IRC log for #asterisk on 20090914

00:00.58dlynescoppice: is that what it was?  I would think it was they forgot to turn some things on for most builds...those devices are supposed to support it, according to the product documentation
00:01.19dlynescoppice: are you interested in which hardware version and firmware version I've got where it actually works?
00:01.49coppiceworks as in "has config options" or works as in "runs all day with no trouble"?
00:02.11coppicedlynes: which devices are supposed to support it?
00:02.45dlynescoppice: all pap2 devices, according to their product packaging, manuals, and not to mention their web configuration
00:03.20coppicethe PAP2 and PAP2T according to all documentation do NOT support T.38
00:03.28hescothere was a question last night from someone seeking a syntax highlighter for writing an asterisk dialplan.  Has anyone written one for vim, yet?
00:03.47dlynescoppice: what documentation are you referring to?
00:03.57dlyneshesco: vim already has one
00:04.13hescoand thanks dlynes and [TK]D-Fender for the feedback on the perl -wc equivalent
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00:04.25hescooh yeah?  where would I find it, any idea?
00:04.36coppiceanything. the manual, the ads, the general documentation for the linksys product line which lists the PAP2 and PAP2T as exceptions every time T.38 is mentioned
00:04.40dlyneshesco: assuming your version of vim is recent enough to have it, it should be included
00:05.09dlynescoppice: is that for the newer hardware versions then?
00:05.17hescoI'm using whatever came with Debian Lenny a few months ago when I rebuilt this desktop
00:05.19dlynescoppice: afaik, the pap2t doesn't support it
00:05.41hescono syntax highlighting in my /etc/asterisk/* files, though
00:06.03coppicethe PAP2T is a cost reduction of the PAP2. it looks like they added no functionality
00:06.07dlyneshesco: it has one for general asterisk config files, and another one for asterisk voicemail
00:06.25dlyneshesco: /usr/share/vim/vim71/syntax/asterisk.vim and /usr/share/vim/vim71/syntax/asteriskvm.vim
00:06.37dlyneshesco: that's in debian lenny
00:06.44dlyneshesco: assuming you installed vim-full
00:06.47coppicedlynes: can you point to any piece of documentation which says a PAP2 or PAP2T supports T.38?
00:07.01dlynescoppice: not for pap2t, but for pap2...gimme a few
00:07.30hescoI also just found this on google:
00:07.30hescothanks, I'll look for those.
00:07.33drmessanoThe PAP2 most certainly does not..
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00:08.35coppiceT.38 support in the PAP2 and PAP2T should be listed as an urban myth
00:08.40drmessanoI've seen mixed documentation on the PAP2T, but what coppice said earlier about the common source, firmware version or two with incomplete options, that probably explains the confusion on that one
00:09.34hescoI have this: /usr/share/vim/vim71, but no syntax directory there, wonder if I'm missing a piece of vim in my install.
00:09.36manxpowerEven my SPA-2100 lists T.38 support, but I don't believe it.
00:10.06coppiceThere seem to be two things fueling this. One is people confusing "FAX" in the documentation with "T.38". The other is people muddling the PAP2 with the SPA2102
00:10.16drmessanoI think the association is that the PAP2T uses the v5 firmware.. the v5 firmware supports T.38.. But the PAP2T does not
00:11.00drmessanoThey use common documentation and release notes
00:11.11coppicemanxpower: the SPA2100 was launched with "supports T.38" in big letters, and "to be added later by software update" in small letters. I don't think they ever got a stable release out
00:12.01drmessanoJust like the SPA-941 having all these cool features of the later v5 and v6 firmware, but they never released firmware beyond 5.1.8 or (or was it 5.2.8) for it
00:12.17drmessanoBut the docs list the SPA-941 along with 8 other phones
00:12.31coppicelinksys are terrible for software control. The SPA2102 and SPA3102 use common source, but they are so bad about releasing bug fixes the two boxes have completely separate sets of bugs in the most recently available firmwares
00:13.05drmessanoYeah, the SPA-3102 hook flash is complete blown
00:13.13drmessanoNever to be fixed, i would guess
00:13.24manxpowercoppice: *nod*  That's one of my biggest problems with Linksys.  That and half their products don't actually work under load.
00:13.27coppiceand these days its pretty hard to even get at the firmware
00:13.59manxpower1) fire up utorrent 2) router reboot 3) rinse.  repeat
00:14.19manxpowerThank dog my actual real cisco (1721) will be here tomorrow
00:14.20coppicemanxpower: I suspect that has been a key problem with their T.38 support. I think there isn't enough CPU time for the second port if the first one runs T.38
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00:14.58KavanSthank dog!
00:15.31manxpowerMy SPA-2100 also had the similar problem, but instead of crashing at 45 TCP streams, it didn't reboot until about 150 TCP streams
00:15.34drmessanoLinksys routers are fine, just need current or alternate firmware.. Older firmware bombs on BT big time
00:15.46drmessanoI had to toss a Linksys Cable modem due to bittorrent problems
00:15.49hescodlynes: thanks, found them!
00:15.55manxpowerdrmessano: I have the latest firmware available for the model I have.
00:16.07drmessanoOnly because comcast wouldn't push the firmware out
00:16.12drmessanomanxpower: Which one is it?
00:16.41coppicethe cisco web site seems designed to never accept a registration from outside the US :-)
00:17.07drmessanoOh god
00:17.34drmessanoWhich version?
00:17.52manxpowerdrmessano: the one where the most recent firmware is like 5 years old
00:18.07manxpowerone rev before the latest hardware rev, I think.
00:18.27manxpowerIn any case I'll give it to someone I hate
00:18.49drmessanoThat is pretty much why.. I dont think you can make a proper assessment based on a router with an 8 yr old hardware design and 5 yr old firmware
00:19.10manxpowerdrmessano: why not?  What has changed in IP protocols in that time?
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00:20.19manxpowerI don't expect it to do IPSex or IPv6, I just expect it to not reboot when I start pushing traffic thru it.
00:20.27drmessanoAbility to handle the number of concurrent connections associated with Bittorrent is a problem that was shared by many older routers
00:20.28manxpowerIPSex!  That and IPSec
00:21.15manxpoweras I said, my real cisco should be here tomorrw
00:21.54drmessanoSo 5 yr old firmware was probably untouched by any optimizations made.. Just like my 6 yr old Linksys cable modem
00:21.55rue_mohrif a system had a FXO card with a echo canceler, and a SIP phone with echo cancelation, like a polycom 601, what are the odds the two could conflict and cause audio levels that almost randomly fluctuate between calls, in some cases causing calls with echo
00:21.57rue_mohrhas anyone ever used polycom phones with a digium pots card?
00:22.01rue_mohris "upgrade" the only thing digium support ever says?
00:22.06rue_mohranyone know how long it takes polycom to answer a tech support question?
00:22.13rue_mohranyone know how to measure audio levels on a rtp stream?
00:22.42manxpowerrue_mohr: the phone EC only applies to speakerphone
00:23.15manxpowerrue_mohr: don't expect any IP phones to have regular EC.  The endpath delay is far, far too long.
00:23.31dlynescoppice: I've been trying to find our manual that was kicking around on the fileserver, but it seems to have disappeared
00:23.31drmessanoYou're still looking for anything that may be causing your echo problems but the obvious that we've beat into you for months
00:23.39manxpowerrue_mohr: As far as I can tell, Digium's hardware EC simply does not work well in some situations
00:23.43rue_mohrI'm trying to work out why the audio is so drastically different every day
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00:23.56coppicedlynes: this is the normal pattern when I ask that question :-)
00:24.00dlynescoppice: but perhaps you're right...maybe i confused 'fax' with else would it be fax support, unless there's t.38?
00:24.35manxpowerdlynes: um, detect fax tone, switch to ulaw codec is what "traidional non-t.38" fax support is done
00:24.41rue_mohrdrmessano, you guys said to make digium replace the card, and they wont till their tech support has had their fill of the problem, and all they EVER seem to do is push a different software version at me
00:24.41coppicemost ATAs have a section for FAX support. It usually sets a fixed jitter buffer length, and forces G.711 as the codec
00:24.56dlynesmanxpower: that's not supporting fax...that's just autoswitching over to another codec, that still won't work
00:25.06manxpowerdlynes: welcome to marketing.
00:25.32drmessanorue_mohr: and to check the line, which you still claim is fine, based on measurements that are highly questionable
00:25.35rue_mohrmaybe I shoudl get a dual T1 card and hook it up to one of the T1 echo cancelers I have, run all the phone audio thru it
00:25.51rue_mohrdrmessano, what do you think is wrong with the line that I should look for?
00:25.56manxpowerI think it's kind of funny seeing people waste DAYS on trying to get VoiceOverIPOverFax working.  I've always used the same solution and never had a problem.
00:25.56rue_mohrexcessive echo?
00:26.01rue_mohrbad level?
00:26.02coppicedlynes: its not perfect, but changing the codec and the buffer changes FAX from "cannot work" to "works if the wind is favourable"
00:26.07dlynesmanxpower: except for one thing...the one firmware version we've got on this particular hardware version is actually sending out t.38 information in the sip packets
00:26.29dlynesmanxpower: I've had it independently verified at the other end by our sip provider, navigata
00:26.33manxpowerdlynes: welcome to the world of "most T.38 devices don't work well with any other vendor"
00:27.12dlynesmanxpower: but i haven't had them test this one, because asterisk doesn't even believe that it's sending out t.38 on this one
00:27.16manxpowerEven my employer uses the same solution to FaxOverVoiceOverIP as I always used when I was a consultant.
00:27.46dlynesmanxpower: just don't do it, period?
00:27.47manxpowerThat solution?  Install a fsxking POTS line.
00:27.56dlynesmanxpower: that's what i meant :)
00:28.00manxpowerWe have a %100 success rate.
00:28.10manxpower(or as close as you can get with fax machines)
00:28.23dlynesmanxpower: really?  I've never had 100% success with an analog line and fax :)
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00:29.08coppiceits possible to get very close to 100%, but only under controlled conditions
00:32.39dlynesmanxpower: but the linksys 2102 works with t.38 for sure?
00:34.05manxpowerdlynes: Huh?
00:34.14manxpowerI never said that.
00:34.29dlynesmanxpower: oh...thought it was you that said that...maybe it was coppice then
00:34.41manxpowerI said the config option is on the config web page
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00:43.02rue_mohrI miss anything
00:44.26dlynesrue_mohr: no
00:45.30dlyneshesco: makes it a little easier with the syntax files installed, doesn't it?
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01:38.41*** join/#asterisk MarcWeber (n=marc@
01:39.10MarcWeberI'd like to setup a cron job which calls me in the morning so that I wake up. Is asterisk the tool to use?
01:44.57[TK]D-FenderMarcWeber: Certainly can be
01:45.06manxpowerMarcWeber: Asterisk is a toolkit that allows you to build a PBX.
01:46.03MarcWeber[TK]D-Fender, manxpower Do you know another project I could use which would make me reach my goal faster?
01:47.57MarcWeberI read that asterisk can connect to sipgate. Then I need a client I pipe a sound file into which will use asterisk to connect to sipgate and I'm done
01:49.01[TK]D-FenderMarcWeber: * can automate that without another client
01:49.31[TK]D-FenderMarcWeber: * IS the client that will call out via sipgate to phone you and play a message
01:51.00MarcWeber[TK]D-Fender: Can you estimate the time it would require you to do such a setup? * documentation is quite long ..
01:51.47[TK]D-FenderMarcWeber: from scratch, about an hour
01:52.22MarcWeber[TK]D-Fender: What's your hourly rate? Can I hire you ?
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02:01.06[TK]D-Fendersteps out for a few hours
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03:17.28brunnerWhen I interact with the Manager API using PHP, my script hangs unless do Action: Logoff before trying to read output
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03:17.45brunnerHowever, I need to read the output of the first command in order to form the second command
03:18.11brunnerhow can I get the output of "show channels concise" before logging off?
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03:32.22AeroCloudbrunner: I am no expert at asterisk, but you can run an exec(); and parse the output from the exec
03:32.44AeroCloudrun the asterisk command from command line
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03:53.39hescoI have a dialer which is dialing phone numbers for a call agent.  They agent is already on the phone as the dialer goes out and starts looking for someone at home for the agent to speak with.  When we find them, we'll bridge the calls.  But what do we do with agent, while we're waiting for a connection?  Park() them, Wait() with them?  How do I get the dialplan to appropriately pause until I have a call for them to take?
03:54.30hesconot go off and Play(goodbye) && Hangup() ??
04:05.56Gokee2Hello all, I am working on getting asterisk to talk to sipgate.  I have got outgoing calls working however incoming calls don't work.  SO was my sip.conf looks like and my dial plan is . Any idea what is wrong?  Thanks
04:21.10Kobazdo de do
04:21.19Kobazcrashed asterisk again
04:22.17MarcWeberGokee2: Does sipgate show that you're connected ?
04:22.30MarcWeberI'm trying the same as you.
04:23.50Gokee2MarcWeber, No, it does not
04:24.36MarcWeberGokee2: How did you test that calling out works?
04:25.07Gokee2MarcWeber, I used SFLphone and dialed 10005
04:25.20Gokee2I also called my cell phone and that worked too :)
04:25.39MarcWeberI have to compile those apps first..
04:26.35Gokee2ended up using the ubuntu packages on debian and its working fine
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04:55.43dandate2damn ripped me off, could not homogenize my moh to end transcoding, charged me for 2 hours, and tried to sell me a faster computer to transcode .wav to g729. i solved the whole problem simply and easily by doing this
05:00.01dandate2i don't know if they were incompetant or just trying to sell me the faster computer lol
05:01.17dandate2told me that since we couldn't homogenize the moh to a natural codec i would need a quad core pbx with 4 disk raid array that would have to be configured by them since i'm out of country
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05:05.27dandate2<dandate2> i don't know if they were incompetant or just trying to sell me the faster computer lol
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05:50.15[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, later all
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06:50.06hescoI'd like to ask folks advise again on this, please?  Any thoughts would be helpful.  I have a dialer which is dialing phone numbers for a call agent.  They agent is already on the phone as the dialer goes out and starts looking for someone at home for the agent to speak with.  When we find them, we'll bridge the calls.  But what do we do with agent, while we're waiting for a connection?  Park() them, Wait() with them?  How do I get the dialplan
06:50.06hescoto appropriately pause until I have a call for them to take?  not go off and Play(goodbye) && Hangup() ??
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07:08.46fiddurhesco: you can check dialstatus on the next priority, and do what you want if dialstatus is busy for example...
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07:10.37fiddurhesco: sorry, I read to quickly... now I understand your question :)  ...
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07:12.55fiddurhesco: you could probably let the agent sit in a queue, and let the called person 'answer' the queue...
07:14.57*** join/#asterisk Polysics (n=luca@
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07:21.02Polysicsi need to store a large (1000+) number of sip accounts somewhere
07:21.09Polysicsdo you recommend using mysql?
07:21.27Polysicsi am on, working correctly off flat file configs
07:22.03Polysicsi was thinking that i could store only the sip accounts in mysql, while using flatfile extensions to reach them
07:22.20Polysicsas the wiki isn't that keen on realtiming extensions
07:23.17agelhi, anyone can help me with that res_odbc problem? the complete asterisk crashes after that message ... [Sep 14 08:02:18] WARNING[7371] func_odbc.c: SQL Exec Direct failed![SELECT `x` FROM `y` WHERE `a`='z']
07:23.17agel[Sep 14 08:02:18] WARNING[7371] res_odbc.c: SQL Exec Direct failed.  Attempting a reconnect...
07:23.17agel[Sep 14 08:02:23] WARNING[7376] func_odbc.c: SQL Alloc Handle failed!
07:23.17agel[Sep 14 08:02:23] NOTICE[7371] res_odbc.c: Connecting mysql_asterisk
07:23.17agel[Sep 14 08:02:23] WARNING[7376] res_odbc.c: SQL Exec Direct failed.  Attempting a reconnect...
07:23.19agel[Sep 14 08:02:23] NOTICE[7371] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Connected to mysql_asterisk [mysql_asterisk]
07:25.41fiddurPolysics: I use realtime extensions, working very well...   pgsql, but that wouldn't make much difference from mysql...
07:25.57Polysicsfiddur, does that involve much work?
07:26.06fiddurPolysics: Realtime extensions work well at least with direct extensions...  pattern matching you can keep in flatfile perhaps...
07:26.13Polysicsi need to do it anyway, just looking at what awaits me :-)
07:26.34Polysicsi got this page:
07:26.44Polysicslooks easy enough if that is all
07:26.55fiddurPolysics: No, it's as easy as any other realtime...   you just insert exten, priority, app and appdata into a table... only difference from file is you can't use priority 'n' :)
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07:27.30Polysicsi will start by realtiming sip users
07:27.39Polysicsthen, if i can call one, i can call all :-)
07:29.41fiddurrealtime sip can make one confused in the beginning in regards to 'sip show peer 123' not working without adding ' load' etc...  and there's a bug regarding unregister, at least in my setup, that requires me to use ignoreregexpire=yes in sip.conf....
07:30.51fiddurThe bug shows up when the registration is renewed but the original timeout is triggered anyway, unregistering it...  I haven't placed a bug report though, since trunk segfaulted on me when I investigated if it was fixed, and I haden't time to trace that :P
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07:34.18Polysicswhat do you mean with "adding load", please?
07:35.00fiddurPolysics: To see a realtime sip peer (without caching) you need to write 'sip show peer 123 load' least in 1.6.1....
07:35.27Polysicsoh ok, sounds easy enough :-)
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08:13.45hescoI'm using a Local Channel to initiate a call to a RECIPIENT channel variable, but when I answer the calls to my test recipient, It gives me a ring tone instead of doing an immediate Bridge($waiting_extension).  What might that be about?
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08:39.56joobiehey guys.. everytime my moh plays, it seems to start from the start of the track.. if user(a) is on hold already, how can i make any new users that join the moh to pick up at the same point user(a)'s onhold is at? trying to stop a seperate mp3 stream being rendered for each user on hold
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09:00.47geninanyone familiar with this error
09:00.48genin500 Server Internal Error
09:04.32Polysicsthat's not a * error, it's an HTTP error
09:04.41Polysicsit is a web server that has some problem
09:06.34geninSIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error.
09:06.43geninSIP error
09:07.01Guggeyou look in the log files on the device giving the error
09:07.07Guggeand it should be there
09:07.25genini was looking on the actual asterisk server and it seems like it comes from the providers side
09:07.37geninthe problem is i only get it with a certain destination
09:07.53geninone audiocode of a client configured the same way as mine
09:08.04genincant pass one sigle call to a certain prefix
09:08.08geninbut then my audiocode can
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09:08.18geninit is driving me insane
09:08.42Guggethats easy then, ask the client to read the logs from the audiocode :)
09:09.10geninso you think this error is being created from the audiocode?
09:09.28geninbecause i have his ini file of his account that was having the issues
09:09.36Guggeif you pasted the sip debug on pastebin i would know
09:09.43Guggeright now i can only guess
09:09.43geninit is odd because i made another account for this client
09:09.46genincool give me a sec
09:09.56genini have to reconfig this audiocode
09:10.16geninand ill do some tests and paste the results
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09:39.22AL-Hadiis panasonic TDA 200 supported in asterik ?
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09:49.23lipekhow to check why am i receiving 401 Unauthorized?
09:49.28lipekone asterisk is connecting to another
09:49.40lipekhere is sip debug:
09:50.03lipekhow to debug it deeper? (i have only response code 401 without explanation)
09:51.02lipekon machine when i call sip show registry i have: mrg3.xxxxxxxx.xx:5060     warszawa           120 Request Sent
09:51.36AL-Hadidoes asterisk work with Panasonic TDA 200 ?
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10:14.33flohackHi! I'm trying to track down a crash with the 1.6.1 branch where chan.exten = "?\00027" which results in a failed cdr DB query and then a crash because of a race condition while trying to reconnect to the DB.
10:15.16flohackCan someone think of a case which results in chan.exten never being set (it is malloced to 1, which explains the weird string).
10:15.36*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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10:19.13flohackLooking at the queue_log the call was connected to an agent and the caller hung up.
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11:09.18wathekis it possible to limit the duration of a single call ?
11:09.19wathekI mean is it possible to make a call duration doesn't go more than 10 minutes ?
11:10.04wathekvoipmonk, I'm trying to configure for the first time a VoIP Server using Debian lenny
11:10.10voipmonksearch for absolutetimeout or similar
11:10.26wathekok thank you buddy
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11:16.38voipmonkwathek you'll need to refer to
11:16.58wathekvoipmonk, ok let me have a look at it
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12:01.38Drukenhas anyone here had problem receiving calls on 1.6 from freeswitch?
12:01.52garymcanyone know how i can terst if UDP port 5060 is open to my asterisk server. As my sip phone is dialing to extensions at the office from home but no voice is heard either end
12:02.51DrukenRTP = voice doesn't travel over 5060, it would be in the range of 10,000 - 20,000
12:02.54voipmonkif the phone rings you're good
12:02.58voipmonkif you hear no audio its rtp
12:03.12garymcright so how do I test this?
12:03.14Druken5060 is the "control" port
12:03.18voipmonkwhich means u need to open 10,000 ( or 10,001 if u have webmin set for 10,000 ) - 20,000 UDP
12:03.25*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:03.33garymccos my Zoiper softphone registers to the server. From my laptop at home.
12:04.02garymcWhen i take my laptop to the offcie the phone registers and all voice is heard etc, but im sure thats because we are on the same router
12:04.09wathekI got a problem I've configured my first voip server (here's the sip.conf file : but when I try to call the linux user using the wathek user I'm getting : [Sep 14 14:59:20] NOTICE[18578]: chan_sip.c:14847 handle_request_invite: Call from 'wathek' to extension 'linux' rejected because extension not found.
12:05.10Drukengarymc: did you read what voipmonk told you to do? i'm guessing not
12:05.14garymcok so it could be the port on my Macintosh Airport isnt opening the 10001-20000 range as the Airport doesnt have a clear way of putting port ranges in
12:05.26garymcDruken : Where?
12:05.37dandreHow can I place a call on hold from the manager interface?
12:05.47Chainsawgarymc: You could always do a DMZ forward from the Airport Express to the Asterisk server IP.
12:06.01garymci dont want to DMZ it
12:06.15Chainsawgarymc: Not permanently, no, but you could do that as a test.
12:06.16Drukenthen suffer :)
12:06.36Chainsawgarymc: If you still don't want to, then yes, you're on your own there.
12:06.44garymcI phone Apple and they said to put a port range in you put 10001-20000 in the port box
12:06.52Drukengoes off an a rant about stupid people putting servers behind a nat
12:07.07garymcChainsaw I will test it yes
12:07.11Chainsawgarymc: So phone Apple for your Asterisk server. You obviously take their word over ours.
12:07.23garymcWhat are you on about?
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12:25.21wathekI got a problem I've configured my first voip server (here's the sip.conf file : but when I try to call the linux user using the wathek user I'm getting : [Sep 14 14:59:20] NOTICE[18578]: chan_sip.c:14847 handle_request_invite: Call from 'wathek' to extension 'linux' rejected because extension not found.
12:26.05[TK]D-Fenderwathek: Means what it says.  It is looking for an extension to match "linux" in the context it is looking in.
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12:30.02Drukenmorning [TK]D-Fender
12:30.57wathek[TK]D-Fender, so do I have to add something to the extensions.conf ?
12:31.19[TK]D-Fenderwathek: well that is telling you what the call is LOOKING for in your extensions.conf, so yes
12:31.45Drukenhands [TK]D-Fender the imfamous cluebat
12:32.00[TK]D-FenderDruken: Thank you good sir...
12:32.29wathek[TK]D-Fender, ok thank you
12:32.55Drukenhey [TK]D-Fender, have you heard of problems receiving calls on 1.6 from freeswitch?
12:33.12[TK]D-FenderDruken: No
12:33.28Drukenthanks :)
12:37.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
12:40.41garymcright is there a way to test if UDP ports are open to my server?
12:41.24Chainsawgarymc: Sure, nmap from the outside.
12:41.54garymcok, should i ssh to my Asterisk server install nmap on it then run a command?
12:42.09Chainsawgarymc: nmap from the *OUTSIDE*
12:42.25kaldemaror using netcat for example.
12:42.40Chainsawkaldemar: From the outside, yes.
12:43.29garymcChainsaw : Im on a windows machine on the outside so not sure how to do this?
12:43.43[TK]D-Fendergarymc: INSTALL NMAP
12:43.47kaldemarChainsaw: yes, from the outside
12:43.48Chainsawgarymc: I'm sure there's a Windows port of nmap these days.
12:43.59[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: For many years....
12:44.18garymcright ok ill take a look
12:44.21Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: *nod* I haven't used Windows in 8 years, I can't be sure of these things.
12:44.22kaldemarnext he's asking what nmap output means
12:45.09*** join/#asterisk dymaxion (
12:46.18dymaxionHi,  I'm having difficulty deciding whether or not I should use SIP or IAX trunking.  I've read various threads/forums, some pro SIP some pro IAX.    I'm more interested in this debate from an Asterisk perspective.  Is it better to use IAX for asterisk ?
12:46.19garymcIts great in here: people talk about you as if your not here kaldemar
12:46.49*** join/#asterisk pw (
12:46.57Chainsawdymaxion: If you're connecting two Asterisk hosts, it makes sense to use IAX. That's exactly what it's written for.
12:47.31dymaxionwe'll be connecting our 2nd asterisk box later (via IAX) but in terms of trunking to  ITSP shoudl I use SIP or IAX?
12:48.08kaldemargarymc: that was not my intent. IMO it's easier to put a netcat to listen to a port in UDP mode and then connect to it with another and type something. then if you see something on the listening end, it's open and works.
12:48.16Chainsawdymaxion: Right. Well it depends on what they run.
12:48.27dymaxionthey run both  :-)  just to complicae the matter !
12:48.36garymcim not that technicaly minded Kaldemar
12:48.50garymcim downloading NMAP for windows now
12:48.57dymaxionI'm thinkign IAX cos it's open source, and also less ports to open in our firewall
12:49.05Chainsawdymaxion: If they run Asterisk in their back-end servers... it makes sense to use IAX.
12:49.20kaldemarthat's why i said it. with nmap you may need  knowledge on port states.
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12:49.44Chainsawkaldemar: It's nothing and a kaldemar frontend to the result can't solve though.
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12:50.34dymaxionChainsaw, thanks.. i'm asking the company now (
12:50.41*** join/#asterisk mythicalbox (
12:51.08dymaxionaha they use Asterisk in the back-end so IAX it is then :-) cheers
12:51.38kaldemarChainsaw: i tend to be buggy, occasionally :)
12:51.40Chainsawdymaxion: *nod* You could always say you have a preference for IAX, and ask if they could think of any scenario where SIP trunking would be a better idea.
12:51.45*** join/#asterisk dexthageek (n=dexthage@
12:51.52dexthageekGood Morning
12:51.57ChainsawHi there.
12:52.09dexthageekI am running into a really strange problem
12:52.27ChainsawMy crystal ball is in the shop. So you'll have to actually tell me about it now. Sorry about the inconvenience.
12:52.42dexthageeki have multiple asterisk servers one of them over the weekend stopped recording the A leg
12:53.04garymcright anyone wanna help me out with my problem, as Myports are set as open on my router and on my Airport. But I cant get voice to work over the sip connection. It works when i test in the office on the same network conection
12:53.19Chainsawgarymc: What does nmap think?
12:53.36garymcnamp is thinking it still downloading
12:53.37*** join/#asterisk gabri-shatana (n=shatana@
12:53.49Chainsawgarymc: I can't answer you until you show me nmap results.
12:53.53voipmonkdexthageek: rebooted already? or is reboot not an option? :)  Restart asterisk?
12:53.57dexthageekwe have asterisk record each leg seperate and we mix them manually later
12:54.01gabri-shatanai want to configure asterisk on my server with euteliavoip
12:54.17dexthageekI completely stopped asterisk
12:54.46gabri-shatanahow can i check if it work propely ?
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12:55.07dexthageekMy sip proxy handles load balancing so I was able to pull this server out of the loop
12:57.00Chainsawdexthageek: It's worth checking dmesg, to see whether the underlying OS ran out of memory or any hardware glitches occured.
12:57.21Chainsawdexthageek: Always suspicious to me when you have a cluster of several machines and only one malfunctions. If it's software, you'd expect it to hit all your nodes equally.
12:57.27dexthageekChainsaw: yeah I was monitoring it and everything was happy
12:57.31[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: PLACE A CALL
12:57.53gabri-shatanai have no money i want use it only for in-call
12:58.28Chainsawdexthageek: Hm, okay. Anything in the asterisk logs themselves at around that timeframe?
12:58.33[TK]D-Fender"How do I know my car is working?" , "START THE FUCKING ENGINE!"
12:58.34dexthageekChainsaw: at first I thought I had an issue in the IVR but the IVR is identical on all servers
12:59.16gabri-shatanain my server i haven't a sound card
12:59.21*** join/#asterisk redax (
12:59.23gabri-shatanai want use asterisk for remote control...
12:59.30ChainsawHello redax.
12:59.43dexthageekChainsaw: if I was only that lucky. Asterisk says it is recording the call but then when the call finishes uniqueid-in.wav is only 44 bytes
13:00.02*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
13:00.08Chainsawdexthageek: Okay, so you have a standard WAV header but no PCM data.
13:00.15redaxif an asterisk box is behind a firewall and ports 5060-5080, 10000-10999 are nat'd to the asterisk box. what makes oneway audio?
13:00.22dexthageekChainsaw: yes
13:00.27redaxshall I use externalip= as well?
13:00.40redaxhi Chainsaw
13:00.41Chainsawredax: You're looking at an RTP failure due to NAT.
13:00.56[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: * doesn't need a sound card
13:00.57dexthageekChainsaw:  the b leg recording is fine
13:01.02gabri-shatanai know
13:01.02Chainsawredax: Use nmap to doublecheck that this 10000-10999 pot range is open from the outside.
13:01.09[TK]D-Fenderredax: READ >
13:01.12infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:01.45gabri-shatanasplit server?
13:01.46redaxhi D-Fender,
13:01.50Chainsawdexthageek: Is this a SIP trunk or something more elaborate? PRI? BRI?
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13:02.26redaxok. so I need the externip.. thanks
13:02.50garymcChainsaw : Its found the 3 TCP ports on the ip address, dont even know if its finding UDP just say initiating UDP scan
13:03.07dexthageekChainsaw:  SIP trunk
13:03.16[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: You won't knw that its right until you PLACE A CALL.
13:03.47Chainsawdexthageek: Out of ideas for the moment, sorry. I'll pass you on to Fender.
13:04.02dexthageekChainsaw: thanks for trying :)
13:04.09redaxhides -- the old ip address was at the externip={ipaddr}
13:04.16gabri-shatanai havent set asterisk for outboud calls
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13:06.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
13:07.18garymcChainsaw : this is the Nmap output upto now
13:07.32garymcI dont think its finding the udp ports.
13:07.41*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
13:07.45nainHello Everybody
13:07.55garymcBut udp 5060 must be open otherwise i wouldnt beable to dial the office extension form home?
13:08.01Chainsawgarymc: Pastebin once done.
13:08.04dexthageeknain: hi
13:08.11Chainsawgarymc: This is just a progress bar, it doesn't say anything.
13:08.38garymcright, i thought it was just trying, then failing then retrying with a longer time limit?
13:08.57ChainsawIt is increasing the time between port probes, yes.
13:09.09ChainsawHopefully with success, if not it will tell you.
13:09.11nainCan i ask openser/kamalio related question here ?
13:09.16*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:09.20garymcOk ill have to wait then
13:09.47garymcits gone up form 11 minutes remaining to 14 minutes remaining
13:10.24Chainsawgarymc: You may have to go with the netcat approach that kaldemar suggested. Please hold *music*
13:10.42[TK]D-Fendernain: Not for support of it
13:10.44Chainsawkaldemar: Incoming call for you. UDP ports for RTP. Good luck. *hits transfer*
13:10.45nainI want to use OpenSer/Kamalio in front of Asterisk Server for the purpose of load balancing, My question is this does OpenSer/Kamalio re-write sip header/packet before it sends to asterisk server, so asterisk can authenticate sip peer based on it's orignal IP address?
13:11.18[TK]D-Fendernain: Yes it can rewrite the packet
13:11.33garymcYo Chainsaw : I want you to look at this output once its finished in half hour
13:11.48Chainsawgarymc: Sure.
13:11.58nain<[TK]D-Fender>:  is it the default behaviour of openser or we need to configure it specially for this purpose ..
13:12.04garymccool , its just sitting there now though :(
13:12.30[TK]D-Fendernain: I don't believe there is such a thing as "default".
13:12.42[TK]D-FenderNaiMean you have to get off your ass and CONFIGURE it to do what you want
13:13.17nain[TK]D-Fender: any additioal plugin required for sip header re-write ?
13:13.40[TK]D-Fendernain: #opser <-
13:13.44[TK]D-Fendernain: #openser <-
13:13.51kaldemarChainsaw: i'm out of here in in 15. use FollowMe
13:13.59dexthageeknain: in your kamialio script you can tell it to do anything to the header you want
13:15.38*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:18.22dexthageeknain:  I am currently using Kamailio as our sip proxy in front of both asterisk and sems app servers. For load balancing take a look at the kamailio modules dialplan and dispatcher. Check out kamailios website as there is alot of documentation throughout the website and wiki,
13:24.25dexthageekChainsaw: well at this point I am thinking of bouncing the host server to see if it clears up the A Leg recording issue. Just another one of the strange issues with *
13:24.48Chainsawdexthageek: *nod* I hope that fixes it, can't think of a real explanation for it.
13:24.57voipmonkits about time
13:24.58*** part/#asterisk RoyCrowder (
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13:27.28dexthageekChainsaw: i will let you know - thanks again for trying
13:27.38Chainsawdexthageek: *nod*
13:29.45nainThanks every body for your answers
13:30.58*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
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13:44.10gabri-shatanacan i control asterisk trough a web-interface?
13:46.03lowtekgabri: try #freepbx, #asterisknow
13:46.29voipmonkor the one you build
13:46.55voipmonkbuild an interface
13:46.56*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
13:46.59voipmonkto do what you want
13:47.21voipmonkmaybe yours will be closer to "perfect"
13:49.20infobot[answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
13:50.37*** join/#asterisk b11d` (
13:50.39*** join/#asterisk Freman (
13:50.39b11d`hello chaps!
13:50.40*** join/#asterisk beek_ (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
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13:50.53Fremangreetings, I'm trying to get a lua dial plan working.... without any success
13:50.54*** part/#asterisk beek_ (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
13:51.03b11d`sorry I dont know anything about LUA
13:51.13FremanI've completely removed my extensions.conf and .ael
13:51.51[TK]D-FenderFreman: Good luck with that...
13:51.58b11d`so are you loading the lua module?
13:52.07b11d`greetings TK..
13:52.19Freman yep, and it's even reading the lua file
13:54.08*** join/#asterisk casnik (
13:54.18b11d`does anyone know of a case study written that describes using asterisk in a district-wide setting?  I'm trying to get my college district to accept Asterisk for use on six campuses, and the only thing in my way is not being able to show them an example of someone else who pulled this off
13:54.49Freman there isn't a lot in the file, my incomming call says it can't find extension "nodephone" (the register line ends with /nodephone)
13:55.50b11d`thanks russellb...  thats exactly what I was hoping to find
13:55.53b11d`you're the best :)
13:55.58russellbyou're welcome :-)
13:56.13russellbgood luck!
13:56.35b11d`this is a done deal with these articles man..  everything else is OK to go
13:56.54russellbb11d`: If you go forward, our marketing department would love to talk to you to add you to the list :-)
13:56.56FremanCall from 'xxxyyyzzz' to extension 'nodephone' rejected because extension not found.
13:58.10b11d`that'd be just fine.. I'd love to help prove Asterisk can do the job!
13:58.30*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
13:59.28russellbb11d`: what school do you represent, if you don't mind telling me
13:59.52russellbnevermind, I see it in your hostname, heh
13:59.55b11d`haha yeah
14:00.09*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:00.12lowtekb11d: There was a university that replaced a Cisco solution with asterisk (because they could still use their Cisco phones), google may help ...
14:00.15b11d`im trying to get the six area schools to convert to Asterisk to serve as a model for all of MnSCU
14:00.16casnikyou don't need to have a digium card installed on a asterisk system just to start using it right?
14:00.20lowtekb11d: I specifically remember reading the article
14:00.30russellbthat was sam houston state university in Texas
14:00.31lowtekb11d: It was going to save them like $1.5M a year
14:00.45b11d`lowtek.. already dong that a little bit :)
14:00.46russellbcasnik: that is correct
14:00.50gabri-shatanais possible to set asterisk as it redirects the call to a phone near my gps pos?
14:01.04casnikrussellb, thanks
14:01.08gabri-shatanai'm in my house and asterisk redirect the call to house phone
14:01.10[TK]D-Fendergabi* will call whatever you tell it to call
14:01.17[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: * will call whatever you tell it to call
14:01.25*** join/#asterisk tbic (
14:01.44gabri-shatanacan it call a phone checking my gps pos?
14:02.20lowtekgabri-shatana: It can if you script or program it to is the answer
14:02.27Fremanhmmm, I'm suspecting that incoming calls can't be dumped streigth to lua
14:02.27tbichow can I hangup a SIP channel from cli?
14:02.30[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: If you write the script to do so
14:02.33lowtekgabri-shatana: But there is no native functionality for that
14:02.47*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
14:02.51[TK]D-Fendertbic: "sfot hangup [channel]"
14:03.30gabri-shatanawhen it recive a call it send a request to my phone with gps it reply with the coord
14:03.42tbicthank that was it
14:03.50gabri-shatanaand asterisk select the propely number...
14:04.01*** join/#asterisk pif (
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14:04.37[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: * has nothing to do with getting the coordinates.  this is up to you with some sort of scripting you'll have to code yourself froms cratch
14:05.04gabri-shatanai know
14:05.17gabri-shatanabut now my problem is...
14:05.33gabri-shatanai want to asterisk control my server like
14:05.41gabri-shatanai call i press a "2" and the server reboot
14:05.55[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: "core show application system"
14:06.18*** join/#asterisk rj45 (
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14:06.42pbxuser911anyone ever set up teleyapper?
14:09.41gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender,  so..
14:12.26p3nguinpbxuser911: What does it do?
14:12.54Fremansighs well... guess I'll give up on the thought of using lua - it would have been nice, I'll port the ael over from my old box
14:15.14*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
14:15.28dlynescoppice: So the 2102 is guaranteed to work with t.38 then?
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14:16.18coppiceits guaranteed to support T.38, but how well is another matter entirely
14:16.27dlynescoppice: ah, ok
14:16.29dlynescoppice: thanks
14:17.16dlynescoppice: is it any better at supporting it than the mediatrix, though?
14:17.34Guggecan i somehow replace +45 in a variabel with nothing, or do i have to test if ${var:0:3} is +45 and then use ${var:4} ?
14:18.09coppicethe mediatrix has some funky bugs, but most systems seem to tolerate it (spandsp has some code to work around them)
14:18.56*** join/#asterisk lowtek (
14:19.13dlynescoppice: the t.38 on the mediatrix will work with spandsp, but not necessarily asterisk's passthrough?
14:19.20*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
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14:22.24pbxuser911anyone evr used TeleYapper 4.0 for Asterisk 1.4 for wakeup call service?
14:22.45jayteeI know that Asterisk 1.4 can only do T38 passthrough but is there a way in 1.6 to take a call from the PSTN and then relay it to a T38 endpoint and preserve the number that was dialed? I want to use a block of DID's to route faxes to user's Outlook inboxes through UM. I can get it to work from fax on ATA to UM internally but not from PSTN through Asterisk to my Exchange UM system.
14:24.31*** join/#asterisk spck (n=spck@
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14:26.53coppicewon't fax to e-mail throw the faxes at their mailboxes?
14:28.54jayteecoppice, not sure what you mean
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14:36.12beniwtvHi all... Im trying to debug a strange problem... Sometimes when I do a call on my * box, music on hold suddenly starts in the middle of the call, lasts for a few seconds (2-4), then stops and all goes normally. I have checked features.conf, but there's everything on default. I also found a forum thread, here: Any ideas on
14:36.59tzafrir_laptopbeniwtv, what type of call is it? SIP? DAHDI?
14:37.10*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
14:38.18[TK]D-Fenderbeniwtv: show us the call <-
14:38.39*** join/#asterisk Wimme (n=Wim@
14:39.57beniwtvtzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: It's a normal SIP call, will post messages in a  second
14:40.05tzafrir_laptopwow. We finally have the gnu OS:
14:40.23ChainsawWith a HERD kernel?
14:40.39tzafrir_laptopHURD, and no, it is a sort of gnu/linux
14:40.46Wimmeanyone got skype f or asterisk to work? when i do "skype show users" its says Connection Error" and skype login returns "active skype user 'username' not found.
14:40.59Wimmei tried logging in with the user in a regular skype client and that works
14:41.03*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
14:41.20Chainsawtzafrir_laptop: Site fails to load here.
14:41.50Chainsawtzafrir_laptop: It's not a real GNU OS to me until they run on their own HURD kernel.
14:42.00tzafrir_laptopFails to reload here as well
14:42.05ChainsawIt would put an end to this GNU/Linux silliness as well.
14:42.16mogChainsaw, or until gnu says that x kernel is the gnu kernel
14:42.35tzafrir_laptop"Kongoni is the Shona word for a Gnu "
14:42.37mogjust like how X11 is part of gnu os
14:42.37Chainsawmog: They won't, because they can't claim copyright on it.
14:42.51mogthey dont have copyright of all thats in gnu os to begin with
14:43.22mogif fsf or linus had been more agreable the linux kernel would have just been the gnu kernel
14:43.32mogbut stallman and linus are both blowhards
14:43.43gabri-shatanawhat's the default database's user and pwd ?
14:43.49Chainsawmog: And I like it that way :)
14:44.12tzafrir_laptopgabri-shatana, what default database? the astdb?
14:44.36tzafrir_laptopIt's an old version of Berkeley DB
14:44.55[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: There is no "default database", and there is not password
14:45.35gabri-shatanafreepbx want a pwd
14:46.39gabri-shatanaConnecting to database..FAILED
14:46.39gabri-shatanaTry running ./install_amp --username=user --password=pass  (using your own user and pass)
14:46.39gabri-shatana[FATAL] Cannot connect to database
14:47.29*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
14:47.55Polysicshow do i get past this error: [Sep 14 16:38:26] WARNING[17538]: config.c:2010 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available?
14:48.11Polysicsi have installed asterisk_addons and modified the config files as per wiki
14:48.20Polysicsi suppose i am missing something in modules.conf
14:48.20gabri-shatana[TK]D-Fender, ????
14:48.32Polysicsi am trying to get the SIP users in a table
14:48.55kaldemargabri-shatana: that's not asterisk, that's freepbx
14:49.09gabri-shatanayeah but it want
14:49.23Polysicswhich module names do i need to load?
14:49.40kaldemarPolysics: is the mysql engine
14:50.38Polysicsso i add "load =>" at the end of the file?
14:51.09[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: FreePBX is NOT supported here <-
14:51.10infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
14:51.10Polysicsstill getting engine not available after restart
14:52.04kaldemarPolysics: that won't necessarily help. what do you get in CLI with "module load"?
14:52.08beekmorning [TK]D-Fender , jaytee
14:52.16[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Mornin'
14:52.54Polysicskaldemar, no such file or directory
14:52.57garymcChainsaw : You still here. Nmap finished its results stuff
14:53.00Polysicsbasically, it's not there
14:53.44kaldemarPolysics: then you didn't install it right.
14:54.02Polysicsi just downloaded asterisk-addons, compiled and installed it
14:54.12Chainsawgarymc: Yes, I'm here.
14:54.13garymcheres is the nmap results. cant see anything relating to UDP ports or PORT 5060 anyway
14:55.04*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
14:55.15infoboti guess moh is Music On Hold. Good information about how to set it up in the various possible ways can be found at, or originally from
14:55.18kaldemarPolysics: you need to get the module in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
14:56.04beniwtvtzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: Debug is here:
14:56.30Skeeter-anyone got a good site for MOH, asterisk ready
14:56.58*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
14:57.01ChainsawSkeeter-: I use Blue Valley by Karsten Koch. Royalty free and it sounds nice.
14:57.33ChainsawSkeeter-: Not to mention it doesn't do that white-noise-of-doom thing on a cellphone.
14:57.40Polysicskaldemar, i probably sound noobish, but how do i do that?
14:57.52[TK]D-Fenderbeniwtv: "... call goes on normally ..." <-- you are CUTTING OFF THE DAMN EVIDENCE
14:58.20Chainsawgarymc: You'll have to use netcat instead, sorry.
14:58.38garymcnetcat do i use that on this windows machine?
14:58.39kaldemargarymc: you only scanned 1000 ports, and the output doesn't say which ones were scanned. you need to scan the ports that you expect to be open.
14:58.58Chainsawconnects kaldemar to garymc
14:59.03garymcKaldemar I cant find the option to do that on nmap
14:59.07kaldemarPolysics: for example by copying the file there once you locate it. :)
14:59.07*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:59.10[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: This is a family channel!
14:59.17kaldemarChainsaw: ...
14:59.45Skeeter-D-Fender, Chainsaw: Thanks
14:59.47kaldemargarymc: keep on looking
15:00.04garymcunless i need to put it in the command prompt bit. eg "nmap -sP ....etc etc
15:00.21kaldemargarymc: hint: -p
15:01.02Polysicsshouldn't it be somewhere in the asterisk-addons source after make?
15:01.30*** join/#asterisk chuckf (n=chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
15:01.53raden_worki have a phone with no features can i set asterisk up so * or # will do a transfer or park the call or anything ?
15:02.00*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
15:02.16beniwtv[TK]D-Fender: There are no log messages between that :-/
15:02.40[TK]D-Fenderbeniwtv: Sorry, I'm not buying that...
15:02.41kaldemarraden_work: yes
15:03.33Polysicsthe module apparently does not get built by make
15:04.01Polysicsmake[1]: Entering directory `/opt/src/asterisk-addons-'   -    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
15:04.16kaldemarPolysics: did you select to build it with make menuselect?
15:04.25Polysicserm :-P
15:04.39beniwtv[TK]D-Fender: huh? Well, if you want to see 500+ user logins rejected with bad password, be my guest. They are of type "[Sep 14 16:57:15] NOTICE[4891]: chan_sip.c:15055 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed for '' - No matching peer found"
15:05.20kaldemarPolysics: back to installing phase.
15:05.38*** join/#asterisk KrisWillis (
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15:06.02sercikgood day
15:06.05drichardHi all
15:06.05garymckaldemar iam inputting this into the command line but it doesnt seem to scan the udp port "nmap -p u:5060 81.***.***.**
15:06.14[TK]D-Fenderbeniwtv: We don't see the end of the call, and you shouldn't be having 100's of error messages flying around like that either
15:06.29sercikhi garymc
15:06.30drichardI have an issue in the conference room configuration
15:06.38garymchi sercik
15:06.39drichardis it possible for somebody to help me ?
15:06.57sercikthis is the best way to not obtain help...
15:07.25*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
15:07.29drichardreally so how can I obtain help ? ;-)
15:08.02serciki have a great doubt: which is the context of calls incoming from analog line?
15:08.22beniwtv[TK]D-Fender: I agree. But we have 30.000 customers, and many of them try to log-on even if their account is on hold. (Specially the bad guys trying to get free calls). Don't know how to stop that other than disabling the debug messages alltogether...
15:08.53[TK]D-Fenderbeniwtv: Sorry, we've got nothing to go on...
15:08.55*** join/#asterisk ethicx (
15:08.56kaldemargarymc: nmap -sU -p U:5060 <ipaddr> <-- if the documentation has U, you don't use u.
15:09.31garymcyeah sorry tried both ways
15:09.41beniwtv[TK]D-Fender: I pretty much figured so, thanks anyway.
15:09.45ethicxhello everyone.
15:10.01drichardThe error message is : app_meetme.c: Unable to open pseudo device
15:10.02garymcok says its open sip
15:10.10garymcusing your code there Kaldemar
15:10.14Polysicskaldemar, i suppose i solved it thanks to you :-)
15:10.16garymc5060 is open/sip
15:10.27kaldemarPolysics: no problemo
15:10.38drichardI have verified and dahdi_dymmy module is loaded
15:10.42Polysicshow can i tell if it is working?
15:10.47garymcso thats why i can ring the other extensions, but no speech got something to do with 10001-20000
15:10.59*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
15:11.01garymcso should i just test any port between those two?
15:11.20kaldemargarymc: test all ports your asterisk uses.
15:11.34garymcwell i cant test 10000 ports can i?
15:11.40kaldemargarymc: why not?
15:11.48garymcits the RTP ones that arnt working
15:11.56ethicxHas anyone ever experienced a problem with "SIP response 440 "Cannot Authenticate Device" with any of your service providers?
15:11.58garymcthe range 10001 to 20000
15:12.04kaldemargarymc: what is your point?
15:12.07sercikethicx i had
15:12.22sercikdo you input port 5600?
15:12.28KattyGingered Cheery Pear Cobbler or Pumpkin Pie?
15:12.30Polysicsok, now
15:12.35garymcwhat would i put in the command line to test all ports in that range?
15:12.37kaldemargarymc: RTP runs on top of UDP.
15:12.39Polysicschan_sip.c:22330 build_peer: Qualify is incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime.  Please either turn rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer '1000'
15:12.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: YES
15:12.46ethicxsercik: Don't know what you mean by input port 5600
15:12.54kaldemargarymc: nmap -sU -p U:5060,10001-20000
15:13.04garymcahh ok ill give it a whirl
15:13.07casnikethicx, I think he means 5060?
15:13.10Polysicsafaik, my setup wasn't working until i added qualify
15:13.12sercikin the sip client configuration you should input not only ip address of asterisk server but also port
15:13.18KattyPot Roast with Mushroom Gravy or Traditional Beef Stew?
15:13.37ethicxsercik: yeah port 5060 is there.
15:13.51sercikcasnik i use 5600 is wrong?
15:14.10sercikmy sip softphone works altogether
15:14.18Polysicsdoes rtcachefriends go in the general sip.conf, or do i need it on each peer?
15:14.30casniksercik, I beleive 5060 is the correct port for sip by default ,... I might be wrong though ..
15:14.54garymcsercik : 5060 is one of the ports ;)
15:15.00*** join/#asterisk momelod (
15:15.06momelodgreetings channel
15:15.07serciki'm not sure, only my experience with xlite and sjphone
15:15.14ethicxsercik: so adding port 5600 in your sip.conf solved the issue with SIP 440 response?
15:15.14serciktogether works with 5600 :)
15:15.15garymcand i think 10001-20000 are the others it needs
15:15.35sercikethicx i was spekaing about client configuration
15:15.39serciknot server side
15:15.50casnikdepends on what the sip server is set to listen on (they have to match)
15:16.04Polysicsok, solved that too
15:16.07Polysicsone more hurdle
15:16.07sercik•casnik• extacly
15:16.11casnikwhther it's asterisk or opensips or whatever
15:16.17ethicxsercik: I'm running ip phones not softphones, so I guess you mean extensions by saying client?
15:16.17Polysicshandle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:1000@>' failed for '' - Wrong password
15:16.25Polysicsthe password is not wrong :-(
15:16.29casnikif it's a "default" then 5060 is the common
15:16.29drichardI am using asterisk under ansterisknow and I have got an issue configuring a conference room
15:16.47drichardI have the following message app_meetme.c: Unable to open pseudo device
15:16.48momelodi have echo when calling over my pri line which are connected via a Wildcard TE122 w/ hw echo cancel.   If i tune down the volume via tx/rx gains the echo goes away at about -15 but then the call is too quite.
15:17.16sercikethicx so you should check your sip.conf
15:17.16drichardI have already veryfied and dahdi is started and dahdi_dummy module is loaded
15:17.31sercikare you sure that ip phones are correctly connected to asterisk??
15:17.45ethicxsercik: I did, and port 5060 is what I use for all my phones and they all work fine, but my problem resides with the service provider.
15:17.51voipmonkbut who's your dahdi?  ( what timing device are you using? )
15:18.27drichardI dont have any device, I read that it is possible to use dummy module if we dont have one
15:18.32drichardis it wrong ?
15:18.39momelodw/ the hardware echo canceller enabled, why am i still getting echo?
15:18.54*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:19.00ethicxsercik: I get that SIP response 440 when I try to make outbound calls with my voip provider.
15:19.01sercikplease someone can tell me which it the context ftom calls incoming from analog line?
15:19.42serciki got that error during registration phase of phones to asterisk
15:19.43Polysicskaldemar, ever seen that? i get register rejected even though the password is correct
15:19.52sercikso you have a different problem...
15:19.58momelodsercik: from-trunk?
15:20.13p3nguinpolysics: I would venture to say that asterisk is right and you're mistaken.
15:20.20sercikpci card.
15:20.55Polysicsp3nguin, i checked about 10 times, unless there is something i don't know, Ekiga has the same password i have in the "secret" column in the table
15:21.02p3nguinsercik: Only you can know what your contexts are.
15:21.06drichardvoipmonk: did you see my answer ?
15:21.16kaldemarPolysics: never with matching credentials. :)
15:21.37*** join/#asterisk wathek (n=wathek@
15:21.44Polysicspassword is plaintext by default, correct?
15:21.59momelodsercik: in zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf there is an entry for the context
15:22.01serciki don't need to enter some context to extensions.conf to make my asterisk answer a call on analog line?
15:22.25p3nguinpolysics: Looks like you're trying to register a user named '1000'.  Is that the right user?
15:22.31Polysicsyes, it is
15:22.36*** part/#asterisk smtx (
15:22.51sercik1000?!? are you reading O'really book?
15:23.04p3nguinpolysics: I would change the password in the context for that phone as well as in the client/softphone.
15:23.08Polysicsthe account name goes in the "name" field in the db, i suppose
15:23.43Polysicsor would it be the "username" column?
15:23.46voipmonkwho summoned me?
15:24.14*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
15:24.14p3nguinsercik: Many people start out that way.  Nothing wrong with using 1000 as long as you realize that you might want to rethink the extension numbers before going into production.
15:24.46serciksure p3nguin
15:24.51Polysicsi'm just learning at the moment :-)
15:24.53serciki have not told is bad
15:25.03sercikPolysics i know less than you trust me
15:25.07Polysicsand yes, i carried it over from the o'reilly book
15:25.12serciki'm reading that book also
15:25.13kaldemarPolysics: name
15:25.16p3nguinpolysics: In my sip.conf, the username is an arbitrary name (but I like to put the name of the person who will be using that phone).
15:25.17momelodcan anyone help me out w/ these echo issues... im sure echo is a topic thats been beaten to death, but i don't know where else to turn
15:25.22Polysicsit's not half bad
15:25.29Polysicsp3nguin, i am using realtime
15:25.47wathekwould any one help me to test my asterisk config please ? any one got ekiga and could try to call and tell me if the echo test works ? Thank you
15:25.50Polysicsand i at least hope asterisk reports the correct error :-)
15:26.06Polysicswhat is username for?
15:26.11sercikwathek i can try but i have no microphone
15:26.23p3nguinwathek: We would have to have the user and secret before we could even call 600.
15:26.26watheksercik, no problem you should hear a femal voice
15:26.34sercikare you?
15:26.37*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
15:26.41wathekp3nguin, there's no user and secret !
15:26.48p3nguinThen how's that work?
15:27.05garymcKaldemar its is showing ports 10000-20000 closed
15:27.11wathekp3nguin, just call
15:27.13kaldemarwathek: why are you not calling yourself?
15:27.23Polysicsi wonder if the problem is actually the wrong password...
15:27.26momelodwathek: i called it said it answered but i didnt hear anything
15:27.28serciki obtain person is unavailable
15:27.31garymcbut i opened them up in the routers :S same as i did for 5060
15:27.38Polysicsi changed it to "a", no way i can type that wrong :-)
15:27.58wathekmomelod, no voice ?
15:28.03wathekkaldemar, what µ?
15:28.17momelodwathek: just dead air
15:28.37p3nguinWithout having a system to register to, ekiga won't do anything for me.
15:29.07wathekp3nguin, I'm a newbie I'm trying to configure a VoIP server for the first time
15:29.14p3nguinSo good luck on providing services with no users and corresponding secrets.
15:29.16kaldemargarymc: that only means that no software is listening to the port
15:29.31garymclike asterisk?
15:29.47p3nguinexactly like asterisk.  :)
15:29.55garymcso how do i fix this?
15:30.11kaldemargarymc: filtered would mean that there's a firewall blocking the ports. no reason to assume that a fw is blocking the ports.
15:30.18wathekmomelod, thank you for testing
15:30.22watheksercik, thank you so much
15:30.34garymc5060 says open/filtered
15:31.20garymcservice: sip
15:31.37garymcits only showing port 10056 closed
15:31.42garymcnothing else
15:32.50*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
15:32.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
15:33.29*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
15:33.34[TK]D-Fendergarymc: [11:30]<garymc>5060 says open/filtered <- IMPOSSIBLE
15:33.44[TK]D-Fendergarymc: there is no such thing as "open"
15:33.52[TK]D-Fendergarymc: UDP is **StATELESS**
15:34.04garymc[TK]D-Fender : you want a screenshot?
15:34.19*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:34.29[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Oh, I'm sure its telling you that, and I'm also pretty sure you did the wrong test
15:35.01[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Not that I haven't seent his many times before.
15:35.05[TK]D-FenderI have.
15:35.35garymci just ran this command in the nmap command line "nmap -sU -p U:5060 81.***.***.***
15:35.38kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: nothing wrong with that
15:36.15garymcim just after a little help in getting my sip phone to wrok
15:36.36Polysicsnothing, still get wrong password
15:36.48garymcI can call the office extensions but when they pick up it is silent
15:37.45kaldemargarymc: i'd blame your nat settings in asterisk, show a debug of a call and someone will surely push you in the right direction
15:38.02[TK]D-Fendergarymc: remove that extr POS router
15:38.13*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
15:38.20garymcI cant remove that
15:39.10[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Why not?
15:39.38[TK]D-Fendergarymc: and i got the same nmap result as you BTW for whatever it counts as
15:39.45garymcif you mean the Apple Router, it is pluggedinto the main bt router from an external office
15:40.31[TK]D-Fendergarymc: I mean strip BOTH of thoses pieces of crap and put another router at the first level
15:40.36garymcright, but what happens when I spend more money on other router and i get the same result?
15:41.13garymcIve had every other port open ever needed, also used this setup for controlling 50 security cameras
15:41.38garymcwithout a hitch
15:41.51[TK]D-Fendergarymc: And every other story like that doesn't offer any help in debugging your actual issue
15:42.02neurosysCan anyone think of why i might have odd hums and line noise on the EVEN numbered channels from a 2 sangoma a400's?
15:42.12garymcno, but its not practical to go get another router right now
15:42.13neurosysand yes. ive emailed sangoma :)
15:42.13[TK]D-Fendergarymc: then slap another NIC in your * box and run it direct
15:42.36*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:42.39garymcyou mean missout the Apple router?
15:42.44*** join/#asterisk moa_ (
15:43.06garymcI would need to feed a cable about 100 yards
15:43.20garymcunder ground, ill phone up the office and see if this can be done
15:43.48[TK]D-Fendergarymc: you seem to have serious comprehension issues.  Let try this a tad more direct : remove both of the fucking routers and run * DIRECT of the connection right from a raw modem interface.
15:44.15[TK]D-Fendergarymc: with a PUBLIC IP direct.  unfiltered, no extra routing, NOTHING
15:44.34voipmonkwhoa .... the f-bomb
15:44.38Polysicsmight it be a problem with NAT
15:44.42voipmonkwhat did you do, garymc ?
15:44.57Polysicsthe user i am using has nat=yes, but i am not actually connecting via NAT now
15:45.03[TK]D-Fendervoipmonk: Oh, don't freak out about a single use.  be worrying when I use multiple in all-caps :)
15:45.29Polysicsi hope asterisk doesn't report "wrong password" when it is not that :-(
15:45.31[TK]D-FenderPolysics: If you want to debug, then show some...
15:45.46voipmonkquote of the day
15:46.42garymc[TK]D-Fender : THey are connecting a cable direct from the BT modem straight to the asterisk box. So the asterisk Box will bypass the Apple Airport router. Is that more like it?
15:46.47iCEBrkrWho the hell is and why do they think I owe them money?
15:46.55iCEBrkrI've never used them for anything
15:47.04denoniCEBrkr: j2 office service
15:47.29*** join/#asterisk clintc (
15:47.29iCEBrkrnever used'm
15:47.48iCEBrkrI just keep getting billing failure emails.
15:47.53coppicej2 is evil
15:47.53iCEBrkrOnebox Billing Failure for NONE
15:47.57iCEBrkrLooks like it's working!!
15:48.21iCEBrkrI'm scared to email them back.
15:48.29[TK]D-Fendergarymc: what IP is * getting?
15:48.36Polysics[TK]D-Fender, all i have is [Sep 14 17:44:16] NOTICE[22335]: chan_sip.c:19958 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:1000@>' failed for '' - Wrong password
15:48.53Polysicswhat would you need more to see? the config files?
15:48.58[TK]D-FenderPolysics: PASteBIn your sip config and the failed reg attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled
15:49.00coppicej2 regular try to extract money from asterisk users, using for doing fax to email
15:49.27garymc[TK]D-Fender : Do you mean the internal ip or the staic ip?
15:49.36garymc*static ip
15:49.37p3nguinI ran the suggested "nmap -sU -p U:5060,10001-20000 <server IP>" from a remote computer, and nmap has been sitting there for like an hour without ever displaying anything.  What does that indicate?
15:49.42[TK]D-Fendergarymc: what IP is * getting? <------------
15:49.54Polysicsthis is log:
15:50.38garymc[TK]D-Fender : Fukme do you mean the PUBLIC ip addy or the one the router is handing it????????
15:51.06[TK]D-Fendergarymc: it gets an IP.  What is it.
15:51.12*** join/#asterisk wopsy (
15:51.24Polysicsand this is the sip.conf:
15:51.25[TK]D-FenderPolysics: SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth) <- check your authuser, realm, etc
15:51.43*** join/#asterisk wolfehr (n=wolfehr@
15:52.09garymcmine gets 2 ips eth0 =
15:52.13[TK]D-FenderPolysics: and try showing everything i asked for
15:52.19sercikFender: please me and wathek are trying to call each other via sip but we are unable to do that....
15:52.31sercikwe have added allowguest=yes to sip.conf
15:52.37sercikwe need to do something else
15:52.51Polysics[TK]D-Fender, sip.conf is here: and log is here:
15:52.53Polysicsanything else?
15:52.58[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Useless.  Get another modem so that * gets the WAN IP
15:53.34[TK]D-FenderPolysics: I see no peer info.  I also see no imagebin of your ekiga settings.
15:53.45sercikgarymc mqybe you can configure that router as bridge
15:53.54sercikand then use pppoe to conecct to internet
15:53.58wolfehras long as everything is routed correctly it doesn't matter whether you have the external WAN ip or not garymc
15:54.03Polysicsekiga interface is in italian, i will paste it anyway as the field probably are in the same position
15:54.12Polysicshow do i get peers info you need?
15:54.17Polysicssip show peers?
15:54.24[TK]D-FenderPolysics: sip.conf <---------
15:54.41Polysicsmy sip.conf is all there, i am using database for sip accounts
15:55.29*** join/#asterisk stope (
15:56.09Polysicsekiga settings are here
15:56.10*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:56.18Polysicsanything else that can help?
15:56.20serciki don't think fender is gay :)
15:56.41*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
15:57.09voipmonkwhy would it matter?
15:57.14Polysicsi am 100% sure the data in the table and in ekiga is the same, especially the password
15:57.16voipmonkdamn I got sucked in..
15:57.41voipmonkauth user? do u have that, Polysics  ?
15:57.55Polysicsvoipmonk, what do you mean, please?
15:58.34voipmonkNome di accesso
15:58.49voipmonkwhere in your sip settings do u have that info?
15:59.22[TK]D-Fenderwhere do I see the DB dump?
15:59.35Polysicsvoipmonk, database table, name column
16:00.19Polysicsi don't have that column in the db, is it needed?
16:00.40voipmonkPolysics: do you have an authuser field ?
16:00.53voipmonkyou are using it in your softphone
16:01.06voipmonkif u dont have it in sip.conf you should remove it from your softphone and try again
16:01.19Polysicsthen what is name for?
16:01.48Polysicsadded authuser and put 1000 in it, no difference
16:03.35Polysicsbtw, sip.conf only has some general settings
16:04.03voipmonkin the olden days you build a sip user like so:
16:04.14Polysicsdb dump here:
16:04.23voipmonkI apologie if the SpoonFeed 3.0 has been acting up.
16:04.31voipmonk+z there is a z that goes in there somewhere
16:04.55neurosysSpoonFeed 3.0 ...
16:05.02Polysicsi can make sip.conf accounts work, problem is with db :-)
16:05.43Polysicsor i could answer with [isaidthatabout10times] :-)
16:05.53Polysics[TK]D-Fender, got the DB dump?
16:07.28*** join/#asterisk ecret (
16:07.51Polysicsbtw, i did not post extconfig.conf or res_mysql.conf, as i think those are solved (* would say something else if it could not reach mysql or similar)
16:08.13p3nguinAre you sure?
16:08.44p3nguinWhat if the query is wrong, but asterisk can still reach the database?
16:09.11Polysicsi solved some problems related to modules earlier, so i supposed that was out of the way
16:09.22Polysicsany way i can see queries as they go to the db?
16:09.43voipmonki see no authuser in your mysql dump
16:11.46Polysicsre-added it
16:12.46voipmonkok update the field, reload and have at it -
16:13.05Polysicsrelaod = sip reload? or restart *?
16:13.07voipmonkyou dont NEED authuser tho :) but if u want to use it now u have it in there
16:13.41voipmonksip reload should do the trick
16:13.43*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
16:15.19*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
16:16.02Polysicsapparently the "wrong password" message went away
16:16.18*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
16:16.22*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
16:16.38Polysicsi get this instead:
16:17.36*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
16:19.29*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:20.35Polysicsi'm baffled
16:20.51Polysicsi tried taking out the authuser column, just to see what happened
16:21.02p3nguinand nothing changed?
16:21.10Polysicsand the password message has disappeared, but i still can't authenticate
16:21.21Polysicsso it is a different behavior than what i had before
16:21.37p3nguinI am still suspent of the queries to the db.
16:21.41Polysicssame setup, different behavior
16:21.42p3nguinsuspect, that is.
16:21.51Polysicscan i/how do i see them?
16:21.59p3nguinLook in the mysql config.
16:22.29Polysicsthe * res_mysql config?
16:22.36Polysicsor the mysql itself config?
16:22.48p3nguinI think you said it was res_mysql.conf.
16:23.14Polysicsit is
16:23.20*** join/#asterisk iksik (
16:23.27Polysicsnot much in there, username, password and stuff
16:24.09Polysicsall i have in there:
16:24.14p3nguinI don't know anything about using MySQL with Asterisk, so I assumed the query string was in there.
16:24.42voipmonkwhere's your  sock file Polysics  ?
16:24.58p3nguinMaybe it's using TCP.
16:25.20Polysicsi have always used tcp with mysql, figured out it would work anyway
16:26.01p3nguinI like to use domain sockets when the app runs on the same computer as the db, but tcp should be just fine.
16:26.04*** join/#asterisk garymc (
16:26.42Polysicsi am using TCP because i am not sure * and mysql will be on the same machine forever
16:26.56Polysicsso i am saving myself i trip here in the future :-)
16:27.05Polysicsdo you see anything suspicious in the above?
16:28.34Polysicskeep seeing : [Sep 14 18:28:20] NOTICE[24677]: chan_sip.c:11358 check_auth: Bad authentication received from '<sip:1000@>'
16:29.05Polysicsit would be ironic for the problem to be ekiga configuration, but i can't tell what is wrong
16:29.46QwellWhy would it be ironic?
16:30.04Polysicsok, it would be plain stupid
16:30.23Polysicsbut there are 4 fields there, i don't think they can be wrong
16:30.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:30.49QwellOf course they can be wrong
16:31.48Polysicsthey can, but i do not reckon they are :-)
16:32.06QwellI would put money on it. :)
16:33.16Polysics are the settings (interface is in italian, but the fields should be in the same place)
16:34.36*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
16:34.48Qwelland your sip.conf?
16:34.59p3nguinIs your registrar at
16:35.26Polysicsp3nguin, that is the ip where * is
16:35.33Qwellthere's no peer there...
16:35.34Polysicsi suppose that is correct
16:35.42*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
16:35.46PolysicsQwell, using db for table
16:35.50Polysics*for peers
16:35.51Qwellshow me
16:35.59Polysicswhat? the db table?
16:36.52Polysicsgot it off the wiki, plus the authuser field i added
16:37.09SuPrSluGremove the authuser
16:37.38Polysicsok, did it, reloading sip
16:38.06Polysicsno changes in logging in
16:38.26SuPrSluGare you going throug a db or using sip.conf?
16:38.53Polysicsusing db
16:39.00p3nguinThere's no peer info in sip.conf, so let's hope he's using the db correctly.
16:39.12Polysicsdump of my table is above, minus authuser field i just removes
16:39.40SuPrSluGpastebin extconfig.conf
16:40.37ethicxwhen I specify insecure=invite for my extension (voip provider) this is so authentication is not required for both incoming and outgoing calls?
16:41.58Polysicsuncommented boils down to last 2 lines
16:42.26Polysicsnow i need to go, i'll get back on this tomorrow
16:42.29Polysicsthanks for now
16:42.33SuPrSluGshouldn't it be ->sipusers => mysql,asterisk,sip_accounts
16:42.52voipmonknot if his db is called general
16:43.00SuPrSluGor is the database named general
16:43.15Qwellit isn't
16:43.28SuPrSluGthat could be a problem
16:43.44p3nguinOh, but his configuration is FINE!
16:46.10*** join/#asterisk dajhorn (n=dajhorn@
16:47.04*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
16:49.22*** join/#asterisk garymc (
16:52.30voipmonkwhat is the name of your database, sir?
16:52.53p3nguinYou realize he left 10 minutes ago?
16:53.14*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (n=xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
16:53.23voipmonki've recreated his image in my head
16:56.21*** join/#asterisk maour (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
17:00.18SuPrSluGhe'll be back tomorrow asking the same questions. hopefully someone will remember the fix
17:02.30*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
17:03.52p3nguin"ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short" ?
17:05.05*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
17:06.27p3nguinUsing a Cisco phone on a SIP channel.
17:10.49p3nguinAny idea where to start looking for a problem?
17:13.19SuPrSluGcheck everything is @ full duplex
17:13.39p3nguinI think it pretty much has to be.
17:14.34SuPrSluGi' ve seen when reboot some switch they go to half duplex. not saying this is the issue, but it could cause something like this.
17:15.38*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
17:16.30p3nguinI've never seen that message before.  The only thing I changed was allowing udp port range 10000-20000 inbound from the outside world.
17:17.21Samodelkinhi there
17:17.50p3nguinWhen I didn't allow that port range, calls still worked well, and that message wasn't present.
17:18.15SamodelkinIs there anyone interested in FreeBSD DAHDI port?
17:18.36SamodelkinI submitted a patch to asterisk bug tracker
17:18.57*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
17:20.42tzafrir_laptopSamodelkin, I know that there's an existing DAHDI port
17:34.47*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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17:36.10wcselbypresence on 1.4 is different from presence on 1.2
17:36.30wcselbyjust felt like sharing
17:38.39*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (n=me@
17:41.55*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (
17:43.42*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (n=Skarmeth@
17:56.20*** join/#asterisk komar_666 (
17:56.37komar_666hi all
17:58.09*** join/#asterisk jolucara (n=jolucara@
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18:01.10wopsysomeone know if i can show LDAP users ( name , phone etc etc ) in my Asterisk GUI ?
18:01.32*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (
18:02.53[TK]D-Fenderwopsy: #asteriskgui
18:03.00[TK]D-Fenderwopsy: GUI's are not supported in this channel
18:04.20wopsyok sorry
18:04.31*** part/#asterisk wopsy (
18:04.31*** join/#asterisk wopsy (
18:04.54komar_666i've some problemes whith NAT, someone to help?
18:05.04Naikrovekjust ask
18:05.16Naikrovekno need to ask us if it's okay to ask
18:05.19infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:05.43infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:05.58*** join/#asterisk korcan (
18:05.59infobotvoipmonk: thanks
18:06.03komar_666I've already read all of that
18:06.07Naikrovekkomar_666: ask
18:06.10voipmonkso whats your problem?
18:06.11[TK]D-Fender~areyouadog ?
18:06.11infobotBark! Bark!
18:06.15[TK]D-Fenderinfobot: good Boy!
18:06.15infobotthanks, [TK]D-Fender
18:06.35ethicx~whoareyou ?
18:06.52infobotyou are naikrovek, or on #asterisk and it's 2009.09.14. Don't believe me? Ask ebil!
18:06.52casnik~troll ?
18:06.53infobottroll is, like, a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or
18:07.07komar_666m'y client sent SIP/SDP whith in header his public ip but ine caracteristic SDP his local adesss, asterisk use it to initilisa RTP, NAT=yes in sip.conf is ok.....
18:07.57Naikrovekkomar_666: describe the problem, please.  we'll get to the setup after
18:08.34Dovidanyone ever use NGREP to trace a call over IAX2 ?
18:08.35voipmonkbe sure to mention the words router , fifty-sixty, and ten thousand and twenty thousand
18:08.54komar_666port are well configured
18:09.19voipmonkwhere are my doritos
18:09.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
18:09.40komar_666client pub----<publicnetwork>-----ASterisk-----client local
18:10.05voipmonkno phones?
18:10.19Naikroveki think thats what he means when he says client
18:10.23Drukenis there a fairly stable release of 1.6?
18:10.25komar_666client=softphone Sjphone
18:10.34Drukeni'm using at the moment, and well, it sucks
18:11.15komar_666Client pub is well registered whith his public ip but he is sending his local ip in SIP/SDP
18:11.38Naikrovekah so your asterisk server has a public IP and a private IP
18:11.44Naikrovekand it's sending the private IP out the SIP header
18:11.55Naikroveki have no idea why this happens; it works fine on my server
18:12.05NaikrovekDruken: why does suck
18:12.16komar_666no externip is configured on asterisk thats ok this side
18:12.38komar_666that's the client that cause me som issues
18:12.47[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: PASTEBIN your failed call with SIP DEBUG enabled and include your sip.conf masking ONLY passwords
18:12.49infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
18:13.05voipmonkthats why the client pays you - they are always full of trouble
18:13.05Naikrovekwas wondering when you'd chime in :)
18:13.49infobotone warez list being sent
18:14.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o [TK]D-Fender] by ChanServ
18:14.13Naikrovekhere he goes
18:14.14komar_666doesent matter
18:14.15*** kick/#asterisk [komar_666!n=joe@] by [TK]D-Fender ([TK]D-Fender)
18:14.25*** join/#asterisk komar_666 (
18:14.36casnikpastebin man
18:14.39Naikrovekkomar_666: no pasting dude, use a pastebin
18:14.43infobotone warez list being sent
18:14.47Naikrovekwtf wares?
18:14.55ethicxlol..same thing I said
18:15.03Naikroveknot you, komar_666
18:15.26komar_666where do i paste?
18:15.32infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
18:15.32Naikrovekkomar_666: paste your sip.conf (with passwords ONLY masked out) and a log of the call with SIP debugging turned on
18:15.54Naikrovekkomar_666: seems to be preferred around here
18:16.56[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Where I referred you to with a giant set of links and an underline
18:17.00infobotwtf is probably what that's fine?
18:17.02*** kick/#asterisk [komar_666!n=joe@] by [TK]D-Fender ([TK]D-Fender)
18:17.10casnikguy really has no clue
18:17.13*** join/#asterisk komar_666 (
18:17.25[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: LAST warning.  Do no spam that shit in here
18:17.34Naikrovekgo to
18:17.39Naikrovekkomar_666: go to
18:17.41komar_666ok thsw
18:17.45Naikrovekpaste your stuff in there
18:17.56Naikrovekgotta be very direct with some people i guess
18:18.14Naikroveksome people are "tell me exactly what to do" people i ugess
18:18.33*** join/#asterisk lowtek (
18:18.42Naikrovekkomar_666: okay now turn on SIP debugging and place a call that will show the failure
18:20.39*** join/#asterisk giovani (n=giovani@unaffiliated/giovani)
18:20.57[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: [freephonie_out] nat =no <------ put it
18:21.00komar_666sip debug
18:21.13*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:21.14[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: [freephonie_in] nat=no <----- ditto
18:21.15giovaniI'm looking to create a conference that dials a ringgroup and has people who answer dropped into the conference, or something to the same effect
18:21.36komar_666ok i cahnge nat for freephoni_out
18:22.05*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
18:22.05[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: and that is not SIP DEBUG
18:22.25[TK]D-Fendergiovani: Go lookup "call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
18:22.28infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
18:23.33giovani[TK]D-Fender: cool -- I'll check them out, thanks
18:23.50timeshell[TK]D-Fender So, any thoughts on that buddies disabling thing we talked about last week?
18:24.22[TK]D-Fendertimeshell: Nope, and this is an uber-shit week for me to be of a mind to drill this at home for you unfortunately... you really don't want that button there?
18:24.26Naikroveki love this channel
18:24.42Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: it's monday
18:24.46Naikrovekalready a shitty week?
18:25.08timeshellReally don't want.  It's apparently maxing out the IP601's CPU and memory for the number of items in the list and the rest of the IP501's don't have enough memory to list all our users anyway.
18:25.15timeshellIt's more of a bother than benefit.
18:26.57Naikrovekare there any irc clients that let you filter the log based on who is speaking (not talking grep)
18:27.15Naikroveki mean, it's grep like, but i don't wanna log all channels then grep through the logs
18:27.20Naikroveksomethign in-client would be ince
18:27.57Naikrovektimeshell, can you restate
18:28.09Naikrovekwhat button is maxing out your phone cpu & mem
18:28.33Naikrovekintegration with OCS?
18:29.27Naikrovekafk a sec
18:29.44timeshellIP601 from my googling seems to have problems with CPU processing of buddies list when lots of notifies come into it.  That and the IP501's can't list all my users.  The IP601 has been rebooting by itself apparently when it receives too many notifies.
18:29.56*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
18:30.16komar_666SIP debug
18:30.17komar_666pastebin - Something - post number 1565812
18:30.17komar_666Part of Slepp's Projects — Pastebin — TURL — Imagebin — Filebin
18:30.17komar_666Feedback -- English French German Japanese
18:30.17komar_666Hide Menu -- Switch Stylesheets
18:30.17komar_666Create Upload Newest Tools Donate
18:30.19komar_666Sign In | Create Account
18:30.20*** join/#asterisk viq_ (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
18:30.21komar_666Stuff to Do
18:30.23komar_666New Post
18:30.25komar_666Upload a Post
18:30.33timeshellAt least, that's a suspicion.  It also sits at 100% CPU on boot up for about 5 mins afterwards.
18:30.53timeshellAt any rate, we have no need for the buddies list and I'd rather just disable it;.
18:30.53komar_666sip debug
18:30.57*** join/#asterisk scunizi (n=scunizi@
18:31.03komar_666look at the end AUDIO in
18:32.27komar_666what do u think about
18:33.07komar_666whith nat=yes in peer is asterisl use peer ip header or ip in session description?
18:33.47komar_666or it's just for his external sip/sdp
18:34.08Kattyponders yard decorations for fall
18:34.42DeeewayneKatty, leaves ?
18:35.06Kattywas thinking pumpkins.
18:35.06[TK]D-FenderDeeewayne: No, looks like she's staying...
18:35.09Kattymaybe some cornstalks.
18:35.28[TK]D-FenderKobaz: No idea on your issue.  dump your firewall
18:35.34[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: : No idea on your issue.  dump your firewall
18:35.40[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: "iptables --list"
18:36.08komar_666public client is behind nat from a BOX
18:36.29[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: "iptables --list" <---------
18:36.39*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
18:36.45komar_666he has registered whith public ip but send local ip in SIP/SDP
18:37.02KingDavidNYChello everybody!!!
18:38.24komar_666how change Peer audio RTP ipadress in public instead of  local?
18:38.36*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
18:41.05Kattyponders fall garland up the porch columns.
18:41.48beekoffers a pile of leaves to Katty for decoration...
18:41.53Kattywhat i want is a HUGE pumpkin.
18:41.59Kattylike, so big, it could be a chair.
18:42.12Drukenhides his gourd
18:42.43Kattybeek: leaves will be helpful. we have two huge trees in the front yard to help with that.
18:43.15Kattyi'd just like a few pumpkins to put in front of the house.
18:43.33Kattysadly, i doubt i could actually lift them :/
18:43.53*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
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18:46.08ayesoI am getting the following:  ERROR[28732]: pbx.c:2857 ast_func_read: Function SIP_HEADDER not registered, but a `core show application sip_headder` shows that its there... what am I missing?
18:46.20Drukenjust ask one of the guys here, i'm sure they'll put one right next to your scratching post...
18:46.48Kattythere is no scratching post at my house
18:46.49lesouvageIs SetCallerPres(prohib) supposed to work with dialing out using a SIP account of a SIP provider?
18:47.00Kattybut there are a lot of squirrels, bunnies, and birds (=
18:47.05*** join/#asterisk okaratas (n=toor@fsf/member/okaratas)
18:47.39Drukenwhere in the planet does kitty live?
18:47.44Drukener, katty, my bad
18:48.36imcdonaAny idea how to fix this?
18:49.00KattyDruken: missouri (=
18:49.34Drukenoh, cool cool
18:49.45Kattymaybe i could find a giant weatherproof basket.
18:49.48Kattyand fill it with gourds
18:49.56Kattystraw's too messy for the yard. :/
18:50.50lesouvageimcdona: you should the number of lines to 1, that is the idea of using agents and queues. An gent with a multiline phone is a bad combination.
18:51.24Drukeni'm not worried about decorating for that till oct 1
18:51.35Drukenthen i'll worry about it
18:51.39Kattythat will be here in 2 weeks
18:51.40KingDavidNYChello guys, is it true that I can configure a polycom phone so that it does not need provisioning?
18:51.52scuniziimcdona: to expand on what lesouvage said, put the agents phone in PBX mode no key system mode.
18:52.08DrukenKatty: great, so i got two weeks :)
18:52.34Kattyoh!! oh!!!
18:52.37Kattya ghost made out of a pillowcase!
18:52.48ayesoI am getting the following:  ERROR[28732]: pbx.c:2857 ast_func_read: Function SIP_HEADDER not registered, but a `core show application sip_headder` shows that its there... what am I missing?
18:52.48Kattythat'd make a nice touch............but...that needs to wait until the end of october. *sigh*
18:53.12Drukenmy ghost is a blow up one, standing behind a tombstone
18:54.07casnikKingDavidNYC, I have never had one that didn't require it
18:54.15[TK]D-FenderKingProvisioning your phone IS configuring it.
18:54.23KattyDruken: do you decorate with any flowers?
18:54.29KattyDruken: i've been thinking about some seasonal mums
18:54.35[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: And You can configure it direct on the phone itself or via its web interface.
18:54.48[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: However people that do that should be dragged out and shot.
18:55.02[TK]D-Fendergrumbles "...and survivors should be shot AGAIN"
18:55.28casnikoh Garfield ...
18:55.44DrukenKatty: normally yeah, i have gardens, just recently moved, so no gardens here
18:57.06ayesoHow do I register a function?
18:57.06imcdonahow do I put a phone in PBX mode?
18:57.10komar_666DOes somebody have peer outside public network?
18:57.19KattyDruken: i'd love to pull that off.
18:57.23[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: PARDON?
18:57.32komar_666francais fender?
18:57.34KingDavidNYCWhat I mean is: method # 1) loading configuration files via tftp server   2) blocking tftp server conf, no firmware files, just configure as if a lynksys phone, just enter ip and username....  I just want to know if I am right or  wrong
18:57.48[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: ?
18:57.56imcdonascunizi: how do I put a phone in PBX mode? or agent mode?
18:58.10komar_666pardon mean sorry in french
18:58.21[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: neither of those terms are valid
18:58.25DrukenKatty: that's not healthy for a house.. it erodes the bricks
18:58.36[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Je le savais pas...
18:58.43[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666:  rather..
18:58.43imcdona@[TK]D-Fender he must mean a single line appearance
18:58.45SuPrSluGKingDavidNYC: you can and should auto provision polycom phones through ftp.
18:58.56[TK]D-Fenderkomar_666: And it is close in meaning in english
18:59.00imcdonathank for all you help
18:59.08lowtekKingDavidNYC: ... because polycoms will upload very useful information via ftp
18:59.13komar_666^^ lol
18:59.19[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: there is no "mode" for phones like this.
18:59.31KattyDruken: that's the house i'm working with
18:59.32SuPrSluGKingDavidNYC: you set up dhcp options to point to the ftp server and away they go.
18:59.35imcdonaI didn't think so.
18:59.45scuniziimcdona: I don't know the specifics for programming the asterisk sys. but in pbx mode you have one button where all calls come in on and you "park" calls if needed.  Key system you have programmed buttons to match lines.. one button per line.. if that makes any sense.
18:59.50[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: I prefer fTP personally..
19:00.37imcdonascunizi: looks like I will have to find a way to remove all the line appearances from Bria. It works with call waiting disabled on polycom phones ok
19:00.58[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: and you have no need to set DHCP options for this.  On Polycom's jsut tell it the server IP, user & pass and the rest is a cakewalk
19:02.21scuniziimcdona: the idea behind a que and "one button" setup is so the que will know that a particular endpoint is busy and will move the next incoming call to an open phone or answer it and park them in an orbit until the line is free
19:02.53Naikrovektimeshell: you can disable buddies via the sip.conf if it's an issue
19:03.27Naikrovektimeshell: sip.conf has a config section where you set it up, I believe; disable that section or some part of the config that would render it non-working and your problem is solved.
19:03.32timeshellNaikrovek LOL!!!  That's the reason I'm looking for help.  IT ISN'T WORKING
19:03.35Naikrovektimeshell: i'll be able to look at it a bit more when i get home
19:03.44timeshellI've already tried to diable it from sip.conf
19:04.29Naikrovektimeshell: okay then check individual phone config files, if it's not set up in there, then somehow it was done on the webui.  reset the phone so th at local configuration is cleared, and see if that fixes it for that phone.
19:04.44timeshellNaikrovek Already reset the phone.
19:04.47timeshellSame deal.
19:04.50*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (n=asad@
19:05.01Naikrovekdid you reset the phone to clear device setting
19:05.06timeshellAnd I've set the option both in the sip.cfg AND the phone config file.
19:05.16Naikrovekwow unreal
19:05.45Naikrovekwhat version of the SIP firmware are you using
19:06.12Naikrovekokay cool
19:06.18raden_workNaikrovek, afternoon
19:06.21Naikroveknow why in the dickety would disabling it not disable it
19:06.25Naikrovekhowdy do, raden_work
19:06.32Naikroveki gotta drive home, i'll be back online when i get there
19:06.41Naikrovekin the meantime i'll do some thinkin'
19:06.51timeshellI'm always around.
19:06.57timeshellSort of... I never log out.
19:07.20wcselbyall lunched now
19:08.52*** join/#asterisk maour (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
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19:16.49komar_666does somebody have peer in public network?
19:19.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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19:28.12Skeeter-~directory access
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19:46.06digilink-laptophi all having an issue with Asterisk. I am running Asterisk and DAHDI compiled from source. I have an OpenVOX TDM400 card with a POTS line connected to an FXO port on port 1. If I hang up before the call gets to voicemail, or hang up while the voicemail greeting is playing, it does not appear to detect the hangup condition. However, if I do leave a voice mail, it will record it and release the line accordingly
19:48.00voipmonkyour problem seems to be with a voicemail setting
19:48.30voipmonkcheck the sample voicemail config for anything relating to silence detection or activity
19:48.42voipmonkthen tweak from there
19:53.43*** join/#asterisk stix (
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19:57.04stixHi guys. If I constantly need to count the members of a queue and put the results in a db, which approach should I take? Have some php-script running all the time, which uses the manager interface to check the queue?
19:58.09*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
19:58.33ariel_hello everyone
19:59.36*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
19:59.49ariel_question about using system calls I need to be able to capture what is sent back from the perl call it seems no matter what we try we get "0" back all the time. Anyone have any idea on how to get other info returned?  I am using asterisk 1.6
20:00.05voipmonkstix - you could just grab orderlyq :)
20:00.25russellbariel_: check out the SHELL function
20:00.32stixvoipmonk: how do you mean?
20:00.44voipmonkwell what else do u want to do, stix?
20:00.55voipmonkgive me the eagle eye view
20:01.31stixvoipmonk: I just want to list the number of callers waiting in the queue and put that number in a DB
20:02.12ariel_russellb: I was under the impression the using system was a SHELL function can you explain more please?
20:02.22russellb*CLI> core show function SHELL
20:03.33ariel_ok thank let me see if that works
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20:07.38*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (n=jjohnson@
20:08.24Naikrovektimeshell: are you sure your phones are downloading the new configs?  do your logs show the config file downloads
20:08.35Naikroveki'm assuming you've not figured it out yet...
20:08.41Naikrovekprobably incorrectly
20:08.58bmoracaeffing polycoms :P
20:09.12Naikrovekthems fightin' words
20:09.32Naikrovekloves his 320s and 330s
20:09.52bmoracai like them and think they work well and the quality is great...but configuration is a nightmare
20:10.04casnikI have a crap ton of 650 sip on hand right now
20:10.23Naikrovekbmoraca: it can be if you try to do a lot of stuff at once.  getting them working then adding in config options works best for me
20:10.25casniksince my company installed Cisco and all
20:10.36Naikrovekcasnik: looking to sell?
20:10.43[TK]D-FenderConfiguration = no biggie
20:10.58Naikrovekwhy'd they install cisco?  asterisk couldn't handle it (hah) or what
20:11.08casniknope I am going to build an overnight Polycom powered cluster using all the phones processing power!
20:11.20casnikfind the cure for cancer
20:11.37casnikwell , at the time I wasn't a VOIP guy
20:11.44casnik(not that it would have helped)
20:11.44Naikrovekthey do have reasonable processors in them
20:12.17casnikand the contractor we got was incompetent .... so they just bit the bullet and installed all cisco voip
20:12.46casnikso I have about 300 phones and free reign to build whatever I want with em
20:13.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
20:13.18Naikrovekwhat in the world could you do with that many if people already have phones
20:13.39Naikrovekyou /could/ give them to naikrovek free of charge
20:13.39casnikI dunno , L2Asterisk+Opensips I guess hehe
20:13.47dustybini now have a polycom 321 sitting next to my bed, i have turned it on :D
20:14.02casnikI am in integration now , so I can sit here and puzzle myself to headblowup
20:14.09dustybinRunning ''
20:14.30Naikrovekdustybin: do you have it pointed at a tftp or ftp or ftps or http or https server to download a config?
20:14.32casnik(it's actually about 100 phones)
20:14.51dustybinNaikrovek: nothing at all, first im checking my dhcp server, make sure it can give out addresses
20:15.08dustybinNaikrovek: this is first time i have switched it on
20:15.20*** join/#asterisk Micc (
20:15.22dustybini have the main menu up now, the time 12:00 is flashing
20:15.25*** join/#asterisk gabri-shatana (n=shatana@
20:15.50dustybinok dhcp server is running
20:15.56dustybini need to google a guide
20:15.56casnikoh crap ... gabri-shatana is back ... hide the lettuce
20:16.12Naikrovekdustybin: okay.  do you have an asterisk system already setup
20:16.17gabri-shatanai hate lettucce
20:16.28casnikwe know ...
20:16.50dustybinNaikrovek: yes, i need to setup a sip.conf for it first
20:16.57gabri-shatanaEnter your USERNAME to connect to the 'asterisk' database:
20:17.06gabri-shatanawhat is it?
20:17.31Gokee2Morning all, anyone feel like helping me figure out why I can't receive incoming calls from sipgate but outgoing works fine?  sip.conf is at and my dialplan is thanks!
20:17.35Naikrovekdustybin: make sure you set up the time server or it'll continue to blink the time
20:17.42NaikrovekGokee2: nat?
20:17.55Gokee2Naikrovek, Ya, I have a ipcop gateway
20:18.04Naikroveki'm betting that's your problem
20:18.11gabri-shatanacasnik, ?
20:18.14dustybinhas a feeling this is going to take a _long_ time to setup
20:18.15Naikrovekit'll be the first place to look anyway
20:18.20Naikrovekdustybin: not that long
20:18.44casnikgabri-shatana, whatever you set it to?
20:18.45Gokee2I have it setup to forward UDP for 5060 and 10000-20000
20:18.54casnikgabri-shatana, root?
20:18.57gabri-shatanacasnik,  freepbx
20:19.00dustybinNaikrovek: instead of using tftp / ftp, cant i just put in the details on the phone, its only 1 phone
20:19.03gabri-shatanano isn't root
20:19.12Naikrovekdustybin: yes
20:19.27dustybinNaikrovek: i understand if i had a big network, but for just one phone...
20:19.33NaikrovekGokee2: cool, i believe those are the correct ports
20:19.45Naikrovekdustybin: you can probably forget about sip.conf altogether then
20:19.54Gokee2I am not real sure of where/what I should have in asterisk for nat stuff.  I have tried stuff in both extensions.conf and in sip.conf
20:20.15gabri-shatanacasnik, ?
20:20.24spckanyone get blocked callerid unmasking to work when not using a sip trunk?
20:20.50casnikgabri-shatana, I have no idea really .... I'm not the club pro
20:21.02gabri-shatanaok ty
20:21.20NaikrovekGokee2: turn on sip debugging and try to make an incoming call to your pbx.  then pastebin the result
20:21.22*** join/#asterisk toddejohnson (
20:21.27dustybinNaikrovek: can i display what ip address the phone is using from the menu?
20:21.41Gokee2Naikrovek, sip debugging?   That sounds handy....
20:21.42Naikrovekdustybin: from memory: uh.. menu, status, network, tcpip
20:21.51dustybinok thank
20:22.23[TK]D-Fendergabri-shatana: GUI's are NOT supported here <---
20:22.34Naikrovekdustybin: default User is Polycom (capital P) default passwd is 456
20:22.56casnikah so that is a php error?
20:22.58dustybinim in :-)
20:23.19Naikrovekdustybin: i don't remember the exact setting you need to touch, but get ready for a lot of waiting while the phone reboots
20:23.41Naikrovekdustybin: set the time server, set the sip server, set the extension and authoirization (password) and make it match what you have in asterisk
20:23.44dustybina lot of people say the web menu is cack, it looks good to me
20:23.57dustybinok :-)
20:24.15Naikrovekdustybin: it reboots every time you make a change; makes it a real serious pain in the fanny for any more than 1 phone
20:24.17dustybinim not sure if my time server is listening on my local address on my server
20:24.26dustybini see
20:24.41dustybini use ntpd on my server
20:24.50dustybinwill the phone look at that?
20:24.57Naikrovekif you tell it to
20:25.01[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: If you tell it to.
20:25.04Naikrovekyou have to tell it which server to pull time from it
20:25.11[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Ok, You get this one ;)
20:25.11Naikroveks/from it/from/
20:25.27Gokee2Naikrovek, I added "sip debug" into the file sip.conf. restarted asterisk and tried a test call but I don't see any useful messages in /var/log/asterisk/?
20:25.28Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: you take the harder problems like Gokee2's
20:25.41[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I wasted valuable keystrokes on capitalization & puntuatio :p
20:25.46Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: lol
20:25.52p3nguindustybin: lsof -i udp:123
20:26.07NaikrovekGokee2: sip debug is something you set up on the asterisk CLI
20:26.40[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, later all
20:26.46Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: laters
20:26.56*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k3 (
20:27.49darkdrgn2k3hey guys can any one help me figure out how to configure my nortel MCS voip account into asterisk?
20:27.51Gokee2Ok I did "CLI> sip set debug       SIP Debugging re-enabled"then tried a test call and got nothing.....   And now it just spouted something
20:28.08*** join/#asterisk thehar (
20:28.19NaikrovekGokee2: if you got nothing when you attempted to make a call, then something on your network is blocking the call from coming in
20:29.01dustybinphone is restarting
20:29.34Gokee2Ok, it has "From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as5a0b7316" that *should read my external ip right?  Which spot should I be setting nat on?  In sip.conf at the sipgate spot?
20:29.41dustybindo polycoms use linux?
20:29.57Naikroveki doubt it
20:29.59dustybinembedded linux
20:30.14casnikno they boot too slow
20:31.19dustybinTIME WORKS!!!!
20:31.33Naikroveki don't understand the linux fascination with boot time.  a decent operating system boots maybe twice a year
20:31.42Naikroveka decent unix operating system, rather
20:31.44casnikNaikrovek, I was just playin
20:31.54Naikroveki know but some people really do care how fast linux boots
20:31.57casnikthat is true
20:32.16Gokee2Naikrovek, I think its mostly those strange people who like to turn there computers off
20:32.16dustybinthere are 2 menus  SIP  LINES
20:32.18casnika bad kernel config can take forever to boot
20:32.42p3nguinMore accurately, a bad kernel won't boot at all.
20:32.42dustybinright i see
20:32.47dustybini can have 2 lines on this phone
20:32.47casnikor that
20:33.03Naikrovekdustybin: yes by default the polycoms have two lines, and can handle two calls per line
20:33.31Gokee2Naikrovek, So it has things like "Contact: <sip:asterisk@>"  thats never gonna work right?  I mean there is no way to get back to my system....
20:34.35dustybinwhat transport method should i specify: DNSaptr ?
20:34.41dustybinnever heard of that..
20:35.01Naikroveki'm not sure what to say until you get your network config up and running.  if your asterisk system isn't seeing the incoming calls then i can't diagnose asterisk problems
20:35.04dustybinTCPpreferred sounds better
20:35.04Naikrovekdustybin: that's fine
20:35.11Naikrovekdustybin: DNSaptr
20:35.15dustybinaye ok
20:35.39Naikrovekset the server to your asterisk server, uh.. i can't remember all the settings.  let me poke around on my phone.
20:35.52darkdrgn2k3anyone, help me configure outbound routes for my MCS SIP?
20:36.30dustybinI have filled in all the Identification bit
20:36.46Naikrovekdustybin: fill in your server and port for the server 1 and the outbound proxy
20:36.47dustybinon the Server part, i have specified the asterisk server and port
20:37.29Naikrovekokay and in the lines section fill in the username and password you have set up on your asterisk server, if you have them
20:38.46dustybinrestarting phone
20:39.15Naikrovekit should come up and be visible in 'show sip peers' in asterisk if you've set everything up properly
20:39.27dustybinNaikrovek: i need to edit the lines section, then restart again!
20:39.30casnikMMO TIME!
20:39.33dustybini just did the server section
20:39.39Naikrovekdustybin: hehe see?  not so convenient
20:39.43*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
20:39.55Naikrovekonly gotta reboot once if you set it up in the config files
20:39.58dustybinNaikrovek: seems odd why its designed like that..
20:40.11Naikrovekany more than one phone and config file is a necessity
20:40.21gabri-shatanai have a voip in number
20:40.25*** join/#asterisk jlnt (
20:40.27gabri-shatanai want to use it for control my p
20:40.43gabri-shatanaif i call and i press 2 something happens
20:40.59p3nguinI think this was already covered.
20:41.04lowtekgabri-shatana: Your question was answered this morning gabri, use the System() command and RTFM
20:41.11p3nguinSeems like deja vu.
20:41.41jlntquick question
20:41.45Naikrovekask it
20:41.49jlntI know this is an asterisk now question
20:42.02jlntbut how do I set DIDs for Dahdi channels now
20:42.52jlntI tried using the Zap Channel DIDs
20:42.53Naikrovekjlnt: maybe ask in freepbx
20:43.08Naikrovekjlnt: i've done this but i don't know the details atm
20:43.27*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
20:43.40jlntit's seems kinda tricky now :P
20:44.11wcselbythere's an asterisk-gui channel\
20:44.16dustybini have communication :D
20:44.20dustybin[Sep 14 21:43:55] NOTICE[30612]: chan_sip.c:20032 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
20:44.22darkdrgn2k3every one is dead in -gui
20:44.22wcselbyas in, #asterisk-gui
20:44.46wcselbyah well, I can't help you either way
20:45.15Naikrovekwcselby: you're thinking #asterisknow
20:45.35dmzhey y'all, if i have a sip client that doesn't have a "transfer" button, how can i transfer a call back into another extension
20:45.53Naikrovekdustybin: do you have a 'host' line in your extension config
20:46.02wcselbyasteriskNow just uses the asterisk-gui as a front end for asterisk, I thought.  that's why I suggested #asterisk-gui (which I've been to before and gotten an answer)
20:46.12Naikrovekwcselby: they use freepbx
20:46.19Naikrovekwcselby: since asterisknow v 1.5
20:46.32wcselbyoh well, I don't use either
20:46.39wcselbyi tried using the gui, it broke my asterisk :P
20:46.51wcselbyi didn't spend a lot fo time trying to make it work after that
20:47.59Naikrovekwcselby: really?  i find it much easier to use freepbx on systems that have it.
20:48.13wcselbyi haven't tried freepbx yet
20:48.56wcselbyi meant I tried installing asterisk-gui and I couldn't get it to work the way i wanted, and my system stopped responding the way i wanted, so I uninstalled it and just use the config files now instead of gui
20:49.06wcselbyi may give freepbx a try with my next install
20:49.06Naikrovekwcselby: yeah fair enough
20:49.14darkdrgn2k3whats the defautl l/p for freepbx?
20:49.23infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
20:49.32wcselbysorry I don't know
20:49.34Naikrovekwcselby: freepbx has a lot of pretty nice features built in
20:49.45wcselbythat's what I've heard
20:49.47Naikrovekdarkdrgn2k3: freepbx/fpbx i think
20:50.02Naikroveki should stop answering those questions in here
20:50.18darkdrgn2k3Naikrovek: just curious.. im not really using freepbx
20:52.50darkdrgn2k3ok is there any way to test an outbound sip trunk without logging in?
20:52.53*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (n=some@
20:53.21gabri-shatana[Sep 14 22:53:08] NOTICE[2427]: chan_sip.c:16929 reload_config: Unable to load config sip.conf
20:53.24gabri-shatanawhat mean?
20:53.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:53.46darkdrgn2k3gabri-shatana: that your sip.conf is missing or invalid?
20:53.53gabri-shatanai check
20:54.01Naikrovekgabri-shatana: missing, incorrect permissions, or locked for reading somehow
20:56.45Naikrovekgabri-shatana: is that your sip.conf
20:56.54dustybin[Sep 14 21:56:29] NOTICE[30612]: chan_sip.c:20032 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
20:57.09dustybinsip:  <-- that looks wrong
20:57.19Naikrovekdustybin: yeah it does.
20:57.40gabri-shatanaNaikrovek,  where's the error?
20:57.49Naikrovekgabri-shatana: i don't know
20:58.12Naikrovekis ; the comment character for asterisk config files?
20:58.35dustybinthere is a server section > outbound proxy > server 1 > server 2
20:58.41gabri-shatanawhat's the command to restart asterisk?
20:58.51dustybinthere is a line section > identification > server 1 > server 2
20:59.03Naikrovekgabri-shatana: asterisk -rx "module reload"
20:59.10p3nguingabri-shatana: oddly, "restart" will do it.
20:59.17Naikrovekdustybin: on your phone?
20:59.23dustybinin the web menu
20:59.30*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
20:59.48Naikrovekdustybin: address = your extension under line config
20:59.53gabri-shatana[Sep 14 22:59:45] NOTICE[2427]: chan_sip.c:16929 reload_config: Unable to load config sip.conf
21:00.07Naikrovekdustybin: authid = your extension also
21:00.27Naikroveklabel = what the phone shows next to the phone icon
21:00.48Naikrovekgabri-shatana: is the file readable by root or whomever you're running asterisk as?
21:00.52gabri-shatanadebian-server:/etc/asterisk# ls -ld /etc/asterisk /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
21:00.52gabri-shatanadrwxr-xr-x 3 asterisk asterisk 4096 14 set 22:57 /etc/asterisk
21:00.52gabri-shatana-rw-r----- 1 root     root      422 14 set 22:57 /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
21:01.07Naikrovekgabri-shatana: use a pastebin from now on, but i see your issue
21:01.16gabri-shatanapermission problem?
21:01.26Naikrovekgabri-shatana: chmod asterisk.asterisk /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
21:01.39gabri-shatanachmod: invalid mode: `asterisk.asterisk'
21:01.46raden_workis there a click to call interface anyone can recomend for windows ?
21:01.55Naikrovekgabri-shatana: sorry, meant chown
21:01.56p3nguinchown asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
21:01.59Naikrovekgabri-shatana: not chmod
21:02.04Naikrovekthank you p3nguin
21:02.29gabri-shatananow sip work
21:02.53gabri-shatanaSystem() is a functio?
21:03.00KingDavidNYCHi, anybody please can give me some light as to what files I need to upload to a polycom phone, please?
21:03.30KingDavidNYC... and where can I find those files
21:03.46NaikrovekKingDavidNYC: download firmware, it has those files
21:04.53KingDavidNYCwhere?.. as far as I know, you need to be a dealer to download the files from polycom
21:05.02Naikrovekhaha no
21:05.10Naikrovekwhat model of phone do you have
21:07.15wcselbyanyone ever seen this error -  ERROR[9941]: utils.c:966 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
21:07.25*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:07.29wcselbyit happens after an agi call, sometimes
21:07.43KingDavidNYCNaikrovek: wow man, that's owesome tip
21:07.44Naikrovekwcselby: nope
21:07.58NaikrovekKingDavidNYC: read the docs and you'll be a polycom expert in no time
21:08.19KingDavidNYCNaikrovec: thank you man
21:08.59wcselbyi can save that error for another day
21:09.16wcselbydoesn't seem to be having a negative effect on the pbx
21:09.58NaikrovekKingDavidNYC: no problem
21:11.04dustybingrrr my lines keep on defaulting back to old settings after i submit a save
21:11.41p3nguinYou should probably configure the files and stick them on the tftpd.
21:12.24p3nguinYou've already spent far more time in the phone than you would have in a text editor.
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21:14.10Naikrovekyes, p3nguin is right on that.  download the firmware and look at the sample files
21:14.40p3nguinIt's really not that much work even if you do have only one phone.
21:14.42Naikrovekthen change 000000000000.cfg to match your phone mac address, and just set everything up.  when that's all done, reset the phone to forget its config (it's in the menu)
21:15.13wcselbyadios folks
21:23.16*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
21:23.20raden_workour caller ID from vitelity never has a 1 preceding it which makes callback a PITA is there a way to fix this ?
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21:23.56p3nguinraden_work: You know why there is no 1 on it?
21:24.32raden_worki do not
21:24.37p3nguinraden_work: 1 isn't part of the phone number.  But yes, there are two ways you can fix it.
21:24.45lowtekraden_work: It's not a matter of fixing, nothing is broke.  Just use Dial(...${EXTEN:1}...) to trim off the preceeding 1.
21:24.47raden_workthat would make sense
21:25.30p3nguinraden_work: You can either modify your outgoing dial plan to add put a 1 on the front of 10-digit numbers when you dial, or you could modify the incoming caller ID to add a 1 on the front of it.  The former is the preferred method.
21:25.49raden_worknow this presents other issues
21:26.03raden_workour one provider has a 1 in front of the number on caller is
21:26.04p3nguinWhat issue?
21:26.25p3nguinTell them to fix it, because that's wrong.
21:26.44p3nguin1 is an access number, just like 00 is an access number for a lot of international calling.
21:27.00lowtekraden_work: vitelity sends 10-digit caller id's.
21:27.15p3nguinThat's what he said already.
21:27.22raden_workcallcentric and broadvoice i get 11
21:27.24hescoWhen one party hangs up on a Bridg()'d conversation, is there any sort of feedback?  I'm getting BRIDGERESULT=SUCCESS when the connection is made.  What happens later?  'NoOp(Our Bridge() result is: ${BRIDGERESULT})' is yielding me: 'Our Bridge() result is: '
21:27.48p3nguinraden_work: Your DID from broadvoice has a 1 on the front?
21:27.57lowtekJust add a 1 ... what's the big deal? Am I missing something?
21:27.59p3nguinraden_work: I mean, the caller ID on that DID.  Sorry.
21:28.31raden_workp3nguin, yeah
21:28.37raden_workbroadvox sorry
21:28.48p3nguinraden_work: Like I said, the preferred method is to allow both 10 and 11 digit dial.
21:29.13raden_workp3nguin, ill play with my dial plan
21:29.22p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@yourprovider)
21:29.28p3nguinexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/1${EXTEN}@yourprovider)
21:29.37raden_workthank you :)
21:29.47Naikrovekp3nguin knows what he's talking about
21:29.55p3nguinModify according to your priorities if you need to.
21:29.57hescohow do I tell the dialplan when a Bridge()'d connection is broken by one of the parties to the call?  Is there some Channel Veriable I'm missing?
21:30.31Naikrovekdustybin: there ya go
21:30.40dustybinTHANKS FOR YOUR HELP :)
21:30.42Naikroveknow set up a meetme conference and see if you can connnect to it
21:32.05dustybinit works perfectly!
21:32.11dustybinexcellent sound quality
21:32.25Naikrovekone of the advantages of polycoms, they sound great
21:32.40Naikrovekeven the speakerphone is awesome on those
21:32.53Naikrovekand you can set them up for paging & intercom as well
21:33.05dustybinpeople are sleeping, but im going to test the ring tone
21:33.15Naikroveksleeping?  where are you
21:33.38dustybinat home
21:33.43Naikrovekhar har
21:33.43voipmonkon the mothership
21:33.48NaikrovekUK nice
21:34.09*** join/#asterisk garymc (
21:35.44garymcIf i wanted to just use my asterisk box to make calls through the internet, do i need some sort of telco plan to make calls to normal PSTN lines?
21:36.03Naikrovekgarymc: yes.  but normal lines are POTS lines.  PSTN = voip
21:36.11infobothmm... pstn is Public Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
21:36.12garymcoh sorry
21:36.21Naikrovekoh wait maybe i'm wrong
21:36.37p3nguinPSTN is mostly the same as POTS.
21:36.40NaikrovekI always thought PSTN = packet switched telephone network.  POTS = plain old telephone service
21:36.54p3nguinpublic switched telephone network
21:36.54Naikrovekgarymc: nevermind me then
21:36.57garymcI was just trying to understand how that would work
21:37.07Naikrovekgarymc: but yes you gotta have service, or a LOT of dundi peers
21:37.22p3nguinraden_work: I even allow 7-digit dial for local numbers.  You'll probably want to configure that, too.  If you are in area code 314, for example, you can use something like the following:  exten => _NXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/1314${EXTEN}@yourprovider)
21:37.31garymcWho provides that service? I thought the asterisk box did all that for you some how?
21:37.52raden_workp3nguin, thanks :)
21:38.01Naikrovekgarymc: that would be a voice provider.  there are some really super cheap ones, and there are some good ones, some are both i think
21:38.06p3nguingarymc: Make calls... as opposed to make and receive them?
21:38.24garymclike gives you a telephone number etc?
21:38.38Naikrovekgarymc: yes.   infobot knows but i forgot the keyword
21:38.42p3nguingarymc: To get a phone number, you'll need what's called a DID.
21:39.03p3nguingarymc: To make calls, you need what's known as termination.
21:39.11garymcAnd id purchase that from say BT - Then they would charge me to make and recieve calls
21:39.21garymcthrought voip
21:39.21p3nguingarymc: The two are mutually exclusive.
21:39.46p3nguingarymc: You can get a free DID, but it won't be a local phone number.
21:39.51Naikrovekyou're just confusing the question i think p3nguin
21:39.53garymcIm going with ISDN for now , but im just curious incase i had to switch in future
21:40.12p3nguinnaikrovek: hmm?
21:40.39Naikrovekp3nguin: he just wants to know what it takes to get a fully functioning telephone
21:40.40garymcso i suppose its still pretty expensive to set all that up?
21:40.46p3nguinLet's try this a different way.
21:40.46Naikrovekgarymc: no
21:40.53p3nguingarymc: Do you want to receive calls?
21:40.59p3nguingarymc: Do you want to make outgoing calls?
21:41.02garymccos id need a good Broadband connection: Thats costs alot of cash where my office is
21:41.13garymcp3nguin both
21:41.20p3nguinThen you need a DID and termination.
21:41.46Naikroveka DID (phone number) costs like $1/month with termination service
21:41.52p3nguinYou can get termination (outgoing calls) from for as low as 1.04 cents per minute.
21:41.59Naikrovekyes it's pretty cheap
21:42.13garymcok im in the uk though, im sure it costs more
21:42.21p3nguinYou can get a free DID from, but it won't be a local number.
21:42.37p3nguinoh, that makes things a little different.
21:43.16p3nguinI'm not familiar with any UK providers at all.
21:43.34garymcyeah me neither lol
21:43.47Naikrovekmaybe dustybin knows
21:43.47garymcIm using BT the main ones for our ISDN30
21:43.51Naikrovekhe's from the UK
21:59.24raden_workis threre any click to dial apps anyone can recomend for windows ? that would work with browser, groupwise, and quickbooks.
22:00.04p3nguin  maybe?
22:01.30drmessanoBrowser, groupwise, and quickbooks
22:02.02drmessanoI didnt know we had app_quickbooks working yet
22:02.09Qwelldrmessano: 1.6.3
22:02.32drmessanoI was getting tired of app_msmoney
22:03.02*** join/#asterisk profXavier (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/neverblue)
22:03.17drmessanoraden_work: May I ask you a question?
22:05.42profXavierwhen someone calls out, their phone works fine, when someone calls them, it goes directly into voicemail.  looking at * I get this error: "Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '5239fdfb15d20e5153a2f7365ce2ea4d at'. Giving up"
22:06.16NaikrovekprofXavier: phones configured for "nat=yes" ?
22:06.53raden_workdrmessano, yes  ..
22:07.14profXavierNaikrovek: yes, nat=yes
22:07.20NaikrovekprofXavier: okay
22:07.27profXaviershould it be ?
22:08.15raden_workdrmessano, we make tons of calls so either a click to dial for just a browser  or all of it would even be better
22:08.15NaikrovekprofXavier: yes, probably.  can you turn on SIP debugging, make an incoming call that would incorrectly go to voicemail, then paste the log into a pastebin please?
22:08.30dweryhello. is there a way to have an hint extension to monitor the status of a DAHDI channel?
22:08.39Naikrovekraden_work: there are those for outlook, and some Jabber IM programs if you have that all set up properly
22:09.00profXavierhow can you see the current level of debugging set ?
22:09.11*** part/#asterisk kb3ien (
22:09.39raden_workprofXavier, like sip debugging ?
22:09.43NaikrovekprofXavier: "asterisk -r"  if you see a ton of stuff fly by (not just colored stuff) then it's probably on.  if you only see activity when calls are made/received it's not on
22:09.45hescogarymc: you want an ITSP
22:09.51infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
22:10.02Naikrovekhesco: he's gone i think
22:10.09profXavierNaikrovek: roger that, ill do what you said
22:10.25raden_worksip set debug on
22:10.27NaikrovekprofXavier: i'm going AFK, but lots of folks in here can help you.
22:10.27raden_worksip set debug off
22:10.34raden_workcore set verbose #
22:10.43raden_workNaikrovek, later
22:11.11hescosorry, should have finished catching up on the scroll buffer I guess, before I posted.
22:11.13KingDavidNYCraden_work: I am very good at click-to-call apps.. anything you need, just let me know
22:11.18hescothought I had reached the end
22:11.51raden_workKingDavidNYC, quickbooks ?
22:13.31KingDavidNYCI've done for outlook
22:13.49KingDavidNYCbut dont see why not
22:14.50KingDavidNYCis quickbooks tapi compliant?
22:15.28drmessanoHow does quickbooks apply?
22:16.06jasonwoot~quickbooks is hot
22:16.07infobotokay, jasonwoot
22:16.27jasonwootlol, I can update the bot?
22:16.29drmessanoquickbooks is the new sexy telephony frontend, apparently
22:18.03drmessanoScrew deskphones, softphones, and PIM integration, Quickbooks is poised to replace BearShare as the #1 telephony app
22:19.10jasonwootcan you restrict infobot so that it only responds in certain channels, and doesn't allow updates?
22:19.53drmessanoinfobot, can you be contained, yo?
22:20.03drmessanoinfobot: can you be contained, yo?
22:20.24drmessanoHe said "Bitch, please", I do believe
22:20.36drmessano~slap infobot
22:20.37infobotACTION slaps infobot, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
22:20.47infobotTo understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
22:20.59profXavierok, here is my pastebin -->
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22:31.00profXavierI just logged in under the user's account on my softphone and its working
22:31.12profXaviermust be something on his PC
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22:32.49raden_workKingDavidNYC, i would presume sooo because it works with outlook like click on a address to email out of outlook from quickbooks
22:33.45Qwellraden_work: that would be standard URI handling...
22:33.59raden_workQwell, sorry
22:34.05raden_workKingDavidNYC, still around ?
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22:42.35KingDavidNYCraden_work: big difference.  I would assume quickbooks uses the the net framework to pull info from outlook
22:42.57KingDavidNYCraden_work: in any case, anything tapi, just let me know
22:43.19*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (i=jetlag@
22:43.25thx2000I've got a couple soft phones connecting in via SIP through a PPTP VPN tunnel on a pfsense firewall.  I've tried just about every config option I can throw at it.  Sometimes it will work and sometimes it wont.  Dialing internal apps works fine (VM, Conferences, other extensions), however dialing and receiving calls from a trunk fails probably 65% of the time
22:43.27thx2000Any Ideas?
22:48.32p3nguinIs that normal, to have your phones connecting on a VPN?
22:51.15thx2000It's a decent way to avoid nat, add some security and permit multiple services to a roadwarrior
22:53.46*** join/#asterisk ebroad (n=EB@
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22:54.32p3nguinSo it was more to permit a full solution for a portable client, as opposed to simply trying to contain the voice traffic within an encrypted channel?
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22:58.27scunizip3nguin: using vpn makes the phone think it's connected from within the lan of the server and avoids firewall issues. on both ends.
22:58.27thx2000A little of both, however security was not as big of a concern.
22:59.38thx2000If security was a primary concern, I wouldn't have gone w/ PPTP, but regardless it's still better than raw sip
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23:31.01KingDavidNYCanybody please help me program this polycom phone :(
23:31.33KingDavidNYCI cant figure out why it says "url call is disabled"
23:32.01retentiveboyAnyone using the Access-URL SIP header to make Polycom phones load a XML page when a call comes in?  Wondering if it's possible before I spend too much time on it :)
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23:34.26retentiveboyKingDavidNYC: Are you configuring the phone from the keypad or what?
23:37.19KingDavidNYCretentiveboy: no man, from the web site... actually I am doing a "standalone" provisioning
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23:37.57KingDavidNYCretentiveboy: I dont get it, I have network access on that phone
23:38.10retentiveboyKingDavidNYC: Sorry, I've only ever set them up to load configs on boot from m y * machine.
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23:39.18NaikrovekKingDavidNYC: yes you can configure them to dial SIP urls
23:39.18Naikrovekbut it's been a while since I've done it
23:39.25NaikrovekI think the default behavior is to dial SIP URLS
23:39.31Naikroveklike, before ANY config
23:39.55KingDavidNYCNaikrovek: I just wanted it to register to an asterisk server
23:40.01Naikrovekthat is easier
23:40.05dweryanyone has mwi working on the thomson st2030?
23:40.48KingDavidNYCNaivkrovek: thanks to a doc you gave me, I found how to do the "standalone" programming from the web
23:41.05NaikrovekKingDavidNYC: cool.  pointing it toward an asterisk server is easier than doing standalone i think
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23:41.20KingDavidNYCbut I dont know why the heck it is not sending anything to the server
23:41.28KingDavidNYCthe ip is correct
23:41.46retentiveboyIf you were using configs on the server, we could look at the :)
23:42.03retentiveboys/at the/at them/
23:42.29KingDavidNYCthank you, but I am using configs
23:44.09KingDavidNYCwhat does transport=Naptr means?
23:44.10*** join/#asterisk DrukenLPY (n=jdumais@
23:45.33retentiveboyThe default sip.cfg has voIpProt.server.1.transport="DNSnaptr".  I've not overridden that and mIne work.
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23:46.37dweryIt seems that the "sip:sip" bug in the mwi notifications is still there: To: <sip:sip:200@;user=phone>;tag=c0a80101-2de3
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23:53.11KingDavidNYCretentiveboy: on the keypad, sip configuration, server, I have as only options for transport: naptr, tcp only, udp only
23:53.59*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.