IRC log for #asterisk on 20090810

00:01.15dandate2i just have a strange feeling that some ukranian is now hustling my ip:socks port to craigslist and email spammers world wide
00:02.53drmessanoYou really have no idea what you're doing, do you?
00:03.51dandate2bah i didn't make the website
00:04.05dandate2someone in a forum just told me it was hacked so i looked at it and bypassed the security exception
00:05.06dandate2but now thinking mabye i should reformat hd for doing so? heh
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00:17.00*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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00:26.55*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
00:27.38manxpowersounds to me like you need to be on a different channel
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00:36.31*** join/#asterisk Alfio (
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00:55.35*** join/#asterisk matt_d (n=matt@
00:55.45matt_dHello everyone.
00:56.52matt_dI haven't developed on Asterisk for a while and am back at it. Is ChanSpy broken by design? It works for listening to a channel, but when I add the 'w' tag or w~hispering it doesn't work. no audo -- er r audio doesnt go to the spied on channel.
00:57.07matt_dI have searched google all over to find similiar problem, but dont see one.
00:59.12*** join/#asterisk matt_d (n=matt@
01:02.28dandate2yeah chanspy is hella broke
01:02.34dandate2i had the same problem
01:02.41dandate2if u want that to work u need to go with elastix or something
01:02.57matt_dare you serious? crap.. hehe im on a time frame for this project to be done!
01:03.42matt_delasstix eh? hmm.. easty to learn?
01:07.54matt_dor any ideas on how to do something similiar?
01:12.37*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (i=pirch@
01:15.44matt_dElastix is Asterisk, did tehey make a better chanspy app?
01:23.18*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
01:24.40*** join/#asterisk levity (i=canuck@unaffiliated/canuck)
01:34.11manxpowermatt_d: What specific version of Asterisk are you having problems with?
01:37.30matt_dmanxpower: 1.4.26
01:37.38matt_dsorry about the delay to your question. :)
01:37.58*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
01:39.57*** join/#asterisk drclue (
01:41.42*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
01:42.21manxpowerHave you tried the 1.6 branch?
01:43.22matt_dmanxpower no, i have not. that is an option though. will i seek success there? :)
01:43.35matt_dor is it pretty wide excepted that chanspy is broken?
01:45.12matt_dhehe my jaw dropped when i couldnt get this function to work. i have to have it done by friday. hehe
01:49.29drclueI was playing with channel spy last week on my 1.6 and it seemed to work. Not something I was focusing on , but rather something I was playing with in passing
01:50.02*** join/#asterisk sToRm_ (
01:50.22drclueStarting with a blank hard drive , I've only been playing with asterisk for a month
01:50.54sToRm_hi, can anyone help me install app_flite on freebsd?  it won't install and spits out errors.  i've googled and looked at tutorials for linux, but there seems to be little help for freebsd users
01:51.19matt_dwhat are the errors?
01:51.24*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=dsp@
01:51.30sToRm_would you like me to pastebin?
01:52.01matt_din a private message pls
01:52.08matt_dthats fine too :)
01:53.04matt_dMissing dependency. What is on line 50 of the make file?
01:53.21sToRm_ifeq ($(ASTERISKVERSION),1.2)
01:54.20drclueOf course , what brings me here today is what is probably a simple question. I've scribbled up a Fast AGI server with a persistent AMI connection and I'm wondering how to from within the FastAGI server to check the outcome of a Dial command?  I don't mean the 200 result=0 but rather Busy,noanswer , answer etc.
01:54.38drcluematt_d: I was able to spy on my other extensions
01:55.08matt_ddrclue: chan spy works, but i cant whisper. thats the only thing that doesn't work on this version. well if 1.6 worked i will load up a VM with 1.6 :)
01:55.39matt_dsToRm_ : it looks like there is a missing operator in your make command. did you read the INSTALL or INTSLALL.txt or README.txt ?
01:55.57matt_dsorry for the spelling mistakes. the terminal im on doesnt hav e a working backspace key.
01:55.57sToRm_i read README, there is no INSTALL
01:56.05sToRm_it says make;make install
01:56.24sToRm_i commented out those two ifeq blocks, because i'm not running 1.2 or 1.0
01:56.31sToRm_now it's compiling but coming out with more errors
01:56.35matt_dsToRm_ : does that error come up on make or make install?
01:57.20drcluematt_d: I would need to play with the chan spy thing a bit more. I'm only a month into learning Asterisk and have really been focusing on building my FastAGI/AMI tools.
02:00.12matt_ddrclue : im thinking the ownly returns are SUCCESS, FAILURE and HANGUP
02:00.12dandate2matt_d if whisper works in 1.6 please report back
02:00.21matt_ddandate2 : will do. im loading up a M  (damn backspace key) VMWare image right now to try 1.6
02:00.49drclueRight now I need to figure out how to check the outcome of a Dial command. Any ideas?     If I can resolve this item , I can go play with the channel spy thing for a few days
02:00.49drclueas I'm way ahead of schedule on this project
02:01.45matt_ddrclue: well then I am ALL YOURS!
02:02.45*** join/#asterisk dmz (
02:04.15matt_ddrclue: the DIALSTATUS var should have BUSy, NO ANSWER, ANSWER, CANCEL, DONTCALL, etc ..
02:04.58*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
02:05.00drclueShould I pluck DIALSTATUS from AMI getvar?
02:06.48*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
02:06.49drclueWell there it is
02:09.01drclueCool , now I have a plugin for my FastAGI server that weighs in at 7 lines of code , answers a call,plays a message spoofs the callerid/callername, does a hunt and reports the result.
02:09.45drclueSo lets see what we can do with chan spy
02:09.47matt_dloves asterisk
02:10.02matt_dwell.. not the can -- chanspy vproblem :)
02:11.02drclueI love asterisk , but hate the dial plan idea.  Everything I'm working on tries to skip as much of the dial plan stuff as possible and avoid reloads
02:11.07*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
02:11.38matt_dgood idea.
02:11.57*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
02:12.10drclueOK, lets see if we can point me at some chanspy docs
02:12.52*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
02:12.56matt_di'm sure you know about it, but si a great wiki for asterisk:
02:13.30sToRm_i can live with TTS, but now i have another question.  i'm trying to use the ${CALLERIDNUM} variable to read back the caller's telephone number (essentially making an ANAC), but it's empty
02:13.42drclueSo you want ExtenSpy
02:14.29matt_ddrclue: no, ChanSpy . This is whats happening. User calls in and plugs in phone number 1 and phone number 2. A call file is then generated with the spy group number.
02:14.57matt_ddrclue: the user is then placed in spy mode with shisper looking for that spy group. call file calls the first phone number then the second. i need to be able to whisper to the first phone number.
02:15.16matt_ddrclue: i had it working on one call.. but then about ten calls after that it was delayed about 10 seconds. now, no voice is going though chan spy.
02:16.01matt_dwoops.. i mean STORM_: its CALLERID(num)
02:17.03matt_dCALLERIDNUM was taken iout in 1.4 i think
02:17.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=krwlng@
02:17.46sToRm_i'll give it a shot
02:18.21drclueI use EXEC SET CALLERID(num)=805-555-1212
02:18.36drclueand SET CALLERID(name)=SomeName
02:18.49drclueEXEC SET CALLERID(name)=SomeName  I mean
02:18.50sToRm_it works, thank you
02:19.16matt_dsToRm_ any time
02:19.49drcluematt_d : are you recording those spied on channels too?
02:20.11matt_ddrclue: no
02:20.15matt_ddrclue: i saw that bug too
02:20.27drclueJust checking :)
02:21.00matt_ddrclue : yeah no prob :) i appreciate the help.. im installing a new VMWare system still .. i just had to find my ub server cd .
02:23.18*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:24.35matt_di never thought of this. does the zaptel timer thing need to be installed for chanspy to work right?
02:24.38matt_di wouldn't think so.
02:25.58drclueWell, I'm not installing my Digium card until Monday , so right now I'm just using ztdummy and at least the basic chanspy works
02:26.24matt_di'm teling you man. this has got me so frustrated. i took a break and went out on my bike. i was jamming down the street at 170 MPH becuase i was so freaking mad! hehe
02:26.34matt_dten i knew it was time to slow down and come back home ...
02:27.08drcluematt_d : Is there a particular reason you think ExtSpy would not work for you? It looks like it would be easier to use
02:28.20matt_dhmm... i thought that was just for zap or something. i t looks here you can spy on group as well.
02:28.23matt_dlet me try that real quick!
02:29.14matt_di though it ws just for extension only. i hope this works :)
02:30.08matt_dk ... here we go
02:31.42drclueIT might work , might not. I've only been doing asterisk for about a month
02:31.51matt_dno joy.
02:32.07matt_di can hear everything, but can't whisper to the extention im spying on
02:32.15matt_dsame as chanspy
02:33.07matt_dthat was not on 1.6 im still installing that
02:33.18drclueWell, that is some sort of good sign. It would seem you can use ExtSpy , and that at least the problem is not specific to one or the other
02:33.59matt_di'm only spying though the group id becuase the channel number is unknown
02:34.09matt_dwonder if thats why.. that shouldn't be the case though becuase I can hear everything ..
02:36.27drclueI know when I vector things into FastAGI  from the dialplan asterisk  coughs up the channel ID and all that good stuff
02:37.20matt_dheres the thing. the user logins in and enters the two phone numbers. it then generates a call file which calls out those two numbers. thats why the user context cant know about the new channels
02:37.24matt_dor is there a better way?
02:37.27matt_dsuch as AGI?
02:37.47drclueThis sounds like a job for FastAGI
02:37.57*** part/#asterisk levity (i=canuck@unaffiliated/canuck)
02:38.14matt_dI haven't used FastCGI .. i will try it out right now );
02:40.33drclueWhile I've only been at this Asterisk thing  for a month , I've already found that the most powerful ground I can stand on is a FastAGI server with a persistent AMI connection
02:40.33drcluewhich allows me to pick and choose my way through the mine field.  So far I've really not seen any one of Asterisk's modes being all there , so I sorta rolled them into one class
02:41.13*** join/#asterisk bulba29 (n=bulba29@
02:41.27bulba29Hello...I am trying to register ny vitelity trunks vi the asterisk-gui
02:41.49bulba29no can do...i can't find a lick of documentation on the that by design?
02:42.00*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (n=einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
02:42.32drcluebulba29  :  Lots of Asterisk GUIs out there , and yes documentation really sucks
02:42.45matt_dbulba29 its unsupported.. i don't know anything about asterisk gui.
02:43.01bulba29ok, so i guess just stick with nano and my conf files
02:43.08bulba29because i had that working fin
02:43.30bulba29i didnt realize asterisk-gui was so disjoined
02:43.57*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=chwall@
02:43.58drcluebulba29 : I sorta like the PIAF distro with the FreePBX web GUI. Sorta klunky , but it works and I was able to setup my asterisk without looking at dial plans
02:44.14drclueor looking at docs
02:44.25matt_ddrclue: is it possible not to have to create a call file? becuase if you use the dial command ... hmm.. i lost my train of though :)
02:44.26bulba29yeah, i had trixbox running my office for a year and a half
02:44.38bulba29so i got comfortable with freepbx
02:44.42[T]ankis anyone here using sip through the "astaro" firewall?
02:44.55bulba29but i just decided i wanted to slim it down and simplify and trixbox seemed to be getting bloated to me
02:45.08drclueI'm using SIP WiFi phones with NAT
02:45.41[T]ankdrclue: was that directed at my question?
02:46.37drclue[T]ank: I think so
02:47.23[T]ankhow did you enable your rtp traffic?
02:48.05drclueLook up iptables NAT and SIP
02:48.30[T]anki know how to do it... just trying to fogure out how to do it in Astaro
02:49.03*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
02:50.23drclueI don't know Astaro , but figured bringing up NAT would send you in the right direction.
02:59.46*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
02:59.59matt_dHi BeeBuu
03:00.15BeeBuunew to asterisk 1.6, how to config my E1 card?
03:00.31BeeBuumatt_d: nice to meet you.
03:00.37matt_dBeeBuu , im installing 1.6 right now myeself. but it should be the same.
03:00.39matt_ddon't u think
03:01.09BeeBuuis there a zaptel.conf too?
03:01.58*** join/#asterisk _guitarman_ (
03:02.50matt_dBeeBuu: and
03:04.28BeeBuumatt_d: thanks
03:04.57BeeBuumatt_d: are you using asterisk 1.6?
03:05.11matt_dBeeBuu: no, still installing it right now.
03:05.15matt_dim using an older version
03:05.54BeeBuu/etc/zaptel.conf Becomes /etc/dahdi/system.conf  after May 19th 2008.
03:06.36BeeBuumatt_d: any way,thanks for you help .
03:17.28box2are there any IAX hardphones that are worth paying for?
03:18.24box2only requirement is downloading config from something better than tftp
03:22.09matt_dman i hope cahnspy works in 1.6
03:28.34drcluematt_d :Monday , I'll get the Digium card installed and add a couple of land lines into the mix so I can have something to spy on. I have two WiFi phones here in my old hippie school bus.   The server is sitting about 150 miles away in Santa Barbra, so I have to wait for my slave with the hands to show up for work and stick the card in.
03:31.42matt_ddrclue , hehe cool. your server is out my way :)
03:34.15drclueI myself am located near Brawley, Ca
03:35.06matt_dcool. i live in LA.
03:35.09matt_dand San Jose
03:35.30drclueII used to live in Sunnyvale during the dot com boom
03:35.44infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:36.19*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
03:36.21matt_ddrclue: its still a very nice city
03:36.44*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
03:36.48matt_dSJ is my primary home.. i was out riding my cycle today it was burning hot!
03:36.52matt_dwent up though sunnyvale and back down
03:37.35BeeBuuis there a book about asterisk 1.6?
03:37.48drclueDown here it stays around 110-125 all summer
03:38.28matt_doh thats right u r near brawley :)
03:38.38matt_di used to live in LanCaster ... i hated that heat!
03:38.44matt_dit would be like that all the time
03:39.27drclueI run two air conditioners here in the bus when it gets really hot.
03:40.07matt_du were not kidding about the bus then :
03:41.13drclueHeck no. I have wireless internet , solar power , 1200 Amp hours of batteries , all my phones are voip.
03:41.40matt_ddo u just travel oall over?
03:42.24drclueI pretty much stay put , but when it's time to move I just turn the key.  The air conditioners run on Nacho Power
03:43.37drclueThe bus is a 1967 Superior Coach school bus on a Ford 500 Chassis
03:44.06matt_dNacho Power ... oil? :)
03:45.01drclueNacho = Not Yours .   In my case , a lonely light pole
03:46.35drclueNacho Water , Nacho land , Nacho Building to park the bus in
03:47.10drclueToo far away from the city for Nacho internet, but I'm working on it
03:47.28matt_dwhat kind of wireless internet do u have hooked up? sat or cell ?
03:48.08drclueTerrestrial radio link internet provider.  When I'm up in the mountains I use a sat
03:48.46drclueJust enough bandwidth to watch HULU and make a phone call
03:48.54matt_dlove HULU!
03:49.30drclueUntil D*sh network went Nag3 I watched nacho dish for years
03:50.32matt_dokay here we go. testing the spying with 1.6
03:51.04drclueNow I'm eying an abandoned car dealership wit ha big 6 foot sat dish so I can watch c-band/Ku-band for FREE and legal
03:51.34matt_dhmmm... ChanSpy works .. but whiser is delayed by 10 seconds ..
03:51.37matt_dgoing to try extenspy now
03:52.22matt_dwoops.. that was extenspy that was delayed
03:52.25matt_dgoing to try cahnspy now
03:52.52drclueWell , if it has a ten second delay , whispering will suck working or not
03:57.34matt_dthat is my dream camping rip
03:57.36matt_drip = trip
03:59.27matt_dokay weird.. chanspan and extenspy work alike
03:59.38drclueI figured they would
03:59.38matt_dboth have 15 (not 10) second delay. is this by design?
04:00.10drclueWhat good would a whisper be heard 10,15,20,30 seconds later
04:00.15matt_di know its not wnetwork bog down or cpu bog down
04:00.55drclueSeems like maybe life is thread locked
04:01.21matt_di am going to try biridging
04:01.32matt_dbridigin (darn backspace key). but i bet all audio will pass though to everyone
04:01.35matt_dworth a try
04:01.41drclueIssuing those commands from another thread might make it work better
04:02.54dandate2matt_d what kind of router do u have
04:03.14matt_ddandate2: here at home a Linksys router
04:03.35matt_dand its calling out to 2 real phones though my IAX provider.
04:03.44matt_dthink NAT is loosing packets?
04:03.55dandate2hmm u might need soemthing voip quality
04:03.56drclueLinksys/NAT  here too
04:04.06matt_di can hear just fine
04:04.06dandate2these home routers i dno about
04:04.10matt_dno delay what so ever
04:04.12*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
04:04.17matt_dits just when i try to talk (whisper) to the spied on channel
04:04.50dandate2i have an SMC comcast business class router and i get the same crap where it takes like 10 seconds delay to dial out when using a phone plugged into a linksys voip router but not through softphone
04:05.11dandate2so i dno if for me its comcast or just linksys in general
04:05.20dandate2but it seems like we got something in common
04:05.23matt_di can hear just fine without delay .. from the real phone. i can call out to the public telco and have a non delayed converstion
04:05.30matt_dits just the channel spying :)
04:05.50drclueI use linksys/NAT and WiFi phones , and no delays.   This is strictly an asterisk thing
04:06.05dandate2asterisk delaying 10 seconds huh]
04:06.09dandate2are u using a pentium 4 lol
04:06.18dandate2that would make sense
04:06.35matt_dits been doing it on two machines. i have one phsysical box with asterisk (delayed)
04:06.41matt_dand the one im owrking now in VMWare
04:06.56matt_dbut I have a fou r processor mac .. so there is no question about processing speed
04:07.17drclueI would as I mentioned try issuing those commands from outside the dialplan in a separate process/thread and see if it's threadlock
04:07.44matt_di dont hink i can issuechanspy outsie the dialplan
04:07.46matt_dunless agi
04:07.48matt_di will try
04:08.20*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
04:08.31drclueFastAGI (not just AGI)    in conjunction with AMI is what I'm talking about
04:09.16drclueThat will break it up into three or four threads and hopefully allow it to smooth out
04:09.16*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=ArchGT@unaffiliated/archgt)
04:10.00drclueAs is I would not be surprised if those delays tended to get longer and longer
04:11.23matt_di was going to try bridging. but bridign stops at the command it doesnt contnue with the dialing plan
04:15.59drclueI'm trying a google with ChanSpy whisper latency   since "delay" keeps tripping on parameters
04:17.50*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
04:18.30*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
04:24.03sToRm_hi, i know there is ${CALLERID(num)}, but is there such a thing as ${CALLERID(ANI)} ?  or how would i be able to determine the ANI of an incoming call?
04:25.44matt_di dont nkow if it spoofs ANI
04:26.46sToRm_i don't want to spoof ANI, just read the ANI of an incoming call
04:27.17sToRm_ultimately doing a readback
04:28.54drclueI could have sworn I read something today about ANI on the / WiKi while I was spoofing regular callerid
04:29.26drclueTheir WiKi does have a search box
04:30.09sToRm_thank you, i'm well-aware
04:30.42sToRm_i spoofcard'd to my PBX, and it read back BOTH (num) and (ANI), but neither were the spoofed CID
04:31.15drcluematt_d: are all sides of the connection using the same codec?
04:31.31matt_ddrclue: good question.. let me check
04:32.36matt_dokay my outbound to the telco is ulaw
04:32.49matt_dand im using a softphone for the "user" pone
04:32.54matt_di will for that to use ulaw and test it out
04:35.02matt_ddude i go t all happy becuase the whisper wasnt delay. then i realized i still had it to try bridging... damn..
04:35.05matt_dgoing to retry now
04:35.22drclueI was just reading this somewhat old item and i made me think of the question
04:40.18drclueI also saw a piece about transcode_via_sln=no in the file asterisk.conf  and locking everyone to ulaw
04:40.48matt_dhow odo i force ulaw?
04:40.53matt_dfor the outgoing iax
04:41.21Kobaz[Aug 10 00:40:32] WARNING[4670]: pbx.c:3080 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'LOCK'
04:41.49KobazI have context foo { bar => { LOCK(abc);  } }
04:42.05Kobazits not an application it's a function
04:42.20Kobazi guess i can do Set(LOCK()..)
04:43.13KobazNoOp(LOCK(abc)); works
04:44.16Kobazoh wait.. no... duh any args to noop are just printed
04:45.22Kobazunless they are evaulated
04:45.38Kobazi think that should do it
04:47.32matt_ddrclue: i think its all ulaw and still same result. im going to try and call in from landline and see if the softphone is the reason why
04:49.30drcluematt_g :softphones always seem to add a little delay , but 10 seconds does not sound right at all.  BTW , here's an interesting little snippet I'm going to hold onto
04:49.31drclueexten => _520XXX,1,ChanSpy(Agent/${EXTEN:3},q)
04:51.10matt_dand that works great! its just the whispering part :) hehe
04:52.36*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
04:52.46joelsolankiGood evening / morning gusy
04:53.21joelsolankii have a T1 connected to my asterisk. i wanted to know the highest concurrent calls connected on asterisk so that i can know if i need to increase my T1.
04:53.35joelsolankiis there any way to count those ?
04:53.49matt_dit depends on processing power
04:53.51matt_dand memory
04:54.29joelsolankino i dont want to test that. i want know how much highest concurrent call it went
04:55.13matt_du mean how many calls its handling at the moment?
04:55.23kaldemaruse GROUP functions to set a group for all calls and save the counts somewhere
04:56.01joelsolankicore show channels shows me concurrent calls connect at moment. but i know what what was the highest concurrent call it handled.
04:56.09joelsolankioh GROUP functions
04:58.04joelsolankiisnt there a way ?
05:00.36*** join/#asterisk keebler (
05:00.46keeblerIS Asterisk GPL'd?
05:00.50keeblerOr GNU?
05:01.07keeblerOr, what opensource license is it under?
05:01.31matt_dGNU General Public License to be exact
05:02.03keebler[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. Didn't feel like starting X.
05:02.12[TK]D-FenderGNU GPL *2* to be exact
05:02.31[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: thats why there is LINKS
05:03.45keeblerHey, let me stick my my excuse for laziness.
05:04.45*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
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05:06.12linageeare grandstream's FXS to ethernet products as crappy as their hard phones? (is there a better one?_
05:06.29[TK]D-Fenderlinagee: Linksys <-
05:08.04drcluematt_g: here is another interesting item. Ignore for the moment that it is not whispering.
05:08.04drclueexten => _*29XXXX,1,Answer
05:08.04drclueexten => _*29XXXX,n,set(calltime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y%m%d%H%M%S)})
05:08.04drclueexten => _*29XXXX,n,MixMonitor(/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/X${calltime}X${CALLERID(num)}X${EXTEN:3}X.wav)
05:08.04drclueexten => _*29XXXX,n,Chanspy(SIP/${EXTEN:3}|q)
05:08.59matt_dwonder if there is an easy way to get the voice from the spier to the sped on channel
05:09.00matt_dthat way
05:11.56matt_dwat is that zap dummy lib called?
05:12.10drclueztdummy ?
05:12.35drclueAFAIK it uses the USB port for timing
05:12.35matt_dtathats it
05:12.58*** join/#asterisk Borai (
05:13.12Boraihello everyone,
05:13.23drclueThe thing about the above fragment that had caught my eye had something to do with the thought of when the audio mixing occured
05:14.04matt_ddrclue: i conifrmed that my softwa
05:14.09matt_derrr that my softphone is not causing delay
05:14.13matt_dhi Borai
05:14.49*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:15.30drclueSomething about it mixing on the inside and not the outside of some layer of codecing. Lots of stuff to read and my eyes are starting to fall out. Longs for the days of a simple captain crunch whistle
05:16.15BoraiI have a server that is running proxmox and in the proxmox environment i have installed trixbox with a KVM/QEMU, the system is totally voip only but the IVR promts are choppy when i run dahdi_test the timings are Best: 99.997 -- Worst: 95.149 -- Average: 99.058749, Difference: 100.001099
05:16.41Boraiand the kernel modules are installed on the host
05:17.24Boraiwhen i let the test run for a long time it goes down to 50
05:21.01Kobazvoip under vm's generally doesn't work very well
05:22.00[TK]D-FenderStealing time-slices away from an app that streams packets at 20ms intervals = dumb
05:23.27Boraiok i guess then im gonna go back to centos and setup asterisk manually
05:28.18BoraiPentium IV 3,2 GHz, 2048MB RAM, 2x250 GB (S-ATAII) HDD, would that run asterisk with 10 users - 2,3 simul. calls at max.?
05:33.22drclueWell , enough reading on chanspy with whisper , time to go watch some hulu
05:35.02[TK]D-FenderBorai: More than 25 times over
05:39.34[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
05:43.09*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:44.19*** join/#asterisk GrnFrog (
05:44.52*** join/#asterisk fiddur (n=fiddur@
05:50.12GrnFrogLooking for insight getting res_snmp working in Asterisk 1.4 -
05:50.46GrnFrogseems configured correctly but Asterisk MIBS not responding to snmpwalk
05:58.46*** join/#asterisk JanisB (i=rootz@unaffiliated/janisb)
05:59.08*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
06:01.26box2i thought you said Asterisk AIDS
06:03.20*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
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06:26.23matt_dim done for the niht
06:26.27matt_dguys nite
06:34.30*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (n=rm@
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07:04.04toasteriskhello to all of you
07:04.41*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
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07:15.45*** join/#asterisk DuPe (
07:16.34DuPewhee.. i love playing with fun stuff that makes my brain hurts. good thing i got coffee
07:26.30*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
07:27.56DuPeif anyone is available for some paid consulting work ;) drop me a line... trying to reconfigure 3 asterisk boxes and could use some help
07:29.16*** join/#asterisk dandre (
07:32.00toasteriskwhat is your problem?
07:32.09toasteriskjust connecting 3 boxes?
07:32.15*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:33.40DuPei got shoved into a project.....well i'm rebuilding them from scratch with asterisknow, and making that happen, then i need to connect them together, havent done that before :P
07:35.38toasteriskthere are some links for two asterisk connection
07:35.47toasteriskit should be good to you
07:36.02DuPewhew ;)
07:37.59DuPeawesome, that does look good.  i hadnt gotten that far yet, still fighting with some dahdi quirks but thats good to know
07:38.34toasteriskit should be no problem. you can use sip or iax to connect 2 boxes
07:39.50toasteriskfrom dahdi? how do you connect two asterisks
07:40.14toasteriskunless you use fxs and fxo for pstn and net and cpe for pri
07:40.42DuPehave pstn and sip providers
07:46.44*** join/#asterisk alunca (
07:49.23DuPei love my coffee pot mmm
07:55.35*** join/#asterisk JanisB (i=rootz@unaffiliated/janisb)
07:55.45aluncashould i buy a voip phone or ata adapter?
07:56.38*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
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08:19.18*** join/#asterisk Fisknisse (
08:19.48FisknisseAnyone know where to download a gsm codec so i can listen to recordings from asterisk. Running windows.
08:20.30FisknisseI found a codec a coupple of years ago and now i reinstalled my computer :(
08:20.40FisknisseIts impossible to find it again...
08:21.38DuPequicktime can play them
08:22.10FisknisseI could play them in winamp.. it was really great to not have to install quicktime.
08:22.26DuPetheres a winamp plugin too i recall seeing
08:22.56DuPegoogle says...
08:24.54FisknisseIt works like dream. Thank you verry much!
08:29.59*** join/#asterisk Gnarfy (n=mirc@
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08:49.27*** join/#asterisk Gnoll (
08:50.21Gnollthere's some italian in this room?
08:53.59*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:54.35*** join/#asterisk Pouet78 (i=56d6b0a6@gateway/web/freenode/x-8c226634d5c3dd8e)
08:54.59box2and welcome to your daily internets
08:55.06Pouet78I try to use asterisk with MGCP.
08:56.27Pouet78I try to "copy" a working network
08:58.00Pouet78on the network I have this sequence :
08:58.34Pouet78box > server RSIP
08:58.37Pouet78< OK
08:58.49GnollWhat comes from this problem to you: WARNING[9619]: chan_sip.c:18389 reload_config: Section 'number-out'  lacks type ?
08:58.51Pouet78box < Server AUEP
08:58.57Pouet78> OK
08:59.25Pouet78> OK
08:59.28Pouet78< RQNT
08:59.31Pouet78> OK
08:59.32Pouet78< RQNT
08:59.33Pouet78> OK
08:59.55Pouet78but with asterisk I only have the first 2 packets.
09:00.35Pouet78Is it a normal behavior?
09:00.44Pouet78Can I change it?
09:01.24*** join/#asterisk SALstar (
09:04.50*** join/#asterisk alunca (
09:05.19aluncaI installed AsteriskNow; how can I change screen to 1280x1024? thanks!
09:05.47*** join/#asterisk TommyBotten (
09:12.50SALstarWhen using SendFax application using outgoing directory, how I can get variables like FAXSTATUS, FAXERROR or FAXPAGES?
09:15.07oej_Gnoll: You have a section without type=peer/friend/user
09:15.23Gnolloej i have section type=friend
09:16.04oejin [number-out] ? Then the message doesn't make sense
09:17.06Gnollif he had the sense I was not here: D
09:17.49GnollI understand the problem, i check ...
09:24.21aluncais there anyway to change the resolution of the AsteriskNow 1.5?
09:33.27*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-64d8f9d2600f53f1)
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09:39.06*** join/#asterisk arthax0r (i=arthax0r@gateway/shell/
09:39.28Gnolli have a new problem, i set musiconhold(default) on incoming call, the debug file report this error: == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/' status is 'UNKNOWN'
09:58.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:58.25dymaxionhi there,  how powerful hardware woudl I need to power an Trixbox based PBX for 10 users?    Would I need something like a most basic Nehalem Xeon 5502 suffice?  6Gb RAM ?
09:59.15Chainsawdymaxion: That seems ample, unless you're planning to host conferences with all 10 users at the same time.
09:59.40Chainsawdymaxion: Don't cheapen out on your FXO/FXS cards, if any, and you'll be fine.
10:00.10dymaxionwe are planning to have only VOIP via a sip trunk provider... no PSTN hardlines
10:00.44JDdymaxion: we used to run the phones for 25+ users on a P3 with less than 512Mb
10:00.44Chainsaw*nod* No conference bridging planned?
10:00.56ChainsawJD: It's always good to design some margin into a system though.
10:01.09dymaxionwe have 2 branches one in UK one in HK,  do we build 2 PBXs... conferences between two offices & possibly external... dialin... if everyone at home possibly 10 ppl dialing in
10:01.34dymaxion"dial-in" i mean conect over internet
10:01.49Chainsawdymaxion: Doing conferences right generally means you need a telephony adapter just for clocking.
10:01.52JDChainsaw: there's some margin and then there's massively overspeccing :)
10:02.08JDmy point was that you don't need a huge amount of processing power
10:02.10Chainsawdymaxion: (Even if everything else is SIP)
10:02.31ChainsawJD: Until you get to conferences where one or more participants are on an oddball codec.
10:02.38dymaxionfor clocking? ("£*$& ??)     even if all on SIP... oh ?
10:02.54dymaxionwhen you have codec/transcoding then need CPU i read..
10:03.05dymaxionwe also need video conferencing
10:03.17Chainsawdymaxion: Indeed, for clocking. It may have gone away as a requirement in the Asterisk 1.6 series at some point.
10:03.31Chainsawdymaxion: But for 1.2 or 1.4 you definitely need clocking from a zaptel/DAHDI card.
10:03.43dymaxionwhen you say clocking .. in what context of the word?? don't rmmeber reading about that... dont understand req.
10:03.57Chainsawdymaxion: But video codec support is strictly 1.6 last I checked, so your clocking requirement may vanish as a result of that.
10:03.58viraptorChainsaw: doesn't zt_dummy with HPET kernel solve it? zt_test gets me something ~99.99% min in that setup
10:04.24Chainsawviraptor: If your hardware is suitable and the driver compiles, yes.
10:05.34dymaxionChainsaw, thanks.     Do I need one PBX per office and setup routing between the two....  we need the two office to appear as if they were one.. is that posisble with asterix?
10:06.07Chainsawdymaxion: I would install two PBXes (to minimise latency towards the local phones) and bridge them together using IAX.
10:06.10viraptorit's weird... other pbxes work perfectly fine with >40 people on pthread timing :/
10:06.21dymaxionlooks like a lot more user support / helpful people here than on the #sipx camp....   is there any reason I should choose sipx over asterisk  given my requiements?
10:06.42ChainsawI've not worked with sipx, couldn't say.
10:07.36dymaxionfair nuff.. seems like asterix should have all my bases covered...    and presumably I should pick a VOIP provider that has direct presence in that geographical region
10:08.54ChainsawGenerally best if you want termination, yes.
10:09.13Chainsaw(i.e. a phone number reachable from the regular phone system)
10:13.27*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
10:15.47dymaxionChainsaw, thanks v much.  also can't find a decent softphone for linux,  somethign like        Ekiga is always the one that crops up, but I find doesnt fit the bill...
10:16.03Chainsawdymaxion: Ekiga is in fact the best one I know.
10:16.09Chainsawdymaxion: Did you try version 3?
10:16.58viraptordymaxion: twinkle or ekiga
10:17.00dymaxionI'm using 3.2.5,  but what somethign that looks more like a telephone!  that can easily transfer / on-hold,  etc calls.   Suppose I can live with ekiga
10:17.50*** join/#asterisk sercik (
10:18.19serciksomeone can point me to a quickstart for very noob??
10:21.01DuPesercik: is the best place to start
10:21.27serciki'm very new :)
10:21.48sercikwhick hardware is needed to create a postation with 4 client?
10:22.20serciki need a pc ok? a linux distribution the voip phone and then?
10:22.33sercikasterisk indeed
10:22.56serciki need some special hardware into pc?
10:23.59mbrevdadepends on the type of lines your using
10:24.03infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
10:24.45sercika normal pstn
10:28.16mbrevdasercik: I would recomend that you read the book ^^
10:28.36sercikyou are right i know
10:28.40sercikis important to read
10:29.00serciki hope that i can understand engligh correctly
10:32.19*** join/#asterisk stix (
10:33.05stixI remember, that "The book" is available online in pdf somewhere - but where?
10:36.58dymaxionis it possible to encrypt all sip & video  traffic using asterisk and softphones?
10:39.32dymaxionis ZPhone the best option for this?
10:40.36*** join/#asterisk Had (
10:40.50Hadhello there
10:41.36Hadi'm just trying to setup linksys SPA2102 with T.38
10:42.12Hadmy provider support T.38 with their SIP link
10:42.25Hadthey use Cisco AS5300 gateway
10:43.06Hadcan somebody help me with this?
10:48.05*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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11:17.42*** join/#asterisk oberon (
11:17.56oberonI'm new to asterisk
11:18.19oberonvery neww actually, I just installed version
11:18.38oberonhere is what I need/want to do:
11:19.02oberonmy box has a telephony provider server it can connect to using SIP
11:19.16oberonI have the IP+username+password
11:19.37oberonthe box itself isnt suppose to accept calls
11:19.48infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:20.09oberonwhat I want to do it tell it to dial to number A, then to dial to number B and then connect the 2 calls
11:20.14oberonis it possible ?
11:20.29manxpoweroberon: Yes!  .call files.  Read the book
11:20.44oberonit's a 600 pages book
11:20.53manxpoweroberon: and that is why I said ".call files"
11:21.14DuPeits good bathroom reading material
11:21.14manxpowerBut I can tell you that most of us are not going to explain .call files for the 5,000th time.
11:21.39oberonok ..
11:21.53oberonI liked the "most of us" phrase :-)
11:23.49*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
11:25.23Hadis there anything about t.38 in that book?
11:26.49zeeeshgetting error 'ERROR[5259]: res_jabber.c:1889 aji_client_initialize: JABBER ERROR: No Connection'?
11:27.16manxpowerHad: I doubt it.  T.38 was not supported in Asterisk except in "pass-thru" mode until at least 1.6 and the book has not been updated for 1.6 yet.  Remember, there are extensive docs in the Asterisk source directory in this super secret directory called......"doc/"
11:28.45Hadall i need is the passthru, i have spa2102 and sip provide with t.38 support
11:29.38HadI followed a few guides and tested it with couple of asterisk versions (1.4... and 1.6...) and still no joy...
11:29.48manxpowerHad: Don't expect it to be easy, well documented, or even compatible between the SPA and the provider.  It's a very new protocol and there are significant interop issues between implementations.
11:30.12manxpowerWhere do you enable T.38 in the SPA?
11:30.36infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
11:30.36Hadwell SPA is linksys which is cisco and my provider use cisco gateways...
11:30.49Hadit is in line setting
11:31.03Hadadmin login - advance - voip - line 1
11:31.30manxpowerThat's so cute.  Thinking two devices with T.38 support from the same company will work togather.
11:32.01Hadwell I also have zyxel ATA with t.38 support...
11:32.12manxpowerHad: Check the mailinglist archives.  T.38 comes up there fairly often.
11:33.12HadI do know those sites, spent my last couple of weeks browsing through them...
11:33.58manxpowerHad: then you know more about it than anyone on this channel. 8-(
11:34.37oberonhow do I make a call manually in the CLI using the SIP account I setup ?
11:34.48oberon.. just to see that it works
11:35.03box2i don't know of a CLI softphone
11:35.03ciduhrmmm, i cant seem to get my sangoma card to work properly on a new box, works fine on the old one....grrr, lost
11:35.34oberonI dont have a softphone
11:35.41*** join/#asterisk unasi7 (
11:35.53oberonI wanna make a call manually
11:36.05oberonand then make another call manually
11:36.06manxpoweroberon: Get a softphone.  You'll never figure out .call files until you use Asterisk a little.
11:36.12oberon.. and then connect the 2 calls
11:36.17oberon.. in the CLI
11:36.21manxpowercidu: Sangoma support is VERY good.
11:37.03oberonmanxpower, the server is configured only to make outgoing cals, I believe a softphone wont be able to connect to it
11:37.15manxpoweroberon: I cannot help you further.
11:43.07cidubut they dont work at any of the times hen i can bring down the system to test the new box :(
11:43.36ciduand i agree, they are very good, just cant have the whole cell system down during the day ...meh
11:43.54manxpowercidu: That makes it much harder to fix the problem. 8-(  Your best bet is to hope there is someone on this channel that uses Sangoma.
11:44.26manxpower<-- is a big fan of Sangoma, but have not used their cards in about a year.
11:44.36ciduwhat have you been useing?
11:45.00manxpowerWhatever the client uses.
11:46.07cidukeep getting dchannel alrm on the far side no matter what i change, hrmm
11:46.08manxpowerMost of the issues I've helped customers with in the past couple of years are not PSTN related, just dialplan, .call file, SIP, etc issues.
11:46.45cidui know its not the cable because it works just fine with  same cables with card in other computer
11:46.46manxpower<-- does NOT work for Digium
11:51.16*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
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12:00.50SALstarI have some feature enhancement requests. :)
12:01.01*** part/#asterisk SALstar (
12:01.39box2well, those requests don't seem unreasonable at all
12:01.54*** join/#asterisk thisismyname66 (
12:03.22thisismyname66hi there
12:03.45thisismyname66anyone up here?
12:04.00*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
12:07.21DuPewell hrmmm does anyone wanna make some $? :) im fighting with errorstrying to get a softphone to dial a 2nd asterisk box connecting via iax
12:07.45*** join/#asterisk thisismyname (
12:07.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:08.10DuPebashes my head against the wall
12:08.37thisismynamehmm... people bash their head against walls... but noone is talking..
12:08.38*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
12:08.56[TK]D-Fendersits quietly amused...
12:09.03DuPeya that too
12:09.17thisismynameu got a little problem?
12:09.24thisismynamethat u cant fix
12:09.53DuPeyeah :< and being sleepy doesnt help
12:10.56thisismynamebut the thing with walls and ur head is better?
12:11.38infobot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
12:12.00*** join/#asterisk aethelrick (
12:13.45aethelrickhi all, I have some code that issues a Redirect command through AMI (which all works). My question is, can I set some custom channel variables (using AMI) on the channel being redirected?
12:14.39*** join/#asterisk vlt (
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12:19.53thisismynameanyone here with some knowledge about Capi an the cologne E! card?
12:19.54[TK]D-FenderYeah, thre's patience for you...
12:20.15thisismynameor.... only CAPI-knowledge
12:20.55fiddurIf I were to professionally go with softphones and headsets; what headsets would I then chose?
12:25.01*** join/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
12:25.05jeff_phillipsgood morning
12:25.59jeff_phillipspicking back up where I left off on this timeclock app last wednesday -- was stuck in another building thurs & fri.
12:26.11jeff_phillipsI got it so I can dial the extension, but it doesn't seem to be connecting to the mysql database
12:26.13*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
12:27.18jeff_phillipsIt's coming back with null as a connid.
12:30.03[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: Hideous choice...
12:31.50[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: I don't see that NoOp being executed
12:32.11[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Nor do I actually see it in the context part of your PB
12:32.39[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: and wher you did seem to bolt it in is using "|" where you should be using ","
12:32.42fiddur[TK]D-Fender: I think I have a hard time understanding why a small phone like snom 300 running linux would be SO much better than my oversized quadcore workstation...
12:32.53ariel_jeff_phillips: is that post you did actually working? they way it's post. first line is not corret there both in the smae lne also error is not in the context
12:33.11[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Actually I see ti now.. looks like a LF fail <-
12:34.13[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: Because putzing around with some shitty little app that steals focus away from apps I'm working on would drive me crazy.  then add the fact you have to hope the sound card doesn't suck <-  This happens.
12:34.38box2fiddur: and because your computer is volatile compared to a phone
12:34.49box2hard drive crash, no phone
12:35.10[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: You are "autofallthrough" because your lack of LF means you don't even have a "2" priority
12:35.27jeff_phillips[TK]D-Fender: sorry I didn't write the code, don't know why | was used.
12:35.32box2uninstall your codecs by accident or install things that ruin your sound configuration
12:35.40[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Apparently didn't look at it either..
12:36.45[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: And the price of a good headset quickly approaches the cost of a decent entry-level phone
12:37.44fiddur[TK]D-Fender: Ok, some valid points...  This would mainly be for people in the office not using phones that often..
12:38.01*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
12:39.27jeff_phillipsI'm not seeing where the |'s even came from.
12:39.59jkroonif you find out, please let me know.
12:40.38jeff_phillipsi see ,'s in the conf files, not |'s
12:40.50[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: parsed that way actually because of your FL fail <-
12:40.57jkroonanyway, the d flag to Queue(), the only thing I can find is that it's something to do with minimum delay (data-quality (modem) call) from the description, but I seem to be unable to find an actual explanation of how exactly it's handled differently.
12:41.10*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:41.22jkroonjeff_phillips, I suspect the |s comes from older (<1.2) versions of asterisk.
12:41.34[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: IIRC something to do with more direct rebridging of the calls removing App_queue from the mix
12:41.56jkroonwould you want to enable it for normal voice calls?
12:42.02jkroondoes it make sense?
12:42.12[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: I've said it 3 times... seriously.. go caffeinate.
12:42.13jeff_phillipsjkroom:  i'm using 1.4.20
12:42.22jkroonjeff_phillips, use ,s.
12:42.31[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: LINE FIFTEEN
12:43.07jkroonlol @ fender.  at least when you bliksem me with a lead pipe in some direction i usually go look :p.
12:43.08jeff_phillipsLF=line fifteen?  what?
12:43.22[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: LINE FEED
12:43.42[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: You put 2 extens WITHOUT HITTING FRIGGEN ENTER
12:43.58*** join/#asterisk Shazaum (n=aaaaaaaa@unaffiliated/shazaum)
12:44.03[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: module load
12:44.06jeff_phillipsoh, i didn't do that. matthew did
12:44.12jeff_phillipsthanks though
12:44.39box2soda soda
12:45.59jkroondoes the coffee thing too.
12:46.16thisismynamegoes and gets a coffee, too
12:46.24jeff_phillipsmaybe i should... i just never cared for the taste. i'm an orange juice guy
12:46.38jkroonthen go get some vitamin C
12:46.50jeff_phillipsthanks now it answers and asks if I want english or spanish and then hangs up.
12:46.56jeff_phillipsprogress. :)
12:50.51thisismynameso, anyone here familiar witbh CAPI??
12:51.19jkroonthisismyname, more so than I'd like to be, which doesn't say much about my knowledge either.
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12:52.07thisismynamei just cant find out how to configure my /etc/isdn/capi.conf
12:52.17thisismynamewith a junghanns.NET single E1
12:52.27thisismynamecologne HFC-E1 is the chipset..
12:53.12jkroontries to recall where he's using CAPI.
12:53.37jkroonoh yes, Diva card ... using some custom drivers that happen to present a CAPI capable interface.
12:53.58jkrooncologne ... that sounds more like a misdn supported card?
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12:58.40jeff_phillipshmm, now it doesn't seem to care whether I press any DTMF keys at its prompts.
12:59.01jeff_phillipsjust repeats the message twice asking english or spanish, then immediately hangs up regardless of pressing anything
13:05.27jeff_phillipsi'm beginning to think this timecard app i found really sucks
13:06.24[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Written by an incompetant schmuck who clearly doesnt' know how to make an IVR, and debugged by someone of similar background...
13:08.54jkroonjeff_phillips, what do you need it to do?
13:09.07jkroonand why not cook something that does exactly what you need?
13:09.46[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: that is the most craptastic pile of dialplan I've seen in a while...
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13:10.03jeff_phillipsjkroon: Well I had found this page and thought I'd give it a try.
13:10.30[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Mis-ordered, using pattern indicators where none is needed, not doing anything right as far as IVR functionality is concerned.
13:11.15jkroonjeff_phillips, anything that doesn't tell me on the homepage what the purpose of the thing is doesn't deserve a second look.
13:11.54jeff_phillipsit's suppose to allow you to clock in and out through an IVR, with the back end run by phpTimeclock -- a web based timeclock app
13:11.57jkroonproject info is a tad more useful.  yes, decent goal if you want to be a draconian on your employees.
13:12.26jkroonhmm, only other use is to enable secretaries/receptionists to know who's in/out.
13:12.34jkroonso actually maybe not a bad idea :p
13:12.56jeff_phillipswell the issue is the employees are working at two different buildings now and going back and forth as needed. Time clock is only in one building.
13:13.15jeff_phillipswe were just punching in and then driving to the other building until some secretary decided to throw fits about people actually being paid for their time to get there
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13:14.00jeff_phillipsi find that if I hitch a ride with her husband, I get paid for the drive time though, but if I drive myself and spend my own gas, I don't get paid for the time nor the gas. Hmm.
13:14.51ariel_jeff_phillips: it's a good Idea, just need to bring up the code to 1.4 or 1.6 level.
13:17.35jeff_phillipsi'm not seeing how it even worked at all for the guy who wrote it
13:18.04ariel_jeff_phillips: then it's time to re-write
13:18.11jeff_phillipsi guess so
13:18.12jkroonjeff_phillips, usually the person that writes it has some assumptions about the surrounding system which he doesn't make clear.
13:18.24jkroonit can't be that difficult to do.
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13:18.45jeff_phillipswell first off I'm gonna nix out all the spanish stuff.
13:19.03jeff_phillips... watch next week we'll hire a spanish speeking employee just to spite me.
13:19.21ariel_jeff_phillips: what you posted it's missing allot of clean up and i t sections it looks more like work in progress then actual ready code.
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13:19.59jeff_phillipsariel_: I kind of noticed that about his website too
13:20.27ariel_jeff_phillips: then I feel it's time for you to hire someone to finish this up for you then.
13:21.22jkroonjeff_phillips, if the rest of you are english then he'll just have to adapt.
13:21.24box2box2 sounds like a professional guy, you should hire him
13:22.20jkroonyes, different website for every nitty project.
13:22.48jeff_phillipslol, well you're probably right. but at the same time I should probably learn more by tackling it on my own. If it doesn't work or becomes a back burner project, that's okay. I'll just ride to the other building with the secretary's husband so I get paid for my time. :)
13:23.47ariel_jeff_phillips: time sheets, and emails also works just talk to there hr
13:23.59jeff_phillipswe don't have an HR
13:24.11ariel_yes you do
13:24.45ariel_even when I was a one man shop I had HR, me, myself and I....hehehe there is always someone incharge of payroll
13:24.49jeff_phillipssmall family owned business. owner's daughter in law thinks she is in charge of everything, is really just a secretary. owner is too much of a pansie to put his foot down on anything
13:25.31ariel_jeff_phillips: it's called communications with them....
13:25.33box2he can flyyyyyy!
13:25.56jeff_phillipsindeed. something we seriously lack around here
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13:26.03jeff_phillipsi just like the free trips to mcdonalds now
13:26.17jkroonjeff_phillips, you found your HR person.  go speak with HIM.  until he acts, or points you to the right person :p.
13:26.28jeff_phillipshe wont
13:26.54jkroonhmm, sounds like the reason(s) i no longer work for a boss.
13:27.14ariel_bbl going to the lab need to test sip packetization=60  command that we found in the code...
13:27.21jeff_phillipsthe owner's reaction to his daughter in law bitching about people getting paid to drive to the warehouse was to respond by telling everyone to start at their shift start time at the warehouse. So his son who is "in charge" over there got irritated that he now had to show up at his shift start time which makes him wake up 30 minutes earlier.
13:28.00jeff_phillipsso the result is now he lets us all go to mcdonalds for breakfast because he feels the change cut into the time he would be spending eating breakfast at home
13:28.03ariel_sound like a management issue
13:28.17jeff_phillipsof course it's a mismanagement issue. this company consists entirely of those.
13:28.35box2management from someone who can fly
13:28.48box2that should be a loadable module
13:29.08jeff_phillipsthey have me dowing tooling inventory in the warehouse two days a week now because apparently the other people they hired can't read and write numbers properly...
13:29.15jeff_phillips(its sadly true)
13:29.43jeff_phillipsWell friday they had 5 people hassling each other about finding tooling for a perticular part we got an order on -- nobody asked me, as I knew what was there and what wasn't.
13:30.07jeff_phillipsafter 2 hours of those fools wasting everyone's time they ask me, I say it isn't here, ask the production manager, and he has it sitting right there in his work area because it's a part that is commonly re-ordered
13:30.23jeff_phillipsso yeah, nobody asked the production manager if he even needed this thing that they were all looking for to try to get for him
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13:30.35box2void decision( string issue ) { if(true) flyAway(); }
13:30.54jeff_phillipsbox2: I've seriously been thinking about doing just that
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13:48.00Faustovhi, any idea why an incoming pots call redirected to a local ivr (sangoma, dahdi, *-1.6) ends with the following result: the ivr gets executed (can see that in the cli), however the caller can hear indication as if no one has answered, no ivr
13:48.51DuPecodec issue/filenames is my first thought but i'm no expert
13:49.18[TK]D-FenderFaustov: PASTEBIN the failed call and it might help to know what protocol is used..
13:49.21Faustovi've set it to alaw and I'm from europe... also the same ivr works from any other voip call
13:50.03Faustov[TK]D-Fender: problem is over the "failed" call there are no warnings or errors in the console with a fairly high verbosity level (15)
13:50.16Faustovi'll try to get one in a moment...
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13:55.39jeff_phillipswell that's nice. I skipped the english/spanish prompt and now it goes through all the motions of letting you clock in or out, but it doesn't actually put anything in the database
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13:56.34oberonwhat softphone would you recommend using on linux ?
13:57.17viraptoroberon: twinkle, ekiga
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14:00.58box2i'm a fan of linphone myself
14:01.02jkroonok, AgentCallbackLogin was removed in asterisk 1.6 ... replacement mechanism?
14:01.58*** part/#asterisk jkroon (
14:02.56[TK]D-FenderYup, ANother patient person...
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14:04.03[TK]D-FenderTimRiker: ! ! !
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14:05.41[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: "core show applications like queue" <-
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14:06.55[TK]D-FenderFaustov: What kind of link?
14:06.58jkroon[TK]D-Fender, thanks.  makes sense, AddQueueMember ... slightly more work, but it'll get the job done I guess.
14:07.18Faustov[TK]D-Fender: analog via sangoma A200d
14:08.02[TK]D-FenderFaustov: What zone for lines?
14:08.26vltHello. Can I use ztdummy w/o kernel module rtc?
14:08.48jkroonmakes penalties harder too ...
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14:09.31Faustov[TK]D-Fender: Europe, if that's what you mean
14:09.42Faustovall lines here should use the alaw
14:09.54[TK]D-FenderFaustov: I'd be sure your indications and zones are set right for it...
14:10.03[TK]D-FenderFaustov: And analog doesn't have a codec
14:10.07JerJeris there a way to make FastAGI send all channel variables it knows about when it initiates the request ?
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14:10.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew
14:10.30Faustovstupid wancfg
14:10.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: herroes.
14:10.34JerJeri set custom variables, both regular and CDR
14:10.45Faustovit overwrote my configs
14:10.45Strogghrmm I just discovered I can't dialout on my asterisk box.. hrmm
14:10.49[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Send?  Send Where?
14:11.05Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i got loadzone=us and defaultzone=us
14:11.13Faustovwould that be the case?
14:11.16Stroggwhen I start asterisk in the foreground, I get this error...  "asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_ext"  Anyone know what I need to do to fix that?
14:11.17[TK]D-FenderJerJer: FastAGI jsut calls AGI, and its up to the AGI to request whatever vars it wants
14:11.27JerJer[TK]D-Fender:   when [Fast]AGI starts it sends the 'standard' variables via STDIN
14:11.27[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Doesn't sound right to me...
14:11.38Stroggor rather, when I start it in the foreground and try dialing out.  asterisk dies with that error.
14:11.50JerJer[TK]D-Fender:   was hoping to do push rather than pull
14:11.55[TK]D-FenderJerJer: It sends minimal Call leve (* standard), and that is all
14:12.14JerJersuckage :(
14:12.15[TK]D-FenderJerJer: "vi app_fastagi.c" <-
14:12.34JerJerthere isn't budget for development in this project
14:13.09StroggAh! I found it.. nevermind me.  heh
14:13.09*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
14:13.21Kattythere's never a budget for anything, is there.
14:13.32Kattynext we'll be budgeting off smiles and hugs.
14:13.33Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I can't find what other zones can I set - should those generally match the indications?
14:13.47[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Probably...
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14:18.04Kattyi has a query.
14:18.18Kattylet's say you have an asterisk server ona  public ip, like ya do, with port 5060 and rpt ports open.
14:18.31FinboySlickI just had a 'strange' but normal request from my boss.  He'd like our receptionist to be able to know who's busy before transfering.  Is this something that relates more to the phone, or is it something that asterisk ought to be taking care of?
14:18.45Kattyand you have a polycom, at a house, that you want to use, but you don't want to leave port 5060 open to the entire world. now let's also assume that you can't get a static IP at your house. is it possible do some sort of proxy server setup?
14:18.54[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: * doesn't take care of things.  You control what you do
14:19.10syntheticthe phone and asterisk has ability to light lamps if the eprson is busy
14:19.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Remote phones don't need forwarding.
14:19.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Generally no need for a proxy either
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14:20.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: And if you feel particularly paranoid you can always run the phone on a different port
14:20.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: i am not simply going to forward port 5060 at the firewall
14:20.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: i want to allow it from a single IP
14:20.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: You don't forward for remote phones period.
14:20.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: i must not understand. if i only allow port 5060 access from certain IP address....that does not parse.
14:20.47FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Ah sorry, what would be the more common way for self-empowered people to handle this type of situation?  Some sort of switchboard phone?
14:20.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: the firewall must see that the remote IP is allowed to go through the firewall
14:20.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: else fire wall says SOD OFF
14:21.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: Make a separate peer.  And the address is dynamic anyway as you jsut said
14:21.39[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Depends how you want to process things
14:21.46*** join/#asterisk idi (n=idi@
14:22.24[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Phone with presence support.   sit in * CLI and monitor.  Make some nice status view.  Use FOP.  CTV camera spying on your users, etc
14:22.25FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: I'm imagining the alternative PC/web-based switchboard application?
14:22.32*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
14:23.43[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Is that a QUESTION?
14:25.10idianyone able to offer me a little insight as to why sip service appears to crash randomly on incoming sip call, with no errors in logs or debug?
14:25.48Faustov[TK]D-Fender: changed default indication to pl and set also pl in loadzone and defaultzone, restarted asterisk and wanrouter and still nothing...
14:26.01JerJer[TK]D-Fender:   is it possible to pull CDR variables via AGI ?
14:26.16JerJerlike  CDR(duration)
14:26.35[TK]D-FenderJerJer: AGI = dialplan in a language of your choice....
14:26.37JerJermost likely via DeadAGI, if that helps
14:26.37FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Ok, FOP looks like it might be shat I need.
14:26.51JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  i very much know what it is
14:26.55[TK]D-FenderYes... FOP was certainly "shat"
14:27.04[TK]D-FenderJerJer: So the answer is clearly "yes"
14:27.12JerJerok - how do i get CDR(duration)  ?
14:27.17JerJervia agi
14:27.26JerJerget variable returns nothing
14:27.44JerJerget full variable returns a literal 'CDR(duration)'
14:28.01[TK]D-FenderJerJer: because tis a FUNCTION, not a variable.  get a little more creative
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14:28.22JerJerok so h exten time
14:29.15jsjcI am looking to get into asterisk and I am building a new machine for the office so I was thinking should I use PCI cards or will be better to get gateways?
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14:29.33Faustovspan sections in chan_dahdi are not meant for analog, right?
14:29.38[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: Describe your needs
14:29.49[TK]D-FenderFaustov: they are not.
14:30.39Faustovlooking at a system.conf sample file...
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14:31.50jsjc[TK]D-Fender want a system that can be upgradeable, I am building a little computer (begining looking for a small thing but now needing PCI....). At the moment around 2FXO and 6FXS but this is to start playing with in a future most likely will get bigger
14:32.16jsjcwill have some VOIP lines as well
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14:32.39[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: what kind of line expansion are your predicting?
14:32.53*** join/#asterisk TSM (
14:32.58TSMis it possable to setup a trunk, so that once the call is finished, it can update an entry in the DB with how many seconds the call was?
14:33.14[TK]D-FenderTSM: Its called CDR and * does this already
14:33.54idiany ideas as to why sip service appears to restart randomly on incoming sip call, with no errors in logs or debug?
14:34.10TSM[TK]D-Fender: i know that, i need to create an app that can check how many mins have been used in a certian period to decide if i can use a particular route
14:34.17jsjc[TK]D-Fender what you mean but what kind of line expansion??
14:34.42[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: You're starting with 2 lines.  What would your expansion expectations be?
14:34.53TSM[TK]D-Fender: i can use the CDR data, but i dont know how to pipe out information to an external app and then make decisions on its return data
14:35.01[TK]D-FenderTSM: AGI <-
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14:36.04jsjc[TK]D-Fender at the moment looking to a budget start till I get a good understanding of asterisk. And "by the look" of it all this computer cards are ridiculously expensive for the type of electronics they have...
14:37.22c0rnoTaHello, All! I can't hold it inside me, sorry. One of my customer bought Planet ATA. Connect it with FAX, set codec alaw -1, ulaw -2, gsm -3 etc in web interface of this device (there is no option to disable other codecs), I set alaw in peer option in sip.conf and disable any t38 udptl transfer
14:37.38TSM[TK]D-Fender: will AGI work directly in the extentions.conf? i thought it was just a remote access into asterisk
14:37.43jsjc[TK]D-Fender might end up having lines but up to a maximum of 6 I will say but there will be up to 10-15 phones
14:38.09c0rnoTabut when fax receive a call, it's couldn't receive a fax message
14:38.22[TK]D-FenderTSM: It is not and you don't appear to have done any reading on it.  there are several chapters in The BOOK on this.  Go read.
14:38.23infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:38.51spikieHi I've got a question about IAX2 protocol?
14:38.52[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: How long till your predict 4?  And what about 6?
14:39.03[TK]D-Fenderspikie: Do you?
14:39.10TSMi just realised that after i posted my reply, AGI()..
14:39.29idii guess noone has any ideas to my issue then ;)
14:39.32c0rnoTain sip debug messages for this peer I saw that planet accept only one codec
14:39.46jsjc[TK]D-Fender might be around a year...
14:39.58[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: 1 year for 4?
14:40.16spikieyes. In fact during a call i don't understand why asterisk send a TXREL after that spam the iaxclient with IXREQ but I haven't ask any transfert......
14:40.50[TK]D-Fenderidi: You have nothing to show and apparently aren't volunteering even the most basic information.
14:41.03jsjc[TK]D-Fender i heard that gateways are cheaper than PCI cards, and of course if I need to build my computer/server/pbx with no pci I can get cheaper system as well without PCIs
14:41.25jsjc[TK]D-Fender yes around a year for 4 and year and a half for 6
14:41.42idierm well generally was waiting for a response? what info you needed etc?
14:42.38[TK]D-Fenderidi: You offered nothing to respond to.  What VERSION maybe.  What are you interacting with?  What OS?  32/64 bit?  You know... something USEFUL.
14:43.14[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: By default I'd suggest a sangoma B600d, but that caps at 4 lines.  A400d would be my next choice.
14:43.23idiwow nice attitude. a simple response of "maybe, what version" etc would be nice
14:43.42TSMpersonaly i prefer the A series sangoma stuff, cant remember if the B series has lifetime warranty
14:44.04[TK]D-Fenderidi: If you wanted help one would think you wouldn't make us fish for answers from you.
14:44.10jsjc[TK]D-Fender but what about the FXS??
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14:44.37DuPeargh okie... can someone do me a favour and look at regarding an iax problem that 2 machines cant talk to each other?  i've been staring at this simple problem for so long my head is foggy
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14:44.44[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: that should be done by external gateways... Linksys SPA are my normal recommendation
14:44.50TSMjsjc: look on the Sangoma website, their A400 cards have modules for FXO or FXS
14:45.05idiwell its * v1.6.0.10 linux 32 bit, sip only install with freepbx
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14:45.22idiand to be honest 1st time here, no info as to "approved" question format
14:45.27idiso dont need the attitude here
14:45.36TSMjsjc: ive got complete documentation on how the linksys SPA and sipua cards can be remote configed
14:46.08TSMidi: there are lots of people looking here, just post with your question and someone will reply, dont wait, just jump in
14:46.09[TK]D-Fenderidi: And what are you interacting with?  what do you get in SIP debug prior to crash?
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14:46.49jsjcTSM but if I will end up having 10-15 phones then that means I will need 10-15 FXS ports if I am not wrong right?... (sorry this newbie questions as I said I am looking into get the system to start learning)
14:47.02[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: I recommend against PCI FXS unless absolutely necessary
14:47.14TSMjsjc: their A600 card i think scales up to 24 ports on a single card
14:47.20idiTSM, maybe so but someone who not been here before, everyone does things differently and i didnt want to just "jump i"
14:47.35[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: How many phons to start, how quick to expand?  Have you considered getting proper independent SIP phones?
14:47.41TSMidi: now you know, thats how it works here :)
14:48.04TSMjsjc: what are you trying to convert from?
14:48.11[TK]D-Fenderidi: People are more inclined to help when you make it easy for them.
14:48.51idiyeah and a simple "what is your setup/acknowledement" helps for new ppl, thats all im saying
14:49.09jsjcTSM I am trying to convert from having 2 lines and 6 phones and fax connected without any pbx system to getting everything controlled by a pbx and introducing VOIP lines and skype gatway
14:49.10TSMwhat is the problem?
14:49.11luminbladeany pointers or  references on how to debug audio problems using g729 (as a pass-thru)?  i've installed the open-source drivers, as well as licensed digium g729 licenses, and neither works  (again this is pass-thru, so they aren't really being used).
14:49.13box2jmp 80
14:49.18idihow you mean "interacting with"?
14:49.27TSMjsjc: ooo fax, can be problematic
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14:50.07jsjcTSM I heard that Faxes can give some issues here and there but its not impossible right?
14:50.12TSMjsjc: ive not had much experience with fax, but you need to look at ATAs that have t38, SPA-8000 will do it
14:50.19lowtekluminblade: pastebin your sip.conf and extensions.conf relevant sections ...
14:50.20[TK]D-Fenderluminblade: What kind of "problems"?
14:50.49TSMjsjc: sangoma guarantee that their FXO/FXS cards will do fax properly
14:51.08[TK]D-Fenderidi: You said it crashes on SIP communications.  communications what what service/device?
14:51.33DuPei got pepsi though... not as good as coffee but will have to do
14:51.37idiright, crashes on incoming sip call from upstream ITSP
14:52.10luminbladelowtek: no audio, i get sip 183/180 messages, and occastionally i can hear someone if they answer, my guess is g729a vs. g729r8 or something, but i cannot really tell.
14:52.14TSMidi: do you need *1.6 ? did you compile it yourself or install from disto?
14:52.18idithere does not appear to be any sip debug data when its enabled
14:52.20[TK]D-FenderDuPe: Look how the names alternate in the sample...
14:52.39iditsm: its a self complile
14:53.04TSMidi: any reason, have you tried a disto first?
14:53.05idisip debug stuff is fine when its running, but there is no debug output when the crash happens
14:53.07[TK]D-Fenderidi: verify that with a local device, and pastebin the complete CLI output of that test follwoed by an inbound call attempt
14:53.10infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
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14:53.45TSMhow can i get all the infobot info?
14:53.47idii did use distro but wanted newer version as debian on 1.4
14:54.09idiso clean install, fresh complile of
14:54.26[TK]D-FenderTSM: You can't
14:56.25idi[TK]D-Fender, problem is that its totally random, it works fine for hours then will just restart sip
14:56.39idibut only on incoming itsp sip call
14:56.44[TK]D-Fenderidi: Can you clarify "restart SIP"?
14:57.21idium best way i can put it, basically the incoming sip call fails and all internal registered phones loose registration
14:57.29idiit comes back up after 20-30 secons
14:57.49idiand is fine until next time
14:57.59jsjcI am so confused dont know what to buy this world its much bigger than what i thought... big price difference, lot of different solutions that every shop calls THE BEST... any place in the internet with a good man of asterisk and PBXing?
14:57.59[TK]D-Fenderidi: But this is not a complete * restart?
14:58.27idithere is nothing in the logs to state an actual sip restart no, there is just nothing in the logs when it happens
14:58.36[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: Nothing that gives scalability advice for your kind of situation...
14:58.41idithat is on vvv and sip debug
14:58.46TSMjsjc: everyone has their own pref of equipment, some is better than others but again diffrent experience
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14:59.02box2mine is better than all of yours
14:59.10[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: You can already see a range of different devices that could be suitable, its a question of the most cost-effective in your case.
14:59.43bhodderHi, has anyone successfully set up a customer controlled call forwarding dialplan?
15:00.15box2customer controlled, yuck
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15:00.30[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: Sure
15:00.55bhodderI have put an extension in and set of commands but it ask for the number but never seems to set it
15:01.11[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: ok/fine/sure...
15:01.12jsjcso most of the people has PCI cards to control all the FXO/FXS ports?? because i have seen gateways are more cost effective when larger size
15:01.15JerJer[TK]D-Fender:   the h exten gets fired before the CDR data is closed out
15:01.25JerJerthus billsec, duration, and end are not populated
15:01.34[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: I always recommend SIP gateways for FXS unless faxing is required
15:02.01TSMjsjc: depends what you want, A600 cards will scale up to over 120 ports on 5xPCI slots but using only 1 PCI/PCIe interface
15:02.03[TK]D-FenderJerJer: So the information you seek does not even exist anywhere at the point of your call...
15:02.04JerJerso how creative do I gotta get?   This project has a requirement not to use the cdr modules
15:02.05luminbladelowtek: [TK]D-Fender:  here's a pastebin of my sip.conf and extensions.conf (relavent parts), my call is being controleld by adhearsion, which is executing a 'dial' command with a ring  timeout of 45 seconds, no other parameters....
15:02.23idi[TK]D-Fender, sry just reread ur last msg, no not a complete * restart, only sip is affected
15:02.34JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  or i have to create a cdr module that will post to their damn SOAP api
15:02.59[TK]D-Fenderluminblade: You have not described the actual problem, and please pastebin a failed call at verbose 10, SIP DEBUG enabled <-
15:03.01infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:03.22[TK]D-Fenderidi: Ok, wanted to be sure.... this is indeed very strange
15:04.31JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  the information exists cuz i can query it via the CLI... its simply not coming down this fast agi nightmare
15:04.32idi[TK]D-Fender indeed it is, its as tho it doesnt like summat from the itsp on initial connection, but why so random i dont get
15:04.47idiunfortunatly i dont have an alternate itsp to test with either
15:04.52jsjcSo thinking what this solution looks like...: 1xPCI with my FXO and 1 FXS for the famouse FAX and then gateway for rest of FXS? that will make me need just a PCI! yey. Now I found this brand called openvox that is pretty cheap compared with rest... (too crappy?)
15:05.00bhodder here is a pb of what i have but it does not seem to work like it appears it would
15:05.10[TK]D-FenderJerJer: What about in regular dialplan?
15:05.18JerJeri guess i can hack together a cdr manager disaster
15:05.32[TK]D-Fenderidi: Setup and test with them.
15:05.34JerJerexten => h,n,Set(cdr_billsec=${CDR(billsec)})
15:05.42JerJer"cdr_billsec=0") in new stack
15:05.57TSMopenvox: ok, makesure you get the hardware echo cancel stuff, bit more but better, still i think sangoma stuff is better, A series cards have lifetime warranty
15:05.58idiactually, i lie, do have an alternate for incoming
15:05.58JerJerh is fired before CDR is closed out
15:06.17idiback to making calls to get it to do it again
15:06.45JerJerunless i am setting it wrong
15:06.46TSMjsjc: openvox, ok, makesure you get the hardware echo cancel stuff, bit more but better, still i think sangoma stuff is better, A series cards have lifetime warranty
15:06.48[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: that is FreePBX crap...
15:06.48jsjcor even having instead of a gateway for FXS every new phone bought been a SIP one...
15:06.58JerJeri think that's the right way
15:07.00bhodderoh ok
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15:07.33TSMjsjc: for the phones, yes get SIP phones, much easier, poly 330, abt £85+VAT GBP, duno about other countries
15:07.35[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: And that dialplan means precisely NOTHING when you consider that what it sets needs to be processed by the dialplan you use to place your calls to devices <-
15:08.10luminbladehere's a pastebin of a 'failed' call.  the problem is really there is no audio during the ringing (from the 183/180 messages until answer):
15:08.26bhodderya true
15:08.32[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: Like your car is dead on the side of the side of the road and you're saying you put gas in your car.  It is however in a jung in the BACK SEAT, and not in the tank.
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15:08.44jsjcSIP phones makes it easier then... mhm one more option to consider heheh
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15:11.12bhodderCan you point me in the direction of correctly doing this
15:11.20JerJergo left
15:11.38[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: what you showed is the FRONT end of things... you need to actually loko at what is set before placing your dial <-
15:12.32jsjcSIP phones need power supply tho... there is a massive array of options. I am amazed...
15:13.35[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: Thats the advantage of this.
15:13.48[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: A million ways to skin a cat
15:13.50TSMjsjc: yes, some come with supplys, the poly 330 dont, the poly 550 do, or you can buy supplies seperatly, can also get small POE switches
15:14.02beek[TK]D-Fender: Why would you want to skin a cat?
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15:14.26coppicejsjc: SIP phones can be powered through PoE, eliminating a mass of wall warts
15:14.28box2mmmm cat
15:14.31[TK]D-Fenderbeek: require re-casing for the Raw-Cat Lawn Chair!
15:15.16[TK]D-Fendergrabs his, takes aim at bhodder and LOLcat's the bejeebus out of him.
15:16.01jsjc[TK]D-Fender as soon as i start to undewrstand this world I think I am going to love it!! that means lot of cool things can be done...
15:16.15brad_msswIs dahdi_dummy required for meetme timers in asterisk 1.6 if using a sangoma card?
15:16.19[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: Yup, the ceiling is comfortably high...
15:16.25[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: No
15:16.50bhodderIf that is simply the front end what has to be done before using this then?
15:16.53brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: how about without a card at all?
15:17.39[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: DUH <-
15:17.42brad_mssw(I'd assume without the sangoma the dummy would be necessary)
15:17.46brad_msswok, thanks ...
15:17.56[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: Before you dial YOU have to check their status
15:17.57brad_msswcouldn't find any reference saying the sangoma provided timing support
15:18.44[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: Its your job to code the dialplan that allows them to set these values, and its your job to code the dialplan that CHECKS them when deciding what to do when they dial.
15:19.13[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: Its a DAHDI device and does everything that one should.
15:19.21brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: thanks
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15:34.05jsjcGrandstream GXW-4008 8 Port FXS IP Analog Gateway has t.38 support... will be ok for fax then?
15:34.55jsjcpretty cheap solution for FXS...
15:35.08infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:35.52coppicethe grandstream ATAs are not bad
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15:38.00jsjcbox2 infobot thanks for advice
15:38.10jsjcopenbox cheap as well how is that?
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15:38.24jsjcopenvox A1200P is what i am thinking
15:38.36Dr-Linux|homecan i register one SIP phone on multiple asterisk servers?
15:38.47QwellDr-Linux|home: only if the phone has multiple identities
15:38.55infobotmethinks cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
15:39.15Dr-Linux|homeQwell: the phone as online one line.
15:39.20[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: OpenVox has been hard to contact and get support for if things go wrong, but YMMV
15:39.27[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: I would never take that risk
15:39.46[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: then you've nswered your own question
15:40.46Dr-Linux|homewell, i want this extensions should recieve one call at a time but it can be registered on 3 asterisk servers
15:41.38Dr-Linux|homei've no phone problems but i'm planning redundancy
15:41.49ariel_Dr-Linux|home: you can setup calls from all the asterisk to the one that has the phone just make the rules
15:42.09jsjchehe ok I see I see...
15:42.56[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Go read your phone's manual
15:43.17Dr-Linux|homeariel_: I can setup but i want "this phone be registered on all these 3 servers" becasue everything will be decided through the sip connection state
15:44.12Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: i'm not talking about my specific phone but i'm talking about Asterisk
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15:44.59[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: What does * have to dow ith your phone being able to register to 3 separate servers?
15:45.21[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: your phone does what your phone does, and * has absolutely nothing to do with it
15:45.39Dr-Linux|homeexample, if i've ext 222, it is registered on all 3 * servers, when i do show sip peer on any server it shows "OK"
15:45.59Dr-Linux|homemakes sense
15:46.26ariel_Dr-Linux|home: look at HAV type of setups, like with hartbeat or SER, Enswitch has a nice setup for this
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15:48.48Dr-Linux|homeSip phone -----> Asterisk1 ------> Asterisk 2     : is it possible that SIp phone can  register with Asterisk 2? not directly
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15:50.20[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Read your phone's MANUAL <-----
15:50.28rene-hello, how can i reliably tell weather a caller has hangup when i am playing a message? i am doing automated outbound calls, play a message and transfer to queue right after the message ends, however i get lots dead airs,
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15:51.04jsjcThen whats the opinion in Digium vs OpenVox?
15:51.06[TK]D-Fenderrene-: if you get dead air, * already can't tell they've disconnected otherwise dialplan execution would have already halted <-
15:51.10Dr-Linux|homephone is cisco 7960
15:51.26[TK]D-Fenderjsjc: Clearly digium.  Mind you I have my own preference for Sangoma.
15:51.51rene-i am thinking of just set a wait(3) before joining the callers to a queue, since most of those dead airs are callers  that abandon the queue within 0-3 secs but i dont know if playing the audio with something like backgrounddetect would make a difference
15:52.34[TK]D-Fenderrene-: the caller isn't supposed to be making any noise.  that is not a plausible solution.
15:52.39[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Fix your CDS
15:53.05rene-D-Fender: caller detect supervision?
15:53.10[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Yes
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15:53.55rene-D-Fender: what about the wait option before enqueueing the other party, it would be a bit annoying to people that havent hanged up but it at least would give asterisk time to detect the other party hanging up
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15:54.36[TK]D-Fenderrene-: You'll get hit one way or the other.  a Wait won't change your CDS situation at all.
15:54.48[TK]D-FenderrennIt won't make * notice any better or faster
15:56.09rene-D-Fender: hmm i used to think CDS was only an issue with analog telephony, i am running this off a PRI
15:56.24[TK]D-Fenderrene-: then its the far end...
15:56.31rene-very likely
15:56.32[TK]D-Fenderrene-: At which point you're FUBAR'd
15:56.33Faustovwhen using dahdi, is zaptel.conf or zapata.conf still needed?
15:56.44[TK]D-FenderFaustov: No
15:56.51[TK]D-FenderFaustov: read the docs in the tarball
15:57.51FaustovI have, I've tried every possible option and I'm a bit clueless now
15:58.25[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Including the giant docs in * and DAHDI tarballs, checked the sample configs for the clearly new bits, etc?
15:59.26Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I'm mostly referring to the analog parts in dahdi so it is not that huge
15:59.54[TK]D-FenderFaustov: the conf files are the same for digital as well... just like always
15:59.59Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I noticed another thing btw, when redirecting the incoming analog calls to a sip phone, the situation is the same
16:01.02Faustovand with people making calls all the time it is almost impossible for trial and error, damn it
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16:01.10[TK]D-FenderFaustov: And you can't be on a PRI... you said you're running an A200d <-------
16:01.25[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Which DOES require CDS
16:01.40[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Sorry, bad aim
16:01.44[TK]D-FenderScratch that
16:01.56[TK]D-Fenderrene-: You're still up a creek ;)
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16:02.38Faustovi wonder if my provider might be not supporting koolstart
16:02.48Faustovbut according to the docs it is quite populr
16:03.06Faustovi'll try groundstart once all the mofos end their calls...
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16:05.55[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Kewlstart should affect the telco ACK-ing your pickup....
16:06.06[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Check with Sangoma support ASAP
16:06.23ricko73Is dial tone detection before dialing on a Zap channel available in 1.4 or is that a 1.6.x feature?
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16:11.45nauticalthinkerI was able to get both Asterisk and an F9600 system to talk to each other.  Had to play around with different configs on the cable.
16:11.56nauticalthinkerboth are configured for fxs
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16:12.45nauticalthinkermy problem is that when an ext is dialed from the f9600 side to reach asterisk, I'm not sure how to handle it on the incoming context
16:13.09[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Can't both be fXS...
16:13.26nauticalthinker...that would explain things possibly
16:13.40nauticalthinkershould  asterisk be an fxo or does it matter?
16:13.53[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Depends what the F9000 is using.
16:14.05[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Your hardware has to match.
16:14.12[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: And yes it matters
16:14.22nauticalthinkerit's set for fxs
16:14.54[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: So the F9000 is expecting you to plug in PHONES?
16:15.00ariel_wonders what is set as, as you either have fxs ports or fxo's you plug one to the other not to same
16:15.03nauticalthinkerhow should I hand the incoming context on that channel?  What I want is for any sip user to be reached if that is dialed from F9600
16:15.17nauticalthinkerit does contain phones...yes
16:15.18[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: What kind of jack?  What card?
16:15.23KattyIT IS LUNCH TIME
16:15.24nauticalthinkerI'm bridging the two
16:15.42nauticalthinkerit's a pilot project and both need to act as if it's all one system
16:15.58ariel_Katty: yes it is, it's hot pockets for today..
16:16.00nauticalthinkerTe121 on the Asteisk server
16:16.07Kattyariel_: :<
16:16.13Kattyariel_: come over for alfredo.
16:16.23[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Why on earth are you using FxS/FXO signalling on a digital trunk?
16:17.35nauticalthinkermaybe because I'm still a newbie
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16:17.39nauticalthinkerhow should it be handled in your opinion?
16:17.46[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: PRI
16:17.50bhodderOk, Im stuck I can not find any documentation that is working for setting up call forwarding can someone point me in the right direction
16:18.15[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: the is no documentation unless someone posted some complete sample of their own way out there
16:18.16nauticalthinkerare you saying that t1 to t1 want work then?
16:18.34Qwellputs the life rafts away
16:18.40[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: You seemt o fail to grasp that YOU have to check those values you set before shoosing what to do in your extens.
16:19.03[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: PRI is a SIGNALING used over T1 <-
16:19.45nauticalthinkerokay...I'll change fxsls to bchan=1-23 dchan=24?
16:19.52nauticalthinkerneed to change the other side to match?
16:20.02[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Of course.
16:20.07bhodderok, I understand that I have to check, but does that mean for every extension I have to check whether or not the extension is being forwarded
16:20.22[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: for every one you care to.
16:20.24Kattydo i want: Tortillini Marinara, Three Cheese Chicken Bake, Creamy Ham Fettuchini, or Baked Mostaccoli
16:20.24*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
16:20.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: ... YES
16:21.02Kattyi was afraid you were gonna say that
16:21.04*** join/#asterisk l2trace999 (n=asd@
16:22.11idi[TK]D-Fender thx for help, will be back to bug you more later ;)
16:22.32*** part/#asterisk idi (n=idi@
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16:23.22Kattytortillini marinara wins!!!
16:23.28Katty <- lunch!
16:23.51jsjctortellini does not go good iwth marinara
16:24.00Kattyyes it does.
16:24.00jsjcmake some fetuchinni marinara...
16:24.14Kattycheese tortellini goes with everything.
16:24.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: That sounds so tragiically white :p
16:24.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: your face is.
16:24.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: <3
16:24.37jsjcwow that recipe its not marinara!
16:24.42Kattyctrl ad
16:24.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: I tanned out a bit on the kayak on Saturday :)
16:24.48jsjclooks like bolognese more than marinara in the pic hehe
16:24.58dandreI have an analog phone connected tto a tdm800 fxs port. I can't get the callerid informations displayed on the phone. If I test this phone on ana analog line, the callerid are displayed.
16:25.10jsjcand marinara with sausage!?!?
16:25.11dandrewhat should I do?
16:25.42[TK]D-FenderdandConfigure it properly
16:25.45jsjcSorry I am a hospitality worker/chef/cook so about PBX cannot help much as of yet but cooking any questions I more likely will have an answer
16:26.04dandreI don't see how?
16:26.31[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You don't even know your card's config files?  GEEZ
16:28.23Strogghrmmmm allrighty. I think the next thing I'll have to setup is call forwarding to internal extensions
16:28.25dandrethe card itself conf file?
16:28.54*** join/#asterisk many (
16:30.01*** join/#asterisk b14ck (n=comradeb@
16:30.08[TK]D-Fenderdandre: SAD.
16:30.20*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
16:30.30[TK]D-Fenderdandre: channel setup = zapata.conf / chan_dahdi.conf depending which you've installed
16:30.40*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
16:31.26dandreyes I know
16:31.41dandreI am using zapata
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
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16:59.41laggohow do i install zaptel headers?
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17:01.35dustybinanybody here use one of these:
17:02.02dustybin(only the phone)
17:02.11Qwelldustybin: sure, tons of people
17:02.25dustybinare they any good? i am considering buying one
17:03.57dustybinis it worth getting a video phone?
17:04.12dustybini imagine video tariffs to be more expensive?
17:04.33*** join/#asterisk Imo (
17:05.21Imohello i have installed asterisk on centos with this docu
17:05.37Imobut when i'm run asterisk i get this error Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
17:05.53Imoand i cant use service asterisk start or stop or restart
17:05.54Qwelldoes /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?
17:06.11infobot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at
17:06.27kaldemarImo: you're not root, i assume?
17:06.37Imono i'm root
17:06.44Imoand i installed asterisk in root
17:06.51Imoi login with root
17:06.56Imoand i installed asterisk
17:07.27QwellImo: read what the bot said
17:07.45dustybinif one used a wireless network for VOIP, am i right in thinking that the wireless bandwidth could easily be eaten away
17:07.52*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
17:08.09dustybinie. imagine i was downloading stuff on my laptop, and i also took a VOIP call via wireless
17:08.18dustybincould this cause problems?
17:08.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
17:08.36jayteewhat'd you say? you're breaking up...I didn't catch that
17:08.52dustybin'shes breaking up jim'
17:09.47[TK]D-FenderI'll gier'er all I got and a weeee bite moooooooooorrrrrrreee!
17:09.47Imoi get this error
17:09.47ImoThis account is currently not available.
17:09.47Imowhen i make it step by step ,
17:09.47*** join/#asterisk snapple42 (
17:10.14Imocan i install asterisk on another way ?
17:10.18Imoi wont only run asterisk
17:10.29tzafrir_laptopdustybin, what kernel version do you use?
17:10.41dustybinLinux wizbox 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
17:10.42tzafrir_laptopIf recent enough, look into ionice
17:11.15dustybinwhat is ionice?
17:11.45tzafrir_laptoplike nice/renice for I/O
17:11.48Imowhy i get the erros ?
17:12.07Imoi dont understand that ? i have installed asterisk on antoher centos with the same commands.
17:12.17dustybintell hell with it, i dont need wireless for VOIP
17:13.36[TK]D-Fender[13:09]<Imo>This account is currently not available. <- Huh?  What gives you this exactly?
17:14.13Imoi get this url
17:14.26Imoand i make it step by step and by su asterisk i get this error
17:14.49Imoand i dont understand why its so difficult, normaly i can install this very easy
17:15.01[TK]D-FenderImo: PASteBIN the complete attempt including that error
17:15.04infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:15.42Imothere is nothing to pastbin
17:16.17[TK]D-FenderImo: Yes there is.. there is CLI output leading that that ERROR MESSAGE
17:16.55Imoypu mean this or what Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)?
17:16.59[TK]D-FenderImo: You get that error on your scrren.  I'm sure there is stuff that would outputtd BEFORE that error as well.
17:17.11[TK]D-Fender[13:13]<[TK]D-Fender>[13:09] <Imo> This account is currently not available. <- Huh? What gives you this exactly? <---------
17:17.29Imosorry i dont understand what you mean
17:17.32*** join/#asterisk jicksta_ (
17:17.49Imoplease forget it
17:18.05[TK]D-FenderImo: You said you got an error message saying "This account is currently not available.".  WHERE?
17:18.10[TK]D-FenderImo: Doing what?
17:18.23Qwell[TK]D-Fender: when he ran `su asterisk`, I'm guessing
17:19.04Imosu asterisk
17:19.19[TK]D-FenderImo: Guess you didn't creat it <-
17:19.28Imoi create this
17:19.59[TK]D-FenderImo: "su asterisk -" <-
17:20.23ariel_"su - asterisk"
17:20.24*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
17:20.31[TK]D-FenderImo: and?
17:20.38Imothe same
17:20.49[TK]D-FenderImo: Show me you created the user/
17:20.55Imoi now
17:20.59[TK]D-FenderImo: And pastebin the failed attempt to change users
17:21.00Imoadduser asterisk
17:21.19Imoadduser: Benutzer asterisk vorhanden
17:21.55[TK]D-FenderImo: ..pastebin the failed attempt and backup that it exists
17:22.13Imowhat is the failed attempt ?
17:22.24*** join/#asterisk hfb (
17:22.30dustybinI have made my final decision, i am going to buy this
17:22.33Imoi dont understand what you mean sorry
17:23.37Imois there another way to install asteriks ? now i reinstall my server
17:23.43[TK]D-FenderImo: What is there to not understand?  PASTEBIN the &^#$ING CLOI OUTPUT FROM LINUX FOR YOUR ATTEMPT TO CHANGE USERS.
17:24.16[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Good phone... what kind of call volume?
17:24.38Imodduser: Benutzer asterisk vorhanden
17:24.41Imothis is only what i get
17:24.46Imonot more
17:24.48[TK]D-FenderImo: .....PASTEBIN
17:24.50infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
17:24.59Imoyou want kidding me ?
17:25.18[TK]D-FenderImo: And I told you several times to show me that the user is properly configured.  with a SHELL specified as well
17:25.20Imoi should pastbin thos " dduser: Benutzer asterisk vorhanden" ?
17:25.32Imomom please
17:25.38dustybin[TK]D-Fender: call volume, what do you mean?
17:25.41Imoi reinstall the server and try again to install asterisk
17:25.55[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: How many calls in a day, at a time, headset required, etc
17:26.09[TK]D-FenderImo: Complete waste.. if you just reinstall what will be different?
17:26.11dustybin[TK]D-Fender: not much, steady
17:26.12Imocan i install only asterisk
17:26.20*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
17:26.22Imoi dont know
17:27.10[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: How steady?  Mostly inbound?  Have to juggle a lot of calls around at a time?
17:27.14Imoand i dont installed any kernel or devel etc.
17:27.34[TK]D-FenderImo: And you aren't showing me what I've asked for several times now.
17:27.38dustybin[TK]D-Fender: no way, the max will be 2 calls at once
17:27.38Imobut i get a new server and must install asterisk again and now i get this problems
17:27.45dustybin[TK]D-Fender: and that will be rare
17:27.56[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: Headset requirements?
17:28.15Imosorry than i dont understand what you mean
17:28.18*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
17:28.34[TK]D-FenderImo: [13:23]<[TK]D-Fender>Imo: What is there to not understand? PASTEBIN the &^#$ING CLOI OUTPUT FROM LINUX FOR YOUR ATTEMPT TO CHANGE USERS
17:28.36dustybin[TK]D-Fender: I havent looked into headsets, maybe in the future
17:28.41[TK]D-FenderImo: Please ask again when you can read.
17:28.42Kattylunch is served!
17:28.56dustybin[TK]D-Fender: can i use a headset with that phone?
17:29.04infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
17:29.42Imoi dont now what you want
17:29.44[TK]D-Fenderloves that one... and hates that it actually represents a necessary question.
17:30.08[TK]D-FenderImo: Linux CLI output for your attempt to change users <-  What part is not clear?
17:30.33[TK]D-FenderImo: show me the user config files that prove the user exists and has a shell defined.
17:31.00Imoplease give me the command and i will give you the output in pastbin
17:31.03ariel_wow linux 101 class.
17:31.15ariel_su - asterisk
17:31.38Imoadduser: Benutzer asterisk vorhanden
17:32.31[TK]D-FenderImo: I don't want jsut the error message, I want to see the coomand as you issue it.  Do not give me another worthless story.  now pastebin ALL OF IT
17:32.57Imomoment please
17:33.34jplankfender is going to go postal one day, and I hope my logs catch it
17:34.11jeff_phillipsjplank: do you want me to pm you next time I set him off so you can make sure your log is active? lol
17:34.20Kattyyou're so imo.
17:34.36[TK]D-Fenderwishes his lawn was emo... so it would cut itself...
17:34.47jplanklol ^^^
17:34.50Kattyyou know they make something for that.
17:34.59ariel_HOA house.... they cut my lawn...
17:35.01Kattyit's called roundup.
17:35.08Kattyjust spray the whole yard down.
17:35.22jeff_phillipsi've thought about paving mine, but it would be expensive
17:35.39jplankariel, I'm in a HOA also, and I'm lucky if the weeds next door don't hit 6 feet
17:35.54Kattyjeff_phillips: it's all about total cost of ownership
17:36.18Kattyjeff_phillips: sit down and figure out how much it costs to pave, and maintain the pavement, as opposed to maintenance of your lawn.
17:36.25Kattyjeff_phillips: you may find that in 3 years, you recoup your cost.
17:36.31ariel_we voted to have the lawn co do all yards.. no matter what. front and back... saves having to fight with the others
17:36.32jeff_phillipsgood point
17:36.48Kattybut it wouldn't be nearly as pretty.
17:36.52Kattyand the bunnies wouldn't like you.
17:37.01jeff_phillipscould just let the village do it for $600 per mowing.
17:37.10jeff_phillipsor the neighbor kid for $10
17:37.18WindowsUserinstead of spending money on corn maybe the US govt should spend money on lawns
17:37.27Kattyi don't trust the neighbors with our lawn
17:37.37Kattythey'd probably mow right over my flowers.
17:37.38ariel_were paying 650 per cut for 72 homes... it's really not bad
17:37.47box2i don't trust the neighbors with being my neighbors
17:38.04Kattybox2: well, we have a german shepherd. the neighbors don't pose a threat.
17:38.11WindowsUseri don't trust the neighbors to be human
17:38.14WindowsUserha! i win
17:38.18Kattybox2: they don't come on our property anymore
17:38.22KattyWindowsUser: you do win!!!
17:38.25KattyWindowsUser: congrats!
17:38.28*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
17:38.30KattyWindowsUser: a lifetime supply of ricearoni!!!!
17:38.50box2i heart rice-a-roni
17:39.10Imohere i pastbin alll my setup
17:39.36Imoi make it on a fresh centos ;)
17:39.51Kattywith a side of rice a roni?
17:39.57*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
17:40.05Kattysounds awfully carby.
17:40.54Imo[TK]D-Fender: its thats ok ?
17:41.54jeff_phillipsthat's a lot of rice a roni
17:42.28kaldemarImo: you have to start asterisk to be able to connect it
17:42.29[TK]D-FenderImo: And Nothing in there shows me that you STARTED ASTERISK
17:42.43[TK]D-FenderImo: And I don't see your attempt to change users like you were trying.
17:42.49Imoi cant start asterisk
17:43.01[TK]D-FenderImo: "asterisk -r" DOES NOT START ASTERISK
17:43.09Imowhen im start i get this error and i cant stop that and i must restart my server
17:43.14[TK]D-FenderImo: It connects to an ALREADY RUNNING instance of *
17:44.20Imoi now
17:44.26Imoi must type asterisk start
17:44.34Imoor service asterisk start
17:44.50Imobut i get this
17:45.16bhodderOk, I've tried to get the dialing plan to check the status of the extension and to get it to callforward from there once the user has set the number to forward to but it still will not forward the cal
17:45.52[TK]D-FenderImo: Because you had a problem with DAHDI most likely which is causing * to crash in circles <-
17:46.31*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
17:46.52Imoi dont think tha
17:47.05Imoon my other server i dont installed dhadi too and it works
17:47.36[TK]D-FenderImo: PASteBIN the output of "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvc"
17:48.49Qwellbroken package.
17:48.55[TK]D-FenderImo: []Aug 10 19:47:44 WARNING[5162]: loader.c:326 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: speex_preprocess_ctl -- Aug 10 19:47:44 WARNING[5162]: loader.c:555 load_modules: Loading module failed!
17:49.46[TK]D-FenderImo: echo "noload =>" > /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
17:49.51[TK]D-FenderImo: Do this ^^^
17:50.01bhodderIf I get the extension to be set to call forward to a number what do i use to check the status of the extension before it dials it
17:50.24[TK]D-FenderImo: SHOW ME
17:50.39[TK]D-FenderImo: And you should have tried to start it manually again
17:50.45[TK]D-Fender13:47]<[TK]D-Fender>Imo: PASteBIN the output of "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvc"
17:51.02[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: "core show application gotoif" <-
17:52.05jayteegod, you're such a masochist! I'm in awe :-)
17:53.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, I  "oppsed" on the echo too :)
17:54.56*** join/#asterisk proute (
17:55.05proutehello all
17:55.31prouteI use * with dahdi (the last release) with Bri card B410P
17:55.33box2<asterisk> oh man i think i ate something bad for lunch
17:55.44box2TOO MANY -v
17:56.19proutesometime for an incoming call via ma B410P, the call works, sometimes, the incoming call not work and my SPAN is in red alert....
17:57.07prouteI have the same problem for an outgoing call :(
17:57.10jaytee[TK]D-Fender, was it missing an extra > to append or was it the quotes?
17:59.14proutein my cli, I have Primary D-Channel on span 1 down and up....
17:59.36[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: >
18:00.14jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that's what I thought after  you pointed it out. I didn't catch it when you first typed it.
18:00.15*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c35:38e5:2ac0:762d)
18:00.31cusco_what is the latest stable 1.6?
18:00.54cusco_there was an error in the addons for that, on the mysql addon
18:02.02cusco_is svn usable?
18:02.12cusco_or maybe there is not a public svn trunk
18:02.13jayteedon't use it myself, might ask in #asterisk-dev
18:06.50b14ckthere is no theory of evolution, just a list of animals chuck norris allows to live
18:07.58jayteeChuck Norris never does laundry, his clothes are so afraid of making him angry they wash, dry and fold themselves.
18:08.16cusco_thats ok, I will install the latest stable
18:08.33jayteecusco_, which version of addon-ons do you have?
18:08.40[TK]D-FenderImo: You're up & running
18:08.47[TK]D-FenderImo: Yuo can connect via "asterisk -r" now
18:08.50b14ckChuck Norris can win a game of connect four with only 3 moves.
18:09.51beekGiven Chuck's religious views, I find the comment about evolution hilarious.
18:10.32[TK]D-FenderImo: I reinstalled the RPM for your *, and added the "noload =>" to your modules.conf and started the service after verifying that everything was OK
18:11.48bhodderI get it to test but it does not see that it is set for call forwarding or the seting the call forwarding is not working
18:12.00Imo[TK]D-Fender: thanks but can you pastbin all the commands ? when i have the problem again i dont want ask again ;)
18:13.34b14ck"Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it." rofl!
18:14.25[TK]D-FenderImo: yum uninstall astersk
18:14.29[TK]D-FenderImo: yum install astersk
18:14.55[TK]D-FenderImo: echo "noload =>" >> /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
18:14.59[TK]D-FenderImo: Thats it
18:15.07Imovery thanks ;)
18:15.24b14ckHey, have any of you done any work with audiohook.h?
18:16.01b14ckI was looking for a way to modify audio on a channel realtime and came across it, but don't see any examples or samples of it anywhere. Was just curious if anyone had played around with it.
18:17.32*** join/#asterisk moy (
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18:20.03rene-hello, how can i get a list of rboc/non rboc area codes?
18:20.32rene-sorry to be OT
18:21.35*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
18:23.00prouteWhen I try a call to my B410P (dahdi...) my SPAN go to RED....
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18:24.52bhodderok, the gotoif checks it fine but the nuber appears not to get set as it always ends up being an empty number when it tries to dial it
18:26.21bhodderthis is what I am using to check the extension status :exten => 315,1,GotoIf($[${CFIM}=""]?3:2)
18:26.39*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
18:26.41bhodderis that correct or should that be something else?
18:27.26[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: How would we know>  So far you are just comparing some random channel variable.  We don't see if or where it ever gets set
18:28.09[TK]D-FenderImo: ps -A|grep aster
18:28.19[TK]D-FenderImo: then kill any process # you see
18:28.34[TK]D-FenderImo: And only start * MANUALLY like I told you before : asterisk -gvvvvvvvc
18:29.03*** join/#asterisk dmz (
18:30.06WindowsUserreoccuring problems?
18:30.16bhodderhere is a pb of what is being done to set it
18:30.49*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
18:31.01[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: You are setting an AstDB key-paitr, not a CHANNEL-VARiABLE
18:31.32[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: ${CFIM/CALLERID(num)} <- also quite invalid
18:32.40bhodderok, the method that is used to set the CFIM is that valid
18:33.12[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: there is no setting.  when you dial 315 its a NEW CALL.  that variable does not exist
18:33.32[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: Do don't seem to have the slightest clue what the exten that SETS values for you is doing
18:33.59[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: You put the # into AstDB, but you aren't PULLING the value from AstDB when it comes time to check it.
18:34.47bhodderok, how do I pull the value from AstDB to check it
18:35.14[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: go read the basics on "asterisk functions" on the WIKI
18:35.17infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
18:36.04[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: And while we're on a reading spree go read the "channelvariables" doc in your doc/ folder from your source tarball (might be in a /tex sub-folder)
18:36.21*** join/#asterisk dupe (
18:36.37TSM2im looking in the asterisk docs, could not see if AstDB is a persistant DB?
18:37.48[TK]D-FenderTSM2: it is
18:38.57TSM2good good
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18:43.30ariel_So far I am getting more used to 1.6, seems it's going to workout after all.
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19:12.11*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:13.09TSM2i am trying to work out the >database get  command, can someone give me a quick example that works
19:18.13[TK]D-FenderTSM2: "help database"
19:19.46*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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19:26.23h00kIs the best place to ask for AsteriskNOW questions going to be in #asterisknow (20 users) or in here?
19:26.45WindowsUserthe former
19:27.45[TK]D-Fenderh00k: Depends on the question
19:28.38h00k[TK]D-Fender: mostly an initial setup (Using AsteriskNOW server), and linksys spa962 phones.
19:28.56h00k[TK]D-Fender: Thummy is with me and we're seeking assistance.
19:29.33dupeim back, and still having a braindead issue with iax transfers. i'm tired and willing to toss some $$ to someone who can just tell me why it wont work. is the latest attempt
19:29.44dupei need to get more than 3 hours of sleep sigh
19:30.03JTuse sip? ;)
19:30.31h00kJT: as per Thummy in #asterisknow: I am new to the asteriskNow world.  I have set up Cisco systems in the past and am looking at AsteriskNow for testing.  We are testing with linksys spa962 phones and just internal calls.  when setting up the phones we do not get dial tones.  when pressing the line button, the phone gives a failed, Not reached warning.  is there a guide to getting these phone working with asterisk Now
19:31.22[TK]D-Fenderh00k: tNo dialtone = not registered
19:31.44[TK]D-Fenderh00k: enable SIP debug and look for registration attempts
19:33.47Thummy[TK]D-Fender: Where would one find this? is that an extension?
19:34.28[TK]D-FenderThummy: In GUI terms, yes they probably call it "extension setup".  But I said look at * CLI <--------
19:34.41[TK]D-FenderThummy:To see if the phone is even trying to contact yours erver
19:34.44*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
19:34.55TSM2[TK]D-Fender: yes i have tried that but when i try ">database get cidname 2200"  i get nothing
19:35.01*** join/#asterisk VoipForces (
19:35.24[TK]D-FenderTSM2: PASTEBIN, along with "database show"
19:35.29VoipForcesAnyone has recomendation on analog handfree outdoor doorphone that works with mediatrix devices?
19:35.48dupe[TK]D-Fender: still registration refused.... sigh
19:36.36[TK]D-Fenderdupe: You have IP's defined, you don't NEED registrations
19:36.51[TK]D-FenderAww crap
19:37.17TSM2VoipForces: yup, try
19:37.33TSM2VoipForces: they do voip versions and analogue version which are far cheeper
19:38.02Imonow i try to install asterisk with yum but i get this error
19:38.37VoipForcesTSM2: cool. i'll check it out. prob is that mediatrix send out 18v but they barly do 20mA on the current loop so with the impedance of the doorphone the voltage drops and deviices like Bogen ADP1 fail.
19:39.03[TK]D-FenderTSM2: Now try giving me what I asked for <-
19:39.42jeff_phillipsVoipForces: Why don't you just throw a small ATA device in for that phone?
19:40.21[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: What do you think the Mediatrix is?
19:40.36jeff_phillipsI had a problem with the Audiocodes MP-124 gateway not putting out enough current to drive our loud bell ringer, so I threw an old SPA-2000 in for that extension and it worked fine
19:41.10VoipForcesjeff_phillips: I doubt that a small ata will provide the necessary voltage and current loop
19:41.10VoipForcesTSM2: Nice device but way too big and complex. What I need is something like this
19:41.39TSM2VoipForces: they do diffrent versions without the pin pad
19:41.40VoipForcesjeff_phillips: AUdiocodes suck.
19:41.40jeff_phillipsWell you might be suprised, I've found that sometimes the expensive $ gear doesn't always do what you want as easily as the cheap stuff.
19:41.46jeff_phillipsyeah they suck
19:41.48jeff_phillipsi got it off ebay
19:42.16VoipForcesjeff_phillips: hmmm might worth the try.
19:44.00TSM2[TK]D-Fender: dont want to post all of it
19:44.23Imo[TK]D-Fender: can you say me what can i do ?
19:44.29[TK]D-FenderTSMApparently you haven't learned what the FAMILY part of your tree is <-
19:44.40*** join/#asterisk wcselby (n=wcselby@
19:44.57[TK]D-FenderTSM2: did you think the AMPUSER part wasn't important?
19:45.19TSM2i thought that AMPUSER is the family
19:45.33TSM2ahh now i get it
19:45.38[TK]D-FenderTSM2: It is, and nowhere in your GET do you specify it.
19:45.41wcselbyis anyone available to help me figure out why my polycom IP 7000 SIP phone constantly loses connection from *, whereas the other 150 phones I have (different make / models) work fine?
19:45.42TSM2database get AMPUSER/2200 ciduser
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19:46.21[TK]D-FenderTSM2: Getting warmer....
19:47.07TSM2i did it and it worked
19:47.16*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
19:47.41TSM2[TK]D-Fender: is there somthing missing?
19:49.30wcselbymy polycom Soundstation IP 7000 conference phone registers to my * server for about 45 seconds after it first boots, you can make or receive calls with two-way audio during that time, but after 45 seconds if you have an open call, you go to one-way or sometimes no-audio, and if there isn't a call going, you lose the connection to the server entirely (unable to make or receive calls)
19:49.59VoipForceswcselby: firmware issue?
19:50.10wcselbyi've tried multiple firmwares, including the latest
19:50.15wcselbythat was my first thought as well
19:50.19TSM2wcselby: is you * on the same net as the server, or is it going through a firewall/router?
19:50.25*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
19:50.38VoipForceswcselby: are you doing the proviosionning via tftp?
19:50.38TSM2wcselby: i ment polycom & asterisk
19:50.47wcselbyi've got a sip debug trace along with sip.conf file posted on; TSM2 - it's on the same network, no NAT
19:50.52wcselbyprovisioning via FTP
19:51.27TSM2wcselby: have you been changing the sip.conf?
19:51.41TSM2wcselby: i have not had any problems with my poly 330 & 550
19:51.42wcselbyI have tried changes to the sip.conf file, yes
19:51.44VoipForceswcselby: i would try manual provisionning to see if it does the same
19:52.01wcselbyi have probably 75 working polycom 601's on the network, along with another 60-70 cisco 7960s
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19:52.17wcselbythe manual provisioning does the same thing
19:52.27Thummy[TK]D-Fender:I'm still trying to find how to enable this, but thanks for the tip
19:52.29wcselbywell, i don't have a sip debug trace from a manual prov
19:52.43wcselbyhere's the sip debug, if you're interested -
19:53.21VoipForceswcselby: when you are not able to make/receive calls, is it still registeres to asterisk (sip show peers)
19:53.31wcselbyyes, it is registered in sip show peers
19:53.39TSM2wcselby: have you looked at the app logs from the phone?
19:53.50hudonyhi, I have a question regarding chanspy() + manager, Should I ask now?
19:54.05VoipForceshudony: dont ask to ask, just ask
19:54.33hudonyOk, i was wondering if you guys had a ticket or position system etc.. whatever... :)
19:54.53wcselbyi've looked at the app logs from the phone, not seeing anything I think is relevant (but I could be wrong)
19:54.59TSM2hudony: no, just put question and it may get answered
19:55.25[TK]D-FenderThummy: I gave you a PB...
19:55.38TSM2wcselby: seems like a NAT issue, but as you said there is no NAT happening, what version app is the phone running?
19:55.49[TK]D-Fenderhudony: No, just ask, provide as much clear detail as possible
19:55.58wcselbyVersion= 25-Nov-08 13:49
19:57.09hudonyI need to let a call center supervisor listen in real-time calls form his agents.   I'm using the manager via ajax request.  I plan to use the "originate" manager function with chanSpy as the application parameter. I want to the superviser be able to listen to call not using his phone but via the internet (mp3, wav etc)
19:57.17hudonyIs is possible to do so?
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19:57.29wcselbyI have also tried a few other versions as well, don't have the exact numbers on me, but they were 3.1.1base; 3.1.3RevC Combined, and 3.0.2 Rev C
19:58.24TSM2wcselby: when you uploaded the latest firmware, did you remember to put the sip.conf in the FTP dir and make sure its unmodified and set in the <MAC>.conf
19:58.29[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Polycom's should not be subscribing to * VM.  * VM is push-notify-d according to your peer entry
19:58.38VoipForceswcselby: The call-limit=0 bugs me, have you tries with call-limit=1
20:00.07VoipForceshudony: don't think so. chanspy bridges you as a listener-only to the requester channel
20:00.08wcselbyTSM2 - I put the sip.cfg from the firmware release .zip file for each specific release in with each firmware (i hope this makes sense); [TK]D-Fender - I can make a change, this was a copy of a workign polycom 601 config; VoipForces - I can try this.  What does this setting do?
20:00.33VoipForceswcselby: limit the number of concurent calls for that extension...
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20:00.57wcselbylol - okay, so it was the obvious answer....
20:01.02VoipForceshudony: you could have the supervison connect to the saterisk server using a softphone
20:01.24wcselbybooting my phone now with the changed call-limit setting
20:01.40VoipForceswcselby: you did reload asterisk ?
20:01.47wcselbysip reload
20:01.54VoipForceswcselby: ok
20:02.07hudonyOh, I see
20:02.17*** join/#asterisk uqlev (n=yuriy@
20:02.40wcselbybtw, since this is a production server, it's still running v 1.2.27 (was the version on the server when they contracted me....we're building a new server running 1.4.26).
20:02.51hudonyWhat about : when supervisor wants to listen in real time, u record the call then stream it with a sec or 2 interval ?
20:03.33VoipForceshudony: asterisk will do the recording in 2 files (in and out) and in wav. I don't think you can stream wav...
20:03.35[TK]D-Fenderhudony: AMI Record + boss calls ChanSpy
20:03.44*** join/#asterisk T` (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
20:03.52T`hi.. anyone here using asterisk with google voice?
20:03.57jeff_phillipshmm, the guy who wrote the timecard ivr that was broken says he'd charge $45 to fix it
20:04.03*** part/#asterisk alecdavis (
20:04.05VoipForceshudony: Of when the supervisor wants to listen-in, the asterisk box calls him on his cell.
20:05.00wcselbysip show peers shows my extension as unreachable again
20:05.13hudonyOK, let me sort things out
20:05.17T`is there a way to make use of google voice without running asterisk locally?
20:05.21VoipForceswcselby: hmm can you ping the ip of that phone
20:05.35T`i have a netbook at my parents place.. and woudl like to setup Google voice so we can talk for free
20:05.59wcselbyVoipForces - I can't, at least not from the * server
20:06.01VoipForcesT`: Why go through asterisk for that, just to googlevoice to googlevoice
20:06.05wcselbyI can ping it from my dhcp server
20:06.11hudonyFender : Can you be more precise please?
20:06.14TSM2wcselby: yr not the first one to come up with problems with the IP 7000, someone else had a couple of them just die
20:06.16ariel_tzafrir_laptop: you around?
20:06.28VoipForceswcselby: strange... faulty wire, faulty switch port?
20:06.29hudonyForces : you are saying that when superviser wants to listen in real-time, asterisk call him and bridge him to the conversation?
20:06.47T`VoipForces, well google voice doesn't allow connecting with a SIP phone like ekiga does it?
20:06.48wcselbynow - lots of changs recently on the network - recently upgraded everything to a juniper network, which takes away CDP
20:07.08wcselbyeach phone plugs into a port that has a specific voice vlan on it
20:07.13VoipForceshudony: Kinda instead of calling a deskphone with the chanspy, just call the cell phone number.
20:07.28TSM2wcselby: vlan easy to set on poly phones from DHCP if required
20:07.47wcselbyTSM2 - how's that?
20:07.57VoipForceswcselby: Keep it simple. try that phone on a test server with no vlan or anything.
20:08.12TSM2yup try that first
20:08.27VoipForceswcselby: True I did it on Aastra, butnot polycom. I don't really like polycom
20:08.48wcselbyVoipForces - good idea.  OH - meant to mention this - a softphone registers just fine using the 2570 user I had defined in sip.conf (I know, not really called user)
20:09.32VoipForceswcselby: you could easylly setup a vmware for this. I use that all the time to devbelop/test
20:10.15VoipForcesT`: Dunnu, never tried it yet.
20:10.20wcselbyVoipForces - good idea.  I already have a virtualbox setup on my laptop with asterisk running, I should probably connect using that...
20:10.25wcselbythanks for the ideas guys
20:10.51hudonyForces : ok I dont know exactly which command to use to achieve that but I guess I can figure it out by myself.   However, I'm wondering, why do you keep saying "cell phone" and not his desktop phone ?  (sorry if this question sounds weird)
20:10.54*** part/#asterisk h00k (n=anthony@unaffiliated/h00k)
20:11.01TSM2wcselby: once the poly has got the VLAN info it will then DHCP again to get the new IP from the other VLAN
20:11.41wcselbyTSM2 - is this like vlan tagging (cdp / lldp) ?
20:12.10VoipForceshudony: well, you said " I want to the superviser be able to listen to call not using his phone" so I presumed you did not want to use the deskphone and wanted an other maybe remote mean
20:12.13wcselbyi.e can I trunk both data and voice onto a port, use this dhcpd config you just posted, and have the phone use the proper vlan?
20:12.36hudonyForces : ah ok, no, I was talking about his "normal phone" :)
20:13.03wcselbysince we can't do that currently with the juniper switches (since they use lldp vlan tagging and the polycoms / 7960's don't support lldp, only cdp) ?
20:13.06TSM2wcselby: yup, the phone then tags everything with the vlan you specified, the DHCP server on the other VLAN will assign the phone an IP, if you daisy chain a computer to the PC port on the phone it will just passthru any data from the PC without putting it in the same vlan as the phone
20:13.26VoipForceshudony: Ok, then yes you could have his deskphone (sip) ring and when he picks up he is in chanspy. you can use a combination of originate, redirect for that
20:14.02wcselbythey used to do that with the cisco switches they had, setup with cdp.  when they put the junipers in, no one could figure out how to trunk both ports without using the tagging.  i never wouldh ave thought of it this way...
20:14.18TSM2wcselby: the phone touches nothing comming from the PC port, all it does is make sure the PC does not mess up with the QOS of the phone, ie the computer connected to the phone cant saturate the lan link and make the phone not work
20:14.47wcselbyi'm sorry, i meant to say trunk both vlans
20:15.04hudonyForces : ok, I guess I'll go that way.  Of course, I think that your softphone option would be more efficient since everything would be web-based and not "hybrid" (web/physical phone) but I have like no idea how to achieve that kind of setup (installing and configuring softphone etc.) and I have not much time left
20:15.28TSM2wcselby: polys have good setup, the conf files are massive bunch of settings to mess things up
20:15.46wcselbytsm2 - believe me I know :)
20:16.12*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
20:16.15wcselbyi'll probably be coming back here over the next few days asking guys are really helpful
20:16.24VoipForceshudony: use zoiper, it's easy to setup. just ccreate a sip or iax exteions in asterisk and point zoiper to it.
20:16.37wcselbyi've got a lot of this stuff figured out, but there's still a lot left to learn apparently... :)
20:16.39VoipForceshudony: + zoiper runs on linux, windoze and mac.
20:16.58hudonyThis is really my first choice
20:17.24hudonyOk, I'll have a look at it.  Thanks for your advices!
20:17.30VoipForceshudony: no prob and welcome to the asterisk world !
20:18.00*** join/#asterisk BlackHawk (
20:18.28TSM2wcselby: ive still got loads to learn, cant do asterisk stuff 100% as it needs to fit in with my other IT Manager work
20:20.18BlackHawkhello, could you please help me with a problem with asterisk? when I try to run it by executing 'asterisk -r' i get the error "unable to connect to remote server (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)" and this file exists (although it is empty). any idea how to solve that?
20:20.47VoipForcesBlackHawk: asterisk -r is to connevct to a running asterisk process console
20:21.06VoipForcesBlackHawk: is that an asterisk distro or you have compiled it?
20:21.11BlackHawki typed 'asterisk' before, but don't know whether it runs or not
20:21.26BlackHawkI installed it through yum
20:21.52TSM2BlackHawk: service asterisk start
20:21.52BlackHawkthe distro is centos 5.3
20:22.21BlackHawkautomatically restarting asterisk. asterisk died with code 1 ...
20:22.25[TK]D-Fender[16:15]<TSM2>wcselby: polys have good setup, the conf files are massive bunch of settings to mess things up <-- thats like saying they are so awesomely powerful they suck :)
20:22.25wcselbydoes he need to start dahdi / zaptel first?
20:22.39BlackHawkthat's what it says, when I type your suggestion
20:22.57wcselbyservice dahdi start or service zaptel start <-- BlackHawk
20:23.03tzafrir_laptopariel_, yes
20:23.04wcselbythen try the service asterisk start
20:23.24VoipForcesBlackHawk: what are the last like of /var/log/asterisk/full
20:23.48BlackHawkwcselby: it says 'unknown service' to both zaptel and dahdi
20:24.46TSM2[TK]D-Fender: this is true as somepeople edit the sip.conf instead of creating a seperate override file and only put the settings they require, ive got a reasonable setup and keeps it simple
20:24.48wcselbyi'd go with VoipForces - what's in the log file
20:25.24BlackHawkoh sorry, didn't read his suggestion :-$
20:25.52VoipForcesBlackHawk: bad configuration
20:25.53*** part/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
20:25.55VoipForcesBlackHawk: Installing via yum might be a pain. you better download and compile from source, you will need dahdi, asterisk, libpri, asterisk-addons
20:25.56BlackHawkok, 'full' doesn't exist
20:26.03VoipForcesBlackHawk: It this is your first attempt at asterisk, then go and download AsteriskNow (the freepbx version)
20:26.17ariel_tzafrir_laptop: any links for asteriskNOW to configure the astribank 2
20:26.23VoipForcesBlackHawk: what do you have as far as log files in /var/log/asterisk
20:26.47tzafrir_laptopariel_, well, you basically need dahdi 2.2.0
20:26.49BlackHawkVoipForces: actually it is my first time, but I'm just helping a friend, who isn't that good at english to talk in it ;)
20:27.09ariel_tzafrir_laptop: got that
20:27.40VoipForcesBlackHawk: This is for a production business server or for home hoby?
20:27.46[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, later all...
20:27.50BlackHawkin /var/log/asterisk there is cdr-csv, cdr-custom, event_log, messages and queue_log
20:28.05VoipForcesVoipForces: Cause I would really suggest that you start with something like AsteriskNow
20:28.17wcselbyi'll be back alter, thanks guys :)
20:28.34BlackHawkit's kind of a bussiness ;)
20:28.43VoipForcesBlackHawk: ok, you need to edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and enable the full debugging then restart asterisk and see the last lines in /var/log/asterisk/full
20:29.12BlackHawkVoipForces: my friend rejects using asterisknow, because he uses a root server and says there is no asterisknow available for such things
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20:29.47VoipForcesBlackHawk:  a root server??? what do you mean? AsteriskNow is based on CentOS
20:30.30BlackHawkwell, that's just what he said ... I don't know what he meant ...
20:32.28VoipForcesBlackHawk: well, asterisk is not just a software, it's a communication framework, and just installing from yum will do nothing. you will have to work on most if not all config files just to get asterisk started, then you will have to get through the configuration for the dialplan and extensions.
20:32.41VoipForcesBlackHawk: What will be your primary use for asterisk?
20:33.00BlackHawkVoipForces: ok, it's my fault, he meant this root server is accessable in the web
20:33.29*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
20:33.39BlackHawkok, so he should compiel it from source, right?
20:33.53VoipForcesBlackHawk: Still don't get it. If you do not put your server on the internet unprotected, this is not an issue. Even them you can set apache to properly secure it.
20:34.35VoipForcesBlackHawk: Check this howto
20:34.51BlackHawkok :) thank you! I'll try
20:35.08VoipForcesBlackHawk: It will show you how to install asterisk + freepbx (which is to my opinion the best gui to manage asterisk) on a centos server
20:36.05BlackHawkso he tried asterisk several times on a debian-system and had no problems there, but now he has to use centos for a groupware
20:36.20BlackHawk(this groupware is already ready to run)
20:36.36BlackHawkjust asterisk doesn't work as it should :/
20:38.12VoipForcesBlackHawk: Actually I had much better luck so far on centos than on debian. But again I never use yum. I compile from source.
20:39.15BlackHawkok, I'll tell my friend that and hope he will accept that advice :)
20:40.57*** part/#asterisk oftis (
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20:42.56VoipForcesKatty: quite heu
20:44.58jayteewhat a day!
20:45.26iksikany asterisk gui users here?
20:46.01Nuggetgvim is the closest I come to a gui.
20:46.12BlackHawkVoipForces: thanks a lot for your help :) he'll try compiling it
20:46.15VoipForcesi'm here for an other 10-15 minutes
20:46.16Kattyjaytee: you can say that again.
20:46.22Kattyjaytee: i'm quite preturbed at the office manager.
20:46.25TSM2iksik: yup, you mean freepbx
20:46.59jayteeKatty, preturbed? you mean perturbed don't you? or is this some kind of perturbance in advance?
20:47.13iksikTSM2 it this one is a freepbx, ok, I mean freepbx
20:47.26Kattyjaytee:  you know what i mean, don't confuse me with the facts.
20:47.45Kattyjaytee: i will get over it, i'm sure.
20:47.55jaytee"This too shall pass!"
20:47.56Kattyjaytee: policies just tend to be highly inconsistent.
20:48.01*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (n=some@
20:48.03TSM2iksik: whats the problem
20:48.13iksikRegistration from '6010 <>' failed for 'IP.IP.IP.IP' - No matching peer found
20:48.15TSM2iksik: there is a #freepbx channel
20:48.15Kattyjaytee: getting ANYTHING in writing is like ...pulling teeth.
20:48.19Kattyjaytee: aligator teeth
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20:48.24*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
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20:49.06*** part/#asterisk Poincare (
20:49.12VoipForcesiksik: ok, do you have the sip peer  created
20:49.33jayteeKatty, could be worse.....could be like pulling teeth from a giant sandworm on Arrakis.
20:49.34iksikTSM2 - it's freepbx /
20:49.58VoipForcesiksik: do you see if if you do sip show peers
20:50.08iksikand that is weird
20:50.10Kattyjaytee: GREAT MAKER
20:50.13Kattyjaytee: THE SPICE MUST FLOW
20:50.27VoipForcesiksik: do you have it in /etc/asterisk/sip_additional.conf
20:50.30haryvIs there a way for ast to dial a busy number over and over ?
20:50.34jayteeI just got through reading the prequel Houses trilogy
20:50.42iksikVoipForces I have it in /etc/asterisk/users.conf
20:50.52Kattyjaytee: :>
20:50.54VoipForcesiksik: no that is for the queues
20:51.00Kattyjaytee: you have much to look forward too.
20:51.05iksikVoipForces and there is no sip_additional.conf file
20:51.10Kattyjaytee: especially the bene gezerit
20:51.11jayteeKatty, how so?
20:51.17Kattyjaytee: and the sardukar
20:51.23Kattyand the twins!
20:51.30VoipForcesiksik: sip.conf
20:51.49iksikVoipForces I see it when I type: sip show objects
20:52.00*** join/#asterisk spck (
20:52.08jayteeKatty, I've already read Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune over 20 years ago.
20:52.14spckafternoon guys
20:52.27Kattyjaytee: oh :<
20:52.32*** join/#asterisk Anth8708 (
20:52.36Kattyjaytee: does that mean you no longer look forward to reading it again?
20:52.48jayteejust reread it about a month ago
20:52.55VoipForcesiksik: sip show objects???
20:53.00iksikyea :|
20:53.07Kattyoh :<
20:53.14jayteeafter I finished the other trilogy prequel, The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade and The Battle of Corrin
20:53.15Kattywell what will you read now? :<
20:53.28iksikVoipForces, but I think I should see it in: sip show users - right?
20:53.31Kattyyou could read xanth novels.
20:53.34jayteewell, I never read Dune: Chapterhouse or Heretics of Dune
20:53.36Kattythose are always fun.
20:53.37VoipForcesiksik: ok, just saw your screen dump, this is not freepbx, this is the lame digium asterisk-gui
20:53.39jayteeso I'll read those
20:53.47citywokwhen the queue_log rolls over at night, what happens to scripts that are attempting to Tail it? will they still be tailing the new log or will the tail get broken
20:53.59VoipForcesKatty: That one uses asterisk realtime engine, which I have never used and will never use
20:54.12spckanyone ever notice any differences between parking a call with a phone vs the management interface?
20:54.16iksikmabe lame, but it has more usabillity then freepbx can have ever ;P
20:54.53jayteefreepbx uses asterisk realtime engine?
20:55.11KattyVoipForces: do what? what on earth are you talking about?
20:55.23KattyVoipForces: X(an)^th?
20:55.26VoipForcesjaytee: no digium asterisk-gui does
20:55.53dustybinis there a such thing as a irssi >> asterisk script
20:55.57VoipForcesiksik: no way. freepbx has MUCH more that asterisk-gui
20:56.00Kattywonders if she's having multiple conversations with people and not realizing it.
20:56.26VoipForcesKatty: Sorry clicked on the wrong user
20:57.25Kattyohisee :>
20:58.52jayteeKatty, so is scifi your favorite genre for reading?
20:59.18iksikVoipForces, has MUCH more what?
20:59.24iksikoh damn, to late
20:59.45jayteemore features
21:00.02iksikI was talking about USABILLITY, not about features :|
21:00.29jasonwootis worth their weight in used pinball machine parts?
21:00.33dustybincan one use asterisk using terminal only?
21:01.03dustybinto hell with it, why dont i just install it dog
21:01.04beekjasonwoot: "their weight in used pinball machine parts" could be fairly valuable in my estimation...
21:01.28beekdustybin: You mean someone uses Asterisk in something other than text mode?
21:01.56dustybini want text mode only
21:02.03dustybinGUIs are not good
21:02.08beekThe way god intended Asterisk to be run...
21:05.03jayteequittin time, back later
21:05.28dustybinshould i compile asterisk myself, or use a ready-built debian package?
21:05.36citywokcompile it dustybin
21:05.43dustybinany reason why?
21:05.50citywoki spent 2 hours fighting mine before spending 5 minutes to compile it from scratch, which fixed all my issues
21:05.58dustybinI see
21:06.12dustybinwhat distro?
21:06.14citywok1.6 clean imaged server installed broken with the deb
21:06.20citywokdebian lenny
21:06.42dustybinright ok!
21:06.56*** part/#asterisk FinboySlick (n=shark@
21:07.10dustybincitywok: there are a _lot_ of debian packages, are you sure you picked the correct one?
21:07.27dustybinwhen i see that many variations of a package, it does make me think that this should be compiled manually
21:07.35citywokit's tough to screw up apt-get install asterisk
21:07.47*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
21:08.01beekdustybin: Just compile it... it's so much easier in the end.
21:08.07dustybinyar i will
21:08.18citywokyea, it literally took less than 5 minutes to download, compile, install the entire thing
21:08.27dustybinasterisk-mp3  wtf
21:08.34dustybinwtf has mp3 got to do wth asterisk
21:08.34citywokthough i'm running pure sip so i didnt have to wait for zaptel/dahdi to compile
21:08.42citywokdustybin: music on hold
21:08.50dustybinoh ace :D
21:09.18exsyncwhat's the fail over destination "CONGESTION" do?
21:09.19dustybini will compile the latest stable version
21:10.03dustybinthe only packages i compile are mythtv, asterisk and zoneminder
21:10.21citywoki'd compile windows7 mce but well, oh yea, you dont need to :P
21:10.43dustybini tried compiling windows 7, however it crashed
21:11.12dustybinWINDOWS 7 ................. [FAIL]
21:11.28dustybinwho the hell uses ISDN in 2009 ?
21:11.42exsyncdude, 45kbps, dont hate
21:11.50exsyncchannel bonded baby
21:11.58exsyncer, 64kbps
21:14.11dustybinwhy does one need mysql support for asterisk?
21:15.54TSM2dustybin: most people PRI & T1
21:16.23TSM2dustybin: correct def for single ISDN is BRI
21:16.30dustybinaye ok
21:16.36TSM2dustybin: BRI is hardly used anymore
21:16.41dustybinone last question, what langauge is asterisk written in?
21:16.50TSM2dustybin: english :)
21:16.53TSM2dustybin: duno
21:16.59dustybinfalls off chair
21:17.17TSM2dustybin: prolly C or C++, somthing fast like that
21:17.21dustybinTSM2: how can you use a bit of software without knowing what langage it was written in?
21:17.32Kattyeppigy: HUGJO
21:17.40TSM2dustybin: i think its C as it uses GCC to compile i think
21:17.44Kattyeppigy: what are you making me for dinner.
21:18.05TSM2dustybin: ive not had to compile asterisk yet, i dont write C/C++
21:18.47TSM2dustybin: i learn well when i need to do work in a language i have not used, so far in the company im in ive not had to do C, mainly perl/php/VB
21:19.12eppigyKatty: whatever you want :>
21:19.52Kattygood answer. good answer.
21:20.01Kattybut srsly, now.
21:20.05Kattyfor reals.
21:34.21*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
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21:40.17ruben23any idea how do i setup
21:40.27ruben23ip kall on my softphoenes
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21:42.49davidandgoliathanyone want to give some voip advice to a morepawn? :p
21:43.23davidandgoliathI own a red stapler if it makes a difference.
21:43.26*** part/#asterisk hesco (n=hesco@
21:44.50exsyncwhat's the question, i'm learning myself
21:44.58davidandgoliathActually, few errands first. Will pester you geniuses in a bit! :)
21:45.12davidandgoliathWas going to ask some q's about infrastructure recommendations and such, vm / phones
21:45.15exsyncyeah, you'd better run
21:54.21infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:55.17*** join/#asterisk ACK-NAK (
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22:02.37ACK-NAKOur PRI is not given CNAM from the telco.  Instead we look it up ourselves.  We populate CALLERID(name), and THEN place a call via a second PRI span to a legacy PBX.  Problem: The PBX isn't getting the CALLERID(name) string.  Name still shows as the number.   Ideas?
22:03.10ACK-NAKcli> pri debug span 2: shows
22:03.22*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
22:04.20ACK-NAKthe looked-up CNAM string right there in the Q.931 messages
22:05.29ACK-NAKDoes the caller ID name need to be assigned to any special variable or 'optional' callerid parameter in order to be available to a normal NI2 client pbx?
22:06.09manxpowerthere are two ways to send Caller*ID Name on PRI.  Also you don't have any extra quotes in the CLID do you?
22:06.21manxpowerDon't ask me about the difference in the two ways, I have no idea.
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22:07.55ACK-NAKmanxpower: the q.931 message says > Display (len=10) Charset: 31 [ SMITH,DICK ]
22:08.04ACK-NAKno quotes
22:08.27manxpowerACK-NAK: can you ask your PBX vendor to accept the CLID Name "the other way"? 8-
22:09.33ACK-NAKI'll ask him.
22:10.11manxpowerACK-NAK: if you can't get it working by tomorrow evening let me know, I might be able to look up the correct terms for the two types of CLID
22:11.31ACK-NAKmanxpower:  Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.  Have a great evening!
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22:27.26citywokAgentCallbackLogin was removed from asterisk1.6 -- what is supposed to be used in its place? i can't seem to find anything voip-info says Removed 1.6, but doesnt give an alternate solution
22:28.04manxpowercitywok: That information should be in the UPGRADE*.txt files included in the Asterisk source.
22:28.49citywokperfect, ty
22:33.06citywokhrmm, doesnt say anything about agentcallbacklogin in UPGRADE-1.6.txt and if i look in the docs folder and read queues it says read more in queues-with-callback-members.txt which doesn't exist. upon googling that file it appears to be a txt file that was in the 1.4 source tree. probably references agentcallbacklogin lol
22:35.39citywokahhhh according to more googling "Deprecation of AgentCallbackLogin in favor of a dialplan-based solution "
22:37.07manxpowerOh, I knew *that*.  I just don't know how you would do that in the dialplan. 8-)  I'm not a big fan of queues, and I've not needed to use them.  Very simple queues can be emulated in the dialplan.
22:38.11citywokmost of my queues are pretty basic, and i went back and forth for a bit trying to decide which way to go.  realistically it may be easier to just dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3&SIP/4&SIP/5) -> voicemail
22:38.36manxpowerchan_local can be VERY helpful.
22:38.56manxpoweralso checking the value of DIALSTATUS after each dial.
22:39.11citywokdo you hvae a way to emulate RRMEMORY of queues?
22:40.13manxpowerI assume you want Round Robin with Memory.
22:40.32citywokyea, precisely -- rrmemory is how it's defined in a queue
22:40.43manxpowerThat would be complicated to do in the dialplan, but not impossible.
22:40.51manxpowerlet me think a moment
22:40.53citywokprobably astdb it is my only idea
22:41.51manxpowerYou could use astdb or global variables, locked using MacroExclusive to prevent race conditions
22:43.31manxpowerMy customers did not require memory.  Basically it was ring the first line on the operator phone, if that line is busy, go to the next one, of that line was no answer, then send to the backup operator, if no answer there send to their supervisor so their supervisor gets mad and deals with the issue of the operators not answering the phone.  If all else fails, send the call to voicemail.
22:43.38citywokcurrently to get agentcallbacklogin i'm using queues and assigning each phone directly to the queues which works in my environment, but i've been exploring whether or not this was necessarily the best solution
22:43.49*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
22:44.09haryvwhen the bos complaints about fw and ast running on seperate boxes ..she wants both to reduce the anuall power consumption.
22:44.13manxpowercitywok: are people answering queue calls supposed to answer them any time they are at their desk?
22:44.13citywokthe more i look at it, the more i think that it probably is the most elegant solution
22:44.40citywokmanxpower: yes, if they are not at their desk they have logged in to break, which closes out their phone for them
22:44.54haryvIm not a master in ipchains but if anyone here has it and squid running on there asterisk box let me know :)
22:45.12manxpowerI wonder if you could just have the queue move to the next if their line is "busy", then have them DND when they are away from desk
22:45.22citywokharyv: what are you trying to do? i've actually done that before, it's not too terribly difficult and shouldn't take anything fancy
22:45.42haryvsquid/ipchains running on ast box
22:45.54citywokyea, thats the idea. we tossed around DND/close out the phone entirely and they were okay to either solution
22:46.17haryvso it worked for you and no security issues?
22:46.36citywokiptables -P INPUT DROP; iptables -A INPUT -s <internallan> -j ACCEPT
22:47.19manxpoweryou never want to blanket disable ICMP
22:47.28T`anyone here use ipkall?
22:48.29citywokmanxpower: yes, -p icmp -j accept is generally in there, that was a glorified example of how to make asterisk not complain about being on a firewalled machine :P
22:49.41citywoki've blocked it a few times in transparent firewall situations where i didnt want anybody to know there was a box in the middle, and had it 99.9% locked down except for a couple ip addresses that could get to the management ip on the bridge
22:51.14manxpowerblocking stuff like packet-too-big causes major lag and packet loss when talking to a host behind a connection with a smaller MRU than you are at.
22:51.17citywoki think i'll just stick to using call queues & control when agents are/aren't at their desks through their interfaces to make sure it doesnt ring their phone when they arent around. i prefer to completely log them out of their phone so that the queue will exit when it is empty.  would the queue exit out if all the members were on DND? if so, that would be fine as well
22:52.13citywoki've never played with a firewall in an environment where i had an MTU that wasn't the standard (1500 otoh?)
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22:53.15manxpowercitywok: lots of sites have an mtu smaller than 1500.
22:53.32manxpowerin that case they will almost be inaccessable if you block icmp-packet-too-big
22:53.41manxpowerIt's a classic network admin newbie mistake.
22:54.00*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
22:54.03haryvwhat not backing up?
22:54.13manxpowerharyv: blocking all ICMP
22:54.15bmoracacitywok: you've never worked over a VPN or DSL line?  those all have MTUs less than 1500.  1500 is ethernet, but a lot of layer 2 media have smaller frame sizes.
22:54.56citywokbmoraca: i work with connections from T1 -> DS3 -> 100mbit eth handoff
22:55.46citywoki use openvpn a bit to connect work from home users to our office using DD-WRT boxes (suppper slick setup), and haven't had any issues
22:56.15*** part/#asterisk grey-monkey (
22:58.28citywokoh i see, it's the opposite direction of what i was thinking.  i've always got related,established -j ACCEPT rules which would keep that from being a problem, even if you left icmp disabled
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23:43.44drclueHowdy all. A strange thing happened today in the course of installing my new Digium card.  After installing the card and running the update scripts and such
23:43.45drcluemy SIP phones still work , except when I Dial an extension from FastAGI. In that instance I get one way audio, yet if the SIP phones call directly  audio is fine
23:43.45drclueAll was working fine before the card install and the updates, so not sure why the connection behavior changed. Seems to have something to do with  native bridging
23:43.45drclueAny thoughts on this?
23:46.00manxpowerdrclue: what is that actual Dial statement your AGI is doing?
23:47.01drclueThe Dial statement is the same as it was yesterday , but  it's Dial SIP/2000|20|m
23:48.29manxpowerare any of the phones on a different network AND behind NAT?
23:49.39drclueThe phones are both on a different network and run through NAT , but if I use the regular extension numbers to dial them they work just fine, and  it all worked fine this morning
23:50.28manxpowerTry putting canreinvite=no in [general] in sip.conf
23:52.23drclueI did put canreinvite=no  individually for the two extensions , and that did not seem to work , but I could try setting it in general if you think that would work any better than having set it off individually.  Again these were working this morning with canreinvite=yes
23:52.58manxpowerI can't comment on "it worked before".
23:53.05manxpowerDid you upgrade Asterisk?
23:53.58*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
23:54.18drclueI did do the update-source etc etc , but other then that it is the same asterisk 1.6 I started with
23:56.45drcluecanreinvite=no in sip.conf [general] has no effect on the FastAGI dialed call
23:57.01drclueStill one way audio
23:57.10manxpowerI'm not familiar with "update-source" but if you changed the code, then something changed.
23:57.27LiNeTuXmanxpower: update-source = PIAF
23:57.32manxpoweris there an "unupdate-source" script?
23:57.47manxpowerPain In The Ass F???
23:57.47drclueThe PIAF distro has some utility scripts for getting updates
23:57.59manxpowerSorry, I can't help with distro stuff.
23:58.43LiNeTuXdrclue: hop over to #pbxinaflash - I might be able to give you some insight
23:58.48drclueThe phones still register and can dial each others extensions without any audio issues. It's just when the native bridging occurs that the one way audio happens
23:59.32drclueLiNeTux - OK , I'll pop a window open for #pbxinaflash
23:59.46manxpowerdrclue: I've seen bugs that only happen every 100th call.  Or only when someone does two transfers in a row.  Don't expects bugs to be logical in their symptoms.

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