdoesn't help when there's no fucking drivers for PS for the printer :S
02:55.43drmessanoPCL drivers are complete fail with Acrobat 9.. found that out the hard way early on
02:55.57me|ongespecially PCL6
02:56.04me|ongi've started hating those fucking drivers..
02:56.10me|ongit's like win ME
02:56.13me|ongbugs bugs bugs
02:56.22drmessanoHate the source..
02:56.29drmessanoAcrobat 8 was fine
02:56.52drmessanoApparently they needed to upgrade the Google Toolabr bundle
02:57.12me|ongfuck google toolbar
02:57.15me|ongfuck all toolbars
02:57.18drmessano8 didn't have enough spyware and reporting data
02:57.24drmessanoSo adobe axed it
02:57.57drmessanoI'm sick of having to break out my laptop to play FarmVille and Vampires on Facebook
02:58.10me|onglol qtf
02:58.19me|ongqueeer points :P
02:58.27drmessanoI want a working Flash player in Windows, damnit
02:58.53drmessanoDon't fuck with my Soybeans, bra
02:59.09me|ongriddlebox.. forgot to say thanks
02:59.17me|ongfound it :) reading through it now
02:59.51me|onghopefully i can get the dialplan shit down path so I can figure out how to integrate with my router :D
03:00.16me|onggot a cisco 2610 with an FXO and FXS cards
03:02.29me|ongneed to figure out how to get the physical line to ring but also have a soft phone ring if i haveit on elsewhere
03:02.29me|ongif so... i got a slick battleplan for some clients :D
03:04.07drmessanoHow much are the FXO and FXS cards?
03:05.10me|ongnot sure
03:05.14me|ongabout 80$ on ebay i think
03:05.26drmessanoA SIP ATA with FXO and FXS is about that
03:05.32me|ongi think you need an NM-V1 or V2 though
03:06.06me|ongahh.. but with a router... i have a few other options :P
03:06.16drmessanoSuch as?
03:06.29me|ongcan slap in a T1 card or use the E/M cards i have to plug an old PBX into it also
03:07.09me|ongi see PCs as servers.. or in this case a call manager
03:07.54me|ongrouter is strictly made to change techs... a PC is made to run many things other than just changing technilogies signals
03:09.18drmessanoSeems like it would be cheaper to put a T1 card in the Asterisk box than implement a 2610 and a T1 WIC
03:09.30me|ongi already have all the parts ;)
03:09.36me|ongcost me 200$ for 4 of them
03:09.50me|ongmeaning 4 routers with the FXP/FXS cards
03:09.56me|ongT1.. less than 100$
03:09.57drmessanoThere's a good reason for that
03:10.10me|ongyeah, it's a good lab :D
03:10.29drmessanoI just gave away 2 2610s heh
03:10.43drmessano2611s actually
03:10.48me|ongdecent devices
03:10.54me|ong2600's just don't fucking die lol
03:10.57drmessano10 years ago
03:11.25drmessanoI've lost FE ports on 2600's numerous times
03:12.28drmessanoThey don't handle near field lightning very well, at all
03:12.53me|ongcoulda told you that
03:13.09me|ongi've seen a few 3560's PoE switches kill ports 'cause of that
03:13.21me|ongstupid mines/electricians not grounding like they should.
03:13.39drmessanoIt's more than that
03:13.45me|ongprob with those devices... when one port blows.. it's partner usually goes too :(
03:14.04me|ongtook them losing a 3750 to smarten up
03:14.34me|ongsucker was a backbone for a smelter :X
03:14.38drmessanoI had racks with 4 inch ground strap bonded with silver solder and tied to ground systems run 25ft into decent soil and still lost ports
03:14.55drmessanoThey're just tempermental
03:15.23drmessanoNever lost a T1 WIC though, so there was something about those FE ports on the 2600 series
03:15.57me|ongwere they using shielded cable?
03:16.04drmessano4 foot run to a switch and never lost the port on the switch the FE port was connected to..
03:16.22drmessanoNope, no shielded cable
03:16.32me|ongyeah that's messed up
03:17.15drmessanoSame thing with 3com NIC's..  I would lose 3com NICs on workstations constantly, at $90 a pop.. Threw in an ass of $25 Linksys NICs, never lost 1
03:17.34me|ongoh here's a nifty one
03:17.34Jumpiejust tried absinthe for the first time
03:17.39me|ongyou got any pix515e?
03:17.39Jumpie..............ultra nasty
03:17.46Jumpieme|ong lol i just sold one
03:17.47Jumpiefor $250
03:17.49drmessanopix?  *shudders*
03:17.49me|ongwormwood or dogwood?
03:17.57Jumpieone grand measure
03:18.00me|ongyou coulda sold for over 1k
03:18.01Jumpielucid bnrand
03:18.07Jumpieyea i know
03:18.09drmessanoI hate PIX boxes
03:18.14Jumpiebut....its harder to move the older stuff
03:18.18drmessanoI got 2 PIX 501's here
03:18.20me|ongjust had to stick in one of the supported intel NICs
03:18.30Jumpiei had 2 2950g-48  i had a 3550, a pix 515e, and a 1841
03:18.31me|ongthen upgrade to ASDM 8.0.2
03:18.42me|ongsend me the 35505
03:19.33dlewisis contemplating getting some cisco AP's
03:19.37dlewisand doing some wireless VOIP
03:19.47me|ongi got two :D
03:20.07me|ongthat's my next plan if i can get this stuff working correctly
03:20.12drmessanohas some WRT54Gs with DD-WRT.. they work just as well
03:20.20me|onghell naw
03:20.26me|ongi've killed those on wifi
03:20.29me|ongthey just can't handle it
03:20.33Jumpiedlewis let me know how that works out for ya :P
03:20.40dlewisdrmessano: i've got a couple of wrt54gs as well
03:20.40me|ongnor can they do mmultiple IPSec to the same destination IP
03:20.51drmessanoI've also had to replace slews of wireless NICs due to compatibility problems with Cisco APs
03:20.54drmessanoWaste of time
03:21.09me|ongturn off aironet extensions? :P
03:21.44*** join/#asterisk gsiener (
03:21.44drmessanoCisco just isn't cost effective
03:21.58drmessanoIt's hardware + constant labor
03:22.28dlewisdrmessano: any suggestions on the best antennas? I've got a wrt54g v2 here with some open attenna ports
03:22.30me|ongcheck out aruba networks
03:23.07drmessanodlewis: Any 9db antenna pair will do.. Go cheap, it's all just plastic and copper anyway
03:23.07*** part/#asterisk gsiener (
03:23.50drmessanoUnless you know someone with a machine shop who can make a slot antenna
03:23.58drmessanoThen umm.. We need to hang out more
03:24.09*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
03:24.18Jumpieman i am fucked up
03:24.51me|ongOccasionally, you may also see the pipe character (|) being used as a
03:24.51me|ongseparator between arguments, instead of a comma
03:24.51me|onghearts his pipe
03:24.54dlewisdrmessano: ok
03:25.00me|ongall started 'cause i didn't want to get logged in shitty scripts
03:25.09me|ongplus it fucked up shitty marc mirc scripts hehehe
03:25.34dlewisdrmessano: I might know someone in DC
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03:29.25me|ongk here's a random Q... would it be possible to tether a cellphone to asterisk.. and use it's phone dialing to force calls through?
03:35.15dlewisme|ong: closest
03:35.26dlewisnight people
03:35.31dlewishitting the sack
03:42.53Kattylooks in
03:43.28drmessanochan_mobile works great
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05:07.57WindBackHi, I have a problem with my spa932
05:08.23WindBacki think the problem is in the * configuration
05:08.46WindBacki created a hint for every extension i want to monitor
05:09.12WindBackwhen i call some of those extensions, i see the Busy lamp in my spa932 blinking
05:09.36WindBackbut when i hung up this extension the busy lamp keep blinkig
05:10.51WindBackif i do, core show hints or sip show subscriptions on my asterisk CLI, I continue seeing the state inUse&Ringing
05:12.12WindBackThe problem is that the asterisk server is sending a message to the spa932 whe the extension monitored is ringing or dialing, but asterisk never sends a message to the spa932 when the extension finish the call
05:12.16WindBackany idea??
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05:22.19miteshhow do i select the digium TDM models, i am getting confused someone please help me
05:24.05shido6what are you looking to do , mitesh?
05:29.49coppice4 ports and a starboard
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07:00.45radic"good" morning
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07:01.22radichow can I figure out the preoblem why asterisk can't register my SIP-accounts?
07:02.08ChannelZWell being as vague as possible won't help
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07:02.44ChannelZAre you getting any clue on the console?
07:02.44radicChannelZ: no
07:03.52radicno timeout, no notice caused by a wrong password, ...
07:04.22ChannelZAre these 'SIP accounts' phones?
07:07.33ChannelZright well I can't read minds so if that's all you've got to offer.. good luck with your problem
07:07.52radicI got the reason
07:08.17radicmy box tells the SIP-server the internal LAN IP
07:12.44ChannelZuse externip or externhost in your sip.conf
07:14.56radicChannelZ: in [gerneral]?
07:16.15ChannelZif it applies to all of your SIP accounts underneath
07:16.27ChannelZotherwise it can be specified individually as needed
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07:24.38radicnow says the SIP-server that the password is wrong
07:25.07ChannelZperhaps the password is wrong.
07:26.04radicIt's confusing cause my FritzBox logs on succesfully withe the same login-data
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07:40.48tzafrir_laptopI saw a poster today encoureging me to call a certain service (medical insurance)
07:41.25tzafrir_laptopThe poster shows a mother and a child talking through two cups and a string
07:42.45tzafrir_laptopThe only problem was that the string was dandling on the ground. Which suggest they weren't really listening
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07:46.50radicChannelZ: problem solved >>
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07:50.17ChannelZI don't read german, but ok glad you figured it out
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07:54.47radicChannelZ: you don't read or you can't read?
07:55.55WeazelONGoogle Translate FTW ?
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08:03.48radic[Oct 11 10:02:04] WARNING[10480]: app_dial.c:1202 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
08:04.23radicmeans that I should now work on the extensions.conf?
08:06.06TJNIIHint: No route to destination
08:06.43TJNIIAlso known as it can't communicate with whatever it it supposed to dial.
08:19.26tzafrir_laptopradic, it is a generic message
08:19.34tzafrir_laptopwhat did you get just before it?
08:20.06TJNIIputs $20 on Dial()
08:20.22tzafrir_laptopthis is app_dial telling you: "I asked the handler of type 'SIP' to generate a call. It has failed"
08:20.47tzafrir_laptopA previous message from chan_sip.c should hopefully tell you why
08:20.59tzafrir_laptopIf not: increase verbosity, debug, sip debu
08:21.06tzafrir_laptop(in this order...)
08:23.59radictzafrir_laptop: I think the problem is that the FritzBox gets a 503 on registration
08:45.54DigitalFluxAny body faced this error message while trying to configure real time config for sip users before :
08:45.58DigitalFluxRealtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
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09:19.39Zerocrosshi ppl
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09:42.29DigitalFluxturns out i didn't install asterisk-addons and forgot to configure res_mysql.conf
09:42.37DigitalFluxThanks Asterisk folks
09:56.23Zerocrosshi ppl
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10:10.21bitnbithi all!
10:12.38bitnbitwhen i execute the command asterisk -rx "core show channels", i see 142 active channels. I have 4 port digium E1 card. Then how come 142 active channels?
10:14.51coppiceits an extra value offer, only from your friendly Digium dealer
10:21.48tzafrir_laptopbitnbit, a channel is one leg of a call. If you have a call between a local SIP phone and a remote caller through the E1 trunk, you'll get two channels from it
10:22.51radichow can I get the name auf the account woh's traying to dialout?
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10:35.11tzafrir_laptopdial out through?
10:35.19tzafrir_laptopradic, ==^
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10:35.42radicI think I solved the problem...
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10:58.12bonobo_slrHi, I have been asked to look into fax2email solutions and I am not sure if asterisk is capable of doing what we want to do
10:59.05bonobo_slrmy details are a bit sketchy but is seems that we have PRIs but they are already terminated on the cisco devices
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11:07.47bonobo_slrok - it looks like Hylafax is a good start
11:12.41coppiceare you thinking out loud, or do you have a question?
11:13.46bonobo_slri'm not sure. The problem I have is that I know nothing about this stuff. I see the problem being the PRIs are already terminated on the Cisco router
11:14.01bonobo_slrI don't know how to get it to the fax server
11:14.42bonobo_slror whether I need a fax server...
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11:19.32bonobo_slrwhat is IAX?
11:20.19bonobo_slror IAXmodem rather?
11:21.33coppiceIAX is a VoIP protocol. IAXmodem is a FAX modem which talks IAX
11:23.14bonobo_slrok thanks - I think this is the route i need to be looking in.
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12:08.38zigondHi! Anybody know how to limit of simultaneous processing of .call files?
12:11.00zigondFor ex.: therie is 10 .call files /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/. But Asterisk must issue not more than 2 outgoing calls at any time. How to do this
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12:18.01webczatwhere can i find a meetme application?
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12:20.06webczati mean in gentoo.
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13:44.00wonderworldzigond: move them into /outgoing in the right moment
13:44.56radenwhen i put product number in WS-C2950-24 i get nothing
13:45.08radenjust blank white screen browser says done
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14:00.26riddleboxman teliax is starting to piss me off!
14:01.15voipmonkruh roh
14:01.18voipmonkrut rey ro row?
14:01.45voipmonkchange ur account from sip to iax yet?
14:02.06riddleboxI did, and was able to make calls out, but no calls came in
14:02.18riddleboxnow I get a disconnected error
14:03.00riddleboxand I cant make calls
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15:16.59radic[Oct 11 17:15:48] NOTICE[11027]: res_musiconhold.c:553 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
15:17.07radicwhat did I wrong?
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15:52.48DJCharlieMorning all. Anyone awake?
15:52.59shido6whats up?
15:53.19theharVery awake.
15:53.49DJCharlieI'm having a bit of trouble getting remote SIP phones registered.
15:54.26shido6whats the problem?
15:54.35DJCharlieThe phone (X-Lite's softphone) says "408: Registration timeout" and the Asterisk box shows nothing.
15:55.18infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:55.23DJCharlieHere's a post with my config and arrangements:
15:55.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
15:58.00DJCharlieAh, thank you thehar!
15:58.34theharalso sip debug will help you see lovely things
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16:00.41radicI have 3 accounts in my sip.conf where my phones connect to and the 3 from my SIP-provider
16:00.43DJCharlieSo I see. I'm getting SIP/2.0 489 Bad event
16:01.14radicat the moment when I do a call from all phones the same number is used
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16:02.40radicist ther anywhere an example how to set the needed extension that every phone use his own nuber?
16:02.53radicfor autogoing calls
16:03.37[TK]D-Fenderradic: make different contexts with the extens to dial out that provider and point each phone to their specific context
16:04.10[TK]D-FenderDJCharlie: in response to what?  PASTEBIN the SIP debug for whats going on.
16:04.13infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
16:07.23DJCharlieshido has it, thanks!
16:11.04[TK]D-FenderDJCharlie: Would be wise to have more than 1 set of eyes looking at it in case 1 person misses what another wouldn't
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16:14.58roeDoes anyone know of an end point manager for use with polycom phones (with a web gui)?
16:15.21roebasically a configuration editor/tftp server with some web controls.
16:16.58theharnope.. make one
16:16.58thehari did
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16:22.08radicthx [TK]D-Fender
16:22.24radicinclude => foobar or include = foobar?
16:22.31[TK]D-Fenderradic: eiter
16:23.40radicthe includes dosn't work
16:24.02[TK]D-Fenderradic: And you aren't showing me your configs, and you call attempts that show what is getting called
16:24.15[TK]D-Fenderradic: PASTEBIN <-
16:27.09[TK]D-Fenderradic: And the rest?
16:27.38[TK]D-Fenderradic: That says where peers hsould point to.  And is said to show the CALL to prove what IS getting called
16:27.52[TK]D-Fenderradic: Doesn't seem like you're really looking at your problem...
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16:32.43me|ongchmod 744!
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16:34.57[TK]D-Fenderradic: and the REST?
16:35.17[TK]D-Fenderradic: (me|also hinted your permissions issue)
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16:39.29radic[TK]D-Fender: wiche rest?
16:39.46me|ongi think he's DOA
16:39.54me|ongoh there he is!
16:40.03dlewisafternoon fellas
16:40.04me|ongyou need to fix permissions to your file.. can't read
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16:40.36me|ong*tips his hat*
16:40.43[TK]D-Fenderradic: <- FORBIDDEN
16:40.45dlewiswhat's new?
16:40.49[TK]D-Fenderradedand you aren't showing the CALL
16:41.03radicnow is changed the permissions
16:41.07Gnutoohi, I've there is a strong echo with ulaw + sip&iax here(so the other end is causing the echo) there some cheap card that could cancel the echo in pci format...I've small needs(only echo cancelation for one channel at a time for now) cheap means less than 300$
16:42.07Gnutoothe setup doesn't involve pstn
16:42.39Gnutooonly pure voip
16:43.03[TK]D-Fenderradic: You aren't showing the CALL <---------------
16:43.33[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: There is no such thing as echo cancellation over VoIP
16:43.52[TK]D-Fenderradic: Where is the CLI output showing what is getting executed?
16:44.06Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, ok sending something like a dtmf before the conversation and calculating the echo won't work...ouch
16:44.23Gnutoothanks anyway
16:44.26[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: No, if one end is screwed, too bad
16:44.41me|ongecho comes from the phone no?
16:44.48Gnutoono from voip
16:44.52Gnutoono phones involved
16:44.59me|ongthen yeah it's your MIC
16:45.03me|ongbuy a good one
16:45.11me|ongthat will do noise cancellation
16:45.14me|ongand fyi
16:45.18Gnutoono in the book it say that the far-end is causing the echo
16:45.22Gnutoome|ong, ok thanks a lot
16:45.25me|ongvoip = voice packets... not circuit switched
16:45.28me|ongit's the backend not the front
16:45.43GnutooI ear the echo...
16:45.50me|ongi get terrible echo when i use my crappy webcam as a mic
16:45.56Gnutoonot the far-end so it's the far-end
16:46.02me|ongbut if i use one of those gamer headsets or bluetooth ones.. nothign happens
16:46.03Gnutoook thanks a lot
16:46.11[TK]D-Fenderme|ong: you need AEC at your side
16:46.11me|ongso the far end is using a piece of crap mic
16:46.34[TK]D-Fenderme|ong: Acoustic Echo Cancellation.  Your soft-phone should be doing this
16:46.52Gnutoomine is doing it
16:46.56Gnutoobut it's not sufficent
16:47.03Gnutoobut not the far-end's soft phone
16:47.08me|ongis it only to one person?
16:47.10Gnutooit's kiax2
16:47.23Gnutoofor now there aren't many people using my setup
16:47.23[TK]D-FenderSoft-phones suck.... using with open speakers is typically dumb
16:47.39me|ongwhat tk said
16:47.41Gnutoook I'll ask what the far-end's setup is
16:47.41me|ong<me|ong> but if i use one of those gamer headsets or bluetooth ones.. nothign happens
16:47.57me|onganything that takes your sound from the mic helps immensly
16:49.05Gnutooso it's definitely the mic? (could it be the sound card or something else) ?
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16:50.34[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: Could be that too... or the app... and the speakers...
16:50.34[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: If you're using destop speakers just shoot yourself now for doing something stupid :)
16:50.46me|ongsurround sound ftl
16:50.47Gnutoolol I'm not
16:51.04me|onghe's implying the other people are stupid
16:52.06[TK]D-FenderI never properly heard what is on either side
16:52.29[TK]D-Fenderradic: Well?
16:52.34me|ongalkeida prisoners
16:52.57radicthe debug-output is useless
16:54.06me|ongto you
16:54.09me|onghe needs.
16:54.12[TK]D-Fenderradic: Why am I not seeing it?
16:54.13dlewisany of you guys try to set up asterisk with a faxu VOIP provider, like one of the cable company VOIP service?
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16:54.34[TK]D-Fenderradic: If you knew what to look for you'd have solved your problem already.
16:55.01[TK]D-Fenderradic: So why are you asking us and not showing?
16:55.10[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: What makes that "faux voip"?
16:55.34dlewis[TK]D-Fender: it pops out of the cable modem a RJ-45
16:55.57dlewisso, it's really VOC (VOIP over Cable)
16:56.26[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Who says what their backbone tech does?  I've seen many run H.323 on them
16:57.15dlewis[TK]D-Fender: have you heard of anyone getting it working with asterisk?
16:57.27dlewisI tried with Optimum Voice and an HT503 and I couldn't get CID to work
16:57.33dlewisI had to twaek my DB RX levels
16:57.43[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: "IT"? What model is "IT" specifically, and work HOW with *?
16:57.49dlewisbut, there are hundreds of configurations there
16:58.14dlewisIT = one of the cable providers
16:58.18[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: You mean you want to do D>A>D conversion?  EW.  Just ditch their service and go direct with someone
16:59.03dlewis[TK]D-Fender: exactly... I was wondering if someone was able to get it working
16:59.27*** join/#asterisk pyite (n=dschreib@unaffiliated/pyite)
17:00.12[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Sorry you aren't offering any usable detail
17:00.41dlewis[TK]D-Fender: I wish I could... I get no errors... CID just doesn't display
17:01.11dlewisI use these instructions:
17:01.21[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: .....
17:01.23*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
17:01.33dlewisI've been told I needed to play with my "Caller ID Minimum RX Level (dB): -18"
17:01.40[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: and...
17:01.43infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
17:01.45dlewis[TK]D-Fender: when I try it again, I will show you my sipdebug output
17:02.10dlewis[TK]D-Fender: don't have access to my box right now. Was just wondering if anyone has tried before.
17:02.11[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: What does SIP debug have to do with DB levels?
17:02.36[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: And asking when you aren't in a position to do anything about it is a waste of everyone's time
17:02.40dlewis[TK]D-Fender: was going to show my output when the device connects, etc... I've been told I had to change the DB levels, but it might be another issue.
17:02.57dlewis[TK]D-Fender: a simple "I haven't tried" doesn't waste people's time
17:03.05dlewisi haven't dug any deeper than just asking if anyone has tried.
17:03.07[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Come back when you have something to actually show
17:03.18dlewissure... lol
17:03.27dlewisI think I'll stay though, if you don't mind.
17:03.29[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: "Hi has anyone been able to fix a car?"
17:03.36dlewisnot the same...
17:03.42[TK]D-FenderCause yeah... not like the details matter....
17:04.12[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: We've got no proof about what your problem is.
17:04.18linuxviewerD-Fender:  I visit this channel often, and every single time, you are online being inconsiderate of others.
17:04.52*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:04.58[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: All you have is a symptom.  Guessing the cause blindly is a waste
17:04.58dlewis[TK]D-Fender: as I've said, my problem doesn't matter as of now, since I don't have access to the box
17:04.58dlewisit was a query to see if anyone has gotten asterisk to work with a cable providers VOIP service.
17:04.58[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Oh I'm sure it amtters... jsut that you can't do much about it now.
17:05.00dlewisit's a pretty straight forward question.
17:05.45ChannelZthe answer is yes
17:05.50[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Well so far there are 3 pieces... Asterisk, your GrandSuck device, and a Cable modem that spits out POTS.  The latter we didn't even get a model number for which I asked for twice.
17:06.07[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: So there are 3 things to examine, not 2
17:06.30dlewis[TK]D-Fender: as I've said, once I get access to it, I'll provide more details
17:06.40dlewisI'm not in front of the cable modem to provide the model of the cable modem
17:06.58[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Well add my "yes" to ChannelZ's
17:07.04*** join/#asterisk stimpie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:07.21dlewisthanks :)
17:07.28dlewisI hope to obtain your help once I get more details.
17:07.29[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: I know other people that can take the output of the cable ATA and find a way to let * use it.
17:07.51dlewis[TK]D-Fender: that's what I want to hear, that it's possible. I appreciate the info.
17:08.03*** join/#asterisk pyite_ (n=dschreib@unaffiliated/pyite)
17:08.35dlewisI haven't seen any documentation on getting Optimum Voice to work, nor has google been much help.
17:08.51[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Its POTS.  Seriously do you think its really different than a boring telco line?  What kind of magic do you think is going on, and why would you think its any different considering a cheap $10 phone from Walmart works on it?
17:09.44dlewis[TK]D-Fender: well, like I said earlier, I was able to get it to work. But, CID wasn't displaying... Again, once I try again, I will provide more details.
17:10.20[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: If a $10 phone works, the #1 suspect is the GS
17:10.27[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Which again has nothing to do with *
17:10.43[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: so "work with Asterisk" is a complete misnomer
17:11.02dlewis[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:11.14dlewis[TK]D-Fender: I've also purchased a sipura device and an x100p card. I haven't tried them yet.
17:11.30[TK]D-Fenderradic: I asked for your call's CLI output half an hour ago.  Where is it?
17:12.44radicthere is noting in the help withe the meaning of "call output"
17:12.56[TK]D-Fenderradic: huh?
17:13.45*** join/#asterisk wimt (i=wimt@freenode/staff/wikipedia.wimt)
17:16.56radicwhy is asterisk unable to include other context in an other?
17:19.12ChannelZit is not unable to do that
17:19.50[TK]D-Fenderradic: It si and you aren't showing us the call
17:20.26radic[TK]D-Fender: how should I show what asterisk do withe the calls?
17:20.34[TK]D-Fenderradic: ........
17:20.45[TK]D-Fenderradic: Go to * CLI and copy paste the output of the call!
17:20.53infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:20.53dlewisradic: pastbin your CLI output
17:21.01radicthere is no autput
17:21.04[TK]D-FenderI've only been asking for over half an hour.
17:21.09[TK]D-FenderGood friggen greif
17:21.29[TK]D-Fenderradic: "asterisk -r" <---------- look at the damn call!
17:21.39[TK]D-Fenderradic: watch dialplan execute
17:21.51dlewisradic: set verbose 10
17:24.39dlewisradic: watch the CLI as you make the call
17:25.08[TK]D-Fenderradic: radic How can there be nothing?  When you call, NOTHING happens at all?  Asterisk ignores your call completely?
17:25.09radicich kroieg zu viel...
17:26.24radic[TK]D-Fender: no, I got a message that the number issn't assignd from my sip-provider
17:26.43[TK]D-Fenderradic: Then you aren't looking at * CLI at verbose 10
17:27.46radicthere is nothing!
17:28.40ChannelZincluding the screenshot!
17:28.40[TK]D-Fenderradic: PASTEBIN not screen shots, and your permissions are bad again
17:28.43infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:29.09ChannelZasterisk -rvvvv
17:29.31*** join/#asterisk mumtazah (n=mumtazah@
17:29.45dlewisChannelZ: which cable provider did you use to connect to asterisk?
17:29.59ChannelZall of them
17:30.17dlewisincluding Optimum Voice?
17:30.28dlewis(all of them means all of them, but still)
17:30.31ChannelZIt's a phone line.  if you're having problems your ATA is more important
17:30.34radicthe screen-shot was in the wrong web-root
17:30.35dlewisthere are 20+ cable providers
17:30.40dlewisChannelZ: ok
17:31.21[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: You are fishing hoping that the POTS their device magically spits out is really any different than anyone elses.  This is a mistake
17:31.46[TK]D-Fenderradic: VERBOSE 10, not DEGUB 10
17:32.04[TK]D-Fender[13:21]<dlewis>radic: set verbose 10
17:32.13[TK]D-Fender[13:26]<[TK]D-Fender>radic: Then you aren't looking at * CLI at verbose 10
17:32.16dlewis[TK]D-Fender: not fishing, just wondering. I understand now that it must be my ATA
17:32.48dlewisso, I'll try the sipura and the x100p
17:33.39*** join/#asterisk _bubsy (
17:33.57ChannelZthat seems prudent
17:33.59[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Funny, I told you that 20 minutes ago
17:34.43dlewis[TK]D-Fender: hilarious.
17:35.14[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Yeah I'm laughing through the tears of having to repeat myself constantly today.
17:36.20dlewis[TK]D-Fender: right... My initial confusion was due to the fact that someone I know got the same ATA working with another cable provider. Therefore, I will take your guidance and say it's the ATA until I get back at trying it again.
17:37.09ChannelZthen perhaps the ATA is misconfigured, but either way we have no idea
17:37.31dlewisChannelZ: agreed. Without details, you can't provide advice.
17:38.03dlewisChannelZ: did you use a card (i.e. x100p) or another type of device?
17:38.07ChannelZbut the ATA has to get the callerID signals from the telco in order to pass that on to * so if that's not happening, it's likely not *
17:38.52[TK]D-FenderThe ATA is talking SIP to *.  * doesn't interpret CID from it.  Its there, or it isn't
17:39.01[TK]D-FenderEitehr way tis the ATA's fault
17:39.23*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (n=w@
17:39.34[TK]D-Fenderradic: So where is the new call with VERBOSE 10, not DEBUG 10?
17:39.56*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
17:39.58ChannelZOne thing that could be an issue is if your ATA goes into * and is answering the call immediately, it has not had time to actually read the CID.  Put a delay in before the answer
17:40.01*** part/#asterisk Gnutoo (
17:40.24dlewisChannelZ: yup, tried that from what I remember. Put a long delay and a short one
17:41.21[TK]D-Fender[13:04]<linuxviewer>D-Fender: I visit this channel often, and every single time, you are online being inconsiderate of others.
17:41.25*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (n=w@
17:41.47[TK]D-Fenderdarn, he left and I missed it
17:42.11[TK]D-FenderLove it when people play "emotional police", make a bad call, and never actually help anyone.
17:42.34*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
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17:43.48[TK]D-Fenderradic: So finally?  this whole process should have taken 1 MINUTE, not 1 HOUR
17:43.54doolittleworkhi all
17:45.02doolittleworki am logging the cli of * i only see files full full.1 full.2 full.3 full.4 full.5  does asterisk overwrite the files if say full.5 is full?
17:45.15ChannelZso you answer a call and then hang up on it.  Looks like it's working to me
17:46.22ChannelZdoolittlework: that's your logrotate probably doing that
17:46.23[TK]D-Fenderradic: SIP/373 points to [daniel].  We see -- Executing [992@daniel:1] Answer("SIP/373-09467e90", "") in new stack
17:46.38[TK]D-Fenderradic: then the wait & hangup
17:47.16[TK]D-Fenderradic: And it is using the 993 in [start] just like the INCLUDE allows
17:47.27[TK]D-Fenderradic: What do you think it SHOULD eb doing instead?
17:48.21ChannelZfarting unicorn dust
17:48.33radic992 should execute SayDigits()
17:48.51radiclook at the expansions.conf
17:49.00[TK]D-Fenderradic: exten => _XXX,n,Hangup <--------- THIS is your problem
17:49.11[TK]D-Fenderradic: You left extens with bad pattens in the BASE contexts
17:49.40[TK]D-Fenderradic: It is executing the FIRST 2 priorities under [start] and then the THIRD is calling from the MAIN context [daniel]
17:49.53[TK]D-Fenderradic: You have made a very undfortunate PATTERN mistake
17:50.03[TK]D-Fenderradic: and the "include" works fine
17:50.59[TK]D-Fenderradic: the 5th line under [daniel] , and you repeated this mistake in the other contexts as well
17:51.43*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
17:52.39radicI commented it but the same problem
17:53.07[TK]D-Fenderradic: radic I don't see your new configs or your new call attempt
17:53.33radic993 works
17:53.53radicthe mistake must bee at the 992 exten
17:54.02[TK]D-Fenderradic:  I don't see your new configs or your new call attempt <---------------
17:55.03[TK]D-Fender[haupt]  exten => _XXX,n,Hangup <---- fix this
17:55.21[TK]D-Fender[daniel] exten => _XXX,n,Hangup <- and this
17:55.47[TK]D-Fender[manfred] exten => _XXX,n,Hangup <- ditto
17:56.02[TK]D-Fender[jemand] exten => _XXX,n,Hangup <- MORE
17:57.24*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
17:58.49radicand the hangup at the 992 too
17:59.27[TK]D-Fenderradic: Ok, you seem to not understand the need to show your changes and your new call attempts
17:59.43[TK]D-Fenderradic: And have wasted well over an hour on this.  I am out of time
17:59.56radicnow it works
17:59.59*** join/#asterisk carrar (
18:00.08[TK]D-Fenderradic: WAKE UP and show what you're doing or you're going to waste days on not jsut your time, but ours as well
18:00.09*** join/#asterisk roe (n=roe___@
18:00.16radici wastet 1,5 days at the PBX
18:00.18[TK]D-Fenderheads out
18:00.51*** join/#asterisk sahX (
18:03.14radic[TK]D-Fender: I hungup on numbers with 3 digits
18:03.23radic_XXX. will fix it
18:05.54*** join/#asterisk hudony (n=chatzill@
18:05.54hudonyHi there
18:07.22*** join/#asterisk carrar (
18:08.34hudonyI need help with queue
18:10.45*** join/#asterisk carrar (
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18:15.21tzafrir_laptophudony, we're busy with previous cases. Please hold
18:16.08tzafrir_laptophint: asking a question might advance you a bit in the queue :-)
18:16.57tzafrir_laptopinfobot, tell hudony about ask
18:17.53hudonygoing... :)
18:19.45hudonyI'm trying, using call files, to parse a csv file in order to make successive calls.   I'm doing that for a small compagnie so the number of phone number to dial will be around 15 (they are their own customers).  This part is done.  Quit easy.  Now, each time the person called answer the call, one of the "agent" has to be notifiy with a "beep" that an automated call has been answerd and...
18:19.47hudony...then, the call is automatically bridged
18:19.58hudonyI have been trying to figure out how to achieve this but I'm not sure
18:20.04hudonyIs it with a queue?
18:21.28hudonyI need the big picture of how to achieve that
18:26.36*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
18:29.06Jumpieanybody have any good sources of some sinatra 'on hold' music clips?
18:33.32hardwirewait :)
18:34.37hardwiredrmessano: Frank
18:34.51drmessanoI know who the fuck he is
18:35.03hardwirepokes drmessano
18:35.19drmessanoGood luck getting custom prompts
18:35.25drmessanoUnless you have a shovel
18:35.34hardwirehold music clips
18:36.07drmessanoSo just illegal hold music, not a voice package?  I see
18:37.14hardwireplaya 2 playa.
18:37.39hardwirereports Jumpie to the authorities.
18:39.36drmessanoThis is #asterisk, not #warezfto
18:39.39drmessanoThis is #asterisk, not #warezftp EITHER
18:39.47*** join/#asterisk bpgoldsb (
18:40.51drmessanoThinly veiled attempts to locate copyrighted works will not be tolerated
18:41.20drmessano"Can someone help me find a copy of Windows 7 so I can SSH into my PBX.. It's an emergency"  <-- FAIL
18:42.20riddleboxbut but.........
18:42.58hardwireyou're a bad influence.
18:44.02riddleboxI am the bad influence?
18:46.32ChannelZI am under the influence
18:50.35*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
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18:53.23WindBackIs there any known issue in asterisk 1.6.0.x related to hints
18:53.44WindBackI'm having a lots a problems using an spa932
18:54.34WindBackIf i do core show hints, I see all the time the channels monitored in status ringing/inUse
18:54.37WindBackany idea?
18:54.57WindBackI tryied it on 1.6.1.x and everything work fine
19:00.47ChannelZsearch through the Changelog
19:03.39*** join/#asterisk Zerocross (
19:03.50Zerocrosshi ppl
19:06.19*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
19:08.08mchouIs there a softphone (for windows) that works without registration to a SIP server?
19:09.23*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
19:09.27mchouI'm helping a friend out with an operational sanity check w/o having him spend $ on HW yet
19:09.57WindBackHi, I have a problem with my spa932
19:09.57WindBack<WindBack> i think the problem is in the * configuration
19:09.57WindBack<WindBack> i created a hint for every extension i want to monitor
19:09.58WindBack<WindBack> when i call some of those extensions, i see the Busy lamp in my spa932 blinking
19:09.58WindBack<WindBack> but when i hung up this extension the busy lamp keep blinkig
19:09.59WindBack<WindBack> if i do, core show hints or sip show subscriptions on my asterisk CLI, I continue seeing the state inUse&Ringing
19:10.02WindBack<WindBack> The problem is that the asterisk server is sending a message to the spa932 whe the extension monitored is ringing or dialing, but asterisk never sends a message to the spa932 when the extension finish the call
19:10.05WindBack<WindBack> any idea??
19:11.05ChannelZmchou: Zoiper can make 'wild calls' with the sip:someone@somewhere syntax though you might have to configure a SIP account, even if it's not registered, just to make the program wake up.
19:12.20mchouChannelZ: I just need the softphone to receive calls (i.e. get "dialed" by IP)
19:13.12mchouChannelZ: making wild calls (w/o registration) is not yet a requirement :)
19:14.00mchouChannelZ: yoo think Zoiper is capable of recieving calls w/o registration?
19:14.01ChannelZhmm I don't think so
19:14.54mchoubah, that's too bad if that's indeed the case
19:16.57ChannelZhmm.. well maybe it can, I just tried making a call from my * box and it's ringing
19:17.30shido6receiving calls without registration
19:17.31*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:17.52mchouChannelZ: so that instance of Zoiper is not registered with any SIP server including *?
19:17.52shido6Y do u want to do this?
19:18.20mchoushido6: sanity check w/o investing in HW or deploying * (yet)
19:18.32*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
19:18.44ChannelZmchou: yes, I do have accounts setup but none of them are connected.. made an extension on my * box to dial SIP/ (the IP of my Windoze box and a bogus 333 extension) and dialed it from the console
19:18.47shido6"sanity check" ?
19:18.48mchoushido6: helping a friend who is technically challenged
19:19.24*** part/#asterisk Zerocross (
19:19.43mchoushido6: friend wants to see if voip will work for him (for real)
19:20.13shido6I dont understand... reg it to a box
19:20.21ChannelZnow whether you could dial softphone-to-softphone like this I dunno (and I'm too lazy to go fire up another computer to try) but now I don't see why not
19:20.21shido6reg it to my box
19:20.23mchoushido6: so need to take baby steps first b4 investing $/big chunk of time
19:20.39shido6reg it to my box
19:20.41ChannelZmchou: What is this really a test of?  Bandwidth?
19:20.50mchouChannelZ: hey, thx for checking out Zoiper
19:21.21mchouChannelZ: proof of concept (for my friend) that Voip is "worthy"
19:21.46mchouI've been trying to go all out voip for business
19:22.03drmessanoVoIP isn't worthy.. No way
19:22.07mchouhe's been complaining about AT&T rates :)
19:22.08drmessanoCOPPER 4EVA
19:22.20hudonyI'm trying, using call files, to parse a csv file in order to make successive calls.   I'm doing that for a small compagnie so the number of phone number to dial will be around 15 (they are their own customers).  This part is done.  Quit easy.  Now, each time the person called answer the call, one of the "agent" has to be notifiy with a "beep" that an automated call has been answerd and...
19:22.21hudony...then, the call is automatically bridged
19:22.27hudonyI have been trying to figure out how to achieve this but I'm not sure
19:22.56ChannelZrobodialers DIE DIE DIE
19:22.57mchouI've been trying to get HIM to go all out voip for business
19:23.18drmessanosmells spam
19:24.59*** join/#asterisk bpgoldsb (
19:26.20lesouvageIf I make a outbound call using a phone with extension 503 shouldn't that be the contact in the contact field of sip packages. something like 503@<my asterisk box> instead of <realm>@<my asterisk box>?
19:26.36mchoudrmessano: well, he still has ato pay the AT&T toll for fax
19:28.18ChannelZlesouvage: well the 'extension' is really a construct of the dialplan, it really has no meaning - what does your sip.conf look like for the phone making teh call?
19:28.30drmessanoSo does X-Lite on Linux still suck?
19:28.47ChannelZI think X-Lite on anything sucks but to be fair I haven't tried it in awhile
19:29.06*** join/#asterisk louben (
19:29.16drmessanoX-lite runs very well on Windows
19:29.24drmessanoHas since I can remember
19:29.37ChannelZI couldn't get it to work, you'd click a digit and it would dial it like 5 seconds later
19:29.58drmessanoDunno, never had a problem with it
19:31.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:31.53drmessanoGuess I will install Ekiga
19:32.05mchoutwinkle is better
19:32.23mchouegika is missing stuff like conference or whatever
19:32.56mchoutwinkle UI looks horrid but it actually works way better than ekiga
19:33.25drmessanoDoes it do video?
19:33.39mchouplus twinkle has better logging for debugging purposes
19:33.55*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
19:34.01mchoudrmessano: not sure, never tried
19:34.44drmessanoUbuntu switched to Empathy for Karmic, so far it's crashed 4 times on 2 machines
19:34.50drmessanoGuess maybe Pidgin wasn't so bad
19:35.09mchoudrmessano: hmm, just checked, dont think twinkle supports video
19:35.48*** join/#asterisk jtodd (i=z9dw59er@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
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19:36.55drmessanoI thinkI realized something as profound about Linux as Asterisk
19:37.44drmessanoAs much as Asterisk is "poorly documented", Linux is worse.. So much old documentation on how to accomplish tasks that are now as simple as checkboxes on the right distro
19:39.18mchoudrmessano: you mean just like
19:40.37infobot .. "Same to you, buddy!"
19:41.37drmessanoThat never gets old
19:41.51*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:42.48drmessanorussellb: Thats sorta like the french revolution sentence on Wikipedia
19:42.58drmessanoMy testament to how edited the wiki really is
19:43.53russellbHmm, I haven't done any wikipedia vandalism in a while
19:43.55WindBackwhat is more stable: 1.6.1.x or 1.6.0.x ??
19:46.05drmessano"It's a little known fact that the french actually lost the french revolution"  <-- my fav wikipedia vandalism
19:48.41russellbWindBack: 1.6.1 is newer and has more features.  However, it will also be supported longer.
19:48.50russellbfor a new install, i would choose 1.6.1 over 1.6.0.
19:49.21drmessano1.6.1 resolved a few issues for me as well
19:49.30jaytee1.6.17-rc2 works fine for me with DAHDI and T1 cards plus using SIP/TCP
19:49.44jayteeooops. meant
19:49.55drmessanoOne was a mystery problem with voicemail notifications
19:50.20drmessanoSo yeah, I like 1.6.1
19:50.40russellb1.6.2 is very near.
19:50.58WindBackrussellb: I hava a problem in 1.6.0.x related to hints and a linksys spa932. I try 1.6.1.x and every thing work fine. But it strange, because in 1.4 this feature works fine
19:51.00russellblike, we could probably do it from astricon if we felt like it
19:51.12russellbthat is certainly odd.
19:51.23russellbi guess 1.6.1 is your answer :-)
19:51.53shido6mumbles... "cooomoncompactflashcooomoncompactflashdontfailmenow cooomoncompactflashcooomoncompactflashdontfailmenow trixboxonepiagodshearme"
19:51.59WindBackrussellb: :)
19:52.05drmessanoWindBack: My problem was Linksys devices
19:52.26WindBackrussellb: what is the correct way to update asterisk from the source?
19:52.40WindBackdrmessano: what is your problem
19:52.50drmessanoWhere do you want me to start?
19:53.30drmessanoI'm tired, irritable, underpaid, my lungs hurt, my ass is too big, I have a headache, my socks are untied, im hungry.. umm
19:53.39drmessanoOh, you meant with the phones
19:54.08shido6socks are untied
19:54.10ChannelZHow do you tie your socks?
19:54.20shido6definitely a problem
19:54.33mchouno, untied socks==good
19:54.39drmessanoVoicemail notifications were a one off deal.. I would get an indication only on reload or restart, it would go out after 20 mins, and never again until reload/restart
19:54.48mchouie, not a problem :)
19:54.58WindBackdrmessano: in my case the problem is in asterisk. Because a see the hint changing the sate to ringing/Inuse when the phone is in use and the asterisk send the notify to the extesnison which monitors, buy then, when the call finish asterisk never send the notfiy to the extensions which monitors the channel
19:55.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:55.37drmessanoI think notify is BAHORRIDLY broken in 1.6.0.x
19:55.53mchouthis sucks
19:56.00WindBackdrmessano: BAHORRIDLY???
19:56.05drmessanoHave someone else complaining of weird issues with SPA-942s doing one thing and SPA-962s doing another, where they both worked on 1.4
19:56.36mchouI just found out my system sucks around 85-9W of power
19:56.53WindBackdrmessano: what is BAHORRIDLY??
19:56.55drmessano85-9W, what fuckin unit of measure is that?
19:57.05mchouumm, 90*
19:57.06drmessanoWindBack: Horridly, but worse
19:57.24drmessanoLike, BAFUNNY = More than funny
19:57.41WindBackdrmessano: so you say that 1.6.0.x have problems regarding NOTIFY messages?
19:58.17drmessanoWindBack: It would seem like that is exactly what I am saying
19:58.34drmessano  <-- My only contribution to UD that made it
19:59.11shido6how accurate is ?
20:00.12jayteeworks for me
20:01.00mchoudamn, that's spot on for me
20:01.05mchouthat's scary
20:01.20mchoulooks for black helicopters
20:01.42shido6they arent black anymore
20:02.05mchouwhat colors are they now?
20:02.20shido6almost translucent
20:02.25mchoujolly green giant?
20:03.43ChannelZgreen like they run on green energy and hope and change and fairy dust
20:03.58mchoudude, I'm not joking...that's totally spot on for me
20:04.15mchoulike I zoom in and see my House!
20:04.40mchouno joke
20:04.52ChannelZthat site thinks I'm in Cortez CO.  I am not,
20:05.11mchouChannelZ: heh, you're safe then :)
20:05.49ChannelZSweet.  Let the bombing commence!
20:06.07mchouI aint worried about bombs
20:06.09p3nguinIt's close for me, but not precise.  'Bout 25 miles away.
20:06.39drmessano15 miles from me
20:07.07p3nguinIt thinks I'm in the city where the fiber terminates.
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20:08.04drmessanoMine is not even close
20:08.06mbrevdaanyone familiar with the audiocodes mp-114?
20:08.12*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte_ (n=lunaphyt@unaffiliated/lunaphyte)
20:09.31radicif I let asterisk say the time it mean's it's 20:08
20:09.34mchouso is the windows asterisk verions usable?
20:09.56radicI'm in GMT+2
20:09.57ChannelZugh, why even try?
20:10.09mchouChannelZ: cause of said friend
20:10.31mchouChannelZ: I dont want to support him on linux
20:11.02mchouChannelZ: I'd not get any sleep
20:11.17ChannelZI'm not sure you want to support him on windows either
20:11.26ChannelZgive him Skype and go to bed
20:11.28mchouChannelZ: true dat
20:11.36mchouscrew skype
20:11.51mchouChannelZ: have you tried skype?
20:11.53drmessanoAsteriskWin32 is a joke
20:12.02mchouit sucks rocks in so many ways
20:12.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:12.11drmessanoSkype does the job its intended to do
20:12.19ChannelZthe UI is not my favorite but it works
20:12.39mchoudude, I aint even taling about that part
20:12.52drmessanoNO, HE AINT
20:12.55drmessanoNUH UH
20:13.09ChannelZcranks his neck back and forth
20:13.19drmessanosnaps in a Z
20:13.22mchoui tried to pay them with credit card and they wouldnt even take my money
20:13.51mchouthis was back in the days wher you get unlimited calling in NA for $15/yr
20:14.07mchoumaybe 3-4 yrs ago
20:14.57mchouand then there were the incessant disconnects during mid conversation
20:15.07drmessanoAre you one of those weird bitter fuckers that goes to walmart and has a bad experience with a greeter, so hasnt gone back in 5 years, no plans to go back ever, even for an emergency roll of toilet paper?
20:15.50mchoudrmessano: dude, I havent even warmed up yet
20:16.06drmessanomchou: My multiple personalities want to gang up on you
20:16.11ChannelZHere's all I can say;  it sounds like you're trying to get someone to embrace VoIP who is predisposed to hate it and doesn't know what he's doing.  So Asterisk, on any platform, is probably not a smart choice, if this person is going to be the one running it
20:16.51mchouChannelZ: the friend isnt stupid
20:17.08ChannelZIt's like the people who come in here saying "help me fix my system", but aren't in front of the computer, don't know what devices they have, and won't tell you anything about how it's configured
20:17.36mchouChannelZ: umm, what gave you that impression?
20:17.43*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte_ (n=lunaphyt@unaffiliated/lunaphyte)
20:17.47WindBackwhere i can read the correct way to update asterisk from the source??
20:18.00ChannelZ./configure ; make ; make install
20:18.00drmessanoWindBack: Uninstall and reinstall
20:18.13drmessanoWindBack: Remove ALL modules compiled from 1.6.0.x
20:18.17mchouChannelZ: just got to lead the guy to water is all
20:18.24WindBackdrmessano: make uninstall and then make install
20:18.40shido6you deploy the version in question on your dev server leaving production alone.
20:18.48drmessanomake uninstall, REMOVE THE MODULES, and REINSTALL
20:19.00drmessano1.6.0 to 1.6.1.x went fine
20:19.01p3nguinOrdinarily, you should be using a package which makes upgrading so much easier.
20:19.02mchouChannelZ: I dont hold anything against my friend just because he's never seen a linux system up close and personal
20:19.20WindBackdrmessano: what do you  mean by REMOVE THE MODULES?
20:19.30mchouChannelZ: it doesnt imply he's incompetent
20:20.03drmessanoWindBack: Deleted all the modules from the modules directory
20:20.39drmessanoWindBack: Asterisk will not remove modules it didnt install itself
20:20.44*** part/#asterisk lunaphyte_ (n=lunaphyt@unaffiliated/lunaphyte)
20:20.53drmessanoWindBack: Those will eff you like a bad night in jail
20:21.56WindBackdrmessano: If asterisk didnt install those modules, who did it?
20:22.08drmessanoYOU would have
20:22.21drmessanoor asterisk-addons
20:22.53hardwireWindBack: the computer did it behind your back.
20:23.00ChannelZor fairys
20:23.14WindBackdrmessano: I just installed libpri, dahdi and dahdi tools and nothing else?
20:23.15hardwireAI will destroy us all.
20:23.42mchouChannelZ: but if you know of a good Skype ATA I'm sure my friend wouldn't be adverse to the concept
20:23.46drmessanoWindBack: This is way too much dialog for such a simple fuckin task.. remove asterisk, clear the modules directory, reinstall
20:24.03drmessanoWe dont need two hours of chatter for modules.. jsut make sure its empty
20:24.18drmessanoChrist, lets pick through tmp and figure out who put all that shit there
20:24.30hardwireWindBack: check out checkinstall
20:24.38WindBackdrmessano: ok, ok, just let me know in what directory is those modules?
20:24.47hardwireit will show you what install/autoconf based software will install
20:24.58hardwiretherefore letting you know whats going on when an install happens.
20:25.00hudonyI'm trying, using call files, to parse a csv file in order to make successive calls.   I'm doing that for a small compagnie so the number of phone number to dial will be around 15 (they are their own customers).  This part is done.  Quit easy.  Now, each time the person called answer the call, one of the "agent" has to be notifiy with a "beep" that an automated call has been answerd and...
20:25.01hardwireif you doubt us.
20:25.02hudony...then, the call is automatically bridged
20:25.05hudonyI have been trying to figure out how to achieve this but I'm not sure
20:25.24ChannelZmchou: I'm officially staying out of your problem because I clearly don't understand the end goals.  First it was 'can softphones call each other without a server to register to so I can help someone'
20:25.26hudonyAnyone can help me?
20:25.54ChannelZmchou: Now it's 'Does Asterisk for Windows work' and hooking shit up to actual phones.
20:26.11hardwirehudony: what do you have so far?
20:26.28mchouChannelZ: what's wrong with that progression?
20:26.57mchouChannelZ: the dude wants to try out voip without HW first
20:27.21mchouChannelZ: he only has experience with windows
20:27.26ChannelZthere's nothing wrong with it.  Have fyn
20:27.29ChannelZfun even
20:28.27mchouChannelZ: right.  that's why I don't understand why you think the dude is incompetent
20:28.40drmessanoWindBack: cat /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf | grep -e astmoddir
20:29.38p3nguingrep -e astmoddir /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
20:29.44mchouChannelZ: the guy is probably 3x smarter than you are (and no, that's not an insult to you, it's just an indicator of how smart this guy is)
20:29.47hardwirehudony: normally you want to restrict the amount of calls based on agent availability.. otherwise
20:29.48WindBackdrmessano: ok, perfect
20:29.54hardwirehudony: you the agentlogin function
20:29.59WindBackdrmessano: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
20:30.02p3nguinNo need for cat if you're just grepping.
20:30.23hardwireit will constantly keep them on the line.. enable ackcall for them using agents.conf or the channel variable
20:30.40drmessanoWindBack: Ok, there you go
20:31.16ChannelZmchou: Then he can probably figure this stuff out by himself
20:31.18hudonyhardwire: Ok, so I need to configure a queue
20:31.28hudonyhardwire: in queues.conf
20:31.40hardwirehudony: yeh.. and add agents to it statically.
20:31.46hardwirethen create agents in agents.conf reflecting that
20:31.51ChannelZmchou: I did, and I'm 3x more stupid apparently
20:32.11hardwireand give those endpoints a dialplan context where they can log in and have their phone off hook the entire time they are logged in.
20:32.12hudonyok, thanks, I'll go read about that. Thx again for your help
20:32.33drmessanogrep /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf -e astmoddir <-- happy now?
20:32.45hardwirehudony: word.
20:33.31hardwireChannelZ: I would have said "3x stupider".. I'm glad you didn't :)
20:33.35p3nguindrmessano: No, because options go before the file name.
20:33.42mchouChannelZ: you know that old joke whether Bill Gates would spend the time to bend down to pick up $100 bill on the street?
20:33.47p3nguingrep -e PATTERN filename
20:34.06drmessanop3nguin: Same difference
20:34.11p3nguinnot really
20:34.12drmessanop3nguin: Same output
20:34.17drmessanoActually, yes
20:34.34p3nguinNo, actually it's not the same, regardless if the output is the same.
20:34.37mchouChannelZ: smarts and time to figure out asterisk are independent
20:34.51drmessanoSame output = the same
20:35.05mchouregardless how smart someone is, time would still be required
20:35.13mchouChannelZ: ^^^
20:35.41drmessanop3nguin: Good luck with that one..
20:35.52mchouChannelZ: the problem is the guy doesnt have that much time
20:36.18ChannelZThen maybe you should be charging him for yours
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20:37.30mchouChannelZ: we've been buddies since middle school.....
20:37.40p3nguindrmessano: Good luck with POSIX saying you're wrong?  What kind of response is that?
20:38.08mchouChannelZ: I dont charge the guy for something that would take me 10 minutes tops :)
20:38.33drmessanop3nguin: You're the only one arguing with the output here
20:38.36mchouChannelZ: that'd be in the "noise"
20:42.45radichas someone a idea how I get the correct time with sayunixtime()?
20:43.30p3nguinSayUnixTime(||ABdY \'digits/at\' IMp)
20:43.34p3nguintime and date
20:43.45ChannelZtell it the right timezone
20:44.16radicChannelZ: SayUnixTime(,CEST)?
20:44.22radicSun Oct 11 22:46:52 CEST 2009
20:44.35p3nguinIs that the right time?
20:44.51p3nguinSeems off a couple minutes.
20:45.09radicand asterix is 2 houers after
20:45.13p3nguin(not that a couple minutes would make * say the wrong hour)
20:45.24ChannelZwhat is CEST?  Central?
20:45.54radicCentral European S??? Time
20:46.21*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
20:47.05p3nguinI think it's Summer, actually.
20:47.12ChannelZI see CET as a valid timezone but not CEST
20:47.23p3nguinCEST is European.
20:47.44ChannelZyeah still
20:47.49p3nguinCEST - Central European Summer Time
20:47.58hardwireI think everybody should take a break for the day.. and go play with google.
20:47.59ChannelZI don't see CEST in zoneinfo so I'm not sure if * would understand that either
20:48.30radicCET works
20:49.00p3nguinANd will be an hour off.
20:49.14ChannelZthe clock on the computer probably isn't right either
20:49.35p3nguinIt's right.
20:49.48p3nguinCEST is GMT+2.
20:50.07hardwireCest \Cest\ (s[e^]st), n. [L. cestus: cf. OF. ceste.]: A woman's girdle; a cestus. [R.]  --Collins. [1913 Webster] -gcide
20:50.40ChannelZbut has a daylight savings component
20:50.50p3nguinIf CEST isn't working, try CEDT.  They are the same time.
20:51.35p3nguinCET is the non-daylight-savings time, and CEST is the daylight-savings time.  GMT+1 and GMT+2, respectively.
20:53.01*** part/#asterisk StevenR (
20:54.31ChannelZyah but at least in my distro CEDT and CEST aren't timezones
20:54.52p3nguinMaybe Europe/Paris is required instead?
20:54.58ChannelZyou could probably just use 'Europe/Paris'
20:55.41p3nguinI never know whether to use CST6CDT or America/Chicago for my own tz.
20:56.04p3nguinI usually end up with the latter.
21:01.00*** join/#asterisk aurax (n=aurax@
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21:05.22NuggetWhile we're being pedantic, CEST is UTC+2, not GMT+2  :)
21:06.07p3nguinAnd what, exactly, do you think the difference is between UTC and GMT?
21:06.12Nuggetleap seconds
21:06.44p3nguinI'll have to look into this assertion.  Perhaps you are correct.
21:06.48NuggetI am.
21:07.05NuggetUnless your an astronomer the difference is probably uninteresting, but it exists
21:07.10Nuggeter, "you're"
21:07.37*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
21:07.57NuggetI just wanted to jump onto the pedant bandwagon with both feet
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21:08.42p3nguinYou're always welcome up here.  I prefer to know when I'm mistaken.
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22:04.16auraxI'm having a weird problem with dahdi, it keeps panic my pbx kernel. i'm using
22:06.40riddleboxstill cannot get receive calls from teliax, iax or sip :(
22:07.17riddleboxaurax, did you update the kernel lately?
22:20.56ChannelZriddlebox: firewall?
22:21.50riddleboxChannelZ, it worked up until I switched to iax, then nothing, so I went back to my sip settings and the same thing, I get an error saying my number was disconnected
22:22.02riddleboxChannelZ, but I am registered and can make calls
22:23.12riddleboxyou know what just for the heck of it I will reboot the router and see if that fixes it
22:23.49ChannelZso does that mean yes you are behind a firewall?
22:25.19riddleboxChannelZ, I have a router with dd-wrt on it and my port 4569 is forwarded to my asterisk box
22:25.34riddleboxthe asterisk box does not have a firewall on it
22:26.32ChannelZso if the connection is registered and you are able to make outgoing calls, then this seems like a Teliax problem which I think was the same verdict from last week
22:26.55ChannelZunless you are receving incoming connections and getting some other error preventing the call from completing
22:27.23riddleboxwell I just did nmap of my IP and it does show 4569 state closed, so I will reboot and see if dd-wrt will open the port
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22:30.04ChannelZso you said you can make calls, but can you actually hear the other end?
22:30.14riddleboxthat would have been a clue except it was for tcp not udp
22:30.31riddleboxChannelZ, I can make a call and talk to the person on the other end with no problems
22:30.50ChannelZok so it's not a port block
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22:31.25ChannelZso what happens when someone calls you?  They get ringing, nothing...
22:31.29riddleboxit just makes me mad, I have no response from them all weekend, how can a phone company not have anyone working on the weekends
22:32.01riddleboxChannelZ, they get an error message, "I'm sorry that number is disconnected"
22:32.40shido6u can always port your number away to a company that is open on sundau
22:32.44riddleboxI can give you the number and you can call it if you want, in my experience when you hear an error message, that means its not the pbx, but I am not sure
22:33.21ChannelZwell they are not a phone company and apparently have no SLA or way to contact them
22:34.00riddleboxyeah kinda scary, I like their concept of you have an account and you just charge that account when you use your minutes up
22:35.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:35.52ChannelZthey didn't respond all last week either?  Hasn't this been the same issue for awhile?
22:35.54p3nguinI was communicating with them via email for a few times, then one time he said he would let me know about something... I waited a month and never heard back.  I emailed again, got to reply.  Again, still no reply.  I've waited several months for an answer.
22:36.26p3nguingot no reply, I meant
22:36.57mchoup3nguin: which provider is this?
22:38.06p3nguinUhm, which one were we talking about?
22:38.30p3nguinI think I just lied to you all.  This happened to me with Vitelity.  Sorry.
22:39.18ChannelZso they're all bollocks then
22:39.24p3nguinI guess so.
22:40.33riddleboxyeah we dont use the phone that much we spent $10 for 3 months of phone service
22:40.48p3nguinOn the other hand, I called them (Vitelity) up about an issue and the guy said he would have to find out and call me back.  He actually called me back within minutes.
22:42.28mchouI'm actually suprised these ITSPs offer support at all
22:42.54mchouthey spend more than 3 minutes on your call there goes their profit margin :)
22:43.19mchouno, im bein serious
22:43.30p3nguinI know.  that's the sad part.
22:45.55ChannelZriddlebox: what country are you in
22:47.01riddleboxChannelZ, USA
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22:50.43ChannelZhmm.. so they seriously have no trouble ticket system?  My friend is apparently using them for his business
22:51.00ChannelZbut maybe their 'residential' service is non-existent
22:51.04mchouChannelZ: who you referring to?
22:53.31p3nguinI was going to use Teliax, then decided was actually better suited to my needs.
22:53.48Kobazwhat's interesting, is is a vitelity reseller
22:54.02p3nguinI have an IAX2 trunk, but did use SIP.  No problems with them.
22:54.18dlewismagic jack needs to come out with a linux driver or someone needs to figure out how to get MJ working again... marks up their minutes by about 1/4 cent
22:55.14p3nguinI pay less to than I would to vitelity.
22:55.50Kobazif you get the vitelity bulk pricing you get 0.80 cents a minute incoming
22:55.56mchoudlewis: hmm?
22:55.57Kobazhaven't used them for outgoing yet
22:56.01riddleboxChannelZ, yeah Teliax
22:56.11dlewismchou: magic jack...
22:56.20Kobazp3nguin: you pay less than .8 cents?
22:56.21mchoudlewis: I thought magic jack worked on linux
22:56.41riddleboxChannelZ, they have a ticket system you email them and they work on it monday-friday
22:56.52dlewismchou: from what I've heard and from what I've seen via posts, it isn't anymore.
22:56.59riddleboxmchou, I am testing magic jack right now, I use a fxo port with it
22:57.26mchouI've wondered about voice quality with MJ
22:57.32Kobazriddlebox: the delay is pretty noticeable, when going from an ata, back to an fxo
22:57.51riddleboxmchou, yeah I am testing it out
22:58.00p3nguinkobaz: I don't resell, so I pay the regular rate of 1.05 cents/minute for termination, and 2.9 cents/minute on my toll-free DID.
22:58.00mchouI've never used MJ but checking out some fora there are complaints about quality
22:58.20riddleboxKobaz, I dont have a delay, but I have some stuttering, I think it is because I have 1mb internet thoguh
22:58.38riddleboxI have read they will have linux drivers some day
22:58.39Kobazriddlebox: of course you have a delay, any extra hop you go through it's going to add delay
22:59.04dlewisriddlebox: you're using it for just one phone, right?
22:59.07Kobazgoing from a->b->c can't possibly be any less delay than going from a->c directly
22:59.28riddleboxdlewis, I have a few phones on the system
22:59.43Kobazbut my point was... heh... when i tried an fxo with a vonage ata, the delay was noticable... but if you don't have a bad delay.. that's good
23:00.11dlewisriddlebox: what's your topology?
23:00.19riddleboxKobaz, the only delay I have is dialing seems to take a little longer
23:00.49dlewisriddlebox: and is it working right now? I've heard it isn't working.
23:00.57riddleboxdlewis, asterisk box with tdm card(1fxo 2fxs) and 6 sip phones
23:01.23dlewisand you have the MJ as a trunk?
23:01.25riddleboxI have a trunk through teliax, and the magic jack
23:01.35dlewisriddlebox: MJ is a trunk?
23:01.44mchouthere you go!
23:01.52wonderworldis there some polished party-line software available for use with asterisk?
23:02.05dlewisI've heard it didn't work
23:02.16dlewisI guess maybe I should try it again
23:02.16riddleboxdlewis, what do you mean?
23:03.08dlewisI've heard the credentials change now...
23:03.08dlewismeaning you'd have to update your MJ credentials in the truck often.
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23:03.15riddleboxohh I dont know I have read that too, I have the magic jack on a xp machine and run the line out to my asterisk box to the fxo port
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23:03.51mchouwonders what riddlebox's electricity bill looks like
23:03.58Kobazsounds like an annoying setup
23:04.06riddleboxlast month $179
23:04.14dlewistruck = trunk
23:04.41riddleboxthats electric and gas together, that is cheap
23:04.43Kobazmine's like 20 bucks
23:04.44mchouriddlebox: you'd bet better off going AT&T :)
23:05.13dlewisriddlebox: that's a weird way of doing it
23:05.21riddleboxI figured I have a month to try out the magic jack and see how it was, I still have like 3 weeks
23:05.43riddleboxdlewis, why is that a weird way?
23:05.43Kobazmight as well run the windows asterisk, and save a boc
23:05.44mchouriddlebox: what??  Who gives you the money back?
23:05.53riddleboxmchou, radio shack
23:06.08mchouriddlebox: I head those MJ shysters just "disappear"
23:06.28Kobazclient of mine got a magicjack and had all kinds of problems and dumped it
23:06.29riddleboxthe radio shack guy said I could bring it back if I didnt like it, in a month
23:06.32dlewisriddlebox: connecting MJ from one computer to another computer?
23:06.53dlewisriddlebox: very weird way of doing it. The original way was to sniff the MJ traffic to get your l/p, then entering that into the trunk information.
23:06.57riddleboxdlewis, how else will you do it, it goes against the TOA to do it the other way
23:07.14dlewisriddlebox: going against TOA is a seperate convo
23:07.36Kobazif the credentials are using md5 auth, how would sniffing help
23:07.44mchoudlewis: so what makes you think MJ is coming to linux?
23:07.45riddleboxdlewis, plus I have read it doesnt work anymore
23:07.47jayteeRadio Shack used use the slogan "You have questions? We've got answers!" back when they could maintain a staff of knowledgeable salespeople. Since the late 90's they had to change the slogan to "Yeah, we got stuff"
23:08.19dlewismchou: the owner said so, in an interview a few months ago
23:08.35p3nguinI worked at Radio Shack in the '90s and I remember changing TO that slogan.
23:08.53mchou"We got Stuff?"
23:09.04dlewismchou: I assume they're figuring out a way to prevent systems like asterisk to use it for multiple phones/enterprise usage
23:09.07mchouI wasn't even aware that's RS slogan now
23:09.34dlewisKobaz: from what I remember, it wasn't md5
23:09.38Kobazenterprise... magicjack... haha
23:10.06dlewisKobaz: you'd be surprised
23:10.10Kobazi know
23:10.10dlewiswhat people will do
23:10.11mchoudlewis: I'd be supprised even if ONE channel worked well on MJ
23:10.30dlewisand enterprise is defined by the reader
23:10.34dlewisenterprise can be SMB
23:10.41dlewismchou: it does
23:10.43riddleboxdlewis, we have a customer how uses MJ at every pc for their long distance, they have a cordless phone at every pc, then a pbx from us.. lol
23:10.46dlewisI had it for 3 months
23:10.47dlewisno issues
23:10.50mchoudlewis: considering the number of complaints I've read re MJ
23:10.52Kobazlike, getting an order for a t1 based pbx, and having the customer's IT Care company tell you the T1 signalling and everything.... and showing up and finding analog lines
23:10.55Kobazthat's surprising
23:11.09dlewismchou: for the price, it's great
23:11.27mchoudlewis: dude, MJ looks like a Ponzi scheme
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23:11.41riddleboxmchou, thats why I decided to try it out for a month and see
23:11.43dlewismchou: lol... possible
23:11.44mchoudlewis: rinda like Madoff
23:11.53dlewismchou: doubt it
23:11.57dlewisbut you never know
23:12.04mchoudoubt it???
23:12.07dlewisas long as I didn't get charged over $20 a year, I was fine
23:12.09Kobazthey probably cut people off who use more than a hundred minutes a month
23:12.22mchouhow the hell do you explain their business model?
23:12.36dlewisKobaz: I've heard stories of people using asterisk getting there service cut
23:12.45Kobazeven at half a cent a minute... that's 4000 minutes a year
23:12.56Kobaz333 minutes a month... and that's with no profit
23:13.40riddleboxI do like how cheap broadvoice is now, 15 bucks a month, but they have that setup fee for like 60 bucks
23:13.50Kobazeither somehow they found out how to pay .00001 cents a minute for their trunking... or someone is losing money somewhere bigtime
23:14.03mchouKobaz: exactly
23:14.23riddleboxKobaz, I think they are a big cullo
23:14.28mchouKobaz: and there's no free lunch rule still applies even in bailouts :)
23:14.50dlewisriddlebox: $15 for unlimited?
23:15.07dlewisone I fix this CID issue with my cable provider, I'll be fine
23:15.09riddleboxdlewis, I think so
23:15.13dlewis$99 for phone/internet/cable
23:15.22dlewisriddlebox: I've only seen $17.99
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23:15.39riddleboxdlewis, I tried that but they dont provide polarity switching when someone hangs up
23:15.52OrbixxDoes anybody know of a program that can play back alaw files?
23:16.02Orbixx(apart from Asterisk)
23:16.55mchouriddlebox: that's a crock of bull
23:17.16mchouriddlebox: that's no different than IPKall (or sipgate)
23:18.31riddleboxdont shoot the messenger ;)
23:18.31mchouriddlebox: settlement fees aint a perpetual motion machine
23:18.31dlewisriddlebox: don't see the $15 broadvoice
23:18.31riddleboxI just did a google search
23:18.39p3nguindlewis: Do you remember back when MagicJack first came out?  They advertised it as $30 for LIFE.
23:18.46riddleboxdlewis, sorry it is 17
23:18.55dlewisp3nguin: yea...
23:19.01dlewisI was skeptical
23:19.02mchoup3nguin: yeah, PONZI scheme
23:19.23mchoup3nguin: I wonder what's ooma's business model too
23:19.37dlewisriddlebox: after charges $23.42... Plus add the $11.50 for BYOD and the initial charges ($100+)
23:19.40dlewisnot worth it
23:19.48riddleboxdlewis, I know it sucks
23:20.38mchouooma advertizes $200 (iirc) for life
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23:21.19mchouthe question is WHO's life.....
23:21.26mchouooma or yours :)
23:22.07mchouor maybe that's like Tivo's "lifetime subscription"
23:22.21dlewiscan't use asterisk with ooma though
23:22.27mchoulifetime as defined by the life cycle of the HW
23:23.10mchoudlewis: I'm just saying....which business model you think holds water?
23:23.27Kobazmchou: i like my buisness model i came up with when i graduated high school
23:23.43mchouKobaz: do tell
23:23.44Kobazthere's just one part to it...
23:23.56KobazThe model is... you get rich people... to give you their money
23:24.06mchouI'm rich, biatch!
23:24.26Kobazand then the second part
23:24.31Kobazbut then the third part is profit
23:24.56Kobazi modified the plan, after seeing the successful model of the underpants gnomes
23:25.31Kobazthat second part is key
23:25.41Kobazso actually there's three parts... there used to be just one
23:25.59mchouKobaz: which part are you on now?
23:26.07Kobazthe first one :(
23:26.29mchouI rest my case :)
23:27.39Kobazactually we're doing okay... during college i ran a gameserver hosting business for a little bit... and then after college i got a 'regular coding job' which was nice paying but boring... and then got involved with an asterisk startup... which blew up... and then now i have my own business with my brother... doing more asterisk and general coding and stuff
23:28.03riddleboxdlewis, I guess you could sign up for the BYOD for the first month then it would be 41.37, then after a month you could bump up to the 17.95 plan
23:28.05dlewisKobaz: whereabouts?
23:28.09Kobazdlewis: central pa
23:28.17dlewisah, ok
23:28.23Kobazwas near albany ny
23:28.43mchouKobaz: I didnt know Amish used asterisk :)
23:29.06Kobazthere's actually some large hospital groups where doing some custom programming for
23:29.33Kobazut's a great market since you don't have the huge consulting firms like in nyc... and people just don't have a big supply of technology
23:29.52Kobazi should put my glasses back on
23:30.35drmessanoKobaz, I spoke to your brother and he told me the two of you run a fruit stand
23:30.38drmessanoYOU LIE!
23:31.16Kobazthose amish fruit stands pull in a few hundred bucks a day
23:31.52drmessanoI was racking in that much when I could still swing my pimp cane
23:32.17dlewisand now drmessano is getting pimped
23:32.48drmessanoThen one of them ho's stabbed me with a rusty screwdriver, and I collect a check from the govament
23:33.02drmessanosorry, 'govamet'
23:33.24drmessanoSo I went from pounding to asterisking
23:33.29drmessanoLife is life
23:33.32mchoudrmessano: were you the protagonist in "Hustle and Flow?"
23:34.06drmessanoI should have sued that whole damn company.. they got it all wrong.. made up their own story
23:34.11drmessanoI am far more hardcore
23:34.45drmessanoThey call it an "adaptation".. that was the nickname of my pimp cane
23:34.58Kobazisn't the proper phase 'the guvbuhment'
23:35.45drmessanoShoot man, as long as I get my check, i'll call them "rhonda" if they want me to.
23:36.00mchouso here's the really sad part....I got a Kill-A-Watt power meter this week
23:36.45mchouI found out I was spending more on my electricity than I was saving not using AT&T :)
23:36.50drmessanoWas your analog clamp-on ammeter busted?
23:37.01mchourunning asterisk*
23:37.34mchoudrmessano: dont have a n ammeter
23:37.34drmessanoHow much is that machine costing you?
23:37.42drmessanoI have several
23:38.36mchou90W, 24x7, at $0.14/KWH
23:39.12mchougranted I'm powering 3 phone lines with that
23:39.37mchouso it's not exactly an apples comparison with AT&T
23:39.47drmessano$3 a day?
23:39.59drmessanoHow much is your power bill?
23:40.43mchouaround $200/mo, iirc
23:40.56drmessanoHow many PCs do you have?
23:41.03mchouthat includes gas though
23:41.19mchouonly one that's on grid
23:41.39drmessano$90 a month of your power bill was that one PC?
23:41.45drmessanoCheck your meter
23:42.15p3nguinMy power bill is barely more than that for everything I have.
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23:43.10drmessanoI had 9 PC's working 24/7 here, at around $.07 and I know my power bill wasnt $270+
23:43.28fileyeah... that's a bit nuts
23:43.41filealmonds even!
23:43.53mchoudrmessano: umm, $90??  how you get that?
23:43.53riddleboxdrmessano, I have usually 4-8 running and my electric bill only gets real high when its really hot out or really cold out
23:43.54drmessanoThats yogurt covered macadamia .. nuts
23:43.59mchouI think you misplaced your decimal point :)
23:44.14drmessano14 cents per hour, x 24 is???
23:44.27drmessanoHmm.. I left off a ()
23:45.13drmessanoRate is .14 per KWH and you're using 90W..
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23:46.23mchouthat's slightly more than $9/mo on electricity alone
23:46.37drmessano$9 a month, ok
23:47.27drmessanoHow much are you billing with your ITSP?  We're still WAY off AT&T here
23:47.49drmessanoCloser to that $90 mark :)
23:48.13mchoudrmessano: one phone line with AT&T is ~$30
23:48.16filedrmessano: I present chocolate covered almonds myself.
23:48.30filepresent? prefer
23:48.31drmessano$30 a month??
23:48.46Kobazso what are you guys up to
23:48.55drmessanoHow the hell do you arrange that?
23:49.01dlewismchou: for there POTS or "VOIP"?
23:49.03Kobazcomparing electric and running costs of the magicjack pc to getting a line from att?
23:49.18mchouKobaz: lol
23:49.32drmessanoKobaz: Power bill for Asterisk + ITSP vs ATT
23:49.37Kobaz$90 a month to run a $15 a year phone line
23:49.53drmessanoLast time I looked at ATT, it was $28 for a line
23:49.56mchoudrmessano: what do you mean?  I thought ATT local is $30 (or saw comcast)
23:49.58drmessanoPlus fees, etc
23:50.21drmessanoATT basic bill is well over $40 a month, if not more
23:50.33p3nguinnot here.
23:50.45drmessanoI know it was $90 for ATT + DSL, and the DSL was about $45
23:50.48Kobazhere's how it goes... the 'line' is like 10 bucks... but then you get the local dialing package which is another 10 bucks... and then tack on 10 bucks in regulatory fees. and then another 5 bucks for three way calling and callerid, and then add tax.. and you're up to like $40 bucks
23:50.59p3nguinLast one I just paid was $32 and some change just for local phone service.
23:51.16mchouOK, forget ATT
23:51.21mchousay comcast phone
23:51.34mchoumakes life simpler
23:51.35p3nguinI just set up my neighbor with AT&T local/l.d. + DSL for only $60.00/mo.
23:51.39drmessanoComcast is $39 a month for unlimited
23:52.05drmessanoThats LD and all
23:52.12dlewisOptimum Voice is $99 for cable/internet/phone for a year... It's just tough to get asterisk working with the OV line.
23:52.14p3nguinYep.  Unlimited ld.
23:52.36p3nguinand 1mbit DSL.
23:53.39drmessano1mbit DSL is like $24, so value added that still puts the phone at $40
23:54.18drmessanoSo running Asterisk you have $31 to play with after the power costs
23:55.15mchouyeah, so say you subscribe to callcentric
23:55.20drmessanoWorst case, $24 unlimited from say
23:55.38drmessanoForget Callcentric, they're way overpriced
23:55.40mchou$19/mo + $9/DID
23:55.55Kobazmakes some dinner
23:56.06drmessanoThats not a realistic comparison,unless you want me to throw something douche in here like Vonage
23:56.18Kobazlet me know when you calculate the optimal cost/benefit of asterisk versus att
23:56.26mchoucallcentric is vontage pricing
23:56.48mchouvontage is $25/mo, iirc
23:56.51drmessanoFlowroute is $7 a month for unlimited inbound + DID, and 1 cent per minute out
23:56.53Kobazand make sure you plot the costs over a 5 year rate of return and tco, versus inflation and market prices
23:57.13drmessanoKobaz: Are you done?
23:57.22Kobazgoes to eat
23:58.25drmessanoSo $24 gives me 2400 mins I can play with termination-wise
23:59.05drmessanoIf I want to spend all $31
23:59.06mchoudrmessano: so you use flowroute?

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