IRC log for #asterisk on 20090905

00:06.11dustybinI just had a wild thought, i could give all my family and friends there own telephone number, and they could ring eachother using my server
00:06.32dustybinand i could ChanSpy() the conversations
00:06.46dustybin*only joking* :P
00:10.08dustybinblist all
00:41.36*** join/#asterisk carrar (
00:59.09*** join/#asterisk chazbro (
00:59.26chazbrohey there :)
00:59.52chazbroi'm a total newb to voip
01:00.14chazbroi need a clarification
01:00.51chazbrois Asterisk a  kind of competitor to Skype?
01:01.23chazbrocan I download Asterisk and just use it by itself
01:01.57chazbroor is Asterisk a development engine that ppl use to develop software for?
01:09.12chazbrook... to simplify my question(s).... what is Asterisk? and don't refer me to the  home page. I've seen the home page... it's gobbldy-gook
01:11.03jayteeasterisk is a toolkit
01:11.12*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:12.08chazbroso ppl use it to develop software for voip
01:12.40chazbroit's not a stand alone software to use for voip
01:12.50jayteemore like use it to create a pbx that can handle voip and traditional telephony circuits
01:15.54chazbroi use Slackware Linux on a regular basis... I'm not afraid of the command line
01:16.50*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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01:16.56chazbrocan a person like myself... provided with enough info use Asterisk as a Skype replacement?
01:18.09chazbroi can and do read man pages
01:18.14*** join/#asterisk arthax0r (i=arthax0r@gateway/shell/
01:18.35jayteei've read the Bible, doesn't mean I believe all of it
01:18.41chazbroim just new to this whole voip thing
01:19.56beekHey jaytee -- ChanIsAvail() put me onto a solution.  Thanks for the reminder. called Asterisk one of the all time great software of open source
01:20.52*** join/#asterisk leon01 (
01:20.52chazbroI just thought if it's so great, maybe I should use it instead of other voip apps like Skype
01:21.23chazbroif that's possible
01:21.48jayteebeek, cool. only other thing I could think of would cost money and that's an intelligent T1 failover box that could send a network message to run a script on your asterisk server. then use the script to swap to a dialplan that reroutes.
01:22.39*** part/#asterisk chazbro (
01:23.38beekjaytee: This isn't the most elegant solution, that's for sure.   I set it up to try the outgoing PRI.  If there are no available channels, then try to get a channel on the inbound PRI, which could be jammed with callers.  If that fails, I'll use Teliax.
01:26.47jayteebeek, check out for Nagios and PRI. there's a couple bash scripts there that could give you some other ideas.
01:29.27beekI'll do that.  I was going to write one -- we use nagios for our networks so that would be a natural.  I'll head over there and see what has already been done.
01:29.40beekPRI just came up.
01:30.29jayteeyou could modify one of the scripts, it just does an asterisk -rx "pri show spans and dumps it into a string variable, uses grep and awk to modify it and then uses if then for checking values.
01:31.17jayteebased on the script result you could set a flag in the astdb and have any queue calls test that flag value and route accordingly
01:31.29jayteeduh! my bad.
01:32.11beekGreat list!  I'm sure I can get some good ideas in there.
01:33.30beekThere already... I'm thinking that will work fine.  We have a plugin that will run that locally and nagios will get the result, so it should be fairly lightweight.
01:33.33jayteeyou'd have to mod the script for dahdi
01:35.07beekFigures this would kick me in the ass.   I was all set for failover for my inbound PRI.   What the hell was I thinking not to provide for an outbound PRI failure?  Sheesh!
01:35.14jayteeactually that might just run as it is
01:35.47*** part/#asterisk giovani (n=giovani@unaffiliated/giovani)
01:36.13beekI'll need to tweak it a bit to handle which of the four spans are down.
01:36.48*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:36.54beekI just found a major negative point about -- I'm listening to an ad that mentions "spotting."  Just what I want to hear.
01:41.28*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
01:47.41*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:49.52Qwellbeek: You forgot to check the gender checkbox.
01:50.08beekQwell -- Is there such a thing?
01:50.14Qwellprobably not
01:50.30Qwellbetter than Facebook randomly choosing female for me, and my boss asking why it set that :p
01:50.33beekI wish... I've seen that damned thing too many times.  The gal looks great, but...
01:52.36beekQwell -- I just checked my profile.   There is a Gender option, I have it set for 'male.'   Obviously they're not using that as a basis for selecting commercials!
01:52.50Qwellthey should
01:53.06*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
01:53.32beekI agree.   They have a "like/dislike" commercial feature and I've been rating these as "dislike", without effect.   My TiVo would have gotten the hint by now.
02:05.50*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
02:10.42*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:18.31*** join/#asterisk matt_d (n=matt@
02:18.43matt_dHello everyone!
02:19.31*** join/#asterisk mumtazah (n=mumtazah@
02:19.37matt_dhello mumtazah
02:20.23matt_dWhat's going on?
02:21.36*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:21.51matt_dhi riddlebox
02:24.17matt_dis bored.
02:28.05riddleboxi just got home from doing 2 pri cuts
02:29.14matt_di just got home too.. and am hungry :)
02:29.29riddleboxyeah I just ate nachos
02:29.57matt_d..... lucky ........
02:30.34matt_di started working on a Ruby AGI server a while ago. I think i will work on it a bit tonight. but i'm not motivated :(
02:30.46matt_dI swear I have ADD
02:31.43matt_di havent been on irc for years. i am also connected to efnet. its dead there. no body says anything. whats the deal? jabber taking over everything?
02:31.55matt_dand cell phone text messaging
02:32.04riddleboxi dont know I always log into freenode
02:34.02matt_dtimes are always changing i guess
02:35.35matt_dtwitter clone? :)
02:35.53riddleboxyeah opensource I believe
02:36.04*** join/#asterisk tjz (
02:38.22matt_dhi tzj
02:59.56*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
03:01.51johnakabeanexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(number)}" =! "Unknown"]:blacklisted)
03:01.51johnakabeanexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(number)}" =! "Unavailable"]:blacklisted)
03:01.54johnakabeanare those correct?
03:03.26matt_ddoes it not work? :)
03:03.56matt_dexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(number)}" =! "Unknown"]?blacklisted)
03:04.00matt_dexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(number)}" =! "Unavailable"]?blacklisted)
03:04.02matt_dtry those
03:04.13johnakabeanit catches people that have valid caller id's
03:07.10matt_dit appears so
03:08.33matt_dis bored, again.
03:15.22*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
03:18.08*** join/#asterisk Sandheaver (n=jeremiah@
03:22.22Nuggetdrives around the channel in his new car making vroom vroom noises
03:23.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:26.08filegets run over by Nugget
03:26.28*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
03:27.15*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:32.44Nuggetmy brakes are good, I wouldn't hit you!
03:41.22*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
03:41.52*** join/#asterisk leon01 (
03:48.44*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
03:51.11*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
03:55.00*** join/#asterisk jong2 (
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03:55.12*** join/#asterisk johnantypas (
03:56.17*** join/#asterisk joako_ (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
03:57.05johnantypasHello all -- not sure if this is a dahdi-tools item or not, but I'm running Asterisk 1.6.1 and I'm trying to find out two things.  One, is the new timing API in place to use the MeetMe() function without my needing a kernel module or Zaptel and two, does anyonehave an example of this new function or the Bridge function?
03:59.26johnakabeanjohn, you need a timing source for meetme; that's why meetme will say "that is not a valid conference number" if dahdi or zaptel is not installed
03:59.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:59.45johnakabeanIf you DON"T have any cards from digium, pci pci express, you can run dahdi just fine
03:59.54johnakabeanit will automatically use the dummy module
04:00.03johnantypasWasn't the new timing API supposed to fix that?
04:00.08johnakabeanthat's what I'm doing it
04:00.23johnakabeanasterisk will always require some timing source
04:00.28*** join/#asterisk Sandheaver (n=jeremiah@
04:00.42johnantypasAh -- ok, the blogs had noted a new timing API and hinted that the Bridge command might do this.
04:00.46johnakabeanits very easy to install dahdi and it won't use but 0.2 percent of your memory
04:00.58johnakabeanbriding only works for sip to sip
04:01.12johnantypasAll I've got is sip.
04:01.21johnakabeanand if you bridge a call, it takes the call OFF your asterisk
04:01.28johnakabeanso noone can use the asterisk features
04:01.37johnakabeanI use all SIP
04:01.46johnakabeanbut I don't want native bridging
04:02.10johnakabeanyou can't use ANY asterisk features when the calls get bridged
04:02.21johnantypasOK -- I interpreted  bridging as a way to join N channels together.  Now that I think about it, it would make one "super channel" and I'd lose control of the bridge :-(
04:02.31johnakabeanyou lose all control
04:02.55johnakabeanso make sure you set canreinvite=no in your sip trunks
04:02.55johnantypasIt's good for handoff, but not for conferneces.  OK, so just load the dahdi module and I'm all set.
04:03.17johnantypasOK -- thanks -- now's a good time to try it, no one on the switch tongiht.  THX.
04:03.28johnakabeanmake sure you installed libpri
04:03.44johnantypasOK -- will do.  Even for only SIP?
04:04.00johnantypas(I was so desperate to figure this thing out I even tried FreeSwitch....)
04:04.05[TK]D-Fenderwow, what will people come up with next...
04:04.09*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
04:04.13drmessanoThat is ALL wrong
04:04.19[TK]D-Fenderyup, kinda scary
04:04.20*** join/#asterisk Sandheaver (n=jeremiah@
04:04.23johnantypasI'm back home now....
04:04.29[TK]D-FenderGotta love the late night crazies
04:04.46johnantypasThanks all!
04:04.51*** part/#asterisk johnantypas (
04:05.23Sandheaveris a late night crazy
04:05.30TJNIIis too
04:06.49drmessano1.6.1 does remove the need for Dahdi as a timing source, for things like IAX trunking.. But DAHDI is not a timing source for MEETME, its used for MIXING for MEETME
04:07.07drmessanoand of course that bit has not been removed
04:07.24drmessanoand you DONT need libpri unless you.... wait for it.. need it for a PRI
04:08.12drmessanoThe trixbox forums are NOT the ultimate authority on Asterisk
04:08.38Sandheaverfact checks...
04:08.38TJNIIOkay, now I wished I had saved the "Lies!" line for that last comment.
04:08.41Sandheaverokay you're right
04:08.48Sandheaver... this time ....
04:09.47Sandheaver= Naikrovek, btw
04:09.58Sandheavernot that it matters
04:10.55jong2oh boy wth nerds doing in weekend night.
04:11.12*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
04:11.38Sandheavermy wife and daughters are sleeping
04:11.48Sandheaverthat's what i'm doing :)
04:11.58Sandheaver... that's what THEY'RE doing.  i'm xchatting
04:12.07jong2here is weekend night entertainment for ya.
04:12.39jong2we need some users to try out. if you bored, give it try.
04:12.53jong2i promise you it will be good entertainmnt.
04:14.11coppiceyet another visual callflow designer
04:14.25[TK]D-FenderYup, rather Shakespearean.  Can't decide whether its a tragedy or a comedy :D
04:14.55jong2it is open source gpl.
04:15.01jong2u can swallow it.
04:15.10coppice[TK]D-Fender: The Shakespearean comedies are the ones with the jokes
04:15.27jong2tommorrow tommorrow tommorrow
04:15.53jong2was it macbeth... signicant nightin...blah blah
04:16.18jqlwaits for the page to load... and waits...
04:16.26jqldoes it not like Safari?
04:16.42jong2probably not.
04:16.56jqlwhips out the trusty 'fox
04:16.59jong2rich nerds runs mac.
04:17.13Sandheaverquite a thing to say to a potential customer
04:17.44Sandheaverbesides, i know lots of poor yuppies who want you to think they're rich nerds to have macs
04:17.57Sandheavers/to have macs/who have macs/
04:18.03*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:18.13jong2if u have product to sell, i will be more courteous..
04:18.21jong2i mean we
04:19.05jong2i guess you can donate if you are rich...
04:19.12jong2Ah... my friday night.
04:19.24jong2why my kid not sleeping yet.
04:21.18Sandheaverjong2: what is your native language
04:21.44jong2ah korean ... besides my sticky laptop keyboard does not help
04:22.01jong2u get the idea...
04:22.13Sandheaversouth korea i assume?
04:22.20jong2and had a few booze...
04:22.20Sandheaverdo they even have internet in NK?
04:22.58jong2i heard they raise hacker army believe or nto
04:23.12Sandheaveroh yeah i heard about that
04:23.22jong2that might be sweet job for nerds..
04:36.28thehareats his late night egg salad sammich. nom nom
05:03.22*** join/#asterisk denon (
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05:09.39*** join/#asterisk maour (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
05:11.23linageecan someone fix please? :(
05:11.32linagee   <-- still doesn't work
05:14.06linageen/m. found something awesome.
05:14.18linageepremade voip qos goodness
05:14.36*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=l@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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05:20.00*** join/#asterisk maour_ (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
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05:43.47*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
05:48.55*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
06:05.45*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:07.49TJNIISweet! New server is up!
06:07.59TJNIILet's see how weel * runs on VBox.
06:09.02TJNIINot quite, there infobot.  At least I know now why you never corrected me before.
06:09.42linageewhat the..... arghhhhh. :(
06:10.05linageeis it possible that the sip server my itsp gives me is not the server that sends/receives voice traffic? :(
06:10.22linageewow that is fscked. here i thought i had low latency to them.
06:10.33*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
06:14.35*** join/#asterisk Heretic (
06:16.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
06:17.58linageebangs head against wall
06:18.25linageewhat the heck is the point in putting a local SIP server some place if it's not the actual box that has the traffic. :(
06:19.09linageei've never wanted to drop an itsp so bad
06:19.37TJNIIWhich one?
06:19.42linageeTJNII: voicepulse
06:19.55linageeTJNII: they have sjc servers now. oh wait, no, they don't. :(
06:20.16linageeTJNII: i was so excited that got a 2ms ping
06:20.36TJNIIYea, I'd be excited about that too.
06:20.45linageeTJNII: why did I have to do a tethereal and ruin it. :(
06:21.03TJNIIIgnorance is bliss, man.
06:21.20linageeTJNII: they have some serious voodoo going on. I ran tethereal, called the number, and I'm like, "wtf is this other IP showing all the RTP packets?"
06:21.32TJNIIfeels, personally, that if ignorance was actually bliss that there would be a lot more happy people.
06:21.34linageeTJNII: I ping that other IP and it's like, 80ms
06:21.48TJNIII think I have 100ms to Broadvoice.
06:21.55TJNIINever really got below 80
06:22.08linageeTJNII: the thing that absolutely sucks is that I put a ticket in once for bad service. and they soothed me over. wtf
06:23.11*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
06:23.13linageeTJNII: unfortunately I think changing ITSPs is harder than just finding a virtual server closer to this new IP. (I only have like 4 DIDs or so, but still)
06:23.40TJNIIYea, transferring numbers can be a pain.
06:23.58linageeTJNII: I would love it if I can find something in or near SF though. maybe in or something
06:25.17TJNIIBroadvoice was really nice when I lived in Iowa because I was (relatively) close to their Chicago proxy.  Unfortunately, now in Colorado that same proxy is still the fastest, even with the extra 20ms.
06:25.41linageeTJNII: was that the server where the traffic is actually coming from?
06:26.05linageeTJNII: if you run a tethereal and make a phone call, is the IP the same?
06:27.10linageeTJNII: tell me any place on voicepulse's website where they list their internal RTP server's IP though. hah. not. (it doesn't reverse to anything either)
06:27.55TJNIII honestly don't know.  I didn't look into it that close.
06:28.43*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
06:28.46linageeTJNII: I think now I know better. when researching a new itsp provider I will ask, "is the same server that will be sending/receiving my voice traffic, or is this just a dumb sip server?"
06:29.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:33.16linageeTJNII: how can you know if you're going to an itsp provider that terminates, or just one that is reselling a different company?
06:33.32*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-us/x-waeztbmeqikmfhfn)
06:35.09TJNIII don't know.
06:35.24TJNIIYou'd probably want to ask the day crew that
06:40.26linageeTJNII: why is everything a scam? :(
06:45.22coppicewhere is the scam. they have more than one server. you pinged one that is close. they aren't all so close. what did you expect?
06:49.09coppicemy ping time to is 370ms :-)
06:49.48*** join/#asterisk ttl_ (
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07:13.13maourwhere can i find some information about i , t, h in dialplan ? what's the name of this things ?
07:16.36maouraha , Predefined Extension Names
07:16.41maourjong2: thanks
07:19.03*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
07:20.57maourt is time out  , but how much ?
07:23.59jong2i am sure it is specified in conf somewhere
07:30.16Tim_Toadydefault is 5 sec i think, u can set it up by using Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=foo)
07:32.33maourTim_Toady: what is =foo ?
07:32.49Tim_Toadysome numeric value :P
07:32.56Tim_Toadythe timeout that u want to setup
07:33.22maouri tought digit is the value
07:33.28maourbut digit is type
07:33.33maourok ,thanks
07:59.36*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
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10:52.13wonderworldhi, i have been trying to get a german ptp ISDN line working for several hours now. could someone have a look on my config to verify that it's correct? Hardware is a Digium B410P. We have 1 ptmp and 3 ptp lines ->
10:58.46*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
10:59.01verywisemancan * work as media proxy?
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11:24.03wonderworldhi, i have been trying to get a german ptp ISDN line working for several hours now. could someone have a look on my config to verify that it's correct? Hardware is a Digium B410P. We have 1 ptmp and 3 ptp lines. ptmp works, ptm doesn't ->
11:26.43*** join/#asterisk oej (
11:27.21dustybinwhat are the linksys SPA942 phones like?
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12:56.17*** join/#asterisk pugachevcobra (n=fighter@
12:57.31linageeTJNII: is broadvoice the same thing as
12:59.08linageecoppice: the scam is where they label the new server SJC (san jose), it is located in san jose, but when you make a connection, the server that sends your audio is on the east coast.
12:59.24pugachevcobrahi there... i need help, a week ago my asterisk was running normally with a few hardware devices with no problem. Right now, when an internal call is made to one of these devices, the device freezes and never answers the call. I've tried changing all nat options possible, removing, tweaking, but still not a clue what could be happening.
12:59.59linageepugachevcobra: sounds like you changed something
13:01.26pugachevcobralinagee: yes, I tried changing the nat settings for the extensions... but I already reverted back to the original settings that were working, but still no luck
13:02.21linageepugachevcobra: why did you muck with it if it was working?
13:03.06pugachevcobralinagee: it was having a problem unregistering when in the same lan of asterisk
13:03.42pugachevcobralinagee: the device can call with no problems, only receiving the call is causing trouble
13:04.12linageewhich has to do with registering
13:04.38linageewhen you have a SIP device and it rings and "has a call", it's because it had a registration with the asterisk server
13:06.22pugachevcobrayes... i'm searching here and find out a setting about the qualify setting, what does the qualify serves?
13:06.26linageeTJNII: how do you like broadvoice?
13:07.11linageepugachevcobra: no idea, sorry. google is your friend on that
13:07.21Pan3Dpugachevcobra: have you cranked up the debugging and taken a look at the console to see where the failure starts?
13:08.54pugachevcobraPan3D: yes... actually all I can see is that the moment I answer the call asterisk starts retransmitting #1 2 3 4 to the device's ip
13:11.46*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:11.47Pan3Dwhat do you mean?
13:11.59Pan3Dyou should paste your console observation to pastebin
13:12.05Pan3Dso folks can look at it
13:12.40*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
13:13.37wonderworldhi, i am trying to make a german ISDN ptp line work. we have 1 ptmp line and 3 ptp lines. ptmp works fine, ptp doesn't. could someone verify my config for me? thanks a lot ->
13:13.57linageewhat the hell? ""
13:14.04linageeis that normal? ROFL
13:14.47pugachevcobraoh no sorry i changed it
13:15.01pugachevcobrai masked it
13:15.18linageePan3D: maybe it's a special internet where you can have very big octects
13:15.26Pan3Dlinagee: lol, awesome
13:15.32Pan3Dpugachevcobra: you use NAT?
13:15.42linageepugachevcobra: are you saying you did a replace to the text before pasting?
13:15.47pugachevcobraPan3D: well internally i don't need to, but i neet for external devices
13:15.55pugachevcobralinagee: yep
13:16.11linageepugachevcobra: what is asterisk server?
13:16.29pugachevcobralinagee: no is the extension number 2
13:16.33coppicelinagee: was your call to a phone line on the east coast?
13:16.42linageecoppice: no
13:16.43pugachevcobralinagee: its
13:17.03linageecoppice: I was wondering how they did the east coast/west coast trick. seems tricky with termination and DIDs.
13:17.38linageecoppice: I think the phone company can do failover with some sort of SS7 magic, but I think that's expensive and unusual as well.
13:18.03coppicelinagee: I would expect the SIP server to be not so far away, but the audio to come from a server near the target phone
13:18.20coppicein many places failover is compulsory when using SS7
13:19.05linageecoppice: that is what doesn't make sense. on their site they say to put so logically you'd think things are terminated in SJC. but when I make a call to the number, it comes from east coast
13:19.14linageecoppice: hrm. I wonder what happens if I call a different DID.....
13:19.31linageecoppice: I wonder if they have the DIDs "planted" to a location somehow
13:19.55pugachevcobralinagee: corrected
13:20.29linageecalls pugachevcobra's phone at :-D
13:21.04linageepugachevcobra / Cleiton
13:21.15pugachevcobrano thats not the phone
13:21.20pugachevcobrawith the problem
13:21.38linageepugachevcobra: I hate NAT. it's the spawn of the internet devil
13:22.32pugachevcobralinagee: i agree but what could we do behind 1 public ip...
13:22.38linageepugachevcobra: VPN?
13:23.07Pan3Dlinagee: indeed. NAT breaks the protocols and spreads evil
13:23.36linageePan3D: it's also non-portable. your NAT may not be like my NAT.
13:23.44pugachevcobralinagee: vpn wouldnt help me in this case
13:23.47Pan3Dhey, don't get personal
13:23.50linageepugachevcobra: why not?
13:23.55pugachevcobralinagee: asterisk and the 2 phones are all on the same lan
13:24.08Pan3Dthen why is the NAT retransmission coming in?
13:24.15linageelol. true
13:24.16pugachevcobranat is activated
13:24.31linageepugachevcobra: if your asterisk box is local, there is no reason to use NAT....
13:24.38pugachevcobralinagee: i use it externally as well
13:24.45linageepugachevcobra: use what externally
13:24.47Pan3Dbut until you figure out the problem, turn it off
13:24.49pugachevcobralinagee: and rtp wasnt passing through
13:25.02Pan3Dpugachevcobra: if you have devices outside, it's understandable you need to do something
13:25.04linageepugachevcobra: why do you "use it externally as well"? are you at a colo?
13:25.07wonderworldhi, i am trying to make a german ISDN ptp line work. we have 1 ptmp line and 3 ptp lines. ptmp works fine, ptp doesn't. could someone verify my config for me? thanks a lot ->
13:25.13Pan3Din the meantime, turn off the NAT until you find the local problem
13:25.19pugachevcobrai have already turned it off
13:25.23pugachevcobrait didnt help...
13:25.35linageepugachevcobra: are you working off of a cable or DSL connection?
13:25.46pugachevcobrai mean, i removed the nat=yes from sip.conf and from the extensions... or do I need to put in sip.conf nat=no ?
13:25.57pugachevcobrai didnt try nat=no in sip.conf, just in extensions
13:26.04pugachevcobralinagee: dsl
13:26.19Pan3Dand you can't get more IPs?
13:26.21linageepugachevcobra: what you're doing is a bad idea (TM) then. get a real colo and run out your extensions from there.
13:26.22Pan3Dthat sucks
13:26.33pugachevcobrawhats colo?
13:26.42linageepugachevcobra: a colocated server
13:26.44Pan3Da business that holds servers
13:26.46pugachevcobraah yes
13:26.54pugachevcobranot feasible
13:26.55linageePan3D: the place where the internet is. :)
13:27.16Pan3Dpugachevcobra: and you can't get more IPs from your upstream?
13:27.53pugachevcobraagain, not feasible...
13:27.57linageepugachevcobra: i would put your asterisk box connected directly to your dsl connection. that might make asterisk happy and not have to do NAT.
13:28.03linageepugachevcobra: put dual NICs
13:28.10pugachevcobrathats an idea
13:28.27linageepugachevcobra: and use squid proxy or run NAT from linux for your other internet devices
13:28.49pugachevcobramake the asterisk box the router
13:29.10pugachevcobradoesnt answer why was it working a week ago
13:29.22linageepugachevcobra: something changed?
13:29.26linageepugachevcobra: it had to have
13:29.44linageepugachevcobra: firmware in phones, asterisk version, something
13:29.44pugachevcobrawell... yes, somehow...
13:29.55pugachevcobranot the asterisk version in itself
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13:30.07linageepugachevcobra: this is why people in real production environments get things working and throw away the key until the next patching cycle.
13:30.09pugachevcobrado i need to put nat=no in sip.conf, or just removing it is enough?
13:30.36pugachevcobrathrow away the key... haha, the ssh keys also then
13:30.52linageepugachevcobra: you seem to misunderstand. not the ssh key
13:30.57pugachevcobrai understood
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13:31.05pugachevcobrabut we could still access it through ssh
13:31.19pugachevcobralinagee: about the nat=no, does it make a difference?
13:31.34linageepugachevcobra: nfi
13:31.50linageepugachevcobra: asterisk does not like NATs unless you have lots of time to play with it
13:32.39pugachevcobraasterisk was actually strange when the devices werent getting RTP externally... the extension had nat=yes, but it didnt work
13:32.50pugachevcobraonly when i put nat=yes in sip.conf it began to work
13:33.24pugachevcobrai honestly dont know the use of the nat option in the extension peer conifg
13:33.40pugachevcobrait seems useless to me
13:33.51pugachevcobraor I might be just doing something wrong
13:34.15linageepugachevcobra: read the wiki docs
13:34.19linageepugachevcobra: don't guess
13:34.28pugachevcobrawhich ones?
13:34.54*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
13:35.17SparFuxHi. Short question. Will asterisk 1.6 run with basically the 1.4 configuration directory, only zaptel updated to dahdi_
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13:38.50pugachevcobralinagee: oh joy it worked with nat=no
13:39.18linageepugachevcobra: "< linagee> pugachevcobra: asterisk does not like NATs unless you have lots of time to play with it"
13:41.51pugachevcobralinagee: thanks for the, ive landed there a lot of times through google, but with the nat stuff, i can fiddle more besides yes or no
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13:50.49hat_pandahi is it legal to send invites where the request uri is not the same as the to header field?
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13:52.50hat_pandaor do you have to go to jail if you do such thing
13:55.13Guggeyes, that is perfectly legal
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14:02.32SparFuxWith asterisk 1.6 and dahdi I only get app_dial.c:1721 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
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14:03.38SparFuxbut the dahdi_cfg -vvv runs okk.
14:05.09SparFuxbut dahdi_scan says irq=0
14:05.15SparFuxthe irq isn't 0.
14:05.27SparFuxirq should be 17.
14:05.33SparFuxaccording to lspci -v
14:08.20voipmonksparfux - wha kind of card do u have?
14:09.09SparFuxHFC-S pci bri card.
14:09.25SparFuxI am using some kind of hfc patch I got from a forum I have to admit.
14:10.10SparFuxdahdi show channels gives me channel output, though the pseudo channel asn't configured by me and it has default context which is not correct, as my context is from-pstn.
14:10.25SparFuxdahdi channels 1 and 2 get from-pstn though correctly.
14:10.40SparFuxI think the whole thing goes the right way anyway, but the busy thing is broken.
14:11.47*** join/#asterisk asif (n=chatzill@
14:12.17SparFuxwell, I have to look into this some more deeply later on. have to go for now. ...
14:12.26asifhello all!
14:13.46asifhave a question about asterisk cdr. which field contains the number that has been dialled?
14:15.03voipmonklook at the column names
14:16.36asifi'm a bit confused since my cdr logs are not proper. the number that's dialled appears nowhere.
14:16.36asifbtw i'm using call files to place calls.
14:19.49asifjust read the description of the column names in the official documentation. the dialled number is not mentioned anywherre.
14:20.43asifwhat am i missing here?
14:23.36*** join/#asterisk maour (n=gnu@unaffiliated/maour)
14:29.09voipmonku can add some stuff to your dialplan to make sure the dialed number gets inserted
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14:30.43asifi'm already using that, but isn't there any way asterisk cdr would log the dialed number?
14:31.20asiflike, that should be a very obvious thing to have, right? is it a bug or a missing feature?
14:31.58voipmonklet me get this right - you added some stuff in the dialplan to insert the cdr - but you still arent getting it?
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14:32.47asifi've enabled cdr logging. and i expect it to record the number to which i call.
14:32.50asifand it does'nt.
14:33.07voipmonkpastebin what you've added in the dialplan
14:33.54asifhow do i do that?
14:34.14voipmonkcopy and paste it
14:34.23voipmonkthen pastebin spits out a url u send here
14:34.31voipmonkso we can click on it and look at your paste
14:36.30asifso that i'll get the dialed number in the userfield column of cdr
14:37.32voipmonkusing cdr mysql?
14:37.56voipmonku set userfiled =1?
14:38.02voipmonkin the .conf?
14:38.18asifthis works fine.
14:38.48asifbut i'm checking whether i can get the dialed number automatically recorded, like the other fields.
14:39.17asifasterisk can automatically recorded the call duration etc, right? would it record the dialed number too?
14:39.20voipmonkso it works the way it is but you are looking for another way, why/
14:39.52asifdid you get it?
14:40.13voipmonkmy cdrs work fine the dialed number is a part of the cdr
14:40.31voipmonkwhy you arent getting it beyond me without looking at your dialplan which is what I asked for when I was referring to the pastebin
14:40.33voipmonksee how that works?
14:40.36asifoh on which column?
14:41.20voipmonkI use jerjers rating / routing wholesale billing engine
14:42.13asifoh i see. so the engine takes care of managing the cdr?
14:42.50asifhey monk the dialplan i'm referring to is on another server that's the delay fetching it
14:43.47voipmonkfrom multiple machines
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14:44.38voipmonkbut the cdr stuff that comes with the addons should insert the dialed number
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14:44.53voipmonkthats a requirement for a cdr
14:45.08asifhmm yeah
14:45.28asifhey does your cdr data go into a mysql table?
14:46.16asifcan you tell me which column in that table contains the dialed number?
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14:47.49voipmonkmine is kinda of proprietary but its the 7th column - but mine has ocn lata and ani in it
14:49.08asifhey check out my mysql cdr table structure -
14:51.21asifnone of these columns contain the dialed number
14:52.49*** join/#asterisk jimi_ (n=jimi@unaffiliated/tuxguy)
14:52.56jimi_Anyone here have the skype unlimited world calling plan?
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14:53.12voipmonki had it for 14 days
14:55.03voipmonkhow many systems are you using for cdrs?
14:55.11asifdst contains the destination extension
14:55.16*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
14:55.20voipmonkwell then
14:55.21voipmonkthere u go
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14:55.57voipmonkonly 1 leg of the call, eh?
14:56.09voipmonkadd a field and use mysql to insert it
14:56.11voipmonkand ur done
14:56.13pugachevcobrawhere does the voicemail email sending app stores the subject message? it isnt in vm_email
14:56.20asifdestination extension would be s, 1, 2 etc...
14:56.25voipmonkyeah i figured
14:56.28voipmonkone leg of the call
14:56.35voipmonkso u need to add a field
14:56.41voipmonkand use mysql to insert it
14:56.43asifcustom cdr field?
14:57.01jimi_voipmonk, is it truly free  up to 10,000 minutes to call russia?
14:57.05asifi'd need asterisk 1.6 to use custom cdr fields, right?
14:57.22asifcurrently i'm using 1.4 and custom fields are not logged.
15:01.20pugachevcobrawhere can I change the subject message of the voicemail email app? I mean the "New message 1 in mailbox 123"
15:03.03voipmonkits all there
15:03.08voipmonkcheck the samplew
15:03.28voipmonkdont be afraid of the words
15:04.19asifsamples? i didn't get that?
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15:13.29pugachevcobrano one knows that? i've grepped all possible directories that I know asterisk stores stuff
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15:26.31voipmonkno pugachevcobra needs to check the samples
15:26.37voipmonkfor the vmail stuff
15:27.14pugachevcobraok i found it
15:27.18pugachevcobraits hard compiled
15:27.30pugachevcobrathats a bummer
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15:28.57pugachevcobrawhere could I submit a request for that?
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15:34.20pugachevcobraoh man it seems forwarding email through ARI's web gui is messed up...
15:41.47voipmonkhard compiled?
15:41.50voipmonku can change it
15:41.54voipmonkin the conf file
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15:48.34pugachevcobravoipmonk: no i cant
15:48.45pugachevcobravoipmonk: i can change the body, not the sender or the subject
15:49.06pugachevcobravoipmonk: and the "pager" notification, i can't even change the body
15:49.09voipmonkyes u can
15:49.10pugachevcobravoipmonk: its all hard coded
15:49.15voipmonkno its not
15:49.23voipmonkkeep reading
15:49.33voipmonkit can all be changed in the voicemail.conf
15:49.51pugachevcobravoipmonk: well tell me how, but i've just seen the binary file and it has all these in engilsh
15:49.52voipmonkif i do it for you and wlak you through the steps i will have to activate teh spoonfeed 3.0
15:49.56voipmonki dont wanna do that
15:50.11pugachevcobralet me check that
15:50.14pugachevcobrabut doesnt seem right
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15:51.04pugachevcobraoh its true
15:52.17grandpapadot... or you could just use a notifcation script to format it exactly the way you want with perl or php or something ...
15:52.37voipmonkor mysql
16:01.08*** join/#asterisk Diblo (
16:01.53DibloHey i cannot answer 3rd Parties DialPlan on call out?
16:07.56DibloAsterisk not send the correct tone or a tone so I can answer. What I know.
16:08.10DibloWhat do I know.
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16:21.52box2now my MeetMe() is giving me "invalid conference number"
16:22.17box2unable to open psueudo device in log
16:22.49box2but MeetMeCount() gives me the correct number of users
16:22.51jksanyone knows a channel about fax-over-voip?
16:23.19coppicethere's no channel. you need to fax them
16:23.27jksharh harh
16:24.51jksI'm just interested in what affects the first "beep" from the callee fax
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16:30.15box2ooohh zaptel timer
16:30.19box2you have failed me again
16:31.00*** join/#asterisk hat_panda (
16:31.14drmessanoThats not Zaptel timer
16:31.41drmessanoIt is Zaptel, but Zaptel but Zaptel provides the mixing for meetme, not timing
16:31.41coppicejks: call a fax machine and it beeps. nothing much affects that
16:32.13jkscoppice, hehe, yeah okay - I probably need to explain a bit better, just though fax-problems weren't well seen in this channel
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16:33.13jksfaxing with G.711a (no T.38) using PAP2T works fine for me... except that in some cases the fax doesn't recognize the first "beep" that comes from the callee fax and thus keeps waiting for it to detect a fax
16:33.25wonderworldhey, does someone know if id'd have to put a BRI card in NT mode if i want to attach it to a ptp line from a telco?
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16:33.42jksI'm just wondering what will affect the recognition of that I need to tweak impedance, polarity, gain, or (?)
16:34.30coppicejks: the called machine will keep repeating the first signal, so if it never gets recognised something bad has happened, like a G.729 codec somewhere in the path
16:35.21jkscoppice, hmm, odd... it's definetely G.711a the whole way... I'm just trying to fax to same number every time... when it does detect a fax on the other end, it works just fine and transmits the fax without any errors
16:36.15coppiceyou have a PAP2T. what does the other end have?
16:36.28hat_pandajks: My biggest problem with transmitting tones over ip is echo cancelers that mess up the audio stream
16:36.31jkswhat I have noticed is that when it does detect the fax the first beep sounds "loud", but when it doesn't detect it the first beep sounds "not so loud"
16:36.40jkscoppice, analog connection, no VoIP involved there
16:37.00jkshat_panda, hmm, yes, I have disabled echo cancellation in the PAP2T box
16:37.37coppicejks: there must be an RTP to analogue converter at the other end
16:38.36jkscoppice, yes, the setup is: fax - PAP2T - local net server - isdn card - isdn connection to public telephone service... and at the other is regular pstn line and a regular analog fax
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16:42.48jkshat_panda, do you know what the line polarity settings in the pap2t does? - I have noticed that if I use "forward" instead of "reverse", nothing works at all
16:43.27jkson a a related note: anyone knows a fax test number like the Telstra one? (i.e. you send a fax and it reports back on how it went in many details)
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16:44.44wonderworldhey, does someone know if id'd have to put a BRI card in NT mode if i want to attach it to a ptp line from a telco?
16:46.11hat_pandajks: sry, i dont. If you record the  fax audio stream can you hear the fax-beep you looking for?
16:46.58jkshat_panda, hmm, I have speakers in the fax so I can hear what happens, but I haven't actually tried recording it
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16:47.24hat_pandajks: okay, so do you hear the beep from the speakers?
16:47.31jkshat_panda, I was just thinking if it was normal that you needed to tweak the gain settings with the pap2t to get the recognition working or something
16:47.59jkshat_panda, yes, however it is "really loud" in the cases where the connection works, and "not so loud" when it doesn't work
16:48.42jkshat_panda, I don't know if the machine amplify the sound to say that "I've found the other fax!" or it is actually louder on the line
16:49.58jksI have tried faxing for example... works just fine, full speed transfer and the received page looks great
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17:08.58MangoHow can I monitor SIP NOTIFY messages sent from my VoIP provider?  I turned on verbosity and am looking at the console but I saw nothing.
17:12.23hat_pandaMango: maybe you need sip set debug if your monitoring from cli
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17:17.22MangoOk.  I want to write a plugin that monitors the SIP NOTIFY messages for the Messages-Waiting: header
17:17.54MangoHas this been done before, and if not, can someone give me a push in the right direction?  I've been a programmer since 2002 but not with Asterisk.
17:19.38hat_pandaMango: Why do you want to monitor notifies? :)
17:19.57MangoBecause my VoIP provider stores Voicemail, and I want my MWI to work :)
17:27.17raden_workanyone use asterisk fax gateways for  inbound fax to email and outbound email to fax ?
17:30.28MangoNearly went insane.
17:30.34MangoSigned up for instead.
17:30.56MangoMore expensive, but it does not require perscription drugs.
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17:34.20mrkikoWhat does mean the message "Calltoken support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address..."; I can't find references to this support in the config files, at least or on google
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17:51.44raden_workfax and sip is a pita
17:51.57raden_workif everyone would get out of the stone age
17:56.40hat_pandaraden_work: you mean, if everyone would stop using obsolete fax machines
17:57.05coppicethey can't get out of the stone age until they have easy access to an effective alternative
17:57.36raden_workhat_panda: exactly
17:57.39TJNIIOf course fax and sip is a PITA.  SIP isn't designed to carry data.
17:57.46TJNIIIt is designed to carry voice
17:58.03QwellSIP is designed to carry signalling.
17:58.04hat_pandaTJNII: isnt it possible to send images over sip?
17:58.16TJNIIQwell: Well, yea.  But you know what I mean.
17:58.22hat_pandaTJNII: like here you go i want to send you this strange mime type do you accept it ?
17:58.28Qwellno I don't.
17:58.38coppiceSIP is actually designed to carry data. it just doesn't do it awfully well
17:59.02TJNIIOkay, SIP carries signalling.  The RTP carring voice is designed to carry just that, voice.  Not digital data from a fax.
17:59.59hat_pandaTJNII: thats not correct, rtp is a good carrier for video and text also
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18:00.19TJNIIhat_panda: Not when it is digitizing an audio stream,
18:00.20pugachevcobraraden_work: i tried it and gave up... you should look asterfax
18:00.43raden_workyeah i have a spa on that way but it think i try asterisk fax as well
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18:01.28TJNIIhat_panda: If the device he is using doesn't support fax, then it will not decode the data.  It will just send a digital representation of the audio of the multiplexed signal.  Which doesn't work for shit.
18:02.13hat_pandaTJNII: yea, if you dont have a phone and want to call someone that will be a problem too
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18:05.02TJNIIBasically, what I was trying to say is faxing withou T.38 is a hack and doesn't work well.  Apparently I expressed myself very, very poorly.
18:05.17MangoEven with T.38 it's hit-and-miss.
18:05.58hat_pandaTJNII: yea, i was being rude too sry about that
18:07.42*** join/#asterisk martianixor (i=martianx@gateway/shell/
18:08.23*** join/#asterisk matata (n=bassem@Wikipedia/Bassem-JARKAS)
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18:09.00polk_I belive my Asterisk Now is blocking port 5060 with centos.. How do I fix this?
18:13.03*** join/#asterisk iamturnip (
18:13.25iamturnipCan takecall=> in followme.conf be something other than a number like * or #
18:18.55martianixorguys I'm behind NAT/firewall tried to configure my Asterisk, I'm not sure how to debug the issue I'm having
18:19.03martianixorI've enabled debug=3, verbose=3
18:19.13infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:19.37martianixorand I keep getting messages like Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog METHOD=REGISTER at the asterisk CLI
18:20.12martianixorAlthough the clients I'm using "twinkle, ekiga" claims that registeration is successful
18:20.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:22.17martianixorvoipmonk: thanks :-) but is that all?
18:23.04voipmonkthat is a start
18:23.28voipmonkwhere is your Asterisk system in relation to your router and phones?
18:23.57voipmonkhow is your network setup?
18:24.21voipmonkis your asterisk system behind a router or does it have a public ip?
18:24.24martianixorIt's connected directly to the router, and in the DMZ and I have dyndns
18:24.31voipmonkdo your phones have public ips or are they behind a router
18:24.57voipmonkdo u have admin access to your router?
18:25.14martianixorone of the phones are at a remote place also behind dyndns
18:25.31martianixorthe other is on asterisk's machine
18:25.38martianixorvoipmonk: of course
18:25.55voipmonkthen begin with this
18:26.04martianixorvoipmonk: and sip ports logging has been enabled
18:26.16martianixoreverything looks normal
18:26.21voipmonkfor the asterisk system behind the router - forward ports 5060 UDP and 10001 - 20000 UDP to the internal ip of your asterisk system
18:26.30voipmonkget it out of the DMZ
18:26.52martianixoryes that's what I've done
18:26.54*** part/#asterisk iamturnip (
18:26.56voipmonkthen in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf change the 10000 to 10001
18:26.58martianixorvoipmonk: why out of DMZ?
18:27.12voipmonkyou said your current setup isnt working
18:28.09matatavoipmonk: I tried the registration with martianixor, and it registerd, (I'm out of his network )
18:28.36matatavoipmonk: but when I call him ekiga said : user not found
18:28.43martianixorand when he tries to call my also registered extension it tells him user not found 404
18:29.43voipmonkthe sky here is very blue
18:29.55voipmonkwater tastes funny
18:30.08voipmonkhave you made the router change yet?
18:30.25martianixorgetting it out of DMZ you meant?
18:30.37voipmonkthat was not the only thing I said
18:30.54martianixorvoipmonk: actually I told you port forwarding has been done
18:31.02martianixorfor both sip and rtp
18:31.31*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap_ (n=MindTheG@
18:31.33cosmicwombatIs there known "correct" version of Asterisk/Zaptel -or- DAHDI for a  TE420B
18:31.59voipmonkmartianixor: no you have not
18:32.34martianixorvoipmonk: OK sorry not sure where I've sent that
18:33.25martianixorvoipmonk: so now this is why me and my friend matata got stuck, no sign for errors
18:34.15voipmonkso the system is out of the dmz now, 5060 is forwarded and rtp 10,001 - 20,000 udp has been forwarded and u made the change in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf , yes/
18:34.20martianixorexcept for things like user not found although both extensions are registered according to our clients
18:34.35voipmonkyes or no
18:35.00martianixorvoipmonk: all except for DMZ, I'll brb, your help is greatly appreciated by the way :-)
18:38.37*** join/#asterisk leon01 (
18:39.27martianixorout of DMZ
18:40.11*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (n=xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
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18:41.07voipmonknow tell me about your phones
18:41.16voipmonkwhat kind of phones
18:41.24voipmonkand where are they in relation to your asterisk system
18:41.50martianixorour phones are soft
18:42.01martianixortwinkle and ekiga
18:42.19martianixorekiga one with matata is remote
18:42.27martianixormine is twinkle local to the asterisk machine
18:42.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:43.11matatavoipmonk: ekiga 3.2.5
18:43.20martianixormine which is twinkle is giving me this now 2nd, fetching registrations failed: 404 Not Found
18:43.37martianixormy twinkle is 1.4.1
18:44.13martianixor2nd is the name of the profile
18:44.51voipmonkwhat the hell is a twinkle?
18:46.24pugachevcobrais a linux softphone
18:46.39pugachevcobramartianixor: so you can register... whats the problem then?
18:46.59matatapugachevcobra: when I call him it said "user not found
18:47.24pugachevcobramatata: whats his extension number?
18:47.37matatapugachevcobra: 207
18:47.42pugachevcobramatata: he registers with 207?
18:47.45matatapugachevcobra: and mine is 205
18:47.50pugachevcobramatata: and you call 207?
18:47.56martianixorpugachevcobra: yes
18:48.36pugachevcobrapastebin one of your calls
18:49.16martianixorpugachevcobra: awesome nick by the way ;-)
18:49.25martianixorpugachevcobra: you're a gamer?
18:50.01pugachevcobramartianixor: of sims, yes
18:50.57martianixornow after I got Asterisk system out of the DMZ matata can't register with his ekiga
18:51.17pugachevcobraare you forwarding 5060 udp?
18:51.25martianixorI mean matata can't register to my Asterisk now using his ekiga
18:51.31martianixorpugachevcobra: yes of course
18:51.42martianixorpugachevcobra: all the range of 5000 to 5100
18:52.00pugachevcobraseems a firewall blocking issue
18:52.25matatamartianixor: please back to the old configuration
18:53.11martianixorpugachevcobra: what about my softphone should it be 207@
18:53.20voipmonkget rid of the authentication nam
18:53.23martianixorpugachevcobra: 207 is my registered extension using twinkle
18:53.23voipmonkin twinkle
18:53.26voipmonkand register
18:53.40pugachevcobramartianixor: well, your softphone is running on the same asterisk box?
18:53.41martianixorvoipmonk: authentication name?
18:53.46martianixorpugachevcobra: yes
18:53.53martianixorvoipmonk: OK got it
18:54.10pugachevcobramartianixor: still i would recommend putting the nic ip just for testing
18:54.18mrkikowhat was the url of the book - astbook^
18:54.24pugachevcobramartianixor: as in 207@
18:54.51martianixorpugachevcobra: that's not a problem
18:55.11pugachevcobramartianixor: can you call yourself?
18:55.20infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:55.28TJNIImrkiko: ^^^
18:55.28martianixorpugachevcobra: actually I did all the Asterisk behind nat configuration, like nat=yes, localnet=x.x.x.x, externhost=dynamic
18:55.57pugachevcobramartianixor: externhost=dynamic ? or like?
18:56.31pugachevcobramartianixor: localnet should have the netmask, is it there?
18:56.47martianixoryes yes
18:56.58pugachevcobramartianixor: and you can call yourself?
18:57.16martianixorpugachevcobra: yes
18:57.19martianixorsorry my bad
18:57.29martianixorpugachevcobra: and localnet has the netmask with the network yes
18:58.17pugachevcobracan you?
18:58.49martianixorpugachevcobra: I couldn't call my self
18:58.58pugachevcobrathats a problem
18:59.14pugachevcobrait says user unavailable?
18:59.25martianixorI'm sorry I didn't see the previous times you asked me about being able to call myself
18:59.33martianixorpugachevcobra: no not found
18:59.45pugachevcobrapastebin you trying to call yourself please
18:59.57TJNIIAnd your configs
19:00.11pugachevcobrayes, sip.conf extensions and such
19:00.29martianixorcould that be a problem with dialplans?
19:00.38martianixoror that's just me confused?
19:00.44martianixorI'm pasting
19:02.58martianixorpugachevcobra: this is what I have from the Asterisk CLI
19:03.49martianixorI'll try to paste configuration
19:06.14pugachevcobramartianixor: that's all??
19:06.22martianixorthis is my config in sip.conf
19:06.56martianixorextensions.conf is the sample one
19:08.57pugachevcobramartianixor: i cant believe thats all the sip debug you got from trying to call yourself
19:08.59martianixoryes It's all I got
19:08.59pugachevcobrajust 2 packets?
19:09.25martianixorI'll try to get it from the logs I'm not sure
19:09.47pugachevcobralogs are worse than sip debug
19:09.48matatamartianixor: from where is this debug ? from asterisk or twinkle ?
19:10.09martianixorIt's from Asterisk CLI
19:10.23martianixorand from twinkle the client it's as follows
19:12.43*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=critter@
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19:15.23pugachevcobramartianixor: your sip.conf file is wrong
19:15.46martianixorpugachevcobra: any hints?
19:16.27*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:17.22pugachevcobramartianixor: you have the context phones configured?
19:18.31martianixorpugachevcobra: where should it be?
19:19.38martianixorpugachevcobra: I'll try to configure it
19:19.43pugachevcobramartianixor: change the context to default
19:19.45martianixorpugachevcobra: actually yes I know
19:19.51martianixorpugachevcobra: I'll reset it to default
19:19.56martianixorpugachevcobra: yes
19:20.26pugachevcobramartianixor: you should pastebin your dialplans
19:20.35martianixorI see
19:22.33*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
19:22.35martianixorpugachevcobra: I think I forgot to set it, I left the sample file
19:22.52martianixorpugachevcobra: would you like to see the extensions.conf sample file?
19:24.39martianixorI'm pastebinning
19:25.39pugachevcobrato make matters simple
19:28.00*** join/#asterisk matt_d (n=matt@
19:28.45ruben23hi im getting error like this on my asterisk CI----->
19:28.59ruben23but still i have credits on my voip.
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19:29.55matt_druben23: the host is busy
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19:30.52matt_druben23: there is nothing you can do about it
19:31.41ruben23matt_d: the host is the problem..?
19:32.02matt_druben23: yes. they are not accepting the connection
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20:39.07*** join/#asterisk dustybin (n=dustybin@
20:44.34dustybinwould it be difficult to setup my asterisk box to answer incoming calls with this dial plan:
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20:46.15matt_ddustybin: asterisk can do anything, no thats not hard at all.
20:47.42dustybini guess i could setup asterisk to access my menu straight away if asterisk detects my cellphone number
20:47.54dustybinand everybody else it will do as my paste above
20:49.00matt_dyou can have asterisk do anything you want
20:49.15dustybinmatt_d: even clean my toilet? :P
20:49.16matt_dyou can have it turn on your home lights, prank call your brother and order a pizza for delivery
20:49.19matt_dall from one call
20:49.43matt_dyes, it can, build a simple circuit to turn on those commercial toilet cleaners and have it activate though your dialplan.
20:50.09matt_dthere are not that many limitations.
20:50.52matt_despecially when you mix your dialplan with AGI :)
20:50.55dustybini already use X10
20:51.15matt_dhehe really? there u go, it can interface with X10 :)
20:51.27dustybini use Heyu
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20:52.19dustybinwhen i create a menu, am i right in thinking that i will need to use asterisk festival to create a computer generated voice?
20:52.24matt_ddustybin: nothing about asterisk, but i totally forgot about x10. i am remodeling my home. i think i will use x10 :) thanks for reminding me.
20:52.50matt_ddustybin: you can. would you happen to be running asterisk on a mac?
20:53.04*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
20:53.04matt_dif so, i think the "say" mac os x voice generator sounds more realistic.
20:53.28dustybinmatt_d: here is my howto:
20:54.07matt_ddustybin: when i develop systems, i use "say" and make gsm files to use. festival can do the same, so festival isn't called each time (take a bit of a load off the processor -- if needed)
20:54.08dustybinno i use debian
20:54.21dustybini see
20:54.32matt_dthanks for the howto, im going to bookmark that to read
20:54.49matt_di want to be able to control all rooms from me and my wifes iphone.
20:55.08dustybinit isnt too hard to setup
20:55.46matt_ddustybin: in my experience, festival works just fine. the processing cost isn't that big of a deal as long as the system ins't used that much. if not it better to use festival to generate the audio file.
20:55.53dustybinmatt_d: why are you making gsm files? those are low quality? why not create ulaw files?
20:56.42matt_ddustybin: gsm or ulaw works fine. i last used it with gsm just to save bandwidth.
20:56.56dustybinmy system doesnt get used much
20:57.05matt_di can't tell the difference (in my left ear, since i have damage) hehe.
20:57.15dustybinone day i might setup a conference with 4 people talking, im sure ulaw and a pentium 3.2 will be more than enough
20:57.30matt_dx10 is all ip based right?
20:57.42dustybinx10 uses x10
20:57.55dustybinheyu on A2
20:58.00dustybinA2 = my light
20:58.04dustybinheyu off A2
20:58.33matt_ddustybin: yes. that should be more than enough.
20:59.06dustybinwhat is the best way to access a menu system?
20:59.18matt_ddustybin: you mean program a menu system?
20:59.35matt_dthe easiest way is to set it up in extentions.conf
20:59.47matt_dif you want to use your favorite programming lanauge, you can use AGI and/or FastAGI
21:00.39matt_dthat opens it up to any programming language you want; The C languages, Perl, Python, (the best in the whole world) Ruby, Java, JavaScript, COBOL --- anything! :) has a lot of info about it.
21:00.41dustybini love the way IAX2 only uses 1 port for everything
21:00.47dustybinSIP uses shit loads of ports
21:01.04matt_dyes, IAX2 is nice.
21:01.17dustybinare there many hardware IAX2 phones out there?
21:01.46matt_dyes, there is a good amount.
21:02.06dustybini dont think polycoms are IAX2 compatible
21:02.52matt_dthere is a list over on (i'm sure others as well)
21:03.22dustybinthere is a decent iax2 softphone, called efisk
21:03.27dustybinsomething like that
21:03.52matt_di haven't tried that one yet. i used xten, but don't like it. in fact, i don't think it supports iax ...
21:04.02voipmonkidefisk = zoiper
21:04.22*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
21:04.37matt_di tried zoiper but it was hard to use
21:04.43matt_dand you have to sign up for their service
21:04.59*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
21:05.51matt_di only suggest that because is wiki based and info is always being added/updated on there.
21:06.05dustybinzoiper comes with a G729 license
21:06.26dustybinwhat is the point of me using a G729 codec, will people from the outside be using that codec?
21:06.44dustybinare codecs only beneficial for the internal network
21:07.39dustybinor is audio voip data always raw, and the codecs at the other ends of the telephone convert the signals to whatever you want?
21:07.54matt_dulaw is the best you will get for the outside
21:08.07dustybinyep i thought so
21:08.20matt_dand should stick with one to prevent transcoding
21:08.27matt_djust to save some processor cost
21:08.28dustybinif i had a internal network of phones, with 50 users, then i could improve the sound quality
21:08.52dustybinbut from the outside, ulaw is the best i will get, unless telephone companies change there systems
21:09.52matt_ddustybin: exactly. so its best to stick with  ulaw if most calls are accessing the outside. so you don't have to do any transcoding.
21:10.18dustybinall i need to do now, is get my friends to use IAX2 softphones, so they can call me for free
21:10.43dustybini look forward to getting 3 of my friends into a conference call :D
21:10.52dustybinand watch my CPU hit 200% :P
21:11.45matt_dyou will be surprised how much it can handle. u said 3.2ghz?
21:11.57dustybini should be ok
21:12.15matt_di found an article about someone who benchmakred asterisk. with a 2 something ghz procesor and 2gb memory handled 200 calls at once with no problem.
21:13.46matt_dand a duel xeon handled about 1500
21:15.51matt_dright now i'm developing a system that has the potential of handling about 200 calls pretty much all day long. i'm going to split it up using three or four servers, just in case one goes down. thinking about using opensips for the load balancing
21:16.06dustybinaye, redundancy
21:16.38dustybini guess one would need to use macros when you are using that many channels
21:16.41matt_dhavent used opensips before, from what i hear its easy.
21:17.12*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=l@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
21:17.19matt_dits going to use OpenAGI to handle the dialplan. working on the OpenAGI system as we speak. all in Ruby, man I love ruby :)
21:17.35dustybinits time to fiddle with my dial plan
21:18.44matt_dI used to program professionally full time, but got bored of it. now i do it part time, as I started a business with my friend. still didn't have any fun doing it. until i learned ruby earlier this year. now its fun again :)
21:33.10*** join/#asterisk KyleK (
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21:50.29dustybindoes festival need to be compiled as a option? i cannot locate the binary, however, i do have a festival.conf
21:52.11matt_dno, its seperate.
21:52.29matt_dapt-get install festival --or-- yum install festival
21:52.38dustybinfestival - General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
21:52.42matt_dif you don't want to compile from source.
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22:09.57Naikrovekneeds to find a good console font for BitchX
22:10.03Naikrovekon windows...
22:27.48dustybini now have communications between asterisk and festival, however, my x-lite phone gives this error
22:27.51dustybinMaximum retries exceeded on transmission
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22:31.08box2anyone use ztxen?
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22:32.10Naikrovekbox2: not here
22:35.08box2my install of zaptel (ztdummy) on a xen VM is going very poorly is why i ask
22:35.49box2wondering if it's worth the time to modify ztdummy or try ztxen
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22:55.49dustybinjeeze, festival is a b***** to setup
22:56.03dustybinif i ring from outside i get: exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to
22:56.15dustybinif i ring internal i get: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
22:56.45Naikrovektries to think of a 6 letter swear word that starts with b...
22:57.23Naikrovek.... lol more
22:57.53dustybinis this a codec problem?
23:00.38dustybinchannel.c:1037 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to   <- repeated 10000x
23:02.25dustybini think it has done that because it crashed
23:11.06zambadecent sip client for linux?
23:11.12zambaekiga just doesn't do it for me
23:14.42TJNIIAah, gotta love the USPS.  I have a letter in my hand postmarked August 12th....
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23:19.48lesouvagezamba: zoiper, iax2 and sip client
23:20.45*** part/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
23:20.53zambalesouvage: i've heard about zoiper.. let's give that a try
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23:33.52dustybinasterisk + festival communication = OK
23:34.12dustybinasterisk festival(hello) = creates .wav in cache = OK
23:34.47dustybinthe problem seems to occur when asterisk trys to send that .wav to my softphone
23:35.04dustybinso that could be a codec problem!
23:37.56dustybinMaximum retries exceeded on transmission NDI1NDhhMGEyMGRmMWY0MGRkYjI4Njc5MWExYTYzMWM
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