IRC log for #asterisk on 20090811

00:00.22drclueThe behavior is 100% consistent
00:00.29manxpowerIf you're using a pre-built or GUI wrapper to Asterisk we really are not qualified to help.
00:01.05manxpowerdo you even know what version of Asterisk you are using now .vs. what version you were using?
00:01.22bmoracaThat's just a copout because manxpower doesn't know what's wrong :P
00:01.34bmoracajust kidding, obviously :P
00:01.37drclueThe FreePBX web GUI is something I can use or not use at will
00:01.44manxpowerbmoraca: I suspect he upgraded to a version of Asterisk that has a bug.
00:02.12bmoracamanxpower: seems likely...agi has always seemed pretty hit-or-miss to me
00:02.21LiNeTuXcurrent PIAF "stable" puts you on
00:02.39drclueI run 1.6
00:02.44manxpowerbmoraca: I found AGI to be pretty stable, but I've never found Dial via AGI to be a good thing.
00:03.22bmoracadrclue: doesn't PIAF use freepbx?  if so, there's your problem...freepbx doesn't support 1.6 yet
00:04.16drclueBS , , my PIAF distro ISO came with 1,6
00:04.49bmoracamust be magic...but i wasn't aware that they updated freepbx to work with 1.6 yet
00:04.52manxpowerbmoraca: I've been forced to do some FreePBX stuff recently.  It's not as distasteful if you don't actually have to manage it.
00:05.34manxpowerI still think the GUI is horribly confusing.
00:06.01bmoracamanxpower: i use freepbx in my hosted asterisk deployments...i know what its limitations are and what i need to do to get around them, but the conveniences are just too great to be wothout
00:06.39manxpowerThe only reason I can see for it is if you want noob normal users to be able to manage it themselves.
00:06.55manxpowerYou're not a PBX admin if all you can do is click on web pages.
00:07.14drclueThe GUI is fine. I mostly root around in the xxx_custom.conf includes , so I can use the GUI  , or edit text files , whichever trips my trigger
00:07.51bmoracamanxpower: people (customers) like to see features, whether they intend to use them or not.  they like to see that they can log in and read their voicemail on the web or set up find-me-follow-me by themselves or see that they can set up conference bridges, whether or not they ever actually intend to do any of it.  showing them lines of code just doesn't have the same effect
00:08.07LiNeTuXdrclue: the problem is that the files that FreePBX writes are not 'asterisk std' stuff... so folks in here might not know the specifics of each distro and the little 'bugs' each one attempts to 'fix'.
00:08.15manxpowerbmoraca: I agree with that.  n00b users that don't know anything find GUIs useful.
00:08.59bmoracamanxpower: i never let the customers log in to the admin guis...but freepbx has a (somewhat) neat user front-end that works pretty well.
00:09.11manxpowerLiNeTuX: my problem with "debugging" with FreePBX is that a single simple call generates a zillion lines of CLI output, most of the important stuff is hidden in AGI scripts.  A single call when trying to debug something should generate a couple of lines of CLI output at the most.
00:09.47LiNeTuXmaxpower: tell me about it.  just stay logged into the GUI and get annoyed while what you were looking for is now 100 lines above you.
00:10.55drclueWell, I'm a programmer of 30+ years, but a noob to asterisk (1 month). I've setup my sip trunk (sipgate) , worked my way through getting my WiFi phones working with NAT , doing all that iptable stuff, and even right now I can dial the extensions 2001 to 2000 and get perfect two way audio. The only thing that has stopped working correctly is the native bridging that occurs in FastAGI dials between these extensions which has gone
00:11.15bmoracafreepbx isn't terrible if you understand that you're in their little box.  HOWEVER, their little box is a LOT bigger than some other GUIs' little boxes.  anyone here ever looked at EvolutionPBX?
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00:12.55drclueI let the FreePBX gui thing take care of the simple basic stuff. Each FreePBX generated file includes an include XXX_custom.conf entry to allow one to hack whatever else , so it's fine
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00:13.57drclueI suspect that it is simply something that occurred while I was trying to setup the Digium card that got plugged in today
00:14.49manxpowerdrclue: that does not address my main issue, which is debugging at the cli is next to impossible with GUIs
00:15.16drcluePerhaps I tripped over something in the zapata.conf while working out the setup for the card
00:15.34LiNeTuXdrclue: I told you where the problem is.  But feel free to try and fix it on your own.
00:16.55drclueLiNeTux : you said it is in the sip_nat.conf file, which has never had anything in it.
00:17.21LiNeTuXdrclue: then go fix it and be done with your one-way audio issues.
00:17.41drclueWhat do you think I should be putting in that file?
00:18.48LiNeTuXdrclue: I just sent it to you out of the kindness of my heart :)
00:19.28ReDNeQwhy are there such large FULL.logs
00:20.53LiNeTuXwants a MiFi
00:21.54manxpowerthe original "mifi"
00:23.06LiNeTuXmanxpower: I have something like that.  It's a DLink (I think) that takes the PC-Card 3G from AT&T/Verizon.
00:23.12manxpowerThe Cradlepoint CTR350 I use is great.
00:23.27manxpowerLiNeTuX: same thing.  I feel the Cradlepoint is a better product, but they are similar
00:23.46LiNeTuXmanxpower: I use it for testing SIP phones all the time.  Sometimes the registration falls out, tho :)
00:23.52coppicea cradle with a point sounds dangerous
00:24.18manxpowercoppice: it's for poking the carrier in the eye.
00:24.23LiNeTuXmanxpower: I do have issues with TFTP with mine... ever use it with yours?  Mine refuses to work with TFTP.
00:25.13manxpowerLiNeTuX: nope.  They are not perfect.  For example the one I have won't let me portforward to a network not directly connected to the router, but is accessable by the router.  (i.e. another gateway on the LAN side)
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00:26.22drcluemanpower: Gosh LiNeTux was able to answer my question without even needing to consider the GUI
00:28.24drclueI of course hate both the GUI and the .conf files equally , so I try and hide out in FastAGI/AMI where the air is much cleaner
00:28.45manxpower*shrug*  Just hide out on a channel dedicated to the product you use.
00:28.59drclueYa mean "asterisk"?
00:29.13manxpowerI mean #PBXinaFlash or whatever their channel is.
00:29.29drclueFastAGI/AMI is a feature of Asterisk , not some distro or add on
00:29.42manxpowerhanging out on #asterisk when using a PBX GUI is like hanging out on #DOS and asking Windows 98 questions.
00:29.58drclueActually I never asked a FreePBX question
00:30.18LiNeTuXdrclue: unfortunately your problem was with sip_nat.conf, not FastAGI
00:30.19drclueAnd the answer was not a FreePBX answer either
00:30.22manxpowerdrclue: Didn't you say the fix was in sip_nat.conf?
00:30.41drclueYup , which is not a FreePBX thing AFAIK
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00:31.03manxpowerit's certainly not an Asterisk thing
00:31.21geneticxhi everyone.
00:31.22LiNeTuXdrclue: actually that is a FreePBX thing.
00:32.01drclueOh well , I'm sure those lines could have been put in an Asterisk file somewhere too
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00:35.03jayteeI'm sure that you're sure but I'm unsure if anyone else is sure about what you're sure about.
00:35.19drclueThis is part of why I'm running to FastAGI/AMI as fast as I can, so that whatever I make will work with Asterisk without regard to the distro
00:41.38LiNeTuXha ha ... man accused of groping Minnie Mouse @ Disney ...
00:43.59coppiceMinnie Mouse has breasts? Next we'll be finding she has a brain
00:44.24LiNeTuXI guess dude was trying to find out for himself.
00:44.45coppiceIs there a get out clause for research?
00:45.05LiNeTuXheh.  might be a good defense.
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02:40.59geneticxwhat's a good "BYOD" service provider that has competitive international calling rates?
02:41.32geneticxany feedback on voipvoip ?
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02:54.10cryptanthusHi. Can someone point me in the direction of how to set up outbound calling in a dialplan that selects from a number of possible available lines. I have 4 lines that I want to use for outbound calling. I would like the system to check if a line is in use, if so, then check the next line.
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03:15.53[TK]D-Fendercryptanthus: what kind of "lines"?
03:17.21ricko73cryptanthus: assuming analog lines, put the channels in a group and dial using Zap/G1
03:22.26ricko73[TK]D-Fender: do you know anything about the more recently added dial tone detection on analog lines?
03:22.50cryptanthus[TK]D-Fender: Hello. They are analog lines. I have 4 analog lines plugged into a Sangoma A200 pc-e card.
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03:24.28[TK]D-Fendercryptanthus: then as ricko73 suggested, set a group # in your channel definitions and dial the group
03:25.10cryptanthus[TK]D-Fender: I have the Asterisk - Future of Telephony book but I don't see an example of setting up a group. Can you point me somewhere to see an example.
03:25.28[TK]D-Fendercryptanthus: group=1
03:25.29ricko73cryptanthus: dialing Zap/g1 starts in top down order (1,2,3,4) while Zap/G1 starts from the highest channel number (4,3,2,1)
03:26.19ricko73cryptanthus: are you using zaptel or dahdi?
03:26.20[TK]D-FendercryptanthusAdd before your Chann => line and it will applt to them, then dial(dahdi/g1/12345......)
03:26.31cryptanthusricko73: dahdi
03:26.45[TK]D-Fenderadd "group=1"
03:27.04ricko73cryptanthus: then you need to edit /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
03:28.44cryptanthusricko73, [TK]D-Fender: Hold on a sec please, I need to access the box asterisk is running on to see if I follow you.
03:32.40cryptanthusricko73, [TK]D-Fender: Sorry about the delay are you guys still there.
03:33.42cryptanthusricko73: Are we talking about editing chan_dahdi.conf?
03:36.54cryptanthus[TK]D-Fender: I'm looking at my chan_dahdi.conf file, at the top it says that it was auto generated by wancfg_dahdi do not hand edit. At the bottom there are four entries with a context=from-zaptel each one of these sections also has group=0. Does this mean then, that they are already in a group?
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03:39.57cryptanthus[TK]D-Fender: So if I follow you guys right, an local outbound call entry may be.... exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Dahdi/g0/${EXTEN:1})
03:40.10[TK]D-Fendercryptanthus: if that appears before a channel => line then yes
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03:41.07ricko73cryptanthus: you should use Dahdi/G0 and not g0
03:41.22cryptanthus[TK]D-Fender: Yes it does.
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03:41.34ricko73you want outbound dialing to be reverse order of inbound dialing
03:42.11cryptanthusricko73: That makes sense. Thanks guys.
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04:13.50verywisemanwhat is "usedistinctiveringdetection" in zapata.conf meaning?
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04:25.53verywisemanwhat is "usedistinctiveringdetection" in zapata.conf meaning?
04:29.05[TK]D-Fenderexactly whaat it sounds like
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05:43.49ZX81hi all - anyone able to help with a system on which zttest is no longer working (i.e. no results)
05:44.12ZX81The modules load fine, hpec loads fine, ztcfg -v works fine
05:44.18ZX81zttest just shows nothing
05:44.28ZX81I've seen it before but can't remember what I did to fix it
05:44.35ZX81recompiled asterisk, zaptel
05:45.16ZX81hmm no interrupts though
05:47.21ZX81maybe it was noapic or something I did last time
05:49.17toasteriskit shows no interrptus
05:49.20toasteriskis 0
05:49.54toasteriskthe driver is conflicted with something else
05:50.18toasteriskdefinatly, it can not be 0
05:50.19ZX81nothing on same interrupt
05:50.28ZX81was working before restart though
05:50.31ZX81for like 3 years
05:50.41toasteriskare you running misdn?
05:51.26toasteriskmaybe there is a problem with your PCI
05:51.44toasterisktake it out and plug back
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05:51.51ZX81would be quite amazing to happen just after a restart - more likely kernel was upgraded or something
05:52.01ZX81can't take it out - is 500Km away :D
05:52.41ZX81I did recompile zaptel in case kernel had changed
05:52.59drmessano^remove the old kernel and old kernel source
05:53.28ZX81in case it's compiling against wrong source?
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05:55.27toasteriskif you suspect the zaptel, you can try to recompile that.
05:55.47toasteriskyes, maybe it against the code
05:55.49ZX81yep done - even did an svn up && make clean && make && make install && make config
05:56.46ZX81thing is, if I replace wctdm with ztdummy I get results from zttest -v
05:57.03ZX81which kinda makes me think something is either up with the wctdm driver or with the card
05:57.14dandate2anyone offering voip colo, i already got all my own did
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06:27.54psiforcehi does anyone know how to get polycom vvx video phones working with asterisk 1.4
06:29.44kb3ieni remember that video=yes must be decommented in sip.conf does that help?
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06:32.45J4k3anyone here familiar with app_rpt?
06:40.58psiforcekb3ien: ya have that already but video calling still doesn;t work
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06:44.21kb3ienhrm, do both devices you are calling from and to, support the same codecs, are they enabled in sip.conf? (after that i'm afraid i'm not much use to you).
06:45.43kaldemarpsiforce: what does not work? take a sip debug of a call and pastebin it.
06:46.06psiforcekb3ien: I have 2 polycom vvx 1500
06:46.22psiforceboth can call each other using direct ip dialing
06:47.10psiforcebut when calling with asterisk in the middle only voice works and not video
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06:51.41kb3ienhrm, sounds like a codec issue. i'm not up on that phone.
06:53.23psiforceya  I think its a bug with video codec negotiation under asterisk
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07:06.20TimRikerpsiforce: can you try enabling all codecs in asterisk? or alternatively only enabling the one you expect to use?
07:07.04psiforceTimRiker: ya I tried disabling all and only enabling h264 and also enabling them all, still no joy
07:08.02kaldemarpsiforce: if you really want help, show the sip debug and sip.conf
07:08.54TimRikerwhen the voice call is in progress, are the phones talking directly to each other? ie: do they handle stun, and/or other nat traversal?
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07:22.44Shail9211I've problem on trunk
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07:42.56Shail9211could u plz help me regarding trunk ??
07:42.56dandreI am still trying to get callerid informations displayed on my analog phone connected to a tdm800 fxs port
07:43.32dandredescribe your problem
07:43.51Shail9211I have two asteriksnow boxes connected with IAX2 trunk. Configured by help of FreePBX
07:44.04Shail9211Everything is working fine but CID is not
07:44.13Shail9211the peer system does not show the CID, instad of CID it would showing IAX trunk ID
07:44.42Shail9211the peer system does not show the CID
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07:49.50dandreyou'd better ask to #freepbx
07:50.00dandreI don't know it
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08:08.52FaustovI reported an issue to sangoma
08:08.58Faustovand all they want is root access now
08:14.20TSMwhats the sangoma issue?
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08:27.29ZX81hi all - anyone know why zaptel would stop getting interrupts after a restart?
08:28.51ZX81likely that the machine has been updated, but even recompiling zaptel doesn't fix it
08:29.10ZX81or even - can I keep the same HPEC license stuff with DAHDI?
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08:46.40ZX81ok, I've managed to get dahdi installed - but still no interrupts
08:49.08tzafrir_laptopZX81, what device?
08:49.42tzafrir_laptoprestart of what, exactly?
08:50.29TSMif i have an incomming call and i blind transfer it to someone, that other person sees the incomming CID and not the CID of the person that transfered the call, this is all good, but if they do a normal transfer then hangup, it still shows the CID of the person that transfered the call, is there anyway to detect that they transfered then hungup then change the CID to the end user?
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08:52.00ZX81tzafrir_laptop: restart of machine
08:53.24tzafrir_laptopThe module found the card and reports channels?
08:53.34FaustovTSM: problem is that asterisk does not detect answer or hangup at all, despite setting koolstart
08:54.29ZX81tzafrir_laptop: yah
08:55.04tzafrir_laptopThat's odd
08:55.12TSMFaustov: i thought it did, the phone should send a BYE message for hangup
08:55.47FaustovTSM: i'm not quite sure what is missing, i did everything via wancfg_dahdi
08:56.05Faustovand it configured everything without warnings
08:56.15Faustovyet when someone calls in from the analog line into asterisk
08:56.19ZX81ringing digium tech - see what I can do :)
08:56.28Faustovhe gets indication as if no one answered
08:56.43TSMhave you setup your inbound catchall route?
08:57.09Faustovwhile i can see that asterisk gets the call, starts playing the ivr messages
08:57.24ZX81meh - no luck
08:57.26Faustovyou mean the context to which it falls into? yeah, and I redirect that to an IVR
08:57.56TSMhave you got asterisk -r -vvvvv output?
08:58.48ZX81here's cat /proc/dahdi/1:
08:58.56ZX81all modules show up
08:59.00ZX81hpec loads fine
08:59.10ZX81no errors in dmesg/messages etc
08:59.16ZX81asterisk won't start
09:00.03ZX81and box is 500Km away :)
09:00.15TSMZX81: i guess this card did work orginaly? have you checked if dhadi is running?
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09:00.31ZX81:) yep worked about an hour ago
09:00.37ZX81before restart
09:00.55TSMZX81: have you tried another restart, or a cold restart?
09:01.02ZX81and recompile
09:01.05ZX81and svn up
09:01.10ZX81and kernel up
09:01.14TSMZX81: you did a cold restart, machine off and then on
09:01.21ZX81shutdown -r 0
09:01.26ZX81best I can do from 500k
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09:02.07TSMZX81: i would try a cold restart, ive seen some cards not work after a warm restart, albit not TDM cards, usualy sound or nics
09:02.20ZX81:) long drive
09:02.47TSMZX81: invest in a APC remote rebooter or a server with ILO
09:02.54ZX81wish I could do shutdown -r 0 --after-wait-30
09:03.10ZX81yeah :) apcupsd --restart-machine-soon
09:03.47TSMZX81: possably, its a gamble though if your bios is not set to turn on via USB/Serial or loss of power
09:04.26FaustovTSM: yeah, usually verbosity 15
09:04.50Faustov[Aug 11 10:56:46] WARNING[25666]: chan_dahdi.c:5116 dahdi_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 4
09:04.55Faustovthis is the part i'm getting
09:07.59ZX81anyone seen: ACPI Exception (processor_core-0818): AE_NOT_FOUND, Processor Device is not present [20070126] in dmesg before?
09:08.37TSMFAustov: looks like the card is possably not setup correctly with line voltages and impedance etc...
09:09.32tzafrir_laptopFaustov, "State 6": Up (in the middle of a call)
09:09.33FaustovTSM: thx, reading through those
09:09.51Faustovtzafrir_laptop: what do you mean?
09:10.34tzafrir_laptopSome state machine (e.g. at the driver or in Asterisk) has gone wrong
09:10.36BeeBuuwhat are the steps of install asterisk 1.6? libpri-->dahdi-->asterisk,is it right?
09:11.22Faustovlet me try the callprogress=no
09:11.25ZX81hey tzafrir_laptop, should be ok for kernel?
09:11.37tzafrir_laptopAs a result Asterisk knows it is in a middle of a call, but at that time gets a ring for an incoming call
09:12.02TSMFaustov: the line has gone off hook for some reason but it does not know why,  if you look at line 4544 it shows the code that gives that message
09:12.14tzafrir_laptopZX81, I'm not familiar with it. I don't see why it shouldn't be
09:12.23ZX81kk ty
09:14.30ZX81interesting, if I use jiffies for current_clock_source rather than acpi_pm or tsc then "time sleep 1" never returns
09:14.59ZX81tsc and acpi_pm are both fine
09:15.29FaustovTSM: ok, quite clear ast->state should be in state ring and it is not, but what conclusion can I get from there and what action?
09:20.24ZX81yep, well that was stupid - now the box doesn't respond
09:20.28Faustovok, the callprogress thingy is obviously for something else
09:21.04TSMFaustov: did this work before? or first time setup?
09:21.17Faustovno, first time
09:31.33Faustovok, what was further mentioned in these bug reports
09:31.37Faustovbusydetect no
09:31.44Faustovand combinations with callprogress=no
09:31.47Faustovdidn't help
09:32.46*** join/#asterisk arpu (n=arpu@
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09:36.37jgooI have an openvox 4 port isdn card - 3 isdn lines in - first one isdn terminal adapter wasn't having a link - now it does - how can I make the card 'refresh' or relink? I can dial the number, it rings, but the card no longer picks up (passes a call to asterisk)
09:37.01jgooIt was working, until yesterday, when the link light went out - and I'd like to fix it without restarting the PBX (this works, usually)
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09:45.22jgooI rebooted... it worked. I can't help think there is some awesome way of doing it that tastes like WTP
09:57.34Faustovtzafrir_laptop: after some reading i think my problem originates from different voltages than specified in protocols - but those are regulated by koolstart/groundstart etc, is this correct?
09:57.43dandrewhich is the best practice between NoOp(some debug info) and Verbose(3,some debug info) ?
10:07.45TSMFaustov: i think i said that earlier
10:08.41*** join/#asterisk af_ (
10:08.45TSMFaustov: there are standard line voltage & ring voltage, if the ring voltage is too low it will think the phone is always off the hook
10:09.00TSMFaustov: if you get impedance wrong then you will get bad quality calls and echo
10:09.26FaustovTSM: ok I see, how can I control that?
10:09.41TSMFaustov: i duno how to setup analogue cards in asterisk, my only exp with thoes things was using ATAs
10:09.47TSMFaustov: what card is it?
10:09.54Faustovsangoma a200d
10:12.10*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
10:12.37viraptorhas anyone here got experience with "avaya ip office"?
10:15.28TSMFaustov: did you remember to set your country in chan_dhadi.conf?
10:16.33tzafrir_laptopTSM, country in chan_dahdi.conf ? which specific setting?
10:17.21TSMif the card does not know what country its in then it will use the wrong settings, thats what i was told
10:17.39tzafrir_laptoploadzone is /etc/dahdi/system.conf
10:17.54TSMnop its /etc/asterisk/chan_dhadi.conf for me
10:19.42tzafrir_laptop$ strings /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ | grep loadzone
10:19.42tzafrir_laptopUnable to play dialtone on channel %d, do you have defaultzone and loadzone defined?
10:20.09tzafrir_laptopNothing in the code to parse that keyword
10:20.58tzafrir_laptopRepeat the trick with dahdi_cfg
10:22.09TSMthis is all good info as ile be getting a A200d soon but FXS ports
10:25.50FaustovTSM: first thing I tried
10:26.56Faustovgot the zone set up to the same thing i got in indications.conf (pl)
10:37.16*** join/#asterisk TommyBotten (
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10:37.53Iain_Morning all
10:39.54TommyBottenGood morning
10:39.59TommyBottenOr afternoon for some of us :p
10:40.24Iain_Lol fair enough
10:40.44Iain_I have the following problem if you could help me please
10:41.00Iain_I here no audio on one of sip phones when making an external call, the phone is in a remote location he has a router/firewall that appears to have all the correct ports open, the firewall our end also appears to have the correct ports open, the user can make and receive internal calls ok
10:41.50Shail9211There might be natting issue
10:42.04TommyBottenDefinetly sounds like a NAT issue.
10:42.30Iain_that's my thoughts, but I'm unsure how to configure it
10:43.15*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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10:44.25naifHi all
10:44.31Shail9211sip is not NAT friendly proto, your application or architacture shd handle this
10:45.59naifI am using 2 mobile VoIP client on Symbian S60 with AMR-NB 4.75 and an Asterisk 1.6 server acting as a media relay (canreinvite=no). I am having problems as Asterisk, that should act as a simple media relay, does not accept AMR codec in negotiation. I would like to avoid to apply the AMR patch, as i don't need transcoding but simply have asterisk act with basic PBX features as a media relay.
10:46.03naifDoes anyone have some ideas?
10:47.40Shail9211Is your phone's gateway pointing to right gateway ??
10:56.19naifno one there?
10:57.56*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
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10:59.13merlin8282Hi. I need to make an estimation on how many time I would need to set up an Asterisk in a company, and what hardware to use.
10:59.37merlin8282For the hardware it's OK, it's only 10 persons in the company so the low-end PC is sufficient.
10:59.54merlin8282But I don't know how many time it could take for setting it up.
11:00.17merlin8282Can anyone help me ?
11:00.21TommyBottenmerlin8282: Just focus the system on stability. Raid1, redundant UPS for instance.
11:00.48TommyBottenThat very much depends. Is it internal only, or will you be calling the outside world?. If so, how? VoIP, E1/T1? .. Analog?
11:00.59kaldemarmerlin8282: first define what you want asterisk to do for you
11:01.05merlin8282Maybe analog or EuroISDN
11:01.55merlin8282kaldemar: say for example a simple installation, only incoming/outgoing calls, transfers, voicemail. A basic system.
11:02.55TommyBottenAn experienced asterisk technician could probably do that in 5-10 hours time.
11:03.05merlin8282I also need advice on hardware for the line: actually i have played with junghanns QuadBRI ISDN and a TDM400P
11:04.06*** join/#asterisk micols (
11:04.09merlin8282There may be better hardware, but I don't know which is good and which is not.
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11:32.26SALstarHow I can call my local number using manager API? I have an application, which is working well, bug calling SIP/localnumber ends with "loop detected".
11:33.18SALstarWhen trying to call Local/localnumber, then I can call, but call is not accepted. I am trying to run SendFAX/ReceiveFAX this was (to send fax from one number to another).
11:33.30SALstarFaxing to non local numbers work well.
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12:33.17dandreI am still with my callerid display on an analog phone problem. I have tried almost all what is possible with the callerid parameters in zapata.conf and nothing help me. Where can I get tips for this?
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12:37.01[TK]D-Fenderdandre: PASTEBIN <-
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12:37.52FaustovI think I got a clue with my analog-asterisk problem. Looks like there is something wrong set up by the provider on the analog line (I need to send #21 before using the line every time)
12:38.19[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Sound like some sort of Centrex
12:38.57FaustovCentrex? never heard of
12:38.59tzafrir_laptopdandre, where is that line? What country?
12:39.07Faustovwell, waiting for the provider to come back to me
12:40.29dandretzafrir_laptop: I have no problem geting cid from my analog line (which is in france) but sending a callerid information to an analog phone connected to a fxs port of a tdm800
12:42.06*** join/#asterisk razu (
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12:48.14auraxsup folks
12:48.58auraxcan anyone help out? i'm trying to add prefix to incoming calls in IAX2 trunk, tried to customize my context but did no good.
12:49.08dandrehere is my zapata.conf:
12:58.58manxpoweraurax: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(99${EXTEN},1) would add 99 to all incoming calls to whatever context that line is in.  To do it ONLY to IAX2 calls would be a little more complicated.
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk eliel (n=eliels@
12:59.45elielhello, when trying to test skypeforasterisk i am getting a notice saying: "Found a total of 0 Skype For Asterisk licenses"
13:00.26elielthe license is in /var/lib/asterisk/licenses and expires 2009-08-31
13:01.04*** join/#asterisk hammerzone45 (
13:01.05auraxmanxpower, i should put context=from-something and push this line there, no ?
13:01.45auraxmanxpower, my incoming numbers on the iax2 trunks are XXX so should i put XXX instead?
13:02.00manxpoweraurax: yes
13:02.06tzafrir_laptopdandre, callerid=asreceived is not such a grand idea if you want to send callerid
13:02.54tzafrir_laptopdandre, try: callerid = Dan Dre <123>
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13:03.27auraxalright, trying it right now :)
13:04.00hammerzone45i have a problem with queues kicking our people automatically if they are BUSY can you please look at code
13:04.12auraxmanxpower: i was trying to use this command exten => _XXX,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=8${CALLERIDNUM})
13:04.17auraxbut it failed..
13:04.35dandretzafrir_laptop: just done but still doesn't work
13:04.54auraxwhich is actually better since all i have to do is rewrite the CID
13:04.58[TK]D-Fenderaurax: ${CALLERIDNUM} does not exist in 1.4+
13:05.25[TK]D-FenderauxPlease realize you are using the new function in this sample... only HALF of the time.
13:05.27tzafrir_laptopone thing to do would be to record the audio at the dahdi level with dahdi_monitor
13:05.32[TK]D-Fenderaurax: Please realize you are using the new function in this sample... only HALF of the time.
13:06.30auraxso it should be: exten => _XXX,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=8(CALLERID(number)) ?
13:07.21*** join/#asterisk shido641 (
13:07.25[TK]D-Fenderaurax: Close.  Go read the instruction on how to reference variables & functions again
13:07.54[TK]D-FenderAnd I shouldn't say "new".  1.4 was introduced 3 YEARS ago
13:07.57shido641hello everybody
13:08.12*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
13:08.28hammerzone45any idea why queues kicks people out automatically when BUSY even if autologoffunavail = no in agents.conf
13:09.23shido641can anyone help me with a problem with configuration files for dahdi??
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13:11.39dandrehow can I get more debug informations?
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13:12.02hammerzone45dandre: core set debug XX
13:12.24[TK]D-Fendershido6Ask a specific question already...
13:12.34[TK]D-Fendershido6 : Nobody likes a fishing expedition.
13:13.01dandrehammerzone45:  sorry for my callerid on my zap fxs port
13:13.02shido641well ok heres the thing i need to configure a b410p card to accept incoming and outgoing calls
13:13.54shido641how would i configure my system.conf chan_dahdi.conf extensions.conf and any other configuration files that need be configured
13:15.30manxpowershido641: For things like extensions.conf there is plenty of documentation for that.  Read it.  For the stuff like DAHDI people here might be able to help.
13:15.49*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
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13:16.23shido641im new to asterisk so i really dont know what to type in these files. I got asterisk, libpri, and dahdi running and i used a whole lot of tutorials i found on the net (which was really outdated) but anyways i need help with the dahdi configuration files
13:16.36shido641for my card that is
13:17.20hammerzone45anyone that masters queues here? i have a very specific question
13:17.46shido6ask hammerzone45
13:18.17hammerzone45my queues are kicking out people imisiatelly after they log in ....
13:19.06hammerzone45i have autologoffunavail = no in agennts.conf ....
13:19.19hammerzone45and the CLI output is in here ...
13:19.50hammerzone45why a queue will auto log off an agent is status is BUSY?
13:20.22shido641hammerzone45 could you help me out with this problem?
13:20.28dandreI have this when I do a core set debug channel Zap/2-1:
13:20.29dandre<< [ TYPE: Null Frame (5) SUBCLASS: N/A (0) ] [Zap/2-1]
13:20.51hammerzone45shido641: no using dahdi here, still using zaptel, sorry
13:21.14shido641argh ok thanx anyways ;)
13:24.41shido641can anybody atleast point me to a page on the net that got instructions for dahdi configuration with a b410p card?
13:25.32shido641coz i really cannot find ANY articles/tutorials on dahdi with b410p card for incoming and outgoing calls
13:25.34[TK]D-Fenderhammerzone45: pastebin the ENTIRE configs
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13:32.39LemensTSon 1.6, do i need to install zaptel/dahdi and load ztdummy if all im doing is itsp?
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13:32.49LemensTSdidnt know if it needed timing only with a card or not
13:34.16[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Cards provide timing via DAHDI.  Timing is required for specific things
13:34.53LemensTSi know it is for t1/e1
13:35.00LemensTSdidnt know what else
13:35.41[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: as a mixer source for IAX2 trunk mode and Meetmte
13:36.16hammerzone45D-Fender: i do not have access to the entire configs, but i can certanly paste the parts that you are interested to see out of them, will that work?
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13:37.55[TK]D-Fenderhammerzone45: Why not?
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13:39.11LemensTSTKD-Fender: thanks, i remember the meetme thing uses it now.
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13:42.29shido641anyone know any books i can get thats upto date on asterisk and dahdi?
13:43.15[TK]D-Fendershido6read the docs in the tarballs
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13:43.49tzafrir_laptopmoy, here?
13:44.04moytzafrir_laptop: yep
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13:46.33shido641anybody can explain this? Whats a bchan and a dchan? What do they mean by this i see it in one configuration sorry im new to asterisk so its noob questions
13:46.50infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:46.52[TK]D-Fendershido6: ISDN BRI = 2B+D
13:47.11tzafrir_laptopshido641, s/dchan/hardhdlc/
13:47.11[TK]D-Fendershido6: E1 ISDN PRI = 30B+D
13:47.43tzafrir_laptopdahdi_genconf should generate a proper conf for you :-)
13:48.16shido641ok thanx D-Fender but i didnt understand that lol
13:48.40shido641thanx for books
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13:49.24[TK]D-Fendershido641: The books should not have to tell you how your telephone line works...
13:49.52[TK]D-Fendershido641: no more than your car dealer should be responsible for teaching you how to drive... its an expected pre-requisite
13:50.12shido641tzafrir_laptop you say it should generate a correct configuration file for me but how would it know i want to have both inbound/outbound calls through my b410p
13:51.53shido641[TK]D-Fender: i see what you saying but i am totally new to this but where could i go to read more about this channel stuff and spans or isdn lines etc?
13:52.17infobotrumour has it, 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
13:52.46shido641thanx :)
13:52.54*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
13:56.29hammerzone45D-Fender i do not have direct access to the box right now, what part of the config files you need? I can ask for them ...
13:59.53[TK]D-Fenderhammerzone45: Your queues and agents.  COMPLTEE
14:00.15*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=mcorb@
14:00.57*** topic/#asterisk by Corydon76-dig -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/08/11), (2009/09/11), (2009/08/11), *-Addons (2009/07/24), (2009/07/24), 1.4.9 (2009/07/24), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/07/02) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
14:03.16[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Why skip
14:03.17[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: In fact they all seemed to skip
14:03.52[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Oh, and comes bundled with, right? ;)
14:04.16dandredoes sending cid to fxs port use alaw/ulaw?
14:04.21Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: go read the release announcement
14:04.28jayteethe obvious deliberate sowing of confusion and addition of new undiscovered bugs in order to ensure job security
14:04.38coppice[Tk]D-Fender: that's just fiction. you need
14:04.55[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Not on the main page yet...
14:05.29[TK]D-Fendercoppice: today's science fiction might very well be tomorrow's science fact.
14:05.29Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: it most certainly is
14:05.57[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: doesn't reflect this on my side...
14:06.02coppice[TK]D-Fender: and the Pope will be presenting Jesus on TV one day
14:06.26tzafrir_laptopdandre, it normally uses FSK or DTMFs
14:06.35Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: shift-reload
14:06.39[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Atheism : a non-prophet organization
14:07.05[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Nope <-
14:07.07Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: first story under "announcements"
14:07.18tzafrir_laptopdandre, but at that specific point, the audio is encoded as alaw / ulaw
14:08.14*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
14:08.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
14:08.23[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Still not there...
14:08.30[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Opened a new browser, etc
14:08.44dandreok but I haven't seen where to set alaw/ulaw for zap
14:11.04*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
14:11.32hammerzone45D-Fender: queues.conf and agents.conf complete -->
14:11.53tzafrir_laptopdandre, Unless you did something special, it's ulaw
14:12.23tzafrir_laptopAnd it's really nothing you should care about
14:12.52*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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14:13.54dandreyes it is ulaw
14:14.29dandreI am searching an searching why my cid isn't displayed on my analog phone
14:15.23[TK]D-Fenderdandperhaps your zone info and CID standard aren't set right
14:15.29tzafrir_laptopnice. It seems recent trixbox asterisk 1.6.0 packages support BRI NT PtMP in chan_dahdi
14:16.13[TK]D-Fenderhammerzone45: Ok, I don't see the problem yet...
14:16.36tzafrir_laptopThat is, when you configure a span with "bri_net_ptmp" signalling you don't get the expected "sux" message. All's well
14:17.02tzafrir_laptopYou get a fully-functioning BRI CPE PtMP span
14:17.32hammerzone45D-Fender: me neither, everithing looks fince in the configs .... but agents are beign kicked out immidiately after login ...
14:17.48dandre[TK]D-Fender: the cid works fine on fxo ports
14:18.10[TK]D-FenderdandFunny, i didn't SEE any in your condifgs
14:18.13hammerzone45D-Fender: Asterisk send the first call to the agent imidiatelly and state is reported as BUSY so Asterisk logs out agent automatically.
14:19.02*** join/#asterisk Lyma (n=Lyma@unaffiliated/lyma)
14:20.21dandre[TK]D-Fender: my zapata.conf:
14:21.22[TK]D-Fenderdandre: cidsignalling=v23 <- try moving it after your first channel def
14:24.29dandresame problem
14:25.35dandreno display on my phone
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14:37.30Skarmethtzafrir_laptop, hey guy, can we talk in private about openr2 and debian pkg-voip?
14:37.43tzafrir_laptopSkarmeth, sure
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14:42.45Shail9211I have two asteriksnow boxes connected with IAX2 trunk. Configured by help of FreePBX
14:42.55Shail9211Everything is working fine but CID is not
14:43.07Shail9211the peer system does not show the CID, instad of CID it is showing IAX trunk ID
14:43.23Shail9211any suggestions
14:43.52*** join/#asterisk oberon (
14:44.05oberonI installed asterisk as root under Linux
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14:44.21[TK]D-FenderShail9211: don't stet callerid on the trunk
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14:44.25oberon.. and I wanna run it as a non-root user
14:44.41datacompboyHi! Anybody knows where to get DTMF sound files in slin format?
14:44.57oberonwhen I use the -U arg it tells me that it cant write a pid file in /var/run
14:45.17jasonwootdoes anyone have any experience with, positive or negative?
14:45.17oberonhow do I control where it/whether it creates the pid file ?
14:45.51*** join/#asterisk dmz (
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14:48.11[TK]D-Fenderoberon: asterisk.conf
14:48.15[TK]D-Fenderoberon: ...
14:48.21infobot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at
14:49.01[TK]D-Fenderdatacompboy: Go generate your own...
14:49.49oberon[TK]D-Fender, I dont want to install it in a user's home dir
14:49.55oberonI already installed it as root
14:50.06oberonI just want to control where it creates the pid file
14:50.09[TK]D-Fenderoberon: Who said home dir?  I sure didn't
14:50.29[TK]D-Fenderoberon: and * need write permissions to a hell of a lot more <-
14:50.29oberonthats what it talks about at chapter 13 in the book
14:51.49[TK]D-Fenderoberon: and there is another LINK there
14:52.17[TK]D-Fenderoberon: And not that the same methodologies can't be tweaked to apply elsewhere anyway
14:53.32*** join/#asterisk mweichert (n=mweicher@
14:53.57mweichertwhen an incoming call comes in, is there a default context that the call is routed to?
14:54.01oberonhmm, the dir is specified at asterisk.conf
14:54.19oberonI would also make it possible to disable pid file creation
14:54.25oberonnot needed it I dont fork
14:54.37oberonnot needed if I dont fork
14:56.26mweichertah, I'm an idiot... the channel defines the context
14:57.31*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:58.41oberonchanging the dir in asterisk.conf doesnt work .. it is actualyl hard coded into the bin file:
14:58.49oberon# strings /usr/sbin/asterisk | grep
14:58.59oberonsilly, huh ?
14:59.34[TK]D-Fenderoberon: Pastebin your asterisk.conf
14:59.44infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:00.50Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: the announcement is now up on the site
15:01.05Corydon76-digapparently, there's a cache for people who aren't logged in
15:01.29*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
15:01.38oberon[TK]D-Fender, and I get:
15:01.39[TK]D-Fenderfeels like a second-rate citizen now...
15:01.55oberon# asterisk -U asterisk -G daemon -f
15:02.02oberonUnable to open pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied
15:02.02oberonUnable to bind socket to /var/run/asterisk.ctl: Permission denied
15:02.02oberon[Aug 11 18:02:45] NOTICE[25368]: loader.c:869 load_modules: 1 modules will be loaded.
15:02.32Nuggetheh, the 911 in that url triggered my context highlighting.
15:02.51Nuggetwish I could do channel-specific keywords
15:02.51carrarYou've been DENIED!
15:03.44oberon[TK]D-Fender, now it works
15:03.52[TK]D-Fenderoberon: OMGZ
15:04.04oberonhmm, kinda non standard, but I should have read the fine print
15:04.20oberon"OMGZ" ?
15:04.35oberon"Oh My God a Zebra" ?
15:05.41*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:05.43*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
15:06.08[TK]D-Fenderoberon: Wit a "Z" y0.
15:07.05tzafrir_laptopOberon May Get a Zebra?
15:07.22oberonI like that one better
15:08.34*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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15:09.50s14cksomebody have a dial plan where use ExternalIVR()
15:10.13*** join/#asterisk fnord0 (n=fnord0@unaffiliated/fnord0)
15:14.08Qwells14ck: sure.  try this
15:15.42s14ckQwell, I want to know if ExternalIVR() can exec agi's or bin apps in a local asterisk 1.6.2
15:16.28*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:17.20mweichertwhen I receive an incoming call from a trunk, the context is from-internal - but my trunk definition looks like this:
15:18.29TSMn3glv: you played much with HP server kit?
15:19.04TSMwoops wrong place
15:19.23*** join/#asterisk adamb0122 (n=Adam@
15:20.55adamb0122So, I've got an interesting problem that i've never seen before, and i'd figure it'd run it past you guys before i do a System reboot in the middle of the day...
15:21.01adamb0122( )
15:21.49adamb0122I have a custom function for ChanSpy, it asks the extension, and then spys it.   Mostly used by our managers & some trainers during a sales persons' frist few weeks, standard drill.
15:22.30adamb0122Anyway, Today, for whatever reason, The system isn't asking "Please-enter-the" nor is it waiting for the READ line, it just right to user disconnected, and I have no idea why
15:22.42adamb0122Haven't changed this code, or really anything on the phone system in months.
15:23.34[netman]hi, I got a lot of WARNING[14688]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short, any suggestions, please?
15:24.07s14ckQwell, do you know if ExternalIVR() can exec one AGI script?
15:24.18*** join/#asterisk AndyML (
15:24.21Qwells14ck: They are completely different things...
15:24.28Qwells14ck: That's like asking if your toaster can make coffee
15:24.49*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
15:26.30carrarsomeone should make a toaster/coffee maker
15:26.47carrarsave on counter space
15:27.36s14ckQwell, but I can exec a bin apps with ExternalIVR(), right?
15:27.38[TK]D-Fendermweichert: Clearly the incoming call is not MATCHING your peer
15:27.49dupei want a coffeepot integrated into a computer ;) like a real one!
15:27.56FaustovI didn't know rj11 is not a standard
15:28.16Faustovapparently the ports on Sangoma are 1mm smaller than the regular rj11
15:29.21mweicherthow do I turn off autofallthrough for a particular context?
15:30.02coppicethe sangoma cards don't have rj11 jacks. they use rj12 due to a cockup
15:31.40dupenow.. thats totally badass :) i want one!
15:33.18[TK]D-FenderDTMF : Damn This Moka's Fine!
15:33.44Faustovignore the first one
15:33.50[TK]D-FenderFaustov: it is RJ1.  Its advertised as such and comes with patch cables
15:33.56[TK]D-FenderFaustov: So deal with it...
15:33.56Faustovthey say they are using rj11
15:34.34[TK]D-Fenderadamb0122: What ver of *?
15:34.40[TK]D-Fenderadamb0122: What ver of *?
15:34.41coppicemaybe they've revised recent boards. they used to take RJ12 - the handset plug from a standard phone
15:35.01Faustovcoppice: ok, that's exactly what I got here
15:35.59[TK]D-FenderFaustov: "Each Sangoma A200 Card is shipped with four 2 m cables terminating in a narrow RJ11/4 plug at one end and a telephone-standard RJ11/6 plug at the other." <---
15:36.36Faustov[TK]D-Fender: trying to recall what I did with the box... :P
15:36.54[TK]D-FenderFaustov: "Shipped with standard RJ11-terminated cables." <- implies the other end "isnt't"
15:37.07[TK]D-Fendercoppice: still do
15:38.03[TK]D-Fenders14ck: the docs show that ExternalIVR has NOTHING to do with calling dialplan apps.
15:39.19s14ck[TK]D-Fender, What are you talking about?
15:40.14oberonI've setup a SIP channel
15:40.27[TK]D-Fender[11:27]<s14ck>Qwell, but I can exec a bin apps with ExternalIVR(), right?
15:40.32*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:40.43oberonand I'm trying to call my cellular from asterisk using AMI
15:40.51[TK]D-Fenders14ck: Go read the docs it tells you to
15:40.57oberonso I authenticated and now I try this action:
15:42.36[TK]D-Fenders14ck: and?  What does that say about it relating to any other dialplan app call?  Or AGI?
15:43.13s14ck[TK]D-Fender, once again, What are you talking about?
15:43.29[TK]D-Fenders14ck: You were asking about ExternalIVR & AGI.  they have nothing to do with each other
15:44.11s14ck[TK]D-Fender, yes, i did think i can use agis with it, but is not work
15:44.20*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
15:44.27[TK]D-Fenderoberon: Go enable SIP DEBUG at * CLI and see what its doing.
15:44.53[TK]D-Fenders14ck: That does not have anything to do with AGI.  It does not call any kind of apps
15:45.09oberonwhat I get back is:
15:46.04s14ck[TK]D-Fender,  exten => 123,1,ExternalIVR(test_program,${MYARGUMENT})
15:46.40[TK]D-Fenderoberon: Cause-txt: User busy <- doesn't look like they accepted your call.  And I said loko at SIP DEBUG
15:47.02[TK]D-Fenders14ck: and?
15:47.55*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
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15:50.36oberon*CLI> sip debug
15:50.36oberonNo such command 'sip debug' (type 'help sip debug' for other possible commands)
15:51.09*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:51.18oberonhmm "*CLI> sip set debug on" works
15:55.39*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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15:57.33oberonhmm, I see the sip header + variables
15:58.51[TK]D-Fenderoberon: in yuor peer entry
16:00.09*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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16:01.00oberonmy peer entry ?
16:01.14oberonI dont see any peer header in the debug output
16:01.24[TK]D-Fenderoberon: what you set up in sip.conf and use as your "Channel:".....
16:01.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: MEW!
16:02.20*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:02.48oberonin the sip.conf file I setup the username + password in fromuser + secret respectively
16:02.59oberonthe debug shouldnt show them ?
16:03.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: i decided on doing a vpn tunnel.
16:03.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: instead of proxy, me thinks
16:03.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: cause i'm not sure what all you mean by peer and all that other fancy stuff.
16:03.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: ........
16:04.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: And to think you've been here for YEARS
16:04.17Kattyi knows.
16:04.20Kattybut we don't do anything /fancy/
16:04.29Kattyjust all lan stuff. so i've never had to do anything fancy :<
16:04.37Kattyk, over it.
16:05.02Kattyi bet eppigy would help me.
16:05.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: "nat=yes", "canreinvite=no", "qualify=yes" <- this ain't Raw-Cat Sigh Hence.
16:05.21oberonto make outgoing calls using the SIP channel do I need anything except type + host + fromuser + secret ?
16:05.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah. but.
16:05.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: dynamic ip.
16:05.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: and firewall.
16:05.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: and yeah.
16:05.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i'm not opening the firewall to anyone on port 5060. tho i guess i could change the port number.
16:06.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you think bandwidth would hate me for changing the port number?
16:06.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Doesn't matter (THEY reg to YOU), firewall (If theirs is really bad you are kinda screwed unless you can forward past it), and OK/FINE/SURE
16:06.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: i still don't understand how it doesn't matter.
16:07.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: my firewall refuses access on port 5060, unless it is explicitly allowed from another public, static, ip.
16:07.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: so something's going over my head on how i can use a dymanic.
16:07.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: cause i ain't removin that policy.
16:07.26oberon[TK]D-Fender, right now my sip.conf file looks like:
16:07.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: si answer is NO
16:07.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: Oh, YOUR firewall is garbage?  then you're in real trouble
16:08.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: fix that, and follow the guide for the rest :
16:08.07infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:08.20Kattyi dont' want port 5060 open to whoever wants to connect to it
16:08.36Kattyso how else do i tell the firewall it's okay, unless tell it that static ip is okay?
16:08.42Kattythat's the part i don't get.
16:08.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: So proxy it or change *'s port
16:09.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: And I don't know how to configure your firewall.
16:09.11Kattyi do.
16:09.18Kattyi think the different port number might be neat.
16:09.25Kattyport triggering, or whatnot
16:09.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: * isnt' that smart.  It'll bind to one...
16:10.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: What FW are you using?
16:10.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: the firewall can take port 1234 and reroute it to port 5060
16:10.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: and it won't leave 5060 open to random port scanner peoples wanting to use my server to call dominos
16:10.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: linksys rv082
16:11.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: And why is your system so insecure that it accepts unauthed calls?
16:11.22Kattyit doesn't.
16:11.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: Don't you guys have a linux/Asterisk person there? :p
16:11.38Kattyno, sorry.
16:11.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: then unload :D
16:11.40Kattyplease come again.
16:11.54Kattyit's a linksys rv082 :<
16:12.20Kattyso either port triggering, or vpn tunnel.
16:12.33Kattyvpn tunnel might cause network traffic proxying tho
16:12.44Kattyand that'd be slowwwwwwwwww unless you had a way to split the tunnels.,
16:13.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: And you'll have to prevent subnet overlap, etc....
16:13.48Kattyi can do vpn tunnels.
16:14.17ariel_vpn tunnel with the correct vlan setup will work
16:16.32Kattytests port triggering.
16:16.56*** part/#asterisk SALstar (
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16:17.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
16:19.49dandreI have a musicclass parameter in my queue.conf. I this queue is reach from a local extension, say a sipphone, it's ok but if this queue is reach from my isnd line the music falls back to defaut.
16:22.24Kattyi need a random port number generator tool
16:22.30KattyQwell: roll me a random 5 digit number
16:23.13Kattythat's only 3 digits
16:23.25Qwellit's between 0 and 99999!
16:23.27[TK]D-Fenderhacks Katty's shitty Linksys router for 3D20 + 5 MILLION DAMAGE!!!
16:23.52Kattydies. (4.9999999 million overkill)
16:24.33[TK]D-Fender\o/ -- Victory is mine!
16:24.54ariel_does not care keeps listening to 3 doors down, Here without you.....
16:25.49*** join/#asterisk RaDiC_rs (
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16:27.32jameswfmmorpg R-Tard
16:28.38beekAnyone had any success compiling chan_sip.c?   I'm getting "chan_sip.c:18669: error: expected expression before \u2018<<\u2019 token"
16:28.47Qwellbeek: hold that thought
16:29.02[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Computers don't sue dice....  TABLE-TOP YOU NEWB KIDDIE BASTARD!
16:29.28beekQwell: I've tried both --> patch --> .12    and downloading the new tarball.    Same problem.
16:29.41Qwellbeek: yes, it's broken.  hold on.
16:30.04beek[TK]D-Fender: you missed the -2 at the end.
16:30.18beek[TK]D-Fender: and good day to you sir.
16:30.44*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
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16:31.49[TK]D-Fenderbeek: DOH!
16:32.40*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
16:33.08jameswftable top? oh [TK]D-Fender what level dungeon master are you?
16:33.52*** join/#asterisk IBC_Jkenney (n=jkenney@
16:33.55[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Who said D&D?  You Elitist Newb Bastard :p
16:34.04jameswfmake all your ports prime numbers
16:34.13[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: I only did TT D&D once... didn't end pretty, but did at least end quick...
16:34.23Kattyi think i'll just use a random number generator off google.
16:34.29Kattyand then change the port triggers every month or so
16:34.32dandrehow can I see weather musicclass is set by my misdn channel?
16:34.44Kattyand maybe the password
16:34.45*** join/#asterisk luminforce (
16:34.56jameswfkatty you can write one in 3 lines or so what language?
16:34.58Kattycan asterisk make some sip.conf registrations LAN or WAN only?
16:35.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: By "trigger" do you just mean direct translation?
16:35.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: requests on port 1234 will make the internal port switch over to 5060
16:35.36beekTime for lunch!
16:35.40Kattybye beek
16:35.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: create a port knocking scheme instead
16:35.45beekCU Katty
16:35.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's that?
16:35.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: Google-able :)
16:36.17Kattyyou're so helpful.
16:37.23[TK]D-FenderKatty:allows a client to hit a series of triggered ports in a spcific order to dynamically modify FW rules
16:37.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sort of a "secret knock" to let them in normal from their IP, etc
16:41.49*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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16:45.25ariel_[TK]D-Fender: wow, I had not heard of that, but looks great t/y for the info,
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16:49.54jameswfKatty: << random 5 figit port in c
16:50.55tzafrir_laptopjameswf, but it's not  a random port number
16:51.33Qwelltzafrir_laptop: sure it is..  6/10ths of the time
16:52.00tzafrir_laptopyeah, but why not just get a single integer in the range?
16:52.18tzafrir_laptopin fact, $RAND is a good start
16:52.24tzafrir_laptophappens to be in the range
16:53.16jameswfI lied change line 43 to v = (rand() % 5 ) + 1; this will pull it down
16:53.22tzafrir_laptoperr... $RANDOM
16:53.41tzafrir_laptopwhich is bashism
16:53.53tzafrir_laptopbut may be good enough
16:54.31jameswftzafrir_laptop: wins as he hates bash and suggested it anyway :)
16:56.52coppiceif you want to run an early 70s shell like the bourne shell, why don't you run it on a 16 bit machine with 32k of RAM?
16:58.44*** join/#asterisk saisoma (n=irchon@
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17:00.15tzafrir_laptopcoppice, bash is not bourne shell.
17:00.16*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:00.22jameswf <-- thisone actualy keeps within the valid port range...
17:00.29tzafrir_laptopit is way bloated than that
17:00.58coppicetzafrir_laptop: ya don't say :-)
17:01.38tzafrir_laptopHowever it is generally a good idea not to assume /bin/sh is bash
17:01.48coppiceall the unix shells are erally mickey mouse. why doesn't some bite the bullet and actually produce something modern
17:02.25tzafrir_laptope.g. dash (the default shell of Ubuntu, and now of Debian), busybox ash, and the bsd ksh
17:02.30*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
17:03.06tzafrir_laptopcoppice, with a C-like syntax?
17:03.31saisomaksh is supposedly more c like
17:03.46tzafrir_laptopsaisoma, s/k/c/
17:03.55saisomai've used ksh.  but since I don't know c. heh
17:04.08coppicemaybe. maybe not. but something that feels like it wasn't written within the resource limitations of the Unix V7 on a PDP11
17:04.42tzafrir_laptopdecent tab completion?
17:05.11coppicewell, that a command line editing issue, which isn't really a shell issue
17:05.14tzafrir_laptoptry the tab completion of the command gpg
17:05.40tzafrir_laptopwhat are you missing?
17:06.19SuPrSluGcoppice: what causes  a  t.38  PHASEESTATUS is 48 error message   PHASESTRING is Disconnected after permitted retries
17:06.25Nuggetif I was choosing a shell today I'd probably go with zsh, but inertia is a bitch.  I'll use tcsh until I die.
17:06.59coppiceSuPrSluG: well I expect that would be that it gave up after a number of retries
17:07.00Nuggetone time I changed bovine's shell to emacs just as a joke and he liked it and left it that way.
17:07.01SuPrSluGcoppice: i'm trying to fax from an audiocodes fxs with t.38
17:07.32*** join/#asterisk awkfu (n=awkfu@
17:07.46SuPrSluGusing callweaver for fax
17:08.36tzafrir_laptopNugget, Emacs as a terminal?
17:08.56Nuggetno, as a shell.
17:09.01*** join/#asterisk saint_ (n=templar@pdpc/supporter/base/saint)
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17:19.19mweichertdoes * have any security restrictions or DoS detection? After initiating 30 concurrent calls from one extension within 5 seconds, my SIP phone looses it's connection to the * server temporarily
17:20.36[TK]D-Fendermweichert: No
17:21.54*** join/#asterisk SBBsupport (n=chatzill@
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17:25.33dupemweichert: if your * server is outside the local network, its probably flood protection of some sort on the firewall/routers between them.. if its internal thats weird.
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17:26.53mweichertdupe, no external - perhaps you're right
17:28.34crazybytehi!. i saw that asterisk has an embedded http server with some management features, but when i try to enable it and connect to it asterisk dies with segmentation fault. is that a known bug and what kind of management access is allowed to the asterisk using it? thank you!
17:29.08dustybindo nearly all VOIP service providers allow free calls if you are connect to the internet using a softphone ?
17:29.14dupemweichert: voip does a lot of Packet Per Second that a lot of firewalls "helpfully"  classify as attacks
17:29.29mogcrazybyte, that shouldn't happen
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17:29.35mogcrazybyte, which version of asterisk
17:29.47*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
17:29.58crazybytelatest stable
17:31.02crazybyteeither i'm missing something in the configs or something is broken (bug)
17:31.09jayteeis it just me or do the two words "latest stable" kinda strike anyone else as oxymoronic?
17:31.56dupedustybin: ddepends on the plans... nothing is free, however you can usually call for free to wherever they have access to, or to others using their voip service. but 100% free calling to anywhere in the world, well doesnt work that way really :P
17:32.30*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
17:33.06crazybytejaytee, in that case Asterisk built by root @ yeti on a i686 running Linux on 2009-06-15 15:17:18 UTC
17:34.00crazybytejaytee, i can be also an older version considered as stable that is why i said latest stable even if it's not entirely correct from several point of view
17:34.08crazybyteerr i can / it can
17:34.12jayteecrazybyte, that may seem ok to you but I'd never take a yeti's word for anything. they are notorious liars.
17:34.58dustybindupe: all my friends are connected to the internet, imagine i am using VOIP, could my friends use the internet to ring me for free, rather than using a normal phone?
17:35.14dustybinor does it not work like that
17:35.51dustybinmaybe my friends could use a client to connect to my asterisk server?
17:36.00dustybinbypass the VOIP altogether?
17:36.08crazybytethey could but you need to have a public ip (at least)
17:36.50dustybinof course i will need to pay to make calls, but for my friends to ring my VOIP over the internet, there must be a free way
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17:37.34crazybytedustybin, you can setup an asterisk server an your friend can connect to it
17:37.43dustybinright i see
17:37.54dustybini will need to research some asterisk clients
17:38.12crazybytedustybin, if you're on linux i recommend twinkle
17:38.21crazybyteon windows i recommend xlite
17:38.28dustybinmost of my friends are on winblowz
17:38.35dustybinright ok thanks!!!
17:38.38*** join/#asterisk brah (
17:38.56dustybinmaybe my VOIP provider might have some special client software what does the same thing
17:39.02crazybytedustybin, i tested them both when I started playing with asterisk
17:39.08[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: No, and no need
17:39.11dustybinaye excellent
17:39.21dustybinthis is _powerful_ stuff
17:39.33infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
17:39.40infobot[~xlite] X-Lite is a free SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be downloaded from
17:39.43crazybytedustybin, you don't need a provider for your friends to connect to your server
17:39.53dustybinthe word im looking for is 'softphone'
17:40.02dustybinlearns 2 new words, endpoint and softphone
17:40.06infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
17:40.08crazybyteyeah but the xlite for linux is very old and very buggy (at least it was when i tried it)
17:40.19dustybin'sips' some tea
17:40.27[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: endpoint is a totally generic term.  Softphone far less so
17:40.56dustybinis this xlite official website
17:41.22[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Yes, and pay attention to the links you were already handed above
17:43.39*** join/#asterisk drclue (
17:43.40dustybindo some VOIP providers give you the option of having 2 numbers, i need one for personal use and one for my future business
17:44.01dustybinand i will need asterisk to manage them both accordingly
17:44.22drcluevoip providers will do anything you pay them for
17:44.52dustybini thought maybe you need 2x different IPs for each new number
17:44.59dustybinwhich i wont be able to provide
17:45.13dustybini mean, a IP per number
17:45.22crazybyteno you don't
17:45.35dustybinfeels double excited
17:45.48drclueEach phone number will have it's own login so to speak
17:45.50*** join/#asterisk MrMeek (
17:45.55dustybinlast night i had dreams of a polycom phone
17:46.27MrMeekrofl must have been exciting, dusty
17:46.31eppigyAre you flying that plane?
17:46.38dustybinim nearly there, i know what voip server i will be using, asterisk, i know what VOIP hardware i will use, polycom
17:46.49dustybinall i need to do know is research providers
17:46.57dustybinis there anything i should look out for during my research?
17:47.12ariel_flying a plane where?
17:47.18drclueIt depends on what you want to d owith th phone numbers
17:47.24[TK]D-Fenderlooks for tallk buildings...
17:48.00dustybindrclue: first i will need a VOIP number for pure personal use, so my friends can contact me
17:48.21drclueSome places will give you free phone numbers with free incoming calls (like
17:48.34[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: evaluate flat vs per-minute rates, simultaneous channels, # of DID's included or at what price each,e tc
17:48.47dustybinok thanks
17:48.50[TK]D-FenderAn he's in the UK <-
17:48.54dustybinyar im UK
17:49.41dustybini will be ringing mobile phones, i think that will be the most expensive charge
17:49.45*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=porteb1@p3m/member/x86)
17:49.48drclueIf your going to have a lot of phones answering the same number at the same time for different conversations , you'll want a number with multiple channels
17:49.59dustybinso far i found a VOIP provider offering 12p per min to ring most of the popular cellphone networks
17:50.32dustybindrclue: that might happens in the future, at the moment, the line will be very quiet
17:51.11dustybinrining other cellphone networks on my cellphone, costs are 50p - £1 +
17:51.26drclueA lot of times you'll find that different providers have plans that work better in one circumstance than another relating mostly to outbound calls , and there is no problem in having multiple vendors and routing your calls to the cheapest one
17:52.09dustybindo you guys remember your first home VOIP experience when a friend rang your phone?
17:52.42dustybinthen you put him on hold whilst some of your favourite mp3s were playing?
17:52.57dustybinand recorded the whole conversation :D
17:53.00drclueYa , it was a net2phone conversation and I still have that ATA , although I hardly ever use it
17:53.06ariel_wow, my first voip/asterisk setup was for work, I did not use asterisk/voip for at least a year after at home.
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17:54.59drclueWell, I've been coding for 30+years , but this is my first (almost second) month using asterisk. I started with a blank hard drive and now I have trunks , NAT, and yesterday plugged in a Digium card. It's been a real learning experience
17:55.04hudonyHi guys, I have a question regarding asterisk + nat
17:55.41drclueWell , ask us the question and will all try and give you the best dis-information possible
17:56.12infobotnat is probably Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
17:56.26wtsextonI've got an interest problem where outbound calls when answered by the remote end may not hear audio for a few seconds however doing packet captures between the machine and the metaswitch the audio is there and when recording from the switch the audio is there.
17:56.56drclueCould be that echotraining setting
17:57.45hudonyFrom home, I have set-up dd-wrt to act as a vpn client.  I can now get my config file from the ftft server without any problem so the tunnel is working fine.  However, I can't authentify to the asterisk server.  When I do sip show peers, I get  in Host : "(Unspecified)" and Nat is set to "N"
17:58.05wtsextonall calls are handed via sip and rtp, no analog
17:58.07hudonyWeird since I have specify in sip.conf nat=yes and I've put my tunnel ip address as the externip
17:58.57drclueFor NAT , I had to both forward a bunch of ports on my remote router , and add some entries to iptables on my asterisk server
17:59.17[TK]D-FenderCRAZY TALK
17:59.23*** part/#asterisk kb3ien (
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17:59.40infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:59.46[TK]D-Fender^^^^^ Read the guide people......
17:59.49kb3ienanyone got a sample of the NANP touchtone in a friendly format?
17:59.59drclueI also had to add some stuff to the sip configuration too
18:00.54drclueOf course I work real hard to keep canreinvite=yes , whereas most people turn it off
18:01.12hudonyok, I'll have a look at these guides
18:01.54wtsexton  a copy of the sip session from wireshark
18:02.38[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: PB SIP debug from * CLI <---
18:03.39[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: The COMPLETE call attempt...
18:04.00wtsextonouch, I have to 'desensitize' anything I post
18:05.02*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
18:05.27[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: Avoid.
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18:06.06[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: generally attempts to "sanitize" PB's end up filtering the very crap that is screwing you over.
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18:09.35wtsextonunfortunately for me thats not an option
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18:11.10[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: YMMV.  PB what you've got.
18:11.32*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:12.47kb3ienwhats the quickest way to disable # features on A sip connection?
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18:13.19[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: like?
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18:14.51kb3ienuser makes a call into his bank's VXML system, enters his card number pushes # and then asterisk tries to transfer the call....
18:15.06[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: SetVar in the peer entry and make the dialplan use that for options on the Dial(s)
18:15.20[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: And why are you using DTFM transfers in the first place?
18:15.26kb3iencan it be disabled with dial? i'm not using any additional arguments to dial.
18:15.44kb3ieni'm about to disable it unilatterally.
18:15.56kb3ienwhere can that best be done? features.conf ?
18:15.57[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: Then do it... its for the best...
18:16.04[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: Clearly.
18:16.12kb3iencan it be enabled on a per call basis?
18:16.24*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=davidvos@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
18:17.37kb3ienmy feature map has all those options commented out...
18:17.58dustybindo shoretel make good phones?
18:18.01[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: If its not just allowed by a dial parameter (I don't see how this is possible), then now...
18:18.23[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Avoid.  they are rebranded Polycom's, may be stuck with mGCP firmware,e tc
18:18.37[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Save yourself the trouble.  What is your realistic call usage?
18:18.48dustybinnot that much!
18:19.02[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Just for you at your desk?
18:19.08[TK]D-Fender(near your server)
18:19.13dustybin[TK]D-Fender: just home use
18:19.15dustybinnothing major
18:19.22[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Linksys SPA-942 <-
18:19.23dustybinyeah near server
18:19.29dustybinaye ok
18:19.44dustybin[TK]D-Fender: if you look at this list
18:19.46kb3ienhow do i  disable the features unilaterally then.
18:19.54dustybinwhat does it mean by '3' lines  '6' lines etc
18:20.00[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Polycom pricing into the UK gets hit rather hard.  Yes its a better phone, but there is a rgeater question of value here.
18:20.09dustybinthanks dude
18:20.16[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: lines = #of separate identities it can have.
18:20.22dustybin[TK]D-Fender: polycom have some kind of deal with MS? why?
18:20.32[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: MONEY of course
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18:20.48dustybinidentities, what does that mean?
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18:21.37dustybinthe phone will flash green on 1 line, flash red on another line?
18:21.45[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: thats a pretty open statement.  registering as a completely different device.  as in you could have your phone register to 3 completely different PBX's
18:21.55dustybini seeeeee
18:21.58[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Or to the same one as 3 different ID's
18:22.03dustybinthat is far too powerful for my needs
18:22.07dustybin1 is enough
18:22.50[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: for that aspect yes.  there may be a relationship with the number of simultaneous CALLS a phone can juggle with that in mind as well.
18:22.52dustybini dont mind spending a little but more for a polycom, they look good
18:23.23[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: you were looking at the 450 last, right?
18:23.26dustybini will also keep this in mind
18:23.35dustybin[TK]D-Fender: yes
18:24.18[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Go find a retailer that does each brand as agressively as they can and come back to us with links for opinions.
18:24.41[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: the Linksys SPA-9XX series is about to be replaced by the SPA-5XX series as well.
18:25.06dustybinok thanks dude! :-)
18:26.09*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
18:27.26dupethe polycom reboot dance of hell annoys me :|
18:27.32kb3iendoh! there was a dial(,gTM())  in there, now its just a dial(,${__dopts}M()
18:27.40kb3ieni'll enable it on calls that NEED it.
18:27.51kb3ienas they seem to be in the vast minority.
18:27.58wtsexton450 is decent
18:28.09[TK]D-Fenderdupe: ?
18:28.24wtsextonprice isn't much different from the 550
18:28.34[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: Is a fair bit..
18:29.38dupewhen network stuff changes, ive seen polcyom 300s 600s 500s just go wonky grabbing provisioning information and just hangs on network config... reboot it several times before it grabs the configs properly
18:30.18wtsextonyea, that happens sometimes
18:30.20[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: 450 = $187 USD, 550 = $220
18:30.23TSM2330 & 550 are fine, mabey that was the old models
18:30.32[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: IP 550 = mal-placed product
18:31.01TSM2the 550 should have had more buttons on the screen
18:31.06[TK]D-FenderTSM: they're all "fine", just some at a better price-point and usability scale than others
18:31.34[TK]D-FenderTSM: and if the 550 had more buttons it'd be a 650, which it was already too close to in features 7 price.
18:31.43[TK]D-FenderTSM: not enough differentiation.
18:31.58dupepolycom's speaker phones rock though
18:32.08[TK]D-Fenderdupe: entirely true
18:32.16wtsextonyea thats why we use polycom
18:33.36TSM2i use polys, i just think the problem with most ip phones is they have a lack of BLF fields, the yeylink (somthinglikethat) have a fair few
18:34.23wtsextonodd setup a outbound context using spool to test and I'm not having the outbound issue like I do if I call from a phone
18:34.25bmoracathe polycom expansion modules work pretty well for BLF if customers absolutely need it
18:35.04wtsextonnever messed with that outside of a directors station
18:35.04TSM2yeh true, but im talking about people that want 3-4 park buttons plus a few quick dial buttons for other users
18:36.07*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
18:36.49TSM2the efk stuff only the polys is good, but it would be nice if * could report stuff back on the screen like what the number is of the call just been put on hold
18:37.45bmoracai just tell people that if they want a key system, they shouldn't be asking me about it.  although, i am looking at the adtran NetVanta 7100 which can emulate a key system very well
18:39.23wtsextonyea, get that all the time
18:39.39TSM2yup a hard learning curve for me to teach people how to do things on the new system
18:40.12*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
18:40.18[TK]D-Fenderyealink = WIKI spamming, design-knockoffs cheap-o stuff.... would never touch
18:40.33wtsextonhard, sometimes beating your head on the wall gets more done
18:40.56TSM2yealink looks like simmens phones
18:41.17[TK]D-FenderAastra soft-keys for BLF = Godly.  Too bad I hate so much about the rest of the phones....
18:41.29TSM2so what do you like?
18:41.41bmoracathe desktop IP phones from yealink look like linksys SPA-9xx phones
18:42.27[TK]D-FenderTSM: Polycom wins on quality of build, stability, configurability (scope & methods), and in North America is par on price.  Aastra's BLF & side-cars = sick though...
18:42.57TSM2i get a good price on them, not sure how it compares to there
18:43.08[TK]D-FenderTSM: Linksys work friendlier from behind NAT and are easier to configure for the basics, but scrifice on audio quality, screen usability, tec
18:43.10TSM2thats what im gona get
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18:43.35TSM2i had no probs on the polys behind nat, took a while to work out all the DHCP VLAN etc...
18:44.02TSM2i do find that the sound on the polys is slightly missing some trebble, cant work out how to increase that
18:44.04Kattyoh man
18:44.06Kattylunch was awesome
18:44.23[TK]D-FenderTSM2: there are tone parms in sip.cfg
18:44.38wtsextonI've never put phones behind a nat, unless the pbx was also connected to the nat
18:44.58[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: In cases of remote agents, teleworkers, etc
18:45.07TSM2[TK]D-Fender: yup i played with thoes, mabey i did not push the values enough
18:45.08[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: Rare here too, but something to consider
18:45.19wtsextonoh, I've done that and used vpn tunnels
18:45.38[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton: can work, but more troubles.  Depends on your infrastructure, etc
18:45.50TSM2roll on ebil :)
18:46.18bmoracabiggest issue with phones behind NAT is making sure that the router is properly configured
18:46.30bmoracaand powerful enough to support the number of phones you have
18:46.51*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:47.12bmoraca29 phones to a server on the other side of a NAT = too much
18:47.49[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: that's where local proxy = win :)
18:47.59bmoracayes, most definitely
18:48.05[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Not that it isn't a statement of "greater trouble" by itself...
18:48.18bmoracabossman didn't want me to put in any extra CPE, though...
18:48.47wtsextonbossman doesn't have to go home and worry with getting calls either
18:48.48[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Life sucks but rarely swallows...
18:48.51bmoracaso i ended up configuring an IPSEC VPN to the server.  and then found out that PIX software 6.2 doesn't support SIP
18:49.10[TK]D-FenderPIX ?  EWWWWWWWWW
18:49.43beekseconds that opinion
18:49.48dustybini just read this amazon review of the oreilly asterisk book
18:49.50wtsextonI've had luck with adrans
18:49.51bmoracait's a PIX 525, our service provider firewall.  i upgraded it to 7.0, and will upgrade it further.
18:49.59dustybinit doesnt look good, anybody own that book?
18:50.21voxteranyone familiar with a small embedded voip gateway that may run asterisk, has one rj45 jack, one fxo port, and a db9 serial interface? small grey box with green lights on it
18:50.25voxtercouldnt find any model number or vendor markings on it
18:50.30wtsextonthats the old book
18:50.51dustybinwtsexton: that was published 2007
18:50.54bmoracawtsexton: which Adtran models do you use?
18:51.02infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:51.12wtsextonta900, netvanta 13xx
18:51.34dustybinoh ok thanks
18:51.56bmoracathe customer had a 3120.  i really don't like how the adtrans handle natting SIP, though.
18:52.32wtsextonit has an sip alg, however I've had limited use with it
18:52.34bmoracathe TA900s are fantastic devices, though.  i'm scheduled to install 2 of them for customers in the next 3-4 weeks.
18:52.46[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Book is good for background and is largely applicable
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18:53.10wtsextonI've got 140~ Ta900s in the field
18:53.19dustybin[TK]D-Fender: i will buy it!
18:53.23bmoracawtsexton: the ALG is garbage.  the SIP transparent proxy is better, but depending on the model of router, doesn't support more than 10-12 phones reliably.
18:53.50bmoracawtsexton: you use them for sip-to-PRI media gateways or just sip-to-analog?
18:53.51wtsextonnever really used it, expect on as a test bench, with only one phone
18:54.01wtsextonboth and a mix
18:54.28[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Or just DL for now, and then buy it out of appreciation afterwards :)
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18:54.41dustybini prefer hard copy!
18:54.47dustybinso i can take it into the toilet
18:55.04[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: taht's why God created HP LaserJet Printers :D
18:55.12dustybinyuk, messy paper
18:55.25bmoracaand adobe created the 2-on-1 page printing capability
18:55.27wtsextonyuk, poopy asterisk book :P
18:56.15beek[TK]D-Fender: God did not create HP LaserJet printers.  If He did, they would have more superfluous parts and would break down far more frequently.
18:56.37wtsextonnot sure who invented them but I HATE printers
18:56.38bmoracawtsexton: who do you use as a distributor for your TA900s?  and are you in the USA?
18:56.59wtsextonyes I'm in the USA, however I don't know who we get them from
18:57.14wtsextonI however will attempt to find out
18:57.29bmoracasupply seems sketchy from techdata and ingram micro, our two main suppliers
18:57.52wtsextonI tell you this, Adtran rocks, you can email/call their engineers for stupid questions
18:58.04wtsextonand believe me, I have lots of stupid questions
18:58.21wtsextontry to do that with Cisco
18:58.34bmoracai have no complaints about the service i've received from them...they're even going to waive my ATSP cert class
18:58.41bmoracaer, waive the fee for it, anyway
18:59.48*** join/#asterisk hetii (i=576333ac@gateway/web/freenode/x-2ada0144f303a96d)
19:00.01wtsextondidn't even know about atsp, things to add to the list to research
19:00.09[TK]D-Fenderbeek: I'm still trying to set my LaserJets on "KILL"
19:00.23bmoracarequired for Internetworking specialization in the Adtran partner program
19:00.31beek[TK]D-Fender: What part does the killing?  The LASER or the JETS?
19:00.32[TK]D-Fenderthinks "stun" is not sufficient
19:00.34hetiiis  it possible to connect sangoma a101 to normal isdn line 2b+d
19:00.38[TK]D-Fenderbeek: yES
19:01.03TSM2hetii: no
19:01.10TSM2hetii: its a pri card
19:01.36hetiiya, just wondering
19:02.34hetiii have one not used and normal ISDN line from my NT box
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19:04.51jamicquehi @ll, anyone has succesfully lunch spandsp with asterisk 1.6.x and send and recieve fax via t38?
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19:06.06justsomedoodDoes anyone know if I can find the stateinterface for a queue from the manager in 1.6?
19:06.13justsomedood*for a queue member
19:07.58TSM2has anyone used diva BRI cards with * 1.4 ?
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19:15.40TSM2[TK]D-Fender: yes i have read that, i want to know if anyone here had 1st hand experience of using it
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19:17.00hetiidid somebody of you have running asterisk on some routers ?
19:17.26hetiihow its work on embended device ? voice quality is ok ?
19:18.50wtsextonlike magic, any time a by pass the metaswitch and send calls to another asterisk box with pris all my problems go away
19:21.35[TK]D-Fenderhetii: Most can handle only a few calls.
19:21.45[TK]D-Fenderhetii: What are your needs?
19:22.01hetiihow many sip user you have on it and with one router you use ?
19:22.57hetiii just plain to build asterisk for airOS system to handle few user, general for my family
19:23.11IBC_JkenneyI have a AEX2430E PCI express Card for my asterisk system it comes with a 12V power connector do I need to use it?
19:23.37wtsextonin all cases I've seen yes
19:24.47wtsextonyes on that card I'm certain you need to use it
19:26.05TSM2problem ive seen with loads of rack mount servers is that they dont have any molex connectors inside, ive been trying to find suppliers of external power via a PCI bracket
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19:28.09bmoracaIBC_Jkenney: you need to use it if you plan on using any FXS ports.  for FXO ports, you do not need to use it.
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19:29.48bmoracaTSM2:  the power distribution areas of HP ProLiant servers are very well marked...a little solder and some electrical tape will get you a molex plug.  i've done it before.  i'd never do it to a customer's production server, but it works :P
19:31.47IBC_Jkenneybmoraca i am using it to provide Dialtone so i think i need it
19:32.06wtsextonyea you need it then
19:32.08bmoracaIBC_Jkenney: that would be FXS, and yes you would
19:33.06IBC_Jkenneydoes look like my dell 2950 has an additional 12V connector
19:33.11wtsextonI've had bad luck with the pci-e cards
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19:34.08wtsextonout of six I've used, four have become unstable or lost a channel, may just be my luck
19:34.58bmoracai just don't like them because i don't like dealing with analog circuits
19:35.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:35.45TSM2bmoraca: bodge, naa im not invalidating warranty on brand new DL380 G5/G6 servers
19:36.16wtsextonoh I feel that, they day faxes die, I'll be a happy person
19:36.18TSM2bmoraca: im very used to bodge work, but not doing it on 24x7 servers
19:36.20bmoracaTSM2:  like I said...i'd never do it on a customer's machine.  we have a G3 DL380 and it worked great
19:37.03TSM2bmoraca: my bodges in my current job are limited to splitting 4 phone extentions over a single CAT5 and the like
19:37.45bmoracaTMS2:  nothing wrong with that, as far as I'm concerned.  4 pairs is 4 pairs.
19:38.06bmoracaas long as everything is punched down properly and appropriately labeled, anyway
19:38.07TSM2bmoraca: yup, its cheeper than pulling more cable
19:38.52bmoracai know...i've never seen a clean 66 block in my life.  they're ALWAYS a hodgepodge of crap
19:39.01wtsextonjust don't try to do the reverse, ethernet doesn't like running over a non-twisted 25 pair cable
19:39.01TSM2naa my bodge for the phones, is just zip tying 4 CAT5 modules together and at the cab i have a single patch cable with all the pairs split out to seperate cat5
19:39.25TSM2im UK based, we like to cat5 everything to panels and not to have phone & seperate data ports
19:39.42TSM2i noticed they like that in the US, its like that in our US offices
19:39.50beekTSM: All of my wiring is done that way... CAT5 only.
19:39.55beekErr... now 6.
19:39.58wtsextonyea, we do that
19:40.28bmoracawe do CAT5 for phoen and CAT6 for data...not sure why...the $0.05/ft savings doesn't really seem worth it to me
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19:40.40bmoracanot my decision, though
19:40.41beekTotal waste of money.
19:40.41TSM2its thinking about the future, in our NY office there are loads of cat5 ports, but only half of them are data ports
19:41.23beekThe big $$$ is in pulling the cable.  Labor is expensive.  Copper, not so much.
19:41.28TSM2CAT5e more than enough for 1G, doubt there will be much 10G to the desk for many many many years
19:41.40TSM2server room, CAT6
19:42.05bmoracaTSM2:  nothing wrong with futureproofing.  i wish more of the offices I came to were set up with CAT5 for their phone, rather than CAT3, as that would make it so much easier for me to install VOIP systems...not having to deal with passthrough on the phones and such
19:42.08jayteewhat about CAT9?
19:42.19*** join/#asterisk Faiz (
19:42.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Lost a few lives...
19:42.32wtsextonyea, I love when customers have cat5 for both
19:42.33beekjaytee: What's that?   A run and a half of CAT6?
19:42.37bmoracayou can get 10G over copper with CAT6a
19:42.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, YES!!! knew you'd pick up  on that
19:43.02TSM2CAT3, is that rated to 10M, cant remember
19:43.09jayteeTSM, yes
19:43.10[TK]D-Fender<- smarter than the average bear...
19:43.18bmoracatechnically, but i wouldn't recommend it
19:43.18wtsextonI know people love to have one network for everything, but life is so much easier when you keep data and voice physically apart
19:43.39Faizhow about a sneakernet
19:43.46bmoracawtsexton: or logically with VLANs...but most people don't want to pay for the managed switches to do that
19:44.03jayteeback in the early nineties I went to one customer's site and they were running IBM Baseband over standard telephone wire
19:44.08TSM2yup, thats the way im doing it, i need 1G to much of the office computers, so unless i get expensive switches and phones i wont get passthru
19:44.14wtsextonyea, thats normally how I do it
19:44.52bmoracajaytee: speedy
19:44.56TSM2we deal with images all day, the speed increase from going up from 100 was massive
19:44.57wtsextonwith that, if adtran would switch to lldp instead of cdp, I'd be set
19:45.56wtsextonuntil then, I just manually set the ids on the phones, I know you can do it with dhcp
19:46.42*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:18bc:29e8:2ac0:762d)
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19:47.02cusco_we were using asterisk and now using
19:47.15cusco_pri show is no longer available
19:48.12TSM2:( boo hoo :)
19:48.36wtsextonone of these days I'll start using 1.6
19:48.45bmoracathe Adtran 1335 is the most awesome network appliance ever...24pt PoE switch, wifi AP, T1 DSU, NAT router, and firewall all built in to one
19:48.55TSM2cusco: is dhadi running
19:48.57wtsextonthats what I use
19:49.22wtsexton*heart* 1335PoE
19:49.33JerJerEvery time I have tried 1.6, i've been forced to go back to 1.4    :(
19:49.56JerJer1.6 has some great new features and lots of error checking but i have always found a show stopper, thus far
19:49.59wtsextonhow is the AP controller on the 1335? thats something I've never used
19:50.29bmoracanever used adtran's wireless stuff before...
19:50.31TSM2that stuff looks nice, but itss too much to go wrong in one box, but then built to do the job
19:51.15wtsextonfor what its worked good for us
19:51.49bmoracaTSM2:  it's cheaper than Cisco and of nearly equal quality and featureset.  plus it's lifetime warrantied.  with most of the Adtran stuff, it's cheaper to keep an inhouse spare than it would be to buy the Cisco equivalent
19:51.58JerJerTSM2:  maybe, but adtran is usually better than rock solid
19:52.02TSM2biggest issue with wireless stuff outthere is that its so vaired, some works so slow, i moved to a top model netgear router and sent it back within 1 day because it was so so so bad, while the dlink stuff is fast
19:52.22bmoracaparticularly with the IADs.  you can almost buy 3 TA908s for what it costs for a single Cisco IAD
19:52.59wtsextonyea try and buy a cisco layer 3 switch with poe for what a 1335 costs lol
19:53.15TSM2everyone has their own experiences that makes them like certian brands, personaly i like sonicwall stuff, no major issues and priced right, but one of the outside support techs we have in the US just hate them and is nearly screaming to me down the phone
19:53.23bmoracawell, to be fair, the 1335 isn't a fully multilayer switch
19:53.47*** join/#asterisk brezular (
19:54.32bmoracaand Cisco 3550 PoEs are $255 on ebay right now :P
19:54.36wtsextonhave you used the 1544P yet?
19:55.01bmoracai haven't, no
19:55.02*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
19:55.04wtsextonyes but 3550 doesn't have a wan slot
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19:55.24bmoracawow, that fucker's expensive
19:56.07JerJeranyone know if i can get the final CDR information via FastAGI  ?
19:56.40JerJerguess i gotta test like ForkCDR  (if that is still around)
19:56.47wtsextonI'd just like a gigabit version of the 1335
19:56.47bmoracai haven't been able to verify whether or not Adtran's swiches support port aggregation (Cisco's EtherFast)...i've received mixed information on that...the Adtran training stuff says yes, while several people I've spoken to say no...
19:57.16wtsextonnever done it, however its something I could bench test when I have free time
19:58.05JerJerexten =>  h  gets fired before the CDR is completed
19:58.28wtsextonone thing I noticed is the adtrans don't support per vlan spanning tree?
19:59.13bmoracait doesn't look like they do
19:59.45wtsextonnot really core or distribution switches anyways
20:00.29bmoracano...they're pretty much all access layer switches.  adtran doesn't really have any desire to get into network cores
20:00.44*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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20:01.21Miccwhat is the cheapest card I can get with a timing source?
20:01.22wtsextonI found that out quickly when I had the priority set low on one and plugged it in
20:01.23bmoracaCisco, Extreme, and Brocade pretty much have that eaten up
20:02.15[TK]D-FenderMicc: X100P
20:03.53MiccTKD-Fender, I'm not seeing the X100P on digium's web site.
20:04.04JerJeryou won't
20:04.27[TK]D-FenderMicc: Discontinued crap @ 15$ on ebay
20:04.37JerJeri'll sell ya one for $75  :)
20:05.41JerJerMicc:  but why you think you need a timing source?
20:06.13TSM2Sangoma UT50 VoiceTime USB Synch
20:06.14MiccJerJer, I have problems with using a local channel making calls from different types of phones.
20:06.50Miccfrom an aastra 6731i using g722 to an aastra 480i using ulaw, it doesn't sound right. all chopped up.
20:06.50[TK]D-FenderTSM2: Odds are no better than DAHDI_DUMMY....
20:06.59JerJerunless something major has changed chan_local doesn't use any timing
20:07.10JerJeri haven't used any timing sources in years
20:07.13TSM2[TK]D-Fender: that i dont know
20:07.22JerJerpretty much since app_conference came 'of age'
20:07.26MiccMaybe I have another problem then.
20:07.51MiccI'm not sure how I would even go about tracking it down.
20:08.02JerJer[TK]D-Fender:   do you know the solution to my cdr / fastagi issue?    hope you are not trying to be coy
20:08.31[TK]D-FenderJerJer: No idea... told you before I don't work with CDR processing.
20:08.52JerJerwell you kept telling me to get more creative
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20:09.02JerJerand i very much have
20:09.09JerJerleme bug those in -dev  :)
20:09.26tzafrir_laptopJerJer, there's no also app_confbridge
20:09.54tzafrir_laptopalso: meetme needs *mixing* from zaptel/dahdi . Not timing
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20:10.22JerJerwell yeah - this is irc not #nasa
20:10.44JerJerits still an interrupt that is needed
20:10.57Miccis this a good card
20:11.07JerJeri wouldn't buy it
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20:11.37JerJerthen again I have 20-30 X100Ps in storage here still  :D
20:11.58MiccJerJer, how much you want for one?
20:12.14Miccthis one doesn't look that bad.
20:12.21Miccand its only 30$
20:12.36Miccare there dahdi drivers for the x100p?
20:13.06*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=johndoe@
20:13.10jayteegets out his soldering gun and starts connecting the 48 Connexant modems for his channel bank.
20:13.36JerJeri'd want more than 30 bucks
20:16.03JerJeroddly enough I manage quite a few systems that still run app_meetme and need X100Ps, so i may keep these around for spares
20:16.44jayteechinese clone knockoffs of the original X100P no doubt - totally
20:17.30jaytee"Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?" "Look here, brother! Who you jiving with that Cosmic Debris?"
20:17.36JerJermine - I acquired mine directly from Mark's source back even before digium existed  :)
20:18.47*** join/#asterisk s14ck (n=s14ck@
20:20.19infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
20:22.53jayteeinfamy, it'll get ya evertime :-)
20:24.06drclueIf your wanting to save money , you could always try replacing your ISP with RFC1149 communications , it costs hardly chicken feed
20:26.17*** join/#asterisk Guedes (n=guedes@unaffiliated/guedes)
20:27.02[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, later all
20:27.17FaizQuestion regarding inbound callers to making outbound calls:
20:27.38FaizI'm using DISA to allow for a dialtone when a user calls my PBX
20:27.51Faizwhen the user presses that extension, the dialtone is sound
20:27.56jayteeis this to reduce latency? :-)
20:28.03Faizno no
20:28.10jayteesorry, just kidding
20:28.26Faizi'm wondering why I get a busy tone when I call my PBX and ask it to make an outbound call
20:30.01jayteeFaiz, first dialtone is for passcode, if it matches then you get system dialtone to dial out
20:30.24Faizyes, i specified no passcode
20:30.33Faizso as soon as i press the extension to initiate DISA, i get the dialtone
20:30.45Faizbut right after when i dial the 10 digit # to dialout to, i hear a busy tone
20:30.48jayteeno-passcode? or no-password?
20:31.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:31.43jayteeFaiz, are you in the US?
20:32.33jayteein the context you have the DISA app do you have a 10 digit pattern match for dialing your outbound trunk?
20:32.45Faizyes, the extension looks as such:
20:32.59jayteeor in the context the DISA app points to?
20:33.06Faizexten => 6,1,DISA(no-password,outbound,"OBC")
20:33.15Faizwhere the outbound context satisfies all outbound calls with:
20:33.50JerJerYAAY for russellb!    endbeforehexten=yes
20:34.35jayteeFaiz, what if you dial the same 10 digit number from an internal phone?
20:34.48Faizit dials out perfectly fine
20:34.56jayteesame outbound context?
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20:35.28jayteeFaiz, in most case i have to pass 11 digits
20:35.36jayteewith the first digit being a one
20:35.46JerJerrussellb:  being a minimalist (and very old skewl)  I don't even run a cdr.conf on any of my systems
20:36.01Faizok, so _1XXXXXXXXXX in my outbound context?
20:36.08Faizto specify "long ditance" calling?
20:36.24Faiz"long distance* "
20:36.28JerJerFaiz:  not to confuse you, but the more correct answer is  _1NXXNXXXXXX
20:36.32JerJerbut otherwise, yes
20:36.32jayteeFaiz, is the outbound context in the DISA app the same outbound context that internal extensions use?
20:36.58Faizyes, i have removed confusing by naming the outbound context uniquely
20:37.04Faizthank you JerJer :p
20:38.08Faizi'm guessing the DISA function
20:38.11Faizas soon as the dialtone rings
20:38.18Faizand you dial the outbound #
20:38.26Faizit transfers you to that line?
20:38.33Faizand all communication with the PBX is cut?
20:39.18jayteeno, you'd have a two leg call, the call coming in bridged to the outgoing call
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20:40.48jayteeFaiz, read page 390 of the appendix in this.
20:40.51infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:41.53wtsextonI need to read it myself, only used it as a index so far
20:42.43jayteequittin time, back in a bit
20:42.46Faizyes i've been reading heh
20:42.49Faizthank you!
20:42.59jayteeFaiz, how many trunks do you have?
20:43.33*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
20:43.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=zsirc@
20:46.33*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/08/11), (2009/08/11), (2009/08/11), *-Addons (2009/07/24), (2009/07/24), 1.4.9 (2009/07/24), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/07/02) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
20:46.57*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/08/11), (2009/08/11), (2009/08/11), *-Addons (2009/07/24), (2009/07/24), 1.4.9 (2009/07/24), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/07/02) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
20:47.15Faiz@jaytee: sorry for the delayed response
20:47.40*** join/#asterisk s14ck (n=s14ck@
20:48.07beekQwell: ... I was just about to say...
20:48.35beekconsiders his pavlovian response to upgrade announcements.
20:49.55[TK]D-FenderQwell:what just changed?
20:50.06Qwell[TK]D-Fender: release date was wrong on one
20:50.48[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yeah, I commented on that as soon as Corydon76-dig changed it this morning
20:55.53[TK]D-Fendergives beek anotheer shock anyway...
20:57.01beekthen curses the bastard with the switch.
20:57.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: upnp
20:57.31FaizI still can't seem to make outbound calls using DISA, is it related to the Trunk by any chance?
20:57.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: is what i decided on
20:57.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i'm changing the port number monthly
20:57.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: using a random number generator
20:58.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: with explicit denies on 5060, with the exception of bandwidth's two public, static, ip addresses.
20:59.20[TK]D-FenderFaiz: no
20:59.47Faizi hear the dialtone (as i'm not specifyign a passcode or password) as soon as I press the extension,
20:59.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: I recoomen fail2ban <-
20:59.56Faizand i reference my outbound context
21:00.03Faizbut when I dial the number, i get a busy signal
21:00.40*** join/#asterisk xachen (n=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
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21:00.56dustybinis VOIP data encryted when it passes through networks?
21:03.18_ShrikEdustybin: It depends on what you mean by "VOIP data"...  But usually no.
21:03.50dustybin_ShrikE: if my work uses VOIP, could i sniff everyones converstaions on the local network?
21:04.38TSM2dustybin: yep its possable, dont ask me how though
21:04.40_ShrikEdustybin: If you can put yourself in a position to sniff the packets then yes... you can.
21:04.47dustybinace :D
21:05.00dustybinlooks forward to sniffing his boss tomorrow
21:05.09TSM2dustybin: smells
21:05.12_ShrikEdustybin: Wireshark works nicely.  Will even export the audio.
21:05.20dustybindouble ace
21:05.29_ShrikEfor sip at least.
21:05.31[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: PERV
21:05.59TSM2dustybin: if you can set port mirror on the VOIP server port then you should get most of it
21:06.31dustybinWOW :D
21:06.40TSM2im not sure, if canreinvite is turned off, does all comms go though the server? or by default do phones communicate to eachother after the invite
21:07.33*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/08/11), (2009/08/11), (2009/08/11), *-Addons (2009/07/24), (2009/07/24), 1.4.9 (2009/07/24), dahdi-linux (2009/07/23), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri (2009/07/02) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
21:07.36Qwellbeek: psst
21:08.40beekthen frowns that the download failed.
21:08.42Qwellmirrors should be synced in like...I dunno.  a minute and a half?
21:09.04beekdrums fingers.
21:09.20beekstarts drooling again (damned pavlovian conditioning)
21:10.48beeksmiles again as the updated tarball starts coming down. Thanks Qwell!
21:11.02Qwellbeek: thank Corydon76-dig
21:11.08Qwellhe did the release
21:11.10beekThanks Corydon76-dig
21:12.06Corydon76-digDon't thank me; I'm the one who screwed it up in the first place
21:13.39dustybinlooks forward to injecting audio into bosses phone calls
21:13.43TSM2where can i find changelog for
21:16.56TSM2is there a release numbering scheme, im guessing the last bit .1 etc.. would be security stuff
21:18.11*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
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21:20.09Kattyanyone know what bandwidth rtp range is off the top of their heads
21:20.21*** join/#asterisk rossand (
21:20.43Kattyi see.
21:21.11rossanddumb question - what's the proper way to add the dahdi and dahdi_dummy modules to load on boot?
21:22.34justsomedoodthere's usually a file in /etc that says which modules for the kernel to load
21:23.26Kattygrooves to bandwidth's on hold musics.
21:24.08dustybinzfone ftw
21:24.17*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:cda:343e:2ac0:762d)
21:24.25cusco_sorry but... how do I start dahdi ?
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21:24.37rossandjustsomedood: That's what I was used to as well. 2.6.x kernels use a new technique.
21:24.38cusco_let me read
21:24.49dustybinanybody use this:
21:26.16rossandwtsexton: Thanks for the link. In case it was for my benefit - I've got all that. I need to have the dahdi module load on boot properly.
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21:27.07wtsextonwhich distro are you using?
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21:28.01rossandwtsexton: FC 10
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21:29.07wtsextonchkconfig should enable it for load up on boot
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21:32.01cusco_I don't understand, why asterisk cli does not respont to "pri show"
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21:32.37wtsextoninstall libpri?
21:32.44cusco_I think it is installed
21:32.53*** join/#asterisk RoPBX (n=nickserv@
21:33.01RoPBXHi all
21:33.59cusco_make install
21:34.03cusco_what else?
21:34.04RoPBXplease, some help... i'm having problems with dtmf tones rfc2833 using g729 when the call is been recorded.
21:34.30wtsextonnot sure if you have to recompile asterisk after, you may want to do that
21:34.33cusco_ah ok
21:34.44*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
21:34.45wtsextonrfc2833 is out of band
21:34.45*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
21:34.54wtsextonyou won't hear the dtmf tones in the audio stream?
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21:35.53wtsextonyou'll see them in a packet sniff
21:36.17RoPBXok, i don't want to hear the tones, but when i call to any place with an IVR that ask me to press 1 or 2 or any other key, the tones don't work
21:36.39justsomedoodrossand: Is anything in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules ?
21:36.50cusco_well I guess what he meant is that you should see if you hear the tones
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21:37.15justsomedoodnever used FC 10, so i'm not sure
21:37.59wtsextonRoPBX, peering with sip or some other means?  if sip make sure the provider has rfc2833 enabled for you
21:38.54RoPBXyes, provider is ok, if I make a direct call the tones are OK, but i'm using a PBX to make calls, and then the tones fail
21:39.16RoPBXif I insist and press like 10 times the key then it works, but that is not the idea
21:39.24manxpowerRoPBX: Call someone that is using a NON-CELL and NON-VOIP phone.  Press buttons, find out if they hear the tones clearly or not.  Frequently DTMF issues with Asterisk are one of three things 1) Asterisk 1.2 had some pretty "interesting" DTMF interop issues with other equipment 2) On PRI or ZAP lines the default toneduration= is too short or 3) You are using SIP, not alaw or ulaw codec and using inband DTMF.
21:39.51wtsexton^-- what they said
21:40.30*** join/#asterisk cusco__ (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:453:e251:2ac0:762d)
21:40.36cusco__nope, pri still won't work
21:41.05cusco__how can I check what can I be missing
21:41.48cusco__ok it works now
21:41.55cusco__I needed to make samples
21:42.20cusco__I didn't think I needed conf files for it, we will use our previous confs... ok thanks
21:43.50RoPBXthanks manxpower. I making test via SIP with g729 and dtmf via rfc2833. If I use inband tones it works randomly
21:44.04RoPBXand Asterisk 1.4.21
21:44.34RoPBXis there a way to change toneduration on SIP trunk?
21:48.50bmoracahold the button down longer?
21:50.17rossandjustsomedood: rc.modules does not exist on FC10
21:50.38Qwellrossand: use the provided init script...
21:51.03RoPBXI can't tell users to hold the button longer....
21:51.17justsomedoodrossand: does the /etc/modprobe.d folder exist?
21:51.30RoPBXin fact, if i press the key 10 times it works
21:51.50RoPBXbut its not a good solution for the problem
21:52.58RoPBXthe problem is only if I'm recording the call, if I turn off recording the tones works fine
21:54.31bmoracaRoPBX: what if you revert back to alaw/ulaw instead of g729?
21:55.16RoPBXyes, but its better with g729 for quality
21:55.29bmoracathat's not what i asked
21:55.36bmoracadoes it work when you use alaw/ulaw?
21:55.58RoPBXyes, i think so...let me try
21:56.06drclueulaw sounds fine to me and it seems to cure a lot of asterisk hic-ups, at least in my limited experience
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22:04.21rossandQwell: yes. I tried adding "install dahdi /sbin/modprobe dahdi" to modprobe.conf.dist (with thoughts of making a new file after). That did not work unfortunately.
22:04.21rossandoops, I mean justsomedood
22:04.30rossandQwell: as far as I can see, when compiling from source there is no init script.
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22:10.23Qwellrossand: it tells you how when you install DAHDI...  make config
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22:13.08manxpowerRoPBX: I would expect inband and rfc2833 to work randomly.  i.e. not work.  If you are using Asterisk 1.4 or later and your RFC out of band DTMF messages are being sent to the carrier, then there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, kick your carrier or get a new carrier.
22:13.14Kobazis there a dialplan app/function to set a channel variable on another channel
22:13.17Kobazi can't seem to find one
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22:14.13RoPBXmanxpower, but if I call directly it works, it doesn't work using asterisk PBX and the call being recorded
22:14.21manxpowerrossand: "make config"
22:14.32manxpowerRoPBX: define "call directly"
22:15.18manxpowerKobaz: there is none that I'm aware of.
22:15.48manxpoweryou can make variables be inherited by child channels
22:15.51RoPBXi have a GS2020 phone, i put Voip username and password as a line, and I call using my Voip provider, and tones work fine. If i take that same username and password and use it as a SIP trunk in my asterisk PBX then the tones fail
22:16.12Kobazmanxpower: yeah, i need direct write access to another channel's variables
22:16.14manxpowerRoPBX: I suspect the GS phone defaults to ulaw and inband.
22:16.28manxpowerKobaz: not going to happen with the existing apps.
22:16.54Kobazmanxpower: ami has a chanvar set on arbitrary channels
22:17.03RoPBXno, I can configure it with g729 and rfc2833
22:17.05manxpowerKobaz: but you wanted an APP, right?
22:17.17Kobazapp would be much easier
22:17.33manxpowerRoPBX: get a SIP debug of a failed call, put it on pastebin and hope someone wants to help with the issue.
22:17.40Kobazotherwise i kinda have to rework this whole bit
22:18.19manxpowerI hate SIP debug so much I only do it when paid large sums of untraceable cash.
22:18.38justsomedoodrossand: well I'm of no help, good luck though :D
22:19.04Kobazmanxpower: there's a really cool utility, i forgot the name, but it takes a tcpdump output, and makes a html page with the sip progression
22:20.04manxpowerRoPBX DTMF issues are some of the hardest ones to solve.
22:20.55manxpowerQwell: does SIP debug still show RFC2833 DTMF, even though it's technically RTP and not SIP?
22:21.07Kobazmake sure local dtmf works.. (ie: call voicemail and log in)...
22:21.28Qwellmanxpower: no, but a dtmf debug would (or rtp debug)
22:21.43manxpowerRoPBX: see qwell's comment
22:21.55Kobazand then call outside, and make sure your dtmf's are still going through... ie: call yourself and listen for some dtmfs
22:22.10manxpowerjust don't call yourself on a cellphone
22:22.42RoPBXhow can i get a dtmf debug???
22:22.48Kobazdepending on the provider, sometimes rfc2833 doesn't work, and you need to use sip info. or in audio
22:23.06manxpowerRoPBX: I imagine something along the line of "dtmf set debug on"
22:23.15Kobazmanxpower: there is no module called dtmf
22:23.31Kobazthe only dtmf debug is either sip debug, or listening to the call (ala chanspy or something similar)
22:23.43RoPBXthe thing is that it only fails when the call is been recorded
22:23.43manxpowerKobaz: I'd have to dig up a 1.4.x server to find the exact output.  rtp debug should do it as well
22:23.57RoPBXif I turn recording off the tones work fine
22:24.11manxpowerRoPBX: so your comparison with the GS phone is not really valid.
22:24.27Kobazrtp debug just dumps the packet source/dst's
22:24.29rossandjustsomedood: thank you kindly just the same. I'll head over to #fedora to see if anyone there can advise.
22:25.44manxpowerKobaz: it should also dump DTMF as rfc2833 DTMF *IS* RTP.
22:26.32Kobazif it had more output than source and dest ips, then yeah. it would probably output it
22:26.36KobazSent RTP packet to (type 00, seq 012873, ts 17899024, len 000160)
22:26.38KobazGot  RTP packet from (type 00, seq 006016, ts 1326556867, len 000160)
22:26.42KobazGot  RTP packet from (type 00, seq 047119, ts 3221688273, len 000160)
22:26.45Kobazyou'll see stuff like that
22:26.52Kobaznot very useful for debugging dtmf, unless there's some option i don't see
22:27.23manxpowerI'd have to look it up, but I suspect type would differ for DTMF.
22:27.45manxpoweralso the LEN would be much shorter
22:27.50Kobazyeah true
22:29.03KobazGot  RTP RFC2833 from (type 101, seq 057485, ts 3759483202, len 000004, mark 1, event 00000004, end 0, duration 00000)
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22:29.08Kobazit does debug dtmf
22:29.11Kobazheh, never noticed that
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22:29.43RoPBXyes, manxpower, my test with GS2020 is not valid, but i did it to check the Voip provider
22:30.21manxpowerRoPBX: *nod*  A good thing to test.  What version of Asterisk are you using?
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22:32.34manxpowerTry grabbing the latest.  You'll need that if you end up filing a bug anyway.  Just reinstall the new version over the old version just do NOT run "make samples", it will overwrite your existing configs.
22:34.03exsyncdid commands from 1.4 to 1.6 change a lot? like show queues, etc
22:34.16exsyncor do i not have show queues because i'm using trixbox
22:35.09manxpowerexsync: yes.  see UPGRADE*.txt in the Asterisk source code.
22:35.42rossandfollowing up my question earlier about kernel modules on fedora. #fedora advised me - make a script that loads it under /etc/sysconfig/modules/asterisk.modules. In it, put the /sbin/modprobe commands
22:35.49RoPBXok i'll try the latest
22:36.06Qwellrossand: ...install the init script
22:36.06rossande.g /sbin/modprobe dahdi_dummy
22:36.52rossandQwell: which would necessitate installing the package, which means voicemail won't work... I'll stick with the source instead. Thanks though.
22:37.03Qwellscroll up.  read what I said.
22:37.17exsyncanyone know of a 1.6 cheatsheet (commands)
22:37.22exsyncive only found 1.4
22:37.35Qwellexsync: core show applications
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22:38.41manxpowerrossand: Dude!  "make config" installs the init scripts.
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22:39.06Qwellmanxpower: which I said about 40 minutes ago
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22:39.18manxpowerQwell: I said it about 15 mins ago.
22:41.04nixerHello. I have an Asterisk PBX setup at home and I was reading on SER. I still don't quite understand the difference between SER & *; is it that * can bridge between SIP & PSTN lines while SER is pure VoIP?
22:41.17Qwellnixer: SER is a proxy.  That's it.
22:41.43nixerQwell: I read on websites that it can act as a router, proxy & a SIP server.
22:41.57justsomedoodexsync: commands for the asterisk cli?
22:42.01nixer"SIP Express Router (SER) is a high-performance, configurable, free SIP server licensed under the open-source GNU license ."
22:42.24exsyncjustsomedood yes.. like
22:42.27exsyncbut not 1.4
22:42.44Qwellexsync: type 'help'
22:42.52exsynci'm aware of help
22:42.58justsomedoodare you using tribox?
22:43.09exsynci prefer cheat sheets.. ;)
22:43.17exsyncthey definitely help with legibility
22:43.27manxpowerI prefer the built in cheatsheets
22:43.32exsyncjustsomedood i have various * systems, thats just what you find when you google "asterisk cheat sheet"
22:43.51exsyncmanxpower if asterisk commands were more descending, like IOS, i wouldn't mind
22:43.58Qwellexsync: none of the other stuff is relevant or changed
22:44.10justsomedoodwell, if you want the CLI commands 'help' will be up-to-date.  The phone shortcuts on the tribox one arent' setup in the default asterisk config
22:44.16exsynci'd only tried a few and none worked
22:44.24manxpowernixer: ALL SER does is route sip packets.  It does not do conversion, voicemail, menus, sound, etc.
22:44.48justsomedoodspeaking of CLI commands, is anybody on SVN trunk?
22:44.52nixer"It can act as SIP (RFC 3261) registrar, proxy or redirect server. " --
22:44.54justsomedood'reload' doesn't work on it
22:45.17nixermanxpower: It does have a voicemail module.
22:45.42manxpowernixer: news to me.
22:46.05manxpowersince SIP is not audio (audio is RTP), it must be more than just a SIP router then.
22:46.09RoPBXnixer read this
22:47.05exsynci decided to migrate a 500 agent 1000 extension phone system to clustered servers, what a rough task
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22:50.48exsyncfor me at least
22:51.12bmoracawow, that cheatsheet site is pretty slick
22:51.32exsyncyea this guy stretch on freenode makes them
22:51.40exsynci love the bgp/eigrp sheets, but im a net admin
22:51.47exsyncand the wireshark filter
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22:52.59bmoracaok, i take it back...most of them are pretty pointless...the BGP one was intersting though
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23:08.49nixerIf I want to build a cluster, does it make sense (or does it hurt) to install SER on the same machine as asterisk (and make a cluster of that)?
23:10.17bmoracause load balanced load balancers to load balance your asterisk servers
23:10.58rene-bmoraca at what amount of calls per asterisk-box would you begin using load balancers and ser in front of asterisk
23:11.11bmoracai have no idea
23:11.37nixerEach phone call uses about 33MHz, so it depends on your machines.
23:11.45nixerA dual core 3GHz gives you a total of 6GHz.
23:12.04bmoracaalthough some load balancers claim to be layer 7 aware...such as the Barracuda ones...i'd imagine that F5 load balancers would as well...
23:12.41bmoracanixer:  that's a little vague...what encryption and what kind of processors?  a Core-based Xeon is much different than a netburst Xeon...33mhz does not always equal 33mhz
23:12.47dupeyeah but you lose some "speed" between the interconnects etc. 2x3 isnt "quite" as fast as 1x6
23:12.56dupebut no 6ghz exists so its a moot point i suppose :P
23:13.05nixer33MHz using ulaw with no encryption.
23:13.18dupeits not linear
23:13.42bmoracai didn't mean to say encryption...i meant to say encoding...but the idea is the same
23:13.43nixerdupe: 6GHz does exist, if you overclock an AMD opteron using liquid nitrogen, like they did live in CES a year back I think.
23:14.08nixertranscoding consumes more than encryption.
23:14.18nixerAgain, it's obvious that there's no transcoding.
23:14.31nixerI was just giving a basic number to calculate upon.
23:14.38dupesure, but in that case nixer, your dual would be faster.  theres more to a computer than just mhz speed
23:15.05dupe6ghz of old tech vs 6ghz of new technology, new technology would win
23:15.20nixerI know. You're taking this way too far... :/
23:15.27dupebut if you have some spare liquid nitro laying around i'll try it myself :P
23:15.31bmoracamy feeling is that if the load balancer appliance is perfectly layer 7 aware, it'd be easier to implement redundancy using that vs. trying to cluster asterisk servers.
23:16.09LiNeTuXfroze a hard drive once with liquid nitrogen
23:16.24bmoracadid you shatter it with a hammer?
23:16.29nixerLiNeTuX: Why would you do that?
23:16.33LiNeTuXi wanted to, but it didn't go like in the movies
23:16.47LiNeTuXnixer: what else do  you do with a busted hdd?  keep it on the shelf?
23:17.02LiNeTuXfreezing/destroying things is SOOOOO much more fun
23:17.09nixerLiNeTuX: Paperweight.
23:17.18nixerI have a few around :p
23:17.20LiNeTuXnixer: i don't have enough paper for my hdd's ;)
23:17.42nixerSome are used as foot rests or to raise my feet.
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23:18.34LiNeTuXif you have a lot of time on your hands, you can take the platters out and put 'em in a slingshot to see if they'll embed themselves in various objects.  usually they just shatter,tho.
23:18.36nixerSo I gather from your responses is that there's nothing wrong with slapping SER on top of Asterisk? Cool!
23:20.35nixerLiNeTuX: Platters are magnets so you can actually take a bunch and walk around the city and slap each one on an ATM machine :p
23:22.25LiNeTuXnixer: actually most of them are glass with a magnetic coating
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23:25.20RoPBXhey manxpower, it seems to work with Asterisk 1.4.26!
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23:56.37Tarantulafudgeso guys I'm getting some SIP Trunks and I just finished installing FreePBX, anyone got some advice for a newbie?
23:58.33Tarantulafudgeit seems my future looks grim
23:59.04Tarantulafudgeanyhow I'll be a regular of #asterisk as of now

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