IRC log for #asterisk on 20090908

00:04.40*** join/#asterisk Druken (n=jdumais@
00:04.45Drukenevening everyone
00:04.57Drukenanyone actually around currently?
00:05.17Draegonthink they all out cooking
00:06.09Drukenwhat is the current stable any idea? it's been a very long time.. hehe my production server is still 1.2.23
00:07.02Draegonnot sure, i'm kinda new, had someone built a dial plan for me, they went on vacation so trying to figure it out myself >< lol
00:07.22Drukenoh, did you pastebin it?
00:09.30Drukenwell, if there was something you didn't understand, you can paste the dialplan in a pastebin (program online that allows you to paste stuff for others to see)
00:10.07Drukenthat way we can see what you have, and can give you a fix, or at least a hint of what's going on hopefully
00:10.32Draegoni kinda understand it, but trying to add a feature to bridge 2 incoming call
00:10.37Draegonso i dont have the code for it, lol
00:11.38Drukendefine bridge two incoming calls
00:12.02Drukenyou mean like connect the two so they can talk, like a dating service sorta thing?
00:12.19Draegonright now, someone call in, it put them on hold then call a list of numbers
00:12.45Draegoni want to make it so that instead of calling a list of number, leave them on hold, then have someone else call in, type in a code
00:12.56Draegonnow i have the 2 channel stored in the database
00:13.06Draegonhow do i bridge those 2 call so they talk to each other
00:13.42Draegonthere is parking, meetme, parking has timeout, not sure if it will cause any problem. i read there was a bridge command
00:13.52Draegonbut i cant seem to locate detail on it. lol
00:14.18Draegonyeah, kinda like dating service knowing the 2 channel
00:14.53Drukenhow do you intend on knowing the second channel?
00:15.11Drukenand how does the second person know to call in and receive the call?
00:15.13Draegonon the first channel, i store a password + the channel
00:15.21Draegonthen when they call in, i ask them to key in the password
00:15.50Draegonthen i chekc the database for the password, to get the first channel, i am processing the 2nd channel
00:16.09Draegonhow do i join the 2. i got it to do the password, verify password and everything, i just dont know how to join the 2, lol
00:16.14wonderworldi wanto to continue in the dialplan after a user has left a voicemail. is that possible at all?
00:16.28Draegon2nd person get a page sent to him, with the password
00:16.55Draegoni think you have to look at deadagi wonderworld
00:17.36wonderworldlike running voicemail from agi and using deadagi to go on afterwards?
00:17.40DrukenDraegon: i'm sorta missing the link, sorry... perhaps if you can explain what it's gonna be used for i can have a better understanding
00:18.01Draegonyeah, i was reading for past few day, deadagi allow you to execute while no call exist (after they hang up)
00:18.05Drukenwonderworld: yeah you can have the dialplan continue after the user hangs up
00:18.07Draegoni just dont know how it work ;)
00:18.10Drukenjust don't remember how
00:18.24wonderworldyes, i did that before....
00:18.27wonderworldgood idea
00:18.38wonderworldbut i am not sure how to send a user into voicemail from agi
00:19.07Draegonright now, someone call in, press 1, it send out a page + call the person. i can make it so it just hold there, and send the page
00:19.13Draegonthe page will have a password
00:19.24wonderworldthe thing is..... asterisk needs to place a call to a nurse after someone has left a voicemail and must play it to her
00:19.32Draegonthe person receive the page, will get instruction to call in and type the password
00:19.44Draegonwith that password, i'll be able to find out what channel the other guy is on
00:19.58Draegonso now i just need to bridge this channel to that channel
00:20.03wonderworldmaybe a shell-script would be more simple....
00:20.26Draegonyeah shell script
00:20.31Draegoncheck if voicemail exist
00:20.38Draegonthen call and just crobtab it
00:20.57wonderworldthere is a dialplan function for checking for voicemail, right?
00:21.30wonderworldthanks a lot guys
00:21.35manxpowerI think it's set by MailboxExists
00:21.49Draegona=`grep "$chan" /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/multi_dir/$vm/{INBOX,Old}/*.txt 2>/dev/null`
00:21.53Draegonsomething like that...
00:22.24DrukenDraegon: why not instead of a password, just use an input to a meetme, and then page the meetme to the guy
00:22.30Drukenwould be a hell of alot easier
00:23.05Draegonim running this on a vps, trying to avoid meetme since i dont know how well the timing issue it will handle?
00:23.35Draegoni already ahve most thing, i just need a way to bridge 2 call, probably just need more reading, lol
00:23.48Drukenmanxpower: what's the current reccomended stable?
00:24.05manxpowerDruken: depends on who you ask
00:24.15Drukenwell, i asked YOU :)
00:24.43manxpower1.6.0.x if you don't have anything that requires 1.4.x
00:24.51Draegonyes! that one, lol how do i find out what version of asterisk i have? lol
00:25.02Drukenshow version on the cli
00:25.02Draegoni think i have 1.4
00:25.04manxpower"help" in the CLI
00:25.06wonderworldasterisk -r
00:25.18Draegonhah i try show ver
00:25.20Draegonearlier, lol
00:25.37Drukenmanxpower: i'm upgradding from 1.2.23.... what does that tell you?
00:25.50Draegoncrap only 1.4, is there a way to implement bridge from 1.6 to 1.4 or is upgrading the only way?
00:26.31wonderworldi spent two nights checking my setup for errors because i couldn't get a line out. telco told me everything was fine.
00:26.47wonderworldafter two days i called them again, they resetted the port and the line was up ;(
00:27.04geneticxHello everyone, I have a linksys sipura PAP2NA ATA and I currently have 2 phones plugged in and asterisk seems both as registered, but the ATA led light for line 2 is not on and I can't hear anything either if I pick up that line? anyone in here who had a similar problem?
00:27.08Draegonheh always the little thing
00:27.38Drukengeneticx: reset the entire adaptor, and reconfigure it
00:28.14Drukenmanxpower: do i still need to have the compiling source in /usr/src/asterisk ?
00:28.18geneticxDrunken: Ok ill try that right now..
00:28.50wonderworldthe PAP2T seems to be rather nice. it works great with a old fax-machine
00:28.56Drukeni've had that happen i don't know how many times... in my own personal experince, pap2's suck ass
00:29.08*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:29.08wonderworldthese boxes are still expensive
00:30.10wonderworldDruken: what adaptor would you reccomend?
00:30.47DraegonAsterisk 1.4.21 as packaged in Debian Lenny has backported support for
00:31.20Draegondoes that mean i can someone get bridge support on my 1.4.22?
00:31.25Drukenwonderworld: i don't use adaptors anymore... i do voip only
00:34.00wonderworldi need them for faxes most of the time. many people don't want to virtualize their faxes. i never get it, but they seem to be too used to oldschool faxing.
00:34.04Drukenwhy do i have a feeling i'm going to have to redo ALL my dialplans with this upgrade.... uhg,... haven't touched a dialplan in years
00:34.51Drukenyou'd be amazed on how many people ask me for my fax number.. i always tell them, don't have one. never worked right anyways... email it to me
00:35.09Druken9/10 i get an ok, no problem
00:36.27wonderworldhehe, MY fax isn't the problem but most of my customers don't want to trash theirs....
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00:37.24wonderworldwell... time to go to bed. thanks again for the help....gnight....
00:38.27Drukenfax is so old now anyways... how many times have ya seen someone print something off the computer, and shove it into the fax and down into the recycling bin?
00:41.58*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
00:42.01Orbixxhates fax with a passion
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00:42.57DrukenOrbixx: you sound very passionate about that
00:44.42OrbixxElectronic documents via email or nothing.
00:45.42OrbixxHow can I manipulate incoming callerid?
00:46.04Orbixxi.e. I want the callerid to be altered just before I drop the caller into a queue.
00:46.12KyleKset callerid?
00:46.13Drukenjust set it
00:46.36OrbixxIt's deprecated.
00:46.40Drukeni used to have to do that when i brought in analog lines, i had to prepend the area code
00:46.42manxpowerYou need to read The Book
00:46.45infobotfrom memory, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
00:46.56KyleKwhats deprecated
00:47.10KyleKOrbixx: these asterisk people change stuff around very slightly a lot
00:47.25KyleKset debug on vs. core set debug on
00:47.42manxpower1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
00:47.48Drukenmanxpower: have i a hope in hell on using any config from 1.2 in 1.6?
00:47.56manxpowerThat's why those Asterisk people include the UPGRADE files.
00:48.15KyleKgrep -i callerid UPGRADE*.txt? ;)
00:49.14geneticxDrunken: That did it. Thanks very much.
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00:49.59manxpowerDruken: There are two basic types of questions here.  The questions that could easily be answered by reading some docs.  Those questions tend to get the asker insulted in some way.  The other questions are for things that can't be easily found in the docs.
00:51.38Draegonhmm i have a .diff for bridge, i assume i have to run this thru a diff match program to replace the diff, and then recompile asterisk?
00:51.51Drukenmanxpower: yes, well, i've been demoted back to a newbie, since i haven't touched the system in years....
00:51.55OrbixxWhat's the new 'reload' in 1.6RC?
00:52.01Drukenforgive my forgetforness
00:52.18KyleKDruken: the old config is a good start but you'll probably have to make changes to each file
00:52.22Drukengeneticx: it work?
00:52.42geneticxDrunken: Yes sir, flawlessly. Thanks..
00:52.56KyleKDial(SIP/somewhere,20) in 1.6, is that Dial(SIP/somewhere|20) in 1.2?
00:53.28geneticxDrunken: it shouldn't really take a reset to add another phone but I understand... =D
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00:53.56Drukeni've had it do that after a couple days of operation
00:54.05Drukenand had to reset and reconfigure everything
00:55.30OrbixxKyleK: Correct.
00:56.54geneticxdevice seems to run a little too hot though ..
00:59.22KyleKhey has voicemailmain been replaced by anything? it's odbc support looks tacked on
01:00.02*** join/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
01:00.26Drukengeneticx: yeah, try to make sure it stands verticle
01:03.40coppiceall you need for good cooling is a sufficiently windy day
01:04.51geneticxDrunken: Ok..
01:05.01OrbixxCan anybody explain why Asterisk might be ignoring any following DTMF input after the first digit?
01:07.11*** join/#asterisk SirColin (
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01:08.04*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
01:08.46Draegondial = place call, ringing tone, bridge with current call
01:08.58Draegonis there a way to use that to bridge the first call to the current call?
01:10.15*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
01:10.38Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: Could I PM you for a little assistance, I think I have enough info for you to draw an immediate conclusion.
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01:17.37OrbixxMeh, I'll throw it out in the open.
01:17.44*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:19.08OrbixxI have a Background() directive which only ever accepts 1 digit, even though there are extensions in the context of more than one digit. Subsequently to hitting a digit, the user usually ends up in a queue with some MOH. If I call up and hit 1 single digit, everything goes as planned - however, if I call up and hit multiple digits, the first digit is only taken into account and the rest of the digits seem to execute after the user gets put into the qu
01:20.00OrbixxMy question is... Why? And how can I include consideration for extension numbers 2 digits long or more?
01:22.24Druken[Sep  7 21:22:14] WARNING[6647]: config.c:2010 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
01:23.08Drukensomeone feel like giving me a hint to which config file?? :)
01:23.29*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:28.43KyleKOrbixx: dont force that call to be just one digit?
01:28.45Draegonis it possible to do this? person A call in, i send him to an extension 8888. person B call in, i have that person pick up extension 8888 so now A is talking to B?
01:29.12OrbixxKyleK: It's not, Asterisk waits for more digits, but it doesn't take them into account even though they're dialled.
01:29.30KyleKDraegon: whats person A get to do while waiting for person B?
01:29.40Draegonmusic on hold?
01:29.53KyleKhmm that sounds like call parking
01:29.54Draegonand can press 1 to goto voicemail
01:30.15Draegonthere is a bridge command in 1.6
01:30.21Draegonbut im afraid to upgrade, lol
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01:31.15Draegonsupposely there is a backport in debian, but im not sure how to use it
01:32.03Draegonif i go the parking route, can A do the usual music on hold and voicemail if they dont want to wait?
01:32.30Draegoni see some discussion about joining 2 channel back in 2003, im surprise there isnt an easy way to do this
01:32.52*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
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02:13.39*** join/#asterisk rossand (
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02:16.07rossandI'm looking for information on setting up iptables to allow sip. I learned the hard way that port 5060 (UDP in my case) was not enough - it left me able to connect but with no sound in either direction. By chance does anyone mind sharing their iptables rule(s) for the extra ports? Thanks.
02:17.39drmessanoWhatever happened to cli_aliases?
02:23.33*** join/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
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02:31.10jayteerossand, try this out
02:32.05rossandjaytee: thanks. I was in the middle of testing them. Found 'em on google also. Thanks!
02:33.44rossandjaytee: FYI works great
02:37.03jayteedon't forget to do an iptables-save so you don't lose the changes after a reboot
02:37.07rossandThat was a strange problem to solve. Without ports 10000:20000, it fails silently - literally.
02:37.25rossandThanks. I did my changes in /etc/sysconfig/iptables (fedora box)
02:37.31jayteeyeah, 10000-20000 is for RTP which is the audio portion of the call
02:37.54rossandThere are no logs telling you "hey dude, I can't set up the audio for this call"
02:39.17jayteethat's where sip set debug on and setting a high level of verbosity on the command line helps
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03:04.40dlynesAnyone come across the bug in Asterisk, whereby it's trying to read /var/run/, instead of where /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf is telling it should be finding it?
03:06.42dlynesEven specifying -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf doesn't seem to help
03:08.46drmessano1.6.1.1 is old
03:09.03dlynes1.6.1.6 I meant
03:09.11dlynessorry for the confusion
03:09.48Draegonanyone know if it's possible ot bridge 2 channel without upgrading to 1.6?
03:10.33dlynesWeird...and it only happens when I don't specify -vvvvvvvvv
03:10.44Draegonor connect an incoming call to a call that is running already?
03:10.52dlynesDraegon: yes, it's done all the time
03:11.09dlynesDraegon: it's been possible since asterisk 1.0, I believe
03:11.28Draegoni cant seem to do it, how do i do it?
03:11.39dlynesDraegon: it's done automatically
03:11.51dlynesDraegon: perhaps you're not phrasing your question correctly?
03:11.59Draegonprobably, lol
03:12.02dlynesDraegon: what do you mean by 'bridging'?
03:12.17Draegoni have 2 incoming call, 1 is current waiting and in music on hold
03:12.34Draegonthe 2nd call coming in, i want it to talk to the first incoming call
03:13.17dlynesDraegon: ok, and are they related at all, in the dial plan?
03:13.18dlynesDraegon: i.e. how do you know to connect the two?
03:13.41Draegonthe first incoming call, i can put it on hold and save the channel or whatever info in the database
03:13.44Draegonwith a password
03:13.52dlynesDraegon: exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/2ndchannel) would usually do it if you want to bridge an incoming channel with an outgoing channel
03:14.02dlynesDraegon: assuming the incoming call is also sip
03:14.10Draegonthe 2nd incoming call, ivr will pick it up, ask them for a password, and when they type the password it, it check against the DB to get the channel
03:14.22dlynesDraegon: I don't know if asterisk is capable of bridging two calls using different technology yet
03:14.34Draegonyeah they both sip
03:15.13Draegonso i just need to do Dial(Sip/channeliwanttobridge) ?
03:16.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No, he wants to INBOUND calls to bridge
03:16.52[TK]D-FenderDraegon: "core show application meetme"
03:17.32dlynesDraegon: it's new as of Asterisk 1.6
03:18.14dlynesDraegon: I had mentioned dial woudl allow you to bridge inbound to outbound, not inbound to inbound
03:18.14Draegonyeah, i heard someone have a backport to 1.4, but i normally not good enough in linux so cant seem to figure it out
03:18.50Draegonwas trying to figure a way without upgrading to 1.6. i have a custom freepbx module that i use and afraid it might not work
03:19.08dlynesDraegon: if you don't want to upgrade all of your boxes to 1.6, just make sure they're upgraded to at least 1.4.24, so that they can still communicate with the 1.6 box properly
03:19.27Draegon[TK]D-Fender: which is better? parking or meetme?
03:19.47[TK]D-FenderDraegon: Depends on the circumstances about how you know which call to pick up.
03:22.01Draegonright now, my custom module developed by some guy, put the incoming call on hold while the system try to call a number for someone to pickup, then connect the call, during that time, they can press 1 to goto voicemail
03:22.31[TK]D-FenderDraegon: that isn't a 2nd INCOMING call.
03:22.44Draegonif i break the middle part, send it to meetme, wait for the 2nd incoming call to come in, would i still be able to send them to voicemail if they dont want to wait anymore?
03:22.46[TK]D-FenderDraegon: That is an OUTGOING call. Please get your story straight
03:22.56Draegonyes, currently it's outgoing
03:23.09dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I'm guessing the new Bridge app is a modified Meetme app?
03:23.11[TK]D-FenderDraegon: And you can already trell Dial to exit on DTMF.
03:23.43Draegon1 incoming, then an outgoing, im tryng to change it so that 1 incoming, an sms is sent out to get someone to call in, which would be 2 incoming
03:23.43[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Not quite.  It is a direct ad-hoc channel bridge given the way 1.6 got restructured
03:24.05[TK]D-FenderDraegon: How would the system know to match up the incoming to the 1st call?
03:24.31Draegonthe sms that is sent out would send information needed
03:24.43Draegonwhen the 2nd incoming call come in, i ask them to key in a password
03:24.55Draegonit match that password to locate where that meetme/parking is?
03:25.03[TK]D-FenderDraegon: Then use dynamic Meetme rooms <-
03:25.26Draegonohhh how does that work?
03:25.40[TK]D-FenderDraegon: "core show application meetme" <---------------------
03:26.44Draegonoh so first incoming, create a conference, send them in there with a pin setup, 2nd call send him directly to the meetme with a pin
03:26.51Draegonhmm i might not be able to code that >< lol
03:35.15Draegon[TK]D-Fender: do you know if asterisk 1.6 is production ready yet?
03:36.12[TK]D-FenderDraegon: 1.6.0 is quite mature, 1.6.1 could very well be.
03:38.16Draegonis it pretty given that my freepbx module on 1.4 wont work on 1.6? or it shouldnt matter?
03:38.41[TK]D-FenderDraegon: Depends on the module.
03:38.52[TK]D-FenderDraegon: And this isn't #freepbx
03:40.03Draegonok, thanks
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03:47.07phix[TK]D-Fender: what's with asterisk having namespaces on their interactive console now
03:47.22[TK]D-Fenderphix: ?
03:47.38phixyou need to put core infront of things that were just refered to without the vore
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03:48.18[TK]D-Fenderphix: Changed quite a while back.  Allows modules to prefix commands more clearly.
03:49.06phixyeah, I supose
03:50.24dlynesI like the new timestamp feature...much more useful than before
03:50.36dlynesThey should've had that feature a long time ago
03:50.49dlynesLike in v1.0 or something
03:51.35dlynesIs there a way to override where asterisk is looking for and asterisk.ctl?
03:52.42dlyneshrm is now
03:52.52dlyneserm i mean
03:53.40Draegon[TK]D-Fender: if my current AGI script is handling incoming call #2, can i send incoming call #1 that is in a music on hold state in another channel to the Meetme at that time when call #2 is coming in and i am processing it? (i might not be wording this right)
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03:54.41[TK]D-FenderDraegon: AMI Redirect <-
03:56.53Draegonok thanks, going to read up on it
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04:19.44s0lidanyone tried to interconnect asterisk with mera?
04:20.58[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Google seems to think so
04:21.31[TK]D-Fenderloves it when people ask questions that are longer to type for us than it is to get an answer from Google...
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04:28.28phixgoogle is inpersonal though
04:28.34phixthere isn't a connection you get like on IRC
04:28.48phixthen again most ppl on IRC are fuckwits and tell you to google any way, but hey :)
04:28.56[TK]D-Fenderphix: Yeah... Google can't tell you "fuck off you lazy bastard" :p
04:30.07drmessanoReally now?
04:31.21[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: that isn't goolge telling you that personally...
04:31.38[TK]D-Fendergoes to register ""
04:33.34KyleKphix: jfgi is the new "not me/dunno"
04:35.31[TK]D-FenderKyleK: I count jfgi as my "foylb" :)  Frankly some dimwits in here want you to retype entire pages of the fucking BOOK that some great people wrote and even handed out for free, just because they want someone to do it by HAND line by line for them
04:36.08phix[TK]D-Fender: heh
04:36.15[TK]D-FenderKyleK: So am I going to recite it for them?  NO, I'm thinking a personal delivery is in order.... in a Jason Bourne kinda way....
04:36.31phixrestart requried
04:39.47s0lid[TK]D-Fender: i would love to if he has na answer
04:40.34phixwho is Jason Bourne?
04:42.35[TK]D-Fenderphix: IMMINENTLY GOOGLE-ABLE
04:43.29phixI know :)
04:43.39phixI was seeing if I could break you
04:43.48phixor make you crack, wathever
04:43.57[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his katana...
04:45.25drmessanoWell, I didnt expect a sort of spanish inquisition
04:45.39carrarYou got spanish out of katana?
04:45.59drmessanoOUR CHIEF WEAPON IS TFOT
04:46.13carrarMy name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father
04:46.13drmessanoGOOGLE AND TFOT
04:46.22carrarprepare to die!
04:46.29carrarprepair even
04:46.41NuggetNumber eight: The Larch
04:47.58drmessanoNugget: Win
04:48.42drmessanoCARDINAL FANG
04:48.51drmessanoBRING ME.. THE SOFT CUSHIONS
04:51.45p3nguin[tk]d-fender: What's funny is that goolge is registered to google.
04:57.04phixNugget: monty python?
04:57.27Nuggetnaturally.  gotta pull out the Big Guns to hang with drmessano
04:57.48phixdcc me some eps
04:58.44phixso, how about that asterisk ay
05:00.20drmessanophix: I try to avoid EPS, I find TIFF files far more enjoyable
05:00.58phixdrmessano: heh, xvid :)
05:02.09drmessanoReminds me of one of the biggest clusterdouche head implosions I ever experienced..   Had to send a station logo to a print shop to get some shirts made.  I sent them the 8MB TIFF we had, and they insisted they couldn't use it.. they needed an EPS on a 100MB MAC formatted ZIP Disk
05:02.31drmessanoI had to start sniffing glue again to get my mind past it
05:03.02[TK]D-Fendermakes a note to self... drmessano was sniffing glue BEFORE as well...
05:04.30Draegonhey guys, i have an phpagi script, i made it so that when i call in, i enter a password, then it park me, but after that the system hang up on me, how do i tell it to play music on hold and make that parking wait there until i tell another script to pick it up?
05:04.57drmessanoI would break it to it gently
05:08.36*** join/#asterisk maour (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
05:08.50phixI need a tribble
05:09.10[TK]D-Fenderphix: My mother has one... it purrs & all that..
05:09.11drmessanoI want a damn furby
05:09.26drmessanoI had one of those little bastards once
05:09.29phixdrmessano: ppfftt, tribble are way better than furbys
05:09.42drmessanophix: Have you ever owned a furby?
05:09.47phix[TK]D-Fender: ummm was that a metaphor?
05:10.08phixdrmessano: why the hell would I when tribbles exist!
05:10.08[TK]D-Fenderphix: No, one of those battery-operated tribbles....
05:10.19phixbattery-operated ay
05:11.26drmessanoYou're out of your element, phix
05:11.35drmessanoVladimir Ilyich Lenin!!
05:13.02drmessanoFurby's were awesome.. they were harder to shut up than a 6 yr old.. Duct tape, staples, screaming, short bursts with an oxy-acetylene torch... All the things you do to a kid, but the Furby is completely unfazed
05:13.09phixI need to shit, BRB
05:18.17[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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05:29.02psiforcehey russell, you alive atm?
05:30.33TJNIII remember furbies.  I put red LEDs behind the eyes of mine.  Made the little creepy furry thing that much more creepy.
05:45.35maour_isn't this correct ? exten => s,n,Set(COUNT=$[${COUNT} + ${ONE}])   , asterisk 1.6 give me this ! :p >> syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '+', expecting $end;
05:46.02maour_prev line is exten => s,n,Set(ONE=1)
05:54.48carrartry Set(COUNT=$["${COUNT}" + "${ONE}"])
05:57.14carrarverify COUNT is a number
05:57.34carrarshouldn't need quotes
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06:05.06maour_my problem solved ! by putting this on extension exten => s,n,Set(COUNT=0)
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07:52.07ZhadIn a user declaration in sip.conf, is permit= meaningless if it isn't prepended with a deny= ?
07:56.34ZhadHmm, that appears to be the case. (oops).
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09:00.34Jennahey there ! anyone working with voicetronix hardware
09:00.54Jennaany ideas on debuging this ast_module_load_result load_module(): No Voicetronix cards detected   ?
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09:22.46maskasI am getting calls over IAX and transfering them out over a pri, I get this message "IAX2/2ngateway-10044 requested special control 20, passing it to DAHDI/8-1" repeatdly till the call is answered, what is it for?
09:23.01maskasrunning asterisk
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09:52.46jgoohrm, I have asterisk not loading - how can I check why?
09:53.09jgooit has been loading the last few weeks, today, not, on a reboot
09:53.31jgooI run asterisk by myself, but then asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr cays asterisk.ctl not present
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09:54.41jksManyone knows what new in the Polycom SP 321/331 phones compared to the 320/330?
09:56.23jgoofor some reason now it complains about zaptel configuration... how could that be?
09:57.06TimToady_jgoo ztcgf -fv
09:57.33TimToady_and then asterisk -cvvv to see if tis working
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10:04.17jgooTimToady_, ok.. that worked...
10:04.40jgoocool... so , usually it works on reboot, but 3 reboots now, nothing, and manually typing asterisk... but this worked, thakns
10:04.49TimToady_then put ztcgf -fv in ur rc.local
10:05.00TimToady_or generaly check how u startup asterisk
10:05.26jgoook... does everyone have to do that?
10:05.52jgoook.. also, while looking for the root of this problem, I have some questions on startup, ks or groundtart.. adn rx signaling... and a few other parameters
10:06.01TimToady_depends on how u isnatll asterisk and zaptel, usualy they come with rc scripts that take care of all these
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10:08.03jgooTimToady_, I am going with Elastix now... you think that is a well maintained / well setup distro?
10:08.30jgooI would want ot setup asterisk myself, but the two times I've done my own installs, about6 months apart, lots of config stuff had changed (at that time) and it #(*#@ me off :p
10:08.41TimToady_no idea, never used it. I guess its just centos with *
10:08.53TimToady_centos is generally a solid distro
10:09.23jgooTimToady_, well,a bit more... if you put in an ISDN card, or plug in an external ISDN rack, it detects and configures it (and it worked... which shocked the hell out of me) but not using it in production
10:09.46jgooTimToady_, I am asking if its configuration and asterisk setups are stable moreso (if is causes issues)
10:10.04jgooI have a hangup issue on ISDN, I didn't see it as there are 6 channels, but now I see it ... hrm
10:11.02TimToady_jgoo i have no experience with elastix, u can try #elastix
10:12.08jgooI gathered, I was just clarifying the question anyway
10:23.08Draegonhey guys, if inside my agi script, i put a call on park. if i exit(0), it disconnect the call. do i basically have to run a loop and tell it to just wait wait wait until that call is picked up? and would it cost a problem?
10:42.50*** join/#asterisk mumtazah (n=mumtazah@
10:46.27maskasI am getting calls over IAX and transfering them out over a pri, I get this message "IAX2/2ngateway-10044 requested special control 20, passing it to DAHDI/8-1" repeatdly till the call is answered, what is it for?
10:48.09EmleyMoorIt indicanes that the source of the media has changed
10:48.40EmleyMoor... at least according to a posting on the mailing list
10:48.53maskasumm any reason why I would be getting this message, I havent changed anything in my config and have just suddenly started getting it
10:49.41EmleyMoormaskas: What have you changed other than your configL
10:52.04maskasemley: sorry thanks I got the error
11:00.11*** join/#asterisk djin (
11:00.17iksik - is it usefull?
11:15.25kaldemariksik: if you prefer handling configurations with a database, yes.
11:16.05iksikyes, but I already have configuration for sip accounts, extensions, and voicemail in database... and for now I don't understand what is it for
11:17.55*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (n=xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
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11:21.38kaldemariksik: storing configuration that cannot be stored with dynamic realtime. whole configuration files.
11:22.48iksikare there any articles where I can read about asterisk real time configuration with postgres? (I've already read all of them from
11:22.53kaldemarfor example dynamic and static realtime sip peers behave differently and you can put all config under [general] in a database.
11:23.14kaldemarthe book uses postgresql in its examples.
11:23.46*** join/#asterisk TommyBotten (
11:24.49garymcanyone in here know why my GUI isnt displaying play/download call link?
11:25.29kaldemarsure. it's broken.
11:27.50iksikkaldemar, hum which book?
11:28.03infobotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
11:28.16seanbrightiksik: ^^^^^^^ that one
11:28.25iksikoh, ok :)
11:29.00iksik"Websites located on this server are currently down for maintenance. They will return shortly."
11:33.24garymckaldemar : know of a fix?
11:35.47kaldemargarymc: for what? you don't even tell what GUI you're using. besides, i know you've been told quite a few times that GUI's are not supported on this channel.
11:36.23garymckaldemar: I know that im in the channel but no response for 2 days now
11:36.34garymcits freepbx
11:39.36*** join/#asterisk Jabka (
11:40.12Drukencan someone help me with realtime in 1.6?
11:42.07TommyBottenDruken: Just ask the question... people will help if they are able to
11:42.50Druken[Sep  8 07:42:41] WARNING[6647]: config.c:2010 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
11:42.54Drukenwhat config file?
11:44.47JabkaI'm trying to understand the idea of LEN cards (used by Bezeq INC) , could anyone explain about it (from one side it connectes to your home wall jack from the other to PCI) can it be used by asterisk ?
11:46.44ChainsawJabka: Depends on whether it's a telephony adapter or a modem (contrary to popular belief, the two devices are quite different).
11:46.51ChainsawJabka: Do you have a datasheet for it at all?
11:47.32JabkaChainsaw , no afaik it is a telephone adapter used in SYS12 exchange box
11:48.26ChainsawJabka: Knowing the chipset on the board would be helpful.
11:48.33ChainsawJabka: If you're not sure, stick it on a flatbed scanner on 100dpi and share the JPEG somewhere.
11:49.16JabkaChainsaw , I can't acces it yet (it is in a telephon compney ) im thinkg about getting one but not sure if it worth it
11:49.42ChainsawJabka: Without knowing more about the hardware I can not in good conscience recommend you spend money on it.
11:50.22JabkaChainsaw , Becouse of that i came here i thouth people new that peace of hardware
11:50.35Jabkaor worked in that componey
11:50.40iksikhm... Attempted to update column 'useragent' - which tables should got this column? o.O
11:50.49iksiki can't see anything like that in examples
11:58.54infobotdocs is probably for basic documentation of Asterisk ask see (~voip-info) and TheBook (~book)
11:59.11infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
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12:05.09merlin8282Hi. Is it possible to make asterisk run in a VM ? Will the hardware (TDM400P and QuadBRI and DuoGSM) be recognized ?
12:05.47iksikok, i've got it... but hum, sip show users/peers, registry, doesn't show anything from CLI ... is it normal?
12:06.28kaldemariksik: static or dynamic?
12:06.40iksikdynamic - I think :D
12:07.27Chainsawmerlin8282: Timer performance may be greatly impaired by running in a virtualised environment. Especially things like conferencing could be problematic.
12:07.39kaldemariksik: you don't see any peers with dynamic until they register.
12:07.49iksikI see in DB, that my ISP gk user, was registered, cause there is some value in regseconds, and ipaddr
12:08.07Chainsawmerlin8282: That's if you can even persuade the host OS to let you have exclusive access to the telephony hardware in the first place.
12:08.14iksikbut sip show registry doesn't show anything hmm
12:08.16Chainsawmerlin8282: That was the long answer. The short answer: No.
12:09.41merlin8282Chainsaw: ok. What I am trying to do is to find out how I can compile a second version of asterisk (bristuff) on the same server (which is a production one) without being impacted (that's to say "the telephone network must continue working")
12:10.06*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
12:10.27Chainsawmerlin8282: You're free to compile it (call make) as long as you either change prefix during configure (so it installs in parallel in a completely different directory structure) or don't call make install.
12:11.05merlin8282ok, thanks.
12:11.31Chainsawmerlin8282: Whether that's helpful depends on what you ultimately want to do of course.
12:12.27merlin8282Sure. I only want to upgrade asterisk, so I am able to use Rx/Txfax apps.
12:13.02dlynesmerlin8282: Digium's got a better solution now; they have a t.38 module
12:14.26dlynesmerlin8282: the problem with rxfax/txfax is the asterisk code keeps breaking support for it
12:14.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:15.22Chainsawdlynes: It's spandsp that can't decide on an API.
12:15.25Chainsawdlynes: Not so much Asterisk.
12:15.30dlynesmerlin8282: it hasn't been officially supported since 1.2.something and a very early 1.4 version...
12:16.02dlynesChainsaw: some of the internal asterisk API has also changed
12:16.23dlynesChainsaw: between 1.2 and 1.4 and again from 1.4 to 1.6, there was a bigger change
12:16.24Chainsawdlynes: They had the decency to bump the version number when they did.
12:16.50Chainsawdlynes: It's ifdef-MANIA for anything SpanDSP.
12:17.43dlynesChainsaw: I said...the faxforasterisk is a lot more painfree
12:18.14dlynesOr just bridge a couple of zaptel channels, too
12:22.02Chainsawwonders why a Siemens Gigaset C450 consistently misses the window for a SIP qualify
12:22.18ChainsawUNREACHABLE/REACHABLE, ping-pong, ping-pong, etc.
12:22.58iksikkaldemar, I see that my pap2t is online now... But still I can't see it under sip show peers or users ;/
12:23.55ChainsawThe exact same problem this guy had, basically:
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12:51.30Drukensomeone feel like helping me out with realtime on 1.6?
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12:57.11kaldemarDruken: you need to install res_config_mysql from asterisk-addons if you use mysql.
12:58.30Drukenstill with 1.6 realtime is an addon?
12:58.41*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
12:58.58infobothmm... answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
12:59.21kaldemarDruken: realtime is not an addon. res_config_mysql, i.e. the mysql configuration engine is.
13:00.27*** join/#asterisk chiwawa_42 (
13:00.29chiwawa_42Hi ! I'm looking for ATAs and IP phones supporting any high quality codec, preferably speex. Is there anything avaible or any project for an open-spource one, that wouldn't be on the first 10 result pages from google ?
13:01.27[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: What do you consider "low quality codec"?  Who are you going to be speaking to with it?
13:02.25SuPrSluGanything connected to an ATA is going to be 8kHz.
13:02.34chiwawa_42[TK]D-Fender: gsm and sometime G.711 don't offer what I need, I.E. less than 40kbps for a decent sound quality
13:03.07[TK]D-FenderChiOh, now you want better than G.711 at LOWER bitrate?
13:03.30chiwawa_42yes, speeks in wideband mode
13:04.54chiwawa_42wich may be uncommon on asterisk as the transcoder only runs at 8kHz afaik, but it's usually flawless with freeswith or with direct connections
13:05.10[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: Nothing I can think of
13:05.22[TK]D-FenderChiAgain, who are you going to be speaking with on it?
13:05.23chiwawa_42np, thanks anyway :)
13:05.46chiwawa_42other member on this network
13:05.53*** join/#asterisk rossand (
13:06.22[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: If they're on your network, then why the BW restraint?
13:06.26chiwawa_42it's a small associative (non profit) ISP, trying to build services with cuting edge open source projects
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13:06.39chiwawa_42so we have mostly adsl users
13:07.34chiwawa_42some users are too far form their CO to get enough bandwidth for flawless G.711 operation
13:07.37*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:07.50SuPrSluGThere are some phones coming out w/ siren (Polycom's open sourced codec) when not sure.
13:09.02chiwawa_42SuPrSluG: yeah, heard of that, but siren7 is patented
13:10.07SuPrSluGwell CELT is the best. Can't understand why manufactures wouldn't be all over that.
13:11.11Druken[TK]D-Fender: heya, ltns.. how are things?
13:11.32[TK]D-FenderPolycom and plenty more support G.722 and is a significant improvement over G.711 at no increase in BW.  If your users can't even afford 1-2 calls on their DSL then thats just plain sad
13:12.15*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:12.26chiwawa_42SuPrSluG: yeah, CELT has a slightly better sound wuality than speex, but it's not significant on voice only, more sensible for "on hold music" and recorded announcements. But it's also more heavy on bandwidth, the minimum is 32kbps
13:14.31SuPrSluGPolycom is the only real choice for decent sound out of the box.
13:15.18SuPrSluGthe HD Voice stuff is nice. Best you can get at the moment.
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13:16.50chiwawa_42thanks SuPrSluG, ill try to order some and check it out ;)
13:18.00[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: taht would be G.72 on the Polycom BTW
13:18.16[TK]D-FenderSo 85kbps.
13:20.32*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
13:21.16michael-ihi all! I have kind of an off-the-wall question; is there any way to force a specific DAHDI controlled port's lights to blink?
13:21.27brad_msswWhat would cause this error: WARNING[11191]: app_dial.c:1528 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'dahdi' (cause 0 - Unknown)
13:21.40brad_msswJust upgraded to from 1.4
13:21.57brad_msswcan't get outgoing to work
13:22.01michael-ibrad_mssw: I'd say chan_dahdi wasn't built because of unrecognized deps
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13:22.33brad_msswmichael-i: 'help dahdi' shows the dahdi related calls ... would those exist if that was true?
13:22.33SuPrSluGdid you update your dialplan too? if not look for dahdi tools
13:22.55brad_msswSuPrSluG: yes, dialplan has been updated to use DAHDI instead of Zap
13:23.14michael-ibrad_mssw: I'm wrong then, your channel is there
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13:24.04brad_mssw'dahdi show channel 1' shows  InAlarm:0 .... so I assume the channel is ok
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13:25.13brad_msswanother channel in the same 'group' _does_ have an alarm status though ... could that be causing the issue?  Even though I'm explicitly calling the dahdi channel, not the group?
13:29.48[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: Show us the COMPLETe call attempt
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13:33.05[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: perhaps you need a newer DAHDI release...
13:33.18chiwawa_42[TK]D-Fender: humpf, that's a bit heavy... Will keep on searching then.
13:33.53[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: Good luck... the only phone's you're likely to find using oddball codecs will likely be crap in and of themselves.
13:34.15brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: I'm on ...
13:34.19iksikwhat is a difference between USER and PEER?
13:34.24[TK]D-FenderChiAnd then trying to see if * will even acknowledge the codecs is another matter
13:34.26iksikand FRIEND :)
13:35.15chiwawa_42yeah, I think so... I'd probably be luckyier with analog cards in the IPBX and softphones for home users ;)
13:35.30[TK]D-Fenderiksik: iksik
13:36.13[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: Sounds like a waste of money & effort
13:36.21brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: it's a TDM400P with 2x FXO (chan 1 & 2) and 2xFXS (chan 3 & 4)
13:36.42brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: I have another identical card if you think it could be h/w related
13:37.29[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: Please exit *, "dahdi_cfg -vvvv", PB your configs, restart *, "dahdi show status", "dahdi show channels", and try your call again
13:38.08chiwawa_42[TK]D-Fender: research for higher quality services based on opensource isn't a waste, it's just what asterisk projects started for
13:38.25brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: sure thing, hold on a sec
13:39.02[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: Depends if the journey is really more important than the destination.  to me "non-profit" sounds like "doesn't HAVE money and time to waste"
13:39.43Drukenwhat is the realtime replacement in 1.6 for the dialplan ?
13:40.32chiwawa_42[TK]D-Fender: well, the site is written in french only, but here it is : . Our goal is to defend net-netrality and freedom of speech by proposing alternative services and encouraging people and groups to create their own (micro-)ISPs
13:40.49manxpowerDruken: All major changes are listed in UPGRADE*.txt
13:41.29chiwawa_42adressing home users rather than only geeks means we need to have some better products than the bigger ISP, and doing things in a custom manner is easy on a small network
13:41.54brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: hope that's everything:
13:42.58chiwawa_42see you soon ;)
13:43.05chiwawa_42and thanks again for your advices !
13:43.51*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
13:43.55[TK]D-Fenderchiwawa_42: theory is nice, but a common goal of FLOSS is to use commodity type tech in open and interesting ways and ensuring interoperability.  Having your head tied to a PC with a headset is FUGLY at best and using uncommon codecs places transcoding loads and restricts choices.  Again against the philosophy.
13:44.28*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
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13:45.13Drukenupgrade doesn't mention the dialplan app, realtime
13:45.56Skeeter-hi, im looking into upgrade my system, i need to move all voices and IVR, which was easy, but it seems that i cant find the Voicemail recording, ineed them because i would like to move them to the new system. got any clue??
13:46.02manxpowerDruken: then it should not have changed much
13:47.08Druken[Sep  8 09:46:54] WARNING[9059]: pbx.c:3170 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Realtime' for extension (outgoing, *98, 3)
13:47.23[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: /var/spool/asterisk/BLATANT
13:47.43manxpowerDruken: did you look at ALL the UPGRADE*.txt?
13:47.50[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
13:47.56SuPrSluGConnected to Asterisk currently running on app1 (pid = 1602)
13:47.58SuPrSluGapp1*CLI> re
13:48.00SuPrSluGrealtime  reload    restart
13:48.08SuPrSluGit's there. clearly
13:48.14manxpowerUPGRADE.txt:* The REALTIME() function is now available in version 1.4 and app_realtime has
13:48.15manxpowerUPGRADE.txt:  been deprecated in favor of the new function. app_realtime will be removed
13:48.21Skeeter-sounds folder was copied
13:48.29manxpowerDruken: looks like it's mentioned to me.
13:48.36Skeeter-blatant are the recording for the voicemail i guess??
13:49.30[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: means you should see a folder clearly named "voicemail" and the rest should be pretty clear
13:50.00Drukenin what version? i didn't see it in 1.6's upgrade
13:50.30Drukenoh, my bad, i opened the wrong file
13:50.52manxpowerDruken: If it's deprecated in 1.4 it will be mentioned in the 1.2->1.4 upgrade.  If it was removed in the 1.6 upgrade it won't be mentioned, it was mentioned in the previous upgrade files
13:51.40Skeeter-i cant copy
13:51.54Drukenmanxpower: so what was it replaced with? :P
13:51.56Skeeter-oh i see
13:52.04brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: see anything wrong with that pastebin?
13:52.07Skeeter-here is the colation /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/"extension"
13:52.11manxpowerDruken: I require dinner and drinks before I'll hold your hand.
13:52.32manxpowerheck, the info I pasted even told you what it was replaced with.  Maybe you should take a break, Druken
13:52.38Drukenthat could be arranged :) rofl
13:52.58Drukenit says realtime()
13:53.07manxpowerno, it says function realtime
13:53.12[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: Ok, you seem to have done it all... no idea...
13:53.30[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: Maybe check the physical wiring?
13:53.56brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: I've only got channel 1 plugged into the wall, and it's the only channel on that card that doesn't show an alarm ... so I think the wiring is good
13:54.01Drukenk, i am lost... i hate it when shit changes
13:54.29manxpowerDruken: read the upgrade files, don't just grep them.  read them.
13:54.30brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: do you know what versions of Dahdi are compatible with ? ... I can go to ... or maybe back to ??
13:54.41manxpowerthere are other files in the doc/ directory that might he helpful.
13:54.49[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: Only forward....
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14:04.44Skeeter-My FOP doesnt work the the latest stable version, i can see EXT status but not trunk/zap activity
14:06.26manxpowerWhat version of Asterisk?
14:06.44brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: is no better :/ ... guess I should try the other card
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14:13.49Drukenwhat idiot figured the new realtime "function" would be easier to use?
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14:15.57Skeeter-my asterisk is at
14:16.29SuPrSluGumm no. the latest is 1.6
14:17.22Drukenthat looks like a kernal version
14:17.43Skeeter-sorry that was for the CLI
14:17.45Kobaz2.5.. heh
14:18.10Skeeter-asterisk, FOP not showing trunk, for Sangoma A200(latest firmware)
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14:22.26timeshellGreetings.  We had an incident on Friday with our Asterisk server.  We have 4 analog trunks and 2 internet trunks.  We lost our internet connection and as a result, asterisk apparently hung up everything.  Incoming calls on the analog lines got busy signals; none of the extensions could call each other; none of the extensions could call out on the analog lines.  The internet trunks had to be...
14:22.27timeshell...deleted and the server restarted in order for the analog lines to work again.  (I wasn't in the office and had to walk a non-techy through the process to delete the internet trunks, so I don't have any CLI or debug details unfornately).  Anyone have any idea why Asterisk would hang up when the internet trunks are unavailable???
14:23.13[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: GUI's are NOT supported here
14:23.31ronrhi, it seems my agi script suddenly stopped working, all they do is set the right callerid for the channel using SET CALLERID <number>, agi debug shows it still does that, but the callerid doesn't change, how can I debug this further?
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14:24.12[TK]D-Fenderronr: its "name" <number>, not just number
14:24.35ronrlet's tru that
14:25.47ronrsame result
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14:26.23[TK]D-Fenderronr: pastebin it all
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14:29.28Drukenmanxpower: can you look over a line and tell me if i screwed it up?
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14:30.21ronrasterisk ends up calling from 0107070081
14:30.56[TK]D-Fenderronr: Sure doesn't look like a complete call
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14:31.48ronr[TK]D-Fender: sry, forgot some lines
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14:32.29[TK]D-Fenderronr: and that gives no confirmation...
14:32.40huey23i am getting an error message when i dial an extension from an outside line...i can provide more info if needed...can anyone help me out?
14:33.21ronr[TK]D-Fender: what confirmation do you mean?
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14:33.51[TK]D-Fenderronr: I don't see you NoOping the callerid before and after
14:33.56[TK]D-Fenderronr: and code to back it
14:34.22ronrok, back to the docs probably, weird thing is that it used to work
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14:34.27[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Device likely has not registered and * has nowhere to contact
14:34.31ronrthx anyway, need to go into a meeting now
14:34.42angryuserAny t.38 medem&asterisk 1.6 guru here ?
14:34.46[TK]D-Fenderronr: And you aren't showing the basics before looking to "go back to the docs"
14:35.01[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Go look at your peer status'
14:35.12huey23[TK]D-Fender: i have reloaded...will look at peers
14:36.37Druken - reality check pls
14:37.08huey23[TK]D-Fender: 0sip peers
14:38.06[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: then you'v done something very wrong
14:38.08dandreis there any way to accept a call on a sip phone from the ami interface?
14:38.13Naikrovekset up a phone system similar to his work system at work, at home, polycom phone and all, and good gravy it sounds awesome
14:38.52[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You can't tell a phone to accept a call.
14:39.35[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Wrong config file, bad permissions, massive syntax failure
14:39.52[TK]D-FenderDruken: Sanity fail : wheres the output?
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14:44.17huey23[TK]D-Fender: i imagine it's syntax, reworking it, will let you know
14:44.28Drukenhow do i set the verbose level in 1.6?
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14:48.49[TK]D-FenderDruken: core set verbose 10
14:49.12[TK]D-Fenderswats at Druken with a hardcover print of the changelogs
14:51.34Drukentakes the changelogs and beats the developers with it while yelling, STOP CHANGING BASIC GOD DAMN COMMANDS!!!!!
14:53.51*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
14:54.10djinHi everybody
14:54.23djinjust a quick questing. Does queues need a timer?
14:55.28Druken[TK]D-Fender: thanks btw...
15:00.06djinztdummy is required as a timing source for MeetMe (conference calls) and is also involved in moh (music on hold) and a few other things.
15:00.19djinI'm trying to fdefine the 'few other things'
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15:01.37[TK]D-Fenderdjin: IAX2 Trunk mode
15:01.45[TK]D-Fenderdjin: Helps with MoH sync as well
15:03.01*** join/#asterisk sercik (
15:03.43serciksomeone can tell me the cheapest card? to receive and transmit on analog pstn?
15:04.05infobotextra, extra, read all about it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
15:05.07sercikbut i can't spent 500 $
15:05.26Kattyhugs jaytee
15:05.31serciki have read on internet about x100p but i can't find
15:05.36jayteehugs Katty
15:05.43[TK]D-Fendersercik: What do you want to do exactly?
15:05.45Kattyjaytee: how was your weekend?
15:05.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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15:06.03Kobazsercik: you haven't looked very hard
15:06.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: hello (=
15:06.10Kobaztwo seconds of searching
15:06.14jgoowhen I start asterisk with -cvvv ... how can I get out of the cli without killing asterisk?
15:06.17jayteeKatty, it was longer than usual but still too short by about 4 days :-)
15:06.19Kobazsercik: the quality will suck though
15:06.47Kobazjgoo: don't run it with -c
15:06.53sercikdo you mean about voice quality?
15:06.54[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: You can't.  Means you shouldn't have started it that way for live use
15:06.58Kobazsercik: yeah
15:07.04Kattyjaytee: aww :<
15:07.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: curious--do you have a gym membership?
15:07.17jgooKobaz, don't run it with -c because you will end the world, or if you run it with -c it is only interactive
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15:07.28Kobazjgoo: not me
15:07.35Kattyor does anyone, for that matter
15:07.55Kattyjaytee: i've only got 3 days of work this week. taking another long weekend and renting a cabin.
15:07.56jgoo[TK]D-Fender, ok - I'll see if it starts the other way, it has just started complaining about zaptel config error today... nothing has changed thought for weeks
15:07.57serciki saw it but i could also buy something better...
15:08.06Kobazjgoo: er, never mind
15:08.08sercikcan you give me some products...
15:08.11Kobazjgoo: /etc/init.d/asterisk start
15:08.16Kobazjpeeler: asterisk -rvvv
15:08.22[TK]D-Fendersercik: What do you want to do exactly? <-------
15:08.39sercikFender hello
15:08.43[TK]D-Fendersercik: how many lines?  What kind of volume?  Personal or professional?
15:09.07sercikonly one analog line or maybe two.. professional but with low traffic
15:09.18sercikis not an office...
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15:09.30Kattywhy don't you just get a dual lined phone from Sams Club
15:09.34jgooBasically, hrm, sometimes on a reboot, the system works, but lately it doesn't, and it keeps dying :o
15:09.36Kobazthat too
15:12.33sercikthis is a fake? :
15:12.33Kobazsercik: sangoma
15:12.54Kobazsercik: it's a clone
15:12.58Kobazsercik: it will work
15:13.13[TK]D-Fenderchinaroby ( 102 [Punteggio di feedback compreso tra 100 e 499] )
15:13.17sercikon digium it costa 400 $ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
15:13.34[TK]D-FenderTheese guys have been violating Digium's tradmarks for a LONG time now.
15:14.13[TK]D-FenderAnd spamming the WIKI
15:14.13leifmadsenthat is so not a digium card
15:14.13[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Yeah I remember reporting this to you & qwwell :)
15:14.16leifmadsensupport? non-existant
15:14.44leifmadsenLOL  the image down a bit:  Photo by ChinaRoby -- Don't Copy
15:14.49leifmadsenthat is classic
15:14.56serciki understand that this is a clone and not a digium product.. but .... digium have a very high cost..
15:16.03Kobazget rhino then
15:16.13Kobazbut don't complain when they release new firmware and break your card
15:16.47sercikthis is better?
15:16.56sercikwhat's rhino?
15:17.04Kobazanother vendor
15:17.29Kobazsercik: that's a good card
15:17.38Kattysercik: if you hang aorund jameswf might show up. he works for rhino
15:17.42ronr[TK]D-Fender: sorry, but I just read the docs again and tried some things and I really got no clue whatsoever how NoOp would solve my problem (it's supposed to do nothiing)
15:17.57sercikthank you very much for informations
15:18.51sercik•Kobaz• i don't understand where are 4 fxo ports on that card
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15:19.00serciki only see 3 holes
15:19.05[TK]D-FenderrorIt will PROVE what is set.  I don't see a single piece of solid evidence
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15:19.13[TK]D-Fenderronr: It will PROVE what is set.  I don't see a single piece of solid evidence
15:20.11Kobazsercik: two lines per port
15:20.12huey23[TK]D-Fender: i believe i am getting seems it was syntax but i am stuck, this syntax goes straight to voicemail:
15:20.24sercikah! ok
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15:20.28Kobazsercik: and on the fxs, it's one line
15:20.33ronr[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok, so it's just for debugging, I use NoOp <text>, and prob get full variable to get <text>?
15:20.40sercikfxo can be connected to analog phone line?
15:20.54[TK]D-Fenderronr: you get whatever you shove in there
15:21.00[TK]D-Fendersercik: Yes
15:21.00Kobazfxo takes a phone cable from the wall, it "recieves dialtone"
15:21.17sercikKobaz you explain very good...
15:21.36serciki can receive and also send on fxo ports
15:21.50[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Instead of doing what?  Looks fine to me...
15:22.39Kobazsercik: fxo is like a faxmodem.. when the phone rings, the pc will pick it up... if you want to make a call, it will pick up and send digits
15:22.41ronr[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but obviously NoOp CALLERID will print out CALLERID, I'll have to get a value into some variable somehow right? (sorry if I'm asking something stupid but I think I'm missing something really obvious here)
15:23.02huey23[TK]D-Fender: step 9 should play financegreeting2 but it goes straight to voicemail u5009
15:23.14Kobazsercik: if you want to hook a regular analog phone to your pc... you will need an fxs port... fxs provides dialtone
15:23.20[TK]D-Fenderronr: Yes, it means you don't seemt o have a grasp on how to call functions or use variables... not a good sign.  This is dialplan 101
15:23.29[TK]D-Fenderronr: "core show function CALLERID"
15:23.39serciki want to use voip phone on internal side
15:24.01sercikbur i want to be able to make outgoing calls on analog pstn and not only through adsl
15:24.02Kobazsercik: then you need just fxo, on the pc side... but that card is a good combo
15:24.04[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: -- Executing [2@default:1] Goto("Zap/1-1", "finance_group|2|1") in new stack <- look where you are jumping to.  Youa re doing this explicitly in your GOTO
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15:24.34ronr[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I made all this almost 2 years ago and didn't look at it again until it stopped working just now
15:24.47huey23[TK]D-Fender: i never made the connection mr. obvious
15:24.59infobot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
15:25.07[TK]D-FenderYup, that's me...
15:25.41[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Hint : we hide it in the BIG PRINT
15:25.58huey23[TK]D-Fender: right, reading is a virtue
15:26.36abcdefHi, i'm trying to get my snom 360 to show the correct caller id phone number. it is registered as an extension to a trixbox/asterisk box, and the caller id currently shows up like "555-555-1234@". That format might be correct for anonymous sip, but this phone is registered to a PBX, so the outbound dialing doesn't work. I suppose changing the outbound dialing might be another option. Anyone know the right solution here?
15:26.37Naikrovekleifmadsen: just posted this on your blog, but then remembered you were here also:
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15:28.54ronr[TK]D-Fender: ah... you mean using NoOp in the dialplan... I just kept rereading the docs on NoOp in the AGI docs... now it makes sense
15:29.21leifmadsenNaikrovek: :)  nice! That as the link I was trying to find! I knew google had an API to make those too
15:29.35abcdefsercik: FXO allows you to use POTS (plain old telephone service). I use a sangoma remora with FXO ports and have 4 regular phone lines plugged in for incoming/outgoing calls.
15:30.10sercikabcdef ty
15:30.21serciki have a doubt about pots
15:30.29serciki used to call it pstn
15:30.35sercikis the same?
15:31.55abcdefsercik: don't know the terminology for sure, but a quick wikipedia check makes me think pstn is the phone company network where as POTS is the service they provide to you as an end user
15:32.27sercikso essentially is the same thing
15:32.49abcdefsercik: you'll need hardware to do the POTS service, I use sangoma who is typically pretty helpful too with their support. digium is another option
15:33.01serciki know
15:33.12serciki'm actually searching for hardware
15:33.37sercikbut i only need 2 fxo
15:34.02abcdefeach sangoma fxo port can support 2 actual phone lines
15:34.58sercikbut 24 needs 12 holes in one pci card?... is there enough space??
15:35.40abcdefeach pci slot accomodates 4 phone lines. they use an RJ-22 jack, not RJ-11. it's the same but smaller
15:36.07abcdefthey give you rj11-rj22 cables or you can make your own
15:36.37sercikcan i order a sangona with only 2 fxo ports??
15:37.02abcdefshould be able to... i'd just call em up and get the part number or email them
15:37.16abcdefi've been buying direct, but telephony depot i know has them too
15:37.39abcdefthe number of options is crazy, so having someone give you the exact part number is useful
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15:38.25serciki understood
15:38.37serciki can order that card and add from 2 to 24 ports
15:38.42abcdefso anyone know where in asterisk that caller id string format gets set for my voip phone?
15:39.03infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:40.09abcdefbrah: was that a suggestion for me?
15:40.23brahNope, I needed to steal the pastebin line for another channel.
15:40.33abcdefok :)
15:44.00timeshellHow does chan_sip deal with IP channels using FQDN when a DNS server or query is unable to resolve, and as a result is unable to get an IP, and as a result cannot connect?
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15:44.41superbeefAnybody know what this means?   DEBUG[6584] channel.c: Generator got voice, switching to phase locked mode
15:45.54timeshellThe result I experienced on Friday is that all our analog trunks became unavailable both inbound and outbound.
15:46.40timeshellThis concerns me because IP trunks being unavailable should not affect analog trunks.
15:46.54timeshellAlso, all our internal extensions became unresponsive to the server.
15:46.55djin[TK]D-Fender: thanks. Got called away for a moment
15:46.55huey23[TK]D-Fender: i got it working, thanks for the help
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15:51.38AlexJ^hello... can anyone help me with an installment of sccp on asterisk?
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15:53.33abcdeftimeshell: I would guess that DNS glitch had a domino effect. I assume you fixed the DNS, restarted, and things resumed as normal?
15:54.14jtrimmeranyone with some analog truck experience who could give me a hand.  I updated today and I don't know if that was the cause or not but now I can receive calls just fine but if I try to make an outgoing call it tells me all circuits are busy.
15:54.40spenguin[work]hey, would it be ok if two PCI cards are using the same IRQ address 3w-9xxx, wcte11xp
15:54.58spenguin[work]as per /proc/interrupts
15:55.20Naikrovekspenguin[work]: well linux seems to be okay with it
15:56.08spenguin[work]Naikrovek: would it affect the performance of the cards?
15:56.30Naikrovekspenguin[work]: don't think so...
15:56.39Naikrovekwhy are they on the same IRQ
15:56.51Naikrovekdid they just come up on the same IRQ?
15:57.00Naikrovekhasn't really had to deal with IRQ issues for 15 years
15:57.35spenguin[work]Naikrovek: yeah I got that from /proc/interupts
15:57.41abcdefthe last time I was suspicious of IRQ sharing issues it all turned out to be another problem
15:58.09Naikrovekyeah the x86/amd64 architectures are tolerant of multiple devices with the same irq
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15:58.40Naikrovekdon't get confused by the 'amd' in the 'amd64', intel's 64-bit architecture failed, so they use amd's
15:59.25bmoracacan anyone give me any guidance as to why I am getting this error with a config file that i've used a hundred times with Polycom 330 phones: Loaded application sip.ld successfully, errors 0x120.
15:59.43Naikrovekpastbin the whole line and the surrounding lines
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16:01.37t_jhi, anyone know of any good free SIP did providers in the US and UK, I have googled but wanted some personal recomendations
16:01.39federHello, sorry to bother, asterisk doesn't seem to respect my codec priority :(
16:01.52Naikrovekfeder: explain
16:02.00federI have a callcentric account
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16:02.23Naikrovekfeder: and it uses 711 when you want 729 or something
16:02.32feder10 g729 licenses and allow=g729&ulaw in the trunk, all the calls drop to ulaw
16:02.48OrbixxHow can I record calls received via a queue?
16:03.07Naikrovekfeder: are you sure your provider can use 729?  turn on sip debug and place a call then pastebin the result
16:03.23Naikrovekbmoraca: can you pastebin the log?
16:03.40*** join/#asterisk dysinger (n=tim@
16:03.43Naikrovekbmoraca: feel free to sanitize anything you wish
16:03.52bmoracaNaikrovek: that's the only relevant line from the log, but i'll go ahead and pastebin it
16:04.00Naikrovekbmoraca: okay
16:04.45federNaikrovek: I'll try to, the server is quite busy now It may be difficult to get a clean trace, I'll try to be back in minutes
16:05.11Naikrovekfeder: yeah don't do it while it's under heavy load
16:05.11*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=critter@
16:05.47timeshellabcdef I ended up deleting the internet trunks as we had one of our major fiber cables cut and were out of internet for much of the day.  However, this is very bad as I cannot have the asterisk server fail because a internet voip trunk goes down.
16:07.07bmoracaNaikrovek: ...yes, I realize that I don't have the phone-specific bootrom or sip images...i have the combined ones.  i've tried upgrading to the new software versions with the standard cfgs included, but it doesn't fix the problem...i cannot get these phones to boot.
16:07.20bmoracamy 550s, though, work just fine
16:07.36federNaikrovek: can I debug sip to a file?
16:07.38timeshellBut, I agree with your conclusion that it probably had something to do with the DNS cascade effect.  Chan_sip should have a check in it to make sure that it is only connecting when the DNS resolution is successful and not impact the rest of the server when is not.
16:08.21abcdeftimeshell: agreed. I haven't seen that happen. are your dns servers remote over the fiber that broke? I have local dns servers on my network. while in an ideal world it shouldn't matter, I wonder if that is a simple fix to the issue--installing a local dns server.
16:08.46Naikrovekbmoraca: that's the error seen when the update can't be applied because you're already up to the latest version
16:08.53Naikrovekbmoraca: there are MUCH newer firmwares out there, btw.
16:08.54abcdeftimeshell: getting an empty answer may be better than no response
16:08.55timeshellabcdef Yes, the asterisk server was using DNS servers provided by our upstream provider on the other side of our fiber link.
16:09.16bmoracaNaikrovek: like I said, I tried the newer firmwares and the issue persisted.
16:09.36Naikrovekfeder: it will log to /var/log/asterisk/full and to the console, but a busy system will utilize the disk enough to cause issues, possibly
16:09.44timeshellabcdef Perhaps that could be a work around but Asterisk really should be able to deal with such a scenario.  An unavailable trunk should not hang the entire asterisk process.
16:09.57abcdeftimeshell: asterisk may be in some dns loop waiting for a response and never getting anything. seems ridiculous but if you need a solution today... it probably works
16:10.03timeshellAnd actually, it didn't hang the asterisk process per sey, but the analog lines
16:10.50timeshellAsterisk took the analog lines off hook.  When calling in on the lines, they returned busy.  So, it wasn't just that it wouldn't answer them, it actually apparently took off hook as busy.
16:11.16Naikrovekbmoraca: it is downloading properly, it says that the image is identical to current version, and that is the cause of the error code - think of that one as an informational error
16:11.55Naikrovekbmoraca: the phone works fine, yes?
16:11.58bmoracaNaikrovek: right, however the phone is in a continuous reboot
16:12.00bmoracaNaikrovek: no
16:12.06Naikrovekbmoraca: okay
16:12.09Naikroveki didn't see that before
16:12.41sercikhello and goodbye thanks for informations and help
16:12.49Naikrovekbmoraca: you may want to put the correct bootrom on there, looks like the one it sees isn't correct for the phone
16:12.55timeshellabcdef Also, Asterisk shouldn't be talking to DNS directly... it should be the OS network subsystems taking care of that.
16:13.09Naikrovektimeshell: applications talk to DNS all the tiem
16:13.33Naikrovektimeshell: though the normal way is as you described
16:13.48timeshellNaikrovek So you're saying that Asterisk directly asks DNS for a resolution and then gives the resolved IP to socket connection request?
16:14.06Naikrovektimeshell: i'm saying it's possible, not that asterisk does it
16:14.12*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
16:14.12timeshellNaikrovek I know it's possible.
16:14.18el_critterHi, I'm having troubles creating PSTN outgoing calls, incoming calls are fine, in fact, CONGESTION status for outgoing calls is reseted by an incoming call.
16:14.56timeshellMy point is, it may not matter if there is a local DNS server or not.  If it cannot resolve, it may end up with the same issue.
16:15.00Chainsawel_critter: How are you getting to the PSTN?
16:15.36timeshellAnd it still concerns me that chan_sip could affect chan_dahdi in that way.
16:15.45el_critterChainsaw: digium TDM400P
16:15.52timeshelldirectly or indirectly... whatever it is, it should not have interfered with the analog trunks.
16:15.52Chainsawel_critter: Okay, zaptel or DAHDI?
16:16.12el_critterChainsaw: dahdi
16:16.27el_critterChainsaw: dahdi
16:16.27Chainsawel_critter: Did you set up your country mode correctly?
16:16.30timeshellel_critter I know what the problem is
16:16.33timeshellIt's a bug
16:16.40timeshellJust a sec, I'll find the patch link for you.
16:16.42hardwireso right now skype for asterisk beta is limited to a single channel eh?
16:17.16Qwellhardwire: no and no
16:17.25el_critterChainsaw: yes, country is ok
16:17.29hardwirewow.. I'm working on old info Qwell
16:17.35hardwirejust checked out digiums site
16:17.44Chainsawel_critter: Okay, then I will now transfer you to timeshell *hold music*
16:17.44QwellIt is now out of beta, and it was not limited.
16:17.46hardwirethe beta appears to be over.
16:17.59*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
16:18.01hardwireQwell: good chance I can't use my beta keys now eh.
16:18.19timeshellQwell Would you mind looking at my comments over the  morning and comment?
16:18.31hardwireQwell: ok.. works for me.  I just buy more channels and use a single account then eh?
16:19.13Qwellhardwire: I don't know how it works, tbh
16:19.16timeshellQwell, There seems to be a bug that causes IP trunks to interfere with analog trunks when the IP trunks are unavailable.
16:19.17hardwirethats fine.
16:19.23hardwireQwell: that appears to be how it works.
16:19.40QwellDid you just call me fat?
16:21.54el_crittertimeshell: thnx, let me check that
16:26.06ccesariosomebody can say me if  this is "correct" ... ... or can be a possible problem/bug ?
16:27.54garymcso anyone know why my sound stops working after a while?
16:27.57bpgoldsbAnyone know any good alternatives to CDR?
16:27.58garymcAnyone help me out herE?
16:28.06Naikrovekgarymc: define "a while"
16:28.13Naikrovekfeder: i'm looking
16:28.15garymcabout 20 mins
16:28.24garymcor after playing a few songs
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16:28.35Naikrovekon hold?
16:28.44garymcinfact i think its when it goes off when idle maybe
16:30.28Naikrovekfeder: it is indeed listing PCMU (G.711u) before any other codec.  can you pastebin your trunk config?  feel free to strip the IPs if you like
16:31.18Naikrovekgarymc: does the sound come back when you make a noise on your side
16:33.00garymcNaikrovec : Just realised im in the wrong channel :( sorry
16:33.12Naikrovekgarymc: np dude
16:34.05Naikrovekfeder: try multiple allow= lines
16:34.14raden_workis there a way if i know another call coming on on another extension i could dial something on my phone to pick it u p
16:34.28*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
16:34.35Naikrovekraden_work: *8?  can't remember
16:34.37raden_workjust like one of the girls walked out of the office and her phone ringing i wish i could pick it up from mine
16:34.37federNaikrovek: let's seeeeee
16:34.42Naikrovekraden_work: yes there is a way i think
16:35.17Naikrovekraden_work: you using FreePBX?  ** may do it
16:35.59Naikrovekfeder: i mistyped, s/g711/ulaw/ but multiple lines
16:37.30federNaikrovek: Freepbx doesn't allow me to do so, It converts the multiple allow lines in one
16:37.37Naikrovekfeder: ah okay
16:37.50Naikrovekfeder: hang around for [TK]D-Fender, he can help you
16:37.57*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
16:37.58Naikroveksorry i couldn't help
16:38.23Naikrovekfeder: you'll know when [TK]D-Fender shows up, he starts yelling at people. have those same pastebin links ready
16:38.27federNaikrovek: Dude, you've been great, I really really thankyou for your time
16:38.34Naikrovekfeder: no problems
16:38.59Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender is extremely knowledgeable, he'll figure it out.  Qwell maybe also can help
16:39.09Naikrovekjust hang out for a bit and they'll show up
16:39.29federNaikrovek: thx
16:41.38QwellQwell usually doesn't respond when his name is mentioned.
16:43.00raden_workhow do i send call waiting to a phone
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16:43.26raden_workthis wifi phone i have supposebly supports call waiting but if someone using it it goes to a busy signal
16:46.56bmoracanow i'm getting errors 0x100 from files from a working system that i KNOW WORK!
16:48.02manxpowerbmoraca: polycom?
16:48.16bmoracapolycom 330
16:48.28*** join/#asterisk maour_ (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
16:48.31bmoracait's making my hair turn grey...i've NEVER had this problem with a 330 before until now
16:48.40manxpowerbmoraca: Usually that's a typoe, missing " is my most common cause of that, but other things like . or , or = screwed up.
16:48.52*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:49.00bmoracamanxpower: i copied the sip.cfg file from a working changes at all
16:49.40bmoracai haven't touched the sip.cfg file since i built the provisioning engine i use for polycoms...and i've never had this problem before
16:50.56manxpowerbmoraca: there are many more files than just sip.cfg
16:51.11manxpowerthe onces I usually screw it up on are MAC.cfg or MAC-phone.cfg
16:51.41bmoracai think i may have found it
16:51.51manxpowerlooks at bmoraca
16:52.04bmoracai hate polycoms :(
16:52.25bmoracawell, i hate provisioning them, anyway
16:53.12bmoracathat didn't do anything
16:55.33*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
16:55.46bmoracawhat the hell does this mean?  "Loaded application sip.ld successfully, errors 0x100." does polycom have a list of error codes or something?
16:56.09t_janyone using for incomming SIP dids?
16:56.18t_jbmoraca: good luck with that
16:57.18t_jbmoraca: we have found it means the config is bad or  it cant dl a config
16:58.07t_jlast time i saw it was when we tried to use a /23 subnet on the latest firmware, which cant handle it for some reason and was not able to contact the boot server after the app loaded
16:58.14bmoracathe config works perfectly with the 550s i have and i can't find any errors in it
16:59.14KrisWillisHi guys, is there any official documentation available for Asterisk? I can only find the O'Reilly downloadable book, and the knowledge base over at the Digium website...
16:59.14jgooanyone know of completely free DID provider with free US -> US DIDs?
16:59.55t_jjgoo: i'm current looking at
17:00.04leifmadsenthey work
17:00.22jgoot_j, they don't configure their webserver to allow without www.
17:00.47leifmadsenKrisWillis: the O'Reilly book is pretty much the most comprehensive documentation for Asterisk, other than the doc/ directory in the asterisk source -- you could also try, although information there may be incomplete or obsolete
17:00.50hardwireKrisWillis: thems good info.
17:00.53t_jjgoo: what do you mean?
17:01.09KrisWillisleifmadsen: Thanks
17:01.14KavanSdoes anyone monitor their SIP peers with nagios/etc.?
17:01.20jgoot_j, you can only access the page at not
17:01.36t_jjgoo: oh
17:02.20jgoot_j, so they are a DID -> Sip service with free numbers
17:02.30leifmadsennot termination though
17:02.59jgooYeah. still interesting
17:03.02leifmadsenif you want US DID -> US DID, then use Google Voice
17:03.25jgooleifmadsen, thanks for reminding me, I have my invite to setup still, but I bet they limit DIDs
17:03.41[TK]D-Fenderis now stuffed. Indian food = win
17:04.01t_jleifmadsen: know of someone that has free DIDs (+incomming calls) and a pay as you go type termination service?
17:04.37*** part/#asterisk AlexJ^ (n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/student/alexj)
17:04.43[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: 7$, no tax  4 pots ordered a-la-carte, 4 breads (puri & bhatura), entree of pakora, and 4 free desserts....
17:04.53leifmadsenwtf, amazing
17:04.56leifmadsenI want that now!
17:05.17bmoracawhy does polycom say that Polycom 330s support 3.1.2 firmware and then say in the same document that if you're using 3.1.2 firmware, you can't use Polycom 300 or 500 phones?
17:05.38manxpowerbecause the 300 is not the same as the 330
17:06.17leifmadsen300 and 500 are older models with less memory
17:06.30leifmadseneven the 300 is not the same as the 301
17:06.56t_jbmoraca: we have issues with that firmware on 330's they run out of ram and crash :(
17:07.22bmoracathat's weird, because in the configs, it looks as if they're referencing the product line, rather than specific phone models
17:08.08t_jbmoraca: when you dl the lastest firmway from the website it should include versions compatiable with all models in it from what I can remember
17:08.13feder[TK]D-Fender: Hello, sorry to bother you, I cant set codec priority in asterisk. I try to call with g729 and it drops to ulaw even when both peers support g729
17:08.25*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:08.44bmoracat_j: I'm not having issues with any other phones except the 330s.
17:08.44manxpowerfeder: that is normally that way it works.  ulaw is normally chosen over g729
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17:08.55[TK]D-Fenderfeder: So fix the order.
17:09.14federI have Allow=g729&ulaw in the trunk
17:09.26t_jbmoraca: we run on about 150 330's mostly fine
17:09.35federI have g729 licenses
17:09.42[TK]D-Fenderfeder: those should be on separate lines
17:09.47jgoo[TK]D-Fender, in your experience have you ever seen two extensions start dialing the same extension? These are PAP2Ts... I am thinking... some wires must be crossed, I cannot think how this has suddenly started happening
17:09.53t_jbmoraca: except for already mentioned memory crashing issue
17:09.57[TK]D-Fenderfeder: And if you want g.729 then you should SPECIFY it exclusively
17:10.13bmoracat_j: that's wonderful...but mine will not do anything except go into a constant reboot loop, and I cannot figure out why
17:11.01feder[TK]D-Fender: Freepbx doesn't allow me to put it in 2 lines, It joins them. I want to be able to use ulaw if I run out of g729 licenses
17:11.07t_jbmoraca: do your provisioning server logs show the phone pull the files?
17:11.14[TK]D-Fenderfeder: Yes, it does.
17:11.44bmoracathis is the error i'm getting: 0908153146|app1 |4|00|Loaded application sip.ld successfully, errors 0x120.
17:11.44t_jbmoraca: then the only thing i can think of is that there is corrupt mac.cfg or something
17:12.06feder[TK]D-Fender: at least Freepbx doesn't
17:12.34[TK]D-Fenderfeder: It does, you're not trying hard enough
17:12.36Naikrovekfeder: if you have 729 as a priority, it won't fall back to ulaw when you run out of licenses.  those calls will just fail
17:12.40[TK]D-Fenderfeder: and this isn't #freepbx
17:12.41t_jseems to remember that 0x1XX where config errors
17:13.00KyleKis there a button i can press while dialing on an spa3102 to have the number go out? like dial 111 then press star?
17:13.00t_jbmoraca: have you looked in the admin guide i think its in there somewhere...
17:13.14bmoracaadmin guide doesn't list the error codes
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17:15.32Drukenwhat am i overlooking in my dialplan?
17:15.35*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=critter@
17:16.45bmoracaand nothing gets written to mac-app.log...this is friggin wonderful.
17:17.20t_jbmoraca: whats the subnet mask you are using?  We had problems with non standard ones
17:17.31bmoracausing a /24
17:17.59t_jhave you tried regenerating mac.cfg and mac-phone1.cfg?
17:18.17bmoracai haven't been able to find any issues with either file
17:18.36t_jwill those files work on another model?
17:19.04bmoracayes, my 550s boot without issue
17:19.29bmoracathe only differences between the two are that the 550s have the number of line keys set to 4 and the 330s have it set to 2
17:19.50[TK]D-FenderDruken: exten => _X.,15,Set(row_BLOCKED="${REALTIME(blocked,realtime,${CALLERIDNUM}${PEER_customer_id})}") <- var not valid in 1.4+
17:19.57[TK]D-FenderDruken:  and you aren't showing OUTPUT again
17:20.18[TK]D-FenderDruken: And you're adding garbage quotes
17:20.23*** join/#asterisk kyoshi (i=4a65e1b7@gateway/web/freenode/x-yqdcqwqyxaopiqvj)
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17:21.30jgoozaptel.conf and fxsks=1-4 -- does that have to be in zaptel.conf if I have a 4port isdn card using mISDN?
17:21.37Drukengarbage quotes?
17:21.51Drukenoh... hmm... i see them now
17:21.55jgoo**fxoks I mean
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17:22.27jgooalso bchan=1-2 -- I ask, because the system works.. but my zaptel.conf is empty
17:22.33jgoodoes mISDN override this?
17:22.37Druken[TK]D-Fender: you see anything else wrong with it otherwise?
17:22.57MeaulnesHas anyone ever seen an issue wherein a ZAP call will experience a loss of audio without disconnecting the call? PRI debugging seems to indicate that a disconnect was received, but the call is not disconnected. Asterisk 1.4.17
17:23.35kyoshiUsing Asterisk RealTime, for priority "1", my App is "Dial", my AppData is let's say "SIP/${EXTEN}@31241255", normally in the Dial function i can specify a timeout such as "Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@7475518761,10)" but how do I do this in RealTime?
17:23.37[TK]D-FenderDruken: Again stop wasting time showing just code, show its EXECUTION too
17:23.56[TK]D-FenderDruken: We should ne be GuesSING what you may have screwed up.  go generate some ERRORS for us to look at.
17:24.11[TK]D-FenderDruken: Because if everything is fine then you're just wasting our time..
17:25.17Drukenwell, that's just it... i'm not getting an ERROR so to say, it doesn't appear to be getting the incoming DID from the callerid(num) for the initial lookup in the database
17:27.24KyleKhey is there any guides out there for organizing internal extensions?
17:27.42jgooKyleK, there are no task based guides I've seen
17:27.52jgooor goal oriented docs
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17:32.22bmoracado there exist any applications which can verify the integrity of polycom config files?
17:33.39manxpowerbmoraca: Any XML validate program  should work, shouldn't it?
17:33.54bmoracafor structure, yes, but not for content...
17:35.06raden_workanyone know of a good CRM
17:35.43*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
17:35.46dustybini spent the whole day getting my asterisk server to call my friends and play random messages :D
17:35.53dustybinusing .call files :D
17:37.47[TK]D-FenderDruken: exten => _X.,3,Set(row_DID="${REALTIME(dids,did,${CALLERID(num)})}")  <- where do i see this table & mapping?
17:38.15dustybinis that regex?
17:38.31[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: no
17:40.25[TK]D-FenderDruken: And what did I tell you about those useless quotes?
17:42.43*** join/#asterisk davidandgoliath (
17:43.29Drukenyeah i noticed that after i pasted the pastebin... it's been corrected
17:43.39jgoodustybin, I emailed my 'friend' a dialer that set his computer to repeatedly dial his mobile phone, back in the modem days, aaah it was fun. It happened randomly, he never knew WHO was in HIS house, dialing his mobile. I luled
17:44.58Drukenthe DID table is on my mysql server, it's a very simple one, 4 fields, DID, customer_id, Assigned, note
17:45.31Drukendids            => mysql,general,dids
17:46.17dustybinjgoo: lol
17:46.36*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (n=Dibbler@
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17:50.29[TK]D-FenderDruken: I see no reference that you can use REALTIME ad-hoc for any table yuo want.
17:50.51*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
17:51.04Drukenwell, it used to work... unless they changed it to restrict, it still should...
17:51.48*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
17:52.12beekHello everyone.
17:52.45*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
17:52.46jayteehi beek
17:52.50beekhi jaytee
17:52.57Kattyhugs on beek
17:53.27beekhi katty!
17:53.46twanny796trying to get my Z100P card working
17:54.45twanny796insmod wcfxo should do it , yes?
17:55.33Kattyhas a sore from too much salt :<
17:55.47KyleKcan I make my SPA3102 require an asterisk calling it to send a password?
17:56.25Tim_Toadytwanny796 first u modprobe zaptel or dahdi and then the specific module
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17:56.37[TK]D-FenderDruken: I highly recommend you use a normal agnostic function for DB like func_odbc, etc
17:57.18beekKatty: Marguerittas?
17:57.22*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (n=Adium@
17:58.02Kattyand it's right on the side so it hurts anytime i do anything >.<
17:58.29dustybinturns on his War Dialer script
17:58.31beekAsk your dentist for a bottle of Peredex.    That stuff heals any mouth sores.
17:58.33twanny796Tim_Toady : modprobe zaptel : Cant locate module zaptel !!
17:58.42Kattybeek: wow, really?
17:58.52Kattycalls dentist
17:58.55Tim_Toadytwanny796 dahdi then
17:58.55beekI always keep a bottle in the medicine chest.
17:59.15Drukenyou sure you wana admit you get frequent mouth sores?
17:59.18twanny796Tim_Toady : same err
17:59.34KattyDruken: are you overly sensitive about that subject?
17:59.35beekDruken: It heals the burns caused by corn-on-the-cob.
17:59.36Tim_Toadytwanny796 have u got dahdi installed?
17:59.57Drukenmmm, corn on the sob.... too damn i can't have that no more... :(
18:00.06Drukenwife can't eat corn...
18:00.08Kattybeek: i get them from too much citrus too
18:00.10twanny796I don't know about dahdi
18:00.25beekWait... SHE can't eat corn but what is stopping you?
18:00.25Kattythere's gotta be somethin wrong with me
18:00.38Kattybeek: probably one of those support things
18:00.46Drukenbeek: the fact she loves it, and i won't eat it in front of her..
18:00.47Kattybeek: he doesn't keep it around so she won't feel tempted.
18:00.56KattyDruken: that's very sweet of you.
18:00.58Tim_Toadytwanny796 in order to get ur hardware working u need dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools:
18:01.05KattyDruken: i'm sure she appreciates it a great deal.
18:01.08beekDruken, send her out on a shopping spree and while she's gone...
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18:01.53twanny796Tim_Toady : I'm trying to run asterisk on ipcop, from Berlios
18:01.56Kattystarts making list for cabin trip.
18:02.11Kattyit's amazing all the crap i want take with me to a cabin. you'd think i'd want to get away from all of it
18:02.35Tim_Toadytwanny796 thensearch if it has some packages for dahdi or zaptel (dahdis older name)
18:02.55Druken[TK]D-Fender: do we know who wrote the function of realtime?
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18:03.34twanny796Tim_Toady; thinking there's something with modprobe
18:03.41jayteeIs Riddick going to the cabin too?
18:04.03Tim_Toadytwanny796 try depmod -a and then modprobe
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18:04.33wonderworldhey i am having problems with asterisk calling some fax machines. the second the fax on the other side picks up our call, asterisk hangs up on it and says"congestion". i can call the fax with my cell just fine and hear the fax sounds....
18:05.05uskihi; i am looking for a way to allow a user to enable/disable something ("do not disturb") using his phone by calling a special extension. I can't find a way to set a non-volatile variable and to check its status. any idea/example? thanks
18:05.22twanny796Tim_Toady ; still cant' locate module zaptel
18:05.27wonderworlduski: use the asterisk DB
18:05.45twanny796should it be just zaptel or zaptel.o or zaptel.o.gz?
18:05.47uskiwonderworld, ok I'll look into it, thanks
18:05.48Tim_Toadytwanny796 then its not installed
18:06.34twanny796Tim0_Toady; zaptel.o.gz is in /lib/modules/2.4.31/misc
18:06.59twanny796maybe its out of modprobe path?
18:07.02Tim_Toadytwanny796 is that ur running kernel?
18:07.23twanny796how do i check that,
18:07.32Tim_Toadyuname -r polycom 330s aren't downloading the included configuration files from mac.cfg...what would cause that?
18:08.05Naikrovekbmoraca: do the logs show the attempt
18:08.08[TK]D-FenderDruken: Nope
18:08.09twanny796nope ist' 2.4.34
18:08.26bmoracaNaikrovek: no...neither TFTP logs nor syslog nor boot logs show an attempt
18:08.28Tim_Toadytwanny796 then boot with 2.4.34 or install zaptel for 2.4.31
18:08.40Tim_Toadyoups the other way arround
18:08.41Naikrovekbmoraca: then they don't get far enough to require a config
18:08.50Naikrovekbmoraca: are they booting successfully?
18:08.50[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: You never confirmed what you were RUNNING
18:09.08Zhadwhich files are they asking for?
18:09.09Druken[TK]D-Fender: s'ok, i checked the source code, emailed him... i'm also skimming the code.. see what i can find out
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18:09.25[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: Please specify your *, zaptel/DAHDI, kernel and OS version
18:09.37[TK]D-FenderDruken: Just use proper tools for the job.
18:09.43twanny796the prob is that I cannot compile anyting on ipcop
18:09.49[TK]D-FenderDruken: Realtime si for * configs, not your own ad-hoc stuff
18:09.56bmoracaNaikrovek: no...they get to the "running sip.ld" and then reboot.
18:10.22Zhadremembers having that briefly with some 501s
18:10.28twanny796can I move themods form /lib/modules/2.4.31/misc to /lib/modules/2.4.34/misc ;)
18:10.39Naikrovekbmoraca: it's the sip.ld file that requires the [mac].cfg.  have you tried later firmware?  if you have, i'd call polycom
18:10.48Naikrovekbmoraca: polycom is awesome about returns/replacement
18:10.50ZhadI think it was caused by the .cfg format not matching the firmware
18:11.17bmoracaNaikrovek: it downloads mac.cfg no problem
18:11.23Zhadwas based on the xml shipped with 3.x.x and the firmware was 2.4.x iirc.
18:11.26bmoracaNaikrovek: it's just the included files that are not downloaded.
18:11.27Tim_Toadytwanny796 NO
18:11.43Naikrovekbmoraca: okay.  did you try new firmware?
18:12.05ZhadThat's what happened to me, check the mac.cfg against the one shipped with the firmware you are running.
18:12.06[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: Zaptel MUST be compiled for your running kernel
18:12.07bmoracaNaikrovek: several versions, yes.  2.2.2 as well as 3.1.2 as well as several bootloader versions
18:12.22Naikrovekbmoraca: how many phones are affected
18:12.33bmoracaNaikrovek: every single 330 I try
18:12.45bmoracai've tried 4 different phones
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18:12.55bmoracamy 550s, though, work perfectly with the exact same config files
18:13.01Naikrovekbmoraca: call polycom.  i've never even heard of that problem until now
18:13.14Naikrovekbmoraca: config files vary from major SIP version to another
18:13.23Naikrovek2.x.x used a different format than 3.1.x
18:13.42Naikroveki'm using if it helps
18:13.44bmoracaNaikrovek: i'm aware of that.  however, the 550s always at least attempt to download the included files.  the 330s NEVER do
18:14.02bmoracaNaikrovek: mind uploading your config files?
18:14.17Naikrovekbmoraca: np.  one sec
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18:15.11twanny796Tim_Toady : any workarounds to find drivers for  2.4.34??
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18:16.11Zhadbmoraca> replace one of the <mac>.cfg files with the 000000000.cfg files from the firmware that you're running and see if the phone starts (and which files it fetches).
18:16.14Tim_Toadytwanny796 i have no idea how ipcop works, maybe it provides some precompiled packages
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18:18.25twanny796Tim_Toady : thanks, will search
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18:19.27bpgoldsbI'm trying to do some reporting on activity on my Asterisk installation.  CDR doesn't seem to give me the information I need.  Anyone know other solutions for logging the DAHDI/SIP channel that a call came in on, and the DAHDI/SIP channel that it was connected to?
18:20.03KyleKdo something in the dialplan
18:20.27bpgoldsbI'm working on doing that, but I feel like an under-the-hood solution would be better.
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18:20.31[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: CDR is all you've got unless you log your own as KyleK suggested
18:20.36bpgoldsbAnd I don't know if someone has already tackled that.
18:21.02rollotCan anyone recommend a good provider for unlimited outbound (US48)?
18:21.47KyleKset(cdr(userfield)) = "channel number here"
18:22.44bpgoldsbI suppose I'll take a look at that.  Thanks.
18:27.46bmoracait seems to be working now...but it's plugged in to a different switch...maybe it doesn't like my Cisco 3550 switches...
18:28.44bmoracauhg that's going to piss me off
18:29.02ccesariosomebody can say me if  this is "correct" ... ... or can be a possible problem/bug ?
18:29.20carrarbmoraca, is that a POE switch?
18:29.26ccesarioincreasing the verbose I get a warning...
18:29.37bmoracacarrar: yep
18:29.47carrarbmoraca, force the POE to always on
18:30.01carrarnot auto
18:30.14jayteeOn a midnight dark and dreary, whilst I pondered weak and weary
18:30.16carrarI remember reading something about that
18:30.38carrarsomething inline power on
18:30.52Xetrov`quoth the server 404?
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18:32.55bmoracacarrar: sounds about right...let me go attempt this and see what happens
18:34.01carrarint range fa0/2 - 24
18:34.02carrarpower inline delay shutdown 20 initial 300
18:37.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Oh, once upon a midnight dearie I woke with something in my head.  I couldn't escape the memory of a phone call and of what you said
18:39.24jaytee"For the love of God, Montressor!!!!"
18:42.37Druken[TK]D-Fender:     -- Executing [7058123271@incoming:3] Set("SIP/", "row_DID=did=7058123271,customer_id=00000000001,assigned=000001,note=Toll Free,") in new stack
18:42.37Drukenthere's your reference :P
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18:55.08bmoracacarrar: yeah, i found that and it works
18:55.14wonderworldis there a way to make dahdi ignore incoming isdn msns?
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18:58.00Naikrovekbmoraca: poe switch?  really
18:58.09bmoracaNaikrovek: yep...PoE switch was the issue
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18:58.21Naikrovekis that for a particular switch or just any cisco switch
18:58.29Naikrovekreads back
18:58.29came0hey I'm looking to integrate my asterisk server with some web based software I wrote.  is AJAM still the recomended way of doing this?  I'll need to get voicemail information as well as initiating calls, ect.
18:58.45Naikrovekso did setting it to always on fix it or did you just not use POE
18:58.54bmoracaNaikrovek: probably any Cisco PoE switch...
18:59.16bmoracaNaikrovek: loosening the restrictions on the power settings fixed it
18:59.22Naikrovekcool beans
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18:59.28Naikrovekupdate to the very latest firmware
18:59.42Naikrovekuse the combined one, then switch to split for bootrom and sip
18:59.56Naikroveksplit will bring the phones up faster once they boot
19:00.11bmoracaNaikrovek: I did upgrade and i am using split finally
19:00.15Naikrovekok cool
19:00.18Naikroveksplit works better
19:00.51Naikrovekphones take much less time to boot on split
19:01.02carraryeah using combined is dog slow
19:01.13carrarand uses more memory
19:01.21carraravoid that
19:01.40Naikrovekno one else knows wtf i'm talking about.  polycom offers their firmware in two downloads; one single .ld file, many many megs in size, containing firmware for all their phones
19:02.03carrarNaikrovek, most in here do I believe
19:02.06Naikrovekmultiple, small .ld files, one file for each phone model.  downloading split will make it so the phone only downloads the small .ld file it needs, and nothing else
19:02.12Naikrovekwell a month ago, i wouldn't have
19:02.21Naikroveknow it's archived somewhere
19:02.41carraranyone who does what they are supposed to do and read the Admin guide knows :)
19:02.46Naikrovekthat's true
19:02.54Naikrovekbut how many actually read the manuals before they attempt it
19:03.28Naikrovekabout that
19:04.00came0anybody have experience using AJAM to access the AMI?
19:04.05Kattymy jinx package came in!!
19:05.13carrarflow modeling?
19:06.55jayteeI use the smaller ld files on my Polycom phones.
19:07.06Naikrovekjaytee: they work better
19:07.43jayteeless to download when reconfiguring the phone
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19:14.33KyleK[Sep  8 12:14:09] WARNING[16466]: pbx.c:3839 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/missy-spa-0a1902a8' sent into invalid extension '2004' in context 'internal', but no invalid handler
19:15.05KyleKi think that error is gramatically wrong :-/
19:15.39KyleK(i know why its reporting that, but the error text is making me go "huh".)
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19:20.44[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Souds remarkably straightforward to me...
19:22.20wonderworldwhy would i get span 1 got hangup request, cause 17 (busy) when calling a fax machine that isn't busy?
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19:28.10KyleKbut no invalid handler?
19:28.23KyleKoh i guess somewhere to go when things screw up?
19:28.27bmoracaKyleK: that means you don't have an extension set up for handling invalid extensions
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19:33.34[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Care to actually show us the call.  System status, etc?
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19:36.17spckfor some reason my asterisk box stopped generating queue member status events, has anyone else run into this?
19:36.28uskianyone uses mbrola with festival with asterisk? I can't manage to get festival to see my mbrola voice
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19:38.02Skeeter-i need to convert a .wav into .wav formart that asterisk can use in the IVR
19:38.28Skeeter-cant figure out how to make it work, tired the built in converter and other software
19:38.55[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: if the builtin converter could read it you wouldn't NEED to convert
19:39.09KyleKconvert it to single channel 8000hz sample rate 16bit samples
19:39.15Tim_ToadySkeeter- convert it to 8000Hz with sox
19:39.21Skeeter-i did that
19:39.31Skeeter-i think i miss the PCM encoded part
19:39.52Skeeter-tried everythingon that page
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19:40.30DefrazI have a PRI into my asterisk server. When I dial a menu that requires a selection (DTMF) if i do it slow it seems to work pretty good but when I do it fast it never picks up the digits.
19:40.41Tim_Toadyand where is the problem then?
19:40.46DefrazSo for example if I dial my bank.
19:41.07Defrazwell, on a normal land line I can just punch away and it seems to work well.
19:41.12[TK]D-Fenderdefdo it slow from what to what?
19:41.16Defrazeven on my cell phone.
19:41.18[TK]D-FenderDefraz: do it slow from what to what?
19:41.51DefrazLike I dial my bank and it asks for my account number, I have to hold the keys down longer and wait in between a second or two.
19:41.52KyleKDefraz: what are you calling through asterisk with? ATA or VoIP phone?
19:42.04DefrazI am using a polycom 501
19:42.28KyleKis dtmf inband or out of band?
19:42.38DefrazI have tried a grandstream and via an Handy Tone 502 and a linksys pap2t
19:42.38[TK]D-FenderDefraz: What card, what settings?
19:42.56Kobazi should check out pbx_lua
19:43.30Defrazso that would be out of band right?
19:44.05DefrazI have a Cisco 1760 with a pri card in it and it talks sip to the Asterisk box.
19:45.36Kobazwhat the heck is call token, in iax
19:45.45Kobazthe config sample doesn't say much about it
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19:48.41[TK]D-FenderDefraz: then your Cisco  has issues, or is not OOB to *
19:48.53[TK]D-Fender(Actually that may still imply "issues"
19:49.07[TK]D-FenderOut Of Band
19:49.11Defrazgot it
19:49.15Skeeter-Fender: Audacity worked on the first try
19:49.26Defrazhmm I have rfc2833 set on the cisco.
19:49.43Defrazseems to do the same thing with my SIP providers too.
19:50.27bmoracawhy is your PRI going through your Cisco 1760 in the first place?
19:52.04DefrazWell, I have 2 asterisk servers, and if one server died I wanted it to fail over to the other.
19:52.24Defrazand I had a cisco router when using call manager and the pri so I thought, hey that would be a good backup.
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19:56.33NaikrovekDefraz: if you don't have any dahdi hardware just virtualize the server and store the vdisk on a raid array
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19:57.09Naikroveknot sure what kind of budget you have, but if you can afford two servers you can afford to run freenas(free) or openfiler(free) and have some virtual machine hosts.
19:57.56bmoracai wonder if freenas has an iscsi target...
19:57.56Micccan asterisk dialplan handle millions of extensions?
19:58.12Naikrovekbmoraca: yes
19:58.17Naikrovekopenfiler certainly does
19:58.21bmoracais it relatively fast?
19:58.22Naikrovekuses openfiler
19:58.41Naikrovekbmoraca: i get gigE speeds to openfiler (around 100-110MBps)
19:58.49p3nguinHas it improved in the last year?
19:58.57Naikrovektry it and tell me
19:58.59Naikroveki'm new to it
19:59.06p3nguinThe last time I wanted to use it, it wasn't working well for me.
19:59.10Naikrovekit has been flawless in the last two months
19:59.12Naikroveknot a single issue
19:59.22p3nguinSounds good enough to test it again, then.
19:59.22Naikrovekeven through a power failure it came up and resumed its work
19:59.30Naikroveki don't even have a keyboard or monitor on it
19:59.37p3nguinof course
19:59.43MiccWhat is openfiler?
19:59.49p3nguina NAS os
19:59.50bpgoldsbIf I want to import a var from another channel I would use import.  But how do I get a list of all active channels so I can choose one to import?
20:00.10Miccwhat protocol does it use? nfs?
20:00.11bmoracahmmm...this could be useful
20:00.26p3nguinsmb/cifs last I looked
20:00.29Naikrovekbmoraca: NFS, CIFS (windows file share), FTP, HTTP, uh, iSCSI
20:00.59Naikroveki bought a big disk array for $500 from my brother in law, and now use it as a SAN with openfiler
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20:01.16p3nguinYou've got a SAN on your NAS?  Nice!
20:01.17bmoracai've been looking for a cheap iscsi SAN...this might fit the bill...i wonder how flexible it is...
20:01.34Naikrovekah okay NAS
20:01.38bpgoldsbCheap for a person, or cheap for a SAN?
20:01.39Naikroveknetwork attached storage
20:01.54Naikrovekbpgoldsb: cheap for a san.  if you have hardware and disks already, it's free
20:02.01bmoracacheap for a SAN
20:02.28Naikroveki use it for iSCSI
20:02.31Naikrovekworks great
20:02.33p3nguinI currently have a FreeNAS box, but I'm going to have to check Openfiler again.
20:02.40bpgoldsbI've been toying around with building a SAN for my company for a while
20:02.43bmoracai looked at the StarWind iscsi target software...but it's slower than shit and their sales people won't stop calling me
20:02.50bpgoldsbUsing DRBD/LVM/iSCSI/Heartbeat
20:03.02Naikrovekif freenas does what you need i'd use that.  I tried freenas but it wouldn't install because i have more than 2gb of ram in that server
20:03.09Naikrovekwhich is a problem for freenas apparently
20:03.09bpgoldsbor if not iSCSI, ATAoE
20:03.23Naikrovekiscsi is basically a network harddrive cable.
20:03.32Naikrovekyou can only plug it into one server,
20:03.35bpgoldsbIf you're going to build a SAN, I suggest NOT going with something like Openfiler etc
20:03.44Naikrovekbpgoldsb: explain
20:04.01bmoracathey're not good for mission critical :P
20:04.07bpgoldsbBecause when you start using a SAN, you start needing it to be reliable very quick.  If you can't fix virtually any problem with a SAN, you're effed.
20:04.23bpgoldsbMy point is if you don't understand all the underlaying technology, it's a bad idea
20:04.37p3nguiniSCSI just uses IP networking.
20:04.39Kobazor if you have a support contract
20:04.47bpgoldsbBecause when Openfiler et all doesn't have a button to fix... Bye.
20:05.05bpgoldsbSure, I guess I'm just used to my company which doesn't like support contracts.
20:06.22Kobazif you need mission critical storage. you need a support contact where you can call a say 'broken, fix!'  and they will show up at your door in an hour
20:06.34bpgoldsbOr know how to fix it yourself.
20:06.48Kobazbut expect to pay several thousand a  year for a contract like that
20:06.50Kobazor that too
20:07.12bpgoldsbI feel very happy with my experiences with DRBD, Heartbeat and LVM to have a product thats bother cheaper and more reliable for the same price.
20:08.53Kobazi've been using linux raid1 with lvm on top
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20:09.26Naikrovekuses his openfiler for backup. Windows uses it for the "previous versions" feature
20:09.35Naikrovekso if it goes away, i still have it on tape
20:09.44Naikrovekuses Cybernetics hardware for mission critical stuff
20:09.49Naikrovekthat IS an endorsement
20:09.53Naikrovekthey rule
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20:12.05grandpapadotuses rsync ... never had a problem ... ever
20:13.49Naikrovekwell when you need to have previous versions of network share files, and you don't want to be a part of every single file restore, rsync won't cut it
20:13.53Naikrovekbut yes, rsync is cool
20:13.55Naikrovekvery cool
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20:14.41grandpapadotNaikrovek: source one dir, dest another based on date/time, done.
20:14.47Naikroveki need to upgrade the disks in my primary NAS device too...
20:15.00Naikrovekgrandpapadot: i know how to use it, but for what I use openfiler for, it won't cut it
20:15.26Naikroveknot because it can't cut it, because i don't want to be involved every time anyone in india or the US offices accidentally deletes a file or wants to see a previous version
20:15.43Naikroveki believe in automation
20:16.46Naikrovekwhy should i have to be involved when i can write a solution (or employ an existing solution) that does the work for me?  i have better things to do
20:18.32Naikrovekthis is why PBXs were created.  i don't want lily tomlin and her smartass comments at my office listening to all my phone calls
20:18.53Naikrovekso we automate that
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20:24.56IBC_jkenneyI know this isn't the hylafax room but nobody is ever in there
20:25.20IBC_jkenneyi want to setup hylafax that if a specific modem gets a fax it sends it to a specific e-mail
20:25.20Naikrovekanyone know how to make my paging and intercom work across a trunk?
20:26.12grandpapadotNaikrovek: Polycom phones?
20:26.12Naikrovekgrandpapadot: yes
20:26.20Naikrovekof course, what kind of wanker do you think i am?  :)
20:27.13Naikroveki use freepbx, it hink i could just add an outbound route for those extensions
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20:27.28Naikrovekso it passes the *805XX to that server
20:27.43Naikrovekinstead of trying a local extension
20:27.48Naikrovekwill figure it out
20:27.50wonderworldi am having problems with compiling latest 1.4 i compiled and installed libri, dahdi, dahdi-tools andd asterisk
20:28.02wonderworldafter that i have no chan-dahdi in asterisk available?
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20:29.21[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:30.46grandpapadotNaikrovek: You using the Alert-Info header?
20:31.01Naikrovekalready figured it out
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20:31.12Naikroveki gotta stop using /me
20:31.16Naikrovekit's annoying even to me
20:32.08Naikroveki just added an "outbound route" for all you freepbx lurkers, and just specified the one extension i have at home in the route.  when i dial it, it passes the call to my pbx at home and redials it there
20:32.14Naikrovekinstant intercom
20:32.22LemensTShey all. Im writing a calling program in phpagi and need to keep track of call times and stuff for billing purposes and when to cut there service off. Ive never done cdr's before, should i just keep the default text cdr's, or is there a reason to go with mysql cdr's?
20:32.29Naikroveki should add a password to that trunk so no one can intercom me at home except me
20:32.44grandpapadotNaikrovek: Ya, that's how we do call groups, works great.
20:32.57Naikrovekyeah i have several paging groups set up here, it's awesome
20:33.28Kattysips tea.
20:34.04beekis enjoying a glass of iced tea.
20:34.24asterwikiLemensTS: mysql cdr offers good user-interface and tools to do call analysis, makes obtaining n=billing details easier as well;
20:34.52IBC_jkenneypeek o boo
20:34.57Naikrovekthrows his iced tea against the wall, then feels bad and goes to watch terminator 2 in the bedroom
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20:35.05Naikroveki see youuuu
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20:35.19Naikrovekjust kidding.  i'd dump it in the toilet
20:35.26IBC_jkenneyanyone know how to set a individual
20:35.28Naikrovekdoesn't throw; just watch him play basketball
20:35.35IBC_jkenneyfax number in hylafax
20:35.43IBC_jkenneyto send faxes to a different e-mail
20:35.45LemensTSasterwiki: thx
20:35.54NaikrovekIBC_jkenney: i have no experience with hylafax, can't help ya.
20:36.10IBC_jkenneyi checked the hylafax room heard crickets
20:36.42came0IBC_jkenny:  I used to run a hylafax server here.. what are you trying to do?
20:37.07*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (n=chatzill@
20:37.29IBC_jkenneyif someone gets a fax on modem A send it to email address b
20:37.42twanny796any links to precompiled zaptel moduls for linux 2.4.34?
20:37.43IBC_jkenneyif someone gets a fax on modem b send it to email A
20:37.53Naikrovektwanny796: linux 2.4?  why?
20:38.17twanny796Naikrovek: running asterisk on ipcop
20:38.29Naikrovekwhat's ipcop
20:38.43Naikrovekgoogles it
20:38.46twanny796Naikrovek: firewall
20:38.54IBC_jkenneycame0 did you get that?
20:39.07Naikrovektwanny796: yeah
20:39.19Naikrovektwanny796: you use this for your main corp/home firewall?
20:39.22wonderworldi am having problems with compiling latest 1.4 i compiled and installed libri, dahdi, dahdi-tools andd asterisk
20:39.25wonderworldafter that i have no chan-dahdi in asterisk available?
20:39.31came0IBC_jkenney:  yeah let me think about it for a second
20:39.37twanny796Naikrovek: for home, yep
20:39.38IBC_jkenneyok just checking
20:40.03Naikrovektwanny796: k.  things like this are why virtual machines were created
20:40.27Naikrovektwanny796: i've not compiled against that kernel.  I skipped 2.2 and 2.4 as i was out of the linux world then
20:40.32Naikrovekthat's about 12 years of time i think
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20:41.04Naikrovektwanny796: you may have better luck on forums
20:41.27Naikrovektwanny796: when you rebuild that machine, if you do, install esxi server, then add a virtual machine for ipcop and another for asterisk.
20:41.36Naikrovekthen you can upgrade them indepenently and they can run on the same hardware
20:41.42Naikroveki am a BIG believer in virtualization
20:42.01grandpapadotthinks running asterisk on a firewall is bad, m'kay?
20:42.13Naikrovekyeah probably not a good idea but he didn't ask how to take it off
20:42.17twanny796Naikrovek: frankly, I don't like virtual machines
20:42.41Naikrovektwanny796: why not?  I have a dozen guests running on a single $5k server at work, and they run great perform great
20:43.20twanny796Naikrovek: but that's a $5k machine not a $200 PIII
20:43.33dustybinat last, a nice simple easy to read, compile asterisk howto as non-root user
20:43.44Naikrovekon 32bit machines you will see a tiny (<1%) performance degredation, on 64-bit hardware there is no performance penalty at all, actually since the drivers are so much simpler, they seem to perform better
20:43.53came0IBC_jkenny:  I cant remember how I did it... something in the setup.modem i think
20:43.54grandpapadottwanny796: You will probably have better luck with 1.2 and those iterations of Zaptel on a 2.4 kernel ...
20:43.57Naikrovektwanny796: aah yeah.  that would be a good reason
20:44.10grandpapadot*asterisk 1.2
20:44.13Naikrovektwanny796: may i suggest a single Cisco ASA 5505 for $400 if you want a super firewall?
20:44.33Naikrovekand remote VPN access to your home network
20:44.34heedlyNaikrovek: the complicated drivers are at some level
20:45.23Naikrovekheedly: yeah the virtual drivers have to go through the host machine drivers, but even those are pretty damn slim.  ESXi 4.0 is like 32MB total; pretty slim
20:45.36twanny796Naikrovek: prob I will be trying the berliOS distro which promises both world
20:45.46Naikrovektwanny796: cool
20:45.58Naikroveki've never used dahdi at all, so i can't even say how to compile them against 2.4
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20:46.04Naikroveksurely there must be a tutorial out there somewhere
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20:46.43twanny796Naikrovek: first of all I'm trying to get my X100P working, seems to need to load the zaptel driver first
20:47.11iksikis it possible to dial extension from CLI ?
20:47.13grandpapadottwanny796: You're installing an X100P and Asterisk on your firewall?  Is this a business?
20:47.42Naikrovekiksik: core show application originate   is what [tk]d-fender usually says
20:47.48Naikrovekgrandpapadot: home
20:48.10twanny796grandpapadot: no, dangerous?
20:48.41Naikrovektwanny796: well, firewalls are kinda meant to do firewall only, one in port from internet, one out port to each network they firewall; that's it
20:48.53iksikCommand 'core show application originate' failed
20:49.01grandpapadottwanny796: for fun at home, I say go for it, for business, bad mojo ...
20:49.09Naikrovekif you misconfigure, any apps running on the firewall may not be protected
20:49.26Naikrovekiksik: core help show application originate  maybe?  whatever the help command is
20:49.33Naikrovekiksik: what asterisk version are you running
20:52.07Naikrovekiksik: in the asterisk CLI, type: help core show application Originate
20:52.08IBC_jkenneyok i will keep looking thanks
20:52.25Naikroveki don't have asterisk 1.6 anywhere, so I can't verify here before i open my mouth on IRC
20:52.41iksikhelp core show application Originate
20:52.41iksikNo such command 'core show application Originate'.
20:53.03beekIMAP VM storage is an all-or-nothing proposition isn't it?  e.g., do all my users have to be using IMAP storage or can I be selective about it?
20:53.52p3nguiniksik: 1.4 doesn't have that, either.
20:54.03iksikhm, hm
20:54.09Naikrovekiksik: ask [tk]d-fender when he comes back on
20:54.10Naikrovekhe'll know
20:54.12KyleKbeek: its coded all or nothing in 1.6.1
20:54.17Naikrovekhe's answered that many times
20:54.39iksikhehe, ok
20:54.45KyleKanswered what?
20:54.57NaikrovekKyleK: how do place a call from Asterisk CLI
20:55.14Naikrovekmaybe it's not possible
20:55.23beekKyleK: Thanks.  That's what I feared.   A choice would be nice but I'll just play with a test server for a while before commiting the whol' enchalata.
20:55.31Naikroveki've seen lots of people ask about it and [tk] is always right there with an answer that i've never read
20:56.08Kobazit seems asterisk is constantly leaving odbc connections open, and creating more and more, until the server reaches it's limit
20:56.15KyleKNaikrovek: type originate in the cli
20:56.20NaikrovekKyleK: ah
20:56.29Naikrovekiksik: type originate in the cli
20:56.30KyleKthe originate is a 1.6 thing
20:56.33beekiksik: Isn't that an AMI command?
20:56.41NaikrovekKobaz: suck
20:56.51NaikrovekKobaz: that sucks, i mean
20:56.51Kobazit would be nice if Originiate was also a dialplan application
20:56.54iksikoriginate works :P
20:56.57iksikbut now what? D
20:57.00iksikoriginate dial ?
20:57.04beekiksik: As an application?
20:57.05Naikrovekiksik: help originate
20:57.56p3nguinkylek: It can't be, since I have it in 1.4.
20:57.57iksikhmmm, wierd usage description ;P
20:59.10*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
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21:00.36wonderworldi am desperate. i can't make asterisk 1.4 work with dahdi and a b410p
21:01.10Naikrovekwonderworld: i would help you if i could, but i've never used any physical asterisk hardware
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21:03.40Naikrovekwonderworld: [tk]d-fender can probably help you when he comes on, but you'll need to be able to show him error messages and config files and the like via
21:04.00Naikrovekhe's kinda rough but he's smart and can help you if you state your question when he returns
21:06.33kn0xany reason why these polycom would subscribe, but not REGISTER?
21:06.49grandpapadotkn0x: you're seeing the notification subscription (mwi, hints)
21:07.05grandpapadotkn0x: one sec
21:07.23kn0xFound peer '733' for '733' from
21:07.29kn0xbut it is not registering
21:07.40kn0xSIP debug only shows it subscribing
21:08.01kn0xFound peer '733' for '733' from
21:08.09kn0xCreating new subscription
21:08.28Naikrovekkn0x: do you have a password on the phone or something
21:08.44kn0xjust the polycom default 456
21:08.47Kobazthere's something wrong with BASE64_ENCODE/DECODE
21:08.52Naikrovekno not that one
21:08.56iksikerm.... i've got wierd error
21:08.58iksikChannel 'SIP/7012-b8269d20' sent into invalid extension '7050' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
21:09.03iksikwhat does it mean? :|
21:09.04Kobazstrings encoded with BASE64_ENCODE are not properly decided with BASE64_DECODE
21:09.25Kobaziksik: it means extension 7050 doesn't exist in the default context
21:09.28p3nguinHopefully the originate discussion isn't too far passed... How do I find a channel to originate FROM?  The guide suggests zap/1/123456 as an example, but I only have SIP channels.  Not sure how to find a SIP channel to originate.
21:09.45grandpapadotiksik: means that a call was sent to exension 7050 in your default context but 7050 didn't exist and neither did the special invalid 'i' exension
21:10.05Naikrovekkn0x: i'm talking about the reg.1.auth.password= line in the phone config file
21:10.38Kobaziksik: your sending a call to an extension@context that doesn't exist
21:11.08kn0xNaikrovek: yes i have a password
21:11.14iksikbut this extension exists, and have exactly the same context like before (in sip.conf file)... but now it's moved into pgsql
21:11.22p3nguiniksik: How do I determine a SIP channel to originate from?
21:12.17iksikp3nguin i've tried: originate SIP/extension_number extension extension_number
21:12.25dustybinare SMS messages supported in asterisk?
21:12.29iksikand it works ;]
21:12.37p3nguinI'll try that.
21:12.50p3nguinAH, it does.
21:13.52p3nguiniksik: Extensions are not configured in sip.conf, but are in extensions.conf instead.  If the extension cannot be reached, it's probably because there is not one configured.
21:14.11*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
21:14.21grandpapadotdustybin: no
21:14.54dustybingrandpapadot: what is smsq ?
21:15.31iksikdamn, I don't get it ;/
21:16.00p3nguinQ: Is it possible to use the sms_app over zap without the .call file?
21:16.01p3nguinA: in newer versions of asterisk there is smsq - a tool that sends sms from the command line.
21:16.38p3nguiniksik: I'll try to help you.  What's the problem?
21:16.44*** join/#asterisk amazinzay (
21:16.59iksikp3nguin this line [2009-09-08 23:17:00] WARNING[21352]: pbx.c:3831 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/7012-b8269d20' sent into invalid extension '7050' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
21:17.33bmoracathese damn polycom phones will be the death of me
21:18.01iksiknow i'm using postgres database to keep my sip accounts... there are only 3 extensions, before when it works on files everything was ok, but now it does'nt ;/
21:18.08p3nguiniksik: Seems clear to me.  You have dialed an invalid extension '7050' in context 'default'
21:18.10iksikextensions.conf is not changed at all
21:18.27iksikonly sip accounts was moved, dialplan is the same
21:19.17p3nguinI run mine from regular files instead of a database, so I don't know why that happens to you.
21:19.27amazinzayiksik: try running dialplan show 7050@default
21:20.13iksikThere is no existence of 7050@default extension
21:20.23p3nguinIf there is no explicit 7050 in the default context, that's going to be the result.
21:20.50iksikbut i don't get it, why he is trying to call it via default context ;/
21:20.50p3nguinIf you are doing matching rather than having definitive ext numbers, that is.
21:21.01p3nguinWhat context are you trying to dial?
21:21.33*** join/#asterisk ayeso (
21:21.34dustybinlook at this monster
21:21.49iksikand 7050 belongs to DLPN_OutDPResellerPOST context
21:22.23ayesoIs there anything negative that can happen if a 'reload' is issued from the CLI on a live system?
21:22.30p3nguinThen originate the call to 7050@DLPN_OutDPResellerPOST
21:22.58amazinzayayeso, it should not affect the calls currently connected on the system.
21:23.10*** join/#asterisk ketema (
21:23.30dustybinI am so close to buying this,
21:23.33dustybinshall i buy it?
21:24.16amazinzayiksik: in your setup for the phone, what extension do you specify for that phone?
21:24.58iksikof this 7050?
21:25.08amazinzayno, the phone you are calling from
21:25.13p3nguinThe way his macro looks, if he would dial 7050, extension 050 would be called.
21:25.16iksikit's my cellphone ;)
21:25.32amazinzayhow are you connecting to the system? are you calling from the outside?
21:25.42iksiki'm trying to setup incoming calls route for _91XXXX into that extension
21:26.01iksikand i'm testing it with my cellphone
21:26.03amazinzayok, so you are coming in through? PRI, SIP tunk, Analog?
21:26.06p3nguinThen you had better create an extension for it.
21:26.10iksikSIP Trunk
21:26.11ayesoHas anyone ever seen the voicemail application not hangup calls when the caller is gone?
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21:26.43amazinzayok so the config for that sip trunk, do you have a context explicitly declared?
21:26.59iksikeverythink is ok with dialplan, cause nothing was changed here... something is wrong with database query or hmm, or something :D
21:27.11iksikeverything* :P
21:27.16p3nguinI think it's the dial plan of extensions.conf.
21:27.20p3nguinThat's my opinion.
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21:27.37p3nguinThat, and not understanding how extensions are dialed.
21:27.47iksikextensions.conf wasn't changed... before (when I was using only files) everywhing was ok
21:27.48amazinzayyou said you moved to a database based config
21:27.50iksikamazinzay hmm
21:27.58iksikamazinzay yes, but only sip accounts
21:28.09amazinzayso that sip trunk is going to be in that
21:28.31iksikand all settings of trunks was moved into database
21:28.54amazinzayso in that database table there should be a line that specifies that particular trunk, on that line there should be a setting for context
21:29.07amazinzayif it is not set it will default to the default context
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21:29.19amazinzayyou need to change that row in the table and set the context
21:29.30iksikamazinzay it's set to: DLPN_OutDPResellerPOST
21:29.49iksikjust like before ;/
21:30.11*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (n=Matt_Rid@
21:30.12p3nguinWhat does dialplan show 7050@DLPN_OutDPResellerPOST say?
21:30.41iksikThere is no existence of 7050@DLPN_OutDPResellerPOST extension
21:30.58p3nguinI believe it when it says that.
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21:31.36iksikyeah, like before he says that no one is connected... there was just missing rtcache-something in sip.conf to make sip show peers works
21:31.49iksikmabe here is some simillar problem? :|
21:33.54amazinzayyou said you are trying to match _91XXXX into the extension.... what happend if you put in dialplan show 917050@DLPN_OutDPResellerPOST
21:34.00iksikhm, when I calling it from my extension
21:34.03iksikExecuting [0947175060@DLPN_DialPlanIN:1] Goto("SIP/7012-b82053c8", "default,7050,1") in new stack
21:34.19iksikGot SIP response 603 "Decline" back from IP
21:34.24iksikit seems to work :|
21:34.54amazinzayare both your users and peers mapped to the same database table? or do you have seperate ones
21:35.08iksikit's one database
21:35.12iksikand one database table
21:39.39amazinzaydoes that SIP response happen every time you try? in other words, are you sure it is from this call and not just a response to a SIP notify?
21:40.38iksikhm, wait, I'll try to call my extension from outside
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21:41.02iksikand it works ;/
21:42.27iksikok, i'm to tired today... ;/
21:42.40amazinzayif you call  0947175060 from your extension again does it give you the same SIP error?
21:45.14amazinzayMy queues aren't reporting agent state. I have a queue set, but it always says "(agent not in use)" When I run queue show from the CLI. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
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22:30.18justsomedoodanybody know why in our CDR records, in the dst column we'd occasionly get "sw-XXXX-XXXX" (where the X's are numbers) instead of the extension dialed?
22:35.57tgunrIn the docs the example for originate is originate Zap/1/123456 extension 400@greeting but what the hech is the syntax for <tech/data>? What is Zap in there?
22:36.26manxpowerZap, SIP, H323, Skinny, Local, MGCP are all "Tech"s
22:36.53manxpowerin your example 1/123456 is the "data"
22:37.22tgunrhmm, so if im testing I presume it is my extension name?
22:37.48manxpowertech is a device, not an extension.
22:38.15manxpowerThe Local/ channel will let you to "tech only" things with the dialplan.  Think of it as sort of a "loopback" interface for phone calls.
22:38.32tgunrok, will try it with Local
22:39.26manxpowerYou could originate Local/401@greeting and instead of going off somewhere the call will hit the dialpan at exten => 401,1,Whatever in the [greeting] context.
22:41.47tgunrnothing but help messages, what I am really trying to find is what is being match when I try to originate a call to my SIP provider as everything but my internal extensions are failing with 'extension not found'
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23:01.42tgunris there anyway to debug what is trying to being matched in the dialplans?
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23:02.42pznHi, How can I set a dialplan for when someone dial "0" it will get one of the availabla lines from sip/101 sip/102 and sip/103 ?
23:14.15bmoracafreakin ay
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23:16.53bmoracapolycom phones finally upgraded and problem-free!
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23:21.46p3nguinWhen I hang up my phone after talking to someone, a message pops up on the console:   == Spawn extension (phones, <number I called>, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/101-00756d40'
23:21.56p3nguinWhat does the whole non-zero thing indicate?
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23:23.28PanicManunable to config IAX compression, any helper care to help
23:24.31PanicManwhen i use TrunkMTU=1240, its not working :( all packets are tramsitting with 65bytes instead of 1240
23:25.16PanicManeveryone is sleeping :(
23:25.52tgunrsnores loudly
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23:33.58ricko73steps on the crickets
23:34.25p3nguinAlso, rtp.c:786 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
23:34.47p3nguinThat client address is that of my termination provider, but the claim the problem is on my end.
23:34.56ricko73it's a warning
23:34.56p3nguinthey claim, rather
23:35.03ricko73not an error
23:36.18p3nguinI want it elimitated, since it will eventually fill my logs.
23:36.29ricko73I want a pony
23:37.06p3nguinI meant the comfort noise thing... I don't care about the non-zero exit, just wondered what it means.
23:37.06Kobazomg pwnies
23:37.30infobotfrom memory, google is
23:37.37KobazOMG PWNIES
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23:51.08infobot[answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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