IRC log for #asterisk on 20090915

00:01.12*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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00:06.40pscottdvI have a new asterisk system set up with the ATRPMS for Fedora 11.  I am getting the following error in my logs:  chan_dahdi.c: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 2 (No such device) and am having terrible echo.  This problem occurs with any call between my linksys SPA921's and an outside line.  Outside lines are connected via four POTS lines connected to a TDM400p with four FXO cards.  I have enabled echocancellation and echo
00:07.01pscottdvechocancel and echotraining in chan_dahdi.conf
00:07.19pscottdvHere is my chan_dahdi.conf file:
00:07.47pscottdv; used for NFAS and GR-303 connections
00:07.47pscottdv; hardware channels
00:07.47pscottdv; default for channels inherited to all channels
00:08.08pscottdvsignaling=fxs_ks         ; FXO channels use FXS signalling
00:08.10pscottdv;define channels
00:08.12pscottdvcontext=incoming_ofc     ; standard office line (inherited to lines 1, 2 & 3)
00:08.14pscottdvchannel => 1
00:08.16pscottdvchannel => 2
00:08.18pscottdvchannel => 3
00:08.20pscottdvcontext=incoming_mkt     ; marketing line
00:08.22pscottdvchannel => 4
00:08.24pscottdvWhat am I missing?
00:08.35*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
00:08.42infobotmethinks answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
00:10.21pscottdvThe echo is heard on the SPA921, BTW, not on the other end.
00:10.36manxpowerpscottdv: you never hear echo on the analog side
00:11.04pscottdvNever.  Only on my SPA921.
00:11.30pscottdvBut never between them--only when the other side is via POTS lines.
00:13.14manxpowerall calls with a far end anlog look have echo.  But in a non-VoIP world, the echo happens SO fast you can't hear it.  Like your voice bouncing off the walls of a small room (echo comes back so fast you can't hear it) .vs. your voice bouncing off the walls of a very very large room (you hear the echo because it happens slow enough)
00:13.49pscottdvSure, I read about that.  But why the error message?  Why no echo cancellation?
00:14.34*** join/#asterisk Airozi (
00:14.51manxpowerpscottdv: I've not seen your erro message
00:15.10pscottdvchan_dahdi.c: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 2 (No such device)
00:15.19manxpowerthat means you do not have a channel 2
00:15.46manxpowerWhat you should do is call the maker of the card and give them that errpr
00:15.52manxpowerI assume your call is actually going out on channel 2?
00:16.06*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
00:16.08pscottdvyes, call actually goes out on channel 2
00:16.30pscottdvCard is digium TDM400P
00:16.31manxpowersounds to me like a hardware problem
00:16.44pscottdvWith four FXO cards
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00:17.54pscottdvIt feels like a software problem to me.  The calls connect, what could the card do to prevent asterisk from enabling echo cancellation?
00:18.37manxpowerDo you know what "no such device" means?
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00:18.47manxpowerIt means "You don't have a channel 2".  To me that is a hardware issue.
00:19.00*** join/#asterisk jolucara (n=jolucara@
00:19.22pscottdvI can call in or out on every channel.
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00:20.15pscottdvIf there really is "no such device", then how are the calls getting through?
00:20.52manxpowerIt doesn't make sense.  I know that.
00:21.06manxpowerIn any case, *I* made my suggestion.
00:21.16pscottdvThank you.
00:22.02pscottdvI have posted the problem on digium's forums.
00:24.58*** part/#asterisk pscottdv (
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00:54.58retentiveboyIs there a dialplan variable to get the IP address of the local machine?
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01:35.38ZX81NoOp( :D
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02:27.57*** join/#asterisk HAhmadi (i=d9dafdcc@gateway/web/freenode/x-wqatksisevexbjof)
02:28.09HAhmadiI have a SIP client
02:28.46HAhmadiAnd an AC(Access Server)
02:29.02HAhmadiMy client can not register for incomming calls
02:29.25HAhmadiI want use Asterisk, But im not sure it can do that for me or not?
02:29.30HAhmadiCan anyone help me?
02:30.49HAhmadiMy AC is cisco 5350, And don't support registeration in its hardware, i must use a SIP Server with it, But im not success to found any free SIP Server software that support registaration.
02:35.47*** join/#asterisk m477au (
02:36.04m477auanyone have experience with B410P and asterisknow?
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02:37.03HAhmadino idea?
02:37.22*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
02:43.10manxpowerHAhmadi: Your SIP clients can register to Asterisk
02:43.46HAhmadiCan Asterisk wirk with my AC?
02:46.36*** join/#asterisk Schmee (
02:48.08HAhmadimanxpower, I mean that Is Asterisk support incomming call from direct gateway and distribute them on my SIP Clients?
02:49.12manxpowerHAhmadi: yes
02:49.26manxpowerHAhmadi: Read The Asterisk Book
02:49.28infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:49.48Schmeehi all.  I'm in need of some advice and my google-fu is failing me today.  I have an asterisk system (PIAF) at one location with a single handset (cisco 7940) and 3 remote locations each with a cisco 7940 which I'd like to treat as local handsets.  So far this is working via SIP, however I was thinking about firmware updates, and so forth and I'm loath to enable tftp on an internet facing system.  Can anyone point me in the right dir
02:49.48Schmeeection for a reasonable way to update these handsets without needing a) a net facinf TFTP server or b) a local tftp server at each location
02:50.01infobotYou can Download the Asterisk PBX from: or from - you can also do ~voip-info for information on the wiki about prebuilt packages of Asterisk
02:52.22chuckfSchmee: vpn?
02:53.31Schmeechuckf: not a viable option as the remote locations are residences, no server, just a DSL router
02:55.05HAhmadimanxpower, Thank you for your help, Im installing it
02:55.07Schmeegood suggestion though
02:56.46chuckfturn on the tftp server when you need to update, turn it off when you're done
02:57.43Schmeechuckf: I'm beginning to think that's my best option.  I'd love to be able to restrict to set IPs via firewall, but the remote extensions are on dynamic IPs
02:59.07chuckfcan you trust something like dyndns?
02:59.38chuckfalso with the on/off tftp it is not like you'll be updating the remote phones on a regular basis
02:59.50Schmeeprobably, but firewall rules tend to be IP based rather than name based, also I've had issues with dynamic names and resolving/caching
03:00.48Schmeevery true, it's only when there's a reason for the updates.  I see one issue though and that's the TFTP settings in the phones themselves, I expect timeouts, etc when the phones are reset for whatever reason
03:01.09chuckfSchmee: well I was thinking of using dyndns, pinging the host every hour or so then modifying the rules if the ip address changes with a script
03:01.19Schmeealso the SIP<mac address>.cnf files are retrived fro mthe tftp server as well for small config changes
03:03.08*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:11.00p3nguinschmee: Why can't you configure a tftpd at each location?
03:11.07BeeBuuis there any command can let me know which agent is free now?
03:11.09*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:11.13theharshow agents
03:11.22m477auSchmee: can you just remote control their pcs?
03:11.25theharor somethin like that
03:11.25p3nguinschmee: I'm sure you have at least one computer at each place.
03:11.27m477auuse something like logmein ?
03:11.38Schmeep3nguin: becasue there's no server at each location, and it's not garuanteed that there will even be a PC at each location, only the phone
03:11.41BeeBuuthehar: thanks
03:14.09*** join/#asterisk jolucara (n=jolucara@
03:27.01*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
03:31.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:31.36TJNIISchmee: What would be really slick would be to write a script that gets the phones' IPs from * and writes firewall rules based off of that.  You could do that with a cron job, and if the script is smart and the target IPs don't change often your firewall rules would be pretty constant.
03:32.51[TK]D-Fendertnjand what would you be opening & closing with this?
03:32.58SchmeeTJNII: not a bad option.  I am mainly worried about the possibility of someone being able to retrieve data from the TFTP server (extension login details for example)
03:33.16TJNIIThough, personally, I do the opposite.  My provisioning files are out there on a http server and I restrict access to *.  I do this to keep out the SIP hackers.
03:33.33TJNIISchmee: True.
03:33.46SchmeeTJNII: the cisco 7940 doesn't config via http or ftp, if they did then my question wouldn't be relevant
03:34.03Schmeeat least, to my knowledge they don't config via anything but tftp
03:34.12TJNIII don't consider it to be that big a risk as the phones I have in the wild generally can't make outside calls, but I see your point.
03:34.26TJNIIYea, I wouldn't want tftp pointed at the internet, either.
03:34.56TJNIII don't know anything about Cicso, I'm a low budget user so I have Grandstreams.
03:35.07TJNIIputs on asbestos suit for the ensuing flames
03:35.23SchmeeI picked up the ciscos cheap, so I have no budget for any extra hardware (vpn routers, etc)
03:36.01TJNIIYou can lock the tftp port down to only the IPs the phones are on, that should solve 95% of the issue.
03:36.13TJNIIHow to do it s the challenge. :)
03:36.24[TK]D-Fenderfills the INSIDE of TJNII's suit was gasoline... then throws in a lit match
03:36.31drmessanotftp now allows directory listing?
03:36.41Schmeepersonally I hear good things about aastra 57i, but no reseller in Australia
03:36.48drmessanoor is guessing MAC addresses of phones some new sploit?
03:37.36Schmeedrmessano: considering that ciso phones are probably the most common ones, I'd be suspecting that they have a dedicated range of MAC addresses which limits the possibilities
03:38.03drmessanoDo the math
03:38.19drmessanoIt's pretty insane
03:39.03florzhu? how are 24 million packets insane?
03:39.19Schmeemaybe I'm being paranoid, but I still would prefer a slightly dafer option
03:39.25Schmeeerr, safer option
03:41.00drmessanoIf I let someone run a brute force attack of that magnitude on my system unnoticed, I should be shot
03:41.00florzerm, sorry, 16 million, of course, 24 bits ... ;-)
03:41.10florzor rather 8 million average for finding a single phone
03:41.19Schmeeagreed, but that doesn't preclude the said attacker from being lucky and grabbing one very early on
03:41.30box2prepares a double barrel of buckshot fun
03:41.56drmessanoSchmee: That doesnt prevent anyone from guessing the SIP credentials of a remote endpoint on the first try either
03:42.04drmessanoSchmee: or winning the lottery twice
03:42.10drmessanoSchmee: or being hit by a meteor
03:42.30SchmeeI'd just rather not give them the opportunity to try
03:42.42drmessanoTurn off all outside access then
03:42.45[TK]D-Fenderor being struck twice by lightning, indoors weating a wetsuit on a clear day.
03:42.50florzdrmessano: erm ... why? there isn't really much you can so against it anyhow ...
03:43.10florzthat's a gigabyte or so of traffic
03:43.20florzreally not that much these days
03:44.10drmessanoflorz: Really?  I guess you've never seen even basic brute force protection?
03:44.29florzdrmessano: erm, no, what would that look like?
03:45.19Schmeeflorz: blocking fter a certain number of connection attempts is normal
03:45.40florzSchmee: hu? artificial DoS vulnerabilities are "normal"? IC ...
03:46.23drmessanoflorz: Dude, there's simple shit perl scripts out there that look for failed authentication attemps or multiple connection attempts that are indicative of malicious activity and throttle the connection... Even Windows 2000 starts bitching when you enter an incorrect password the 4th time
03:46.32Schmeeonly if not set up correctly, I block ssh attempts on servers in conjunction with a whitelist of always allowed IPs and ssh keys (no passwords)
03:46.48drmessanoNo intelligence needed
03:47.02florzdrmessano: well, yeah, that's an artificial DoS vuln (in the given scenario in particular)
03:47.30florzSchmee: erm, now, if you _do_ have a whitelist, why not just use that for filtering exclusively in this scenario?
03:47.37drmessanoBasic math.. If they start getting throttled after n attempts, eventually they will move on, unless you're a choice target
03:47.38Schmeesorry, I'm not trying to start an argument or a flame war of any kind.  I'm really just looking for an alternative to get configs to my cisco 7940 phones at remote locations without needing dedicated PCs/servers/specialised routers at each termination point
03:47.58florzSchmee: drmessano's argument basically was that you don't need any of that as you can't guess MACs anyhow
03:48.17Schmeeflorz: the whitelist isn't much good for dynamic IPs, I was using it as an example
03:48.20drmessanoflorz, I missed your basic trolling
03:49.05florzdrmessano: well, yeah, I don't argue that this does not help against guessing MACs - but you get an easy to abuse DoS vulnerability instead, so what's the use?
03:49.41drmessanoHow is that an easy to abuse DoS vuln?
03:50.11florzdrmessano: you simply send a bunch of wrong requests from the ip address of actual telephones?
03:50.44drmessanoDo you really THINK that someone is going to go through this much trouble?
03:51.10florzwhich "much trouble"? and it obviously depends on your goals ...
03:51.17Nuggetif the clamp-down is triggered on failed login attempts you can't do that, since your forged-source DoS will not be able to negotiate the connection and attempt the login
03:51.44drmessanoWe're talking about basic "beware of big dog" sign sort of prevention here.. Versus leaving soemthing wide open.. If you're looking to sploit someone, you go for the easy targets
03:51.55florzalso, you should consider that that's the easiest way to get rid of the "brute force protection", as admins will probably then disable it in order to make the telephones working again
03:52.31drmessanoIf add basic, simple throttling, someone will get bored and move on.. I've seen this sort of thing in logs for years
03:52.33florzNugget: you are aware that we are talking about tftp?
03:52.49Nuggetoh, no, I thought you were discussing ssh
03:53.28florzthat would be quite a bit less problematic, yeah
03:54.19florzdrmessano: not if they are interested in _you_, obviously ... so, yeah, it depends on the attacker, of course
03:54.23drmessanoflorz: Rather than your usual gimmick of pointing out the obvious that nothing is foolproof, do you actually have a suggestion?
03:54.39drmessanoflorz: Otherwise, this is boring
03:54.40Schmeessh is a lot easier to secure, just don't use password auth and block the IP after a desired number of incorreect attempts
03:55.23Schmeethe other posibility is that the cisco 7940 can be configured another way?  maybe some kind of hack to the firmware or something
03:55.45florzand no, I don't have a clue of cisco phones
03:56.24Schmeewished he'd been able to get some decent phones for the same price as the ciscos
03:56.26drmessanoSchmee: You can do the same with tftp, SIP, <insert here>
03:56.26florzSchmee: the access routers in place don't possibly have some VPN capability?
03:56.53drmessanoSchmee: Add basic connection throttling like BFD or something common and simple, and move on
03:57.00Schmeeflorz: nope, the routers are generic home dsl ones. no VPN, except I think one has vpn passthrough
03:57.12drmessanoSchmee: Practical vs Ad nauseum mathematics
03:57.38florzSchmee: well, some of those can be turned into some Open/Free/DD-WRT ...
03:57.53florzSchmee: or do support installation of openvpn, inofficially
04:00.07Schmeenope, these are low end billion routers for the most part, and one linksys
04:01.45florzSchmee: the telephones don't keep passwords that don't get reprovisioned?
04:02.08florzSchmee: then you could just drop passwords from the config after the initial configuration, maybe?
04:02.49Schmeeflorz I was actually hoping to use the configs to update passwords at regular intervals
04:03.03drmessanoand use to detemine when the phones may go offline or get rebooted and need to pull the config?
04:03.43Schmeethis would have been so much simpler if I could use http or ftp for this
04:04.00drmessanoToo much overthinking
04:05.35drmessanoIf someone wants to target your system, you're fucked.. Period.. Everything and anything you do is at risk to be exploited.. Block and random attacks with basic brute force throttling that pushes them on to the next random target, and have another cup of imported black tea on me.
04:06.13SchmeeI can get around it by installing a PC at each location, have it hooked into the network permanently, running dhcp + tftp just to handle a single IP phone, but that isn't exactly an economical solution
04:07.45drmessanoHere is what you do
04:08.46drmessanoGet some WRT54GLs, install DD-WRT.. Setup TFTP and DHCP.. Run a shell script that pulls new configs every N minutes over SCP from the main location
04:09.00drmessano$50 per location, done
04:11.24drmessanoMatter of fact, these dont need to be your branch office router if you already have something better.. throw them in as an extra wireless AP or just leave everything off but the TFTP
04:12.37Schmeenice in theory.  If nothing else comes up as a serious possibility, then I may have to consider it.
04:13.01drmessanoI think thats overkill anyway
04:13.19Schmeerealistically, I don't want to be installing anythign  else at the remote locations, they are residences (not offices) and they tend to have things set up how they like them
04:13.33*** join/#asterisk Jenna (n=JJ@unaffiliated/jenna)
04:14.04drmessanoAs I said, simple brute force detection for the tftp server is all you practically need.  If someone really wants you, you're talking about taking measures that are well outside your price range
04:14.28Schmeevery true, I was just hoping that there was another way that I overlooked
04:15.26Schmeeif it can be handled in software that's a bonus, I have an existing budget of $0 to finish this project up
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04:19.23drmessanoSecurity at the near $0 level is best accomplished by taking simple steps to make yourself a less desirable target than the other guy that does nothing
04:19.28manxpowerMany phones support provisioning via some form of SSL.
04:37.15Gokee2Is anyone else having problems with
04:41.53JennaGokee2, it seems its down
04:42.29JennaGokee2, nope its alive. but way too slown
04:44.10Gokee2Jenna, Hmm, I am getting sql bugs while trying to get a account setup
04:44.27Gokee2O hey it finished at last!
04:44.44Gokee2Member for 22 min 33 sec!  Wow that took a long time
04:48.42Jennabtw anyone has an idea how can I check my voice mailbox. ?
04:48.53JennaI have setup ekiga as a sip softphone
04:49.04p3nguincall it?
04:49.56p3nguinYou'll probably have to create an extension for the voicemail system if there isn't one already made.
04:50.36JennaI did create one .e.g. my sip # ext is 444 & my mailbox ext is 888 .
04:51.03p3nguinSo dial 888 and check your voice mail.
04:51.19Jennaekiga does display that I have 5 voice mails. but how do I go & listen to them
04:51.57p3nguinI use exten 9000 to take me into VoicemailMain.
04:52.08p3nguinFrom there, it asks for mailbox and password.
04:52.16p3nguinI enter those, then I can check my voicemail.
04:52.16Jenna this tutorial is not very clear
04:52.46p3nguinI would recommend creating an extension like I did for voicemailmain.
04:52.57p3nguinexten => 9000,1,VoicemailMain(@default)
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04:53.29Jennais this ,VoicemailMain(@default) a special directive or something ?
04:53.46p3nguinIt's the voicemail main menu command.
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04:54.32Jennahmm. okay let me give it a go
04:58.21p3nguinThere isn't much to it, really.
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04:59.01p3nguinYou just use it like any other command via "exten =>" in your dialplan.
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05:01.19Jennaexten => 401,2,VoicemailMain(777@mb_internal)
05:03.10p3nguinI think I would leave out the 777 part of it.  If you just specify the context, it will ask for the ext. and passcode.
05:03.57p3nguinHave one single ext. like I have for the main menu rather than specifying one for everyone.
05:04.21Jennahmm. okay. cuz now its saying loging incorrect blah blah..
05:05.51p3nguinIf you would match the ext. with the voice mail box, you could do something as simple as:  exten => _NXX,1,VoicemailMain(${EXTEN}@mb_internal)
05:06.23p3nguinThat would mean that you dial 401 and you end up at the voicemail main menu for 401.
05:07.55Jennap3nguin,  I get this in the console
05:09.14Jennahere is my extentions.conf
05:09.23p3nguinYou've entered mailbox 401@default.  Is that where you wanted to be?
05:09.57p3nguinYour extensions are not good.
05:11.09Jennayeah my extentioni s 401 & my mailbox is 777
05:12.19Jennawhat do u suggest ? btw is there a good practices doc which I can rtfm
05:13.12p3nguinThat's how I would make an extension.conf for your system.  I would also NOT have different mailbox numbers from the extension numbers.
05:13.44Jennap3nguin,  I few other extentions as well 402, 403. would this new setting conflict with them
05:14.19p3nguin_4XX matches all of your extensions between 400-499.
05:14.48p3nguinand ${EXTEN} matches whatever extension you dialed.
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05:16.25Jennahmm. so I suppose I should remove other lines as well (...exten => 403,2,VoiceMail(888@mb_internal) cuz  this new entry would take automatch their respetive mailboxes as well. right ?
05:18.29p3nguinIs there some reason that you use arbitrary mailbox numbers instead of matching it to the phone's extension?
05:19.57Jennano. no reason. just checking out the mailbox feature. neva done it before. yeah using the same exten for the mailbox does make sense. but I hesitated so as it wont crash/go ape on me
05:20.37p3nguinThere are reasons to not have them the same, but if you don't have one of those reasons already, just match them up.
05:20.50p3nguinIt's a lot easier for the dialplan that way.
05:21.53p3nguinThat paste I gave you takes care of all of your 4xx extensions and the voicemail for all of them too.  No additional lines are needed to be able to call anyone in the 400s and get their voicemail if they are unavailable.
05:23.29Jennahmm. [mb_internal]
05:23.29Jenna777 => 401,401,401@localhost
05:23.29Jenna888 => 403,403,403@localhost
05:23.49p3nguinWhat a mess.
05:23.50Jennathis is my voicemail.conf entry
05:23.52p3nguinFix up the voicemail.conf file to match up user's voicemail numbers, and reload.  That should be it.
05:24.39Jennaokay let me enter a corresponding entry for the mb of ext.
05:25.18p3nguinTry something more like:   401 => 0000,Jenna,
05:26.00Jennafor the starters I have set it like this 401 => 401,401,401@localhost
05:26.04p3nguin401 is your corresponding phone extension, 0000 is your passcode for voicemail, Jenna is the name on the voicemail box, the last is your email address.
05:26.22Jennayeah I gather that
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05:27.27p3nguinAnd these need to be under a context of  [mb_internal]  based on the dialplan we already created.
05:28.57Jennayup they are
05:29.37p3nguinIf you're fine with what you have changed, reload the thing and see what happens when you dial 401.
05:32.15Jennayeah I did that. this is the only entry at the bottom of my extentions.conf. I have asked a person to call me on my ext 401. I hope he would have an exten automatically assigned to him
05:32.24Jennabtw what about sip.conf
05:33.10p3nguinYou can't get an extension automatically assigned.  You must configure peers in sip.conf and then register the phone with the user and secret.
05:33.27JennaI have an entry in the ¨internal¨ context in the extentions stanza . something like. mailbox=777@mb_internal
05:34.05p3nguinYou need much more than that.
05:34.14p3nguinBut you left, so I'm essentially talking to myself.
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05:37.37makafrehey guys, the issue must have been discussed before, but what's the deal with requirecalltoken, I set it to no or auto but it wont change anything, zoiper doesnt connect..
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09:35.36GNU\colossushi all
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09:37.01GNU\colossuswe're having problems with an asterisk server of ours. incoming speech is hard to understand, while outgoing voice traffic is working just fine apparently. any ideas what could be wrong?
09:37.06GNU\colossuscould it be a codec issue?
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09:39.20tzafrir_laptopwhat codec do you use?
09:39.57garymcYo... anyone know how i turn my apple Airport into a switch?
09:40.13garymcso the bt router dishes out the ips and not the Apple airport?
09:40.33garymcTrying to sort this port forwarding problems
09:40.51GNU\colossustzafrir_laptop: if i recall correctly, it's "G711 alaw"
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09:43.02garymcNevermind, apple and mac have a channel too
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09:48.58GNU\colossuswhat do I need to in order to be able to use the speex codec with my asterisk server? is that dependant on the clients involved?
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10:00.06PanicManhello, I'm new in asterisk, Trying to use portech MV-370
10:00.16PanicMangetting extension error
10:01.30PanicManCall from '198' to extension '88017131111111' rejected because extension not found
10:01.35PanicManany helper :(
10:01.56PanicManexten => _880,1,Dial(SIP/103,60,r)
10:01.56PanicManexten => _880,2,Hangup()
10:01.56PanicManthis is the config
10:03.11*** join/#asterisk tm1985 (
10:03.19PanicManany helper ?
10:03.33tm1985hello need some asterisk help
10:03.52tm1985can someone help me please?
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10:08.15tm1985Our provider uses *21*telphonenumber# to redirect to for example a mobile phone. I need to know how I activate this in asterisk ?
10:08.45tm1985we us Asterisk with mISDNv2 and chan_lcr for the moment
10:09.42tm1985our provider is a ISDN provider and no VOIP provider
10:12.22tm1985exten => 600,2,Dial(LCR/outgoing/*21*TELNUM#) : this is we got it now?
10:14.04dwerytm1985: you mean "transfer" for "redirect" ?
10:16.31*** join/#asterisk Moz (n=me@
10:18.19tm1985When we redirect this call, This call doesn't come on the asterisk, But on the provider which sends it to this number
10:18.43dweryso it's a permanent call deflection?
10:19.08tm1985what is a call deflection?
10:19.22dweryquite probably, the thing you described :D
10:19.38tm1985then probably yes
10:20.17dweryif LCR is sending the DTMF digits correctly it should be doable using the so called "call files"
10:22.06wathekany one would help me please to test my Asterisk configuration ? address :      username : 102      password:guest
10:22.17wathekwould you please call 101 which is me
10:22.51wathekthank you
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10:28.08tm1985dwery,, in this thread are my errors with LCR
10:28.20tm1985It's is the last post
10:29.54dwerytm1985: mmm.. I'd drop LCR and use DAHDI directly
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10:31.57tm1985Our card doesn't dahdi, it has to go through isdn
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10:32.09dwerytm1985: which card do you have?
10:32.41tm1985Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]
10:32.49dwerytm1985: it compatible with dahdi
10:32.59dwerydriver zaphfc
10:33.09garymcHey anyone wanna test an extension for me, i think ive fixed the POrt mapping problem?
10:33.39garymcusing zoiper?
10:34.48tm1985We gone try that thx for the info
10:42.12tech_adrianHello guys ,Is there any implementation of Sip Method Message in Asterisk 1.6.x ? Maybe phpagi .... ?
10:43.41*** join/#asterisk DonAlex (n=DonAlex@
10:43.57DonAlexMorning all..
10:44.06tech_adrianAny ideeas how to implement chat using eyebeam and asterisk ?
10:46.13Tim_Toadytech_adrian asterisk does not support sip messaging
10:47.13Tim_Toadyif u really need it u can setup a ser/openser proxy infront of asterisk
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10:50.04tech_adrianMany thanks . I will see about openser  .
10:56.43DonAlex*groans* Dunno what I did to break this .. but why am I getting WARNING[381]: chan_sip.c:12099 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from  messages dialling out on a SIP trunk now..?
10:59.01*** join/#asterisk renzoe (n=clc@
10:59.12renzoehi guys. care to help me on a digium product?
11:00.39renzoeim planning to buy VPMADT032 echo cancellation. but i dont know how this thing works. it says it supports 32 channels and that means it can echo cancel 32 simultaneous calls or i need to assign it per phone to use this?
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11:25.56garymcHi, I got the ports opened UDP 5060 , 10001-20000
11:26.10garymcfor sip device zioper to act as an extension
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11:27.04garymcWhen the office calls my extension 202 and im at a remote location the call works great. Now when i remotley call extension 201 at the office, they hear me but i dont hear them. Im also breaking up alot.
11:27.28garymcWhat could be the cause of this?
11:28.31*** join/#asterisk Chek (n=choog@
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11:33.25Chekguys, i need some help. i have a call-center with cisco 7940 as agents phones. agents log in via AgentCallbackLogin function. if call to agents phone directly and then dial queue phone #, call to queue ended with COMPLETEAGENT|0|0|1
11:33.48Cheksorry for my language skills
11:35.00Chekany suggestions?
11:39.47GNU\colossusdoes the VoIP-encoding of POTS/ISDN-Calls happen at the asterisk server or at the asterisk server's VoIP-gateway (our VoIP-provider)?
11:39.55tm1985Can anyone tell me of zaphfc works with mISDNv2
11:43.14ChekGNU\colossus, all calls terminating by the asterisk server. sip only
11:43.53Chekfor 7940 phones call-limit set to 1
11:44.19GNU\colossusChek: well, we're using a SIP provider, and there are inbound calls originating from non-voip phones. so the conversion to SIp takes place at our SIP-provider, is that correct?
11:46.21ChekGNU\colossus, our or your? i've been think that you did answer on my question :)
11:47.53GNU\colossusChek: oh, sorry, we got something mixed up here. I was asking a very basic question myself, actually ;)
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11:48.51tm1985Can anyone tell me of zaphfc works with mISDNv2
11:50.01wathekis there any web client to use a SIP account ?
11:51.23tm1985Can anyone tell me of zaphfc works with mISDNv2
11:51.36ChekGNU\colossus, but in your case, answer is "yes". sip provider myst convert traffic from pots/isdn to sip with some codecs (usually g711alaw/ulaw sometimes g729) communicate with sip provider
11:53.37GNU\colossusChek: thanks! does asterisk automatically determine which "incoming" codec is being used?
11:54.46ChekGNU\colossus, if asterisk know him, then 50/50 :)
11:55.00garymcanyone know if i need to reload anything after altering the RTP.conf file?
11:55.32garymcwathek : Zoiper ?
11:55.46wathekgarymc, ok thank you
11:56.08ChekGNU\colossus, u can get list of codecs via "show codecs" command in asterisc console
11:56.25garymcwathek : zoiper is just a softphone. Peice of software you install on your machine. Is that what you mean? or Do you mean a website interface?
11:57.06wathekgarymc, a website interfacez
11:57.17*** join/#asterisk Freman (
11:57.41GNU\colossusChek: thanks. I see a list of codecs; now how can I determine which one our SIP provider is using?
11:57.48garymcwathek : right i dont know of one, im sure one will be about that uses php or something. Not sure would be good to know though
11:57.49GNU\colossus(we have bad voice quality on incoming calls)
11:58.07Fremanok, so I've got my asterisk set up and running, I even sorted out the LUA extensions *grin*, I can make and recieve calls thruogh my vsp but I'm trying to place a call to a specific extension on another asterisk box on another network well beyond my controll and all I get is silence...
11:58.10Fremanme or them? :)
11:58.18wathekgarymc, could you please help me to try my asterisk configuration ?
11:58.30garymci can if you want
11:58.38wathekgarymc, ok thank you
11:59.27ChekGNU\colossus, sip set debug ip host
11:59.46ChekGNU\colossus, or ask your provider
12:01.37GNU\colossusChek: thanks very much for helping me out! :)
12:01.49ChekGNU\colossus, u r welcome :)
12:03.22ChekGNU\colossus, you can edit sip.conf and list codecs for providers gate, that you want
12:06.16*** join/#asterisk italorossi (n=kvirc@
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12:09.39gabri-shatanawhat's the default password for asterisk user?
12:10.35gabri-shatana[Sep 15 14:10:21] NOTICE[2440]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '055398**14' rejected because extension not found.
12:10.56Chekgabri-shatana, default on what?
12:11.18Chekextension not found
12:11.27Chekedit your dialplan
12:11.33gabri-shatanajust a moment
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12:13.45Chekgabri-shatana, also u may need to edit dialplan on your phone
12:14.04gabri-shatanai0'havent it
12:14.32ChekCall from '' to extension '055398**14' -- asterisks in phone #?
12:14.34gabri-shatanathis is into sip.conf
12:14.54gabri-shatanai have a system()
12:15.17gabri-shatanaexten => 2,1,System(Halt)
12:15.26gabri-shatanathis is into extension.conf
12:17.04gabri-shatanaregister => "call" the [05539****] who call [prova]
12:19.27Chekgabri-shatana, if u want to call on sip phone, u must use something like Dial(SIP/ext@host)
12:19.34Chekin your dialplan
12:21.13Fremancan anyone tell me why I can hear sound when I call through (either way) my vsp, but when I dial(sip/ I get nothing?
12:22.36ChekFreman, did in your sip.conf?
12:24.35Fremanno, it's just a random one off call
12:24.53tzafrir_laptopinfobot, tell gabri-shatana about pb
12:25.00ChekFreman, you get answer :)
12:25.04Fremanif it helps diagnose, I have a sip client outside of my network and it has no sound when calling in
12:25.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:27.19garymchi [TK]D-Fender
12:27.28gabri-shatanai don't want call form sip phone
12:27.35gabri-shatanai want call the sip phone by a normal phone
12:27.39garymcI got the ports open UDP 5060 , 10001-20000
12:27.54gabri-shatanaand pressing some number i want happens something
12:28.04gabri-shatanabut asterisk has that error
12:28.18[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Pastebin the call attempt
12:28.24gabri-shatanaNOTICE[2440]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '055398**14' rejected because extension not found.
12:28.38garymc[TK]D-Fender : Now when the office calls my extension and im at a remote location it works great. But if I dial the office remotley from zoiper i cant hear anything. They hear me but its all broken sound
12:29.20[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: look at the SIP DEBUG to see what PEER it is matching and what CONTEXT it is looking for that extension in.  there clearly isn't a match for it there
12:29.39[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Try another client
12:29.57garymclike what
12:30.07gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender, <gabri-shatana> [Sep 15 14:10:21] NOTICE[2440]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '055398**14' rejected because extension not found.
12:30.44garymc[TK]D-Fender any recomendations?
12:30.59infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
12:31.02[TK]D-Fendergarymc: WhATEVER
12:31.03Chekgarymc, i'm useing sjphone for tests
12:31.17garymcis it working ok
12:31.20Chekworks perfect
12:31.33garymcIm using Zoiper, but it not working when i call the office remotley
12:31.35[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: And just like the error says, the call is looking for that # at the end of your register statement and you have NO MATCH.  So go make one
12:31.50gabri-shatanai have no peers
12:31.56garymcChek : Would you loginto my asterisk box and test for me?
12:31.57Chek[TK]D-Fender, i told him :)
12:32.00gabri-shatanai want only use System()
12:32.25Chekgarymc, one moment
12:32.46Chekgabri-shatana, but you trying to call on phone
12:32.59gabri-shatanai call by my mobile
12:33.03gabri-shatanato the voip number
12:33.06*** join/#asterisk casnik (
12:33.36gabri-shatana* from my mobile to my voip number
12:36.53Chekgarymc, give me connection settings
12:36.56[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: NO.  read my pastebin AGAIN
12:39.40[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: [whatever[ <- sections like this in sip.conf are cgenerally called "peers" here
12:40.27*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:40.35dandreif I use extensionstate manager command to know wether an extension is in use or not, I get a status of 8 if ringin that is correct. But if my phone issue a call, the status is still 0. This behaviour is for a sip phone
12:40.52dandrebtw the status is correct for a zap phone
12:41.39[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Ringing is what the phone is doing, not what it is hearing.
12:42.43dandreok but when I place a call the sttus shouldn't be 0 = Not in use
12:42.57*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
12:43.16Skeeter-morning guys
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12:44.09dandreI expected the status to be 1 = In Use
12:44.40Skeeter-i got 1 servers in each facilities(got 2 facilities) each server is trunking a voip provider.  i need to trunking everything. calling server 1, dialing server 2 ext. calling server 1 voip dialing server 2 ext. etc...
12:44.41garymcafternoon ;P
12:44.54[TK]D-Fenderdandre: pastebin <-
12:45.15[TK]D-Fenderdandre: because I strongly suspect that its fine and your understanding is skewed
12:45.45[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: #freepbx <-----
12:45.58dandredo you the manager trace?
12:46.14[TK]D-Fenderdandre: that too.
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12:48.02dwery[TK]D-Fender: got a little patch for you
12:48.12dwery[TK]D-Fender: solves the double sip: in some uris
12:48.57[TK]D-Fenderdwery: What would I do with this?
12:49.12dwery[TK]D-Fender: thought you were involved in the development
12:49.21[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Nope
12:49.32dwery[TK]D-Fender: ouch, sorry ;)
12:51.54Chek[TK]D-Fender, maybe you may halp me. . i have a call-center with cisco 7940 as agents phones. agents log in via AgentCallbackLogin function. if call to agents phone directly and then dial queue phone #, call to queue ended with COMPLETEAGENT|0|0|1
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12:55.01dandre[TK]D-Fender: manager trace for a call from sip/43 to ZAP/2, at the end the extenstate command:
12:56.55[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Where do I see that it shoudl say otherwise?
12:57.30dandresip/43 is placing a call to zap/2
12:57.42dandreso it is in use
12:57.47[TK]D-Fenderdandre: .... and?
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12:59.04[TK]D-Fenderdandre: SIP/43 is a ***DEVICE*** not an EXtensioN
12:59.16[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You don't really seem to understand the difference
13:01.18leifmadsena device called [43]
13:01.35leifmadsenyou should really abstract extensions from users, and users from devices.
13:01.57leifmadsenusing the MAC address is better practise when naming devices
13:05.21[TK]D-Fenderdandre: exten => 43,1,Dial(SIP/fred) . If a device authing calls as [mary] from sip.conf dialed that exten, then EXTENSION 43 is "ringing"
13:05.39dandreok but if I place a call from zap/2 (which is extension 50@from-internal) to sip/43 every seems ok:
13:06.00[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I like making sure when I want focus on a number, that nothing else resembles it :)
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13:06.35[TK]D-Fenderdandre: because the EXTENSION in the dialplan happens to share the same name as the device.
13:06.44[TK]D-Fenderdandre: exten => 43,1,Dial(SIP/fred) . If a device authing calls as [mary] from sip.conf dialed that exten, then EXTENSION 43 is "ringing" <-----------
13:06.59[TK]D-Fenderdandre: otherwise Wtf would it need to knwo the CONTEXT for?
13:07.08[TK]D-Fenderdandre: extensionstate looks at DIALPLAN.
13:07.45dandreok but I have a hint => in from-internal context
13:07.55[TK]D-Fenderdandre: IRRELEVANT
13:08.39[TK]D-Fenderdandre: hints a re for presence and is completely separate from extensionstate
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13:09.20[TK]D-Fenderdandre: hints a re for presence and is completely separate from extensionstate <------
13:09.43dandreok so how can I know the stae of a device from the manager
13:09.59[TK]D-Fenderdandre: extensiosnstate in no way has anything to do with the status of a device
13:10.08[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Go look at the other AMI commands
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13:11.43mutantehi, i find many examples of how to play a .gsm file with Playback() when Asterisk is being called. But i would like that Asterisk is the client that calls me, and after i pickup it should play the message. I can let my phone ring by now, but it does not play a message, but hangs up. I tried this extension,, in order: _X.,1,SetCallerId,SIPID   _X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sipgate-out,30,trg)  _X.,3,Playback(alarm-foobar)  _X.,4,Hangup
13:11.59mutanteis that the right way to go?  SetCallerId, Dial, Playback, Hangup?
13:12.13leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: using a persons name is no better an abstraction than a number
13:12.30kaldemarmutante: no, use a Dial option that executes something on the called channel when it answers
13:12.44[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: it is when I don't want them mixing up fred vs 42 :)
13:13.37leifmadsenif you're going to teach someone the proper abstractions, you should just do it right the first time, and not just substitute one poor naming convention for another
13:13.47mutantekaldemar: i may not get it, but the phone that i call is not connected to Asterisk. Asterisk is the client to a SIP provider, and from SIP provider it calls the POTS phone on my desk
13:14.42kaldemarmutante: it doesn't matter whether the phone is directly connected to your asterisk box or not
13:15.18kaldemarmutante: "core show application Dial" will give you more than one possible option to do that.
13:15.31[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Oh I fdid that too... some people are considerably thicker than bricks :)
13:15.36mutantekaldemar: thank you
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13:16.27mutantekaldemar: ok, more googling... i need that in a call file.. but ok.. rtfm
13:17.13kaldemarmutante: it's just as doable with a call file
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13:18.27casnikAnyone know where to obtain a copy of Asterisk Cookbook from oreilly? (is it even worth it to get now anyway?)
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13:26.49Fremanscratches head - DEVICE_STATE, ChanIsAvail, Sippeer - none of them can tell me if a device has an open line?
13:27.15casnikleifmadsen, know where to obtain a copy of your Asterisk Cookbook from oreilly? (is it even worth it to get now anyway?)
13:27.27garymc[TK}D-Fender : I look at sip debug in asterisk cli I recieve call from sip user and it shows them on port 5061 why is that?
13:27.30leifmadsencasnik: the cookbook was never written
13:27.43casnikoh? I just saw it out of print
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13:27.54garymc[TK]D-Fender : ^^
13:28.05dweryFreman: probably not :D But if you find a way please drop me a note ;)
13:28.14leifmadsencasnik: might have some useful info though
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13:28.32leifmadsencasnik: note that was intended to be the working version of the cookbook, but it never happened
13:28.40leifmadsenalthough it seems other people have added stuff
13:28.44casnikleifmadsen, yeah I looked at that some , wasn't sure how out of date it was considering I am still pretty noob
13:28.45dweryFreman: btw DAHDI has no support for devicestate, according to "core show channeltypes"
13:29.02leifmadsencasnik: ya, I would suggest that to be your primary resource
13:29.10*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (
13:29.14leifmadsenkaldemar: that is the old link -- to the site I just provided above
13:29.21Fremandwery looking for sip
13:29.42Freman used to work... perhaps I need to revive it
13:29.48kaldemarleifmadsen: gah. mut human eyes didn't recognize it without http:// :P
13:29.58casnikleifmadsen, thanks a ton I thought I was missing out on some literal gem that mysteriously went oout of print
13:30.00ross`hey, im trying to get some ip handsets that work on my wireless network
13:30.21ross`i basically want normal wireless phones that wont scare my mom
13:32.11garymcanyone know why a remote caller is using port 5061?
13:32.28leifmadsengarymc: because they wanted to?
13:32.35casnikdoesn't that mean tls?
13:32.40leifmadsengarymc: (typically because something else on their network was registered with 5060 already)
13:33.13kaldemarcasnik: no, it only means they use port 5061, nothing more. :P
13:33.47leifmadsenI set my 2 polycoms to register as 5501 and 5430 so I know which phones I'm looking at on the screen
13:33.53casnikright , yeah ... totally off on that ... I recalled something about that in the opensips default stuff (totally wrong disregard)
13:34.49garymcbut what if those ports arnt open in the NAT?
13:34.58leifmadsenthey don't need to be typically
13:35.10leifmadsenon the PBX side, the phone is registering TO 5060, but FROM 5061
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13:36.02asifhello all!
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13:36.42asifI'm having trouble getting adaptive ODBC up with MySQL
13:40.30asifplease see this:
13:40.30garymcso why do calls to a remote extension only work when I call the remote extension from the office.
13:40.56garymcWhen the remote extension call the office, the remote caller gets no sound, but the office hears the sound?
13:41.09Naikrovekgarymc: NAT problems
13:41.34garymcwell im only using one router now with all ports opened
13:41.52Naikrovekyou are, office may be using something different
13:41.57Naikrovekand don't announce that out loud
13:42.04Naikrovekyour IP address is not hidden
13:42.06garymcno not all ports
13:42.13asifany idea what could be wrong?
13:42.13garymcjust the udp 5060 etc
13:42.41garymcim in the office now
13:42.45*** join/#asterisk Whitor (n=Whitor@
13:42.51garymcso i opened all ports
13:42.56Naikrovekasif: "data source name not found" there's your problem
13:43.17garymcNaikrovek : Dont suppose you use a decent softphone and you could do a quick test with me?
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13:43.29Naikrovekgarymc: i don't, sorry
13:43.54garymcAnyone else have a softphone that works other than Zoiper they could do a quick test with?
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13:46.11SuPrSluGgarymc: if you're getting one way audio it is a nat issue.
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13:46.28garymcwhen i call from office to remote its two way audio
13:46.37garymcjust remote to office is one way
13:46.54SuPrSluGremote to office is nat issue
13:47.04garymcright.... hmmm
13:47.12garymcso what should i do?
13:47.33garymcis it ports 10000-20000 or ports 10001-20000
13:47.51garymci think i done ports 10001-20001
13:48.29dandre[TK]D-Fender: I had to put call-limit and limitonpeers according to this issue:
13:48.38dandreand everything work
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13:49.15garymcAlso do i have to reload anything after altering rtp.conf?
13:49.17[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Yes, that is required for hints, but still has absolutely nothing to do with ExtensionState
13:50.16superbeefare there configure optiosni need to pass to get asterisk  1.4.26 to use pri, zaptel?   I built pri, then zaptel before asterisk but I seem to lack the pri show command when I run asterisk
13:50.26dandrebut extensionstate works now
13:51.26asifthanks for that link, Naikrovek
13:51.37kaldemargarymc: it is what you define in rtp.conf. by default, 10000-20000.
13:51.56asifthough i'm getting an "invalid object" error with odbcinst
13:52.05dandresuperbeef: as far as I know, zaptel isn't supported for version newer than 1.4.2
13:52.05garymcif i set NAT in router to 10001-20000 would that cause an issue?
13:53.20superbeefzaptel is supposed to still be available in 1.4
13:53.33superbeefAsterisk 1.4 releases later than 1.4.21, and all releases of Asterisk 1.6, will automatically use
13:53.34superbeefDAHDI in preference to Zaptel, even if Zaptel is still installed on the system.
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13:53.52garymcanyone know what these options in my router mean. 1.stealth mode - 2. Block Ping -- 3.strict UDP session control
13:54.00garymcThe only one ticked is number 1
13:54.03superbeefi guess I could suck it up and try to get my sangoma card to play with DAHDI
13:54.29kaldemargarymc: office end hears the sound, you said earlier. stop playing with the office side router then and try to find the real problem.
13:54.41_trinegarymc, you need to get your computer locked down ,, Finance Facility Customer Detail View
13:54.53garymcyeah thanks for that
13:55.06garymcim just testing with that page
13:55.11garymcenter something in if you like
13:55.55_trinewell i hope your customer ID's are only test as well
13:56.18garymckaldemar: Thats my problem what do i need to do then?
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13:56.28garymcthey all arfe _trine
13:56.46kaldemargarymc: make RTP packets from asterisk reach the remote client.
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13:57.01_trinejust thought I would let you know
13:57.05garymckaldemar: how?
13:57.30kaldemargarymc: depends on the problem.
13:57.35garymc_trine : you wont beable to look now i dont think
13:57.59kaldemargarymc: have you ever take a sip debug of a failed call and shown it here?
13:58.10garymcto no avail
13:59.08kaldemarkeep showing actual information of your setup instead of falling back to the same general questions over and over again.
13:59.37garymcright so you want a paste of actuall call where i get audio but remote gets none?
14:00.22kaldemaryes. with sip.conf and a description of the current network setup.
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14:07.16garymcright ok i had my firewall ports on router set to 10001-20000
14:07.33garymcI changed the setting to 10000-20000 and now it works GREAT!
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14:11.43Grofhey guys
14:12.32Grofanyone up for answering some ConfBridge questions?
14:12.53infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:13.17voipmonkcorrects his robes
14:13.42coppicebeta questions frequently yield alpha answers
14:13.47casnikstraightens his wizard hat
14:13.58Grofsince now i've used MeetMe and his BACKGROUND_AGI functionality
14:14.23seanbrightMeetMe is actually a she
14:14.27seanbrightand she's a whore
14:14.31Grofis there a way to get the same (or similiar) behaviour with ConfBridge
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14:15.37seanbrightGrof: let me take a look at the source.  moment.
14:16.08*** join/#asterisk oej__ (n=olle@
14:16.24seanbrightno.  nothing built-in.
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14:18.01Grofthe problem is that i want to have control over channel after I put it in the conference room
14:18.28Grofwhat if I used ast_bridge_impart instead of ast_bridge_join?
14:18.31ccesariosomebody have any idea about this ?
14:18.57Grof(through FastAGI)
14:19.21leifmadsenccesario: I've not used directed pickup, but it looks like your format might be wrong?
14:19.32leifmadsenshould it be SIP/3602@something ?
14:19.53leifmadsengiven, I didn't look at the 'core show application' output
14:20.52ccesarioleifmadsen, hmmm let me try this
14:23.54*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=yuriy@
14:24.53Grofis ConfBridge developer visiting this channel
14:25.04Grof(Joshua Colp)
14:25.23leifmadsenfile is currently at SIPit doing mad amounts of testing on chan_sip
14:25.35kaldemarGrof: there is also #asterisk-dev for discussing the code
14:25.43Grofy? ok, tnx
14:25.49*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:25.50leifmadsenGrof: and you'll probably get more response from asterisk-dev mailing list
14:26.14Groftnx leifmadsen
14:26.24leifmadsenGrof> y? ok, tnx    <-- this is what is wrong with Americas spelling today :)
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14:26.54ccesarioleifmadsen, as
14:27.02ccesarioIm using this
14:27.03Grofleifmadsen: sorry :( i'm from croatia
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14:27.32Grofleifmadsen: i do not know your ways XD
14:27.37casnikyeah luckily not all of us Americans spell like that
14:27.39leifmadsenyou mean like... full words? :)
14:27.47Grofleifmadsen: :P
14:28.11Grofy, never heard of "thanks", only "tnx", "10x", "gr8"
14:28.43leifmadsenccesario: interesting... I've never used it, but it looks like the right syntax unless it has changed in 1.6 or something
14:29.11casnikoutside of American chat culture people use "y" to say "yes" whereas inside we use "y" to say " why"
14:29.20[TK]D-FenderO U 8 1 2?
14:29.57leifmadsencasnik: I just type 'yes' and 'why' because saving 2 characters doesn't make up for the lack of useful communication
14:30.08NuggetI like when stupid chat laziness has a language collision.  Like saying "N8 M8"
14:30.09[TK]D-FenderI O U 1 U C.....
14:30.10ccesarioleifmadsen, in asterisk-1.6.1 this work ... but now in 1.6.2 dont work :/
14:30.29leifmadsenccesario: then in that case you make wish to file an issue
14:30.33casnikleifmadsen, me to except I spell them out because I communicate with a lot of people outside the US
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14:33.43seanbrighti hope that any features that are added to ConfBridge are well thought out
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14:34.08seanbrightinstead of the typical "here is a variable or flag for every thing anyone could ever do" pattern
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14:35.02Chekstill need some help. i have a call-center with cisco 7940 as agents phones. agents log in via AgentCallbackLogin function. if call to agents phone directly and then dial queue phone #, call to queue ended with COMPLETEAGENT|0|0|1
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14:42.50Guest70048is there a way to setup a call routing table in mysql or something
14:43.00Guest70048like if someone dials one it goes to 101
14:43.28afinkthanks leifmadsen
14:43.38radenor a way to make it so via web interface I can change where calls are routing to for the day ?
14:43.43leifmadsenafink: lol nice :)
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14:44.12leifmadsenraden: sure -- sounds like you want something like func_odbc
14:44.21leifmadsenputnopvut: the master of queues!
14:44.48angryuserGood day, i am searching stable DID providers from Spain and Usa, can someone reccomend me ? Thank you.
14:45.22leifmadseninfobot: tell angryuser about itsp-us
14:45.34radeni want something when we come in, in the morning that i can goto a browser set option 1 going to 101 option 2 going to 103 etc...
14:45.37leifmadsenhmmm.... I thought that was the tag
14:45.42radencause when people are out things become a pITA
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14:46.07leifmadsenraden: sure, just use func_odbc in your dialplan to lookup what to dial from the database
14:46.17leifmadsenit'll get looked up each time someone hits your IVR
14:46.28infobotextra, extra, read all about it, itsp-list is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
14:46.53leifmadsenI personally have had pretty good luck with
14:46.58radenleifmadsen, so i can use mysql  then
14:47.05leifmadsenraden: yes
14:47.13angryuserleifmadsen, thanks
14:47.15leifmadsenraden: see the database chapter of TFoT
14:47.15radensweet as long as mysql dont fail LOL
14:47.20radenTfot ?
14:47.20leifmadsenraden: right
14:47.28leifmadseninfobot: tell raden about thebook
14:47.36radenoreilly book i have it
14:47.46leifmadsenTFoT == shorthand for The Future of Telephony
14:47.55infobotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
14:48.01leifmadsenaha, someone added that already
14:48.14leifmadsenalthough that is old data...
14:48.54leifmadsenand now I've updated it
14:49.05leifmadseninfobot: thanks!
14:49.05infobotleifmadsen: gern geschehen
14:50.52radenwhats the proper way to start and stop asterisk outside the asterisk CLI ?
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14:51.42KattyGOOD MORNING
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14:52.28Kattyit's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
14:52.33Kattya beautiful day for a neighbor!
14:52.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: Would you be min?  Could you be min?
14:52.44wcselbywon't you be my neighbor
14:53.47kaldemarraden: an init script usually
14:53.56*** join/#asterisk Faithful (n=Faithful@
14:53.58Kattylet's make the most of this beautiful day!
14:55.30radenanyone think of a way to pickup another extension that is rining lets say im at 103 and i hear 101 running id like to be able to hit like #101 or something to pickup that extension is it possible
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14:56.18Pan3Dwrites a mrmcfeely context
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14:59.42Kattyi have a lot of respect for him.
15:00.00Kattyor his memory, i guess.
15:00.49Mozhas anyone got any experience using chan_mobile?
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15:02.29wonderworldhey, is there a way to log the cli outut into a text-file?
15:03.04leifmadsenccesario: mnicholson just mentioned he is working on a directed pickup bug, but not sure if it is related to your issue or not
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15:03.29leifmadsenwonderworld: asterisk -rvvvv | tee /tmp/myfile.txt
15:03.56wcselbyyou could also play with the logger.conf settings to get a lot of the * info into a log file
15:04.46ccesarioleifmadsen, hmmmm cool news... when he fix the bug I can test ...
15:05.25leifmadsenccesario: coolio, not sure what the bug number is. I'll try and find out.
15:05.40leifmadsenmnicholson: are you paying attention here?
15:08.48ccesarioleifmadsen, yea... but the mnicholson patch, can solve this tooo :D
15:08.56leifmadsenok great :)
15:10.51Chekhehe, found it :) it's error in source
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15:12.31ccesarioleifmadsen, ;)
15:18.14*** join/#asterisk Mango (n=Mango@
15:18.28MangoCan anyone tell me how many gateways a SPA3102 supports?
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15:23.01wcselbyMango -
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15:38.19prouteI use * use misdn 1.1.9-2. today on my log i have: mISDN_rdata: rport queue overflow (after 500ms!) 256/256 [addr:52010401 prim:120282 dinfo:ffffffff]
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15:38.36prouteDoes anybody have any idea about this log?
15:38.49prouteMoreover this log flood syslog
15:38.57proutethanks for your help
15:44.25wcselbysorry, don't use mISDN, can't help.  someone here might be able to though
15:45.26prouteok thank :)
15:48.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:49.04wcselbyother than THE BOOK, what are some good asterisk books?  I've got THE BOOK and also the Asterisk 1.4 the Professional Guide from PACKT publishing (by Colman Carpenter, David Duffett, Nik Middelton and Ian Plain).  I'm looking to simply expand my knowledge on the subject...any suggestions?
15:49.39mnicholsonleifmadsen, eh?
15:50.29mnicholsonMoz, i have some experience using chan_mobile
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15:51.41mnicholsonleifmadsen, ccesario, that directed pickup bug was issue 15100
15:51.54leifmadsenmnicholson: thanks
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15:53.45voipmonkwcselby: get your hands dirty and dive in.
15:53.56wcselbyvoipmonk - believe I have.  :)
15:54.06ccesarioleifmadsen, thanks.... let me read
15:54.10wcselbyalways looking to learn new things is all.
15:55.06[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: read all the docs in the tarball, "core show fuinctions" "core show applications", and you've got most of it
15:55.25ccesariomnicholson, thanks
15:55.46ccesariomnicholson, I can apply this patch in SVN-branch-1.6.2-r218364 ?
15:56.36mnicholsonccesario, that bug is closed.  The patch has already been applied to all supported branches.
15:57.05mnicholsonccesario, i am not sure what you are trying to do, I don't know if it is related to that issue or not
15:57.22bmoracawhat are the merits for using r or R instead of g or G when dialing out a zap group?  we had an issue today where our provider had an issue on channel 1, and because we were using Zap/g0, no one could make outbound calls...changing to Zap/r0 would have masked the issue, so I wouldn't find it as quickly...
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15:57.57ccesariomnicholson, ooops...  yes... alread applied
15:58.03bmoracais there any compelling reason to use one over the other?
15:58.08ccesarioi'm having the same problem... (I think) :P
15:58.33Qwellbmoraca: If your provider sends calls 1,2,3, you'll want to send backwards to avoid glare.  Providers do it differently.
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15:59.01bmoracathey round-robin from the highest order channel
15:59.24Qwellmy answer is for r vs R, of course
15:59.29Qwell(or g vs G)
15:59.45bmoracaso, since they round robin, I should also be doing round robin?
16:00.01Qwellnot necessarily
16:00.02bmoracain the reverse order, of course
16:00.33bmoracai'm just trying to figure out how to keep this issue from happening again, while still being able to be alerted that it happened
16:01.12bmoracas/happening/being catastrophic/
16:07.43Naikrovekomfg i'm going to quit this damn near perfect job because of one thing
16:07.52Naikrovekrational clearcase
16:07.59NaikrovekTHE worst bit of software EVER
16:08.09casnikSwingline Stapler go missing again?
16:08.23Naikroveki believe you have my sanity?
16:08.51Naikroveki'm going to go emo or some shit over this POS clearcase
16:09.04casnikwhat is that software for?
16:09.36Naikrovekit's IBMs flagship source control management software
16:09.38Naikrovekand i have to admin it
16:09.45mutanteQlikview is also pretty annoying
16:09.53Naikrovekcvs, svn, ..., clearcase
16:10.23Naikrovekmutante: it's certainly spelled annoyingly
16:10.25casnikwhats wrong with just plain ol subversion
16:10.47Naikrovekwell we do a LOT of work for caterpillar, so we have to integrate with their systems, and those guys use ClearCase
16:10.53Naikrovekso, we have to use clearcase
16:10.59casnikah lame
16:11.14casnikold guys sitting in rooms drinking whiskey.... make bad calls
16:11.14Naikrovekit's like having a girlfriend to loves to go to the opera.  Now you have to go to the opera
16:11.37Naikrovekyou can NOT go to the opera, but the relationship will be severely damaged, if not destroyed
16:12.22casnikit's like when I did engineering drawing , you had to make them all in CAD then create raster images out of them for word docs
16:12.47Naikrovekwell education maybe could have solved that
16:12.58Naikrovekeducation can't solve clearcase; if it could, clearcase would be dead
16:13.19casnikyeah , but the government contrats required it
16:13.31Naikrovekah so same situation
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16:13.34casnikyour dealing with private .... so there is a chance for you lol
16:14.07Naikrovekthese retards also store EVERY BUILD in clearcase.  so they have /maybe/ 1G of source code, but fucking 750GB of files that have to be synchronized.
16:14.26Naikrovekand guess what?  we're on a T-1
16:14.39Naikroveki swear if I ever leave this job it'll be over clearcase
16:14.40QwellWhat's wrong with storing builds in SCM?
16:14.47casnik128k upload probably
16:15.09NaikrovekQwell: nothing, if you didn't have one-time test version in there that have been there for years, and that aren't used in production
16:15.25NaikrovekQwell: and the problem is that we're all on slow-as-hell links synching 750GB of stuff
16:15.31Naikrovekcasnik: full t1 at least
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16:15.55QwellNaikrovek: Don't do that then
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16:16.08Naikrovekoh i wish it were that easy
16:16.13casnikstill not that fast for that kind of work
16:16.23Naikrovekthere are 80 some developers who don't understand english that I have to tell this to
16:16.26casnikit's like streaming pron with a 9600 baud modem
16:16.33dweryanyone has a contact at Thomson? I'd like to discuss a few bugs of their ST2030
16:17.36Naikroveki'm a developer.  i have a career of software development behind me, but i have the added benefit of having a lot of networking experience, a lot of system admin experience, and all of that
16:17.43Naikrovekmost developers have nothing but development experience
16:17.52Qwellmost developers don't even have that
16:18.04Naikrovekthey do not understand that when they put binaries in a source code management system that it causes fucking issues
16:18.15Naikrovekcauses non-fucking issues too
16:18.17QwellIt doesn't cause issues.  Your crappy network does.
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16:18.27NaikrovekQwell: you do not understand clearcase
16:18.31casnik<---- ISP Network engineering ... breaking into system admin/Development
16:18.33QwellI understand SCM.
16:18.42NaikrovekQwell: yes i do too, but clearcase is a POS
16:18.56QwellYou're doing it wrong. :)
16:18.57Naikroveki've admined plenty of CVS and SVN systems with binaires, no problem
16:19.00Naikrovekclearcase chokes on them
16:19.05Naikrovekget this
16:19.08QwellThen don't use clearcase
16:19.16NaikrovekQwell: no choice
16:19.44Naikrovekget this; if a sync fails between sites, clearcase can't detect it, does nothing to remedy it, and it requires manual intervention to fix
16:19.57QwellSo fix your broken network. :p
16:19.58Naikrovekand if you don't fix it FAST sync packets (not tcp/ip packets) pile up
16:20.00coppiceclearcase handles binary files just like SVN. you need to tag them as binary
16:20.17Qwellcoppice: well, svn does that automatically for binary files
16:20.23Qwell(by default, anyways)
16:20.35coppiceno it doesn't. you must tag binary files with SVN
16:20.47QwellIt should do it on add
16:20.59Naikrovekso i have ONE developer in this office who requires clearcase, and I spend at least 3 hours a day fixing issues for the ONE developer
16:21.02coppiceotherwise it tries to do end of line conversions on them
16:21.18Naikrovekcaterpillar has come in, IBM has come in, there are no network or system issues.  they're clearcase issues
16:21.30Qwellcoppice: only if you've got autoprops set, and it matches (like a binary .c file)
16:21.34NaikrovekIBM: "yeah that's a bug, we're working on it."
16:21.37Qwellor, that's how it *should* do it
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16:22.42ChainsawNaikrovek: Or you have a failing switch that is causing intermittent packet loss under high load.
16:23.01ChainsawNaikrovek: I've had that, and people have gone to the brink of insanity trying to find the intermittent transfer bug in Asterisk 1.2 (which isn't there).
16:23.36Naikroveknot a switch problem.  network tests show no issues over week-long tests
16:23.45Naikrovek0 missed packets
16:23.48ChainsawTCP packets do not disappear on a local network.
16:23.52ChainsawIf they do, you have a problem
16:24.04Naikrovekshow me a switch that has a problem that doesn't demonstrate the problem on a local network
16:24.28Naikrovekdon't confuse a clearcase packet with a network packet.
16:24.43Naikrovekclearcase packets are lots of megabytes in size, and are basically files sent over the network
16:24.53Naikrovektcp will take care of most, if not all, network issues.
16:24.58Naikrovekit's not that the packets aren't arriving, i should add
16:25.04Naikrovekits that suddenly they can't be applied
16:25.18Chainsawcasts a long stare at Naikrovek, turns around and walks off
16:26.02Chainsaw(If I was Fender I'd try and yell some sense into you, but I'm not)
16:26.03NaikrovekChainsaw: no, don't chicken out, tell me what your issue is
16:26.51Naikroveki can virtually guarantee that it's not a network issue
16:27.07ChainsawNo, you can't. And you don't understand networking, which is why this is a futile conversation.
16:27.58Naikrovekyes, Chainsaw i can.  ibm was in here to test our network, and our bladecenter, where the clearcase server lives
16:28.05Naikrovekthey couldn't find anything
16:28.26[TK]D-FenderLooking for problems is more profitable than finding them :)
16:28.33Naikrovekbesides, the connection goes straight from the router into the bladecenter
16:29.12Naikroveki could understand, and i'd agree with you, if any of these issues were caused by a T1 that went down or something
16:29.30Naikrovekand yes, I do understand networking
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16:29.55QwellYou're doing this over the public internet?
16:30.00Qwellyeah, don't do that
16:30.15NaikrovekQwell: that's the only way Caterpillar does it
16:30.36Naikrovekclearcase encrypts the packets before sending, and the receiving server decrypts them
16:30.57casnikhow big are the packets?
16:31.11casnik> 1500?
16:31.15Naikrovekdo not confuse clearcase packets with networking packets.  tcp/ip packet size is 1500
16:31.32Naikrovekibm stupidly uses the same word for their sync packets, which can be very very large
16:31.33Chainsawcasnik: See? Lost cause right there.
16:31.52Naikrovekyou fucker you tell me what you're not understanding
16:31.55Naikrovekmtu = 1500
16:32.04casnikI am just simply trying to understand why the packets are so large and transverse the "internet"
16:32.10MaliutaNaikrovek: Caterpillar can't do most things right ... they once developed an excavator where the vibrations of the engine sheered the bolts holding the oil filter to the carbody. This cause the filters to fall off and the machine to go down
16:32.26[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Thats what packet fragmentation is for...
16:32.28Chainsawcasnik: Careful, he'll call you names too.
16:32.41wcselbyi think Naikrovek is having a bad day....
16:32.52Naikrovekwcselby: yes, because of clearcase
16:32.55NaikrovekChainsaw: i can take anything
16:33.08wcselbyNaikrovek - i get what you're saying.
16:33.13casnikwe aren't trying to make Naikrovek look dumb right ?  We are just trying to understand why Clearcase is so wicked
16:33.44Naikrovekcasnik: the sync packets are large because that's how clearcase works.  a clearcase packet is not a network packet, just as an html page is not a network packet
16:33.49casnikI've never used it personally , but I am a networking guy
16:33.58Naikrovekthey're transmitted over tcp/ip, but they're whole files
16:34.05wcselbyhe already stated that IBM came in and identified a bug in their software (clearcase).  why everyone is harping on him I don't understand
16:34.36Naikrovekjasonwoot: clearcase is ibm's source control software.  like cvs, svn, git, visual source safe, perforce, etc
16:35.08jasonwootah, fucking thank you
16:35.22Kattyeats chex for lunch.
16:35.32Naikrovek60% less fat than potato chips
16:35.40wcselbywho is chex?
16:35.43wcselbyoh wait....sorry
16:36.02QwellWe called my friend chexmix...  because most people couldn't pronounce his last name O.o
16:36.03Kattynot amused.
16:36.09Qwelland it sounded like chexmix
16:36.14wcselbysorry katty - Naikrovek needed to laugh
16:36.20Naikrovekwcselby: me too
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16:36.28Katty <- lunch.
16:36.49Maliutawaves at Katty
16:36.53Kattyhi (=
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16:37.23Kattythey keep making the side of the boxes smaller.
16:37.28Kattyand raising the prices.
16:37.32fofwareHello, I want to know if it's possible make a call from webpage to Asterisk-extension?
16:37.35NaikrovekKatty: so does everyone
16:37.39Kattybut keep telling farmers they don't want to pay them more for corn, for fear the cost of food will go up.
16:37.46Naikrovekfofware: you'll need to install a sip phone on the page somehow
16:37.58Kattyit irritates me.
16:38.04Kattyalso, have you seen shampoo and body wash?
16:38.04Qwellfofware: sure
16:38.09wcselbymy little sister in law does her smiley faces backwards like katty just did....i never understood that
16:38.14Kattythey're also slightly smaller, but the opening the stuff comes out with is LARGER
16:38.17[TK]D-Fenderfofware: Go lookup Flash / Java softphones on the WIKI
16:38.19fofwareNaikrovek: thanks is there someone free?
16:38.21infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
16:38.32Naikrovekfofware: listen to [TK]D-Fender
16:38.49fofwareNaikrovek: thanks verry much
16:38.50Kattyforcing you to be careful, less you use more of the product than you really intended.
16:38.59Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: fofware thanks you via me
16:39.08NaikrovekKatty: you and i notice the same things
16:39.22NaikrovekKatty: my dad would have loved you - he want bananas when squeeze bottles came out
16:39.33Kattyall my recipes that call for 16 oz packages.
16:39.35fofware[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:39.36Kattythey're not 14 oz.
16:39.43Kattyand all my recipes that call for 8 oz pkgs, are now 6
16:39.48Naikrovekhe would scream that he coudln't get the last 10% out because it woudln't fall into the hole to get squirted out
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16:40.18Kattythat is irritating
16:40.23Kattyi keep bottles upside down in the fridge.
16:40.31Kattyand it's funny...cause it really shouldn't bother me, but it does.
16:40.35Kattylike spaghetti sauce, or alfredo
16:40.37Kattythat irritates me.
16:40.41Naikrovekhe invented all kinds of systems, centrifuges, etc
16:40.59Kattysomehow throwing away a container that still has stuff in it is a sin.
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16:41.04bmoracadamn power outages
16:41.06NaikrovekKatty: yes
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16:41.28Kattynot clearing the time off the microwave when you're done...also irritating.
16:41.37Naikrovekthat's pure woman right there
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16:41.41Naikrovekmy wife does that
16:41.43Kattyfor some reaosn, i can't STAND that >.<
16:41.51Naikrovekcomplains that there's a 1 on the microwave instead of a 0
16:41.55KattyONE little button!!!!
16:42.01Kattyi wish people would use it!
16:42.05QwellKatty: I agree.  it's annoying when the clock isn't flashing 12:00
16:42.16wcselbylol Qwell
16:42.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Worse still.. the idiots who open the door with < 3 seconds left and the settings still active
16:42.21Naikrovekit could just clear automatically if it's less than 5 seconds when you open the door..
16:42.21KattyQwell: clock flashing 12:00 is also irritating.
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16:42.27voipmonkyou know you like it when u look at the microwave at 9 am and it reads 1:27
16:42.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes. that too.
16:42.41[TK]D-Fender's microwave only requires ONE button, and bypasses this nonsense
16:42.56Kattyi don't use that button
16:42.56wcselbymy microwave doesn't flash 12:00 - it just doesn't display any time.  looks like it's not even on
16:43.07Kattyi use the 1 min and 2 min button
16:43.13Kattyand occasionally the add 30 sec button :P
16:43.25QwellThere's more than the "Minute Plus" button on microwaves?
16:43.26KavanSif you have a flashing are in technology, and a) don't care because you are that l33t, or b) don't know, because you are a fool
16:43.27[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Nope.... 30s button :) t he "GO" button
16:43.41[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Keep pressing for more.. because thats what more MEANS
16:43.43KavanS[TK]D-Fender, haha me too...30secs is the "go" button, just press it
16:43.48Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: yeah that one works too
16:43.49KavanSI am the EXACT same
16:43.56KavanSI never use any other button than the 1 button
16:43.58[TK]D-FenderONLY DIFFErenT!
16:43.59KavanS"add 30 more seconds..."
16:44.12[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Well.. I do use the STOP button to :0
16:44.15Katty30 seconds makes all the difference ;)
16:44.24[TK]D-FenderKavanS: but my ideal mirowave wouldn't need it
16:44.30KavanSnaw I don't use stop, I just open door
16:44.34Kattychrome undocking my windows.
16:44.36Kattyalso irritating.
16:44.42KavanShaha yes, I agree...the microwave in many aspects has become too complicated
16:44.57KavanSmaybe when multi-touch interfaces become cheap, we can customize our own "UI" for the microwave
16:45.08KavanS"go" will be the button I put on there, big and green.
16:45.20Kattywatches KavanS poke the go button 6 times.
16:45.38QwellKavanS: why even have a button?  just write a for loop..  if door = closed, start
16:45.40Kattywhy can't we have voice activation?
16:45.50QwellWhy would you put food in there, if you don't plan on cooking it right this second?
16:45.54KattyEarly Gray Tea. Hot
16:46.07KavanSQwell, ahh true...but then what happens when you need to close the door for appearance sake?
16:46.12casnikbecause if you told your microwave to "get maked" inadvertently that would be bad
16:46.16KattyKavanS: no weight
16:46.22casnik"get Naked"*
16:46.23Kattyif weight + door closed = nukerwave
16:46.39Qwellalso, this is slightly OT :p
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16:46.51Kattyit won't be the end of the world.
16:47.03ChainsawQwell: You should frame this, look back on it if you ever need to design a UI again.
16:47.08Kattyit can't be. i've not stocked up on enough cans of chef boyardi
16:47.50Kattyanyone been watchin Jerico?
16:48.09NaikrovekKatty: i didn't even watch Jeremiah and my name is Jeremiah
16:48.12ChainsawKatty: That two-season show that got cancelled twice?
16:48.26KavanSheh I see "Katty" once in awhile from infobot or other people...I forgot she's in here....I ignored her sometime back when she was ranting about something that offended me
16:48.27Kattyno idea. found it on netflix.
16:48.40KattyKavanS: yeah, sorry about that.
16:48.42KavanSI'm sure I've done the same though to irritate people with my stupid ?'s
16:48.56ChainsawKatty: Protagonist Jake, the could-be-terrorist has a Toughbook?
16:48.56KattyKavanS: i occasionally snap when people irriate me :P
16:49.21KattyChainsaw: yeah. that's the one.
16:49.28KattyChainsaw: i'm only a few episodes in, but i'm really diggin it
16:49.30ChainsawKatty: It's an awesome series. I liked it, so they cancelled it.
16:49.34ChainsawKatty: I'm truly sorry.
16:50.06KattyChainsaw: kinda makes you wonder if that's what it looked like in some small towns around the Great Depression
16:50.28KavanS[TK]D-Fender, right on....glad to hear I use the M-wave the same way someone else does, I've had this mentioned to me "why do you only use the 30 sec button?"
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16:50.45ChainsawKatty: Yeah, it does. Postapolyptic stuff really makes you think if it's done right.
16:50.47Kattyand someone please tell KavanS to stop ignoring me ;)
16:50.58Naikrovek<Katty> and someone please tell KavanS to stop ignoring me ;)
16:51.07Naikrovekthat should do it, Katty
16:51.14Kattyexcellent. lol.
16:51.30KavanSI wish more women were on irc
16:51.34Naikrovekno joke
16:51.49jayteeJericho was awesome, wish they'd kept it on longer than 2 seasons and hadn't screwed up the second season with the cancellation crap
16:52.07Corydon76-digKavanS: clearly, you just need to have a sex change.  Then you get your wish.
16:52.24MaliutaI have female DNA
16:52.31KavanSCorydon76-dig, I think counseling people on a "sex change" is a bad career move for you, please stick to SSH ;)
16:52.44KavanSCorydon76-dig, that being said...for all you know, I am female
16:52.52KavanSgod bless the internet :P
16:53.11Corydon76-digKavanS: doesn't matter to me, either way.  I'm bi.
16:53.19Kattyhides extra cans of chef boyardi at jaytee's house.
16:53.20MaliutaI count as something like 1/3 female (that is one of the three DNA strands is female)
16:53.32KavanSCorydon76-dig, ahh
16:54.00Kattyi really need to take some emergency field courses.
16:54.08MaliutaKatty: cans? did you chop him up or something?
16:54.14KattyMaliuta: :P
16:54.22KattyMaliuta: it's better than plain canned tuna.
16:54.29KattyMaliuta: plus it has veggies :P
16:54.33MaliutaKatty: I have no idea what you're on about
16:54.42MaliutaKatty: not something we have here in .au
16:55.09Kattyis getting a photo
16:55.19Naikrovekis getting a placebo.
16:55.25Maliutanot everyone live in north america [or wants to]
16:55.30KattyMaliuta: i hear ya
16:55.34Naikroveki lived in sydney for 2 years
16:55.38KattyMaliuta: we're in pretty bad shape right now.
16:55.47MaliutaNaikrovek: get "Sleeping with Ghosts"
16:55.48jayteeKatty, have you seen the viral vid of the cat that sticks it's head under the faucet and drinks?
16:55.52KattyMaliuta: and the next few weeks will determine just how bad a shape we're gonna be in.
16:56.00MaliutaNaikrovek: sydney blow goats
16:56.01Kattyjaytee: oh yeah. i watched that twice ;)
16:56.10NaikrovekMaliuta: oh yeah.  I don't like you.
16:56.19Naikroveki almost forgot
16:56.42casnikPurest Awesome cat vid ever: -->
16:56.43KattyMaliuta: they make a lot of different Things.
16:56.52KattyMaliuta: spaghetti and meatballs.
16:57.04casnikwell , it's a gif not a vid , but still awesome
16:57.11Kattybeef and pasta, in spaghetti sauce
16:57.19Kattygenerally the same stuff made differently
16:57.23Kattypasta, tomato, meat.
16:57.38MaliutaI don't do those things
16:57.50Kattyyou do if there's no food at the store.
16:57.57MaliutaI'm and amature chef ... I cook from scratch
16:57.57Kattyand people are fighting over gas.
16:58.28Kattyyou don't cook when the grocery store is empty tho :P
16:58.49KattyMaliuta: <- i also cook.
16:59.18Kattytho most often i don't make up my own recipes. just alter other ones.
17:00.03MaliutaIf I want to cook something I look at like 2 dozen recipes and then do my own that distils the dish to purity
17:00.10jayteeback before they had MRE's when I was in the Air Force they still had C-Rations. I once had a can of spaghetti and meatballs that was canned in 1953. This was in 1976. I was born in 1954. Kinda scary eating something that's been in a can since a year before you were born.
17:00.10Maliutaand tastes nicerer
17:00.43Maliutajaytee is old
17:00.49Kattyjaytee: ryan keeps a lot of MREs around....i don't think he ever got C-Rations
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17:01.05Kattyjaytee: they stock pile the MREs up at the conservation department for disaster.
17:01.21Kattyjaytee: never tried one tho.
17:01.43jayteethe C-Rations used to come with a little pack of 5 cigarettes and a small pack of Chicklets gum.
17:01.54Kattyno chocolate?
17:01.57Naikrovekthey're not as bad as you'd think
17:02.03Naikrovekyes they have like a kitkat or something
17:02.09Naikrovektiny bottle of tobasco
17:02.14Kattyi meant in the crations
17:02.27Kattythe MREs have a ton of food in them.
17:02.40jayteesometimes. they had little round cans with 3 round "Nestle Crunch" style chocolate things
17:02.41NaikrovekMRE = C Ration I thought
17:02.57Kattyjaytee: hmm, neat.
17:03.16jayteeMRE's are more like a freeze dried meal. C-Rations were canned food
17:03.22MaliutaMRE != C Ration
17:03.29Naikrovekah ok, C-Rations went away in 1958 in the US
17:03.42jayteeKatty, you should have tried the 20 year old pound cake. it was delicious!!!!
17:03.44Maliutadon't MRE's do the pull the toggle and heat thing?
17:03.49NaikrovekMaliuta: some du
17:03.50Kattyjaytee: lol!!!!
17:03.51jayteeMaliuta, yup
17:04.11dweryyou guys made me hungry....gotta go to the supermarket...
17:04.39Kattyit's only a matter of time tho, in a state of emergency...
17:04.53Kattystores will get ransacked in a matter of hours.
17:05.05Kattyand when the stores run out, then you've got riots
17:05.16jayteeok, be back in a few. I have to go fix an Office 2007 issue (Damn you, Bill Gates!!!!)
17:05.17Kattyand people breaking into other people's houses.
17:05.22Kattyjaytee: cy
17:05.24Kattyjaytee: cya
17:05.25NaikrovekKatty: read The Road if you've not already
17:05.48jayteeThe Road? On the Road?
17:05.55NaikrovekKatty: yes
17:06.03Naikrovekjaytee: see Katty
17:06.17Naikrovekmost awesome book i've ever read
17:06.31Kattyseems like i remember hearing about it
17:06.33Naikrovekwhen it's over if you don't want to stockpile food there's something wrong with you
17:06.41Kattysome guy and his kid, treking across somewhere
17:06.44Kattyand his mom had comitted suicide
17:06.54NaikrovekKatty: read it it's awesome and don't spoil it
17:07.09Kattymakes note to check library
17:09.22afinkreminds of the book One Second After about what would happen if an EMP bomb detonated above the us
17:09.29afink^^ that was a good one too
17:09.52Naikrovekpost-apocolyptic anything is usually good
17:10.15Kattywhat's up with google logo today
17:10.28Kattydid we sign a contract with some aliens?
17:10.40Naikrovekthey do that sometimes
17:11.02Naikrovekprobably once a week or so they'll change the logo to celebrate a birthday or a death or a holiday
17:11.11Naikroveksometimes it's once a week, sometimes it's less
17:12.20Naikroveki don't usually see it because i search from the search bar of my browser
17:13.51*** join/#asterisk garymc (
17:14.51garymcHi Had toe SIP office to remote working today. I get home and now its not working again. Heres my sip debug. Anyone take a look?
17:15.57garymc202 is remote Zoiper and 201 is office
17:16.57garymcim wondering if i messed up my NAT settings again. But I was having an issue where the freepbx GUI was showing 2 phone connected when there was only 2?
17:17.22[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Contact: <sip:Unknown@> <--- your NAT settings are incorrect
17:18.03garymcso i must have messed them up somewhere when i was doing the SSH ports for other server. I might have pressed wrong buttons
17:18.17garymcgod damn it
17:18.25garymcso its not my settings at home?
17:18.26Naikrovekyou'll get it
17:18.48*** join/#asterisk uski (
17:20.08uskihi; i'm using Dial to call a mobile phone and I use M to allow the called person to accept or deny the call. I'm also using a timeout value to prevent the call from being transferred to the voicemail of the phone. The problem is that the timeout starts as soon as the call is initiated, and i'd like to timeout to start when the cellphone is actually ringing
17:20.40uskithis corresponds to the message  " -- SIP/freephonie-out-096b47d0 is ringing" and "  -- SIP/freephonie-out-096b47d0 is making progress passing it to ..." in the console
17:20.42uskiany idea?
17:21.08uskithe problem is that the network takes a random amount of time between the time i Dial and the time the phone rings
17:22.57Naikrovekuski: don't know that you can react based on when the ringing starts
17:23.03*** join/#asterisk IBC_jkenney (n=jkenney@
17:23.11[TK]D-Fendergarymc: "doing ssh ports"?  huh?
17:23.18IBC_jkenneyGood afternoon i hope everyone is well
17:23.52IBC_jkenneyi want to use presence in asterisk 1.6.4 the thing is i have it running out of mysql
17:23.53[TK]D-Fenderuski: You can't actually know.
17:24.09*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
17:24.18seanbright1.6.4 is out?!
17:24.21seanbrightrushes to download
17:24.24[TK]D-Fenderibc1.6.4?  Holy shit...
17:24.37Qwell1.6.4 is ancient history
17:24.48Naikroveki think he means or 1.4
17:24.56kaldemargarymc: the router is not the issue, asterisk's nat settings are.
17:24.59[TK]D-Fenderloads his beta copy of
17:25.31Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: grab me the linux 3.4 kernel while you're out, yes?
17:25.46casnik4.8 is way better
17:25.48casnikhas AI
17:25.52Naikroveksays you
17:25.56garymcwhere are asterisk nat settings
17:26.03casnikI've been there , I'm from the future
17:26.25Naikrovekgive me a call and tell me to quit this job so i can abandon clearcase please
17:26.36Naikrovekif it turns out good, tell me to stay
17:26.43casnikok brb
17:26.48casnikok back
17:26.54casniknumber was disconnected
17:27.01*** join/#asterisk jlnt (n=jlnt@
17:27.04Naikrovekguess that answers that
17:27.58[TK]D-Fendercasnik: Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity
17:28.07Naikrovekhow about artificial stupidity
17:28.22Naikrovekone day computers will talk themselves into stupid activities just like humans do
17:28.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Revlon already produces that shade :p
17:28.32casnik[TK]D-Fender, indeed
17:28.45casnik4.8 has Natural Stupidity built in to
17:29.10casnikbut you can only build both into the kernel
17:29.33Naikrovekheh.  hopefully SelfAware++ isn't in that version yet
17:30.09garymcsureley 4.8 builds itself?
17:30.14IBC_jkenneyyes i mean
17:30.16Naikrovekmy computer will hack the neighbor's pc knowing that the counterattack will be aimed at me
17:30.27garymcand doesnt need a server, it works in thin air?
17:30.38Naikrovekgarymc: that's 6.0
17:30.45Naikrovekk this has gotten silly
17:31.49casnikindeed , but good stuff for me to choke on my sammich with
17:31.50Naikroveki love how this stupid internet connection gets completely killed when someone downloads something
17:32.32*** part/#asterisk ebroad (n=EB@
17:32.34voipmonksomeone is making money
17:33.29Naikroveki need to download windows server iso from MS, and of course call quality hits the crapper.  worst part is, upstream provider won't implement QoS, but I have, so everyone can always hear us perfectly but the other end always stutters as packets get dropped
17:33.50voipmonkfire your provider
17:33.53voipmonkfind another
17:34.00voipmonknot in that order
17:34.01Naikrovekyeah i'm looking at alternatives now
17:34.22Naikrovekcomcast ethernet = $1800/mo, 20Mbps each direction
17:34.30casnikor you could install a second router ...make like a internal ghetto QOS
17:34.40casnikholy crap
17:34.41Naikrovekcomcast cable = $100/mo, 20Mbps down, 2 up
17:34.44casnikthat's crack prices
17:34.57Naikrovekcrack prices?  high ?  low ?
17:35.01Naikroveki don't do crack
17:35.06casnikassuming crack is pricey
17:35.14voipmonkc'mon Naikrovek , its whats for dinner
17:35.20casnikand those pricing crack are sampling the product
17:35.28garymcKaldemar : which asterisk nat settings? the RTP.conf or sip.conf?
17:36.10infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:36.32Naikrovekcasnik: i think what we'll wind up doing is leaving this T1 for voip since it's under contract.  except it's $400/month for 1.5Mbps ...
17:36.41kaldemargarymc: rtp.conf has little to do with nat.
17:36.57voipmonkstring together 3 or 4 cable internet connections
17:36.58garymcok which NAT settings you mean?
17:37.07casnikNaikrovek, and the T-1 would be ideal for VOIP
17:37.11Naikrovekvoipmonk: my manager said the same thing.  i dunno if comcast will go for that
17:37.18Qwellgarymc: Read what was linked to you.
17:37.18casnikNaikrovek, still very high price though
17:37.21*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
17:37.24Naikrovekcasnik: yes but it's expensive to use just for phones
17:37.29voipmonkone for each floor
17:37.36voipmonkand then u bring htem all together
17:37.42voipmonkor one for each room
17:37.48voipmonkdifferent names
17:37.53Naikrovekvoipmonk: well we do have two subsidiaries here, two company names and all
17:37.58Naikrovekmay be possible
17:38.09voipmonksee if it makes sense on paper first
17:38.12casnikNaikrovek, if anything step it down a notch or find a cheaper alternate... that is just crazy expensive and isn't helping your business
17:38.13[TK]D-Fender[13:34]<casnik>that's crack prices  <- I would never do a drug named after a part of my ass...
17:38.21Naikrovekcasnik: i agree totally
17:38.35casnikwhat local are you in?
17:38.50Naikrovekcasnik: US.  Illinois.  Peoria
17:39.03casnikrural or urban area?
17:39.18casnikman I bet you can find way better then
17:39.24Naikroveki don't know
17:39.33Naikrovekonce i get clearcase out of the way i'll have time to look
17:39.48*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
17:39.56casnikare you in a leased workspace , like a floor of a bigger building or a have your own building
17:40.01Naikrovekbut i have to do something about this.  downsize to a partial T1 with G729, just for phones, comcast cable for everything else
17:40.10Naikrovekcasnik: own buildilng.  significant size as well
17:40.31Naikrovekwarehouse with office
17:40.42casnikyeah , Comcast is relatively poor where I have been nefore , and there is some little guy out there just waiting to snipe their business away
17:40.49voipmonkgo to
17:40.53joelsolankiHi all. i want to compile asterisk with curl support. ./configure --with-curl=/usr/bin/curl  is this corect way ?
17:40.55voipmonkoh wait...
17:40.56Naikrovekooh that sounds promising
17:40.58voipmonkam I awake yet?
17:41.12Naikrovekjoelsolanki: try it out
17:41.12Qwelljoelsolanki: no, just install the curl development packages, and Asterisk will find it on its own with ./configure
17:41.20Naikrovekor listen to Qwell
17:41.25voipmonkone day we will buy bandwidth not cell plans
17:41.45Naikrovekone day bandwidth will be cheap like water or electricity
17:41.54voipmonk800 megabit to your personal information device...... p.i.d sounds like a disease
17:42.04joelsolankiQwell: i have already installed curl development packages then i should use just ./configure ?? will it compile with curl support?
17:42.14Naikrovekjoelsolanki: yes.
17:42.30joelsolankioh gr8.
17:42.30Naikrovekjoelsolanki: after ./configure is done, scroll back and look to see if it was detected
17:42.48joelsolankigot it
17:43.01IBC_jkenneyNaikrovek what part of the world are you in what state
17:43.06Naikrovekus, illinois
17:43.08IBC_jkenneyif your in michigan
17:43.31IBC_jkenney(has a lot of friends in michigan) (carriers)
17:43.54Naikrovekwhen i worked at Verio i knew a lot of people who could help but that was uh... a decade ago
17:44.15Naikrovekthen they fired me because i got cancer, 2 days after a perfect annual review
17:44.18IBC_jkenneyI know a few clecs out here and also ISP's and datacenters
17:44.23wonderworldi am getting very often ISDN hangup Cause 16 "Notmal call clearing" back from my telco. the call in question is never connected to the other party. the number is actually in use and can be called with asterisk sometimes. ist that an asterisk issue or some problem at telco-side?
17:44.30joelsolankialso i wanted to ask. i am going to install asterisk 1.6.1 i want to have FAX support. T38 will asterisk 1.6.1 fully ?
17:45.07Naikrovekwonderworld: sounds like telco
17:45.23*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
17:45.32Naikrovekjoelsolanki: maybe google for t.38 and asterisk.
17:46.13joelsolankiactually i searched and tested a lot.
17:46.20joelsolankibut i have not been sucessful yet :(
17:46.30joelsolankiso atlast i put my query here
17:46.45Naikrovekjoelsolanki: ah
17:46.58joelsolankii really looking for t38 support badly.:(
17:47.01Naikrovekjoelsolanki: well i don't think people in here have had much luck with it, but, how many fax lines do you need
17:47.19joelsolankiwell not much. maybe 5 to 10 maximum at moment
17:47.44wonderworldi tried to make a fax reliably work with asterisk last week. i gave up after a day and attached it to a small extra hardware pbx
17:47.58IBC_jkenneyhas anyone in here done asterisk monitoring with cacti
17:48.02IBC_jkenneyand do you have any pointers
17:48.04Naikrovekjoelsolanki: digium offers some software fax solution, i'm not sure if it uses t.38 or not but they will support it.  1 concurrent fax is free, see here:
17:48.22NaikrovekIBC_jkenney: what are you looking to monitor
17:48.42IBC_jkenneyqueue's usage threads the usual
17:48.50IBC_jkenneyon asteirsk itself
17:48.52IBC_jkenneynot the machine
17:49.12NaikrovekIBC_jkenney: it should be fairly easy if asterisk can expose that stuff via SNMP.  cacti does other methods too, but I can't seem to remember them right now
17:49.32IBC_jkenneyYes i thought there was a template
17:49.33casnikyou can do the Zabbix thing
17:49.38joelsolankii see. i will take a look at it.
17:49.52NaikrovekIBC_jkenney: you can write a little program that cacti can call whenever it wants the status, and in that program you can collect whatever you want
17:50.56garymcwell im stumped, as ive done all this stuff, had it working great when i was at the office but now it doesnt work ? when i get home. Was talking to a guy from tunisa no problems earlier he was connected to my asterisk box with zoiper
17:51.08IBC_jkenneyis looking into it :)
17:51.29*** part/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
17:52.03*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
17:52.04Qwellgarymc: Please hire a consultant.  You have been given links to fix your problems repeatedly, and you simply do not follow them.
17:52.24garymcQwell : you sure im not following them
17:52.34[TK]D-Fendergarymc: I've told you to your face
17:52.37[TK]D-Fendergarymc: REPEATEDLY
17:52.41kaldemargarymc: there are many of us who are sure
17:52.53[TK]D-Fendergarymc: your CONTACT IP was wrong.  that = sip.conf
17:54.04neurosysSorry, Google doesnt seem to be very helpful: what exactly is an rj26?
17:55.01Naikrovekneurosys: connector.  never heard of the 26 variety
17:55.02Qwell# RJ26X: 50-pin miniature ribbon connector, for multiple data lines, universal
17:55.09garymc[TK]D-Fender : so my sip.conf is incorrect?
17:55.14Qwellgarymc: Clearly
17:55.15Naikrovekgarymc: sounds like it
17:55.23neurosysNaikrovek:  Me neither. Thats why im confused :P
17:55.37garymcOk freepbx builds my sip.conf should i go there and bother them instead?
17:56.17Naikrovekgarymc: you should be asking the config questions in #freepbx if you're using freepbx
17:56.47Kattyi need a good song.
17:56.53Kattymy current old.
17:56.57Kattyand worn out
17:57.01garymcNaikrovec mainly same people in there as ar ein here
17:57.10Naikroveki remember when music used to get worn out
17:57.23Naikrovekgarymc: yes but there are freepbx people there who lurk
17:57.24Kattyi might have to listen to lady gaga
17:57.30NaikrovekKatty: eek
17:57.37garymcpa pa pa poker face
17:57.43Kattylove game, actually.
17:57.54garymcjust as bad
17:58.05[TK]D-FenderLady Gag <- no need for the "a" at the end
17:58.07*** join/#asterisk friartuck (n=pmccary@
17:58.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: *hee*
17:58.13[TK]D-FenderGood voice, shit material
17:58.13Naikrovekwait! "poker face"  ?  I though it was poke her face
17:58.28Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: she's a songwriter first, performer second
17:58.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I was sure it was a tongue-in-cheek myself ;)
17:58.40[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Or some other appendage ;)
17:58.48Naikroveki don't know
17:59.07Naikroveki love women and never understood why someone would sing anything that could be misheard as "poke her face"
17:59.38casnikthat woman is freaking nuts
18:00.06Kattyprobably for the same reason someone wrote honkey tonk badonkadonk
18:00.16[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I'm wondering if you seek Amy...
18:00.25wonderworldi am getting very often ISDN hangup Cause 16 "Normal call clearing" back from my telco using dahdi. the call in question is never connected to the other party. the number is actually in use and can be called with asterisk sometimes. ist that an asterisk issue or some problem at telco-side?
18:01.52wonderworldi google ISDN Cause 16 and wasn't able to find a lot of information on that error. as i understood, it basicly says, that the far end requested a hangup
18:04.57*** join/#asterisk gabri-shatana (n=shatana@
18:05.37Naikrovekhello again, gabri-shatana
18:05.53casnikhide your lettuce
18:05.58gabri-shatanathis is my home..
18:06.36gabri-shatanai want make a submenu in extensions.conf
18:07.35gabri-shatanaexten => s,2,Goto(extension, priority)
18:08.25*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
18:08.44*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
18:08.54Naikrovekgabri-shatana: you'll have to create a second IVR and route from the first to the second, as I recall
18:09.08gabri-shatanaIVR ?
18:09.26gabri-shatanalike [submenu]
18:09.44Naikroveki think so... i use freepbx so i don't know, honestly
18:09.58Naikroveki haven't had time to rebuild our trixbox into raw asterisk yet
18:10.31gabri-shatanai've found!
18:10.43Naikrovekthere ya go
18:11.16[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Goto <-
18:11.28[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: "you'll want to jump into another CONTEXT
18:11.39gabri-shatanai know
18:11.50gabri-shatanaa context is like [subenu] ?
18:11.52Naikrovekgabri-shatana isn't stupid, just bad with English.
18:11.55Naikrovekgabri-shatana: yes
18:12.33gabri-shatanawhere's the error?
18:12.52*** join/#asterisk errotan (
18:13.03[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Not specifying the EXtensION
18:13.14[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: "core show application goto"
18:13.17NaikrovekGoto(Submenu1,1) -- there is no 1 extension
18:13.29[TK]D-Fenderhas shift-retension issues lately...
18:13.39Naikroveki must be lagging
18:13.43Naikroveki'm typing these as you are
18:14.06*** join/#asterisk saisoma (n=irchon@
18:14.08gabri-shatanaSubmenu1 is the extensions and "1" is the prioprity
18:14.12[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: beat me to one yesterday :)
18:14.25[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: no, submenu1 is a CONTEXT
18:14.26Naikroveki wanna hear gilbert gottfried scream ACK LAG like he says AFLAC
18:14.48Naikrovekgabri-shatana: no probs
18:15.02gabri-shatanawhat i have to do to make it work?
18:15.43Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: would this work for him/her:
18:16.28[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: No
18:16.39Naikrovekyeah i see what i did there
18:16.47[TK]D-Fender[14:13]<[TK]D-Fender>gabri-shatana: "core show application goto" <------- read the instructions
18:17.02gabri-shatanai want to have a password
18:17.27Naikrovekgabri-shatana: get it working without one first, then add password?
18:17.29[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: "core show application read" , "core show application authenticate"
18:17.40Naikrovekpassword is additional logic to add once you know you'can get there okay
18:18.58Naikrovekgabri-shatana: why don't you just use different extensions for your functions, rather than different contexts
18:20.20gabri-shatanaonly the log
18:20.44[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: go type that in * CLI
18:20.55[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: And let me know when you've found a clue...
18:21.10casnikis laughing so hard at the LMGTFY woosh
18:21.23Naikrovekgabri-shatana: asterisk -r
18:21.26Naikrovekgabri-shatana: run that
18:21.28Naikrovekthen type
18:21.31[TK]D-Fendercasnik: Laugh harder when you realize that the links quote ME <-
18:21.38Naikrovekcore show application goto
18:21.49casnik[TK]D-Fender, didn't get that far but that is hilarious
18:22.26dustybinif somebody leaves a voicemail, is there a way for my polycom to indicate it?
18:22.26casnikgoes back to nubbery reading tfot
18:22.46[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: "mailbox=" in your sip peer
18:22.54dustybinace :-)
18:23.26Naikrovekdustybin: mine have a red light that is crazy bright when i have a voicemail
18:23.29casnik[TK]D-Fender, lol at the irc logging
18:24.11Naikrovekthat's what half the people in here are, i bet.  loggers
18:24.29[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: No, most are idlers or trolls :)
18:24.47Naikrovekreading reading reading but never asking
18:24.55casnikI'll be honest , I am a complete noob that just picked up Asterisk for the first time last week.
18:25.10casnikreading a book and trying to get a voip system up on a BSD server
18:25.11Naikroveki've been using it for a couple months, but i'm still very much a newbie
18:25.33casnikonly reason I am here is to look and read other peoples issues to try and learn
18:25.43[TK]D-Fendercasnik: Yes, but n00b != idiot.  Not mutually inclusive.  Some people just singed up for the package deal ;)
18:25.46Naikrovekcasnik: if you want a quick solution try asterisknow, you'll have plenty of things to fiddle with there, but you'll get started
18:26.09Naikrovekthen you can do what i want to do, rebuild from scratch, vanilla asterisk, but while keeping all the neat features of freepbx
18:26.12[TK]D-Fendercasnik: GUI's are where you end up when you don't have a choice and you know what you are doing.
18:26.20casnik[TK]D-Fender, agreed ... I'm better than a noob then I guess
18:26.41[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And its remarkably hard to keep anything FreePBX does while "leaving it"
18:26.59Naikrovekno i mean keep all the features of freepbx but recreating them via vanilla asterisk
18:27.02casnikI thought about trying the ast-now thing , but I was gonna just go for the full learn the hard way method lol
18:27.49[TK]D-Fendercasnik: Good, keep on that way
18:28.07casnikRead the book , read the wiki , try to fudge a in house Asterisk box that can connect a few phones (no POTS or PBX) just internal softphone to polycom or another softphone
18:28.17Naikrovekcasnik: i inherited this system so it's cool, i'd be lost if i'd started at vanilla asterisk and my boss said "I want to be able to turn on call forwarding whenever i want, to whenever i want, today"
18:28.42dustybinthis polycom KICKS ASS
18:28.47Naikrovekyes it does
18:28.51Naikrovekloves his polycoms
18:28.53casnikNaikrovek, yeah I don't have anything besides a setup being done in the Dominican that I can log into
18:29.03[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Yes, there goes a dozen lines of dialplan...
18:29.09dustybini have 1 new message !!
18:29.10casnikNaikrovek, BUT that installation / Implementation is freakishly advanced
18:29.14dustybinchecks message
18:29.17Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: i know, but i'm still new at this stuff
18:29.22dustybinits me :(
18:29.27Naikrovekdustybin: lol
18:29.42casniklike I went "pkg-add -r asterisk"
18:29.45casnikand there is where I am
18:29.54Naikrovekfair enough
18:29.58Naikroveklove freebsd
18:30.05casniknoob at that to lol
18:30.09Naikrovek*bsd > linux
18:30.16casnikI've been a Debian / Gentoo person for 4 years
18:30.29Naikrovekubuntu > other linuxs i've tried
18:30.44Naikrovekexcept debian maybe
18:30.49casnikI can't agree for the reason that Ubuntu is TOO easy
18:31.15casnikIt takes out some control and tries to add security and ease of use
18:31.57*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
18:32.12casnikif I could just register 2 users on my system and make calls from one to the other right now i'd be happy
18:32.23dustybinthe look and feel, and sound quality of this polycom is excellent
18:32.41dustybinthanks for your advise people :D
18:35.44*** part/#asterisk ilteris (
18:36.32*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
18:37.24gabri-shatanaexten => s,2,Goto(Submenu1,1)
18:37.24gabri-shatanaexten => 1,1,Authenticate(1234321)
18:37.41gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender, ?
18:38.36[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Go read the INSTRUCTIONS and go test it
18:38.48gabri-shatanai've read but
18:38.55bmoracaanyone had any luck with SIP passing through an AT&T 2wire?
18:38.59gabri-shatanatell me if this is correct:
18:39.11IBC_jkenneyis anyone in here using cacti to monitor asterisk
18:39.19bluOxigeni have deployed asterisk at my client - over all IVR functionality is fine, but I am facing problem in queus, i have three queues CustomerService, Inbound and Outbound, the call seems to transfer in the queus as required, but when it is disconnected either by the PSTN caller or dropped by the agent from the softphone, the queu got stuck and keeps showing the that particular extention as busy
18:39.29bluOxigenfor next 10 min
18:39.49bluOxigenwhat could be the reason
18:39.54[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: No, that last one is clearly not correct.
18:40.04[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: and yo don't seem to be reading the instructions.
18:40.11gabri-shatanai'm tryng
18:40.20gabri-shatanabut isn't simply
18:40.46gabri-shatana*it isn't
18:43.39*** join/#asterisk user4545 (
18:44.04wcselbybmoraca - I've used a softphone over an AT&T 2wire
18:44.06*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
18:44.08bluOxigenany one plz help
18:44.37user4545I have one problem with asterisk, "sip show registry" is empty why?
18:44.52bmoracawcselby: yeah, one phone works fine...but two phones do not
18:45.02kaldemaruser4545: why do you expect it not to be?
18:45.17wcselbyhaven't tried two phones...I can try tonight when I get home and let you know tomorrow....
18:45.27gabri-shatana- Executing [s@eutelia:1] Answer("SIP/", "") in new stack
18:45.27user4545i can't bekome any incomming calls
18:45.41dustybinis there a way to upload a numbers list to a polycom phone? would this be the advantage of using ftp?
18:46.00gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender, ?
18:46.23wcselbydustybin - you can use the MAC-directory.xml file to do that, but it's got to be perfectly formatted
18:46.30[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Sorry, do you have an actual QuEStION to ask?
18:46.31dustybinaye ok
18:46.42gabri-shatanai've posted the error
18:46.57[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: You didn't tell * to WAITEXTEN
18:47.02*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (n=[8none1]
18:47.03wcselbyor you can set the numbers up in the calls directory on your phone, and then the next time it talks to a configured ftp server it will upload the file for you, properly formatted.
18:47.06[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: and the WIKI samples are 1.0 ancient crap
18:48.03[TK]D-Fender[14:45]<gabri-shatana> == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/' status is 'UNKNOWN' <--- ran out of things to do so the call ends
18:50.18*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (n=gtejkgjk@
18:50.30dandate2will having ringall and autofill set destroy a queue
18:51.09[TK]D-Fenderdandre: they are conflicting options.  Setting them both to yes is just stupid
18:51.28[TK]D-Fenderdandre: So... how'd that work out for you? ;)
18:52.00*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
18:54.26[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: rather...
18:54.51dandate2i been afraid to try
18:54.54[TK]D-Fenderhates it when even 4 chars doesn't net himt he autocomplete he wants..
18:55.03[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: well DON'T.
18:55.17dandate2i was wondering if mabye the ring all would confuse asterisk in a positive way in that multiple people on hold will ring to seperate agents simultaneously
18:55.44dandate2instead of waiting for each to get answered, i'm in a real pickle because my agents do not use DND so if i use round robin it wastes time ringing them
18:55.50[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: everyton getting multiple calls at one...
18:56.08[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: gic your agents
18:56.30dandate2in ringall i think that the person who has been waiting on hold the longest rings to everyone , and when that is answered then the next ring cycle is only the next person on hold
18:56.58dandate2haha fix the agents, they are across the world theres no getting through to them
18:57.04dandate2i don't allow them to take credit cards anymore the QA is so bad
18:57.05wcselbydandate2 - unless you've got announcements, which can screw with the orders of people waiting in your queues
18:57.27dandate2oh no just using the periodic you are next in line
19:03.34bmoracadandate2: you can't fix business policies by trying to rewrite the applications.  your policies should conform to the limits of your apps, not the other way around.  if employees don't want to follow the business policies, then you should get new employees
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19:07.50dandate2is there any  way to tell from the cli whose not doing it?
19:07.55dandate2'setting dnd'
19:10.42[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Go look at the CLI output.
19:14.53dandate2i stare at it all my life lol
19:16.13bmoracayour queue stats should show which agents are and are not answering the calls
19:16.22gabri-shatanaexten => 1,2 Goto(eutelia,2,1)
19:16.22gabri-shatanaexten => 2,1,Background(sai-welcome)
19:16.32gabri-shatanait's correct?
19:16.55*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (
19:17.28wcselbyno one has told gabri-shatana about pastebin yet?
19:17.29dandate2queue stats where do i find that
19:17.30infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
19:17.42bmoracayour queue log file...
19:18.01gabri-shatanai've posted 3 lines
19:18.39bmoracayes, but what you've pasted isn't enough to help you with anything...need more 'context'
19:19.07*** join/#asterisk wcselby (n=wcselby@
19:19.33wcselbywow, somehow fat fingered a "close" window hot-key combo
19:19.35bmoracaand does it work?
19:20.04wcselbywhat I was going to say was you were taking away useful info in order to get under three lines
19:20.09wcselbywhich wasn't helping us help you
19:20.16gabri-shatanai've posted the extensions.conf
19:20.52wcselbyI mean, what you've posted will technically work, but you've used far too much logic to do it
19:21.09wcselbyyou could put all of that into the 's' extension without any of the GoTo's
19:21.53*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
19:22.06wcselbygabri-shatana ^^
19:22.55bluOxigenmy queues are getting stuck -
19:23.04bluOxigenafter receiving a call for at least 10 min
19:23.28bluOxigenand the agent can not receive any call during that time
19:23.29*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=davidvos@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
19:23.29bmoracawcselby: should be more obfuscated than that, imo :P
19:24.04gabri-shatanawhere are located the file
19:24.13gabri-shatanafor Background()  ?
19:24.37dandate2if an extention has call waiting disabeld but the queue is set to ring busy agents will they get stacked with ringing while on a call?
19:25.30bmoracagabri-shatana: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
19:26.02bmoracadandate2: are you using freepbx?
19:26.13gabri-shatanabmoraca, mhhh
19:26.14*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
19:26.26gabri-shatanathere is a directory wich is empty
19:28.58[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Yes
19:29.20gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender,  where are located the sounds file?
19:29.49[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: under the lib folder section listed in asterisk.conf
19:30.14wcselbygabri-shatana - /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
19:30.59wcselbydid you load any sound files there?
19:31.12wcselbycheck in asterisk.conf
19:31.38gabri-shatanaivve found it
19:32.53gabri-shatanahow can i play those?
19:34.15[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: With an audio player.
19:34.37gabri-shatanaTotem didn't work
19:34.46[TK]D-FenderVLC <-
19:35.10wcselbygabri-shatana - download the file to your computer, then play it there to test it?
19:35.54[TK]D-FenderbmOh sure, try the SMRT thing...
19:36.09Naikrovekooh- 48port poe switch $330
19:36.09gabri-shatanawcselby, nothing
19:36.14gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender,  nothing
19:36.21*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
19:36.22bmoracaNaikrovek: what brand?
19:36.27[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Works for me...
19:36.30Naikrovekbmoraca: cisco
19:36.37bmoracaNaikrovek: 3550?
19:36.39wcselbyNaikrovek - link?
19:36.40gabri-shatana.gsm file?
19:36.40Naikrovekbmoraca: cisco for small business
19:36.50bmoracaNaikrovek: oh, you mean Linksys then
19:36.55Naikrovekbmoraca: yes
19:37.25gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender,  what kind of audio can i put there?
19:37.33bmoracaNaikrovek: watch your PoE budget on's usually about 1/4 what you'd need to power all ports...and remember that they won't work with pre-standard Cisco gear.
19:37.46[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: Go read up on the formats * can support.
19:37.50Naikrovekbmoraca: yeah i don't have any pre-standard stuff
19:37.56[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: WIKi is good for that at least..
19:38.03Naikrovekwho runs that wiki
19:38.13Naikrovekcan regular people even edit it?
19:38.15infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
19:38.18[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: yes
19:38.20bmoracacommpartners...worst wholesaler ever
19:38.31Naikrovekworst looking wiki ever
19:38.31wcselbyNaikrovek - I've modifed a few pages before
19:38.32Naikrovekas well
19:38.36Naikrovekwcselby: ah
19:39.05*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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19:40.23bmoracaNaikrovek: that site's fubared it's description...the SLM224P is the partnumber for the 24-port model, not the 48 port model
19:40.31Naikrovekbmoraca: yes i just noticed that as well
19:40.56Naikrovekthey got the model number wrong throughout
19:41.02Naikrovekbut they describe the 48 port version
19:41.32bmoracadoesn't say the PoE budget either
19:41.46bmoracacisco's data sheet doesn't even say it
19:41.56bmoracai wouldn't trust that switch as far as i could punt it without a foot
19:42.38Naikrovekah poe only on 24 ports as well
19:43.12Naikrovekbmoraca: "enough to support 7.5W for 24 PoE
19:43.12Naikrovekports or 15.4W on 11 ports"
19:43.20Naikrovekooh nasty hidden newline
19:45.09*** join/#asterisk louben (
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19:49.08bluOxigenis this asterisk support channel ????????
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19:49.50wcselbybluOxigen - support is sometimes provided here free of charge when people have time and knowledge of your particular issue
19:49.56wcselbywhat exactly is your particular issue?
19:50.36bluOxigenthx for reply - well i have issues with queus
19:50.55bluOxigenbasically i have three queues customer service, inbound and outbound
19:51.13bmoracaNaikrovek: that's not much...
19:51.36Naikrovekbmoraca: enough for my polycom phones
19:51.45bluOxigenwhen an agent lets say 5100 recevies the call
19:51.45bmoracaNaikrovek: how many do you have?
19:51.46Naikrovekbmoraca: as long as they don't all turn on at once heh
19:51.59Naikrovekbmoraca: 12 hooked into that server room
19:52.04Naikrovek4500w each
19:52.09bluOxigenthe queu become busy and is only released after 10 minutes
19:52.14Naikrovek4.5W each
19:52.32bmoracaNaikrovek: also, take into account attenuation in the length of the cabling.  550s are 6 watts over a 3ft cable...could be 50% higher over a 300ft cable
19:52.33bluOxigenwcselby: u with me ????
19:52.39wcselbybluOxigen - you need to post relevant information to a pastebin
19:52.59Naikrovekbmoraca: yes.  these are all relatively close
19:53.15bluOxigenwcselby: hmmm ok
19:53.17bmoracamight be ok, then...330s are relatively lightweight
19:53.39Naikrovekbmoraca: within 50ft.  however, i have some that are MUCH further; they'd get their own local PoE switch probably
19:55.55bmoracaNaikrovek: used 3550s on ebay are about that...and probably a hell of a lot more stable :p
19:57.18gabri-shatanai have a problem
19:58.01gabri-shatanai have no time to press 1 or 2
19:58.44bmoracacheck your timeouts, etc
19:58.53gabri-shatanawhere i set the timeout?
19:59.00bmoracain the dialplan
19:59.07bmoracaexamples are in the wiki
19:59.09wcselbyyou need a WaitExten(xx) at the s,4
19:59.15bmoracaand probably the book, too
19:59.26gabri-shatanawcselby, ok
20:01.10gabri-shatananow it work
20:01.15gabri-shatanatanks you
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20:10.19voipmonkanyone have a server for sale in toronto?
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20:14.47wcselbyi love how that guy bluOxigen bitched that no one was helping, and when I tried to help, he disappeared
20:15.44Qwellwcselby: Welcome to IRC.
20:15.46*** join/#asterisk DerkKo (
20:16.02wcselbyQwell - lol I know
20:16.53DerkKoHey Guys,,,, I have a small question.. I want to be able to start and stop a recording on an active sip call on asterisk on demand... (When i say on demand i mean trough agi or manager interface) without interupting the active call.
20:17.19[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: AMI <-
20:17.29[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: Go read the docs on this
20:17.45DerkKoI been reading trough docs... Let me read about AMI
20:17.50wcselbyactually, he hasn't asked a question yet
20:18.07DerkKoWell i was going that way :-P
20:18.11wcselbyi know :P
20:19.01DerkKoAnyways the actions on the AMI none are about recording the call.
20:19.13nnysetting up a "cloud" (meh) hosted server with asterisk. They are using xen as the underpinnings afaik, any precautions or advice in regards to configs? No hardware dahdi on it, just have dahdi there for the dummy interface and I assume timing
20:19.43nnyalthough I assume with no dahdi hardware timing is handled by the system itself
20:20.50DerkKoI see StopMonitor  but never anything like start monitor
20:21.20*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=chatzill@
20:21.32wcselbyDerkKo - what about Monitor (I don't know, just throwing it out there)
20:21.43wcselby<--- hasn't read the AMI docs
20:22.13wcselbyand Katty is alive
20:22.17infobotrumour has it, ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
20:22.49infoboti guess beef is what's for dinner. dead cow, or mad, or tasty
20:23.30wcselbyDerkKo ^^
20:23.55DerkKoCool I see
20:24.13DerkKoThanks  :-)
20:26.56wcselbythanks timeshell :)
20:27.02*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
20:27.43dustybina strange thing happens to my queue system, at first it rings, then a voice says i am 1st in the queue, after that it goes silent
20:27.59wcselbydustybin - do you have any musiconhold defined?
20:28.01timeshellWhat are you expecting?
20:28.17dustybinexten => s,1,Queue(queue,rtwh,,,60)
20:28.36dustybini would rather it rings than play MOH
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20:28.56timeshellThen play a ring tone for your MOH
20:29.02timeshellOr use a ring group.
20:29.21wcselbybut it should be ringing since he's using the 'r' option
20:29.25dustybini thought the 'r' option is enough
20:29.32timeshellOh, yah
20:29.40timeshellGood point :p
20:29.50dustybinit rings at first, then the voice, then it goes silent, however, the asterisk log says it should be ringing
20:30.04dustybinmaybe the polycom turns the ring off itself
20:30.11wcselbywell I'd love to help, but I have no idea how you've got your queue configured :P
20:33.25wcselbyis it hanging up on you after the position announce?
20:33.36wcselbyor are you still sitting in the queue?
20:33.37dustybinnot handing up no
20:33.43dustybinstill in the queue, then it goes into my menu
20:33.49dustybinit works, just goes silent
20:34.07dustybinlet me try with my softphone
20:34.45wcselbyi need to see output from the cli
20:34.48dustybinthe softphone works, its ringing after the voice
20:35.26wcselbyactually, it's time for me to headout
20:35.40wcselbybmoraca - I'll try two phones through my 2wire tonight and let you know tomorrow
20:35.53nnyreading up on this, but just pinging the channel. Can you use Queue for calling macros?
20:35.56wcselbydustybin - sorry, just didn't have enough time tonight
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20:41.54ariel_Hello folks
20:42.56MangoHow can I tell if my provider is proxying audio, or if I'm talking directly to the carrier?
20:43.04ariel_I would like to see if there is any script out there to force asterisk to send a message to phones that there is voicemail waiting?
20:43.11DovidMango: RTP debug
20:43.13Dovidor sip trace
20:43.15MangoDovid, cheers
20:43.23generalhanahh, anyone in here ever work on a LG-Nortel 6812? i have this client that refuses to switch out his phones, cause he spent "so much money on them" but i cant figure out how to switch them from MCGP to SIP :(
20:43.35Corydon76-digMango: you can't, if they're doing it correctly
20:43.38Dovidgeneralhan: via tftp
20:44.11generalhanDovid: i understand how to update the firmware, but i cant seem to find a firmware to switch it to SIP rather then the MGC that its using gnow
20:44.12DovidCorydon76-dig: why not via rtp debug or looing for the audio IP in a sip trace ?
20:44.36Corydon76-digDovid: He asked whether they're proxying the audio
20:44.45Dovidgeneralhan: That i never did. just updaded them via tftp. i would assume u can get it from their site
20:45.04*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
20:45.06generalhanDovid: just got off the phone with nortel... they dont support this phone anymore.
20:45.09DovidCorydon76-dig: why can't you just see if the rtp is going to them or not. If it's another IP some where else you can "assume" that they arent
20:45.13dustybinwhoops wrong chan
20:45.26Corydon76-digDovid: it assumes that your provider uses a single IP
20:45.30Dovidgeneralhan: why whould they ;). checking what I have here
20:45.48Skeeter-, is there anyway to edit that to had voicemail support, buddy add a msn like picture next to the ext. how to modify it to support voicemail
20:45.51Corydon76-digDovid: good providers use geographically distinct blocks
20:46.01DovidCorydon76-dig: even if they use multiple. then again i assuming if they are proxying and they were the (man in the middle0.
20:46.33Dovidgeneralhan: I have some files. I will PM U
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21:00.00kondelai do have interresting issue across all versions of asterisk, can i dicuss it here..?
21:01.06MangoNo.  We only discuss the rare Albino Rhinocerous here.
21:01.14Mango(Yes, you may.)
21:01.48*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
21:02.40kondelathis is my first time with IRC.. so excuses
21:05.08MangoNo problem :)
21:09.42ariel_every time I see the your name Mango I get hungry for some fruit
21:10.11Mangorecommends a mango blueberry smoothie.
21:12.22ariel_hehe, mango yogurt  with a granola bar
21:16.07kondelamango can i send you a sample extensions.conf file..?
21:22.14kondelai do have an issue while using the combination of pattern matching (_1XX) and ${EXTEN} together..  anyone there could help?
21:23.21Mangokondela: Pastebin your extensions.conf and hopefully someone here will be able to help.
21:29.18Pan3Dsend everything to Mango
21:29.21Pan3Dvia PM
21:29.35ariel_kondela: what is the main issue? more info will also be needed as to what is happening and what is expected
21:30.58kondelai have created a text file, which explains the situation..  but i am just trying to figure out how "PASTEBIN"..  well.. u know ..its my first time with an IRC
21:31.29infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
21:31.29ariel_go to and post it there.
21:34.44kondelai did so.  here is the link
21:35.18Pan3Dwhat exactly is the problem?
21:36.05*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
21:36.33kondelaok..  anyone from context 'internal' can dial to 'reception' and vice-versa
21:37.29kondelathough these patterns math in two different contexts and i am not using any 'include'  here
21:37.32nnyanyone see a problem with this sip output?
21:37.38nnyi don't get a ring on the other end
21:37.48Pan3Dkondela: pose your issue in the form of a "This is what I want... this is what happens"
21:38.09nnysuspect it's a missing setting in sip.conf, like the vitel-outbound host is trying to dial directly
21:38.11Pan3Dfirst, your Dial() is odd
21:39.13kondelawhy, is there anything wrong with that format..  i mean this method serves a purpose
21:39.28Pan3Dwhat are you trying to do? what happens instead?
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21:39.45lirakisnny,  it says circuit is busy - and it never shows you getting a 100 trying or any other msg vrom vitelity
21:40.06lirakisnny, do you have plain sip debug enabled ?
21:40.12lirakisnny,  or is it for a peer
21:40.17nnybasically I have my server on a public IP and the phone is behing NAT on another network
21:40.29lirakisnny,  but the call never goes through
21:40.43nnyyeah but I am calling in on Vitelity too
21:40.54nnyVitelity -> PBX -> desk phone
21:41.01kannanhow to watch for any connections on the tftp server?
21:41.04lirakisnny,  other way around
21:41.16lirakisnny,  desk phone -> pbx -> vitelity -> pstn
21:41.20kannanto see if a cisco is connecting.. i am getting a timed out
21:41.21lirakisi am assuming?
21:41.29kondelahere we go.. these are two different departments (reception and internal), they dont t even dial between them, but they share inbound and outbound ports of the same server
21:41.30lirakisnny, since you are calling out  to vitelity
21:41.34ariel_kondela: it looks ok what does it say in your cli when you dial what is your issue?
21:41.46lirakisnny,  at any rate... has this ever worked? or did you just sign up with vitelity?
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21:41.58Pan3Dkondela: Ok, but what do you want to happen? and what happens instead?
21:42.09Pan3DI've asked the same question three times, and you seem to not be able to be concise.
21:42.17lirakisnny, you may need to log into your vitelity account mgt and authorize the ip for your server.... b/c it looks like your getting no response from vitelity
21:42.26nnylikrakis hmm no
21:42.35nnylikrakis I am calling the vitelity number
21:42.41nnyand reaching the pbx
21:42.46nnyso the connection is working *there*
21:42.56nnybut when the pbx tries to pass the call to SIP/190 it fails
21:43.00lirakisnny, oaky so you have a vitelity did ?
21:43.08kondelaas per documentation and my digium trainers,  exten 101 should not dial 103.. because they are in different contexts..
21:43.19nnylirakis yeah that's the number I am calling into
21:43.26lirakisnny, ok
21:43.40nnylirakis and I am reaching the PBX associated with that account
21:43.54kondelai dont want these people to communicate..  and i thought doing it in two different context is the best way
21:44.11lirakisnny,  yeah i see now ... you had a lot of crap in the beginning of the trace
21:44.31nnylirakis but when the pbx tries to connect the two together it dies I suspect I am not telling asterisk to let the peers connect directly
21:44.35kondelaCLI shows a normal SIP dial is taking place
21:44.38nnyI thought reinvite=no handled that
21:44.49Pan3Dkondela: yes, different contexts is correct. The caller is being dropped into the correct context initially, correct?
21:44.57lirakisnny, reinvite is just a means of changing the path of the rtp stream
21:45.09lirakisnny, it has nothing to do with an actual sip  session
21:45.14Pan3Dyou can test this by putting unique logging or audio in the context, or looking at the console output.
21:45.28nnylirakis is it possible that the vitelity side is trying to dial 192.168.100.XXX:5060 directly after?
21:45.32lirakisnny, are they part of the same context?
21:45.37kondelaNO.. thats the point i want to reach
21:45.46lirakisnny, no... your pbx registers to vitelity
21:46.28nnylirakis context is [main_menu] with a include => transfer, [transfer] is 190,s,1,Dial(SIP/190)
21:46.44Pan3Dkondela: Ok, but you have to determine if the caller is dropped into the proper context.
21:46.44lirakisnny, and the context for the extension 190 ?
21:46.48kondelaif you can still read my pastebin,  caller 101, in context internal  is happily calling exten 103, which is in complete different context - reception
21:47.20kondelayes the call originating from the right context
21:47.36nnyI must have pebkac'd something hard, I have done this a thousand times and it usually just works (tm)
21:47.46kondelabut it lands in a completely non-relevant context
21:47.48ariel_kondela: your not restriting them enough
21:48.23kondelaariel... here we go..
21:48.29nnylirakis the context for 190 is [transfer]
21:48.47kondelai just want highlight this part
21:48.48nnyer do you mean the context in sip.conf?
21:49.22kondelaI have tried the same , but just remooving the pattern matches
21:49.35lirakisnny,  so you dialed your did, you got a menu, you dialed 199 and got an invalid ext msg, then you dialed 190
21:49.53lirakisnny, it looks kinda jacked that its dialing vitel out to try and reach 190
21:49.54Pan3Dkondela: you don't need the pattern match in the hangup.
21:50.05nnylirakis er yeah sorry the 199 was a screw up
21:50.26nnylirakis yeah why is that? It shouldn't dial vitel-out
21:50.37kondelaPan3D,...  give me a break..  you are not addressing the basic issue here..
21:50.51ariel_I have to go, but kondela it's a device on your asterisk so if your dial plan matches it going to dial the device
21:51.22nnylirakis want me to capture a full sip debug without the screwup?
21:51.27kondelathe issue is ,  context overlap while using the the combi of pattern + ${EXTEN} variable
21:51.35lirakisnny,  no
21:51.43ariel_kondela: but your context knows of the dial pattern
21:51.51ariel_devices are not restricted like that
21:52.09Pan3Da device dials into a context
21:52.14Pan3Dit should be limited ot that context
21:52.18ariel__1XX can call all devices like a sip phone
21:52.50nnylirakis just a curiosity but is it normal for the ports to list as something other than 5060 if the peer is behind NAT?
21:52.55kondelai think here we conflict with the the TFOT authors
21:52.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:53.05nny190/190                    64.203.244.XXX   D   N      1025     Unmonitored
21:53.25Pan3Dkondela: you have a bad attitude. goodbye.
21:53.27lirakisnny, yeah
21:53.39lirakisnny, ports can be negotiated for registrations
21:53.50nnylirakis yeah figured, guess that was a straw grasp
21:53.56[TK]D-Fenderexorcises Pan3D
21:54.00lirakisnny, is that peer set for qualify=yes?
21:54.03ariel_kondela: think of it this way.  restrck it more like in one context _1X[1-2] other has _1X[3-4]
21:54.17ariel_for dialing rule
21:54.24kondelaariel...  yeah your solution works..
21:54.46kondelai did that, and endup desired result
21:54.47Pan3D[TK]D-Fender: s/exorcises/excercises
21:54.57ariel_context is more for inbound then out your devices are able to be dialed if you have the dial patter matching
21:55.04[TK]D-FenderPan3D: No, EXORCISES
21:55.44nnylirakis no
21:55.46nnylirakis hmmph
21:55.47ariel_you seperate dial patters with context then include the ones you need for the devices
21:55.51nnylirakis and then.. it works
21:56.00[TK]D-FenderPan3D: Your sense of humour and/or dictionary is broken
21:56.05kondelaso i should seek other methods to restrict calls within the system..?  is that what you are saying
21:56.15ariel_kondela: yes
21:56.24ariel_remember dial patterns and devices
21:56.31Pan3D[TK]D-Fender: sorry, doing 2 things at once -- prepping for radio show
21:56.35[TK]D-Fenderkondela: Contexts separate who can dial what
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21:56.50nnylirakis something odd here one sec
21:57.05nnylirakis oh crud
21:57.07kondelaTK...  thats something new to me
21:57.10nnylirakis realm=oldrealm
21:57.20ariel_[TK]D-Fender: I have a question for you but I need to go to an hoa meeting are you going to be around is a few hours?
21:57.32[TK]D-Fenderkondela: This is the most important part of *.  TEH DIALPLAN.
21:57.45[TK]D-Fenderariel_: in & out throughout the evening
21:57.54ariel_ok fair enough t/y
21:58.06ariel_bbl off to get yelled at in the HOA meeting
21:58.34kondelai have been playing around with asterisk 1.2 , 1.4 and 1.6 all these years
21:58.48Pan3Dbillions and billions
21:59.22nnylirakis yeah, pbekac
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21:59.27nnylirakis pebkac too
21:59.40kondelaand i really thought i could write a dialplan as i wrote
21:59.53nnykicks self
22:00.13kondelaand my belief has been questioned unitl i write that piece of dialplan
22:00.16lirakisnny, working now?
22:00.34nnylirakis hmm kinda one sec
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22:01.25kondelaTK...  there is some interresting info to share, i found while trouble shooting this issue
22:01.42[TK]D-Fenderkondela: Get a bigger gun.
22:02.07[TK]D-Fenderhas no trouble shooting things
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22:04.16kondelai moved my dial part to macro, replaced pattern matching with specific match, while keeping ${EXTEN} as agrument for my macro
22:04.43nnylirakis yeah, i dunno lot's of pebkac here. Moved my system from my office to a host offsite. Copied the config over but failed to catch the realm statement in sip.conf. Corrected that, and tried again, and even though I started at the hosted system, when I dialed the phone, the local office system grabbed the call
22:04.48kondelaand this worked as exactly in desired result
22:05.10nnylirakis so I disabled asterisk on that box for now, I guess having the PBX at the gateway, + a phone behind it trying to use the remote host was the suorce of the badness
22:07.27nnylirakis no still having an issue
22:08.21nnylirakis but mayeb a new one, i'll get it figured out
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22:43.41bmoracai freakin hate soho gear
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23:59.27Sandheaverbmoraca: why

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