IRC log for #asterisk on 20090818

00:02.28*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
00:02.36DelphiWorldhello all
00:02.50DelphiWorldhow to compare libiax2 with iaxcli?
00:02.50matt_dhi delphi
00:02.59DelphiWorldmatt_d: hi
00:03.27DelphiWorldi'm building a SIP/IAX softphone
00:03.37DelphiWorldand i need a recommanded IAX2 implementation
00:03.45*** join/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
00:04.17matt_dwhy use iax?
00:04.18box2DelphiWorld: try looking at iaxcomm
00:05.00DelphiWorldbox2: iaxcom is allready developed a a softphone, i need a library
00:05.03box2because iax doesn't require 90,000 open ports
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00:05.11DelphiWorldmatt_d: i must use IAX,  ISP blocking SIP
00:05.21matt_dDelphiWorld: oh.. just curious.
00:05.25matt_dbox2: are you DelphiWorld?
00:05.33box2i am not
00:05.35DelphiWorldblam algeria telecom
00:05.42matt_dcool :)
00:06.06matt_dbox2: that is one thing annoying about SIP
00:06.14box2yes, yes it is
00:06.30box2DelphiWorld: iaxcomm is open source, you can look at what libraries they use to interface with IAX
00:06.34DelphiWorldjust question:
00:06.39manxpowerSIP requires 2 ports per call.
00:06.49DelphiWorldiax2 is in continou developmant or stoped?
00:07.20manxpowerDelphiWorld: no significant protocol level changes in a long time
00:07.36DelphiWorldmanxpower: ho
00:07.55DelphiWorldrequest from digium to continu IAX2 to IAX2.1 or IAX3
00:08.29matt_drequest's that ChanSpy's whisper feature is fixed :)
00:08.38DelphiWorldmatt_d: :D
00:08.43DelphiWorldi think i use libiaxclient
00:08.58DelphiWorldfor SIP Stack, i use OpenSipStack
00:12.08DelphiWorldi can't found libiaxclient  could anyone give me the URL?
00:12.46matt_dfor what platform?
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00:13.23DelphiWorldmatt_d: unfortunatly Win32 :D
00:13.28matt_dwhich platform
00:13.39matt_dcygen, or wahtever its called?
00:13.39DelphiWorldcoppice: hi the T.38 master
00:13.53DelphiWorldmatt_d: i don't know that, i use window
00:13.56DelphiWorldmatt_d: i don't know that, i use windows
00:14.06DelphiWorldis called libiaxclient
00:14.27*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
00:14.27matt_dyes, but don't you have to run asterisk under cygwin ? the linux enviolrment for windows?
00:14.45DelphiWorldmatt_d: ok understand!
00:14.47box2i know X-Lite supports IAX on windows
00:14.50DelphiWorldmatt_d: no i use ubuntu for asterisk
00:15.02box2i don't know what libraries it uses for IAX client though
00:15.03DelphiWorldmatt_d: asterisk don't work wel in win32 except for 1.2
00:15.14matt_danyway, is the website for the lib u want
00:15.17DelphiWorldbox2: libiaxclient
00:15.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:15.27DelphiWorldmatt_d: thanks
00:17.38DelphiWorldis checking out iaxclient from svn
00:18.37DelphiWorldbox2: IaxCom use iaxclient and is included in the SVN repository, thank you for recommanding it
00:19.15DelphiWorldbox2: got a .Net wrapper!
00:19.21DelphiWorldthis will help me :D
00:19.30matt_dplease don't say .Net
00:19.31box2lol cool
00:19.36matt_dhehe j/k :)
00:19.51DelphiWorldmatt_d: why?
00:20.22matt_dbecuase i don't like that framework :)
00:20.24matt_djust joking around
00:20.43DelphiWorldmatt_d: what you like?
00:20.51matt_dCocoa :)
00:21.28DelphiWorldrequest C/C++ courss from matt_d
00:22.17matt_dI like Obj-C with Cocoa.. In fact, u can use Cocoa with Ruby now
00:22.46box2my best friend uses only Ruby now and it makes me cry myself to sleep at night :(
00:22.57DelphiWorldmatt_d: unfortunatly i don't know C/C++ developmant only Delphi/VB :D
00:23.23matt_dbox2: i started using ruby this year. i love it! in fact im starting a FastAGI server written all in Ruby.
00:23.45matt_dDelphiWorld: as in Delphi u mean Pascal (i dont know sh*t about window) . then going to C will be easy for you.
00:23.49DelphiWorldwhat about LUA?
00:24.01box2Lua is pretty good
00:24.02matt_dDelphiWorld: well, the language of C. there are some differences as far as pointers, etc.
00:24.30matt_dWhen i first learned computer programming I started with BASIC, Pascal and C.
00:24.33matt_dC was the easiest.
00:24.48DelphiWorldLUA is very good, i'm writing IVR's using it with Freeswitch
00:25.16DelphiWorldlua is 100% embeddable
00:25.32coppiceWhen i first learned computer programming there was no Pascal or C :-\
00:25.49box2Lua is awesome, i love it
00:25.54box2very fast to make good stuff
00:26.23matt_dcoppice: just fortran, smalltalk and cobol?
00:26.25DelphiWorldbox2: after it i love JS
00:26.58coppicethere was no smalltalk. that's newer than C
00:27.12box2i like JS only because they wrote Quake Live with it heh
00:27.15DelphiWorldi think coppicelike only C
00:27.22matt_dcoppice: oh thats right. st is newer than C.. then COBOL and fortran then ? :)
00:27.26florz_C_ and _easy_?
00:27.34matt_dcoppice: i learned COBOL but never actually used it.
00:27.58coppicethat's the best amount of use of cobol
00:28.11matt_dcoppice: i agree
00:28.20DelphiWorldcoppice: use only your T.38 stuf and ignor programing :D
00:28.26coppicethe first language I learned was fortran ii
00:30.17*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
00:31.55matt_dbox2: the game? or the servers?
00:32.03box2the game client
00:32.13box2you play it directly from your browser
00:32.19box2is> ELITE<
00:32.32matt_dbox2: oh okay .. i used to love Java and JS.. but got frustrated with that language.. i don't know why .. hehe
00:35.46manxpower*heart* COBOL.
00:36.01manxpowerRPG-II is what I hated.
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00:36.42manxpowerModula-2 was the first language I really loved.
00:37.06DelphiWorldnever heare about Modula-2
00:37.06matt_dA friend of mine created a programming language (not an interperted language, but linkable lanauge) that was very powerful and simple. he made it to teach kids how to program. very impressive language. had a built in framework to have full control over graphics, io, etc.. was pretty cool.
00:37.42DelphiWorldmatt_d: tel it to release it in Open Source License
00:37.47manxpowermatt_d: Was it called Logo 2?
00:37.52DelphiWorldgood night all
00:37.53coppicelogo used to be popular for teaching small kids
00:38.09*** join/#asterisk KyleK (
00:38.09matt_dmanxpower: no.. i forgot waht he called it.. Logic something or other.
00:38.11manxpowercoppice: *nod*  It was the 2nd language I learned.
00:38.20DelphiWorldcoppice: tomoro i will discuce with you about a Virtual printer driver for T.38 Faxing
00:38.42*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
00:39.06matt_dwasn't RPG-II similiar to asm?
00:39.47drmessanoI created my own religion.. Was based on people throwing themselves in volcanoes in worship of the great drmessano.  Our followers were so devoted that we basically ran out of money due to lack of contributions.  I had already begun rewriting our scripture, known as "The Bagel", but by the time "Bagel II: Electric Boogaloo" went to the printers, it was all over.
00:40.12manxpowermatt_d: It is a reporting language.  It was mainly based on which column the "command" was in determined what it did.  It was so long ago all I remember is those horrid little forms you had to write the code on.
00:40.14matt_ddrmessano: darn, i missed out on joining then. eh?
00:40.30coppiceRPG-II was a report generator
00:41.01manxpowerRinky-dink Paper Generator is what we called it.
00:41.09matt_di have to say that i don't have "fun" programming until I met Ruby.
00:41.12matt_dnow its fun again.
00:41.20drmessanomatt_d: Feel free to worship.. But please, let me send you a PDF of Bagel II.  Chapter 1 is a total rewrite where "Throw yourself in a volcano" is replaced with "Give drmessano a bunch of money and throw yourself in a volcano".
00:41.25drmessanoIts the small things..
00:41.44matt_dwell.. Obj-C 2 is fun too!
00:41.56matt_ddrmessano: see that will fix it.. money before you throw yourself in the volcano :)
00:42.16drmessanomatt_d: Oversights are a bitch
00:42.27coppiceObj-C is a lot nicer to use than C++
00:42.57matt_dcoppice: oh yeah! much better object model. makes more sense to me.
00:43.29coppicethough I haven't used Obj-C for 16 or 17 years, since I last used a Next
00:45.37matt_du will like Obj-C 2.0 then . better garbage collection, better performance ...
00:45.38drmessanomanxpower: I would love to finish porting Asterisk to Logo.  I need to find some way, when a call is put in a queue, to get past the turtle goin all screwy-like and producing the exact pattern needed to induce human vomiting.  I probably need to look at better use of the screen blanker.
00:45.56KyleKdamn i was hoping skype for asterisk wouldn't be priced for businesses
00:46.53matt_dbrb wife is home with FOOD! :)
00:48.46drmessanoKyleK: Could have been worse.. $66.60
00:48.54drmessanoMARK OF THE SKYPE
00:49.58raden_workhow can i make my linksys wireless router just part of my network so i can use my VOIP cordless phones it plugs into our netgear router
00:50.07raden_worki want the netgear to assign all ips
00:50.08drmessanoI'm sure digium has some badass dev costs to make up for..  I don't think they're pricing it to get rich
00:51.54drmessanoToo bad they dont offer "first channel free" like the fax app :)
00:52.50KyleKhaha first channel cheap would also make me very happy :)
00:53.27drmessanoThey DID price it cheaper than analog card, per port
00:53.28coppicehow much is it?
00:53.34drmessano$66, per channel
00:53.56coppiceis that discounted from $66.6?
00:54.06drmessanoYoure late
00:54.14drmessano[20:49] <drmessano> KyleK: Could have been worse.. $66.60
00:54.14drmessano[20:49] <drmessano> MARK OF THE SKYPE
00:54.52drmessanoYou get points for thinking the same thing, though
00:57.32drmessanoI guess any card/channel driver is worth what it gives you access to.. I havent looked at the value of Skype's termination and origination.. Maybe its worth it
00:58.43coppicethere are various free options, but they are clunky. therefore it seems the value of clunkiness in today's market is $66
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00:59.52drmessanocoppice: LOL
01:00.05drmessanoThats awesome
01:01.28drmessano$3 a month unlimited US and Canada outbound
01:01.45drmessano$5.95 to pick a country outside that
01:01.54drmessano$12.95 unlimited world
01:02.45*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:04.16drmessanoIf you purchase a monthly subscription, its $30 a year for their unlimited inbound+DID
01:04.45leifmadsenthat's not too shabby
01:05.01drmessanoDamn under $6 a month
01:05.11drmessanoIf you get US and Canada only + DID
01:06.07drmessano$11 a month the first year if you add the cost of the Skype license :)
01:06.33leifmadsennot too shabby for phone
01:07.41drmessanoGo to Walmart and buy a Skype phone, $30+
01:07.51drmessanoSo youre halfway to the license for *
01:08.01drmessanoand it needs a tether to your PC
01:08.08drmessanoand the ugliness of the skype client, etc
01:08.11leifmadsenand no voicemail :)
01:08.19drmessanoNo Alison
01:08.58drmessanoWonder if I can fax
01:10.46drmessanoApparently its *possible*, guess we'll need to see if Asterisk's implementation works well for it
01:11.12leifmadsenwell, it's probably more a network connectivity thing
01:13.24*** join/#asterisk trebaum (
01:13.32drmessanoSkype for asterisk << Fax for Asterisk << T38 passthru << SPA3102 << RCA wireless phone extender << $59 HP Fax machine === WIN
01:14.11drmessanoIf that shit doesnt work, I want Mark Spencer at my house troubleshooting.. ASAP
01:14.58raden_workI have a phone that when i dial out the second someone picks up the call is dropped
01:15.21drmessanoraden_work: CIA
01:15.49drmessanoSounds like codec negotiation or NAT
01:15.59raden_workwell all other phones work
01:16.08raden_workthis is the one wifi phone we have
01:16.10drmessanoIm sure they do
01:16.18drmessanoCheck the config
01:16.35drmessanoIs it the one on the daisychained Linksys and Netgear routers?
01:17.11drmessanoWhere when you plug the linksys wan port into a lan port on the netgear youve added another NAT?
01:17.17raden_workyeah the wifi router is now part of the lan though
01:17.23raden_workit shouldnt be doing any NAT
01:17.30raden_worknetgear handing all DHCP
01:17.51drmessanoLinksys LAN port is connected to the netgear?
01:17.53raden_workim running DDWRT   plugged them lan to lan just to be sure
01:18.13raden_workalso have wan in ddwrt to be set as part of switch as lan
01:18.17raden_workdrmessano, yes sir
01:19.00drmessanoI would still check the phone config
01:19.07raden_workcall in office between all phones just fine
01:19.11raden_worki can dial out fine
01:19.11drmessanomake sure you dont have some codec forced youre not supporting
01:19.17raden_workCLI not telling me anything
01:19.31henry_Has anyone tried the Auto-dial out and deliver a prerecorded message example?
01:19.36drmessanoThe wifi phone can call other phones?
01:19.51raden_workthats all i get
01:20.01drmessanoThe wifi phone can call other phones just fine
01:20.03raden_workdrmessano, yes any internal phone just fine
01:20.30raden_workalready seyt
01:20.48drmessanoPerhaps the phone is telling you lies..
01:20.53raden_worki can ring my cell but second i pickup call drops
01:20.59drmessanofactory reset.. Default should not do that
01:21.40raden_workits a quickphones qa-342
01:21.52raden_workit could be network issue but doubting it
01:22.03raden_workill hook up a phone to lan on the linksys once and try
01:22.23drmessanoThat wont tell you anything
01:23.42raden_workwell if there a issue on the router it will
01:24.32raden_workSPI firewall was active on lan got it
01:24.34raden_workdisabled it
01:24.41raden_workeverything goes through netgear anyway
01:24.44raden_workthanks for help
01:25.22raden_workomfg ok didnt get it
01:25.54raden_workand i only have one way audio out nothing in
01:26.37drmessanoSounds like you have some sort of NAT
01:27.00drmessanoYou need to recheck your configs
01:28.45raden_workshould gateway address on phone be actual net gateway or the asterisk box ?
01:28.50drmessanoTake the linksys, reflash with the linksys firmware, turn off DHCP, change the IP address, plug port 4 of the linksys into any port on the netgear, superglue the remaining ports on the Linksys
01:29.32drmessanoDunno.. gateway tells me nothing.. take it in context with the section of the config its in
01:30.07drmessanoIf its under NETWORK, then its the default gateway for the LAN, if its under the SIP SETTINGS, it probably doesnt mean the same
01:30.43raden_worki doubt its the firmware on the linksys
01:31.24drmessanoYou have doubted a lot of things, but it sounds like you either (A) Dont know how to config DD-WRT or (B) Dont know how to configure the phone
01:31.51drmessanoLowest common denominator.. if you want the linksys to be a dumb AP, make it DUMB
01:32.37*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:32.57geneticxHello all. is version 8.3 the latest cisco 7960 ip phone software release?
01:33.35*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
01:33.53geneticx*8.5 i meant
01:34.41raden_worki only have 1 way audio on internal network as well
01:35.52drmessanoReset the DD-WRT box, turn off DHCP, change the IP, and plug it in the LAN.. leave the bridging crap alone
01:35.59drmessanoIt SHOULD only work as an AP
01:37.08raden_workits as a AP
01:37.13raden_workDHCP is disabled
01:37.21geneticxsomeone can confirm?
01:39.59raden_workill disable dynamic routing
01:41.14box2i have to disable my whole dialplan and start from scratch
01:41.20box2breaks things
01:43.44raden_workthis is ridiculous
01:43.57raden_workthis phone has crap for settings
01:45.08raden_workOMFG pinging the wifi phone on the network i have 62 ms latency
01:45.36raden_worki dont understand that
01:46.08drmessanoraden_work: You can insist all you want.. Your DD-WRT box is NOT just acting as a dumb AP
01:46.09*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
01:46.39drmessanoYou've obviously added some firewall component between the wireless and the LAN
01:48.06drmessano[21:36] <drmessano> Reset the DD-WRT box, turn off DHCP, change the IP, and plug it in the LAN.. leave the bridging crap alone
01:49.10raden_workalready did that
01:50.15*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:51.15raden_worki wish i had my buffalo wrt-54g here never have a issue with that
01:51.31drmessanobuffalo doesnt make the WRT-54G
01:51.54raden_workwho does ?
01:52.03raden_worki meant my other one
01:52.09raden_workmy aior station
01:52.18drmessanoHave you been drinking?
01:52.29drmessanoMaybe you should try this sober
01:52.54raden_worklol no just tired
01:53.19raden_workfreaking BOSS up my a i told hime give me a month so i can have time todo this first time setting up asterisk he gives me 6 days
01:53.23raden_workand 20 phones
01:53.25raden_workand yeah
01:55.07raden_workthis is just not working
01:55.42manxpowerIt looks like you have an impossible task without the proper resources.  Time to send out your resume.
01:56.56raden_workeverything is working just not these stupid wifi phones :(
01:57.09raden_workand of course god forbid we buy anything decent
01:58.11raden_workwhy would i be getting audio out but not in on internal phones
01:58.35drmessanoBecause internal refers to the roof the walls, not the network in this case
01:59.09raden_workwhy are my pings from 19-72 ms
01:59.17raden_worknothing is steady as far as pings go
01:59.38manxpowerI've never heard of a decent wifi phone
01:59.51drmessanoYour network is a big NAT wirenut, thats why
02:00.01drmessanotwist the wires, smell
02:00.06*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
02:00.16raden_workI have i device for NAT
02:00.17raden_workthats it
02:00.59drmessanoIf youre so convinced this is working as you think, put everything behind the Linksys, set it up to be the ONLY device and try the wifi phone
02:02.05raden_workits something with that linksys
02:02.21raden_workit has to still be doing nat even though its not
02:02.26raden_worklinksys firmware same crap
02:03.12raden_workOperating Mode
02:03.18raden_worki have it set to router
02:03.32raden_workso its not suppose to be doing NAT
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02:03.50drmessano[22:02] <raden_work> its something with that linksys
02:03.51drmessano[22:02] <raden_work> it has to still be doing nat even though its not
02:03.59drmessano^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Been saying that for an HOUR now
02:04.07raden_workthats how its acting but its disabled :(
02:04.10infobot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
02:04.31drmessanoI dont give a shit what your checkboxes tell you, man.. use some common sense
02:04.36raden_workeverything is sitting on network
02:04.44raden_workdrmessano, wtf should i do
02:04.53raden_workddwrt nor linksys firmware made a diffrence
02:05.17drmessanoLinksys firmware, plug PORT 4 of the Linksys SWITCH into the NETGEAR
02:05.26drmessanoNOT THE WAN PORT
02:05.46raden_workthat the way i had it the whole time
02:05.49raden_workLAN TO LAN
02:05.59raden_workPORT 4 to PORT 8
02:06.02drmessanoWith DD-WRT
02:06.10drmessanoGo back
02:06.13raden_workad linksys
02:06.17raden_workgo back to ?
02:06.37ricko73drmessano: common sense is not all that common
02:06.58drmessanoThe Linksys firmware DOES NOT and WILL NOT put a layer between the wireless and LAN ports..
02:07.24raden_worki DMZ'ed the freakin IP phone still same crap
02:07.26drmessanoI've resused Stock Linksys routers like that quite a bit
02:07.31raden_worklinksys firmware same crap
02:07.33drmessanoStop guessing
02:07.47drmessanoYou flashed it back that quick?
02:07.55raden_worktakes me like 45 seconds
02:08.11raden_worki've flashed a good 200 routers this year becoming second nature
02:08.13drmessanoIt takes that long to load the firmware, and another 2 mins to reboot completely
02:08.21ricko73**POW BAM ZAP** zoom zoom batman
02:08.43drmessanoraden_work: You flashed 200, and you sound like you can barely configure the ONE you have
02:08.58drmessanoand second nature doesnt make the LOAD process take 45 secs
02:09.02raden_worknever had a issue configuring anything till this dam ip phone
02:09.05drmessanoYou need a flux capacitor for that
02:09.32raden_workmaybe i should flash dd-wrt voip on here
02:09.37ricko73damn IP phone.  dam is a physical structure usually used to hold back water
02:09.39drmessanoThat wont do shit
02:09.48drmessanoYou dont need a SIP proxy
02:09.59raden_workwhat should i do ?
02:10.04drmessanoI already told you
02:10.08raden_workwhy are my ping times so irative
02:10.24drmessanoIf you would stop stretching the truth here and do something I tell you, maybe you could get this going
02:10.33drmessanoPut the god damn Linksys firmware back on
02:10.44drmessanoChange the IP, turn DHCP off
02:10.51raden_workfine ill flash back to linksys firmware for the 5th time today
02:11.01*** join/#asterisk phix (
02:12.38*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
02:12.51Rob3Rtanyone got a linksys wrt54gp2 here?
02:13.01Rob3Rtgot crackly, troublesome voip issues
02:13.14Rob3Rtusing g729 with nice bandwidtht
02:14.06raden_workupdate firmware
02:14.12raden_workvery comon problem with that model
02:15.24drmessanoWhat, that they come out with new firmware?
02:15.24drmessanoI hear that a lot of routers have that problem
02:15.55raden_worklinksys is shit
02:15.56Rob3Rtchecking for an update, but just updated a few months back
02:16.21raden_workmy buffalo's with ddwrt work 10 x better
02:16.29raden_workmy elcheapo asus even rocks
02:16.53raden_workwhat are the odds of bricking this thing again today
02:20.36raden_workLOL linksys back on same crap
02:20.47Rob3Rtstupid linksys
02:21.04Rob3Rtwebsite doesnt know where its firmware is
02:21.12Rob3Rtstupid linksys - hate it
02:21.25Rob3Rtand it cant run third party
02:21.30Rob3Rtpityful :(
02:22.25[TK]D-FenderThis from the person running AsteriskWin <-
02:22.44*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=archgt@unaffiliated/archgt)
02:26.04*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
02:26.13Rob3Rtstupid linkshitz.
02:26.25drmessanoI flashed 20+ Linksys WRT54G's and never had a problem with them on DD-WRT
02:26.55*** part/#asterisk ArchGT (n=archgt@unaffiliated/archgt)
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02:27.03*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=archgt@unaffiliated/archgt)
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02:28.00drmessanoEvery now and then run into some little DD-WRT bug, but nothing Linksys specific
02:28.52raden_workthis is bs with linksys firmware i cant even freakin ping ip phone
02:29.52drmessanoraden_work: Are you like 19 or something?
02:30.06raden_workwhy you say stuff like that
02:30.30raden_workim frusterated is what i am this is ridiculous all i need todo is add a AP to our existing network which is not working
02:30.37drmessanoBecause your troubleshooting is "Stab, stab, reboot, stab, bitch, stab, reboot, reboot, reboot, reboot, stab"
02:31.16drmessanoIts just a router.. Set it up like I told you and it will work fine
02:31.58box2"how many times did you restart your computer?" "three times dude, just like you told me."
02:32.02drmessanoIts like Network 101 feat. Holden Caulfield
02:32.21raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=38.7 ms
02:32.21raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=58.3 ms
02:32.22raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=84.3 ms
02:32.22raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=104 ms
02:32.26raden_workit got worse with linksys
02:33.33drmessanoAre you sure your Vista box isnt the latency?
02:33.46*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
02:34.04raden_workdrmessano, ok listen very carefully, I have tried both DD-WRT and Linksys firmware ok  The LAN port #4 on the WRT54GL is connected to the netgear, DHCP on linksys is disabled firewall disabled everything is disabled
02:34.21raden_workdrmessano, there is not even a freakin windows box here
02:34.34raden_workdo people just like to annoy people
02:35.16drmessanoraden_work: If you disabled anything other than DHCP, you failed to follow my directions.. I do NOT trust your ability to check boxes or toggle radio buttons properly, and I was VERY specific with my instructions
02:35.31drmessanoDo people just not like to listen to shit?
02:35.49Rob3Rtdrmessano, which router is it ?
02:35.50Rob3Rtoh wait
02:35.57drmessanoYoure fucking click happy, and its pissing me off
02:36.10raden_work<drmessano> Linksys firmware, plug PORT 4 of the Linksys SWITCH into the NETGEAR
02:36.12Rob3Rtyeah, that version doesnt support wireless bridging
02:36.25drmessanoDont need bridging
02:36.32raden_worki reset factory defaults and started from there
02:36.50Rob3Rtput the router on same subnet ?
02:36.57box2i reset my linux to torvalds defaults
02:36.57Rob3Rtchanged lan ip to suit ?
02:37.02drmessanoStock linksys firmware, factory reset, port 4 of the linksys in the other router, DHCP off, IP set to something non-conflicting, should work as a dumb AP
02:37.04*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
02:37.04Rob3Rtahh torvalds defaults
02:37.07raden_worknetgear linksys
02:37.18raden_workconected via lan ports 4 & 8
02:37.32drmessanoBut Holden Caulfield over there cant follow directions
02:37.33raden_workdrmessano, thats what i have setup bro
02:37.36*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=chatzill@
02:37.41raden_workthats what ive been trying to say
02:37.46raden_workand my latency is ridiculous
02:37.53raden_workand i only have 1 way audio still
02:37.54trebaumraden_work you sure it's not a bad cable?
02:38.04raden_worktrebaum, changed it already :(
02:38.11Rob3Rtlululululululululululululululu fried
02:38.13raden_workping to router is less than 1 ms
02:38.21Rob3Rtsure solution - remove linksys from network
02:38.29raden_workyeah i agree
02:38.32Rob3Rtadd in something ... else
02:38.37Rob3Rteven if you have to,
02:38.40henry_I am having an issue creating multiple calls using call files and playing a message. The first call issued works fine, the others just seem to hang up after they are answered. Has anyone seen a similar problem?
02:38.48raden_workdrmessano, im not trying to be dumb ive been trying to look at this with logic for 4 hours
02:38.54box2nothing wrong with linksys wrt54g routers
02:38.55Rob3Rtdraw a picture of a router, and sticky tape it to the network, it would more than likely be better than the linksys
02:39.09Rob3Rtmy wrt54gp2 is shiz
02:39.10raden_workRob3Rt, thanks for the laugh i needed that
02:39.11drmessanobox2: Exactly.. Not a $1000 router, but they do well
02:39.19Rob3Rtraden_work, no probs lol :)
02:39.38raden_workdrmessano, PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
02:39.38raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=95.1 ms
02:39.38raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=209 ms
02:39.39*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
02:39.48drmessanoPing the LINKSYS
02:39.50raden_workPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
02:39.50raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.541 ms
02:39.50raden_work64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.524 ms
02:40.01raden_work120 ip phone
02:40.34drmessanoMaybe the phone is a piece of shit..
02:40.35raden_workPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
02:40.35raden_work64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=56.6 ms
02:40.35raden_work64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=62.9 ms
02:40.43drmessanoIsnt it a diahatsu
02:40.44raden_workdrmessano, i was starting to think that
02:41.00Rob3Rtprolly cable, make sure theyre all plugged right in
02:41.02infobot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for it's core, it pwns, is also now compatible with the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone
02:41.12Rob3Rtthats usually  ot
02:41.15drmessano~Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11
02:41.22drmessano~Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason
02:41.41drmessanoI had a trigger in there somewhere
02:42.06drmessanoDiahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone  <-- Your typical shit eBay special
02:42.18Rob3Rtspa-942 ftw
02:42.23drmessano$29 Supper Happy SIP phone
02:42.26raden_workPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
02:42.26raden_workFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
02:42.26raden_workFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
02:42.33*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
02:42.34raden_workthats my laptop on same wifi
02:42.43Rob3Rtfirewalled ?
02:42.49Rob3Rtto drop icmp perhaps
02:42.52blkryanybody used the new cisco SPA504G?
02:42.56raden_workthat could
02:43.05box2did you check your route settings
02:43.52raden_workthats windows laptop :(
02:43.57*** join/#asterisk alrs (
02:44.26drmessano[22:34] <raden_work> drmessano, there is not even a freakin windows box here
02:44.37drmessanoYoure a fuckwit
02:44.41drmessanoNo, really
02:44.43raden_workthere wasnt i went out to service van and got laptop but yes there is one here now
02:44.51drmessanoIn 18 seconds?
02:44.53raden_workits all opensuse on everything though
02:45.02raden_workservice van behind building jesus
02:45.04LiNeTuXahhh, THAT Windows
02:45.40raden_workwhats average latency over wifi with a wifi phone ?
02:45.55Rob3Rt5-10ms i would imagine
02:46.11LiNeTuXwhat is the airspeed of an unladen african swallow
02:46.26drmessanoThere hasnt been a span of more than 30 seconds you havent entered text in here.. considering average time to type a sentence, you must be sitting in that van and have an 8 core Vista laptop in hybernation with a Flash disk
02:46.34Rob3Rterr i get 1ms over wireless via a 3 point network
02:47.01[TK]D-FenderLiNeTuX: I don't know...
02:47.05drmessanoAl lies.. youre probably setting up Skype for your mom.. not asterisk for your boss
02:47.13Rob3RtLiNeTuX, the speed is variable.
02:47.30[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: pop culture FAIL
02:47.38drmessanoLiNeTuX: You ruined the joke
02:47.51drmessanoUnladen swallow..
02:47.52[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I saved it by being first
02:47.56Rob3Rtif you asked, what is the speed of a swallow flying at 10kms per hour, i could give a difinitive answer
02:48.05Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, i hate pop
02:48.09drmessanoUnladen african swallow.. you ruined the punchline
02:48.20LiNeTuXyeah yeah yeah
02:48.22Rob3Rtwhats the punchline ?
02:48.25drmessanoNow I have to ask "North african or west african" or throw a color in there
02:48.28[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: My yogurt has more culture that you, and thats just the BACTERIA
02:48.54Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, im still wondering what u think i did to fail lol
02:48.57Rob3Rtdidnt say anything
02:49.02drmessanoYou're no Tim the Enchanter
02:49.18[TK]D-FenderLiNeTuX: And you weren't supposed to mention "african"
02:49.47drmessanoI am an ennnchanter!
02:49.54drmessanoThere are some who call me.... Tim
02:49.59LiNeTuX[TK]D-Fender: I usually don't play by the rules, either.
02:50.30drmessanoI called one of the guys at work "Sir Robin" the other day
02:50.35drmessanoI got some laffs.. it was worth it
02:51.42LiNeTuXhad a good day today. The first time *ever* setting up an Asterisk box - getting everything done before the PRI got provisioned - provider gets their stuff done, I plug it in, and it works w/o issue.
02:52.21*** join/#asterisk voxter (
02:53.21drmessanoLiNeTuX: Badass
02:53.47raden_workdrmessano, since your so smart why is this not working ?
02:53.52LiNeTuXdrmessano: not really.  but it was a nice change from the usual back-and-forth troubleshooting w/the provider.
02:54.19LiNeTuXIt probably helped that the CO was only 30' away.
02:54.53drmessanoLiNeTuX: Sure it was.. Take what you can get, man.. Install a workstation for your Dad and he doesnt bitch about his favorites for missing = Badass.. Install an * box and no users are hurt in he process = Badass
02:55.22LiNeTuX"Everyone stand back!   I'm going to PLUG IT IN!"
02:55.23drmessanoraden_work: We've been over this time and time again
02:55.46raden_workwell i did exactly as you said
02:56.28raden_worktook linksys router with defaults, disabled DHCP, set a static non conflicting ip, plugged port #4 into netgear lan and it still dont work
02:56.31raden_workwhat did i miss ?
02:56.50drmessano  <-- Follow that
02:57.01raden_workand then i switched it from gateway to router which shouldnt matter but according to DDwrt and Linksys docs on both it totally disables NAT
02:57.21drmessanoYou dont need to disable ANYTHING
02:57.30drmessanoExcept DHCP
02:57.35drmessanoFirewall, NO
02:57.45raden_workI did that the first time
02:57.45drmessanogateway to router, NO
02:58.00raden_worki didnt do crap besides set a static IP and disable DHCP
02:58.04raden_workit DONT WORK
02:58.14raden_workthe phone still does not recieve AUDIO
02:58.27raden_workand my latency is almost 300 ms at times with linksys
02:58.34raden_workddwrt never went over 80 i dont get that
02:59.46drmessanoIm not sure what to believe.. you tell me youve done THIS, THIS, and THAT, then you tell me you did none of those things, only blah.. If you want this to work, i've told you 5 or 6 times how to set the Linksys up appropriately.. Maybe when youre done with whatever it is youre doing, you can do that
03:00.29raden_workim not a fing moron so stop treating me like one
03:00.33raden_workIT DONT WORK
03:00.46LiNeTuXeveryone's a moron at some point in their life.
03:00.54drmessanoI never said you are a moron, i said you're click happy
03:01.03raden_workim not click happy either
03:01.13LiNeTuXhas a click-happy 3.5 year old
03:01.15raden_workthis is ridiculous im having NAT like issues with no nat
03:01.49raden_workand all you want to do is sit here ad make fun of this stressful situation
03:02.04LiNeTuXraden: did you try a softphone?
03:02.28drmessanoall you want to do is waste our time
03:02.35drmessanoTried to help you for hours now
03:03.00drmessanoIf you want, I can play dumbass for you and pretend the Linksys doesn't work as described
03:03.02[TK]D-Fender[23:00]<LiNeTuX>everyone's a moron at some point in their life. <- some seem Hell-bent on making that moment last a LIFETIME
03:03.06shido6oh come on now people :)
03:03.36shido6NAT issues without NAT sounds pretty frustrating
03:04.02drmessanoshido6: So does asking someone a dozen times to reset a fuckin router
03:04.21drmessanoshido6: When do you get to the point of releasing the hounds
03:05.32drmessanoA: About 2 hours ago
03:05.50raden_workwow thats exactly what
03:05.53raden_workI DID
03:06.09raden_workeverything is working as far as the router and wifi and routing
03:06.20raden_workbut the freaking WIFI phone only has 1 way audio
03:06.22drmessanoExcept its not
03:06.55drmessanoIts not at all working how you say, you insist it is based on what?  That it PINGS?
03:07.18carrarping is 100%
03:07.29raden_workwow i can register the wifi phone i can dial out on it my wifi laptop connects fine dhcp addresses are assigned properly
03:07.37carrarPING FTW!!
03:07.45drmessanoPing apparently gives a total network snapshot
03:08.04drmessanoMaybe I dont know the correct switch to get that under Vista home basic
03:08.05shido6so maybe your wifi phone cant deal with nat :)
03:08.11raden_workno but dont you find it odd my latency is almost 300 ms at times on an internal network ?>
03:08.13shido6or maybe the firmware on the wifi phone cant deal with nat
03:08.14*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-yzwauxkihylonvdw)
03:08.15drmessanoshido6: What NAT? heh
03:08.21shido6you said router
03:08.24drmessanoThis is LOCAL
03:08.26shido6so I say nat
03:08.42shido6where's asterisk in this mix?
03:08.44carrarI say potatoe!
03:08.45raden_workshido6, i only have 1 way audio when im calling phone to phone on lan as well
03:08.53drmessanoWRT54G ---Wired as AP, LAN <> LAN ---> Netgear as gateway..
03:09.07drmessanoAsterisk box behind Netgear
03:09.13drmessanoWell, on the same side
03:09.17raden_workyeah same side
03:09.32drmessanoWireless <> LAN on Linksys acts like theres a NAT/Firewall
03:09.34raden_workI dont understand it the phone is acting like its behind a nat :(
03:09.42drmessanoNo crap
03:09.47drmessanoDo a 100-100-100 reset
03:09.54raden_workDisabled firewall
03:10.07raden_workdrmessano, as is restart everytthing here ?
03:10.07drmessanoAgain, clicking something you shouldnt have
03:10.21raden_workdrmessano, why would disabling firewall even matter ?
03:10.25drmessanoDo you know what changing from GATEWAY to ROUTER changes in the Linksys?
03:10.26raden_worknetgear takes care of that
03:10.35drmessanoDO YOU?
03:10.37raden_workdrfreeze, yes changes from nat to classic routing
03:10.42drmessanoDo you know if it changes bridging?
03:10.53drmessanoDo you know how exactly it accomplishes it?
03:11.09drmessanoReally, it doesnt matter.. Its NEEDLESS and something extra in the mix
03:11.37raden_worktechnically gateway to router shouldnt matter
03:11.45raden_workcause it should only be for the wan port
03:11.50raden_workwhich we are not messing with
03:11.50drmessanoWant me to take this WRT54GL I have in this box next to me, reset it, set it up as an AP, and connect for you?
03:11.58raden_workbut i have seen weirder glitches in firmwre
03:12.10raden_workthats what i have
03:12.12drmessanoraden_work: Technically, you have no idea what the router is doing, and youve checked something based on a hunch
03:12.12carrardrmessano, will you do that AND cook dinner?
03:12.19raden_worki can make it a access point
03:12.35raden_workdrmessano, do you listen ?
03:12.44raden_workat all or are you just arrogant ?
03:12.51drmessanoraden_work: You cant follow basic directions.. reset the fucking thing, 30-30-30, turn off DHCP, Set the IP, connect LAN <> LAN
03:12.59raden_work30-30-30 ?
03:13.00drmessanoYou dont listen.. thats the problem
03:13.08raden_workive been listening
03:13.16raden_workwhat does 30-30-30 mean ?
03:13.27drmessano30 plugged in, holding, pull power for 30, still holding, plug back in, hold for 30 more
03:13.29carrarbrast, hips, waste
03:13.41carraroh I can't spell tonight
03:13.53drmessanoThats a 30-30-30 reset
03:13.53raden_workdrmessano, ok ill reset the dreaking router again
03:14.09drmessano30-30-30, and I am counting
03:14.18LiNeTuXWait, it's a dreaking?  I thought it was a Linksys.
03:14.50drmessanodreaking is a unit of time where he can perform a 90 sec reset cycle in 18 seconds and have it already booted back up
03:15.14LiNeTuXoh, cool.  like a time warp.
03:15.19LiNeTuXLet's do the time warp... again....
03:16.06LiNeTuXIt's just a port to the left.... and not nat to the right...
03:16.08drmessanoraden horror picture show?
03:16.31LiNeTuXwith your hands on your button
03:16.35LiNeTuXand the power out of sight
03:16.43LiNeTuXok, i'm done
03:18.03raden_workdrmessano, now what would u like me todo ?
03:18.10[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I prefer the 30-30 reset
03:18.19[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Or maybe the 30-06 reset more...
03:18.27*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
03:18.33rob0But it's the pelvic thrusting, that really drives me in-sa-a-a-a-a-ane
03:18.54[TK]D-FenderuNF! uNF! uNF! uNF! uNF! uNF!
03:19.03raden_workis this just a big joke to everyone ?
03:19.18LiNeTuXHe thinks it's about him.
03:19.21LiNeTuXHow quaint.
03:19.30raden_workno the whole reset thing
03:21.34drmessanoAlready explained
03:22.22raden_workwell its rebooted i disabled DHCP set IP to
03:22.27raden_worknow what
03:22.48drmessanoScroll up and read one of the 5 times I told you..
03:23.02raden_workyeah did that now what ?
03:23.12infobotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
03:23.28drmessanowell its rebooted i disabled DHCP set IP to  <-- That wasnt all I told you to do..
03:23.35infobotmethinks insanity is good; if you're not a paranoiac, and the world really is out to get you, how will you know?
03:23.49raden_workdrmessano, i rebooted after i did all that sorry
03:24.07raden_workwow people are worthless
03:24.23drmessanoI was just thinking that
03:24.24raden_worki have 1 way freaking audio what is so difficult about this
03:24.34drmessanoIts not
03:24.48raden_worki can plug a wired ip phone into the lan on the linksys and it works fine
03:25.13raden_workall the wireless phones have 1 way audio
03:25.19alrsFREAK OUT!
03:25.37shido6raden_work: so check firmware changelogs
03:26.18raden_workshido6, did that updated to newest firmware tried linksys, ddwrt, tomato firmware all sam issue
03:26.24[TK]D-Fender1-way audio....
03:26.27raden_workyes sir
03:26.37raden_worki cant hear anything on wifi phone
03:26.42raden_workCLI not saying anything either
03:26.45alrswifi network is same subnet as wired?
03:26.53[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: because you're not looking
03:27.18drmessanoraden_work: My final comment.. It sounds to me like you've got something set in NVRAM from your little DDWRT bridging experiment that your little bitch impatience could fix by clearing the NVRAM with a proper reset followed by a simple config of the linksys
03:27.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I wouldn
03:27.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I wouldn't even jump that far...
03:27.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: we are so far ahead of the ball and nedlessly so
03:27.52drfreezeraden_work: any of this help:
03:29.05drmessanoHes fighting a one way audio problem with WIRELESS devices only on a WRT54G he's configuring, supposedly, as an AP ONLY on his LAN, that he previously had DDWRT on (HELLLLO???) that he admittedly screwed with the bridging on...
03:29.15drmessanoThats really not a stretch, and easy to fix
03:29.16raden_workwhy does my aastra 9133i phones work with every firmware but the wifi phone will not ?
03:29.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yeah, but we aren't seeing a single thing, and you know what that means...
03:29.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Because you are running around like a headless chicken and not looking
03:29.57raden_workcause everyone is argueing with me :(
03:30.14[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: No, your inability to actually look at whats going on is YOUR fault.
03:30.16drmessanoEveryone is telling you ----> DO THIS
03:30.22raden_workive tried explaining my problem everyone keeps saying im screwing up the router
03:30.33[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You can ignore distractions and focus on something concrete
03:30.39drmessanoand youre all liek ----> ZOMG UM TOOTHPICK HAMPSTER
03:30.44[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Stop explaining, and start looking.
03:30.56raden_worki have been for almost 6 hours
03:31.11[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And I haven't seen anyone even hint at the obvious.
03:31.27drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Factory reset trumps looking any day.. but then you have to assume clicking 3 boxes doesnt become "Oh like, 9 or so"
03:31.40blkrycan you reformat the phone?  Like a polycom?
03:31.45[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Still just a story to me...
03:31.53[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Entirely.  No-one is looking
03:32.18drmessanoNo one needs to look..
03:32.34raden_workdrmessano, i reset all factory defaults > turned DHCP OFF > SET STATIC IP > Rebooted router
03:32.38drmessanoIf you wipe and start over, you've removed the looking part
03:32.44raden_worksame thing as when i had ddwrt setup
03:32.46[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: No, they can just continue making abstract guesses and juicing up the BlameThrower
03:33.14[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Looking can happen at any point... any point that is, except for the last 6 HOURS
03:33.21raden_workas much as i have changed the router nothing has changed I know networking I dont know much about VOIP but i know networking
03:33.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Knows much, sees little.
03:33.57blkrylooking or reconfigure.  how long does it take to configure a phone?
03:34.00[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Can't ID what you aren't looking at
03:34.02drmessanoSo how exactly does looking at the questionable configuration of the device trump resetting it to a known unfucked state?
03:34.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: We are guessing a state, thats the problem.  We aren't looking at it.
03:34.22raden_workdrmessano, im getting really sick of your attitude
03:34.34drmessanoWe dont need to guess the state if its reset
03:34.37[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: So are you ready to actually look at the problem now?
03:35.07drmessanoApparently thats not so OBVIOUS
03:35.15[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: ....
03:35.20infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
03:35.38raden_workwould you like configs or debug output ?
03:35.45[TK]D-FenderNot one dimwit here seems to think looking at the DAMNED SIP COMMUNICATION might give something away
03:36.09[TK]D-FenderDamn people...
03:36.23[TK]D-FenderAll this guessing and noone is looking at the stupid 1-way audio CALL
03:36.28[TK]D-FenderWake the hell up
03:36.42[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
03:38.29[TK]D-Fender"Think we should look at the body to determine how Jon died?"  "Oh look, a kitten!"
03:38.49[TK]D-Fenderinterrogates the kitten
03:39.13blkrydoes it have rabies
03:40.12[TK]D-Fenderunleashes the kitten on blkry and hopes for rabies
03:41.09[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> <-- NAT, Pardon?
03:41.51raden_workhow do i fix that ?
03:42.22[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Remote the net=yes from your peers.  set canreinvite=no on them as well
03:43.24raden_workall of them ?
03:43.46[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Are any of them supposed to be behind a remote NAT?
03:44.11raden_workthere all internal to the asterisk box
03:44.26raden_workthere all on the same lan as asterisk box
03:45.15raden_worksip reload still 1 way audio
03:46.39raden_work[TK]D-Fender, ?
03:46.57[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: I don't see an updated pastebin.
03:52.33raden_workSending to : 5060 (NAT) ????????/
03:53.16raden_work--- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
03:53.16raden_workSending to : 5060 (NAT)
03:53.40[TK]D-Fenderlet me know when you can get it right
03:53.55raden_workget what right ?
03:54.17[TK]D-Fender[23:53]<raden_work>Sending to : 5060 (NAT) <-- what do yout hink?
03:54.31raden_worki removed nat=yes from everything in sip.conf
03:54.38raden_worki just did a find and there is no nat in it
03:55.26raden_workdid a sip and dialplan reload
03:55.54[TK]D-Fenderdid you say nat=no for your peers?
03:56.16raden_work[TK]D-Fender, you told me [TK]D-Fender> raden_work: Remote the net=yes from your peers.  set canreinvite=no on them as well
03:56.23raden_worki removed them did not set anything to no
03:56.29raden_workshould i set them to no ?
03:56.44[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Please try to be maybe even a LITTLE intuitive and define things explicitily
03:57.18raden_worki do that people tell me im click happy i follow things to the T and here I am again being told how i dont do things right :(
03:57.40raden_workfeel like im walking on eggshells in here today
03:58.03raden_workhi everyone im retarted, stupid, cant read, follow instructions, have any common sense, so please treat me as so
03:58.10raden_worki get it
04:00.08[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: new pastebin.
04:00.23[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and is 1.120 your WiFi Phone?
04:00.31raden_workyes sir
04:00.39[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Dump your firewall.
04:00.51raden_workthey are
04:01.00raden_workdisabled  network wide open
04:01.05[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: SHOW ME
04:01.19raden_workhow you want a screen shot ?
04:01.36raden_workNetgear security set to allow all
04:01.44raden_worklinksys SPI firewall = disabled
04:01.51raden_workeverything has been restarted from there
04:03.49drmessanoWired phones work
04:04.00[TK]D-FenderDon't care
04:04.01drmessanoIts only the wireless ones on the Linksys
04:04.03raden_work[TK]D-Fender, flush or shutdown completly ?
04:04.05shido6has your wifi phone EVER worked?
04:04.15[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Empty it.
04:04.18raden_workdrmessano, the wired ones also work on the linksys just not the wireless
04:04.42[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and SHOW ME
04:06.14raden_workSERVER:/ # SuSEfirewall2 stop
04:06.14raden_workSuSEfirewall2: batch committing...
04:06.14raden_workSuSEfirewall2: Firewall rules unloaded.
04:06.36raden_worksorry used to debian couldnt find right away in /etc/init.d/
04:07.09raden_work[TK]D-Fender, u are a genius
04:07.17raden_workso please explain whats the deal ?
04:09.07raden_workok wtf
04:09.23*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
04:09.23raden_worki can call the 120 and have bi-directional but i still cant dial from it
04:09.29raden_worksorry that did not fix it
04:09.34raden_workanother pastebin we go
04:10.59[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Sounds like it it fixed part of your issues
04:11.14raden_worki never tried calling the wifi phone before
04:11.20raden_worki just relized first time i did it
04:12.26[TK]D-FenderOr at least the problem you HAD.  Now you have the opportunity to find all your OTHER ones.
04:12.54raden_workstill cant here anything on WIFI phone
04:12.57raden_worksame URL
04:15.56raden_work--- (12 headers 12 lines) ---
04:15.56raden_workSending to : 5060 (NAT)
04:15.56raden_workwhy it still doing NAT ?
04:17.28*** join/#asterisk moy (
04:17.49KyleKbecause asterisk thinks it needs to?
04:18.13carrarbecause you never did "sip reload" ?
04:18.55raden_workevery time
04:19.35[TK]D-FenderWhy do I not see the updated CONFIGS?
04:19.42[TK]D-FenderSomeone hasn't seemed to learn....
04:20.31*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
04:22.11raden_work   <<< last call with that config
04:24.53*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:25.42raden_workok simple question why is it when i call WIFI phone i have bi-directional communication ad when i dial from it i cant hear anything but people can hear me ?
04:28.22raden_workSending to : 5060 (NAT)
04:28.27raden_worki dont understand this
04:28.38raden_workcould something on the netgear be messed up ?
04:29.05[TK]D-Fenderlocalnet= <- Bad mask
04:30.03[TK]D-Fenderunder [general] it should be "nat=yes
04:31.50raden_worki dont know how mask got messed up but it fixed nat=yes reload
04:35.56raden_work   <<< last call with that config
04:37.58raden_work--- (12 headers 0 lines) ---
04:37.58raden_workSending to : 5060 (NAT)
04:38.02raden_worki dont get this
04:39.06[TK]D-FenderYou showed me another call without configs attached
04:39.17[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You keep focussing on HALF the story.
04:39.34[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Everything in 1 *#$ing pastebin TOGETHER, every time./
04:39.42[TK]D-FenderrandAnd show me you *&$ING FIREWALL
04:39.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: I asked 5 times already
04:39.58raden_worki did show u the firewall
04:40.11raden_workSERVER:/ # SuSEfirewall2 stop
04:40.11raden_workSuSEfirewall2: batch committing...
04:40.11raden_workSuSEfirewall2: Firewall rules unloaded.
04:40.11raden_workSERVER:/ #
04:40.15raden_workthere is the firewall
04:40.19raden_workthats opensuses iptables
04:40.51[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: that means jack shit
04:40.58[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: iptables --list
04:41.11[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Do I trust some random scheel script?  NO
04:41.33raden_workSERVER:/ # iptables --list
04:41.33raden_workChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
04:41.33raden_worktarget     prot opt source               destination
04:41.33raden_workChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
04:41.33raden_worktarget     prot opt source               destination
04:41.34raden_workChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
04:41.36raden_worktarget     prot opt source               destination
04:41.48[TK]D-Fenderand in a pastebin next time
04:42.01[TK]D-Fenderonly took 6 tries to get this
04:42.24raden_workall u asked for was to show it was stopped basically
04:42.32[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: now go restart * and try another call and include your configs
04:42.51[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: dump the firewall = show me all the rules.
04:43.16[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You showed me a script message which proves nothing
04:45.58KyleKiptables -t nat --list as well?
04:46.35[TK]D-FenderWhy not.
04:47.31raden_workthere yeah go
04:48.01raden_workKyleK, that empty as well
04:48.16drmessanoIF I am wrong about the Linksys, you should be able to plug the WAN port of the Linksys into the Netgear instead of a LAN port, and your audio will die completely
04:49.03raden_workill try it just to see what happens
04:53.01[TK]D-FenderNONE of these should eb aon a WAN port
04:53.07[TK]D-Fenderbe on*
04:53.14raden_workwe know
04:53.20raden_workits lan to lan
04:54.23[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Now draw a direct linear line layour of phone1-*-phone2
04:55.00[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: that was pretty clear.  Describe every piece of networking from one to the other through *
04:55.16[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: in a straight line.  This includes IP addresses
04:55.24[TK]D-Fenderprotocols, media, et
04:57.46drmessanoWhat happened when you tried what I suggested
04:57.48*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
04:57.49raden_workWAN <DSL MODEM > -- Bridged -- <netgear prosafe FV538> - #1< asterisk> --#2< phone 101> #3<phone 102> #8 < linksys WRT54G>   Wifi <>
04:57.57raden_workdrmessano, lol
04:58.03*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
04:59.55drmessanoWhat happened when you tried what I suggested
05:00.02raden_workabsolutley nothing
05:00.36raden_workif i create a route to the net i get same thing 1 way audio
05:00.49[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: What firmware is on the WRT?
05:01.04raden_workthe newest one from linksys lemee check
05:01.20raden_worknewest one i can find
05:01.24raden_workfor that model
05:01.48raden_workWRT54GL V1.1
05:02.28aluncaman, my IP Trunk Registrations just turn to 0 and I cannot make or received call. don't know why.
05:03.57[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: So the Linksys is DHCP off, fixed IP, and plugged into a LAN port of the Netgear via one of its own LAN ports?
05:04.04raden_workthat is correct
05:04.30raden_worktried that same config with Linksys / ddwrt / tomato
05:04.39raden_worksamre results
05:04.52drmessanoI think its funny that when you plug in the WAN port, set a route, you get the SAME result as wireless <> LAN
05:05.11raden_workno nothing happens
05:05.20raden_workunless i set a route to the other routers net
05:05.31drmessanoThats what I fuckin said
05:05.33raden_workoh sorry didnt see set a route
05:05.37raden_workdont get soo pissy
05:05.41raden_workyeah we all crabby
05:05.52[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: hrm
05:06.49[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Sanity check time
05:06.56drmessanoSo with a NAT between the Wireless and WAN port, you get 1 way audio.. With the Wireless <> LAN you get 1 way audio.. Hard wired on the very same switch ports, you dont get 1 way audio
05:07.07[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Make an exten that Answer(), then Playback() a file, then Echo()
05:07.18[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: test each phone against this independently
05:08.21raden_workno offense but what will that accomplish every phone besides Wifi phone was used today to answer and call and place people on hold etc...
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05:09.20[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: The test should take less time than your argument.  That's reason enough
05:09.27raden_work[TK]D-Fender, ill do it just dont see the point
05:10.08*** join/#asterisk talntid (
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05:14.00raden_workok now what
05:14.34raden_worki can call that app and hear the file and hear myself
05:14.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Fell like describing any of it...
05:14.51[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: All phones?
05:15.03raden_workand all desk phones
05:15.16raden_worknow im really confussed
05:15.27[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: ok, with the WIFI go leave a voiccmail.
05:15.36raden_worknot setup at moment
05:15.42raden_worki can record a sound file via extension ?
05:15.53[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Actually... here's a thought... jsut ditch teh "answer()" you have before your dial with a NoOp
05:15.54raden_workor that not good enough
05:16.04raden_workin what part ?
05:16.14[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: in the extens that dial your phoens.
05:16.29[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You are having * issue an aswer without playing audio then calling another phone
05:16.37[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: All before RTp is finalized
05:16.42[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: replace that with a NoOp
05:17.04raden_workevery single answer in extensions.conf ?
05:17.52*** join/#asterisk cobra2599 (
05:18.18cobra2599Anyone know of any modules that have been created for Text to speach through the asterisk API
05:18.58raden_work[TK]D-Fender, wtf i can now speak both ways
05:19.02raden_workon the lan
05:19.26[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: As I said, incomplete RTP setup.  Test both ways.  A> B, B<A
05:19.26*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:19.58raden_workok all lan works but if i dial out cant hear anyone
05:20.21[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: we're only dealing with LAN+WIFI right now
05:20.26[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: One problem at a time
05:20.32raden_workif i dial inbound with my cellphone i have bi-directional
05:20.33*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
05:20.38raden_workif i dial out with wifi i cant hear
05:20.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: CONFIRM
05:21.03raden_workCONFIRM  >
05:21.18[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Is that?
05:21.27raden_workis what >
05:21.44[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Why am I hearing about your CELL PHONE
05:21.46raden_workon the lan all works
05:21.57raden_workif i dial out i cannot hear
05:22.01[TK]D-FenderradeqI asked you to confirm bi-directional audio on ALL LOCAL CALLS
05:22.05raden_workdialing in from cell have bi-dreictional
05:22.12[TK]D-FenderraeI did not say "try other outside shit"
05:22.17raden_workall lan calls yes bi-directional
05:22.21[TK]D-FenderFUCK THE CELL PHONE!
05:22.26raden_workwow fine
05:22.30raden_worknot enough info
05:22.33[TK]D-FenderJesus H Christ we are jsut dealing with your SIP PHONES!
05:22.33raden_workto much jesus
05:22.35tengulrehow to use transfer under agent mode ?
05:22.39raden_workjust yell at me some more
05:22.57[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: I'm trying to get a straight story from you and you are jumpiong on to other topics
05:23.15[TK]D-FenderYou are not confirming where you have gotten yourself clearly before running off on tangents.
05:23.18raden_workI said for time #3 all internal phones on lan have bi-directional communication
05:23.28[TK]D-FenderNo wonder people are getting lsot rying to help you.
05:23.33*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-esyunbassoddgvud)
05:23.37raden_workcause people cant freaking read apparently
05:23.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and Bi directional communication may depends on WHO IS CALLING WHO
05:23.47raden_work<raden_work> ok all lan works but if i dial out cant hear anyone
05:23.59[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: The directions you tested were not explicit
05:24.08raden_workas in every freaking phone calling every freaking phone works
05:24.12[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Fine, one thing down.
05:24.39cobra2599i ran into that problem before im sure it is a trunk setting, i believe nat=yes fixed it for me on the trunk settings
05:24.42[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: pastebin a complete call attempt to the outside
05:25.10drmessanoYoure out of your league, donnie
05:26.19raden_workcobra2599, its only 1 phone
05:27.04[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
05:27.17[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Your callcentric peer should be nat=no like the guide told you
05:28.03cobra2599ah so i had it backwards its been a while lol
05:28.12cobra2599at least i was close
05:28.53raden_work[TK]D-Fender, did that still not workign
05:29.20raden_workcobra2599, you were more than likley correct
05:29.33[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And every time I hear that I should be seeing a pastebin to match with new configs
05:29.41[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: I should not have to ask for this every time
05:29.57raden_worki change one lil thing and you need to see it ?
05:30.14[TK]D-FenderITSP entries should almost never be "nat=yes"
05:30.21[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Correct.
05:30.57[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: If people did things right all the time like they swear they do, it would typically work <-
05:31.04cobra2599Anyone know of any modules that have been created for Text to speach through the asterisk API
05:31.25raden_workcobra2599, contact digium
05:32.14raden_work[TK]D-Fender, why is it that all the other phones here work but not 1 lil wifi phone ? i dont see how all this could be wrong ?
05:33.05[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: that is not a compelte call, and I don't see your configs in there.
05:33.23[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Why is this so difficult to follow?
05:34.10raden_work1100 lines and its not a complete call
05:34.42[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: the pastebin STARTS with a 183 PROGRESS.. that means the PREVIOUS messages were the start of the cal
05:34.55[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And still no configs
05:35.53raden_workomg you need my config to make sure i inserted nat=no under [callcentric] ???
05:37.13[TK]D-Fenderraden_work:  And to see if if you screewed other stuff up
05:37.29raden_workomg this is ridiculous cause im such a F up
05:38.26raden_workthere tell me everything is screwed up
05:38.26[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You are doing everything in your power to NOT look.  Thats what's fucked up.  You put up a fight for the simplest stuff when poelple have wasted substantial amounts of time trying to keep you from running in circles.
05:40.29[TK]D-Fenderdirectrtpsetup=yes <- ditech
05:40.59[TK]D-FenderMost of the rest looks largely right
05:41.26[TK]D-Fenderinstead of exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@callcentric)
05:41.36[TK]D-Fendertry exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/callcentric/${EXTEN})
05:42.02[TK]D-FenderAnd I might consider setting the callerID before calling out <_
05:42.06raden_workthat would make more sense
05:42.17raden_workhowso ?
05:42.40[TK]D-FenderWait... fromuser should override that...
05:42.49[TK]D-Fenderradejust try this last thing
05:42.58[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and make sure to do verbsoe 10
05:43.04raden_workthe last thing
05:43.13[TK]D-Fender[01:41]<[TK]D-Fender>try exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/callcentric/${EXTEN})
05:43.42*** join/#asterisk fiddur (n=fiddur@
05:44.12drmessano120, nat=yes
05:45.03[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: WTF is [120] doing with "nat=yes"?
05:45.16drmessanoTalk about not listening
05:46.15raden_workits set to no now
05:46.22[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Correct that and test my revised format Dial
05:47.05*** join/#asterisk maour (n=quassel@unaffiliated/maour)
05:47.55raden_work  starts at line 481
05:49.05raden_workhold on
05:50.12raden_workthere we go
05:51.20[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: What have you forwarded on your Negear to *?
05:51.34raden_work5060 - 20000
05:51.57[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Disable any SIP-aware features, etc
05:52.18[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and A word of warning, netgear routers have been known NAT offenders before
05:52.23raden_workto my knowledge there are non on that router i have looked
05:52.35raden_work[TK]D-Fender, your the millionth person to tell me that
05:52.43raden_worku think its the router ?
05:53.18raden_worklemee see if there a firmware update
05:53.53[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: There is a very real chance it is
05:54.07[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: D-Link & Netgear = trouble
05:54.16[TK]D-FenderLinksys = generally none
05:55.46raden_workomg there have been a ton of firmware updates
05:57.04[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Go test them.
05:57.07[TK]D-FenderBeg time....
05:57.11[TK]D-Fenderback tomorrow
05:57.19raden_worksame here thanks
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06:14.26raden_worki updated my firmware and reset everything now im getting [Aug 18 01:13:03] NOTICE[8949]: chan_sip.c:9489 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #26)
06:14.27*** join/#asterisk sergee (
06:16.01sergeeCan somebody explain me the purpose of "Caller ID presentation" and the meaning of it's values?
06:20.31florzIt isn't values, it is a protocol field.
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06:23.27sergeeflorz: field contain values, right?
06:24.37raden_work[Aug 18 01:23:14] NOTICE[8949]: chan_sip.c:9489 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #27)
06:24.50raden_workanyone have any idea why this would be happeneing ?
06:24.58raden_workall i did was upgrade my router firmware
06:25.39florzsergee: well, yeah, usually. But bottles contain water, still they aren't water.
06:25.59sergeeflorz: "'Presentation Allowed, Not Screened" - what's the meaning of this? what's the difference between 'presentation allowed' and 'presentation prohibited' ? how isdn switches treat this info?
06:26.23sergeeflorz: well, the question wasn't about field, it was about values
06:27.09florzsergee: that depends on their configuration - but usually, the switch facing the customer drops the caller id if it's flagged as "presentation prohibited"
06:28.45sergeeflorz: and what's the meaning of 'not screened'? what's the difference between 'not screened' and 'passed screen' ?
06:29.14florzsergee: well, the indicates whether the customer-facing switch checked the callerid for correctnes
06:29.28florz(where the call entered the telco's network)
06:29.40sergeeflorz: thank you very much@
06:31.03sergeeflorz: trying to hide callerid in proper way between my asterisk and cisco, but looks like cisco ignoring privacy in "remote-Party-ID" header, i thought i misunderstood privacy meaning..
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06:42.22raden_workcan someone tell me why my provider would be unreachable ?
06:42.28raden_worki can traceroute just fine
06:43.48kaldemartraceroute doesn't mean that any other protocol would work
06:43.59kaldemarit's just ICMP
06:44.20florzno, it's not
06:45.28raden_workhow do i make asterisk like flush its host its trying to goto
06:45.37kaldemarok, it can be whatever, but it's not VoIP.
06:45.37raden_workwhen is reachable
06:48.16florzbut it's usually udp, which is damn close to voip, kindof
06:48.44raden_workwell why is my host unreachable ?
06:49.11florzhowever, it's icmp for the reply, so an icmp problem can interfere with traceroute
06:50.25kaldemarclose and close. still different port, different software stack...
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06:53.33raden_work[Aug 18 01:52:11] NOTICE[9527]: chan_sip.c:9489 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #1)
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07:31.47khussein78how can i configure SIP Trunk without username and secret
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08:13.32thisismynamewhy would u do that?
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09:00.41rjekOh, wrong channel, I want #asterisknow.  Sorry for the noise.
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09:06.51stixWhen using the asterisk command "Monitor", will this only record/monitor one channel? I mean if I monitor a call, will I only hear sound from one party when playing the file?
09:07.58[netman]both parties
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09:12.37michael-iI'm currently porting my Asterisk based project over to run on a Blackfin based hardware. Compilation goes fine, running asterisk -c on the device loads all of the modules but bails out after with:
09:12.44michael-iasterisk: can't resolve symbol '_dialed_interface_info'
09:14.48michael-iI've know what's happening there but not why ( of course ). Reference to that symbol is only in app_queue and app_dial
09:19.30*** join/#asterisk Ex_peter (n=Ex_peter@unaffiliated/expeter/x-019426)
09:19.33kaldemarstix: monitor generates separate files for the channel's input and ouput. use option m or MixMonitor to get them to one file.
09:19.58stixkaldemar, thanks - important info
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09:32.49stixkaldemar, I have this "exten => s,n,Monitor(wav,${FILNAVN},m)" but still I get and out.wav files ?
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09:34.44tzafrir_laptopmichael-i, don't you use statically-linked asterisk?
09:35.23michael-itzafrir_laptop: nope...just found another unresolved symbol
09:35.25stixkaldemar, sorry, just me being impatient
09:35.27michael-ilet the fun begin
09:35.39tzafrir_laptopIf so, res_monitor should be linked in . There should be no need to load an external
09:37.08michael-iit's not actually res_monitor that's failing. I tried moving out of the modules dir which resulted in the next module failing on another symbol ( ___ast_module_user_remove)
09:44.45inckieim prette new to asterisk, and i trying to get a snomsoft phone to reg on my asterisk
09:45.00inckiebut just get Registration failed
09:45.16inckiethis is my configuration in sip.conf
09:54.52*** join/#asterisk Geert (i=geert@irssi/staff/geert)
09:55.07GeertReason: Q.850;cause=3;text="NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION" => Can I play a custom message when receiving this? (SIP)
09:58.11*** join/#asterisk Tar-Get (n=Tar-Get@
10:00.43Tar-Gethi, I installed asterisk with freepbx
10:01.06Tar-Getwhen I reload config changes asterisk crashes
10:01.23Tar-Getthat is the core dump
10:01.46Tar-Getcan someone help me solve the problem?
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10:07.36*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
10:08.12VecHello, I have an Avaya 9620, running the SIP firmware R2.4, it works great with Asterisk except one small hangup, when the SIP registration timeout occurs, and it attempts to re-register, it displays a login incorrect msg and then asks the user for the user and pass, even if its entered correctly it says login failed.
10:09.09*** part/#asterisk Tar-Get (n=Tar-Get@
10:09.30kaldemarGeert: sure, use function SIP_HEADER to inspect the header and then proceed accordingly in your dialplan.
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10:12.49Geertkaldemar: tnx; will look into it
10:17.20semariesHello, does anyone of you know the Grandstream GXW-400X box?
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10:21.02aluncaanyone here own a WRT54GP2A-AT ?
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10:41.52Geertkaldemar: You can't use that on a reply from the server. (SIP provider)
10:42.15GeertSIP_HEADER() is the SIP info of the initiating client/server
10:45.57kaldemar${HANGUPCAUSE} might do the job then, if it gets set right
10:46.21GeertNope; I already tried that
10:46.56Geert$HANGUPCAUSE returns 1
10:54.13Geertkaldemar: I figured it out; tnx :)
10:54.23GeertI found a correct hangupcause table
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11:15.58BachHi... Asterisk Newbee here
11:17.19BachLooking for a setup, so i can use asterisk as a Gateway server for several other VOIP servers. Meaning that this should only connect 1 outbound/inbound trunk, and then have more asterisk trunks connected, so it can distribute calls to them. So this server should not have any "users" or extentions, is that possible
11:22.22kaldemarBach: yes
11:22.54Bachbeen looking everywhere for documentation, can you point me the right direction ?
11:23.30infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:23.38infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
11:23.54kaldemarstart with those, the book first
11:24.56Bachokay, what is it called in the correct terms Gateway server or something like that ?
11:29.58*** join/#asterisk hershel (n=hershel@
11:31.14kaldemarfor example gateway. depends on the usage.
11:31.27hershelNewbie question, if I may. I just installed asterisk 1.4 binary via apt-get on a Debian stable box, but in /var/lib/asterisk there is no agi-bin directory. Seems from all the tutorials that there should be one there with sample agi files
11:31.43*** join/#asterisk PuroOsso (n=PuroOsso@
11:38.11leifmadsenhershel: just search for agi -- I think the debian binaries puts things in non-standard places
11:38.31Bachkalemar: At this time, i have a Swyx setup, connected to a Cisco media gateway, i want to place an Asterisk in between theese two, so the Cisco MGW talks with Asterisk, and the Asterisk routes the calls for the SWYX setup. At a later time, I'll connect more numbers and needs them diverted to another asterisk server. So i need the Asterisk server between CMGW and SWYX
11:42.43*** part/#asterisk robot12 (n=robot12@
11:45.27hershelleifmadsen, thanks but " find / -name agi " brings no results. :(  searching for *.agi brings up one file in /usr/share/doc/asterisk-config/examples   But I don't think it's supposed to execute from there. :)
11:46.03leifmadsenwell, I don't really "believe" in using distributed binaries as they are usually behind the releases
11:46.09leifmadsenand it's not that hard to compile really
11:46.30hershelyes i figured that's the answer i would get. :(   lol
11:46.59hersheli dont' need advanced features--just to route incoming calls to AGI. but i suppose i should compile, eh?
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11:54.48skrustyhershel: you'll often find even when you dont want the cutting edge features, the binaries lag behind in small, yet important updates
11:55.05skrustyfor example, i installed from debian apt, whihc is on 1.2.14 i think
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11:55.16skrustybut that didn't include a fix for flock on smbfs
11:55.26skrustyso i had to go from src
11:55.32garymcHi, can i put asterisk on a Ubuntu 9.04 LTSP Server?
11:56.00garymcI just want to link this Asterisk server to my LTSP clients on my other server and give them all a voip phone etc
11:56.05garymccan i do this?
11:56.10garymcwhat package should i install
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11:58.41hersheldebian apt has actually (now at least) but i hear. truth is it should have had the agi-bin directory. could't i just make that directory? in theory at least? :)
11:59.58skrustyyeah of course
12:00.07skrustyi use fast agi now
12:00.25skrustymeans i can keep all my AGIs on a dedicated box, away from *
12:04.14hershelfastagi? Hmmm I see online what the difference is. Doesnt seem any more complex. Let me explain what I'm doing. I am a php programmer and I am making this box so that a store (my client) can have a phone number which people can call and enter their order number and then hear the status of that order played back. That's it. fairly simple.
12:04.40skrustycool, yeah pretty simple
12:04.42hershelthe box won't be used for anything else. and I myself am a complete newbie to Asterisk. So I suppose the easiest route makes sense. :)
12:05.34skrustywell, if it's just that, and all you intend to do with * is that, i wouldn't suggest complicating it with multiple boxes (i.e. * server and a FastAGI server) unless you can reuse both for other projects
12:06.03skrustyif i were you, id have my pho agi script on the same box
12:06.13skrustyphp even
12:06.32hershelok. good. i would learn to program in pho but who has time? ;)
12:06.40skrustyhehe :)
12:06.53skrustyi do my AGI's in .NET
12:07.04skrustyand although there is mono (whihc is great) i use linq
12:07.32hersheli plugged a line into the box (brand new TDM410P with FXO) and called it but it doesn't answer. :(
12:07.43hershel.NET? ick.
12:07.56skrustydont knock the dot ;)
12:08.15hershelseems from extensions.conf that by default it should answer and same congrats. no ?
12:08.17skrustydoes it show in your zap channels?
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12:08.33skrustyand is the default context for that zap channel 'default'?
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12:11.12hersheldoes what show in my zap channels? how do i check this exactly? in zapata.conf ?
12:11.35tzafrir_laptopskrusty, use FastAGI and send it to some remote port
12:11.46tzafrir_laptopsee core show application FastAgi
12:11.49skrustytzafrir_laptop: ? sorry?
12:12.14skrustyi do already, im not stuck, i was explaining my setup and needs to hershel :)
12:12.16tzafrir_laptopah, ok. I thought you asked how to do that
12:12.21skrustyhehe :)
12:12.37skrustyhershel: what version are you running?
12:12.42skrustyof *
12:13.05tzafrir_laptophershel, it's in /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin by default, there
12:13.20tzafrir_laptopThe datadir in Debian is /usr/share/asterisk
12:13.59hersheltzafrir, Shalom, it didn't make the agi-bin dir. there
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12:14.34tzafrir_laptopcan you make one?
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12:15.02skrustyyou can make it anywhere and set the location in asterisk.conf i think
12:15.04skrustyiirc :)
12:15.08hershelYes, but first issue (I think) is to get this box to answer the phone. :)
12:15.44skrustyhershel: not used any zap devices for a few years
12:15.48hersheli have  TDM410P with FXO with a VOIP line plugged in. i just tested the VIOP line (from sipura spa 2K) and it works with a regular phone
12:17.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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12:24.46leifmadsenVoIP comes on specific lines now?
12:26.08hershelHuh? What I mean is that I have a VOIP box (a Sipura SPA 2000) Out of that comes a phone socket which has a dialtone. I plug into there a regular PSTN phone and call the number and it works.
12:26.26hershelbut if i plug in instead a wire from that socket into my new FXO and call then it doesn't answer.
12:27.21tzafrir_laptopSpeaking of Debian: the latest Debian-based live CD / USB:
12:28.23*** join/#asterisk teknomega (
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12:31.57Skeeter-anyone got asterisk working along with freepbx on ubuntu 9.04 or debian??
12:32.11garymcim trying too get something working
12:32.25garymcim installing ubuntu now and i want Astlinux to work on it
12:32.36[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: I'm sure a lot of people do
12:32.46garymcnot sure what version of asterisk to download or how i would get it onto my ubuntu server?
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12:32.52garymcwhat should i apt-get
12:33.00lowtek$@#(@&*($(&@$ -> be sure to Clear your MySQL results properly if using MySQL() or your sh*t will eventually crash (1.4.26)
12:33.11garymcshould i just type "sudo apt-get asterisk"
12:33.11lowtektype-o's suck
12:33.12Skeeter-i got everything installed proprely i think, both serviices are running but i cant access the freepbx panel
12:33.30[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: FreePBX is NOT supported here
12:33.33infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
12:33.52Skeeter-garymc: i suggest you to install everything manually
12:34.12garymcyou install manually?
12:34.15[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Download the source tarball and compile like the rest of us
12:34.43lowtekgarymc: compiling from source is *really* easy
12:35.00garymcyou wanna talk me through in a bit once ubuntu is instaslled?
12:35.22lowtekgarymc: Just google "install asterisk ubuntu" and there's 3 or 5 really good walkthroughs ...
12:35.41Skeeter-simply type: asterisk freepbx 2.5 ubuntu
12:35.44Skeeter-in google
12:35.55fiddurcd asterisk; less README;
12:36.07Skeeter-get the tut for server 9.04, simply download the headers for the desktop version instead
12:41.27garymci seen this one Naikrovek but it doesnt have everything with it
12:41.33garymcit says that at the start
12:41.39garymcsurely i want everything?
12:42.51Naikrovekdo you want a system to play with or is this something you're going to use in production somewhere
12:43.04hershelI ran genzaptelconf on my debian box and it finds ztdummy but not my 4 channel card that has one FXO in it. I though it was supposed to detect the card, heh heh.
12:43.52garymcim going to use it in production soon ish
12:43.56garymcwell as soon as possible
12:44.08garymcbut prob use somethign to play with first. I need to record all calls too
12:44.23*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
12:46.04michael-iI'm still working on my blackfin cross-compile. All loadable modules are failing with unresolved symbol errors. I just noticed that the error is unresolved "___ast_module_user_add" (3 underscores) and strings+grep on the asterisk binary shows "__ast_module_user_add" (2 underscores)
12:47.00michael-ijust throwing that out there....I'm still clueless here
12:51.27*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
12:51.40hersheli rebooted and ran genzaptelconf and it found my TDM 410P and it says fxsks=1 for my FXO mod. but i think that may be right. Is that correct or should it be fxoks ?
12:51.54[TK]D-Fenderhershel: It is correct
12:52.25hershelHey, this is pretty cool. :) Thanks.  (who ever said asterisk isn't fuN? ;)  )
12:53.16hershelOh, now I found it: FXO ports use FXS signaling. The fxsks indicates that it is a FXO port with kewlstart signalling.        OK< I will note this.
12:54.21[TK]D-Fenderhershel: FXO card is meant for you to talk to the OFFICE.  You are therefore the STATION.  That's the way to think of this
12:54.25*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
12:55.20hershelhmmm. ok. i am going to plug in PSTN line into my FXO and let ppl call (and then process their calls with an AGI script). i guess they're the office, then eh?
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12:58.19tzafrir_laptopmichael-i, any chance that this is a custom module that was written for 1.4 and you build 1.6.x ?
12:58.26[TK]D-Fenderhershel: The telco is the "Office" actually
12:58.27*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
12:59.09hersheloh. makes sense. now i see that my box has no zapata-auto.conf file. nowhere. Seems genzapconf didn't make one. :(
12:59.53tzafrir_laptopzapata-channels.conf ?
13:00.35hershelyeah, i have one of those.
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13:02.45hershelThank you to all who helped me. I must go now. I may be back later. :)
13:04.44*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
13:05.50michael-itzafrir_laptop: nope. these are the standard 1.4.26 modules
13:07.23fiddurIf I use linear queue strategy with realtime queue members; will it ring the queue members in order of uniqueid then, or isn't linear supported for realtime?
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13:10.11fiddur...or qill I have to reimplement the linear strategy using penalty....
13:11.30[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: There is no "uniqueid" for members
13:12.15lowtek"How to bring asterisk to it's knees with a simple typ-o", by LowTek
13:12.25lowtekARHG&@(&$@$ s/typ-o/type-o
13:12.28fiddur[TK]D-Fender: In the realtime table there is a uniqueid... it has to be, otherwise app_queue can't change pause-status...
13:12.34ruben23hi--> anyone get bad audio quality for codec alaw & ulaw with xlite softphones on linux installed...?
13:13.08[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: Interesting...
13:14.05fiddur[TK]D-Fender: And there is one in the  and in the contrib/scripts/realtime_pgsql.sql
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13:14.41fiddur[TK]D-Fender: and in app_queue.c:  char rt_uniqueid[80];               /*!< Unique id of realtime member entry */
13:16.14[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: While it may use that so as to be sure to keep state on the right member, I don't it's using it for sequencing the call-outs
13:18.36fiddur[TK]D-Fender: I don't think so either...  but I was hoping there was something in the realtime layer that ordered it somehow... but I guess not
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13:23.34skrustyruben23: i use x-lite as a test client, works fine with alaw and ulaw
13:24.04skrustyruben23: how is the call quality degraded, jitter broken audio?
13:24.47ruben23skrusty:yes it broken voice and choppy....but with windows its fine..are there any advance settings do i need for xlite or for the linux distro..
13:25.16skrustyruben23: ah, only used it on windows
13:25.18skrustysoz :/
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13:28.11ruben23skrusty:problem now---linux are rapidly deployed on my network changing all the windows client
13:29.27[TK]D-FenderWhats the point of running a closed softphone on Linux?  Use Ekiga instead
13:31.02ruben23ok i will test Ekiga--hope it will solve the voice issues
13:32.09*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
13:32.32lowtekOn Ekiga, how is it overall?  Would you use it say in a small call center?
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13:33.08[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: What makes any softphone that much fidderent than another?
13:33.28[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: I would never subject my coworkers to any softphone
13:34.06Pan3Dlowtek: play with it and determine that for yourself. You know your customers.
13:34.19GeminiDominoHey, here's a weird one... Is there any way to lower the noise detection so that WaitForSilence doesn't loop until timeout regardless of what happens? I just used my cell phone to monitor the script, and the silence timer keeps resetting, even if the phone is muted
13:34.21Pan3DEkiga is relatively easy to figure out for geeks
13:34.51lowtekTK: I've never used Ekiga, but we see Bria used with a lot of success and X-Lite given up on easily.  I don't use one myself, I use a 330 with a headset jacked in the side -- best solution imho.
13:35.46Pan3Dlowtek: what OSes are being used in the call center?
13:36.30leifmadsenanyone had an issue with calls between DAHDI and chan_sip dropping after 30 seconds when you place a call on hold?
13:36.34lowtekPan3D: I was looking for a generalization on the state of Ekiga ... The call center customers we have use Bria or just Polycom's with headsets.
13:36.35leifmadsen(using Asterisk 1.6.2)
13:36.39[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: I run IP 600's w/ Plantronics M22 amps & H261n binaural headsets
13:36.55leifmadsencurrently going through the .txt files, and will check out the bug tracker shortly -- just thought I'd check if anyone had run into that before.
13:36.56[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Which side drops?
13:36.59lowtekTK: $$! :)
13:37.12[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I have head of sip devices that freak about not getting RTP...
13:37.16Pan3Dlowtek: have you run into problems with the Polycoms?
13:37.29lowtekPan3D: No way, best phone around!!!
13:37.37leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: it's hard to tell in the console debug... I *think* it's the SIP side. And ya, this is usually an RTP issue, although it seems odd with it being a call between DAHDI and SIP
13:37.38*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
13:37.39[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: Yes, and worth every penny.  Clarity & comfort for people who spend all day on the phone.
13:37.46Pan3Dk, I was going to say, that would be suprising
13:38.00[TK]D-FenderlowAlso no distracting client to pop up or have to manipulate
13:38.09Naikrovekpolycom phones are better than cisco phones, i'd say
13:39.06Pan3Dsoftphones can take up precious screen realestate if you're trying to get stuff done (e.g. handle calls). I'd stick with the polycoms if they workd.
13:39.09[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Other freakish idea is if silence detection & call progress is an issue if its a POTS call
13:39.10lowtekNaikrovek: I think most in channel would agree where asterisk is concerned.
13:39.21leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: PRI
13:39.41[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Well that seriously makes the SIP side suspect
13:40.01leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: that's what I figured, but I'm trying to think why it thinks it should hangup
13:40.03Naikroveklowtek: yeah i've not used any cisco solution so i can't speak for how well cisco phones work there in comparison to any other brand of phones
13:40.26leifmadsenI've used Cisco phones -- they are very out of date, firmware wise compared to any Polycom solution
13:40.37leifmadsenif you're using anything with the XML configs on the Cisco phones -- good luck to ya
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13:41.43lowtekNaikrovek: The 7940/7960 work *good* but only do a single G.729 channel at a time.  The Polycom's work *great* and frankly have taken everything we've thrown at them.
13:42.01[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Well the SIP device did seem to abort... not so much detail whiy..
13:42.04leifmadsenwe're still talking about this? :)  Just use Polycom and live a happy life.
13:42.10leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: aye...
13:42.59lowtekNaikrovek: If there was a huge investment in 7940's (we see that a lot) then the transition to asterisk might need to be with the Cisco phones.  There are just sooooooo many 7940's out there.
13:43.01Naikrovekanyone know what kind of thing happens if you have phones configured to use G729 in a conference together without a G729 license on the * server?
13:43.22*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
13:43.42Naikrovekhad to ship all his testing phones away to India for that office
13:44.05[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: DOA <-
13:44.22Naikrovekcalls drop or just silence
13:44.24shido6next time test on your dev platform before doing that
13:44.24mort_gibNaikrovek: allow more than one codecs, but apart from that I agree with TK
13:44.38[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Every call has to transcode back, and that is a large cumulative load factor as well.
13:44.53[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Drop.  Like a ROCK
13:45.05Naikrovekthanks, even
13:46.07Naikroveki bought a polycom for testing with at home but i have nothign here to test with anymore.
13:47.08*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
13:47.49michael-inew objdump output on my missing loadable module symbol problem ( here, res_monitor loads, app_dial does not. Any input is welcome
13:50.27leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: well, the RTP is definitely stopping, but that should be expected since I'm on hold (I'm on the DAHDI channel), and there would be no audio flowing from the SIP channel (since they placed me on hold)
13:50.35leifmadsencontinues to review more debugging logs
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13:50.48[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Check and see if the BYE came in with a reason
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13:53.05leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: hmmm... this is odd:  Reason: SIP;description="User Hung Up"^M
13:53.09lowtekPolycom experts: Is there a way, with EFK or another function, to program a "Page" button that will let you hit it, then another contact key to effectively build the dial-string before sending it?  I can get the "Page" button to work, but whenever you hit a contact afterworks it just picks up a line and dials the contact.
13:53.21[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Who is the user?
13:53.21leifmadsenI wonder if this has something to do with the softphone being used, and nothing to do with Asterisk....
13:53.25leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: eyeBeam
13:53.27[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Sounds blatant...
13:53.40[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: No, I mean the PEBKAC ;)
13:54.02leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: entirely possible, but it's exactly 30 seconds every time, so it has to be the software
13:54.20[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Trial version timeout? :)
13:54.36leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: maybe.... but that'd be pretty dumb :)
13:55.02[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: par for the course... I'd test another as a sanity check
13:55.11leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: yep, gonna do that right now
13:55.13[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: X-Lite would be a logical choice
13:58.44leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: well, he's gonna check some settings, because this is apparently a registered version of eyeBeam
13:59.13leifmadsenbut from what I can tell in the logging, it is the softphone that is doing the hanging up
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14:00.58[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Perhaps an app they use uses a key that is bound to eyeBeam as disconnect regardless of focus
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14:02.24leifmadsendoesn't sound all that likely as they wouldn't have developed anything like that yet
14:02.50leifmadsensince this is a brand new install
14:03.00manxpower30 seconds is the magical "don't have canreinvite=no, but need that option" symptom isn't it?
14:03.31manxpoweroh, leifmadsen is having the problem.  nevermind, he knows what he is doing.
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14:03.47leifmadsenmanxpower: heh, and I have canreinvite=no :)
14:04.08leifmadsenmanxpower: from what I can tell in the logs, the eyeBeam is hanging up the call after 30 seconds after placing it on hold for some reason
14:06.39fenlander30s also shows up if there's a missing ACK, usually dropped by some broken proxy
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14:08.12manxpowerleifmadsen: is VAD enabled, maybe ann RTP timeout is happening?
14:09.06[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: He's on hold <-
14:09.18[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: and its eyebeam calling for it and giving up
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14:15.48hajvananyone who can give me a hint :)? Dialogic Corporation Diva BRI-2FX PCI as a hardware, asterisk- installed prom source ( asterisk-, asterisk-addons-1.4.9, dahdi-linux-, dahdi-tools-2.2.0, libpri- Diva4Linux_installer_9.0-109-82.bin Kernel module and Diva tools installd and working, everything fine just my asterisk isn't answering the call on MSN i set up (Germany ISDN Line)
14:17.13leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: it was an eyeBeam option that is enabled by default, which is absolutely retarded
14:22.01leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: and this link:
14:22.07leifmadsenawesome eyeBeam!
14:22.21*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:1cea:d77c:2ac0:762d)
14:22.50fenlanderleifmadsen: is eyebeam even dropping the calls if rtcp is still flowing?
14:22.58GeminiDominoAnyone have any hints on making WaitForSilence a bit less sensitive?
14:23.04leifmadsenfenlander: that was the problem -- it was dropping the calls
14:23.59fenlanderleifmadsen: that's badly broken, rtcp reports should keep it alive even if no rtp. And don't get me started on sip session timers ;)
14:24.14*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:24.22leifmadsenfenlander: I don't care about RTCP, so regardless, it is now disabled :)
14:26.01hersheli have a zapata-channels.conf file but no zapata-auto.conf I had genzapconf make the files by itself. In * prompt I see no zap channels.  Do I need to copy the zapata-channels.conf to  zapata-auto.conf ?
14:27.09cusco_asterisk is returning 448, codec not accepted
14:28.06manxpowercusco_: allow the codec than
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14:28.56tzafrir_laptophershel, technically you don't *need* those files. You can either #include any of them into zapata.conf or copy its content to the end of zapata.conf
14:29.43tzafrir_laptophajvan, this card uses chan_capi, IIRC
14:30.18tzafrir_laptop(or its own version of chan_capi)
14:30.28tzafrir_laptopIt does not use chan_dahdi
14:30.45[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Sofa king wheat hearted.....
14:30.52hajvantzafrir_laptop: sure i have installed chan_capi-1.1.4
14:31.45tzafrir_laptophajvan, well, that's about as much as I know about chan_capi
14:31.48hajvantzafrir_laptop: i can make a test call and a test fax by using Diva test tools
14:32.04hajvantzafrir_laptop: hmm ...
14:34.12hersheltzafrir_laptop: OK, I hear. but I did copy zapata-channels.conf to  zapata-auto.conf and then restarted asterisk and zaptel. still no channels showing. but when I restart zaptel it doesn't start/restart like a regular service. it just says Zaptel telephone kernel driver: zaptel
14:34.54manxpowerhershel: zaptel will start with no errors even if you don't have any cards in the system.  listen to tzafrir_laptop
14:35.06bmoracahershel: then you didn't hear him very well.  you need to put that information in zaptel.conf or include one of those two files in zaptel.conf.  it doesn't do that automatically.
14:35.33hershelah, i didn't realize it doesn't pick up automatically. i thought that was an OPTION. OK.
14:35.46hajvantzafrir_laptop: please tell me if i'm wrong, capi.conf setup (ntmode=no,isdnmode=msn,incomingmsn=XXXXXX,context=foobar), extensions.conf setup [foobar] \ include => demo should give me a answer as i give a call?
14:36.42tzafrir_laptophajvan, you're probably wrong to assume I know how chan_capi works :-(
14:37.21bmoracabut but're answering must know how EVERYTHING works!
14:38.29hajvantzafrir_laptop: no big deal, :) i just want to chek if my "asterisk logic" is ok
14:39.04*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
14:39.52hersheltzafrir_laptop KNOWS what he's talking about. he just fixed my setup and I got ztdummy via a post on a list he made in 2006. Googled and found it. :)
14:40.41*** part/#asterisk cobra2599 (
14:40.58skrustycan you use playback to play an audio file in a sub directory of your sounds directory?
14:41.30skrustyi.e. {defaultaudiodir}/subdir/myprompt
14:41.56tamielskrusty: yes
14:41.56tzafrir_laptopskrusty, yes
14:42.24tzafrir_laptophershel, what's the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
14:42.44skrustycheers guys :)
14:43.18hershelPardon me for this, gentleman, but I just called my box AND I HEARD THE CONGRATULATIONS MESSAGE!!
14:44.07hersheli will give anyone the # if u want to test also.  LOL!!
14:44.31[TK]D-Fenderhershel: No, we'll take your word for it...
14:44.55hershellol. sorry. i was told it would take DAYS to set this up. all i need now is to connect to agi. and i just started today.
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14:46.12hershellooks good to me I think
14:46.46hershelexcept for misses I guess.
14:47.33cusco_manxpower: it is suposed to be allowed, how can I check
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14:49.53cusco_how can I force a channel to be accepted
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14:51.34[TK]D-Fendercusco_: How the hell is a channel "proposed"?
14:51.56cusco_by the sip protocoll
14:52.12[TK]D-Fendercusco_: You can't force acceptance.  they have to agree
14:52.12cusco_Global Signalling Settings:
14:52.12cusco_--------------------------- Codecs:                 0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)
14:52.17cusco_ti is allowed
14:52.25cusco_why can't asterisk agree?
14:52.28[TK]D-Fendercusco_: And you aren't showing us the FAILURE.
14:52.33[TK]D-Fendercusco_: PAStebIN is your friend.
14:52.34cusco_ok hold
14:52.35infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
14:55.50[TK]D-Fendercusco_: SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here <- incompatible codecs
14:56.06[TK]D-Fendercusco_: I see G.729 in the list.  Do yuo have licenses installed?
14:56.53[TK]D-Fendercusco_: And the meida is listed as SRTP which last I checked * does not support
14:59.09*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:00.01cusco_is that the softphone configuration?
15:02.38cusco_what is the media srtp ?
15:04.25*** part/#asterisk larin (
15:04.31cusco_ok secure rtp
15:04.38cusco_you are right thats it
15:04.41cusco_thank you [TK]D-Fender
15:05.14hershelI found here that "If you are in Israel, the following is important: "  but it seems to be regarding a ISDN PRI Switch Configuration whcih I don't think I have.
15:05.23hershelBut I do believe I am in Israel. ;)
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15:17.12[TK]D-Fendercusco_: You're welcome
15:17.18[TK]D-FenderNEXT!!@@!@! (c) BKW
15:18.00hershelSorry for this AGAIN, but I just connected the sample php cgi given here:  AND IT WORKS!!   Do u know that on asterisk's form (digium I guess) they said this would take me DAYS.
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15:20.51skrustyhershel: cool :)
15:21.11skrustyAGIs are really nice and easy to use
15:22.02skrustyjust connected my touch hd to asterisk using :D
15:22.38skrustyAsterisk Gateway Interface
15:22.58skrustyallows a script/exe etc to take control of call handling
15:24.14hershelyes, cool. 3 hours WITH a good bit of help here. and now to write the script. that part I know how to do . ;)
15:24.20hershelthanks to all who helped me.
15:24.28cusco_hmm... ok..
15:24.41cusco_is that for some click to talk script?
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15:35.04[TK]D-Fenderhershel: DAYS is what it takes to learn about so much more like setting up SIP phones, dial plans, etc
15:36.33hershel[TK]D-Fender: I don't doubt it. but i explained to them EXACTLY what i want to do. :)
15:37.05hershelcusco: AGI allows * to answer the phone and then send full control of the call to a script (or EXE I guess) so the script can receive the numbers typed and send back sound.
15:37.14*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
15:37.25hershelso in 3 hours i got it setup and now ALL of my logic will simply be in my PHP script.
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15:38.43[TK]D-Fenderhershel: Estimates also depend on the person, and who is helping them
15:39.11hershelThis is a very good point. without this channel i would NEVER have gotten this in a mere 3 hours
15:40.52rob0For some folks, seeking assistance in IRC is a net negative.
15:41.08hershelnet negative ?
15:41.14Qwellhershel: some of us get stuck here.
15:41.46hershelaha. I understand. Either I got lucky or my problems were easy. :)
15:41.54rob0I mean, they are wasting their time as well as the time of those who try to help.
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15:48.20hershelI found here that "If you are in Israel, the following is important: "  but it seems to be regarding a ISDN PRI Switch Configuration whcih I don't think I have.
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15:55.35garymci know i should be elsewhere but nobody there right now - I just installed AsteriskNOW on my server and after everything is installed im at a black promt screen. Is this how its supposed to be? I thought it might have been a graphical thing so I could easily see how stuff was working etc.
15:55.58garymcnow im installed i dont know what to do
15:56.18Qwellgarymc: open a browser, point it to the IP of the server
15:56.33garymchwo do i know the ip?
15:56.52garymcshould my server now be plugged into my ethernet switch?
15:58.09rob0senses an upcoming "net negative"
15:58.53Qwellgarymc: read the quickstart guide on
15:59.05garymcim looking lol
16:00.11infobotfrom memory, asterisknow is based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
16:00.42garymcthankyou info
16:01.07garymcQwell the link on there site just reloads the same page?
16:01.45garymcfound another link
16:02.11*** join/#asterisk mattboll (n=mattboll@
16:03.49WHYSi'm looking for a way to timeout a DIAL if the peer can not be reached and the call not setup.  right now it seems to block for several minutes trying to establisha connection.
16:05.17lowtekWHYS: Dial(tech,30) ; 30 seconds
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16:06.10WHYSlowtek: that's only after a connection is setup and the call not answered.  I need something if the peer is off line.
16:06.19kaldemarWHYS: what kind of peer?
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16:06.36WHYSUnified messaging.
16:06.39*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
16:07.04manxpowerWHYS: there is no way to do that.  Use a decent service.  qualify=somenumber will make a peer unreachable after a non-response to being polled for somenumber of seconds, but that has nothing to do with Dial
16:07.24leifmadsenAsterisk doesn't call IAX or SIP peers if they are not reachable by default (i.e. qualify=200)
16:08.03mattbollWHYS: did you look at ${DIALSTATUS} ? may be you can find something
16:08.06manxpowerthat does NOT say poll every 2000ms, that says when polling if there is no response for 2000ms mark as unreachable
16:08.14garymcyeah it says a url to the GUI will be displayed. but it isnt?
16:08.29kaldemarautokill is nice with IAX2
16:08.46WHYSRight.  I still have to do something because UM listens on only two different ports, and switches randomly.  since teh firewall is stealth I don't even get a response back and everything blocks.
16:08.48Naikrovekmanxpower: how often does it poll, and can you force a poll
16:09.13WHYSI turned qualify off so it's doesn't check up front - same problem there.
16:09.17manxpowerNaikrovek: use the source luke (every 30 seconds, I think, but look at the source), no way to force ap poll
16:09.45manxpowerWHYS: It sucks to be you, doesn't it.
16:09.47kaldemarNaikrovek: qualifyfreq
16:09.59Naikrovekkaldemar: thanks
16:10.03manxpowerWHYS: it would be impossible for a SIP server to change it's SIP ports or clients would not connect.
16:10.05kaldemarNaikrovek: see the sample sip.conf
16:10.12manxpowerkaldemar: that must be a 1.4ism
16:10.20WHYSIt's not like I WANT to use a microsoft product.  It's an employer thing.  I have to eat.
16:10.23kaldemarmanxpower: no, it's in 1.6
16:10.34manxpowerkaldemar: Cool.  It SHOULD have been in 1.4
16:10.45manxpowerkaldemar: remember to mention the version when talking about new options
16:11.15WHYSstill, is is proper to * to simply block if a peer goes off line?  that's not graceful
16:11.19kaldemarwell.. let's see about the new...
16:11.38trippsanyone recommend any good sip providers out there with 24/7 support, SLAs, etc., but doesn't price their services by "sip trunks" like or at least has them dirt cheap?
16:12.18leifmadsenWHYS: chan_sip basically works by sending an INVITE at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 second intervals (if I remember correctly). You can change the source pretty simply to not try 6 times
16:12.40leifmadsentripps: wait, you want cheap, but 24/7 support and SLAs? nice...
16:12.47leifmadsendoes not compute.
16:13.09leifmadsengoes to lunch! Stuffed peppers ftw
16:13.23kaldemarqualifyfreq came with 1.6.0. so it's been around for a while now. but you have a point, manxpower.
16:13.24trippsleifmadsen, let me clarify. not cheap. just not an anachronistic business model
16:13.43manxpowerkaldemar: do not underestimate 1.4
16:13.46WHYSSure, I could change the source.  Nice to know this one might be easier, but I'm not confortable there.  sigh.  Maybe I could add an option.
16:13.58*** part/#asterisk semaries (
16:14.02manxpowerWHYS: you are welcome to get a refund and use a different product.
16:14.20kaldemarmanxpower: i don't, my guess would be that it's still the most used branch.
16:14.44bmoracaWHYS: what happens in the dialplan in asterisk is entirely up to you.  if a peer isn't reachable, you can make the dialplan behave almost anyway you want.
16:14.57WHYSThanks, I'll take you up on that.  I spent $500 to give digium some cash and get a little support now and then.  manxpower are you signing the check?
16:15.07manxpowerThere are two kinds of people that use Asterisk.  There are the people that fight Asterisk's oddities and limitations -- those people live miserable pointless lives.  There are also the people that accept Asterisk's oddities and limitations and work with them -- those people live happy, joyful lives.
16:15.13trippsSIP carriers should have burstability (number of concurrent calls) or 95th percentile type models like IP services. If my usage of 15,000 minutes/month is 99.999% 1-2 concurrent calls, but during peak periods I may have 10 concurrent calls, I shouldn't have to purchase 10 sip trunks at $25 each that I'm not going to use. it's ridiculous.
16:15.49*** part/#asterisk hershel (n=hershel@
16:15.50WHYSI'l love to be happy all the time.  I would rather not fight, but I still need a solution.
16:16.15*** join/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
16:16.29WHYSMaybe I'll have to contribute.  It's about time I guess.
16:16.52WHYSLets see...  is * written in perl.  :)
16:17.27errryes, but they compiled the perl to make it look more likec :P
16:17.43errrlike c
16:19.48outtoluncif you have 10 cars, but only use 1-2 usually, you shouldn't have to register the others right?
16:20.05WHYSIf you don't drive them.
16:20.30outtolunche wants to drive 1-2, and the others 'when he feels like it'
16:20.32bmoracathe key word is "usually".  if you PNO a car, you CAN'T legally drive it.
16:20.35outtoluncbut only pay for 1-2
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16:27.04fcois93hello all
16:27.43fcois93is it possible to lock a Conference when nobody is online to be shure that the conference is offline?
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16:30.49ebroadi am experimenting with t.38 on asterisk-svn-trunk-r212672
16:31.33ebroadand asterisk keeps responding with 488 not acceptable here after the reinvite
16:31.47ebroadwhen using zoiper as a client
16:32.56ebroadsip.conf is pretty simple, faxdetect=yes under general
16:33.05ebroadand 2 sip friends
16:33.16*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
16:33.25ebroadthe fax extension is defined in extensions.ael
16:33.58*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=ArchGT@unaffiliated/archgt)
16:35.09manxpowerebroad: faxdetect is a zaptel only feature
16:36.27ebroadmanxpower: its listed in sip.conf under T.38 passthrough
16:36.37leifmadsenebroad: what version?
16:37.01leifmadsenebroad: there have been several T.38 changes recently, so you may wish to try a recent checkout from a branch
16:38.39ebroadleifmadsen, just checked out last night
16:39.13ebroadleifmadsen, r212672
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16:47.54manxpowerebroad: try #asterisk-dev
16:48.58ebroadmanxpower, thanx
16:50.46*** join/#asterisk pryorda (n=dpryor@unaffiliated/irated)
16:51.09pryordaneed some help setting this up trixbox people dont have any ideas so im thinking maybe this channel wil
16:51.20pryordaI can not get any outbound calls to work with
16:51.27pryordaanyone else worked with
16:52.21infobotmethinks trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
16:52.48*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
16:52.59infobotelastix is, like, a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
16:54.31pryordaLet me rephrase then
16:54.31*** part/#asterisk ebroad (n=elazar@
16:55.02pryordaasterisk on trixbox is not working correctly to connect to trunk
16:55.06pryordathat better
16:55.57leifmadsenit's still trixbox controlling asterisk, and this channel is for asterisk vanilla support
16:56.01pryordaI understand that you guys do not support trixbox here. Im asking has anyone else had issues with the default configs from les .net
16:57.16*** join/#asterisk rossand (n=rossand@
16:57.37bmoracapryorda: your asterisk configuration is handled by freepbx or pbxconfig or whatever they call it now...your issue is likely how you input your configuration into that front-end, and that it's probably incorrect.
16:58.38[TK]D-Fender"Trunk config", etc
16:58.44[TK]D-Fender"Inbound route".
16:58.49[TK]D-FenderWhat utter garbage...
16:58.56pryorda[TK]D-Fender: ?
16:58.58KyleK"Junk for our trunk"
16:59.24pryordaThanks for your help guys..
16:59.29KyleKpryorda: he's giving you hints for what to look for in the interface
16:59.35[TK]D-Fenderthat too
16:59.40pryordaI will look more into it
16:59.52pryordainbound works fine :)
16:59.58pryordajust outbound
17:00.02KyleKpryorda: the default configs going out work for me
17:00.06[TK]D-Fenderpryorda: those GUI's invent so many other terms and places to go to set up various bits, and all we'll hear in here is "It doesn't work".
17:00.29[TK]D-Fenderpryorda: See when you control *, you see everything right at the start and there are only 2 places to look.  Not so with GUI's in the way
17:00.29KyleKpryorda: my only complaint about is the lack of https :)
17:00.44[TK]D-FenderKyleK: For the payment page?
17:00.58*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:01.14KyleKwell they accept paypal for payment, but I'd like to login to the interface to at least be https
17:01.46[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Yeah, it is off-putting
17:02.32bmoracabut it's an extra $25/year for an SSL cert!
17:03.36InfoNutzhello, how do i setup the dialplan so that when a user gets a voicemail prompt afer dialing an extension to leave a message they can press * to access their admin section instead of dialing another extension to access voicemailMain()?
17:04.25bmoracalook up the 'a' extension
17:04.54[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: go read up on ALL of the "Asterisk Standard Extensions"
17:05.04atis_workzmb: generally it's res_mysql.conf
17:05.11KyleKi guess self signed would look worse to customers but it'd make me more willing to log in and change stuff on other peoples wireless
17:05.36InfoNutzthanks! i'll go over them again, musta missed it
17:07.13pryordaKyleK: k thanks
17:09.25bmoracahas anyone in here successfully integrated a Lucent/Ascend MAX TNT with asterisk?
17:16.14raden_work[TK]D-Fender, i updated firmware on FVX538 last night now i cant even register any ideas ?
17:16.26raden_work[Aug 18 12:13:44] NOTICE[10630]: chan_sip.c:9489 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #7)
17:16.36[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: PB the entire attempt
17:16.57raden_workyes ?
17:17.08*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:17.51[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: leftovers.  get the PB
17:18.13raden_workis there a way to get more info on it trying to register than just the CLI output ?
17:18.18[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: If you updated your firmware, double-check your forwarding <-
17:18.25[TK]D-FenderradeSIP DEBUG.
17:18.30[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: SIP DEBUG.
17:18.37[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You know this already
17:18.47raden_workjust not showing alot one moment
17:19.12[TK]D-FenderradeI'm sure its showing ENOUGH
17:19.27[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And go verify your rules are all as expected.
17:19.57freddykis anyone using zaphfc over trunk ?
17:20.37*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
17:22.26[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Check your firwarding, and is your WAN IP the same?
17:22.42raden_workyes wan ip static double checking all settings and forwarding
17:23.01KyleKare you still fighting with wifi phones?
17:23.11raden_workWAN #1 IP Address:
17:23.13[TK]D-FenderKyleK: No, we fixed that last night
17:23.45raden_workok one step at a time lets get registered here
17:24.12raden_workis this a valid subnet mask ? IP Address:
17:24.12raden_workSubnet Mask:
17:24.29lowtekraden_work: No.
17:24.43raden_workthats whats being assigned by our ISP
17:24.55lowtekraden_work: You're sure that's not your broadcast address?
17:24.56drmessanoSounds like you're wall gardened
17:25.00raden_workactually i should not say that its what the router doing on its own
17:25.07raden_workdrmessano, ?
17:26.33drmessanoThey have you in a tiny box
17:28.08*** join/#asterisk raden (
17:28.36bmoracathat could be a valid subnet depending on the configuration and type of router.
17:28.54bmoracasome pppoe static services will end up giving you a /32
17:29.00*** join/#asterisk stupidnic (
17:29.09raden[TK]D-Fender, any input ?
17:30.00[TK]D-Fenderraden: Drop a NIC into your server and run it direct
17:30.14[TK]D-Fenderraden: Or replace that POS with --whatever--
17:30.19drmessanobmoraca: Looks like the gateway is on a different subnet, so thats about right
17:30.39drmessanoShame you dont have a Linksys router laying around you could use
17:30.41raden[TK]D-Fender, server has 2 nics
17:30.55[TK]D-FenderradenGo use it then
17:31.11radendrmessano, i have another linksys wrt54gl and a buffalo airstation with DDwrt here
17:31.19stupidnicI need some assistance in troubleshooting a TDM-400. For reasons I can't determine it occasionally drops station connections and I am unable to get a dial tone on stations until I issue a reload in the asterisk console. Even after I do that it still can't pick up on the FXO channel.
17:31.29bmoracadrmessano: i've stopped trying to understand why some static DSL providers do things and number things the way they do...but that's not the first time i've seen numbering like that
17:31.47raden[TK]D-Fender, you thinking its the netgear giving all these problems
17:31.55[TK]D-Fenderraden: Yes
17:32.17radenok lemme finish checking the settings in the router and ill get back
17:32.18bmoracaraden: what kind of netgear?  RangeMAX V3s do not have a SIP passthrough mode...the V2s do, though.
17:32.55bmoracamake sure SPI is turned off
17:32.56radenFVX538 v1.1
17:33.04radenlooking for it
17:34.22bmoracait does aparently have a SIP ALG, at least according to specs.  i'd recommend turning both the SIP ALG and the SPI firewall off.  depending on what they actually mean by "SIP ALG", though, that might need to stay on.  either way, SPI needs to be off.
17:34.50drmessanoI was just going to paste that
17:36.34radenI cannot find anything that says SPI or firewall disable or anything of the such in new firmware
17:38.49*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
17:38.58[TK]D-Fenderjust means they buried it even DEEPER
17:39.32radenyeah im looking :(
17:39.47stupidnicAnother point of note, I just tried placing a call Zap to Zap (FXS to FXO) and the call connected as it rang, but there was zero audio on my end (the ringing tone)
17:39.53radenloooked under security looked under NAT looked under QOS
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17:39.55pryordathanks guys
17:39.55*** part/#asterisk pryorda (n=dpryor@unaffiliated/irated)
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17:40.14drmessanoneeds a store discount coupon for the digium Skype app
17:40.19bmoracait's usually under "WAN" or something like that...
17:40.27drmessanotried SSSSSKYPE and got nuthin
17:40.34stupidnicis it possible that my TDM card is going bad? or am I dealing with a wiring issue?
17:40.40bmoracahowever, the reference manual for that firewall only references "SPI" once
17:40.49trebaumI'm having a compiling problem.  If I compiled the newest version of asterisk, and now its complaining in the messages log that there is a dahdi config issue, will that stop the asterisk daemon from starting?
17:41.11trebaumi'm trying to figure out if its a config issue, or a compiling issue.
17:41.52drmessanoIt shouldnt
17:41.52radendrmessano, [TK]D-Fender , is there something besides SIP or SPI or firewall i should be looking for
17:42.20drmessanoAsterisk compiles with dahdi *support* when present, it doesnt make it dependency
17:42.25bmoracaa new router?
17:42.36[TK]D-Fenderraden: Look everywhere.... or do the smart thing and replace it first, validate that things work without it and the do whatever you want
17:42.40*** join/#asterisk Strogg (n=jean@unaffiliated/strogg)
17:42.42drmessanobmoraca: Shoosh, he barely broke this on
17:42.42Strogg'lo 'lo
17:42.42drmessanobmoraca: Shoosh, he barely broke this one
17:43.10*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
17:43.16bmoracai haven't had good luck with NetGear's "small business" crap
17:43.21Strogghow do you know which module you need to load in your modules.conf, in order to get access to a certain cmd?
17:45.44radenbrb throwing the linksys in place
17:45.45[TK]D-FenderStrogg: Most are largely clear.
17:46.00trebaumit was a dahdi config issue.  Thanks for the help.
17:46.02*** part/#asterisk raden (
17:46.02Strogglet's say it was Playtones()
17:46.17drmessanoI've found a good SOHO box can be made into a good next-step-up box with alternate firmware.. but that too has its limits
17:46.24Strogg[TK]D-Fender: I've been browsing the wiki, and it doesn't seem to say which module is needed to load the command
17:46.33drmessanoand that the average "next step up" box is total crap
17:46.45drmessanoWorse than the $50 model
17:46.53drmessanoGoes for Linksys, Netgear, Dlink
17:46.54[TK]D-FenderStrogg: Get grepping
17:47.19[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: No... D-Link starts sucking right from 0$ :)
17:47.56drmessanoI stand corrected
17:48.16drmessanoTouche`, or should I say, `Douche?
17:48.18*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
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17:57.38raden_work[TK]D-Fender, wrt54gl is bridged to DSL modem via wan port all is working back to WIFI phone issue
18:00.25raden_work[TK]D-Fender, drmessano ,
18:02.27bmoracaso did asterisk register with callcentric after you swapped out routers?
18:02.50*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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18:12.18lowtek"One type-o to rule them all!" by LowTek
18:12.27lowtek"How to bring Asterisk to it's knees" by LowTek
18:13.20*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
18:17.29raden_work[TK]D-Fender, Transmitting (NAT) to
18:17.29*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
18:17.39[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Check your forwarding.
18:17.56raden_work5060 - 20000 forwarded
18:19.17[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Something is just flat-out FUBAR'd on your side...
18:19.22[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: I'm not sure what ATM
18:19.27infobotfubar is F*cked Up Beyond Any Recognition, e.g. "This whole operation is fubar, soldier" (gay lisp included), or a bar addon like Titan Panel and Telo's InfoBar. and everything.
18:19.43raden_workeverything working except that freaking wifi phone it just doesnt seem logical
18:19.55raden_work[TK]D-Fender, could it be the linksys wifi router ?
18:20.03raden_workshould i try my buffalo ?
18:20.20[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Is that what you used to replace your netgear?
18:20.41raden_workLinksys WRT54GL w/ DDWRT micro  replaced Netgear with new firmware
18:21.07[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Your attempts to be "smart" are failing bad...
18:21.10raden_workand im having the same problem i was before i replaced the netgear firmware and the netgear became useless
18:21.13[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Do something NORMAL FFS
18:21.21raden_workNormal FFS ?
18:21.30infobotrumour has it, ffs is for f**k's sake, or for fine's sake.  UCB's Fast File System
18:21.43raden_workwhat did i do that was not normal ?
18:21.52raden_workreplaced the netgear with the linksys
18:22.05raden_workthe fixed my registration problem
18:22.27raden_workbut still have the same wifi issue only remaining variable in the linksys and the phone itself
18:22.30lowtekfast file system? Asterisk runs on the Amiga?
18:22.39lowtekraden_work: STEP ON THE F*CK
18:22.45lowtekraden_work: problem solved
18:22.46*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:22.51raden_worklowlevel, lmao
18:22.58guaxlook, i have one AGI, that uses the SET EXTENSION command, when i set the extension and the call is answered the CDR stores the right value. when CANCEL happens CDR dont change the callerid. thats a way to force this?
18:23.16guaxtheres a way*
18:25.03[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You're running cooked Firmware on that thing
18:25.29*** join/#asterisk matt_d (n=matt@
18:25.37matt_dhello everyone
18:25.44trebaumhola matt
18:26.14raden_workits not the firmware can we continue or do i need to change it back to make the world a better place ?
18:26.14matt_dtrebaum: what's going on?
18:27.16matt_dlet me run something by everyone. i just woke up, so i havent tried this yet:
18:28.03[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: I'mjust saying it like it is.  You aren't running advisable hardware, and for the stuff that is, you're running custom stuff on top of it.  Backing this with unfaltering faith is a recipe for failure.
18:28.10matt_dchanspy's whisper function is broke. horrible delay and digium refuses to fix it... now, if i bridge two calls togeahter SIP/1000 & SIP/1001 then create a call file to dial out and bridge SIP/1002 to SIP/1001 will all users hear voice from SIP/1000 or will SIP/1001 just hear it?
18:28.24raden_work[TK]D-Fender, give me 5 min ill reload to linksys
18:28.26matt_dim trying a workaround for chanspy's broken whisper function
18:28.27[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You should be simplifying rather than complicating your compounding issues.
18:28.39drmessano[TK]D-Fender: He has a screwed up bridge in the NVRAM of the WRT54GL.. Which is where I was headed for 5 hours last night.. If he performed a proper reset, this would all be over
18:28.52raden_workddwrt micro to me is simple  linksys i have had more issues with than ddwrt but ill switch back
18:28.53trebaummatt_d: another day another voip config issue. :)
18:29.01raden_workand what router should i be using for this stuff ?
18:29.01stupidnicanybody have a 102 milliwatt test number I can test with?
18:29.02drmessanoHis WIFI is acting NAT'd.. that says it all
18:29.27raden_workdrmessano, how does that say it all ?
18:29.40trebaummatt_d: I don't know anything about it.
18:29.42drmessanoSwitching back to the Linksys firmware wont fix shit without a proper reset
18:29.50trebaummatt_d: i'm still a newb
18:29.54raden_workomg lets not get into this ok
18:29.57drmessanoYou can change the firmware, but the NVRAM isnt moving
18:30.06raden_worki get where u coming from
18:30.08matt_dtrebaum: well i will find out now :)
18:30.28raden_worki have a brand new buffalo in the box im just going to open that up and throw that in linksys place
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18:32.46matt_dhi cusco_
18:32.59cusco_can't figure what is wrong with pri:
18:33.23cusco_that happens when I try to outbound
18:33.27bmoracagod i wish i could find someone who's actually used a Lucent MAX TNT as a pri-to-sip gateway before...there is precisely 0 information about it on the interwebs
18:33.28cusco_it goes unreacheble
18:34.38[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I know a few people who've passed through here have touched one before.  I *think* one was AsteriskMonkey
18:36.05carrarMAX TNT make great heaters
18:36.09bmoracawe've used them for a number of years for our dialup ISP...but we outsource that now, so we were going to take our current units and put them to use in this respect...they're ridiculously obscure, though, and i can't find any docs for them later than 10.0, but you don't get sip support until 10.0.2 or 10.1 (conflicting reports)
18:36.19carrarspace heater / coffee table
18:36.34bmoracawhitenoise generator
18:37.21*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
18:37.27ZaVoidhi all
18:37.49bmoracai just figure that using one of these will be a bit safer than using an Asterisk box with 24 PRI ports in least as far as stability goes...
18:38.32lowtekbmoraca: We have a stack of asterisk servers with digium pri cards, 96 total pri's, works great.
18:39.45ZaVoidso if i got a UA that supports g.723 only..  and a endpoint/peer that supports g.729 and g.723...(and in sip.conf allowed for g723/g729). asterisk sends both codec's to the endpoint even though the originating UA doesn't support g729 and asterisk can't transcode g723/g729
18:40.12*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:40.37bmoracahow many PRIs per server?  our goal is to act as a PSTN gateway for our hosted PBXes...
18:41.17lowtekbmoraca: That's basically what we do with fail-over via sip to alternate gateways... lemme ask, I'm not on the hardware side, one min...
18:42.49[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Because you told it to allow both.  So DON'T
18:43.05ZaVoidHi Fender
18:43.26ZaVoidof course theres more to it, for example the far end carrier accepts both.. and some UA's will support g729 and some g723 and only send one or the other
18:44.34ZaVoidi found this.  anyone ever use it?
18:44.42lowtekbmoraca: 6 servers with 4 TE4120 cards and 1 TCE400B card in each
18:45.26*** join/#asterisk drclue (
18:45.27drmessanoTCE400B?  Drool
18:45.31bmoracalowtek: how do you handle the failover?  application-level or are you doing something like DUNDI and manually configuring the failover peers in the dialplan?
18:45.39*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:46.10lowtekbmoraca: I'm not sure on those boxes, we do use DUNDI internally, I think DUNDI is the greatest thing since asterisk but it never gets the credit it deserves or the docs
18:46.12bmoracaand how do the TCE400Bs work?  i'm looking at potentially getting the PCI version
18:47.02lowtekbmoraca: It works, not sure about the specifics, I guess you install a module for it for g729 transcoding.  Those guys are in Dallas, TX and I'm in Birmingham, AL.
18:47.40lowteklowtek: I do know that we support g729 without any software transcoding througout ...
18:48.02bmoracaright now, i don't have a need for the redundancy of multiple gateways, but i'm quickly approaching it, and i'm researching different ways to do it
18:48.05lowteks/lowtek/bmoraca <- talking to myself
18:48.21bmoracayeah, that's what the TCE400B is for...hardware transcoding and not having to worry about licensing
18:49.53drclueHowdy All. I'm looking for some guinea pigs for a new lightweight FastAGI/AMI daemon bridge to PHP. The the tool dynamically loads PHP scripts at dial time based upon the dialplan and provides interfaces to both AGI commands and AMI commands. Additional features will be provided based upon interest. Any takers?
18:51.14bmoracai don't want to have to worry about maintaining multiple trunk groups between my gateways, and it'd be nice to be able to use a single IP to reference all of the gateways.  I've been looking about layer 7 load balancing, but I don't know how well that'll work, as i don't believe it's possible to share SIP registries between multiple asterisk boxes and that'd be required for a layer 7 load...
18:51.16bmoraca...balancing appliance to work
18:52.53drclueFastAGI could help you load balance
18:53.54matt_ddrclue: hey there!
18:54.17drclueHowdy Matt_d , glad to see ya got chanspy happy
18:54.37matt_ddrclue: so i thought.. it *was* working but now its back to its old ways
18:54.53drclueDam sucker punched again
18:54.57matt_ddrclue: now im trying to study app sources to possibly make my own ..
18:55.20lowtekmatt_d: ChanSpy() on 1.4 or 1.6?
18:55.35matt_dlowtek: 1.6 have also tried it on 1.4
18:55.46matt_dlowtek: the function works, but the whisper feature is delayed ..
18:55.50matt_dwhich is really bad
18:56.02lowtekmatt_d: It's broke on all of my 1.4.26 installs, I had to noload it, it core-dumps asterisk.
18:56.04matt_dcan be real time, 5 seconds, 10 or 15 seconds. really annoying
18:56.58*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (
18:57.00*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
18:57.41WHYScan someone confirm - Dial(SIP/ch1/22&SIP/ch2/33) will connect the first answered  call, but only *after* both calls are connected. (if one channel is not functioning, the other channel is never connected)
18:58.18drclueWhile I've not yet tried it ,bu as a programmer I like this idea as it seems to get the recording going ahead of the spy which *might* be of value.
18:58.18drclueexten => _*29XXXX,1,Answer
18:58.18drclueexten => _*29XXXX,n,set(calltime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y%m%d%H%M%S)})
18:58.18drclueexten => _*29XXXX,n,MixMonitor(/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/X${calltime}X${CALLERID(num)}X${EXTEN:3}X.wav)
18:58.18drclueexten => _*29XXXX,n,Chanspy(SIP/${EXTEN:3}|q)
18:58.28[TK]D-Fenderdrclue: PASTEBIN, do not spam
18:59.18drclueYa ya , pastebin. four lines seemed more conversational than pastebin and certainly not spam
18:59.33drcluebut I'm sure you'll argue the point
19:00.28lowtekdrclue: Best store as ${UNIQEID}.wav and update ${USERFIELD} with the ${UNIQUEID} otherwise you'll have a bitch of a time finding them later without some serious parsing of dirs
19:01.25drcluelowtek, your probably correct. It's just I had promised matt_d I would look into this and after hours of searching this seemed the most interesting snippet
19:01.51*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
19:02.05matt_ddrclue: the recording works, still falls down to the delayed 'whisper' function
19:02.54matt_dis so frustrated with ChanSpy/ExtenSpy that he would switch over to CallWeaver if their ChanSpy/ExtenSpy works ....
19:03.09drcluematt_d , I was sorta hoping that getting the recording happening ahead of the chanspy might be useful , but then again , maybe forking it off would work even better.
19:03.26matt_ddrclue: i havent tried forking yet ..
19:03.50lowtekmatt_d: I would always StopMonitor() before ChanSpy() because that just seemed like a lot happening at the same time.
19:04.12matt_deven if i don't record, it still has a delay.
19:05.32drclueYour *always* going to have *some* delay , it's just trying to get that delay to be reasonable
19:05.54matt_dthe delay is up to 15 seconds :)
19:06.06drclueI know , the 15 seconds sucks
19:06.08matt_di don't mind a second, but 15 seconds is not acceptable for the project.
19:06.42drclueBest I can figure is to get the recording going ahead of the spy
19:06.51lowtekWow! Amazing how much better asterisk runs when you don't have thousands of unclosed MySQL connection pointers stacked up.
19:07.12drclueThat seemed to be the jist of the SPAM FOUR LINES I pasted above :)
19:07.35*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
19:07.46raden_workok tried buffalo same thing
19:07.48matt_ddrclue: yesterday i had a test run of about 45 minutes. worked great, except the delay. recording went swell.
19:08.16[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Same thing, what?  that * still bombs with your ITSP?
19:08.19lowtekmatt_d: You could have a seperate MixMonitor() and ChanSpy() servers, that would do it.
19:08.33raden_workreflashed Linksys to newest firmware, reset factory defaults, unplugged for 2 minutes plugged back in setup PPOE, Disabled firewall, setup port forwarding still same thing
19:08.46drcluematt_d , I'm pretty positive if one can get the recording going ahead of the spy via a separate thread , life will be good
19:08.50raden_work[TK]D-Fender, one way audio on WIFI phone
19:09.04raden_work[TK]D-Fender, netgear is the issue with ITSP
19:09.06matt_dlowtek: i tried chanspy on a solo machine, still a delay. seems like there is something within asterisk that is delaying it. its not bandwidth or processing power. i even tried to mak all connections ulaw (so there is no converting) and still .
19:09.07[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: are your OTHER problems solved?
19:09.16drclueWIFI = NAT , all my phones are WiFi
19:09.25[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Because we got the WIFI working early this morning.
19:09.32lowtekmatt_d: What about with ChanSpy(XX|bq)?
19:09.43raden_work[TK]D-Fender, it works in office  as in phones on the lan
19:09.59raden_workif i call out i cant here anyone
19:10.07raden_workif someone calls in i have audio both ways
19:10.10matt_dlowtek: havent tried the 'b' option yet. i will try
19:10.16lowtekmatt_d: So it only looks for bridged calls, I think it uses audiohooks that way, not sure.
19:10.40[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And can your fixed phones call out and get audio?
19:10.56raden_workyes sir
19:11.11*** join/#asterisk flujan (n=flujan@
19:11.11raden_workall wired phones work great been using all this week without issue
19:11.20drmessanoYoure not doing a proper reset if you think unplugging for 2 mins does shit
19:11.35matt_dhere is what its doing. user logs in and enteres telephone #1 and telephone #2. user is placed into chanspy and a call file is created to call telephone #1 and telephone #2. the call file has SPYID set to a unique id so only the user will be in the chan spy.
19:12.12raden_workdrmessano, what do i have todo
19:12.19drmessanoFor the last time
19:12.24drmessanoHard Reset (aka 30/30/30 reset):
19:12.24drmessanoThe following procedure will clear out the NVRAM and set dd-wrt back to default values:
19:12.24drmessanoWith the unit powered on, press and hold the reset button on back of unit for 30 seconds
19:12.24drmessanoWithout releasing the reset button, unplug the unit and hold reset for another 30 seconds
19:12.25drmessanoPlug the unit back in STILL holding the reset button a final 30 seconds (please note that this step can put Asus devices into recovery mode...see note below!)
19:12.26drmessanoThis procedure should be done BEFORE and AFTER every firmware upgrade/downgrade.
19:12.43drmessano**STILL HOLDING**
19:13.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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19:14.01matt_dwould b option work? is telephone #1 and #2 bridged?
19:15.46raden_workdrmessano, give me a few minutes trying to get wifi phone firmware updated
19:15.59raden_workthe comapny called me back admiting they have issues ;(
19:18.01drmessanoCollect call from China?
19:18.09drmessanoThats gonna hurt the project
19:18.28*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
19:18.34drmessanoAsterisk box made from recycled workstation: $10
19:18.48drmessanoRouter we had in the closet at my moms: $0
19:18.57drmessanoPhones we got used off ebay: $200
19:19.16matt_d... please not an AmEx commercial
19:19.22*** join/#asterisk Laibsch (
19:19.23drmessanoCost of collect call from China to support the $30 wifi phone my boss HAD to have: $2750
19:19.30drmessanoThe LULZ: Priceless
19:20.26Naikroveki've never heard a good comment about a wifi voip phone
19:20.27drmessanoI just summed up raden_work's week
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19:21.05Naikrovekit's F'd up that you think you can sum up someone else's work week that easily
19:21.43raden_workdrmessano, thanks for the ripping on as usual
19:22.02drmessanoHe spent all of it in here.. It was like an emo twitter/live journal mashup
19:22.55raden_workyeah nice
19:23.04J4k3Naikrovek: its the phones.  I've had much better luck with good wireless bridges than I have a 'wifi handset' of any sort.
19:23.18Naikrovekyeah that's what i figured.
19:23.30raden_workanyone recomend a good router ? with 8 ports or more
19:23.38LaibschHi, I hope you don't mind a question from a non-technical person.  I'm a freelancer that travels around quite a bit.  I'd like to be able to use VoIP to call out from my home telephone network. (computer - voip - asterisk - home PSTN, that's the idea).
19:23.44J4k3raden_work: a router is a router, a switch is a switch.  ;)
19:23.45Naikrovekmy Indian office wants four wireless phones, and they scoffed when I told them to get traditional phones with an ATA
19:24.00drmessano"This phone sucks.  I am going to reset the Linksys, screw up my config, and reboot.  #zomg #router #chinese_wifi_phone"
19:24.00LaibschI need both telephone and fax, single line is sufficient.  Either analog or ISDN.
19:24.03J4k3Naikrovek: so stick an ATA and some DECT bases in a 'box' for them
19:24.05drmessanoWas that 140?
19:24.09J4k3and stick a HUGE price tag on it
19:24.29NaikrovekJ4k3: they can't use phones over 3ghz in India for some reason, but I told them to buy the same locally
19:24.36LaibschWill a card such as the X100p on ebay be up to that task or do I need something else?
19:24.43raden_workdrmessano, whatever
19:24.48LaibschIs this even something recommendable to pursue?
19:25.09lowtekLaibsch: TDM400p at least
19:25.12NuggetLaibsch: x100p is nothing more than a "proof of concept" you can play around with before deciding to buy something that doesn't totally suck.
19:25.19J4k3Naikrovek: DECT is 1.9ghz, but the spectrum license doesn't exist in a lot of markets (and varies from market to market.  IE - EU DECT is a completely different frequency than US DECT
19:25.51drmessanoTesting asterisk with an x100p is like testing a laptop with Vista.  Make sure it works, then load something real on it
19:25.54J4k3for a single line you're usually better off getting an ATA with an FXO port.
19:26.04J4k3TDM400's ain't free/cheap
19:26.05Naikrovekwell I told them to buy phones locally because shipping doubles the cost anyway
19:26.09NuggetJ4k3 is correct.
19:26.26Nuggetan ATA also dodges having to futz with drivers
19:26.40J4k3"oh no my VIA chipset mobo wants to eat half my TDM data!"
19:27.01drmessanoAint nothing wrong with a VIA chips.... ok, yeah, there is
19:27.15lowtekI have two TDM400P's with FSO cards, for sale, cheap, $150 takes both.
19:27.24Laibschlowtek, Nugget: so, I'll be looking at several hundred $ of hardware at the minimum?  What is the x100p missing?  Again, it's just me using this.  one person, one line.
19:27.31drmessanoVIA 4-in-1 drivers = 4 ways to screw your system with 1 easy installer
19:27.43Naikrovekare you the same Nugget that used to hang out in #slashdot?
19:27.43J4k3Laibsch: a FXO capable ATA is only about $60 USD
19:27.51J4k3and will come with an FXS port too.
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19:28.06J4k3a good one might cost a little more, but you're looking at under $100
19:28.11KyleKyay SPA3102
19:28.18LaibschJ4k3: any suggestions
19:28.21J4k3and no need to deal with a PCI card/drivers/etc
19:28.23NuggetLaibsch: the sooner you stop viewing asterisk as a low-cost solution and instead start viewing asterisk as a flexible solution the better off you'll be.
19:28.33Nuggetlike all things in the world, you do tend to get what you pay for
19:29.07LaibschNugget: Well, but I kind of want to know what I'm buying.  And why I need it.
19:29.15LaibschI trust your judgment
19:29.22LaibschBut I'd like to understand myself, too
19:30.02drmessanoJust like putting Linux on a real server to create a powerful solution, not throwing your free OS on a POS machine in the closet to use for the company fileserver, web server, HR database server, etc..
19:30.09bmoracai have a hosted pbx customer using a couple of spa3102s to connect some leased lines as trunks to their hosted pretty well
19:31.04TSM2look at the SPA8000 now, all depends on how many lines you want
19:31.23bmoracaSPA8000 is FXS only
19:31.25drmessano"I downloaded Ubuntu, almost ran over this PC driving home drunk on Monday night, and whaddyaknow, I got a file server now"
19:31.26KyleKis there a sip ping command available? I'm wondering if my port 5060 is blocked
19:31.35drmessanoFOSS FAIL
19:32.03*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
19:32.38KyleKinstalling linux onto a vespa is the same commands and configuration stuffs as installing linux on a tank
19:32.48bmoracaKyleK: are you connecting TO SOMETHING or is something connecting TO YOU?
19:32.55Naikrovekdoes the tank have internet?
19:33.04KyleKbmoraca: i want something to connect to me
19:33.11*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
19:33.15KyleKthe road is the internet
19:33.49bmoracadid you configure your firewall to open the port?
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19:33.58drmessanoKyleK: Yeah, but taking home a free tank to make your home file server just because it was offered to you, is in a word, ghettp
19:34.08Naikrovekwhat if the road was the internet.  some 2D barcode on the surface of the road that had data on it that your vehicle could read as it drove over it.
19:34.26Naikrovekcontaining construction information or local tourism info or something
19:34.38Naikrovekimpractical maybe
19:34.47bmoracaNaikrovek: why would you need that when GPS can do it much more simply?
19:35.08drmessanoI threw out a bunch of 1GHZ boxes I had laying here.. Perfectly usable. Why?  I like the color of my carpet
19:35.19NaikrovekGPS gives you location, not trivia about the town you're in.  I guess this may have been a good idea if the internet and wifi never came around
19:35.23KyleKbmoraca: well i can access it sometimes remotely
19:36.13bmoracaNaikrovek: your GPS receiver can use that location information to do anything...including tell you about the location on which you're standing
19:36.45Naikroveki still think a wifi mesh of cars would be best
19:36.57*** join/#asterisk DrkShadow (
19:37.02Naikrovekbmoraca: i got it - it's not a great idea.
19:37.07Naikrovekbmoraca: i agree
19:37.49*** join/#asterisk lowtek (
19:38.04J4k3drmessano: I've found myself selecting stuff to junk based on its performance/watt ratio
19:38.07bmoracawoo...i get to build a Core i7-based HP ML350 G6 tomorrow!  first one.  it'll be fun.
19:38.16*** join/#asterisk davidandgoliath (
19:38.18DrkShadowHey, I'm trying to replace a phone. The phone I'm replacing is Aastra 57iCT/ Brcm-Callctrl/v1.7.2.2 MxSF/v3.6.2.5, and I'm replacing it with Aastra 57i/ I did a factory defaults on the new phone, and then I set it up exactly like the previous. When I try to make a call, it _always_ fails, but can receive calls fine. Any ideas?
19:38.40Naikrovekwishes he got a Core i7 BladeCenter server instead of the c2q he got
19:39.01J4k3i7's are nice
19:39.11Naikrovekeven with c2q I've got 10 virtual machines on that one physical machine
19:39.39J4k3now if the i7 just had reasonably priced motherboards available...
19:39.55bmoracai'm building this as an exchange server.  a bit overpowered, but this client doesn't replace servers often, so i figured overpowered would fit the bill, because it'll be just right in 10 years when it's falling apart and needs to be replaced again.
19:40.19Naikrovekmy exchange server lives on a virtual machine - runs great.  i like ex2007 btw
19:40.24Naikrovekbut that's offtopic
19:40.28J4k3yeah.  I never understand those kinds of companies
19:40.40Naikroveki understand them: bottom line rules
19:40.44bmoracai'm ticked at HP for not having a Core i7-based ML310.  i can't sell servers for $2500 anymore.
19:40.51J4k3its cheaper to replace 'reasonable' every 3 years than buying a megaserver (that will likely require service during its lifetime) every 10 years
19:41.00bmoracaNaikrovek: not when they're paying me $250 every other week to fix some issue on it
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19:41.12Naikrovekyes but long-term isn't something that bottom-line companies can see very clearly
19:41.38Naikrovekwhat was bleeding edge 10 years ago, what is this server replacing
19:41.41Naikrovekexchange 5.5 probably
19:41.45Naikrovekmaybe 4.0
19:41.46bmoracai had one customer that must have paid us $3000 over the last year to fix his laptop that he kept breaking instead of just buying a new one.
19:41.53Naikroveksingle p3 1ghz
19:42.00drmessanoJ4k3: I agree completely.. Too much changes to buy anything that far out, and the assumption that buying better-than-top-of-the-line now for longevity is nonsensical
19:42.08bmoracanah, we upgraded it to exchange 2000 a while's a ML350 G1
19:42.20lowtekExchange is the only ms server box we have company-wide, everything else is linux.
19:42.52bmoracaasterisk is the only thing we run on linux
19:42.52Naikrovekexchange is really nice these days, as is windows server 2008
19:43.00drmessanoMoving away from Exchange is the best thing we ever did
19:43.08bpgoldsbWill 'extensions reload' back-out safely if it detects an error?
19:43.10bmoracaer...not entirely DNS blackhole servers are also linux
19:43.11tomodachidrmessano:  what did you move to?
19:43.13Naikrovekdrmessano: what did you move to
19:43.16Qwelldrmessano: psst.  test a yum update for me.
19:43.19bpgoldsbOr is there a way to pre-check your changes?
19:43.42drmessanoCombination of hosted services.. Google Apps primarily.. Not perfect, but far less of a nightmare
19:43.53Naikrovekwell licensing is cheaper that way
19:43.59NaikrovekExchange CALs are murder
19:44.06drmessanoEx2007 is a beast, and its VERY VERY beta quality
19:44.18Naikrovekworks great for me
19:44.20Naikrovekno probelms
19:44.23tomodachiarent the exchange cals   a onetime fee?
19:44.25bmoracai like google apps.  it's not a 100% replacement for Exchange/SharePoint, but it's an interesting alternative
19:44.39bmoracatomodachi: yes, but they're still expensive
19:44.46Naikrovekyes they're one-time, but I paid FAR more in licenses than I did on server hardware and exchange server license
19:44.58lowtekActiveSync + push email is why we haven't switched to anything else
19:45.10tomodachilowtek: zimbra does that
19:45.12drmessanoThe whole certificate model is shit, it requires too much tweaking to keep the Outlook clients from bitching, and even then, theres still major behavioral bugs
19:45.25Naikrovek$19k on Exchange CALs, $5k on hardware and exchange server license
19:45.25bmoracalowtek: ipswitch's imail supports activesync push, and i've heard it's on the slate for gmail as well
19:46.05Naikrovekdrmessano: really?  your AD Domain name must have not matched your DNS domain name.  that causes all kinds of problems
19:46.18drmessanoWant to see a fun one?  Set up unified messaging, and then go to the voicemail tab in Outlooks properties.. Prompted to login?  Of course..
19:46.21bmoracaRPC over HTTPS is a bitch to set up under any circumstances.
19:46.29drmessanoNaikrovek: Nope, not the issue
19:46.32Naikrovekdrmessano: i don't use UM so I can't speak for that
19:47.01Naikrovekdrmessano: well I have my outlook clients quieted down, but it took an AD cert server to make it happen
19:47.06bmoracamy UM is having asterisk email voicemails to me, hah!
19:47.20drmessanoNaikrovek: How well is that working out for ya with clients using RPC over HTTPS?
19:47.26Naikrovekmy "inferior" trixbox install emails my voicemails to me, as well
19:47.52bmoracaNaikrovek: it's not hard to set up in vanilla asterisk...
19:48.21Naikrovekdrmessano: works fine, just had to install the root certificate of my ADCS server to the trusted roots on client machines.  viola! no more errors
19:48.39Naikroveknow all certs issued by that server are auto-trusted on the domain
19:48.48Naikrovekcured a lot of headaches
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19:48.56Naikrovekexcept for the firefox people (like myself)
19:48.56matt_din the CLI is there a way to check what codec my iax2 trunk is using?
19:49.24drmessanoand I suppose all your home OWA users, you did the same?
19:49.24Naikrovekmatt_d: ooh i think so but I can't remember how
19:49.33bmoracaiax2 show peer
19:49.47Qwelldrmessano: don't make me get the hose.
19:49.58Naikrovekdrmessano: they lived with the error and didnt' complain.  they were given the option to install the certificate but no one took it
19:50.09Qwelldrmessano: test a yum update for me :p
19:50.10Naikrovekwe're too off-topic i guess
19:50.13Naikrovekah hehe
19:50.20matt_dshow peers doesn't show the codec though ..
19:50.20drmessanoWhich yum update?
19:50.31Qwellon an AsteriskNOW box
19:50.38bmoracai didn't say SHOW PEERS.  i said SHOW PEER
19:50.41drmessanoDoes that require me to have one?
19:50.46Qwellumm, yes.
19:50.52drfreezeAnyone seen this error: [ResFinderC]: Download - Failed to download file SoundPointIPWelcome.wav, errno 0x380003.
19:50.53Qwellgrabs a spork
19:50.59QwellYou DO have one...right?
19:51.00Naikrovekdrfreeze: yes
19:51.07matt_doh.. peer :) hehe
19:51.09Qwelldrmessano: also, another doctor.
19:51.14drfreezeEverything seems to be working, but the 550 can't pull down the wav file
19:51.36Qwelldrmessano: and he seems much cooler than you.  ba-dum-ching
19:51.38drmessanoCheck my dumpster.. I'm in cleanout mode..
19:51.41drfreezeNaikrovek: what was the problem when you had that error?
19:51.49bmoracadoes that wave file exist in your tftp directory?
19:51.52lowtekSo Zimbra is worth looking at?
19:51.59Naikrovekdrfreeze: my problem was that the file didn't exist in the directory
19:52.11Naikrovekdrfreeze: but putting it there didn't make the phone play the sound
19:52.41Naikrovekcheck the (t)ftp log to see in what directory it's looking for the file
19:52.44Naikrovekthen put the file there
19:52.48flujansomeone using iaxmodem and hylafax?
19:52.52Naikrovekif you've done THAT, I dunno
19:53.13Naikrovekif you dont' ahve the file, download the latest firmware, it's in those .zip files
19:53.18Naikrovekknows polycom
19:53.52tomodachiNaikrovek: is it possible to get asterisk working with the vsx7000?
19:54.02tomodachigod knows i´ ve tryed
19:54.05bmoracaflujan: do you have a specific question or are you conducting a poll?
19:54.08Naikrovekis that the conference phone?  the ip7000?
19:54.17tomodachiNaikrovek: video conf
19:54.23lowtekflujan: everybody has tried, it's flakey at best, don't expect greater than 90% reliability on fax rc
19:54.35Naikroveknever used a video conf phone; what's the issue you're seeing
19:54.51tomodachii cant get it to work with phonecalls using asterisk at all
19:55.02tomodachieventhough it supports both sip and h323 (or so it claims)
19:55.04bmoracalowtek: i haven't noticed any issues receiving or sending faxes, other than that they're slow.  and that includes SIP trunking in the middle.
19:55.07Naikrovekbut you can get other polycom phones to work?
19:55.30lowtekflujan: There's the one, ask him (bmoraca)
19:57.24Naikrovektomodachi: can you get other polycom phones to work?
19:57.37Naikrovekit may be a configuration issue if you're not familiar with polycom phones
19:57.40tomodachiwe dont have any polycom phones actually
19:57.48flujanbmoraca: both. I am trying to use it but... well it is not working...Failure to train remote modem at 2400 bps or minimum speed
19:57.51tomodachijust 2 vsx:es
19:58.04tomodachiwe hade them before i implemented the asterisk
19:58.04Naikrovektomodachi: and you're having a problem with just one of them?
19:58.12tomodachithe other one i havent tryed
19:58.32flujanthe digium solution only works with digium boards... and I use sangoma on my boxes.
19:58.33bmoracaflujan: what kind of trunking are you using?  what codecs?
19:58.52tomodachiNaikrovek: thnx for trying out to help me though, thought there might be a know issue or fw problem or something , i cant give you the exact error since it was a while aago i tryed, if you hang around here maybe i can ask you again later
19:58.55flujanbmoraca: using sangoma E1 board. Alaw codec
19:59.26Naikrovektomodachi: whisper me your email and I'll send you a quick list of things to check
20:00.23tomodachidone thnx
20:00.53flujanbmoraca: the transmission log if you wish to read
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20:04.34leifmadsenanyone have an asterisk server I can register against (SIP) for about 10 minutes to test something?
20:04.50leifmadsenI don't have to place any calls -- just attempt to register (it's for issue 15008)
20:05.05Naikrovekgot nothing exposed to the 'net i'm afraid
20:05.24leifmadsenI'd do it on my server, except it is running fsck right now...
20:05.31Naikrovekisn't that nice
20:05.47Naikrovekreboot and it takes 60 minutes because it decides do fsck your 2tb disk that one time
20:06.11leifmadsen"Error reading block 8290019 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulting in abort read) while doing inode scan.
20:06.24Naikrovekit finds errors though
20:06.27bmoracaflujan: have you tried with plain fax modem and analog line?  i'd suspect the issue is more related to hylafax than asterisk
20:06.28Naikrovekwhich is good
20:06.34InfoNutzhello all again, i was able to catch the '*' when voicemail prompt is playing and send directly to voicemailmain() with the extension but it seems to only pass'a' as the argument.  can someone help out, i'm not sure where the value Voicemail("sipcrap@asslkdf","u3334445555") changes to voicemailmain("sip/192910982","a")
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20:08.23bmoracaInfoNutz: pastebin what you have and the call log from the CLI
20:08.42drcluematt_d: for the benefit of others , the issue is likely transcoding that sends your chanspy off into orbit
20:11.54*** join/#asterisk benneton (
20:12.03bennetonhi guys girls!
20:12.19bmoracaInfoNutz: the way you've scripted that, you're getting exactly what you should be
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20:12.42bennetonbmoraca, sa balkana?
20:13.00bmoracai guess
20:14.02bmoracaInfoNutz: your extension IS a, hence when you use the ${EXTEN} variable, you get "a".  you need to record the actual extension in a different dialplan variable in order to reference that later in the 'a' extension
20:14.03bennetonanyone? Does SIP support groups like ZAP (E.G. SIP/g1)
20:14.07InfoNutzbmoraca: when VoiceMailMain() is called with u${EXTEN} passed it passes the wrong string value, if i hard code the phone number in there pressing * -> voicemailmain(4445556666) it will ask for password and then into the admin menue for that mailbox
20:14.15mnt_realdoes anyone have digium B410P isdn card  ?
20:14.37bennetonDoes SIP support groups like ZAP (E.G. SIP/g1)
20:15.01leifmadsenno that I'm aware of
20:15.09InfoNutzbmoraca: ah! so $EXTEN is manipulated real time when the user presses * and 'a' is assigned to it...  i'll give that a shot
20:15.24leifmadsen${EXTEN} always is, yes
20:15.39[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: exten => a,1,VoicemailMain(u${EXTEN}) <--- where the heck does that app say to shove alphabet soup in front of the box NUMBER?
20:15.43InfoNutzthanks i'm new to the whole asterisk platform, very interesting
20:15.44leifmadsenit is always the extension that is left of the =>
20:16.13[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: And the ${EXTEN} is "a" in that case.  that is where you "are"
20:16.25[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: Not what was "dialed" at some point in time.
20:16.32*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
20:16.53InfoNutzi get it now... thanks for the help guys.
20:18.35bennetonG u y s . . .     Does SIP support groups like ZAP (E.G. SIP/g1)
20:18.41[TK]D-Fenderbenneton: No
20:19.07bennetonI thought so
20:20.13flujanbmoraca: me too but is hard to get help with the hylafax people
20:22.24bennetonThanks [TK]D-Fender !
20:23.00bennetonI'll find something...
20:24.11bennetonmaybe to use queue?
20:27.10Naikrovekbenneton: what are you trying to do
20:27.54*** join/#asterisk DrkShadow (
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20:27.58drclueAll my WiFi phones are actually located on a totally different network than my asterisk. Every step of the way has NAT support and it all supports canreinvite so that media streams can be outsorced to the devices while the control channels remain with asterisk so that server side meadi can be gated in and out of the call
20:29.27grandpapadotdrclue: you can only nat once
20:29.55rob0Opportunity only NATs once.
20:30.15DrkShadowI have a 6757i, I can register fine. I dial, it sends the invite string to the server, and it never gets a response. There is no returned data, not any time I try. Nothing shows up in the error log, and I get nothing from sip debug.
20:30.16drclueActually I can NAT as many times as I want , but the point is that I can indeed make my NAT work great and retain canreinvite
20:30.36grandpapadotdrclue: no, you can only nat once, the second time you nat the source/dest port mapping will be hosed
20:30.41[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:30.51grandpapadotdrclue: you can only nat once from private ip addresses to public
20:31.37grandpapadotdrclue: If you're running a subnetted internal network, the only place nat should take place is on your router to the public internet.
20:32.01Naikrovekyes, the router should know of all the networks and route between them
20:32.03drclueWell ,you NAT once  (preferred anyway) , but translations can indeed be stacked
20:32.32grandpapadotdrclue: Huh?  No way man, that's a terrible network design.  Why wouldn't you just properly subnet your internal network?
20:32.41Naikrovekstacking has worked for me before but when I realized what I was doing I subnetted correctly
20:33.01drclueI did not say that stacked NAT was a good thing , only that it can be done
20:33.27grandpapadotI can drive down the internstate with my tiny spare tire on too, that would be equally intelligent.
20:33.36bennetonNaikrovek - I need to select a non-busy SIP channel from the channel group
20:33.38Naikrovekpeople do this to segregate their wireless networks from their physical networks for security reasons
20:33.57grandpapadotNaikrovek: It's wrong, no matter what the justification.
20:34.04bennetonNaikrovek - just like in Zapata
20:34.07*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=ArchGT@unaffiliated/archgt)
20:34.11Naikrovekgrandpapadot: i'm not saying it's right, just that it happens
20:34.24drclueLook the only point there was it is wrong to say a thing cannot be done when it actually can be done and that the comment should be like some that it is not a good idea
20:34.57Naikrovekbenneton: I believe you can set up a ring group within Asterisk, that will ring available phones in the group
20:35.04grandpapadotWhat I'm saying is that if you're doing it more than once it may be the source of your problem(s)
20:35.13Naikrovekgrandpapadot: can't argue there
20:35.18drclueI'm not doing it more than once
20:35.37serviliohi! I am trying to integrate queXS ( ) with the asterisk server as configured by eBox ( ), but both the Status and the ExtensionState commands behave like there are no channels/extensions; any ideas on why that might be happening?
20:36.37bennetonNaikrovek - any link with explaination?
20:36.43Naikrovekbenneton: one second
20:36.46drclueIf I really needed to do it more than once owing to some silly rules in some system I would , and it can be done , but that is he only point there , it *can* be done. Is it a good thing to do , F**K no , but saying it cannot be done at all is a wrong thing to say
20:37.04bennetonNaikrovek - i need to place outgoing call
20:37.23bennetonNaikrovek - OK.
20:37.44Naikrovekbenneton: ah you need to automatically place an outgoing call from an available SIP channel
20:38.31Naikrovekdrclue is speaking technically, grandpapadot is speaking practically
20:38.36bennetonlike with Zap
20:39.14drfreezeNaikrovek: I can't see where it is asking for the file again
20:39.14grandpapadotNo, I'm speaking technically, technically and practically it's a wrong implementation of NAT, go read the RFC please.
20:39.14Naikrovekbenneton: that's out of my area of expertise, but maybe you can do this with AGI
20:39.14drfreezeSeems like it asked for the wave file only once
20:39.15drfreezeI have turned up logging, but am not seeing the request
20:39.16drclueNaikrovek: you got it
20:39.42drclueFastAGI , I should type
20:39.45Naikrovekdrfreeze: check the timestamps on the logfiles, usually the phone only uploads its logfile every few days
20:40.01bennetonNaikrovek - Will try! Tnx
20:40.11Naikrovekdrfreeze: and it's more of a notice than an error; it only plays a welcome tone on the phone when it boots, and only on some phones
20:40.36drclueBenton : FastAGI will allow you to both place a call connected to the current inbound call as well as to originate a call
20:40.52Naikrovekthere ya go, benneton, drclue knows
20:42.04drclueI have some nice daemonized bridge code to PHP that will get ya there
20:42.16bennetondrclue - Naikrovek - tnx! You are time savers!
20:42.36Naikrovekits no big deal, someone else would have helped you if i didn't
20:42.38Naikrovekbut thanks
20:43.30drmessanoAnyone using FAX on an FXS port?
20:43.33drclueWhoever is up to bat can answer a question
20:43.46drmessanoOn a TDM card
20:44.06bmoracadrmessano: i was for a while, but i'm not anymore
20:44.16drmessanoAny quality issues?
20:44.37bennetonNaikrovek - show a man how to fish! :)
20:45.00*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
20:45.12bmoracano, not really.  it worked better when it was over a PRI, rather than the PRI-to-SIP gateway I have now...but it still works
20:45.30bmoracai was able, actually, to dial in to a dialup ISP at about 45kbps
20:47.04drclueI have some PRI's and SIP and all I need to work out is a we bit more on the echo
20:47.39drclueIt's almost to the point where nobody cares but me, but I care
20:52.09drfreezeNaikrovek: these are soundpoint 550s
20:52.36*** join/#asterisk spck (
20:52.42spckafternoon guys
20:53.08spckanyone have any experience with a redfone fonebridge and connecting it to * via dahdi?
20:56.41drclueSo , I'm looking for guinea pigs and general suggestions for my light weight FastAGI php bridge to AGI/AMI . The current offering is hosted as an opensource project at
20:57.20*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
20:59.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:05.47drclueBasically for about 25KB of PHP code you can do almost anything that asterisk has to offer and do so from the common ground of PHP
21:06.47drclueThis also affords you the ability to thread out functions that would normally cause wadding issues in asterisk dialplands
21:09.20*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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21:26.34drfreezeNaikrovek: Ok, it now downloads the file. I just need to get it to play the ting
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21:36.08fun330where can i find a list of major compaines that use asterisk?
21:36.25fun330or do any fortune 500 companies use it?
21:41.21fun330what is bank of america using for their voip system?
21:41.22[TK]D-Fenderfun330: Doubt you'll find anything of substance
21:43.41*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
21:44.10fun330okay, are there any large compaines using asterisk to anyones knowledge?
21:44.27KyleKopen source is like being gay right now
21:44.31KyleKdon't ask, don't tell
21:44.56*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
21:45.01KyleKactually usually what softare is used is not talked about across the board
21:45.25Qwellsoftware is typically considered a "competitive advantage".
21:45.27Qwellit's odd.
21:45.39Qwelland no, I'm not kidding.
21:45.43fun330okay so i am not going to find anything then huh?
21:45.53geneticxany recommendations for wireless DECT phones that have 'on hold' ?
21:46.03*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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21:46.30drcluefu330:Asterisk is so transparent that most times it is had to tell. The   act is that Asterisk is the de facto  standard , much as Apache is the De facto standard for web serving
21:47.37Qwellfun330: start here.
21:47.38fun330yeah i am trying to get a big client but they are nervious about using asterisk and they just want to see that other companies use it
21:48.56drclueWell , fun330 , not sure what to tell ya except that you would be hard pressed to find similar software beyond Asterisk that has any market share worth mentioning
21:50.08*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
21:50.30fun330well they are looking at going with shoretel
21:50.38fun330but the quote was crazy
21:50.48fun330i don't know why they would even consiter it
21:51.22drclueFine , have shoretel cite their user base and then compare that to asterisk. I don't even need to look it up
21:52.01drclueOften name brand PBX systems are (while perhaps not in this case) Asterisk under the hood
21:53.48drclueAsterisk is like Apache. Supported and maintained be the masses. Most web servers are Apache and not some slick named private offering and the world runs on it. Asterisk is in it's realm the same thing as Apache
21:54.37drclueIf your client is stuck on stupid , so be it. Rake em for some good cash
21:58.22bmoracaan asterisk system is only as strong as its integrator.  i can understand them being wary.
21:59.06bmoracaand asterisk is not comparable to apache.  for one, apache has been around a LOT longer, and for two, Asterisk is not the de facto standard in IP telephony.  big difference.  and asterisk has a long way to go before it reaches that status.
21:59.42drcluebmoraca: Most punters would not know asterisk from timex. It  is up to the consultant to make the case
21:59.44[TK]D-FenderAnd hopefully telephony will be deprecated by telepathy :p
22:00.17drclueThankyou SPMender
22:02.45drcluebmoraca: who would you say *is* the defacto standard?
22:04.10*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
22:06.20drclueI'm a 30+ year veteran programmer transitioning into VOIP and there seems to be ZERO other viable contenders in this space, but hey if you know something I missed , I want to here about it
22:07.52drcluebmoraca : not trying to dis ya . but facts is facts. Either your wrong or I am. Plese set me straight
22:07.59bmoracadrclue: it's all about the names that people recognize:  Shoretel, Nortel, Cisco, Avaya, etc.  The people that sign the checks and ultimately make the decisions have probably never heard of Asterisk.  That's the difference.
22:08.33fun330yeah i agree with that, i am having that problem right now
22:08.47LemensTSso asterisk uses slin by default, so if i record a message in g729 and play it in a g729 channel using Background it shouldnt decode it but it does. here is a cli output of what its doing
22:08.50bmoracadrclue: i've run into this many times.  people are reticent about a product they've never heard of, and it's not always possible to sway them, despite the cost savings.
22:09.05drcluebmoraca: piss on that. Of course if the punter wants to pay ya , go for it , but I sorta thought we were talking about what is mainstream
22:09.19LemensTSu can see there is 0 license in use, then it does the background command, and there is 1 license in use
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22:10.01LemensTSI do see the extensions is hung up (its a originate cmd)
22:10.02KyleKi saw a mention of wideband codecs on the mailing list, how common is the support of wide band?
22:10.06bmoracadrclue: and how do you define "mainstream"?  most people would define it as "who has the largest install base", and I can GUARANTEE you that asterisk is very far down on that list (although they are climbing)
22:10.11drclueSometimes it is a test. Stand your ground and get paid
22:10.45drcluebmoraca: with all due respect , ya full of shit.
22:11.08KyleKLemensTS: hrm that log proves its decoding g729 but can you get information on what codec is in use?
22:11.36bmoracawhatever.  you've been spouting shit all day in here.  i wouldn't be surprised if you don't have a single commercial installation under your belt.  until you've been out there trying to sell it for a while, you've got no clue.
22:11.54drcluewhoes shit I don't know , but bettr than 90% of VOIP is via Aserisk , unless of course ya want to *PROVE* me wrong
22:12.07*** join/#asterisk PY8AZT (
22:12.59bmoraca90% of voip is asterisk?  what the hell are you smoking?  troll.
22:13.01KyleKLemensTS: can you "sip show channels" during that Background() as well?
22:13.19KyleKheehee reverse trolling?
22:13.34drcluebmoraca: I'm always open to new knowledge , so state your facts
22:13.58*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
22:14.28infobotIt's great to be back!
22:14.41KyleKaww cmon throw me a bone
22:15.23infobotsomebody said g722 was a high bit rate (48/56/64Kbps) ITU standard codec.
22:15.34*** join/#asterisk phuff (n=user@sourceforge/staff/luapffuh)
22:15.54drcluebmoraca: I'm listening for my education?
22:16.10phuffIf I wanna setup a command like *9 so that it sends things directly to voicemail until I dial *9 again...
22:16.20phuffDoes that mean I have to reload the dialplan somehow?
22:16.27fun330here is a good article about open source pbx
22:16.31KyleKsaying 90% of voip is asterisk sounds very factless
22:16.42KyleKso proving it right or wrong is probably non-trivial
22:17.40grandpapadotphuff: *9,1,Set(DB(family/key)=${foo})
22:17.47grandpapadotphuff: then use ExecIf() and evaluate $foo to see what needs to happen
22:17.58phuffSo _that's_ what you use the DB for :)
22:18.06LemensTSKyleK: 0x100 (g729)  says that the whole time
22:18.06drcluebmoraca: please ,educate me about this more common than asterisk thing I need to support! tick tick ick tick...bullshit
22:18.13phuffgrandpapadot: Thanks.
22:19.08KyleKhuh sounds like a bug or somethings wrong with your file
22:19.17grandpapadotphuff: no problem, md
22:19.38drcluebmoraca: come on girlfriend type faster, type something , tick , tick tick ,tick ...silence = bullshit
22:20.18KyleKlol now you're trolling :)
22:21.01Naikrovekdrfreeze: let me know if you get it to play, my phones wont play it.  something in sip.cfg i'm sure.
22:21.22KyleKdamn spa3102 doesn't do g722
22:21.29drclueAsterisk *IS* the number one telephony system , no holds barred and without proof that it aint the Apache of telephone , your just talking shit
22:22.06grandpapadotWell guys, I've had enough romper room, later all.
22:22.11KyleKwhy are you trying to convince us?
22:22.24geneticxlater grandpapadot.
22:22.32KyleKpeople to tell about asterisk: people that are NOT in #asterisk ;)
22:22.57drclueI'm just responding to bmoraca , as I know most san folks here know at least that much if *nothing* else
22:22.57*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
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22:26.16cusco_can't figure what is wrong with pri:
22:26.21cusco_that happens when I try to outbound
22:26.34cusco_it goes unreacheble, calls comming in cannot reach asterisk neither
22:26.38cusco_any hints
22:29.13cusco_Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 47
22:29.19cusco_Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/311-54001440' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
22:32.11galerasPlease: Which softphones supports URL dial parameter?
22:33.08bmoracax-lite and eyebeam do, i believe
22:35.27LemensTSWhich softphones support g729 free?
22:35.44galerasbmoraca: no mf, i'm trying with eyebeam wihout success!
22:35.46LemensTSSippax says it does but it diddnt
22:36.03LemensTSxlit dont
22:36.14KyleKI don't think any of the free ones do
22:36.33galerasLemensTS: So far , only payed softphones do
22:37.00*** join/#asterisk M_Red (
22:37.01Qwellthere is no so far..
22:37.13QwellYou have to pay patent royalties.
22:37.31KyleKanyone know when the patents expire? :)
22:39.23Qwellwait, no, that's G.723.1
22:39.34*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
22:40.48Qwellcoppice or Corydon76-dig would likely know
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22:44.02phuffis NoOp cheaper than Verbose?
22:44.11Qwellphuff: They do different things.
22:44.16QwellNoOp does nothing.  At all.
22:44.21phuffBut it prints, right?
22:44.39QwellNoOp?  No.  It does nothing.
22:44.39russellbprinting is a side effect, done by the PBX core, not within the app itself
22:44.56QwellYou'll see an output line if you use Verbose.
22:45.12Qwell(in addition to the execution of the priority in the dialplan by the PBX)
22:45.45phuffSo, if I just wanna print something to the console in a dialplan, best to use NoOp or Verbose ?
22:46.03QwellVerbose, since it actually prints something.
22:46.22LemensTSKyleK: just bought eyebeam: called from eyebeam g729 out itsp via g729 with no decoding..., called from eyebeam g729 into asterisk and played a g729 recorded file with no decoding....But when asterisk originates a call out that itsp, and connects it with a phpagi script it transcodes when it hits BACKGROUND cmd.
22:46.29phuffWeird, I'm seeing NoOp in a lot of example dialplans to try and put things in console
22:46.35phuffAt least, that's what it looks like
22:46.38Qwellphuff: They are wrong. :)
22:46.42phuffand such
22:46.44QwellThat's simply a side-effect.
22:46.46*** part/#asterisk Skeeter- (
22:47.35QwellNoOp() doesn't even technically take any arguments.
22:48.13phuffSo did it used to be the preferred method of printing things to console or something?
22:48.38Qwellwell, it only shows up if you have dialplan output displayed.  most people do
22:48.52phuffI see
22:48.58phuffso Verbose is technically correct because it'll always display
22:49.03phuffBut NoOp there's no guarantee?
22:49.28Qwellwell, it won't always display either.  depends on verbosity level
22:49.48Qwelluse either.
22:52.58phuffYeah, I see what you're saying about the verbosity level
22:53.05phuffBut the idea is, Verbose() is designed for output
22:53.07phuffNoOp isn't
22:53.15phuffVerbose is more semantically correct if I want to put something to the console
22:54.07phuffIs there some way of seeing the output of an AGI for debugging?
22:54.15phuffLike if it fails somewhere?
22:55.19galerasPlease, suggestme a softphone with support for URL dial parameter. Eyebeam and Zoiper (free) seems do not.
22:57.53*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
22:58.13raden_workis there anything i need to reload when i edit voicemail.conf ?
23:00.16raden_work[Aug 18 17:56:03] WARNING[14436]: app_voicemail.c:7605 vm_authenticate: Couldn't read username
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23:01.37raden_work101 => 4444,Jon,**email**
23:03.10QwellDid you reload?
23:04.48raden_worksip and dial plan
23:04.54Qwelland voicemail?
23:05.06raden_workhow do i reload voicemail ?
23:05.17raden_workduh nevermind
23:05.25raden_worktype help and i shall see
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23:13.50raden_workhow would i make a extension to dial a outside number if it wasnt picked up at my desk phone ?
23:13.55raden_workexten => 101,n,Dial(SIP/101,20)
23:14.12raden_workafter that i would like it to try a cell phone for 15 seconds
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23:22.37LemensTSwhat does g729:60 mean?
23:26.59raden_work60:1 dilution
23:27.35raden_work60 Bytes
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23:32.45raden_workhow can i dial out via the dial plan  like a cell phone  8885554444 ?
23:34.40LemensTSexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
23:35.03LemensTSexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/context/${EXTEN})
23:38.26raden_workgot that working
23:38.56raden_workis there a way to turn parts of the dial plan on and off ?
23:39.14raden_worklike pickup my phone and make it so it dont forward to my cell and just go direct to voicemail
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23:48.17phuffraden_work: grandpapadot said to use something like this: *9,1,Set(DB(family/key)=${foo})
23:48.30phuffand then use ExecIf
23:48.52raden_worki better keep reading
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