IRC log for #asterisk on 20090927

00:06.14*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
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00:42.54fofwareOther question... May i do a socket connection to Asterisk CLI?
00:45.34fofwareOh!!! yes to 5038 port good
00:47.12*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
00:50.38p3nguinWhat's that port for?
00:51.43p3nguinasterisk server console?
00:53.41*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:03.21p3nguinDoes the AMI have to be running to use the console?
01:04.49drmessanoThey're two entirely different things
01:05.14p3nguinThe commenting in the top of manager.conf prompted the question.
01:12.10fofwarep3nguin: yes it's the port of manager.conf and you can make a socket connetion and use like CLI
01:12.41fofwareOk guys I'm going to a party, have a good night
01:12.49*** part/#asterisk WinZ (n=winz@
01:18.45*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
01:20.07matrix1233i have a problem :s
01:20.17matrix1233i have this message : 1253948916 NOTICE[6550]: rtp.c:566 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 96 received
01:20.28matrix1233when i send a DTMF
01:26.09*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:30.49*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWIELING@
01:38.55ChannelZmatrix1233: what kind of phone?
01:41.10bimbohello, here's the scenario I've got: one asterisk server, 4 pstn lines connected to it and 2 other client computers connected via ethernet to the asterisk server each handling at most 2 of the 4 pstn lines, what would you recommend for this setup?
01:42.39matrix1233ChannelZ: i have a trunk
01:42.59drmessanoHe's fighting an old asterisk bug, cant upgrade, cant recompile, before you waste your time
01:43.01matrix1233ChannelZ: sip trunk asteriks 1.2
01:43.23matrix1233drmessano: yes lol
01:44.00ChannelZah.  So can't fix the problem.
01:44.01matrix1233drmessano: thx for your help i wil found a solution witout recomple
01:44.26drmessanoYou can patch rtp.c without recompiling?
01:44.56ChannelZbimbo: In terms of what?
01:44.58p3nguinI guess you could patch it, but it wouldn't do much good until you did recompile it.
01:45.31ChannelZbimbo: I'm running 4 POTS lines on a $150 computer from newegg and a Digium TDM800
01:45.51drmessanoYou spent $150 on yours?
01:46.01p3nguinYou can recompile just rtp, right?
01:46.23ChannelZI think, it was over a year ago
01:46.26drmessanoBig fuckin spender.. I got like $75 and some sexual favors I rather not relive invested in mine
01:46.55drmessanoSure, i took one for the team.. but it was a Celeron D..
01:47.04bimboChannelZ: I mean, can this be actually done with asterisk? what would the client need? (asterisk is needed in order to grab the caller id and integrate that to a system through php AGI)
01:47.06drmessanoThose are good, right?
01:47.27drmessanoNo? :(
01:47.30p3nguinI mean, uh, yeah.
01:47.33matrix1233drmessano: perhaps i can install the same asterisk  in anadher machine and i patch it and after i copy the chosen asterisk file
01:48.23drmessanomatrix1233: Wont you need app_fluxcapacitor to go back 3 years in time?
01:48.38ChannelZbimbo: yes asterisk can do it with the proper hardware (a TDM card of some sort for the POTS lines)
01:50.37bimboChannelZ: ok thank you, any wireless headset you recommend?
01:51.04ChannelZno sorry I don't use them
01:51.55matrix1233drmessano: i can't for now update my asterisk beacause this server is on production .. it work in real time
01:52.13*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
01:52.29p3nguinYou could fix the problem and then restart it gracefully.
01:52.33drmessanoCorrection, it _mostly_ work in real time.. It would appear that "Shits broke"
01:52.36matrix1233drmessano: for now there are 60  Teleoperator running
01:54.14*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
01:54.29ChannelZwell you have to restart it eventually
01:54.59p3nguinOr you can restart it gracefully and it'll restart when possible, no?
02:01.37*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
02:09.58ChannelZWahoo!  a complete distro update and * recompile later and my skypeforasterisk module is finally loading
02:14.39*** join/#asterisk misteranonymous (
02:32.18*** part/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
02:34.17*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
02:34.24darkdrgn2khey guys where can i find the skype trunk module
02:34.30darkdrgn2k(i know its beta.. its for play not production)
02:40.17Tim_Toadyits not beta anymore, you can buy it from digium
02:48.17*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
02:48.26darkdrgn2ktim_Toady: is there a "freeware" version?
02:48.46*** join/#asterisk jcape (
02:49.05darkdrgn2kdam prorpiatary protocols
02:49.47darkdrgn2khow much is it?
02:50.41*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
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02:57.00dreadmaulI remember reading something about letting the rtp channel redirect while the control channel stays with * to monitor the breakdown. How what that done?
03:17.21ChannelZhmm is there a way to get 'core show channels' to not truncate the channel name?
03:18.28*** join/#asterisk psilikon (
03:31.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:33.26*** join/#asterisk AeroCloud (
03:34.02AeroCloudquestion: in dialplan, I am using t,1,Hangup, but on timeout, it is not hanging up
03:34.04ChannelZoh, how wonderfully counter-intuitive.  'core show channels concise' actually _doesn't_ truncate the channel where as 'verbose' does.
03:34.13AeroCloudany ideas?
03:34.23ChannelZWhat's it doing instead?
03:34.32*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
03:34.40n3glvhi guys
03:34.42AeroCloudrepeating the s,1
03:34.58n3glvI'm trying to get a lenny debian system running
03:35.10n3glvit's all good execpt for this dahdi module error
03:35.17n3glvfatal error inserting dahdi invalid module format
03:35.19ChannelZhmm.. and the exten => t,1,Hangup() is in the same context?
03:35.51n3glvI see lots of ref to it on google, but no fixes so far.
03:36.18ChannelZwhat is the last step in your 's' extension?
03:36.45AeroCloudstep before is AGI(script)
03:37.41p3nguinCan you paste that entire context into a pastebin?
03:37.59AeroCloudI force a timelimit of 3 minutes to dial a number
03:38.15AeroCloudthen it times out on a person, if they dont dial in 3 minutes, its going back to s,1
03:39.54ChannelZyeah it's hard to tell without seeing the dialplan
03:40.08p3nguinthe whole context, not just parts of it.
03:40.47AeroCloudgot it
03:41.03AeroCloudneed both t,1,hangup and T,1,hangup
03:42.35AeroClouddialplan is simple
03:43.20AeroClouds,1,Answer - s,2,AGI(script) - s,3,hangup - t,1,hangup - T,1,hangup - h,1,DeadAGI(script) - h,2,hangup
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03:44.11AeroCloudthe h,1 script is to cleanup custom call detail
03:44.18ChannelZwhat is the AGI script doing?
03:44.25ChannelZthe T timeout is a timeout for the entire call
03:44.41AeroCloudT timeout is when absolute timeout is reached
03:45.02AeroCloudI set 3 minutes to dial a number, then set 120 minutes once a valid number is dialed
03:45.34AeroCloudits working perfectly now, thanx
03:47.59ChannelZwell ok
03:52.08*** join/#asterisk e4 (n=e4@
04:13.49*** join/#asterisk mctweep (n=mctweep@
04:16.01*** join/#asterisk denon (
04:16.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
04:17.20mctweephey all, if i want to setup enumlookup's in 1.4, do i need to setup a trunk or would something like exten=> _X.,1,ENUMLOOKUP(+${EXTEN}) work?
04:23.37n3glvfatal error inserting dahdi invalid module format
04:23.43n3glvI'm trying to get a lenny debian system running
04:23.47n3glvI see lots of ref to it on google, but no fixes so far.
04:24.06kaldemarmctweep: lookups have nothing to do with trunks
04:24.41kaldemarn3glv: are you compiling from source?
04:24.52n3glvyes, via a script actually
04:26.15kaldemari haven't run into any problems compiling it in lenny.
04:26.59n3glvLoading DAHDI hardware modules: FATAL: Error inserting dahdi (/lib/modules/2.6.26-2-amd64/asterisk/dahdi/dahdi.ko
04:27.10n3glvthat's not exactly it
04:27.16n3glvits 32bit
04:27.28n3glvbut was doing google search and found same error there
04:29.43kaldemarwhat script are you using to compile?
04:29.58n3glvit's from a lenny mirror, let me get it
04:30.09n3glv(I tried updating it to latest dahdi)
04:30.46kaldemaris the module compiled for a 32-bit system?
04:31.22n3glvit was made, on this system by the script
04:31.22n3glvlike I said, that was someone elses post on a webpage
04:31.26n3glvmine is 32bit all the way
04:31.47n3glvLinux debian-pbx 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Aug 19 06:06:52 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
04:32.52kaldemarhow about compiling the modules yourself?
04:33.15n3glvdid dahdi then dahdi-tools asterisk, asterisk-addons etc
04:37.12KavanSis there a way to see if a number is being dialed/currently connected via SIP? via a macro or something?
04:37.29KavanSchan_avail is a nice idea, but I'm not sure it would work...I want to see if an external number is currently connected
04:37.44n3glvsip show channels?
04:38.17KavanSyeah, I want to do this via a macro...i.e. to evaluate whether the person's cell is already on a call
04:38.19ChannelZyou mean programmatically in your dialplan
04:38.44*** join/#asterisk MIR100 (
04:42.13*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:42.38n3glvkaldemar: I can set up for ssh if you would care to take a peek
04:42.47kaldemarKavanS: function DEVICE_STATE
04:42.58KavanSkaldemar, ok googling now
04:45.46*** join/#asterisk phunyguy (
04:46.02kaldemarKavanS: EXTENSION_STATE might also be useful
04:59.15*** part/#asterisk bimbo (n=oso@
05:05.18mctweephmm ok so all i have to do is setup enumlookups in extensions.conf
05:05.58mctweepi must be using the wrong format or something it doesn't pick it up,
05:10.17*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
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05:25.05mctweeptryin to test enumlookup , using exten => _XXXXX,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+14124030895,,,,}), according to doco just returns no extension found
05:27.41*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
05:35.17*** join/#asterisk Cuban0 (n=cubano@
05:35.35Cuban0good nite everyone i have a question about polarity reversal on Digium TDM400
05:35.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:36.07Cuban0in my scenario when remote party answers the call the line makes a polarity reversal
05:36.29Cuban0and i need my asterisk to report call as ANSWERED when that reversal occurrs
05:36.43Cuban0now it is counting the call as answered just as it is Dialed
05:40.39infobotanswers is probably Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
05:46.04*** join/#asterisk jcape (n=jcape@
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07:19.40*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
07:20.27TJNIISo, the problem with VNCing to a box with a identical window manager is that it is very easy to confuse the two, and you might issue a command to the wrong machine.
07:20.37TJNIILike, say, SHUTDOWN.
07:22.14ChannelZheh oops
07:22.41TJNIIdoesn't think he had anything important open....
07:23.12ChannelZWell you don't now!
07:25.22*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (
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07:39.15tzafrir_laptopTJNII, you also have that problem with ssh
07:39.39tzafrir_laptopThis is why you should always have the hostname in the prompt
07:42.17*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
07:48.05drmessanoI did that once with a pair of windows servers.. Someone had a remote desktop open to another server. So I hop in to reboot the server.. Started the reboot and I see a remote desktop window close and desktop of the other server..
07:48.25drmessanoOOPS too
07:50.51*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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07:58.25TJNIItzafrir_laptop: I've never had that problem with ssh because I do keep the hostname in the prompt.
07:58.38TJNIINow, screen inside screen inside screen, that leads to confusion.
08:17.38*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
08:22.03*** part/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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09:38.15*** join/#asterisk jgoo (n=tyyjyj@
09:41.10znhIf I see 'RTP packet send to... x.x.x.x.x' does that mean it actually is recevied?
09:41.25znhoh wait I also receive RTP messages
09:41.45znhokay so I can send and receive from the phone. However i'm not getting any audio
09:43.08jgooIs there a level of debug that will be useful? I want to test making calls inbound, outbound, checking all work, and monitoring any fails.
09:43.31*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
09:44.01znhjgoo: rtp debug shows allot
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09:54.59jgooI don't want to show a lot of anything znh
09:55.06jgooI want to show one/ two lines per call
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10:07.25*** join/#asterisk Failrar (n=Failrar@2001:470:1f15:316:2a0:d1ff:fe4e:e802)
10:12.37mctweepnewbie question , in ENUMLOOKUP(+${EXTEN},sip,c)}|, what does the "c" stand for?
10:14.56kaldemarit's a zone suffix. core show function ENUMLOOKUP
10:17.46mctweepaah ok so is that related to enum.conf that contains the domains to lookup
10:23.53mctweepwhen i use exten => 100,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+437203001721)}), it just looks it up on, how do i get it to look on
10:24.56kaldemarhave you looked at sample enum.conf? will be used by default, you need to enable in enum.conf and use it explicitly in the lookup.
10:26.38kaldemarmake your dialplan do another lookup if you don't get any results from
10:27.26mctweepok will do ,do i need to specify it in enum.conf to work or can i just use it in extensions.conf by name
10:29.00kaldemareh, c is not zone suffix. i was looking at the wrong function. "Option 'c' returns an integer count of the number of NAPTRs of a certain RR type."
10:29.25kaldemaryou need the search directive in enum.conf
10:29.51mctweepaah ok yea i added search => but it still seems to be using default zone-suffix
10:30.40mctweepif i just put in enum.conf and nothing else does that replace the default zone-suffix or it doesn't work like that
10:41.39*** join/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
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10:44.37mctweepthanks for your help kaldemar:) i'll play around with it
10:52.13znhIf RTP packets are received and send, but no audio is heard (echo as test).. what would be going on?
11:01.08znhanyone care to help me out here...
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12:44.15WinZguys, is it possible to connect an analog phone to asterisk via software modem in laptop?
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12:49.22WinZso sad
12:49.27WinZthank you
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13:40.58*** join/#asterisk Zambezi (i=Zulu@
13:44.11ZambeziAny Swede here who know where I can get a blacklist with numbers to telemarkingcompanies? I saw a comment on a homepage with a guy with a huge list of 1614 numbers so some list got to be out there. Collecting manually will take ages.
13:48.35*** join/#asterisk jstew (
13:49.12jstewHi, is there a way in manager or cli to display parking lot extensions?
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14:09.09ZambeziSorry. Misprint. Tried to close Vim.
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14:20.17GuggeZambezi, doesnt telemarketing call with hidden numbers in sweden?
14:20.21Guggei know they do in denmark
14:20.29*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
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14:39.42ZambeziGugge: I heard that too and I hate it. But at least it works for now. What if goverment made it illegal to with hidden number from telemarketing? Impossible probably.
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14:51.06florzit is in .de
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15:02.05DigitalFlux-AFKHello Guys
15:02.55DigitalFlux-AFKi need there is a solution to make asterisk store SIP users information and CDR in a MySQL Database ..
15:02.59DigitalFlux-AFKany hints ?
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15:09.37_ShrikEDigitalFlux-AFK: realtime
15:09.37Sandheaverstore data of the user in the CDRDB, not just hte extension
15:09.56_ShrikEDigitalFlux-AFK: cdr_mysql
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15:40.47DigitalFlux-AFK_ShrikE: Thanks, i am researching it right now ..
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15:54.38jgooWhen did misdn change to xml configuration files?
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16:04.15drmessanoXML is so yesterday
16:06.54p3nguinWhat's the new fad?
16:09.12jgoo@ p3nguin
16:09.40jgoonot really fads, but used to better effect. And the examples are so redundant. It just makes me want to download a copy of it onto a usb stick so I can burn it
16:13.48drmessanoAll configs should be in HTML
16:13.56ZambeziI'm totally novice with this so I might prefer Trixbox, but Asterisk on my Debian will make it one less computer which is good. Is it still possible to fairly easy adapt/use script, addons made for Trixbox in Asterisk? Like blacklisting phonenumbers etc.
16:14.59drmessanoAsterisk has no native GUI, so any GUI addons will not work.. Trixbox uses Asterisk, so any tricks in the config files are obviously the same
16:16.47*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
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16:17.26Zambezidrmessano: I prefer CLI before GUI using Irssi, Bitlbee, rtorrent, Mutt. Sometimes even even, growisofs, wodim. You got the point... But it's a bit scary using IP-based phone since my connecting started to be a bit shacky.
16:19.00p3nguinLogin, run screen, open the editor and your config.  If you lose a connection, just login again and resume the screen session.
16:19.19jgooWith PAP2Ts - one one port, if it is engaged, and I call that number, it still rings - is this the  Call Waiting Serv setting it has?
16:19.31p3nguinThe changes don't take effect until after you save the files and reload something.
16:20.51drmessanoNo its the call waiting setting
16:21.17p3nguinThe phone rings while you are using it?
16:21.21p3nguinIs that even possible?
16:21.22drmessanoWhy not just disable it for the extension?
16:21.28drmessano*call waiting"
16:21.46drmessanoDisable it in Asterisk
16:22.31drmessanoI force my ATA's to do very little.. I do everything in the dialplan
16:23.14p3nguinYeah, just use the ATA to adapt.
16:24.14drmessanoand the ritalin to cope?
16:25.26p3nguinor Jack and Coke
16:25.34drmessanoIn a can?
16:26.03drmessanoThey had that in Australia.. That was badass
16:26.34p3nguinThat would be fun if you could get it as a premix.  I've never seen it like that.
16:27.13drmessanoOne of the two was a namebrand..  It may have been the Jack, and it had "cola"
16:27.51p3nguinStill, Jack and cola off-the-shelf sounds fun.
16:29.03drmessanoThere you is
16:30.12jgoodrmessano, call waiting - ok. I don't change anything on PAP2Ts at all, just fill in server, username, password
16:30.32drmessanoNor do I
16:30.47jgooso, I can disable this globally in asterisk?
16:30.55infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:34.32p3nguinMy dad would love to have those bottles.  He collects bottles, plus he likes JD.
16:34.43*** join/#asterisk [jmc] (n=John@
16:35.20jgooif I set call-limit, while this would work for most clients, I have a few 4 line sip phones - what then?
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16:41.53[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: "you can disable it on the PAP2 or "core show application chanisavail"
16:43.20drmessano4 line sip phones are FOUR lines
16:43.25jgooThanks [TK]D-Fender , I'll disable it across the PAP2s for now
16:43.25drmessanoFOUR peers
16:43.48drmessano(for the most part)
16:45.31kaldemarjgoo: don't use call-limit, it's deprecated anyway. use group functions.
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16:48.57jgoodrmessano, I've not set it up like that - I have one peer, which handles four line (it just worked... ) does that mean it registers 4 times then?!? or something - not has 4 sip addresses?
16:49.11jgookaldemar, looks like I need to read more on this
16:49.19jgoo <<< This looks like the bug I have been hunting
16:49.58jgooAnyone using the SimpleEventCorrelator? What was the issues that led up to you using it? Has a newer asterisk fixed this?
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16:51.57jgooAnyone up on ISDN? With ISDN cards with NT and TE modes - if you are in the wrong mode, the card will not work right? It isn't as if it will work, but experience intermittent problems?
17:02.43p3nguinIf you have one peer for your phone and you configured all four lines with that one peer, then yes, it registers four times.
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17:03.18jgoop3nguin, I guess the phone is defaulted to do that, I just setup one extension for it
17:04.24p3nguinI used to configure my phones to register both lines as one peer, but then I decided to just not use line2 at all.
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17:06.10sebblmoin... I search a "mini" dial out tool
17:08.26[TK]D-FenderPhones should not reg 4 times to the same peer... only the LAST will gt the reg
17:11.08p3nguinInitially, the reason I wanted to do it was to allow making an outgoing call on the second line.  I later realized I didn't need to do it the way I thought.
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17:29.40ZambeziCan anyone recommend a product like Linksys SPA3102? URL: Around same price which is maximum 100€/150$, but half the price would be nice. Two lines like the one I should is awesome, three and I'm sold.
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18:00.11jgoogeeeeeeeez wow. how can someone program like that? (look at the resolution ...) fffffffffffu-
18:01.21jgoook - I have 3 isdn TAs and I they each have 2 analogue ports on them - these get dial tones, can I push them into a PSTN digium card? like the TDM400P
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18:10.59ChannelZjgoo: sure why not
18:11.09*** join/#asterisk zeejee (n=Innocent@
18:12.04zeejeei m having problem in mfcr2 signalling
18:23.43zeejeeanybody there ?
18:24.36zeejeei am getting Chan 1 - Protocol error. Reason = Seize Timeout, R2 State = Seize Transmitted, MF state = MF Engine Off, MF Group = Forward MF init, CAS = 0x08
18:24.54zeejeeMFC/R2 protocol error on chan 1: Seize Timeout
18:25.27moyzeejee: nobody replied on the other end
18:25.45zeejeemeans protocol error ?
18:26.06zeejeeand otherend is not configured for mfcr2 ?
18:26.13*** join/#asterisk superc (
18:26.48zeejeemoy: my zone is set on CN
18:26.55zeejeeif i set zone to ITU
18:27.18zeejeethen i dont have error but a longggggggggggggggg wait and channel doesnt hangup untill i hangup through CLI
18:27.25zeejeeand 1 more thing
18:27.34supercHi. I use asterisk realtime for voicemail table. after upgrading to asterisk seems not to find the user anymore: leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '25'
18:27.51zeejeeif i set the zone to CN, incoming indications dont come
18:28.08zeejeewhen i set zone to ITU, i get indication that a new call is on channel
18:28.15zeejeebut it never get answered
18:28.22zeejeeand keeps disconnecting and disconnecting
18:28.49supercis there any issue with asterisk and voicemail?
18:28.59moyzeejee: so, you're in china?
18:29.08zeejeei m in pakistan
18:29.17zeejeeand other end is siemens EWSD
18:29.38zeejeeand telco tells me that pri is configured as CAS
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18:31.59moyzeejee: call files in pastebin for both cn and itu
18:35.01supercany idea why the mailbox is not found with realtime?
18:35.08supercleave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '25'
18:37.23KavanSsuggestions for where to buy TDM410 card for good price?
18:38.42KavanSright on
18:39.06ChannelZI got my TDM card and phones from them
18:41.06ChannelZcourse this is US, I didn't ask where you were
18:41.25KavanSyep, in the good ol' u.s.
18:41.30ChannelZok :)
18:44.04supercmh... again to voicemail... I'm 1 step further: I used the command in Realtime: Voicemail(s25) ... the s is the option to not to play the 'leave a message....blabla' ... without this 's' option it works. bug?
18:44.35[TK]D-Fendersuperc: "core show application voicemail"
18:45.04zeejeemoy : you there ?
18:45.33supercs      - Skip the playback of instructions for leaving a message to the
18:45.46supercso whats wrong?
18:47.00supercbtw: voicemail(25,s) also doesn't work
18:47.02supercleave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '25,s'
18:47.31supercI'm using the searchcontext=yes option on voicemail.conf... But I also tried voicemail(25@default,s)... no luck
18:49.50superctkd-fender?... so any idea?
18:56.38moyzeejee: give me a minute
18:57.43zeejeemoy: sure, take your time. comforting that u r here :)
18:58.54[TK]D-Fendersuperc: Maybe you should show soem COMPREHENSIVE backup, not just piecemeal
19:00.15*** join/#asterisk objorn (n=objorn@unaffiliated/objorn)
19:00.43supercmh? ... what do you mean?
19:01.24objornhow would you setup the phone to communicate by "dialing" into another ip?
19:01.25retentiveboyWhere would I start looking into why "core show hints" says a Polycom station is Idle when it's ringing or on a call.  Seems it's only changing from Idle when I put it on hold.
19:01.34supercActually I'm just trying to use the basic asterisk voicemail command.
19:01.49objorni don't want to pay to use voip, i figure one or two persons can have a server setup for voip communication
19:01.53supercvoicemail(s25) should just play a beep and then record the message. It doesn't
19:02.37objornwe still have to pay for internet, but paying to use a voip service sounds ludicrous
19:02.50KavanSobjorn, hahaha wtf?
19:03.09KavanSobjorn, well if you plan on using voip to dial the rest of the world, you kinda have to pay for it
19:03.16moyzeejee: I don't think they are using MFC R2 .... they may be using DTMF R2 .... have you tried an incoming call?
19:03.18KavanSobjorn, but like...asterisk to asterisk, of course is free
19:03.37zeejeemoy : pasted incoming call on pastebin as well
19:03.49zeejeemoy : is DTMF R2 signalling is supported ?
19:04.59objornKavanS: i wasn't thinking of using voip to dial out to the rest of the world, i was thinking of me and a few friends using voip to talk online
19:05.03zeejeemoy :   pastebin updated for incoming CLI log
19:05.15KavanSobjorn, yep, you can definitely do that
19:05.51objornbut does it have to be asterisk to asterisk? i was thinking that maybe one friend could have twinkle, another ekiga, and i have asterisk
19:06.02KavanSobjorn, yeah you can use other sip clients to connect to your asterisk
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19:06.27supercno idea why voicemail(s25) doesn't work while voicemail(25) does? .. Its no configuration issue, is it?
19:06.32objornmaybe asterisk is overkill for such a simple task, but i plan on having asterisk setup soon for my regular phone as well, so why not, right? it'd keep me from being tied down to the computer when talking
19:06.58objornso, are there instructions on some kind of wiki for doing this/
19:07.11KavanSobjorn, certainly...I don't like other voice apps unless I have to...using a regular phone makes it nice, then of course being able to use the internet is nice ;)
19:07.47objorni just want the calls coming into my usb headset, so i can do whatever the heck i want :)
19:08.06objornwithin the usb signal range :P
19:10.26supercok got it... its not like the help function suggests
19:10.42supercyou mustn't use voimail(25,s) but voicemail(25|s)
19:11.08supercvoicemail(s25) like in 1.2.xx doesn't work at all
19:11.09Sandheaversuperc: what version of asterisk
19:11.32Sandheaverhuh.  i thought | as a delimiter went away with 1.4
19:11.34supercNo I use voicemail(25|s) and it works as it should... not good
19:11.35Sandheaverwell, if it works.
19:11.51supercprobably someone is a coder here and can fix it?
19:11.59supercnow, as we know what it is
19:13.59Sandheaverwell, maybe it's not a delimiter for that app.  maybe it's just how that app works.
19:14.38moyzeejee: sounds like dtmf r2 ... but afaik dtmf r2 exists in different variants as well, you can try this openr2 branch:
19:14.45moythen in Asterisk
19:14.48supercI'm afraid not
19:14.51supercAs of 1.6
19:14.51supercAs of version 1.6 flags must be passed after the box number seperated by a comma. The usage of the pipe (|) symbol is deprecated. Following format is right for 1.6 and higher (tested on 16th of juli 2009 in version
19:14.56moyuse mfcr2-1.4 branch
19:14.59supercthis is what is written in
19:15.07zeejeemoy : ok
19:15.10supercao actually also s25 should work
19:15.15zeejeemoy : do i only need to compile this branch ?
19:15.27superc...The boxnumber may be preceeded by one or more flags or these may be specified as the second argument...
19:15.56moyyes both, openr2 and asterisk branches
19:16.16zeejeemoy : how to download from there ?:) (sorry for the noob ques)
19:16.20*** part/#asterisk superc (
19:17.08moysvn co
19:17.13moysvn co
19:17.29moyin Asterisk you need 2 new settings
19:18.10zeejeemoy : i need to first compile openr2 again and then your branch ?
19:18.55moysvn co
19:19.10moyfirst compile and re-install the release-1-dtmf branch
19:19.16moythen the asterisk branch
19:20.28zeejeemoy :  is installed
19:22.26zeejeemoy : signalling=? in chan_dahdi.conf ?
19:23.26objorn is nice
19:23.40objornas is and
19:26.13zeejeemoy: signalling=mfcr2 ? in chan_dahdi.conf with this branch ?
19:26.59[TK]D-Fender[15:15]<superc>ao actually also s25 should work < no, it shouldn't
19:27.21[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: your syntax is wrong, jsut like the instructions say, and "|" is not a valid delimiter
19:28.14moyzeejee: yes, just add those 2 parameters I said
19:28.34zeejeemoy: wooh, msgs changed
19:28.48zeejeepastebining it in pastebin
19:29.15zeejeemoy :
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19:37.18moyzeejee: enable debugging
19:37.30moyin both logger.conf and chan_dahdi.conf
19:37.36moyall messages enabled
19:37.50moymfcr2_logging=all in chan_dahdi.conf
19:37.51zeejeedebugging is on
19:37.55zeejeeits there
19:39.30zeejeemoy : let me paste my chan_dahdi.conf
19:40.03zeejeemoy : my chan_dahdi.conf
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19:49.06retentiveboyWhere would I start looking into why "core show hints" says a Polycom station is Idle when it's ringing or on a call.  Seems it's only changing from Idle when I put it on hold.
19:49.42zeejeemoy : is that correct ?
19:49.54[TK]D-Fenderretentiveboy: perhaps you should be showing us your configs
19:50.09retentiveboygimmie a fe :)
19:51.51objornokay, i have asterisk installed. now what i would like to do is have a test voip call. how would i do this? my point earlier is that it makes no sense to have a sip address provider when you should be able to just use an ip address and some protocol (h.323, jingle, or other)
19:52.26*** join/#asterisk luca`gervasi (
19:54.23objorndo i have to go through the "initial configuration" part of this book if i've already installed asterisk through debian?
19:54.57objornguess it couldn't hurt, but man, that's one long mofo chapter
19:55.20objorni guess i have to since i have to create channels
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19:57.22zeejeemoy : you need any log ?
19:59.31ChannelZobjorn: yes you still have to configure phones, extensions, hardware, etc
19:59.56ChannelZthe only part you skipped by installing a package was compiling/installing it
20:00.58[TK]D-FenderobWHO are you going to call?
20:01.05[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: WHO are you going to call?
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20:02.31infobotextra, extra, read all about it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
20:02.53luca`gervasiI got a lot of "WARNING[15275]: app_dial.c:1528 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)" ... what are they???
20:03.09moyzeejee: yes, but you need to enable console logging in logger.conf as well
20:03.13[TK]D-FenderlucaGo look at the status of the peer you are calling
20:04.03zeejeemoy : i have enabled full in logger.conf
20:04.55luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, i use DIAL(internalpeer_N) when i receive a call, but all those peers are not currently registered (they are some accounts used for test and so on)...
20:05.24moyfull goes to /var/log/asterisk/full .... enable the same settings for the console => file and then pastebin what you see in the console for an incoming call
20:05.25manxpowerluca`gervasi: you can't call a peer if Asterisk doesn't know it's IP address.  "sip show peers"
20:05.29moyand then for an outgoing
20:05.33[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: If they aren't registered and * has no IP to call, then it can't call.
20:05.39ChannelZSo what you're asking is "I'm trying to call a phone that isn't hooked up and I'm getting a warning in the console" ?
20:05.46[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: and that dial statment doesn't look valid
20:06.11manxpower[TK]D-Fender: that Dial couldn't possibly cause the error message he's getting.  He lied to us.
20:06.19objorn[TK]D-Fender: that's a wonderful question, probably one of my friends using twinkle or ekiga
20:06.22zeejeemoy :
20:06.26[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: I know... I'm trying to break that down too
20:06.36zeejeemoy : this is last lines of var/log/asterisk/full
20:06.50manxpowerluca`gervasi: next time paste the ACTUAL Dial line, not what you think it is.
20:07.14luca`gervasiyes, i'm pasting to pastebin, just a sec :D
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20:08.28luca`gervasi <--- dialplan plus log
20:09.00manxpowerluca`gervasi: Your peers are not registered.
20:09.03objornwhy buy a sip phone? it can't be too difficult to build your own. it's as simple as voice recording and bluetooth, right?
20:10.05[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: Right because you can produce something cheaper and better than those whose cost is driven down by mass production and actual competence.
20:10.05ChannelZYou can build your own car too
20:10.18[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: Go right ahead... try to do it for < 100$....
20:10.26manxpowerI assume that objorn's statement is a troll.
20:10.27[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: Have fun
20:10.27luca`gervasimanxpower, yes, [TK] says that before. i pasted just because you said that i was lieing :D
20:10.33objorni bet i could use my neorunner
20:10.47manxpowerluca`gervasi: You need to fix the problem with the peers.
20:10.47objornshouldn't be a prob
20:10.59[TK]D-Fender[16:04]<luca`gervasi>[TK]D-Fender, i use DIAL(internalpeer_N) when i receive a call, but all those peers are not currently registered (they are some accounts used for test and so on)...
20:11.51dustybinrings himself a few more times
20:11.55luca`gervasi16:04? wow... where are you from? :o   22:10 here in italy :D
20:11.58dustybinbrb phone
20:12.00[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: And that is...?
20:12.29[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: That dial command does not look like anything in your pastbin.
20:12.34objorn[TK]D-Fender: the openmokeo neo freerunner
20:12.34ChannelZWhy are you having it dial through all these extensions in series?
20:12.38[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: Whichis what manxpower was getting at
20:12.49[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: Good to see you can get the name right
20:13.05[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: And there could very well be a VoIP client for it already
20:13.07luca`gervasiwhat do you mean? (sorry, i'm not english)
20:13.26[TK]D-Fenderobjorn: then again... you already BOUGHT that... not so much "building a voip phone" now is it?
20:13.44ChannelZYour pastebin has the 'start' extension dialing SIP/1000, then SIP/1001, then SIP/1002, etc.  Why are you doing this
20:13.45zeejeemoy : do i need spandsp lib ?
20:13.45[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: Means you showed us a bullshit sample asking why it doesn't work.
20:13.54zeejeemoy : do i need spandsp lib ?
20:13.58luca`gervasiChannelZ, those are some phones i use (one on my desk, one on the mobile, one on the palmtop some remotes...)
20:14.00[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: Now show us the PEER DUMPS.
20:14.20luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, peer dumps => show sip peers ?
20:14.25ChannelZyeah but what is the purpose of dialing them all in series?
20:15.01manxpowerzeejee: you need spandsp for fax
20:15.01ChannelZAnd if all of the phones are not connected you are going to get those warnings as it tries (which would be normal)
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20:15.12[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: NO. "sip show peer 1000", etc
20:15.17manxpowerYou need spandsp for Asterisk based fax, not just regular fax to a fax machine.
20:15.26tnt_Is there a goog tutorial on how to write a channel driver ? (that explains all those call backs :)
20:15.33luca`gervasiChannelZ, i suppose that would be the correct way to dial multiple can i do to fix it? :D
20:15.36manxpowertnt_: see #asterisk-dev
20:15.44zeejeemanxpower : thanks, but i m using mfcr2
20:15.53ChannelZIf you want to ring them all at once, you do Dial(SIP/1000&SIP/1001&SIP/1002) etc
20:16.07manxpowerzeejee: you may need it for MFCr2 as well
20:16.21luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, lot of lines... should i look for something particular or i have to paste them all?
20:16.30tnt_manxpower: thanks.
20:16.44ChannelZHow you have it now, it's going to try SIP/1000 - then if no one answers in 10 seconds (or it's not connected) it will try SIP/1002 for 10 seconds...
20:16.55zeejeemanxpower : i m using openr2-1.2.0 and i guess spandsp is not necessary for openr2
20:17.08manxpowerzeejee: I know nothing about R2 requirements
20:17.13luca`gervasiChannelZ, what if (example) SIP/1004 should ring ONLY if SIP/1001 is not available?
20:17.26[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: PASTEBIN
20:17.35luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, pasting
20:18.02manxpowerluca`gervasi: When Dial exits it sets variables HANGUPCAUSE and DIALRESULT  You use dialplan logic to do do different things based on the values of those variables.
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20:18.17ChannelZthen what you have is sort of fine (but whose going to stay on the line long enough of 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004 are all gone but 1005 is there?)
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20:18.33zeejeemoy : any other log needed moy ?
20:18.37[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Waste of time until he looks at WTF is is going on
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20:18.45manxpowerCHANUNAVAIL means "peer can't be contacted", BUSY means "peer available, but can't accept more calls, etc.
20:19.15ChannelZTK: I think what he's not getting is that the warnings are normal if the peers aren't connected.  It's like asking why your phone isn't ringing when it's not plugged into the wall.
20:19.27[TK]D-FenderBUSY = peer contactable and refuse for being unable or unwilling to accept the call.
20:20.17[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 5060 <------ not registered
20:20.26[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: WHY isn't this device registered?
20:21.36luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, sorry, i don't speak english very well, so i didn't make myself clear: some extensions are not registeret and should not (depending on daytime). i'm aware of that. my question is... is there a way to avoid this warning ?
20:21.45[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: NO
20:21.50ChannelZYeah, don't read it.
20:21.56[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: It is telling you it failed.  thats what a warning is
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20:21.57tnt_Is there any external module to support GSM-AMR & GSM-EFR ? (like there is for g729)
20:22.07ChannelZOr turn the verbosity of the console down so low it doesn't say anything.
20:22.08[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: so IGNORE IT
20:22.13luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks :D
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20:22.33luca`gervasiis there a way to make asterisk dial only registered devices?
20:22.39ChannelZthe only other way to avoid it is to put lots of logic in the dialplan to check each peer first before trying to dial it.
20:22.58ChannelZBut it's a stupid amount of work just to supress a harmless warning message on the console
20:23.06[TK]D-Fender"How do I stop seeing these errors?", "CLOSE YOUR FUCKING EYES"
20:23.12luca`gervasiChannelZ, thanks for the info, i totally agree with you :D
20:23.25luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, ok ok...
20:23.47[TK]D-Fendersee a lot of nut-jobs out here on the weekend...
20:24.21[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: You tell it to take an action, not check first.
20:24.30moyzeejee: no, spandsp is not needed
20:24.32[TK]D-Fenderlucanot that the outcome makes any difference
20:24.42moyI embedded the dtmf and mf detectors in openr2
20:24.57zeejeemoy : ok
20:25.04zeejeemoy : yeah i have read that
20:25.12luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, ok, i think I can close my fucking eyes, now :D
20:25.20zeejeemoy : what should i try next ?
20:26.07moyzeejee: I don't see outgoing call attempt
20:26.22zeejeenot pasted in pastebin
20:26.37zeejeemoy : shld i paste outgoing call attempt as well in pastebin ?
20:27.58*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
20:28.34zeejeemoy :   <--- outgoing call attempt
20:28.57zeejeemoy : but call never reached to the called number
20:29.37moyyou need to figure out with whoever configured the other side if they are using MF tones or DTMF tones for dialing
20:29.58moythat is, whether they are using MFC R2 or DTMF R2
20:30.13moyyou can try
20:30.17moyusing dahdi_monitor
20:30.24moyto record the audio on the line
20:30.37zeejeemoy : just run dahdi_monitor ?
20:30.53moyzeejee: read the help for dahdi_monitor
20:30.58*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:8561:aca5:8a82:1204)
20:31.05moythen run it, make an incoming call, and then after the call fails
20:31.08moystop dahdi_monitor
20:31.56moyand put the file in some server where I can download it via ftp or http
20:32.08moyzeejee: and keep the discussion here in #asterisk ... unless you want to pay me for consultancy, in which case we can talk via IM or e-mail :)
20:32.38zeejeemoy : ok
20:33.10zeejeemoy : i dont mind paying you
20:33.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:33.53zeejeeas far as i will be able to rcv and place calls
20:37.26zeejeemoy : i am using this command to monitor
20:37.37zeejeedahdi_monitor 23 -f dahdi-23
20:37.52zeejeebut incoming calls falls on random channel
20:38.22moythen you will need to monitor all of them, with some bash script launching dahdi_monitor on all of them or something like that
20:38.30moywhat I need is simply the audio on that channel
20:38.44moyon the incoming channel
20:38.51zeejeeok trying
20:39.17zeejeeshld i add .wav after dahdi-23 ? like dahdi_monitor 23 -f dahdi-23.wav ?
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20:41.32*** part/#asterisk sircolin (n=sircolin@
20:41.44moyzeejee: forget the man page, there is better help if you type "dahdi_monitor" without arguments
20:43.06moyzeejee: dahdi_monitor 1 -v -R received-audio.raw
20:44.00zeejeemoy : ok, making script
20:45.54*** join/#asterisk williammanda (
20:46.50zeejeemoy : where to put the file ?
20:47.21zeejeeok hold
20:47.42williammandaI have a couple of questions concerning asterisk and asterisknow....
20:47.47moyif I can copy it through scp that's even better
20:48.22*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
20:48.25williammandaIs asterisknow an appliance?
20:48.32Polysicsanyone worked with skil-based routing?
20:48.52zeejeemoy :
20:49.00Polysicsi need to route calls based on two sets of skills: language spoken and field of interest
20:49.14williammandacan it be installed on an existing linux platform and the platform stil have functionality?
20:49.18Polysicsi've tried to figure out something that could work using queues, but my head spins
20:49.21moyzeejee: ok give me some minutes
20:49.31zeejeemoy : sure, i hope i have done it right
20:49.33ChannelZwilliammanda: yes
20:49.33Polysicswilliammanda, afaik *now is a distribution
20:49.46moyzeejee: you are on E1 right?
20:49.52zeejeemoy : yes
20:50.10ChannelZwhat Polysics said - *now is somewhat standalone but regular * is just an app
20:50.18williammandapresently I'm trying to install asterisk on a media computer...can I do that with asterisknow?
20:50.34Polysicsdepends on your general skill level
20:50.47Polysicsi like installing * by hand but i'm a control freak :-)
20:51.05williammandaI wish I were that good to do that
20:51.55williammandaI dont' see that much documentation for ubuntu
20:51.56Polysicsit is not difficult
20:52.08Polysicsifif you know linux a little
20:52.25williammandaI know alittle is be dangerous
20:53.10williammandamaybe you could possible look at a script written by someone....I've been screwing around with it since Friday night
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20:55.10moyzeejee: almost done, hold on a bit more
20:55.16zeejeemoy : ok
20:55.20retentiveboy[TK]D-Fender: which configs would be useful for looking at why a station hint isn't showing InUse?
20:55.45*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (n=engrxyz@
20:55.46Polysicsabout the skil-based routing, anyone doing that?
20:58.20moyzeejee: that's some funny audio pattern you have there
20:58.32zeejeemoy : like ?
20:58.34moythat is incoming call right?
20:58.39zeejeemoy : yes
20:58.48zeejeemoy : yes, incoming call
20:58.48moyand you stopped dahdi_monitor at which point?
20:58.59zeejeemoy : after call disconnected
20:59.21moyit's definitely not DTMF R2 nor MFC R2
20:59.27zeejeemoy : but i have given same filename for all channels
20:59.31moyI bet coppice should know
20:59.50moybut he is not online now
21:00.09moymay be is MFC R1 or some old crap like that
21:00.13zeejeemoy : giving same filename for all channels didnt create these pattern ?
21:00.28moyzeejee: mmm may be
21:00.32zeejeemoy : telco told me that they are using digital signalling 2
21:00.41moyzeejee: give a different name
21:00.47moyto discard problems
21:00.49moyand try again
21:00.53zeejeemoy : ok
21:01.00moywant to see if we get the same
21:03.20*** join/#asterisk fofware (
21:04.18zeejeemoy :
21:05.49[TK]D-Fenderretentiveboy: sip.conf obviously
21:06.50fofwarehello guys, ChannelZ, manxpower
21:07.33fofwareI did solve the problem to send notification mails of VM
21:07.39moyzeejee: this makes more sense
21:08.02zeejeemoy : different kind of signalling ?
21:08.14fofwareI put in my script a socket connection to Asterisk so I can get all data of client
21:09.20moywell, since openr2 DTMF and MF detectors did not detect the tone there, I assume is some different tone not included, may be bell R1 tones
21:09.23fofwarerealy thanks ChannelZ and manxpower for your suppot last night
21:09.59moyzeejee: have to go for now, will come back in about 3 hours, and then I may play with your file and spandsp bell R1 detectors to see if that tone you sent me is from bell R2 tone set
21:10.12moyI meant, bell R1
21:10.28zeejeemoy : ok, shld i come here after 3 hours ?
21:10.47*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
21:11.31ChannelZfofware: glad you figured it out
21:11.35moyif you want to know, yes, cannot guarantee you that I'll come back exactly in 3  hours though, depends on my wife wishes :) .... zeejee what card are you using btw?
21:11.41*** join/#asterisk mythicalbox (
21:12.12zeejeemoy : i m using digium 4 port
21:12.47zeejeemoy : can i know the outcome tomorrow ?
21:12.58moyyup, you can ask me tomorrow
21:13.10zeejeemoy : ok, i hope it will be done
21:15.19zeejeemoy : switch is siemens ewsd btw
21:15.32zeejeefrom where the pri coming
21:15.32retentiveboy[TK]D-Fender: sip.conf, users.conf, and extensions.conf at
21:16.56[TK]D-Fenderretentiveboy: type=peer , limitonpeers=yes , call-limit=99
21:19.08retentiveboy[TK]D-Fender: forgive me for being thick but are these additions to users.conf or sip.conf?
21:19.21retentiveboythe limit settings I mean
21:19.25[TK]D-Fenderretentiveboy: each peer
21:21.32retentiveboy[TK]D-Fender: that worked.  now I gotta go digging in the code to see why.  thanks.
21:25.20retentiveboy[TK]D-Fender: FYI "limitonpeers" isn't in the code AFAIK.  only found it in the ChangeLog.  seems to work without it though.
21:31.35*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
21:33.18*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
21:33.31sudhir492Hi All
21:33.55sudhir492I need help in changing Cisco7940 from Skinny to SIP.
21:34.29sudhir492There are 4 phones in all. 2 are urgent, and 2 can wait
21:36.03Chainsawsudhir492: There was a good webpage about the process, let me find it.
21:37.06Chainsawsudhir492: You will need a TFTP server for this. Also the firmware to do this will need to be downloaded from Cisco.
21:38.40sudhir492I have dhcpserver and tftpserver both setup. But I do not have the correct firmware or config file
21:40.51Chainsawsudhir492: Without the firmware file mentioned there, it's not going to work.
21:40.51*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
21:41.09CrashHDHello everyone
21:41.27*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
21:41.28ChannelZGreetings earthling
21:42.42CrashHDI was curious as to the stability/feature set of the newest branch of asterisk vs what we are currently running currently (1.4.22)
21:43.18CrashHD1.6.1 I believe?
21:43.22ChannelZshrugs - I'm still on 1.4
21:43.32Chainsawis on
21:43.40CrashHDhows it going Chainsaw?
21:43.44CrashHDis there a big difference?
21:43.45ChainsawThe amount of commands that got deprecated was a bit of a headache when I upgraded from 1.2
21:43.53ChannelZI might be blind but I haven't found a list of what is new in 1.6 or why I should/would switch, short of pouring through changelogs
21:44.09CrashHDChannelZ, I agree. I'm in the same situation
21:44.11Chainsaw(And finding bugs in a dial plan is *HELL* on earth, it must be said)
21:44.28CrashHDya no kidding
21:44.31ChainsawBig new features: SIP over TCP, video stream support.
21:44.37ChannelZI love * but the docs are fairly poor/scattered
21:44.42CrashHDvideo works on 1.4
21:44.43ChainsawAs well as SpanDSP integration.
21:44.51ChannelZIt's definately not a package for the faint of heart
21:44.52CrashHDahh spandsp might be cool
21:45.21Chainsaw*nod* It already has the necessary #ifdef soup for the all the API changes.
21:45.53Chainsaw(SpanDSP is a disaster area when it comes to that, every release seems to incompatibly change something)
21:46.31CrashHDwhat about things like better jitter controls
21:46.39CrashHDcore calls items
21:46.50CrashHDcall parking, etc
21:47.02KavanSdoes anyone here use video?
21:47.25CrashHDWe do on a couple of grandstreams 2000's
21:47.31ChainsawCrashHD: Well, the good thing about Asterisk integrating SpanDSP support is that it shifts the API burden to them.
21:47.44CrashHDgood and bad I guess though
21:47.47ChainsawCrashHD: Instead of to some external app_rtxfax developer that only intermittently releases.
21:47.56CrashHDlack of control can sometimes be a pain
21:48.39ChainsawCall parking still seems to work the same.
21:49.00ChainsawThe 'sip show registry' command no longer shows registrations to asterisk, only registrations from asterisk.
21:49.06dustybinChainsaw, CrashHD, Chainsaw   <--- interesting choice of nicks
21:49.14*** join/#asterisk sircolin (
21:49.14CrashHDdustybin: ha
21:49.17Chainsawdustybin: Oh it could be a lot worse.
21:49.24dustybinaye indeed
21:49.31Chainsawdustybin: I used to be in one channel with a Chaos and a Chakotay.
21:49.34CrashHDChainsaw: why wouldn't it show regs to *?
21:49.46Chainsawdustybin: Not to mention, I'm still in a channel with 3 people that are called Tony IRL.
21:50.03ChainsawCrashHD: I have no idea. It broke the web interface someone else wrote.
21:50.10CrashHDso much fun
21:50.12ChainsawCrashHD: Just like the deletion of the dial command on the CLI.
21:50.21CrashHDthats part of why I'm scared of pushing to newer releases
21:50.29CrashHDall the cleanup and bug catches that start getting reported to me
21:50.43ChainsawCrashHD: A lot of bugs only get fixed in 1.6
21:50.49ChainsawCrashHD: So sooner or later, you're going to have to deal with it.
21:50.54CrashHDya true
21:51.00ChainsawCrashHD: What I did was deploy Asterisk on a separate box with my dial plan.
21:51.17ChainsawCrashHD: And I connected a single phone. Trying to exercise all the dialplan paths whilst running asterisk -dddddddddddddddddvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
21:51.32CrashHDyang, lots of manually regression testing
21:51.36Chainsaw(Because without that it'll never admit to you where the bug actually *is* in the dial plan, just that it exists)
21:52.01CrashHDany improvements on jitter control?
21:52.02ChainsawIt'll also generate such a humongous amount of output on a live system that you'd never want to run it there.
21:52.08ChainsawNo idea about that, sorry.
21:52.22CrashHDI need a reboot, brb.
21:53.49ChannelZI really should at least go mow the back yard
21:55.14ChainsawYeah, now's the time ChannelZ. Nothing interesting going on.
21:57.03*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
21:59.09*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
21:59.23Chainsawwb CrashHD
22:00.06CrashHDany good cti interfaces out for * these days?
22:03.19*** join/#asterisk ecret (
22:11.32williammandasorry to ask this again...can I install asterisknow and still have the functionality of my present system?
22:12.54[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: AsteriskNOW is a complete distro and wipes your HD
22:13.31*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
22:14.09[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: Asterisk is an application you can install on an existing system.
22:15.17*** join/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl^
22:15.47williammandaok... thats not what I want...ty
22:16.13williammandaasterisknow ....that is...
22:16.54williammandathere doesn't seem to be a newbee friendly install for ubuntu
22:17.18[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: Installation is hardly an issue.  Learning it is another matter
22:17.19drmessanoNo, Ubuntu sucks, and is generally hated by everyone except soccer moms and 14 yr olds
22:17.35ChannelZoh here we go
22:17.38williammandaoh man
22:17.42CrashHDruns away
22:17.44[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Are the 14yr olds necessarily soccer-kids?
22:18.04drmessano[TK]D-Fender: No, usually high school dropout potheads
22:18.08ChannelZCan't you get the same web UI thingy from AsteriskNOW
22:18.17drmessanoJust like Debian users
22:18.19williammandawell if you are switching over from windows...its not bad
22:18.26[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: More stuff to install
22:18.32CrashHDubuntu can help with a transition from win to linux
22:18.36ChannelZyeah but that's easy
22:18.56ChannelZI mean you can install the Asterisk package in ubuntu but its pretty dead simple to compile yourself (configure, make, make install...)
22:19.06[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: And there are only several dozen easily Google-able guides on how to do this.  So get cracking
22:19.13drmessanoUbuntu makes it easy to install a 4 yr old asterisk package
22:19.23drmessanoJust look for the AOL icon
22:19.28ChannelZyeah which is why I say just build the source
22:19.34williammandaeasy for you guys
22:19.42drmessano"Youve got Asterisk"
22:20.20drmessanoOh, my Kubuntu ISO is finished.. See you losers later
22:20.26ChannelZWell williammanda I'm not trying to be rude but configuring/running Asterisk is no cakewalk either so if installing is too difficult you're going to be in for it
22:20.51infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:20.54[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: time to get reading
22:20.58drmessanoRead it all, first
22:21.17drmessanoIf you dont understand it, you're halfway there.. if it all makes sense, youre a fucking liar and we dont want you here
22:21.32drmessanoFirst rule of Asterisk: Asterisk doesnt make sense..
22:21.52ChannelZI should be called *#@?
22:23.02williammandathanks guys....I'm willing to do the work....but thanks again for the slap guys make every windows user want to switch
22:23.06drmessanoAsterisk should be called "badass telephony engine thats 90% COBOL-like ad nauseum programming and 10% plain english"
22:23.22[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: Umm.. this isn't ##linux or #ubuntu
22:23.24CrashHDnot sure it's that bad
22:23.30CrashHDbut ya * takes some getting use to
22:23.34drmessanoWe're not here to convince you to switch from Windows
22:23.38ChannelZIt's not a slapdown, just a reality check, that all of this requires a bit of adventure on the part of the user
22:23.45ChannelZBut it's free, so you get what you pay for
22:23.52drmessanoThis is #asterisk, not ##Skype and not ##newbuntu
22:23.54[TK]D-Fenderwilliammanda: We don't care about destop users switching an many here don't use *NIX as a destop
22:24.18CrashHDis away -( working )- at 03:24p -( P:On / L:On )-
22:24.23drmessanoI use Windows XP... No one had to beg me to switch from Windows to anything
22:24.28ChannelZCrashHD: :)  I like * actually, I haven't cursed it much
22:24.37CrashHDI played with freeswitch a bit
22:25.12CrashHDfound that asterisk is just too simple in comparison
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22:47.23*** join/#asterisk sahX (
23:05.22box2i use linux on my desktop because i hate getting anything accomplished in under 3 hours
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23:05.35box2makes me feel like i havn't worked hard enough for what i get
23:05.43drmessanoNo shit
23:05.59drmessanoIts not free wifi if your meal is still warm when you finally get connected
23:08.34drmessanoLinux only needs to be rebooted when you make a change significant enough to require a reboot.. or when you're doing something minor that requires that signficant change as a dependency of the minor change youre attempting to make.
23:08.38drmessanoOOPS, wait, what?
23:11.40nextimedrmessano : if you really want, you can also change kernel without reboot at all with linux :)
23:12.19nextimeTakapa: linux doesn't need to be rebooted, it is just more confortable to do a reboot if you are changing the kernel
23:13.29box2how do you unload your kernel and load a new kernel without a reboot
23:13.36nextimebox2 : kexec
23:15.11*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
23:16.15sudhir492Chainsaw, are you still there
23:16.45ChainsawOf course.
23:18.34box2kexec looks dangerous and unstable as hell
23:19.38nextimebox2 : as i was saying, it is more confortable to make a regular reboot if you are changing the kernel. Anyway, in some environments, for example where you need no downtime at all, kexec is a way to minimize it even in case of a kernel change
23:19.58[TK]D-Fendern3gI presume this is so I can use the mask you are uncertain how to apply... that so?
23:20.09nextimeand it come to be usefull to boot systems on usb if you have a machine that doesn't support booting from usb, and so on
23:26.42*** join/#asterisk Alfio (n=Alfio@
23:30.37sudhir492Can anyone help me with converting Cisco 7940, from Skinny to SIP. I am offering dinner+beer
23:31.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:48.04Sandheaversudhir492: just upload the sip firmware to the phone via tftp or whatever cisco phones use
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