IRC log for #asterisk on 20091009

00:00.36*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
00:05.16*** join/#asterisk psykon (
00:09.54*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
00:15.53*** join/#asterisk rps2 (
00:16.21rps2Greetings, once again.
00:19.37*** part/#asterisk levity (i=canuck@unaffiliated/canuck)
00:19.49rps2Thanks to all of the fine folk here, I've got most of this beast working.....except incoming calls aren't answered.  I don't see a ring indication in the logs either.
00:22.31superbeefrps2: ringing in via T1 or POTS?
00:22.58rps2I do see "[Oct  8 16:56:30] WARNING[2391] pbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 1 in 'DID_trunk_1_default', already in use" in the logs.
00:23.24superbeefwell i have setup a POTS yet, only t1, but i have to setup pots soon
00:23.28superbeefusing DAHDI?
00:23.53rps2Outgoing works a treat.  Incoming just rings and rings.  I have it set to send it to my SIP extension.
00:23.54superbeefyou have your dahdi config posted anywyhere?
00:24.10rps2Nope, but it's pretty stock.
00:24.23superbeefwanna throw it on pastebin real quick
00:24.45superbeefand your extensons.conf file that has that part of your dialplan
00:25.47*** join/#asterisk mbranca (n=matteo@2001:1418:130:0:250:daff:fe7c:a503) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:26.02rps2Dahdi config is at
00:26.04*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
00:27.00*** join/#asterisk p3nguin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:27.09*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
00:27.25rps2extensions.conf is at
00:28.19*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
00:28.32superbeefrps2 : what about chan_dahdi
00:28.43superbeefwhy 1-240 on line 18
00:30.08*** join/#asterisk me|ong (
00:30.34rps2I don't know about the "1-240" bit.
00:31.05rps2I think that's what one of the dahdi tools did.
00:33.36rps2chan_dahdi is at
00:36.06me|ongi was about to ask the DUMBEST question
00:36.17me|ongtill i realised i forgot to install build-essential package
00:36.27rps2No, I have the corner on that market today, melong
00:36.28*** join/#asterisk Shinsaku (
00:36.32me|ongbaw nab'
00:36.44me|onglol i couldn't figure out why ./configure wouldn't work
00:36.50me|onghad another box.. exact same build.. worked
00:37.06me|onghad it all typed.. just before hitting enter.. *light turned on*
00:37.48me|ongthough i do have a small Q, anybody work with integrating this with a cisco 2600 series router?
00:38.05me|ongi'm going to tackle it but wouldn't mind knowing if anybody has done it yet
00:43.11rps2No ideas, superbeef?
00:43.19Sandheaverme|ong: you can ask in #cisco
00:43.41Sandheaveroh, you're talking about allowing SIP ports through
00:43.50superbeefrps2: sorry spaced out hold on
00:44.27me|ongwell.. kind of
00:44.27me|ongi want to run the cisco as the gateway.. and asterisk as the call manager
00:44.44rps2superbeef: No worries.  Just very confused.
00:44.54me|ongi'm experienced with networking etc.. but voice is new to me.. so i'm trying to learn ;)
00:44.56*** join/#asterisk |Rain| (
00:45.20superbeefrps2, you have 3 FXS defined.. no FXO's for dialout
00:45.23*** part/#asterisk |Rain| (
00:45.24Sandheaverme|ong: well look up what ports SIP and/or IAX2 uses and that's all you'll need to know
00:45.26me|ongi've read a bit on google, and after i get this server up I'll be trying to integrate
00:45.50superbeefand line 18 is saying enable echo cancelation for channels 1-240... and you probably have more like channels 1-3
00:46.42rps2Uh, dialout works fine.  Those are FXO ports, which terminate the POTS lines.  Should be good for incoming and outgoing.
00:47.08rps2I'm trying to call into the system from a cell phone and have it answer.
00:48.36superbeefrps2:       should they be fxoks instead of fxsks?
00:49.50rps2No, they're FXO ports, but to terminate the central office lines, they use FXS signaling.
00:50.01rps2(they have to simulate an analog phone).
00:50.06rps2I know, it's confusing.
00:50.54me|ongthat is...
00:51.18me|ongfxo is the in/out line.. but you're saying you're trying to set them up as fxs?
00:52.02*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
00:55.30*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
00:56.00superbeefrps2: you're right, i got my wires crossed.. long day
00:56.17superbeefyou should change line 18 to be 1-3 instead of 1-240
00:56.59superbeefrsp2: i'm reconfused again... okay... so you have 3 POTS going into that box
00:57.35rps2Well, three FXO ports, but only two lines right now.
00:57.43rps2ports 1 and 2
00:57.57rps2Port 3 has nothing plugged in.
00:57.59superbeefthis is in your dahdi config
00:58.02superbeefno thats not
00:58.07superbeefthis is
00:58.08superbeeffxsks = 1,2,3
00:59.08rps2There are three ports, but only two are in use.
00:59.39*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
00:59.57superbeefso an FXO port is configured with fxsks and not fxoks?
01:00.18rps2Yes, if you want it to simulate an analog phone for the phone company.
01:00.48me|ongso to receive a dial tone
01:00.58*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
01:01.36rps2Yup.  You use an FXO port to connect to the central office and use fxs to receive a dial tone.
01:02.00Get_The_Fishhello all, I'm trying to use mixmonitor, so the user can dial *1 and start the monitor mid-call, but I cant find an example of the best way to write this into a dialplan...can someone give me a nudge/hint/link...
01:02.38me|ongyou should be able to receive a dialtone over fxo though.
01:02.57me|ongor simulate it internally at least and still force calls out fxo
01:03.22rps2You do, but the fxs signaling on the fxo port tells the phone company you're "acting" like a phone, not a central office.
01:04.24superbeefdenied by the chanbot
01:04.26*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
01:04.47superbeef section 2.4.3
01:05.02superbeeffxsksChannel(s) are signalled using FXS Koolstart protocol.
01:05.48rps2Read the pastebin.
01:06.08superbeefk reading
01:06.47superbeefokay i'm sold
01:06.48superbeefPorts are defined in the configuration by the signaling they use, as opposed to thephysical type of port they are. For instance, a physical FXO port will be defined in theconfiguration with FXS signaling, and an FXS port will be defined with FXO signaling.This can be confusing until you understand the reasons for it.
01:06.50me|ongyeah that's what i though.
01:06.57*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:06.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:06.58superbeefit still hurts your brain tho
01:07.05rps2Uh, yeah, sorta.
01:07.28superbeefrps2: you need to change line 18 to echocanceler = mg2,1-2
01:07.37superbeefso that it only tries to use 2 channels.. specifically the ones that are patched
01:07.47rps2That'll screw it up?
01:08.26me|ongwait a min
01:08.31me|ongMGCP is supported by asterisk?
01:08.45superbeefhonestly i'm not sure how tolerant it is, but it's certainly referencing channels that don't exist
01:09.10rps2Ok, I changed it.
01:10.56superbeefrps2: and now... everything magically.... the same probably
01:11.16rps2Let me try.
01:11.33*** join/#asterisk Shinsaku (
01:11.38Get_The_Fish(sorry to ask again) I'm trying to use mixmonitor, so the user can dial *1 and start the monitor mid-call, but I cant find an example of the best way to write this into a dialplan...can someone give me a nudge/hint/link...
01:12.36rps2superbeef: Yup, still doesn't answer.  I do see "[Oct  8 18:11:26] WARNING[4475] app_setcallerid.c: SetCallerPres is deprecated.  Please use Set(CALLERPRES()=unavailable) instead." in the log when I call in, but that's it.
01:13.13superbeefrps2: anything you can do to enable for debugging?  can you poste your dialplan
01:13.15russellbGet_The_Fish: see the 'x' and 'X' options to Dial()
01:14.47rps2The dialplan is pretty gnarly.  Actually, I have to chuck it in for the night and have a go at it again tomorrow.
01:14.54me|ongup and running
01:14.55Get_The_FishThe man himself... thanks Russell
01:15.12me|ong:) time to configure...
01:15.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:15.30me|ongnow does asterisk need to be configured with config files.. or can you use it like an IOS from network equipment?
01:15.30russellbGet_The_Fish: you're welcome, sir
01:16.01russellbme|ong: config files.  you can do only very minor config from the CLI.
01:16.13me|ongawww shucks. that would have been cool :)
01:16.24rps2Thanks for the help, chaps.  I'll be back on it tomorrow.  Right now, I have to take the lady out for her birthday.
01:16.28superbeefrussellb: what's asterisk realtime for?
01:16.38superbeefrps2: sounds like more fun... good luck
01:16.49rps2Thanks.  Chat at you tomorrow.
01:16.52russellbsuperbeef: it's an interface for using configuration backends other than config files - databases primarily
01:17.42superbeefrussellb: cool....  does asteriskGUI use it?     My only experience is with freepbx which only feeds asterisk config files
01:17.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:18.20Get_The_Fishuh, Russell, did you per chance mean wW
01:18.21russellbsuperbeef: AsteriskGUI doesn't use it, either.  That GUI modifies config files directly via the asterisk manager interface.
01:18.28russellbGet_The_Fish: it's possible.  :-)
01:18.42Get_The_Fishyeah ok, that was it... had me confused for a sec :)
01:18.58russellbsorry ... i thought I looked, guess i can't read
01:19.43Get_The_Fishno worries, no worries, just saved me a headache so I'm thrilled... I forgot about that option was chasing my tail down the wrong rabbit hole :)
01:20.02russellbno prob
01:27.56superbeefis dahdi all you need ot configure a digium FXS card? or are there another level of drivers i need (i have a Digium Wildcare AEX800)
01:28.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:31.20*** join/#asterisk slowhand (n=slowhand@opensuse/member/medwin)
01:34.42*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:35.03russellbsuperbeef: just dahdi and asterisk.
01:37.52superbeefsorry wrong window
01:39.10*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
01:53.07*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:20.43*** join/#asterisk prakash (n=prakash@
02:21.31prakashhi guys. where can I find a list of some big companies that use asterisk?
02:22.18prakashOur IT dept wants to use asterisk, but sales and finance are against it.
02:23.13prakashsome big companies that use asterisk can convince them.
02:23.46ChannelZAre they against it because they have no money for it or because they think it's crap?
02:24.06prakashwe told them that we can get uspport form digium.
02:24.45prakashthey have money. they are afraid that it will not be as stable as Cisco's of the world
02:25.08superbeefprakash: how big of a deployment
02:25.09prakashand that we will not have support if case of unknown problems.
02:25.25prakashwe have 120 employees in the company.
02:25.38superbeefhow many branches
02:25.48prakashabout 40 of them in sales
02:25.58superbeef40 branches,or extensions
02:26.09prakashwe have 2 branches. 1 in CA and another in Idaho
02:26.45superbeeftotally asteriskable
02:27.26prakashthank you
02:27.29superbeefnot exactly what you're looking for, but a start
02:32.42*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
02:33.57prakashit will enough if I can get digium's customers. I will try calling them tomorrow.
02:34.08prakashthanks for your help
02:34.15superbeefnp good luck
02:40.28*** join/#asterisk frek818 (
03:00.33*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (n=digitali@shellium/member/digitalirony)
03:01.15digitalironyLooking for some info on how to convert time into unixtime, but inside of asterisk
03:02.51p3nguin${STRFTIME(${EPOCH}||%Y%m%d-%:%M:%S)}  gives me the current time, so I imagine you can play with that and get regular unix time.
03:03.46p3nguinI also use the "talking clock" by using this command  SayUnixTime(||ABdY \'digits/at\' IMp)
03:03.53digitalironywell, the time that needs to be played isn't always going to be the current time
03:04.02digitalironyYeah, thats what I am using
03:04.12p3nguinWhat time are you wanting to play?
03:04.22*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:04.32p3nguinIs there always going to be the same offset?
03:04.41digitalironyWell, basically call up 'clients' and tell them their appointment is at <time>
03:05.15digitalironyWhere ASTTIME will hold a date and time like this "2009-09-18 18:5"
03:09.56*** join/#asterisk tipsc (
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03:15.25digitalironywhat about the $SHELL
03:18.36*** join/#asterisk Shinsaku (
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03:19.10jblackSo, I have this new android phone, which means t-mobile, which means fav-5.
03:19.36jblackHqas anybody come up with an interesting way to take advantage of that?
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03:58.30*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
03:58.30KobazOctothorpe: #
03:58.30jayteehis friends just call him pound
03:58.31drmessanohas angered a Ubuntu
03:58.31jayteeoh noes!
03:58.31superbeefit can do that on occasion
03:58.32drmessanoI'm trying out 9.10 LTS.. My wife wants to make the switch
03:58.32drmessanoOH NOES
03:58.32drmessanoSomething about read errors and squashing an FS
03:58.34ian6... your wife is trying to convert you to linux?
03:58.34ian6how does it feel to have her wearing the pants.
03:58.35carrarno shit
03:58.36drmessanoMy wife is sick of Windows.. she wants a MAC, but has been happy with her Ubuntu trial
03:59.45drmessanoActually, she is sick of all the "greyware" going around
03:59.46jayteegive her Ubuntu with Compiz fully enabled and install Avant Window Navigator so she has a dockbar like the Mac. Then go to and download the MacOSX icon set.
03:59.58jayteeproblem solved
04:00.18carraror just install OSX on your PC
04:00.23drmessanoShe actually likes the orange Ubuntuness better
04:00.37drmessanoI wont have OSX under my roof
04:00.44carrartoo bad
04:00.45carrarit's nice
04:00.55drmessanoNot impressed
04:01.18drmessanoIts fluffy *nix.. Can do that by picking something with a penguin on it too
04:01.23carrarit's a desktop
04:02.06drmessanoI know what it is
04:02.44drmessanoDamnit, i think I just burned a coaster
04:05.35drmessanoI was running Centos 5.3 on my laptop.. and what I expected to happen just did.. I havent used my laptop in a month, ran an update, and the atheros card isn't working.  I can't remember the hacky thing I needed to remember when getting a new kernel
04:05.47drmessanoSAD FACE.. AKA Installing something else
04:21.33*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
04:26.21*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
04:29.04kimo_sabehey, is anyone on a digial line willing to do me a favor? I've getting some clicks and I'd like to get recorded to shove at the telco
04:30.17superbeefyou just need some hold music or something?
04:30.35kimo_sabepreferably just silence
04:30.55superbeefhow long
04:31.01kimo_sabeand a recording of the "silence" I'll be sending afterwards.
04:31.26kimo_sabea few minutes would be plenty.
04:31.43kimo_sabeThe clicks are on the remote side so I can't record it myself
04:32.26superbeefsorry short on tricks for that
04:34.22kimo_sabejust Record(/tmp/tw,ulaw,,300) off a T1 is all I'm after
04:35.07superbeefcan i do the dial and the record command from the CLI
04:38.51superbeefkimo_sabe: my brain started working
04:38.54superbeefgive me the #
04:40.09kimo_sabeI'm setting up a record on my side too, lemmi make sure I have this DID working
04:44.57kimo_sabesuperbeef: 520-618-5423
04:45.21kimo_sabesuperbeef: that did will drop right into Record for 300s then die.
04:46.35superbeefk dialed
04:47.05superbeefyup static
04:47.09*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
04:54.27kimo_sabebah, it overrote that recording on me
04:54.41*** join/#asterisk lucasb (n=bussey@
04:54.46kimo_sabecan I get you to email me that recording?
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04:55.45superbeefyeah 1 sec
04:56.42*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-us/x-ungugetrwvkejrpw)
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05:09.47kimo_sabesuperbeef: got it, thanks
05:10.55Get_The_Fishso, perhaps this is a stupid question, but when I use the originate AMI command, the callerid that I specify in the command is the one that shows on the phone's display on the first leg of the call, the "internal" phone... any way to change that, or am I doing something wrong here?
05:11.15*** join/#asterisk bimbo (n=oso@
05:14.59bimbohello, yesterday I was testing asterisk over the internet, this is more related to SIP than to asterisk but the other end was able to hear me while I wasn't, I'm not sure if the other end had a firewall or not (I had mine disabled), we had to use a STUN server and it worked only sometimes, anybody has an idea why this happened?
05:15.31infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:17.18*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
05:28.23Get_The_Fishnot trying to spam the channel, but when I use the originate AMI command, the callerid that I specify in the command is the one that shows on the phone's display on the first leg of the call, the "internal" phone... any way to change that, or am I doing something wrong here?
05:35.29*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
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06:33.11kaldemarGet_The_Fish: how do you want it to work? that's what the definition is for.
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06:39.43Get_The_Fishkaldemar, I found some forum posts that shed some light into this some more. Apparently I am not the only one that has had this question/issue, and the answer is thats just the way it is
06:42.12Get_The_Fishthese two posters are explaining what I was asking better than I have, and it's been tabled already at least once by digium
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07:39.34ChannelZwanders off to bed
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08:43.09*** join/#asterisk MWE (
08:43.12MWEhi there :)
08:44.01MWEIs it possible to track the channel which a call file will use or uses ?
08:50.39kaldemarwhat do you mean by tracking?
08:50.50MWEknow which channel that it will use
08:51.45MWEor how yuo can stop a call file ringing the destination
08:51.58kaldemaryou define the channel in the call file
08:52.22MWEthatś an dial SIP/phonenumber@dtmf
08:52.34kaldemarand you can hang up a channel with soft hangup
08:52.36MWEso how should I know which channel?
08:52.55MWEI start an application with the call file when the destination picks up..
08:53.58kaldemar"core show channels concise" shows you all channels with the identifiers.
08:56.25*** part/#asterisk digitalirony (n=digitali@shellium/member/digitalirony)
08:57.52MWEand is it possible to "kill" the channel by identifiers
08:57.59*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
08:59.06kaldemaras i said a few lines up, soft hangup
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09:21.02freckleAny idea why Set(Auth=${SIP_HEADER(Authorization)}) would not work on a REFER even though Authorization header exists, this works fine on INVITES just not on REFER
09:23.32*** join/#asterisk yang (n=yang@freenode/sponsor/cacert.assurer.yang)
09:23.32xrmx__when i am already on call on a polycom ip650 and i get another call the first one is silenced, do you know how to avoid that?
09:23.52yangArgh, I have received Polycom phone package without a power supply ...
09:24.23xrmx__yang, you bought a poe only package probably :)
09:25.16yangxrmx__: yes, its a PoE version and power version also (combined)
09:25.30yangi wonder if any of the network cards can produce PoE ?
09:25.36yangPCI cards
09:25.53xrmx__yang, i don't think so
09:28.17yangthat is probably the reason why this phone was discounted
09:28.37xrmx__yang, which one?
09:28.38yangIt might work on universal adapter, I just need to find out what voltage it uses
09:28.45yangPolycom IP 321
09:30.19yangwell the auction actually sas "without power outlet" but I saw it only now
09:30.46xrmx__yang, polycom 32x are annyoing without the second ethernet port
09:30.52yangthe PoE devices are usually quite expenssive , I think
09:31.28yangthe switches I mean
09:42.07*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:02.21smtxyang: quality is always not cheap
10:03.11*** join/#asterisk bio-tty (n=nobody@
10:05.02bio-ttyin * v1.6.1.6 i bridge two sip legs with dial and have supportvideo yes, and both peers registered have h263 and alaw only.  * goes out with only an audio media line to the callee.  why?  whats new?  must i do a special dial?
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10:29.45ast-thecodeAnyone of you can suggest a (free or commercial) T38 gateway for Asterisk that WORK??
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11:57.24ast-thecodeAnyone of you can suggest a (free or commercial) T38 gateway for Asterisk that WORK??
12:01.02tamielast-thecode: callweaver probably meet your needs
12:01.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:02.01bio-ttyin * v1.6.1.6 i bridge two sip legs with dial and have supportvideo yes, and both peers registered have h263 and alaw only.  * goes out with only an audio media line to the callee.  why?  whats new?  must i do a special dial?
12:03.25[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: I'm pretty sure Bridge does not cause any kind of reinvite but rather takes the audio from each sid and jsut passes them, transcoding where it must.
12:03.31[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: Therefor not supported
12:05.58bio-ttyi mean, i use Dial (to do the bridge.  didnt know about the bridge app(
12:07.14bio-ttycombined - 0x8000c (ulaw|alaw|h263) is recognised for caller, but the response has audio only from *
12:07.35bio-ttyaudio and video is understood (core debug)
12:10.03[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: Do you also have "videosupport=yes" under [general] ?
12:10.33bio-ttywhen Dial is done, the channels i have are of type "0x80004, Rx: ACK" and "0x80004 Tx: BYE".  so they are noted as ulaw+h263 and we said bye bye to one of them.
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12:10.54bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: i have videsupport=yes under [general] _and_ under each peer
12:11.12bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: they are dynamic and both registered recognised as those peers
12:12.33[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: Pastebin a complete call from beginning to end including your sip.conf
12:12.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
12:12.58bio-ttyi can see that the video media-line has been chopped off when * sends out the initial INVITE to the callee.  * understands video but sends only this
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12:17.19[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: LINK please...
12:18.21ast-thecodeAnyone of you can suggest a (free or commercial) T38 gateway for Asterisk that WORK??
12:19.44MEW`meetinghi there, when I create a call file with as Channel: SIP/<phonenumber>@dtmfsay what should be the command that the softhangup will kill that call? just "softhang up phonenumbers@dtmfsay"?
12:21.18[TK]D-FenderMEW`meeting: No, go look at the channel name while its up
12:21.50bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: you see from the trace its pretty weird hmm?
12:22.09[TK]D-FenderMEW`meeting: it will look like "SIP/dtmfsay-ABCD" where ABCD is a 4 hex digit suffix added for uniqueness
12:23.58[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: #368 : NO video
12:24.00MEW`meetingwhen I'm on a script that's created the call file how can I know in the script which channel it is used for that made callfile
12:24.10[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: and you did not specify your codecs clearly in each peer
12:24.40[TK]D-FenderMEW`meeting: What "script"?
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12:25.26[TK]D-FenderMEW`meeting: You won't know unless you track the new channel coming up and ID it with a value you set in the call file
12:25.54bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: ofcourse theres no video at #368 -- * didnt offer any
12:26.14MEW`meetingis there a special command for that new channel monitoring?
12:26.27bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: i didnt see any sample config documenting how video codecs are specified
12:26.31kaldemarMEW`meeting: as i told earlier, you get the whole channel name with "core show channels concise"
12:26.37[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: And you did not specify the codecs in your peers
12:26.49[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: "allow=h263" <- this is basic stuff.
12:27.08bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: as i dont do _any_ disallow=all i thought * is open for all
12:27.21MEW`meeting[TK]D-Fender,  thnx kaldemar  thnx, your solutions will be something for monday :)
12:27.28[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: don't think when you can do.
12:28.07bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: so i just uncomment my three nice lines in each peer then?
12:28.29[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: "disallow=all" the "allow=" for each codec you specifically want
12:28.31robl^laptop[TK]D-Fender: true!  thinking is just a useless past time ;-)
12:29.00[TK]D-Fenderrobl^laptop: Yes, any signs of thought from you are definitely in the distant past ;)
12:29.08bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: did it and sip reload.  same result
12:29.40[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: And I don't see your new configs and debug.  Also please permanently strip all commented out lines from your sip.conf
12:29.58bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: okay
12:35.02bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: seems to me that dial is stripping away the channel where it had the h263
12:35.47creativxhas anyone seen usb headsets with exterior noise cancellation?
12:35.53bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: s/channel/medialine/
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12:47.54bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: maybe its just because parse_session_expires fails?
12:50.34bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: or related to the warning from process_sdp?
12:51.09[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: I don't see the video on the invite to "C"
12:51.25bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: and the problem is why * does not send that out
12:51.40bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: as it understood audio+video from the incoming leg
12:51.56[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: yes the incoming looks fine.. its the outgoing.
12:52.13bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: is there even more logging i can turn on?
12:52.55[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: nothing I'm aware of... SIP is what's responsible here and I don't see the codec being added...
12:53.42bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: and the follow-up result is that the two channels cant be bridged as their number of medialines differ i guess.
12:53.46[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: maybe restart * in case one change wasn't applied...
12:54.06[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: If that doesn't do it I'm not sure where this would ahve gone wrong... certainly doesn't look like your configs
12:54.28bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: no, not any longer
12:54.43bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: i will dig into this anyway.  thanks for the help so far
12:55.15[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: You may want to give 1.6.0 branch a try just in case there is a newer bug introduced on this
12:56.37bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: it seems that there are bugs in the latest 1.4 and 1.6 -- on latest stable 1.4 the * crashed when i sent it the usual BYE
12:59.23bio-ttyand * 1.6.1 isnt able to parse "Session-Expires: 500; refresher=uas" -- is that a legitimate behaviour?
12:59.25[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: OK well keep at it... it may be worth it to open a ticket on this
12:59.55[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: I'm not a true SIP expert and can't confirm all of those headers like that one.
13:00.07bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: i see that * itself has no blank after the ";" -- im not quite shure on the standard here
13:00.53bio-ttydownloads 1.6.0
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13:04.44hescoI'm using a GT-486 on my desk and am curious to know how to make call-waiting and three-way calling work.  Any guidance to be found here?
13:05.22[TK]D-Fenderhesco: Considered reading its manual?
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13:06.02hescoyes, of course I have
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13:08.21[TK]D-Fenderhesco: Odds are it works the same as common analog with Flash for call waiting, and the same kind of normal procedure to do 3-way.
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13:11.07hescowith the flash button I have been able either to disconnect from the current call or to simply interrupt, but not change from the current call, but I've never been able to balance between the two calls.
13:11.40hescoI'm thinking there is some combination of configuration options I don't yet understand how to set
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13:13.32[TK]D-Fenderhesco: 3-way = on call.  Flash.  Place 2nd call.  Get answered. Talk.  Press Flash.  Now in 3-way
13:14.56Baylink2hesco: you're trying to *alternate* instead of ending up in a conference?
13:15.25hescothank you, yes, I've been using the feature for over twenty years now.  just have not been able to manage with the HT-486
13:15.26bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: i got the exact same thing with * v1.6.0.15
13:15.49[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: I'd say put ti all up on the tracker...
13:16.37hescoI've tried to wind up on a conference call, but the phone would not cooperate.  call-waiting same way.  No use of flash switch seems to work as expected.
13:17.52ManxPower-workhesco: All those functions are totally done by the phone, not Asterisk.  The only thing that might impact this is any call-limit/calllimit settings in sip.conf.  If you are limiting the device to 1 call then you can't do things like three-way calls.
13:18.28[TK]D-Fenderhesco: Or the features need to be enabled in thier config somewhere
13:19.42hescoyes, I'm again reviewing the settings in the web-accessible administrative interface and cannot imagine how this thing is misconfigured.
13:20.03hescomy iax provider is configured to permit multiple simultaneous calls.
13:20.24Kattyhas breakfast!
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13:26.23Baylink2How the analog interface reacts to a switchhook flash and translates that into commands is pretty much entirely the province of the processor and code directly attached to that analog interface (IE: the ATA)
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13:28.52Katty <- Fun!
13:29.13slowhandtzafrir_laptop: after update dahdi-linux with the svn now, asterisk run.
13:30.09bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: the reason for the broken bridging was the Session-Expires header-field.  ad-hoc fix was to set session-timers=refuse (it does however not refuse as is said in the comment of chan_sip.c)
13:30.48bio-tty[TK]D-Fender: so now its bridged, but the video line gets zero-ported by asterisk
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13:32.06[TK]D-Fenderbio-tty: Sounds like you've got some real ticket-worthy #'s there
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13:39.43ArcopixHey guys, if I'm making a call via the Asterisk Manager API, how can I get the CallerID presentation to prohibited?
13:40.46[TK]D-FenderArcopix: "core show application setcallerpres"
13:42.31ArcopixNah... Thanks [TK]D-Fender , but that aint gonna work... Via the Asterisk Management API I'm putting the call to channel like SIP/sipcarrier/num, so I'm not executing any dialplan before the channel is up
13:42.45[TK]D-FenderArcopix: then change that
13:42.46ArcopixSo as you may see the setcallerpres is not gonna work for me
13:42.59ArcopixThat's is not quite possible
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13:43.06[TK]D-FenderArcopix: it is entirely possible
13:43.29[TK]D-FenderArcopix: You aren't choosing the right channel type.
13:43.39ArcopixSo you are proposing me to change it to Local/exten@context, so I could execute dialplan
13:43.50ArcopixAlready tried that, though there is a small problem
13:43.52[TK]D-FenderArcopix: WOW... on the first try no less...
13:44.21Arcopixa2billing looks for channels with names Local-.... which does not exist after the call was bridged ...
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13:44.51[TK]D-FenderArcopix: So basically your problem is that a2billing is retarded.... you have our most heart-felt sympathies
13:45.01ZeeekAstricon minus 4
13:45.13ArcopixI hate that shit, though my customer wants it...
13:45.20ArcopixWhat could I do?
13:45.22kaldemarstab it!
13:45.28[TK]D-FenderArcopix: And you can force the Local channel not to beidge back it you specified the "/n" at the end
13:45.48[TK]D-FenderArcopix: Local/exte@context/n
13:46.07ArcopixThat could do the trick... Thanks, I'll test it out
13:46.09Zeeekanyone here going to Astricon? Speak up! I have gifts for you
13:46.43[TK]D-FenderArcopix: multiple other options such as having * call itself via a peer and having that do the out-call
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13:51.30iksikwhat is wrong when that kind of error occures: Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/kantczak-15b8a148' status is 'UNKNOWN'  ?
13:52.26[TK]D-Fenderikthat isn't an error.  You ran out of dialplan to execute
13:52.30[TK]D-Fenderiksik: that isn't an error.  You ran out of dialplan to execute
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13:54.17iksikthis one is weird to:     -- Executing Ringing("SIP/kantczak-15b8bb98", "")
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13:54.53iksikthis sip trunk is configured exactly like another (working) one... but from other operator
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13:56.07superbeefI'm smashing my face here....   I don't understand why I'm getting timed out trying to write, bad file descriptor: see bottom of
13:56.33[TK]D-Fenderiksik: And you're showing nothing
13:56.40superbeefI've gotta get this thing working enough to turn up a PRI to ship out by noon lol
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13:58.28[TK]D-Fendersuperbeef: Well you're in FreePBX-Land and for all I know that AMI request is bad, etc...
13:58.51[TK]D-Fendersuperbeef: there is nothing telling in that error and no details to go along-with
13:59.07superbeef[TK]D-Fender: yeah i know... i'm trying to figure out how to get more info
13:59.30superbeef[TK]D-Fender: driving me nuts i did a build just like this a week ago
13:59.40superbeef[TK]D-Fender: and this nonsense didnt happen
13:59.43[TK]D-Fendersuperbeef: Well its jsut a warning so no crash-logs, etc
14:01.12superbeef[TK]D-Fender: hmmm its enough to keep freepbx from working
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14:12.41craig-tnew to asterisk, just confused about something. a call centre with ten agents, would they need 10 physical lines plugged into their asterisk box?
14:13.07jdeonly if they are using traditional phones
14:13.21[TK]D-Fendercraig-t: No.  You can have as many lines as you want and as many phones as you want of whatever type you want
14:13.44jdeand that.
14:14.13craig-tok, so would i be able to have 10 simultaneous calls over one analogue line?
14:14.25[TK]D-Fendercraig-t: Of course not
14:14.28ManxPower-workcraig-t: You need as many lines as you need simultaneous calls
14:14.48ManxPower-workBut the number of extensions seldom has anything to do with how many simultaneous calls you need to support.
14:14.53[TK]D-Fendercraig-t: An analog line is jsut as dumb with 8 as with you plugging a $10 phone from walmart into it
14:15.02iksikhuh, got it - almost
14:15.28iksikHe is looking for my cellphone CID not target ID :|
14:15.31jdecraig-t, what kind of phones are the agents using
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14:17.30ManxPower-workwith the need for 10 calls, I'd look into PRI instead of analog
14:17.49jdeyeah, at least for the trunk
14:17.55iksikhm, i'm calling from 666 to 111, and asterisk is trying to find 666 ... not 111 :|
14:17.56iksikwhy ?
14:18.07jdebut if your agents are using analog phones you're going to need an FXS card with at least 10 ports on it
14:18.20jdeor just get a modular one
14:18.27[TK]D-Fenderiksik: You aren't showing us anything.
14:18.37[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Why bother asking when you don't?
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14:22.31iksik[TK]D-Fender, You don't tell me, what do You want to see...
14:22.46iksikdidn't tell me? :|
14:23.16[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Do i see your dialplan and the call?  No.  Seriously, how would you not know what to show?  "Hi my dialplan isn't working right, why?".  SHOW US
14:23.58Naikrovekshow us the dialplan
14:24.02iksik[TK]D-Fender, cause there is no dialplan? there is only: Log ( DEBUG, Call from ${CALLERID(all)} to ${EXTEN} )
14:24.05iksikbut huh, I remember that
14:24.17iksikYou don't like to wasting your time... but You're doing it all the time
14:24.35ManxPower-workiksik: You can't process calls without a dialplan.  Pastebin the CLI output if a failed call.
14:24.46iksikI just did it above
14:24.54Naikrovekiksik: that's not the entire dialplan
14:25.01Naikrovekiksik: if it is, that's your problem
14:25.17[TK]D-Fender[10:17]<iksik>hm, i'm calling from 666 to 111, and asterisk is trying to find 666 ... not 111 :| <- this is a call.  Why aren't you showing su the CALL?
14:25.33[TK]D-Fenderiksik: And call processing = dialplan.  So how is this NOT a dialplan problem?
14:26.06iksik[TK]D-Fender, "<iksik> hm, i'm calling from 666 to 111" was the effect of simple one line DIAL and watching the logfile of database
14:26.09kaldemari smell a gui
14:26.19Naikrovekkaldemar: that was my thought as well
14:26.28ManxPower-workiksik: edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf uncomment the line that says console, connect to Asterisk as "asterisk -rvvv" and try a call, pastebin the output.
14:26.41[TK]D-Fenderiksik: This :  [10:17]<iksik>hm, i'm calling from 666 to 111, and asterisk is trying to find 666 ... not 111 :|
14:26.43[TK]D-Fenderhas nothing to do with : [10:23]<iksik>[TK]D-Fender, cause there is no dialplan? there is only: Log ( DEBUG, Call from ${CALLERID(all)} to ${EXTEN} )
14:26.55iksikomg... STOP WASTING YOUR TIME dude
14:27.21Naikrovekhe's not wasting his time, you're wasting yours by not showing us what we need to see to fix your problem
14:27.22[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Who says * is loking for 666?  youa ren't showing anything
14:27.28iksikI was changing it about 20 times while You was wasting your (and mine now to) time
14:28.01[TK]D-Fenderiksik: yes, and you didn't tell us about the changes.  didn't show us the earlier version, didn't show us your now current version.
14:28.18kaldemariksik: if you don't want to be helped properly, please don't bother to ask.
14:28.19Naikrovekand we still haven't seen the actual problem either
14:28.21[TK]D-FenderikYou have done absolutely nothing to help anyone help you.
14:29.10ManxPower-workiksik: It's easy to annoy [TK]D-Fender, but when you have others that think you're an idiot, maybe [TK]D-Fender isn't so off the mark.
14:29.31shido6popcorn's done..
14:29.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Actually... how often am I ever off the mark even with repeated opposition? ;)
14:29.51[TK]D-Fendershido6: Sit back and enjoy the show!
14:30.06ManxPower-workOver the years many people on this channel have come up with good, tried and true troubleshooting methods.  One of the most important of those methods is pastebin'ing the CLI output of a failed call.
14:30.09SuPrSluGwill somebody quit ringin that bell i can't concentrate
14:30.32[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding! DING! ding!
14:30.50superbeefdoes asterisk have an alergy to 0 byte config files?
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14:31.26ZeeekVoIP Users Conference : Today is Friday! Join the conference in 90 minutes at and get on #voip-users-conference - oh and don't forget, this is International Annoy [TK]D-Fender Day. Get out there and do your part!
14:31.40ManxPower-workiksik: you have something seriously screwed up.  extension 1 is matching your call, not extension 666
14:31.43[TK]D-Fenderiksik: This is not a valid extension, and clearly you are executing the "s" exten.
14:31.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: his formatting he's showing isn't legal
14:32.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Makes "s" look like a priority which it isn't
14:32.11ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I see that now.  It is impossible for the line to generate that log message.
14:32.16iksikManxPower-work, as I said, I made about 20 changes from the time I was asking here first time
14:32.28iksiknow it looks like this
14:32.36[TK]D-Fenderiksik: So your exten is "s".  i see nothing wrong with that.
14:32.51SuPrSluGI wouldn't even know where to begin. maybe FUBAR
14:33.23ManxPower-workiksik: exactly what is the problem?
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14:34.20iksikManxPower-work, exactly that what You see.... This "S" thing... There should be ID of my peer extension, right?
14:34.21ManxPower-workWhat *I* see is a call came in from your SIP account "kantczak" without a destination extension sent by your carrier, because of that the call matches exten => s,1,Log.
14:34.50ManxPower-workiksik: it would be the destination your carrier is sending or "s" if your carrier does not send a destination extensions.
14:35.05kaldemarthere's only 1,s but no s,1 :)
14:35.10[TK]D-FenderikNo, ${EXTEN} is the EXtensioN you are in in the dialplan, not a DEVICE
14:35.20ManxPower-workkaldemar: it's obvious he did not paste his exten line
14:35.22[TK]D-Fenderiksik: this is dialplan 101
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14:36.02ManxPower-workkaldemar: he just tried to (wrongly) retype it, wasting our time.
14:36.03kaldemarManxPower-work: really?
14:36.15iksikManxPower-work, cause there is no "line"... it's from database...
14:36.16kaldemarManxPower-work: i wan't being too serious there.
14:36.19ManxPower-workkaldemar: yeah.  extension lines begin with exten =>  noe with "1"
14:36.38[TK]D-Fenderiksik: well you are in EXTEnSION "s" in the dialplan this has nothing to do witht he SIP device that si placing the call.
14:36.56[TK]D-Fenderiksik: You don't seem to understand the nature of the most important variable in Asterisk
14:36.59*** join/#asterisk Chesther (
14:37.11ManxPower-workiksik: Have you read thru the Asterisk Book?
14:37.21infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
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14:38.04iksik[TK]D-Fender, and this is Your problem ;-) You write about something, and You are sure, that You know the best.... But no... I've got 2 SIP trunks setup and they works perfectly... this one is configured in EXACTLY the same way, and it doesn't work... You know an answer? No? Mabe send You some logs from my operator?
14:38.09ManxPower-workThe Asterisk Book is not perfect, but it will help you learn the basics.
14:38.13*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
14:38.26ManxPower-workiksik: I already gave you the answer.
14:38.40[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Yes, I DO know the ansewr, and ManxPower told you it to your face already
14:38.50iksikManxPower-work, I know, thank You... Now i'm answering to [TK]D-Fender...
14:39.00ManxPower-worktwice, actually.
14:39.07[TK]D-Fender[10:34]<ManxPower-work>What *I* see is a call came in from your SIP account "kantczak" without a destination extension sent by your carrier, because of that the call matches exten => s,1,Log.
14:39.29iksik[TK]D-Fender, lol ;-) with nothing more information that I paste it here at start of this useless conversation... what is conclusion ?
14:39.37[TK]D-Fenderiksik: 1,s,LOG(DEBUG, Call from: ${EXTEN} / ${CALLERID(all)} <- ${EXTEN} = "s"
14:40.21*** join/#asterisk korcan (
14:40.23iksikexten = s, right
14:41.18ManxPower-workiksik: do you understand what extension "s" is?
14:41.30[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: that isn't event he bigger issue
14:41.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: he doesn't understand waht ${EXTEN} holds.
14:41.58Zeeekdifferent things for different people
14:41.58ManxPower-workone thing at a time
14:42.10iksik[TK]D-Fender, there IS a little difference... between: what ${EXTEN} SHOULD HOLDS, and what ${EXTEN} holds right now
14:42.14ManxPower-workMost n00bs don't understand "s"
14:42.17iksikdo You see it?
14:42.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: "s" is nowhere near as relevant as far as literal name is concerned
14:42.36[TK]D-Fenderiksik: WRONG
14:42.40iksiksure ;-)
14:43.08[TK]D-Fenderiksik: EXTEN => s,1,LOG() <- Exten is "s" becuase thats the EXTEnsION you're on
14:43.13ManxPower-workiksik: so you understand that the reason the call is not matching what you want it to match is because your carrier is NOT SENDING THE NUMBER?
14:43.20[TK]D-Fenderiksik: that is not a NUMEBR
14:43.25iksikomg :S
14:43.25[TK]D-Fenderiksik: that is not a SIP PEER NAMENUMEBR
14:43.38iksikok, You know better huh? ;-)
14:43.41iksikthen explain
14:43.48iksikI've removed that line with s,...
14:43.51ManxPower-workNow if you want to know WHY the carrier is not sending the number...well I'd ask your carrier.
14:43.59iksikthen from where is that : [Oct  9 18:28:01] NOTICE[5143]: chan_sip.c:18523 handle_request_invite: Call from 'kantczak' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found.
14:44.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: No, we know why they're sending "s" :)
14:44.07iksikThere is NO 's'
14:44.20[TK]D-Fenderiksik: and?
14:44.20ManxPower-workiksik: That is exactly what should happen if you remove that line.
14:44.36[TK]D-Fenderiksik: because they are looking for "s".  And you don't even know why
14:45.06ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: can't we just wish him the best of luck and move on?
14:45.30*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
14:45.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: this equine is far from tenderized ;)
14:45.42ManxPower-workiksik: I wish you the best of luck in getting this fixed.
14:45.56[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Perhaps you should also learn how REGiSTER works
14:46.09[TK]D-Fenderiksik: because THAT is why the call is going to "s".
14:46.18iksikno way
14:46.22[TK]D-Fenderiksik: YES
14:46.31*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
14:47.47bio-ttydial seem to have an issue with video medialines
14:48.06bio-ttywasnt so before.
14:48.19bio-ttyonly in the latest * versions
14:48.24iksikDo You understand, that I'm trying a WORKING configuration with other operators? With this one it doesn't works and it seems that general problem is that I've receive replaced CALLE ID with CALLER ID?
14:49.26[TK]D-Fenderiksik: ${EXTEN} holds "s" because thats the exten in the dialplan that is processing.  You don't seem to understand that about this variable.  its content CHANGES.
14:49.42[TK]D-Fenderiksik: AND you don't seem to have read the instructions that explains WHY that call landed on "s" in the first place.
14:49.51iksikthere is no ${EXTEN} either ;>
14:49.57*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
14:50.09[TK]D-Fender[10:39]<[TK]D-Fender>iksik: 1,s,LOG(DEBUG, Call from: ${EXTEN} / ${CALLERID(all)} <- ${EXTEN} = "s"
14:50.19iksik<iksik> I've removed that line with s,
14:50.25[TK]D-Fenderiksik: so?
14:50.29iksikso ?
14:50.36[TK]D-Fenderiksik: You expected it to hold something it never should
14:50.38iksikthere is no ${EXTEN}
14:51.04[TK]D-Fenderiksik: And I told you what is causing the call to look for "s"
14:51.08iksik[TK]D-Fender I exptect that when I'm calling from 111 to 222, asterisk receive that 222 is called, not 111
14:51.21[TK]D-Fenderiksik: where do we see this call?
14:52.40iksikthere is only that what I've paste here
14:53.18[TK]D-Fenderiksik: then get an actual call to show because what you've shown makes no reference to 111 or 222
14:53.26[TK]D-Fenderiksik: one-liners like that are worthless
14:53.55[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Pastebin an entire call.
14:54.20iksikthis is entire call
14:54.53iksikand when this call was happend, asterisk was trying to find my cellphone number in database... but it should'nt
14:55.39[TK]D-Fenderiksik: there are no #'s in that at all
14:55.55[TK]D-FenderikAnd no, it si not looking for a number in a database
14:55.56iksikhm? :|
14:56.06[TK]D-Fenderiksik: We see * looking for the "s" exten for the call to land on
14:56.15iksiklol ;-)
14:56.26[TK]D-Fenderiksik: And it does find it, and spits out 1 log entry
14:56.48[TK]D-Fenderiksik: So you are processing the call and making 1 log enttry and not doing anything more.
14:56.49*** join/#asterisk denon (
14:56.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
14:57.04iksik[TK]D-Fender... no ;>
14:57.13[TK]D-Fenderiksik: YES.  We sii it in the debug
14:57.26iksikYou don't ;-)
14:57.32[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Call lands on s,1, LOG() and then HANGS UP because there are no more priorities to execute
14:57.48[TK]D-Fender-- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/kantczak-15b98a70' status is 'UNKNOWN' <--- ran out of more stuff to do
14:58.26iksikand SELECT * FROM extensions WHERE 'name' = 'MYCELLPHONENUMBER'
14:58.33*** join/#asterisk grey-monkey (
14:58.53[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Youa ren't showing the entire call.
14:59.48iksikthere is nothing more
14:59.49[TK]D-Fender[10:58]<iksik>and SELECT * FROM extensions WHERE 'name' = 'MYCELLPHONENUMBER' <- apparently there is
14:59.49[TK]D-Fenderiksik: we can see what * is executing.
14:59.49*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:00.03*** join/#asterisk _bradk (n=brad@unaffiliated/-bradk/x-9249860)
15:00.14[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Its still landing on "s", Executing that log command and then hanging up because there is nothing more to do.
15:00.27iksik[TK]D-Fender, don't be rude... I was saying You about that ... ;>
15:00.38iksikI don't see any reason why You don' belive, what I said ;>
15:00.51*** join/#asterisk ekacnet (
15:00.52[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Your pastebin shows us what is going on.
15:00.55*** join/#asterisk dandre (
15:01.21[TK]D-Fenderiksik: And I've repeated it twice now
15:01.34*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
15:01.44iksikok, then first and second configurations, are working with a little help of MAGIC
15:01.50iksikand this one don't want to
15:01.52iksikright? ;-)
15:01.58ekacnetthe function devstate is only accurate when the tested the device is called and not calling
15:02.28ekacnetie if sip/100 is calling devstate(sip/100) will return not in_use
15:02.33[TK]D-Fenderiksik: depends how you define "working".  I see it entering the dialplan, making 1 log entry and hanging up.  is that what you want?
15:03.15[TK]D-Fenderekacnet: pastebin your sip peer entry
15:03.18infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:03.37ekacnetat the opposite if sip/100 is called by sip/101 then devstate(sip/101) will either return "INUSE" or "RINGING"
15:04.23Baylink2Hey, D-fender: why dont we change that IB entry to mention ""?  They provide "customized" ones; no sense not using it.
15:04.32iksik[TK]D-Fender... it works, cause it gets CALLEE ID and CALLER ID in proper places... this one doesn't
15:05.23[TK]D-Fenderiksik: Callee (${EXTEN}) lands on "s" because of your REGISTER statement.  And the callerID is already proper.
15:05.52[TK]D-Fendereppigy: YOU ARE DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15:06.02iksikmy register statement looks exactly the same like others ;<
15:06.05Baylink2Isn't there already a bot that does that?  ;-)
15:06.09eppigy[TK]D-Fender: CORRECT
15:06.25[TK]D-Fenderiksik: No, it doesn't.
15:06.42[TK]D-Fenderiksik: There is only 1 reason for the call to land on "s" the way it is
15:06.50[TK]D-Fenderiksik: and the documentation tells you this
15:06.57[TK]D-Fenderiksik: and I even linked you to it.
15:07.37[TK]D-Fenderiksik: And then having that lack of understanding componded with the complete lack of understanding on how ${EXTEN} works is even worse
15:08.01[TK]D-Fender[11:03]<[TK]D-Fender>ekacnet: pastebin your sip peer entry <---------
15:09.01iksik[TK]D-Fender, I admire you for your love to your own overvalued knowledge ;-)
15:09.22iksikcause these thing.... just come up from Your head ;-)
15:09.29iksikblah things*
15:09.46[TK]D-Fenderiksik: No apparently undestanding how ${EXTEN} works is of GREAT value when using ASTERISK
15:11.04ekacnet[TK]D-Fender: you mean sip.conf entrires ?
15:11.11[TK]D-Fenderiksik: you have shown sever problems in learning *, providing backup, and taking advice when given.
15:11.15[TK]D-Fenderekacnet: Yes
15:11.33iksik[TK]D-Fender, right... ;-)
15:12.43iksik[TK]D-Fender.. lol "providing backup" You are the best ;-)
15:13.07iksik...fairy ;-)
15:14.29*** join/#asterisk maour (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
15:14.44[TK]D-Fenderekacnet: "type=peer", "call-limit=99"
15:15.02[TK]D-Fenderiksik: "fairy" huh?  You really want to go there?
15:16.32ekacnet[TK]D-Fender: sorry ?
15:16.53[TK]D-Fenderekacnet: make those changes and test
15:19.08*** join/#asterisk ska (
15:23.20voipmonkchokes on a kernel
15:23.46voipmonkmumbles something to a friend, "...yeah he said fairy."
15:24.35ekacnet[TK]D-Fender: no success still the same
15:24.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (n=EWieling@
15:25.51[TK]D-Fenderekacnet: please PB your new sip.conf & dialplan, CLI output of the call with "core show channels" and "core show hints"
15:27.29*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:33.23*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:35.33superbeefso i think my idiot error problem was because i made a seperate partition for /tmp and my permissions were 755 lol
15:37.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:38.59*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
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15:41.59*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:42.27Kattyhugs seanmh
15:42.50seanmhoh.. what were you waiting for? 1.6 support?
15:43.40Kattywell, really. i was waiting for 5pm.
15:44.02Kattymaybe my monday dr appt so i can find out why my ears are ringing.
15:44.16Kattybut 1.6 support would be a good thing to know about.
15:44.34seanmhwe have it
15:44.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: Lower the gain and point the mic farther away ;)
15:44.49seanmhcan you e-mail and I'll get you links
15:45.54*** join/#asterisk errotan (
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15:46.27Kattynoogies [TK]D-Fender
15:47.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: i've already spent an hour on the phone with 4 different offices getting all of my lab work, test results, and so forth together for my new GP
15:48.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm sorry.... your neurosis is a "pre-existing condition" :p
15:48.35Kattyseanmh: thank you sir. i will setup a 1.6 test box and give 'er a whirl.
15:49.04seanmhwe haven't had any bugs as of yet
15:49.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: i would think you'd be happy that i now have a GP who's primary focus is nuerotic patients ;P
15:49.34Kattyseanmh: is the beta the 'free' or 'paid' version
15:49.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: No,  This just gives you someone to run to with problems you should work out by yourself :)
15:49.45p3nguinsuperbeef: Does that mean you do know what the perms should have been and you can fix it?
15:50.08Kattyseanmh: just asks for a license?
15:50.16Kattyi thinki have one of those somewher.e
15:50.21Kattyin my email. once upon a time.
15:50.23seanmhI'll get you one.
15:50.29seanmhoh you do?
15:50.29*** part/#asterisk ZPertee (
15:50.34Kattythat's okay. i'm sure it's around here somewhere.
15:50.35seanmhif you have an old one I can modify it
15:50.49Kattywell we're the people with the funky MAC address problem.
15:51.08Kattyyou've reset it eleventy billion times.
15:51.19Kattyi probably have 20 emails with the license key in it
15:51.26*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
15:51.28Kattyit would be helpful if i had another key for testing
15:51.35seanmhCompany name?
15:51.42Kattythat way our production server will still work
15:51.43eppigySLOSSIN INC
15:51.47Kattyit's in my email signature
15:52.01Kattyi can /query you if you have difficulting locating the account.
15:52.05Kattyeppigy: hello, dear.
15:52.56Kattyseanmh: i owe you cookies.
15:53.25Kattyseanmh: what kind do you guys want?
15:53.35seanmhno cookies necessary ;)
15:53.39*** join/#asterisk Fs0L (n=Fs0L@
15:54.20Kattyif you don't give me a good answer, i will just have to send chocolate chip.
15:54.27*** join/#asterisk pyite_mac (n=dschreib@unaffiliated/pyite)
15:55.14p3nguinFor bad answers, I would send some dough instead of cookies.  Not good dough, though.  Something like Snicker Doodle dough.  Yuck!
15:56.03Kattyseanmh: a charitable donation would also be an acceptable alternative.
15:56.14Kattyseanmh: if that's the kind of cookies you'd prefer.
15:56.23eppigyKatty: hiya :>
15:56.27Kattyeppigy: OHAI
15:56.47Kattyseanmh: how about a nice letter to the president?
15:57.02KattyDEAR SIRS, sean is awesome. Love, Katty.
15:57.11KattyPS - he needs pay raise.
15:59.00seanmhI dunno if I could give myself a raise :D
15:59.35*** join/#asterisk cusco (n=trilili@2001:0:53aa:64c:306e:2c75:b2c9:8871)
15:59.36theharsneaks up behind pyite_mac
16:00.15theharrides the google wave
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16:01.07Kattyseanmh: central SW or Coors rd?
16:01.15*** part/#asterisk Fs0L (n=Fs0L@
16:01.20seanmhhaha.. you're actually going to do it
16:01.27Kattytaps fingers.
16:01.30Kattywhich road...
16:01.34Kattydon't make me randomly pick one
16:01.45KattyI WILL DO EET
16:02.04seanmhwe're located at the central address
16:02.20*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
16:03.18Kattyand now what kind.
16:03.44*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
16:03.46seanmhit's really not needed ;)
16:03.53Kattyi don't think i have a recipe for shrug cookies ^_-
16:04.25seanmhthey're good
16:04.28seanmhyou should try 'em
16:05.54ChestherKatty - send these:
16:06.11ekacnet[TK]D-Fender: I think I find: it's limitonpeer that is needed !
16:06.26Kattybacon? ^_-
16:06.40*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
16:07.25KattyChesther: do you work with i9technologies?
16:07.33geneticxare there any sip phones for less than $100 ?
16:07.39Kattygeneticx: yes.
16:07.50Kattygeneticx: just keep in mind you get what you pay for.
16:07.51ChestherKatty: Nope.  Cornell University.
16:07.55KattyChesther: ah, k.
16:07.59coppicegeneticx: many
16:08.13geneticxany that you recommend?
16:08.15Kattygeneticx: you might have a look at the polycom 320 or 330
16:08.30Kattygeneticx: they're around 100, good quality.
16:08.35infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
16:08.54Kattygeneticx: the 320 and 330 are the same, except the 330 has a 'line out' network jack.
16:09.02Kattygeneticx: so you could connect a laptop or whatever to the phone.
16:09.19Chestherlooks at the crappy Grandstream BugeTone on his desk and smiles.
16:09.22geneticxKatty: Ah sort of like a 2 port switch
16:09.42geneticxThanks for the input
16:09.43Kattyyep, it's handy.
16:09.53Kattyespecially if you don't want to run any more cable drops
16:10.09geneticxthat's exactly why I like it.
16:10.24p3nguingeneticx: You can get Linksys phones for around $80 on
16:10.49Kattysnom's are pretty cheap too.
16:10.49Kattyi have one at the house.
16:10.57Kattyit's okay for the house...but i wouldn't want to use it here at work.
16:11.02geneticxI like the SPA942 but I need a bulk of 10 and haven't found reasonable bulk prices yet
16:11.16Kattyhave you checked
16:11.24Kattythey do bulk pricing
16:11.33Kattygotta call em tho
16:11.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: Of course their regular pricing sucks :)
16:11.37geneticxp3nguin: which model?
16:11.57p3nguin$82.24 for the SPA-921:
16:12.00*** join/#asterisk baijum (n=baiju@
16:12.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: who do you like to order from?
16:12.19geneticxKatty: yeah I'll give it a shot
16:12.37*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
16:12.42[TK]D-FenderSPA-921 = bleh
16:12.56*** join/#asterisk wcselby (
16:12.57p3nguinThe 942 is $99.99.
16:13.05geneticxp3nguin: not bad, but I would like at least 2 line
16:13.37Kattygeneticx: depending on how your server acts, 'line' support may be irrelivant
16:13.54Kattygeneticx: a lot of people have their server configured to just grab the next free line in a group
16:14.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: that website has some good pricing
16:14.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: TD is very good on the customer service side too
16:15.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you have a contact you'd like to share with me?
16:15.37geneticxKatty: yeah that's what im thinking of doing, but they don't need a second line to xfer calls though? if you have someone holding on line 1 ?
16:15.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: No rep... I just call it in with whoever answers.  different people, same happy results
16:16.07wcselbystupid computer
16:16.21geneticxyeah I gotta say I like the price of the Polycom 320 from telephonydepot
16:16.38wcselbywon't let me download firefox, gets to 90% then Web Marshal blocks the download saying it's pornographic content
16:16.51p3nguingeneticx: Depends on how you handle it.  You can "park" calls rather than putting them on regular "hold."
16:16.52[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: 321/331.  avoid the 320/330
16:17.24[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: And no, either can transfer jsut fine
16:17.38[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: No need for parking, and your understanding of "lines" needs to be adjusted
16:18.13p3nguinHow can you put "line 1" on hold and make another call if there's only a 1-line phone being used?
16:18.24p3nguinI'm interested in this.
16:18.27*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:19.08p3nguinFor transferring, sure one line is probably enough.
16:19.37p3nguinAlthough I hate DTMF transfers, they are effective.
16:20.50geneticx[TK]D-Fender: would you care to adjust it?
16:21.08*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
16:22.17[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: Lines = unique registrations.  usually most peoploe use a signle registration per phone.  This does not directly relate to the # of simultaneous calls it si cabale of handling
16:23.03[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: Ploycom's use "line keys" which can be assigned to different registrations.  Each can aslo support a varying # of calls before spanning to the next key even.
16:23.54[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: An older IP 601 can have up to 6 regs on the base phone itself.  Each line key is also capable of handling up to 8 calls meaning you could shuffle up to 24 on it before adding expansion modules
16:24.28[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: On a smaller scale even a lowly IP 301 with 2 "lines" can handle 5 calls each which you could turn into 10 calls for 1 reg
16:26.14*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (
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16:29.05geneticx[TK]D-Fender: not sure if I follow your last lines... 1 line (unique registration) can handle 5 calls , but then how can I turn it into 10 calls for 1 registration if each can only handle 5?
16:29.34verywisemanwhat is package i need to run B410P with Asterisk 1.6?
16:31.04infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
16:33.43Kattyyou called?
16:34.24Kattyhugs jaytee
16:34.30*** join/#asterisk garymc (
16:34.32Kattyjaytee: how are you recovering?
16:34.33jayteehugs Katty
16:34.47jayteeKatty, you mean over the cat?
16:35.41jayteeI'm doing ok. miss him alot but at least i know he's not in any pain anymore
16:36.10[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: IP 301 = 2 line keys.  each line key can shuffle 5 calls.  you can have 1 reg span those 2 line keys.  therefor you could configure it to handle 5 on the first, and spill to the 2nd for 5 more
16:36.16[TK]D-Fendergeneticx: total = 10
16:36.16beekHello Katty , jaytee [TK]D-Fender
16:36.25jayteeafternoon beek
16:36.26[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Afternoon...
16:38.16verywisemanwhat is package i need to run B410P with Asterisk 1.6?
16:39.43*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
16:39.47Kobazi don;t think i'm ever buying another audiocodes gateway again
16:40.39ManxPower-workKobaz: excellent choice.
16:40.48Kobazthey are SUCH A PAIN to configure
16:40.57Kobazevery single audiocodes has taken me 2-3 days to configure
16:40.59ManxPower-workI'm an Adtran guy
16:41.13[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: DAHDI
16:41.15Kobazeven though i have a doc, i wrote to myself... on how to configure it to work with asterisk
16:41.15Deeewayneagrees with Kobaz
16:41.29Baylink2I just use used Adtrans and Zhones on a T port.  :-)
16:41.30Kobazi'll run through the config
16:41.39[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You should learn how to export the configs... makes mass provisioning almost instant
16:41.47Kobazand, without fail... something won't work...
16:41.50verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, what about mISDN?
16:41.52[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Learn once repeat fast
16:41.56Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: but the configs are always different for each gateway
16:42.05DeeewayneKobaz, they used to take me a couple days to configure, but now I take the same exact steps every time and can configure them sort of quickly
16:42.07Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: like, i could import a config, and it just won't work
16:42.10[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Not notmally ThAT different
16:42.19Kobazeach box i get has a different firmware it seems
16:42.28Kobazand need slightly different options.. and it takes all day to figure out what those options are
16:42.53Kobazi set up this new gateway exactly the same as all the others
16:43.01Kobazand i keep getting 'can't find endpoint for phone number'
16:43.17Kobazit's liukekjsdflsjadfjsadfhjsadfjhsdfa, the routing is fscking correct, everything else is correct, just work damnit
16:43.26beekI'm glad I'm not the only one who finds an Audiocodes configuration to be a work in patience.
16:43.47DeeewayneKobaz, I also had problems configuring them by importing a config.  I use cutecom now because it has command history
16:44.06DeeewayneI SAR and burn a lot too
16:44.24[TK]D-Fenderbeek: No... they ARE cryptic...
16:44.32[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Mediatrix's are far simpler
16:45.02beek[TK]D-Fender: I have an Audiocodes sitting on the shelf because I can't get the @#$%ing thing configured.
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16:45.44Deeewaynebeek, what are you trying to configure it for?
16:46.10beekDeeewayne: All I wanted was a simple four-port gateway for four POTS lines.
16:46.33Kobazbeek: and four days later it still doesnt work
16:46.46beekKobaz: nope.  I gave up after two.
16:46.48Kobazbeek: i think we got shipped a bad gateway
16:46.58Kobazbeek: i can make calls out the audiocodes fxo
16:47.01beekMine refuses to answer the inbound call.
16:47.05Kobazbut inbound calls.. it doesn't open up the audio path
16:47.19Kobazit will pass the sip call to asterisk... asterisk picks up
16:47.26Kobazas far as the fxo in concerned, it's still ringing
16:47.42beekKobaz -- that's MY problem to a tee.
16:48.06Kobazand i have the *exact* same config, as another fxo gateway
16:48.10Deeewayneusing MediaPacks ?
16:48.16Kobazthe other box has older firmware though
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16:48.26Kobazyeap, mp-114
16:48.36beekKobaz: Same model:  mp-114
16:48.43geneticx[TK]D-Fender: Ok makes sense now..thank you
16:48.50Kobazthink it's a bad firmware?
16:48.51DeeewayneI use mp114's w/ 5.4 firmware
16:49.03beekI'm going to check the firmware now.
16:49.16Kobazi hagve 5.80A on this other box and it works fine
16:49.45Deeewaynethere was a bug in 5.6 preventing us from using it
16:49.48Kobazand i have another 5.00A and i'm having the 'can't find endpoint problem'
16:50.56Deeewayneso you can't get it register w/ asterisk?
16:51.02Kobazit registers
16:51.27DeeewayneI don't know the cant find endpoint problem
16:51.43hardwireDeeewayne: did you spackle it into a wall?
16:52.17Kobazthe one that can't take inbound calls is 5.60A
16:52.19Kobazi think o
16:52.20Deeewaynehardwire, no but I wanted to before I found the trick to configuring it
16:52.28Kobazi think o'mm put 5.80 on it
16:52.36Kobazbeek: what firmware is your bad one?
16:53.08Deeewaynethe trick for me was to learn how to configure it correctly once, then repeat on all others ... but you must have a beer in hand while you do it
16:53.24beekKobaz: I'm checking now.... I don't remember the admin port.
16:53.35beekThe box is plugged in and running, just not in use.
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16:56.08Kobazack, what did i do with the firmware
16:56.09beekKobaz: 5.40A.027.002
16:56.27KobazDeeewayne: what was the 5.60 problem you had?
16:57.05beekMine registers fine, signals to Asterisk about an incoming call but then won't actually pick up the call and start the audio stream.
16:57.07Deeewayneit only affected CAMA, so you likely don't have that problem
16:57.37Deeewaynemy firmware: 5.40A.035.005
16:57.57beekDeeewayne: and that works fine?
16:58.32Kobazi think 5.60 is broken in other ways though
16:58.44Kobazlike this ringing in problem
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17:03.11beekDeeewayne: What kind of beer do I need?   Imported or domestic (US)?
17:04.23*** join/#asterisk dexteruk (
17:05.12DeeewayneImported works best, but I've been successful with Bud in a can
17:05.17dexterukOn asterisk when a sip connection is sent Congestion() it sends a 503 Service Unavailible I need code 34
17:05.38dexterukIs it posible to change these cause codes
17:05.39Kobazdexteruk: SIPAddHeader()
17:06.22ManxPower-workI didn't think there was a 34 SIP cause code.
17:06.56[TK]D-Fender34 is ISDN congestion
17:07.10ManxPower-workdexteruk: in 1.4 and later, I believe that Congestion() or Hangup() (I don't recall which one) allows you to give it a Q.931 cause code.
17:07.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: And some UA's will bitch because * gives a TRYING before reporting CONGESTION
17:08.57Kobazah hah
17:09.05Kobazfound the audiocodes firmware finally
17:10.34ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: it'
17:10.38lucasbMornin... I have a question about Asterisk's extensions.conf dialplan.... anyone available?
17:10.45*** join/#asterisk Wangster (
17:10.52ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: it's still pretty stupid to randomly mix SIP and Q.931 cause codes when talking about it.
17:10.54infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:11.02lucasbManxPower-work: thanks
17:11.10[TK]D-Fenderlucasb: Considering that the dialplan is 95% of *, sure..
17:11.47lucasb[TK]D-Fender: Just checking to see if anyone was alive ;)
17:11.59WangsterI'm trying to get asterisk to write voicemail files as group rw. Apparently this is supported since 1.4 buy changing the umask at runtime. But I can't find any info on how to change the umask at runtime. Anyone know?
17:12.03[TK]D-Fendergrrrrraaaaaahhhhhh barinzzzz
17:12.04*** join/#asterisk rps2 (
17:12.30ManxPower-workWangster: "man umask"
17:12.47lucasb~ask If I set a dialplan to match the incoming CLID and then change that CLID will it break the sequence? For instance: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX/2505551111,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=2502751111)  .... exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX/2505551111,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@
17:12.48ManxPower-workor you can set the directory sgid of the asterisk user
17:13.10lucasbOh, you don't need ~ask to ask a question
17:13.13ManxPower-worklucasb: try it and see, but I would expect it to.
17:13.29lucasbYou expect it to break the sequence?
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17:13.41ManxPower-worklucasb: yes.
17:13.42rps2Greetings, once again.  Hopefully, with your help, this will be my last foray into the "why the devil doesn't this work?" problems.
17:13.50WangsterManxPower-work, i'm all up on umask but that has no effect when invoking asterisk via an init script (i've tried).
17:14.23WangsterManxPower-work, but I hadn't thought of sgid. That sounds easier.
17:14.24p3nguinlucasb: Once you set the CID num to something else, it's different.
17:14.40[TK]D-Fenderlucasb: I'd do a Goto() on the 1st where you match it
17:14.43lucasbSo for the second sequence I should set the CLID to the updated one
17:14.55[TK]D-FenderlucAnd I agree with ManxPower-work in that I'd expect it to break
17:15.43ManxPower-workIn my experience, the best thing to do for CID matches is match on the CID and use that to Goto the real part of the dialplan you want to process the call in.
17:16.06*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
17:16.17pittmodalhello all, I'm evaluating ways of transitioning my * server away from an external SIP provider and to either 1. reachable through an extension via my company's existing VOIP or 2. by getting a dedicated line and interfacing directly.  There's a bunch of documentation on the latter but not the former - can anybody point me in direction to find out more?  Google-foo is failing me.
17:16.49[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: What is your "existing company's VOIP" is not an external SIP provider?
17:16.51p3nguinlucasb: On the other hand, if your third line was  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@"  then the new caller ID would not be tested against this exten.
17:17.32[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Depends if he already had other prios for each...
17:17.36pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: i meant our internal phone setup, i.e. dail my extension to ring my phone, or the asterisk extension to route to asterisk
17:18.04p3nguin[tk]d-fender: Matching extens and callerid num isn't too hard.  Hopefully he can figure it out.
17:18.11[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Sorry, that still sounds a little mixed up.  please rephrase
17:18.28[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: His was a very minor tweak ....
17:21.14pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: well, I'd like to see how I take take an existing phone-jack - like the one that my desk phone uses - and plug it into the asterisk server so that I can reach it like I was calling any other extension.  I know there's probably some things I have to learn about our existing setup, but was looking for more information about what hardware/configuration I would need to have it work...
17:21.15pittmodal...on the asterisk side
17:21.52pittmodalnot sure if that's any clearer :\
17:22.07ManxPower-workpittmodal: So you want to connect an analog phone to the Asterisk server?
17:22.28shido6easy enough
17:22.39rps2Well, I've got mine working...except it doesn't answer incoming calls from the POTS lines.  The rest of the lot works including dialing out via the POTS lines (thanks to the help I got here).
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17:23.20[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: You jsut need an FXO interface for *.  So baskcailly you want * to act like a phone to your other PBX?
17:23.22WangsterManxPower-work, bah.. sgid doesn't help the situation. Asterisk still creates the file without group write permission :|
17:23.44ManxPower-workWangster: try the mailing list
17:23.46infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
17:23.49[TK]D-Fenderrps2: pastebin your configs, and dialplan
17:24.00p3nguinAfter hooking my phone to the SPA-3102, the ringer is much more quiet than when it was plugged right into the wall jack.  Is there any setting in it that I can use to turn up the ringer in the ATA?
17:24.30Wangsterya, the list. Just thought i'd check here first.
17:24.34rps2[TK]D-Fender: I think pittmodal wants an FXS port...he wants * to act like a station, not a central office.
17:24.34pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: yeah, basically.  I didn't know if it was as simple as getting a FXO since we use VOIP phones
17:24.49Wangstermaybe I have to set the umask in "safe_asterisk" ?
17:25.06beekDeeewayne: Could I ask the favor of a copy of one of your working ini files?   I'd love to compare yours to mine and see WTF may be my issue.
17:25.11[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: So you want * to be an analog extension of your existing PBX?
17:25.20pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: exactly
17:25.27[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: and the SIP phones you are referring to are connected to * correct?  And not your other PBX.
17:25.53WangsterI see that they are setting ulimit in safe_asterisk so umask should work there as well.
17:26.52pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: correct.  Currently my setup is reachable externally via a SIP provider (junction networks), but I want to transition away from ther
17:27.19[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Does * reg to Junction, or your other PBX?
17:27.43pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: right now to junction, but i want it to use my other PBX
17:28.04[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Ok, Any reason in particular to keep the old PBX at all?
17:28.17WangsterManxPower-work, yup, that works. umask in safe_asterisk. There should be a patch to that with the option commented out so it's easy to find.
17:28.25pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: it's running the rest of the companies phones ;)
17:28.54[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: so what is *'s purpose in this big picture?
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17:29.50pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: it's going to function as a dictation platform.  We do voice rec and I took the existing app_dictate application and ported it so that it feeds the audio to our recognized and returns text to the user via alternate means
17:30.00beekDeeewayne: Thanks!  I'm going to do a little comparision here and see if I can figure out WTF my problem may be.
17:31.04[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: OK, so as an "application server".  How many lines & phones on your old PBX and is there any strong reason that * can't or is not a desirable complete replacement?
17:31.46lucasb[TK]D-Fender: What do ya think of this:
17:31.47lucasbexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" != "2505429800"]?skip)
17:31.47lucasbexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=2502758833)
17:31.47lucasbexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n(skip),Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@
17:32.03pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: other than not wanting to rock the boat and increase the project scope, I don't think there's any reason not to use *
17:32.04[TK]D-Fenderlucasb: Much nicer IMO
17:32.21lucasbIt covers other scenarios that way... thanks for the help everyone
17:32.24[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Ok, can you give me the summary of your other PBX...
17:32.30ChestherIs anyone aware of a current appliance along the lines of the Aastra CNX, which appears to be discontinued?
17:34.04pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: unfortunately, I'm waiting for more detailed specs from our IT, but it's a run of the mill small business (around 50 phones) PBX.  Not doing anything particularly complicated
17:34.06[TK]D-FenderChesther: Ever tried Asterisk?  I hear its the Shiznit y0!
17:34.22[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: How many lines, and what kind?
17:34.36[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: And are you looking for only a single port into *?
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17:35.12Chesther[TK]D-Fender: The CNX is/was asterisk based.  I'm proposing building my own conference bridge, and the bossman is asking "can we just buy it?"
17:35.13pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: not sure on the lines, and yes - for now - only a single port into *
17:35.46QwellChesther: You mean something like switchvox?
17:36.11ChestherWell, I was thinking something that was optimized for conference bridge, rather than general-purpose PBX>
17:36.28[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Ok, I'd recommend a Sangoma A200d or Digium TDM410P with 1 FXO module
17:37.02[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Other cheaper options exist but have poorer disconnect supervision, and reduced audio quality which make impact your applications requirements
17:37.02Kobazbeek: hey
17:37.37citywokI'm trying to figure out which revision of the 1.6.0 tree has the bug i'm trying to find, and it works in, there is no .11, .12 wont compile, it crashes on compiling chan_sip.  .15 has the bug, the calls dont complete properly, still waiting for build 13 to compile to test if it has something to do with build 12's failure to compile
17:38.06[TK]D-Fendercitywok: What about 14 & 15?
17:38.16[TK]D-Fendercitywok: You know... "current" :)
17:38.20citywok15 has it.  waiting for 13 to compile, if 13 works i'll compile 14
17:38.28cuscothis is what we have to outbound, right? -
17:38.42cusconow I would liek to adapt that to transfer a call
17:38.45wcselbyastricontest - sounds cool
17:38.45cuscoattended transfer
17:39.23pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: fortunately, I'm not sweating a few $100's of dollars.  I was already looking at the 410s, but was looking for more information about setup and conf
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17:39.51[TK]D-Fendercusco: I don't see what that has to do with "transferring".  You are jsut dialing out...
17:40.20[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: Basic analog DAHDI interface doezens of guides out there, plus install support from Digium
17:40.27[TK]D-Fenderpittmodal: And of we'll be here to help
17:40.27cusco[TK]D-Fender: yes that has nothign to do with it, I would like to hardcode a number to transfer out a call
17:40.30citywok[TK]D-Fender: build 13 works, so it's either build 14 or 15 that broke it, waiting for 14 to compile
17:40.37cuscoso instead of using feature *8
17:40.49Kobazslaps beek
17:40.50cuscoi would like to use atxfer with a hardcoded number
17:41.11[TK]D-Fendercusco: No wat to do this directly.
17:41.12beeklooks around to see who hit him.
17:41.35beekKobaz -- sorry 'bout that.
17:41.58Kobazbeek: so i upgraded to 5.8, and incoming calls work now
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17:42.07Kobazbeek: *but*... disconnect supervision no longer works
17:42.08[TK]D-Fendercusco: You could do some ugly stuff to hijack the call though.  Applicationmap used to call a script.  the script looks at the device calling it, and looks for the other call it is on and then uses AMI to Hijack the other party
17:42.10cuscowould I be able to atxfer a call to 9876123456789 ?
17:42.27beekKobaz: Audiocodes giveth and Audiocode taketh away.
17:42.28rps2When there's a break in the action, I'd like to see if someone can help me get this thing to answer my POTS lines.
17:42.32pittmodal[TK]D-Fender: thanks much for the recommendations.  I'll go search around a bit for more info
17:42.38cuscothat shounds complicated
17:42.38Kobazbeek: just like asterisk
17:43.06[TK]D-Fendercusco: It is, and its pretty mucha ll you've got if you want to make this a 1-touch solution directly under *
17:43.08Kobazbeek: i can't count how many times i'm upgraded asterisk to get a bug fix, and stuff that was working fine, starts breaking
17:43.32beekKobaz: I haven't experienced that yet.
17:43.41Kobazi think we're gonna start checking out freeswitch, and etc
17:43.47Kobazasterisk just breaks too often :(
17:43.49[TK]D-Fendercusco: If you were using Aastra phones or another that can do in-call DTMF speed-dials, you sould do the *8+ ATXFER # all together.
17:43.55cusco[TK]D-Fender: it could be any sequence of numbers like 1111, as long as it was easy to type in the soft phone
17:44.01[TK]D-Fendercusco: But that isn't * doing the work
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17:45.28cuscodtmf speed dial...
17:45.55cuscowe have different OS's and different softphones even under the same OS, I don't think we can fit speed dial into it
17:46.33cuscoI might be a slow learner, but could you point me in the right direction of that applicationmap
17:46.37[TK]D-Fendercusco: Yeah, supporting multiple devices makes this painful.
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17:46.54cuscowhat is AMI?
17:46.57[TK]D-Fendercusco: Go look at the sample features.conf and there are some more practical examples on the WIKI
17:47.08citywok[TK]D-Fender: build 14 is the first build that breaks
17:47.19cuscoI looked ad features.conf thats where I saw *8
17:47.29cuscoIm going to search the wiki
17:47.30[TK]D-Fendercusco: Bottom of the sample...
17:47.32citywokto file a bug, should i do what they ask and crank up to 4 all the logging, and submit a log with a call on build 13, and a call on build 14? what else do i need to submit it?
17:47.40Gokee2_ExtraHello all,  I am configuring a Digium TDM410P with two FXO ports on channel one and two.  I have got zapta working (I think) so now I am working on zapata.conf.  I have been reading the 2nd edition of "Asterisk the future of telephony" and it has a sample config file for zapata.conf however the auto-generated  zapata-channels.conf wants me to link to it in zapata.conf.  If I do this linking what should I configure in zapata.conf?  zapat
17:47.40Gokee2_Extraa-channels.conf has both lines going to context from-pstn I (think) I want the lines to go to separate contexts so I can do different things with the lines.
17:48.52[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: just absorb them into zapata.conf and pastebin it when you're done stripping all comments from your file first
17:49.25citywokand i'm not sure what section i should report this under, there are a bunch of chan_sip categories. i'm guessing interopability maybe?
17:50.37Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ok
17:52.28Gokee2_ExtraOk here is what I have
17:53.26cuscook in features.conf I can define the dtmf shortcut to call that app. now how do I create that app that will transfer to a hardcoded number?
17:53.35[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Looks good... except you specified "channel => 1" twice instead of doing 2
17:54.16[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Not while you might want to treat incoming calls in separate contexts who might you want to use these lines when dialing out?
17:54.19Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ah right thanks
17:54.51Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, I want all users to have the choice of line one or two
17:55.23[TK]D-Fendercusco: THAT is the complicated part where you'll haev to probably do this in an AGI to grab the channel name of the spawned call to grab the device that called it and then hunt down the other call they are on, and then issue an AMI redirect or similar
17:55.30[TK]D-Fendercusco: which WILL be a PITA
17:55.54cuscook I will get some help form my boss on that I guess
17:56.03[TK]D-Fendercusco: then again.. doing this as a DTMF triggered feature was gong to be pain anyways.
18:17.33Gokee2_Extraanyone happen to know how to get a set of sample configuration files from Debian?
18:18.39Gokee2_ExtraNevermind I found it in asterisk-config
18:18.44[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: ok, ounds like you don't need to group your lines if you intend for the selection to be deliberate
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18:19.38ariel_afternoon everyone
18:20.44Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Hmm the genzaptel thing did that automatically  for me.  Should I take it out of the file it tells me not to hand edit or is it ok there?
18:21.13[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: IMO, never run the gen script more than once
18:21.27[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: them absorb it and customize it yourself
18:23.00*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
18:23.04docelmoSay can anyone tell me why an originate action from AMI wouldnt automatically kick off the call in asterisk even those the response was a success?
18:23.56Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ah I see, so would you get rid of zapata-channels.conf altogether then?
18:24.44[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Yes
18:24.55docelmoTK any ideas?
18:25.36rps2Stupid question.  Does * skip non-existent steps in a context?  E.g. if I have "s,1,blah" followed by "s,3,blahblah", does it go from 1 to 3 or will it choke without a step 2 in there?
18:26.20[TK]D-Fenderrps2: No, your call will drop like a rock.
18:26.43rps2Ok, that explains part of my "why won't it answer the bloody phone".
18:26.47[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: Nope
18:26.52[TK]D-Fenderrps2:  :)
18:26.59ManxPower-workrps2: people seldom used number'd priorities these days
18:27.12[TK]D-Fenderalways does so exclusively
18:27.12ManxPower-work(except for priority 1, of course)
18:27.13docelmorps2: you can start with exten => 1,1,App then from there use 1,n,app
18:27.21docelmothe N will automatically number your priorities
18:27.24ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, but you're weird. 8-)
18:27.37rps2Manx: I'm aware of that, but the GUI seemed to put in two "s,1"s, then an "s,3" and it woudln't answer.
18:27.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I'm also always right ;)
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18:28.10ManxPower-workrps2: that sounds like a prettive massive bug for a GUI
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18:28.51rps2So, I have it answering the POTS lines by doing an "exten = s,1,Goto(default,6099,1)" and going to my extension, but my mic doesn't seem to be alive.
18:29.14rps2I can answer, but nothing I say goes back to the other line.
18:29.18superbeefanybody have problems with IAX trunks droppiong between 1.2 and 1.4 boxes?
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18:30.46citywok[TK]D-Fender: it is a bug that they had alreayd fixed about 2 weeks ago with a patch
18:32.19Gokee2_ExtraOk, I changed zapata.conf not to link to zapata-channels.conf at all and made a extensions.conf with echo for line two then called line two but asterisk did not pickup.  zapata.conf Extensions.conf any idea why?
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18:36.22[TK]D-Fenderrps2: line_one <-- you didn't make this context
18:36.46[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Excellent :)
18:36.59[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: [ line_one] <-- you didn't make this context
18:37.57Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Do I need to make that one to make line two work?
18:38.40[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Nope.  PB the failed calla ttempt
18:39.19Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, PB?
18:39.26infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
18:40.00Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, What do I paste?  I did not see anything at all about my call from asterisk
18:40.10wcselbyjaytee, you around?
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18:40.40[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: at CLI do "core set debug 10" , "core set verbose 10", and call again
18:41.02[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: PB : "zap show channels" , " zap show status"
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18:44.06Gokee2_ExtraIt also has a bunch of junk on startup And the two zap commands show only the dummy channel
18:44.47jayteewcselby, I'm working on another computer in another room right now fixing a registry problem. Can ya wait about 15min?
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18:46.15wcselbyjaytee - yeah no worries, I was just wondering what that site was you posted debian examples to was
18:46.15SuPrSluGGokee2_Extra: Where's context line_one in extensions.conf?
18:46.42p3nguinAfter hooking my phone to the SPA-3102, the ringer is much more quiet than when the phone was plugged right into the wall jack.  Is there any setting in the ATA that I can use to turn up the ringer for the FXS port?
18:46.47*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
18:46.58[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: do "module reload" and repeat
18:47.17[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: Already commented on that, don't worry
18:47.20Gokee2_ExtraSuPrSluG, I went ahead and stuck it before line_two with another echo
18:48.04SuPrSluGwhat's the output from ztcfg -vv ?
18:48.30[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Acutally, stop * completely and do "ztcfg -vvvv" first, then restart & test
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18:49.12Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, The reload of chan_zap gave no output and everything looks the same
18:49.39[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Umm... you never did show your /etc/zaptel.conf
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18:49.53SuPrSluG[TK]D-Fender: got LLDP working on polycom phones, auto vlan discovery. :-D
18:49.57[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: so go do that + my previous request
18:49.57Gokee2_ExtraSuPrSluG, It shows two channels
18:50.21wcselbySuPrSluG - you got LLDP to work on polycoms?  how?
18:50.34[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: I see your VLAN and raise you "I have my own damn physical subnet" :p
18:50.39SuPrSluGyou need 3.2 firmware
18:50.51SuPrSluGshow off
18:50.51wcselbyugh, of course you do.  which the ip601 is not supported on
18:51.12SuPrSluGno. unfortunately.
18:51.29Kattyit really is shocking how many preservatives and additives they put into commercial food products.
18:51.46[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Restart * and redo : "zap show channels" , " zap show status"
18:52.34Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I did that and it still only shows the pseudo interface
18:52.42SuPrSluGKatty: only buy from the store perimeter. the stuff in the middle is toxic
18:53.01[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Still?
18:53.10Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Ya. still....
18:53.20[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: Pastebin the results of "module reload"
18:53.25KattySuPrSluG: i was looking at the ingredient list of things like Crackers.
18:53.38wcselbySuPrSluG - is it just enabled by default in 3.2?  also, what is needed to download 3.2 (support contract?  etc)
18:53.43Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, That command outputs nothing
18:54.04[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: do unload first, then load
18:54.20[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: What ver of * exactly?
18:54.24SuPrSluGI think they have 3.2.1 on the public download site
18:55.11ManxPower-workpolycom 3.2 is not available for general release yet.
18:55.11SuPrSluGyes it's there
18:55.17ManxPower-workAt least it wasn't 2 days ago
18:55.33wcselby3.2.1 is available, thanks SuPrSluG :)
18:55.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Yes, it was...
18:55.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I've had 3.2.1 since Oct 1st
18:55.48Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, I got "-- Unregistered channel -2" on unload nothing on load and asterisk
18:55.54KattySuPrSluG: triscuits have 3 ingredients. Ritz has like 30
18:56.01ManxPower-work3.1.2 was there.
18:56.03SuPrSluGwcselby:do you have a switch that supports it
18:56.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I've still got the ZIP's on my desktop with little date-stamps :)
18:56.46wcselbySuPrSluG - my main client moved to an all juniper network, which only has lldp, no cdp
18:56.51wcselbybut their phones were all configured for cdp
18:57.08robl^laptop3.2 is on the site.  I downloaded it the ohter day
18:57.10ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: what are those date stamps?
18:57.28SuPrSluGlooks like you have some billable time now  :-D
18:57.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: created, modified & accessed on XP
18:58.18ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: we've been going back and forth with our polycom rep because we could not access 3.2.x
18:58.20SuPrSluGKatty: and Tiscuits rock
18:58.30[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: unload, try zap show channels" , " zap show status".  then load.  Repeat.  Pastebin it all
18:58.37wcselbySuPrSluG indeed!  :)  we've actually been deploying some Cisco 7961's with LLDP support, but the lack of BLF / Presence on those has been disturbing to some users
18:58.38SuPrSluGKatty: my fav cracker
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18:58.46robl^laptopManxPower-work: I have 3.2.1 and got it from polycom's public site 3 days ago
18:59.01[TK]D-Fendermaxnlinks work fine
18:59.53ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: it's there NOW, it was not last week
18:59.53[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: thats where I got it from on Oct 1st.....
18:59.53SuPrSluGKatty: Not so good in soup though :-(
18:59.58korcanWhat causes these messages?
19:00.00korcanWARNING[19137]: udptl.c:807 ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr: Unable to allocate socket: Too many open files
19:00.00korcan[Oct  9 14:53:02] ERROR[19137]: acl.c:472 ast_ouraddrfor: Cannot create socket
19:00.04ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: I'll request to be assigned a non-idiot rep from Polycom.
19:00.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Wise :)
19:00.53SuPrSluGGokee2_Extra: 2 channels to configure. shouldn't it say configure(d) ?
19:01.10ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender: and you don't have an account on the PRC?
19:01.18[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: PB "ls -la /etc/asterisk" and "cat /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf".  Adjust paths if necessary
19:01.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Don't think so....
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19:01.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work:  I'm not up to date since the start of this year... my office is on all disco'd phones except 2 x IP 320's
19:01.52wcselbycan anyone list the major diff's between polycom 650 and 670?
19:02.01robl^laptopwcselby: color
19:02.01[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: can.
19:02.01wcselbyor point me to a list of differences?
19:02.11[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: And I'll bet they are even obvious
19:02.31wcselby[TK]D-Fender - you're probably right, I just now started looking
19:03.13Gokee2_ExtraDoes zapata.conf want a ending newline?
19:03.40kfifeAnybody know if the new polycom firmware ILBC support includes wideband?
19:03.45[TK]D-FenderGokee2_Extra: shouldn't impact 31 from showing up
19:05.03SuPrSluGkfife: it's supports 13 and 15 k , so i don't think so.
19:05.58ManxPower-workWoW!! 26754: SoundPoint IP 320,321,330,331,450, 550, 560, 650, 670: Add support for
19:05.58ManxPower-workthe iLBC codec  in 3.2.x
19:07.26Gokee2_Extra[TK]D-Fender, Well I am gonna head down to the location.  If you think of something I will probably be back in a few hours.  My server is currently down so I can't stay connected.   Thanks for all your help
19:08.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Yup....
19:08.17kfifeSuPrSluG: thanks
19:09.53[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: IMO they should ahve added GSM 6.10 as well
19:09.53*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
19:09.53SuPrSluGusually it's a pretty boring read, this time it had a lot of nice suprises
19:09.53[TK]D-FenderImagine how much more they could fit on once they trash the WEB config GUI :)
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19:11.34kfife[TK]D-Fender: An interface design masterpiece!
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19:12.54kfifeI think that interface was someone's programming 101 "final exam" project
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19:19.05[TK]D-Fenderfinds that guy and FLUNKS HIM
19:19.33jayteewcselby, you still here?
19:20.34jayteeAdobe Flash 10 on Windows is the suck!
19:24.06Kattypouts at the time
19:25.35SuPrSluGKatty: needs to read
19:29.19*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
19:31.06dustybindoesnt hug Katty
19:31.55raden_workafternoon Katty
19:32.00raden_workNaikrovek, how goes it bro
19:32.56wcselbyjaytee - i'm here
19:33.06wcselbywhat was that site you were posting debian asterisk examples to?
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19:33.22jayteethe site I referenced? it was
19:33.30wcselbyno, maybe it wasn't you
19:33.32Kattyhugs raden_work
19:33.45wcselbyi thought you were posting config examples on an ubuntu / debian site
19:33.47raden_workgives katty a big hug
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19:34.42Kattywcselby: i have some debian/asterisk/3rd party examples on my blog
19:34.47Kattywcselby: maybe you were thinking of that?
19:35.11ZPerteedoes anyone have a suggestion on a cheap ata for a poor college student like myself who wants to play around with asterisk?
19:35.16wcselbyKatty - I don't really think so, but maybe
19:37.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: I whole-heartedly agree....
19:37.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: You need to read that article :)
19:37.25Kattyraden_work: i did some gforce calculations on that ion rocket.
19:37.33[TK]D-FenderZPertee: Linksys PAP2T
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19:37.47Kattyraden_work: they really don't apply tho, because there's no gravity involved in space.
19:37.51ZPertee[TK]D-Fender, k. thanx
19:38.13Kattyraden_work: there would only be gforce if you take the time it takes to get from ground lvl to the upper atmosphere.
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19:38.56circuthey all, got a bit of an issue here
19:39.11Kattyraden_work: basically they'd hit 11km/sec to get out of earth's pull, and 8km/sec to get into orbit
19:39.26Kattyraden_work: if they're smart, they will dock the rocket at say..the space station
19:39.39circutmy users have POTS lines for their fax machines. Now sending faxes locally works just fine
19:39.45Kattyraden_work: so they don't have to waist fuel on escape veloctiy, especially if they're going on a 39 day trip to mars :/
19:40.00circutbut when they try to fax something via long distance they cannot, because they need to enter a special 3-digit code to dial out
19:40.08Kattyraden_work: there are other serious draw backs about the ability of a solar panel to keep that size of a craft powered once a reasonable amount of fuel is used.
19:40.31raden_workKatty, interesting you would still have a gforce from the weight of your body accelerating wouldn't you
19:40.51*** part/#asterisk Baylink2 (
19:40.51circutis there a way for me to enter this code via asterisk?
19:41.10Kattyraden_work: for initial takeof you would
19:41.15circutim not too sure about it, since you need to dial the number, wait for a special tone, then enter the long distance code
19:41.40Kattyraden_work: but there's no gravity (really) in space
19:41.40raden_workKatty, but even in space your still have weight and acceleration wouldnt that give you g-force ?
19:41.52Kattyfor gforce, you must have gravity
19:41.58Kattysomething must pull your weight
19:42.04Kattyfor you to have resistance
19:42.20Kattyin space, you can poke a 32 ton blob and it will move
19:42.36circutonly if your chuck norris
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19:43.29Kattythe body can't handle much more than 3 or 4 gs.
19:43.44Kattysome people, like race car drives, can handle 5gs.
19:44.52raden_workKatty, ah yes very true you are right there needs to be resistance against a force to have gravitational force
19:44.53circutmy gf can handle 5gs
19:45.01raden_workKatty, sorry i finally got my brain back this morning :)
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19:45.33raden_work4 trips t0 my dentist and went to a diffrent one this morning and walla no more pain for me :)
19:46.01mchouraden_work: what did he give you?
19:46.21raden_workmchou, he took out the right tooth
19:46.33raden_work$940 later this week
19:46.40raden_workthere went my pay for the week
19:47.03mchouraden_work: haha.  the other dentist must have been incompetent
19:47.04Kattydamn senate.
19:47.35mchouraden_work: no joke,  next time g=take a vaction and get your dental work done in mexico
19:47.47Kattyor at least canada.
19:47.48raden_workKatty, first dentist 20 years experience second one 5 years kinda odd really but  I think i stick with this other dude now
19:47.55ZPerteewhat is the difference between a pstn pass thru port and a fxo port?
19:47.58Kattyit's hard to find a good dentist.
19:48.02mchouraden_work: better dentists, not to mention cheaper
19:48.04Kattyi have a kids dentist.
19:48.13Kattyhe specializes in Scared Patients.
19:48.14raden_workKatty, i have state insurance i have to tell them i have no insurance to even get in around here otherwise there is waiting lists and all sorts of BS
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19:48.28Kattyugah :<
19:48.52raden_workI have horrible dental anxiety this dude was awesome didnt feel a thing
19:49.01Kattythat's excellent.
19:49.17Kattyand i know how you feel. i'm thinking next time i go to the denist they just need to put me out
19:50.29raden_workKatty, have them put you on nitrous :) takes the edgy nerves off tell them youd like them to take things slow and you have dental anxiety and also tell them you would like your gums numbed before they actually give you any anesthetic
19:51.09Kattyyeah i think i'll just stick with being out.
19:51.17raden_workmy dentist visits are enjoyable
19:51.18Kattyand not local.
19:51.19Kattyi mean /out/
19:51.23[TK]D-FenderZPertee:  Passthrough does not mean you can control the FXO via SIP.
19:51.29raden_workKatty, ever tried nitrous ?
19:51.32mchouI've got a question regarding IPKall and sip client (softphone).  Trying a sanity check for my friend.  Is it possible to connect softphone to IPKall directly (ie. not using a sip proxy, itsp, or *?
19:51.39Kattythey put me on nitrous, to put me out
19:51.40raden_workit help ?
19:51.56Kattyi woke up nauseous ;)
19:51.59raden_workyou must have alot of anxiety eh ?
19:51.59Kattyand the sky was red
19:52.10Kattywell i had my wisdom teeth taken out
19:52.17Kattyso, at the time, i was pretty out of it
19:52.21Kattyand very scared.
19:52.22raden_workKatty, they probally ran it a lil to high when your toes start to tingled need to tell them to back it off
19:52.50raden_workit can make you very sick if too much of it gets in you
19:52.53Kattywhen i went in for surgery, they gased me before putting me out...
19:52.54wcselbyi had four wisdom teeth removed along with two "extra" teeth - I ended up going to a dental surgeon who knocked me out with anesthesia
19:53.01wcselbyi don't like going to the dentist
19:53.13Kattydont'think anyone does really :/
19:53.14raden_workwcselby, i dont think anyone does
19:53.21raden_workKatty, ditto :P
19:53.25wcselbyso I usually just don't go
19:53.30raden_worki dont mind it just finding a good one
19:53.33Kattyi don't mind going to the dentist for xrays.
19:53.37Kattyor cleaning, or whatever.
19:53.39wcselbyi had perfect teeth as a kid...unfortunately that didn't last into adulthood
19:53.54Kattyit's that acute fear of pain and suffering :P
19:54.21raden_worki should sue coca cola for not putting labels on there cans saying may cause tooth decay
19:54.42mchouraden_work: dude, that's common knowledge
19:54.58raden_workmchou, dude i know i was being sarcastic :P
19:55.05mchouraden_work: all that sugar + carbonic acid==bad teeth
19:55.14Kattycarbonic acid?
19:55.26raden_workstuff is good for cleaning :)
19:55.39Kattycitric acid ;)
19:56.06Kattyoh wow
19:56.16Kattythis diet coke can says it has brominated vegetable oil as an ingredient
19:56.24Kattyerr diet mt dew
19:56.30mchouKatty: yup
19:57.00mchouthat's Mt. Dew by definition
19:57.05Kattydiet soda has several fatal flaws.
19:57.09SuPrSluGhow does one brominate vegatable oil?
19:57.17Kattythe worst, in my opinion, is that it makes you hungry.
19:57.35SuPrSluGis that a black thing?
19:57.40KattySuPrSluG: bromine?
19:57.47Kattyit's a member of the halogen family
19:57.56Kattykind of a dark brown liquidy element
19:58.02mchouSuPrSluG: is what a black thing?
19:58.10[TK]D-Fenderhalogen is a GAS
19:58.26Kattyyes. it is.
19:58.31*** part/#asterisk jelly-bean1 (
19:58.41SuPrSluGamerican slang
19:58.48*** join/#asterisk MrSeb (n=sebax75@
19:59.01mchouread all about it
19:59.26Kattyit's nice to know i'm consuming halogens.
19:59.37Kattyor at least, partially bonded bits of halogens.
19:59.50ChestherWow.  Messes with thyroid function.
19:59.52mchouthat wikipedia article is full of good news
19:59.53ChestherGood stuff.
20:00.00*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (
20:00.07Kattyoh boy
20:00.11Chestherwill stick to his coffee, kthnx.
20:00.12Kattydepresses thyroid function
20:00.20TheCompWizanyone know why rxgain would be ignored in chan_dahdi.conf?
20:00.39mchouKatty: get of Mt. Dew and you wont ever need to go to the doctor again
20:00.43Kattyassociated with brain damage, depression, memory loss, hallucinations, violent tendencies, seizures, cerebral atrophy, acute irritability, tremers...
20:00.56*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
20:00.56mchouKatty: exactly
20:01.10Kattylet's use Neon in our dt mt dew instead!
20:01.19[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: Put it where it belongs and it won't be
20:01.22Kattymaybe we'll glow!
20:01.29MrSebsomeone can explain to me if is possible, having already a dialplan, define a new one, using the previous and adding only a number of preselection without rewrite all? Pratically, from one provider, I've added a new one, and this is for choose the provider to use
20:01.36TheCompWiz[TK]D-Fender: where does it belong if not chan_dahdi.conf?
20:01.49Katty"BVO has caused testicular damaged"
20:02.08[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: Show us what you've done.
20:02.10raden_workKatty, how u so smart ?
20:02.22Kattyi'm not
20:02.25Kattyi just like to read wikipedia.
20:02.40KattyBVO is banned int he use of soft drinks in India
20:03.06TheCompWiz[TK]D-Fender: took the "example" config... adjusted to match my trunk type... everything works as far as making calls & such... whatever I set rxgain to... the dahdi_monitor shows no changes.
20:03.30[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: and I asked to see backup....
20:03.36TheCompWizi.e. rxgain=0.0  and rxgain=20.0 are the same.
20:04.08Kattyoh this is awesome!
20:04.19Kattyaspartame breaks down into formaldehyde in the body
20:05.43*** join/#asterisk brookshire (i=mbrooks@
20:05.56circutwhy dont sending the DTMF tones work ...
20:05.57TheCompWiz[TK]D-Fender: just to make you happy:
20:06.04*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
20:06.32[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: Everything after channel => 1-10 gets IGNORED
20:06.43TheCompWizwhy is that?
20:06.51circut[TK]D-Fender: hey dude long time no see
20:06.59[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: because thats how zaptel/DAHDI works.
20:07.14[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: You define your channel and the settings BEFORE IT apply
20:07.20[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz: Welcome to Zaptel 101
20:07.34[TK]D-Fender[16:01]<[TK]D-Fender>TheCompWiz: Put it where it belongs and it won't be
20:07.35Kattyraden_work: In one case, a man who drank eight liters of Ruby Red Squirt daily had a reaction that caused his skin color to turn red and produced lesions diagnosed as bromoderma. <- from wikipedia.
20:07.56Katty8 liter a day is a lot.
20:08.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: Cool... how many days did it take?
20:09.13circut[TK]D-Fender: you familiar with the following command?: Dial(DAHDI/g0/1234,,D(w4567)
20:09.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: the article says "Several Months"
20:09.31circutive got that in my dialplan, but it doesnt appear to be waiting, or sending the digits
20:09.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: wikipedia references: in footnote
20:09.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: 8 liters a day for several months.  Holy shit
20:10.10[TK]D-Fendercircut: and I don't see your actual dialplan or the call attempt.  PASTEBIN is your friend
20:10.12Kattyi'm surprised he didn't have other more serious problems
20:10.14infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
20:10.24Kattymore serious than bromoderma
20:10.41circutone minute
20:10.53circutit seems to be sending the dtmf codes
20:10.58circutbut not for the call i need LOL
20:12.20*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
20:13.25circutits fairly straightforward, my phone is a SIP phone
20:13.47circutcalling my cell phone which is in a different area code
20:13.54[TK]D-Fendercircut: And the failed call attempt
20:14.00circutso i dial my cell, i hear the beep to enter the long distance code
20:14.27circut[TK]D-Fender: ? the call fails yes
20:14.36[TK]D-Fendercircut: WHERE IS IT?
20:14.55circutafter a couple seconds of hearing the beep i get: "36P4 Im sorry you have not dial enough digits for your call to be completed"
20:15.05circuti dont follow
20:15.26[TK]D-Fender[16:10]<[TK]D-Fender>circut: and I don't see your actual dialplan or the call attempt. PASTEBIN is your friend
20:15.35[TK]D-Fendercircut: PASTEBIN the CLI OUTPUT of your call attempt
20:16.43*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
20:18.33circutsorry abou tthat
20:19.42circutso its weired, because on legit outgoing calls i see it inserting the DTMF
20:19.53*** part/#asterisk MrSeb (n=sebax75@
20:20.19[TK]D-Fendercircut: What kind of DAHDI channel is that?
20:20.20circutthe difference is this:
20:21.05[TK]D-Fendercircut: And please show the EXACT output, and do not filter anything
20:21.40circutwhat i pasted you is exactly what i see
20:21.57circuton other calls i see this though
20:22.47*** join/#asterisk citywok (
20:23.57[TK]D-Fendercircut:I want to see the 2 complete call attempts masking nothing
20:24.26[TK]D-Fendercircut: And jsut a side note for the PB you DID give me... they didn't answer <-
20:24.44[TK]D-Fendercircut: So certainly no reason to enter digits
20:25.14*** part/#asterisk ZPertee (
20:25.49circutok, so there is no answer
20:25.56circutbut there is a tone that is sent across
20:25.59circutlike a low beep
20:26.08[TK]D-Fendercircut: Not answered.
20:26.09circutive tryied putting our long distance code in front of the number to be dialed
20:26.22circutwith a # to send it through
20:26.47circutbut no go ;/
20:27.47circutin front / behind
20:28.22Kattyslings rubberband at [TK]D-Fender
20:28.33TheCompWiz[TK]D-Fender: thanks... I've never previously heard that the settings prior to the channel =>  was what applied.   makes a lot more sense now.   /bow
20:29.45[TK]D-Fenderstaples it to a 2x4 nails a clothes-peg to it, hooks another nail into the elastic, clips the head in the peg takes aim and FIRES
20:30.52TheCompWizon a side note... is it uncommon to see rx = 0.7 & tx 9.2?    ... seems like a huge difference between the two.
20:31.06[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:31.10TheCompWiz(just testing... it sounds quite a bit better...)
20:32.37dustybinslaps Katty with a noble peace prize
20:34.16TheCompWizdoubts Katty wants to associate with those who have recently received the Nobel Peace Prize.
20:39.22*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
20:40.33KattyTheCompWiz: what are you trying to say
20:44.31TheCompWizjust was messin' with my setup... and based on what the monitor tells me... it seems like the rx & tx gains are disproportionate.
20:44.50TheCompWizI figured if rx was a bit off... tx wouldn't be that far off... but 9db seems like a lot of gain...
20:45.15TheCompWizbut it sounds right.
20:47.14*** join/#asterisk fofware (n=chatzill@
20:48.29*** part/#asterisk TheCompWiz (
21:01.15fofwarehello, I want try conference in Asterisk 1.6, but MeetMe is not registered, that is something I forget in compilation time?
21:04.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joeblow@
21:04.15fofwareyes, I see app_meetme depend of dahdi, I need it to enable conference
21:04.49*** join/#asterisk Moltar (n=Moltar@2620:0:d20:1:21b:63ff:fec8:db30)
21:04.59Kattywraps [TK]D-Fender in copper and sticks him between two magnets.
21:06.18Kattythen we should connect the magnets to wire.
21:06.21Kattyand stick the wire in water.
21:06.29Kattyand then move to the MOON!
21:07.08Kattyoh hey, did nasa launch that bomb yet?
21:09.20*** join/#asterisk ergodicsum (n=ergudics@
21:09.58ergodicsumdoes anyone know what is the default text to speech engine installed in trixbox?
21:10.22Kattymy guess would be festival.
21:10.27Kattybut i would ask in #trixbox
21:10.56[TK]D-Fendererrotan: should be festival
21:12.28seanbrightKatty: yes they did
21:12.37Kattyhas found some CNN coverage to watch
21:12.42Kattyseanbright: water?
21:12.44seanbrightKatty: and it had no explosives on it, so i'm not sure it counts as a 'bomb'
21:12.50Kattyokay so rocket
21:12.51Kattygoing very fast
21:12.55Kattyto cause asplosey
21:13.05Kattyand hopefully bits of ice to go everywhere?
21:13.17seanbrightthe visible plume was underwhelming
21:13.25seanbrightbut apparently they consider it successful
21:13.35seanbrightnothing in terms of results yet
21:13.43seanbrighti'd imagine that will take a ridiculously long time
21:13.47seanbrightbecause it's nasa
21:13.50seanbrightand space.
21:14.02Kattyit's a very expensive project.
21:14.11Kattybut the results will be VERY interesting
21:14.21seanbrighti'm not so sure.
21:14.40KattyBottled Moon Water(tm)
21:16.09seanbrightwe need to get this mars mission going
21:16.40seanbrighti want to live to see it
21:17.20Kattythere are still a lot of quirks with that ion engine
21:17.43Kattyi'd like to see healthcare mission taken care of first
21:19.47Kattyi'm not sure that the crafts solar panels would be able to provide the energy required to operate its electrical charge/repulsion system
21:19.52Kattyfor 39 days
21:20.00[TK]D-Fenderfinds an aircraft carrier to hang "Mission Accomplished" sign off of
21:20.03shido6solar panels
21:20.10shido6are we still selling that?
21:20.14seanbrighti haven't followed the design of the proposed craft
21:20.24Kattyit uses ion propulsion
21:20.43Kattybasically, electricity from the solar panels gives it a positive electrical charge the atoms inside a chamber
21:20.57Kattyand then it's like holding magnets together, like ends, which causes them to force themselves a part
21:21.10Kattythe craft is pushed by magnetic repulsion
21:21.20Kattybut the electricity provided by solar panels isn't a lot
21:21.51Kattyit's very efficient
21:21.57seanbrightjust give them oars
21:22.16seanbrightmagic oars
21:22.37Kattydilthium crystals.
21:23.02Kattythat too
21:23.18seanbrightruns off
21:23.27shido6if they already have magnets they can use negative energy rather than the solar panels
21:24.00Kattywell. it's not exactly magnets.
21:25.03Kattythe engine releases elctrons from a cathode by heating it.
21:25.23Kattythe electric charge accelerates the electrons towards an anode into a discharge chamber
21:26.01Kattyxenon is forced into a chamber which has be previous magnetized to increase colissions between the xeon gas at the electrons
21:26.03shido6is that like Stan Meyers ion engine?
21:26.29Kattyno idea.
21:28.14Kattyi was just reading about it a few days ago when reddit linked nasa's ion propulsion test
21:28.56bmoracaion engines in current theory take too long to accelerate to be extremely useful
21:29.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: xeon gas?  So that'ss what you get when an Intel server goes up in flames? ;)
21:29.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: exactly.
21:29.32Kattybmoraca: yeah i think it's something like 4.5km per second
21:29.45Kattyso for it to hit max speed of 52k...
21:29.52Kattyit'd be like uhhh 5 hours
21:30.37*** join/#asterisk Gokee2_Extra (
21:30.51Kattybmoraca: it's their high effeciency that's useful
21:30.53bmoracawhy not stick some extremely radioactive isotope in a big funnel and let the radioactive decay process provide propulsion :P
21:31.36bmoracaKatty: indeed...but that high efficiency doesn't show up until the craft is already in motion and at speed...and in current ion engines, it takes way too long to get there
21:32.16bmoracai have no doubt that eventually we will be using them for ranged space travel...but at present, solid fuel is our only viable propulsion system
21:32.36bmoracaat least until the vulcans introduce us to warp drive, anyway
21:33.01Kattywell...i think we'll just have to build it outside of the atmosphere
21:33.21Kattyor at least launch it from outside
21:33.25[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: high radioactive decay comes from supe -heavy elements.  The WEIGHTfactor alone makes the idea moot
21:33.33Kattythat way we don't have to take into effect the huge ammount of energy required for escape velocity
21:33.34bmoracathat's been another option, but we don't have that kind of technology
21:33.49bmoracai know that, comment was tongue-in-cheek
21:33.51Kattysomething else we have to take into account is bone density
21:33.57Kattyeven at 39 days...
21:34.08Kattyzero gravity can do a lot of damage.
21:34.18[TK]D-Fenderacquires some more brownian liquid
21:34.23Kattyand how we're going to propel people, for 39 days, without even some sort of...
21:34.28Kattysodas bad for you fender
21:34.42Kattyforget the word
21:34.45Kattyspins to create gravity
21:34.50bmoracaartificial gravity...sci-fi has been doing it for years!  gigantic spinning space ships!
21:35.06bmoracacentrifugal force!
21:35.11Kattyyeah, there you go
21:35.18Kattythat's just one more thing to power
21:35.26bmoracababylon 5 comes to life!
21:35.28Kattyand solar panels are only so efficient
21:35.42bmoracasolar panels such...nuclear ftw
21:35.43Kattybabylon 5 is highly unrealistic in terms of artifical gravity
21:35.56bmoracai know, but it was an awesome freaking show
21:35.59[TK]D-FenderKatty : no, just strap people int elastic training equipment
21:36.45[TK]D-FenderkattKatt: its the lack of sistac and free expansion
21:37.07Kattyyou would need something with a pretty big radius
21:37.12Kattyand it would have to move fairly slow
21:37.24Kattythat way your gravity doesn't change too much
21:37.33Kattyand your rpms don't mess people up
21:38.30Kattyalso depends on your mass, really
21:38.32bmoracathere is no "up" in space, so disorientation wouldn't really happen...if your direction of centrifugal force is always straight out, your body would never know that you're spinning
21:38.45Kattygravity is directly proportial to mass
21:39.05bmoracait'd be changes in the rotational speed that would be disorientating
21:39.09Kattybmoraca: yeah i don't know what the effect of artifical gravity would be on the human body
21:39.23Kattybmoraca: but a serious fluction in the gforce can be damaging
21:40.10Kattyi guess a good question is what is the radius of the earht, her mass, and we know she rotates 1 in 24 hours
21:40.32Kattywe know that it creates 1g
21:40.46bmoracagravitational force is different than centrifugal force
21:40.49carrarradius of Earth = 6 378.1 kilometers
21:40.50Kattyalso true
21:41.26Kattygravity = v^2 / r
21:41.30[TK]D-FenderGravity relates to weight, not mass
21:41.33Kattygravity = (v^2) / r
21:41.59Kattywell, equal to the acceleration of gravity
21:42.39bmoracai don't think it's the gravity that's so much the issue, but rather the lack of pressure on ones bones which causes them to's much more difficult to snap a 2x4 that is weight-bearing than it is to break one that's not
21:43.27Kattybones lose mass in zero gravity
21:43.47bmoracaright, and i suspect the reason for that is a lack of pressure
21:44.16bmoracaa lack of downward force is incidental to that
21:44.35Kattyyeah idk
21:44.48[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: hence elastics
21:45.23Kattywe can be like the borg and dock at night
21:45.58Gokee2_ExtraWell...  Back here on earth, I am still having problems getting asterisk to recognize the channels setup in zaptel.  Any idea's?
21:47.08Kobazdoes linksys make a 4 port fxs
21:47.43[TK]D-FenderKobaz: nope. 1/2/8
21:47.44bmoracaGokee2_Extra: pastebin your zapata.conf, zaptel.conf files, the output of "zt-cfg -vvvvv" and the output of "zap show channels"
21:47.50Kobazdrmessano: that's an fxo
21:48.50Gokee2_Extrabmoraca, Sure one sec
21:49.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:52.02*** join/#asterisk chandoo (n=chandoo@
21:52.08Gokee2_ExtraOk here it is zapata zaptel zt-cfg -vvvvv zap show
21:52.11bmoracai've had decent luck with the SPA-8000g2....and i like the amphenol connector on it, too
21:52.27Kobazwhat's your favorite vendor
21:52.33Kobazipphonewarehouse is out of stock
21:52.41Kobazvoipsupply only has fxo's
21:52.50bmoracatechdata, but they're a private distributor...  you can try
21:52.52*** part/#asterisk superbeef (n=superbee@
21:52.59Kobazyeah, i saw voiplink
21:53.05bmoracaGokee2_Extra: why do you have two [channels] contexts in your zapata.conf?
21:53.18Kobazmaybe my polycom distributor has them
21:53.20drmessanoSpa-8000g2? Hmmm
21:53.47Gokee2_Extrabmoraca, So I can do different stuff with line one and two, should this be done differently?
21:53.51KobazSpa-8000g2 doesn't seem to exist according to google
21:54.18drmessanoHoly crap.. Amphenol connector.. nice
21:54.31drmessanoKobaz: Your google foo sucks
21:54.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: its got its quirks, but is pretty decent
21:54.59bmoracadrmessano: the thing i don't like about it is that it has a fan in it...Adtran's TA908 is moving parts = win
21:55.07bmoracaGokee2_Extra: that's not what i meant
21:55.34bmoracaGokee2_Extra: look at zapata.conf...look at line 4 and line 8...tell me if you notice anything wrong
21:55.36drmessanoYeah, fans + Linksys/Cisco low/mid price gear = suck
21:56.04Gokee2_Extrabmoraca, Ah!  I will get rid of that
21:56.04[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Yup
21:56.06bmoracaTA908 is ~$800, so i can deal with a fan for 1/4 the price
21:56.09drmessanoCase in point, their 5 port Gbit switch
21:56.22Kattybmoraca: this ion propulsion doesn't accerlate fast enough to reach escape velocity! :<
21:57.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: You only need 55mph to reach "Escape #&$^ing Missouri Velocity" :p
21:57.33bmoracadrmessano: TA908s, though, can output a PRI connection, so they're very useful for lots of other things...
21:57.44Kattyif my math is right..
21:57.52Kattyit'll take 4 days just to get to 60mph
21:58.13Kattywith around 20mph per day of increased acceleration
21:58.15bmoracaKatty: yeah...that's the problem with ion engines...imagine getting to the moon at 60mph
21:58.31Kattyyeah you're not even leaving earth at that rate :/
21:58.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sure you are
21:59.02*** join/#asterisk Moltar (n=Moltar@2620:0:d20:1:21b:63ff:fec8:db30)
21:59.16Katty8km/s is required for orbit
21:59.17bmoracayou could if your angle of incidence was low might have to fly around the globe 60 or 70 times before you exited the atmosphere, but you'd make it eventually
21:59.32Kattyyeah you might be able to swing that
21:59.34MoltarCould anyone recommend versions of openh323/h323plus pwlib/ptlib to install in order to enable h323 in Asterisk ?  The chan_h323 option is unavailable in my make menuconfig.
21:59.44Kattyit would take uhh
21:59.53Katty75 miles to outer atmosphere
21:59.54bmoracaKatty: a LONG ass time
21:59.59Kattysoo that'd be about
22:00.01Katty7 days out?
22:00.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: Speed is irrelevant to the fact of departure.  If you were going upward at 1 inch per minutes then eventually you will leave the planet
22:00.15Gokee2_ExtraWell now I get "[Oct  9 14:58:43] ERROR[13953]: chan_zap.c:12645 setup_zap: Unable to load config zapata.conf" with  I guess I did something else wrong?
22:00.35Katty3.5 oz of xenon per day
22:00.39bmoracaGokee2_Extra: you still have two [channels] definitions
22:00.42Gokee2_ExtraO thats when I do module "reload"
22:00.50Katty25 oz of xenon to escape earth
22:01.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: HORRIBLE math
22:01.30Kattyjust based on estimate of 7 days to get out of earth's atmosphere
22:01.51Kattycause you ain't gonna achieve orbit on this propulsion velocity :P
22:01.58Kattyit's DOOM :P
22:02.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: the theory of acceleration is relative the the mass of the vessel in a 0 gravity (functional) environment.
22:02.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: your Xenon theory is worthless planet-side
22:02.26Katty8km/s is what's required to reach orbit of earth
22:02.38bmoracaKatty: if your angle of incidence was extremely low, you could get out at that would just take an extreme amount of time
22:02.55Gokee2_Extrabmoraca, Eh?  Where?
22:03.02bmoraca75 miles at 1-degree of incidence
22:03.23bmoracaGokee2_Extra: nm, firefox is just stupid
22:03.41Gokee2_Extrabmoraca, Ah ok :)
22:03.45*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
22:03.55bmoracaGokee2_Extra: do a "zt-cfg -vvvvv" and then RESTART asterisk
22:04.00Kattybmoraca: yeah.
22:04.06bmoracaand tell me what zap show channels
22:04.07Kattybmoraca: but it would still, sadly, be more fuel efficient
22:04.29Kattyin the long run
22:04.31bmoracaKatty: difficult is xenon gas to harvest or synthesize?
22:04.37Kattynow that i don't know
22:05.09Katty181lbs of xenon = 900lbs of fuel
22:05.35Kattyerr 55lbs of xenon
22:05.41Kattyis equivilent to 900lbs of fuel
22:06.10Kattybut that's a peak efficiency
22:06.46Gokee2_ExtraAh, I had somehow gotten the permissions messed up on zaptel.conf
22:07.36Kattyanywho, worktime is over.
22:07.40Kattytime to go home and do something FUN!
22:08.36Gokee2_ExtraNow I have a different problem
22:10.28*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
22:10.58Gokee2_Extrabmoraca, O and zap show channels shows nothing for channels (I am assuming because it did not load the config right)
22:13.55*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWIELING@
22:14.26*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:19.21p3nguinAfter hooking my phone to the SPA-3102, the ringer is much more quiet than when the phone was plugged right into the wall jack.  Is there any setting in the ATA that I can use to turn up the ringer for the FXS port?
22:19.55manxpowerp3nguin: I will check, but I believe there's a config option for that.
22:21.16manxpowerSipura->Regional->Ring Voltage
22:21.25p3nguinCrank it up?
22:23.43Gokee2_ExtraHmm now  "module load" says "[Oct  9 15:21:55] WARNING[14166]: pbx.c:2981 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'ZapSendKeypadFacility'                         [Oct  9 15:21:55] ERROR[14166]: chan_zap.c:11831 build_channels: Signalling must be specified before any channels are."
22:24.37p3nguinThe ring wave form is currently trapezoid, and the voltage is 85.  What should I increase it to in order to make it about twice as loud (3dB?)?
22:24.39manxpowerGokee2_Extra: Did you specify the signaling option before any channels in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf?
22:25.02manxpowerp3nguin: no idea.  Set it to as high as it goes and see what happens
22:25.34p3nguinMight blow the ringer out of the phone.  :)
22:26.20p3nguinThere's also FXS port input and output gains.  That would help with the volume of audio when on a call, wouldn't it?
22:26.48p3nguinThose are both at -3.
22:26.57p3nguinMaybe 0 would be better.
22:27.28p3nguinFXS port impedance 600
22:27.41Gokee2_Extramanxpower, I thought so...  My zapata.conf is
22:28.20*** join/#asterisk rizwan (n=u2006231@
22:37.32p3nguinI don't know the integers that the ring voltage will accept, but I put 255 in it and it was better... so I changed it to 440 and it accepted the change.  Going to test it right now.
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22:49.58p3nguinIt just doesn't get any louder.  I did turn it down to 20, and it was too quiet to even hear it.
22:50.01Gokee2_ExtraAhha somehow I got one l on signalling
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22:57.14*** join/#asterisk rdude9 (n=rdude9@
22:58.12rdude9Can asterisk automatically execute a program when a call from a phone line comes in?
22:58.35p3nguinSure.  You might want to check into the System() command.
23:00.01rdude9shido6/p3nguin: thanks. Is it possible to do more than one action; ex: System() to execute a certain program and also forward the call to a soft-phone?
23:00.01manxpowerexten => _.,1,System(/sbin/shutdown -h now)
23:00.01shido6yes you can, rdude9
23:01.57p3nguinYou could always add another line in the dialplan, then use Dial(SIP/yoursoftphone,30) or similar.
23:03.37rdude9Ok. But will that be blocking or non-blocking? In other words, I want to 1) execute a program, when that program exits it then calls the softphone instead of concurrent operation.
23:04.13p3nguinI think System() requires exit before it continues.  Try it and see.
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23:06.47hudonyHi, I have 1 or 2 questions about call files
23:06.51rdude9Ok. Just wanted to verify. What I'm trying to do is when a call comes in 1) a program connects to a bluetooth headset, if the user successfully "accepts" the connection from the computer, then the call is sent to a soft-phone that automatically answers. But I think I would need to somehow let asterisk know what the exit code of the program was.
23:07.06*** part/#asterisk sircolin (
23:08.00hudonyFirst, I'd like to know if it's possible to monitor call files treatment progress
23:08.19hudonyLike ... Now dialing : 5 / 20
23:08.20shido6call files treatment?
23:08.38shido65 of 20?
23:09.12hudonyI'm parsing a csv file to make calls
23:10.02hudonycreating a bunch of call file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
23:10.04hudonyworks great so far
23:10.34hudonyBut how does it works exactly : I'm specifiying a channel... Like SIP/996 to originate calls...
23:10.56hudonyDoes it parse the first call file...then queue up the others present in the directory?
23:11.18hudonyor do you need to move only one call file at once into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing?
23:12.24hudonyany help would be appreciated
23:12.42bmoracahudony: if you want to serialize them or limit the number concurrently processed, you need to manually move them in there in the order/speed that you want them processed
23:12.59hudonyah ok
23:13.22hudonyor else..they will be processed at the same time and of course...that will fuck everything up :S
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23:20.27manxpowerIf the creation time of the file is in the future then it will not be processed until that time
23:21.15shido6you should write an app to feed astmanproxy
23:21.41hudonyok, thank you
23:21.43shido6we pumped 180,000 calls per hour on 2 or 3 Ts
23:22.51shido6just dont call people on the do not call list
23:22.58shido6you WILL get fined
23:23.59*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
23:25.49generalhanso, my PRI provider is telling me that they are unable to change the caller ID name that is passed for tollfree numbers, but they can change the caller id name for the local DID that the toll free points to. is this a common occurance ?
23:27.11shido6if u find one that allows u to change cid for 8xx let me know :)
23:27.52generalhanso no matter what, when i call out and set my callerid(number)= an 800 866 877 888 number the caller id name will always display as 800 Service ?
23:28.41Corydon76-diggeneralhan: only cross-carriers
23:28.58Corydon76-diggeneralhan: if the destination is on the same carrier, then it's bullshit
23:29.42generalhani sooo dont understand this at all ! lol. i have been setting my callerid name through * for years now, and last month it stopped working, and they are telling me that i am retarded and have never been able change the name. so something has changed and they are trying to make me believe that it has always been this way
23:30.13Corydon76-diggeneralhan: you're talking about cross-carrier interconnect agreements
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23:30.35generalhanthey are also telling me that i dont have the ability to change the outgoing caller id number to anything outside of my local DID block, which is still not the case, though they swear it is
23:30.47Corydon76-digOnce the call exceeds the boundaries of the carrier, they have no control over the callerid NAME
23:31.20PMantisHi everyone. I'm working on a specialized embedded Asterisk install and I'm getting this on startup:
23:31.20PMantisIllegal instruction
23:31.47shido6that sux
23:31.48generalhani know that i have seen calls on my callerid at home with a toll free number and their company name listed as the name. how do they get that to work ?
23:32.05shido6their provider allows it
23:32.14Corydon76-diggeneralhan: they're probably calling through the same carrier as your home service
23:32.18shido6since the spoofing craze its screwed us all
23:32.31bmoracageneralhan: callerid NAME is, and always has been, looked up by the CALLED party.  the CALLING party has no control what so ever over it (except inside the carriers network, if they allow it).
23:33.47generalhanwhat prediciment! so now i have to chose whether to promote our toll free number on outgoing calls, or use a local number and promote the company name
23:33.56Corydon76-digIf you really want that ability, probably the closest you're going to come to getting it is getting an SS7 link
23:35.12Corydon76-diggeneralhan: or get a bunch of different provisioning lines and route the call based upon the destination, so that you cross carriers on outgoing calls minimally
23:35.28bmoracageneralhan: you will need to tell your telephone company what you want caller id name to be set as, or else lease the CNAM database capabilities to set that up yourself.  most providers, though, do not lookup callerid name for 800 numbers, and so probably won't even let you request it
23:36.11generalhanCorydon76-dig: how to i know the destination numbers' carrier ?
23:36.29bmoracageneralhan: look it up based on LATA and OCS
23:36.46generalhanbah, this is getting crazy ! lol
23:36.53Corydon76-digYeah, that works mostly, as long as the number wasn't ported
23:37.23bmoracageneralhan: most people don't bother much with callerid name because the vast majority of people still don't support it
23:37.31bmoracaor don't want to pay for it
23:37.37Corydon76-digIf it was ported, you'd need an SS7 link to discover a path to a termination point
23:38.22bmoracageneralhan: the main thing about callerid name is that it's up to the CALLED party to look it up and display it.  there is no guarantee that it will ever come up properly to all callers.
23:38.23generalhanwell the issue for me is that i have 3 companies operating out of this same building. and companyb's clients are getting confused because CompanyA's name is showing up on their callerid boxes
23:38.57bmoracageneralhan: tell your phone company to change the CNAM associated with that particular ANI then
23:39.11bmoracasome will not let you do that, however.
23:39.22Corydon76-digbmoraca: they should, though
23:39.34bmoracasome require that all numbers associated with a particular BTN have to have the same outbound CNAM
23:39.43Corydon76-diggeneralhan: if sales has a problem with it, you can ask to talk to a switch tech
23:40.01generalhanthat is what i am running into now. and i finally got them to understand my issue, and they said they would let me change the local number NAME, but that really doesnt help my tollfree number issue
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23:41.13bmoracageneralhan: as i said before, toll free is really outside the scope of local CNAM.  providers generally do not do lookups on 800 numbers.  telepacific, for instance, just sends "TOLLFREE CALLER" for all 800 numbers.  other places may do similar things.
23:42.00generalhanok well, i just wanted to be sure that they were at least telling me fact this time instead of uneducated dribble
23:42.04generalhanthanks for the input you two !
23:42.08bmoracaas a matter of fact, on some of their plans (SmartVoice) they will not even let you outpulse toll-free ANI
23:50.41*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
23:52.01PMantisInstead of running "make menuconfig" and checking off "EXTRA-SOUNDS-EN-ULAW" (for example) is there a simple command I can run to select it?
23:59.41drmessanoI think Digium could get a lot more downloads if they offered cheat codes for beta testers

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